#also the first guy with the bug is uhhh. i made a new guy for an evil run
spiritoast · 2 years
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various sol funnies scribbled while i watched a friend play for the first time
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Guitar!Steve 2
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In the early hours of the morning, Eddie was sure he was still in a dream. What other explanation was there for the crazy hot dude in his bed? Then the other man made a sound and turned around and the memories of the previous night came back to him.
Eddie immediately scampered out of bed, stumbling a bit and grabbed his pants. He pulled out the smooth, black wishing stone. He pumped his fist, not believing his luck right now when his bedmate made another waking sound and his eyes fluttered open.
"What are you doing up?", Sweetheart asked.
And Eddie didn't really have a good answer with for that but he stammered through the attempt anyway. His Sweetheart just gave him a sleepy smile and patted the empty space next to him.
"Come back to bed~"
Eddie practically pounced right onto him. He was only human. But his Sweetheart, strong and solid, only let out a slight 'oof' before wrapping his arms around him. He kissed Eddie's cheek, then his chin, then kept going lower.
"Feeling affectionate?"
"I know you don't like early mornings."
Eddie hummed as his hands stroked up and down the other man's sides, just feeling but still not fully believing. Then Sweetheart started kissing down his neck and Eddie felt himself drowning deeper and deeper into him when someone pounded on the trailer door.
"Shit!", Eddie hissed, very reluctantly pulling away from his lover. Another voice called his name and that confirmed it. His friends were at the door. Probably looking for him. Because he definitely told Crash he would call him back and then he...didn't.
Eddie looked to Sweetheart, lying in the bed, looking confused but also extremely fuckable and why had he moved away from him again?
"We're coming in!"
Eddie resumed what he was doing, which was putting on pants. In his haste he just picked up the jeans he wore last night and slipped them on. Going commando in his jeans wasn't ideal, but it was all he had time for before Jeff, Crash, and Gareth were barging into the trailer.
Eddie came out of his room to meet them and they froze just inside the door to the trailer.
"Uh, hey?"
"You just get up man?", Gareth asked.
"Where's the stone?", Crash demanded to know.
Jeff was looking at the ceiling. "Please zip up your fly."
Eddie looked down and saw his bush peeking out from his pants. "Didn't know you were such a prude Jeffy." He watched his hairs as he zipped up.
"Why didn't you call back last night? What happened?", Crash asked.
"I uh, got a little distracted..." Eddie stuck his hands in his pockets while figuring out exactly how to break the news to them. He was saved by that by the sound of Sweetheart moving on his creaky mattress and calling out his name like it was a siren song.
Eddie turned, and the other boys leaned over and craned their necks to look through Eddie's ajar door.
"Ohhh", Jeff nodded.
Gareth looked like he bit a lemon. "Eddie? Seriously? You get laid and forget to call back?"
"Give him a break", Jeff said.
"Can we just-!", Eddie held up his hands. "Wait here!" He left the dissonant voices in the living room while going to check in on Sweetheart.
After explaining who was here and getting him into some clothes, and putting on a shirt for himself, the two of the rejoined the group at large. The others looked confused as to why Eddie was presenting the guy instead of kicking him out.
Eddie put on a t-shirt, still going commando. Sweetheart had put on a pair of his boxers, which were a little snug on him and a tank top. It fit but only because it was a bit big on Eddie in the first place.
"Alright, Sweetheart, these are the boys, Crash, Gareth, and Jeff. Boys, this is my uhhh guitar."
Crash's hands went to his forehead and he pushed his hair back. Jeff's eyes were bugging out and Gareth was looking back and forth between the two of them.
After a cacophony of disbelief and better explanations, Eddie sat down on his couch with a weary sigh. He barely gave a reaction when Sweetheart sat in his lap, he just put a hand on his hip.
It didn't seem to matter to either of them that there was more than enough room on the couch for them both. Jeff couldn’t take his eyes off the guy.
“Okay, so this is your guitar.”
“Sweetheart”, Eddie said. It didn't seem right to just refer to him as an instrument anymore.
“Yeah, okay, but weeeee can’t call him that”, Jeff said, swinging an arm to the others.
“Yeah, he needs another name. A human name”, Gareth clarified.
“At least while he’s here”, Crash agreed.
Eddie didn’t really like the implication there, that Sweetheart wouldn't always be around, but he conceded that he also didn’t like the idea of anyone else using the pet name. He needed a name that wouldn’t raise too many eyebrows.
"What do you think, Sweetheart?"
"I like what you call me", he whispered only to him, twirling a curly lock around his finger.
"Yeah, but do you want anyone else calling you that?", Eddie asked in an equally low voice.
They kept talking in low whispers, in their own little world. Pretty much ignoring the other people in the trailer.
"Do you guys need a room?", Jeff asked.
"Well we DID have one before you broke into my home", Eddie pointed out.
"Can we just figure out what to do about this?", Gareth asked, looking like he was about to collapse.
They spent about ten minutes deciding on what to call this man and eventually landed on the name 'Steve'. Eddie's brows rose at that but even he had to admit there was something oddly fitting about it. His Sweetheart had looked like a killing machine in guitar-form, but was capable of tender, mellow notes.
Now as a human he was just as capable of multitudes. So he was here, he had a name, now Eddie needed to find out how to make his stay permanent.
Part 4 coming soon
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hood-ex · 1 year
How did you like mutant mayhem? who was your fav
Loved it!! I had SO much fun watching it!!
The turtles getting their groceries from shipping containers/trucks?? Brilliant! Love that take!
I was pressed when I read that Leo was going to have a crush on April, but I actually didn't mind it in this case. (Even though I 100% prefer for them to just be best friend's/family and would never want to see April with any of them). Like Leo being such a nerd made it work plus April didn't show any interest in him, so it didn't bug me like I thought it would. Now if they try to turn that into something in the future then we're gonna have a problem, but it being a one-sided thing that Leo will hopefully grow out of (quickly!) is fine.
Speaking of April, I LOVE this version of April, and I love how they switched up the reporter thing a bit with her being super anxious to be on air bc it made way for some character progression. I do tend to prefer her being quite a bit older than the turtles, but I feel like her being a teen like them works in this universe.
Also, I love it when Leo is characterized as a nerd who says cringey/nerdy things sometimes and they delivered on that beautifully here with his speeches. It's veryyy 2k12 Leo vibes. Fucking loved it. Especially loved it when Leo actually had an amazing rousing speech during the Superfly fight scene and then after Raph complimented him on it, Leo started geeking out about how cool he sounded LOL. Obsessed.
"GO NINJA, GO NINJA, GO!" I started screaming when this started playing!! Secret of the Ooze reference let's gooo!
The milking... THE MILKING... the nipples and the milking!! Mikey and Raph got milked!! That running joke killed me. Also, since Mikey got milked first, I couldn't help but compare that to 2k3 when Bishop was going to use a saw to cut into Mikey's carapace while all the other bros had to watch. Althouuugh... ngl, I kinda wish Raph had gone a little more berserk over Mikey getting milked since he's so protective, but I understand they were trying to keep the mood light even though... it was... a torture scene... so uhhh... anyway.
"He's molly-whopping me!" LMFAO I was wheezing
All the bros singing BTS for Donnie's sake, and Donnie being like, "You guys don't even know the words..." HAAA
I love it in every iteration when Splinter gets involved to save his boys and this time was no different. Hell yeah feral rat dad!!
Mikey and Mondo Gecko, hell yes!! Bro, when the explosion rocked all the turtles and Mikey was disoriented?? The way his eyes looked after that?? Yeees!
THEIR SHELLS CRACKED 😱😱😱!! That "I'm gonna crack you like pistachios" joke killed me though
Mikey or whoever telling Raph he needed therapy ALSKDJA
All the mutants living in the sewers with the turtles?? Full House vibes!! With Bebop and Rocksteady there idk kinda weird but I guess it works for this version of them.
I could not with their high school fits like 😭 April please take them shopping 😭
All in all, I thought it was super fun and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. There was still kiiinda more of a Leo focus this time around, but it wasn't nearly as much as the Rise movie, so I'm glad it felt more balanced between each brother (and thank god we didn't have to sit through another Leo vs. Raph type of beef thing).
I think in terms of characterization, Leo was definitely characterized the best and felt IC. I feel like there could've been a bit more development for Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. Donnie had his anime/kpop thing, Raph had his love for violence, and then Mikey... there wasn't anything super defining about him other than maybe the fact that he signed up for the improv team try outs. But honestly, I'm not that mad at it because I'm sure they'll get more fleshed out in the TV show that's coming in the future. Now that they're attending school, I do kinda hope that Donnie takes some kinda robotics/woodworking/science classes because I'd love to see him develop the skills he's always depicted with.
As for my fav, I mean, it should be noted that Mikey is always my guy and that I'm usually going to focus on him the most in every scene, but other than him, I'd say Leo. I also really enjoyed April, Splinter, and Superfly though.
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agirldying · 2 years
TW for medical trauma, brief mention of NCCSA
heyyy this is a follow up to the asker who was in the ED for a possible stroke (wasn’t a stroke but that was the main headline)— you can call me izzy
so first thing, good news!! I have an MRI scheduled for the 9th, they gave me anxiety meds too, so I should be alright when I go in :) very excited to see what’s up
second thing, my roommate and I got into a huge fight over what happened the night of my ER visit. When I got home from the ER, I had been there for 8 hours and I was flushed full of drugs that made me super sleepy- he hadn’t rlly contacted me while I was there, even tho I’d made an effort to reach out to him.. but when I came in I was like “hey man I’m so tired and out of it, I need to sleep now, can I please turn off the light”
and he was like “..uhhh no sorry I have work to do”,,, so that. made me feel kinda crappy cause I couldn’t even have the light on. I brought it up a few weeks later cause I still felt pretty crummy abt it, and I told him it made me feel like my feelings didn’t matter to him. he listened to me and then went “okay” and walked away
And that rlly bugged me too???? because like he didn’t even say anything he just left. So I called him back in and was like “hey man what the heck,” and from there he told me that he was thinking abt himself, he had work to do, and that he wasn’t my close friend or partner so I shouldn’t have expected him to drop everything to see me in the ER (which I wasn’t expecting)
I told him that he could’ve done his work earlier on but he chose to hang out with his friends. he didn’t like that and I realize now it was rude to insult him like that— he’s allowed to have a social life
but after that discussion he went to our mutual friend and described the situation— and to him (the friend) I was “being sensitive” and I could’ve just worn a sleep mask,,, but that friend also didn’t know I was there for 8 hours, and once he found that out he thought my roommate was being a dick
anyway. yeah. that’s everything. I should also note that my roommate hasn’t been the kindest to me- when I opened up abt my grooming trauma, he was like “oh I’ve never been groomed before idk what that’s like, I just stuck around people I knew”, and he also basically implied that if I want a relationship in college I need to settle for one night stands and nothing else,,,, also tried to drown a girl in middle school and was openly fucking with a guy who was in a relationship so IDK if he’s the best source of information
but yeah basically. Am I the asshole AJDJDJ was I being rude???? Cause now he won’t talk to me and he removed me from his spam Instagram so 😭😭
Hi izzy,
For some reason I can't find the ask you're referring to, but that's okay.
