#also new access to evergreen.
drjohnhwatson · 6 months
does anyone have any good like “lesser known” detective stories they can recommend to me? Like yeah ok Sherlock Holmes obviously I know [taps blog like it’s a sign to be read] and I know poirot (have read one story and need to read more) and I know OF like nick and nora and rex stout but haven’t read them (…yet?) but I’m talking like smaller.
I burned through the gower street detectives and LOVED them, im currently winding my way through the barker & llewelyn series but since it’s over 10 and I’m on 2 it’ll be a while. exact ditto for maisie dobbs. and further ditto (with regards to the second novel) (but with fewer volumes to work through) for the brighton mysteries.
I personally like detectives where they have a sidekick of some sort, whether it’s their wife or their friend or Scotland Yard. I also really love set in the past like 19th century but even just like the 30s and such is fun. I don’t really love this whole craze of taking a real person and then have them solve mysteries as a series I find it a bit. Strange.
any thoughts??
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unboundprompts · 11 months
Different Ways to Describe Blue Eyes
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She had eyes like the sky on a warm, sunny day.
His eyes were of the darkest blue, like the ocean that threatened to drown sailors on a stormy night.
Their eyes glowed with anger, resembling the blue flames of an unforgiving fire.
His eyes were like ice: cold and relentless.
She had bright blue eyes that seized all the sadness in his heart when she looked at him.
His eyes were fire in the water.
Their eyes were the exact same shade of blue as the bucket he used to take with him down to the pond as a kid.
Her eyes reminded him of watercolors, blues and greens and purple mixing together like paint on a canvas.
He had eyes like sapphires: big beautiful gems that watched her every move.
She had never seen eyes like theirs— the lightest blue color that they were nearly silver— and she couldn’t help but to stare.
Their eyes were like deep blue pools, and he felt that he would get lost in them if given the chance.
His eyes were the same as the blue-green mountain lakes, reflecting the hue of evergreen trees and the sparkling sun.
With just a glance at her blue eyes, he could see a lifetime a struggle that she had never spoken aloud before.
In their blue eyes, she saw rings of gold like a new sun.
He had eyes like the midwinter sky.
Her blue eyes fixed him in the best ways.
They had never realized that blue eyes could look like such hot fire until now.
His eyes were the blue of the dark sky, lit with dancing northern lights and bright stars.
Her blue eyes had the sweetest traces of caramel.
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Uncle Sam paid to develop a cancer drug and now one guy will get to charge whatever he wants for it
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Today (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. Tomorrow (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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The argument for pharma patents: making new medicines is expensive, and medicines are how we save ourselves from cancer and other diseases. Therefore, we will award government-backed monopolies – patents – to pharma companies so they will have an incentive to invest their shareholders' capital in research.
There's plenty wrong with this argument. For one thing, pharma companies use their monopoly winnings to sell drugs, not invent drugs. For every dollar pharma spends on research, it spends three dollars on marketing:
And that "R&D" isn't what you're thinking of, either. Most R&D spending goes to "evergreening" – coming up with minor variations on existing drugs in a bid to extend those patents for years or decades:
Evergreening got a lot of attention recently when John Green rained down righteous fire upon Johnson & Johnson for their sneaky tricks to prevent poor people from accessing affordable TB meds, prompting this excellent explainer from the Arm and A Leg Podcast:
Another thing those monopoly profits are useful for: "pay for delay," where pharma companies bribe generic manufacturers not to make cheap versions of drugs whose patents have expired. Sure, it's illegal, but that doesn't stop 'em:
But it's their money, right? If they want to spend it on bribes or evergreening or marketing, at least some of that money is going into drugs that'll keep you and the people you love from enduring unimaginable pain or dying slowly and hard. Surely that warrants a patent.
Let's say it does. But what about when a pharma company gets a patent on a life-saving drug that the public paid to develop, test and refine? Publicly funded work is presumptively in the public domain, from NASA R&D to the photos that park rangers shoot of our national parks. The public pays to produce this work, so it should belong to the public, right?
That was the deal – until Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980. Under Bayh-Dole, government-funded inventions are given away – to for-profit corporations, who get to charge us whatever they want to access the things we paid to make. The basis for this is a racist hoax called "The Tragedy Of the Commons," written by the eugenicist white supremacist Garrett Hardin and published by Science in 1968:
Hardin invented an imaginary history in which "commons" – things owned and shared by a community – are inevitably overrun by selfish assholes, a fact that prompts nice people to also overrun these commons, so as to get some value out of them before they are gobbled up by people who read Garrett Hardin essays.
Hardin asserted this as a historical fact, but he cited no instances in which it happened. But when the Nobel-winning Elinor Ostrom actually went and looked at how commons are managed, she found that they are robust and stable over long time periods, and are a supremely efficient way of managing resources:
The reason Hardin invented an imaginary history of tragic commons was to justify enclosure: moving things that the public owned and used freely into private ownership. Or, to put it more bluntly, Hardin invented a pseudoscientific justification for giving away parks, roads and schools to rich people and letting them charge us to use them.
To arrive at this fantasy, Hardin deployed one of the most important analytical tools of modern economics: introspection. As Ely Devons put it: "If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’"
Hardin's hoax swept from the fringes to the center and became received wisdom – so much so that by 1980, Senators Birch Bayh and Bob Dole were able to pass a law that gave away publicly funded medicine to private firms, because otherwise these inventions would be "overgrazed" by greedy people, denying the public access to livesaving drugs.
On September 21, the NIH quietly published an announcement of one of these pharmaceutical transfers, buried in a list of 31 patent assignments in the Federal Register:
The transfer in question is a patent for using T-cell receptors (TCRs) to treat solid tumors from HPV, one of the only patents for treating solid tumors with TCRs. The beneficiary of this transfer is Scarlet TCR, a Delaware company with no website or SEC filings and ownership shrouded in mystery:
One person who pays attention to this sort of thing is James Love, co-founder of Knowledge Ecology International, a nonprofit that has worked for decades for access to medicines. Love sleuthed out at least one person behind Scarlet TCR: Christian Hinrichs, a researcher at Rutgers who used to work at the NIH's National Cancer Institute:
Love presumes Hinrichs is the owner of Scarlet TCR, but neither the NIH nor Scarlet TCR nor Hinrichs will confirm it. Hinrichs was one of the publicly-funded researchers who worked on the new TCR therapy, for which he received a salary.
This new drug was paid for out of the public purse. The basic R&D – salaries for Hinrichs and his collaborators, as well as funding for their facilities – came out of NIH grants. So did the funding for the initial Phase I trial, and the ongoing large Phase II trial.
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, the proposed patent transfer will make Hinrichs a very wealthy man (Love calls it "generational wealth"):
This wealth will come by charging us – the public – to access a drug that we paid to produce. The public took all the risks to develop this drug, and Hinrichs stands to become a billionaire by reaping the rewards – rewards that will come by extracting fortunes from terrified people who don't want to die from tumors that are eating them alive.
The transfer of this patent is indefensible. The government isn't even waiting until the Phase II trials are complete to hand over our commonly owned science.
But there's still time. The NIH is about to get a new director, Monica Bertagnolli – Hinrichs's former boss – who will need to go before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for confirmation. Love is hoping that the confirmation hearing will present an opportunity to question Bertagnolli about the transfer – specifically, why the drug isn't being nonexclusively licensed to lots of drug companies who will have to compete to sell the cheapest possible version.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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I just read the article you posted a while back about TB (heads up- it said the gift article link has lapsed or some such). Did J&J ‘evergreen’ (be allowed to be evil) or was it allowed to become generic?
Relatedly, how do you manage empathy fatigue? I deal with OCD too and it screams at me that I have to care about and do all the things all at once. How do you choose where to put your time and energy?
(Also, when I get the coffee subscription for my husband’s birthday, which version should I get?)
For me empathy fatigue sets in when I careen my attention from this crisis to that one to the next one to the one after that, always feeling overwhelmed by each emerging problem but never having the time or attention to devote myself to one problem or another.
I'll give you an example. In 2014, a horrific ebola epidemic swept through Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The world paid attention to it. Everyone was talking about it. And then .... it ended. At least in the global imagination. Money dried up. The world moved on to the next crisis.
That's not to say the next crisis wasn't important. It was important. But in Sierra Leone, the ebola crisis wasn't really over even after people stopped contracting ebola. 15% of Sierra Leone's healthcare workers had been killed by ebola, and the already fragile healthcare system plummeted into what one Sierra Leonean physician described to me as "a state of collapse."
And so the crisis remained a crisis even after the world's attention shifted. 1 in 17 women in Sierra Leone were dying in childbirth. Over 10% of kids born died before the age of five. Tuberculosis killed thousands every year despite curative treatment being available.
And this is when Hank and I finally, belatedly realized that responding to crises in the news was not adequate. Instead, we would need to commit the kind of long-term attention and long-term support that long-term crises demand. This means making difficult choices--there is also high maternal and child mortality in countries other than Sierra Leone, but we choose to focus on Sierra Leone because we see an opportunity to make a difference, because the government is serious if limited in its commitment to improving healthcare and educational opportunities, and because we had to make a choice or else we would be overwhelmed by the many causes.
What about the other causes? Well, we trust people to work on those causes. We believe in their importance. And we support their work by doing ours as well as we can, and trusting they are doing theirs as well as they can. I still get overwhelmed. I still get depressed. But I find that the deeper I go into my particular areas of interest--global healthcare delivery, health care accessibility, ending TB, fighting maternal mortality--the better I feel personally, and the more good I feel like I'm able to do.
2. Johnson & Johnson has not abandoned their secondary patents on bedaquiline but they have committed to allow generics to be available in most countries, even those where the secondary patents apply. Unfortunately this deal leaves out many countries that need generic bedaquiline, including Ukraine, which is absolutely unacceptable. So progress has been made, but the progress (as is so often the case) is inadequate. The fight goes on.
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islerouxsims · 1 month
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Hello Dizzy Isy fans! I'm absolutely thrilled to announce the release of Version 8!
The save file is now updated for the FOR RENT pack and Tomarang.
I hope you find a lot of joy in this new version of the save!
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♥ What do you get? ♥
220 custom clubs and icons (+11 than v.7) with points/rivalries and custom activities.
Lots of details of custom books to find, interesting tombstones, photos with past histories and mysteries etc.
♥ When you enter the save♥
There are 4 empty lots.
There are 20 empty houses (13 starters, 6 under 100k, 1 under 120k). (I have now labelled the starters so it is clearer.)
There are 18 rentals in holiday destinations.
3 new rentals in Tomarang with fleshed out family landlords.
