#also the person who sent the ask forgot to put it on anon LOL
heartscrypt · 1 year
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the immediate aftermath of this post. they sure did kiss
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norwegiankafka · 6 months
Hiii can I request Owen ( windbreaker) childhood friends to lovers fic please??? 🥹
Little Things [Owen Knight, Fluff]
Synopsis: What if he actually fell for the person that has been there, all along?
a/n 𖦹 finally! I never write for the childhood best friend to lovers prompt, but I'm trying my best. I hope you liked it. Not beta-ed (too long lmfao). Hope anon like it! :3
tw & cw ✰ cursing.
It's so Owen, calling late at night. Like he didn't give a fuck whether you are sleeping or not. A habit of his, exists since you and him were a teenager.
"What the fuck do you want in the fucking middle of the night, Mr. Knight?" You snapped right when you hit the accept button.
"Whoa, chill. I just arrived today and the first thing you did is to curse me? Poor me,"
"Ugh, fine. Tell me what happened," You sigh exasperatedly. Just, please.
"Shelly and Jay kissed in front of me. Like- I don't even know what to say. I'm shocked. Did Shelly really love that guy? I don't know what she sees in him, for real."
"And I don't know what's worth in you for Shelly to see. Oi, get over her. Why bother winning her heart back when you already know who has her heart? You just love hurting your own feelings, just say it at this point, you know that?"
"Your words burns like hell. I always tell you I have a promise with Shelly when I was a kid-"
"This promise, that promise," You cut his words. "That thing happened when you were a kid. It's nothing serious. Get over it. I'm tired of you venting about a girl who doesn't even think about you. I had class in 6. You're free to vent after that."
Just like that, you hang up your call.
He, started to wait for your reply. Normally, he checks his phone ever so slightly when he's bored or Shelly isn't around to bug. He often forgots where he puts the phone. Without him realizing things, he checks his phone more often. Waits for that messaging app icon to appear on his phone. Waiting for your name to pop up on his screen. He pulls his phone under his desk when he's in class, turned them on to check whether you replied or not. Will 100% turn them off again when there is no reply or chat from you, or will 100% reply at the same second you sent the text. An Exhibit.
A lot of things reminds him of you. In a lot of occasion, but he always tries to brush it off. He saw an ice cream that you said you wanna try, but never had the time. He tried the ice cream, just to taste whether it tastes good or not. So he can tell you later. (Or maybe ask you for an ice cream date, but best friends didn't do that.) Hey. At least if back in England they didn't have this exact flavor so you (and him) can try it out too, he had a reason to text you later. Two exhibits.
A lot of things reminds him of you. When both of you were kids, you eat ice creams a lot. Cold and flu were no stranger to you and Owen. But among all ice creams that you ever tried, Chocomint. It's a weird flavor, however. Tastes cool and minty but also sweet at the same time. He genuinely thought you're weird and your tastebuds is broken. Who the hell thought this was a delicious flavor? An atrocity made of different shit put together. All that thought end once he walked around stores in Seoul.
There's varieties of chocomint flavored food. Hey, it's not gonna hurt to try few, right? (Cue: He tried all of them. He didn't like it. He had the reason to annoy you by saying chocomint tastes like shit.)
He hates reading. It bore him a whole lot when teachers tell students to read. He hates reading in english, so do Korean. (He barely understands everything). One day, he walked past a bookstore, with a book on sale that day. He feels oddly familiar with the cover, even if he hates reading. He remembers that it's the book that you literally worshipped and said that it's so good he should consider read it too. Without any second thoughts, the book is on the counter and ready to be taken home. He finished the book in a week (pretty fast for a person who hates reading, lol), and silently weeping for the main character. He admits, it's a good book. Three exhibits.
He bikes a lot by himself. It's usually in the afternoon, around the time sun is starting to set. He likes that time a lot, the wind is warm but not too hot, and still feels breezy. After going around for an hour, he sat by the nearest river. Doing nothing, just watching until the sun fully set and it's time for him to go home.
When Owen and you were a kid, you liked to play outside. Doing lots of things. Biking, hide and seek, things. When the sun starts to set, you will sit wherever, as long as you can watch the sunset. A familiar feeling and habit, with him. Four exhibits.
Without him realizing, he's falling in love. All of the things you did together. All the time you were together as kids. All the time you grew up together, going to the same school. He fell in love with the you that has been there all along while he chase for Shelly.
Knock knock.
Someone knocked on the door. What kinds of people come so fuckin late at night? You opened the door.
Owen is standing. His eyes bore to the hallways, as if he avoids your gaze. He clears his throat awkwardly.
"Promise you're not gonna be awkward with me?" is the first sentence out of his mouth. He avoids your gaze, looking somewhere else. He took a deep breath before starting the next sentence. "It's you. It has always been you," He stares deeply into your eyes. He felt nervous, but he, for sure, is sure about his feelings. Right now. Is he scared? Maybe yes. He is. But he never felt so certain in life.
"Huh?" You hum confusedly. Who the hell isn't when your best friend come to your doorway and saying weird shit at late nights.
"I.. like you. Like, a lot,"
Your gaze softens after you're realizing he's trying to confess. Fuck. So all these years were not in vain? All of these years you watched him falling for Shelly, but it turned out he fell for you? Really? God must be joking.
"Me too," You break the silence between the two of you. "I like you, too. Since a long time ago," your breath hitched.
Owen loves you. He always do.
You're the reason he kept a random rock in his bedroom because it looks like a heart (and you're the one who gave it). The reason he wears a particular color because you told him it emphasizes his eye color. The reason he listens to a particular indie band, because you told him their lyrics is poetic as hell. (He hates bands, but who cares).
You're the reason for so many little things in his life, that he didn't think about much, but makes his life worth living. You.
"C-can we.. kiss?" For the first time in your life, you see Owen stuttered. His cheeks and ears heat up, painting the pale skin with faint tint of pink.
You chuckled softly, "Sure."
His long, pale hands cradled your head softly. As if it was the most frail thing. Without any rush, without any urge, he pulls himself closer to you. He tilts his head to the side slightly, adjusting his position before putting his lips on yours.
He settles his lips on yours, slowly and softly sucking on your lower lips. Owen tastes like the americano he drank before biking. Bitter and slightly sweet from the candy he finished before knocking on your door. You, on the other hand, tastes like mint. Tastes like the toothpaste you used before opening the door. The cool and minty scent lingers in your mouth.
The kiss is not good. It isn't like how people potrayed them in movies or novels—but it's perfect and special. Because you shared them with Owen.
Both of you pulled back after few seconds, looking at each other in love and adoration while the moon shines through. You smiled softly, patting his shoulder. "It's late. Go home, okay?"
Owen nods. "Sure do," He gives a light peck in your right cheek. "I'll text you when I got home. Good night." Owen ruffles your hair softly, as he puts on his helmet.
Owen smiles to himself all the way home. He is sure and certain about his own feelings this time, and he's right.
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mintmoth · 7 months
saw the reaper pepper discussion that's been going on and just wanted to contribute as someone whose faves are riddle and idia: the person who said riddle would expire at the mere sight of one is 100% right lol. i imagine he's like me and is so overly sensitive to spiciness that if someone wanted to cook something for him that's normally supposed to be spicy, they'd have to put as little spice in it as they could get away with and it'd still probably be too much for him.
as for idia, at first i was fully team "he lives on ramen and candy, no way he can handle a reaper pepper" but now i agree with the anon who said he would've been able to handle it when he was younger but now his tolerance has gotten weaker. the idea of him getting all cocky about it and then freaking out because he actually can't take it is just, so fucking funny to me. i think he'd try to pretend he ate the pepper just fine and that there was something else wrong with the food but it is SO obvious he's making it up. also, about ortho, there's a line for one of his birthday cards where he says that since it's a special day idia equipped him with an "oral energy intake gear" so he could eat food with everyone else--which makes me question why he doesn't do this when ortho judges the culinary crucible, or when he goes to the white rabbit festival, but it means that he CAN eat if he's equipped for it!
(also i don't think i've ever sent you an ask before. so i'll also take this opportunity to tell you that you were one of the first artists i remember finding when i got into the twst fandom about a year ago and i adore your art.)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ORTHOS BIRTHDAY CARD STUFF but also you're so right idk why he doesn't just have that active all the time- especially when he's doing culinary judging, since that would also give him the opportunity to try new things and make memories and such, it's a shame 😭😭
Also YEESS Idia turning completely red and wheezing while he tries to make up excuses for why No he's Totally Fine how dare you imply otherwise, he just swallowed wrong or something
(also thank you so so much that's so sweet of you to say 😭😭😭)
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
hi (its the anon who sent you the ask about misogyny lol/correct opinions anon (i dont think my opinions are that great but thank you!) except im not on anon anymore lol) ive been meaning to ask you now you feel about the hero mk warrior mei thing; its by far the most popular interpretation of the hero and warrior dichotomy being applied to mk and mei and it IS a concept İ personally like in my head (İ ❤️ tragedy) but the fandom interpretation has kind of ruined it for me (personally) because it feels like a lot of people only take mk's role in the narrative into consideration and just kind of slot mei into the warrior role without much thought toward her actual character or importance to the plot. that doesnt mean İ hate the idea by any means, but it does kind of make me more critical towards it lol
İ am personally kind of biased towards the hero mei warrior mk thing because for one, İ think mei-swk parallels create such an interesting conflict for mei, and two, because its the less popular interpretation in the fandom İ dont have to see as many bad takes on it haha (im joking)
(also there are SO many parallels between mei & swk that i rarely see pointed out by other fans... like i outside of you i dont see Imk bloggers point them out very often 💔 (ive *never* seen someone point this out before but do think mei stealing the jacket she that gives to mk in 3×02 from ao guang parallels swk stealing the staff from ao guang?))
