#also the breakdown at the end of HURT is the main reason I have it saved - it's such a delicious thing to listen to
krenenbaker · 1 year
Octavinelle Character Songs and Associations
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Moving onto our third dorm, Octavinelle, we have a variety of different genres, but also a common theme throughout. After all, these three are distinctly different, but work together beautifully.
There are rather a lot of songs in this entry; you'll see why, but also, these boys truly deserve it!
Notes: Every song is from my liked songs playlist (so feel free to judge me for my taste, haha!) and I only allowed myself to use an artist once for this project. There is also some strong language and mature themes in some of the songs, so be aware if you choose to listen to them. I've included: - A song that represents them - A song they'd listen to - and (for some) an additional song, depending on the character and circumstance
The full Spotify playlist for ALL songs and characters is linked at the end of the post.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Azul Ashengrotto
Represented by: There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet - Panic! At The Disco
Azul has a mindset of changing himself, and proving himself to others. This often manifests in a rather showy manner, as he aims to present himself as not just worthy of respect, but worthy of more. And most importantly, he plans and then works towards this goal. He is also dramatic, yet well-put together and somewhat formal, much like the narrative setting of this song.
Listens to: Almost Human - Voltaire
Again, Azul is ~dramatic~ so he would like the theatricality and classiness of Voltaire's "dark cabaret"-style music. He would also at least somewhat relate to the lyrical themes of being powerful, but also feeling powerless, out-of-place, and insecure, while still presenting as dignified and confident. He almost certainly cried the first time he heard this song.
Bonus - Suggested for Trio: One O'Clock Jump - Count Basie
Since Azul, Jade, and Floyd had a trio in middle school with piano, bass, and a drum kit, I assume it was a jazz trio. As such, Azul would have likely suggested jazz standards for them to play, including One O'Clock Jump. This piece would showcase his piano skills as well as the musical abilities of the Leech twins, allowing him to perform what he was good at, and at a fairly comfortable level that would still be impressive for the audience. As always, working to maximize the output, while mitigating risk!
Jade Leech
Represented by: Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin
Look in my eyes and tell me that this song does not represent Jade Leech. Jade is reserved and dignified, seemingly a perfect gentleman. But he's also calculating, careful, and violent. He knows how to have his... uh... "fun" with it rarely being traced back to him; "He keeps it out of sight" :) The swing jazz performance and translation of Darin's version of this song also just suits Jade's personality marvellously.
Listens to: Woodland - The Paper Kites
However, I strongly believe Jade would like soft music, mostly indie pop and maybe folk or country ballads. That is, if it had lyrics that interested him. They could be either related to nature - as in this song - or of a shocking or dark subject material (like with murder ballads, such as Down in the Willow Garden). Jade would definitely listen to Woodland while arranging terrariums or getting ready to go on a hike :)
Bonus - Suggested for Trio: Billie's Bounce - Dexter Gordon
Like Azul, Jade would suggest a jazz standard for their trio, but not one with simple melodies or rhythms. Syncopation and interesting modes would provide the chaos he so craves. Billie's Bounce is also LENGTHY, at a whopping 17 minutes, 8 seconds; Jade seems the type to like to focus on a single piece, and this one is additionally varied enough to keep his interest. However, he would find it equally as interesting if the length caused his brother's attention to waver, leading to an even more chaotic play-through than may otherwise occur.
Floyd Leech
Represented by: I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
I know that everyone assigns I Can't Decide to Floyd, but it just fits him so well! He has some very violent tendencies, but is usually incredibly upbeat and positive about it. Plus, the instrumentation of this song completely suits Floyd's energy! There's a reason people give this song to him.
Listens to (Good mood): Loser - Beck
Like everything to do with Floyd, his music taste changes based on his mood.  If he were in a good mood, he'd look for something that's easy to dance to, a bit lyrically silly, but still clever and with a good backstory or media references. Loser fits those criteria, and is also something he would just vibe with. It's fun, it's offbeat, it's sarcastic, it's perfect for Floyd.
Listens to (Bad mood): HURT - 1 800 PAIN
But if he were in a bad mood... his music choice would be a lot darker and more aggressive. If you ever come across Floyd listening to this, any horrorcore (Gravediggaz, ICP, (early) Eminem, etc.), any grindcore (Cattle Decapitation, Lock Up, Carcass, etc.) or anything similar in tone... RUN. NOW.
Bonus - Suggested for Trio: Five Foot Two Eyes Of Blue - Spike Jones
Like Jade, Floyd would suggest a slightly unusual piece for their trio to play.  But unlike his brother, Floyd would like something rhythmically consistent and uptempo, mostly since it's easier to dance to. But he'd still want something otherwise unpredictable. And since he can play basically any instrument necessary, this song is a perfect fit. But honestly, as long as it's fun and interesting, Floyd would want to play it!
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bixels · 5 months
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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anti-spop · 6 months
Hello! I just saw ur post saying g hintlow is badly written in your opinion. Could you please tell me why you think so? I'm kinda curious?
I also didn't really like huntlow since it kinda came outta no where all of a sudden but what do you think??
*cracks knuckles* (just kidding lol)
Honestly, I just think H/untlow has several writing problems. I'll be pointing out the main reasons I think so under the cut. If anyone who follows me or comes across this post ships H/untlow, it's totally fine, just please don't send me hate for what I'll say here:
Hunter and Willow have nothing in common. The show forces the "half a witch" thing onto Hunter despite the fact he was never called that anywhere in the show, he's usually just called annoying or a brat. Besides, Hunter could be a metaphor for disability considering he doesn't have natural magic powers (until the show decided to kill off Flapjack, but I'll get into that later). However, Willow is not the case. She may not be good at abomination magic, but she's incredibly powerful with plant magic. But for some reason, the show treats these experiences as equals, even though that's a thing Hunter has more in common with Luz than Willow (and in this case I'm not talking through a romantic lens).
Hunter and Willow are out of character. Hunter, the prodigy and the emperor's right hand, becomes utterly pathetic and wimpy just so Willow can look like a badass girlboss. And Willow then just comes off as cruel sometimes. I appreciate Willow for being nice but also being a badass, but even then, Willow was never cruel prior to her meeting Hunter. She apologized to Luz when she realized she could've hurt her, and when Willow met Gus she was patient and understanding, teaching him a breathing technique to calm him down. I'm not saying Willow has to be overly nice, but she just randomly captures Hunter to make him join her flyer derby team. And at this point she doesn't even know that Hunter is the Golden Guard, so she just... attacks a random kid and scares him for no reason. Worse yet the fact that she drags him into the ground THE SAME WAY BELOS DOES in Hollow Mind. Even after Hunter tells her he's "half a witch", Willow isn't patient with him, she's just a brute again. Which is my next point:
Unhealthy power dynamic. Hunter refers to Willow as "captain", and it's honestly a red flag to me. I am NOT saying Willow is abusive. However, we have to remember that Hunter's abuser uses his position of power to mistreat him. Hunter looks up to someone who's not an equal to him and in turn, he does not value himself. And Willow never seems to realize it and explicitly say that she's not his leader, she's his friend. This pairing is basically the girlboss/malewife model, but not only does it not make sense, it's not healthy for Hunter to fall in love with someone who has power over him, and who might be paralleled to his abuser as I pointed out before.
Ruined character arcs. I think most of us agree that Hunter's character arc was unsatisfactory as he became another Caleb without ever processing it, but Willow was definitely done dirty as well. Willow never had her own episode, not even Understanding Willow was about her, it was more about Amity. Any Sport in a Storm also focuses more on Hunter. Even Gus had more character development than Willow, despite the fact he was also done dirty in the end. Willow's breakdown wasn't carefully developed, it was never hinted in Thanks to Them or anywhere before that. It came out of nowhere in For the Future, and in turn it just pushed Hunter's character (and Gus, literally) aside so he could save Willow. And this is yet ANOTHER point I hate:
Willow only reciprocates Hunter's crush when he gains powers. Seriously, for the longest time I didn't even think H/untlow was going to be mutual. Only Hunter seemed to be attracted to Willow, by blushing and being shy around her. Willow never seems to see Hunter in another light in the following episodes, not even in Thanks to Them despite them living with each other for months. That only happens in For the Future, which left a bad taste in my mouth. Like I said before, Hunter might be considered disabled, but his disability is "cured" with magic, and ONLY THEN does Willow fall for him. That contradicts the entire message of the show, which welcomes and celebrates disabilities.
And overall, Hunter and Willow never have a genuine emotional connection. Hunter has more connection and things in common with Luz, Gus, and even Amity (and sadly, his parallels with Amity were never really explored after Eclipse Lake). Hunter and Luz don't have magical powers. Hunter and Gus are both taken advantage of by others, and they have an identity crisis, not knowing how to trust themselves anymore. Hunter and Amity then, they were both raised in an abusive household and they're expected to be someone they're not, and they have to push everyone else down so they can be better. But Hunter and Willow don't share this kind of connection. They might touch on the "half a witch" thing but that never deepens. And in For the Future, it comes off as rushed, and Hunter has to push down his grief for Flapjack to save Willow. Not to mention Gus and Hunter never get to talk about Caleb - Gus always knew about Hunter's secret, and not even THAT gets a satisfying payoff because the show is more concerned in making H/untlow canon. But that would have to be its own post.
