#also the ask of him being so grumpy when james goes to work and knowing when he goes to work bc his attire
howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
That anon that asked about Senator Bucky got me thinking.
To me, Senator James Barnes (idk why but I feel like he’s go by James) is almost feared by the interns. He seems like he’s always grumpy but it’s just he doesn’t take shit from anyone and is very passionate about his causes. Maybe he served before being a senator so anything that affects the veterans is very near and dear to his heart. He’s also VERY pro-LGBTQ+. Maybe he himself is bi/gay and/or has family or friends that are queer.
Interns of his know that he has a kind soul and cares for all his interns. He’s been in their place so he understands the stress. He’s compassionate to all interns no matter who they work under but his see a special side of it. Other senators though? If looks could kill let me tell you. Some times he wishes he could throw a brick at them just so he didn’t have to listen to the bs that comes out of their mouth.
Senator Barnes is the epitome of a “for the people” man. He encourages letters from his constituents and tries to put forth policies and bills that would help. He tries to go visit the communities he represents as often as he can and is always seen volunteering. Like actually volunteering and not just for some PR stunt.
Barnes also surprises everyone with the fact he’s a cat dad. Most would think he’s a dog person but his fluffy snowball, Alpine, is his baby. And even though he’s not active on social media, when he does post it’s usually him and Alpine, just Alpine doing cat stuff, or a nature photo with some quote.
This concludes; Hannah’s Analysis of Senator James Barnes and I would like to thank the anon for this thought 💙
Oh Hannah! ❤️ Oh babe. Perfection perfection perfection, wow.
He most definitely goes by James, very few know that he prefers Bucky. His passion is almost a flaw, he feels so much, and that most definitely carries over to the issues he chooses to be involved in and head up. He's 100% feared by his interns, but almost in that admirable way? Like Senator Rogers is cocky and passionate yes, but he's almost unpredictable and volatile. Barnes means business, and if you make it through his internship program you can get through anything life throws at you.
This hits me right in whatever that kink is (praise maybe? authority?) but trying very hard for a hardass and having that person be proud of you? 😮‍💨 Is there anything sweeter? God, I feel that in my bones.
He cares about the people so so very much. ❤️
Also cares about his cattttttt, yes yes yes is so proud of Alpine. 🥺
How blessed are we that Hanna decided to share her Senator James Barnes thoughts with us? 😭💕
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st0nesnglitter · 4 years
Poly relationship w/ the marauders
Headcannons and drabbles about dating James, Sirius and Remus
Mentions of sex, nudity and non-sexual nudity
Not proofed
It’s the most beautiful relationship ever
Growing from platonic love to romantic is hard as it is, so when it happened between four people you really needed to have a strong foundation
Remus was pretty surprised when he started seeing Sirius and James share intimate moments around their dorm but he also felt a twang of jealousy as he watched the interractions
So now their was constant reassurance that the love was between all of you, everyone loves everyone
Sirius can get a little bit possessive over the three of you and would not hesitate to throw out dangerous looks to anyone that lets their gaze lingers
The biggest sap out of the four of you is definitely James
He loves slowdancing in the kitchen in the morning as you cook breakfast
”Aw come on you two, you’re gonna burn the food!” Remus whined and runs up to the stove to stir, but James just giggled.
”But how could I focus to such a mundane task when I can admire this beauty?”James grinned toward you and you rolled your eyes.
Prongs always remember every date that needs to be remembered, and a couple that doesn’t and loves celebrating birthdays
Sirius had never had a real celebration for his birthday and can barely remember the date of his birth
And Remus don’t want to be a burden and try to refuse to tell James when he asks
Remus is always very warm and often goes to sleep in the guest bedroom when all of you have fallen asleep, not because he doesn’t want to cuddle but because he feels like you would get uncomfortable from his heat
But in the morning he wakes up with all three of you cuddled up to him in the guest bed
You’d spend the summers in the Potter’s summer house, right by a lake
Sirius tries to insist that clothes are unnecessary and wants to implement a ”no pants”- rule
James agrees and walks around in only boxers for three days straight
Skinny dipping in the lake after really hot days
The suns wrath was upon you and sweat trickled down the back of your neck. Remus’ prediction that it would cool down toward the evening could not have been more wrong and at around 7 PM it was unbearable. The rule Sirius had tried to get you all to follow had come true and the four of you were lounging around in the thinnest shirts you could find.
”Lets go to the lake” James murmered and stands up from his loveseat, stretching his arms over his head ”gotta cool off”.
Thankfully the shore was basically in the garden and you and Sirius raced down and stripped as fast as possible before running down the jetty and jumping into the water.
James and Sirius took their time taking off their clothes, spending some extra time aprreciating the others body, before walking out to you and Sirius.
Rem collects chapsticks and you show him the best muggle brands <3
And Sirius has made it a game to kiss him and guess the flavour
”I know, wait... SHUSH” Sirius pulled a hand through his hair as he took in the flavour with a laughing Remus behind him.
”Marshmallows!!” The raven-haired boy exclaimed proudly but his face faltered as Remus didn’t burst out in celebration.
”Actually it’s ”s’mores”, so that means that you are once again incorrect”.
Walks are very common throughout your group
Remus likes to air out his brain after long study sessions or a hard day of work
Sirius wants to smoke and since you’re hard on him to not do it out a window you bring him outside
James wants to pick flowers, look at the scenery and plan pranks out of hearing distance from potential victims
Dinners are wild
Remus will climb on top of the table to gain some attention to explain his newest ideas to take over the world
And Sirius will tug on his pantleg so they almost tip the whole table over telling him to ”sit down you baby!”
James is a very picky eater and is grumpy the whole dinner whenever Remus uses a new recipe
Putting Sirius’ hair up when it’s in his way or it’s too hot, and keeps saying that he can’t do it himself
Jamie is the sleepiest boy
He can almost always be found on the couch or in the giant bed snoozing away or blinking heavily whilst desperately trying to listen to Remus reading
Even though he just wants to read on his own he adores when you, Si and Jamie lay down around him and a silence spreads except Remmy baritone voice and the occasional flip of a page
Before a date two dark-haired boys are cramming into the mirror in the bathroom trying to style their hair to the nines as you and Rem sits and waits out in the living room
Introducing them to movies and they decide that you’ll have a movie night once a week
Showing them all your favorites and atleast one movie from each genre
Cigarettes after sex, the only time you let them do it inside cause you are all too tired to move and the sight of these goregous men smoking is too good to be true
Sirius handed James, who sat to his left, the cigarette before the bespectacled boy took a long drag. He leaned his head back as he blew out the smoke before reaching over Sirius to give it to Remus. Soft lips wrapped around the filter and he sighed as he felt the nicotine enter him and the engery that he had lost from prevoius actions started to come back. Rem ashed into the ashtray before looking over to you with hooded eyes.
Kisses are a constant
Being the attention whore that he is Sirius always wanted one for every single one that was shared where he was excluded
I’ve said this before but: James is a sub
Sirius is a switch
Remus is a dom
James is also a himbo
He’s really fascinated by muggle things but his excitement is sometimes ruined by the other boys making up stuff and him strutting over to ask you about it
Gently telling him that that wasn’t true but making it up by telling him a true fact
Singing songs from the top of yojr lungs as Sirius or James olays guitar
Only one who gets to touch Sirius’ hair is Remu (brushing, styling, cutting)
All of the boys have their own set of insecurities and can be caught comparing themselves to each other
Remus wants Si’s clean and whole skin, without cuts and scars, and jeslous of James rippling muscles
Sirius wants Remus height, being the shortest of them will leave you to the bad end of some petty jokes
James desires their intelligence, especially during their time at Hogwarts cause he felt like he is slowing their academical achievements down
Painting Pads nails black to try and make him stop biting them
Jamie making up songs on the spot and singing them loud eneough to be heard from every room
”Prongs I swear to FUCK if you don’t stop singing I’ll put your mouth to better use!
Discussing sharing a last name
Siri does not want you to be Blacks since only pain and sadness follows that name
Rem does not want it to be Lupin since it reminds him of what he is everyday
So you settle on becoming Potters
James is so, so excited and lays you down and just stared at the three of you with awe
”You’re mine, you all are so beautiful and you are all mine”
Sirius sobs when he finally legally is a Potter
And he’s no longer a Black
Full moons are hard but you soothe Rem best you can
The night he comes back and is hurting you always make him a cup coco since his jaw is too sore to chew regulat chocolate
He adapts this and everytime he sees one of you down he goes and makes some coco
Wearing each others clothes to bed
Your closets are just a mess and you take whatever it gives you
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startanewdream · 3 years
It comes with the age
Summary: The thing about having birthdays is that you get older.
Or James Potter is not ready for his first white hair.
(Jily Lives AU)
Read below or on AO3:
It’s there.
James thought he had caught a glimpse of it in the mirror a few days ago, but he had accounted for just a strange reflex of the light. He had even searched for it in the mirror later - when he was alone, when no one would witness his moment of self-doubt -, but he hadn’t found it.
He was sure he had just imagined it.
Until today, when he was leaving the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror distractedly. On the morning of his birthday, as if the powers from beyond had decided to mess with him.
It’s there, a foreigner that has no right to be there and still is shining lazily and brightly against the dark locks around it.
His first white hair.
What should he do? Take it out?
He remembers teasing Remus a lifetime ago - though now he feels a lot more compassionate for Moony, whose hair was sprinkled with grey even before he was twenty - that if he took out a grey hair, another ten would appear in its place. It was Sirius that came up with it, so James is not sure he believes it, but he can’t take any chances.
One white hair is one more than he’d like to have until he was fifty at least. He just turned thirty. That’s way too young to have grey hair.
He takes a comb, something he doesn’t remember ever doing in this bathroom, and tries to arrange his hair for the first time in years (the last time was before his first date with Lily; Sirius almost laughed to death watching his attempt to straighten his hair and James had given up - whatever had possessed Lily to accept to go out with him, she clearly didn’t have a problem with his messy hair).
It helps to hide that white hair in the middle of the black strands, but then he turns his head and the light catches it again, exposing that revealing strand of hair. It seems to glow with the light, a bright silver sign yelling to the world: here, come look at it, James Potter has white hair.
It’s not that he is vain about his own hair - that would be Sirius, no question -, it’s just that its blackness was always part of it. If he was a fugitive, his character sketch would consist of his hazel eyes behind the rectangular glasses and his messy dark hair.
Dark hair. Not grey.
He needs to do something about it. It’s urgent.
He goes back to his room, searching on his bedside table for the ink they always leave there for some emergency letter. The pot is near empty and he files a mental note to replenish it later, but now he has more pressing matters.
He goes to the bathroom again, carefully opening the inkpot and pinching a little between his fingers. Then his other free hand grabs carefully the white hair, raising it; just a little bit of ink and it will all be fine -
'James? What are you doing?'
He lets the white hair fall immediately, his hand already messing his hair nervously and he turns to Lily with the most confident smile he can manage.
'Hi, love', he says, which makes Lily raise her eyebrows at him. It's really unusual for him to call her like that.
'You are taking long', she says slowly. 'Harry and I have your breakfast ready'.
'I'll be in a minute, just go downstairs -'
'Are you okay?'
'Yeah, yeah'.
'Then why is your hand covered with ink?'
James grimaces; his hand was hidden behind him, but the mirror - that treacherous thing that's exposing all his secrets today - showed the reflex, of course.
'Just trying something', he says nervously. 'Checking how I would look with a moustache, see?'
He draws a moustache around above his mouth with his hand, all curly at the end, and grins at Lily, expecting it to satisfy her curiosity - maybe Lily will just look at it as some weird prank.
'How do I look?'
'Classical', Lily answers amusedly. 'Now, not that I don't appreciate your effort, but what were you really doing?'
James sighs, defeated, and he sits on the closed toilet seat.
'I am old', he admits heavily. Lily blinks.
'Yes', she agrees carefully. 'Getting old is what happens on birthdays'.
'Not just because of it, but… look at it', he lowers his head.
'Hum… what should I be looking at?'
'Stop being nice to me, Lily. I know what is there. I can't deny it anymore'.
'James? I am starting to -'
'I have white hair!'
He raises his eyes, expecting to see the disgust on Lily's face, her realization that the dark-haired young man she married is fading away, but Lily is just blinking, confused.
'That one strand? It's no big deal'.
'Of course it's a big - wait, you already knew?'
'Yeah? You do know we sleep together, right? I saw it a few days ago'.
'And you didn't say anything before?'
'What was there to say? It's one white strand, not an illness'.
'It's a tragedy, that's what it is. It means my glorious youthful days are over'.
'I really doubt it, James', she says soothingly, kissing the top of his hair. 'You seemed pretty glorious last night', she winks at him and James feels smug despite himself.
The night before had been rather intense, he couldn't deny it; a very good start to his thirties, if he could say so himself.
And then there is something almost wistful sparkling in Lily's eyes, the remains of an old fear he always saw during the war.
'And I am glad you are old', she whispers, and when he opens his mind to retort, she lets out a soft laugh. 'More experienced, then. I mean… I am happy we are getting older together'.
'That's what we promised in our wedding vows', he remembers.
'To grow old and grumpy together', she repeats, eyes glistening. 'So… It makes me happy to see this one white hair. To know what it means. I hope to see many more'.
'Oh, fancying a grey-haired husband, Mrs. Potter?'
'If he is you, that's all I want', Lily assures him softly, and James grins back, raising his head to allow their lips to meet.
It's a very nice birthday kiss, and then he raises without interrupting it, pressing Lily closer to him, thinking that maybe he can also get a morning quality time for his birthday…
'Dad? Mom?', there is a cry coming from the bedroom.
They break apart with a familiar sigh - Harry always has impeccable timing; Lily winks at him, a promising gleam in her eyes, and James tries not to look too flustered.
'Here, Harry', he says nicely, leaving the bathroom. Harry is at the door of the room, his arms crossed and a grimace on his face.
'You were kissing, right?', he says, sounding properly appealed by the idea.
'A birthday kiss is a very good gift . One day you may find out', James teases, and Harry doesn't look convinced. James fights back a laugh. When he was nine, he wasn't very much interested in kissing anyone either.
'You were taking too long - wait, why is there a moustache on your face?'
'Oh', James flushes, while by his side Lily giggles, taking out her wand and cleaning his face. 'Just trying a new style. How would I look with a moustache?'
Harry shakes his head.
'I know it's your birthday - but don't'.
'And what's your opinion on grey hair?'
'Much better than a moustache', Harry answers, shrugging. 'I keep telling Sirius he should go grey, but then he goes he is a Black…'
'Wait', James blinks. 'Sirius has grey hair?'
'Oh', Harry stops, a guilty expression on his face. 'I shouldn't - never mind.
'Harry… come on, it cannot be that bad'.
'I shouldn't have seen it - I was just looking in his bathroom drawer for a band-aid, and then I saw it'.
'Saw what?'
'His entire hair collection', Harry whispers, amazed. 'He has a product for everything - more than you, Mom'.
'I knew his hair couldn't be that shiny naturally', James says to himself.
'Yeah, and then there was some hair dye too'. Harry flushes. 'That's when he found me. He told me it was for work, you know, for when he needs to disguise himself, but I am not sure'.
'So Sirius has grey hair then?'
'It comes with age', Lily replies, looking amused by the sudden change in James' humour. 'Now your ego is feeling better, can we go down for your breakfast?'
Harry jumps.
'Please, I am hungry! And we need to give you our gift!'
'We are coming', James promises, smiling. 'You can start, we will be there in a sec'.
Harry nods, grinning, and he runs out of the room; breakfast was always his favourite meal of the day.
'My gift is not a hair dye, right?', James asks playfully, as he and Lily leave the room.
She laughs.
'No, and don't go teasing Sirius about it'.
'I wouldn't dream of', James says, though he is feeling pretty happy that he is still far away from needing hair dye.
Maybe in his forties - if he still has hair; he remembers his father's hair had been wispy, and now he comes to think of it, the edges of his hairline have been thinning out...
'Oh, Merlin', he cries. 'Is my hair falling out?'
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Remus gets injured in a game. I have literally read everything you have written but i'm not sure if you have wrote one like this. If you have, ANOTHER PLZZ
Hello anon! I wove this together with a couple different prompts, listed below:
1. Coops argument
2. Prompt 21: “You need to eat something”
3. Remus gets in a fight with Snape
4. Protective Sirius
5. Coops going home grumpy after losing a game (see link)
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove! TW for fights, blood, bruises, arguments, and someone getting called a wh*re
Snape’s cheek gave easily beneath Remus’ fist, which was a tad bit surprising. He wrapped his other hand in the neckline of his jersey, yanking him back in to land another punch to the side of his head—that would leave a nasty bruise in the morning. Stars sparkled in his vision as Snape got a lucky shot in and he doubled down, ignoring the thin line of pain that trickled down his chin.
“Break it up, boys, that’s enough!” The referee’s whistle blew as he and another pried Remus’ hands off Snape’s jersey; someone took him by the shoulders and pushed him away from the fight. Pots.
“Say it again!” Remus shouted at Snape as the refs and their teammates continued pulling them apart. “Say it again and I’ll knock your fucking teeth in!”
James’ hold on him faltered for a second as another person skated over and tried to join the melee. “Cap, no!”
“Move, Pots.”
“Loops won the fight, it’s done. Let’s just keep playing.” James shoved both their chests hard enough to send them back a few inches, but Remus’ blood boiled as he ground his mouthguard between his teeth. He glanced up at the clock—3:16 left in the third, Snakes up by two. Their win was almost guaranteed and Snape was still pulling this bullshit.
He skated quickly over to the bench and mumbled his thanks to Hestia as she pressed some gauze to his lip and ice to his cheek. “Lupin, you’re in for the rest of the game,” Coach Weasley said, tapping him on the arm with his playboard. “Anything broken?”
“No, Coach.”
“Then get your ass back out on the ice and score some points. We need some speed.”
He could feel the fury rolling off Sirius as they wove through the Snakes’ defense, shooting again and again to no avail. Frustration built up in every nerve—he was worried about the win, of course, but mostly he was pissed. Pissed at Snape, pissed at James for pushing him, and pissed at Sirius for butting into the fight.
Remus scored a final goal just as the buzzer sounded. Hissing filled the stadium, even though it was a home game. Snape smirked at him as he skated past and the only thing keeping him from dragging him right back in by his greasy hair was the possible suspension.
The shower was cold, because of course the fucking shower was cold. Remus shoved his stuff in his duffel and waited outside the locker room, silently fist bumping the guys as they left. God, he hated losing games. It was inevitable, but it always felt shitty.
“How’s the lip?” Sirius asked when he finally came out, bag slung over his shoulder.
“Fine. What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“You butted into my fight. Nobody asked you to.”
Sirius’ eyebrows rose. “Re, he called you—”
“Yeah, I know what he called me,” Remus snapped, practically slamming the door to the parking lot closed. “I was there.”
The only reason you’re on this team is because you’re the captain’s whore, Snape had sneered. He bit the inside of his cheek as his anger flared at the memory. “I was just trying to help,” Sirius grumbled.
“Well, you didn’t. You proved his fucking point.”
“I didn’t prove shit!” Sirius scoffed as they got in the car. Immediately, Remus felt claustrophobic.
“I had it handled, Sirius!”
“You’re still bleeding!”
Remus ran his tongue along his lip—sure enough, the salty tang of blood filled his mouth. He swore under his breath and held his sleeve to his lip; his cheekbone throbbed and he knew it would be swollen in mere hours.
“I don’t need that.”
“You’d rather stain your sleeve than accept a tissue from me?”
“It’s a black sweatshirt, it’s fine.” Sirius muttered something. “Care to share with the class?”
Sirius sighed as he turned off the freeway. “I said it was your idea to keep these here in the first place. I don’t know why you’re being all pissy with me. We’ve lost games before.”
“I’m pissed because you don’t think I can handle myself in a fight.”
Sirius took his eyes off the road for a half second in shock. “Excuse me? Why do you think that?”
“I just told you!” Remus said, exasperated. “Snape was being a dick, so I punched him. I didn’t need your hero complex to swoop in and save the day.”
“Re, I didn’t even get a hand on him. Pots—”
“Oh, I’m pissed at him as well,” Remus snorted, staring out the passenger window at the blurry lights against the dark. “If someone calls me a whore, I’d rather get the message across that they can’t do it again.”
“Would you rather have gotten a penalty?”
“That is unbelievably selfish.”
Remus laughed without humor. “Y’know, it’s really funny that you’ve never had this conversation with Logan, the king of the penalty box. Is it because he’s not a delicate flower like me?”
“Wh—” Sirius clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, Remus. I have never seen you as a—a delicate flower. For your information, I have chewed Logan out on multiple occasions.”
Remus gritted his teeth and trained his gaze firmly out the window. He heard Sirius sigh next to him and it took every ounce of willpower to keep his composure. The next ten minutes were dead silent and deeply uncomfortable, which was a rarity with them; even after losses, they would talk through the errors or try to lighten the mood.
Both of them closed their doors a little harder than necessary when they got to the house and Hattie trotted over hesitantly when they came inside. “Hey, Hatters,” Remus murmured, crouching down to her level and holding a hand out. She licked his cheek and let him bury his face in her thick fur—Sirius scratched her ears as he walked past. “Did you have a good time while we were out? Huh, baby girl?” He looked up and saw the tail end of Sirius’ eye roll. “What?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Sirius, it doesn’t work. I’m giving the dog a hug because I’m still pissed at you.”
“There is literally no good reason for you to be pissed at me!” Sirius finally said, tossing his keys into the bowl by the door. “Holy shit, Re, I don’t even think you’re mad at me!”
“Oh, yeah? Then who am I mad at, oh great and wise captain?” Remus practically spat, shouldering past him into the kitchen and wrenching a cabinet open. “Please enlighten me.”
“I wish I knew!”
Remus slammed the bread down on the counter and glared at him. “Then maybe you should shut the fuck up if you don’t have anything to support your claim.”
“Acting like this is a goddamn debate club isn’t helping. Your lip is bleeding again.”
“Fuck.” Remus ripped a paper towel off the roll and dampened it, holding it to his lip with a wince. Sirius opened the freezer and dug around for a moment with another paper towel. “I don’t remember you getting hit.”