all of that aside though, im not personally sold on either of these options! İ dont think mk & mei directly fit into the roles of the hero and warrior in the same way as macaque and wukong did! to me it feels like the hero & warrior dichotomy is being set up to be subverted by the show to an extent (whether thats because the show is going to have mei take on the role of the hero, or because mk and mei wont fight at all, or a secret third thing is up to your personal interpretation lol); especially when you take into account the average audience's perspective on the hero and warrior stuff; the obvious conclusion that ive seen most people make is to have mk as the hero and mei as the warrior with most people not even considering mei as the hero/mei paralleling swk! İ dont think this means that mei-swk parallels dont exist (İ spent a decent bit of this ask talking about them LOL) but because they require more inference on the audience's part they dont get talked about as much, which does make me think that show is going to call it into attention at some point (although İm not great with predictive analysis haha, im mostly just putting my thoughts on the table here)
thats pretty much all İ have to say on the topic lol (sorry İ rambled so much haha) im not sure that last bit makes sense AT ALL but hear me out im cooking! İ meant to reccomend some songs that İ thought fit the Imk characters ages ago that İ forgot about lol, anyway İ think burn by the cure is SUCH a samadhi fire mei song. like its one of those songs where it feels like it was made for the character. big shot by jhariah fits like. 90% of the Imk cast imo. like İ know everyone in the comments section is talking about spamton and yes the song is very spamton coded BUT if you erase all your preexisting memories of spamton and only imagine monkie kid characters with it, it becomes a macaque/mei/swk/mk/whoever-coded song. like "think you're a big shot / İ think you're raveled up in a tangle of did nots / you're always just a bit shy, following behind" is so shadowpeach divorcecoded to me. "yeah it's not fair, İ know it's not fair / you aint the only star that's been left for dead" is so shadow play coded to me (it sounds more shadow play coded in the actual song trust me here). İ also think martyr by depeche mode is a samadhi fire mei song (although im pretty sure you could say any depeche mode song is Imk character coded and youd be right aha) also İ think ヘヴンリーユー by lonepi kind of goes down the same route as big shot where you could apply it to multiple lmk characters and it would still fit. its kind of a mei & mk take on the roles of the hero and warrior type thing to me (their asses are NOT escaping samsara!) (one of the english translations of one of the lyrics is literally "time and time again" (what mei says in 3x10) İ think those are all the songs ive been meaning to mention here as of right now ! sorry if this ending seems abrupt İ just dont know how to end asks haha
faggotvivsection I can't believe it was you the whole time! *MK 2x05 voice* What a twist! I always enjoy seeing you in my notes, so hello :)
Anyways, as for the 3x02 Mei and Wukong parallels, I think it goes deeper than just Mei stealing the jacket!
Ao Guang: "Stealing from me? On orders from the Monkey King no doubt."
Mei also steals the map from Ao Guang on behalf of Wukong, just like he had stolen the staff in the past. I think in a way, the map and the staff were both "roadmaps" to get more power, you know. The map enabled them to unseal the rings, and the staff gave Wukong a suitable weapon.
Ao Guang specifically comments on both Mei and Wukong's weapons, Mei with her sword and Wukong with stealing the staff. In a way, both of their weapons are dragon related, one from the Dragon of the West and another from the Dragon of the East.
When it comes to hero and warrior mk/mei, I lean towards both! I think they're both the hero and the warrior for each other in their own respective ways. I love warrior Mei specifically because of 3x10, and because MK refuses to abandon her thus subverting the typical progression of the hero warrior dynamic (even if he can often be dismissive of Mei, stealing things from her [2x06, 3x03], putting a strain on his relationships for power [1x06, 2x03, 2x06, 2x07, 3x03]). I think moving forward however, Hero Mei and Warrior MK are far more likely to play out!
I have a whole samadhi fire part 3 tag centered around a parallel prediction, where we continue the parallel that was set up in 3x10 and 4x08, and while MK is on the verge of destroying the world have Mei get through to MK and reach him. In 3x10 MK is actually able to reach Mei...but in 4x08, MK runs away before Mei can make it to him. So if we had a moment where they were able to close that gap, and neither of them leaves, it'd be really satisfying. I am a huge believer in Hero Mei Warrior MK, don't let anyone ever tell you it isn't real.
Anyhow, onto the song recs:
Burn by the Cure
"Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr Murmuring me away from you "Don't talk of worlds that never were The end is all that's ever true There's nothing you can ever say Nothing you can ever do" Still every night I burn Every night I scream your name Every night I burn Every night the dream's the same Every night I burn Waiting for my only friend Every night I burn Waiting for the world to end
What a "Samadhi Fire Mei pov toward MK" song am I right. It's also very Warrior Mei ("It follows the tragic tale of a legendary Warrior, and how those who bring light into this world, inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear" -> "Oh don't talk of love the shadows purr", love a good light and dark motif)
Big Shot by Jhariah
Though I may love Spamton, and this is a very stage motif-y "There is no audience" kinda song, I do get the Shadow Play vibes (it's also giving theater Kid Macaque versus Wukong have stage fright lol), and over course it's overtly shadowpeach-esque. I also get a little bit of s2/s3 Macaque @ MK, especially with "You ain't the only star that's been left for dead"
Yeah it’s not fair, I know it’s not fair You ain't the only star that’s been left for dead I asked about your name on the moon It was quiet nobody knew you Aim like an atom who swears it’s going to shoot you Are you the only one-of-one to be found? If you could see the rest, would it bring you back down? You’re no big shot, think you’re a big shot I think you’re raveled up in a tangle of did nots You’re always just a bit shy, following behind I think you’ve spent enough time Singing the same lines
Martyr by Depeche Mode
I've been a martyr for love And I will die in the flames As I draw my last breath As I close in on death I will call out your name I've been a martyr for love Nailed up on the cross While you're having your fun As the damage is done I'm assessing the cost
THE SAMADHI FIRE MEI @ WUKONG OF IT ALL. Mei having to bear the consequence of Wukong's decisions, potentially burning herself from the inside out.
ヘヴンリーユー (Heavenly You) by lonepi
As the moon waned, I realized you weren't with me anymore. As the dawn of the new day broke, I hid my tear-swollen voice amidst the morning dew. You had said something like, "It's all my fault that you're this way." That's right, it's your fault. But just remember, that's not all of it. Every time my positives overcome the negatives, you toss them in the trash and do it over. You've stanched all those opportunities away from me time and time again.
The first pair that comes to mind is MK @ Wukong, or Macaque @ Wukong, but I think MK @ Mei would be interesting, even if not exactly canon. Mei is carrying MK's mental health on her lone shoulders, so that being disregarded in favor of blaming her for his problems...I dig that sort of broken Mei & MK dynamic.
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Could you do headcanons for Popia trying to propose to his S/O, but things keep going wrong (the ring mysteriously vanishing, them being interrupted right as he’s about to do it, S/O having lots of work/chores to do that day so they have to work late and cancel the date he had planned in order to propose, ect ect, basically the entire universe is determine to prevent this proposal)?
Wonderful ask Anon... 💒💍
Definitely sounds anxiety inducing something we all know our beloved former Cardinal turned Papa would "love" lol
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According to Plan
Also available here on A03!
SFW, below cut for length
Copia has been planning this night for weeks. Although if he were honest with himself, he's been planning since the day you met. It seemed from the moment your eyes met across the nave, you were Hell-sent just for him. Staring into those eyes and being held in your arms every one moment thereafter—more paradise than anything else the rest of the world could offer him.
You just understood him—down to his core. While others may have snickered or laughed, you found his nervous habits and quirky personality endearing. He knew that only you loved him for who he truly was. Despite all his faults and perceived shortcomings, you still had eyes only for him and he, absolutely, worshiped you.
The time came when, nerves be damned, he needed to make you his. Before Lucifer, the church, and everyone else—all he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with you. So he bought a ring, one he was sure would look beautiful upon your finger. His next step was to enlist the help of a few select ghouls to set up a romantic candlelight dinner deep within Primo's garden.
Everything was planned out to a T and when the morning of the proposal came, Copia was more than excited---he was ecstatic. He went downstairs, you having already left for your duties, patting the ring in his jacket pocket as he made his way through the main hall. It wasn't long before he bumped into Cirrus and Cumulus. The two ghoulettes, giggling to themselves as they saw him. Copia knew instantly that it was because Aether couldn't keep his mouth shut and told them.
"Shhh…not a word lionesses, sí?" He said, the look of anxiety painted across his face—so thick even his skull paints couldn't obscure it.
"Of course Papa, anything for you." Cirrus chuckled before the two of them scurried off. Copia felt relieved, dabbing the cold sweat carefully from his brow. He continued down the hall, tipping his head to those he passed. A noted pep in his step that made it obvious to the whole Abbey he was feeling happy.
He went to find you in the library, your common stomping grounds. Your frequent partner in crime, Mountain, helping to return books to the high shelves as he walked in. Copia peered past the ghoul down the aisle, not seeming to find you. Mountain noticed the shift on his face, setting the stack of books down beside him on the desk to inquire.
“Morning Papa, what can I do you for?” Mountain asked him, his sweet smile pinned ear to ear.
“Have you seen mio amore? He asked him, the Ghoul tilting his head and thinking.
“Can’t say that I have. Maybe she might be with Sister Imperator. I know she was telling me the other day that today was going to be a busy one with the new siblings arriving this week.” Mountain explained. Copia put his face in his palm, rubbing his aching head. With all the ideas, plans, and preparations of the proposal he completely forgot how today you might be next to impossible to find. It was worth it to look, after all he hadn’t even invited you to “dinner” yet. Copia, shaking his head at himself for forgetting.
