#also my shoulder/neck/arm is killing me i am going to DIE
lesbianlotties · 1 year
i'm really holding on for dear life to the good things and like. aggressively trying to stay optimistic but god this week is REALLY testing me
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jewish-vents · 5 days
When my mom was 8 she broke a 15 year old boy's arm when he would not stop bullying her siblings for being Jewish, including trying to drown my uncle. Not as a joke, he was actively trying to kill him. Being 19 and on my second year of jiujitsu and breaking my antisemitic instructor's shoulder because his dumb ass thought he could thrash me with illegal moves repeatedly without consequences feels like a defining moment in my life. I really am my mother's son. My 5"3 ass can and will beat your 6"4 one despite the 100 lb weight differential. And I don't even need to make illegal moves to do it.
This is what it's like to be Jewish. You deal with people twice your size who don't play by the rules and you fight fairly and yet even when you're defending yourself, eyewitnesses get antisemitic and say your response was disproportionate. He had me in a lethal chokehold. I'm the one who had to talk to police for assault. He doesn't even get a reprimand from the university even though he's employed by them and murder on the campus is, even now, a bad look.
The police were, fortunately, swayed by the video footage. They said my lack of guilt was disturbing. I stared at them in disbelief. "I'm not going to feel guilty for not wanting to die," I told them incredulously, "I have elderly parents to support, a girlfriend to propose to and a dog to take care of. I'm 20, I have shit left to live for!"
I'm being forced into therapy by the university. I look forward to it. Sure would be a shame if I'd, I don't know, hypothetically, scoured the internet to find other accounts of people he'd used illegal moves on. It'd sure suck if I brought those up and had those entered into the school record. Sure would be awful if those accounts found their way into his RateMyProfessor listing in addition to, say, theoretically, being sent to local dojos and other dojos throughout the state, thus ruining his ability to find work or fight competitively.
All sarcasm aside I am not afraid to nuke his career. I am my mother's son but I am also my grandmother's grandson. When a KKK member tried to kill her dad, my great-granddad, she wrestled the man's gun off of him and shot him in the knee. He never walked again.
Nobody in my family starts fights. But I don't mind finishing them.
This is what it's like to be Jewish. Someone tries to kill you. You do exactly what's required to get out alive. They get angry at you. They want you to feel guilty for wanting to live. You get up and go to class hours later with bruises on your neck and refuse to feel guilty. I have as much of a right to be alive as anyone else. I will not be gaslit into thinking I don't deserve to live.
The school said I wouldn't have to do therapy if I apologized. I will not apologize for surviving or defending myself.
I have as much of a right to be alive as anyone else.
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so0thsayer · 1 month
random lost boys HCs !!! (x gn!reader)
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I have to get these out of my system. They have been marinating for far too long man omg. Also, this is also my first post so................ lets pray i did this right🙏🙏 also i didnt really proof read lol
let me know if you wanna see more stuff like this :3
WARNINGS: mentions of scars, drugs, biting, scratching. slightly suggestive (nothing too crazy)
David: 𖦹 I'd kill for you.
𖦹 loves to leave marks and love bites anywhere he can sink his teeth. His favourite places to mark would probably be the back of your neck, between your shoulder blades and the inside of your thighs. He understands the importance of the marks not being visible to the public - so he likes to sink his fangs in places that most people cant see. BUT- he'd def leave hickeys in very obvious spots.
𖦹 Wants everyone to know you're his. Not afraid to get handsy in public if you let him.
𖦹 enjoys a good book every now and then, but only when your head is on his lap.
𖦹 typa guy to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, or his arm around your waist/ shoulders 24/7.
𖦹 Your seat in the cave is right next to his
Paul: 𖦹 He’s very touchy, but times that by 1000 when he gets his lips wrapped around that stick of holy grass (yes i am a paul does drugs sometimes believer). He would want to feel the heat of your skin, even scratching at you sometimes just to have a piece of you under his nails.
𖦹 Not scared to show affection in public. He has no shame.
𖦹 CONSTANT flirting
𖦹 Has a collection of stolen goods. Even stuff that he would never use. If you show an interest in a trinket he has stolen, he'll give it to you whether you want it or not.
𖦹 music buff. loves sharing his takes on popular songs and artists. He likes to bring you to the boardwalk stage to listen to some live music, usually sitting on the outer skirts of the crowd.
𖦹 has a bunch of stupid pet/nicknames for you. (dollface, sugar, sweetness, etc.)
Marko: 𖦹 hovers over you a lot. Always getting up and going places with you without a question, even if you dont ask him to come. He just really enjoys your company, never shy of interesting conversations.
𖦹 This man's love language is playful teasing, dont try to tell me otherwise !!! Not even in a mean way- just always striving to make you laugh in his own way.
"You got something there" He points at your shirt. As you look down, he flicks your nose. "Gotcha." He chuckles.
𖦹 the best at cooking out of the four of them, often taking over the cook pot to make your favourite meals.
𖦹 he'd bark at someone if they tried to get with you LMAO
𖦹 one of his favourite ways to pass the time with you is hitting the up the boardwalk clothes stores. He loves picking out new clothes for you, letting you know how good you look in them. "Damn, babe."
𖦹 having you over his shoulder gives him a constant ego boost.
Dwayne: 𖦹 I'd die for you.
𖦹 definitely love marks, scars etc. idk, he just seems like the kinda guy who would. He loves the way they feel under his fingers as he caresses his lover’s skin. He reads the stories they tell like brail. And for stretch marks, he loves the way they glisten in the light as they fade, and he loves the way they make an indent, rather than a bump for once. Perhaps he'd also like leaving a few marks of his own, like a bite mark or two, but he also doesn’t want to hurt you at the same time.
𖦹 cuddling with this man would be incredible.
𖦹 loves it when you play with his beautiful hair :3 (has a hard time asking for you to tho- he feels a great warmth when you do it without him asking). honestly just loves being touched by you in general
𖦹 he isn’t so much a go out of his way to smother you kinda guy, but he will gladly hug you tightly if you hug him. His favourite ways to touch you are to wrap his arm around his waist, putting his arm over your shoulder while you’re sitting with each other and stroking your hair and skin while you lay your head on his lap. He just loves to feel your warmth on his cold finger tips.
𖦹 100000000x more affectionate in private dude
𖦹 the moment you ask him for something he’s on it. “Hey, could you get me-“ and he’s already handing it to you. He loves helping you in every way possible.
hope you enjoyed my first post !! :3 I know it's kinda short but I couldnt really find anything else to add😭 i am stressed
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winchester-24 · 1 month
I cannot die in peace until the next part of "Sam choose between you and Ruby". It's soo damn good.
Thank you! I am so glad you like it! Here is the next part <3 Happy reading!
Also, there is violence and mentions of sexual themes so reader discretion is advised :)
Imagine Sam having to choose between you and Ruby (Part 3)
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Sam quickly gets up and blocks your view of Ruby from you.
“Y/N, please let me explain.” He is holding his hands up, the blood now dripping from his mouth. You glare at him, reaching behind for Dean to give you the demon knife. Dean knows what you are asking for and gives it to you in a knife case that you can clip to the back of your lounge pants.
“Sam, clean your fucking mouth off, that’s disgusting, and you don’t have to explain shit to me.” Sam instinctively wipes his mouth, hurt at your comment, when Ruby walks around him, draping her hand on his shoulder, now wearing his t-shirt. Just his T-shirt.
“Oh, don’t be mad at Sammy, little Y/N; you left him; I was just there to pick up his shattered heart, finder keepers, don’t you think?” She teased at you.
“Oh, you mother fucker.” You growled and pounced. You reached out and tumbled her down to the ground, going to punch her in the face. You feel hands try to take you off of her and Sam yelling your name.
“Let the bitch get what she deserves, Sammy,” Dean says, and you feel the hands come off you. You guess Dean will keep Sam distracted. You grab Ruby’s hair roots and take hold of her head to slam her head into the ground. She manages to get her knee in between you two, then her foot, and kicks her leg out to get you from on top of her. She climbs on top of you and wraps her hands around your throat, trying to choke you. She smiles down at you and giggles.
“I understand why you didn’t want any women around him, Y/N. That man is a monster in the bedroom. I didn’t know a man could do so many things with his mouth, and when he was venting out his anger was going rough- it makes a girl so hot, you know?” She sent you a little wink and applied pressure to your neck. You growl and reach around the floor. You feel a stiletto, assuming Ruby’s, and grab the base of it. You swing your arm up, hitting her in the temple with the heel tip. She cries out and backs off of you. You scramble on your feet and kick her in the stomach just because you want to. How dare she try to boast about Sam in such an intimate way when she should have never had her demon hands on him. You look for a belt or rope or something to bind her up, but she catches your ankle and pulls you, dropping you back to the floor. You groan and look up, seeing Dean is still fighting with Sam, keeping him busy for you. You need to finish this up quickly. You roll over, still feeling the knife under your shirt and tucked in the back of your pants. Ruby tries to start choking you again.
“He was telling you the truth; I haven’t seen him in weeks. I made him addicted to my blood so he would get stronger and then left; I wanted to hear him beg for me, that he needed me. I was going to wait a bit longer, but then I got wind that you were back in the picture, and I had to make sure he was still choosing me, which you saw in the PG-13 version of what we do when we are together. He is strong because of me, and he will kill Lillith. We are going to do it together.” Your vision was getting spotty as she was applying more pressure. You were trying to grab her hands off you. “You won’t be around to see it though, Y/N, so sorry- I can’t have you spoiling my plans.” When you know there is no way she is letting up, you squeeze your hand behind your back and grab the hilt of the knife. You make eye contact and smirk. Her face falters along with her grip.
“You’re not going to do shit with him, demon.” You swing your arm up to stab the knife in her chest. She screams as the knife kills her. You hear Sam scream her name. She falls backward as you push with all your might into her. You follow her fall, not taking your hand off the knife until you see her eyes staring blankly back at you. You spit on her.
“See you in hell bitch.” You say. You turn around and see Dean holding Sam back. He looked at you, and anger clouded his eyes.
“Why the hell would you do that?!” He yelled at you.
“Watch who the hell you’re talking to like that Winchester.” You piped back. Sam turns and punches Dean, who falters. Clouded by anger and the high of the demon blood, Sam starts hammering on Dean.
“Y/N,” Dean groans out. “a little help?” He tries to fight off Sam, but he is relentless. Sam and Dean fall to the ground as you look around. You see the kitchenette and open the cupboards. Grabbing the giant frying pan, you turn and see Sam on top of Dean, punching him. You get behind Sam and swing the frying pan on his head, making a loud boing! Sound before he slumps over unconscious on top of Dean. He groans from pain and the weight of Sam on top of him. You help him roll Sam off, and he looks at your hand.
“What is this, Tangled?” He grumbles, referencing a Disney movie you made him and Sam watch with you a few years ago. Dean grabs his head and wipes the blood from his nose.
“Shut the fuck up.” You say, not being able to hide a small smile. “Hurry up and clean yourself up. We have to take him to Bobby’s.”
“What’s at Bobby’s?” He asks as he holds a hand for you to help him.
“The panic room, we should be only an hour out if you speed.” He nods and looks down at Sam.
“Hopefully, you Rapunzeled him hard enough for the drive.” You look at him and roll your eyes.
“You can be so annoying, you know that?”
You guys cleaned up the mess you made, threw Ruby in the trunk, and started to drive. You weren’t a complete asshole; you called a hunter you met from the roadhouse to finish up the hunt for you; you know you will have to repay that debt someday.
“What are you going to do with Ruby?” Dean asks as you start the trip to Bobby’s. You smile innocently.
“I’m going to burn her to a crisp.” Dean looks at you like you are crazy, then mutters
“Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
Sam was out for three hours. When he woke up, he had a splitting headache and bruising from the punches Dean was able to land on him. He saw that he was not in the hotel but in Bobby’s famous panic room. He looked around and saw you were sitting in the chair across from him, legs crossed, reading a journal of some sort.
“You’re awake.” You say it without even looking up the page.
“What am I doing here?” You sigh and close the journal, setting it down on the little table.
“You’re sick. Ruby fucked you in more ways than one and now has gotten you addicted to demon blood. You are here to get better.” You stand and start walking to the door.
“You can’t keep me in here,” Sam said irritably. You whipped around and stomped up to him. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and got really close. Your eyes bored into his.
“If I had done what I originally wanted, you would be on the side of the road with only the clothes on your back to your name. However, your brother is like my own and wouldn’t want that. He would want your sorry ass to get better. So, you are going to sit here, go through this fucking detox, and maybe, just maybe, show your brother some damn gratitude for putting up with you and that whore for as long as he did. You’re sick, Sam. She has clouded your judgment and turned you into something you were always scared of becoming. The Sam I knew and loved would have NEVER let things get as far as they have. I burned your little girlfriend. She is still smoking in the back. Whether you like it or not, this chapter has been closed for you.” You shoved him back and walked over to the door again.
“Why do you even care? You hate me now.” Sam scoffed, but you could sense the heartbreak in his voice. You looked back at him.
“I do hate you, I can’t stand the sight of you, but I’m hoping the Sam I fell in love with- the Sam I am still in love with, the Sam that wanted to spend forever with me, is still in there somewhere, because I know for a fact you are not him, so I will keep you in here for as long as I need to in order to find out. Dean will be in with your dinner.”  You banged on the door, and it opened. Dean was standing there to let you out. You exited the panic room without glancing back at Sam, and Dean locked the door. You two made it up the stairs. At the top, he stopped you. You turned and looked at him.
“That was a little harsh, don’t you think?” He said.
“That wasn’t even a fraction of the hurt I had to experience because of him. You wanted him to break- he is going to fucking break.” You turned and started out the door. You turned back to him, and he was still staring at you. “Are you going to help me bury this demon?” Dean nodded and followed you to bury this last chapter of your lives officially and literally.
Week one of Sam's detoxing was a bunch of yelling. He would yell for hours, cussing out you, Dean, Bobby, and everyone. You would go down there, and he would be in the small window. He would be seething, ready to argue. So, you two would argue. Whatever Sam wanted to yell about; you would fight back. If he wanted to fight about Ruby dying, you would yell back about how you loved to kill her, how you were so glad you were the one that got to stick the blade in her. You would tell him how you wished you could have killed her and how it was so satisfying to watch her burn.
If he wanted to yell about how you left, you would fire back about how he made that choice. He chose a demon, and her disgusting,because he hated when you used that word, blood over someone he spent years with. He decided to fuck someone who never loved him over a woman that risked her life for him constantly. How, when he had the chance to follow you, he chose to have pity sex instead.
