#also if someones better at me in a thing i care about i generally tend to give 0 fucks and just try befriending tjem
inkskinned · 9 months
it is totally okay to be hurt and tired and fed up with the american schooling system but i need you to understand that we need to be better about loudly and routinely defending public education.
yes, many teachers suck, many schools utterly suck. i also got bullied and was absolutely not given the right support for my needs. i am not defending public education because it was kind to me. i am defending it because it needs to exist.
right-wing republicans do not want an educated population. they want kids to be homeschooled or in private school. there is a huge religious undertone to this.
the most common argument is that despite high costs, the "result" is not "good" enough. they point to failing schools as proof that public education is just never going to work out. there will be arguments made here that you actually agree with: that teachers can be bullies, that we taught online for 2 years and still charged the same amount of tuition, that we have no recourse for students to actually have agency or a voice, and that schools are now unsafe for kids due to risk of illness and gun violence.
these are all placing the blame in a fraudulent way, one intended to get your parents to homeschool you. the less kids in a school, the less federally-awarded funding for that school, the less any school succeeds. they will not mention the fact it is their legislation that takes away important funding opportunities, that teachers are living at or below the poverty line, that buildings are not kept up to code, that administration is overpaid and forces specific curriculums, that corporations like (my personal enemy) Pearson Education control certain classroom goals because teachers can't afford other options. they pretend to be ignorant of the gun violence and say "oh just get a gun" - but these are the same people who will be sending their child to a private school with a bulletproof backpack. they don't care if your kid dies, though. they "don't believe" in covid, but they did get their kid vaccinated, because of course they did.
it is a closed loop. conservative parents hear the fearmongering and remove children from the system. frequently these parents are also deeply religious. the kids are raised without access to other media & learn to parrot their parents. you have now created a new generation of conservatives. additionally, one of the parents/caregivers must stay home and homeschool the children, usually for free. i will give you 1 guess which parent tends to stay home to homeschool the children. these parents are encouraged to have many, many children. those children are most likely not getting access to safe sex ed.
we might laugh at fox news suggesting teachers are forcing children to use kitty litter but: first of all, there is kitty litter in the classroom. it's part of an emergency kit in case children are locked in due to a shooter. so that's fucking dystopian, and the fact they've completely reimagined the scenario to somehow make the teachers look bad when it's instead a fucking huge symbol of our failure as a country to protect our children.... it feels a little intentional.
secondly: don't just dismiss the situation. because, yeah, obviously, no teacher is encouraging kids to be a catboy. but the actual undertone that fox news is trying to sew is an outright distrust of teachers and of public education. they rely on the dehumanization of trans people as a common touchstone to hide the fact they're pushing two agendas at once. (which is ironic. because the thing they accuse teachers of. is pushing. an agenda.)
whenever someone tells you they want you to read less, you should be suspicious of that. when someone tries to separate you and your education, you should be suspicious of that. i don't even like incel rhetoric nor would i want my kids exposed to it - but i would not take away my child's (age-appropriate) access to the internet. i would just provide more educational materials, not less. the difference here is that i believe we can resolve ignorance with knowledge; whereas conservatives believe that ignorance is bliss.
they misappropriate funding and demonize teachers. they pull the same trick each time - the same thing we are seeing with anti-trans rhetoric. they do not want you to have access to safe sex ed, so they act horrified, claim sex ed teaches you how to thrust deep, claim that we have no idea what "age-appropriate" means. since the mid-nineties, the united states has spent at least 2 billion dollars on abstinence-only education, even though to quote the above link: "a preponderance of studies has found no effect of abstinence education at reducing adolescent pregnancy". conservatives want you to think less of any person struggling with addiction so they can continue their racist "war on drugs", so they spend up to $750 million dollars a year on the DARE program which has absolutely no effect. acting like teachers "must" be "grooming" children is just the same thing - so they can demand that funding either goes to their causes or the funding doesn't "exist" ("i'm not paying for our kids to learn that thing!")
and they want you to feel uncaring about this. they are aware that you will hate some parts of your school experience. pretty much everyone does. they want to lean into the parts that you hate so that you don't put up a fight about it when they take it away for not being "good enough."
i know i maybe sound like a conspiracy theorist. but truly. truly. it is beneficial for conservatives to reduce your faith in the american public schooling system.
one of the explicitly stated campaign promises of the conservative party: to axe the Department of Education in 2024.
i know we are all tired and burnt out and there is so much else wrong with their entire platform. but maybe just - pay attention to this one.
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
This is regarding your post involving making friends. I have had a spectacular amount of failures in meetup groups, particularly involving men from multiple meetup groups trying to take advantage of me or using me. In addition to that, the other members of the groups tend are often quite rude. Also, many meetups in my area tend to fall into one of the following categories: professional seminar, mommy & me, or the other members are double my age or older. What would you advise?
Volunteering - find something you care about and see if there is a local volunteer opportunity; you might want to look into food banks or mutual aid projects.
Crafting - this will likely be an older crew, but making friends with older people is cool honestly.
Sports - see if there's a kickball league or some other variety of low-key sport that you can sign up for.
Get super into the local music scene. Go to bar shows, go to basement shows, go to backyard shows. If you go to places where they have local music and hang out a bunch you will get to know local music people eventually, which includes both people in bands and people interested in bands.
Become a regular at your local library. Go once a week at the same time of day and you'll start to get to know people.
Become a regular at something else local. If you go to the same coffee shop three times a week for a few months and are polite to the employees you will probably eventually have friends among the people there; even if you do this by walking around the neighborhood park at the same time of day you will start getting to know the park regulars people love habits and if you can become a chill part of their daily scenery they will eventually want to investigate further.
Start your own club of some kind. Maybe start a book club for a particular genre of book that you like, or start a movie group where you meet up to see a movie together twice a month. You can post things like this on meetup websites or facebook, but you can also make fliers to put up in places that you think people you might find interesting would hang out.
Join a gym and go regularly. Sometimes a random person you see all the time in a gym can go from being a reliable on-the-spot spotter to a good friend.
Take a class locally. See if your town has a community center that offers cooking classes or computer classes or any kind of classes even things you already know. I keep making jokes about improv but improv people are great; see if you can take an impov class. See if your local music store offers music classes (I made weirdly good friends with the folks at the music store where I took vocal lessons; this was a pleasant surprise!)
When you try any of these places make friendly smalltalk with the people you encounter and express interest in them. If you are speaking to employees, make sure you're giving them lots of conversational outs because attempting to befriend people who are working can feel like you're cornering them, I'd actually say don't try to befriend the employees at a business unless you go there and they attempt to befriend you, however as someone who worked in coffee shops for ten years if someone randomly started showing up for six hours a week I would almost certainly have gotten to a friendly shoot-the-shit level with them within a month; if you go out among people who are sociable and are around them enough sometimes the sociable people go "aha! new friend sighted!" and do the hard work for you, but you do have to go to places to let yourself be found by the sociable ones.)
I do not, generally speaking, use meetup groups as a generic thing as much as I look into what groups exist locally that I am interested in. If a local game store is running a weekly Magic tournament, that's a better place to meet people in my opinion than a one-time bowling event.
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triptuckers · 5 months
wild flowers - percy jackson
Request: yes! "Can I request a platonic Percy Jackson x Child of Demeter!Reader based off the new Disney series? Where Child of Demeter!Reader is significantly older than Percy (17/18 maybe?) and is the one to welcome him to camp instead of Luke. Reader is more gentle and understanding to Percy's questions and is in general sort of a parent figure in the camp?" Pairing:  percy jackson x demeter!reader (platonic) Summary:  you welcome the newest kid at camp half-blood Warnings:  none (omg??) Word count:  1.1K A/N: was excited when I saw the new episode will be out on Tuesday but then I looked at the time zone and it's 3 am for me so I'll still watch it on wednesday :') thanks for your request, enjoy!
you try not to look away as percy, the newest addition to camp half-blood, nearly shoots another camper. he falls to the ground due to the force of the bow.
'alright.' you say, walking over to see if percy's okay. 'so not archery.'
'I didn't mean to!' says percy, looking at the kids who had flattened themselves to the ground to avoid being shot.
'of course you didn't, they know that. can I have the bow?' you say.
percy quickly shoves the bow in your hands as well as the quiver of arrows. you hand them back to the apollo kid who was teaching him with a thanks and an apologetic smile.
'see, I suck at this.' says percy. 'I'm not good at anything.'
'hey, that's not true.' you say. 'everyone is good at something. c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite spot at camp.'
that gets his attention. 'your favorite spot?'
'yep. right this way.'
you lead him away from the archery field. you can tell he's curious. you take him to the strawberry field, where some of the satyrs and your siblings are tending to the plants.
you walk past the strawberries to a field of grass where wild flowers grow.
'it's pointless.' says percy as the two of you sit down.
you frown. 'what is?'
he gestures around. 'all of this. I'm not one of you. it's clear there's something wrong with me. none of this matters because my dad won't reveal himself, he doesn't care. my mom is gone. I suck at archery. and I can't work in the forge. I can't do anything.'
you look at him. most kids are tough on themselves when they arrive. percy isn't any different.
'at least you didn't suck as much at archery than I did.' you say. 'contrary to you, I actually did hit someone when trying out archery '
percy's eyes widen. 'you did?'
you nod. 'apollo kids had to patch them up. luckily it wasn't that bad. but still I haven't touched a bow since. and I'm also not good at sword fighting. I only carry one because it's the weapon I suck the least with.'
'what if you suck at everything?' asks percy softly.
you smile at him. 'this is all normal. we all felt like this when we came here, regardless if we could already fight or not. and look at me, I still can't fight that well. I'm a joke compared to luke and clarisse if it comes to fighting. gods, even annabeth is better than me and she's your age.'
you point ahead to the strawberry fields. 'my cabin doesn't bring forth the best fighters. and that's okay. we're good at other things.' you say.
percy looks at your siblings, sure enough, not a lot of them carry weapons. maybe you do because you're head counsellor of your cabin.
