#but also. yes cas was already forgiven even back then. he just needed Time to work through the feelings
angelsdean · 28 days
ruthlessly deleting old 2021/2022 posts (not by me) from my dean studies tag like *click* un-incorporating that from my beliefs system! also the way SO many posts have me like ok uh-huh good aaand then say one completely wrong thing that loses me. it's so many posts.
#it's usually when they randomly drop some line of fanon. like saying dean has never admitted to being wrong in his life#or never expressed an emotion or been vulnerable or doesn't Talk About Feelings or is super duper RepressedTM#like i'm sorry. have you watched the show. oh and have you taken off the sammy POV goggles first?#bc this guy is always crying and being vulnerable and talking about his feelings. he is self-aware.#he may not always want to talk to sam abt things! but he sure does talk about things with other people#do i need to reblog the compilation posts AGAIN?#(also re: his sexualiy? AWARE. sorry i saw him flirt and be flustered by so many men. he knows how he feels.)#and then 'first time ever admitting to being wrong' this one came from a post abt dean's prayer in the trap#like i'm sorry but first of all. dean apologizes more than any other character on the show. there are hard numbers on this.#people have tracked this on spreadsheets. i think ilarual is one of them.#and often he is apologizing for things that aren't even his fault! but he still feels responsible for bc he's been made to feel that way#his whole life!!#other characters *cough samandcas *cough* apologizing Less doesn't mean they've Done less things wrong#it just means they're not owning up to it and brushing it under the rug. something both do frequently.#anyways. aside from apologies. dean also has no problem admitting he's wrong y'know when he's actually wrong#which is less often than you'd think bc he has pretty good instincts and intuition and often suspects things which turn out to be Right#but anyways. another thing abt the trap prayer is. i don't think cas Needed to be forgiven#i think dean was justified in feeling angry w cas over the circumstances leading to the Death of His Mother! totally normal grief response!#i think cas also understands dean to be someone who needs time to process and deal with his feelings (he says as much to jack)#however. despite me not think dean Needs to forgive cas. the thing is. with dean when it comes to cas the forgiveness is implicit#when he says /of course i forgive you/ and in the cut like /of course i wanted you to stay/ like. yes he was mad and dealing with grief#but also. yes cas was already forgiven even back then. he just needed Time to work through the feelings#anyways i think dean says he 'forgives' cas bc it's what CAS needed to hear to stop feeling guilty and dean gives him that closure#but i also think cas was already forgiven even in dean's anger. he wants him there always. i'd rather have you. we can fix this. etc etc#a lot of tags for a non-rebloggable post ajksdfs maybe i'll make these into a real post sometime#vic.txt#dean and feelings#so i can find this all again later
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shallowrambles · 9 months
It's fascinating to me how much I've changed my mind about Dean in The Trap. I'm waaaaay more sympathetic to the whole Cas-being-forgiven aspect of it, because yes, Cas apologized initially, but the root of the issue was Cas's painful withdrawal of his partnership and his withholding of critical information. Full stop. He and Dean are NOT equally culpable in this one.
It's not just about Mary and Jack, and yet Cas keeps pivoting to "Dean blaming him for Mary." Which oversimplifies the whole thing in a terrible way. Yes, they're all culpable, and yes they all saw that things were wrong with Jack, but next to Donatello, Cas is THE authority on souls and physically the strongest of TFW. To make matters worse, he all but demanded Dean to parent Jack and take care of Jack's emotions, even though Dean expressed discomfort over his memories of soulless Sam. Dean has repeatedly expressed how he wants Cas to be open and honest with him, especially now that they're co-parenting, and although Cas demanded Dean parent Jack, he then turned around and hid Big Parenting Stuff from him and went off to meet Anael.
Barring Cas's one feeble and poorly-timed, "I tried to fix it on my own because I was afraid of losing this family," he doesn't really spell out his part in the communication failures or apologize very well for withdrawing from Dean, specifically. He sorts of sulls up and say, "I already apologized and I'm not doing it again." Yet, Cas has a continued, longstanding pattern of withdrawal from the partnership. I'm floored that my Cas goggles kept me from seeing it before, and maybe I'm a little embarrassed, too. I mean, honestly, it's amazing that Dean takes him back at all. :/ Once you look past, "Oh no! Dean said mean things!" anyway.
I think by The Trap, Dean has given up trying to get Cas to change or hold him accountable for his lack of communication. Cas sort of gave Dean ultimatums over it, if you squint, and Dean rolled over. And Dean wants to get back together. He needs Cas's support and Cas need his. He looks at everything Cas is and decides that Cas's avoidance and want to protect the family is just woven into the fabric of him, and Dean decides to accept that. It's something he loves about him as much as he resents it. Cas's chivalry is a feature and a bug. Dean loves him for it. It makes his life a Hell sometimes.
Occasionally, I still see people harping on how horrible Dean was for "forgiving" Cas, like Cas doesn't need to be forgiven. And with some distance and clarity, I find that pretty baffling now, but I also remember feeling that way when I wasn't looking at their partnership equally and giving Cas too much leeway on his continued absence from the partnership. I almost...respected Cas more. That thought makes me wince. But his bad decisions I was way more likely to stamp as protective or tactically genius, at least compared to some of Dean's similar decisions. Dean's things I tended to group as "too angry/emotional/irrational." :(
I guess I've come a long way when it comes to holding Sam and Cas accountable for their actions, too. Much of the time, my issues with Dean devolved to unfortunate tone policing or not liking him to express his anger and be angry at his boundaries being breached over and over, even when he was taking his anger out on inanimate objects. I balked just because it made a loud sound that made Sam wince (oh noes, not the wincing).
On the other hand, I'm quite impressed that Dean and Cas were finding their way back to each other after the Death of a Child. That's about the hardest thing a marriage can go through, and they were getting back together and trying to heal even before Jack reappeared. Clearly, it's a stress-tested relationship. WAY more stress-tested than your everyday marriages; they've been through multiple apocalypses. On the whole, they often have good communication, even when they disagree, they knew where they stood (like with Donatello). It's just these huge, incredibly unusual horrible earth-shatteringly terrible things that throw them. Chuck's grooming is such a bitch.
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satureja13 · 6 months
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The Morning after Winter Solstice
When Ji Ho woke up, Vlad had already left. And Ji Ho was glad he did. It would have been too awkward to wake up next to him. There was a lily on the bed. A symbol of Vlad's love for him. All obstacles are out of their way now. No curse and no need to cut the Bond anymore. They have a home now in the Otherworld and they are save there. Only thing Ji Ho has left to do is to learn how to love Vlad...
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Vlad stepped out of the sanctuary. Dtui and Rubyn are already up and busy with the pedestals. They are trying to figure out how to send the Boys back and forth between their home in the Otherworld and this world. Dtui: "Morning Vlad! It went very well as I see. You have your eyes back! The others are at Ichiraku's." Vlad: "Morning. Ah, yes ^^' and thanks!"
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Jeb and Jack noticed Vlad's good old eyes: "Oh my finally!" (Saiwa is sulking because neither Vlad nor Jeb told them why they showed up without their shirts yesterday... Jeb even in his hot cowboy outfit...)
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And really, Vlad regained his black eyes! It seems the Bond has forgiven him for trying to bond with Morgan and murder the Bond...
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A little later Ji Ho joined them. Jack: "Ji Ho! How do you feel after you shoved Caleb Vatore from your bed and your neck? For Vlad ^^' "
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Ji Ho flushed. But he sat next to Vlad <3 Saiwa to Vlad: "You must be a very good boy now to not make Ji Ho regret his decision ;)" Jack: "Ah lucky Genji! He left together with Lady Demon and Caleb in the limousine!"
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They indulged their breakfast and chatted for a while. Knowing they'd return to their new home soon. Together. Ah, it's been a while since I've seen them so carefree and happy! Only - Kiyoshi's place is empty. Let's hope they get him out of that tree soon.
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Saiwa: "You still haven't told us why you showed up without your shirts yesterday..." Vlad: "What happens behind the fence, stays behind the fence." Saiwa: "Yeah? What if I kill you behind the fence?" Jeb: "Vanië, such things happen when riding the fence. I told you it's dangerous. You never know from which leg of the Trousers of Time you'll emerge when you hop in the waistband. Let's just forget about it, hm?"
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Pff. Sai went over to Dtui and Rubyn to discuss when they are going to send them back home. Rubyn: "We still have no idea how to send you back and forth by yourself. If we send you back now, either Vlad or Ji Ho has to stay here with their meteorite." Saiwa: "Oh. No that's not an option. Other Jeb urged us to stay together..." Dtui: "While I cast my spells here yesterday, I figured a few things out. We already know that the meteorites, together with the crystals, allow you to teleport to certain places. Rubyn could be able to build a portable device for you. But we need more information about the powers of the crystals."
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Saiwa: "Oh we'd found an amazing website with all the information about the crystals when we were on the clue hunt in Selvadorada!" Dtui: "Unfortunately we need information from a specific old book. This wisdom is not shared on the internet. Saiwa. We can't send you home yet. We need you to go to the library in Windenburg to find this book. Make sure nobody recognizes you there. The Council is still after you. I'm sorry." Rubyn: "Hey, you've already managed harder stuff, right?" Oh no...
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Then poor Saiwa went over to the Temple with Dtui to discuss Kiyoshi. Saiwa: "We've made good progress and I'm positive we'll get him out of that tree. Little Goat already shows up from time to time. I'm just not sure how to interpret Other Jeb's message. When he urged us to stay together, did he also mean Kiyoshi? And If yes, how is he supposed to stay with us in the Otherworld when he has his duties here at the Temple. And for the Resistance?" Dtui: "I fear Kiyoshi can't return back here anyway. Kōjin banned him from the Temple. And he's of no use for the Resistance either as it is. Keep him with you and look after him. He still has so much to learn." Oh no...
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Ji Ho: "I hope Genji isn't sad I chose Caleb. Over him..." Jack: "Don't worry. He also chose Caleb ^^' Anybody would ;) " Vlad: "Tch...this bigheaded goth kitten. And what is even going on with his hair?..."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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One Shot: Ask Questions, Throw Shield Later.
Intro: Steve and Katie have an unwelcome late night visitor…
Warnings: “Language!” Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
W/C: 1.9k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: The first of two (yes, two) special 29th May Birthday One shots. Happy Birthday Tony! Man, I missed writing for these guys in this timeline! This fits into SSB within “I Told You I Said Yes”.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“Fuck, Steve...” Katie groaned, her head tilting backwards as Steve gave another deep thrust upwards, “right there... Jesus.”
“Good?” Steve panted as his hands grabbed her waist, finger tips digging into the flesh that covered her hipbones.
She nodded, grinding on him faster, his hands pulling her down making sure he hit as deep as he could.
Their soft, intimate sounds filled the room and, wanting to be as close to her as he could get, Steve sat up drawing a gasp from Katie as he did so. His hands moved to her back. One splayed half way up her spine, the other cupped the back of her head. His fingers tangled in her long, silky hair as he pulled her face to his. He kissed her, hard, his tongue dominating hers as he swallowed her moan, one that rumbled in her throat as if it came from the depths of her belly.
They’d already danced this tango once already that night. After a few beers with the team in anticipation of Tony’s birthday (minus Natasha as she was still on something Fury was running), they’d retired and gotten a little frisky some two hours prior. But then Steve had woken, his super sharp hearing alerting himself to some form of ransom noise deep in the floors below them and, well, he couldn’t get back to sleep. So he’d hugged Katie close.
Too close.
As ever he was unable to control his reactions to his girl and had ended up with a boner. Meaning she’d woken with him basically rutting up against her back, feigning innocence when she’d given him a grumble at the fact he’d dragged her from her slumber.
She hadn’t been grumbling for long.
“Stevie... I’m gonna...” Katie’s forehead pressed into his, her mouth open as her lips hovered over his, and he thrust upwards again, his nose brushing hers softly, like the touch of a butterfly.
“Let go. Doll,” he panted, actively fighting his own high, “cum for me.”
Her chest heaved, pert nipples brushing his bare skin and her movements stuttered. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, which cracked into a half grunt, half moan as she felt herself go, her body positively floating from her high.
By the time she came round, Steve had also finished, his broad shoulders rising and falling as he gathered his breath. Katie collapsed forward with a soft chuckle, her forehead pressing into his collar bone as he fell backwards, taking her with him.
They lay still for a moment, the only sounds being their heavy breathing and the soft rustle of sheets as Steve pulled the bedding up around them. The smooth cotton brushing over her sensitive skin made Katie shudder a little. Steve smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple, his large hands running up and down her spine.
“Am I forgiven for waking you up?” He asked and she shrugged, not even bothering to try and find the strength to sit up. “It’s three AM. I’ll think about it.”
Steve chuckled and she sat up slightly, leaning down to give him a slow kiss.
“Love you.” she pulled back a little, her eyes shining in the dim light, and Steve smiled.
“Love you too.”
Fifteen minutes later they were both settled down and on the verge of sleep once more when a loud crashing in the apartment made them both sit bolt upright.
“What the...” Steve was out of bed in a flash, wrenching the door to their room open.
Katie was seconds behind him, stopping only to grab Steve’s shirt from the chair at the vanity. As she shrugged it on, she ran into the hallway and heard a familiar metallic whoosh. There was the squealing of metal on metal and Katie flicked on the light just in time to see a flash of blue, red and white as Steve’s shield flew back to his hand. He looked over to Katie as she stepped towards him, her mouth falling.
“Is that...” she glanced down at what looked like a version of one of Tony’s suits. It lay motionless on the floor in two pieces, Steve’s shield having severed it at the waist. The failing electrics sparked as the various boards and cogs died, before it fell silent.
Steve nudged it with his foot. It didn’t move. He turned to Katie, a frown on his handsome face.
“Did he tell you he was making them autonomous?”
“That’s nothing new, JARVIS has always been able to control them remotely.” Katie shook her head as she crouched down, her hand gently touching the helmet. She tried to move the face plate but it didn’t open. Rapping her knuckles on the skull, she was met with a solid sound, not the usual hollow echo.  “JARVIS?”
There was no reply.
“Why isn’t he answering?” Steve looked at her.
“Tony might have him down.” Katie answered. “He runs the updates at night some times. I do know one thing though.”
“What?” Steve asked as she stood up.
“That couldn’t have gotten in here without Tony letting it in one way or another.” She glanced at Steve, her pretty face full of annoyance. “Imma kill him, fucking idiot.”
She turned to leave and Steve gently caught her arm. “Honey...”
“Seriously? You want me to let this go?”
“Hell, no.” He shook his head, “I want you to wait for me to put some clothes on.”  
Despite herself, Katie grinned as her eyes scanned Steve’s naked body, his shield still on his arm. He rolled his eyes and nodded to the suit on the floor, “I’m going to give him his property back, along with a piece of my mind.” **** Tony spun round, his brow arching as Steve and Katie walked into the lab. But whatever smart quip he had been about to come out with died as he spotted what was slung over the super soldier’s broad shoulders. With a loud slam, Steve threw the two parts of the robot down on the desk.
“What did you do to it?” Tony moaned.
“Threw my shield at it.” Steve folded his arms over his chest, the sleeves of the white ribbed Tee he had shrugged on straining over his thick biceps.
Tony was that distracted by his destroyed robot that he failed to notice Katie stomping towards him. She drew her right fist back and punched him hard on the shoulder.
“Ow, Kiddo!”
“You dick!” She yelled. “What the hell were you doing sending that into our apartment?”
“Wanted to test your reaction to it.” Tony shrugged. “See how it came across.”
“How it ca- Tony, it’s half past 3 in the morning!” She shrieked.
“Exactly.” Tony scratched his beard. “Total element of surprise. I thought you guys would give me a base of how people would react to them. Can’t have been that well if Spangles felt the need to cut it in half with his frisbee.”
“We had no idea what or who it was.” Steve felt his anger beginning to rise, “what was I supposed to do?”
“I’ve told you before, big guy. Ask questions, throw shield later.” Tony shrugged, “I can’t believe you killed Iron Kid.”
“Iron Kid?” Katie blinked.
“Yeah, the name’s a working progress.”
“Tony, what is it?” Steve pressed.
“It’s a prototype.” Tony informed them. “I had the idea last week. The Avengers exploded after New York. You should see the piles of fan mail that the guys downstairs sort each day.”
“Less bragging, more explaining.” Katie narrowed her eyes.
“The point is, we attract attention. So I had a thought about something that could help keep the public at bay,” Tony gestured to the pile of metal, “we can use them to issue instructions, help aid the emergency services. Keep civilians out of the way.”
Katie and Steve looked at one another, and Steve hated to admit it but the idea made sense.
“Clearly I need to rethink a little.” Tony mused. “I mean if they freaked you out then...” “It freaked us out because it was in. our. apartment!” Katie groaned. “In the middle of the night.”
“That’s the point, it was supposed to have the element of surprise, wake you up.”
