#also oop the wrong parent is gone now
macsimagines · 1 year
what about alpha!kisaki, like do you think his yandere tendencies would be worse if he was an alpha? you’re very consistent btw, I love your blog 🥹🫶
(Finally Alpha!Kisaki <3!!! Thanks for the request and compliment this will be one of the last ABO requests I do so I'll try to make it good. Also I feel like an ass because I went overboard on this one... oops can you guys tell I have a favorite)
Yandere!Alpha Kisaki
Met you through a Rut Aid service. Sort of...
Kisaki was taken aback when he presented as an alpha. He was pleasantly surprised and was at first excited to be apart of an elite. Then his ruts hit and apparently they're out of control.
After a few doctor visits he's diagnosed with over producing dominate pheromones. Its apparently common when a young Alpha is surrounded by other very strong and dominate Alphas.
Because he is so much younger than most of the gang members and finds himself in a leadership position his body is trying to overcompensate.
When his ruts hit is when domineering pheromones' overproduce and cause him to have hyper aggression and feral behavior. His room was in complete shambles and he actually tried to fight his own parents.
Its decided he will be going on intense suppressants and will be having his ruts at a private facility where he will be supplied with artificial omegan pheromones that should calm him down.
They don't. Nothing fucking works for years and years. He's an adult now, and not one thing has helped. He just eats suppresants like they're candy and prays to god he can keep it together.
Nobody else notices his issues though. He keeps it under wraps and when he needs to rut, he usually has his lackeys prepare him a special room.
He's almost killed omegas that volunteer to help him through, he hopes one will actually work but they all smell like shit and his Alpha just wants to rip them to shreds when they get too close.
Then comes a new service that provides alpha's with fresh real omegan scents for their rut. If he likes one then he send his own scented item in. If you're a match you two will begin an anonymous pen pal service.
The idea appealed to him, because he was a very dangerous and private man. He needed his anonymity. It was worth a shot at the very least...
They send him a box of samples filled with items like plushies or sweaters (some freaks send their underwear wtf-)
Kisaki has gone through at least 4 boxes and he's about to give up when he stumbles upon a hoodie. Your hoodie. With some inane cartoon or video game (insert favorite cringe character here)
He throws your bag across the room hard as he can because he's so annoyed and it snags on the edge of the table and rips. Then he smells it.
The most perfect soothing calming thing he's ever had the pleasure of smelling in his life. And its your hoodie. He buries his face in it, drinks it in like its water and he's been dying of thirst.
Oh yes, thank fuck, dear god. You're perfect.
If he had a little more restraint he'd be embarrassed at how fast he comes that night. He's not even in rut but he's fucking his own hand like he's 12 again...
Calls the service the next day and tells them he's incredibly interested in your items and wants them all. Exclusively. He also asks (demands) for your personal profile.
They tell him "Thats not how this works sir." and he almost burns their headquarters to the ground, but decides against it. He has to be smart and safe about this. He can't loose his omega.
Plays along with the service, has his best cashmere sweaters and silk shirts sent out to you.
Its a match! Of course it is. You're all but mated to him at this point, and its decided then that for your heats and his ruts you'll be exchanging scented items.
While that happens he has his men infiltrate the company and find you. Finally gets his hands on your information and wants to puke.
There's nothing wrong with you, its just the circumstances.
You suffer from a pheromone diversion disorder and a pheromone deficiency. Your body has a hypersensitivity to alpha pheromones causing you reject the majority of them and your body produces a miniscule amount of omegan pheromones because of being unable to handle others.
Its like you were made for him. His perfect match...
You're younger, and poor. At least by his standards. He can't stand the fact that you send him your cheap shirts and sweaters. Not because he finds it to be pathetic, but because he knows you deserve better. You need what Kisaki, your alpha, can provide.
Lets you go through one heat with his scented items and gets a letter from you explaining how thankful you are.
"You were the only alpha to like my scent, funny right? Saved my butt though, your smell was the only one I liked too."
Kisaki decides that's it. He's gonna make you his Omega soon. He's got an imported collection of hand crafted luxury collars on the way, you'll pick one out when you're ready he just wants to have them prepared and he plans a meet cute.
He had his men tracking you for weeks, since the first time he found out your name and address. Knows you like to just listen to music and walk in the park. You'll bump into each other, smell one another on accident, and fall in love.
The guy is so dedicated to this that he even wears casual clothes, (Vicuna Wool isn't casual you pompous shit), and when it happens he loses himself for a moment.
Your shoulders brush, your eyes meet, and for once in fucking years, he feels at peace. He doesn't even say what he was planning on saying and you take the lead (that wasn't supposed to happen shit-)
"Uh, heya stranger," you smile at him cocking your head, "Smell'ya around?"
This was easy, you two hit it off. You make it easy... Your personality is incredibly calm compared to his own highstrung one. The only problem is that he doesn't want to wait. He needs you now.
Fate is finally on his side, and you ask about the item exchange. He says "What if we just...Shared our heats and ruts together.
He has you convinced it's a good idea. When else will you meet an Alpha whos smell you actually love?
The key to his plan. You're going to bond Kisaki. He's going to get you so high on his over production of pheromones that you're going to go feral and bite him right on his mating mark.
You'll wake up after your heat and feel like a total monster, while he's on cloud nine. That was the best week of his life, his knot felt so at home snuggly inside you...
Kisaki will comfort you. Tell you its not your fault, that he should've done something... Don't worry baby, he knows you'll take responsibility.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Do you have any Angsty (maybe hurt comfort) Drarry fics that have Lucius and Narcissa?
Okay, this made me realize that there are lots of fics with Narcissa but not as many with Lucius! I already have "Includes Draco’s Parents" so I'm adding on to that,
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 (77k)
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war... with Draco Malfoy.
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (159k)
Draco’s life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it’s simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he’d worked so hard to build, there’s only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time. (A remix of If the Sun Goes Black by pasdexcuses)
Secrets by Vorabiza (395k)
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP ~~Complete~~
Bond by AnnaFugazzi (173k)
Compliant up to OOP. Yet another one of those Harry And Draco Are Forced To Be Together By Something Beyond Their Control And Then Stuff Happens Leading To Twoo Wuv stories. Because every HD writer has to write at least one.
Bloody But Unbowed by Lomonaaeren (100k)
Nothing in Harry’s life since the war has gone the way he expected. And now he’s the mediwizard assigned to take care of Lucius Malfoy, of all people. But he’s Harry; he grits his teeth and endures. He won’t allow even Draco Malfoy’s flirting, which he knows is just a joke, to disconcert him.
Bonded Consort by Lomonaaeren (89k)
 Nineteen years ago, the Potters betrothed their firstborn child to the firstborn Malfoy child. Eighteen years ago, Voldemort was defeated for good. Seventeen years ago, the Potters changed the contract so that their secondborn child was substituted for their firstborn. Now, Draco Malfoy is trying to work out what happened.
Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey by sobsicles (456k)
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn't as black and white as it seems. Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options. Harry's life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment. ~~~ Or, the one where Harry's life gets split in half, and he has to figure out how to bring it back together.
Chronological Displacement by bookinit (89k)
In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining.
aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
Kept Man by @drarry (147k)
A downtrodden Harry Potter in a serious dry spell is looking to be a kept man, and a lonely Draco Malfoy responds to his anonymous ad. A perfect storm of lust, scandal, and maybe even love. A Daddy Kink Magnum Opus.
The Marriage of True Minds by Lomonaaeren (204k)
Lucius curses Harry and Draco into a forced marriage. They're only required to live together, not be together, and so they try to date other people. But over time, things change.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop (152k)
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
survival is a talent by ShanaStoryteller (471k, WIP)
In the middle of their second year, Draco and Harry discover they're soulmates and do their best to keep it a secret from everyone.
Their best isn't perfect.
The Voldemort Manor by kedavranox (40k)
The Malfoy Manor is a state run museum, renamed The Voldemort Manor by the Ministry for Magic. As part of his probation, Draco is assigned as sole caretaker. When the Manor hosts a series of high class events celebrating the Wizarding World’s fourth Yuletide season Post War, it brings with it a swathe of people Draco hasn’t seen in years; including one, Harry Potter.
In the Shadow of Your Heart by @lqtraintracks (51k)
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn't one.
Waiting By An Open Door by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (29k)
Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don’t get fairy tale endings, do they?
Never Feel the Burning Light by @carpemermaidtales (48k)
When it falls to Draco to restore his family name to its former glory the road ahead of him is long, but with Harry Potter’s help and a plan that is just this side of ridiculous he just might succeed at accomplishing his goals and getting what he wants. What neither of them plan on is falling in love along the way.
Foolproof by leontina (14k)
All of Harry's friends have gone away for the winter holidays, so when Draco Malfoy asks Harry if he wants to pretend to date him in order to piss off some bigots at a Malfoy family gathering, how can Harry say no?
Shibboleths by zeitgeistic (109k)
Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his "dog," teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor. But then the explosion happens, and it turns out they'll all need Malfoy's knowledge if they want the magical world to survive. The one with the scary things and Professor Dudley.
Silverpoint by @tackytigerfic (8k)
"It seems fairly simple to you, but you know that you don't really understand love - how could you, after all? You've never known how to talk about it, but you've never had to before. Everyone you ended up loving has always understood. You've been able to show them, by fighting for them, dying for them. That seems a bit much- after all, Malfoy just wants tea in bed and his cock in your mouth (not usually at the same time). It's ok to love him, you reason with yourself - he doesn't have to know. No one ever has to know." Or: How Harry Potter Fell In Love (and Realised that Draco Malfoy Loved Him Back).
Slithering by astolat (24k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Chasing Draco by dracogotgame (47k)
Draco Malfoy is every suitor's nightmare. His brazen temper and absolute disregard for the personal safety of others has his father in despair. Enter Harry Potter. Based on 'Taming of the Shrew': An epic tale of Harry and Draco's crazy courtship complete with meddling fathers in law, reluctant fiances, annoying best friends and furniture missiles. Let the madness begin.
Appallingly Wrong And Irreparably Broken by Tessa Crowley (26k)
Everything in Harry’s life is pretty terrible, all things considered. His ex-wife won’t stop sleeping around, the government is broken, and his life is an endless cycle of crippling self-hatred and bitter sarcasm. So when Draco Malfoy comes sauntering back into it, sharp as a tack and twice as fit as he has any right to be, the only comfort Harry can find is that he can’t possibly make it any worse. You know, probably.
Paws of Fury by Veritas03 (87k) “Bellow, bluster… your rage is insignificant. No more than the mewing of a kitten. Do not be afraid. He will save you. Calm you. Love you.” Harry has a furry little problem – but Draco’s scent soothes the savage beastie. Will Draco be able to save him when Harry’s world begins to crumble? 
The Shadowy Corners by Kedavranox (29k)
Fifteen years after the war, Draco is still struggling to survive. Living in squalor and under heavy Ministry restrictions, Draco takes Pansy’s advice on an option he had never thought to consider before. A means to regain everything he lost and more, courtesy of the wizarding hero –Harry Potter.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Welcome to the Kingdom | Jeno
Chapter Five: The wrong Lee
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Prince Jeno x Princess Reader, enemies to lovers au!, royalty au! 
Word count: 8715 oops Genre: drama, very slow burn, angst Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of cheating (well, kinda of) sorry, alcohol, menstruation and cramps, food, reader feeling sick, really confused and emotional, Jeno is jealous. Note: Sooo i said i would bring my dream to one of the imagines 👀 Did I forgot to tag some people in the last chapter? Please let me know!! Summary: It's the first event that the princess is officially engaged to Jeno and her dreams are starting to come true, literally.
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The princess dragged herself to the garage, where the car was already waiting for her, feeling pain in her head and back, in addition to the unbearable cramps she felt that day.
Yes, she was at that time of the month.
The mood was to match the trip she was taking to the eastern kingdom, the next day she would be in the territory of the newest ally to witness Ten's wedding.
Her father and mother accompanied her, one on each side giving instructions to her, who listened attentively but without any animation.
She didn't want to go, she felt emotionally unstable and whenever felt like that, the most sensible thing she did was stay inside the castle, postponing her commitments. However, she knew that this time it would be impossible to do that.
It wasn't like she could tell Ten and the bride to postpone the wedding because she felt vulnerable.
Also, she didn't know what it would be like when she meet Jeno. The last time they'd spoken, he'd left her talking to herself, claiming he knew her deeply, more than she knew herself. She had a feeling things were going to get uncomfortable between them from now on and she didn't want to deal with that situation today. Not today.
"Daughter, don't forget." the queen placed her hands on the princess's shoulders, making her look carefully. “The press of the eastern kingdom is different from ours.”
"I know, they are wilder."
“Don’t give them reasons to write fake news.” the queen remembered and Y/N nodded in agreement.
"I'm only staying a week, mom." the princess remembered, making the queen sigh.
“Long enough for many things to happen.” Y/N frowned, her mother looked just as insecure as she did and that put her on high alert.
However, the princess took her mother's hands that were holding her shoulders and held them, squeezing gently.
“I know how to take care of myself!” she smiled, trying to look confident. “Anyway, I need to learn to deal with the rest of the world away from you and Dad. I will be the queen after all.”
Y/N kept her chin up and her mom nodded, pulling her into a tight hug.
Y/N closed her eyes, unraveling in the hug and trying somehow to acquire the strength that her mother passed. It would be a shame not to have her parents on her side when she crossed the border, she had never gone this far without their presence, but the commitment to the prime minister on the other side of the continent was more important at that moment. It was the king's duty to take care of business matters, the queen would be regent and the princess would represent the family at Ten's wedding.
It was the most sensible plan for the moment.
As Y/N had concluded when received the news that she was going to the eastern kingdom alone, it was time for her to act as an adult and the future queen. She needed to do this for herself.
The princess moved away from her mother and went to her father, who was watching the scene with pride.
"You won't be alone, many of our allies will be there too, if anything happens..."
"Nothing will happen, dad." she interrupted with conviction, making her father smirk.
"If it happens, you'll have someone to run to." he informed and Y/N nodded in agreement before hugging him.
The princess walked away, taking a deep breath and stowed her bag that was over her shoulder, giving one last smile and a goodbye to her parents before getting into the car. Without further ado, the driver started the car, pulling out of the castle's garage in no time at all as Y/N watched the house grow further away with every meter.
The drive to the airstrip was silent and the princess just watched the scenery outside the window, her head elsewhere, specifically for the week she would spend across the border.
She hated being a pessimist and didn't know if it was because of the hormones, but something inside her was saying that she would need to be prepared because the emotions wouldn't stop until she was back in her land, her home.
The royal family's private jet was already ready when the driver stopped the car on the airstrip, Y/N left quickly thanking the driver and greeting the other employees who were waiting outside the aircraft.
The scorching sun was causing the princess's headache to increase even though she was wearing sunglasses, the light was bothering her and she thanked for wearing shorts and a white button-down blouse. She didn't take long to get on the jet, being accompanied by her stylist, makeup artist and hair stylist. This was the team that would accompany her.
No undercover security.
Y/N's father didn't want this to sound suspicious to the press, after all, Y/N was engaged to the prince so her safety should also be one of the eastern kingdom's priorities. But the king seemed to trust Taeyong a lot and that surprised Y/N, because if he were any other monarch, her father would never act like that.
She knew because she'd seen it before.
The princess settled into her seat after placing the bag she was carrying on the little table in front of her along with the sunglasses, leaning in a little until felt comfortable enough to close her eyes feeling the pain medicine she had taken before leaving the house. The princess slept before the jet even left the ground.
When opened her eyes, the place where she was had nothing to do with an airship.
She was in a place in shades of purple and blue that looked like the sky, she heard the sound of water and looked down, seeing her bare feet in contact with the hot water.