“This is for you, you stubborn fucker,” Sirius said as he walked over and pressed it gently to the side of Remus’ face. “Better?”
“…a bit.”
The tension on Sirius’ face began to fade; he just looked concerned as he pulled the ice away and checked the bruise. “Your eye might swell.”
“Do you actually want to talk now, or should we yell a little more?”
Remus sighed and felt his anger abate. He was beyond exhausted, and still upset, but having Sirius nearby was like balm on a burn. “I don’t know.”
“I’m going to make some sandwiches. Hold this.” Sirius tapped the ice towel and moved to the abandoned loaf, grabbing some peanut butter and jelly as he went.
“I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat something.”
“I’m fine.”
Sirius glanced over his shoulder and gave him a look. “I know you, Re. You’re not going to feel better unless you get some food, and neither will I.”
“I hate it when you’re reasonable.”
“No, you don’t.”
Remus’ lack of response was enough of an answer. The pain stretched to his forehead and he grimaced, prodding his lip cautiously. Sirius whistled for Hattie and spread the leftover peanut butter from the knife onto a clean spoon, holding it down for her to lick. A smile tugged the corner of Remus’ mouth. “Cute.”
“I can be cute on occasion.”
“You’re always cute.” There was a beat of quiet. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re forgiven. I’m sorry for yelling.”
“Not for interrupting the fight?”
“That’s fair.” Something tickled at the back of Remus’ throat. “I fucking hate Snape.”
“Me, too.”
“Surprisingly enough, it feels pretty shitty to be called a whore. Who would’ve thought?”
Sirius turned and faced him, sleeves rolled to his elbows. His eyes were soft. “You know that’s not true, right?”
“Remus. What he said wasn’t true. You have nothing to prove to anyone on the team, least of all to me. You earned that spot on the roster fair and square, and Snape’s just freaked out because there’s another player who could grind him into the dust without breaking a sweat.” He stepped closer and leaned on the counter next to Remus, leaving a few inches between them. “I don’t think you’re a whore, if that means anything.”
Remus laughed softly. “Of all the people out there, I think you’re the only one who could reliably make that assumption.”
Sirius didn’t smile. “You’re my best friend and also my fiancé. The sex is a great bonus, but my favorite part of being with you is just being with you.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Remus muttered, though the sharp edges began to smooth in his gut. He closed the distance between them and laid his head on Sirius’ shoulder. “Love you.”
“I love you, too. Can I take a look at your lip?”
“Sure.” Remus peeled the towel away and Sirius bent slightly, poking the area around it. “Ouch.”
“That’ll probably take a week or so to heal. He got you good.”
Remus pouted. “No kisses for a week?”
Sirius did laugh that time, bright and sunny enough that Remus nearly made his lip bleed again with the answering smile. “I said nothing about no kisses.” Warm lips trailed from his unbruised cheekbone to the edge of his mouth, leaving tiny tingles in their wake.
“I really am sorry about what I said. You were right, I wasn’t angry with you, and I had no right to go off like that.”
Sirius shrugged. “It happens.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“Then let’s agree to talk first, bite heads off later, okay?” He held his pinky out and Remus linked it with his own, kissing it quickly.
“Deal. Are the sandwiches done? I’m starving.”
Wordlessly, Sirius handed him a sandwich and hopped up to sit on the counter, scooting over to make room for Remus to join him. They ate quietly, swinging their legs as the calmness of the kitchen crept back in once more.
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These are all post-war:
He went with Hermione to find her parents and also to get some alone time with her to figure out they’re relationship
It was a big change to how he had seen her before
It was awkward at first, because they didn’t know what to talk about or even how to go about talking about their feelings for each other
Hermione got more and more stressed with each town they went to, and Ron grew more anxious and grumpy with her
Then they finally had sex and were forced to acknowledge their feelings and emotions
Ron was carrying around a lot of grief for Fred and Hermione also was carrying on a lot of grief and stress
When they came back to England, they went their separate ways for a bit
Ron went to the Aurors with Harry and Hermione went back to Hogwarts
They were still friends, but both of them were too busy for any kind of relationship and had to deal with their mental and physical health before getting back together
(Harry and Ginny were also dealing with the same thing)
Ron didn’t want to go to the Memorial Ceremony for the Battle of Hogwarts, and ended up being with Fleur when she went into labor
He was the first of Victoire’s uncles to hold her and it really changed his life
It made him realize that he wanted that, he wanted a wife and baby and family of his own, something that he had never really cared for before
He went to graduation (as Ginny was also graduating and Molly wouldn’t let him skip out on it)
When the ceremony was over, he walked right up to Hermione and kissed her
It was the first time they had seen each other in ten months, since she left for school in September
It became easier to talk after that
Harry and Ron had been living at the Burrow, but Ron decided to move out and into a small apartment with Hermione (and an extra room for Harry or Ginny)
Working together is a challenge until they put some ground rules down, that all end up broken at least once in the course of their careers
Ron asks Harry to be his Best Man before he even buys Hermione an engagement ring
He asks her parent permission before he purposes!
He asks Hermione to marry him at George and Angelina’s wedding reception because he wants all the important people in his life around him
Unlike Harry and Ginny who are engaged for about four years, Ron and Hermione are only engaged for about eight months
They know what they want and they don’t want to wait
Ron is very involved with the wedding planning and is VERY excited/emotional in the run up to their wedding
They have a very intimate ceremony with just their families
And they have their ceremony in both English and Spanish for Hermione’s family
Ron and Hermione are James Sirius’ godparents! And they love him so much!
They don’t mean to get pregnant with Rose a few months later, it just sort of happens
Ron fainted when Hermione told him
When Rose is born, Ron decides to take a step back from the Ministry so Hermione can have her career
By now he’s helping to create strategies and maneuvers and running the logistics of missions more than anything
He works two days a week at the offices and the rest is at home while caring for Rose
Hugo is planned (or as planned as could be) and Ron still nearly faints when Hermione tells him the news, but he’s holding Rose at the time
Hermione’s pregnancies are night and day and she is incredibly sick and uncomfortable carrying Hugo
He is extremely colicky and clingy as a baby and it puts Ron and Hermione off having anymore children (along with the family history of miscarriages and also how sick Hermione was during her second pregnancy)
Ron loves being a dad!! He loves caring for Rose and Hugo and being with them all day!
When Rose is five and starting school, and Hugo is three and in preschool, he goes back to the Ministry fulltime
I just love Ron so much!! He’s a great character and I think he would just be the best husband and father he could be!!! He loves Hermione and he loves his kids and I just love him!!!
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manicmarsupial · 3 years
The Smallest Outlaw - Chapter 4: Snow Idea What's Happening
A/N- Hey yo, I'm back on my bullshit. Long story short: moved house during a pandemic, injured my back 3 days into moving, spent 6 weeks unable to go through boxes to find the folder I put the ideas into.
I am writing this story...just not in order. And fiddling around with one-shots, stalling by coming up with other ideas (including one I came up with while a machine a work kept needing recalibration and it's now at 92 pages on GoogleDocs with loads of help from @tiny-james)
As usual, throw some ideas my way. Anything goes. Whee!
I don’t know when I fell asleep. I’m no longer on a wooden surface in front of the fire. Judging from the feeling, I’m still wrapped up in Hosea’s scarf…and it’s dark. One surface I’m resting against is moving steadily. Occasionally I can hear a deep thump.
I try to adjust my position to get more information. I hear a questioning hum reverberate above me. A sliver of light above me widens. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see the towering figure of Hosea. I unconsciously attempt to retreat.
“Mornin’ Ollie,” he smiles as he looks down at me.
I look around. As well as being wrapped up in his scarf, he also had me under his coat. That explains the movement and the thumping.
“Morning,” I mumble in return.
I cover my eyes and hide back into the scarf, whining about bright light. Hosea’s chuckle rumbles through his chest as I feel the woollen material close around me. I brace myself as I feel my confines move.
“You have an explanation due,” I hear Hosea’s voice almost directly outside.
I emit a grumpy ‘no’ sound and burrow further into the scarf.
“Are you going to continue this stubbornness?”
“Yah huh.”
“Just my luck,” he mutters with a sigh.
Honestly, now I kind of feel sorry for him. I scrabble my way to the open part of the bundle, only to pull part of the scarf over my head like a hood due to the cold air nearly freezing my ears off.
“I can’t tell you what’s going on, because I don’t rightly know,” I admit with a shrug.
“How is that possible?” Hosea raises an eyebrow.
I think about this. Should I tell this giant stranger about myself? He did admit that he and his friends were outlaws. Outside, there’s wolves, bears, and a blizzard. Inside, a whole lot of giant outlaws. My question is, which is more dangerous? Well, if these guys wanted to kill me, I’d be dead already.
“Because two days ago, I was human.”
A brief look of disbelief crosses Hosea’s features.
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Your pointed ears were off putting.”
“My what?!” I exclaim.
Hosea looks confused, then smiles.
“You obviously haven’t seen yourself in a mirror, have you?”
“Uhhh, no. I woke up with my hotel bed the size of a barn and lit a shuck anywhere else. No time to preen,” I admit, hesitantly moving my working arm to one of my ears.
They’re pointed, as Hosea said, but much longer and stick out. At my surprised realization, they twitch upward.
Hosea chuckles softly and my ears flick at feeling the exhalation of his breath.
“At least you’re entertained,” I grumble.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up in Colter?”
“I stowed away in someone’s satchel. Turned out he was an O’Driscoll. Not my best decision.”
“An O’Driscoll? Do you remember which way they were heading?”
I try to recall what direction the horseman was going.
“Uh, North East, I think.”
“Ah, we’ve already run into them,” a dark look passes briefly over Hosea’s face.
“What about your arm?” any sour attitude regarding the O’Driscoll’s has gone.
“Oh, the horse bucked. I landed badly, then staggered over here for shelter.”
“How are you still unconvinced that I was human?” I ask on seeing Hosea’s dubious expression.
“It sounds too simple.”
I shrug off my makeshift hood and go to search my bag, but I don’t have it.
“Where’s my satchel?”
I’m sure I had it with me.
Hosea shifts me to one hand then rummages through his pocket and pulls out my bag. It’s positively dwarfed in his palm. I move one hand to take it from him, then reconsider. I just spill out the contents.
“If I wasn’t human, all that would be too much of a coincidence,” I gesture to the two food tins, my journal, and a small amount of coins.
Hosea raises his hand closer to his face to inspect the items.
“Awake already, old friend?” Dutch enters the room with a booming greeting.
“Just talkin’ to little Ollie here,” I feel my ears flick in irritation at the nickname Hosea just referred to me as.
“What have you found out about our latest acquisition?”
“Used to be human. Ended up in Colter by accident,” Hosea answers, passing Dutch the stuff I had poured into his hand.
He inspects the items before placing them back into the bag.
“And how is Ollie feeling?” Dutch hands me my satchel.
“I’m a tiny human with a broken arm and a thin coat in a blizzard. I’ve had better days.” I grumble.
I recoil as Hosea brings his other hand up, but he only rearranges his scarf to cover my shoulders.
“At least you’re no longer stuck outside alone,” he smiles.
With that in mind, this isn’t one of my worst days.
Hosea had left the cabin to discuss something with the other gang members, something about another missing member. I kept myself busy by reading…trying to at any rate, the book Hosea always has.
When you had no-one to teach you as a child, it’s a hard thing to teach yourself. I’m no exception. I understand enough to know it’s a crime story. It doesn’t take long for me to focus all my attention on reading.
My ears flick as I feel a short gust of warm air from behind me and a familiar chuckle.
“Sorry, probably should have asked you first,” I mutter, grabbing the cover of the book to close it.
I’m stopped by Hosea’s massive hand over mine. I track my eyes up his arm to look up at his face. He’s kneeling next to the small table.
“I would never have taken you for a reader,” he says with a smile.
“Uhh, I can’t read…not very well anyway,” I admit.
He takes the book, marking the page with his finger and puts his other hand out in front of me.
“C’mon Ollie,” he urges.
“Why?” I ask cautiously, slowly backing away.
“Because you’ll freeze to death like that.”
I look down at myself. I hadn’t realized the scarf was no longer over me.
“Oh,” is all I can say as I shiver.
I give a squeak of fright as Hosea wraps his massive hand around me. I struggle to escape his grasp as he lifts me off the table.
“If you keep squirming, I might drop you,” he warns softly.
“I’m trying not to hurt you.”
That’s kind of true. I notice that his grip isn’t actually tight. More of a secure hold trying to avoid my splinted arm.
My stomach drops as Hosea stands up and I grab onto his finger with one arm, holding on for dear life. He takes a step to sit down in a chair in front of the fireplace. He leans back slightly as he settles into his seat. His fingers loosen and I drop the short distance, landing on the fur lapel of his jacket. I barely have time to get my bearings before his hand pins me down. I try to wriggle out from under his hand.
“Shh, just relax. You need rest with your injured arm, and you are going to freeze without intervention,” his voice rumbles through his chest.
My next sentence is interrupted as the cabin door opens. It’s not Dutch or Arthur, but an older man with glasses. Hosea quickly places his other hand over me, concealing me from the new arrival, though I can just see through the slight gap in his fingers.
“Ah, good evening Herr Matthews,” the new man greets in a thick accent.
I’m guessing German maybe. As he turns to close the door, Hosea closes both hands around me. I register upward movement then I’m dropped onto his shoulder. Specifically, between his shirt and coat collar. He wraps his scarf carefully around, then stands up. I grab his coat in fright.
“Evenin’ Herr Strauss,” Hosea’s booming voice echoes in my ears.
“I’m vondering vhen we are getting off zis mountain. I’m sure zhe others are curious about zhis also,” Herr Strauss says as he attempts to rub some warmth back into his arms and hands.
“We have to be extremely careful, Strauss. Pinkertons are still crawling all over the state.”
Pinkertons?! What did this gang of outlaws do? And what have I landed myself into?
“I know. I’m just anxious, is all,” Strauss replies.
I don’t register the pounding of hoofbeats until Strauss is already at the window.
“Zhere back. Wit John. Mein Gott, he looks awful,” he exclaims.
Hosea took the opportunity while Strauss was distracted to take me off his shoulder and put me into the small drawer of the end table, then gesturing ‘shush’, before following German outside.
That was…weird.
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eepytheartist · 4 years
TTTE: Magic Beyond the Engine
Greetings guys, gals, nonbinary pals and everyone in between. Welcome to the Information Page of TTTE: Magic Beyond the Engine, where you can get context to whatever the hell I post on here. There’s a lot and much is subject to change, so buckle up butter cups because we’re going for a ride.
Table o’ Contents
1. Basic Story
2. Characters
3. Personal Headcanons
4. Canonical Relationships within TTTE: MBtE
5. Other Notes
6. Link
I) Basic Story
   Several years ago in the year 20XX, a facility located in [REDACTED] was doing experiments involving a mysterious golden substance and what it could do for the human race. Its goal was to eliminate the need for high-maintenance engines to save money. However, much of what was done ended up being a total flop, except for one. A little girl, Madison [REDACTED] was the only successful trial the facility was able to produce. This girl didn’t know why or how she even got here, but knew that her family didn’t want her, and instead gave her up to this [probably very illegal] facility. For years the scientists running the experiment pushed her to her limits, training her to pull lines of cars weighing several tons. They were delighted by what she could do. They had finally compacted the strength and speed of an engine into a human. However, bad luck struck as the facility went belly up, when Madison was 21. News of the facility spread, and so did news about her. Humanity didn’t take her well, and she was labeled an outcast. Though, in the light of things with her negative fame, Sir Topham Hatt found out about her and thought she’d be a wonderful addition to the railway along with the new tank engine he just bought! So she was picked up by this cheeky little shit, and her story working alongside sentient engines unfolded.
II) Characters
   A) Thomas
      The one who picked up Maddy. He was awfully confused by her, but respected her nonetheless. Still his cheeky self that everyone seems to just adore, Thomas quickly became best friends with her, protecting her whenever she needed it. Thomas sometimes gets a little too cheeky, and pushes her off the edge. Pranks ensue and Thomas is usually left bumbling for apologies. Who knew something so small could be so dangerous. He also commonly gets called ‘Tommy’ by the wee lass, something he absolutely despises. It only fuels her need to use it.
         1) When human, Thomas stands at about 5′ 7″ or 170 centimeters. He’s clad in a simple hoodie that matches his paintwork with a big 1 on the back, and plain khakis. He wishes he could have something else, but he doesn’t get paid and his driver and fireman refuse to lend him money. His hair is fluffy and rather short and is a few shades darker than his paintwork. Maddy likes to braid it when she’s bored and he hates it. Her favorite part though, besides honking his bulbous nose like he was a clown like she does with James, is his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of ocean blue. If he wasn’t such a shit, she’d get lost. He can’t brag though, she basks in all the colors her friends have. 
“Why does she get to swear and I don’t? It’s not fair!” ~T
“Maddy’s an adult, Thomas.” ~E
“Well so am I you old fart!” ~T
   B) Maddy
      Little Maddy. Don’t call her Madison, she hates it with a passion and refuses to explain why. She currently stands at the age of 21, but looks much younger. She had overheard at the facility that a side effect of the mystery stuff was that she aged like an engine, so she could be around for hundreds of years if she wasn’t stupid. At just 5′ 3′’ or 160 centimeters, Maddy is the shortest out of all the engines on the railway, even Bill and Ben. Her hair is a medium shade of brown, kind of long, and it mostly covers one of her eyes, which are, as Thomas describes, “As if the sky could make steel.”. Shy when you first meet her, Maddy is quick to come out of her shell and be just as much of a shithead as Thomas and as angry as James, if not worse than the two combined. Her outfit was rather simple, a dark scarlet hoodie with her number on it, and dark grey or black leggings. She liked it that way, she looked good and it was flexible and comfy. When she first arrived with Thomas, she felt something click with James, despite him being an utter jackass to her. After begrudgingly showing her around and having to shunt trucks, the duo became good acquaintances. It wasn’t until after James’ accident that the two became best friends, being asshats together and generally being a happy sight. He’s the one Maddy is generally seen with if she’s not working on her own. Soon enough, though, something started brewing within her heart.
“Ah crumbs, he’s in a mood.” ~T
“James is always in a mood.” ~M
“Fuck both of you.” ~J
   C) Edward
      Ah, Old Iron. He was there when Thomas and Maddy first arrived to the island. Like most that laid eyes on her, his main worry is that she was itty bitty. Usually calm and collected unless something goes majorly wrong, Edward was quick to unknowingly swoop her under his wings. When Thomas started poking fun at him for being fatherly, Edward nearly keeled over. An engine can’t father a human, can they? He guessed they could as soon after Maddy just gave a shrug and accepted the Number 2 as her father, after being given away by her own. It didn’t take long for Edward to actually father her, asking how her day was, sometimes folding her laundry, comforting her, scolding Maddy James, y’know, dad stuff. He earned the name ‘Dadward’ from her, and his heart melts every time she says it.
         1) As a human, Edward looks like a kindly old man and a youngin’ at the same time. He stands just a bit shorter than James at 6′ or 183 centimeters. With short, almost midnight-blue hair, Edward is the perfect gentleman. He even has a small pair of gold glasses that set snuggly on his nose. His eyes are a lovely shade of steel blue, something he gets flustered about when Maddy compliments him. His outfit consists of a white dress shirt with a dark blue tie, a blazer matching his paintwork with his number on his right arm and dark grey dress pants. He’s not usually in his human form, but when he is, Maddy unusually asks for a lot of hugs..
“Will you two leave her be?” -E
“But look how red her face is!” P&T
   D) James
      Ah, James. One half of what his friends call “The Red Disasters”. He’s still his normal, vain ass self. He has a soft side, everyone knows it but virtually no one can get to it. Except Maddy, who can get to it quite easily. Though, when they first met, all he did was make fun of her. Well, they made fun of each other, but still. They had the complete opposite of favorite jobs, they still do and always will. James loves pulling coaches, she hates it. She loves trucks, he despises it and always tries to weasel his way out. It usually doesn’t work. He’s earned many nicknames from her: Jamsey, Jimbo, Buzzy, Buzzy Butt, the list grows. Two of them came from the mistake about telling her the story about the bees, the other.he’s not too sure. What he is sure of, though, is that Jimbo has spread than to more than just her and he hates it. It fuels her though, so he’s gotta be careful. Originally, though, James didn’t know what to think of her. After the accident, his boiler felt all fluttery and he pushed it down to just being ill. He had to learn the hard way about what romantic love was. He knew how to flirt, it got people to love him more! But what that flirting did, though, he was completely foreign to.
         1) At 6′2′’ or 188 centimeters, James stands as the third tallest among the main eight. When he still had his black livery, James’ human form basically had him looking like what I can simply describe as a butler, though he had a vest and a red tie instead of all black. After, though, he had quite the change. His long, black hair now had dyed red tips and his right ear had a cute little heart piercing. Hair covers most of his left eye, which is what Maddy lovingly described as, “You managed to make the color of red rust beautiful.”. He thinks his hair looks cool only according to Maddy. He usually wears a long-sleeve, dark red button-up shirt with three dark grey stripes on both arms and grey pads on his shoulders. His number was sewn onto his left breast. Maddy pokes fun at him for looking like a band geek, but she nonetheless likes it. His outfit is simply finished off with grey pants. Sometimes, though, he’s seen wearing a solid red hoodie that Maddy got him. He won’t admit that it’s his favorite piece of clothing.
“Honey Bee, you’re acting irrational-” ~J
   E) Gordon
      There isn’t much to say about Gordon. He’s his usual, grumpy self. We all know deep down he’s a good engine, though. Gordon’s...rather indifferent about Maddy. He doesn’t dislike her, but he doesn’t see her appeal either. Nonetheless, she’s an awesome part of the team. She does the most important job: listening to James bitch so they don’t have to. Of course, though, like the rest of the team, he’ll defend her if need be. Gordon has a heart, he just doesn’t like to show it.
         1) Gordon’s the tallest, at 6′8′’ or 203 centimeters. Everything about his human form is perfect. His hair is just a tad darker than Edward’s and a teeny bit shorter. He keeps it slicked back most of the time, but it’s hilarious when he has bed head. Maddy got a picture once and sent it to James just in case he forced her to delete it. Just like most of her friends, Gordon’s eyes were her favorite, they were a blue similar to his hair, but a few shades lighter. Maddy remembers a time she complimented them and Gordon puffed away all red in the face. His outfit consists of a three piece suit, in his paintwork color of course, a white shirt and a red tie. His number is on his right breast.
