#also peep the small updates to my babies <3
damsxlette · 7 months
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they’re back <3
Diva and Eddie belong to @xoxoalette
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Kenma hanging out with his 6 month old baby because her mom went to work (training is very rough now!!)
9:00 AM
“ Kenma!”
“ yes babe?”
He asks leaving the bedroom.
“ Are you really busy today?? I can’t leave karrie (THATS HER NAME OKAY) to kuro cause he said he’ll be having a meeting, and akaashi said his mental health is lower than the gas prices so he can’t take care of a child right now, but anyways can you take care of her??”
“ sure babe. I just have to go to some proposals and meetings and stream until 11pm.”
“Okay! I’ll be home around 6:30 be responsible kenma!”
“ Bye! say bye karrie.”
Your husband gets his daughter’s hand and makes a wave motion.
(Baby Karrie’s POV)
10:00 AM
You’re stuck in an uncomfortable baby seat in a car where the air freshener smells like cake.
You wail.
“ whats wrong sweetheart? C’mere”
your dad then lowers the air conditioning (he thinks it’s getting too cold and he unfortunately forgot to bought an extra blanket) (you threw up on the first one)
“ Okay we’re here. If anyone looks at you weirdly just wail at their faces.” He chuckles.
“ okay everyone, what’s up? What’s the new idea?”
 “ SEE? SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL” kuro adds.
 “ We’re getting a little bit off-topic here guys.”
Akaashi says.
“ Can we get mcdonalds?” Bokuto asks.
“ Can you all tell me why I’m here instead of making my wailing daughter go to bed??”
Bokuto asks.
Hinata adds.
“ first off, stop yelling you’re scaring my child, second, you guys are volleyball players not superman.”
“ anything else?”
Kenma asks, getting impatient yet his daughter was chewing on the blonde tips of his hair.
“ CAN WE DO AN AD?” Bokuto says.
You see your father touching the bride of his nose.
You kept on babbling random things until-
“ dada??”
“Yes- wait what?” 
“ Oh my GOD! SHE SAID HER FIRST WORD!” Bokuto screams.
“ I am so proud of that baby!” 
Kuro says.
Akaashi fell asleep on the table while hinata broke the water dispenser (its leaking on the floor) bokuto’s drawing on the whiteboard explain how having sparkly capes on uniforms would make their performance better (newsflash he most likely would trip on them)
12:00 PM
“ I’m getting hungry and those guys wasted OUR time when we could be playing games, wanna eat fruits and lunch??”
You pointed to the chips.
“ these?? I don’t think you can have these.. but heres a peice of orange.”
(Kenma’s Point of View)
“ We’re finally home, thank goodness, you tired sweetheart?”
You put your tired daughter on the crib, it’s nice seeing her be peaceful for a while. she looks like her beautiful mother.
As the computer opens, you post an announcement saying you’ll be streaming at 4PM ( hoping your daughter is awake by then)
2:00 PM
(Kenma’s POV)
As you prepare to stream (updating games, preparing snacks and water also 3 cans of energy drinks and somehow a bag of chips bigger than your daughter)
You get a phone call.
“ Hey honey!”
“ hey babe? Hows work?”
“ Yeah it’s good, its just that-“
You hear what’s probably sakusa and atsumu screaming at each other, kageyama and hinata not agreeing to a single thing, and bokuto on the corner who managed to squeeze himself there.
“ Y’know you could quit, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“ silly. I can’t! I like this job, these idiots are my friends, and so are yours too.”
“ I got to go babie! Bye!”
“Bye.” You say dropping the call.
3:00 PM
Just an hour left, you started the stream with a timer popping up (R THOSE RIGHT I SEE PEEPS ON TWITCH DOING THOSE)
Getting all the stuff you need on a small table next to your desk, You kinda feel lonely, your daughter is sleeping and your wife is hanging out with her friends.
“She’s better with me.”
“I miss her so much.”
4:00 PM
(kenma’s pov)
“ she’s not awake yet? That’s weird.”
You check on your daughter on the other room ( she’s still there don’t worry)
“ that’s rare.”
As the stream starts everyone and the chat goes loud.
“ hey guys. What’s up?”
After 30 minutes of being focused on a game, you check up on your daughter again.
“ She’s still asleep?? Is this even normal? She’s not crying as if we’re cooking her alive??? wow!”
He goes back to the room.
“ sorry to keep you guys waiting. Let’s continue this.”
stancats4: Why do you keep on leaving the room??
You see the question, you get a bit irritated by this question yet answer by:
“ Just busy taking care of someone special. That’s all” you smile.
The chat somehow goes wild with you smiling, this is how far they can get with you anyways.
5:00 PM
( Kenma’s POV)
 “ She’s still asleep?? Wow.” 
You’re looking at your peaceful daughter, who’s been sleeping for 4 hours now.
It’s getting lonely, you miss them both even if they’re near.
As the last game comes to an end, you ask the chat what to play next?
“ this is like the last chapter what else do you guys wanna play??”
matchalatte: you should play animal crossing!
You squint your eyes to see the suggestion
“ animal crossing?? Sure i guess.”
Moments after joining the game you hear a famillar sound.
Your daughter was crying from the other room.
You rushed there.
“ hey baby, had a great nap didn’t you?? Come here with me.”
( here’s where more chaos starts.)
“ Okay guys, let’s continue.”
“ No karrie- thats my CPU that heats up, you’ll get hurt. No- karrie!”
(He’s not mad dw)
“ what are you pointing to??”
She’s pointing to the can of energy drink.
“ You can’t have that, anyways eat this.”
You paused the game.
Your daughter ends up crying really loud.
“ What’s wrong?, this isn’t even expired.”
You taste the baby food (just checking if its still good ofc)
 “ what the- YUCK. If i was an 8 month old baby and they told me to eat this, I’d cry louder than you, let’s get you nicer food.”
He brings his laptop, and then goes to the kitchen.
“ Okay you like bananas right? Let’s mush them with honey”
after minutes of doing the work you spoon feed your daughter. 
“ Okay guys, might aswell end this. Bye for now.”
He ended it early because he thought his daughter was getting tired and scared of the webcam.
6:00 PM
As the blue sky slowly and slowly fades, you craddling your daughter, knowing this won’t last forever.
Yes she’ll always be your daughter you think, but will she always need you? Will she ever call one day and tell you how was her day? Will she ever remember you when she has a family of her own? 
This sounds like he’s overthinking yet, he just likes to think how he’s enjoying every moment because all of this, everything that surrounds him, will never last forever.
He hears the doorknob jingle a bit.
“I’m home!” (Y/N says)
“ how’s our sweet cherry??”
 “ she’s doing good, just good.”
Shout out to Venn for keeping the live action headcanons rolling 🥰
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firelightfoxes · 2 years
lichen update
she turned 5 months about a week ago now. i still feel like she’s very tiny so maybe she’ll hit a growthspurt soon. her coat is definitely coming in though! she is one of the (few?) mudi who didn’t lose her coat in toddlerhood. but she has some really beautiful curls coming in and she’s definitely losing more of her baby fuzz. her coat is so shiny and i love the way it feels, still super soft too.
i still really like her structure. i hadn’t stacked her in a while and honestly i was kinda scared because she’s in the age where puppies start looking real awkward and wonky - but i think she looks nice still. i have high hopes for her structure when she’s grown. i know there isn’t really a guarantee of structure until they’re fully developed but she’s had consistently pretty nice structure since she was like 11wks. show dog show dog
the good:
i absolutely love her. we’ve bonded a lot. she’s so good. when i hang out with her i feel like i’m hanging out with a friend. she really doesn’t make a whole lot of noise. she whines (peeps) sometimes but usually only for the first few minutes that she’s crated and then she settles down. i’ve been sick for the last week-ish and she’s spent a lot more time in her crate than usual and she’s been a CHAMP about it.
she’s so playful, she loves toys, she doesn’t bite my hands or anything she shouldn’t. we just play play play and i love it. she’s so silly too. we don’t play a whole lot of fetch but she basically learned how to fetch naturally (Ava still doesn’t really get it lol). she loves training, she still works happily for kibble but outdoors i usually use actual treats anyway.
she seriously doesn’t have a naughty bone in her body. she learned very early on how to discriminate between her toys and other things that aren’t for her. we just moved so there’s been random shit all over the floor that would be pretty understandable if she confused something on the floor for something she could play with. but she literally hasn’t! her toys even got tangled in some lantern lights we were hanging up and she went and inspected it and pulled her toys out and left it alone lol. i curiously waited to let her inspect it to see what she would do and she impressed me. she’s just so happy and a total people-pleaser so as long as i can communicate what i want she will do that 90% of the time. again, impressive for such a young puppy and i feel really lucky.
she likes other dogs and likes to play with them. she takes a bit to warm up to strangers (human or dog) but once she does she’s silly and happy like always. she’s also had some good play sessions with dogs significantly larger than her so i’m happy about that, since she’s so small.
overall, she’s just so cute and happy and silly. she makes me laugh all the time. we haven’t known each other for that long but i feel like we’ve learned to communicate quite well already.
the we’re-working-on-it:
still kind of working on potty-training. we moved about 3 weeks ago and she’s had a few accidents since then - super understandable because i know it takes a bit for dogs to generalize and especially a puppy who is still getting the hang of potty training. overall i think she’s got a decent grasp of the concept but i think she doesn’t spend enough time in certain parts of the new place to know that they are no-potty-zones. like, i can basically trust her to be out in my office without worrying about an accident, which is nice.
reactivity! she got through her first fear period without too much issue (aside from me fretting over everything constantly) but i think i might’ve mentioned it before - at the beginning of the fear period, she got charged by 2 chihuahua-things who were barking. it really freaked her out and i think some of the (mild) reactivity she still has is kinda from that incident. maybe. idk. but either way, she definitely isn’t really fearful anymore. in certain situations she’ll quietly boof at strangers/strange dogs but sometimes she doesn’t mind them; i’m not really sure what changes between those situations but the fact that it’s not consistent makes me feel better. we got approached by a little dog dragging a child over to us and Lichen was NOT having it, she growled like crazy and postured at the other dog and i told the kid to please stay back. he managed to redirect the dog to the side of us so they stopped approaching. she didn’t seem scared like i’ve seen her before, so i don’t think it’s a super problematic instance especially bc she could’ve been remembering when she got charged when she was a bit younger too. or maybe now she just doesn’t like little dogs approaching her. idk. either way, something to work on but not super alarming and hopefully we will work past it.
i think those are really the only two things we’re working on. other than that she is really lovely. i definitely got the perfect puppy for me and i’m so excited i get to watch her grow <3 also if you read this far i love you
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generalfoolish · 2 years
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Part Four and a Half: Half-Baked Brownies
Part Four And A Half Summary: In which you have a bad day.
Pairing: Vigilante (Adrian Chase) x F!Reader
Warnings: *All of my works are M for mature so 18+ please; language, language, language, canon typical violence, sexual themes, those are for the whole series--this update is pretty much just fluff.
Word Count: 900
A/N: I'm stalling for time. I haven't made as much progress on part 5 as I would have like and have no time to write today. Have some fluff instead! Enjoy <3
Masterlist | Taglist | Series Master List | Part Four | Part Five
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You paused the movie you were watching and stretched as you stood up; twisting as you made your way to the door, taking your time. You opened the door slowly, wishing you had a peep hole, and were greeted by your favorite guy. His glasses were falling down his nose, and his curls were swept up and wild. He beamed when he saw you, and you stammered out a greeting.
“Hey baby!” He greeted, sliding past you, and turning to shut the door.
“What’re you doing here? You said you had patrols?” You asked, the conversation fresh on your mind. You’d had just about the worst day, one where the specifics didn’t matter, you just wanted to curl in on yourself and pretend to not exist. So, you’d called your boyfriend. It was a new feeling, one that took some adjusting on your part; you hadn’t been looking for another relationship, but Adrian had snaked his way in anyway.
He’d been at work when you’d called, but he took the call, you had heard him say it was an emergency, before you ever told him why you were calling. You had felt so cared for, after such an insanely shitty day, that you hadn’t argued with him, letting him lie to his manager. You’d just told him you’d had a bad day, and wanted to hear his voice. You could picture his grin, and you told him he should swing by after work if he could.
The sigh he had let out nearly broke your heart. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, he assured you, it was just that he had to patrol with Peacemaker. You’d understood, sort of. You let him tell you about everything he had on his mind, anything that he could think of, and stifled your laugh when his manager came out to yell at him about being on the phone for so long, and if it was an emergency why was he talking about popcorn kernels being the number one cause of broken teeth?
That had been several hours ago, but now he was here, dressed in civilian clothes and holding flowers and a tupperware container.
“I lied!” He chirped, happily. “I wanted to surprise you, since you’d had a bad day. I read after we talked that people like to be comforted, so…comfort.” He explained, wrapping his arms around you awkwardly, crushing you to his chest despite the stuff in his hands.
“This actually is comforting.” You relented, melting into the hug, his broad chest the perfect place to lose your worries.
“Good! Oh, I brought gifts!”
“You didn’t have to do that.” You argued, as he slipped away from you, and handed you the flowers. They were just a simple arrangement, the ones from the grocery store, but he’d taken care to put it in a small vase, with water. You’d never had anyone actually take that time before. You sniffed them, enjoying their soft, floral scent, and closed your eyes. Your chest felt tight, and your eyes were beginning to burn. You fought the tears back, not wanting to bawl in front of him.
“Peaches, please, I wanted to! Plus, I read that you’re supposed to get your girlfriend gifts, but the article wasn’t clear on what to get. So, I also made you brownies.” He held the container out, and you shifted the vase so you could hold both.
“You made brownies?” You asked, incredulous. Looking at them through the clear container, wanting to eat them immediately.
“Oh, don’t worry! They’re vegan!” He assured you, a proud smile on his face. You returned the smile.
“No, I meant…thank you. I didn’t know you could bake.” You explained, gesturing with the small tub.
“I can’t.” He told you, laughing. “I can’t cook either! It’s a disaster every time. I nearly burned down an entire apartment complex one time making toast.” You opened your mouth to argue, but felt like it tracked.
“Well, I really appreciate this.” You told him, hoping he had a place to go back to. You moved to place the vase on the counter, and pried the top of the tupperware off. The brownies, admittedly, didn’t look like brownies, or even edible, but he’d made such an effort that you had to try them.
“Anything for you, peach.” He told you, beaming brightly and following you into the kitchen.
“Want one?” You asked, picking a brownie up and he laughed.
“No, not at all.” You raised an eyebrow at him, pausing with the crumbly square just outside your mouth.
“Why not?” You asked, narrowing your eyes.
“Oh, I just don’t eat a lot of sweets. You know, for my bod.” You nodded, and took a bite of the brownie. At nearly the same moment as it hit your tongue, he added, “And those are disgusting.”
He was right. They were burnt, and undercooked, all at once. The inside was undermixed, you could see spots of white, which you soon realized wasn’t flour, but baking soda. They were truly gross. You swallowed your bite with a grimace.
“They’re alright.” You told him, not wanting to hurt his feelings, but he laughed and took the brownie from your hands.
“They’re really not.” He argued, pulling you into his chest again.
“The flowers are beautiful.” You countered, and he hummed softly in agreement into your hair. “Thank you for coming over.” You told him, nuzzling into his neck, grateful for him. He tightened his hold around you and placed a kiss on your head. He was right; he was comfort.
tagged: @michi-reads @likedovesinthewnd @strawberriesandknives @uncle-eggy @fictionlandslanddreams @uwiuwi
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: June 6th, 2021
I’m back with more ask responses! You can also check our Frequently Asked Question sheet if there’s something you’re wondering that’s not answered here.
FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
Thank you for the patience with these questions  ♡
Hey in very beginning of step 3 in the scene where Mr.Holden had a thought dancing on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself after MC and Cove were being cute (idk if it makes a difference but this is when they're dating)... Can we know what he was thinking/ wanted to say? It's been bugging me lol 
He would’ve gone into a “look how much you’ve grown”, “your dad is so proud of you”, “I’m so glad things worked out with the MC”, and etc spiel, haha. But he resisted the urge to fawn on his baby boy, at least for that scene.
If we planned to move away for college/future plans in step 3, is it implied that MC and Cove would have a long distance relationship for sure? Could MC have convinced Cove to come with them? How is the dynamic of their relationship going to be addressed in Step 4, if that makes sense? 
Cove is willing to follow the MC where they went after everything is settled for them there, and if they’re sure they want him to come! You’ll get to decide how things shook out during those transitional years just by making choices about it during the opening prologue of Step 4.
Hi! First off, how does it feel to have created one of the best games when it comes to inclusion for lbtq+ peeps? I've never felt as validated with my identity and sexuality when playing a game and I'm seemingly not alone ♥ Second, and this might be a little too specific, but what kinds of drinks does Cove like as well as dislike? Thank you, you're the best ♥
Thank you for very much! It’s really nice to hear the game felt inclusive. Cove likes regular water and fruit juices/smoothies most! He dislikes coffee and cola, and he’s not super into most teas either.
