#also justice for Sofia
aussie-bookworm · 2 years
Really grinds my gears in fan fic when the author paints Katya as some sort of damsel in distress that needs to be saved by whoever she’s paired with whether that’d be Goncharov, Sofia, or that weird crack fic with Ice Pick Joe.
Like did we even watch the same movie? Katya isn’t a damsel in distress. She is smarter than the men around her give her credit for and on second watchings, you can actually see that she is attempting to manipulate the situation to end up in her favour. Just a shame her attempts were ruined by the male characters acting irrationally and stringing her along for their plots, assuming she’d be fine with it
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OMG I’m so excited for this!!! Can I request Vil with the prompt rainy nights?? Can it be fluffy and romantic? Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
Rainy Nights; Vil Schoenheit
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established romantic relationship
Content Warning; Reader cries because of a movie, death (movie)
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I had a vision; watching old movies with Vil as the rain came down. I had a lot of fun writing this, and this is also my first solo Vil piece, so I hope I did him justice here.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were rummaging around the TV console, going through the numerous DVDs and VHS tapes that were just sitting around and collecting dust. Tonight was your night for movie night, as yesterday was Vil’s, so you were weighing your options. Sure, there were streaming services, but there’s just something that hits differently with a physical copy, flaws and all. Plus it’s not like you could go out since it was raining like no tomorrow outside. So, movie night.
“Having any luck,” Vil gently called from the washroom, still doing his nightly routine.
Your eyes still scoured the various cases, trying to find the perfect one. “Not yet. Just give me a minute, m’kay?”
Vil gave you a hum as an answer, leaving you be.
Horror movie? No, he wouldn’t like that. Mystery? Too predictable… And then you found what looked like the most faded cases, colour worn away from age and a hand going back time and time again. That one.
Pulling it out, you dusted off the case, inspecting the title. Of the smudged-out words, you could make out The, some kind of smudged-out word, Blossom. It looked like a black-and-white movie, and on the front were the protagonists with their backs together, flower petals surrounding them, and a dagger above them. This, this is perfect.
Vil came out of the washroom, wearing his matching royal purple pyjamas and house robe, and glowing from the various skin products that he used. He looked curiously over your shoulder. “Hmm, The Bitter Blossom,” he mused, turning his gaze to you. “Is that your pick, Schatz?” His tone was light, a sign that he approved, and was mildly surprised at your pick.
“Mhm,” you hummed, placing the VHS tape into the VCR player. Whoever had played it last had saved you the trouble of rewinding it. “Have you watched it before?”
“Surprisingly, no. Copies of it are extremely hard to come by.” He got the sofa ready, adjusting the pillows, grabbing one of the many quilts, and a box of tissues, just in case. He noticed the look you were giving him, “I haven’t watched it, but I have heard about how it ends.”
You raised a brow, but shrugged. You pressed play and scrambled over to your spot next to Vil, getting comfy and pulling that handy quilt over the both of you — the rain had made it a little bit chilly.
The Bitter Blossom started playing. Not only was it in black-and-white, but it was also a silent film. The protagonists were two lovers who met by chance, their relationship going from cold strangers to a budding romance. 
But why had Vil grabbed the tissues? The movie was almost over, it couldn’t possibly—
But then the antagonist, a jealous ex of one of the main protagonists, stabbed the love interest in the back with a dagger. The movie ended with the protagonist hugging their love interest, flower blossoms falling down around them.
“Do not let the bitter blossom of hatred and vengeance bloom in your heart or mind, my love. Do not let it ruin the happiness which we fleetingly had.” The words flashed on the screen before the movie ended with the screen fading into black.
That, that was why Vil had grabbed the tissues. Wait, were you crying? That would explain why Vil was gently dabbing away the stray tears as they rolled down your face.
“A lovely film, love,” he whispered, “I should have warned you about the ending—”
You stopped him by grabbing softly at his hand, bringing it up to cup your face. “No, it’s alright. It was a beautiful movie,” you hiccuped, leaning into his touch. 
Vil caressed calming strokes on your cheek, the slow movements helping you focus on him. He placed a kiss on your forehead, a gentle hum escaping as the kiss lingered. “Oh potato,” your old nickname from when the two of you were still just only acquaintances, “what am I going to do with you?”
You grabbed a tissue and loudly blew your nose, “Cuddles?”
Vil sighed softly, but put his arm around you, resting his head against yours and placing a kiss to your temple. “Alright,” he hummed and continued humming a gentle tune until you were falling asleep. While he would prefer sleeping in bed, he supposed he could stand to cuddle with you on the sofa as the rain eased up outside.
Schatz; German for treasure, a common term of endearment
Tags; @azulashengrottospiano [I've seen the Vil brain rot and gushing], @eynnwwyjth, @xxoomiii
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grumpy-nyks · 1 year
Since Fernweh Saga [by @lacunafiction 💖] lives rent free in my head, I’ve made some doodles 🙈 it was supposed to be a simple exercise, starting and ending with James, but ofc I couldn’t stop there...
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Below you can see every single one of them in separate pics.
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zerozeroren · 11 months
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Officially the most niche piece of art I've ever posted.
A promotional image for this fic (no I'm not the author) and a tribute to Generally Pooky and Krimsonrogue who gifted me and a dear friend of mine with many a happy hour of bad book bashing.
