#also so scared and trying to cheer myself up with a Laugh
floatyflowers · 8 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Four
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<<< Chapter Three
You tried to fight them with your hardest, but you barely land hits on any of them.
But the sword is hard for you to handle and your hits are sloppy.
In the end, you got injured.
No, Ares's children didn't harm you, you cut yourself up with the sword by accident.
However, Percy fought them all off and your team won capture the flag.
Annabeth shoved Percy in the water where your doubts were confirmed as Poseidon claimed him as his son.
After the game, Chiron called you over to give you a letter from your mother.
For some reason you were so scared to open it, feeling like your mother was declaring in the letter that she disowns you and doesn't want to see you ever again.
But, it is the opposite of that.
My Sweet Angel,
I apologize for appearing like a coward, but I needed to get you to the camp.
However...I couldn't bring myself to enter the place because it brought bad memories for me.
I hate it, but I know it's necessary for your safety.
And you must understand that I would never be ashamed of you, I'm quiet proud of you.
After all, I was in your position when I was young.
PS. Your stepfather sends you his love and will prepare you all of your favorite food when you return home.
From your beloved mother,
You let out a happy laugh, finally feeling at ease that you misunderstood the whole situation.
Your mother loves you, but wait...
...She is a demigod.
But what do that make you?
Also who is her godly parent.
You will ask Chiron about it later, he must know who he is.
Suddenly you hear knocking on the front of your cabin door, you go to open it only to see Annabeth.
You smile at her cheerful and shyly but invite her inside.
Once she is inside, you begin apologizing.
"I'm sorry about my performance, I swear I tried my best but-"
She cuts you off.
"No need to worry, you did amazing on your first try"
Your expression brightens up.
"Thank you"
"No problem, girls stick together, am I right?" Annabeth says with a smile.
"Yes...would you like to stay over and chit chat for a bit?"
And that's how you made a first female best friend in camp.
"I chose you for the quest, you cannot say no to it"
"Well, the quest is going to fail, did you not see my fighting skill? It's horrible!"
Percy as usual barged into your cabin to inform you of the quest.
"Come on, Grover and Annabeth will be there too, there is nothing to fear"
Your eyes grow big upon hearing the name 'Grover'  as a smile appears on your face.
"Grover is here? Is he also a demigod?"
"You are a Satyr?"
You tilt your head, looking down at the tan skinned boy's legs.
"Yes...weird, I know"
"No, it's not weird at all, actually it is kind of cute" you say.
Grover smiles and blushes but Percy walks between you both, to break the nearness.
"We need to focus on the quest" Percy asserts with jealousy.
"Is that Thalia?" you ask Annabeth as she says goodbye to the tree.
"She’s really gonna miss that tree, huh?"
Percy says sarcastically, looking with envy as you interact with Annabeth, also patting the tree gently, saying something he can't hear.
He doesn't want you to interact with anyone.
If he can lock you up, he will do it.
"When Annabeth first arrived here with Thalia and Luke, they were being chased by monsters. Agents of Hades. Sisters. Furies."
"Mrs. Dodds?" Percy points out.
"Yes! One was our algebra teacher. Alecto. Thalia turned back to fight to buy her friends some time. Her satyr protector tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen. So, at the last moment... Zeus intervened to save her life and... changed her form."
"The most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life... was to turn her into a tree?"
Percy mocks after his friend finishes explaining as you and Annabeth walk back to them.
"She was the bravest demigod I ever knew. She fought valiantly, and she met a hero’s fate." Annabeth defends.
"She met a pinecone’s fate."
"Percy" you exclaim, piniching his arm.
"What? I'm telling the truth"
You sigh in anger, before turning to Annabeth with a gentle expression and say.
"If I ever meet Zeus, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind"
Grover nods his head slowly at you.
"Yeah, so he can strike you down with lighting bolt"
"Can't strike me down with something he lost"
You say playfully walking ahead of them.
"She is going to get us killed" Annabeth mutter
"And I don't mind dying for her" Percy respond firmly, following after you like a lovesick puppy.
Calista walks around the house, cleaning every corner and making sure everything is in order.
She developed an OCD, ever since she became pregnant with her only daughter, you.
The demigod woman feared that all her past relationships with the gods might come back and slap her in the face through you.
She would die if something happened to you, that's why she thought it was the best decision to send you to Camp Half-Blood.
While doing house work, the doorbell rings, she walk over to the front door and opens it.
But once she sees who is on the other side, she tries to close it, but the person stops her and shoves his way in.
"This is no good way to greet me, young lady"
"What are you doing here?" Calista demands in fear.
"Well, I came to take you back to the underworld"
Hades answers back with a smirk.
"I'm not going anywhere, my daughter-"
"Don't worry, I sent someone to get her, so we can all become a big happy family"
Chapter Five>>>
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holybatgirlz · 6 months
Had to do another response to bridgertonbabe’s spouses groupchat
(All credit goes to @bridgertonbabe)
🐝 The Children Group Chat 🐝
Eloise sent a picture.
Eloise: I think we should submit this to Merriam-Webster to put in the dictionary next to the word ‘heavenly’ because holy shit what happened last night was the closest I have ever had to a religious experience.
Eloise: And yes, I already created and bought matching sweatshirts with this image on it for everyone. They say ‘I survived the Pictionary Incident of ‘16’ on them.
Hyacinth: I swear to god if you two idiots scared Sophie off I’m going to finish what she started.
Anthony: Do I have to remind everyone that both Colin and myself were assaulted last night?? Or did you not see the photo Eloise just sent??
Violet: Do I need to remind you both that you purposefully dropped a keg on your brother’s hand?!?
Colin: Mini. It was a mini keg.
Colin: We’re not stupid enough to drop an actual keg on Benedict.
Violet: Well, you could have fooled me.
Violet: The doctor told me your poor brother broke two fingers and was a millimeter away from needing to have surgery on his hand. And in his dominant hand no less.
Violet: Do you have any idea how this is going to impact your brother? His painting? His upcoming gallery showing? He still has three paintings he needs to finish before next month and I have no idea how he’s going to complete them now that you two have gone and done this to him.
Colin: Yes, yes mother. We know. Benedict’s your precious little baby. Heaven forbid he do anything wrong. Like yelling at his girlfriend because she nearly made him lose Pictionary.
Colin: A girlfriend who, I would like the record to reflect, slapped me.
Anthony: Sophie also gave me a black eye. Kate has spent all of this morning laughing at me every time I walk into a room and she sees it so I think we’re even.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet: What did you not understand about almost needing surgery? You practically shattered his hand!! You nearly destroyed your brother’s art career!
Hyacinth: If Sophie stops talking to me because of the shit you two bozos pulled omg I’m going to end you both.
Colin: I’m surprised the coke can you nearly hit her with didn’t already do that.
Daphne: Hey. We may have a situation happening.
Francesca: What’s wrong?
Violet: Is everything alright?
Daphne: Simon’s panic pacing in our living room right now and I heard him say something about Sophie. I’m trying to figure out what happened. Give me a second.
Daphne: Hold on.
Francesca: What??
Eloise: Say sike Daphne. Say sike right now.
Gregory: Seriously??
Colin: Oh shit. For real?
Francesca: How do you know?
Daphne: Simon and Kate are texting with her right now. I only figured it out because Simon’s stutter comes back when he’s stressed and mutters to himself to stay calm.
Daphne: But Sophie’s said she’s going to break up with Ben when he wakes up because she thinks we all hate her!!
Violet: I need to get back to the hospital right now.
Hyacinth: YOU IDIOTS!!!
Colin: Gregory. Since I know u r with her. Scale of 1-10 how pissed is Hy right now?
Gregory: Hy right now:
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Gregory sent a photo
Gregory sent a photo
Colin: Ah. 100 then.
Gregory: Yeah
Colin: Well it was nice knowing everyone
Anthony: Why on earth would she think we hate her?? You were all cheering her on when she was assaulting us.
Eloise: By far the hottest thing I've ever seen. I think watching her throw that punch rewired my brain chemistry. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin. Ended my depression. And helped me finish my graduate applications. I’ve never felt so alive.
Eloise: Fuck Wollstonecraft. Fuck Steinem. Fuck Atwood. Their works do not even compare to the straight prose Sophie was shooting last night while she was yelling at you two.
Eloise: And if we lose her now because you two idiots made her think we despise her I am going to HELP HYACINTH BURY YOUR BODIES!!!
Francesca: Mum, how close are you?
Violet: 30 minutes out. John is driving as fast as he legally can to get me back there.
Violet: I knew I shouldn’t have left her there alone. I knew something was off. She was far too quiet to have been okay with all of this.
Daphne: Do you need us to come meet you there?
Violet: No. The last thing we need to do is overwhelm her.
Violet: This is all my fault. I should never have picked Pictionary. I shouldn’t have even allowed a Game Night to begin with!
Violet: I forgot that I have wolves for children. That you all were swapped with changelings as babies.
Hyacinth: Why didn’t anyone stay with Sophie???
Eloise: Because she’s a grown woman who knows how to handle herself. She seemed fine last night.
Francesca: She seemed pretty overwhelmed to me. I found her crying in the bathroom after Benedict yelled at her.
Violet: She was crying?!!!
Francesca: I think she was just taken by surprise and she told me Danbury had called her earlier about the lawsuit with her stepmother so I thought she was probably already stressed before she arrived at the house last night. I told her Benedict didn’t mean any of it. And after the beat down she gave Colin and Anthony I thought she would be okay.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to get there!!
Violet: Sweetheart, I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.
Hyacinth: Omg Mum hurry up 😩😩😩 My sanity is on the line here.
Gregory: Anthony and Colin’s asses are literally on the line right now. Hyacinth might actually commit to killing them.
Hyacinth: I swear to God I’m going to actually lose it if Sophie leaves. We finally were about to have a cool in-law in the family and now you IDIOTS RUINED IT!!!
Gregory: We were almost able to say we had a felon in the family 😖😖😖
Daphne: Gregory. Sophie nearly going to jail is not something to strive for.
Francesca: She also isn’t a felon. She would have had to have been convicted for that to be true.
Hyacinth: Firstly, she was falsely accused and this has been a known fact for weeks now. Keep up. Secondly, and according to the police report, Sophie almost outran the cops and got away. Like they chased her seven blocks before they caught her. Full sprint the entire time. And then she elbowed one of them while they were arresting her so they nearly hit her with an assaulting police officer charge because of it.
Hyacinth: Thirdly, Ben said Sophie completely decked her stepmother once it was revealed that Armabitch lied about her stealing from her (which honestly should have been a heads up for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbest not to FUCK with her)
Hyacinth: And FOURTHLY, she literally got broken out of jail by Mum and Ben because yours truly was smart enough to make sure her location sharing was on.
Hyacinth: She’s a literal icon of icons 😍😍😍
Daphne: Hyacinth, you never answered this the last time we asked. But did you hack Sophie’s phone?
Hyacinth: No
Hyacinth: I just made sure she was sharing her location with me while I was putting my number in her phone. That’s all.
Violet: Alright I’m back at the hospital.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to find Sophie! You need to stop her!
Violet: Oh I plan to. Not going to allow all my hard work to go to waste. I’ll text you once I’ve spoken to her.
Eloise: Are you two idiots happy with yourselves now??
Eloise: Was this worth dropping a keg on Benedict??
Colin: Again
Colin: Mini keg.
Colin: And right now, since I am currently praying to every God in existence to make sure Sophie and Benedict don’t break up, the answer is no.
Anthony: If she was bold enough to hit me in the face, then she was a perfect fit for this family.
Anthony: Mum, if you don’t stop her, tell me. I’ll come out there and speak to her myself.
Hyacinth: Anything?
Daphne: Oh my god this wait is killing me.
Francesca: Mum any updates yet?
Benedict sent a picture
Benedict: I lived.
Daphne: Benedict! Where’s Sophie? Is she with you?
Benedict: She here ❤️
Benedict: she finance
Eloise: ????
Benedict: Soap finance
Daphne: Benedict what are you trying to say
Eloise: What the hell does this mean???
Benedict: Soap
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: soap finance
Benedict: Duck
Francesca: Benedict are you still high??
Benedict: No. Typing 1 hand. Hard
Eloise: I think we should all take that as he’s still high.
Benedict: Soap Bucket my finance
Gregory: This is some fucking DaVinci code level shit.
Francesca: Are you talking about Sophie??
Benedict: Yes
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: She finance
Francesca: She’s fine?
Eloise: What about Sophie’s finances??
Violet: Fiancée. He means fiancée.
Violet: Sophie and Benedict are engaged!! Well, technically, engaged. Sophie told him he has to propose again once the drugs wear off but I got here just in time to see Benedict asking her to marry him after he woke up and hearing Sophie tell him yes. We’ve all been celebrating. It was quite lovely 🥰🥰
Benedict: Mum cryin rite now.
Eloise: No doubt ecstatic she no longer needs to worry about you dying alone.
Colin: Oh thank Christ.
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Francesca: 🥳🥳 Congratulations Benedict
Daphne: Congratulations!!
Hyacinth: This is literally the best news I could receive 😭😭😭
Benedict: Thank you ☺️
Benedict: V happy rite now.
Eloise: V high 2
Benedict sent a photo
Benedict: High on life 😌😌😌 On love 😍☺️🥰
Eloise: Omg 🤢🤮
Eloise: Freak
Eloise: No one asked to see your kissing selfies.
Violet: Benedict. Sweetheart. Since I apparently have to text you this as well. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.
Benedict: NO
Benedict: Engaged!
Benedict: Every1 celebrate me b engaged
Anthony: Congratulations brother.
Benedict: Asshole. Hat u. U no celebrate.
Benedict: Hate other asshole 2. Were Colin?
Colin: Hey Benedict. How’s your hand?
Benedict: Duck u
Benedict: Fuck u
Benedict: Hate u both so much rite now.
Colin: Listen. Ben. I’m really sorry for almost crushing your hand.
Benedict: Hand no long matter. U hurt Soap. I kill u.
Colin: She slapped me!
Benedict: Deserved. U deserved. Drop keg on me n face Soap wrath.
Benedict: God she was so hot 4 that.
Eloise: So hot
Benedict: So hot. My gf is so hot.
Benedict: Finance! She finance now.
Anthony: Benedict. Please tell Sophie how sorry we are for last night and that we are all incredibly happy for her. For both of you.
Anthony: You can also tell her she has an impressive right hook.
Anthony: …
Anthony: Benedict?
Anthony: Benedict are you there?
Violet: He’s not going to answer. Sophie finally took his phone away. But I’ll tell her.
Daphne: Everyone say thank you to Kate and Simon. They spent almost an hour trying to talk Sophie out of leaving Benedict while we were all freaking out.
Francesca: Do they know?
Daphne: I told Simon
Anthony: Kate knows
Gregory: Kate and Simon right now probably
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Eloise: Anthony. How much did you just drop on ‘thank you for saving my ass’ jewelry for Kate?
Anthony: Fuck off.
Francesca: I texted Kate. She’s checking the bank account.
Francesca: About 5k by the looks of it. And he’s taking her to Paris.
Anthony: I hate all of you.
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desomniis · 4 months
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to ask for your hand (I just pray that its mine) | Chapter 4 excerpt
After clinching his third career win at the Vegas GP, Carlos wakes up to a wedding band on his finger and his teammate, Charles, wearing the exact match.
WIP | 4/5 | 28,797 words | Accidental Drunk Marriage in Vegas AU | Fluff | Angst | Drama
Down below, the circuit was a bright outline against the night. Another season, another gruelling race in Singapore.
The skyline was an architectural marvel. It was stunning during the day, but at night? it looked like a rare jewel sparkling against the black velvet night. To witness such magnificence on top of the Marina Bay Sands—dipped in the infinity pool, no less—with no one else around was a indeed privilege.
In his mind, he traced the track, imagining his car passing through Anderson bridge, making the tight left at 13 to the Esplanade Drive. Then the apex at 14, then 15, 16—a splash from the other end of the pool startled him. Charles?
Carlos was pretty sure it was Charles, the rookie this season. They never really ‘talked’ before. Their conversations always happened in passing, going along the lines off, ‘How are you? Good? How’s your car? Not good on the tires.’ He knew little about him—only that he was from Monaco and that he was set to replace Kimi at Ferrari next year. A rookie replacing a world champion. Unheard of. This kid must be a huge deal.
“It’s a beautiful city, no?” Carlos ventured. He winced inside, remembering Papá's advice about small talk and F1 drivers.
Charles jolted, his hand flying to his chest, accidentally splashing water to his own face. “Oh my god, you scared me.”
Carlos chuckled. “You’re quite jumpy, eh?” he teased, settling on the ledge next to him.
“A little,” Charles admitted with a sheepish smile. “What are you doing here? It’s a bit late, no?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I didn’t get much sleep on the flight here.”
“Tell me about it. 20 hour flights are no joke.”
“True,” Charles said. “Any tips for tomorrow? I’ve never raced here before. My first time. So, I’m a little nervous.”
A smirk crept up Carlos lips. “Have you passed out in a race before?”
“Uh, no? I don’t think so.”
“Well, here, try not to. It’s almost guaranteed.”
”What? That’s impossible.”
“Also, you might drive blind on some corners.”
“Don’t even get me started about the rain. Singapore is a totally different race if it rains.”
Worry flitted through Charles' eyes, swallowing a lump on his throat. “Oh yeah?” he said, trying to hide his discomfort.
Carlos held onto his laughter. He nodded seriously, “yeah. Seven DNF’s last year.”
Charles visibly got more anxious, the horrors of last year’s race flashing in his eyes. “Ah, putain,” he muttered under his breath.
Carlos’ laughter eventually bubbled forth.
“What? Why are you laughing?” Charles questioned, his brows knitting together.
“I was kidding. It’s not that bad, I promise.”
“I—Oh… you were trying to scare me.” Charles smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Making fun of the rookie, I see.”
“Don’t worry,” Carlos wiped the tears from his eyes. “Vettel and Fernando did it to me in my rookie year too. Except they waited a day before telling me it’s not that bad. I remember not sleeping that night.”
Charles laughed, and Carlos was struck. There was something about his laugh that resonated deep in Carlos’ chest, like the melody of his childhood summers spent racing bicycles down sun-dappled streets, the wind tousling his hair as he pedalled faster. It was the echo of his first karting victory, the taste of victory sweet on his tongue as he stood atop the podium, trophy held high, amid deafening cheers and applause. It was Miguel’s call, on his last day, asking him to meet at the lake so that he could steal another kiss from Carlos. There was something in Charles’ laugh that made Carlos yearn to hear it more.
“Well, I guess I’ll consider myself lucky that it was not Vettel or Fernando then,” Charles said.