Congrats on the good news, I hope both the MRI and the anxiety meds have good results.
Honestly I'm having a hard time telling who's in the wrong in that situation. I think It's a fair request to ask to turn out the light, especially after the day you had, but of course your roommate had things to do that required the light stay on. I think that while turning the light off would've been the kind and thoughtful thing for your roommate to do, I think it's also fair for them to keep the light on especially if they need it for work. It's sort of like a boundary clash. I can definitely see how that made you feel perhaps like you didn't matter.
That being said, your roommate sounds rude and insensitive, especially based off the other details you mentioned about him. It doesn't sound like you were rude at any point really, so I would say NTA.
If I'm going to be very honest I think it may be time for a new roommate because you don't deserve to feel tense or unwelcome in your own... abode, you know?
Hope you're doing alright. Please let me know if you need anything.
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Prussia was invited to Denmark's super important awesome trio meeting, and by that I mean that they were going to play video games for 4 hours straight.
They had settled in fine, great even, but after the first hour, Prussia was feeling… tired. Weirdly tired, something he hadn't felt in a good long time.
He couldn't really focus on anything so he said he'd sit out of the next round… and then the next and then the next…
"Hey, are you doing alright?" Asked a somewhat concerned Denmark.
He blinked and looked his way, "Oh yeah I'm fine. Just kinda tired."
"Are you sure because- never mind that I'ma bring you somewhere," Denmark grabbed his arm and forced him into a room and sat him down.
"There ya go! Now have fun in there!" He said before slamming the door shut.
Prussia looked around in confusion, not just because Denmark forced him into a random dark room, but also because he didn't even remember most of coming here, it was mostly a blur, weirdly.
He noticed a lot of weird things, including glow and the dark stickers on the wall before finding a very comfortable spot in a bean bag chair. He questioned for a bit longer what this place was before the door opened and a new friend made his way inside.
"Hey, what is this place?" He asked, hoping the new person would answer.
"There's a sign on the door," he pointed to the sign that read "sensory break room" on it, "I know you're stupid but I didn't know you were illiterate. Geez, we got a graphic designer for that too…" Norway stepped inside and sat down on a chair that was there.
"Wow, talkative much?" Prussia pushes his luck.
"I'm done talking, the reason why I'm here is to be at peace for once," he then stared into nothing.
"Am I not allowed to ask what a "sensory break room" is!?" Prussia pouted.
"It's for people with sensitive ears to have a break from the world."
"That's it? Why is the room so big then?"
"How is he more annoying than Denmark," Norway irritatedly asked himself.
"No more questions, I want to relax."
Prussia fiddled with his fingers while Norway continued to stare into nothing until the door opened again.
"What are you in for," Norway asked, not looking away from the wall.
"Bug," Sweden sat down next to Norway, in which Prussia immediately started freaking out.
"Uhhh what do you mean bug??"
Sweden just stared at him and freaked him out even more.
"He probably just stepped on a bug or something, it's happened before," Norway responded. Weirdly chatty today…
'What's that gotta do with ears-"
"Shutthefuckup shutthefuckup…"
"The one time I'm serious-"
They were luckily interrupted by Iceland coming in the room so Norway and Sweden didn't both individually beat him to death. 
"What are you in for little bro?" His disposition suddenly got a lot more smug.
Iceland rolled his eyes, "you're so annoying… but it's just loud out there ya know," he also sat down next to Norway.
"Hey if it's so loud out there why not we just kick them out?" Prussia asked.
Norway raised a brow, "you were invited too, would you like to be kicked out?"
"Honestly I'd rather than have to deal with all of you wet socks."
"Sock," Sweden simply said.
"I am," Norway smirked.
"Ugh! You guys are the worst."
Luckily on cue Denmark opened the door to check in everybody, "holy shit there's a lot of you in here, huh."
"I think America's the problem," Prussia stated, for once the rest of them agreed.
"You wanna… kick him out and then play jackbox?"
"Hell yeah," Norway responded.
"But how are we gonna-" Denmark was interrupted by Sweden pushing past him and magically America was gone.
Then they played jackbox and Prussia was surprisingly good… Norway won though.
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bioluminescentfrog · 2 years
So- not to criticize Frozen of all things- but it really like- really bugs me how they wrote Let it Go while Elsa was still the bad guy.
Then they made her a good guy (and implemented a shit twist villain imo)
And yeah- this is somewhat understandable since Let it Go is a fun song, especially for Frozen's audience, but it simply doesn't fit in the new context.
So- like most Villain songs, Let it Go is an 'I am' song, something that describes, what the character is, how they won't change ect. and it separates the character from the viewers. This is the reason it's usually reserved for the characters we don't like, or who the producers don't want us to like, so we relate more to MC.
This would be fine.
If Elsa were a villain.
But she isn't.
So it sucks.
Especially if we directly contrast it with the actual villain, Hans, and the person we follow for most of the story, Anna. Anna has a million 'I want' songs, the counterpart for 'I am' songs.
These songs are usually reserved for our heroes, (Although there are exceptions like Hellfire from Huncback of Notre Dame, somewhat considered a legend for being an evil I want) to make them relate with beloved viewer. Character wants x. Viewers get to see why they want that x. Sympathy. wow.
Now, as I said, Anna has so many of these songs in the first half. Do you Wanna Build a Snowman, Love is an Open Door, For the First Time in Forever, all of these give us insight into Anna's character, and contrasting that with her sister so clearly puts Elsa in an even worse light than originally. And to see someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and is so charming get hurt by Elsa makes us kinda... dislike Elsa??
Also, Hans. We see him for about 5 seconds + an 'I want' duet with Anna. And he's kinda odd but so is Anna and with nothing sinister about him, the twist at the end seems forced, almost like the writers changed the plot. hm.
So- We have two good characters, but one sounds like a villain with her song. Kinda strange but ok. Wait- the villain just sounds like some normal guy? He's just a dude? With no context? Uhhh ok??? But they defeat him through the power of Sister (tm).
Anyways, I think all of this added up, although mostly subtle, is really what brought Frozen down. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie, and, although it does have flaws, it's decent. Especially since its target audience was 7-11 year olds.
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hologramblue · 11 months
wrt last reblog it was flight fucking rising of all things. okay so. years and years ago flight rising decided the background metaplot was going to be about how when the dragon gods reappeared in the world and made dragons, this caused a lot of trouble for the sapient "beastclans" already living on the planet, so The Playable "Faction" Is Secretly The Bad Guys Really and something something etc. naturally a lot of people were not super happy about being told that their dragons were violent colonizers by default. about a year ago the FR team went, yeah no that was stupid and we're sorry and we're gonna retcon all that, and developed a bunch of new lore with different sources of conflict in the setting that weren't Dragons Vs Little Guys.
i start with this background because like, the reason there needed to be a source of conflict in the setting to begin with - besides just "to help with RP" - is that FR has a coliseum mode where you stat up your dragons and go fight waves of enemies in different stages located around its world. which afflicts it with the same dilemma practically every fantasy video game has: you have gameplay involving beating the snot out of "enemies" and collecting the things they drop. what are those "enemies" and why is it okay to do that?
the ~classic~ answer is "because goblins are born evil".
one of the evolutions of that answer is "it's not actually okay and the player is morally compromised". for sure you can sometimes Say worthwhile things by taking this tack, but perhaps not through the medium of a dragon petsite populated by the kind of people who play petsites.
the other general path people take (short of rethinking the whole gameplay premise) is to move your "acceptable enemy" concept further and further away from anything with unfortunate real-life implications. they're robots/constructs/etc! they're REALLY buff vermin animals and culls are necessary to prevent loss of human life! they're, uhhh....undead and need to be laid to rest! they're possessed! and you're not actually killing them anyways, you're just smacking the possession out of them!
the latter is what FR went with, but as a text-only retcon that didn't actually change the composition of enemy packs in the coliseum, it sits kind of awkwardly on top of things.
FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO THE MAIN POINT within the last month, a new venue was released, the first new one to come out since the big retcon. and the story premise of this new venue, the "Silk-Strewn Wreckage", is as follows:
"Invasive glow worm and fire grubs have gorged upon massive amounts of flora and are preparing to pupate. Once they emerge, flighted and famished, they will continue to consume and proliferate. Large concentrations of these grubs have nested in the Silk-Strewn Wreckage. Dragons and Beastclans alike have come to control the population of these insects before they can do more damage, and to harvest the silk that they produce."
i saw this and nodded and thought yeah okay that's definitely a premise for beating the snot out of fodder enemies that isn't a war crime. it works.
but they specifically had to be invasive, which i thought was odd when you also have silk collection going on (and lots of familiars and drop items that establish this as a whole established industry rather than something new and disruptive like "invasive" suggests). like, it couldn't just be something that happens - these insects swarm, hunters go in and harvest a bunch of silk, that's just life in the setting. saying the bugs are invasive makes them into "acceptable enemies" in the vein of robots, undead, etc, more so than if they were just something that people hunt and whose populations are controlled by that hunting.
something about the state of public opinion here or whatever
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kosi-annec · 1 year
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 5
Now that karasuno has their secret weapon back on the team, shits bout to get real for the other sch teams
Hol up she still here lol??
oop he still closes his eyes, thought he was past that now
OH SHIT- LEV ACTUALLY BLOCKED IT, AND HASN'T EVEN BEEN 5 MINUTES. Hinata really should learn to keep his eyes open
"what's read blocking again?" Bruh 😭
Well fuck, he sucks at understanding the terms n shit of volleyball, but he's good
I thought for sec that hinata was like overthinking shit cuz they lost a point twice to Lev, but nah that ain't his style, he's too tenacious to be put down like that. Kageyama is hella confused tho lol, which is fair
UHHH HINATA??? UH OH my guy was way too into it
... sorry old man, ya lost me a bit there with ur evolution talk...