Sorry this got long, lmao. I have very strong feelings about how H/untlow was handled. I actually used to ship it at first, I think it COULD'VE worked. But they don't even seem to be close friends at the very least. It sucks because even R/aeda was written better despite the fact it had less screentime than L/umity. Sure, Eda and Raine were ex-lovers, but I thought their relationship was written very well for the most part. I don't know how the writers dropped the ball with H/untlow this way.
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thegreatcaptainusopp · 7 months
Do you ever think about water 7 and remember how many fans (way too many fans...) completely misunderstand Usopp's character and feelings towards Merry and reduce it to "he was only attached because Kaya gave them the ship" and forget that we are explicitly told that he sees himself in Merry and also later on we found out he heard Merry say she wanted to take them further, so we KNOW just how much Usopp saw her as another nakama (I know they all did, but he SAW and heard her first) and no wonder he didnt want to just get rid of her, do you ever remember that and want to cry?
Also I get that Usopp said hurtful things, and went against the captain, but if he hadnt Merry wouldnt have been able to save them... I always feel like Zoro was too rough on Usopp but I don't know, maybe I'm misremebering because Usopp haters always use Zoro's speech to say that Usopp was in the wrong or whatever (and it drives me INSANE ooh 😤 makes my blood boil)
I should rewatch Water 7...
Also unrelated but what are Merry's official pronouns?
Oh boy do I ever think about Water 7. I’ve posted about this before but Usopp’s reasons are numerous and just build on top of each other. Not only is it because of Kaya and seeing the Merry as a crew member and seeing himself in the Merry but it also is because of his own trauma and insecurities and abandonment issues. There’s a lot there and it all exploded out in a messy argument and is just…so sad and emotional and I don’t think anyone in universe (including Usopp himself) have still even know parsed out all of that complexity yet.
I think a lot of fan reaction here is victim to the point of view of the narrative. Luffy is our protagonist and the rest of the main characters are his crew, and that means certain expectations of loyalty. He’s the boss, which means they have to follow his rules. Which, you know, is fair enough: if you want to stay, you follow the rules that the boss sets. However, I think a lot of what actually goes on here is accepted at face value and not considered further critically. While Usopp’s actions here were wrong from the perspective of the hierarchy established on the crew, as well as from a personal standpoint because of some of the things that were said, they were also right from another point of view. Usopp’s argument here was that the Merry was a crew member, as alive as any of the rest of them. And, canonically, he’s fully correct. Luffy’s argument is that the Merry can’t take them further, which is also correct. They were both right, but the communication breakdown also means they were both wrong. And Usopp got most of the blowback because of narrative perspective, and because of the fact that he is not the captain and therefore is not going to receive the same loyalty in decisions that Luffy does.
Zoro is a character that is very much a vehicle for this narrative perspective: he is a strong believer in the ship hierarchy and believes that following it to the letter is not only the morally right thing to do, but also is the only way they will survive the journey to come. Is he right? The narrative certainly seems to direct us to that. But at the end of the day it’s just a certain perspective on how things work. Usopp here went against the loyalty that Zoro holds so dearly (and to Luffy in particular) and therefore Zoro felt it was his duty to set them (and him especially) straight. But again, this is very much from the perspective I mentioned above.
I think examining it further, like I said, shows that both Usopp and Luffy were right, but went wrong in how they communicated how each felt. Luffy may be the boss, and his word may be law in the ship, but I think as the boss he has the added responsibility to deescalate and manage his crew, and communicate to them his expectations clearly. Usopp failed here to control his insecurities and succumbed to them. Luffy here failed in his capacity as a leader in communication and deescalation, especially since he most certainly does not want to be an iron fist type leader. However, I don’t think that element of Luffy’s failure is discussed enough in and out of universe, which is also why I always say that I wish the crew challenged him and his decisions more.
With regards to Merry’s pronouns, I think she/her? I’m unsure though, if anyone can confirm that.
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Idk if the emoji thing works but 🐺
AITA for ignoring my friend's relationship and waiting for it to end?
Background: I (20F) have known my best friend (19X) since we were 14. We've gone through a few different friend groups (nothing dramatic, just fading relationships) but have always stuck with each other, partially because we are both autistic. I know them very well and they have said that I am their main support system. They have BPD which causes them to get obsessed with someone, which normally I would not think is my business, but they have a history of getting obsessed with people who hurt them, and I've always tried to warn them if I felt someone had bad intentions.
They've recently escaped their abusive household which is really exciting but I worry might make them feel lonelier because they've been getting into more of these situations recently. There were a couple minor relationships where someone broke a boundary causing them to have a breakdown, but neither affected their safety. And a few months ago they were talking to an older man online who I got weird vibes from but only mildly hinted to them he was creepy, which made me feel guilty when it ended up being way worse than I thought and became a disaster.
About three weeks ago, they started roleplaying with some guy on twitter, which I didn't think much of since they mainly just talked about what a good writer he is and he seemed fine. But then they asked what I would think if they started dating him even though he's in his 30s and I kinda thought they were just looking for a reason not to do it, so I said no he's too old for you. But then they started trying to convince me it was a good idea which only made me more hesitant. Their evidence in favor included that he used to be in the military (they know i hate the military so I do not know why they admitted this) and pictures of him (I am gay so this would not convince me regardless). They seemed surprised by my negative reaction, I said sorry but you asked for my honest opinion, they understood and I thought this was the end of it.
But now they're legitimately online dating and they talk about him all the time, they don't seem to understand that I am not a fan of this relationship and expect me to react positively to everything he does. I don't react negatively or completely ignore them I just go "ok" or "cool." They might not notice this because I often have times where I can't speak much so it's unfortunately normal for me.
I haven't noticed any other red flags from this guy other than the age gap and the military thing, but those seem a lot worse to me because of my friend's history and penchant for ignoring red flags, so I feel like if something worse was going on I wouldn't even know. Apparently he's going to come visit them in August (it's January as I send this) and I feel like that's enough time that the relationship will either die out or end horribly before he actually has the chance to physically be around them.
I feel torn in two different ways. On the one hand, I know that I'm paranoid and overprotective, not to mention scared of men, so I could just be overreacting to the situation. I don't think he's going to murder them or anything, but they're sensitive and I don't want them to add someone to the long list of people who traumatized them. They ARE a legal adult so it technically shouldn't be a big deal but they're the first person to be creeped out by legal age gaps, they just don't seem to apply this logic to themselves. I'm also not super experienced in relationships, I've only had a few short casual ones so I am not at all an expert.
On the other hand, I felt like shit when the situation with the other guy blew up even though they never blamed me for it. I feel like I should be doing more to dissuade them but they didn't seem to care when I warned them before so I feel like it's a lost cause and I don't wanna be pushy, I want them to genuinely understand why it's not a good idea.
I feel like I'm damned if I do damned if I don't, so I've kinda just settled on passively not really giving them feedback on the relationship in the hopes they'll figure it out themselves? As always I check in on them, try to give them positive attention so they're not desperate for it, and if the relationship actually lasts til August I'll make sure I know their location so they can tell me if they feel unsafe.
I feel like an asshole no matter what I do, so what I'm asking specifically is AITA for basically just ignoring the situation hoping it solves itself? Either because I should be supporting it or because I should bring up my concerns with them again.
What are these acronyms?
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velvet-vox · 3 months
The horrifying humanity of Lord Shen
One of the less talked about things that help Lord Shen to be the fascinating and complex antagonist that he is are his facial expressions:
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Anytime throughout the movie that Shen shows his face, we are met with an extremely detailed and eye-catching emotion, accentuated by the movie actively refusing to let us see the rest of Shen's design clearly; when you think about it, Shen is very overly designed, with the iron talons, the robe adornments, and his massive tail, yet the one thing that we are constantly paying attention to is his face.
His face is also fairly detailed, mind you, but is not the only part of his body to be like this, yet most of the time, the camera focuses only on that aspect of his appearance, and when Shen is covered in shadow, which happens a lot, the only thing that we can pay attention to is his red eyes, engulfing the rest of his body.
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Shen's facial expressions do a really great job at communicating to the audience so much extra depth about his character: they give us a glimpse of his psychology and make us understand the fundamental flaws that define Shen as a person.
His expressiveness is especially noticeable when compared to the other three main villains;
Tai Lung barely emotes, except to show his anger; as a matter of fact, what I've just said is a lie, he actually has a lot of different facial expressions, especially after his escape from jail, but the thing is that we are never meant to focus on them: Tai Lung's martial prowess is the main focus of his character, so every scene he's in capitalises on it, his emotional state comes second, which helps those moments when he's actually super emotive (the fight with Tigress, Shifu's apology, his mental breakdown at the end of the movie) to hit that much harder.
The Chameleon makes a lot of different facial expressions but they don't communicate any more depth about her character; it's hard to say at this point, since I've only seen Kung Fu Panda 4 once, but if I were to take a guess, the intro sequence of the movie were The Chameleon pretends to be Tai Lung is the most depth her character ever gets in the story: she is a massive fangirl.