“Yeah. Lucky. Just sleep well and drink lots of water before the race and you’ll do fine. I’ve seen you drive. You’re good. I trust that you can make it.”
Charles's eyebrows lifted, his head tilting slightly to the left like a puppy hearing something strange. “Really?” he asked, “you think I’m good?”
Carlos can count in one hand the amount of times he complimented another driver. It wasn't that he didn't recognise talent in others—if he was being honest, there were plenty of drivers far better than him. But he rarely voiced such acknowledgements. It’s like offering your enemy an edge.
So when he did compliment Charles, it surprised him, almost catching him off guard. There was no logical explanation for it.
Perhaps it was because Charles was young and it was his first year in F1. He could vividly recall his own struggles as a rookie. Maybe, in his own way, it was him trying to help his younger self.
Or perhaps it was how easily Charles just opened up to Carlos. Paired with his dimples, the sheepish smile, and those earnest blue eyes pleading for advice. Carlos felt an instinctual urge to protect Charles.
Or perhaps, it was something else entirely.
“You don’t?” Carlos dodged the question.
"I do. It's just that... It's rare to hear it from another driver. Everyone else says I'm good, you know? 'You're so talented, Charles. So fast. You are destined to be in F1,'" he recounted. "But they say it from the outside looking in. They don’t really get it. But when another driver say it, it means a lot more. Because they understand. You understand."
Carlos nodded slowly, the weight of Charles' words settling on him. He knew that feeling all too well. The constant need to prove his own worth, that he deserved to compete with the best of the world, that it wasn’t all because of a privileged upbringing.
“Of course,” he said idly. “So, how does this feel? All of it—the hype, the pressure, the Ferrari seat next year?”
A hesitant smile touched Charles' lips, fleeting as the Monegasque breeze. “When I drove for practice for them last year, I felt like I was going to explode in the car. I felt buzzing in my ears and my hand couldn’t stop shaking. I thought I would crash. I’m quite happy that I didn’t.
“But what’s interesting was how it all felt strange to me. All my life I’ve dreamed of driving and winning in that red car. Not only me, my father and my godfather too. I carry all their dreams with me. Now that I have the chance to do that… it’s…” Charles trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Overwhelming," Carlos offered, a hint of longing creeping into his voice. "Being in that red car… it’s something else."
The last sentence hung heavy in the air, the weight of his secret, of his father's expectation, sat heavy in his gut.
Charles chuckled, a soft, nervous sound. "Yeah. It's like everyone expects me to be a champion overnight. But then there's the pressure from myself too, you know? Like I have to live up to all these expectations, not just mine but everyone else's too." He ran a hand through his hair, anxiety swimming in his eyes.
Carlos leaned back on the ledge of the pool, studying Charles. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that surprised him. This young prodigy, who seemed to have it all figured out, was wrestling with self-doubt just like everyone else.
"Hey," Carlos said gently, "You'll be alright. You're here for a reason. You have the talent, the drive... you'll get there eventually.”
A flicker of gratitude sparked in Charles' eyes. "Thanks, Carlos. I appreciate that. Coming from you, it means a lot."
The compliment hung in the air for a moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Carlos couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about Charles disarmed him.
"Are you hungry?" Carlos finally asked, surprising even himself with the question. "Do you want to have dinner with me?"
Charles’ eyes sparkled and his lips curved up, making Carlos’ chest feel warm, like it was about to blow open. Whether it was a good or bad sign, it didn’t matter because there was only one thing he was sure of:
He wanted to see Charles smile again.
Read the whole chapter here. Ask me questions!
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dy6nsty · 8 months
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I’m a sucker for tall readers so here you guys go!
Nameless Ghouls & Nameless Ghoulettes x TALL! Ghoul! reader
Relationship— Romantic
Amused by the your height. But when it came to you using him as a resting spot he had the most judging look.
Allows you to do that in more private areas but will slap your hand, shoulder, arm, or chin off of his head if you’re doing that in public.
If you tower over him when he’s talking to other people he’s subtly smirking to myself. He likes it.
Play arguing when he suddenly sees you staring down at him he looses his ability speak for a moment.
He’s a decent 5’11 — 6’0, so being taller than him is just what makes him stare at you. You’re 6’3-6’5+? Dudes not looking for a second, he’s entranced for a decade. Full on '😨' emoji.
If something taller that he can’t reach he doesn’t bother to get anything to get it down, just asks for you to grab it for him. And if you can’t he’ll start teasing you for the hell of it.
Enjoys the fact you can wrap around him completely. Just nice that he’s in his own blanket except it’s you.
Had you drape over him and after a few minutes started patting your back because he couldn’t breathe anymore.
Likes it. Just likes to look you up and down before holding a thumbs up and a smug smile.
When he’s standing behind you he’ll stand on his tippy toes for second to see how much taller you honestly are.
If you’re the tallest in the band he just silent cheers to himself. Genuinely shows off your height to other people.
Likes to see you try on his clothes or accessories. Also likes to try on your clothes and accessories.
Stands next to you on purpose so people can see yours and his height differences.
Pulls you down to give you kisses, or if he’s standing on something. Once jumped up to give you a kiss and banged his head into yours.
Wondered what your diet was or is because… DAMN what did they feed you to get you to that height?!
Prefers to lay on you instead, you’re like a long pillow to him.
Smiley ass Ghoul! Saw you and was like “Hell yeah!” New member that just happens to horrendously tall!
I’ve just seen him twirling so I think he’d enjoy you twirling him around non stop. Walks over to you so you can spin him around because it’s fun.
Likes to get piggy back rides or hugging you like a koala so he’s lifted off of the ground.
Often times clings onto you in crowds or in any case of scenario he finds himself lost. You’re basically this guys beacon sometimes.
Almost tackled you down with a surprise hug. Took you by surprise and almost went timber with him.
Laughs whenever you hit your head on a doorway as if he hasn’t had the same problem before.
Stomps his way over while playing his guitar, actively trying to kiss you on stage. At this point Terzo can’t catch a break. “Oh they’re cooperating! Never mind they’re kissing again.”
If he can’t kiss ur face he’ll kiss your knuckles/hand, or he’ll just bite your arm out of boredom if he can’t reach ur shoulder.
‘😨’ x2.
Honestly wouldn’t mind being carried around by you, it seems fun to him. Piggy back, bridal style, on your shoulders, sounds amazing.
Enjoys cuddling, especially spooning and where he gets lay in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Likes it how you tower over him from behind or when you’re in front of him. It’s just a oddly satisfying feeling. Especially if you’re holding his hand it’s comforting.
Watches you stick out on stage with your height. Finds it easy for him to find you that way.
Sometimes you scare the shit out of him when you appear out of no where. Jumped out of his seat once because of that.
Likes to have you as blanket as well. You’re just perfect to him. Probably uses you as a pillow sometimes to.
Compares shoe sizes and hand sizes subtly so you don’t notice and mumbled a small “Damn.”
At this point he thought Satan had something against him. There’s mountain but now there’s also you. (If you’re taller than mountain he’s throwing hands with the air.)
Has you crouch down sometimes so he can rest his head or arms on the top of your head like you do to him.
He’s not complaining when it comes to spooning or cuddling. With you wrapped around him he’s an automatic heater, at the max percentage. No seriously he’ll probably give you a heat stroke.
Flails around whenever you pick him up. He just doesn’t expect it when you hold him up like a toddler.
Uses you to grab other things. Asked you to help and it ended with him standing on your back.
Back to the towering of thing. He enjoys it because it makes him feel that he has some sort of guard dog with him. But he also doesn’t enjoy it because now you look like a damn titan next to him.
Has you walk around the ministry with him because he’s honestly hoping you hit your head on a doorway so he can laugh. (He loves you tho!)
Does enjoy being held by you when he’s trying to sleep. Very nice feeling.
Sometimes hides behind you after messing with Sodo (again, always.) So you’re some sort of barrier while they go back and forth.
You wear his clothes. It’d be rare for him to wear your clothes, hes tossed shirts in your room because he likes to see you in his stuff.
Honestly chill with you being super tall. To him it has its perks and they’re all good.
Might confuse you and mountain depending on the height different between you and mountain.
Shows you off to everyone. Standing next to you 24/7, super proud of himself.
Compares your height with everything around him. Furniture, people, buildings, items, pillows, etc.
Enjoys where you’re both hugging each other. Your head on top of his with his head against your chest.
Hugs you from your waist always. Honestly dudes proud to have a tall mate.
Was so curious about you. Your height, the way you were so easy to see in crowds, drew him right to you.
Stands on his tippy toes or platforms to try and reach your height. If he can’t he’ll have you come down to his height.
Still enjoys kissing/biting your neck or shoulders. Somewhat of a secret spot since no one can really see there.
Tries picking you up even though you can probably pick him up easily. Not that he’s complaining to be carried around to wherever he wants like a prince.
Makes fun of your heights but procedes to talk about on how he loves. “How’s the weather up there?” It’s so old but so funny to him.
If you rest your shoulder/arm or chin on the top of his head he’ll do the same later. Except over doing it.
Pulls you down by your collar so he can kiss you properly. Gets cocky while doing it.
You take turns with who’s the little or big spoon, all depending on whatever the both of you feel like or is most comfortable.
Was quite happy to have another somebody his size in the Band. Was a little stunned when he first met you.
Although it’s nice so he doesn’t have to snap his neck to look down or kiss you.
Still picks you up to kiss you as if you guys have a huge height difference. Even if you’re taller than him he picks you up.
Now there’s two massive Ghouls walking around! Uses both of ur heights to an advantage to hide things like trinkets or snacks where other Ghouls / Ghoulettes can’t reach.
Enjoys curling up with you, where you both get into a spot of cuddling around each other with arms around one another.
Giddy about having a tall boyfriend. Stands next to you so he doesn’t have to tower over anyone else or stretch his arms down to far.
An actual unstoppable duo in monkey in the middle.
Uses you as a arm/headrest which you both take part in that scheme. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you rest your arm on his shoulder.
Couldn’t be bothered about it. He likes the height difference.
Enjoys sitting in your lap or laying down in your arms while he talks with you or completes some stuff.
You and him go back and forth playfully with teasing each other about yours and his heights.
When you tower over him? Loves that shit, leans towards you subconsciously. Pressing his back against your chest.
Likes wearing your clothes but if he sees you in his clothes he just giggles to himself out of pure happiness. Matching clothing sets maybe , but it’s either to small for you or to big on him.
Will try to get things down on his own but if he literally cannot get something down he calls you over.
If you rest your arm on his head he’ll just stare up at you and try to mimic you.
Likes to lay his head down on your chest, complete draping his body over you like a blanket as he clings onto you.
Let out an audible gasp when he saw you. Teasing your non stop about being tall. Nicknames, jokes, anything and EVERYTHING.
Your height does not stop him from running across the stage to come over and try to bite your shoulder.
Jumps onto you for a hug. Comes running at you full speed with his arms completely open.
Skips around with you following around since you look like you could rock somebody in an instant.
Uses you like a blanket. Laying down? Not anymore because he’s sliding underneath you despite the fact he’ll be suffocated. But that’s okay to him!
Dirty jokes left and right. UP AND DOWN EVEN. “You’re pretty long, right?” Asked that with a dumbass look on his face.
Admires your hand and fingers. Moves them around until you notice the motions are the opposite of family friendly. Family making is a better phrase.
Makes stupid jokes like: “Why go to France when we have the Eiffel tower right here?” or “Who made you? Two damn trees from the forest? Or maybe even three I don’t know what trees enjoy.”
HEART EYESSS. “So this is love….” Giggling and kicking her feet when she remembers you are so tall.
Kisses your hands, knuckles, arms, thighs, or anywhere she can grasp / reach!
But if you wanna lift her up so you can kiss her she’s giving you one passionate smooch. Pucker up buttercup. (I’ve been waiting so that for so long.)
Likes to switch masks with you every so often! But makes sure to leave lipstick stains before giving it back <3
Likes it when you come up to her platform. (That is if you can.) If not she’ll blow air kisses and small waves!
Pick her up and give her that princess treatment! Or even better: Queen treatment. (I love cumulus guys.)
Honestly wonders what you see up there compared to her world view. Like? The hell do you see, do you see in 0.5 vision?
Grabs onto your tail or arm to have you guide her around crowded areas / halls. Also enjoys to be the little spoon with you.
She’s actually coming for your ass. (LITERALLY.) You’re gonna want eyes on the back of your head.
Clings on to you. Hug her from behind, front, side ways, either way she’ll cling onto you with a happy ass smile.
Piggy back rides will by far be her favorite.
Being around you gives her a confidence boost. Strolling around both you right by her side.
Pro at stealing and wearing ur clothes. Casually strolls around with something of urs on. Shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, tanktop, sock, boxers, quite literally anything.
You leaning on a doorway? GOOD LORDDDDDD. She’s staring up at you with some outrageous thoughts goin’ through her mind.
Wanted you to dress up as a christmas tree for christmas holiday times. If you didn’t do that she did give you a tree headband.
Doesn’t really care on how you cuddle, all she cares is that she gets to hug you and you hug her.
Not up for discussion she sees you and she’s tackling you unless you manage to catch her in your arms.
Likes to sit in your lap or on your while ranting about her day or any details that happened anywhere shes gone.
Casually says some of the most dirtiest jokes around you. Wide vocabulary to words that describe ur body.
Wears your closet whenever and wherever she can. Your clothes are genuinely comfy man. Rocking the duo of a top of yours + some boxers.
Likes kissing some of your stuff with lipstick, especially you^^
Laughed so hard when you hit your head pn a ceiling fan. Had to think about what just happened while catching her breath.
Eventually just decided that spooning was a good cuddling position since her bed was to small for you, and no one wants their dogs poking out.
Absolutley loving forehead kisses. Aswell as standing on your shoes so she can give you a sweet kiss.
Adores hour height.
Likes the dynamic you have: One of the tallest in the band, and shes the shortest / one of the shortest in the band! (I forgot.)
Big on physical touch. Holding hands, having you lift her up so she can kiss and hug you, resting your head on the top of hers, subtle hand on her waist, tail wrapped around her, she’s living the dream for it.
Dance with her. Twirl her around, keep her close, lift her up, she loves to dance with you ^^
Not ashamed to say she likes when you’re completely huddled around her like a protective blanket. She is in love it.
Gets flustered whenever you lean / tower over you. Awkwardly staring back up at you with widest of eyes.
Likes to have you carry her around while you walk around area to area. Pretends to sleep sometimes so you’ll carry her back to bed.
Whether you wear her marks or its the other way around she feels automatically prideful.
Stares at you but is not willing enough to crane her neck every single time she wants to look at you. “Bend over.” Doest realize how that sounds.
Tends to lower you down to her height so she can talk to your or give you a small kiss.
Whenever she feels you behind her, whether you’re looking over her or at her she’ll look up at you with a confused look.
Loosing self respect if you lean on anything and look down at her. Now she means BEND OVER.
Calls you legs or lurch. If you rest your elbow on her head or shoulder she’s immediately throwing it out there. “Alright legs, we got many surfaces but I am not one them.”
Lowkey chill about it though. She almost gets a portable elevator for whenever she needs something.
The third musketeer who likes you as a pillow. It’s just comfortable that she can come back and lay her head down on you.
Likes when you wrap your arms and tail around her, laying your head on her chest. From your height and size she feels safe.
how long did this take me exactly? good question.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Hi love
Can you write a jealous pedro for us? Maybe one when they run into reader's ex
Hiii, thanks for your request!
Before I start, I just want to say something. I’ve been receiving more requests, and I’m so happy and thankful for that!! But it also gives me a lot of anxiety as I pressure myself to write as fast as possible so that you won’t wait too long. Also, as I rarely like what I write, I’m also scared, and it makes me more anxious to write about the requests (it is very challenging).
I used to take requests when I was writing on Wattpad about teen wolf, and it got very overwhelming and eventually I had to stop writing, because it was really too much for me. As I don’t want to do the same thing here, I am going to take it slow. I will write all the requests I have, but, I will take my time, and I will write first the ones that inspires me the most, and not in the order I received them. I hope you will understand. I really really appreciate all your comments, the requests you make, you have very good ideas. I am truly thankful, you don’t even know how happy it makes me. But, I already struggle a lot in my everyday life, so I’m trying to take it easy on the only hobby I have, because this is the only one that I have left (and I don’t want to lose this one). I really appreciate you, thank you!!
Okay let’s get to the good part now!
(Y/e/n) = your ex’s name
Well well well, guess who doesn’t like what I just wrote? Yep, it’s me. I like the ending but not the rest of it. I struggled a little with that one. I actually struggle writing about jealousy, I don’t really know why! Hope you like it either way!
Music blasting, drinking beers, randomly singing and sometimes dancing, you both ended up talking on the couch around midnight. As you’re both very comfortable with each other and after drinking at least three beers, you can talk about everything. You were talking about all the great things that happened this year after the terrible year you had just before.
“What do you think our exes would say if they were seeing us right now?” You asked laughing.
“Oh- they would be so maaad” he laughed
“Right? Like I think he would be so jealous because I managed to get my shit together without him”
“Hell yeah, I think she would be jealous of our relationship”
“Oh yeah! Like we both have different interests in our careers but it doesn’t interfere with our relationship, like we don’t have to break up for that” you said sarcastically
“Agreed” you high-five and laugh “I remember she didn’t like that I was putting myself and my career first” he paused “but we both do it now so shame on her” you both burst out laughing
“I’m legitimately curious to know where they are at right now, like, did karma take care of them?” You both laughed again
“Yeah no, it’s too much drama I’d say”
“Agreed, breaking up when everything is fine can only bring him drama”
“Wait” he looked at you
“Yep, we were in love but he wanted to break up because he wanted to work in this big firm at the other end of the country and I may add that he didn’t even want to try here”
“What do you mean here?”
“I don’t remember the name of the firm but it’s here too. But he wanted to go in New-York, not even talking about it to me, not even asking me if I wanted to go with him, nothing”
“I’m glad we broke up”
“Cheers to that”
You spent the rest of the night talking about random stuff, imagining what your life would be if you were not actors, trying to create a fictional world, making a list of your favorite movies and songs, really doing random things.
End of flashback
“Pedro come on we’re going to be late for the movie!”
“We’re so not” he said arriving next to you
“It’s starts at nine and it’s.. eight thirty”
“and.. we have at least to drive twenty minutes”
“I’m good to go” he laughed
“Okay, I put my shoes on and let’s go”
“And who’s not ready right now?” You both laughed
“Don’t you dare” you pointed at him, laughing
After almost twenty minutes, you arrived at the theater.
“See? We’re on time” Pedro teased as you both entered. He put his hand on your shoulder as he let you come inside first, holding the door for you.