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still pissed that there's just a whole catalog of sofia the first songs that aren't and will most likely never be on spotify
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kazisonline · 2 years
I'm tagging Sofia as Sofia Daddano because yeah she didn't know even in the end (spoilers yeah she dies) that that's her proper last name and that Andrey is her brother but who cares really
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tsscat · 2 years
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not to post like it’s still 2022 but how did nobody notice that goncharov was a Macbeth adaptation???
like. we’ve got our troubled protag (macbeth/goncharov) whose ambitious wife (lady mac/katya) pressures him into clawing his way to the top of a violent power structure (scotland’s monarchy/the italian mafia). he ends up ordering the death of a former friend because said friend realizes what he’s done (sending assassins after banquo/sending ice pick joe after mario, but the latter has more emotional depth since joe and mario were friends). valery takes on the role of the witches by supplying goncharov with ominous warnings and hinting that all is preordained as he tries to bring goncharov to justice. in reaction, goncharov attempts to destroy potential threats (sending ice pick after andrey and sofia, who survive because of joe’s failure to go through with it and subsequent death in the church scene), paralleling the assassination of the macduff family. it’s also when we get that sweet gunfight amid the historical ruins, but that’s not important rn. when katya learns that goncharov tried to have sofia killed, she breaks down and tries to shoot him on the bridge scene (“if you loved me you wouldn’t have missed” etc etc) before almost throwing herself over the edge, bringing to mind lady macbeth’s mental collapse and subsequent suicide. instead of birnam wood coming to dunsinane, we get the boat scene. when goncharov asked valery why he was so determined to bring him back to russia to be prosecuted instead of just killing him, valery told goncharov “you’re untouchable so long as you’re on Italian soil” and the boat isn’t technically on Italian soil. andrey and goncharov have their stand-off at the ship’s wheel, symbolizing their fight for control over the system. meanwhile, sofia and katya make their escape, getting the chance to survive and leave the system of violence that killed their shakespearean counterparts. goncharov doesn’t know that katya is still alive, so his speech winding up his pocketwatch when he’s talking about how her time ran out and how nothing could stop the clocks? that was his “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow” moment! when andrey shoots goncharov and DOESN’T MISS, it’s not just gay, it’s his “man of no woman born” parallel. he managed to do what nobody else could. but this movie has no malcolm character to bring the system back to normal and take the throne/lead the mafia. it’s just andrey at the wheel. and the deafening ticking of goncharov’s pocketwatch, laying face-open in the pool of blood, before it runs out of time and winds down for good.
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venussaidso · 21 days
Nicole Wallace (Ardra Moon, Uttara Bhadrapada Sun) from "Raising Voices" emits the same energy as Hailee Steinfeld & Nicola Peltz who both happen to be Purva Ashadas. Her birthtime is unknown and I'm of the opinion that she is either one of the Venus nakshatras.
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I used the Celebrity Lookalikes AI on some of her pictures and her top consistent results included Elizabeth Olsen, Katherine Langford and Lili Reinhart who are all Purva Phalgunis. Bharani Moon Chloe Cherry was another Venusian in the results. I was also the first to find her slight resemblance to her co-star and friend Bharani Moon Clara Galle. Sometimes I think they can pass of as sisters which is an indication of possible shared nakshatras/nakshatra lords.
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Her other results were celebrities who share her other nakshatra lords like Rahu as she has an Ardra Moon (Shatabhisha natives Kathryn Newton, Maria Sobocińska were in the results) and Saturn (those included Saturn nakshatra natives Scarlett Johansson, Anya Taylor Joy, Chloë Grace Moretz etc.). Not that Sofia Vergara was there, but when I looked through Nicole's pictures online, I thought she looked a bit like her in some angles, which kinda validates Sofia's likely Ardra Moon.
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I can't get over how nakshatras/nakshatra lords can be picked up from our phenotype. Everytime I see similarities between two random people that shouldn't be compared, I always find a common placement or nakshatra connection. This also helps in guessing someone's Ascendant although it's much more trickier than that.
But it is more likely that Nicole Wallace is a Venus nakshatra Ascendant because of the premise of her Netflix series "Raising Voices" — which touches on themes of the oppression and violence against women, fiercely standing up against that, revenge & justice etc. Just witnessing how such violence deteriorates the female characters and how she defines that event and what it means to her immediately reminded me of the brilliant series "I May Destroy You", which is written by and starring Purva Ashada Moon Michaela Coel.
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crazyintheeast · 17 days
Why you should watch Renegade Nell
Welcome back to the newest addition of shows you should watch. Today we have Renegade Nell. So who is Nell?
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Nell Jackson (and yes this is Orla from Derry Girls and she is just as brilliant here)is a woman who comes back from war to her village after discovering that for some unknown reason she has superpowers. She has the same personality as our beloved Korra and Ava Silva. She fiercly protects her loved ones, she hates injustice, she questions authority and she tends to solve most of her problem with punching people. After protecting her sister from the creepy Lord's son their father gets killed she and her sisters are forced to go on the run
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The only person to help them is the Lord's "servant" aka slave Rassalas. One of the few good men who truly stand for justice
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They also joined forces with Charles a first class Himbo who is there for the vibes and to get beaten up by everybody and become Outlaws who rob the rich
As time progresses Nell accidentally becomes the most wanted person in Britain and intereferes with the schemes of an evil Jacobist Mage who wants to take down the Queen but the real interesting villain is Sofia
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No this is not Katie McGrath altouh the charcter has been based so blatantly on her portrayal of Morgana both in look and in story that I am pretty sure she can sue. So if you are having Katie McGrath withdrawl issues or you want to see what is essentially a Morgana AU fanfic filmed by Disney you will enjoy her
But is there gay you ask?