She glanced up at her bare legs and was surprised at the outfit she wore, not only because it was extremely short, it didn't cover half her thighs. But because the dress, which looked more like a nightgown, light pink was transparent on both sides from the hem to the height of her rib and the top was lace, the sleeve was so thin that it didn't even seem to exist and maybe that explained why she wore a robe of the same color and length.
Okay, first she would never wear that kind of outfit.
Second, where was she?
Confused, the princess wandered her eyes around the place in search of what had brought her there and saw two figures ahead, the dim lighting wasn't helping her to recognize so her legs took her further forward, getting closer when realized that one person was lying on the water and the other was kneeling beside him.
Squinting her eyes a little more, she identified Jeno's profile face, he had his eyes open but without blinking, was serene and wearing light clothes too. It was then that her gaze stopped on the person next to him who was resting his hands on the floor near Jeno's head and leaning in to look him in the eyes, she identified Mark and tilted her head to the side trying to understand what was happening.
They continued to stare at each other, Jeno without moving or blinking and Mark reciprocated with determination when the two turned their heads towards the princess and at the exact moment that the two's eyes met Y/N's, she blinked and the whole scene changed. The open space had turned the purple and blue tones to black tones, as if I were inside a dark cave, and the only lighting that came was directed at Mark and Jeno who didn't look away.
Y/N felt the water move violently between her feet and she looked down, her face reflected in the water was distorted but when the water became calm and suddenly clearer she could see a lone tear trickling down her cheek.
She didn't have time to react to the crying as she was pulled down into the darkness.
“Your Highness!”
Y/N woke up suddenly as a hand touched her shoulder and she pulled out of her seat, confused and the stylist held up her hands as if apologizing for scaring her.
"We've already landed." she informed and Y/N shifted in her seat, silently nodding.
The princess stretched, feeling her back complain, yawning as she looked out the window watching the sun begin to set on the horizon and she rubbed her eyes. Had she slept that long? All the way to the airstrip in the eastern kingdom?
Her head no longer ached and the cramps had faded, she picked up the bag she'd left on the table and rose from her seat, massaging the back of her neck after replacing her sunglasses as followed her team out of the jet.
The first thing Y/N noticed when got out was that an official car was already waiting for her, parked near the jet, and Jeno was standing with his arms crossed.
The second was that Jeno finally wore a shirt like a normal person. But that wasn't cause for celebration as the sweater he wore, sleeveless, was showing his biceps, and the v-shaped opening in the front left part of his chest exposed. Much more discreet than the other times they'd seen each other, but his fair skin was still drawing attention. He wore white baggy pants and blue sneakers.
She would have been annoyed with the way they were dressing almost the same lately, even though the princess' shorts were a much duller shade, it was like they had matched that outfit too.
But she didn't have the patience for that kind of tantrum right now, just walked down the stairs of the jet watching her crew go to the other car up ahead, along with the suitcases that were brought by the staff.
Y/N approached Jeno and when she was close enough Jeno leaned over to kiss her cheek for a long time that made her heart do some jolts.
But she blamed the hormones.
The fact that she didn't even argue with him for being so cheeky was also the hormones' fault.
“Before you kill me, there are photographers hiding behind the gates.” he explained close to her ear and the moment Jeno's breath hit her skin, a cold wind passed through her body.
She tried not to shiver, but the low temperature of the kingdom and the clothes she wore weren't getting along.
“Alright, Lee.” she replied, in a tired tone and he frowned in confusion.
Y/N noticed how black his hair was split in the middle perfectly and this time there weren't any strands falling over his eyes that made her body feel the need to pull away.
"Shall we?" Jeno asked uncertainly and she just nodded as he held the door open and gave way for her to go ahead like a true gentleman.
She arranged herself in the car seat and wished the driver good night, Jeno closed the door, went around the car and got in the other side, he asked the driver to get out and when the car started to move, Y/N took off her sunglasses, leaning her forehead against the window as tucked the glasses into the blouse she wore.
Y/N noticed how Jeno looked at her without any shame, he didn't even try to be discreet.
"Are you okay?" he asked, sounding worried and Y/N glared at him quickly.
"Weary." was all she managed to say, feeling her hands tremble and her stomach churn, she just closed her eyes.
“Is that why your mouth is colorless?” Jeno questioned and Y/N took a deep breath, feeling suddenly weak. "Princess."
"What?!" she asked, turning slowly to face him.
"When was the last time you ate?"
Y/N was silent, blinking non-stop as tried to remember. She slept the whole way so she didn't eat on the jet and before leaving the house she ate little. The headache and the cramping had taken away all her appetite.
"I had breakfast if that's what you're asking." she replied, keeping her head against the window as felt her blood run cold and get weaker, feeling her body heavy.
Jeno didn't respond right away, but she could feel his eyes on her.
"Rob, stop the car over there."
Y/N opened her eyes when felt the car slow down and looked at Jeno, he was pointing ahead but the princess didn't have the strength to lift her head and see what he was showing.
When the car stopped, Y/N smelled a familiar smell and forced herself to look out the window, seeing the yellow and red sign she frowned, heard Jeno move around the seat until he was next to her sitting on top of one of his legs and handed the black card to the driver.
“Buy the biggest hamburger. Two.” he ordered and the driver nodded, taking the card.
Jeno turned his attention to the princess, he held the back of her neck and pulled her head away from the window, pulled the car headrest up and slowly made her pull over.
“Since when do you eat at McDonald’s?” she asked quietly, wanting to laugh at the situation.
"Since always." he removed his hand from the back of her neck but remained in the same position, looking at her with some concern. "Your blood pressure must have dropped."
"Won't it hurt your gym diet?" Y/N wanted to bite her tongue when heard her own voice ask that.
It wasn't supposed to look like she cared about the diet he followed to have a body like that.
"What?" he laughed and Y/N shook her head slowly, closing her eyes again. "Okay, Y/N, don't sleep!"
"I will not!" she replied, annoyed, even though she was tired. She was hungrier than sleepy.
She heard some packing and bag noises, concluding that the driver had bought the food.
"Open your mouth." Jeno asked quietly and without complaint, she obeyed.
Feeling the straw in her mouth, she took the soda in one long gulp. Her stomach grumbled as she smelled the fries and opened her eyes, seeing Jeno hold the cup and take the portion of fries, holding it out to her as the driver took the car out of the drive-thru.
"Thanks." was what she said before devouring the potatoes so fast she didn't even chew, but she was so hungry she didn't even want to breathe, just eat.
When she had swallowed it all, sighed and felt her body get a little stronger, but she was still hungry. Jeno held out the cup of soda again and she nodded, ready to lift her hands to take from Jeno's when he brought the straw to her mouth again.
Y/N frowned but gladly accepted, wanting to retort by saying that she could drink the soda on her own like the adult she was but didn't. Jeno's concern made them comfortable in silence, and she liked that.
Better than fighting and her headache and pain coming back.
"Do you feel better?" he asked, not taking his eyes off her.
"Yea." he admitted. "Thank you, Lee." the princess's tone of voice was calm and sincere, making her strange with herself.
He smirked and took the hamburger, handing it to her who took it in a hurry, Jeno arranged himself in the car seat while she ate the hamburger with a mouth so big it indicated how hungry she was. He placed the soda cup on the holder and decided to eat his own hamburger.
They stayed like that the entire way, silently eating while Y/N watched the streets of the kingdom through the window. Everything was very different from what she remembered from the east, it was spring and everything seemed much more colorful.
She used to always go east in winter, when heavy snow hampered traffic because it covered all the streets and major highways, it was always a very cold time.
But now, even though the temperature was a little milder than when she left her home, it was quite pleasant.
When they were approaching the castle, the princess had already finished her hamburger and soda, while Jeno was still eating his fries. The driver parked near the fountain that faced the castle's main entrance.
The princess wiped her salty mouth and hands, packed the bag she had even forgotten was on her shoulder and got out when the driver opened the door for her, Jeno got out on the other side and quickly came around to stand beside her who admired the castle.
Funny that when she was little always thought the place was too huge, now she as an adult had the same feeling.
"Your team is already installed in the castle's chambers, do you want to come in?" Jeno asked softly and Y/N squeezed her purse strap before facing him.
She preferred it a thousand times when she argued with Jeno, because she knew he would react in some way, but that atmosphere of peace between the two of them was weird, it made her shy around him.
She wouldn't even think about the fact that he practically saved her from a near-fainting inside the car and that he ate McDonald's with her!
“Do I have a choice?” it was a rhetorical question but Jeno smirked before bringing his face closer to the princess's and stared at her deeply.
She raised an eyebrow at the sudden movement, feeling weak in her legs.
"No." he replied softly and she looked at him confused, before she could retort he had already walked away.
However, making that day even more awkward, Jeno placed his hand on her waist indicating that she should go ahead and Y/N ignored the fact that his palm had a pleasant temperature.
She started to turn around to ask why he was acting so polite to her but gave up, all she wanted was to take a long shower and go to bed, her cramps were coming back and so was her back pain.
As soon as they climbed the castle's long staircase and passed through the main door, the princess noticed that the entire Lee family was waiting for her.
Taeyong had his wife's hand around his arm and they were both in the center, Haechan at the queen's side and Mark at the king's side, they all maintained cordial smiles and firm postures.
Y/N smiled at everyone as approached and subtly lowered her head, greeting them.
"Welcome." the queen spoke friendly. “Did you have a good trip?”
"Thanks. Yes, it was a smooth trip.” Y/N responded, feeling Jeno stop beside her, much closer than he should have been, his arm almost touching her.
"Feel like you're at home, Y/N." Taeyong keeps smiling. “Actually, this is your home.”
The princess nodded in agreement. She didn't know if she would feel that comfortable, but it wasn't like she was in strange territory, she'd been there a few times, she'd crossed the border before.
Just, never alone.
"If you'd like to join us for dinner, we'd be glad to have you." the queen spoke and Y/N opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted.
“We already ate on the way.” Jeno replied with a carefree tone and the princess stared at him.
Did he really have to talk like he was insinuating something to everyone?
Y/N felt the prying eyes of the royal family upon her.
"I'm sorry, it's just-" the princess turned to face the Lee family.
"She was feeling sick, so I thought I'd better feed her soon." Jeno explained and Y/N snorted.
How polite of the prince, to interrupt her for the second time.
“Are you going to advertise to everyone?” she asked irritably, glaring at him again and saw his little smile of amusement at the corner of his mouth. “Do you want a medal?”
Haechan's laugh came out louder than expected and it caught the princess's attention, who faced the Lee family again. Haechan covered his mouth to not let them see that he was laughing, the queen maintained her serene posture although she looked at Jeno, kinda used to that, Taeyong pressed his lips together to keep from laughing and Mark smiled discreetly to the side, looking at the princess.
Y/N took a deep breath, smiled shyly and bit her tongue. She wasn't going to make a fuss in front of everyone.
“And Ten?” she changed the subject, ignoring the fact that Jeno was laughing in front of everyone without even covering it up.
"He's getting a massage so he can get a good night's sleep." Taeyong replied.
"Yeah, he's really anxious for the wedding." Haechan commented.
"If you want, Y/N, as soon as his session is over you can go to the spa." the queen spoke and Y/N smiled politely.
"I appreciate it, but I prefer to settle in my room."
"Excellent!" Taeyong spoke. “Jeno accompany her.”
The princess suppressed the sound of discontent and wished the Lee family good night, feeling Jeno place his hand on her back again and indicating the stairs ahead, the inner voice commanded her to move Jeno's hot palm away but she was so tired and in pain that she decided this time to listen to every cell in her body and let Jeno lead her to the second floor of the castle.
Strangely, he remained quiet the entire time and although the princess was looking straight ahead, she could see in her peripheral vision that he was glaring at her from time to time. Maybe he was just as confused as she was, but all Y/N wanted was sleep to wake up willing the next morning.
Jeno indicated the room and Y/N opened the door quickly, pausing to survey the room. It was spacious and well decorated, her bags were already close to the king size bed, she was surprised. Well, she knew that every guest room in castles used to follow the same pattern, but she almost felt truly at home. It was a nice room.
Y/N felt Jeno take his hand from her back and turned at the same moment he took a step inside, so that the bodies wouldn't collide, the princess widened her eyes and took a step back, looking at Jeno confused.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll show you the room." he answered obviously and she shook her head.
This was already too much.
“No, you won't.” on impulse, she placed her hand on Jeno's chest and pushed him back, causing him to leave the room. "I know there's a toilet on that door and I can find the TV remote myself."
It was easy actually because Jeno didn't resist, he would have had enough strength for it but he just laughed.
"Oh yeah, you don’t need my help then, princess?" he raised an eyebrow teasingly and Y/N snorted.
"No, Lee."
"And you don't even want to know that my room is at the end of the hall?" he spoke with a huge smile and Y/N blinked, huffing once more in annoyance.
"I don’t care."
Jeno laughed and took a step forward, getting a little closer to the princess who didn't move away, keeping her eyes fixed on him.
"Then why don't you take your hand off my body?" he questioned and Y/N frowned, lowering her gaze to her own hand that was still on Jeno's chest, preventing him from approaching her.
She felt his hard chest between her fingers through the fabric of his sweater.
She did it quickly, as if she'd been shocked, and brought her other hand to the door without replying.
"Go away, Lee."
"Do you want me to leave? You know, I can be at your side if you have a nightmare.” he winked and Y/N rolled her eyes, angrily slammed the door in his face and the thunderous noise was followed by Jeno's laughter outside. “Dream with me, princess.”
"Idiot!" she screamed against the door and crossed her arms, feeling her whole body heat up.
She just didn't know if it was from anger or shame because in fact she had already dreamed with him.
The next morning, it was difficult for Y/N to get out of bed.
Because of the medicine to stop her cramps, she had slept longer than necessary and ended up being woken up again by her team who were already in her room ready to tidy her up.
She took a shower first, felt feverish, hot inside as her back ached and the cramps returned, so she took her medicine at the right time and asked for breakfast to be brought to her room. She'd already done the slight on the Lee family anyway, at least it wouldn't delay them to the wedding.
The first thing she did was the hair, it would have a part tied and the other loose, it took a little longer than she imagined, after all she would wear a discreet tiara but that would have to be tied up for the rest of the day.
After the makeup, the princess's eyes were loaded with makeup a little more daring but that marked the iris well and her lips were an approximate shade of the color of her mouth.
She put on the earrings, the discreet bracelet and the rings, not forgetting the engagement ring.
And finally, the dress. Long, nude and well designed in lace and details that made it angelic, with short sleeves and high collar lace. A tail came out from the middle of her back and went against her skirt.
The original design was a little edgier than that, so a skirt was added so it wouldn't be too see-through for the princess, as well as extra fabric on the bust.
When the princess was ready to go, she took the nude heels and left the room with the shoes in her hands, because of the pain in her back she decided to put them on only when they left the castle towards the cathedral.
So she walked through the castle barefoot up the stairs and when she reached the top she saw that Jeno was waiting with his head down and the hands in his pants pocket. The princess looked Jeno up and down, they didn't wear the same clothes, his formal suit was blue, it looked like silk but it was much thicker, by a miracle or maybe because the wedding was inside the church, Jeno wore a white shirt with buttons underneath.
And although they weren't wearing the same color clothes, the color palette was harmonious and very well selected.
Y/N didn't know if it was just a coincidence of fate again or if they were really doing it on purpose to make them look like a real couple.
Realizing that someone was at the top of the stairs, Jeno looked up and the princess noticed the way his hair, even if parted in the middle, fell over his eyes. She swallowed hard when noticed that Jeno didn't take his eyes off her and decided to go downstairs soon, feeling watched by Jeno's fixed eyes.
When she was on the last steps, Jeno's hand appeared in her field of vision and she took a deep breath before accepting it with her free hand, noticing that on the fabric of the suit at the wrist there was an emblem but in fact that wasn't all she noticed but how Jeno's hands were warm, but also wet.