EYO KAGEYAMA hun ya gotta trust your spikers, you may be the one prepping the shot, but in the end the spikers are the ones shooting for it, so trust ur lil guy
They've finally realized that they gotta chnage things up, or else they'll never beat the bug leagues. OH THAT'S WHAT THE OLD MAN NEKOMA COACH MEANT OK
Damn wasn't expecting that motivating speech to come from u, mr. Advisor, but also not surprising
Yeah, hinata can't keep doing those quick attacks blind, cuz how else will he notice that it'll get blocked? And kageyama i dont doubt that ur ability to read hinata's skill level is wrong, but you also can't just tell him no without trying, there's a reason for practicing isn't there?
I forget sometimes that the quick attack is called that for a reason, the show's just been giving us a slightly slowed down version for the sake of watchability
OOF- welp got a new protagonist i guess, really switched out the mc for a background character
God i love hinata's ability to just befriend everyone, including his supposed rivals HSKHSKS
Love how mr. Advisor (yea i ain't memorizing the name lmao) is being optimistic
Hhhhh oh boy... He does need to practice being able to keep his eyes open tho, he can't keep going in blind forever
Oof, there it is. That's the thing, hinata can't keep relying on his setter to give him a perfect shot, if he does then he himself won't ever get better with his own skill
Gotta say the animators made how physical fights happen irl rather realistic, not every fight is just punch and kick, most of the time it's mainly grabbing and pulling and shoving at each other
Oh right asahi never met the two of them the first time they arrived, so he never actually got to see what they were like in the beginning stages
"could hinata be one of those spikers?" Well yeah he's the protagonist lmao
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
tokyo revengers | shinichiro ⏤ 22:52
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not proofread ; please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes made ; mechanic shinichiro x florist reader ; inspired by lola bunny x bugs bunny moment in space jam (loved that movie as a kid!)
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shinichiro’s first impression on you could have gone better, that’s for sure, but in all fairness, he didn’t expect you at all. you with your radiant smile, dazzling eyes and alluring voice greeting him as he walks past on what he thought was a regular day heading into his shop. with a sudden weakness knocked into his knees by your beauty, the tools and spare parts piled up in his arms didn’t stand a chance and fell to the floor with him.
the disheveled man didn’t even get the chance to be embarrassed as he was immediately entranced by you once again, who rushed to his aide and helped him pick up all that he had dropped. it wasn’t fair; how could you be so pretty? were those stars in your eyes? and why do your lips look like candy? does he smell flowers?
“a-are you okay, sir?”
“m-me?” shinichiro snaps back into reality from the panic in your voice, meeting your eyes, you nod frantically, worry swimming in your (e/c) pools, “i-i’m great! why’d ya ask?”
“well you just fell over all of a sudden when i greeted you earlier…”
“oh!” the embarrassment finally sets in, “th-that, right…umm - i guess i just got distracted by something…” his voice trails off as he finishes the explanation to his clumsiness, getting lost in your ethereal presence once again.
“what did you see?” you asked, looking around in curiosity and sending the mechanic into derangement. he can’t say that you distracted him, he’ll sound like a creep! he joins you in looking around, frantically searching for an excuse.
“th-those flowers!” he points towards a pretty bouquet being displayed at the new shop’s window, “they’re really beautiful!”
“you think so?” you ask with a new glint of excitement in your eyes, which has the dark haired man nodding along almost excessively, his grin attempting to stretch out to his ears, “thank you so much, i arranged those myself,” you suddenly look bashful as your gaze turns down to look at your fidgeting hands. so cute…so cute! shinichiro mentally gushes, his pupils almost turning heart-shaped to accommodate his lovestruck fever for you.
“wait, you’re the new shop here?!”
“that’s right,” you chirp happily, excusing the misleading shock in his tone. did he not want you here?
“oh no…” shinichiro mutters under his breath. how could he possibly concentrate on his work if there was such a beautiful lady, who’s kind and bewitching and exactly his type right across the street?
“what do you mean by that?” you pout, anger evident in your voice as your brows furrow at him.
“why do you sound like you don’t want me here?”
“uhhh…” the man in question begins to sweat nervously. how could he answer you this time?
thankfully that misunderstanding was quickly resolved with a sincere apology and a box of a dozen cupcakes decorated to look like flowers.
“i’m really sorry (l/n)-san, i didn’t intend to come across as unhappy about you being the owner of the new shop across from me,”
your forgiving nature makes you cave and accept his apology without any further explanation, you didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot so you happily shared the cupcakes with him too and went about business as if nothing happened.
most mornings where you went to open up your shop, you would often encounter shinichiro and the two of you made it a ritual to wave and greet each other good morning from across the street, it wasn’t deliberate for shinichiro to also make it a morning ritual to walk into his shop’s front door whilst greeting you but now you carry a small first aid kit wherever you go just so you could offer him some bandages for any cuts and scrapes he may gain from being around you.
it wouldn’t be a lie to say that it was because you wanted to be helpful to such a sweet guy but that was only the partial truth. the other reason being entirely selfish of you. there was something about the kind but awkward mechanic. he had a charm of his own that rivaled all previous men (and women) that tried to pursue you romantically. despite your relationship with shinichiro being entirely that of neighboring shop owners, it occurred to you that his sincerity came through much more than those that came before him trying to gain your affections. the entire situation was quite laughable really; shinichiro never approached you with any amourous gestures, instead he never failed to greet you a good morning, he helped shoulder your concerns and worries as a new shop owner, he kept you company when you were lonely and helped with your growing business by making deliveries for you at no extra charge.
“i just want to help you,” was his reason, “it like helping you (l/n)-san,” you remember the soothing smile he flashed you which had you clutching at your chest. To think that such a goof could affect you like no one else…
he made you happy.
“thank you for keeping me company sano-san,” it was his lunch break and he was eating away at his store-bought onigiri at your counter. he sometimes had the best timing because now you felt safer knowing someone was around while you were putting up hanging flora on an unreliable, tottering stepladder.
“it’s no trouble, really, i enjoy being around you the most, (l/n)-san,” even though you weren’t in the safest position, you snuck a glance back at him just to see his face turned away with the wobbly smile as the tips of his ears glowed an adorable pink. he’s always so adorable, you giggle to yourself quietly, not expecting him to notice but smirk, regardless when he unexpectedly does, “is something on your mind, (l/n)-san?”
“fufu~ it’s nothing sano-san,” stepping down from your final hanging plant, you tuck away your step stool and dust your hands down on your work apron partially stained with the chlorophyll and pollen from surrounding plants.
“the place looks so forest-y! it’s amazing!” shinichiro gushes, admiring your handy work. to think that your beautiful, soft hands could create something equally as beautiful but it’s to be expected from someone as perfect as you.
“thank you so much, sano-san,” you smile brightly at the man, hoping that your customers ring with the same sentiment. it was then when it happened…
just as you step forward, shinichiro spots an teetering plant pot beginning to loosen from its hanging perch above you. even though shinichiro wasn’t as tough as his gang member friends, he was tougher in his mental strength as well as within his heart, both pushed him to act when he needed to most and now was one of those times. launching himself forward with a shout of your name, shinichiro manages to push you away from the falling plant only to be the one that was injured in your place.
“sano-san!” you cry out as you rush to the fallen man, the scene nostalgic and reminiscent of your first meeting, almost giving you butterflies if it weren’t for the panic rapidly spreading through your chest. Checking him over, he seems to have endured bruising and cuts along his upper back and shoulders only. It was a relief but you weren’t out of the woods yet, leading the mechanic to your back room, you rush around for your first aid kit and get to work.
no words were spoken but it was comfortable. Shinichiro admired your rare beauty up close, finding your look of focused attention in tending to his injuries, captivating. He was shirtless but neither of you felt embarrassed of the fact, you too attentive to his well-being and him too distracted by your pretty lips, pretty eyes, pretty nose and pretty hair…pretty everything really. he could get used to such vip treatment, maybe he should injure himself more often. his thoughts almost make him laugh.
“don’t look to worried, i’m okay now thanks to you (l/n)-san,” shinichiro reassures, anything to keep your furrowed brows from making another appearance. you’re cute when you worry but if he sees it too often on you, he’ll surely become greedy for it and who knows what he’ll do then!
“are you sure you’re okay?” no matter how cute he looked bandaged up and grinning boyishly up at you, you needed to stay focused and make sure his well-being is taken care of first.
“positive, are you okay?” he asks, his voice soft and sweet, as sincere as his kind eyes. maybe it was time to give in…you can’t win against such a dangerous man.
you sigh in relieved defeat and smile at him, your eyes half lidded in want that shinichiro barely has time to catch onto, “sano-san, thank you~” you voice with an additional sugary essence that has the man’s heart racing in his ears at a higher frequency. this is the first time shinichiro has ever heard such a voice coming from you and he doesn’t know how to process it. he was conflicted on whether he should be reacting so feverishly to you or not. how embarrassing! not again! he swears that you know what you’re doing to him and it’s just unfair…
“it was nothing,” he gulps, steadying his heart and breathing to smile up at you from his seated position, “i just didn’t want you to get hurt,”
“that was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me~” without warning, you take him by his cheek and pull him into a deep kiss, your eyes shut closed in bliss whilst shinichiro’s eyes remain wide open. his mind took a moment to try and process the situation but eventually gave up in favour of returning the kiss. he’s imagined getting to kiss you multiple times and speculated on how it would feel, how your lips would feel and taste, now that he was finally pulling you close and getting to kiss you back, all of his daydreams were out the window, they can’t even begin to compare to how puffy-soft your lips were nor their uniquely addictive taste. all shinichiro knows is that this must be what being in heaven is like.
pulling away to catch your breath, you call out to the dazed mechanic but receive no reply in return. you’re only met with a dreamy sigh before shinichiro begins falling to the side and eventually…faints.
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thoughts? ; did you dolls watch that movie too? ; if you could title this mini fic, what would you title it?
