#also like... I have a job interview for a job that would be IN Italian?? which... of course don't know how it'll go
uniquexusposts · 3 days
Her || Charles
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 27/? Word count: 3414 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so? Note: Italian is not our first language, we're trying our best to translate the sentences to Italian :)
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Previous chapter
Chapter 25. F1 Giggles & Tea... Espresso
"Hello, hello," the blonde hostess said into the microphone, opening the podcast.
The brunette smiled. "Hello, it has been a while," she said, looking at her friend. "The last time was around Austria."
"Phew, before the summer break. And a lot has happened since then." The blonde took a sip from her iced coffee. "First of all, we would like to apologise for our absence."
"Yes, absolutely."
"Some personal things happened, summer break, job switches... However, this podcast is about Formula 1, and oh, my god, there's so much tea to spill. Well, espresso. Because this podcast will be all about Monza."
"Welcome to F1 Giggles & Espresso."
The first twenty minutes were all about what had happened from Austria to Zandvoort: the famous Ferrari sandwich in Spielberg, the chaotic race in Silverstone, the DNF race in Hungary, the redemption race in Spa, and the wet race in Zandvoort. And, of course, the needed drama with some drivers (the partner drama during the holiday and the needed rumours of breakups).
"Let's dive into the Monza madness; it's not only Ferrari's home race, but also AlphaTauri's," the blonde said.
The brunette nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "Even though it is also AlphaTauri's home race, I think all eyes will be focused on Ferrari. They might have a chance to do something this weekend."
"I have to say," the blonde said, leaning forward. "I am quite surprised to see the success of Ferrari so far." She was thinking about her next words. "There has been a lot of drama so far, but they are performing, and unlike last year, there is competition with Max."
"The drama," the brunette breathed. "I don't think I have seen a team with this much drama. The sneers during interviews, the behaviour on track... It almost starts to feel like a drama movie."
"But can I say how calm and polite Matilde stayed during those times?"
"Did she? Or was she just uninterested?"
The blonde raised an eyebrow, considering her friend's question. "You think Matilde was uninterested?"
"I mean, it's possible, isn't it?" The brunette shrugged. "She seemed so composed, like nothing fazes her."
"I think you have to do that because it is known that Ferrari came out of a mess. It was a rough start, but I think she's handling everything really well. Look at the crash at Spielberg; she just called Charles and Carlos back."
"I don't know..." The girl with the brown hair leaned back on her chair. "I mean, I don't think she is suited for the role." She crossed her arms. "She looks so uninterested, but also like she wants to be popular. I don't think she takes her job seriously. I think she's barely working, and I never see her really do anything on the track."
The brunette squinted her eyes, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Do you see Toto working?"
"Well, I feel like he is doing his job right. How often are there discussions in his team, what is shown in the media? And how many of them are affecting the team and the results?"
The blonde leaned forward. "But that's just it, isn't it? Perception versus reality. Just because we don't see Matilde working, which I believe is wrong because she is always working, doesn't mean she isn't. Perhaps her leading style is different from everyone else."
"I can't take her seriously. One moment, she's dancing on a Max song at Zandvoort, or she is constantly laughing, making comments, being popular. And the other moment she's not interested. What is her deal?"
"I think she is very passionate about her job. She's always wearing red nail polish, representing Ferrari. Or she's wearing a red hair tie, or a red bracelet. She is actually having fun at her job and it shows in the results. That moment at Zandvoort, where she's dancing to a Max song... It's just wonderful to see she isn't afraid of showing her fun and excitement at work," the blonde defended Matilde. "She's young, she leads a team her own way, and it works. After Zandvoort, Max has 233 points, Charles has 183 points, Carlos has 179 points, and Checo has 106 points. Red Bull currently has 339 points and Ferrari 362. If we take last year's results, Max was leading with 310 points, Charles had 201 points, Checo had 201 points, and Carlos had 175 points. Red Bull was leading with 511 points and Ferrari 376."
"Hmm-hmm. I haven't heard your point yet. I conclude that Ferrari is not doing a much better job so far."
"You'd think that. But Max has 90 points less than last year, Checo has 95 points less, Charles has 11 points less, and Carlos has four points more. Ferrari is doing a better job, keeping the points away from Red Bull."
The brunette slowly nodded and sighed. "The point of winning a championship is actually to win as many races as possible. Not to keep points away from each other."
"Taking the points away from the opponent or collecting as many points as possible is both a strategy," the blonde replied and raised her eyebrows, dropping an imaginary bomb.
"Maybe," the brunette said, running a hand through her hair. "For some reason, it's just hard for me to shake off the feeling that she's not cut out for the job. But we will see. Let's see how things play out at Monza. If Ferrari performs well - because Monza and Ferrari don't go together for some reason - then maybe we can give Matilde the benefit of the doubt."
"You," the blonde replied. "You will give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she's slaying, absolutely nailing it so far, and is an absolute girlboss. And it isn't just Matilde who is Ferrari, she has two drivers and an entire team around her."
"But she's on the top of it. If a team doesn't perform right, the first one who will be out is the trainer or leader - football-wise." The brunette shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
The discussion ended, and they switched to a new topic. The two best friends weren't afraid to discuss or share their opinions, even though they would clash with one another.
* * *
Wednesday is only two days away from the weekend. And the day contained stress, pressure, and pure chaos at Ferrari HQ. Many meetings were planned, the drivers were present at the factory for the entire day to fine-tune the car, and everyone was working twice as hard. This had to be their weekend. And they didn't want to have a mediocre weekend; this was about getting everything or nothing.
Matilde came back from a meeting and got into her office. She put her laptop on her desk and let herself fall into the chair. Her brain started to turn into jelly; nothing made sense anymore. With a tired sigh, she ran her hand through her hair. The morning meeting had been particularly gruelling, filled with endless discussions and strategic planning sessions that seemed to stretch on forever. Monza was coming up; everyone basically worked towards this weekend for a year straight. And to top off the meeting, Matilde had a midterm interview, and they cranked up the pressure for Matilde to perform extra well at their home race.
She turned on her computer, and her agenda popped open. A relieved sigh left her mouth when she saw she had no meetings scheduled for the upcoming two hours. It was a rare moment of calm in the team's chaos. Leaning back in her chair, Matilde closed her eyes momentarily, allowing herself to simply breathe.
You know what, she thought, I'm gonna lunch outside of the factory. Matilde logged out and got up from her chair. She doubted taking her work bag with her, but decided not to take it to the lunch spot. All she had to take with her was her phone, wallet, sunglasses, sunscreen and a book. She concluded she had to take a bag with her, so she found a tote bag in her desk drawer.
"I'm going out for lunch," Matilde told Galileo while standing before her desk.
"As you should," Galileo smiled. "How was the meeting?" He leaned back in his chair.
"'Matilde this. Matilde that.' Too much information to keep up with. And it's intense," she breathed. "Matilde just needs an hour off," she emotionlessly smiled.
He smirked. "Welcome to the hell week. Go enjoy your lunch. Rest and recharge well for this week," he said.
"Grazie," she said. "Go take a break, enjoy the sun in peace." Matilde walked through the department and passed the department canteen. "Hey," she greeted her drivers, hanging against the standing table.
"Hello," Carlos said.
Charles turned around, his face lightening up by her presence. It would be the first time they would see each other since Sunday. "Hey," he smiled. "Where are you going?"
"Out for lunch. Want to join?"
His eyes lit up with genuine interest at the invitation. "I'd love to, but I don't think we will get out alive."
Carlos agreed. "It's hectic out there. They say there have been fans here since seven this morning."
Matilde looked impressed. "It feels like we're royals or something."
"This week, we are," Carlos snorted.
"But anyway, I know a secret escape from this park, avoiding everyone. But it's up to you," she offered, leaving the decision up to her drivers. "I'm taking the bike; it's easier to avoid crowds. I'm sure you can ride a company bike for an hour." She waited for a reaction with a warm smile on her face. The Ferrari park was huge, so there were bikes to share within the park to move more efficiently and quickly.
Charles and Carlos exchanged glances, considering Matilde's proposition. The thought of escaping the chaos inside and outside the office was appealing. Carlos raised his eyebrows, leaving the decision to Charles.
"That sounds like a plan. Lead the way, boss," Charles said, looking at her gate a few seconds longer than necessary.
Matilde squinted her eyes for a few seconds before she nodded, pleased that her offer had been accepted. Together with the men, they walked to the ground floor and the back of the office, exiting out of the public sight.
"Can I put this in your bag until we get there?" Carlos asked and showed his pass.
"Sure," she replied and held her bag open. Carlos put his pass in her bag, and Charles did the same.
