#also sorry about all those other asks you sent I haven’t answered yet
skyward-floored · 2 years
last night i had a WEIRD dream dkwbjfwn
so you remember the concert i accidentally ranted abt? well in the dream we manage to get tickets to the concert, somehow, and we get to dallas, we're chillin, and then its time for the concert!
idk why but for some reason the venue had the general floor for the more expensive tickets then there were three stacked up balconies
our tickets got us onto the top balcony, and we somehow were able to get a spot at the front of the railing
so, bit of info abt me, i get lightheaded a lot and occasionally my vision will start to almost entirely black out, but its always faded after a second yknow?
well, its part way through the concert, they just got done performing one of their sonngs, which i think actually has the hardest choreo of all their songs, and i start getting light headed. i grab the railing, which was honestly way too short like why. just why. but i fucking pass out and fall
im just limp, dropping whats more like six stories than three bc the balconies are on every other story, and somehow someone on the bottom balcony managed to catch my ankle. im just hanging there, passed tf out, while basically everyone on the balconies are freaking out.
around that point i kinda wake up a bit and well. im terrified of heights, ysee. so now IM freaking the fuck out, screaming my head off, trying to get up, but the person holding me cant pull me up. so im here like sobbing, being very LOUD abt my freakout
but yea im assuming my freakout was loud ejough for the skz to hear, bc they start tryina get towards me to help. dude grip is starting to slip, bc yknow two sweaty limbs aint got a lot of friction
but they manage to get under where this is happening, somehow. the staff was VERY against them leaving the stage ajdbqjbd
but mans hand slips. i drop, again, and once more, im fucking screaming my head off, thinking im about to DIE
so im here, draped over this man who somehow caught a 180lbs idiot who was falling from TWO STORIES, and getting flipped over so im in a bridal carry. im entirely unintelligible at this point, cause yknow, I ALMOST DIED, and im fucking sobbing my head off while clinging to this man.
and of course, my fucking sister, having finally made it down to the ground floor, getting a video of me clinging to him after shes certain im not dead
woke up right around when i realized who was holding me and freaked out again lmao
it was fuckin WILD dude like idk how my brain came up with that.
also i entirely copy pasted this from when i texted my friend abt it this morning skfjsjf
Scoots that is insane I’m— dang. I keep rereading this it’s so???? Your brain just thought this up? wheeew I thought I had wild dreams
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markiemelon · 10 months
hii! i just found out about your blog! i wanted to request something but i also wanted to compliment your work! you have the writing style that pulls me in so that i really read the story word for word (most of the time i just skim through the entire fic to just get to the ending lol) so thank you for existing and writing these stories. they feel like a big hug! keep up the good work, i will definetly read your work in the future and catch up on your other work that i havent gotten to yet!
as for my request haha, i was wondering if you could write for jeno? im a sucker for soft jeno, but i cant really find anything that isnt wayyy too cringey. tbh soft jeno is very rare i feel like *sobs*
like, jeno is a really cold boyfriend who doesnt really show his affection, and even when he does, he doesnt admit it. for example, when he prepares a gift for you, he puts it in a place where a lot of people can access, so that you dont know that its him. haha and then when you ask him abt it, he pretends he has no idea what ur talking abt.
the only time that jeno is soft and cuddly is when ur abt to sleep or when hes sleepy.
can u js write abt jeno being exceptionally cuddly one day in bed, and the reader is really surprised?
also maybe jeno confesses abt sweet things hes done for reader in the past?
if ur not interested, please ignore! i know i wrote a lot haha, sorry.
@dungiewungie you are the sweetest. im so flattered. thank you for reading my stories!!!! thank youuu!!! so much!!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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☆ genre. flufffff + no warnings
☆ pairings. jeno x gn!reader
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{11:55 pm ~ ♡}
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you and jeno didn’t live together, but somehow he always found a way back to your place. he loved staying with you. he loved the way that the pillows smelled of your shampoo and how your perfume lingered on the silky sheets…
side by side, you and jeno lied in your bed, heads sunken into your pillows.
“yn, why do you have so many pillows? we can barely fit on this bed.”
he was right, you did have way too many pillows, but you liked piling them up and burring yourself to feel cozy.
he tried to throw some off to the side of the bed but you wouldn’t let him. “noo. i need all of them.”
jeno rolled his eyes and pretended to act annoyed. he shuffled around a bit to get comfortable despite drowning in the fluffiness around him. the two of you lied in silence for a moment.
“talk to me.” he said.
“talk to you?” you answered.
“yeah. it helps me sleep.” his voice was quiet.
your lips stretched past your teeth as you thought of all the things you could talk to jeno about. you figured now would be the perfect time to confront him about something since he couldn’t really go anywhere...
“remember that time you got jealous when my secret admirer sent me flowers?”
“yeah… “ he said shyly. “also..i gave you those flowers.” he confessed, a bit hesitantly. “that was before we started dating so i was kind of embarrassed.” jeno rubbed the nape of his neck.
he avoided looking at you; he was just too flustered to.
hearing that made your cheeks light up. “jenooooooo!” you wanted to give him the biggest hug, but you knew he hated your cuteness aggression. so you just told him how adorable he was, and went back to drifting off to sleep…
“yn. come here.”
your head perked up as you gladly placed yourself the closest you could to jeno while still lying side-by-side.
“no” he said, “here.”
jeno put his arm around your back, and pulled your head to rest on top of his chest. “i meant here.”
you didn’t say anything, you just giggled to yourself as you thought about how funny it was that out of all the pillows you had to choose from, he was the softest one.
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thank you thank youuu for requesting! i haven’t had much time to write so I’m sorry this took soooo long. i really hope you like it ♡
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 29 address | words 1881
hi, so this one is so fucking long, i don’t even know how it happened. anyways, hope you’ll enjoy it :3
first part | previous part
Will you be there tonight?
James looked at the message he received almost half an hour ago and for the hundredth time deleted his response.
‘Of course I’ll be there’ sounded too eager. ‘Yeah’ was out of question with it being too dry. ‘I’ll try to make it’ was just mean, like when you have a big event at school and your parents say that exact line, and you just feel like shit. So he sat there, on his couch, contemplating how to answer the man he apparently fancies. He thought the crush went away with them going separate ways after school, but oh well. With just one dinner, all the feelings came back, making him feel like a teenager again.
He deleted another answer when Regulus texted him again.
You know I can see you typing then changing your mind over and over again, right?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was his chance to keep this from getting any weirder.
yeah i know sorry about that
and answering the first question yes ill be there
With that, he threw his phone as far away from himself as he could and went to have a crisis while taking a shower. And don’t get him wrong - he really wanted to be there, to see the art Regulus makes, but at the same time he didn’t want to make a fool of himself. He liked Reg, he wanted to get to know him again after all those years they haven’t talked. And yet, he was still afraid he would fuck it up somehow.
“No you won’t” he said to his reflection in the mirror. “You won’t, just pull yourself together. And don’t act weird, just… be who you are. If he doesn’t like it, back off.”
After that little motivational talk, James started to get ready properly. He did his skincare routine, tried to (and failed) tame the nest on his head, also known as hair, and went to the closet to find something suitable for the occasion. How does one even dress for opening?
Having no better option, James decided to do the most stupid thing he could do.
“What are you wearing tonight?” he asked without any greeting. On the other side he heard the most feral laughter ever and just groaned at it. “It’s not funny, I really don’t know!” the laughter became even more hysterical, so James just stood in the middle of his closet, waiting for Sirius to calm down.
“Oh god, this is too good” his best friend chuckled a little breathlessly. “Are you trying to impress my brother or what?”
“I’m not trying to impress anyone, I just… what should I wear? To not look like an idiot?” more giggles from Sirius.
“Yeah, well, me and Moony are going in our usual clothes, so maybe something in between?”
“You mean I should go as a slutty grandpa?” James grumbled. His bestie just barked another laugh at that.
“Yes, exactly! Hope I helped, gotta go, see you there” and the call ended.
It actually did help, to his surprise. He put on a maroon turtleneck, paired it with suit trousers and his favourite red converse. The entire outfit, although simple, seemed to emphasise his muscles, giving the exact result James was aiming for. He put three golden hoops in his ear and finally felt ready.
Grabbing the phone from the armchair it landed on, James check if Regulus sent any new messages - he did.
I’m glad.
Don’t overdress, it’s a casual event, nothing fancy.
Do you know where to go?
Should I send you the address?
Are you alive?
James, it’s been more than an hour, are you alright?
James smiled at all of this, quickly replying with ‘yes everythings good the shower took longer than it should pls send the address’.
He arrived at a small local art gallery, where the opening took place. As soon as James got out of his car, Remus and Sirius spotted him, practically running in his direction. The shorter man, dressed in a silk shirt, unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and tight jeans (all black, of course), jumped into his arms, screaming excitedly, like he hasn’t seen him in a while (since yesterday). From behind, Sirius’ fiancé rolled his eyes, smirking at their antics.
“Fancy seeing you here, Prongs” Remus said cheekily, when the long-haired man came to his side. It was James’ turn to roll his eyes.
“Are we coming in or are we just gonna stand here and freeze?” Sirius asked, snuggling closer to Remus.
“You should’ve dressed accordingly to the weather. I’m feeling petty so - Moony, would you mind giving me a fag?” James chirped sweetly, batting his lashes at the taller man.
He didn’t give him the cigarette, what’s with his shivering partner, so they just walked in to the gallery.
James spotted Regulus immediately. He was wearing a dark green sweater with a white collar sticking out from under it, black trousers and low Docs. He looked innocent and hot at the same time. He could see the younger man noticing him, too, when his lips turned into a little smile.