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graciegoeskrazy · 2 years
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!daughter!reader
Word count: 1140
A/N: Hai. So um. I got a lot of writing done Sunday and was prepared to finish it all Monday and post it...but then a starting throwing up on Monday because of a stomach bug lolz. But, I just got back to school today and I'm fine now, but I was up till 2am last night which is so unlike me. I just had this surge of inspiration and was like “f it lets write.” I usually do “angsty-er” things but this is just cuteness and love so...sorry if this sucks. I hope you enjoy! This is also bussed off a quiz on Buzzfeed. I’ll link it at the end🥰 Do NOT repost my work on other platforms. 
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You and your dad were handed laptops once you took your spots on the chairs. The ‘director’ was super nice. She had short, straight, brown hair, with big cat eye eyeliner on both eyes, and a jacket wrapped around her waist. “So if we could get started by doing an intro? You know, just something like, ’Hey, I’m Sebastian Stan. I’m y/n we’re doing this quiz blah blah blah’ you know, the usual? I know this isn't your guy’s first time in front of a camera.” You and your dad nodded understanding what she meant. “Just play off each other, have fun, and remember to say the question and the answer options before picking.”
“I’ve seen like every single one of these, I'm super excited!” She laughed. “Okay great! Whenever you guys are ready.” 
Sebastian gave you a reassuring look before starting you both off. You smiled and nodded before he turned back to the camera.
“Hey, I’m Sebastian Stan.”
“I’m y/n Stan.”
“And today, we are taking a quiz with BuzzFeed.”
“And I'm gonna win.”
Your dad gave you a fake confused look. “I don’t think that’s how it works, babe.”
You shrugged and looked into the camera before saying, “I’ll still win.” which made everyone laugh.
“Wait! What quiz are we taking?”
“Uhhh…ha. ‘Answer these would you rather question and we will reveal if your soulmate is Sebastian or y/n Stan.’ I’m not sure- what if I get myself? What does that mean?” He asked, looking at you. You simply shrugged. “We’re gonna find out. Let's start.”
“Alright. ‘Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat or an RV as your home?’ Is there a nether button?”
“I would 100% choose RV. I am terrified of the ocean.”
“I knew you were gonna pick that.” He laughed.
“Like the boat looks fun for a night out or a vacation but not to spend the rest of your life on! Also, the commute to work would be awful and quite impossible with a boat.”
Your dad was starting to make fun at how serious you were taking this.
“What about you? What do you think?”
“I think you are 100% correct. RV it is.”
After a short moment of silence, you asked him a definite ‘no’ question. “Does that mean we can get an RV?”
“Next question.”
You giggled.
”Would you rather be the first person to explore a new planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?”
“Deadly disease.”
“Why?” He asked.
“Because if you think about it, a new planet would be super duper far away from here, like farther than Pluto or something like that. We couldn’t even go.”
He seemed pretty impressed. “Hm. I like it…I’m still choosing ‘new planet’ though.”
“Ugh. I knew you would.”
“I love space stuff y/n!”
“I know! How do you think I know that stuff? Next one.”
“Would you rather go back to age five with everything you know now or know everything your future self will learn now?”
“I really want to skip this one.”
“Meh. I think I’d go to the future.”
“What?! Okay, but like, wait.” You crossed your legs and faced your dad. He laughed at how hard you were thinking this through. He put his fist to his chin and smiled at you. “This isn’t real, sweets. It’s just a quiz. A fun quiz.”
“I know, but I like to be right.”
“Oh my gosh. You are my daughter.”
“Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?”
“Okay, so. 2500-2022=…”
“Sweets. Pick an answer.”
“I am!”
“Math shouldn’t have to be involved.”
“Okay yeah, no. An average person today.” You gave the camera a thumbs up and clicked the keyboard while your dad rolled his eyes.
“Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?”
“Move every week.” You stated.
“Seems like a lot but whatevs.”
“You see how easy it was to make a decision on something that isn’t going to happen?” He gave you a smirk while you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, almost done. ‘Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?’ It’s gonna be singing for me.”
“I would dance. I’m not that great of a singer.”
“Whatever. It seems more convenient…”
“It actually doesn't.”
“But I would constantly get pissed because I would be doing the same choreography to Disney channel songs constantly because that's all I listen to.”
“Oh my gosh. You're nuts.”
“I get it from you.”
“Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?”
“Giraffe! OMG. Screw the donkey!”
“I guess so.”
“I would have a giraffe and name him rizzo.”
“Like…from grease?”
“Oh my gosh. Last one. ‘Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?’ Read aloud. I already do that.”
“Same. That’s fine with me.”
“Again, see how easy that was?”
You rolled your eyes yet again.
You gasped. “I got me!”
He fake-gasped. “I got me to!”
“Ha ha! It says, ‘You are always the life of the party, and never afraid to let your true self fly free. You have so many amazing talents, and never take anything you have for granted.’ Awe. I’d say that’s pretty accurate! What does yours say?”
“It says, ‘You're more of the quiet type and need to find the right person to be totally comfortable with, which is why Sebastian is the perfect guy for you! You two are both adorkable and appreciate the little things in life.’ Yeah that's accurate but it makes me look like a wuss or something.”
“No! I like it. It's fine.”
Soon, the small crew clapped and the director approached you both. “Perfect. That was awesome guys! Give us an outro and we can wrap it up.”
Your father just looked at the camera before thinking. In all honesty, he was kind of over it. It had been a long day of press and meeting people so he was…losing it?
“I'm Sebastian and this is y/n and go watch our shows and stuff.” He followed his bleak comment with a thumbs up which made everyone laugh. You sighed at him before dividing to help him out. “Thank you for watching. Go subscribe to Buzzfeed and watch ‘Pam & Tommy’ and ‘Fresh’ out now on Hulu, and my new show on Netflix coming in two weeks. You looked at your dad. “Better?” He continued looking at the camera. “Do what she said.”
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Buzzfeed quiz here!
Thanks for reading!
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xerayn · 2 years
Day 3- Data @khoc-week
This is my longest one shot and took a while to write! My ocs don't use too much electronics except occasionally texting each other every now and then, so I decided to mix things up a bit and add Daybreak Town to the mix.
Today also includes Crayon, but with her nonbinary twin, Pencil. Story under the cut again
(a really old drawing of Pencil)
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Day 3: Data
Crayon and Pencil
Gwynn was used to suffering. She’d been suffering for some time herself, never mind the trials her friends went through. Being forced to fight your twin to death since you could walk. Being used as a slave over and over for people’s selfish demands, no free will to be seen. Having to abandon an innocent life, filled with family and friends, only to face the harsh truths of reality. Being fragged by fate to keep the dark forces at bay, over and over, sacrificing more and more. Gwynn’s own suffering did not really matter in the face of all that. After all, Gwynn created her issues. It was only for herself to blame.
So, when the final large battle at Quadratum had finished, she thought she was finally done with suffering. She could live her life more peacefully. But fate had a break from messing with Sora, Riku, and Kairi and decided to have fun with Gwynn.
It first began when Gwynn went to the Final World for her usual updating of the TransText. The TransText was a device Carla made initially to keep in touch with one another between worlds, but when the Misfits found out about gummiphones being far more efficient, the TransTexts were discared. However, the TransText could do one thing that the gummiphone could not; communicate between different realities (albeit glitchy at times). So, Gwynn kept hers and created a portal to the Final World every week to update it and fix the weekly bugs. The Final World was between the two connected realities after all.
Gwynn reloaded the chat app, and several messages came through, mostly from that morning.
bluestreamer: Morning
                                 Pencil hasn’t woken up yet
                                 I’m boredd
                                 @everyone we should do something together
chattyninja: I’ve been busy but I can do l8r
pinkwhiteblack: love to!!!! :D
secretlyamindreader: @bluestreamer ive been up for the past 2 hours!
                                                 Oh is this more #craynn i see??
charmer: ifweregettingsnacksimin
bluestreamer: What did I say about spaces Sky?!
Gwynn squealed in excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Crayon. Things had been rocky recently, with arguments flaring up between Pencil and Crayon, forcing Crayon to leave the group for a while. But now that was all in the past now. Pencil apologized to Crayon, and Crayon apologized to Pencil.
The TransText beeped once more and with a large goofy grin, Gwynn looked back down while leaning against the white building in the Final World.
destinysembrace: Hiya, we have exciting news!
chattyninja: ooh what is it?
rtodawn: When Aqua and Terra were searching through records to figure out the whereabouts of Sora, an old book was unearthed. It is called the Book of Prophecies, and someone called the Master of Masters wrote it
vacanthearthotel: and u guys noe abt him m ore than us soooo
destinysembrace: Could you come to Radiant Garden some time?
chattyninja: uhhh you know Radiant Garden??
destinysembrace: Yeah, actually it’s my homeworld before I lived at the islands
chattyninja: cool cool cool
destinysembrace: Why d’you ask?
chattyninja: oh no reason.
bluestreamer: You’ve never said anything about Radiant Garden before 8-)
secretlyamindreader: back on topic, we dont know much abt m of m but ill definite come how about the others?
charmer: ifcarlaistherethenofcourse
chattyninja: If I can help in any way I will just as long as others join
bluestreamer: Actually, who knows about MoM??
pinkwhiteblack:... I have a little exp.
dont want to go in2 though
Korynn also knew stuff too, as well as @charmer
bluestreamer: That idiot knows stuff? :O
charmer: ofcourseidoimamazingateverything
secretlyamindreader: when do you want us over
rtodawn: anytime, but today would probably be best
bluestreamer: I’ve got a scheduled stream soon, but four hours time works
secretlyamindreader: ^
chattyninja: ^
charmer: 6
pinkwhiteblack: Ill need to let folk know but otherwise ^
destinysembrace: That works for us too! See you soon :)
Gwynn looked up at the endless blue sky. Once, Gwynn was trapped in the Final World and almost thought she was in heaven. It became a hell for her. But now, it was a place to get away from the monotony of Quadratum.
Master of Masters, huh? I hoped that I didn’t have to deal with you again. I didn’t tell anyone, but I think you orchestrated all the events in Quadratum and caused the clash between Korynn and me again.
Gwynn doubted herself once more. It turned out the person she saved on That Night was none other than the Master of Masters. But should Gwynn have rescued him? Was he actually evil?
Whose side are you on? What’s your plans?