Y/N felt the need to tuck her hair behind her ear but didn't want to mess up the hairstyle that had taken hours to do, so she just took her hand away from Jeno's, noticing that he was wearing a necklace with the Lee family crest.
Averting her eyes from Jeno, put her heels on the floor and hiked up the skirt of her dress enough so that she could see her feet and tried to put her shoes on but for some reason she was having a hard time with it.
“Want some help?” Jeno asked subtly and Y/N kept her gaze fixed on her feet, confused but nodded.
Y/N felt her legs wobble as Jeno stepped in front of her, not taking his eyes off her, and crouched down. His attention returned to Y/N's feet and he held a shoe, she then tried to contain all the cloths of the dress skirt and without waiting, Jeno grabbed her ankle and brought her foot closer so he could put it on.
The princess had to clench her jaw because Jeno's hand shouldn't have been such a gentle touch that it sent a strange shiver down her spine, he finished and gently placed her foot on the floor again.
Ready to put on the other shoe, Y/N was forced to put her hand on Jeno's shoulder while he did the same thing on her other foot, but this time when he was done, he caressed her ankle almost imperceptibly.
Jeno kept crouching and raised his eyes to meet Y/N's who were already staring at him, wanted to see if she could understand why he was acting so differently with her. Of course, it had to do with the fact that they had to pretend to be a real couple in front of the cameras, but then why was he treating her so well even inside the castle?
Didn't people know that their Romeo and Juliet story was a hoax?
The exchange of glances was interrupted by Haechan's loud laugh, the princess took steps back as Jeno stood up and straightened his suit, a little uncomfortable.
"Oh, you two are ready!" Haechan spoke and the princess turned to face him.
But she was taken by surprise by two factors. Mark and the clothes they both wore.
The suit was practically the same as Jeno's, the difference from Haechan's was that the collar of the white blouse was higher and he hadn’t closed the suit but wore necklaces too, the messy hair gave a charm and attracted any girl with just a word: danger.
As for Mark… the princess had to hold back a sigh at the sight of him. Mark's white blouse also had a larger collar than Jeno's and was closed with all the buttons, unlike Haechan's who had left two open, and the suit was slightly shorter than Jeno's. His blond hair was perfectly slicked back with a few strands falling across his forehead.
The three wore the same white shoe.
As Y/N analyzed both princes, she noticed that they both did the same and Mark took a little longer to look away, smiling shyly afterwards.
Y/N bit her lip to contain her excited smile, feeling her legs tremble.
Maybe it was the effect of the medicine or her own hormones that were churning.
When Taeyong and the queen arrived, announcing they were ready to go, everyone left through the main entrance. The royal family's official cars were parked in front of the castle.
"Please, miss." Haechan did a theatrical curtsy and extended his hand to the princess, in order to help her down the stairs.
She laughed but accepted, holding his hand, completely missing the bored face Jeno made at seeing him do what he was about to.
Haechan took her to the second car and the princess got in first, figuring Haechan would come right after, but he turned around so she decided to sit in the middle.
However, Haechan passed the car door and walked on, Y/N frowned and looked the other way, seeing that Jeno was getting ready to enter from the side where she had gone.
Jeno sat next to her, closing the door as she looked ahead and when the other door opened, Y/N saw Mark enter.
He sat down on the other side of her quickly and closed the door, smiling slightly at the princess and averted his eyes forward as the driver got into the car along with a security guard.
Y/N pulled over her back on the bench slowly, releasing the breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding.
She was in the middle, between Mark and Jeno. Maybe she should start taking her dreams more seriously because apparently they were coming true.
The way to the cathedral was awkward and silent, the princess didn't know if it had to do with the fact that the three of them were locked in that car that, as spacious as it was, her arm brushed between Mark and Jeno's every time the driver turned the car. Or maybe because they were both nervous about the wedding, it would be normal right?
Well, of course it was more embarrassing for her considering the fact that she'd dreamed about them the day before, the tension she felt was her subconscious's fault so she tried to convince herself that she was imagining things. That all that embarrassment was made of her imagination.
She tried to look out of the corner of her eye to see if any of them made any move to speak or even move in the car, but the two of them looked like two statues, completely still.
And she almost sighed when saw the cathedral approach and the car stop, she just didn't because there were more people there who couldn't even imagine what she was thinking.
Mark left one side and Jeno did the same, Y/N made a move to go with Mark as he was standing in front of the cathedral but when she saw the flashes of the cameras, remembered her purpose for being there. Then she went to the side of Jeno who promptly already had his hand extended to her.
He held her hand tight and helped her out of the car, pulling her closer to close the door and waved his free hand at the journalists, Y/N smiled shyly and nodded.
The journalists were yards away but she could still hear the rumble that only increased when Jeno put his arm around her waist and pulled her around the car and onto the cathedral.
Y/N held her breath. She was feeling too many things at once, the heat of Jeno's body against hers, his warm hand against the skin of her waist covered by the thin fabric of her dress, Jeno's scent taking over her personal space and not least, she was confused.
The royals never showed physical contact in public, even more knowing that journalists would enjoy every click, Taeyong and the queen didn't. Y/N's parents didn't.
So why did Jeno do it?
She had to fight every rational side of her to push Jeno away, far enough away that his heat wouldn't confuse her even more and then she turned her attention to anything other than the prince beside her.
She observed the cathedral and felt the need to take a picture of the divine ceiling that was taken over by paintings, she liked the Byzantine influence more than it showed, her personal camera was full of photos of places like that cathedral around the world, in places she had already visited.
A hobby few people knew she had: taking pictures.
“Ready?” Jeno asked as she stopped at the door and pulled away enough to take his arm from her waist, but his hand soon took Y/N's.
The cameras had all turned to the couple as well as everyone present inside the cathedral, the princess was used to that but it didn't stop her from feeling an anxiety take over her body.
She looked at Jeno firmly and smirked, he mirrored her reaction and the princess almost got carried away by his dark eyes.
"More than ever."
Jeno winked at her before looking back to the front, they went towards the altar, the princess felt the watchful eyes of each guest who were on the pews and the aisle never felt so long but she kept her chin up, as if that attention didn't bother her.
Well, since she had to maintain the new Juliet pose, that's what she would do. With a class and elegance that was the envy of anyone.
As soon as they arrived, they placed themselves next to Haechan who had Mark beside him, Jeno separated their hands and gave his arm so that the princess could pass her arm and she did, seeing that the next ones to enter were Taeyong and the queen.
Y/N noticed how the two were elegant together and had an imposing but not arrogant attitude, both matched the crown, especially Taeyong. The princess felt a strange shiver in her body at the thought that in the future, she and Jeno would be just like them.
It wasn't marriage she was thinking about but when they became king and queen.
Would they experience the same tranquility and harmony? Will hatred cease to exist so that companionship prevails?
Y/N took a deep breath and the fact seemed to catch Jeno's attention, who looked at her quickly, but she pretended not to see it and kept her gaze towards the cathedral door where Ten entered alone.
As Ten arrived at the altar, he looked at the brothers and the princess smiled slightly at him as his eyes hovered over her, in response he smiled nervously. The cathedral doors were closed and the music stopped, the anticipation was created since everyone knew that the next person to enter would be the bride.
Even the princess, who didn't even know the story of Ten and the bride, was anxious as the wedding march began to play and the door opened, revealing the stunning bride, the Oh echoed throughout the cathedral as did the camera flashes.
Y/N smiled once more seeing that Ten was thrilled as the bride walked down the aisle, she loved weddings and loved seeing the groom's reaction, there was something in the way their eyes sparkled when they saw the bride entering that enchanted Y/N.
As the bride approached Ten and they smiled knowingly, turning to the priest after the bride's father walked away, the ceremony began.
It was a quick ceremony, considering some royal protocols had to be followed, and a pretty one too. Y/N wasn't one to get emotional at weddings even though she liked to attend, but that specific one made her thoughtful and emotional. Maybe it was the hormones, again, or the fact that the next one to marry would be her.
Within an hour they were at the wedding party in the Lee family's castle hall.
The huge room was lively, with happy music playing and the guests chatting excitedly.
The princess managed to congratulate the couple with Jeno by her side and after that, she mingled with Mark and Haechan, talking to some nobles in the kingdom. Jeno moved to the other side of the huge room and Y/N didn't complain, she was having a lot of fun with the stories of Haechan and Renjun, ally of the kingdom she had known that day.
Mark left the conversation circle after a while too, Taeyong took him to talk to some military present at the party and the princess followed him with her gaze until hovering at the door of the hall seeing Jeno bite his lip while one of the maids seemed to discreetly talk with him.
Discreetly, but not quite, as she leaned in, almost touching him.
Y/N didn't know why but the blood bubbled up inside and she downed the last of the champagne in her glass in one gulp, excused herself from the guys and strode out to Jeno's. She kept her head up and eyes fixed on the two of them like an eagle, when she was close enough to hear the conversation, the maid was taken by surprise, stuttered a few times and walked away.
Y/N just followed her with an unfriendly gaze and clenched her jaw, feeling her heart beating faster than usual. And then she looked back at Jeno, he had a false expression of innocence on his face but he was facing the hall and not the princess.
“Careful, Lee.” she approached, speaking softly so no one could hear. “If I become known as the horn princess, know that I will fight back too.”
Jeno laughed, putting his hands behind his body, making Y/N glare at him angrily.
Was it funny for him? Of course, what was the surprise after all?
"I don't think you have that much courage, princess." he kept the smile and stared at her. "It's not like you."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, feeling challenged, and took another step towards Jeno, their bodies practically touching.
"Then test my loyalty." she spoke firmly, lifting her chin even higher. "And I'm done with this theater of Romeo and Juliet in five seconds."
The two held each other's gaze, anyone looking at the scene could see sparks going off.
Y/N felt her heart still beating faster but she thought it was because this was another competition, another bet to see who would give in first.
Jeno smiled evilly and took his hands from behind his body, taking one to Y/N's hand, pulling her along with him. She frowned as she watched him direct her to the center of the room where Ten and the bride were dancing a waltz.
“Are you finished with your arguments?” Y/N provoked
"No, I just want to dance with you." he shrugged and pressed the bodies together, causing the princess to place her free hand on his shoulder as he wrapped his other arm around Y/N's waist.
It was the princess' turn to be silent as she was led through Jeno's body. That was a bad trick.
No matter how hot Jeno was, how right it felt the way he touched her waist, she wasn't going to change her mind.
She wouldn't be known as the princess who was betrayed, before Jeno could even think of making out with any other maid, whether from the Lee family kingdom or her own, she would hit back, pay in kind.
She looked around as they twirled around the room and saw that the previous maid was looking at the two, the princess maintained her same pose and took the hand that was on Jeno's shoulder to the back of his head. The engagement ring seemed to shine brighter as they danced around the room and she knew everyone was staring at the scene as was the maid.
Jeno pulled her closer, almost melting their bodies together, when Y/N's icy fingers found his short strands of hair.
This made the princess look back at him, noticing how close he was to her, that she felt his breath hit her face invitingly and she ended up getting lost in the immensity of Jeno's dark eyes.
Suddenly, it felt like all the air she had in her lungs was missing as a shiver went through her spine. Jeno was staring at her as if she was the only woman in the room and when his eyes dropped to her lips, Y/N felt her legs weaken as the music ended and applause echoed through the room.
Y/N blinked a few times and stopped where they were taking a deep breath, looking around to avoid the way Jeno was looking at her. She took her hands away and backed away, feeling her head spin.
"Excuse me." she spoke softly and walked out of there in long strides, while bringing her hand to the back of her neck, feeling Jeno's eyes on her back.
Y/N looked for any other place that was empty so she could understand the storm that was going on in her mind, eventually ending up on the living room balcony and leaning against the railing, looking down as she wondered how she had come so close to kissing Jeno.
Plus, why hadn't she stopped him from getting so close? Why did she allow him to cross her personal space?
She blamed the dreams she'd had with Jeno, well, none of them made sense but they were definitely messing with her subconscious. It could only be that, it was the only explanation.
She took her hands off the railing and brought her thumb to her teeth as she bit her nail, looking at the vast grounds of the castle as if the horizon would give her answers.
Was Jeno right? Was all the hatred she felt for him not real?
Because clearly her body hadn't claimed her to pull away from him, if it hadn't been for the applause, would she have given in?
But if it wasn't hate then what was it?
“Y/N?” the princess jumped in fright and turned around.
Mark was standing further ahead with his hands in his pants pocket, he was looking at her worriedly.
"Is everything okay?" he asked fearfully and the princess opened her mouth to answer but she didn't know what to say. Was it okay? “Did something happen for you to be alone here?”
"It is! It's just…” she shrugged, confused even to find the right words. She didn't know how to tell Mark that his brother confused her. “Having the eyes of royalty on you is…”
"Scary." he completed and Y/N nodded in agreement. Mark walked over and leaned his hips against the railing, turning his back to the horizon and turning all his attention to the princess.
"I just needed some air." she admitted.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you-" Mark started to walk away but the princess put her hand on his shoulder.
"No, it's okay, Mark." she assured and the boy looked at her suspiciously. “You never disturb me, quite the contrary, you’re the one who tries to make me comfortable the most. Since we were little.” she smiled slightly, feeling her face burn, and Mark ducked his head shyly.
“Nothing has changed, but at the same time everything has changed, hasn’t it?”
She sighed. She couldn't disagree.
“Back then I thought I would marry you.” Y/N's eyes widened as realized she spoke out loud and Mark stared at her in the same instant.
The princess didn't have the courage to look at Mark, as he couldn't take his eyes off her, and felt her heart beat faster against her ribs.
Damn it, she'd said more than should have and didn't even know why she'd done it.
"I had a crush on you when I was a kid." Mark spoke quietly and Y/N brought her gaze slowly up to his face, as if couldn't believe she'd even heard that.
She was speechless, didn't know how to find her voice to respond because if she went back in time and knew that, maybe things would be different. Like, the child inside her has always dreamed of hearing that. But now, it was a little late…
And standing there, looking into Mark's sad eyes, she knew he was thinking the same thing.
Y/N kept her eyes locked on Mark's and her body reacted before her mind, on an impulse, she brought her hands up to either side of his face and held before sealing their lips.
The princess closed her eyes then lost sight of Mark's shock that dissolved then he brought a hand to her waist carefully, not even moving his lips. They just let the textures meet until Y/N boldly initiated the real kiss, it wasn't just a simple touch or a lingering peck.
She needed to know what it felt like to kiss Mark, to fulfill the urge she'd had when she was younger.
Mark's lips moved cautiously and more carefully, almost as if he was afraid to scare her or break her, which changed when their tongues met for the first time and the kiss grew faster. The princess moved her hands to Mark's suit and gripped tightly as he moved his hand to the back of her neck and the kiss deepened.
Y/N felt her legs giving out but she knew something was missing, she couldn't tell what it was, even though the kiss was the realization of a dream and much better than her childish imagination had thought, there was still something that wasn't there.
Mark broke the kiss, Y/N was out of breath and kept her eyes closed as he pressed their foreheads together.
She wanted to say something but didn't know what.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Y/N felt all the blood in her body go cold as heard Jeno's cold voice and she opened her eyes instantly, pulling away from Mark as she looked in the direction of the voice.
She didn't realize that she started shaking as soon as saw Jeno's hard expression, the flared nostrils showing he was holding his breath and the clenched fists didn't go unnoticed by either the princess or Mark.
"Jeno, I-" Mark took a step forward but his brother cut him off.
“I need to speak to the princess. Alone.” Although it was a request, it sounded like an order and Mark looked at the princess one last time to make sure he should obey.
Y/N stared at him and nodded, feeling a weight of guilt over her heart as Mark left, leaving her alone with Jeno.
