#also one female character gets killed off immediately and the other is ONCE AGAIN. A RAT
looking at genloss crit (<being a little hater) and um. wh. why are two of the only poc in genloss. in the role of. rats.
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
The Long Lost Archeron Sister Chapter 1: Life At Basgiath War College
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron!reader, Xaden Riorson x Archeron!reader
Plot: A glimpse into your life at Basgiath and your complicated relationship with Xaden Riorson.
A/n for obvious reasons Violet has a different dragon in this story since the reader is bonded to Tairn. I also decided not to include Cat in this story because I felt like there would be too many characters in this story.
ACOTAR Masterlist
Fourth Wing Masterlist
TLLAS Masterlist
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You thought you had a pretty normal childhood growing up. You had parents who loved you and siblings whom you very rarely fought with. Of course, you knew you were adopted from a very young age. Mostly because you looked nothing like the rest of the family, but they all loved you just the same.
While you got along with your three siblings, you were the closest to Brennan because he felt the need to protect you from everything and everyone. He would defend you when people would tease you because you were adopted. He would respond to those bullies with “Our family chose y/n, you’re family is stuck with you.” This would result in the bully crying to their parents, and they would demand Brennan apologize for his words. Of course, your parents defended Brennan’s actions and scolded the parents for raising their children the way they did.
So you were devastated when Brennan was killed during the war. You were like a zombie roaming around and caused your family to worry you were going to do something to yourself. You only got worse when your father passed away shortly after Brennan’s death.
You became a shell of yourself, and no one, not even Violet (who always managed to make you smile) could get you back to how you once were. Because of that, Lilith thought it would be best to train you so you could become a rider when it was time for you to attend Basgiath. She knew you wanted to enroll in the healer quadrant but felt like you might excel as a rider like her, Brennan, and now Mira.
“Be careful. Xaden Riorson is also attending this year with you. He might want to kill you for what mom did to his dad,” Mira warned you on your first day before she pulled you into a hug, “I love you, I know you’re going to do great in the riders quadrant. You’ve been preparing for years for this moment.”
Mira was right. You did fantastic in your first year at Besgiath; the only bad moments you had involved Xaden.
It all started when you crossed the parapet. You had just finished crossing when you heard a female screaming behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you spot a girl with a rebellion relic on her arm hanging off the parapet. Without thinking, you ran towards her and managed to help her up before making it to the other side again.
As soon as you did, you were pushed to the side by a tall, tan, muscular guy. You immediately noticed a rebellion relic on his arm and put two and two together that he was checking on the girl who almost fell. “Excuse me,” you said under your breath, but the guy managed to hear you.
“What did you say?” the guy asked with an angry expression on his face.
You knew you should not start drama on the first day, but you turned around and said, “Excuse me. You say that when you want someone to get out of your way. Instead of pushing past people.”
“Yeah. Well, I wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything to her.”
You were ready to argue when you heard a man clearing his throat, “Sorrengail, what is going on here.” Looking over, you spotted Colonel Aetos with his arms crossed.
“Sorrengail?” the guy had a surprised look on his face.
Colonel Aetos looked at the guy and replied, “Yes, Riorson. Sorrengail, as in general Sorrengail’s daughter.”
Fuck was all you thought when you realized Colonel Aetos announced who your mother was. You were also freaking out that you were arguing with the one guy Mira told you to stay away from.
“Nothing Colonel Aetos. We were just finished crossing the parapet,” you replied while holding your head high and tried not to show you were freaking out internally.
Colonel Aetos looked you straight in the eye to see if you were lying. When he couldn’t detect if you were lying, he nodded before leaving. As soon as he was gone, Xaden glared at you and said, “Stay out of my way,” before storming away with the other marked ones.
You tried your best to avoid Xaden as much as you could. Unfortunately, it seemed the universe wanted to make your life difficult because no matter how hard you tried, you kept running into Xaden. At first, all he did was glare at you, but over the following weeks, it shifted into him taunting you if you made a small mistake.
Things only got more complicated when you discovered that your dragon was mated to Xaden’s dragon. You glared at Tarin when you found out and shut them tight when you heard Xaden’s voice. “Let’s see how long you last before Tairn has to find a new rider,” Xaden taunted before mounting Sgaeyl.
“Do you wish for me to get rid of your enemy?” Tairn asks once Xaden and Sgaeyl are gone.
You tried to suppress a laugh at Tairn’s request, “Sgaeyl will get mad you killed her rider.”
“She’ll get over it. There are a lot of riders who are not bonded to dragons yet. She can pick from them,” you let out a loud laugh at Tairn’s response.
“As much as I wish for you to do that, I’d rather not give the marked ones another reason to hate me,” you replied before you mounted Tairn and shot up into the sky.
Your second year was when your relationship changed from hatred for one another into lust. It was somewhere in mid-September when you and Xaden first slept together. What was supposed to train for upcoming challenges turned into something more when you managed to pin Xaden onto the mat.
Before you had a chance to second guess your decision, you leaned in and kissed Xaden. Xaden was more than happy to kiss you back and started groping your ass. You were ready to remove your leathers when Xaden stopped you. “Not here,” Xaden groaned into your chest while you moved against him, “not unless you want someone to walk in on us.”
You were more than happy to be dragged into his room, where you proceeded to have sex until you were exhausted. It had been a long time since you had sex with anyone, so you were enjoying every second of it. Once you caught your breath, you decided that it was time to leave. As soon as you got up and started getting dressed again, Xaden asked, “Where are you going?”
“To my room?” you replied, a confused look on your face, “where else would I go?”
Sitting up, Xaden had a scowl on his face, “You’re not going anywhere. It’s late, and might I remind you, people are still trying to kill you so they can bond with Tairn.”
You mentally cursed yourself because you knew he was right, “So what am I supposed to do? Spend the night here?” Your eyes widened when Xaden just pats his bed, “holy shit, I was kidding. It’s one thing to fuck; it’s another to sleep together after sex.”
“Well, I’m not kidding, so come back to bed. You can sneak out in the morning if you want, but you’re not leaving this room tonight.” Xaden moved his sheets so you could get back into his bed.
You wanted to continue arguing with Xaden, but you knew it was a lost cause, so you decided to climb back on his bed. “I still hate you,” you grumbled.
“You weren’t saying that when I was fucking a few minutes ago,” Xaden teased as he held you against his chest and drifted off to sleep. 
You wish you could say that was the first and last time you had sex with Xaden; it wasn’t. What followed was a very challenging relationship that lasted for the rest of the year. Each time you thought you were in a good place with Xaden, you discovered he was lying. Which would result in you breaking up with him and him asking for another chance. 
It wasn’t until your third year that your and Xaden’s relationship started to stabilize. Part of you felt like Violet had something to do with it. With her being forced into the rider’s quadrant by your mother, you found yourself looking after her. It crushed you at times, watching as she went through the same challenges you faced in your first year. You made sure to give her the book Brennan wrote for Mira like Mira gave it to you on your first day.
You also made sure that no one killed her the entire year like they tried with you during your first year. Of course, you also roped in Xaden’s friends to help and suggested one of his friends from first year follow her around just in case. You knew you were being over the top, but you had already lost two family members, and you didn’t want to lose more.
Of course, the trust you built with Xaden went down the drain the day you found out Brennan was alive, and he knew the entire time. You screamed at Xaden; if the events during war games hadn’t happened, would he have eventually told you that your brother was alive. He tried to tell you that he wanted to tell you the truth but that Brennan told him not to.
Because of that, you didn’t speak or acknowledge Xaden’s existence for weeks after graduation. You wanted to be stationed as far away from Xaden as possible. Unfortunately, because Sgaeyl and Tairn are mated, they need to be by each other’s side. Which was unfortunate for you because that meant you had to be around Xaden.
Xaden spent weeks trying to work through your rough patch, and his hard work paid off nine weeks later. He promised to be completely honest with you and even offered to answer any questions you had for him about his past. 
You were happy to take him up on his offer and spent three weeks asking him questions you were dying to ask him, but he always shut down. The big one was if he truly loved you. “Yes,” Xaden replied while caressing your face, “you are the first and only woman I’ll ever love.”
Hearing that finally put your mind at ease and allowed Xaden to kiss you. Of course, Xaden took things further than kissing quickly, seeing as you refused to be touched by him for weeks. He repeatedly groaned about how much he missed you and hearing your whimpers because of the pleasure he brought you.
That night was different than other nights you’ve had since you were stationed at Samara. You had a dream you used to have daily when you first got to Basgiath and bonded with Tairn and Andarna. 
You were hyperventilating and covered in sweat when you woke up in the middle of the night. “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked in a groggy state.
“I had that dream again. The one where I’m being hugged by two other girls, one looking exactly like me. Then a man ripped me away from them before handing me to my father, and the other girls called after me,” you replied, holding Xaden’s blanket against your chest. “I feel like it isn’t a dream. I feel like they are memories, but the last time I talked to my mom, she said I was an only child and that my parents gave me away because they couldn’t afford to take care of me.”
Xaden sat up and kissed your shoulder, “I hate to be that guy, but there is a strong chance your mother is lying to you. Are you sure your parents didn’t have someone erase your memories when you were a child?”
You were about to reply when you heard Tairn’s voice, "Young one, your sister’s in trouble. Surie can’t locate her, and their line of communication has been blocked. We have to go now before it’s too late."
You began to panic at Tairn’s words and shot out of Xaden’s bed, “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked as he watched you get dressed.
“My sister's in trouble. Tairn said Surie can’t get ahold of Violet.” You replied, “I don’t care if I get punished for this. Need to find my sister.”
Xaden didn’t have to think twice before getting up and started getting dressed. “Go pack up your stuff. I’m going to go tell Garrick we’re leaving and give him the option to come with us or stay if he wishes. We’ll meet you in your room, ok?”
“Ok,” you replied, kissing Xaden before you packed to your room.
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mcuamerica · 4 months
The Shadowsinger: Twenty-Four - Final
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Warnings: pure fluff, smut (nothing too specific, but it's def there), ACOTAR series spoilers.
Pairings: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Azriel and you officially accept the bond.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Graphics are my own. If you use, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
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The next week, you stood in the threshold of the living room, watching as your family talked with one another. Azriel was seated in a chair in the middle and you had a plate with just his food on it. For some reason, you were very nervous. What if after all this time he decided he didn’t want to be bonded to you forever? What if he decided he wanted to go off and try again with Mor? Or someone else? Just as you were about to spiral forever, you felt a small tug on the bond, deep down. He looked over to you, the smile on his face growing. 
Your family quieted down and looked towards you. You felt heat rush to your face. This should’ve been something you did intimately, now that you thought about it. But you also knew that you wanted to share this moment with each person who allowed you to be here. 
Rhys and Feyre sat at the very end of the table next to Elain, Mor and (surprisingly) Nesta were across from them. On the other side of your eventual seat was Cassian. Across from you and Azriel was Amren and Varian. Wessian and Varyn sat across from each other on the other side of Cass and Varian. 
Each one of your family members were dressed impeccably. The females had on lovely evening gowns. You knew that Feyre and Rhys were hosting a small get together after this at the River Home, which had just finished being built. You and Azriel would not be in attendance. 
The males were in nice, slick pants, topped with a tunic or collared shirts. You’d never seen Cassian clean up so nicely. 
“Everyone.” You cleared your throat, stepping through the threshold. “Tonight is the night that my mate and I officially accept the bond.” You said, your eyes on Azriel’s. His shirt was tight against the muscles below, his wings spread out in a way of teasing you. Your dress was a mix of ivory and black with details that looked like shadows swirling around. Once your mating was done (and you were sure Azriel wouldn’t try to kill anyone who looked at you), you and Azriel would go to the temple and swear vows to be married. You may be attached to him through the bond, but you wanted for it to be through the law as well. And so did he. 
“Thank you all for coming. Please, have as much fun as you want once we leave.” You said and walked up to Azriel, a bright smile on your face. He looked at your with all the love and adoration in the world. “Azriel… I love you to no end. And I will love you forever. I offer you this food as my acceptance of the Mother’s blessing. Our mating bond.” You said and held out the plate to him. 
You could almost feel everyone holding their breath before Azriel took the plate in his hands, and began eating. Everyone cheered and you laughed, one of Azriel’s scarred hands came towards yours and squeezed it. Something told you that once he was finished with the food, he would want to leave. Immediately. So you sat down next to him, eating a little bit of your own food as you watched him eat every last bite, not leaving a single thing. As if on cue, you felt the bond snap further, driving your desire for him immediately into the roof. You could see it in his eyes, you were in a whirlwind of a week. Or month. Gods, you hope it was a month. 
You giggled as he didn’t even wait to start kissing you, pulling you up from the chair and kissing your neck. “Thank you all for coming.” You said and laughed when Azriel growled as they all tried to speak to you. You felt the shadows consume you and he winnowed to the outer bounds of the cabin. 
You clumsily flew the rest of the way to the front door. You giggled as Azriel picked you up and carried you through the door, immediately pushing you against the wall. “I think this is the most romantic you’ve ever been.” You joked. 
“I think this is the sexiest you’ve ever been.” He said down the bond. Your eyes widened as you kissed him deeply. “That’s right, sweetheart, I don’t even need to ask to know you want me as much as I want you.” 