“Hi, Little Star” Reg snorted at that, and that was all he had to do to get himself a wide grin from James.
“Hello, James. Thank you for coming” came the slightly amused answer. They scanned each other for a second. From up close Regulus looked even better, James thought.
“You look good, I mean, like, very good” Reg chuckled softly at that and the other man melted a little.
“You look good, too” younger man replied, his cheeks turning slightly pink.
Their moment was interrupted by Sirius barging in, saying how proud of his little brother he is, while ruffling Reg’s hair. Even though he didn’t like it, Regulus hasn’t voiced his displeasure. It was nice of him, really.
Not long after, some professor welcomed everyone from the middle of the room, talking about all the hard work his students put into this exhibition and how glad he was to see so many people coming to appreciate that work. Some ovations. Then they were free to admire the pieces. Most of them were paintings, but there were also sculptures and some photographs.
The theme of the exhibition was ‘love’, so the students presented how they perceived it - some in a cute way, whit elderly couples sitting on a bench or some places they loved, but there were also darker ones, presenting the topic as suffocating or painful. James felt sorry for all those people who suffered because of something that should have been beautiful.
When they finally reached Regulus’ pieces James felt something warm crawling inside his chest. He didn’t immediately understand them, since Reg created abstract art, but the longer he looked the more he could see. On the first one there were spots of paint that must’ve been two cuddled figures in the dark place, surrounded by a little light, just around them, like a halo. James thought it must represent how Regulus felt about his brother, what was confirmed as he spotted Sirius’ eyes glistening in the bright lights of the gallery.
The second one was brighter, like it was some kind of meadow maybe? There also were smudges of paint in different colours - some of them lighter others darker. Those probably were Regulus’ friends and James had an urge to comment on that one.
“That’s so cute. They must’ve loved it so much” he said, looking down at Regulus. “Where are they, by the way?”
“They will come later, when there’s not so many people so we can really discuss others works” the younger man replied simply. “We’ll probably just end up laughing at them, really” he added with a shrug.
At that James pretend to be outraged, gasping and putting a hand to his chest.
“Oh! Am I not worthy of laughing at other people’s art with you? Tell me how can I be granted this privilege, I’ll do anything!” He kept up his act, grabbing Regulus by the shoulders, bending his knees like a sufferer begging for water.
The younger of Black brother looked at him, trying real hard to not look amused, but his eyes were giving him away.
“You’re pathetic” he said, not even a little bite to it. To be honest he sounded a little like he was enjoying James’ antics.
“Yet, you like me so much you managed to rob your own brother of my number” James said it like he was plotting something. “And you wanted to rob me of my time, the audacity.”
“Please stop” the shorter man buried his face in his hands. “Don’t mention it ever again” he added, a little muffled by the hands. He had really nice hands, James noticed.
“Oh, I will not stop till the day I die.”
They moved to the third piece and- oh. James might not be the brightest person alive, but he knew what was on the last painting. It was similar to the other two they saw earlier, smudges of paint in different shades creating two figures. The figures were hugging, not like the first ones, but more like lovers trying to become one. One person was rather pale, contrasting with the other who looked tanned. Their hair was black and deep brown, respectively.
James looked at it with awe, felt the butterflies waking up in his stomach and flying freely all over his body. He looked at Regulus, but the other man hasn’t met his eyes, staring straight ahead at his work. James noticed he turned a pretty shade of reddish pink on every bit of his face. His own lips turned into a big fucking grin. He wanted to reach out, touch Regulus, hug him, anything really.
Unfortunately, from behind him came Sirius’ gasp and then excited “Oh my god, Reggie, you painted me and Moony? Oh, that is so lovely, can I have it later?”
James, Remus and Regulus looked at the man at the same time, each one with a deep frown, not believing how delusional Sirius is. As if they shared a brain cell, all three of them nodded in agreement to not lead him astray.
Regulus cleared his throat, and turning to his brother he said “Yes, that’s you and Remus, and no, you cannot take it.”
As the older turned to stare daggers at the younger, they just started bickering about who should have the painting, Remus and James looking at them with amusement.
After some time Regulus’ friends came and the three older man ushered to exit so the younger guys could have fun together. Just before they left, James approached Regulus one last time, cheeky smile on his lips.
“Sirius and Moony, huh?” it earned him an eye roll and a sheepish ‘shut up’. He just smiled wider and leaned down to whisper in Reg’s ear, feeling the black-haired man’s breath hitching “Text me when you get home.”
With that he walked backwards in the general direction of the exit, still looking at Regulus who looked positively stunned. James winked at him and Reg, after waking from the haze, flipped him off. James just chuckled at that loudly, turning to the door.
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dreaming-of-lu · 2 months
Hey this is an emergency request, but don’t feel the need to do this if you’re super busy I totally get it.
I’ve just been having a really rough semester in my first year of college, dealing with life **and** my courses.
And I’ve just been worrying about a final presentation for my one class that I sent an email to my prof. about and they haven’t responded to it for days and then I later found out my family is having to put our dog down that I’ve had since childhood.
I’m just asking for some comfort with Legend or Time (you can choose between the two of one would be easier to write for than the other).
Thanks so much and I hope life is treating you well!!
(P.s. I’m also the anon who asked for the depersonalization emergency request with Legend and you did a great job on that! Thank you so much for doing that!)
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I hope things are better on your end! 💚 May the days be kinder to you. Can be imagined as Legend or Time.
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"Rupee for your thoughts?"
Obviously, wrong choice of words from him. The dam broke quick every emotion you held back in a tiny bottle, shattered upon impact from those words. All those pent up feelings, frustrations, sadness under the guise that everything was fine spilled from your eyes. A choked sob had the old man reeling in worry and panic, "Did something hap-"
"Everything!" you gripped your hair tight, pulling on the strands, "I tried. I tried so hard to be fine and okay, but it's not! I'm not okay, I'm- I'm so frustrated, tired, and upset. I'm being bombarded with stress and news from every corner like it's a fucking joke to the universe! Someone stole my rupee pouch, I'm being told my childhood dog had passed away. And I-"
The feelings were like a wave, pulling you under and throwing you around in its unforgiving tides. Your heart was crying out for safety, for warmth, for an anchor, anything to guide you. Snot and tears ran down; the pounding in your head hurts, almost as harsh as your heartbeat. Lungs begging for air, face flushed and burning with how hard you wept.
You weren't sure how or when you were maneuvered into his lap, but the gentle strokes of his hand against your head were calming. He held you tight against him, yet loose enough for you to slip out of his embrace should you wish to do so. He doesn't speak, he doesn't offer words of comfort.
Just embracement.
That was enough for you. The kind hand that saved you from the brutal tidal waves, acting as a lighthouse and ground.
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
Congratulations on your 400 milestone! May I submit Tighnari with the prompt "one talking to the other when they think they're asleep" for the milestone event? where Nari and gn reader are friends and he confessed this way, not knowing they were awake or something like that.
once again congrats on the milestone! i hope you have an awesome friday evening!
-cherry sprite anon
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hi hi cherry sprite anon! (guess i’ll make a tag for you then, hehe)
i’m sorry so the long delay! it’s only until now and a bit of yesterday had i’d come around in trying to finish this and sent it out for you! i do hope that you’ll enjoy it, and thank you for requesting as well,, :)
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warnings : a bit of angst at the start, confession.
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he’d always knew how he felt about you.
when? he’s not sure; there are a many a moments he could choose wherein it could’ve been the start, a start.
you, the one who bandaged him whenever he came back with welts on his skin, even when he’s capable of doing do himself? (featherlight strokes that barely felt like anything, and with such consideration and care along with it.)
you, the one who tries and tries to follow in his footsteps, taking in every tip to improve your own salves? (there’s an eagerness in you, when he has some time to spare for a few lessons, that he finds himself attached to.)
(he soon finds out that maybe you take a bit more space in his thoughts than he’d, well, thought.)
he’s aware of how it crossed the confines of affinity, intimacy, whenever he saw (felt) you near him (his ears takes it all in - small streams cascading, a soft string of chirps in the air, rustling of leaves - and always hears your voice in the midst of it.)
why not tell them? he asks himself, too many times for his liking. it’s one of those questions that he cannot find an answer for, no matter how long he looks into it.
“of course. all those words of caution and it still had little to no regard for yourself.”
so he says - and yet, something that comes close to a softness of sorts sifts into his words, a bit sweeter, than he’d let on.
the sheets shrivel to the slight shuffling of the bed, leaving a wake of wrinkles - in a way, an answer in and of itself.
you’re sleeping, swathed in sheets as sleep has long held you in its arms.
the skies fell into nightfall a while ago, and the life around and within the forests started to still into a silence that he’s accustomed to this late. lights start to fade; voices an echo; and all that is left in the depths of the darkness is nature itself.
and his words.
“though unnecessary, it was at least a way for you to get some rest. it was bound to happen, sooner or later.” he sighs, shaking his head. “so, good for you.”
“…i’m not exactly the most skilled with words, though that goes without saying, so don’t mind the particulars of what i’m about to say.”
“it’s difficult trying to compose myself whenever you’re around. and that leads me to wonder whether you’re doing it on purpose - it’s not possible though, i doubt it, but… it has to be obvious, one way or another.”
“i say that because, if you hadn’t notice, which i doubt you haven’t, i have these unique features of mine,” he tugs at the tuft of his tail, “that react quite lively: i’m sure you saw it on occasion on how it reacts considering you.”
