#also the cute boy down the hall went home for the weekend and i wanted to give him a SMORCH
angel-anachronism · 2 years
Idk if you do Noel but if you do can you do him x like a popular (maybe jock) male reader. And like it’s how they met and got together
Omg, this is such a cute idea! I take any character, don't worry, so you can request anything at any time! Sorry for writing this later than usual, I was once again really busy with school and my other fanfics
Anyways, here's your order of a scenario of how Noel met his boyfriend, (Y/N), who is a popular jock in their school.
We also only have a few more followers to get, and we'll have 100 followers! I still can't believe it! Thank you guys for following my journey in making oneshots, ily all <33
(Tw: None!)
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The poet and the soldier (Noel x Jock!Male!Reader)
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𝓝𝓸𝓮𝓵'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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I was walking down the hall, bored as hell. I had nothing better to do than to walk and daydream about the life I'd always wanted. Unfortunately for me, life rarely cooperates in such a manner.
As I was walking I bumped into someone, which caused me to fall on my ass. I looked up only to see a figure, wearing a letterman jacket with the school's initials. 'Oh great, it was one of the jocks!' I thought mentally.
I was about to pick my books up when another hand touched my books and began picking them up. It was still the jock.
"Ugh, what do you want, meathead?" I asked as I looked at him. He began smiling at me, showing his dimples.
"Oh, I'm just trying to help! Sorry for bumping into you." The jock said. His voice was so hypnotizing from how soft and velvety it sounded.
I shook my head. He is probably trying to make fun of me for not paying attention.
"Yeah, well thank you Mr.whateveryournameis, and goodbye!" I said as I left him there standing. He was honestly very cute, but I knew that there is no way that a boy, more or less a jock, would like me, since everyone here is straighter than a line and smooth-brained from how closed-minded they are.
As I walked back into the classroom, my mind was once again consumed with thoughts of the jock. Even though I told myself that I was going to ignore him, he seemed to have caught my gaze. With his stupid smirk that had dimples, his messy hair...those beautiful (e/c) eyes...Oh no, I think I'm in love with him!
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After class, I started walking straight back home. I'll call in sick for choir lessons, and I'll just go back home and cry into my pillow about how much of an idiot I am! Like, why would I fall in love with a jock out of everyone! I was just destined to have my heart broken.
I always wanted to have an angsty love story, but this seems like way too much! There is no way that the Jock will ever fall in love with me! I'm just some random guy that he bumped into in the halls.
After I got back home, I got greeted by my mother. I sighed in sadness as I hugged her and walked back to my room, ready to cry my heart out.
As I got into my room, I threw my backpack in the corner, and flopped on my bed, as I began crying.
As I was crying, I got a notification on my computer. I walked to the computer and noticed that I got a message on Facebook. (a/n: keep in mind this happens in 2009)
"Hey there, Noel, right? It's me, the guy you bumped into today at school. You can call me (Y/N)! I found out that you were in the choir so I went there after classes ended to ask you a question, but I didn't find you. The Ukrainian boy gave me your Facebook so that we can talk. I just wanted to say that I find you, well...handsome, and I would like to go to the Blackwood cafe this weekend with you, but only if you want to! See you soon! ~Signed, (Y/N) from school"
My eyes widened, and my cheeks became redder than apples. He was also attracted to me? I can't believe it!
I started crying happy tears and I ran to my mom and told her everything. She looked so happy for me and even suggested inviting (Y/N) sometime to our house.
My future relationship with (Y/N) will surely blossom soon!
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 12: Poisoned
Your weekend went well, if not, perhaps, a little boring.
All three men in the house decided that medium low activity meant absolutely no activity that wasn’t necessary. They let you cook cause you threatened to cut them all into steaks if they stopped you, but otherwise you didn’t do much else.
Luffy brought you snacks, Sabo kept you in place with some of your favorite books, and Ace brought you drinks and offered to pick out a movie for you to nap to if you were tired of reading.
On the one hand it was adorable how hard they were trying to make you comfortable. On the other hand, it would’ve been nice to just continue on like usual. The special treatment made it hard to forget why you were getting it.
Fortunately, the intent warmed your heart enough, and you were able to get lost in a couple books, so it was a relaxing weekend at the bare minimum.
Your only real complaint was that it was difficult to find time with just Ace. You wanted to talk to him. You weren’t sure about what exactly. He knew all of your situations – about Ichiji, and the “disease”, and your family discomforts. It wasn’t like you needed to let him in on any big revelations.
You were almost certain he was giving you space because of the detoxification process.
Because of all the spare time you ended up with over the weekend, you had a lot of time to think about it. While the boys were doting on you, only Sabo was there the whole time. Ace and Luffy had shifts to work, and were in and out of the house over the weekend at odd hours. Which didn’t make it any easier to try and find time to talk.
Monday rolled around, and because of the doting from the boys you had forgotten to make lunches for everyone the night before. You were a little frantic that morning, but with a little help from Ace, you managed to get bentos together for everyone else. You weren’t worried about making one for yourself, the first floor of the office building you worked in had a cafeteria and a few shops. Finding something to eat was easiest for you out of the entire household.
“You sure you’re going to be okay?” Ace asks as he’s distributing grapes into the sections you pointed out.
“Yeah, there’s a lot of options, and Mr. Bon-chan won’t let me go without eating.” You assure him, dividing the hot food and sorting it as Ace switched places with you, following behind you and stacking the bentos.
“Yay, done with seconds to spare.” You muse as Sabo comes by, tugging his suit jacket on with a glove in his mouth.
“Sorry, lil’ spark.” He apologizes, and you put a piece of honeyed toast in his mouth as Ace hands him a bento.
“No worries, drive safe!”
“They grow up so fast.” Ace muses once the door closes and you laugh.
“Trying to hold onto that eldest title, aren’t you?” You tease.
“I don’t have to hold onto it, it’s mine.” Ace sticks his tongue out at you as he hands off a small stack of bentos to Luffy.
“C’mon Ace, we’re gonna be late!” Luffy stays, grabbing the lunches and heading down the hall.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ace turns to you. “Have a good day, bella.” He says, kissing you on the forehead before dashing out of the kitchen.
“You … too.” You manage to say, realization sinking in as your hand goes up to your forehead.
You stand in the kitchen for a few minutes, trying to play back the event, but you can’t manage to decide if he did it without thinking or not. He had run off very quickly afterward, but he was also in a rush to catch up to Luffy.
You pull out your phone and then stop. You don’t want to text him, he’s driving. You don’t want to call, he’s driving and Luffy is in the truck with him. Everyone’s going to be home tonight, and you won’t be able to talk then without someone – or everyone – knowing.
Which would not be the end of the world, but it would be the end of the world. You don’t want everyone knowing until you know.
Setting your phone down you cover your face with your hands, trying desperately to decide if you’re delighted or mortified.
No one else was around. You can’t be mortified if no one else was around.
“No, I can absolutely be mortified without anyone else around.” You grumble to the empty house before gathering up your things and heading to the bus stop.
You nearly miss your stop, and end up thanking one of your fellow commuters for reminding you before it’s too late. Scrambling off the bus you slip through the lobby and take the elevator up to the eleventh floor. Getting to your desk you start your computer up and while you’re waiting for it to catch up you pull out your phone.
There’s already a few texts waiting for you. Some were in the group chat that the four of you had set up.
Luffy: Ace nearly wrecked the truck!
Sabo: Are you alright?
Ace: I swerved a little. I did not “nearly wreck”.
Luffy: You never swerve.
Sabo: You never swerve.
Ace: We’re fine, just drop it.
You smile as you catch up on the chat and check the other notifications you have. It’s direct from Ace, and you’re not surprised to see your hunch was correct.
Ace: I did NOT reali
Ace: until I was halfway to the station!
Ace: ze*
Ace: I did not mean to just do that!
Ace: (ᗒᗣᗕ)
Ace: If I made you uncomfortable I am so sorry! o(╥﹏╥)o
Your smile widens, and you can feel yourself relaxing a little. Ace’s use of emojis was impressive, and the cute faces were always entertaining. Right now, they were helping to make the morning feel less mortifying.
You: It didn’t make me uncomfortable.
You: But, I think we need to talk. ^^;;
You turn back to the group chat and grin deviously.
You: Did it happen about halfway to the station, Luffy?
Luffy: It did! How’d you know?
You: Women’s intuition ~_^
Your phone dings with a notice from Ace, and at first it’s just an emoji that you bet has more to do with the group chat than it does your private conversation.
Ace:  ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Ace: After dinner? I wanted to show you something by the fire pit anyway.
You: It’s a date.
Ace: o(≧∇≦o)
You nearly drop your phone when you realize what you had typed versus what you had meant to type.
You: Deal! Deal! It’s a DEAL. @_@
Ace: ヘ(;; ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Ace: >.>
Ace: That gives me time to plan a better first date then ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬
You laugh to yourself. You can picture the expressions he went through – especially with help from his creative emojis. It’s a little hard to focus on work after all the excitement of the morning, but you do your best.
At the tail end of lunch, you’re taking the elevator to the lobby, hoping that you find a place that’s still open. You were so distracted that when you finally focused on work, you over focused on it and nearly missed lunch altogether. Fortunately, the first-floor cafeteria was still open, and you were able to snag a salad and sandwich from the nearly empty shelves that catered to the twenty-story building.
Hoping no one was around to see you pull a Luffy, you pulled the sandwich free from it’s package and woofed it down on the elevator ride back up to your desk. With your hunger mostly sated you could work on the salad while you worked.
A few moments after you finished your salad, Mr. Bon-chan stopped by your desk.
“(Y/N), after you finish up what you’re working on, darling, you can go home for the day.” He says it with so little energy you turn toward him. For the first time since you’ve met him, he looks sad.
“Everything alright?”
He lets out a heavy sigh. “Apparently there was a spate of food poisoning from all the first-floor restaurants. More than half the office is sick now.” He pauses, and you turn to hand him your wastebasket just in case, but he waves it off. “Non, I’m okay. It has made for an extra miserable day, so I’m just sending everyone home early.”
“I… just finished eating.” You admit, and your expression tells Bon-chan all he needs to know.
“Wrap up fast, girl. If you can get home in the next hour, you can be miserable in peace.” He says knowingly, before leaving you to it.
You open your phone and bring up the group chat.
You: Anyone able to pick me up in about an hour? The whole office got food poisoning, and we’re being sent home early.
Sabo: Didn’t you pack a lunch?
You: Not today, of all days. I just finished eating though, I should be fine for a couple hours.
Sabo: Sorry lil’ spark, I don’t think I can step away today.
Ace: I can, I’m sure. Let me talk to the guys.
You: Thank you.
You get back to work, doing your best to tie things off as fast as you can so you can head home. Not even twenty minutes later, however, you feel a sensation you’re all too familiar with.
Saliva builds in your mouth and your stomach twists. You grab your phone and dash to the bathroom, making it into the far stall just in time to toss your lunch into the toilet. The first retch is followed quickly by a second, and you barely have time to breathe before the third wave hits you.
The violent convulsions your body goes through to expel the bad food is exhausting. It’s always exhausting. You haven’t ever had the strength to get through throwing up in your entire life.
The fourth lurch doesn’t bring up much of anything, but spots explode in your vision, and you can feel exhaustion nearly crumpling you to the floor.
You manage to keep a hold of the toilet itself. You’re worried if you slump to the floor entirely, you’ll be heaving onto the floor. Which wouldn’t be your fault, in the strictest sense, but you didn’t want anyone to have to clean it up.
It took a couple hours for everyone else to get sick, but you, overachiever that you are, had made it maybe thirty minutes. Nothing had tasted off, but it was possible whatever your mother had been shoving down your throat all these years ruined your sense of taste anyway.
You hear the fire alarm go off and nearly cry.
If it’s a test or an accident you’re going to leave your little sanctuary for nothing. If it’s legitimate, you need to leave.
Your decision making is settled for you as another round of convulsions force you to expel little more than stomach acid into the toilet. You’re only dry heaving at this point, but it’s kicking your ass. It doesn’t matter if nothing is coming up, your body is going through all the motions.
It takes almost another five minutes for things to settle down enough that you can make your way to the bathroom door. You can’t even get to your feet, but crawling works well enough.
If it’s a drill or an accidental pull, you’ll be able to tell and can go back to your stall in peace, and if it isn’t you can begin the terrible task of getting down eleven flights of stairs, on your hands and knees, while trying not to puke.
The floor is empty, but Mr. Bon-chan had been sending people home before you even got sick, and ten or so minutes in the bathroom meant the place was empty. Empty, in this case, didn’t mean that there was an actual fire, but without anyone to ask, you couldn’t risk it.
You feel your phone vibrate against your side and slump up against the wall to pull it free and check it.
Ace: We just got a call your building’s on fire. Where are you?
You: floor 11.
Sabo: Evacuate.
You: Can’t. Food hit sooner than expected. I can barely stand.
Sabo: Ace is on the way. So am I.
You set the phone down for a minute and try to catch your breath, but as soon as you breathe too deeply, you start coughing. You can smell smoke. The floor wasn’t hot or warm, chances were the flames weren’t directly underneath you, but the smoke was already coming through the ventilation. At least enough that it was making you cough.
You focused on your breathing, trying to keep it shallow, and steady, and after a couple minutes you were able to pull yourself up to your feet. Looking over the mess of cubes you could see out the windows and see the smoke billowing up from the lower floors.
It was a lot harder to keep your breathing steady when you were faced with the fact that you were trapped in a burning building.
Shaky breaths turned into harsh coughs, and the coughing fit sent you back to your knees before you retched again. You had just enough strength and sense left in you to collapse away from the mess on the floor.
You didn’t know if the smoke was getting thicker, or if you were imagining it. You pulled yourself along the floor, trying to move away from the bathrooms and the vents to see if you could find a better place to be. You felt too hidden where you were.
As long as you didn’t stand up you wouldn’t see the smoke billowing, and if you could keep that out of your mind, you could avoid panicking again. Another coughing fit could cause you to pass out. Your head was already swimming, and you could feel your body trying to force you to rest.
You felt the phone vibrate, and it was more effort than you wanted to admit to pull it free and look at it. But doing so distracted you from everything else, just a little bit, and it was easier to breathe when you weren’t actively panicking.
Sabo: Make noise however you can. You’ll hear him soon.
You: Help.
Sabo: It’s coming, I promise.
Noise, make noise. You couldn’t even squeak, how were you going to make noise?
“(Y/N)!” Ace yelled. You could hear him even if you couldn’t see him, but his voice was too far. “(Y/N)!”
You try to call out, but you’re raw and weak from throwing up, and the smoke is even thicker now than it was earlier. You can hear Ace calling out your name and moving around the floor. His voice is mostly calm, but he’s getting more frantic the longer he can’t find you.
You turn your attention to your phone and pull up an alarm sound, cranking the device as loud as it’ll go. Holding it up, you bang your hand against the wall as best as you can, but the alarm from your phone is certainly louder.
You hear Ace’s shouts cease abruptly, and after a minute you can see him come around a corner, and turn to see you sprawled on the floor.
“There you are! Good thinking.” He says, kneeling by you as you turn the alarm off. He looks over you for injuries quick, and grimaces. “Sabo said you were too weak to move. I swear he probably broke every speed limit known; I can’t believe he beat us here.”
“Sorry.” You croak the word as Ace starts to fit an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose.
“Don’t apologize.” He says, kissing your forehead again. He gives you a wink and a grin and you can see the relief flooding into his face. “You never have to apologize to me. I don’t mind saving you,” he says with a smile as he lifts you into his arms. “But I’d rather save you from another shitty date than a burning building, okay?”
You nod, leaning into him and holding on as well as you can.
“They’re getting the fire under control, but we’re going to head up. I can’t take you down yet so we’re going to outrun the smoke.” He says as he starts jogging up the stairs. He’s taking stairs two at a time as he holds you tight against him. You can feel the shape of him under the fire gear, and you’re surprised at how strong he is.
His pace barely even slows for the eight floors worth of stairs he takes you up. He looks around a bit when you get to the end of the stairs, and kicks in a couple of maintenance doors until he finds what he was looking for.
Ace comes to a set of heavy doors, secured tight with heavy chains and a lock. The words “ROOF ACCESS” are painted in stenciled letters over the doors. “Stay here, I’m going to open this up.” He says, setting you down gently.
You nod, deciding not to give him an incredulous look - you couldn’t walk on your own if you wanted to. You were beyond exhausted and still tense because you were still in an actively burning building.
You watched as Ace’s hand turned to fire, wobbled and then concentrated. He was almost creating his own blowtorch as he started to melt the lock away from the access door. It barely took a minute for the old metal lock to clang to the floor. Ace pushes the heavy doors open and the cooler air washes over both of you.
When he turns back toward you, you must be staring at him, because he looks a little uncomfortable.
“I… have to pick you up again, so.” He looks apologetic, but you grab his hand and turn it over, looking at it and poking it a little before letting go to pull the oxygen mask away.
“That was... amazing!” Your voice is hoarse, but you smile up at him. “Your fire is so pretty.”
You see Ace’s face go pink and his hair catches fire for a second before he composes himself. Picking you up off the ground he kicks the door that had swung back closed open again.
“You’re cheating.” He grumbles a little as you both breathe in the fresh air.
“You shouldn’t call a man’s curse pretty.” He interrupts. His ears are pink, and his cheeks are puffed out a little. “And don’t talk. You’ve gone through enough.”
You can tell from his tone and pout he’s not truly angry at you. You sigh in relief, but the sigh’s enough of a deep breath to trigger another coughing fit.
Ace sets you down again, letting you brace against him and the roof as you cough. The wet hacking sound makes your whole body convulse in effort. It takes a few long minutes before you settle enough to be able to talk again.
Not that you try. It’s everything you have, to keep yourself awake at this point.
“Let me have your phone.” Ace says, and you hand it over. He dials Sabo and you barely hear it ring once. “Hey – yeah, how’s it look?”
You can’t hear Sabo, but the look on Ace’s face tells you a lot. “Get me Luffy.” He says after a moment.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Yes he wants to kneel and suckle on fingers and be made to cry, but he also found this super cool rock and wants to give it to you!!
he was definitely working out with andrea, and when they were hiking, he found this little rock and he thought it was SO cool, and he wants to bring it back home, for you! a little gift! he's like those crows, he remembers every single good thing you've done for him and he does sweet and kind things in return!
so when he came back, he walked through the door all giggly and happy, a big, big smile plastered on his face, and he's calling out to you from the hall, "mommy, mommy! look what i have for you!"
you meet him halfway, the place where your living room connects to the kitchen. you look down and see him holding a rock in his hand, and you can't help but giggle to that. you look up to him and say, "this for me?" with a smile on your face, and he just nods his head vigorously, handing the rock to you.
"do you like it?" he asks, his hands clasped together and standing at his chin, jumping up and down. "i love it, charles. thank you," you reply, giving him a kiss. of course, a snack is prepared for him, since he just finished working out, and then he starts telling you about his workout, all while your rock is sitting in between your hands, which are settled on the table.
you carry that rock everywhere since then, it's almost like a lucky charm to you. charles smiles to himself when you pull it out of your pocket to place it somewhere else when you're changing, or throwing your clothes in the wash, setting it off somewhere near you. or every time you grab it when you go somewhere, even if it's to pick up the mail from downstairs.
to some people, it may be weird that you carry a stupid, random rock around with you, but to you, it's way more than that. it's a gift from your babyboy, and even though it's just a rock, it's a rock he picked up thinking about you, and you find it so endearing how a simple rock can remind him of you in any way. it's a sentimental gift, and it's a rock you'll definitely always carry with you.
I need you to know that I read this, then did something else then came back and wrote the whole thing except I wrote it on the other ask you sent me about washing Charles’s hair and then had to painstakingly copy each paragraph I wrote back to this ask. I’m gonna call this a Charles brain malfunction. But also I have no regrets because I love this idea so much and it’s so cute.
Firstly, Charles is always looking for little things to give you cause he just loves you so much!! He always wants to make you happy and show you how much he loves you, cause you treat him so well.
He’s always bringing you little things back from race weekends, small trinkets he thinks you’ll like and cute little teddies. He especially loves the kisses he gets as thanks.
Making his mommy happy just makes him so happy!!!
So when he goes on a hike with Andrea and he sees a cute rock, perfectly round, half black and half reddish-brown, and he just has to grab it!! Andrea sees him taking it and just rolls his eyes. He’s used to Charles’s antics by this point.
Charles is just so happy with himself, cause he has the cutest rock to give to his mommy!!
(Sidenote: imagine being witchy? Charles brings you all the rocks and crystals he can find!!! And he carries whatever protection bracelet or little bag you give him always.)
He’s usually pretty happy when he gets back from his workouts. He’s always the best boy when he workouts because you tell him to listen to Andrea so of course he does. Then he comes home and tells you all about all the things he did.
But today he’s even happier than usual, overjoyed with how excited he is to show you the rock he got you.
You’re a little confused when a happy Charles immediately throws himself into your arms, but you’ll never complain about a happy Charles. You give him a kiss and a cuddle and ask him how his work went.
That’s when he shows you the rock, cradling it in his hands and holding it out to you.
“That for me?” You ask, smiling sweetly.
He nods, giving you the rock and watching as you look at the rock. He gets a little nervous, wondering if maybe the rock was a stupid idea. But then you smile at him and thank him, telling him you love it and will keep it always.
He’s so happy!!! He gave his mommy a cute rock!!!
You give him a kiss and then take him to the kitchen to get him a snack, hearing all about how he found the rock and brought it back and even beat his best time for the hike.
Of course he gets lots of cuddles and kisses and praise and spends the rest of the day in your arms.
The thing is, he doesn’t actually expect you to carry the rock around, or even to keep it. He just found it and thought it was pretty and wanted you to have it.
But then the next morning he sees you pick up the rock off your bedside table and put it in your pocket. He asks what you’re doing, thinking maybe you’re going to throw it out (which would just break his little heart), and you tell him that since he gave you the rock, you’re going to keep it and carry it with you always.
He just starts crying, stumbling out of bed and demanding kisses and cuddles and comfort because finding out his mommy is going to keep his little gift with her always is a little too much emotion this early in the morning.
Eventually he gets used to the fact that you’re keeping the rock with you always, but he always smiles a little every time anyway, just feeling so soft and so happy that his mommy keeps his rock.
It means so much to you, and you love it so much because he saw the rock and thought of you and brought it all the way home with him to give to you.
(Maybe you give Charles his own rock? You go for a hike yourself and look for the perfect rock and take it back to him. He gets so excited when he sees it, always keeping him with him. When the two of you sleep together, your rocks have to sit next to each other on the bedside table)
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holy-hyuck · 3 years
NCT Dream Reaction: They See You Wearing Their Clothes
warning: there’s like a swear word or two in jaemin’s
by the way, would you guys want me to add shotaro and sungchan as a bonus into these since they’re not in a permanent unit yet?
also no, i absolutely do not have a crush on jaemin, what are you talking about?
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It was so cold, so unbelievably cold in Mark’s apartment. You told him to fix the heating but he’s been too busy binging Netflix to bother. Shivering in your thin tee, you rummaged through Mark’s closet for something warm to wear. If he wasn’t going to get the heating sorted, you were going to steal every last one of his hoodies until he had no other choice.
Throwing the black, oversized hoodie over your head, you made your way downstairs and plopped on the couch beside him, making him turn his attention away from the TV screen and towards you.
“Is that my- Is that my hoodie?”
“Yes, it is. Actually, it’s now mine, at least until you get the heating fixed.” You crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
Laughing, he threw his arms around you and started mumbling into your neck.
“Gosh, you’re so cute, you have no idea.”
You let out a whine, surrendering. This was not how this was supposed to go.
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You stayed over at the Dreamies’ dorm with the intent of catching up with them since their busy schedule meant you barely saw them - especially your boyfriend. A sleepover and a movie night seemed like a great idea.
The boys already had a table stacked with snacks and drinks.
You made the awful decision of wearing denim shorts, which meant twisting and turning for the first thirty minutes of the first movie Jeno picked until he had to go to the toilet and you paused it.
“Are you okay?” Jaemin asked, seeing your discomfort.
You shook your head, looking over at your boyfriend. “Do you have anything comfortable I could wear?” you asked, a puppy-like look on your face (or at least an attempted one), and he obliged, bringing you a pair of his sweatpants.
Once Jeno exited the toilet, you changed into your boyfriend’s clothes, coming back into the living room. Upon seeing you, Renjun burst into laughter, the already slightly baggy (on him) sweatpants completely drowning out your legs so it looked like you were wearing a trash bag over them.
“Y-You l-look great-”
He managed between laughs, covering his face, his head falling back into the couch cushions as he nearly fell on Jaemin. He was hoping his hand also covered his blush because - although he wasn’t sure what exactly it was - something about you wearing his clothes made him feel fuzzy inside and he hoped to see you in them again - just maybe in different circumstances.
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Out on the beach with your friends was the best way you could think of to spend the last weekend off before school. You sat on the sand, watching Yeri and Jaemin splash each other with water, their swimming suits soaked. They've been at it for the past fifteen minutes, and it all started because Jaemin drank one espresso too much and threw Yeri into the water.
You sat next to Jeno, both of you watching your friends laugh, and next to him sat Renjun, who typed on his phone like his life depended on it. You and Jeno didn't speak much; you were a bit awkward around each other, you'll admit, but that's only because two months ago, you kissed during a game of spin the bottle, and it was a little more heated than you would like, and now maybe, just maybe, you've developed a crush on the black-haired boy.
It was weird - you've known him for three years, and never looked at him that way. Only after the kiss, you started seeing him as this handsome guy with crescent-shaped eyes when he smiled, and not just a friend who wasn't ugly.
Your two friends finally got out of the water, making their way to their towels and drying themselves off. You shivered, the evening weather finally catching up to you. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you rubbed the skin harshly, hoping to generate some heat, and hoping you'll be making your way back home soon.
Renjun noticed this and shoved Jeno with his elbow, gesturing to you. When Jeno gave him a confused look, he rolled his eyes and started tugging on Jeno's jacket in an attempt to take it off. They had a little fight to the right of you, but you were none the wiser and ignored them until Jeno cleared his throat. You looked in his direction to see him taking off his jacket and draping it across your shoulders before giving you a small smile.
"You looked like you needed it."
You smiled at him. "Thank you." Both of you looked at the sand beneath your feet, heat rising to your cheeks.
To your left, Jaemin and Yeri exchanged a look and simultaneously rolled their eyes. You were both so goddamn oblivious.
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Haechan / Donghyuck
You clipped your hair back with the lonely bobby pin in your pocket, pulling the jacket around you tighter to brace yourself for the ruthless winds outside. Exiting the shop with Donghyuck by your side, you picked up your pace to make it home before it became any colder or windier - which it did, a minute into your journey.
The wind made your eyes water and you shrunk yourself, head down, ignoring your boyfriend, who began failing to catch up to you.
Suddenly, you felt something warm wrap around your neck and turned around to find your boyfriend securing his scarf around it, unzipping your jacket to tuck it underneath, then zipping it back up. It left his neck exposed due to the low-cut t-shirt he wore under his leather jacket, and you frowned at the sight of it, opening your mouth to protest before he interrupted you.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. You look like you need it more than me.”
Wrapping his arm around you, thus offering you even more of his body’s warmth, he led you towards his apartment, where he made you hot cocoa and cuddled you until you felt warm again.
You still didn’t take off his scarf, and he never asked for it back.
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Maybe you didn't remember much from last night, however, when you woke up with a white, oversized denim jacket hanging from your desk chair, you were reminded of Jaemin - a loud and charming boy from one of your classes - lending you the covering after he walked you home after one too many drinks. In your defence, you bet with your friend that you could handle more shots than her, and won (the vomiting-in-the-garden part doesn't matter).
You got ready and rushed into your lecture hall, sitting somewhere in the middle and eyeing the students to spot the black-haired boy. When you managed to finally do so, he was already talking to one of his best friends, and the professor had started the lecture.
At the end of the lecture, you went up to Jaemin, who again, had busied himself talking to his friend. But when the other boy, Lee Jeno, saw you, he slapped Jaemin across the chest to get his attention.
Finally, Jaemin turned to you, taking a second or two to take in your appearance, his denim jacket hanging loosely on your shoulders. He almost laughed, his smile getting bigger than you've ever seen it. In the background, Jeno was laughing his ass off at Jaemin's reaction.
You cleared your throat. "Sorry, I just saw it on my chair today. It's yours right?" You took the jacket off of you and handed it to him once the boy nodded his head. "Thanks for last night, I don't know how I've survived but you certainly made it easier. Anyway, I'll see you later. You too, Jeno."
The older boy waved his hand at you and walked to Jaemin as the two of them watched you leave. "They looked good, huh?"
Jaemin looked to Jeno and smiled. "Fucking gorgeous."
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You may or may not have gotten too comfortable during your last few weeks of university, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie every day around your house, only swapping out the bottoms for a pair of jeans when going out. Honestly, you couldn't even remember the last time you put any effort into your appearance.
However, the dreadful day came when you had to meet Chenle's friends. You weren't dating for long, only a couple of weeks at most, so you felt the need to impress both them and your boyfriend. Thankfully, the plan to go to an amusement park were cancelled and swapped out for a movie night, so you felt okay with throwing on a hoodie and calling it a day. Spotting a bright blue coloured one in the corner of your bed, and realising it's Chenle's, you quickly pulled it over your head and rushed out of your house after realising you were late.
You were shaking the whole way to Jisung's house, hoping to calm down by the time you got there. He graciously let you inside and introduced you to two other guys and a girl, and you hoped they would spare you the embarrassment of wiping their hands after touching your sweaty palm.
"I like your hoodie," the girl said.
"Oh, thank you. It's Chenle's, actually," you replied after a beat. "Um, where is he?" You looked around, unable to spot the blond boy.
Suddenly, you heard a high-pitched scream coming from your right, an exclamation of "cute!" yelled your way, right before being tackled to the ground by the man-child in question. He pulled the hood over your head and grinned down at you.
"I'm guessing you like it?"
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Grabbing a book off Jisung's bedside table, you plopped on his bed with nothing but his thick, blue robe on. Admittedly, it was warm and cosy; definitely something you would have to steal. You skimmed through some of the pages of the history textbook before becoming bored and chucking it next to you.