Hi, may i ask what gb patch stands for? Specifically the gb part lol
It stands for my old, silly username I used in places like Neopets as a kid, aha. The company name wasn’t super thought out since it was originally just me making VNs as a hobby. Luckily, “GB Patch” kind of seems like it could mean something reasonable, so I didn’t have to rebrand when it did become a more serious, commercial group.
If we chose to not propose to cove in the step 3 dlc would he propose or would the mc propose in step 4 or the wedding dlc? 
Yeah, you or Cove can propose in Step 4 if you’re not already engaged! The Wedding DLC takes place after the engagement so the proposal scenes aren’t there.
will you guys announce if the early access for the new game is out on patreon ? 
When beta builds of Step 4 or whatever start coming out on the Patreon we will mention it here on social media too.
Heyy I just had a quick question about Baxter if that’s okay :)?
I saw in an ask+answer that it’s possible to casually date Baxter In step 3, but what leads up to that? I have the step 3 dlc and I’ve tried playing them In a different orders and ways but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere ^^;
The Step 3 DLC is Cove-based because he’s the default guy. There’s a separate Baxter romance DLC that’s not out yet. That’s where you can get him to date you. I’m sorry for the confusion!
Will we ever get any LI's or side characters with physical disabilities or deformities? I think your games would be a great place to have them in since they're always so accepting and safe! 
Yeah, we do hope to have representation for that in future projects ^^. Thank you for the confidence in us.
Is it possible to get Cove to take the bed and MC to sleep on the floor? 
Not in Step 3, I’m afraid.
So, I have played the prologue of Our Life countless times and I haven't gotten the [Your Life] achievement, why is that? 
Steam sometimes isn’t connected properly when an achievement unlocks and so it remains locked on your account. If that happens, unfortunately getting the scene again won’t unlock it. The achievement becomes inaccessible because the game thinks you already have it. Playing with the same Steam account on a different device or fully deleting your game data (more than the only the save files) are the only work arounds we’ve found.
Since when you talk with Jeremy in step 3 it's mentioned he goes on dates with someone (which assume is JB because who else would take this boy on dates) that makes him happy, does that sort of make JB and Jeremy the canon relationship in the first game?
The default for XOXO Droplets is that JB casually goes on dates with each of the jerks! Shiloh would’ve been harsher if Jeremy was the only guy getting her attention, haha. But the player can change that default by dating just one person the whole game for their own story and who she ends up with for real has no default.
Hi, hello! Huge OL fan, thank you so much for the wholesome content, it was very much needed during these times. Managed to get several people to join team Cove, so that's very exciting, I always have people to fawn over him with. I have a little question and I'm sorry if it was asked before, but does it ever come up in the game what Cove has told his mom about us? (who knows, with so many options, one can miss it) Or, alternatively, will it come up in the Step 4 DLC? 
Thank you very much for sharing the game with people <3. It’s really great to hear people are liking it. Right now that doesn’t come up in game. Kyra is willing to keep her mouth shut and Cove isn’t gonna have that conversation either. At least not when he’s younger, but yes, perhaps when he’s a fully grown big boy in Step 4 you can ask him about it.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since it has been confirmed that there would be two love interests for OL2, would there be the possibility of forming a polyamorous relationship with both love interests? I’m sorry if you answered this previously, I’m just curious. 
We are considering it, but it’s not a guarantee yet. It’d be really great to have but it’d add so many extra alterations that’d need to made, aha.
Hello! You mentioned how Cove would be uncomfortable with kids at 23, but how old would he be when he’s comfortable with having/adopting kids? (Same goes for the other LI’s.) btw, love your game!! 
He’d want to be at least 25, but even older would be good. Derek would want to have kids when he and his partner could reasonably support them, the age itself wouldn’t matter. If they were doing good at 22 and wanted kids, he’d be up for it. Or they could wait until their 30s or whatever. Baxter is also more of a “when it feels right” guy rather than having a specific age requirement. Cove is just especially wary of being a young parent because of his own parents. I’m happy you like the game!
does step 4 immediately play after you press "end summer" in step 3? or is there another button/transition (like the story text thingy) before the epilogue begins? what happens after the epilogue? roll credits? 😂 
Step 4 will have transition section always and there will be an extra button, if you own the Derek or Baxter DLC. By default the Cove-based version of Step 4 just plays once Step 3 is over. However, having the other guys’ storylines will mean you get to pick which version of Step 4 plays; Cove Step 4 (the basic one), Derek Step 4, or Baxter Step 4.
Happy pride, thank you for all you do for us🥰
I have a quick question though, I recently got a MacBook after my old windows computer broke, and now steam says I cannot download it, but it has no issues with other games, what can I do to download it?? I’m sorry if my English is bad
Happy pride month! Unfortunately, Our Life isn’t available for Mac on Steam right now. To be an approval application Apple requires having special notarization and we as a small group haven’t gotten that. Itch doesn’t care and lets us release the game for Mac there anyway, Steam does care so we’re locked out of putting the Mac build up on their storefront. Feel free to email us and we can try to help the situation out further!
Hello! I was jus wondering if the Baxter and Derek DLCs are still happening? I haven’t heard anything about them on here or patreon in a while so I just wanted to make sure ^^
They’re still coming and we just released a new sprite sketch on the Patreon for the Derek DLC c:. But right now Step 4 is still much more of a priority. Once that’s closer to being done we’ll focus way more on sharing previews for the other guys.
is it possible to tell cove you love him (platonically) at step 3 fondness/selecting him as basically family? i just love the mc and liz sibling interactions and it got me wondering about it (especially if you've selected that option)
You and Cove can be as close as family, but there’s not a specific scene in Step 3 where you say “I love you” in a family context. But there’s always Step 4~
do you intend on ever adding a collectors mode to Our Life? Like a way to collect achievements and CGs for the gallery without it effecting any save files? 
We weren’t considering it before. But if a lot of players would find that helpful, we could start thinking on that!
Sorry if it's a silly question haha, but (in crush/love) is Cove really aware of how cute and cuddly he seems to MC? If so, what does he think or do about it? Or does he just ignore it? 
He isn’t particular aware. Cove never truly stops being surprised that the MC is interested in/attracted to him, haha.
Would you say that the alone ending of xoxo droplets is worth playing again to get? 
Nope, haha. The goal is to make friends/get a boyfriend and so the alone ending is kind of the bad ending for the game. Though there is a consolation prize if you get it by accident.
Is there any possible situation which would ever prompt Pran to bake for his girlfriend? Like I know it's unlikely I mean even if JB broke her leg somehow I'm pretty sure he'd still be like "I considered baking you a cake and doing the frosting the way I think looks interesting but you don't deserve a cake, no one does." right but also ahhh it would be super nice if some day he just surprised her with baked goods one day out of nowhere. JB would be so shocked it would be cute. So is there any possible situation where that could/would be a thing that he would do? 
He might bake out of spite, like if he felt he had to prove her wrong on something. Or if JB used some good reverse psychology on him. Or he might do it in a relatively nice way if he could make his GF so shocked by the kind gesture that his amusement with that overrode his insistence on not being sweet. Pran is very difficult in high school, aha.
Is the "one route (where) it can be seen that Everett will drop his seemingly eternal waging with Jeremy pretty easily and can start getting along without thinking much on it" the Lucas route? I'm curious! 
Yep! Everett will side with Jeremy if it’s between him and Lucas.
Hi I hope you guys are having a great day :) I just had to ask how Cliff would feel about Cove's partner/fiancé Mc calling them dad whether it be accidental or otherwise and secondly I also wanted to ask how he would feel about being asked to be the one to give the mc away at their wedding. 
He would be very touched and excited! I hope you have a good day too :D
Hello! I saw an ask relating to whether Cliff "moves on" after Cove's grown up and stuff (and he stays single), but what about Kyra? Will she be with anyone else or will she stay single? 
She does start dating again, but she takes it slow.
Hi! I absolutely love the art for characters in OL and I wonder is this fine to draw my MC in same drawing style and upload online later? Is this something artists would be okay with? Thank you! 
Yeah, you can certainly do that C:
Hey there!
I wonder if I'm just being stupid here.. Is Step 4 a DLC? And if so, where can I find it? I can't seem to find it on Steam :< Thank you!
Step 4 is a free epilogue! It’s not done yet, but once it is finished you’ll just update your game file and Step 4 will be there after Step 3 ends.
hi! are step 4 and the wedding dlc two different things?
They are. Step 4 is a free epilogue that’ll be a default part of the game once it’s done, the wedding DLC is an optional paid expansion that takes place after Step 4.
Why did Baxter not receive a step 2 sprite seeing how he shows up later
Sprites are time consuming to draw and take money out of the budget that could’ve gone to other things. His tiny appearance in Step 2 wasn’t worth all the effort to make a sprite, aha.
I just realized, what happens if if you get the patreon exclusive moment but at a later date, when you don't have the membership anymore, it's updated (like a bugs fix update for example)? Would you have to get the membership again? 
You would have to get the membership again to redownload the build. But there’s very little chance there’s going to be an update once it’s been out for over a month. If a build gets released with errors, players catch/report them within the first few days. So by the time the first subscription period ends, any problems that were noticeable would already have been fixed. And we’re certainly not gonna be adding new content to it once it’s been released for a long time. There’s no need to worry about missing out on something worthwhile in the future if you cancel your membership. It’s being made with the idea in mind that many players are gonna be getting it and then going.
Hello! Wanted to ask about gaming choice in step 3? Once upon a playthorugh I got the option to buy Cove a bracelet for his graduation present. I played the same basic character again and that option wasn't there anymore. I'm not sure where I went wrong. My Cove wears a bracelet on each hand and my MC is into fashion and jewelry. Do I need to put an earring on him or? Sorry, love your game so much. 
He also needs to have liked bracelets in Step 2 for that to be considered a good gift option for him. Sorry for the confusion! I’m happy you love the game :)
Is Step 4 being released at the same time as the Wedding DLC or will the first come before the latter? Thank you! 
I’m not sure. Ideally they’ll come out at the same time, but the wedding DLC has a lot of art to get done and we may have to release it after Step 4.
Can mc still get confession from Cove at the end of step 3 even if mc casually dates Baxter in step 3? Such as in crush mode? 
I don’t think so. Maybe that’ll change, but generally there’s differences to the Step 3 ending if you were dating Baxter and those differences likely will conflict with getting the Cove confession.
For the patreon moments/dlcs, will it be available for all tiers? 
It’ll be available for tier 2 (Fans) and up!
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cheolliewrites · 4 years
Waiting for Midnight - Prologue
1,427 word count | idol Hoshi x Guardian Angel reader A prologue for a social media au series
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“I promise it won’t happen again!” you cried, chasing after the Guardian of Angels.
It was past midnight, and you followed your superior through a grim and cave-like entrance that hides the stairway to the gates of the Almighty. You knew very well that you aren’t allowed to enter the place, but in a desperate attempt, you had to follow.
You caught up behind your superior and held onto his glowing white robes, making him turn around and look at you harshly with his piercing silver eyes. “Please give me one more chance,” you begged, voice sounding weak and cracked.
His gaze continues to pierce through you, and you continued to plead him. But the man with the silver eyes and long ice-white beard showed no sympathy to your distress. “Please,” you rubbed your palms together.
He sighs and looks behind him, deliberating whether he should walk through the gates of the Almighty to terminate your guardianship or to show you compassion. Then he looks at you, and then he looks back one more time before harshly grabbing your wrist to pull you down the stairs and to the side.
“You revealed yourself to your human in attempt to save her, but she still died before her Final Day under your guardianship,” he growled, pointing his finger at you. You couldn’t bear to look at him. “Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t terminate your guardianship.”
Words didn’t come out of your mouth. Death came and took all your soul and left you with only grief and tears. Only then did you realize that your desperation was an empty shell.
This was how she felt when she was alive.
“She told me that there are just some people in this world that you couldn’t save, no matter who you may be,” your voice cracked as you placed a hand over your chest, surprised over the unfamiliar pain you feel inside. “She told me that people just can’t be saved unless you understood their pain.”
When you look up, you notice how his eyes begin to water. But he closes his eyes and blinks back the tears, “And so what? You want another chance to understand humans? See if you could save the next one?” It was clear that he was furious with you.
“And what happens if you can’t save the next one?” He challenges you, eyes sharp and gaze unshaken.
“It won’t happen again,” you whisper, “I’ll learn to love the next one and guide them as if it were her.”
He tries to stand still with his arms crossed, face clear with disappointment and anger. But after a while, he struggles to keep his composure. He groans and takes a step closer, “All right,” he whispers rather intimidatingly, “I’ll give you one last chance.”
Suddenly, it felt as if you had a living heart that jumped out of your chest.
“But if you so desperately want to understand humans, then you have to be human yourself.”
Your imaginary heart jumped out of your chest and fell to the underworld. “What?” You whispered back in disbelief.
“Come with me,” He says as he grabs your wrist and leads you outside the cave-like entrance and back into the quiet little village in the middle of busking Seoul city. In the realm of humans, the Guardian of Angels no longer had a long white beard and glowing robes.
Instead, his white hair was freckled with grey strands and put up in a man bun. He wore a black shirt, jeans, and what looked like a faded and worn brown leather jacket. And his eyes were no longer silver but plain old black. Oddly, he also smelled like smoke and mint. 
You looked down at yourself and realized that you were no longer wearing robes as well but a dress that was like the ones your previous human loved to wear. With an unsteady breath, you nervously turned your head to peek at what would be your ultimate nightmare.
“Yes, your wings are gone.” He states the obvious for you while he continues to drag you along with him to who knows where, “Starting tonight, you are human. And you see this?”
He stops in the middle of the empty street to lift your hand up and show you your wrist. Like magic, a mark was slowly burning into your skin. You tried to yank your hand back as you winced in pain, but he held it tightly in his grip.
He shows you a mark on your wrist that was tainted with white lines, “These are the wings that only you and other angels like me could see.” He lifts his wrist and shows you the same mark on his, “It reminds us in this human world that we are celestial beings.”
You nodded slowly, taking your wrist back to look at it. With your other hand, you traced the white lines that formed the wings on your wrist. But it didn’t take you a while to observe your marking as he grabbed your wrist once again and dragged you along the street. “Where are we going?” You asked, feeling a little uneasy.
“To meet someone that I used to know,” He says, suddenly smiling as he stopped in front of a tiny little café. Before you could voice your curiosity, he reached out, yank the door open, and ushered you inside.
Behind the counter, you see an old lady wearing an apron. She was holding a basket filled with pastries that she kept from the display rack. Your superior whistles softly behind you, calling the attention of the lady who finally sees you.
She drops the basket on the table and hurries around it with tongs in her hand. Your superior greets her with open arms, but she, on the other hand, stands on her tippy toes to raise her arm and hit your superior’s head with the tongs that she was holding.
A gasp behind you makes you turn around to see a boy dressed in black winter clothes sitting in the corner table. His platinum blonde hair was peeping through the hood, but you couldn’t see his face as he was wearing a black mask. He bows shyly at you as if he were intimidated to see you staring.
You bow slightly and turned back around, only to see your superior being dragged by the hair to the back of the café. It was your instinct to silently follow them.
You didn’t understand what they were bickering about, but alas, the lady finally calmed down and your superior started fixing his man bun.
“So, this is Anne,” Your superior exhales, putting a hand on Anne’s shoulder, “She’s not a celestial. But she offers tea, coffee, and more for both celestials and humans. You’ll be working with her so that you’d be able to provide for your... human needs.”
She smiles warmly at you, and you smile back. But her smile doesn’t last long as your superior starts rummaging through her kitchen cabinets, “Aha,” he laughs as he found what he was looking for, “Use this phone to contact me and do whatever humans do on it. It’s what I use whenever I need to stay in the human realm.”
You took the phone in your hands and nodded. Unlocking it and swiping left and right on the home screen. The device and the applications weren’t unfamiliar to you as you constantly see how your previous human used it.
“Anyway, I have to go now. Do you have any questions, though?” He faces you and places both his hands on your shoulders, making sure that your full attention was on him.
“Um yeah,” you cleared your throat, “When will I turn back into... you know, who I used to be?”
He chuckles and shakes you up a little bit by the shoulders. He knew that you were a little nervous for your new mission, “When your new human finds the strength to hold on a little longer and figures out how to live without your earthly guidance, then it’s time to come home.”
“How will I know when he’s ready?”
Your superior gives you a small smile, “Your mark will start to fade, and that’s when you know that he no longer needs to borrow your wings to fly.”
You gulp, nodding and staring silently at the small angel wings that were marked on your wrist. Your superior takes his hands off your shoulders and turns to hug Anne and say his goodbyes.
He waves at you and head towards the door, then stopping as if he had forgotten something. “Oh,” He chuckles, “Your new human’s name is Kwon Hoshi. He’s also an idol, just like your previous human.”
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Waiting for Midnight - Epilogue
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contains: 💬🤍🌪☁️💿🪐 paring: idol!Hoshi x Guardian Angel reader spotify playlist: Waiting for Midnight Plot:
At risk of losing your guardianship, you are forced to take form of a baker who works across Pledis Entertainment to closely guard your new human, Kwon Hoshi, a bubbly idol who often visits at midnight with heavy thoughts clouding his mind. 