“i’m also sure where you know where i am heading with this and, though, i prefer to say it while i could gauge out your reactions… this is the best i can do for now.”
he sighs. his hand slowly settles atop of your head, running his fingers through your hair. unruly, he tries to untangle all the knots and, somehow, it did little to nothing to rouse you awake. if anything, you only found yourself closer to the unfamiliar (very familiar) source of warmth.
“i like you, [name],” he murmurs. his voice dips a bit. “i find myself tied to you by the hip, even when it feels like the other way. heh. always wondering, always asking myself where you are if not beside me. that’s really childish, and a bit cheesy, but that’s how i feel.”
“and it’s how i’ve been feeling for a while now.”
again, silence.
all that is a remnant of him is the phantom peck of left on your forehead, the space between your brows. (the way you scrunched your nose was… cute.) that spot of tepidness lingered, even after tighnari left.
(the light is put out this time.)
and even when you let your eyes open, the world now quiet.
even in the cold, the crisp puff of wind caressing in from the cracks, you feel your face heat up bit by bit within moments. the last few minutes had finally fell on you.
he likes you.
he likes me. he likes me. tighnari likes me.
those words - his words, his voice - is said over and over again in your head, reliving the moment if possible.
for you like him as well. a smile touches your lips, one that could counter the sun itself (was it awake.)
you know now. you’re now aware.
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midnightsun-if · 10 months
Sorry if this sounds rude, but I have some things I need to get off my chest. Frankly, the whole Scarlett situation kind of sucks, and the way you’re handling things is not exactly helping matters. I get you have a specific vision for her character, and as a fellow author I would never suggest you compromise that to appease a bunch of sexist, entitled fans, but you’ve given so much attention to her character that it honestly comes as no surprise that people wouldn’t respect her sexuality, as bad as that is to say.
I’ve personally sent numerous asks in the past, and you haven’t answered a single one, so either you’re intentionally ignoring them, or tumblr ate them. If it’s the later, then I’m sorry for accusing you. You’re obviously not under any obligation to answer asks you don’t want to, but I admit it does sting a bit to see Scarlet Ask #523759690 on my feed when I have yet to see a single one of mine. You may not think you have a favorite character, but from an outside perspective, you 100% do.
The amount of attention Scarlett receives compared to the rest of the cast (seriously, when was the last time Caden got an ask dedicated to them?) is truly astounding. Fans will naturally have their favorites, but as an author you should remain impartial… which you really haven’t. In fact, it seems like you actively encourage the Scarlett attention. It’s like you keep showing off a fancy car that only a few people can actually buy, then get upset when people complain they can’t buy the car as well.
Anyways, I’m sorry for this rant, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I wish you luck on your writing journey, and hope you have a happy holiday (if you’re in a country that celebrates any upcoming holidays)!
I truly don’t know what to say other than the fact that I haven’t seen your asks and that I’m trying to avoid Scarlett asks when it specifically involves the discourse with her sexuality— which also may contribute to the possibility on why I haven’t seen them, if that’s what they involved— as I mentioned in my one-and-done post about it… I don’t want to keep this as a reoccurring theme on the blog as I know that many people will grow tired of it just like I have.
I answer Scarlett centric asks, barring when I answer scenario asks about the family and/or the ROs, mainly due to the fact that she’s the one people single out— if someone sends me an ask about C, or Blake, or anyone else, I’ll answer it… It just happens to be that Scarlett gets the most asks when it comes to that sort of thing— and those asks are typically much easier/faster to answer than the all-in-one asks— I’d be more than happy to answer singular asks about any number of my characters. And I have in the past when someone sends something in.
All I can truly say? If not being able to romance Scarlett is this big of an issue, and I truly am saying this as nicely as I can… I don’t think Midnight Sun is the right IF for you. I believe I know a couple more IFs with an Ice Queen type RO, or adjacent RO, that may suit you better if you’d like to me share them!
And, I’d just like to make this small point, I get upset, or am starting to, because it’s a point I’ve brought up over and over again— Scarlett isn’t a lesbian to create an inconvenience for the player… She’s a lesbian because it’s part of who she is. Sending me asks saying “I can change her” or “Give us Scarlett and the F!MCs Koda” (among other things) is absolutely abhorrent in the best case scenario. There are 7 other ROs for you to choose from— all of which offer their own unique routes and experiences within Midnight Sun.
Scarlett isn’t changing, I’m standing firm with this. I’m not going to ever change my mind about it— I’m sorry if that upsets anyone, but it’s not something I’m backing down on.
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tired-lamb · 2 months
@pizacat72 SENT ME AN ASK ABT MY BUNGA X ONO X BESHTE HCS. WHICH I LOST . but here’s your answer I’m so sorry I accidentally deleted your ask 😭😭
using this as an opportunity to post about an hc I’ve thought of recently!! I hc bunga, beshte and ono eventually adopt a kid when they’re older, cause, c’mon, all three of them are great with kids at varying degrees. in my head it goes like: bunga finds an abandoned kid and immediately is like I am Not leaving you I’m gonna take care of you now. and beshte finds bunga with said kid and bunga immediately convinces beshte to let him keep the kid (+ the kid’s adorableless already having beshte convinced).
ono, on the other hand is slightly hesitant because of their duties and also because he knows how stupid (/lh) little kids can be. what makes him even more hesitant is that this kid bunga and beshte found is None of their species. none. not a single fur feather or skin is shared, you get the idea, but after begging and begging ono agrees to take care of the kid TEMPORARILY. can you guess where this goes? the kid gets attached to ono and who is ono to say no to that. in conclusion: they now had a kid :3 (I haven’t thought abt the species yet so feel free to suggest!)
a couple of other hcs I have is related to each of their families! I’ve mentioned before that beshte is timon and pumbaa’s favourite, but they do love ono too. ain’t no way you’re gonna see those two be partial to their son’s partners!!
beshte’s entire family (because I imagine him to be the person with that gigantic family tree) is absolutely thrilled. ono and bunga have basically been adopted into the family. they are honourary hippos. beshte’s dad treats them both like his own sons, and ono and bunga just KNOW that if they’re visiting beshte’s family they’re not leaving without a bunch of gifts and well wishes :).
the egrets are generally very happy for ono!! we don’t see a lot of the relationship between ono and the other egrets so I haven’t really thought much about it. HOWEVER WE HAVEE seen ona and kulinda!!! ona is introduced to not just queerness but also polyamory through the three of them and is pleasantly surprised to learn she can mate with females AND not just one, too :]. kulinda is so so happy for ono and because I hc she becomes sort of like an aunt-mom figure for ono she definitely is the type to ask them embarrassing but sweet questions haha
it took a lot of time for the three of them to get together. it started with ono and bunga first, and then beshte came in. ono and bunga had been crushing on each other for some time now but neither were willing to admit it because they were too scared that their feelings would be rejected. beshte had the exact same feeling except he also felt shame and guilt because he felt like he was intruding on ono and bunga’s relationship. it took a lot of talks with fuli, kion, anga, their respective families and a lot more for them to finally confess to each other. the time they spent pining also took a toll on their friendship and it was hurting them, but now theyre partners and what more could they ask for :]
their number one shipper: makini. I hc her as bunga’s sister figure and that she and beshte are also really close so the both of them tell her how they feel about the other (+ ono ofc!!) and shes just there trying not to spill the beans and ends up ranting to rafiki who is pleased for them too!!!
I’ve got a set of hcs for these three related to co-dependency which is also slightly angsty but I’ll make a seperate post for that. this ended up getting really long but thank you for asking!! I’m genuinely so happy at the positive feedback this ship + my hcs and rambles are getting, and what with gem now making her own hcs I’m like LETS GO THE WORD IS SPREADING!!! /silly. I am. still working on their ship name but as soon as I come up with one I’ll be tagging all my ono x bunga x beshte posts with it so that it’s easier for you guys! (and me lol)
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hullo, hullo! i sent an ask the other day but i’m not sure it got through to you😔. i’ll type it again for you <33
i love, love, love your if. the characters are perfectly fleshed out and the lore and story are just- mwah. perfection. but. butt(see what i did there? ;3c). take care of yourself. i keep getting surprised at how quickly you keep posting updates (at least that’s what it feels like to me. i have school and stuff so homework is taking up a lot of my free time🙃). take breaks, get enough sleep, don’t skip meals, and look at cat memes (cats are superior). also take care of your hands. i write as a hobby so i know the pain of sore hands. with the amount of words you type/write, my hands are crying out for yours. take breaks when your hands start to hurt so nothing bad happens to them.
anyways (onto the actually ask part of this. sorry for the long lecture lol), i was wondering how would the ROs react to an MC that sang as a side hustle (i’m in my schools choir. our concert was tonight). would they go to MCs impromptu concerts (they may sing in bars or cafes, etc.) or wait for MC to get home and request a lullaby or something? (idk if i explained that well. i’m terrible at explaining things😭)
have a lovely day/night!❤️❤️
Oh, yes, I actually have your ask in my drafts as I was in the middle of answering it 😄 But it’s okay, I’ll move the answers to this one instead 🥰 First of all, thank you so much for the kind words and the concern 😊
Some days, I can be really busy with some irl stuff, but I spent most of my free time working on this project, including writing the main story, side stories and other exclusive contents. I tried to answer asks whenever I can, but as some of you can probably see, it’s getting harder to find enough slivers of my free time to answer a lot of asks everyday, unfortunately.
But if I happen to have extra time, I’ll try answering a bunch of asks—as many as I could—in one sitting 😄 I’m still sad tho because I have so many awesome asks that I couldn’t get to, especially the reactions one because those usually take some time to answer.