“You got lucky”
“Sure sure”
“Should we buy some popcorns?” You asked
“Oh yeah!”
“You buy the tickets and I buy the popcorns, deal?”
“Deal. And take two, don’t want you eating everything” you pretended to be offended.
You were waiting in line to buy popcorn when you heard a voice calling you.
“Y/n?” You turned around to see the infamous (y/e/n). You were surprised, and not happily surprised.
“(Y/e/n)? What are you doing here?”
“Going to watch a movie, I think that’s what we all are doing here” he joked. It didn’t make you laugh.
“No- I meant, what are you doing here in LA?”
“Oh yeah, well I came back a year ago, it didn’t really work in New York so they transferred me here” you couldn’t believe what you just heard. He threw your relationship away for literally nothing.
“And what about you?”
“Well, I finally made it in my acting career”
“Oh that’s great, congrats” he said. He seemed surprised, like it wasn’t true.
“and.. do you have anyone.. right now?” You stared at him for a few seconds.
“Oh.. that’s good, that’s good” there was a brief moment of silence. “You’ve been together for-”
“None of your business” he stared at you, confused
“Well.. I’m glad to see you you know, it’s been a while.” He smiled, getting a little closer to you. You couldn’t believe what he was doing. “Maybe we could go grab a drink sometime? To catch up?” He said holding your hand. You were staring at his movements, not believing what was happening.
You didn’t see Pedro arriving next to you. He got really confused when he saw the scene happening in front of him. Jealousy was forming with a little bit of anger.
“What’s going on?” He asked, looking at the both of you. You immediately removed your hand. Yes finally, you thought to yourself.
“Hm.. Do you remember my ex we talked about a few times? Well there he is..” you said faking your happiness.
“Hi. You are?” Your ex asked to Pedro which made him laughed. He obviously knew him, but decided to go on that road and pretend not to.
“I’m her boyfriend” Pedro said angrily, putting his arm around your shoulders.
“Oh so you’re the one okay. How long have you been together?” He asked, only looking at you.
“More than a year now” Pedro answered making your ex looking at him
“Wow okay” he was shocked
“Well I wish I could say it was good to meet you, but we have to go” Pedro quickly said before you ex had the chance to say something else. Standing in front of him made Pedro feel so angry. He knew the story, what happened between the two of you, and the fact that he had the balls to try again after almost two years was unacceptable. How could he think that he had a chance again?
“Hm can I talk to you for a second before you go?” He asked to you, grabbing your arm, trying to pull you away from Pedro.
“Nope, I’m sorry, I can’t let you touch her” Pedro said, removing your ex’s arm from yours
“Who do you think you are?” You had to stop Pedro from slapping him. He was about to take him down.
“Okay I’m both stopping you right here” you said. “Pedro, he is not worth it.” You said, putting your hand on his stomach, trying to calm him down and to prevent him for making a mistake. “As for you” you said turning to face your ex. “I cannot believe you have the balls to ask me out again. No no. I cannot believe you have the balls to even talk to me again! After what you’ve done! You really think I want to do anything with you?” Your ex tried to talk, but you stopped him. “I don’t want to hear anything. Just stay away from me” you grabbed Pedro’s hand and left, going to actually watch the movie you came for.
You entered the room, sat down in the back, in the middle. There were not that many people with you. Your heart was racing, and Pedro saw that. He put his hand on your thigh.
“You okay?” He asked you
“Yeah, yeah.. didn’t expect that for sure” you joked
“Yeah me neither. I can’t believe that” he said now looking at the screen. You were looking at Pedro very thoroughly. You saw the anger on his face, how he was trying to contain himself not to get up and slap your ex.
“You’re jealous”
“Hm?” He now looked at you. “What?”
“Don’t pretend you’re not” you smiled
“No- I didn’t hear what you said”
“You’re jealous” he was confused
“What like that’s suppose to be surprising?” You didn’t expect his reaction, it made you laugh. “I come back to you to see your ex, standing in front of you, actually touching you and trying to get back with you! Like I shouldn’t be jealous!”
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing” you joked, grabbing his hand “that’s actually pretty hot” he smirked. “But.. can we forget about that and enjoy our movie?”
“Yes please” he said, getting comfortable in his chair. You got as closer as you could to him, still holding his hand and putting your head on his shoulder.
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hufflepuff-16 · 1 year
You're a cutie ☆ミ
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Harry Potter x gn reader (〝⌒∇⌒〝)
Warnings: just a tiny big of angst mostly cute fluff
Summary: Reader is feeling a bit sad, so Harry tries to cheer her up (friends to lovers fic).
Link to my previous James Potter fanfic
You arrive at Diagon Alley for your yearly shopping trip, but instead of feeling happy, you feel rather lonely and melancholy, it had been a year since the battle of hogwarts so after having visited half the shops, you decide to go to the Leaky Cauldron, hoping the warmth of the pub will make you feel better. When you enter, your mood lifts immediately. The bar is crowded, and the atmosphere is cosy. You find a booth in the back, and as you look up, you notice a familiar face walking in, who grins when you smile and wave him over to sit with you.
"Hi Harry," you say loudly
Harry waves at you and slides into the booth, grabbing a pitcher of Butterbeer as he does so.
“You look a little down. What’s the matter? Everything alright?” He says with a sympathetic smile.
Oh, Harry is so sweet, you thought. He was always looking out for others.
"Ah... you know, feeling a bit tired," you say truthfully.
Harry’s eyes soften upon hearing you say that. He reaches out an arm and rests a hand on your shoulder.
“Anything I can do to help? I may not be the wisest fella, but I’ve been told I am rather good at cheering people up.” He offers you a comforting smile, which somehow warms you from the inside out.
"You’re cute Harry you know that," You say teasingly.
Harry feels himself blushing at the compliment, and then grins at you.
“Well, thanks? I’d like to think that I have my charm moments,” he says in a playful tone.
He then smiles at you, “but honestly? I think you’re the cute one.”
You roll your eyes playfully at his comment, "What brings you here, Harry?"
“I could do with a chat and a good butterbeer,” Harry says and smiles warmly at you. He also happens to think you look really great tonight and is very tempted to say so, but decides against it for now.
“What are you doing in Diagon Alley, if you don’t mind me asking. I don’t really recognise this as your usual hangout place.”
"Oh, I'm just doing my yearly school shop."
Harry nods along and makes a little “Mm-hm” sound.
“Did you manage to get all the supplies you need?” He asks with a curious expression. “Not like a certain someone who’s a chronic procrastinator who would rather goof off than get his supply list finished…” He says with a joking smirk and nudging your shoulder with his.
"Yup, I've got everything, Mr Procrastinator ," You tease.
Harry laughs lightly. “I was talking about myself, you know,” he says with a smile, “but you knew that.” He says with a grin and nudges your shoulder once more. “I’m glad to hear you managed to get everything you need, though. I wouldn’t want you to be underprepared the day for the school year starts.”
He tilts his head at you, “So… how are you liking your holiday so far?” He asks, wanting to know how your time off from Hogwarts has been treating you.
"Actually to tell you the truth it's been quite hard, I'm just scared for them to end because then we would be back at hogwarts and.....you know.....that's where the battle happened and I'm worried I'll just see the bodies of our loved ones, and death eaters!" You give a shudder.
Harry looks worried and reaches to grab your hand to offer you comfort as you speak.
“I… I completely understand,” he says quietly and then sighs a little bit.
“Unfortunately I can’t exactly promise you nothing bad will happen. Death Eaters are ruthless, and I can’t make any guarantees. However…” he gives you a soft smile, “I can promise we’ll be there for each other. We’re in this together.”
He squeezes your hand a little.
“You have my word. And you have me.”
You give him a smile, "Thanks, Harry, you are a good person, you know."
Harry blushes at your kind words.
“Well… I try to be,” he says as he smiles at you. He then clears his throat and attempts to shift the conversation into a slightly lighter tone.
“So if you could do anything you wanted right now, what would you do?” He asks playfully. “You can ask for the moon and stars. The sky is the limit. It’s your wish, whatever it is.” He says with a grin.
You think for a moment and then decide what you wish for.
"I think I'd like to be in my house with some hot chocolate and a blanket, maybe watch a movie."
Harry nods. “Sounds perfect. What movie would you like to watch?” He asks curiously.
“And you can have all the hot chocolate you’d like. I’ll whip you up a batch.” He adds with a warm smile.
You blush, did he truly mean that?
"You want to go home with me and do that?" You ask, blushing.
Harry blushes and looks at you for a moment. “I…” he trails off for a second, blushing even more as his eyes look you up and down, taking you in.
“Yeah, I think I would.” He smiles back at you. “It would be nice.”
You smile at him, feeling a little bit shy, "Ok, let's go to my house, I'll apparate us there."
“Alright, lead the way,” Harry says with a warm smile and stands up to follow after you.
He pauses for a second before asking quietly, “Would it be okay if I held your hand?” He asks sincerely. “I just want to know what you're comfortable with.”
you love how sensitive Harry is with what you are comfortable with, "of course, cutie!"
Harry smiles at you and blushes at that adorable nickname you gave him.
“Thank you,” he says quietly, and as he holds your hand, he feels this sense of rightness within him, and the realization that you and him have a connection that goes deeper than just friends. That this is something special.
He laces his fingers with yours as he walks along with you. “So have you got any cute roommates I should know about?” He asks with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.
"You'll see," you laugh, apparating yourselves into your home.
Your home is amazing. It’s the definition of cosy. Just like you described, there’s a blanket on the couch and hot chocolate steaming away on the kitchen counter. It really is the perfect place to relax and watch a movie.
“This is nice,” Harry says with a content sigh and then takes a seat on the couch, putting his arm around you in an affectionate motion. “I’m really glad you brought me here.” He smiles kindly at you.
you give a small smile and plop right down next to him on the couch, waiting for him to choose a movie to watch, when your cat comes to see who is sitting on their favourite napping place
"Harry, meet my cute roommate flutter," you tease gesturing towards the fluffy cat.
Harry smiles and picks up your cat, giving it a few scritches and pats.
“Hello, Flutter,” he says in a soft and gentle voice. “Very cute roommates you’ve got!” He says as he giggles and sets his kitty friend down next to you at the end of the couch.
Harry looks through the collection of DVDs at your coffee table and ends up picking out a movie called “The Breakfast Club.”
“Do you want to watch this? I quite liked it when I was younger.”
"Sure!" Leaning your head against his shoulder, getting yourself into a comfy position on the lumpy couch.
Harry blushes a little more at the way you melt into his body, and smiles softly as he feels you pull closer.
“Are you comfortable?” He asks you and looks down at you with a look of pure concern and caringness. “If you want the remote, I can grab it for you.” He offers as the title menu starts loading.
"No, cutie, I'm perfectly content," you say.
Harry’s cheeks keep growing red as he hears that adorable nickname again, but the heat he feels in his face is completely justified now and comes from something more than just being warm. It’s from pure affection and fondness.
“That’s good,” he says quietly, and kisses you on the cheek as the movie starts playing. His lips softly press against your skin, and his touch is light, careful, but there’s a little bit of pressure too, enough for you to know that he means it, and that this is no casual peck.
"Harry...... can I ask you?" Something you aren't sure if the question is appropriate or if your anxiety is acting up.
Harry looks at you with an expression of concern, and then nods at you.
“Of course you can, anything,” he says, and his tone is empathetic and compassionate. “What’s on your mind?” He asks earnestly, and his expression is warm, inviting, and soft. It makes you want to tell him anything you want to get off your chest when you look at him because you just know that he would handle your feelings responsibly and carefully.
"Are you still seeing Ginny?" You really hoped he wasn't because she had been harbouring a crush on him forever, and now has he been showing you some affectionate signs.
Harry looks at you, and it’s as if the rest of the world just falls away when you look into his eyes. They’re warm, kind and thoughtful, and the moment you see them, your heart skips a beat and you feel that familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach, the one that’s just for him.
It’s like you’re in your own little world with him. No one else exists.
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts and consider what you asked.
“No,” he says quietly, “I’m not seeing Ginny.”
"Oh....." relief floods through you.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Harry says with a gentle smile at you. “I like you, you know that. And nobody else is going to steal my attention or affections.” He says with absolute sincerity and truthfulness. He leans in to kiss you lightly on the forehead.
“You’re my main priority.” He says as he pulls back after the kiss, looking down at you with an adoring and fond expression.
"Harry Potter, you make me the happiest person in the world!" You say genuinely.
Harry sighs softly and smiles at you.
“You make me the happiest person in the world, y’know?” He says while nodding, “so it’s only fitting that the feeling is mutual,” he adds, his tone soft and tender.
There’s something about you that just… makes him want to shower you with all the love he has in him. It’s that deep sense of being special to one another that he’s never felt before.
"I'd like to start seeing you when we go back to school, Harry." You say wanting to have something more with Harry.
Harry’s eyes light up and he nods. “That’s… definitely something I’d like as well,” he says with a warm and genuine smile on his face.
“You’re an amazing person. I feel like we have something very special here and… honestly, I’d like to see where this goes.” He says softly, placing a hand on your cheek and looking into your eyes. His gentle touch sends a thrill of excitement throughout your heart and makes you feel giddy with happiness.
You smile, pressing a soft peck to his lips.
Harry blushes and his heart skips a beat at your kiss. It’s the perfect blend of cute and flirty.
“Mmm…” he mumbles softly and blushes even more. “That felt really nice, y’know?”
He leans in and kisses you again, this time just a little bit more deeply than last time. For the first time, a trace of his tongue moves to meet yours, slowly, with no rush or pressure to the moment. As you pull back, you see Harry’s face is all glowing red still, and his expression is one of pure joy.
"I love you, Harry," you say your heart had never been this full of happiness before.
Harry’s lips part as you say that in a breath of surprise. His eyes are wide as he looks at you, and for a moment, he just stares in disbelief.
“I…I-I…” he stammers out, his voice breaking as his chest flutters with an overwhelming sense of emotions. “I love you too!” He says in a soft whisper, and tears stream down his cheeks as he realizes just how much that statement means to him. He leans in to pull you in for an all-consuming kiss.
The End
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mazerunnersimp1727 · 4 months
Truth or Dare!~ Gally💞
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At the bonfire later that night. Most of the Glades had gone to bed because Alby said so, But Alby trusted some of us Gladers and let us stay up for a couple more hours. Also, the other reason why he let us stay up is because the fire hadn't gone out yet, so someone had to stay up just in case something happened.
All the Gladers that were left were: Me, Gally, Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Alby. We stayed up drinking some of Gally piss looking drink, having fun, running around, and laughing. We all sat down and made jokes and even, Thomas was trying to make an impression of Gally with his eyebrows. "Let's play Truth or Dare!" - Minho said while sitting down. "I'M IN! LET'S GO!"- Thomas said kind of loudly. Minho turned to me first. Me and Minho were best friends ever since I got out of the Box. I told Minho everything like I told him that I have a HUGE crush on Gally. I mean his muscles, the freckles on his face, his green eyes, and those eyebrows, OHHHH those mighty fine eyebrows!  "Y/n, Truth or Dare?" He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Dare. I'm not scared." I shrugged, but I lied I was scared. "I dare you to confess your crush." He said with confidence. 
Oh Shit. I'm Screwed. I thought to myself with my eyes very wide. "I-i-umm. I don't know if I can." I say with an innocent laugh. "Y/n come o you need to tell him. This might be your chance." Minho said supportively. I sigh, roll my eyes, and look down. "M-my c-crush is G-Gally," I say quietly.
Gally's P.O.V.
I have a massive crush on Y/n. I wasn't sure if you felt the same way about me though. I liked her ever since I pulled her out of the Box. I told Minho about it, and he swore that he would never say anything about it. Tonight at the Bonfire, I was planning on telling her tonight. Until Minho said we were gonna play Truth or Dare. Maybe I can tell her this way. Minho turned to Y/n first, then he asked her to confess her crush. If she says Thomas I'm leaving. I thought to myself. 
She then said she couldn't do it. Minho said she can do it. She then looked down shyly, "M-my c-crush is G-Gally." She said quietly. I looked up at her in shock and happiness. She then looked up at me, shyly. "Alrighty then. Looks like my job is done here. We'll leave you guys to be. Goodnight and good luck." Minho said and the rest left me and Y/n alone by the fire.
She looked down shyly. I could tell she was embarrassed. I finally felt the courage to break the silence. "Hey," I said to her leaning off and lifting her chin with my finger. "You don't have to feel embarrassed. I like you too, ever since I pulled you out of the Box." I said looking into her beautiful (Y/E/C). (Your Eye Color)
Y/n's P.O.V.
OMG, HE LIKES ME TOO! I thought to myself. He looked my in my eyes and just confessed his feelings. He's not lying. He does like me! Then as I was about to say something he was leaning in to kiss me. I felt his soft lips on mine and I loved every minute of it. He pulled away to ask me something. "Will you be mine Y/n?" "YES 100% YES! I yelled. I pulled him into another kiss until we heard Wolf Calls and yelling coming from behind use. We both pull away to see Fry, Minho, Thomas, Newt, and Alby cheering. We both roll our eyes and laugh. 
This will be a night that I will Never forget! 
Hope Y'all like this one. *I might have to have some ideas. So if you have something about the book pls let me know and I will write about it. Thank you all! Love you Shanks!💞😊✌🏽
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Grammy’s 2023
A/N: So I’m no writer and haven’t written anything in years. I had this tumblr though at one point where I was trying to write out the perfect love story. Somewhere along the way I have lost inspiration to write it out although I’ve been living it out in my dreams all this time. I love Harry with all my heart to the point where it sometimes scares me how much you can adore someone you’ve never met and probably never will.
Anyway Grammy’s inspired me again and put such a story in my head that I knew I had to write down. It took me some time and it’s not perfectly written but here it is. So I hope somebody will enjoy it.
Also I decided to write is as a continuation of the story I have started here all those years ago so that’s why it has a name of Harry’s partner rather than Y/N. 
 Grammy's 2023
I woke up to the bell ringing, followed by my two daughters' excited screams saying hi to their grandma.
It must be so late since Harry's mum is already here and I'm just waking up. I rolled on the side and grabbed my phone from the bedside table to check the time, finding out that it was indeed already noon.
Harry must have woken up before the girls since I wasn't woken by one of them slipping into our bed like they usually do.
I got up, wrapped myself in my favorite silk robe and went downstairs, where I was met with Ellie, Daisy and Anne sitting by the dining table making plans for their evening together.
'Mommy' Ellie our oldest exclaimed. ' Nana's here and she said we can have ice cream when we watch daddy on TV'
'Yeah ay cream' the 2 year old baby joined in excitement
'Oh she did? ' I made a surprised face before adding ' Good thing I bought your favorite then' I winked at Anne while girls were jumping to the news.