Standing up from the mattress, you wandered around his room, waiting until he finished his shower.
"Hey, have you seen my-" Jisung came out of the bathroom, holding a towel to his chest, "-robe?"
He sighed, looking at you in his garment as you smiled like the Cheshire cat.
"Can I have that back?"
You skidded across the room to stand in front of him, going on your tip-toes and giving him a peck on the lips. "Nope."
Jisung shook his head at your antics before going to change into some clothes.
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Haikyuu boys and wearing their clothes
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Characters: Asahi Azumane, Kageyama Tobio, Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kotaro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a gender-neutral reader :) (let me know if I missed a pronoun change or made something too femme! I very much so did not proof read this lol)
Warnings: Probably some swearing
A/N: This might be an overdone topic but I love it so much soooooo no regrets :) Let me know if you’d like more!
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Asahi literally carries a picture of you in his phone case because he loves you in his clothes so much. He also has a pic of you wearing his hoodie as his wallpaper, and another printed pic of you framed in his room. I don’t care what size you are, his sweaters still manage to feel gigantic on you. It is like a hug FOREVER. 
He literally could not care less that his closet is slowly growing smaller because it means that he gets to see you in his clothes. Eventually, you’ll carry them all back to him in a bag so that he can make them smell like him again. But this is his favourite part, because now his favourite items smell like you. 
Daydreaming in class? Thinking of you wearing the sweater he has on. 
Gets smacked by a volleyball during practice? It’s cause the smell of you is still on his jersey. 
This man trips over his own two feet cause he’s trying to find you in the halls and you wave at him wearing his volleyball jacket ”So that’s where that went. I thought I forgot it somewhere...”
The two of you would trade sweaters before he went on any overnight trips and you’d send him snapchats of you cuddling with the sweater over a pillow or just you snuggled in bed with it on. He’d screenshot all of them, regardless of if you thought you looked good. 
He has an album of you. He will never delete them because they’re all precious.
His teammates have accidentally caught him looking through it before a game because it really de-stressed him if you weren’t able to attend the game in person (though you made it to most of them). Tanaka would burst into tears over not being able to have a significant other with cute photos of and would make Asahi promise to always treat you right. And Asahi would just stare at your photos with his cute little smile and obviously promise because his least favourite thing in the world is seeing you sad.
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(Look at how cute he is omg)
Kageyama is confused when you ask to wear his sweater. You probably did it at a time that made some sort of sense. Like it was late at night and you were studying in the gym while Hinata and him were practicing. 
The cool breeze into the gym made you shiver a little and you noticed that his sweater was just sitting there on the ground so when he came over to grab some water you just looked up at him with your signature puppy eyes. “Can I wear it?”
“Oi, stupid head. They’re probably cold!” 
It would probably annoy him so much that Hinata figured it out before him. He’d kneel down and help you put it on, pulling it over your head and giving you a little smile cause you looked so damn cute in his sweater. 
But now that you’ve started wearing his things, he’s still very confused as to why you ask for them. “Should we go shopping?” He’d ask you randomly on a weekend when there was no volleyball practice. And you’d just stare at him because why would Kageyama want to stand somewhere that wasn’t a gym. “Aren’t you running out of clothes to wear or something?”
It would take a while and some conversations before you realized he was asking cause you had like 3 hoodies, a t-shirt, and some track pants in your room that were very much so his. “I just like having a piece of you with me,” you’d explain. He would have to think it over but he was very happy with this idea.
There’s only one shirt you’re not allowed to take and it’s this cute little graphic tee you got him for his birthday that has a nice drawing of a milk carton on it. He loves it. He will kill anyone that laughs at it. And no, you cannot wear it because if you’re wearing, what is he supposed to wear.
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Sugawara and you regularly switch clothes because this man gives no fucks for your gender roles thank you very much. He shows up to practice one day wearing a dark pinkish basic, or some floral print shirt that you had in your closet and the boys are like “um Suga what are you wearing?”
And he’s probably just like “it’s call fashion, look it up.” (Like Suga sweetie, it’s just a shirt lol)
If you own any tighter pants like yoga pants or leggings? Suga has worn them because his legs and ass look great in them and he will strut around fully confident with that knowledge.
Honestly, he probably steals your sweaters more than you realize. You guys are baking at his house one day and you’ve made a mESS of your clothes and he’s just like oh it’s okay I’ll get you some new clothes.
And you’re expecting this cute little pj set that he has that might fit you or some comfy clothes that he’s lending you. No. He legitimately has some of your clothes and gives them to you and you’re just like.... “Suga I’ve been looking for this shirt for weeks. I even asked you about it.”
And he is suddenly deaf, little shithead.
He likes you in any clothes but they have to be his comfy clothes or he will set that shit on fire. Ennoshita once offered you his gloves because it was fricken cold out and you forgot yours at home and Suga literally threw him across the road and was like “hello angel I have gloves for you”.
You’re just like “um... Ennoshita are you okay?” Boy probably has a concussion and Suga’s just like “who’s Ennoshita?”
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Tsukishima will kill you if he finds you raiding his closet. Like if he walks into his room when you two are supposed to be studying and you’re just casually picking out a sweater, he will throw you on the bed and tickle you until you call for mercy.
Will he offer his clothes to you if you’re in need of something? Most of the time, yes. But you have to ask. No stealing allowed in this household.
Except one night you stayed over and totally forgot a night shirt. Tsukishima is already like half asleep because he woke up way too early for practice that morning, so you just sneak into his drawers and pull out the first shirt you can. You can’t even see what it has on it cause it’s fucking dark. Then you crawl into bed with him, figuring you’ll accept your punishment for stealing tomorrow.
And when he wakes up, you best believe he was annoyed. First off, who plans to stay over and doesn’t bring a shirt? Stupid, can’t you remember anything? But then he realizes, you grabbed this cute little dino graphic shirt and his face is RED. Pasty boi so bright, he might as well be Hinata’s hair. And he’s desperately trying to get out of the bed and run to the bathroom before you wake up because holy fuck you’re PRECIOUS?
But all of his squirming just wakes you up and you see him all flustered, and just assume he’s mad and you’re like I’m so sorry I just didn’t have anything else and was stupid and forgot. And he just hits you (lovingly) on the head, mutters some sort of insult, and moves on.
From then on, that is your designated shirt. It’s a comfort item almost. He’ll only really wear it when he has to be away from town overnight, in which case he’ll wear it as a reminder of you (he won’t admit to it but you tried to take the shirt as a keepsake for while he was gone and he only had a heart attack. Tsukishima Kei does not believe in lucky charms. But he has yet to lose a game when he wears that shirt the night before).
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Bokuto has been WAITING for you to wear something of his, but you haven’t yet. And it’s been stressful. He keeps trying to find a good excuse to see you in his clothes but you’re always too well-prepared.
“It’s kinda chilly out, Y/N, want my sweater??”
“I brought one, don’t worry!”
-.- *cue owl boi pouts*
And he doesn’t want you to wear something of his just because he asked. He wants to you want to wear his things. So he just waits. And pouts. And waits some more.
The day finally came when he was least expecting it. The gym that his game was in was freezing and you couldn’t imagine why. Most of the gyms they had played before in were pretty standard temperature but you were going to die if you stayed in the clothes you came in.
You had snuck onto the court while the boys were stretching, Akaashi smacking Bokuto in the head and interrupting his hype session to help him notice you.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a sweater with you, would you? It’s freezing!”
His eyes would widen. The day has finally arrived. He would finally get to see you in his clothes!!!!
But of course he has no sweater because he had not planned on needing one. Cue more sulking. Of course Akaashi comes over and offers his sweater and Bokuto almost bites his hand off.
“Well offer her your jacket then, idiot.” Akaashi just needs this man to hold off pouting till later. 
Bokuto’s jacket just looked so perfect on you and it was a nice way to keep warm. You cheered him on during the games and after some jaw-dropping move of his, he would turn to your direction and send you a kiss. Embarrassing? A little. But he was such a cutie, how could you deny his air kiss?
Wearing his clothes became more common after that and he will literally bring you his whole closet so you can pick your favourites.
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Ushijima didn’t even wait for you to ask to give you his clothes. He probably folded up his hoodie or jacket for you before a game and placed it awkwardly on your lap or in your arms and you’re just like um... do you want me to put this away for you or?
“Would you wear it for me?” How can you say no??? His cheeks are just slightly going red and he’s avoiding your eyes a bit so of course you have to wear it.
Ushijima thinks you look so nice in his clothes and he really likes how happy you look when he asks you to wear something, so he keeps doing it. That and he knows that sometimes people ask you out during his matches and he likes knowing that they’ll recognize his school colours or his jersey number and at that moment, he will send a calculated glare in their direction. And they will run for the hills, never to bother you again :)
I feel like he’s accidentally shrunk his clothes in the wash before and he just keeps them in a small pile in his room so that you can wear them when you come over. He also buys you proper house slippers that you can wear around his home because he wants you to be as comfy as possible.
Sometimes when you guys are just standing around waiting for a game to start, or if you’re all done eating lunch, he’ll unzip his track jacket and open it up so you can stand there and hug him, and he’ll hug you back with his hands in the pockets so it’s like you’re in the jacket with him (Tendo has definitely zipped it up before and trapped you guys in an awkward hug like stance and he will continue to do this because he thinks it’s hilarious. Has definitely snapped pictures of it and sent it to Ushijima. Ushijima saved it because it was kinda cute).
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Denied - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Crack, slice of life
Summary: Bakugou taught Eri how to swear....Y/N found out.
For the past 2 weeks, Mr. Aizawa had been having staff meetings back to back and as a result, you and Bakugou have been babysitting Eri. Or more so, you have been babysitting Eri but Bakugou being your boyfriend, he’s usually around. Don’t worry though, like the good boyfriend he is, he usually helps.
Over time, Eri has grown very fond of you and Katsuki. Matter of fact, she loved you both so much, the second she found out you two were dating, she ended up calling you “Mom” and “Dad.” It was adorable, really, and the entire class saw the 3 of you as a little family. Bakugou couldn’t fight the blush that grew on his face everytime Eri called him “Dad” but he got used to it. Now, the two of you even refer to her as your daughter.
Now being around the little girl so much, she has grown to copy some of your behavior and traits. For example, she takes after your love for dance and singing. She’s also learned to play with makeup after watching you apply it so many times. With Bakugou, she’s learned how to defend herself more and be a little more confident. Sadly, she is exposed to his vulgar mouth and attitude and therefore picks up on that a lot. And once you found out, hell broke loose.
It was a casual Saturday at the dorms. Some students went home for the weekend while a lot happened to stay behind. Visiting the dorms was sweet little Eri and you were currently having a little play date with her in the common area. Usually, Bakugou would be there with you and her but he’s having his bro time with the boys of the Bakusquad. Understandable. Just means more Eri for you.
Eri was currently drawing a little doodle on some scrap paper while you snacked on apple slices and played on your phone. The white haired girl was filling in her yellow sun when she accidentally split the paper.
“Shit.” She cussed. She didn’t cry at the ruined drawing but she did sigh in disappointment before grabbing a fresh piece of paper.
You on the other hand choked on your fruit slice once your heard the word come out of her mouth. You didn’t bother asking her where she learned the new word. You already knew.
“Eri, sweetie. Stay here for a sec’ okay? I’m gonna go find Dad and talk to him for a bit.” You said with a smile as you got up from your seat on the couch.
“Dad? Ouu, can I go too? I wanna see Dad.” She said with excitement. You smiled at her cute behaviour and ran your fingers through her hair.
“Sorry love, but Dad is in trouble right now. He doesn’t deserve to see his precious little Eri.” You said. She laughed and nodded her head before going back to her drawing. You walked away and once you were out of sight, you dropped your smile and a pair of angry eyes along with a scowl formed on your face. “Oh, Daddy is in so much trouble.”
Bakugou was currently in his dorm room with Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari. They were all going at it with each other on Mario Kart until Bakugou’s spidey senses started kicking in.
“Do you guys feel that?” He asked, stopping his movements on the controller. He looked towards the door and he could hear faint footsteps coming towards them.
“What’re you talking about bro?” Kirishima asked as he stopped his game to look at his friend. Kaminari did the same and grew nervous at the frantic look on Bakugou’s face.
“Woah! What’s with that look?” Kaminari asked the shaking man. Bakugou was trembling as he had an idea of who was coming.
“I’m gonna die,” the ash blonde whispered out but still remained loud enough for his friends to hear.
“B-Bakugou! What’s going on?!” Sero asked as he stood up.
“S-Somethings coming!” Bakugou shouted in fear. His friends watched as the bravest guy in the world stood in fear and trembled as he carefully watched the door. Loud footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer and so naturally out of fear, the 3 hid behind the blonde who owned the room.
“What is?!” Kirishima asked.
“Something lethal!” Bakugou replied in fear as he took a step back. The footsteps got louder and louder causing the friends to freak out even more.
“What is coming?! BAKUGOU, WHAT IS COMING?!” Kaminari shouted in fear.
“The devil herself..” The footsteps got louder, got closer, until eventually..they stopped. The 4 friends watched the door until it was busted open to reveal and angry Y/N. “My girlfriend....EXCEPT SHE’S PISSED!”
“KATSUKI BAKUGOU!” You screamed at the trembling blonde who was in front of his cowering friends.
“Wait, wait, wait!” The blonde shouted with his hands up. “....Can I get a head start?”
“Denied.” You bluntly said.
“Figures. RUN!” Bakugou said to his friends. With the dorm room being so small, the 4 friends had nowhere to go. In a bold move, they ran to the exit that you were currently standing in and pushed you out of the way, breaking free from your sight.
“Pathetic.” You said and slanted your eyes at the friends as they ran down the hall. You followed after them and chased them all around the dormitory. From the 4th floor, to the 3rd, to the staircase, to the 1st floor (avoiding Eri), and back up to the 2nd.
The friends all ran together in a group, thinking there would be safety in numbers. They ran together for a good amount of time before a realization came to Kaminari.
“Wait a minute! She’s not after us! She’s pissed at Bakugou!” The electric blonde said while running.
“So, what? Do we ditch him?” Sero asked while they all continued to run.
“Yes!” Kaminari said. The wanted blonde looked to the other blonde in anger.
“What?! You idiots can’t just abandon me!” He said. Kaminari was going to respond until they heard a voice behind them.
“Katsuki!” You screamed. The friends turned around as they continued to run and saw you right on their tail.
“AHHHH!!!!” They all screamed.
“Sorry man! We like living!” Kirishima said.
“Well so do I!” The blonde replied. His best friend just shrugged his shoulders before answering.
“SCATTER!” He said to the other 2 and Bakugou’s 3 friends all went separate ways. Just like they planned, you ignored them and followed your boyfriend’s trail.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FU-“
“SHUT UP KATSUKI!” You said before jumping onto him and tacking him to the ground. You pinned your boyfriend to the floor and he didn’t even open his eyes to look at you.
“ImSorryForEverythingIDidISwearI’llFindAWayToMakeItUpToYouTeddyBear,YouAreTheLoveOfMyLifeAndYou’reSoBeautifulAndILoveTheOutfitYou’reWearing,YouLookBeautifulInEverythingPrincess,I’mSorryIBrokeYourGivenchySunglassesAndBlamedItOnDunceFaceI’llBuyYouNewOnes,ISwear!ILoveYou!” He blurted out with his head facing the other way to ‘dodge’ your attack he assumed you were going to throw.
You sighed and rolled your eyes before getting off of Bakugou and helping him stand to his feet. “Okay, first of all, thank you for the compliments and I love you too baby,” you said and pecked his cheek. “Second, the reason why I’m so mad is because Eri learned a new word today. She fucked up the paper she was drawing on, and cussed. I wonder where she picked that up from..Katsuki.”
Your boyfriend only laughed nervously while shrugging and you sighed some more while throwing your head back. “Okay look, I would punish you, but I’m too tired from all that running and I’m pretty sure all the adrenaline and fear you were feeling before is punishment enough.”
The blonde nodded his head quickly like a puppy trying to agree.
“Just, don’t do it again Suki. Please? At least try to restrain yourself around Eri.” You said. Bakugou nodded again and you huffed before opening your arms up for him. He smiled and quickly took the offering. He held you in his embrace and peppered your face in quick kisses.
“Thank you!” He replied with gratitude. You smiled at him and took his hand to lead him to the common rooms. He happily followed and took a seat on the couch with you, where Eri finally noticed his presence.
“Mom! Dad! You’re back!” Your “daughter” said as she jumped the two of you on the couch. Bakugou pulled her into his lap so you could all be together.
“Listen kid, there’s gonna be a few words that’ll occasionally slip out of my mouth from time to time and it’s important for you to not say them. Okay?” Bakugou said to the little girl.
“Okay! But what are the words?” She asked him. Bakugou just chuckled and placed a hand on her head before speaking.
“We’ll speak about that next time, for now just get back to playing.” He said.
“Okay!” Was all she said before jumping off his lap and going back to her crayons. You scooted closer to Katsuki and squeezed his hand that you were still holding. This grabbed his attention and he turned and placed a quick kiss on your lips before throwing his arm around your shoulder. You leaned into his touch and you both cuddled up on the couch. Some time passed and you both talked, watched Eri, and played around with her until you two cuddled up again and you turned to ask him a question.
“So...about my Givenchy Sunglasses,” you questioned him. Bakugou froze up in fear again before releasing a nervous chuckle.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
can u do a blurb about reader wanting a baby and asking her co-worker Spencer to be the donor because he's smart and nice and she wants a cute baby?
you said blurb and i read 2K word fic apparently lmao
Late nights behind a desk were the worst. Y/N hated reading over case file, after case file, of horrific things as she tried to choose where they went next.
The only plus side was that she wasn’t alone, Spencer was at his desk just beside her. Like he always was. They had an interesting friendship, to say the least.
Ever since Y/N joined the BAU, Spencer and her were glued at the hip. They had all the same interests, liked the same music and movies, and they spat out information the same way, they were like each other’s dorky other half— but it was just a friendship.
They had a tradition to watch at least one movie together after a case, to just chill for a bit together. Always randomly picking one of their apartments to go to, spending the night together until one of them eventually wandered off to bed. Leaving the other on the couch.
They weren’t aware of their feelings for each other for a while. Both of them being so used to being alone, and never having anyone be interested in them before. It was hard to understand if the feelings they had were pure friendship, or if it could ever be more. If the sex would fuck everything up and take away that perfect happy place they found in each other, or would it make the bond stronger?
She noticed the crush before Spencer showed any signs of liking her back. She woke up every morning thinking of him, that's when she came to the conclusion that it was more than just a friendship. She wanted him in her life forever, she wanted to kiss his perfect lips and hug his soft body, wake up beside his messy hair and just love him for the rest of eternity.
She sighed as she picked up another file, not excited to learn about the horrible acts taking place in what people called, “the best country in the world.” She’d disagree any day of the week.
This one was a file about some missing kids apparently being spotted in a van altogether in Georgia, it looked interesting enough to be the next case. She hated reading all the info, seeing every kid's happy face in the file knowing that’s not how they looked now.
“Good god,” she groaned as she flipped through the case.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked over the divider.
“Nothing,” she shrugged, “just a bad case.”
She handed it to him over the desk, hearing him flip through all the sheets as he read a million words a minute. “We should show this to Emily first thing,” Spencer agreed, pushing himself over to her desk in his wheely chair.
“I will,” she smiled softly, taking the file back from him and placing it on her desk.
Spencer stood then, making his way into her space and rubbing his hand over her back slightly. “Are you okay?”
She sighed, “actually. no, I was telling Garcia I want to have a baby soon, and then I see things like this and I’m scared to do it alone but I don’t have any other option?” Ranting to him like he was her therapist.
“What do you mean?”
She turned in her chair to look up at him, his soft brown eyes really caring to hear the answer. “Sit,” she insisted.
He pulled the chair over more, sitting close enough that their knees touched. “I’m 36, I’m not having any luck finding a husband or a wife, I want a baby and if I have to do it myself I will, but what if I’m not enough? What if I have a boy and he grows up to be a killer cause he never had a dad?”
“Y/N,” Spencer’s voice was soft as he looked at her with a confused scrunch on his face. “That couldn’t happen, you’re a wonderful person, I love having you on the team and in my life, I know you’d raise good kids, you should do it.”
“Really?” She beamed at him, the words touching her heart and making her swoon a bit.
“I mean, it would be hard,” he added reason to the conversation. “You’d have to take time off, which would be good for bonding. My mother raised me alone and I turned out semi-fine, I don't hold any resentment for her not finding someone for me to call dad or even step-mom for that matter. I think if you give them all the love in the world like I know you’re capable of, your child will love you like you’re their whole world.”
She laughed as she noticed the tears welling in her eyes, waving her hand's in front of her face so she wouldn’t fully sob. “Do you want to be the donor?” She made a joke to change the topic.
Spencer laughed then too, “sure!”
Everything got serious again then, she looked at him a little differently. “Really? Cause honestly, you’re like a Grade A donor profile in the most expensive clinic!” She couldn’t help herself from laughing again at the absurdity.
“I’ve always wanted to be a dad, 40 isn’t too old to have a child, is it?” He seemed to have decided that rather fast.
“Okay,” she nodded with a smile, “okay. That’s cool, sick,” she felt the words get smaller as she thought it over.
“I get it if you were kidding,” Spencer spat out. “I realize now that you might have been making a joke, I hope it’s not weird that I agreed so fast, it’s just that I think you’re a very beautiful and smart woman and the idea of helping you make a child makes me really excited. I think it would be a very good idea if you were being serious, but I get it if you’re not.”
She let him get it all out, always loving when he got like this on a case or in person, nervous or just because he wanted to talk, she loved to listen. And no one ever let him finish his thoughts, always wanting to beat him to the punch.
“Spence, I think you’re really handsome and smart too,” she smiled. “If you’re also serious, I am too.”
“How would we?” He asked as he pulled at the top button of his dress shirt, swallowing like he couldn't breathe all of a sudden.
“If you’re not opposed, I’m sure the good old-fashioned way would work?” She laughed, laying her hand on his knee softly.
It was like sparks flew at that moment as if all the fluorescent lights in the bullpen could have exploded and she wouldn’t have even noticed. Captivated by Spencer's eyes as he gasped at her touch.
“Not opposed in the slightest,” he said softly as he held his own hand over hers.
She couldn’t help herself from smiling. “Well, I think I’m all done here if you want to come to my place for a movie?”
“Sure,” he replied, offering her a hand as they stood up together.
He returned his chair to his desk, both of them grabbing their coats and bags and rejoining at the door.
“I should go say goodnight to Penny,” Y/N said softly. “Wanna come?”
“Yeah,” he followed her through the door and down the hall to the tech room.
“Knock knock,” Y/N said as she walked through the open door. “Oh great and knowledgeable one, I’ve come with my nightly farewell.”
“Oh my knight, I shall miss you,” Penelope played along, sauntering over to her and wrapping her up in a hug. “I leave you with this until your return.”
“Through scorching deserts, and blistering winds, I will make it back to you, always,” she tried not to laugh as she hugged her back. “I also brought forth the jester.”
Spencer was laughing in the doorway as the two of them looked at him, “hi?”
“The pretty boy, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Um,” Y/N smiled, “Spencer and I are just going back for our nightly movie.”
Penelope looked at both of them, jaw slightly gaped, “nightly? I thought it was a case by case thing?”
“It’s a good excuse for us to talk,” Spencer smiled at her.
“Mhmm,” she smirked, “well have fun.”
She pulled Y/N back into another hug, hiding her face from Spencer, “I need all the dirty deets in the morning.”
Y/N smacked her arm softly as she pulled back, “goodnight pretty penny.”
“Farewell brave knight, handle with care, Jester,” Penelope pointed her finger at him, giving him a knowing glance.
“Yes, oh Knowledgeable one, always,” he blushed.
He reached out his hand for Y/N, interlocking their fingers as they left her office and headed towards the elevator. A rare moment of bravery on his part, holding hands like this didn’t spread a lot of germs.
“We’re going to have to discuss a lot of logistics like realistically this isn’t going to be just a fuck and oh look its a baby. This is a real live baby that we need to raise and care for,” she reminded him as the elevator doors shut.
“I’d like to be as involved as you’d let me be,” Spencer replied. “I don’t have to be 'dad' to them, I could be uncle Spence that’s fine too.”
“Oh no, you’d be Dad for sure,” she nudged him slightly. “I mean like, weekends and holidays and birthdays, your mom will want to see them surely, my parents will want to see them. Housing,” she looked at him horrified. “I have an apartment with 2 bedrooms, I don’t think I could let them sleep somewhere without me.”
“I have been looking at houses,” Spencer added before the doors opened to the garage, “you’re driving right?”
“Yeah, you were saying?” She replied, digging her keys out of her purse and leading him towards the car.
“Derek Morgan, I’m not sure if you’ve met him yet, he fixes up old homes in DC and Virginia now. He just finished one and I helped him with it. I think I’m going to buy it from him. It has 4 bedrooms, we could all live under the same roof? It would be easier to co-parent.”
She was amazed at how fast he adapted to this as if he’d been having the same thoughts she was having. At a certain point wanting kids becomes a pipe dream filled with desperation and emptiness, he looks like he’s experienced it too.
She opened her door and sat down before replying to him again. Thinking about how wonderful he was going to be during this process, “thank you, Spencer.”
“For what?” He asked as they both closed their doors.
She sighed, relaxing into her seat as she started the car. She turned to him softly, not wanting to cry as she spoke softly. “Being a mom is more of a dream to me than joining the BAU was, this is the best gift you could give me.”
He reached his hand out again, holding it softly. Running his thumb over her knuckles. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Yeah,” she nodded softly.
He couldn’t make eye contact with her, staring at their hands as he rubbed her skin.
“Um, I’ve been pretty infatuated with you since you joined,” he let it out finally. Like a ton of bricks off his back he relaxed a bit, “after everything with Maeve, Cat and Max… oh god, and JJ... I was so worried that if I got too close to you I’d lose you. I tried to keep the feelings in, that's why I said what I did to Penelope. She knows how I feel about you.”
It was like fireworks were going off in her chest as the butterflies erupted inside of her. She sat up, turning to him more and ripping her hand from his grasp.
It startled him, he looked at her anxiously as if she was going to yell at him. But she placed both hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.
His arms snaked around her waist, wishing they could get closer if it wasn’t for the damn centre console of her car. Pressing their lips together, hard, as they breathed each other in. Desperation taking control, she wasn’t able to let go of him.
When she finally did pull away, however, the look on his face was priceless. Like expensive art, every line and freckle had a meaning. He was surprised, enamoured, grateful, desperate for more.
She smiled softly, rubbing her thumbs over his cheek. “Good, cause it would be awkward having your baby and not getting to love you every day too.”
taglist: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
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kuroos-babie · 3 years
falling in love with a single mom hcs
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INCLUDES: nishinoya, tsukishima, yaku
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you spent a good part of your childhood with nishinoya, chasing away the dogs that had a penchant of scaring your best friend shitless, climbing trees and playing treasure hunt
it was funny, to say the least, seeing how he grew from such a scaredy-cat to the energetic and confident noya everyone knows
throughout highschool you watched him chase girl after girl and he watched you turn down guy after guy
the dynamic you two had was that of a feral gremlin child and its chill owner holding the leash and everyone, including you two, thought you would always be together
everyday was fun with nishinoya's energy hanging around you, no doubt
but when he asked you to travel the world with him right after graduation, he was met with a hesitant refusal
"i'm planning to go to college, yuu"
"it'll be fun, y/n! like going on an adventure!!"
"visit me once in a while"
his heart clenched at the way you smiled at him with teary eyes, "i can't change your mind can i?"
with a soft shake of your head, he sighed
he leaves in three days
the first few months of him being away were filled with calls and pictures of his trips, smile seemingly wider and brighter than before and a part of you regretted not coming with him
but college starts in a week, and with that came missed calls and ignored messages
at some point, neither of you just remembered to hit the other up, caught up with the stresses of your own life and before either of you knew it, 5 years have passed
he came to visit home for the first time in years, no longer the boyish noya you knew but he still had that warm aura around him
you were the first thought to come to mind the moment he step foot in town, his whole body buzzing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing you again
so of course he went straight to your house, feet taking step after memorized step and hands clutching bags of things he got from his travels
"Y/N!!!!!", he calls out as he enters your house which was answered with a harsh shushing
turning a corner he saw you in the living room, lovely as ever-- he thought, and with a baby sleeping soundly in your arms, "the baby's sleeping, yuu"
you laughed at the cracking in his voice, "mine, who else's?"
man, he looked like he was about to cry
he quietly approached you, careful as to not wake the baby
"for you", he mumbled while handing you the bag of snacks and stuff
the room was filled with silence after you hummed a short thanks
he was looking at the child's face, it looked like you, he thinks
he asked when you got married, "you didn't tell me, didn't even invite your best friend to your wedding", he whined
"i didn't, i'm not married"
his eyes were wide as they looked at you
you told him about getting pregnant shortly after college graduation and getting ditched
he thought of himself selfish as he heaved a sigh of relief
"it's fine though, my parents are helping me a lot", he notes how you looked at your baby with such fond eyes and his heart swelled, he felt like crying
you chuckled at the look on his face, "hey don't look so sorry for me, can't be happier to have her"
"what's her name?"
you looked at your daughter's face and pet at her cheek with a finger, "yui"
nishinoya couldn't hold it in anymore and so he let himself cry and pulled you close
and for the nth time since the day of your college graduation he asked you again, "come with me, y/n, let's travel the world" but you have a child "i'll stay with you here until she's old enough", he said while kissing the tears that slipped down your cheeks
"then we can all go travel the world together"
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he liked working at the museum, he really does
at least that's what he tries to tell himself as he led the group of preschoolers through the sendai museum
they were cute, yeah, but also very chatty
especially this one little boy with the frog hat
"what's this called?"
"it's a fossilized remain of--"
"how about this one?"