I'll probably have to rewatch her sequences a couple more times to make sure I'm not getting anything wrong, but as of right now, I am going to take a wild assumption and say that The Chameleon prefers her trasformations over her real self because she doesn't like herself for who she is. This is mostly unrelated to our current discussion, but since an analysis of The Chameleon is extremely far away, I might as well mention this observation now.
Kai's facial expressions give us a lot of insight into his mind, but not as much into his psychology like Shen's face does: in a way, Kai is the most emotive of the Kung Fu Panda villains, since, as we're going to see very soon, Shen keeps a lot of his emotional turmoil for himself, he doesn't want other people to understand what is going on in his mind and how actually scared of everything he is; Tai Lung also practices self-restraint but for different reasons, and The Chameleon is still yet to be fully understood by myself, but Kai is always sincere about his emotional state, he's angry when he's angry, flattered when he's flattered, and he's scared when he's scared. This doesn't mean that Kai doesn't have anymore depth that can be extrapolated from a contradiction between what he says/does and what his face says/does, it just means that Kai is someone who's very clear about his emotions, probably because he lacks the childhood trauma that defies Shen and Tai, and also because he's already dead.
Kai's inner thought process is that of a raging bull: clear as day. He doesn't have any emotional vulnerability to hide because he doesn't feel like anything can hurt him anymore, so he doesn't bother with keeping a facade since he's not afraid of anything.
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Speaking of emotional state, it's time we take a look at this schizophrenic turkey's mental health and how the expressions that he makes leak out the true reason behind his seemingly unending hatred of Po.
You may now be thinking "But isn't Lord Shen's hatred of Po kinda obvious? He hates him, because he perceives him as a threat to his plans, and because he's evil and all that jazz" and while you are partially correct for that, I want to expand upon that obvious notion, and reveal why every time Shen interacts with Po he seemingly treats him like his life long arch nemesis:
You see, Lord Shen isn't just simply afraid of Po....
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He's fricking paranoid of him.
Do you remember the whole training montage where Po and the Furious Five are travelling through the country to reach Gongmin City while Shen is getting ready to start the invasion?
It's a pretty cool sequence and all, especially from the perspective of the six..... but why is Lord Shen acting like that?
In KFP3, where we get a similar scene with Kai, it makes perfect sense from both the hero and the villain point of view: Kai, at this point, has been established as a massive threat to Po, so Po is keenly aware of the danger that he poses and is training like hell in order to defeat him; while Kai, who has now almost managed to destroy everything that Oogway has created, is impatient of taking out the last remaining pieces of Oogway's legacy, showcased by the angry way in which he punches the obstacles in his path to the village.
But here, while Po is simply preparing himself to fight the next big threat, Shen is going the extra mile of refining his combat prowess for an invasion that is going to be executed through the usage of gunpowder.
... A bit excessive, don't you think? This doesn't really mean much right now, but let's keep this in mind for later.
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After defeating the Council of the Masters and dethroning the throne, Shen immediately asks the Soothsayer to tell him his future, but not before ensuring that his weapon is in the right position for him to continue his monologue.
Keep in mind: these two probably haven't met in 30 years, and while the true extent of their relationship is up to the fans head canons, it's pretty easy to assume that these two were probably closer at a certain point in their lives; therefore, if Shen was so eager to know his destiny to the point of not even wanting to gloat at the old goat, he must have been motivated by either one of these reasons:
A; He wanted to get this over quickly so that he could focus on something else, learning about his future and then finally getting rid of the Soothsayer;
B; Shen's brain is entirely concerned with his plans of world dominance, plans that would greatly benefit from the Soothsayer's ability of predicting the future to be completely foolproof.
C; He has been thinking of nothing else for the past 30 years.
While A is quickly disproved by a later scene where Shen let's go of the goat, B is most likely also not the answer, as despite it being the most logical course of action for the young Lord, the same scene that disproves A also denies B: why would Shen let go of his greatest source of intel? Just because he needed a way to make peace with the past? It's still possible that the thought of using the Soothsayer's magical abilities may have crossed Shen's mind, but I doubt it ever was his main concern.
No, Shen immediately started going after the answers that he sought for one and one reason only: it's been tormenting him for decades.
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The way Lord Shen rehashes his monologue with his sword before meeting Po is not that of a cold, calculating mastermind making sure everything goes according to plans; it's the way a schizophrenic freak would try his hardest to keep everything under control.
Shen is in constant need of wanting everything to be how he has envisioned it, like that cannon from earlier, because otherwise he starts to crack down under the pressure.
His nervousness becomes even more apparent in the first segment of his developmental footage; even if all of these are cut scenes that were never intended to be in the movie, they reinforce the idea that the writers always intended to portray Shen as anxious in this scene.
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And once Lord Shen is finally about to meet Po, he indeed starts to crack down under the pressure; Shen has feared that this day might arrive his entire life, fought so hard for this moment to not come true, and now that it's finally here, he's absolutely terrified.
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Notice how Lord Shen immediately reaches for his feather-knife once he hears the big bad fat panda coming closer: even if the whole scene is played for comedic effect, you can't deny the fact that Shen is truly panicking here, the very next shot of his face right before the meeting makes you assume that Shen thinks that he's going to die.
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And I believe this exact fear of death, more than anything else, is what drove Shen to commit genocide towards the Pandas, it's the true reason behind any of his actions, made worse by all of the other issues Shen has:
Lord Shen suffers from Thanatophobia.
Thanatophobia is an intense fear of death or the dying process. Another name for this condition is “death anxiety.” Those suffering from this mental health disorder might be anxious about their own death or the death of someone they care about. Psychotherapy can help most people overcome this disorder, but as you can very well imagine, there weren't many therapists in ancient China, so I doubt Shen had any concrete way of overcoming this struggle, especially in his current household, who most likely put high societal pressure on his dilapidated mind.
Here's a link to a site that better talks about this stuff. Of course, if you want to truly verify the validity of my source, I encourage you to seek out a professional, and please don't use what I tell you as proof for any real life debate.
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I personally believe that diagnosing Lord Shen with Thanatophobia is the best way to put the actions of his character into perspective; the visceral way in which Shen talks to Po doesn't make a lot of sense if Shen only sees Po as a threat; no, Po is a constant nightmare looming inside his mind, and has been driving him insane for years, so now Shen wants to even the favour with the panda by slowly breaking his mind apart before he finally manages to kill him.
For Po, his conflict with Shen wasn't personal until he learned of his past, but for Shen, it was personal right from the moment he overheard the prophecy.
The complete and utter alienation of Tai Lung
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magpod-confessions · 4 months
i think the reaction to characters being unfair to jon is a good example of how fandom often lacks nuance and has a lot of black and white thinking. while it absolutely is ridiculous and unfair to say characters are evil and terrible people for being mean to jon, it’s just as absurd to say how they treated him was justified and there was nothing wrong with it. i think people have split into two extremes on this issue, which misses the point that the entire podcast is about how people react and interact and change when dealing with fear and extreme situations like this, not about who’s right and who’s wrong. jon was consistently treated with less empathy than the other characters treated each other, and held to a different standard. the other archives staff are much more willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and while they’ll criticize each other at the end of the day there is much more tolerance for each other’s issues than there is for jon’s. that is undeniable. they see each other as humans who make mistakes, and jon as a rabid monster who cannot be trusted. from their perspective, jon is someone standoffish and unfriendly who always pushes too far and asks too much and has growing powers that directly come from the entities responsible for their torment. he is both their superior in terms of his job, and he is essentially the favored child of their jailer. basically like elias, but significantly more present and vulnerable and less of a distant untouchable threat. he has enough power over them (or at least association with those who have power over them) to make them resent him, but not enough to stop the torment or prevent them from lashing out. when you and everyone else you know are humans who are trapped together and suffering, and your boss is locked away feeding on fear and turning into a dangerous monster like the ones who keep hurting you, you’re probably not going to be feeling particularly empathetic towards him. you’re not going to stop and think about how he’s a victim in all this too, because you’re not in a stable enough space to do that and you don’t know his perspective on any of this. that makes sense. it doesn’t excuse the way they treat him like a violent animal, but it does explain why they would have that us versus them mentality. also, all the info on the other archive staff’s emotional state from season 3 and onward, the stuff that explains why they acted the way they did, all of that is from occasional lines and overheard interactions. small pieces. jon is the main character, and we hear the details of his experiences and struggles and trauma and breakdowns and suffering. he is the protagonist and his is the perspective the listener lives in. therefore, he is going to be much easier to be sympathetic towards. if melanie was the protagonist, or even another avatar like annabelle or mike crew, people would be much more understanding of them, because it is easier to be sympathetic when you know every reason why a character acts the way they do. if we listened to melanie for hundreds of hours, her lashing out and getting violent towards characters that didn’t deserve it would be much more understandable. we hear what jon is going through, so we know his life is hell and he is a genuinely good person faced with impossible choices and absolutely terrible situations out of his control. the other characters do not have that perspective and understanding. i just think it’s possible to acknowledge that some characters did treat jon terribly, he didn’t deserve it, and it doesn’t make them irredeemable monsters.