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Today was really the perfect day to publish Waiting for Midnight. Many of us remembered Jonghyun and his comforting lyrics, the sky in my city was crying from morning ‘til night, and we’re finally starting with a fresh new story in this blog!
This series won’t be as frequently updated as She’s Exquisite since classes will be resuming soon and I’ll be working on my business plan and implementation already :( but I’ll make sure to update the series every 3 or 4 days! So, I hope you guys will continue to look forward to the incoming chapters🤍
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courtofjurdan · 4 years
One Chance part 17
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Main Masterlist 
A/N: Hey peeps, I know it has been ages since I updated this, but here I am with an update. By the way, when you see “~”, it means its switching to past and then when you see another one, it goes back to present. And I got all my info from google and tv shows for this chapter so if it is not entirely right, I’m sorry. This is the last chapter. I have an epilogue planned also. I hope you enjoy this!
Jude felt pain ripple through her stomach and then felt wetness down her leg. She looked down expecting it her water to have broken but instead she was met with blood. As the pain intensified, the blood got worse.
“Cardan.” “Cardan!”
At that moment she realized she was at home alone. She went looking everywhere for her phone. Finally, she found it on the kitchen island, and called for an ambulance immediately. She called Cardan next telling him to either hurry and come home, something is wrong with the baby, or meet her at the hospital when the ambulance arrives.
Cardan hurried home from his job. He got there after the ambulance arrived. He went with her to the hospital and she was admitted quickly. They needed to do an emergency C-section before anything worse happens to the baby. They rolled Jude to the operation room, Cardan right behind her getting dressed in sterile paper clothes.
She gave birth to her baby, and the whole room was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Jude began asking, “Why isn’t she crying?” She looked to Cardan who had tears running down his cheeks and she knew her worst fears were being confirmed. She started to scream, “No, no, no…”
“Jude!” Cardan put his hands on her cheeks. “Wake up, baby. It’s a dream.”
Jude opens her eyes, tears falling out. Her breath coming in pants.
“Take a deep breath with me.”
Jude copies Cardan breaths. After she is calmed down, Jude says quietly, “She was dead and I couldn't do anything about it.”
Cardan knew what she was talking about. He put his hand on her very swollen stomach, “Look she's okay. You feel her kicking and moving around in there?” A nod of her head. “That means she is happy and healthy in there. There is nothing to worry about.”
~~~ Jude is 38 weeks now. She’s now very round, extremely emotional, and has crazy nightmares all the time. Cardan is always there to comfort and care for her around the clock.
Two months ago Jude and Cardan moved into the house his dad had bought for them as a gift. It was a two story house with 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. They decided to get a house where they could live forever. A house they could fit their ever growing family.
Cardan got closer to his dad. His dad finally met him halfway into wanting a relationship with him. They met at least once a week for dinner or coffee. Cardan got a job at his company, a very good paying job. Unfortunately for Jude, Madoc still hasn’t wanted to mend their relationship, but Jude is okay with it. She doesn’t want someone that doesn’t want her.
When Christmas came around five months ago, they decided to have everyone get them baby stuff rather than presents for themselves. They basically had a baby shower for Christmas. Jude liked it because she is not a fan of planning parties or events.
It’s now the end of May, and Cardan and Jude finally graduated from college. They got to do virtual college because of the current predicament they were in. They only had to go to some classes, but mostly they did it from home. Definitely this last month, Jude just wasn’t feeling up to do stuff. She is always tired and sore, and just needs to take it easy. ~~~
Jude looked back at Cardan as he wiped her tears away and put her hand over her stomach to feel her baby kick. She repeated Cardan’s words, “She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s okay.”
Cardan kissed her cheek. And rubbed her back as Jude processed everything.
Then she grunted, “I need to pee. So help me up before I pee in the bed.”
Cardan laughed before he got out of bed and helped Jude steady her feet on the floor.
~~~ Jude has to pee a lot. Cardan swears she has to pee every 20 minutes. Which means Cardan has to help her every 20 minutes. But he doesn’t complain to her, it’s half his fault that she does, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Cardan never realized how hard it was on women to grow a baby. He thought they just gained weight and got tired but no, he was wrong. He didn’t know how uncomfortable Jude would be as time got closer. He didn’t realize how swollen her feet would become, how sore her back would be, the amount of loss sleep because the baby was restless or she was too uncomfortable. It made Jude so strong in his eyes.
Jude’s chosen family, Van, Liliver, and Garret, and her blood/adoptive family, Taryn and Vivivenne, were always there for her. And her family was excited to see their niece and become aunts and uncles. Her chosen family was surprised when Jude came to them and mentioned about them being aunts and uncles for her little one. She explained to them that they were more than just best friends. They were more like brothers and sisters to her. They all had an unbreakable bond with each other.
Jude and Cardan have set up the nursery. Jude insisted that she wanted a faerie book style room. And Cardan gave that to her. It’s a room any little girl would want, and when it came to Cardan, he would give anything both of his girls asked. But seeing Cardan trying to put baby furniture together was the best thing Jude has ever seen. She sat in a rocking chair every night watching him struggle, it was the best entertainment. At one point, he decided to call for backup, and Van and Garret came in and helped. So then Jude got to watch all three of them struggle together. But they eventually got it put together.
Jude has started to have Braxton-Hicks contractions for about a month and a half. Cardan hates them. Everytime she has one and she stills, he starts to freak out and Jude has to tell him it’s fine and calm down. It’s not like he feels the pain from them. But Jude is secretly happy he’s there for her and he cares so much about how she feels. ~~~ Once Jude goes to the bathroom, she asks Cardan if he will make breakfast for her. Her breakfast included popping some toaster strudels in the toaster and putting the rich icing on top. Jude basically has been craving anything sweet. So if it’s sweet, Jude wants it.
They eat breakfast and Jude decides to go to the baby room and go through stuff/ organize. She is nesting. She has gone through the hospital bag about three times already, she’s organized the kitchen several times, she cleans everything that she is able to, demanding Cardan to clean the stuff she can’t. And again, Cardan does it, because he doesn’t want to be on Jude’s bad side at the moment.
When Jude was resting from her organizing, Cardan got ready and left for work for his dad’s company. Cardan insisted that he stay with her until the baby is born but she said she would be fine alone. In the end, Liliver came over the days Cardan had to work. Liliver liked to call it their “girl time” before the baby got there.
It was about 7 o’clock pm when Jude decided to get a shower. Cardan was off at 8, and he was bringing home food which was right up her alley.
Now dressed in her pajamas, which consisted to be some stretchy legging and Cardan’s t-shirt, she made her way back to the bedroom. When she met the threshold of the bathroom and bedroom, she felt wetness run down her leg. She paused. All she could think was “Is this really it?”
She called for Liliver. “Hey, Bomb!”
Liliver was there in a couple of seconds. She saw Jude’s pale face and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”
Jude stuttered, “Umm I- I think my water broke.”
Liliver looked down and saw the puddle of water gathered at her feet. “Oh okay, yeah. So, let’s just go sit down on the bed, I’ll clean that off the floor, and I’ll go call Cardan, okay?”
They slowly made their way to the bed. Liliver got a towel and put it over the fluid to dry it up, and got her phone out and called the man of the hour.
“Hey Cardan, I need to come home. Now.”
There was a pause. And then he seemed to find his words, “Uh, why? What’s wrong?”
“Well, all I have to say is ‘are you ready to go have a baby?’ Jude’s water broke.”
Heavy, nervous breathing came back to her, “Oh my gosh, really? Okay, okay, I’m leaving now. Is she okay? Crap, no she’s probably not okay, what am I thinking, she’s having a baby. Do I need-”
Liliver stopped his rambling, “Cardan, stop, Jude needs you to come home. Everything’s okay right now. I’ve got it handled.”
“Okay, I’m leaving right now.” With that he hung up.
Bomb helped Jude get some shoes on and braided her hair so it was out of her face. Knowing if it was down, all her hair would stick to her face from the sweat that was already starting to bead on her head as her contraction got stronger.
After she finished having one, Liliver asked, “Jude, have you been having contractions today?”
Panting, she said, “Yeah. I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Why didn’t you tell us? Cardan would have stayed home with you.”
Jude glared at her. “Exactly, Cardan would have stayed home and fussed over me. I don’t want someone taking care of me, I’m a big girl.” No, what Jude didn’t say is that she’s scared. And saying it aloud makes everything a reality, and she is not ready to admit that yet.
Not fifteen minutes later, Cardan comes through the front door. He walks quickly to their bedroom. He sees Liliver and Jude on the bed. The former rubbing Jude’s back through her contractions.
Cardan bends down in front of her and gives her cheek a kiss. He grabs her hand and waits till the contraction passes, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.
When it is over with, he tells Jude, “I’m going to change my clothes real quick, and we will head out, okay?”
Jude nods her head. Cardan can tell how nervous and stressed she is.
He gets up, changes into some sweat pants and t-shirt, puts some Nike high tops on, and goes back to Jude, bending down in front of her, “Okay, you ready?”
Tears immediately fill her eyes, which isn’t a shock, she cries about everything these days, but when her body starts to shake with nervousness, Cardan knows this isn’t her just being an emotional basket case.
He immediately has his hands cupping her cheeks, “Hey Love, what is it? What’s wrong?”
A sob wracked through her, “I’m scared, Cardan, I’m so scared. What if I fail her? What if something goes wrong?”
He put his hands on either side of her stomach, “Hey I’m scared too. But guess what? We get to meet our little princess today or tomorrow, and that’s all that matters. She is going to be so loved. You’re going to be an amazing mom, I know you will be. She is going to love you so much. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t doubt yourself.” He gave a kiss on the lips. “You’re so strong, nothing is going to go wrong.”
Jude opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment a contraction hit her, and the words dissipated from her lips. But Cardan was there to rub her back, and tell her to breathe.
After it was over, Cardan grabbed the baby bag from the living room and headed out to the car with Jude. Liliver promised she would clean up a few things and lock the house before she leaves. Cardan thanked her, internally grateful for such a friend.
Cardan helped Jude into the car, and then got into the driver's seat. He blew out a big breath, and a wide smile bloomed on his face. He looked at Jude and said, “Let’s go have a baby.” He leaned across the middle and put his hand on Jude’s belly and kissed her lips excitingly. It made Jude smile right back.
The car ride wasn’t too bad. Even though Jude grunted and cursed, she didn’t complain once. She held onto Cardan’s hand while he drew circles on top of it, asking if she was okay. Which just aggravated her.
Once arriving at the hospital, the nurses took her back to a room. The room had machines, obviously a hospital bed, a chair for Cardan, and in the corner was a little bed for the baby to be checked out in. It was so surreal to them.
Cardan helped Jude change into her hospital gown, and helped her lay in the bed. The nurse came and put monitors on her stomach, one looked at the baby’s heartbeat and the other could tell when contractions came and how strong they were. The nurse then started on IV to put her on some fluids.
Doctor Tatterfell came in to check how far she was dilated. Which was a 5, she couldn’t believe she was already halfway there. Hence, she has been having contractions since this morning so I guess it does make sense.
But now, at 10pm, the contractions hurt bad. She held Cardan’s hand like it was her last lifeline. And Cardan, the ever encouraging boyfriend, let her, and he massaged her back and whispered sweet nothings about how good she was doing and how strong she is.
She got into different positions throughout the hours to try and relieve some of the stabbing pain that pursued every 5 minutes.
After finishing having one, Jude said, “Cardan, next time massage my lower stomach and my lower back at the same time. It might help.”
So that’s what Cardan did. It seemed to be the best right now to relieve some pain. Soon a nurse came in asking if she wanted an epidural which she immediately said yes.
They again checked to see how dilated she was, and they told her she was at a seven, and then they went ahead and gave the epidural.
Soon, Jude was numb from the belly button and down. Cardan held her hand as the needle went into her back. He couldn’t believe how big the needle was though, he was very nervous for her, not that he would tell her that. But she took it like a champ. Cardan let her know that much too.
Now she was laying back down, getting in a comfortable position on her side. Cardan wiped a cold rag on her forehead, she had sweat quite a bit in the last three hours.
He laid the rag down on a tray and muttered, “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. Rest now while you can, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.” He was going to sit in the chair they had provided him.
Jude spoke quietly, “You rest too.” Jude ran a hand over her stomach. “I have a feeling we won’t be sleeping much tomorrow.” She smiled up at Cardan.
Cardan softly laughed and kissed her lips right before he went down and kissed her belly.
Soon they both were resting and asleep. Jude got about 2 hours when she started to feel the numbness wear off. She didn’t wake up Cardan, wanting him to get as much needed sleep as he could get.
Taryn came in while they were still sleeping. Jude wanted someone there that could document this moment, and Taryn said she would happily record and take pictures of this monumental day.
But soon, the pain increased, which means her groans of pain got louder. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep it quiet enough, and Cardan heard it. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand.
After the pain subsided a little, she called out, “I feel a lot of pressure, Cardan.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You feel like you need to push?”
She nodded her head.
Cardan spoke quickly, “Okay, wait just a second, let me get a nurse.”
Cardan opened the door, went out the hall a little bit and got a nurse. In no time, Jude’s team of nurses and her doctor came into the room.
Doctor Tatterfell checked her and said, “Okay Jude, when you feel another contraction go ahead and push.”
Some nurses held her legs back while Cardan held her hand and let her squeeze it to the point of it feeling like it was breaking.
After 15 minutes of pushing, Cardan muttered into her ear, “You’re doing so good, Jude. I’m so proud of you. You’re almost done.” Cardan could tell how tired she was.
She pushed again and panted, “I can’t. I can’t push anymore. It hurts and I’m so tired.”
Cardan looked past her legs and back at Jude, “Jude, honey, you can do this. She’s almost here. She’s already crowning. We just need a few big pushes, and she’s here. I know it hurts, and you’re tired, but it’s going to be so worth it when this is all done.” Tears started to well up in his eyes.
Jude put a determined look on her face and breathed in deep, and pushed.
Cardan mumbled to her, holding her hand, “Push, push, push, push. Good job, baby.”
This happened two more times, and on the third push, Jude felt relief. She then heard her baby girl crying, and her baby was placed on her chest. She gathered her up in her arms, admiring the little body that wailed with life.
She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, couldn’t help the sob that tore from her throat. She heard the nurse ask Cardan “Dad, would like to cut the cord.”
He did, and turned back to his girls. Jude heard a sob to her right, and turned her head to see Cardan with the widest smile on his face, tears falling from his eyes.
Cardan looked at Jude, kissed her forehead, kissed the baby’s head and said, “She’s so beautiful.”
Jude sniffed. “She is.”
They took the baby away to be checked by the nurses and doctors while they cleaned Jude up from the rest of the birthing part.
Taryn was still there and did her part. She took pictures and recorded like she was supposed to. She cried while she did it. This was an experience she would never forget.
They weighed the baby and checked her height. She was 7.4 lb and was 19 inches long. Born on May 28, 2020 at 1:09 am.
Soon the nurse came back over with the baby. “Okay. Here she is.” She gave the baby to Jude. “Do you plan to bottle or breastfeed?”
“I plan to breastfeed.”
“Okay then let's see how she does.”
The nurse helped her get the baby to latch, it took a couple of tries but she did it. After the nurse saw everything was going well, she left the room along with Taryn to give the family some alone time.
Cardan cupped the baby’s head as she fed from where he stood, “Jude, you baffle me. You brought this sweet baby girl into the world, and you did amazing. You did amazing carrying her for the last 9 months. And now we get a lifetime of happiness together.” He gently grabbed Jude’s chin from where she was looking at the baby so she would look at him. “Jude Duarte, marry me.”
Jude’s eyes widened and she whispered, “What?”
“You make me the happiest man in the world. I want to live with you forever, I want to raise our children together as husband and wife. I want to attempt to be the man you deserve every single day for you and our family. You bring out the best in me. So will you make me an even more happier man if that’s even possible today and marry me?”
Jude eyes filled with more tears and she nodded, “Yes, Cardan, yes, of course.”
They kissed as the baby unlatched herself. Jude broke the kiss and looked down. The baby had gone to sleep. She looked at Cardan and smiled, “Okay, dad, are you ready to hold her?”
Cardan nodded enthusiastically and held out his arms. Jude met him halfway and gave him the baby. He sat down in his chair by the bed and gazed adoringly at her.
And for the hundredth time that day, Cardan cried. He let the tears roll down his face, unashamed. This was the happiness of his little family, his baby girl that had dark brown hair, and looked to be like golden brown eyes from the little bit she did open them, and his fiancé that blessed him with all this joy.
He looked down at his baby and ran a finger down her cheek, and with a thick voice, breathed, “Welcome to the world Liam Rose Greenbriar. I’m your daddy.”
All Cardan could think of was he was so thankful that Jude gave him one chance.
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winchest09 · 4 years
The Bunker Party - Debrief
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Hey peeps! 