There are now 3 free apartments.
Secret lots in Mt. Komerebi renovated.
Selvadorada and Strangerville adventure/mystery unplayed.
Conservation efforts not completed in Sulani.
Evergreen Harbor has many community project opportunities.
Neighbourhood Stories disactivated.
Voting and Eco Footprints also disactivated.
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It is a busy save file with many lots filled to stop random spawning of townies but the empty lots will soon quickly fill up with townie families if you don’t use them. The townies are clearly marked in the unplayed tab with the #townies so you know who is meant to have a lot and who isn’t.
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♥ What do you need? ♥
❥  ALL THE PACKS apart from Journey to Batuu
❥  Kits used: Fashion Street kit, Incheon Arrivals kit, Desert Luxe and Carnival Streetwear kit
-You can still download this save file without all these packs or kits but some items might be replaced by substitutes, and we all know how those pan out.
❥ 186 MB of free space for this save file.
❥  Zerbu’s More Club Icons Mod (PLEASE DOWNLOAD FIRST!)
(If unavailable to you please download from here)
❥  Rex’s Custom Club Activities Mod (PLEASE ALSO DOWNLOAD BEFORE THE SAVE!)
♥ Recommendations ♥
❥ MC Command Center by Deaderpool.  
❥ No Random Townies by Zero.    
❥ No Random Hats Acessories and Makeup by Bienchens.    
(Anything by Bienshens is amazing and safe to use in my opinion)
♥ How to install? ♥
Make a backup of your Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves folder
Download the file, unzip, and place files in Electronic Arts/The Sims4/Saves.
Open your game, enter the save. It is named “Dizzy Isy Save File By Isleroux and you should see the Koh Saphas as the last played household.
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"The Koh Saphas are heirs to the Sungai Point estate but face a whirlwind of challenges. Kasarinlan manages their property portfolio, while chef Kahilom embarks on managing a restaurant plagued by terrible reviews after a tragic incident involving artist Indigo Ivyloop. With twin girls on the horizon, Indigo's ashes in their posession and the daunting task of salvaging Kahilom's culinary reputation. Will their ambition prove their downfall, or can they turn the tide and savour success?"
DOWNLOAD (MediaFire)
**Lastly, if you find joy in the save file and wish to support me, perhaps you could consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help make future updates possible.
It's worth mentioning that despite the immense effort poured into Dizzy Isy over four years, I've chosen not to restrict access to my save files behind any paywall.
To those of you who have already extended your support, your kindness truly means the world to me. I want you to know that I see you, I appreciate you, and I'm grateful for your unwavering dedication, especially to those who have read this far down.**
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy simming!  ~isy~ ツ  
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Library Tips For Magic Practitioners
As a Missouri librarian, I've gotten to know my library district pretty well. So here are some tips for you!
Tip 1: Dewey is your friend.
And by that I mean the Dewey Decimal System (a more in-depth list is in that link) is your friend. It breaks down as follows:
000: General Knowledge (encyclopedias, newspapers, almanacs, etc)
100: Psychology & Philosophy (feelings, logic, friendships, etc)
200: Religions & Mythology (Bible stories, Native American myths, classical mythology, etc)
300: Social Sciences & Folklore (families, career, money, government, etc)
400: Languages (English, Spanish, American Sign Language, grammar, etc)
500: Math & Science (arithmetic, animals, rocks, plants, fossils, etc)
600: Medicine & Technology (inventions, machines, farming, health, etc)
700: Arts & Recreation (crafts, painting, music, games, sports, etc)
800: Literature (poetry, plays, novels from other countries, etc)
900: Geography & History (countries, biographies, etc)
If you're looking for ghosts, divination, and witchcraft specifically, look around 133. That's where I've found most of my magic-based books to borrow. You'll also find books talking about people's near-death experiences or reincarnation around this point.
While fiction technically falls in the 800s, most libraries will have it separate from nonfiction. You may still find things like poems or memoirs in the nonfiction section. Some libraries will have the biographies separated into their own section. A few libraries (at least here in Missouri) will have state-specific sections where you can learn more about local stuff.
Tip 2: There are computers and printers to use.
If you can't research something at home for literally any reason, getting a library card will often grant you access to using the computers and printers in the library.
When using the printer, some libraries will charge based on how much ink you use, other libraries will charge based on how much paper you use, and other libraries will charge based on some other criteria.
Be aware that you lose access to these if you reach a certain level of overdue materials or money is charged to your library card until the materials are returned/paid for or the money is paid off. Luckily, librarians are here to help you and can tell you what's missing.
Tip 3: Libraries have more than books.
Seriously. The main branch of my library district has 3D printers, telescopes, gaming systems to use in-building, and more stuff that I didn't even pay attention to because I was scrambling to learn the behind-the-counter stuff. Feel free to ask us for something and we can see if it's in-county for ya!
Audiobooks are often available on CDs and in the form of Playaways, which are like MP3 players with a single book on them. You will need a wire-connected set of earbuds or a wire-connected headset and batteries. Some libraries sell earbuds, but not batteries.
Large Print books will often have their own special designation as LP, but more often they have their own shelf sections. You'll find a surprising number of Westerns there, but there are Large Print nonfiction books.
Tip 4: Requesting materials.
Not finding something you're looking for? Ask the front desk for help! In Missouri, we have the Missouri Evergreen system, which means we can borrow books from all over the state* on the topic you're looking for.
If we can't find it (or you're in a library that doesn't have such a monumental reach), then you can often fill out a book request form. We will then do our best to order the book for you - but be aware that it could take many months, and most of the time, people will cancel their order of the book well before our budget catches up or we even have time to get the book processed and integrated into the system. Patience is key when ordering a new book.
*At participating branches - not every library district in our state is part of Missouri Evergreen.
Tip 5: Self-checkout is a thing.
At least, it is here in Missouri. If you don't want to interact with the front desk, there are often self-checkout stations for books, DVDs, audiobooks, et cetera. Even my middle-of-nowhere branch has one!
Unfortunately, this won't work for other things, like updating your card once it expires or resolving monetary charges (which will both send you to the front desk).
Tip 6: Search the new shelves.
Some libraries like mine will have specially-designated "New Shelves", where you can find a lot of the most recent releases. If you're trying to find something in a particular number that you saw on the search but can't find it, it may be on the new shelf. These get cycled out whenever new books come in, which may mean that you have several months' worth of new releases to dig through.
In short, I hope this helps you in your search through the library! Best of luck to you!
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WTF house. This is a nice looking 1970 mid-century modern home in Chautauqua, New York, but I don’t know what’s happening here. Some of it is a time capsule and some of it looks like it had weird updates. It has 4bd & 4ba. Asking $999,750K. Look at it and see what you think. 
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Huge rustic looking stone wall. I’m not loving the furniture, but the living room is a very large, open space.
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I like the color of the peachy kitchy. It sure is long, isn’t it? What a gigantic island. 
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In this picture it looks ivory. I’m confused, now.
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The dining area features a tiled wall with a fireplace.
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Family room with a nice white stone wall, but that 70s Colonial furniture really detracts from it- it’s not the right style.
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I would say that this is the main bd. It’s very plain for a $1M house.
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The main bath has a large double sink that matches the kitchen cabinets, and an explosion of tile patterns.
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These bds are kind of tight.
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Somebody really likes this geometric tile.
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The other bds are all on the small side- you can’t even get a bureau and nightstand in here, unless it’s sideways.
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These geometric baths are somewhat disorienting.
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In the finished basement are a toilet and shower w/o doors. 
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An organized storage area.
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This patio is very nice.
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The yard is about 1/4 of an acre. 
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There’s also access to University Beach. 
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zhengzi · 7 months
JTTW - Ch. 1
The divine root conceives, its source revealed; Mind and nature nurtured, the Great Dao is born
Finally got around to gathering my thoughts and impressions of the first chapter. Really enjoying how accessible the translation is yet still preserves the qualities of the original text. I've written down some notes of my initial impressions which I'll put under a read more.
Disclaimer: i am diasporan chinese but i haven't received formal schooling in chinese culture and history, so most of my knowledge mostly comes from my upbringing and whatever family has shared with me. I have passing familiarity with much of the concepts and history in the text but I'm not very well read on them so please do take my impressions with a grain of salt
The chapter starts with the formation of the universe which was rendered in a cycle of chaos/destruction and then creation/order through twelve epochs. In the Zi epoch, heaven was created first through the creation of the sun, moon, stars and heavenly bodies. The yin yang principle came into the Chou epoch, which was also when the Earth was formed. In the Yin epoch, both the heavens and earth copulated and all things were born, from which the three forces of Heaven, Earth and Man were established.
The beginning of the chapter lays out a Daoist conception of the world through yin yang and the formation of the heavens and earth.
Later, we’re introduced to a monkey who was born from a stone that had the seeds of heaven and earth combined. After the monkey bowed to the four quarters, beams of light shone from his eyes that disturbed the heavens.
This part keys us into the nature of the monkey as being born of both Heaven and Earth. In Chinese culture, our conception of the Heavens is it functions as a bureaucracy and often serves as a symbolic stand in for the imperial bureaucracy. While the Earth stands in for the masses and communities that the imperial bureaucracy presided over. Having already been familiar with the first half of the novels due to having watched adaptations, the lights from the monkey’s eyes disturbing the heavens foreshadows his disruption of heavenly affairs in later chapters.
As the stone-monkey eats, communes with his monkey friends and makes friends with other animals, he demonstrates a connection to the Earth and the desires that are attached to the Earth. Soon, the monkeys discover a waterfall where the stone-monkey discovers an enclave of Heaven-sent property where the monkeys could go live and be spared from the whims and influence of the Heavens.
A retreat from the wind, A shelter from the rain. You fear no frost or snow; You hear no thunderclap. Mist and smoke are brightened, Warmed by a holy light- The pines are evergreen: Rare flowers, daily new:
The stone-monkey announces that because he was able to come in and go out of the enclave without hurting himself, he should be honoured as king.
If we were to understand the Heavens as bureaucracy and the Earth as the people below, the stone-monkey being born of both implies that he’s a combination. Looking at imperial Chinese society, one can recall that someone being born of both heaven and earth could be the mandarin officials that make up the gentry in the imperial bureaucracy but are selected from the common people through the imperial examination.
The stone-monkey eventually does away with the stone in his name to become the Handsome Monkey King. He then appoints gibbons and baboons to be his ministers and officers. “Living in concord and sympathy, they did not mingle with bird or beast but enjoyed their independence in perfect happiness.” Their main activities were described as being solely focused on food and drinks.