The princess looked at Jeno who shook his head, unhappy.
"How could you?" he asked, short and thick, in a tone he'd never spoken to Y/N before. She just lowered her head, feeling her eyes sting. "With my brother?!"
"I don't know what got me-"
“Is this how you intended to take revenge?” Jeno's voice rose and Y/N swallowed hard. "Who is next? Haechan? Maybe Ten.”
Y/N looked up at him, offended.
"Don't talk about me like that, I would never do that to Ten or Taeyong, I'm not looking for married men."
“Only for my single brothers!”
The princess rolled her eyes.
“As if you care!”
"You betrayed me, Y/N." Jeno spoke through gritted teeth and once again Y/N's blood bubbled up.
"Then I think we're even, Lee." she spoke and started to leave but Jeno grabbed her arm.
"I didn't play as low as you." this made the princess angry, she hit Jeno's chest with her closed fist, pushing him away.
“This is not a real engagement!” she screamed. "This is not real. There's no way there can be betrayal of a relationship that doesn't even exist."
With every word, the princess felt her heart wither.
Jeno looked at her completely hurt and she was panting, the situation didn't improve at all when he laughed sarcastically and approached her, joining the bodies.
She hated the way her body seemed to sag so fast.
“You know what, princess? You got what you wanted.” she frowned but didn't ask. "You didn't want me to approach you and I won't."
Contrary to what he said, Jeno brought his face closer and closer to hers. It's not what it looks like, she thought.
"Actually, I'll make you regret it." he put their noses together and the princess felt her heart want to jump out of her mouth. "And when you're completely blinded by desire for me and want to give in, I'm going to back off." Y/N had to fight to keep her eyelids from drooping, Jeno's breath blew dangerously against her mouth. “We're going to kiss, I have no doubt about that, but you're going to beg for it. You will beg me to kiss every inch of your body.”
The princess felt her breath go out when Jeno's lips were inches from hers and then he pulled away completely, leaving an immense cold. The princess with weak legs and a confused mind, Jeno walked off the balcony and left the princess alone.
Taglist: @floweronacloud, @cookydream​, @travelleratheart101​, @ilvaussiee​, @tyongf-sunflower99​, @mings-cafe​,  @n0hyuck, @waltermitty97, @jihoonismydad
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💋 WLW Wed: Fake Pretend Dating 💋
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Fake Dating Previously: Pride (see list)
💄 Long (>10k) 💄
Killing Me Softly by @looktotheedges [Hermione/Narcissa, M, 96.7k]
When Ginny gets hurt in a wronski feint gone wrong, Hermione is on hand to take her away from the swarming fans and straight to a quieter part of St Mungo's. Where the only mediwitch around is Narcissa Black. Healer and master legilimens. And apparently Hermione's thoughts are rather loud. Oops.
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sometimes you amaze me by burstofpeony [Hermione/Pansy, T, 54.3k]
Hermione’s on track to become the youngest Minister of Magic in history. There’s just one issue-- the polls hate her. Well, the polls hate her gayness, specifically. When a solution is presented that could fix everything, who’s she to decline?
Rumour Has It by Melacka, @artymakeart, @showknight [Hermione/Ginny, T, 31.2k] WITH ART!
Ginny accidentally outs Hermione to the whole Wizarding World. Fake dating shenanigans ensue.
i was born for this by toulouser [Marlene/Dorcas, T, 18.7k]
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Hermione has a pregnant adopted sister, parents who don’t believe she’s bisexual, and a crush the size of the Great Lake on Pansy Parkinson. Taking Pansy up on her offer to be Hermione’s fake date to her parents’ Christmas dinner could solve at least one of those problems...but it could also make everything worse.
🌹 Medium (3-10k) 🌹
Sincerity of Feeling by @bafflinghaze [Fleur/Hermione, G, 5.6k]
“That is correct. I am going to the Yule Ball with Hermione Granger. Now run along, you little boys.” She flipped back her hair and strode past them, and this time, stopped for none.
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Regulus Black- Dorcas's best friend and next door neighbor, 4.5 GPA despite skipping a grade, soft at heart. Marlene McKinnon- Cheer captain, popular, smart, perfect. Dating Regulus? James Potter- Captain of the football team, popular, rich. Unlikely ally? Dorcas Meadowes- Confused as fuck.
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Suddenly someone slid into the booth across from her. “She,” the woman corrected, setting down her purse and smoothing her skirt. “Sorry I’m late, babe. You know how it is down at the Prophet.” Hermione’s mouth fell open as she stared dumbly at one Pansy Parkinson.
🍷 Short (<3k) 🍷
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plantwriting · 5 months
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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silverflame2724 · 2 years
Just gonna throw a few prompts around tumblr to see what sticks.
Jiang Cheng fails a timetravel fix-it, it results in Wei Wuxian pulling a MianMian AU
Jiang Wanyin goes missing from Cloud Recesses a few weeks after Wei Wuxian was sent back to Lotus Pier.
Madam Yu irrationally banishes Wei Wuxian for failing to protect Jiang Wanyin despite him not being there.
Rogue Cultivator Wei Wuxian goes investigating to find Jiang Cheng and discovers him alive and well but deaged to a small child with memory loss.
Now Wei Wuxian could return to Lotus Pier... But Jiang Cheng was never fully appreciated there and he's such a cute tot now. Also Wei Wuxian is wary of the unreasonable expectations that young Jiang Cheng would be burdened with to 'do it right this time' by Madam Yu.
So Wei Wuxian gets his dream cottage and farm early and raises Jiang Cheng (renaming him as well because its a new start) again far away from said toxic environment with all the unconditional love and support he should have gotten growing up.
Prioritising parenting over night hunting (because he remembers being orphaned on the streets) Wei Wuxian sits out the Sunshot Campaign completely(to the extent of purposely ignoring all cultivation world news), The Sunshot Campaign lasts long enough that without Wei Wuxian all the sects are in ruins at the end of it.
Years later Jiang Cheng encounters something on a night hunt that restores his memory and the reason he was deaged in the first place. Jiang Cheng had travelled back in time to 'fix' things (funnily enough removing Wei Wuxian from the Jiang before he could antagonise Wen Chao) but the clash of his original core and the transplanted core sent him into a Qi Deviation that de-aged him.
16 years after he was de-aged Jiang Cheng investigates the changed world outside of his home and things are to put it lightly, so much worse.
Lotus Pier is basically gone, Madam Yu is missing her right hand, Yanli is grieving over dead Jin Zixuan. Rebuilding Lotus Pier is impossible because Madam Yu has zero support because of her behaviour and Yanli is basically a grieving ghost.
Lan WangJi is still in a coma from fighting the Xanwu of Slaughter 16ish years ago.
Jin Guangyao is Sect Leader Jin through lack of better option, he very much enjoyed giving Madam Jin the boot from Koi Tower.
All the great sects have been reduced to minor sects with little chance of ever rising again.
Jiang Cheng has no idea how to fix this mess, but he's going to need Wei Wuxian's help.
This. This is an amazing idea.
...........Oops. I think I might've accidentally pressed post. Eh-he.
Also, I was a lot nicer on Wei Wuxian since I could have had Madam Yu whip him before kicking him out. Let's just say that Madam Yu was too distraught or grieved to think about dealing with Wei Wuxian like that, okay?
It happened a few years after Wei Wuxian’s death. Jiang Cheng had been drowning in his sorrows and had had enough of this. ENough of being alone, enough of missing his parents, his sister, his....his brother. He hated this feeling of guilt over leading the siege, over not doing enough to make everything right. 
And Wei Wuxian’s notes contained just the thing.
Time travel.
It would be risky. If he failed, he would lose his core. But what hasn’t Jiang Cheng lost already?
Laying down the prepared array, he took a deep breath and poured his spiritual energy in. The array lit up and Jiang Cheng felt himself being sucked in. 
All he could feel was pain. Sharp and constant and crushing. 
Everything went black.
Wei Wuxian had been peacefully studying some random arrays when a shidi of his burst into the room.
“Da-shixiong. Da-shixiong! You have to run now!”
“Huh? Shidi, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Yu-furen! She seemed angry and I eavesdropped and she said she’s kicking you out! I think she’s serious this time!!”
"What reason did she give this time?" Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. Madam Yu made this same threat at least three times a month.
"She said that it's your fault Jiang-gongzi went missing. So....so...."
"Jiang Cheng is missing?!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed.
"Yeah, he went missing on a night hunt at the Cloud Recesses. But never mind that, Da-Shixiong, hurry!"
Frowning, but knowing that this was most likely not a joke, he quickly packed everything - even Suibian - up into qiankun pouches and hid them in his robes.
His shidi left and Madam Yu burst into his room soon after, storming over to him. He tensed up, knowing that that expression meant that he might be punished.
Madam Yu grabbed his collar and dragged him away, tossing him to the ground outside Lotus Pier.
"Yu-furen, what--?" He was smacked across the face as Madam Yu glared at him.
"It's your fault." She hissed at him. "If you were there, you could have prevented A' Cheng from going missing! If only you hadn't been so disobedient--Get out!" Her expression was thunderous and promised a world of pain if he didn't go. "Leave your bell and get lost!"
Shakily, Wei Wuxian untied his bell and ran away from there. He didn't want to stick around to find out what would happen if he tried to contest her decision.
The scars on his back was more than enough proof of what happened when he disobeyed.
The first step to his new life was finding a steady source of income and that was easy enough. he'd built up a reputation in his time with the Jiang of helping whenever needed so people were more than willing to employ him to assist with local hauntings and minor yaos. (Madam Yu hated going on such easy hunts and often ignored the cry for help in places like these.)
He rather enjoyed this life rather than the restrictive one he led at Yunmeng Jiang where he had to think about politics and the like when no one taught him how to act better.
Now that he had enough money, Wei Wuxian decided to go investigate Jiang Cheng's disappearance in Gusu. One quick ask around for someone of Jiang Cheng's description and Wei Wuxian headed towards the forest where he was last scene.
After wandering without aim for a while, Wei Wuxian wanted to give up, but soon heard crying in a cave nearby. Wary of it being some kind of creature that wanted to lure him into a trap, he drew Suibian and inched closer to the sound.
Upon seeing a flash of Yunmeng purple, Wei Wuxian gasped as he recognized the robes.
"Jiang Cheng?!" He cried, rushing in.
He couldn't have expected what he saw next.
Cocooned in his now much larger robes was a mini Jiang Cheng!
The child looked frightened and curled away from him, eyes blank and unknowing.
Oh. "Umm, hello" He said quietly and he knelt down a distance away from Jiang Cheng. "What are you doing here?"
Jiang Cheng stayed quiet and looked at him warily. "....Got lost. Got hungry and got lost."
"I see." Wei Wuxian felt guilty. He should have come sooner! "Then, shall gege share some food with you?" He rummaged in his qiankun pouch and brought out two apples. He ate one to show that it was safe and handed the other to the child.
Jiang Cheng eyed it and moved forward to take it. Wei Wuxian did not move, not wanting to frighten him. He quickly grabbed the apple and chowed down on it. Knowing that he'd likely choke, Wei Wuxian carefully put down a waterskin that the child quickly grabbed after he started choking.
Wei Wuxian sighed in relief seeing the mini Jiang Cheng okay now. But.....Jiang Cheng didn't remember him. That was obvious after Wei Wuxian had asked whether he wanted to go home and was given a confused look and a quiet 'to whom?'.
Now Wei Wuxian had a choice. He could quietly return to Lotus Pier with Jiang Cheng and perhaps get back into the good graces of Madam Yu or......he could take care of Jiang Cheng himself.
Jiang Cheng had never been appreciated by his parents, with his father being too strict and his mother always berating him and comparing him to others (though mostly it was Wei Wuxian). Wei Wuxian always wanted to take Jiang Cheng away from such a place where he was never given encouragement but he never could given his status and place among the Jiang.
But now.......
Determination shone in Wei Wuxian's eyes.
"Baba, baba!" A child squealed happily. "You're back!"
Wei Wuxian smiled back, picking up his child. "I'm back! Have you been good?"
"Yes, yes! I even cleaned the house!"
Wei Wuxian gasped delightedly. "Oh my god, baobei! You're the best!"
It had been nearly a year since Wei Wuxian had found the amnesiac de-aged Jiang Cheng and a few months since they finally settled down in a cottage on the outskirts of the cultivation world. Wei Wuxian had worked tirelessly to get them this far and he has to say, he's done a magnificent job at child rearing!
It had taken a few weeks to get Jiang Cheng to trust him enough to leave with him and another week to travel away from the sects. Along the way, Wei Wuxian took lower level night hunts to earn some income. Any time there was talk of a strong monster abouts, Wei Wuxian considered helping them, but knew that he was one bad night hunt away from leaving Jiang Cheng on the streets to fend for himself.
His parents' ends were a stark reminder of that so Wei Wuxian did not take the night hunts. However, he did not feel good about leaving the innocent to fend for themselves until whatever sect was nearby deemed it worthy enough of their attention. For places like these, Wei Wuxian stayed longer in order to create some talismans to ensure protection against such beasts. He was always paid for his work, of course - he has a child to feed, after all! - but tried not to deprive a family of all their funds. He wasn't heartless.
And so, life had passed like this until he assisted an elderly couple near the edge of a place called Yunnan. The couple had no children to speak of and no relatives so they had asked Wei Wuxian if he could look after his garden and cottage once they passed.
Wei Wuxian wasn't one to refuse since this meant a steady roof over their heads and a constant source of food nearby.
He accepted.
That's where he's living now with Jiang Cheng who's been newly renamed to Wei Hu (lake), courtesy name: Chunyu (spring rain).
They'd been living without troubles for some time now that Wei Wuxian had largely left the cultivation world. Of course, he occasionally disguised himself and headed to his merchant who sold his talismans for him from time to time, but aside from that, he largely stayed at home with his adorable child, farming away while his donkey brayed in the background.
This life was one he had always wanted. A partner, a child, him and a donkey. He's missing a partner, a lifelong companion, for now but he could be content without one. Not many people want a single father as their spouse and Wei Wuxian could be content with that.
(There were whispers of a war between the cultivation sects but why should that matter to Wei Wuxian? He was no longer a part of them.)
Many years later.......
Wei Chunyu was on a night hunt by himself! His baba had finally allowed him to go hunt beasts alone!! Baba was always protective over him despite how strong he had gotten. After finally managing to hit his baba while they sparred, he was allowed to go hunt for himself without supervision.
Licking his lips, he readied his sword for whatever monster lurked before him.
Jiang Cheng felt like he had been hit by a bear yao. Just what on earth had happened?? Shaking his dizzy head, he tried to remember what had happened.
I activated the array and I remember seeing my much younger hands and then..... Jiang Cheng jolted in shock. I qi-deviated!I qi-deviated and turned into a child because of a dissonance with the core from my future life and the core of my past life! But why? The array said my cores should merge, but maybe....because mine was brought back by Baoshan Sanren.....
Jiang Cheng gathered himself and then remembered. He remembered the life he had lead after that.
Wei Wuxian.....adopted me! He adopted me and took care of me and.....and loved me. Even though I.....I....I was planning on removing him from the Jiang before he could ever cross paths with Wen Chao. I mean, I guess, in a way, I did remove him from the Jiang but what happened with the war? It's been so long.
Shaking off his dread, he strapped his sword to his side and went into town. Asking discretely around for some information, citing that he didn't know anything because he's from Yunnan, Jiang Cheng held his head in his hands in distress.
The war had been won by the Sunshot allies. But all the sects were in ruin by the ends of it.
The Wen sect is still there but only the healers and civilians had been left. Wen Qing had taken ahold of the remnants of the clan, given reparations to the sects for Qishan Wen's crimes and dissolved the Qishan Wen sect and soon disappearing with her family from the rest of the world.