'when did you find out who your mom was?' asks percy.
you sense he's not just curious about your godly heritage. he wants to know how long it would take before his father claims him. and he already knows there are unclaimed kids.
'for me it was pretty clear. I've always loved plants. I've got an impressive garden back at home.' you say. 'demeter claimed me my second day at camp.'
'so pretty fast...'
'for some kids it's fast. for some it's slow. some kids are very certain about who their godly parent is and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're not. you can't predict it with 100% accuracy.'
'did someone guess it correctly?'
'most of the times it's the athena kids who are right about their hunches. but they're athena kids of course, very smart. also a lot of ares kids are right. and for others it's a 50/50 chance. for instance, milo. everyone was convinced he was a hephaestus kid because he really liked to blow stuff up. turns out he's an athena kid. he's just really smart about blowing stuff up.'
'I bet I'm a kid of the god or failure or something. I'm just a regular kid, I'm not special. I don't have any impressive powers. not like you.'
'you think my powers are impressive?' you chuckle. 'I'm good with plants percy. over the years I've learned how to master those. but at first all I did was accidentally make flower patches.'
percy looks at you, frowning. 'you what?'
you laugh, then point to your shoes. they look like you've worn them every day for the past five years. which you have, somehow they won't wear down.
'these were a gift from my mom. if I don't wear them, flowers grow where I walk.'
you nod and take them off. you get up and walk a circle around percy. and indeed, flowers grow where you put your feet down on the grass. you pick one and give it to percy, then put your shoes back on.
'it's the only thing I still can't master. maybe it's not something to be mastered. I'd ask my mom but the only time I saw her was when I was out fighting for my life. wasn't really the time to ask about flowers. she didn't even give me my shoes in person, just sent them here.'
you and percy are silent as you look out over the valley. you remember your first days at camp, how scared you were. you didn't know anyone, you were told your mom was a goddess, and you could never have a moment alone because there would always be someone who could find you based on the flowers you left behind.
'everyone here has been through what you're going through now.' you say. 'maybe they didn't experience it in the same way. I mean, you did kill the minotaur. but all of them have been confused, wondered about wether they belong, if there's something wrong with them. we all found our way in the end.'
'did you feel like you didn't belong?'
'sure. but then chiron explained to me it's all because of the gods. we've got dyslexia because our brain is wired in greek. the adhd is from our need to fight. it's all in our dna. just give it time, you'll belong. any other questions?'
'what do you do when you're not at camp?'
you smile. 'try not to run into any monsters and wait for the time to go to camp again. you'll find your family here, percy, trust me. now let's see if the aphrodite can teach you anything.'
you get up and offer your hand to percy. after pulling him to his feet, you start to walk toward the aphrodite cabin.
'you know, regardless of what cabin you belong to, you can always come to me if you have any questions.' you say.
percy smiles at you. 'thanks.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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nwjn-z · 11 months
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆What it is like dating Kyle Broflovski headcanons.
warning(s): nsfw, swearing
author’s note: kyle girl till the day i DIE
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-Kyle is the type of boyfriend that is in love with you and only you this man is so love sick
-Kyle tends to take a more dominant role in the relationship, not necessarily in a sexual way but just in general
-Like he ties your shoelaces for you, grabs things for you that you can’t reach, carries your bag at school for you, follows the sidewalk rule (having him walk next to the road instead of you), and helping you with school work
-he’s also always tidying you up through out the day like wiping your mouth, fixing your hair, and fixing your shirts for you.
-i also feel like he also uses this as an excuse to touch you like he’ll pat the back of your bottoms as if he was dusting something off just to touch your ass
-Kyle is also very possessive and gets VERY jealous
-if he sees you on your phone he’s the type to be like “who are we texting😊”
-he has lots of insecurities that make him think you’re gonna leave him for someone “better”
-he just doesn’t want to lose you :((
-His love languages are acts of service and quality time but he also loves physical touch
-he loves holding your hand, kissing your knuckles, stroking your hair, cuddling in private, and stroking your side while he holds your waist.
-He spoils you absolutely rotten he can’t help it, Kyle is the type of person who shows you he loves you by taking care of you in anyway he can
-ie. buying you whatever snacks you want, giving you massages, cooking for you, driving you wherever you want, and just basically never letting you lift a finger to do anything
-never lets you open any door yourself
-you are passenger princess/prince ALWAYS
-he would literally make all his friends sit in the back if you’re going out with them. always makes sure his baby sits shotgun
-Kyle is pretty vanilla and doesn’t really have any kinks all he really wants to do is please you
-although…he is a family man at heart and has a HORRIBLE breeding kink, constantly whispering in your ear about how “you’ll make such a good mom” and how “you’re gonna look so pretty pregnant”
-Kyle is also a very making love kind of person, he needs to have feelings before he fucks
-he’s such a giving lover he always puts you first
-on a normal day = sweet and soft sex, when he’s mad or stressed = rough sex
-his favourite positions are missionary and doggystyle
-missionary because he loves being able to see the cute faces you make while he bullies his fat cock into you while holding you like glass <3
-and doggy for when he’s angry or stressed and needs to let off steam by fucking you senseless
-Kyle can get rough in bed and I’m talking ROUGH, like leaving bruises
-hes a pretty strong guy who doesn’t realise his own strength
-LOVES receiving head, it feels so good and you look so cute trying to please him
-imagine Kyle grabbing a fistful of your hair guiding you down his length while saying things like “Fuck yeah baby just like that” and “Making me feel so good baby”
-just seeing you look up at him with the cutest doe eyes through your lashes gets him weak
-he feels so big and important when you go down on him he loves it sm 🫶
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amerricanartwork · 1 month
RW Headcanon: "Pebbsie Privilege"
Here’s a headcanon I’ve had in the works for a while, and now I finally want to share it! It's shorter than some of my others, but I hope you'll still find it amusing!
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So firstly (and I plan to expand on this more later) I headcanon Five Pebbles is someone who cares a lot about his appearance, though not in a prissy or snooty sense and more in a “likes being the smartest and most sophisticated one in the room” sense. That means, more so than the average person, he generally doesn’t like being teased, ignored, belittled, condescended to, or otherwise disrespected, and very understandably so if you ask me! But it also means there exists a very special ability when it comes to interacting with Five Pebbles that almost no characters have. 
It’s no more than the ability of someone to refer to Five Pebbles as “Pebbsie” while he’s in earshot without getting death-glares from him. Looks to the Moon, who first started using it, affectionately calls this ability “Pebbsie privilege”, and she ends up being one of the only characters who has it (besides Innocence, who in my portrayals eventually gets it too). Though even so, Pebbles originally got rather flustered when she called him that alone, much less in front of others, considering it's definitely a very cutesy nickname. In fact, poor Pebbles really didn’t like being called “Pebbsie” because one of his least favorite ways of being treated is like a child (which includes being thought of as "cute" in any way). This unfortunately happens to him a lot though since he’s part of the newest iterator generation and tends to have lots of uncommon ideas rarely taken seriously by the older models, and this treatment only amplified as he grew more stubborn and arrogant. 
To elaborate on the origin, Moon developed the nickname pretty much on an impulse — quite a rare thing for her to act on actually — of wanting to hearken more to her role as “Big Sis Moon” and show love to her little brother. Soon after she started using it though Pebbles would pull her into private chats and urge her to drop it to save his dignity. Not wanting to hurt her brother in any way, it didn’t take long before she apologized and stopped using it, and basically got her "Pebbsie privilege" revoked. In the current time she secretly still likes calling him that in her mind, but knowing how much he dislikes it she always feels pretty guilty afterwards, despite them being no more than thoughts at that point. While not a major issue in-and-of itself, this situation was actually a small step in worsening a long-time fear Moon has, though that’s a headcanon for another day…
On a (marginally) more positive note however, after Moon’s collapse and the worsening of Five Pebbles’s rot, along with him generally reminiscing about the things he used to have (as part of yet more character headcanons I’ll elaborate on some other time), he actually began to grow fond of the nickname more and more. Yet he also couldn’t also shake the growing heartache the memories brang, as he came to see it as a reminder of his sister’s never-ending love for him and the better times he now regretted taking for granted and trying so hard to escape. While I headcanon he handles it differently in Downpour’s canon, in the worm-off-the-string AU story I’ve got so far, Moon slowly regaining her “Pebbsie privilege” and Pebbles appreciating it and no longer taking it so seriously (though he still forbids its usage in public) could serve as a small, yet sweet indicator of character growth for both of them.
Aaaand another RW headcanon done! I wanna mention, though, now that I’ve got more of an idea for the aforementioned AU I really want to start posting more of my headcanons for the Local Group, since the character interactions, histories, and ultimate character growth is perhaps one of the most important elements of that story so far. I’ve spent at least a couple weeks creating almost 40 pages worth of character notes, and while this particular one started out as just a little side-headcanon, I ended up tying it into all of that. Hopefully I can start sharing the main parts of these headcanons soon!
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thatbookgirl1118 · 24 days
I cannot for the life of me find the original post (tumblr is a hellsite) but this was sent in an atla gc:
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and tbh i always kinda felt like kataang was weird exactly because of that one-sidedness??? like there's one episode of katara maybe sort-of seeing aang as a love interest (when the fortune teller tells her she'll marry a powerful bender), but then the rest of the show is her being passive in the relationship or actively pushing aang away (like their second kiss). and then at the end she just randomly decided "okay i like you i guess."
whereas aang got a bunch of pining moments and you actually believed he was in love with katara.
and most of their relationship was about how she helped aang - he did contribute to her character development over the course of the series especially as a bender of course but it didn't feel as emotionally/spiritually deep as katara's literal one episode sidequest with zuko.
but then someone else wrote "I would argue the opposite? Kataang is where Katara choose the peaceful nomad which subverts the trope presented where zutara is where she chooses the strong protector/combatant. Aang as a character is a subversion of the typical hero while zutara is like,,, coloniser romance idk"
and honestly... i kinda get that. aang was problematic in a lot of ways, but he was definitely a subversive protagonist, and i can see the power of allowing the woman to choose the pacifist vegetarian over the extremely obviously hot jock badboy. this is an incredible oversimplification of their characters of course, but the point stands.