“The Express isn’t that important.” ~M
“Why I’ll tell you-” ~G
“Is her intent just to piss him off?” ~E
“Yes. It’s both of ours.” ~J
   E) Henry
      Maddy’s favorite engine besides James. Thomas is insulted that he isn’t even considered one of her favorites. Henry gushed over her the first time she came. He must protect the small. Love the small. If James suddenly didn’t exist, Henry would be her go-to. She adored puffing through the forest with him, looking at all the trees and wildlife. Maddy would take pictures of flowers she’d find while strolling through and Henry would just ooze over them. Once she showed him a photo of a squirrel holding a wild flower under an oak tree whose leaves were just started to turn different colors, and the big engine cried with joy. He requested she print the picture out so his driver could carry it for him, and she did. It was his absolute favorite.
         1) 6′6″ or 198 centimeters, what a height to be. At second tallest, Henry is the definition of a gentle giant. His resting face looks nervous, but he’s usually not nervous at all. His hair is a forest green, not too short, not too long. Actually, Maddy’s favorite part of him is his chicken-wing bangs. Of course she loves his eyes, which are a lovely jade green, but the bangs take the cake, Whenever they hang out, she likes to play with them when he talks about plants. He finds it comforting. His outfit is literally just a more modest and fancier workman’s outfit, but matching his livery, with his number on his right breast. It made sense, since he was usually one to do heavy work.
“You don’t like the rain either?” ~H
“The last time I went out in the rain I derailed Percy.” ~M
“Why were you even out in the rain!? You’d catch a cold!” ~E
“Fat Man said I was the only one available and told me to suck it up. I did catch a cold. James tried making me soup, remember?” ~M
“What do you mean tried..?” ~H
“He forgot to cook the chicken beforehand. I got salmonella.” ~M
“So that’s why you were bedridden and wouldn’t talk to him for a week after..” ~H
   G) Percy
      Ah, little shit number two. Thomas’ partner in crime. When he first met Maddy when he arrived, he teased her relentlessly for being short-tempered and short in general. After giving him the silent treatment though, Percy was a bit nicer. He and Thomas still tease her plenty enough, but they tease about things she usually won’t kick their asses for. He likes Maddy now. Plain and simple.
         1) Second shortest, 5′5″ or 165 centimeters. He holds those two inches with pride. Percy uses them against Maddy very frequently. Maddy won’t hurt him though. She physically can’t. His little baby face, those big ol’ light green eyes, that short light green hair, his cute little outfit [which consists of a shamrock colored shirt, black suspenders held up by gold buttons, and dark green shorts]. If he was any smaller Maddy would die. James sometimes gets jealous by how much she gushes over Percy, but doesn’t exactly blame her. Percy’s adorable and he damn well knows it.
“Ha, you’re short.” ~P
“You’re short too.” ~M
“I’m taller than you.” ~P
“Won’t be for long when I take your kneecaps.” ~M
   H) Emily
   Ah, Emily. The first girl engine she met. They made damn good friends, too. They gossiped whenever they had a chance. Maddy usually talked about shit James has said, and Emily just gossips about anything and everything. They were will to throw hands for each other, with Emily more willing to for Maddy. Maddy would throw hands just as an excuse to do it. Emily still loves her, though.
         1) Emily currently stands at 5′8″ or 173 centimeters. She isn’t as girly as she looks, either. Her hair is short, with half of it buzzed off. Maddy would describe her as someone punk-ish. Of course Emily’s personality doesn’t reflect that at all, she just chose to look like it. She’s the only other engine besides James to have piercings, usually with two black on on the top of her ears and hoop earrings to pay honor to her engine build. Emily was a little more casual than her friends, usually seen wearing a simple green dress matching her livery. Her eyes were a very dark grey, almost black, with flecks of brass scattered in there. Maddy told her once that she was the prettiest girl she’s every seen and Emily nearly crashed.
“James being a bitch again?” ~Em
“What do you mean again?” ~M
“I can hear you.” ~J
“I know.” ~M
   I) Others
      Other characters consist of secondary characters within the story who do not play as big a role. There are a few who teeter on the edge between primary and secondary characters, such as Duck, Donald, Douglas, Diesel, Diesel 10, and Lady. They play an important role, but not enough so to have their own descriptions. Diesel’s..y’know, Diesel, the twins think of Maddy as their long-lost sister, Duck..well, they like to poke fun at James together when he’s not droning about the Great Western Railway, Diesel 10′s goal is to get her to say something about Lady, and Lady...no one’s really sure yet. Then, as of right now for true secondary characters there is Oliver, Toad, BoCo, Bill, Ben, Mavis, and Salty. There’s more to come, but that’s what I got right now.
III) Personal Headcanons
-The engines can eat and taste in both forms. They don’t know where it goes when they’re engines and don’t feel like finding out.
-James learned to cook for Maddy when she couldn’t for herself.
-For the longest time, James was the only engine with his own phone.
   -He learned hip language and Maddy started regretting every choice in her life.
-Maddy comes to Salty for him to tell her stories when she’s bored.
-Rain is Maddy’s one weakness since she has no way of covering herself.
-She, along with her friends as humans, run with skates that reflect their wheel configuration. The wheels retract when not in use. [I’m thinking about switching to roller blades, we’ll see.]
-Maddy intentionally starts beef with the Scottish Twins because she thinks the fighting is hilarious.
-Thomas will occasionally beg Maddy for a cotton candy sucker. Specifically cotton candy. She doesn’t know why either.
-Thomas initiated a prank war with her once. He lost.
-Gordon once bet her that she couldn’t pull his heavy goods. His driver was out 30 bucks because of him.
-Maddy tortures Duck with duck puns.
-Maddy still trick-or-treats for free candy.
-Emily once convinced Maddy to derail James for the fun of it. She was subsequently chased around the island.
-James is the ultimate flirt and he uses that against Maddy, who flusters very easily. 
-Percy loves Teddy Grahams.
-Edward likes loves to tell others about his daughter. Maddy does not. He is becoming too dad-like.
-The Scottish Twins know damn well that Maddy simps for their accents and they intentionally use it against her if they can.
-Maddy knows about Diesel’s ducklings. It’s the only reason she decides to befriend him.
-James utterly hates Diesel for many many reasons.
-Like many others headcanon, Thomas can’t cook. He fucked up a cup of ramen once and Maddy still refuses to let him live it down.
-Edward refuses to let Thomas and Percy swear. They hate it. James and Maddy know this. They swear more because they can’t.
-James and Maddy are at a tie for worst potty mouths. The twins don’t count. That’s not fair.
-Oliver thought Maddy was an engine for like a month before he met her.
-Maddy dislikes the Mainland. Not the engines there. They’re cool. 
-If Maddy isn’t around, James sleeps in her bed with her hoodie.
-Henry worries for Maddy all the time. More and Edward and James combined. He just doesn’t show it.
-Gordon says he has no opinion on Maddy, but he really does like her.
-No one knows where Maddy’s really from. She won’t tell them either. Not even James or the Fat Man really know.
-Want more? Just ask!
IV) Canon Couples within TTTE: MBtE
~D10/Lady (In the past)
~~We’ll see about others as the story progresses~~
V) Notes
- Lady is the reason the engines have sentience. She is not the reason for their human forms. That will be explained later.
-Maddy is much more resilient than an average human, which is why most accidents don’t just straight up kill her.
-As stated before, Maddy can now live for hundreds of years if she’s careful enough. She won’t age as fast as a normal human, so who knows how long she’ll be baby-faced. Not that she cares, more opportunity to trick-or-treat.
-The engines can get frisky, but no babies. Don’t even think about it.
-Maddy will eventually give in and buy beds for all her friends to give them an opportunity to sleep like she does.
VI) Link
Silly me, I forgot to give a link to my story! Shame on me for making you search, that won’t happen again, here you go!
Sodor’s New Worker
And that’s really it. If you have any questions, please please please please please ask!
UPDATED: August 3, 2021
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devils-servent · 4 years
And the were roomates
Mika and the boys are quarantining together, and it's great...till a good ole game of truth or dare gets outta hand and it all goes up in flames. The tension is real.
This exsists because of a post @elvingleaf made, thats here, that post was a normal statement, then i came along and well this....
also @lovedoglover9987 and @loveisafunnything its done~ 
this gets spicy...
“This is fine, this is fine,”  is what she kept telling herself over and over. Face bright red as she sits between these Demons. All eyes in the room were staring at her, basically undressing what was left of her. They could smell Mikas' arousal.
Mika and the boys were quarantining togething due to the virus. The boys all had time off work and she only had to do some school work after being laid off from her part time job at the pink lady cafe.
Mika and the boys lived together for years now anyway so it wasn’t too hard but… due to social distancing in public and the closing of bars and nightclubs the need for energy had become...frequent. Not to mention their presence had become more frequent, mika was usually home alone. Ya know?  But the consistent eye candy wasn’t a big issue.
But Mika wasn't quite used to their constant presence, usually there would always be some time alone for mika. No hot shirtless inubi waltzing around the place like they owned it.  
Still the boys were nice about it, asking to cuddle with her and watch a movie, have mika sit in their laps while they did something or even just hold her hand. Just little things throughout the day not taking up much time. Just like it used to be before the boys got used to the outside world.
At first…
You see her college work got overwhelming at a certain time leading Mika to spend a lot of time in her room and away from the boys. It also ruined her sleep schedule. So the simple energy grabs were not as frequent and they moved to...well they moved to....they moved to make outs...lots and lots of makeouts and hookups.
Which is fine in theory.... Theory, see those said makeout left mika...frustrated.
Like when she was walking into the library with the intention of swapping a textbook and was startled by james’ sudden movement.
“James are you okay--” she asked as he rushed toward her, his long strides intimidating Mika slightly as he slowly pinned her to the wall holding back his golden glow.
His enthrallment took her off guard and forced a heated, painful, arousal through her body letting a small moan slip out and James to give a smug little grin.  Still his lips quivered, a little desperate, breathing in mikas increasing forced arousal, breathing in her sweet scent, her body sagging under his height as he spoke,
“Miss may i-”  
He was cut off with a kiss, a long kiss. A make out session, if you will. Her body pushed itself up against James, not having felt another's sexual touch in a while. Her body molded with his as the kiss turned sloppy, desperate. Bodies grinding against eachother fuling the heated haze they both created.
Or the time Mika and Matthew were cooking, kitchen cupboards are a good thing to rest against in a feisty kiss she concluded. A perfect place to have someone between your thighs… His hands pulled mika closer to the edge of the counter as he knelt between her thighs, face buried between them, tonge teasing her folds and lips suckong her clit as if his life depended on it.
As is a bathroom sink, well not the actual sink. But her back against the cold mirror towel slipping down due to her arched back, as Sam kissed up her neck. Warm lips contrasting the cool mirror she was being pressed against. Head tilted back on the steaming mirror giving access to the sensitive parts of her neck.
Or even the gazebo post, cool nights were amazing weren't they? Perfect for contrasting the waves of heat That coursed through her body with an incubus on either side.Both relashing in her moans, and the energy seeping off her like heat to an oven. Not like she wasn't as hot as one.
Point is she was and is the boy's energy source, well main source,  for the foreseeable future. Not that she really minded. But it was hard, it was like their enthralment bleed off of them 24 hours a day. Being around them sometimes made her become flushed.
A part of her was glad her school work picked up,it helped clear her mind. Release the fog of need that shrouded it.
The other part craved their touch. It missed fingers tracing her curves, hot breath in her ears. Panting in her ears. The crescendo of moans that would reverberate through the halls. The shaking limbs, the desperation that ran through her veins she missed the feeling of an orgas crashing though her body drowning her in bliss.  
Even the thought could get her worked up....
Now there they are, it's a friday evening and all of them are stuck in a competitive game night with remnants of the pizza they’d all had ordered, with a few slices left in boxes around the room. The pizza boxes...well they sat on the couches instead of them, with Mika sat on the floor head in Damiens lap as he played with Mikas baby hairs. Erik sat on Mika’s, left Matthew to the right with Sam by Mathew's side and James in the one free arm chair.
They did this each Friday since this disease had surfaced, the game night, not the pizza eating. It was James' way of ‘keeping the morale’ also known as not becoming hermits to any games console or internet reaching device. But all of them were bored. They’d been doing it for weeks and it was starting to become repetitive.
Sighing sam reached for his phone, “it's not even 9 pm, so I can't even go to bed yet”
Damien chuckled at his brother's annoyance. they all had played everything from monopoly -which got stopped due sam getting huffy at james owning a third of the board-  to uno which damien had unsurprisingly won.
Perking up matthew smiled, “lets play truth or dare”
An unceremonious grown erupted from Mika and sam caused Erik to chuckle at the pair of them and their whining, ”It won't be that bad Sam, hehe, princess”
Matthew nodded in agreement “and besides we've never played as a group,or...or at all actually?” he questioned getting a nod from damien.
“I'll play,” Damien offered, his hand playing with Mika's hair as Erik smiled in agreement.
“As will I”
“I see no harm, Miss?.'' James said, giving a smile, as he joined all of them in sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace.  Mika followed suit leaving only Sam's opinion.
“Ugggg fine, how are we deciding who chooses who or whatever” he tried to whine but Sam was interested, all of you could tell.
Mika shrugged, muttering that she “doesn't think this will end well” as Daimen chuckled above her sitting her beside him and earning a mini glare as he took away the comfortable spot in his lap--
“Pass me that empty bottle Sam?” Sam tossed the bottle to Damien as he set it on the floor between them,
“There who ever spins it gets to ask who it lands on truth or dare.”
“Oh like spin the bottle then?” Mika asked and was given a nod as Erik piped up, ’Would You like to play that instead?’ and was shot down by James for obvious reasons.
“Let's play,” Matthew reached for the bottle as sam piped up,
“We aint playing no kids game. You gotta ask hard questions and whoever doesn’t answer-”  He shot out of the room only to come back with a bottle of vodka and some shot glasses,
“takes a shot, OR,” he silenced james’ incoming argument “ they take off a piece of clothing.” he smirked at Mika, the fuckin pervert.
Mika could pretend she was surprised but he always was a perv. Taking any chance he got to slip his wandering hand up her skirts while they’d be watching a movie or even just eating dinner. His fingertips would trace the edges of her skirts and shorts. Hands would dip in to the waistband of her sweatpants and he’d always try to---
“The person either drunkest or nakedest has to do whatever the most clothed/soberest person says for 24 hours. Deal? “
Mika shrugged and the other brothers nodded. James added that they cap it at two shots and all of them reluctantly agreed. Upset at the thought of a cap on getting hammered.
Mika had a decent tolerance (technically the lowest in the room though, fuckin demons ) and had the most clothing on in the group, wearing a baggy hoodie over a shirt and skirt, and rocking a pair of taco socks. Mika’d be fine in comparison to the rest of the group. She was basically the most dressed. Besides this wasn't a question she wouldn't answer...
Agreeing to the spicy terms Matthew spun the bottle and it landed on-
“Sam! Truth or-”
“Truth pipsqueak,”
Matthew looked at Sam and gave an impish grin, “Ugg I was hoping for dare but...Share with everyone the DELIGHTFUL nickname You used to get called, ya know back in the plains”
Sam glared and immediately reached for the shot only to have it snached by Mika. “No no no, Sammy share this because i've gotta know”
He looks delightfully pissed, both at the situation and at being called Sammy,
James surprisingly egged it on  “Sam it wasn't that bad” followed by Eriks sinister chuckle.
He growled and rolled his eyes “Its, ugg fine i used to get called fuckin handlebars alright, it’s not-- what are You laughing at doofus”
Mika wheezed into her hands as he gave a grumpy look, body rolling back, Mika curled on the floor and Damien patted her on the back muttering, “breathe” through his own sniggers.
Coming back to her senses, Mika sat up, looked Sam up and down before muttering “handlebars huh?” Mika knew it was from his demon form, but man she never made that correlation. It did make sense though....
Mika offered an innocent smile ”You didn't have to tell us Sam, You could have stripped a little.” Mika winked, getting a frustrated huff as he spun the bottle.
The game went on for a while before the questions changed pace, started by Sam (obviously) who didn't like how sober and clothed Mika was, oh and his brothers...they qualify for the sober part.
As his spin landed on Mika as he chuckled darkly. “Finally, truth or dare doofus”
Every bone in Mika's body told her to pick truth so the word truth left her mouth. Sam grinned. That grin makes mika shudder internally.maybe she shouldn't have…
“Hoped you would. What’s your wildest fantasy?”
Mika’s cheeks heated up and Mika gulped, forcing her mind to stay as blank as possible, there was no way she was saying that, not to the people involved. No way. No way. No---
James grinned as he drank some tea and Erik grinned at Mika. Matthew looked shocked at his brother as Daimen looked at Mika in curiosity...mainly. Every Person in that room had varying degrees of lust in their eyes, well not People per say...they were truly acting like lustful little demons.
Sighing she reached for her hoodie, pulling it of and placing it on the couch, “umm yeah...No thanks”
Erik smirked, “wow princess, we’re wounded. You don't trust us?” Mika stuck her tongue out at him and spun the bottle having it land on-.
“Truth or dare Damien?” she spoke head tilted to the side and he tilted his to match,
“I'll say umm, truth too.”
“Fuckin lame asses” Sam felt he needed to comment.
“Sam we all know we’ll only pick truth for most of the game anyway we want dirt on each other, But Damien, Who’s the most frequent person you’ve ever fantasized about?” Mika asked gently as his eyes wided and he went a glorious shade of red.  
“I...fuck it was...nope im not doing it” he pulled of his shirt.
And with that more rounds went by with questions like that were definitely not okay to ask as Roommates, however they were asked and ended up leaving all of them in various states. Mika with 2 shots, two missing socks and a missing shirt added on to her hissing hoodie. Earning the comment “nice bra princess” from good ol’ erik.
Not like he could say much, with questions that he wouldn't answer, meant he was 2 shots down and only in pj pants, his socks and shirt discarded. James followed a similar path being left in his black sweats and one sock, with 2 shots, he didn't take too kindly to masturbation questions, that's all she would say. Matthew had taken off his undershirt but left on his shorts and jacket, he however was 1 shot down. Damien in a similar strife to Matthew has only one shot down, he's only missing his shirt socks. Then there were handlebars,  Sam, he was left in his sweats and was two shots down, in hindsight, Mikas questions really were not the fairest of questions...were they?
It all led up to this glorious question from James after Mika picked Truth, “miss since you've had so much fun asking inappropriate questions , I’ll ask you one...”.
What? The’d already been asking some inappropriate questions to her, She--
“Miss” James smiled, to call it an evil one would be an understatement. “When was the last time you masturbated?”
Matthew snorted at her embarrassed face as Sam coughed...Mika was screwed, she’d already had all of her two shots, it was answer or be in her underwear, There was no way she was answering that.
Mika jolted up off damiens lap, having him on her right hand side now as she covered her mouth in surprise.
Truth is, it had been a while. Mika tended to do it when all the boys were out of the house and due to the virus...it's been months. She was a little frustrated but mainly held it together she could just use the boys but she liked getting herself off. Not to mention he had not hooked up with any of the boys in a while. They mainly just used makeouts. Mika longed for something to be inside of her.
That question however...it threw Mika off her game.
Daimen laughed from beside Mika ”It's really been that long, has it?”  Fuck, Damien idly smiles at her panic as Erik looked Mika up and down his gaze was hungry...All their gazes were hungry?
“How long has it been princess…”.
Mika signed a little embarrassed at the question before standing up and grabbing the waistband of her skirt untying the bow with the intention of pulling it down but-
“NO NO NO- “ Sam interrupted sating at Mika, “you wouldn't let me drink earlier so this is payback, tell us doofus,”
Mika scared incredulously at him before he smiled idly at her, just waiting… she sat back on the floor in an embarrassed heap, making sure she was looking at anywhere but the boys as she mumbled her confession, “A couple months ago,”.
“Pardon me miss but i don't think I heard that-”
“A couple of months ago,” Mika confessed face burning, looking up to see lustfully surprised gazes.
“And why would that be miss?”
Mika found Herself standing up with the intention of racing out the room. But she was quickly grabbed and lightly pulled into Eriks lap, his head on her shoulder and his one arm around Mika and his hand on the other side of her head forcing her to look at james.
He spoke into her ear, “and why's that princess?”
Mika squirmed in his lap, the feeling of him in her ear made her core go mental. It rumbled from deep within Mika.  not to mention they way he had her sat her legs were a little open one lowered glance and---
Damien found himself answering for Her. “She doesn't want us to hear her, so she does it when we're not home, or sometimes when we're asleep.” Mika blushed and pulled at eriks arm. He just grinned against Mika's ear.
Matthew smiled, “what were ya thinking about huh?...Tell us the fantasy you think about...” He teased all the boys and sat a lot closer to Mika than before.
Eriks hold relaxed but Mika found herself staying in his lap. His touch did not help the burning in her core but it was nice. Mika shook her head as Sam's eyes flashed a bit gold,
“Not gonna tell us are you doofus?” His voice came from beside Erik, his hand was making his way up her leg and teasing the waistband of her skirt before dipping underneath it.
“What's your biggest fantasy Princess?”
Mika moaned out as Erik breathed on the shell of her ear, James and Matthew sat in front of Mika as Damien sat to eriks side.  The rim of each pair of  eyes tinted gold, they aren't even trying to hide the arousal in their eyes or voices.
They watched her red face as James spoke, “you've been a little bit of a mess huh miss? Well, we’ve wanted this for months. Do you want us? Heh, want us to fix the frustration you've been trying to hide from us?”
“This is fine, this is fine,”  is what Mika kept telling herself over and over. Face bright red as Mika sits between these Demons. All eyes in the room were staring at Mika, basically undressing what was left of Mika. They could smell Mikas' arousal. It poured off her body
All movement around Mika stopped as they awaited Mikas answer, Mika nodded weakly, captivated by the promises within James' words.