Lotus Pier still met the same end, having been decimated. But his mother was still alive, merely missing her right hand and some pride. (Though her reputation as someone too fierce and always angry had driven away what little recruits the Jiang had.) His sister - he could nearly cry at that - was alive but Jin Zixuan was still dead, leaving her as a husk of herself. Jin Guangyao had become the head of the Jin sect after his father's untimely death and booting Madam Jin back to her maiden family.
The Lan sect is barely hanging on, with Lan Xichen grieving over his comatose brother who had become like that through the draining fight with the Xuanwu of Slaughter and Lan Qiren barely alive.
The Nie sect has been reduced to nearly nothing as well, what with Nie Mingjue half-dead from multiple qi-deviations and Nie Huaisang who was suddenly thrust into the Sect Leader role unprepared.
"It's a mess." He muttered to himself. "It's all a mess."
Jiang Cheng has no idea how to fix this mess, but he's going to need Wei Wuxian's help. But....how?
No matter how much of a genius Wei Wuxian was, there was no bringing back the dead from life, not with how uninvolved Wei Wuxian was with demonic cultivation in this life and how the bodies had probably been cremated already.
Of course, he could rally together the Jiang sect again but if rumors of how volatile his mother was were true......perhaps it would be best not to provoke her.
They could bring his sister with them. She was alive and....well, not quite well, but she was alive! And maybe taking her out of the cultivation world will do her some good. It sure did Jiang Cheng a whole lot better....wait. What is he thinking?!
Jiang Cheng shook his head. No matter how comfortable his life was with Wei Wuxian, he shouldn't be thinking like this! But.....his sister deserves some peace after everything that's happened to her.
And Lan Wangji......well. Having a sect leader in his debt would be nice. Wei Wuxian was sure to concoct some sort of miracle with his talismans and bring Lan Wangji back to consciousness. If Lan Xichen were to be grateful to them, it would surely help with.....something. Maybe he could even solve Nie Mingjue's health issues!
But he would have to discuss everything first and maybe even tell Wei Wuxian the truth of how this all occurred?
Jiang Cheng packed up his stuff and headed back......back home. Because it was his home now. Wei Wuxian had always irritated him and Jiang Cheng even hated him, despised the very thought of him. But in this life.....it was different. Wei Wuxian......was a great father and raised him extremely well.
But.....what if Wei Wuxian grew angry with him for all of this? He didn't know what to think or how Wei Wuxian would act.
As his mind clouded up with worries, he hadn't realized he had already returned.
"A' Yu? Are you back already?"
Jiang Cheng froze up and Wei Wuxian's warm smile graced him. "Uhh...."
"Hm? What's wrong A' Yu? Did the night hunt go wrong? Did you get hurt?"
"No. It went fine. But....But Baba--" God, that sounds so weird! "--I have something to tell you."
"You can tell me anything. You know I'm always here to listen."
Jiang Cheng's heart warmed. "Well, you see, the thing is....."
He'd figure this out. They'd both figure this out. And maybe, this time around, the three of them would always be together.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap! How did you all like it?
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
Halloween is back
Bucky x little reader
3649words (oops, thats kinda alot)
No pronouns used
Warnings: ageregression, names like daddy, firefly, baby etc. Mention of paci,stuffys, and naps candy, eating, Halloween, little peter, little wanda etc.
Edited to the best of my ability
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Having watched peter prance around in his fall themed outfits was always a joy, like a golden glow to brighten the teams day, you spent a lot of time at the tower while Bucky worked out, did training, prepped for missions or just hung out with Steve, tony had hired you part time to keep the communal floor up to standard, it was never really a mess just small this's and that’s, that kept you occupied, letting you help out in the lab and workshop, really whatever you pleased, the team knew you regressed, they enjoyed having you around but you happened to be much quieter and cuddly compared to peter.
Gone for quick mail runs and grocery shopping, peter had decided to tag along to help.
"Hey (y/n) do you have any plans on what you and Bucky are doing for Halloween?"
Taking the necessary item off the shelf you look back at peter, "no, I don't think were doing anything, I haven't celebrated Halloween since I was young"
Nodding in understanding he kept himself from saying anything feeling it wasn’t his place to speak up.
Grocery shopping went quick and soon enough you and the spiderling got back to
The tower with enough time for you to put everything away before it was time for you and Bucky to go home.
Slipping on your headphones and falling into the zone of your favorite playlist getting everything put away with a deadpan cast upon your face, your mind replaying childhood scenarios while on autopilot.
So lost in your zone you don't notice Bucky and Wanda discussing something while seated at the table.
Finishing up you put away all the bags and turn to go find Bucky to head home, feeling as though you’re slipping you chirp in surprise when you notice he’s patiently waiting with your comfort item and your bag.
"You ready firefly? "
Nodding, a small smile making its way to your face.
"D'ya want me to carry you baby?"
Thinking for a moment you nod in agreement wrapping your arms around his shoulders making it easier for him to pick you up.
Letting yourself finally slip, burying your face into the crook of his neck and taking a deep breath.
Once buckled into the car and on your way he takes your hand kissing your knuckles, "can you tell daddy what’s wrong?"
"Nuh, don wanna"
"Aaand why might that be, hm?" He emphasizes
"M jus finkin, nuffin important" you mumble in return while looking out your window.
Watching all the decorations and advertisements go by in flickers, its all you want, not just the candy but to celebrate your favorite holiday with Bucky and show him all the fun stuff to do.
Your eyes start to water but you fight it off even harder, wiping the stray tears away as discreetly as possible, but sure enough he noticed and definitely knew right now wasn't the time for questions, so instead he just takes your hand in his and runs his thumb over your knuckles.
Getting home you both go inside and he pulls you into a hug, "whatever is bothering you, please know both big and small I will do my very best to help" nodding in response you consider telling him but like your parents would say "even for small its not big enough to matter" remembering the first year they stopped you from going when all people your age were still going and even littles who were older than you were going. Your lip starts to tremble and in response you bite it to stop From crying, "its just a silly holiday, they come and they go and just leave it for the real kids" once again the words from your childhood play lead in your mind, belittling you when you were growing up and also you now, bursting into tears all the words of your childhood hitting something deep from when they neglected you.
Bucky picks you up taking both of you to the couch, you seated on his lap facing him, "what’s happening little firefly, whatever it is we can work through it, I’m daddy I’m here to help, its my job" he soothes your cries to small hiccups and kisses your forehead.
"Whas diffent tween mes an all da other ittles that means i cant hab hallween"
"Oooh baby you can have Halloween, you can, did something happen today?"
Shaking your head you lean into his chest finding warmth and comfort in his arms, "not today, long time ago, pawents says i cant go after i was ten but is my favwoite time an i miss it"
"Well you’d be very surprised what me and the other caregivers of the team talked about today and I think you're going to like it"
That definitely peaked your interest, looking up at him gleaming, you smile and cuddle back into his chest finally without the words of your family ringing in your head you feel at ease.
Three days pass since your little breakdown and you’re finally to the weekend, waking up you find that Bucky isn’t in bed or even in the room, getting up wrapping your blanket around your shoulders you treck through the hall to the living room where Bucky was packing snacks and drinks into a backpack.
"Daddy what you doin?" You humm out rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, "good morning dove im gettin us ready for our day, do you wanna take your stuffy with us?"
Nodding you pick it up from where you left it last night and hand it to him to put into the bag.
After eating breakfast, getting dressed and ready and out the door you embark on a 45 minute drive filled with lots of music and a couple of car games before you pull into a gravel parking lot, Bucky getting out helping you out, taking the bag and than holding your hand leading you to an admission entrance where you can finally see you’re at a pumpkin patch filled with big to small pumpkins and gourds galore.
Your eyes lighting up, being very patient so you don't upset him and make you go home early. After getting the ticket bracelets he leads you over to the wagons, "we get a wagon so we can roll the pumpkins we choose around easier" he instructs while pulling the only teal one from the collection.
Letting you lead him over to all the pumpkins stomping in the mud and having a blast, watching you be happy makes him happy.
he stops walking when he finds a good alpine sized pumpkin and puts it in the wagon, a few more rows and he stops to pick up a medium sized oblong-ish gourd "what bout this one baby?"
You look back and grimace, that’s definitely not what you expected, "mm i dun fink so"
He sets it back down while you take off running, "daddy what bout dis one‽" you point at the nicely sized round pumpkin, he comes over inspecting it, "hmmm I think this is a very good one, you’ve got a good eye for this" you go to pick it up when he stops you, "be careful firefly, don't pick it up by the stem, pick it up around the bottom" nodding you heave the pumpkin up into the wagon almost dropping it.
After Bucky found his pumpkin he let you help him pull the wagon to the weigh and pay station, paying the kind lady and taking them to the car putting them in the trunk you go to get in your seat when he mentions that you’re not done yet.
Putting away the wagon and leading you back to the far corner of the lot he takes your hand and stops, "you cannot runoff from me, you have to stay by me so daddy doesn't get lost without you okay?"
"Otay daddy, i stay" you agree letting him lead you to the entrance of a corn maze.
Letting you make decisions on the direction to go, getting deeper and deeper into the field hearing music just around the corner, getting to it. finding a big tall lookout that helps you figure out where everything is and has a slide for littles to have a bit of careless fun.
He goes to the bottom waiting at the bottom of the slide for you, picking you up and spinning making you giggle and coo, his heart feeling the most full and warm it felt in a while, he loves you so much he just cant explain.
Continuing on through the maze, pretending you’re investigators, after another ten or so minutes you find yourself at the exit, celebratory music play as you exit and walk over to scan your tickets for getting through, the kind gentleman at the counter listening to you go on about how tricky it was but how smart you and Bucky were, he hands you a brown puppy beanie baby with green eyes, saying thank you and your goodbyes and heading back to the car, Bucky pulling out a snack for you and getting on to driving home.
Falling asleep halfway home he smiles to himself, holding your hand in his, much smaller in comparison, it warms his heart.
Pulling into the driveway of your small home, he gets you out first putting you and both stuffies in you arms than going back outside to get the pumpkins out of the car placing one on each of the three steps.
Getting the kitchen ready for lunch and pumpkin carving for after your nap.
"Alright baby you draw the face or design you want and daddy will help you cut it out okay?"
Nodding in agreement he starts carving his while you take one of the markers and draw on a face you like, making sure its absolutely perfect before pushing it over to him for when he’s done with his.
When he gets to yours he helps you into his lap, handing you the carving tool and keeping your hand steady by holding his around yours, following every line.
Putting battery candles in them and putting them back on the front porch.
Turning on movies, the rest of the day carried on how they normally did, plenty of cuddles, an easy dinner, bath time than bed time.
Sunday morning starts like any other, cuddles and eating breakfast, getting dressed up in a pair of green dungarees, a yellow long sleeve shirt and dinosaur socks, seated on the floor playing with your toys and watching cartoons, the attention is called to the front door when a knock rattled through followed by uncle Stevie letting himself in.
" hey little one, hi buck, what's up?"
Bucky walks in patting Steve on the shoulder as a greeting "nothin much honestly, just hanging out today"
"Well i heard you are having yourselves a Halloween this year and wanted to see if you wanted to go to spirit Halloween with me, I’ve got to get stuff for the tower"
"Sure why not"
You look up a chill running through your veins, you forgot to do a job on Friday? "Shopin for da towers my job" you chime
Steve sits down on the couch to be somewhat closer to your level while you’re seated on the floor "maybe its your job during the week yes, but definitely not after hours or on the weekends, I volunteered to do it, your job right now is being yourself and being happy"
Nodding in understanding you hadn’t realized Bucky left the room until he walked back in with your shoes, helping you tie them and grabbing a sweater and off you all went, a quick walk to the pop up Halloween shop, "do you have a plan on what you’re gonna dress up as for Halloween?" Steve lightly tugs on your hand to emphasize his question.
"Mmm, i din fink i was gettin a costume, jus havin fun activitys"
"Well, we'll have to talk to your daddy bout that one but ill be sure to make that costume happens if he doesn't". He definitely wasn’t going to talk to Bucky
Looking around at all the decorations you find your attention caught on the interactive jump scare decorations, you sort of understood their function but didn't know what they would do exactly, looking up at Bucky he nodded, letting you go forward to experience the small fright.
Bucky standing behind you pointing out the step pad, you step on it and just a second later the character jolts forward with a shriek, its eyes flashing red, making you jolt back into his chest, an excited shrill giggle rolling through you, "lets go look around, there’s plenty more to see"
He leads you over to the general decorations, "which color of webs should we put up?"
You turn to Steve whose just behind you, "wha color we get uncle steeb"
"That is a wonderful question, hmm lemme look"
Walking up and down the aisle he notices your glance at the ones with confetti sprinkled in, picking up purple webs with orange glittery pumpkin confetti, "these ones are perfect " handing them to you, jumping up and down you show Bucky before putting them in the basket, your daddy walking to the next aisle to look at face paints and home activities, Steve takes your hand and sneaks you towards the costumes.
Picking out the one you wanted wasn't very difficult, a majority of the ones for people your height that are left are inappropriate but you had found a pajama onesie type outfit of a blue green gradient dragon, finding it in your size Steve takes you back to Bucky and goes by himself over to checkout to sneakily buy it for you with all the other stuff he had to get, knowing well that Bucky was going to completely forget.
"Hey bubs come pick out a bucket" he points to the selection but across the store on the back wall you spot the stuffys, and along with the supply of squishmallows there sits a candycorn squishmallow candy bucket, "what bout that one?" Pointing, he look to where you’re pointing and seeing it, no wonder your eyes lit up.
"Absolutely perfect"
Grabbing the bucket and a few other things just as Steve had expected Bucky completely forgot about costumes.
Back at the house you Bucky and Steve end up decorating while listening to music, dancing around and snacking on fruits galore.
Quickly followed by you getting tired.
Steve picking you up to take you to your little room laying you in the comfy corner all cuddled up with your blankies and stuffies, Bucky comes in a minute later with a weighted bat stuffy with a bowtie, I saw this at the store, thought you might need him, uncle Stevie is gonna go home now, can you say thank you to him?"
He hands you the stuffy .
"Fanks you unca steebie, love youu" you mumble out as you start to doze off
"Of course dove, sleep well" he says under his breath.
Everyone was running around the tower, not in a rush it was just a Casual busy day, decorations had been put up and assortments of candy in bowls around there wasn’t much for you to actually do other than make sure things were perfect and up to Tony’s standards, which was quite easy when he was watching over not just your shoulder but everyone else’s as things were coming together.
Nightmare before Christmas playing quietly on the tv in the common room, the movie having made your headspace start to set in, it coming to the credits when Bucky walks in with another decoration tony had decided he wanted up, "hey firefly do you wanna put sticky decals on the windows?" He shows the colorful gelatin like window decals of some of your favorite cartoon characters in Halloween costumes, you jumped nodding your head, "yes please i gonna do it".
It only took you about twenty minutes of walking around the common floor for every window or even slightly reflective surface to have dozens of cartoon characters on them.
Steve adventuring the tower to find you, your decorations like a trail to where you stand putting the last decal up, in his arms is your costume, "my goodness look at this! You’ve done amazing" you go to hug him when he picks you up pinning you in the hug and walking to a less open room, "what you doin?", "costume time, your daddy has no idea but we’ve gotta be quick so we can suprise him and everyone else"
Helping you change into your dragon onesie and quickly painting a few blue and green scales on your face to make it cohesive.
Leading you into the lounge where everyone had gathered he points out where Bucky was sitting on the far side of the room.
You sneakily run up behind him and roaring like a dragon at him, whether you actually scared him or he’s just being preformative he jumped back with a startled shout.
"Goodness you got me, look at you, you’re a dragon, so scary" he cheers.
He pulls you into his lap holding you around your waist peppering your cheeks with kisses making you giggle out, tony places lunch in front of you.