He did as Mountain suggested heading to Sister Imperator’s office, only for her to chastise him for interrupting a rather lewd meeting with Papa Nihil—you were still missing. Copia headed down into the chapel, another favorite spot he knew you enjoyed when the stress of the day was too much. He was feeling it already and wondered if maybe you were too. Alas, still no fiancée in sight. He decided to check the refectory since it was nearing lunch time, maybe you were in there?
Copia walked to the archway of the refectory and saw you sitting there. A group of siblings and ghouls by your side as you laughed the afternoon away, a half eaten apple in your left hand and a clipboard in the other. The Papa let out a sigh of relief as he walked towards you. His furrowed brows, now replaced with a smile.
You looked even more beautiful today, Copia not sure how that was even possible. He went to pat his jacket once more, no longer feeling the ring inside it. He panicked, his heart jumping up in his chest and head ready to explode. How could this have happened, he thought to himself, frantically digging into his pocket only to be met with a small hole.
"Damn it Ravioli! Another hole you've chewed through…this time at great cost." Copia bellowed. His small rat companion, having had a frequent chewing problem as of late. Many a Papal robes turned into a tattered mess in his wake. Copia slumped down on a bench, his head in his hands, feeling hopeless.
He looked up, hoping to see you. To have just the sight of your face make everything better again, but you weren't there. He knew you were busy, probably didn't even notice him there before you left. He still turned around to search the room. His head swiveling so fast, he might have given himself whiplash. Suddenly Aether put his hand on his shoulder. Copia looking up at the ghoul with tears in his eyes.
"Hey boss, everything ok?" The ghoul asked him. Copia sniffled back, trying his best to hold in the intense emotions that were bubbling up inside.
"I've lost the ring, there was a hole…it's gone. Now what do I do?" He asked. Aether squeezed his shoulder and Copia turned to face him.
"Alright ghouls, we got a mission!" Aether called out to the crowd. "I need everyone to look for Papa Copia's scent on the grounds. He lost something very precious. We must help him find it." With Aether's directions, the ghouls all did as they were told, all of them sniffling at the ground like wild dogs, waiting to catch a hint of Copia's scent. After only a moment from the front of the room, Rain jumped up off the floor. A round gold band within his fingers, black diamond glinting in the light.
"Found it!" He called out. Copia hopped up from his seat on the bench, running over to the ghoul with his arms held out.
"Oh grazie Lucifero. Thank you, you beautiful water ghoul you!" Copia cried, throwing his arms around Rain and hugging him tightly. Copa returned the ring to his pocket, one he was certain contained no holes. Things were back on track and Papa was so grateful. He thanked the ghouls profusely for their help and set off once more trying to find you.
Copia made his way back down the hall, seeing Primo approaching in the distance. The old man smiled gently at him. His sunhat still on his head from being out in the garden and a smidge of sweat on his brow. Copia walked to greet the retired Papa, taking off his hat in respect.
“Papa.” Copia said, his head bowed in reverence.
“Papa. How are you this fine afternoon?” Primo asked. Copia scratched the back of his head, trying to keep his optimism.
“Honestly Papa, it has been a bit of a day.” Copia sighed.
“Wouldn’t be because you're planning on popping the question to your sorella is it?” Primo asked, his gentle smile turned coy. All the color drained from Copia’s face, clearly the word was spreading. He wondered which of the ghouls decided to let the cat out of the bag. Praying to Satan that you had not learned of it.
“I…I…well you see Papa. I am planning on asking her tonight. I have made special accommodations with—” Copia began, Primo holding up a withered, but commanding hand.
“No need to explain, I too was in love once. You are looking for her, sì?” he asked him.
“Sì, do you know where she is?”
“She is with Terzo. Last I checked.” Primo explained, sending Copia on edge. It wasn’t bad enough that the universe seemed to be throwing him all the curveballs, but now you were with “Papa Cassanova ''. Copia was certain of your love and loyalty, he didn’t have that same trust with Terzo, his lustful endeavors knowing little boundaries. Copia thanked Primo for the information and made his way to Terzo’s office on the third floor.
As he approached, all manner of things went through his head. Would he find you there, succumbing to the affections of Terzo? He wasn’t sure but he had to push on. He knocked on the door, the third Papa beckoning him inside.
“Ah Copia! What brings you here?” he asked him. Copia walked into the room and took a quick look around. You weren't there, both a relief as well as a disappointment washed over him.
“Ah scusami Papa. I was told that I might find…that my…that she—” Copia muttered, his words falling apart before they could even escape him.
“That your amore would be here? Sì she was here a bit ago, but I have sent her on an errand in town. She will be back sometime late this evening.” Terzo explained turning his attention back to the mounting paperwork on his desk. Copia couldn’t believe it, this had to be a joke.
“You can’t be serious?” he asked him, Terzo raising an eyebrow at him.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I needed some errands done and she volunteered. I assure you she will be back before you know it.” Copia nodded in defeat, seeing himself out of the office. Terzo didn’t even raise his eyes back to him as he left.
Copia traveled down to the kitchen, checking on the progress of the meal. He had wanted something fancy but settled on Tagliatelle al Ragù—he was your favorite. The kitchen staff was working hard on the meal. The one and only thing that seemed to be going as planned.
As the day turned to evening and the sun began to set, the fourth Papa found his way outside, roaming the grounds until, without even trying, he found himself within Primo’s garden. The rest of the day had been a fog, Copia lost in thought and stressing about just how badly his plans had been going. He was pleased to find the table set up by the ghouls. A beautiful blue and gold hand-painted linen tablecloth draped over the table, two black candles a top golden candlesticks, and place settings for two. A simple but elegant set up he knew you’d appreciate.
He sat at the table, his leg crossed over the other, pulling the ring from inside his pocket and staring at it blankly. He felt a tap on his shoulder, turning once more to meet with Aether’s gaze. Copia tucked the ring back in his holeless pocket and spoke.
“Aether, is everything ready…it's almost time? I will need to go fetch her since I have yet to be able to tell her. I'd like to be able to bring her here myself.” Copia sighed.
“Well actually that's what I was coming to talk with you about.” Aether, tensed. Copia could tell, whatever the ghoul had to say, it was bad news.
“What is it?” Papa asked him, hoping somehow he was wrong.
“Well…I just got a call from the group that–ah went into town.” he explained, the ghoul hesitating to finish.
“They are gonna be late, Dew may uh…may have bitten someone.” Aether laughed nervously. Aether could tell Papa was not doing well, Copia's eye beginning to twitch and his jaw tightening. Aether tried to comfort him. The ghoul, knowing just how badly this whole thing was going but Copia wasn't having it. He stood up, pacing back and forth in front of the table looking like he was moments from a full blown meltdown. “Pap–” Aether began, cut off at the quick.
“No…” Copia chided. It got quiet between them, the candles flames fighting against the breeze as the sun sat just barely on the horizon.
“But I am sure they will be home…”
"Listen, just stop! Non riesco proprio a crederci, cazzo. None of this has gone right. I don't know why I even bothered…it's probably just a sign that she will say no anyway. After all, who wants to be with someone like me?” Copia asked, turning to face away, ashamed at how upset he had become as he looked over the hedges and beyond the garden.
“Cope? What's all this?" you asked him, his back still facing away from where you and Aether stood. He slowly turned around to face you, convincing himself he had hallucinated your voice. When his eyes met with yours, the tears fell from Copia’s eyes as he dropped to his knees before you.
“Cara, am I seeing things, is it really you? Today has been awful, nothing has gone right…you must be an illusion?” Copia cried, clutching the fabric of your habit tightly in his hands. You laughed a bit, not realizing just how much chaos had ensued.
“Amore, what are you talking about?” You asked, your eyes looking over him and seeing the beautiful and romantic set up in front of you. “What is all this about?” Copia got quiet for a moment, bringing his hand into his jacket and looking up into your eyes. The soulful and loving eyes, holding you. You could get lost in them for all eternity. Just him being near you, looking at you the way he did, sending your heart aflame.
“Sorella, amore, my life, my everything. I tried so hard to make this perfect. You deserve the world. All the beauty and grace that Lucifer has to offer. I wanted this to be so special for you and I have failed.” Copia said, his words filled with regret.
“Copia, what are you talking about?” you asked him, wondering why you being late for a surprise dinner was making him so emotional. Copia pulled his hand from his jacket, a golden ring revealed as he took your left hand with his.
“L'amore della mia vita, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I feel your soul calling to mine as if they were once one." He began, his voice slowly gaining confidence as he spoke. "I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to have you as my wife, my Prime Mover…will you marry me?” Copia asked you, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. He was right, you felt just the same. His life and yours feeling destined to be joined as one. You smiled at him, watching as he slipped the ring on your finger. You lifted it up to see its brilliance in the fading sunlight.
“Will you amore?” he asked, you just realizing that you hadn’t yet answered. You helped pull him up to his feet. Both of you face to face as the tears streamed gently down both your cheeks as you spoke.
“There is nothing I want more in this life or the next than to be your wife.” You vowed, Copia picking you up and spinning you around in the air. Both of you, dizzy and drunk in love and glee. Aether watched as Copia picked you up and carried you to the back of the garden. The two of you disappearing from view, the table for two left abandoned for more carnal celebrations. Aether laughed to himself.
“Well I guess things went according to plan after all.”
Oh grazie Lucifero- oh thank Lucifer
Ah scusami Papa.- Ah excuse me Papa.
Non riesco proprio a crederci, cazzo.- I just can't fucking believe this.
L'amore della mia vita- Love of my life
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xplrvibes · 10 months
As we are now in the last month of the year, it's time to do a year roundup I think? (if you are willing) Of all their channels which is just their main one and reacts I guess.
Best Sam and Colby video of the year?