Carlos inspected her bike. "Nice bike. This isn't one of ours, right?"
Matilde placed her bag in the basket, which was attached to the steer of her bicycle. "Nope, this is my own bike."
"Did you cycle from your home to here?" Charles asked, knowing that would take about 45 minutes.
She nodded. "For days like this, cycling after work is like therapy." She was wearing a blue shirt as a jacket with a white top underneath, so she slipped the shirt off since it would be more pleasant during the bike ride to the cafe. "Ready?" Matilde called out, a playful glint in her eyes.
"You're making it sound like we're about to start a massive mission," Carlos smirked, putting his sunglasses on.
"It's an adventure, Carlos. You have to be ready for it," Charles said, also putting on his sunglasses.
Matilde couldn't help but smile. It was spontaneous, and she liked it. It reminded her of the bike rides with her brothers back home in Denmark. They pedalled away from the main building. Matilde navigated them through the factory park, finding the 'secret' backdoor exit.
As they rode through nature, Matilde couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation wash over her. With each paddle stroke, she felt the weight of the horror meeting lifting from her shoulders. She used to cycle a lot back in Denmark, but she never really realised how comforting it could be. It even made her chuckle; she never thought she would love to cycle for fun.
Matilde led the way; she scanned the surroundings and enjoyed the warm sun on her skin.
Despite their silence, there was an unspoken understanding that they were all enjoying this moment. Charles's face rested with a relaxed look. Carlos was recharging, and they were glad they had left the office.
Eventually, they reached their destination. The cafe was located on the border of a small village, so it was quite an unknown spot—but once you knew, you knew. The owners prefer to advertise by word of mouth, so it stays local.
The three people parked their bikes and made their way to the entrance, a shed. It looked like the cafe owner had renovated the shed in their backyard to start a cafe. Carlos and Charles were leading, also taking in the new surroundings and being impressed by the small place.
Charles saw the waitress behind a coffee machine. He put his sunglasses on his hair and was about to greet her so he could take the lead. But before he could say anything, the woman cut him off, whose eyes lit up when she saw the guests.
"Matilde, ciao!" the young woman greeted. She seemed to know Matilde. "È bello vederti qui. Come stai?" (Matilde, hello! It's nice to see you here. How are you?)*
Charles closed his mouth and looked at the young woman and then at Matilde. Carlos raised his eyebrows and expected Matilde to go into full panic mode. Also, they both expected a crazy 'omg, you are Leclerc, Sainz and Jørgensen' attack by the look the woman gave, but that didn't happen as well.
"Ciao, Cecilia," Matilde brightly smiled. Cecilia walked around the counter and kissed Matilde on the cheek. "Bene, grazie. Sono occupato al lavoro adesso. E tu, come stai?" Matilde felt proud. She was aware that Charles and Carlos were beside her, and she also was aware that she never spoke Italian around them. (Hi, Cecilia. Fine thanks. I'm busy at work now. And how are you?)
"Bene, bene. È una mattinata molto tranquilla, per fortuna. Oh, grazie per aver aiutato mia nonna con la spesa. Ama la tua compagnia," Cecilia said. (Very well. It's a very quiet morning, fortunately. Oh, thanks for helping my grandmother with the groceries. She loves your company)
"Sí, certo, non è un problema," Matilde told her. "lo aspetto sempre con ansia." (Yes, of course, it's not a problem. I always look forward to it.)
Impressive looks grew on Carlos and Charles' faces, and they looked at each other, not expecting this. What else was she hiding? Since when could she hold a conversation in Italian?
"Ancora, grazie," Cecilia said and then she looked behind Matilde. "Como posso aiutarla?" (Thank you again. How can I help you?)
"Ah, sí," Matilde nodded. "Avete un tavolo per tre, per favore?" (Oh yes. Do you have a table for three please?)
"Certo, abbiamo un tavolo fuori,," Cecilia suggested. (Of course, there's a table outside)
"Perfetto, grazie," Matilde thanked her. (Perfect, thanks)
They walked over to a free table. The only other people present were two elderly men who didn't even seem to bother to look at the trio.
"Hello, since when do you speak Italian this well?" Carlos asked, as he took it very personally.
Matilde only proudly smiled; it started off as a confident smile but slowly turned into a shy smile because both the guys proudly looked at her. "Well, yeah, I've been practising. But this is all I know, so please, no complicated questions."
He held up his hand. "Very good, mate," he said.
She gave Carlos a high five. "Grazie."
"You will get there," Charles smiled. "How do you know this spot?"
"Cecilia is the grandchild of my neighbour. And once a week, I will do the groceries together with my neighbour and visit this cafe for her grandchild. Her grandmother also helps me with Italian, so yeah," Matilde shared.
"That is adorable."
At first, the ambience between the three was a bit stiff. They had ordered a drink and something to eat, but they didn't know what to talk about for some reason. Within Ferrari, there was an unspoken rule not to discuss anything about racing when you would lunch outside of the factory. But if you had lunch planned for work, then it was obviously standard to talk about work. Matilde looked around, enjoying the sun, while Charles and Carlos were unsure what to say. They looked at each other, waiting for the first one to say something.
"Who will you bring to the race?" Matilde then asked when the coffees were served. She softly gasped. "Or is that a race-related question?"
"Well..." Carlos hummed. "It's a close call." He smiled. "The usual," was his answer. "My family and girlfriend."
Matilde nodded. "Sweet," she smiled and shifted her eyes to Charles, waiting for his answer.
"My family, as well; mum and brothers. And, of course, Joris and some other friends," he replied. "Well, Arthur has to race, obviously."
"And what about you? Will your family be there?" Carlos curiously asked.
Charles observed Matilde. "I've never seen your family at the track before."
An awkward laugh left her mouth. "Yeah, that's true. My oldest brother went to Silverstone, but that didn't really happen. And my dad was at Spa with me. But my entire family will be at Monza, so I'm really looking forward to that."
"Why haven't they been at a race before? If you don't mind me asking," he continued to ask. Matilde barely shared anything about herself; she was really private. It was not like Charles was noisy, but he was curious since she had met his family, Carlos' family, and other families.
"They have to work," she replied and shrugged. "They can't take a random weekend off and travel to another country. Plus, they have their own responsibilities."
"Oh, yeah, I get it. What do they do for a living?" Carlos asked.
A smile curved on Matilde's lips, the question cheered her up, distressed her a bit. Talking about her family made her proud. "My mother is a senior flight attendant, my father is a history professor at the university, Jens works for the army, and Lars is a press officer and a teacher at the uni for a communications study."
"Wow, that's interesting. I didn't expect that," Carlos replied. "I don't know what I expected, though," he laughed. Matilde and Charles laughed along with him. "I'm happy they will be there for you."
They chatted for a bit longer about their families, keeping the conversation light and easygoing. Then, their lunch was served.
Carlos got up and excused himself when he had to go to the toilet.
"Oh," Matilde mumbled when she felt the sunburn on her skin. She reached for her bag and grabbed the sunscreen. Charles looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "My Danish skin is not made for this Italian sun," she said.
"Still not used to it?" Charles asked.
"I'm almost used to the heat now, but my skin refuses to do that," she said, spraying some sunscreen on her arms and neck. even though it wasn't sunscreen for her face, she put some of it on her face. Matilde passed the bottle over to Charles. "I know it's Ferrari week, but let's not make it physical." She noticed that Charles was kinda confused about why she handed the bottle to him. "You need protection, too, Charles. Even if you are already tanned."
He looked impressed at her, but he showed a warm smile.
"And I've seen some summer photos of you on Instagram... Ferrari style," she cheekily said.
"So you look at my Instagram?"
"Your posts show up on my feed, yes," she mumbled, looking away from him. The way he smiled at her, made her blush.
"Hah," Charles said, putting on some sunscreen. "For you, I will do it." He took off his sunglasses so he could put some on his face.
"I'm glad." Matilde looked at him. "You have some..." She pointed at her own cheek, but she pointed out the sunscreen on Charles' cheek.
Charles rubbed his fingers under his cheek. "Gone?"
"No," she chuckled. "Come here."
She leaned over the table and gently wiped the sunscreen off his cheek with her thumb. Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still for a moment.
"Thanks," Charles said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Matilde nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Anytime."
Just as quickly as the electricity between them appeared, the moment passed, and they both pulled away. Charles cleared his throat, put on his sunglasses and continued his lunch. Matilde looked down and put on her sunglasses again. There was silence between them, not knowing what to say now. Matilde almost didn't remember how to breathe normally without sounding weird.