The arguments would always end with him having nothing else to say and stepping away from the window, usually followed by him kicking or throwing something—Bobby has had to replace the chair in there two times and the table three times.
Most days and nights, you only yelled at each other for 20 minutes max. There were only two nights where you yelled at each other for hours. Those two nights, you would sit in your room and drink, cry, and pray to anyone and anything for your Sam to return.
Week Two was a lot of desperation and a lot of bargaining. He would try to convince Dean to let him out when Dean brought him his meals. One day, Dean went to open the door in a moment of weakness for his brother; you just happened to be coming down at the time with the drink that Dean forgot and saw what was happening. You rushed to keep the door closed and locked, which caused Sam to start yelling and cussing you out for getting in the way. Dean was taken off food duty after that.
When Sam realized Dean wasn’t coming back downstairs, he tried to bargain with you. He would promise anything and everything. He vowed to escape the hunting life with you, marry you, and throw his phone away. Cut ties with everyone. Anything to try to get you to fold, he would try. He would bring out the puppy dog eyes you loved so much. It was a mask, though- it wasn’t the Sam you knew. So, you would scoff at him. Call him weak, and that a child could act better than he could, drop his food off, and go upstairs without another word. Grabbing another one of Bobby’s whiskeys off the shelf, you would head to your room. Between you and Dean, his alcohol bill was rising exponentially.
Midway through week two and into week three, there was silence. You would bring the food down, neither one of you exchanged words, and you would go back up. One afternoon, you were bringing down food, and you peeped through the window and saw Sam on the bed, sweating and shaking a little. His eyes were closed.
“Sam?” You called out to him. He didn’t answer.
“Sam!” You said louder again. He didn’t answer.
“Dean! Bobby!” you yelled for the two men upstairs as you opened the door to the panic room. You leaned down and grabbed Sam by the shoulders, shaking him.
“Sammy, wake up!” You said with urgency. You felt his forehead. Behind the sweat, he was burning up. You heard the clattering of boots coming down the stairs.
“What’s wrong?” Bobby said, stepping into the panic room, Dean right behind him.
“I don’t know he was like this when I brought his food down.” Bobby looked at Sam and felt his forehead the same as you did.
“The lack of demon blood must be finally getting to him. Any normal detox would have hit by now, but it’s not like we have a manual on how this addiction works.” He mutters. “I’m going to grab him some medicine, and hopefully that will calm his fever, but we will see. This isn’t exactly a black-and-white addiction case we are dealing with here. We have no idea how this could affect him.” Bobby turned and went to grab some medicine. You turned back to Sam, watching him shiver. Dean came forward and put a hand on your shoulder.
“He will be okay; I think we are making progress.” You sighed.
“I sure hope so.” Bobby came back with a fever patch that you put on his forehead, hoping that would be enough for now.
Sam woke up a few hours later. You were sitting in the chair that Bobby replaced multiple times when Sam threw his temper tantrums. The door was open, as you did not expect either Dean or Bobby to sit down with you while you waited.
When Sam woke up, he groaned and turned to his side. He half opened his eyes, and when he saw you, he rubbed them and opened them fully.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“What do you remember?” You countered.
“I remember not feeling good, so I laid down. I remember feeling like my entire body was itchy and every part needed to be scratched. I remember being super cold and hot simultaneously, and then that’s it. I blanked after that.” He slowly sits up and sits on the side of the bed.
“You had a fever. I guess you passed out because of it because when I came down here, you were unresponsive, just shivering, and your forehead was burning up. Bobby gave you a cool patch, hoping that would help, but this isn’t exactly textbook on what to do.”
“Why are you down here then?”
“I had to make sure you woke up.” Sam looked at you, studying your face. It felt like he was trying to read what you meant by that. You stood up.
“Well, since you are awake, I will leave you to it, which means sitting here and letting the rest of the detox work itself out. If you start feeling like that again, yell for one of us.” You started to make your way out of the room. Sam called your name. You turned to look at him, and for once, you recognized him. You saw your Sammy. The sweet, caring, and amazing man that you fell in love with. Your heart jumped against your brain’s wishes, ready to run back into him and never let him go, never let him out of your sight.
“Yeah?” You replied to him.
“Thank you,” he said back. Your heart was using all its strength to pull you to him, to forgive him right then and there, but you couldn’t, not yet.
“We will see if you say that after this,” you quietly replied, walking out and locking the door behind you. 
But you had hope.
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teaboot · 2 years
Fun fight things I never see in fight scenes:
You are giving me important information from the sidelines and I can't hear you because my entire head inside this man's armpit
We are fighting and it is important that I focus on winning but I am hesitant to pull this maneuver because doing it puts me in danger of accidentally grabbing a dick or a titty
Someone's hand slipped up a shirt or down a waistband for a sec and we're both gonna pretend it didn't until we die
Dude you just got drool like all fucking over my face just now what the fuck
Okay I get that you're about to snap my neck with your thighs but also you totally just farted a bit which is reasonable considering the position we're in but still oh my God
If the last thing I experience on earth before I die is your ass in my face I'm going to drag you to hell with me
Someone is trying to give me advice right now and if they don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna kill them
I know the perfect maneuver to get out of this but if I go for it I'm definitely gonna dislocate my shoulder and I haven't decided if I want the win that bad yet
I just heard my knee pop and either it's fine or I'm going to spend the next six months in physical therapy and be in pain for the rest of my life
I thought I walked away from that ok but it's three in the morning and I just woke up out of a dead sleep because one of my limbs just started screaming
"You should ice that" Is the physical injury version of "Well its gotta be around here somewhere"
Hey bud you wanna maybe stop watching and lend me a fucking hand maybe
I Am Between You And Very Upset Person And If You Keep Pissing Them Off Then I Am Going To Get Stabbed
Nobody Expects To Get Licked
Oh God dude you smell so bad. Like you smell SO bad
Okay so like. I WOULD fight you but tbh you're actually super gross and I sort of don't wanna touch you. What is that stain from? You know what I don't wanna know, I don't wanna think about it
You are giving me important information from the sidelines but are missing some critical details that I cannot explain right now and you're getting frustrated that I'm not listening and I'm getting frustrated that you're angry at me for not doing something that will break both my arms at the same time
Sweetheart I love you to the moon and back but cheering me on is actually very distracting and I'm gonna need you to stop right now exactly right now please and thank you so so much baby PLEASE
Why do I smell like them now. Oh God I need a shower
haha nice underwear dipshit lol
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lina-lovebug · 1 year
I Will Protect You
Adam Warlock x fem! Reader
Reader is Gamora and Nebula younger sister. Seems to be a trend with Thanos' daughters to fall for goofy men.
Warnings: ptsd, torture, cursing
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Adam did not know love.
He knows his mother loved him. That even though his sole purpose was to kill and work for the Sovereign, he could feel his mother's love for him.
But being in love?
He never thought about it. It was never a priority, especially as a killer who would have no business being intrigued by anything else other than what he was ordered.
"You are an idiot."
"But I must say I admire your technique. Staring is also how I got my wife to notice me. Although I did it for hours on end until she noticed."
Drax told Adam, who was staring longingly at (Y/N), the sister to Gamora and Nebula and their resident healer. Adam watched as a pink light emitted from her palms, healing a small injury on one of the children's knees.
"She's very pretty," Adam breathed out. Yes, he had seen specimens that were 'perfect', but you were something entirely different. Your laughter was genuine and kind, and your smile held no ill intentions behind it.
"Drax, I feel sick when I am around her. Like my stomach gets all fuzzy and weird, and-and I can't think straight. Did she poison me?" Adam asked, wondering truly if you despised him secretly.
After all, your first encounter was not a good one.
Adam recalled being beneath you as you held a blade to his throat, pressing it hard enough to draw blood and the rage in your eyes was something to remember.
He now held a small scar on his neck.
"Silly golden man," Drax patted his shoulder, "you love her."
"Love? Are you sure?" He glanced back to where you were but you disappeared.
"What should I do?"
Oh if only he should have known that Drax was the worst person to ask for advice.
"I'm sorry."
I turned around to see Gamora. Her arms were crossed, she was guarding herself, as she looked at me with sad eyes.
"You have nothing to-"
"You had someone who was openly loving and caring, and that's not me," I swallowed a lump in my throat. Gamora changed once she realized that Nebula and I just needed a sister, not a combat partner. I saw her make that effort, and she learned my love languages and learned who I was as a person.
When she died, I felt a part of myself die with her.
And when this new Gamora, or old Gamora, had shown up, I wanted that back. But she was just as cruel and as mean as when we first fought and she beat me.
"Wow, you don't think I know that?" I retorted, avoiding eye contact as I continued to polish my knives.
"From our first fight when Thanos pit us against each other, I knew you were only looking out for the best. That you needed to be the golden girl in order to survive, but did you know what he did?" I asked, finally looking at her.
"Yeah, Nebula-"
"No, not to Nebula," I interrupted, standing up.
"When I was eight and kept losing, he didn't just lock me in my room. He had Ebony Maw do things to me. . .he started slow by making incisions in my back to see how much I could scream, and then did this," I lifted up my shirt and her eyes widened.
"He started putting viles inside of me that he found on other planet's to see how my body would react to them. That's how I got my power to heal," I explained, "but every experiment, every needle - it left behind this."
My stomach and back held my memories. It was littered in scars that would never go away and ruined me.
"I-I didn't-"
"No one knew. Not even Nebula until a few years ago," I admitted.
"I get why you fought so hard but. . .I don't think I can forgive you."
Gamora looked like she had just seen what hell was like. A light mist formed over her eyes, realizing that whenever she won, someone else had paid the price.
"I know you'll never be her," I admitted, "but you could at least try to act like we were sisters."
"You are," She grasped my hands tightly in her own, "you've always been. I'm sorry I never saw it until now."
I removed myself from her, "I know you mean it, but I'm going to need you to go."
She hesitated but nodded, "ok."
Gamora shut the door behind her and wanted to scream. All of the "What ifs" plagued her mind, wondering what would have happened if only she had noticed sooner. But before any tears could escape, she heard a shuffle and spotted the golden boy lurking.
He looked just like she did.
Shocked and furious.
"If you do anything to hurt her, I will slit your throat in your sleep," Gamora told him before walking off, leaving him stunned.
The mere thought of someone making you cry made Adam furious beyond belief, but torturing you? Seeing how loud you could scream - how much pain you could take?
He didn't know understand love but that was not it.
Adam was initially going to go to your room and try to 'woo' you, as Drax said to do. But now, all he felt was rage. He knew Thanos was dead, along with everyone who worked for him, so he didn't know where to put this anger.
"Adam, now is not a good ti-" as I turned around to face him, all I saw was anger. Red flashed across his face, just like the first time we fought.
"Adam? Are you okay?" I questioned.
"I-I feel angry, and I don't know what to do. I want to kill him," Adam ranted.
"Kill him? Who?"
The name still left a mark on my mind and it made me want to vomit.
"He-he's dead, Adam," I said.
"I know. But he needs to pay for what he's done to you. It isn't fair. No one so kind, so generous and loving should ever experience that," He ranted, unknowingly confirming that Adam knew exactly what Thanos did to you.
"You heard. . ." This was my fear. I finally found someone who makes me smile and makes my heart race whenever we're together, and he knows.
He knows I'm fucked up. He knows I have ugly scars that'll never disappear. He knows I have a dark childhood. He knows I'm-
He shook me from my mind by placing his hands on my shoulders, "I want to protect you. From now on, no one will ever lay a hand on you again. I'll do whatever it takes, (Y/N), I promise."
"Drax says it's because I love you. I only knew my mother's love but I know that when I see you, I want to make you smile. I want you to be happy and always laughing and never upset."
Love? Shit, I didn't know the first thing about it. I always thought that the torture and the lectures were love because a father always wants you to do your best. But after the guardians, I felt lost. This friendship and trust, it was love, but how could I ever replicate that?
"Adam, are you. . .sure?"
He was caught off guard, "yes, I am. Do you not love me?"
"I do, but I don't know how to express that. You deserve someone who does," I told him.
"What do you do with someone you love?" He questioned.
"You hug them, you show that you're there for them no matter what, you learn what they like, you show it in physical ways. You kiss-"
"Then kiss me," His boldness made my whole body still and I felt like face become hot.
"If you love me, then kiss me," He stated, still as blunt as ever. My heart was running a mile, and my mind was screaming at me to stop.
But I couldn't.
I lifted my face to his and kissed him. I expected it to be a small peck, but my body wanted more. I yearned for his gentle touch and placed his hands on my waist as he gently kissed back, still unsure about his movements. His lips were soft against mine, following what I did. As I pulled away for air, he pulled me back in. It made me gasp as his hands held me firmly, his lips desperate for mine. I felt breathless as he held me closer, and my hands began to venture into his hair.
Peter's voice made me pull back, frightened that he had seen.
"Everyone but me!" He shouted as he walked away, and I was still firm against Adam's chest.
"I thought kissing was a private affair," Adam said, confused.
"Y-yeah, it is, but my door is open. Adam, you're sure you want this? With me?" I asked, still frazzled at the kiss.
"I only want you, and we can learn how to love each together, right?" He said, so innocent but so willing.
"Yes, we can," I smiled.
"I heard of this thing called cuddling and it sounds nice. Can we do that too?"
I gave him a soft kiss, "for however long you want."
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viktoriaashleyyx · 2 months
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Chapter 2 is here!
This is a pro Tamlin, anti Rhysand self insert revenge fic. All characters belong to SJM, but she wasn't treating them right. Tam x reader, Tam x Rhysands Sister (OC), First person narrative. This will also reference Elucien and Neris in the future but we aren't there yet.
This one is mainly fluff.(?) (I am not sure what tw to put on this) mutual bathing. Making out. They accept the mating bond, no smut that's next.
I would love to hear any criticisms.
Ch1 Ch3
Chapter 2:
We sat there for a long while, until we were interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach. I looked up at him with wide doe eyes “you're hungry.” Not a question. We never got a chance to accept the mating bond before I left, and I remembered this tradition. I scoured the realms and planned what meal I would prepare for him first. I learned how to cook the best meal of every town I had visited. I knew exactly what I wanted to prepare for him and had even packed the ingredients in my bag. I had held all hope that I would finally make it home and I was right.
“You don't need to worry about that.” he breathed, his strong arms still wrapped around me.
“It doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to, you have to eat. But if I am being honest I have looked forward to this meal since the day the bond snapped into place.” I consoled him.