Basically, Kataang is the ship we all logically want - the sweet, friendship-based, seemingly subversive one. But Zutara is the one that actually makes sense in the story, with these characters, not their tropes. Aang is subversive, but he and Katara are also kind of terrible for each other - he isn't mature or selfless enough for Katara, who needs someone to force her to take care of herself because she's always the one taking care of everyone else (wonder what that's like). That's why she and Zuko are so perfect, because he not only takes care of her, he makes HER prioritize herself. Aang... does not. He's pretty selfish, which yes is partially due to his immaturity (I personally don't count Korra as canon because it treated ALL the og characters terribly so I'm speaking purely from his 12 yo self), but it's also just a basic incompatibility thing. And Katara is actually equally bad for Aang - she enables him waaay too much, and he needs someone who doesn't. Who forces him to stand up on his own two feet and take responsibility. She's too much of a mother, and her relationship with Aang is too mother/older sister-ish.
With Zuko, on the other hand? Katara started out HATING him, forcing him to prove himself to her instead of handing him everything she had like she tended to do with Aang and Sokka. He had to earn her care, and as a result he appreciates it way more and demands way less of it. He's a far less selfish character generally for the same reasons, and is much more mature/has a better understanding of life and gray areas. Southern Raiders is a great example of this - he's down for whatever Katara decides because he understands that there's no one right answer, unlike Aang who simply preaches forgiveness. I'm not necessarily attacking Aang about that either - I do believe that grudges eat away at a person, and taking a life does haunt you, so forgiveness isn't necessarily bad advice. But it's not what Katara needed. Aang is great as a friend, but I don't think he's what Katara needs from a romantic partner. Zuko just... is.
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amourdivine · 8 months
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Hello, lovelies! I hope you're doing well. I bring you another romance topic today, found from the vault, forgotten in my Google Docs folder! Let me know how it resonates. If you liked this reading, please consider booking a paid reading or tipping me at @ [email protected]! xo. ♡
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none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise
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how to choose your pile.  take deep breaths for a few minutes & look at each and every one of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later.
♡ ♡ ♡     pick a card masterlist & information
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disclaimer. this is a general reading for entertainment purposes. tarot is a divination tool & is not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i do not take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
PILE 01. 🕊️
who is this person? page of wands, the sun rx, seven of pentacles rx.
This person is very, very impatient. They tend to be more immature and on the feistier side, I definitely think they’re an extrovert or someone with Leo, Sagittarius or Aries in their big three. They might rush into things and have a bit of a self-sabotaging energy to them. Honestly, I think this person underestimates themselves and act out of passion and desire, so they’re not the most careful in love. They tend to be pessimistic because they wonder why their relationships go wrong, but they can rush into situations before they’re even ready and not always be willing to put the effort and time required for things to develop. Since they’re also being represented by the Page of Wands, you might question their feelings and motives towards you because they might seem fickle, even a bit childish for some of you. They have a lot of young energy, it could be in age or simply in their nature. By the way, this is definitely a new person, not someone from your past. I’m also getting more of a masculine vibe, but it doesn’t necessarily correlate to any specific gender.
how are they truly feeling?  six of pentacles, two of wands, the sun.
They see a lot of potential in your relationship with them. Like I said, this person tends to rush into things, so they aren’t super in their feelings about it, but they’re feeling very positive and they’re already wanting to make a move. This person could simply have a crush on you at first, since I don’t get any deeper feelings involved here. However, this person enjoys your presence a lot! You might have started out as friends and they love being in your presence, it turns their frown upside down. Since we also got The Sun card in the last question but in reverse, I think you make them feel more positive, happier and lighter in general. They are imagining a lot of things in their head for your future, but they feel that this connection is balanced and it could go somewhere much better than where it’s at. That’s also why they’re rushing, because they don’t want to waste any time. 
what are the circumstances regarding this confession? ten of swords rx, king of wands rx, two of cups.
They’re resisting these feelings. This person might be exhausted of all their thinking and imagining before they confess to you - they can’t wait any longer. They’re going to feel restricted and that’s why they’ll take action, so they’ll be super impulsive towards you. It might come out of the blue, at a totally random moment and it could shock you, but they’ll want to make sure to make it up to you later somehow. Maybe they’ll be venting to you and at one point they might kiss you recklessly or send a risky text. They’ll probably invite you to a date (especially dinner date) later on so that they can show you they’re interested and it’s not something that they told you just for the sake of it. They might be naturally flirty towards others, which is also why they’ll want to take you out, so you know that their feelings are romantic indeed, even if they’re at a very initial stage. They’ll be very, very nervous and fidgety (lol), might also stutter a bit and seem kind of random towards you. Honestly, there’s a lot of passion and you’ll seem even more attractive in their eyes. I can’t help but feel that they’ll try and plan everything out, only to be super hasty and clumsy with their confession (aw).
additional messages: summer breeze, “easy like sunday morning,” frat party, college roommates, sapphic/wlw, silk chiffon by muna & phoebe bridgers, 6:66, 222, light blue, hazy, champagne bubbles.
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PILE 02. 🐇
who is this person? five of swords, the lovers, knight of cups.
This is someone whom you might have had a disagreement with. The intensity of this confrontation likely wasn’t anything light, so you could’ve had a falling out of sorts. They have a lot of air and Gemini energy, so there’s a duality to them that can be confusing and contradicting to you, because of their sharp wit and their spontaneous nature. This person seems like a lot! Not in a bad way, but they have a very proud and stubborn personality as well. With the Knight of Cups, this is someone who had and still has romantic feelings for you, whether you’ve known it or not. Even if you didn’t have any romantic involvement with this person, they nurse something very romantic and dreamy for you. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an ex of yours, someone whom you were in a relationship with and ended things very badly. However, they’re not over you and no matter how difficult this situation must’ve been, they still love you very much.
how are they truly feeling?  five of pentacles, nine of pentacles rx, strength.
It’s surprising to me that this Strength card came out upright, because they’re not actually feeling strong at all. This person might be putting up a front, honestly. They could have some significant Leo placements and they might have turned this thing into a competition of “who cares less.” Which is immature, of course, but they feel left out in the cold, like all the future they had with you was lost. Even if they’re determined to make it back to you somehow, they feel that all of their chances and options were wasted and in vain. However, since we’re talking about their feelings, I don’t think it’s true that there are no options left here. They could be stuck in a self pitying mentality and that’s also what’s making them so miserable, even if they want to make things right again so badly. This person could type it out their feelings in a billion unsent texts and still be too proud to make a move.
what are the circumstances regarding this confession? judgement, eight of wands rx, wheel of fortune rx.
Enough time will have passed you by and the dust will have settled. They’ll make this choice because I can almost hear them saying to themselves “enough is enough.” Things will feel stagnant and for some of you, you might have even forgotten or let go of this person after this time of silence. They’re going to make this call after a very long time because they’ll realize that they’ve wasted too much time agonizing over these feelings and their pain instead of solving it. I pulled another card for clarification and got the Knight of Cups again, so they’ll probably realize they’re still not over you and that’s something they need to get off their chest. Honestly, I think they’ll be much more humble and loving the next time you speak to them, not only because they want to tell you how they truly feel and show their vulnerable side, but also because they don’t really expect much out of you. They could feel that they’re out of luck and out of chances to be with you, so you’ll have to be really clear about your feelings with this person, pile two, because they’re very fearful, but they’re pouring their heart out into this confession because it’ll be anything but easy to them. Also, the Universe might have nudged them a little to make this call.
additional messages: broken strings by james morrison & nelly furtado, “i know i was wrong but i regret it now,” “i’ve been a fool,” leo, sagittarius, capricorn, gemini, “i regret what i said,” “our fight was really triggering,” sorry by justin bieber, 888, 999, 10:10, february, aquarius mars.
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PILE 03. 🐻‍❄️
who is this person? the tower, two of swords, six of pentacles.
This is someone who’s been through a lot, pile three. I think they can come across as insecure or even indecisive. They may be hard to read or someone who isn’t quite your type, but since they’re your next/first partner, it’ll be a welcomed surprise. They may struggle with making decisions, especially when it comes to confessing their feelings for you, because they might’ve been through a lot of difficult moments - like I said, this Tower also makes me wonder if they’re resisting some sort of change or feeling towards you because of their own fears. However, they try their best to be balanced. I think they’re very generous, very giving and caring towards people, but they may be harsh on themselves at times. This person could be a Libra, a Taurus or a Capricorn. I feel like they’re quite stubborn and they don’t actually like to take many risks. Perhaps being in love with you is something they found quite shocking, so it might take them some time to understand it.
how are they truly feeling?  king of swords, queen of cups, the hanged one.
So, I think after meditating on it for a little while, they’ll eventually evolve into a more mature, self-assured and calm energy. It may take them a while, as I said, but they’ll want to do this the right way, looking very steady and confident. This King of Swords is very logical and quite upfront, but they may be hiding their softer and more emotional side by the time they come forward. I think that the moment they confess to you, it won’t sound very emotional, but they’ll definitely be hiding this Queen of Cups underneath the King of Swords. The Hanged Man makes me think they’ll be patient with you, instead of demanding an answer right away, this person will want you to think about it, to really ponder over how you feel as well. But it also gives me the energy of someone who’s done enough contemplation over their feelings, hence why this King of Swords will come on strongly. They may seem more confident than what they actually feel, perhaps colder than intended, but they do have very strong feelings, they just don’t want to come off as too vulnerable or too emotional by the time they come clean about this. 
what are the circumstances regarding this confession? page of pentacles, the high priestess, six of swords.