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jinxed-sinner · 3 months
I 100% think Alastor's behavior is a trauma response tbh. It feels like something happened that inhibited his ability to be fully open with other people, sorta like Blitz. In fact, how about we look at differences and similarities between Blitz and Alastor, since we know Blitz's behavior is a result of trauma?
Both Alastor and Blitz take pleasure in hurting other people. With Alastor, he doesn't care who he hurts (although I 100% think he'd feel guilt for hurting Rosie), while with Blitz, he cares about hurting other people when they're close to him (most recently made clear in Full Moon and Apology Tour). Blitz enjoys hurting people as long as he's not close to then/doesn't know them, which is, in my opinion, a likely reason he started a freelance assassin business (and I actually wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to IMP changing their business from a general Hell assassin business to an assassin business that focuses on offing humans that have wronged sinners). The main difference here is that Alastor's emotional responses are muted (which is why he's significantly less likely to act out), while Blitz's resemble splitting in BPD.
Both Alastor and Blitz are reckless and impulsive. Alastor's recklessness is most clearly seen in The Show Must Go On when he fights Adam, while Blitz's recklessness is made clear throughout Helluva Boss (takes his team to the human world without proper disguises, visits a party where if anyone except Verosika and Stolas knew he was there he would be murdered for it, etc). Alastor also berated Husk on an impulse born from already being stressed out. I can't really think of any specific examples of Blitz's impulsivity and I can't decide if it's because he's so consistently impulsive or if it's because I genuinely can't think of any examples lol
Neither of these two assholes (affectionate) will open up to people unless something forces them to (and potentially not even then in Alastor's case). The only times Blitz has opened up is if he's forced to (Truth Seekers) or if circumstances lower his inhibition (emotional outbursts, Queen Bee, arguably also Truth Seekers). The closest we've gotten to Alastor "opening up" is his mental breakdown that he had when he knew he was alone.
They're both still capable of making genuine connections. Alastor is incredibly close to Rosie (something I personally think is because she has motherly tendencies), and Blitz, despite all his tendencies towards them, seems to consider Moxxie and Millie friends. They're both capable of forming genuine connections, but don't, at least not often; for Blitz, it's because he's afraid of it, and for Alastor, it's likely because he either views it as a weakness or would just rather manipulate people for his own benefit.
It feels a lot like Blitz and Alastor have similar types of trauma; their responses to that trauma are simultaneously similar enough to be comparable and on wildly different ends of the same spectrum. Blitz craves connection, so he seeks it out, then sabotages it when he thinks it's going too far. Alastor avoids connection aside from a few genuine close friendships here and there that he can count on one hand.
I don't think Alastor is incapable of forming genuine emotional bonds with other people, and Rosie and Zestial are proof of that. It comes off more like he actively avoids connection; he doesn't interact much with the hotel's staff and residents aside from Charlie and Niffty, and when everyone's partying in The Show Must Go On, he's watching from afar with Niffty. I also feel like you can easily interpret Alastor's muted emotional responses as him actively trying to mute them; he sounds like he's actively trying not to have a breakdown after he gets slashed by Adam.
He would've largely grown up probably between 1895 and 1915 (or something close to that, depending on his age when he died) as a mixed race kid in New Orleans. You absolutely can not convince me that alone did not in some way contribute to how he is now. Add in a potentially abusive dad and yeah, is it really surprising that Alastor is the way he is? It genuinely just feels like he's a product of his circumstances in childhood. This is doubly the case if the theories that 1, his first murder was that of his dad, and 2, he basically did vigilantism turn out to be true. He himself implies he finds it cathartic to kill the loan sharks in Dad Beat Dad and is pretty much content the rest of the episode after that, he doesn't even seem to care that he's sharing a space with Lucifer after that. I'd be more surprised if his killings in his human life weren't him taking out his trauma on people he thought deserved it to be completely honest.
*Also as a last minute addition, I think it's also easy to interpret Alastor's attitude towards emotions and relationships as viewing them as a weakness, something that it's very likely is also a sign of him being a product of the time period and circumstances he was raised in.
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
Well the people have spoken and are willing for me to indulge in a ridiculously assumptive breakdown of the main 4 characters in the upcoming Captain Laserhawk show. So thank you for that!
Keep in mind the following thoughts are ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and based COMPLETELY on the trailers and teasers we have been provided with. I know nothing about the show beyond that, I have no connection to the show staff and my word should not be held as gospel. I am ready for the show to completely undermine everything I type here, and you should be prepared for that too ;)
Also this is only going to be a post dissecting the 4 leads (Dolph, Pey’j, Jade and Bullfrog) so no discussion about Rayman or any other characters unless they directly relate to the main 4.
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Also no Cody Rhodes for obvious reasons 🤯
With that out of the way let’s dive into this.
Dolph Laserhawk
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I was perfectly willing to write off our stoic lead as just that. The angst-filled prettyboy who lurks in the background and doesn’t want to get involved with SuperMaxx or the warden’s plans. Dolph isn’t a gung-ho hero type. He doesn’t revel in his skills or even seem to enjoy being a badass. Heck in the Rainbow 6 trailer we can see he can be overpowered in a physical fight if he’s alone. Compared to Alex’s jokes and stunts, Dolph just wants to get the job done without quips. He doesn’t seem to have any particular connection to his new team and particularly doesn’t seem to have time for Bullfrog. He comes across as very much a Sasuke-type. Brooding, introverted and stoic.
But I also see in this character a level of vulnerability which makes him far more interesting. We are told the only reason he is alive and has an arm laser is because of Eden, a corrupt system that turned him into a tool in exchange for his life. Then when he tried to rebel against that system that hurt him he is betrayed by the man he loved, someone he trusted on and off mission.
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This shot of Dolph and Alex lying together says a WHOLE lot with Alex completely relaxed on his back and Dolph snuggled into him. Dolph felt SAFE with Alex. He wasn’t just a lover, he was a trusted ally who would always be there to catch him. It’s no wonder his betrayal stung Dolph so deeply and left him unwilling to ever trust others again.
It will be interesting to see how the group works around this. How do they win the trust of someone who has been hurt this badly, especially when the only reason they are together in the first place is under threat of death. And why should Dolph feel to befriend them? To his mind either they will betray him like everyone else or will die and leave him alone.
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I think it’s obvious that Bullfrog is a favourite character of the show staff. We’ve had the most cannon information presented to us out of the main cast and out of it comes 2 major aspects to Bullfrog’s character. His slightly goofy personality, and his confidence/pride in his abilities.
Despite making jokes and attempting to banter with his team Bullfrog is a formidable fighter unafraid to resort to violence if the situation requires. However much like Dolph he doesn’t kill because he enjoys the bloodshed. It’s work. It’s a means to an end. And while he seems to enjoy the stealth aspects of the job part of me feels that he doesn’t really ENJOY killing if he doesn’t have to. His teaser shows him killing 3 powerful guards to complete his mission, and afterwards he seems tired and downhearted compared to his bravado before their deaths. Generally speaking assassins (especially not Assassins Creed assassins) are not random murderers. They have a strict code they follow to complete their missions, and I just get the feeling that Bullfrog would rather take out obstacles non-lethally until the moment comes he has to kill.
If this is true it will be a fascinating exploration of the character to see him be this goofy guy forced to kill against his own moral code. To put his highly trained skills to the act of espionage for shady purposes at the threat of death if he refuses. Will this break him?
As for his relationships with the other characters it will be fun to see how his humour bounces off them, and whether that is affected upon seeing his incredible abilities in battle. Bullfrog certainly seems to be loyal to his new team, shown in multiple instances to jump into the line of fire to protect them from bullets.
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While relatively under represented in the trailers the strongest trait I take from Pey’j is that he is compassionate to others. He clearly states that he would protect Jade no matter what. We also see him in Bullfrog’s teaser ushering injured people to the safety of a van, and he is confused and horrified when law enforcement would rather shoot at him than help people.
This on top of his seemingly incredible strength and ferocity makes him one of my favourite archetypes, the gruff guy with the heart of gold. Pey’j just comes across as a dude who wants to live in peace but can’t in a corrupt world because everything is cruel and wrong. The injustice of this gives him the energy to keep fighting. So he uses the skills he has to protect the weak and help where he can. I hope the show builds on this and allows his gentle ‘dad’ persona to shine because by god, the team needs it XD.
Judging from the few screenshots and clips we have it seems that Dolph and Pey’j seem to get on well in each other’s company so it will be fun to see what kind of relationship they build. As for Jade, it will be interesting to know how long they have known one another. Either Pey’j dedication to her comes from a long shared history, or it is a new development which speaks to his loyalty and willingness to protect people he sees as worthy.
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Sadly Jade has the least amount of info to go on from official sources so far. She seems to be confident and streetwise, clearly skilled at espionage and undercover work complete with her trusty camera. However I’m glad they showed her displaying some level of vulnerability and didn’t just make her a generic, mean ‘action hero girl’ (kinda like how the Warden is but she is supposed to display authority and coldness).