Nell shows zero romantic or sexual interest in anybody but we have our lovely Poly who has a bisexual awakening when she sees Nell and spends most of her time having fantasties and writing poems about her. She is living her best life and is here for it
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iloverianjohnson · 2 years
the sge movie was terrible. let me tell you exactly why i think it sucked
i think they messed up sophie and agatha's friendship. they were never lovey-dovey or "besties for life!" kind of friends. sophie was using agatha as her "good deed" to get into the school for good and evil, and agatha knew this. from this toxic relationship emerged a real friendship, but not really until they got to the school for good and evil. also, one of sophie's main character traits is that she's a shallow bitch who uses everyone to get what she wants (and we love her for that!), but they completely removed that trait when they made her "besties!!" with agatha.
wishing tree?? hello?? let sophie be obsessed with fairytales!! i know they had to do it for the exposition and for the people who've never read the books but they're not doing her character justice.
agatha's personality?? where did it go?? where did my frumpy, grumpy, sarcastic, witchy teenage girl go?? they barely gave her any of her original personality - she wasn't even slightly grumpy until she went to the school for good and evil.
tedros and agatha's relationship. it was so DRAB. the enemies to lovers banter was barely there!
i love sofia wylie... and i have literally no problem with agatha being a POC, i have to admit that sofia wylie is conventionally attractive. agatha is not supposed to be conventionally attractive. she is the opposite of the beauty standard, which is one of the contrasting traits between her and sophie. if they chose an actress who definitely does not fit the beauty standard and had agatha's whole self-realization plotline, it would have fit much better with the story. again this has nothing to do with sofia wylie being POC, so please don't take that the wrong way.
what happened to the swan crests??
why was the school master shown. like the biggest mystery of the first book is the school master. they ruined all the fun by introducing him at the very beginning.
where's sader? where's princess uma? WHERE IS CASTOR AND POLLUX????
the beast?? where's the beast at?
why was sophie punished for talking to an ever... when they were literally in the same dining room... they ruined her whole transition into evilness by having Lesso cut off her hair instead of the beast.
also Lesso's character was fucked up. they took evelyn sader's plotline and meshed it with hers and it makes me so mad because it takes away from her future relationship with Dovey and it strips her of her character!
um where was the circus of talents?? like was that not the biggest thing that happened in the whole book... soman i'm so disappointed in you.
i liked how they did the trial by tale in the movie but i wish they kept the original plotline.
they did my boy yuba so dirty.
also the forest groups was so annoying to watch. i wanted to see sophie and agatha mingle with tedros in the forest.
wtf is this blood magic stuff. did we all collectively forget that entire thing happened in book 5 (or was it book 4? i don't even remember)
they could've made this a 10-episode TV show so easily. they didn't have to get lawrence fishburne or kerry washington or michele yeoh. they could've given smaller actors/actresses a big platform. if each episode was an hour long, we would've gotten much more than we got in this shitty movie. each season could be 1 book. catch my drift? netflix, you know i'm onto something.
i wanted a groom room scene.
the ever's ball. ugh. they did agatha so dirty.
they did hester so dirty. like where was her witchiness? her superiority complex? her intense and undying love for her coven even though she insults and belittles them constantly?
ANADIL!! where were her rats?? also i think i saw someone else point this out that they could've cast an albino person because she is albino in the books. there's already so little albino representation. and that doesn't mean she can't be black, she could be a black albino person. i did love the girl who played her though.
i wanted more coven scenes.
tedros was not annoying like he was in the book and i was mad about it lmao
agatha and tedros felt so forced!!
that's all i can think of right now. im so mad about the movie that im going to go write an entire screenplay for a 10-episode tv series.
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I hate when they change like vital plot points of a book to fit in a movie. I mean, first of all the iconic F outfits. The Circus of Talents. We lost Princess Uma, a bad bitch if there ever was one. Anyway thoughts below but I can’t add a read more on mobile so sorry. Spoilers obviously.
Thoughts on the School for Good and Evil movie
- The design and aesthetic of all of it was beautiful. I mean like everything was elegant and stunning and just visually incredibly pleasing.
- Sofia Ann Caruso is a great Sophie, she’s cringey and mean and overdramatic. She is the love child of Megamind and Regina George.
- Also Theron and Washington made great professors.
- The Tedros had a cool sword, iconic dumbassery, was pretty and also had cool fits which is how I like my men personally.
- Sophie and Agatha’s friendship at the start was super natural and well written.
- Soman cameo.
- I loved the little addition of Professor Anemone previously being a history teacher. It was just such a nice little touch to the world building and her character.