“Well there’s your first fuck up!” She hissed. “We were already awake-“
“Why?” Tony frowned
“Because we just finished a great, sweaty sex session.” She shot back and Steve groaned, feeling the heat in his neck as he looked down, his bare toes flexing against the cool floor of the lab. “And you wanna be grateful we had finished because if we hadn’t I’d be really, really mad. You get me?”
“That’s.. disgusting.” Tony wrinkled his nose.
“And you’re an asshole.” Katie shot back.
With a shudder, Tony moved and picked up a screwdriver. He turned the helmet up aside down and opened a small hatch at the back. Stooping slightly, he prodded and poked at something inside.
“Huh, least the main board wasn’t damaged.” He straightened up and turned to face them both. “So, other than scaring the shit out of you what was it like? Voice interface okay? Too much me or not enough me or-“
“There was no voice interface.” Steve replied.
“What?” Tony frowned, “JARVIS was supposed to be controlling it. It should have told you why it was there and-“
“Well he didn’t.” Steve rolled his eyes, his already stretched patience wearing dangerously thin.
“He didn’t...huh?” Tony frowned and Katie moved past him to a computer.
“Oh for the... he’s on mute you dumbass!” She tapped a few buttons and JARVIS’ voice rang out.
“Thank you Miss Stark.”
“Shit.” Tony gave a sheepish grin. “Sorry, buddy. Forgot I turned you off.”
“Mr Stark, may I suggest you call it a night, Sir? It is rather late and you’ve been awake for almost twenty-one hours. Miss Potts instructed me to ensure you-“ “And that is precisely why I did.” Tony rolled his eyes and Katie let out a growl of annoyance
“I’m done. Come on, Steve.”
She stalked towards the door and Tony looked up. “You not gonna wish me happy birthday?”
In response she raised the middle fingers on both her hands, flipping him off over her shoulders as she stomped out of the door.
Steve watched her go before she turned to Tony. “You know, I think you’re onto something. Keeping civilians away would make things a lot easier.”
“Wouldn’t it?” Tony nodded, eagerly. “We’d need a fleet of them, an Iron Fleet, no that’s... like i said, the names a work in progress.”
“We can discuss this tomorrow. Give it some proper though.” Steve took a deep breath. “Just don’t send any more into the apartment, please?”
Tony saluted him and Steve rolled his eyes. He turned to go before he stopped, and looked back at his friend.
“Happy birthday, pal.”
Tony snorted. “Cheers, Spangles.”
Tony watched Steve walk out of the lab, before he glanced back at the destroyed robot.
“Mr Stark... Miss Potts is awake...”
“Ahh shit.” Tony groaned. “How much trouble am I in?”
“I don’t think a Roman Legion would protect you.” JARVIS replied and Tony stilled, a huge grin spreading across his face.
“Iron Legion.” He tossed the screwdriver up in the air and caught it, chuckling. “JARVIS, you are a genius.”
“Why thank you, sir. And now I really must insist you go to bed.”
“Yeah, okay, I’m going. Lock everything down will you? Oh, and order us all breakfast from the diner on the corner of fifth.”
“Of course. The usual?”
“Yeah. Have it delivered about 10:30. Should be enough to calm Kiddo down.”
“Very wise Sir. I’ll ensure there’s extra bacon, just in case.”
“Yeah, who doesn’t love extra bacon?”
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norahastuff · 4 years
Oh boy, we’re getting right back into it I see. The episode starts on Earth 2 with us learning that Hillary Clinton is campaigning for her second term and things seem to be ok in this particular world...right before Chuck makes his appearance and we quickly learn that isn’t going to last.
There was a lot going on in this episode but I’m going to focus mainly on my favourite character on this show: Free Will. 
After finding a captive audience to monologue to, Chuck shows him all the different worlds where the story played out the way he wanted it to. In all of them it’s just Sam and Dean. Always just Sam and Dean. And then he points to our earth. The one where the story’s not playing out the way he wants it to, and yet that’s also the very reason he’s fascinated by this one earth. 
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He is literally pointing at Dean and Cas. The shot focuses on Dean and Cas for a lot of the scene and yet Chuck still doesn’t mention Cas’ name or even acknowledge that he’s there. He still keeps talking about Sam and Dean. 
Chuck has very deliberately been leaving Cas out of the story all season. Becky’s note on his draft “No one even mentions Cas.” I mean this pretty much goes all the way back 4x22 when Chuck told them that Cas rebelling was not part of the story. For a time it seemed like Chuck had come around on Cas and how he played an integral role in this story, but at some point, I think probably s11 or maybe after Cas placed all of his faith in the Nephilim who could bring about his destruction, he changed his mind about that. After all he opted not to bring Cas back after 12x23, even when Dean broke down and begged him to. 
Cas isn’t fated to play a role in any part of this story. God doesn’t want him there, and as we learn from Billy, Sam, Dean and Jack all have an important part to play in bringing about Chuck’s demise - at least according to her books. Not Cas though. He very conspicuously has not been given a role in anyone’s version of an “Endgame.”
Dean and Cas’ whiskey fuelled conversation was also quite revelatory. 
Cas is uncharacteristically happy...which I’m not really going to say much about because I honestly can’t tell if the show still plans on addressing that dangling plot thread, so I’m going to hold off on mentioning anything about it right now. Anyway the point is, Cas feels vindicated. 
I knew it Dean. When I was with Jack’s mother, she...you know Kelly just had faith that Jack would be good for the world, and I felt it too - I knew it! And then when everything went wrong and God took him from us, I-I was lost in a way I’ve never been before, because I knew the story wasn’t over, I knew Jack wasn’t done. And I was right.
That brings me back to what both Dean and Cas had to say about Jack and his importance back in s12. 
Cas: Thank you for coming to fight for us. 
Dean: Are you ok?
Cas: I am. I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power.
Cas: You don't have to worry. The child, he opened this door. He'll close it.
Dean: You sure about that?
Cas: I have faith. 
Dean: Really? In your unborn baby-God?
Cas: Yes.
Dean: Well then you’re a dumbass. 
There are a lot of interesting things going on here. Without a purpose and role, Cas has always felt lost. Finding Jack meant finding a role to play, knowing that Jack needed him and that he could help him, made Cas feel like he belonged. Cas feels that his place in the Winchester family is so tentative, which explains why he clings so tightly to being useful. With Jack he’s useful. Of course he loves Jack with all his being too, but Jack also needs him. 
There's also the not so small issue of Dean and Cas' big fight this season. One of the things Dean said to him was the very thing that Cas has been afraid of for so long. That he messes up everything he touches. That he keeps on failing. Dean and Cas may have forgiven each other and patched things up, but that doesn't mean that Cas doesn't still think that what Dean said had some truth behind it. It's what he's been thinking about himself for so long anyway.
Thinking he finally got something right, that he made the right decision when it seemed to everyone else like he was messing up...I think Cas the way Cas feels can only be summed up by this Raymond Holt gif
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And that’s all well and good Cas and I’m glad you’re having a moment of feeling good about yourself, but the thing is Cas is still only seeing his self worth as existing when he’s in service to others. He’s not putting his own wellbeing first, second, or really anywhere in his priorities. If that Connect 4 game is prescient of anything, it seems Cas is still more than willing to sacrifice himself in order to let those who he thinks is worthy, those who have been singled out by the cosmic beings, win the game.
Cas is forgetting the most important thing. It doesn’t matter what the Cosmic Beings want. They don’t care about the people. That’s the biggest difference between our heroes and the Higher Powers, they always put the people first. They’re all that matters. Kaia mattered. They all do. Chuck doesn’t get that, and Billie doesn’t either. Like she said she’s in service to the bigger picture. And if we want to talk about the number one rule of Winchester stupidity, it’s always putting the seemingly inconsequential humans first, regardless of the bigger picture. 
I don’t know exactly where Cas’ story is leading, but something tells me he, (actually all of tfw really) is going to get a refresher in the importance of free will and not putting all your faith in what’s supposedly already been decided. Whether that lesson’s going to be a painful one...well you’re watching Supernatural after all. Let’s hang on for the rest of this ride. Here’s hoping there’s peace when we’re done.
(Ok sorry about that last line. Turns out my dad joke impulses are stronger than I am!)
Ooh also one last thing, they’ve repeatedly emphasising how much “I’m fine” actually means the opposite for a while now, but to go from Chuck saying “everything’s fine” to him immediately sending meteors to blow up a universe? Well if anyone missed the memo, they’ve got it now!
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the-rad-pineapple · 3 years
supernatural one shot. a Cas and Sam friendship fic. 1319 words.
links for easy reading
It had been a big hunt. It has also been a long time since Dean and I worked with other hunters. I can tell Dean really likes it. He likes being with other people. He bonds with them better than I do. Maybe at some point in my life, I was like that, too. But I don’t really do that anymore. After so many of my friends kept dying because they knew me, I stopped trying to make more. I guess isolating myself is something I have in common with Dad. Dean and his new friends decided to go drinking tonight. I told Dean I didn’t mind being the DD. He asked me if I was sure out of courtesy, but I could tell he was excited. So now I’m sitting at a booth watching my brother get wasted with people he somehow bonded with faster than I ever could. It isn’t a bad time. The food isn’t completely tasteless. The bar isn’t totally trash. But I’d rather be back at a motel. “Is Dean intoxicated?” I jump. Cas is sitting across from me. He’s looking at Dean and his buddies with a frown. “Yeah. Those guys helped us in the hunt today. They offered to buy drinks.” “And you didn’t want any?” The angel looks at me. I shrug. “I’m driving.” “You could always call a taxi.” I don’t know why he needs to justify me getting drunk. “I wanted to hang out, but I didn’t feel like getting wasted.” “I didn’t mean to upset you.” I guess I let more emotion show in my voice than I meant to. It’s been a long day. I’m tired. At least, that’s the excuse I’m telling myself for letting Cas read me so easily. “I’ve just never seen you do anything like this even when Dean does it,” Cas continues. “I’ve never seen you do it either,” I retort. Cas glances back at the group of hunters. “I suppose it’s not my idea of a good time.” “I agree,” I say. “I like doing things that won’t be painful in the morning. Hunting already does enough of that.” “Dean doesn’t seem to think so.” “He’s doing it so he’ll forget hunting for now.” My honesty surprises even me. Dean would kill me if I knew I just said that. Cas sighs. “Dean’s coping mechanisms seem to be more unhealthy than yours.” I frown. “My coping mechanisms? Like what?” “You overwork yourself and blame yourself for not saving everyone, even though that task is impossible.” I want to deny it. I want to argue with him. But he’s right. And I hate it. How does he know? No one has ever put it into words, so it feels like a slap in the face. I know I do these things, but I never recognized how they can be summed up so easily.
But I do believe I am to blame for every person we failed to save. There are always signs, and I’m too slow to catch them in time. Not to mention how many people I killed by not exorcising demons and just using the knife. Or how many people died because I drank demon blood and released the actual Devil into the world. The writing on the wall was so obvious for that one. I know I can do better. I have to. All those dead people— “Sam?” I blink back to the present. “What’s wrong?” Again, Cas manages to read me when I don’t want him to. “Nothing.” He stares at me intently. “You can’t blame yourself for the people you didn’t save, Sam.” “Yes, I can!” I exclaim. “Every time it’s something I should’ve seen coming!” Why am I shouting? “That’s not true. Some events are only clear once you see their outcomes.” “What about the Apocalypse? You and Dean were being pretty straightforward with me then.” “Sam, that was years ago. Dean and I have forgiven you.” “So? Does that change the fact I led thousands of people to their deaths?” My heart is pounding in my ears, and the shame I’ve been trying to push down for years is bubbling out and seeping into our conversation. “That wasn’t you. You didn’t kill them.” “I might as well!” Tears blur my vision. Dammit. How did I become so upset over this? I don’t want Cas to see me like this, and I don’t want to be having this conversation at all. The angel stares at me again. He stands up and comes to my side of the booth and sits down next to me. I instinctively scoot away. He’s so close. “Why do you keep blaming yourself?” he asks softly. I can’t look at him. “Because it is my fault, Cas! If it wasn’t for me, so many people would be alive!” My voice is still loud. I know we’ve probably caught some people’s attention, but I can’t seem to calm down. “A lot more would be dead without you.” “Really? Because I managed to kill a lot. A lot more than I think I’ve ever saved and probably ever will.” My heated gaze lands on him. I know he can see the unshed tears in my eyes, but his demeanor doesn’t change. “You weren’t killing those people, Sam.” “But I caused it all to happen!” Why is he being so kind to me after everything I’ve done? “You were deceived by a demon.” “So? Dean was telling me it was a bad idea from the start, and I still didn’t listen.” “Yes, that’s what deception is.” The words are coming out of my mouth faster than I can stop them. “Why are you standing up for me? You know what I’ve done.” “That’s why I’m standing up for you. You’re a good man, Sam. You’re better than any angel I’ve known. Do you really think so lowly of yourself?” I look away, blinking back tears. I hate this. Why are we even talking about this? I just want him to drop it. Nothing he can say will change my mind, no matter how badly I want to. I once believed I was a good person. Now…I don’t even know what to think.
Cas put his hand on my arm. His eyes stare straight into mine. “I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t mean it,” he says. I can’t stand this anymore. I want to be doing anything else. I want to be anywhere else. “I want to leave.” I say it faster than the thought fully forms in my mind. I think Cas doesn’t hear me, because he continues to stare at me. I open my mouth to repeat myself when he stands to let me out of the booth. He doesn’t say anything as I stand up, but he follows me outside. We get to the Impala. “I’m just going to take a quick drive,” I say. I won’t look at him.
He surges forward and wraps his arms around me before I can react. I don’t think Cas has ever initiated a hug before. Especially with me.
I timidly hug him back. “Thanks,” I say quietly. The word slips out.
Telling these things to Cas...made me feel something. Not really better, but like a weight has lifted from my chest. Dean doesn’t like to talk about his feelings, which is fine, but that’s how I manage. I rarely do that. I know talking to Cas helped despite how painful it feels. It didn’t even change how I feel, but it did help to finally talk about it. Cas pulls away. “I’m always here for you.” I shamefully wipe some tears off my face. “I know.” “Then call for me when you need me.” I look up at him. I nod. “I will. ...This was helpful.” He smiles sadly. “Good. Maybe one day you can finally forgive yourself.” “That would be nice.”
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bates--boy · 4 years
One would think that in such a restaurant bar such as this, -- a branch-off of a four-star tourist-trap hotel, a hub of travel-weary businesspeople and high school socialites with fake IDs, all in top-brand suits and casuals and shoes -- the drinks would be the nectar milked from the teats of whatever deities represented alcoholic drinks.
But they’re shit. They’re absolute shit.
Still, Peter sat hunched over his glass of gin, musing without amusement how it would be no different if he just went to any old convenience store with a medical shelf, buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol with a high isopropyl content and down that, instead. No, there would be one difference: it wouldn’t taste as watered-down.
He planted the slice of lemon in his mouth, nibbling it to mitigate some of the taste of disappointment, scrolling through his home feed to stave off the awful mood of being wrung dry by the bearded, buff barbarian in a sleek black button-up, and the faceless corporation that he worked for. But some part of him was looking to feed his foul mood, or maybe he was feeling adventurous, because he mulled over whether or not he should order a glass of champagne and keep the train of minor bad decisions going. It was the weekend, after all, and he wouldn’t need to be back to work for another week.
When he forced another sip of the gin down his throat, Peter was ready to decide against it when a flute appeared before him, anyhow. “Er...” Peter said, reaching for the waiter’s arm to stop him from popping open the bottle. “I didn’t order this.”
The waiter across the room. “Courtesy of the gentleman over there.”
Furrowing his brow, Peter turned his stool in the direction the server pointed out, ignoring the gentle pop of the undone cork and the hiss of bubbles.
Immediately, a hand rose above the crowd, the crystal whiskey glass capturing what light it could in this dimly-lit cave and twinkling many colors like a beacon in a gray sea.
Either the distance and the low lights must be to blame, or Peter must be forgiven for being mean, but the guy looked like a bore.
Average rectangular frame, his receding and lackluster dark hair snipped into a budget hair style, slacks that were reminiscent of the private high schools of every wild child’s nightmare. Only thing about the man that stood out (at least from across the room) was the well-worn leather jacket with its tarnished buckles, a vintage beauty that spoke to Peter’s tendency for nostalgia.
But a jacket ain’t enough to impress, so Peter turned back to the server to order him to take the drink back, only to find that the man had already disappeared, leaving the filled flute and the open bottle on the bar table. 
“Ah, shit...” Peter mumbled. He picked up the flute and lifted it, lips curled in a half-assed grin to the “gentleman”, whose own face seemed to brightened. And then...
“Ah, shit!” Peter hissed under his breath as he watched the other man rise out of his seat god fucking damn it. And despite his attempt to look casual, the guy sure was legging it, a quarter of the way to Peter’s table by the time Peter had drained half the flute. And maybe the bubbles were getting to Peter’s head, because in the blink of an eye, the gentleman was easing himself onto the seat next to Peter, resting his elbows on the table, giving an oozing, schmoozing smile as Peter hurried to refill his glass. 