The clouds drifted along, giving Gwynn no answer to her silent questions. She sighed, before looking down at her TransText once more. Gwynn quickly sent a quick text to her dad.
pinkwhiteblack: hi dad, a new thing popped up in the other reality. Gonna be away for the afternoon, hopefully be back for dinner. Tell Fushi Ill bring him along next time
Gwynn tucked away her TransText back into her green bag before removing herself from the building’s wall. She formed a portal in front of her to Agrabah (Pencil and Crayon’s home world) before stepping into it with a sigh.
Everyone assembled inside Ansem’s secret lab in Radiant Garden. Sora and Kairi were talking casually in a corner, while Riku was talking to one of the scientists. He had long blonde hair and wore the uniform (Crayon assumed it was uniform) all the scientists wore, a white lab coat buttoned up and a purple puffy tie. Sky and Pencil seemed indifferent to the meeting, while Carla was anxiously pacing around, completely unlike herself. Gwynn was deep in thought all the way to Radiant Garden and seemed unaware of her surroundings.
Another scientist walked into the lab, whose hair was a health and safety nightmare. He had silvery blue hair which completely covered one eye and went down to about his chin, as well as wearing a similar outfit to the other scientist. Carla turned around, saw him, and had a horrified look on her face. She scanned the room quickly and tried to hide. Meanwhile, said scientist stood with an agape face.
“C-Carla?!” He nearly screamed in surprise.
“Hehe… hi Ienzo…” Carla spun around and nervously giggled.
“What are you doing here? Where were you all this time?! Have you been eating ok? Did you have to fight the heartless?!” Ienzo bombarded Carla.
“For the book, in a different world, yep and yep. No time no see.”
“So that’s how Carla became so chatty…” Pencil put their hands to their chin.
“Oh, I recognize you now. Hello Carla. You certainly have grown into an average women.” The other scientist came over too.
“Uh, Carla? How do you know these guys?” Crayon frowned.
“Long story, but I kinda am from Radiant Garden before I found the Star Shard and went world hopping. Never figured out how to get back here until a while ago, and too much time had passed at that stage. It was just easier to never return than trying to figure it all out.” Carla had never looked so sheepish before.
“Well, since everyone’s here, then I’m gonna go in.” Sora lifted a book up and began to open the cover.
“Wait, Sora…! We haven’t finished analysing the data! We don’t know if it’s safe!” Ienzo quickly shouted.
Crayon and Pencil were the closest to Sora and rushed to grab the book. The three of them were touching the book when Sora finished opening it and halted in his tracks. Unfortunately, it was too late and the three of them disappeared into the Book of Prophecies.
Gwynn blinked blankly before looking at everyone else, who were not surprised. “So… is this a thing that happens often or…?”
“It has happened before, but we only know of two examples. They should be fine though,” The other scientist reassured Gwynn. “And excuse my manners. I am Even, formerly Vexen, which I dearly regret. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I believe you are from unreality?”
“Um, I guess. Although it’s just a different reality.” Gwynn continued to stare at the empty space where Pencil and Crayon were, while the conversation continued.
“Woah!” Crayon screamed as she fell through the air. She landed in a heap on the ground while she saw Sora helping Pencil land gracefully on their feet. “Hrgh...”
“Where are we?” Pencil looked around as Crayon slowly groaned to her feet.
“Woops. We’re in the book now.” Sora’s face apologized for him.
“We’re. Inside. A. Book. Why aren’t I surprised?” Crayon sighed exasperatedly.
“Let’s have a look around and try and find a way out?” Sora ran in a random direction. “Come on!”
“He’s even more tiring than Carla…” Crayon face palmed before turning to Pencil. “We better…follow… Pencil, you ok?”
Pencil was clutching their head and slightly bent over. Their eyes were dulled and unfocused, and Crayon instantly knew what happened.
Crayon gently began to shake them. “Pencil. Pencil. They’re just thoughts. You can tune them out like usual. I’m here still.”
Pencil’s voice wavered when they eventually responded, and too quiet for Crayon’s liking. “It’s so loud. Why can’t everything be quiet for once. And why are kids suffering so much…?”
“Tell me what you need, ok? My hatred is paused.”
Crayon looked anxiously around, and saw kids no older than Gwynn wandering into the square area they landed in. They all wore strange combination of clothes, some having red jet packs on their back, or pink frog hats, or even had a pumpkin head. A thing which connected them was how exhausted they all looked, as well as how beat up they were. A thing which looked far too similar to the twins, and brought back unpleasant memories.
“New kids? Here?”
“They look pretty old.”
“I thought Master Ava said only the Dandelions were to flee. I don’t remember them.”
“What union were they in?” The children began to mass whisper to each other, making Crayon uncomfortable.
“We’re going to move to a quieter place, ‘kay?” Crayon grabbed one of Pencil’s arms and slung it over her shoulder before walking away from the whispers.
After only a few hundred steps to a place right beside the water, Pencil looked far better. Crayon unslung their arm and let Pencil lead while she surveyed the surroundings. The buildings were newer fashioned than in Agrabah, although not like Quadratum. They were mostly yellow, with purple designs and purple roofs. The town was pleasant, calm, and Crayon could clearly hear the clear water rushing peacefully. But it was almost too quiet, too nice. It was giving Crayon bad vibes.
She turned back to her twin, who was massaging their temple. “Are you doing better?”
“Yeah. Thanks for the save. You really do care.”
“No I don’t. You’re just the only one who can heal me, is all.” Crayon punched Pencil’s chest gently, pretending to be annoyed.
“Those kids worried me though. From the thoughts I accidentally heard, they… they’re like us. The only way that I can describe what they’re doing is being child soldiers. They collect something called ‘Lux’? And fight constantly to keep on trying to get more and more. They have friends and stuff, but I can see them doing this job all their lives.”
“That’s too twisted… we need to help them.”
“We’re inside a book though. If we mess up the storyline, then we could wreck everything. Unfortunately, I don’t know if we can help.” Pencil rubbed their arm.
“We should at least try!” Crayon exclaimed.
“We need to find Sora, that’s what we should do. We should try and escape.”
“You must remember how our lives were hell when we had to fight everyday! How much we wanted to escape from those lives. And these guys are fighting for much higher stakes! I can’t just sit around and do nothing.” Crayon stood in front of Pencil, blocking their path.
“But-” Pencil began, voice breaking, before a new stranger walked around the corner.
He was still younger than them, but older than the kids at the square. He had short curly hair, almost like a cloud, and wore a short black jacket, white top and grey bottoms. He also wore a bright red scarf which stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of his outfit. Likewise to the other children, he was severely drained of energy but was still smiling.
The stranger spotted Pencil and Crayon and ran over. “Hey, stop fighting! It won’t get you anywhere.”
“Who are you?” Crayon asked at the same time Pencil said, “We weren’t fighting.”
“I’m Ephemer, I don’t think I’ve seen you guys before. Are you Dandelions?” Ephemer tilted his head.
Pencil took the lead. “Yep, yes we are. About to go do our mission and we just wanted to do different ones, that’s all. We better get going.” Pencil began to tug at Crayon’s sleeve, but Crayon did not budge.
“Why… why is everyone overworked? Why is everyone gaining ‘Lux’?” Crayon asked boldly, and Pencil let go of Crayon.
Ephemer sighed. “This will take a little explaining. Let’s sit at the fountain and chat.”
Ephemer led them back to the square, with Pencil giving Crayon a glare. Crayon mouthed a ‘sorry’, but did not look guilty at all.
Ephemer sat at the ledge of the fountain in the middle of the square, barely in a dry spot. The two twins sat to the left of him, while Ephemer took a moment to organise his thoughts. Pencil looked worried, but decided to let Ephemer speak in his own words what was happening.
“You ask why we collect lux? Well, it’s to recreate the world again,” Ephemer sighed before continuing. “A while back, there was a massive war between all of us Keyblade Wielders. There was a traitor amongst the foretellers, and well, the war was the outcome. The whole world was destroyed because of that, and the darkness would rule if nothing happened.
“But Master Ava gathered up the strongest hearts filled with light from all different unions. The Dandelions. We fled before the Keyblade War happened, to here. We now collect lux to restore the outside world, and to preserve the light. Does that make sense?”
“But, the outside world, what is-”
“‘In reality, this place and the worlds connected to this one is all made of data, constructed from the Book of Prophecies,”’ Pencil answered. “‘Most people here had their memories erased about the war from their ‘chirithies’, and think the foretellers are still around. And now, I and four others have to take the role of foretellers and pretend nothing happened.’ Is what you want to say, right?”
“How d’you do that?” Ephemer said with curiosity.
“Just something I can do, don’t worry about it. I don’t mean to do it.” Pencil tried to cover up their mistake.
“Please don’t tell anyone though!”
“Yeah, don’t worry ‘bout it. I’m more worried about you. Are you doing ok? That sounds really tough.” Crayon looked with worried eyes.
“It’s tough, but I’m ok. I’ve got friends who help me out. Anyway, I’ve wasted enough of your time. You should probably get back to whatever world you came from. I know you guys aren’t Dandelions.” Ephemer waved Crayon’s worries away.
“What?! How did you find out?” Crayon was stunned.
“All the missions are over for the day,” Ephemer chuckled. “Also, you were asking questions all the Dandelions already know the answers to. You aren’t dangerous, so I thought I would help out. I had those same questions too once upon a time!”
“Aw dusk. Pencil, I thought you came up with a good excuse!” Crayon sighed in defeat.
“I’m sorry ok! I came up with it on the spot!”
It was at that moment Sora came running back in. “Heya. I found a way out!”
Pencil stood up and ran towards Sora. “Great! We’re coming now.”
Crayon however stayed sitting for a little longer, wanting to say one last thing to Ephemer. “Look. I know I’m a stranger and all, but… just stay sane, ok? This battle will eventually be over. Make sure to rely on your friends, even ones who are annoying. Because it will get worse before it will get better. I have a little experience with things like this.”
Ephemer was deep within thought as Crayon rejoined Pencil and Sora, and Crayon knew she had done the right thing. For there was a glimmer of hope in Ephemer’s eyes that was not there before, and sometimes that was all that was needed to keep on going.
When the three off-worlders popped out of the Book of Prophecies, everyone was relieved. As Sora began to tell his side of events, Pencil looked at Crayon. And Crayon looked back at Pencil. It was only a split second, but Crayon could tell what Pencil was saying.
‘You’re right. Thank you.’
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Stu Macher x F!Reader
Scream FanFic
TW: Fluff, mild language, heated make-out session
Forgive my writing. It’s been a while.