- The inherent creepiness of the casting for Rafal. I mean I always imagined him looking like a teenager but him looking like he’s in his twenties and trying to claim Sophie as his child bride really adds that extra layer of ickiness.
- Literally everything with Gregor Charming. An icon, a legend, he is the moment.
- Sofie Wylie is a good Agatha but they wrote her so blandly. Also like where was the initial awkwardness? We deserved bitchy goth loner Agatha. And like it would’ve been cool if Agatha was more conventionally unattractive. Like no hate to Sofie Wylie she’s absolutely gorgeous but it would’ve been nice if she did have that whole thing of yeah people don’t think she’s pretty but then her personality begins to outweigh that.
- Where the actual everloving fuck where Anadil’s rats? I was promised little rats. I was robbed.
- Why were all the Ever girls such bitches? I mean like passive aggressive? Yeah sure. But they were outright bullies.
- The plot change of Rafal purposefully letting Good grow complacent and vain. I think it’s more interesting when you have Good who genuinely have grown complacent without the manipulation of true evil or whatever. It adds more weight to it.
- The Circus of Talents was iconic and we deserved to have the wolves and fairies reveal.
- The blood magic? I mean like what? You have regular magic, no deus ex machina necessary.
- More development between our girls and Teddy. Like I love him being a pathetic little scrunkly but it felt like everything happened in two days. This may have been better adapted as a show considering it’s meant to be covering a whole year of school.
- We deserved hot pink finger glows.
- Lack of iconic book characters: Princess Uma, Castor and Pollux, the Golden Goose, the little pets they had, Anadil’s rats (yes I’m bitter), the librarian dude whose name I’m forgetting, he has Giles vibes, the seer, you know the dude.
- I wanted to see Hort’s frog pajamas.
- The actual explanation for the nemesis stuff like in the books.
- Where was the witches/Agatha friendship? Sophie betraying Aggie to avoid going home? Dovey caring about Good?
- More mean Sophie. Give the people what they want
- It felt so queer-baity. I know the book three twist but like it was just annoying.
Edit - Also the iconic line ‘I’m worse than my father. Because I still love you.’
All in all it was a fun movie but having loved the books as a kid I felt like they didn’t really get done justice. Two and a half hours wasn’t enough to cover the whole story adequately in my opinion.
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Secret Smile: Tangled Webs (Chapter Four)
Secret Smile | Javier Peña x female reader
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Summary: Before returning to Colombia to get things right this time, Javi’s childhood best friend asks him to keep an eye out for his sister while they’re both stationed in the embassy. Only you don’t need Javier to keep an eye you her. Your role as a new legal advisor is all about keeping an eye on him after all. Sparks fly, lines will be drawn and broken and there’s everything to lose.
Word Count: 2.7k Chapter Warnings: 18+ blog, language, reader has a nickname (Blue) but no physical descriptors used Author Notes: As always, thank you for all your feedback, likes and reblogs so far – it means a lot and I’m having so much fun writing this fic. I’d love to know what you think of this next chapter so please feel free to comment, reblog or even send an ask!
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“Did you hear about the senators?” Javi asks you as you slide his office door shut behind you and immediately make a beeline for the black leather couch.
“I did,” you say, taking a long gulp of coffee and then trying to mask your scowl. Instant. Not your favourite. It’s better than nothing, or at least that’s what you’re trying to convince yourself. If you’re tired enough and add enough milk and sugar then it’s almost palatable. It’s better than the coffee at your last office at least, not that that is a particularly high bar. You’re not sure it could even legally be classed as coffee at your last office.
After you impulsively turned up at his apartment, Javi and you have started to work out a tentative peace. Maybe he’s realised that you want real justice too, that you also need to bring these people to account. You want to help him do this the right way.
The two of you spent part of the evening brainstorming ways to move the case forward, trying to find a route that wouldn’t directly compromise the surrender agreement in progress yet, but would allow Javi to pursue real consequences.
No matter how much you try, it eventually will leave a trail. You’d been told by a colleague about a banking glitch abroad that led to right here in Bogota. This might be the lucky break that could help Javi right now. The two of you have agreed that Javi should use this to obtain the data he needs on who is behind the money for the cartel. If he gets this, it will help him solidify the case and get some strong evidence too.
“So, the Clinton list? You’re going ahead with that option?” you ask. It’s the simplest way to get the bank to work with Javi and technically it’s by the book.
“I’ve already asked Stoddard to get onto that,” Javi says.
“Okay, so now you’re just showing off that you have a team.”
Javi tilts his head before asking with an innocent voice, “Oh, do you not?”
You finish crumpling up a piece of paper and throw it at him. He catches it, cocking an eyebrow with a mischievous expression.
“Really, resorting to violence now, are we, Blue? Assaulting an attaché?”
“Only people from home have ever called me that,” you say softly, “it’s kind of weird hearing it again.”
“Does it bother you then?”
“No … it’s nice, I think.”
“Do you miss Laredo?” he asks, a strange expression on his face.
“I don’t know. Sometimes. Maybe a little, but not as much as I think I should. I miss some of the people; my friends, Sofia, Rafa, my parents. I just don’t - I don’t know, I always wanted to get out and be in a city or a new place, to explore and not be in a small town. Do you know what I mean?”
“I’m the same.” He pauses and looks ahead with a thoughtful expression.
