#also sharpshooter... save me sharpshooter
skywerse · 5 months
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good ol' days
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contact-guy · 8 months
lol THIS ENDED UP BEING SO LONG but it's such a cute story opening that I had to draw Watson roasting Holmes's messiness for the newspaper and Holmes skillfully maneuvering his way out of having to do chores. It's all canon, even the indoor sharpshooting, except for the bit about the cold bath.
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canon text under the cut:
An anomaly which often struck me in the character of my friend Sherlock Holmes was that, although in his methods of thought he was the neatest and most methodical of mankind, and although also he affected a certain quiet primness of dress, he was none the less in his personal habits one of the most untidy men that ever drove a fellow-lodger to distraction. Not that I am in the least conventional in that respect myself. The rough-and-tumble work in Afghanistan, coming on the top of a natural Bohemianism of disposition, has made me rather more lax than befits a medical man. But with me there is a limit, and when I find a man who keeps his cigars in the coal-scuttle, his tobacco in the toe end of a Persian slipper, and his unanswered correspondence transfixed by a jack-knife into the very centre of his wooden mantelpiece, then I begin to give myself virtuous airs. I have always held, too, that pistol practice should be distinctly an open-air pastime; and when Holmes, in one of his queer humors, would sit in an arm-chair with his hair-trigger and a hundred Boxer cartridges, and proceed to adorn the opposite wall with a patriotic V. R. done in bullet-pocks, I felt strongly that neither the atmosphere nor the appearance of our room was improved by it.
Our chambers were always full of chemicals and of criminal relics which had a way of wandering into unlikely positions, and of turning up in the butter-dish or in even less desirable places. But his papers were my great crux. He had a horror of destroying documents, especially those which were connected with his past cases, and yet it was only once in every year or two that he would muster energy to docket and arrange them; for, as I have mentioned somewhere in these incoherent memoirs, the outbursts of passionate energy when he performed the remarkable feats with which his name is associated were followed by reactions of lethargy during which he would lie about with his violin and his books, hardly moving save from the sofa to the table. Thus month after month his papers accumulated, until every corner of the room was stacked with bundles of manuscript which were on no account to be burned, and which could not be put away save by their owner. One winter’s night, as we sat together by the fire, I ventured to suggest to him that, as he had finished pasting extracts into his common-place book, he might employ the next two hours in making our room a little more habitable. He could not deny the justice of my request, so with a rather rueful face he went off to his bedroom, from which he returned presently pulling a large tin box behind him. This he placed in the middle of the floor and, squatting down upon a stool in front of it, he threw back the lid. I could see that it was already a third full of bundles of paper tied up with red tape into separate packages.
“There are cases enough here, Watson,” said he, looking at me with mischievous eyes. “I think that if you knew all that I had in this box you would ask me to pull some out instead of putting others in.”
“These are the records of your early work, then?” I asked. “I have often wished that I had notes of those cases.”
“Yes, my boy, these were all done prematurely before my biographer had come to glorify me.” He lifted bundle after bundle in a tender, caressing sort of way. “They are not all successes, Watson,” said he. “But there are some pretty little problems among them. Here’s the record of the Tarleton murders, and the case of Vamberry, the wine merchant, and the adventure of the old Russian woman, and the singular affair of the aluminium crutch, as well as a full account of Ricoletti of the club-foot, and his abominable wife. And here—ah, now, this really is something a little recherchè.”
He dived his arm down to the bottom of the chest, and brought up a small wooden box with a sliding lid, such as children’s toys are kept in. From within he produced a crumpled piece of paper, and old-fashioned brass key, a peg of wood with a ball of string attached to it, and three rusty old disks of metal.
“Well, my boy, what do you make of this lot?” he asked, smiling at my expression.
“It is a curious collection.”
“Very curious, and the story that hangs round it will strike you as being more curious still.”
“These relics have a history then?”
“So much so that they are history.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Sherlock Holmes picked them up one by one, and laid them along the edge of the table. Then he reseated himself in his chair and looked them over with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.
“These,” said he, “are all that I have left to remind me of the adventure of the Musgrave Ritual.”
I had heard him mention the case more than once, though I had never been able to gather the details. “I should be so glad,” said I, “if you would give me an account of it.”
“And leave the litter as it is?” he cried, mischievously. “Your tidiness won’t bear much strain after all, Watson. But I should be glad that you should add this case to your annals, for there are points in it which make it quite unique in the criminal records of this or, I believe, of any other country. A collection of my trifling achievements would certainly be incomplete which contained no account of this very singular business.
-The Memories of Sherlock Holmes: The Musgrave Ritual
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rinndjarin · 2 months
A Shot Breakdown of the new TLOU S2 first look!
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*Cue Little Sadie* Ellie at the dance. Looks like it’s ripped directly from the game. No notes. Though this does make me wonder if we’ll be getting this scene sooner rather than later. In the game, we don’t see this scene until the Farmhouse. I think I read somewhere that Craig Mazin isn’t a big fan of flashbacks, so we might be seeing some stuff in chronological order. 
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The tattoo! And the chemical burn. No idea where this shot is, but it looks like Ellie is either drawing or at a workbench. Either way, it looks great. 
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The great Catherine O’Hara! I’m so excited to see her here. When her casting was first announced, many people, myself included, believed that she would be playing the Seraphite prophet, but then in an interview she mentioned that she was doing scenes with Pedro, so that wouldn’t make sense. I’ve seen others say that she’s might be playing a therapist-type character in Jackson. The editing in the trailer definitely makes it seem like that! But I think this is a misdirect. Joel’s dialogue in this trailer is definitely him talking to Tommy like at the beginning of the game. I don’t think he’s talking to Catherine there. So who is she talking to? It could be Joel in a different scene. It could also be Ellie. It could also be someone completely different. What a mystery! I’m so excited to learn more about her character. 
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Oh Joel. My sad old man. He looks so broken here. Pedro, your Emmy is coming! Like I said before, the editing makes it look like he’s talking to Catherine, but I believe this scene is with Tommy. 
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This shot is going to keep me up at night. What is this?? When is this?? Why is my daughter screaming? She has a bandage around her chest, she’s on a gurney, and someone is holding her shoulder. Could be Maria? My prediction is that this is Ellie right after being brought back to Jackson after Golfing, and she’s having a freak out. It seems like she’s looking at something (someone?) What if Joel’s body is in whatever room that is? I’m not sure. I’ve seen some other people suggest that this could be some kind of nightmare sequence which could also be very possible. I saw another suggestion that this could be Ellie getting the chemical burn to cover her bite mark but I’m skeptical of that. That scream is way too emotionally charged in my opinion. Whatever the case may be, Bella is showing their acting chops here and I see awards in their future. 
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Another shot that has me stumped. This must be Jackson right? Let’s say for now that it is. Is Jackson under attack? By who? Raiders? Infected? This looks like way too many people to be Abby’s crew. Maybe this is a flashback. I saw someone suggest that this could be a a flashback to Tommy defending Jackson so that we can see his sharpshooter skills. That’s definitely possible. If it’s not Jackson, then could it be a flashback to a Seraphite conflict? Those wooden walls could suggest a Seraphite village. I’m not sure. This one is a doozy.
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Tommy!! He looks so good. I cannot wait to see more Gabriel Luna in this role. He’s gonna kill it. So this shot comes right after the one with the people running towards that wooden gate (possibly Jackson) and with the editing, it looks like Tommy is on top of that gate. It could very well be the same scene or it’s two different scenes spliced together. I think it’s very possible that this shot is from the scene where Tommy and Joel save Abby. I doubt this is Tommy in Seattle since this is very clearly winter. 
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The Seraphites! They look awesome. I’m thinking this must be the scene with Ellie in the park on her way to the Hospital on Day 2. It could also be Abby’s Day 1 when she meets Yara and Lev, but I’m starting to think we won’t be seeing Abby’s Seattle days until Season 3. There have been no casting announcements for Yara and Lev.
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Dina! My lovely Dina. Okay so I’m not really sure where this shot would be, but I’m thinking it’s somewhere in Seattle because of the coat she’s wearing. Isabela Merced was wearing it while shooting with Bella in Vancouver for Seattle scenes. In the tunnels maybe? The theater? Not sure, but she looks great! I love Dina, and I think Isabela is gonna be great. After seeing her in the Alien: Romulus trailers, I’m confident that she’s going to knock it out of the park. 
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Ellie unleashing Hell? Amazing. You go girl. 
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If you look closely, you can see a person standing on the ridge in this shot. My guess is that it’s Abby or Owen scouting out the Jackson area. 
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Jeffrey Wright is back as Isaac! Let’s go! One of my few complaints about Part 2 is not seeing enough of Isaac. He’s such an intimidating character and I need more. Jeffrey Wright is going to DELIVER. 
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First look at Kaitlyn Dever as Abby! Another shot that could’ve be ripped right out of the game. I think Kaitlyn is going to be an amazing Abby, and I hope for her sake that she doesn’t go on any social media when Season 2 premiers. IYKYK.
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Nothing much to say here except that this is most likely Jackson/early game. It’s hard to tell who the riders are. It could be any combination of Ellie, Dina, Jesse, Joel, or Tommy. Or maybe they’re random patrollers from Jackson; who knows?!
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This has to be the subway scene in Seattle Day 1! I love that level; the introduction of the Shamblers, the red flares, clickers and WLF everywhere. It’s gonna be good.
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Clicker in the subway! Makeup looks amazing, but of course I’m not surprised. This show cannot and will not miss. 
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“I saved her.” Yes you did, Joel. You saved your babygirl. Like the first shot of Joel, I think he’s talking to Tommy here. Most likely not Catherine O’Hara (but I’m open to being surprised!) Pedro just brings so much vulnerability and softness to Joel. He’s the same character from the games, but he’s also not. It’s not better or worse, just a little different, and I applaud Pedro for his performance. 
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Why Crosshair Will Live
(aka an essay by a Crosshair girlie who loves her clone husband too much)
So, I've been thinking long and hard about the final season and how it could end. Obviously, it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster and all that. However, there's always going to be discourse about who's gonna bite it, especially since our main characters don't have plot armor and this show is allowed to go way darker than Rebels. Crosshair is my favorite character and I don't hide that at all. He's all over my page. But looking at his character, there's a part of me that believes he actually might make it out in one piece. Let's get started!
"Redemption Equals Death"- Out of all the tropes, this is the one Crosshair embodies the most. He was the villain for a season, but now he's changing his ways. In past seasons, I would've said this is how his story ends. His brothers find him and Omega on Tantiss and he goes out protecting them, proving he deep down he still loved them. But after season 3, I don't think that's the case anymore. I think he's passed the point. Crosshair in season 3 is actively redeeming himself through his actions and words with his family and the other clones. We don't need to see him go out in some big self-sacrifice because we already see the person he truly is inside. More importantly, his family sees the person he's become. He's already proven it in so many ways. Crosshair openly admitted his mistakes, saved Hunter from the wyrm, is very protective of Omega, and saved his brothers, Omega, and Rex + Howzer from CX-2. At this point, Crosshair has passed the "redemption equals death" marker. His redemption is playing out and the people around him are seeing the changes.
His Character Arc- Crosshair's character arc has always been about loyalty and identity. Go all the way back to season 1 with the infamous "this is who I am" line and his whole spiel about the Batch not being loyal to him. "Aftermath" shows us this poor man already beginning to struggle. In season 2, Crosshair is going through every hurt no comfort fic trope in the book. This man was pushed to the brink, with every sense of his being questioned. And he almost didn't make it. Crosshair in "The Outpost" was so close to dying after trekking through the blizzard and shooting Nolan. He's suffered through so much already from being severely burnt to freezing, and now almost drowning. Pretty much half way through season 3 and Crosshair's trials aren't over. His hand is still bothering him and he's still trying to find himself.