'Hello darling' Anne greeted me and came up for a hug
'Hi' I smiled wrapping her in my arms ' Do you happen to know where Harry is? ' I asked but before she could answer two strong hands wrapped around my waist.
'Morning Sleepyhead' Harry said into my ear 'You ready for a big day? '
'Morning ' I said turning around to leave a quick kiss on his lips 'can't wait'
'Good cuz everyone is going to be here soon and the chaos will begin' he smirked
We were supposed to be getting ready at a hotel way closer to where the ceremony is taking place but the girls were so bummed they couldn't go to watch daddy perform that we decided to at least have them around for getting ready so they could see our outfits and all.
Just as Harry said not longer than 20 minutes later people started showing up at our doorstep. A make-up artist mostly for me but to touch up my husband as well, Lambert with his whole crew who brought all of our outfits for tonight, Sigourney to do both our nails, caters with ton of food, Anthony to photograph the getting ready part and so many more people that I didn't even know what exactly their part in all of this was.
'Daddy! Daddy! ' both girls run to Harry who was having his nails done while my hair was being done. 'Can Sig do our nails to with your purple polish? Pretty please' Ellie looked up at him with her infamous puppy eyes.
'I don't know if there will be time bugs' he said and put frowns on their faces
' I don't mind doing it' Sigourney said looking at me ' if that's okay with you guys'
'Sure' I said ' let them have their fun babe' I told to Harry
' But nails only, don't even think about make up' he chuckled trying to hold a serious face so they knew he wasn't joking which only made me laugh.
‘Guys! Announcement!’ Jeff says excitedly ‘Harry’s House just won its first Grammy! Best Engineered Album! Congrats man!’ he adds coming up to Harry to give him a hug while everybody cheers
‘Congratulations babe!’ I yell from across the room, not being able to get up from make-up chair. 
Jeff decides it calls for celebration and pours everyone some Champaign.
It was 2 hours later, everyone almost ready, Harry is downstairs getting dressed with his stylist's help and Anne is helping me in our bedroom while Ellie and Daisy watch.
It wasn't easy picking my outfit, I wanted to match with Harry but at the same time it was hard not to clash with him since he is wearing such a colorful and sparkly at the same time jumpsuit. In the end I decided to eliminate color but match by also going sparkly.
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'You look stunning sweetie' Anne compliments me when I'm all dressed.
'Sooo pleety' Daisy joins her Nana while Ellie just holds her tiny hand over her mouth in shock.
'I want to be as pretty as you mummy when I'm big' she finally exclaims making my heart so full.
'You're already even prettier now' I tell her while leaning down to hug her. 'Okay. Are you ladies ready to see what your dad is wearing? '
'S he dressed funny again? ' Ellie asks making Anne and me erupt in laughter.
'You'll have to judge on your own bug'
We make our way down and as if he had been waiting for us Harry is looking directly in our direction.
'Oh my! ' he says looking me up and down and gesturing for me to spin around ' aren't you looking breathtaking my love'
'Not so bad yourself ' I smirk coming up to him and stealing a quick kiss. 'However you have to wait for the big judges verdict ' I laugh looking at out babies.
Daisy runs up to us and starts touching Harry's outfit, examining all the crystals. Ellie though taps her tiny lip and acts like she's thinking really hard about what she thinks of his outfit choice.
'Ells what do you think? ' Harry finally asks her
' A little funny' she decides and everyone in the room starts laughing. ' but I like' she adds
‘Thank goodness. ' Harry acts relieved ' we're safe Lambert' he jokes ' you got me worried there darling, thought I would have to change. '
'Can stay like that ' she says with a serious look on her face.
'Guys we should be leaving' Jeff comes into the room with a phone to his ear. ' the driver is pulling up '
'Anthony! Could you please snap a photo of me and my girls? ' Harry asks his photographer before calling the little ones and me to take place next to him.
We take a few photos, Anne also joins in for a few and then it's really time to leave. But not before some really hurt looks from our babies who don't want us to leave.
' Be good for grandma. ' I kneel to look at my babies ' And go on wish your daddy good luck and tell him you love him ' I whisper to them which makes them spring across the room to Harry latching onto his legs
'Good luck daddy!’
‘Oh thank you my loves’ Harry kneels down to them and gives them both a kiss. ‘Be good for grandma and watch out for daddy on TV’  
Red carpet was crazy as always. I have so much respect for all those celebrities that do this all the time. You would think that doing it with my husband by my side would be easier but he gets yelled at so badly. It’s like the photographers can’t get a picture of him without screaming his name on top of their lungs first.
Since Harry is not the biggest fan of red carpets as well, after like 2 minutes of having our pictures taken separately he waits up for me and takes my hand to guide us inside after a few shots of us side by side.
Straight from the carpet we go to our backstage room, where the band is chilling as well as some more of our friends. We say hi to everyone and Harry changes into his second outfit. 
‘Don’t you look good Mister’ I wrap my arms around his neck and say directly into his lips before going in for a kiss. He slides his arms around my waist, pulling me as close as possible to his body.
‘Thank you darling’
‘Okay lovebirds, let’s go’ Jeff calls for us. 
We untangle from each other but Harry keeps my hand in his as we make our way to our table. 
We say hello to a few people, including Lizzo and Adele who happen to sit at the table next to ours.
The ceremony starts with Bad Bunny performance to which Harry and I dance in our seats like almost everyone since his music makes it impossible to sit still. After that Trevor Noah starts his monologue while walking across the tables and surely at one point he stops by ours and talks about Harry.
‘Harry Styles is here tonight everybody!’ he announces which makes everyone from the upper seats cheer and Harry gives a quick wave at the camera. ‘ I mean what can you say about this man that hasn’t been said huh?’ he continues ‘Incredible album, mind blowing tour. 15 night run at MSG and the Forum. Woman throw their panties at this man, then he puts them on and he looks better in them than they do’ that makes me cringe and I see Harry shaking his head too. ‘Easily the worlds sexiest man! Are you kidding me?! There’s no competition! Sex symbol of the globe! Especially now since they killed the green M&M!’ he adds before walking away to find his next victim.
‘So much more than just a great body love’ I lean into Harry and whisper into his ear, knowing how uncomfortable Trevor’s comments made him feel.
‘Thank you. Love ya’ he smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss.
The first category that is announced is the Best Pop Vocal Album, in which Harry’s House is actually nominated. Jenifer Lopez comes on stage to announce the winner. Harry squeezes my hand in his and keeps them in his lap as we impatiently wait to find out who won.
‘And the Grammy goes to... Harry’s House Harry Styles!!’ she reads out. 
Without dropping my hand Harry covers his face, shocked at what has just happened. Tom, Tyler and Jeff all go crazy, as well as Lizzo at the next table.
‘You won babe!’ I finally exclaim looking at Harry who uncovers his face and looks at me with pure happiness in his eyes. ‘You got it!’ I add when he cups my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. ‘I love you so much,  go on collect your prize’ I tell him once we separate. Unable to say anything he lets go of me and goes to the stage  with Tom and Tyler to get his award and I go to hug Jeff as we both say how fucking great it is.
‘Thank you so much.’ Harry starts his speech ‘This album from start to finish has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. From making it with two of my  best friends to playing it to people has been the greatest joy I could ask for. So I wanna thank Rob, Jeffery, Tommy, Tom, Tom and Tyler and everyone who inspired this album, everyone, my friends who supported me through it. And most importantly I want to thank my incredible wife, Rosalie and our amazing daughters, Eliie, Daisy I love you! Thank you so much, I wouldn’t be there without you.’
My eyes water listening to him talk and I know our babies are going crazy at home hearing their dad talk about them on TV. 
Harry comes back only after his performance, he has lost in some categories but the biggest one Album of the Year is still to be announced.
He keeps repeating how he’s already so happy to have won even one but I know how much it would mean to him to be distinguished like that.
So when Trevor comes up on stage to announce the winner of this category, I can see Harry tense up and feel him squeeze my thigh tighter. And the moment the host walks up to Rhina, Harry’s fun, I exchange knowing look with Jeff just as the lady reads out ‘Harry! Harry Styles’.
‘Oh my god!! Babe you did it! You did it!’ I scream on top of my lungs, getting up from my seat and almost shaking Harry as he has his head in between his hands. ‘You won!’ I say one more time when he gets up and wraps his arms around me. ‘I am so incredibly proud of you’ I add.
‘Thank you for everything’ he says looking deeply into my eyes before going for a kiss. Too soon for my liking I have to let go of him and watch as he goes on stage. 
The first thing he does is give his fan such a tight hug I worry he might crush her. And then he gives the most beautiful speech that leaves me crying my eyes out.
‘Shit...shit! Man!... I’ve been so inspired by every artist in this category with me. A lot of different times in my life I listened to everyone in this category. I think that on nights like that it’s obviously so important to remember that there is no such thing as best in music. i don’t think any of us sits in the studio thinking, making decisions based on what is gonna get us one of these. This is really, really kind. I’m so so grateful. I would also like to take a moment to thank one more time my wife. Rose I wouldn’t be standing there if it wasn’t for you. I couldn’t do it if it wasn’t for your constant support. I know life with me, especially during periods when I’m working on new music and touring with it, is very demanding and so I’m so grateful for your understanding and patience. Also thank you for being the best mom to our daughters, for taking the best care of them when I have to be away from you and for always making sure they know how much I love them even when I’m not there to tell them myself. As well as for packing them up and jumping on a plane with them to meet me on the other side of the world when you notice how much I miss my babies. I couldn’t wish for a better partner to walk through life with and share those one in a lifetime moments with. So this award is for You. I love you. ‘
I was not kidding when I said I was bawling my eyes out listing to Harry speak. Jeff had to hold me up when we were walking backstage because I was so emotional. And as soon as I walked through the door that had “Harry Styles” written on them I run straight into Harry’s arms.
‘Love? What happened? Why are you covered in tears?’ Harry asked pulling me slightly away from himself to get a better look at me.
‘Why?! It’s your fault! What were you expecting saying all those beautiful words up there?’
‘Ohh... that’s what got you so emotional.’ he pulled me closer to him again ‘Well I meant every single thing that I said. I don’t tell you often enough how much I appreciate you.’
‘I love you’ I whispered ‘And now kiss me before someone steals you from me because I can already see a line of people wanting to congratulate you’ I asked him and he did just that before allowing other people in the room to have his attention.
I took this opportunity to text Anne and get started with our secret plan. Well almost secret as I had to include several people to help me pull it off.
To Anne:
He did it!!! Did the girls see his speech?
From Anne:
I knew he would!! They did! Got so excited too! I filmed it , I'll send it to you.
To Anne :
send it to Harry. I don't want him looking at my messages with you to not ruin the surprise
To Anne:
Btw the plan is on, you can start getting them ready, I'm calling the driver now so he should pick you guys up in like half an hour.
From Anne:
sounds great! See you soon!
Just as I put my phone away, Harry's that has been in my purse signaled incoming text, I checked it and it was in fact video from Anne of Ellie and Daisy watching Harry's win announced.
'Babe, your mum texted you girls reaction to your speech. ' I told Harry handing him his phone. 
He took it and straight away played the recording in which Ellie was telling her younger sister to keep her fingers crossed so daddy wins this big award, Daisy screaming 'Daddy! Mummy! ' when Harry and I were shown on TV and then, them jumping up and down while saying that they daddy won and that he is the bestest.
I looked over at my husband who had tears in his eyes. Oh he has no idea what's coming, I smirk to myself.
Harry is soon taken to do a few interviews and have some photos, with his trophies, taken. All while I'm constantly texting Anne to know where they are. Just as Harry sits down for more pictures I hear Anne trying to talk as quiet as possible, telling the girls to not talk so they can surprise their daddy. They are very good at being silent up to the point when they notice me and they can't stop themselves from calling for me. I quickly bring my forefinger to my lips showing them to be really quiet. However when they bring those tiny baby hands to cover their mouths I almost burst out laughing.
I make sure Harry is to busy to notice what's going on and walk up to my babies. I give them the biggest hug and kisses before taking them to follow me and go up to Harry when I tell them. We make our way to stand almost behind the photographer, from the corner of my eye I see Jeff giving Anthony a sign to get ready to snap some shots to get Harry's reaction to seeing his daughters.
'Okay girls, you can go up to daddy and surprise him' I smile at Ellie and Daisy.
They have the biggest smiles on their faces and their eyes sparkle with excitement as they pass the photographer and get in his way.
Harry notices them straight away and gasps in disbelief.
'What?! What are you doing here my loves?! ' he embraces them with his arms, leaving two statues he's been holding on the bench.
‘You win! ' our younger screams and claps her hands. 'And we saw you sing on TV with granny, and you and mummy' Ellie says excited 'And uncle Jeff and Tom... And, and aunt Lizz' Daisy adds
'Oh my goodness. You saw everyone babies' Harry laughs.
'You! ' he points a finger at me 'You cheeky minx. I don't even imagine how you managed to sneak them into freaking Grammy's. '
'Well I did have a lot of people involved into making that happen. ' I answer ' And it was only possible because you have so many people who love you and wanted to help make you happy'
'Get over here' he orders and as soon as I'm within his reach he wraps his arms around me, brings his lips to my ear and says 'I'm soo very happy. Thank you. You're the best I love you' he kisses me passionately.
Anthony takes some pictures of the four of us and two Grammy statues, of Harry and the girls, us four and Anne and just Harry and Anne.
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‘So I promised Ellie and Daisy that they will come with us to get some dinner but then your mum is taking them back home so we can go to the after party.’ I tell Harry when we are in a bathroom together changing into our after party outfits.
‘Sounds like a plan’ he says ‘However I would be just as happy if we went back home with them and ordered some takeaway’
‘Oh I know you would but that’s not gonna happen.’ I tell him as I come closer to him. wrap my arms around his neck and look into his eyes before continuing ‘And I’ve got another surprise... after the after party we will go to the hotel where I have booked a room for us so we can celebrate my three times Grammy winner husband.’
‘Is that so?’ he smirks
‘Mhmm... You most certainly deserve a proper celebration’
‘Tell me more and we’ll be skipping the after party and going straight to that hotel’ he says before kissing me hard.
Before we can get too into the kiss we hear a knock on the door followed by Daisy’s voice asking for her parents. 
We finish getting dressed before coming out and following everyone to the cars that are waiting to take us to Harry’s favorite Italian restaurant.
The entire way to the restaurant Ellie and Daisy are talking nonstop, telling Harry how they were watching him in TV, that they saw mommy and daddy kiss and heard him saying that he loves them. How much they liked his performance and assure him that no one could tell when he tells them about the turn table incident. They also don’t forget to mention how granny was crying when he was saying how much he loves mommy. 
‘By the way how much they talk it’s very obvious that they are your kids Harry’ Jeff laughs at some point from the front seat. 
Once in the restaurant we order more food that we could possibly eat and celebrate Harry in a small circle of his closest people. 
Daisy and Ellie devour their favorite margarita pizzas and beg us to have some dessert. Obviously Harry could not say no to his girls so they finish the meal with a big portion of chocolate cake.
After finishing dinner it’s time to head to the party and for girls to go back home.
‘Mommy! Daddy not leave’ Daisy tears up as we begin to put them in a car with Anne. ‘want cuddle in bed’ she says with those damn puppy eyes 
‘Babe, how about we drop by home on our way, put girls to sleep and then head out?’ Harry asks looking at me with pleading eyes
‘It’s your night Harr, we can do whatever you want’ I lean into him and give him a peck on the cheek. ‘As long as I get you to myself at the end of the night’
‘Someone is very eager to get me out of my clothes. Aren’t you?’ he whispers into my ear with a smirk
‘You look so hot in them that you could very well stay in them while you fuck me’ I reply
‘Damn! You weren’t joking when you said how much you love me in suits.’  he almost moans. ‘As much as I can’t wait for that, let’s go home and put our ladybugs to sleep.’ he adds and guides me back to the car where our daughters are already strapped in their car seats.
‘Okay lovies. How about mommy and daddy go home with you and put you to sleep and then go to their party?’ he asks them ‘Does that sound like a good plan?’
‘Yes! Yes!’ they exclaim and we get in the car with them after informing Jeff that we will join him and the rest in about 2 hours.
When at home Anne insists she gives Ells and Daisy a bath so Harry and I don’t mess up our outfits. Soon they emerge from their en suit bathroom and join us in their bedroom. We give them each a kiss before I slip into Ellie’s bed with her and Harry cuddles with Daisy. They insist on reading their favorite princess book to which their father happily obliges. 
Not later than half an hour later both our angels are peacefully asleep. Carefully not to wake them we sneak out but have to admire them a little before we leave the room for good.
We go downstairs to where Anne is sitting on the couch in the living room.
‘They’re down already?’ she asks and I nod ‘All the emotions of the day must’ve tired them out pretty badly then’
‘Good it went this way cuz I was scared they wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, going through all the events of their night’ I chuckle
‘True’ she agrees ‘Now you go out, enjoy the rest of the night and I will take care of my grandbabies’
‘Thank you Mum for staying with them’ Harry comes up to her and gives her a kiss on the cheek. ‘We’ll try to be back as early as possible tomorrow’
‘Oh don’t you rush, we will be fine here and I’ll most certainly enjoy some more alone time with them.’
‘Okay we will be in touch then’
‘Great. Have fun you two!’
‘Thank you Anne’ I smile at her and we leave the house, get into the car that has been waiting for us and get to the after party.
I don’t even know who is hosting this party but it’s packed with A-listed celebrities. That being the reason why my husband is very quickly stolen from me to get introduced to many people and have pictures with them taken. I thankfully run into Claudia Sulewski who I met at Coachella last year and hung out with a few times ever since.
We catch up, chat and have a drink until I see Harry approaching us.
‘There you are!’ he says standing behind me and embracing me with his arms. ‘Hi Claudia’ he greets her
‘Hi Harry! Congrats on your big win! Well deserved’ she praises
‘Thank you!’
‘Okay I gotta go find Fineas but it was lovely to see you again and catch up!’
‘Yeah! Say hi to Fineas and Billy from us! I tell her and she walks away
‘So are you done with official part of this party?’ I turn to look at Harry. ‘Met everyone you had to meet? Had all the pictures taken?’ I smirk
‘I guess’ he confirms. ‘Why? You ready to ditch and get naked?’ I burst out in laughter 
‘Not yet Mister’ I put my arms around his neck ‘First we will party properly since I don’t even remember when we last had a night out like that’ I tell him ‘I want to dance until my legs can’t hold me up anymore!’ I exclaim
‘Sounds like a plan’ he chuckles ‘Also heard there is going to be karaoke at some point’
‘You’ve got to be kiddin. We are so singing something!’ I beam. 