Our latest bunker party was just amazing. My cheeks and my stomach still hurt from laughing...Supernatural seriously does have THEE best fandom and I’m so glad to be a part of it. 
6 and a half hours we were hanging out for…SIX AND A HALF! But to see so many beautiful faces, hear so many lovely voices and to spend time with new people was just a dream!  The support from you guys for each other, the love in this fandom; I can’t express how much I adore it.
Me and @katehuntington​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in August.
So...to the debrief!
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
Announcements - a juicy one this time!
Challenges to join
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Want a link breaker?
Fic & blog recs
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
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You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon!  For your reading pleasure and in no particular order…
@katehuntington​: The new chapter of Ride with Me is out NOW and she is currently working on the next instalment. The Sullivan Series is now scheduled to be posted every FRIDAY so keep your eyes peeled for that and she is going to be finishing All I Want soon too! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​: This babe is currently working on a multitude of things and we are in awe every time she tells us what she has on. She has FINISHED the epilogue of Getting Back To You. She’s working on the next part of What He Lost, What He Found as well as When You Fall. She also has Call of the Ocean and drabbles that are exclusive to her patreon! 
Check out her masterlist HERE
@talesmaniac89​:  This beaut has been working a lot on editing images lately, making aesthetics and dividers for everyone to use! Besides that, she has a new chapter of The Man in Apartment 43 coming out. The next chapter of Missing in Action as well as the next one of Lost. 
She is also working on a Benny/Dean oneshot!
She’s created a fake website called HunT and is creating a social media AU set in the universe. The whole story will be told through text messages and emails. It’s NOT one to miss!  
Check her out guys, her masterlist is HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​: Alex is currently writing her next two fictions! With Happiness Begins finished (previously Et Cetera) she has a sequel in the works...as well as her Firefighter Dean AU.  From what we’ve already heard…it sounds amazing! I won’t give away any plot points that we were told just yet but it’s one to be put on your watch list!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@superfanficnatural​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! He now has a Mafia AU fic in the works and will be collaborating with Alex (whatyousearchingfordean) on “Heavy lies the crown) a Male reader fiction! 
We’re living for it!
Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@deanwanddamons​: This absolute sweetheart is working on a few things at the moment and I have been given a sneak peak at what her talented little mind is cooking up. The next part of Baby Spoon will be gracing your eyes soon enough as well as updates to the rest of her series...The Show Must Go On anyone? ;) 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​: This beaut has broken her lil hiatus and posted the sequel to Because of You. Piece by Piece is amazing and if you haven’t read it yet, i suggest you check it out. She’s also writing her first chapter of her series called “Losing Sleep” as well as a TWD crossover fic! 
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@waywardbeanie​: This absolute gem of a woman is working on her very first fanfiction called “A Man Of Letters” and it’s an absolute DIAMOND. Dean. Letters. Fluff. Smut. It’s gonna tick all them boxes and it’s a must read!
You can find her masterlist HERE
@janicho88​: This lovely lady is working on some absolute winners at the minute. We have Love on the Sidelines that’s coming up as well as the next part of Come Back To Me! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@soaringeag1e​: This lovely lady has a lovely full masterlist of things for you to dig your teeth into! There are series, oneshots for Jensen, Dean, Jared, Sam, Misha, Castiel…her new series “Escape” is an absolute MUST READ.
You can find her masterlist HERE
@smol-and-grumpy​: Nat has such a juicy masterlist. We were thrilled sto see her in our livestream again. She has just finished Light My Fire and is posting the eye candy that is Euphoria! Also keep your eyes out for a few oneshots coming your way soon...
You can find her masterlist HERE
@jensengirl83​: Brandy is an absolute doll and we adore her. She is still relatively new to SPN fanfic but that doesn’t stop her from dominating it! She has over twenty oneshots under her belt already!  What he lost, Prom Queen, Letter To Lisa, and Return to Sender are a few you must check out! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@alleiradayne​: She is new to our bunker party this week and we absolutely adored having her there! She has been participating in a charity auction for writers (info below) in which she has been writing a commissioned piece as well as outlining a new series which is going to be quote long apparently! But we are SO there for it. 
You can find her masterlist HERE:
@mariekoukie6661​: Marie has a quite a few things on her masterlist going from SPN to Marvel so definitely some goodies for you to feast your eyeballs on! 
You can find her masterlist HERE:
Me: The latest chapter of Life for Rent is out NOW and I’m currently working on the next one, which i’m half way through.  I’m also working on Man’s Best Friend as well as a brand NEW series which will be posted once one series is finished. I also have a couple of Dean oneshots I’m working on right now. 
My masterlist can be found HERE:
To the readers…
We want to thank you for your constant support, your feedback, your words, your reactions to what we write. Your likes, your reblogs, your asks. We appreciate every single thing you do. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you. 
Also, remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk about anything and everything. If you wish to start writing...give any of us a shout. We’re here to help! 
@leissa1287​ @teresa-67​ @jules-1999​  & the few nonnies we had!
Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
Go and follow and give them some love!
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In this livestream, thanks to @alleiradayne​, we found out about a wonderful organisation called Ficfasers, an international fundraising group of authors and artists who love Supernatural. They offer thank yous to people who agree to donate to Random Acts by creating stories/art, crafts, and more for winning bidders and ticket buyers!
Unfortunately, it appears we JUST missed out on the June auction but we have been told there is another one around the holiday period!
Want to write for Charity? 
Check out their tumblr HERE
and their website HERE
Follower achievements! 
Join me in congratulating these amazing blogs as they have surpassed or are close to a follower milestone! @waywardbeanie​ has past her first 100 followers!  
@emoryhemsworth​ is close to 750 followers!            
@talesmaniac89​ is close to 4000 (she may do a challenge...keep your eyes peeled!)   
@superfanficnatural​ has passed 450 followers! 
If you’re not following them already, head on over and show them your support! 
Want to be the first to read new chapters of your favourite fics? 
 Some of our fabulous livestream participants have Patreon! 
For a small fee a month, you get personalised drabbles, oneshots as well as first dibs on new chapters before ANYONE else! Please consider giving them your support.
The links for each authors Patreon is below:
@smol-and-grumpy​ - Find hers HERE
@flamencodiva​ - Find hers HERE
@soaringeag1e​ - Find hers HERE
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Ooooooo we have FOUR challenges for you to get involved in! 
Firstly, the darling @flamencodiva​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there! This challenge is still ongoing!
Check it out HERE
Secondly, the wonderful @deanwanddamons​ & @impala-dreamer​ are holding a joint challenge. The “I Do Understand That Reference” Challenge.
Fancy guiding Sam, Dean or Cas through another French Mistake type event? Take a look at the movie list and get yourself signed up!
Check it out HERE
Thirdly, @smol-and-grumpy​ is holding a “Blogiversary” Challenge! It looks amazing with an array of prompts to choose from...head on over and join in!
Check it out HERE
Last, but definitely not least, @alleiradayne​ is holding a challenge in celebration of passing 1000 followers! It’s called “The Summer Shut-in” and it looks fantastic. 
Again, lost of prompts to choose from and still time to do it. What you waiting for?
Check it out HERE
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We’ve got you covered!
Need to hash out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Please note: we’re all super friendly and we’re all here to help you in any way we can, we’re all here to help you! 
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Need a new aesthetic? Line divider? We got you!  Our fabulously talented @talesmaniac89​​ has drawn up so MANY supernatural themed line breakers, headers and more for your free usage!
Just look at some of these!
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She has a few posts full already! 
Check them out HERE! 
Give them a like, a reblog and please THANK HER if you use her work. She’s the most kind hearted, loving soul and a few words go a long way <3
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In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
Fic Recs
Long Way Home by @supersleepygoat​ Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary:  The Reader moves back to Sioux Falls after college to take care of the home front while Bobby travels for the summer. She is hoping for a quiet place to avoid her past and figure out her broken future. Instead, she finds new complications when she falls for her neighbour.
She also has some lovely Sammy goodness...you can check that out HERE
Business or Pleasure by @snffbeebee​ Pairing: Alex x reader/ Jensen x reader (eventual)
Summary:  Y/N is a new cast member of the Supernatural family and finds herself caught in between Business and Pleasure..It’s not always a good thing to get into but she thinks it might just be worth it!
The Woodsman by @thecleverdame​
Pairing:  Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Summary: A/B/O Fairy Tale - You’re a sheltered, thirty-something princess on the run from your brother, the newly crowned ‘Mad King’ of France. When you’re waylaid by marauders and left for dead in the forest, a gruff woodsman nurses you back to health.
The Oath by @thecleverdame​​
Pairing: Dark!Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Summary: After an unsuccessful escape attempt, the reader finds herself taken as a spoil of war. She ends up in the bed of a ruthless Alpha, the son of John Winchester, leader of the kingdom of Gilead. She struggles to conceal her true identity and navigate a society where being an Omega means nothing more than serving at the pleasure of powerful men.
Tic Tac Toe by @percywinchester27​​
Pairing:  Sam X Reader
Summary:  The reader shifts into a new city after being offered a dream job by a big firm. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect after an ugly break-up with a douche-bag Ex. But things turn out not as dreamy as she’d want them to be and the only thing that keeps her smiling is a totally coincidental game of Tic Tac Toe.
Doc and Sir by @crashdevlin​
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: N/A 
King and Pet by @crashdevlin​
Pairing: Sam x Plus-sized!Reader
Summary: Y/n is very happy to be Dr. Winchester, happy to be Sam’s wife, but when Jack and Kaia send everyone into new universes, Doc is suddenly face-to-face with a very different ‘Sir’.
Cave Quid Optes by @crashdevlin​ Pairing: Dean x plus-sized!Reader,
Summary:  Everything is great in 2029. Everyone is happy, life is good. What could possibly go wrong?
Firefly by @jay-and-dean​ & @roonyxx​
Pairing: Future Dean x reader
Summary: 40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her. Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Owe You One by @supernatural-jackles​
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Summary:  Dean Winchester has been your best friend and neighbour for the last year. A year of finding comfort in random drop ins and casual conversations, but neither of you know the pasts that the other has. Not fully. Pasts that come back to haunt you, and ruin everything you want in life. Can you find what you’re seeking in a couple of favours and a good time between the sheets or is history doomed to repeat itself?
Till Death Do Us Part? by @amanda-teaches​ Pairing: Dean x Reader Fake Engagement AU Summary:  At a work party with your best friend, Dean, you panic when your new boss asks if you’re couple. Lying to protect your promotion, you wind up fake engaged before you can take it back. When Dean agrees to go along with your lie for a weekend retreat, you end up finding something neither of you had bargained for: love.
With Wolves by @bamby0304​
Pairing:  Alpha!Dean, Alpha!Sam, Omega!Reader,
Summary:  Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
Blog Rec:
@idreamofplaid​: If you want some Sammy goodness...then this is a must follow blog! Her posts are to die for. 
@kittenofdoomage​:  Kitten has stories that just pull the reader in and gets them obsessed, completely original and fascinating stories.
@bamby0304​:  Bamby has an impeccable sense of plot and character development and she does it masterfully.
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
See you next time!
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theramseyloft · 4 years
Available as of 8/25/20
Oh, hey, it’s Tuesday again!
You know what that means!
Time to post about adult birds that are presently available, rescues for reserve, and peeps yet to be spoken for!
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Mia 7/8/20 Semiannual Update Old Dutch Capuchine x Old German Owl Sooty Ash Red T-Pattern Check bald head Cock Sired by Ferdi out of Astrid 10/23/18 Bred by The Ramsey Loft Vaccinated 7/29/20 for Paratyphoid/Salmonella Vaccinated 3/17/20 for PMV Retired $30
Of the three available adults, Mia is the most aloof.
He knows his name and takes treats offered, but he does his own thing most of the time.
He only rarely tries to court any specific hen. 
He mostly eats food, dances, and defends his nest box.
He’ll probably spend most of his time up high, overseeing what ever his new family does.
He isn’t skittish. Just  pretty “above it all”.
His daughter died very young of Peritoneal Cancer.
He may have a mate, but any eggs she lays need to be swapped with fakes to prevent him hatching any more children.
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Pj 7/13/20 July Update Chinese Owl x FBxOGO Black Splash cock Sired by Sun Tsu out of Pitch 6/28/19 Bred by The Ramsey Loft Vaccinated 1/29/20 for Paratyphoid/Salmonella Vaccinated 3/17/20 for PMV Retired $30
Of the three, PJ is the most mellow.
He knows his name and likes treats, but he’ll also get in your lap or on your shoulder just because he wants to.
He’s a little hen crazy, though, so if he has a wife, she will become the only thing that exists as far as he is concerned.
His father suffers from an asthma-like condition that I fear he may pass on to his children, and Mia’s Daughter who died of cancer is Pj’s niece.
So if he is allowed a wife, her eggs need to be swapped for fakes to prevent his potentially dangerous genes from spreading.
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Samhain 7/19/20 July Update LPC-OGO x ODC-OGO2 Ash Red Tpattern spread cock Sired by Silk out of Sony 10/31/19 Bred by The Ramsey Loft Vaccinated 1/29/20 for Paratyphoid/Salmonella Vaccinated 3/17/20 for PMV Retired $30
Samhi is the most outgoing and strongly food motivated.
He’s a curious, friendly boy that will get in your lap to see what you are doing and if you have anything for him.
But then he’ll go back to what ever it was that he was doing.
His Old German Owl Grand mothers suffered from immune deficiencies that e don’t want to risk passing on, so he, too, is pet only.
If he is allowed a mate, eggs must be swapped for fakes to prevent hatching babies that may end up sickly later.
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Pierce 6/24/20 Feral Dirty Blue T-Pattern Paratyphoid Booster administered 8/14/20 PMV booster administered 8/14/20 Hawk Strike. Small degloving wound just above the tail feathers. Hip exposed Feathers torn out of one wing from elbow to arm pit. Nasty talon wound below the shoulder blade, clean to almost their hip socket on that side.
Worming and Lice dip underway.
Quarantine expected to end 9/17/20 Available to ship 9/21/20
Peeps yet to be spoken for;
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Suki 8/24/20 7 Weeks Old COF-RH x FB-GH Brown check pied Hen Sired by Betty out of Hagrid 7/6/20 Bred by The Ramsey Loft Failed therapy training Loft/Project/Companion bird Initial Paratyphoid and PMV vaccines administered 8/17/20 Available for Reservation Ready for pick up 9/7/20 Available to ship 9/14/20
Has gotten to where she’ll preen me and sit in my lap.
Her prospects as a breeding or companion bird are decent.
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Chai 8/25/20 7 Weeks Old COF-RH x FB-GH Blue Almond pied cock het grizzle, toy stencil, and frill stencil Sired by Betty out of Hagrid 7/7/20 Bred by The Ramsey Loft Failed therapy Training Initial Paratyphoid and PMV vaccines administered 8/18/20 Available for reservation Ready for pick up 9/8/20 Available to ship 9/14/20
Though we prefer local pick up, shipping is available anywhere with in the continental US. A new crate is $10. A used one is $5. I will need your zip code to calculate postage.
Yes, I am aware of the delays to postal service and the losses of reptiles and hatchery chicks.
Livestock does not go through the sorting machines. They are moved by hand.
Reptiles are not usually shipped in boxes that look different from regular mail, so they can be easily lost by overwhelmed staff.
Hatchery chicks are shipped out before they have a first meal because it’s cheaper to replace them if they die than feed them for a week.
The crates made for pigeons and other legal poultry are designed around bird physiology and air thermodynamics, keeping the birds cool and asleep most of the trip. They are not shaped like the average box used for shipping inanimate objects, and they stand out like a sore thumb, making them harder to misplace or lose track of. Healthy Pigeons over 6 weeks old who start the journey well hydrated are comfortably travel safe up to 7 days.
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zoeekar · 4 years
Hi all! So my partner and I have just launched our new unisex clothing brand over at saolumsoul.com! We created this with non-binary and trans peeps in mind so we're doing our best to keep everything as non-binary as possible. Unfortunately, since the whole thing is run by just us with a budget of zero, we can't yet make our own clothes and we need to use other manufacturers and distributors and their "blanks", which means we use existing cuts for T-shirts and dresses and put our designs on them for the time being. Because of that, we made sure to put the same designs on both "male" and "female" cuts. Sizes range from XS to 3-5XL on all designs (all created by yours truly 👀) and we just launched a baby/kid/teen Halloween collection! Below are some examples on what we have so far. We'll be posting more designs and products up until the 7th of the month 😊
Since we aim to support small (LGBTQ+) artists, we also have an affiliate program for which you can sign up for in order to be considered for an affiliate code for you and/or you friends, family, followers! This gives whoever uses it 10% off their purchase and you 10% of the end price (you can apply through our website or drop me a DM) 😊 Also, we will be launching various seasonal collections by small artists so keep an eye out for our application form that will be posted soon since we wanna start working on the xmas collection by the end of the month! We're currently running a competition over on our fb page Saolum Soul Apparel for a €50 gift voucher!