I’ve also heard about the hand pain before from writers and artists. Right now, I haven’t felt anything yet, but thank you so much for the concern and for reminding me. I’ll certainly be on a lookout for that 🥰 And, I hope the school choir concert went great ☺️
As for your question…
Oh, MC better let them know whenever they’re about to have a performance, because you bet your ass they’ll be there every time. Unless they have really important mission to do that nobody else can do or be trusted to do… Then they’ll be really grumpy the whole time until they get home. Maybe your MC can give them a private performance instead 🥰
They will try their best to be there in every single one, even if MC is performing in a less-than-fancy cafe 😆 They’ll love to listen to MC singing and they kinda regret not finishing their piano lesson with their mom years ago, because then, they would be able to accompany MC’s singing. If they miss any, they’ll most likely request MC to sing to them at home if they don’t mind, of course 🥹
Oh, they’ll be there—or try their very best to be there. As long as there’s no emergency for them to attend, they’ll even be willing to sneak out of the station to go watch MC 😂 Between mind-numbing paperwork and enjoying MC’s singing, there’s no doubt which one they will pick every time. Also, MC’s singing will be one of the most effective ways to get them to fall asleep and calm them down after a vivid nightmare 🥺
Will be one of MC’s biggest fans, rivalling Ash 🤣 Will try to attend every single one and you bet they’ll be that kind of fan who claps and whoops shamelessly after each song or try to sing along 💀 If MC doesn’t mind, they’ll love to record parts of MC singing and upload them to their Facegram story or TokTik account 😂 Soon, MC will be famous.
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nekhcore · 7 months
I've been seeing the term diy hrt around, I've never heard of it before but I assume the name is self explanatory. Is it like where you make your own T or what? Is it cheaper than going through therapy and getting a diagnosis and prescription? Or is it something else entirely?If you have any resources on what it is exactly/how to safely start diy hrt could you answer with a short explanation or some links(preferebly within tumbler posts, I can't look anything up on this topic, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered you with this question).
Again sorry to bother you, hope you have a nice day.
Sincerely, a trans guy in serious need of HRT
Long answer, sorry…
DIY HRT is just a catch-all term for “not under supervision/guidance of a doctor”. The most well-known example of this is grey market estrogen bought online, but it can really look like anything. Using leftover patches of your friend, getting spare vials from a guy with a stockpile, buying HRT online… etc. Resources for trans guys who want to DIY are a bit harder to find because T has actual legal repercussions in most places.
In my case, I’m mostly taking the piss because a lot of people seem to think that if you take hormones without a doctor who has no fucking clue what they’re doing to shrug at you, you’ll fucking explode and die.
I’m a dual-citizen. In the States I have a prescription through Planned Parenthood, but where I actually live trans care is abysmal. We have a local group of transmascs who used to stock up abroad then distribute/sell T to the others who didn’t have a prescription. Nowadays though the T shortage in Europe isn’t as bad and our country isn’t as serious about restricting T, so I found a way to buy mine without a prescription.
Getting bloodwork privately and checking your own levels is pretty easy once you know what to ask for and know how to read your results. Big news: the labs don’t actually give a shit what the results say, they’re just going to give it to you. If a “woman” shows up and gets hormones tested and has male range T levels they’re not going to do jack shit about it because their job is just to test it and tell you. I’ve been doing my own bloodwork and adjusting my own dose based on my levels and how I feel for the last 2 years and I haven’t died horribly yet.
It’s not cheaper, unfortunately, because it’s all out of pocket. Insurance coverage would be really nice but I don’t want to risk having a transphobic doctor tell me what to do. (I wouldn’t listen)
The least blatantly illegal way I can think of DIYing is having a friend whose vials are prescribed single-use and sharing it. That way he’s not losing out, and you get to partake too. Where I live they sell ampoules, not vials, so you have to break them open to use them. Me and my best friend get together for shots sometimes to waste less by drawing up from the same ampoule, since we have to throw out whatever is left anyways. Nothing inherently dangerous about it as long as you’re all using sterile needles and syringes.
I have also seen cases where guys who suddenly switch to a different form of T (gel to injections or vice versa) and have some left over will give away their remainder to someone local.
If you’re in the States, I highly recommend trying Planned Parenthood or an informed consent clinic. I did my initial appointment over telehealth, signed some forms digitally, and had my prescription sent to the pharmacy of my choice the same day. It costed me like $170 without insurance. The prices vary regionally but you can try to ask for a price estimate if they offer gender services in your area.
If you lived in my city I would tell you to meet up with me in real and I’ll show you the pharmacy chain I go to and buy for you until you pass well enough to buy it yourself. Штета.
Dosing is easy. If you’re on cypionate or enthanate, those are weekly doses. You can start at 20-40mg a week and raise your dose little by little each week until you’re at a place you’re comfortable with or until you get the dose that works best for your body. It’s better to dose a little low than too high.
As for doing bloodwork? If private labs are easily accessible, ask for the following things: testosterone, estrogen (I do E2 estradiol), cholesterol, and hematocrit. Personally I get hormones, cholesterol, and a general blood test packet because it covers the rest. Make sure your hormones levels are in male range—look them up online if your results only show female ranges—and make sure your hematocrit and cholesterol aren’t getting too high either. Better to have slightly lower T levels and be healthy everywhere else than high T but also bad health elsewhere.
If money is an issue I get it. It’s not great for me either lol. I’ve had to delay my bloodwork for weeks because we get paid monthly and I didn’t have the $50 to spare for it, and I only just got a job that offers me any financial stability. Do what you can.
I’m sorry that I can’t give you resources on where exactly to acquire testosterone (and posting about them publicly risks getting them shut down, even if I did know) but I can advise you on how to care for yourself once you’ve gotten your hands on it.
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cyncerity · 10 months
hi everyone! little bit of an update!!
to those of you waiting for the next part in the store shifter au: it’s almost done, i swear.
the rest of this is a lengthy explanation cause y’all know me, i can’t write something short. tldr will be bolded at the bottom if you don’t wanna read all this.
i wanna explain something real quick: in my early years of middle school, i was into creepypasta, which pipelined into Marble Hornets, which pipelined into a ton of other slenderverse series. If you don’t know what that is, it’s an ARG with an emphasis on characters being stalked or hunted by Slenderman. All of them are really really good in their own way and do interesting things with not only Slendy, but adding their own new big bad’s and lore and i’d highly recommend watching one if you haven’t yet. (i may make a separate post about which you should watch based on what kind of content you most enjoy cause i really want to indoctrinate more people into this)
My favorite slenderverse at the time had a very big emphasis on early November, specifically November 11th. So i started to have a little tradition of watching those videos every November 11th even after the hyperfixation had faded just for a bit of nostalgia.
Fast forward to now- it has snowballed to the point where every year for over half a decade now, November 11th rolls around and I am thrown violently headfirst back into my slenderverse phase. I cannot control it. I’ll be like “ok this year i’ll be normal about it, after this long, surely watching one video won’t spiral me again” and it always fucking does. No other hyperfixation i’ve ever had has functioned on a calendar cycle so idk wtf this is. This is the 6th year of this. I cannot escape.
So yeah, per how it’s been since middle school, November-January my main hyperfixation will be slenderverse. It could be shorter, it could be longer, but that’s the general pattern i’ve noticed over the years. After that i’ll pretty much be back to normal.
Don’t get me wrong, i’m not taking a 3 month hiatus or anything. I promise i will do my best to get the store shifter au part out before fucking 2024. But if you’ve sent me an ask recently and i’ve ignored it, i’m genuinely so sorry, but i can’t force myself to work on new stuff right now when mcyt g/t isn’t my main interest. I’ll do my best to get to it eventually when the hyperfixation comes back a bit more, i do read and process and think about every single ask i receive and it always makes my day when i get a new ask, but yeah. For the next few months i’m probably only gonna be working on and posting stuff that’s been in the works, are from asks that we’re given to me like a year ago and already have wips in progress to answer them, or art that i just haven’t given you yet.