“I am no longer the man I was when you left. Amarantha, Feyre, Hybern and Lucien have broken me.” His arms finally released me and he pulled away. The pain in his eyes, he was utterly alone here and he believed he deserved it. “I am a monster, now, Sky.”
Good, I've developed a monster fucking kink. No wait, now is not the time to say that thought out loud. I grabbed his face in my hands and looked him in the eye “Do you still have love in your heart for me?”
“Always. I would die for you. I would burn this world to the ground to find you again, now that I know you're alive.”
“But would you live for me? Would you heal, and rebuild? Would you face and confront your traumas and mistakes, and atone for those you hurt in the interim? Would you rebuild your, no, our court and work to regain the trust of our people?”
His emerald eyes looked deep into mine before he muttered a soft “yes, all of it.”
“I will accept nothing less. You are good, you are kind. I know your heart. You are deserving of love. Allow me the right to make my own decisions. Now I am going to make you food.”
He didn't argue any further, just looked in my eyes, searching, as if waiting for the punchline, waiting for another cruel joke. What has my horribly cruel brother done to him? “I love you, Tamlin. I always have. I am home now, please allow me the pleasure of proving it to you.” I spoke softly, burying my face in his neck holding him once more. He embraced me again and I could feel a few tears dropping onto my shoulder.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Tamlin admitted with a raspy broken sigh. I looked at him, with star bright eyes and a wide smile.
“So you agree? I am home? And you will let me make you food, knowing what it means?” almost too excited, I asked with a big smile. His face relaxed and he allowed himself an amused half smile.
“If you wish, I will gladly accept.” Relief poured from his voice.
“Yay! Now help me clean the kitchen so I can cook, I have all the ingredients in my bag here.” I requested, no, commanded excitedly. With a wave of his hand the kitchen was spotless. “If you are able to do that, why is the manor such a mess?” I scolded.
“I missed the last Calanmai, and the one before that Lucien stood in for me.” he answered, “it's been a rough few years. My power is dwindling.”
“We are gonna have to fix that, aren't we?” I said bluntly. He took a seat at the small table in the middle of the kitchen and watched as I prepared to make him the best stew I had ever had. “You have a lot on your mind, speak freely as I cook, I will keep my questions limited.”
“I killed her.”
“Who? Amarantha?” I asked, he nodded his head. I put the knife down and walked over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “I am so proud of you.” He looked at me like he hadn't heard those words in a very long time, it broke my heart.
I returned to the stew, “I could never hurt your brother. If he were anyone else, I would've killed him a long time ago, but he was the closest thing I had left of you. He died in the hybern war, and through everything I should've left him. His mate, my ex, Feyre destroyed my court and I knew that if it had been me laying there no one would've batted an eye. Feyre screamed and pleaded for me to revive him. I almost had the strength to walk away, for 300 years I mourned you, I will admit I had lost hope of you ever returning. But that hope sparked one last time and I revived him. I told her to be happy, but it was for you.” I had so many questions, stories we would need to catch up on, but that's not for now.
“You should've let him rot.” my response was gentle enough, brother or not, Rhysand was a selfish brat who never utilized his daemati powers for anything that didn't get him what he wanted. A spitting image of our father. “But you've always had a kinder heart than me, Tamlin.”
He released a sad chuckle at my words as if to say ‘I know.’ “The lady of Autumn had the baby all our mothers were stressing about, Lucien, he became my closest friend. And yes, he did look like Helion.”
“No” I gasped.
“And Beron knew it. He treated him cruelly and dropped him at my border. I took him in almost 200 years ago. It's only recently with the events of Amarantha and Feyre that he's left, but he stops by every now and then. If a male with long red hair and a golden eye stops by, don't hurt him.”
I giggled “so you do remember me well. Thank you for the heads up.” I poured him a bowl and sat it in front of him. He held my gaze for a minute, still in disbelief. Any hope he did have when he woke up this morning, couldn't compare to what is happening now. He slowly picked up the spoon and began eating.
“This is delicious, what kind of meat is this?” He asked between bites.
“Bear.” I answered.
He was filthy, his hair matted and his clothes ripped. As he ate I grabbed a wooden hairbrush I found and began to work out the knots, gently. He savored every bite and when he finished, he leaned back almost to show how good it felt and to allow me to finish detangling his long blonde hair. When I was done I pulled his head back ever so slightly just to leave a kiss on his forehead.
He took my hand, guided me around to face him and pulled me onto his lap straddling him. “Thank you, it's been a long time since I've felt a gentle caring touch from anyone. It means more than you realize.” He admitted, but I could tell, he was holding back, putting on a strong facade. He needed me just as much as I needed him, that much was true.
“Good thing I have no intention of letting you go anytime soon.” I breathed, my eyes drifting from his to his lips. I had always heard that men go absolutely feral by this point, does he not want me? Why is he being so cautious? I leaned closer and he got the hint. His lips met mine, gentle at first, his gorgeously muscled arms wrapped around my waist. I bit his bottom lip playfully, and he smiled, amused. He deepened the kiss, his hands traveling up my back to pull me closer, my hands tangling themselves in his gorgeous blonde hair. I pulled away, “You could use a bath first.”
He grunted “you're probably right.” Most would take offense to this, but he knew me, he knew my blunt outbursts were merely observations and meant nothing more. Generally, he found them amusing. He once explained to me that he hated having to guess everyone's thoughts and moods all the time, he's not a daemati, and my willingness to admit what I was thinking, so clearly and straightforwardly, was a breath of fresh air for someone growing up in a royal home.
He led me up the stairs to his chambers. My attention wandering from the destruction around me, to the beautiful strong hand holding mine. As we entered the large room he called his, I was taken aback in pure astonishment of what hung over his bed. My mouth gaped open as I stared at the painting. “Just the rumors of your artwork has gotten me into a lot of trouble. I’ve never let anyone else in here.” There, hung above his bed was the picture I had painted of my own wings. I spent weeks, no, months perfecting it until it looked like my actual wings were encapsulated in the canvas. He had always complimented them and when I started to excel in my art, he requested this specifically. Most days he would sit next to me and point details out and give me direction and praise.
“You still have it.” was all I was able to mutter.
“Why would I ever get rid of something so perfect?” he smiled at me. I shook myself out of awe and tried to focus. Bath, that's right.
“Do the hand waving and clean this room too,” I demanded as we entered the connected bathroom. A large white tub with golden clawed feet sat in the middle, and I searched through the cupboards for the soaps and oils. I tried to divert my gaze as he undressed and climbed into the warm water he had conjured. I would say every inch of him was sculpted by the gods, if I hadn't met the gods and realized what ridiculousness they actually engaged in. “Now dunk under and wet your hair so I can wash it.” I sat at the head of the tub, scrubbing shampoo into his scalp and massaging oils into the length. He purred in approval. This is everything I have wanted, to take care of him, and for him to care for and protect me. I hated the fighting, the battles, the training and being dirty and covered in blood that wasn't mine. I was good at it, but every night I would lie down and dream of my life at the Spring court. I would dream of having a big comfy bed, a daily bath, and his arms wrapped around me. I wanted to spend my days painting, dancing, singing or just annoying him while he completed trivial tasks only he deemed important.
He rinsed the soaps out of his hair and drained the water. I was still lost in my thoughts of what I had missed, had I truly gotten it back? He wrapped a towel around his waist and helped me to my feet. I stood before him and looked up at him, hoping the wonder and love I was feeling translated to his understanding. “Thank you, my love, you have helped me feel like I'm worth something again,” he admitted, looking down to me and running a gentle hand along the side of my face. He was so much taller than me. “I think it's your turn.”
True, I don't remember the last time I was able to bathe properly. He re filled the bath with slightly hotter water this time, and I began to peel off the layers of leather and chain I had collected off the monsters I killed. He turned his gaze out of respect and I giggled.
“Am I really that bad to look at?” I teased giving him a sly smile. “You can drop the gentleman act, I know you want to look”
He gave me a cautious smile, his gaze fixed on my eyes “forgive me love, the shock is still settling, it all seems to be happening so fast… but I don't want it to slow down.”
“3 centuries of waiting is too fast?” I teased as I lowered myself into the hot bath. I sighed as I cherished the feeling. I grabbed a rag with some soap and started scrubbing my face, working my way down. He took my place at the head of the bath and began carefully undoing the intricate braids I kept my black hair in to preserve the length that touched my waist and keep it out of the way. I finished scrubbing my body down and leaned my head back, enjoying the feeling of his gentle hands massaging the shampoo into my scalp. I always loved my men with long hair because that meant they knew how to help me care for mine. It was as if we were washing the past 300 years off eachother, to start anew. As he finished I dunked my head under and he reached for my wings.
He grabbed a fresh washcloth, wet it and added a small amount of soap and oil. He carefully stretched out my wing as I allowed him and began running the warm rag across the entirety of the dark sensitive skin. My eyes rolled back, I could climax just by this feeling alone. No one, save for him, has ever been this gentle with me. I let out a soft sigh and opened my eyes to catch his. He stood next to me, soft towel in one hand, the other extended to guide me up and out. I took his hand and stood up, I tripped getting out and fell straight into his chest. We both giggled as I corrected my footing but not pulling away. His hands rested on my back holding me up.
His loving and amused face turned to concern. “It's been so long, my love, I don't know if I can hold back if I loosen my restraint. I want you so badly, but I don't want to hurt you.”
I smiled and pulled his head down closer to whisper in his ear “I like it rough.”
And with that he wrapped his hands around my waist and picked me up, I locked my legs around him and kissed him, hard and passionately, as he carried me over to the bed.
Tag list: @ladythornofrivia @rin-u-pos @rcarbo1
Lmk if you want to be added to the taglist.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Okay so i am madly in love with your fics and i would literally DIE for really soft and fluffy Aftercare with Dew and a reaaally subby and tired Rainy. I love them so much and you killed me with your story about Rain in heat 😭🩷
No DYING. But I'll see what I can do. Also thank you for your love for my fics, it is really really appreciated <3 <3.
Rain is fully dropped by the time Dew ushers him into the bathroom. His eyes are fixed in the middle distance as leads him to the shower. He keeps Rain upright with one arm around his waist as he fiddles with the water. Trying to pick a temperature that isn't going to boil Rain alive. He helps Rain into the shower, watching as Rain's legs shake a little. They stand under the tepid spray for a few minutes. Dew running his fingers up and down Rain's spine. Fingers slipping up into the curls at the back of his neck, rubbing. Thumb grazing over the bruises around his gills. The ones shaped like Dew's fingers. "You did so good, Rainy. You know that?"
Rain looks down at him with unfocused eyes. He blinks, trying to pul himself back. Dew slips his hand around to press against Rain's cheek. "S'alright. I've got you," Dew whispers. "Want me to wash you up?"
Rain gives him a stilted nod, and Dew turns to grab the shampoo--the extra bottle of Rain's favorite that he always keeps in here. Dew reaches up to drag his soapy fingers through Rain's dark hair and Rain leans down. He presses his damp forehead against Dew's boney shoulder. Melting into Dew's body as Dew tries to wash Rain's hair as adequately as possible and keep the soap out of his eyes. He's careful, lathering most of the shampoo at the back of Rain's head while Rain's cool breath huffs out over his shoulder. Dew keeps one hand on the small of Rain's back, grounding. Dragging his fingers up and down the vertebrae. A metronome of comfort. A reminder that he is here. They are here. Together. The shampoo is long gone when Rain reaches for Dew. Long fingers curling around his hip. He starts to straighten and Dew morns the loss of him, the closeness of him as Rain picks his head up and looks at Dew. Eyes a little clearer, but still lidded. "There you are," Dew says, reaching up to rub the rest of the shampoo from Rain's curls.
"Yeah," Rain breathes. "Can we--bed?" "Yeah, of course, Raincloud." Dew reaches around him to twist the shower off. He steps out first. Cranking up his internal heat to dry himself off faster while he grabs a towel for Rain and wraps it around the water ghoul's shoulders. Pulling him close as he does. Rain clings to him. Wrapping his arms around him in a way that makes Dew feel like the bigger one. Clinging to Dew like he's a liferaft. And Dew has to ask--he always does. Hates the way the doubt creeps in during these moments when Rain is neediest. As Rain buries his face into Dew's throat, back hunched. Dew presses a kiss to Rain's temple and sighs. "Was it too much?" Rain shakes his head vigorously. Droplets of cool water catching on Dew's shoulders. "No--no--was good. Needed it." Dew hates himself for needing that reassurance. For being the one who needs to make sure he didn't do something wrong. He's usually pretty good about avoiding dom-drop. But the nagging worry is always there, propelled by the thoughts of all of the things they did. Post-nut clarity always sinking deep into his bones, filling his chest with shame at the things he said--the things he did.
Doesn't matter that Rain asked him for it. Doesn't matter that they both loved it.
Dew shoves it down, pushes it away as Rain clings to him, sags against him. Because if he had done something wrong--would Rain trust him like this. Naked and vulnerable curled into his arms like he wants Dew to carry him to bed. Dew wishes he could. Instead, he just guides, arms wrapped around Rain as he pulls him from the bathroom. He needs to change the sheets, he realizes a little too late. He sets Rain into his desk chair and kisses him between the horns. "Two minutes, then we can get in bed, ok?" He waits for Rain's tired nod before he turns away. Keeping an eye on Rain the whole time he strips the bed. The sheets are still damp. He shoves them into his hamper and grabs the first clean set he can find. Crisp blue cotton ones Mountain got him ages ago. Rain watches all of his movements. His body language loose and tired. Dew can tell he's still a little hazy. It was a hard drop, a deep one. Dew knew what he was getting into when Rain showed up begging for it. He wanted to go deep, to drown in a cotton-filled mind. Despite the intensity of everything--and Dew's inherent worry--Rain still looks as blissed out as he did when Dew had finally let him cum. It's that dopey smile, still tugging at his lips, that finally sets Dew at ease. He tucks the last corner of the sheets in and tosses his quilt back on the bed. He comes to stand between Rain's legs, reaching for his hands to pull him up. "You ready for a nap, sweetheart?" Rain yawns, doesn't bother to hide it. He nods. "Hold me?" "Yeah, as long as you want." Dew tucks them both into bed. Curling himself around Rain's back. He curls his arms around Rain's chest and stomach, and hauls him back so they're flush. Legs tangled together. Dew nuzzles his face into the back of Rain's neck. Smelling clean water and the jasmine of his shampoo.