When you view the monkey as a mandarin official, the allegory in this scene implies the corrupted nature of mandarin officials in primarily enjoying their gentry lives rather than serving for the common people below them.
After several hundred years of this existence, the monkey king one day grew sad. When asked why, he states that although they were free from Heavenly rule or free from rulers of mankind, he worries about the threat of old age and physical decay, in essence, death in the future. “If we die, shall we not have lived in vain, not being able to rank forever among the Heavenly beings?" Another monkey leapt forth to say that there are three species of living creatures that are not subjected to death, the Buddhas, the immortals and the holy sages. Upon learning this, the monkey king announces that he would leave them all tomorrow in search of immortality from these beings.
In Chinese culture, longevity and immortality are auspicious concepts. The first emperor to unite China, Qin Shi Huang, was known for constantly seeking the key to immortality. If Western alchemy’s goal was to find the Philosopher’s Stone, then the goal of Chinese alchemy was to find the key to immortality. Within the Chinese cultural preoccupation with immortality is an anxiety towards death. This theme will likely continue throughout the rest of the story as it will figure heavily in the monkey king’s journey and his motivations.
Once he sets out on his journey and mingle among humans, he notes that nobody was as preoccupied with his concerns about mortality. “He saw, however, that the people of the world were all seekers after profit and fame; there was not one who showed concern for his appointed end.” This is further expanded in a verse: When will end this quest for fortune and fame, This tyrant of early rising and retiring late? Riding on mules they long for noble steeds; By now prime ministers, they hope to be kings. For food and raiment they suffer stress and strain, Never fearing Yama's call to reckoning. Seeking wealth and power to give to sons of sons, There's not one ever willing to tum back.
It illustrates that the common people are preoccupied with material wealth or social status, concerned more so with their present reality rather than their future & mortality.
The monkey king later encounters a woodcutter, mistaking him for an immortal. Monkey king finds out that the woodcutter is neighbours with an immortal asks why he didn’t follow him in the cultivation of the Way and seek immortality. He replied that due to his obligations to uphold his filial duty, he cannot practice austerities.
The woodcutter shows that the opportunity to pursue cultivation can be marred by one’s previous obligations to their family or material interests, the ability to pursue cultivation requires sacrifice and to free oneself of attachments.
So far, I'm reading the text as political satire as this is the most common reading of the text I've encountered within any engagement I've had with chinese culture and my family. Even though i've enjoyed previous adaptations of JTTW and found them funny, I was still pleasantly surprised by the humour in the text and that it wasn't as dry as I had thought
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kob131 · 7 months
So question.
Is Pokemon DLC 'Pay To Win' competitively?
This is an accusation I've heard lobbied quite a bit and to be honest it's kind of confusing. For those who don't know- A 'pay to win' feature that allows you to pay real world money in order to get an advantage over players who do not. Think paying from a great DPS gun in an online competitive shooter or boosting XP for an online game with RPG elements.
The argument around Pokemon DLC being 'Pay To Win' revolves around two main pillars- DLC exclusive Pokemon and returning Pokemon. The 'DLC Exclusives' revolve around the Pokemon Urshifu, Calrex Rider and Ogerpon. All three of these Pokemon have seen/are seeing widespread usage in competitive and are exclusive to their own DLCs. Thus by not having access to these Pokemon- you are at a disadvantage and thus you must buy the DLC. Which sounds like Pay To Win...
Until you remember that each DLC's launch comes with an update that allows for all Pokemon, including DLC exclusives, to be compatible with games that do not have it. Thus you can simply trade for it.
'But no one is going to trade away their 30 Pay To Win bear!'
Well, thing is. Pokemon trading works a lot like bartering- you offer something worthwhile in exchange for something you want. For example, you could trade a Shiny or Legendary or even a starter in exchange for the Pokemon. And it's not like you only get the DLC once- You get it for all profiles on your Switch. So if you were to offer a highly valued Pokemon then someone will work to get it, especially since the likes of Urshifu aren't hard to get. (Can get one before the second Gym). Same with Ogerpon. The only one that doesn't count to is Calrex, which is rather shitty but Ogerpon and Urshifu are the main 'culprits' and they're also the easiest to get and trade with.
'But that's just using an exploit and it's not intended!'
... How is the DLC being downloaded on all profiles an exploit? It's not a glitch or oversight- it's basic consumer friendliness. They had to have known this was a thing.
Another argument is that returning Pokemon inevitably shake up the metagame, introducing new staples, and thus the people who bought the DLC have an advantage. Again this fails to me because you can simply trade for the Pokemon. It isn't completely locked off from you.
Of course people will argue that I'm just defending shitty business practices that modern Game Freak are employing and that they wouldn't have done this in the past. To that I answer-
How do you catch a Heatran in Pokemon Black/White?
It's a simple question- Heatran is a famously evergreen competitive Pokemon. One would consider having access to Heatran as a necessary tool for competitive players. If not Heatran than what about Laitos, the number 1 most used Pokemon in competitive BW according to Pikalytics? If not that then what about Garchomp, not even a Legendary by this point? How do you catch these Pokemon in the most widely beloved Pokemon games?
Simple answer- You don't. You CANNOT catch these Pokemon in Black and White. You either have to buy the sequel games (which is effectively full game priced DLC here) or you buy Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platnium and/or Ruby/Sapphore/Emerald to get them. As well as a second DS to transfer them.
And this is a major problem I have with these arguments. They never take into account how transfers inherently give older players an advantage over new players and how this basically makes older, full priced games necessary to compete. That really, the DLC are in fact the more consumer friendly alternative because you get access to more Pokemon than a sequel or third version would give you; you can easily obtain multiples of Pokemon and unlike some cases- you don't need a duplicate console.
Or in other words- the Pokemon fanbase doesn't seem to realize they're actively calling for Game Freak to fuck them harder.
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fred-the-dinosaur · 7 months
It seems to me that the trouble with digital is it's all still physical objects. Maybe there can be copies of things and they can travel very fast and be in multiple places and be compressed down and stored in unthinkably tinier places and accessed cleverly and take forms we could barely conceive of before we met computers.
But it's still an SSD card, a big server, a powerplant, physical equipment to read a bunch of information inscribed into a very high tech substrate (stuff!)
Old film negatives or plates aren't nearly as useful until you use a bunch of old processes, materials and skills to pull prints from them. Even digitisation requires both image capture tools (objects) and software (runs on objects) to replicate a process that was originally made with objects, and which is therefore modelled on data from having those objects.
Lots of people say 'oh get rid of manuals and physical books and photo albums and go digital' and sure. Tactility aside it's great option for space. Fold your two hundred book library into a flash drive the size of a postage stamp like an old man folding the broadsheet down to a postcard. Saves on a lot of dusting and apartments are pretty small. (First person to use this as an excuse to pile on konmari is getting hit with a saucepan btw)
But putting it all in the digital space is treated like using a magic hammerspace where it's safe, retrievable and doesn't rely on the physical world at all. Just your passwords which are now tied to you specific phone, your accounts which run on servers which are just computers you don't own. Your evergreen file formats. Your hard drives which will not fail of course, and will always be backed up to other infallible hard drives and other people's computers and Google searches which definitely find that blog (dead) which had a link (dead) to a file on a Google drive (deleted) that one time. Electricity which will always be on and legacy software that will definitely still run on the new hardware because the old ones long gone, and WiFi which is a basic utility so will always be flowing and so so much water in the big server farms run by the monopolies bigger than nations.
It just seems. Like a grown-up, acceptable equivalent to stuffing a bunch of stuff under your bed so you don't have to think about it. Because even if you ignore the monopolies and the exploitation for water and minerals, and the planned obsolescence. Isn't it all still depending on stuff? Physical, very dense stuff. That needs to be kept dry and cool and powered on and connected and very Not Near big magnets? But it's still objects to look after.
It feels like when we're selling each other the idea of keeping everything 'digital' there's an undercurrent of 'because it loopholes having to think about the inherent ephemerality, storage requirements and maintenance needs of physical objects'. But just as computing can transcend the forms of the physical, so is it dependent on it. I'm worried what's happening given that as a broader culture we pretend that it removes thinking about objects, rather than adding a whole new bunch of objects to look after.
And at some point that file in that file format on that cloud server or storage device will be as inaccessible to you as an undeveloped glass plate negative is now. That day is coming sooner than we think. And pretending it's not still made of physical stuff is contributing to the narratives that let it get pushed here faster.
(Also my computer harddrive died last week. Pah.)
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hsenvs3000w24 · 3 months
Nature Interpretation for change
At its core, I believe that nature interpretation is all about the feelings you have toward nature, whether it's in that moment or in general. However, the more textbook definition is an educational activity that analyzes the meanings and relationships within nature, through use of original objects and first hand experience to communicate information (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt1). Nature interpretation can and should be done by anyone and anywhere. 
What is my personal ethics as a nature interpreter? I feel as though everyone should have the right and access to nature interpretation. This means that as interpreters we need to make interpretation easily accessible to everyone, especially public areas (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt7). This means adding more ramps for wheelchairs in public parks, and making sure there are enough benches for people to sit at whenever they need. There needs to be trash cans and picnic tables for people to eat lunch, or use at their own leisure as some people may need to change their diabetes patch or throw out a diaper. We also need to make nature interpretation a safe space for people to share their own thoughts. Some reasons people, especially minority groups, might not want to get involved with nature interpretation is because of cultural barriers, communication barriers, and economic barriers (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt7).
I also believe that as interpreters we should encourage the future generation to become interpreters, and open this up to children as well. I think it is so important for children to understand the beauty of nature at a young age. Knowledge of the world and natural history breeds “fond familiarity” with people and nature experiences (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt21). It is so important for people to create these relationships with nature because it’s in ecological literacy that makes people understand the impact of climate change, pollution, and other environmental problems (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt21). I believe that the next generation needs to be more exposed to nature and being outside. With today's technology, the appeal of going outside and playing has faded and we need to bring it back. I think some new initiatives to enforce this can be through having more outdoor school trips in elementary schools, and trying to incorporate more outdoor classes into our schedule. There are even simple activities that we can try and get children into to deepen their love for nature. Some of these activities include nature portraits where you paint or draw everything around you, or pattern wandering where you pick a pattern and search an area for anything that has a similar pattern (Evergreen, 2023). All this is to say that I believe the next generation needs to develop their sense of place. This is the feeling you feel when you find a place where culture and history speak for itself. Finding your “A raison d’être” or a reason for existing is crucial for wanting to protect the environment (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt1). I think that our next step is to engage children in more nature interpretive activities. 