You sent a vulgar gesture down the bond, kissing his neck. “Would you just fuck me already?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“No, sweetheart,” he said out loud, looking deeply into your eyes. “I’m going to make love to you, many, many times tonight. And then I’m going to fuck you until you’re begging me for a break.” He rasped. 
If your legs weren’t wrapped around his waist, you would’ve dropped to your knees for him right there. “I’ll start begging now.” You said, trailing your hands towards his wings. “Please, Az, make love to me.” You whispered. 
A soft growl came from deep within his throat before he winnowed you within the cabin to the bedroom. He set you before the bed, turning you around to take off your dress slowly. He took his time kissing every part of your body, telling you why he loved it. From your neck, your shoulders, your hips, your stomach. All the way down to your core. He spent extra long on that part, devouring you until he brought you to your climax. 
You returned the favor, getting on your knees and sucking him until he finished in your mouth. The bond was in full force the entire night. 
When he finally laid you down on the bed and entered you, he held you hands above your head, intertwining your fingers. You moaned his name and he did the same with yours. 
You stared into each other's eyes as you both came. And in those moments afterwards, when you curled against him, hearts beating in sync, you realized you finally found your place in the world. After going through so much, you would spend the rest of your life with your mate. Maybe soon you would try for a child, have a little Shadowsinger running around. Or maybe you would take your sweet time with your mate, getting to know every single fact about him for another 170 years of your life before you had children with him. 
Whatever path you took, you knew that you would be happy with Azriel. With your mate. And most importantly, with yourself.
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A/N: Awww this is the end y'all... I can't believe I posted an entire series... I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any requests for drabbles, or what I could include in a sequel, let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. Thank you so much for all your support as well!!! I love each and every one of you that has liked, commented, and reblogged. It has meant the most to me.
Series Masterlist
Tagging (a special thanks to he taglist, i've never had one this extensive before, thank you all for supporting me!)
@cherry-cin @cleverzonkwombatsludge @nickishadow139 @complete-randomness2 @lilah-asteria @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @mariahoedt @6v6babycheese @secretsthathauntus @krowiathemythologynerd @fightmedraco @he6rtshaker @kayla-rose15 @aelincaddel @mfri06 @hauntedstudentobservationus @brieflyclassymortal @read-write-sleep-startover @krowiathemythologynerd @ialwayscryatendings @chxosangxl @tanyaherondale @randombibitch @plants-w0rld @etsukomoonbeam @riorgail @herondale-lightworm @panther-girl-124
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fantasy---feels · 8 months
Living Dreams (1)
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Jungkook, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 15-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some fandoms sooo, oops? Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
Jungkook squints in the dimly lit bar, scanning the room for Y/n's silhouette. There's a lot of people today for some reason and he may also be just a little bit tipsy. He must have been looking for over ten minutes at this point. Finally he spots her tall figure at the other side of the dancefloor. Somehow she seems.. upset? He can only see her back, but she looks stiff and her arms are wrapped around herself. What's going on.. Frowning, he makes his way through the crowd towards her.
He hears him before he sees him. Maron... What did that idiot do..? Once he gets closer he sees the guy yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'As if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron scowls bitterly, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at your "friend"? And the way you dress? Layla told me everything! Fuck off with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. Suddenly he's looking up from the floor, and his nose... It hurts like hell. What the fuck just happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face. Blood.. A lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Jungkook. Maron scowls. Of course it's him. He immediately flinches when pain shoots through his nose, which is quite definitely broken. He glares at Jungkook from over his bloody hand, his other fist balled at his side. The look Jungkook gives him in return can only be described as one of pure disgust. He has put himself between Maron and Y/n, his arm protectively around here shoulders. 'I swear to the gods Maron, if you EVER, so much as talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I'm going to fucking kill you.' His voice is dangerously low and his eyes are ice cold. Maron doesn't have the slightest doubt that he actually means what he says.
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl, exclaims as she finally recovers from the shock and kneels down next to Maron, while he is still glaring at Jungkook and Y/n. Jungkook looks down at him, before grinning viciously. 'By the way, just so you know, she actually never cheated on you. Not with me, and not with anyone else either. YOU are the one who screwed it up.' He glances back at Y/n, before grinning down at Maron again. And honestly? I'm so glad that you did.' He turns to Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you'. She blinks up at him in confusion, but he just gently puts his hand on her face, smiling softly.
When Y/n doesn't pull back, Jungkook slowly leans down, and brushes his lips against hers. In the background Maron angrily curses and splutters, while Y/n gasps softly in surprise, but still, she doesn't push Jungkook away. Instead, after a moment of hesitation she wraps her arms around his neck and lets him pull her closer.
Maron furiously glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face to try and stop the bleeding. Layla puts her hand on his arm, trying to comfort him. 'Are you okay? Just ignore them! You don't need her anymore remember? You said that you loved me more anyway, so let's just leave together.' Maron doesn't even look at her when he harshly pushes her away, making her fall to the floor. She winces, 'Maron..?' But his eyes remain glued to Y/n, who is still in Jungkook's arms. Was it true? Did she actually never cheat on him? No, right? It couldn't be. Because if it was... he curses. That would mean that he just ruined everything. No..No! He had only wanted to make her jealous; show her that she wasn't his only option, and that he could get anyone he wanted too, just like her! But what if he was actually wrong? What if he was actually the only one that fucked up?? He winces, before suddenly perking up again. But.. It was all a misunderstanding.. right? It was all just because of a misunderstanding, that's all! Then maybe... He looks up at Y/n. But she isn't looking at him. In fact, she isn't looking at anything. She's still in HIS arms, letting HIM kiss her.
Maron scowls as a deep fury boils up in his stomach. How dare that bastard touch her?! Clumsily he pushes himself up from the floor, which is difficult with only one free hand. But before he can even try to pull the pair apart, a weight suddenly hangs from his free arm. When he whips his head around to glare at the interruption, he comes face to face with a crying, screeching Layla. 'What are you doing?? Why are you still looking at her?! You said you wanted to be with ME!!' Maron glares at her with disgust. 'Let go of me you bitch.' Layla's eyes go wide. 'What..? You said you loved me!!' He just scowls as he throws her off. 'Why would I ever love someone like you when I can have someone like Y/n? Don't be ridiculous.' When he turns away from the shocked, crying girl, he suddenly comes face to face with the person in question, who was finally shook awake by the commotion. Her face is flushed and her lips are slightly swollen, her eyes a bit hazy.
'Y/n!' He takes a step towards her, but is blocked by Jungkook's arm. 'Did you already forget what I said?', the guy almost growls at him. Maron glares at him. 'Stay out of this! This is only between me and my girlfrien-' 'EX. Girlfriend.' Jungkook interrupts him with a smirk. Maron's face distorts with anger and he almost lunges at Jungkook when Y/n snaps at them. 'Stop that.' He turns towards her with a hopeful expression, but it falls the moment their eyes meet. Empty.. She doesn't care.. Maron winces. 'Y/n! Listen! Please let me explain! I don't care about her! I just did it because you-'
Stunned, Maron slowly brings his other hand to his cheek, where Y/n just slapped him across the face. '...Y/n?' She looks at him with an emotionless expression, before looking over at Layla, still crying on the floor. 'I hope the two of you stay together for a long time.' Then she turns around and takes Jungkook's hand. 'Let's go.' He smirks and happily lets her pull him with her. 'WAIT! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH HIM?!' Y/n halts and looks back at Maron with cold eyes. 'Now that we're done, I can finally go and do all the things that you accused me of. Not that it is any of your business anymore.' The guy looks at her with a stunned expression. 'What.. No.. I mean, no.. I was wrong.. I'm.. I'm sorry! Please just give me one more chance! I promise I'll trust you this time! And I will never hurt you again!' Y/n chuckles sarcastically and raises an eyebrow at him. 'Hurt me? Marlon, you could never hurt me even if you wanted to. Good luck together.' Then she turns around and walks out, pulling Jungkook along.
The moment they're outside Y/n suddenly feels herself being pulled back, until she is flush against Jungkook's chest. Only then does it start to dawn on her what just happened. Her eyes go wide and her face flushes a deep red. 'Jungkook, was that.. Did you actually mean that or did you just say it to-' Jungkook immediately shakes his head. 'I meant it.' He frowns to himself. 'You have no idea how miserable I've been the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Jungkook, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And... I was scared.' He pouts, before sighing and pulling her closer against him, letting his chin rest on her hair. 'I wish he screwed up sooner...' Y/n huffs in disbelief. 'I can't believe you.'
After staying like that for a while Jungkook leans down and whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her away. On the way home Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands off her and he keeps pressing small kisses to her hand, her temple, her face... With every featherlight touch of his lips her heart races faster and her cheeks flush brighter. How in the world did this happen? How did she never realise how he felt? That he felt the same way she did...
Jungkook pulls her to a halt one turn away from the house. 'Y/n...' When she looks up at him, his pupils are blown wide, and he is staring down at her lips. Swallowing deeply she lets him push her backwards, until her back is pressed against the wall. 'Gods, you have no idea how many times I've thought about doing this.' Jungkook's rough voice, combined with the soft touch of his hands on her hips sends a shiver down her spine. 'Doing.. what?' She looks up at him through a haze while her voice is barely more than a whisper. Jungkook's eyes are dark with desire when he lets his right hand trail up her side, over her ribs, along her chest, her neck, until finally, he rests his fingers under her chin.
'I'm sorry for not asking this before, but.. Can I kiss you?' Y/n swallows before nodding slowly. His touch is gentle when he tilts her face up to meet him. His lips are rough, but soft at the same time and Y/n sighs into the kiss when Jungkook pulls her closer. He weaves his fingers through her hair and lightly tugs on it, tilting her head further back and giving him better access to her mouth. Y/n's surprised moan sends a shiver straight to his stomach and Jungkook's left hand tightens on her hip.
Y/n pushes her body closer to his and Jungkook groans in frustration. 'Gods.. You have no idea what you're doing to me.' He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps and Jungkook stares at her hungrily. 'Fuck, I can't believe I get to hold you like this.' His eyes roam her face, her body and her hips, where she is pressed against him. Y/n flushes 'I'm just surprised that you can carry me at all. I'm too tall and too heavy for most guys.' Jungkook blinks at her confused. 'What? Seriously? Why would you date weaklings...'
Jungkook's voice trails off when his focus shifts back to the feeling of her against his body. Groaning he leans in to kiss her, his hands pulling her hips tight against him, the action causing him to inadvertently grind himself into her. Y/n loudly moans into his mouth when the feeling takes her by surprise and Jungkook freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Jungkook looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Jungkook takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Jungkook groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, which makes her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. Y/n shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He lets her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside.
After catching her Jungkook carries Y/n over to the bed. Gently setting her down, he breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'Y/n... You're going to ruin me.'
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Jungkook smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Jungkook smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Jungkook grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Jungkook chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Jungkook moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Jungkook flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Jungkook frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Jungkook blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Jungkook breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Jungkook groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Jungkook is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Jungkook buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Jungkook pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Jungkook carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Jungkook makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Jungkook groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Jungkook curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Jungkook groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Jungkook almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Jungkook can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Jungkook basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Jungkook leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Jungkook moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Jungkook?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Jungkook curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Jungkook over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Jungkook moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Jungkook chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Jungkook chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Jungkook climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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saltysplayt00ns · 12 days
Tearing Page 733 hind
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Tch MAAAAAAAANNNN!!!  I’ve been waiting for this page to come up, cause this is just blatant kique misogyny and sexist of making females complacent of something as serious as a scratch of the muzzle from a short fuss - right here and insulting of the characters who are in Asmundr Comic. It's like the movie: thing of a clone of the person.
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Page 93, 94 & 104
Lifa is just acting way too submissive on this when Lifa, who would never put up with this, Lifa of all dogs who know the red-flags of manipulative and threats of harm from unbalanced power dynamic,
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Page 143 & 265
LIFA who has told and taught the family to stick together and work as a team in a no mercy environment, protect your own and think with a clear mind -  is blatantly letting family abuse slide by. And immediately go to the next Subject cause showing how evil Marduck is then Lifa’s family basically falling apart is far more important. If it was Ronja, Jahla or a female family member - bet they would be ridiculed, belittled, practically coerced to apologize. While If it was Rogio or Ranach or Roamer getting hurt or pitied or had been killing people ( which they did ) , they would be coddled and sympathized - which is what’s happening here, Rohgir being sympathized for basically wounding his sister and daughter of Lifa and it's not bluntly told but implies for Jahla to be “ understanding “ so they can move on and be a happy family again. Ignoring/brushing the problem off doesn’t fix it.
Heck THIS IS NOT HOW ROHGIR ACTED EITHER, this is like a 180 of Rohgir’s personality.
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pages 263, 265 & 297
yes, he is blunt and crass and yes secretive, and would take risky decisions that would protect his family to live another day, but in any way shape or form would never raise a paw to another because his eugenic uprising would have him be Marduck 2.0 AND RANULFR .