We both love karaoke. Harry for an obvious reason and me well I think almost every little girl wanted to be a singer at some point. I cannot sing for a life of god though however it never stops me from having lots of fun doing it.
We do exactly as we said. Dance, sing our usual “Time of my life” together and then Harry sings more with some other people while I dance some more. There is a lot of alcohol involved but not to the point where any of us is drunk unconscious.
It’s around 3 am as we arrive at the hotel that I booked us so we could have some time just the two of us because that was something we didn’t do in a long time with Harry’s crazy schedule and probably won’t be getting again soon considering that the tour will continue in like 2 weeks.
The suite is amazing with huge bed and a big bathroom in front of it separated only by a see through glass wall. There is a huge shower as well as a humongous bath with Jacuzzi settings.
A/N: There might be a part two but I just needed to get this out for now.
Let me know what you thought!
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bookwormgamerweeb · 3 months
Vampire Hunter D x Fem reader
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Chapter 3
Cold black eyes bore into mine I can't help but stare, he had thick masculine eyebrows, a smooth bridge nose and tight lips his beauty did match his powerful frame.A low voice takes me back to reality “Is this ship Maria”,“Yes, but I can’t find the owner are you for the mission at sea?”, I answer hoping to sound as uninterested and casual as possible.He answers a simple yes and walks past me, his long faded black coat trailing behind him.
“So . . . my names y/n, yours?”I spoke trying to make conversation, “D” He responded, which surprises me since I wasn’t really expecting a answer.His name rings a bell in my head, ‘I have heard that name before’ I wonder as we (me walking behind) walk around the dock trying to find the owner. “Correct me if I’m wrong but your the Vampire Hunter, no?” I remark remembering the incident with the children.
“Yes”, he says coldly, I nod to myself as a question pops in my mind “Your probably first of my kind I have seen and not heard stories about, what a coincidence”, I marvelled.I have heard many stories of the great vampire hunter d, and the stories of his loneliness where neither vampires nor humans want him.
The dhampire stops in his tracks and turns his head towards me, “What are you”He inquired, something changing in the atmosphere. “Oh I thought I made it clear, I’m a dhampire too” I chimed, he turned to me finally facing me but before he could say anything I hear the sound of a traveller screaming while standing on a barrel “HELP AT SEA, boat Maria 150 000 coin!”.
I slip past him and sprint towards the traveller, I stop in front of the barrel and take out the crunched up page and shove it in his face, “Hi, I’m here for the job!” I cheered happy to have finally found the owner.
He gives me a lopsided smile “oh, I have been waiting all day for somebody to answer but . . . You the only one”, he cheered his smile slightly drooping as I feel a presesnce behind me. “I’m also here for the job” He chimes in his low voice making the hairs behind my neck stand.
“You must be Vampire Hunter D”, he says with a shaky voice, it’s still surprising that people are still scared of him when he seems to mean no harm unless . . .
D just stands there and looks at him, I see the travellers Adam’s apple bob as he gulps. “There should be crew by my ship who will let you on it,I’ll meet with you guys again at the end of the day then we will leave port hopefully will more people and tell them Captain Viyra has sent you two”,He says before quickly jumping off the barrel and running to a different direction.
“Well that was weird”,I say to myself “Definitely”, I hear disembodied voice say,I swiftly turn to face D cocking my head in a silent question before hearing the voice laugh at me.D squeezes his hand making the disembodied voice stop.
“Is that . . . Is your hand laughing at me”, I say bewildered. “Who else”, the disembodied voice responds.I frown confused and wanting to go back to the ship, “so are you come back with me or”, before I can finish my sentence D walks in the direction we came from.I trailed behind him as I try to talk to the disembodied voice.
Was it worth the wait .. . . . Prob not btw most of the info I get in D is from the wiki, movie and manga never rlly read the books . . .
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Take Me To The Sun (Part 4)
Ok it came earlier I couldn't stop... lol
-K xoxo
Part 3 Here
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Shutting me out isn’t the answer, flare. Rathnait snarls in my mind. I know she’s furious, hating to be shutout from me, but I also know she was more scared than anything. If I can’t reach your during moments of distress, how can I help you?
Sometimes I don’t want help, Ray. Sometimes I just have to feel it. Folding the rest of my clothes and putting away what few belongings I do have, I’m able to rest for a moment on the bed. The wooden figurine of Rathnait sits on the window, all I can do is watch it. 
Liam was so sweet. Eager to please, eager to excel - and training him was something that I actually found fun. He was the little brother I never had. Someone who could bring me back down from the emotional highs, someone who made me laugh when all Xaden and Garrick wanted to do was be serious. When he made the figurine of my dragon, Rathnait herself chuffed in amusement at how endearing she found Liam. He was just so filled with light that this hellhole had to swallow it up and take it away. It wasn’t fair. 
A knock echoes throughout the empty room. Already knowing what is to come, I steel myself for the inevitable emotional onslaught. Adjusting my new officer flight leathers, I wave my finger to open the door, staying close to the window. 
Both Garrick and Xaden are dressed in their new flight leathers as well. A pack and sleeping pad hitched over their shoulders. Remorse written all over their faces I don’t even have to use my signet for that. 
“Is it ok if we talk in here?” Xaden asks. Yelling from the graduated cadets echo throughout the halls, cheering and chatter are everywhere tonight. 
No words need to be said, but I also can’t just leave. With a raised brow I watch as they make their way into my old room, shutting the door. Xaden sighs as he slides against the door and sits on the floor, legs outstretched. It’s the least put together I’ve seen from him. Garrick sits on the bed, glancing at the wooden figurine with a wavering smile before glancing at me. I don’t make a move to sit by him, my arms cross as I lean against the window bay. No one says a word. The friendship the three of us had, seems like it teeters on the edge of the cliff. 
“I thought you were all dead. That all I had left was the memory of disagreeing with Garrick before War Games and watching my Wingleader not spare me a second glance as he makes his squad when I was meant to be a section leader as well.” Bland words escape me, trying to say something other than the yelling that I want to dish out to them. “And knowing I didn’t even get to see Liam before he -“ I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’ve never asked, Xaden. I’ve never demanded Garrick tell me when I could easily hold it against him as someone he supposedly cared a lot about-“
“Care.” Garrick interrupts. Leaving no room for argument. “I care a lot about you, sweetheart. More than that. Don’t blame Xaden when I am just as much a part of this as he is. Be mad at me too.” His hazel eyes blaze with a fight I know he’s aching for. But the outcome might not be what he’s hoping for. Not when there is a duty station that’s my death sentence. 
“You don’t think I’m mad at you too? Tavis, I am furious. I am heartbroken. I was resigned to a life without you, and now?” Gasping for air, I pound my chest for some sort of relief from the tightness I feel. Garrick is quick to try and help me but I raise my hand, ordering him wordlessly to stay put. 
“There are a lot of things I regret,” Xaden rasps, “You helped me, confided in me - and I didn’t do the same thing to you.” 
“I looked to you as my leader, Xaden. Someone I believed in without knowing the full extent of what was happening. Looking past the relics, looking past the history. I was ready to go to fight alongside the two of you if you had told me to,” I whisper, watching the full realization of my declaration - the understanding, make it’s way across their expressions, their emotions. Xaden rakes his fingers through his hair, clutching it almost painfully. Garrick staggers slightly, holding himself up my clutching the bed post. “And now? It’s too late. I have my duty station. Basgaith is done. My journey here is done.” 
I brush my signet along their emotional tethers, unable to break the habit of comforting them ever so slightly. Understanding that the two of them lost their brother, lost people that were a part of them. Garrick lets out a shaky laugh as he feels the familiar sensation of soothingness. 
“It was never because I didn’t trust you.” Xaden looks at my with a resolve I don’t understand. He gets up slowly, standing tall. “If anything it was because I didn’t want to chance losing someone else we all cared about to. We lost Liam and Soleil too easily. I lost them. I’m the one who is responsible for them all.” 
Truth. Feeling his honesty. Feeling his belief. 
“Flare, if were to lose someone like you, too? You’re glue, you’re binding. You’re a bridge. The same way that Violet is. I took a chance and made a mistake and I’ll never be able to earn that trust back. But look into my tether and now that I’m so fucking sorry. That I fucked up.” Xaden pleads, “And selfishly I was looking out for my brother, knowing that if he lost you? There was nothing in this world that would bring him back.” His voice cracks as he looks over at Garrick, a hand on his broad shoulders. “I’d rather you be alive and hate me, whereas dead and I lose the two of you in the process.” 
A shudder makes it’s way past my lips, tears trailing down my cheeks. I felt exhausted, I felt confused and scared and so many other things and all because we we’re so fucking human it seemed like despite my signet, despite my bond with a dragon - I was still so susceptible to human experiences and emotions. 
“I’m being assigned to Samara,” I tell them, not being able to dance around that ay longer. Both of them look at me with wide bloodshot eyes. 
“Say that again?” Garrick demands, making his way towards me. 
“Samara is my new duty station?” Confused as to their reactions. “I was assigned my station before the official formation. It’s a death sentence, one they thought they could give me since they thought you were dead and I was a loose end towards command.” Garrick and Xaden smile, both blinding and perfect. Garrick for the first time in what seems like ages, swoops me into his arms, clutching me tightly as he cradles the nape of my neck. He shakes in my hold, as if whatever energy he feels is suddenly contained in  his body. 
“We’ve been assigned there as well, we didn’t get to chose our station. I guess they forgot that they had put you there too,” Xaden laughs, watching the disbelief as I realize what this means. 
“You’re gonna be with me?” I whimper towards Garrick, burrowing my face into the crook of his neck feeling the tidal wave of emotions of all three of us. 
“Never leaving you, sweetheart.” He laughs again, rubbing his hands along my back, clutching my hair, doing anything he can to just touch me. It’s been ages since we’ve been near each other like this. I can feel Rathnait chuff in the back of my mind, her also understanding that she gets Chradh with her as well. 
“We get a second chance,” Xaden grins, although I know he means it more towards himself. 
“If by second chance you mean I get to be in, full in. Than yes,” I demand, untangling myself from Garrick, although not being able to let go of his hand, not that I really want to. He squeezes it tightly, already answering the question. 
“You’re in, flare. However much you want to be involved in. Garrick and I will tell you everything, and from there -“ He nervously wavers, “From there you can fully decide what it is you want to do. There is no one else I’d rather station and fight alongside with than with you two.” 
Open my arms, he rolls his eyes playfully - ever the grump. Garrick and I pull Xaden into our arms, clutching each other tightly with relief. We weren't gonna go through death alone, we weren’t gonna suffer alone. Samara was meant to be our death sentence but maybe, just maybe - it wouldn’t be so bad.
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docholligay · 9 months
Dr. Holligay Tries Things That Aren't Running: Cycling
In the most technical sense, I have done cycling before. That it was 8 years ago and once did not seem to even cause me a moment's pause. I have done this before! This is fine, and then I will get my little sticker to help me win my unbelievably stupid kitchen item.
So I walk into the cycling room, and I set up my bike. I don't remember anything about how a bike is supposed to fit, except maybe something vague about the seat hitting at your hip, which I manage to do, and then set up my silly little water bottle, and sit on the bike, waiting.
This place is PACKED. Everyone else is either also trying to win a kitchen item, or whatever other prizes they have that I have completely ignored, or, they have actual goals for their lives that are not about saving 300 bucks at the specialty kitchen store. Most alarmingly, everyone else seems to know what they are doing, while I'm sitting here hoping nobody notices my eyes are wandering desperately about the place.
The lights turn off, replaced by various LED strings in green and purples, as a woman with a pixie haircut* and a bright smile walked into the room and immediately switched the music on. All of a sudden, we are in the club. It is loud and thumping through my chest. I know I complain about noise a lot, and it is very true, but there's something I very much like about music so loud that you can feel it in your body and most importantly, you can't hear anything else. A lot of what annoys me about noise is the crowding of it. Anyway, you don't care about that, but I immediately start warming up a little faster.
So deep was I in this clubbing moment that the instructor, she of the pixie haircut, who I'm going to call Straight Country Lena, which will tell you how the rest of this is going to go, SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME by appearing at my side and going, "Chocolate espresso bean?"
I damn near jump off the bike, and she starts laughing. Her smile is huge, and her nose wrinkles when she does it.
"Sorry! I know the music is loud, it's loud because...it's my class and I like it loud." another peal of laughter. "Amanda teaches it quieter, if you like that. Oh! Let me bring up your handlebar, it's too low. Espresso bean? They're chocolate."
All of this has happened over the span of less than 30 seconds and suddenly my handlebar is up, and I gratefully accept an espresso bean. She offers everyone in class a bean, and then goes up to the front and puts on her mic.
"Hi there! In January I try to remember to introduce myself. Letr's do a warmup, yeah, alright, my name's Lena, lots of new faces toiday I love that--parking was awful today, wundnit? God. But you know what?" ANother big smile, "Oh, stretch out your back right now--I was thinkin, I hope every person who's here in January is here in July. So I can share the lot. It's okay if you didn't get your favorite bike. Right, good story Lena, I'm Lena! I teach cycling and early morning group power, I'm a little bit yeehaw, so there's other teachers, I won't take it personally. Let's go!"
I am a woman of intense energy. I am reasonably athletic. I have nothing on SCL. She is riding her bike at 100 rpms or better, and every once in a while, she glaces down at her resistance and goes, "Okay, I'm at a 22, so figure yourselves out from there!" while I'm dying at a 13. We're huffing and puffing and she's singing along, and dancing on the bike. She's cheering for individual people who are obviously regulars.
We get into a part of the class that's like, sprints, and she goes, "I went to school on a rodeo scholarship so we're gonna BARREL RACE**" which by the way, is bearing down for a sprint as HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN for a solid 20 seconds, while she--also doing it, by the way-- is telling you to push! that!! pony!! At the edge of every sprint she'd go, top of her lungs, "YEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWWW!!" and the regulars would do it right back though I have no idea how.
Some other quotes from her rambling while also doing a huge, athletic workout.
"I have to teach a chunk of classes every morning or my husband'll divorce me" laughter, again, "He says I'm a sheepdog and need too much activity"
"Don't mind me I just keep talking sometimes. Some people have verbal diarrhea but I've got Montezuma's revenge up here"
"Every year I say I'm gonna get ripped and then I remember I have a kid and drink beer."
"Do we all like the music? Tell me what you like and I'll work it into next week. Unless I hate it."
*My personal favorite, after someone asked her if something was dangerous* "Well, you gotta die of something."
And then she capped off our final sprint by running around the room, up and down every row of bikes, ringing a cowbell over her head and occasionally jumping going "last push! last push! Let's do it! Then you can join me for the core class next door after!"
The woman was insane. i loved her. I will not attend cycling again as it is is everything I find hard about running and none of the things I like about it, only also add weight to your legs, and while I'm sure it would be great crosstraining for my legs I also hated this class while being able and willing to join her cult at a moment's notice. I want her in my ear when I run.
But I got my sticker, and I am definitely going to her core class.
*There IS a difference between a men's haircut and a pixie haircut. I am very femme, sure, but I have a men's haircut I can pretty easily style feminine. This woman had a pixie haircut which never looks masculine at all to me.
**The minute she said this, I went, "Oh obviously" she was built exactly like a barrel racer, small, but solid
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feral-and-chaotic · 9 months
Percy Jackson Episode 4 Thoughts!!
Right. Slightly more coherent than before.
- Very close to the book, tho I like the lean towards making the Echidna fight more suspenseful than it is in the musical or the book.
(Even if it is a shame to cut the Chimera/Chihuahua joke I think this is a great move away from undermining the tension with comedy in the way that Marvel does.
- Love the stuff with Annabeth and the cops. Her standing up to them is both poignant with current politics and does a great job to show her bravery and how out of touch with the mortal world she is, forgetting she's 12 because she's been in camp for so long.
- I'm really interested in the fact they are taking so long to set up the Grover backstory and Pan stuff. I like how much weight they are giving it.
- also congrats kids. You blew up a bus AND a train AND the gateway arch. I couldn't be prouder.
-also, (I may be wrong and correct me if I am) but I believe they changed Echidna's motivation from trying to push Percy to test his powers, to avenging some super pissed off gods. And I think that it tightens the story by doing so. It makes the gods unlikable and you can really stand and empathize with [Book spoiler] Luke's motivations.
Man are they going off with Grover. Similarly to being, cutting some of his comedy for meaningful moments is fantastic.
You really feel a depth to him which was maybe lacked in the musical and books. I adore how they are weaving in his bravery and levelhead too, it feels a tad more mature than with Percy and Annabeth and that makes absolute sense. He's done this before and boy can you feel how scared of messing up he is.
Also also. I adore how the writers have established a relationship between Grover and Annabeth as well as Grover and Percy. The books could never really elaborate on that because we have Percy's POV and so he'd miss that in places. But the show is doing great with my boi Grover!
Additionally, as an environmentalist myself, I'm happy they are weaving that in a way that feels organic. Great writing and acting choices all around especially with Aryan Simhadri who is killing it.
Man does this episode sink it's teeth into her characterisation. I love how we are getting a thorough elaboration on her feelings to the Gods and Athena. And Oh boi is she the opposite to Luke. She craves her mother's admiration and... She's not seeing it. It's a great choice because it highlights how hands off the gods are and that the system NEEDS to change.
I also like how they tied that desperation for validation into her hubris. It's still pride her. But it's pride in her mother. And man, the pride with her plan feeding into her being self sacrificial reminds you so hard that they are all just kids.
Also, where would I be if I didn't mention how good the moments with Percy are. Him teasing her and getting a genuine laugh was beautiful. I love the chemistry for all of these actors.
I love this idiot. He's so angry and scared and also funny. God, I love the nuance being brought to him. I love the genuine fear that he has facing the Chimera and being arrested by the cops. I also love how Walker Scobell sells the anger at the gods for implicating his friends in his actions to send Medusa's head. Great stuff.
Additionally, I love the moment on the bridge, this idiot (smart but brash) pulling a self sacrifice on the bridge feeds so well into his undying loyalty to a fault. Willing to trick his friends into letting him die, to save them is a very Percy thing. I also enjoy how they haven't made Percy stupid, whilst keeping Annabeth still more strategic than him, by having him basically just steal her plan.
Also the soft stuff in this episode fucking ruled. The train car joking, him cheering Annabeth up with a stupid voice. The little asides.
Overall, god I love these dumb kids. And this show has made me start rereading the books!!!! Am I hyperfixating again??! Never!!!
. Yes I am.
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queen-of-elves · 2 years
Is this hell?
Niragi Suguru x fem!reader
Highschool AU(?)