I am very passionate about protecting the environment and I am always looking for new ways to become more eco-friendly and sustainable. As nature interpreters, it is our responsibility to look after the environment as it sustains everything that we need to survive. I think one way in doing this is researching and donating to researchers trying to find new ways to help in the climate crisis. One organization called rainforest alliance hopes to bring harmony to people and the environment by implementing scalable solutions to the climate crisis (rainforest, 2024). Rainforests are ecosystems under pressure from climate change, and organizations like this that put emphasis on protecting them are crucial. Another new initiative that is being researched is carbon sequestration. Everytime a farmer tills their soils, they release large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and this increases our greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists are trying to find ways to keep the carbon in the soil, and this is through practical farming techniques like reducing tillage, cover crops, precision fertilization and more. A scientific article called Shaky Grounds by Gabriel Popkins discusses all of the ways that carbon sequestration could show promise to the climate crisis (Popkin, 2023). Supporting research for this is one simple way that we can all become more sustainable and aid the climate crisis. Another very simple way is by adapting a more reusable lifestyle. Some ways of doing this are through not using disposable bottles, using reusable initiatives such as beeswax to preserve food instead of plastic wrap, and using reusable makeup wipes instead of disposable ones. I think it is our responsibility to adopt these small changes in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. 
Everyone will be able to tackle these changes in their own unique and important way. However, the way that I believe I should tackle these issues is through social media. I think social media is the future whether you choose to admit it or not. It is so important to use social media as a tool to engage and teach people. Something I can see myself doing, and that I already partly do is posting and reposting climate change initiatives and ways to save the planet. I think that using social media as a platform to encourage change is amazing! I currently run a couple TikTok pages for different clubs and it is so exciting to see the way different people respond to what we post. Some TikToks also reach thousands of views in only a couple hours. This goes to show the power that social media has. The National Park Service Climate Change Response Program has slowly begun to emphasize the importance of climate change and ways to help the crisis. Some of the ways they are doing this is through using science to help manage parks, finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and through public awareness and communication (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt5). I think that climate change needs to become an active influential part of the interpretation of nature as these go hand and hand, and I believe that spreading awareness through social media is my way of doing this. I will be posting more photos of nature to encourage a deeper appreciation in others and repost articles that talk about ways that we can aid in the climate crisis. 
So why is nature interpretation so important? It is absolutely essential to create heightened appreciation, make deeper understandings, and find new ways to view the world around us. It can be one of the solutions to the climate crisis, and it can help one's mental health (Beck et al, 2018. Chpt1). The environment is beautiful, and one way to appreciate it is through nature interpretation. I know that everything I have learned over the last couple of months will be put to good use going forward! 
Here are some of my favourite nature moments
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Beck, L. Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. (Chapter 1). SAGAMORE Publishing.
Beck, L. Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. (Chapter 5). SAGAMORE Publishing.
Beck, L. Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. (Chapter 7). SAGAMORE Publishing.
Beck, L. Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. (Chapter 21). SAGAMORE Publishing.
Evergreen. 10 fun and easy outdoor activities for Kids. (2023). https://www.evergreen.ca/stories/7-fun-and-easy-outdoor-activities/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q4Rj4rHzCu8PxRJ0ob-7Kpuq0TrABZKSyTIQgnCzAcIxronevCsfZAaAujcEALw_wcB 
Popkin, G. (2023). Shaky ground. Science, 381(6656), 369–373. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adj9318 
Rainforest Alliance. (2024). https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/
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rom-e-o · 7 months
Not Supposed to Be Here (Ebenezer/Constance)(Modern AU)
Unwanted company follows Constance home one day.
Rated 13+. Triggers for stalking from a third party, light violence w/ mention of blood, and some language. All the romance is just fluff, maybe with some innuendo if you squint.
Also, this takes place in a modern AU universe featuring @quill-pen's Bess (and her own Ebenezer/zar), Addie, and Gal. Cameo time!
Happy reading!
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Usually, Constance felt safer upon entering their flat’s guarded lobby.
The gentle chime of the entry bell and lemony smell of freshly sprayed cleaner offered an air of professional hominess. It felt sophisticated, but also slightly cavernous, which usually aided her feelings of safety.
The building was old in design, with darkly lacquered walls and natural stone floors, but the cameras and keypads that dotted the vicinity were the best money could buy. The cost of the units within the building damn near insisted it. As a result, most of the residents did the same.
Literal resident, philanthropist (and casual billionaire) Ebenezer Samuel Scrooge, for example, had spared no expense in making her feel safe once she moved into his upscale London apartment. The man already had an impressive security system installed. A few years ago, he would have said it was to protect the funds, ledgers, and gold he prized. Now, it was to protect the woman with a heart of gold whom he had the honor of marrying in a few months’ time.
While Ebenezer treasured Constance open and ardently, her presence alone wasn’t the only factor that inspired him to pay top dollar for security.
He knew that being at his side put her in the public eye, and considering her ex-husband’s very active restraining order, he had updated the system to the latest model the day she first entered his abode.
Not only was the front door guarded by a doorman and the front desk staffed by two receptionists, but the floor Ebenezer’s flat occupied could only be accessed by a special elevator, which was manned by its own staff member at all hours, except for the occasional break. There was, of course, the fire escape out back, but that area was also guarded with cameras closely.
Yet, even as she made small talk with the attendants and checked their postbox for mail, a sense of uneasiness lingered over her like a storm cloud.
She felt unusually restless; like eyes were on her, but not just any set of eyes.
It had been just over a year since she’s felt that familiar sense of dread … the nightmare of his eyes, dark and cold as fog, watching her. Scrutinizing her. Hating her from afar.
A Harrods catalog slipped from her hands and onto the floor.
The rustle caught the attention of a nearby receptionist.
“Something wrong, Ms. DoGoode?” one asked, peering up at her from their post behind a large Mac monitor. They appeared to be checking their emails, the camera feed resigned to a smaller window in the lower corner.
Constance turned and looked behind her, her gaze moving through the lobby and out into the busy London streets. The frost-covered glass hid the details of the sidewalk and traffic outside from her view, but nothing immediately caught her attention.
Prudence, the large mastiff that loyally followed her lead even without a leash, followed her eyes. In response to her owner’s obvious discomfort, her stance immediately became more protective at the first showing of fear. She glanced around, growling in an attempt to stave off whatever was causing her new mama to tremble.
Yet, even as they both ladies stared out the front door, they saw … nothing.
Perhaps she was imagining things. Or, imagining people.
Trying to save face, Constance chuckled and tucked her mail away in her evergreen Telfar shopping bag, a recent acquisition from New York that her mother had sent.
“I’m fine,” she said, making sure to flash the receptionist a grin. “Clumsy as always, haha! Thank you for worrying.”
As if sensing her discomfort, Prudence whimpered and pawed at her lower legs. She bent and scooped up the mailer, then rubbed her large, meatball-shaped noggin. “Sorry, girl. I guess I’m just imagining things.”
Something must have triggered the feeling, she thought. Maybe another man in the lobby was wearing the same cologne as him, and she’d picked up on it subconsciously. Maybe she hadn’t seen someone coming in behind her at the entrance, and she’d let a door fall shut on someone. Yet, if that was the case, they apparently hadn’t stuck around to chastise her.
With kind words of parting, Constance made her way to the gilded elevator tucked in the back of the lobby. Prudence stayed behind just a moment longer, cocking her face at something beyond the glass.
Constance whistled as she held the door. “Come, Prudence.”
With a huff, the pup gave up her pursuit and trotted into the elevator.
“Good girl,” she praised. With those words, the elevator doors fell shut.
Moments later, the front door opened softly, and a man stepped in.
“Excuse me,” he asked as he approached the desk. We wore a dark trench with camel-colored gloves tucked into his pockets. His American accent was distinct, with a slight Dutch twang. “I looking for someone, and I think I just saw her go up.”
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“Let’s see…oh, Harrods opened their Christmas department,” Constance exclaimed as she read the mailer on the ride up. “Oh, they already have their teddy bear display up this year! The Cratchit children would adore that. We should all go on an evening after work!”
While Constance attempted to distract herself by reading the seasonal ads, Prudence kept glancing around, as if even the tiniest shadow in the elevator could pose a threat.
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“I wonder…has Bess ever been before?” Constance pondered aloud. “I’ll have to text Wolf and see. What a fun surprise that would be!”
Lacquered maroon nails tapped the glossy paper impatient. She glanced around the small space and heaved a sigh. “The, um, attendant must be on break.”
The mastiff definitely wasn’t listening. Her expressive eyes furrowed at every sound, and when the doors opened on the private floor, she even let out a bark.
Smiling softly, Constance gave Prudence a reassuring pat on the back as they exited. “You’re so brave, protecting me. Thank you, sweetheart.”
The praise temporarily distracted Prudence from her apprehension, her tongue lolling from her gummy jaw. Her tail swayed like a ship’s mast during a sea storm.
“Now, keys, keys…” Constance said, reaching her entire arm into the large bag to fish out the front door key to the apartment.
When her fingers brushed the distinct, heart-shaped keyring, a grin bloomed on her face. “There you are! Sneaky.”
Constance unlocked the front door, making sure to wipe her heels on the welcome mat before crossing the threshold.
“Ebenezer?” she called into the space, only to be greeted with silence. She heard no voices, or even music, from within. It seemed he was still out on business. He’d been called to a private meeting at a client’s estate. As the meeting was outside of their usual office location, there had been no reason for Constance to accompany him. Instead, he recommended she take the day off.
She smiled at the memory, especially how he had promised her he’d be back by dinner, then kissed her lovingly on her lips to seal the promise.
In fact, he kissed her each and every time they parted, no exceptions.
She kicked off her heels quickly, then reached up to a keypad located right next to their coatrack.
In addition to a front door key, the apartment had a security system that triggered every time the door was unlocked from the outside. Upon each entry, a special code had to be keyed in to disarm the system until the next time someone entered the space.
Some called the measure tiring or even nerve-inducing. She understood those sentiments, but to her, it was nothing but reassuring. It was a small price to pay for safety, in her mind. More than anything, she was grateful that Ebenezer took her safety so seriously.
She reached up and keyed in the code, her manicured nails tapping polished nickel buttons quickly. By now, she knew the code so well that she could enter it without even looking at the numbers.
A gentle beep sounded from the device, and Constance grinned in satisfaction. “There we go! Now then, miss ma’am Prudie, let’s—”
Without warning, the mastiff began to howl and bark. The volume of her bellows was so loud that the windows seemingly rattled in place.
His cheap cologne gave him away to Prudence before Connie had realized.