“It’s kind of weird though, that we’re both here at the same time” you add, ”I have a friend who is really into fate and superstitions and horoscopes -“
Javi snorts at the mention of horoscopes and you shake your head at him.
“Anyway, she talks a lot about kismet - fate and destiny and all that. Maybe that’s why we’re both here. We can stop Cali together.”
“That would be nice.”
There’s a strange tension in the air for a minute, Javi’s staring at you like he’s never seen you before and his expression is otherwise unreadable.
He exhales deeply and then says, “I’m meeting the bank as soon as I’m done with the senators and the bank already know what I’m coming with so they should have something for me when I get there.”
“I’ve got a contact; they might know whoever the money person is. Tomorrow - tomorrow we get them.”
“Good. And what about your agents you authorised to go to Cali, without uh - any approval? Thanks for that by the way, loved the grilling from the ambassador. He was so incensed he didn’t even wait until 9am to summon me.”
“They’re heading out this morning. Feistl got a warrant ready, just in case,” Javi says. “I’m still not sure if we can trust - it’s worth a try though.”
“That’s good, I’m glad he got the warrant.” That makes your job easier, you think, less likely to cause another drama with the ambassador. If their visit does turn up something, they’re prepared and with a warrant ready they can quickly act. You’re learning that timing is everything for the DEA.
“I’ll be reminding them when we speak- everything by the book,” he says with a wry smile.
“Good. Do you think you can trust the local police?”
“I don’t think I can trust anybody, Blue.”
“Even me?” you ask, hurt permeating your voice. You look down at the floor in embarrassment.
Javi trusts a local journalist more than he trusts you at the moment. He’s supposed to know you. He’s known you for years.
“I want to,” he says quietly. “Do you trust me?”
You pause, exhaling heavily. “I want to as well.”
Javi’s office falls silent. You can hear the muffled hum of noise around the glass walls, people arriving for their day of work.
“Are you going to the big meeting then when they arrive?”
Javi pulls a face. “I have to. You?”
“Oh, no. That’s for the extra special boys’ club, Javi, I’m not invited to that.” You don’t mean to sound bitter; you’re not even surprised and your job is far less glamorous sounding than Javi’s anyway. Accountability and legal motions aren’t the sexiest of discussion topics.
“Count yourself lucky. Besides, it’s their loss. You’re smarter than Stechner and Crosby.”
“Why, that might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” you say with an overly sweet voice, watching Javi roll his eyes in response.
“Don’t get used to it,” Javi says, a lopsided smirk on his face.
The damn phone has no signal out here.
Javi had a plan. Get Jurado, make his case, do it by the book. The plane was ready, he was ready. Then Stechner came along, those stupid VIP guests came along.
Now he’s sweating through his shirt in the middle of the jungle in uncomfortable shoes and desperate for a cigarette.
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Fuck the gum.
No one could have endured that helicopter flight, had to deal with damn idiots trying to talk over the headphones and helicopter noise, without needing a cigarette.
Besides quitting smoking was meant to be a signal. The new and improved Javier Peña, getting it right this time and taking down a cartel. Only the past can’t be ignored. No one will let him forget; they rarely explicitly accuse him, but too many people know what Javi did. Too many people still judge him for that, even Captain Hernandez.
Javi told Steve once that sometimes you had to do bad things to catch bad people.
Maybe he was wrong.
Maybe he’s only made things worse.
He just can’t seem to get it right.
Javi breaks from his reverie, holds his phone up one more time.
Javi has no idea what’s happening with Feistl and Van Ness, no clue whether Stoddard has been able to get anywhere with Panama. He’s not sure if you’re helping. He’s still not sure if he can trust you, as much as he wants to.
Javi can’t be here.
He can’t be part of this charade; play the role of a hero, pretend that this isn’t a giant set-up. What’s Stechner thinking with this?
Javi hears a noise, looks around and sees the army liaison who Stechner had introduced to the senators earlier.
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Javi looks exhausted when you finally see him again.  More than that, he’s more visibly frustrated and annoyed than you’ve ever seen him before.
Linda had told you that the senators had insisted he join them on their visit, whether he wanted to or not. You knew how much Javi had prepared for the day. The senators wanted to hear from a ‘real life hero’ though and they could control the DEA’s money for this mission. You can only imagine how delighted Javi had been with the whole sorry mess.
You hadn’t quite expected him to return like this though.
When he left the office in the morning, he had been focused, motivated, and smartly dressed.  Now, you notice his shoes are covered in dirt and mud; that they look ruined. The difference isn’t just his clothes, there’s something changed in his eyes, something you can’t identify but you know that don’t want to ever see in him again.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? You really went on a day trip to the rainforest in your best shoes?” you ask sweetly. “The attaché salaries must be even better than I thought.”
“Don’t. Don’t even fucking go there, Blue.”
“I’m trying really hard to take your threat seriously, but Javi have you looked at yourself?”
Javi stands up straight. “You heard then? I was meant to go to fucking Panama, had the plane and everything ready.”
“The senators and Stechner had other ideas, I’m afraid.”
“It was a goddamn joke, Blue.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It was a setup. Nothing was real - just a show, like this whole damn thing is. This - this is all bullshit.”
You’re not sure how to reply to that and instead awkwardly fidget with the paper file you were organising.