There’s some healing coming from this person’s end. I cannot help but wonder if this person is someone you study or work with, but in whichever case, their offer will be something small, but significant to them. It may not be a “full blown date”, like something super luxurious, but they may offer to grab a cup of coffee with you to talk about these feelings. Something more subtle rather than super out there. Even the High Priestess itself has a more lowkey energy, so it’s possible they’ll try to do it in a more private or secluded space. I think this person will want to have a more quiet one on one with you, so it doesn’t seem like it’ll be a grand gesture. You likely won’t see this coming, so by the time they confess, you’ll have to use your intuition in order to see through that King of Swords energy I mentioned. They truly just want to let you know - I don’t think they have any high expectations over this, because the Six of Swords here gives me the idea that they’ll want to heal and move forward in case you reject them. With or without you, they’ll want to embark on a healing journey and keep going either way. They might feel a sense of relief or calm afterwards, like they have finally let these feelings and secret thoughts of you out. It’s going to be something very revealing for the both of you, something which will help them progress, whether this connection progresses or not. Of course, since this is your next partner, it’ll help the both of you move forward with your relationship and develop something from there.
additional messages: libra/7th house stellium, “i’ve made up my mind”, throw it on the fire by jon mclaughlin, “my life without you is just time”,  somewhere only we know by keane, “i just want to know how you feel,” “take your time.”
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PILE 04. 🦢
who is this person? nine of swords, ten of wands, judgment.
I think this is someone who is always looking for “the light at the end of the tunnel.” It’s worth mentioning I am using the Vice Versa deck for your pile, so the imagery here is a little different than the original A.E. Waite deck. They’re likely a very hardworking and fierce person, but they’re also afraid of relying on others and asking for help. A little too proud, maybe? They could be an Aries or a Leo, but I’m more specifically getting Leo from this person. They’ve been through a lot, but still, they feel like life keeps throwing curveballs at them. Honestly, this person may suffer from burnout by the time you meet them, they may be a workaholic or someone very ambitious who wants to carve their own path in life. They may have had to start all over many times and have had a hard time finding their true calling in life, but they’ve begun to overcome these issues. This person can be very stubborn as well, maybe they don’t like hearing advice or asking for it somehow. I think you’ll recognize them by the way they try to tackle everything on their own and are a bit too proud to admit when something isn’t working or when they’re in the wrong, but they do mean well. 
how are they truly feeling?  three of cups, knight of cups, the emperor.
They might be friends with you, but the feelings are too strong for them to deny it. However, with The Emperor, it kind of confirms the fire energy for me, especially Aries as well. So they’re a little bit ashamed of how soft they truly feel for you. It’s interesting because despite wanting to look and feel in power, they just want to give you the world, even if you might reject them. This person is hopeful, though. They’ll want to look very confident and may even show off a little bit, but they want to impress you and that’s also why this Emperor is coming through. They can (and want to) give you everything you want, to be the kind of partner who honors you, someone you’re proud of. They’ve got great intentions, even though they’re not very good at communicating or explaining their feelings, they may have a little bit of a “rough edge” to them or have a very, very rational and inflexible approach about the way they feel. It’s almost like they’ll try to be very self-controlled and tough not to seem vulnerable, but deep down, these feelings are very real and they truly cherish your company. Again, I think this person will be friends with you - or at least try to remain friends before moving forward with their confession.
what are the circumstances regarding this confession? the star, queen of pentacles, two of pentacles.
They’re very hopeful! They may want to take you out somewhere fancy, give you the best of the best treatment and make you feel like a royal by their side. You may even find them to be a bit foolish? They’ll be so eager to please you, honestly. I even feel like the man in this Two of Pentacles card is juggling all things at once so he looks impressive or busy, when in fact, he’s struggling to keep up. I think this will be a very important and fancy date, something more.. official? Not something casual or anything you may take for granted. They want to make sure you’re comfortable and may even gawk at you a little bit. They find you really beautiful, pile four, that’s undeniable. There’s a lot of hope - they’re one hundred percent confident you’ll want them back (lol). I think both of you will be dressed up nicely, likely going somewhere to dine or walk? They think you’ve got everything, like you’re the full package, baby! It’s interesting that they’ll try to come off as The Emperor, but deep down I think they’ll try to find all of the ways in which they can “woo” you and make you theirs.
additional messages: “i’m worth it,” solar plexus chakra, if you want somebody by jon mclaughlin, poker face, “please notice”, the way you look tonight (cover) by shawn mendes, “can i kiss you?", fire signs, leo or aries venus/mars.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
could you do asexual reader x Jason Todd headcanons?
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I know this hdc won’t resonate for most in the ace community, cuz it’s a spectrum, but I hopes it at least resonates with some, even if it’s one person. That’s more enough for me. (Also sorry for the shit writing as usual)
Jason doesn’t mind that you’re asexual. You were still you at the end of the day, so he doesn’t understand why some people tend to make a big deal out of it.
It’s not like you being asexual was hurting anyone but he guessed that some people just harbour vast amounts of hate for things they don’t/refuse to understand bc they’ve been conditioned into thinking that it’s a bad thing.
Others are just cunts that Jason gladly beats the piss out of in your honour. (Acephobes plz die disrespectfully thanks)
He will not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards you and needless to say having a six foot something man who’s built like an absolute tank is enough to silence those types of people rather quickly.
He’s more then willing to do this for anyone that you knew who was ace, aro, or was in the LGBTQIA community in general, that he becomes a someone that a lot of them could come to when in need of help, or was just in need of a safe space.
He’s unbothered by it because as long as he’s helping someone in need, he’s more than willing to offer his shoulder for them to cry on.
(I just like the idea of Jason being a protector of LGBTQIA youths.)
After all he once took joy in beating the absolute piss out of a biphobe for Tim. Sure he may not have a great relationship with his siblings, but he’s not one to ignore when they’re being treated like shit for being who they were.
He respects your boundaries and will always ask whether or not it was okay for him to kiss you, to which you’d always have to tell him that it was more then okay for him to kiss you.
He understands that asexuality was a spectrum and would ask which part of the spectrum you were apart of, and acts in accordance to make sure that you’re more than comfortable in your relationship.
He’s always finding ways to constantly learn about asexuality and more. He’s even got a whole bookshelf dedicated to LGBTQIA history because he wants to better himself and do right by you and other people who look up to him to protect them. He takes that shit seriously.
He just loves you very much and wants you to feel as though you could tell him anything that’s bothering you and he’ll gladly bring you its head if you’d like just to prove it.
If you are okay with kisses and the like, be prepared to be swarmed by it at every possible opportunity with this teddy bear, for he will smother your face in kisses as he holds you against him, smiling upon hearing you laugh and poor attempts in pushing him away. It’s a highlight of his day because when you’re happy, he’s happy.
You don’t like sex? That’s okay! He’ll make you have Junk food dates with him where you stuff your faces either pizza with stuffed crust (you can eat it in reverse) and garlic bread and watch shitty movies as you cuddle on the couch.
You: you don’t think I’m broken?
Jason; no. Why, who’s told you that you were broken because it’s a bunch of bullshit. You’re the most important person in my life and I’d do just about anything for you, no matter how big or small it may seem because at the end of the day I want to see you happy. So listen to me sweetheart and listen good, you are not broken. You are perfection incarnate in my eyes, you are everything I could’ve hoped to have by my side for you’ve never judged me, so I don’t see why I should judge you for being your truest self. Thats a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Jason: So don’t ever think you’re broken when you’re far from it, you are whole and you are more than enough. I don’t care if we have sex on occasion or not at all, your happiness is all I care about. I want you to be happy for the rest of our lives together because now I’ve got you I’m not letting you go. Ever. I couldn’t care less about anything else but when it concerns you, I’d move mountains to make things better for you. I love you chipmunk, please don’t ever feel like you’re broken when you’re so much more than that, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it.
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strawb3rry-acid · 3 months
König and Social Anxiety
I just wanted too ramble a little bit about how I personally believe that König's social anxiety affects him, coming from someone who struggles with severe social anxiety. I've seen a bit of misconceptions in the past (though it seems to have died down now thankfully) about social anxiety, so I just wanted to give my own opinion. Per usual, this is fairly long lol ♡
This post is purely meant to analyse his social anxiety instead of his personality, and just talk a bit about social anxiety in general. If you hold different opinions that's completely okay. These are just my thoughts.
If you're struggling/have struggled mentally in any way, shape, or form please know that you are not alone. You're loved, accepted, heard, appreciated, and cared for. Keep going, you've got this. It'll all be okay, I promise 🫂
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─ 𓆡𓆝𓆞𓆟𓆜𓆛 ─
So, for starters let me just get it out of the way that we, unfortunately, know practically nothing about König, or anything about the ways in which his social anxiety makes an impact on his life. The most when know when it comes to the latter would be the mentions that it's severe, likely developed due to his experiences with being bullied as a child, and that he likes to go unnoticed. Sure, we have voicelines, but I don't personally feel it captures clues as too how his social anxiety affects him. It eludes to his personality sure, but not so much his symptoms. I feel it's also important to mention that his disorder isn't his personality. It may have an affect on it of course, but it's not his personality.
Coming from someone who struggles with the same mental health condition I can be a completely different person in a place I feel I'm at my best in. Hell, sometimes it can seem nonexistent, but put me in a different situation, and it's nearly impossible too miss. In a military setting, König is definitely in his element. Not only is he in his element, but the military also provides structure, and consistency, which is very important when it comes to coping with any form of anxiety disorder, or any mental health condition in general.