“Yes” Mika nodded as James pulled Mika upward, Sam moved the boxes off the couch as Mika was pushed into Damiens lap on the wide armchair.
His lips kissed over the one side of her neck as Matthew kissed the other, Sam sitting in front of Mika opening her legs as his hands traced the outside of her underwear.
Erik knelt in front of her and spoke slowly lust in his voice, “well im disappointed, we're glad to help you, you could've said something sooner.” he smirked and held her knees and his hands began to trail fingertips up her thighs.
Mikas breath hitched as Sam's fingers pushed into her underwear, putting pressure on Mikas clit as he moved in slow circles varying pressure.
“Eriks right you know” James' voice appeared from behind her, he seemed to be leaning over the back of the chair, his head by Mika's ear.
“you know we would help...we’ve helped before...individually anyways”
Mika moaned out  at the implication of his words. It was true all of them had hooked up before. They had all bedded her separately even in the odd threesome but never together not all at once. Could she take it?
She snapped out of her mental spiel as lips connected with the skin on her breast, a little moan escaped her as she whined. And james continued talking,
“You know miss, as much as we admire your work ethic...it left us starving… and that's not too good is it?”
Mikas back arched into the chair, as sam sucked hickeys on her inner thighs, his and erik's hand the only reason her legs weren't wrapped around someones head. She could feel her core pulsing in desperation, she wanted more… needed more. Mika whined at the teasing touches, lips ghosting over her skin.
Mika moaned into James' lips as they connected, back arched in an attempt to keep the connection. James teased her bottom lip with his tongue before they deepened the kiss. Mika barely realised the hickeys being sucked on her skin or the pesky finger opening up her bra. Feeling the warm air hit her nipples, Mika moaned at the feeling of somebody's breath on them, their teeth grazing it lightly and suking it as it got hard in his mouth.
Mika cried out in desperation as all touches left her body, her lips parted and eyes heavy with lust, the boys hungry gazes could be felt all over her. She barely realised they were all smirking at her needy state. Her chest heaving, she looked around at the boys before mumbling a small “please” and movement picked up again.
“Your room Mika? Damiens voice was lewd; a husky snarl as he began to stand up.
“Wait...Wait...mnh...” Mika tried to protest but she was already getting picked up by Sam. Breasts pushed against his bare chest as he walked with her in his arms. Heavy breathing and full looks were shared between you as Sam used his super speed to speed away from the rest of his brothers.
His lips briefly connected with mika before he threw her on her bed, watching her bounce before crawling on top of her, his arms cageing mika beneath him. Their initial kiss was rough, his chapped lips moving quickly against her soft ones. Pulling away his voice a lust ridden growl.
“If we weren't starving to taste you again” he moaned, “we’d tease the hell outta you~”
His knee coming between mikas clothed core and moving against it, the small amount of friction heightened mikas arousal. She found herself grinding down against his knee, hips rolling involuntarily back and forth, back and forth. Milking the friction she was getting. Before he pushed his knee into mika and smirking as the moan she let out.
Pulling her in his lap he leant against the headboard as his brothers strolled in, mika turned to look at them only to have her head snapped back by sam and she was kissed again, she showed no resistance to this whatsoever, in fact she was the first one to close her eyes and part open her lips. he pecked her once, making sure she wouldn't back off, then went in for a deep kiss. he found her tongue and it willingly danced with his.
She broke off the kiss to breathe, only to moan when a pair of hands pinched her nipple from behind her and her back arched into them. Head on his shoulder she saw Matthew's evil little smile as she was led down the middle of her bed on her back.  
All the boys stared down at her, her hair splayed around her like a halo and her red tinted face.
"You look adorable mika" Damien said and kissed her again on her neck, lingering this time... kissing, licking, drooling and suckling on the same spot. Mika immediately reacted to the hot and wet sensation on her neck, arching her body for a second as her clit throbbed and her breathing shook.
"Please don't stop..." she gushed while she kept shaking and moaned.
The moan of pleasure from mika made damien groan into her neck, in turn making mika moan, blind to whatever was happening anywhere else in the room mika laid in bliss.
She couldn't help it now, moans coming out involuntarily, he heated haze becoming painful to lingerie. She felt like an over cooked meal.
His lingering, messy kisses on her neck, cheek and ear continued but he also dragged his hand down her soft body to her inner thighs and fully flipped up her skirt exposing her wet underwear. She jolted when his gentle fingers rubbed her hard little clit through the thin cloth of her briefs, she squeaked and moaned but didn't resist.
Nor did she resist when she felt her legs get lifted up and her skirt come off and get thrown, feeling the cooler air brush against her underwear.
Feeling eyes on her body as she arched her back, Pretty soon her briefs were soaked in arousal, she blushed intensely knowing that someone's fingertips were covered with the fluid seeping through her panties but she still wished this could go on forever.
But of course it couldn't, just a couple of seconds later she felt tingles on every nerve ending as her entire body tensed up. Hips involuntarily rolling into the movement of somebody's fingers, Her pulsing core cumming and cum easily went through her already saturated panties, she went limp and breathed out the longest sigh. She still wanted more.
As the high-pitched breathing from Mika winded down, Sam lifted his fingers, they dripped with her cum once or twice.  He smirked as he smelled them, then licked them making eye contact with mika as he did. Infatuated with her taste he then greedily sucked anything left on his fingers.
“Sam” she breathed.
"Was that good?" Matthew asked, a voice coming from her side barely recognizable due to the lust shrouding it..
“Good because we're not done yet….” and with his words Erik pulled off mika panties and threw them across the room, giving a smile at the sugar she made when the air touched her sensitive core.
Mika felt her legs go over his and Sam's shoulders, heaving her exposed to the pair as James lips wrapped themselves around her nipples, Matthew looked up at her as if looking for approval again before he began his assault on her breasts, James didn't care for such mannerisms in bed. she nodded to Matthew,  Then he looked for the pink, perfectly round nipple and licked the tip, making it harden in his mouth, and pressed his lips around it. He suckled, licked and drooled all over the aureole, making even Mika moan as she stroked his hair.
Matthew was in heaven always loving his mouth on mika's tits, and she was enjoying it as much as he was. He traced his finger up and down her stomach, aiming to keep her moaning as much as he could. To return the favors to the pair, she stroked the head of his penis very gingerly with the tips of her fingers, sliding his foreskin back just before its limit and then pulling it over the glans again.
Mikas' breath escaped her as she felt a mouth on her folds. Not knowing who it was due her head being cradled in damiens lap, tilting her head as much as she could while being led down, she was the other red head between her thighs.
Erik started out slow, with his tongue coated in saliva, licking from the bottom of Mika’s pussy to her clit. As soon as he reached the top, Mika moaned out at the slight change in pressure, Erik ignored the whines and beggs and kept licking her pussy with long strokes of his wet tongue, focusing on her clit sneaking a finger in or two just to stretch her out a little bit.
When Erik was satisfied with how much wetter Mika had become, he started licking in between mikas pussy lips and all the folds of her hooded clit. Erik was in love with the taste of Mika's pussy and couldn't help but keep licking everywhere he could taste the sweet flavor. He soon found that the flavor was best inside of her pussy, Not like he didn't know that already, he just loved to tease her.
With more vigor, Erik started digging his tongue deep in her pussy searching for more of those soft ridges that produced wonderful moans. He could vaguely hear mikas horny rambles and begging, from what he could hear she was getting close.
He started flicking his tongue and quickly eating out Mika. he saw Mika grip the sheets hard. His face was filled with more of her pussy as she bucked her hips into his face, using him for her own orgasm, Not like he minded, and suddenly Eriks mouth was flooded with mikas juices.
Mika found blanked for a few seconds and found herself in James' lap, back to his chest and legs spread out for everyone to see, Erik appeared at her side as their lips connected, she could taste herself on his tongue, and his lips. Her own juices painted his mouth as she kissed him.
The kiss was broken by a moan, the blunt tip on Matthew's cock running up and down mikas pussy, dipping into her dripping hole only to pull back out and smirk. Mika moved to roll her hips only to have Damien hands drab them and hold them down.
“Mika~” matthews voice teased, “what do you want mika~”
Mika groaned her body aching for more and the enthrallment of five incubi definitely wasn't helping.
“Say it mika” Not damien too~
She shuddered as he teased once again mikas words spilled out with no filter, “pleasejustfuckmeyouknowiwantitplease!!”
And Matthew's hips crashed into mikas and her eyes rolled back as they did so, her body moaned uncontrollably as she was pounded by him. Back shifting all over James' chest, her moans were unavailable as his hands traced her nipples, one hand coming to pinch it as Erik sucked a hickey on her breast.
Mika couldn't concentrate on anything, her body enjoying the attention everywhere, her breasts, her neck, her clit. she didn't even realise when she clenched around Matthew's cock.
“Zecaeru~..zecaeru….ugghuuuu… ZECAERU~” mikas body tried to pull his cock deeper as she came around it, the pulsing feeling as if it was dragging him into her body further. Matthew on the other hand kept at his pace fucking her though her orgasm and the few after shocks
She felt herself melt into James' chest as she came down from her high, but alas, Sam's hands pulled her off of his brother's chest and she landed face down ass up in front of sams cock.
James groaned at the sight of mika, all her holes just there offered to them, James' hands pulled her waist up to his cock as he shuffled closer and entered her. Mika, becoming more and more sensitive, reached back to grab his hands to slow his pace, but ultimately having her mouth stolen by Damien who made her face him instead.
He tapped his cock against her lips as she opened them, relaxing her mouth around it. She felt a soft tingle at the back of her throat, and it soon became numb to damiens cock.  Mikas eyes were rolled back as Damien fucked her mouth and james her pussy.
She had no clue whose fingers were on her clit but, the fast movement they were making had mika moaning around damien and it wasn't too long before mika felt herself cum around james cock damien pulling out just in time for her to moan out,
Mika collapsed on the bed, heavily breathing and did not fully register her body in damiens lap and his cock at her entrance. Her legs open over his thighs, his cock teasing her entrance he pushed his hips up and watched her eyes roll back. Mouth agape.
Their lips briefly met, her soft ones touching him in a hazy rush before a loud moan was forced out of her by her ribs being roughly grabbed from behind. His body jolted up and down his cock as he fucked her. Hand sat loosely in her hair, just to keep her steady. As he guided her up and down his throbbing cock her pulsing pussy made it pleasurable for the pair of them.
Mika soon began to tremble and moan, fingers digging into the nape of damiens neck as she rutted against him desperate for her next orgasm. Sam's fingers on her clit as she rolled her hips up and down. All suddenly coming to a stop as she came over damiens cock.
“Ahhh ahah, Izroul~” she moaned contentedly.  
Her body pulsing, she craved more. In the back of her mind she was becoming exhausted but her pussy was aching.
For seconds Her mind went completely blank when Sam finally put his cock inside of her. The thick, smooth tip slowly but firmly entering her, brought waves of sensation to her core. As she arched her back against his chest.
As he pushed it in more, she could feel how his cock was stretching mika out bit by bit even with how wet she was. When his tip inevitably hit all mikas hidden spots that she forgot even existed, her moans became louder.
"Oh yes..." his slow movements allowed mika to let out a coherent moan.
Not long after that, her whole body jolted up with Sam's rough thrusts, just moving quicker and quicker until mikas berthing was erratic and her words a jumble.  What she thinks is james’ fingers rub her clit as she comes all over Sam's cock body twitching, shaking helplessly.
“Uhhhhh Aomaris!~”
Mika acknowledged the fact she was shifted of fo sams cock, Moaning at the new cock at her entrance she saw erik smile up at her,
“Last time now princess, i think i'll be cumming right it HERE”
As he said here he thrusted up into mika, hand on her hips as he rolled his into hers. Head tilted back as she moaned out, hands coming to tease her breasts, a hand on her clit and what she knew to be sams cock in her mouth.
The hands pinching and circling her nipples, one hand would grope her breast and the other would pinch her nipple.
The fingers on her clit moved in quick circles, fingers that specifically touched her clit applying more pressure than the others as it moved.
It took all of sams control to not fuck mikas face, her tounge running under the ridge of his head and teeth kightly dragging on the sensitive nerve here and there.
Room filled with moans and groans from each person until mika clenched around eriks cock causing him to also freeze mid thrust,
“Ghghghgh,~” mika moaned out head pulled off of sams cock and tilted back.
Erik buried his cock deep into mika as he came inside of her, Sam cumming all on her face, and neck and James Damien and Matthew all over her bare chest.
Mikas' chest heaved as she was pulled off of eriks cock and laid on her bed.
Mika smiled in bliss as the boys looked down on her, all of them struggling to catch their breath mika included.
Sam brushed her hair out of her face as Mika tongue out.
“Ugg how are you even awake” he smiled at her cum covered face,
Mika shrugged as she reached up and scooped some of his cum on her finger, watching it drip before she smiled at it and put it into her mouth. Sam's breath hitch as mika sucked on her fingers innocently, causing the others to watch incuriously.
Mika feeling all her eyes, and in her semi drowsy state decided to tease a little bit, dragging her finger up the valley between her breasts and sucking the cum off of them.
A groan escaped them as mika moaned at the taste,
“Don't play these games mika” surprised at the use of her name she smirked innocently.
“And why not Raestrao?”
Mika binked as she felt james fingers inside of her curling up to her g-spot as his thumb worked on her clit,
“We will drain you mika~ have you begging for Mercy”
Mika cried out as her sensitivity increased with a brief round of enthrallment as she came all over James' fingers, now hers and Erik cum leaking out of her. Her body shaking relentlessly she cried out before she passed out in a sweaty come covered heap.
She awoke to soft sheets, and the light trickled in through the open balcony doors. Shedding herself of the remaining glimpses of sleep, her eyes were still shut as she soaked in the warmth of the covers before letting her green eyes see the sun's rays.
She basked in them for a while, the warmth soothing her aching body, pushing the cover off she saw her bare thighs and stomach, littered with marks a reminder of what she could assume was the evening before. Her skin felt as if it were glowing and she was truly surprised at the very little aches and pains.
her muscles felt weak, unlike her energy. She let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as she laid back in the soft puffy blanket, What time was it? How long had she been asleep? Did she have clothes on?  Well she knew the answer to the last question.
Her bedroom door clicked open as she looked to the culprit or should she say culprits,
“Morning~” still as bubbly as he usually was, Matthew bounced into the room and sat beside her.  Soon everyone else walked in too, James carrying a plate of breakfast and damining a glass of water.
“We thought you might need it miss” he smiled, his appearance looked soft due to him in his sweats.
All the boys were in pjs and mika sat naked, well minus her blanket. Mika smiled as she bit a piece of toast, her blanket cover shifting slightly as all the boys sat on her bed with her, all just basking in each other's company.
Running his finger though Mika's hair from behind her, Sam smiled before asking, “hey doofus?”
“Mmmhmmm” mika mouth full of food,
“You never did tell us your biggest fantasy”
Mika looked back to see sams glowing golden eyes, quickly turning from him she looked around only to find everyone else's eyes the same color…
“Ah fuck me…”
“Again princess?”
“As you wish~”
“Really doofus?”
“We dont mind~”
“haha, really that's it~”
Mika paled “Damien i swear~”
HONONRARY TITLE "Mikas quarantine orgy".
119 notes · View notes
anim3tingz · 3 years
Match-Up for kiyowife
First off, I just wanted to thank you for your submission. I always love getting a chance to write and learn about others in the process. On top of that, you actually helped me to add other criteria onto the request form I didn’t think of before: Your Sign, Your Type, and Love Language. It helps me not only to get a better feeling of who you are and how you show love but also what you’re into. So, thank you.❤️
Also, any book and tea recommendations? ☺️
Now onto the Match-Up…
I actually have two (2) people I matched you up with. When I was reading your submission I saw you listed you were ‘Bi’ (I’m ‘Pan’ so it’s nice to meet a fellow LGBTQ+) so that automatically opened up your potential matches. Usually, I’d just choose one match for each person, but we love options don’t we?
First up we have…
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot)
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Relationship Song: Medicine - James Arthur
Kirishima is an absolute sweetheart. Like, you honestly couldn’t find anyone more patient or kind than him. You get pissed easily? He’s okay with that. Hell, he’s best friends with Bakugo who, let’s be honest, is the complete definition of a hot-head if I’ve ever seen one. So, if you get in a mood he’ll be very patient and understanding. He’ll try to help you out if he can, he’s a great listener, but he also understands if you need to have some time to yourself. He’d be the type to make your favorite tea/food or buy your favorite snack/candy. Maybe even surprise you with your favorite movie and a stuffed animal. Even if you don’t want to speak to him about whatever is bothering you he just wants to remind you that he’s there for you and that he loves you.
This boy is very athletic so he loves the fact that you are athletic too. He’s seen you play sports before and he just loves watching you in action. You’re crazy powerful when you’re in your element. So, when he gets the chance, he loves to spar with you. Not only does he get a good training session in, but he gets to battle with his fierce, beautiful, bronze beauty. There was one time when you ended up pinning him to the ground. Your legs straddling him as you both were panting from the strenuous match. Poor baby just about died and went to Heaven. With your thick thighs straddling his waist and your curls cascading around your head like a halo he thought you looked so damn beautiful. He wouldn’t admit it but he was very turned on, not that his red face and growing bulge didn’t give away how he felt.
Now Kirishima isn’t very book smart. He finds the work a little challenging. He asked you if you could help him study so a couple times a week you guys have little study dates.
He doesn’t care about where you two go out on dates, although some of his favorite times are you guys just staying at home. You guys would end up binge-watching some TV show or watching a movie, cooking dinner, or attempting to bake something. You actually got him into reading more and recently you guys have decided to read books that have been turned into movies. So, you guys would read the book and then end up watching the movie version once done. You guys are currently reading the ‘Divergent’ series.
One of his favorite things to do with you is sneaking out to the beach with you at night. He’ll lay out a blanket for you two to sit on so you guys don’t get sand all over your clothes. With you sitting between his legs he’ll wrap his arms around you and rest his chin against your shoulder. The night sky would be littered with stars as the sound of the waves crashing against the shore echoed throughout the air.
When you told him about having Mysophobia he was very patient and listened to you and asked you questions when he was curious about something. He’s very understanding. So, wherever he plans on hanging out with you he makes sure to clean himself up and makes sure not to leave a mess when you two hang out. If he does he gets right on top of cleaning it up. Also, if he sees you get into a cleaning mood while hanging out he’s not afraid to get up and help you out. He just loves spending time with you no matter what you guys are doing.
When he hears you are wanting to get help for your phobia he’s there to help you in any way. He doesn’t pressure you at all. He’s more like the friendly hand standing behind you just to remind you he’s there if you start to feel like you can’t do it. He’s always there to support you.
There are occasionally times he’ll just want to hug you, particularly after a villain attack or if he sees you get injured, and he completely forgets about you having Mysophobia. So covered in sweat, dirt, blood he just goes in for a hug. As soon as he gets his hug though he’ll reel back and profusely apologize. He’ll do whatever he can to make it up to you, though. He really is sorry.
Whenever you guys are walking or just standing beside each other he loves to reach over and grab your pinky with his. It’s such a simple gesture. A simple reminder to you that he’s there beside you. He loves watching the soft smile creep onto your face from doing so. His heart flutters at the sight. If he’s feeling particularly playful he loves to swing your hands, pinkies wrapped together, back-and-forth with a grin plastered onto his face.
He loves to hug you from behind and place kisses on your cheek. Then afterward just resting his head on your shoulder, maybe pressing a few kisses to your neck, with his arms still wrapped around you. This is probably his favorite way to hold you, especially if he feels like someone is getting a little too close to you for his liking.
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2nd up with have…
Nejire Hado (Nejire Chan)
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Relationship Song: Feels Like A Dream - Emilee
Much like Kirishima, Nejire is a total sweetheart. She’s very patient and understanding when you get pissed off. She gets that sometimes it’s best to leave you to yourself when you get angry. However, she’s more likely to poke fun at the situation once she believes you're in a better mood. “Oh, hey grumpy. Are you feeling any better?” / “Did Aizawa-san say something mean again? I wouldn’t worry too much about it. He’s just a grumpy caterpillar.” She just tries to make the situation a little better by joking about it. Now if the situation called for being serious she’d make sure to pull herself together and be there for you as needed.
Nejire thinks you are absolutely beautiful. The way your curls fall effortlessly around your head, disheveled or put together you look flawless in her eyes. The little twinkle you get in your eyes when you are curious about something or how they widen when you get flustered from accidentally tripping or from her getting all up in your face. You just look like an Amazonian goddess in her eyes.
Despite her inquisitive and talkative nature she actually does prefer to just sit back and enjoy quiet activities like reading, painting, baking, etc. So, when you two hang out it usually ends up turning into some sort of creative outlet date. One of her favorite things to do with you is going to the bookstore so you two can pick out a book for each other, head to a cafe for some hot tea, and then go to the park for a little picnic date. Just you two on a blanket under a tree reading with a cup of tea is Heaven to her.
Nejire doesn’t really get jealous. She’s confident in the relationship, however, she is known to make comments toward whoever is getting a little too close to you. These comments often sound like backhanded compliments, but with her innocent smile and face, it often comes across to people as she didn’t mean it like that. However, you would know otherwise.
Like Kirishima, she’s very understanding and patient when listening about your Mysophobia. But, be prepared to answer her questions because your girl will have questions. Hope you have nothing to do for the next hour. Nejire is very neat so you wouldn’t have to worry about her making a mess or lacking in personal hygiene. If you get into a cleaning mood she’ll be right there with you. She loves to play music and dance while cleaning so be prepared for some impromptu dances with her.
Nejire loves grabbing your pinky with her and swinging your arms when walking. One of her favorite things to do when your pinkies are intertwined together is to bring it up to her lips and kiss it. Then she’d lean in to press a sweet kiss against your lips pulling away to rest her forehead against yours as she looks into your eyes smiling.
As for hugs, the girl’s got two favorite ways to hug you. Surprise attacks from behind like so...
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Or, by running and jumping into the hug. This is her personal favorite.
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world-of-aus · 4 years
I’ll be there for you - Part 2
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 4,780
Warnings: mentions of abortion (extremely brief), a pinch of angst, a pinch of fluff
Author’s Note: Second chapter, there will be one final one after this, its currently being written and edited, so i hope to have it out soon! I hope you all enjoy part two and part one will be linked below if you have not caught up yet! 