Rain reaches down and laces his fingers with Dew over his stomach. "Dew?" Rain asks, voice groggy, slipping away already. "Yeah?" "Thanks." It's barely a word, more of a noise--but Dew understands. He always does.
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wehaveimagineshere · 10 months
In Act 3 if you make the deal with Raphael, Gale says "I can't believe you signed that contract. We'll discuss this. Later." Would you please do something NSFW with this as a prompt because it has me feeling things lol
You didn't specify an admin, so I - Ren - will be writing this as a scenario (: You also did not specify reader gender and pronouns, so they'll default to AFAB and she/her.
I tried finding this dialogue but had no luck! I can see why it would make you feel things cause just imagining it myself has me going 👀
The door clicks shut and you inhale slowly, turning your head so you can see Gale. Arms crossed, face as furious as you've ever seen it, you know you're in for the biggest tongue lashing of your life.
"Before you say anything--" you try, but he cuts you off.
"I can't believe you signed that contract! What were you thinking?"
"I did not trek halfway across Faerûn to watch you throw your life away to a godsdamn demon. Have you not paid any attention to Wyll? To what he's had to go through?"
You turn to him fully. "Gale--"
"Don't 'Gale' me! I thought you were smarter than this! I thought--"
"Do you have any better ideas?!" you snap, throwing up your hands. "Do you? Do any of you? This gods forsaken Elder Brian is causing the entire city to shake and you think we can just win through friendship and hope?"
"I did not say that--"
"No, but you act like it! Mystra isn't coming to save us, Gale! She wants you to blow yourself up and I hate to say it, but she's the only god that has even deigned to look in our direction!" Throwing your arms wide, you give an aggravated laugh. "Raphael has given us something, a way to kill the damn thing!"
"I would rather die than see you struggle like Wyll!"
"And I would rather get played by a demon than see you turned squid!"
"Do you have any idea what Raphael can do with the crown?"
"I know what won't happen, Gale. Us turning brain eater!" You step forward. "I am trying to not only see to the end of this conflict in one piece, but to see a future beyond it! What Raphael does with the crown in Avernus doesn't matter when he can help secure a life after this!" Gesturing between you, you add, "A life for us!"
The anger pressing against the room pops at that statement. Gale's shoulders slump, pinched expression turning to something soft before he rubs a hand over his face, running fingers through his hair. You exhale heavily, feeling pressure behind your eyes but determined to not let the tears fall.
This was stupid. All of this was stupid.
Crossing to the small desk in the corner of the room, Gale presses his palms against the rough wood and exhales heavily. "It is such a dangerous game, isn't it?" His voice is quiet, reserved. "We put one foot just one centimeter to the left and we all fall to our doom."
"I just want us alive, Gale." You swallow down the tightening of your throat, the tears stinging your eyes. "I never wanted to have the fate of an old, dangerous crown in my hands. I don't have the capacity to see the consequences of what could happen hundreds of years from now. But I know if I don't do something right now, we're dead. More than dead."
"I know." His eyes are locked onto the grooves of the table. "I know."
Slowly, you move to stand behind him. Slowly, you lay a hand between his shoulder blades. "We know where Raphael keeps all his things. Including that contract."
You feel his chest expand with an inhale. "You want to steal your contract?"
"And tear it up. The object I bartered for is in there too."
Straightening, he turns to you, a range of emotions dancing in his eyes. "You are absolutely crazy. I mean, I know you've been for a while now, but..."
Looping your arms around his neck and pressing your body against his, you say softly against his lips, "Anything for our future, Gale."
A sound you've never heard before leaves his throat as he crushes his lips to yours, fingertips digging into your hips and roughly pushing them against his own. You respond in kind, nipping his bottom lip as you grind gently, smiling when you feel him through his clothing.
"You scare me, you know," he breathes, breath tickling your throat as he nips down your skin. "You're wild, and unpredictable." His teeth find your collarbone, sending a shiver straight down your spine, raising the heat between your legs. "I never know if you're a fool or playing a game of chess even I can't make heads or tails of."
His palms find your ass and squeeze, dragging a surprised yelp from you. Silencing your sound with his lips, he uses his grip to situate yourself perfectly as he grinds hard, up and down right against that nerve that makes you see stars.
Your hands slip under his robe, finding skin as you cling to him, already losing control as you meet his thrusts. Your pants are too much and too little, you want them off now but love the teasing, that delicious build in your stomach. Gale has never been so forceful, so demanding, and you tuck an internal sloppy note into your brain to rile him up more often.
His hands finally tug on the rim of your pants and you're quick to help, tossing them to the side as he hefts you onto the table, one hand up your shirt with fingers teasing a nipple as another frees his himself.
No playing this time around as he bites your bottom lip hard, sheathing himself in one quick thrust. Wrapping your legs around him, you urge him in deeper as he starts moving, a punishing pace that sends your heart skyrocketing, your moans loud as he claims you, the frustration from earlier riding his every movement.
You meet his pace just as fiercely, fingers tangling in his hair as he hits that spot again and again, not giving you time to breathe as the pleasure becomes nigh unbearable. You're close, so so close, just as he pauses, all movement coming to a halt.
You whimper, moving your hips for that last bit of friction needed to drive you over the edge, but his fingers dig in hard on your hips, keeping you in place. "Gale." His name is at once foreign and familiar in your lust hazed brain, focus solely on how right he feels even paused within you.
"Promise me," he pants, placing his forehead against yours, shifting ever so slightly to make you gasp. To beg. "You'll stop doing stupid things that scare me."
"I promise, I promise." You'd say anything to get him moving again, and he knows this.
"I have your word?"
"Yes," you plead. "Yes."
"Say it."
"You have my wo--"
He swallows your lies as he buries himself deep, swallows your gasp as he finally allows your release, holds you together as you shatter beneath him.
He rides out your orgasm. Slow, gentle thrusts as you piece yourself back together. As you realize that he hasn't followed you yet into ecstasy.
As you realize it's going to be a long night.
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p-r-art · 6 months
The Half Hashira Kap. 4
Muzan sped forwards and stopped right in front of me. I looked up at him, as I am clearly smaller than him. His red eyes. All I see in them right now is malice and destruction.
"It's enough for me that you're not under my control (Y/N). Disrespecting me is crossing your boundaries."
His right hand moved to my neck and slowly began to squeeze. But he knows he's not scaring me off. Rather the opposite.
"Muzan~" I spoke to him in an almost flirtatious tone.
He briefly lost his composure towards me.
This allowed me to free myself from his grip. I rushed behind him. I placed my right hand over his right shoulder from behind and my left hand ran over his left hip up to his chest. As I use my abilities I can look over his left shoulder by hovering. I grinned and brought my lips close to his ear.
"Muzan~ I know, let me make it up to you later when we're alone. And I'm sorry for my disrespect, but Tanjiro and his friends are fun and pique my interest in more ways than one~" I almost purr at him as my cheeks turn red and lewd thoughts flood my mind.
Muzan tenses up under me and, as always, doesn't know how to react when others are around. When we are alone, he knows exactly how to act.
"(Y/N) what do you mean by interesting?" Douma interrupted the moment.
I turned to him and carefully approached him in his robe. With my fingers, I grabbed his chin so he can look directly at me. Douma's cheeks turn red from my closeness.
"Douma~ what do you think we do when we're alone? Interesting in a way and because I want to see what else happens in the fights. If it gets too dicey, I'll save them and intervene." At the end of the sentence, I shrug and look at the Obermonde, who are still kneeling.
-I could never let one of the pillars die. They mean too much to me- It came into my head.
"You're testing my patience." Muzan finally spoke, but his voice didn't sound as harsh as before.
I giggled.
"My sweet upper moons I think it would be better if you left." I spoke calmly. Probably a little too calmly.
The atmosphere in the air became unbearable.
Long nails came out of my hands. The demons were confused and didn't seem to understand what was going on.
"I'm testing your patience demon king? Which one of us can go through the day and night? I think I am the perfection of us." I got louder and louder towards the end of the sentence.
Before any of the demons could react, I had ripped an arm off the black-haired man in the white hat with my speed.
"HOW DARE YOU HURT THE MASTER!!!" Akaza screams and tries to run towards me, but the injured demon king steps in and stops him. His arm had regenerated immediately, of course.
I could also feel his presence right behind me. His hot breath could be felt on my bare skin on my shoulder. It made me shiver. Muzan knows exactly how to get me.
"I know you're perfect. You are what I strive for. But there's something else I want..."
He paused and turned me round so that I had to look him straight in the eye.
"You. I want you (Y/N)."
I've known that for many, many years, but he also knows he'll never have me.
I smile, almost sadly.
"You know you'll never have me. And I think it's better if I leave now."
I looked at the woman sitting at the biwa. She played and let me disappear.
POV On Muzan and the upper moons:
"(Y/N)!!!" Douma shouted.
But the woman was already gone.
"Master how so you don't punish her for what she did to you?" Akaza said, still angry.
"Shut up number 3 you don't know what you're meddling in." Upper Moon number 1 interfered and silenced the other demon.
Silence reigned between them all. It was almost unbearable.
"Kokushibo will keep an eye on her when she's travelling with those ridiculous demon slayers." The man addressed nodded and disappeared immediately.
Everyone else disappeared as well and went about their missions.
"(Y/N)...Even if I have to wait centuries for you, you'll be mine eventually. Even if I have to kill your husband to do it." Muzan muttered, a maniacal smile appearing on his face.
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o-o-lover-o-o · 5 months
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It's been 7 years ago, when my obsession started. I heard about the anime called ‘hunter x hunter’. This caught my interest and the way the story is delivered is hella good. Then, the first time I saw Illumi Zoldyck in the first arc, I didn't have any reaction because he looks like a dead person and a red flag. But then in the election arc. He appeared and he's hella fine~ 💜, he is now a dead sexy good-looking person and a hot flaming red flag.
Years passed, I've become more obsessed with this character knowing it will not give me any acknowledgement or recognition from this guy because he never existed but if he did, he'll probably kill me LOL because I'm useless AF to be a pawn. I know he exists in a different dimension or universe. Let me be delulu 🙄. I'll probably kms and hope that ill reincarnated to the hxh
Loving a fictional character that has a very questionable personality and morality. Is very common among people who have bad taste in men (like me). He might be fictional but I'm willing to die for him. I love him so much because of his appearance, personality and traits. I wonder why I am so drawn to him. Is it because he's very obsessive and possessive in nature that it gives me security that would probably won't leave me if he gets a chance to love me?(a normal yandere enjoyer)Or I just read many fictional stories about him that my brain always thinks about only him? (I'm brainwashing myself lol).
I am mediocre about everything but if I get obsessed about something, I will dig for its information till the end and the center of the earth. So I can just find a way just to seek what I want to know, even if it's something small or big, it doesn't matter as long it's him. Everything that I'm obsessed about, is essential for my obsession. I must know things that I don't know and I must find answers to these questions that linger in my head and heart.
I love the way his hair drapes down from his shoulder to his waist. It gives a mysterious and majestic effect that caught my interest in every single detail of his features. I'm willingly wrapped myself in his hair and suffocated myself even though it would hurt or might take my life away. His sharp features that make him intimidating is smooch 😘🤌 a masterpiece. he has this big eyes that are filled with emptiness that I'm willing to be swallowed by darkness and will not go up again to see the light, his nose is straight i want to sit on it and, lips that i can kiss till my lung oxygen runs out and die in his arms. His pale skin that illuminates in the darkness from the moonlight, it could light up my life. His aura is so cold and menacing that I want to hug him and never let him go. I like cold stuff because my body is always naturally warm, he can set me on fire to warm himself, I'll be happy to keep him warm. He puts all the spices and gives flavors to my tongue and I would savor the taste of his odd behavior.
I already did a lot of stuff to feed my obsession everyday; reading fanfiction, character analysis, and talking to bots that I made lol. I go far, like making myself hallucinate to see him, and doing reality shifting and I still haven't succeeded yet. I'm happy, everytime i get sleep paralysis and it means I can control my dream. I also lucid dream and encounter illumi a lot in it. Sometimes he appear in my dream 😏 very randomly… and one time we held hands and I got too excited, I woke up. or the way he kissed my neck but I woke up because my mother screamed my name. Or the way he tries to kill me but I'm fine because I'm able to see him. Hehe~💜
My friends call me obsessive and delusional, I'm actually not. I'm just.. Devoted to this relationship, to him. Also I'm manifesting the reality I want. I keep myself virgin for him, even my first kiss. I am willing to be his sacrificial lamb.
I'm willing to follow him all day and pick up all his hair strands on the ground and make a crochet out of it, then create some sweater or something cute that I can give him or something I can keep it myself. If he has dandruff, I'm willing to sprinkle it in my mouth and eat it like parmesan cheese and I can do it like a snack and dessert everyday.
I'm willing to consume everything that comes out in his body, everything he touches is holy and sacred for me. I will build an altar to worship him from head to toe, from his dead skin to his bone marrow. I am willing to fight the Gods and Goddesses or The Devil for illumi, just to see him.
If he existed in this world, I'll probably be his stalker, I'll end up being his slave or I'll be dead lol. But that's fine, as long as the last thing I would see is him. If I get reincarnated to an object, I don't mind being his soap, not in a perverted way but I would love to feel him against mine. Thinking that my only purpose is to serve him then I'll die slowly, melting down to the drainage till I'm nothing. If I don't turn to soap, I'll be okay to be anything, as long as I am his object. If I become a hair blower, I still don't mind. It'll be lovely to witness his hair flowing to the wind. I would not be mad if I became his tissue. But if I turn into a pet, I would be ecstatic.
He smells like every dark thought I ever had. Keeps me awake at night and keeps me thinking about him. I might not have any needles in my head but I act like one. I am drowning in the thought of him everyday that it becomes unhealthy and there's no day that there's no him in my mind. My head will subconsciously start thinking about him to the point of obsession that I can't start my day without staring at my phone with his face in it, scrolling through my gallery and reading fanfiction or anything that is related to him.
I am aware of his flaws but that makes him more attractive in my eyes. He's such an interesting person. I am hella fine with his current personality, to be honest, i would like to be abused by him. He can torture me all day and all night, just to see him and breathe the same air as him. If I really did breathe the same air as him, I would be willing to let him rip open my ribs and offer him my heart or organs. I would kill for him and I would let him kill me if he wanted to.