on the other hand, if you’re reading this and you like creepypasta or slenderverse stuff, i’ve created what i think is literally my 5th fucking blog! @cynningly <-i’ve been spamming this for like 4 days cause i refuse to be normal about slenderverse stuff, but follow there if you want horror stuff and so far just a bunch of really shitty edits of internet arg sexyman villains. Also yes all of my blogs have to have “cyn” in the name somewhere, that’s how you can tell it’s me lmao
my hyperfixations switched up again, im really into slenderverse (slenderman-centric args) at the moment and likely will be till January. This is a cycle that’s been going on for years now. made an alt for it -> @cynningly
I will still be working to post mcyt g/t stuff, but only stuff that’s a wip or has been in the works for a while. to anyone who has sent an ask recently: sorry, but i can’t take on making new stuff when my focus isn’t purely on mcyt rn. I will do my best to get to it eventually and if you’re one of the people who’s sent a story request or ask recently i truly, truly appreciate it. y’all make my day. but, yeah, that’s what’s going on with me lol
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euthymiya · 4 months
hiiiiii i just wanted to come gush about your wriothesley fic because it was just so beautiful 🥺 i really really loved how you included common teyvat plants all throughout the story, it just felt so interactive in a sense!! also, that part in the last scene about the romaritimes and dendrobiums and the other flowers andddddd the part about naku weeds surviving thunder? i had to individually go look up the lore of all those plants (i mean this in a good way) and you incorporated them saurrrr beautifully ohmigosh :0 i was especially impressed by the dendrobium metaphor it twas beautiful, and it honest to god fit so perfectly with wrio and his backstory. my favorite favoriteeeeee part is how you balanced his vulnerability with his strength. idk idk idk!!!! me just thinks it was a very perfect mix of him being open and “weak” in front of someone but still maintaining that strong aura about him that he has. i’ve never read a wriothesley characterization that was so vulnerable yet felt so real and true to his character so kudos to you you’re amazing 😣 anddddd you’re talented beyond belief i hope you know your ability to put words together is wickedly impressive okie??? so you have my thanks for giving us such a great read🫰🏼mwahmwahmwah 😘
HI i haven’t answered this in a timely manner i know, but that is because i wanted to give you a proper response besides saying “you’re so sweet i cry” LOL <- even though that is a very accurate representation of how i feel. i love flower shop au’s but teyvat plants are actually really interesting some of them have some really cool lore drops and especially dendrobiums i’m sooo glad you liked that part because i find dendrobiums to be the most fascinating flower of all the ones i used. but also tysm for saying you enjoyed the way i balanced wrio’s characterization!!!! that means so very much to me i had never written a long fic for him before this one so it was honestly a very experimental (???) experience for me. i had to really sit and think on a lot of the dialogue so i hope it felt true to his character!! i am honestly so emotional over this ask omg you made my whole night when you sent this the other night i’m sorry i’m just now getting to it but i appreciate you so fiercely 🥹💖 please take this kiss as a token of my gratitude 😚💖
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tzatairovic · 28 days
I'm sorry I have to ask because I don't really understand : what is the thought process when you post hateful asks calling Z or Tom all kinds of names or criticizing their talent of passive aggressive asks coming from people who clearly don't like them ? It doesn't lead to any useful conversation. I can also imagine it gives these people the drive to send more nasty things to you because all they want is attention, so by being one of the only blogs here who allow them to have a platform they know they can come to you because they know you're going to acknowledge them instead of being ignored like they are on other blogs. So at the end of the day you're "losing" some too because instead of having positive vibes coming to your inbox, it's the opposite ? Is it because you feel satisfaction by exposing them ? Or you just like to keep it real instead of having only a positive blog compared to other blogs who just ignore the negative or even have their anons off ?
I'm not saying that because I want to unfollow, I like all blogs but since you're the only one posting those type of questionable asks on the regular, and since I don't have a blog to see what it's like to have an inbox, I was wondering
The thought process: when someone comes to me with nasty or hateful comments about someone else for no good reason, I feel the need to do something about it. I believe this is a normal and reasonable reaction that most people would have. In these situations, responding is my only option because blocking anons doesn’t work at all.
I want to emphasize that I always try to be mindful when answering such asks, aiming not to spread too much negativity. Even today, when I responded to what some of you might consider “a lot” of hateful asks, I didn’t post even a quarter of them that I received. And that’s just from today alone. This brings me to a point that has been made by many other blogs so many times: ignoring these messages does not make them stop. You can search my archive- there were times, one experimental one which I consciously choose to last two weeks, where I didn’t post any hateful asks. Not because I didn’t receive them, but because I chose not to respond. Yet, despite ignoring them, the asks kept coming.
It’s also important to remember that behind every blog you follow, there’s a real person. Constantly seeing these asks and feeling powerless to stop them is exhausting. Beyond the hateful asks directed at others, I also receive the relationship antis(which I stopped answering after a wake-up call incident a few months ago and I still got them even today), hateful messages aimed at myself, and, as you might have seen recently, obsessive following which leads to people doing way to much. I also choose to address issues that I believe are important, even though many others avoid them to keep the peace. This often leads to attacks from both z's and t's stans.
I do have to correct you, I’m definitely not the only blog that posts these kinds of asks. Depending on how long you’ve been here, you might notice that most, if not all, blogs you follow have done the same and I definitely don’t post them regularly.
Finally, I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to play the victim. I’m here willingly and make a conscious choice to stay despite of all of this. However, I do ask for some understanding when these situations arise. Finally, if following me causes you any negative feelings, please feel free to unfollow. The last thing I want is for my blog to have that effect
Since you sent me this ask, I assume you haven’t seen this yet:
Feel free to check it out, I think it might help clarify things for you.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 9 months
helloooo!! it's me!!
here to ask you all the questions about ALL of your ocs :D
so please can i have:
💭📚🎻💯💤🔺🚫🌈🐈🍃❤️🤍💔😊 for ALL of your ocs (yes i wanna know about every single one of them please!!)
and if you want more questions then ☕️🤔😥 too!!
sorry i know i asked a ton of questions but i love all your ocs so i'm always down to hear about them!!
JULIAN! Thank you for your ask. Wow that’s a lot of questions. It literally took me two days to answer all these. So some of these ocs I haven’t introduced yet so I’ll list them with a mini introduction and then I’ll make a whole oc masterlist to have them all together in one place.
So I’m sure everyone knows Josie Wills, Julian Owens’ (also from )and William Beaumont from ‘Young Love and Old Money’
Lois Drake an SOE agent from ‘Loving Her Was Red’
Florence Lark an ENSA singer from ‘A Larks Song’
Gwen Fletcher an EMT from an Easy Company zombie apocalypse au I’m collating on with @georgieluz and @malarkgirlypop
Julia a Weapons Systems Officer from a Top Gun au I’m collabing on with @georgieluz and his oc Joey
Hugh is my new Masters of the Air oc who will have a proper introduction along with his sister very soon
OC question answers below
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/ interested in)?
Josie - ISTP, enneagram type 3 (competitive achiever) Josie is definitely a ‘doer’. She’s task driven and competitive and once she sets her mind to something then she intend to do it.
Julian - INTP, enneagram type 2 (the considerate helper) Julian is very warm and giving and people oriented. But also type 5 (quiet specialists) because he is always observing and exploring how the world works. But he can struggle to share thoughts and feelings and may seem socially awkward so he’s a mixture of both but doesn’t fit all the traits for either.
Lois - ENTP, enneagram type 8 (active controller) Lois is a force of nature and has strong values of right are wrong. She can be guarded but caring and protective of those around them.
Florence - ISFP, enneagram type 9 (adaptive peacemaker) she is diplomatic and attuned to the ideas of others. I fell like she would absolutely be a peacemaker within a group. Within her family she forms the glue between them all.
William - ESTJ, enneagram type 3 (competitive achiever) Will is similar to Josie in this respect. He is goal driven and he intends to achieve all he can. He will risk overstretching and pushing himself too far to achieve what he wants.
Gwen- INFP, enneagram type 4 (intense creativity) she can be emotionally sensitive and is attuned to her environment. She is creative and expressive as individuals.
Julia- ENTJ, enneagram type 7 (enthusiastic visionary) Julia is fun loving and enthusiastic about life. She brings creativity, energy and optimism to any group and easily makes friends.
Hugh - ESFP, enneagram type 6 (loyal sceptic) he easily tunes in to potential danger and can become anxious but doesn’t let his friends know. He can be insecure and often relies on his sister to know he is good enough.
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
Josie - she was studying English Literature and classics at Oxford University when the war broke out. Her family had sent her to a Private School in London but never expected her to want to go to university.
Julian - he was studying acting and script writing at university before the war broke out. However he dropped out to join the paratroopers but intends to go back and finish his studies after the war. He also plays music on the side and sometimes plays piano during musical theatre productions.
Lois - I feel like Lois had quite a high class eduction which allowed her to study languages. She never really flaunted her education or her family but it has given her certain privileges in life.
Florence - she comes from quite a poor background and was raised by her father and brother. She went to the normal local school until she was 15. Her father couldn’t afford to further her or her brother’s education and so they both found jobs locally where they worked until the war broke out.
William - he studied law at Cambridge university and graduated six months before the war broke out in 1939. He joined his father’s law firm and was working alongside his father, who also worked with the government and so he planned to further his career in politics until he went for his pilot training.
Gwen - she wanted to train to become a doctor but her parents couldn’t afford her university tuition so instead she trained to become an EMT through an apprenticeship. Gwen is very clever although she never flaunts it.
Julia - after college Julia went straight into the Navy, completing basic training before moving onto her Weapons System training to become a naval aviator. She is very good at her job and graduated first of her class from Top Gun along with her pilot Joey.
Hugh - he was at university doing an engineering course when the war broke out. He wanted to get a good career so he didn’t end up like his parents in dead end jobs they hated
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Josie - she plays a lot of musical instruments during to her family and would often have to play at dinner parties and for her family’s friends. She began to resent having to play for other people and avoids playing where she can although she sometimes plays for Lewis if he asks.
Julian - he plays piano and as a child had joint lessons with his friend Jess. When he moved away he continued to play and he often played while studying acting at university and sometimes played in their amateur theatre productions.
Lois - she was always spending her time reading history books, literature and learning languages, although she can appreciate all genres of music from jazz to the opera.
Florence - she can play the piano as well as having an excellent singing voice and will often play while she sings.
William - he can play the piano, violin and the clarinet. His father expected him to play for dinner guests ever since he was a boy.
Gwen - she learned how to play the recorder at first school but she never kept it up and never had time to learn any new instruments between her studies.
Julia - like Gwen she’s never really had a knack for musical instruments and always found herself too busy traveling or keeping Joey out of trouble.
Hugh - he appreciates good music but he cannot play an instrument to save his life.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Josie -
1) she’s actually very good at drawing and has lots of random little drawings of her friends but she would never let them see them. 2) Josie had never actually been abroad until she travelled to the French battlefields as a VAD. Despite her families money and connections she was never invited on any of their abroad trips. 3) Josie has an exceptional singing voice and no one ever expects her to sound as good as she does. Lewis tells her she is wanted as an VAD and should join the USO.