Summary: the original idea post
Word count: 3,3K
Warnings: Niragi lol (not in like haha my babygirl but literally this man is psycho please beware so), bullying, mentioning of blood and violence, two or three mentionings of y/n, it's not proofread so I apologize for any kind of mistakes
A/N: I am not condoning any of Niragi’s actions, I too think he should rot in hell and his actions are unforgivable that being said this fanfiction purpose is not  to glorify etc anything about him plus it’s not meant to be in any sort a darkfic (I myself can’t read those.) btw I am also tagging some people who liked the post :))
Part 1: highschool
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Since Suguru Niragi could remember, he was always a loser, always weaker than anyone else. Girls laughed at him and boys bullied him and if someone could actually handle looking at him, their face only showed pity. His school years were spent alone somewhere in a corner or just far away from potential troubles. There was a possible hope in going to high school in a completely different district but even that proved useless. Niragi still looked like a prey and if there is a prey, there is also a predator. So he would become as small as he could to hide but sometimes even that wasn’t enough.
These three boys picked on him since the first week of school, like if they could smell his fear, they preyed upon him, made the boy with glasses buy them snacks or lunches from his own allowance and would get pissed off at the end of the month if he didn’t have any money left for their cigarettes. And them getting pissed ment only one thing, punishment, in reality that was just an excuse to bully him harder than on the days the three boys were bored. Oftentimes the punishments were very unoriginal, that kind a child could come up with, other times the originality was astonishing, something no one in their sane mind would be able to come up with. Maybe the boys were just that, not mentally sane, or maybe an evil devoured them the moment they were born and so they did the same to others. An eye for an eye sort of thing.
By the last year of highschool Niragi couldn’t take it anymore, over the years his attempts for finding help ended in vain, no one was willing to stop them and in the end it was as if no one knew he was bullied, as if people didn’t notice his scared eyes and bruises. But Niragi didn’t know what was coming that day.
 The boys dragged him to the bridge and this time it was not only the main trio but also a few of his other classmates. All of them cheered while he became a target of their baseball practice. Maybe he did something to them today that made even those classmates of his participate, Niragi couldn’t be sure anymore. No, it didn’t matter actually, any kind of word as a reasoning now was just an excuse trying to justify the bully's behavior. The abuse was too much and he was almost on his tipping point.
“Ts, you move one more time and I will make you eat it again.” The bully swung the baseball bat again while glancing around him. “Rice with piss.” He was the type who throws their head back when laughing too much. Was making him eat it so funny? 
Suguru’s nose was bleeding. He could feel it before he tasted the coppery taste in his mouth and his vision was blurry, the first hit with a ball shattering his glasses on the ground. This had to be hell, purgatory or something, there had to be some divine reason, something to justify this torture. He hated himself, of course he did and through all of this pain a quick thought flashed in his mind. Maybe if he was in their position he would do the same, bully the weak.
“Yes? Oh, I would like to report fighting, they have (school name) uniforms, please be quick.” Niragi didn’t even realize that someone else was now watching him struggle to breathe, a girl in the same highschool uniform. Her voice sounded meak, scared and as if she was on the verge of tears, but she was standing like a picture of confidence with her eyes trained on one of the bullies. 
“The fuck do you think you are doing, eh?” One of the bullies started to yell, however the girl didn’t even flinch, she just calmly closed the flip phone, slipping it back into her jacket. Now that Niragi had time to fully adjust his vision, which was still very blurry, he realized who the girl was.  Not only was she another student from his highschool, she was one of his classmates from the same homeroom. Y/N, that was her name, she wasn’t a prominent figure in the school, not really significant like class president or something, but she was there and she was always quietly watching. She was the type Niragi aspired to be, someone who had friends and someone who gets invited to things like karaoke or dates. Dates, she probably got a loads of confessions, in no way was she the school idol but you had to be blind to think she wasn’t pretty. 
“I just reported you to the police, didn’t you hear? They are going to be here pretty soon.” Y/N was now laughing lightly and the whole group looked pissed, really pissed this time. What was she thinking, they were surely going to kill her for this. One of them ripped the baseball bat out of the grasp of the last one, ready to swing it at her.
“If I were you I wouldn’t do it.” Tight lipped smile slipped on her face, her eyes staring momentarily at him. “After all, if the police arrive and find me hurt or in a worse state… it would be just worse for all of you, wouldn’t it?” Her smile now contented many teeth, white with little yellow grinning at his abusers. Her cheeks raised, it was a genuine smile, she found this whole situation truly amusing.
By now the boys thought about the risk and decided that their little prey was not worth it, at least for now. “Whatever, bitch. Oi, boys, we are done here, let’s go for a drink.” The oldest commanded and all of them swiftly following his example started to walk away. Their departure also included some rude comments thrown at her and the last one, youngest of all of them, he was two grades below them and was very keen on becoming like them for some reason, readying punch in the air just to cease the action when the girl didn’t spare him even a glance. 
She was now staring at Niragi intensely, without blinking, and then she finally opened her mouth and said. “Suguru Niragi, right?” The boy could only nod to her question. Her gaze changed direction, now at his feet staring at something on the ground. That’s when Niragi got reminded again of his blurry vision, she was looking at his glasses before her eyes once again returned to his face. 
“Hey, Niragi… let’s be friends.” At that moment Niragi knew that those curious eyes actually looked at him, no pity, only interest beaming behind them.
And maybe his life was not a hell, maybe from now on it would get better.
The bullying indeed got better, didn’t stop but got much more bearable with her by his side. She wasn’t by any means a sunshine person, most of the time she was silent, which made him incredibly nervous and twitchy, however, when she spoke it was always something interesting. The girl never showed interest when it came to boring things, instead it seemed that her head turned at anything slightly fascinating. It was in pure contrast with her appearance, a normal highschool girl that never got herself in trouble but always was witness to some. She really did have a knack for these kinds of situations.
So his new friend dragged him along, trouble never catching up to them out of pure luck or maybe it was like her superpower, that's what the boy always thought. After a few weeks of their friendship Niragi felt content, finally he had a light at the end of the tunnel, a safe spot for himself in the world. He didn’t yet realize that soon their paths would divide when it came to college and his sunny days could be over again. But for now he enjoyed her company, after all there was still at least 4 months before the graduation. 
Part 2: bordeland
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College was another new start and with the promise of keeping in touch with his now sort of, Niragi wasn’t still sure, best friend, he was ready for new experiences. The first few weeks were fine, school was fun again and it seemed that he made a few new friends along the way. He now got invited to parties and shared dinners and genuinely had a good time for such an introvert. 
However, his little bubble of happiness was meant to burst on one of the shared dinners after a long day of lectures. It was one of the days packed with long seminars and Niragi was ready to relax with his classmates over some good food and a bit of beer when it happened. They were sitting in the back of the restaurant, most of them already sporting one beer in hand when another group of people walked in. Loud and obnoxious yelling followed them and Niragi swore he recognized some of the voices. 
The now college student should have known better, he did know them, of course he did, they made his life miserable for what felt like an eternity. Those bullies that proved to him the awfulness of humankind. The only thing Niragi now hoped for was that they would not notice him, that they wouldn't recognize him but he hadn't changed at all. The same hair, the same kind of glasses and the same scared expression.
And then it happened, one of them turned and his gaze became trained on him, his before yelling face turned into a horrible grin. This guy loved to push young Niragi’s face into the toilet, that was his thing, he really wasn’t that original in the means of “punishment” but he was still part of the group and that defined trouble. 
“NO WAY!” His voice boomed through the restaurant, stopping the conversation at the table Niragi was sitting at. Most of his fellow classmates were now staring at the guy with confused or irritated expressions.
“Guys! Look who is there, Sugura Niragi.” His grin grew with these words and his friend’s attention was now at him, staring and waiting for any kind of elaboration. 
Niragi didn’t know where to look, if he looked into the restaurant, he could see what felt like thousand of eyes staring at him, if he looked around the table he would get confused looks expecting explanation and if he looked before him he would look into the eyes of one of the most hated people by him, so he stared blankly into his glass, hoping that all of this could just disappear. Maybe she could just magically appear and save him once again, more like a thousand times again actually.
“You know each othe-'' But before one of his classmates could finish the question the booming voice sounded again. “Know him? Of course. Didn’t he tell you?” The rest of the guys were now coming closer, also recognizing him. Their laugh was like tiny little needles poking him and their whispers turned his stomach. His current classmates now could hear about how pathetic he was in highschool and Niragi knew that it was back, it was there again, he felt small and stupid. Did the universe really hate him this much?
But this time Niragi had a choice, he could just leave and ignore it and so he did. He rushed out leaving the payment on someone else’s shoulders while dodging and kind of arms that tried to grab at him, keep him at the hellhole. He runned for what felt like hours, sprinting down the streets until he was sure there was no way one of them could follow him. He felt terrible and knew that sleep would not come this night to him and it truly didn’t. He layed in his bed for hours until exhaustion took him out with a sweet promise of blissful ignorance of the nightmare he again became part of. 
The next day was even more painful than the night before, he had to face his classmates and so when the time finally came and he had to approach someone, he chose Ayato. Ayato was always a smiling tall guy with slightly longer hair hiding the corners of his eyes and a mole under the right corner of his lips. He was a good guy, the kind of guy who would send you notes from the lecture if you asked him. However, now he looked like an instant death in Niragi’s eyes but there was no other choice than to talk to him.
“I wanted to pay you back, you probably had to pay for me when I suddenly left last night.” He couldn’t meet Ayato’s eyes, he couldn’t see in them how pathetic he was, not again, he couldn’t take it anymore. This was his burning point and there was no coming back.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, man.” Ayato laughed and went back to rummaging through his backpack. Did he bother him, no, this was probably just a tactic on how to not have further conversation with him. Just appear busy and that pathetic loser Niragi will leave. Did they all really view him as pathetic? Fuck. They probably did. They must have laughed at him when he left with the whole group of his old classmates, his bullies. 
World really is cruel.
And this was the point when he decided to change and so over the following years his sorrow turned into anger, burning and scorching flame that alighted everything inside that was still alive and breathing, the rest of the hope. The little happy moments were not enough. For example, going to college? He fucking deserved it for all the shit he went through so he didn’t expect anything else than to get accepted into one. He also still maintained some sort of contact with Y/N, both of them got quite busy in college, however otherwise Niragi had isolated himself.
But oh, how he wished those guys that tormented him could see Niragi now, he changed, just like his hardened heart he hardened his appearance. Piercings adoring his face and tongue, silver glistering as warning signs. He looked like a danger, no more the prey look and nervous stare, he was to be feared now. And it wasn’t just his appearance, he became rough and cruel slowly becoming just like those he despised but he always justified it in his mind that it was for his own good.
And so came another punishment for his foolishness.
The gods really hate me, hm? That was his first thought at the empty streets of the city which he once found overly crowded. “Is this hell!?” His yelling echoing down the long corridors of empty sidewalks and alleys.
 It must have been days since he woke up in the silent city, he didn’t know what else to do now that there was no one, so he drank and drank all the alcohol he could find. And in one of his drunken moments they found him almost passed out in one of the dirty alleys near Shibuya. At first he didn’t want to go with them, too drunk out of his mind to understand what they were telling him, but they grabbed him and… that's all he could remember, he probably passed out. 
When Niragi woke up his head was pounding and his throat felt sore but all of that was swept under the rug with the realization that under him were soft white sheets instead of harsh pavement. Slowly, as he could manage without his head shooting needles in it, he sat up upon the bed, he really was in a clean room, a hotel room but any kind of thinking was stopped with the hotel room’s door opening. This uninvited guest sported a kimono and sunglasses were obscuring his eyes. 
“You must be the newbie, let me welcome you properly at The Beach, the only paradise in The Borderland.” The man was grinning widely and Niragi was sure of his interior motive but who gives a damn, he was the first person he had a proper conversation with in days. 
And so his career as a player for beach and handsman for Aguni began.
Working for The Beach was on most days such a great fun, but it was as if Niragi slowly forgot that this was also real and just submitted to his dark thoughts full of violence and blood. He stopped caring about consequences or what was morally right, nothing mattered in his world to him and he verified it through the actions of others. He met vile criminals and monsters in the disguises of people here and in the real world too, so what was the difference if he joined in, in this utopia of sin.
But it was the moment he was beating up some guy, he didn’t even break any rule, he just pissed Niragi with his stupid face, that he noticed them. She was there, she was also inside this horrible nightmare, staring in shock at him with hand covering her open mouth. Y/N must have recognized him, there was no way she couldn’t, if someone could recognize him, it would be her, solely her. He didn’t see her face to face since his change, they only texted and called each other via phone, she must have thought it was because he got so busy but maybe inside, he knew he didn’t want her to see what he had become. Suguru Niragi really thought that their next meeting would be different, that those same eyes would look into his with the same adoration and curiosity it once held but there was none of it.
And there was no excuse for his actions, he could see that now and even though his anger still buried the vast amount of guilt, he was a bad person, he was sure of it. And he knew it for a very long time but there was no denying it now. Another punishment from the gods staring right at him in the form of a pretty lady he had a long history with. And maybe there was no worse cruelty than this, knowing even through all this hardship he received all his life, he could have a good life if he had chosen to be a good person from the start.
Too late to change my path.
In the end the anger always wins over guilt that has to be buried or you will be buried yourself. Niragi used to strongly believe in this conviction but now he felt like a little school boy again, pitiful glances piercing right through him, however this time it was much more meaningful. Here it wasn’t just strangers, it was someone he trusted and they stared inside him with shocked expression. He wondered what she saw, probably someone filled with anger and filth covered in blood, someone she couldn’t handle to look at. It was the same over again but this time different and caused by his own actions, so fully justified. There really isn't any way to redeem himself anymore.
Tag list: @enslique @retirement-home @k-1-ll-em-all @urnotahotdad @cantthinkofauserlololol @nervousbasementtimemachine @verydownbadforchishiya @ksjo @antitoon @ninjacups @169cmy @lanasworld-96 @llynx7 @itsccc @benhardygalileo @hjyksgf @solintaire @fluffyandsquishy
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: The Scouring of the Shire
(Okay so I downloaded Phil Dragash’s reading of this and listened to it on the longest plane flight of my trip and may or may not have made a total fool of myself grinning at it throughout LOLOL)
(But I didn’t have time to write my reactions to it until now so here we go)
“On the further side of the river they could see that some new houses had been built…all very gloomy and un-Shirelike” Uh-oh.
BAHAHAHA the way Sam immediately goes OFF
I love Merry trying to be a diplomat
Frodo like “oh goodness gracious, now what trouble has that Lotho gotten up to with MY house”
(Also that little bit of stealth sass like “well I’m GLAD he’s not calling himself a Baggins anymore, I can pretend I’m not associated with him”)
Merry be like “Fine, if you won’t open this gate, I’LL OPEN IT FOR MYSELF”
I mean I can’t say that I’m happy to see him but also it’s kinda fun to be this surprised. I’d forgotten all about him being here!
Haha the way he immediately runs away from Merry once he’s challenged tho
“Neat work, Bill!” HAHAHAHA
GOOD JOB BILL (the pony)
I love the fact that 50% of the hobbits’ intimidation factor comes from the fact that Merry and Pippin are so BigTM (and the other 50% is Swords)
Pippin listening to all this talking like “heck, I’m tired and wet and I don’t have time for this, just let me sleep in a shack if you want” is such a mood
Also Pippin tearing down the rule lists LOL
Sam has had it up to HERE with this nonsense
Me, at all the burning going on: “Uh-oh.”
“Looking both important and rather scared” Heehee X-D
“‘What’s all this?’ said Frodo, feeling inclined to laugh.” Me too, Frodo!
“Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools.” OKAY SAM GO OFF LOLOL
OKAY SO at this point in the audiobook Mr. Dragash had the most BRILLIANT reading for this line:
“To the discomfiture of the Shirriffs Frodo and his companions all… [dramatic pause, then raucous laughter erupts in the background] …roared with laughter.”
He also had a great reading for this part:
The sheriff, shouting after them, insistent but nervous: “But don’t forget! I’ve arrested you!” Frodo, with the softest voice ever: “I won’t. Never. But I may forgive you.”
Sam has a friend! :-D
I mean I’m sorry that this is the way we find it out but he has!! A buddy!!
Now I’m sure “cock-robin” must have had a different meaning in Tolkien’s time…
“If I hear not allowed much oftener, I’m going to get angry.” Same, Sam.
Eeeew the table hasn’t been scrubbed for WEEKS?? I can only imagine it looking like the underside of a restaurant table, months-old crusty chewing gum stuck on it and all. Blergh 🤮
LOLOL “They would have started earlier, only the delay so plainly annoyed the sheriff-leader”
Our four hobbits have come back from their adventure so delightfully full of SassTM
My word, if I keep pointing out every funny thing that happens here I’ll be writing down the whole chapter. Look at the hobbits hustling the sheriffs who were supposed to be “arresting” them!
For someone who’s supposed to be arrested, it sure looks like Merry is the one who’s in charge :-3
And all the sheriffs like “WE GIVE UP” and the hobbits like “okay :-D”
“We shall break a good many things yet, and not ask you to answer. Good luck to you!” OKAY PIPPIN GO OFF
(......This is getting very long so I’m gonna put the rest under a read-more)
Nooooo look what they’ve done to Hobbiton D-8
This whole conversation is so tense. I find myself wanting to cheer on the hobbits’ comebacks, but the ruffian here always gets the upper hand in the next line…
DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS IN FRODO’S FACE!! Heckin’ RUDE! Only the Sackville-Bagginses have ever done that, and that’s BEFORE Frodo saved the world! D-:<
“Down on your knees in the road and ask pardon, or I will set this troll’s bane in you!” >8-D Friendly reminder that Pippin stabbed a troll in the gut to sAVE BEREGOND— *is slapped*
The fact that Pippin, Merry and Sam immediately jump to Frodo’s defense, but Frodo does not. That says so much about their friendship, and about Frodo, and how they all see themselves and their roles in this story…and it’s so sad that Frodo hangs back, not even willing to defend himself…
But also how bad*ss is that, letting your three armed friends charge to your defense while you just sit there impassively?? It’s like the “cool guys don’t look at explosions” trope.
Pippin has exactly the childish drive for revenge that you’d think he would, but Frodo sees the reality of the situation and knows Lotho has been played as a puppet and is now a prisoner to his own schemes. Good stuff.
Frodo: “Violence isn’t the answer.” Merry: “You’re right. It’s the question, and the answer is yes.”
(The way the music swelled here in Dragash’s audiobook was so good ahahaha)
“Come on! I am going to blow the horn of Rohan, and give them all some music they have never heard before.”