“I had a feeling you’d like the top-quality stuff,” the gentleman said.
The “top-quality” stuff tasted like diet off-brand grape soda two years past its expiration date, but still... “Thank you,” Peter murmured. His gratitude was genuine; at least he wouldn’t have to waste money on what he knew was going to be an awful drink thanks to the generosity of the other man. That didn’t change the fact that he kept his head down, eyes on his phone screen, his voice soft from immediate withdrawal of this conversation. 
Of course, the gentleman took it as modesty, and leaned in a bit closer. “You know, it’s been pretty hard finding a lady so refined around here.”
Peter almost choked on the drink, barely catching himself. He cleared his throat, reaching for the folded napkin left with the bottle to dab away the drops on his lips. Thank god for Vice lipstick. 
Peter knew he could never hope for the rich baritone of James Earl Jones or Vin Diesel, but he had something, so he used it when he lifted his head and returned the gentleman’s grin. “Why, thank you, sir.” Then, he waited for the not-all-that-feminine deep voice to register on the other man’s voice, for the man’s eyes to go clear and see all the subtle masculine traits hidden underneath the fashion, like the beginnings of an angular jaw despite the youthful plump and rosiness of Peter’s cheeks, or the broadness of Peter’s lean shoulders to make up for the lack of bodybuilder muscles, or a chest that was flat beyond bee-sting A cups. He waited for...
Well, Peter didn’t know what reaction he was waiting for -- confused, maybe over-the-top like the man apologizing profusely or toppling from his chair to get away, or red in the face and foamy at the mouth, as if Peter’s mere existence in a dress was to cheat him out of an unrequested drink -- but he didn’t expect the heat in the man’s eyes to burn brighter, or the flash of white teeth as the man briefly nibbled his bottom lip. 
For a moment, Peter froze, his mouth cinching close, his jaw locking, something besides the cheap grape juice curdling in his gut. He lowered the glass and tried to wade through the conflicting storms of his hunger for attention and the electrical fright that made him want to zap right out of the room. He gazed around, telepathically calling for an adult, any adult, to come intervene.
The man curled his fingers around Peter’s chin and tilted his head back to him, taking in Peter’s wider eyes and, once more, mistaking it for whatever Peter didn’t even want to know. The man’s brow quirked. He lowered his hand to Peter’s forearm. How can a hand be so dry yet so clammy? “I guess you don’t really do this often, do you?”
When Peter slowly and silently shook his head, something alit even brighter in the man’s eyes. “Wait... would I be the first?” 
Peter would have answered, would have said “no”, not because he had experience with this before, but because he had no experience with this before and he wasn’t planning on doing so ever. But he was frozen further with shock, stunned at the eager in the question, as if the gentleman wanted a resounding “yes”. He swallowed against the tightness of his throat. 
The gentleman chuckled before Peter could say anything. “Wow.... well, alright, then! Don’t worry, I can make your first time here splendid, so you know how to do this right. Do you want to name your price here, or over dinner, or in the room?”
Peter shook his head. “I don’t want--” He blinked, feeling his mouth fall open. “Wait, what?”
The gentleman reached over Peter to get the napkin. He flicked it open, and both of them watched as the plastic card with the hotel’s blue and lavender logo landed on the surface. The man picked up the key card, and the gleam on the man’s wrist finally caught Peter’s eyes. A large, silver watch studded with diamonds around the face. What also hadn’t passed Peter’s notice was the twinkle of the golden band around the other man’s finger.
The storm in Peter’s head brewed more violently, as fire burned under his skin and spread all over his face. He wondered what part of his ensemble -- a brown cashmere jacket, a baby blue skater dress, and black boots no taller than his ankles (wait, was it the fishnet stockings?!) -- gave this guy the idea that Peter was in that part of the field. He imagined that somewhere out there, a wife and two and a half kids were tucked away in a picket fence property, waiting for the return of this piece of shit. And enthralled by the fury that the last thought wrought, Peter developed an urge to throw the drink into this man’s face, followed by a fist with the full force of four tons of steel and concrete.
And centered in the wild storm, still and resolute like a shelter promising protection from the lethal weather, was another bad idea.
Peter kept his eyes wide, holding on to some semblance of his dissipating shock and confusion to help sell the act. He took another tentative sip of his drink. “Oh, well, okay. We can just go to your room, if you want. We can also make it a party if we have another one of these...” He picked up the open bottle and slowly swirled it, tilting his head.
The man nodded and raised a hand to grab the waiter’s attention.
Excitement set Peter’s fingertips tingling.
It came not from the bottle of champagne passed between himself and John (not really the guy’s name), nor from the smacking wet lips and the pawing hands John pressed against whatever part of Peter’s body he could reach (at least he had enough decency to not try to kiss Peter’s mouth). It came from the idea taking root within Peter’s skull. Through the buzz, Peter realized that the idea was a fuzzy picture that needed further development. So, he sharpened the image, turning it over as the two men stumbled arm-in-arm out the elevator and down the hall. A familiar stoicism settled in his chest as he tried to work out all the kinks, thought over the many ways this could go wrong and how to prevent them or weasel his way out of them. He felt like he was on the battlefield again in trying to make this foolproof.
That stony, removed feeling crumbled to dust when John stopped in front of a door and fumbled to stick his keycard in the slot with drunk hands. Oh shit, came the sobering thought once again. I’m really going to do this.
The door beeped and John reached behind him to grab Peter’s wrist. Peter let out a series of yelps as John tugged him inside, slammed the door shut, shoved Peter against the door, and locked him in place by tangling his legs with Peter’s legs and wrapping an arm around the small of Peter’s back. And then, to the Sealander’s utter, stomach-dropping horror, came the humping. 
It shouldn’t have surprised Peter, since he knew what John was after, but to so suddenly be thumping against the wooden door while some drunkard ground...pound...rubbed? What was John even thinking he was doing? He was doing something with his pulsing ere..ction against Peters pelvis, and whatever it was, Peter’s body was stunned, the lights above them blinding his eyes as he tried to turn his head away, with a thought ringing loud:
I can’t do this.
And his fort called to him, ready to put some force in his fight whenever he was ready, reminding him that he had no need to succumb to the sickening, sinking terror and regret. And, oh, how much easier it would make things, to just bash John’s nose in or throat punch him, watch him struggle to breath until he fell unconscious, or punch him in the chest and hope that it was the right moment, the split second between heartbeats...
Then John’s other hand slid up the wall, and Peter caught the shine of his wedding band before John tangled his fingers into Peter’s hair, tugging to angle his head and expose his neck. The fear rot into anger, the anger into dogged and vengeful determination, as Peter felt John reach down to tug at his skirt, and slobber against his neck, “So, how much?”
Peter grabbed onto that moment of clarity, calmed himself with it to think clearly, and began wriggling and shifting his body until John was dry humping Peter’s outer thigh. He let out a flat p.or.n star moan, louder and more strained than John’s muffled grunting, and tugged at the shell of John’s ear with his teeth. “That depends, sweetheart: what do you want, and how long you can go.” And because he was feeling silly, he dropped one of the bottles -- it was mostly empty, anyway -- and used his free hand to smack the tragically tiny bump through John’s slacks that must have to pass for John’s ass cheek. It felt like hitting a brick wall.
But it worked. John backed off enough for Peter to guide them away from the door and to sit his gentleman caller on a nearby chair. He then mounted John’s lap with enough space between them that Peter wouldn’t feel John’s enthusiasm between his legs again, and wrenched the cork out of the second bottle with his teeth. John laid out his demands in a tone that sounded like suggestions, snaking a hand up Peter’s skirt. Peter tossed out some high bullshit numbers to demands he forgot the moment they were spoken, putting the bottle to John’s lips and taking John’s hand off his thigh to suck on one of his fingers (and hoping that the bathroom had complementary mouthwash). With the deal made and already forgotten on Peter’s part, Peter slid off John’s lap and unlaced his boots.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Peter said, toeing his footwear off and shrugging out of his jacket, “I’d like to get freshened up for you. Get the stuff ready for us?” When John tugged out a condom and packet of lube from his pocket with a nod, Peter skipped off to the bathroom.
He closed the door and went to the sink. He turned the water on, and then began the shakes. With trembling fingers and unsteady hands, Peter tried to splash cold water on his face, multiple times, and only stopped once the temperature made his teeth chatter worse and after getting water all over the sink top, the floor, and some of his hair that fell to his face. He straightened, yanking a hand towel from the rack and patting his face dry, then wetting a corner of it to wipe down his neck and collarbone and legs, not caring that it was wetting his stockings as long as the feeling can be scrubbed off. 
The towel dropped to the floor; Peter searched frantically for the mouthwash and, finding it, guzzled half the tiny bottle and swishing it until it burned into his gums. He spat, and felt so awful for the housekeeper who will have to come in and clean his mess, but when he straightened from the bowl and looked at the mess reflected in the mirror, Peter’s focused was on one thing:
He was going to do this.
He was already nauseous, still stunned by the feel of another man’s erection to the point of being dizzy, but he was in a foul enough mood to want to go through with it. 
So, he left the bathroom, finding John standing in the middle of the room, holding a phone to his ear.
“--sweetie, I’ll be home in a couple days, then we can take that vacation.”
Peter approached John’s back, feeling a twinge of satisfaction as he pressed himself against John’s jacket, nestled his chin on John’s shoulder, and ran his palms up and down John’s thighs (not exactly touching anywhere near the pitch tent) then his hips, and then the brick wall that was his ass. It felt mechanical, like Peter playing airport security, but the grazing hands were enough to draw out a sharp gasp from his... client.
“Listen, I’ll have to call you tomorrow, I need to get some rest for tomorrow’s meeting. Love you, bye!”
John tossed the phone on the bed. He gave a shiver as Peter’s hands roamed higher and massage his chest through his shirt. 
Peter kissed John’s shoulder through the jacket. “Hey, you promised me that you’ll make my first time doing this splendid, right?” he murmured.
“Mhm,” John moaned.
Peter nuzzled his nose along the back of John’s neck, breathed on it, whispering, “Well... what if I don’t want splendid? What if I want real? What if I want...” he disguised the chuckle over this utter bullshit as a breathy, needy moan. “Wild?”
John furrowed his eyebrows. “Wild?”
Peter grabbed the jacket’s lapels and yanked them back, wrenching the fabric down until it bunched messily around John’s wrist and bound them behind his back. This could have gone south quickly; maybe John wasn’t into bondage, maybe he was repulsed by it. Maybe he found the idea infuriating, that some fresh-faced streetwalker new to the game and too stupid to ask for money upfront thinks he’s so special, thinks he’s so cute, that he can just change up the terms and, worse, dominate? And maybe Peter was hoping for that, hoping that John would be so turned off that he’d throw Peter out.
But then Peter grabbed a fistful of John’s hair and yanked his head back. The man let out a choked whimper, his hips twitching forward.
“How much would you cough up to make this unforgettable for me?” Peter grunted, toying with John’s belt and holding in a shudder as he felt the cock push against the fabric.
John opened his eyes, and Peter could see them rolled to the back of his head. “You can clear out my bank account.”
It would be a lie to say that Peter wasn’t tempted, to reverse course and make this a real transaction. Why the fuck should he care about some faceless woman far away, it wasn’t Peter’s marriage in the ruins. And maybe a night of getting laid would do his foul mood some good; probably not a good  lay, but how the hell would Peter know the difference? 
Plus, who wouldn’t want to be swimming in coin for a night of feigned passion?
Then the phone started to buzz, and the groan John howled out wasn’t pleasure. “God, I hope that bitch isn’t calling me, again.”
Peter pressed his tongue to his cheek. Nope, none of that was worth it.
He unfastened the belt and trailed enticing kisses along John’s shoulder, up to behind his ear as he worked the button and fly. He tugged the pants down to the ankles, ordering John to step out of them. He led John to the bed and pushed him facedown on the mattress, and went back to take out the belt from the discarded pants. When he returned to the bed, Peter looked down on the sprawling figure with his ass in the air. If he pulled down John’s unremarkable undies down to his ankles, Peter could just leave him like that, since by the time John hobbled his way to the door and managed to get it open, Peter would be long gone. But Peter had to be careful, see how far and how much he could take this.
Standing beside the bed, Peter freed John from his temporary restraints and flipped him onto his back. A hip jutting out, with his teeth biting on his bottom lip, Peter wound one end of the belt around a hand and yanked, snapping the belt. He’d think that with all the times he’s posed like this in front of the camera, it would come easily to him now, but maybe it’s too different when the viewer was right there, and could see his face. Yet, for all the awkwardness Peter felt, John didn’t seem to sense it, gazing up at Peter with glazed-over eyes.
Peter moved John’s hands up to the bed post. Once the watch and ring came off and were set on the bedside table, muscle memory took over, and Peter could almost smell the salt of the sea and the rust of his fort as he looped the belt around the wrists and the wooden post like the many times he secured items to his platform. One final tug, and the leather was biting into John’s limb, already rubbing the skin red as John squirmed to get comfortable. Peter’s hands trailed down John’s arm, down his torso, going to his lap and digging fingernails into the flesh, feeling nothing when John’s breath hitch and came out in a low hiss, still feeling removed when he released John’s thigh and left nail marks.
‘Oh, god,” John rasped, his head lolling to the side. “Oh, please fuck me, Mistress.”
Peter wanted him to shut up, so he stepped back, hiking his skirt up to tug off his boxer briefs and stockings, overly aware of John watching him. He separated the garments, balling the underwear up in his fist. “Open your mouth. Now.”
John’s mouth dropped open, his eyes rolled back once more at the taste of Peter’s fabric being stuffed inside. Surreptitiously, Peter tucked his skirt between his thighs to add another layer of barrier between his own exposure and John as he half-straddled the man’s lap. He hooked his finger through John’s neck tie and undid it, forcing his shaking hands to steady so tying the accessory around John’s eyes wouldn’t be sloppy. He leaned down until he was cheek to cheek with John.
“I’m going to make the next few hours worth every cent, my filthy little slut.” Oh, how Peter was glad John couldn’t see his face twist with self-degrading disgust. He sent out an apology to all the stars of his old favorite stag films for failing them. “Let me get the lube warmed up and the condom ready, then you can make me cum as many times as you can before I even let you.” 
He swung his leg back over John, leaving the bastard shivering with glee as he backed away from the bed. 
The timer was set.
Peter skipped over to the pants, crouching and digging out the wallet he felt in the back pocket. He pulled out the pink wads of kronor and shoved it in his pocket. He stared at the corners of the credit cards poking out of their sleeves, and looked towards the panting, writhing mess on the bed.
You can clear out my bank account.
But he shook his head clear of the temptation and stood up, returning to the bedside; might as well minimize the potential jail time as much as possible. With great care, Peter picked up the watch and ring and placed them in the pocket so they wouldn’t clink. He stared at his client, taking a deep, quiet breath.
And finally: insurance.
He hooked his fingers in John’s waistband, his face twisting up once more. Do it like a band-aid... like a band-aid... Pursing his lips against the rising bile, squeezing his eyes shut and turning his face away, Peter whipped the underwear down. He filled his lungs again, holding it in as he cracked an eyelid open and pulled his phone out.
It’s the same equipment that you have, Peter. The reminder did next to nothing to help quell the screech as his eyes met the swollen and stiff member, uncomfortably pink against the pallor of John’s legs, oozing precum.
“Holy fucking shit,” Peter cringed. He tapped on the camera, made sure that the shutter feature and the flash were both off, and aimed at the sad view that made his skin crawled. He bent down to plant a couple more kisses along John’s calf. It was an odd place to show affection to, but as long as John thought it was still leading to something, and Peter didn’t have to touch his genitals, it would do. He rose from the bed and swiped the leather jacket, draping it over his arm and picking up his own jacket and boots.
In the next breath, Peter was out the door, feeling the coldness within him snap and fall into pieces when it clicked closed behind him.
He did it.
He turned and walked off, leaving behind the muffled noise from John as it turned from confusion to protestation to outright fury, but growing ever softer as Peter legged it. His free hand patted the bulge in his dress pocket as he rounded the corner, and the shakes returned, making the air coming into his lungs shallow, making his skin prickle and his vision tunnel and sway.
When something pushed up his throat, Peter feared it was vomit, or a scream, or a cry. It definitely had to be a cry, as the sensation of John’s dick between his legs burned all over. But it was a laugh. He laughed. Because it shouldn’t have been that easy, but he did it! And --
He stumbled to the nearest trash can, knocking the top off and emptying his stomach in the refuse.
When it was over and Peter came up for air, he wiped his mouth and looked around, feeling so separated from this plane. This called for a celebration.
He rummaged through his jacket pocket, the cashmere one he came in, and pulled out the shades. Then he clipped on the watch and pulled out the wad of cash, setting the jackets and boots down on the floor next to his feet. Raising the phone up, he tilted his head and stuck his little tongue out.