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Bucky grinned at you no longer hesitant In grabbing a hold of your outstretched hand, the two of you walking towards the waiting nurse
“Good morning, follow me this way!” She chirped happily.
Much like at the clinic it went the same, after taking your vitals she turned to you, “I’ll need you to undress from your bottom half, and put this over yourself, the doctor will be in shortly.”
You stared after her eyes wide as you took in what she had requested of you. “Uh,” you began turning your head slightly towards Bucky. He was grinning at you deviously, a twinkle in his eye, “it’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”
Your mouth fell open at his statement, “you haven’t seen it before.” You hissed.
He held his hands up in mock surrender, “alright alright grouchy, you could have just told me you wanted me to see it.” He teased throwing you a wink.
You gasped reaching out to smack his arm slightly earning you a chuckle, “James Buchanan Barnes, you cut that out right now,” you grunted, “turn around I don’t need you seeing my lady bits, not like this.” You murmured without thinking.
He smirked up at you, “oh, so you would like me to see eventually?” he questioned in a teasing tone.
“I - I- would you shut up and turn around so I can undress!” you hissed your cheeks flaring in embarrassment.
He let out a low chuckle but stood anyway turning his back to you. You made quick working of kicking off your shoes pulling down your jeans and panties covering yourself with the paper like fabric over your bottom half. You got back onto the exam table making sure you were fully covered before giving Bucky the okay to turn around. He was turning to face you just as the doctor was knocking at the door, her head peering in, she smiled at the two of your brightly, “Good morning you two, hello y/n,” she greeted, “how are you feeling?" she questioned.
“Honestly, a little exposed,” you murmured, which earned a laugh from her and Bucky.
“Well we wouldn’t want that,” she joked back, “Well lets go ahead and check on the baby, since your last period was april 10, you should be around 9 weeks but after this sonogram we’ll able to tell you how far along you actually are, as well as your due date” she stated.
You nodded your head as she moved around the room gathering the things she needed as well as moving a monitor closer to your bedside table, “Uh dad,” she said looking at Bucky, “you can move by the mom’s bedside, so you can have a better look at the baby, and not so much of well you know.”
You were absolutely mortified, not because the doctor had called Bucky the dad but because she was referring to your lady bits!
Bucky let out a low chuckle as he moved around to your side his chair scraping against the tile.
“Alright y/n since you’re still too early to detect with our regular sonogram wand, we’re going to do it through our transvaginal ultrasound wand, you may feel some pressure but I promise that’s totally normal,” the doctor walked you through the entire thing, showing you the wand she was planning to use.
“Alright you two, you ready to see baby?” she questioned cheerfully. You and Bucky both reached for each other, your hand gripping his tightly in yours, you chewed on your lower lip as she began to insert the wand.
The screen went from a black grey screen to exactly the same image, but now there was a bean shaped sack with a - “is that a tadpole?” Bucky spoke up.
The doctor laughed, “No, sorry to disappoint dad, but that there is your baby your looking at,” your eyes began to glisten as you looked over at the screen, “Alright let’s see if we can hear a heartbeat,” she murmured as she toggled around with the computer. You watched as she enhanced the screen, suddenly a soft rapid whooshing filled the room. The first tear fell from your eyes, “Is that – is that really their heartbeat?” you sniffled looking at the screen through blurred eyes.
The doctor looked over to you giving you a warm smile as she passed you a tissue, “Sure is momma, and from the looks of it you are about 9 weeks like predicted, so your due date will be January 20, granted everything goes well in the course of the next months, and nothing changes.”
The doctor resumed to a regular screen, printing a screen image for you of your first ultrasound, you grabbed it from her hand looking over the image, “Here’s one for dad to,” she said handing you another image. You went to go correct her but Bucky was cutting you off as he rushed out a quick “thanks” snatching the picture from your hands.
After you had finished with your sonogram you and the doctor talked back and fourth about any concerns you had, you even occasionally found yourself wanting to turn to Bucky to ask if he had any questions, but then the cold reality of this not being his child and the reality of your actual situation would hit you and you would have to bite your tongue.
“Well if you have no further questions ill go ahead and let you get changed, and once your finished up in here you can get dressed and make your way to the front to schedule your next appointment.” She smiled.
You and Bucky both thanked her watching as she exited the room, he handed you over you clothes turning away from you so that you could change, you could feel a shift in energy between the two of you, but you weren’t sure what could have caused it.
After setting up your next appointment you and Bucky exited the office he was busy typing away on his phone with one hand the sonogram gripped tightly in his other.
You stood by his side patiently waiting for him to finish up so that you could thank him for being here at the appointment with you and maybe throw in an apology for the doctors continuous slip up of calling him dad which you never corrected.
After a minute he was pocketing his phone glancing up at you the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips, “so you want to get breakfast?” He questioned throwing you for a loop.
You gaped at him, “Buck you’re supposed to head back to the tower after this.”
He grinned, “texted the team I wouldn’t be returning after all, have some more important things to be tending to.” He winked
You rolled your eyes slightly at the wink, a grin forming on your lips, “Bucky,” you sighed, “you need to stop coping out of important things with the team for me, they’re going to get suspicious.”
He swung his arm around you pulling you in closer, “they’re already suspicious, but they’re not going to suspect a thing, don’t worry doll.” He assured.
You went to question his “they’re already suspicious” statement but he was already whisking you away to the parking lot not giving you time for an argument.
Your pregnancy was passing you by in a nauseatingly grumpy haze, you were three months in and already tired. Your coworkers had been constantly questioning your crabbiness, but you had always been able to pass it off as stress from a new assignment, or just stress of life in general and they were quick to except your answer as you were still not showing yet. Bucky had been an absolute angel through your morning sickness and well the whole newness that came with being pregnant, it seemed he was always there to lend you a helping hand when necessary, truly the man would never back down, not even when you were snapping at him, oh no, that only caused him to dote on you harder, leaving you to moan and groan under your breath.
Canceling plans had become part of Bucky’s routine and just like he had promised those 3 months ago that the team would not become suspicious of him always bailing they indeed had. It had been another of those nights where he had bailed on the team again. They had been trying to get Bucky out and on a date for the past month, but Bucky was insistent that he wasn’t interested, well that hadnt worked out the least in his favor. You and Bucky had been relaxing on the couch watching a series on Netflix, when a persistent pounding sounded at your door. Bucky glanced over at you, then back over to the door, “were you expecting someone?” he questioned. You shook your head, Bucky sighed as he pushed himself off the couch making his way to the door. He was barely unlocking the door before it was swinging open, Sam barging in, Steve and Natasha trailing behind him.
“alright tinman, enough is enough, you’ve been bailing on us for too long now, you’re going out with us whether you want to or not!” Sam stated as he entered your home.
“Yeah Barnes, I’m sorry to say, but I agree with Sam on this one,” Natasha spoke up from the trio.
Bucky turned to Steve baffled, “Sorry bud, but I'm going to also have to agree on this one, we barely see you,” he said, “no offense to you y/n” he added acknowledging your presence on the couch.
“So go get changed and meet us out here, were going out and your coming with us, we’re going to get you a girl.” Sam announced, the words made your heart into the depths of your stomach.
“Sam come on man, me and y/n are watching a show, I can’t just bail on her.” Bucky spoke up.
“Look man of course you can, I’m sure y/n wouldn’t mind, you’re probably driving her crazy forcing her to spend this much time with you.” Steve added, “isn’t that right y/n?” he questioned looking at you.
You tried your hardest not to look like a deer in headlights, “Uh,” your eyes bounced around the room, “Uh, yeah no, that’s fine, he can go out with you,” you murmured, not bearing to meet anybody’s eyes without giving away your emotions.
“See!” Sam exclaimed swinging his arm out in your direction, “she said it’s cool, besides that’s why Nat tagged along, she’s going to keep your girl company, while we’re out.”
“Wouldn’t say I'm his girl, if the reason you’re taking him out is to find him a girl,” you muttered with an eye roll.
No more words were shared between the four of you as Sam and Steve pushed Bucky to his room, Natasha making her way over to you. Joining you on the couch a comfortable silence washed over the two of you for a short second before she was turning in her seat towards you. At first she didn’t say anything just watching you, her hands wandering your form, you swallowed feeling tense at her gaze.
“Your almost 4 months aren’t you, why aren’t you showing yet?” she questioned.
Your head snapped in her direction eyes going wide, “Excuse me?” you choked out. How did she know, nobody knew, how the hell did she find out?
“Come now y/n I'm actually hurt you think I wouldn’t find out.” she grinned her eyes burning into yours.
“How did you – how did you find out?” you murmured voice dropping to a whisper.
“Barnes may be able to resist the other two, but twist his arm a little and he squirms.” She shrugs.
Your mouth dropped open Natasha taking notice, “don’t worry he didn’t tell me much,” she tried to reassure, “but he had been so distant from the group, and so,” she tapped her finger to her chin as if in thought, “so happy, the other two were oblivious to it but he was practically glowing, it was just unlike the Bucky I had seen.”
You were unsure how to react much less what to say, you weren’t expecting this to happen, much less explain the situation. Had Bucky explained the entire situation, did he explain the agreement he had offered?
“You don’t have to tell me what happened, Barnes said it was an emotional subject,” she sighed, “ I’m sorry I spilled it like this on you, but I almost thought Barnes was bluffing about it, I’m sorry.” She whispered her hand coming to grip yours.
You gripped hers in yours, “it’s okay, I was expecting this to happen even if he had told me otherwise,” you said softly, “ I was also planning on eventually telling everyone as there’s only so much I can do/wear to hide the ever growing bump.” You whispered a small smile gracing your lips as you removed your hands from hers to smooth out your shirt over the small rounded bump.
Natashas eyes widened slightly glossy, “oh my god,” she whispered her hands coming out to lay over it, “that is the most precious thing I have ever seen.” She whispered glancing back at you.
You and Natasha heard the boys footsteps returning, their bellowing laughter filling the hall. Natasha pulled her hand away, you pulled at your shirt just as the boys came in.
“Everything alright?” Bucky questioned looking between you and Natasha suspiciously.
You nodded your head stiffly, “everything’s fine, you all should get out of here.” Natasha spoke up.
“Don’t have to tell us twice,” Sam cheered gripping Bucky’s shoulders tightly as he led him out of the house not letting Bucky give you or Natasha a second glance.
With the boys out of the house you and Natasha took some time to talk about your situation. You explained everything to her, from your drunken night, to finding out you were pregnant, to how Bucky had promised to be there for you through this, she even grilled you enough to the point that she had you spilling your feelings for the man.
“ты должен сказать ему, дорогаяq” she replied her hand falling on your shoulder.
“I don’t know Nat, just because he’s opting to be there for me doesn’t mean he’ll hold true to his word, and it definitely doesn’t mean he has feelings, he’s my best friend that’s all this is.”
She raised a brow at you shaking her head slightly, “типичный,” she sighed, “trust me y/n he’s not doing these for any of the reason’s you’re thinking, he really does care for you, and its definitely in more than a friendly way.”
You wanted to argue with the redhead but you knew it would’nt get you anywhere, much like Bucky she was strong willed and hardheaded and once set on something there was no changing her mind.
The two of you continued to enjoy your night, the hours ticking by as you and natasha watched films and talked about your plans for your pregnancy.
“You’re looking pretty tired y/n, i think i should head out and let you get some rest,” she murmured a small yawn passing by her lips. You looked at the clock on the stand next to you it was nearing 12 in the morning, and still no sign or word from the boys.
“Do you have a ride though?” you questioned, “ the boy’s arent even back yet, and i havent recieved any word from them.”
“Yeah i brought one of Tony’s cars with me, followed the boys here,” she said as she stood stretching out, “as for the boys,” she looked away as if contemplating the next words from her mouth.
“As for the boys?” you questioned
“Sam texted me to let you know not to wait up, they all found a lucky lady for the night.” she murmured.
Though your heart had cracked in two falling into the depths of your stomach, you would not let it show through on your face. Natasha had seen through you as she leaned towards you her hand falling softly to your shoulder, “I’m sorry y/n i had told Sam it wouldn’t be a good idea, but you know how Sam can be.”
You shook her concern off, “it’s fine Nat, it’s not like Bucky and i were a thing, he’s allowed to do whatever he pleases.” you weren’t sure who you were trying to convince more, yourself or her. Besides it was true, you had no right to feel any sort of way, you and Bucky weren’t a couple and the baby growing inside of you wasn’t his. Bucky was free to do his own thing, and you needed to remind yourself that no matter how bad you wished the circumstances were different. After seeing Natasha our and with wanting nothing else more than the comfort of your own bed you decided to call it a night.
You groaned, pushing the blankets off of you aggressively you sat up half asleep in bed stomach rumbling, mumbling profanities under your breath you let your feet touch the ground You glanced at the clock that said it was three fifteen in the morning another groan left your lips “Jesus Christ,” you muttered getting out of bed. You stomped over to the door pulling it open roughly, letting it swing against the wall, not caring that it made a thud that echoed throughout the eerily quiet house. You definitely didn’t care about the noise you were making, you were upset to have been forced awake by your hungered thoughts, that had your stomach growling this late like a creature of the night.
Opening the fridge you looked around before you reached in pulling out a carton of eggs. Setting them over by the stove you began going through his cabinets looking for a pan, once again not caring that you were slamming things around and being way too loud for three in the morning. Finally finding a pan you pulled at it only to realize it was caught on another pan, in a fit of frustration caused by your hunger you yanked at it causing more pans to fly from the cabinet as well. You groaned your head flying back, setting the pan you were going to use on the counter before bending down, which was getting harder as the days went on, you picked up all the other ones that littered the floor, shoving them back in the cabinet before slamming it shut, you knew the next time that cabinet was opened it would be raining pans.
You grabbed the closest bowl, grabbing a handful of eggs before you began to crack each one into your container.
“Y/n?” Bucky questioned, you jumped where you stood your hand coming up to rest on your wildly beating heart. You glanced up at him to see him shirtless wearing just a pair of pajama bottoms. His hair was a ruffled mess and he was rubbing his eye, staring at you. “What are you doing doll?”
You glared at him. “What does it look like I’m doing, I’m making eggs Einstein.” You said as you poured your battered liquid egg onto the waiting pan, reaching for a spoon so you could stir it.
“At three in the morning?” he questioned squinting at the clock on the microwave.
You shrugged “I was hungry, tried to fight it off as much as I could but I couldn’t.” You muttered.
“You couldn’t wait till morning, I was trying to get some sleep doll,” he said rubbing at his eyes, your face morphed into a glare.
“Oh, I’m sorry, was I making too much noise for you? Did my noise interrupt your sleeping?” You grumbled swirling your eggs around angrily.
He raised a brow at you, “what?” He questioned taken aback by your tone, “is something going on?” He questioned
“I’m pregnant Barnes!” You hissed shutting off the stove. “I can’t control when I’m hungry, much less control anything else going on in my life, and honestly you should be a little more understanding!”
He looked at you face blank, “anything else you’d like to complain about?
You knew it had come out as a rhetorical question but due to the events of the night, you decided to just go at it.
“Actually you know what, yes, I have a bone to pick with you,” you started pointing an accusatory fork at him, “next time you plan on staying out late I’d appreciate if y’all didn’t keep me in the dark about it, I deserve to know things too and not have to find out you’re going to be “hooking up” with someone from her, we’re roommates Barnes I need to be alerted if you’re bringing a girl from the bar home.” You grunted shoveling a forkful of eggs into your mouth
His eyes twinkled, “anything else doll?” He mocked drawling out the word doll.
“Yes,” you muttered, “ I’m up at three in the morning eating god damned eggs when I should be sleeping like a normal person,” you started, “I’m fat, my work clothes and regular clothes are shrinking by the day and does that stop me from eating these eggs?” You scowled shoveling more in your mouth, bucky looked at you to continue, “it doesn’t,” you answer, “I also spend half my work day in the restroom because I have to pee every ten minutes, and you want to know another thing, you are allowed to go out and do whatever or whoever you want because this isn’t your responsibility, we’re just best friends who are roommates and I shouldn’t care that you’re out picking up women but it does.” You huffed, “ I’m tired of being pregnant, my emotions are all over the place and I can’t even control them, what the heck am I going to do for the next five months?” You groaned looking down at your now empty plate.
Bucky chuckled softly, “feel better?” He questioned moving around the island to step closer to you, you glanced up at him through your lashes a warm hue covering your cheeks when you saw his naked torso.
“Just a little,” you admitted lamely. You sucked in a breath holding it and letting it fill your lungs before it was escaping quickly through your nose. You filled looked over to him, “ I’m sorry Buck, I’m just so goddamn frustrated, I’m so tired, I just want this bean out already,” You sighed.
He gave you a warm smile, “I figured as much, that’s why I let you continue.” A smirk graced his lips as he caught your eyes slipping across his chest, “anything I can do to help relieve your stress?” He questioned lips pulled into a teasing smirk.
Your cheeks turned red at his teasing, your eyes turning away from his as you bit down on your lip. It took you a second before your could look at him again, this isn’t the first time he had made a teasing statement like this, your friendship had been built on the teasing moments,  but this was the first time that his eyes trailed your body the way they were. His eyes trailed your body taking in his shirt your wore, the one that wasn’t quite long enough to fall mid thigh on you with your bump, you knew if you moved even slightly he would get a view of your ass clad in your lace panties.
You didn’t say anything as the two of you stood there, a cloud of tension had settled over you so thick you probably could have seared it with a knife. This had never happened before, this was new territory for the both of you, but then you thought back to your conversation with Natasha and how you should tell him how you felt. While you weren’t sure you could do that just yet, you decided that you couldn’t take it anymore. You were hormonal and to be blunt a little horny, okay very horny. You leaned back against the island hoisting yourself up to perch yourself on the cool granite. Your eyes watched for Bucky’s reaction, you needed to know you weren’t reading into this, you needed to know this wasn’t one sided. Bucky’s eyes followed your movements, his eyes darkening slightly as he drank in your form. He walked closer to you closing the gap, his eyes locked with yours. He stopped In front of you, his eyes dropping to trail your legs, the fabric of his shirt doing nothing to conceal you, his eyes trailed up till they were locking with yours once more.
You continued to test the waters, pushing the boundaries a little farther as you pushed your legs apart, your feet swinging up to wrap around his waist to pull him closer. You slid forward on the counter, his body meet yours closing the distance. His hands creeped up to your hips gripping them, your hands reached out, fingers dancing along the smoothness of his chest trailing up where they locked behind his neck pulling him down to you. You faces were inches apart his warm ragged breath fanning across your face. His tongue peeked out wetting his lips, your body shivered craving his touch.
“Bucky” you breathed out his names ghosting across his lips, beckoning him to close the distance.
A small smirk kissed the side of his lips, as he leaned down his lips connecting with yours. The moment your lips touched you swore it was like a swarm of butterflies had been released in your stomach. You could feel the passion, the want, and was that love?
His hands fell from your hips fingers tracing lines along the skin of your thighs driving you absolutely insane. You pulled away from his lips your head thrown back as breathy moan fell from your lips. Bucky’s lips trailed down your jaw making their way across your neck seeking out that spot just underneath your ear.
“Buck” you moaned.
He pulled back slightly his lust filled eyes looking up at you,
“I want you, I want you so bad.” You breathed out staring into his ocean blue eyes.
His eyes softened and you knew that in that moment he understood your words. You knew he understood that you wanted him more than just in this moment.
You wanted him.
“You have me sweetheart,” he whispered into your lips as he connected them once again. You smiled into the kiss, feeling him do the same and for a second the focus shifted.
You were no longer just kissing in a lustful rage but instead the moment had slowed as you savored the feeling of his body against your own. With each kiss placed on your lips it brought on a whole new feeling of want and you knew that this would change things between the two of you. You knew that after this night there would be no going back. You were giving yourself over to him and he was taking it, showing you just how much you meant to him.
He wanted you.
His hands traveled back up your legs, brushing past you hips and coming to a stop at the small of your back. He pushed you forward gently hoisting you up in his arms, lifting you off the counter. He carried you effortlessly to his bedroom, setting you down on his plush bed. He tugged at your shirt, pulling it up and over your head smirking when he noticed you weren’t wearing a bra. His lips found yours again, your fingers running along his chest as he hovered above you you came to a stop just above the waistband of his pants.
He pulled away from you, a whimper falling from your lips at the loss of contact. He hovered over you, his hands on either side of your head holding him above you.
His eyes softened, “I need you to know this changes everything for me doll, I want to be there for you in more ways than one.”
“I know Buck,” you smiled a single hand coming up to cup his cheek.
“I’m not going anywhere sweetheart, I want this with you, I want to be there for you, I want to do this with you.” He whispered as he leaned back down closing the distance between your lips once more. You pulled him closer to you, letting the feelings you had grown for him over the past months make themselves known as you gave yourself to him for the first time.
Part 3 FIN
Taglist: @minillamakeup-blog​
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
In an overview of his entire arc i think Regulus animagus form would be a Bat (spiritual meaning; Ego, fear, challenge, keen-observation, inner-depth, illusion and clairvoyance) or a Ram (spiritual meaning; Aloof, sensitive, hard-working, anxious, visionary and transformation) . That's the vibe I'm getting from him. Personally I think bat fits him the best. Also a weird headcanon but I feel like Regulus is psychic and he uses it subtly to help those around him and they wouldn't even know it. He also uses it to his advantage. sometimes he messes with Sirius for fun and whenever Sirius genuinely asks if he's for real, he just says "no of course not. Don't be ridiculous." And walks away leaving Sirius stunned.
About Remus as an owl, initially he wasn't very happy with his form. To which James responds with "mate, I'm a Stag. Anywhere except the forest, I'm completely out of place. Also I'm huge not very good for stealth let me tell you. You can fly and this place (hogwarts) is filled with owls, you can just poof and no one would even look at you twice, you know how useful that is when pranks go wrong?"
To which remus says "for the record, I wouldn't want to be a stag... but I'm literally a postman" What he didn't realise was that neither James or sirius knows what a postman is... "you know a mailman? Oh nevermind!". Remus will always be their little grumpy owl 💜. What do you think his nickname would be?