Once you finished and had washed your hands peter had suggested that you two play with his toys while you waited for trick or treating time.
Playing peter had started babbling all about what he was most excited for and what he remembered from past Halloweens, it made you feel a bit sad, you cant remember anything but the one traumatizing thing that happened on the year you were forced to stop and you really don’t want to bring that up, you’re not sure what’s going to happen but you look forward to it but this entire scenario from day one was definitely an experience you’ll never forget.
The hesitation over the memory doesn't go unnoticed by peter who pulls you into a hug that ends up becoming sleepy littlespace cuddles, while the movie on the tv played through, little buddies always made slipping so much easier.
Time passed achingly slow but once everyone was ready and dressed up, Bucky found you and peter sleepily cuddled into each other and the stuffies around, the tail of your costume onesie being held tightly in your hands, he almost didn’t want to wake you but this is the moment you’ve been waiting for, crouching down he rubs your back slowly easing you to wake up, "its time to go trick or treating, everyone is set up and ready" shaking peter awake you let him know its time.
Bucky hands you your squishmallow bucket and takes your other hand opening his other hand for the spiderling to join.
You in your dragon costume and peter in his plague doctor costume enter the main room to even more decorations than before, the lights off and in their place lighting the room are deep red LED's, a smoke machine making the entrance more spooky Halloween songs playing over the speakers.
The room was bustling with everyone, littles and kids both running around, adults at their stations and cg's and parents walking their children and littles from station to station, gathering prizes from games and candy from other booths.
The team being generous with candy for both you and peter when you would show up, they would play up surprise at your costumes and remind you to be careful even though there wasn’t any form of potential threat anywhere.
Your bucket filled quickly and got heavy the longer the night went on, it wasn’t just the main team, it was anyone in the tower who wanted to participate in another one of Tony’s parties.
Talking with other littles and such you saw so many neat costumes when out of the corner of your eye a glint of blue flashed, it was uncle Stevie, dressed in his captain America suit, shield and all.
Bucky catching on and letting you and peter run to him, taking both of you into a hug, "look at the two of you!, goodness you look like you’re having the night of your lives" you nod, i have special prizes for the two of you but you’ve got to wait til after the party so not to make others feel left out.
Nodding you stick around to tell him about the extravagance of everything so far until other people came walking up, excusing yourselves going back to Bucky.
The party carried on without hitch, when it came to an end you, peter, and Wanda sat around in the tv room, your candy dumped out in piles and your prizes from activities in separate piles next to your candy, counting, sorting and trading them Steve came in finally out of his suit, "you three have been so patient, happy Halloween" he says hanging you, peter and Wanda matching black kitty stuffies with different color collars. the rest of the main team finally settled around on the couches turning on a final movie to end the night calmly.
You barely made it through the movie but fought sleep so you could get to say good night to everyone.
Finally home you’d slipped even deeper into littlespace, tomorrow was definitely going to be a relaxed day, your daddy helped you out of your costume and into pajamas that are more comfortable for sleeping in, and washing your face with a baby wipe to get the face paint and candy smudges off of your mouth, you're falling asleep as he’s laying you down in bed.
Giving you your paci you take it with ease, he gets in cuddling up with you, your head on his chest, and a massive smile on his face, "goodnight firefly, happy Halloween, I love you so much".
This, is not what the other fics are going to be like, i just have been working on this for about a week all together, this is a bit self indulgent but meh i hope you like it
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thealiencat3 · 2 years
Jealousy~ Yandere Jason Todd / Red Hood x Oc
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Oc: Luna Smith
Summary: Luna liked Jason for many years. At last she got tired and moved on with non other than Tim. Her classmate. Jason's isn't okay with this~
She was Tim's classmate and also bestfriend. She met Jason through him. She didn't know why, found him interesting. She doesn't know much about him except he's being Tim's big brother and a book nerd. His front hair was white. She never knew the reason. She just liked him. He was handsome, strong, confident and tough. Yes he was mean and used a lot of dirty words, it was fine with her. After gathering so much of courage, she finally confessed him. You can imagine his reply," Wtf!! I don't date kids. Specially short girls". 'short girls' was what he never wanted to date. But she was one of them. She tried to put on heels and did everything she could and confessed him again and again but everytime, he made a new excuse to reject the blonde girl. Once it was her having straight hair, she curled it. Once, he's not into blondes and liking red hair, she dyed. Once, disliking her blue outfits which gives him Disney vibes , she unwillingly changed to yellow clothes. She stopped feeling like herself. After so many tries, yes she got tired. She stopped meeting him. She's now herself again. She was attractive for Tim. Very cute . So, he asked her out. " Hi Luna, Are you free Saturday night?" He asked. The book nerd girl looked at him with her large , sparkly eyes. Which made his heart skip a beat. "Yes" she replied. "So , I have got two movie tickets" he smiled. " Would you like to come with me?" She smiled. " Sure". "So we're on a date ?" He asked. "Yes" she replied.
Jason was gone in a long mission with Starfire and Duke. It was the right time to ask her out. She wouldn't be distracted. But unfortunately, Jason came back on Saturday afternoon. That pissed Tim off. Well, he slept all day instead of creating a mess around the house. In evening, she arrived at his house as her parents were away. She was wearing a blue dress, blue clip, white heels and silver necklace. "You're looking cute" Tim complemented. "Thanks Tim" she smiled at him, making him blush. "Whoahhh!! Our Timmy got a date" Casandra exclaimed. "And with Jay's girl" she teased. "Shut up" Tim got annoyed. " I'm not Jason's girl Cass" she laughed. Oops, wrong timing. Jason was just passing by and he overhead the conversation. "YOU F****** GOT A DATE LUNA??" he shouted. She didn't want to see him. At least not before her first date. She wasn't expecting this response either. Tim didn't want to see him at this moment too. "Yeah. We're dating Jason" Tim replied. "HUH?? YOU?? W**!! SHE'S DATING SOMEONE LIKE YOU??" Yeah. He's actually creating a mess now at the end moment. "What's wrong about him Jay?" She asked. He took a glance at her short frame. She was honestly, SO F****** CUTE!! Jason didn't take his eyes off her for a moment. Studying her carefully. Like the first edition of his 'Pride and Prejudice' he just finished a weak ago. He's maybe, trying to read the whole book again. Only in one minute. "WHAT'S WRONG?? HE'S A NERD" he shouted . She couldn't believe he's calling his own brother 'a nerd'. "I like him Jay. He's my bestfriend and boyfriend now". She replied. She was getting annoyed. She held Tim's hand. "We're late Timmy. We'll miss the movie" she said and dragged him out with her. "YOU GAVE THIS RAT A NICKNAME HOW DA..." Cassandra covered his mouth as he followed them out. "Don't worry Luna. He's just tired because of the trip. He'll be okay once he sleeps. You two enjoy" she smiled and waved at them. She gave him a good scold after they left.
"Sorry for the drama Luna. You know how Jason is" Tim apologized. "It's okay Tim .he must be tired" she tried to smile. After the movie, Tim had another surprise for her. "You actually got tickets for Dove Cameron's concert??" She exclaimed. Tim winked which made her blush. He's a way better than Jason Peter Todd. How could she not realise it before?? Otherwise, she would've made the first move.
She couldn't believe it was real. She was actually in a concert. Her parents never allowed her to went to a concert. She was smiling, dancing with Tim and singing along the crowd. Until, Tim felt something wrong with his stomach. 'those popcorns' he thought. "Uhh... Luna" he called her name. "Yes?" " Umm... Actually.... I need to use the toi..let" he said the last word with shame. Though he was the most shameless person around her, not today, it was a date. She laughed. "I think popcorns are doing their work. I'll wait for you". Tim was gone. He wondered, if he actually ate too much?? He felt suspicious. He pulled out his phone to check on her. But he got a message from Jason instead.
"JASON: How was my surprise??"
"WHAT THE HELL!!" He shouted. Only to receive a scolding from someone. "It's a public place. Stop cursing" . He apologized.
while , Luna was enjoying on her own. She almost forgot about Tim. It was dark and everybody were dancing and singing with flashlights on. She was too. Untill someone tightly grabbed her arm and pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. She kissed back. She was confused because the guy felt a way too taller and different. It was her first kiss. 'when did Tim became so tall?' she thought. The guy was muscular too. The kiss was becoming more and more forceful and her lips started hurting. Then he pulled away. Luna's eyes widened as she saw who it was. JASON TODD. her old crush. He was smirking at her. "JASON!!??" "It's Jay~" he corrected as he pulled her to him. "How about dancing with me? Your boyfriend is nowhere to be found" he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "why don't you try me?" He pinned her to him and forced her to dance. The background music ,'Boyfriend' was matching with them.
she tried to walk away from him as faster as she could. At first, he rejected her again and again and now, he not only ruined her date with Tim but also he stole her first kiss. She can't believe he did this with his own brother. As they walked out, he lift her like a feather and put her on his shoulder. "Put me down JASON" she screamed. "It's Jay" . He didn't listen to her. He took her to a nearby dark corner and put her down. "Are you serious!!??" She said angrily. "Hah of course. I can't see you dating a nerd" he replied. " He's your brother!!" She finally raised voice on someone first time in her life. " What you didn't like me kissing you?? I thought you liked me Luna" he said. "I was tired Jason. I was tired of getting rejected" she said. "Well let me tell you something. Do you know everything about Tim?" He asked. " What do you mean?" She asked. " Well , I don't think Tim told you yet". "Yet what?" She asked. " Well, Tim is Red Robin" . Her eyes widened. "Are you kidding me? I'm not in a mood". He chuckled. "Well this is the truth Luna. Bruce is Batman, Dick is Nightwing , Damian is Robin and I'm Red Hood" he said. "Have you ever wondered, where Tim disappears suddenly? Hmm??" No it can't be. Tim never hid anything from me. "it doesn't make any sense. Timmy can never hide anything from me" . He got angry. He used one of his hands to grab both of her wrists and pinned her against a wall while he used his other hand to grab her waist. "Don't ever try to use his nickname on my face." He warned in a dark tone. Then he suddenly kissed het neck, biting her. "Jason~~" she tried to scream but moaned instead. "Hmm you're liking it?" He smirked and continued his work. After few moments, he pulled away, admiring the mark he made. "Beautiful" he smirked. He let go of her only to have a slap mark on his face the next moment. "JASON!!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??" she yelled. "BETTER!! AT LEAST THAT PIECE OF SH*T WILL REMEMBER WHO YOU BELONG TO!!" he yelled back. "I HATE YOU JASON TODD" she yelled, tears rolling down. "WHAT THE HELL LUNA!!" ..." STOP IT JASON!!" a male voice said. It was Tim. "Huh?? You?? Was that dose too low??" 'what dose??' Luna felt disgust in her stomach. "LEAVE HER ALONE!! YOU'RE TOO MUCH JASON" . "Well that's good. now tell your little girlfriend, .... Oh I forgot, my little girlfriend your true identity" he said pointing a gun on him . "JASON!!..." "DO IT!!!" Tim sighed. "Yes. I'm Red Robin. I'm sorry Luna". She couldn't believe it. Tim lied all the time. "See? I told you" Jason laughed. Tim looked down. "So Luna, you're coming with me or do you want me to do something else??" "Jason stop!!" "It's Jay to you. Remember it". "THAT'S ENOUGH OF YOU. JASON!!" "YOU LITTLE**** WANT TO FIGHT ME??" "YEAH!! COME ON RED HOOD". She didn't know what was happening. She got to know her bestfriend and her old crush are Red Robin and Red Hood. She just went on a peaceful date. But both of them looks like they're going to kill each other. She felt dizzy due to emotional stress. Since, she has hypertension due to her mother's condition during her pregnancy, doctor told her not to take too much stress. But now, she couldn't help it. Soon, everything seemed blurry . Shs tried to call Jason as he was the last person she saw before everything went black.
she opened her eyes and found herself in an apartment. way too different than her big house. the room had lots of books like hers but not her piano but weapons. She soon realised, it was Jason's room. "Good morning" she heard Tim calling her. A tray in his hands. "Tim?" He smiled sadly. He put the tray on the bed. "Yeah. It's better for you if you call me Tim. Not Timmy" he said. "Why?" She asked. "I'm sorry. You collapsed because of high blood pressure last night. It was all because of us". She didn't say anything. Just smelled the food. "You like it? Why don't you taste?" She did. It was amazing. "Is it good?" He asked. She nodded. "Well, Jason cooked if " . Jason? She never knew he's such a good cook. "Luna" Tim sighed and began," we discussed it last night and I think, leaving you with Jason would be much better. You liked him for a long time right?" He looked down. "Tim..." "Yeah we've discussed it. Now you're my girlfriend and no 'buts'. Tim will leave now" Jason went out of the kitchen. He only had his trousers on. She could finally see his scars. Scars of his sufferings. "Bye Luna. Hope you forgive me" Tim said and got up. "let him go. We'll spend time together" Jason said.
after Tim left, Jason took the spoon and fed her himself. "Why?" She asked while chewing the food. "I'm sorry for rejecting you. I never realised what I was doing." "I thought you're not into short girls" "I was kidding silly. Can't you see?? Or you want me to show you the mirror??" She shook her head. "Good girl. I love you"~
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So, I have to preface this with saying my fiancé/my kids mom is a black woman. And fairly dark skinned at that. Which means that, unlike my white, English born ass, she doesn’t blush obviously. She might go red, but her skins dark enough you can’t tell.
She doesn’t embarrass easily, cause honestly she’s a tough, feisty woman. She’s not the type to embarrass easily. Let me tell you all, God meant for this woman to have kids with me, because he was well aware that my children would turn out to be too much like their daddy when he was a boy.
That being said, let’s move on to today.
It’s only a month into the school year and my son comes to me and tells me all about his new girlfriend. He’s seven.
“What do you know about having a girlfriend?”
“Lots daddy. You say nice things to her and tell her she’s pretty, even if she doesn’t look pretty sometimes.” He just sits there and colors away as he’s telling me this.
“Is that so?” His mother is behind him washing dishes in the sink. I’m supposed to be helping the kindergartner with his homework, but he’s in the bathroom.
“Yes. Oh yeah you also go on dates.” I laughed and he raised an eyebrow at me. “Dad, why is this funny.” He only calls me Dad instead of daddy if I annoy him.
“What in the world do you know about dates?”
“A whole lot!”
“Okay, how do you expect to pay for them.”
“You don’t HAVE to, Daddy. You and mama don’t always pay for them.” He’s not wrong. “Sometimes you guys just call someone and they come play with us while you guys go for a picnic.” Bethie in the back giggles and scrubs her pan.
“Okay so seeing as you’re so educated on dating, how does a date go?”
“Daddy, that’s so easy. I see you and mama go out lots.” He picks a new color and says “First you gotta call someone. Like Uncle Seth or Aunt Rea or Aunt Lily or uncle Jimmy or sometimes uncle Harry-“
“Right and then what?”
“Well, then mama gets all pretty and daddy puts on a suit and you guys go and leave while I get to play with the babysitter.”
“Out of curiosity, baby, what do you think Daddy and I do on dates when we aren’t home?” Bethie looked at him and he didn’t bat an eye
“Lots. I hear you guys talk about dinner or sometimes I hear you talk about movies. You’re gone a long time so I think you do both.” Smart kid. “Sometimes you even go get ice cream. I see the Blizzard cup in the garbage when I go to get the kitty treats.” Oops.
“You know, he’s got it pretty spot on.” I leaned back in my chair and picked up my coffee with “even down to the part about you looking super pretty.” She rolled her eyes and went back to that pan. My son was quietly coloring for a few minutes in silence then he said, “I forgot something.”
“What is it?” My youngest has come back and was now working on his little sheet of homework. “Don’t forget your name, son.”