Although Crosshair has made peace with his family, I believe he still needs to make peace with himself. He's been humbled sure, but there's more to go. Who is he if he isn't a soldier or sharpshooter? Crosshair's arc will probably finish with him realizing being a soldier isn't entirely who he is. His hand tremor still could be related to his internal conflict, we don't know. So far, he's doing a great job. We've seen Crosshair begin to find peace on Pabu and comfort with Omega. It would be so satisfying to see him make it out of this mess alive. My best BB ending would be him (and his brothers) alongside Omega retired somewhere. They have each other and that is enough.
His Poster and Theme- Crosshair is the only character as of right now in the Batch who has a separate poster for season 3. Not even Omega has a separate one (although I can see her getting one later). In fact, Omega shares her with Crosshair. Both are wearing their prison outfits, showing their shared situation and stand against a white/grey backdrop. We also see Cross gripping his right hand, referring to the issue he's having with it. However, he also has one of himself in the same golden lighting as his brothers. Crosshair stares at his helmet with a calm look on his face and appears to be contemplating. That has to mean something. From my POV, I get the sense he's wondering about who he is. Wouldn't it be a great ending if Cross finds himself and lives to see that self be happy?
He is also the only member of the Batch (Omega aside) to have his own theme/leitmotif. He has two actually: his Imperial one and his heroic one. His heroic theme aka the "Mayday" theme is stunning and highlights his struggle perfectly. You can actually hear it in season 1 fun fact but it's faint. The fact that he does have a separate poster and theme from the others does give me hope that he will make it. Not to say that the others aren't important, but something about Crosshair and his journey is very meaningful to have warranted this. You can argue that he shares the title of "heart of the show" to some degree because his arc is the most dynamic of all the Batch. His struggles and fight back towards the light truly raise this show to greatness.
Crosshair is also season 3's "Batcher of Year" award and so far, they're doing everything we wanted and more. For two whole seasons, his character has been building and building towards this season. And they better give us a great payoff. Crosshair's character going to continue to soar as the season progresses. I can definitely see him making it through to the end because of the focus on him.
Omega- how can we forget about the kid who never gave up on our grumpy sniper? Omega (and we can argue Cross to a lesser degree) is the heart of the show. She gives the Batch a new outlook on life and it is through her that they grow and change. Omega brings out the paternal and softer side in each of her brothers. Crosshair, however, takes a bit longer to get there. He's the only character whose main development happens away from Omega. When he finally gets home, he becomes Crossdad. But Omega is still a kid, despite her capabilities. If the other Batchers die, who will take care of her? Omega being on her own just doesn't feel right. We also know going off with Rex wouldn't feel satisfying either even though he would take really good care of her.
Now that Crosshair is back, it feels like the show is propping him up to take over Hunter's role. Hunter parented for 2 whole seasons. As the mentor figure, he might bite it. But wait! Crosshair is still here. There is no way the writers would just let Omega finish alone or get killed off. She will have someone with her. Crosshair, having spent the majority of the show away, will probably be the best candidate narratively speaking. As mentioned above, he gets two posters showing just how integral he is this season. He's also been getting a lot of screen time with Omega. So, I can definitely see the show ending with just the two of them left. It would be bittersweet, but still satisfying.
Disney- let's ask the question: would Disney kill off an entire family aside from their child? My best guess is no (this isn't a Disney movie with a prince to save the day). Tying into my last point, I can't see this family-friendly company letting a literal child lose her entire family and end up all alone in the end. We all saw Rogue One and we know that this is a plausible option. However, I'm beginning to think that they aren't gonna do that because again, Omega is a child. She's gonna hopefully have one, if not all, her brothers alongside her. And I swear, if they give her to someone else not named Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker, or Echo, I will blow a gasket. She needs her family. Disney and Star Wars is all about hope and it's not very hopeful to me if all of the BB but Omega dies.
Rebuttal- let's get this out of the way: if Cross dies, it will be with his brothers, protecting Omega, and defeating Hemlock. There is literally no other way he could go out that would be satisfying. He's redeemed and fought the Ghost of Crosshair's Future (aka CX-2). Backpedaling on his character arc would suck. If he dies, it will be as a Bad Batcher, a loving brother, and the best sniper the galaxy has ever seen.
But I don't think that will happen. I do genuinely think Crosshair has a chance to survive. But what do you guys think? Obviously, I'll still be nervous about the whole thing, but I'm trying here.
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I am in love with recent luffy smut omg that was amazing. Is it possible if I can request a usopp smut, please. I’ll leave the topic in your hands, bc I trust u✨
Usopp X Reader: Shoot your shot
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I don't have Usopp's mannerisms down as much as Luffy's so i hope i did him justice. Enjoy! ❤️
Warning: smut, fingering, penetration (p in v), nipple sucking, kissing, dirty talk, soft sex, fluff, making out.
Word Count: 2,5 K
"Bet you won't do it."
Usopp's head snaps up from his drink, his eyes moving to glance at Zoro. 
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on man, you've been staring all night."
A small blush creeped into Usopp's cheeks at the sword masters words. Was it really that obvious? Usopp's eyes made their way back to you watching as you danced with Nami. You were smiling wide as you swayed to the music. The sight made Usopp's heart skip a beat. The sharpshooter had always had a small crush on you but he never acted on his feelings, far too scared to do something and risk your friendship. Despite his lack of action it was pretty clear he had a thing for you. Anyone who paid the smallest bit of attention could see it. You were the only one who didn’t seem to notice it.
Not that it was your fault. You weren’t used to guys beating around the bush. When someone was interested in you they made it quite clear. It annoyed you a bit but it also made things easier. You weren’t exactly great with feelings, especially not romantic ones. You’d never really felt desire for anyone, far too preoccupied with staying alive to care about something like love. Yet since you joined the strawhats you found yourself being drawn to Usopp. You liked listening to his fantastical tales, even if they weren’t true it made you feel a sense of adventure. It was why you’d joined the crew in the first place. You’d gotten sick of waiting tables as the baratie and decided to tag along with Sanji. You hadn't planned on sticking around for long but the longer you stayed with the crew the less you saw yourself leaving. 
Your eyes scan the crowd around you, searching for your friends. Luffy is sitting at a table scarfing down the third plate of the evening, Sanji is off to the side of the bar flirting with some blonde he'd met, Zoro was leaning over the counter talking to the bartender, Usopp stood beside Zoro. You smiled at the boy, gesturing with your hand for him to join you. Usopp raised his glass towards you, silently telling you he couldn't join you because of the drink in his hand. Zoro noticed the exchange, reaching over and grabbing Usopp's drink from his hand before gulping it down.
"What the hell Zoro!"
"Stop making excuses and go over there.”
You watched Zoro shove Usopp in your direction. The sharpshooter stumbled forward, not having been prepared for the sudden movement. You let out a laugh, turning to tell Nami about it. Except that she was nowhere to be found. Oh well she can handle herself. Usopp shuffled his way through the crowd making his way to you. Once he was close enough you grabbed his hand and tugged him over. 
“Hi, quite the trip you’ve had.”
“Did you see the monster I had to fight on my way over?”
You shook your head slightly giggling at the boy's exaggerations.
“You're very brave Usopp. Thanks for coming to save me.”
“You’re welcome princess.”
Your body warmed at the nickname. How could something so small get such a reaction out of you? Usopp seemed to notice the shift in the atmosphere, his hands going to rest on your arms.
“You okay?”
“Yeah i’m fine i just-”
Music started to blare, making you stop in your tracks. Your eyes widened at the familiar sound.
“Oh my god! I love this song! Dance with me Usopp.”
“Oh I'm not really the danci-woah!”
Before he could give you some lame excuse you dragged him into the center of the dance floor, a bright smile on your face. You started moving to the rhythm of the music, closing your eyes as you did. Usopp observed you in awe. The way your body swayed to the beat, face completely blissed out, made his body twitch. You looked like an angel. You snapped your eyes open feeling the weight of Usopp's gaze on you.
“This is a dance floor that means you have to, you know, dance!”
“I’m not a good dancer.”
“So what? No ones looking anyway.”
That was true. Everyone around you was far too into their own thing to care about you and Usopp but it didn’t really calm him. You were watching and that was enough to make him nervous.
“Here I'll help you out.”
You took his hands into your own, placing them on your hips. Usopp's fingers twitched around your waist, his arms stiff as he waited for your next move.
“Jes Usopp, loosen up! I won’t bite.”
Usopp gave you a sideways smile, his body relaxing a bit at your words.
“There you go. Much better.”
You started moving side to side slowly, allowing Usopp to get used to the motion before quickening your movements. He seemed to catch on pretty quickly, his body following the flow of the music in a matter of seconds.
“See you’re a natural!”
“Nah, I just have a good teacher.”
You smiled, biting the corner of your lip. Usopp's eyes dropped to your mouth for a brief second before moving to stare at the place where his hands rested on your body. You followed his gaze, staring at the muscles on his arms. The small amount of liquor in your system was making you bolder than normal. You inched yourself closer to Usopp, your hands resting on his chest. He raised his head to look at you, his lips parting slightly. The song changed suddenly, switching to a more sensual rhythm. You’d have to remember to leave the DJ a tip when you left. You turned your body around so that your back was pressed up against Usopp's chest.
“Uh, what are you doing?”
“Shh, just go with it.”
Your hips moved with the music, slow and steady, causing you to grind against the sharpshooter. You heard Usopp take a deep breath in, the grip on your waist tightening. He called out your name, making you turn your head to look at him. 
“What is it?”
You knew exactly what you were doing. You'd wanted this for a while now but had never found a good time. I mean what better place to seduce someone than at a bar? Usopp lowered his mouth to your ear, his hot breath fanning over your bare skin.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
“Lead the way Captain Usopp.”
As soon as you arrived on the ship Usopp's hands were on you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you as close as possible before capturing your mouth in his. You’d expected Usopp to be sweet and gentle when it came to stuff like this but there was a hunger in him you hadn't seen before. It’s safe to say you enjoyed it. You wrapped your arms around his neck, using his body as leverage to lift your body up. Usopp understood what you wanted, his strong arms moving to cup your thighs so that you could wrap your legs around his waist. You groaned at the feeling of his hard on against your clothed cunt.
“Yeah princess, what do you want?”
“Too much clothing. Take it off.”
Usopp walked over to a nearby table placing you on top of it before moving back to remove his clothes. He started off with his shirt unbuttoning it to reveal the taut muscles underneath. You practically drooled at the sight. You’d become used to seeing the other boys on the crew shirtless but you often forget that beneath his clothes Usopp hid a great physic. You placed your hands between your thighs leaning forward on the table to get a better look. The position of your arms caused your breasts to be squashed together, the low cut top you were wearing doing nothing to hide them. Ussops stopped moving at the sight, the hand that had been working on his shirt stopping in mid air. You frowned at him for a moment before realizing what he was staring at. A small smirk made its way onto your face, body leaning even farther forward.
“Like what you see?”
Usopp moved forward with his hands outstretched.
“Can i?”
He looked up at you shyly.
“What do you want, baby?”
“Can I touch them?”
“Of course you can, darling.”
That was all he needed. Usopp's large hands found  their way to your breasts, cupping them gently. He gave them a squeeze making you moan out. The sound of your moans drove Usopp crazy. He repeated his actions, his dick aching against his pants as you whimpered his name. He pulled down your top in one harsh tug, lowering his head so that he could suck on your nipples. You placed your hands behind you, allowing Usopp easier access to your breasts. He pushed your body backwards forcing you to lay down on the table. Your legs widened instinctively, allowing the sharpshooter to slot himself between them with ease. He grinded against you as he sucked your nipples, his hands massaging your stomach gently.
“So pretty for me.”
“For you huh?”
“I uh- i mean not for me… i don’t own you or anything i just meant-”
“Just shut up and make me feel good.”
“Yeah okay.”