Carlos returned, seeing the awkwardness between Matilde and Charles. He flashed them a curious look. Matilde gave Charles a side eye; to her surprise, Charles did the same.
"So, what did I miss?" Carlos asked, taking his seat again.
"Nothing, really," Charles replied.
"Here," Matilde said, giving Carlos the bottle of sunscreen. "Protect yourself from the sun."
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc @ironmaiden1313 @blodwyn4u @sltwins @heart-trees
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fingertipsmp3 · 26 days
I really need to get a proper job so I’ll be too tired to have insane ideas like “what if I learned 5 romance languages all at once”
#it was a false alarm i was not fired. i do have projects again now#i also have a job interview but i don’t hold out a lot of hope for it because i didn’t do the assessments they wanted me to do#because they felt like psychological torture#anyway. yeah so i woke up and was browsing the duolingo subreddit and someone mentioned a challenge someone did where they tried learning#swedish; danish and norwegian all at once#which……. with all the love in the world that sounds pointless to do i’m sorry#i speak a tiny bit of swedish and i tried learning danish and i was like ‘this is just swedish but with worse pronunciation’#anyway. it made me think what if i tried learning spanish; french; italian; portuguese and romanian all at once#i’m already learning spanish and i’m getting pretty okay at it but i keep encountering the other romance languages#and i really want to learn them tbh. i did some french in school and i’ve always liked it and i love the sounds of italian and portuguese#and romanian seems really interesting because it’s so different from the other four languages since it has slavic influences#but i do think this would break my brain and also be impossible. can’t pretend otherwise#and i have been reading posts abt learning similar languages at the same time and everyone is like ‘it’s a bad idea don’t do it’ LOL#but also like.. there’s no law against it. i’m allowed to do this. i don’t work normal hours#my brain keeps being like ‘learn five extremely similar languages all at once. you will definitely not regret learning five extremely#similar languages all at once. learning five extremely similar languages all at once cannot possibly go badly for you’#maybe i could just pick up romanian since it’s the least similar and wait until i have a good grasp of both that and spanish#and then pick up french since that’s also not Too similar#or i could just learn the absolute basics in the other 4 (not spanish since i know the basics of spanish. hopefully) and pick my favourite#i think i can keep two languages separate from each other. i haven’t tried to answer a spanish question in esperanto in like.. a month#personal
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misanocircuit · 2 months
Marc Márquez's interview in Mugello '24 (by Italian youtuber SINNAGGAGGHIRI)
Question: "Now that we've gained more intimacy, without pretending nothing happened, we know about the friction that Italy has against you, let's say. If you could say something to the Italians who follow MotoGP, what would you say to them?"
Marc: "It's true that we had the rivalry in the past with the Italian idol, but it's something that I accept. At the end I always say: competition is rivalry, it has to stay in the track, then outside the track... We are all people!"
"It's pouring cats and dogs!"
Marc: "Yes, now yes! Give me the..."
"The umbrella!" "Niiiice!"
Marc: "I'm gonna hold it, I'm gonna hold it!"
*Marc laughs like a madman*
Q: "Right now, who do you think is the best rider?"
Marc: "Ah! It's Francesco Bagnaia."
Marc: "For me yes, he's the one who won last year, the one who won also in 2022... It's true that [Jorge] Martín is very strong too but the best one is the one who wins: Pecco Bagnaia won."
Q: "Your favourite racetrack?"
Marc: "Austin, Aragón or Phillip Island: if I have to choose one it's Phillip Island, it's very nice, very nice... Also the place is very pretty."
Q: "If I should ask you about your biggest remorse, which one would it be?"
Marc: "The biggest remorse – or the one which I'd change if I would go back – is when I came back after the fall in 2020, when I fractured my humerus: I came back 4 days later, I came back too early, I got another fracture... At the end I had 4 operations at the arm and now it's an arm that works well but 4 years... It would have been a 6 months rehabilitation which instead become a 4 years one. In that moment I realized that if you're not in shape you can't do anything: the body is one and you have to keep the right setup!"
"The setup of the body!" *they both laugh*
Marc: "I like this better!" [referring to the followers' questions instead of the guy's questions]
Q: "Nicolò asks us: an aspect that you really don't like of your job?"
Marc: "Is that it's something that I really like but... Sometimes I ask myself "why am I not invisible?", it's something that I like having people [around], having that relationship with the supporters, but sometimes when you're in the paddock, when you're working, when you have to go here and there, you think "I want to be invisible" so to be able to go from a place to another without being stopped... But, on the other hand, this is what gives me the grit."
"When you're not working, you'd rather be alone!"
Marc: "Ahhh, now it's correct! When I'm not working I'd rather be a normal one, one who can go to the shopping centre and nobody asks anything... But then it's true that if they ask you to take a picture it's good news, it means that you're doing your job right."
*Marc laughs diabolically and says*: "You can ask that one eh, if you want!"
Q: "Does being Marc Márquez make you make love more?" [the original question was literally "does being MM make you fu*k more?" lol]
Marc: "Ehehe, it's easier! If some rider says no, then it's bad, it's not good! But now I have a girlfriend and I'm very happy and..."
"That's it, it's over!"
Marc: "Yes, I'm out of the game/business!"
Q: "Maybe you already told us this, but Francesco asks us: what is the most traumatic and worse event on/with your bike? And I'd add: how did you manage to get through it?"
Marc: "For me it was the one of the arm, but also, for example, the first [crash] which was very tough was here in Mugello: at end of the straight, at 300 km/h, I was going against a wall and I had to jump from the bike; [it was] an impressive fall at 300 km/h... Here it was the first fall that I said "oh, here you go fast!"."
Q: "And how did you manage to recover?"
Marc: "Positive mindset. Always. You always have to be positive, then someone or something stops you, but you always have to be positive, it gives you the grit!"
"Oh, all [the rain] now! It's unbelievable!"
Marc: "All now, all now, all now! All the trousers wet!"
"Everything! [×3]"
Q: "Alessio asks us: after many years and 8 Titles, the anxiety before the lights go out is still there?"
Marc: "Always. It's true that it's easier to control it, but the anxiety... The butterflies in the stomach, you need to have them! You, before doing this, surely you had some butterflies, but it's normal, it's what gives you the right intensity!"
Q: "What job would have you done if you weren't a rider?"
Marc: "I've always said to my dad: "if I can't be a rider, because you never know, I want to be a motorbikes' mechanic or something..."."
Q: "A passion beside motorbikes?"
Marc: "Motorsport is everything, number one! Football, then, I like it a lot."
Q: "Which team do you support?"
Marc: "Barcelona!"
"Go Vicenza!"
Marc: "What's Vicenza, your hometown?"
"Yes, it's in the Italian Serie C [3rd division]."
"Oh yeah? Serie C, well... Go Vicenza!"
"Niiiiice!!" *Marc keeps laughing hyena-like*
Q: "Gabriele asks: one thing you love and hate about Italy."
Marc: "I love pasta, I hate the city traffic! In Spain it is also bad, but here... You drive aggressively, full gas!"
Q: "A more sentimental question: how are you? And I'd add: are you happy?"
Marc: "If you'd asked me this 6 months ago, I'd say "mmh", but now I'm happy, I'm content, everything goes well, in the professional and personal life... 6 months ago personal life was very good, the professional one... Something was missing: now I'm having fun."
Marc: "You're tall eh!"
"I'm tall?"
Marc: "You're tall and I'm short!" *they both laugh*
"At this point let's thank Marc for the time he dedicated to us!"
Marc: "Jaja, thank you very much, thank you very much!"
"I wish you good luck for this weekend!"
Marc: "Let's go, thank you very much, thank you very much, let's try, 100% percent!"
"We'll see eachother!"
Marc: "Gas!"
"Bye!" *awkward fist bump occurs*
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talesof-old · 5 months
poly!jily celebrating with you. maybe over you getting into your dream college/job. they would be the most supportive partners ever and spoil you rotten for your achievement i just know it
- 🦌
sorry this took me a minute, my new work schedule has me all kinds of fucked up - i wrote more of a finding out you got your dream job but i might also write a graduation celebration as well
celebration | l.e. & j.p.
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pairing(s): poly!jily x reader
warning(s): alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety bc of job interviews
word count: 658
a/n: jily would totally spoil the fuck outta their partner, they’d be so obnoxious about it
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It was Lily’s voice that you heard in the other room. She’d answered the phone before you could even put your book down, so you’d decided to stay sitting.
“Hold on.”
Lily’s head poked around the corner. Her long copper hair fell over her shoulder, a curtain of red as she grinned. “They’re asking for you.”