“You and mommy sometimes applaud.” It was my turn for an eyebrow raise.
“We…we applaud.”
“Yes.” Bethie turned to look at me and I shrugged, then asked “what are you talking about?”
“Sometimes when I have to go potty at night, I hear you guys in your room afterwords. When Uncle Harry stays with us he sleeps over.” My brother is 18 and doesn’t have a car yet, so I drop him off at my parents usually after he sits for me. “You told him last time it was a fantastic date.”
“I did.”
“Well I knew it was cause you were in your room clapping for yourselves.” It took a moment but it dawned on both of us just EXACTLY what he meant. I tried so hard to keep a straight face, but Bethie behind him had began nervously giggling uncontrollably behind him (telltale sign she’s embarrassed) and covering her face with her hands.
I cleared my throat and before I could say a word, his little brother, who’s five, said “No, stupid. They’re clapping because they were wrestling, and it’s fun.” Bethie quit laughing and looked horrified and I tried to ignore her.
“That’s stupid. How can you clap and wrestle at the same time?”
“Oh, that’s right!”
“And you call yourself a fan.” My seven year old rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disgust. Crisis averted, I return to my coffee.
“So then if you’re so smart, what we’re they doing?” Five year old crosses his arms and glares at his brother.
“Easy, they were probably having sex.” I choked on my coffee. Bethie left the room. Immediately she was gone with the quickness.
“Excuse me?” He looked puzzled. “What do you know about sex?”
“Only that’s how babies are made.”
“Ha see you’re stupid! Mamas already pregnant!” The five year old said. “Daddy wants sex?”
“…do your homework.”
“I told you it’s how babies are made.”
“But how does it work?”
“You’re not ready for that conversation yet. Trust me.” I got up and went to find her in the living room covering her face.
“How do they-“
“Babe I don’t know.” I sat next to her and sighed. “But we’re going to soundproof the fucking bedroom.”
And no, for the record I have no clue how they know what sex is. They don’t know how they know. But they’re my kids, so they’re probably screwing with me somehow.
Although, hilariously enough they still don’t know how sex works, so they have determined that Beth and I have played “Patty Cake” to get the baby in there.
And the kicker is we’re having another boy so that means I’ve got four boys and one girl. Four of these dorks.
I’m in so much trouble.
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master-of-fluff · 1 year
The Sad Life of a Gummy Shark. By Hobie Brown
(Crackfic because of a rp so probably very ooc 😭)
Life of a gummy shark. By Hobie Brown.
(About 600 to 700 words I think)
"One day Nom the gummy shark realized that her mothers child support (because most sharks apparently lay their eggs and then abandon their babies) wasn't coming in and when she asked the gummy shark child support bank or whatever, it turned out that her mother was missing and most likely dead.
Well as the oldest it was now her job to provide for her and her gummy shark siblings.
So she went to find a job.
and then a capitalist gummy shark came across Nom and saw that she didn't know anything about gummy shark child labor laws nor did Nom have any gummy shark parents to teach her of them.
so he gave Nom a job in the gummy shark mines
Nom worked very hard to provide for herself and her siblings, making sure to dig the most out of all his employees. But did her gummy boss see this young gummy shark and reward her for her hard work and bravery?
No! he worked her harder, kept 90% of the money she earned him and gave her barely enough to survive.
Nom worked for that peice of shit for weeks blinded by his perceived kindness of letting her work even though she was so young. She practically living at her job. Until one day she couldn't.
On the way home one day Nom collapsed from exhaustion, and a shady old wrinkled gummy shark abducted her and as it turns out that shady gummy shark was a gummy shark trafficker because the next time Nom woke up she was in a gummy shark snack bag with other young trafficked gummy sharks. Shaking fearfully and waiting to be eaten.
Worrying about her siblings, unbeknownst to her that not only had they already died of starvation without her earnings to live off of. But that she was also about to meet the same fate as her mother."
Hobie pauses "Oh oops well now she knows" he says, reaching into the bag to take 'Nom' out.
"and now that she does, all her will to live is gone"
Hobbie makes his voice high pitched "“please give me the sweet relief of death” she says. And as that is the only mercy left I shall do the humane thing and grant it to her" and with that Hobie pops Nom into his mouth and swallows her whole.
Hobie now turns to face the rest of the spider variants who've unfortunately picked today of all days to eat lunch with him, most of which looking at him in exasperation or wondering if Hobie has visited weed spiderman recently.
"Every day a tragic story like nom's plays out.
If you or a loved one have ever bought or eaten a gummy shark please remember that the fault doesn't lie with you, the consumer who just wanted a good snack. And that even though you've commited gummy shark murder, you can still make amends.
Its because of the capitilists greed and want to make money; both from their trafficking and from the shark hate propaganda that allows them to make movies like 'Jaws' to make money, and thus promote more shark hate propoganda in an endless cycle even though statistically your more likely to die from a vending machine or a mosquito then a Shark, that makes this atrocious thing possible.
But you can put a stop to it, both by educating yourself on sharks of all kinds and engaging in anarchy against the enemy!!!! Together we can save our very endangered shark friends and avenge Nom's family!!!
Thank you for coming, and if your not punching facists or capitilists then I hope your here next week for 'why gummy worms are an invasive species and should be eaten.' by Hobie Brown."
And with that Hobie heads home, leaving everyone at the lunch table to wonder what the fuck is wrong with him.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
malachite by thesharinganstealer
"traditionally used to ward off danger and fight illness, it has been said to protect against falling and has been wrapped over bruises and broken bones to help with tissue regeneration and healing, malachite tends to draw negative energy and disharmony into itself"
Izuku Midoriya was gifted a remarkable healing quirk, and with a hero's heart like his, he wants to save as many people as possible. He studied the art of medicine obsessively on his own, medical books decorating his shelves alongside his analysis books, until he could recite the human anatomy in his sleep.
One day, he runs into a victim of a nasty mugging gone wrong, and he decides that he can't wait until he becomes a hero to save people.
So, he becomes the vigilante Malachite, determined to heal others, disregarding his own well-being in the process. Eraserhead soon takes notice of the reports of a small, reckless healer and steps in to teach him how to save others while also saving himself.
Words: 2369, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Bakugou Katsuki, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have All For One Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has a Healing Quirk, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Blood and Injury, Eventual Fluff, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Song: I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) (Fall Out Boy), Eventual Dadmight, Parental Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl is So Done, no ships for now, i might add them later, I hope no one's given him Malachite for a vigilante name yet oops
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47720632
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dustyf0x · 1 year
Ok so this is a universe where alpha women and omega men exist but they’re largely considered to be infertile and sort of a biological mistake haha (bro you fools it’s for population control you absolute idiots) ok so wwx is an omega and basically somehow during their time in cloud recesses stuff gets tweaked just a bit and he and lwj end up having sex oops and wwx ends up getting pregnant
We don’t see this scene at first, it’s mostly implied but we should work in a flashback at some point and show it in detail (especially if it’s late enough that we’re really craving a sex scene but not so late that wwx and lwj’s relationship has developed enough for them to have sex (again)
Anyway, we jump in as wwx is leaving the cloud recesses and disappearing into the night bc having premarital sex is like the greatest shame he could bring upon his own sect and also lwj so he becomes a peasant once more 
We see flashes as he travels around
Might fudge with the timeline a little idk
Anyway, we see flashes as he travels around. As he gets further along in his pregnancy more and more people start assuming he’s a woman bc he’s so pretty and obviously there’s no such thing as a pregnant male omega and if he was seen as a mpreg obviously that would get a lot of attention so he starts dressing in the feminine style of robes and such 
Obviously you shouldn’t night hunt while pregnant- no one wants a haunted baby- but wwx can’t be stopped so he keeps doing it anyway against his better judgment and he sort of gets famous/ rumors start going around about that incredibly skilled and charming pregnant cultivator.
He ends up giving birth on the road, totally alone cue whump 
Shot where he’s curled up leaning against a tree fast asleep cradling his newborn in his arms
Oh maybe when A-Yuan is first born he’s not breathing and wwx has to spark life into him
It feels weird writing wwx out of the cave scene and such but I can’t really justify him showing up until the jiang clan gets decimated 
Maybe a scene where wwx almost bumps into lwj on a night hunt haha
Maybe ch2 is sort of shenanigans where wwx is traveling around and still night hunting even with a baby on his hip
So I guess continuing his fame as a crazy cultivator/ disguised as female
Also almost bumping into jiang cheng or actually bumping into nie huisang could be fun
He hears about what happened at the wen archery thing
Or that- yeah that just gets cut out
But he does hear about theeeeeee idk what it’s called but where all of the babies were held hostage 
I think we don’t see that on screen though I think we jump right into jiang cheng’s perspective post lotus pier burning running into wwx and somehow it’s alluded to
Like wwx heard that lotus pier burned and rushed to check it out (omg he would be so certain that he would find jiang cheng and jiang Yanli’s bodies and like he didn’t want to see them but also asldfjcsdbhj like unable to stop himself or desperately needed to or like there was this sick need in him pulling him there as if he was possessed 
So like off hand comment as that’s being explained like “He definitely wasn’t in yunmeng in the first place bc he had heard the rumors about what had happened @ the wen archery thing”
Anyway it’ll be super fun bc the readers will be like “What the fuck happened to A-yuan” but it will be from jiang cheng’s perspective who doesn’t even know A-Yuan exists and doesn’t know anything is wrong
Wwx gets Jiang Cheng out of there and like there should be some amount of like,,, jiang cheng is pissed bc wwx has just been gone for like 3 years now and Jiang Cheng just didn’t know where he was or if he was even alive and he’s missed him so dearly and also been so worried and is pissed that wwx has been alive this whole time and just chose not to be there and also is super pissed that he finally has his brother back but it has cost him the lives of his parents and his entire sect.
Oh he’s definitely like crying pissed about how if Wwx had just been there he could have stopped all this from happening
Anyway, great news, Yanli is still alive and they can and should meet up with her asap
Bad news, Wwx needs to make a pit stop to grab A-Yuan from wherever he’s hidden him but Jiang Cheng doesn’t know that so he’s absolutely livid (What could possibly be more important than meeting up with Yanli right now of all times) but Wwx will not be budged and is just like “Hey, you’re welcome to go on without me” and Jiang Cheng is like “Fuck you, as if I would let you leave my sight again.”
Ok so I’m thinking that wwx paid a prostitute to look over his kid bc hey, brothels always have kids around, and looking after one more for a little extra cash is no hard sell
Anyway so the result is Jiang Cheng is like “YOU TOOK A DETOUR FROM MEETING UP WITH A-LI TO VISIT A BROTHEL???” and wwx is like “Ahhh, Jiang Cheng, you’re so loud. It’s fine it’s fine” and then goes in and comes out WITH A BABY??
And Jiang Cheng is like ???? what the fuck
Whose baby is that
“I found him growing in a patch of turnips and he was so cute I just had to scoop him up for myself! Isn’t that right A-Yuan?” A-Yuan nods eagerly
Wwx introduces Jiang Cheng to A-Yuan “This is your Shushu. Can you say ‘Hi?’”
“Hi Shushu!”
Jiang Cheng is still acting pissed but secretly his heart is melting lmao. Absolutely in love with his new nephew even though he doesn’t realize it actually is his nephew.
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kratt-au-void · 1 year
a Magic story (part 2)
(part 1)
The following months were difficult. From having friends, freedom, a purpose, the boy was left alone. She was gone. Neither her family, nor the police, not even his magical allies knew where she was. She vanished without a trace. But the worst, to his surprise, was not that. His Sidekick left too. That creature that he thought was just a tool was gone; he couldn't feel him. It was painful, like losing a part of his soul.
No friends, no sidekick, keeping secrets from everyone, his dream shattered. What reason did he have to continue?
Once again, he was heard.
It was by chance. The one time he hadn't bothered to look before crossing the street, though in his mood, it might have been on purpose. He almost gets run over.
He remembers hearing the car horn, before being lifted into the air engulfed in blue lights. A feeling he had almost forgotten... He staggered as his feet touched the ground again. Looking around, he found a pair of blue eyes looking at him curiously.
“Did you know you have to look both ways before crossing the street?”
It was a kid. Blond and with a high-pitched voice. He couldn't be older than twelve years old.
"You're lucky I was around to save you!" He said proudly with a big smile painting his face. He was just a kid.
The blond kid hadn't finished speaking when another kid approached. This one had brown hair and was a bit shorter than the blonde. They looked alike, maybe they were brothers.
“Heyyyy, can you hear me?" the blond kid waved his hand in front of the boy. "Are you ok?"
“Y-yeah. Tha... Thanks for saving me.” Hearing that, both kids jumped and did a little dance. It was funny, innocent...
“You are very welcome sir!”...
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"I'm sixteen"
"Oops, sorry hehe. Um, well, since, um, we saved you, could you help us? We're lost." They smiled worriedly. The boy kept listening "We were in Victoria Square and we saw a falcon and we followed it-
“Did you know falcons can reach 380 kilometers per hour?”
"-And we followed it and then we saw you and the car and FIUMM (fast air noise) we saved you with our powers!"
So they did have something, those blue lights were not his imagination. Now that he noticed, both kids wore gloves, the brown one greens and the blond one blues. He shouldn't ask. He learned that magic is sacred and must be kept secret. Talking about it with others had serious consequences.
Who is he kidding? Is not like he had much left to worry about.
"Are you Magical Girls too?"
The kids' eyes lit up.
The boy helped them back to where their parents were. Along the way the kids talked and talked about how much fun it was to have magic. They had only been wearing the gloves for a few weeks but had had a lot of adventures, mostly helping stray animals. They also asked the boy about his adventures. He told them some stuff, avoiding painful details. He mentioned that his Sidekick was missing, and both kids swore they would help him find it. It was cute, seeing the illusion on their faces. For a moment, the boy thought about warning them about the dangers. He knew how quickly things could go wrong. If they got too deep, their lives would be swept up in chores and duties and other people's problems and debates about right and wrong and-
Oh. This is what he meant by lack of focus...
In the end he decided to do something else, he gave them his number in case of emergency. He couldn't do much, but having someone to talk to could be very helpful. He knows how much he would have wanted that.
And for another two months, life keep on going.
It was raining The boy walked slowly. He didn't mind getting wet. He didn't care about ruining his books. He didn’t care anymore he couldn’t he just he didn’t-
He was rammed and knocked to the ground.
Something clingged desperately to his chest. In the dark of the storm it glowed red.
It was him.
His Sidekick was back
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i am here to ask about your villain au! (please tell me everything about it! /hj)
-story anon
Heheheh okidoki then!!
So uhhhhhhhhh........this is LONG AF- you said “tell me everything about it” and i uh...maybe actually kinda accidentally did exactly that oops-
Edgejeanist stuff is lower down, after all the backstory kinda stuff.
Buckle up guys, Eclair’s back with their ramble-y self, and is about to make it everyone’s problem /lh
I shall just put a slight warning here, this’ll include mentions of death, murder and all that stuff, since it is a villain au.
So. Villain au.
Everything seems perfectly normal at first, but, as usual the commission are hiding their dark little secrets and manipulating and using their poor heroes for their dirty work.
In this au, a certain trio of heroes end up taking matters into their own hands.
I’ll summarise this important point and hc that ties into this au real quick:
Edgeshot, Best Jeanist and Hawks are a “commission trio”. In their earlier years, they got taken in and manipulated into working for them/doing their “important confidential deeds”. 
Tsunagu and Shinya become sort of parental figures to Keigo bc of their ages, and the fact they had to look after him.
(in my canon au, tsu and shinya manage to work their way out of this part of the commission and simply work as heroes, but keigo did not, he unfortunately stayed)
Anyway, after years of doing very dark deeds for the commission, and being treated like dirt (they threatened each of them that they would harm the other two/their family if they tried anything risky) they kinda snapped.