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Kaine and Lifa should be shocked/horrified since this is The one who Rohgir's family + pack fought in a war against his father's ideology of being the superior species ( that he disowned as a a father ) , that also tried to also non-consensually mate with Niita; his aunt and Lifa's sister . Stressed or not you should never resort to hurting your siblings unpurposely.  Why are the Akiulfrs even under him as subordinates? at this point if he is willing to attack the triad  leaders who’re equal to him as family . That implies he's willing to hurt his own members who HAVE no equal power over him that are no blood related members. It would be a full on rebellion.
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Page 389 & 656
Roughhousing is okay, but everything is not fun and games when someone literally gets hurt. Most would even ask if it’s ok to do certain things or if a simple “ ow “ or “ stop, that hurt “ would immediately be apologized/stop all together. At least sensible people. Intentionally hurting someone needs to be stopped because you'll enable it and once enabled,  it will lead to toxic to dangerous behaviors, interactions or/and abuse. You see it all the time and you see it now.
The author really doesn’t know what he wants to do with the majority of the characters, cause literally everyone is a villan who is misunderstood or the moment he makes them a villain and then changes his mind and back peddles to make them not a villain but a misunderstood, sympathizing character. I rather suck a gallon of pure lemons before I sympathize with Ranach and Rogio.
Lifa like...this is your son, siblings or not you shouldn't be hurting each other nonetheless intent on killing. the fact Jahla doesn't even mention her biting Rohgirs neck that can kill or paralyze his spine is already a reflag of their own. why you hiding that fact saber teeth can puncture and do damage, they obviously don't break.
Lifa could have said: Lifa: “ This is not like him to… “ // ( To keep secrets yeah but not to twist the truth. )
Jahla: " he clawed my muzzle off …before banning me from the Island."
Lifa: " What...??!!”
Kainen: " He may be dealing a lot with a large pack..,"
Lifa cutting Kainen off: " It does not excuse my son to resort to retaliation. Threats, but not of family and certainly NOT of his own." 
Jahla: "we talk to him as a family then? Perhaps if he sees us be fine..."
Lifa looks off in frustration and disgruntlement: "We would, but Marduck would not approve. We would already be off to find the others if we did." // ( discard the page of that Marduck introduction and he is shown later after Jahla found him by the family describing him. )
Kainen, licking lips nervously, looks over to the Beacon and where Marduck went: " He's one of Father's own and makes it clear every chance he gets." // ( In a better scene Kainen indicating Marduck attacking the Rabishu and I Kainen to prove a point when he tried to leave. )
Jahla In deep thought, scrunching eyebrows: "Perhaps, I can talk to him. I am familiar with Father just as much as he is, just tell me what I need to know about him." // ( cause the old Jahla would be gun-ho excited of learning more about Father, after all she broke with Rhovanion, monologue a poor excuse with Rome, studied the hidden languages, taken in Father's creation; Avanti - is now acting hostile of a dog she barely even given a chance. )
And that would lead to the next Page Jahla encountering Marduck NOT CRAMMING IT IN ONE PAGE. it's like the dumbest thing to state an “ oh” .
Plus it's the same pose of 3 dogs sitting overhead/bird eye view and discussing. Plus Lifa’s face is Rogio like a copy + paste of Rogio.
We got now mothers enabling their kids to stay with strangers ( Feomeh with Diarko ) , Mothers letting their son do all the talking and leading ( Liari & Ralei  ) , mothers letting male family members keep their rank after disobeying a command from the leader ( Ronja and Roamer ) ,  and now excuse sibling physical assault (Lifa and Jahla ) ps. Forgot about the Nubia situation and Feaf of disregarding a non-consensual agreement to bearing a Hybrid child from the quote ' golden ' in quote lioness a few pages ago. Thanks to the commenter for jogging my memories ♥
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1.) (downs an entire bottle of vodka and slams it back on the table) SO. CORDY. Cordy started off as a supporting character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At the start she was your typical high school mean girl character, but as the show went on we got to see more depth to her character: her insecurities, her courage, her capacity for incredible acts of kindness. Then after the third season she moved into the show’s spin off, Angel, where from the beginning she was basically the show’s secondary protagonist. Her and Angel were the two mainstays of the show’s main cast, she gets the most episodes centered on her out of all the characters aside from Angel (and yes, I’ve checked), and we really got to see her grow from a very shallow and self-centered and kind of mean person to a true hero who was prepared to give up any chance at a normal life to fight the good fight while still never losing the basic core of her character. There were some… questionable moments like the episode where she gets mystically pregnant with demon babies and things got a bit iffy like halfway through season 3 where the writers seemed to run out of ideas for what to do with her outside of sticking her in this romance drama/love triangle situation with the main character but overall, pretty good stuff right? THEN SEASON 4 HAPPENED. In season 4 she gets stripped of literally all agency and spends pretty much the entire season possessed by an evil higher power, and while possessed she sleeps with Angel’s teenage son (who BY THE WAY she had helped raise as a baby before he got speed-grown-up into a teenager it was a whole thing don’t worry about it) and gets pregnant with like. the physical manifestation of the higher power that’s possessing her. it’s about as bad and stupid as it sounds and also is like the third time cordy’s got mystically pregnant in this show and like the fourth mystical pregnancy storyline overall (you will be hearing more on that note in other submissions I’m so sorry). after giving birth she goes into a coma, in which she remains for the rest of season 4 and the first half of season 5. SPEAKING OF WHICH DON’T THINK SEASON 5 IS GETTING OFF SCOT FREE HERE. yeah so in season 5 the show just FULLY starts trying to erase cordy’s existence. she gets mentioned ONCE in the first episode and then never again until halfway through the season where she wakes up, helps out Angel for a bit and encourages him in his fight against evil, and then goes quietly into that good night and dies so it can be all sad and tragic. I’d call it the worst fridging of all time but even THAT feels generous because the whole point of fridging is killing off a female character so a man can be sad, and after Cordy dies basically no one’s even sad about it because the show immediately goes back to pretending she never existed. she is not mentioned ONCE in the two episodes after she dies. in the whole stretch of time between her death and the end of the season she gets mentioned exactly four times. again, I counted. anyway the fun twist to all of this is that all of this happened because the actress who played cordy got pregnant before season 4 and joss whedon was so pissed off about this affecting his plans for the show that he decided to completely fuck over her character and then fire her and write her out of the show. so cordy’s a victim of both writing AND real life misogyny!! good times!!
2.) OH SO MANY THINGS they menaced by giving her terrible hair cuts, making her seem like she’d get together with the guy she loves (and who loves her back) but instead she was killed and when she was brought back, she got possessed by an evil entity who used her body to give birth to itself. afterwards she was in a long coma and died. her character was so throughoutly assassinated
3.) She got demonically pregnant TWICE - there was this real sense of a womb/ability to get pregnant as like, a place for evil to get in. She got positioned as femme fatale and evil mother. The actress basically got fired for being pregnant, and when she agreed to come back for a single final episode she specifically said they could do anything but kill off the character. Guess what happened
MISA AMANE (DEATH NOTE) (CW: Imprisonment, Torture)
1.) Misa is treated so phenomenally poorly by the writers of Death Note. She is devoted enough to Kira’s cause to sacrifice half her lifespan for the additional power to see people’s names just by seeing their faces (you need a face and a name to kill someone with the Death Note), and she takes the time to understand everything about it. She, a random civilian, is able to find Kira all by herself by being clever, and she’s very devoted to Kira and Kira’s cause. You would think this would earn her some respect and make her a force in the narrative in opposition both to L’s lawfulness and Light’s god complex (because Misa is a true believer, while Light is some dude with a god complex and a willingness to commit mass murder to further it), but no, the moment she meets Light she falls hopelessly in love with him (not just Kira according to her), pledges her loyalty to him, and agrees to mindlessly follow him, with her sole condition being that he can’t date other girls (and if he tried to, she’d kill the other girl; note how this is not a threat on LIGHT’S life) and has to date her and at least pretend to love her. You would think, again, that these would become problems that potentially fuck Light over, but they are mild inconveniences at best. And, despite her ability to find Kira and only get found out by bullshit trace DNA and pollen nonsense that she, again as a random civilian with no knowledge of forensics that honestly sound SO FAKE (really, trace pollen from something that is super rare and exists near her apartment but few other places? Trace pollen that got in the shit she put together INDOORS? Come on, that’s SUCH bullshit, and SO contrived), had no way of knowing existing. Because she DID circumvent all the ways she’d incriminate herself that a normal person would know about, but because they got her on the SMALLEST SHIT, they’re like “oh, she’s an idiot.” And it’s not in a “oh, look at these guys, underestimating her” way, it’s in an “oh yeah, they’re 100% right, she’s an idiot” way.
EVERYONE in universe regards her as an idiot, both when she’s just known as the Second Kira and once her identity has been found out. The creators in a bonus book rank her knowledge at 3/10 and her creativity at 4/10, which is SUCH bullshit when all of her plans (the few ones they let her have) make creative use of her powers and talents. Like, she sent a video into a tv station that contained a journal entry that had multiple dates on it, with one being clear bait for the police to approach, one being irrelevant, and one containing information that only someone with a Death Note would understand, and she uses this to indicate a time and place they should meet. Except she doesn’t meet him there, she dresses up in a plain outfit and wig that look NOTHING like her and sits and watches the crowd, waiting for someone to walk by who is missing the date of their death above their head (an indicator that that person has a Death Note), and then goes home and researches him online. That is objectively clever! Even if the cops were there, which they were, they would never notice her (and they didn’t) or figure out that she got the information she needed. HOW is that not creative? HOW does that support her being an idiot? Light tricked a woman (Naomi Misora, who deserves her own entry) into giving her his name one time in a way that almost gave him away, and that was regarded as sooooo clever, but this is stupid? Ohba, explain. Matsuda, who I love dearly but also who has never a plan half as clever or interesting as hers, gets knowledge at 4/10 and creativity at 5/10. It’s misogyny, there’s no other reason that makes sense.
And when her anonymous videos that she used to draw out Kira mention the shinigami and notebooks very subtly, in a way the police wouldn’t understand, Light is like “Second Kira, you IDIOT”, but meanwhile, when Light had a victim mention shinigami in a note written before they died for the sole purpose of fucking with L, the narrative is like “Oh, look at him, he’s so clever mentioning shinigami when L has no way of knowing how important and real they are.” The double standard of it all!
Also, ok, so, the reason L dies is because Misa’s shinigami Rem fell in love with her and wants to protect her, even if it results in Rem’s death (which it does because a shinigami dies if they kill someone for the purpose of saving someone else). However, Misa is not involved AT ALL in getting Rem to go through with this. Light manipulates Rem into doing it, and the fact that this also doesn’t bite him in the ass, even though Misa and Rem were friends, is INSANE. Their logic is clearly that obviously Misa would never rebel against Light because it’s not like she has an internal life and feelings outside of devotion to Light, and if she did, she couldn’t do anything because she’s an idiot, so it’s not worth exploring. God forbid she have agency and be a force in the narrative, even though it would make the story more interesting and complex. She doesn’t even need to be super smart for that! The creators THEMSELVES rank her social skills, charm, and initiative at 10/10, and she gets to use them all of one (1) time. They just keep not letting her do things, and it’s at the expense of their story EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Also, after this, she’s gives up her Death Note (which means she loses her memories involved with being a Death Note user) when Light tells her to, and then she’s just written out of the story, with the exception of her looking sexy, being a jealous girlfriend, and being implied to die, even though TWO shinigami died for her and thus gave her their lifespans. Yeah, she halved one of those, gained the other, then halved that again, but she should have gained more than a total of, like, eight years from that! But no, Light’s story is done, so why would Misa survive when he didn’t?
That’s not to mention the weird fetish-y way she was tied up when imprisoned. She wasn’t in her normal clothes that she had been apprehended in, no, she was put in this raggedy, white straightjacket-looking thing, with a blindfold and her arms crossed over her and fastened behind her back. She was kept on some slab and set upright for FIFTY DAYS. Like, look at this shit:
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Meanwhile, Light, who was also imprisoned, kept his regular clothes and only had his arms tied behind his back normally. The only difference in the powers they were assumed to have is that she could kill with just a face. So why the weird outfit, huh, Ohba, Obata? And, like, they sell FIGURES OF IT in the real world, people can BUY her in this outfit and DISPLAY it, and it is CLEARLY because they think some Death Note fans would find it arousing. And if the whole show was just fetish shit in all directions, then, sure, fine, go for it, but it is JUST her in this moment! And, like, if it was supposed to show something about L and how he’s kinda fucked up like that, you would think it would, like, come up again or something but it gets a fleeting mention ONCE and then THAT IS IT. Why do this, literally why??? Like, how high did they get off their own misogyny to come up with this?