I think it's important too mention as well that social anxiety isn't the same thing as being introverted, and/or shy. Does having it make it more likely for individuals too be introverted, and/or shy? Absolutely, but it doesn't always mean they will be. Social anxiety also doesn't mean that you don't like people. For many people it tends to mean that you're frightened about the negative possibilities when it comes to interacting with people. (For example, I love people, and I love getting to know people, but I'm often way to scared about humiliating myself/being judged to actually do it, so I usually I won't, and will avoid social events like the plague.)
I have no doubt in my mind that König feels like everyone has their eyes on him 24/7, and that they're somehow judging him in some way. Going off of his bio, I personally think the mentions that he was often bullied, and that he only found acceptance in fighting indicates that the bullying was likely on more of a severe scale. I doubt he found confidence in others very often, if at all, and really lacks skills in the socializing department.
He picks and chooses his words very carefully, and spends quite sometime practicing what he wants to say. He likely plans for every way the interaction could turn out, especially the worst case scenario. After the event, it'll be on his mind for quite some time as he replays it over and over again in his head, searching for any clues that he made them uncomfortable/embarrassed himself all while beating himself up for not saying/doing something better.
When he's not a blood thirsty, loud, human battering ram on the field I think he's very quiet, and is the type of person to stick to a wall, or the corner of a room. He's very observant of the people around him, and will try to be alone as much as possible to avoid any stress. When coworker's try to approach him, especially if it's unprompted, then he's very short with them. Of course, this makes him come off as rude, which I don't think he's trying to be most of the time. He's just nervous, and wants to be left alone so it doesn't show to other people. Plus he's very awkward, and doesn't want too risk saying the "wrong" thing that could result in him being judged/humiliated. Especially if he hasn't had the time to plan what he wants to say.
I do think he does feel bad when he behaves that way towards someone with genuinely good intentions, and who just wants to get to know him better, but he isn't too sure how to handle it if it comes out of nowhere. He tries, but he's not very good at it most of the times. He's polite enough, he's just very awkward which tends to come off as him being standoffish, and his discomfort tends to get misinterpreted as him being an ass. He's usually bad with words, and people overall which results in him being probably a fairly isolated man.
I think that when he's on leave, and out living the average civilian life is when it presents itself. He's expected to act a fairly different way when compared to how he acts on the job, and is completely out of his element. I think he's very different with civilians than he is with the people he works with. He knows that he really intimidates them, especially women and children, and tries his best to make himself appear as less frightening as possible. His tone is likely more hushed, his face is more soft, and he tries not too be as short as he is with coworkers. Kinda backfires though in some ways as he can come off as sounding very serious unintentionally, which makes him feel like a dick.
I think it's important to mention again that his social anxiety is specified as being severe which means it heavily impacts his life. Does that mean that he doesn't know how to cope with it, or live a fairly normal life? Of course not, but it still majorly effects him even if it doesn't show outwardly. There's likely some things he simply can't/won't do often, or at all due to his social anxiety. These thing's probably involve big social events, and instances where all focus is soely on him. Combine those two together, and you have a situation he'd never willingly put himself in.
He probably does have panic attacks. He probably will sweat, blush, stutter, and show other physical symptoms of anxiety in high stress situations that he can't escape from. I don't think this happens often (At least not in front of people. The last thing he'd want people to know is that he struggles with social anxiety in case it makes him a target.), but it most likely does happen. I want to mention this because I think it's important to talk about, but I've seen some people bring down other's for including symptoms of König's anxiety in their writing, and it's really disheartening.
He may be an intimidating, middle aged mountain of a military man, but he still had feelings. He's still a human being, not a complete monster. He's not going to start a random verbal/physical altercation with a random person that hasn't started anything with him to try to bring them down. I personally think, just like most of the other characters, he's a normal guy when not on the job.
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janesgms · 11 months
Astro Notes - 05
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– Introduction –
[✨️] In this post I wanted to talk about my SR placements for this year and my experiences with them, and then in the next post I'm gonna try to predict my next year experiences basing them on my 2024 solar return chart and come back here next year to tell you guys what i got wrong and what i got right 😀 (is this a stupid idea?¿ idk). Btw, i've made it writing it in a way that makes you indentify with it in case you have the placement!
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CAPRICORN ASC ♡ You're gonna show yourself this year like a more serious and mature person, you may focus on dressing more classy or just having more polites and elegant manners. You'll focus your appearance on aging better and even trying to look an age different from yours, in my case I think I wanna look younger lol. Your energy may be more grounded and even dense this year. You might look like you're always serious or deep in thought this year. Which is true because a friend told me that I look like I always want to punch someone when I was just with a normal face? Haahah and I never heard that bc I've also had a more calm vibe to my appearance lol.
14° DEGREE ASC/MC ♡ With the taurus degree on the ascendant and midheaven you may focus your appearance on venusian themes like makeup products, skin care, clothes!!!, accessories, anything that makes you feel prettier eith yourself. since the MC is in it too, people might compliment a lot on your physical appearance that year (or judge you too -_-)
LIBRA MC ♡ The SR MC reinforces how people are gonna perceive you that year and your reputation direction. With the libra MC, you might look like a person who focus a lot on appearance and love, even looking vain to some, you might appear to be someone who's constantly focusing on looking beautiful and being loved that year. It may be a year which your love life and personal cares with your appearance is gonna be very visible to others 😨 to my sadness, so it may indicate that you receive unwanted "advices" or judgements regarding these topics.
12H SUN ♡ you'll focus a lot on your subconscious mind that year. you'll focus on spritualism, the general occult. everything that's been hidden within yourself is gonna come out from yourself like an avalanche. this can also indicate your hidden enemies will be shown to you. you'll tend to isolate yourself more because of this or just because you feel like you're gonna be better this way.
AQUARIUS MOON ♡ your emotions will be focused and based more on your friends, who you want to get closer with, social settings (maybe parties), and things unconventional for you, or just new and exciting experiences, you'll see things in a new vision. think of your past years and habits and remember if this year you've started craiving or thinking on something unusual for you. You'll also focus on being more original and not following much the others, feeling like "I know my own worth and values and I'm not gonna change it easily for anyone". You might feel like you don't need to fit in anymore, like you're happy with your uniqueness. Also, idk if it's a coincidence but this year I got closer to someone who's an aquarius moon and this person taught me some really important lessons to me.
2H MOON ♡ you'll focus your emotions on physical sensations, your face, your food relationship, your physical posessions... this can make you crave financial comfort, luxury, relaxation, sensual intimacy maybe? you'll feel like you're more materialistic than in other years. this is so true, I was never someone to focus much in matters like money and posessions but this year I felt more inclined in wanting a better financial life, wanting more financial comfort, etc (I'm not proud of it lol), also a lot on my physical face - the 2H is also about it.
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CAPRICORN MERCURY ♡ you'll focus your communication style on being more direct, solid and someone who imposes respect. you might also talk about financial matters lol. you'll also talk a lot about your future profession, your future ambitions, your mental security, your workplace (be it school, job etc). you'll want to talk about more mature themes. I feel like it specially because this is my last year in high school so all the "focus" and expectations are in how my professional career is gonna start when i finish it and what college I'm gonna attend too, so I tend to talk a lot about these topics specially this year. For ex: I have lost counts on how many times people asked me which job I want to do this year.
1H MERCURY ♡ means you'll focus on finding your true voice that year. you'll focus on being honest with yourself and be more direct in your conversations. you'll focus on imposing limits with communication. i feel like this year i'm being more direct in my thoughts and I don't let people have their way with me and keep quiet so this is great for a personal development.
SCORPIO VENUS ♡ I still have hopes this placement indicates that you're gonna pass through the humilliation first (check ✅️) and then through the new vibes of your love life with a fairytale boyfriend (waiting?... ❌️ not check). But being more serious, the scorpio venus in here tells that your love life is gonna be intense for you that year. You may go through a break up that year if you're dating or a new relationship if ur single (there's still hope for us single ladies), since scorpio is all about transformations and rebirths. You might feel like you're more posessive and jealous in your relationships (friendships, affairs, etc) than in other years. You might go through an acquaintence with someone that'll make you suffer like hell but will make you stronger in the end. Your relationships this year can be secretive or just mysteryous in general, but summing up, very transformative. This can also be an indicator of letting go of toxic friendships or affairs so if you lost someone this year and ur still suffering stop if girl, cause this person went away for your well being and not for your worst.
11H VENUS ♡ (Guys as I'm writing this I'm so tired and sleepy so forgive me any typo but I'll keep going bc if I bury this post in my drafts and say "I'll continue later", than I'll never end this post like the others in my drafts so I'm gonna keep writing it with the appearance of a corpse but let's go) I'm almost 101% sure this aspect is the friendzone one guys, and probably you're the one who's gonna be friendzoned or already was. Sadly but it happens. So... according to the universe laws, this indicates that you're not gonna focus on romantic relationships and more on friendships but this wasn't the case for me, maybe it was because it's in scorpio. Furthermore, I think this indicates that my love life this year influenciated a lot on my social circle, or badically that it made me isolate myself because of my romantic life and fuck up my social life/"friends". It also affected my only real friendship, where it became really exhausting to me bc of it.
SAGITTARIUS MARS ♡ you'll focus a lot of your energy in things that make you feel like you're free, truly happy and actively stimulated. you'll probably focus your energy and passion in: going to parties, learning about philosophic matters, learning about the higher meaning, the truth about the universe, being more independent, wanting to live somewhere else, wanting to travel a lot or just knowing more about other cultures, living alone or at least far from your parents to feel like you're free, learning new languages, etc. On another note, you may focus on being more physical active and doing exercises. This mars can also indicate having a more disperse energy which changes direction easily. I relate to that and I'm really experiencing all of that and more in the future I hope!