"it's--", and before he could answer, the child was already running to the other side of the exhibit
he just sighs
the tour ended and he was getting ready for his lunch break, proceeding to the cafe by the entrance as he always does
his eyes almost caught the flurry of green that passed beside him but he chose to ignore it
but of course it wasn't long after he sat down with his order when he heard a familiar bubbly voice
"mama that's the dinosaur guy!", he heard the little boy whisper loudly, "he's so tall, like a brachiosaurus!"
he couldn't supress the chuckle at the child's remark and he turned in his seat, "so you were listening, i thought you were just bouncing all around the place"
"oh sorry, did he give you a hard time?"
your voice drew his attention and he smiled at the sight of your worried face, something that surprised even him, "not really, no"
he invited you two to sit and eat with him and he listened to your son ramble all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals
"a smart one, i like him"
your son really liked him too and asked you to take him to the museum again and see tsukishima
and so it became a habit for you to visit the museum every friday with the little boy, waiting for the tall blonde to get off work so you three could grab something to eat
and every time he sees you in the little cafe by the entrancne with your son, tsukishima couldn't help but smile a little and pat at his chest to calm the subtle fluttering as he push the door open
it was a weird feeling he never knew would come so naturally at the mere sight of you two
he bought your son picture books and and figurines and copies of the "walking with dinosaurs" documentary
"we should watch it this weekend..." his eyebrows shot up for a moment at your meek suggestion
of course the little boy was elated, excited to have him over at your house "yes! let's go now! i wanna watch it with tsukki now!!!"
tsukishima returned his gaze on you, "if it's not too much trouble then i'd love to go now"
and so the rest of the friday night was spent on your couch with all the lights turned off and a narration of al the allosaurus' life
you looked over at the other side of the couch to see your son laying on tsukishima, eyes fluttering shut with the man passed out and lightly snoring
he must've been tired
you draped a blanket over the two of them and waited for sleep to visit you too and it soon did
morning came and you woke up to the smell of coffee
"i borrowed your coffee maker, i hope you don't mind", his voice was still low, trying not to wake the little boy
"yeah, sorry i didn't wake you up last night... you looked tired"
he chuckled as you walked over to the kitchen to take out two mugs and prepared some toast, "i don't mind, it was the best sleep i've gotten in a while. i hope it wasn't too much of a bother for you though"
you leaned on the kitchen counter as you took in his appearance; hair ruffled and eyes puffy with sleep, "i don't mind it one bit"
he huffed a laugh and looked over to the sofa where your son still laid
"he likes you a lot"
"so it seems, i hope you do too", his face was smug but you didn't miss the red that tinted his cheeks when you told him "of course i do, in fact i was thinking maybe we should do this more often"
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his smirk grew, "just say you want to wake up everyday to the sight of me and leave it at that"
you rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled nonetheless, "oh shut up"
he had just come back from the nekoma volleyball team reunion, head lightly buzzing from the few bottles of alcohol kuroo forced down his throat
making his way through the carpeted hotel hall, he could barely make out the sound of little feet hurriedly padding on the floor and quiet sniffles
taking out the keycard to his room with the blissful thoughts of finally sinking into the soft mattress was interrupted by a soft bump on his thigh, a muffled thud and a small "ow..."
it took a few moments before the sight of the little boy on the hotel floor registered properly in his brain
it was well past 2 am... why the hell is there a child running around the halls
"uh... hi?"
big bright eyes looked up at him and he can't help but sigh at the sniffles increasingly growing louder
"where's your mama, little guy?", yaku crouched to the little boy's level, careful to keep his balance as the booze and exhaustion was catching up to him
however, at the mention of his mother, the little boy's eye filled up with more tears and was ready to burst anytime, "mama..."
"oh no no no no"
yaku's too tired for this
so with a sigh and a groan, he took the boy in his arms and entered his room
"let's look for her in the morning, okay? i think i still have some cookies in my room, would like some?"
the little boy nods his head, earning a relieved sigh from yaku
the rest of the night was spent with cartoons playing on the large hotel room tv, yaku leaning against the headboard with the little boy snoozing away while being tucked in his arm, cookie on his hand and crumbs all around
morning came and panic surged through your body the moment you realized your 3 year-old son was nowhere inside your hotel room
your hurried to the security desk to report and hopefully make an announcement, head reeling and aching with the sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning
with your head in your hands, you let out a groan while trying not to cry at all the possibilites flashing through your mind
your wallowing was cut short with an "excuse me, i found this child last night"
turning your head back to the security desk, you see a man in his pajamas and slippers, hair ruffled from sleep and a sleepy little boy laying on his shoulder
"oh my god"
the whole conlict ended when you came up to them and introduced yourself, the little boy quickly recognizing your voice and whipped his head over to you, "mama!"
your son reached out for you and yaku couldn't help but notice how pretty your glossy eyes were despite how disheveled you looked
"mama, yakkun gave me cookies and we watched cartoons aaaaall night!"
yaku's eyes widened at the little boy's words and let out a nervous chuckle, "you make me sound so suspicious"
he turned to you and explained how your son bumped into him at 2 am and he was just too tired to bring him down to the security desk
"my tired tipsy brain thought it was a better idea to just let him sleep in my room and look for mama in the morning", he ended with the tips of his ears tinged red
you laughed at his nervousness, "well we can talk more about it over breakfast, what do you say yakkun? my treat"
with the way you were smiling at him, how could he even refuse?
the rest of the morning was spent with coffee and waffles, juice and fruits and chatter
he learned you and your son were in town for a few days, "i wanted to go see the fishies in the aquarium!", the little boy quips
with the new volleyball season just around the corner, yaku knew he'd have practices but he offered to tour you two around tokyo
he wanted to see you two again
briefly taking care of the toddler last night and having breakfast with you, he realized, were very much a welcomed change of pace in his hectic pro volleyball life
"are you my dad? mama told me daddy was working in tokyo" he remembered your son quietly mumbling last night, "i haven't seen him though, not ever"
the rest of your stay in tokyo was spent hanging out with yaku, your son growing more and more attached to him and slept over at his room every night
as promised, he took you and your son on a tokyo tour and even brought you to practice, introducing you to the national team and teaching your child receives
of course your trip eventually reached its end, promises of meeting again drowned in the little boy's tears as he tried to reach out to yaku
"we'll meet again, little guy", he says while ruffling the boy's hair, "i'll even go visit you and we'll play lots, okay?
of course he made a point of contacting you frequently, often video chatting during meal times and bedtime and a few more hours after, relishing in the time he could spend talking alone with you
"i can't wait to see you two again", he always says right after "good night"
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @sachirou-senpai @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies @toosaltyforacookie @mrs-kuroojinguji @shawkneecaps @miyastrology @galacticstxrdust @wakaushi @boosyboo9206 @sugawara-sweetheart @threeconsecutivefs @chichibia @diyosku @curiouslilbeast @cowbeboppy @tsukkaria @yyvveess @kirakirasaku
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theroomofreq · 3 years
can you give me muggle jily recs pleaaseeee <3 :D
HOW MANY HIGH-QUALITY MUGGLE JILY FICS ARE THERE?? TOO MANY TO COUNT. *cracks knuckles* BUT I am here for the challenge. Jily AUs are my JAM.
Again, shoutout to our amazing @jilyarchive friends who tag every wonderful muggle jily au they come across. here is the link that will take you to their tags page. You'll find links to specific tropes and AUs :')
I've searched through my own AO3 bookmarks and history tabs, and I present to you 28 jily muggle fics that I LOVE. I am THRILLED thinking about all the good things in store for those that read these wonderful stories. This list took me ages to make because I went through and reread most of these brilliant fics. Happy reading !! xx
properly improper by @lizardcookie
“Marry me,” Mr. Potter repeats, closing the distance between them by striding back up towards the sofa, only to stop and crouch to one knee right there at her feet, looking up at her. Burning. “Pick me,” he elaborates. “Pick me, choose me, love me instead.”
- this fic is the reason why I comment the way that I do (spoiler it's because it's amazing)
The Wedding Ring by @mppmaraudergirl
What is undeniably worse than attending your sister's wedding looking as desolate and forgotten as a wilted houseplant? Drunkenly ringing your ex-boyfriend and asking him to be your date.
Oh my god, they were ROOMMATES by @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world
Silly one-shot, Muggle AU with Fem!Jily as pining roommates and Marlene as their matchmaker.
- the fic that brought me back to jily and inspired my deep obsession of fem!jily
Swipe Right, Swing Left by @downn-in-flames
The unspoken rule of using dating apps in D.C. is that you always start with where you work.
James Potter, it seems, never picked up on that one.
- giddy just thinking about this gem
'Tis the Damn Season by @petalstofish
It doesn't feel like Christmas for Lily Evans, not after losing her parents to COVID before the Holiday season. She anticipates spending Christmas all alone until a boy from her past shows up and offers her a mutually benefiting deal that has her calling him 'babe' just for the weekend. 'Tis the damn season, after all.
- cries in respect for lyrical writing
Watch Me Unwind by @maraudersftw
Lily Evans hates her job, hates the bigoted customers she has to serve as a bartender at the richest club in the city. But the one person who makes bearing all of it worth it has someone else in his arms tonight. (Rated: M)
- obsessed with the way the plot jumps around the time line in this
oil be there for you by @abby10fanfic
Texting/Social Media AU: Lily and James haven't spoken for 2 years. But that's all about to change thanks to Peter and his involvement in an essential oil pyramid scheme. Featuring boss babes, toxin-free lifestyles, binding contracts, and a very oily journey.
a matchmaking mission by @downn-in-flames
James Potter has a mission: get Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to finally admit that they both fancy the pants off each other by Valentine's Day.
His partner in crime? Lily Evans, Remus' flatmate, who he also happens to be slightly in love with
- DOUBLE the amount of pining idiots in love :")
about time by @jilyss
'sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. wait. why are we on a red carpet?'
- this is my emotional comfort fic, your honor
whiskey business by @elanev91
Sirius Black has a (bad?) habit of picking up hobbies that take over his and James' flat -- this most recent one? Homemade vodka that James now has to try and peddle to everyone in the building.
- hysterical! must read!
Fashion Disaster by @maraudersftw
James Potter is roped into an awful dare by his best-mate, which involves him wearing atrocious pieces of clothing for all days until Christmas as dictated by Sirius. If this wasn't terrible enough, he now has to contend with his maddening crush on the beautiful saleswoman at the clothing store.
- classic hijinks that I live for
it wasn't a pity invite by @elanev91
Part of the December "Winter Tropes" Jily challenge. Prompt: my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and omG i’m so sorry
- awkward Christmas date that owns my heart
spice and honey by @clare-with-no-i
tagging along with her food reporter sister to profile James Potter, London's hottest young chef, is not how Lily Evans pictured her Monday going - especially if he's anything like Petunia’s described.
needless to say, she's in for a whirlwind at Chez Maraudeur.
- I'm one re-read away from printing this out and putting it on my bookshelf.
Waffle Wars by @elanev91
There's only one waffle maker in the dining hall and it literally always breaks. So, naturally, the only reasonable course of action is to meticulously map out when it's working and, ultimately, do a heist.
- the witty narration in this fic can not be matched
You Can Hear It In The Silence by @alrightginger
Lily is non-verbal and deaf in a world where the things your soulmate says about you end up written on your skin. She has known about her soulmate since she was seven, but knows they don't have a clue she exists and possibly never will.
- exquisite, cue me sobbing forever
out the window by @displayheartcode
A new family moves to Ottery St Catchpole.
- everything I could ever want in a fic, forever in my mind rent free
The Christmas Guest by @thegodmachine
An Evans Family Christmas: Petunia is bringing her fiancé and Lily is bringing her…Friend…
- petunia pov that gives me WINGS
Football, Calculus, and Cappuccinos by @moonawrites
At eighteen years old, James Potter has a lot going on. He's a rising star navigating the politics of professional football, the pitfalls of sudden fame, the fallout from choosing his dream over his father's company... and a serious crush on the red headed new barista at his favourite coffee shop.
- I'm still working my way through this fic, but trust me when I say its a GEM
if u like pina coladas by @zephyrcove
Lily is desperate for a date to Petunia's wedding, James has been pining, and their friends meddle ;)
- explain to me how characters can be so perfect via texting fics?
Shelf Awareness by @ghostofbambifanfiction
It's too far out of her way and she's wasting so much money, but Lily can't help but return to the bookstore every weekend, where her passion for good literature has, perhaps, been unexpectedly reignited by the messy-haired, pun-making, rather handsome bloke who works there.
- you absolutely must know that I binge read this and then immediately REREAD it
How to win a witch in 10 days by @adenei
“She’s going to find some unsuspecting wizard, get him to fall for her, and then do all the things that turn men away to get him to break things off! Won’t it be the best way to see what witches do that drives men crazy?” But what happens when the man in question is a blast from Lily Evans's past? A Jily Magical AU based on the romantic comedy "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days."
- fic based off of a rom com? YES PLZ :’)
The Fight Before Christmas by @ghostofbambifanfiction
The heartwarming Christmas tale of Lily Evans and James Potter - two plucky kids who hated one other, until the day they really, really didn't.
- complete sucker for this one
All This Time by @thejilyship
James and Lily grew up next door to one another. Their bedroom windows giving them glimpses into the others life, and also offering prime opportunities to argue with each other over every little thing. They never figured out how to be friends when they were kids, but now that they've graduated from college and are home for the summer, they have a second chance to get things right.
- one of my favvvv tropes
Let Me Love You by @thejilyship
With only a month until she's set to take the throne of Gryffindor, Lily is informed that she'll have to get married or choose to give up her throne. She never thought she'd have to even entertain the idea of an arranged marriage. Enter, James Potter.
- cries in princess diares AU
The Fabulous Baker Brothers by @frustratedpoetwrites
Lily walks a different route home from work and stumbles upon a cute little Bakery with an even cuter baker in the window.
- yes yes yes to embarrassed pining.
Marigold Mornings by @mppmaraudergirl
This is a fun game she thinks, as she removes her hand from his side and reaches up to run it down his chest.  He catches her hand in his own, takes a step forward so that her nose nearly brushes against his shirt. She can feel the heat radiating off of him—or maybe it’s from her. He licks his lips and her eyes are drawn to the motion.  She knows it is a bad idea, absolutely knows it.
- incredible storytelling featuring dynamic characters :') a favvv
Welcome to Pettyville by@women-inthe-sequel @alrightginger
When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
The Kiss a Stranger Project by @alrightginger
“What’s your name, then?” she asks, realizing they haven’t even properly introduced themselves yet. She nervously crosses her arms.
You shouldn’t kiss a guy without knowing his name first.
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desiredmalfoy · 3 years
Days Like These
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Genre: I’m back once again with more fluff! Dad Draco Fluff!
Word Count:  1,111 
Summary: The reader enjoys a weekend with her husband & son. Where she walks into Draco using a baby carrier & cute moments ensue. 
{Draco Masterlist} { Main Masterlist }
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(Credit to the owner of the gif)
The weekend was your favorite time of the week. Draco was off of work on these days and you were all able to spend it together. Some weekends the three of you went around a few shops. On other weekends you would go to visit his parents or yours. But on your absolutely favorite ones, the three of you spent it at home alone. Nothing but just the three of you for those two days of pure bliss. 
Sometimes on these days, you would play music throughout the house and dance the days away with your two boys. Twirling in Draco’s arms once again as if you were back at the balls the two of you attended in your youth. On this particular Saturday, you were tired. Scorpius had kept you up most of the night. He was currently teething and had trouble sleeping through the night. You didn’t mind staying with your son all night but you awoke very tired on days like these. Draco had insisted he would watch Scorpius while you napped for a while. You happily took him up on his offer. It had now been about three hours since you slept and you were finally awake looking for the two of them. Walking into Scorpius’s room and then his playroom, you noticed that neither were there. You looked out the windows into your garden and saw no sign of them.
Now, you were really curious as to where they were and what they were up to. The last time you had left them alone for a while, you walked into Draco attempting to bake a cake for your birthday. You walked into a baking cake but both covered head to toe in flour. According to your husband, while he had his back turned for just two seconds, Scorpius managed to grab the flour and throw it everywhere.
“Babe where are you”, you called out though your house in the search of its two current troublemakers. Draco being the main one and your baby just giggling along with his father’s antics. “Where are you two now? Better not be getting into trouble.”
“We’re in the kitchen darling.” You heard Draco call out to you in the distance. That wasn’t a good sign. You were hoping you weren’t about to walk into a mess. Coming down the steps quickly, you hurried down the hall in search of your boys. You turned into the kitchen and only Draco’s back came into view.
“What are you two doing now?” 
“Nothing making a snack. Want some?” Draco turned around and attempted to hand you a strawberry. But the strawberry isn’t what caught your attention, it was your son strapped to your husband’s chest. Scorpius giggling and laughing away without a care in this world.
“Are you using the baby carrier?” You laughed into your palm. It was really a sight to see your very tall husband with your tiny son strapped to his chest. Not only that but your dear husband who absolutely refused to dress casually was wearing one of his custom suits. It really tied in the look for you. “The same one I recall you saying was and I quote ‘babe we don’t need that thing! We can just carry him!’ when I wanted it.”
“It’s very convenient actually. I can do so much more with him here.” Scorpius was completely oblivious to his parent’s conversation as he reached for the strawberry in Draco’s hand. He quickly noticed what Scorpius was attempting to do and he placed a piece of it in his little palm. “Plus you still got it. Now I’m just borrowing it.”
“Well, that’s why I wanted it.” You rolled your eyes playfully at him. “Admit I was right Dray.”
“Well, I now see the convenience of it,” he mumbled under his breath. Even after all these years he still disliked being wrong. Such a stubborn man. Instead of admitting defeat, he turned his attention to giving Scorpius more strawberries. “There is no need to admit anything.”
“So you were wrong?” You raised your eyebrows playfully at him as you attempted to get him to admit you were right.
“I guess you were right.” He threw his head back playfully and laughed along with you. 
“See, it wasn’t that hard to say.” You walked up to him and stood on the tips of your toes to place a quick kiss on his lips. Your kiss was broken by a certain little someone who was currently tapping his strawberry against your floral dress. Leaving red stains on it.
“Can I help you?” Scorpius broke out into a fit of giggles as you tickled the bottom of his feet. You could never be mad at him over getting something on your dress. “Look at what you’ve done cutie pie.”
“What have I done? I haven’t done anything babe.” Draco smirked down at you. He again offered you a strawberry but instead this time placing it on your lips.
“Not you! The cutest person in this house.” You took a bite of the strawberry while also tickling your son’s side this time. 
“This looks good on you.” You stepped back once again to admire your husband with the baby carrier. “But that one is mine, you need to get your own.”
“We’ll go down to the shops tomorrow and I will get one that matches my clothing style.”
“Hey (y/n), so I have been thinking?” Draco asked suddenly.
“What is it?” Unsure of where this was leading.
“If we are going to have two of these baby carriers, shouldn’t we have another baby for it too?”
“Maybe in a year or so.” You laughed at his suggestion. You grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. You thought of how your house would be with another baby. The havoc the three of them would unleash upon your house.
“I think Scorpius wants to be a big brother.” He looked down at the baby who was gleefully enjoying his strawberry. He let out a squeal in response. “That’s a yes babe.”
“Well, then I guess it must be official.” You played along with them. You sat on the couch and pulled Draco down to sit next to you. 
Draco did end up getting his own black leather baby carrier to wear. He would use it everywhere around the house and in public. There was really no use for yours unless Draco wasn’t home because he always insisted on being the one to use it. Your son is going along happily for the ride.
Maybe you did need another baby to finally be able to use yours.
Taglist: @daisyyy2516 @id-kill-to-be-an-assassin @slytherinambitious @bonkybabe @phatcrackdad @instabull @gwlvr @belladaises @dracostruelove @dawnmalfoy @90smalfoy @sycathorn-slush @cpetrova @joanaaadss @dracoswhore007 @nctxrejects @potterheadtwilighter @beforeoursunsets @automatic-tragedy @wh0re4blaise @a-dusty-emerald @marauder-hoe @sw33tgirl @dracomalfoys-wh0re @burninggracesandbridges @galiciasamantha84 @xlauren-malfoyx @dlmmdl @dracoscumwh0re @microwavedhampster @malfoysbiitch @malfoyxxdraco23 @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @mischiefisbeingmanaged
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Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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bwbatta · 4 years
three - all bets on
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship, right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: lil bit of swearing, lil bit of angst, lil bit of jealous Draco
Word count: 3825
A/N: GET READY (this ones a big boi) taglist for this series is still open and so is a permanent taglist for my other work (HP or not!), so let me know if you’re interested in any of them! 
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part 2 | Part 4
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A voice whispered loudly from behind you, trying to get your attention as you tried to ignore it.
“Psst, (Y/N)... (Y/N)!”
You were doing a spectacular job of ignoring the whisperer who desperately was trying to get your attention, but your patience ran thin when a sharp pain ran through your back.
“Ow!” you hissed, turning around with your eyes blazing “Did you just stab me with your quill?!”
“...It was really more of a poke to be completely honest”
You shot an angry glare towards the red headed boy who now looked quite sheepish.
“What do you want, Ron?” You asked annoyed
He shared a look with Harry who sat next to him and both looked hesitant to say anything, which of course only made you more impatient.
“Well? Are you going to ask me a question because I’d rather like to get this finished so I can leave to get dinner”
“Have you shagged, Malfoy?”
Both Harry and you looked at Ron with varying expressions, yours was complete shock and Harry’s was a mix of slight embarrassment and curiosity.
“No, I haven’t shagged him” you narrowed your eyes towards the pair. “And even if I had, it would be none of your business”
“Are you sure you’re not being forced into dating him?” Harry questioned with a concerned look “We can help you if you are!”
“While I appreciate the help you’d offer, the answer is no. I’m not being forced into dating him” you sent the pair a glare “I’m dating Draco because I really like him”
“Well that’s a lie,” Ron scoffed “no one likes Malfoy”
“Well, okay, I agree that’s true” you shrugged “I actually love him”
Turning back round to finish your work, you tried to conceal the smile on your face as the two boys started pestering you again, trying to get your attention when suddenly a note landed on your desk.
The note was folded like a bird, and had been obviously charmed to act as such, as it jumped around your desk like a small robin would do.
Curious, you opened it up and immediately a smile spread across your face as you read the message.
Can I copy down your notes later? If yes, I adore you. If no, what do I have to bargain with this time? 
Also fancy dinner in the kitchens tonight? I’ve got an idea.
P.S pretend this is a cute love letter or something to piss Potter and Weasley off”
Your eyes shot over to the blonde who was already staring at you with a grin on his face.
You sent a smile of your own back, nodding to him, signalling he could copy your notes later. Thinking quickly, you also went one step further and blew him a kiss.
Draco’s cheeks blushed a little but the look he sent you could’ve melted you right where you sat.
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve described it as true heart eyes. 
But you did know better. 
He was just acting.
It also seemed to do the trick as Ron stabbed you in the back again with his quill, breaking your concentration from each other. You whirled around again with a glare in place.
“Stop stabbing me with your quill” you hissed
“Is that note from Malfoy?” Harry asked trying to get a look at it
“It might be”
“What does it say?” Ron questioned
“Why are you so curious? Jealous I’m getting love letters and you’re not?” you sent him a smirk 
“So it’s a love letter?” Harry asked slight disgusted at the thought of you getting one from Malfoy.
“Yes, it is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get dinner with my boyfriend, who I love very much” 
Picking up your books, you stuffed your papers inside your bag and stood up, making your way to the door where Draco was conveniently waiting. 
The fact he was going to copy your notes later, meant as soon as he saw you pack up to leave, he jumped up, his own bag already packed, ready to join you down in the kitchens for dinner.
Harry and Ron sat watching you wander over to Draco with a grin on your face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your temple to rile up the two Gryffindor boys.
“Ready to go?” your fake boyfriend asked you with a smile to which you nodded, eager for food away from prying eyes and curious questions.
The two of you made your way down to the kitchens, talking about what you were hungry for and before you knew it, a huge plate of a roast dinner was placed in front of you.
“Oh my,” you practically drooled “look how pretty this is”
“I hope you have the same reaction when you see me?” Draco joked
“Unless you suddenly turn into a plate of food, it’s a no, sorry honey”
“Maybe not a plate of food, but I am a snack”
You did not address the comment, only sent him an amused look which he smirked proudly at getting some sort of reaction from you. 
The two of you dug into your meals, chatting about absolute nonsense gossip you’d heard throughout the day. Apparently you’d missed Seamus Finnegan blowing up not only his own water goblet, but the rest of Gryffindor table’s, trying to turn it into Firewhiskey when you were in the Library.
Through a mouthful of roast potato, you suddenly made an exclamation like you’d suddenly remembered something, catching the blonde boy’s attention.
“Yes?” he asked amused at you trying to swallow your food quick enough to say something before you forgot your thought process.
“What was your idea you mentioned earlier?” you finally managed to ask. “The one you mentioned in your note?”
“Ahh” he began as he set down his knife and fork “I have an idea about something we can do to make people believe we’re a couple more?”
“Go on?” You asked curious, taking another bite of your food
“We could make out?”
Well, you didn’t expect that.
And the fact you were now choking on your mouthful, showed that perfectly well.
Draco patted your back as you trying to regain your breath. Finally able to swallow your food, you took a gulp of water to clear your mouth.
“Sorry” you muttered
“No worries, if I knew you were going to react like that I would’ve prepared you” he grinned at your embarrassment.
“Piss off”
You rolled your eyes at him before locking his gaze with your own unamused look.
“So?” He pressed
“Um... yeah, I guess that could work”
You fiddled with your sleeve as you tried to pull off an unbothered expression, when all you could now think about in your head was the fact you’d be kissing your best friend.
“Right?! That’s what I was thinking! No one would be able to deny we weren’t dating after we’d kiss in the Great Hall or something where everyone could see.”
“Yeah” you collected yourself and yanked yourself back into your confident persona “I mean, go big or go home right?! All bets on.”
“Exactly” he nodded in agreement “We do this and everyone will believe it”
You mirrored his nod and shot him a smile, hiding your nervousness immaculately. If there was one thing you could do, it was hide your true emotions.
“Yeah... everyone”
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“Hey, when’s the potions essay due again?”
Hermione gave you an unamused stare as you sat across from her in the Gryffindor common room.
The witch had made you promise to study with her for the test Flitwick had set for charms, especially since neither Harry nor Ron felt it urgent to do so.
“Don’t tell me you forgot about it?!”
“Nope, it was totally intentional for me to leave an entire essay due to do the night before” you shrugged sarcastically causing Hermione to send you another of her stares. 
To be completely honest, you probably would’ve done it last night if Draco hadn’t taken you to the kitchens for dinner. You two ended up staying there for the rest of the evening, partly for the instant snacks from the house elves, partly because you two just enjoyed each others company more than anyone else. You had to admit though, the pumpkin pasties were worth it.
“Well don’t come running to me for help when you need it” Hermione miffs “I told you to get it done as soon as it was set otherwise you’ll forget it, and look what’s happened? You’ve-”
“Forgotten it, yes okay, thank you. You getting a good view up there from your high horse?!”
“Don’t be silly” 
Hermione went to say something else but was interrupted.
“Hey, (Y/N)”
Lee Jordan smiled at you effortlessly as you sent him a smile back, slightly confused as to why he was there in the first place. He looked slightly nervous when you looked closer, his fingers playing with the edge of his sleeve.
“Hi, Lee. You alright?”
“Yeah, I actually wanted to ask you something, if you’re not busy?”
“Go ahead, I’m not doing anything interesting”
An annoyed scoff from the witch sitting opposite you said different.
Lee’s eyes flicked between the two of you before they settled back on you.
“I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the next Hogsmeade weekend with me?”
You were confused. Surely everyone, especially Lee because of the twins, knew you were going out with Draco. It had been all anyone had asked you about for the past week.
“Um... I actually was going to go with Draco” you told him slowly “You know, my boyfriend?”
“Yeah but that’s not actually true is it?!” Lee laughed a little like the idea was preposterous. “I mean come on, you don’t actually like the guy, right?”
You bristled slightly at the way Lee spoke about Draco. Sure, the boy was an wanker to most of the Gryffindors, if not all of them, but he wasn’t a truly bad person. 
Most of the way he acts is down to how he was raised by his parents, and after meeting Lucius one summer, you could understand why.
“Nope, I actually love the guy, which is part of the reason why I’m his girlfriend”
“You love him?!” Hermione jumped in, just as surprised as Lee
The tone Hermione used also didn’t sit right with you 
“Yep, we’re super in love” you grinned at her unfazed, not showing any hesitation about the subject. “So as nice as your offer is, Lee, I’ll have to turn it down, sorry”
The boy looked taken aback as if he thought you wouldn’t turn him down.
“Right, well, okay. Sorry to bother you” Lee smiled at you which you returned before he walked away.
You were still slightly shocked that Lee had just asked you out, when it was pretty much common knowledge for everyone in the castle, that you were in a relationship. 
It solidified the point that Draco and you needed to make it more convincing though. 
Nonetheless you turned back to your study notes, hoping to put this from your mind, but before any more studying could be done, the notes were snatched away.
“Nope, you’re not doing anything else until you tell me what’s really going on”
Laughing slightly you rolled your eyes at the dramatics of your friend. 
“Really! And despite the fact you somehow think I’m stupid-”
“You’re far from stupid, Mione-”
“Shhh” she actually shushed you as you interrupted her causing you to snort under your breath. “You really didn’t think I wouldn’t pick up on how Malfoy just so happens to not make any more insulting comments towards me?”
“Like I’ve told you before, he’s not a bad person and it’s not a huge change-”
“Yes it is!”
You stilled slightly at the conviction in her voice, words dying on your tongue before you could even utter them.
“He used to call me a mudblood every time we were in the same room, (Y/N). Now he nods to me and actually acts like I’m not some piece of dirt on his shoe? Somethings up.”
You never thought the dynamic between the two was really that bad, so you found yourself not really knowing what to say. Hermione continued regardless of your silence.
“I know you don’t know how much he used to insult me, or torment me because regardless of anything, the boy absolutely adores you so much so he would bite his tongue whenever you were in the room. Though now he’s actively going out of his way to be civil with me, even when you’re not around? I don’t trust it.”
Again, you were at a loss for words. But overwhelmingly you felt like a terrible friend.
“Hermione... I didn’t know it was that bad between you”
“Well it is, or was” she shook her head as if to centre her thoughts. “Look, fine, don’t tell me what’s going on, just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“Careful of what?” you asked confused as to what she was talking about now.