Just as the door was about the latch, a gloved hand shot through and stopped it from falling shut. The hand was large and masculine, adorned in a nondescript leather glove that would have been commonplace for anyone in London to wear, especially during the ideas of winter.
However, Constance recognized the glove instantly. She only knew one man who wore camel-colored leather gloves, complete with gold buttons at the wrists.
“Well, well,” Orin Spiegler grumbled, throwing the door open hard enough that the knob punched the drywall and left a hole. “The Sun was right.”
“Orin.” The sound came out as a choked gasp rather than a question.
“Normally I don’t read the tabloids, but when I saw that you hadn’t sent me a wedding invitation, I thought I’d check in with you personally.”
On stockinged feet, Constance stepped back from the front door. Shock stole her voice and ability to move, causing her to creep away with the speed of maple syrup through a frozen tap.
After a terrifying beat of silence, the man raised his arms like a preacher in a sermon and let out a loud laugh. “Well, don’t just stand there! Why don’t you give your ex-husband a hello, at least? After all, I flew all the way here. Don’t I at least get a kiss?”
She felt physically sick, as if she could vomit right there on the spot. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I’m banned from London? I’m here on business, Connie. Something our little … separation almost ruined for me. Don’t worry, I have no hard feelings about it, so don’t worry yourself into an episode over it.”
“I have a restraining order,” she said, her voice steady but far from confident. The acid behind his stare made it hard for her to control the tremble in her voice.  “Y-You know that. You can be in London, of course, but…”
“I know you do, my little pumpkin-haired princess,” he said, his tone as condescending as his verbiage, “But, I was in the neighborhood. You know, the financial district, and saw you walking that fabulous little pup of yours.”
Her eyes flitted to the keypad, the red ‘Alarm’ button in the corner practically screaming to be pressed. She wanted to lunge to it, but her ex-husband’s broad-shouldered frame blocked it readily. Perhaps she could shove him, she thought, though her gut knew that she could move him even if she tried her hardest.
She’d never been able to shove him away before, after all.
Prudence continued to growl at the strange man, her canines flashing, and her impressive berth only accentuated by her splayed pose. Lowering herself close to the floor, she looked ready to spring up and attack, like an overwound toy or Jack-in-the-box.
“Easy there, princess. I’m not going to—”
When she snapped at his leg, his brow lifted in surprise.
“Temperamental, are we?” Orin sneered, “I never did like dogs. Too needy.”
His words sounded assured, but Constance couldn’t help but observe that the man had shrank away from her the tiniest bit.
He was scared of Prudence, she realized. Good. This was very good!
“She’s weary of strangers,” she offered, tilting her head down slightly.
“Didn’t seem weary when you were in the lobby.”
Her stomach congealed. So, he hadn’t imagined the feeling after all. “T-Then you must have also seen that I was talking with building security.”
“Who are just SO great at their jobs!” Orin mockingly posed, index finger bouncing in the air as if to tap an invisible period on the end of his statement. “Truly, bravo! I mean, all I had to do was walk in and speak to that lovely receptionist. She heard my accent, and I said I was a friend of yours. I told her I’d seen you while walking by and had just missed you in the lobby. Not a lie, after all. Then it was just a matter of choosing the right floor.”
“The right floor?”
“Everyone knows where your decrepit fiancé lives,” he said. “Exterior shots are all over the gossip rags. You should read them, actually! They say some things about you. Mostly about your breasts and age. I can’t believe they think you’re a 32DD. We all know you’re a—”
“Please stop,” she pleaded, holding a hand up, “I don’t care. I really don’t.”
“You should. They’re short-changing you, babe.”
“Don’t call me that. Also, don’t insult Ebenezer.”
“Well, anyway, images of you at your last dress-fitting kept me and all the other guys very entertained in the airport,” he said with a smile. “You ladies all looked so cuuuute! I’m glad you had some friends for this fitting. It must have been so lonely last time, with just you and your parents.”
“I recognized Bess – fucking gorgeous lady, tell her I said that—”
“I won’t.”
“—and the other two … Addie and Gal, yes?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“So, I’m right. Fah-bulous. Are they taken?”
“In every way, shape and form,” she said flatly. “Are you satisfied?”
Orin chuckled a little too hard, until the sound petered out into a garish gasp. Then, his eyes drifted out the nearby apartment window, as if he was lost in thought. She almost thought she could sneak past him, until his eyes flashed back to her at the speed of an owl’s.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Connie?” he asked. “You. Here. With him.”
Constance furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand the question.”
“You’re not going to fall for the same song and dance again, are you?” he asked. “Doesn’t this feel familiar to you? The courting? The sweet nothings? You, sitting alone in an apartment, biding your time until he grows bored with you?”
It was Constance’s turn to laugh, but this time, in disbelief. “You and Ebenezer are nothing alike. Not in any way.”
“Now, that can’t be true,” he objected. “After all, you love him … and you loved me. Once upon a time, maybe, but you did. We must have a few similarities.”
“I loved the man I thought you were.”
“Perhaps we have acting in common.”
“You think this one will last?” he asked. “That a man with his wealth and status will be satisfied with just you?”
“You have no right to—”
"Want a little insider tip?” Orin asked with a smirk. “Think of men like cabs, babe. When they're available, their light goes on. Ping! They wake up one day and decide they're ready to settle down, have a couple brats, they’re like a driver on-duty. The light goes on, and then, it’s a race against all the other cabs to get their next passenger. The next woman they pick-up? BOOM! That's the one. Marriage, kids, life-rending depression.”
Constance shook her head. “You might be like that—”
“—All men are like that—”
“—But Ebenezer isn’t.”
The guffaw that left Orin’s lips was as strident as cannon fire. “You think you're living a sweet little love story? You got lucky. You were just a pretty, desperate redhead on the curb. He pulled up, and you couldn't wait to hop in, couldn't you?"
Constance couldn’t look Orin in the eyes. “I-I…accepted Ebenezer’s kindness, yes. But I assure you, he was kind to me out of the goodness of his heart. He never expected anything in return because he’s a good man. A generous man!”
“Right,” Orin said. “And yet…here you two are. Living together. Engaged.”
“A therapist would call this a troubling pattern, Con. You’re the common denominator here.”
“You were the one who asked me to marry you!” she asserted, her voice starting to hike in volume.
Then, to her horror, a grin split his face. “Oh … that’s right. I asked you. I flicked my little light on when I chatted you up, bought you a few vodka sodas on starry rooftops, compared you to a Botticelli angel, held your hand when we ice-skated in Rockefeller Center …I pulled my car up to your curb. And what did you do?”
He stepped forward again, which sent Prudence into a frenzy of howling and barking. Given the volume of her bellowing voice, it wouldn’t be long before neighbors (or security) investigated the noise.
This time, however, he didn’t shrink away. Instead, he reared his foot back and landed a solid kick right in her gut. The force sent Prudence staggering back enough for her to lose her footing.
Constance blanched at the sight. “Prudence!”
“You, a beautiful but dense girl from Manhattan,­ saw my light was on … and jumped right in.”  
She flew to her knees and went to check on Prudence’s condition. Thankfully, it wasn’t a second of checking later that the mastiff was back to her senses. It appeared his blow had merely stunned her temporarily. With one shake of the head, she was right on her feet again.
Prudence weighed more than Orin by about twenty pounds, and while she had been holding back before, his attack only shattered her self-restraint. She lunged forward, jaws snapping and gullet foaming with rage. The force of her attack sent him to his elbows with a bone-rattling thump. Prudence didn’t cite or claw at him, but she did make a lot of noise while pinning is chest.
As predicted, the commotion caused doors to open in the hall, and Constance heard the concerned questions of neighbors.
While Orin was distracted, Constance bolted up and slammed the ‘Alarm’ button on the system. Along with the loud, reverberating barks from Prudence, the rhythmic blaring of the alarm created further commotion.
Pressing the button also automatically pinged authorities of an emergency.
It would also notify Ebenezer via cell message – a notification she knew he never silenced.
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She wasn’t answering.
Ebenezer had no doubt he’d find at least twenty traffic tickets in his mailbox in the coming weeks, but the alarm had been activated at his flat and Constance wasn’t answering her phone.
If only he’d been at his usual office; he could have sprinted home, but no. Today of all days, he had been in a meeting outside of London, and had had to drive 15 minutes out to meet a particularly uppity client at their private estate.
Ebenezer had a feeling that the man would become an ex-client after how he’d dashed out after barely a word to Bob and his twin brother Ebenezar, but he couldn’t even care.
“Dammit, MOVE!” he swore, avoiding a flock of cyclists as he sped down A2198.
Once again, his call went to voicemail, and he immediately dialed again. All he could focus on was driving (AKA not crashing the car) and calling Constance’s phone over and over.
He left one pleading voicemail after another, begging her to call him back and also letting her know that he would be there soon.
When he finally had a visual of his building, he saw police parked out front, but their lights were off. Most importantly, there were no ambulances or other emergency vehicles. This slightly ebbed his panic, but not enough for him to coast into the building’s private garage and find a spot. Instead, he pulled up and parked in the street with alignment that could generously be described as cattywampus.  
Again, he couldn’t care. Let them blast his windshield with parking tickets
Pushing the doors open and sprinting into the lobby, two of the guards immediately went to his side. Their goal had likely been to inform him of the situation, but their insistence upon pleasantries was too much chatter for him to handle.
“Sir, we’re glad you’re here!” one said, a light sheen of perspiration already coating their face. “Thank goodness, we were just going to—”
“Talk while you walk with me,” Ebenezer ordered, his voice practically bladed with tension. “Now.”
Instead of taking the elevator, he keyed into a private side staircase and took the steps up two at a time. Even professional firefighters would have had a hard time keeping up with the man.
Ten floors passed in the blink of an eye. Upon arriving at his flat’s level, he threw the door open to his floor to see a gaggle of officers crowded around his open doorway at the end of the hall. For a moment, his heart stopped at the sight before him.
Then, amidst a sea of curious onlookers and uniformed constables, he saw a flash of red hair. He would have recognized that hue anywhere.
“Constance!” he yelled, running down the hall at the sight of her.
Upon hearing her name, she turned to face him, her face puffy and her eyes blazing from worry. She was sitting on the floor in the doorway of their flat, Prudence seated at her side and nuzzling her face. They were okay, he thought, barely resisting tears.
She didn’t have time to speak before Ebenezer had shoved his way through the crowd and enveloped her in his embrace. They crashed together like comets compelled together by gravity.
Once in his arms, he felt her sink into him desperately, as if she was a small animal seeking solace from a hunter. “E-Ebenezer …I’m so sorry.”