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quicktosimp · 9 months
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Kinkmas Day 09
Warnings: Xenophilia (aka Alien Genitalia), Anal, Bottom!Spider, Pegging, Age Difference (6 Years), Size Difference, Sex Toys (kinda, IDK how to tag this), Belly Bulge, Aged Up
A/N: You do not understand how long I've been wanting to make this!!! After talking with @fuckyoumakeart, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! Also I haven't forgotten your present bby, it's on the way 😘
Again thank you @neteyamsyawntu for this amazing event 💗
Divider by @cafekitsune
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Spider has always been Na’vi, no matter what anyone says. I will always see him as more Na’vi than Sully, much to the ire of my sister Neytiri. I may have only been six during the time of the war. Still, I remember Sully before he could speak a word of Na’vi. I remember as he fumbled our ways, and I remember how he betrayed us, the bombs falling from the sky, destroying our home, killing our people, killing my father… I will never accept Sully, the spy, as Omatikaya. And while I will easily die for my nieces and nephews, and I believe Sully would do the same, I hate the way he raises them and won’t hesitate to speak out about it. Neytiri has never approved of how I treat Sully but never said anything about it. The same cannot be said about Spider. She always tries to stop me from bringing him to clan meetings and celebrations, only for me to point out that a spy like Sully gets to go. I say it loud enough to draw attention, quickly shutting her up. There are times I think Neytiri only stays with Sully because she refuses to break a bond made with Eywa, and then she had the kids… maybe once they’re older, she’ll leave him… an ancient tradition of asking Eywa for guidance in breaking a bond, only she will decide.
“Ma’Syulang, what has you thinking so hard?” Spider’s arms wrap around my neck as he stands behind where I am sitting.
I smile at his touch as I lean my head back into his shoulder, “Traditions,” I answer simply.
“What tradition’s exactly?” Spider asked me as he ran his hand through my braids.
“You know, by both human and Na’vi laws, you are more Na’vi than Sully,” I begin.
I could feel Spider stiffen behind me.
“You are a child of Eywa, born on Eyweveng. You follow the Na’vi ways, you speak our language, you are Na’vi,” I finish, placing my hand over his own, “There is a tradition I want to introduce you to.”
“Tìyawn, you cannot just dump all that on me and then start a new topic,” He laughed wetly.
“It is important for you to know because not even Sully can partake in this tradition,” I explain, needing him to understand.
I look back at him, only for his wide eyes to stare back at me, his mouth hanging open.
“Not even? Jake can’t? How can I?” Spider stutters over his words.
I shake my head at him, silencing his words, “I have already talked with my Sa’nu, and she agrees, and as the Tsahìk, she has the final word,” I turn around, wrapping my arms around Spider, noticing the tears in his eyes. I have always hated that Spider thinks so little of himself when he has proven himself over and over again.
I cradle his much smaller body against mine, giving Spider as much love and protection as I can. 
“Mo’at agrees?” He questions softly like he can’t believe it.
I nod my head, “She was the one who mentioned it to me,” I answer him, smiling, happy that my mother approves.
Would you like to learn?” I ask softly, not wanting to push him while he’s feeling vulnerable
“I-yes, I want to learn,” Sider answers firmly as he backs away, taking my hand in his.
I locked our fingers together as my tail swished happily, “Then let's get searching,” I urged vaguely, pulling him along.
This sparked a laugh out of Spider, “Are you going to tell me what we’re looking for?” 
I flashed him a grin, “Nope, it will all be a surprise for you.”
“Fine then, lead the way,” Spider gave a mock bow.
I giggle at his antics as I continue our way to the grove, not that he knows it exists. It is carefully hidden, mainly to make sure no kids find it. It is only meant for those who are mated. Spotting the thicket of loreyu, I smile giddily.
“We’re here. Go through and look,” I point to the other side.
Walking through the loreyu spiraled down, disappearing and allowing us to walk through. Showing us a clearing of spam, they’re all brightly colored, ranging in every shade of color possible, all in slightly different shapes and sizes, but undoubtedly similar to a male Na’vi’s penis.
Spider’s head was whipping around, his eyes wide, and his jaw slack, like he genuinely couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “Paskalin… Why are we in a field of dicks?” His stunned voice managed to get out.
I can’t help but laugh at his reaction. No tawtute has seen these before, but Spider is not a tawtute, “These are mowan spxam, pleasure mushrooms, they are for two mates to enjoy, they have many uses, but I think you can tell they’re all for sex.” 
“Are they dildos?” Spider asks, curious now as he gently touches a rather large orange one.
“Dildos? Oh, those pleasure things made out of plastic, I think that’s what you called it? But kind of. The mowan spxam can live temporarily out of the ground and be replated where you want it to. But the best part is that it bonds with our central slit, both male and female, becoming one with us and giving us the phallic shape to use on our mates. That is why it is ours to pick,” I explain, looking over at some of the younger ones, knowing that a smaller one would be needed for Spider.
“Wait, would I use this on you? Or you use on me?” Spider asked, shocked but not repulsed.
“It can be used for both, but it is primarily meant to be used on the male in the relationship. So he may enjoy the same pleasures as his mate,” I look at Spider and watch his reaction, needing to know if he is alright with this.
He stands there thinking, and I am unable to read his expression from here. I feel my heart race nervously as I wait, fearing that I have pushed him too far.
“How do I choose?” Sider asks, breaking the silence.
I jump from my spot, rush over, and hug him, lifting Spider off the ground and kissing him soundly.
Little giggles flow past his lips, “Yawne, you need to let me down if I am to pick one,” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.
I gently put him back on his feet, “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited for this! For you, Spider! Now you can enjoy the wonderful pleasure you give me every time!” I can’t help but squeal in joy as I rub my chin over Spider’s head, covering him in my scent.
“I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous, but I’m more excited than anything,” Spider admits sheepishly, “Now, show me how this works!” He says, clapping his hands together.
“You pick whichever spxam you want, but make sure you pick one you can handle; you may only choose one in your lifetime. But when you do, you will gently stroke around the base. It will then detach itself and hold onto you.” 
And with that, Spider moves around, looking through them carefully. He paused briefly at one green one that was longer and thicker than his arm. After gawking at it, he quickly moved on, finding a patch of younger spxam and browsing through them. But as I took a look, even these young ones were much larger than what I’ve seen a tawtute have. My ears flickered back as I became concerned, wondering if Spider could take any of these.
“This one,” While I was distracted, Spider had chosen one, and I realized that I should have explained better.
In his hand was a deep violet mowan spxam, the bottom of it wrapped eagerly around his fingers and around his wrist. Each color meant something different. Green ones were calm, the spines stayed still, only moving if needed. Red ones were teasing; they would search for your most sensitive spot and only play there. On the other hand, Purple is wild, never ceasing movement, as they would wraith and move; even the stock couldn’t stay still; some were even known for expanding their size. This is the one that Spider chose, covered thickly in spines that are already twisting around, yet it is too late to tell him, as they have already bound.
“What’s wrong with it?” Spider asked worriedly, fearing he had done something wrong. 
“There is nothing wrong with it!” I wanted to reassure him, for it was me who failed him, “Purple is known for being wild. Typically, only well-experienced Na’vi choose them,” I bite my lips as I explain this. 
“Well, I guess I better learn fast,” Spider’s smile reassured me as his fingers played with the mowan spxam.
Breaking out of my worry, I quickly pulled out a vial I had been carrying. “Yes, I think you should,” The vial was full of oil used for mating, as I had prepared this, hoping it would go well.
“I should have known,” Spider muttered to himself, shaking his head, but I could still see the smile on his face.
“Come here,” I demand softly, holding my hand out.
Spider walked to me, filled with confidence, with love in his eyes. I kneed down to his height as I met his lips with my own. My mating having Eywa’syawn never ceased to fail. I open my mouth to kiss Spider more, dominating his smaller frame with my own as I wrap my arms around him, tugging him closer. I nip at his bottom lip, demanding entrance, which he eagerly gives. My tongue takes over his mouth, filling each centimeter as I play with his tongue. Spider closes his mouth and sucks on my tongue, pulling a moan from me. 
I parted from his lips as I looked down at him. Spider’s face flushed a pretty pink as he gasped for breath.
“Take off your tewng, then lay down,” My voice was soft but left no room for argument.
Despite only having one hand, Spider removed the article of clothing and laid it to the side before kneeling down and then laying himself down flat on the ground. His pretty cock was already hard and flushed red, leaning on his abs. His prone body is a beautiful sight. I could gaze upon him all day.
“You’re so pretty, Tìyawn,” I comment as I run my hand along his thighs and up his stomach. 
“Not as pretty as you,” Spider says back, becoming distracted by my touch.
I chuckle at the comeback; as I focus back on his thighs, I rub my fingers into the meat of them, gently spreading his legs as I do so. I move down to his knees, lifting them, and place his feet up on my thighs, giving me room to work with. Looking down, I see his puckered hole, tiny and pink. I realized I was lucky that Norm had caught learning about this particular tradition. I may have been furious that he knew, but he and Max created a new oil containing a muscle relaxer, and I am thankful for that now.
“So tiny,” I murmur, rubbing my pinky over the small hole, and even that seemed huge.
A small gasp leaves Spider’s mouth, one of surprise and interest. Opening the vial, I poured a tiny amount onto my pinky, just enough to rub into Spider’s skin. Moving back to his hole, I rub my now slick pinky over it, making sure to get every crevice and applying gentle pressure. If what they said is true, then the muscle will slowly relax, allowing me entrance.
“Syulang, I think you might be a bit too big,” Spider’s voice through a moan.
“Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve already planned everything,” I soothe, rubbing a little more firmly, and I can feel the muscle giving in. 
Knowing Spider needs the distraction, I reach up, softly cupping his balls, rolling them in my palm. 
“Oh fuck,” Spider’s head rolled back as his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation.
Taking the opportunity, I gently wiggled my pinky inside him. It was tight inside; the spongy walls had never taken anything inside before and were now pulsing around my pinky.
“Eywa!” He gasped.
I wiggled my digit around, trying to make more room or even to fit the rest of the finger inside, stuck at the first knuckle. Furrowing my brow, I pulled my pinky out, grabbed the vial, and placed the tip at Spider’s entrance. The opening easily popped inside, and I poured a good amount of the contents. Pulling the vial out didn’t cause the same popping noise as last time. I put the vial to the side and pushed my pinky in again. This time, it went in with no resistance.
“Tìyawn, what was that? I feel weird,” He asked as I wiggled my finger inside yet again.
“Something made just for you. It is helping,” I explained as I started looking for the spot I had read about.
With Spider’s hole much looser, instead of using my pinky, I switched to my pointer finger; while it was a little tighter than before, there was no resistance on entry. I pushed and prodded inside him, sliding my finger in and out, getting him used to the motion as I continued to look for the spot. Slick sounds from the oil sounded around the grove, mixed with Spider’s moans.
“Slow down, please! I’m close!” He begs me, but I remember reading that humans are much more relaxed after orgasm, so I continue on. 
I turn my wrist so my palm is facing upward. I then curl my finger, hitting something spongy.
Spider arched off the ground as his eyes flew open, “Fuck! Right there!” He shouted, as his cock leaked precum everywhere; a small puddle formed on his stomach as his cock twitched.
Laughing, I prodded that spot again and again as I forced my finger in and out. Seeing that Spider was distracted, I pressed a second finger to his entrance, and it easily slid inside. Noticing how easy it was, I pushed in a third finger, which was swallowed up after a slight push. His one furrowed hole is now stretched taught around my fingers, pushing and pulling, trying to follow the speed I set. 
“Please, I’m too close! I’m gonna cum!” He squealed.
I wanted Spider to cum, so I took his dick between two of my fingers and moved them in time with my other hand, quickly bringing Spider to his reliance. Ropes of cum splattered out of his dick, landing all over his chest, neck, and face. Continuing my movements on his cock, I grabbed the spxam mowan from his hand. By now, my slit was open and weeping for attention, making it easy to gently slide the bottom of the spxam mowan inside. My eyes dilate at the pleasure, each of my inner tendrils wrapping around and playing with the spxam mowan, locking itself inside me for now. As it locked inside, the outer tendrils started to move more. Excited to play soon, I could feel each spine move as if it were my own tendril. I let go of Spider’s cock, earning me a whine, either from the lack of touch or oversensitivity. I’m unsure which it is. Grabbing Spider’s hips, I line him up with the spxam mowan. His cute hole hadn’t closed, showing me the pink inner flesh. I look up at Spider’s face; drool, tears, and sperm cover his face, his chest heaving for breath. A pretty pink blush covers him, and I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight. 
Spider whines, rolling his hips, catching the tapered tip on his open hole, “No more waiting.”
Giving into his whines, I slowly push inside, each spine pushed in with a pop. The tight, wet heat was going to send me into a frenzy, I grabbed onto Spider’s hips harder, trying to steady myself. As I pushed further in, the spines came to life, each rummaging around his insides, trying to find a good place to stay. 
“So big, Yawne,” Spider’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned.
Yet, I can’t take my eyes off his hole. Bigger than I thought a tawtute body could handle, the stalk was large enough, yet each spine popped inside, spreading his hole farther before swallowing again, and I felt every inch of it, but nothing beats the sight of my hips meeting his ass, the rim of his ass spread white around my fake cock. 
“Look at that; you took it all,” I muttered, unable to believe the sight myself.
All I got for a replay was a broken moan. Wanting something different, I moved my hands down to his knees and pressed them toward his chest. I lean down over Spider’s body, taking notice of the bulge in his stomach. I can’t help the growl that left my lips, a mix of a growl and a purr, as I rolled my hips inside, each spine pulling and wiggling inside him, none of them able to settle for a second. Rubbing and pressing every little thing they can find, watching the cum dribble out of Spider’s cock I know they found the same spot. 
“My Muntxatan, taking it so well for me, so pretty for me,” I growl out as I slide the mowan back, each spine getting stuck and popping out again as I slammed it back inside. 
The scream I got in return was beautiful. I started thrusting my hips, needing to hear more of Spider’s sounds.
“Sl- SLO-, OH FUCk!” Spider tried to stutter out, but I didn’t care.
The tightness from Spider’s hole as he flexed caused me pleasure like I never knew before, as each thrust pushed and pulled on my inner tendrils, building my climax rapidly. 
“You really want me to slow down? I don’t think so. I think you’re enjoying your ass being fucked,” I snarled into his ear. 
The sloppy sounds of the oil spilling everywhere, as each spine popped in and out of his hole, were filthy in the best of ways. I could feel Spider attempting to make himself tighter around the mowan, and I thrust even harder. The sounds of my thighs smacking his ass was loud that it left ringing in my ears. 