GIF created by @2026
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Late summer of 1996, just before school starts back up again. The summer fair had come to town, this year it decided to not skip town, the weather was perfect for it! Being the loner you usually steered clear of these things, but you had befriended Tatum and Sidney. It was nice to have friends that you could talk to, to trust, plus the added perks of Stu's flirtatious nature, though you could never bear to tell him that you had a crush on him, you'd be risking your friendship and likely look foolish, there was no way you thought that Stu would be into someone like you... I mean, after all, he was Stu Macher, he and Billy were kind of known around Woodsboro High.
Slipping into your favorite pair of black overalls, one strap off, and slipping on a black crop top and a pair of black LEI black platforms a touch of makeup, and braided your hair into long pigtails, and headed out. Tatum loved your outfit. "We'll meet the guys there, Stu had to do something." Tatum chirped while you hopped into her red Volkswagen bug and takes off down the road. "What did have to do?" You casually ask. "Something with Billy, said they'd show up after, some project they're working on." Sidney chimed in. "Yeah something stupid important." Tatum mocked. With a chuckle, you shake your head and watch out the window.
Getting out of the car after she parked it you three look around and decide to head to the benches waiting for the two boys to arrive. Tatum played with her gum and Sidney reading a book, you sat there, people watching, three unlikely friends, but so far so good, this was going to be good for you, real good, so you hoped, minus the odd guilt of crushing on Tatum's man. Letting out a soft breath, Stu and Billy approach from behind startling their better halves. Stu looks at you and gives you a sweet smile. "Hey Y/N. Glad you made it." It could be he was being nice, but the feeling behind his words was something more. You give a kind smile back and flush slightly. "Me too." Clearing your throat and with a side stare from Tatum and a smile from Sidney the girls hop up and look around.
Without any hesitation Tatum looks a Stu, "It's time for that big blue dog you promised me!" She grinned taking his hand and dragging him away. Sidney looked at Billy, "Ferris Wheel?" with a shrug and a nod. "Sure." Sidney looks at you. "You can come if you'd like." You shake your head and give a smile. "Nah, I'll be good, I'll be here. It's just nice to get out of the house." Sidney nods and pats your shoulder before she and Billy take off to the wheel while you sat there, alone, like always. "I knew this was a bad idea." you tell yourself before letting out a sigh and slump on the bench picking at your glitter nail polish and staring at the ground a bit.
After a few hours had passed Tatum started to feel sick, of course, that's what happens when one inhales two cotton candies and a thing of funnel cake and a corn dog and a diet soda. She looks at you. "Hey, I'm going to head home, thanks for coming with us, Stu is going to take you home if that's alright?" You look at her "Yeah, that's fine. Feel better." You tell her. "Billy, Sidney you ready?" she askes them almost feeling ignored you look down at the ground, your jaw clenches, Sidney touches your shoulder again and the three of them take off. Stu sits next to you and looks ahead of himself. "You know, she doesn't mean to be a bitch all the time." You look up and over at him and arch a brow. "She's not a bitch, just, set in her ways." With a chuckle, he shakes his head. "No need to be polite. She brought you here and ditched you. Personally Bitch move." He stated
Shaking your head you know how people like that can be, you slump a bit more. "Nothing like being a third wheel." you chuckle. "It's alright though, it was nice to get out of the house." you state with a soft voice and maybe some optimism. Looking at you he smiled. "How about I make up for it?" You quickly shake your head and smile. "You don't have to, there's nothing to make up for." Shaking his head again. "I don't think you understand. Let me make it up to you. I don't think I'm giving you much of a choice." Clearing your throat you look down and pick at your nails again and nod your head. "Okay Stu."
Standing up he takes your hand and your whole body gets warm, flushed, and nervous as he takes you to win you that blue dog he botched trying to get for Tatum. "Until I win the big blue one Merve." He tells the man behind the counter. "Anything for you Stu." He chuckles and hands him some baseballs. You watch as he looks at you. "I'm bad at this." He laughs throwing a few, "Not too bad." you reassure him. After a good five minutes, he wins you the large blue dog, smiling you bite your lip taking the dog. "Thank you," you tell the man and then at Stu. "And thank you. I have the perfect spot for him in my room." You beam a smile nuzzling into the dog a bit.
"Next stop!" He takes your hand and takes you to get something to eat. You blush a bit as he took it upon himself to order for you. Taking a seat a the picnic benches Stu looks at you and looks around. "There are a few more stops before we hit the big ending." He nodded to the Ferris wheel. Biting your lip and taking a bite of your burger you look at him and back at the end of the strip and let out a shaky breath. Nerves are going to get the better of you, you know this and grip the large paw of the dog and look at Stu. "Thank you, for all of this so far." He laughed. "Don't thank me until the end." He tells you.
Finishing food he takes you to the water guns, the ball toss and ends up winning you a goldfish, the thunderbolt, and last but not least, you two are standing in line for the Ferris Wheel, your stomach is turning, nerves, the Ferris wheel was a special ride. "We don't have to do this." You tell him. "Nonsense, we're going." He laughs taking your hand and getting into a cart and closes the door. Placing the dog and the bag with the goldfish on the bench across the way Stu decides to sit next to you with his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. Taking in his cheap cologne your eyes close, feeling this odd sense of safety.
The ride takes off and you jump a little and he pulls you closer. "Heights make me uneasy." you tell him, looking down at you. "I'll protect you." He tells you with a cheeky grin and looks around. "Thank you for tonight, I'm glad I came." She smiled. "I'm glad you came too." A few times around the wheel stops, Looking around Stu chuckles. "Uhhh, bad news, we're going to be stuck here for a bit." Your eyes grow wide and you get closer to him and bite your lip harder. Stu holds you petting your head a bet and you look up. "Well I guess, we should talk... I need to distract myself. I'm a horrible friend Stu." You tell him.
With an arched brow, he looks at you, "How so?" you fidget and he looks at you, waiting for you to speak. "I've uhh, I've got this thing for someone, and this someone has someone, and this someone's someone had befriended me this summer and I feel like a bad friend for liking this someone." You state, "Vague... I'm sure Sidney would understand, everyone's got a thing for Billy." He moves away a little bit. Shaking your head you look up at him. "No Stu, I like you, and Tatum would have a cow if she found out." Stu looks at you. "You like me?" He asks you, nodding your head he chuckles and smiles. "I like you." He tells you.
With a nervous laugh, you lean into him and bite on your lip. He looks down at you, and tilts your head up, and presses his lips to yours, his hand resting on the side of your neck as you grip his shirt and press into the kiss a bit more. His tongue dances with yours as the kiss becomes a bit more heated, his hand moves from your neck to your breast gripping it in his hand as the other pulls you closer. He pulls you on top of him and you look over his face, moving your hips a bit and he lets off a soft groan, pulling you closer back into a kiss as his hands rest on your butt pulling you even closer, any closer and you'd melt into him. His hand slips under your shirt playing with the perky bit of flesh and the suppleness of your breast while your fingers play with his hairline.
Tongues dancing together he lifts his hips up into yours. Looking over his face. "We shouldn't do this here, not here, and it's too quick, and I... Stu..." Stu looks at you. "Yeah Y/N?" He askes with a smile. "Do you love Tatum?" You ask him. "I wouldn't call it love, she's annoying, needy, and overly clingy... I offered to take you home, I wanted to tell you I liked you, and was hoping that maybe you'd be my girl." He looked over your face. Hugging him you nuzzle into his neck. "Yes, absolutely. Tatum is going to shit." You chuckle shaking your head. "She will at first, but she'll find someone else to occupy her time." He smirked and places you next to him and fixed your shirt, taking care of you, holding you close.
The wheel starts moving again and when you two get off the wheel, he smiles taking your hand, and escorts you to his car where he then takes you home. "I'll come by tomorrow we'll go see a movie or something. After I tell Tatum see ya." He chuckled planting a kiss on your lips before you get out of the car and make your way inside with your dog and fish. Your mother looks at you. "Well well, looks like you had fun." You smirk big and nod. "Night mum. Love you." You kiss her cheek and rush upstairs. Putting the fish in a bowl and the dog on the foot of the bed you strip down into something comfortable grab your journal and being to write. "Dear Diary, Tonight, was the best night EVER!"
If you want to be tagged let me know. This is the first of many stories! I am also taking requests!
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fattuccini-afraido · 3 years
Helloo! I hope you are doing fine <3.I would like to ask for a creepypasta match-up (romantic relationship) please!
I am A Campaigner (ENFP) and The Adorner (EFVL) and 7w6 (The Pathfinder) I am 159 cm. Female amd straight!
Some things about me: I like to study until at one point I would just stay up until 3 am, im such an idiot ahaha. I also would even drink coffee after 12 am. I have a RBF and i might act like I have apathy. I am very over-protective of those who i care about . And I will fight, with words ahahha. I am usually very independent to the point i don’t realize i need help :P My phobias are trypophobia and atychiphobia. I am very afraid of wasps and bees. I have Generalized Anxiety and Body Dysmorphia (more to my face actually). So basically, i get anxious a lot about some things and my looks. My personality: (uhhh mostly people find me complicated) But to me, I am independent, neutral chaotic, smart, stubborn, dense on some topics, very curious, brutally honest and I have a bit of an anger issue but I am chill tho. I can be serious, only when I want too ahah. Interests: I like to debate, study, draw, listen to music, watch Youtube, Twitch also I like anime and a fan of BTS. I go to boarding school and i can speak Japanese and Malay. I also play archery. What do I where?? At home i would just where a T-shirt and a blue jacket and some cozy pants. If I feel ‘fancy’, I would where a short sleeved dressed with said jacket :D My favourite colors are black, midnight blue and gold. Stuff that i like: + tall people + food (homemade at shop-made lmao) + drinks (favs are coffe and colaa) + people who like to spend time with me in any sort if way + art + M U S I C (any) Stuff that i dont like: + slow people + annoying people that waste my time (if they are annoying in a fun way then thats fine) + bugs
What do I look for in someone to love? How do i act with someone I love? Love language? I would look for someone who is both intellegent yet challenging. Charmingly sarcastic? Someone who is hard on the outside, soft in the inside! When I love someone, my dedication and patience seems infinite. As well as affection, care, attention. My love language is quality time and physical touch? Appearance? + dark brown eyes + dark brown hair (it looks like brunette-ish under sun). My hair is short and it looks like this:
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Zodiac: Aries, moon is Taurus, Rising is Aquarius. Aesthetic? Dark academia, Grunge (modern and 90s- ish, E-Girl) RIGHT, thats all from meee. Thank you for your Time <3 TAKE YOUR TIMEE i dont mind :D
hi, I'm so excited, this is one of my firsts asks. I'm glad it's finally happened. Hope this lives up to your expectations, and if not, I'm sorry and you can totally ask for a new matchup <3
I ship you with
Helen Otis aka Bloody Painter.