She is freaked out by the exploding head bomb reveal, we see her being awkward when she’s captured, and she appears to be worried for Pey’j when he swears he’d do anything to protect her. Jade doesn’t seem to be the kind of person to let others control her, but also doesn’t want people to die for her sake. She seems empathetic and curious, and I can’t wait to learn more about her personality and how she interacts with the rest of the team.
Aargh, I with I had more to say about her but really we have so little to go on >_<. She barely even has any lines in the trailers or teasers! I hope this isn’t foreshadowing to her role in the team and in the show.
And that’s what I have so far based on the info I’ve seen. As stated above this is all purely my speculation and I’m ok with being proven wrong by this show and it’s Remix nature.
ALSO if you have your own insights to share or want to call out something I ave missed or got wrong, don’t hesitate to do so! Fandom thrives on conversation and shared experience :)
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Musa: The Thesis
Kay so… this one involves one of the biggest spoilers of s3 due to one of the biggest changes I made there revolves around Musa and I will be discussing it after the First Things First part. So please please please if you haven’t read up until Season 3 Chapter 24: The Space Between Where Our Ends Meet, DO NOT READ PAST THE FIRST THINGS FIRST PORTION OF THIS THESIS
First Things First
The first words I have in Musa’s character sheet are small sassy goth.
One of the main things I focused on with Musa, especially in the first season is her struggle to be vulnerable. Musa has lived the past 5 or so years with a closed off dad and never got a real chance to truly mourn her mom due to her having to learn to pretty much take care of herself, because of this she becomes very defensive and doesn't trust many people, and it causes her to struggle with being vulnerable, making her feel weak to do so. Here we see her open up slowly to the girls and not really talk that much about her home life until s2.
This is also where the main problem in her relationship with Riven comes in, but we’ll talk about that later on.
Musa, along with Aisha was the loneliest Winx before going to Alfea, and this plays into how protective she can be over the girls, she knows what it’s like to have no one so she is more than ready to throw hands for her girls any day of the week.
Love’s a Loaded Gun, Nobody Wants to Fight
A theme we see with Musa is her not believing she’s really worth a lot of time. She worried about staying one place too long and becoming an inconvenience or sharing her hurt and becoming a weight.
We see that it really takes a lot for her to believe that she is not being selfish or ‘too much’ by expressing herself or deciding to stay in one place, namely Tecna’s home.
Musa has a lot of feelings regarding feeling like she’s being shut out.
She’s working on not shutting people out herself but when others do it to her, she could just have a breakdown since she is so sick and tired of her dad doing it to her and that’s just about the worst thing you could do to her.
She’s a tiny bit afraid of love. Not so much of love itself as just, the thought of losing someone she loves again.
So, in s3 chapter 24 Musa gains her Enchantix… and kills Stormy in the process.
First off the second I decided to do s3 I knew I was gonna change how Musa got her Enchantix cause I think we can all agree she got the short end of the stick in the OG.
I also already had in mind killing off either Stormy or Darcy but Stormy just fit more.
I combined these two ideas by changing Musa’s Enchantix to be gained by taking down a building over herself and Stormy due to Stormy loosing control of a curse.
Now, this could’ve gone very differently so why did I chose Musa to be the one to kill Stormy?
Honestly? I felt like it would impact her the most.
Now, obvs any of the girls would’ve been hugely impacted by taking a life (see Tecna) but taking the life of one of the Trix who they’ve known and fought for so long is another level of personal.
And, just like Bloom, Musa can be a very angry person and she hated the Trix’s guts and maybe a tiny part of her would’ve been glad with them dead, but actually having a hand in it…
It creates very conflicting emotions and a mountain of trauma and feelings of inhumanity and just confusion for our girl which we will get to see a lot more of in s4.
Thoughts Behind her Main Relationships
I love Tecna and Musa, they are very much a friendship between unconventional girls who don’t always come across as they mean to.
They both struggle to make friends for different reasons but the second they meet they realize that they are quite similar and so never push each other outside of their comfort zone at first and that’s what allows them to become close enough to then push one another.
Musa gets what makes Tecna tick and makes sure that she’s comfortable, she makes sure she gets her alone time and makes sure she doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Tecna gets that Musa doesn’t want to talk about herself so instead gets her to open up about her music.
And it’s through this that they start to trust one another and by s2 we see them knowing each other well enough to keep the other from spiraling.
When Tecna’s confused about her feelings for Timmy, it’s Musa who reminds her that it’s okay to not be ready for a relationship. And when Musa and Riven first kiss, it’s Tecna who suggests they take it slow since she knows how skittish they can both be.
At this point, they push one another when they need to.
They are crucial to each other’s growth.
I always loved the idea of Rivusa but hated the original execution.
I really like the idea of two kids who have been so hurt by the people that were meant to protect them figuring out how to love each other. How to be open and trusting and just how to work as a couple.
Riven and Musa fall very slowly over the course of a year and a half, they get to know each other, be friends, quite crucially: they’re able to be vulnerable with each other. Which is huge for both of them.
And, when they realize that these feelings are serious and more than just a crush, they are both terrified.
I’ll talk a bit more about Riven’s feelings on his thesis but for Musa, she’s scared of this failing, of flying till the bone crush like the queen would say. She’s scared of it going wrong and losing someone she loves so much.
The part I love about this is that this means that even after they get together we get to see them fuck up. Because just because they’re together doesn’t mean they’re just going to forget years of trauma and having their walls up.
And, in my version, once they’re together, it’s Musa who fucks up by keeping secrets and not being able to bring herself to be vulnerable.
I think my fave part about writing these two is writing about how they grow together both as individuals and as a couple, how they learn to communicate and be vulnerable and realize that they are both here to stay and that this relationship is soft and safe and everything that they have been denied for so long.
That’s what this couple is to me. Two kids learning to love and not be afraid of it.
Helia and Musa are the writers of the group, due to them both being artist and having had past or present issues with their fathers and being vulnerable, it made sense for them to be platonic soulmates.
They’re the kind of people to spill their guts out of paper and just take a pen and truly speak, word vomit comes out in prose and metaphors and long words that just make you feel serene.
That’s how they find it easier to communicate.
They bond over words and music and the crushing weight of a knot in your throat not letting you speak when it matters most. The falling feeling of everything coming out wrong when spoken but in a beautiful way when written.
Helia is the only person Musa co-writes with for her songs, because he gets her voice as a songwriter in a way that no one else does.
And Helia shared his favorite poems because he knows she’ll get them in the way few could.
They are the artists who write not just because they enjoy and love it, but because it’s a crucial part of who they are, of how they process things and how to keep going.
If you wanna get to know these two, the best way to do it is to look at what they write.
And that’s why they just click.
Who is Musa in this Rewrite?
Musa is a girl who’s hurt. Who has lost and has had to almost raise herself.
She’s done the best that she could but the best she could do to protect herself at the time, back home with her father was to build walls around herself.
She’s someone who is learning to be open and vulnerable and to believe the people she loves won’t leave.
She’s someone trying to leave behind a toxic environment and mindset.
Someone who is, in one word haunted. By her past, by both her parents be it in different ways, by words, by Stormy.
But she’s learning to live with it, to still grow and to not take steps back in her journey.
She’s an artist finding her meaning and voice.
Musa Moodboard
Musa’s Instagram
Musa and Tecna Moodboard
Musa and Riven Moodboard
Musa and Helia Moodboard
so this one took so long cause I couldn’t figure out how to word certain things and tbh I feel like this one is the worst one so far so pls validate me and tell me it was good I feel like crying but I think I managed to get everything across
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geareduptom · 1 year
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4 dumbasses living together: The Wedding
For the 'Episode's' breakdown click Keep Reading ^^
(Warning: I don't have a name for Cuphead and Bendy's dads yet. ^^')
So this is basically a concept of Bendy and Cupheads wedding. Where a couple of unexpected guests make their own appearance and this is the first time they actually meet/fight Felix.
Bendy in this 'episode' would mainly be concerned and kind of distracted by the fact his father shows up. A man who he wasn't aware was invited. (Cause he wasn't)
Cuphead on the other hand would be dealing with some insecurities that Bendy's half-sister had raised in an episode or something prior to the wedding making him feel concerned he wasn't enough for Bendy which is only kinda influenced by how odd Bendy starts to act.
Mugman on the other hand finds out that Elderkettle and their father were invited which causes him to try and hide or find a jacket due to the not-so-hidden black appendage that his right arm has become.
Meanwhile, Cupheads father is actually the one who brought Bendy's dad since he'd been invited and he didn't have a plus one so he brought his boss who is a close friend once he realized Bendy and him were related.
So it's an entire mess of an evening and when Cuphead finally comes out and is walked down the Isle by his dad, Bendy's focus finally shifts to his soon-to-be husband, and the whole evening shifts when Cuphead notices something odd about the gazebo Bendy was standing under.
So throwing his insecurities out the window he saves Bendy by football-tackling him into Boris who catches the 2 in time to pull them out of the way of Felix who is a bit more than ready for a large fight.
He even addresses Cuphead and Bendy's fathers by name. Since they were also a part of the reason he was there. Seeing as they both were involved in his predicament.