“Cum! GonNA CUm!” Spider screamed as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. 
I eagerly accept his kiss, pulling Spider closer to me. His body was drawn tight, needing to release. I grabbed his cock again and started pumping his cock. I swallowed his moans as he clenched around me, cum flew everywhere as he erupted. I thrust several more times before my coil snapped. My vision whited out as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. I continued to thrust erratically as I chased the remnants of my high, but as Spider’s whines became desperate, I knew I had to stop. I slide out of him carefully, and I examine his entrance. The once tight hole is now loose and seems unable to close. It was wicking pathetically as oil dribbled out. 
“You did such a good job. I love you, Spider,” I say softly, proud of how well he did.
When I received no reply, I looked up and saw he was fast asleep. I chuckled at his plight but let him sleep on, gently cleaning him so he wouldn’t be dirty when he wakes up.
Spider has always been Na’vi, no matter what anyone says. I will always see him as more Na’vi than Sully, much to the ire of my sister Neytiri. I may have only been six during the time of the war. Still, I remember Sully before he could speak a word of Na’vi. I remember as he fumbled our ways, and I remember how he betrayed us, the bombs falling from the sky, destroying our home, killing our people, killing my father… I will never accept Sully, the spy, as Omatikaya. And while I will easily die for my nieces and nephews, and I believe Sully would do the same, I hate the way he raises them and won’t hesitate to speak out about it. Neytiri has never approved of how I treat Sully but never said anything about it. The same cannot be said about Spider. She always tries to stop me from bringing him to clan meetings and celebrations, only for me to point out that a spy like Sully gets to go. I say it loud enough to draw attention, quickly shutting her up. There are times I think Neytiri only stays with Sully because she refuses to break a bond made with Eywa, and then she had the kids… maybe once they’re older, she’ll leave him… an ancient tradition of asking Eywa for guidance in breaking a bond, only she will decide.
“Ma’Syulang, what has you thinking so hard?” Spider’s arms wrap around my neck as he stands behind where I am sitting.
I smile at his touch as I lean my head back into his shoulder, “Traditions,” I answer simply.
“What tradition’s exactly?” Spider asked me as he ran his hand through my braids.
“You know, by both human and Na’vi laws, you are more Na’vi than Sully,” I begin.
I could feel Spider stiffen behind me.
“You are a child of Eywa, born on Eyweveng. You follow the Na’vi ways, you speak our language, you are Na’vi,” I finish, placing my hand over his own, “There is a tradition I want to introduce you to.”
“Tìyawn, you cannot just dump all that on me and then start a new topic,” He laughed wetly.
“It is important for you to know because not even Sully can partake in this tradition,” I explain, needing him to understand.
I look back at him, only for his wide eyes to stare back at me, his mouth hanging open.
“Not even? Jake can’t? How can I?” Spider stutters over his words.
I shake my head at him, silencing his words, “I have already talked with my Sa’nu, and she agrees, and as the Tsahìk, she has the final word,” I turn around, wrapping my arms around Spider, noticing the tears in his eyes. I have always hated that Spider thinks so little of himself when he has proven himself over and over again.
I cradle his much smaller body against mine, giving Spider as much love and protection as I can. 
“Mo’at agrees?” He questions softly like he can’t believe it.
I nod my head, “She was the one who mentioned it to me,” I answer him, smiling, happy that my mother approves.
Would you like to learn?” I ask softly, not wanting to push him while he’s feeling vulnerable
“I-yes, I want to learn,” Sider answers firmly as he backs away, taking my hand in his.
I locked our fingers together as my tail swished happily, “Then let's get searching,” I urged vaguely, pulling him along.
This sparked a laugh out of Spider, “Are you going to tell me what we’re looking for?” 
I flashed him a grin, “Nope, it will all be a surprise for you.”
“Fine then, lead the way,” Spider gave a mock bow.
I giggle at his antics as I continue our way to the grove, not that he knows it exists. It is carefully hidden, mainly to make sure no kids find it. It is only meant for those who are mated. Spotting the thicket of loreyu, I smile giddily.
“We’re here. Go through and look,” I point to the other side.
Walking through the loreyu spiraled down, disappearing and allowing us to walk through. Showing us a clearing of spam, they’re all brightly colored, ranging in every shade of color possible, all in slightly different shapes and sizes, but undoubtedly similar to a male Na’vi’s penis.
Spider’s head was whipping around, his eyes wide, and his jaw slack, like he genuinely couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “Paskalin… Why are we in a field of dicks?” His stunned voice managed to get out.
I can’t help but laugh at his reaction. No tawtute has seen these before, but Spider is not a tawtute, “These are mowan spxam, pleasure mushrooms, they are for two mates to enjoy, they have many uses, but I think you can tell they’re all for sex.” 
“Are they dildos?” Spider asks, curious now as he gently touches a rather large orange one.
“Dildos? Oh, those pleasure things made out of plastic, I think that’s what you called it? But kind of. The mowan spxam can live temporarily out of the ground and be replated where you want it to. But the best part is that it bonds with our central slit, both male and female, becoming one with us and giving us the phallic shape to use on our mates. That is why it is ours to pick,” I explain, looking over at some of the younger ones, knowing that a smaller one would be needed for Spider.
“Wait, would I use this on you? Or you use on me?” Spider asked, shocked but not repulsed.
“It can be used for both, but it is primarily meant to be used on the male in the relationship. So he may enjoy the same pleasures as his mate,” I look at Spider and watch his reaction, needing to know if he is alright with this.
He stands there thinking, and I am unable to read his expression from here. I feel my heart race nervously as I wait, fearing that I have pushed him too far.
“How do I choose?” Sider asks, breaking the silence.
I jump from my spot, rush over, and hug him, lifting Spider off the ground and kissing him soundly.
Little giggles flow past his lips, “Yawne, you need to let me down if I am to pick one,” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.
I gently put him back on his feet, “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited for this! For you, Spider! Now you can enjoy the wonderful pleasure you give me every time!” I can’t help but squeal in joy as I rub my chin over Spider’s head, covering him in my scent.
“I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous, but I’m more excited than anything,” Spider admits sheepishly, “Now, show me how this works!” He says, clapping his hands together.
“You pick whichever spxam you want, but make sure you pick one you can handle; you may only choose one in your lifetime. But when you do, you will gently stroke around the base. It will then detach itself and hold onto you.” 
And with that, Spider moves around, looking through them carefully. He paused briefly at one green one that was longer and thicker than his arm. After gawking at it, he quickly moved on, finding a patch of younger spxam and browsing through them. But as I took a look, even these young ones were much larger than what I’ve seen a tawtute have. My ears flickered back as I became concerned, wondering if Spider could take any of these.
“This one,” While I was distracted, Spider had chosen one, and I realized that I should have explained better.
In his hand was a deep violet mowan spxam, the bottom of it wrapped eagerly around his fingers and around his wrist. Each color meant something different. Green ones were calm, the spines stayed still, only moving if needed. Red ones were teasing; they would search for your most sensitive spot and only play there. On the other hand, Purple is wild, never ceasing movement, as they would wraith and move; even the stock couldn’t stay still; some were even known for expanding their size. This is the one that Spider chose, covered thickly in spines that are already twisting around, yet it is too late to tell him, as they have already bound.
“What’s wrong with it?” Spider asked worriedly, fearing he had done something wrong. 
“There is nothing wrong with it!” I wanted to reassure him, for it was me who failed him, “Purple is known for being wild. Typically, only well-experienced Na’vi choose them,” I bite my lips as I explain this. 
“Well, I guess I better learn fast,” Spider’s smile reassured me as his fingers played with the mowan spxam.
Breaking out of my worry, I quickly pulled out a vial I had been carrying. “Yes, I think you should,” The vial was full of oil used for mating, as I had prepared this, hoping it would go well.
“I should have known,” Spider muttered to himself, shaking his head, but I could still see the smile on his face.
“Come here,” I demand softly, holding my hand out.
Spider walked to me, filled with confidence, with love in his eyes. I kneed down to his height as I met his lips with my own. My mating having Eywa’syawn never ceased to fail. I open my mouth to kiss Spider more, dominating his smaller frame with my own as I wrap my arms around him, tugging him closer. I nip at his bottom lip, demanding entrance, which he eagerly gives. My tongue takes over his mouth, filling each centimeter as I play with his tongue. Spider closes his mouth and sucks on my tongue, pulling a moan from me. 
I parted from his lips as I looked down at him. Spider’s face flushed a pretty pink as he gasped for breath.
“Take off your tewng, then lay down,” My voice was soft but left no room for argument.
Despite only having one hand, Spider removed the article of clothing and laid it to the side before kneeling down and then laying himself down flat on the ground. His pretty cock was already hard and flushed red, leaning on his abs. His prone body is a beautiful sight. I could gaze upon him all day.
“You’re so pretty, Tìyawn,” I comment as I run my hand along his thighs and up his stomach. 
“Not as pretty as you,” Spider says back, becoming distracted by my touch.
I chuckle at the comeback; as I focus back on his thighs, I rub my fingers into the meat of them, gently spreading his legs as I do so. I move down to his knees, lifting them, and place his feet up on my thighs, giving me room to work with. Looking down, I see his puckered hole, tiny and pink. I realized I was lucky that Norm had caught learning about this particular tradition. I may have been furious that he knew, but he and Max created a new oil containing a muscle relaxer, and I am thankful for that now.
“So tiny,” I murmur, rubbing my pinky over the small hole, and even that seemed huge.
A small gasp leaves Spider’s mouth, one of surprise and interest. Opening the vial, I poured a tiny amount onto my pinky, just enough to rub into Spider’s skin. Moving back to his hole, I rub my now slick pinky over it, making sure to get every crevice and applying gentle pressure. If what they said is true, then the muscle will slowly relax, allowing me entrance.
“Syulang, I think you might be a bit too big,” Spider’s voice through a moan.
“Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve already planned everything,” I soothe, rubbing a little more firmly, and I can feel the muscle giving in. 
Knowing Spider needs the distraction, I reach up, softly cupping his balls, rolling them in my palm. 
“Oh fuck,” Spider’s head rolled back as his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation.
Taking the opportunity, I gently wiggled my pinky inside him. It was tight inside; the spongy walls had never taken anything inside before and were now pulsing around my pinky.
“Eywa!” He gasped.
I wiggled my digit around, trying to make more room or even to fit the rest of the finger inside, stuck at the first knuckle. Furrowing my brow, I pulled my pinky out, grabbed the vial, and placed the tip at Spider’s entrance. The opening easily popped inside, and I poured a good amount of the contents. Pulling the vial out didn’t cause the same popping noise as last time. I put the vial to the side and pushed my pinky in again. This time, it went in with no resistance.
“Tìyawn, what was that? I feel weird,” He asked as I wiggled my finger inside yet again.
“Something made just for you. It is helping,” I explained as I started looking for the spot I had read about.
With Spider’s hole much looser, instead of using my pinky, I switched to my pointer finger; while it was a little tighter than before, there was no resistance on entry. I pushed and prodded inside him, sliding my finger in and out, getting him used to the motion as I continued to look for the spot. Slick sounds from the oil sounded around the grove, mixed with Spider’s moans.
“Slow down, please! I’m close!” He begs me, but I remember reading that humans are much more relaxed after orgasm, so I continue on. 
I turn my wrist so my palm is facing upward. I then curl my finger, hitting something spongy.
Spider arched off the ground as his eyes flew open, “Fuck! Right there!” He shouted, as his cock leaked precum everywhere; a small puddle formed on his stomach as his cock twitched.
Laughing, I prodded that spot again and again as I forced my finger in and out. Seeing that Spider was distracted, I pressed a second finger to his entrance, and it easily slid inside. Noticing how easy it was, I pushed in a third finger, which was swallowed up after a slight push. His one furrowed hole is now stretched taught around my fingers, pushing and pulling, trying to follow the speed I set. 
“Please, I’m too close! I’m gonna cum!” He squealed.
I wanted Spider to cum, so I took his dick between two of my fingers and moved them in time with my other hand, quickly bringing Spider to his reliance. Ropes of cum splattered out of his dick, landing all over his chest, neck, and face. Continuing my movements on his cock, I grabbed the spxam mowan from his hand. By now, my slit was open and weeping for attention, making it easy to gently slide the bottom of the spxam mowan inside. My eyes dilate at the pleasure, each of my inner tendrils wrapping around and playing with the spxam mowan, locking itself inside me for now. As it locked inside, the outer tendrils started to move more. Excited to play soon, I could feel each spine move as if it were my own tendril. I let go of Spider’s cock, earning me a whine, either from the lack of touch or oversensitivity. I’m unsure which it is. Grabbing Spider’s hips, I line him up with the spxam mowan. His cute hole hadn’t closed, showing me the pink inner flesh. I look up at Spider’s face; drool, tears, and sperm cover his face, his chest heaving for breath. A pretty pink blush covers him, and I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight. 
Spider whines, rolling his hips, catching the tapered tip on his open hole, “No more waiting.”
Giving into his whines, I slowly push inside, each spine pushed in with a pop. The tight, wet heat was going to send me into a frenzy, I grabbed onto Spider’s hips harder, trying to steady myself. As I pushed further in, the spines came to life, each rummaging around his insides, trying to find a good place to stay. 
“So big, Yawne,” Spider’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned.
Yet, I can’t take my eyes off his hole. Bigger than I thought a tawtute body could handle, the stalk was large enough, yet each spine popped inside, spreading his hole farther before swallowing again, and I felt every inch of it, but nothing beats the sight of my hips meeting his ass, the rim of his ass spread white around my fake cock. 
“Look at that; you took it all,” I muttered, unable to believe the sight myself.
All I got for a replay was a broken moan. Wanting something different, I moved my hands down to his knees and pressed them toward his chest. I lean down over Spider’s body, taking notice of the bulge in his stomach. I can’t help the growl that left my lips, a mix of a growl and a purr, as I rolled my hips inside, each spine pulling and wiggling inside him, none of them able to settle for a second. Rubbing and pressing every little thing they can find, watching the cum dribble out of Spider’s cock I know they found the same spot. 
“My Muntxatan, taking it so well for me, so pretty for me,” I growl out as I slide the mowan back, each spine getting stuck and popping out again as I slammed it back inside. 
The scream I got in return was beautiful. I started thrusting my hips, needing to hear more of Spider’s sounds.
“Sl- SLO-, OH FUCk!” Spider tried to stutter out, but I didn’t care.