12H MARS ♡ you'll put a lot of your energy in the matters said in the 1st note (12H sun). probably you're gonna get closer to hobbies like: subliminals, law of attraction, meditation, tarot, astrology, psychology, sel reflection, the supernatural, past lives, connections to other dimensions, getting high and/or drunk (👀), having constant connections with water (like rivers, lakes, beaches), things that you do alone like reading, listening to music, etc. In a more realistic side, you'll focus your energy and passion on changing yourself in a transcendental way, it's like the 8th house but in a more mental way, which also influentiates on your physical manners obviously. this is so nice in my opinion, it's been such a nice year in this sense to me, i'm gonna enjoy the rest of this year to the max because these hobbies were the best thing that happened to me this year.
12H CERES ♡ this is getting repetitive but wtv, you're gonna develop a soft spot (if you don't already have one) or just create a very nurturing attachment to the 12H matters (things said in the 2 notes above), so you'll feel like you're at peace when you're focusing on these things. and this is true for me! as i said before, when i focus on these things, I feel at ease and healed.
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– End notes –
[🩷] So guys, it was it for today. Maybe later I'll edit it and add the other planets house plafements but for now I'm gonna rest bc I'm literally dead and my hands are gonna fall, so byee! See ya and good night <3
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xanasaurusrex · 5 months
Hii, I've read your Percy Jackson cabins headcanons and I loved them! They're are soo good! Could you please write for the Aphrodite cabin?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ aphrodite cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
a/n: so it's been a while since i've posted some cabin headcanons, and i LOVE aphrodite kids, and i've gotten a bunch of requests for aphrodite cabin hcs 😭 i'm sorry it took this long, i'm getting back into the cabin hcs but i'm focusing on fics rn, but yeah! i hope you all enjoy this, and thank you to everyone who requested aphrodite cabin! taglist: @asvterias @lvrue @thewritingbarbie @kroumi @ravisinghs-wife
so aphrodite kids are generally pretty cool
they're naturally very outgoing and caring people, who love big and hard and are wonderful people to have in your life
but they can also be a bit of a handful
they tend to have very big and dramatic emotions, and they cry at a lot of things
every aphrodite kid had the experience of being labeled a crybaby when they were younger
they come by their emotional-ness naturally
aphrodite kids are naturally very flirty as well
like they're the kind of people that flirt with their friends no matter what
which you would think would make it difficult to tell when they actually have a crush on somebody, but it doesn't for some reason, you can just kinda tell
aphrodite kids are not shy when they like someone
aphrodite kids are the type of people who as soon as they come to the conclusion that they have a crush on someone they just flat out tell them
obviously this doesn't happen every time because there are some aphrodite kids that are more shy, but for the most part, that's just the type of person they are
so not every aphrodite kid has the ability to charmspeak, but they all have a better skill at convincing people to do things for them
like it’s not charmspeak but they are naturally more charming/convincing
obviously kids who get the charmspeak gene are much more convincing than other aphrodite kids but you know what i mean
weird little quirk about aphrodite kids, they love sugar cookies
they could not tell you why, they just really love them for like, no reason
aphrodite kids are also huge matchmakers
do not tell an aphrodite kid who you have a crush on if you don't want them to start trying to set you up with that person
although, if they do it's a good sign, because aphrodite kids really try not to matchmake a person with someone they don't like, because they think that's really mean on both parts
aphrodite kids were the kids that were dating in elementary and middle school
and saying "i love you" two days in, let's be totally honest
they also were totally wearing makeup at like 10
not that that's necessarily a bad thing, other demigods probably wore makeup at 10, aphrodite kids are just so much more likely
although it's a common misconception that aphrodite kids always wake up at 5 in the morning to put on an elaborate glam makeup look for everyday wear
that is not true
well, in some cases it is, but it's much more common for aphrodite kids to just wear casual, feature-enhancing makeup for everyday
don't get me wrong, when there's an occasion, they JUMP at the opportunity to go full glam
aphrodite kids also do other demigods' makeup when they need it
also, if you ever need a personal stylist, go to the aphrodite cabin beacuse they LOVE it when people need fashion advice
they often give it anyway, so it's extra nice when people don't yell at them for telling them how to style their orange camp t-shirts
yes, the camp half-blood orange shirts are iconic, but there are definitely aphrodite kids that have wanted to change the color to something a bit less... harsh, as it's hard to style something so bright
aphrodite kids LOVE making friendship bracelets
you know, the ones with embroidery floss that you tie knots to make, and you like tape it/tie it to your water bottle
aphrodite kids make those all day every day
they have a little plastic drawer thing that has just SO MUCH embroidery floss in it, all the colors you can imagine, complete with a few printed out templates that they sometimes use to make some fun ones
they give these out to literally everyone
they make sure that everyone in camp has at least one friendship bracelet made by them
they also like to teach kids from other cabins how to make them, and whenever an aphrodite kid gets a bracelet made by someone other than an aphrodite kid, they get so happy
their hearts just warm so quickly
it's adorable to see because their whole face lights up, and then they hug you, and it's so cute
they've even given a couple to chiron and mr. d, and they actually wear them
chiron doesn't wear them as often, because he likes looking formal sometimes
but mr. d wears them all the times
it's so funny, because mr. d claims that the campers are the bane of his existence, they're so annoying, but if an aphrodite kid hands him a friendship bracelet, he looks at it for a second, nods his head, and then slips it on his wrist to add to his collection
the collection is getting a little bit too big for his one hand, so he's started putting them on his other wrist
everytime this happens, the aphrodite kid that gave him the bracelet makes fun of him for being a softie, but he just rolls his eyes and goes back to sipping his coke while watching the lake
aphrodite kids are also super touchy
they honestly have all the love languages, but their big one is physical affection
they LOVE hugs
they LOVE holding hands
they LOVE kissing
obviously the kissing is only in a romantic aspect, but you get it
if you're friends with an aphrodite kid, they're going to hug you all the freaking time
they just love showing their love for you by squeezing the air out of you!
aphrodite kids will hold hands with you platonically as well
obviously, if this makes you uncomfortable and you don't want to hold hands and/or hug, they'll respect that, but they kinda won't think to ask you if that makes sense
they'll never be like "are you okay if i hug you?"
but if you ever tell them politely that you don't want to be hugged, they won't hug you anymore
aphrodite kids are also crazy passionate
about literally everything
when they have a passion for something, they have a passion for it
like, they will dedicate their whole heart and soul to something because they love it
they just have a lot of love in their hearts that needs to go somewhere
another random thing: aphrodite children were born to be fangirls
(and boys but you know)
they all have a celebrity crush that they are obsessed with and will like dedicate their life to watching edits of
(if i was a child of aphrodite, it would be dior goodjohn)
(what am i talking about it already is)
they also have a love for art
like specifically art from the renaissance period, they LOVE that
they just can appreciate a really beautiful piece of artwork, because they see beauty in everything
there's a common misconception that aphrodite kids are mean and stuck up, and there definitely are mean and stuck up kids, but there's mean and stuck up kids from every cabin.
aphrodite kids are honestly some of the nicest and kindest and most loving people you'll ever come across
they do have a tendency to throw temper tantrums every once in a while, but not in the way that like a toddler throws a temper tantrum
like i said, they just have a lot of big emotions, and they don't always know what to do with them
aphrodite kids are also often overlooked in a battle sense
everyone thinks that just because they care about their appearance, they won't be good soldiers, but that is 100% NOT TRUE
aphrodite kids are amazing at fighting and battle, maybe not as good as others, but they are good and can hold their own
don't underestimate them, though, because if you do, they make it their mission to prove you wrong
also, when aphrodite kids set their mind to something, they make it happen
so if someone makes a comment about them not knowing how to use a sword... let's just say they'll show you they do
all in all, aphrodite kids are super fun to be around, and they're the kind of friend that you can depend on no matter what, so it's always good to have an aphrodite kid in your corner
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PAC (Pick A Card) 18+
What does it feel like to F*ck You?
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Disclaimer‼️⚠️: This is a 18+ reading MINORS DNI. This is a general reading so take what could resonates and leave what doesn’t.
Description: Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. It helps if you close your eyes and let your eyes guide you.
Let me know your opinions in the comments
𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎:
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Pile 1 (Back Scratch)
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Basically This pile is for my people who don’t really do one night stands or hookups I’m sensing that to be on a sexual relationship you have to at least know the person really well. Your s*x feels intense like you really go all out like I feel like with this group you may have a checklist of all the things you want to try sexually you want something different something exciting. But anyways I’m hearing “more,more,more” so idk if that’s you or them… either way a win is a win. You like to change it up so it won’t be missionary each time. You like to tease I’m seeing some teasing here and I’m seeing someone being shocked because they thought of you as “innocent” people tend to move at a hard but slow pace with you not slow but not too fast either and it’s because you feel really good. You feel so good your walls tend to clench once it is in (if masculines are reading you have very good D game and it makes your sexual partners to clench them) so it will be very hard not to orgasm that’s why they try not to go at first they are trying to see and calculate just how long they can last. This is also my boobs group it doesn’t matter if they are on the smaller side. Sexual partners LOVE your boobs. They may have a more jiggly texture to them. Your face is very expressive as well however your words… are lacking I don’t think you do much dirty talk during sex and that’s okay because I feel like you pick dominating partners so you really don’t have to tbh they will take care of that for you.