Which is when he reveals his soul ring. Which kind of activates Bendy and Cupheads and gives Oswald a very painful startle.
This leads to the whole wedding turning into a giant fight between Felix and the whole party who are protecting Bendy since that seems to be his main target.
It only ends when Oswald almost kills himself to protect Bendy and Felix runs away, not too happy about the situation.
The 2 still get married with Bendy proving to Cuphead he didn't need some stupid reason to love him and afterward they have a full-fledged talk with their parents. Cause Wtf.
Where they reveal Bendy's soul ring wasn't a natural gift, but a stolen one. Oswald is the unwilling Donor, which damaged Oswald and Felix's relationship. (A little physically since Oswald's ear and eye were removed to reach it.) Since losing a soul ring through surgery makes the Donor emotionally numb around their partner and can even hurt when the rings are activated by their S.O.
This is why sometimes Oswald will feel pain or a splitting headache and nothing will make it go away.
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Whumpas in July: Day 1 and Day 2
Late entry to Whumpas! (unfortunately it is almost July 3 in my timezone, but my previous attempt was deleted by Tumblr instead of getting posted, I still hope it counts)
Day 1: Introduce yourself
Hi everyone! I’m Nila, I go by Archer as well. I am an intern physician from India. My main blog is @ambidextrousarcher which is a reference to an Indian mythical character, Arjun, who is often a protagonist/PoV character in my stories.
I discovered that finding hurt/comfort interesting has a specific name to it fairly recently, but since I found the community, I have avidly enjoyed a lot of good whump! Sadly, due to lack of time, I can be a bit of a lurker sometimes.
My favourite medium of whump is prose, although I am discovering an interest in visual mediums of whump lately as well.
I am trying to write my whump stories but am unfortunately in a trough with regard to inspiration, I hope that Whumpmas helps a little with that!
I would like to end this intro with a shoutout to @whumperofworlds @i-eat-worlds and @whumpninja for being really sweet with me when I just entered this community, as well as @redwingedwhump whose writings were crucial in inspiring me to be a more active (such as it is) member of this beautiful community!
Day 2: Favourite Tropes
Here is a non-exhaustive list of my favourite tropes: (Top 3 + 2 extras)
1. The “good” whumpee: The whumpee who is in this mess because of a moral reason, usually heroic. Self-sacrifice, whumpee with a code of honour, whumpee who endures for a greater cause, whumpee who tries not to let caretaker just how badly they are hurt, the list goes on.
2. The unravelling of the stoic whumpee: Whumpee who is stoic (usually an extension of the “good” whumpee aka they want to protect caretaker) until. It is just too much. They lose control over the pain, and tears ensue. Especially love it if whumpee in their PoV is trying to keep a smile on their face just for caretaker’s sake, and that is precisely what hurts caretaker the most.
3. Misunderstood whumpee: Whumpee who is, intentionally or unintentionally, misunderstood. By a loved one, the system itself, someone they idolize, you name it, I probably love it.
4. Caretaker PoV at crucial moments: Moments like “Oh, God, this can’t be anyone else but this person I care for/love.” Moments where Whumpee is having a breakdown. I love caretaker’s PoV when it is carefully used.
5. Historical period whump: Historical fiction is my favourite genre, and there are so many whump possibilities in this genre!
So ends my post for Day 1 and Day 2 of @whumpmasinjuly
Also tagging @whumpmasinjuly-archive
Much love,
Nila aka Archer
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oc-tournaments · 2 months
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DALO: @genericswordsmaiden
SALVANAN: @the-demoness-next-door
Propaganda Content Warnings: Suicide, assault, internalised homophobia, animal death, dismemberment, alcoholism for DALO, abuse, manipulation, suicidal thoughts for SALVANAN.
PROPAGANDA: Dalo is a ghost, she died by suicide at the age of 27, and in the world of the dead where she now resides, which is actually a purgatory of sorts, she has to endure loneliness because suicides can get corrupted - change form and become aggressive spirits - and are therefore ostracized by other ghosts. Born in an abusive family, starved during her childhood and bullied at school, Dalo develops trust issues growing up, her only friend being a pen pal, Luka, and her mentor, a man whom she only remembers as Professor. Dalo is not her real name, but a nickname that eventually erased her original name. At age 16, she gets physically assaulted by a group of guys and survives, but gets big ugly scars on her back that she tries to hide in every way she can. When she gets the chance, she travels to the city of Providence, renting an apartment with Luka. They form a band with two other characters, Mary and Sam, but soon tensions arise, mainly because they all love Sam in some way, and this puts Dalo in an uncomfortable situation because she doesn't really know how to deal with feelings. She ultimately decides to put them aside and think about how to help Luka deal with his homosexuality instead. In this period of time, which lasts about three months, another tragedy occurs: Dalo and Luka's cat, whom they treated as a son, is found killed one evening. This brings the two even closer, grief shutting them out of the world for a while. As if that wasn't enough, Sam, thinking that Luka and Dalo became a couple, marries Mary instead, breaking two hearts at once. Just when it seems like everything is slowly flowing normally again, Luka has a breakdown and asks Dalo if God can accept him as he is. The choice of words in her answer to such a cryptic question is crucial and will forever change her life, as well as ultimately end his, since he goes missing from that evening, until his body is found in a bag a week later, chopped up into pieces. The weight of the event is too much for her to bear, the guilt and pain make her turn to alcoholism. Her last choice was cold and calculated, she saw no value in a life like hers, so after months of suffering she took her own life. As a ghost, this choice hunts her, also because it made her directly linked to the main antagonist of the book, but this is a lore-heavy detail and I don't really want to delve into it. Her other big character trait is the fact that, with a life like that, she has tons of repressed anger, which all comes crashing out of her (literally) at some point in the story. Her power as a ghost is summoning chains, which symbolise both her guilt and the desperate need to be "chained to someone", to have some kind of bond with another person.
PROPAGANDA: this poor man. buckle in, you have a LONG one coming. he's very old, he's the god of plants + the earth and he's great i love him but man i have not been nice to him. so. way early in his life, he had a very sweet boyfriend named azyll along w lots of mutual friends. except oops, sal developed chronic anxiety and depression and decided that he did not think he would be good for azyll and broke it off w him. it was amicable but it still sucks. fast forward a bit, one of the friends in their circle, jekath, is being manipulated and hurt for no reason and sal knows but for magic reasons he's incapable of telling anyone, just has to watch. and then he eventually has to watch jekath finally snap under the pressure and betray them all and go evil. no bueno. so he spends a long time feeling terrible and eventually he plans to just. yknow. off himself. but oh surprise this little boy named safari shows up in his garden! and he's like well shit guess im a dad now. and he loves this little boy very much. it's good times! except when he's a teenager two of the little boy's biological brothers drop him off a cliff and nearly kill him, which is, yknow, terrifying. that's his son! his son was almost murdered! no! bueno! anyway, azyll's mortal so eventually he dies of old age, now sal's even sadder. least he's still got his other friends and safari but Man. anyway fast forward again, whole world is at war. and his two best friends, arona and morana, both die in it. but if that was not bad enough, arona was killed by jekath. you know, the old friend that was abused and eventually betrayed them all. so the friend he felt like he failed has now murdered one of his best friends. and his other best friend is ALSO dead. things are just going Great. flash forward another little while and his goddaughter's husband, sibrum, goes evil against his will too. he's known sibrum since he was a kid so now he's got ANOTHER person he felt responsible for gone evil against their will. then sibrum's daughter dies. are you seeing a pattern yet. anyway, sibrum soon kills jekath so now sal feels like he's double failed both of them and also even MORE of his original friends are dead now. so he is trying So Hard to relax! but then safari is turned into a terrible person against his will too! and because they were so so close for so so long they end up in a toxic dynamic instead of cutting each other off. sal finally figures out how to break the spell on safari and it's all Okay Now (they're both traumatized and it's definitely not okay). he gets to relax for only a brief time before his other child's son, volta, has a villain arc too. and what happens? you guessed it! sal tries to stop him and help him and he's not able to. and feels like he failed someone AGAIN. yeah this just happens over and over through the course of his life. he's so tired and sad man
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sineala · 1 year
Hi QQ - I was going through your comics reading lists (these are AMAZING THANK YOU, I've been reading Avengers since the 90s but was never great at keeping up with it consistently/linearly. My Q: Is there an issue where Tony *reacts* to Steve coming back to life after Civil War? There doesn't seem to be anything in Stark: Disassembled, or in the main Avengers run... after all the crying and angst post-CW, you'd think there'd be... something? A breakdown? Did I miss the issue where that happened?
Okay, so. This doesn't happen, because it can't happen, logistically speaking. The very end of Stark Disassembled, in fact, explains why this isn't happening. The tl;dr version is that we don't get a reaction from Tony -- at least, not a reaction in which he is meaningfully aware that Steve has actually come back to life in the way you want him to be aware of it -- because the time period covered by the brain deletion includes Tony's entire memory of Steve's death.
This is why fanfiction exists.
Having said that, you will also probably really enjoy Avengers/invaders if you have not read it, for reasons I will explain.