Worst Sam and Colby video of the year?
Saddest/most emotional Sam and Colby video of the year?
Happiest Sam and Colby video of the year?
Funniest Sam and Colby video of the year?
And what do we all hope for, with the upcoming year? (Like what do you want to see more or less of?)
(I sent this to a couple SnC blogs cos I'm super interested to see what peoples answers are)
I LOVE this idea, anon, and am excited to see what the other blogs who answer this come up with!
Edited to add: I just realized that I completely forgot the react channel was a thing and didn't take any of that into account here, lmao sorry about that!
Best Sam and Colby video of the year:
From a statistical analytic standpoint, the best video they did this year in terms of hype, viewership, engagement, etc. was by far episode one of their Conjuring video. That video sold out movie theaters, got mainstream interest (good and bad), trended on youtube for days, and will honestly probably be the thing that wins them a Streamy next year...maybe even a Kids/Teen/People's Choice? Who knows!
But, as far as what I, personally, resident grandma of snc tumblr thought was the best? I have to give it to Chillingham, with Hell Fire Caves following closely behind. I loved everything about Chillingham - the guests were perfect, snc's vibes were great, the place was spooky, they had fun but not the kind of fun that debunkers will cancel them for lol...it was just peak, perfect snc. Hell Fire runs a close second for the same reasons, and honestly would've gotten first except for the fact that I preferred the Chillingham tour guide over the HF Cave tour guide (no offense, if you're out there somewhere, but the Chillingham guide was awesome).
Worst Sam and Colby video of the year:
Again, purely from a statistical standpoint, the Whaley House video in January seems to have performed the worst - and honestly, for good reason. It was boring, and Lexi was clearly not into doing this type of content. She seems like a lovely person, no knock on her, but when someone just does not want to be there, it does not translate well.
Also, it's important to note that this video was filmed 4 days before Colby was diagnosed with cancer, and tbh? I think the bad physical health vibes came through in this as well. He was in pain and not really in the mood to be doing this stuff, and no matter how good you are at putting on a brave face for the camera, things like that will seep through and affect the vibe.
Now, is that my least favorite, or the one I think was the worst? No. It was close, but I honestly didn't even watch all the way through of the one with Celina and Kris in the mansion, cause I found it so annoying (yes, I find them profoundly annoying at times; do not come screaming into my ask box about it) so by default, that one wins my "worst of" for the year.
Saddest/most emotional Sam and Colby video of the year:
Statistically speaking, I feel like the Conjuring Epsiode One has this one in the bag.
But, I think we all know the cancer vid was truly, deeply emotional for a lot of reasons. What they both (primarily Colby) went through with that journey over a period of six months and the way he told his story was just...emotional. Happy emotional, sad emotional, scared emotional...all the feels. And it ends in a feel good way, so that's fantastic!
Happiest Sam and Colby video of the year:
This one was hard, because honestly, I think all of their videos have an element of happiness to them, simply because these two just love being together and filming together with their friends.
That being said, I'm going to think outside the box here and say any of the podcasts they appeared on this year. That's where their giggly, happy personalities really shine through.
Funniest Sam and Colby video of the year:
Believe it or not, I found the video with Tommy and Jack to be hilarious (for probably the wrong reasons, but hilarious nonetheless). Tommy and Jack were the irreverant, disrespectful young teen jokesters and snc were the horrified, shocked and out of touch old people trying to parent these children the entire time. That made my old ass laugh a lot.
And what do we all hope for, with the upcoming year? (Like what do you want to see more or less of?):
Above all else, all I want for both of them in 2024 is good physical and mental health. They've had a roller coaster this year (especially Colby on the health front) and even though they claim to enjoy the roller coaster ride, I think it'll do them well to have one year filled with peace and maybe just a nice, leisurely ride on the lazy river instead, or something.
Video wise? I think I've said all this last year and none of it came true lol, but a girl can dream. All I want are 3 simple things:
Less streamers
More snc solo investigations
Can Colby please start leaning a little more into his intuition and "empathic" energy? Please?
Oh and a bonus #4 that I know @golbrocklovely will back me up on: please god do a whole series in Pennsylvania. We could give them a million +1 ideas of cool places to go to in PA if they would just...show up, lol.
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candycandy00 · 1 month
Omg that last story is terrifying I would have nightmares 😭😳 I sent that ask because I saw a video about a lady who said that she shuts her windows and never looks out into the dark cause shes scared of seeing someone or something 🫢 which got me remembering that candy also lives in Appalachia
Also I feel like it’s really good that you don’t believe in the supernatural cause if you do that’s when your mind starts to trick you into seeing things😭😭 omg either way tho ty for sharing your scary stories 😨😨
Hey, anon! I’m glad you came back because I realized I forgot to share the creepiest story I’ve ever heard. This was told to me around 20 years ago and it still freaks me out. 
So this was told to me by my mom’s then boyfriend. Let’s call him Bob. And Bob was a big guy. 6’4” and very well built and fit for a man in his early 60’s. He was an avid outdoorsman, loved camping and going on several day long hunting trips into the woods alone. All this to say that Bob was NOT an easy man to scare and he was very accustomed to being alone in the wooded mountains. 
This happened to him a couple of years before he met my mom. He’d just gotten divorced and gave his ex wife the house. While looking for a new house to buy himself, he was living in his full size camper, which a friend of his allowed him to park on some property he owned. This property was huge and sprawling and covered a very wooded area. Bob thought it would actually be fun to stay out there, hunting and fishing and just enjoying nature. After all, he’d spent many weekends hunting there with his friend. 
But this time he was alone.
Now Bob had these nifty headphone things that could amplify sounds from the surrounding area. I have no idea what they’re actually called but he used them while hunting to pick up the sounds of deer and other animals nearby. So one night, when he thought he heard very faint human voices, he put on the headphones to listen more closely. 
It was chanting. Several different voices, chanting. He listened for a while, and said it was probably the most eerie sound he’d ever heard in his life. As he kept listening, he realized a couple of voices stopped chanting and started talking. Even with the headphones, it was hard to make out exactly what they were saying, but he distinctly heard the words “the man in the camper”. Which means they were aware that he was in the woods with them, they knew exactly where he was, and they were apparently discussing him. 
Sufficiently freaked out, he grabbed his rifle and sat up all night, watching the doors and listening. At one point it sounded like the chanting was getting closer, and at another point he heard strange sounds like they were moving things around. But no one ever tried to come in. 
The next morning, Bob went outside and found a dead fox lying on the hood of his truck, and all around his camper, there were strange bundle of sticks tied together. 
He decided to rent an apartment until he got a new house. 
Looking back, he said it was possibly some strange cult, or people trying to perform witchcraft. I personally don’t believe in witchcraft despite my grandmother being a professed witch, but a lot of people do believe, and I’ve heard many stories about people going into the woods to try to do rituals. 
Anywho, the woods can be scary and sometimes they do play tricks on your eyes/mind. Is that a bear I saw? Is that a dark figure behind that tree? Probably not lol. But sometimes it’s fun to wonder. 
Overall, I love these mountains and these woods. I grew up playing in them and exploring and my strongest feeling about them is that they protect me. We’ve never had a tornado in my little neighborhood because the mountains make it very difficult for one to reach us. They give us privacy, shade, and fertile ground for growing things. So yeah, I’m really appreciative of them. 😊
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fauxridium · 10 months
What is exactly is the deal with pretty-boy-thamaturge? I know you reblogged a post about them and even though I'm not into that fandom that is, I checked to block anyway and they have you on a post that says ask to follow if you support him. They also made a post about a transmed stalking them, but I don't for sure know if they're referring to you, but I've been following you since you drew Zelda stuff and well, you definitely do not seem like one. Mainly I'm just concerned about their deal wit
The basic low down is that they're a self admitted conservative, pro cop, and are transphobic (even if they id as trans now, they still back up and support transphobic ideologies) so like. In general just not a good person with their world views lmao
I am Definitely not a transmed, if they were talking about me i have no idea where they would even get that from, i literally have transmed under my dni criteria in my carrd so. Lol, im also a very high fem non op trans man myself so me being transmed literally makes 0 sense fjskv
But to summerize my Personal issues with this person as best and as short as possible. I have osdd with a system member that kins faux and is not comfortable with doubles (they can cause very bad episodes of unreality that can become potentially dangerous for the body), they have did with a system member that kins faux and is not comfortable with doubles (for similar reasons as far as im aware), they joined a brc server im in (a public fandom server, not meant for kinnie stuff, mind you), and put in their intro like. Literally me no doubles or smth along those lines and listed faux, so I, in good faith, messaged them to let them know that i also kin faux and am not comfortable with doubles and would like to work something out so we could both be in the server and still be comfortable, they didnt take it well, ended up leaving the server (or being removed, still not sure what happened there because they were causing issues in the server Anyways), and then they proceeded to just be? Very weird fjeg, they had me blocked certain places, but didnt have me blocked on others, and would still try to interact with me as if we were chill. For some reason even tho i apparently trigger them (which. Idk if someone triggered me by just simply existing i wouldnt try talking to them DJDG), i ended up blocking them on everything once i was told about the kind of transphobic shit they were retweeting and them being a cop boot licker, and honestly. If anyone was doing any stalking it was them, because atp i simply forgot about it and redid my carrd to what it is now, and literally within a handful of hours of me doing it, like within the same night, i was told and shown that they redid their entire carrd to look basically exactly the same as mine, and even stole the icon i edited myself specifically for My carrd, the one im using as my icon rn, but they used the same bg and shit and while like. Everything else there could be plausible deniability on why it was the same. The fact that they took the icon i made myself just made it obvious they took everything from my carrd, they have since changed it a bit to look at least. A bit different, but are still using my icon lmao, so again, if anyone was the stalker in this situation it was def them because how would they see i changed my carrd That quickly after i had already blocked them and then. Choose to basically copy it if they werent checking my shit like. Is that not stalkerish behaviour DJSKG
Theres some other shit with them pretending to be a 3rd party to defend themselves in my bfs inbox but they ended up forgetting to hit anon on a follow up message they sent which basically just. Outed them for lying about being a third party who "doesnt know them very well but had to get on a call with them to calm them down" which like. Lol okay, mostly that's just cringe but also goes to show that they're not a trust worthy person who lies to try to defend themselves lmao
My main issues with them anyways isnt really with the personal shit, i dont like them for it sure, but i think the fact that they're trying to hide being conservative on tumblr while making it obvious on twitter by once again, interacting and retweeting from notoriously bigoted people and accounts is honestly deplorable, especially in a fandom that has a lot of trans people in it who def Would Not interact or associate with them if they knew the type of shit they were rting and posting on twitter. Hell they even admitted to being conservative themself in the replies of one of my posts, like. Idk PERSONALLY i just dont think we should allow for bigots in fandom spaces that are, again, full of many trans people. Also being pro cop but being into a game that is Very Anti Cop. Like how did you miss the point that bad lmfao
BASICALLY TLDR they are not a good or trust worthy person and anyone who is trans or anti cop or really have any morals at all should stay far far away from them lmao
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saintodo · 3 years
(^≗ω≗^) anon here awawawawwa i missed you too persie uni is absolute shit and i hate it but like chile whatever also this is--holy shit, very very long so im sorry in advance LOL
okokokok so--- Imagine being vampire gojo's crush bestfriend accidentally turned bloodbank after you find out he's a vampire bc he forgot to feed one day. Imagine being the only person gojo goes to about anything on anything, it doesnt matter whether it'd be for smthng mundane like the dishes or the extreme like murder your his to go person on anything and everything, and you the same. Imagine being brought to those fancy vampire galas, and have men and women alike leer at you bc your the only human there and your blood smells so good, but none of them can ever go near, bc the vampire that owns you is the heir to one of the biggest families, and even then neither of those big shots can go near you or touch a strand of your hair bc the minute they do their immediately pinned to the wall and gojo a millimeter close to just obliterating the guy, but lucky for them your quite the pacifist and manage to soothe your vampire all the while mouthing for them to gtfo, and then being pinned to the wall and have your own skin branded with sharp vampiric bites and love bites over and over again--to drive them away he says but you arent so sure when he looks at you w dilatated pupils and a glint that could only scream minemineminemine--you're mine.