Usopp's hands moved down to your clothed cunt tugging your shorts down before throwing them over his shoulder. You started to laugh but it quickly turned into a moan when Usopp began playing with your folds. You grind your hips against his fingers reveling in the feeling of his hands on you.
“That's it-uh- good boy.”
Ussop groaned at your praise, his free hand going to tug at his crotch. You noticed his movements moving to lean on your shoulders.
“I thought I told you to take those off.”
Usopp looked down at you and then at his pants. 
“How are you expecting to fuck me with your pants on.”
You grinned as you said the words, enjoying the pant you got out of the boy. 
“Can you help me?”
“Of course baby.”
You moved to sit up, your hands finding Usopp's belt and beginning to relieve him of his bottoms. Usopp kept fingering you as you worked on his clothes, his face dropping to your neck so he could leave a trail of kisses down your shoulder blade. Once you managed to unbutton Usopp's pants you reached into his boxers and cupped his dick in your hand. 
“Ah princess…”
“Feel good?”
“Yeah-fuck-so good.”
“Wait until you’re inside me.”
Your words seemed to make everything real. Usopp had dreamt about this moment so many times. He’d woken up in the morning, his boxers stiff with his cum and his body itching for the feeling of you. And now here he was: your hands wrapped around his dick as he got you off with his fingers. Your walls clenched around Usopp's fingers signaling to him that you were close. If that wasn’t enough your random babbling made it very clear. 
“Baby… I'm close.”
“Cum for me princess. Coat me with it.”
“You talk about it lik-ugh ah-like its a…uh…gift.”
“Because it is. Anything you give me is a gift.”
The moment Usopp's words entered your ears you started cumming. Your body went limp falling onto Usopps as you soaked his finger in your juices. He held you close, helping you through your high. Once you’d recovered your motor functions you moved to tug on Ussops chin, placing a kiss on his lips before laying back down on the table.
“Your turn, pretty boy.”
You widen your legs allowing Usopp to have a clear view of you pussy. It was puffy from your last orgasm. You motioned with your index finger for Usopp to come closer and like the good boy he was he did as you asked. You watched him free his cock from its confines, gasping at the sight of it. It wasn’t an abnormal size but it was thick. Your walls fluttered at the idea of being filled again. Usopp's hands were gentle against you as he moved your legs off the table and onto his shoulders. You smiled gently at him causing him to give you his signature smirk.
“Should I put something on?”
“No it’s okay I'm on birth control. Fill me up all you like.”
You expected Usopp to ram into you. You’d been teasing him all night after all. But he didn’t. instead he sunk into you slowly, savoring the feeling of you around him.
“Shit Usopp….”
“Fuck you’re warm.”
Usopp leaned forward, tugging your body off the table so that he could wrap his arms around you. He moved slowly, softly fucking into you. It was tender and loving. His lips found your  face and he placed a kiss on your nose. You weren’t used to this. Most of your hookups had been just that. Hookups. Just meaningless sex. But this was different. This was real. You began to tear up, your eyes glossing over. The second Usopp noticed he stopped moving.
“Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
He began pulling out of you but you called out his name before he could.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.  I’m just not used to being treated like this. This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
Usopp cursed at your words. What kind of idiots had you been hooking up with before. What fools would get the opportunity to be with you like this and not treat you the way you deserved. He promised himself he would show you what it felt like to be loved. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, removing the sweaty hair from your forehead.
“I’m gonna go a little faster okay?”
“Tell me if you want to stop. 
“Usopp you don’t have to-”
“Promise me.”
You stared into his eyes, the eyes of a boy who’d been through so much pain and still found a way to be kind. A boy you were now releasing meant much more to you than you had expected.
“I promise.”
You spent the rest of the night pressed against Usopp's body, his hands working to bring you to places you’d never been before. When you woke up the next morning you found your body cuddled into Usopp's, his arms holding you close like he was scared of you drifting away in your sleep. You turned your body around nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Morning princes.”
“Morning Usopp.”
“Wanna get up?”
“No, let's just stay here a little longer.” “Whatever you want.”
If it was up to you you’d stay in Usopp's arms forever. Lucky for you he shared the sentiment.
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fruityfairy-world · 6 months
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One Piece characters as ponies!!!!!
a fun way to unwind after a long stressful term!
here is my List as to why they are the way they are:
- earth ponies have lots of endurance and brute strength, kinda just fits his vibes.
- “b but how will he use three swords? !” you may cry. fear not. i thought of this. i think he would have one in his mouth yes but the others he does sorta martial arts wielding to spin them and launch them, and cause he is Big he launches himself around to catch them. i feel like he’d make it a cool performance
- i didnt make him a unicorn bc i felt it was too easy for him to wield his swords that way. its zoro. he needs to be TOUGH
- cutie mark are swords bc. swords
- unicorn because in my head the unicorns should have the weird tails and be tall
- he uses his horn for easy and professional cooking! he learned how to multitask and its what makes him so Speedy
- his legs are still super strong despite being lankier, his longer tail is also used like a whip.
- yes i gave him pants
- yes the pants are blue. truthfully i was thinming of All Blue and wanted to die that in.
- i really like his cutie mark. i made it a burning heart bc of his fire lol and also just his passion, could also be seen like he hurts himself a lot too
- cute pegasus!
- her wings let her steal faster and sneakier :3 she uses them more for agility and tricks rather than long distance flying
- cutie mark is a tangerine for obvious reasons
- i think she would have her tattoo on the other side of her body!
- unicorn because she is a smarty pants, i think she is also elegant like one.
- i imagine her devil fruit looks rlly cool with longer limbs, she would probably replicate her horn to stab when needed >:-)
- i chose for her to be a cooler toned purple because she is just. Purple! in my head.
- cutie mark flower petals. tried to make her markings look like petals too
- gave her pink eyes for fun
- my camo king. it just felt right because he waits for the perfect moment to strike
- he isnt a pegasus or unicorn bc his strength is his brain! i feel like he’d invent things to try and be like them, but ultimately realize that his intelligence is what makes him save the day
- he can run and hide forever in the best way
- cutie mark is for his skill! a sharpshooter!!
- i made him a zebra bc of his zoan powers. it felt right
- red
- still has the hat! obviously! i thiught about making his cutie mark a straw hat but that feels too easy. i almost made it a crowm but that doesnt fit his personality/morals, it feels too idk, hierarchal for him
- black tipped wings inspired by snake man :-)
let me know what u think and if i should do…gasp….more!
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wesleysniperking · 2 months
One Piece and Snipers
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I find it fascinating how the One Piece fandom is knowledgeable about snipers and how they are part of a crew, but snipers haven't been prominently featured. I hope that characters like Yasopp or other snipers are given more attention so we can learn more about how snipers function in the One Piece world. Despite its long run, One Piece hasn't focused much on snipers, and I believe there is a lot of potential in exploring their role. Learning about Yasopp being a renowned sniper before joining Shanks' crew makes me curious about their backstory and abilities.
Seriously, Van Augur is finally getting some well-deserved spotlight, and his mystique is really intriguing. It's frustrating how critical people are of Usopp's position as a sniper as if they don't even consider him a 'real' sniper anymore, which I find absurd.
But my point is, if the sniper role was given the spotlight in a few chapters or episodes, it would shed light on a lot of things. For example, it would make people see how cool Usopp's role is, we would understand why his dad is renowned for his sniping, and perhaps we would see what a sniper duel is all about. I even think back to Marineford when Van Augur pointed his gun and Yasopp flashed his, and I wonder if that could one day serve as a foreshadowing.
I am genuinely intrigued by the lack of sniper action in One Piece. Despite the hype around the sniper role, characters like Usopp barely get any action. I'm looking forward to seeing a classic sniper scene where a team is facing a big enemy and the sniper takes down countless enemies to reach the main villain. It would be great to see a moment where the team is at a stalemate, and the sniper comes in to save the day with a well-timed shot from a distance. However, since Oda hasn't focused much on snipers in the series, it's unclear what being a sniper in the One Piece world really entails. Dressrosa counts, but it barely even skimmed the surface.
In my personal fan theory, I like to think that Yasopp was already well-known as a skilled sniper before joining Shanks because he had been defending Syrup Village from pirates. I imagine that the pirates started to refer to him as "Chaser," the sharpshooter who could drive them away. It would also be interesting to see how his observation haki awakening happened.
Anyway, I hope Oda will give more attention to snipers in the future.
Does Sniper Island really exist?
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Usopp fan club (if you would like to join)
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atlabeth · 1 year
i’m your gal — jesper fahey
summary: two durasts in the barrel, one a sharpshooter and one a gunsmith. blackmail’s really the only answer, isn’t it?
a/n: blackmail is love in the barrel i guess. also fun fact: i started this before i even started six of crows because i guess i think i don’t need to know the source material that i write fic for anymore but now ive read both soc and ck so im good
wc: 3.7k
warning(s): fem!reader, blackmail obviously. guns, talks of death, constant threats, questionable romantic tactics. kaz hates everything
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You were roused from an unpleasant bout of sleep by knocking—slamming, rather—against your door. You frowned as you rubbed your eyes and stood up from your chair.
You had to stop falling asleep at your desk, you thought sourly as you walked through the narrow hallway to your “front door”. When you opened it, you weren’t surprised by what you saw.
“Fahey,” you said flatly. “I assume you’re here—”
“For my gun,” he said, pushing past you to get inside. “Yes, that would be right. Shoddy service that it took you all this time to get here.”
You scowled as you shut the door and followed him. “My hours haven’t even started, azel. You’re lucky I’ve even let you in—I should charge you double the kruge for your nerve.”
“Yeah, but you can’t deny your handsomest customer.” He winked at you, and you rolled your eyes as you pushed open the door to your office. At least he had the decency to wait for that.
“My most annoying customer,” you corrected. “Tell me, do you get your nerve from Novyi Zem or the Wandering Isle?” 
“Neither,” he said, his hand resting on his holster as he, per course, refused to take a seat. “It’s all homegrown by yours truly.” 
“How lovely,” you said wryly. You took a seat at your pathetic excuse of a desk and stared at him. “Do you have the rest of my money?” 
“As if I would walk in here without all my payment,” Jesper said. He pulled out a few wads of bundled up kruge, and you raised an eyebrow as you took them. You pulled the bands off and began to count, not bothering to look up at him as you spoke. 
“How much of this did you gamble away before today?” you asked. “If it’s honestly all here, then you’ll have surprised me, Fahey.” 
Jesper pressed a hand to his heart. “You wound me. Of course it’s all there.” 
“Forgive me for my assumptions,” you said wryly. “Your reputation just precedes you.”
“These guns are more important than my life,” said Jesper, and you couldn’t tell whether or not he was joking. “The money’s all there.”
You finished counting—it really was all there, though the differing amounts of wear and grime on the bills showed he had in fact won some of it back—and you chuckled. “Congratulations. You’ve managed not to be a thief for one day.” 
“That wounds me further,” Jesper commented, and he crossed his arms. “Now, I’d like to see my pistols, new and old. It’s been very difficult living without them these past few weeks.” 
“My work doesn’t come cheap, Fahey,” you said as you knelt down, “and it doesn’t come quick either.” 
You pulled your knife out of its sheath and pried up the floorboard from underneath the spot your chair usually was, then turned the lock back and forth until your safe opened. You pulled out the guns and set them on your desk, standing back up as you shut the safe with the heel of your boot. 
“Well,” you said, “what do you think?” 
You could have sworn he went a little teary-eyed, and you couldn’t help but smile.
When Jesper Fahey, sharpshooter for the Dregs and well-known for his ability to gamble away his life’s savings in a night, nearly toppled your door from his amount of knocking, you had half a mind to turn him away. But his Fabrikator-made, Zemeni revolvers were almost as beautiful as him, and when he offered to pay you a whole lot of kruge to make an exact replica, you could hardly turn it down. 