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wendibird · 4 years
SPN 15X15 Observations
The saga of my shitty cable/internet provider continues. This week I was again watching it on my computer through the streaming app since TV still isn’t getting reliable reception, and my internet connection kept dropping! (Luckily, I’ve also set it to record, so I was able to re-watch the episode after it aired.) So, my notes are much less coherent probably, and I’ve had a long day so my after-episode thoughts probably are too. 
Everything else under the cut for those who wish to avoid spoilers and all my rambling:
- Connor isn't going to last long. - wtf? (freaky teddy bear!) - "she and I used to have a thing"? Seriously Dean? - Cas: "Sam?" (aka "Please be the reasonable one.") - soooooo much salt from Cas. - "Agent Swift!" - BABY YODA!!!! - I think the crossroads thing is Cas just making a phone call more or less. - Cas, there are NEVER "too many cats". - LOL I love Cas' literalness - Eeeeee..... love them bonding. - Hrm. So there's definitely a karmic element to these killings. I mean, "Lair" seemed like a bit of a stretch for the other kid, unless the "lie" was in him agreeing with the snobby girls. But I have a feeling this lady here is going to end up with something like "thief" carved into her. (So, thoughts: Avenging Angel? Just Deserts? Probably something new.)
- Also I feel like there was maybe something in that "previously" scene that I don't remember seeing before. (Was talking about Dean going into detail about needing to take Amara out as well as Chuck. I remember part of that conversation, but some parts felt "new" to me? Though I've only seen through this current season once, so I might just not be remembering everything right.) - Sam's worried/concerned about Jack! <3 - "At least this time it's not you and me." Oh man does that feel like foreshadowing. - Not sure I trust the pastor. - I've been watching this show too long. They all feel sketchy. Especially the girl with the headband. *LOL* - Oh man. Are they really going "Torture Porn" on us again? (Apparently) - His (Jack’s) Mom died 3 years ago too. - "I have more dads than most." <3 - "Put your trust in God." Wow. *LOL* Poor Jack. - Cas, you're totally one of his dads. But yes. It is complicated. - Ahhh. Maybe that's what the "Liar" thing was about. (Connor being gay and hiding it?) - Hi Amara! (My cat wants to get into my closet.)
- Amara's still in relatively light colors.
(Stupid internet signal is being a pain)
- I wish I knew what was going on.
(Aaaaand more internet problems)
- I love Cas! (still confused about what's going on.)
- So, what's with the random demon in the squad car? - Dammit.... I had a feeling Jack would end up having to die to kill Chuck and Amara.
(OKAY! Now that the episode is over, I'm going to re-watch parts of it so I can find out what the hell I missed! (still irritated))
- Jack HAS one of those teddy's! I wonder which one got it for him.... (My guess is Sam or Cas) - Maybe it was Zack in the cop car at the end? He DID say he was really bored. - Reason why I was thinking it might be something supernatural was because the one who did it seemed to know in advance who they were going after, but that lady just now stole from the poor box. So, how did the daughter know? Unless she'd done it before? Hrm. - Minor note: "We've been on the road almost two days." WTF? SPN doing somewhat realistic travel times?! *LMAO* - Trying to tell what's in her other hand. Looks like it's duct-taped closed into a fist around something. A transmitter maybe? It's an odd detail that I don't think gets explained. - So, did she call him a "liar" because she saw the two of them as having dated and then he came out as gay at some point? - So, they're just gonna leave the Impala there while it's gassing up? *LOL* - I still love Cas for this part. Sharing his "Journey". - Okay, got to see the guys' talk with Amara. (At least the first half of it.) I still think it's risky for Dean to tell her about Jack even being a player on the board. Though I get that he had to give her SOMETHING so she would get that the threat is credible. That they actually CAN do something against Chuck. - Also, SPN can't settle on its history. *LOL* But that's nothing new. Back in S5 it was God and Death and Death couldn't remember who came first. Then at the end of Season 10 we got an updated version with the Darkness (Who didn't seem to have met Death prior to her imprisonment.) Now, Darkness and God were twins. - Ewwwwww.... dead guy. - Wow.... They actually textualized that. (About Mary.) - He sounded like he meant it when he said "I will never hurt you." - I still love Cas being a subtle badass. - Jack... it's NOT the only way... (And I'm pretty sure Sam HAS forgiven Jack. But I don't think they've really talked.)
I apologize that my "notes" this time are a train-wreck, but so was my internet connection, so sadly, this is what happens when I watch part of the episode, miss some important bits, and watch most of the rest of it (while still missing more bits) and then when it's finally over I can finally go back and re-watch the bits I'd missed. And I wound up mostly just re-watching the whole thing again anyway. And some things definitely made more sense, and I definitely noticed some things I hadn't caught the first time.
I know a lot of people aren't going to like it because it mostly featured Cas and Jack while being light on the brothers. (But there WAS some good brother content!) I did enjoy it well enough though. (Like, it's not gonna make my top 10 total episodes, but I liked it better than a lot of the ones earlier this season.)
Organizing my thoughts is gonna be a bit hard (I've had a long day) but I'll make an attempt here.
Cas and Jack's arc: It definitely had a more old-school SPN horror vibe to me, though more like some of the newer horror movies (like Saw and the like) and I think both characters were written well. We had two awkward angels who still don't get all things human, but they obviously care. There was also a lot of talk about God in a way that I felt made both of them feel awkward considering their perspective on Chuck. I do still wonder though about some of the details of what Sylvia was doing. Like, I get how she'd probably been stewing about the one boy for a while. But the lady (could never quite tell if it was Valerie or Mallory) had literally JUST stolen from the donation box when she stepped outside into the trap laid for her. So, was this maybe a habit of her's? How would Sylvia have known about it beforehand? And also, what was with the crossroads demon at the very end posing as/possessing a police officer? Is he going rogue because he's bored? Is he acting on some weird kind of orders? I saw some theories about maybe the Dad made a crossroads deal to spring his daughter, but... I dunno. Unless it's supposed be a tease for something to come later, it feels odd and random.
Overall, I did really like Cas in this episode. I thought his blend of salt, cluelessness, and altruism was good, and I loved what he said about his past, and how he found his new purpose. Because he has been drifting quite a bit since he lost his original purpose. But he definitely seems to have found it again with Jack. So naturally he gets to find out that Jack is fated to die taking out God and the Darkness. *sigh* Dude CANNOT catch a break! Also, JACK! I love him so much! (And honestly, I'd had suspicions already that this is what had been troubling him. I'm glad he finally told one of his dads at least.)
Also, just wanna reiterate, I loved that bit at the beginning when Dean suggests Cas and Jack go tackle this case "that probably isn't anything (supernatural)" and he turns to Sam like "Please be the sane one here." (My hope/headcanon is that Sam encouraged him to go because he knows something has been troubling Jack, and if Jack won't open up to Sam about it, maybe he was hoping he'd open up to Cas at least. Then maybe SOMEONE could help him. But I don't know if the writers are thinking that deeply about Sam.)
Speaking of Sam and Dean... Okay, overall I thought their part of the episode was okay for what we saw. Like, the brother talk in the Impala, mild bickering about driving times and regular mundane stuff. Also their talk with Amara had some GOOD emotional beats in it. For Dean and Amara. Sam was mostly just there. And then he wasn't even there for the main part. So... *sigh* It's not that I begrudge Dean having that moment. I mean, he definitely had more of a connection to Amara than Sam did. But it still feels like not much really happened with him besides being a soundingboard and showing some concern for Jack. Hopefully we get more of him actually being important to the plot in upcoming episodes.
But let me reiterate that I DID like the talk Dean and Amara had! I'm glad that she textualized something that I know a lot of fans have theorized about Mary and her purpose narratively. That prior to her resurrection she had been put on this pedestal, but Dean and Sam were actually able to get to know the real woman. That the real woman was better than the memory because she WAS real. Flaws and all. (Not that I blame Dean for being angry.) I'm just glad that it was said outright. Because I got the feeling from some of the things Samantha Smith has said at cons that that was part of the point of Mary's character since S12, to make her real. And I know a lot of people couldn't see past her flaws and still hate her. (I DO think some things could have been handled better with her character, but that's not the point of this long rambly post today.) Also, when Dean said that he could never hurt her? It felt like him telling the truth. Maybe he was able to get that feeling across because technically he WAS telling the truth, since the plan is for Jack to be the one doing the hurting. But I dunno.
Anyway, overall I thought it was a decent episode. It had some good character moments in it, and considering I thiiiiink the next episode is going to be very Sam and Dean heavy, I'm not gonna begrudge Cas and Jack some screentime in this one since things are likely going to be getting dicey here fairly soon.
(And again, I apologize for how scattered this is this time.)
P.S. Oh, and one last thing before I forget. Especially after last episode, I find it odd that Jack still thinks BOTH brothers haven't forgiven him. I get why he would think that about Dean. The dude outright said it was going to take some time. But Sam, as far as we've seen has been shown to be supportive of Jack. So, I wonder if it's because Jack still hasn't forgiven himself? Or if it's because maybe he and Sam haven't really talked about that whole issue, so maybe Jack thinks Sam is just avoiding it? (Or if the writers are just lumping Sam&Dean together again because WHY would anyone see them as two separate entities? *salty*) Because if anyone in this show SHOULD be aware that the brothers don't always think the same it should be Jack. Because from the start Sam has tended to hold a different stance in regards to him than Dean. *sigh* Ah well. We'll see how things fall out. Especially considering what Cas (I’m assuming anyway) told Dean about Jack and Billy’s plan. 
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espejonight28738 · 5 years
15×08 meta 1/2, Purgatory 2.0
Warning: Destiel, pure destiel. And a lot of references to romantic movies, I'm sorry for that.
Hi! For this episode I decided to do 2 posts. This one, which is purely destiel in purgatory 2.0 meta, and the next one, which will be about destiel/saileen/ and the end of the toxic codependency between Dean and Sam. I'll post that one later.
Now, I know everyone and their mother already talked about Purgatory and the Prayer and the importance of Dean and Cas going back to where they first reconciled after a “break up” (Because even if Dean had already forgiven Cas for the betrayal with Crowley, the threat of in case I die tomorrow kinda left a bittersweet flavor to that. But Purgatory? That was true forgiveness), and everything is amazing, but I'll keep talking because I can.
Purgatory gave in Supernatural a new whole level of intimacy and almost devotion to prayers, because before that it was more of a call phone that anything else. Like, yes, it does was about some kind of faith, and that's why Dean was so reticent at the beginning of praying to Cas.
And after? Like I said, kind of a one-sided phone call to get Cas to bring his “feathery ass” to them. It was a strategic tool for communication.
That changed in Purgatory.
Dean was stuck one year in Purgatory. It is clear than most of it was searching for Cas, and that after finding him it was easy to find the portal, but I'll be really generous, and say they (Dean, Cas and Benny) spent a month looking for the portal (again, I assume it was less because Purgatory wanted to kick Dean out, but this will get my point across anyway). This means Dean spent at least 334 days looking for Cas, because the separated the moment they arrived.
If Dean prayed to Cas every night, those are 334 prayers. The first thing we can get from here is that there was no strategic worth for most of the prayers. Maybe at the beginning Dean though that if he described where was he, Cas would be able to fly to him. At the beginning, I'm sure after a month Dean understood praying wasn't gonna help have Cas back.
That left us with a little over 300 hundred prayers. What the hell Dean talked about in so many prayers? “Hey dude, I'm still looking for you. Don't die”? Pardon my French, but that doesn't fucking need a daily prayer. Besides, Dean doesn't say he prayed daily, he said he prayed every night, that points to routine. You don't need a routine for one sentence, you can say while walking, next to Benny. If he had a routine, he made time for the prayers, that leads me to believe they were more than a reminder he was still there. Dean had full conversations, or monologues whatever, in his prayers.
So next I need to say that when that first “I need you” was dropped, Castiel didn't seem surprised.
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 Look at him. That's not a face of surprise. Dean never says things like that to anyone but Sam, and yet Cas just looks heartbroken, not surprised. And we are talking of the same angel that needed a “yes, dumbass, we.” To process that Dean thinks they are a good team. Like, the only logic explanation I see is that that wasn't the first time he had told Cas he needed him.
We will never truly know the content of those +300 prayers, but I know that “I need you” had already been out of Dean's mouth. Maybe that's also the reason he said it when Cas was about to kill him in 8x17. It was not just something he said once to convince Cas to go with him, it was something he repeated over the course of a year.
I don't know guys, but to me that's some “as you wish” level chick-flick move there. Specially for Dean “I am not one for praying, 'cause in my book it's... it's the same as begging.” Winchester.
Not a tool, no strategical move, those prayers were of the purest and most devote motives. And now you tell me that The Prayer will be back there???
I swear this is the last movie reference but this is Noah and Allie making love in the house they wanted to live in when they were together and that Noah remodeled hoping that would bring Allie back to him, after he tells her he wrote her a letter each day for a year.
And you may wonder, if my hopes are so high, why ain't Cas in episode 10. According to me? Considering we still have many episodes to go, I have three theories;
He dies
He has the equivalent of a gay panic but for when you best friend who you've been in love with for years returns your feelings after you've given up hope and were sure he hated you, so he runs off to the first mission they need someone to go.
Chuck doesn't want this to turn in a fricking Nicolas Spark novel so he manages to take him out of the game until he needs him to go back and die or something.
And you may notice the absence of the popular they (or at least it is popular on Twitter) where Cas gets trapped in Purgatory, again.
But like, that isn't a problem? Micheal can just snap and open the gate again, I mean, I know he doesn't really like them, but it would be annoying having Dean all broken and not really functional when you can solve that with a snap of your fingers.
The point is, they have an easy way to open back the gate, so it would be ridiculous to make a big fuss out of Cas getting trapped, unless Micheal dies or something in the meantime.
Tagging: @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @agusvedder @legendary-destiel @that-one-fandom-chick @studio-hatter
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Pairing: Fem!reader x Sam Winchester
Warning(s): Angst
Word Count: 1.4K
Original imagine: [x] & if you haven’t already you should check out @spn-imagines-nation
Summary: Y/N gets an unexpected call from her ex Sam Winchester
A/N: I changed the dialogue from the original imagine in this just slightly to make it work. My requests are open! I feel like all I have ideas for is angst all day everyday, so send in your requests so I can write about something different. 
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You sat in a relatively quiet bar enjoying a drink and a catch up with your best friend. It was very rare in your hectic life as a hunter that you got to have these moments, so you relished in it while you could, enjoying the soft country music and catching each other up on your lives. You barely got to see Claire any more so when you had been passing by her town you decided to pay a visit and get to spend some uninterrupted time with her.
Well you had planned on it being uninterrupted, but your phone buzzing loudly on the bar for the third time in thirty minutes shattered those plans.
“Damn, someone really wants to get a hold of you. Who is it?” You had planned on ignoring it and letting the call ring out but Claire’s question prompted your curiosity to get the better of you. With Claire leaning over your shoulder you picked up the phone to see ‘Sam. W’ in bold letters on your screen.
“Sam? As in your ex Sam?” You nod bewildered. “You’re not going to answer it are you?” Claire accusatorily asks. You grimace knowing that he wouldn’t be calling unless it was important. You apologise to your friend before stepping outside away from prying ears.
“Uh, hey Y/N, it’s Sam here…” he says before adding “Winchester that is”, awkwardly at the end of his sentence.
“I know Sam, caller ID and all.”
“Yeah yeah of course.”
“So, why are you calling, I assume there’s a reason?” Your sentence came out far ruder than you intended after waiting for him to speak for far too long. Sam audibly took a large breath before explaining that they were tracking a werewolf that he was certain you’d tried to hunt earlier in the year. He wanted you to come and look at the case as if it was the same werewolf, he and Dean could really use your help dealing with it.
“You know I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t urgent,” he said in conclusion. You huffed before speaking.
“I’ll come have a look, no promises I’ll stick around. How soon do you need me?”
“How soon can you get to Salem?”
Much to Claire’s chagrin, you were forced to cut your evening short so you could hit the road. If this was that same werewolf that evaded you all those months ago then you didn’t want to waste any time. Luckily for all parties involved Claire didn’t live unreasonably far from Salem so you managed to get to the dingy motel they were staying at by morning, allowing yourself to get a couple of hours sleep in your car halfway through the night.
You knocked on door 176 and when it opened you were greeted by the other Winchester.
“Heya Dean”, you offered as a greeting.
“It’s good to see ya kid”, he said with a smile, stepping aside and letting you enter the otherwise vacant room. Your quizzical gaze didn’t go unnoticed.
“He’s gone to get breakfast”, his words answering your unasked question. You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. You hadn’t known how anxious you were to see Sam after the way you had left things until that moment.
Dean took the opportunity to fill you in on the case, leaving no doubt that it was the all too familiar werewolf.
The door suddenly opened and Sam rather unceremoniously staggered in, juggling a tray of drinks and bags of diner food.