You frowned, brushing off James’ inquisitive stare and setting your things aside. You crossed the room in no time, taking the phone from her to answer it.
“Hello,” you were quick to assure the person on the other line that it was in fact you. Lily and James stared with rapt attention, eyes wide. You’d been anticipating a call about a job for days now, frazzled and frustrated after three rounds of interviews. Surely, you’d said to James, if they were going to hire me they’d have done it by now.
James drew in a sharp breath as you smiled. The light in your eyes that he loved so dearly had returned. Excitement rattled his chest. “Of course. I’ll be there.”
Your face twisted into an expression of pure relief as you turned and nearly squealed. Lily was already beaming back at you. “I got it!”
Lily cheered, opening her arms and squeezing you tight when you fell into her embrace. You could practically feel the stress melting away as you rested your head on her shoulder. James wrapped his arms around the two of you, smothering you with kisses to your head. “I’m so proud of you, sweets.”
Your face heated and you turned to look at him. He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek, the loud ‘smack’ seeming to echo through your head. Lily giggled at your flustered expression.
“It seems we need to celebrate. James, get the wine. We’ll go to dinner tonight, year? That Italian place you like?”
James waltzed away from the two of you, ready to pour three glasses as Lily pulled herself from your arms. “I knew you’d get it.” A wave of emotion rushed through you. To have the support of the most brilliant people in the world, your people, was truly a blessing you’d never take for granted. Tears turned your eyes glassy, though you were quick to blink them away. “I’m so glad the interviews are over.”
Lily laughed and laced your fingers together, pulling you into the kitchen where James stood filling three glasses. “To you, sweets. You never fail to impress us.” Lily kissed your cheek and took the glass of moscato from your boyfriend.
“My clever darling.”
You buried your face in your hands as James cooed at you. They were insufferable like this, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You alright, sweets? Surely handling a little praise is child’s play to you, hm? Would hate to have you hiding your face from me.” You reached out and gently shoved him, pretending to cringe away when he went to grab you. He gasped in mock offense. Lily hummed behind you, leaning against the counter while James all but chased after you.
“I can’t believe you’d push me away.” You removed your hands from your face to look at him. His lip was jutted out in a mock pout, but humor lined the planes of his face. You sighed, stepping into his outstretched arms, careful of the glass still in his hand.
He wrapped his arms tight around you, kissing your temple. “You’re lucky we love you.” The teasing lilt in his voice was enough to have you poking him hard in the stomach. He chuckled as you rested your cheek on his chest and grinned. How lucky you were, indeed.
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st-just · 3 months
ive seeeen you mention listening to history podcasts before, are there any that youd recommend? I have looked at whats out there but a lot of the popular ones I saw seemed to be rather dubious if you get me
So an assortment off the top of my head
Mike Duncan's stuff is both generally very good and also the inspiration of 90% of the history podcasts I listen to, so useful for cultural literacy if nothing else. (He podcasted his way into being a bona fide public intellectual for a moment there!) History of Rome is exactly what it sounds like, a narrative history from the mythical foundation of the city to the fall of the Western Empire (getting much more detailed and in depth as it gets into the imperial era). Revolutions is an anthology on what can be called the great revolutions of the modern western world, with series on the English, American, French, Haitian, Spanish American, German/Italian/French again (1848), French round three (Paris commune), Mexican and Russian (also includes a semester-length intellectual history of 19th C europepan leftism) revolutions. First two series are fine but it really gets good with the French Revolution and the Haiti series is some of the best pop history I've listened to or read. Also doubles as just a decent history of the long 19th century in Europe.
Tides of History is the only one of this list that feels like it has an actual production budget and more than one person working on it as part of their actual job. The host is the other guy whose podcasted himself into being a bit of a public intellectual (would rec his substack!) The downside of having a budget is most of the older stuff being locked behind a paywall, which is a shame because the early seasons are some of the best approachable history on the late medieval and early early modern period in Europe I've heard or seen. The current season is about the late bronze age world, and continues to be excellent.
History of Byzantium is explicitly an attempt to pick off where Duncan left off and follow the Eastern Roman empire from the fall of the west to 1452 (it's still in progress, now well into the 13th century). Also much like History of Rome, it starts off fairly general and vague but gets much more detailed as it goes. The general narrative history is intercut with semi-regular interviews with academic historians about the subject of their expertise for more in depth and probably rigorous discussion.
Speaking of Byzantium and Friends is hosted by one of the more prominent working byzantinists and consists of absolutely nothing but that. Much, much more academic - there's a level of assumed background knowledge to get much of anything out of the episodes, and and a level of academic inside baseball, but accurcy-wise this is the podcast I trust most out of all of them.
History of Japan is, again, what it sounds like. One of many podcasts begun by a grad student probably procrastinating working on his thesis that has lasted long enough for him to graduate, get married, and settle into a full time job. Vast majority of episodes are 20-30-minute mini-histories on, say, the biography of a particular political figure or part of a mini-series on the spread of Buddhism or something (plus a few much, much longer series on e.g. the Meiji Restoration). Currently in the middle of remaking/expanding a series that's a general high-level survey of Japanese history to celebrate hitting episode 500.
Criminal Records shares a host with it, but is (intentionally) less rigorous and much more bantery (having two hosts helps, them being married presumably good for the chemistry), also technically a true crime podcast - specifically about weird crimes and legal cases throughout history. My favorite episode is the one on the oldest surviving court case in the record from ancient Sumeria.
The History of the Crusades and it's sequel Reconquista continue the trend of admirably self-explaining names. They're nearly-entirely narrative and political histories, so if you're not interested in crowns, marriages and wars probably give them a pass, but very granular and detailed as they go. Crusades finished after the fall of Jerusalem and then a follow-up about the Albigensian Crusade, Reconquista currently still ongoing (in the 11th century at the moment, I believe).
Pax Brittancia is the one I just finished binging as depression-ameliorating background noise and what I've been posting about recently. Another begun by a grad student avoiding their thesis who has since become a doctor (who had previously completed a podcast on the history of witchcraft, which I have not listened to). It's ostensibly a history of the British Empire, beginning with the Stuart Dynasty (and personal union with Scotland) and moving forward with sufficent attention to detail that after five years and change it's objectively just a very in depth history of the Wars of Three Kingdoms (incl. causes and aftermath). Includes many, many interviews with established historians, including a whole series on Covenanter Scotland and whether its rise should be considered a Scottish Revolution. The narrative just reached Cromwell's inauguration as Lord Protector.
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merakiui · 5 months
MERA Your brain is magnificent
Just finished reading Angels in Tibet 😵‍💫 its so good and honestly one of my favorite fics of yours! .... Sugar daddy Azul is just so perfect, he would never spend his money on frivolous things. Its all investments and the money he spends on his love is just the way to secure the future he has in mind.
I have to ask how they met! God i need to know what made Azul 's head turn!!!! I need to know what the tweels think, AHHHHH I have so many questions!!!!!!!!!!
(つ≧▽≦)つ omg omg thank you!!!!!! I'm flattered it's good enough to become one of your favorites!! <3 hehe yes!!! Sugar daddy Azul is very smart with his money! Every purchase is intentional, and as you noted it's all an investment in what will be a wonderful future with his beloved. He is spoiling you while also thinking about what lies ahead!!!
As for how they met, I imagine it was on a sugaring site!!! :D Azul's really picky when it comes to these things and I think he'd have high standards for his ideal sugar baby (after all, as much as he wants a genuine connection to break his cycle of loneliness, he doesn't want to get into something that will risk losing money. He looks at it from a business viewpoint, as expected of our intelligent businesstako!). But the two of you match and agree to meet up, and ohhhh you're just the cutest thing! He's captivated with how awkwardly sweet you are. Calling him "sir" and being so polite, nervously fidgeting and saying "thank you" profusely when he covers the lunch bill..... insisting that you can't just let him pay for your portion, too, but he laughs and assures you it's fine. This is nothing (it's really nothing; he has lots of money). And you promise him you'll pay for the next meal! Oh, you're just so endearing!