He shushed her kindly but immediately, his wide palm falling protectively across her back.  He urged her closer, and she obliged with a thankful sob, her shoulders shaking as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, Sunshine,” he whispered, turning slightly to place a kiss upon her damp cheek. “Gods, I’m so relieved to see you. I-I…can’t even tell you what I was thinking on the drive … ”
As they embraced, Scrooge heard nearby officers chatter about what had just transpired.
“The bloke said he was here on business, but his name isn’t pulling up any employers here or Stateside.”
Business? Stateside?
With Constance still folded tightly in his arms, he looked over to see a smaller group of officers that had gathered around … someone. He squinted his eyes, as if trying to peer through the physical entities that blocked his view.
“Is he going to need a transport for any injuries?” a voice radioed in. “The dog jumped him, but all injuries look superficial.”
Dog? Were they talking about Prudence? He looked over to see that Prudence was staying close to Connie, hugging her flank closely while laying his head upon one of his bent thighs.
“Hey there, girl,” he whispered, his hand giving the base of her skull a scritch. “Are you okay?”
Prudence whispered, and Scrooge’s confusion deepened.
“No, we checked him out and he’s going straight to holding,” the officer replied, his tone clipped. “He’s breached a restraining order.”
“Acting in contempt of court, huh?” another repeated, followed by a huff of amusement. “Stupid bastard.”
Ebenezer’s blood ran cold. The realization of what had transpired hit him like a ton of bricks.
All other senses; his sight, his hearing, his sense of touch; faded away, and all he became conscious of was a building fury that threatened to turn his vision red. There, through the narrowest gap of legs, he saw the distinct pale skin and dark-hair of the man that had tormented his fiancée for decades.
“You.” Ebenezer stormed to his feet and crossed the hallway in two steps. He was driven by blinding anger, which caused his heart to buzz like a saw. With the posture of a lion spotting wounded prey, he surged forward and grabbed the front of Orin’s coat. The over-starched lapels crunched under the older man’s fingers from the strength of his grip.
At this lunge, panic ensued.
“Mr. Scrooge, sir—!”
“W-wait! Ebenezer!”
Ebenezer paid the others no mind as he hauled Orin close to his face, their brows nearly touching as he eyed the man like a Minotaur out for blood.
Orin wheezed out a laugh. Only then did he notice the light bruising and raised marks on the man’s neck, each swatch standing out brightly against his sickly skin.
Oh, he would absolutely reward Prudence for her hard work.
“I should put your hard head through this bloody wall, Spiegler.”
“Then we’d both be off the jail, wouldn’t we?” Orin taunted. When he grinned, he saw his teeth outlined in red. “See, I tried to tell Sunshine that you and I were more alike than different.”
"Did you?" he asked, practically snorting in amusement.
"Yes, but I see that time in sleepy little London has made her more of an airheaded bimbo than she already was. She just couldn't seem to grasp the concept."
He raised his other arm in preparation to dislocate Orin’s jaw first-hand, but paused just short of contact. Unfortunately, the goblin of a man had a point, and he was in no mood to be forced away from his wife. Or go to prison.
With a furious sneer, Ebenezer threw the man against the wall in release. The officers fumbled to catch him, but understandably, made no effort to chastise the philanthropist for his reaction.
“Get him out,” Ebenezer whispered, his shoulders hiked up to his ears, and his voice oozed with venom.
“W-Would you like us to—”
“I want everyone who isn’t a resident on this floor off of it,” he seethed, his tone oozing with disappointment. “Any officers that need to question us can come inside.”
When his gaze fell on Constance, still huddled next to Prudence on the ground, his icy gaze melted into something more careful and tepid. Slowly, he sank back onto his knees and pulled her into another hug.
“Come one,” he urged, his voice soft and so, so tender. “Let’s go inside. I’m with you.”
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The entire questioning process was as cut-and-dry as it could have been, considering the circumstances. With the assistance of Orin’s digital footprint in addition to the less than glowing testimonies Constance and Ebenezer offered, the authorities were able to piece together a likely series of events. It seemed Orin had lied about his employment status. He was a self-employed crypto investor after having a falling out with his New York office and had no reason to be in London for any professional reason.
“There is … much for us to look into,” a constable said as they jotted notes in a small flipbook. “Ms. DoGoode, you said he made a comment about watching you enter the lobby. Yet, you say you didn’t see him?”
“N-No,” she answered, her voice sanded with exhaustion from the day’s events. “I felt like someone was watching me, and Prudence was looking out the front window too. I … thought maybe I was imagining things? I never actually saw him, though. Not until I keyed in and he grabbed the door.”
“Ah.” The officer scrawled another note.
“H-How did he get up onto the floor?” Constance asked. Prudence sat to her right, head in her lap, and Ebenezer sat to her left. One of his hands cupped her knee, his thumb moving in gentle rotations in one of the indents there. It was a soothing reminder of his presence that she was beyond grateful for.
“We’ve already interrogated the main office and are currently looking into where the oversight occurred.”
“That should be no issue, as there are cameras all over the building,” Scrooge chimed in, peering at the officers with impatience. “That should alleviate much confusion.”
“Yes, it should sir,” one replied. “We’re working to secure that footage properly.”
Constance watched her fiancé in intrigue. In all the time they’d known each other and dated, she had never seen him stare anyone down before, and she had to confess … it was quite unnerving. Regardless of how he addressed the officers, his hand remained tender when touching her.
Meanwhile, while the couple chatted with authorities, other members of the growing Scrooge family pack (comprised of the many friends, associates, and relatives that the twins had connected with) texted in. His twin brother, Ebenezar, had known something was amiss. He’s watched him sprint from the meeting after all.
Upon receiving a brief overview of what happened, as well as a request to inform the others, the messages trickled in steadily:
>>Ebenezar: I knew something was wrong when you left … but I had no idea that it was that bad, Sammy.
>>Bess: I will KILL that man, I swear.
>>Ebenezar: If the authorities half-ass detaining him, they’re not going to like the next letter from our firm that crosses their desk.
>>Addie: Don’t worry about any errands! Tom and I can bring things your way!
>>Tom: You bet we can. Are you both set for dinner tonight? I can run something over.
>>Harry: I’m so sorry, Uncle. Can Hela and I do anything? Just say the word.
>>Bob: I just called Mr. Ebenezar as well, and we’re going to divide and conquer at work. Consider it all done.
>>Ethel: What cell is he in? I’ve been taking axe-throwing lessons, and my aim is damn good.
>>Gal: If you guys need some door security that’s worth a damn, Jake and I are free tonight.
After one last swipe of their men, the interviewer cleared their throat, the loudness of it conveying a sense of finality.
“We’ll keep you both apprised of any updates,” the officer said as they pushed themselves up from the sofa. With a nod to their partner, they reached across the table to shake Scrooge’s hand. An odd gesture, all things considered, but he did reciprocate, though his eyes remained as sharp as a steel edge.
“I certainly hope those updates include information on whether Mr. Spiegler’s detainment details change,” he said. “Clearly an order from the court is not enough to stop him.”
“Absolutely, sir. We’ll keep you both posted.”
Constance was relieved the questioning was over, and allowed her fiancé to take the reins at leading the officers out the door. After a few more pleasantries, she heard the reverberating sound of the door latch and the telltale beeping of the security system turning on for the night.
When she looked up, she saw Ebenezer tentatively approaching her. His footfalls were soft, as if he was walking on snow. His touch was even softer as he reached down to push a few strands of auburn hair back from her face.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she started. Her tone was borderline formal in manner and delivery, as if she was speaking to an associate rather than the man she wanted to marry.
Ebenezer’s gentleness turned to confusion swiftly. “Goodness, whatever for?”
She paused to blink back tears before answering. Another apology left her.
“I’m sorry for how … for how I seem to always make your life more difficult,” Constance said slowly. She directed her gaze at a notch in the hardwood flooring, unable to look her fiancé in the eyes. She knew in that moment that, if she glimpsed his face, she knew she would cry again. “I-I should have noticed him sooner. I should have trusted my gut better.”
“No, sweetheart—”
“I should have trusted Prudence,” she said, looking down at said pup, whose head still rested in Constance’s lap. Upon seeing her sweet, droopy eyes peer up at her, Constance caved as a sob rattled her body. “H-He kicked Prudence, Ebenezer! She was so brave, protecting me, a-and I let her get hurt!”
For a moment, Ebenezer couldn’t find the words to speak. Did she … really care more about Prudence than her own safety?
Seeing Constance cry spurred London's finest lady (and treat aficionado) to lift her head and lick the woman’s face, lapping away her tears. She was also incredibly ticklish there, and Prudence’s kisses dissolved her tears instantly. With peals of laughter leaving her, Ebenezer leaned in and gave Prudence an affectionate kiss on the forehead.
“She’s a strong girl,” he assured, grinning broadly. “Aren’t you, Prudence?”
She barked in agreement, her warm and deep ‘ruff’ filling the space.
Constance huffed out another laugh, always amazed at how the pup seemed to understand conversations better than some humans. Although Prudence had done a sterling job at ridding Constance’s face of her tears, Ebenezer still fished a clean handkerchief from his trouser pocket. He dabbed her face gently, careful not to pull or tug her skin.
“Tomorrow, just to be safe, we’ll take her to the vet,” he promised. “We’ll get her looked over and make sure she’s in tip-top shape. Trust me, Prudence has had many children accidentally tumble over her before. She helps the Cratchit children decorate at Christmas, after all!”
Constance giggled again, covering her mouth sheepishly as she did so.
Just the sight of her smile was enough to lift a huge weight from his shoulders. While the entire afternoon had been an exercise in panic, all that mattered to him was that she was safe.
“Now,” he said, placing the handkerchief in her hand, then caging her smaller hands in his, “What we’re also going to do is take a holiday. We’re going to spend some time away from the flat and let things calm down.”
The suggestion brightened Constance’s eyes, but that excitement was almost immediately tempered. “What about work?”
“I’ll call in some favors. My brother is a damn fine businessman – definitely better at handling clients than I am. Don't tell him I said so, though. Bob will handle the books. And if all else fails? Well, being a private practice has many benefits.” He then paused to rub his chin in thought. “Actually, it might be good to close our doors for a few weeks to give everyone a break.”
“Y-You think?” she asked. “Wait, but what about…?”
“Profits?” he asked, unable to hold back a smirk. “You’ve seen our accounts. We could shut down for the next thousand years and be right as rain. And that’s a moderate estimate.”
Again, that beautiful smile came back. Mere hours before he’s suddenly been faced with the possibility of never seeing that smile again, and the thought of that physically sickened him.