The tightness from Spider’s hole as he flexed caused me pleasure like I never knew before, as each thrust pushed and pulled on my inner tendrils, building my climax rapidly. 
“You really want me to slow down? I don’t think so. I think you’re enjoying your ass being fucked,” I snarled into his ear. 
The sloppy sounds of the oil spilling everywhere, as each spine popped in and out of his hole, were filthy in the best of ways. I could feel Spider attempting to make himself tighter around the mowan, and I thrust even harder. The sounds of my thighs smacking his ass was loud that it left ringing in my ears. 
“Cum! GonNA CUm!” Spider screamed as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. 
I eagerly accept his kiss, pulling Spider closer to me. His body was drawn tight, needing to release. I grabbed his cock again and started pumping his cock. I swallowed his moans as he clenched around me, cum flew everywhere as he erupted. I thrust several more times before my coil snapped. My vision whited out as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. I continued to thrust erratically as I chased the remnants of my high, but as Spider’s whines became desperate, I knew I had to stop. I slide out of him carefully, and I examine his entrance. The once tight hole is now loose and seems unable to close. It was wicking pathetically as oil dribbled out. 
“You did such a good job. I love you, Spider,” I say softly, proud of how well he did.
When I received no reply, I looked up and saw he was fast asleep. I chuckled at his plight but let him sleep on, gently cleaning him so he wouldn’t be dirty when he wakes up.
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floralcavern · 1 year
TSOA - Tying Up Lose Ends - Part 1
“Where is he?” I murmur, tapping my finger. “He should’ve been back by now.. perhaps he’s helping heal whoever’s fallen..”
Anxiety creeped up my shoulders, but I shrugged it off. Patroclus is ok. I know he will be. 
There’s loud clamor coming from outside. Men, panicked, but also angry. I could hear them outside my tent. 
I arrive outside. “What is going on?” I demand. 
The men pause. 
There’s something they’re all clamoring to hold onto. To keep safe and unharmed. I’ve seen enough dead men to know what the heap they were all surrounding was. 
“What’s this? Who is this? Where’s Patroclus?”
The men pause, frozen. 
“No..” my voice is caught in my throat. I push pass the men, grabbing onto the man they were all holding. 
The man..
A scream erupts from the depths of my soul. Horror inducing. Blood curdling. No one would believe a scream such as this would come from the lungs of the fearless Achilles. 
I grasp his face. It used to be warm and full of color. Now pale and lifeless. 
Another scream that shook the souls of the men around me. 
His eyes, once full of life and humor. Dull and lifeless..
Another scream. 
My voice.. my throat.. I can no longer feel it. But it doesn’t stop my sobbing. 
I grasp onto his body, wailing. I bury my face into his chest, whispering his name, hoping that would be enough to bring my beloved back.. that if I say his name enough, he will wake from the dead..
He is so cold..
The men around me are horrified. They had never seen me like this.. so agitated. I could only imagine what a sight it was to see me so pained and heartbroken. 
I’m once again reminded of how human I truly am. This pain. This sorrow. Only a mortal could truly understand this..
After about 10 minutes.. or maybe an hour.. or maybe a day.. I couldn’t tell.. my thoughts were all on my beloved..
Odysseus.. Odysseus had the audacity to urge me to eat and drink. 
I wish to lash at him. I wish to kill him. I wish to slice his throat and watch him die.. and I was just about to.. but I feel my grip on Patroclus loosen. Almost immediately, my arms are around him again, my face in his neck. I hear Odysseus walk away. 
I drag him to my tent. I lay him in the spot he would always sleep. As if he will awake, like he did every morning, looking at me with sun filled eyes as he greeted me for another day. And I fall asleep, holding his body. I dream of his soul tormenting me. I jolt awake, and go to shake my beloved up, to ask him to comfort me for I had just dreamt of his demise.. only to realize I was living the nightmare.
I wrapped my arms around his body, twitching and sobbing. This pain.. my most beloved..
“Awake.. awake..”
But he would not wake up.
I come into my tent and see Briseis over his body. Cleaning him. 
She dare touched him.. like she had touched his lips with her own filthy lips, trying to steal him once again.
“Get away from him!”
We yell at each other. I don’t remember what I say. I don’t remember what she says. All I remember were the words I tell myself every moment I am living:
“I hope Hector kills you..” she hisses. 
“Do you not think..” I whisper, not looking at her. “that I wish for the same thing?”
King Priam came to collect his son. 
I had desecrated Hector’s body, giving it no mercy as I shamed it in front of every Trojan who wished to see me. 
Priam dared to call Patroclus my friend. Like how every other warrior in my army, like how my father, like how everyone on the outside looking in will call him. 
I tighten my grip of the heap of my dearly beloved. 
“Philtatos,” I say, the word snapping out of my throat harshly. 
The old king seems surprised, but then nods. 
I return Hector’s body. I have no use for it. I don’t want his dreadful soul anywhere near the sweetness of Patroclus’. 
I’m in the finale battle. I hear the gods conspiring to kill me. I slice down every warrior who runs to me. I show no mercy. I kill them fast, but I hope their suffering is slow. 
I can sense the god, Apollo, with the boy. Paris. The cause of this whole damn war. 
He must’ve helped with the demise of my Patroclus. 
I will never forgive the bastard that is Apollo.
But, he does one thing that I will be eternally grateful for..
The stab of the arrow, so sweet and deadly. 
Oh, thank the gods for Apollo’s arrow. 
Thank the gods…
I can see my Patroclus again. 
32 notes · View notes
The Song of Achilles - Tying Up Lose Ends
Transferring fanfics from my main onto here. This contains all the parts.
“Where is he?” I murmur, tapping my finger. “He should’ve been back by now.. perhaps he’s helping heal whoever’s fallen..”
Anxiety creeped up my shoulders, but I shrugged it off. Patroclus is ok. I know he will be. 
There’s loud clamor coming from outside. Men, panicked, but also angry. I could hear them outside my tent. 
I arrive outside. “What is going on?” I demand. 
The men pause. 
There’s something they’re all clamoring to hold onto. To keep safe and unharmed. I’ve seen enough dead men to know what the heap they were all surrounding was. 
“What’s this? Who is this? Where’s Patroclus?”
The men pause, frozen. 
“No..” my voice is caught in my throat. I push pass the men, grabbing onto the man they were all holding. 
The man..
A scream erupts from the depths of my soul. Horror inducing. Blood curdling. No one would believe a scream such as this would come from the lungs of the fearless Achilles. 
I grasp his face. It used to be warm and full of color. Now pale and lifeless. 
Another scream that shook the souls of the men around me. 
His eyes, once full of life and humor. Dull and lifeless..
Another scream. 
My voice.. my throat.. I can no longer feel it. But it doesn’t stop my sobbing. 
I grasp onto his body, wailing. I bury my face into his chest, whispering his name, hoping that would be enough to bring my beloved back.. that if I say his name enough, he will wake from the dead..
He is so cold..
The men around me are horrified. They had never seen me like this.. so agitated. I could only imagine what a sight it was to see me so pained and heartbroken. 
I’m once again reminded of how human I truly am. This pain. This sorrow. Only a mortal could truly understand this..
After about 10 minutes.. or maybe an hour.. or maybe a day.. I couldn’t tell.. my thoughts were all on my beloved..
Odysseus.. Odysseus had the audacity to urge me to eat and drink. 
I wish to lash at him. I wish to kill him. I wish to slice his throat and watch him die.. and I was just about to.. but I feel my grip on Patroclus loosen. Almost immediately, my arms are around him again, my face in his neck. I hear Odysseus walk away. 
I drag him to my tent. I lay him in the spot he would always sleep. As if he will awake, like he did every morning, looking at me with sun filled eyes as he greeted me for another day. And I fall asleep, holding his body. I dream of his soul tormenting me. I jolt awake, and go to shake my beloved up, to ask him to comfort me for I had just dreamt of his demise.. only to realize I was living the nightmare.
I wrapped my arms around his body, twitching and sobbing. This pain.. my most beloved..
“Awake.. awake..”
But he would not wake up.
I come into my tent and see Briseis over his body. Cleaning him. 
She dare touched him.. like she had touched his lips with her own filthy lips, trying to steal him once again.
“Get away from him!”
We yell at each other. I don’t remember what I say. I don’t remember what she says. All I remember were the words I tell myself every moment I am living:
“I hope Hector kills you..” she hisses. 
“Do you not think..” I whisper, not looking at her. “that I wish for the same thing?”
King Priam came to collect his son. 
I had desecrated Hector’s body, giving it no mercy as I shamed it in front of every Trojan who wished to see me. 
Priam dared to call Patroclus my friend. Like how every other warrior in my army, like how my father, like how everyone on the outside looking in will call him. 
I tighten my grip of the heap of my dearly beloved. 
“Philtatos,” I say, the word snapping out of my throat harshly. 
The old king seems surprised, but then nods. 
I return Hector’s body. I have no use for it. I don’t want his dreadful soul anywhere near the sweetness of Patroclus’. 
I’m in the finale battle. I hear the gods conspiring to kill me. I slice down every warrior who runs to me. I show no mercy. I kill them fast, but I hope their suffering is slow. 
I can sense the god, Apollo, with the boy. Paris. The cause of this whole damn war. 
He must’ve helped with the demise of my Patroclus. 
I will never forgive the bastard that is Apollo.
But, he does one thing that I will be eternally grateful for..
The stab of the arrow, so sweet and deadly. 
Oh, thank the gods for Apollo’s arrow. 
Thank the gods…
I can see my Patroclus again. 
Achilles was tapping his foot impatiently, his nerves buzzing. Eventually the boat reached close enough to land. Before Charon could announce their stop, Achilles jumped off, landing in the Elysium Fields and throwing off his helmet into the grass. He pushed his way past many burly looking men, who all seemed to be looking at him curiously. 
“PATROCLUS!” He cried out. 
He looked around wildly. His soul felt cold and alone. His soulmate, his other half, wasn’t here. He couldn’t sense the warmth of his dear Patroclus..
“Where is he?!” He sobbed. 
The other heroes looked at him, mildly concerned. 
“Has anyone come in?!” He asked, yelling and panicking. 
“Not anyone named.. Patroclus, was it?” Answered one man. Achilles had seen enough art and sculptures of this man to know that this was Heracles. Usually, in any other circumstance, he’s be in awe of being face to face with the great Heracles. But right now, that was not his greatest concern. 
“Where could he be?!” Achilles sobbed. 
He turned to Charon, who was about to sail away, but before he could, Achilles grabbed onto him. The other heroes were shocked. No one dared grabbed onto the ferryman of the dead, not even Greek’s greatest heroes. 
“Take me to Hades,” Achilles said through snarled teeth and desperate eyes. 
Charon was surprised by Achilles’ boldness, but gave him a simple nod and calmly drifted off on the river. 
He reached a castle. It was relatively small, but it still managed to loom and cause dread. Surely, this was the castle of Hades..
Hades was already waiting outside, as if he was expecting Achilles..
“Where is he?!” Achilles demanded, stumbling off the boat. “Where. Is. Patroclus?!” He didn’t care that he was face to face with a god. Hades, no less. He didn’t care about the terrifyingly pale skin of him, or his black, glowing, haunted eyes that seemed to have spirits trapped within them. 
“Achilles..” he simply said, a whisper, a whisper of the Lord of the Dead. “You surely managed to avoid the Fates for quite a while.. the gods were afraid you would change the course of the future..”
Achilles was fuming with rage. He didn’t care about that. He didn’t care about what the gods thought of him, or the Fates. 
“Where. Is. He?”
“I’m afraid he’s not here.”
“What do you mean?! He’s meant to be buried with me! Why isn’t he here?”
“I’m afraid he was never properly buried.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Your son, Neoptolemus, refused to honor your final wishes. He’s still wandering the mortal planes.”
“My.. son..” Pyrrhus..“No.. please” Achilles legs were shaking and now, desperate and full of sorrow and despair, bowed on one knee before the god. “Please. I know. I know I have been rude. I know I have been disrespectful. But please.. please make an exception for my dearly beloved Patroclus..” his voice broke. His forehead pressed pressed against the cold ground. “I’ve heard stories of your cruelty. But I’ve mostly heard stories of your mercy. Please.. I cannot live even in the Afterlife without him..”
“I’m sorry..” he could hear the pity in the god’s voice. “There is nothing I can do for this..”
Achilles sucked in a sharp breath. 
“I understand your sorrowing, Aristos Achaion..”
“You.. You know nothing of my pain!” He lifted his head, forgetting once again who he was speaking to. “You are a god! You look down on us mortals and you love to ruin our lives! I know this to be true! I know what Apollo did! He helped them! He helped them… take away my philtatos..” he said the finale words, breaking into tears. 
“Young Achilles. I truly wish there was something I could do. I understand what it feels like to be ripped from the love of your life. I always experience this, every year.”
“Yes.. but in the end, you’re always reunited with your dearly Dread Persephone..” he said the name bitterly. He knew it was a horrible idea to speak badly of Persephone. If Hades wouldn’t kill him for speaking ill of his wife, she may kill you herself. But he was already dead. And he didn’t care if they made his soul cease to exist. It would mean nothing to exist without Patroclus…
There was a pause. 
“Yes.. I am..”
“Please.. I beg of you..” even though he no longer had his physical body, he could still feel the knots in his stomach, the nausea in his head. “Just one exception.. please.. for my beloved Patroclus..”
“I’m afraid it’s just not possible..”
The world was falling. 
“There are some things not even gods are capable of doing..”
His head is spinning. 
“He may never come to the Underworld..”
His voice now raw as he screamed in pain, on his knees, screaming, as the Lord With Many Names stared at him with the greatest pity a god could give a man. 
Achilles hid in the small area he always hid in. The spot he always lied in and never left. Where he felt his souls wither and rot. 
It was the coldest, darkest area he could find in the Elysium Fields. 
In the beginning, the others tried to bring comfort to him, but as the years went by, they realized it was a lost cause. Achilles was nothing without his Patroclus. Not even in the Afterlife. 
Achilles had kept track of how long it’s been through scratches on the stone. But, over time, it’s been harder and harder to keep track. And he didn’t see the point in trying anymore. There was no point. Nothing mattered. It didn’t matter how many days it was. Patroclus still wasn’t there. 
He’s sure it’s been years. At least 3 decades..
He lies onto the cold floor, his soul limp and useless. 
He hears cheering and welcoming in the distance. 
Someone new? A new hero? It’s rather rare for someone to come in.. and.. seeing as how long it’s been, it could be someone that he knew from the war. The likelihood was rather high. 