He carried twin revolvers everywhere he went, but apparently, during a heist gone wrong, one of the twins was fatally wounded. Jesper himself was a Durast, but he told you he wasn’t nearly skilled enough to bring it back to life. Word had spread of your abilities—a little more than you’d have liked, if you were being honest—and he found his way to your door. It took a lot of convincing to get him to leave the other with you so you could make a true replica, and you could tell every step taken without them at his side hurt. 
He picked up the pistol you’d made. He held it up to the light, knocked his knuckles against it, looked at it from every angle possible, then held up his other one and looked at it in comparison from every angle possible. Jesper spun out the barrel, clicked it back in, and did the same thing a few more times until he looked at you and grinned. 
“She’s beautiful,” Jesper whispered, and he tucked them into his holsters. A weight visibly lifted off his shoulders, and the electric energy that always buzzed around him seemed to dissipate some. “How do you do it? How did you get it exactly the same? Even the pearls— the damn sheen is the same.” 
You shrugged. “It’s my job. I’m good at it.” 
He shook his head. “I could kiss you right now. You’re incredible.” 
“You’re pretty, Fahey, but you’re annoying.” You smiled. “Let’s stick to business.” 
“How are you not indentured by now?” he asked incredulously. “Surely some merch has gotten their claws in you.” 
“I told you,” you said with a slight smile, “I’m good at my job. And my job includes staying independent.” 
“Surely everyone knows you’re Grisha by now,” said Jesper. 
You shrugged. “No one can prove anything. And if you say a word,” you looked at his guns, “I’ll give them a slow death.” 
Jesper’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.” 
You offered another pleasant smile. “Get out of my office, Fahey.” 
“Pleasure doing business with you,” called Jesper as he walked out, a hand held up in parting as he left you with a wink.
You just huffed a laugh and shook your head. One credit to Ketterdam was that you were never bored. 
“Kaz,” Jesper begged, “please.”
“Absolutely not,” he stated. “We don’t have the resources.”
“She is the resources!” he exclaimed. “She’s a Durast, and she makes the best weapons I’ve ever seen. Besides, she doesn’t have to be part of your circle—she’ll do fine as a plain old Dreg, or even just a supplier.”
“You’re a Durast,” Kaz said coldly. “Can you not do exactly what she does?”
“No,” Jesper insisted, “nobody can. She makes a living off of selling her Grisha weapons because they’re unmatched by anyone else’s.”
“I’m aware,” he said. “I’ve been keeping tabs on her ever since she sold her first weapon in the Barrel. She hasn’t encroached on our territory, so I’ve let her be.” 
“So you know everything she can do,” Jesper said. “Even more reason to hire her.” 
“I don’t see why you don’t just improve your abilities.”
“I don’t know, Kaz,” he said, making a mockery of his words, “I might just be trying to avoid earning an indenture.”
“She’s not indentured,” Kaz pointed out. 
“Because nobody knows that they’re Grisha weapons, not for sure, besides me.”
“I know,” said Kaz. 
“You know everything,” Jesper grumbled. “And any other person in the Barrel who has experience with Fabrikator weapons, I suppose, but that’s not the point.” Jesper’s eyes glistened. “There are a whole lot of suspicions floating around. And that’s how we get her.”
“…You’re suggesting we blackmail her,” Kaz said, and he leaned back in his chair. 
“I wouldn’t put it like that,” Jesper said, “but, uh—yes.” He cleared his throat. “We would be blackmailing her.”
“Go on,” he said. 
“It’s pretty simple,” Jesper shrugged. “She works for us for a reduced rate, we promise not to throw her to the wolves. You get to keep most of your kruge, she gets to keep her life and most of her independence, and we get the best weapons on this side of the True Sea for the Dregs.”
“Interesting.” Kaz glanced down at his papers then back at Jesper. “Anything else?”
His eyes glinted. “I saw Pekka Rollins outside her building the other day. I’ve heard through some circles that he secretly commissioned a few weapons from her—my bet is that he was testing her goods, and now he wants her permanently on his side.”
Kaz’s jaw clenched. Thank the Saints for his grudge, because it would make this a lot easier. 
“Talk to Inej and Nina. See if they know anything I don’t.” Highly unlikely, Jesper wanted to say, seeing as Dirtyhands knew everything that went on in the Barrel, but he nodded. “If you’re lucky, we’ll pay her a visit tonight.”
“You’re actually agreeing with me,” Jesper marveled. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
Kaz scowled. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“I would never.” Jesper grinned, already starting to back towards the door. “You’d better prepare for a midnight escapade.”
He didn’t wait for a response—likely that he wouldn’t get one anyway—and shut the door with a sigh behind him. Jesper practically flew down the stairs, never so thankful for the rarity that was both Nina and Inej idling. They were sat at the bar together conversing, and without much care for it all, Jesper slid in next to them. 
“What an entrance,” remarked Inej. 
“I know how to make them,” he said, “but we tragically don’t have time to talk about my greatness. What do you two know about the gunsmith near the Exchange?” 
“Above the bakery?” Nina asked. Jesper nodded, and she grinned. “The Grisha Gunsmith. She’s playing a dangerous game.” 
Inej frowned. “How do you know?”
Jesper glanced at her. “You didn’t know?” 
“Of course I know.” Inej sounded almost offended. “I just wanted to know how you know.” 
“I can just sense it,” she said. “Maybe it’s a Heartrender thing.”
“It is not a Heartrender thing,” Jesper scoffed. “I know about her and I’m not a Heartrender.”
“I believe Nina,” Inej said, and Jesper groaned.
“You are all impossible, do you know that?”
Nina laughed and she held up a hand. “Alright. Yes, I know she’s Grisha, and we’re decently acquainted. Most of the Grisha in Ketterdam know each other—we pass things along, try and keep each other safe.” 
“So?” Jesper leaned forward. “Have you got anything?” 
“She was born in Ketterdam. Had a brief spout at the university before she dropped out, and then she decided to make a living in the Barrel.” She shrugged. “At least, that’s what she’s told me.” 
“That’s why she seems so familiar!” Jesper exclaimed. “We had a class together! I hardly remember what it was, but it’s not like it really matters now, but still—dropping out of university to recklessly sell weapons.” He couldn’t help but smile. “Truly a woman after my own heart.” He then turned to Inej. “What have you, Wraith?” 
“All of that is true,” Inej said, inclining her head. “She’s been making weapons since her university days, and she’s done freelance work for a lot of gangs over the years. The Razorgulls seem to favor her, but Pekka Rollins and his Dime Lions seem to like her too, especially as of late.” 
“Interesting, interesting.” Jesper nodded a few times. “Very interesting. At least I was right on the Rollins front.” 
“I’ve also seen her around West Stave doing work,” Inej said. Usually her lip curled when she spoke of the canal, but instead there was a glint in her eye. “She slips weapons to girls who need it most.”
Jesper nodded, and he held Inej’s gaze for a moment longer. “Admirable.”  
“Why are you so interested in this anyway?” Nina asked. “Seems a lot more trouble than it’s worth.” 
“I want her on our team,” he said. “She’s brilliant. I only have until tonight to convince Kaz this is a worthy investment, and I convince him by convincing you.”
“Then convince us, Fahey,” Nina said with a smile.
“Our dear Wraith.” He clasped his hands together in front of Inej and he saw the mirth spark in her eyes. “How would you feel if your knives could never break?”
“They don’t break in the first place,” she said.
“But if they did,” Jesper said, “she could fix them.”
“Couldn’t you just do it?” she asked.
Jesper groaned and pulled back. “Why does everyone think I can do what she does just because I’m a Fabrikator too?”
“…I have seen some of her weapons,” Nina said. “They’re near indestructible. I’ve heard she makes her bullets too.”
“She does,” Jesper said, giddy like a little kid as he pulled out one of his pistols and set it on the table. “This is Ace made, and it’s the best damn thing I’ve ever held. Doesn’t it look exactly like my old one?”
Nina studied it, reaching out a hand that was then receded with the look Jesper gave her. “Very much like it.”
Inej, rather, cocked an eyebrow. “‘Ace made’?”
“That’s what she goes by,” he said. “Y’know, ‘ace shooter’ and all?”
“Nobody calls her that in the Barrel,” Nina said, a grin forming as she crossed her arms. 
Jesper shrugged defensively. “I do. It’s catchier than the Grisha Gunsmith, and it doesn’t expose her.” 
Nina leaned forward, that glint in her eye that Jesper didn’t exactly like. “Your heart is beating pretty fast for talk about guns and catchy nicknames.”
“Ah,” Inej nodded, “that’s why you want her to join us so badly.”
“I want her to be on our side because she makes incredible weapons,” huffed Jesper, “and because I certainly don’t want her as an enemy.”
“And because you think she’s beautiful,” Nina cooed. 
“Which is not a crime,” Jesper defended. “So what? You flirt with anything that moves, Nina.”
She tipped her shoulder. “Fair.”
“I think getting her on our side is smart,” Inej said. “She deals a lot of quality weapons to a lot of gangs—funneling that straight to the Dregs would be of aid.” 
“Thank you, Inej,” Jesper said solemnly. “Kaz holds your opinion much higher than any of ours.” 
She glanced away, though the smallest smile curled on her lips. Nina grinned and nodded to Jesper. 
“Good luck with all this,” Nina said. “I hope the blackmail doesn’t ruin your relationship too much.” 
“This is the Barrel,” said Jesper. “Blackmail is practically flirting.” 
“Saints, Jesper,” Nina muttered. “It really isn’t.” 
Jesper had to admit, he did feel the slightest bit of guilt as he stood in front of your front door—rather, the door to the shoddy space you rented out above a bakery—Bastard of the Barrel next to him. Just this morning, you saved him from a fate worse than death and replicated his revolver with Fabrikator perfection he’d previously thought impossible. 
And now, he was thanking you by getting you stuck with the Dregs. 
Maybe blackmail didn’t pass as flirting, but it was just as common in the Barrel. It wasn’t something to make himself feel better, it was the truth—no matter how good you were, sooner or later, you would get caught up in a mess you couldn’t get out of. This was the smartest option.
Thankfully, he didn’t have time to revel in his thoughts for much longer as the door was opened, and you were remarkably poor at hiding your surprise. You looked a bit of a mess, and Jesper figured they were your rude awakening. You were still beautiful as ever, and he allowed a moment to take you in. 
“Gentlemen,” you said levelly, staring at both of them. Jesper couldn’t remember the last time he’d been referred to as a gentleman—the word was probably foreign to Kaz. “What brings you back—” you glared at Jesper— “to my door at this hour?” 
“A business offer.” Kaz looked every bit the intimidator and he wasn’t even trying. He was just standing there, gloved hands resting on the crow head of his cane, as he spoke with that coal rasp of a voice. “It would be smart to let us in.” 
Maybe you were better at hiding your surprise than Jesper thought, because your expression remained as still as your voice as you stepped aside and let them both in. Jesper noticed you locked the door behind them. He didn’t know what use you thought that would be, but he understood—petty comforts were still comforts. 
“Kaz Brekker,” you said, coming to a stop behind your desk. Your poster was a whole lot stiffer, tone much more restrained. “I never thought I would see you at my door. How’s your cane working for you?” 
“I don’t need a replacement,” he said. 
You hummed. “Good. I don’t much like crows.” 
“Pity,” said Kaz. Jesper swallowed, fingers tapping nervously on his revolvers. He spent so much time around Kaz, he almost forgot what it was like for those that weren’t used to him. The man was terrifying when you didn’t know he wouldn’t kill you. 
“Kvas?” you asked, holding the bottle up. Both of them shook their heads. You shrugged and poured a bit more in your glass.
“Remind you of home?” Jesper asked.
You huffed a laugh. “You could say that. Now, what do you two want?”
“Your service,” Kaz said. 
You raised an eyebrow. “You, or the Dregs?” 
“Both,” he answered. 