“Stoddard said it didn’t go anywhere with Jurado.” Javi’s whole body sinks into the office chair next to your desk and he pinches his brow.
“Nope,” he says, each syllable clearly pronounced.
“So, did Feistl and Van Ness come up with anything?” you ask, hoping that things aren’t entirely lost for Javi’s investigation.
“They did. The police are keeping it all though. They think there might be another angle, but fuck.” Javi shakes his head.
You lean against his desk and look down at the floor, trying to bring to mind some comforting words, the right thing to say. You don’t know what to do. There’s no simple solution here; no sudden legal clause or clever argument you can pull out to make everything better and get what you need back in evidence or convince a jury. This is all so different to what you are used to; a side of investigations and cases you’ve never seen before.
“So, where are we left?” you ask, thinking aloud. “Jurado’s not an option until we can find out where he is. We need to - maybe your guys will come up with something in Cali, in the paperwork. I’ll call the police in the morning, see if I can do anything to help us get some of the evidence.”
“You think that’ll work?”
“I think I’m a very convincing person, Javi.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are, Blue. Thing is, I’m not sure -” he pauses, leans back against the couch, “I don’t think we can trust the police contact Feistl and Van Ness are with. Not from what they’ve told me anyway.”
You think about his words, the small details you’ve heard from Stoddard today. “I think you’re right. They’re holding back on the evidence. Truthfully. they’re not going to work together with us easily. I mean, the rumour is the Rodriguez brothers own half of Cali anyway, right? It would make sense. We - your guys need to proceed with caution. There are things we can do, ways to protect this work and keep the case robust.”
You shake your head at his expression, place the paperwork file down on his desk. “We’ll sort it tomorrow; things will be better then.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, so don’t stay too late, Javi, it’s been a long day.”
“Wait, can I ask you a question?”
“If I was being mean, I’d say you just did,” you reply, folding your arms around you.
“Really, Blue? Okay, why don’t you want people to know we knew each other before the job? Is it me or -” Javi trails off and you wonder what happened during the trip to the jungle that prompted this.
You meet Javi’s gaze to try and read his expression. He looks almost guilty, as though he thinks you’re ashamed of knowing him. That doesn’t make sense because he’s Javi; he’s the hero of the DEA according to almost everyone. Stechner’s words and insinuations echo in your mind, the hints at what Javi may have done before, how desperate he was to get Escobar. Part of you doesn’t blame him for wanting to pursue justice - you can understand that desire, even if you don’t agree with what he was rumoured to have done.
If the rumours are true, it explains a lot about Javi now.
“No, it’s not you,” you say, taking a deep breath before you continue, “It’s the situation. It’s messy. I was technically recommended for this job by a friend and it is bad enough that the ambassador knows that. If it got around that you are my brother’s best friend? I got this job on my own merits and I-”
“Woah, woah, I didn’t say anything about how you got this job. I don’t even know how you got this job. Frankly I didn’t know there even was a job until you turned up.“
“I really thought you hated me for that.”
“Not you, Blue. Don’t hate you.”
“You wouldn’t have had to say anything about me getting this job. People make assumptions all the time. I’ve dealt with it my whole career, especially as I moved up, and I just wanted here to be different.” You needed here to be different. After everything that had went down in DC, this job was supposed to be a fresh start, an escape from everything you’d run away from. Only you’re rapidly wondering if you’ve jumped from the frying pan into the fire instead.
“I can understand that,” Javi finally says softly.
“It’s that one time that it really is me and not you,” you add with a grin.
“So, Blue, am I really Rafael’s best friend?” Javi asks with a crooked smile.
“If you ever tell him I told you that, I will kill you.”
“Promises, promises.”
You shake your head and look at Javi for a moment before saying, “I really should go, Javi. See you tomorrow.”
Stoddard knocks on the glass door and you quickly move off Javi’s desk, cross your arms as he walks over to his desk and waves Stoddard in.
“Sir, we may have a problem. Feistl and Van Ness weren’t on their flight back.”
You look at Javi’s alarmed face and take a slow breath.
“Okay, have you tried to call them, Stoddard? No, then go do that!” Javi says.
”Maybe - maybe they caught a lead, Agent Peña. I can call someone at Cali, see if we can subtly make enquiries,” you say softly.
Javi nods and you hear him firmly instructing Stoddard on exactly what to do.
“Guess we’re not heading back right now then,” you say once it’s just the two of you in his office, both of you standing by his desk.
“Fucking Feistl,” Javi says, leaning his hands against the edge of the desk so you can see the hint of strained shoulder muscles beneath his shirt.
“You chose him to go to Cali,” you say lightly.
Javi sighs, stands up straight as he pinches his brow. “Technically he was just the only one who asked.”
“Oh, that’s brilliant, Javi.”
“Hey, at he least showed some initiative.”
“Wonderful. Perhaps he’s showing that initiative now.”
“Go home, it’s late. I’ll clean up here, stay and see if they call.”
“Javi -”
“This part is my job, Blue, not yours. I’ve got it covered.”
“Okay. Promise you’ll call if you need anything? You have my phone and my pager, right?”
You squeeze Javi’s shoulder as you make a move to pick up your handbag, watch him start to organise the papers strewn on his desk.