I have added several panels and some discussion of both of these subjects below the Read More.
So, at the end of World's Most Wanted (IIM #19), Tony deletes his brain to keep the SHRA database out of Norman Osborn's hands, because Osborn wants to find out people's identities (okay, probably mostly Spider-Man) and hurt them. Since Tony's brain is a computer now, thanks to Extremis, it's just a matter of... well, deleting his entire brain.
At this point in canon, Steve is still dead. Technically Tony should know this, but thanks to the amnesia (which progresses in severity throughout the arc), it seems possible that Tony has forgotten this as early as IIM #17:
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That doesn't seem like a guy who remembers Captain America is dead, is what I'm saying.
Anyway, at the end of #19, the last of the brain delete happens, Norman Osborn beats Tony's face in, and Tony falls into a coma.
The subsequent arc, Stark Disassembled (IIM #20-24) is about the process of bringing Tony back, healing him, and restoring his memory. He gets the RT implanted in his chest to control some of the autonomic functions of his brainstem, which is no longer functional. They also have to restore his memory, literally, from an earlier backup of his brain that Extremis made. Tony has left his friends instructions for how to do this.
In the middle of this, Steve comes back to life (in Captain America Reborn) and we see him in IIM #21 joining the rest of Tony's remaining friends in helping bring Tony back to consciousness:
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So Strange has to journey with Tony through Tony's mind and at one point everyone has to defeat Ghost, and that happens, and #24 is the end of the arc.
At the very end of #24 is when everyone learns that Tony's brain backup isn't as current as they would have liked it to be -- specifically because Tony's reaction to the news of Steve being alive isn't what it should have been if his memory were complete. Steve's talking with Tony's doctor, and the doctor tells Steve that he mentioned to Tony that Steve was around... and Tony didn't seem at all surprised to hear that Steve was alive again.
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Essentially, the backup of Tony's brain, that has now become Tony's current set of memories, was made before Steve died -- before Civil War even started. Fandom tends to assume it was probably made shortly after the initial Extremis installation. So Tony doesn't think it's surprising that Steve is alive again because, as far as Tony is subjectively concerned, Steve has always been alive. The last thing he remembers about Steve is that Steve was alive (and that they were running the New Avengers together and everything was happy), and when he wakes up, Steve is alive again, and so to Tony that seems fine. That seems normal. He doesn't remember Civil War. He doesn't remember Steve dying or Steve coming back. And he never will.
Now, this doesn't mean that Tony isn't upset about finding this out. He's very upset. In fact, the next (and final) page of #24 gives us Tony's reaction to reading all the news from the period of time he no longer remembers.
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So, yeah, Tony's not taking this well.
But Tony no longer has experiential memories of this period of time (Civil War). He doesn't know what it's like to see Steve alive again after Steve being dead because he doesn't have the memory of Steve being dead. We'll never get that reaction from him. This is what canon-divergent AU fanfiction is for, and there's a bunch of fic that brings Steve back early so we can all experience this. (I wrote one! That's what my fic Double Time was. A lot of fandom has written them, and they're not as popular a subject these days but there are a lot of classic 616 CW fix-it fics about this.)
(Also, weirdly, Tony's AI in Secret Empire has a conversation with Hydra Steve that strongly suggests that he, the AI, remembers The Confession. Which really shouldn't be possible; I suspect a lot of Marvel writers have actually forgotten the amnesia happens.)
With that having been said, Avengers/Invaders is absolutely the comic book you want to read because it is the closest you will ever get to canon giving you the thing you want. It's a 12-issue miniseries that takes place after Civil War, while Tony is still the Director of SHIELD and Steve is still dead.
So for complicated plot reasons that basically come down to "everyone is really sad that Steve is dead," they... get a Steve back. But not their Steve. He gets plucked right out of World War II and brought to the present, along with the rest of the Invaders. So Tony gets to meet a Steve who is alive while Tony remembers that Steve died.
Tony's reaction to the news of Steve being alive, here in Avengers/Invaders #1, is to lock himself in a room staring at pictures of Steve:
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Definitely psychologically healthy! We're doing great!
Actually, no, he's really not okay. He blames himself for Steve's death, and he is depressed and grief-stricken, and this situation is making him a lot worse. Because not only does this Steve not know him, they can't tell Steve (or any of the Invaders) anything. Since time-travel is involved, they can't give Steve any knowledge of the future. Tony can't tell Steve he knows him. Plus, Tony actually has to fight him to bring him in, which really messes Tony up.
In a scene that gets my vote for One of The Most Painful Things I Have Read In A Comic, there's a conversation Tony has with Steve in Avengers/Invaders #5. The Invaders have been assuming that this is actually some kind of secret Nazi trap, and so Tony has the job of sitting Steve down -- tying him to a chair, actually -- and telling him that, no, really, he's in the future, and sorry, he can't give him any details about it. He can't let Steve change the past.
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So Steve doesn't take this at all well.
Steve tells Tony he's wrong, and he correctly reads Tony as feeling guilty about something, and he looks at him and asks him, "Who'd you kill to get where you are?"
This is, of course, probably the absolute worst thing Tony could ever hear from Steve. Oh, the angst. I love it.
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Eventually Tony pulls himself together and tells him that, yeah, he got a friend of his killed and he feels guilty about it and he wishes he could change the past, but he can't, and so he can't let Steve change the past either.
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This is when this Steve starts to trust him.
Later on, there's a nice scene where Steve expresses sympathy for Tony, having been told about Civil War -- it must have been hard for Tony to do what he thought was right, Steve says -- but it's clear he doesn't know any of the details and he certainly doesn't know it was him and none of this can be the absolution Tony wants, but it's the closest thing he's going to be able to get.
And of course, after World's Most Wanted, Tony doesn't remember any of this either -- he doesn't remember anything about Civil War or the period afterward, until he wakes up right after Steve comes back. So this is also all gone.
So, yeah. You can't get exactly what you want in canon, but you can read a bunch of fanfiction about it, and you should really read Avengers/Invaders. Hope that helps!
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silenthillmutual · 4 months
hello! i fell out of pathologic circles quite some time ago and i felt the impulse to come back to it and was wondering if you have any recommendations for fanfics and/or fanart?
hi anon!!! sorry i didn't get around to answering this yesterday, i was out of town until pretty late.
admittedly with fanart i don't really keep up with artist names - i follow artemy's tag and the burakhovsky tag and very, very rarely peek into the main pathologic tag (always seems to be vaguing in there). you're welcome to spam reblog from me if you want; my reblogs should all be tagged with 'patho' or 'pathologic'
as for fanfic: i gotta get caught up on newer works myself (been slacking on reading on all fronts since i got a job), but i can definitely recommend these:
remind me of who you are by 4wholecats (gen pre-canon fic about the kains and their family possession drama)
Cold Blooded by Midna_Ronoa (artemy/daniil fic with a focus on daniil and coldness)
and here it is (our final night alive). by Talinor (gen fic from the end of classic bachelor route, about daniil & eva's friendship)
Fractura Magna Mentis by carefulfleshgnawer (gen daniil fic that goes into daniil having a breakdown and some of the nastier aspects of his character)
to write an alphabet letter by hoverbun (yulia/aglaya relationship as told in letters sent to one another)
Shedding Skin by Plaguedboar (artemy/daniil, post game, mostly angst w some hurt/comfort)
Mortuus, Vivus, Baccalaureus by carefulfleshgnawer (gen daniil-centric fic about daniil's relationship to the dead)
Like A Fire Melting Us Down by TheVelvetUndergrowth (genfic; daniil having an autistic meltdown and bonding w murky over their similarities)
dream journal of miss eva yan, town-on-gorkhon, 19-- by Cochlearia_Tatrae (gen character study fic about eva keeping a dream journal)
if i kiss you where it's sharp by zanetashadoe (yulia/aglaya post game fic that really focuses on the women in the game)
find us with our ribs entwined by harmonize (gen stamatwins fic w some magical realism)
how long 'til my soul gets it right by zanetashadoe (yulia/lara patho classic fic where both are butch lesbians)
contemplations of a horizontal architect by abominableastronaut (gen fic about farkhad)
living in the scope of your soul by acrimsondaisy (andrey/eva fic about their first meeting)
live and die and in between by katertran (gen clara-focused fic, about clara coming out as a trans girl and how that goes)
everything was fiction, future, and prediction by zanetashadoe (gen meta-ish fic about measly, thrush, and the metanarrative)
Invisible Mice. by RyoCommitsWords (gen pre-game fic about aglaya seeing one of daniil's lectures)
Letters by acrimsondaisy (gen fic following letters lara sends to artemy while he's away from the town)
As Long as it's Willed by acidicvapour (artemy/daniil fic in which artemy marries daniil to save him from his own actions during the plague)
the court jester by acidicvapour (artemy/daniil fic about daniil's struggles w anxiety and a clown doll)
"tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis" by crostiina (THE peter/daniil fic)
food as communion (or how clara finds love in her first hot meal) by tokidorito (artemy/daniil but kinda healer found family post-game)
triplicate by zealotarchaeologist (gen fic, aglaya and the three healers)
Old Black Train by mothi (artemy/daniil but be very careful with this one, it's brilliant but it hurts so bad)
this isn't every fic i have bookmarked (i have nearly 400 fics bookmarked and at least a quarter of those are for pathologic). i also write fics myself; my most recent patho fic wouldn't really be of interest unless you're like really into ocs, but here are like... my top 5 atm (if that sounds like a lot i promise it isn't. i've written over 100 for patho alone):
honey, there is no 'right way' (artemy/daniil modern au that is for some reason my most popular patho fic)
o tempora, o mores (artemy/daniil but daniil-centric fic about obsessive compulsive disorder; arguably what i'm known for)
when you were young and you wanted to set the world on fire (gen fic, but you can read ships into it if you want; daniil's relationship to gender over the course of his life)
folie a double forme (daniil-centric genfic, though you can read ships into it; about bipolar disorder)
but you'll never see the end of the road while you're travelling with me (healer found family fic, my most recent that isn't about an OC)
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akiraiscute · 8 months
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Spencer Reid X Overthinker!Fem!Reader
Tw : Angst, stalking, Spencer being a dumbass in this, talks of murder !!