If you read the whole thing, thank you so much and if you decide to give our site a look, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We've worked so so hard on it and we're really proud of what we've done and excited for what's to come in the future! Make sure to. Use code launch10 on checkout for a 10% discount and also follow us on social media for more updates! Thank you again!! 💛💛💛
P.S.: if you like a particular design on a particular piece of clothing that's not on there, message us and we'll work on it for you!!
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10 notes · View notes
reminiscing-writer · 5 years
The Past 2/2
Part 2 to The Past mini story I wrote earlier :)
Kidnapping, sexual and physical abuse, crude language, violence.
-Readers POV-
Your head feels like it’s so much heavier than it should be, and you try to open your eyes. You try and recollect what had happened. How you were in the position you are.
And then you remember.
You remember seeing him. He broke into your apartment, and he had kidnapped you.
You look around at your surroundings and yourself. You were still in the T-shirt you fell asleep in, and your hands were bound behind you, zipties from the feel of it. Your body was tied to the corner of what seemed like a dingy old basement.
You hear the door open and He came down them, stepping very loudly, making sure knew of his presence. You stare at him with disgust. He stops at the bottom of the steps, looking directly at you.
“What. The. Fuck. Do you want?” You spit, venom dripping from every word. He stays silent and begins slowly walking towards you. Your body instinctively starts to move back as he approaches, “I told you to leave me alone, Alexie.” You hiss, not breaking eye contact with the man you once feared.
Three years ago, when you left him in the middle of the night, you had just left a note. A note telling him that you never wanted to see him nor speak with him, ever again. Why would you. He beat you, and groped you. He set out rules, and kept you locked in your bedroom if he was upset. You walked around eggshells with him, and the moment you met Spencer, you remembered, that’s not how you’re supposed to treat someone you love- that’s not how you treat anyone.
Alexie keeps walking towards you. He bends down and gets on one knee before you. Looking intently in your eyes, he strokes your cheek, “You’ve forgotten everything I’ve taught you, haven’t you?” He whispers. Before you can react, he uses the hand on your cheek and pulls it back, slapping you hard. You fall to the side, and a rush of memories flood your brain, as well as tears in your eyes. “You ungrateful little bitch.”
You shuffle back to sit up, only to have him grab a handful of hair, and pick you up, causing a burning in your scalp. You cry out, “Alexie, please,” You try and stand on your feet to ease the pain, but he kicks you in the shin, causing your legs to give out.
Pulling your face in close, he growls, “You’re all mine. I’ll fix you back up. Don’t worry, y/n.” He smashes his dirty lips to yours before throwing you back down.
You hit the floor hard, crying out. Curling up in a ball, you bite your bottom lip, trying not to cry. But, it’s all too much. The memories. The pain. The fact that, you were in fact all his.
Spencer sat in his chair in the Bearau, a small blanket over his shoulders, and his eyes glazed over. The once scortching hot cup of coffee, still full, but now completely cold, and untouched, sitting in his hands.
“Spencer?” He heard JJ call for him. He didn’t look up until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped, whipping his head up.
“Sorry,” she apologized, “we, um- we got back the lab results for the blood on wall.” She spoke softly, kneeling before him, “It wasn’t y/n’s.”
He releases a small breath of relief. He hadn’t spoke a word in hours. When he got to your apartment, he called Hotch barely getting enough words out to make sense. Hotch and Morgan both came to your apartment within a few moments of the frantic call. They saw the mess of the apartment as well as the mess your boyfriend was. Kneeling and crying into a sweater of yours.
Seeing the scene, they called the CSI team and they bagged and tagged anything they could find for DNA.
Deciding that the apartment wasn’t the best place to be, Hotch called in the rest of the team and that’s where they were all now. In the office, trying to peice together why someone would break into your apartment at 3 in the morning to take you.
“Spencer,” Garcia tries for the hundredth time, “please, we need anything you can tell us. You knew her. She must’ve said something.”
“Play the call again.” He repeats, just wanting to hear his girls voice. The team looks at one another, unsure if it’s a good idea. When Rossi nods to them in assurance, Penelope pulls up the file, and plays it back.
-Spencer’s POV-
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“Hello?” You hear your voice answer her call.
“Spencer, please, help.” Her voice squeaked in desperation.
“Y/n?” You had asked her, “What’s wrong?”
“Spencer,” You hear sniffle, the thought of her crying making your stomach turn, “there’s... there’s someone here.”
Your girlfriend had frequent nightmares, “Baby, it was probably just a nightmare, I’m su-“ that’s all it was. A bad dream. It had to be.
“No, no it’s not. He’s here. I can see him. He’s looking for something, I’m hiding.” Your heart drops.
You throw your duvet off yourself. Getting out of bed, you throw on a shirt and sweats, “Y/n, stay exactly where you are.” You grab your keys. “I’m coming, just...” Leaving your apartment, you quickly run down the steps to your car, “just, stay hidden.”
“Please,” you hear her sob desperately,“please, hurry. And please, don’t hang up on me.”
You shove your keys into the ignition and rush towards your girlfriends home. Thoughts running a million a minute, you remember running a red light. Your phone was still up to your ear, and for a minute you hear her just breathing into the phone.
You think, maybe the intruder will leave. Maybe he was just a robber and he got what he wanted. Maybe she’ll be fine.
But you were proved wrong the moment you heard the blood curdling scream from your girls mouth. The scream that made your eyes widen, and your other hand tighten so hard around the steering wheel that your knuckles whitened.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you stepped harder on the gas. You can hear her. Y/n is struggling against this man, while you speed to her house.
The call ends. You’re forced back to the present. You’re breathing is shaky. You’d been crying, as you did every time you listened to the recording. All of the teams sympathetic eyes are on you.
Emily comes in front of you. She kneels down and puts one hand softly on your knee. “Spencer,” she speaks softly, “did y/n ever mention anyone in her life who would want to hurt her?”
You blink hard, and shake your head while rubbing your eyes.
“Think, Pretty Boy.” Morgan pushes, also coming into view. “She’s the type of person who would’ve shared this stuff with you. She trusts you.”
You think hard, racking your brain for previous conversations.
“She...” you start talking slowly, “She, um, once told me about this ex of hers.” Penelope readies her fingers on her keyboard, “They had dated in college, and the way she spoke about him,” you shifted in your seat, feeling uneasy, “she talked about him like he’s hurt her before.”
The teams eyes light up with the new information.
“Did she ever say his name?” Morgan sits down next to you, happy to be finally getting information.
“She once mentioned him as an Alex.” You recall.
Penelope starts clacking away at her keys. “There are... over a hundred Alex’s in all of Penn State.”
“Did they date her first year there, or...?” JJ asks, looking over Garcia’s shoulder.
“Um,” you think back, “I think she was a sophomore, but he was older than her. She said they had watched a movie once,” you finally look up at your team, “21 Jump Street. She had liked it. He didn’t.”
“That’s a 2012 movie.” Penelope keeps typing away, “Okay. So, searching for... Alex, from Pennsylvania State University, who was attending in the year 2012.” She waits for something on her screen for a moment, “We’re down to 36.”
“Check for any with petty offences, maybe, peeping Tom, or theft.” Hotch speaks up.
“20.” Penelope updates.
“He had a dog.” You remember, “Y/n once said he had a dog, but she hated the way he treated it.”
Penelope grins ear-to-ear, “Yes! Okay, we’ve got an Alexie Mason.” she reads off her laptop, “Graduated PennState In 2013. Had a pet dog, that died in an accident, may God rest his soul.” A scowl forms on her face, as she peers at the next bit, “And, would you look at that, he was with y/n for an ER visit.” Her eyes fly across the screen, processing information, “A broken rib. That son of a-”
“You don’t think-” you start, “he wouldn’t have. How could anyone hurt her?” You shrug the shawl off your shoulders.
“We got him, Kid.” Morgan puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “We’ll find her too.”
“She’s strong,” JJ nods, “I’m sure she’s fine.”
But, something was still bothering you. Something was eating away at you. It was probably just a feeling, but it was a damn strong one.
“Derek, when you get your hands on him,” Penelope starts ranting, “don’t you dare spare him. That asshole hurt the only innocent woman in this entire office. And, who knows how long he’s been stalking her. Oh, my poor child, she’s far too frail. He’s already broken her rib once, who knows what else-” you start to zone her out.
You slowly turn your head around, and look at your girlfriends desk. “Penelope,” you grab her attention. When she looks up to you, you put a finger to lips, shushing her.
A very offended Garcia stares at you, mouth agape, as you get up and walk towards y/n’s desk. You grab the large bear off the floor and plop it onto her desk. Staring at it for a bit, you zone out your co-workers whispers and look the bear dead in the eyes.
“Garcia, come here.” You don’t take your eyes of the stuffed toy. She gets up after getting a shrug from Morgan, and stands next to you. You open a drawer, knowing where y/n keeps all her things, and take out a pair of tweezers.
Taking the steel pliers to the bears face, you twist and tug at its’ beady eyes. Plopping them both down in Garcia’s hand, she gasps.
Morgan clears his throat to grab our attention, and Garcia runs to her laptop, “Boy Genius, you just saved the girl.”
“Just for the record,” Emily pipes in, “we’re still clueless.”
Garcia turns her laptop around to show the group, and their eyes widen. The bears eyes which you had removed were tiny cameras. Whoever had given y/n that gift, had been watching her. Watching all of you.
“I can trace this back to where the feedback is being sent,” Garcia turns her screen back around, “we’ll know exactly where they are.”
For the first time in hours, you had felt a weight being slightly lifted on your shoulders.
-Reader’s POV-
You say in the corner of the basement, your knees brought up to your chest. Hugging your bare and bruised legs, you chant to yourself, “They’ll come for you. They’re looking for you. He loves you.”
The door to the basement creaks open, and quickly scurry into the position Alexie had trained you to be in for him. Kneeling, with your head down. Only to speak when spoken to. He never, ever, untied your hands.
You couldn’t tell time in the hell you were in. It felt like days, maybe even weeks had passed. And, in all that time, Alexie had groomed you right back into the scared little girl you tried so hard to run away from.
He got to the bottom of the stairs and smiles as he sees you obeying him. Approaching you, he pets the top of your head and strokes your hair. “How did my Sweet sleep?”
“Well, thank you.” You spoke, very rehearsed, very quiet.
He cocks his head to the side, confused, “Sweet, look up at me.” You oblige. “I said, look up.” Your heart begins racing, as you feel his hand grow heavy in your head. “I said,” he growls, yanking your face up by your chin, “look up, Bitch.”
Instantly you start to shake, trying to verbally defend yourself, “Please, Alexie, it was nothing. I promise.” You plead. You had cried earlier and your eyes were bloodshot red. He hated when you cried.
“I do so much for you,” He growls, lifting you by your jaw, “and, you... you’re just an ungrateful whore.” You’re sobbing, begging him, knowing exactly what the outcome will be.
He throws you down, and kicks you in the stomach, causing you to yelp and curl into a ball. With your hands already tied behind you, he has nothing to hold down as he pushes you down onto your back, and pulls your legs towards him.
Ignoring your screaming, and crying, he smirks, sitting on top of you.
You felt dirty. You felt forgotten. But worst of all, you felt as if even Spencer could love you no longer.
You layed in the corner of the room, your eyes too dehydrated to form tears. Your mouth was dry from begging him again and again. Pleading with him that you were sorry. Sorry that you cried. There was a pain between your legs, but that was obvious, because you could feel the dried blood on your thighs from just a few moments ago and also the blood from yesterday, when the same incident occurred. You could feel his semen on your thighs. You could feel more bruises being born on your neck from when he choked you to keep you quiet. You could feel everything physically. It was mentally and emotionally that you were long gone.
You stared at the empty wall infornt of you, not a thought in your mind and not a chant on your lip.
Any little bit of hope you had, was all gone.
Maybe you had fallen asleep. That had to be it. Because you were awakened by a slamming of a door. Afraid it was the basement door, you quickly sit up, ready to be positioned. You look up, but don’t see your door open. Instead, you hear voices from upstairs. Which was odd, because Alexie lived alone. You hear shouting, and then one person running, and then a rush of people behind.
While you’re still processing all of this, Alexie rips open the basement door, a butcher knife gleaming in his hand. He points it towards you, walking down the stairs, “YOU! YOU DID THIS! YOU CALLED THEM!”
You cower back into the wall behind you, “No, no, no, Alexie, I didn’t,” you choke your words, scared out of your mind, “I was here with you the whole time, I didn’t. Oh god, I swear, Alexie, I didn’t do anything.” You plead, crying as he approaches you.
You don’t see the people in FBI vests get to the top of the stairs. All you see is Alexie and his angry eyes. He pushes you down and sits on your thighs.
“Alexie Mason! Put the knife down, and stand up.” You hear a man shout loudly. You’re so busy crying to Alexie, you don’t realize it’s Hotch. You don’t realize that JJ and Emily have their guns trained on him also. You don’t realize that Morgan holding back Reid so he doesn’t rush and tackle your ex.
“You’re my perfect little girl now,” Alexie coos, brushing the tip of the knife on your tear stained cheeks. “This might hurt now, but we’ll be happy after, I promise. I love you.” You shake your head, sobbing, your useless hands bound behind you.
He raises the knife into the air and plunges it into your chest. Everything slows down for you. You feel him pull the knife out. You hear someone scream and one more person shout. You hear a loud bang of a bullet leaving it’s chamber. Alexie falls off of you, and to the side, and the knife falls to the floor. Your head falls to the side, and your eyes are tired. So, so tired. You’re breathing is wheezy, and your boyfriend runs and falls next to you. He pulls you onto his lap.
Your ears are ringing, so you can’t hear anything he’s saying. You can barely lip read I’m sorry, don’t close your eyes and you’re going to be okay.
“Spence,” you say, your lips barely moving, “tell me you love me.”
“Y/n, we’re getting you out of here. You’re going to be f-”
“Please. I can’t have him be the last to say he loves me.” You beg, you’re eyes barely staying open.
Your boyfriends tears fall on your face before he buries his face in your neck, “I love you. I love you, I love you.” He cries, “I love you, y/n.”
You nod slowly, with a small smile, “I... I love you too.” You breath out, before you can’t keep your eyes open any longer. Your head falls heavy into his chest, and he quickly jerks his head up.
“Hotch!” He calls out, “Where’s that Medic?!” He holds his girlfriends body in his arms, hugging it close. Still repeating his love to her, still apologizing to her.
You swallow hard, your mouth still dry. Shifting, you feel yourself in a bed. Under blankets.
Maybe Alexie was just a big nightmare.
You open your eyes, and are greeted by a dimly lit room. A hospital room. You try and sit up, but quickly wince, feeling a sharp pain- well, everywhere.
You didn’t notice Spencer’s head on the side of your bed, near your hand, so he alertly awoke, confused for a moment. He sees you, awake, and throws a soft arm around your shoulders, and places kiss on your forehead.
“Thank goodness you’re awake,” He whispered, “they were scared we were too late.” He helps you sit up, and props pillows behind you.
“How long was I out for?” You ask, opening your mouth for another spoonful of jell-o that your boyfriend insisted on feeding you.
“Two days,” JJ answered, smiling at the sight of Ried feeding you, “You kept getting cold, so we just piled blankents on you.”
You motion to Spencer you’re full, but he opens a third cup anyways, “How long was I taken for?” You ask looking at JJ and Emily.
“Two days.” Em answered.
“I’m sorry.” Spencer whispered an apology to you for the twentieth time. He fully and completely believes that your kidnapping was his fault.
Every bruise, and cut on you. Everytime the doctor says you were raped, or starved, or beat. Everytime you wake up crying from a nightmare.
He blames himself for every single bit of it.
You put your hand on his cheek, “It’s not your fault, Baby, please.”
He turns slightly and kisses your hand, “I love you. Please, don’t forget that.”
“I won’t. I love you, too.” You whisper back, kissing him on his forehead as he comes in close to feed you again.
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melo-yello · 5 years
Baking with the Wakandan Royals would include:
A/n: I've been watching a ton of baking shows lately so I've been mad inspired to write some domestic headcanons.
*I added Shuri
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If you mention to this man you're thinking about baking he's already checking for necessary ingredients quantities and locating the measuring cups
T'Challa's need for order and a systematic approach to life can either be really helpful when you're baking or really annoying
This man takes pride in prepping the pan
I mean oiled, floured, and lined with parchment
T'Challa didn't come to play. He got a cake stuck one time and he's never been the same
I'm tellin you he's a complete ace when it comes to measurements
This man will measure, level, sift, and whisk together the dry ingredients in less than 90 seconds
"Here you go, Love." handing you the bowl and kissing your temple
He even will have the separate little glass bowls in various sizes like he stepped out of his very own cooking show
T'Challa is definitely the clean as you go type
Boi is washing dishes almost as fast you can make them
I've got that, Sweetheart." snatching up dirty bowls and taking them to the sink like clockwork
You already kno he's a stick to the recipe type of guy
You kno better than to tell him "We can just eyeball it" or end any measurement/cook time with "or so"
He will absolutely lecture you on the acute chemistry of baking
After so many times of 'sneaking' in extra pinches of 'this' and 'that' and him catching you'll be forced to put him out to stop his constant meddling
"Challa, I swear to Bast if you say one more thing about the 'balance of baking' and don't get yo ass outta this damn kitchen, Shuri will be an only child!"