A bat or a Ram? How much time did you but into this? Cause I really don't think this is something to come right off the top of your head.
And your headcanon that Regulus is psychic adds even more authenticity to his animagus form being a bat. Oh please give me more of Black brothers. Like they fuel my existence. I need so much more of their headcanons honestly. But yes, Regulus would totally do that and perhaps Sirius thinks this is some kind of a prank Regulus is pulling so he either pland an even wilder prank or he rakes his brain to find lut qhat how he did it.
That's exactly what I was thinking when you said Remus would be an owl. Like the three of them would easily get out of trouble if they hadn't completed their gomeworks or something.
I love oblivious, rich, pure blood boys. But think about every time Remus by mistakenly slips something that is commonly used by muggles and he would have to give like a whole essay about the origin of whatever topic it is and then have James and Sirius obsessing over it for the next few weeks and question him about their "doubts" at 3 AM. That'd be the cutest.
"Remus will always be their grumpy little owl" ahjdbshk!!! Oh my gods thats soooo cute! Like woah...James and Sirius would tease of him forever about this.
Ohhhh!!!! Think about this!!! Remus the quidditch commentator is pissed because the Gryffindor team hadn't scored properly and the game was nearing the end and he is cursing into the microphone, McGonagall is yelling at him to quit cursing, the opposite team is hollering and the Gryffindors are cursing too. In the midst of the chaos Sirius and James who are flying mid air just stops and looks at Remus and goes, "Our grumpy little owl," like a proud mother and glanced at each other, wiping their fake tears.
Okay this is a shit idea for a name but what about...hoot?
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 19
Chapters: 19/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can’t help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
"It’s skew.”
“Come and straighten it, then.”
“I’m spotting, you’re hanging.”
Gerry growls at him. Jon looks rather pleased about it.
Martin, who doesn’t want Gerry to hit their infuriating lover with a hammer, goes over to where he’s hanging the massive painting and tilts it minutely to the left. “Better?”
“Perfect!” Jon pronounces, clapping his hands.
Through some sort of witchcraft, the artist has hung the painting in such a position that it emulates where a window would be in a traditional room. It opens up the space in such a way that it seems less like a store room, and far more like a creative space that someone would actually enjoy spending time in.
The lightning helps too, warm light filtering from the ceiling and corner lamps, and LCD strips illuminating the bookshelves from inside.
All in all, considering this was a utilitarian storage space just a few weeks ago, it seems like a downright miracle.
The three of them lean back against Jon's desk, free of clutter for the first and only time in its life. The bookshelves are empty, and except for his new painting, so are the walls.
The piano occupies one wall, and Gerry hopes to hear it being played often.
Jon reaches out and takes Gerry's hand, drawing them close together affectionately. "How long have you been planning for us to move in?"
"Well, I wasn't planning, per se. Only considering the possibility." Gerry smirks confidently. "I know we're all a little bizarre, but this is the course of most relationships, and we could only spend so much time sleeping over before paying for three flats became superfluous."
"Besides," Martin continues for him. "There's no harm in planning for something you hope will happen eventually. Especially when your new flatmates will be this wildly good looking."
He gestures to himself dramatically, doing a small turn in place. Gerry and Jon laugh with him happily, until he stumbles back into Gerry's side, where he gets wrapped up under an arm.
"So do you like your new space, Jon?" Gerry cuddles around him, twisting the three of them into an odd sort of snuggle pretzel.
"I absolutely adore it." Jon utters happily, sighing in contentment as they all lean there together.
At the end of June, Jon hands over his keys and the three of them officially live together.
There's still a lot of settling to be done, even though they've been moving in together for almost six weeks by that point. The boxes are unpacked, but they still need to make it a comfortable home for all of them, a certainty that comes only with time.
Martin and Jon both love their studies, a matching pair that look and feel completely opposite.
Martin opts for a small bedroom, keeping the bed from his old flat, his painting hung opposite. He finds an antique writing desk at a charity store, and installs it for writing poetry or working on his laptop in the evenings.
He adorns the walls with pictures and posters, and random pieces of poetry and music that he loves.
It's a cozy space that he adores, even though he opts to sleep in the master bedroom almost always. The option makes him feel like he has his own breathing room, even if he rarely needs it.
Jon's is more of a true study, with a large desk taking up the majority of the space. His walls are lined with shelves, and he promptly fills them with books and knickknacks. The odd collection includes first edition classics, next to mass market paperbacks and music books, with non-fiction nature and animal books scattered throughout. These are interwoven with seashells, tiny mechanical statues and several flowers preserved in resin, gifts from Martin throughout their relationship.
On the wall above the piano, he hangs framed photos of his parents, himself with Gerry as a teen, and all three of them together as adults. The photo he once took of Martin, Gerry and Tim hangs right in the centre, all his favorite humans in one frame. He hangs the sketch of him and Martin in the park from when they were all courting, as well as the others he has stolen from Gerry over time.
Gerry embraces the chaos and upheaval as if it's all he ever wanted, and really, it is. A home, with the people he loves, noisy and frenetic, loving and comfortable.
In the middle of July, he quits his job at the bar in the middle of a shift, with very little contemplation or preamble.
He smiles at his lovers radiantly when he comes through the door several hours early to find them watching a movie.
"What happened?" Martin queries, clear concern lining his expressive face.
"I quit." Gerry flops down between them, snuggling down immediately.
"But why?" Presses a sleepy Jon, trying to hide a yawn behind his hand.
Gerry shrugs. "I got the job because I was bored, essentially. I wanted to interact with interesting people and I didn't know anyone in London anymore. But tonight I realized how badly I wanted to be right here, with you two." He smiles at them, trying to explain without conveying too many of his sappy emotions. "l honestly couldn't think of one reason to be working at midnight on a Saturday, instead of at home, or out on a date, or literally anything else we could be doing together. So I quit."
"Oh Gerry." Jon whispers, both of them carefully tuned to his moods, regardless of his attempts at seeming unconcerned.
"I don't feel the need to fill my time and chase inspiration anymore. I just want to be with you. Both of you." He kisses first Martin's hand, then Jon's, grinning at them all the way.
"I love you. I'm happy you're home." Jon whispers to him, sleepy and content.
Martin hums an agreement, squeezing his hand and smiling down at him lovingly.
They watch their movie and then go to bed all together, and Gerry knows he's made the best choice of his life.
Gerry finds himself with an odd amount of time on his hands while his partners go to work during the day, like normal people.
He decides to take on several art commissions from clients he's actually interested in working for, which thrills Gertrude. He doesn't think it entirely makes up for his boyfriend hitting Peter Lukas in the middle of a showcase, but it's a start.
He also indulges himself and buys a new tattoo machine.
He's not really interested in taking clients again, but… well, he wants it and so he gets it. If it's only to use on himself or the occasional visitor, then that's fine by him.
"You have everything you need to give tattoos now, right?" Martin asks him one early morning.
Gerry is still mostly asleep, clutching a cup of tea and petting Saturn where he perches on his lap. He blinks at Martin, confused.
"I think so. I mean, I haven't used my machine yet, but there's really only one way to test it out." Gerry tilts his head curiously, sunlight glittering in his hair, dyed back to its original black. "Why do you ask?"
"Do you want to give me one?" Martin grins at him a bit shyly.
Gerry sits up straight, instantly wide awake. "Yes. So much."
Martin laughs warmly. "You have the same look on your face that Luna gets when we take out the catnip toys."
Uncaring about how eager he might look, Gerry shoos Saturn to go over and kneel by Martin. "I would be honored to have your tattoo virginity. Do you want me to draw something?"
"Yes," Martin tells him with a grin, "that's exactly what I want. A Gerry Delano original, right on my skin."
"What do you want it to be?" Gerry's teal eyes are bright and slightly manic, and Martin glories in the sensation of producing a new reaction in his lover.
"It's entirely up to you." He responds, pressing a firm kiss to Gerry's mouth. "I want to see what makes you think of me."
"Oh, I like it." He declares, jumping up and going off to find a sketchbook.
Martin sips his tea and smiles to himself, very pleased indeed.
"You're just going to let him give you whatever he wants to?" Jon blanches when Martin tells him.
"Relax Jon, it's Gerry, not some evil mastermind. He'll draw something I like. And if I don't, it's not hard, I just tell him no."
Jon, who rather considers that Gerry is an evil mastermind, does not look convinced. "But…"
"Hush, love." Martin tells him firmly.
Gerry, drawing under the window nearby, takes no notice of them. He has a focused frown on his face as he concentrates on the careful lines appearing on his page.
Martin considers it a rare pleasure to just watch him draw, and tries to guess what might be forming on the page before him.
He completely trusts that Gerry knows him exactly well enough to draw him the perfect tattoo. And then he can have his own piece of Gerry, inked right into his skin.
When he sits back down with Jon and Martin a little later, he has a smudge of charcoal above his eyebrow, and Martin gently rubs it away before Gerry has a chance to start talking. He blushes quite uncharacteristically, and Martin knows it means he's been swirling in the frantic rush of his own creativity.
"So I have a proposal for you." Gerry starts, body humming with excitement. "A tattoo in two parts, if you will."
"Yeah?" Martin encourages him, just as interested.
Gerry collects Martin's hand in both of his own, running a thumb over a spot on his wrist. It's the same place that Jon has his own tattoo, which immediately makes Martin pleased. "A small crescent moon, right here. The placement to match with Jon, the symbol for Luna."
Gerry pushes a scrap of paper forward, an elegant crescent moon filling space.
"For the other…" Gerry turns over the larger page, handing it to Martin.
There's an immeasurable beat of silence as Martin contemplates the design before him. A set of waxing and waning moons, connected by a series of dots, lines and more dots making a background of geometric shapes.
He… feels it. He understands now, what Jon had meant, when he described seeing the inspiration for his own tattoo for the first time. It's a representation of some inner part of himself, normally hidden from the world, but carefully unearthed for his lovers, over the course of many months and endless intimacy.
"Martin?" Gerry entreats, leaning minutely closer to him.
"I love it." He whispers, pulling the goth over to kiss him fiercely. They tangle together pleasantly, for several moments, everything else falling away as they get absorbed in each other.
"Not that anyone asked me, but I like it as well." Jon informs them pertly.
"Your opinion is as important to us as ever, baby." Gerry replies, grinning proudly. He turns back to Martin. "Where do you want it?"
Martin considers for a moment, before getting up and pulling off his shirt and jumper, leaving himself bare from the waist up. He still feels a small pang of shyness to be naked in any way, but confidence born of time and perspective drown most of it away now.
He and Gerry stand facing each other. Martin lifts the other man's hand, placing it on his sternum, over his softly pounding heart.
"Right here?" Gerry asks, voice soft.
"Right here." Martin affirms.
In the end, Gerry takes them over to Melanie's tattoo shop to work on Martin. He lists a number of reasons, but really, he finds a certain amount of comfort working under the stark lights and amid the buzzing of other machines.
They do the small tattoo first, and Martin sits for it exceptionally well.
Before Gerry starts the sternum piece, an endeavor of several hours, Georgie arrives and drags Jon off to drink coffee and catch up in a nearby coffee shop. Melanie goes into the next room to take another client, and Gerry and Martin are left alone together.
"Ready, love?" Gerry asks as he finishes placing the stencil, bisecting his chest.
"I'm nervous," Martin confesses softly.
Gerry doesn't move his gloved hands, not wanting to contaminate them, but he does press their foreheads together gently, taking a moment to sooth Martin with his companionship.
"Do you want to take a break? You can just sit with the stencil for a while." Gerry leans forward and places a swift kiss on Martin's nose, before retreating from his personal space.
"No, I'm ready." He smiles, biting his lip a little. "I just- I feel like this is a big moment, you know?"
"It is. You're embracing who you really are." Gerry runs a finger along one of Martin's chest scars, considering. "You're choosing to love yourself instead of just tolerating him."
"How can you always tell?" Martin whispers the words, voice heavy with emotion. "How can you put things into words like that, so simply."
"I know you. You think I don't see when you avoid looking in the mirror. You hope I don't notice that you used to hate being naked, even with Jon and I." Gerry pauses, tripping Martin's head up with the tip of a finger, minimizing contact still. "But I see you, Martin. I love you just the way you are. And I want you to love yourself just the same. I'll tell you everyday, show you constantly, if I need to."
Martin is crying for real now, tears streaming down his face. Gerry abandons his sterility, pulling Martin into his arms. He rocks his lover gently, and they are just together for a moment, no need to rush, no distractions. Just them, and the comfort they find in each other.
"I love you too." Martin tells him simply, when they pull apart.
"Good," Gerry grins, kissing him thoroughly, the taste of salty tears on his lips. He stands, pulling off his ruined gloves and going to wash his hands again.
Martin takes a sip of the tea Jon made him before he left, smiling because Jon always makes it with a little more sugar than he allows himself. "I'm ready."
When Jon returns, they're just finished up, the last few moments of buzzing filling the air. He watches them together, artist and canvas, and loves them fiercely.
"How was coffee with Georgie?" Martin queries, taking his offered hand.
Jon relays the details as Gerry finishes, and then cleans up.
Jon and Gerry stand on either side of Martin in the mirror as he looks at it for the first time. Martin nods wildly, when Jon asks if he likes it, and they hug him from either side as he sheds a few more tears.
Jon had once thought that tattoos seemed very boring in comparison to Gerry's normal work, but seeing the design come alive on Martin's skin, full of feeling and depth, he can't help but think of it as the best thing his lover has ever done. Gerry can't help but agree.
"Let's go to the park!" Martin exclaims as they leave, after saying their goodbyes to Georgie and Melanie.
"The park?" Jon asks, laughing. "It's so windy."
"I don't care, I want to feed the ducks and eat ice cream with my boyfriends." He insists, giddy with happiness and adrenaline.
"Okay, but you're picking the flavours this time." Gerry says, taking one of Martin's hands. Jon takes the other.
Jon and Gerry find themselves watching Martin once again feed ducks as they sit beneath a tree, more than a year after the very first time.
"Why don't we come to the park more often?" Jon asks from where he reclines between Gerry's long legs.
His arms snake around his waist, and Jon feels very content and comfortable, despite the cutting wind.
"Because," Gerry kisses under an ear softly, "we live in England and it rains more than 100 days a year."
"He looks so happy here." They watch as Martin stoops to offer a piece of bread to a curious toddler. The child is inordinately pleased, and her mother watches on gratefully from nearby as they feed the rowdy birds together.
"Are you happy?" Gerry asks him, unexpectedly serious. "With your life, with me?"
"Gerry! Of course I'm happy with you." Jon sits up, turning in the tangle of Gerry's limbs to face him.
"I'm only checking on you." He runs a gentle finger down Jon's face, then cups his cheek affectionately. "I know how much stress work puts you under and I hate that for you."
Jon looks away from his intent gaze, fiddling with his fingers nervously. "Well, yeah. My job sucks. The worst part is, I love being a librarian! Being surrounded by books, helping people choose something to read or guiding them with their research. But that's so little of my job now, and Elias just finds new and interesting ways to put pressure on me. But I'm not qualified and I know I probably won't get another job in a library, especially not without a glowing recommendation from Elias-"
"And we both know that's never going to happen." Gerry finishes for him.
Jon nods and they just sit together a moment. Gerry lifts one of his hands and kisses each of his fingers and then his palm, until Jon blushes and smiles at him.
"I know you think it's annoying, so you keep your feelings about work inside, a lot of the time. I don't want you to do that anymore, okay? If you have a terrible job, then we all carry that."
"Nope, no buts. We are all partners. That means more then dinner dates and living together and sex."
"And punching rich fuckers who hurt our Martin."
Gerry laughs, still reveling in Jon's unexpected protectiveness- and the violent manifestation of it. "Yes, that too. There will be other jobs, for all of us, probably. But our relationship, the three of us. We're forever."
"Like those tattoos that you gave Martin today?" Jon asks, pert glint in his eye.
"Yes, much like that." He smirks brazenly back. "And the one I gave you, and the ones I've given myself, over the years."
Gerry continues, squeezing Jon's hand, "I know that the idea of not being able to provide for yourself scares you, but we're in this together now. You don't have to cling to a job that you hate in case you're left without one at all."
"I-" Jon looks away, uncomfortable to be so well understood. Gerry stits with him, energy easy between them, just holding his hand, loving and supportive.
"I have been considering, that is, maybe becoming a school teacher." The confession is halting, and he offers it with a small shy smile.
"I think that's a wonderful idea." Gerry responds, gentle encouragement colouring his voice.
"I would probably have to go back to school for a year. Get a post-grad in Education. I wouldn't be working for most of that time, and my savings will only go so far, even without having to pay rent." Jon whispers, as if the words will be any less offensive to him if they are quiet.
"You know I can float you, especially for just a year. And Martin too."
"It just doesn't seem fair to burden you with that."
"It's not a burden, it's a part of life. You think you're so old, that you should be settled, but you're barely 30, Jon. You still have time to make new life choices occasionally, and the point of being in a relationship is that you let us support you every now and then." Gerry is earnest and focused, and Jon can't help but believe him, long fingers cupping his face and teal eyes holding his gaze.
Martin arrives then, plonking down next to Jon and giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"What are we talking about then? Such serious faces."
Gerry nudges Jon, who haltingly offers Martin the same idea he told Gerry.
“Oh, I think that’s a great idea.” He says, eyes alight. “Like, high schoolers, right?”
“Yes, of course. Anyone under 10 is an alien and I don’t want to hear any arguments.”
They laugh at him, their contentment surrounding him warmly.
"You don't have to quit right away." Martin offers. "There are plenty of part time degree programs, and you have to apply first. It all takes time."
"You seem pretty clued up about it." Jon observes, narrowing his eyes at Martin suspiciously.
"Well, if you must know. I've been thinking about getting a business degree."
"Oh my God! Martin, how is this the first we're hearing about this?" Gerry demands, sitting up straight.
"I didn't want it to be a thing until I was sure, and the move was over." He confesses, "It's gonna take a lot of my free time and I wanted to discuss that with you both carefully."
"I'm gonna be living with two thirty year old students." Gerry mutters, shocked. He leans back against the tree again, running his fingers through his long hair.
"I haven't agreed yet-" Jon starts.
Martin speaks up at the same time. "You could get a degree too. We could all be students together."
"No, but thanks anyway." Gerry shudders, grimacing. He perks right back up. "I'll be your sexy study partner though."
"Gerard!" Jon cries, scandalised.
Gerry shakes his head. "As if I've never felt you up while you were trying to study for a test."
"Exactly!" Even Jon struggles to keep up his prim expression at that, and they tumble into pleasant laughter together.
"So," Martin hazards, "are we gonna do this?"
"Well, if you're going to. I suppose we should both get it done at the same time." Jon responds, still hesitant but clearly warming to the idea. "You're really okay with this, Gerry?"
Gerry beams at them both, a soft, special look in his eyes. "I'm more than okay with anything you want to do with your lives. In case you haven't noticed, I'm really very fond of you both."
Jon leans forward in the circle of Gerry's legs, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss, before turning back to lay against his chest.
Martin shifts around to lean into his side, and Gerry tucks one arm around him, the other around Jon. Jon reaches out to take one of Martin's hands, and the three of them sit wrapped up together.
As ever, their own mutual magnetism draws them forever closer and closer, binding them to one another in an inexplicable tangle of love and affection.
"Do you think it will always be like this, between us?" Martin whispers gently, as the sun begins to set and the landscape sets ablaze before them.
"Probably not," Jon responds, voice warm and content. "Life will keep shifting like a tide, and we'll move with it, but the great thing about us is- we're moored together. Nothing can keep us apart, because what we have is stronger than whatever shifts and eddies might try to take us away."
"The gravity between us is fiercer than any storm, any disaster that might try to shake us." Gerry picks up Jon's train of thought, pulling them both minutely closer.
"Good," Martin says simply, fiercely in love and the happiest he's ever felt.
They watch the sun as it drops below the horizon, sometimes quiet and occasionally sharing some errant thought or another.
They eat ice cream on the way home, holding hands and laughing.
It's warm, and soft and peaceful.
And they're all, finally, home.
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What Disney character would the RFA members be?
Yessss! I actually love this so much, I adoreeee Disney 🥺 I’ll add V and Saeran too! Btw this is just my opinion!
Also I for some reason did way to much research on this? Like?? I dunno lmao I got super into it pfttt
And if you want to add some other characters and stuff, feel free to do so!
RFA+ V and Saeran as Disney characters:
Ya boi it’s Flynn Rider! First of all, they’re both super flirty lmao, and it’s just, you cannot tell me that Zen isn’t Flynn like holy shit! They’re both ambitious, and when they care for someone they will do whatever they can to protect them. Both Flynn and Zen have sad pasts who make them who they are now, aaandddd! They also have different names! Just wanted to point that out lmao.
If he were to be another one I’d say Pirince Naveen, from Princess and the Frog. They’re both super playful, and want to have fun, and they also really care deeply for people close to them!
And to add another one: Aurora! Both of them are elegant and hopeless romantics!
Our sweet child Yoosung is Anna from Frozen!
Both of them are sweethearts, and they really want to find someone they can spend the rest of their lives with! At the same time, even though they may be a bit naïve, they’re both pretty brave! I mean (spoiler for Yoosung’s Route) the poor boi literally got his eye hurt for MC, and no matter what he insisted on going to Mint Eye with Seven. Both of them also really care about family, and they’re super loyal to them and everyone around them.
Another thing, it’s that both Yoosung and Anna are super playful, and bubbly! So I honestly think Yoosung would just be Anna. Imagine him singing love is an open door tho, that’d be fucking adorableeeeee
Tiana, from Princess and the Frog!
First of all, they’re both so similar with the work a little harder theme, like honestly that’s all they ever do! They’re both super workaholic, which may sometimes get in the way for spending time with family and friends. Both Tiana and Jaehee are super intelligent and strong women! And they’re always there to help their friends. Honestly Jaehee and Tiana are queens 👑
And they both are passionate with something to do with food! Jaehee with her coffee shop and Tiana with her restaurant, so I think they’re just super similar.