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Pile 2 (Tongues Touching)
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Ooooo this pile LOVES physical touch and I’m also seeing that you may scratch your parters back if not careful (or if you meant to yk… even better tbh) with this pile sexual partners find it incredibly hard to let you go and they may even think about the night you had before going to bed. You’re irresistible if you will. Partners tend to get very sensual when in the act with you as if they are in a euphoria. It feels as though you make sexual partners high off of sex and it can be very addicting with this pile previous partners may often hit you up again just to have a taste of what they felt before in that moment. You are very wet and may even be a squirter and if you are a creamer you tend to cream a lot and your sexual partners love that. You know how to make a person intoxicated and unable to think straight in the moment. You feel very suction-able like if someone were to suck your clit that’s how you feel to sexual partners they want more of you each time and sexual partners are often afraid they are gonna cum too fast. This is also the pile that Loves handjobs 😏 and you do it well. You like to tease and your partners find it very enticing. I’m hearing “mmm you feel so good baby” “Fuck… don’t do that” your lower back is very sexy to sexual partners you may have deep back dimples or just a very smooth lower back because your partners like to touch it especially in doggystyle. You may have prominent Scorpio placements or Scorpio degrees in your chart. I’m hearing Capricorn as well.
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Pile 3 (Shadow Girl)
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With this pile your my pile who may like to wear a lot of accessories like bracelets, necklaces, or even used to have a chokers phase. You also may have a thing with calling someone daddy/papi or you may liked to be called that “mommy/mami” applies here too. This too is a boobies pile your sexual partners love your titties and they love sucking on them. This is my w.a.p pile (wet ass pu$$y 😏) your hole has a more ridged feeling to it which makes it feel better due to texture. You make even the quietest ones moan/grunt really loud due to how good and suctioned it feels. Your sexual partners may like to film you are you may like to film and your partners definitely masterbate to those videos. To them it’s their way of living back in that moment of euphoria. Especially in missionary just to see those boobies bounce. You have a very pretty vagina the inside is a very nice color. I’m hearing someone say “take it take it take it” and you indeed do take it 😏 your sexual partners also love when you ride them .. again to see those boobies bounce. You may have attachment issues or attract people who have attachment issues. Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces are very prevalent here. Your partners also LOVE your lips they love getting hickeys from you it’s their way of showing that they are yours. Oooo you got people WHIPPED. If experienced you know how to clench your hole at all the right moments and make the other go feral. Your sexual partners almost always come back. For sure.
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Pile 4 (Hand on Neck)
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This piles takes sex very seriously in a sense that once you’re in the mood you are in the mood and you aren’t the type to make jokes during sex because your so in the moment. This pile is actually the most experienced from my other piles. Very into hookups and sneaky links and will do ts WELL. You know you’re good too😏. Fire sign is heavily involved in this pile so you may have Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries or Scorpio as well. You like to switch it up a lot so it will be a new experience each time. You have the type of hole that makes sexual partners want to roll their head back once they enter you. I’m also feeling an LGBT+ influence here. your tongue and mouth works WONDERS once you go down on someone. Your partners feel like they could have sex with you all day and not get exhausted. I’m hearing “ohhhh fuck” and I’m also seeing someone cry? From pleasure ofc but omg? This is definitely my switch pile you’re able to do and enjoy being top or bottom. Like the last pile you are able to squeeze your hole at just the right time and it makes your sexual partners moan. You make your sexual partners feel like they are going crazy (in a good way) like discombobulated is the right word for it. Your sexual partners love your eyes and probably love staring into them or the opposite they can’t because they get too nervous. Your insides feel tight, ridged, and really warm. I’m also hearing “mmmm” a lot. You create a space where people can use sex with you as an escape from reality. Someone here also likes sucking on fingers also. Speaking of which your VERY good with your hands your sexual partners feel a tingling sensation after your touch and it leave them craving for more.
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prettyboykatsuki · 6 months
oh ari, the prompt "They didn't like to be touched by just anyone. But that didn't mean they didn't also crave it sometimes." with one of the honkai star rail babes?
✮ tags ; touch-starved dan heng il, mild spoilers for his story, established but new relationship, gn!reader
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Dan Heng had never thought about it.
For a long time. Since the beginning of his life, till now. Touch is a—has always been, a foreign concept. The lifestyle and ways of the Vidyadhara are foreign to him despite his lineage. Whatever lessons he might've had on love or relationships, he had lost a long time ago.
The first time someone had ever touched him more than briefly, was March 7th. After a long mission where Dan Heng had almost lost his life, she'd wrapped his arms around his shoulders and sobbed. Hugged him so tight he felt his breaths get labored.
At the time, Dan Heng only found it uncomfortable. But the aftermath had prompted many things. Memories, mostly, of phantom touches. Of a lover he doesn't know, and of a place he doesn't remember.
Dan Heng does not pay much mind to ghosts like these. After all, there are so many of them. His life is a long-standing haunting. It didn't alter the reality, that Dan Heng carries a form that had once been so loved.
He never thought about it, until one day - you confessed your feelings for him. In a simple, juvenile way. With a single flower and box of sweets from the Xianzhou. You confessed your love in a way Dan Heng found endearing. It took him another month to return them.
Since then, you've taken it easy. Gone at his pace, sheltering your true desires so he doesn't get scared away. It's unnecessary, he tells you, but you remain careful.
Before, Dan Heng didn't think about touch or being touched. He didn't like to be touched by just anyone, but he craved it. Sometimes. When he thought of you, Dan Heng would ghost his fingers over his arms and shoulders. So subtly it was easy to dismiss.
Lately it's harder to deny to himself, soft as a whisper. He wants you to touch him, in some small way. He desires it enough that you notice at least.
You're spending time in his room. Alone together, tending to something by yourself. Dan Heng is reading while you play a game. But truthfully he can't focus. The proximity between your bodies makes it hard.
"Dan Heng," You murmur. Dan Heng looks up at you "What are you staring at me for?"
"I wasn't staring,"
You laugh. "Well you keep glancing,"
He feels himself blush. "We're very close."
"Yes, I guess we are." You look at him confused "Does that bother you?"
"...No," He says, feeling his blush deepen "I don't mind if we're closer, either."
You pause, trying to register the words. When you do, your eyes soften. And you smile. You turn to lay on your side, propping your face up with your arm. Dan Heng's brows raise slightly, before he finds himself closing the book and carefully crawling into the space you've opened up on his bed.
He lays down first, and you let yourself slot into his side - legs tangling together. You let your arm drape around his waist as you pull him as close as can be.
The sudden proximity is intoxicating. You smell faintly like perfume and laundry detergent, and your breath is so warm against his skin. You're warm, in general, unlike him.
He melts into the touch despite himself. He knows so little of destiny, but he wonders if love is something that this form is destined for. Otherwise, he can't image being so lucky.
Your fingers splay around his waist, brushing up underneath his t-shirt. He pauses, before tucking his face against your shoulder and melting. He wants so little. Just you. Only you.
He laughs to himself.
"Yes," He says, and does not add anything about tolerating him "Thank you."
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thedarlingdearestdead · 8 months
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Summary: Inspired by that line in Ahsoka - "Would you like me to be more serious?"
Warnings: Kissing? Angst? Fighting.
Word count: 1,125
The battle had been long, even now, hours after it ended and the Republic had come out victorious, you could feel the weariness in your bones. Maybe it was because you were still so surrounded by the consequences of the war. Bodies were being transported across the hall, people treated for their injuries, generals shouting over the din trying to issue orders of evacuation. 
You just sat there and watched. Sitting on the ramp which led up to your ship that had not been cleared for safe flight. Waiting for a better mechanic than yourself to come fix it. Waiting for someone to help. You would have loved to just leave. Go back to the Jedi temple, back to the gardens, the library, The idea of sleeping and meditating, once so boring to you, seemed like a rescue after such trying days as these. 
One of those loud Generals in particular caught your attention. Maybe it was because of his excessive volume or lightness of voice. Either way your eyes met the back of his head in a glare. Anakin Skywalker. He was engrossed in a heated discussion with Captain Rex, the leader of the 501st Legion.
You knew that Anakin had been through a lot during this battle. His skills as a pilot and a warrior were unmatched, but he had a tendency to take risks that left him and those around him in dangerous situations. It was one of the qualities that made him a formidable warrior but also a source of concern for the Jedi Council. His behaviour didn’t make him any less of a liability. 
He was laughing. Men were being dragged across the room by their feet for lack of stretchers and he was laughing. 
As you watched, Anakin suddenly turned, his eyes locking onto yours like he felt your glare. There was a flicker of recognition in his blue eyes, and he made his way towards you, his footsteps echoing in the cavernous hangar.
“Master L/N” 
"Anakin," you responded coolly, not bothering to hide your disapproval at his behaviour. 
"Something wrong?" he asked, his tone challenging, eyebrows raised.
You scoffed. “Evidently not, indeed it seems the war has not dimmed your spirit.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Levity is one thing, Anakin," you said sharply. "But this is not a time for jokes. Lives have been lost-“
“I know that.” He says sternly.
“Do you? It seems you couldn’t care less.”
“You want me to be more serious?”
"I care about the lives lost, L/N. You know that. But what good does it do to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves? We won this battle, and we need to start planning for the next one. Who are you helping? Sitting there, staring out into space- it’s miserable. It’s pathetic.”
“I’ll take that over callous.”
“Is that what you think of me?”
You sighed, feeling a sense of deep exhaustion wash over you. It was true that you were tired, physically and emotionally, but you refused to let your guard down around Anakin. His impulsiveness and lack of regard for consequences had caused trouble more times than you could count. You were grateful for his skills, but that didn't mean you had to approve of his attitude.
“I don’t know what I think of you.”
Your words hung in the air, the tension rising between the two of you. Anakin's expression was stony, his jaw set in a hard line. For a moment, it seemed like he might lash out at you, but then he sighed heavily and his shoulders slumped.
“Force, Y/N. Sometimes I just want to…”
You watched him for a moment, seeing something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place.
"Want to what, Anakin?" You prompted. He’s silent for a beat too long, studying you unnervingly. "You're not injured, are you?” You ask.
“No. Apologies Master L/N. For everything- my behaviour.” 