Sighing heavily, Hermione grabbed her books and started to pile them up. Standing up she paused, letting her eyes rest on you as you could tell she was debating what to say to you.
“Just be careful you don’t get caught up in whatever game you’re playing too much” 
With that being said, the witch turned and headed towards the Gryffindor girl’s dormitories, no more words said between the two of you. The ones last said being enough to linger in your head.
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“Hey, Sweetheart”
You were surprised for a second which showed on your face before you quickly gathered yourself and sent a dazzling smile back to the blonde who had sat down next to you.
Hermione’s words had been on your mind since the previous night, enough to distract you as you were up, attempting to write your essay in the small hours of the night. You were exhausted, but somehow seeing Draco had made you feel just that little bit better.
“Morning” you replied, blushing slightly as Draco pressed a kiss to your temple (which was now becoming a normal thing for him to do), and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“You two are awfully cosy this morning” Blaise remarked as he took the seat opposite.
“What, am I not allowed to sit with my girlfriend for breakfast and show her some affection?!” Draco asked whilst grabbing a few slices of bacon from the buffet in front of him.
“Never said you weren’t” Blaise rolled his eyes at his best mate “just that you guys are disgustingly close”
“Aww thanks Blaise” you smiled at him innocently, clutching your coffee mug close to your chest, as he shot you a look which made you chuckle.
Pulling you closer to him, Draco leaned down to your ear to stage whisper loud enough so the boy opposite could hear.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just jealous he’s single and doesn’t have someone to kiss in the morning”
“Alright, piss off you two. If (Y/N) wanted to go out with anyone I had hoped it would’ve been me, but I’ll live” Blaise joked as you chuckled along with him. 
Draco sent his friend an amused look.
“Stop hitting on my girl, Zabini”
“Yeah yeah, I’m just joking” the wizard rolled his eyes at the Malfoy boy as the two of you shared a chuckle. This was until a prominent thought popped into your head.
“Oh, guess what happened last night?” you asked the blonde wizard who sent you an inquisitive glance as he took a bite out of a slice of toast. “Lee Jordan asked me out.”
At once, Draco’s face dropped it’s curious expression to form one of annoyance and agitation. 
“What?!” he practically hissed. “Does he not know you have a boyfriend?”
“Apparently, he thought it was a joke” you told him, eyes quickly assessing his reaction.
Leaning into you and pressing his forehead to your temple, it would’ve looked couple-y to anyone else but it just meant he could whisper to you so no one else would hear.
“What did you say?” he whispered 
“I said that I was your girlfriend” you whispered back, playing with his fingers of the hand wrapped around your shoulder. “I let him know I was taken, don’t worry.”
“But I am worrying (Y/N), he doesn’t know it’s a joke!”
“...Are you jealous? Offended someone else asked me out?”
“No! I just don’t like people asking out my girlfriend”
You turned your head so both your foreheads rested together. Resting your hand on his cheek, your thumb brushed over his cheekbone as his gaze met yours.
“I’m yours okay... for however long you want me to be your fake girlfriend” you caught yourself with an awkward chuckle. “I’m all in.”
Draco felt a smile creep up on his lips and he could help but take you in. You had this calming aura around you, which he felt like was almost soothing his soul just being next to you. 
He found it addicting.
A cough from opposite the table caught your attention and both your eyes snapped over to Blaise how pointedly looked towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
Catching sight of Pansy entering the hall, eyes darting round, no doubt looking for the blonde boy next to you, you couldn’t help the noise of irritation which left your lips.
Draco smiled at the sound, enjoying the fact you were as annoyed as him when it came to the girl. He pulled you closer to him, slotting you under his arm as you wrapped your own arm around his waist in turn tucking yourself into his side.
“Bitch incoming” you muttered under your breath
Draco snorted under his breath before rolling his eyes at the smile Pansy sent him as she wandered over to the three of you.
“Oh Merlin” Blaise groaned as she took the seat next to him, opposite from you.
“Hi guys”
“Is there some reason you’re sitting with us?” you found yourself asking as the girl shot you a snide glare.
“I just wanted to sit with my friends, is that such a crime?”
“What friends?” Blaise muttered loud enough for everyone present to hear.
“Pansy, we’d rather eat without your face putting us off our food” Draco shrugged.
Pansy eyed the arm holding you securely to him with a look of envy and disgust, like it was disturbing her immensely.
“Oh Drakey, don’t be mean, where else am I meant to go?!”
“If you ask nicely, the pound might take you back” you joked which earned you amused snorts from both boys.
Any expression on her face, which was put on for politeness, dropped instantly and Pansy glared at you like looks could kill.
“So first you steal my boyfriend and then you insult me?”
“I wasn’t your boyfriend, I will never be your boyfriend” Draco sighed like the topic was getting old.
“And then,” Pansy continued, completely disregarding the Malfoy boy’s comment, “you think you can just play around with a rumour that you two are together, and everyone’s just going to believe it? Come on, I haven’t even seen you two kiss. This little act you’re putting on might just ruin that friendship of yours.”
There was no doubt about it, Pansy Parkinson was jealous, vengeful and relentless. 
You knew convincing her would be the biggest problem of this whole plan but that’s exactly what you needed to do; convince her.
With this in mind, you sat up straight and looked her dead in the eyes.
“You don’t believe us because we haven’t kissed in front of you?”
“I think the fact that you two haven’t kissed in front of anyone proves you’re just faking it” she shrugged.
“So you want proof?” Draco asked with a scoff “That I would choose (Y/N), a decent, good human being, over you, to be in a relationship with?”
Pansy pulled an expression like her question was obvious.
“Alright, how’s this for proof?”
The arm wrapped around your shoulder changed and Draco cupped your face in the palm of his hand. 
Brushing back a lock of your hair with the other hand, he took a brief moment to study your face, thumb rubbing softly on your cheekbone. Your eyes met his and the same determination was reflected within your own eyes at how much you wanted to show this bitch, that the boy now looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, was yours. 
Leaning down, Draco’s eyes never left yours, looking for any uncertainty, but found none. This gave him the confidence he needed and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
You were certain your brain short circuited. 
His lips were soft but determined, as the kiss you shared started slow, almost finding comfort in each other, before his other hand rose to cup the other side of your face. 
That was when your heart really skipped a beat.
It was like a fire was burning in your chest, almost painfully as you put everything you had into this kiss with Draco, and everything around you drowned out except for the boy in front of you.
He was addicting. 
Draco however, could hardly express how right this kiss felt. 
He really hadn’t expected how your lips would’ve felt until he met them, yet this was better than he could’ve ever predicted. You were all consuming, you were perfect, you were everything.
Holding your face between his hands like you were the most delicate thing, he just sunk into the feeling of kissing you. It was almost like finding something he had been missing.
Like he had been missing kissing you.
Pulling back after what felt like forever, when it could’ve only been seconds? Minutes? Draco wasn’t sure. Time had completely escaped him.
His eyes met yours and it was like the two of you were lost in each other. 
The fact that the two of you were so wrapped up in each other, you didn’t see how whispers spread through the Great Hall and soon everyone was watching the pair of you.
You didn’t see how the golden trio shared a look between the three of them, each concerned about you, and how wrapped up you were in Draco. 
You didn’t see how Fred handed George five galleons, an obvious bet having been made between the two of them.
You didn’t notice how Pansy, filled with envy and rage, left the Hall in a strop, Blaise’s amused gaze following her. 
You did however, notice how easy it was to get lost in the blonde wizard.
Especially his lips, and the way he whispered three words against them, not breaking eye contact with you.
“I’m all in.”
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Series Taglist: (If you’re in bold I’m unable to tag you for some reason, sorry!)
@weasleytwinswheezes @azkabanlexi @streetfighterrichie @queen-of-the-coven @gdee703 @thatguppienamedbae @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @savcks @remmyswritings @thescarletknight2014 @w0nderr @heyiheardyouwereawildone36 @moonlightorbit @ceeellewrites @nicole-prz @depressedchilipepper @swiftlymoniquesblog @soshitan @pastel-skyline @sokkasdarling @thatdumbbitchxx @emmamarie7708 @idkatee @malfovs @fadesbrina @slytherinxraven @purplewcrld @lauren-100 @lulbabes @s4dthrills @dracoswhore007 @parkeroffline @lord-byron @its-chickenwing-450 @hales-a-bells @loonyslytherin
Draco Taglist:
@torchwoodoctor @crouchless @coldheartedslytherin @a-coffee-bean @ochrythum
718 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
a/n: alright, I think this is the last Halloween fic I’m gonna due, I had one more in me. Thank you to everyone who sent me requests. I tried to sprinkle them all into the four different fics I wrote. This one was mostly inspired by someone who asked for a scared neighbor, and someone who asked for one of them to work at a haunted house! Reblogs and feedback are always helpful! Enjoy! (not proofread)
Warnings: pining, fluff, and smut at the end
Words: 6.6K
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Y/N was a scaredy cat, plain and simple. She loved Halloween, and the fun that came with it, she just hated the things that absolutely made her skin crawl like jump scares, fake blood, movies that were made with the sole purpose of scaring you, and haunted houses. Never has she once wanted to go to a haunted house in her life. She went when she was a little girl, and she ended up being one of this kids that just screamed and cried the entire time. She somehow made it through both It films, but had nightmares for weeks, so she just stays away from these things.
She was a recent graduate, just starting her master’s program, and living on her own for the first time. She loved her flat a whole lot, getting to decorate it however she wanted, and only having herself to blame if the dishes got stacked up or if the bathroom needed tidying. Another reason she loved her flat? Her very cute next door neighbor. She wasn’t sure if he was also in grad school, or was just from the area. She learned his name was Harry one day as they were both checking their mailboxes, and from there they would exchange pleasantries in the elevator or if they saw one another coming or going.
Harry was a tad mysterious in that he was quiet, but his smile always let Y/N know she wasn’t a bother. She had no idea if he was single or not. His apartment was often quiet aside from the occasional person he might bring back with them. She only ever heard muffled giggles, and the sound of his voice lowering an octave, but her bed wasn’t pressed up to the wall they shared, so she really didn’t pay much attention to it. It did make her more mindful for when she brought someone home, though, not wanting him to hear her.
Y/N always liked the little interactions she’d have with her sweet neighbor. It made living alone a little more exciting. She’d have her friends over when she could, and sometimes they got a little glimpse of Harry, and then they’d understand why Y/N couldn’t help but word vomit about him sometimes.
One day, a couple of weeks before Halloween, Harry spots her in the hall just as she’s keying into her place. He grins and comes up behind her.
“Ah!” She turns around and nearly decks him. “Jesus Christ, Harry!” She clutches her hand to her chest.
“Shit, I didn’t think you’d be so jumpy, I’m sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“No offense, but you’re a large man coming up behind a small woman to scare her on purpose…I think anyone would be scared.” Her face flushes with embarrassment.
“When you put it like that…yikes.” He clears his throat. “Um, I’m glad I caught you, though.”
“Oh?” She perks up a bit. He had genuinely wanted to talk with her?
“Yeah, I work seasonally at this haunted house downtown every year, it’s a lot of fun.” He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. “I’m supposed to give out some coupons, if you bring a group of five you get a discount, see?” He hands her the coupon and she looks it over.
“You…you work at a haunted house?”
“Just seasonally as a side gig, it pays pretty well. Plus, I get to dress up as different things and scare people.” He smirks.
“Well, I can see you definitely enjoy doing that.” She chuckles slightly.
“I really am sorry about that.” He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s a charity thing, so half the proceeds goes to UNICEF…if that persuades you at all.”
“I’ll, um, I’ll see if my friends want to go, thanks.”
He smiles at her and nods.
“Well, have a good one.” He says, and continues his way down the hall and to the elevator.
Y/N goes into her flat, and sighs heavily. She was fucked, absolutely fucked. She knew her friends would be down to go, but she more so worried about needing to wear a pair of depends or not because she was sure to wet herself at a haunted house.
“Why didn’t you just tell him you don’t like haunted houses?” Billy asks her over coffee.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Niall says to the group. “It’s the first time the guy’s said more than a few words to her, she wasn’t going to turn it down. Isn’t that right, Pet?”
“On the nose, Ni.” She sighs. “I looked like enough of a wimp when he scared me in the hall, I didn’t want to look like a total baby by telling him they scare me. Maybe we could go and I could just putter around outside.”
“Why don’t like you like them again? They’re harmless.” Sadie says as she sips on her tea.
“I don’t like the jump scares. I wanna see everything clearly in front of me. I also feel bad for clowns.” Y/N pouts.
“Clowns?” Rob questions.
“Yeah, like, clowns are supposed to be sources of joy, and they’ve been turned into these scary monsters for no good reason.” She takes a bite of her lemon-poppy scone, and swallows. “So…I mean, I have the coupon, would you all come with me? At least he’ll know I have friends.”
“What’s his name again?” Sadie says, taking her phone out. “Harry Styles?”
“Yeah, don’t bother looking him up, he doesn’t have any social media. Or if he does it’s all super private.” Y/N says.
“Of course you’ve tried to look him up before.” Niall teases her.
“Well, he is my neighbor, I wanted to see if I was living next to a creep or not.”
“I think we should go.” Billy says. “We haven’t done anything spooky this season yet.”
“That’s because you’re all too grown to come carve pumpkins and bake cookies with me.” Y/N huffs.
“Tell you what, you roast the seeds from the pumpkins and I’ll come bake with you.” Sadie says, throwing an arm around her friend, and they both giggle.
Later that day, Y/N happens to get into the elevator at the same time as Harry, and she was excited to give him the good news.
“Hey.” She smiles at him. “Um, I talked to my friends, we’ll be at the haunted house this weekend.”
“That’s great! I’ll be there Saturday night for sure.”
“What will you be dressed as? Will you be walking around outside, or will you be inside doing the real scaring?”
“If I told you any of that it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, now would it? No built up suspense.” They both get off the elevator and head down the hall. “See you then.” He winks at her, and she stands by her door a moment going over the interaction in her head.
She just wanted to prepare herself as much as possible. She knew half the fun for the stuff was to actually get people scared, but there was a difference between jumping and laughing at something, and genuinely screaming to the point of tears. Would she actually survive this?
Saturday evening, Y/N and her friends head downtown for the haunted house. There was a lot to do outside, so they stop off for candied apples before getting their tickets. She shows her coupon to the cashier, and the group gets their discount. It was just starting to get dark outside, and there were tons of people in costume walking around outside. Some people were taking pictures with them after getting spooked, and Y/N started to feel herself getting nervous.
“Don’t worry, Y/N.” Niall throws his arms around her shoulders. “Bill and I are gonna make a little sandwich with you so you’ll be right between us to grab onto while we walk in.”
“Thanks.” She says.
“Do you see him anywhere, or do you think he’s inside?” Rob asks.
“He wouldn’t tell me when I asked, so I have no idea.” She sighs.
“Well, let’s go get in line, it’s starting to fill up.” Sadie says, and they all head to the line to get inside.
There was someone dressed up like a witch scanning the tickets, and reminds everyone it is single file as you enter the house. Everyone nods, and Y/N grips onto both Niall and Billy’s hands as they form their line.
Harry was outside at the front of the line scoping out the scene. He was taking a little fresh air break before he needed to get back into his room. He was dressed like a dirtbag with a fake chainsaw in his hand. As he scans over the crowd in line he spots Y/N. His eyes widen as he practically sees her trembling. He watches as one of the boys she’s with raises her chin with their finger and says something to her. She smiles at him, and kisses his cheek. Harry furrows his brows in disappointment, and goes back inside.
It’s dark as they all step inside, and her death grip on the boys grows stronger.
“Y/N, close your eyes if you need to, we can guide you in.” Billy says to her as he grips her shoulders.
“Yeah, don’t feel like you even need to-“
“Ahhh!!” She screams when a few ghouls pop out at them. She nearly jumps on Niall’s back from it. “I should have just stayed outside.” Her bottom lip quivers.
“We’ve got you, just keep going.” Sadie says from the rear.
It really was just the jump scares and the darkness. The rooms they were walking in weren’t that scary. Some of them have flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder, creepy music and floorboard squeaking. Harry’s room was up next. All he had to was pretend to saw into someone’s neck, and let some fake blood out. The only thing was, his room was pitch black, so no one could what was happening until he ripped the cord for the chainsaw.
He recognizes Y/N’s pitiful scream instantly. Usually he gets a kick out of it, from anyone, but when he glances over at the group, and sees her cheeks stained with tears, he feels terrible. The scene is supposed to last a little longer, but he gives a signal to the lighting crew and they make it go dark again. His room was last, so Y/N practically gasps for air once she’s back outside.
“I’m sorry if I ruined it for you all.” She sniffles and wipes her cheeks. Niall sighs and helps her clean her face up.
“You didn’t, Lovie, it’s fine.” He says to her.
“You actually did a lot better than we thought.” Rob says.
“Are your panties dry?” Billy asks.
“Well…yeah.” She giggles.
“Then you did amazing!” Sadie says. “I have to say, I’ve been to my fair share of haunted houses, and that one was fucking scary.”
“Can…can we go get some pizza or something? Maybe some hard ciders? I need a fucking drink.” She jokes, and everyone agrees. She wished she had Harry’s number so she could at least text him that she actually showed up. “Wait! I just wanna go inside and leave a note for Harry.”
Everyone waits outside as she goes back up to the ticketing register. She asks if she can leave a note for him, and the girl at the register all but squeals, and says yes.
Made it through the house, just wanted you to know. Thanks again for the coupon!! – Y/N xx
“I’ll make sure H gets it.” She smiles at Y/N.
“Thank you.” She says, and out the door she goes back to her friends.
Harry felt even more gutted when he received the note. He had been part of the reason she was crying. Why would she have gone if she really didn’t like being scared? Did she go just for him? No way, that other guy she kissed had to be her boyfriend, right?
For about a week Harry contemplated knocking on Y/N’s door. He even thought to slide a note underneath, just to be cute, but he chickened out. One night he was getting some studying done when he heard a loud yelp. His head turns in the direction of the sound. Did she have someone over? He’d occasionally hear the squeal of her bed, but in all honesty Harry had a feeling Y/N wasn’t exactly getting her shit rocked. Either that, or she was just one of those really quiet girls. Not a minute later does he hear a quiet tap on his front door. He gets up and pads over to it to look through his peephole. It was a shaking Y/N.
“Y/N?” He says as he unlocks and opens his door. “Are you alright?”
“N-no, I…I don’t know what happened, um, I think something short circuited, and I…I feel so stupid for saying this but I don’t know where the breaker box is.”
“Oh, Pet, you’re not stupid. Took me forever to find mine, do you want some help?”
“If you don’t mind.”
He follows her out into the hall, and into her place.
“Gave you a bit of a fright, didn’t it?” He asks softly.
Poor thing must have been embarrassed. She was in a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt, clearly not wearing a bra. He thought she looked adorable, and just wanted to scoop her up, but he couldn’t. He uses his flashlight on his phone, and she involuntarily latches onto his wrist.
“I’m sorry, I’m petrified of the dark.” She tells him.
“It’s alright.” He shifts so he can hold her hand. “The breaker box should be in your pantry, that’s where mine is anyways.”
He heads her over to it, and she lets him open the door. She had a tidy flat, nothing to hide. He opens the box, looks away, flips the switch, and the lights all come back on. She lets out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank god. I thought I was going to be without heat! Thank you, I have no idea what happened. I don’t have anything overly plugged in.”
“No problem at all.” He smiles at her. “Sometimes it happens at my place, it’s not exactly the newest building, Love.”
“Right.” She swallows and lets go of his hand. He looks in the direction of her kitchen and sees she has a couple of pumpkins on the table.
“What are you up to?”
“Oh, well, I was going to get some cookies in the oven, and then carve some pumpkins. My friends aren’t really into it, but I like it.”
“So you don’t totally hate Halloween then?”
“No, not at all! I…I’m just not a fan of the scary stuff.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Would you…would you care to join me?” It was bold. He probably had plans, or probably just didn’t want to hang out with her.
“I’d love to! Can’t remember the last time I carved a pumpkin.”
“Oh! Well, alright then.” She smiles and leads him into her kitchen. “I have those sugar cookies with the pumpkins and black cats on them. I was about to slice them up before the power went out.”
“I love those, can I help?”
She preheats the oven and gets a baking sheet out with some parchment paper. She lets him slice up the roll with the black cats as she does the ones with the pumpkins, then she pops them in the oven. She grabs a couple of bowls to place on the table and he raises an eyebrow at her.
“My friends like when I roast the seeds, so we need one bowl for all the guts, and then one for when we separate them.”
“Gotcha.” They each grab one of the little carving knives and cut open the tops of the pumpkins. “Y/N?”
“If you don’t like the scary stuff then why did you come to the haunted house?”
“Oh…well…I didn’t want to disappoint you. You invited me, and…well….I’ve always wanted to get to know you better, so I thought that would be a good start.”
“You have?”
“Well, yeah, I think you’re the only other young person on our floor.” She laughs. “Are you still in school?”
“Yeah, I’m in grad school.”
“Me too!” She says excitedly and starts scooping the guts out of her pumpkin. Harry does the same.
“You could have just told me, you know, I was using the coupon as an excuse to talk to you.”
He nods and starts separating the seeds. She watches as his fingers work nimbly. She frightened when she hears the timer go off for the oven.
“Jesus, Y/N….I feel terrible that you’re so jumpy.”
“I think I’m just still a little worked up from the power going out.” She takes the cookies out of the oven and puts them on a cooling rack.
She comes back over and sticks her hands in the bowl of guts along with Harry’s, and they brush together. They look at each other and blush.
“Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, do you have a girlfriend?”
Everything sort of happens quickly from there. Without caring about the mess, Harry cups her cheeks and pulls her into a tender kiss. He backs her up against the wall next to the fridge, and she groans into his mouth. Her messy hands tug at the collar of his shirt to pull him down more to her so she can wrap her warms around his neck. He smiles against her.
“Were you eating some of the cookie dough earlier?”
“M-maybe.” She giggles. “Why?”
“You just taste really sweet.” He leans down and sucks her bottom lip between his teeth, and lets it snap back. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while, to be honest with you. You just seem like such a nice person.”
“I’ve…I’ve wanted to kiss you too.” Her heart was beating like crazy. Her eyes glance over at the pumpkins. She really did want to carve them. “Um…would you…would you like to get the pumpkins carved? And then maybe we could watch a movie while the seeds roast?”
“I’d like that.” He steps back from her. “I got your cheeks covered in guts, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” She chuckles and grabs a paper towel, wetting it under the sink faucet. She wipes her cheeks and continues to separate the seeds with him.
Harry begins carving his pumpkin while she lets the seeds rest on some paper towels. They munch on cookies, and giggle as they make horrible designs with the pumpkins.
“Okay, hold on.” She says and grabs two little lights to put inside the pumpkins. “Aw, they look so cute.”
“How come your friends don’t like doing this? I had a great time.”
“It’s a lot of work to them.” She shrugs. “Kinda glad they’re not here, wouldn’t have needed you to rescue me.”
“Guess it all worked out for the best.” He smiles at her.
“Go get get comfy. I can make us some tea while I ge the seeds in the oven if you like.”
“That would be great, thank you.”
It was a Wednesday night, Harry had class tomorrow, but he truthfully didn’t care. He was enjoying getting to know his neighbor, and he was hoping to get to know her a bit more.
“Alright.” She sets the mugs on the coffee table and grabs the remote. “I don’t know about you, but I’d love to watch Halloweentown.”
“A classic, throw it on.”
She feels almost giddy at his willingness to humor her. She flips the TV to Disney+, and puts on the movie. Just as she’s biting into another cookie after the opening the credits, she asks him the question that had been rattling around her brain over the last week.
“So, are you going to tell me who you were dressed up as at the haunted house?”
“Oh…I was the chainsaw guy at the end…”
“Oh.” She says quietly.
“I had them end it quicker when I saw how scared you were, I felt terrible.”
“Great, so you saw me crying like a baby.” She sighs.
“Hey.” He smiles at her. “I think it’s really brave that you went through the whole house.”
“You’re just saying that.” She pouts at him.
“No, I mean it.” He lifts a hand to stroke her cheek.
“You never responded to my note.” She says, just above a whisper.
“I…I didn’t know how. I didn’t know if one of the guys you were with was you boyfriend or not, and I didn’t want to just slip a response under your door.”
Her body relaxes under his touch, and she smiles softly at him.
“The guy who willingly scares people to the point of tears was too shy to slip a note under my door?” She smirks, and he lets go of her with a scoff.
“I resent that. There’s a crazy amount of confidence you get when you dress up like someone else”
“Sort of like stage presence?”
“Yeah, sort of.” He puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him. “Be quiet and watch the movie, would you?”
She giggles but listens to him. After she pulls the seeds out of the oven to cool, they get especially cozy on the couch with him laying behind her to spoon her. It was incredibly cozy, and everything she could have hoped for with him. The kiss earlier was nice and all, but she was hoping this was the sort of guy Harry was. One to be okay with staying in and watching a classic movie with a plate of cookies close by.
He was reluctant to leave, giving her smooch after smooch at the door, but he didn’t want to be groggy for class, and she had class too, so it was best for them to part ways. He did, however, ask for her number so he could ask her on a proper date some time and she happily gave it to him.
Y/N told her friends about the previous night, and they were really excited for her. They couldn’t believe the two had kissed over pumpkin guts, but hey, whatever works, right?
“You should invite him to my Halloween party.” Sadie says.
“He probably has to work at that stupid haunted house.” Y/N sighs.
“You won’t know unless you ask. Besides, it’s not like that place will be open super late. He could meet up with you.”
“That’s true. What if he thinks my costume is lame? I’m only dressing up like a witch.”
“The cutest witch as that, he won’t be able to resist.” Niall winks at her and she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, I’ll text him.” Her eyes grow wide as she takes out her phone.
“What is it, Peanut?” Billy asks her.
“He texted me this morning and I missed it!” She scrambles to open the message and text him back.
Harry: morning, beautiful, I had a lot of fun last night. Can’t wait to do it again…8:09AM
Y/N: so sorry for just responding, I’m horrible at texting! I had a lot of fun last night too. Do you have plans on Halloween??...11:17AM
She sets her phone down with a sigh, taking a sip of her tea as her friends continue to chat about Sadie’s party. She sees her screen light up and she smiles.
Harry: lol no worries, I’m sure you’re a busy person. I have to work the day shift at the haunted house, don’t worry, we tone it down for the kids, but I’m free in the evening, why?
Y/N: oh, well, maybe I should have gone during the day then haha my friend Sadie’s having a party and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? It’s okay if you don’t…
Harry: don’t be silly, I’d love to go! I’m assuming it’s a costume thing?
Y/N: great! Yeah, it’s a costume thing, but it’s not like over the top, I’m just going as a witch
Harry: bet you’ll be the cutest witch there 😉
Y/N: oh stop 😳
Harry: I mean it! I definitely have plenty of costumes, so I can pull something together. What time’s the party?
Y/N: I was hoping to get there for 9
Harry: works for me, see you then!
Y/N: see you then
“Oh my god.” She giggles to herself.
“What?” Sadie asks. “Is he gonna come with you to the party?”
“Yup?” Y/N grins. “And he thinks I’ll be the cutest witch there.”
“Oi, I literally just said the same thing to you!” Niall says.
“Yeah, but…I’m interested in him romantically so it means more.”
“Piss off.” He says with a glare and it makes her laugh. She throws her arms around her friend and kisses his cheek.
“Don’t worry, Ni, you’re still my number one man.”
“Mhm, sure.” He scoffs, and everyone else laughs.
Y/N never really fretted over a Halloween costume before, and she felt silly for being so nervous, but she just wanted to look…sexy? She sighs as she changes her outfit about three different times. She also wanted to be comfortable. She slides her legs into a pair of black slacks that come up just over her belly button, and had a slight flair at the bottom. She pairs it with a black lace bralette so only a sliver of her torso was showing. She curls her hair and brushes it out to look wavy, and applies some fun makeup to make her eyes pop. Last, she puts on her small witch’s hat, and waits for him. When she hears the knock on her door at ten of nine she takes a deep breath, grabs her purse, and opens it.
“Oh, Babe, you look amazing.” He says almost immediately, giving her a hug. She smiles up at him when she sees he’s dressed like a casual vampire. Donning similar black attire (slacks and a button up), along with some fake blood painted at the corners of his mouth.
“Thank you, is that what you wore today?”
“Way less scary.” She chuckles, and locks her door.
“Do you wanna wear my jacket?”
“Maybe later? I’m okay right now, but thank you.”
He nods as they step into the elevator. He casually takes her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. The walk to Sadie’s doesn’t take too long, and Y/N lets herself in when they get there. It was the usual group, plus some other friends from school and work. She introduces Harry to all of them, and get the two of them some sherbet punch.
“It’s spiked, is that alright?” She says to him.
“Yeah, thank you.” He takes the small cup from her and takes a sip.
Harry gets on with Y/N’s friends way better than she expected. It eased a lot of her anxiety because it wasn’t often she brought a guy around them so soon, but she talked about the him enough that they all already felt comfortable around him. He was also really funny, so that helped.
It was a great night all around. Y/N won a couple of round of Cards Against Humanity, and partnered up with Niall for a game of beer pong. Somewhere between midnight and one in the morning, Y/N and Harry decide to call it a night, he had worked all day after all.
“Care to come to mine for a nightcap?” He asks her as he shimmies his jacket off his shoulders and onto hers for the walk home.
Normally she wouldn’t yes so quickly, but they lived right next door to each other, and they had already gotten the first kiss out of the way, so she agrees. She was also curious to see how he had set up his place compared to hers. He leads her inside, and she stays wrapped in his coat as she goes to sit on his sofa. He comes back shortly with two glasses of red wine, only a little in each.
“Thank you.” She says as he hands her a glass. He sits down next to her, and grabs two coasters for his coffee table before setting his glass down.
“I had a lot of fun with your friends tonight. They seem like really nice people.” He sits with one leg underneath himself, and an arm slung over the back of the sofa.
“They are! I couldn’t ask for better friends, honestly.”
“Maybe you could meet mine sometime.” He blushes. “I don’t have as big of a circle as you do, but the friends I have are great.”