Alright listen! So when I was doing this I mostly do it on similarities on personality and such, and for Jumin both Belle and Jasmine seem the most similar
First of all, Jasmine! Both Jumin and Jasmine are in a role where they have to be the perfect heir. While Jasmine rebels against it in various ways, Jumin is more subtle about it. Whenever his father tries a new business idea because of a woman he met, Jumin firmly tells his father no. Even when Sarah Choi or whatever her name is (fuck herrrr lmao) is supposed to get married to him, Jumin yeets her and goes nope. They both care deeply about what they’re supposed to be ruling (?) over, Jumin with his company and Jasmine with her kingdom. And lastly, they both care deeply for their friends and family, and would do anything for them!
Now with Belle, Jumin loves reading. That’s a thing they have in common, and the both of them are super smart, and love learning about new things. Like Belle, he doesn’t have many friends, and is pretty confident, Iike our boy Jumin ;)
Peter Pan
But not the animated one, it’s the one we all had a crush on when it was like 2003, this Peter Pan:
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It’s absolutely perfect. Both him and Peter are super playful, they like joking around and just you know, living the high life.
But at the same time they’re both scared of their feelings. At one point, when Peter Pan and Wendy are dancing (best scene ever btw) Wendy asks Peter about his feelings, and Peter yells that no, he doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings and that he has none. He tells her that in the end everything was pretend and he doesn’t want to grow up, or admit his feelings for Wendy.
It’s like when Saeyoung was pushing away the MC, so they wouldn’t catch feelings for him. He wants to ignore his emotions and he feels they are useless. Also the gif above it’s perfect for my sweet child it’s adorable lmao.
There’s also Aladdin, because they’re both playful but they can be serious at times!
Now for our boy V! I choose Tarzan and Elsa! Now you may be wondering, Amanda, what the hell?
Well let me explain!
First of all Elsa! (Ignoring the whole Let It Go part of course lmao) Both Elsa and Jihyun have had super traumatic experiences. V with Rika, and Elsa with literally almost killing her sister. Due to that, they both isolate from their friends and loved ones, to protect them. Elsa to protect them from her power, and V does it to protect them from Rika and Mint Eye. They both only want the best for their loved ones, and they don’t care if they have to sacrifice themselves. Jihyun and Elsa are scared of hurting those around them, Jihyun doesn’t want anyone in the RFA to be involved with Rika, to get hurt. That’s why I think Elsa and V are just super similar. They both repress how much they’re suffering on the inside, and they are always the ones acting as a shield for the rest. (Also it’s part of perfect because Yoosung is Anna holy crap Frozen/Mystic Messenger au????)
Now for Tarzan, of course it’s not everything that’s similar, but one thing they have in common is that they care deeply for family, no matter what. Even when Tarzan is being shunned by gorilla dad (or Yoosung -oh damn-) because he says that he’s not part of the family, Tarzan still does whatever he can to protect them.
Now, since our boy is actually like 6 boys (Unknown, Ray, Suit, Saeran GE, Saeran SE, and Saran Judge and Forgive)
So I did the ones in another story and Saeran post SE!
Ray: So! Our boy Ray reminds me so much of Rapunzel from Tangled! Both Ray and Rapunzel are both being kept in a tower (Ray’s tower being Mint Eye.) They’re both smart and creative, and well, they’re loyal (except to Saeyoung lmao.) I feel like Ray is also pretty artistic (he made the cute little emojis for himself and everything, just adorableeeee.) I honestly totally forgot about a Disney character that doesn’t want to be abandoned (maybe Jessie?) because Ray is scared of other people leaving him.
Now Suit! He was my favorite to do :P
He is The Beast! First of all, they’re both hot headed and they’re mad all the time, but beneath all that, they’re both hurting and lonely. Honestly I need a freaking AU of Suit Saeran as the beast, they’re just so similar! Even though they may seem distant and grumpy, they care about the MC in the same way. When the beast saw that Belle was actually pretty sad and everything, he got her a room (I mean he did feel pretty sad you could see it in his little face :( ) and Saeran actually tries to postpone the MC’s Mint Eye ceremony because he actually cares a lot about them (awww)
And for GE Saeran: I just see him as Pocahontas. They’re both mature, kind and loving, but they still have a playful side to them. Also they both love nature, and they are pretty smart. Good Ending Saeran just reminds me so much of Pocahontas honestly, because Saeran can be serious when he needs to, but he is also pretty mischievous and playful (I love the call where he’s like “HA got you to say what I wanted lmao”)
And now, SE Saeran: He reminds me of Kristoff.
At the beginning of the film, Kristoff is actually pretty selfish, and is uninterested on Anna’s stuff lmao. He’s a loner, and pretty cold (you know that’s what ice does to you pft) but he actually cares deeply about his family and friends, and he does have an actual fun side to him! Saeran in the SE is a loner too, he mostly shuts himself off and doesn’t really like to socialize (me thoooo) but even though he acts distant and like he doesn’t give a fuck, Saeran actually does give a fuck. He secretly cares about MC, his brother and maybe even the RFA members, even if he doesn’t show it. He is also pretty cold, and fiesty.
Since Hamilton is on Disney+ now, technically they’re all Disney characters so here are the RFA members as Hamilton characters, like imagine if they were to do the musical this would be the roles they’d get (also I won’t elaborate on my choices pft) oh and for the MC’s here’s a little guide just in case lmao
MC 1: Brown hair, no eyes the one and only lmao
Mc 2: Blonde hair, (I feel like she’s a Karen but don’t tell her I said that)
MC 3: red curly hair, she’s actually pretty hot like wtffff
MC 4: short hair, she’s the one that would be done with everyone’s bs lmao
MC 5: the beautiful unicorn pony thing lmao
Now, Hamilton:
Hamilton: Zen
Aaron Burr: Jumin
John Laurens/ Phillip: Saeran
LAFAYETTE/Thomas Jefferson: Saeyoung, yes Saeyoung
HercULES MULLIGAN: I dunno, MC 5 probably pft
Angelica: Saeyoung once again (he FOUGHT for the role alright?)
Eliza: Yoosung
And Peggy: MC 1
George Washington: Jaehee (hell yeah)
Charles Lee (I’m a general WHEEE): Rika fuck her pft
James Maddison: MC 2
Mariah Reynolds: Saeyoung once again, it was supposed to be MC 3 but Saeyoung pulled some strings and became Mariah Reynolds at the last minute and when Zen finds out after the whole ‘Say No to This’ he is triggered and is about to kill him
James Reynolds: MC 4
And that’s all I remember for now lmao, hope you enjoyed it :D
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spiralesbian · 4 years
here’s my full Stranger Avatar Sasha Archivist timeline:
(also, thanks to @artbyblastweave for being so interested in my lil au!)
sasha james is hired as the head archivist of the magnus institute!
her assistants are jon, tim, and martin
tim takes the thematic role of martin (aka getting tormented by my worm wife jane, and stays in the archives)
sasha reads thru statements and is a skeptic! she really does not believe it’s real until jane comes along.
“tim……………………..did you die here?”
“no, but every time i come to work i die a little more inside.”
cute timsha moment in the supply closet tho.
until martin kool-aid-mans through the door and gets them out of there
jon used to work in artefact storage so he hides in there. he’ll be fine
i actually can’t remember how they all get out but they do it KKJSDGFJHD
sasha takes everyone’s statements. tim is fucked up, martin is also fucked up, jon is actually fine though he seems pretty normal about this whole situation most definitely.
sasha realizes this is a bit more than a regular archivist job.
sasha gets paranoid of course. she learns more about gertrude because she never got the chance to meet her
she takes a statement from a guy named michael shelley. weird dude. then helen shows up :)
jon is most definitely himself he is just a normal regular grumpy jon i swear :)
sasha starts to manifest her powers a little bit. she doesn’t know it, but she is an avatar of the stranger, and a prisoner of the eye.
she starts to notice more things about jon? similar to this comic but with jon
eventually she + tim + martin help get jon out of the grip of the NotJon. this is my au and i get to choose who dies (it’s no one because i miss the s1 archival assistants too much).
jon is pretty fucked up from this though and at like a season-3-tim mindset already.
fucking goddamn leitner avatar of the fucking whore shows up to trap the NotJon in one of his shitty fucking novels. fuck this guy tho
he’s like Sasha We Must Talk and shes like okay but stay 8 ft away from me at all times you bitch
she leaves the room for 10 minutes and pipe murder occurs. good riddance
wait are the cops in the season i genuinely can’t remember. if they are, their roles don’t change very much. melanie and sasha feud, battle of the bi queens
uh oh! girlie’s be framed for murder! she crashes at her ex gf georgie’s flat. also the admiral is there don’t think i would EVER cut him out of this story
(also jon is georgie’s ex too because i think that would be fun JDHBFHS)
sasha learns abt an upcoming web ritual (mirroring the unknowing), all that shit. gets kidnapped a ton of times, as usual.
helen is like “i am going to kill you because i hate gertrude <3 i was that dumb bitch’s assistant for too long” but michael busts out of the door like Hi Guys and traps her in the hallway.
sasha also gives her statement about a leitner she found as a child that marked her. its a stranger book and we learn her edgy orphan origin story how her parents were both murked by the stranger. fucked up if true!
back at the archives jon is like so fucking tired of this shit honestly and now martin is also pretty paranoid. also jm romance subplot is still very present!
tim is just trying to protect sasha at all times and he’s pissed she keeps leaving the country and getting fucking kidnapped
(remember when jon persuades the traffic cop?) sasha starts to fill her archivist role in a different way. she can shapeshift into the subject of a statement and uses her affiliation with the eye to coerce statements or info out of people. (example: if she needed a live statement from the guy in #90 Body Builder, she could temporarily make herself look like jared hopworth to the guy and ask “what happened to me?” or “what did i do?” and the guy would be like well he built some fucken bodies i guess let me tell you all about it) while reading the statements in america that refuel her, she fully shapeshifts into the statement giver while reading out loud.
once again i truly can’t remember daisy + basira’s roles until the end of the season. also melanie get shot by the ghost at some point
anyways sasha gets kidnapped by trevor and julia and they gerry lays out all the shit for her and she’s like ah! i’m fucked
tim offhand mentions the web ritual to martin and he loses his shit cause he’s marked by the web blah blah this isn’t a web!martin thing i swear i just need someone to fill tim’s role in the ritual and a lonely ritual would be fucking boring as hell as we learned from ass man peter lukas. i hate that man
so they make the plan to stop the web ritual (which is fucking hard when the offense knows your every move) so sasha, basira, daisy, jon, and martin go.
tim stays back at the institute to burn shit and distract elias. elias does some fucked up shit as usual and it makes me sad
the ritual starts! they have a plan to blow it up and run but like. u know how it goes
instead of the unknowing-stranger-dream-sequence, we get everyone kinda mixed up in a huge spider’s web on the big stage and its still quite confusing because this ritual not only manipulates the prey, but also the prey’s perceived reality. the web is also in current control of the buried coffin cause they think that shit is kinda fun. they yeet daisy into it.
hard to describe what happens, but basira keeps her cool, jon is a bit lost in his own mind, sasha tries to use her powers to escape but fails. she manages to get through to martin through the strings and mounds of spiders and she tosses him the detonator.
[squishing spider noises]
martin doesn't die, i told you i can't kill the og archival assistants! he does lose most of one leg though, he took the blunt of the explosion.
sasha in da hospital in da coma. tim is mad he can’t wake her up and then my man ollie says “ur fucked up mate” and she wakes up
(and because coma jon has such wild hair controversy, i’m establishing that her head was shaved when she was in the coma. it grows back thru s4. it she keeps one side shaved cause she’s cool)
meanwhile tim is recruited by that dumbass man you know who i don’t even wanna say his stupid fucking name
sasha gets daisy out of the buried. they become avatar pals!
(there is the biggest blank in my memory where all of season four should be. at this point i should just relisten to the entire fucking show but i would literally just forget it all again)
melanie says hm. fuck this! and blinds herself. she goes to live with georgie (and that’s the moment jon and sasha realize they are both georgie’s exes FHFHDJD)
tim continues to fight the lonely pull. he thinks that since p*ter l*kas is tied to the institute, he can blind himself out cause melanie was successful. he is wrong. he is also interrupted by elias midway, and only blinds one eye, and loses most of his sight in the other. elias’s hold on him is weak, but this just drives him way farther into the lonely.
gotta be honest i remember the end of season four but like i couldn’t visualize what was happening at the end so i like don’t understand what happened JGDKFJGD but sasha intervenes (???) and peter yeets tim into the lonely (???) and sasha jumps in (??????) after him. elias is just there i guess?
instead of “look at me martin,” sasha finds tim and at this point her form is warped and hard to recognize because of stranger powers, and tim is almost 100% blind, so she says “don’t look at me, see me. see me tim, it’s me.” and finally creates a clear image of herself. “it’s...it’s you. you’re my sasha.”
they break free and go to scotland i guess KHSDDKDSF
idk what happens with jon and martin im losing continuity at this point. fuck it, they smooch <3
“ah these are the statements.”
“yes. basira said last week she’d send some up as soon as the archives weren’t a crime scene. and she wasn’t sure which ones you’ve read already, so she, she just said she’d send a bunch.”
“.........Hello Sasha.”
(alternate ending: personally i think sasha would read through each statement before speaking them aloud cause that’s what i would fucking do, so she would get this statement and be like “lmao tim come look at this elias trying to prank me dumb bitch think i’ll start the apocalypse for him. fucking little puny bitch boy. anyways what do you want for dinner?”)
“just. listen.”
“...i’m dead. and you have been chosen to be my replacement as head archivist. hopefully, this means you, jon, but if someone else is hearing this, and elias has made a different choice for some reason, then these words are still very much intended for you.”
sasha in full stranger avatar mode and is like 8ft tall and her faces shift a lot as they go through the realms. except the stranger is the second to last one (the panopticon is last obviously).
helen and michael actually talk shit out in the spiral hallway and now they are mlm wlw solidarity and both like tim and sasha are such bi and trans icons <3 this is so fun don’t you love the fearpocalypse <3
oh daisy n basira trapped in the hunt, and jon and martin are trapped in the stranger. wtgfs + the admiral are like in space or some shit idk but they are ok :)
not much to report other than she is my monster wife <3
i really don’t have many theories to how everything in s5 is gonna pan out, and i would like to closely mirror the actual show, so maybe as we get closer to the end i’ll build more on to this! thanks a lot for all the notes on my first sarchivist post!! also if u wanna make art this specific au DEF tag me in it i’d love to see!!
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Keepers (1/10): “Trick or Treat”
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Based on after the events of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: FFH
Summary: The Keepers, they call themselves. Little children know them as Santa, The Easter Bunny, Leprechaun, Jack O’ Latern and you. You’re Valentine Cupid; a seducing-angel who’s good with arrows. The Keepers have been a secret for centuries, but when one member goes rogue, this forces The Keepers out of hiding and needing the help of The Avengers.
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of suicide from a family member
‘The Keepers’ Masterlist
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You hummed to yourself as music played faintly against the pristine white walls of the kitchen. Your foot slowly tapped to the rhythm of the bass, your hand gently moving the strand of hair that had befallen against your face.
Today was Halloween, meaning tomorrow was Thanksgivings day. Although there was no Keeper for Thanksgivings day, as it was created by humans rather than an ancient beings, you still wanted to celebrate it with your fellow members.
So you marinaded a turkey with exotic spices before placing it in the fridge as the song ended. You smiled to yourself, wiping the sweat off your brow before checking the time.
6:42pm, the clock had read. In ten minutes, it was sundown. This had also meant Jacko would have to leave the house and come back when the clock strikes twelve.
“Time to scare some children,” you heard Jacko speak as he entered the kitchen, buttoning up his black shirt. Yes, it was Jacko Latern himself, the Keeper of Halloween and mischief. The once man probably had it the secound worse out of all of you guys.
See, Jacko was a simple man before. He was a French farmer in the 1370’s. He had died from the Black Plague at the age of 32. When he had woken up, it had came to a shock that his whole craniofacial area was a pumpkin head rather than a human one. It had taken him a while to finally accept that he will never have his human face again. You had seen photos when he was still a human, and no one could deny his irresistible boyish looks.
The person who had it the worst out of all of you, even Jacko? Osterhase Spring. Also known as the Easter Bunny. He was also a simple man, living in the poor outskirts of New York when the Great Depression hit during the 1930’s. His daughter had then fallen terribly ill so Osterhase was forced to steal medicine, but was caught in the process.
This had costed him his life. And when he had woken up? He was a two-foot tall bunny. In normal circumstances, this would have been hilarious. But his daughter had died from the illness causing his wife to take her life. The poor women thought that not only her child was dead, but so was her husband. Not knowing her husband was a full, grown rabbit, too afraid and embarrassed to show his face to his own wife.
See, none of you guys chose to be here. All of you would give anything to go back to the previous lives you lived. The one where you worked a $10 an hour job and came back to your lover waiting for you at home. But it was fate. Fate had brought you guys together. The Keepers were a family that looked out for one another. It was a family you never asked for but was glad you had.
“Easy there big boy,” you spoke with your velvety voice. You were the artist of seduction and love, of course you had an alluring presence. “You can’t just scare them. You have to give candy as well.”
“You’re always the sweet one, aren’t you Valentine?” Jacko smirked at you, his carved eyes lighting up with flames. You were always fascinated by his facial structure. How fate had given him such a detailed carved pumpkin head that was lit up with fire. It was almost poetic, really. “But then again, what did I accept from the most gorgeous women alive?”
“Stop your flirting Jacko,” you heard a gruff voice speak. Nicholas Santa entered the the kitchen, a sour and tired look in his face. This wasn’t something new. This man had been alive since light first touched the earth. He was grumpy the day he realised he was the only original keeper left. “Keepers aren’t allowed to date one another.”
“Relax Christmas,” Jacko scoffed as you awkwardly walked around them to place the spices back into the cabinets. “It’s harmless flirting. We don’t see each other like that.”
“Awe Jacko, you really broke my heart,” you looked back at him with a pout, closing the door of the cabinet. “Am I really not pretty enough for you?”
Nicholas scoffed, grabbing milk before leaving the kitchen. You laughed at the old man and his tendencies of taking jokes way too seriously. Out of all the people here, Nicholas probably was most reserved one. He didn’t get today’s customs and norms. He didn’t want to. He was still an oldie by heart.
“Well,” Jacko spoke, walking over to you before placing a kiss on your cheek. He gave you one last final look before walking backwards slowly. “It’s time for Halloween to begin. I have a feeling this is will be the greatest holiday yet.”
“That’s what you always say!” You yelled back at him as his figure started walking towards the door. “But Valentine’s Day will always be the best holiday!”
“You guys both know it’s Easter, right?” Osterhase spoke as he walked into the living room, jumping on the couch. He grabbed the remote before turning on the TV. “Kids love their chocolate eggs.”
Jacko shook his head before opening the door of the house and leaving. You walked over to the couch, stealing the remote off of Osterhase. “Hey! I was watching Grey’s Anatomy!”
“That’s boring,” you replied back, changing the channel before it landed on the news. You were going to switch channels until you realised who it was on the news.
“Many of you have been asking for months now about the status of the Avengers. I am here today to introduce the members,” a dark-skinned male had spoke into the mic. “First member is of course myself, Sam Wilson. We also have Wanda Maximoff, James Rhoudes and Bruce Banner.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you saw Bruce Banner stand behind Sam with the other Avengers on-screen. You disliked the Avengers, especially Bruce Banner. Osterhase felt your anger and grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Hey, it’s okay.”
You heard a ringing in your ear as you quickly ran. To where, you do not know. All you knew is that Earth was under attack and you needed to get out of the centre of New York City before these aliens could kill you.
You cried as you heard a loud shuttle above you, as you collapsed on the ground, letting out a scream. You were desperate to leave. You just wanted to go home. Home to your fiancé. You look up to see that it was Iron Man who had flown above you. This had gave you the hope that the Avengers were here to rescue you.
They were here to rescue you, right?
You heard footsteps near you, making you look to your left. Aliens had growled at you, pointing their weapons at you. This was it, you had thought. This was how you died. You closed your eyes, accepting your fate until you saw a green giant scream as he grabbed them and chucked them against the wall.
It was the Hulk. He had saved your life. At least, in that moment, that’s what you had thought. You had thought that the Hulk understood right from wrong, evil from good. But it turns out the monster was filled with rage, rage that cannot be tamed. Rage that had caused blindness to the eyes. The Hulk was never a hero. The Hulk was anger.
He turned around and looked at you. You had wanted to thank him. But the Hulk let out a blood curdling roar before chucking a car your way.
It happened in slow motion. You felt all the bones within you break, one by one, splinter by splinter, before you were nothing but a number on the death toll. ‘The Battle of New York’, they had called it. ‘The Avengers’ they had called them. And you? You were death number 53 out of 74. Only a hashtag on twitter for 23 days.
Your eyes had fluttered open as you took in your surroundings. You were in a little cottage home, a blanket wrapped around you. Four men surrounded you, faces grim as they had to tell you the worse news of your life. That you had died and now must claim the mantle of Cupid. That you must learn the arts of seduction and precision with arrows. That you had to leave everything behind, including the love of your life.
“Now I will introduce new members,” Sam continued to speak as you ignored Osterhase and continued watching the screen. “Here we have Peter Parker, Ant-Man, The Wasp, Queen Valkeryie, Black Panther, Carol Danvers, Dr Strange and Bucky Barnes. We will be opening a new building in San Fransisco that will generate 5,000 new jobs and decrease traffic by approximately-“
You changed the channel until you reached some random reality show. You placed the remote down as you crossed your arms together out of frustration. You didn’t get it. How the Avengers could kill so many and still be celebrated. Still be able to have their own building worth billions of dollars. How their salaries come from the pockets of taxpayers. “Hey Valentine? Are you okay?”
You nod your head yes, your tongue against your cheek. You were snapped out of your thoughts as Saint Patrick walked in with a smile on his face. “Anyone wanna play UNO?”
“Fuck off,” Osterhase spoke, grabbing the remote back to change the channel to Grey’s Anatomy again. “You always cheat.”
“I do not!” Saint spoke, his hand against his chest as if he had been offended.
“Ah yeah you do,” You spoke back, making Saint let out a scoff. “Your powers are literally to increase your odds at things going your way. You’re literally the embodiment of luck.”