Imagine being the only person he drinks from, his teeth sinking in your skin, branding you as his and you are in your head and in his heart but neither of you know that yet. Imagine being domestic with him bc he insisted on moving in w you bc its more productive and safer this way, and be too scared to ask him what are we really? bc you have blurred the lines of bloodbank-vampire and bestfriends too much that you have no idea what you two are anymore, what you are to him but not what he is to you because you know you love him and perhaps thats why you're so so scared-- but never saying anything because its not like it mattered right? right?
and then imagine one day things change. imagine gojo ignoring you for other women and even no longer needing blood from you bc he has blood donations sent to him whenever he has to feed.
imagine being quiet at first. because you dont want to make a fuss and it wasnt like he was yours anyway so it doesnt matter--it doesnt bother you really.
imagine snapping one day when the woman he' seeing tells you--mocks you, ridicules you and belittles you for being human, for being just a bloodbank, and that her beloved toru no longer needed you, and that you'd better off dead. imagine one day as he's leaving in that scrumptious suit for another women that isnt you--that bitch who laughed at you and who he doesnt even like because you know what his face looks like in genuine happiness a face he has shown only to you and reserved only for you and you making up your mind to put a stop to this sham he's creating for himself for the sake of other people who dont even matter, because its for the greater good he tells you and you wonder when he has believed in bullshit like that?
imagine you pinning him with a glare that could have killed him if he was human maybe against the door just as he is about to leave, and even though he could just easily push you off he doesnt bc he loves you and would rather die than hurt you and you know you know because you feel the same and want him to stop thinking that maybe your better off without him because that kind of thought is bullshit really--and then you kiss him like a mad woman in the face of insanity. its messy, its dirty, its its, its--all you've ever wanted really. imagine rutting your hips against one another fully clothed desperately chasing your highs and then cumming just a few minutes later bc good god are you bothe desperate for each other, the two of you breathing heavily and minds swimming, but oh no--oh nononono you arent done yet--not after the bullshit he's put you through. imagine you forcibly tilting his head by tugging his hair harshly a strained moan leaving his lips as you sink your teeth in his sensitive skin an action that repeats for almost an enternity before finally finally you pull away satisfied, and about to leave him there--because he was going to leave first after all right? when he grabs you sobbing, cock straining in his slacks as he sobs and sobs please and i need you and im so so sorry i love you to which you break at and kiss him tenderly for praising him good boy before helping him up and into his room where you ravage him until he can't walk properly anymore
thots: vamp!gojo
♡ note: ‘m sorry uni is shit nonnie :(( i hope u get a break soon so u can relax!!! also i added a readmore so this wouldn’t clog the dash or anything. g*d u got me so good RIGHT IN THE FIRST SENTENCE!! i love the idea of vamp gojo x human/bloodbag reader 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 the thot of it scrambles my brain. 
♡ pairing: sub vampire gojo satoru x dom human reader
♡ word count: 1.3k (WHAT THE FUCK?)
♡ warnings (for text below): gn reader, dom reader, vampire gojo, sub gojo, blood, blood drinking, marking, hair pulling, crying, not proofread
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gojo brings you to the fancy shmancy vampire galas because they’re boring as fuck (and you make them way more bearable n entertaining) and he wants to show you off. he knows that your blood smells so good, and tastes even better. he prides himself on the fact that he’s the only one who will ever know how good you taste, how intoxicating your blood is. the minute anyone makes you feel uncomfy or looks at you the wrong way gojo is so close to losing his shit. but he reins his frustrations in- thanks to your help- and chooses to release his emotions through another way.
he pulls you away from the hustle of gala to drink from you in a secluded hallway n marks up the entirety of your neck. he tells you it’s to act as deterrence but it’s hard to believe that’s the full truth when he appears so self-satisfied when looking at his handiwork.
yes yes yes. i love the idea of you being the only person he drinks from. he wholly trusts you, and vice versa. he 100% makes up an excuse for you guys to move in together. it’s safer this way n i can protect you 🥺🥺 he says. he’s not exactly lying: he does want to keep an eye on you for his own peace of mind, but he also just wants to be around you. i also know he’s a little shit who will refer to you as his lil bloodbag.
the change…..that’s SO gojo. he’s the opposite of stupid, he’s well-aware of your feelings for him, but when he finally comes to terms with his feelings for you???? he shuts down n starts acting like a fucking dummy.
you still share a home together, but he’s around lot less. gojo goes out with random women more often and the number of times he feeds from you rapidly dwindles until you cannot even recall when the last time he drank from you was.
you’re hurt but you keep your mouth shut. after all, you and gojo aren’t dating, so you have no right to be jealous or act so possessively over him.
you reach your wit’s end when his latest companion- a beautiful vampire who you only know is a member of one of the oldest’s clans because gojo made sure to talk about it- decides to open her mouth. the vitriol she spits is fucking annoying, but what really gets your blood boiling is how she speaks about gojo like he’s hers. she makes sure to emphasize “her toru” this and “her toru” that as if she really knows anything about gojo.
because you know damn well she knows nothing about him. from their interactions you’ve witnessed, you can tell that the way gojo acts around her is all fucking fake. it’s a perfect little facade that he puts on for nearly everyone, everyone except you because you can see through all that bullshit after knowing him for so long.
so when gojo comes home after his latest outing with that fucking insufferable woman, you corner him. with more strength than he know you possessed, you pin gojo against the wall as soon as he crosses the threshold of your home. you level a glare at him that would kill him if he were human. gojo could escape, but he might hurt you by doing so, and gojo would rather die than bring you any harm.
all the anger and hurt you’ve been feeling over the past few weeks comes bubbling to the top, and the words just start escaping your mouth. you ramble and ramble about everything from how you’ve been feeling to all that shit that woman spewed at you, and gojo’s face just falls. he knew he was treating you like shit, but he didn’t know just how badly he hurt you. (he definitely didn’t know that you were getting harassed by his latest companion. he makes a mental note to cut off all ties with her and somehow get her back for it.)
gojo cuts you off and just blurts out that he wanted to keep you safe. he trips over his words- which is something you don’t see too often- in his explanation that he didn’t want you to get hurt or threatened any more because of your association with him and that you would be safe from any harm if he left you alone. it’s basically the closest thing you’ll get to a love confession from gojo.
your head is spinning with all this information, and the sudden confession, but the one thought that rings that loudest is what a fucking idiot. you tell him so before you crash your lips against his. he goes rigid for a moment before loosening up again and reciprocating. between each messy kiss, you mutter how he’s so fucking dumb and how he’s the biggest dick you know and how you love him, you love him, you love him.
it’s not what you envisioned your first kiss to be with gojo. you thought it would be something sweet, maybe a little romantic, but it’s nothing of the sort. it’s messy and desperate as you try to convey your every feeling for one another through your actions. hands are roaming everywhere, exploring areas you’ve never touched before but always dreamed about. you’re both quick to cum the first time around- the friction feels just too good. you stand there, chest to chest in the hallway of your home, mind hazy from your orgasm and clouded with the knowledge that your feelings are reciprocated.
and you’re reminded that your feelings were returned the entire time but gojo decided to be a dumbass and push you away instead of talking to you like an adult. not only did he push you away, but he decided to entertain other women, including that fucking bitch of a vampire.