The gesture turned to a frown. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” 
“We want you to work with us,” Jesper translated. “We want you to be a Dreg.” 
Your eyes flashed with something he couldn’t fully place. “And where is this coming from, Fahey?” 
He shrugged. “We could use your skills.” 
“My skills have been around for a while,” you said. You pulled out your knife from its sheath, and Jesper’s skin felt very fragile all of a sudden. He was very thankful when you instead started twirling it between your fingers. “Your intimate knowledge of my skills has only been around since this morning.” 
“I’ve been aware of you since you first settled in the Barrel,” Kaz corrected, and he tapped his cane on the floor. “Since the moment you made your first payment on this wreck.”
“Of course,” you said wryly. “Did you know that I promised his guns a very slow death if he spread word of me?” 
“His guns will remain unharmed,” Kaz said. “I can’t have a sharpshooter without pistols. And I can’t have a gunsmith without hands.” 
Your burning gaze turned to Jesper. He almost took a step back from the force of it. 
“I’m not stupid, gentlemen,” you said after a moment of angry staring. “I hear what they say about me, about the rumored Grisha gunsmith. I’ve managed to avoid an indenture by equal parts smarts and luck, but I have backroads—I can leave Ketterdam, Kerch as a whole, overnight if I have to. You don’t get to this place without being able to disappear.”
“You’ll find the Dregs are quite organized,” said Kaz, “and quite experienced at bringing our competition down. In spite of backroads.”
“Ah,” you said flatly, staring at the wall as you continued to play with your blade. “This is a threat.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Jesper shrugged. “You work with us, nobody will have confirmation that you’re Grisha. And if anyone tries anything with you, you’ll be protected.”
“And if I don’t?” you asked lazily.
“You’ll end up indentured to some lecher or dead on the streets within a week,” Kaz said. 
Your lips twisted into a smile, which Jesper assumed was more of a facade than anything. “I love dealing with you Dregs. Straight to the point.”
“It’s a better deal than anyone else would give you,” Jesper said. 
“You come in here, threaten me and my business, and ask me to work for you for free?” You laughed sharply, stabbing the blade you’d been twirling across your fingers into the wood of your desk. “You’ve got some nerve, Dirtyhands.”
“It’s a simple choice,” he said, gloved fingers running down the head of his cane. “I assume you’re intelligent enough to make the right one.”
“And it’s not exactly for free,” Jesper added. “You’ll get a base rate from Per Haskell. And you can still take commissions from anybody so long as they’re allied with us.”
“So you’re telling me no more special orders for Mister Rollins,” you said wryly, eyes narrowed on Kaz.
Nothing in his expression changed, though the rasp of his voice became a bit rougher. “No. And I expect a detailed summary of all the work you’ve ever done for the Dime Lions.”
You huffed as you pulled the blade out. “I always thought I’d end up floating in the harbour or indentured to some councilman before I ended up working for the Bastard of the Barrel.”
“It’s not all bad,” said Jesper with a shrug. “We’re quite good company, if I say so myself.”
Your eyes trailed over to his forearm, his rolled up sleeve revealing the ink of the Dregs. “When do you mark me?”
“After you sign the contract,” Kaz said. 
“It’ll be extra protection,” Jesper said. “Another bonus. Much less likely to get nabbed off the street if you’ve got the Dregs on your arm.”
You stared at both of them for a good, long moment, hardened eyes narrowing in. Jesper could only guess at what was running through your mind at the moment. He knew he was thinking of how attractive you were when you looked like you wanted to drive that knife through both their hearts. 
“I’ll be paid enough that I won’t lose this place,” you finally said.
Kaz nodded.
“And I’ll still be able to make a living through commissions to those allied with the Dregs.”
“To your heart’s content,” Jesper confirmed. 
“I want you to do the tattoo,” you said, looking straight at Jesper. “You’re obviously the one that got me into this mess, so you might as well solidify it.” 
Jesper shifted uneasily. He hoped you would renege on your promise of a slow death. “Right.”
Again, you stared at them. And then you sighed heavily, plucked the knife off the table, and shoved it in its sheath. 
“I guess I’m your gal, then.” You threw back your glass of kvas, standing and offering a charming smile. “I hope you’ve got room for two Durasts, Mister Brekker. Otherwise, you’re the one that’ll be out on the street, pretty boy.”
Jesper’s eyes twinkled. “You think I’m pretty?”
“And far too annoying for your own good.”
He grinned. “You think I’m pretty.” 
And the slight upturn of your lips was worth Kaz’s incredulous scoffs. 
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ghostofskywalker · 10 months
Hi! I just saw your winter ficlet request thingy, and I decided to ask for some! (Even though I read through the guidelines, I hope I do this right, never actually sent a request 😅)
So uuuh, what about
“Am I your favorite?” with Crosshair?
Like, it just screams his name, in my opinion! 🤭
Sending you love! 🫶🏻
i absolutely love that prompt with him, you're so right!! and it's also fitting that this was the first request for winter ficlets, im honored to be your first request! i changed the prompt a tiny bit, but i hope you enjoy it :)
words: 769
summary: For the first time in a long time, the crew of the Marauder gets to spend a little time relaxing, and you joke around with the squad's resident sniper.
A Quiet Moment
clone troopers masterlist
For the first time in who knows how long, things were quiet on the Marauder. The last few jobs that the squad had taken had all been completed, deliveries and retrievals for some of Cid’s more shadow-y clients (it was something of a miracle that everyone made it out with all their limbs, if you were being honest). It wasn’t anything near the luxury and decadence as a vacation on a more tropical planet would be, as the ship was currently parked in the middle of a forest on a nearly empty Outer Rim planet, but it was still something of a blessing for you, Omega, and the rest of the boys to be able to take a step back and relax for a few days. 
You were sitting under a tree, staring out in the direction of what you knew to be the closest village, though they were nowhere within eyesight. As you mind quietly drifted from topic to topic, you turned to watch Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega chase each other around the grassy field, while Tech and Echo kept score from the sidelines and called out bets on who was going to catch the others first. 
The sound of feather-light footsteps caught your attention, and you turned to see Crosshair making his way towards you. His hair had begun to grow out in the time since he had returned to his brothers, and he was looking more and more like his old self by the day, save for the scar on the side of his head that you knew would never truly heal. “Finally tired of the smelly ship?” you teased, smiling as he sat down next to you. 
“One could never truly be tired of that stench, you just get used to it,” was his deadpan response, but the barest hint of a smile began to peek through his gruff exterior. That was another thing that was returning about him: his sense of humor. While you were never quite sure what your exact relationship was with the squad’s resident sharpshooter, you were certainly sure that he chose to spend more time with you than anyone else on the squad. 
“So you were bored then.” 
He raised his eyebrows at you. “And you think that if I was bored I would come here, to talk to you?” 
You laughed, sensing the joking tone in his voice. “Point taken, but I have some bad news for you about your current location, grumpy.” 
A sigh escaped his mouth at the newly-appointed nickname, and he plopped down to sit next to you, both of your backs now resting against the trunk of a sturdy tree. Silence fell over you two for a fleeting moment, and you finally decided that you were going to ask him something. “Why do you spend so much time with me?” 
He stopped, turning to you with a slightly shocked expression on his face. “What do you mean?” 
“I don’t know,” you said, suddenly self conscious about the can of whuffa worms you may have just opened. “Like right now, you could be spending more time with your brothers and sister. Why are you over here with me?” 
A beat of silence fell over the space before he spoke in response. “Because you’re the calmest,” he said. “It’s more difficult for me to get back into that frame of mind sometimes, the way my brothers are able to let go and be goofy whenever they want. And besides, you’re my favorite.” 
As much as you would have liked to assure him that his brothers were experiencing similar worries and that they had also been changing with the galaxy, the last sentence he spoke completely caught you off guard. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” he said slowly, looking as though he was suddenly second-guessing the admittance. “Why, am I not your favorite?” 
“I don’t know, Gonky’s pretty much got the position on lock,” you said, a quiet laugh escaping your mouth. 
Crosshair turned away in mock annoyance, but you knew he wasn’t actually offended. Taking a big risk, you reached out to grab his hand, a smile growing on your face when you realized that he didn’t pull it away. Moving it into your lap so that you were holding his hand with both of yours, you gently coaxed him to lay on your shoulder. 
Yeah, maybe he was your favorite person on the ship, and maybe it was totally obvious to anyone with a little bit of insight, but you didn’t care. He needed someone right now, and you were more than happy to help out where you could.
- the end -
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rkiveinmarvel · 1 year
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the trick - kaz brekker. des. angst. shadow and bone (tv) s2 spoilers! kaz brekker saw love as nothing but a mere weakness, a soft edge, an instrument to drown, and then there was you. notes. kaz brekker is bad at love lmao. brief mentions of kaz's trauma (again). pekka rollins (yeah, he has his own warnings). six of crows shenanigans. mentions of hurting, bl##d. jordie rietveld. kaz brekker. enemies-to-lovers-to-idk.
hello, hello! i'm not good at intro lmao. but read it while listening to the night we met by l. huron for more raw emotion??? i remember writing this 3am on monday, so, it might be a lil' messy ;<
wc: 1.4k
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The ride back to the slat was painted with the deepest shade of silence, the alarming heart rate of everyone, the tension of everyone’s gaze, the weight on everyone’s shoulder, and the bruise getting settled on Kaz’s face. Jesper looked over at you as he noticed your undying gaze on Kaz. His breath hitched as he whispered.
“He’s okay. Don’t think too much..” You gave a concerned look to Jesper as he gave you a soft smile. The minutes' ride back to the slat was only for a while but for Kaz, it felt like an hour, a decade, it seems like he felt everything, heard everything, and saw everything. He felt the carriage halt as he sensed the familiar noise, as the crows prepared to step down from the carriage, he looked over to your hands and noticed the bruise forming in your knuckles, taking him back to the night when you both met.
“Pekka sent me to kill you. You pissed him off after you kept on tailing him, tracking him, watching him. I might say you might be obsessed with him. ” You stated, earning a glare and a concerned look from the sharpshooter and his ‘boss’. As words left your mouth, you felt Kaz’s reserved and fearsome intensity. 
“Then why didn’t you?” Though the question felt a little personal to your liking, Kaz’s tone proves otherwise. You felt as if a crow was watching you, daring you, and judging you. No doubt, Kaz Brekker knew that Pekka Rollins hired you to kill him, the fucking bastard of the barrel knew that, and yet here you are having a fucking drink in his fucking club. 
When Pekka Rollins let you work for him, he forgot one thing and that is checking your background, yes, perhaps he knew how skilled you are in killing, how your step would knock in silence, and how would the knife and guns would bow down in your presence, but what he did know is your past. 
With the last sip of  your drink, you look at Dirtyhand’s eyes, “Jakob Hertzoon..”
Kaz Brekker's eyes widened, he uttered something under his breath and made Jesper leave. 
“I didn’t kill you in any chance I get because… he stole something from me and I guess he also did to you.” Kaz Brekker searches for any misconceptions in your eyes, white lies that will get under his skin, but all he found are eyes that look at him and it seems like they understood him and knew him under all his walls, all his armor. 
“I get what you want from Pekka, you give me what I want..”
“And what is that?” Kaz replied you were taken aback because he was indeed out of character when he replied. You sighed. “...A chance to prove myself.” 
And that’s where all it started, as month dances into years, the withering flame in your heart, starts to fuel and fuel even more, the lingering looks in the slat, the searching for him in every room, the protecting him at any given time, it fueled you. 
It happened to him too.
It made you strong, it made him afraid. It saved you yet it drowned him in his fears.
It was your dream, it is a nightmare that he got himself into. You were the poison and yet he drank it. Pekka Rollins hired you to kill him and Kaz is damn sure that not only you might kill him but also drown him by accepting his deepest fears and secrets, and an emotion that could cloud his judgment.