“Sorry, they were pretty busy. Also they were totally out of pie so I got you- Y/N.” He cut his sentence short when he looked up and saw you were there.
“Hey Sam”, you reply. Looking up at his face you find his eyes stuck on you. Those tranquil orbs take you back, the goods times you’d shared swimming through your mind. Stolen kisses, inside jokes and times you felt invincible with him by your side all invaded your head. You almost smiled at the memories, instead you forced the urge away. No matter all the soft touches and ‘I love you’s’ that lay before you in his eyes, you forcibly recall the reasons your year-long relationship had ended. You make yourself remember the arguments and tears, the yelling and nights spent with nothing but you and an empty bed.
Sam is a great guy, you wouldn’t have fallen in love with him if he wasn’t. Your relationship had started like any other, the honeymoon period feeling as though it would never end. Of course it did, and when it had it felt like you were only getting halves. It didn’t feel like he was fully in your relationship, his mind and attention always drifting. Drifting to his latest case, to how to help his brother or Cas, even to his research. Eventually you’d had enough of nights with a cold side of the bed and feeling as though you were only getting half a person and half a relationship.
The night you broke up you told him you needed wholes, not halves. There was yelling from him, an inability to listen to your words meaning and then a slammed door and tear-filled eyes accompanied by white knuckles on a steering wheel signified the end.
That was months ago, yet somehow standing before him and looking into his eyes it felt as though you had lived through that year all over again.
“Okay, well I’m going to find somewhere that does have pie.” Neither you nor Sam had noticed how stifling the silence had been before Dean had spoken. You had just a moment to regain some composure as Dean grabbed his keys and exited the room. The suffocating silence once more settled over the two of you. Both of you were reluctant to meet each other’s gaze again, afraid of what other memories could be revealed within them. You gathered your nerve and cleared your throat.
“So it’s definitely the same one”, you said, inclining your head towards the research on the table. He hummed in response, placing the food on the kitchen bench before heading over to where you sat so he could peer over your shoulder.
“I thought so. Same targets, same M.O. It was too much of a coincidence.” The words you were exchanging felt so arbitrary and useless. So many other words sat unsaid on your tongue. What words could you even say to the man leaning over your shoulder? That you missed him? That you couldn’t stop thinking about him? That you still hadn’t forgiven him? Most of all, say you wished he’d been able to apologise? No. It was better for you both to swallow those words so only you knew they had been dancing on your vocal cords.
You stood up abruptly, wiping your hands on your legs to try and dispel how clammy they had become.
“Thank you Y/N, for coming to have a look”, Sam said to fill the awkward silence. You lightly snorted in response.
“Don’t thank me yet, we still have to find this thing.”
“Are you saying you’ll stay to help me deal with it?” He looked hopeful, the glimmer in his eyes doing nothing to help keep happy memories from resurfacing. You were forced to once again remind yourself that the bad had outweighed the good.
“That’s what I’m saying”, you say getting more irritated as your sentence continues, “what kind of person do you think I am? I don’t do things by halves.” You opened the door but you turned around to see if your words had their desired effect, seeing an almost guilty expression on his face.
“I deserved that one”, he said with a small nod. You bit your tongue nervously before letting out a drawn-out sigh.
“Damn right you did.” You shut the door without looking behind you, somehow maintaining a normal heartbeat before unpacking your car into one of the dingy rooms at the same motel.
Sam seemed different, you couldn’t help but think as you flopped down onto the double bed. The man you had broken up with was stubborn and unable to accept responsibility for his part in the breakdown of your relationship. The man in front of you moments ago though? He seemed regretful, guilty. Is it possible he’d changed? And if he had, was there another chance for you two? You shook your head. That is not why you drove through the night to get to this shitty motel. You had to stay focused on one thing; finally killing that son of a bitch of a werewolf. You told yourself this over and over.
Yes, that was your sole purpose in coming. A stray thought betrayed your mantra, because you knew it wasn’t true. It wasn’t the only reason you were here, not truly.
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unpopulair opinion: i can't believe sam forgive dean about the gadreel thing. it was abusive.
Yeah, that whole scenario was pretty bad. Especially when in the context of the show, supernatural possession without consent is akin to rape. And it’s actually kind of worse that Dean legitimately tricks Sam in order to get around the whole consent issue. Tricking someone or manipulating someone into having sex with you is still rape and what Dean did to Sam, manipulating and tricking Sam into saying yes, isn’t actually consent, it’s just a loophole around the issue and isn’t actually consent. This moment where Dean tricks Sam should not be toted around as this great display of how much Dean loves his brother. No, this is not an amazing display of Dean’s love for Sam. This is not a symbol of how much Dean loves Sam. This is Dean not respecting other people’s autonomy and being only interested in what these people can do for him, what their existence does for him. What Dean needs for himself trumps everything else, even Sam’s own desires. I’m certainly not saying that I wanted Sam to die in that moment. That’s not what I’m saying at all. Sam and Cas are my favorite characters on this show. But at the same time, in the moment of the whole Gadreel possession, I did not agree with Dean in this moment. And then, because of what Dean did, Sam now has to deal with the fallout of what Gadreel did. Most notably, Kevin Tran’s death. Something like this, I don’t know if I could ever forgive anyone for doing that to me. But in their typical Dean-Stan-Itis fashion, the writers never actually do anything to hold Dean accountable for it. Sam’s mad for like an episode but then he’s all, “let bygones be bygones” and it’s just this weird thing that I can’t stand when the writers do it. They try super hard to make sure that Dean is forgiven for all bad things he does, all the characters and stans are like, “he just cares so much so its okay”…well so do Sam and Cas, what are they? Chopped liver? They all do bad things because they care so much but yet Dean is the one instantly forgiven for everything whereas Sam and Cas are paying for their decisions for multiple seasons? And they’re still being driven by their guilt for those decisions even to this very day. Sam and Cas consistently feel like they’re failures and Dean constantly harps on and brings up their failures but the second Dean feels even a smidge of guilt for the things he’s done, the writers bend over backwards to pat poor Dean on the back and be all, “it’s okay, poor baby, don’t feel bad, it happens to the best of us.”
And the thing that I can’t stand is when Dean stans justify this scenario but in Season 14, when Sam punches Dean for Dean wanting to essentially commit mental suicide, suddenly Sam is the abusive, codependent asshole according to them. Never mind the fact that these scenarios are completely different. With the Gadreel thing, Sam was already knocking at death’s door, he was ready to let go and be at peace and Dean deprived that of him. What happened in season 14 was nowhere near something like that. Sure, there was a part of Sam that didn’t want to let Dean go but he was also trying to prevent Dean from making a decision that would mean a fate worse than death and I would hope that if I was on a verge of making a decision like that that there was someone who loved me enough to punch me in the face in order to get me to re-consider. And not to mention it’s a decision that was chalk full of holes in it (it was a temporary solution to the problem at best). Dean wasn’t about to find peace, he was not dying, there were still other possibilities they could explore to fix the problem. But it’s also worth mentioning that Sam wasn’t aggressively trying to take this decision away from Dean like Dean has done so many times with Cas and Sam. Sam was trying his damnest to try and get Dean to re-consider but he wasn’t doing anything to actively take the decision away from Dean. And that’s the difference between their co-dependent relationship with each other. There’s a difference between how they respect each other. Dean is only interested in what Sam’s existence gives him whereas Sam loves his brother and while wanting his brother by his side, there’s still an element of respect regarding his decisions.
I’m just not a big fan of Dean being unwilling to give the people he loves the respect of autonomy. Autonomy be damned, he’s the one that apparently knows what’s best for everyone and everyone should be grateful for the decisions he makes for them.
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x03 commentary
A/N: NOW WITH @waywardbaby 
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14x03 “THE SCAR”
zeta: The intro finished. Hush
- not gonna lie.... I’m not excited for this. I’m still salty over the Micheal lasting 2 ep thing.
zeta: it’s just a beard, Duck dynasty called.
- this was the cutest okay?!?!
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- S:  Well someone like Sam like that okay? you are just jealous.
zeta: Innocent child
zeta: “Michael bailed”
Dean be lying
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Sam be knowning
Sam: I know you are lying.
Dean: I know you know.
Sam: I know you know that I know
Dean: Isn’t it nice to be back?
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- D “ aaaah it’s nice to be back h- *record scratch*
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D : the fuck?! 
zeta: Home?! Wtf  . The shirt and the vest tho.
zeta: Chief?
zeta: Dad is back. Jack is happy
* audience whistle*
zeta: And there’s the happy husband
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*audience awwwwing*
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- D: still okay, I promise”
zeta : still okay
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- S, J and C looking at each other : He’s lying 
Us: he’s lying
- C “why would Micheal just give up his vessel like that “ 
yeah...exactly....waiting for the weak ass explanation
- [ commence Dean’s face melting and feels cooking up]
zeta: Right
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zeta: Oh hello
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-welp there it is
zeta: Second scar. Tag your porn ffs
- that fucking scar is bullshit ok??
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- D” yeah I can handle Cass that “ 
 C “ Dean...”
 D “ Cass...come on...hit me “   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
 S “ i’m so tired “
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zeta: drag it out of me  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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- Can....can I just ...
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..ok sorry *screams into a pillow*
- AAAANYWAY.... fucking Kaya huh?! 
zeta : I need the other sherif tho
Zeta my god down girl
-This episode is Sam huh huhing 
zeta : Petition for Sam to never shave off the beard
-aww that little push was cute like 
S: Dude come on talk to mom#2
- Cass doing his hunter backpack IS CLEANING MY SKIN, AND MY CROPS ARE THRIVING
- [enters Jack] ....oh no
- D: “ You are barely an 100 pounds soaking wet “ ...  my EU ass :
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- Jack : Damn I wish I went with my dad and got that laser sword tho
- D: “I didn’t mean to be a dick”
- THOSE ARE SOME GOOD AF EYELASHES EXTENSION  I want mine done again *whines*
- Castiel’s hand.....BRUUUUUUUUUUUH GIMMIE 
- “UUUH this might take a while .... you two...go bla bla bla I’ll catch up “
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zeta: Both Dads on the same page
- Aww Dean driving how nice.
zeta: Hello, the roar of Baby
- “ Cass can handle it “
yes yes he can ...
- oh wait it the brother in the Impala so....FEELING TIME
- “I didn’t know if you were alive I- “   “I just need you to talk to me “
zeta: Give Sam a fucking hug. Somebody
- Jody looking like a snac tho
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-EXCUSE YOU JENSEN WHAT IS THAT , just kill me while you are at it Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.
zeta: She likes the beard, in your face Dean
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- “Claire is still.....Claire”
- Sam : 
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- That smug face OMG
-Dean is like....NO TIME WASTING KIDS
zeta: WTF is Jack doing?
me: being a terrible child
- Oh I love Castiel with books
- “Like sleeping beauty “ ..... ok your cute ass is forgiven for now.
zeta: like sleeping beauty,... seriously
zeta Are you going somewhere
- Please don’t ever cut Sam’s beard , it’s doing things to me. (lol zeta)
- ....and thing tied around Dean’s thigh are doing god’s work. 
zeta: Those bow legs, Is this the time to mention the knife on Dean’s thigh? 
( lol Zeta#2)
 I should be commenting on the plot too sometimes ( lol who am I kidding right?). Anyway...I think Dean’s is remembering the place.
The directors are loving close ups.....and I’m definitely not complaining .
- Heads on a pike ....yikes.
zeta: what....Kaya?
- Kaya owning three hunter’s asses is life.
- aaaand that is not-Jensen landing on not-Jared. I mean....that’s a not-Jared belly.
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zeta: those close ups give me life
- Castiel searching stuff around the bunker with his power ....can you imagine not having to look for the keys anymore??? 10/10 would marry.
- Marked “ Gross stuff” . Dean marked it I fucking swear.
zeta: gross stuff
zeta:” Is that your dad?”    “one of them”
- Yo....Jack needs to stop breaking my heart.
- Ok even before finishing the ep I fucking new that damn pendant had something to do with the spell and shit 
- Bearded Bitchface yaaas
zeta: Sam just wants to punch him in the face
me... with love
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I’m sorry I need to do this I’ve been laughing for hours
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- me to Castiel : Speak Latin to me 
- Well that didn’t work      zeta: that didn’t go well
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh heck yeak
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zeta: I need Kaya’s coat
zeta: Right in the face
- Yeeeeah...Dean’s in that autopilot state that he was when Jack let them see Mary alive and being tortured.
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- “....and weak “
zeta: Sassy. “you are much weaker£
Bitch the fuck
- Okay I know that SPN is not famous for the special effect and shit...but those prosthetics are wack
- “ ..you let her die “ .... why is jack testing me so much ?!?!?
zeta: poor baby jack
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- Seeing Castiel feeling pain seeing his son in pain is giving me pain STAPH IT
-Yas Jack baby use that smart af brain your other dad gave you
- D: “We need to break her, right here right now”
  Jody:  Wha
 D: “I’m gonna do whatever it takes”
mmmmm flashbacks and deja vu
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- oooooh damn Dean mad is kinky tho , proofs follows:
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- sorry I need to go change now.
zeta: the fucking close ups
zeta: Holy fucking yes, clever baby jack
zeta: Proud father
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- [flashback]  seee I told ya
- evil Kaya: “ You are scared...and you are weak “ oh boi
zeta: I’ve sensed you
- Michael with his damn hat and suit“ I’m here to make you an offer “    
  my italian ass : 
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Micheal not using his friggin’ archangel’s powers with a...like...a kid
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zeta: Yeah I should not like this so much
- Well that was underwhelming anyway ( still hot tho). 
- Y’all I wanna see how they intent to explain all of * gesture* that.
- also that fight with the bad special effect teeth werewolf was disappointing ....I mean wow....ok.....
zeta: They are getting their ass kicked
- #stopbreakingJodysbones2k18
- Kaya yeeting out this bad writing is mood 
zeta: she fucking bailed----or not
-” Dean Winchester you have nothing to apologize for” Jody is the better Mom
- “I just fear that I’ve already lost before I could even begin “.... wow ok thank Jody. Also I’ve read how someone saw Bobo’s mourning over wayward sisters and I AGREE *slams fists on the table with tears in my eyes*
zeta: just dreading those consequences
- “The mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter “  *sobs*  “Maybe we could go on a hunting trip “ ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS JFC CASTIEL YOU ABSOLUTE ANGEL DAD I CAN’T.
zeta: Cas smiling....rare
- Jack coughing “ I’m fine “ 
zeta: What is wrong with baby jack?
me : OH LOOK that’s another thing he got from his dads,
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- D : “ You were right...”   S: wha
  D:” I don’t want to look at it, what Micheal used me for”    “ and it wasn’t a blink “
“I remember most of what Micheal did with me” 
“...drowning , and that I remember. I felt every second of it, clawing , fighting for air “
zeta: Drowning FUCK
“ ...and it’s all on me man “
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JFC JARED you are killing me this season
zeta: If they kill Jack I’m rioting
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WELP I’M TIRED , SAD AND AROUSED . So nothing new here right?
I DON’T KNOW WHO TO TAG, send an ask HERE if you want or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @destiel-honeypie @mariekoukie6661 @dragontamerm  @closetspngirl 
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nickelkeep · 5 years
Visits and Bribes
Read on AO3
“This isn’t working. I can do anything with a computer guys, except talk to spirits.” Charlie looked over her laptop at Sam and Dean. “I’m serious. I’ll figure out patterns, I’ll predict future hits, I’ll crack codes.” She clicked away at a few keys before closing her laptop. “I thought you guys had a medium on retainer for this?”
Sam rubbed the back of his neck. “We do. Sort of.” He looked at Dean. “Right?”
“I think she likes you more at this point.” Dean sipped at his coffee. “I mean. Cas and me? Yeah. I don’t think she’s forgiven him, not completely.”
Charlie looked back and forth between the two brothers. “I don’t care which one of you does it. Call your damn psychic, get them here, and I’ll help them help you.”
Dean stared at Sam, who in turn threw his hands up in the air. “Fine. But you and Cas can’t hide forever. She probably already knows. She’s a psychic. She probably saw it coming for Chuck’s sake.”
Sam stormed out of the room, already pulling out his phone. Charlie cocked her head in confusion and glanced back at Dean. “History?”
“Let’s just say Pamela and Cas didn’t meet on the best of terms. It was an accident. But, it’s left Pamela untrusting of angels.”
“I think most people would be untrusting of angels if they knew what dicks most of them are. We lucked out with a good one.”
Dean smiled. “That we did Charlie, that we did.”
Sam reentered the library. “Pamela is willing to come. Even with Cas here.”
“You bribed her.” Dean accused.
“That wasn’t necessary.” Sam slid in the chair next to Charlie. “She missed me.”
“You would have taken your seat over here. What did you offer?”
Charlie looked back and forth between Sam and Dean. “I’m not a shield right now, am I? Cause that’s not what a little sister is for.”
Sam offered an apologetic smile to the small redhead. “Not exactly a shield.”