the fog clouding your head lifts, and your energy is rejuvenated. gojo is still in a slight daze when you tangle your fingers into his hair. an abrupt, slightly pained moan leaves his lips when you harshly tug on the snow-white strands, forcing him to bare his neck for you. a pleasured cry escapes him when you sink your teeth into his neck, at the same exact spot he normally feeds from you. you bite so hard that his pretty pale skin breaks. the distinct metallic taste lies heavy in your mouth when you lap up the drops of blood dripping from gojo’s neck with your tongue. a stream of whimpers fill the air as you mark gojo up the same way he used to mark you up. when you pull away to look at your handiwork, you’re satisfied. hickies litter gojo’s pretty skin, and you know that they will be there for awhile even with his advanced healing.
you make a move to pull away because you’re still feeling a little petty. it’s only fair to leave him like this when he made you unnecessarily suffer for so long, you think. you blink when gojo loops a hand around your wrist and draws you close once more. he’s nearly on the verge of sobbing- pathetic apologies spilling from his lips as he attempts to convey how sorry he is. his cock, pitifully straining in his slacks, rubs up against your thigh.
you’re much too soft, you think as you roll your eyes before gently wiping away the tears that have fallen down his cheeks. you kiss him tenderly, and this is more like what you envisioned your first kiss to be like. it’s sweet and passionate with both of you pouring all of your emotions into it. when you separate, you peck gojo on the lips once more. you coo that you love him too, you love him so much, and that he is such a good boy, your good boy.
this time, you are the one to loop a hand around his wrist, guiding him in the direction of his bedroom to continue what you two have started.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝙲𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Requested: (ANON) Hey :) Would you do an imagine where you live in the apartment next to Steve in Brooklyn and you're kinda very best friends. But one time you see this handsome stranger visiting Steve and you immediately get curious who he is. Steve soon notices you sneaking around when Buck visits him and he notices him seeking your attention as well. So he sets up something to bring you two together, which works? :) I hope this is not weird haha
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: Smut 18+ minors dni, fluff, steve’s a major wingman, bucky’s a major flirt ;)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛’𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: This isn’t exactly a college au but it’s a college au lol thanks for the request. I changed it up a bit cuz the idea of shameless!bucky has been on my noggin for a minute but hope you like it bug
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You and Steve sat on his couch watching a movie giggling and snacking the day away. You and Steve live across the hall from each other and the movers were confused as all hell and a lot of your guys’ things got swapped when you both moved in, which happened to be the same day. However, since the day you met and you two have been inseparable. 
“Oh man, what a classic,” you sighed when the credits came on. 
“Too good. I could never get tired of that movie,” Steve laughed.
“I should probably get going. I’ve been all up in your space all day, sorry,” you chuckled.
“Oh it’s never a problem, Y/n. You know you’re welcome to my man-cave anytime,” Steve nudged your shoulder.”
“Man-cave,” you repeated mockingly, snickering. 
You grabbed a still filled bottle of beer and walked out the door, not without shouting your goodbye probably annoying your other neighbors. You walked to your apartment seeing the clock said it was around five. You grabbed your laptop and opted for pizza considering you didn’t really want to make anything from the kitchen.
About to input your card information on the website for delivery, you noticed you didn’t have your wallet or your phone. You left it at Steve’s. You walked across the hall and knocked on Steve’s but Steve didn’t open the door.
“Hey, I left my stuff here- Woah, you’re not Steve.”
A very tall fellow with striking blue eyes stood confidently at the door. He had fair skin and long brown locks pulled into a bun rested in the back of head. He was fucking gorgeous. 
“Nope,” was all he said before Steve came up to the door.
“Hey you’re back. This my friend Bucky; the guy I grew up with, the one I told you about,” Bucky’s smile grew and you nearly buckled to the floor, gosh he was so handsome. 
“I left my wallet and my phone,” you looked at Steve feeling Bucky’s eyes practically boring into you. 
“Yeah let me grab it for you,” Steve ran away.
“So you’re Steve’s neighbor?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah; I’ve heard a few stories about you and Steve.”
“He’s told me a lot about you too. Failed to mention how beautiful you are,” what a fucking asshole. Your body and face grew hot at the compliment. 
“Here ya go,” Steve came back, saving you from a potentially awkward situation. 
“Thanks; uh… nice to meet you Bucky,” you ran back through your door.
“Uh, were you gonna tell me that your new bestie neighbor friend was fucking hot as hell?” Bucky said after he closed the door.
“Dude, come one. She’s too good for you,” Steve laughed, making Bucky roll eyes grinning. 
For the rest of the day you couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky, and Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about you. Since that day, Bucky came around to Steve’s almost like clockwork. You were always making sure to leave right before he got there. You would peeked through your peephole, watching him go inside Steve’s apartment. 
There were days where all three of you would hang out whether it’d be at your place or Steve’s, usually Steve’s, and those days were the worst. Bucky’s intentional stares and lingering touches. Sitting so close to you when you guys put a movie on. 
One time when Steve went to the bathroom he asked if you had a boyfriend and regretfully you said no. It seemed as though his shameless flirting became even more shameless if that was even possible. 
“Y/n, have I told you how good you look today?” Bucky asked you when you got back from having lunch.
“Yes, you have. About three times today,” you nudged his shoulder with yours.
“Ah shit. Y/n, I think I left my keys inside. Can I use your extra I gave you?”
“Sure,” you handed him your keys and he picked up the one that looked like an American flag since his birthday was the fourth of July. You thought it was funny and easy to remember. 
“Ok thanks,” he handed them back once you guys settled inside. 
“You guys want anything?”
“Nothing you couldn’t give me,” Bucky smirked at you, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m good Steve, thanks. I’m actually gonna head back to my apartment, I gotta finish homework,” you told him before leaving.
“You guys are still in school?” Bucky asked Steve when you left. 
“She is. She’s working towards a PhD, I forgot in what,” Steve shrugged. 
“Oh.” She’s smart, Bucky thought.
“I should probably get going too. I’ve got my bike and I heard it was going to rain for the next couple days.”
“Wait before you go, why won’t you ask Y/n on a date?” Steve smirked.
“Eh, she’s beautiful but I don’t think she’d go for a guy like me. She’s too smart,” Bucky chuckled. 
“Nah, I think she likes you too,” Steve said.
“You gonna come by tomorrow?” he asked. 
“If it doesn’t rain, sure.”
“It won’t; I’ll see ya then.”
Tomorrow came quickly and your head was buried in a textbook and your hand in a bag of chips. You had order takeout already and quickly ate it leaving boxes and plastics to-go utensils littered all over your table. On the bright side, or rather rainy, droplets fell gracefully down the window in front of you. They weren’t heavy but the drizzle was still very pleasant.
Rainys days were always your favorite. You usually spent them on your bed that laid underneath a window and if you needed extra comfort you’d crack it so you could hear the rainfall and cars drive over wet asphalt. It was peaceful. 
Pulling you from your concentration was a firm knock on the door. 
“Buck, whatcha doing here?” you opened the door. 
“Steve said to come by but he’s not here,” he told you. 
“Oh weird. He didn’t say he was going out. Did you try his spare?”
“It’s not there,” you frowned at his statement. 
“Here let me grab my keys and I can let you in, he won’t mind.”
You grabbed your keys and searched for the American Flag key for Steve’s apartment but you could find it. The last you used it was when Steve needed his key because he left his in his apartment. Wait, how did he lock his apartment if he didn’t have his key? Why didn’t he use his spare; where is his spare?
“Hey, I don’t know where his key is so why don't you just come inside and wait here,” you offered. Did Steve steal your key? Why?
“Do you want anything to drink?” you asked him. 
“You got beer?” he smiled cheekily.
“Of course I do,” you smirked.
Bucky came in and you quickly cleaned your disaster of a living room. There were papers and books everywhere, cups and plates piled on the coffee table. Bucky didn’t seem repulsed but he did mention slyly that he thought you were a tidy person. You punched his shoulder laughing saying you usually are but exams were tight right now. Not only that but you couldn’t even remember the last time you had a guy over. 
You put a movie on for you and Bucky drinking beer and eating some snacks you had in a cabinet. You weren’t going to lie, being around Bucky like this was comforting but also nerve-wrecking. He was so handsome and of course that made you nervous. And his continuous shameless flirting did nothing for your own confidence.
“Awe man, Steve said he can’t come home,” Bucky read the message out loud. 
“Said he got caught in the rain,” he told you.
“What a fucking liar. It’s hardly drizzling,” you laughed out loud.
Almost immediately Steve texted you asking if you let Bucky in your apartment and you replied saying that you would let him in his but that you knew he stole your key. 
I’d do no such thing, he replied and you rolled your eyes.
Remember to use protection! ;)
I knew it! You stole your key from my chain so he’d have come in my apartment, you sent. 
Make sure he doesn’t come in you ;D.
“What’s with the face?” Bucky grinned.
“Steve texted me and he is being an ass,” you laughed.
“What, he stole your key so I’d have to come here cause he thinks we’ll go at it like rabbits?” he grinned.
“Did you set him up to sleep with me?” you asked, slightly disgusted that he would something like that.
“No! I just, I grew up with Steve, I know him like the back of my hand. Asked me to come over and surprisingly isn’t there, no spare and you don’t have his key either? I kinda put the pieces together,” he said.
“I would never do something that shallow,” he said. 
“Sorry, I don’t think you’re shallow I just- I don’t know,” you stuttered, there goes your chance of even something happening.
“Don’t sweat it, babe,” he smirked. 
You didn’t know exactly how or what happened next. Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through you, or the constant tension between you two especially now that Steve wasn’t there with you guys. But either way here you were, your back pressed against your bedroom door, hands held above your head, Bucky’s thigh between your legs, and he kissed you messily. 