Before you can leave the office, Javi’s office phone rings. You meet his eyes as he quickly answers.
“Peña,” he says. You carefully try and read his reaction, try to notice the way his face slightly relaxes before he asks, “Where the fuck have you been?”
When he hangs up the phone, he looks up at you with a smile.
“You were right.”
“I often am,” you joke breezily, “So, what was I right about?”
”They caught a lead.”
You smile broadly. “Oh, really?”
“We can get Gilberto Rodriguez. They found him.”
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ash-arts-but-sinful · 8 months
Bro how do u feel P would act w a shy lover,, like I love physical contact whether it’s sexual or not but I will not for the life of me initiate it, i get way too embarassed 😭 I love what everyone writes abt P but I can never fully imagine it happening bc I’m not one to take charge at all 💔💔💔 he’s so pretty I love him holy shit!!!
Also how have u been doing?? :3 I’m so excited for the DLC and sequel I can’t wait for more Pino content
I’m working real hard on my AU notes, art, and the discord stuff which is why I’ve been so quiet here, sorry about that! But I am SO EXCITED FOR THE DLC I WANT MORE OF MY BOY I’M ON MY KNEES MAN I’M AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH- because of the art work I’m wondering if we’ll be eaten by a whale or something cause that a lot of ships???
Yes, I am in pretty much the same boat as you anon so I’ll try to do us both Justice 🫡
Despite being with him for a while you can’t help your shy nature, especially when it comes to him. Sure, when he gets back from his excursions in Krat you’ll fret over him, make sure he’s okay and unharmed, but no matter how much you want to sweep him into your arms you just can’t do it.
You’ve confided in Sofia about it before and she, of course, suggested you just tell him. Everybody knew Pinocchio wasn’t the best with social cues, not yet anyway, but once he’s told what’s what he catches on fast. So, you listen to Sophia because, as ironic as it is, honesty is the best policy in this moment.
It’s easy to track him down, an embarassed apology spilling from your lips as you explain your problem. “I would love to give you affection, but the my shyness wins over too often to count.” He listens intently as he always does and you finish your rambling off with a hesitant, “Does that makes sense?”
He nods, you heave a sigh of relief.
From then on Pinocchio is there to initiate almost any form of affection, truly taking what you said to heart. It’s clear very fast that he’s either been asking Venigni for advice or he’s been reading through the romance section of the library because by the time he’s leaving again your hand is in his and pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles as he gives his farewell. It leaves you red faced as you stutter out your own goodbye.
When he returns he doesn’t hesitate to sweep you into his arms, hugging you tightly and spinning you in a quick circle before placing you gently back down.
On more than one ocassion he’s snuck up behind you and wrapped you into a tight hug, pressing you firmly into chest and nuzzling his face into your hair. He’s also managed to scare the life out of you when he does it which always results in apologetic butterfly kisses.
Speaking of kisses, everytime Pinocchio kisses you it never fails to leave you flustered. On the brightside, it’s never a surprised so you’re always fully prepared when his cool lips gently press to yours. The cherry on top? Everytime you part you can gaze into his beautiful blue eyes as looks at you with all the love the world.
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caswensworld · 3 months
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One thing about me is I will always respect a good villain gang when I see one and THIS gang! The gang of Merlin Academy running the shots! No exception. Rent. Was. Due! Disney, from here on out, if your teen villains do not look like these baddies who are serving seductive, poisonous cunt, Respectfully, Ion want it.
So let’s run down the line. Let’s take attendance.
Dara Renee said she looks cute as Ulyana, NOT HOT! OKAY GREEN! Look at her smile! First her daughter, now her sister, Ursula’s family has me in a chokehold and they are never letting me go (and I don’t want them to hehe). This look gives very much Ursula from Once Upon a Time vibes and I love it! So much! I wanna be part of her gang! Like, Ulyana, baby girl, what are you insecure of? I don’t care about Ursula anymore. I got Uma and I got Ulyana, I don’t want Ursula. I’m trying to keep it pg-rated, but…I would let her top me. I want her tentacles all over me, I’m so sorry…I’m not.
Hades has left the Underworld and he is looking sharp! I love leather. I love spikes. I love the whole punk persona! I have a punk persona! So I love the fact that me and Hades, one of my favorite villains…Are the same. Exactly the same. I am going to find a studded leather jacket and choker so we can match. We also got similar taste in music, like Hades, let’s be friends. Let’s start a band. We can call ourselves “Fire!”
Queen Maleficent, Mistress of Darkness may be lurking in the back, but I’m seeing her. Now her horns look a little weird right now but I’m gonna wait for the official posters and pictures with better quality before I start to give my full judgement. But like…y’all, she’s Maleficent, when have we ever had a Maleficent who doesn’t serve with looks, darkness, and attitude? Like, girl, come for Ulyana! Pull Hades! I expect you to use magic! I demand at least ONE Dragon transformation! DEMAND it!
Ulyana is the Captain here, jot that down, but Hook is still serving so let’s have a conversation. Looks are clearly a strength in the Hooks family, so what do the girls look like? The men are handsome, so let’s have the girls do some Justice please. His fit almost exactly replicated the cartoon and I love that. The only problem I have is…where’s the hat? The iconic red hat with the big feather? Disney, he better have that hat. Don’t be playing with me.