“Samantha.” Dean glared and pointed a finger at his younger brother. “You didn’t.”
“It worked.” Sam shrugged defensively.
It was Charlie’s turn to be concerned. “He didn’t what?” She turned and looked at Sam. “What did you do?”
Dean sat back in his chair. “Pamela has a type.”
Charlie’s jaw dropped as Sam turned as red as her hair.
Dean had left to go get Pamela, after losing yet another game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Apparently, the medium couldn’t drive, and that left one of the brothers to go get her. To be honest, she was surprised that Sam didn’t just go himself. To say that the bunker was in an awkward stalemate was an understatement.
Sam had tried several times to approach Charlie, but he was so deep on her shit list that she wasn’t sure what he could do to get off it. It was amusing to Charlie, watching him run around and try to apologize in his own way. Sam had made her favorite tea, the tv had conveniently found itself left on her favorite shows, she even found her laundry done.
The laundry had truly been a peace offering. Sam rarely did his, so to do hers was down right begging. She sighed and went to his room, knocking on the doorframe. “Message Received Sam.”
Sam turned from where he was sitting on the bed. “Oh, thank Chuck. I didn’t know what else I could do.”
“Didn’t say I forgave you. Yet.” She walked over and sat next to him. “What did you promise this Pamela chick?”
“I didn’t promise her anything, actually.” He ran his fingers through his hair, his nervousness showing through his tic. “She didn’t want to come. She doesn’t hate Cas per say, but she is very cautious around angels. And we all know when Cas is concerned, the other angels aren’t very fond of him.”
Charlie nodded in agreement. “Ok, but you bribed her. And you used me in that bribe.”
“I did. And I promise, Pamela really is harmless. She’s just very flirtatious. First time she met us, she was uh… let’s just say there were jokes about quarters off of asses.”
“That’s not helping your case.”
“Pamela is bisexual. You match her taste in ladies. Almost exactly to a T.”
“Samuel William Winchester! So help me, what did you promise her?”
“I told her that we had a smart, cute, fiery redhead here at the bunker that she could flirt with.” He held his hands up. “I promise, that’s all I told her. She said to come and get her.”
“And when I’m not what you’ve promised?”
“Trust me. You are.”
Charlie covered her face with her hand and sighed. “You’re still making my drinks while she’s here.”
Sam let out a sigh of relief and hugged her. “Deal.”
Dean and Pamela arrived later that evening. Charlie was sitting down at the War Table running logistics on her laptop while Sam was taking notes out of a book he was reading. Despite the way that the brothers had acted, saying she was royally pissed with them, she was warm and friendly while walking in with the older brother. Pamela was wrapped around his arm, and he guided her slowly through the bunker.
Charlie watched as Dean and Pamela kept their heads together whispering between themselves. The willowy brunette was gorgeous, which both brothers neglected to mention. She was wearing a leather jacket over a Ramones Tee, and jeans that looked like they had to be painted on. Pamela was also rocking a pair of aviators that were tinted as dark as possible, an accessory that caught Charlie off guard. Dean passed her to Sam, who embraced her in a massive bear hug, causing a melodic laugh to escape her lips. Just like most people, she had to look up to see Sam’s face. Her hand gently swatted at his cheek before she pinched it.
Sam guided Pamela to a seat at the War Table. She sat down delicately and gracefully as Sam pushed her chair in underneath her.
“Pamela,” Sam started, “this is Charlie. She’s our tech wizard.”
The brunette reached across the table, her hand extended. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you Charlie.” Her smile was dazzling.
Charlie took her hand and shook it. “Only good things I hope?”
“Only the best.” She looked to her left and right, but at nothing in particular. “Sam, Dean, could one of you be a sweetheart and break out some Jack?”
Sam laughed. “You just got here.”
“Yep, and I’m stuck here with you two, and soon an angel. Might as well get started.” Sam rolled his eyes and left the room to go get the requested liquor. “So, Charlie. How much did the boys warn you off of me?”
“To be honest, I don’t know much about you. Only that you’re a medium and the boys think you hate them and Cas.”
“Is that so?” She looked around. “Dean? Come here.”
Dean shot a death glare at Charlie before crouching next to Pamela in her chair and touching her arm. “Yeah?”
She held out her hand. “Hand. Now. And don’t roll your eyes.”
“Are you going to do the thing?”
Charlie piped up curiously. “The thing?”
Dean shook his head no rapidly as Pamela spoke up. “It’s just the one thing the boys hate. Might help you out as their adopted little sister.” She smiled, her lips curled up mischievously. “Hand, Dean.”
“Can I avoid this? I have leverage.”
“I’m listening. If it’s not good enough, I get to do it twice.”
Charlie sat up straighter, watching as Dean actually thought over the offer in his head. What could the medium do that supposedly terrifies both Dean and Sam?
Apparently, Dean thought his leverage was good enough to get out of the thing. “One. We didn’t tell Charlie much, because it would give you two stuff to talk about. I mean, we didn’t even tell you everything about her. Unless Sam told you more than I did.”
“Hand, Dean.”
“Two, Cas and I will stay in a hotel for every night you’re here.” Dean quickly spoke, trying to get out every word before he would have to give his hand to Pamela.
“Tempting offer as it is, this is your home Dean. But I will stick to doing it just once.” She looked over in Charlie’s direction. “Pay attention Sweet Cheeks. I’m sure I’ll have to do this a couple of times while I’m here, but it works best on Dean here.” She looked towards Dean again. “Hand.”
“Sonofabitch. You gonna do this to Sammy too?”
“Do what to me?” Sam returned with a bottle of Jack and some glasses.
“Watching Charlie?” Charlie stood up to get a better view of what Pamela was doing. “First stick your finger between their middle finger and their ring finger.”
“Shit.” Sam put the Jack and glasses on the table. “I forgot that I needed to go check, on that thing.” He quickly exited the room.
“Bitch! Get back here!” Dean called after him. He turned to look at Pamela who was feeling his fingers. “Look, it’s bad you’re doing it, you’re gonna teach Charlie too?”
“It’s female bonding. Just be glad I didn’t teach Castiel.” Dean blanched. “So, what was I saying Charlie? Oh, yes. I prefer my pointer finger, but your middle finger works too.” Pamela seated her pointer finger between Dean’s middle and ring finger, his palm facing Charlie. “Now you hook your finger around the ring finger, stop flinching Dean, push forward on the middle finger, and pull over on…”
“SONOFABITCH!” Dean yanked his hand away and sulked off after Sam.
Charlie’s mouth dropped in an amused surprise. “How did that work?”
“It’s better when you get the drop on them, but they work with their hands a lot, and the muscles don’t like being pulled in that direction. Like I said, it works better on Dean than it does on Sam, but that’s because…”
“Because Dean works more with his hands.” Charlie smiled. “I get it and I like it.”
“Let me guess, ‘cause you can sneak around and surprise them?” Pamela placed her hands on the table and rotated towards Charlie.
“They have threatened to get me a bell. Although I’m pretty sure Cas is first in line for that.” Charlie winced at mentioning the angel’s name. “Uh, sorry.”
“Sweet cheeks. I don’t hate the angel.” She took off her sunglasses, revealing that she was blind. “We had a bad first meeting. And that was 10 years ago. We grow up, we move on. Plus, can you imagine all the stuff he and Dean get up to? Woof.”
“Do you know how hard it was to get those two together?”
“That was you?!” Pamela slammed her hands down on the table excitedly. “Ok, I’m in love with you already.”
Charlie blushed, her skin matching her hair. “Yeah. Sam and me, actually. Found a case where couples were being abducted. Sam and I planned it to be me and Dean posing as the couple, then I would drop out cause of a stomach illness. Dean doesn’t like to leave things undone, so it forced him and Cas to be a couple.”
“That sounds like such a chick-flick. I bet he hated it.”
“Of course he did.” Charlie leaned across the table, “At least that’s what he says. Cas says that Dean won’t admit to anyone but him, but he was so grateful for a way to get his feelings out.”
“That sounds like the Dean Winchester we know and love.” Pamela placed her palms flat against the table. “So, the boys tell me you’re a redhead, that true?”
“Nice. Jean Grey kind of red, or Mary Jane Watson?”
“You want to know my hair color or my personality?”
“Take it as you will.”
Charlie thought for a moment. “More like Barbara Gordon.”
“Alright then Batgirl.” Pamela pushed herself up. “Why don’t you come over here and lend me an arm? I need to get to know this place, and I’d love to get to know more about you.”
Bribe be damned. Charlie was going to enjoy this.
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amwritingmeta · 6 years
Okay, so this was a good ep with lots of nice moments, right? We got loads of TFW 2.0 and Rowena being deliciously Rowena and then Nick thank-the-fuck not having killed his family (ugh it would’ve been so dull) and ending up praying to the thing that actually is responsible for their murders to come save him from himself, which is a nice emotional addition to the idea of who Nick is. As a Man Monster. And... I guess Lucifer is... back? 
I mean, Nick prayed with a genuine “this is what I want” and he was heard - just like Jack was, when he reached out to Cas in the Empty. I find this intriguing, the whole bondage we’ve got going between characters and, of course, the plant of how Dean is still bonded to Mikey. Is it Michael outside of Dean, or inside? Is it Michael from afar viewing things through Dean’s eyes, or... Yeah, I’ve no idea, tbh.
There were just a lot of sweet moments in here like -->
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Cas’ hand over Jack’s heart triggers Jack coughing blood! It’s always the heart! *oh no!*
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Just provocative fucking visual story telling that is so simplistic and yet so in your face. I mean, personally I’ve always seen that trench as Cas’ armour so for him to transfer it to Jack - who’s in need of protection - is just kind of hit-you-in-the-gut telling of how helpless Cas is feeling, yeah? It’s like, here, wear my skin, take it, I don’t care, I don’t need it, just be ok.
And Sam and his “I lost my shoe” and now he’s handing over shoes and making sure Jack has everything he needs and then later on we get Dean throwing Jack the keys to the Impala like jfc with the feels already. *mh good*
And then, of course, we get Cas later in the episode literally throwing out the option of taking his grace and putting it in Jack and Cas does it without blinking, which just blew my mind, because it tells us even more about where he’s at mentally and how little he actually feels any lingering tie to Heaven.
Of course, Cas being non-blinking about giving up his grace has everything to do with his self-sacrificial bubble of acting the Shield, yeah, so I would love for him to come face to face with a situation where he realises for himself the reasons why he doesn’t want to retain his grace anymore. Like a challenge for him to wake up to who he truly wants to be. (and always has been, deep down)
And look, here’s the thing with Jack, okay - he’s a guide and he’s a guide for all of TFW. Way I see it, here, he’s representative of Dean’s inner child, the part that Dean needs to connect with, Dean’s childhood, if you will, the neglected little boy who doesn’t understand why his father wouldn’t just love him, and why that couldn’t be enough. 
Dean needs to embrace this little boy and make peace with the past - the way he forgave Mary, he now needs to truly forgive John for all of his mistakes and bad choices - so that he can truly let go and move forward. And oh my god is he in the process of doing this.
Dean suggests a not-so-classy place that’s good for hooking up. He’s thinking Jack wants to get laid, because why wouldn’t he? He’s about to die - and we know that Dean Winchester doesn’t believe in anyone dying a virgin. 
Dean has also changed. And Jack is here to remind Dean of this, to remind Dean of what’s actually important, rather than disappear down a road of coping mechanisms, Jack brings Dean back into a memory that is all about John spending quality time with Dean, because John wanted to. And it’s Dean’s happiest memory of his dad. The mirroring with Jack reminding Dean that there were moments like that, too. Soldier mode John wasn’t all there was to John. And it’s not all there is to Dean. And not only does Dean need to remember the truly good in John, in this mirror he’s also shown that Jack sees and acknowledges all the good in Dean. 
Dean’s John mirrored fury and need for revenge at the start of S1, his soldier mode treatment of Jack even when he reluctantly began to accept him as more than just the Devil’s child, is being actively forgiven by Jack in this scene, underlining the emotional journey Dean needs to go on within himself.
Of course, the fact that Jack could read Dean so easily that he knew that memory meant that much to him throws Dean and he tries to recover, saying that he didn’t put it exactly like that, but he can’t recover, because Jack’s seen the truth on Dean’s face and Dean can’t undo that. So yes, Jack calling Dean out like that, reminding Dean of the good in John, is fucking gorgeous.
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And it’s not the big, crazy moments that matter, Jack says, it’s being together.
It’s not the saving or the hunting or the business - it’s always been the word family that is at the heart of that John anchored motto we all know, yeah?
It’s the people you love, near you. 
You just need to find the internal balance where keeping them near you doesn’t mean controlling them to the point of pushing them into a box that you need them to occupy, rather than allowing them the space they choose for themselves.
I’m going to finish my brief observations with this -->
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Has any image ever brought more joy to the heart than Cas in his hyper-functional blue carbuncle? Omfg I think not.
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themadamelibrarian · 5 years
Written By: @themadamelibrarian & @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell​ Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Lucifer/Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Porn, Angelcest, Daddy!Kink, Spanking, Of the fun variety, Light Bondage, Orgasm Denial, Anal Sex, Double Anal Penetration, Age Regression/De-Aging, Non Sexual Age Regression, cursing, wing!kink, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Insecure!Lucifer, Nesting, Regressed!Lucifer, Disapproving!Dean, Do you want to build a demon?, Bottom!Gabriel, Top!Sam, Switch!Lucifer, Cuddling Series: Part 2 of Loving Heart Summary: It's fairly soon after Lucifer realizes that he's safe and that he's not going to be punished by Dean, Castiel, Sam and Gabriel for his past sins. He finds most comfort in Gabriel and Sam, but he still has difficulties expressing his love for them.
Author Note:  This Aesthetic was made by the lovely @wearywinchester. It’s perfect and I love it. Thank you, Weary, from the bottom of my heart.
Share this story and show support for the creator!
Tagging: @thenanahunter @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell, @idabbleincrazy  @copperseraphim
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Chapter 1
It’d been nearly a year since Lucifer had accepted the fact that the other inhabitants of the bunker, namely Castiel, Gabriel and then the Winchesters, weren’t going to punish him for past sins. Since then, the angels had built their nest in Lucifer’s room and now more often than not the five of them would end up there, curled around each other like a pile of newborn kittens. Other than that the day to day lives of the hunters hadn’t changed all that much. They still went out to kill the monsters threatening innocent lives while Lucifer and Gabriel hung back and did their own thing. They’d found early on that for the average hunt having two archangels, a seraph and two seasoned hunters was over kill.
On this particular night, the two eldest angels found themselves just enjoying the quiet of their home while the others took care of a werewolf four states away. Gabriel also used this as an opportunity to continue his mission to make sure Lucifer stayed current on the latest movies. So that’s how the previous Lord and Master of Hell found himself curled up in the nest while Gabriel loaded Frozen into their disk player.
“You’ll love it, Luci’. You can’t go wrong with Disney.” Gabriel chirped happily as he bounded back to the nest and burrowed into the blankets piled in the center.
Lucifer laughed and snuggled deeper under the covers. “If you say so, Gabriel,” he said.
“I don’t say so, I know so. Now shush...it’s starting.” Gabriel said as he leaned against Lucifer.
Twenty minutes into the movie and Gabriel raised his eyebrow at the screen. “I may have been wrong about this movie. Is it just me or is the relationship Kristoff has with that reindeer disturbingly close?”
“Thanks for putting mental images in my head that I don’t want,” Lucifer said with a shudder. “Say, Gabe. . . “ He grinned at his younger brother. “Do you wanna build a demon?” he sang to the tune of “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?”
Gabriel scoffed as he playfully shoved Lucifer. “No, I don’t. You tried that once and look how Lilith turned out. All creepy white eyes and vapid.”
“Yes, Lilith had some flaws. But she was my first. Now Cain. . .” Lucifer chuckled. “He was a masterpiece. One of the best. As well as Alastair.”
Gabriel nodded as he thought about it. “I’ll give you kudos for Cain for the sacrifice factor but Alastair was a sadistic narcissist.” Gabriel stopped and tilted his head in thought. “Or was that pride?”
“Definitely pride, but that pride was well deserved,” Lucifer purred softly. “Alastair was an artist with a bloody canvas. His nickname was Picasso with a Razor, after all.”
Rolling his eyes, Gabriel turned his head from where it rested on Lucifer’s stomach. “You realize that Picasso was nearsighted and couldn’t line up eyes properly, right?”
“Where do you think the Picasso lineage came from, brother mine?” Lucifer asked with an arched brow.
“Great, another artist inspired by demon kind. As if we needed more of them after the dark and middle ages.” He said, rolling back over to watch the movie. “But to answer your original question, No I don’t want to build a demon. I built a platypus already. My life goals are complete"
Lucifer laughed. “So are mine.” He paused. “Never mind. Sam’s still on the list.”