“Sunshine, what you said earlier…” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, “I…never want you to think that I see your ex-husband’s actions as a reflection of you. When you say you don’t want to make life more difficult for me, I realize that I cannot even begin to describe all the ways your have made my life immeasurably better since we first met.
“Since you came into my life, I’ve been changed in ways that, frankly, I thought I were beyond me. I thought I was too old to experience many of these lovely, sentimental emotions that poets love to wax on about.” He laughed, tossing his head back and staring at the ceiling. “Gods, I’ve never met someone who makes me feel so excited every time I’m proven wrong. It’s a feeling I’d wish every human could feel.”
Transfixed, she could only watch as he slowly turned to face her again. “You have made me excited to face each day. You’ve inspired me to notice small things – before meeting you, I don’t think I ever paid attention to those fuzzy caterpillars that come onto the sidewalks after it rains, or the way Prudence’s nose always wiggles slightly when she’s about to sneeze.”
“Really?” she asked. Her tone sounded so hopeful that it practically broke his heart.
“Yes!” he confessed. The answer couldn’t rush from his lips fast enough. “When I was calling your phone earlier, I…started thinking the worst. I suddenly couldn’t bear the idea of walking into that flat again if you weren’t there, or going back to work and seeing your desk empty. Seeing your coats line dup so neatly in our hall closet. Seeing your make-up on our bathroom sink. Not smelling your perfume on the pillow beside mine. Not hearing you have a sneeze attack every time you smell pepper, or not being able to race you down to the front lobby when we order take-away.”
Constance’s breath caught in her throat as she noticed tears prickling the corner’s of her love’s steely eyes as he rambled.
“When I tell you that there is no possible way you could make my life worse by being a part of it, I’m deathly serious,” he confessed. A tear darted down his cheek, and as he attempted to stifle a sob of his own, she dabbed it away with the handkerchief.
As if this gesture proved his point, a puff of laughter escaped him.
“The only possible way you could make my life harder or worse … is if you were no longer in it.”
It was his turn to cry as the tension of the day caught up to him, and he felt the floodgates break. Blast, he hated how easily he could be brought to tears sometimes.
What made it easier, however, was feeling Constance’s embrace circle him. Her hands latched at the base of his neck as she leaned in and covered his broader body with hers. His arms circled her waist, securing her in place, keeping her safe and present with him.
For many hours, they stayed like that, silently sobbing and embracing each other as the anxiety of the day left their bodies in literal waves. By the time they’d both exhausted their eyes to achy redness, sleep lingered over them with overwhelming insistence.
With mutual understanding, both parted ways to make some small changes before laying down. Ebenezer loosened his tie and Constance removed her constricting pantyhose, leaving her only in her blouse and pencil skirt. He gave her an impish whistle, and she threw that garment at him playfully.
Using her fiancé’s head as a pillow, she curled up atop his body and nuzzled her face against his shirt. Her ear laid squarely over his heart, where she could hear its steady and strong beat just inches away. Ebenezer moved a hand to the small of her back to not only make sure she stayed in place atop him and didn’t roll off, but to remind her of his presence.
“I’ll watch the door,” he promised, kissing the top of her head. “You sleep. I insist.”
His broad hand gave her waist a reassuring squeeze, hugging her close.
“And I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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>>Hello! You’re reached the voicemail for Constance DoGoode. I’m away from the phone right now, but leave your name and number, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you!
… <BEEP>
<<Sunshine, it’s me. Please, please tell me you’re okay. I need to know you’re safe. I-I’m sorry for calling you over and over, and … fuck, I promise I’ll be there soon, angel. I promise. I love you, okay. I love you so much. I-I’m going to call again. Okay, love you. Please call me.”
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Minigame Area
One thing I neglected to mention, doing activities and fighing battles alongside Clubmates will also reward Club EXP, and Club Coin rewards from Club Tasks increase the more members you have.
There’s also a /friend command which, when typed in the chatbox and followed up with the target’s Toon ID, will send a friend request to that Toon.
But now for the topic.
The Minigame Area (also known as Acorn Acres Minigames, formerly known as Chip & Dale’s Minigolf back in the Disney’s Toontown Online days), is a special neighborhood consisting of two Playgrounds. ZERO Mainline or Side Tasks will require you to come here, but some Daily Tasks may send you to this area.
To teleport to the Minigame Area with a command, use /tp mg.
The Minigame Area’s default Playground, the one you’ll go to if you click the “Minigame Area” button on your Shtickerbook’s map, is an outdoors area surrounded by evergreen trees. Picnic tables dot the area, you’ll passively recover 3 Laff periodically every second you’re in this area, and the Golf Ball treasures scattered about will restore 6 Laff on pick-up.
The main attraction of the Minigame Area hub are its Minigolf courses. There are three courses, each with three golf karts up to 4 Toons can ride to reach them. Once a Kart passes through the tunnel to its corresponding Course, a new Golf Kart spontaneously materializes out of the aether to take its place. There is no animation for this. One second there’s no Golf Kart there, the next there is. It is by far the most jarring Instance Entrance in the game.
Regardless, the three Minigolf Courses you can access are as follows:
Walk in the Part: You are sent through 3 random holes out of a larger pool. Easy mode.
Hole-Some Fun: You are sent through 6 random holes out of pool. Normal Mode.
The Hole Kit and Kaboodle: You are sent through 9 random holes out of the pool. Hard mode.
In short, they are the Front 3, Middle 6, and Back 9 of Mini-Golf. Each Toon takes turns swinging in the order they boarded the golf kart, and is rewarded Golfing EXP at the end of the hole. The hole ends either when every player gets their balls in the hole, or when the player goes three swings over par and the game forcefully fails them to for the sake of the other players. You can also earn Golfing EXP from trophies awarded at the end of the game. So trophies can be earned alone, while others require playing with other Toons. You can raise your Golf Level up to 30, and earn a permanent Laff Boost every 10 Golfing Levels. Activi-Tuesday, Golfing EXP Boosters, and Activity EXP Boosters can increase your golfing EXP yield.
Back in the Minigame Area Playground, there are various picnic tables. Sitting at these tables grants you access to Picnic Games. You can, in fact, make groups for these Picnic Games, and the Groups do not disband once you start playing (to my knowledge) as the games are not instances.
First is Checkers. It’s the easiest game of the three. 2 Toons can play, and each side starts with 12 pieces. Click on a piece to highlight it, and click on a space to move it to that space. You can jump and chain jump your opponents pieces to capture them. Reach the other side of the board, and your piece is “crowned” and can now move in any direction.
You can win the game by capturing all of your opponents pieces (which will reward the Winner 300 Jellybeans and the Loser 200 Jellybeans) or by rendering it impossible for your opponent to move (which will reward the Winner 250 Jellybeans and the Loser 150).
Next up is Chess. The goal is to Checkmate the opponent’s King. You can also end up in a Stalemate if the board gets to the point where nobody can make valid moves and neither King is in Check. If Stalemate is reached, both players will be given the choice to “Offer Draw”, and if both agree, the game ends in a Stalemate. It works like real-world competitive chess as well, as each player has a timer that counts down during their turn and pauses during their opponents. You need to meet a minimum number of moves to win Jellybeans. Winner gets 300, Loser gets 200. A stalemate is treated as both Toons losing.
Picnic tables can seat up to 6 Toons, and the 3rd Picnic Game is the only one that allows for more than 2 players: Toono.
What’s Toono? Literally just Uno. Toontown Youtuber and Corporate Clash Partner Stuck the Duck even made a song about it called “We Just Want to Play Toono”. It is by far the most involved game of the three, and also the most popular. it was added to the game because of a joke some players made on the official Discord.
Before starting, a set of optional house rules can be configured, though they’re disabled by default:
Draw Until Play: You draw cards until a playable card is drawn.
Seven-O’s: Playing a zero requires all Toons to pass their hands down to the Toon who’d move after them in the current turn order.
Stacking Cards: When a Draw 2 or Wild Four is played, you’re given the option to play an identical card from your hand (if you have it) to skip the penalty and force the next Toon after you to take it instead.
Automatically Play: Automatically play cards as they are drawn, if possible.
Jump In: When a card is played, other players can play an identical card out of turn.
And you know how Uno’s played. You’ve got your numbered cards (0-9), you’ve got your Draw 2’s, your Wild Cards, your Wild Draw 4’s, your Toono Reverse Cards, and Skip cards.
When you have one card in your hand, you’re given the chance to shout “Toono!” by clicking the “Toono” button before the next player’s turn starts. Miss your chance, and you’ll be forced to draw 2 Cards if someone else shouts “Toono!” in the mean time. You can have up to 20 cards in your hand. First Toon to get an empty hand, wins. The base reward for winning the game is 75 Jellybeans, with a 50 Jellybean consolation prize for everyone else. However, the LONGER the game goes on for, the more Jellybeans will be added to BOTH totals when the game ends. Every 10 rounds, 75 Jellybeans are added to the Winning Prize, and 50 Jellybeans are added to the Consolation Prize. So you are actively rewarded for prolonging the game as long as possible.
Aside from that, the Minigame Area ALSO houses a tunnel made out of car tires. This leads to the Minigame Area’s Secondary Playground: Roadster Raceway (Goofy Speedway in the now defunct Disney’s Toontown Online).
Roadster Raceway has a Passive Laff Recovery Rate of 3 Laff per heal, and Wrench Toon-Up Treasures that restore 6 Laff per pick-up.
Roadster Raceway is home to 6 race tracks, divided up into 3 themes. However, you cannot access any of them until you purchase a Kart from the Auto Shop. Just talk to Graham Pree, Ivona Race, Phil Errup, or Anita Winn to access the shop interface. Once you’ve purchased a vehicle, you can customize it, and even display it at the various stands scattered around the Raceway’s Playground.
There’s also a Leaderboard in the middle of the Playground, which shows the current best times for that month (I believe?) and a statue of the Toon with the fastest time is displayed near the Leaderboard for all to see.
There are also 2 kinds of races: Practice and Toon Battle.
Practice Races have no entry fee, allow up to 4 Toons, and rewards Jellybeans so long as you complete it within the “Qualifying Time”.
Toon Battles require Toons to play their track’s Entry Fee, allow up to 8 Toons, and rewards Jellybeans based on who places in what position of that race. The more Toons who compete, the more Jellybeans you can win.
Each theme has 2 tracks:
Raceway: Corkscrew Coliseum and Screwball Stadium
Rural: Rustic Raceway and Airborne Acres
Urban: City Circuit and Blizzard Boulivard
(Blizzard Boulivard is also winter themed, a new addition to Corporate Clash, whereas before it was Toontown Central themed.)