He's an introvert, yes, but I really think you'd get along!
On the outside, Helen seems apathetic and selfish, on the inside, however, he's a scared boy who does not know how to transmit his feelings properly, since his entire life he has been given to understand that his feelings do not matter to anyone else, and he most definitely has thought that kindness always comes at a price. That nice people have a goal in mind and plan to use him for it. This cynical mindset is the reason he hides under this apathetic, self-absorbed mask, who, while acting polite, still behaves like a massive asshole.
All he ever wanted was to be understood and loved, so if you're willing to give it to him, he'll very slowly begin to open up his true self, though it is quite likely that he doesn't know who that is. I believe it's a charmingly sarcastic guy. One that loves to share his passions with you.
He's quite thoughtful when it comes to you.
He'd bring you chocolates when you're sick or on your period. Every time.
He'd paint you a lot.
Sometimes he'll ask you to model for him, but others he'd just think you look stunning and start painting out of nowhere.
He's less polite with you, he's more natural.
His love language is quality time and forehead kisses.
It doesn't matter to him who gives it to whom
He'd smile and talk much more when he's with you, though when someone else appears he'll abruptly stop.
If you don't do art, he'd still talk to you about it all the time.
He feels safe to do so with you.
He's a couch potato, so you'd often drag him outside with you.
He'd roll his eyes but ultimately enjoy it.
He still has a very hard time opening up.
He becomes a bit aggressive and defensive when he's down.
So, he's a bit hard to date at the beginning, but if you have patience, it'll be a beautiful relationship. He loves you more than anything, and he'd always listen to your problems and will always be there for you, especially when you have body insecurities because while genuinely doesn't understand why you don't like your body or face, since he believes you're the most beautiful woman he's seen yet, he has those insecurities himself, due to his past.
Overall, he's a complicated person who's tough on the outside, and warmer and fuzzy on the inside, if you look deep down enough.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
I love your art, it is very detailed in a neat way. Was wondering how you got started making it as a source of income? How did you get your first paid work, I'd love some advice on how to get started, if that's ok
Thank you. Of course it's okay, although I doubt I have enough work experience in art to really delve into this. I only went full freelance this year, and had been juggling art as a side hobby until then. If you're still interested in my somewhat narrow perspective, and are okay with my long-winded rambles, I'll give it a shot:
So to answer your question fully, I'll describe how I started and move into personal advice and learnings later on. As a disclaimer, I am a white cishet dude in my late twenties with a moderate cocktail of mental illnesses, but overall I can pass for a functioning adult so a lot I have to say may come laced with privilege I cannot fully identify.
So uhh I began drawing in around 2012? I think? Maybe halfway through 2011? And I mostly made fanart for things I enjoyed and tried to branch out in communities that felt nourishing to my style and interests (I caught a bug for alt posters and enjoyed mainstream movies so I spent a long time on posterspy early on). There were a handful of opportunities that came from there but I could only accept a couple because of primary workplace commitments. Still, it showed that networking in a focused community was definitely a good place to start; I myself have huge trouble committing to social networks and really staying socially active, but I knew it was an essential ingredient in succeeding so I tried to make myself be involved in challenges and art support trains etc. as much as I could.
In parallel to all that I also ran a few third party online stores (redbubble, teepublic) for disposable income and would sometimes, if rarely, hit around $100-150 a month from those sources combined. It is a sort of thing that requires helper accounts on other social media sites to promote it on, because the stores themselves have a huge volume of content that translates into low organic discoverability. Obviously it was never gonna be the way towards financial independence through art, and with community projects being few and far between, I opened private commissions in around uhhh 2017 I think, focusing on offering a few styles I knew I could do well, and sometimes operating in individual fandoms (it was mostly a bioware thing to be frank). But I had to close them back down after a year or so, again because of work-life conflict and how badly it was burning me out. The reason I kept trying to monetize this hobby is because I honestly hated what I did for my main job and wanted to see a way out in some shape or form in the future.
And then in 2020 I had to quit my main job altogether because of *gestures at pandemic* and deal with a mental breakdown from all the wonderful things it did to us and me specifically. I took a short break and decided to give art a shot full-time, and that was around May this year. I was planning on opening up commissions again (and I still am), but a few sudden opportunities that fell in my lap moved that timetable down and now I'm grateful to even be doing something I am getting adequately paid for.
So, with that somewhat limited perspective, here's what I've learned that I'd tell myself if I was just starting out:
1. Being a fan of something can be a shortcut towards effective networking kickoffs. Which are important evidently. If you love something and enjoy making content for it, join communities, settle into a combination of social media websites that feel right for those interests + your body of work + your inner rhythm, and try to play to content discovery as much as your mental health allows you to. Like I said, I know that I myself am incredibly bad at self-motivating to talk to people, so I found that synergizing common interests into fanart - which I enjoyed making anyway - could be a way to give myself a gentle nudge forward and build those bridges leading to community activities, which then net experience and coverage. Sometimes even freelance projects from official avenues. Again; picking the right spaces for what you're after is key. Companies roam twitter, concept art recruiters scour artstation or linkedin etc, instagram can land you private commissions and collab opportunities, so on and so forth. Find your niche and try to kick up dust. However...
2. I do not believe that any social profile can replace a good portfolio. The thing that made an immediate difference to me this year was building a coherent, simple website with my best work front and center and a contact form on top. Every single opportunity I got came from that form (maybe via twitter or instagram initially, but always sealing the decision after going through the website), so I firmly believe that showcasing your skills and portfolio in a visually arresting and user-friendly way is a big priority. I had some reservations about tackling that task but fortunately I had help from a savvy life partner and we slapped it together via wordpress in less than a day. Twitter/whatever social media is prevalent in your target groups is definitely important to get the right eyes on your shit, yes, but those eyes will then look for a second stop where your work and rates are more clear and concise. Simplicity is key imo, I cannot overstate this. So make a cute, simple portfolio!
3. Your skills and rates will grow and change as you do. Let them. Over the years I built several lasting professional relationships from my obsession over mass effect and kept getting opportunities both from bioware and their partner companies, some small and some a bit bigger. A one-off job earlier this year opened an unexpected door to another much larger commitment, and then the work I did there brought some attention from small businesses looking for commercial commissions. These were all incredibly different projects in terms of scope and budget, and I've been tackling them all on a case-by-case basis and slowly coming into my own irt my needs, rates, and SOW thresholds. It is still a work in progress (and a LOT of literal work as well), and very much a thing I struggle with in publicly marketing, which is why I felt a tad underqualified to answer your question in the first place (obviously I did not let that stop me). But what it means for me now is that I am rapidly developing into whatever my "version" of a functioning freelance artist is, and when the conditions for that guy are met, I need to be able to confidently plant myself and operate from that space despite past precedents. Do not let anyone bully you into downpricing what you yourself perceive as legitimate products of personal growth and development. Speaking of which...
4. The shitty challenge of turning envy into inspiration, and paddling outside your comfort zones in full riot gear. it is hard, but realizing that being a miserable, self-hating artist in my early days got me nothing but more misery back was the first real step I took and what truly blew the hinges off. I was just not pleasant to be around, I would badmouth my work all the time, and it all somehow made sense in my broken mind because the validation I sought was purely external and the way I sought it was through eliciting sympathy via self-victimization (even when I made something objectively nice). It all led fucking nowhere. Except perhaps to my own narcissism that I one day managed to identify and start managing. So I started looking at things that made me seethe with envy and calmly deconstruct and figure out their inner workings instead, do studies, and find nuggets of inspiration or discover new ways to approach rendering or building up specific elements. It was an application of analytical diligence to what I wanted to be a purely emotional, esoteric workflow, but that I deep down knew wasn't. Art is a discipline and a skill, and maybe it isn't a straight line, but you gotta find some line to thread nevertheless. Being self-hating was almost an identity I had to break out of, and despite it still being like, 4-5% there? I realize its cause and effect on me, my work, and those around me, so it is with a conscious choice that I gently set it aside when I work and especially when I learn. It won't always stay quiet, but the effort is the difference. Your doors towards accepting true growth and venturing into uncharted territories, art styles, and networking will really open from there. But there's a huge caveat...
5. Toolsets, accessibility, privilege, and all the good things that enable artistic expression and profitability are not given equal to all. you might do all the mental work I mentioned to be ready to rock and roll and learn and draw your way out of anything, but digital art is a fucking money pit that asks almost too much at times. I don't got a good case study here but identifying and ensuring accessibility to the tools you need to do your best work is, like, super important. The ergonomics can improve as you make money and settle into the job, but the basics have to be made available to you. And some of that might not even be under your direct control. That can be anything from pen tablets to software subscriptions to opportunities in hiring sullied by sexism or what have you. You gotta navigate all that through careful networking and money/time management. I don't do a good job of devoting specific slices of time to work/study, and my primary clutch is iPad software which went from a good deal to a nightmare scenario over the years. So all I can say here is do what I didn't; network, invest in a PC/tablet, and pick a software you'll learn that won't burn a hole in your pocket.
6. Be nice to work with? This one is hard to articulate and has landed my own ass in hot water in my early years because of how socially inept I am, but nothing is more worthwhile than being.. like. a good person to work with. That can be anything like meeting deadlines, or sometimes missing them but eloquently articulating why, being generous in early stages, being communicable and not too wordy in your emails, having a good grasp on abstract artistic concepts and how to describe them in simple terms, having a clear, laid out framework of your working rates in commercial and non-commercial projects and sticking to those guns with grace, understanding when you need to say no and saying it well, the works. Just being nice. Sometimes that might mean going headstrong with something you believe in, or simmering down and sucking up to the big man, all relative and adaptive. Part and parcel of the service provision dance that we all have to do in order to make bank. Know your lines here, obviously, and don't like. work for nazis. or uh.. *shudders* exposure. but be nice and empathetic and communicable and word will travel eventually. Skill may be in abundance these days, but good people are most certainly not, and capitalism has a way of bubbling up scarcity. Grim, but uh, them's the breaks.