You chest pressed against his own and Bucky released your hands, cupping your jaw with them to kiss more softly. Your hands went under his shirt and you could feel all the curves and definitions of his muscles. Your nails scratched lightly and you felt him tighten his muscles even more. 
He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it swiftly over his head and your mouth practically watered at the sight before you. You noticed small scars and bumps on his shoulder and you grew curious but Bucky’s lips against your neck were too distracting to ask any questions. 
Bucky lifted your own shirt and kissed down your chest and collarbones moving your bra strap to leave small bites and marks along them. He kissed down your stomach slowly kneeling to the ground in front of you. He pulled you sweatpants off leaving a trail of kisses along your legs. 
You stared down at him biting your lip and with a wicked smile, his lower lip also between his teeth, he pulled your panties down your legs. He licked his lips bringing his fingers up to your core. You gasped softly feeling Bucky spreading your arousal around. He slowly licked a long stripe up your center, and your body practically melted at the feeling. 
Bucky lifted your leg and draped it over his shoulder as he continued to circle your clit with his tongue and finger you. Your hands played with his hair and you breathed heavily getting closer and closer to your release. Bucky added another finger to pump in and out of you. He pressed kisses in between whispers of praises and your legs trembled. 
“You look so fucking hot, babe. Taking my fingers so well,” he said.
“Fuck, Bucky, you feel so good,” you threw your head back hitting the door. Your hips bucked signaling that you were about to come and Bucky’s fingers curled and moved faster making you nearly screamed in pleasure.  When you did, Bucky leaned forward lapping up your arousal that spilled out of you.  
He got up and kissed you softly telling you how good you were and how beautiful you looked just now. He wrapped his hands around the back of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He walked to your bed and laid you down gently. Your finger traced and brushed over the planes of muscles across his chest. The light caught the definitions of the bumps and scars, more prominently this and Bucky noticed your soft gaze. 
“I was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. I almost lost my arm that day. It still hurts sometimes but it’s manageable,” he whispered.
You smiled sadly brushing your fingertips over the scarred skin.
“I’m so sorry,” you said sadly.
“It’s alright, babe. I have this scar in particular, I think it looks like a star but Steve said I was crazy,” he smiled, moving his shoulder to point at the red scar that did in fact look like a star; a very misshapen one but you could see it. 
You kissed his shoulder softly before smiling at him and ruffling his hair playfully. He dipped his head down and nipped your skin making you giggle and squeal at his playful antics. He picked his head back up and stared at you for a minute; his gaze made you flushed and shy.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered. His hands caressed your skin from your sides to your bare hips up to your cheeks and jaw. You bit your lip and casted your eyes down avoiding his. 
“What, you don’t believe me?” he chuckled.
“No, it’s not that.”
“What is it?” He held your hand.
“Nothing, just…” Bucky raised his eyebrows waiting for your answer.
“People don’t tell me those things. It’s been a while since someone said those words to me,” you whispered. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore because I intend to tell you everyday how beautiful you are. How gorgeous you are. How funny you are. How kind you are. How perfect you are,” he kissed along jaw and neck whispering these things in your ear that erupted butterflies in your stomach and chills along your arms. 
“Let me show you,” he looked intimately in your eyes. You bit your lip shyly before nodding and Bucky shimmied out of his own pants and boxers. His cock rested against your thigh as he dropped his garments to the side and you could feel just how hard he was. 
“You feel that baby girl? You feel how fucking hard you get me? So fucking sexy,” he kissed you messily; his hand falling between your bodies to pump his cock. He reached down to grab his pants once more pulling a condom from his pocket and you smirk teasingly at him.
“What?” he smiled.
“Did you plan on spending tonight between my legs?” you smirked.
“No, but I sure as hell dream about it every night since I met you,” he kissed softly before tearing the foil and wrapping his dick. 
He reached behind your back, you arched your chest up for him to remove the bra you still had on and when he tossed the garment to the side he groaned at the gorgeous sight in front of him. His hands kneaded the soft flesh of your breasts, his fingers pinching at your perked nipples. 
Bucky slowly slipped past your folds and you instantly felt full from his size. After just the tip, you were worried that he might be too big but even with how big Bucky felt inside you, the pressure was too good and you were already moaning beneath him. He leaned forward capturing your breast in his mouth and his tongue swirled around your bud, teething nipping ever so lightly making your body shudder. 
Your hand went to his head and the band keeping his hair back was lost in your sheets. His hair fell forward brushing over your skin creating goosebumps along your chest and arms. Your finger combed through his long locks and your nails scratched his scalp lightly, making Bucky’s eyes flutter shut. 
He released your breasts with a lewd pop before giving the other the same attention. His hips rocked in and out of you at a delicious pace and your legs wrapped around his hips pulling him closer to you, his cock reaching deeper inside you. Your moans grew louder with each thrust and Bucky’s groans did too. 
He nibbled on your ear chuckling darkly at how good he was fucking you. Practically taunting you as you got insanely close to a release. 
“You feel so fucking good, baby.”
“No one is ever gonna fuck you this good.”
“You’re all mine, baby girl. All mine.”
You whined and shook beneath him and his thrust became sporadic. It only took a few more thrusts until both of you groaned loudly in pleasure. Bucky’s head buried in your neck and your chest pressed against his in an arch. When you came down from your climax, your felt eyes instantly felt heavy and droopy. You breathe heavily, your hands lazily scratch his head. 
Bucky kissed tiredly along your neck basically purring at the feeling of your scratches. You turned the window directly beside you and watched the rain gracefully fall down the window. The blue hue coming from the night was a beautiful contrast to the warm blurred lights of the city and your small lamp that you always had on. 
Bucky lifted himself and went to the bathroom quickly to discard the used condom. He cleaned himself before coming out to clean you up as well. You smiled at him brushing the hair from his sweaty forward and from his face. He left little kisses along your hips and thighs as he cleaned you up making you giggle softly at the feeling. 
He tossed the dirty cloth in your laundry basket and climbed in bed back to savor the warmth you gave to him. His arms cuddled you close and he watched your eyes continue to watch the rainfall outside. 
“My bike’s probably soaked,” he whispered.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry,” you turned to him; the rain was coming down hard now and you felt bad. 
“It’s alright. If this is how we get to spend our nights without Steve, he can get caught in the rain all he wants,” Bucky chuckled. You giggle before kissing him softly; falling into a harmonious sleep. 
Bucky’s phone buzzed in his pant pocket and he reached carefully not to disturb you. He saw a message from Steve and rolled his eyes playfully already anticipating what his message was about. 
Please tell you guys are together now. I can’t take the obnoxious flirting anymore, Steve sent.
I think you’re good, but don’t ya think you’ll be third wheeling a bunch? 
Nah, I’m with Nat and we made official tonight, Steve sent.
Good for you bud. Thanks for this too. I really like Y/n and I know I can treat her.
I know you will. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let you gone near her XD
Bucky chuckled and you stirred a bit but ultimately went back to sleep curled into Bucky’s side even more. He smiled at your peaceful form. He dared say it but he definitely thought it. He knew he was up for a wild ride with you but he was more than ready to give you the world and more. 
From then on, rainy days had become Bucky’s favorite as well. 
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Hey hun. So, I wanna ask, how does this last chapter made you feel?
For me I felt angry, then disappointed, then I just gave up lol. I'm gonna separate my Eren from whoever was that in chapter 139.
Also, will you stop making Ereri works? Pls don't! Your Ereri arts are what give me the zeal to write fanfics. Heck, it's because I saw one of them that I had the courage to dabble in this ship.
Sorry for the long ass message.
Anonymous said:
Coming for an AOT fan who isn't a shipper and from someone who likes Eren's character but doesn't see him as a big bad or Saint. The whole him being in love with Mikasa the whole time feels so freaking out of no where. And again not pissed cause of ships or stuff like that. I just feel like this is fan pandering.
Anonymous said:
I'm so confused...Eren didn't shed a tear when he sent that titan to kill his mom but he immediately broke down into tears on the ground when he heard that Mikasa might marry another man. What is going on...I guess I never understood his character after all sigh.
Hooooo boy ok here we go.
We don’t think that it was necessarily an Eremika moment. Hear me out.
Is it possible to interpret it as “I guess Eren likes Mikasa romantically” and call it a day? Of course. But I think it’s a huge disservice to both characters to just end it at that and tie Eren’s motivation to wanting nothing but to be with Mikasa, because in that case he would’ve ran away and we would’ve had ourselves that cottagecore fantasy from the last chapter.
The thing is, it hadn’t even clicked as an Eremika romance confirmation to us before we read people’s reaction to it. We just laughed at how Eren throwing a tantrum is similar to how we see him – he’s being so hilariously selfish and capricious there.
We think Eren doesn’t want to die and be forgotten, and he knows that he is going to be forgotten eventually once his friends move on. And Mikasa loves him more than anyone in the world, so if even she moves on, it’d mean that no one is going to think about him anymore. Dying is scary, and what I see is a childish “I don’t want Mikasa to move on, I want her to think about me and I don’t care if I sound like a dick”, not “I want to kiss and hug Mikasa and actually I’ve been in love with her for years”.
I’m not sure why people are tying the rumbling to Mikasa and talk about how Eren simping for her resulted in this mess. It’s always been about Eren’s closest friends whom he wants to be happy and live a long life. He said it himself, and the story was heavily hinting on it, so Eren’s confession about all of it being for his gang didn’t surprise us at all. He just gave her a present (that dumb fantasy thing) as a means of gratitude for killing him and, more importantly, freeing Ymir, something along the lines.
