#also sorry for turning off reblogs
ziracona · 1 year
I can’t include them all so here’s a combo of ‘came to mind first,’ ‘talked about positively most often by fans,’ and ‘stuck in my head’.
Public Apology Big Iron isn’t here. There were a lot that didn’t make the cut but that one specifically I stg I put in and only realized after posting had not. It was 100% meant to be on this list and I’ve failed us.
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amethyst-halo · 1 year
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ok here's a full proper pangolin style goron sheet!! i was inspired by @ezlo-x to try my hand at a new interpretation of gorons and i really like how they came out!!!
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“Rhino rat snakes don’t need heating or any lighting” okay, going with people’s (very wrong) theory - why does my girl enjoy basking every day even though the room temperature falls under the species’ preference (unless she’s in shed, then she does the very typical hiding away because vulnerable thing)
(p.s. pls ignore the hard water marks on the glass)
HAPPY BONUS PICTURE: Occasionally Sage has days where she decides I’m not just an inconvenience that feeds her and cleans her enclosure and seems like she actually likes me (calling her my pretty little green bean - because apparently all of my animals are vain🙄😂)
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People who keep their snakes in the dark and cold are fcking weirdos that shouldn’t have pets!
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angelsdean · 4 months
ruthlessly deleting old 2021/2022 posts (not by me) from my dean studies tag like *click* un-incorporating that from my beliefs system! also the way SO many posts have me like ok uh-huh good aaand then say one completely wrong thing that loses me. it's so many posts.
#it's usually when they randomly drop some line of fanon. like saying dean has never admitted to being wrong in his life#or never expressed an emotion or been vulnerable or doesn't Talk About Feelings or is super duper RepressedTM#like i'm sorry. have you watched the show. oh and have you taken off the sammy POV goggles first?#bc this guy is always crying and being vulnerable and talking about his feelings. he is self-aware.#he may not always want to talk to sam abt things! but he sure does talk about things with other people#do i need to reblog the compilation posts AGAIN?#(also re: his sexualiy? AWARE. sorry i saw him flirt and be flustered by so many men. he knows how he feels.)#and then 'first time ever admitting to being wrong' this one came from a post abt dean's prayer in the trap#like i'm sorry but first of all. dean apologizes more than any other character on the show. there are hard numbers on this.#people have tracked this on spreadsheets. i think ilarual is one of them.#and often he is apologizing for things that aren't even his fault! but he still feels responsible for bc he's been made to feel that way#his whole life!!#other characters *cough samandcas *cough* apologizing Less doesn't mean they've Done less things wrong#it just means they're not owning up to it and brushing it under the rug. something both do frequently.#anyways. aside from apologies. dean also has no problem admitting he's wrong y'know when he's actually wrong#which is less often than you'd think bc he has pretty good instincts and intuition and often suspects things which turn out to be Right#but anyways. another thing abt the trap prayer is. i don't think cas Needed to be forgiven#i think dean was justified in feeling angry w cas over the circumstances leading to the Death of His Mother! totally normal grief response!#i think cas also understands dean to be someone who needs time to process and deal with his feelings (he says as much to jack)#however. despite me not think dean Needs to forgive cas. the thing is. with dean when it comes to cas the forgiveness is implicit#when he says /of course i forgive you/ and in the cut like /of course i wanted you to stay/ like. yes he was mad and dealing with grief#but also. yes cas was already forgiven even back then. he just needed Time to work through the feelings#anyways i think dean says he 'forgives' cas bc it's what CAS needed to hear to stop feeling guilty and dean gives him that closure#but i also think cas was already forgiven even in dean's anger. he wants him there always. i'd rather have you. we can fix this. etc etc#a lot of tags for a non-rebloggable post ajksdfs maybe i'll make these into a real post sometime#vic.txt#dean and feelings#so i can find this all again later
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theinfinitedivides · 1 month
also only an A*MY would come into the Taemin tag and post a whole write-up about how just bc they weren't impressed by the newest album (fair. your opinion) Taemin is overhyped. only an A*MY let me leave it at that
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
Getting Involved Locally
Every time I see a post implying the only two politically relevant actions you can take in America are voting or not voting in federal elections, I tell myself I will make this post, so now I am finally doing it.