“I’d like that.” She smiles at before taking another small sip and setting her glass down. “I can’t believe I’ve been living next to you since June and it’s taken us this long to get to know each other.”
“Feels silly now, doesn’t it?” He reaches to tuck some hair behind her ear.
“Yeah.” She inches closer to him, and looks up at him with wide eyes. “Would you kiss me again, I really liked it last time.”
He smiles at her and leans in, pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes flutter closed as she tastes the sweet red wine pass from his lips to hers. He tugs her onto his lap to create a more comfortable position, causing his jacket to slip from her shoulders, but neither seem to care. She laces her fingers into his hair, and opens her mouth for him. He licks into her as his hands splay on her back, not wanting to be too grabby too soon. Their tongues swirl around each other, and she moans softly into him. He had the first few buttons of his shirt undone already, so it was easy enough to kiss from his jaw to his neck. He holds her close to him as she mouths at his sensitive skin. She moves to his collar bone, and bites down, sucking on him. He groans and squeezes at her back. She moves to look up at him, biting down on her bottom lip.
“Would you…like to see my bedroom?” He asks, clearly testing the waters.
“Yes.” She says, much to his surprise. She was full of surprises tonight. He pecks her lips, and lets her get off of him. He takes her hand and leads her to his bedroom. “It’s nice in here, Harry.” His bed was made, and his desk was tidy. A few clothes on the floor, but that’s much to be expected.
“Thanks, the, uh, comforter is new.”
“Looks comfy.”
“It is.” He cups her cheeks and kisses her. Her hands go to his love hands and she squeezes him.
They make their way over to the bed, and they lay down with him hovering over her. She wraps her legs around his waist while he kisses on her neck. His lips move down between the valley of her breasts, and nipping at the parts of her that were spilling out of the lace.
“This is such a sexy outfit.” He says, hot breath against her skin. She groans and pushes her hips up towards his to feel his growing bulge.
“What, um, what do you feel like doing, Harry?” She runs her hands through his hair.
“Honestly, I’d like to fuck you, but-“ She yanks his face up to hers so she can kiss him. He chuckles as he pulls away. “We can, uh, wait if you want.” He clears his throat.
“Do you want to wait? I wouldn’t mind if you fucked me.”
“Well, look at you! The girl who’s so bloody afraid of the dark and haunted house and all things spooky is up for a little shag?”
“I may be scared in the streets, but that’s not how I am in the sheets.” She grins at him and his eyes darken a little.
“Alright, then.”
He sits up and takes his shirt the rest of the way off. She gazes up at him and runs her hands up and down his stomach. He was toned, yet soft, the perfect mixture. She reaches to undo his belt, and unzip his pants. He gets them the rest of the way off, and then kneads her breasts through the bralette. She arches up into him, and moans when he sucks on her nipple through the fabric.
“Can I take this off?” He breathes.
She sits up a little to help him, and he tugs it off of her. His large hands cup her breasts, and he goes back to sucking on them, leaving little love bites behind. He works his mouth down her stomach, and his hands work to undo her pants. He looks up at her and she nods, lifting up her hips to help him get them off. He leaves her underwear on for now, kissing on her hips, and opening her legs up. He sucks a bruise on her inner thigh, and she gasps. He kisses her over panties before hooking his fingers into them, and dragging them down her legs. She blushes as she opens herself up for him. She had done a full body shave, and now she was regretting it because she must look like a child to him even though she was the same age as him.
“I…I’m sorry, that must look weird.” She chokes out.
“M’like a little too smooth, don’t you think?”
Harry runs his fingers over her folds and up her pelvis.
“Listen, whether you look like this, have a full bush, or something in between, I wouldn’t really care. It’s all about comfort, right? Does being shaved like this make you more comfortable?”
“Okay, so, no problem, Babe.” He smiles. “It’s actually kinda cute.”
“Harry.” She whines and runs her hands down her face. “Will you get on with it?”
He nods and lays between her legs. He uses his thumbs to spread her apart, and starts by licking at her clit. She gasps as he flicks the tip across the bud, and then laps around her folds. He licks over her center, and presses circles with his thumb into her clit. He dips his tongue inside her, only for a moment, before looking up at her. He runs a fingers around her wetness before pushing it inside, and putting his mouth back on her clit. She watches him with her mouth hanging open.
“God, that feels so fucking good.” She praises him, and he moans against her in response.
He gets a second finger inside her and makes the ‘come here’ motion over and over, petting over her front wall and pushing against her g-spot. His tongue continues to work her clit, and she starts to feel her orgasm approaching.
“Oh, oh my god, oh my god, Harry, fuck, I’m gonna come, ugh, don’t stop, I’m…I’m, fuck!” She all but screams as she releases around his fingers.
He fucks her through it, removing his mouth, but still pumping her slowly with his fingers. She was unraveling for him, and he loved the sight. He retracts his fingers and cups her cheek with his other hand.
“Liked that, huh?” He smirks.
“Felt amazing.” She smiles up at him dreamily. “Do you want me to, um-“
“As much as I’d love to get those pretty lips wrapped around me, I really just wanna fuck you, is that okay?”
“Works for me.” She chuckles, and watches him reach into his side table for a condom, which makes her smile grow more.
He slips his boxers off, and her jaw drops as he rolls the condom on. She was definitely thankful he fingered her first. He gets back between her legs, and runs his tip between her folds. Her hips buck up towards him, just wanting him to put it in already.
“Want me to fuck you?” He says.
“How bad?” He says as he just presses his tip against her and then pulls it away.
“R-really bad, Harry.” She nearly begs. “Please, fuck me.”
He presses his bulbous head into her, and she moans out from the stretch. He feeds her, inch by inch, and bottoms out. Her nails dig into his forearms.
“M’gonna move.” He says and she nods.
He rocks his hips in and out of her at first, letting her adjust, and then he grabs one of her ankles to throw over his shoulder, and he drives it in deep. Her mouth falls open, but no noise comes out. No one had ever filled her up like this before. He grips the head board with one hand and continues fucking into her. She moans out, maybe a little too loudly, but it wasn’t like his neighbor was home. No wonder she could hear whoever he brought home sometimes, he really knew what he was doing. With a stroke of boldness, she slides her hand up to his neck, and grips him lightly. He looks down at her, a little shocked.
“Is this okay?” She pants.
“Yeah, do it harder.”
She groans and does as he says. He grunts and moans as he starts to hit her g-spot again. It was quite the hot sight, seeing her small hand around his thick throat. Her other hand moves to rub her clit, and he almost loses it watching her.
“Y/N, I…fuck, I don’t know how much longer I can go, I’m s-sorry.” He bites his bottom lip to try to focus on something else.
“I’m almost there, almost there! Just keep going, please!”
Her back arches as he gives her a sharp thrust and she comes around his cock. He spills into the condom not too long after and collapses on top of her. She hugs him to her chest, and runs her fingers through his now damp curls. He lifts his head to kiss her, licking into her mouth. She welcomes it, molding her tongue to his. If he wasn’t so sensitive he’d probably grow hard again. She winces as he pulls out, and he quickly goes into his bathroom to get a warm rag to clean her up.
“You don’t have to do that, I can just use the bathroom.” She says as her legs lay limp. He chuckles as he runs the rag over her.
“I know you can, but I thought I’d help out a bit.” He knees back on the bed to lay next to her. “Will you stay the night?”
“You really want me to?”
“Yeah.” He runs his fingers up and down her torso, raising goosebumps over her body. “I don’t know about you, but in about ten minutes I for sure could go again.” Her head turns to him and she scoffs. “Or…not, we could also just cuddle if you like.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” She rolls over onto his chest, and he kisses the top of her head.
“Did I go a little too hard?”
“Maybe, but I like it like that so it’s fine.”
“You’re full of surprises, I like you a lot.” He blurts out, and she looks up at him.
“You do?”
“Mhm.” He smiles.
“Good, because I like you too. I’m glad you’re not a proper dick and didn’t kick me out.”
“Couldn’t do that to you, Babe. In fact, tomorrow morning, I’m gonna make you a big breakfast.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, and then we’ll get cozy and eat it in bed. Have a nice lazy day…you know, if you want….”
She giggles and moves to straddle him. He grips her hips and looks up at her confused.
“You’ve sold me, I can go again.”
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Chemical Reaction - Kuroo Tetsuro
Summary: When the universe hands you a second chance, will you be able to move on from the mistakes of your past? 
college!Kuroo x fem!reader
a friends to friends w/ benefits to lovers type of deal.
Warnings: some light NSFW, slow burn, aged up characters, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, fingering, cursing, and a little heartbreak. angst to fluff
Word Count: 7.3k (it goes by fast, I swear (′ꈍωꈍ‵))
A/N:  Jesus... this started out as a prompt, but it snowballed into whatever the hell this is. And it was supposed to be done by Kuroo’s bday T-T but better late than never! I poured in a lil extra love into this, pls give it a shot, lmk what you think, and I hope you enjoy !
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Your history with Kuroo Tetsuro went back a little bit further than you’d like to admit.
He had been in your class for all three years you were at Nekoma, but you had really only popped onto each other’s radars second year.
He had been assigned the seat next to you, and while you were upset that your best friend, Eri, had been sat all the way across the room, you didn’t exactly mind the view.  
Right off the bat, you knew this was going to be trouble for you.
The guy was cute, funny, and smart. How hadn’t you noticed him before?
“Hey, L/N-chan,” he said, already making you blush with the addition of the honorific, “I have many chemistry jokes… but I’m afraid they won’t get a good reaction!”
You couldn’t stop either the face palm or the giggle that slipped out of your lips.
Kuroo was an easy person to get along with. He always greeted you in the mornings, and never really bothered you during class. On the rare occasion he stayed in the classroom for lunch, the two of you would strike up a conversation, but it never went past the surface.
Until about halfway through the school year. Your teacher had assigned a project that required a partner.
You looked to Eri, only to find the little traitor pairing up with the guy she had been eyeing since first year.
You sighed, not even mad at her for trying to shoot her shot.
“Want to be partners?” your head shot to the boy next to you.
“Uhm. Sure!”
And so it went like this; the project was due at the end of the year, requiring a research paper, and a 7 minute power point presentation.
Once or twice a week, the two of you would meet up at the school library either before school or after your club activities.
Kuroo was smart; smarter than you but you’d never say that to his face, so more often than not, the two of you would finish what needed to be done that day, and spent the rest of the time just talking, and getting to know each other.
By the third time the two of you had gotten kicked out by the librarian for laughing too much, Kuroo suggested meeting at his house on the weekends.
Surely that doesn’t mean what you think it means right???
It doesn’t, lmao. This guy was a good student, he made sure you guys finished your parts, because there was no way he was going to get anything less than an A.
Oh, you guys finished a little early today? Great! L/N-chan! Help me with my receives!
As the weeks pass by, there was a mutual progression in the relationship, neither of you seeing each other as project partners anymore, and falling into a comfortable friendship.
For Kuroo, that is. You, on the other hand, just became way too good at acting like you weren’t falling in love.
The school year is coming to a close, and you turn in your project.
Surprise, surprise! You guys got an A.
Seriously, the teacher said she was going to start using it as an example for the future students.
You couldn’t even be happy about your passing grade; you were too sad that your time with Kuroo was ending.
“Well, it was really fun being your partner this year,” you said, and Kuroo cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Why do you sound like someone’s dying,” he joked, “Anyway, Kenma said he bought a new game, but it’s multiplayer. What time are you coming this weekend?”
Bitch, ya heart nearly jumped out of your chest.
For a little while, you were content with things being like that. You had become good friends with not just Kuroo, but Kenma as well. You guys weren’t always together, but definitely made a point to make time for each other.
While you guys were usually busy during the week, club activities, homework and school taking up most of your time, Saturdays at Kuroo’s had become a thing well into your third year. As much as possible, you would try to attend his games, and he would try to bring you snacks when he knows you’re stuck studying.
You tried really hard not to read into the things he would do for you.
Surely, he’s also held Kenma’s bag while walking him home, right?
He’s memorized his whole team’s schedule; it’s nothing special if he also has yours memorized.
You know that he only brought you lunch today because he had to share half of his when you forgot yours.
All normal friend stuff, right! Right?!
“I met a cute girl the other day,” he said to you absentmindedly one morning before class.
Wait. Your chest shouldn’t feel so tight, should it? Your eyes are swimming, and your head is floating. Every breath feels like lead in your lungs, and you kinda wished the ground would swallow you whole.
“Oh, Really?” you tried to be nonchalant, and hoped he didn’t notice the shakiness in your voice.
He nodded. “Yeah… she’s kinda funny.”
But you were really funny, weren’t you? You were the one that made him laugh like a hyena, made him clutch his stomach and gasp for breath, right?
“Is that so?” your mouth felt like sandpaper, “Why don’t you try taking her out on a date?”
You wish you had never said those words.
You knew the girl he was talking about; you had seen Kuroo approach her in the hallway.
She was your teammate in the track and field club; not one of the fastest, but she was beautiful, kind, friendly, and Kuroo was right – she really was kind of funny.
“You should have told him first, you know,” Kenma had mumbled from next to you once, eyes never leaving his game while yours quickly shot him a glare.
It was just the two of you at the lunch table – Kuroo mumbling an excuse about having plans with another “friend”.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kenma just rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
You spend the next few weeks avoiding him; it was easier since he didn’t sit next to you in class anymore, you weren’t really replying to his texts as often, you stopped visiting him and Kenma at practice, and you had missed the game you had told them you would try to go to.
You were kind of starting to realize that it was mostly you that had to go and seek them out.
Now that you weren’t doing these things… where was he?
You would catch a glimpse of Kuroo when he would visit your teammate during practice; he would try to greet you but you’d only shoot him a tight smile.
So when you heard a loud knock on your door at eight o clock in the evening, the last person you expected was the roosterhead himself.
“Hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I could tell something was bothering you, and I’ve been trying to give you your space, but… it’s been weeks now so, I just have to know… Are you avoiding me?”
You didn’t really know what to say, if there is even anything else to. Even with your head down and eyes trained to your feet, you could feel the burn of his gaze.
“I...” the deep timbre of his voice always managed to give you chills, “I miss you.”
Is he fucking serious right now? He’s so smart, yet he can’t put two and two together? He can see his opponents’ moves before they happen, yet he can’t even see you standing right in front of him?
“I have feelings for you, Kuroo,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
Kuroo’s eyes widened by a fraction, his mouth slightly hung agape, dumbfounded by your seemingly random confession.
Except, it wasn’t random to you. You’ve been harboring these feelings for months, and after hurting yourself by staying silent for so long, you decided that you deserve better.
You’ll accept whatever the outcome, if that’s the price for your peace.
“Y/N…” it took him a long time to finally speak, and you try to ignore the fact that this is the first time he’s called you by your first name.
His face clearly showed his struggle to get the words out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t… I –“
You raised your hand. You didn’t really want to hear any more than that.
“It’s okay,” you said, giving him a small smile.
And with that, you shut the door on Kuroo Tetsuro.
You do your best to move on, smiling and laughing with friends you wouldn’t usually talk to you, ignoring the ghost of your past that haunt you every time you walked passed by Kuroo and your teammate down the hall.
You throw back a laugh at whatever the person next to you had said, turning away to miss the fact that Kuroo’s eyes always followed you wherever you went.
Graduation day came and in the blink of an eye, your days at Nekoma were behind you.
The days passed, the seasons changed, the flowers bloomed, and then they died.
You started university, moving to a different city and living with the very same best friend whose betrayal to quench her own thirst became the catalyst for your greatest heartbreak.
You’ve forgiven her for that though, you guess.
Life in college was the breath of fresh air that you needed.
New things to learn, new places to discover, and new faces to help you forget the scars of old ones.
Years pass by, and while you’ve allowed yourself to feel the touch of others, allow them to make you laugh, allow them to make you cry, you’ve never really allowed yourself the luxury of falling in love again.
Who has time for that any way?
Definitely not you. You just needed to finish your undergrad, and get into med school.
You had plans for your life, you weren’t going to compromise your dreams just for another person, and no matter whom you dated or how much they liked you, this fact had always rubbed them the wrong way.
You were finally starting your last year at your undergrad, quite possibly one of the most important years of college, what with your thesis, med school applications, and your entire future pretty much on the line, no big deal.
Your first class of the day was chemistry. You had been avoiding the last chemistry class required by your degree, all of your friends telling you that it was one of the hardest classes they’ve ever taken, and so naturally, you ran away for as long as possible.
The class wasn’t due to start for another fifteen minutes when you walked in, giving you a perfect opportunity to grab a seat of your liking.
You ended up choosing one in the third row – you knew that if you sat in the back, you wouldn’t pay attention.
You take out your laptop, books, and all required materials, using this free time to check any emails from your professors.
You were checking the time – 5 minutes left until class started – when you were interrupted.
Your feel your body stiffen up at the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard in years.
You turn your head to your left, hoping to all the gods that maybe you were mistaken.
“Kuroo?” you said in disbelief, and oh honey… you could not believe he was standing right before you.
Kuroo seemed like he hadn’t changed at all. His hair seemed a little bit more managed, he was a little bit taller, his muscles filled out his shirt better… but he still had the same goofy smile on his face, and that undeniably mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out. “I thought you went to a university in Tokyo?”
“I did, but I transferred this year,” he said, “This university has a great marketing program.”
“I can’t believe it,” you mumble out, more so to yourself than him, “It’s been years.”
He gave you a smile. “It has.”
He took the seat next to you, much to your surprise. You almost wanted to open your mouth in protest, but what could you say? ‘You can’t sit there’?
You were thankful that the class had only gone over the syllabus, because you didn’t hear a word the professor said.
When you told Eri about it later, she just laughed.
“I always thought Kuroo-san was a nice guy,” she commented, her back turned while she cooked the both of you dinner.
“I never said he wasn’t,” you said, throwing back the rest of the wine in your glass.
“What, you still like him or something?” Eri teased, plating the noodles she had created and setting it in front of you.
“Of course not,” you grumbled, stabbing at the plate with a fork, and the amused look on Eri’s face tells you that her silence was just to placate you.
The next few weeks of the semester went by without any incident.
Kuroo stayed in the seat next to you, and you didn’t let yourself wonder why.
You were proud at yourself for being able to talk to Kuroo the way that you were; he still made the same stupid chemistry jokes in high school, but now you felt like you could laugh at them without choking on the air around you.
It was easy.
Until it wasn’t.
“Alright everyone,” your professor began one rainy morning, “We’re about halfway through the semester, and this is usually around the time I like to assign a little project.”
All of a sudden, you felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.
“Now, it’s only going to be worth about a third of your grade in the class, so I suggest not slacking off on this one. This is going to require a partner, and before you go texting your bestie that you want to ‘link up’, I’ve taken the liberty of assigning your partner for you.”
Oh, Christ. You were praying you wouldn’t get partnered up with a dead weight.
“When I call your name, raise your hand so I could introduce you to your new partner.”
You waited patiently for your name to be called, but Kuroo’s had been called first.
“Kuroo Testuro.”
Kuroo raised his hand.
“Your partner will be... let’s see here… ah, L/N F/N!”
No. No fucking way.
Your arm involuntarily raised, the professor nodding his head in acknowledgement.
You slowly turn to face Kuroo, who had an unreadable smile placed on his lips, your professor’s voice droning on in the background.
“Well,” he said, laughter laced in his words, “Isn’t this familiar?”
At first, you felt incredibly apprehensive at the thought of being partnered with your high school crush, but at the end of the day, you were actually incredibly thankful.
Kuroo was just as smart and diligent as he was back then, and you had every confidence that your project was going to get the highest grade.
You tried to make it a point to meet in public places – cafes, libraries, and the like.
But soon, Kuroo suggested that it would just be easier and more comfortable to meet at either your place or his.
He only ever came by when Eri was home too, which would have been fine if the smirk on her face didn’t make you so nervous.
You noticed that his roommate was always around when you came over as well. You learned his name was Bokuto, and though he was a little loud, his presence was actually a little comforting.
Honestly, it all felt so… nostalgic. Whenever you would finish your work for the day, then the two of you would spend the time talking, catching up, and laughing at stupid jokes, almost as if the two of you were friends again.
Almost like nothing happened between you at all.
“Hey,” you started one day, curiosity getting the better of you after a particularly steamy conversation about past relationships, sitting on the floor with your iPad on your lap and homework strewn about all over the living room floor, “Whatever happened between you and that girl from high school?”
Kuroo just gave you a sad smile, and you thought she must have broken his heart pretty badly.
“Oh that…” he waved it off, “That was a mistake. A big one.”
You figured it was better not to ask any more questions.
Eri walked out of her room soon after Kuroo left that night, her arms crossed and leaning against the door’s archway as she watched you wash the dishes.
You guys are getting pretty close,” she mused.
She couldn’t see you roll your eyes. “Well, yeah, we were pretty good friends in high school.”
Eri let out a humorless laugh. “I stand by my statement that Kuroo-san is a nice guy,” she said, walking up next to you to place a hand on your shoulder, “But I haven’t forgotten how long it took you to get over what happened.”
Your hands stilled in the soapy water for a second, but you chose not to say anything.
“I’m just saying,” Eri started to walk back to her room, calling out her last words behind her shoulder, “Be careful.”
Eri’s words echoed in your head whenever you were with Kuroo.
Every time he offered to pay for your food, you made sure to insist you’d pay for it yourself. If he tried to grab your bag from your shoulder when you walked, you’d hold on tighter and say you were fine.
You didn’t avoid him like you did before, but you made every attempt to keep him at arm’s length.
It seems your attempts were all for nothing, however, when the semester ended.
“Amazing job,” were the words that came from your professor when giving your passing grade.
“We did it,” Kuroo said happily, the two of you making your way out of the class, “It’s finally over.”
“Thank god,” you laughed back.
“Hey,” Kuroo started, though he was looking at everywhere but you, “Bokuto’s gone and visiting his boyfriend for the weekend, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over for drinks later?”
You blinked, trying to even your breathing.
“You know, to celebrate the end of the semester, and acing that nightmare class.”
You should say no, right? Wait, but you’re grown now. You’ve moved on from what happened back then. The two of you did work really hard this semester, what’s wrong with celebrating your achievements?
“I think we’ve earned it,” Kuroo laughed.
“Yeah,” you said, and you were glad for it just from the smile that spread on his stupid face, “We really have! I’ll be there.”
“See you at eight?”
You nodded at his words as he waved goodbye, going your separate ways.
Ten hours later, you were sitting next to Kuroo on his living room floor, sake cup full to the brim as BNHA plays on his TV.
“Ah, Deku’s in the hospital,” Kuroo slurred, sake sloshing out of his cup when he pointed to the screen, “That’s a shot!”
The two of you threw back the warm liquid, and you were kind of worried that it didn’t taste like anything anymore.
“Kuroo,” you laughed, “We’re only on the second episode… and I think I’ve taken, like, twelve shots at this point.”
“This was your idea!”
“Well, I have another idea,” you started to get up, causing Kuroo to get up as well, “Let’s order take out!”
He laughed at your red face, agreeing with you.
You started to make your way to the couch, but all of a sudden, you felt dizzy, a head rush taking over your senses as you stumbled over your feet.
Kuroo caught you before you could hit the floor.
“You okay?” he laughed, and the sound of it elicited a laugh from your own lips.
In a second, the two of you erupted in giggles, snickering at nothing in particular while his strong arms still held you in place.
Suddenly, you were hyperaware of his touch on your skin, and you let your eyes trail from the strong hands around your waist, to the golden honey eyes that were already staring at your face.
You can’t exactly remember how, but the next thing you knew, you were pinned under Kuroo on his bed, his soft lips moving in tandem with yours while his hot tongue took over your whole mouth.
Your arms were looped around his neck, and he slid his calloused hands up your arm.
You felt his hands grip onto your wrists before he pulled them off his necked and pinned them onto the mattress.
You took in a deep breath once he disconnected from your mouth, planting a trail of kisses along your jaw line and down to your neck, before you slid his tongue across your supple skin.
You shivered, acutely aware of the fact that he has you trapped.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your mind.
Fuck, you tried to think but it was hard when Kuroo just threw his shirt across the room, hovering over you with chiseled abs and defined muscles.
The heat returned to your body when he lowered his head, and popped a hard nipple into his mouth.
Your body arched at the feel of his teeth grazing against your skin, goosebumps racing when he dipped his hand beneath your underwear, a slender finger gliding down your folds before inserting into you.
You weren’t prepared for the intrusion, and he captured the gasp that came out of your mouth with his lips.
He was now holding down both of your wrists with one hand, never realizing that he was that much bigger than you.
He slid out his finger, bringing it to his mouth to give a long lick, before dipping his hand back down, and pushing in two.
You threw your head back when Kuroo curled his fingers, wondering how the hell he was able to find your g spot so quickly.
You felt like an animal caught in his trap, caged in with your arms pinned down, no choice but to let Kuroo draw out your orgasm while he pumped and curled into you, circling his thumb over your swollen clit.
Your legs were shaking while you screamed out his name, embarrassed that you were cumming so hard when he hasn’t even actually fucked you
He didn’t give you a chance to recover from your orgasm
In one swift movement, Kuroo let go of your hands and pulled out his fingers so he could grab a leg in each hand to fold you over in a press.
You don’t even know when Kuroo had taken his pants – or yours – off, and you didn’t have time to wonder.
A moan escaped your lips at the feel of his length filling you up, and you distinctly hear Kuroo tell you to say his name.
“Kuroo,” you moaned, bringing your hands to his shoulders, grasping at his body.
Every buck of his hips shot a jolt of pleasure throughout your body, unable to escape the feeling with Kuroo holding you down in place.
Who the hell would want to escape from here anyway?
“My first name,” he growled, quickening his pace when he felt your walls tighten around his dick.
“Tetsuro!” you screamed without a second thought, the brutal rhythm Kuroo has set driving heat onto your stomach, repeating his name over and over even after you feel your pussy gushing all over him, your cum dripping down from his shaft to his balls.
“Fuck,” Kuroo growled out, driving into you one last time before he spilled hot white, trying hard to catch his breath while coming down from this high.
The two of you lay together in the darkness for a while, your head on his chest and his arms around his shoulder.
The silence that surrounded the room was comfortable; almost like a bubble of peace that neither of you wanted to pop by saying anything.
“Be careful,” Eri’s fucking voice told you, yet again
While you didn’t regret what had just happened between you and Kuroo, doubts were beginning to creep in your mind.
What the hell was supposed to happen now? You’re not sure if Kuroo was expecting this outcome when he invited you over for drinks, but it happened, and you’re not really sure where to go from here.
You’ve already built a life for yourself – one that was truly yours – and you had a path that you had every intention to follow.
Would Kuroo be like every other guy and run away when he finds out you’re not compromising your plans for him? Would you even want to try to fit him into your plans?
You shake your head.
Jesus, get a grip. A guy dicks you down /once/, and all of a sudden you’re thinking about this shit?
“Y/N? You okay?” He asked from beside you.
You lift your head from his chest, sitting up so you could lean your back against his headboard. Kuroo was quick to mirror your actions.
“Kuroo,” you begin to tell him, and he frowned a little at the sound of his last name, “That was… amazing.”
Kuroo blushed a little at your compliment, though he knew it didn’t stop there. “…But?”
“But,” you bit your lip, “I’m not really looking for anything serious right now.”
Kuroo didn’t respond right away, but maybe that’s because you just kept babbling. “It’s just… I have so much going on with school, not to mention grad school applications are due in a few months, and who knows which university I’ll end up going to after graduation…”
You finally had the courage to look at him, and you caught a glimpse of what you would have thought was sadness in his eyes if it hadn’t been blinked away so quickly, soon replaced with that same unreadable smile.
“Whatever you want, Kitten,” he replied, “This doesn’t have to be anything more than what it is.”
You let out a breath of relief.
He walked you home that night (or morning, considering it was 1am), still trying your best to set boundaries even though you pretty much let him thoroughly wreck you.
He didn’t give you a kiss goodbye, instead sheepishly waving when he sees you entering the door to your apartment, saying he’ll shoot you a text tomorrow.
You thought things would be weird between the two of you after that night, but you were happy to find that it wasn’t.
You had managed to rekindle your friendship with Kuroo – meeting up to study, grabbing lunch if you had the time, maybe catching the occasional movie.
Though, you didn’t tell Eri about the added benefits.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:37AM
You up?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:49AM
Yeah, doing my Lit. paper.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:50AM
Wanna do me instead?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:58AM
Say less.
ou didn’t have to tell Eri about the added benefits – she wasn’t dumb, where else would her roommate be going in the middle of night?
You’ve had other men before, going through your fair share of sexual experiences before climbing into bed with Kuroo.
But he was still managing to show you new things, reaching spots you never even knew existed before, putting his mouth in places that made your eyes water and lungs burn from gasping for air.
You can’t explain the feeling you get when he’s running his hands across your body, and when he stares at you and nothing but you while he’s pumping into you and making you feel so full in more ways than one, it’s something akin to a chemical reaction.
There was one time, when he took a belt, secured it against his head post before he brought your legs up to –
“Earth to Y/N,” Kuroo said, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Sorry,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, “I was having a flashback.”
Kuroo smirked, knowing exactly what you meant.  
The two of you were lying in bed, your back against his chest and a strong arm wrapped around your waist.
You laid your hand on top of his, fiddling with his fingers and reveling in the calm that always came from being with Kuroo.
“What you thinking about?” You ask, and the way he stiffened up in your grip let you know that something really was bothering him.
It took him a little longer than you’d like before he replied.
“Do you ever feel like… you want more?”
This time, it was you that stilled in his arms.
“Be Careful.”
You turned around to face Kuroo.
“I thought we talked about this?”
Kuroo’s eyes searched your face, for what, you have no idea. But you stared back with just as much intensity, hoping that he would find the answer he was looking for.
Fear. That’s what was written all over your face.
Kuroo let out a humorless laugh. “Forget I said anything.”
He stood up to put his boxers on and slipping on a shirt before heading out onto the balcony that was attached to his room.
You gave him a few moments before getting up to gather your clothes from the floor, silently putting them on before you joined him outside.
You find him leaning against the balcony railing on his forearms, a cigarette lit in one hand.
He doesn’t turn his head towards you, but he does offer his cigarette, and you take it quietly.
You bring the white filter to your lips, taking a deep drag, closing your eyes when you feel your head get lighter, and releasing the smoke from your lungs.