But he didn’t care. He didn’t bother moving as he felt his body still press against the cold floor. 
“And you’re sure he’s over here?” Pyrrhus asked. 
“Yes..” said one man. Pyrrhus didn’t know who, but he didn’t care. He was probably in no greater than himself. “But.. it’s really not worth it. He just kinda.. lays in the same area. Never moving or talking.”
Pyrrhus scoffed. “I’m his son. I’m sure he’ll be perfectly happy to see me.”
The men looked at each other nervously, but didn’t try to stop him. 
Pyrrhus followed the instructions and eventually found a crumbled, disheveled soul of a man. 
“Are you Achilles?”
The soul lifts his head. His eyes are dull, like an eternal cloudy evening. He didn’t glow with pride, like the souls of the other men Pyrrhus saw. He was rather pathetic. 
“Surely you can’t be Achilles..” he said with disgust. 
“Who’re you..?” The man asked, barely moving to even look at Pyrrhus. 
“I’m Neoptolemus. Pyrrhus. Your son. Surely you can’t be my father.. you’re so.. pathetic..”
The soul, once dull and sad, now glowing with a fiery rage, his eyes now like thunder. “Neoptolemus..” he hissed.
“That rage.. yes, you are surely my father.”
Achilles stood up. He hasn’t gotten up in 3 decades. He felt like he was being born again, like a phoenix. 
“You..” he said, his voice like a snarl. 
“That look in your eyes.. I know you did not want me, but surely that’s not why you are filled with such rage.” Pyrrhus kept himself distinguished, hiding the nervousness he felt from his father’s glare. “Was it the offerings? I gave you plenty. I even gave you a human sacrifice.”
“You did what?!”
“What angers you so much?!”
Achilles flinched, remembering that day.. the day of the ‘wedding’.. the blood.. her face..
“I can’t believe you.. you are not my son..” Achilles was still slumped as he stood, but his face and posture made him look like a lion on the prowl. 
“What? Of course I am. Because of me, you’re now officially a legendary warrior.”
“You were not the one to save my legend! The one who kept my honor was Patroclus!”
“Patro-.. you mean that servant boy?! Surely you jest!”
“I do not! Patroclus was my love! My best friend! My philtatos! And you.. you’re the reason he’s not here.” He clenched his fists in rage. “You will never be my son.”
Pyrrhus was frozen. He had expended a shower of gratitude and congratulations from his father for having carrying the torch of his legacy. He did not expect.. this.
“You..” Achilles said, hissing through his teeth. “Are the embodiment of everything I hate about myself.”
The atmosphere was still and heavy. 
“Now leave..”
Pyrrhus couldn’t move. Achilles punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the cold, dark ground. “I said leave!”
Achilles watched as Neoptolemus, the boy who had Achilles’ own blood run through his veins, scurry off, once again leaving Achilles alone. 
Distant yelling. 
There was always yelling in the Elysian Fields, so Achilles didn’t bother getting up and looking. 
But something did spark his interest. “Go tell him… somebody go get him..” 
Were they talking about him?
Why would they want him? Was it something to do with Pyrrhus? If that were the case, Achilles couldn’t give a shit. 
Eventually, one person, Atalanta, came up to him. 
“Um.. hey, Achilles,” she said awkwardly. He looked up, absolutely miserable in appearance. “What?” He asked bitterly. 
“Um.. what was the name of that guy you were askin’ for all those years ago..?”
There was a pause. “Patroclus..?”
“Ya, that guy.”
Achilles began to sit up, a serious look on his face. He tried to stifle any and all hope bubbling in his chest. “What about him?”
“There’s a guy here who’s saying he’s-“
Before she even finished that sentence, Achilles was up and running. Despite not walking or running in 3 decades, his speed did not change. He was just as fast as he used to be. Or maybe it was just the hope. 
He shoved past all of the other warriors, looking around wildly. “Where is he?!” He yelled. 
“He’s with Charon,” answered one. 
Achilles huffed and continued to run. Run just like he used to. But instead of running into battle, to what he used to think he wanted from his life, he ran to Patroclus, the thing he truly did want in his life. The person he wanted to be remembered for. The man who saved his legacy. Who saved him. He jumped over the River of Styx. He reached a dark area with the faintest blue glow of flame. 
“Patroclus.. PATROCLUS!” He yelled out. His breathing was heavy and intense. 
There was slight movement from the corner of his eye. He whipped his head around. And there he was. In all his glory. 
His beard, his curly hair, his brown eyes.. has his eyes always been that stunning?
“Achilles..” his voice was soft, echoey. 
Achilles ran to him, his hand extended to him. He ran at full speed to reach him, but even at that speed, it felt like closing the gap between the two of them took 100 years. 
Patroclus extended his hand toward him. The two of them interlaced their fingers together. 
What a joyous day in the Underworld. 
A soft breeze ran through the golden hair of Achilles. I always liked his hair. He rested on my chest, having cried himself to sleep. My lips were red and raw and his were too and I could still feel him shaking. 
I was never much of a crier, but even I shed a tear or two when we had at last found each other. 
I caress his neck softly. We had not let each other go. He had been none stop sobbing for the past 2 days. I’m starting to think he’s going to cling onto me for all of eternity. But, truthfully, I don’t hate that idea. 
The other heroes of the Elysian Fields gave us curious glances and would attempt to ask questions, but Achilles would glare at them and force them to back off. 
But now that Achilles was sleeping, they approached quietly. 
“So, you’re Patroclus?” Asked one, Theseus. 
“Yes, I am,” I answer softly. 
“You don’t look like a warrior.”
“I’m really not.. but I suppose I’m still seen as a hero.”
“We were wondering who was the person that could make the Aristos Achaoin so.. weak?” Bellerophon said before giving Achilles a nervous look to see if he heard him. 
“Hm.. well.. here I am.. hah..” In all honesty, I didn’t know how to talk to the people here. Yes, I’ve spoken with warriors, but these men were ancient heroes. And while Achilles may count as one of them, I never counted him as one. To me, he was always just Achilles. And that was always enough. 
In the distance, I saw one watching, glaring. I recognize his fiery red hair and sour face. Neoptolemus. 
I choose to ignore him. The mere thought of him makes my blood boil, but I don’t dare try to provoke him. For a number of reasons, really. 
One, he is Achilles’ son. Two, I want to put everything, the war, the pain, the loneliness, I want to put it all behind me. 
Achilles began to stir and all of the other warriors quickly got up to leave. 
He looked up at me. I smiled. He smiled too, but it was sad. He reaches up to kiss me. I caress his hair and he pulls away. His face is now sad and I brace myself to comfort his tears. 
“I’m so sorry, Patroclus..”
I was surprised. This whole time through his tears, he hasn’t managed to get any words through. 
The tears began to come and he wrapped his arms around my waist. “I’m so sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry for my pride. For my own stupidity. For my selfishness. I’m so sorry..”
His breath is ragged and I feel his quivering. I rub his back, hoping to comfort him and remind him that I am here. That everything turned out ok. 
“I’m so fucking sorry..!” He choked out. 
I kiss his shoulder, but instead of comforting him, he only cries more. 
“Achilles..” I whisper. He doesn’t respond. He can’t respond. And, truthfully.. that’s ok. 
I don’t try to have him stop. I let him cry. I let him apologize. I let him let out all his sorrow so that way once it’s all gone.. we can spend out eternity of peace together. 
So, I can wait. I can wait for his tears to subside. I can wait for him to remember how much I love him. 
I wait for him to remember my oath to him that I shall stay by his side.. forever. 
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bisexualriza · 3 months
HELLLLO HI i know its many hours after u reblogged it but if u still want some motivation to work on/share wips, the huntress. i am Looking. 👁
HIIIII and thats okay!!! im always looking for motivation and i also do not sleep ^_^
the huntress is actually one i've been writing slowly by piecing together scenes and trying to?? basically fit together a puzzle of them?? into a story??? LOL but you've gotten me to write a scene i've struggled with for a while!!!
"Why don't you just kill me?" It took everything in her not to have her voice tremble, not to convey any of the conflicting emotions welling up in her chest, not to wince in pain at the stinging on her cheek. Riza locked her gaze tightly onto those deep, crimson eyes and did not waver. "I could ask the same of you, songbird," the vampire woman purred, and her blood red lips quirked in amusement at Riza's mortified reaction to the nickname. "Besides. You don't seem to be in a hurry to die." "Don't call me that. And I have been trying to kill you." It was tempting, but she didn't glance over to where her stake had been knocked away. "You just...aren't the same as any vermin I've encountered before." Something about that elicited a low, delighted chuckle. "Oh, songbird," the woman sighed longingly. Riza felt her stomach tighten in knots. "You have no idea." That was when the vampire began her approach, her long, wavy dark hair bouncing enticingly with each step. Riza instinctively took a step back, and another, before forcing herself to remain still. If this was how she was going to die, then she wasn't going to spend her last moments pathetically retreating. She was going to look directly into the face of death and finally let it take her. Now uncomfortably close, the vampire woman raised her hand again, and once again her fingers elongated back into the thin but sharp daggers beneath that rose lace. She reached for Riza, who stood stiffly in anticipation, and used slow, snake-like movements to wrap her arm delicately around Riza's shoulders. Riza couldn't stop herself from trembling this time, both out of fear and whatever the hell else she was feeling. It was starting to become hard to hold the vampire woman's gaze, especially when those red lips parted to reveal ivory fangs that glistened even in the moonlight. The vampire leaned close, dipping her head to reach into the crevice of Riza's neck. Forgive me, Colonel.
rest in peace, Riza, you died doing what you do best; gay panicking in front of beautiful women.
thank you for getting me to write!! this au is dear to my heart and i definitely need to pay it more attention >_<
ask post!
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davenweenie · 2 years
Lab Rats Headcanon’s
I don’t know if anyone has realised but I’m horrendously British so you’ll have to excuse some of my language if you’re American and don’t understand it. Also I am a massive Chase stan so most of these will be about him.
-I could go on about the Chase is Trans hc until the day I die. He just gives off major trans vibes and it’s canon in my head. lol.
-Spike is so odd to me. The fact that they can’t find a way to remove him form Chase’s chip is odd. On another note please give me DID Chase fic recs.
-Chase is really durable. Adam can literally carry tons of weight and punches Chase all the time, also throws him, and Chase is just, like fine?
-Adam feels really guilty when he gets older about how much he hurt Chase when they were kids/teenagers. The fact that his baby brother’s arms were covered in bruises so much that he could never wear short sleeves in fear of someone thinking he was being abused makes him feel terrible.
-however, Bionic Brother Tosses still happen. Adam just makes sure Chase has somewhere a bit softer to land when they see each other.
-Bree can pick Chase up like he weighs nothing. Just throws him over her shoulder. She could since they were kids and made sure they could all carry each other if they needed to (getting out of dangerous situations, especially if someone is unconscious)
-Adam and Bree still have nightmares about seeing Chase’s ‘dead’ body in Giselle’s lab.
-their necks are incredibly sensitive from where their chips are. Kaz thinks it’s funny to touch Chase’s all the time and surprises him all the time when he sneaks up from the back.
-this is way in the future but I think Perry cried at Kaz and Chase’s wedding. Also Skylar and Bree’s. She told everyone she had hayfever though.
-Perry was inconsolable when one of her cats died from liver failure and came knocking on the EF penthouse door in tears. Bree and Chase were terrified to see that woman cry. Of course they comforted her though.
-I don’t think bionic people can get pregnant. I feel like it would be super dangerous idk. Adding to this, Bree and Skylar wanted kids but it would have been too dangerous for them both to have children so they ended up fostering and adopting twins of a superhero that was killed by the shapeshifters (idk this one’s a work in progress)
-Kaz and Oliver go back to being doctors when Mighty Med is rebuilt. Kaz was so excited after delivering his first baby (idk, do they do that at that hospital, I still haven’t finished MM) and kept rambling about it to Chase over the phone. Oliver was passed out because he’s terrified of babies.
-Adam and Leo both smoke weed for sure. They’re stoner brothers. If Chase had been around when they started he would for sure also get high a lot (probably not by smoking it because he cares too much about his health. He’d probably eat it)
-Chase doesn’t get dizzy. Instead: he sees in pixels until it goes away. This only happens if he gets really dizzy though, like has spun around 100 times sort of dizzy. Otherwise he’s like a normal person.
-Adam loved My Little Pony when they were kids, he still watched it from time to time when he’s feeling sad. He also really liked watching Monster High with Bree.
-Adam is literally Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls reincarnated. Chase is absolutely like Dipper Pines which is the main reason he loved Gravity Falls when he was younger.
-people used to think Bree and Chase were twins only because they were so similar in height and build, as they’ve gotten older they’ve become easier to separate from each other.
-Tasha drives and Davenport is the passenger princess. I know Davenport can drive but he chooses not to if he doesn’t have to.
-Adam loves going on drives with his siblings, it’s perfect bonding time. They sing pop songs (usually Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Brittany Spears etc) at the top of their lungs while driving to get food.
-When Kaz and Chase move in together, the first thing Kaz does is get a red pickup truck. He told Chase that he got it so they could drive out of the city and go stargazing where the sky wasn’t polluted by light. (It’s giving Dante and Aristotle, I know)
-Chase’s first car was a Ford Fiesta which he got with his own money. He knew he could have asked Davenport for a car and he would have gotten a high tech, brand new car the next day but he wanted something that he had worked hard to get. He wanted visual proof that he could accomplish things on his own and saving up for a car had been one of them.
-There were many road trips in that small car. They drove to Hollywood a lot and often times climbed up to the Hollywood sign even though they knew it was trespassing. When Chase eventually had to get a new car because the Fiesta kept breaking down, he had cried. He felt stupid crying over a car but Kaz had assured him it was okay.
-they had made so many memories in that car and after being split up as a team, Chase clung onto it as if it would make him and his siblings a team again. It took a lot of willpower to sell it for parts. He kept the steering wheel, he wanted to keep one part to remember the amazing times in that little car.
-although Bree used to constantly talk about how she wished she didn’t have to be around her brothers, now that she only had Chase around she realised how much she missed them. As annoying and obnoxious her brothers could be, she missed them more than anything.
-the reunion after being split up was a tearjerker, Douglas had sobbed into Otis (the dog, who Adam had kept after Chase moved out of the island) and then denied it ever happened.
Anywho, that’s all, luvs. I’m posting a lot because it’s my day off and I don’t feel completely exhausted anymore. Hopefully I’ll get back to posting more regularly now that my brain can function agains.
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