They came up with a plan to overthrow the commission and kill the big boss lady and the ppl that did them wrong!
And so, on that day, Tsunagu and Shinya basically stormed through the commision hq and got rid of everyone. Making their way to their “final target” and allowing Hawks to deliver the last blow.
This is where they kinda start to lose it. Their minds, I mean. After so much torture and the very sudden freedom, and all the killing, their sense of morality and general sanity just kinda dropped from here on out.
It wasn’t long before the whole hero community learnt of what had happened, and everyone went into shock when they heard of who did it.
The top three popular and probably most influential heroes in the entirety of Japan? That everyone knew and most loved and looked up to?
They were doomed. 
Of course, it also wasn’t long before crime rate crept up and many heroes started “going missing”, or retiring....or following in their traitorous footsteps.
(it gets long so heres a cut)
(it seems to delete my notes when i put them under a read more)
(so uh)
(ill just)
(make a few of these just in case)
(it decides to eat the first few points again-)
They had no intentions on hiding what they had done, and they started to enjoy this free feeling they were experiencing. It became addicting.
They started to influence more heroes. Bigger heroes. People who they knew would be happy now that the commission was gone. There was no more commission. No more cruel manipulators to form so called “heroes” just to corrupt them in the end.
Hawks went on his own little journeys, his lifelong dream of being free to do whatever he wanted now was true, and he was ecstatic. 
Jeanist and Edgeshot, however, decided to have a little more “fun”...taking a trip down memory lane and visiting a very dear old school of theirs.
They showed up, the students, teachers and pro heroes to scared to really try and do anything against the two of them, they were very dear old friends!! Friends who also wielded two of the most dangerous quirks when in full use...and they silently started to agree with their words and luring into the villainous side.
This is where this au brings in other characters, and each have their own lil story to how they turn to villainy.
Heroes who had been used/betrayed by the commission before, started to become happy, and more willing to take their words into account.
It was disastrous.
Eventually, there were barely any heroes left and any heroes that were left very quickly went missing or became a target of villains- heroes either went into hiding or retired (to avoid getting targeted by former coworkers), or they became villains.
It didn’t take long for students to follow either, they had been told the harsh truth and many decided to take the new route that had presented itself.
No more heroes.
The world was now simply a haven for villains, and newly turned villains who were now free to do whatever they wanted.
Let’s talk more about villain au edgejeanist :)
They both quite literally went insane.
Shinya was trained to suppress his memories of his traumatic past, and the way it affected his emotions. This affected his mindset after he snapped.
Tsunagu was trained to manage and suppress his emotional self, and keep his image pristine and untouched. This affected his mindset after he snapped.
So, Shinya became very hollow and empty. His memory was very messed up, and he latched onto things/places/people that were familiar (even if they had once been a bad type of familiar) because it was the one thing that could bring him back to his normal self and he could feel more alive. 
(an example is how he knows Tsunagu is his Biggest Familiar Person, and knows that when he’s with him he is safe, he is aware of everything, he has a full grasp on his memory and he feels back to normal almost.)
Tsunagu lost complete control over his emotions. He would lash out over things like he used to, or succumb to his other emotions. His mind was also too fully gone for him to care about his image anymore, but again, like Shinya, there were exceptions.
When he is around people he cares about, he will do anything to keep them safe. He becomes more rational, and returns to his usual self when around these people. His emotions calm down, and he can think clearly again.
They have their moments, but are forever stronger mentally when they’re together......but they’re also hellishly dangerous.
Tsunagu ABSOLUTELY CANNOT handle being called “crazy”
Call him “insane” or “mad” fine. But the word “crazy”? It launches him into a very strong meltdown, where the person who said such thing, most likely will not be walking away.
On the rare occasion where it makes him become unresponsive and upset however, you’ll be dealing with a very angry ninja. And again, will not be walking away alive.
If anything happens to either one of them, be prepared for death via angry partner - quite literally.
They get caught by police very often at first, but soon the police learns that its kinda no use to send simple officers after them bc....they never come back-
Tsunagu made Tsukauchi swear a sort of truce, where as long as they didn’t send anyone to their home while they were in it, they would not put up a fight. And pulling in a lot of blackmail and previous favours they had done as heroes, they managed to pull this off.
So their home was their safe space. And they could live relatively normally, as it was just the two of them like always.
They had their friends who were all villains now also, so hm :)
There was one time
Tsunagu got caught. Properly Caught. 
And it was a big deal as he was one of the reasons this all happened. And so he was put into Tartarus for questioning.
Shinya FREAKED out.
Why were they taking his Tsunagu away? Where were they taking him? What were they gonna do to him?? How. Dare. They take away his Tsunagu.
So....they didn’t get anything out of Tsunagu, no matter how hard they tried. Until one day, where he simply grinned at them and started talking to seemingly himself. muttering the words “Oh, I knew you’d come for me. I’ve been so so very scared without you.....”
And well, with that, Shinya popped up and made his presence very clear. Answering with a simply “Sorry for the wait~” 
And they broke out!!
Making it very clear that it wouldn’t be an easy task to simply imprison these two.
They were villains with the experience and knowledge of heroes, and the physical experience of trained assassins.
And many others were just as troublesome as they were.
Oh my goodness. That was so much longer than I had planned, I do apologise-
But Hey!!
That’s my villain au :)
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SOULMATE AU - [scars] soulmates share scars.
Wrench's parents hadn't been soulmates.
In one of his earliest memories of them, his father had punched his mother so hard her head had ricocheted off one of the cheap cabinets in their trailer. The incident had ended with her getting fourteen stitches, and later a scar that stretched across her forehead and cut into her hair. He remembers the kids making fun of him in school when they'd seen it - because he was a child born out of soulmates, something worse than a bastard born out of wedlock, and the crude nicknames started then, and never stopped.
Now, he knows their teasing to have been ridiculous. In a world of billions, how the fuck was everyone supposed to find their one?
He'd cared about it then, though. Hung his head in shame, and swore to himself that he would find his soulmate - wherever she was - just to make sure that her kids wouldn't go through the same torment.
(He's ten when his sexuality hits him like a brick to the face, and he corrects that thought to wherever they were. Kids might no longer be in the picture, but it's the fucking thought that counts.)
He's sixteen when he causes them both their real damage. Up until jumping that fence, he'd been careful. Knicks and bruises and all things taken care of so they wouldn't scar so bad, so deep.
(He knew what he looked like, portwine stain on his face and too big nose, and figured that was enough of a curse for his soulmate.)
As he limps his way through the field, bleeding from his leg, Reggy thinks to himself 'Oops' and then thinks nothing at all.
(The scar is bad. Three inches and crooked and ugly, right up the inside of his thigh. He's lucky to have survived at all, it'd nicked something important, but all he can think about as he stares at the stitches is about how bad he fucked up, and how much they're going to hate him.)
Within a year, he's littered in scars - both ones of his own making, and ones he knows he didn't make. His fingers and hands are the worst, burns and other marks - some from tools he can recognize, and others he can't. They're not bad, but it's apparent that his soul bond is also busy with his hands - and doesn't seem to mind leaving his mark on them both.
Reggie, now known as Wrench, begins to understand the sentiment in his own, strange warped mind - or at least he thinks he does.
Somewhere before his twenty-first birthday, Wrench wakes with the taste of blood in his mouth, and an ache in his heart. His ribs are on fire, and when he checks on them in the shitty cracked mirror of his current home (a nameless motel on a highway, far away from where he'd been raised), he's covered in new scars. His chest, his ribs, his stomach - he looks like he'd been mauled viciously by some animal.
Then his heart begins to pound, and his eyes get blurry, and everything stops being real.
When he wakes, some five hours later, the scars are gone and he feels strange. Like something has happened to him, but he doesn't know what. He feels all kinds of wrong, and right, and for a while he lays there, on the dirty bathroom floor, puzzled. Trying to put the pieces together of the previous night and getting absolutely fucking nowhere with them.
He's just convinced himself that it had been a nightmare - something drug induced - because scars just don't go away when he catches a glimpse of himself in the cracked glass on his way out.
He's missing a nipple.
Well, Wrench thinks to himself quietly, fuck.
The taste of copper is still there, on his tongue, hours later, when he makes his decision. Up until that point, he'd been avoiding finding his soulmate. He'd been content to just live and let live - mainly because he's a fuck up and he knows it in so many ways, and he doesn't want to subject that on anyone else, let alone someone who was supposed to be his other half.
But now, well, he's missing a nipple, and that's pretty fucked up.
So Wrench, freelance hacker, robotics lover, weird explosives guy... He puts his nose to the ground and gets sniffing.
(Figuratively. Literally, he hops online and skips google, goes straight into hacking hospital files and starts looking around.)
He doesn't find a damn thing. Plenty of people missing nipples, but nothing that really sticks out to him. Nothing that says 'oh, we got mauled mysteriously, and the wounds healed within hours, but not our nipple!'
His search parameters were... A mess.
Two years later, he's sitting at a bar somewhere in Indiana. There's rock music blaring, pretty faces all about and, well, he's tired. He's not really given up his big search, but he has moved on to better and bigger things - namely hacking really annoying millionaires, and the government, and sharing their secrets with the world.
Okay, really, he's just hacking the White House and FBI websites and replacing all their content with poop jokes, but he's getting there, one toilet joke at a time.
But the point is, he's happy. He's healthy. He's kept his scars to a minimum, and other than his missing nipple, he knows his soulmate is doing the same because, well, relatively speaking, they're clean. There's thick callouses on their hands, and funny marks that he knows are from a guitar on his fingers, but things are good. Calm. Quiet.
Wrench hates quiet, as much as he hates not knowing what the fuck happened to his nipple, and there's a familiar itch in his teeth that makes him want to do something destructive.
That is, until he hears a girl next to him at the bar. She's pretty, bouncing red curls and perfect teeth, the kind of girl that makes his palms sweat and his anxiety level skyrocket. You know, normal shit, but it's what she's babbering about that catches his attention, her drunken glee easily heard over the live show going on literal feet away.
"Yeah, he's reaaaaaaallllly cute. Hasn't found his soul mate either." She's screaming over the music, her arms wrapped around a girl's shoulders as she drunkenly laughs at something the other girl says. "No shot, babe. I've seen your breasticles, you've got two and a half nipples and he only has one."
Wrench's brain, bless it, stops functioning. All the funny little neurons popping and fizzlin' out as he sits there, beer halfway to his lips and -
Suddenly, Wrench is noticing the lead singer, the guitar in his hands. The way he holds the microphone intimately to his mouth, and sings along to something personal, something that wasn't a shit cover but was something self written.
Mother fucker.
He's appropriately toasted by the time the show ends. Face warm beneath his mask, and hands uncoordinated. Legs all wobbly as he pushes himself off the stool and straight into the crowd of girls crooning over the kinda, not really local band. And yeah, it's a little fucked up - the way he yanks a chair out from beneath a guy who is one too many drinks in, acting like the guitar playing wasn't shit and that his daddy taught him better - but it gets him the attention he wants and he basks in it.
A set of warm, brown eyes set in a pretty face. Wild dark curls somewhat tamed by a bandanna he'd been wearing over the crown of his head. There's scars on his hands, Wrench notices with some amusement as he sits down. A familiar one he caused with a thin screwdriver while putting together spans the length of his middle finger. From the nail all the way to the second knuckle.
He snorts, and folds his own hands beneath his chin. Spiked leather doing nothing for the drunk-heat flowing through him, but mask lights appropriately lighting up with little angry eyebrows. (A look that changes after a few minutes of quiet staring. The ruckus of the bar around them, the dethroned man near him, all of it blending into background noise as little hearts overtake his display.)
Wrench opens his mouth, intending on being smooth, slick. Like one of those guys in the movies that always gets the girl at the end, only yanno, it's not a girl, and it's his fucking soulmate.
"Hey. Fuckface. Wanna explain what the fuck happened to our nipples?"
Nailed it.
0 notes
analy-sing-stuff · 2 hours
I wanted to yap a bit about how i think it's pretty much important seeing it also as a BL and how so many people are misunderstanding the beautiful relationship between Yoshiki and Hikaru but specially 'Hikaru', who he later on falls deeply in love, HEAR ME OUT OK?
🍉 This contain spoilers 🍉
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In one of the first scenes of this series, we can understand perfectly what's happening to both of the main characters. Hikaru is gone, and Yoshiki has to deal with his loss even tho his friend is still there, but oops 😬 it's not really him. It's some kind of weird monster he has never heard before. It's clear that Yoshiki's mental health is taking a deep dive, NOT ONLY because he saw the corpse of his dead friend and has to live with whatever this identity is, but because apparently, Hikaru had a strong impact in his life, considering the divorce of his parents and the feeling of loneliness he felt for being "diferent" (queer in a small town). It's somehow acceptable that whatever he felt about his dead best friend is insignificant in this situation, 'cause no matter what he did, accepting reality meant losing Hikaru forever, and he decides that it's such a ubereable feeling that he wants, no he NEEDS this Hikaru around.
In conclusion, Yoshiki has to deal with grief, the loneliness of the bigotry, the loss of his childhood and the acceptance of his trauma and issues.
And 'Hikaru' is now free. He could destroy most of the village and the people living on it; but he decides he won't, because he loves, OH he loves Yoshiki. To the point He gives part of himself to this boy just to make sure he's safe. It makes sense the original Hikaru had this feelings burried inside him already but it's also clear to me that this thing, this monster experiences feelings for the first time and he can't help but feel everything in a way more intense level. So Basically, his undying love for Yoshiki is the chain keeping him on the ground when he should be this destruction and murder machine.
Do i believe 'Hikaru' and Yoshiki could be lovers?
Everything on this manga is ahead of what we see, for example, when Hikaru loses his control all of sudden and turns back to his real form
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Have you ever felt something so fiercely you felt like pouring your soul, or screaming off the top of your lungs?
Well, the monster revealing himself is a way to let clear how much 'Hikaru' (or rather just queer people) repress their own feelings to "fit in".
It's very meaningful how 'Hikaru' is so open and expressive (especially in a physical way) about how he feels and who he is, and Yoshiki is more of a "quiet gloomy boy" who has the deep desire of hiding himself for who he is truly (the way he keeps his bangs long is probably a manifestation of hiding away, which really makes sense)
So, yeah, Hikaru dying and coming back is this big allegory of how once you're becoming who you really truly are, and bigotry is all around, people are gonna notice something is wrong and when you come out, suddenly you are a monster.
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The "old lady" interacting with both of them and specially saying to Yoshiki to "be careful not to get mixed up with him" as if it was, maybe, some kind of disease is craazy, because out of context it really matches well all of the big metaphor of "being queer in secret at a small traditional village".
Also! I wanted to point the BIGGEST allegory in this whole series.
The "Hand in the hole"
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I've even seen people compare it to abuse, which honestly seems to me not only untrue, but, as someone with het comp, kind of offensive?
But yeah, that's definitely a metaphor for gay sex or at least same sex intimacy.
The catch is, Yoshiki does seem uncomfortable because, like the insides of a monster, same sex relationships are "unnatural". It gets really easy figuring out he actually likes the feeling of being one with 'Hikaru' since the second time he does it, he keeps telling himself how wrong it is, how he shouldn't be doing it, and then he forgets it, because he likes it. It feels good; However, once it starts "sticking to him" (obvious alegory for feeling guilty or dirty, like he sinned) He gets scared and runs away.
I feel that, at first Yoshiki mourns Hikaru, he Mourns their old relationship of a comfortable friendship and he doesn't understand why did his best friend had to die and become a monster, something so weird, so unnatural; but later on, they learn to accept themselves for who they are, even if they feel different in their own ways and come to terms of accepting the unconditional love they feel for eachother.
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I hope everything goes right for them, or else I'll have one more year of therapy over sad doomed yaoi 😞🩷
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