“Kuroo,” you started, voice nothing but a soft whisper, “I’m sorry… I didn’t – “
He raised a hand to stop you.
“It’s fine,” he replied. “Like I said, forget I mentioned anything.”
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Hey,” he said, taking his cigarette back from you and taking a drag himself, “Kenma’s having a party this weekend. They’re inviting over some old classmates from Nekoma. He says he misses you. You should come.”
Your ears perk up at the invitation, excited at the thought of seeing your old friend and a little happy that he’s moving past the subject.
"Kenma? Is having a party?”
Kuroo laughed. “Alright. Yaku is having a party, but we’re doing it at Kenma’s place. It’s actually not that far from here, just one train ride.”
You chuckled, shaking your head knowingly.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you agreed, “But, uhm… I’ll just meet you there?”
Kuroo nodded. “Yeah. I’ll just meet you there.”
You didn’t see Kuroo the rest of that week.
You weren’t sure what it was – he wasn’t ignoring you, he replied to your text messages and answered your calls.
But he hadn’t once asked you to come over. And after what happened that night, you were scared to ask him to come over.
The night of Kenma’s party came, and you entered to find way more people than you had expected. You didn’t recognize more than half of the people there, but relief washed over you when Yaku threw an arm around your shoulder.
You didn’t see Kuroo right away when you arrived, but you were too distracted at the joy from seeing some of your old classmates.
You were half way through a game of beer pong with Lev as your partner before Kuroo was able to make an appearance.
He made his rounds, saying his greetings to everyone before stopping at you, giving you a friendly one armed hug.
You didn’t want to admit that you were a bit sad at the generic greeting.
Was it because maybe… you want…. mor –
“Y/N! Shoot the damn ping pong ball,” Lev exclaimed, and you were shook out of your reverie. 
Kuroo excused himself, saying he was going to the kitchen to make himself a drink, but you were too focused on winning your game to notice.
Before you knew it, you lost three to two against Kenma and Yamamoto, cursing at Lev for forcing you to carry the team on your back.
By this point, the alcohol had spread all through your system. You were still able to walk straight, but with considerable effort. The words that came out of your mouth were just a little slurred, and you were kind of having a hard time controlling the volume of your voice.
“Where’s Kuroo?” you asked Yaku, who instantly shot a hand up to rub his ear.
“Jesus, woman, you don’t have to yell, I am /right here,” he grumbled, but he still let you sling an arm around his shoulders for support. “I thought he went into the kitchen to get some drinks?”
That’s right, he said that. But that was hours ago. Where could he be?
You stagger away from Yaku, pushing your way past unfamiliar bodies to get to the kitchen.
The first thing you saw when you tripped into the kitchen was Kuroo, dressed in a fitted black shirt and blue jeans, looking every bit the Greek God he was as he leaned against the counter. His arms were crossed atop his broad chest, a drink in one hand.
He was talking to someone, and you thought you recognized the long black hair that flowed from the back of their head, but were too distracted studying the veins that protruded from Kuroo’s forearms.
You opened your mouth to call out to him when the person in front of him stepped up, pressing their body into his. She uncrossed his arms and snaked two long arms around his neck.
You recognized her in that instant.
It was his ex from high school.
Looking down, you were surprised to see your clothes dry, because it felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water directly on top of your head.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your head for the ten millionth time.
Yet here you were
In the same exact place you were a little over three years ago.
You scoffed at yourself.
Well, there’s nothing else for you here now, is there?
You shoot Yaku and Kenma a quick text in a group chat to let them know you were leaving.
The air outside was cold, your breath coming out in puffs. You wrapped your jacket around a little tighter, cursing yourself silently for not wearing a scarf cause it’ll ‘ruin the outfit.’
“Hey, the party’s that way.”
The sudden voice behind you nearly made you jump ten feet in the air.
“Jesus, you really are like a fucking cat.”
Kuroo chuckled.
For some reason, the sound made you angry. You kept walking, following the path of dimmed street lights that led you to the train station.
“Yeah, but home’s this way.”
His heavy footsteps trailed behind you.
“Great, I was getting tired of the party anyway.”
“What are you doing here?” You finally turned your head to him and asked.
Your voice was surprisingly clear and even, despite the unsteadiness of the ground beneath you.
“What do you mean? I’m walking you home.”
“Because it’s late, and you’re my friend.”
‘Friend’. The word made you wince, even though you were the one that drilled the idea into his head.
“I saw you talking to your ex,” you grumbled, crossing your arms and turning the other direction.
You could practically feel his smirk.
“Oya? Is that jealousy I’m hearing in those words?”
You felt your face get hot.
“Of course not!”
- “I thought we were just friends?”
“Will you shut up for once in your life, idiot!”
He wanted to tease you some more, but was stopped by the pensive look on your face.
“Why would you leave the girl that broke your heart behind just to walk me home?”
Kuroo looked at you with a confused expression.
“Girl that broke my heart?”
You nodded. “When I asked you about her, you said she was a big mistake.”
Kuroo stopped walking. You turned your head back to look at him curiously when he doubled over in a full bellied laugh.
“Are you laughing at me?!” You asked incredulously, giving him a glare from where you stood.
“You... you think she’s the one that broke my heart?”
Kuroo wiped a fake tear from his eye.
“Wow. That was a good one.”
“What the hell are you going on about, Kuroo?”
The jovial look on Kuroo’s face slowly faded, the entertained smile on his face shrinking his lips into a thin line.
“Y/N, she didn’t break my heart.”
Now it was your turn to be confused.
“You want to know why I said she was a big mistake?” Kuroo took a step towards you, “It was because of her that I lost you.”
Your jaw dropped.
Kuroo ran his fingers through his hair, ruining the perfectly waxed locks that he had spent thirty minutes styling.
“Please don’t run away when I tell you this.”
You couldn’t move your feet even if you wanted to.
“The only reason I ever brought her up to you in the first place was because I wanted to see your reaction. I wanted to know if you would get jealous. But without hesitation, you told me that I should just go ahead and date her, and you know dumb young men and their pride... then... it just... snowballed into something I didn’t even...”
Kuroo couldn’t finish his sentence.
Your vision begins to shake.
“But... but I confessed to you!”
“Yeah, then you slammed the door in my face and stopped talking to me!”
You couldn’t deny that.
“Do you have any idea how confusing that was for a teenage boy? I had no idea what the hell was going on, one day, I blinked and I was stuck with a girl I didn’t love while I watched my best friend smile and laugh and walk passed me like I never even existed.”
You swallowed the guilty lump that was caught in your throat.
“All I knew was that you weren’t around anymore; you weren’t there to make me laugh with your dumb jokes, you weren’t coming over and leaving your presence all over my room, nothing, it was all gone, and it all felt so fucked up. Being without you felt so fucked up.” 
Had Kuroo always felt this way? Were you really so busy running away from him that you couldn’t even see that he was hurting too?
“Now the universe or the gods or whatever brought me back to you, and it’s like everything makes sense again, and fuck, all I want to do is just show you how much I’ve missed you, how much I care, how much I love you.”
You gasped, and you were waiting for Kuroo to try and take those words back, but the resolve was painted in his eyes.
“But all you do is just keep me at arms length. You wanted to be just friends when I wanted everything.”
You choked back a sob, tears were now steadily streaming down your face.
Kuroo closed the space between you, wrapping one arm around your waist while bring his other head to wipe at your tears with the pad of his thumb.
 “She wasn’t the girl that broke my heart. You were.”
He moved to place his fingers on your chin, tilting your head up to force you to look at his eyes.
He wanted you to see that he meant every single word.
“If this is all you’re willing to give me, I’ll take it. I’ll break my own heart. Every day, over and over again, if that’s what it takes to be with you.”
His voice was in a whisper now, bringing his lips to kiss both sides of your cheeks.
“Because I love you.”
He brought his hands to cup for your face before pulling you in for a kiss.
This wasn’t anything like you’ve ever experienced before.
Every time his tongue brushed against yours, you felt all the love adoration he was trying to convey in this one physical act, hoping he could transfer it all into your lips.
It felt like time stopped just for the two of you, to have this moment in the middle of the sidewalk, bathed in the orange glow of the street light that hung above you.
He pulled away finally, resting his forehead on yours for just a second before he engulfed you with his arms.
His head rested on top of yours, feeling the vibrations as he spoke.
“I’m going to ask you one more time,” he said nervously. “Do you want something more?”
You wiggle out of his grip just so you can move your hands up to caress his cheek.
“Tetsuro... I love you so much.”
Later that night, in the safety of your room and away from Eri’s judgmental eyes at the two of you stumbling in and giggling through the door, you trace small circles on Kuroo’s chest with your fingers while Kuroo had an arm wrapped around you tightly.
“Hey, Tetsu,” you broke the silence with a whisper, “What if I end up going to grad school that was... further away?”
Kuroo couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. You were never going to change.
Not like he would ever want you to.
“Y/N... we didn’t talk for three years, and not once did I stop thinking about you. A little distance isn’t going to get rid of me.”
You try to bury your face in embarrassment.
If he had to spend every day of the rest of his life reassuring you that he’ll be by your side no matter what, well - that’s just too easy.
You find yourself holding onto him a little bit tighter, making a silent vow that never again were you going to push away Kuroo Tetsuro.
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Country College (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine; Part of AU-gust)
A/N: Thank you for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I'm also donating all the proceeds that from my buy me a coffee account to Save The Children to help the children of Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee link here.
Also, here's the playlist of songs I listened to while writing this and some of these songs are actually mentioned in the imagine in case you guys wanted to listen while reading: Country College AU playlist.
I went on vacation and I swear, this entire imagine was based on stuff I did in Tennessee and country songs I listened to while there.
Anyway, enjoy!
"You got everything?" Jay asked you at six in the morning.
"For the last damn time, Jay, yes, I have everything," you answered as you jumped in the passenger seat of his truck and put your backpack at your feet and your tumbler of coffee in a cup holder.
"Jesus. I was just asking because I will not be turning this truck around," he said as he moved around the basket of snacks in the backseat so that the two of you could reach them easier. "Someone's cranky."
"Yes. When I finally got to sleep at 12:30 last night and had to wake up at 4:30, I'm gonna be cranky. Please tell me we're stopping for coffee."
"You already have coffee," Will said as he walked up to the truck. "Why do you need more?"
"Shut up. I know for a fact you drink way more coffee than I do, Mr. Med Student."
"Jesus, Jay. You sure you're gonna be able to put up with her for eight and a half hours?" Will asked.
"I dunno, man. Maybe I'll make her ride with you," he joked.
"Yeah, no way in hell that's happening," Will said.
"In all seriousness," Jay started, "stop for coffee in about an hour and a half?"
"Sounds good to me," you agreed.
"Same here. I only have to ditch you guys when we get like eight hours in," Will said.
"Gonna be weird not having you on the drive down, man," Jay mused.
"Yeah, but at least we can meet up at the rest stops and we'll  be in the same state."
"Are we gonna go?" you asked. "If you two were just gonna talk, I could've slept for an extra ten minutes."
"Holy shit," Jay muttered. He turned to Will. "Guess we should get going then."
"Yeah, see you in an hour and a half. Don't piss off the driver too much, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes. "Goodbye, Will."
Will got in his car and Jay got in the driver's side of his truck.
"Eight and a half hour drive plus traffic," Jay started as you both pulled out of the driveway, "so how do want to split it up?"
"I'm tired and I wanna sleep and I don't want to drive through Knoxville because I have no idea where to go," you answered as you pulled your headphones out of your backpack.
"Okay, Miss Sassy Pants. You can drive in the middle, through Kentucky. Might hit traffic, but we'll hit traffic in Tennessee, too, so we'll both have to drive through it. Just please, do not crash my truck."
"Relax. I know how to drive. Just make sure Will stays on your ass the entire time so we don't lose each other."
"And, we're officially in Kentucky!" Jay announced. "Time to change the music. At the next rest stop, we'll pull over and go to the bathroom and grab some lunch."
"Jay! You can't be on your phone while you're driving!" you yelled as he reached for his phone in the cup holder, which was also acting as the GPS...even though Jay claimed he could get there without it.
"Y/N, I'm fine. I've done this for three years now. I think I know what I'm doing."
"If you say so."
He turned on a song you didn't know.
"Got a truck, get it lifted," Jay started to sing.
"The hell is this?" you asked.
"Country music. Gets changed from pop to country the second we cross the border into Kentucky. Now, shh. This is a good song. You'll like it. It's upbeat."
Jay drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and sang quietly to Redneck Be Like by Thomas Rhett as he drove while you listened. He was right. It was a pretty good song.
"All day in the sun, always havin' fun, always gettin' stuck in that muddy river. Always got a buzz, always double cup..."
"You'll know the next one," Jay promised.
"And you know this how?" you asked.
"Because it's on Tiktok. When we get there, Adam and Hailey are gonna have to teach you some southern culture."
"So, I'm gonna need a definition of southern culture."
"You'll see when you get there. Now listen. I know you know this part."
Yeah we fancy like Applebee's...
Jay was right: you did know this song. It was Fancy Like by Walker Hayes.
"On a date night," you sang along. "Got that Bourbon street steak..." Jay joined in. "With the Oreo shake. Get some whipped cream on the top, too. Two straws, one check, girl I got you. Yeah we Bougie like Natty in the styrofoam..."
Five minutes later, you pulled off to a rest stop with a McDonald's nearby. Jay and Will filled up their vehicles while you ran inside to go to the bathroom. Once you were inside McDonald's and at a table eating, you asked Will if it was true that he and Jay always changed it to country music when they crossed the border into Kentucky. Will said yes, so you knew you were in for a long car ride. Then, you and Jay switched so that you were now the one driving and you were off again.
Hours later, Will took a different exit to get to Nashville and gave you and Jay a salute to tell you goodbye when he changed lanes and then took the exit.
"Not long now," Jay told you. "You excited?"
"Yeah, but a little nervous," you replied.
"Oh, don't be nervous. They're all really nice. And you've already met Hailey, so that helps."
"Yeah, she was nice. She had a cute little southern accent, too."
"One of the many reasons I fell in love with her in the first place."
Before Jay left for a weekend last summer to meet Hailey halfway and then stay in a hotel for a weekend to spend time with her, he finally told you the story of how he and Hailey met.
"Hey, we're goin' to the marketplace," Adam said on the first weekend of their junior year. "You and Will up for it?"
"Uh, Will's studying like normal. I'm up for it. Kim coming, too?" Jay asked.
"I promised her ice cream, so yeah, she's comin'. Baby, you ready?" he yelled down the hall.
"I'm coming, Adam!" Kim yelled back and then walked out of the bathroom.
"Let's go and make some bad decisions," Adam stated, causing Jay and Kim to laugh.
"We can't even buy alcohol yet, you dummy," Kim said.
"I may be a dummy, but you love me." Then, Adam gave Kim a kiss on the cheek.
"Please stop before I puke," Jay said and made a gagging face.
Adam rolled his eyes. "Let's get outta here."
Kim was laughing at a horrible joke Adam made while he had his arm slung around him. He had taken off his signature cowboy hat and had let Kim wear it because she forgot her sunglasses. Adam said he felt naked without it on.
They were walking towards Kilwin's when Jay spotted it: a homeless guy next to a blonde who couldn't be more than college age.
"Man, look," Jay pointed.
The three walked faster.
"No, this is for my friend back at the dorm," the girl explained.
"Lady, I'm hungry. Can I please just have your leftovers?" the guy asked.
"I'm sorry you're hungry, but this is for my friend."
The guy reached for the food.
"Hey, that girl sits behind me in my women and the law class," Kim stated.
Jay, Adam, and Kim took off on a run.
"Hey, baby," Jay said and slung an arm around the girl. He leaned in close to her. "Just go with it," he whispered in her ear. "You got Anna's food?"
"Yeah," the girl said hesitantly. But then, she realized that this guy was trying to help her out. And, he was pretty sure that the girl with him sat in front of her in her women and the law class. "Yeah, I've got her food."
Jay raised an eyebrow at the guy and then looked at Adam as if asking the man to try the two of them.
"Alright, well y'all have a good night now," he said and then turned around and walked away.
Once the man was a few shops down, Jay took his arm off of her. "Sorry about that. Just thought you might need some help," he said.
"Was greatly appreciated, thank you, uh..."
"Jay, well I'm Hailey. Nice to meet you."
He didn't miss her cute little southern accent and he loved it.
"You getting ice cream?" he asked.
"No, I uh was just textin' my roommate to tell her I'd be back soon."
"Well, I-- we'd feel much better if you came into Kilwin's with us. Just so that creeper doesn't come back."
Hailey smiled and agreed.
Kim and Hailey started talking about their class while Adam and Jay ordered their ice cream. Then Kim ordered.
"You want anything, Hailey?" Jay asked.
"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you, though."
Jay nodded, but then turned to the worker. "And can I also get a single scoop of chocolate in a waffle cone, please?"
"Sure thing." As she scooped it out, Hailey looked at Jay and he just shrugged.
When they got to the cashier, Hailey pulled out some money and tried to hand it to Jay.
"I've got it," he said.
"Hailey, it's fine. I can pay for a little ice cream."
She loved the way her name rolled off his tongue.
"Okay." She took her ice cream cone.
"Hey, Hailey," Kim began when they walked out of Kilwin's. "Do you have friends you need to meet up with?"
"No, I was just gonna head back to my dorm," she replied.
"Oh, did you drive?"
"No, I walked. It's only like a twenty-minute walk from the sophomore dorms."
"Well, after all that, I'm pretty sure we'd all feel more comfortable if you rode home with us."
"I don't know..." Hailey trailed off.
"Those dorms are only like five minutes away from the house we stay at. And, it's on our way there anyway. Please, just come with us."
Hailey sighed. It would be a lot faster than walking. "Okay."
Then, they finished their walk to Adam's truck and the two girls got in the backseat and the two boys got in the front.
And that is how Jay Halstead met the sweet Georgia peach that is Hailey Anne Upton.
Jay, Adam, Will, Kim, and Hailey were all at a sports bar one Saturday night in October. It was loud, it was rowdy, everyone was going crazy over the football game on tv, and Hailey was totally over it. And Jay noticed.
"Hey," Jay whispered from his seat next to her. "You wanna get outta here?"
She turned and raised an eyebrow at him. "You'd wanna leave and not finish the game?"
In the past two months, Hailey had been spending a lot of time with Kim, and by default, she had been spending a lot of time with Adam, Jay, and Will. She will admit going over to their three-bedroom house they all rented together was a lot better than being stuck in her small dorm with her roommate. So, she went over there quite a bit to study with Kim. And, turns out she and Jay were both law studies majors, so they had a lot of the same classes, but they were in different sections, so they did a lot of studying together, too. And, she knew like most college boys, Jay loved his football. Not as much as Adam, but he watched it whenever one of his teams were playing. Which, was Chicago or Tennessee.
"Yeah," Jay started, "it's kinda loud in here anyway. And, it's just Tennessee playing. I'd be more likely to stay if the Bears were playing."
"Okay, let's get outta here. I know a great little diner we can go to for milkshakes. Pretty sure they're open until 11 and it's only 10, so we should be able to make it."
"Adam," Jay said over the game. Adam turned to face Jay. "Me and Hailey are gonna get out of here. I'll see you back at home."
"See you," Adam said and then turned back to his game.
"Guess we know where his loyalties lie," Hailey laughed.
The two of them stood up from their chairs at the table.
"You better get my friend home safe, Halstead!" Kim yelled.
"Yes ma'am," he said, borrowing a line from Adam. "You've got nothing to worry about."
Then, the two of them made their way out of the local sports bar and to Jay's truck.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me," Hailey said as the two of them walked up to the diner. "They're closed. Closed at 10 and not at 11. I'm really sorry, Jay."
"That's okay. Got anywhere else you wanna go? Or I can just take you back to your dorm if you want?" Jay suggested.
She sighed. "Just take me back I guess."
The two of them walked back to Jay's truck and got in. Hailey gasped at the song that was on the radio.
"What?" Jay asked, quickly turning to look at Hailey.
"This is my favorite song!"
Lights go down, wheels go around. I'm taking you home. Hoping for a slow song to come on the radio now.
Slow Dance in a Parking Lot by Jordan Davis continued to play through the speakers of Jay's truck.
"What's it about?" Jay asked.
"Slow dancing in a parking lot."
Jay listened to a few more lines and then decided to turn up the radio and jump out of the car.
"Jay, what are you--"
But he was already at her side of the car and pulled her door open.
"Dance with me?" he asked, sticking his hand out for her to take.
"What?" she laughed as a huge smile grew on her face.
"You said the song's about slow dancing in a parking lot and we're in an empty parking lot, so, why not recreate the song?"
Hailey laughed once more and shook her head and then grabbed Jay's hand. He helped her out of his truck and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist and they swayed to the music.
"Slow dance with you. Spinning you round by the Walmart sign and moving our feet over the painted white lines. Getting close to you. Making the most of whatever we got, even if it's just slow dance in a parking lot," Hailey sang quietly.
"Spin," Jay said as he held his hand up.
"Spinning you round just like the song says."
Hailey laughed and reached for his hand and did a spin.
"Beautiful," Jay complimented.
"Yeah, right. That's was probably the messiest spin known to man."
"Well, um, it was beautiful. You're beautiful, Hailey."
She was glad it was dark so that Jay couldn't see the heat that rose to her cheeks.
"You're somethin' else, but thank you." She rested her head on his chest as they swayed to the rhythm of the rest of the song.
The song ended and the broadcaster started talking.
"Can I kiss you?" Jay asked.
"What?" she pulled away from his chest.
"I asked if I could kiss you. Was that too much? You know what, just forget--"
"Yes, Jay, kiss me," Hailey smiled and then she and Jay both leaned in.
It was just a peck, but it was their first kiss and despite it being in a dark parking lot late at night, it was still magical.
"You know," Jay began once the quick kiss was over, "there's a Walmart across the street. What do you say we go grab pints of ice cream from there and then you can show me your favorite country songs?"
"I'd like that. Adam didn't show you enough?" she asked.
"I've only got like thirty I like. I need to expand my horizons."
"Okay, let's go."
They held hands in Walmart and then picked out their respective pints of ice cream. Then, they went back to the parking lot of the closed diner and Jay plugged in the aux, allowing Hailey to show him her favorite country songs while they ate their ice cream from the pint and even shared with each other.
Hailey knew nobody would have a first kiss story like that.
Then, at the beginning of the winter semester, Hailey's roommate decided not to live in the dorms anymore. Hailey couldn't afford to pay for a dorm all by herself, so Kim offered to let her stay with her, Jay, Adam, and Will. So, that's how she ended up living with her boyfriend and sharing a room with her best friend, Kim Burgess.
"We're here," Jay announced. "Well, actually, we're a few streets away, but that's one of the lecture halls on your right."
You looked out the window to see a big red and brown brick building with white pillars on the steps. There was also a white sign telling you what building this was.
"Wow," you said in awe. "It's like those old-fashioned colleges. I love it."
"Well, we'll give you a tour and help you find your classes sometime this weekend before classes start on Tuesday. That way, you aren't getting lost on the first day. But, we'll head to the house for now and get all unpacked."
"Sounds good to me."
Five minutes and a few back roads later, you pulled up to a simple two-story brick house.
"Alright, let's get our stuff out and get inside," Jay said.
You stepped out of the truck and started grabbing some stuff out of the back seat.
"I'll jump in the truck and hand you the suitcases. Think you can grab them when I hand them to you?"
You nodded.
"Halstead!" you heard someone shout and you and Jay both whipped your heads around to see Hailey and Adam walking out of the garage and toward the two of you. Adam, well who you assumed was Adam, was carrying two cowboy hats and he and Hailey each had one on themselves.
"Catch!" Adam said and threw one to Jay where he was standing in the box of the truck. Jay easily caught it and placed it on his head.
Adam walked over to you.  "And one for you, darlin'," he said as he placed the hat on your head.
"Thank you," you said. "But I thought Kim was darlin'," you said. It'd make sense because if this guy was in fact Adam, then he and Kim were dating.
"You didn't tell her?" Hailey asked Jay.
"Didn't think there'd be a need to." Jay shrugged.
"Tell me what?" you asked.
"Well, Adam calls every girl darlin'," Jay explained. "It's just normal for him. And, down here, you're gonna get a lot of huns, sweeties, and sweethearts. A lot of waiters and waitresses do that here."
"And what do they call you two?" you asked, motioning to Jay and Adam.
"Sir," they said in unison.
"Oh, and you'll occasionally get a ma'am," Hailey added. "But, that one's rare because we don't look old enough to be called ma'am."
"Okay. And, uh, not to be rude, but what's with the cowboy hats?" you asked.
"It's a tradition we just started last year," Adam explained. "We unpack, wear cowboy hats, and drink moonshine. Oh, I'm Adam by the way, darlin'."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N."
Jay handed you a suitcase and you set it on the ground. Then, you did the same thing with two more suitcases.
You grabbed your backpack from the front seat, your duffle bag from the back, and your two suitcases.
"Here, I can take those two for you," Adam said.
"Oh, okay," you said and then allowed him to take the two suitcases from you. So this is what Jay meant by southern hospitality since Adam was from Tennessee and all.
"Jay, lemme take your suitcase," Hailey said.
"Baby, I've got it," Jay argued as he jumped out of the box of his truck and closed the tailgate.
"The hell you do," she argued. "I see all your other stuff in the backseat and that basket of snacks you gotta carry in, too. Just lemme take your one suitcase."
"Let 'er take the suitcase, Halstead. Best to listen to your lady," Adam said.
"I like Adam already," you laughed.
He let go of one of the suitcases and tipped his hat. "Thank you, darlin'."
This caused all four of you to laugh and then you all went inside carrying both yours and Jay's stuff in one trip between the four of you.
"Shine in the fridge?" Jay asked after you and he had brought all your stuff to your room.
"Shine, Jay? How southern do you get when you're here?" you asked.
"Oh, he gets pretty southern, hun," Hailey said.
"See?" Jay asked as he pointed to Hailey. "Told you you'd get called hun."
"So, Adam's thing is darlin' and Hailey's is hun?" Hailey nodded. "And it's because you're from Georgia and he's from Tennessee?"
"That's right, darlin'," Adam confirmed and then turned back to Jay. "Yeah, shine's in the fridge. And Kim just texted and said she's on the way back with pizza."
"You got apple pie flavored shine?" Jay asked.
"Hang on. I'm just gonna grab 'em."
The three of you sat down on the bar stools at the counter and waited for Adam to pull them out.
"Alright," Adam started after he put the bottles of moonshine with sip lids on the counter. "We have peach for Miss Georgia Peach." He passed the peach bottle of moonshine to Hailey. "We've got apple pie shine for me and Jay. We've got strawberries and creme for Kim because that's her favorite." He turned to you. "And for you, I got you blackberry because it's not that high of a proof, so it's not that strong." He slid the jar to you.
"Nuh uh," Jay said quickly and grabbed the bottle.
"What the hell, Jay? Give it back! Adam said it's for me, not you!" you argued.
"Last I checked, you're only eighteen."
"Last I checked, Dad's not here. And I know for a fact you drank before you were 21, so pass me the blackberry shine, please."
"I'll take the first sip and then you can have it." He made sure the straw part was open and then he took a sip. "Adam, that shit's like a chaser compared to the apple pie one."
"I know. That's why I got 'er that one," Adam said.
You heard a door shut.
"Pizza's here!" Kim announced.
She walked into the kitchen with three boxes of pizza.
"I got us three pies," she said as she set them down on the counter. "We got one pepperoni and green olive, one supreme, and one meat lovers." She turned to you. "And you must be Y/N. I'm Kim. I see Adam already got you started on that Tennessee moonshine."
"Nice to meet you," you said. "You're from New York, right?"
"Yup, not New York City, though. More upstate."
"Of course she's from New York, Y/N!" Jay exclaimed. "Who else would call pizza a pie except for a true New Yorker?"
"I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks, Jay."
Jay raised his bottle of apple pie moonshine in a fake cheers and then took a sip.
"Now that's the strong shit I need to start off this semester right," he announced and then set the bottle down.
"Oh, and if your brother didn't tell you yet, he turns into a borderline alcoholic when he's at school," Kim told you.
You laughed. "He didn't tell me that, no."
"Better than being a caffeine addict like Kim and Hailey here," Jay argued.
"Shut up," Hailey said. "You know you're a caffeine addict during finals week just the rest of us."
"I was a caffeine addict in high school, so we'll see what happens," you shrugged.
Kim grabbed a stack of paper plates and set them on one of the pizza boxes. "Dig in. Oh, Y/N, did Adam get you the blackberry flavored moonshine?"
"He did. Haven't tried it yet because Jay has yet to give it back to me."
Kim quickly reached down and grabbed the jar of moonshine.
"Hey, Kim! She's only 18!" Jay protested.
"So? I know you drank an insane amount during your freshman year. So shut it." Kim popped open the sipping lid. "Taste."
You took a sip. It did taste like blackberry, but it was also sort of strong, but it didn't burn your throat that bad like you had read in books that alcohol did.
"This is actually pretty good."
"I know, right? And, me and Hailey will let you try ours when we help you unpack," Kim said. "But, do not try the kind the boys have because it's nasty."
"Baby, I don't know what you have against apple pie moonshine, but it's good," Adam said and then took a sip of his moonshine. Kim rolled her eyes. Adam leaned across the counter. "The New York in her is coming out, darlin'."
"Oh, shut up," Kim said and reached over to steal Adam's cowboy hat off his head.
"Baby, now I feel naked without it," Adam argued and tried to reach for the hat.
"Sucks for you. Now eat your pizza before it gets cold."
"Morning," Jay said when you walked into the kitchen the next morning. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. it's nice not having to share a room with anyone like you and Adam, and then Hailey and Kim have to. It was fun having them help me unpack last night, though," you said.
Last night, Kim and Hailey had helped you unpack and when you mentioned that you didn't really know any country music, Hailey pulled up all of her favorite country songs to play for you. You especially liked Girl in a Country Song by Maddie and Tae. They showed you the music video for that song and it was about how, in most country music videos, girls had to dress up in little skimpy outfits and have the boys just stare at them all day. So, in their music video, they changed the roles, and the guys had to dress in skimpy clothing in the music video. It was pretty funny and the song was catchy.