You regarded Anakin with a mixture of surprise and concern. It wasn't often that you heard him apologise, especially not for something as ingrained in his character as his irreverent sense of humour and his tendency to shrug off any responsibilities.
“Please, allow me to take you to an alternative transport. Yours is… Smoking.”
He had a point and you didn’t really know how to refuse him, or respond in any other way than to follow him out of the hangar. The eyes of all remaining clones and junior Jedi following the two of you out. 
The noise and chaos began to fade away until you were quite alone. That’s when he paused. 
Anakin turned to face you, his expression unreadable. You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up your spine. It was rare to see him so serious, so contemplative. You had seen him in battle, watched as he faced down countless enemy soldiers with a fierce determination in his eyes, but this was different. This was something else entirely.
“You know, I can be very serious when I need to be.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, unable to decipher the meaning behind his words. Anakin had always been a puzzle to you, his emotions running deep and his thoughts often shrouded in mystery. You had learned to keep your distance, to stay professional and focused in his presence.
“I’m sure you can be, Anakin,” you said, keeping your tone neutral.
He took a step closer to you, his eyes searching your face.
"You don't believe me, do you?"
"I don't know what to believe," you admitted, feeling a sense of vulnerability that you rarely allowed yourself to feel. Anakin had a way of getting under your skin, of making you feel things that you didn't want to feel.
Anakin stepped closer to you, his face set in a serious expression. “Let me show you what I’m made of.”
Before you could respond, Anakin leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You were taken aback by the suddenness of the kiss but found yourself unable to pull away. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and you felt a surge of desire rush through you.
As the kiss deepened, you felt yourself succumbing to the heat between you. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. The smell of smoke and burnt metal filled your nostrils, but you didn't care. All that mattered was the feel of Anakin's body pressed against yours, the taste of his lips on yours.
But just as quickly as the kiss had started, it ended. Anakin pulled away, his eyes searching yours for a reaction. You couldn't bring yourself to say anything, for once you had nothing to say to him. He smirked. 
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
Queer people in the middle ages
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So, the whiny manchildren, who want the middle ages to conform to their white supremacist fantasy, also keep claiming that there were no queer people in the middle ages - or that in fact queer folks just miraculously materialized at some point in the 1970s. But let me talk about one thing: How do we know that there were queer people in the middle ages? And how do we know that actually apparently at least some queer people in the European middle ages were living fairly openly?
Now, the very obvious answer to the first question is, that we do know that biologically queerness is simply a part of human nature. We know that just some people will be queer. How many people are queer... Well, biologist and psycholigists will argue with no end about this. Because of course we cannot look at someone and say "Oh, definitely a queer person", so we can only base our assumptions on what people say when asked. And we absolutely do know that how many people will admit to being queer the less afraid they are of societal consequences. Of course, biologically we can look at some apes and will see that their group behaviors work centrally over exchanging sexual favors with basically most apes being bi... But yeah, currently we can only guess. Maybe 10% of all humans are queer in some way or form - maybe it is more like 50%, maybe even more. We don't really know.
But what about the middle ages?
See, here I gotta say that I at times am annoyed with the way a lot of queer folks interact with history by just speculating about the queerness of some well known historical figures. Don't get me wrong, quite a few of them might have been queer. But this also falls into a very typical falacy.
Basically, when we talk about history we have the bad habbit of talking mainly about a few well known historical figures. When it comes to the middle ages, this narrative tends to focus mostly on clergy and nobility. This is partly because we have the best historical record of them - but also because to this day we tend to overvalue the lives of people who have influence.
And the other falacy is, that we just assume that the Victorian ideals about sex were true in the middle ages and that henceforth people were not able to be open about it.
Because here is the thing. We actually do have records of people being fairly open about it. This is partly records we have from lower nobility and especially gentry, but at times also from the peasants and normal folks that history often tends to ignore.
See, when I look at the historical record I could not care less about the richer nobility and royalty. Because their lives could not be further removed from normal society at the time. And especially I do not really care about the politics in terms of wars and aliances and such. Because it tells us fairly little about what LIFE at the time actually looked like.
No, the stuff I find interesting is the letters send by normal people - and stuff like grafitti. Maybe diaries, we still have access too. Or one interesting source I found for the middle ages: A collection of jokes a French monk wrote down over the course of years.
Because this is the kind of source that reflects the life of normal folks a lot better than whatever political drama some duke or king or bishop was involved in.
And in those sources you will find... that people are actually fairly open in talking about queerness. Heck, we even have sources in this regard that talk about specific sexual acts. Going so far that through this we have at least some vague ideas about kink at the time (though that really is a topic on which the historical record is super light).
In fact we have sources of this sort going back to the ancient times, even. Which is also why we know that the Romans in general were a lot more put off by queerness than people in the early and high medieval times. (Mind you, this did not stop the Romans from having gay sex, they were just a lot more scandalized by it!)
Of course, this is nothing that people are taught in school. Heck, you can manage to study history and still be ignorant of this, because this is not the type of sources a lot of history is concerned with or was concerned with for the longest time. Recently this is shifting a bit - but shifts tend to be slow.
So, yes, we know that queerness was definitely something that existed in the middle ages. Yes, the time was still very heteronormative - but it was clearly also less scandalous about queerness than either the Romans or the folks in the Rennaissance.
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saturnianautist · 1 year
🍯Astro Notes pt. 11🍯
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.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer these are just my opinions and notes based on my own research and what I noticed from my surrounding and who I know.
Ps. (Currently working on getting a master list together so it’s easier for you guys to find things as I start adding more posts. Hope you enjoy <33
🍯 Placements under the same planetary rulership tend to either get along really well like best friends or just come into contact with each other many times in their lives. Also possible that they annoy each other but often only if their are harsh aspects so always check for those. For example: me and my sister both have prominent mercurial signs Gemini and Virgo and are like best friends, same thing with my mother and her best friend but with Venus ruled signs libra and Taurus. It’s just a friendship where you’ll be on the same page a lot of the time.
🍯 Earth signs in general love their comfort but Taurus moons bruh just don’t mess with their comfort or their self care routines they will look at you like you just killed their dog.
🍯 Fire signs are so heavy handed it’s crazy they’ll breath and everything around them will break or fall in some way 😭
🍯 Cancer placement stereotypes needa stop lmao bc they are not the cute mom friend, maybe at times but y’all can low key be maniacal. Remember that cancer is ruled by the moon and one side of the moon is dark at all times. They have this hidden side and people forget they have a duality to them like other signs. When underdeveloped as a person emotionally, this side comes out in an ugly way (when developed it comes out more as they just have a lot more depth to them as a person than you’d think like scorpios almost in a way). Tbh I think underdeveloped cancers are more two faced then underdeveloped Geminis.
🍯 The cancer placements I’ve met also can’t take anything seriously lmao like you’ll injure yourself and sometimes they be the first to laugh at you and pull they phone out and then finally help you after when u don’t need it anymore (I should specify again that this isn’t all of you just the underdeveloped ones).
🍯 A cancer mercury with a Gemini Venus makes someone very quick witted with there jokes and have a comeback for literally everything, especially if theirs also a Virgo placement thrown in their too (the sense of humor will be god level if there’s a sag placement as well, quadruple homocide) This person has the power to hurt your feelings if they wanted too but if they are more mature they won’t spend that energy on you most of the time.
🍯 Pluto and moon in the 11th house together is tough. Having Pluto here can already be difficult with the constant transformational energy in house of friendships/community, but having your moon in this house at the same time makes it even harder. Think about it, your moon is relying on building these kind of connections and forming these close knit bonds with people to feel emotionally fulfilled but then Pluto is constantly taking people in and out of your life or showing you who wasn’t your true friend. Sometimes it also looks like constantly outgrowing your friends, especially if you have any other Pluto or 8th house energy in your chart. This can also look like you causing transformations or shifts and awareness in other people but in my experience they don’t listen even after being aware until it’s too late (a lot of people will want you to do the work for them as this placement can attract a lot of energy vampires). As tough as this is, it’s almost always a blessing in disguise. You will start forming your true inner circle later on in life with better boundaries and knowing what to look for in healthy friendships with people who wanna grow with you.
🍯 If you meet a Taurus when they are developed, they are some of the most solid have your back friends, but underdeveloped they can actually be the opposite, unreliable.
🍯 A lot of people talk about Pluto, Scorpio and 8th house energy being transformational which it is, but another placement I don’t see as often mentioned is Sagittarius and Jupiter energy. Pluto is transformational energy itself, but Jupiter is the planet of expansion and growth. Its ever growing, which means it’s energy in a chart can make a lot of shifts to a persons life, and them as a person. All of the people with dominant Jupiter or Sag that I know have gone through some big hardships where it caused them to hit rock bottom, and the only place they could go was up. These people have also moved around a lot growing up.
🍯 All of the autistic people i know in real life including myself have dominant earth placements and then a fire placement or two (not a diagnosis just something I noticed). This kind of makes sense to me to those of us who can be really blunt and come off rude/stuck up to others who don’t know us.
🍯 Wherever your Saturn lies will tell you what you have to wait for till later in life to start seeing your blessings in. Remember that Saturn restricts things wherever it touches. For example: Saturn in the 6th house (6th house= daily activities/routine and health) might take a while to find the right daily routine for them especially with finding a balance between their self care and their responsibilities (6 also partly has to due with balance In numerology). They could also take a while to figure out what way of eating for them works. I have this placement and used to struggle eating enough and having an appetite. It took me a while to learn what portions and how often was best for me and how to plan out my day better in order to eat more like working out so I get hungry and meal prepping. It also took me a while to just figure out the best way I’m productive in the day which was flexible structure.
💛💛Thank you for reading to everyone who made it to the end! I also wanted to say I appreciate everyone who took the time to read through my first post the other day and I hope that everyone enjoyed this one just as much.💛💛
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