Gabriel sat up suddenly and glared at Lucifer like he’d just tried to steal away a favorite toy. Which in the Trickster’s mind, wouldn’t be too far from the truth. For months he’d been harboring a crush, for lack of a better description, on the youngest Winchester, but hadn’t worked up the nerve to do anything about it.  “Sam?! What the hell is Sam doing on your bucket list?”
Lucifer coughed. “Nothing, it’s nothing of importance,” he said hastily.
“I call bullshit, Morningstar.” Gabriel snorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you wanting with Sam?”
Lucifer gave his brother a plaintive look. “Nope. Not saying.” He mimed locking his lips and throwing away the key.
“Well, whatever you’re planning you can just forget about it.” Gabriel unwound himself and crawled out of the nest, clearly disturbed, but not wanting to admit to Lucifer that he has feelings for the human. He wasn’t even completely sure if Sam was even into men, but there were subtle hints that it was a possibility. So subtle that Gabriel figured that Dean didn’t even guess at his own brothers preferences.
“Oh, and why is that, Gabriel?” Lucifer asked, giving his brother a look. “Is it because you have feelings for him?”
Gabriel sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Maybe..I don’t know.”
Lucifer smiled warmly “You do,” he hummed.
“Yea, well. I’m too chicken to tell him. What if he doesn’t even like males? I’m too set in this vessel to go changing now.” Gabriel turned to look at his brother forlornly.
Lucifer gave his younger brother a look. “Did it ever occur to you to ask me since I’ve inhabited Sam Winchester?” he asked. “Sam’s bi, he goes for both genders.”
“Really?” Gabriel’s face brightened at the news but it didn’t last long. “So, does you having plans for him mean you want him too?”
“Can you blame me?” Lucifer asked softly, almost too soft for Gabriel to hear. “He’s helped me, a lot. Not saying the rest of you haven’t, but it’s. . . it’s different with Sam, you know?” He shrugged. “Just. . . the way I’ve always felt. But like he’s ever going to consider me as a dating partner. I mean, yeah, I know he’s forgiven me and all, but I still am not exactly the kind of man you want to bring home to big brother.”
“No one wants to be brought home to Dean.” Gabriel said with a shrug. “Except maybe Cas.” Sighing he crawled back into the nest and curled against Lucifer’s side. “What a pair we are. Both of us the first born of the Host and scared of what a human thinks. A really great human.”
Lucifer nodded, tucking himself around his brother. “One of Father’s best.” he agreed, nosing Gabriel’s hair. An idea struck him. “Gabe. What if weboth approach Sam?” he asked. “Like. . . Together. Offer us as a package deal?”
“I don’t know, Luci’. Us as a package deal for Sam might freak him out.” Gabriel toyed with the collar of Lucifer’s shirt. “It’s toeing a few human taboos.”
“Like Sam hasn’t broken a few human taboos and a couple of the supernatural ones as well,” Lucifer pointed out. “I mean, the stuff he did with Ruby. . . “ he whistled. “And the couple other things. . . well, Sam’s not as clean cut and neat like Dean is in the bedroom.”
“We really need to get you and Castiel to stop gossiping about Dean.” Gabriel said with a chuckle.
Lucifer chuckled and shrugged. “But it’d work, don’t you think?”
“It might. How do we go about it? Wine him and dine him?” Gabriel asked as he pulled back to look up at Lucifer.
Lucifer hummed as he thought. “Bluntness is usually the best course of action with Sam,” he said. “No tricks. Just lay out what we want on the table, and let him know it’s up for negotiation. Both in and out of the bedroom, although we should start with out of the bedroom first.”
“That sounds reasonable. But I would suggest we do it when Dean is out of the bunker.” Gabriel laid back and stared at the ceiling above as he thought of the logistics of asking someone to participate in such a relationship. “The last thing we want is for him to go Papa Bear on our asses.”
Lucifer shuddered. “Agreed. Say, think we should send the lovebirds on vacation?” he said, looking over at Gabriel. “Motel out in Cali, along the beach, honeymoon suite, the whole kit and kaboodle?”
“I know Cas would enjoy it.” He turned and smiled at Lucifer. “Not sure Dean would but he’s a sucker for making Cas happy.”
Lucifer nodded and smiled back. “So, we should come up with our own things that we want from Sam so we know exactly what we’re presenting him with.” He said. “Or each other,” he added underneath his breath.
“I’m a simple being. I just want him. To be with him and make him smile.” Gabriel turned on his side and wound his fingers with Lucifer’s. “But you. Our history runs so far back it’s hard to quantify us.”
Lucifer smiled and squeezed his interlinked hand. “It does, doesn’t it?” he agreed. “Lots of history. Good and bad.”
“The big question is are we ready to take this kind of step with each other?” Gabriel looked a bit worried. “It’s been a very long time since either of us have been with our own kind.”
Lucifer cupped the side of his face with his free hand.  “I think we are,” he admitted.
Gabriel leaned towards Lucifer and kissed him softly to test the waters, so to speak. His lips moved tentatively as a thrill ran through him at kissing someone who mattered to him and wasn’t dismissible when it was over. Someone he cared about and cared for him in return.
Lucifer moved his hand to the back of his brother’s head and returned the kiss with a soft sigh, feeling like a spark of electricity went through him at the idea of being someone who actually liked him for him, who didn’t care about what he had done in the past.
Letting out a needy sounding whimper, Gabriel grasped Lucifer’s waist with his free hand, leaning further into the kiss. The tip of his tongue flicking across the older angel’s plump bottom lip. “Luci’.” He whispered as the desire for more was quickly growing inside him.
“Gabe,” Lucifer whispered back, running his hand down Gabriel’s back with a light touch, still holding on tightly to Gabriel’s other hand. “Want you. Need you.” He’s felt these desires before, but never had they arisen so quickly. It scared and excited the older angel and he dove back into the younger’s mouth, desperate and needy for more.
Gabriel rolled so that he was draped on top of Lucifer, his thigh falling in between his brother’s. Licking his way into Lucifer’s mouth, his hands rucked up his shirt in search of the warm flesh underneath. Finding what he craved, Gabriel carefully scraped his nails along Lucifer’s abdomen, drawing out tantalizing sounds from the other angel.
Lucifer moaned quietly, so soft it could barely be heard as he used his own hands to push up Gabriel’s shirt, running his hands gently up and down the expanse of Gabriel’s back, trapping his brother’s leg with his own.
Pulling back from the kiss with a gasp for air, he looked down at Lucifer as he rolled his hips. The slide of his hardening cock against the blade of Lucifer’s hip dragged a low, filthy moan from his throat.
Lucifer moaned low as he arched his back and tilted his head, exposing the long column of his pale throat. He rolled his hips in reply, his own hardening cock gliding smoothly against Gabriel’s thigh.
“Heylel.” The smaller archangel whispered as he kissed down Lucifer’s throat to nip at his exposed collarbone. Shifting his thigh to grind against Lucifer. “Please tell me you’re a top.”
Lucifer groaned and ground back against Gabriel. “I’m whatever you want me to be, Gabe,” he whispered, leaning up to nip at Gabriel’s jaw. “Can be either or.”
Gabriel sighed happily as he reached down between them to palm at Lucifer’s erection. “Then I want you inside me.”
Lucifer groaned and rocked his hips up and into Gabriel’s hand. “Then I suggest you hop on, the,” he whispered.
Sitting up, Gabriel peeled off his shirt and tossed it into the jumble of blankets in the nest. “This’ll add a new and interesting layer of smells to the nest.” He smiled as he ran a hand down Lucifer’s chest. “And that’s what you have too many of. Layers.”
Lucifer laughed and pulled his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. “Better?” he teased.
“Much.” Gabriel pushed his sleep pants off his legs and moved to straddle Lucifer’s hips as he snaps his fingers, willing a bottle of lube into his hand. “Care to help me get ready for you?”
“Of course,” Lucifer hummed, sitting up slightly and taking the lube out of Gabriel’s hand. He opened it and poured a generous amount onto his fingers, warming it up a bit before reaching around and beginning to run his finger lightly over his brother’s hole. “One day,” he breathed into Gabriel’s ear. “I wanna open you up with my tongue, taste you.”
“Oh fuck, Heylel.” He moaned as he pushed his hips back in an attempt to get Lucifer’s fingers into him. “Want that too. Want your tongue in me while I suck you.”
Lucifer groaned and slowly pushed the first finger in. “Fuck, Gabriel,” he whispered. “Yes, I’d love that. Having two things filling you up, getting you nice and wet for me. And let me tell you, you’ll be so thankful for my tongue by the time I deem you’re ready for my cock. It’ll open you up so nicely as I slide right in, attacking these lips.” He brought his free hand and ran his thumb along Gabriel’s lower lip. “Bet these get nice and shiny and wet when you suck me off, with the prettiest red color.”
“Let’s find out.” Gabriel bit at the pad of his brother’s thumb before backing away without breaking eye contact. “Gonna suck you right now while you fuck me open with those lovely, long fingers of yours.” He swung his legs around so that he was kneeling beside Lucifer, presenting his ass in the air. Reaching into Lucifer’s pants, Gabriel pulled out his hard cock and gave it a few strokes before wrapping his lips around the tip, sucking lightly as if he were kissing it.
Lucifer groaned and pressed his finger deeper into Gabriel’s plush rear. “Fuck, Gabe, your mouth,” he praised. His second finger absently rubbed the outside of Gabriel’s rim, his free hand coming up to grab his brother’s ass.
“Knew my lollipop habit would pay off.” Gabriel groaned at the feel of Lucifer’s finger stroking inside him. Opening his mouth a little wider, he took Lucifer in as far as he could go, his hand stroking along the part of the shaft he couldn’t fit. Hollowing his cheeks, Gabriel drew up to the tip and swirled his tongue over the slit.
Lucifer moaned and rocked his hips gently, his head resting back on his shoulders as he slowly inserted the second finger into Gabriel. “Fuck, you’re good, yes, keep doing that,” he groaned.
With sharp intake of breath, he twisted his hips, driving Lucifer’s fingers deeper into him as his muscles clench around them. “I won’t stop if you don’t.” Swallowing Lucifer’s cock once more, he started moving quickly up and down the hard length of him, all the while moaning and whimpering around him. Gabriel’s own cock hanging heavy between his legs, leaving a clear trail of precome on Lucifer’s chest.
Lucifer began to scissor Gabriel open, swearing elegantly as he did so. His hips rocked in time to Gabriel’s bobbing, his other hand still grabbing and squeezing Gabriel’s rear.
“Oh..oh..right there, Heylel..” Gabriel plead as he pulled off of Lucifer’s cock to take his own in hand, lazily stroking as pleasurable pressure courses through him, building up into what he expects will be a phenomenal orgasm.  “Could come from your fingers alone.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can,” Lucifer chuckled, giving Gabriel a light spank as he inserted the third finger. “And maybe one day, we’ll explore that, hmmm? But I want to see you ride me, wanna feel you clenching around my cock as you lose control.”
“Please…” Gabriel moaned as he released the grip on his cock “Give it to me..need to feel your cock in me..I’m so damned ready.”
Lucifer withdrew his fingers and landed another smack on his ass. “Hurry up, then,” he growled softly.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re bossy?” Gabriel grinned as he turned around to face him. Unfurling his wings with a flap that sounded like sun dried sheets snapping in the wind. Grabbing the base of Lucifer’s cock, he guided the head to his slicked hole and slowly lowered himself down. His mouth falling open in a silent moan, he kept going until he got his brother buried deep inside with their hips flush together.
Lucifer groaned and arched his back, bringing out his own wings as Gabriel made sure he was buried deep inside of him. His long fingers gripped Gabriel’s hips tightly, hard enough to bruise the skin beneath of them, looking up at his brother. “Fuck, Gabe, you’re gorgeous,” he said softly.
Leaning down, Gabriel kissed him softly as he rolled his hips, moving in slow circles to enjoy the pleasurable burn of being stretched open on his brother’s cock. “Not as beautiful as you, my Morningstar.” He panted out.
Lucifer kissed him back just as softly, rubbing small circles on Gabriel’s hips with his thumbs. “If you say so.” he groaned out. He rolled his hips underneath of him as a counter to his brother’s. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he added, kissing him again. “My Messenger.”
Groaning into the kiss, Gabriel lifted himself up to the tip of Lucifer’s cock before slamming his hips down again. The motion dragging a choked sob from Gabriel’s throat. With quick, sharp movements his hand clawed at Lucifer’s side. His cries filling the room as he sought to get as close to his brother as possible. “More, Heylel. Need more.”
Lucifer roughly kissed Gabriel as he began to snap his hips furiously against Gabriel’s. His nails digging into his hips, leaving half moon indentations into the tender skin. “This enough or do you need even more?” he rasped against Gabriel's lips.
Reaching around Lucifer’s shoulders, Gabriel dug his fingers into the downy lining of his wings as his moans turn into guttural gasps as the edge of his orgasm rushed on. “Per..perfect.”
Lucifer gasped and grabbed tightly onto the soft gold primary feathers of his brother’s wings, bucking his hips up vigorously into his brother. “Come on, Gabe, cum for me,” he groaned. “Cum for me.”
Opening his golden eyes to look into Lucifer’s, his jaw dropping open in a silent scream, his back arching up as his cock jerked between them. Come spurting in thick ropes, leaving behind a coating on Lucifer’s stomach.
Lucifer managed to thrust into Gabriel a few more times before slamming Gabriel’s hips down onto his own as he came deep inside of him.
Wings quivering above them, Gabriel clenched around Lucifer as he rode him through both of their peaks. When most of the shudders and spasms had passed, Gabriel slumped against his brother’s shoulder with a contented sigh, his grace singing within him in a way that he’d not experienced in millennia, perhaps even eons. “I’ve missed feeling someone real.”
Lucifer panted and held his brother close, running gentle hands up and down his back. He nodded in agreement. “I’ve missed feeling someone in general.” he admitted.
Tilting his face, he placed a soft kiss just below Lucifer’s ear. “You have me now.” He whispered. “Barring everything else, you’ll have me, Heylel.”
Lucifer shivered and buried his nose into his brother’s hair. “Thank Father for that,” he whispered back.
With a slight wince, Gabriel shifted, letting Lucifer slip out of him so that he could curl up against his side. His finger trailing through the mess he left behind while he thought. “Do you really think this will work? I mean with you, me and Sam?”
“I think it will,” Lucifer said. “We’ll need to work as a team, but we’ve done that before. Just have faith, brother.”
“Faith. I almost forget what that’s like.” Gabriel said softly as he wrapped his wing around them. “But I can try.”
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mickwritesficsfr · 6 years
Never Was An Ordinary Life Chap. 8 - Beginning Training
Summary: Rose was transported to a new realm which leads her to the biggest adventure of her life. It also leads her to find out who she really is while meeting her heroes. 
Pairing: to be determined
Word Count: 4679
Warnings through whole book: angst, humor, heartbreak, eventual smut, rape in a scene (not in detail), fluff, crossovers later on.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
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"Why don't you sit down.", Dean said as he gestured to a table that was covered in a few books. I sat down and looked around the room while Dean got something from the fridge. It was well lit for it being almost midnight now. The kitchen looked exactly like it did in the tv version and it made me smile. It felt welcoming in the kitchen. "So.. I know I said water, but after that.. do you want a beer?", Dean asked as he took out two beers. "
"Yes please.", I said as I reached my hand out for it. I popped the lid open on the corner of the table and began to drink it. Dean looked at me surprised causing me to give him a confused look. "What?"
Dean sat down and opened his own beer, "Nothing."
I hummed an acknowledgement and took a drink of my beer. I haven't had a beer in a while and it felt good drinking one again. The cold liquid sliding down my throat was a welcomed feeling. I smiled and closed my eyes at the taste. It was a lot stronger than it was in my universe which only makes me wonder how the Winchesters never got drunk after only two or three.
Guts of steel... that or they drink so much it doesn't bother them anymore.
I smiled at my own thought and took another drink of my beer while Dean stared at me.
**Dean's POV**
I watched Rose as she smiled and took a drink of her beer. It's been a day since I've known this girl, no, woman and I'm completely captivated by her. I cleared my throat and shifted in my chair across from her.
Her chocolate brown eyes met mine and I faltered for a second. The way her eyes lit up and her wavy hair running down her back. The way her lips pressed against the beer bottle as she took a drink. I shook my head to clear it.
"So I have a question if you don't mind."
"Sure.", she responded in her soft voice that could lull me to sleep. I took a drink and bit my lip.
"Why did you forgive Bobby so quickly?", I asked her and held my breath as I wasn't sure how she would take it. I kept my face serious looking as I watched for Rose's reaction to the question.
"Oh. I didn't expect that. Um..", Rose looked at her beer bottle as she bit her lip and ran her thumb up the neck of the bottle. She took a long drink of her beer before looking up at me and giving me a shrug.
"I mean he had a knife to your throat! You are just going to forgive him that easily?", I asked her as I heard my own voice rise in surprise and a little bit of curiosity.