You probably go on a few more trial dates before the both of you realize it's going to work, and from there you establish necessary rules and boundaries. Azul probably fell for your kindness and authenticity and all of the other charming bits in between. Also,, the sex is good. That's a lovely bonus. Pleasant emotional connections in and out of the bedroom!!!! >w<
And the tweels......... ojiisan eels,,,,,,, ITALIAN OJIISAN EELS!!!!!! I think they still tease Azul. >:D that time he got you a celebratory bouquet of flowers when you scored a job interview and you were so excited....... oh, they clowned on him HARD lol. Poking fun about how he's old-fashioned, about how he's like a schoolboy with his first crush..... and Azul just scoffs and rolls his eyes at them. But then the tweels completely understand why he is the way he is. You're just so adorable. They have a soft spot for you, too! Floyd told you that if anyone gives you any trouble, be it at school or work, you let him know and he'll handle it. You think he's joking, but the twins have lots of connections (some more dangerous than others). ;;;
Omg and maybe Azul takes you on a trip to his hometown (for the sake of the fic's setting we'll pretend it's like our world instead of twst world,,,, so Italy hehe). orz romantic sunset dinners, holding hands as you stroll barefoot by the shore, afternoon picnics, getting drinks in the evening, café dates in the morning......... maybe even visiting his mother's restaurant even though Azul just knows she's going to be all over you and him, asking when the wedding is, treating the both of you to your own private space for dinner, offering a complimentary lover's dessert. And you get to see the normally suave Azul being flustered AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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otrtbs · 4 months
hi! could you explain a little bit what you studied and if you did any apprenticeship before you got a job ? a little summary to how you got there ? i’m so curious (and i admire you a lot)
hiya!! sure!!
so back in high school i actually started volunteering at my local art museum when i was 16 (up until i graduated at 18). they had a program specifically designed for teens to volunteer at the museum (i gave guided tours, and helped plan events at the museum, and worked with kids 3-12 in a drop-in studio every saturday where they could make art of their own after looking in the gallery) <- not a lot of museums do this, but you can call and ask if they need volunteer docents for the weekends !! they’ll train you!!
then i majored in art history in undergrad (making sure to focus my courses in modern and contemporary art towards the end of my studies bc that’s what i wanted to do! also i took a LOT of french classes. as in i only needed a few credits to have a minor but the last class was so hard i dropped it) to give yourself a leg up, i recommend studying a language (italian, french, spanish, german) most jobs in ARH require at least a minimal reading knowledge of another language.
while i was in school, i got a job at my university’s art museum as a gallery assistant! (<- fancy way of saying i walked around the galleries and told people not to touch the paintings and answered their questions if they asked and made sure no one was trying to steal the art)
during the summer, i got a summer internship at an art gallery in the biggest city close to my house (bc i moved back home w my parents in the summertime. uni housing was crazy expensive) and that was the *most* instrumental. i learned how to write wall texts, how to install artworks, i made studio visits to artists, updated the gallery website, handled artist contracts, you name it! it was great experience!!
i also got involved in art history/fine arts clubs at my university! i was on the fine arts council at my uni which represented the art and art history department to the student senate and the university at large. and the art historical society.
then i got my master’s degree in history of art theory and display, joined the art historical society at that university, got a degree and entered my FLOP ERA OF THE CENTURY
and by that i mean, i was 6 months unemployed and moved back home w my parents flop era. no one would hire me ,, no one would even give me a call back to tell me they didn’t wanna hire me ,,, and then one day someone did !! rahhh!!!! and i got some of my research approved 4 publishing and now im here!!!! (i say this not to discourage you but to let you know that the job market for art history ppl is tough,, it has always been tough,, but if you love it, it’s never a waste to pursue!)
i would do a few things differently if i had a second go at it, just to get a leg up so here’s some advice that im giving but i DIDNT DO myself:
1) try to minor in something to give you a leg up! a language is good, marketing is good, public relations… something to make you stand out!
2) try to get things published as an undergrad or a grad student! get your research out there if you can (way easier said than done ik ik) have some things you can list under your publications tab on your CV
3) if you find yourself in a 6+ month jobless, flop era period like me, volunteer somewhere at a museum or gallery if you are able. i was bitter as fuck that i had a masters degree and would be working at a museum for free when i needed money so i didn’t do it ,, but when someone finally calls back and you get an interview and they ask what you’ve been up to recently ,,, telling them you spend your time volunteering in museum spaces and working in your desired environment looks so much better than saying “i’ve been job searching” i promise !! (<- also just recognizing the extreme privilege i had to just stay at home and look for jobs in my desired field instead of immediately having to get a job somewhere. but im not gonna lie to you. i put out applications at olive garden and einstein’s bagels and they both rejected me. so. i was scrambling bc my student loans were due and i had zero dollars 2 my name 🧍‍♀️)
okay i rambled on for entirely tooooooo long. but i hope this was helpful somewhat !!! 💗💗
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myteavsricochet · 7 months
jeez guys, 10 asks on the same topic that basically all say the same thing is too much for me and my Italian brain that can't write in English 😭 I'll try to throw everything I think in various steps here, I don't know if it will make sense but it's the best I can offer. Then we will put a stone to rest on this subject, okay?
1. It's not true that the rwrb fandom is not supportive of the boys' projects and work and would like them to simply remain attached to the film their whole lives. It's a somewhat immature thought and you know very well that it's not like that. I use both this social and twitter a lot and I see how much hype and support there is for Mary & George from the people who madly love rwrb and have been talking about it for months. Everyone is so enthusiastic and excited about what Nick is doing. But we are also all human beings and I see absolutely no lack of respect in dreaming and wishing that the boys, despite their work, talk about a film that none of us were able to experience with promos, premieres, red carpets and everything else and exactly for that there is so much desire for it because we haven't heard much about it from them, not as it should have been at least.
Dreaming of hearing about a film that meant so much to so many people cannot be a sin or a shame. The feeling is so strong for many precisely because there wasn't everything that was supposed to be there for that film and it doesn't mean, I repeat, that Mary & George isn't respected or that Nick is expected to only talk about rwrb while doing promo for that project. Really no one thinks such a thing, no one is so delusional or disrespectful. Don't worry. But let people still be excited about rwrb, they don't do anything bad, they don't hurt anyone, Nick will carry on with his job anyway and nothing will change for you and him.
2. the podcast: I reiterate that context matters. I can understand if for some it may have seemed like a cold and detached response at first glance, especially if they only read quotes from the audio and didn't have a realistic idea of ​​the interview. It's ok if you felt sad for a second, don't feel guilty about it if you didn't react badly against nick.
But let's definitely clarify what is said in the podcast: The interviewer talks to Nick about the impact of rwrb as fame and success after the film, he replies that the thing he is most interested in is how it opened doors for him to other opportunities job and the possibility of working on the projects that he really wants to do.
He meant that: more than fame he is happy that a film like that gave him this great chance to now do what he wants like an actor which is exactly what all actors want in their career.
He never said that that was the only thing that mattered to him and that was the only reason he made that film. He never said it.
Taylor also had a great chance with rwrb and we say it constantly, it opened so many doors for him, he will get new projects because of that movie, we see him now doing things he loves because of the success of that movie and he would say the same thing too.
In the podcast the question was specific and he answered specifically. For the rest we know how much Nick loves Henry. We have interviews where he talks about him and the film and Taylor with his heart on his sleeve. We have Matthew saying he protected Henry and knew him better than anyone. Better than him and Casey. We have Nick who in his first post after months says how hard it was not to talk about Henry. We have Nick who during the strike liked all the possible fancams on Henry because it was the only way he had to show that he was there with us. And many other things so it's absurd to think now that this has changed because it hasn't. We will have more interviews in the next few days where it seems clearly they will also talk about rwrb and we will hear more from him there.
One thing you constantly forget about is how different Nick and Taylor are in the way they approach things. Nick is more introverted, we'll probably never see him jumping and dancing while talking about rwrb like T does, but that doesn't mean he cares any less or doesn't have the desire to talk about it. Even during interviews for M&G he is always quite nervous and even embarrassed despite the fact that he is talking about the project he is promoting and of which he is very proud.
3. the sequel: I no longer have the strength to deal with this honestly, it's clear that until they give you the announcement you will never believe anything and it's easier to be negative than to put all the pieces together over these months and understand that you just have to be patient. Nobody today would do these constant teases about the sequel if there really wasn't the possibility or one of the lead actors wasn't interested. Taylor wouldn't keep saying he hopes for a sequel and it would be great to do so if he knew Nick wasn't on board or that his co-star hated that project. I swear to you, he's not that desperate, trust me.
The cast of rwrb is very close, all of them, even with nick and you see it constantly and there's really nothing more to say about this.
4. the haters: Those solo nick stans didn't need another reason to throw taylor and rwrb under the bus yet they found another excuse because people are stupid. The fact that they think he can actually say something like that about that movie with that intention and be happy about it shows how much they don't understand shit about who they follow. That there are also strange accounts solo taylor stan who always have to complain about something is equally true and they should all be collectively ignored and left alone because the reactions do more damage than the actual controversies.