As an American, it can be frustrating and dispiriting to feel like we're being held hostage by our politicians while the United States continues to be one of the biggest forces for suffering on a global scale. This post is not about what we can do on that scale but instead suggests that, if you're feeling powerless and depressed about your national/international impact, you can take action on the local level. I got involved with a local activist group a few years ago, and we've been able to tangibly help people in our community, get genuine policy passed, and net some legislative wins. It's much easier to influence a smaller system, and a lot more rewarding than doomscrolling on social media.
Disclaimer: I am an American who lives on the outskirts of a fairly large city. This post reflects my experience and not everything in it may be applicable to yours. Take what is useful and leave the rest.
What's out there?
There are a variety of ways to get involved locally depending on your preferences. I'm going to lump them into a few categories:
Local government. City council, school boards, library boards, etc. Many of these orgs have open meetings and allow public comment. They're often sparsely attended and members are frequently elected by small margins, so they're far more likely to listen to what you have to say than federal legislators. Check out your home's website to see if you can find minutes and agendas to learn what they're discussing and how you can weigh in. Great choice if you want to develop a first name basis nemesishood with a local politician.
Volunteering. If you have low bandwidth and just want someone to tell you what to do, but would like to know your actions immediately benefit real people, volunteering gigs might be for you. Lots of organizations need help! Community kitchens, greenspace cleanups, giving immigrants rides to appointments, phonebanking, tutoring, supporting cultural centers, etc. Find orgs connected to something you're interested in and see what they need.
Organizing. Organizing involves long term work to build groups of people who can push for change. Outside of labor unions, there are tenant unions (renters pushing their landlords for better conditions) and groups organizing around a specific issue. (Off the top of my head, in my area I'm aware of multiple groups organizing around abolition/decarceration, minimum wage, environmental justice, transit, and reproductive justice.) These groups require more commitment, but that also means you'll have more input than showing up to volunteer for a nonprofit a few times a month.
(The group I'm currently involved with is organizing-focused, so if you're curious I'm happy to share more details of what that's like, I just don't want this post to be even longer.)
How can I learn about opportunities?
Word of mouth
Local government websites
Library, college, and community center bulletin boards
Local events (I tabled at a music festival last summer)
Protests and rallies
Local news outlets (might be covering actions, etc.)
Social media
Google (try 'mutual aid' and your location)
Start getting involved. I cannot express how much I've learned about the activist landscape in my city just from joining one org. Between partnerships, solidarity requests, etc., so many groups are now on my radar that weren't before. As I said before, I'm in/near a fairly big city, but you might be surprised by how much is going on where you are!
A note on self-interest
Something we talk about in organizing is self-interest. Why are you passionate about this cause? Why are you in this fight? Identifying your self-interest is important for a few reasons. First, it helps you convince other people to care. Second, it keeps you engaged. If you start volunteering out of a vague sense that you're 'helping', it's much easier to lose interest. If you recognize how winning this fight makes your life better, you're more likely to stick with it. I'm not saying you should only get involved in causes that immediately materially benefit you, but it's worth thinking about your personal stake so that you can return to that when you think 'ugh I don't want to get out of bed for this meeting'. You may have seen the quote credited to Lilla Watson and a group of other Aboriginal Rights activists: "If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
In conclusion
This is work. I've spent weekends in campaign retreats and driven 45 minutes across the city to make care packages. I am doing group projects and not even getting paid for it. But when you're frustrated with the state of the world, it's nice to be able to roll up your sleeves and make a visible impact on something you can control. It's also a great way to meet people irl who care about the same things as you and learn ways we can support each other when larger structures let us down.
As yet another American election season draws near with its avalanche of posts about voting, whether you intend to vote or post on tumblr about how much voting sucks or are a long-suffering non-American cursed to always see this shit, I challenge you to take a step* into your community and tackle a problem there. Who knows? You might even help solve it.
*Virtually if necessary. Many orgs try to be accessible. I attend many of my org's meetings on zoom!
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banqanas · 2 months
pls subscribe to exile tribe mobile to read blogs bc you get gems like this where taiki says he forgot to bring in his laundry lol
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Ok ok jk the important part is how he's closing his instagram comments to encourage comments on his blogs
and how he kept the comments in reels for overseas fans piennn 🥺🥺🥺
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
ooooh aaah my first anonymous hate mail!
now i know i said i'd post this sort of stuff publicly to shame the sender, but i'm faaaaiiirly sure this is a kid. so! i'm not gonna post it, or engage, and have in fact already deleted it, because i really really suspect it's a kid.
i'll address one part: about me not tagging my work.