"Let me guess," Jay began, "Hailey showed you some good country music?"
"Yup. The songs she showed me were pretty good, pretty upbeat. Didn't sound like a cat being put in a blender like old-fashioned country, so I guess that's good."
"What do you have against old-fashioned country, darlin'?" Adam asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"I dunno." You shrugged. "Too slow for me and I just don't like the voices I guess."
"You know what we ought to do, Jay?" Adam asked and Jay raised his eyebrows, silently telling adam to continue. "We should show her all the songs that are mentioned in What's Your Country Song."
"Wait, wait. I think I know that one. I think Hailey played it for me last night. Is it the one that mentions Chatta- Chatta..."
"Chattahoochee?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, that funny word. What even is that anyway?"
"It's a river that runs through Georgia," Jay answered. "Pretty sure Hailey used to go tubing down it like we're gonna do today."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "We're going tubing? Like behind a boat?"
Adam laughed. "Christ, Jay! Do you tell her anything?"
"He doesn't," you answered. "So, explain, one of you."
"Alright, I'll do it," Jay said as he poured milk on top of a bowl of Raisin Bran. You looked at him intently. "What we do is, the first Saturday that we're all together before school starts, we go on tubes and float down the Tennessee River. We bring a cooler full of snacks, sandwiches, booze, and water, and a waterproof speaker and we just have a fun time. Oh, and this year, you're the DD."
"Me?" you asked as you pointed to yourself. Jay nodded. "But I don't know where to go! I haven't even been in Tennessee for a full 24 hours yet!"
"Kim's like the mom of the group," Adam supplied. "So she'll still be pretty lucid and could probably drive if she needs to. But, she'll at least be able to give you directions on how to get back here."
You sighed. "Good. That makes me feel a lot better."
"Where are the other two girls anyway?" Adam asked. "They're usually up a lot earlier than we are when we go on the river."
"I think they were a little buzzed last night," you said. "Might still be sleeping."
While you were unpacking, you took a few sips of your jar of blackberry moonshine, but not a lot. You'd never really drank before, much less drank moonshine and you didn't really feel like puking from being drunk or having a killer headache from a hangover...at least, that's what you thought happened from what you had read in books and seen in movies and tv shows. But, Kim and Hailey had each finished like a quarter of their jar, so they had been buzzed last night. They weren't drunk because they could still walk in a straight line and knew what they were talking about, but they did have little dopey smiles on their faces while they helped you unpack.
"She's right," Kim said as she and Hailey walked into the kitchen. Hailey's hair was wrapped in a towel, alerting you that she had just taken a shower. "Adam, can you grab me an Advil?" She took a seat on a stool and put her head in her hands. "My head is fucking killing me. I didn't even think I drank that much."
Adam laughed. "You do this every semester, baby. First shine of the year and you always drink a little too much." He handed her the pills and a cup of water and Kim quickly washed the pills down.
"I just need some coffee," Hailey announced.
"We know, you don't get hangover headaches," Kim groaned.
"Yeah, but I feel exhausted all day. Everyone goin' for coffee? I'll make a bigger pot if that's the case."
Everyone said yes and Hailey started on the coffee.
"Okay, we got the tubes, the speaker, swimsuits are on, we have the towels, cooler," Jay rattled off as the five of you sat in his truck. "Anyone double-check the cooler?"
"I did," Hailey said. "We got water, the same shine from last night, some white claws, the sandwiches me and Kim made for everyone, chips, and a few other snacks."
"And I threw in a little first aid kit with bandaids, alcohol swabs, Neosporin, and other stuff. And I've got the sunscreen, too," Kim said.
"See, what'd I tell you, darlin'?" Adam asked as he turned around from his spot in the passenger seat. "Kim's the mom of the group."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Kim said. "It means I'm responsible and prepared."
"Those two would get so damn sunburned and dehydrated if it weren't for Kim," Hailey said as she pointed to Jay and Adam in the two front seats.
"Thanks, Hails," Jay replied sarcastically. "Real nice."
"You're welcome," she said with a smile.
You leaned your head against the window. You were supposed to get stuck in the middle, but seeing as you got car sick easily, Kim said she'd switch spots with you.
"You okay?" Kim asked.
"Yeah, just, Jay really needs to turn on the AC before I throw up from motion sickness and how damn hot it is in here."
"Least you got that cowboy hat to puke in if you need to," Jay laughed as he reached for the AC. "You better not puke in my tuck or you will be walking home."
Adam smacked him upside the head.
"Ow!" Jay exclaimed and took one hand off the wheel and rubbed the back of his head. "The hell was that for?"
"Dude, be nice! Look at her!" Adam exclaimed.
Jay looked in the rearview mirror and saw you leaning your head against the window with your eyes closed and pinching your nose. You groaned.
"Here," Jay said and tossed you a blue bottle of Gatorade from his cup holder. "Drink this. Get you some hydration and electrolytes."
You took a few sips and then handed the bottle back to him. "Thanks."
Kim moved the vents so that the AC was blowing on you more. "That help?"
"Little bit, thanks."
"Think you'll be good to go down the river?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, because then I won't be trapped in a hot box going sixty down the road!"
"She's right about that," Adam agreed. "You'll be lucky if you go five miles per hour, darlin'."
"Alright, so the motion sickness should stop. Thank God."
"Just rest your head against the window and listen to some country music," Jay said. "Speaking of that, who's controlling the music on the river?"
"I got it," Adam volunteered. "Everyone give me a song and I'll get the queue started."
You had been going down the river for about half an hour now and had finished a bottle of water and eaten a banana, too. You felt fine now. Adam was right, you were going slow enough that you didn't get sick, and you also weren't in the backseat of a truck.
"Hey, Kim," you started, "can you pass me my moonshine?"
"Mhm," she said. You guys had tied a cooler to a tube, which was then tied to Kim's tube. Because, the boys figured that between the five of you, she was the most responsible. They toyed with tying it to your tube because you probably wouldn't get shitfaced (like the boys most likely would) since you were underage, but you had never gone tubing down the Tennessee River before, so they decided on Kim. "Here, Hailey, hold my white claw."
She passed Hailey her drink and then maneuvered the cooler towards her, opened it, and handed you your moonshine.
"Thank you," you said and popped open the sip lid and took a sip. "Ahhh."
"Hey, drink it slow," Adam warned, turning towards you and practically yelling over the music. He and Jay were in front of the three of you girls so they could tell you if there were a ton of rocks coming or if it was super shallow coming up. "Heat makes getting drunk a lot easier because you keep drinking it because you're so thirsty."
"I don't think that's how it works, man, but whatever you say," Jay laughed.
Another song started.
"Hey!" you yelled. "I know this song!"
"Yeah, because it's old as hell," Jay laughed.
"Shut up! I like it!"
Baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise. Down a back road, blowin' stop signs through the middle every little farm town with you.
"And this brand new Chevy with a lift kit, would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it. Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise," the five of you sang Cruise by Florida Georgia Line while holding your drinks in pure happiness.
Because of this, you didn't notice Jay drifting off to the side toward the trees.
Jay let out a sinister laugh as he got closer. "C'mere, buddy, c'mere." The black snake stuck his tongue out and hissed. "Yeah, I know, you wanna scare Y/N, too." Jay held his hand out toward the snake. "I'm nice, I promise." The snake slithered and went up on Jay's hand and started up his arm. He turned once most of the snake was on him. He started using his other hand to paddle himself back toward the group. "Y/N!"
You turned and looked at him. You saw the snake on his arm and tears pricked your eyes. "No! No!" you shouted.
Snakes were your biggest fear and knowing that they were in the river that you were in right now was absolutely terrifying to you. And, with each paddle, Jay and the snake were coming closer and closer to you.
"Jay, please, please!"
Adam turned and looked at Jay and then back to you. "She scared of snakes?" You quickly nodded as tears ran down your face. "Jay! Stop! She's terrified!"
Jay laughed. "No!"
He was coming closer and closer to you.
Adam quickly paddled over to you and went in front of you. "I won't let it go near you, darlin', don't you worry."
"Uh huh," you said and grabbed onto Adam's arm in complete and utter terror.
Unknown to Jay, Hailey was making her way to him. But, she was behind him, so Jay couldn't see his girlfriend coming up behind him with her empty bottle of white claw raised high in the air.
He felt it before he heard her.
"Don't." Smack on the head with the empty can. "You." Another smack on the head with the empty can. "Do." Another smack on the head with the empty can. "That." Last smack on the head with the empty can.
"Ow!" Jay yelled. "Hails, stop!"
"Put the fuckin' snake back and stop scarin' the daylights outta your little sister or I will keep smackin' you, Jay!" Hailey told him.
"Fine, I'll put it back," he groaned.
"Hailey, keep that can raised above his head. If he tries to come back here, hit 'im again!" Adam yelled.
"You got it!" Hailey said. "Hear that baby? Your head is gonna come in contact with this 'ere empty white claw can again if you don't get a move on."
"I'm going, I'm going," Jay grumbled.
"Good, then you won't get smacked again."
"Just for all that," Adam started, "you wanna pick the next song, darlin'?"
"Can you play Better Dig Two by The Band Perry?" you asked. "That counts as country right?"
"Sure does, darlin'." He started messing with his phone. "Comin' right up."
"I told you on the day we wed, I was gonna love you 'til I's dead," you started to sing. "Made you wait 'til our weddin' night, that's the first and the last time I wear white."
"Snake's gone! Made sure he put it down and I even watched it slither away!" Hailey announced. "Put me in the ground, put me six foot down," Hailey joined in after she had finished yelling over part of the first verse.
"And, as for you, Jay," Adam started over the music and all of you singing. "You don't get to pick a song for the next hour."
"Son of a bitch," Jay muttered.
"Hey, you brought this one on yourself, buddy. So just sit back, relax, listen to our music choices, and enjoy your shine."
One week later
"And we're here!" Adam announced as the five of you pulled onto a long dirt driveway. "You ready to ride some horses, Y/N?"
"I dunno," you said. "I've never ridden a horse before."
"Oh, Adam'll make sure you're super safe," Kim reassured you.
"Okay, so whatever horse I ride won't buck me off?"
"Oh no," Adam said quickly, "we'll put Jay on Buck."
"Like hell you will!" Jay argued from the backseat.
Despite the studying the five of you had to do, you were at Adam's childhood home. Adam's parents had rented a cabin in North Carolina for the weekend since it was Labor Day weekend and needed someone to watch the five horses they owned.
His parents used to own a riding place with multiple horses, but since their kids got older, they stopped doing it because they were getting older and couldn't give the tours anymore. So, they sold most of their horses, left five so that their kids could ride them with their friends, but still kept the house and the land. Whenever Adam's parents went out of town, either he or his sister would come and stay over at their childhood home and take care of the horses. Seeing as his sister was married and just gave birth to a daughter, this left Adam. And, luckily for him, his parents were fine with some friends coming over to help Adam out.
"Relax, man," Adam began, "I'll ride Buck."
"Wait, is he called Buck because he bucks people off?" you asked.
"You would be completely right, darlin'. Which, would be the reason I'm riding him and neither of you four will be doing that."
Adam put the truck in park and you got out of the passenger seat. Yes, you had ridden in the front because Adam said you could because of your motion sickness. Jay wasn't too happy, but it was Adam's car, so therefore it was Adam's rules.
You got inside the house and it had two extra bedrooms, one of which was Adam's childhood room and had an extra twin bed in it for when his friends wanted to sleepover (Because, in Adam's words, it was only girls who shared beds at sleepovers and he said guys didn't do that, so that's why there was the extra bed). In his older sister's childhood room, there was a full-sized bed, so Hailey and Kim would share the bed and the boys said they'd move a couch into that same room for you to sleep on.
Adam opened the fridge once all of you had put your stuff in the rooms that would be yours for the weekend. "Ooooh, y'all, my mama left us some food!"
"Oh, he southern southern now," Kim laughed and walked over to the fridge. "What'd she make?"
"Let's see. We got fried chicken, mashed potatoes, cornbread, gravy, biscuits, grits, tater salad, peaches that she canned herself, and apple pie. She must really miss me if she cooked this much!" Adam laughed after he rattled off the food his mom made for all of you.
"Mama's cookin', paper plate, and tater tater salad," you said, quoting a song Jay had played on the way down here that you had taken a liking to and had added it to a playlist and been listening to it a lot the past week.
"Did you just..." Adam trailed off.
"She did!" Jay exclaimed.
"Is it that hard to believe that I know more than two country songs, y'all?" you asked.
All four of them gasped.
"She's southern! She's southern, y'all!" Hailey yelled.
"What?" you asked as you looked around at your brother, his girlfriend, and his two friends in confusion.
"That was yer first y'all, hun!" Hailey told you and pulled you into a hug. "Yer a regular southern belle now."
"Next thing you know, girl's gonna be fallin' for cowboys," Adam said.
"Aw, hell nah," Jay said. "Ain't no way she's datin' a cowboy. No way."
"Shit, Jay just went southern southern, too," Adam laughed.
"What can I say, when my girl goes hella Georgia, I go hella Tennessee," Jay said.
"That made zero sense, baby, but okay," Hailey said. She turned to Adam. "When we ridin'?"
"We can go right now if you want. Everyone good with that?"
You all nodded and then Adam told all of you to put on your cowboy hats.
"This 'ere's Maddy," Adam said before he helped you onto the horse. You put your feet in the stirrups. "They feel good? You can reach 'em well?" he asked.
"Yeah," you told him. "Thanks."
"You're welcome, darlin'." He turned to Jay, Hailey, and Kim. "You three remember how to get on the horses since we rode so much last year?"
"We're good," Jay said.
"Hey, baby?" Hailey asked and turned to Jay. He turned to look at her. "You think you can help me on 'im? Pretty sure Diablo's gotten a lot bigger since I rode 'im last."
"Yeah, sweetheart, I got that."
"Did he just..." you trailed off and looked at Kim.
"He did," she confirmed. "She turns into sweetheart around this time every year. Jay gets really southern after only being here a week. Might also have something to do with Adam calling me sweetheart sometimes and he just picks up on it."
Jay helped Hailey onto the huge horse named Diablo and then got on his horse. You were riding Maddy, Adam was riding Buck, Jay was riding Sinbad, Hailey was riding Diablo, and Kim was riding Atta'Boy.
"All y'all need to watch me now," Adam announced from the front. All four of you gave Adam all your attention. "Well, mostly Y/N because she's never ridden before." He paused. "To make your horse stop, just give the reins a little tug. To turn, hold the reins on your right side, and pull towards your right hip, like this." He demonstrated and pulled the reins like he told you and Buck's head turned to the right. "And turn left, do the same thing on the left side. To make them go, just flick the reins a little bit, but they're pretty well-trained, so you shouldn't need to do that. But, if they still won't go, give 'em a little kick. I promise you won't hurt 'em. But, most of all, keep at least one hand on the reins at all times. Oh, and they will try to eat on the trails, but they ain't supposed to, so try and get them to stop by pulling up on the reins if you can.
"Any questions? Everyone sure their stirrups and saddles are good?" Adam finished.
Everyone answered with a chorus of "yeses" and then the five of you were off...that was until Maddy decided she was hungry about a quarter-mile (400 meters) in.
And, to make matters worse, you were in the mountains (because everyone is in the mountains here) and Maddy was bringing you closer and closer to a small ravine.
You did not want to have the experience of trying to control your horse and deciding whether or not to jump off or not and possibly being rushed to the hospital.
"Maddy!" you yelled and tugged up on the reins. Nothing. "Maddy!"
"Pull hard!" Jay yelled from behind you.
"I am pulling, Jay!" you yelled back. "Come on, Maddy!"
Shit, she was still moving towards the edge and trying to eat more.
"Pull to the left!" Jay yelled. You pulled. Nothing. "All the way around! To your left hip!"
You did so and she moved. Finally.
"Now straighten out the reins," Jay told you. You did. "And give her a kick to move."
You did and she continued walking...this time with a huge branch and leaves hanging out of her mouth because she had gotten herself a nice little snack.
"What's with all the yellin'?" Adam asked as he turned his head around and had Buck slow down a little bit. Then, he saw Maddy. "Maddy stop to eat? She acts likes she's starvin', but I promise you she's not."
You kept going and then you started going down a hill.
"Lean forward when going down a hill," Adam yelled back to all of you, "and lean back when going up a hill."
You started going down the hill and kept trying to maneuver yourself so you were in the middle of the saddle. You felt like you were leaning too much to the right, so you kept trying to fix it, but with Maddy still walking, it was kind of hard.
You clenched your stomach muscles to try and pull yourself back to center, but it wasn't working. You tried to push up with your left foot because you were leaning to the right, but that wouldn't work either.
"Just hold on tight, Y/N," Jay told you. "Adam!" Jay yelled as you kept leaning to the right and pulled the reins a little harder to make sure that Maddy would stop.
"What?" Adam yelled back.
"We need a little help back here!"
Adam turned Buck around and he got halfway to you and stopped next to Hailey and Diablo.
"She's fallin' off, you big dummy! You gotta go!" Adam yelled. He flicked his reins. "C'mon, go!"
It was like Buck knew what was going on because the minute he lifted his head up and saw you trying to stay in the saddle, he started coming towards you.
"Buck, stay," Adam said sternly and jumped off him. He walked to your right side. "Now, I'm gonna push your saddle to the left and I need you to lean the same way, okay?"
"Lean to the left?" you asked.
"Yup," he confirmed. "One...two...three."
He pushed up and you leaned to the left, which allowed the saddle and you to be re-centered.
"Can you reach the stirrups okay, darlin'?" he asked. "Or do you need 'em a bit higher?"
"I think I need them a bit higher," you answered. "I thought they were fine, but I guess not."
"That's okay. That's what I'm here for. Take your right foot out."
You did as he said and then he adjusted the stirrups and helped you get your foot back in. Then, he did the same for the left foot.
While Adam was adjusting your left stirrup, Maddy was curious about what was in his first aid bag that was attached to Buck's saddle.
"I ain't got no treats in there, you fatty." He put his hand on Maddy's head. "There's nothin' in there for you. Get out." She started chewing on a drawstring that was on the bag. "Okay, I guess you can chew on that."
"So, to get her to turn, do I just pull like this?" you asked and showed Adam.
"Yes, but put your hand further down the reins when you do that. Works better like that."
"Okay, thanks."
"And, if she keeps tryin' to eat, pull up hard--but not too hard and far that you make her walk backward--and if that doesn't work, give her a quick kick. I promise you won't hurt this little fatty right here."
"Okay, awesome."
"You good?"
"I'm good," you confirmed.
"Okay, so if you ever need to adjust yourself, just grab this 'ere saddle horn." He put his hand on the stub on the front of the saddle. "And put two hands on it...unlike me, and then just push down with your foot on which side you want the saddle to go. Pretty simple."
"Okay, got it," you said.
Then, Adam jumped back on Buck and you were off again.
You and Kim were sitting up on the bed in Adam's older sister's childhood room that you were staying in and watching a dumb comedy when Adam poked his head into the room.
"Both you up?" he asked.
"Yeah," Kim answered. "Why?"
"Well, I want to go to the rope swing, and Jay and Hailey both fell asleep spooning while watching some shitty movie in the living room, so do you two wanna go? I'm bringing alcohol."
"Adam, it's like 11 o'clock at night!" Kim laughed. "We won't even be able to see the water!"
"Honey," Adam laughed. "I'll leave the headlights of my truck on! I'm not that stupid to have us jump in blind!" He paused. "You two in?"
"Sure," Kim agreed and then turned to you. "Y/N?"
"Why the hell not? I'm in college, let's go!"
"Alright, I'll let you two get changed and I'll grab the towels and the booze," Adam said.
"Adam, if you're the one driving, you cannot drink a ton!" Kim told him.
"I know! I'll just take like two shots and use moonshine as a chaser."
"You got more moonshine?" you asked.
"Holy hell, Adam," Kim agreed.
"Where do you two think I was the past hour? I went into town and grabbed a few flavors. and, I got both your flavors, too. So, y'all can't yell at me. Now, get changed so we can go before Jay and Hailey wake up and decide they want in on this, too."
"You good to sit in the back, Miss Car Sick?" Adam asked you.
"Yeah, you said it's only like a five minute drive, so I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, though," you answered.
"No problem, darlin'."
Then, the three of you were off to this rope swing to jump into a river in the middle of the night.
Five minutes later, Adam threw his car in park and left the radio and headlights on. The three of you got out and Adam grabbed the booze and shot glasses and then you followed him around to the back of his truck. He handed the stuff off to you and Kim to hold while he flipped his tailgate down. Then, he used the flashlight app of his phone to see as he poured each of you a shot of gummy bear flavored vodka.
"Cheers to late night decisions and possibly bad decisions!" Adam toasted.
The three of you clinked your shot glasses together and then took the shots.
"Shit. That was strong," you coughed.
"Chaser, chaser," Adam said as he flipped open the sip cap on the blackberry moonshine.
He handed it to you and you took a few sips.
"Compared to that shot, this moonshine tastes like nothin'," you said.
"See? Told you it had a low proof!" Adam exclaimed. "Now, do you two want me to go first so I can show you how it's done?"
"That might be a good idea, yeah," Kim agreed. "You've only brought me here during the day and it's been over a year, so yeah, you go first, cowboy."
"Oh, that reminds me." He took his signature cowboy hat off. "Hold this for me, will you, sweetheart?" He held the hat out to Kim and she took it from him. "Thank you. Now, watch and learn, ladies, watch and learn."
Kim laughed. "Whatever you say, babe, whatever you say."
Adam walked up to the edge of the river and waded in the water to grab the rope. You and Kim stood on the edge of the river and watched as Adam dragged the rope with him as he stood on a rock, which was right below the tree that the rope was tied to. Then, he cinched the rope between his feet and jumped up and swung forward.
"Yeehaw!" Adam yelled.
Then, after a few seconds, he let go of the rope and fell into the river.
The rope dangled back and forth until Adam grabbed it and dragged it in with him.
"Who's next?" he asked as he held the rope out.
"You wanna go, Kim?" you asked.
"You sure you don't wanna go before me?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Go ahead," you said.
"You nervous, darlin'?" Adam asked you as he took his hat back from Kim and placed it on his head.
"A bit." You looked down at your feet. "Are there snakes in there?" you practically mumbled.
"Oh, darlin'," Adam said with a wave of his hand. "I can promise you that there's no snakes in there. You've never seen a snake in there have you, baby?" he asked Kim.
"Nope, no snakes. I promise. Now, I'll go, and then you gotta go because it's so much fun!"
Kim grabbed the rope and then made her way up onto the rock. She did the same thing that Adam did and soon it was your turn.
"I'm stealing your aux, babe," Kim said as she walked toward Adam's truck.
Adam raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why you can't just listen to the radio like we've been doing, but go ahead, baby."
Kim walked over to the truck and changed the input to aux and then quickly pulled up Spotify. From there, she pulled up the song Like A Lady by Lady A, formerly known as Lady Antebellum. She turned the volume all the way up on her phone, plugged it into the aux, and hit play.
"Lady!" came out of the speakers as well as the opening chords.
You gasped as Kim came running back to you and Adam.
"How'd you know this one of my favorite songs?" you asked.
Ever since Hailey had played it for you on your first night in Tennessee when you were unpacking and sippin' on moonshine, you loved this song. It was all about feeling like a lady while wearing jeans and drinking and being comfortable with yourself and not needing a man.
"Y/N, I follow you on Spotify. I can see what you listen to. Now, go get to it, lady!" Kim cheered.
You smiled and turned around. You walked to the rock and climbed up on it just before the chorus. You grabbed onto the rope.
"'Cause I feel like a lady," you sang loudly to the music. "Sippin' on tequila with my Levis on."
You clamped your feet around the rope and jumped.
You felt weightless for just about one second and then you let go of the rope and fell into the water with a splash.
The water wasn't freezing, it was a little cold, but it was still decently comfortable. You started swimming back to the shore and grabbed the rope when it swung back toward you.
"Hell yeah!" Adam yelled as he ran up to you and took the rope so you could pull yourself up onto the river bank. "You did awesome! Did you like it?"
"I loved it! Let's do it again!" you yelled.
"See?" Kim said. "I told you that you'd love it!"
"I propose a celebratory shot for Y/N's first time jumping off the rope swing!" Adam said and the three of you headed back to his truck to have more booze.
And that is how you learned that you didn't get hangover headaches like Kim, but got hella tired the next day just like Hailey. But, a little hangover (despite not being old enough to legally drink) was all worth it because of how much fun you, Kim, and Adam had.
Months later
"Welcome to Chocolate Moose, everybody!" Adam announced and fumbled with the lockbox to get the key.
Since it was exam season, there was a tradition that started during the winter semester of their sophomore year that was where they'd all go up to a cabin (each cabin had a name and yours was Chocolate Moose) in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, which was an hour away from school, to go study without the temptation of parties and the libraries that were packed as hell and barely had any seats open because everyone and their mama had decided to study there.
He unlocked the door and opened it.
You walked in and were in awe. When you walked in, you saw a small kitchen complete with a stove, oven, microwave, and pots, pans, plates, bowls, cups, mugs, and silverware stored in cabinets and drawers. There was also a small pantry to your right the minute you walked inside.
Off of the small kitchen were the living room and the dining area. There was a circular wooden table with six chairs and there was a tv and a couch that folded out into a bed. Right next to that was a bedroom with a bathroom, which also had its own tv in it.
And, if you walked to the end of the living room, there was a door that led to the first-floor deck that overlooked the Smoky Mountains. On the deck was a wooden table that matched the wood of the deck and six stools, so it would be a nice place to study or eat breakfast or sip coffee in the morning.
The stairs to go to the second floor were above the table (so the table was tucked beneath the second set of stairs). When you got up there, there was a pool table, a bubble hockey table, another couch that folded out into a bed, and a coffee table in front of said couch.
To the right of the couch and coffee table was a California king-sized bed with a trunk in front of it which held the bedding for the pull-out couches. Then, there was a dresser with a mirror to the side of the bed and a closet. There was also a full bathroom with a washer and dryer and a dressing table (so tons of counter space and two mirrors) upstairs as well.
And, there was another deck on the second floor. This one didn't have a full-sized table, but it did have two chairs with a small table between, and a small couch complete with a bunch of throw pillows on one end of the deck. This deck too overlooked the beauty that was the Smoky Mountains.
"Who's that?" you asked fifteen minutes later after you had finished touring the cabin and figuring out sleeping arrangements.
It had been decided that Adam and Kim would take the first-floor bedroom and that you'd take the pull-out couch on their floor. Hailey and Jay would sleep upstairs and you wondered why you couldn't take the upstairs couch like you wanted to because Jay was quick to tell you no.
You knew they weren't gonna try to do the nasty up there since there was no door shutting the upstairs off from the downstairs, so you had no idea why he wouldn't let you sleep on the pull-out couch upstairs.
"Who's that?" you asked again while looking out the kitchen window.
Then, you saw a head of red hair in the driver's seat and rushed out the door to where the person parked their car.
"Will!" you shouted as he got out of the car. "I missed you!" You wrinkled your nose at what he was wearing: a pair of blue scrubs.
"I drove here right after I got off a twelve-hour ED rotation," Will told you. "Hence the scrubs."
"I would give you a hug, but who knows what kinda bodily fluids have been on those."
"Good choice. We'll postpone the hug until after I take a quick shower and change."
Adam, Kim, and Jay came outside and said their hellos to Will, and Jay took Will's backpack, making a joke saying that it felt like he stuffed a ton of rocks in there.
So, now you knew why you couldn't sleep on the pull-out couch upstairs: Will was sleeping there.
"Fuck!" you yelled as you felt a bee sting you on the upper part of your left inner thigh.
"What?" Adam asked.
You, Adam, and Kim were outside at the table on the first-floor deck studying while Will was upstairs studying and Jay and Hailey were studying one of their law studies classes at the kitchen table together.
"The fuckin' bee stung me!"
"Well, you were swattin' at him, darlin'," Adam said, which earned him a smack to the arm from Kim.
"Because he was between my legs!" you argued. "What was I supposed to do? Let him fly up my shorts and sting me there? Oh hell no!"
You got up and walked inside.
"Will!" you shouted the minute you closed the door to the deck.
"Y/N! Keep it down!" Jay scolded. "We're trying to study!"
You had made it up the first set of stairs and leaned over the railing. "Well, I just strung by fuckin' bee, so I think I can yell a bit, Jay! Will!"
"What?" he said and ripped out his headphones when you got all the way upstairs. "Med school's no joke, you know!"
"Well, what do I put on a bee sting?" you huffed.
Will sighed. "Hold on. They asked me to be the one who brought the first aid kit and I'm glad I did."
He got up and then came back with a bottle of lotion.
"Put this on it. Should cool down the stinging. Tell me if it gets worse or starts itching."
"Okay, thanks."
You put it on and hoped it would be better soon.
Okay, so this bee sting wasn't getting better. It was actually getting worse.
It had been itchy all day and you were currently shaving your legs in your shower. You felt the place where the bee had stung you and it was swollen as if someone had shoved a disk the size of an Oreo in your leg at the place the bee had stung you.
You got out of the shower, got changed, and walked out of the bathroom where country music was blasting and Jay and Adam were playing a friendly (okay, so maybe not so friendly) game of pool.
"Hailey, is my bee sting supposed to be super itchy?" you asked as you sat down on the couch next to her.
She and everyone else was drinking one of their two allotted white claws. Yes, during finals week you had all decided there needed to be a daily cut-off for alcohol so that you could all get your shit done. And, it helped keep everyone accountable since everyone in the cabin was only having two per day...and you weren't spending a ton of money this weekend on alcohol.
"Um, none of mine have ever been," she said. "Will!" He turned to look at her from where he was sitting and intently watching the pool game...mostly to make sure neither Adam nor Jay cheated. "Her bee sting supposed to itch?"
"Not unless she's allergic to bees...and she's not." He stood up. "Go lay on the bed and let me take a look."
"Oh, fuck no! I am not letting my brother look there!"
"Y/N, I'm a med student. I've seen a helluva lot more than a bee sting on your inner thigh. You can even go put on some short spandex if that would make you more comfortable."