I have nothing else to say and I don't think I will say anything else, thank you for getting this far and I apologize for the delirium. peace and love ❤️
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giaffa · 2 months
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @bich-the-moss, thank you! 💖 (and sorry for the late reply, I forgot this in my drafts 🙈)
Do you make your bed?
Yep, every morning.
If you could, would you go back to school?
I'm very fond of my high school memories but I wouldn't go back to waking up at 6:30 am every day. Hell world.
Can you parallel park?
Nope 🙈 I have a driver's license but I haven't driven since 2019.
A job you had that would surprise people?
I did one year of civil service to help the local associations of ex-partisans and ex-deportees digitalise their archives. I had the opportunity to interview a survivor of Auschwitz, and an old partisan who fought in the Italian Resistance during ww2.
Do you think aliens are real?
I think there's a good probability that we're not alone in an infinite universe.
Can you drive a manual car?
Theoretically? My driver's license says I can. In practice? Not driving for 5 years will make you forget everything.
What is your guilty pleasure?
You can do whatever you want forever and there's no guilty pleasures.
I have a tiny treble clef tattoo on my wrist, I made it with some ink and a needle when I was 14 to match with some friends lol
I'd love to have more tattoos, but I'm always saving money for concert tickets.
Do you like puzzles?
I get easily bored with puzzles and board games, and my competitivity is almost nonexistent, so they're not all that fun to me. I enjoy them just if the shapes/colours feel interesting.
Any phobias?
I have arachnophobia but the problem isn't the spider, it's the web. With spiders in general my fight response kicks in and I usually get rid of them, but if I see a spiderweb (or something similar like processionary caterpillars) my flight response skyrockets off the charts.
Sometimes I also get anxious if I have a lot of physical mass over my head, like in caves or at the ground floor of a very tall building. It's not claustrophobia or speluncaphobia because I'm completely fine with tight or dark places, it's more similar to thalassophobia (which also gets to me sometimes).
Favorite childhood sport?
Fencing! I took a junior fencing class for 2 years when I was in middle school and it was super fun! I would've loved to keep attending but it was too expensive and the instructor was the most annoying person I've ever met.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A witch. I was convinced it was a legit career path, and tbh maybe I was right.
Do you talk to yourself?
Sometimes I do, but I usually prefer to sing or talk to my plants.
What movies do you adore?
Viktor und Viktoria, The Prestige, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Orlando, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
Coffee or tea?
Tea <3
Favorite color?
Red + black + purple combination my beloved ❤️🖤💜
no pressure tags: @curiouscalembour @valleydoll777 @the-paisley @hurdygurdywizard @kissingmonsters @velvetlinedbox @mirillel @sleeeepy-demon
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lilioopdf · 2 months
pepe analysis pepe rambles 
sorry idk i just talk a lot 😭😭 this isn't anything overly pepe it's just my thoughts on his recent interview but i have written pepe fics if anyone thinks they'd rather read that instead 👍
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Q: Who are you good friends with on the grid?
“...friends is a difficult term, so it's hard to say it, I don't know if they will call me it back” PEPEEEE 🙁☹️☹️ darling omg he’s actually just like me because i refrain from calling people my friends or from even saying their name because it feels way too intimate but to know that he feels the same way :( it’s okay if i suffer with feelings like this but pepe?? he is so so loved and i’m sure his friends love him too but ah
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Q: What Is your favourite cheat meal?”
“I don't really have one. Actually, I do. Chocolate Coulant.” indecisive king 😍😍 thinking as he speaks LOL my favourite little rambler 
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Q: If you could relive a moment in your career what would it be?
“... I don't think there is a specific point I would go back to. I've had a lot of highs in my life, a lot of great moments, I've spent lots of years in school, with a lot of my best friends, and last year I had a really nice moment when I received the grades back and you're done with school and you've passed everything you wanted to pass, so that's a rewarding moment. Moments like that are where you feel really happy with yourself and proud that you made it through.” 
so so true idk this isn’t even a pepe analysis it’s just for me to second everything pepe says and like yeah last year i genuinely thought i was close to failing two subjects (one of which i had failed for the past three years) but like i had good people around me who had faith in me and guess what? double distinctions for both so yay but also my anxiety disorder was so bad for one of the subjects and i thought the teacher kept giving me good grades because they felt bad but then it was a national exam and i was graded anonymously by a random teacher in the city and i still got an A and aaaa idk i just get how he feels to know that everything paid off in the end (and it always will, if you learn to love the people and things around you daily, because beauty exists in all forms but especially in the people you love who love you back) but yes everything always works out in the end and i have faith that this season will turn out perfectly well for him in the end, regardless of the way it looks rn
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Q: What would you do as a job if you couldn’t be a racing driver?
“I'd say probably an engineer. I'd still be in the motorsport world because I love it and I probably would have found myself here somehow.” cute, honestly. invisible strings or something… to feel and know that you belong in a place so deeply that you can say with conviction that you would’ve found your way back here regardless of circumstances is sweet and honestly admirable.
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Q: What is your favourite movie or tv show?
“Recently I've been changing a lot. I used to watch many different things and recently I watched anime for the first few times and that's been pulling me in quite a lot. There is a boxing one called Hajime no Ippo, that one is really good, I really like that one, it's a really good show. Film, that's really hard, not sure, maybe Italian Job or Baby driver, those are some good ones, or Oppenheimer, it's really good.” i'm leaving his full response in because i’m sure there are anime lovers who want to hear that but also go pepe i love baby driver too but above all, the fact that he went, “that one is really good, i really like that one, it’s a really good show.” like yes preach pepe!! let the world know just how much you love Hajime no Ippo!!
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Q: What’s the funniest/most embarrassing thing you’ve done?
“I don’t really remember it, but it must have been quite funny. We had a pool where I used to live and I was cycling round it, I was like six, and I had my PJs on and I was just cycling at like 9pm or whatever, and I fell into the pool with the bike. That has to be up there somewhere. I don't remember it, but that's a good one. Not sure my mum was very happy about it.
“I don’t remember it, but it must have been quite funny” and “I don’t remember it, but that’s a good one. Not sure my mum was very happy about it.” he’s so so cute 😭😭
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Q: What is your dream birthday cake?
“It's not a cake but the apple crumble. It's really good. A sweet apple crumble with vanilla ice cream.”
 (“It's really good with the vanilla ice cream on top, that's a good one.” (pepe marti, about chocolate coulant)) hmm there seems to be a bit of a pattern with sweet desserts that come with vanilla ice cream… can’t blame him though i love love love vanilla ice cream too so at least we're twinning in that aspect 😊🤞
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Q: What is your most treasured possession?
“It’s going to sound really spiritual but my friends. It's really hard to keep friends when you are away for so long and I have a really tight group of friends that I belong to and it really helps when you can get back home and you can go do something with them, and you go out and have dinner, it helps you disconnect and also my family.” 
cute. he’s such a sweetheart and he’s so lovely and so open about being grateful about the people in his life and idk i just think it’s so nice. plus the whole thing about keeping friends when you’re away for so long is true but i’m just happy that he actually has a space and community to go home to because home is always where the heart is and at least his heart is safe with people with the he loves.
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Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“To follow the process…  to follow a plan was his advice to me when I started racing and for life also. It's good advice.” good job pepe👍personally i procrastinated my way through this first semester of my new school but now i will take this piece of advice and draft out a schedule to post my writing pieces of you 😊💗(and also i’m very very sure he’s mentioned this before in a previous interview and i just think it’s so sweet to know that he actually does value his father’s words even after all this time)
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Q: What is your favourite place you’ve ever been to and one you’ve never been to that you’d like to visit?
“I don't have one. I have a lot of places I've really liked, like London, Berlin, Melbourne, a lot of places I've really liked. Not one stood out more to me and one that I would like to see probably Tokyo.” so cute idk i don’t have much to say about this but something about this is just endearing to me
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smute · 2 months
maybe i hallucinated this but there was this tumblr post recently with a video clip (or a gif set or something?) of a (joe rogan??) interview with neil degrasse tyson and he was talking about an italian deckhand he had met as a guest on someone's yacht in new york, and how shocked he was to learn that this guy didn't have an apartment (in new york 🤨) where he could receive mail? he could not wrap his had around the fact that this person lived on the yacht. that alone seemed shockingly naive and uninformed to me but it would've been fine if he hadn't jumped to the strange conclusion that "if you are rich you can simply buy a person"... hello??
don't get me wrong. modern slavery does absolutely exist and im not even suggesting that yacht crew have the best job in the world but. it is still a normal job? what does he think the hundreds of thousands of people working on cruise ships do? they work 6-8 month contracts OF COURSE they spend the whole season on the ship. i have friends who have worked on cruise ships precisely because they go to faraway places. why would they pay rent for an apartment on land just to receive mail? like if this had been anyone else i would've thought hm okay. he's just clueless. but a science communicator saying it to an audience is a very different story.