(And this was the part of the audiobook where I grinned like an idiot and clapped my hands and bounced a little in my seat and probably confused the guy in the seat next to me LOLOL)
Sam HIMSELF wants to turn back for the horn call!! And so does Bill! Aaaaahhh!!
This was so well foreshadowed by the Ringwraiths in Buckland at the beginning of the book I cannot bELIEVE—!!
(Writer Brain is just buzzing with this right now, sorry, LOL)
“And your face is no worse than it was, Sam.” Is Farmer Cotton calling Sam ugly?? 🤣🤣 He’s roasting his future son-in-law LOLOL I love him already
Even Farmer Cotton ships Sam and Rosie ROFL
Rosie just asked why you left Mister Frodo! What do you do??
>Tell her you love her
>Run away
Sam ran away! (What a mood)
I love that they built the fire just for fun and because it’s against the rules, LOL! A fire is exactly the thing that would cheer me up too!!
I assume Robin was one of the sheriffs that took off his feather and joined in the revolt :-D
Merry like, “See, Frodo?? Violence!!”
“Good for the Tooks!” HECK YEAH
“I’ll bring you an army of Tooks in the morning!” HECK YEAH!!
It’s so sweet of Frodo to be like “I still don’t want anyone to die” but also still turning the logistics over to Merry’ cause he’s The Plan Guy
What have I said all along?? Merry is the Smart One :-D
Okay Sam’s father-in-law is heckin’ BAD*SS I LOVE HIM
This is literally “put down your weapons, I’ve got a sniper with a bead on you”
“He aimed a savage blow at Merry who stood in his way. He fell dead with four arrows in him.” YOOOOOOOOO!!
I like to think Merry didn’t even flinch. Just like…watched him keel over dead. HECK.
I love how bad*ss all the hobbits get to be in this chapter ahahaha
Aaaaand all the others give up. Nice >:-D
Aww, Farmer Cotton and the Gaffer are friends! And Cotton would have housed the Gaffer himself if he could have!! I love how sweet they all are to each other ^-^
HA! Okay, Lobelia, that’s pretty cool, I admit. Maybe you’re all right after all. ;-P
The Gaffer just telling Frodo off for leaving 🤣🤣 And Frodo politely apologizing!! Because even though the Gaffer’s problems are small in comparison to everything else happening in the world, they’re still important! I’m love
This is so stinkin’ cute. Lookit my silver-tongued Baggins using his Words of Affirmation again! It’s the least he can do to repay Sam for all he’s done, but I think it’s the thing that means the most to Sam.
Frodo: “Indeed, if you will believe it, he’s now one of the most famous people in all the lands, and they are making songs about his deeds from here to the Sea and beyond the Great River!” Sam: 😳😅☺️ Rosie: 😲😍🥰 The Gaffer: “Sounds fake but okay”
I frickin’ love the “lure them into a trap and surround them with hobbits” tactic. You never think hobbits can be scary until there are A LOT OF THEM VERY SUDDENLY
I also think this is a fun use of the hobbits’ canonical superpower of staying hidden in plain sight.
Seventy ruffians dead, and only nineteen hobbits on the other. As casualties go, that’s not bad! Sad that any hobbits died at all, of course, but it’s a relatively clean victory.
Also the book gets Very Historical for a moment and I think that’s Very Funny
Heck yeah Cottons!
And Frodo does his part by protecting the ruffians who surrendered! The pacifist has a role to play. :-D
Noooo, look what they’ve done to Bag End!! D-8
(Ted Sandyman accidentally foreshadowing Sam going over the Sea??)
Frodo is very right. If more hobbits are like Ted, the Shire is in real trouble. Worse is the enemy within than the enemy from without. :-/
“Save your breath! I’ve a better.” HAHAHA YES MERRY LET’S GO
Oh but look what they’ve done to Bag Endddd 😭😭😭
“Yes, this is Mordor.” Thanks, I hate it :-C
“If I had known all the mischief he had caused, I should have stuffed my pouch down Saruman’s throat.” Dude Merry sounded so angry in Phil Dragash’s audiobook here. (Also can’t believe that Merry’s bag has become the running joke that it is LOLOL)
>8-O >8-O >8-O SARUMAN!!
Saruman: “Ah, yes, they called me Sharkey in Isengard! A sign of affection, possibly.” Tolkien, in a footnote: “It was not, in fact, a sign of affection.”
I….do not like….how Saruman casts such aspersions on Gandalf. Nor how his accusations almost seem to have some merit at the moment. “When his tools have done their task he drops them.” That is dangerously close to accurate, or at the moment it feels like it is. Gandalf did leave them, even knowing that things were going wrong in the Shire…
But at the same time, it’s not Gandalf’s job to fix everything himself! The hobbits got to participate in the saving of their world, and they got the honor and the renown and the incredible experiences and the personal growth that comes along with it. Same thing here; they get the opportunity to be the heroes and save their own home. It isn’t easy, but it is good, and it has its own rewards.
“Well, if that’s what you find pleasure in, I pity you.” Frodo couldn’t be more right. Anyone who takes pleasure and comfort in the pain and misery of others is a pitiable person.
Frodo still refuses to kill. His home was defiled…his last comfort stolen…and his honor insulted to his face…and he still refuses to kill Saruman. Holy cow that takes some major strength of character. What an absolute chad.
(And Sam leads the charge to avenge Frodo because Of Course He Does)
Talk about heaping coals on your enemy’s head, bruh. Even Saruman has to respect it.
And Frodo extending the olive branch to Wormtongue. Truly the G.O.A.T.
Holy COW this got dark 0_o
(Also Dragash made Wormtongue sound absolutely miserable on that “you told me to; you made me do it”)
Aaaand Saruman is dead
And Wormtongue is dead
Something something Saruman’s spirit looking to the West, from which he came, and where he can never return again, and then being blown away to nothingness…
It really is the saddest thing that the end of the war happens at the door of Bag End. Nowhere is safe. The movies have the hobbits return to an unchanged Shire, realizing that they’re the ones who’ve been changed by their experiences, and they’ll never be able to see home the same way again (which is, I think, analogous to the experience of American Vietnam vets)…..but here in the book, the war comes home, marring the very land that our heroes set out to protect, which is what Tolkien experienced at the end of the Great War. They’re different kinds of tragedy, and they both hurt, but I think this one is just an edge more bitter.
…..Anyway, I loved this chapter! It ends with on a downer note, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. X-P
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schrijverr · 1 year
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 21
Chapter 21 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, Steve gets dragged through the portal, the five teens end up in the Upside Down. They try to make it through together, some people growing closer in the process.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie & buckingham
Warnings: general season 4 shenanigans, injury, homophobia mention, f-slur, hate-crime mention
Chapter 21: The Meeting with Bats
Pain is everywhere.
Steve knows what is happening, but he can’t wrap his head around where he is and what is going on, all he knows is pain. His back is getting ripped open, bits of dirt and little rocks getting lodged in the flesh.
He is about to get his bearings and fight back to whatever is dragging him suddenly throws him into the air and sends him flying.
The air is forcefully expelled from his lungs and his brain is scrambled. It again takes him a moment to climb off the vine like nest he’d been thrown on and take in where he is. The Upside Down. Like genuinely the Upside Down. Red lightning in the air and dust floating around like it was in the tunnels.
In a way, Steve can’t believe he is actually here, but a creature shrieking behind him makes him snap around as he searches for the danger. He doesn’t have time to think about whether or not he is really here. The Upside Down is practically synonymous with danger.
He only sees a smaller than the demodogs bat-like creature fly towards him, but he isn’t fooled by its size, especially when more and more come closer. Surrounding him.
Quickly he grabs an oar from one of the boats nearby him and starts swinging as the bats descend on him with sharp fangs and little claws. Plus way more force than any creature should have. How these winged beasts are so muscled, Steve doesn’t know, but within seconds he is down on the ground.
One of them wraps their tail around him and pins him down as it chokes him. He struggles against the bat as more start to eat at his sides.
A small frenzied part of his brain whispers that this is quite similar to how Jonathan was pinned down and helpless in ‘83. However, there is no Steve to come running in this time. He knows he can’t expect any of the others to follow him in here and he is glad that he won’t be saved, that those he cares about will be safe. But still…
Steve can’t help but mourn – for as far as that is possible while being eaten – that he will die alone and there will be no one to hold his hand as he does. He’ll just be by himself, struggling against these bat monsters until he can’t anymore and dies.
It hurts so so bad. His sides are burning and he feels like he can’t breathe. He is desperately clawing at the tail as he tries to eject himself out of his body.
He’s been through too much to stop fighting now, but he’s also been through so much that he doesn’t want to be here right now either. So, he fights and tries to picture Robin. Not worried Robin in the boat from earlier, but Robin laughing so hard she starts snorting at something stupid he did at work.
Then he works to put Chrissy in there next to her. She’s smiling in his imagination. She’s not that gaunt scared girl of the past few days, instead brightly looking at him. Flying. God, he wishes he could have made her fly again.
With Chrissy and Robin firmly in mind, he sets to color in the kids, ignoring the stab that goes through his gut when another bat joins the feast that is his stomach.
Little Dustin at the snowball, Max showing him a new trick on her board, Lucas practicing basketball with him, the way Will thanked him after he ensured the kid knew he wasn’t alone, Erica looking smug while eating ice cream, El so strong and happy, Mike in the back of his car, trying to look annoyed but failing.
After that, Eddie.
Eddie, who has been on his mind for longer than he cares to admit. Eddie, who is so full of life with dramatic gestures and big grins. With his deep soulful eyes and sweet dimples. Eddie, who gets him, who has been there for him. Who he will never get to tell how much he means to Steve. Who he will never get to kiss.
Frustration bubbles up at the situation, but more importantly himself. In that Russian bunker he had decided not to let the world get to him. That he didn’t want to live like that. Yet at the slightest hint, he’d gone back to his old ways of hiding, of living in fear. Of pushing people away and retreating back in safe conformity. He hates it. He hates himself. He didn’t want to die then and he doesn’t want to die now.
He starts struggling harder again, new vigor flushing in his veins at the thought. However, that just shows him how futile his situation is.
Right as he thinks he might have to give up, despite not wanting to, tears springing into his eyes. A bat flies away.
No, not fly. Gets hit away.
For a second, Steve follows it, before he realizes what has just happened, before looking back. There are the others, they have come to save him. He doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of them. Though neither is an option with how he is choking.
At the center is Eddie. He is the one that hit the bat away, in his hands in the nail bat Steve had left in the boat. Eddie is breathing heavy, looking at the bat as if he can’t believe that just happened, despite him being the one doing it.
Steve only has half the brain cell to register how cute and fucking hot that is, before the fight starts up in full. Everyone is batting the creatures away, giving him a fighting chance against the one that is choking him.
The whole fight is like a blur. It’s as if Steve has entered some sort of raging stage wherein he is just ripping, slamming and biting anything in the vicinity just to make it out. A feral tussle for his life that he only comes out of when the danger is gone and suddenly he can taste blood in his mouth and the burning in his sides.
He makes eye contact with Eddie, who is still holding his bat, a detail he isn’t focusing on (or at least he tells himself that). Eddie is wide eyed, a little scared and a little blood splattered, as he pants, his chest distractedly moving up and down under his Hellfire shirt.
Thunder crackles in the sky above them pulling them all back to the moment. Nancy pushes through the group gathered and it hits Steve suddenly that everyone in that boat followed after him to save him.
“Are you okay?” Nancy asks, a bit closer than Steve would like her, but she is clearly worried and Steve can’t blame her since the wounds on his stomach look about as bad as they feel.
However, he doesn’t want to be vulnerable about that now, show all the emotions that strike through him. How he thought he was going to die, how badly he wanted to live, how he is so glad they came and how guilty he feels about it. So, he merely jokes: “Well, they took about a pound of flesh, but other than that, yeah, never better.”
Nancy is leaning close and Steve isn’t sure what to do with her. She has been sending weird signals all week and it’s starting to get on his nerves.
Fortunately, he doesn’t have to decide what to do, because Robin is out of her stupor and scrambling to get to Steve as she freaks out: “Uh, do you think these bats have like rabies?”
“What?” Steve laughs, more because of confusion than amusement.
“It’s just that rabies are like my number one fear,” she says, poking his arm as she scrutinizes the wounds on his stomach without touching them. “And I think we should get you to a doctor soon, because once symptoms set in, it’s too late. You’re already dead.”
“Is it really that bad?” Chrissy asks, worrying her lip as she leans over Robin’s shoulder to look at Steve’s stomach.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Steve assures her. He doesn’t want to worry Chrissy, because while he doesn’t think he’s going to get rabies, they do hurt pretty bad.
Robin clearly wants to protest that, but creatures start chittering and all of them snap their heads in the direction it has come from. Eddie is the closest and cautiously raises the bat again as he peers into the distance, the action makes Steve’s heart skip a beat.
Then he spots the few bats coming their way. They settle down over the portal they came through, still making those horrid sounds, as they seem to guard it.
A smart impulsive side of his brain wants to see Eddie fight while using his bat again, better this time, since he won’t be actively getting strangled. So, in a bout absurd thinking, he says: “Alright, there’s not that many. We can take them.” All look at him like he’s hit his head too hard, which is fair. Feebly he adds: “Right?”
As if to make him look even more silly, the few bats now get company from a swarm that they definitely can’t take. Beside him, Robin sarcastically asks: “You were saying?”
Eddie swings the bat down again and turns around with a little smirk as he says: “Maybe not, big boy.”
Steve feels a swoop through his stomach that momentarily washes the pain away, before there’s a harsh pat to his arm pulling him out of it. Nancy is pointing behind them and exclaims: “The woods, come on!” as she tugs Steve with her.
Behind them the others follow suit as they dash madly towards the woods. Faintly he hears Robin complain and the familiar footfalls of Chrissy as well as the jingling of Eddie’s jewelry.
However, he can’t concentrate on any of it. Nancy’s grip on his hand keeps him moving, but that is it, he is just stumbling along. With every thud of his feet on the ground, pain shoots up in his abdomen, leaving his eyes blurring with unshed tears.
He doesn’t know how long they’ve ran. He just needs to push through and focus on making it to wherever they’re going. Steve can’t allow himself the luxury of watching his surroundings, no matter how anxious that blindness makes him.
So, when Nancy stops, he nearly bowls her over, before practically collapsing, only holding himself up with the knowledge that he can’t show weakness in this place.
“Under here,” Nancy directs, pointing to an enclave.
Steve doesn’t need to be told twice, glad to collapse and roll under it, blearily blinking as a voice with soothing timbre asks: “You good, sweetheart?”
A curly haired head swims into his line of vision and he gives a too dopey smile for the situation to Eddie as he assures him: “I’m good.”
Eddie doesn’t look like he believes Steve, but this isn’t the time to talk about it as the others press closer into the enclave to get out of sight from the bat. Chrissy bumps his shoulder, herding him back, Robin right beside her, as Eddie also pulls him along, until the five of them are huddled under – what Steve now realizes is – Skull Rock.
The second he given to breathe helps in getting his head on right. His sides still hurt like a motherfucker, but he thinks he can probably push it away, especially with the creatures still making noise above them. They don’t have time for him to be hurt. It’s just like a cheer meet, if you hurt yourself keep smiling and keep going.
This works for approximately four seconds as they wait out the bats. Robin gets out first and Chrissy follows apprehensively, Nancy right behind her. Robin says: “Oh, okay, that was close,” as she looks around, obviously scared.
“Too close,” Eddie agrees, voice cracking a bit.
Steve goes to follow them, wanting to say something encouraging to comfort them. He hates seeing Robin scared and he doesn’t like Eddie’s tone. However, he practically collapses against Eddie, who is walking next to him as he gasps: “Oh sh- shit,” the pain becoming a bit too much.
“Whoa, whoa,” Eddie says as he catches him, concern taking over as he asks: “Steve?”
“Jesus,” Robin exclaims.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Steve assures everyone, knowing how much of a lie it is and how much he isn’t fooling anyone. It still feels good to try.
“No, no, no,” Nancy says coming forwards to support him on the other side. “You’re loosing blood. Come on. Sit. Alright?”
She and Eddie guide him down along the wall so he can lean against it, the wounds on his back hurting as he slides to a seated position with a heavy groan.
He places a hand against his stomach and hisses against the pain it launches through him as blood slides down his stomach. He still feels pretty horrible, but he thinks he should be good to go after a few seconds of rest.
The hurt doesn’t compare to moving through those tunnels after Billy beat his face in. His head is still on straight. And if he can drive a car after being tortured and drugged, he can walk a little with a few wounds in his sides.
Still, he latches onto Eddie’s hand, which is on his shoulder, squeezing it to offer comfort as he chews his lip. It’s easier to look at Eddie, than to focus on his stomach, or to Nancy, who is taking the zip up Chrissy offered and ripping the sleeves off to make bandages.
“Okay,” he hears Robin say and looks her way. She is crouched down next to him and trying to put on a brave face, even if Steve knows she scared. In true Robin fashion, she rambles: “So, the good news is, I’m pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies, but if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or if you start feeling really aggressive, like you wanna punch me or something? You should totally let me know.”
“Robin,” he gets her attention, having to admit to himself that her voice brought him back considerably and made him feel more at ease.
“Yeah?” she asks, attentive and alert.
“I kinda wanna punch you,” he tells her, giving her a soft smile to tell her he doesn’t mean it, but that he is trying to calm her nerves. It’s no good if she’s freaking out.
At that she laughs. It’s a little desperate kind of laugh, but it is a laugh and that is enough for Steve, especially when she smiles back: “Sense of humor is still in tact. That’s a good sign.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, immediately groaning when he sides protest the action.
“Okay,” Nancy says, determination in her brow as she holds up the makeshift sleeve bandage. “You ready?”
Steve knows Robin doesn’t do too well with blood, but he still holds out his hand to her, a bit of hopefulness in his eyes. He can’t go through this without her comfort. Or Eddie’s, the man a comforting warmth behind him.
However, right now he is more focused on Robin. Her shoulders set and she takes his hand, grabbing Chrissy’s with the other for her own support. Chrissy looks at their intertwined hands, then up at Steve, then away quickly. Steve can’t follow her thoughts, but he is just glad for Robin’s fingers between his own as he turns back to Nancy. “Just do it.”
She efficiently starts wrapping him up and he tries not to think about the wet noises he hears coming from down there as he grunts. His one hand tightens his hold on Robin’s and the other flies to Eddie’s arm, clinging to it as he turns his head and bites the leather of Eddie’s jacket to keep quiet, unsure if anything can hear them.
Faintly he hears Nancy apologizing, but he doesn’t care. He just wants her to be done and never have to touch his sides ever again.
After what seems like eternity, Nancy stops moving, blessedly leaving his sides along as she asks him: “Too tight?”