like many other things in the ask, that's an outright lie. i actually do my best to tag comprehensively and liberally, and if you're hatescrolling my blog you already know my tag for the shipaganza in particular is this: 🎀💖
i have put this tag (again, it's 🎀💖) on every post related to the shipaganza. even the explicitly non-romantic, platonic ones (like bandee's and kirby's) and the what the heck is that? ones (like marx's) so that people can liberally avoid it for any number of reasons. i'm just doing this event for fun, and want it to be fun for people viewing the work as well!
i also make it clear regularly that earnest folks can ask me to tag anything in particular and i will do so. however, i cannot control what tags are used on a post once it leaves my blog, so i recommend that you use this handy feature
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to make sure you never have to see any of my content ever again, no matter who else might reblog it onto your feed!
if that's not enough and you're still finding mentions of me on your timeline (such as when other people @ me), you can also apparently use "filtered post content" and just put my username in there. now i haven't tried that in particular, but it seems comprehensive as it searches the entire post for instances of a phrase. here are the instructions on how to do that.
anyway! i hope these steps successfully help you to never see my content or mentions of me ever again!
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schizononagesimus · 2 months
listen we love all gideon fanarts all gideon body types but we DONT love whitewashed gideons thank youuuuuu
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murdoc · 25 days
just gonna start blocking people making and defending ai posts now.
i cant believe i have to point this out, but photography is also an art form. the photo realistic ai slop being put out isn't just using stock photos for their datasets.
i know this site is the pinnacle of reposting photos without credit, but the fact people go even further and mock others point out ai generated images by being obtuse and saying shit like "yeah, op should've just commissioned a painting of this photorealistic image" .... i mean. they could. or they could do it themselves. but clearly they're saying this as a gotcha because that's absurd to ask an artist specializing in drawing/painting
idk. i see this shit on my dash so often now and feel insane going in the replies, only to see ppl dogpiling people calling this slop out. and then calling those people stupid..... its actually a little depressing
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barzfrommarz · 1 month
I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions/discourse on tumblr and twitter surrounding kamala/voting for kamala so I want to put my two cents in as someone who will have no actual influence towards the outcome of the election
(important parts with be in bold)
Let’s look at the hypothetical that trump wins because the vote was split or people simply just refused to and kamala didn’t gain enough votes to win.
In the scenario, I want every person who decided it would be better not to vote or vote for a random third party candidate who has no shot at winning who only comes up during election years to say all of the “not like the other guys” talking points to explain to not just me but every queer, trans, disabled, non white, AFAB person who is now at severe risk why you chose to not vote to help them have rights. I want to see your explanations if trump wins. you also cannot use Palestinians suffering to make yourself seem better than you actually are
My point is that if trump wins because your delusions lead you to believe that you can single handedly change the way elections work in this country by “sticking it to the dems” and trump wins and we become a facist state, I want to hear what you have to say when we all start loosing rights and palestine gets wiped off the map
“Well we won’t let that happen” Good fucking luck. In project 2025 im pretty sure there is a section about how we basically won’t be able to protest anything anymore, not only that im also pretty sure trump has talked about deporting pro palestine protesters specifically!
You cannot be a single issue voter in this election and in many elections to come. Change doesn’t happen overnight and you need to wake up and realize that kamala will be the start of actually getting more progressive candidates and policies even if it’s not enough right now at this very moment. We all have to actually start putting in the effort instead of sitting around on our asses complaining
If we get kamala in, we won’t have to worry about our country becoming a facist state therefore we can worry more about palestine and putting more pressure on the dems than there already is. That should be a no brainer to some of you
This post isn’t praising kamala or trying to idolize her in anyway, always be critical of politicians. This post is more of a message to the preformative leftists on tumblr and twitter who have zero knowledge on how the US government works.
It’s kamala or trump this november. We cannot change that less than 100 days away from election day
Should I repeat myself? I hope you can understand that.