Julian -
1) Julian makes the best hot beverages. You feel sad and need a cup of tea he’s on it. You’re feeling sleepy and need a coffee, he’s got you. Regardless of the drink hot beverages are Julian’s specialty. 2) Julian used to write little scripts for Jess and Josie to read from their favourite childhood books. He’d often make up stories for them too. 3) Julian nearly got kicked out of the paratroopers for helping Bill and George prank Sobel by filling his room with confetti, he never got caught but he nearly died from the stress of it and vowed to never let George talk him into anything like that again.
Lois -
1) she was burned in love once before and swore that she would never let her heart get broken again. When she started out with Winters it was just some fun, but he very quickly stole her heart and she began to believe that maybe you only get hurt when you love the wrong people. 2) Lois lived in Germany for several years when she was a young teenager. 3) Lois is fluent in German, French and Latin and has a flare for learning languages.
Florence -
1) she actually fell for Webster before he fell for her. She’d never admit it but she fell first. 2) Florence nearly became a ops room girl but decided against it when she saw an advertisement for ENSA auditions which changed her life for the better. 3) Florence is named after the city in Italy where her mother spent time when she was younger. One day when the war is over she’d like to visit and take a certain paratrooper with her.
William -
1) he’s actually really insecure but he puts on this big front, an act to cope with this. 2) Will had the opportunity to travel to America with the RAF to help train American pilots for combat but his father has a strong dislike towards the Americans and so he never went but always wished he had. 3) During his childhood Will spent more time with Josie and her family than his own because despite their flaws they still gave him a family he so desperately craved.
Gwen -
1) she wanted to become a medic in the army after she finished her EMT training. 2) she secretly sees Caleb as the brother she never had. She looks up to him and the way he carries and handles himself. She’d like to be more like him. To be stronger. 3) Gwen was actually born in New York but her family moved to the outskirts of Boston when she was just a baby. Her family often visit New York at Christmas and she loves the Rockafella tree.
Julia -
1) she’s always worried about failing Joey on a mission. It keeps her up at night that she’s going to make the wrong call and get them both killed. Joey is the only family she really has and if anything ever happened to him she’d never forgive herself. 2) Julia almost joined the airforce to become a pilot but changed her mind and joined the navy instead. 3) she has always wanted to own a dog but with her job and so much travelling it would be impossible.
Hugh -
1) he used to have a spaniel called Charlie as a boy and still carries a photograph of him in his pocket. 2) he’s secretly very proud of his sister and her achievements as a flight nurse but he doesn’t always tell her 3) he’s a hopeless romantic and would absolutely write the best love letters
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Josie - she’s a deep sleeper. She can sleep through Lewis snoring but she becomes a light sleeper after the war, always listening out for Lewis having a nightmare.
Julian - he’s a light sleeper. He can run on about 3-4 hours sleep and then he has to get up and start being productive.
Lois - she’s a bit like Julian. Due to her SOE training she has learned to function on vet little sleep but she can also sleep in the most random places in the field where she can catch a few hours sleep before moving on.
Florence - she generally has a good sleep pattern. Bed by 11pm and then early to rise in the morning. She’s normally up by 6am. When she has shows she generally stays up past midnight but she still gets up early to make the most of the day.
William - he enjoys a lay in. He would quite happily lay around in bed all day if he had the chance but his job pre and during the war very rarely allow for that.
Gwen - she worked shifts before the apocalypse began so had very varied sleep patterns. Which put her in good stead for the sleep deprivation she would suffer from during the apocalypse.
Julia - in the navy on active duty you sleep where you can so she doesn’t really sleep very well then but when she’s on leave she is sleeping in and relaxing as much as possible.
Hugh - he does like to catch up on his sleep when he can but is quite a light sleeper. He often lays in bed looking a ceiling and listening to his comrades snoring.
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Josie - she can handle herself and throw a punch buts she’s not a fighter.
Julian - yes he’s a paratrooper
Lois - she can definitely handle herself and received perfect scores on her weapons training.
Florence - she wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
William - he’s a Lancaster bomber pilot but in hand to hand combat he’s all mouth and will most likely get smacked in the mouth.
Gwen - she’s a good shot because she used to go hunting with her father but close combat is not her forte. It’s going to take lots of training from Caleb and Sam to improve her skills.
Julia - well she is a weapons systems officer and she’s in the navy so don’t go messing with her. And if you mess with Joey then you better watch your back.
Hugh- he has been known to throw a few punches to defend his sisters honour (although she can definitely handle herself)
🚫 PROHIBITED - does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Josie - she will have a glass of wine or beer with her friends at the local pub and she used to drink at her families dinner parties but she isn’t a big drinker.
Julian - like Josie he’s a social drinker and will have a few but he’s not necessarily a big drinker. He’s sat with Eugene watching the other paratroopers get hammered and laughing at them.
Lois - she rarely drinks, always wanting to keep her wits about her. But with Dick she can let her hair down a little and trusts him enough to relax.
Florence - she’ll have a glass of gin to steady her nerves before some of her shows but she isn’t a big drinker. She saw what drink did to her father after her mother died and so would never want to feel that way herself.
William - he’s a big drinker. Dinner parties, nights out with his fellow pilots, social events etc. He likes to have a good time.
Gwen - she rarely drinks as she works so many varied shifts but when she is off or at weekends she’ll happily have a glass of wine and relax.
Julia - she’s a social drinker. She’ll happily have a few beers at the Hard Deck and she had definitely gotten drunk with Joey more times than she cares to admit.
Hugh- he can hold his liquor and has often drank his fellow pilots under the table, especially if a bet is involved.
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
Josie - she/her and she’s straight
Julian - he/him and Julian isn’t openly gay due to the time period but his friends and of course his boyfriend George know and fully support and protect him.
Lois - she/her and she is straight
Florence - she/her and she is straight
William - he/him and I feel like he’s bisexual. Although he’s mainly a womaniser he’s definitely had a fling or two with his fellow pilots and with a few boys from boarding school. Although he’ll never admit it as his family would disown him.
Gwen - she/her and she is straight
Julia -she/her and she is straight
Hugh - he/him
🐈 CAT - does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
Josie - she has a lot of acquaintances but only a small group of true friends.
Julian - although he has social anxiety he is quite the social butterfly amongst the men of Easy Company. Everyone knows Julian and he’ll quite happily have a laugh and a chat with all of them.
Lois - she keeps to herself. Only having a small group of friends made up form a few men from Easy Company and her fellow SOE agents.
Florence - a few close friends. She gets on well with a lot of the men from Easy Company but only really had a few true friends.
William - he has so many friends. He has university friends, lawyer friends, pilot friends, family friends. This man’s guest list is a mile long.
Gwen - a few close friends. Gwen is very reserved and it took her a long time to even open up to her partner Tom. She only had a few friends from work and college and lost them during the outbreak but she soon forms a strong bond with Caleb and Sam.
Julia -she has lots of friends all the way from basic training to Top Gun. She’s a social butterfly and loves chatting to everyone and is very easy to get along with.
Hugh - he’s a social guy and gets on with a lot of the men he’s known since basic training. He’s very easy to talk to but he only really has a small group of close friends.
🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND - what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school?
Josie- she always loved Literature which is why she went to study it at Oxford University until the war broke out. Books are a big passion of hers.
Julian - he always loved History and Classic Literature but nis favourite class was drama which definitely put him in good stead for perusing a career in acting and script writing. She excelled in his drama classes.
Lois - so Lois is fluent in both French and German which puts her in good stead for her SOE training. She also is fluent in Latin and she has a thirst for knowledge and languages which is why that would be her favourite subject at school.
Florence -I feel like Florence has been singing her whole life. She always lived music and that’s why it was her favourite subject at school. She would often go to concerts or music and dance nights because of her love of live music. Which intern lead her to join the ENSA when the war broke out.
William - he always loved sports and would have been captain of the cricket and football team and his private school. He would often play sports of his family estate in the summer and played for the local county team.
Gwen - she loved biology. Anything to do with the natural world but also learning anatomy and physiology. The human body always fascinated her and how much a person could withstand.
Julia - she loved Physical Eduction. She’s super sporty being Captain of the Handball Team, the netball team, and baseball team. She’s also an exceptional swimmer and a pretty fast runner.
Hugh- he loved art at school. He’s quite the artist actually and will often draw his fellow pilots or the planes. He was left in charge of the planes nose art.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
Josie -
1) she has a big heart and is a very loving and loyal friend. She is the kind of friend that will stand by you regardless of the situation and will fight fiercely for them. 2) she is very intelligent and intellectual. Like Lois she has a thirst for knowledge and was determined to study Literature at Oxford university. 3) she can adapt well to varying situations. She went from her privileged life to living in a cabin with Lewis. She went from her university studies to training as a VAD to help the battlefield nurses and medics. She is versatile.
Julian -
1) he has the kindest heart and would do anything for anyone. His soul is pure and he truly is the greatest, most reliable friend anyone could ever want. 2) he is very good at calming people down and being reasonable and sensible. He would make a good leader and has some excellent ideas. 3) he has excellent taste in music and is always recommending new songs to Josie and Jess to listen to. The radio intrigues him and he’s often fiddling around with radios and record players because it amazes him how they work.
Lois -
1) she has a keen eye and is very perceptive, which again is excellent for her wartime career. 2) she has good intuition and can read situations and work out the best possible outcomes for her and her team before making any kind of move. 3) she has a lot of empathy but also has a tough outside that once you get passed she will love you unconditionally.
Florence -
1) she is very sweet and caring. Having looked after her brother and father as she grew up she is used to caring for people. 2) her voice sounds like an angels, many of the men have told her this before and her father always said she sounded like her mother when she sings. 3) she writes little song lyrics to her brother and to Webster is letters she sends them to keep their moral up.