After meeting your bruised and bloody hand he looked at you, a flame burning in his eyes and heart, as he felt it the first six months you talked to him about Pekka’s plan and jobs, he felt it the third night when Jordie’s voice seems too loud to his liking, he knew it the moment he saw colors he hasn’t seen before, he knew it when you stood to stop a bullet for him in Ravka, he knew it the moment he searched for you in every corner of the room he’s into, you flashed him a sad smile while he just stared at you getting out of the carriage, by then he knew, that maybe after tonight, he might lose you.
The slat was once again empty when the crows left it, only the deafening silence was left as well as Kaz’s breathing and your hand that is fidgeting with your left ring. The job was done, everything was at ease, and the barrel belonged to the bastard, so, why are you here?
“We need to talk.” 
Oh, right, Kaz. 
You looked at him, his bruised face was noticeable. He looked at you, your hands are covered in bruises and wounds that is new. He ought to seek the words he wants to say, things that’ll make Jordie’s voice drown in the pit of his conscience, or a word that’ll make you stay forever. But among all the words in the world that entered his mind, it seems like you found the one he need.
“Are you okay, Kaz?” His eyes met yours, and the echoing sound of a candle’s flame drifted into his mind as he saw the distance between you and him, one table apart. 
His office was filled with paintings and trophies he stole from the rooms of every building he find fascinating, and yet the most treasured thing that he do not own was you, that among the most beautiful items scattered in the room would be no equal to the fascination that Kaz gives to you.
A part of him wanted to say everything, every nightmare, every dream, every pain, everything that is about him, but he also wanted you to stay, by him, with him. But the armor he has betrayed every little thing that makes him a human, a man. 
“Don’t. It makes you dull.” Then, you recalled the moments earlier.
“The trick is not to love anything.” His shark eyes met Pekka’s desperate gaze. A little part of you felt brave but the whole part of you was betrayed. You looked at Nina as she heard your heart, and you looked at Jesper as he looked at Kaz. It pained you that when you felt like you were building Kaz, you were breaking him down into something, something you cannot see nor touch.
“Someone you'd sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak.” Then it hit you, Ketterdamn isn’t the place where the string of fate exists, you’d sacrifice everything for Kaz, all of them knew, except for him. Love is a weakness; you learned that the hard way. You fell for the man who you cannot touch, love, or even see. 
You love Kaz Brekker.
“Of course…Kaz, about what you said to Pekka, is it true? The trick?” His gaze lowered, and a sense of guilt woke the soul inside him. As he felt your eyes burning him. He couldn’t fight the right words or the actions he can take, but all he had was his walls and a pair of his broken armor. 
“Silence was never my forte, but please, tell me, those longing stares, those endless nights, those times…was that all the trick?” A shake. A shake in your voice was present. When did you become so emotional, Kaz wondered. He knew the answer because he felt the wave of emotion hit him too, harder that the punch and the bruise. 
“Love is weakness. It makes us weak—”
“I love you…” Then the world was silenced in the wake of your declaration, the sound of the storming sea was silenced in Kaz’s mind, the voices of Jordie were no longer near, and the water in his lungs was replaced by the enticing feeling in his stomach. “Does that make me weak?”
No. That was what he wanted to say, but all he did was to look at you with a shield in his eyes, that moment, he knew, he lost you.
The cold rushed down your head to your feet, you said those words and you read him wrong. Everything was wrong you were wrong. As you met Kaz’s reserved gaze, it took you to the night where you first met him, wishing that you should’ve killed him, perhaps he was right, the trick is not to love anything. 
But the only thing you heard was your footstep leaving the room, the slat, and leaving Kaz Brekker.
“No…It makes me.” He whispered under his breath.
That night, two crows understood something that love is awful, unfair, and unkind. 
That love is indeed and truly a weakness.
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hehe. angst. haha, my forte.
⚘ masterlist 1 | 2 | 3
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Jesper Fahey x gn! Reader - Efficiently spontaneous
A/n: Minors go away, read my other fics for your innocent eyes! (Also, this one has been sitting in my drafts for a while now, and I do remember editting it but I couldn’t be bothered to do it again. So I don’t know how proofread it really is!)
Summary: Jesper has too much energy before a job, you’re sent in to fix the problem
Warnings: MDNI, smut, begging, anal fingering, slight exhibition kink, dirty talk, slightly possessive reader, sub! jesper, dom! reader, edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, shitty aftercare, reader is neurodivergent and it written that way because I am neurodivergent, swearing, I think that’s it? You have been warned!
The Three P’s:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairings: (romantic!) jesper x reader, (mentions platonic!) crows x reader/jesper]
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Jesper is babbling your name out like a baby as you fuck him ever so slowly with your fingers. You’ve managed to find that little glad not too long ago and it had him regretting the promise he made to you not to come. 
With your other hand you pulled his hair up as he moaned against the cold night. You were very thankful that Ketterdam had decided to rain today, sometimes Jesper could be shy, and you didn’t want him to be. Which for Jesper would’ve been weird if it weren’t for the fact you were in a shitty motel right now, on a job where anyone could hear you. 
Even for Jesper this was different, because sometimes he pretended like he still had dignity left to save. 
You were going to make him scream louder than the thunder. 
“Please, please, please!” He sobs as you press down on his prostate harder, before thrusting into it abruptly making him gasp. 
“I’m gonna-” 
You slapped his ass as he trembled on his hand and knees. “If you come Jesper, I won’t let you stop. I’ll make you come until you’re screaming at me to stop.” You lean down to nip at the cuff of his ear. “And then I’ll make you come some more.” 
Whimpering, Jesper shook his head, the dirty talk certainly not helping his situation. Then, at the same time you pressed against his prostate while gripping his cock. The moment you touched his dick he was gone, as he let out a low moan and his eyes rolled to the back of his head in ecstasy. You were sure he was seeing stars.  
Again, he’s left gasping as you rapidly rub at his cock and he falls to his elbows at the movement. 
It doesn’t take long for him to orgasm again, he was so sensitive after the first one. But then again, it doesn’t take long for him to orgasm another time after that too. 
When he’s gaining on four you know this might be his last, because right now he’s truly a blubbering, sobbing, moaning, mess. 
“Too much!” He screams, without uttering your safeword, as your fingers find his ass again. “I can’t-” He’s fucking sobbing at full volume as the rain starts to fall to a small drizzle. He’s too fucked out to care though, and it makes you grin coyly, the whole of Ketterdam was going to know who he belonged to. Jesper Fahey was yours, and you would never let anyone take him. 
“Tell me who you belong to.” You whispered in his ear, as tears ran down his cheeks. “Tell me!” You hissed with a harsh thrust of your fingers when he doesn’t say anything. 
Crying he bobs his head up and down as he screams. “I’m yours!” He screams, surely waking the people in the rooms around you. “Fuck- I’m yours, Y/n, I’m yours!” 
You a let out a sigh and run a hand down his cock, leaving him shivering at the contact. “Good boy.” You start to praise the man underneath you. “You’ve been so good, can you be even better? Can you cum for me one last time?” You question him, as you continue to spread him with your fingers, knuckle deep as your other hand is preoccupied with stroking him. 
He lets out a howl, before cumming all over himself and the bed sheets for the last time that night. In wonder you watch as all the pent up tension releases from his body, giving you time to admire every inch of Jesper. The sharpshooter never seemed to loose that glow, it clinged to him like sunlight to the moon. He was like a miracle, one you would never let go of. You were a criminal not a saint, you were going to steal every inch of Jesper until it was all yours. 
You wait for a few more moments, letting yourself gaze down at your lover for a few more minutes while he calms himself enough. When his breath finally even outs you let yourself speak. 
“I can I touch you?” 
Jesper only laughs, before replying with a quick yes, as you go to pull the man into your lap. 
“I’ll have to clean you up soon.” 
Jesper groaned, wrinkling his nose slightly at the mess the two of you, or well, mostly him, had made. Usually the both of you wouldn’t do anything without knowing you had the proper tools of cleaning everything up. You could be a clean freak, and didn’t like your routine to be broken. Even for sex, the one time Jesper tried to have sex with you spontaneously you had a nervous breakdown. Never again. 
Jesper lived spontaneously, jumping from one thing to the next, always acting so recklessly. Somehow the two of you fit together like missing puzzle pieces, sure, you still hated when your schedule was put off, and Jesper still had a bad habit of jumping too quickly, but the two of you together made it better.
“Ya, looks like we’re going to be having some limited options.” Jesper turns in your lap so he can raise an inquisitive eyebrow at you. “On that topic what brought all this on, you don’t usually like doing things on the go, so I’m very surprised.” 
You give a deadpan look towards your boyfriend. “Kaz knew you would have too much pent up energy before this job so he asked me to... deflate you. I’ve had this planned since last week.” 
“Kaz asked you to have sex with me!” Jesper shouted, as you rolled your eyes at him. 
“No, I just knew this would be this would be the most efficient way to see it through. Probably, Kaz wanted me to play a game of cards with you, but this is my revenge on him deciding I was bait last heist.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I also knew you had an exhibition kink, and I liked the idea of everyone knowing that you shout my name when you cum. So, I think I win.” 
Jesper blinked at you, once, twice, before letting laughter bubble out of him like an overflowing tub. 
“How do you give the worst, yet best aftercare? Saints, I love you.” He chuckles, while placing his head on your chest. 
“I love you too.” You respond, yet holding yourself back from finishing it with something even sappier. 
Don’t you ever forget it. 
Words 1074
Grishaverse taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626 @brekkers-desigirl @emmsamultifan06
(if smut’s not ur thing or if YOU ARE UNDERAGE please tell me to take you off the taglist and I can make two separate ones!)
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hipwell · 6 months
i’ve been thinking about the bad batch nonstop since watching infiltration/extraction, and i wanted to share some thoughts (mostly about the clone operatives and crosshair)
i think it’s really interesting that this is the first time crosshair is talking about the clone operatives program. i think he is definitely dealing with a lot of guilt about everything, but i also noticed he seemed so scared about the shadows (especially when he found out rex had one and when they were talking to him).
i think they are definitely implying that there’s something crosshair isn’t telling his brothers about, especially when the hostage operative suggested crosshair had answers the rebel clones were looking for.
i have 2 theories on what crosshair might be hiding:
1. if i remember correctly, we have seen 3 clone operatives before (one on coruscant in s2, and the two in these recent episodes). they displayed sharpshooting skills, especially with the last one continuously using the scope. this could be unrelated to crosshair, because we have seen other clones as snipers during the war. however, we know these clone operatives were a hemlock project. part of me thinks hemlock may have tried to use crosshair’s genetic material while reprogramming the operatives, since the reconditioning wouldn’t work on him. this could be contributing to his hand tremor, and he might be degenerating faster because of experimentation. this idea made me look back to see how the timeline works out, and i realized we see the first operative on coruscant before crosshair is arrested and taken to tantiss. so maybe i just pulled this idea out of nowhere, but i still feel like the show made a point to show the last operative using a sniper rifle throughout the episode and there’s an intentional parallel to crosshair.