S1 EP18. Spoilers ahead for this !!
God, the way you sorta blew up spencer’s phone with questions about gideon and him.. you were a overthinker honestly, just like reid and maybe thats why you guys were sorta aliked besides from him being a actual genius and you just now join it with him while being a nerd but.. not much of a nerd like he is, which made you admire him from afar. Everyone noticed it at least only hotch, gideon, Derek, elle and JJ noticed it and each time they mentioned it in front of them while he was completely being oblivious, it sorta made you wanna hit them but yet you didn’t as he hasn’t even question more then three times after each mention. You just quickly started to talk about something he really like and then he got distracted which was always so adorable to you.. he was kind, smart as fuck, sweet, good lucking and pretty! Maybe he was everything you wanted in a guy honestly.. even if he’s your co-worker and that’s completely unprofessional to think about dating him, you couldn’t even stop yourself from trying to think about him in the most randomest times! And yet, every time you thought about asking him to go on a date with you, you always kept coming up with reasons why not too and the main reason was " i don’t wanna affect my friendship with him, he’s my best friend and if i ask. That would totally ruin everything and it’ll be awkward when im around him! " which always made you stop thinking about it.
Yet each time he’s brought up, derek or even elle would tease you about it! It made you even more embarrassed as they did already know why you couldn’t tell him, they already profiled you when you joined the team really.. what did you expect though from them? As he was brought up the moment the team had a case which Gideon and Reid were already there in LA, Derek calling you lovergirl which made you slap his arm hard and kept listening to JJ’s explaining before hotch saying.
“Wheels up in 30.”
You got up as you went to your desk quickly to get your go-bag, trying to escape Derek’s endless teasing about your tiny work crush on your own best friend. You didn’t even get why you had to pick your best friend to have a crush on but you couldn’t really blame yourself since he made you feel safe, comfortable and even kind to you. JJ explained on the airplane, the case as it may of just happened, two people shot. One person in the head and the other three times in the chest, got shot by a 22. (Idk, im jst going off of the episode as of right now😭) main reason why the team was taking up this case was as because gideon and reid were in LA, and doing a fbi blah blah.. they looked at the scene and the main officer told them about how there was many more cases jst like this. Which is a good enough reason to go to LA but god did you hate the heat of LA sometimes… and how popular the last kill was and the person who could killed which also meant, a lot of eyes on you and even people taking pictures of the team and that kinda.. made you overthink a lot in the plane and you tried to distract yourself as you usually do by rereading each one of the murderers until you ended up in LA with the team. Which was sooner than you thought but you were glad, no more silence which always sorta triggered your overthinking as when something happened and when you can’t get over it, yourself and a place is too quiet you can start overthinking every single little bit of the something until it makes you breakdown. (Im sorry if you can’t understand, im jst putting on what happens to me when i overthink😭) and being around profilers, sometimes meant too much quietness and thats why you usually talked to reid or derek or jj or elle. Just someone who can distract you from the silent. And peope who can know when you’re a ticking time bomb when something that you couldn’t control but it hurts you deeply happens which.. you just had a bad feeling about this case and the last case made you uncomfortable to even think about as well so. You were really a ticking time bomb sometimes and that sometimes happened at work which always lead you to calm down in the bathrooms.
As the team explained to Detective kim the profile of the unsub, there was this short man knocking on kim’s door and said.
“Excuse me, hi.. is there a Detective kim here?”
“Right here.”
“Uh, you’re heading the investigation of the Natalie Ryan murder?”
“Uhm.. my- i have a client, she uh.. is there any place we can be private?”
“We all are working this murder.”
“Well, uh. She received a note, my client did.. and she freaked out. I told her not to worry bout it.”
“Where’s the note.?”
Derek asked as the short guy brought out the note, you looked him up and down. It was sorta clear that he was kinda uncomfortable but still wanted to show the note that this client girl freaked out over, as your curiosity got the sorta better of you. You wanted to see it also, but held still fo let morgan read it at least, you leaned against the wall on a tiny and short bookshelf to keep yourself there.
“Where’s your client?” (Hotch)
“She’s waiting in the other room.”
“Reid, (N/N) [your nickname !]. Go with derek..” (Still hotch)
You and reid follow derek immediately as you held a straight face while walking besides spencer. You were glad that he was already at least, at least he seemed alright? Anyways, you three walk to the other room and see a blonde girl. Wearing makeup and a blue shirt before you and derek could say anything..
Spencer said as you turned to him, shocked even before shaking your head and focusing on the girl named Lila it seemed.. Lila turn her head to see Spencer and she looked shocked.
Lila smiled at spencer, you already knew that smile.. you bit the inside of your lip, now overthinking who she was really. Spencer didn’t really mention her in his texts, not at all… god fuck you can’t overthink everything, if he likes her then you’ll have to deal with it as you want him to be happy.. with anyone.. (mainly you) Lila only gave you a glance as you seemed a bit shocked, her glance seemed a bit off to you really and that just made your feeling about everything even worse, god you can’t stand yourself sometimes.. Derek was looking at you already, probably knowing what’s going through your head by now as he sighed.
“How well did you know Natalie Ryan?”
“We spoke when we saw each other in public but we were never friends.”
“How about wally menill?”
“Wally Menill, he’s a producer who was killed a couple of months ago?”
“The paper said it- it was a robbery.”
“Well, the paper was wrong.”
“Did you know him?” (Elle!!)
“We- we met a few times about a project but.. i didn’t get the part, they went a different way.”
“Which way?”
“He casted another Actre—.. Oh my god.”
“What is it?”
“He casted Natalie Ryan.” (The short man😭)
“You owe me.” (Derek)
Lila sighs loudly as Derek says that, she put her head in her hands and leaned a bit down which worried you of course, if she was sick you would off put a trash can next to her at least as you stood next to elle, crossing your arms a but lower than Hotch’s.
“I guess, that’s one way to ice out the competition..”
“Don’t look at me. I brought her into the police station.”
“Have you ever sense someone is watching you, following you?” (Gideon)
(IM GETTING REAL TIRED OF THEM TALKUNG OMG!) As to that, Lila explained how she was as reid looked concerned for her, explained some. She looked concerned as she looked up at hotch asking if the people are getting murdered just because of her, which was probably true. Afterall, this stalker or some sorta is killing each rival she may have.. but of course hotch didn’t want lila to worry at all so he tried to say might but ending up saying it so possibly wrong.. she got up immediately, being upset as she walked the other way and you followed after her. Maybe she was being uncomfortable with all the men in the room so she just needs another woman to help her at least? You followed her and catched up, a bit worried ss if you’re acting like she was a friend of yours which in reality.. any friend of spencer reid is a friend of yours honestly, he almost always tries to introduce you to meet new people at the bar or at least besides on a case.
“Im sorry, are you alright.. do you need a bag or maybe something that could make you feel better?”
“I- no..! I don’t want that from somebody i don’t know!..”
“Maam, im just trying to help..”
“I don’t care..!”
She ran off again, you sighed a bit as reid came into view. Looking more worried than ever, as you were about to say something he asked
“Do you think she’s okay?”
You can understand the worrying but didn’t she just yell at you?! Was he blind or something?! You already knew that answer to be a no, you looked at him with shock before shaking your head and making it turn into a poker face as you looked that what he was looking at. Which was the god damn door..
“I don’t know Spence.”
You didn’t wanna overthink it but, you did. You really did, you bit the insane of your lip again. Biting down on it, like hard enough to cause it to bleed as you walked back to the others, derek already taking notice of you and so did elle. Elle gave you a pity look as you rolled your eyes, putting your defensive mask on as you didn’t even wanna be profiled as you try to work on the profile.
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ANDDD, yes im putting these into parts, i can not deal with this as of right now- my day is just horrible honestly but ima not vent on here but anyways!! Have another spencer reid fanfic bc im bored asf and writing too many anime ones as im still working on the case bro😭😭 anyways. Hope yall have a good day!! Bye!!
— Akira.. Akira logging off!
My masterlink <3
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