I’m not trying to bash anyone for continuing to put pressure on kamala and the dems for being complicit in bombing children. That’s not who my post is about like I already said
I think that all the protests outside of the DNC are especially important because it shows we have not forgotten and will continue to put pressure on the dems to do the right thing for once
but like I already said, it’s kamala or trump. Third party candidates are either grifters who only are there to get money and trick gullible leftists or candidates who have never been in any lower level political positions who think they can automatically garner a shit ton of support to win when they can’t. Your other option is to not vote which is arguably worse
I’m not trying to be the one to change anyones mind but I hope this post can help you reconsider your options and start facing the reality of this election
You have an important choice to make this november. I hope you can make the right one
edit: im not trying to beg anyone to vote for kamala or make anyone who is against her because of her handling of Palestine vote for kamala, especially if you are Palestinian yourself. Im not trying to make anyone feel bad about it either. Thats not the point of this post. The point is that change needs to happen now and this election is a perfect start to do so. We cannot have good change under a second trump term. I know im just repeating myself at this point but I want to put this out there incase I come off wrong or offensive. Also, I dont like the dems at all. I dont align with their party but you shouldnt even care abt what party I align with most. Im not a pro activist whose been in the game for 10+ years, im just a trans boy who has essentially been forced to pay attention to the shit going on in the country because of who I am even though it shouldn't concern me nearly as much as it does.
second edit: check out this tiktok and this persons other tiktoks abt palestine and kamala
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thechildisgone · 1 month
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just-mebs · 1 year
I swear to god there was a EngieScout fic on AO3 that I can't seem to find anymore that had this really sweet conversation between Engineer and Scout's mom. Since I can't find it and I'm not convinced that it was just a figment of my imagination, I'm just going to be thinking about Scout bringing Engineer home to meet his mom/brothers for the first time and everything that goes with it.
Like Engineer being stressed out of his mind wanting to make a good first impression, he's a countryman at heart and knows what it means to meet your partner's folks for the first time. Worried out of his mind about what kind of reaction it's gonna get even after Scout assures him that it's okay. He brings Ma flowers, dresses in his best non-oil-stained shirt, and even shaves to look as nice as he can.
Scout tells him that he looks like he's going to church and Engineer can only hope that's not a bad thing.
Just the idea of Scout not being even an ounce helpful. He doesn't understand what Engineer is even worried about, doesn't get why he's so dressed up. He's not complaining, he likes seeing Engie all nice looking for him, but this? Stressed out of his mind? Scout would rather bring him home covered in feathers than see him look this queasy again.
Oh god, when Engie meets all of Scout's brothers they're all 100% there waiting to beat the shit out of whatever little punk thinks he's good enough for their little brother - only to instead see a short, nervous, man, nearly in his 40s, gripping a banquet like his life was in danger. He greets each of them by name, memorizing each of them from what Scout had talked about all those hours they spent in the workshop together, and when he gets to Ma he tries to ignore the fact that he seems closer in age to her than he is to Scout.
I also want to image most of Scout's family being like a little on edge when talking to Engie, waiting for him to "fuck up" in a sense since Scout had of course bragged about how smart Engineer was. All of them waiting for him to talk down to them uneducated folks like the smart types all did - but Engineer isn't like that - he may be smart but he isn't one to put others down unless he needs to, plus his smooth country accent? He sounds more like a hick than anything else really, and that comforts the family more than anything he could do. Like, he knows how to explain things for the common folk to understand (hell, he's dating Scout, he needs to be able to do that). He knows how to "dumb down" his work without making others feel dumb, there's no need to ramble about gizmos and thingamajigs, if they want the nitty gritty of it all they can ask later.
I just think that the entire first meeting is so so stressful, but in the end it works out perfectly fine. They might still be a bit cautious for one reason or another but for the most part i think they'd all get along in the end. The family can see how much he cares for Scout, hell looking at how much he did to give a good first impression is proof enough, so as long as he doesn't go breaking his heart Engineer is good in their eyes
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minecraft · 2 years
The opposite of “Jesse Pinkman” is Atheist Bluegirl. (Jesse meaning “The Lord Exists” originally) And who is Atheist Bluegirl? Well, she claims the world is hers and not God’s so...
I think you know already.
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Not perfect, but, it's also good to sometimes post your non perfect art :3
Uhh, so, took down the first time I posted this work because I got nervous, but, here it is again... though, not promising to keep this one up since I might get nervous again.
Thank you if you like it. First time posting any drawing online for a long time.
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rowlfthedog · 4 months
People pleading with me to keep the reblogs on on that kermit post but the notes have Over Doubled and everyone outside of our circle is reminding me why i turned them off in the first place. Post about muppets breaching muppet fandom containment is a nightmare scenario. Once again people are being like “this is SO [real celebrity]” or “Um why didn’t you post about [other character completely unrelated to my blog]” or “OP YOU WILL NOT DISABLE REBLOGS” as if they can control me. I was gonna try to keep it until later in the month but I’m not sure if I’ll even last to Friday at this rate :o(
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