ANY paying job means "buying people" (i.e. their time and skill and labor) and you can make good money as yacht crew. that's why people do it. the only reason why he was so shocked by this particular instance of a person having a job is that it meant living on a "floating place" (i think he used those words) which i guess doesn't appeal to him personally.
it also reveals a kind of weird patronizing attitude towards domestic workers. he mentioned that the person he spoke with was one of the people cleaning the boat so im guessing he was deck crew, and if the yacht is large enough to require multiple deckhands there are probably 10-20, maybe even 30 people living on that boat including housekeeping, chefs, nannies, maybe a purser and an engineer, a first (second, third) mate, AND GUESS WHO ELSE? the fucking captain, who, depending on the size of the vessel (this was a billionaire's yacht so im guessing it's enormous) is likely making six figures. somehow i don't think he would have had the same reaction here.
it's extra frustrating because there are SO MANY THINGS that you could criticize about super yachts (or about paid employment for that matter lol) but this was just embarrassing
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bucketsofmonsters · 3 months
Rook WOULDNT take my blood after I specifically avoided Italian food for him!?!? Does this mfer KNOW how much I love garlic?? And he's just NOT gonna take it? Rude ass. I prepped for this thing like a job interview, I specifically turned down free cannabis for him and he's just NOT gonna take my bodily fluids? (Well that DEFINITELY isn't gonna impact my self-esteem *sarcasm*). Also, him drinking my blood in exchange for room and board is OKAY, thats a FAIR Exchange. Everything in the world costs something and anybody who tells you differently is scamming. and when people don't tell you the price upfront and try to pretend things are free it's bcuz they're up to no good. If he doesnt take my blood I'm just gonna find a job in town and give him what I think is appropriate for renting a room in a castle. I wouldnt want to take advantage of an elderly man and I don't expect something for nothing so he better just have a sip or I'm showing up with rent money.
I'm losing it this is so funny.
If you tried to pay rent to Rook he'd throw the biggest temper tantrum of all time, the only thing worse than the idea of paying with ur blood is the idea of you paying with money.
He's incredibly sensitive to the fact that ppl might feel they owe him and be pressured into doing things they don't want to do, be that donating blood or other things, so if you try and push on those fronts he is very sensitive about it. If you try and pay him he'll be so offended, like hes owned this mansion for hundreds of years and he can't leave, rent for what?? Where is he even going to spend it???? Do you think he can't take care of you all, he's a vampire who's hundreds of years old he can handle paying for food for like 5 people.
I think the Only sort of agreement you could come to would be one of like, manual labor. Like you take care of the gardening as a form of "payment." He'd still huff and puff about it but he would accept it as an agreement and then sit there and watch you garden while fuming about it lol, peeking out his blackout curtains scowling like a little freak
also for the record Rook is up to no good but what he wants is to not be lonely, that's his payment. just people willing to be around him that is all. the mischief he's up to is Seperate from the free room and board
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formulapookie · 3 months
get to know me game
thanks @yeastinfectionvale for tagging me <3
do you make your bed? not always, I don't get why it is so important to do, I'm just going to sleep in it again and ruin it again...
what's your job? I occasionally work as a secretary for my cousin's company and I am a english and french tutor for middle/high schoolers
if you could go back to school, would you? MMMMMMMMMH I don't want to say NO because for the people I would but god go through all that again? nah, I'm good at Uni
can you parallel park? yass
do you think aliens are real? yes why wouldn't they? I mean the Universe is so big it can't not have other developed organisms
can you drive a manual car? ofc but I also enjoy driving my dad's automatic one (but just on the highway becasue it goes faster and it's easier to control
guilty pleasure? Pizza, trashy canale 5 programs and lasagna
tattoos? not currently but want to get at least three
favourite colour? granata. It's similar to bordeaux but it's specifically my football team's colour. and also indigo for some reason
favourite type of music? I space from 70s/80s/90s rock to 2000s pop songs to SOME rap songs
do you like puzzles? since I was a toddler, always loved to do them, I have one Star Wars puzzle framed since I was 10
any phobias? bees, hornets and wasps. and also geese. THEY'RE FUCKING SCARY
childhood sport? always has been and always will be Karate. I may have had my ups and sowns and it caused not little problem sto my health (physical and mental) but it's MY sport and I will love it for ever.
do you talk to yourself? yeah, especially when studying or trying to write things, it's super useful to me. But I also do it for fun, I imagine being interviewed.
tea or coffee? coffe. I'm italian what kind of question is that. Caffè espresso SENZA ZUCCHERO.
what was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up? an interpreter for the UNO, or alternatively a sports journalist (i son't know for the love of god how I can want two completely different things)
what movies do you adore? uuuush long list. Star Wars franchise (I'm sorry yeah I exclude the sequels they didn't convince me) Indiana Jones and the Lost Arch Hunger games: Catching fire Fight Club (watch it) The Devil wears Prada Green Mile Jurassic Park (THE FIRST ONE, THE REAL ONE, THE ONLY ONE IN MY MIND) The fox and the child (I cannot bring myself to rewatch it it's too fucking painful) The Aristocats (watched it like 100 times no jokes) The majority of Marvel movies Girls Interrupted
tagging @myrquez @giuventus @mugellocircuit and @muxas-world
do it if you feel like it <333333333
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alarrytale · 7 months
So Vogue cover is part of the stunt package but this current stunt is probably not famous enought to be on the cover for US/UK edition so she got italian. She said in that interview something like she’s waiting for the right director to come and give her a role like what, is she that famous to be picky and directors will chase her? She also said she doesn’t have anything planned after March a) H will be stunting with her every other day, yay yay yay!, b) I’m just wondering where that ambitious ready-to-break-the-Hollywood actress has gone or being called Harry Styles’ gf is enough for her and so she will be stunting with him until the contract will end and then what? Idk I lost respect for her because I thought she made this stunt deal to get more famous and boost her career but now she looks like her only job will be being someone’s gf to fill tabloids (and gf harries fantasies). Like after that interview I’m even wondering why H doesn’t tell her to try and get a proper job or he’s gonna end it earlier because what’s the point for stunting with him when she’s doing nothing?
Hi, anon!
I saw. I'm laughing about how there is a stunt package. When you sign on to stunt with H there will be a V*gue cover, there will be vacations with Corden and we'll throw in some pregnancy speculation. How lucrative! This stunt is sponsored by citrus fruit bicycles, Loew*, Plea*ing and Vogue! I'm so tried of stunts, the tangled in brand sponsorships and the desperate for attention beards...
I guess what she gets out of it is attention and she's hoping that will bring her opportunities. Like they'll automatically fall in her lap. She seems a bit directionless, doing both modelling, movies and theater. I would concentrate on one of them if i were her. She seems like a more successful model than an actress. I guess i just don't get the hype around her. She's not that special? She's certainly in no position to be choosy and she isn't going to be headhunted by casting directors if that what she's banking on. I guess we can't expect any different from someone taking the short cut to fame through a fake PR relationship with a higher on the list and closeted celebrity.
What H gets out of it is a "low key" fake relationship after the last disaster, a muse for his album and a beard. I don't think he cares she's jobless, lacks talent, ambition or drive. She's decent at what H needs her to do, which is very little. She's going to be forgotten after they break up like the rest. The attention she's getting now is temporary and she'll have to go back to the grind to make it when they eventually break up. He gave her a platform to shine and it's up to her to take advantage of it. If this is the best she can do, then that's quite telling.
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taylor-on-your-dash · 6 months
I'm slowly (very slowly) transcribing Taylor's interviews for my Interviews Timeline, and I came across some interviews in foreign languages on TaylorPictures.net, like this one. This is an experiment, I randomly picked one and I "translated" them with Google Translate (I can translate Italian and German but I can't speak any more languages).
An interesting thing about this interview is Taylor saying that all of her relationship from the previous year had failed. It's crazy to think that All Too Well was in the making. Translation below the cut, and Happy belated Easter!
-The boys lie in rows at your feet. Has it always been that way?
Taylor Swift (21) is a tough chick who is not afraid to approach nice guys. After relationships with Taylor Lautner and Joe Jonas, she is now often spotted with Jake Gyllenhaal, but Taylor is saying nothing about it for the time being. She does talk a lot about one of her favorite topics: loooove!