“That isn’t cheating!” Saint argued back, but his small stature had not aided him in anyway. He then sighed, throwing the packet on the table. “Fine, I just wanted to spend some time with you guys.”
You watched the Leprechaun walk away, a pang of guilt consuming your body. You let out a sigh, grabbing the packed of UNO cards before chucking it on his head. You were the god of precision, of course it landed directly on his head. “C’mon Lannister, go deal the cards.”
Saint smiled excitedly, running over to deal the cards. Osterhase let out a sigh, tired of being interrupted from Grey’s Anatomy but happy to be apart of this social bonding despite not showing it. Saint dealed the cards to everyone, making sure everyone got the same number of cards before placing all the rest down.
You guys played for hours. Of course, Saint had won them all. You tried not to bring up how his powers were cheating, just happy to see him get excited and to get some family quality time with you and Osterhase. At some point, Nicholas Santa had come down to see what the fuss and yelling was about.
Only to come down to see you guys laughing and playing games. It brought a smile to the old man’s face, reminding him of the first group of Keepers. He wish he could have joined you guys, but he didn’t have it within him to suck up his pride and join in. So he left.
“Okay I think that’s enough for today,” you laughed, shaking your head as Saint had won once again. “You’re obviously the King of Uno.”
“And cheating,” Osterhase replied back, his ears falling down in dissapointment as he always came last.
“I think next game you have a chance to win,” Saint suggested, trying to lure you into another game. Osterhase scoffed, chucking the cards at Saint’s face, making you laugh. You eyes unintentionally made their way to the clock, filling with confusion when you realised that it was late and Jacko still wasn’t here.
“Guys, it’s 2AM and Jacko’s still not here,” you told them, your heart dropping to your stomach. You were worried. The person who were closest to still wasn’t home, leaving you feeling queasy. “Maybe we should look for him?”
“Awe c’mon Valentine, you know Jacko,” Osterhase spoke, leaning back on the sofa as he put one leg on top of the other. “He’s probably just showing off the little fucker.”
Osterhase then got off from the sofa and yawned. “Alright kids, I’m off to bed.”
You nodded at him, watching his retreating figure. You felt a hand grab yours as your eyes met the green one’s of a certain leprechaun. “Hey Val, maybe you should get some rest. Osterhase is right, Jacko is probably trying to make this Halloween the best holiday of the year.”
You nodded him, giving him the best smile you could muster. He smiled back, before getting up to head back to bed as well. Your smile faltered as you looked back at the time, realising how late it was. You had a bad feeling and you could tell that something wasn’t right.
So you stayed up. You stayed up all night trying to wait for Jacko to show up. 3AM, 4AM and 5AM passed, and there was still no signs of him. Your eyes were desperate to shut, but it couldn’t outweigh your desperation to ensure Jacko had made it back on time.
The sun had begun to rise, and still no sign of the pumpkin carved faced. The hope that Osterhase and Saint had enstalled onto you had begun to dim down until it was nothing but a flicker every now and then. You watched outside the window, seeing the clouds pass by slowly until they went out of your line of vision.
You heard a small bang before quiet footsteps. Out of fear, you grew your wings that hid inside your back. They were around 3 meters wide each and were covered with white feathers. Your normal clothing was also replaced with body armour, which was a white, short-gladiator-like dress. Your hair also self-braided in a way that Daenerys Targaryen herself would be jealous of.
You then pulled out the arrow and quickly pointed it towards the source of the sound. You let out a sigh when you realised it was just Saint standing there, his hands up in surrender. “You scared the hell out of me Irish.”
“I just wanted to check up on you, didn’t realise you’d armour up and try to shoot me,” Saint spoke as he watched your wings motion back inside your back and your normal clothes adorned your body once again. “And plus, lets be real. Your the best aimer in the world. But with my luck, you would’ve missed.”
“I never miss,” you spoke back as your hair fell perfectly against your face after de-suiting. You then sighed, falling back against the sofa. “You lied.”
“About what?”
“Jacko never came back,” you whispered as you felt tears well up in your eyes. They didn’t fall though. You didn’t want them to. “You said he would.”
“Valentine I-“ Saint started before he stopped himself, his eyes stopping at Osterhase and Nicholas figures. Osterhase looked disappointed whereas Nicholas was shocked as this was the first time he was hearing of Jacko’s disappearance.
It was a day of mourning. Because it was the day you lost a member. A member who did not die, because if he did there would be a new Halloween keeper, but rather just left. He left you guys without a word.
He left you without a word
1 Month and 10 Days Later
Bucky felt his phone buzz under his pillow. Groaning, the soldier pressed the power button twice to decline the call. Not even five secounds later, the phone started buzzing again. This time, Bucky picked up his phone and chucked it far away from him so that the buzzing did not disturb his sleep.
“Incoming call from Sam Wilson,” F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke, making Bucky groan once again, chucking the pillow at the wall. He was trying to get F.R.I.D.A.Y to stop talking so he could get some shut eye, obviously forgetting that F.R.I.D.A.Y is an inanimate object who cannot be hit with a pillow.
“I’m afraid this is urgent Mr Barnes,” Bucky let out a sigh, brushing his now short hair back as he rubbed his eye. He was frustrated that he was deprived of sleep.
“Tin man you have 5 minutes to suit up!” Sam yelled into the phone. This had awoken Bucky, as Sam’s voice was laced with urgency. “It’s a possible Level 7 threat.”
At this news, Bucky quickly suited up. For a while now, Bucky had been dealing with Level 3-5, nothing major. Drug cartels, human trafficking and the threat of a new emergence of a disease from some wacko with an IQ of 250, is what Bucky had dealt with.
But level 7? Level 7 is a worldwide threat. The ‘world is at stake’ threat. It deals with crazy aliens from outer space, gods who think they should rule earth and robots who believe in the extinction of mankind.
Bucky quickly ran out of his room in the new San Fransisco Avenger’s tower and bolted towards the office where they usually talk battle strategies and threats. When Bucky had finally made it, Wanda, Bruce, Sam and Peter were already there.
“Now that Bucky is here, let us begin,” Sam spoke with the leadership quality that had been bestowed to him when Steve had given him the shield. “Just a minute ago, our radars detected strange weather patterns, high energy readings and a great deal of movement from civilians. Bruce and I then proceeded to look at what’s going on with satellite images.”
Live footage started playing. Bucky squinted as he saw a man in a pumpkin head, fighting with a 2-foot rabbit, an old man in a red suit, a very short man in green clothing and women in a short white dress who had wings attached to her back.
“Who are they?” Wanda spoke confusedly as she watched on. The pumpkin-headed man was shooting flames at the four individuals as civilians were desperately running away, looking for shelter.
“We don’t know,” Bruce spoke, folding his arms up. “But we shouldn’t take chances. We have a quinjet set up outside to take us to New York. We will have to arrest them and take them into questioning. Be prepared. We don’t know them. They could have powers beyond belief. We are going in blind.”
“Wait a minute,” Peter spoke, his eyes widening in realisation. “Don’t you guys get it!”
“Get what?” Sam spoke, looking at the screen to the five individuals. The women with the arrow flew up, flinging an arrow towards the pumpkin man who just used his fire to disintegrate the incoming threat.
“The old man! In a red suit! Who’s making snow!” Peter yelled, getting up from his seat. “That’s Santa! And the two-foot rabbit is the Easter bunny! Guys, everyone in this video is part of some holiday.”
“Peter you are way too imaginative for your own good,” Sam spoke, making Peter slowly back down to his seat. Sam looked back at the screen at the old man with the red suit. “You’re trying to tell me this man goes around the whole world once a year while fighting a pumpkin for the rest of the 364 days he has off?”
“I don’t know Sam, the kid’s onto something,” Wanda spoke to Sam. “I mean, aliens flying in from outer space? Magical stones? Greek gods our mothers used to read to us when we were kids? Is it hard to believe that the tales of Santa and the Easter Bunny didn’t have some truth behind it?”
Bucky’s eyes fell back onto the screen when your face had popped up. He watched as you flew and landed gracefully on two feet before trying to successfully land an arrow on the man attacking you.
His mind was on a whirlpool as he couldn’t decipher how one can be this beautiful, this elegant. You were a beauty beyond compare and your face was one that Bucky will remember for the rest of his life.
“Cupid,” Bucky whispered to himself, making all the Avengers turn towards him. He shook his head, before looking at Sam. “She’s Cupid. She’s got the blonde hair and Roman clothing. She’s got wings and her choice of weaponary are arrows-“
“And she’s hot!” Peter chimes in, but instantly quitened down as everyone started at him. His face went red as he looked down at his hands. “Sorry. Continue Mr Barnes.”
“When she shoots her arrows and it lands on the dude shooting fire, it doesn’t kill him or even cause him pain for that matter. But it does make him less inclined to kill her. And what is a Cupid’s known activity? To shoot people with arrows and trigger attraction between people,” Bucky finished before looking back at the screen. “Peter, as annoying he is, might be right about this.”
“Well whoever they are we have to arrest them,” Sam spoke, grabbing the remote to turn off the screen. “So we’re leaving now. Wanda, you’re going up against Pumpkin head and Santa Clause. Peter, you’re going up against the large rabbit and Bucky you’ll go after Miss Universe while I go take on the Mr Cabbage patch kid. Bruce, you come in if things go out of hand.”
Bruce nodded before all of the Avengers stood up, ready to leave to room and fight a battle in New York. Bucky remained in his seat, smiling at Sam. Sam looked at him confusedly as all the Avengers left the room but him. “Why are you smiling at me like that?”
“Oh nothing,” Bucky teased, getting up from his seat before giving Sam a light punch on the arm. “Great job today Captain America.”
Sam smiled to himself as Bucky had left the room. He had a serious weight on his shoulder after being given the Mantle from Steve himself. He had faced a lot of criticism and racism from the public and the higher rank officials. But one things for sure. Sam was glad he had Bucky through all of it.
He was just hoping this mission goes smoothly and he doesn’t fail. That the Avenger’s don’t fail.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure blood 18 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
A/N: School is a nightmare, it doesn't let me focus on more important things (like this fanfic, hahaha) Danny and I are very close to finishing the semester and that is why we have had a lot of homework. Sorry for the delay, but here you finally have your favorite drama!! :)
Chapter 17: / Chapter 19
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"If you ask Slughorn to change your partner, I'll buy you all the chocolate you want,” Remus laughs across the table.
"You really want me away from Trixie…” He says, raising an eyebrow.
“Obviously," That makes him laugh again. “It's not funny."
"Don't be mad,” He raises his hands in surrender. "Listen, it’s been a few classes I've had with her, I think you and Sirius are exaggerating a bit. She seems to be a good girl.”
"You hurt me, Lupin.”
"It would be better if, if she were a bad person, I discovered it on my own…”
"No, it doesn't convince me.”
“Don't come at me with that, I know what I'm saying, she's bad and she'll hurt you if you're not careful, but you won't listen to me,” I roll my eyes.
"Are you angry with me?"
“No," I sigh. "I don't blame you, I also fell for her game, I understand why everyone thinks those things about her, it's just that..." I see towards the Ravenclaw table, where Trixie laughs with her friends. Then I look back at Remus and smile, “It doesn't matter, you wouldn't understand. Just be careful.”
"I appreciate your concern, but it isn’t necessary."
"Yes it is, but you're not ready for this conversation."
"Now, it’s okay. Do you want to go for a walk or something?” He says getting up from the place.
"Sure. As long as I have you as far from the devil, the better.”
Remus huffs and we both leave the large dining room. The looks don’t wait, although since last year we started our friendship, just a few weeks before finishing fifth year, Remus and I decided to go out more often, regardless of what the others said. Although sometimes I can notice Wolfie’s discomfort.
We walk through the halls talking about nonsense until we hear someone's complaints.
Lily and James are fighting... again. The redhead looks angry, her face is flushed and I don't think it's out of shame, while James looks at her with amusement. Lupin and I stop at a good distance from them.
"I don't understand why Potter keeps trying with Lily, it’s obvious that they hate each other!" I commented making Remus laugh.
"I guess James expects a miracle for Lily to say yes."
“You're a pig, Potter!" Lily yells.
“But Potter doesn't try, he just plays smart and tries to impress her wrongly. That’ll never work for him."
"You say it like you know what you need to do…”
“It's not a great science, everything he does is wrong, he just wants to attract attention and waits for Lily to fall into his arms, but since she doesn’t, it becomes a whim, why doesn't he leave her alone? Surely another dumb girl would be willing to go out with him.”
"That's a problem" I look confused at my friend. "Lily didn't fall for his charms, that's why he wants her"
"As I said: A whim."
“A whim doesn't last that long, plus it doesn't stop talking about it all the time. Sometimes it’s annoying.”
"If he really wants it, he must change his strategy."
Our conversation is cut short when Lily slaps the boy and all I can do is laugh out loud. The redhead walks away and James is puzzled. Remus sighs and suddenly notice how his body shivers a little, but manages to recover quickly.
"You're good?" I touch his shoulder.
"Yes, it's just..." He looks around making sure that no one hears us. "The full moon is approaching, don't worry."
"Shall I accompany you to the infirmary? Do you want chocolate?" I ask making him laugh.
"I'm fine, I'm already an expert in this.”
"Moony! Did you see the tremendous blow Prongs received?” Sirius says coming to our side along with a grumpy James touching his cheek.
"Yes, I saw it all, are you okay, Prongs?" James just growls.
"Epic," I say with a smile and the boy looks at me angrily.
"You know?" Remus says. "Percy and I were talking about your strategy to conquer Lily.”
"Which is disgusting” I added.
"Maybe she could help you," he says, taking me by the shoulders.
"What!?" James and I say at the same time.
"What could a snake know?"
"I would never help Potter in anything and less if it has to do with Lily!” I look at James. "She doesn’t deserve it!”
"Oh, now you're the good friend? Who was it that was responsible for making her life miserable during all those years?”
I clench my teeth angrily.
"That was before…”
"Before discovering how disgusting you are as a person.”
"James!" Remus scolds him.
"And you think you’re perfect? You’re just a capricious child who doesn't understand what a no is. You promise Lily everything, but once she’s gone, your life is just pranks and annoying those you consider inferior,” I approach James. “You’re nothing different than what I was.”
"You and I have nothing in common."
I smile.
"You want to bet? What about Snape? No wait, what about all Slytherin? You never think about the consequences of this separation of houses, you never worry if someone was hurt by any of your jokes, you think that anyone can be in the palm of your hand, you manipulate minors and anyone who can get in the way, all so that have your moment of glory and everyone applaud you and still think you deserve someone like Lily?”
"Who are you to criticize me? A girl who thinks she can change from one day to the next, your biggest problem is no longer being Daddy's favorite. You do not measure your words, you hurt anyone who is not pureblood or who does not have money, you do not know the number of boys who run away from you and you don’t have an idea of everything they say about the famous Slytherin princess. From first grade I knew that you’d be a big problem for us, I didn’t have to wait long to know that I did the right thing by separating you from the group and obviously I wouldn’t let Sirius fall with you in your miserable life. But now? Now you put this whole theater together to get the forgiveness you don't deserve. You still wonder why Sirius left you? Do you think you deserve the friendship of Lily and Remus?”
Everything went silent, in the hallway only the four of us were left in a quite tense situation. I feel the tears in my eyes but I don't allow them to leave and before anyone could do anything, my fist hits James’ face.
The surprise and the blow unbalance him and he takes a few steps back, but my actions only worsened his anger, his face flushes and he walks to face me, but Sirius's body stands in the middle and tries to control his friend, but it’s not enough and he pushes him away. James pulls out his wand, so I quickly imitate him and we both cast a spell at the same time, but they bounce back and we’re both pushed to the ground in a crash.
 Strong pain goes through my back and neck, I groan and Remus crouches down next to me.
"Percy, are you alright?" Very carefully he helps me sit down.
"What is happening here?” Professor Mcgonagall walks into the room.
No one could say anything at the time.
"I hope these hours are useful for you to stop these childish fights," says the teacher at the front of the room, while James and I are sitting together. This punishment could’ve been worse, but thanks to the concern of your friends, I’ve decided that no one will leave until they make the passes,” He looks at us expectantly. "I will go and I just have to remind you not to cause another disaster, am I right?”
We both remain silent and the teacher leaves.
For a few minutes we do nothing, then James gets up and goes to the back of the room. I cross my arms on the table and rest my head on them.
In that, shouts of celebration are heard, it’s obvious that they come from outside, a window looks out onto the courts where Quidditch teams practice. James looks out and complains.
"I can't believe I'm missing practice, all because of a snake!” I ignore his comment and he continues to see out the window. “I'll never leave, there’s no way I could be your friend.”
For some reason, that comment catches my attention. I barely move my head towards him when I speak.
"What you said before,” He looks at me. “'I did the right thing by separating you from the group,” I settle in my chair. "I remember arguing with Sirius because I thought you didn't like me, that you had something against me. I wasn't wrong.”
 "You're not Ravenclaw for a reason," he says sarcastically.
"Why?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "What did I do to make you hate me like this?" James rolls his eyes.
"You won't make it.”
"I know what you’re trying, you talk about the problem to do therapy and then be friends.”
I snort and get up.
"Listen" I sit at the teacher's desk. “It's obvious that we’ll be here for a long time. I don't want to be your friend either, but I can't help thinking that… ” My breathing stops and I look him straight in the eye. “What could I have done to you when I was eleven years old to ruin the only friendship I had?”
For a moment his features soften and he looks uncomfortable.
"You said it yourself, it was a long time ago, you should get over it.”
“Says the boy that can't get over a girl,” James sighs and looks back out the window. But it doesn't last long.
"I know that the wedding is only part of your plan,” He says and now I look at him confused. He walks away from the window and walks around the room. “As soon as we get out of this, you’ll return to your natural state and you’ll hurt my friends again. The only reason I accepted the truce was because of Remus and Sirius, but I’ll never let my guard down.”
I roll my eyes.
"I can't believe how stupid you are," I growl. "The stupid wedding is just a circus for my parents to control me. What you think is theater, it’s a form of manipulation on the part of my family, they… they are not good people and they tried to take me to the dark side and in not doing so they had to act quickly.”
 He stops between the rows of desks and pays attention to me.
“I know that Sirius has told you about his family, mine’s not very different, and they also have to control Sirius, it’s the only thing they could think of so we don’t dishonor the family. You don't know how lucky you are to have a different family, Potter,” I feel a lump in my throat. "You don't know me and that's why you think you have the freedom to judge me.”
"Me? You’ve also insulted me-”
"For self-defense!” I exclaim. "What did you expect me to do? In our first year, on the train I thought I could really be your friend, but everything changed very quickly.”
"I overheard your conversation with Mcgonagall after the ceremony.”
His answer surprises me.
“You wanted Sirius to be with you in Slytherin, you wanted to drive away the first friend I had. I always knew that only bad people were in that house and you wanted to drag him to it. I don’t regret my decision, my eleven-year-old self was right.”
I keep thinking about what he says.
“You are and you were very selfish,” I add. "Yes, I wanted to be with my best friend, but I was worried about what his parents would say! I was very afraid since I knew what Walburga was able to do, I thought it was a mistake and thought that if I talked to the teacher, they could fix it,” Great, now I’m crying. “I wanted to protect my best friend and ended up losing him, all because a spoiled child misinterpreted things.”
"Even so, you were cruel to many people, you made fun of Evans, Remus, all those who were not pureblood" He says quietly.
"I'm not innocent, I know I did a lot of bad things, but, unlike you, I do regret it,” I clean my face. "It was what my parents taught me and I didn't... I can't justify myself with just that, I know, but at least I'm trying to change and it's not that easy, I just–” A sob escapes my lips. “I want to be different from my parents.”
We’re silent for a few minutes in which I try to calm down.
"I didn't- I didn't know," he says in a whisper.
"Of course not," I sigh. "It wasn't just you... Sirius wasn’t forced to tell me all that, he could’ve made a decision, but he only followed you.”
"We were kids.”
"Stupid kids.”
James nods and rubs the back of his neck.
"You know? Sirius had a very bad time after your argument,” I don't speak. “We even heard him cry sometimes…”
"That doesn't matter now, James,” Before the boy could say anything, the door opens, Remus and Sirius peek through.
"Are you best friends now?" Remus asks in an attempt to cut the tension.
I don't wait any longer and I leave the room without looking at anyone.
  The next day.
"You're good?" Remus asks worried.
"If you keep asking that, I'll hit you."
"I'm just doing my job as a friend,” He grins.
“Sorry," We keep walking towards the potions classroom. "No, I'm not fine, but soon everything will be better,” He puts his arm around my shoulders. "Is tonight's meeting still standing?"
Remus stops, forcing me to do it too.
"About that…” He says sadly. "I promised Trix that I would help her with her potions homework."
"I don't know how long it’ll take and I don't want to ghost you…”
"Oh, here it comes…” He says nervously.
"Are you replacing me with Trixie?" I raise my eyebrows.
"It's not that, you know very well that the exams are coming, I just want to help her.”
I growl at his words.
"And I suppose she begged you for help."
“We're partners-"
“Remi!" A shrill voice interrupts us. Trixie comes to our side and hugs Remus, who blushes. "Come on, walk, otherwise we’ll be late…”
She says when the hug ends, and then looks at me.
"Oh Persephone, it looks like you didn't have a good night, are you okay?" She seems worried, but I don't believe her.
"I'm fine Trixie."
"Your dark circles look dreadful,” She looks for something in her bag and takes it out. "Here, it's makeup, it’ll help. It's not that dark circles are a bad thing, besides, you always look beautiful, I just think your friends would worry. No one likes to answer those questions when they've had a bad night, right?”
I clench my jaw. Do not fall in the trap.
Remus gestures for me to take the offering and I reluctantly accept it.
"Thanks, I guess."
She smiles warmly and takes Remus's arm.
"Well, it's time to go to class…”
Before entering, Remus tells the girl to go ahead, she nods and leaves. The boy turns to me.
"We just have to change the date of the meeting, I promise it won’t happen again," I nod and he goes to his place.
I look at the knob in my hand and frown.
Don't fall again.
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107      @thagreenmoon @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight    @ren-ela @avipshamitra   @auroraawrites @findzelda  @lizlil @siriusmuch   @chloe-geoghegan1 @reverse-hxlland​  @may-rapp​
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