You currently had on loose-fitting shorts that you knew would fall back to expose what underwear you were wearing if you let Will take a look. "Actually, I think I'll go do that," you said.
You quickly grabbed a pair of spandex from your suitcase and went back into the bathroom and changed into them.
"Y'all check for a stinger?" Adam asked.
Will must've filled him in when you were changing your shorts.
"Shit," Will cursed. "I knew there was something I forgot to do."
"What kinda fuckin' doctor are you if you forget to check something like that?" you asked Will rhetorically. "Hailey, I'm gonna need that empty white claw bottle to smack Will over the head with like you did to Jay on the river."
"Sorry, hun," Hailey apologized. "I ain't finished with this 'ere can yet."
"I'll hit him!" Jay yelled, putting down his pool stick and grabbing his empty can.
He hit Will on the arm with the empty white claw can as hard as he possibly could.
"The fuck?" Will yelled. "Why'd you do that?"
"I dunno." Jay turned to Adam. "Why were we hitting Will, again?"
"Holy shit," Adam muttered to himself. "Because he forgot to check Y/N's bee sting to see if the stinger was still there."
"Oh, okay. That was stupid, Will."
You laid on the bed and let Will look at the spot the bee stung you. Then, he put on a pair of gloves and pulled out a pair of tweezers.
"Hailey?" he called. She looked up expectantly. "Can you come over here and hold up a flashlight? I think I found the stinger."
Hailey got up and turned on the flashlight on her phone and crouched down next to Will.
"That good?" she asked as she finished positioning the phone so the phone's flashlight was pointing directly at your bee sting.
"Yup." He looked up at you. "Now, I'm gonna put one of my hands above the bee sting, that way you won't be able to see the tweezers go in. Sound good?"
"Mhm. At least this is better than when Jay tried to attack me with a snake!"
Will laughed. "I bet."
Five minutes later, the stinger was out and Will told you to put Neosporin and a bandaid over it just so you didn't keep itching it because he told you the itchiness wouldn't go away immediately.
"I need a drink," you said after you were all done.
Hailey handed you a raspberry white claw from the mini-fridge next to the couch and you popped it open.
"Thanks," you said.
"You're welcome."
"Everyone shut up!" Adam yelled. "This is Jay and Hailey's song...well, they didn't exactly meet at a bar and Hailey wasn't drinking a white claw, but it was a Saturday and those two did ditch us. So, dance you two!"
They tried to object, but Adam dragged Jay over to Hailey and Kim pushed Hailey up off the couch and towards Jay.
"Sittin' over there in the corner, baby, I saw pretty red lips workin' on a white claw," you all sang along to Single Saturday Night by Cole Swindell. And, you'd be lying if you said that this song didn't remind you of the story that Jay had told you about the first time he took Hailey out when she was bored one Saturday night in a sports bar. "Shakin' to a little Shook Me All Night Long. And I thought, man, what a beautiful sight."
You smiled. Four months ago, there'd be no way you'd know this song. But, thanks to your brother's friends and his girlfriend, you knew so many more country songs. But, most of all, if your first semester of freshman year was any indication, you were going to have the time of your life going to college here in Tennessee.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Again, please remember to like/reblog and comment because I love reading all your comments and seeing that you voted because that means you enjoyed reading the imagine! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you! Again, I am donating all my proceeds on buy me a coffee until the end of AU-gust to Save The Children to help the children in Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee here.
Taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl@dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Water under the Bridge (Josslyn II)
A/N: Okay! Here it is!!!! This was fun and made my heart hurt a little but maybe I’m just being emotional. And can you guys believe it’s been over a year since I posted Josslyn?? Where has the time gone?? I don’t think we’re on the sacred timeline anymore........Anyway thank you anon who suggested this storyline, and hope y’all enjoy! <3
Josslyn (Original)
We’re going to have the best weekends evr, Regan texts me even though she’s just in the other room. Schedules were released for our summer semester and Regan and I had managed to get Fridays off. Summer was going to be so fun, and after two years doing college together we were experts at managing our workload to have fun on the weekends--even if that meant sacrificing a few nights’ sleep.
We’ll make summer our bitch, I text back. I hear a chuckle from her room.
Help me pick out a fit? she texts. I want to tell her Adam would love her in whatever, but I head to her room instead and watch her try on a dozen outfits before settling on the second. I tease her about Adam--they were going steady since first year, but she still got so nervous about him sometimes. Adam’s college was a train ride away so he would come down at least one weekend a month.
As for my own love life, there’d been no one steady. I did the whole hooking up and dating scene in first year but I was romantically burnt out by second. Nowadays, I could go home with someone if I chose to, but I also didn’t mind if I didn’t. My active endeavor to find a boyfriend had stopped when I realized I was trying to fill a gap. Instead, I was learning to be happy on my own.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you?” Regan asks. She was taking the train to Adam’s college and staying with him, there was this big start-of-summer party and she’d been trying to convince me for weeks.
“I don’t feel like being a third wheel,” I tell her honestly.
“You don’t have to!” She goes over her one argument again. “Gaelle’s roommate isn’t even back until next week so she has a spare room! She said you should come. Plus,” she ties her hair up, “it’s the weekend before the semester starts so have some fun.”
I make a noise, and she turns to look at me, totally judging me. It makes me laugh. “That’s why my version of fun is to.binge Netflix and-”
“Y/N!” She groans.
“Fine! I’ll go.”
Two words that would change everything.
By the time we get to the campus, Regan and I had come up with a dozen things we could potentially do this summer. I’m high on excitement as we meet up with Gaelle, and the three of us head to Adam’s place.
The sun is almost set by the time we leave, most of the sky is dark but a streak of orange stays stubbornly on the horizon. I pause to take pictures before we’re rushing off.
We approach the frat house--if you could call it that. It was half glass with a very modern structure. The greek symbol on the side of the house was the only indicator it wasn’t a millionaire’s summer-house.
“Since when did frat houses get so modern?” I ask. “This is...nice.”
“Wait ‘til you see inside,” Adam says. And he was right, even the drinks were fancier with their own guy behind the bar...although he was taking the occasional shot and getting progressively drunk.
We settle in an area close to the music and get swept up into the party atmosphere. Some people were beyond drunk already and I enjoyed the slight buzz of the drink in my hand. The views from inside with floor-to-ceiling windows were amazing.
Pretty soon, Adam and Regan break off. We move towards the centre of the party where the typical party shenanigans were happening. We tip back our drinks and pretty soon I’m straddling the line between tipsy and drunk. I find a cute boy with blonde hair and deep brown eyes and makeout with him until he gets too handsy.
“Ugh!” I give him one last shove and look for Gaelle but I’d lost her too. I search for a bathroom but they’re either occupied or have a lineup. This was a huge ass house, one of the bedrooms had to have one.
I open the first door to shouting.
“It’s called locking the door!” I shout drunkenly as I close it. The next room actually is locked, and the next one isn’t but I wish it was. “Eugh.”
I climb up to the topmost level, three doors--one was locked with the sound of people inside and the second is a bathroom. I was grateful people hadn’t made it up this far.
As I wash up, and touch up the mascara that was crusting under my eyes the door shakes as someone bangs on it from the other side.
“Dip! What the fuck are you doing in there? Everyone’s waiting for you!”
My heart pounds at the sudden noise and the deep voice demanding me to open up. The rush of adrenaline sobers me for a moment as I rush to open the door, “Sorry I didn’t realise anyone was...waiting.”
My words slow down and freeze altogether as I realise the fist banging on the door belonged to...him. Harry. He seems just as surprised as me, straightening up before a smile slowly inches across his face, it was almost sweet bordering on predatory. “Y/N!”
“Hi,” I say awkwardly. There was a lot of history and also not at all. I was also, I decide, too drunk for this. Act sober, this is not the night to run into this fucker.
“You-you’re the last person I was expecting to--excuse me it’s... good to see you! You look--you look as beautiful as ever!”
The events from high school that created this tense history between Harry and I was one of the worst things possible to happen to teenage Y/N. The thing is though, that I’d totally bounced back after I had decided he could fuck himself. Although it was awkward seeing him every day until graduation, it made me tougher. I credit it for making me so casual about relationships now...I stopped expecting so much of the boys I saw.
But leaving high school behind, my world expanded with college, I realised how childish it had all been: I’d had a fling with a player, and he’d played the field...It wasn’t that deep. But seeing him now, It made me aware in a way I wasn’t for a long time. Maybe what they said about distance had some merit. Or maybe I was just buzzed.
“Thanks...I wasn’t expecting you either.”
“You don’t uh, you don’t go here do you? I’ve never seen you around.”
“No,” I look out to the small hall but there’s no one there. The room that was previously locked is slightly ajar carrying male voices. “Adam goes here, I’m...with Regan.”
“Ah, Regan.” He smiles. “You’re still two peas in a pod?”
“Obviously,” The stiffness eases at the mention of my best friend. “So...can I get out of here?”
“Yeah sorry,” he moves aside so I can step into the hall. “Um, we’re playing video games in here room if you...you’re probably not interested.”
I clear my throat, Harry was playing video games when there was a party downstairs? I was curious, that maybe he changed.
“Oh,” he laughs and the dimples I adored make an appearance. “I’ve still got it! My frat just hosts too many parties for me to keep track.”
I guess I said that out loud, I bite my tongue but it really has a life of it’s own. “Did you jussay you still got it?” Oh my god, I was teasing him already. What about Harry made me absolute putty.
“Yeah,” he looks almost bashful. “Uhm, go easy I’m a little nervous here Y/N.”
I don’t know what to say to that, I bite my lip so nothing stupid comes out.
“So you’re just here for the night?” He carries on.
“Staying over with a friend,”
“A fr-” he cuts himself off, pressing his lips together. I realize I’m staring and look away.
“I should go-”
“Wait I-wait uh, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in years.”
“Yea,” I play with the rings on my fingers. “M’good, great. College’s a lot better than high school.”
“It’s not even comparable,” Harry says as he leans his shoulder against the wall. He looks perfectly placed there, and a tipsy voice flashes inappropriate thoughts into my head. “So...any...boyfriends?”
“Um,” that was direct. “No. No, I’m trying out being single...”
“Did something happen?” His expression is still casual but he holds himself rigid.
“No? A girl can’t be single?”
“Sure but someone like you...I’m just surprised.”
“Whatever that means,” I roll my eyes and head past him to go down but he blocks my way.
“Wait, I didn’t mean to offend you...” his voice dies out as I cross my arms. “I also didn’t mean to block you in.”
He steps aside and it feels painful to me but I take the small steps towards the staircase. One part of me--I blame the tipsy stupid part, wants to kiss him just to see if there was still something there, see if anything’s changed. The other was listing all the reasons this was an awful idea, to top it off he was a proven player, has broken my trust once before, and went to a school almost 2 hours from mine.
“Y/N,” Harry’s gruff voice says from behind me. My feet turn without permission and he’s right behind me. “M’sorry. Let me start over.”
I glance at his lips, damn. I can’t meet his eye suddenly. Oh god, I was still pretty tipsy. My mind short-circuits and all I can do is turn back to walk away, down the two sets of stairs, past sweaty bodies and loose limbs. In a great coincidence I bump into Gaelle in what looks like a game room.
“Harry goes here?” I ask--shout at her immediately. Her eyes widen, something passes over her face. “Was no one going to tell me he was going to be here?”
“I’m sorry!” She shouts. “I forgot you two had history!”
“I just wish I was prepared,” I say and she doesn’t hear, I just shake my head when she asks me to repeat. I needed another drink, and Regan. Maybe she could remind me why I stopped caring about him.
As I set off to find her, I’m reminded again how stupid this all was. High school was an ancient dream, we were all different people. I was a different person.
But even though what happened in high school was petty and juvenile, I remember how Harry made me feel. How it felt when we were together--even if it was a joke for him back then, I couldn’t forget the feeling of being seen. Of having arms to fall into, even if I knew they weren’t permanent.
“Regan!” I find her sitting on the dining table while Adam spoke with someone else. Her eyes alight and she waves me over. “I saw him! He...he goes here!”
“Who?” Confusion strings her brows together.
“Harry! From...you know Harry! He was upstairs! I--I didn’t know how to act.”
“Shit Harry! I forgot he went here!”
“You knew?” I throw my hands up.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal! He’s a dick but that was high school?”
“No I-” I sigh. “You’re supposed to tell me he’s still a dick! I saw him and it just got...complicated.”
Regan slides off the table and pulls me into a side hug, we can also hear each other better. “You’re a big kid now, do whatever you want Y/N. Tell him off, kiss his face, take revenge, who the fuck cares? We’re taking the train two hours home after this anyway!”
She had a point. But still...he couldn’t have changed much from the boy who hurt me.
“Adam hangs out with him sometimes,” Regan continues. “Apparently he’s not as bad as high school. He’s...mellowed out.”
“Unreal,” I roll my eyes. Adam was just covering for his friend. We hear a cheer go up behind us and Regan bulges her eyes as two guys help Adam up on his hands to do a keg stand.
Regan swears and heads back to him. I walk away, somehow feeling more and less confused after talking to Regan--do I go back up and see what this leftover emotion was, or ignore it as a drunken need for comfort?
But it’s like the decision is made for me when a hand wraps around my arm as I move from the dining area to the kitchen. I already know it’s him before I turn.
“Can we talk?” he asks. I nod and his grip loosens, slipping down into my palm. “Upstairs?” He motions to the staircase and we climb up the two flights. This time he leads me into one of the locked doors and although I’ve never been here, I’d been in some version of this room before. It’s familiar.
I ignore the ache when he lets go of my hand once we’re inside. I set my drink down on his desk and perch on the window ledge, it’s not big enough to sit on but has enough space for a few of his books and a speaker. His room’s pretty near, but then again Harry was never messy.
“So what do you want-” I start just as he says “Let me get this off my chest.”
“Go ahead,” I cross my arms before uncrossing them, and then crossing them again. With the way he ruffles his hair and crosses to the door and back, he seems just as nervous.
“You can leave at any time. I just want to say I was an asshole, I still kind of am sometimes. And I’m sorry for what I did to you. I know it’s like what--2 years late but all that with...Josslyn and all that...I’m sorry.”
Hearing her name makes me want to grind my teeth but I let the feeling pass. I reach for my drink instead to give me something to do. “It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Really?” Harry regards me suspiciously. “Because the way you were talking to me out there...”
“You’re just you,” I shrug. “Harry Styles, player and sweet-talker. I was just guarding myself against that.”
“Because of what happened between us?”
“No...maybe. I don’t know. But honestly, I’m not upset with you. It feels like an eternity ago. I guess it’s just self-preservation.”
“I guess,” he echoes. “So where does that leave us? If you’re all self-preserved?”
I eye him but he cracks a smile, he was teasing me. “It doesn’t have to leave us anywhere,” I snort. “We’re water under the bridge Harry...”
“My parents split,” he says suddenly and I’m reeling with the direction he’s taken. I open my mouth, and close it when nothing comes out. “Sorry, I know that’s random it’s just I never really talked to anyone about how they were rarely home and when they were they were always arguing a-and we spoke about it a lot. About our families so I just...”
“I’m sorry to hear that, do they still live in town?” I ask, wanting to put my hand on his or show him I cared but they stay glued to my drink.
“My mom moved into the city, it’s closer to her job and since I’m not living at home anymore it doesn’t really matter...”
“You still go home?” I ask.
“I don’t even know where home is?” He looks at me then, and the look in his eyes chips at the wall I’d been trying to build all night. Things had changed, for him.
“Are you--do you have someone to talk to?”
His laugh is dry, “They split last summer, convinced me to talk to some therapist. I don’t know if it really helped I think I’m actually better off. They’re better off and I just feel...free.”
I don’t know what to say to that so I stay quiet. He looks back up at me then, cracks his knuckles, before perching on his bed. “I’m just--sorry I’m not telling you that so you can feel sorry for me-”
“I don’t I just-”
“No it’s okay I just want to tell you that because you knew about that stuff. But I’m trying to tell you I’m not the same guy. Not completely, I’m just trying to tell you things changed and so have I.”
It echoes the same sentiment I had earlier in his conversation, and I remember Regan said he’s mellowed out. Maybe it was true. It still didn’t mean I was going to get together with him anytime soon but my heart hurts for him. I walk up to where he sits, he watches me with a steady gaze.
In the quiet, I hear the party going on outside the window, three floors below us. If I listen really carefully, I can hear sounds coming from the video game being played next door. In the stillness, I reach for Harry’s hand and he obliges, grasping mine.
“I wish I could...help you with the hurt. Not knowing where to call home is pretty shitty.”
“Don’t worry about me Y/N,” he pastes on his classic smile and I return one for his sake. It was getting heavy in here. “I’m just happy I got to talk to you. And I just found out you don’t hate me so...” he holds our intertwined hands and shakes it. “woo hoo!” I laugh as we let go.
“I guess I should go back to the party.”
“Yeah, okay. I won’t keep you.”
“Okay,” I’m a little stung he doesn’t suggest I stay a little longer. Maybe it was all in my head, maybe his intentions really were to make amends and that’s it. I pick my drink up from his windowsill and move to the door. I glance back before I go, he’s laying on his bed deep in thought, gazing up at the ceiling. I close the door behind me.
I wake the next morning, surprisingly well. I can’t say the same for Gaelle who’d passed me her keys at some point and told me she’d be home late. I spent the rest of the party trailing Regan until I decided I should just go crash. Harry hadn’t come out to find me, and I tried to hide the sour feeling, excusing myself early.
“Fuck me,” Gaelle croaks from her bed when I step into her open doorway.
“How about coffee, and pancakes?” I ask, returning the favor of being able to sleep here.
“I’ll take it,” she flops back into bed. I busy myself with measuring coffee and water, my thoughts occupied with everything Harry and I had been through since we last saw each other. I demonized him for so long, humanizing him is harder to swallow.
What he’d done to me was shitty, there was no denying. But had he really changed? And most importantly, why did I care so much? It’s not like he was the one.
My phone rings: Regan. She’s talking so fast I hardly hear her, only really understand that it was a party ritual to gather in the student centre the morning after a big party. Endless coffee and free food seemed to be the general consensus for a party cure.
“I don’t know if I can make it there,” Gaelle says when I tell her. “I was hoping for pancakes at home.”
“I already put the coffee on but I’m hauling your ass there if you’re not up in 5. Our train leaves after noon anyway and it’s closer to the college.”
Slowly but surely Gaelle emerges and we make our way, spotting Regan easily as the bright spot in a sea of college students in PJs and last night’s clothing. She’s the only one fully dressed, with a full face of makeup on.
“I didn’t drink that much,” she shrugs when we settle around her and Adam’s friends. “Unlike some people.” She looks pointedly at Adam who’s slumped where he sits. I remember the kegger and laugh.
Life soon flows back into the group around us as does the coffee and breakfast foods. I’m relaxed in the environment until I look down the tables to where Harry stands, looking back at me. He raises a hand and I do the same until an extremely tall angel--she was literally wearing a halo, probably from last night-walks up to him and wraps her hands around his waist. She says something to him and he tears his gaze away.
I look down at my cup immediately, my cheeks burning with humiliation. I’d been thinking about him all this time, thinking about how it might feel if I kissed him and of course he had a girlfriend. She never came up, but he never said he didn’t either. He didn’t make any moves on me yesterday, if I looked at it he only made an attempt to talk. Sure he was flirty but that was just Harry and I...I was a fool. I was such a fool. Things may have changed for him but he hadn’t. He was still the same Harry who chose Josslyn over me. He would always have a girlfriend, I was just the girl from his past who he could trust. I couldn’t say the same about him.
“What’s wrong,” my best friend nudges me. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I don’t know,” I look into her concerned eyes. “I’m just going to--I’ll be right back.”
I head out and find the closest washroom. The tears are instant and I let myself cry--out of frustration, humiliation, or some twisted sense of betrayal...it was all the same for me. I check the time, I just had to hold myself together and avoid Harry for another 2 hours before we were back on the train home. I would tell Regan everything then.
*** Three weeks later ***
“If Adam’s over later...” Regan trails off. She’s sprawled on my bed while I sit in my desk chair trying to read one more chapter before I close the books for the week.
“I have my earplugs ready and a second place to stay,” I roll my eyes. “I already told Kiara I might crash on her couch.”
“I owe you,” she jumps back up.
“You owe me like, 7 and a half.”
“7 and a half?”
I’m about to answer but a knock on our door has her racing out. I try to ignore the voices, I just had two more pages I had to get through--the joy of summer classes.
“Y/N?: Regan’s voice is a whisper. “We’re going now but...you have a guest. If you want me to kick his ass I totally can though.”
Standing behind her is Harry. I focus on him, yes it really was him. Why was he here?
“Harry?” I sound confused because I am. He’s wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans, and he’d traveled 2 hours just to get here.
“He wouldn’t leave me alone,” Adam says louder as they leave the room. “I’m sorry Y/N...”
“What is this?” I ask. My feelings are at war with each other, I was still feeling slighted by the last time we saw each other but seeing his face was also an exciting surprise.
“I wanted to see you,” Harry says nervously. He still stays at my bedroom door.
“You can come in...” I stand up and realize I was wearing an oversize t-shirt and the scruffiest PJ shorts I owned. “Phones have cameras now, you didn’t have to come all this way.”
He shrugs, taking one step in. “I liked seeing you in person last time. But I feel like we left it wrong.”
He knows I saw him, what conclusions I must have come to. It wouldn’t be that hard. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We talked it out.”
He comes to life, “Don’t play dumb Y/N I know you saw me with...I know what you thought and-”
“Did you really come all this way to explain that you had a girlfriend? Like, three weeks later?”
“No that’s the thing-”
“Because that’s kind of dumb. And unnecessary-”
“No listen!” He says a bit louder so I do. “The thing is she wasn’t my girlfriend...we’d hung out a few times but she saw me at the caf and got clingy. We’re not an item honestly, I can’t remember the last time I had a girlfriend-.”
“So why are you here?” My voice is higher than usual. I was confused, and upset, and I wanted him to leave. This was starting to sound like Josslyn part 2.
“You know why I’m here. Y/N I’ve been nothing but a dick to you and I know I don’t deserve you but I really like you. I want to clear the air, and ask you if you can see something here I...”
He trails off when he notices the tears trailing down my cheek. It’s just too much for me, as I finally face the emotions from that weekend. I’d shoved them aside after Regan had gotten onto the train worried her and Adam were headed towards a breakup. I’d put aside what happened and never thought about it. But my heart broke a little that morning. 
I knew what I knew: maybe Harry and I weren’t good for each other but we were good with each other. In an attempt not to get hurt I’ve been distancing myself from romantic connections--I found more of myself in doing this, but a part of me was missing without exploring it.
Harry moved closer until we’re nearly touching. I wipe my tears with my shoulder and we stand still on the hardwood floors of my room. An eternity passes before he reaches out to wipe the tear caught in my lashes. I close my eyes to his touch, scared of how much I wanted it.
“Y/N,” my name is a breath on his lips and it makes my heart stutter. My eyes open in slow motion, seeing him so vulnerable right in front of me, and suddenly things speed up and we’re reaching for each other; two waves crashing until they become one.
I don’t know how much time had passed in minutes, Adam and Regan are still out but Harry and I had fallen together and crashed apart so many times that I’m dizzy with it.
“You’re wonderful,” he says as we face each other, our noses just nearly touching. He trails a finger down my cheek. “Just...incredible.”
I feel the flush spread through me, “Great vocab Styles. We’re really using the big words.”
“Words are sort of hard right now,” he grins. “My brain’s all mush.”
I laugh, “Not much different to its usual state!”
“I knew you were going to say that!” he tries to reach for me but I skip off the bed with a laugh. “Come back.”
“I have to pee,” I slip on pants and can’t stop grinning the whole time I’m away. When I come back in, the blissful smile on his face tells me everything I need to know. I climb over him but he stops me in place, a knee on either side of his hips.
“I’m happiest when I’m with you Y/N,” he says, his voice roughened with emotion. “I think I always was. Younger Harry liked to self-sabotage.”
I bend down and my hair slips around us. The way he looks at me makes my insides mush. And even though I have proof of why I shouldn’t trust him, he’s here. In my bed. Miles away from where he would be if he hadn’t traveled all this way to see me. And that means something.
“I’m glad you’ve done some growing,” I say to him quietly.
“I had to,” he says softly. “I couldn’t have you like I do now if I hadn’t.”
“I guess we’ve both grown,” I brush a curl from his forehead.
“I know, old Y/N would have punched me if I showed up unexpectedly.”
“Rightly so,” I grin. He smiles back, brushing my hair behind my ear, back over my shoulder. He props himself on his elbow to kiss the shoulder he’d bared. It’s simple, and sweet, but it’s enough to unravel me all over again. And he knows it.
“When does Regan get home?”
“We might have another half hour,” I grin.
“Let’s not waste it,” he mumbles into my skin.
I agree.
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syrenblubs · 4 years
haikyuu characters with a volleyball player s/o
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@txbioglow​ okay so like what if and just what if i were to request nekoma (doesnt have to be all of them <3) boyfriend headcanons w/ the reader-s/o being a volleyball player 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ like how would we feel abt that ?? 👀
a/n: i only wrote for characters that came to mind, but ty for requesting <3 im sorry is came out so late i haven’t had motivation to write for haikyuu lately 😔
pairing(s): kuroo x reader, kenma x reader, lev x reader, yaku x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.2k
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he met you when the school's boys and girls volleyball team were arranging a joint practice
you were the captain of the girls team
being a flirtatious little shit, he tried to hit on you but failed after you gave him a wack on that rooster head of his
you already knew his strength in volleyball, as he was pretty popular around the school
he also knew yours, but didn't believe it until he saw you play during the practice match against his team
completely astounded by your talent, he sneakily slipped his number into your bag, hoping that you'd text him
after that encounter, the two of you would talk occasionally, whether it was in the halls in between classes or after practice when you were walking home, becoming really close within a few months
even after you started dating, your friendship didn't change
he just became more clingy 
on weekends, he'd make you play volleyball with him, depending on what position you play
he'd also make you try different diets with him
morning jogs whenever he'd stay over at your place the previous night
he comes to your games and you go to his
he makes sure that his support is heard by you
and you do the same
after matches you'll end up going off with him to get food together
i would go on but this post is going to get too long
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you were on fukurodani girls volleyball team, so he acc met you at one of their training camps
you had just finished up practice with the girls and you were passing by the gym where the boys were playing when you bumped into kenma, who was previously looking down at his psp
he quickly apologized and was about to be on his way until he noticed the kirby and pikachu charms on your duffel bag
"i like those. where did you get them from?" he quietly asked pointing at the charms
"oh i found it at the nearby video game store while buying smash bros. do you play it too?"
from there, the two of you exchanged switch codes, and thats where your friendship began
you didn't see him in person again until he unexpectedly showed up to one of your games
it had been a few months ever since your first encounter with him, and he wanted to talk to you about something
you noticed him in the stands in the middle of your match, but you didn't plan on losing your focus just yet
after you finished, you ran over to him, and he asked you if you could talk him privately
just as you expected, he confessed, and you kindly accepted
cue kuroo in the back hyping kenma up hehe
you still continued to have mini gaming seshs with him, both in person and online
if you play the same position as him, you’ll ask him for tips on how he manages to fool his opponent so easily
though he prefers not to talk about volleyball much outside of the courts
like he did before, he’ll show up to your games whenever he could
unlike kuroo, he tries to make less of his presence known
but you know in his heart he’s cheering you on, making just his presence enough
you steal his jacket sometimes if you forget your own
he isn’t complaining though he thinks you look cute in it
not that he’d ever tell you that
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you and the other members of the girls volleyball team had a good relationship with the members of the boys team, often having joint practice sessions throughout the season
after one practice you were just exiting the gym to walk to the girls bathroom when you heard kuroo call your name
you walked into the boys gym, which you expected to be empty, to see your senior yaku and a tall unfamiliar boy attempting and failing to receive the ball
both kuroo and yaku knew you had superior receiving skills, even if you weren’t a libero. because of this, they wanted you to help the unknown boy, who you now knew as lev, to build up his receiving skills in time for the tournament qualifiers 
you and lev were in the same year, and you had heard of him from some of your classmates as he did stand out a bit with his unusually tall height
and so your friendship with him began. he would bombard you with questions on pretty much anything volleyball related, slowly branching to personal interests and lives over time.
just as your friendship was developing quickly, so were his volleyball skills. he’d also gotten your help on other skillsets, surprising his teammates in practice even kenma
it got to a point where the one who came out of practice earlier would walk over to the other’s gym and wait for them to finish
the two of you kept these little things even after the tournament qualifiers had ended.
after you had started dating (which was not too long after the tokyo qualifiers) he would buy you meat buns while walking home
depending on your height, he’ll tease you to no end. he’ll take your matching water bottle and hold it out of your reach, asking for a peck on the cheek before giving it back
if you get tired after a hard day of practice, he’ll give you a piggyback ride
too bad you can’t give him one because of how tall he is 
showing up to your games?? 100 percent. will do anything to come see you play
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you met him when your team coincidently went to the same meat bun shop as nekoma after practice
while your other teammates conversed with the nekoma boys, you stood off to the side, zoning into space
yaku noticed this and went up to you
you didn't really mind him trying to talk to you, even taking a liking to him almost immediately
before your teams left, you exchanged numbers
from then on, your friendship continued through late night ft calls and messages
going into a relationship it was a bit long distance because you didn’t attend the same school
but with good time management and planning skills you were able to meet up at least during the weekends
while you both are volleyball fanatics the two of you tend to not really talk about or engage in it when you’re together
except for when tournaments were approaching and that would be the only thing the two of you would have on your minds
regardless of what position you play, he’ll help you with your receives. a l w a y s 
in exchange you give him tips for other skillsets, like setting and spiking, just in case they become of use in a match 
he’ll text you almost whenever he can, from good morning texts to checking up on you after school. before he told the team about his relationship with you, kuroo had suspected something was up when he had seen yaku on his phone constantly. yes kuroo was the one who forced yaku to spill the news on him dating you
he’s very caring of your wellbeing. if you got injured during practice, he’ll first scold you a little for getting hurt, but immediately treat them and take care of you for as long as you need
i have a feeling he’s a great cook so on weekends he’ll make bentos for the two of you to eat at the park (or wherever you would go with him)
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