-'Not actually, no. I really didn't have much success in love in the past. It was so bad that out of insecurity I paired the boys I liked with my girlfriends. I managed to arrange dates for everyone except myself. The advantage of this was that I became friends with all the boys at school, but on the other hand, that was of course not really fun. Sometimes I fell in love with a boy who mainly saw me as a BFF and then fell in love with someone else. Then I could cry..."
-You must have been very popular at school with all that matching work!
-'No. it was not! The girls at my school were a bit bitchy and they were very jealous because I was so good with the boys. They also bullied me because of my... glasses with thick lenses. I have pretty bad eyesight and was regularly called 'Jampot'. Actually, I didn't really fit in anywhere, because I was very different from all my classmates. I was pretty quiet in class and kept busy writing lyrics. I didn't really care what they thought of me. Somehow I was just sure that I would eventually go further than everyone else.
-Which type of guys do you actually like?
-'I don't have one specific type, but I mainly like guys who have a passion. I find someone who loves his job or is completely absorbed in a certain hobby very attractive. I used to think it was especially cool if a boy had a nice car, wore cool clothes and all that. looked good. Now none of that matters to me anymore. I am especially looking for a boy with a strong character, whom I can trust completely."
-But your famous ex-boyfriends aren't exactly ugly, right?
-'Um… that's true. But I find someone Not really ugly anyway. And of course it's no problem if my future boyfriend is the biggest hunk in town. I just want to point out that the appearance is not the first thing I fall for. On the other hand, Chace Crawford is a guy I won't say no to! In short, like everyone else, appearance is partly decisive for me, but in a bad way I lose character very quickly. And besides, in the end, handsome boys just become old grandpas with dentures."
-Are famous boys an advantage or a turn-off for you?
-That in itself doesn't really matter to me. It usually clicks more quickly with someone who is also in the world. For other boys, my fame is often clearly something puts them off a bit. It makes me very uncomfortable when they find out who I am and then start praising me. Boys who are also in the spotlight will understand that faster. I'd rather be treated like an ordinary girl than a superstar.
-What kind of guys can't stand you?
-'I am very sensitive and I talk a lot. What I really hate are guys who have nothing to say and just say "yes" or "hmm" to everything. Those closed types who don't talk about anything are of no use to you. And what I also find a turn-off are guys who drink a lot and want to go out every weekend. I'm a bit of a homebody and I like it if the other person can be the same every now and then.'
-Do you dare to tell your friends if you don't like their new lover?
-'Absolutely! Isn't that why you're friends? When you are in love, you often look through rose-colored glasses. Then some properties are not noticeable. My friends are everything to me. If done right, they will last longer than any crush."
-As a former queen of couples, do you have any good tips for seducing someone?
-'Just because I'm a good matchmaker doesn't mean I'll make anything of it, right? Last year all my relationships failed. When it comes to love, I have no idea how to go about it. That is different in every situation, so I would actually advise: just go with your feeling. Last time I jumped straight into the deep end. That was great and very exciting, but in the end it also hurt me a lot. The time before I worked carefully and exploratively and it didn't yield anything for me. That also hurts quite a lot, I can tell you.'
-What do you think is the best cure for a broken heart?
-'You just have to do a lot of things that make you very happy. I am also very optimistic. A sad day. being is fine, but inside I know that the sun will shine again. For the rest I write everything down. That's why so many of my songs are about broken loves.'
-Do you regret some things that have happened to you in the area of ​​love?
-'No, I wouldn't have missed all my adventures for anything. These were all important life lessons that I will benefit from in the future. So I don't regret anything.
Which love lesson has been the most important so far?
-"I've learned that nothing is set in stone. That's a terrible conclusion for someone like me, who likes to plan and organize. But love can't be forced. You can want it to last forever, but before you know it, it can It has to come from both sides and both parties have to be fully committed to it.'
-In other words: love is...
-'Like a dice. Love cannot be predicted. Sometimes you roll a six in one go, sometimes only after ten rolls!'
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gerec · 1 year
AU-gust 2023
16. Road Trip
Pairing(s): Cherik Warnings: N/A
Charles received the letter upon his arrival in Calais, which led him to believe that it had been sent before he even left England to begin his travels. Grinning, he thanked the porter for bringing his luggage, and agreed to meet his tutor Mr. Summers for a late dinner, before retiring to his room and unsealing the envelope.
Dearest Charles,
Yes, I did send this letter ahead of your arrival, as I knew you would take your time in Dover before making it across the Channel! Just know that you are missed already, as Tony’s attention span is dismal on a good day, and he is entirely insufferable without your slightly less irritating presence around to keep him in line.
(And no, he has still not forgiven his father for forbidding him to join you on the Grand Tour. I imagine dinners at the Stark household will be very chilly for the foreseeable future.)
In any case, I have made arrangements for a Mr. Erik Lehnsherr to meet you in Calais and interview as your translator and guide. The man is a bit taciturn but well-educated and well-travelled, and most importantly speaks French, German, Italian and Dutch. He comes highly recommended by Christian, who met him and took him on as a guide during his own tour three years ago.
But Emma, you say, will this man be good company on the road? And will he be easy on the eyes? While I cannot attest to the former, Christian assures me that he is quite handsome indeed, enough to meet even your high expectations. Most importantly, he shares the same worldly outlook on relationships as you do – and my dear brother of course – so I am certain you two will get along splendidly.
Do remember to write, as I suffer here in London without your charming presence at all the best parties. I will keep an eye on Raven and Dr. McCoy, and send details of their burgeoning relationship.
Mr. Lehnsherr sent word the next day, and Charles was quick to agree to a meeting at the hotel. He invited Mr. Lehnsherr to join him for dinner, but the man declined, citing a previous engagement that sounded more like a contrived excuse. And while everything Emma said in her letter was true – he had travelled all over Europe, and was fluent in all the languages of the countries Charles planned to visit – he was also prickly and almost condescending, as though he didn’t quite approve of the frivolous nature of Charles’ travels. His answers, when asked after his family and where he called home, were distressingly vague and curt, and, as their conversation drew to a close, Charles could not imagine spending months on the road with this man, who proved even more infuriating than his two best friends back home.
Finally, after he’d had enough of Mr. Lehnsherr drinking his brandy and insulting England’s weather, he blurted, “Why do you even want this position? You clearly do not approve of my reasons for coming to the Continent, or even to care for my very person. This trip is a chance for me to open my eyes to the wider world, Mr. Lehnsherr, and I will not waste it at the side of someone who will hinder instead of help me.”
Mr. Lehnsherr smiled, perhaps the first genuine one of the evening and replied, “Would you welcome the truth, I wonder? Well, here it is Mr. Xavier. My work as an artist requires that I travel, and a position like this helps me with my expenses. And while I do not think you will learn anything truly meaningful and worthwhile on a trek of luxurious decadence through Europe, I am a quite capable guide, and will do an exceptional job in showing you exactly what you ask of me. Whether you choose anything beyond the attending fancy parties is entirely up to you, as is the way you choose to flaunt your privileged wealth.”
Charles was stunned, entirely unused to such harsh judgement from someone he’d met mere hours before. He bristled as Lehnsherr watched him with those steely blue eyes, sharp and accessing as though he were measuring Charles’ character and finding him lacking. Part of him wanted to send Lehnsherr away with a sound rebuke, and yet another, bigger part wanted desperately to prove him wrong; to show him that Charles was not merely a spoiled rich boy, and that he intended to use his position as heir to the Dukedom of Norfolk to better the lives of those in his care.
“I assure you that I did not take this journey on for the parties,” he countered, with just enough chill in his voice to make his affronted feelings known. “I welcome a thorough education, not just of the rich but of the poorest in the land, though, would you call it decadence if I wanted also to admire great art and learn about music and history to enrich my soul? Before I must be married off and swallowed whole by a life of duty and tradition?”
If anything, Lehnsherr’s smile only grew wider, and for the first time, he met Charles’ gaze with something like approval. “I would be happy to oblige you, Mr. Xavier, in whatever manner of decadence you wish to indulge.”
His cheeks flushed with heat at Lehnsherr words, and he remembered what Emma had intimated in her letter; that the man might share his proclivities for the same sex. He held his breath when Lehnsherr closed the distance and lightly brushed Charles’ cheek with his fingers, only exhaling when he grinned and then stepped away again.
“Well, Mr. Xavier,” Mr. Lehnsherr said, licking his lips as he took a slow sip from his glass of brandy, “do I have the job?”
Charles blinked, flushing again when he realized he’d been staring at Lehnsherr. He poured himself a refill, before turning to meet the man’s steady gaze.
“Yes. Mr. Lehnsherr. Be ready to leave the day after tomorrow.”
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