I just. I can’t with how they treat Misa, I CANNOT. Like, I know they love to jerk off Light and talk about he’s sooooo smart and clever and charming, but this goes beyond putting her down because they want to lift him up. They put her in to cause some chaos a couple of times, pull some fetish shit, provide the method for killing L (but not do it herself or even play any active role at all in it), and then they’re done with her. She’s a convenient tool to the writers, not a character, unlike most of the male characters whose emotional reactions to Light’s bullshit come back to haunt him. For example: the way his responsibility for his father’s death and his dismissal of his father during his big confession lead Matsuda, who had liked Light but had a stronger emotional connection to his dad, to shoot him in a way that stops Light from using his Death Note scrap to get out of being surrounded after being definitively revealed to be Kira. And like, I love that moment for Matsuda, it’s great, my favorite scene in the whole show, but why don’t Misa’s emotions and bonds get to drive her to action in a way that is inconvenient to Light? Fine, she has unending devotion, why not have THAT do anything either? And it’s because this is the same type of treatment all the female characters in Death Note get (although Misa gets it worse by a country mile), being a POTENTIAL to MILD problem for Light and/or a person to use the Death Note in his place but little else, or someone to get kidnapped, it makes it clear that Misa’s treatment here is due to misogyny that infects the whole text, and it just. It rankles.
2.) Despite having the potential to be an interesting character (unhinged death note who doesn’t have excuses for killing people like Light does, actual connection to her Shinigami), she just gets reduced to Light’s plaything and fangirl, literally keeling over backwards for him. She ends up having nothing to do in the story, being reduced to this hollow shell of what she could have been, with her only personality trait being that she’s obsessed with Light, even after he routinely ignores her and even cheats on her. Every woman in Death Note gets put on the sidelines so the male characters can take the spotlight, but Misa easily has the biggest wasted potential of any of them.
3.) Left as flat, annoying, and obsessed with a guy who treats her badly the entire series. Could have had a lot more development but she just gets treated like an idiot at every turn despite HER INTRODUCTION including a pretty clever plan actually. As the series goes on it feels like they make her less and less intelligent just to justify why she’s keeping the exact same dynamic with light. Honestly the more i think about it the weirder that gets.
I don’t think it’s a problem in itself to have a character who isn’t especially intelligent or is easily manipulated or is an obsessive fan, and you can make really interesting stories using characters with those traits. But DN just did not do that, and honestly I think if Misa was written a bit smarter (not necessarily super detective chess nonsense smart, just having actual fucking agency and being able to come up with plans of her own) the series would be way better for it. You get a whole new dimension to the conflicts and scheming if she’s acting on her own terms, or trying to help and doing something unexpected, or just generally having another character with a death note and complicated ties to the main characters and actual human agency. Like even STAYING obsessed with Light she could have been so much more and the specifics of her motivations could be explored in more interesting detail than just making her a rabid fangirl even having spent enough time with the object of her obsession that the dynamic should have evolved.
She’s in a classic of the “so misogynistic it turned out gay” genre and like good for the gays i guess but holy shit she got done so dirty. She deserved better and DN would have been not only better in the “don’t be a jerk towards entire groups of people” sense but also probably better as a drama intrigue situation if the authors had a crumb of respect for her.
Also due to the story events she’s set to die pretty young and this is barely addressed? It’s a sidenote really and a lot of people die but Rem is the only one who gives a shit and their reaction is not focused on for long. I will not start about her and Rem because that will make this much much longer and is relevant more to why i like Misa than to why she got fucked over. (But hey it’s kinda fucked that she definitely did have people who supported and cared for her and they all got stripped away and it’s not even played as fucked up that this woman has no support network save for one guy who would kill her in a heartbeat if he thought it would help him and also that Misa can’t fully see the people who do care about her until it’s too late and this is never played as dark and serious in a series that thrives on being dark)
It’s just really really obvious that the authors do not see or write her as a person.
tl;dr SHE’S THE SECOND FUCKING KIRA and she gets treated like a PROP for most of the story. gets downgraded to scenery actually later in the story
actual tl;dr: introduced with an interesting plan and motivations worth exploring, slowly has her undeveloped personality steamrollered further and is treated like a tool and a prop for the rest of the series.
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dragon-cookies · 8 months
First ep of Hazbin Hotel nearly fucking killed me, like it was PAINFUL to sit through. So, I'm gonna list off some general thoughts and critiques
I really, REALLY feel like the angels should've been revealed mid to late-season, this feels like we're seeing the Diamonds in the first season of Steven Universe. And if they don't give a shit about sinners getting into Heaven, what even is the point????
Also WHY does Adam swear and call sinners "cunts" and make god-awful ""jokes"" about male and female "eQuAliTy" when he's supposed to be an ANGEL??????? Why is he allowed to be just as awful as all the demons we see in hell yet still be an angel??? Wouldn't it be more interesting (and a hell of a lot funnier) if the angels were all proper and refined compared to all the sinners and demons?
I also get that Charlie's supposed to be the "naïve but well-meaning" princess archetype, but watching her sing happy musical numbers while stepping over the corpses of the people she claims to care about just feels so god-awfully tone deaf. It just makes her look extremely stupid, and I say that as someone who really liked Charlie in the pilot. Naivety isn't an inherently bad character trait but it needs to be at least somewhat believable. That and she also swears, the same as basically every other character on this show
On a related note, the songs just come out of absolute nowhere. Songs in a musical, as I've heard, start when spoken words are no longer enough to convey an intended emotion, and this show doesn't do ANYTHING to earn the big, glamorous broadway-like numbers they're trying to pull off. Characters will be talking and then suddenly they're singing, that's all the buildup you get. It's like if Gaston just spoke about how he wants to win Belle over and suddenly halfway through his plan he THEN starts singing about it.
Alastor is literally carrying the show solely because he doesn't swear every other word and actually has a modicum of subtlety and intrigue to his character. He's constantly smiling, which make his true emotions difficult to read, and his intentions with the hotel aren't immediately obvious. I swear to god the only times I didn't feel like clawing my eyes out were when he was on screen
I also don't want to nitpick the animation solely because I know the animators were being horribly mistreated and not compensated nearly enough to animate these overly complex character designs. The quality of the animation is definitely suffering though, and it shows.
I am, genuinely not sure if I'm gonna be able to watch the remaining episodes. At least not in one sitting. And this is once again coming from someone who enjoyed the pilot. It had potential, and it just feels like it got absolutely squandered.
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punchdrunkdoc · 7 months
Part 3, Chapter 14
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Sorry for the delay in posting - real life's been a bitch!
Chapter 14
It didn’t take Calina long to pack. She’d been living a pretty spartan existence for the past few weeks so there wasn’t much in her sleeping area - just a set of headphones, a couple of books, and her clothes.
And her neoprene suit, the Widow’s bites, and the guns that fit in her thigh holsters.
She studied the items strewn over her bed - the physical remnants of her life as a Black Widow. It was a life she was letting go - gladly and willingly - but if felt wrong, somehow, to just throw this stuff away.
She was a Black Widow. She always would be. It was too ingrained in her. The training, the time in the Red Room, all the missions she’d taken part in…they’d shaped her. They formed too substantial a part of her past to ignore. And just getting rid of her Widow’s gear wouldn’t somehow erase that part of her. And it wouldn’t eradicate the violent, dark fragment of her soul that would probably always reside somewhere deep within her.
So there was no need for some symbolic destruction of her gear. She didn’t even feel the need to throw it in the trash. She’d just take it and store it away - like she’d done the first time she’d come to New York.
Just in case.
She’d lived through enough worst case scenarios to know it was better to be prepared. She didn’t want to ever fight again. She didn’t want to ever have to don this suit and load up her guns…but life didn’t always give you what you wanted.
Matt found her a few minutes later just as she finished stuffing her suit in her bag.
“You ready to get out of here?” he asked.
She zipped up the bag and hefted it over her shoulder. “More than ready,” she smiled.
Matt grabbed the small suitcase by her feet and they headed downstairs together. She stopped by Inessa’s room on the way out to see how she was doing, and said goodbye to the other Widows milling around the safe house on the way out. But they were happy ‘goodbyes’, not laden with fear of for each others’ safety or uncertainty about whether they’d ever meet again.
They were all starting a new life. It was exciting.
Calina felt that excitement grow as she stepped out into the bright sunshine, the cheery weather reflecting the hope and happiness bubbling inside her.
Until Anya appeared.
The other Widow came jogging down the steps behind her, ubiquitous tablet in hand. “Calina! Hold up!”
Calina and Matt paused on the sidewalk. “What’s wrong?” Calina asked.
“I’ve been going through Ranieri’s laptop in more detail.”
“You can take a day off you know, Anya. Have some fun. Celebrate a little.”
“This is fun for me.”
Matt looked away to hide his smile at Anya’s slightly confused reply. Calina didn’t bother hiding hers. “So what did you find?”
Anya hesitated, glancing in Matt’s direction. Calina quickly put her mind at ease. “It’s okay. He knows about Ranieri. I’m not keeping secrets from him anymore.”
“Oh. Okay then. Well, its about the guy who dosed you a few months back. The one who tried to get you to kill that Governor.”
“Yeah. Ranieri was looking for him.”
“What do you mean? When? Before or after Aminev drugged me?”
“Before. When Aminev defected from Volkov’s group, Volkov complained to Ranieri about it. Ranted all about how no one was loyal anymore, yadda yadda yadda. Ranieri immediately hired a PI to look for Aminev.”
“So? He was probably just trying to help Volkov out.”
Anya shook her head. “No. This was off the books, completely on the down-low. He didn’t want Volkov to know about it.”
“Did he find him?”
“Not sure yet. But I can keep digging if you think it's worth pursuing.”
Calina rolled her eyes. “Is this a real lead? Or are you just looking for an excuse to bury your head in work, instead of getting a life?”
Anya shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“Not to me,” Matt answered. “Please keep digging.”
Calina looked at him. “This sounds like nothing - no offence, Anya. Aminev is dead and Ranieri’s been neutralised by the threat of exposure.”
“Neutralised for now. He could become a problem in the future,” Matt countered. “And we still don’t know who hired Aminev - and who’s behind the pheromone drug. The more intel we have, the better.”
“Okay. You heard the man, Anya. Keep digging.”
“On it.” Anya turned and headed back up the stairs, leaving Matt and Calina to wait for their cab. But just before she entered the building, Anya paused and called out, “Calina?”
“Nice hickey, by the way.”
Calina groaned in embarrassment, and swatted Matt’s shoulder when he burst out laughing.
An hour later, Matt and Calina were back in her apartment unpacking her few measly possessions.
Matt said nothing as she removed her Widow’s suit and weapons and stowed them in the hiding space under the bedroom floorboard, but she felt the need to explain anyway. “Just in case,” she said.
He nodded. “I get it,” he said, taking a seat on her bed. “Even when I convinced myself I’d given up being Daredevil, I could never bring myself to get rid of the suit.”
She joined him on the bed. “You said that was a story for another time. Is this the time?”
He shrugged. “It’s not some epic tale. I just…failed. I went through this period where nothing I did as Daredevil worked. I couldn’t save the people I wanted to save. I couldn’t stop the people who needed stopping. It just felt…pointless. So I gave up. I thought if I concentrated on being a full time lawyer, I’d make more of a difference.”
“I’m guessing it didn’t work out that way?”
He smiled - though it was more of a closed-lip grimace. “No. I was kidding myself. I need to be Daredevil. There’s something inside me that craves it. And sometimes…”
“What? Tell me.”
“Sometimes, I worry what that says about me.”
“I don’t,” Calina responded, without hesitation.
“I know that you need to be Daredevil, but that doesn’t worry me. Because I know its not the violence that you’re craving. It’s the freedom. Daredevil, in some ways, is the real you. It’s you without the disguise - which is ironic when you think about it. But when you’re wearing that mask and that suit, you don’t have to pretend to be blind to your surroundings. You don’t have to walk with a cane, or slow yourself down, or act like less than you are. You can just be free to be yourself.”
“But what do I do with that freedom?” Matt argued. “I beat people up.”
“You get justice for people when the system fails. You use the amazing abilities you’ve been given to help people. You’re not just some random brawler, Matt Murdock, and you’ll never convince me that you’re acting from a place of darkness or evil.” She playfully bumped her shoulder against his. “So stop trying.”
He laughed softly. “Okay. But the same goes for you. You don’t have to be ashamed of keeping your Widow’s stuff. I know you’re not going to be sneaking out at night to do Widow-y things. And even if you wanted to do that, it would be okay. Because I know you wouldn’t be acting from a place of darkness or evil.”
She smiled as he echoed her words, then rested her head on his shoulder. “But I don’t know what I want to do. I mean, I know I don’t want to spend my nights fighting. I know I want to do something to help people. I just don’t know what it is.”
He wrapped his arm around her and held her close. “You’ll figure it out,” he said, repeating his words from earlier that day.
“I can start by helping you guys with the pheromone case. I know it’s still bothering you. A lot.”
He sighed. “Yeah. The drugging spree seems to have stopped - I haven’t come across a case in weeks. But it feels like a temporary reprieve. Like I got too close before, and scared them away. But whoever was behind it will be back, I’m sure of it. And I need to figure it out to get Margaret Posen out of prison, if nothing else.”
“Then I’ll help you. With the research and the grunt work,” she clarified. “To free you guys up to do the lawyer-ing and the vigilante-ing. I want to avoid the actual fighting side of things, if possible.”
“It’s completely possible. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.”
She leaned back to tease him a little, to try to lighten the mood. “Unless you come down with another cold and need saving from some kidnappers. Or you find yourself in another blown-up building. Then I’ll come running.”
He smiled and kissed her on the nose. “My hero.”
She smiled. “You’re my hero too. In fact, I think I still owe you one. You’re ahead of me on the saving-each-other scorecard.”