He occasionally peeks back in offering his two cents before you glare at him and he slinks back to whatever he's preoccupying himself with
Once everything out of the oven and cooled you can't help but smile and bring T'Challa a goodie for all his efforts and help even if he's kinda a pain
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He will 100% be minding his own business until he peeps you in the kitchen baking something
He immediately steps in to take over whether he knows what you're making or not
Deadass has slid across a counter, swiped the bowl, stuck the landing and been like "Ok Ma, what am I makin?"
Boi will even take your apron and do it smooth as hell too
The first time you thought he was trying to be freaky by grabbing ya ass and kissin all down ya neck in the kitchen but before you knew it the apron was untied and around his neck and he was stirring the bowl that was just in front of you
Growing up basically raising himself and being bounced around from relative to relative made learning to cook essential and he's a pretty damn good at it
And he knows it
Erik deadass cooks like somebody's Auntie
"Baby, lemme go ahead and do that." Is something you'll hear every step of the way
He'll just stare at the recipe for .5 seconds then be like "Do that shit, That shit right there and it'll be bland as hell!"
Erik starts off measuring but gradually shifts into eyeballing everything
He's prone to add pinches of different spices that are no where to be found in the recipe
Erik refuses to cook in silence and will always throw on one of his playlists
Y'all bop all the way from TLC to Daniel Caesar to Anderson. Paak
When all the baking is done Erik loves to humble brag about his baked treats
"Yea me and Bae, kilt that shit." Or "Oh you know, Babygirl can throw down"
That is until his cousin says something
T'Challa: "These are great."
Erik: "Damn Straight it is, T'Chump! Didn't kno my baby could FUCK it all da way up! Who you think taught her that! Who!"
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*nervous laughter*
M'Baku has an enormous sweet tooth but can't bake to save his life
Not that hasn't tried but most of those trails ended in flames
Since then the great gorrilla has been banned from most of the palace kitchens
Naturally when you ask "Baku, help me bake some cookies."
He's a little hesitant
M'Baku tries to explain to you that his strong suit is really savory and much rather do anything
He really hates that he's not naturally good at it like most things he does (fighting, leading, flirting, etc.)
This gets him out of helping the first few times before you drag him in kitchen promising "Trust me, I can teach you. It can't be that bad."
With M'Baku's help be prepared to remake batters at least twice
He's either heavy handed or extremely light handed there's absolutely no inbetween with him
He's gonna apologize each time he messes up no matter how many times you tell him it's fine
You put him on mixing duty but he gets bored so he starts distracting you
"Oh that look absolutely scrumptious, My Love." grabbing your ass as measure out brown sugar
"That tastes amazing, My Queen." giving you bedroom eyes as he sucks your finger clean of the batter you were about to taste
"You smell like heaven, Dear Heart." nipping at your neck as you place a pan in the oven
This is also the kinda man that eats as you bake
As soon as they hit the cooling racks he's bodying half of them
Putting up high doesn't work either when your mans is 6'5" and can reach all your hiding places
Only on rare occasions do you actually have sweets to show for you efforts if you only make one batch
3 seems to be the sweet spot since M'Baku eats half of 2
He actually does pay attention when you show him how to do things correctly and each time he makes fewer mistakes and he's so proud of himself
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Shuri is allergic to anything remotely domestic. Not that its difficult she just isn't interested
Mysteriously she always has all the software updates to do when you ask "Wouldn't it be fun to help me bake something?"
"Yes, My King?!?!" Shuri yells running down the hall after a very confused T'Challa that tells back "Stop calling me that!" as the two run in the opposite direction as you
She's definitely not above making up tech tasks to get out of being forced into baking
"Oh I'd love to but I need to check... Erik's torso to make sure he's healing ok. Too bad he's shy so you can't come." She shrugs pulling Erik into lab before he can get in a word
Or "Oh yes Sergent Barnes, I do have time to look at the mechanics of each synapses of every nerve ending in your arm. This could take a while." practically tackling Bucky as he enters the lab
The only way to get her there is by treachery
"Shuri, come quick! The stan mixer is smoking you have to fix it. Or I'll never bake again." is enough to get her to bolt out of the door and into the kitchen
There's no way she can let your Double Fudge Sea Salt Pecan brownies vanish from her life
"This mixer is absolutely fine, Y/n. Don't scare me like that ev..." trailing off as she turns to see you locking the door to the kitchen
Once she finds that all exits are blocked off
Vents, windows, and personal secret passages she has installed for times like these
She starts offering 'helpful' advice to really 'expand' your baking horizions
"I'm telling you, Y/n, 1 and 1/4 teaspoons of white vinegar would really help these sweets raise to the ocassion." as she presses record and steps back
You soon learn after several batter explosions and looped videos and gifs sent across the Insta, Twitter, and Snap she can't be trusted
"Oh come on,now! How was I supposed to know it was going to do that?" Laughing as you glare at her wiping yet another batter blow up off your face
Before you accept her advice now it is questioned with "And if I add that it won't end up in my face?"
Shuri will pause then offer something else because she's no evil just mischievous
She pretends to be bored out of her mind the whole time even though she's mentally pocketing all the little steps so she can later try by herself
Every once in a while she'll hit you with an absolutely old school but completely clutch trick you've never heard of before (most likely something she picked up from cooking with Queen Mother) and you pause to look at her
Like "Where the hell did that come from?"
She just shrugs and offers some off the wall flavor combo to throw you off her trail
"Chocolate and peanut butter? Boring. How about anasis and chardonnay." genuinely curious about the combination
Shuri loves to experiment and play with structures and variables esspecially in the kitchen
So tell her your trying to make a souffle or flan and she's there automatically no plots involved or locked doors
Afters all the sweets and practical jokes are out of the oven and cooling and the doors are unlocked
Shuri takes a treat or two and hums looking satisfied with your team work "This was actually fun." mouth half full and gives you a quick hug before leaving
Ever so often she'll come of her own prompting to you wanting to be shown how to make a cookie or some other baked good
And you do but as soon as they're done
She steals like 75% of the goodies as you check some of the few left in the oven and splits them with M'Baku who was already waiting at the door and they run down the hall like small children
Always leaving a note "XOXO, Princess Shuri" and scribbled in the biggest calligraphy that is usually saved for royal documents "Thx from Great Gorrilla,M'Baku" at the scene of the crime
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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The Oath | Ch. 20 “Sick Day” 
a/n: thank you all for reading and leaving comments! a big thank you to @lcbeauchampoftarth who cleans up my mess <3 next week, I will not be posting because I will be out of town, but I will make it up the next week with two chapters! xx enjoy! 
Arc I | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 | Ch. 19
December 11th, 2019
Claire had spent nearly all day yesterday trying to distract herself from thinking about the results of the new paternity test. She cleaned the house, and every inch was nearly spotless. When she found her thoughts drifting to the results again, she took Madeline to the park. However, it had been too cold, and that was why she was now lying in bed with a fever and a runny nose.
“I told ye not to go outside, Sassenach. Twas too cold for ye and Mads.” Jamie handed her a cup of water. “At least Madeline isna sick.”
“Thank God for that,” Claire croaked out. “I know I shouldn’t have, but I was just so restless, I needed to do something.”
“You never can sit still, aye,” Jamie chuckled. He’d decided to take the day off of work when he woke up next to a sweating Claire, complaining of a headache. “Are you hungry? Want to try some soup again?”
Trying to sit up, Claire experienced a wave of nausea and shook her head. “Not just yet, maybe later.”
“Alright, I’m going to check on Madeline and make sure she’s okay.” Jamie rose from the bed. “Then I’ll come back. Maybe we can watch a movie or something.”
Nodding, Claire felt guilty for getting sick. It wasn’t often that she did, always careful to wash her hands and wipe down surfaces around the house. All she wanted to do was cuddle with her baby, but she feared spreading her cold to her.
“That sounds good, but I’ll probably fall asleep.”
“Ye need rest, Sassenach. Maybe ye gettin’ sick is a good thing — it’ll make ye finally rest.” Jamie kissed her forehead and left her to check on Madeline.
She was in her crib, fast asleep. Jamie didn’t know how they’d gotten so lucky with her. Madeline cried, of course — she had lungs of steel and could wake the dead. But when she slept, she put her thumb in her mouth and barely made a peep.
Tucking the soft pink blanket around her, Jamie rubbed his thumb over her cheek. He then touched the small tuft of red hair that was forming into curls. Today was the day that they would likely find out the results of the second paternity test. Well, today or tomorrow. It didn’t matter to Jamie — not really. The only thing that mattered now was finding out the truth and possibly shutting down the lab — and getting Frank out of their lives once and for all.
“Sing me a song of a lass that is gone, say could that lass be I,” Jamie sang softly. “Merry of soul, she sailed on a day, Over the sea to Skye…” He hummed the tune that his mother had sang to him as a bairn, watching as Madeline smiled in her sleep… just as he did.
As soon as Jamie walked back into their bedroom, Claire asked him if the mail had come.
“I don’t know actually,” he said and slowly walked out backwards. “I’ll check. Don’t move,” he continued as he winked — at least, he tried to wink.
Their mail usually came around the same time every day. Lo’ and behold, when he walked over to the door, their mail was scattered about the floor, near where it’d been pushed through the mail slot. Jamie bent down, groaning a bit at the stiffness of his back.
“Spam,” he mumbled as he looked through the envelopes, hoping to see one from the DNA Centre. “More spam, coupons… a bill.” Sadly, there was nothing from the Centre, even though they’d said two days, and that two days was now today.
“Anything?” Claire asked him when he came to sit down beside her.
“Nope, just bills and spam,” he sighed and placed his hand on her forehead. “Yer no too warm now, but still a bit of a fever left, I reckon.”
“You reckon?” Claire arched her brows, a small smile playing on her lips. “Oh, I want to kiss you…”
“But ye canna.” Jamie looked down at her. “Or do ye want to get me sick too? Who would take care of Mads?”
Claire crossed her arms over her chest, her bottom lip sticking out, and Jamie pulled the blanket up around her to keep her warm. “Don’t tempt me…” he smirked. “Ye, with yer frizzy curly hair and red nose.”
“You love my frizzy hair!” Claire laughed and then started coughing.
“Take it easy.” Jamie rubbed her arm and then laid down next to her. “I do love your frizzy hair. Every messy strand. Want to watch a movie?”
“Sure,” she nodded. “I’ll probably fall asleep, so pick something you like.”
“Hmmm, well, tis Christmas and I ken how much ye like The Holiday.” Jamie picked up the remote, flicking over to Netflix.
“Oh, I do.” Claire smiled up at him. “Maybe I should get sick more often if it’ll make you watch The Holiday with me.”
“This is a one time offer, Sassenach,” Jamie smiled in return and pressed play, sliding his arm around her, holding her close. He looked over at the nightstand to the baby monitor — Madeline was still fast asleep, sucking her thumb.
Just as Jamie predicted, thirty minutes later, Claire was lightly snoring next to him, her mouth open. She looked so peaceful and Jamie didn’t want to disturb her much-needed sleep, so he kept his arm around her and continued watching the movie.
Near the end of the movie, his phone started buzzing and he slipped it out of his pocket.
“Hello?” he said softly, looking over at Claire to check she was still asleep.
“Hey lad, tis me,” Murtagh said. “I just wanted to call and check on things. See how ye and Claire are doing.”
“Well, at this exact moment, Claire is sick with a bit o’ a cold, Madeline is asleep, and I’m stuck watching The Holiday because Claire fell asleep on me,” Jamie chuckled.
“Didn’t ye say ye love that movie?” Murtagh laughed.
“Shhh, of course not,” Jamie looked down at Claire. “I admit, tis one of the better ones, but no… I never said that.”
“Alright, sure,” Murtagh grumbled into the phone. “How are ye really, though?”
Jamie sighed and finally moved his arm from around Claire, easing himself off the bed as he padded across the room and slipped into the bathroom. “I’m okay. I took the paternity test two days ago and we’re supposed to have the results by today, but nothing came in the mail. I shouldn’t let it affect me so much…”
“But, you want to know for sure and ye already thought this business of who is Madeline’s father was behind ye. It’s alright to be upset, Jamie. Yer human,” Murtagh said, reassuring him that what he was feeling was natural. “I’m sure ye’ll get it in the mail tomorrow, and if no’ then, by the end of the week.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I just feel like all my and Claire’s relationship has been about one question: who’s the father,” Jamie sighed. “I want to put this all behind me so we can just focus on being a family.”
“Och, I ken ye do, lad. At least ye ken that Claire will love ye no matter what, and that little girl loves ye, even if she’s a bairn and has no concept of what love is,” Murtagh laughed. “Ye have some of the best lasses, Jamie. Yer parents would have loved them, I’m sure of it.”
The mention of his parents choked him up. He thought of them often, but not as often as he felt he should. Jamie missed them both dearly, and he wished more than anything that they could both be here to meet Claire and Madeline.
“Aye, ye think?”
“I know,” Murtagh said. “Well, it was good to chat. If ye ever need anyone to talk to, I’m always here for ye. For all of ye.”
“Of course, thanks for callin’. I’ll keep ye all updated about the results as soon as we get them in,” Jamie replied. “Talk to ye later.”
Hanging up the phone, he slipped it back into his pocket and walked back into their bedroom to find Claire, her eyes slowly opening.
“Were you on the phone?” she said softly.
“Aye, twas just Murtagh, callin’ to check in.” Jamie smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Ye only made it thirty minutes in.”
“I told you,” Claire grinned and then sniffed, reaching for a tissue to blow her nose.
Jamie was about to lay back down beside her when a cry came through the baby monitor.
“That sounds like a wet nappy cry,” Claire said and tried to sit up, but Jamie placed his hand on hers.
“Dinna move, Sassenach. That’s what I’m here for,” he reassured her, and stood up to go to Mads’s room.
“That’s not all you’re here for, Fraser,” she smiled and fell back against the pillows.
As Jamie left to change Madeline’s nappy, Claire rubbed her hands over her eyes. She’d woken when Jamie left the bed to go into the bathroom, so she’d heard most of his conversation on the phone — however, most of it was muffled by the door.
She wanted to put this whole mess behind them too, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty for it in the first place. If she’d only used protection…
If she’d only used protection, then she wouldn’t have Madeline. And she loved her daughter more than anything in the world. She made it worth it. All the headaches and heartache that came with their situation — she was the anchor that kept Claire sane.
By the end of the day, Claire had managed to eat a bit of soup and saltines that Jamie had put together for her. She was slowly feeling better, thanks to rest and Jamie’s good doctoring skills. Doctors often didn’t make the best patients, but she tried her best not to boss him around, instead letting him take care of her.
Jamie finished feeding Madeline and put her in her crib. He then went around the house, turning off lights and checking the locks. As he walked towards the front door, he noticed an envelope that wasn’t there before on the ground.
Picking it up, Jamie found that it had no return address, and that it didn’t even have their address. It was simply addressed to Claire Beauchamp.
He also noticed, out of the corner of his eye, a bit of white sticking out from under the doormat. Something must have slid under when the mail was delivered earlier, as it’d happened more times than he could count.
Jamie picked up the envelope and found that it was a letter from the DNA Centre. So it had been here all day — it’d merely gotten lost. He wanted to open it, but he knew he needed to wait for Claire; and she was fast asleep, a cold cloth pressed to her head.
He was also curious about the mysterious letter addressed to her, something he would also have to wait until morning for. With a deep breath and a prayer to give him patience, Jamie placed both envelopes down on the front table, silently remembering to open them first thing in the morning.
Locking the door, Jamie then walked back upstairs to Claire in their bed. He simply stood at the entrance, watching her sleep, not caring if he looked weird doing it. She was his mo nighean donn — his brown-haired lass. And his mo ruadh bhàn a ghalad, his red-haired girl, asleep in her crib.
Chapter 21: Finally
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reading-hub · 5 years
Dandy And The Jet 🚀 [3] To Boobies, Baby!
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- Space Dandy x reader -
[part 2]
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The digital transmission hidden underneath your jacket that was made by Bea so it was easy to update on the mission with Admiral Perry. You were explaining the events that were leading up to today, from that one-sided crazy bar fight, being able to escape said bar fight, having the opportunity to escape with Dandy's crew inside the "Aloha Oe" to now.
“So, you’ve already made your way to his inner circle?”
You hid within the hallways, luckily nobody hadn't woken up yet. Although that little wheeled robot named QT had this obsession with cleaning early, so your not exactly in the clearing yet...
"Yes, I have. His crew was surprisingly welcoming despite them being alien hunters.." You responded, remembering your last experience with some alien hunters in the past...
"I don't care about them! What about the target, how's is he taking in your presence? Has he suspected anything about you since your arrival?" Admiral was obviously cautious about you being found out in a short time. You rolled your eyes slightly.
You sighed and answered. "Well, he was questioning my position when I took the wheel, but nothing really about me.” Admiral sighed in relief, guess that's good news?