William -
1) he’s a decent man really and he is very loving. Despite his boyish charm and womanising tendencies when Will truly cares about someone he would do anything for them. 2) he’s an excellent party planner and social butterfly. You absolutely want him as your host or partner at social events because he knows everyone and is very good at making you feel supported if you’re worried. 3) he’s a very loyal friend. He stood by Josie when her parents disowned her and despite her marrying another man he still allowed them to stay at his families cabin so he was always looking out for her.
Gwen -
1) she a good egg. You want someone like her on your apocalypse survival team. She is always looking out for everyone and thinking what is best for the group. 2) she so kind. She would do anything for anyone, even if they didn’t really deserve her help or kindness. 3) Gwen is a very good listener and shoulder to cry on. She always has the best advice but is also ready to just sit and listen if that’s what you want too.
Julia -
1) she would do anything for her friends and is loyal to a fault. She is the kind of woman you want fighting your corner. 2) she makes the best pancakes and she always makes them for Joey when he’s sad or he’s had a bad day. 3) Julia is a badass. She is very good at her job and hardly ever misses her target. She can give Bob a run for his money.
1) he’s such a sweetheart. He’s so caring and is very protective towards his sister. Any man looking to step out with her better be good enough 2) he’s very good at raising moral with his friends, cracking jokes when they need a laugh 3) he’s a very good cook and although the have cooks on the base he will sometimes sneak in a whip up a meal
🤍WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/ questionable traits?
Josie -
1) she needs to read other people’s emotions better and understand how other people are feeling. 2) she often forgets how privileged she is and can be arrogant sometimes. 3) she doesn’t always realise how besotted Lew is with her but she loves him very much.
Julian -
1) believing that he doesn’t deserve to be loved and happy because society has drummed into him that being gay is wrong (but he absolutely deserves to be happy because he such a sweetheart) 2) not believing in himself sometimes. He needs to realise how talented he is. 3) Laughing at inappropriate times. This man will absolutely laugh if you tell him something traumatic if he feels awkward and doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t mean too but it just happens.
Lois -
1) she needs to learn to except that Dick is a good guy and he truly does love her and isn’t just in it for fun and games. 2) she needs to learn to put herself first sometimes 3) she needs to learn to lean on other people sometimes and she doesn’t always need to be strong.
Florence -
1) thinking that Webster is too good for her and will realise she isn’t good enough for him because he is from a richer background. 2) she’s too hard on herself sometimes and she needs to except that she can’t always do everything for everyone 3) she needs to believe in herself more
William -
1) he needs to realise that he doesn’t always have to follow in his fathers footsteps 2) Will needs to learn that he’s not always right and that other peoples opinions are valid. He gets a bit full of himself sometimes 3) he needs to know that there is another person out there for him and if he loves Josie he needs to let her go so they can both move on.
Gwen -
1) not thinking she is good enough for her friends and the man she loves. 2) thinking she has to try and be strong all the time because Caleb and Sam close off their emotions but really Gwen just needs a good cry. 3) she will absolutely get distracted by the shape of clouds and Caleb had to recuse her from a zombie once because she was looking at the clouds. She likes to pretend that just for that moment she isn’t in an apocalypse.
Julia -
1) she cannot hold her liquor and has vomited in Joey’s car more times than she cares to admit. 2) she daydreams a lot, sometimes when they are flying which is always helpful but most of the time she’s on her A game. 3) she has questionable taste in men, until she meets Bob, and has often ignored Joeys advice because she liked to believe that this time it will be different but hopefully with Bob it will be.
1) he talks to himself a lot and it annoys his friends 2) he needs to remember to write home because his mum worries about him but he’s always thinking of a million other things 3) he likes to quote books and movies he’s seen which other people find annoying
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Josie -
1) she is very headstrong and doesn’t always think before she speaks or acts which does land her in trouble some times. 2) She can be self centred and doesn’t always realise what is going on in her friend’s lives because she is so focused on her own. 3)She can be a liability at times, being rash to make decisions and says what she thinks without considering whose secrets she is telling.
Julian -
1)sometimes he can be a little sensitive and will take things to heart even if it’s not meant that way. He’s a sensitive souls but he can also be hard when he needs to be. 2) he will 100% hold a grudge. When he finds out Josie told Lewis about him and George he is fuming and he lets that get in the way of their friendship, which is only fair because Josie did betray him but he doesn’t forgive easily and downs fully trust her for a while. He needs to learn to let go of things more easily. Maybe not in this situation specifically because this is a big thing but to learn not to get worked up so quickly. 3) he needs to learn how to communicate better and express his feelings more plainly so George doesn’t mixed signals.
Lois -
1) she doesn’t trust people very easily, Dick Winters is an exception. 2) she tends to put other people’s needs before her own and will always put the safety of others above hers, which Dick finds infuriating. 3) Lois winds Lewis up on purpose because she finds it funny when he gets all riled up at her. Which makes life difficult for Dick because he’s then stuck between the woman he loves and his best friend.
Florence -
1) she can easily jump to conclusions before she has the whole picture of what’s actually going on. 2) she can be nice and a little gullible but it’s because she’s a very trusting person and so she always sees the good in people. 3) she not always confident in herself and her abilities which is why Webster is always reassuring there and telling her how much he loves her because he wants her to realise how amazing she is.
William -
1) Will can be very arrogant and thinks he id absolutely the bees knees. He’s a ladies man and he thinks that all ladies will love him, which isn’t necessarily the case. 2) he isn’t very good at sharing. He loved Josie from when they were young and didn’t exactly like sharing her with Lewis but he learns to live with it and excepts that she is with Lew and is happy to still have their friendship. 3) he definitely has rich privilege and I feel is arrogant to what the less fortunate people are going through during the war, whereas I feel that Josie although from a rich background does have more awareness of this and empathy.
Gwen -
1) she can be very naive and easily trusts the wrong people because she believes that everyone has a good heart and deserves a second chance. 2) she needs to learn to express her feelings better and not hide her emotions. She closes herself off to protect herself but ends up hurting people she cares about. 3) she sometimes can’t see passed the logical steps and improvise so if something goes wrong she can panic a little bit. She had improved on this with her job and was able to adapt quickly but the outbreak is very different.
Julia -
1) she’s a hot head and needs to learn to pick her battles and not just rush in. Her opinion is valid and often she is right but she needs to accept others opinions too. 2) she gets wound up so easily. Hangman is always pissing her off by making little gestures or jokes towards her. She needs to learn to calm down and ignore him when he’s messing around. 3) she needs to learn to remember dates for meetings etc and to write them down because otherwise she is hopeless.
Hugh -
1) he can be absolutely oblivious sometimes and is the last to notice things (especially his sisters feelings towards his fellow pilot) 2) he can be too caring and sometimes the others see that as him being weak 3) he needs to learn to let go a little sometimes and learn to be not so uptight.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES - what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Josie - after the war Josie would like to move back to America with Lew. She wants a simple life really where they can spend lots of time together. She will most likely get a job at Nixon Nitration Works in the office. Her and Lew will travel but will settle down and get a dog and children soon follow.
Julian - he wants to be able to walk down the street hand in hand with George but as he is unable to due to the time period he settled for small holidays away somewhere secluded where they can be together. After the war he heads back to America to continue his studies and becomes a script writer and director.
Lois - she’s an adrenaline junkie and is always looking for an adventure but with Dick she decides she just wants to settle down and spend time with Dick on their farm.
Florence - she loved to continue to sing professionally after the war and for her voice to send her around the world travelling.
William -he wants to finish his degree but branch away from his father’s company and go out on his own to make a name for himself.
Gwen - well Gwen wanted to continue her career as an EMT but also was considering joining the army to become a combat medic. However once the world came to an end her priorities changed and now all she wants is a community that can support each other and make the best of the life they have.
Julia - she wants to continue her career climbing the ranks and become a Top Gun instructor. This may take her away from Joey but she’d like to be stationed in one place more permanently as her career progresses.
Hugh - he wants to be happy in a job that he actually enjoys unlike his parents who work because they need to. His very good with his hands and so wants to continue to peruse his career in engineering but after becoming a pilot he will also consider flying as a career post war but is unlikely to stay in the air force.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink
Josie - she likes a nice strong cup of tea with milk and one sugar.
Julian - he is also a big tea drinker. He believes it makes everything better.
Lois - a black coffee with one sugar. She likes her drinks strong
Florence - she likes a milky tea with honey
William - coffee, milk with one sugar. But he will sometimes have a tea at afternoon social events
Gwen - she mainly drinks water but would often start her mornings with a milky coffee
Julia - strong black coffee with two sugars
Hugh - black coffee
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/ mannerisms?
Josie - she talks in her sleep. Her friends and Lew try to tell her but she won’t believe them.
Julian - he gets very anxious if his hair gets wild and out of place. When he gets anxious he keeps smoothing his hair down as a nervous tick.
Lois - she chews her lip when she is anxious or thinking about something
Florence - before each of her performed she will blow a kiss to the picture of her mother that she carries with her for good luck
William - he doesn’t like jam so if he has a scone he put cream and honey on it instead which is very controversial amongst his family
Gwen - she always sits cross legged on the floor. While the others will sit on a table or lean against a wall etc she will always sit cross legged on the floor
Julia - before each flight or mission she had Joey have a little ritual where the do their little handshake and sing their favourite song before hopping into their plane
Hugh - before each mission or flight he’ll try to make sure he visits his sister. She’s like his lucky charm
😢 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE - is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
Josie - she doesn’t necessarily get stressed but she gets uptight and angry very easily but Lewis and her friends know how to handle her and calm her down
Julian - he’s a worried little bean. This poor man gets easily stressed and he over thinks and worries about everything. George is very good at helping him stay calm and to stop stressing and when George isn’t around he likes to have a hug from Jess she will stoke his hair and he instantly feels more relaxed
Lois - she is very good at keeping a calm level head but when she does get angry or stressed heads will roll so you do not want to be in the firing line when that happens
Florence - she is generally quite good at keeping calm and level headed and when she is up on stage she is in her element although she can get nervous sometimes but is good at controlling her emotions
William- he almost never gets stressed. He’s very cool and calm
Gwen - she’s generally very good at keeping her cool and being the levelheaded one of the group. She is normally trying to calm everyone else down.