“You sure?” He frowned, as if trying to count the episodes himself.
She ticked them off on her fingers. “The night I was put under the mind control serum, you saved me from myself. Then when I was in a coma, you brought me back to life. And the other night, with the supersoldiers in Volkov’s compound.”
“That was a joint effort. We took them down together.”
She shrugged. “I’m still counting it. You came that night and helped us, even though you were so against what we were doing.”
“I’ll always come to help you. No matter what.”
She kissed him on his stubbled cheek. “Likewise.”
They sat together for a few moments longer, and Calina revelled in the feeling of being so close to Matt - both physically and emotionally. She’d never been happier. She’d never been more blissfully content, just sitting on a bed with Matt’s arm around her, as they pledged to always be there for each other.
It was perfect.
Until the sound of her stomach rumbling broke the spell.
Matt chuckled. “I guess it’s time to eat.”
Calina huffed out a laugh. “Yeah. But if you’re still dead set against us eating out together, we’ll need to go to your place or get some groceries - I have nothing in the kitchen. Literally nothing.”
He stood up and offered his hand to pull her off the bed. “My place it is, then.”
They spent the rest of the day in his home, just hanging out and delighting in the quiet, peaceful domesticity of it all. They ate a late lunch, and an even later dinner. They played chess, and lounged together on the couch, filling each other in on everything they’d missed over the last couple of months.
And when it came time for Matt to become Daredevil and leave for the night, Calina kissed him on the cheek and walked back across the hallway to her apartment.
The separation didn’t feel forced. It wasn’t awkward or traumatic. Sure, she would have preferred to go to sleep in his bed. She would have preferred to have him crawl in beside her in the early hours of the morning after he returned from his vigilante-ing. And she definitely would have preferred welcoming him back naked and ready for his touch…but this would do for now.
They’d have their days together at the weekend. Their evenings after he finished work. And they’d go their separate ways for the night.
It was what Matt wanted. What he needed. A slower pace. A little bit of space and time to learn to trust her again.
She could give him that, knowing - having faith - that they’d have their nights again soon. That they’d build a life together.
And if today was any sort of preview of how that life would play out…it was going to be a good one.
No. A great one.
He missed her.
It had only been a few hours since he’d last seen her, but he missed her. He felt the ache of her absence like a physical wound, and could barely concentrate for thoughts of her.
Matt shook his head and laughed under his breath. Man, he was so far gone, it was ridiculous.
He hoped it was just some residual side-effect from their months-long separation. Just his mind and body lagging behind in accepting that she was really back. That she wasn’t about to disappear again. Otherwise, he’d be useless at work tomorrow. As useless as he’d been tonight out on patrol.
Luckily, it had been quiet out on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen. Nothing too taxing. Nothing requiring more than the bare minimum of thought and effort - just an attempted mugging in a hospital car park, and a group of drunk frat boys causing a bit of property damage on west 53rd street.
Which meant he was back on his rooftop - their rooftop - in record time. He sat on the stone parapet of the building for a few minutes, stretching out his senses to double-check the mood of the city…but it was calm. At peace for a change.
Which meant he could direct his senses one floor down, and to the right.
To the woman asleep in 6B.
He closed his eyes, and allowed her steady heartbeat, and the soft rustle of her sheets, to become the soundscape of his world. He felt his breathing slow to match hers, until they were inspiring and expiring as one. He became so absorbed in her, the city around him disappeared. Until they were the only two people on the planet.
But it still wasn’t enough.
Because he was missing her scent.
He crept silently across the rooftop and down to the fire escape outside her bedroom window. He crouched on the metal structure, and let the picture of her take shape in his mind’s eye. The heat of her body, the scent particles rising from her skin, and the air seeping through the cracks in her window and swirling over her form, brought her to life.
She was on her back, one slender arm draped across her waist and the other outstretched on the bed towards the window, as if beckoning him in. She stirred slightly, her head turning on the pillow and one long leg bending at the knee until her foot rested against her other thigh, like a ballerina in position.
The move disturbed the bedsheets, releasing a concentrated dose of her scent. Matt breathed deeply, taking in that wonderful, heady fragrance, feeling like an addict getting a hit of his favourite drug.
But it still wasn’t enough.
The sound and the shape and the smell of her wasn’t enough. He was missing the feel of her skin.
He wanted to enfold her in his arms and bury his nose in that spot behind her ear and feel her hair tickle his cheek and slip his thigh between hers and his hand under her top…
He stood up, braced his hands on his hips and forcefully shook his head - as if he could physically fling the impulse from his mind.
This arrangement was for the best. 
In a moment of more rational clarity, he’d decided to slow things down between them. To give them both space to acclimatise to being back together. And it was the logical, sensible course of action.
It was just difficult to follow that sensible logic when his baser instincts were in play. When he was Daredevil, the reckless vigilante…and not Matt Murdock, the practical lawyer. He clenched his hands into fists, battling with the two sides of his nature. Pitting the need to stick to his guns against the primal urge to wrench open the window and crawl into bed beside her.
In the end, the decision was made for him.
Calina cried out in her sleep, a familiar sound of helpless terror. She shifted on the bed again, curling up into a protective ball as she whimpered in fear. Her scent changed, morphing from sweet and sultry to the acrid taste of adrenaline. 
She was having a nightmare.
So he needed to go to her.
Matt braced his hands on the glass pane in front of him and pushed upwards, the rubber pads of his gloves providing the necessary grip. He strained, using all the strength in his arms and upper body, until he felt the metal lock break away from the rotting wood of the window frame - the only time since moving into this old building that he was grateful for the state of disrepair.
He pushed open the window and climbed into Calina’s bedroom, sure that the noise of his entry would wake her. But she was deep in her nightmare, held captive in some horrible memory or dreamscape.   
He quickly closed the window, pulled off his mask and stripped out of his suit, leaving him in boxers and a tee. Then he slipped under the covers behind Calina and wrapped her in his arms. “Shhh, sweetheart. It’s okay. I’m here.”
He kept up a litany of soothing words as he held her tight and pressed soft kisses against the flushed skin of her cheek. After a few long minutes, the rigid tension in her muscles started to ease and her panicked, panting breaths slowed. “That’s it, Callie. You’re safe. Just relax, I’m here.”
“Matt?” she murmured, her voice slurred and groggy.
“Yeah, it’s me. Go to sleep, baby.”
“You’re really here?”
He pressed another kiss to her cheek. To the angle of her jaw and the soft delicate skin behind her ear. “I told you. I’ll always come when you need me.”
“Good. M’glad.”
He could tell by the mumbled words that she was half asleep again already. He smiled into her hair and settled against the pillows, tucking his arm more firmly around her waist. “Me too, sweetheart.”
He closed his eyes, feeling at peace. The ache of missing her gone. His distracted thoughts, at rest. There was no battle within him now. No warring between logic and desire.
He was exactly where he was supposed to be.
Within moments, he was asleep.
Chapter 15
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why do you love them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hello again! Alright, so mdzs list this time!
Favorite Characters:
Wei Wuxian: he’s smart, quick on his feet, a genius in his field, charming, a good person, innocent in love, strong in his morals, willing to fight for what he believes in and what is right even if it makes him enemy to all, has faith in himself, doesn’t shrink away from his emotions, unwilling to delude himself to reality even if it looks bleak, etc etc; he is literally the perfect protagonist in every single way
Lan Wangji: perfect compliment to wwx; they match each other so well in most of the things I listed for wwx but replace the “charming” with “takes no shit” and we got a winner
3, 4, and 5 (in no particular order). Wen Qing, Jiang Yanli, and a-Qing: I know people like to call mxtx misogynistic because “she kills off women!” and “they’re not main characters!” but I would argue that 1) that’s dumb because most of the characters we are introduced to in mdzs are already dead and 2) mxtx writes her female characters as people rather than props. I was enamored with these characters at their every appearance, however short, because they felt so real and expressive. I could get personality and motives, tell what they’d like and what would piss them off, come to enjoy them so much that I felt pain knowing they were already gone. This is the skill of mxtx’s writing.
Favorite Scenes!
Drunken shenanigans #2 where wangxian play the “catch me, kiss me” game, then wwx kisses him on the lips and lwj promptly knocks himself the fuck out lmao
Drunken shenanigans #3/bath tub sex (I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory)
Incense Burner dream #1 where wwx shows lwj his first-life daydreams of retiring to a remote farm together and it’s so innocent, only for lwj’s graphic teenage sex dream to also be revealed; also the actual sex scene
When wwx and lwj put nmj’s body back together sans the head, both of them tell lxc the likely murder of his sword brother is jgy, and lxc says that he is willing to vouch that jgy would never do such a thing… then the chapter immediately ends and the next starts with us seeing that jgy did, in fact, do such a thing and soooooo much worse right in lxc’s face LOL
Second Siege of the Burial Mounds, which between wwx telling the cultivation world that he will NOT bear their resentment as if he’s guilty for having acted against them, the Wen remnants choosing to rescue the people who killed them simply because of their gratefulness to wwx for trying to save them once, the reveal to the CHILDREN how corrupt their parents actually are to have gleefully killed a bunch of defenseless people before desecrating their bodies and lying about it, and how the adults who said they were justified to kill wwx and the wen remnants are the ones shamed by the end? There’s just so many winners in this part
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space-prophet · 2 years
Hey since PJO was apparently one of the most talked about book series this year I wanted to make like a really simple post about an issue I've had with the series since I was a kid. Spoiler warning for up to the Trails of Apollo I think.
Rick Riordan sees very little power in any form of femininity and its pretty obvious. All of his female leads/supporting cast that are GOOD activly reject it and any girl who shows that side of themselves is activly demonized- ei Piper is the best in Aphrodite cabin bc somehow the goddess of love almost only gave birth to vindictive bitchy airheads who break hearts on purpose. Selena, the most feminine "good" character let's her emotions get the best of her and it kills both herself and the man she loves. Biancas sentimentality gets her killed. Zoe is kicked away from her family, Calypso and Echo are tragically abandoned time and time again, and characters like Gaia Circe and Medea are all feminine villians who seem to have no real personality aside from traits of either motherhood or suduction. Even Hera in the confines of the story is demonized worse then Zues and motherhood in general isn't something most of the characters can do even half competently. Annabeths step mom, Hazels mom, and the Grace's mom come to mind immediately. Leo, Frank, and Percy's moms are the only non-demonized motherly figures and they all sacrificed everything about themselves for thier children (this will come up later).
Femininity in the riordanverse is equated to helplessness, ficklness, and vanity when in reality thats...well that's just misogyny, baby. We're either lead to look at the feminine women in the story with contempt or pity.
We are never asked to sympathize with Hera, Demeter, Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Kihone, Gaia, or any of the other women on Olympus in the same way we are narrativly forced to pity Apollo Hermes or Posideon through the storys language and structure. The only goddesses we are not actively in contempt with seem to be Athena (who is a well written flawed character in her own right) and Artimes who just serves as a basic girl boss no boys allowed figure.
And once a girl is no longer needed for a storyline they get shafted HARD and either die or go solo in a "I need no man" form of feminism. Once Thalia is done threatening Percy's manhood and role in the prophecy she runs off with the hunters as to not get in the way, Rachel is turned into the oracle who can't date anyone so Percy doesn't have to make a decision, Reyna (my poor girl) also becomes a hunter for some fucking reason (I could go on about this but I wont), and Zoe, Hazel, Bianca, and Selena all die horribly as the cost of thier own mistakes- theres an implicit theme of female sacrifice for the greater good (most often the good of a male character) that's present here. Bianca dies for Nico, Hazel for Sammy, and Selena for the memory of Charles.
Of course there are really well written girls in PJO, but there is an overarching problem with the way "Strongly Written Female Character" alwsys seems to equate to "I'm not like other girls, so im strong" and the way that girls are activly written in a way that leaves them supporting and caring the burdens of their male costars. It's not entirely Rick's fault of course he's an old man I don't expect him to write 12 year old millennial girls with skill, but it is something that gets me about his work and has since I was that age myself. Sorry if this wasn't as coherent as I wanted it to be, It's late and I'm not going to proofread this bc it's PJOblr.
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ralexsol · 6 months
my brother, my sister, and i played the squid game board game earlier today, and we each had two different teams to play as. we like to have fun with putting our favorite characters into life-threatening situations (survivor and hunger games simulator, anyone?). naturally, i made one of my teams the beatles. the way the game works is you start with 7 characters on a single team, and then with each proceeding round (which there are 5 of, not including the 1st round), you add another. so my starting group was john, paul, george h, ringo, maureen, yoko, and linda. the other characters were pattie, george m, brian, mal, and eric. (i wouldve chosen olivia or cynthia instead of eric, but for some reason, the yellow team had more male tokens than female ones vs. my blue team which had a 8:4 female to male ratio, which i chose mlp for lol)
the 1st game is red light green light. paul goes out onto the field first boldly, being the confident prettyboy that he is. john follows close behind because he cannot let paul take all the glory. he is accompanied by yoko and ringo. unfortunately both paul AND john get taken out IMMEDIATELY, leaving the timid duo of ringo and yoko to move out on their own. the next duo is george h and maureen. and SUCCESS! ringo, yoko, george h, and maureen all make it through. unfortunately, as the last straggler, linda is also killed in the first round.