2. i think another possible reason crosshair may be hiding something is because he knows who some of the operatives are (or used to be). we have yet to have any success getting through to the operative clones, so i think it would be reasonable for crosshair to feel like it’s too late to save these ones. that might be a reason for not telling his brothers that someone they are close to is an operative.
after watching the episode, i thought the surviving operative was probably a reg since he was the same size as wolffe. that makes me think it might be cody. we know from s7 of tcw that the batch had a good relationship with him, and we don’t know what happened after he went AWOL in s2. as much as i would love to think cody ran away to find obi wan in the desert, i think if he got away he would have found rex and the other rebel clones. this makes me think he might have been caught and taken to tantiss. also, we have seen cody’s skills with a vibroblade before.
the other possibility, which i am far from the first to suggest, is tech. i have tried to maintain the mindset that tech is dead until i see that he’s not. i think star wars theories and predictions can often take on a life of their own and fans can set themselves up for disappointment when things go differently. i also think the writing both before and after the plan 99 episode makes sense for tech’s sacrifice to be his death. that being said, i can’t help but wonder if he might have survived. i pretty much shot down the possibility of tech being the surviving operative while watching the episodes, once again due to his height. i was under the impression that tech was 6’4” (1.93 m), and that’s what it says on wookieepedia (my favorite source, ily). this should make him significantly taller than wolffe, since the regs are 6’ tall (1.83 m). however, i saw a couple people point out that these heights aren’t super consistent with the show. referring back to a couple of scenes (pics below) tech seems to be only about 2” taller than hunter, who is listed as 5’11” (1.8 m). this definitely makes me no longer rule out tech (even though i’m still so hesitant to be hopeful that he survived). there were also a lot of parallels in the last episode that made me think of tech; in particular, the grappling hook and the handful of times the operative falls (if it is tech, the falling is so evil omg). i also found it interesting the operative questioned why he was activated, but that could also literally be nothing.
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whether the operative is someone we know, if there’s something more to them that we don’t know yet, or none of the above, the show made sure to let us know that he survived. this makes me think we will be seeing a lot more of him, and hopefully soon because i am really enjoying how much mystery there is surrounding the things hemlock is doing on tantiss.
this is completely unrelated and not even a prediction, but i really want to see boba before the series ends. ever since s1, i have desperately wanted boba to meet his baby sister. he’s the same age as the gen 1s so i think he would be about 15 years old at this point, so i don’t know how realistic it is to hope he’s one of the bounty hunters looking for omega (although he was already doing hoodrat shit in tcw so maybe). i’m not sure of another way they might cross paths, so it’s probably wishful thinking.
one final thought: i fear this series is going to end tragically. the clones’ story has always been a tragedy, and it would be foolish of me to expect a happy ending. we only know the futures of rex, wolffe, and gregor (and the homeless trooper in obi wan); i wouldn’t be surprised if we end the series with only a few other survivors. i don’t think they would kill omega, but i don’t think any other members of the batch are safe. i think they might be setting us up to lose hunter, with his reluctance to get involved in the fight. realistically, we could lose all of them (i will walk into traffic).
anyways, thanks if you read my ramblings!! this is basically all i’ve been thinking about lately so i would love to hear what other people have to say <3
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lumisparks · 3 months
Announcing “Indivisible: Dhar Reincarnated”!
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This is a fanfic I used to write when I was around freshman or sophomore year. There were 3 completed chapters(1 prologue, and 2 chapters) posted in the Indivisible Amino but then the Amino got wiped out. Having to lose all that progress led me to stop writing the story. Hell I couldn’t look back at my old digital art since most of them are saved on Ibis Paint in my previous, broken phones XP
But hey, now I gave myself a chance to rewrite the story because I got bored and needed something to do for fun. I got some other projects I’m planning on, they’re not related to Indivisible though.
Anyway, you want the synopsis right?
Here ya go!
“It has been 5 years since the world has been saved from being reseted by Ajna and her friends. In the small area named Lhan; the archer, Zebei, was guarding around the rebuilt monastery city until he saw a purple glow falling in the sky. What was it? Was it a meteor? A direct attack from the recent foes...? The Neo-Ravannavar Army?
Who knows, so he went after it. As he goes down further, he sees a young man lying next to a rusted sword pierced into the ground. That guy... Is that Dhar? He reincarnated! But once the fallen warrior woke up, he seemed to not remember what happened or remember Zebei. Looks like he lost all of his memories... Sounds like a new adventure is about to happen! Here we get to see the current lives of Ajna’s friends in how they are doing, but also see Dhar possibly regain his memories throughout the journey."
• Dhar, the Fallen Warrior
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•“Back then; Dhar was a former soldier and commander from a power-hungry military called the Navar Army, led by King Ravannavar. He is the first to join(technically forced) sides with Ajna. Far throughout the journey, he died in the midst of chaos as a sacrifice to wake up Ajna’s uncontrollable power.
5 years later of peace, he reincarnated but there was a price when he came back to life... All of his memories were wiped. Is it best for him not to know his past once he begins his travels?”
•Age: 20
• Zebei, the Sharpshooter
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•“One of Ajna’s allies who helped her save the world from being reset by Kala. He is a skilled archer, working as a protector of Lhan and Mt. Sumeru.
Zebei discovered that his fallen ally, Dhar, is back alive but has amnesia. Now he has to take care and train him into a better warrior. He hopes the swordsman does not remember anything though...”
• Kushi, the Bird-Tamer
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• "A young girl who is friends with a large bird named Altun. She is also one of Ajna’s allies who helped her save the world from being reset by Kala. Surely Kushi’s positive outlooking attitude can help Dhar to become a better warrior, not have him be the man who he once was, but hopes he’ll remember soon.”
• Age 15
Progress on the Chapters
I don’t know how many chapters this story will have, so I’ll probably get a feeling on when it will end. As of now, I finished writing the prologue and chapters 1-2, Chapter 3 is a work in progress.
So I’ll post the completed ones oooooonce I get a Wattpad account. I was going to go for an Ao3 account but when I researched how to get one, I was like... “NOPE! POSTING FANFICS ON TUMBLR AND WATTPAD IT IS!”
I’ll share my progress on how the fanfic is going. So don’t worry! And now for my final words... I am prepared to murder my fingers more as thank you for reading in all this ^ ^
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troomtroom101 · 5 months
Toon Quest Theory PT.1: Who is Pib and the meaning behind the Book of Life
okay so I know @toontails announced their return (idk your pronouns im sorry!!) but I recently reread thru the Toon Quest story and I’m finally clicking some stuff together that I’ve been wanting to maybe throw out there!! Please guys listen to me i have been thinking of this for weeks, TQ has so many open ends and mystery that it’s not even funny. I’m a person of wanting to understand things so I made this post to share my thoughts with you guys, and yes I did research don’t make fun of me!!!
so, to start off first and simple. I wanted to get down to the point where the Book of Life is first mentioned, AA mentioned that the Book of Life dosen’t randomly select its holders which makes sense because the book is a lingage and it somewhat of a heirloom (ok probs not the best wording but still) it was also mentioned that the Book of Life chooses its holders like I said, generational wise but also because of the attributes that the subject brings to the team. I couldn’t find the screenshot but AA answered an anon ask at one point stating that. Now if we look more into the team we can understand why exactly they make up the team they are now, instead of a group of goofballs we actually do have a pretty well looking team.
Oswald’s attribute would be his luck. Which is seen in the first chapter when he managed to save everhine in the van from the semi truck crashing into them, which follows with him cheering that he still had his luck.
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Bendy’s attribute from what I can assume, would be the fact that he’s a demon, and from what AA has stated/revealed the strongest one on the team (though Bendy himself might not know that) I’m taking it that in this AU, Bendy isn’t created from the ink machine but as it was said from AA he was accidentally taken from his home and placed on the surface (I can’t find the screenshot of the authors confirmation but trust me!!) I say that because Abel is after Bendy, which was also stated. And I’ll also go into why he might be after Bendy in my next post. But bendy’s attribute would be his strength and the fact that he’s basically inhuamne. Not to mention toons are hard to kill as is and since he’s a toon demon, it’ll take a lot to really kill Bendy and I’m sure we’ll see more of that in detail with future chapters.
Donald’s attribute would be his bad luck, which may be bad but is actually a good thing as in one of the chapters his bad luck basically murked the spirit spider that was chasing after them in the cave sequence.
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His attribute clearly comes in handy when it’s needed. Not to mention it weighs out Oswald’s good luck with his bad luck. Creating a balance.
For Cuphead and Mugman, it would have to be because they harness power to shot their peashooters, and because as stated they defeated the Devil some years ago. Though with their character turnaround with tagging along with the TQ gang, this makes them a great advocate with knowing some plans about the opposing team.
And Panchito would have to be for his intellucal integrity as he himself was the one to even put the band together to begin with. Traveling overseas just to find one of them. His morals seems to be very strong and I believe there’s more to his character as he was the first one to recive the book and get any sort of information about it, as he claimed that the thought of the book came to him in a dream that he has had for years. Which would make sense why the book would go to Panchito first out of everyone because his person is uplifting, loyal and fairly responsible (in a way)
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the book clearly harness some spiritual power as AA has stated. It’s not just a book, so I believe the book is what sent Panchito these visions. Also he’s good to and that it’s clear he’s a sharpshooter. Maybe even as good as Bettigan.
And moving onto Y/n. Her attribute, as we all know. Is undetermined because she’s a human. Not a toon. She dosen’t have any cool tricks, she dosen’t entirely have magic as it was said that she was supposed to, but lo and behold. She dosen’t. And she never will, as AA has confirmed. But inside the story it was say MULTIPLE times that the reader was supposed to be given a power to help her.
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it’s refered to as a mark and how it was supposed to be given to Hector, but because of time and how he and his group couldn’t successfully go on with the plan of figuring out what Ruby Falls was (the death of his friends) he came to a witch in the woods to send a message to Y/n about how her having a mark would help her defend herself from darkness and save mankind.
But as we noticed, Y/n has no power and so far has been fighting and defending herself based on her agility and luck. As it’s seems multiple times, she’s not very good in combat unless the other toons are with her to back her up. But by herself on a 1 on 1 combat, she fails exceedingly bad at defending herself, which I won’t bash her too much as she’s just a teenage girl who’s revealed to be a homebody with no friends, fighting against various combative individuals who clearly has more training and knowledge in the ring than she does. You’re not gonna wake up one day and be able to take down Batman. But there is one thing about her that I will point out. That she’s very observant and can very much tell when things are off in certain situations. As stated by AA.
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Reader is indeed a fast learner as when Ruck was teaching her archery, she was able to develop a knowledge on how to properly use a bow and arrow. And I must say. Archery is very much a tactile and difficult field to get in as it takes a lot of body strength and muscle strength, but with little time she had. She was able to adapt very quickly as seen with her being able to successfully get bullseye during the Warrior Falls contestant picking for the finale’s.
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Though that dosen’t mean we’ll run right over the fact that Y/n dosen’t have magic as states as she was suposoed to have. It even concerns her to a point of questioning why she dosen’t have it. Does the book decide not to give her magic? Does it often happen for these quirks to just not show up. It was clear that someone or something is suposoed to give them these quirks as Hector denied wanting to have it as he stated he would save it for Y/n. Which also comes into play that this is probably a one time use.
So where is it? And who has it? Well. Who else is the only one in the series that has magic? Well, we have Bendy. Who’s able to bend liquids (which from what I see it’s preferably ink) and he can also make portals.
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But this can also be because of the fact that Bendy is an actual demon and harness power that not any ordinary toon can. But that also makes me say. Do you know who else has the ability to create rifts and portals?
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And y’all look at this FUCKING KEY WORD!!! PUDDLE
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I swear this is not a COINCIDENCE!! I make this side by side comparison because at some point it was mentioned that Bendy would be the one prone to betray Y/n. Now I don’t wanna point fingers, but I believe Bendy may be a reason why Y/n is powerful. Or 1 of the many reasons. Because my second reason is going to be Pib. As it was said that Pib plays a big role and sort of a fairly meaningful role to not only Y/n, but to everytbing. Now, I don’t wanna be that guy but I really do want to say that Pib is actually a good guy and Y/n is a bad guy. AA did at one point said that Y/n is morally grey and that she dosen’t really care to be a hero, meaning that Y/n dosen’t wanna put her life in the line for just the sake of it.