There’s also Prize Boxes that reward Gags the player can use to win. many of these items function like the items in Mario Kart (the Chattering Teeth works like a Blue Shell, the Lightning Bolt works EXACTLY like in Mario Kart, the Pixie Dust works like a Power Star, the Kart Battery like a Mushroom, etc.) and there are boost pads that will rocket you forward if you drive over them.
Regardless, the Raceway Playground has 12 Racing Entry Tunnels: 2 Practice Entry Tunnels per theme, and 2 Toon Battle Entry Tunnels per theme. Simply place your Kart in one of the empty slots in front of the entry tunnel and wait out the timer to start the race with the other Toons. (Note that Toon Battle requires one other player and that you will not be allowed to place your kart if you do not have enough Jellybeans to pay the fee).
Where each entry tunnel leads periodically changes, although they’ll only ever lead to tracks of their corresponding theme, and sometimes they’ll lead to “reversed” variations of the tracks that flp the map around and force you to drive in a different direction.
Basically, it’s Toontown Mario Kart.
You earn Racing EXP by using Racing Gags from the prize boxes (with diminishing returns with every use) and by finishing the race in both a timely manner AND ahead of other players. The better you do, the more Racing EXP you earn. You may also be rewarded trophies at the end of the race, which ALSO reward Racing EXP. Racing EXP can be boosted by Activi-Tuseday, Racing Boosters, and the Activity Booster.
You can raise your Racing Level up to Level 30, and your Max Laff goes up by 1 every 10 Levels.
And that’s just about everything there is to know about the Minigames Area. Just remember what I said, make sure you have a way back to your current Neighborhood when your done here, because if you don’t have Teleport Access or a friend or Clubmate in the neighborhood, it’ll be a LONG walk back to Toontown Central.
What would you like to hear about next?
Trolley Games
Minigame Area
Cogs and Buildings
Social Activity
G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine
Toon Levels
See now I just want to play minigolf.
Hm. Let’s swing back to trolley games.
(Also I’m gonna start editing these to be under the readmore again so I don’t kill everyone’s dash)
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rhupdates · 7 months
Royale High Glitterfrost Update | 1/12/23
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Please note: The update is currently in the process of being published.. This message will be updated whenever new information appears!
Arrival screen and Locker Courtyard has been replaced by the "Heart of the Castle".
New free torso, arms and nails. Ears received a new mesh.
New set coming on December 15th!
The castle teleport screen has been winterified!
Royale Dormitories have received a rework!
Heart of the Castle contains door teleports to every location available now and in the future.
Detailed update log beneath cut.
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Happy Glitterfrost, everyone! Royale High has received a snowstorm of an update this year! Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did while covering this.
The old arrival screen and the Locker Courtyard has been replaced by the Heart of the Castle - a new centerpiece to everything Royale High! It contains lockers, the Wheel, vending machines and doors to teleport to a majority of areas in the new campus. In it you can also see the new Locker mesh and the new card scanner mesh! Thanks to the teleporting doors we can get a sneak peek into the cafeteria.. hehehe
Speaking of new meshes - the lockers, water fountains, vending machines and card scanners have received a new appearance.
(Until all the realms are released, you can still access the Locker Courtyard - but you can no longer teleport to it from the map or the Heart. It has been made obsolete as well, with all the functions being available in the Heart of the Castle.) Every player that enters Royale High has now received a new Human Torso, Arms and Nails set, alongside the Human Ears receiving some new toggles - including one for vitiligo! The Seasons Changing tree is now on sale for diamonds with an evergreen toggle, and multiple new festive furniture have been added. This includes candy canes, festive ribbons, winter garlands and gumdrops.
Dormitories have received a festive new appearance made to ease lag for lower end devices, alongside expanding the load area upwards. The Pool has been removed, and so have all the quests associated with it.
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madhukumarc · 4 days
How to find clients for copywriting?
Finding clients for copywriting can be a challenge today, especially in an AI-dominated era. But with the right strategies and a little persistence, you can build a successful client base.
Yes, let's dig deeper to provide you with more information.
Finding Clients for Copywriting:
Here are experts' seven proven tips to help you find clients for your copywriting services:
1. Build an Online Presence:
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential.
Create a professional website or blog that showcases your portfolio, highlights your expertise, and includes testimonials from satisfied clients.
Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Facebook to connect with potential clients and share your work.
Focus on quality business groups and communities (avoid spammy types), offering valuable guidance and strategies to connect and engage effectively. Send a DM if needed.
“posting consistently is not only important for improving your copywriting skills, but it’s also important if you want to succeed on any social media platform” – copyblogger
2. Network with other Professionals:
Networking is a powerful and evergreen way of finding clients.
Attend industry events, and conferences, join professional organizations, where you can meet potential clients and establish relationships with them.
Offer valuable insights and advice to position yourself as an expert and build trust with potential clients. Seek referrals based on engagement and trust.
3. Offer Free Samples or Trials:
One way to attract clients is by offering free samples or trials of your work. This allows potential clients to see the quality of your writing firsthand and gives them a taste of what you can do for them.
Be selective in offering free samples to ensure that you are targeting the right audience and attracting clients who are genuinely interested in your services.
4. Utilize Freelance Platforms:
Freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, and Legiit can be a great way to find clients for your copywriting services. But today, there is a huge competition here.
Create a compelling profile that highlights your skills and experience, and actively explore opportunities.
Enhance your profile by drawing inspiration from individuals who offer similar services, and adjust your approach accordingly.
Be sure to showcase your unique selling points (USP) and provide examples of your previous work to stand out from the competition.
You can also utilize LinkedIn's jobs section to explore a variety of work prospects sought from businesses of all sizes from across the world.
5. Collaborate with other Professionals:
Partnering with other professionals in related fields can be mutually beneficial.
For example, if you specialize in writing website copy, connect with web designers or developers who may need your services for their clients. Examine more possibilities.
By collaborating with others, you can expand your network and gain access to new potential clients. Aim for a win-win situation.
6. Cold Emailing and Prospecting:
While it may not be the most glamorous approach, cold emailing, and prospecting still works to find clients.
Identify businesses or individuals who could benefit from your copywriting services and reach out to them with a personalized email pitch.
Make sure your email is concise, compelling, and tailored to their specific needs. If necessary, do a follow-up to close the deal.
7. Build a Personal Brand:
Developing yourself as a personal brand in the market can make attracting clients easier, but it requires years of dedicated work and effort to achieve that level.
Follow your favorite mentors to learn their tips, techniques, and strategies for leading a successful journey. X (Twitter) social media platform is best in this case.
“Trust is harder to come by but more powerful when earned. This is where content shines. Persuasive copywriting and high-impact content campaigns have built trust, reputation, connections, and brands for centuries” – Search Engine Journal
Pro-Tips: Having multiple skills is essential, so learn SEO, data analytics, and other in-demand skills to enhance your prospects of attracting clients.
Gather testimonials and reviews from clients to build social proof and display them on your various online platforms to drive attention and engagement.
In conclusion, finding clients for copywriting takes time and effort. It is not so easy today.
Be proactive in promoting your services, continuously improving your skills, and providing exceptional value to your clients.
With persistence and dedication, you can build a thriving client base and establish yourself as a trusted copywriter in the industry.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Does Copywriting Pay Well?
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islerouxsims · 3 months
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Hello Dizzy Isy fans! I'm absolutely thrilled to announce the long-awaited release of Version 7!
I'm so sorry for the delay; unfortunately, my time to work on Dizzy Isy is very limited due to various challenging circumstances.
The save file is now updated for the Horse Ranch pack and Chestnut Ridge. I sadly don't have the latest EP yet, so that will just have to wait. Nevertheless, I hope you find joy in this new version of the save!
♥ What do you get? ♥
209 custom clubs and icons (+7 than v.6) with points/rivalries and custom activities.
Lots of details of custom books to find, interesting tombstones, photos with past histories and mysteries etc.
♥ When you enter the save♥
There are 3 empty lots.
There are 19 empty houses (12 starters, 6 under 100k, 1 under 120k). (I have now labelled the starters so it is clearer.)
There are 18 rentals in holiday destinations.
There are 2 free apartments.
Secret lots in Mt. Komerebi renovated.
Selvadorada and Strangerville adventure/mystery unplayed.
Conservation efforts not completed in Sulani.
Evergreen Harbor has many community project opportunities.
Neighbourhood Stories disactivated.
Voting and Eco Footprints also disactivated.
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It is a busy save file with many lots filled to stop random spawning of townies but the empty lots will soon quickly fill up with townie families if you don’t use them. The townies are clearly marked in the unplayed tab with the #townies so you know who is meant to have a lot and who isn’t.
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♥ What do you need? ♥
❥  ALL THE PACKS apart from Journey to Batuu and For Rent
❥  Kits used: Fashion Street kit, Incheon Arrivals kit, Desert Luxe and Carnival Streetwear kit
-You can still download this save file without all these packs or kits but some items might be replaced by substitutes, and we all know how those pan out.
❥ 150 MB of free space for this save file.
❥  Zerbu’s More Club Icons Mod (PLEASE DOWNLOAD FIRST!)
(If unavailable to you please download from here)
❥  Rex’s Custom Club Activities Mod (PLEASE ALSO DOWNLOAD BEFORE THE SAVE!)
♥ Recommendations ♥
❥ MC Command Center by Deaderpool.  
❥ No Random Townies by Zero.    
❥ No Random Hats Acessories and Makeup by Bienchens.    
(Anything by Bienshens is amazing and safe to use in my opinion)
♥ How to install? ♥
Make a backup of your Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves folder
Download the file, unzip, and place files in Electronic Arts/The Sims4/Saves.
Open your game, enter the save. It is named “Dizzy Isy Save File By Isleroux and you should see Marc Duchamp as the last played household
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"As the eldest child and scion of the Duchamp legacy nectar dynasty, Marc holds the coveted position of the golden heir to Whispering Oaks Estate and Vineyard. Amidst familial expectations, a brewing rivalry with his sister Marielle adds tension. Will Marc confidently uncork the future, aligning with his parents' aspirations, or will Marielle steal success from beneath his fingertips?"
DOWNLOAD (MediaFire)
**Lastly, if you find joy in the save file and wish to support me, perhaps you could consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help make future updates possible.
It's worth mentioning that despite the immense effort poured into Dizzy Isy over four years, I've chosen not to restrict access to my save files behind any paywall.
To those of you who have already extended your support, your kindness truly means the world to me. I want you to know that I see you, I appreciate you, and I'm grateful for your unwavering dedication, especially to those who have read this far down.**
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy simming!  ~isy~ ツ  
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