2nd round is the cookie game. the core four are joined by pattie. yoko chooses umbrella because she's quirky like that, while ringo chooses star because Hello. pattie and maureen team up on triangle while george h is like hm i think i will go with Circle because um Easy. and while pattie's unfortunately cracked, SOMEHOW. THE CORE FOUR ONCE AGAIN ALL MAKE IT TO THE NEXT ROUND, ALL IN THE SAME TURN.
3RD GAME! it's tug of war. the core four receive the new teammate of george m. this game i was really worried about george h because he got stuck on a team by himself, but all was successful. maureen and yoko stuck together while ringo joined up with my brother's Main Character (chase devinoux from carmen sandiego). YET AGAIN, the core four survive while george m fell into the abyss. look, i was just trying my best to keep them alive til the end at this point, even if it meant sabotaging any new characters.
next up is marbles. brian steps up to the plate. now, it's round 4, and this game involves a lot of chance rather than strategy. unfortunately, yoko loses a game of marbles to jordie, kaz's brother from soc (one of my sister's teams). but everyone else survives, including brian, so good for him! yoko was a real one. o7
now, the 5th game is FUCKING EPIC. ringo and maureen end up being 3RD AND 4TH IN FUCKING LINE. and guess who gets shoved up to the front? maureen. MAUREEN LEADS THE WAY AND SUCCESSFULLY GUESSES WHICH GLASS PLATE TO JUMP ON 3 TIMES. she only fails on the FUCKING 2ND TO LAST PLATE. i was so sad to see her go, she shouldve FUCKING ONE THE WHOLE GAME. IDEC ABOUT RINGO I NEEDED MAUREEN TO WIN. now the core two, ringo and george h both make it across, followed by brian again. mal joins in this round, but he doesnt even matter, im too focused on the others to bring him further than the first square, and he runs out of time.
the final game. tied for the 2nd largest team, the beatles are now a squad consisting of ringo, george h, brian, and eric fucking clapton. this is squid game. eric steps out first and is IMMEDIATELY stabbed to death. ringo decides to brave it. also gets shanked. brian makes a run for it and manages to get into the triangle zone, but is also killed by paperstar, another carmen sandiego character. finally, george h stands alone. he makes it to the triangle. he faces off with paperstar. and my stupid fucking ass accidentally pulls out the wrong card, playing a push instead of a shield. and i lose the whole game to the carmen sandiego team.
SO. beatles squid game au <3
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bugcatcherwill · 7 months
Also I’m so sorry for how long this ask is, it just took a lot of sentences to get my thoughts across.
This is one of the best chapters you’ve made and I can’t wait to dig into it so welcome back to another episode of “AverageChickenEnjoyer Breakdowns the Most Recent RATC Chapter”
Right off the bat I love the subtle nods to SFTD with Link feeling that Ganondorfs look is familiar yet not one he’s seen before. And we get our first look at the Depths! Super psyched to see what you do with that and the Depths is probably the most advantageous place for lore you wouldn’t normally be able to include elsewhere because it’s such an unknown in TOTK anyway.
I’m not going to focus much on Link and pals misadventures in this ask not because I don’t find it interesting but because the Rezek and Riju stuff is so interesting but one more thing I will say is that we get a confirmed Gibdo name. Can’t wait to find out more about the Gibdo and Cross, I have a theory Cross might have been the one to kill Rijus mom because they have that scar which none of the others have but that may just be a conspiracy theory on my part.
Anyway let’s not talk about Frifer and instead spend 3 paragraphs talking about this Harbinger. So when I first read Harbinger I immediately thought Harbinger Ganon from AOC but at the same time it couldn’t be because Harbinger Ganon doesn’t have a gender and we know this Harbinger is a female, also the Harbinger Ganon shouldn’t exist in this timeline so that’s some pretty strong evidence denying it being this Harbinger of the Yiga.
So my second thoughts were Koume and/or Kotake because I’m 99% sure they are less guardians and followers of Ganondorf and are more followers of Ganon aka Demise and only acted as guardians for Ganondorf because he housed Demises malice and hatred. But then again they technically shouldn’t be alive since over 10,000 years is stretching it for them and they came back to haunt a Link who lived centuries and maybe even millennia after they were killed.
So I don’t know who it is since I’m not the most involved guy in LOZ lore so idk who it could be but I’m going to go over some things I inferred. It’s very likely they are Kohgas new second in command (since we know Sooga is going to be mentioned and it’s likely he’s dead in the original BOTW timeline from either combat or old age) after Sooga who is skilled in Yiga Magic and acts as interim leader while Kohga pulls a Chris Columbus in the Depths.
Anyway let’s talk about the gay Wizzrobes, I love the scene with Frifer and I hope we get more scenes with him as we move into the eight year time gap between BOTW and TOTK and especially as we go into TOTK. It could serve as a great way to give introspection into his character moving forward as he gets into more dangerous situations as the world literally goes to shit around him.
Also love how you kept Donovan’s character consistent, he’s not on their side but he’s grateful they saved Wren, though this could serve as a problem later on for the gang as Donovan has already reload the favor and could now serve as a threat.
Also that scene with Rezek would work really well as an analog horror scene, just the subtle hints something’s off until it hits you like a brick and your left horrified, at least that’s how I see it from Jays perspective.
Anyway this was an amazing chapter and I can’t wait till we get the sneaky breakout sequence.
Also fuck Jay. Hope Rezek killed him and didn’t just knock him out
Omg thank you for the analysis jhlkdfahlsdf
The whole idea for the Harbinger (without spoiling too much) is to sort of have her be the Impa-type of the Yiga. That was sort of the vibe I tried to give when they're talking about her.
And once again she's not directly correlated to other LoZ characters but also taking heavy inspiration from them :)
And yessss I'm glad you think the same with Donovan. I know Wren is extremely worried that he'll spill the beans but looks like the monster crew had an affect on him
And Frifer is an interesting case to talk about because it specifically asks Rezek for it to move on. Likely their encounter only happened because Rezek needed it. But imagine all of the healing that would just undone if Rezek looked at Frifer's spirit. It wouldn't want that. It even mentions how scared Rezek is of letting it go.
Like I said in my AO3 notes I love dead character media and how a character who is gone from the narrative shapes everyone around them merely by their absence. And Frifer is absolutely in that ballpark.
That said, I do have a few more scenes involving Frifer and/or mentioning it......but you won't know when it happens till it happens >:3
AND YES Rezek breaking out is absolutely "horror movie from the perspective of the horror" lajhksdf
We'll see what happened to Jay next chapter tho LMAO
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therubyreader · 1 year
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My Review of Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S.Jae-Jones
See a full list of my book reviews here
*Disclaimer: there will be spoilers later on in the review*
Review Word Count, non-spoiler: 812 Review Word Count Total: 1,576
Hello, it is once again, I. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve written a review but I’m back with a book that I’m not seeing a huge fandom for on here despite the fact I had to wait over a month for it to come off hold in library, so I’m going to need you all to start talking about it. Is this book a little over a month old and just picking up traction, yes, but I need someone to scream about this with me so you all get to get hear me.  
In Guardians of Dawn: Zhara, we are introduced to our titular character Jin Zhara (btw this story is based on various Asian cultures and mythology, so the last name goes first), a poor orphaned girl who lives with stepmother and blind stepsister in Zanhei, one of the Morning Realms under the control of an emperor from the north who took over the area when Zhara was a child. The emperor banned the use of magic since it caused the magicians and emperor to turn into abominations over time and had all magicians, including Zhara’s father, killed. Zhara, surprise, is a magician who has to live in hiding since as soon as a magician is discovered they are immediately put to death. All she wants in life is to be able to keep her powers under control, keep her blind sister safe, and pay off her family’s debts but that all changes when she meets a mysterious boy who could possibly lead her to the Guardians of Dawn, and underground magical organization with revolutionary tendencies.  
The book is meant to be based off both Cinder by Marissa Meyer and Sailor Moon so there are elements of the Cinderella fairytale woven in through the story along with characters from various Asian mythologies which I think created a very interesting world though a bit confusing to understand at times. This also might be because I’m not familiar with any Asian mythology and only vaguely understand how east Asian monarchies worked, but there were elements of the world that took me a while to grasp. There are of course the beginning elements of a Sailor Moon-esque story since it looks like each book in the series is going to focus on a different girl and a different fairytale, but I think this story more similar to the old JetX show and comic series, W.I.T.C.H., which I was in love with as a kid and never finished the comics (whoops), but I made a post about it explaining the resemblance a little more. Honestly, I think it’s a very solid basis for a story and I’m excited to see how the author is able to build out the world more in the next book when we meet a new character.  
While the plot of the book was very interesting, the characters, I felt, were a little lacking. I can’t put my finger quite on exactly why but there were some instances where I felt like the characters’ pre-established personalities were either being disregarded or leaned on too heavily. For example, we have timid Zhara suddenly cracking sexual jokes to Han despite literally every other page she hasn’t shown signs of having that sense of humor. I think the author was trying to have a female protagonist who was timid and weak but also not too weak because “girl power”, and I’m saying this as a feminist, you can be a little bitch and also girl boss (case and point: me). I personally think we have too many stereotypically strong female protagonists, having this girl who is shy and weak and unable to use her magic would’ve been a nice change of pace and having Zhara learn to find her own strength over the course of the book would’ve been a nice addition.  
Speaking of, there were parts of the story that just moved too fast. Without giving any spoilers, we go from Zhara not being able to control her magic to just somehow doing it on command, because reasons, and it’s never explained. Or how the last chapter of the book manages to condense six weeks down into two pages, which I will talk about a bit more in the spoiler section, but I honestly didn’t appreciate it.  
Though I will say, overall, I did enjoy the book and I’m excited to see how the rest of the series goes, it’s quite unfortunate that I found out about it the week it came out so now I have to wait an entire year for the next installment. Overall, I’d give it for the girls who were into shows involving a group of girl heroes from the 90s and 00s out of ten and I recommend it if you were a fan of that genre of TV when you were a kid. 
I honestly don’t even know where to start, because there is a lot. I’m just going to do a rapid fire of minor annoyances to get the ball rolling. First of all, I think that the author focused too heavily on inside references within the world, I get that having them made the world more interesting but there was a point where I was like, “cool, can we be done now?”. For example, the Bangtan Brothers, so obviously a reference to the author’s love for BTS, which was a cute and fun reference at first, but it just kept going. And them turning out to be magicians helping the Guardians to me was too far, it felt like when a joke loses its funniness the more you repeat it. Same with the constant references to “A Maiden Who Was Loved by Death”, cool, I get it started Zhara and Han’s whole relationship, but it was inserted into every conversation, and I was over it. Also, the bookseller, Master Cao, being a traitor was very out of left field and the only hint we got was Zhara hearing a familiar voice one time in an out of context conversation with her stepmother, when literally up until his big reveal he didn’t do anything shady. And I get that he was good at being secretive or whatever, but it just felt a little weird. 
Going back to the timing thing from the end of the book that I mentioned earlier, I was very annoyed with how the ending was so rushed. I get Zhara was in a coma, or equivalent, and was knocked out for two weeks but I mean give us time to process that Lord Chan was executed and then magic was made legal. Literally both of those things got like a sentence despite being monumental plot points, how is magic that was illegal because the emperor who controls the land suddenly is legal in one part of the empire suddenly and everyone is chill with it. And then they open a magic school for the region, and everyone immediately trusts it? I think this is something that should’ve been fleshed out a little more because, what?! 
And not to be a negative Norman about this whole thing, and though it doesn’t seem like it, I did genuinely enjoy the book. If this isn’t your first time seeing my blog then you’ll know I’ve been on a bit of a “fantasy books that are based on Asian mythology” kick of late, well as of this year, so this was definitely up my alley. The author combined various cultures and mythologies from across east Asia to create this complex world that was very interesting to read about and I’m more excited to explore it with the next books. I’m also a sucker for those superpower girl shows, I watched most of Sailor Moon when I was in high school (I still need to finish it, adding that to the to-do list) and my aforementioned love of W.I.T.C.H. that I also never finished, I’m really glad this genre is coming back into vogue. And I think we need more of the genre, give me more of these types of books please @/the universe! I’m also especially excited to see how the Guardians will work together as a team and how they’ll be able to combine their powers. I honestly wish we could’ve seen more of Zhara and Yulana working together and using their powers together but alas, we cannot always get what we want.  
Side note, I’m going to need someone who has a better grasp on Asian spirituality to explain to me the element of wood, I get it’s supposed to be like what we would consider earth, but like is it just for trees or the earth as a whole, someone help.  
I think the most upsetting thing about this book for me was that I’m going to have to wait a full year for the next one to come out, curse me and my ability to have found the book quite literally around the week it was published. There are so many possibilities for the rest of the series which I’m super excited about, I know the next book is going to be inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but the possibilities for the other two Guardians are endless. If you’ve read this book, please come scream about it in my inbox or just on tumblr as a whole because there is barely any content to consume and it’s upsetting to me.  
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maoam · 3 years
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I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
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Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata's entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she's mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
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I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
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There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She's supposedly "kind" but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly...” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
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Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
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I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
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I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?