Julia - as I’ve said before she is a hot head but she is very good at keeping her cool in stressful situations
Hugh - he’s a very levelheaded guy most of the time but he sometimes gets anxious and doubtful of himself which is when he relays on his sisters reassurance
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cherik-bingo · 2 years
Cherik Bingo Information/FAQ
What is a bingo?
A bingo is a fandom event in which upon signing up, you'll be sent a bingo card with prompts to use to create fan content.  These prompts can be interpreted however you’d like, but they must be connected to whatever it is you create.
What types of fan content is permitted in the Cherik Bingo?
Anything at all, so long as it is centered around Cherik!  Writing, artwork, edits, videos, crafts, moodboards, music, literally whatever you’d like!  Be creative!
Is there a minimum amount of works I need to create?
Nope!  You aren’t required to get a bingo or fill out your whole card or even make anything at all if you don’t want to.  It’s all about having fun and celebrating the wonderful ship that is Cherik.
How long do I have to submit my fills?
You can submit your fills from the time you get your card through July 31, 2023.  No fills will be counted after that point.
How long will it take before I receive my card?
It could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on how busy I am.  If a week has passed after you’ve signed up and you still haven’t received a card, please dm me on tumblr or reach out over discord, and I will make sure to help you out.
Can I request a second card?
If you fill up your whole card, you can request another, but if the first card is not filled, no second card will be given.
Can I use multiple squares for one fill?
No, sorry. While you can create something that adheres to multiple prompts, each singular work (or singular chapter if it's a longer fic) can only count for one prompt.
Can I crosspost with other events?
Absolutely, so long as the other event allows it too.
Can I collaborate with others?
Of course! Just make sure everyone is credited properly!
Can I trade or replace my squares?
I will not be replacing squares on anyone's card after they are sent out, but there is an option to swap squares with other participants, and there will also be a set of prompts each month that can be used to replace any square on a card (but only one square can be replaced by a monthly prompt each month).
Can I submit works I’ve posted prior to this event?
The goal of this event is to add to the existing library of Cherik fanwork, so this event will only be accepting new works.
Are there rules about creating dark or NSFW content?
Create whatever you want! Just make sure everything is tagged properly, so that people looking to avoid certain content are able to!
Where do I submit my fills once I’ve made them?
Fill out the fill submission form here! This way, I can make sure you are able to receive any badges you've earned!
You can also submit to our Ao3 collection, though this is not mandatory.
What are those badges you mentioned?
There are four badges that can be earned.
- Completed a square
- Got a bingo
- Blacked out whole card
- Used a monthly prompt every month
I may give them titles at some point, but I haven't yet.
This all sounds great!  How do I sign up?
Fill out the sign up form here!
Is there a place where I can chat with others involved in the Cherik Bingo?
If you’re interested, you can join the Cherik Bingo Discord server.  You aren’t required to sign up for the bingo to join; it’s open to any and all Cherik fans!
I have another question that wasn’t mentioned here.
Send an ask!  I’m happy to answer any and all questions!
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kai-keda · 2 years
i kinda get and kinda dont get what you mean when you say dragonfru1t is most likely to be canon? like i get they have a lot of interactions but i think its more accurate to say no ships will be canon, flying bark seems to really steer away from romance in their shows (glitch techs, rotmnt, 100% wolf). the company seems to super focus on platonic bonds and found family as a whole
off topic , do you think if calabash didnt make it explict that mei and mk are only friends do you think people would say they were endgame?
(sorry for ask dumping!)
Never apologize for sending me an ask like this, I love them!
I’m assuming this is coming from these tweets I sent recently out of frustration with some “my ship isn’t the most popular one!!” whining I saw going on so I’ll add a screenshot for anyone who’s curious about the full context here:
Tumblr media
Just to help clarify right off the bat, my main point of bringing Dragonfruit up was to say that, if I were to be one of those people who genuinely felt I needed to ship the most “analytically “cOrReCt” ship”, I would be shipping Dragonfruit and Dragonfruit alone.
Yet here I am with Spicynoodles as my OTP (despite Dragonfruit being my first ship of the series and the one that I have the most AMV’s about as well as still being a ship I enjoy because I am a multishipper)
Because I’m not held down by the bitter bs of when I was a teenager thinking I had to be “Right” in how I approached things that are meant to be for fun. Like shipping in fandom. (See also - my whole rant towards those people who were whining about how “If all you do when you take in media is look for ways to ship in it, you are objectively missing out and thus are bad and stupid”)
To answer your questions:
My main point that I didn’t have the character space for in regards to “Which is most likely to become canon” would be better worded as “If any ship was in the running of possibly being canon, it would be Red Son x Xiaojiao/Mei.“
While I am of the opinion that - similar to my hot take that the LBD host does NOT need to become a major character - this series does not have enough time to waste on dealing with the complications romance would bring to a story already focused on complicated platonic relationships, I still can’t ignore the simple fact that the only couple that has the most on-screen reasoning AND out-of-universe meta elements lined up to make them canon is Dragonfruit.
(See also - my reasoning why “What Makes It Complicated” will never have romance in it outright. The story is about complicated relationships with those you care about but fear you SHOULDN’T care about despite their best efforts via Wukong and Kumi, and adding romance to it would muddy the whole thing up in ways I have no reason to put the audience through)
I haven’t seen anything else of Flying Bark’s unfortunately (please don’t suggest Rise to me. I do not care for TMNT. It has NEVER appealed to me in any iteration. I’ve seen clips from Rise already. Animation looks other worldly. The show’s not for me.) but I am definitely willing to take your word for it that they don’t include romance in their work.
My opinion that Dragonfruit is the most likely ship to become canon comes with a giant “IF” in front for “IF there is going to be ANY ship that becomes canon”.
And for the last question:
Yes and I would hate it and that’s exactly why I am in love with how Calabash shut down my nemesis before they could even get off the ground.
“Main guy should always get with main girl!” is the source of so much shipping drama - even when people don’t realize that that’s exactly what their “But they have the most screen time together!” arguments are based on - and more for more than one ship war that I have seen for myself and I am glad to have that explicitly avoided.
If someone still ships them, that’s fair.
I still ship spicynoodles despite, as I’ve said, there’s not a whole lot of in-universe reasons to see them as “correct” analytically speaking.
I’m just relieved to have avoided “Main Guy x Main Girl just ‘cause” arguments being thrown around in fights.
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lovelydolls · 3 days
Does Cassidy have an element?
If so what is it called?
How was it created?
What is Cassidy's relationships like with their family?
Anon we should get married/j/nsrs/platonic
So excited to receive this!! Cassie is like genuinely one of my favorite ocs- it’s below the cut because guess who rambled!!!
Cassie, or Cassidy, does not have an element at all!! Mostly because I couldn’t decide on how that would work. Since Lloyd’s is kind of like energy I didn’t know what route to go with, hey what would the opposite of energy be in Elemental power terms. Suggestions are happily appreciated but currently she does not have any elemental power.
Instead!! She more so has the… powers (? Traits?) from the Great Devourer. Like yknow the venom that got into Lord Garmadon’s veins also transferred into her whenever she was born. If that makes sense at all- like she has inhuman strength, sharp fangs that carry venom, etc. (which by lore also means in a way she has the overlord’s dna? But that’s a whole different idea I didn’t explore yet)
To answer the last one!! Not very well!
Her and Lloyd have different moms, so Misako is out of the picture for Cassie and Cassie would never consider her a mom ever.
Garmadon was never a part of her life, but she knew he was her dad due to the constant reminder from her mom and just everyone (because yknow ah scary Garmadon had scary kids.) So he doesn’t even know she exists until like 24-27 years after she’s born.
Her mom was… basically a one night stand. And once she found out she was pregnant with a an elemental master’s kid, she decided to keep it. But the older she got, the badder she got. (Not necessarily bad-) Being a toddler and having venom run through your blood making your body change whenever you’re already in a confusing time of your life? It was hell. She wanted to bite something 24/7 and was impulsive along with being aggressive. Eventually it got to the point she bit another kid and was sent off to a boarding school far across Ninjago, and that was the last time she ever saw her mom. So they aren’t on very good terms and haven’t spoken in about.. 18-20 years.
I have not thought about her relationship with Wu at all, but Lloyd has been thought out a lot!! I have a whole season planned in my head and I don’t want to ramble on too much (because I already am) but they didn’t know about each other for years. Cassie found out by Lloyd whenever he was 7 (before he ever got hit with the potion) and she was 24. She hated him so much at that time. She saw Garmadon actively interacting with him (even if it was trying to stop Lloyd from becoming the green ninja) and she was livid. She had a brother who was destined for greatness and had the chance to be with their dad, and she didn’t. So it’s a lot of hatred at first. But years past, like a lot. And when they finally do ‘meet’ and Cassie’s going through recovery (stuff happens during the season she appears in and she moves in with the Ninja, boom recovery period!) they are much closer! There’s still tension and some standoffish behavior but, they are slowly learning about each other and all those years they missed out on being siblings :))
I’m so sorry that was so much but!! Thank you for the ask <33
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