"Very well, just keep pursuing on the target at all times, don't let him slip through your fingers. We're so close yet so far." The burning skeleton commanded. "I will, sir." You agreed, transmission ended.
"Hello miss [f/n]!" You jumped slightly, turning around to see the little robot QT and his broom. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! Did I startle you?" QT said in a worried tone. The robot really was the sweetest.
"Don't worry, er, I was just looking around the ship..." You smiled looking at the inter-galactic gears and such.
Now that I mentioned it, this ship is pretty huge, this must've cost a fortune, maybe Dandy is a successful alien hunter after all if he was able to afford such a ship and all...
You shrugged it off and looked at QT. "So uh, you clean up around the ship when everybody's asleep?" You asked, continuing the conversation with the little robot.
"I clean up anyway, even if everyone's awake or not." Saying in their autotuned voice, which is a bit adorable. "I really like cleaning," QT said simply.
"That's one hell of a favorite thing to do. I rarely ever hear someone say that sentence, ever." You chuckled a little. "So anyway, what exactly is the schedule around here?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Schedule?" QT said confused. "Oooh!" The male robots autotune sang in harmony. "To be quite honest, there really isn't one." They shrugged, your eyes quirked a little in surprise and confusion. "The only real mundane place that Dandy likes to go to most of the time is a place called Boobies," QT answered.
"Boobies?" Your whole facade went full-on confusion with what the innocent robot said so casually. "Yeah, it's this restaurant that Dandy really likes going to a lot but the paycheck is more than what we normally have so its tough for Dandy to accept when we don't have enough to go." The robot explained.
Huffing a little in response, "Judging by the name of this restaurant, I can tell why Dandy would like going there." Both QT and You laughed right after.
"Geez, you giggling pre-teens woke me up." Looks like your quality conversation with QT is over thanks to a grumpy pompadour. Speaking of pompadour, Dandy was hiding his hair using his blanket that he dragged along the floor without a care.
"Now if you excuse me, girlies, I gotta take a shower. This hair ain't gonna fix itself!" Dandy boasted proudly as if you were gonna swoon over him right when he gets out.
"We should probably check and see if Meow is awake, though I highly doubt it," QT grumbled as we walked to the main room of the ship. "How long does it usually take for everyone to be awake by?" You asked jokingly. "I'd say around 02:00 in standard time," QT answered quickly, looking at his watch that miraculously appears out of nowhere!
"It's nine-forty." You questioned immediately. “How long does it take for Dandy to finish up in there?" The robot rolled his screen eyes thinking of Dandy's precious timing.
"I'd say two hours, one if today's a lucky day." QT hoped.
"Dang." Was all you could say to that. The guys that you use to know hated when a woman took too long getting ready and didn't really care for their hair products. Needless to say, this Dandy guy was something else and nobody you’ve met before.
After talking with QT for two hours or so, you both sat at the dining table, if you call it that. You can easily tell by the crew that they didn't seem the type to eat breakfast together in a table.
QT was nice enough to make you a single cup of coffee. Luckily he was able to find some coffee beans after looking up and down in the cabinets. Wasn't a lot but you could manage either way. You wondered if he was able to have any human-like food?
You both shared a few things, like past stories. QT shared a lot about the past adventures him and Dandy have been through. A booby monster, plant people, and said something about zombies but I kinda lost track since all them were just bat-shit crazy all on their own.
You on the other hand only shared ones that were pretty tame when compared to theirs. Warning the robot that your adventures aren't really exciting to tell compared to what they told.
QT seemed interested with what you told him anyway, but you also didn’t want to overshare too much.
"What are you guys talking about?" The yawning came from Meow who was shuffling his feet, he must be still tired even though he's slept longer than the rest of us combined.
"[F/n] has been telling me about her adventures.” The robot said with glee, you couldn't help but smile in embarrassment when QT showed some exciting interest in your stories. "Whoa really?" Meow was obviously interested. All you could do was shrug in embarrassment.
It has been a while since people actually listen to what I had to say...
Meow just asked upon millions of questions each time you telling more and more details of the time you able to hold your own against the likes of humanoid monsters and crazy ex’s throughout the galaxy.
"Does that mean you know some close combat?" QT asked politely. "Yeah, and a bit of gun firing as well," You replied.
"So are you like some kind of superhero?" Meow smiled and pulled out his phone. “I'm not even close to a superhero."
True, you really weren’t . You were basically the big, bad, villain's accomplice, you know the ones where they trick the good guys into thinking that she's one of them now and then double-crosses them saying how "I am not who you think I am!" And then they laugh evilly.
The sad truth is that I don't think I can laugh evil.
"Is Dandy out of the shower yet? I really need to use the restroom." You said, obviously frustrated. QT grumbled, "Eh, probably putting his hair gel right about now..." You didn’t care, You just stood up and just tell Dandy to step out real quick so that you can go!
Storming off back to the hallway where you had that transmission call with Admiral and then that talk to QT later on.
Stopping your tracks, you noticed that the bathroom door had a small crack open. You could only guess Dandy got out and is probably changing back in his room? You hoped, otherwise he's gonna think you’re peeping on him, which he'll probably find flattering, you however were not intending on that.
Slowly walking towards the steamthat was seeping through the cracked door, Lights full white, You were hoping he forgot to turn off when he left...shit!
Peering through and - goddammit! - he's there! Oh well, at least he has a towel on, even if that towel is low cut and will probably fall off easily...fuck!
He was drying up his hair with another towel. The towel was off from his head, and you got a clear view of his shaggy natural hair!
Your eyes went full surprised. He really wasn't that bad looking without the hair gel, You certainly didn’t understand why he has to hide it...
Oh well.
You felt as though you were peeping a little too long.. you just booked it outta there! Maybe you should hold your bladder until he actually leaves the bathroom next time...
Sprinting back to the lounge, you know what you’ll just call it that since you refuse to call it a "dining room" or a "kitchen".
Meow and QT were still hanging around where you last talked to them. "That was quick," Meow said in surprise. You took a few breaths and replied, "Yeah, turns out I didn't really need to go." You said in relief.
A few minutes later, a wild Dandy appears behind you! "You're finally out of the shower?" You said in a bored tone. "You know if you wanted to take a shower with me, you could've asked?" He suggested slyly. Sadly, he had his pompadour back, kinda wishing to see his hair down. QT decided to change the subject.
"Nevermind that, where are we going, Dandy?"
Dandy's attention was at the robot. "To boobies, baby!" He boasted proudly. "Boobies, you mean that ‘breastaurant’ that QT was telling me about?" I jumped in with air quotes.
Dandy's face freaked a little. "QT, YOU TOLD HER ABOUT BOOBIES!?"
"Don't pin it on them, since I agreed to be apart of this crew, I was probably gonna find out anyway, no use of hiding it.." You said in defense. "She's got ya there, man.” Meow commented on the sideline.
All Dandy could do was have his lips curl, pouting like a child because you had a point.
"Alright, just don't take the fun out of Boobies for me, ok?" Dandy whined slightly at me. You shrugged it off, "Don't plan on it."
"Hey QT, how much we got for Boobies?" He called out to the robot. "Hm, probably enough. But Dandy, I thought we were going to spend this money for--" QT was cut from his words by Dandy.
"Nevermind that QT, we could always just hunt for a rare alien and get double the money back!"
Something tells me that this is just gonna be one those days...you know, the ones where shit gets fucked and it could've been avoided by just listening and following the obvious from earlier.
The four of you have arrived at Boobies. You really didn’t have an expectation of what this breastrant would look like, but seeing it right in front of your very eyes, it hit the nail on head.
You weren’t one to judge. We all have our guilty pleasures in life. Some like eating a bag of chips on a slow day, some like the smell of a certain candle that keeps them at ease, and some like a ditzy waitress who dresses little to the imagination to take their order while also small talk to on a daily basis.
You took a seat between QT and Meow, Dandy sat across from you. Small tension was between you and Dandy for a full two minutes. Dandy obviously not a fan of you being at Boobies with them. You couldn’t care less what he thought about you at that time, you just wanted to eat something, pay half of the check, possibly tip the waitress, and go back to the ship.
Before it can be anymore silent—
“Hey boys, how are we doing today?” You looked up, only to see a young blonde waitress, eyes looked as if full of innocence. She was quite pretty, you admit to yourself. “Oh my, I’m sorry, and how you today, miss?” Her wide eyes immediately directed towards you. Her tone was that of surprise and joy. Possibly because of how rare it is to have female customers here, you guess.
“I’m okay, thank you though.” You replied, smiling faintly at the blonde. “Yeah, we’re good today, too.” Dandy said after, his palm holding his jaw in boredom. The blonde beamed happily. “Dandy, who is she? Is she a new friend of yours?” She egged him on. Obviously curious about who you were. You’d think that this waitress is close friends with Dandy, given how easily she’s able to hold a conversation with him.
“No Honey, me and crew met her yesterday.” He explained, smirking with confidence. “Although an initiation of the Space crew in the talks.” In talks? You could’ve sworn he agreed to you being apart of the crew the first day you two met. You looked at him sideways, just what is he trying to get at?
“An initiation? That must be so fun! When is it??” Honey looked at him with answers. Dandy slumped on the booth, smug as all hell. He’s gonna get punched so bad when we get back to the ship. “Actually, initiation starts today.” He boasted.
“It is?” Honey asked excited.
“It is?” You reiterated sarcastically, wondering where this was going.
“It is.” Dandy conceded.
Before Dandy could be anymore proud of himself of having you put in a tight situation, hook line and sinker...
“Since when did we propose for an initiation for future crew members?” QT popped up with a sudden question out of nowhere. “We didn’t have one for Meow now that I think about it...” the robot added, while Dandy’s eyes widen, nervously.
“It’s a new thing I made up!” Dandy interjected. “I forgot to tell you and Meow about..” he explained, hoping the damn robot keeps thier mouth shut. “Okaaay, what’s the first stage of initiation then?” QT asked after.
Meow looked up from his phone, seeing what was unfolding right in front of him.
Dandy could only grind his teeth, thinking of one on the top of his head and try not to look stupid. Than, a light switched on his head!
“[f/n], our lovely new recruit here has to pay for the check.” Douche. That was all that popped in your head soon after.
Well, I have space skeleton demi-god and a pimp gorilla looking over me like vultures, I’m being labeled as a last resort plan to capturing Dandy, and being apart of his crew is the only shot I can get to getting closer to finishing my mission. No pressure.
Ok Dandy, I’ll play along.
“Well, if it’s what I have to do, than so be it.” You agreed, getting a little too confident.
“Alright!” Dandy rubbed his hands together in anticipation. This was too fun for him.
The food orders were now final.
Dandy made it easier by just having you pay for the ‘Captain’s Meal’, aka Dandy and yourself. Meow just ordered for soup and a soda, QT just wanted some juice. You wondered if the robot could actually consume foods...
Your order was that of a space meat fillet that you thought looked good on the menu and your choice of two sides.
However, Dandy knew he had you by his finger and went all out. Two large chucks of meat, topped with chili, cheese, a ramen bowl, and a slushee that was most likely child size.
He looked as smug and pampered as they came at that moment. The food came in.
Meow’s and QT ‘s came first since their orders were small and simple. Your’s came second. Dandy’s was last, the meal was so huge that Honey needed another waitress to help her bring it to the table.
You rolled your eyes at how Dandy was making a big deal out of this.
Meow and QT were done with thier orders a long time ago. You just finished your own meal. Dandy on the other hand, still had halfway to go. I guess Dandy didn’t think though how big of an order his was compared to everyone else.
“You’re not gonna finish that.” Meow commented as he was scrolling his phone. He pouted his lip in response. “Nope, I’m not gonna give in to the temptation of losing.” Dandy replied, hiding away the worry.
“Losing what? I’m the one paying for your meal.” You said suddenly. “How about we just ask to box it for to-go.” You suggested. You honestly felt a little bad. He looked like a small boy who feels bad for not finishing his dinner. It was honestly kinda cute at this state.
Wait what?
“Fine!” He gave in, crossing his arms in the process. You perked up at the waitress who was walking past your table, and asked if they’re was a to-go box for a meal like Dandy’s.
Honey came in with the check, the total of Dandy’s meal itself was almost 300 yen, your own meal was around 30. Luckily, you secretly tapped Honey’s shoulder and gave the ditzy blonde a coupon for Boobies when Dandy wasn’t looking. You knew holding onto that coupon would benefit you one day.
The crew got their things together before heading out. Dandy begrudgingly holding onto his box that had his meal.
It was already midnight by the time you guys came out of the breastaurant. All of got into ship, one by one. All tired from eating. Seeing how exhausted you looked, Dandy took the liberty of stirring the ship with QT tonight. How nice.
Guess him being nice was just a thank you for putting up with him today at Boobies.
Before you could relax your eyes, Dandy shouted out:
“Whoops, forgot to get gas!” He nervously smiled through his teeth.
“ARGGHHH!!!” You, Meow, and QT loudly responded.
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fisherfurbearer · 5 years
It’s my 21st birthday today.
I’ve been very quiet here since winter, but in actuality so much has happened. I’m still sorry for being-here but not-being-here, and vanishing on everyone waiting on art, but it’s really been a whirlwind. Just a real wild ride.
I had this big, rambling post written up, explaining what’s happened so far this year and what’s been going on, but I don’t think it’s necessary really. What matters is that I’ve made it this far. This time six months ago I really wasn’t sure if I’d make it to see today. But. Here I am.
I feel like life has been pretty unrelenting in the past few years, and it never seems to end. Between this post and my last text posts, I’ve had another Break Down due to problems with work and doctors, and it’s been pretty terrifying, but I think it’s going to be okay. We’re not out of the woods and I really need to focus on this right now so I still won’t have time to get back into art (which I do plan on doing!! But it’s really not fair to anyone for me to start up again when I’m still not completely stable) and everything else.
But hey. Even after that recent disaster, I’m still here. I’ve been on much better meds for almost 5 months now, I’ve been figuring out what I want to do with my life, and I have my second wind. Things have been getting a lot better (even though a LOT has also been going wrong, but such is life, and we get through it!) and I’ve been on the right track for several months now. I think I’m truly happy.
I’m still here and so is most everyone else. I figure it’s about time I do an update on everyone, as this is a pet blog after all, and I think it’s best to let everyone know how we’re all doing. It’s been a long time since I really talked about everyone properly, and a lot has happened. So here’s the all-encompassing update on everyone:
I posted about this a bit before, but yes. At the start of July I found that I lost about half of the tarantulas. While I think in general we were doing okay picking up the pieces from everything that happened, not everyone was alright. It’s my fault, and I take responsibility. I don’t care how tough things were, it wasn’t fair to them that I let them go unnoticed for too long. Most of the slings passed away, they got too dry, and the more moisture dependent ones passed away as well, including Boopus, Conte, Lucy, and Cassini.
There is a huge hole in my heart from losing them. I will never let this happen again. I don’t CARE how hard things get for me, I will NEVER let my illness take the lives of the ones I care about ever again. I don’t know if it’s the right decision to continue keeping Ts at all after what happened, but since it did, Jessie and I had a very serious conversation about was has to change if I want to keep the remaining Ts. I’ve spent a lot of time re-working how I care for everyone, and so far, everyone has been recovering VERY well. The remaining Ts are: Agnes, Deckard, Isidore, Montag, Winnipeg, Wilder, Flaveri, Kessler, Kitty, and Turnip. They are all fat and hydrated and doing better. Deckard and Isidore molted successfully, and Winnipeg is deep in pre-molt. Montag had some sort of weird kinda-mites-but-not-mites thing going on, but I got most of them off and they’ve been doing really well for about a month now.
Suffice to say I think everyone is going to be okay. The ones that are here. I do love them deeply and I need to not let my illness get in the way of them. My depression was slowly eating away at everything I loved, including them and my desire and ability to care for them, but I will never let it happen again. No matter what, I’ll do what’s best for them, even if it’s a tough decision.
As for the other inverts...the roaches are all doing very well. Red goblins have had their ups and downs but the colony is big and thriving. I finally have adults again and babies are cropping up once more. My dubia colony is finally stable and they’ve been delightful waste disposals for all the ugly peppers and bolted greens from our poor little garden. The rothi, the Original Dig Sons, are STILL kicking. I thought the female was gone but she cropped up again and is as gigantic and cute as ever. They’re chubby and happy and digging like champs. The little kenyans are also doing well!! I’m moving them in with the dubia and they seem to thrive with them. Everyone is peaceful and passive to one another, and by being in the bigger colony they have much more space and food options than before.
All in all, the inverts are recovering and doing okay. I also have thriving isopod cultures in the geckos’ vivs, and they’re doing very well! Lots of orange P. pruinosis in there.