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1.) (Spoilers for the game but)
First female protagonist in the three main games of the series. Advertised as the protagonist in all of the game’s trailers and was hyped up, only to get brutally killed off at the end of the first chapter for shock value and to be replaced with a male protagonist. It’s revealed in the end that the reason she died was completely made up and she was killed for convenience.
In the one chapter she’s in there’s a scene of her taking her shirt off, as well as a joke about the male protagonist accidentally looking up her skirt while she’s climbing a ladder. Her legacy for the rest of the game is basically to act as the male protagonist’s reason for character development as he tries to become stronger.
2.) So disclaimer first that I think Kaede is actually really well-written as a character. She's interesting and feels fleshed out and despite dying early on, she haunts the narrative so strongly that she was one of my favorite characters for the whole game AND she's vital to the climax of the story. All that said…
Kaede was marketed as the protagonist of the game, making her the first female protagonist in the main DR series (there's a female protag in a spin-off but the two other games in the main series both had male protags). You start the game and you immediately notice she has a stronger personality than either of the male protags from the previous games, who, while I like them, tend to be the normal ones in an otherwise colorful cast. She felt like a break from the usual protag mold and we even got to have a male secondary character this time who relied on her for support. But. She isn't the protag. The guy I just mentioned is. You find out mid-trial 1 that Kaede is (sorta unintentionally) the killer and you switch control to the guy character and Kaede then dies at the end of the trial. As far as a plot goes, this was really really cool and well-executed, but it also means the game intentionally decided to pull a bait-and-switch where they advertised the "first female protag of the series!" only to kill her off early on and reveal the true protag was actually a guy who, once again is a character I like, but is much more similar to the previous two protags than Kaede was. There was literally no reason they had to put a female character as the false protag here, as the twist would've worked equally well or maybe even more if they revealed a typical male protag character was the killer and instead switched to a female protag for the rest of the game. Advertising Kaede as the first female main series protag while knowing she would be dead for the majority of the game and the actual protag would be a guy feels cheap and insulting, especially as a female player who was really excited to play as Kaede.
3.) She was the protagonist! But god forbid danganronpa has a female protagonist so (spoilers) she actually has to die sorry :( and then only exist in flashbacks the new male protagonist has where hes like damn wish we couldve dated
1.) Oh Juvia. I haven't seen fairy tail in a bit, but poor juvia. She's supposedly an extremely powerful wizard, who was always ignored and treated poorly because of her rain powers. I don't remember it completely but she basically causes rain everywhere she goes and has extremely useful and powerful water magic…. until she joins fairy tail. Or, more specifically, until she meets Gray. Sometime during their fight (can't remember why) juvia fell head over he's for him and wanted to join fairy tail right after the battle between them and the guild she was part of was over. And she basically spends every second on screen talking about and fantasizing over gray. Who's not even interested in her! Their """"romance"""" has so much to talk about but regarding juvia there's also the aspect that she is supposed to be really extremely strong! She was one of the best bladers of her old guild! But then when she gets invited to be S Class in fairy tail? Oh she looses in the first round because God forbid Juvia have accomplishments of her own after meeting gray!!! It's not like juvia doesn't have any good moments, I really like her when she's no where near and not thinking about gray. But she almost always is. She turns into like the worst person whenever he's around its so weird she doesn't act like herself she's awful to any other girl who so much as looks in his direction…. oh my God it's exhausting and the main reason I quit the show.
Oh and let's not forget we can compare her to gajeel here- he's also a very strong wizard, in the group of main characters, from the same guild as Juvia, has a romantic subplot, and gets invited to be S Class. Major difference: Gajeel isn't a woman. And for some strange unknowable reason (/s) hes… treated by the plot and written better than Juvia? Okay again it's been a hot minute since I've seen fairy tail but you remember all those problems I mentioned with Juvia above? Literally none of them apply to Gajeel. He doesn't spend all his time fawning over Levy, he's a strong mage and is ALLOWED TO BE no oh remember how gajeel was supposed to be strong well we forgor so were going to let him do One Cool Thing and then forget again, he actually makes it past round one of the S Class test and is hugely important in the Edolas arc. OH AND SPEAKING OF after that arc juvia finds out that edolas gray was obsessed with Edolas Juvia so she changed her hair style to match edo juvia in hopes gray will like her now because of her new hair style. It's not the worst thing ever but it gets on my nerves so fucking much.
Like I said I'm not exactly a fairy tail super-fan I literally forgot everything after the s class test thing and then some but I couldn't not add juvia propaganda.
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(something like this happens every other 5 minutes she's on screen)
2.) She started off as a really intimidating and cold looking antagonist in Phantom Lord arc, borderline creepy in some scenes even. She was one of the elemental four (She's a rain woman and does water magic) and an S-Class wizard in that guild (Highest rank), so you can tell off the bat that she's strong as hell- Up until we get a one on one fight scene involving her and Gray- Who she immediately swoons for for some reason. It isn't that bad of a fight I don't think, and the reason she got a crush on him was pretty sweet- His ice basically froze all of Juvia's rain water for a moment, allowing her to see and feel the clear sky and sun after years of being followed around by rain.
What ruins it is how after their fight, her crush on Gray just starts… Getting out of control. She started stalking him. Joined Fairy Tail, the guild he was in, and acted obsessive of him and started calling literally every other girl her 'Love Rival'. It isn't that bad during the first / earlier seasons, since at that point she was still recovering from being a bad guy and trying to prove to others that she wants to be allies with them (Like when she sacrificed herself for Cana during Battle of Fairy Tail arc, and when she cried after Lucy knocked her out after she got brainwashed and told her they were friends now) But eventually it really does just start becoming her one trait and gag. What doesn't help is that it got old pretty fast and it's creepy and Gray barely shows any interest in her either and frequently tells her he'd like it if she was less stalkery. Also she's gets more pushy. Literally!!! Even the women mentioned ABOVE who Juvia considered friends weren't safe from being called her Love Rival even when they state multiple times that they aren't interested in Gray (Lucy especially.) She'd go after every and all women who MAY be after her precious Gray without any STOPS. She used to have actual character and motivations!!! She used to get along with other girls, even if it was begrudgingly!! But now she's just Gray's accesory / just "Gray's About-To-Be Girlfriend" and it somehow got even worse in the sequel 100 Years Quest. She's a powerful wizard and it still shows but her only notable trait, motive, gag, connection, etc. Are related to her calling him "Gray-Sama" and harassing him. Let her fight without thinking of Gray for god's sake!!!
3.) Juvia, as a concept, is not so bad: it's a lonely, depressed woman with water powers she can't always control who gets a chance at being somewhere where people will provide the love and companionship she craved. NOW THE EXECUTION IS WHERE THE CREATOR FUCKED UP. Upon her introduction, she immediately develops a crush on Gray, one of the main characters and her original guild's enemy, which makes her not really want to fight him. Sounds kinda sexist but not particularly outstanding, right? Well, as soon as she stops being on the enemy side and joins the main guild, she is turned into a caricature by having her stalk her crush, obsessively worry about him even looking at other women, being hostile to said women and then, throughout the series, continuously doubling down on her romantic and sexual advances despite him constantly refusing and expressing both verbally and physically his discomfort. There are a handful of moments toward the beginning where she seems to have the bare minimum of depth and it looks like she can build a good connection with some female characters, but this is all abandoned and she becomes a wet piece of cardboard whose only personality trait is obsessively loving a guy and any dramatic or tense scenes revolve around what's happening to him. She becomes unbearable to watch and this is particularly frustrating when you consider that she's technically, according to her introduction, a rather strong mage and that her magic doesn't have any established limits. She turns her body into water!! She can change the weather!! She could technically do something like blood bending if Mashima weren't a coward!! She could do so much more but that is the extent of what the creator cares to show because he doesn't care about her beyond what he can get in terms of "comedy".
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skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
The Love Among Us
Chapter 1-- I’d Never Snitch On Daddy
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so i haven’t seen many corpse husband x reader stories on here, so i decided to upload one myself. i’ve been watching jacksepticeye’s among us videos and when i heard corpse talk for the first time, i was like, “hol up” and now i’ve been obsessed with him. also, go stream his music on spotify, it’s amazing. enjoy! x. 
 corpse husband x female!reader
summary: while playing among us, y/n watches corpse kill felix in o2. when his body is reported, however, she doesn’t tell who killed him. 
 word count: ~3.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (not real death), mentions of murder (not real murder)
EDIT: before i wrote this and after i published it, i did not know that corpse did not like to be referred to as “daddy”. had i known this, i would have not even thought of posting this. and since i know now, i won’t refer to him as such in the future. thank you. (10/19/2020)
EDIT 2: this is the first part to my corpse x reader series. i will be adding chapters as we go!
4 rounds before the incident
“I was in coms with PJ!” Sean exclaims. 
“He is doing the liar voice!” Felix shouts with a laugh. 
“I’m not,” Sean tries to say, but everyone talks over him and the voting time ends. Everyone left alive, though it was only four people, had all voted for him and he yells at them as he gets ejected. 
stinky was not the imposter
2 imposters remain
The round ends and everyone unmutes themselves. 
“Lizzie, you saw Felix kill me and you did nothing!” Roomie yells as soon as the round ends and the imposters are revealed. 
“Yeah, because I was the other imposter.”
“Oh. Okay, well that makes sense.”
Everyone laughs and Ken starts the round again. 
“Wait, can I invite y/n to play? She’s doing her twenty-four-hour stream and she just finished playing Monopoly with Mark, Bob, and Wade,” says Lizzie, looking down at her phone as they all appear back in the waiting room. 
“Yes,” Corpse blurts out and there are a few laughs and chuckles. 
“You were quick to answer, Corpse,” Sean teases. 
“Shut up,” Corpse mumbles and there are even more laughs. 
Lizzie smiles and taps into her phone. “I’m gonna invite her.”
“I can’t believe that you actually made that deal, y/n,” Wade is telling you after ending the second round of Monopoly that you’ve played with them. 
You smile and cross your legs on your chair. “Look, I was going bankrupt and it seemed good at the time. Besides, Mark was going to win anyway, he owned half of the board.” Your phone buzzes beside you on your desk and you pick it up. “Lizzie texted me.” There’s a sound effect that plays in your headset and you look up at your screen and smile. “Thanks to _lorieplays _for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot. Thank you so much.”
“Do you want to play another round?” Marks asks. 
You shake your head, reading the text from your friend in England. “No, I don’t want to lose to you again.” You laugh. “Nah, Lizzie wants me to play Among Us with her and a few others. It was fun playing with you guys.”
“It was even though you took all of my money,” Bob snaps. 
You laugh. “Yeah, yeah. See you guys later.”
“Bye,” says Mark.
“See y--” Wade begins but you cut him off when you disconnect from the call. 
“Oops.” You put a hand over your mouth and laugh. “Sorry, Wade. Okay.” You straighten up and glance over everything, making sure it’s all working properly. “I have to pee and I think my roommate ordered pizza, so we’ll be back after this short break. Enjoy this live feed of my pet rats.” You giggle and switch the stream over to a view of your two rats in their cage where you have a camera set up. You take your headset off and head out of your recording room. 
Every two months, you have a twenty-four-hour livestream where you play games with your friends from all around the world. Despite being only twenty-five, your Youtube channel had grown exponentially in the past three years and you’ve had the chance to meet lots of other Youtubers like Markiplier, PewDiePie, and your close friend, LDShadowLady. 
Currently, you’re on hour twenty of twenty-four and you’re beginning to feel the effects of not sleeping for a whole day. You had been drinking coffee and energy drinks for the past four hours and that seemed to perk you up for two hours max. But your roommate had ordered pizza and that would hopefully wake you up. 
After going to the bathroom and grabbing an entire box of pizza, you return to your recording room and sit down. You put your headset back on and eat a slice of pizza before switching the views back to you. “And we’re back. I hope you guys enjoyed my rats because I don’t. They keep me up at night.”
You read a comment while loading up Among Us and laugh. “No, they’re not dead. They’re sleeping. They do that a lot when they’re not fighting.” 
When you finally get into the game and entire the code, you spawn in. You also quickly join the Discord chat and wince when nearly ten voices hit you at once. 
“y/n!” exclaims Lizzie and the other voices die down for a moment before rising to greet you. 
You wince again but laugh. “Jesus, you guys are loud. Hey, Lizzie.” You move your character to the customize tab and go to try and switch your color. But then you frown and realize that you’re stuck with being dark blue. “Damn, I wanted to be white.”
“Do you want to switch?” Corpse asks. 
Your eyes widen you your stomach flips. You hadn’t noticed Corpse was in this game. Immediately, your chat became flooded with keyboard smashing and lots of “omg my shipp” and “y/n rlly said ‘anna oop-’” 
“Uh, yeah, if you don’t mind,” you manage to stutter out and take a bite of pizza as Corpse’s player comes over and the white option becomes available. You select it and also select the goggles in the hats menu. 
“How’s your stream going?” asks Sean. 
You shrug. “Pretty good. I’m super tired, though. I literally almost fell asleep while playing Monopoly with Mark, Wade, and Bob.”
“You went to college, right?” You’re pretty sure that’s Roomie. 
“Yep,” you affirm with a nod even though they can’t see you. “You’d think that those all-nighters writing papers and studying for finals would make me able to do this.”