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which may seem like a bad thing but, honestly? We’ll probably get more into why the reader may feel this way and why she may essentially reach a point where she feels this isn’t really fit for her. Pib isn’t exactly a bad guy because their only objective to them is to kill Y/n. That’s it. They don’t care for the book. They don’t care for the situation or who has the book, but it’s just to kill Y/n.
and the opposing team also wants Y/n dead as well. And only her. They don’t care for the others but just wanting her dead
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I’ll get into later why I might think why they want Oswald out of everyone. But that’s besides the point, I find it concerning that Y/n has such a large bounty over her head when she hasn’t done anything to anyone or from what we know and have been seeing she’s pretty much innocent. Before I get into Pib, I also want to put on the table why I may think everyone wants Y/n eliminated first.
I’m chapter 5, Argus states that when she kills Y/n, the book will be in her possession.
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She claims that when Y/n’s dead her bloodline will be no more, now I want to say she’s refering to Y/n being the last of her generation to hold the book in her possession, but now that I thought more on it, maybe when Y/n dies, the book just automatically releases its hold on the others making it accessible to anyone. So in some sort of way, Y/n has to be a key, a valuable key and asset to keeping that book locked. Whuch can explain why Ruck is trying him damn hardest to teach Y/n under the time he has to defend herself properly seeing she has no power to properly do it. Because if she dies. Everyone is shit out of luck, anyone in the world can just access the book. Which can explain why the villians want Y/n dead so bad. if break the lock. You have access to the riches. Now that’s if the others will still be there to defend the book from being taken still.
which moves back to Pib. Now we all know. The books signature glow is a yellow/golden light or aurora. It helped them navigate where to find eachother. Certain locations and even a piece to Ruby’s Heart. This book is basically its only navigation. But who else has that certain golden glow to them.
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In the recent sneak peek, Pib was able to tug some hair from their head and use the essence of it to creating a golden line to lead them to where the TQuesters are. The same navigating line that they used many times to help them travel around. And Pib’s glow is yellow and golden. A color that's assossiated with the book. Maybe Pib is also a keeper of the book, and maybe the magic that was supposed to be given to Y/n was handed to Pib somehwere along the line. But who would have given this power to Pib. The only other person I can think of, would be the main villian. The man in the trenchcoat. As he was the sole purpose of all of this happening to begin with. Though he has little screentime. It’s clear that he’s going to be a big problem. Pib’s power was also stated that it’s just about as strong as Bendy and Abel. Abel being a literal arch Angel—which is mentioned that Abel’s sole purpose on earth is to kill dark magic that’s located in the Shadow Realm. A split between physical world and the spiritual world. Which I can assume is where Bendy came from as well as Zip and Zot as they were confirmed to be from the shadow realm. I belive the things from this world are dangerous and cannot be contained. Which is why Abel is even present to begin with. He’s role is to destory anything that’s from that world. Including Bendy. Now why he has such a hatred towards Bendy, I don’t know.
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Not to mention Abel is at the top of the list of things that is very hard to be defeated so it’s safe to say that the book refering to angels being able to banish darkness, Abel is what it’s refering to.
Pib and Abel works hand in hand because they both have the power to do a lot of damage. I’ll make pt2 going over more bc I need you guys to hear me OUUTTTTTTTTTTTT
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Annie Get Your Gun is a character assassination spurred by post war gender politics.
I love Annie Oakley and the musical adaptation of her life pisses me off.
If you don’t know the plot:
basically, Annie is an uncultured sharpshooter who gets into a competition with Frank E. Butler (another sharpshooter and her future husband). She beats him, falls for him, and is told by the people around her to change herself for him. He is also attracted to her but emasculated by her. To get together she has to challenge him again and pull an Atalanta and lose to allow him to save face.
This is probably slightly off because I haven’t actually seen it, but from the synopses I’ve found that’s the vibe.
This is so far from the truth.
Oakley may not always have been the proper lady she was known to be, but that was an important part of her stage persona.
Her husband fell head over heels for her BECAUSE she beat him. He eventually gave up his career as a performer because he knew she was better and a bigger draw and shifted to being her manager and a salesman. This man was a simp (affectionate).
Also Sitting Bull, the person who convinces her to lose on purpose in the play, would not have done that. That man loved and respected the hell out of Annie and her skills and symbolically “adopted” her. He would not have told her to make less of them to get a man.
So character assassinations all around.
Why did I claim post war gender politics though? The play came out 1946.
What happened the year before? The end of world war 2.
What happens during that war (and most wars that pull nearly all the men for soldiers)? Women took over jobs back home.
Post world war 2 is notorious for its gender politics and shoving women back into the home. There was a huge issue/worry of emasculation.
So what do Dorothy & Herbert Fields and Irving Berlin do? Write a musical about a badass woman making herself smaller to save face for the man she loves so they can get together.
And like so many stories before and since, they imposed this story onto preexisting people/characters with personality and stories that do not align with the story they wanted to tell.
And because it is one of the main ways that people learn about them, it ruins people’s perspective on them. Which as a huge fan of Annie Oakley (and her husband tbh), fills me with furry.
She deserves so much better.
And so does Frank dammit!
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viellohi · 4 months
If they were all TOGETHER, the world would explode. Which is unfortunate because it is entirely possible
Under cut
I feel like Sam and Theo would vibe tbh. He doesn’t show it, but like Theo, Sam’s fed up with everyone’s shit, too. I feel like Theo would appreciate Sam’s mildness since he’s not the type of guy to get into random predicaments (except when he does)
Sam is still scared after
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in 1862 but he’s chill with Clarence for the most part. Clarence is definitely chill with him. If they could, I think they would exchange letters to one another every so often
Sam when he sees Alejandra is a better shot than him: 😲 I feel like Alejandra would call him a wimp for when he declined being a sharpshooter tbh ("What do you mean you 'didn't want to shoot Yankees?' You were shooting them already!")
Sam would listen to Grandma Teela's wisdom. Might they both share cookies after a lunch picnic? Idk I think he’d like her, and she’d like him
Alfred and Sam. Hmm... Alfred would be concerned about how much Sam knows about plants... not in a bad way, just "He knows too much what how" PRAY FOR HIM ALFRED 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Alekshashka and Sam 🤝 whatever is going on with the two of them. being those "sure I can fight but wtf is this I don't want to anymore :(" types, I figure they're bound to run into the same dilemmas and help each other work through them
Charles and Theo. Hoooo boy. Charles becomes a pharmacist after the war so I think the two could have a yapfest about medicine for a little bit, but then Theo’s certain… unusual practices come into question and Charles is like 🤨 “you don’t use anesthesia???”
Clarence: "Why are you like this 😢" he would not like Charles' cynicism, I don't think. Charles thinks he's too sweet and nice... as he does with Sam but would still befriend him anyway lol
Alejandra has to do EVERYTHING within her power not to slap Charles ok. I don't think these two would get along very well honestly. Personalities clashing. also see robert's thing with her below
Charles and Alfred would start a book club or smth idk :') I can see them sharing one singular activity together every week but Alfred would secretly be like "...save me"
Charles LOVES Teela. omg like he'd be so excited like "HOW ARE YOU SO OLD???" and honestly bro is thrilled. he wants to KNOW what happened from an eyewitness in the early 19th century. Teela sitting there like "he's crazy 😶"
(see roberts thing below) #TEAM PREVENT ROBERT FROM GETTING MAULED BY A MOOSE with Sasha. Sasha's the only one (other than Sam and Robert himself) who actually gets to see Charles really scared: "What if he... idk. Why the hell is he like this???" ASSEMBLE THE METAL ARMOR. anyways after convincing robert that trying to tame a moose with nothing more than vodka is a stupid idea, Charles is VERYYY thankful that Sasha freaking... saved his husband. bro is in his debt ig lkDJsdjlzkjads
Robert and Theo. “I can learn from you,” Robert says as he observes how Theo deals with other people’s shit. Theo just sits and watches as Robert destroys his liver with 4354879531239 shots of póltorak (Charles walks into the room and tells Theo “please help my husband”)
“CAN YOU WED US????” -Robert dragging Charles into Alfred’s church (Robert loving everyone in New Aldridgeville for not being homophobic lmao). Robert knows German since he’s from an Austrian city-state, so they would probably chat in German. About… um what would they chat about. Freaking food or something? European politics-
Robert and Alekshashka—bros would be BEST OF FRIENDS *insert Slavic-to-Slavic communication* I think Robert would try to convince Sasha to hunt a bear or smth. Or help him tame a moose… /ref
Clarence and Robert: "WOMEN SCARY!!!" /jjj Clarence being genuinely concerned for how much alcohol Robert can tolerate. Sit them down and let them discuss whatever comes to mind over a glass of chocolate milk or smth lmao
Alejandra would meet Robert (and Charles probably) in a tavern. She would look Robert up and down and say, "I win." Robert: "Win what" 4 hours later, Robert staggers away flustered (he had to quit because charles was like "STOPPP I AINT ABOUTTA DRAG YOU TO BED SWEETHEART 😭😭😭") and Alejandra can boast that she's won a drinking content against a Slavic man. But then the next morning Robert demands a rematch because he would have kept going if it weren't for karol.... now we have an ordeal.
Tbh I don't see much interaction between Teela and Robert. I feel like he'd stay away from her and miss out on great Teela stuff. :(
Billy and Theo. Theo does all he can to try to make Billy a better person, and I feel like he’d actually have patience with him. Wait till he sees what Billy’s doing in the 1880s ❤️ He’d be proud of that little gunslinger
Clarence and Billy—at first, Billy is WAY too energetic and brash. Clarence gets fed up about Billy’s talking about the war. Billy gets fed up with Clarence being so non-compliant when talking about anything he doesn’t like. But eventually they do find out they’ve got some stuff in common. Like the whole “my parents left me” thing,,, (except I think Clarence would point out that technically, in Billy’s situation, Billy wasn’t voluntarily abandoned by HIS living parent)
As mentioned previously, Billy would be scared of Grandma Teela 🥲 He doesn’t know any women and has behaved badly around the crushes he’s had in the past. So maybe Teela could teach him a lesson. No seriously. Before Ernie can get to him, Billy has no concept of respect unless it’s when you have to be to the Confederate officers who want to know what information you’ve gathered.
Billy’s scared of Grandma Teela, but when he meets Alejandra… “WAS MY MOTHER LIKE THIS???” he wonders out loud to Ernie seeing Alejandra being the badass she is. Even in the 1880s Billy’d still be jealous of how great of a shot she is
I could see both Alfred and Sasha being VERY concerned for Billy… in addition, Sasha tries to help Billy not be scared of horses anymore but Billy just panics and is like “NOT MORE CAVALRYMEN” Sasha leans over and whispers to Alfred, “Pray for the boy” Tbh the three would make an interesting trio (did them together because I feel like Sasha and Alfred would have similar opinions about him and vice versa) Ernie
We both know how Ernie and Theo are— *insert Theo yelling at Ernie to “stop being a goddamned wimp and let me treat you!”* also Theo disappointed at Ernie for failing medical school
I think Ernie’d really like Grandma Teela. Lady’s over 100 and still strong. Besides, she doesn’t let anything get to her. Maybe the two of them could have a chat.
Omg Ernie and Alekshashka 💀 talk about disappointment from Sasha “THIS is one of the brigade commanders??? Good skill, bad leadership.” Ernie just nodding in agreement because he has no idea how he even got promoted to full brigadier general in the first place (he was sort of pressured into it by a friend who had political ties). Both can be horsegirls together though (and Billy when he eventually gets over his equinophobia)
Clarence and Ernie understand each other. Amputees 💪 also since they want to put the war behind them. I feel like the two of them would go on a camping trip and roast marshmallows over a fire and talk about life.
Alfred meeting Ernie: “um do you need prayer” Ernie: “yes please 🥲” tbh the two would go out for coffee every Saturday morning and share a plate of butter croissants
Alejandra about to leave Ernie in the dust lol. They’d be riding along and next thing Ernie knows, she’s already 20 yards ahead of him (especially if they’re racing…). I think he’d admire her a lot, and Alejandra would still be disappointed at his performance during the Civil War
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