"Dean.. I mean.. god damnit.", she took another drink of her beer. "It's just that I spent a long time in hate and pushing everyone away so I didn't have to be around anyone. Then I came to realize that people are human and no one is perfect. I think the very worst people deserve what they get, but what's the point in complaining about something they did if it's small?", she said to me while she was sitting in front of me her eyes seemed to glaze over and take her to a distant memory.
Rose started to make me think about all the times I would complain about someone over something small or stupid. How I would complain about Sammy as well sometimes. They are just human and will make mistakes. Though what happened to her.. I'd never forgive something like that. Though I won't tell her this. "You're right. People do make mistakes and it makes us human.", I said then took a drink of my beer to swallow down what I really wanted to say.
**Rose's POV**
I had just took the last drink of my beer when the rest of the guys joined us. "So Bobby is all caught up now.", Sam said as he walked to the refrigerator and got himself a beer. All I did was simply nod as I stood and got myself another beer before he could close the fridge door.
When I went to sit down Bobby blocked my path. "I am sorry Rose.", Bobby said as he grabbed my shoulder with his hand. He looked a bit shocked, at what he's been told, and sad. It's not an unusual reaction, but I still am not used to it.
"It's okay Bobby. I forgave everyone a long time ago.", I said with a small smile to show it doesn't bother me much.
"They will never deserve your forgiveness. From what I've been told I am shocked no one ever tried to harm the guy for what happened.", he said as his jaw clenched in anger. I sighed and pulled Bobby into a hug.
"I've never told anyone else."
Bobby stiffened under my hug and pulled away quickly at that statement. His eyes held me captive as his emotions played through them. Sadness turning into anger and then turning into bewilderment. "Why?"
"I always thought it'd be a burden to tell someone else my problems, so I never spoke up. I'm better now. All I have are some nightmares sometimes other than that... I am me.", I said as I gave Bobby a smile to make him believe I was okay.
"Yeah, but Rose they don't deserve to be forgiven...", Sam said as he stepped closer. I sighed and looked at all the men in the room. They all looked serious and grim. I started to feel uncomfortable with how many there were compared to one of me, so I backed away slightly. Even after all these years I still wasn't completely comfortable around so many men.
God.. please stop looking at me like that...
"Guys..", I sighed. "They are only human. Everyone makes mistakes. Sure theirs was a big one, but they still need to be forgiven." I looked at the men again and all their brows were furrowed as if trying to figure me out. I sighed and turned to Cas for help. "Right Cassie?"
"Rose, what they did should not be forgiven so easily. Even if it was a mistake you shouldn't have.", Castiel said with a very serious look on his face.
"It was the right thing to do. For me to truly move on from what happened I had to forgive.", I said with a small smile as I let out another sigh for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Well let's forget this talk for now, but it is not over.", Sam interrupted before it could go further. "Tomorrow your training starts. Bobby said he has a room you can have for the time being until you are ready for your first hunt.", Sam said which caught and held my attention entirely.
I couldn't help the smile on my face at the thought of being able to help people. "Well then. If I want to get an early start it seems I'll need to sleep. Can someone show me where to go?", I asked while smiling brightly. Bobby simply nodded and led me upstairs to a room.
"It's not a five star hotel, but it'll do for sleep.", Bobby said as he flipped on a light switch. There was a dresser and a bed in the corner of the room. The wallpaper was a light yellow and you could see dust on the dresser surface. Yet, it felt like home already.
"It's better than a five star place Bobby.", I said before I thanked him and shut the door. I let out a yawn and climbed into the old bed and fell fast asleep.
**Castiel's POV**
Dean sighed as we watched Bobby lead Rose to one of his spare rooms. Sam rubbed the back of his neck as he stood to throw his beer bottle away.
"Why would she forgive them so easily?", Dean voiced his thoughts. Sam shrugged his response.
"She is a very unusual woman I'll tell you that. Maybe she was telling the truth about having to forgive to move on.", Sam said as he took Rose's seat.
"Whatever the reason she still seems uncomfortable talking about it. I could see her fidgeting slightly as she talked.", I inserted into the conversation.
Bobby walked back into the room after a minute of silence. "Well, she's in a room for the night and I suggest we all get some shut eye as well."
"Yeah, we have to start her training tomorrow.", Dean said as he stood from his seat and walked out of the room.
Sam and Bobby went to find a place to sleep as well. I walked up to Rose's room and quietly opened the door. The room was almost pitch black with only a little streak of moonlight coming through the window. She was laying on her side, curled in a ball, as her hair laid in waves behind her. The bed seemed to engulf her small height as it was a queen size bed. I cautiously stepped closer and was able to see her eyes moving rapidly beneath her eyelids.
I tilted my head in curiosity at why they would move so fast. I reached my fingers out to touch her forehead to see what was happening, but hesitated. I shook it off and pressed my fingers lightly to her soft forehead. Then I was engulfed in her dream world.
It was pitch black and I could only see a long dirt pathway. I began to walk down it for a while and noticed it was completely surrounded by trees. I walked a little longer and was finally able to make out the shape of a house. It was a two story with stairs going up to it. There was a light on in the house and as I got closer I could hear yelling.
Not just any yelling, but Rose's voice. Her voice seemed strained, tired, like she was defeated. Yet, she still screamed. Not for help, but cursing and yelling at someone. I couldn't make out what she was saying until I started to walk closer to the house. I was finally up on the front porch next to a window and could make out two voices.
"Fuck you! Stay away from me you sick psycho! Get out of my head and stay out!", Rose screamed at someone.
"Now that isn't nice honey. You need to learn some manners.", a voice replied. I couldn't tell whose voice it was at all.
"Fuck you! I got manners, but the likes of you don't get that pleasure. If you don't let me out of this house I'll get out myself!", I could hear the crape of wood on wood. I looked into the window and was able to see Rose tied to a chair, but no one else.
"Then let yourself out.", the voice taunted back to her.
Rose closed her eyes and she was freed from her restraints and the front door opened. "Why aren't you killing me yet? Why do you just taunt me in my dreams? Are you even real? You could be just a nightmare my mind made.", Rose said as she gestured to herself.
"It's much more fun this way. Taunting my prey before I strike. I'll make sure you feel completely safe before I attack. Maybe I am real or maybe I'm not. You'll find out later.", the menacing voice said to Rose as she backed up towards the front door.
"You are never going to bother me again. I'll not let you in my dreams!", Rose yelled as she closed her eyes and began to focus on ridding herself of the voice.
"I'll see you soon..", then it was silent and Rose opened her eyes to see no one. The dream began to fade as I removed my fingers.
I opened my eyes to see sunlight streaming through the windows and onto Rose. A few minutes later she began to awake and I thought about if I should talk to her about the dream or not.
Best to be direct, but Dean always said if you want to get your way... lie
I sighed and sat on Rose's bed as her eyelids fluttered open. Her eyes gravitated to me and seemed shocked at first. She let out a breath of air and sat up in bed causing the covers to fall into her lap. "What are you doing in here Cassie?", Rose asked as she tried to smooth out her hair. Though to me it looked perfectly fine.
I was fighting myself one side wanting to be direct and tell Rose what I saw, but the other wanting to lie about it and come up with something. I turned to face Rose more and took a breath. "I came to check on you. Are you okay? You seemed to be having a nightmare.", I said as I held myself back from saying the full truth.
"I um.. I'm fine Cassie. It really is bright today though.", Rose said trying to distract me from her not really answering the question.
"It is very bright out there must not be any clouds right now. Yet, that is not what I wanted to talk to you about Rose.", I said as I lifted my hand to run it through her hair. Her face switched to one of worry as she continued to let me run my hand through her hair.
"What do you want to talk to me about?", she asked in a soft childlike voice.
"I noticed you seemed to be having a bad dream of some sort and thought you would like my help."
"How could you help with my nightmares?", she asked in a tentative voice.
I sighed as I stopped running my hand through her hair. "It's complicated and just be better if I showed you. A simple explanation would be how I make people sleep when we fight.", she nodded with her brows furrowed still trying to understand what I mean.
"Would it really work?", Rose asked as she played with the hem of the blanket.
I nodded and gave her a small smile. "Hopefully, now come you need to eat before you start training.", she gave a little smile and got out of her bed.
I got off her bed and walked out of the door. Today was going to be a long one and if I am being honest I don't know if helping Rose sleep will work. I can just pray it does.
**Rose's POV**
I watched as Cas walked out of the door with a smile on my face. I'm really hoping that Cas can help me with my nightmares. I don't want them anymore, but they never stop. I still can't stop thinking about the man in my nightmares either. He keeps looking at me like I'm the answer to all his problems. He said he wanted to kill me, but I just don't know anymore. He confuses me with what he says. I shook my head and looked at the end of my bed to see my bag on the floor that Cas must of brought in. I smile and grab it then put it on the bed and open it. I looked through it and found a sports bra, tank top, and shorts to wear. I couldn't help but think how cold I will be at first.
The sun will help warm me up I'll be fine...
I shrugged my shoulders and changed into my clothes then slipped my shoes on. I looked in a mirror on the back of the door and sighed when I saw bags forming under my eyes.
Guess I'm not getting a lot of sleep..
I smiled softly at the idea of actually being able to sleep. Of course with the help of Cas, but I will be able to sleep without being interrupted by that idiot. Whoever that idiot was...
I sighed a little and opened my door and walked down stairs. Once I made it down I noticed that Bobby, Dean, and Sam were all still asleep. It was weird to see them still. To know that this is not a dream and that I am really in their world. I smiled at their sleeping forms then made my way into the kitchen where Cas was waiting for me.
"Did you want something to eat Cassie?", I asked as I walked over the counter and grabbed an apple sitting in a bowl to eat.
"No. I don't eat."
"Right. I forgot.", I go and sit at the small table and start to eat the apple. I look up to see Cas staring at me with a look of disapproval. "What?"
"Is that all you are going to eat?", Cas asked as he sat in front of me in the other chair.
"Yeah, I don't like eating in someone else's house. Besides I don't usually eat breakfast.", I replied to Cas with a small smile playing on my lips.
He cares..
"Oh, well it will be around 3pm when we are finished and it is only 7am now. Are you sure you don't want to eat anymore?", Cas asked with worry in his voice.
"I'll be fine Cassie really. Let's go do this.", I said while getting out of my seat and throwing my apple core away. Cas sighed and got up and lead me out the door and into the junkyard. The sun was shining on the warehouse ahead of us while clouds blocked the light every now and then. There were leaves that had blown into the junkyard and made a small crunch when I would step on them. I jogged a little to catch up with Cas as he lead me to the warehouse and pushed open the door.
"We will start your training in the warehouse. It will also be where you do target practice.", Cas said as he pushed me into the warehouse gently and closed the door. I simply nodded and looked around at the inside that was mostly empty except for a few shelves from what I could see of the outlines. It was dark inside when I then heard a click that made the lights turn on. I looked around the room again and smiled as my suspicion of it being almost empty was right. The light lit up the dust that was floating through the air as I walked into the building more. I got to the middle of the room and was surprised to not see cobwebs on the shelves. The boxes weren't labeled, but I guessed they held some old car parts. I walked up to a box on one of the shelves and knocked on it hearing a rattle. I nodded my head and smiled imaging that I was right.
"What are we going to start with?", I asked Cas as he made his way to me with his trench coat moving behind him. He stopped in front of me and started to slide off his jacket as he began to speak.
"What do you want to start with?", Cas asked as he set his trench coat down onto the shelf behind me causing him to lean closer to me. I held my breath slightly as he came closer his blue eyes locked with mine. I was held in place by his stare. He leaned back after he put his coat down and backed away. I was able to breath again and moved back to the middle of the room.
"I'm not sure. Defense is what I need help with the most I think.", I answered Cas as I spread my legs slightly and bent over to touch my toes. I switched to the other side to continue stretching before we trained.
"What are you doing?", Cas asked as he walked to stand in front of me and stared.
"I'm stretching so I won't accidentally hurt myself when training.", I simply replied as I spread my legs a little wider and bent further down to touch the ground causing my tank top to go up slightly.
"I don't understand.", Cas said quietly as if to himself.
"Understand what Cassie?", I asked as I stood up straight again and stretched out my arms.
"It's nothing.", Cas replied causing me to shrug it off as nothing important. His blue eyes held confusion and emotions I have never seen that look in his eyes before. It made his eyes all the more captivating.
"What are you doing?", Cas asked causing me to snap out of my trace. I looked at Cas to see him closer to me than before and my hand reaching up to touch his face.
"Uh nothing... I thought you had something in your hair.", I reach up and pretend to grab a little dust ball out of his hair and toss it aside. I smile nervously as I step back and cross my arms. "So are we ready to train then?", I asked Cas as I turned to face away from him to hide my blush.
"We can start off with simple things like blocking someone's attack.", Cas said and so began his teaching of different blocks to do. To be honest I was feeling great and a lot more confident that I could defend myself. Yet, at the same time I knew I was nowhere near ready to go on a hunt with the boys. Right now I would be a liability. So, I did my best to train as hard as I could to remember the moves. It felt almost like he was teaching me to dance. A dance that could one day save my life and maybe other lives as well. It was around One o'clock when Cas said for me to take a break. He never gets tired, lucky for him, though he knows that humans do, so he let me relax for a few minutes.
"Do you feel more confident in the way you are defending yourself?", Cas asked as he watched me sit on the floor and take deep breathes to calm my breathing. I simply nodded my response and stood back up.
"Okay, let's go again. I need to practice more.", I said with a weak voice. Cas had taught me the basic moves then moved the harder ones after a little. He was a great teacher, but when we did the harder ones when it came to starting in a holding position that I had to break out of I couldn't help but feel like I didn't want to. He was warm and his breath was on my neck each time. Each time we did that I couldn't help but want to lean against him and forget the training. Though Cas had different thoughts as he broke my own thoughts of him as he began to speak.
"Let's try some fighting to see where your fighting skills are and how well you can defend yourself.', Cas said as he rolled up his white dress shirt sleeves. I watched as he rolled them up and had a look of determination on his face.
I wonder what that look is for...
I sighed slightly since I would probably never know. Yet, I got in my fighting stance and prepared for Cas to come at me. He took his time as he simply walked around me like a tiger about to pounce on its prey. I bit my lip slightly in fear as the look on his face was very serious. "I am not going to go hard on you like I would if someone were attacking me, but I will not take it easy on you either. You need to get used to someone tried to harm you that would mostly want to kill you. Do you understand Rose?", he asked in such a serious voice that I could feel myself shiver at his tone of voice.
"Yes, Cas I understand perfectly.", I replied as I kept my eyes locked on his stance. He gave no hint if he was going to attack or not. I think that's what made me nervous the most. Not knowing if he was going to attack or not. I broke eye contact with him for one second when the sound of a box falling met my ears. It was then that he went to attack me. He was not kidding when he said he was not going to go easy on me. I felt a fist connecting to my stomach knocking the wind out of me for a second. I faced him at him again with rage and was barely able to dodge his next punch to my stomach. I ducked down and quickly moved behind him and gave him a quick jab to his spine. He was pushed forward slightly and spun on his feet to face me. He ran toward me and tried to give me a punch to my leg causing it to give out underneath me. He quickly jabbed at my face and gave me a black eye. He stood up and I quickly rolled out of the way so his foot missed me by inches. I got up quickly and kicked his feet out from under him causing him to fall to the ground on his back. Before he could get up I quickly sat on his chest and tried to punch him only for one of his hands to capture my fist in his. I tried to punch him with my other hand only for the same thing to happen. He pushed himself up enough to roll us to where he was on top. He had me pinned and by the smile on his face he knew I wouldn't be able to get up. He held my hands above my head and was straddling me. I grunted as I tried to pry my hands from his hold and gasped slightly as his face became unbearably close to mine. I held my breath to see what would happen.
Only nothing happened. Cas looked up and pulled away from me as he stared at someone. "Hello, Dean.", Cas said with his normal voice. It was no longer filled with seriousness. I tilted my head to try and see Dean, but couldn't. I let out a sigh and struggled to get Cas off me. He looked back down when he felt me move and finally got off of me. He held his hand out to me and helped me up. I couldn't face Dean. I tried my best to avoid it as I slowly wiped the dust from the warehouse floor off of me. "Is there something you need?", Cas asked with something in his tone of voice I couldn't place.
"Ah, yeah it's three so I figured you guys would be hungry.", his voice was gruff and almost had an accusing edge to it. Yet, I didn't know why so I ignored it.
"Great! I'm starving all the training really takes it out of you.", I said as I turned and faced the handsome man that is Dean Winchester. I admit I had a crush on the guys when I watched the show. I had since I first watched the show, but man the show was amazing to watch with the story. Either way the show hooked me and I was in. I walked passed Dean quickly starting to feel tension between the two males in the room. I walked out of the warehouse into the cool autumn wind and let out a sigh as it felt great. I started to hear yelling behind me and quickly walked away and to Bobby's house not wanting to be caught in the middle of it.
Hopefully they can work whatever it is out... 
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