Vladimir and Estragon are doing WONDERFULLY. After the fire I was very worried about the smoke, but both geckos have been perfectly fine and very active and healthy, especially as the weathers warmed up. Estragon is exploring all the time now, and has recovered well after all the stress of moving around so much earlier this year. As I type this he’s climbing the glass of his viv and mleming the air. He’s such a little man and I love him. I’ve been watering the vivariums properly again and they’ve been exploding with growth! Not all the plants made it but the ones left actually need trimming, they’re growing too fast!! The local pet place has lots of vivarium plants available actually and I got a couple that I’m going to plant in the empty spots for the boys. So right now the vivs definitely look a little wonky, but it’s nothing we can’t fix, and the boys themselves are doing GREAT. They lost a little weight after all the chaos, but Gogo is a good chunky boy and Didi is doing awesome too!! Eating lots and he even catches the loose roaches that have been living in the leaf litter, which is pretty cool to watch and great enrichment for him. My little men have been doing so good and I’m so happy that we’re all okay. <3
Before the fire, I had recently gotten my very first rats, which was a huge deal on here, if any of you remember that!! Java, Lisp, and Python have been thankfully 100% okay after the fire, and have suffered 0 smoke injury! They were farther from where it happened, but there was definitely some smell in my room but now, eight months later, I think it’s safe to say that they’re unaffected. The rats are doing GREAT. They get pampered every single day by everyone here, and my roommate LOVES them. Even when I couldn’t take care of them, he’d feed them and squish them daily, which was a huge help while I dealt with all the craziness. I’m getting back into the routine and taking over their care again, but I can’t thank him enough for his help.
The rats are now THE BIGGEST BOYS and Java is the BEST bean!!! He went from peeping and running away when we first got him to bruxing like CRAZY whenever we hold him and he loves being squished. I don’t know why. They all just love being held and squished and Lisp has some really unsettling Extreme Happy Boggles when we do it, he loves being crushed. (Not that we actually “crush” them, just gently pretend to squish them with our hands while joking about squashing them into pancakes)
They get so much love every single day, and they’ve been one of the best things to ever happen to us. Unfortunately since moving here (and I wasn’t aware of this until the day of move-in, haha, lucky me...) they’ve had to live in the basement which is colder than I’d like and makes it hard for me to care for them, but soon we’re switching to 100% fleece and they’ll be able to live up here with us properly!! I’m so excited about it and it’ll make caring for them so much easier. I’m so excited.
OH and how could I forget. I put off saying this but we DO have a few more pet friends since I last mentioned everyone in December. We bought five little mice into our home many months ago, and their names are Awesome Opossom, Moggles the Mole, Inspector Beans, Bhombus, and Trungalo. They were one of the best things ever, for me. They’re the perfect fit for our lives and they’ve been thriving since we got them. They’re so relaxing and wonderful, and they are incredibly calm and squishy little girls. Sadly, Possie passed away a month or so after she came here (she was almost like a FTT...she was doing so well, then she just...she wasn’t growing like everyone else, no matter what I did, and one day she just. Didn’t make it. We found her snuggled up in her favorite hide in a pile of fleece. No one bothered her. She passed away peacefully.) and she just...she was here for such a short time but she changed everyone’s lives forever. She was the most incredible little thing. She was so outgoing and sweet and when we bought them home she instantly became Nick’s favorite little friend. I’d come home from work and he’d be in the middle of the living room playing with her. He loved her so, so much and even though the mice “are mine” I really think Possie was his. She was a very special little thing and I’m glad she could spend the last of her time with us. She was an incredible little animal.
All in all though...the rodents are doing good. It still hurts my heart that Possie passed away but we did everything we could and we had a special little service for her under the big tree in the backyard, and we will never forget her. I kinda wish everyone here could’ve gotten to know her too. She was really something special.
Otherwise...ahh gosh it feels really sad to say anything else after talking about Possie. She was so, so wonderful, but so are the remaining meecers. Mice are weird. They’re just so small and gentle and wonderful, and I’m really happy to have them with us.
Oh yes!! And there are two more little friends who joined us. I researched getting birds for a few years, and back in mid-April in my area there was a couple having to rehome some of their button quail. They hatched and raised them by hand, and I talked it through with Jessie and we jumped on the opportunity to adopt a pair. It worked out wonderfully for everyone and now it’s been about four months with us and they’re doing fantastic. Their names are Wasabi (male) and Mushroom (female) and they’re an extremely devoted mated pair and we love them. They’re in our front living room and while we don’t/can’t handle them they have become so outgoing in their own way and I’ve learned so much about caring for them over the past few months. They’re very relaxing to care for and any time I slack a bit with anything, they let me know by tapping the front of the enclosure until I investigate and fix whatever’s wrong. It’s actually really helpful and over time I’ve gotten much better and now they hardly ever pace or tap the front, which makes me feel like I’m doing something right. They seem peaceful and spend a lot of their time with each other and bathing in their dirt bath or foraging for treats. c:
All in all, we’re really getting there and have been getting so much better since The Disaster that was winter. The animals are doing great/much better, I’m getting better (although the recent scare is still a drain and I do have to work 12-9 pm today but so it goes...) and it’s going to be alright, I think. And I have a very supportive partner and awesome roommate and friends and I can’t thank them enough for helping me get this far. I wouldn’t be here without them.
Well anyway. Happy birthday to me, I spent way too long writing this and now I need to rush to get ready to work for the rest of the day/night. But so it goes, I’ve been through worse. c;
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gobydana · 6 years
Liar part 2
A/N: There is a three year time skip between Liar and this part. The reader is still living in London at the beginning. Warning this is long. I almost split it in two. The problem was were I was going to split it would just leave more angst. Sorry the end got a bit rushed. 
Part 1
Y/N came home late to their flat. Groaning their kicked off their work shoes and headed to the kitchen with their takeout. Rounding the corner they about jumped when they saw Jon sitting on the table.
“I see you still work stupid late hours.” Jon replied while munching on a muffin he must have found in the flat. 
“Says a superhero.” Y/N replied while sitting down. “No warnings anymore when you come?”
Ever since Y/N left, Jon tried to visit once or twice a year. He had to be sneaky so that Damian would not find out. He swore he never told anyone where they were. Well minus Lois. He gave updates on all the teammates minus Damian, so it hurt them too much. 
“Emergency reasoning.” 
Y/N quickly shot up with worried plaster all over their face. 
“Is Damian okay? He didn’t die did he? Why didn’t you call me!” 
“Physically he is okay. His wife umm well she cheated on him often with a new person. They are going to get a divorce. He is going to need all the support he can get.”
Y/N just sat there unable to process it. All they could think about was how happy Damian was whenever he was with him. 
“When is the next flight to Gotham?” Y/N said as they abandoned their food. They were already texting their boss saying a family matter arose and would be gone for a bit. By the time Jon caught up to them, a bag was already out and clothes getting thrown in it. 
“Here I had a whole speech ready to convince you to come back to Gotham. Wast of time. I can get us there quicker then a flight.” 
With that the two of them packed quick. No matter that it had been three years without so much as a peep from Damian, in the end he was their best friend. He was going to need both Jon and them there for him. 
Y/N had a small duffel packed and ready to go. Jon flew as quick as he could. The deal was to leave Y/N in Gotham. From there they would talk to Bruce. Damian was taking missions to keep him distracted, but was due back tomorrow. Bruce might be able to get him to stay put for a bit. The big question would be if Damian even wanted to see Y/N after all this time. 
They got to Gotham by early morning. Y/N asked Jon to let them down near their old place. They wanted to walk around their home for a bit before facing an angry bird. 
Not much had changed in the time they were gone. Gotham was still Gotham. While most people hated the city, to them it brought some peace. They ventured to the docks to kill some time. There old memories came floating back. 
The first patrol they did together was at these docks. Robin insisted upon doing it by himself. Y/S/N just sat on the roof nearby until he got himself in a sticky situation. Then they came to save his ass. Of course him being him, no thank you. Over the years they had learned never to except it from him. 
Slowly though they came to a pattern. Y/N always brought the snacks for stake outs. Robin use to say that they had so many snack that there was no way anything useful was in their utility belt. Yet he would always swipe something. Time spent on the roof as he moaned and complained about the latest addition to the team. Both of you would take turns ranting about the family treating you like babies. Dick was always super protective. 
It was on the roof of the warehouses that they would meet up after both sneaking out. They would play tag when killing time. More often then not they would race to see who would get there first. Making things a competition was a favorite past time of theirs. 
Y/N was drawn out of their daydream by the smell of smoke and screaming. It didn’t matter they hadn’t put on a uniform in over three years. Their senses kicked into auto pilot. They ran towards the sounds. 
What appeared to be an abandoned warehouse was up in flames. The fire was growing quick. A child about 12 was coming out of the smoke. 
“Who is all in there” Y/N called as they ran towards them. 
“Some kids are still in there. A lot of us were sleeping there tonight when a trash fire got knocked over.” The kid said between coughing. No doubt the smoke would kill all the kids before the fire reached them. 
“Here is my phone. Call 911 and get as far away as possible, but still close for the medics. Find any other kids around this area. I will get the ones out of the building.” Y/N said as they rushed towards the fire. Whatever response the kid said was drown out as they got closer. 
There was still an opening. Y/N directed the kids they saw get out towards the older kid with their phone. Once in the building the smoke was thick. This time they had no mask to help them. Only covering their face with their shirt. 
They saw a few young kids behind some barrels, no doubt too young and scared to know what to do. Quickly they grab the kids and ran as quick as possible outside. Once outside the kids raced to where other kids were out. Y/N kept this up. 
After the third trip out with kids, they saw Damian. Only instead of the Robin outfit, he was wearing Nightwing. Their eyes met for a quick second before Y/N ran back inside to get more kids. Damian ran after them. 
He meet up with Y/N as they came down some stairs, with a 3 and 5 year old clingy to them. 
“What are you doing!” Damian yelled
“Take these kids outside. There is one left and I know where he is.” Y/N yelled back while coughing. 
“You are going to get yourself killed! You have no protection.” Damian yelled back as he took the kids. 
“Trust me!” Y/N replied before running back. 
Damian ran out quick to Batman. He handed the two kids to the medics. All of the sudden a loud crash could be heard as part of the building collapse. He went to run towards it. Batman held him back. 
“Father let me go. Y/N is in there.” Damian said as he struggled against the bat to get loose. His eyes filled with horror as he saw the entrance was gone. 
“You can’t go in there. Until the fire department can control the blaze you will get killed.” Batman replied. 
“No. I lost Y/N once, it is not happening again. I don’t care.” Damian replied as he finally got out of the bats hold. He ran as fast as he could towards the building. Batman ran after him despite the yelling from firemen on not to go in the building. 
He got through some burning parts to the inside. Once there he saw Y/N struggling to keep going with a kid in their arms. The kid was facing them so not to inhale as much smoke. Y/N on the other hand could barley walk as the coughing got too bad. Parts of their arm had burns where they most have caught on fire only to be put out quickly. Ash covered their face and body. 
Y/n saw Damian and Batman who had caught up to them. They handed the kid to the bat as they finally passed out due to the smoke they inhaled. They struggled to keep their eyes open. 
“Y/N, Y/N” they heard Damian yelling. 
Next thing they knew they felt like they were floating. 
“You are not coming back after three years only to die on me now. Please stay awake please. I promise I won’t be mad you left. I will even take you out for all the ice cream you want. I will get Alfred to make your favorite cookies and not let anyone else eat them.” Damian promised as he ran with Y/N in his arms. He would promise them the world if that meant they wouldn’t die. 
Y/N could feel being put on a something hard and other voices. After that everything went black. 
Y/N could hear voices but couldn’t open their eyes. 
“Why were they back Jon. Tell me. I know you know why they left.” Y/N faintly heard. It sounded like Damian’s voice. The next one sounded like Jon. 
“They are going to kill me if I do.”
“I will tell your mother you kept a secret from her.”
“I told her, I ain’t stupid.”
“No way”
“You always tell me not to lie to you.”
“Fine only because they will never tell you. They fell in love with you a long time ago. They saw how happy you were with your ex and didn’t want to ruin it, but seeing you get married was too hard. They have been living in London for the past three years working non-stop in hopes of forgetting the pain.” 
Y/N wanted to open their eyes and respond to Jon. Let him know that they knew where Bruce’s kryponite was and were not afraid to use it. They couldn’t though as the blackness consumed them once again. 
When they woke up again, all they could hear was snoring. It sounded like two people. Once again they struggled to open their eyes. Only this time they finally got them open. 
The first thing they noticed was the amount of pain they were in. One arm was bandaged completely. Most likely the one that got burnt. The good arm had Damian’s head on it. When they looked around they saw Jon there too hanging out of a plastic chair. 
They nudged their arm a little to get Damian’s attention. He jumped which made enough noise to wake Jon up. Both at once started talking. 
“Are you okay”
“How could you be so stupid to run into a burning building without backup”
Y/N pointed to the mask they were wearing to show that they couldn’t respond. Damian hit the nurse button so the mask could come off. 
The nurse came in and checked them over. He took the mask off and then turned around as he told Y/N to take it easy. No doubt that was also directed to the two boys. Judging by their looks, they had been in the hospital for awhile now. 
“How long have I been out?” Y/N asked. Their voice quiet. They found talking hurt. Jon handed them a glass. 
“Two weeks. You might not want to talk a lot. Focus on recovering.” Jon said. 
Damian just stared at Y/N. 
“Just yell at me, or something already” Y/N said while looking at Damian. The suspension was horrible. 
“Kent was right focus on healing. We have a lot to talk about, but rather you be better.”
“I know you are mad.” Y/N replied. 
“You should have told me.” was Damian’s response. 
Y/N went to argue only to be cut off by Damian. Jon just sat back in the chair ready to intervene when needed. 
“You are my best friend. Weren’t you the one who always told me to work on talking about my feelings to others? Instead you went and hide yours from me. Then to run off for three years without a word? Do you know how much that hurt? I come back to find out you are gone and no one knows where you went. Only father and Kent knows and the two are too stubborn. Both just tell me you needed to work things out. Next time I see you, you are being stupid and running into burning buildings. The same person who always told me to have backup is doing something that is going to get themselves killed. How do you think I felt when I finally saw you again only to about lose you? You flat line on the way over. The doctors said chances weren’t good due to the amount of smoke you took in. Todd smokes and still probably had less smoke in his lungs then you.” 
“Are the kids okay” was Y/N only response. 
Jon face palmed. “Yes” 
“That’s all you have to say after everything.” Damian about yelled. Surprisingly no nurse had come to check out the yelling yet. 
“I didn’t want to make anything worse for you. I am sorry.” Y/N finally responded after a few minutes of awkward silence. 
“Well I wish you did. Maybe I wouldn’t have married a woman who cheats and only wanted me for my money. Then I wouldn’t have almost lost my best friend who I was stupid enough to not know I loved the whole time. “
At those words Y/N froze. 
“Finally” Jon yelled. He about fell out of his seat with excitement. 
Both Damian and Y/N gave him an evil glare. If looks could kill, he would be in trouble. 
“I am going to umm go let Bruce know you are up” Jon said as he went out the door. 
As Jon left, Y/N yawned and struggled to stay awake. 
“Go to sleep. You need to rest.” Damian said. With that Y/N was fast asleep. 
When they awake again, the whole bat clan was in the hospital room. They wonder if there was a rule on how many people could be in one room. No doubt they broke it already. 
It was jumble of people talking all at once. Bruce and Damian told everyone to be take it slow. The rest of the day was spent catching up on all that happened in the three years. Everyone was happy to see them back. Many said they weren’t letting Y/N sneak back to London. 
After everyone left, Bruce and Damian stayed behind. The three of them talked on what to do next. They decided it was best for Y/N to stay at the manor until they healed completely. Damian even offered to stay behind from patrol with them. 
Jon later told Y/N that when they were still unconscious in the hospital, Bruce and Damian got into a an argument.  Dick had to keep them separated. Damian was mad that Bruce knew and never told him. He couldn’t get over being left in the dark. He even almost punched Jon at first. It was only once they were awake that Damian finally started talking to his father again. 
The next few weeks was filled with lots of visitors and recovery. While in the hospital, it seemed all their old teammates came to visit. Everyone was happy to see the two together. 
Staying at the manor allowed more time to heal. There were enough people to help out when Y/N needed it. Damian watched them like a hawk. Everyone of the doctors orders had to be followed. It was funny seeing as he never followed orders to take it easy. 
During that time, Damian also had his divorce court dates. Jon and Y/N were there the whole time. The ex tried to take a lot from him, but they forgot Bruce had her sign a prenup when they got married. The League also kicked her out. 
Bruce offered Y/N a job as a lawyer at Wayne Enterprise. They took it since they missed being back home in Gotham. Damian and them decided to move into the penthouse together. Jon became a frequent visitor. Between him and the batfamily, it was hard to get alone time. Y/N didn’t mind though, after three years it was great to not be alone anymore. 
Y/N never did pick up the cape again. The burn on their arm made it harder. The burn remained their whole life and often would hurt after a day of work. They did help out often though. The family called them the in-house detective. Often helping solve cases without needing to go out on the street. 
Both took things slow. They mainly enjoyed being around each other again. They had three years to make up. Sometimes Damian would take time off from both Wayne Enterprise and Nightwing to be with them. After almost losing them twice, he never wanted to waste time. 
Tagging:  @kyrra-chan
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