“No, that’s good,” he replies with a strained voice, after having to force his teeth to let go of Eddie’s sleeve. Fuck, that might have been weird to do now that he can think clearly again.
“Alright,” Nancy says, tying the last knot in the bandages, which sends that thought flying again until she finishes with an: “Okay” and a small smile.
“Thanks,” he smiles back crookedly, still panting a bit and coming down from the whole thing as he stares at her, since he is too tired to move his head away.
He’s pulled out of his staring trance when Eddie pulls away and starts looking around for god knows what. Steve doesn’t know, but he appreciates the view of Eddie’s backside. “So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” Eddie asks.
“Pretty much,” Nancy replies, before quickly exclaiming: “Wait, watch out for the vines! It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?” Eddie asks, looking back at them.
Steve has been helped up by Chrissy and Robin, leaning against Skull Rock again. He remembers how confused he was when the kids explained, so he simplifies: “All the creepy crawlies around here? They’re like one or something. Step on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.”
“Shit,” Eddie replies, eyebrows high on his forehead, which highlights his pretty eyes that Steve gets lost in for a second.
Then he gets distracted by Robin, who asks: “But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people? Obviously.”
And Steve is reminded how little the others have been involved with this except for him and Nancy when she answers: “As far as I understand it, yeah.”
“So, theoretically,” Robin starts and Steve knows it’ll either be very stupid of genius by the way her voice sounds, “we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.”
“I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robs,” Steve tells her a little bitchily perhaps, but he is hurt and tired, so he cuts himself some slack.
“But they probably do have guns,” Chrissy says, which is true and could be useful. Fuck, now Steve has been bitchy when Robin had a good idea. He’ll buy her favorite candy to make it up to her later… if they make it out of here at least. Maybe there is Upside Down candy? But that probably isn’t safe to consume.
Next to them is Nancy, who has been pulling a thoughtful face ever since Robin first spoke up. She says: “Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.”
“You,” Eddie speaks up, like he can’t believe it, probably can’t, he hasn’t been through what she has been through, though he is getting close, “Nancy Wheeler,” he chocks his hip in a sexy way, “have guns – plural – in your bedroom?”
“Full of surprises, isn’t she,” Robin blurts out in her Robin-esque way.
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver,” Nancy continues, ignoring Robin’s little outburst.
“Yeah, you almost shot me with that one,” Steve bitches, finally feeling good enough to stand. He still remembers that, haunts some of his nightmares. He hopes Nancy has better gun safety protocols now.
“You almost deserved it,” Nancy counters, batting her eyes at him and he can’t believe that he recognizes her flirt face in this situation, regarding that.
There have already been a few weird moments of tension between them before and Steve has no clue why she is doing this and what is driving her. He just stares at her a little confused as Nancy stares back, smile still on her face.
They’re snapped out their half-confused, half-flirting moment when something heavy hits his face, which he instinctively catches.
He looks down and a DIO logo is staring back at him. It’s Eddie’s vest, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Eddie without it, except that day on the roof. He even told Steve once how important it was to him when he was high. So, of course he looks up to Eddie a mixture of emotions playing over his face.
Steve doesn’t know what Eddie sees there, but he looks away after saying: “For you modesty, dude.”
A bit of awe floods through Steve at that, he can’t help it. It feels like something more. Something he can’t quite put his finger on, but something that feels good as he slips the vest on. It is practically infused with smoke as well as sweat and weed. Eddie. Steve has to fight himself not to inhale too deeply, lest he comes across as creepy.
Nancy walks past Eddie and starts to lead the way to her house, Steve following to close the rear, when the ground suddenly starts to shake.
It’s enough to knock Steve over, right into Eddie, who snatches him by the upper arm and holds him close so they won’t fall. A little ahead, Robin and Chrissy fall on top of each other and Nancy hits the deck too.
The shaking continues for a second longer and Steve tries to focus on how scary that is instead of how warm Eddie feels next to him, how comforting it is to be held by him.
When it’s finally over, they all just lay on the ground and stand for a few seconds. Loud, terrifying noises come from all around them and now Steve wishes he could focus on Eddie instead of how scary it all really is.
“Yeah, so guns seem like a really good idea to me,” Eddie breaks the silence when it seems like nothing is going to come charging out of the woods and attack them.
Robin clumsily gets up and hauls Chrissy to her feet as well as she agrees: “Yeah, me too.”
“Lets go,” Nancy says, taking the lead again. She is so headstrong and Steve mourns for what made her like that. He might not appreciate her flirting, but he can ache as he recognizes the girl she used to be, before the Upside Down turned her spine to steel and her blood cold.
He clicks on the flashlight and gestures for the others to follow. He is determined to take the rear and Robin staring him down for a second won’t change that.
She seems to get that too, because she rolls her eyes and starts walking, dragging Chrissy along since they’re still holding hands from when she helped her up. Robin notices and blushes, letting go with a little flail.
Steve shakes his head fondly at her, before Eddie is distracting him. The guy holds out the bat that he had been carrying before now, he gives Steve a crooked grin and says: “This belongs to you, I think.”
“Ah, thanks, man,” Steve replies gratefully, exchanging the flashlight for his bat that he twirls to get a feel for again. He meets Eddie’s eyes and Eddie is a little flushed, which makes Steve’s inside twist up in a good way as he cheekily grins: “Good as new.”
“I’m glad,” Eddie squeaks and Steve desperately tells himself that it is just nerves from being down here as he watches Eddie scurry after the girls, he himself following after Eddie.
Thunder continues to boom above them as they make their way through this alternate dimension. It makes the sky flash red and Steve already knows this is going to be a new backdrop for his nightmares if they manage to make it out of here.
In front of him are the others. Nancy is leading, her back straight as she walks with her head held high, fear will not get the best of her today. Robin – his lovely clumsy Robin – is carefully walking through the vines, Chrissy hovering around her to steady her if she stumbles.
A while ago Steve would have said she is totally straight, but watching her dance around Robin he isn’t so sure anymore. But Steve isn’t going to say anything until she does. He of all people knows how scary it is to have someone ask about your sexuality or make assumptions about it when you aren’t ready yourself.
So, he tears his eyes away from the pair to focus on Eddie, who has been walking in front of him in a way that is close enough to steady Steve without crowding him. Steve isn’t sure if he’s grateful or offended.
He decides to be grateful, maybe even touched that Eddie lets him have his independence yet watches out for him too. It’s sweet. Eddie is sweet. In the humdrum of it all, he hasn’t gotten much time to think about Eddie. About their talk.
They made up now. Eddie is his friend again. Eddie has always wanted to be Steve’s friend. It makes him feel all fluttery and happy. That plummets away when he remembers what he told Eddie about after, how he ran into his father, the fears he has about the kids finding out. Fears Eddie shares, fears that are real for both of them after what happened to his cabin.
Though, Eddie never told what happened there.
A need to know bubbles up and he quickens his step to catch up with the other boy as he calls out: “Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man, uhm,” he has no clue how to ask what he really wants to, so instead he says: “Listen, I just- I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there.”
“Shit. You saved your own ass, man,” Eddie replies and Steve tries not to miss the sweetheart. “I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.”
The name sounds familiar to Steve. Countless nights of listening to Eddie on the couch has rubbed off on him, but he can’t quite remember who Ozzy is again. “Uhm, Iron Maiden guy?”
“Close, that’s Bruce Dickinson, Ozzy is from Black Sabbeth. He bit a bat- Doesn’t matter,” Eddie cuts himself off. “It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
Steve preens a little at that, he knows what a high compliment that is from Eddie, so he smiles: “Thanks.”
“You know, Henderson told me you were a badasss. Insisted on the matter, in fact,” Eddie tells him.
Vaguely Steve wonders where this is going, though he can’t help but touched. Dustin can be an arrogant, sarcastic little shit. They all are. So it’s nice and a little wild to hear that. “Henderson said that?” he hears himself asking, sounding pathetically hopeful.
“Kid worships you, dude,” Eddie assures him, not commenting on the tone just taking his question seriously. Steve appreciates that about Eddie. How he takes everyone seriously. “Like you have no idea. It’s kind of annoying to be honest. I didn’t really believe him either, I mean, no offense, but I saw your cafeteria fights.”
At that Steve snorts. He knows he should be offended, but after all he has seen, he can’t bring himself too. So, he just nudges Eddie and says: “It’s easier to swing a bat really hard at a monster, people ask questions if you do it to a high schooler.”
Eddie laughs at that – the wonderful deep laugh Steve loves so much – and nods: “That’s fair. But I would pay to see it.”
“Me too, honestly,” Steve replies, seeing an opening. “And it might happen.”
“Yeah?” Eddie prompts.
“Yeah, man, they destroyed my home and- Hell, I don’t even know what they did to you, but I’m not just going to let that happen,” he tells Eddie and he isn’t lying either. He is fuming about his home that they wrecked, his friends that they hunt.
“Fuck, sweetheart, don’t look so intense,” Eddie jokes, though he looks a little on edge and Steve feels a bit bad about it, though thrilled at the return of sweetheart.
“Sorry, I just- Eds, I came home to find my place smashed to bits and you missing,” he says, meeting those brown eyes as he tries to convey all he felt. “Do you have any idea how terrifying that was?”
“I’m sorry too, Stevie,” Eddie replies. “I’m totally fine, I promise, but-” he hesitates, “but they said some things I didn’t wanna repeat.”
Worry creeps down Steve’s spine as he imagines what that might be and tentatively he asks: “Do- do you want to tell me?”
Eddie looks around to see if anyone can hear, the two of them stopping for a second to create some distance. Then Eddie lowers his voice and says: “I heard them talking about why they were at the cabin looking for me. They said: A fag will hide a fag. I don’t know how they got there, but they did. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
The words send a chill down Steve’s spine. He has already heard from Lucas how the basketball team hasn’t let his second half of senior year go and Chrissy told him about the hatred Jason carries towards him ever since she turned him down for Steve, but this is kind of terrifying. Like, maybe avoiding the streets for a bit terrifying.
However, Eddie’s eyes are filled with guilt and Steve doesn’t like the way his mouth is pulled down instead of showing his dimples. He isn’t going to let Eddie feel guilty about something out of their control, especially when it might not even matter. They might die and never make it to their world where the basketball team might target him.
“Give yourself a break, Eddie,” he tells the other guy. “It’s not like you have any control over what they think. I’m just glad you made it out of there unscathed.”
“Tsk,” Eddie makes a disappointed noise. “Don’t be so nice, dude. I let them do that to your house. I just took the evidence I was there and ran for the hills. Outside of DnD, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least, that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.”
“Stop that,” Steve catechizes. “Are you for real right now?”
Eddie looks a little cowed at that, head cocking to the side in a mix of remorse and confusion. It makes him look a little like a puppy, but Steve will never tell Eddie that, especially not after their fight at the quarry.
“Eds, you jumped in after me and fought a bunch of crazy demon bats with this thing right here,” he swings the nail bat to get attention to it. “That’s really fucking brave and heroic.”
At those words Eddie bites his lip and looks away. Sullenly he says: “The only reason I came in here was because those ladies came in straight after you. Robin was jumping before I could even comprehend what had just happened, man. I wasn’t the brave one there. I was just too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind.”
Steve thinks what Eddie is saying is utter nonsense. And he lets him know. “Don’t be fucking stupid. That is very reasonable to do. You’re in the midst of all this,” he gestures to the red lighting above them and the dead trees around them, “Of course you’re not thrilled to put yourself in danger.”
“Everyone else is,” Eddie replies still a little morose.
“Everyone else is just as scared as you,” Steve corrects him. “Trust me, I did the very same thing you did.”
“What?” Eddie perks up, sounding like he can’t believe his ears.
“Yeah. ‘83,” Steve answers, hoping this will cheer Eddie up. “When the demogorgon crawled out of the Byers walls, I panicked and did jack shit. When Nancy told me to go, I fucking ran. I was nearly in my car before I got the courage to go back.”
“But you went back,” Eddie points out.
“And you came too,” Steve shoots right back at him.
Eddie is quiet for a second, just looking at Steve, who stares right back, determined to get Eddie to understand that the shit they’re in is fucking horrifying and he is allowed to be scared. Luckily, Eddie admits defeat. He throws up his hands and exclaims with a pout: “Okay. Fine! You’re right. Happy now?”
Steve grins and nods. “Very,” he tells Eddie, before he starts walking again, Eddie now next to him instead of ahead.
As they walk, Eddie’s elbows keep knocking into his and his knuckles brush along Steve’s with how close he is. Steve soaks in the attention, the closeness. He wants to take Eddie’s hand, but he doesn’t want to presume or make Eddie step away. So, he takes what he has and keeps orbiting ever closer to the sun that is Eddie Munson.
Since, Eddie is himself, Steve is waiting on the other to break the silence again. He doesn’t have to wait long, before Eddie says: “Did Nancy really nearly shoot you?”
It takes Steve a little by surprise, before he realizes that is a pretty valid thing to get hung up on, but he doesn’t want to put in a bad light. So, he shrugs: “Yeah, it was a high stress situation. No big deal. She and Jonathan were waiting on the demogorgon, I got there and wouldn’t leave, so she pointed the gun at me so I would go. It was for my own safety really.”
“That doesn’t sound very safe,” Eddie replies, looking highly skeptical of Steve’s story. Which is fair, Steve also thinks it wasn’t safe, that he nearly died there. How much guns still scare him and how desperately he tries to forget.
Involuntarily his hands tighten on his bat and he looks at the back of Nancy’s head as he replies: “It wasn’t safe. If she’d startled, I would’ve been dead. And so would she and Jonathan.”
“Fuck, man,” Eddie whistles and it doesn’t feel dismissive just like he is being seen. “And she jokes about it? Are you okay?”
Steve looks down, his hand fingering one of the buttons on the vest – Eddie’s vest, he tries not to think about it – and looks to the ground, stepping over a vine as he sighs: “Not really, but it’s not a good time to start something about it now.”
“I guess,” Eddie agrees and it feels like it pains him to do so. And he doesn’t let his agreement linger for long, because he immediately adds: “But you shouldn’t have to put up with things that make you uncomfortable, Stevie.”
There is a layer in his answer that Steve picks up on instantly. Probably, because he’s been thinking about the same thing. He glances sideways and asks: “Are you talking about the eyes Nance’s been giving me?”
Eddie cringes and looks at Steve guiltily, though he doesn’t understand why, before Eddie asks: “Is it obvious?”
“Nah,” Steve assures him, not liking Eddie’s tone. “Was thinking the same. It’s been happening all week.”
“Really?” Eddie asks, curiosity and something else coating his voice.
“Yeah, I don’t know what’s gotten into her and how to tell her to stop without seeming like a douche,” Steve admits. It feels good to admit it, to talk about it with someone who knows. Robin is there too, but they haven’t gotten a moment alone together. With Nancy at the wheel, they seemingly always end up on a different team. He supposes she doesn’t view Eddie as a threat. She should be. Not that she’s even close to being in the competition.
“Why would asking her to stop make you seem like a douche?” Eddie wonders, frown on his forehead.
It reminds Steve again of how different their lives have been as he fondly smirks: “Because I would be telling her that I think she is still into me, even if she is now with a guy that she left me for. It’s douche-y to assume a girl is into you. Especially when it’s your ex.”
“Even when the girl is flirting?” Eddie asks like he can’t really believe what he is hearing.
“Yeah,” Steve nods, then shrugs: “She’s doing it in a way she can deny and then twist to make it seem like I’m imagining things, because I’m still into her. Which, I’m obviously not. But girls can be fucking twisted when it comes to guys.”
“Really?” Eddie sounds a bit blown away, like he has discovered a new part of the world. Or more accurately the high school ecosystem.
“For sure,” Steve tells him. “Sofia gives Greg his favorite candy every time she sees him, so he’ll associate it with her and be happy when he sees her. She’s trying to make him believe that happiness is tied to seeing her, instead of the candy, so he thinks he’s into her. She told me that when she helped me study. She is terrifying.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes, turning to stare at the back of Nancy’s head and shuddering, probably imagining the sort of terrifying shit she could do compared to that.
Steve feels a little guilty about implanting those ideas in Eddie’s brain, but he never said much about Nancy herself, just general observations he’s made and one example. Besides, he can bitch a little in private about his ex throwing herself at him and making him feel bad about it.
Still, he wants to play it off, making it less of a thing then it is. But before he can, they have gotten to the Wheeler house, here covered in vines, dark and uninviting, and before he can say anything more to Eddie, Nancy is already calling him over.
Idk, I love Nancy just being a little bit insane, like this girl in canon is wild with her choices and we don’t talk about that enough
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Taylor Swift Songs That Mention Cars That Are Totally About Phoebe and Silas - You Belong With Me
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and she'll never know your story like i do
Phoebe and Silas have been incredibly close for years, and they know, or at least think they know, each other better than anyone.
she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers
Not to completely overanalyze this line, but. A cheer captain is someone who offers their support very loudly, building up high expectations and putting lots of energy behind their message of support. They're usually there to build excitement around the team as a whole and make the game more exciting rather than to act in support of one specific person. Someone sitting on the bleachers, particularly in the context of this song, may not be quite as verbally loud in their message of support, but they're there for a specific person. Even though Silas has never been particularly loud about his feelings for Phoebe, he has always quietly been there for her.
dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find / that what you're looking for has been here the whole time / if you could see that i'm the one who understands you / been here all along, so why can't you see? / you belong with me, you belong with me
Obviously Orion is not the best source on Phoebe, but I find his perception of her past romantic relationships and relationship with Silas interesting, especially how he describes her as "flighty." I think Phoebe is scared of getting too close to people which may be why many of her past romantic relationships didn't seem to last long and also why she refuses to acknowledge her feelings for Silas.
laughing on a park bench thinking to myself / "hey, isn't this easy?"
This line makes me think of an interesting potential conflict in their relationship because while Silas feels safe with Phoebe because they know each other better than anyone, Phoebe seems terrified of getting too close to him or anyone else.
and you've got a smile that can light up this whole town / i haven't seen in in a while since she brought you down
Silas's pov during the Phoebe Henrie Orion Zhenni debacle
you say, "you're fine", i know you better than that
This scene isn't actually in FLF, but after the scene with Celia and Oliver in Rosalind and Orion's apartment, Silas drives Phoebe home. And in my brain I'm picturing Phoebe being very obviously distressed and trying to deny it to Silas. Do you see my vision?
oh, i remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
Obligatory car line
i'm the one who makes you laugh / when you know you're 'bout to cry
See now I have more reasons to want Hong family trial era flashbacks from Phoebe's and/or Silas's pov.
i know your favorite songs / and you tell me 'bout your dreams / think i know where you belong / think i know it's with me
They've been with each other through happy times too! And they promised to stick together!
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