Morgie…he’s giving kinda Carlos and Gil vibes. That is indeed a compliment. Now is his outfit as extravagant as the others? No. Is it still good and is he still killing the game? Absolutely. These VKs stay with the drip. Who else is looking good in a scarf? I don’t see anyone else wearing one! Now his mother is said to be the Morgana Le Fay in Sofia the First so…Is our dear Princess in the Descendants Universe lol? Is my girl enrolled in Auradon Prep? Is she with Hugo? I’m sorry, I just find this so funny, where is Enchancia on the Auradon map? Watch Morgie reference this in the movie, I just, I can’t!
One thing about villains is they will always be looking good and I will always be wanting to find a way to thrift their clothing. I can’t wait to see these looks with better qualities
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lulu2992 · 9 months
While I’m at it, in 2015, I also made a video compiling the different endings of BioShock 2, and I’ve decided to finally upload it!
So there are 8 endings in total. I call them:
1.1 – A
2.1 – A
1.2 – B.1
1.2 – B.2
2.2 – B.1
2.2 – B.2
1.2 – C
2.2 – C
I also made two visual representations, a table and a diagram, of how to get them:
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The text version of this and what Eleanor says in each ending is under the cut :)
Part 1
1.1: Eleanor forgives and saves Sofia Lamb.
Condition: Delta rescues all the Little Sisters; Delta spares at least one person among Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
"And then, Father, the Rapture dream was over. You taught me that evil is just a word. Under the skin, it’s simple pain. For you, mercy was victory. You sacrificed, you endured, and when given the chance, you forgave. Always. Mother believed this world was irredeemable, but she was wrong, Father. We are Utopia, you and I, and in forgiving, we left the door open for her."
1.2: Eleanor hates but saves Sofia Lamb.
Condition: Delta harvests at least one Little Sister; Delta spares Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
"And then, Father, the Rapture dream was over. You taught me that right and wrong are tidal forces, ever-shifting. To survive in Rapture, Father, you took what you needed from the innocent. But, when the guilty posed no further threat, you simply walked away. I wanted Mother dead. But, broken as she was, how could she hurt me? Now, she will grow old and die, knowing that I rejected her."
2.1: Eleanor loves but drowns Sofia Lamb.
Condition: Delta rescues all the Little Sisters; Delta kills Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
"You taught me that justice is a contract: once broken, it can never be mended. You sacrificed so much to preserve the innocent. But, to the guilty, you offered no mercy. I loved my mother, and I never wanted to hurt her. But with what she did to us, she gave up the right to exist. My hands were shaking when I did it… But you were there to steady them."
2.2: Eleanor hates and drowns Sofia Lamb.
Condition: Delta harvests at least one Little Sister; Delta kills at least one person among Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
"And then, Father, the Rapture dream was over. You taught me that innocence is chrysalis, a phase designed to end. Only when we are free from it do we know ourselves. You showed me that my survival, my joy, are all that matter. I indulge, nothing else exists."
Part 2
A: Eleanor is at peace and hopeful. Delta dies but willingly lives on in Eleanor.
Condition: Delta rescues all the Little Sisters.
"The Rapture dream is over. But in waking, I am reborn. This world isn’t ready for me, yet here I am. It would be so easy to misjudge them. You are my conscience, Father, and I need you to guide me. You will always be with me now, Father: your memories, your drives… And when I need you, you’ll be there on my shoulder, whispering. If Utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, for the world is about to change. And in our story, Rapture was just the beginning."
B: Eleanor is in doubt...
Condition: Delta rescues at least one and harvests at least one Little Sister.
"You made a monster of me, Father, but I wondered why you saved the others. You left me in doubt. Didn’t you want me to be like you? I knew I could save you, but if you felt regret, if you wanted me to choose for myself, I would have to let you go. To let you die."
Delta chooses to sacrifice himself and not live on in Eleanor. Eleanor is alone and unsure about her future. "The Rapture dream is over. And in waking, I am alone. Mother, I left behind, and you chose to die rather than to have me follow you. But you gave me the greatest gift of all, something I have never had: my freedom. There is no name for what I am, but the world is about to change. I thought we would seize it together. Yet, as I sat there with you, I wondered if even I could be redeemed. Your sacrifice gave me hope. But, Father, wherever you are… I miss you."
Delta chooses to save himself and live on in Eleanor. Eleanor is evil. "You may not have wanted me, Father, but you defined me. You chose to survive, no matter the cost, and I will not let your instincts go to waste. The Rapture dream is over. And in waking, I am reborn. You’ll always be with me, Father: your memories, your drives... When I need you, you’ll be there, whispering from my shoulder. There is no name for what I am, but the world is about to change, and with your help, they’ll never see me coming."
C: Eleanor is a monster. Delta dies but unwillingly lives on in Eleanor.
Condition: Delta harvests all the Little Sisters.
"The Rapture dream is over, and in waking, I am reborn. You may not have wanted me, Father, but you defined me. You chose to survive, no matter the cost, and I will not let your instincts go to waste. You’ll always be with me, Father: your memories, your drives... When I need you, you’ll be there, whispering from my shoulder. There is no name for what I am, but the world is about to change, and with your help, they’ll never see me coming."
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