There’s a laugh in the group and the round starts.
3 rounds before the incident
You scratch your eyebrow and sigh in relief when you’re the crewmate. You mute yourself and slide up in your chair. 
“I like being the crewmate,” you say, heading towards admin as a habit. “It’s a lot less stressful than being imposter.”
After doing your tasks in admin and fueling the engines, you stumble across a dead body in the lower engine and a vent closing. 
“Oh,” you say, and press the report button. You unmute yourself and begin with, “So I saw a vent close but I didn’t see who went in.”
“Who died?” asks Lizzie. 
“Felix,” says Sean. 
You smirk. “It’s always yellow that dies first.”
“Where was the body?” Ken asks. 
“Lower engine,” you reply. 
“I was in medbay with Corpse doing the scan so it wasn’t him,” PJ says and Corpse makes a noise of confirmation. 
This makes your cheeks heat up and you smack a hand over your mouth. Your chat explodes again but you decide to ignore it. 
“And I was doing wires in cafeteria,” Lizzie says. 
“Sean, where were you?” 
“I was in reactor doing the simon says thing,” he answers. 
You sigh. “I hate that one. What about you, Ken?”
“I was with Roomie in electrical doing the power thing. You know, the one where you have to divert it somewhere else.”
“So do we skip then?” asks Lizzie. 
“No one is super sus, so I’m going to skip,” you answer. 
When no one is ejected, you mute yourself again. “I dunno why, but Sean seems pretty sus. Because I didn’t see him on the way down from upper engine. But I guess he could have gotten there in time.” You shrug and run over to the trash chute in the cafeteria. “RIP to Felix, though.”
After doing the trash there, you head down to storage, running into Corpse doing the wires in there. You wait there to clear him and once you do, you run a few circles around him to get his attention and he follows you over to the trash in storage and watches you do that. After that, the two of you head over to electric together and do wires there. 
Suddenly, there’s a body reported and you unmute yourself. 
“Sean just killed Lizzie in front of me!” exclaims PJ. 
“PJ killed Lizzie,” Sean retorts, flipping the blame. “I watched it, he didn’t realize I was there and murdered her.”
“I watched PJ do the scan in medbay, he’s cleared,” Corpse says and you find yourself smiling for no reason. “Sean, you killed Lizzie.”
“I knew he was sus,” you say, grabbing another piece of pizza. You look at the box and your eyes widen. Had you really already eaten half of it?
“Wait wait, how am I sus?” Sean asks. 
You take a moment to swallow. “Because when I was doing fuel earlier, I was running down from upper engine and didn’t see you in reactor. Sure, maybe you could have gotten there earlier, but it was super weird.” 
The discussion time ends and PJ immediately goes to vote for Sean as well as you, Corpse, and everyone else still alive. Sean ends up getting ejected. 
stinky was an imposter 
1 imposter remains
“You’re such a detective, y/n,” Sean says when he gets ejected. 
You laugh. “I just play this game too much.” You then mute yourself and smile. “I am a genius.” 
You end up finishing your tasks quickly after that and then stand in the cafeteria and eat another piece of pizza and read some of the chat. 
“’ What am I going to do after this?’ I don’t know. I might play some Minecraft. Should I have a poll on Twitter? I’m stuck between public Among Us games, Minecraft, and taking random quizzes on Buzzfeed.” You smile and hear another sound effect and something pops up on the screen. “Thank you to coochie man for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot.” You laugh at their name. “I love your name, by the way.” 
There’s some rattling in the cage behind you and you turn around to see one of your rats drinking water. You turn back to the chat and read another comment. “’ Do you have a crush on Corpse?’” You blush and smile, biting your lip. “I mean, his voice is hot. I’ve never met him since he lives in San Diego and I live in h/t, but yeah, I guess I do. I’ve been listening to his music for the past few days and it’s really good, you guys should go check it out.”
You look up and unmute yourself when a body is reported. “Who died?” you ask. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Are you already done with your tasks, y/n?” Corpse asks. 
God, even the way he says your name is making you blush. “Yeah, I get them done quick.”
“She does that,” says Lizzie, “She always gets her tasks done quick.”
“Ken is dead by the way,” says Roomie and your snort, smacking a hand over your mouth. “I found him in the hallway by navigation. Where was everyone else?”
“I was in cafeteria doing nothing,” you say, leaning back in your chair and spinning around just a little. “I think I saw PJ downloading while I was in there, but I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Yeah, I was downloading,” says Ken. 
After more discussion, Corpse points out that Jaiden had been following him and it looked like she had been faking tasks. 
“No I haven’t,” she says. 
“That sounds like something the imposter would say,” you hum with a smirk. “That’s pretty sus, Jaiden.”
Everyone else agrees and you all end up voting Jaiden out. 
jaiden was the imposter
0 imposters remain
You cheer as the round ends and a blue victory screen pops up for the crewmates. “Good game, guys,” you say and play again, waiting for the host. 
1 round before the incident 
“Oh my god, I’m imposter again?” you groan and sigh when you spawn back in. “I was just imposter, I don’t want to be it again. I’m so bad at it,”
After another short round of you and Felix losing to the crewmates, you all agreed to play two more rounds before Sean had to leave. So you move your character to admin where PJ is and fake the card swipe before moving over to the admin security thing where you could see who was around where. Luckily, no one appeared to be near admin, so you quickly kill PJ and escape through the vent and come out through medbay. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” you whisper over and over, running down to storage. “That was clean.” You fake getting fuel and go back up to the upper engine. 
When PJ’s body is reported, you see that your fellow imposter, Sean, had reported it. You stay silent for most of the round and only say that you were in the fuel area when it was reported. 
“Yeah, I saw her run past electrical earlier,” Corpse says. You blush and glance at your exploding chat and shake your head. 
After everyone skips the round, you mute yourself once more and head towards navigation. “I hate this.” You drag the last syllable and watch Lizzie enter the room. You wait a moment before walking towards her and killing her, jumping into one of the vents. You let out a sigh and flex your fingers. “I’m so stressed.” You exit out of the vent into shields and your heart stops when you see someone else in there but you realize that it’s the other imposter, Sean, and you relax. 
You run past him and go to the trash compartments and pretend to unload those. And that’s how the rest of the round goes. You kill someone, someone reports it and you vote someone off. Eventually, you and Sean do a double kill and end up winning the round.
You unmute yourself. 
“Let’s go!” Sean exclaims and you smile. 
“I can’t believe you killed me, y/n!” shouts Lizzie. “I thought we were friends.”
You laugh. “There are no friends in this game. I’m not loyal to anyone in this game. You could be my best friend and I would fucking murder you.”
“That’s cold,” says Roomie as everyone else spawns back in. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“Wait, PJ disconnected,” says Sean, and you all end up waiting for him to rejoin. 
In that time, you look at your chat and say, “Hey, do you guys have any questions for who I’m playing with. I’m asking you, chat.”
“I swear if someone asks about my hands, I’m leaving,” Corpse says and everyone laughs. 
You laugh louder when you read a comment and read it aloud, “_Ironlady _says that you should be a hand model, Corpse.”
“Okay, I’m leaving,” you hear Corpse say over everyone laughing. 
“No, stay!” you exclaim, trying not to laugh. “C’mon, don’t leave.”
He sighs deeply and your brain goes fuzzy. “Fine. I’ll stay for you.”
You beam and your tummy turns. You ignore the whistles and remarks from everyone else and stand beside Corpse. You suddenly wish that the little bean characters could hold hands. 
When PJ joins the server again, Ken starts the round and you cross your fingers, hoping to get crewmate. 
0 rounds before the incident
You mute yourself and sigh when you’re a crewmate. “Thank god.” You let out a breath and go over to admin with everyone else. You swipe your card and go to the cafeteria to do some wires there. 
The game turns out to be rather uneventful. A few people die and two people are voted off before the game gets truly interesting. And that happens when you walk in on Corpse and Felix. 
“I’ve had this song stuck in my head for days,” you’re saying, walking from electrical over to O2. “And I can’t get it out of my head. Maybe singing it will help.” You hum the first part. “Don't go in there, you'll become one. Freaky creatures, monster party. Eyes of yellow, scales and feathers, tails in tethers. Turn the lights off. Bend the nightmare, you control it. Artful dodger, easy does it. Shut the closet, get under the covers. Snakes and lovers. Turn the lights off.” You do a little dance for a moment and continue hum the song, glancing at the chat as you go towards O2 after doing wires in storage. 
“Like, I know the song, it’s just been stuck in my head,” you explain. “And it kind of annoys me--”
But you stop as you enter O2 and watch Corpse murder Felix. Neither one of you move and you don’t know what to do. “Uhhh.” 
Then, without thinking, you turn straight around and make your way away from the scene of the murder. “I didn’t see anything!” you shout to no one. “I suddenly can’t see who murdered Felix.” You smack a hand over your mouth and stand in the middle of a hallway. “Oh my god, what do I do? I don’t want to snitch on Corpse, he’s hot.” You scratch the back of your neck and shrug, continuing on to reactor. “I didn’t see anything.”
You’re in the middle of doing the simon says in reactor when Felix’s body is reported. You unmute yourself and fidget with the sleeve of your hoodie. You know exactly who killed Felix. 
“--was in O2,” says Jaiden and you focus back into the conversation. “And I didn’t see anyone around.”
“I saw you heading that way, y/n, but I know it wasn’t you because I saw you do the trash in storage.”
You look at the screen when Sean talks to you and you chew your lip. “I know who killed Felix.”
“Who?” asks almost everyone at the same time. 
You close your eyes and swallow. It’s just a game, why are you taking this so seriously? Suddenly, a song lyric pops into your head and your stomach flips. You imagine yourself saying it and no one knows who you mean except for him. 
You open your eyes. “I’d never snitch on daddy.”
There’s a laugh in the chat and you blush fiercely, your livestream chat blowing up once again.
“I think we know who it is, then,” says Sean, laughing. 
“Yeah,” agrees Lizzie and your eyes widen. 
“Wait, what?” you ask, watching everyone vote almost as soon as the discussion time ends. “Wait, hang on, who--”
“We know who you’re talking about, y/n,” PJ tells you. 
You vote for yourself and your brain goes blank as you see that everyone voted for Corpse. He even voted for himself. They knew. They all _knew _about your feelings for Corpse. 
The round ends with Corpse being voted out and the crewmates win. There’s some talking, but you stay on the victory screen. You’re trying to decide if your mad or embarrassed or both. 
“I didn’t know you’d say that, y/n,” Corpse says, effectively breaking you out of your trance. “I thought you were gonna snitch on me.”
“You heard her,” teases Lizzie and you can tell she’s grinning. “She’d never snitch on you, Corpse.”
He laughs and you feel something in a certain place. “Oh my god, I’m gonna die of embarrassment.” You put your face in your hands, listening to your friends tease you in the chat. You suddenly want to jump out your window and run into traffic. 
“Don’t die,” comes Corpse’s voice through the onslaught of teasing. “I’ll be sad.”
“Fuck!” you shout and slam your hand on your desk, shaking your equipment and scaring your rats. “I’m so sorry, Corpse, that was really weird, I--”
“Stop.” He interrupts you and the chat goes silent and you look up at the screen even though you can’t see him. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
Your eyes widen and then narrow. Funny? He thought what you said was funny? How could he think it was funny?
But then he speaks again and he sounds oddly flustered. “Uh, I gotta go. Um, it was fun playing with you guys. Bye, y/n.”
“Bye Cor--” but then he disconnects and you’re left talking to no one. “--pse.”
There’s a long moment of silence until Felix breaks it. “I can’t believe you just watched me die and didn’t do anything about it.”
There are some laughs and you smile faintly, rejoining the game. “Yeah, uh, sorry about that.”
“Are you okay, y/n?” asks Lizzie. 
You blush and swallow. “I don’t know. God, I’m so weird.” You run a hand through your hair and adjust your headphones
“No, you’re not,” Roomie assures you. “He has a crush on you, too.”
Your eyes widen and you scoot up in your chair. “He does?”
“I mean, he called you pretty once during a game and said that he watches your videos a lot, so maybe.”
You groan and sink in your chair. “I’m gonna go, I need to run into traffic now.”
A few people laugh or chuckle and Lizzie asks you if you’re actually going to leave. 
“Yeah,” you tell her. “But not to run into traffic. I’m going to go play Minecraft to soothe myself.”
“Aw.” You can practically hear her frown. “Okay. Bye, y/n.”
“Good luck with your stream,” Ken tells you. 
You grin. “Okay, thanks, bye.”
When you exit the game and leave the chat, you scream. You actually scream and it’s loud. Your roommate even knocks on your door, asking if you’re okay. 
You look at them and nod. “Yeah, totally fine. Probably about to have a mental breakdown, but I’m fine.”
“Okay,” they say and lean on the doorframe. “But I’m not cutting bangs for you again.”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah, okay, fine.” They leave and you turn back to your stream, feeling like you’re about to cry. Corpse knows you have a crush on him. And it seems like he has one on you as well, but now you’re embarrassed because you called him ‘daddy’ on stream.
You rub your eyes. “Well, now I know what’ll be streaming on Twitter tonight,” you tell the chat. 
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