I know I'm ultimately telling you to like. Have a body of work, make a portfolio, grow, and network. But that's really how I see it for now. And being nice can be a cherry on top that sets you apart, along with the inherent irreplaceable voice of your artwork. I think I rambled on enough, but if there is something specific you need my help with, even if you want to come off anon and talk in private, please feel free.
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
This may be a little much, but can I get a friend (ship) x Kiri, Bakugo, and Denki, where their friend is manically depressed and has been forgetting to sleep, eat, shower and ,clean, and barley leaves her bedroom, she only listens to the same music on repeat and crieswhile lashing out on whoever bothers her.? (Sorry for bugging you, if you dont want to do it)
Count On Us
I wasn’t sure if you wanted a imagine, BUT I MADE IT ANYWAY. Also, I relate to you honey, I’ve been depressed asf lately but I want to slap that negative energy away ASAP. It’s just been hard, I hope this makes your day better my dear Anonymous!🤍 I had to include the BAKU-SQUAD though!
Disclaimer: Friends To The End 🤍
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“Oi! Oi! Open up!” Katsuki yelled from outside your room door, banging on it as hard as he possibly could. The door shook on the hinges while Kirishima tried to relax his dear friend.
“Maybe we shouldn’t break down the door to get their attention, besides. You didn’t try to open it.” Kirishima suggested before Denki looked at him. “Even I know I wouldn’t keep my door unlocked if I was depressed like this,” Denki said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Just move already!” Mina yelled in annoyance, grabbing the door handle as it began to melt. “Wait! What if w-“ a sudden click and the door began to open with a hint of struggle.
You laid in silence on your bed, you faced the wall and listened to ‘Slide Away’ by Miley Cyrus on full blast in your headphones. Your face was snuggled into a pillow while your room was scattered with things. Clothes, moldy foods, halfway eaten crackers, and more. “What the fuck?...” Katsuki said softly as Mina frowned softly. “I didn’t think it was that bad...” Mina said softly. Everyone was worried about your well-being when you hardly ever came out of your room.
You didn’t speak, talk, or anything and often stayed secluded in your room which was now in the Baku-Squad house provided to them since they were all seniors now. It felt as if the life in you was sucked out and it left you...in misery.
“What should we do?” Sero asked, looking towards the group. “Clean it up! It fucking stinks in here, HEY DUMBASS!” Katsuki yelled through his headphones and was able to muffle his scream. “I’ve got this..” Denki said before he stuck out his finger and zapped your butt. You jumped away, falling backward off your bed while trying to calm yourself from the obvious confusion to what the hell just ZAPPED your ass.
You noticed the open light and looked towards the group who looked at you concerned. “What the?...” you questioned. “What are you guys doing?” You asked before hissing at the sudden brightness in your room. “We’re here to fix that darkness that surrounded you for the last few weeks!” Mina said as she opened the curtains in your room.
“So! Get up, I ran you a bath and you’re going to take a breather!” She added, taking your earphones from your ear and placed them with your phone.
“Guys, Please. I ca-“
“We’re not taking no for an answer, I suggest you give up or we force you,” Sero said, lifting his elbow. He was ready to wrap you into a burrito and drag you to the bathroom. “Come on, We want to help okay?” Denki said, frowning.
You sighed and gathered yourself, standing up. “Uhhh?...is this dinner from last week?” Kirishima questioned while looking around. “When was the last time you ate?” He soon added to his first question afterward.
“What’s today?” You questioned, looking at your phone as it revealed it was Sunday. “When did we have that Korean barbecue?” You added as Kirishima’s face dropped. “That was THREE DAYS AGO!” He nearly yelled before you shrugged. “Went longer then that before.” You added before Bakugo lifted you. “That’s it! BATH NOW!” He demanded, pushing you into the large bathroom
The door was slammed once you were inside before you peeled your clothes from a few days ago off your body. You sighed, climbing into the hot tub, easing your way into the soapy water. You’ll admit, sitting in the soapy water made your darkest thoughts ease a bit. They were there, just not as harsh as before.
Your back touched the cold end of the tub while your body sat within the soapy bubbles. You gazed down at the other end, wigging your toes that hid under the bubbles. After a few minutes, you grabbed your wash cloth and began washing your body clean. The dirt that once covered you began to sink to the bottom of the tub. You finally climbed out after a while, grabbing a towel off the rack inside and letting the water out.
You wrapped the towel around your body and opened the door, spotting a pair of tie-dye colored house shoes which were yours. The once simple white shoes were now covered spotted colors, coated with spots of glitter. You could smell the setting spray to keep the glitter from covering the floor. You started walking to your room where you were greeted by a grumpy Bakugo. “Don’t ever do that shit again.” He said simply, tossing your tv remote towards you. He walked towards the kitchen while you entered your room.
It was now spotless, not a single dish on your floor. All your clothes were now in your hamper which was stuffed in your closet. Every corner was cleaned in a matter of seconds and it looked as if you just walked into a new room. You closed your room door, propping a textbook against the door before getting dressed. You’ve worn all your sweatpants, joggers, and anything that’ll weigh your sadness more.
You saw a note in your closet, labeled as Mina’s pick! You laughed, lifting the outfit out of your closet, making you laugh a bit. It was one of your favorites and was a declaration of the person you once were. Everything folded into place while you gathered your things together, you were dressed and felt great to be again.
You fixed your hair in the best way possible, getting it back to the great way it was before. It may lack attention, but trust me. With the way things are going, you may give it exactly what it deserves.
You walked out of your now clean room as the smell of cooking engulfed your nose once you exited. “Yo, Y/N! Kirishima’s making his manly burgers, BUT I still want to destroy you in Super Smash Bros.” Denki said from the living room. “As if you could beat them!” Sero added while you walked into the room. It’s been a while since you say within the large living room with your friends.
“Come on! I’ve been dying for a rematch! I let you off easy last time!” Denki said, waving his other controller in his hand. Once you grasped the remote, guilt rushed through your body. We’re they doing this because they pitied you? You were fine, right?
That single thought echoed in your head even after you beat Denki a few times in different games, it was a stinging reminder that you didn’t deserve this. When you had your protein bowl sat in front of you, instead of a burger. It only added to the amount of guilt you had in your heart. “Kiri? What’s this?” You questioned, looking at the hearty quinoa bowl with the assortment of meats and more. “Well, I was going to make burgers but I decided to make something to get your strength back. I had to call my mother to help me but I hope you like it!” Kirishima replied with his sharp Sharky smile displayed brightly.
“It’s not half bad, besides the burnt chicken parts,” Mina commented as Kirishima glared at her. “Guys...You didn’t have to do this. I...I don’t like being pitied like this.” You expressed, your head hung low. “What are you talking about, Y/N? We don’t pity you.” Denki said, his hand touching your shoulder.
“But...all this, why? Why are you doing this?” You questioned. “We’re your friends and we’re a team. When one down, we get them back up and keep fighting. That’s the manly way of doing things!” Kiri said, smiling down at you. “It’s our pathetic way of showing that we care, Dumbass. It didn’t feel right....not having you here with us.” Bakugo admitted, hiding his blush by looking away.
“No matter what, We’re always here for you! That’s what friends are for!” Sero finished, looking across from you at the table. You couldn’t help but smile at how caring your group was, even though they had a tendency to annoy you and at times make you pull your hair out.
Who would've thought they’d make you feel better?
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
I wasn't tagged by @judiejodia but i was mentioned in the post and encouraged to do this and tag her if i enjoy these kinds of things so I DID HA
[also me, still feels too shy to tag anyone else but you can say i tagged you if you want to do this too!]
1. Why did you choose your url?
two canadian hit songs that were influential when i was growing up in the early aughts. people can usually guess one of them but I don't think I've seen anyone guess both yet hehe.
2. Any side blogs?
@hyperboreanhapocanthosaurus - personal and political posts as well as general reblogs
@acetechne - art blog
@athensandspartaadventures - comic about ancient city state personifications
@battle-of-alberta - comic about modern canadian city personifications
@project-canada - i still admin this blog although i have zero plans to revive the project itself
@lazylacadaemon - studyblr although im no longer in school so there's not a whole lot there. If you want to talk about academics or ask for advice you can still shoot me a message there though.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
uhhh 2010? 2011? something like that.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope just assume 90% of what i post are queued lol
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
I wanted somewhere to post dumb comics about ancient history i started doodling in undergrad and people seemed to be migrating here from dA
6. Why did you choose your icon?
its a picture of me in crossplay as iamp alberta and thats as close as getting an icon with me on it as i will get lol
7. Why did you choose your header?
[checks what my header is] oh it's mama greece from hetalia, or at least how i imagined her before she had a canon-design. its my ancient/hetalia/history/whatever blog and i liked the drawing i did so i guess i kept it up haha
8. How many mutuals do you have?
UNKNOWN i mostly just talk to windex because quatsch is still waiting on her new computer/space to use it lol
i am notoriously bad at following people back partly because i am legit forgetful and also i think i make people nervous?? I'm also not a teenager anymore so I'm more cautious about following people I don't know in case they're not comfortable with it and idk their age.
Mostly i follow people who post stuff for fandoms i enjoy but i no longer use social media to keep up with what people are up to because It's Too Stressful to check up on everyone across every platform you have to write me a handwritten letter or bug me on discord if i need to know how you are at this point, i am both an irl and a digital hermit lol
9. How many followers do you have?
no clue, most of them probably aren't active anymore and a good handful are probably bots so i don't really feel i could give a Real estimate since i've been accumulating blogs for a decade
10. How many do you follow?
337 but probably over 90% are dead
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yes mostly about dead people and dead languages
12. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i check pretty frequently and if theres no news on the big tumblr i open the small tumblr on my phone and thats a problem
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not directly but some dude is going around arguing with people who post about herodotus and i don't have the patience to respond to him explaining my own shitposts to me after seeing him sealion other bloggers on tumblr.clown.edu so i do not engage
14. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
bad. i ignore every time. it's not as bad as it was ten years ago but it's still really annoying. (unless its like on a picture of a cute animal thats fine)
15. Do you like tag games?
yes i am just notorious about not tagging anyone in them
16. Do you like ask games?
yes and likewise lol although i think my answers are usually either quite boring or very sarcastic hahaha
17. Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I Do Not Know who are you guys
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
if we are mutuals come to my house i make you soup
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