We also need to keep in mind Isayama’s intentions in all of it: frankly, we don’t know for sure what he was trying to say, so we really look forward to any comments, interviews or any other content that would give more context or explanation. Maybe he was an Eremika shipper all along and forgot that he didn’t like the idea of childhood friends dating, who knows, but it really doesn’t feel like it? To us personally.
+ Why is it a bad thing that Eren did the rumbling for his friends? I don’t think that the fact that he had motives makes anything worse or better: once again, we kind of guessed that his plan was to make his friends into heroes that defeated big bad Eren. The idea of “uniting against the biggest evil” was discussed in SnK a lot of times, and it felt like the only solution to this situation. We’d be happy if Isayama came up with something smarter than our own ideas, but lol
To the Anon that talked about Eren not getting as emotional over his mom’s death: maybe I’m blind, but I felt like he almost had a breakdown when he was talking about it, and he’d have definitely started crying if Armin didn’t grab his hand and stopped him. He was already tearing up.
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When he talked about Mikasa, it was almost a comical moment: Eren sat there with his butt in the water screaming like an idiot. It was an embarrassing thing to say, this is why he got so emotional. And technically he started crying while he was talking about not wanting to die. I think it’s natural for him to cry there. It still feels more like “I don’t want to die and be forgotten” than “oh no Mikasa’s going to kiss another boy”. But Mikasa is dear to him, and his friends are dear to him, he’s just a person and he wants to live and spend time with them, because this is what makes him happy.
I don’t know. The only thing that’s bothering us now is whether or not Eren had romantic feelings towards Mikasa, because it really would be out of nowhere.
I’m not saying that it’s wrong to feel disappointed and that no one understands Eren’s character but us who think he doesn’t act ooc: everyone can feel whatever they want and have their own opinion. But I personally feel like a lot of disappointment in the fandom comes from wanting Eren to be more… I don’t want to say chadish, but I guess chadish. He’s just a very tired teen.
If we’re wrong about his feelings towards Mikasa, then sure, we’ll disown the manga from the high horse we’d put it on. We’re not saints, we don’t like this stuff, and it’s very easy to throw Isayama and our love for the manga away, no matter how much time and love we’ve dedicated to it.
(Oh, and to answer the question about us continuing drawing Ereri. The chapter didn’t change how we see characters or ships, and we don’t really care about canon ships, so nothing is going to change. Well, maybe there will be more bird smut lol but I really appreciate the fact that our works inspire people to create and to dive into the world of Ereri and other ships <3 thank you very much for that)
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Guns, Neglect, etc.
Word Count: 2,400
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister 
I’ve wanted to try my hand at OC’s for a while so her name is Evelyn Shelby lol.
Request: “Hey! Maybe one with Thomas were he kind of forgets that his little sister actually has feelings. He keeps on using her as bait for the business and one day she snaps, pointing a gun to her head. Just an angst fic. Love your writing so much. xx”
Requested by: Anon
Summary: Years after returning from London and agreeing to help out her family, Evelyn Shelby soon comes to terms with the horrors of her job and hopes someone can help her see the good she’s done for the family, even if it means talking to her ever-distant brother Thomas.
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“That’ll be 3 pounds Mr.” The third youngest Shelby said quietly, grabbing her hand gun from her purse while the man looked away, giving her enough time to slip her coat on over her bare body, and hiding the gun in her pocket.
“I’ll give you 5 if you tell Mr. Shelby I’m coming for him tomorrow, I know you’ve seen him around here.” The man said, his breath reeking of whiskey as he whispered in her ear.
Shivers went down her spine as the man touched her face. He caressed her cheek roughly before moving away from her, placing two extra bills on the bed before heading to the door.
“Wait, I forgot to tell you something...” She said as he stopped to turn around. He smirked, eyeing her up and down as she walked towards him.
“You won’t be seeing anyone.” She said, giving him a wicked smile as she quickly pulled the gun out and shot the man point blank. As he fell to the floor with a loud thud, blood dripped down her face and bare chest as she looked at the mess of the bedroom.
Tommy saved this area of the Garrison for when anyone in the family needed a place to stay or a place to fuck, and tonight was her night to use the room as she pleased, all in the name of blinder business.
She walked over to the en-suite bathroom, looking at her haggard reflection in the mirror. Blood glinted off her face and chest in the dimly lit room, her makeup was smeared in some areas, and her hair was in a messy bun of sorts.
As she glanced silently in the mirror, she lit a cigarette, letting the smoke escape through her lips before curling it back through her nose, desperately needing to calm her nerves as she thought about the past couple years.
After her brothers left for war, she left for London, leaving Ada and Polly to care for Finn in order to start her life on her own terms for once, knowing she couldn’t stay out in Small Heath like the others as it held too many memories. But when she eventually got news of her brothers coming home, she knew she couldn’t leave them, especially after their mother’s death and their fathers sudden departure.
As the memories came flooding back, she remembered that she took this job to help them and to spend more time with them, but it only took a toll on her as time went on.
On the outside, she remained calm much like her older brother Tommy, but on the inside she was drowning. Drowning in the darkness that consumed her thoughts when she was near her brothers, thinking that if she’d succumb to the waves, that no one would be there to pull her out, not unless they were forced to. The only ones who paid her any mind these days were Polly and Finn, as Ada was out with her son most days and the boys were out wreaking almost as much havoc as she was.
As she finished her cigarette, she dabbed some of the blood off her face and chest, realizing there weren’t many wash cloths to use.
“Fuck it.” She mumbled under her breath as she quickly got dressed and put her bloodstained coat back on. Her dress was wrinkled and torn where the man had roughly gone for her chest, not having any sense in his drunken state.
With light footsteps she padded over to the bed to strap on her heels, and grabbed the money as she headed for the door, avoiding the puddle of blood and stepping over the mans body.
Her heels clicked down the stairs as she made her way through the back hall of the Garrison, the bar seemingly empty except for her brother Tommy.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, almost no emotion in her voice as she spoke from tired lips, a cut from a few hours before making itself known as she remembered the man slapping her for being too “bossy” when explaining her rates like rehearsed.
“I’m here to drink, Evelyn. I’m also here to collect that mans body so I don’t have to deal with it tomorrow.”
“Tommy Shelby, getting his hands dirty? I thought that was for Arthur these days. What about uncle Charlie? You seem to have enough blood on your hands already.” She remarked, sitting down across from him at the booth and looking at his bloodied knuckles. He scoffed as he took a swig of his whiskey, the smell of it making her stomach churn slightly.
“Did he do that?” Tommy said, an angry look filling his eyes as he looked at the cut on her lip.
“What do you think?” She said putting out her cigarette as she blew out a final puff of smoke.
“It’s a good thing he’s already dead.” He said, looking out the window and avoiding his sisters tired gaze.
“How was the family meeting? I wasn’t invited apparently.” She remarked, ripping him out of his thoughts.
“I’m not doing this, Ev we talked about this.” He said rolling his eyes at her as he sat back in the seat, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I just want to know why in the hell you include everyone except me in the meetings. I want to know why you make time for everyone except me...Tell me. Now.” She demanded, her heart racing and face flushing with anger as her temper flared. Her eyes eerily mimicked her brothers as she looked at him.
Tommy sighed as he spoke, choosing his words carefully.
“We think that limiting your attendance at meetings can be good for you. We’re just wanting to protect our sister.” He said.
Evelyn scoffed as she took the bottle of whiskey in her hand, drinking straight from the bottle.
“You think you’re protecting me but you’re not. One day Tommy...one fucking day you’ll realize that I’m valuable to this god forsaken family as more than a whore. You can pull that shit with the others about what’s best for us but you’re not pulling that with me.” She said taking another cigarette out of her coat and lighting it herself as she continued.
“I want to be here, believe me I do, but not being let in on what’s happening doesn’t help as much as you think it does. I barely know what’s going on unless you come to me personally...If you cared about me, you wouldn’t cast me out as the fucking bait of the family and then leave me hanging.” She said, tears threatening to fall down her blood stained cheeks.
“You’re helping with the business because it’s in your blood, Evelyn. We’re family, and we’re paying you more than you could back in London. Would you want to abandon us?” He asked, getting defensive.
“What difference would it make Tommy? I’m no more valuable to you dead or alive. I just lure the men you can’t kill right away and I don’t get any recognition for that. I’ve killed 20 men since I’ve moved back to help the family and I can remember each of their faces.” She said, looking away from him annoyed.
“Don’t you get tired of seeing their faces haunting you?” She asked, taking another swig from the bottle, the alcohol burning her cut lip as she swallowed.
“I stopped seeing their faces a long time ago Ev, and you need to as well. This is why we’ve been keeping you out of the business most days.” He said taking the bottle from her grasp.
“I’m sitting here still covered in his blood, I’m sitting here after another night with a drunken evil man and I’m disgusted Thomas...I feIt nothing when I shot him.” She said, her fingers grazing the metal of the hand gun in her pocket.
“You know how you said you felt like you were drowning when you came home from France?” She asked.
“Well I feel like that too, but no ones dared to ask how I've been. I’ve always been the last in command. Hell, fucking Finn has more say in this family than I do.” She said, putting the gun to her head shakily. Tommy froze inside, barely being able to speak at first.
“Evelyn...listen to me...your work has helped us, we’ve just been too busy to stop and fucking think about anything else. Who was the person that cheered me up when Arthur and John and I got home aye? It was you. Not Ada, not Finn, just you. If you’re drowning...I’d like to help, if you’ll let me...” He said, looking into his sisters eyes that were almost a reflection of his.
With a sigh she set the gun on the table, sliding it to Tommy. He immediately put it in his coat and stood up.
“What are you doing?” She asked, running her hands over the dried blood down her cheek.
“We’re going to talk about this and I’m going to clean you up.” He said, lighting a cigarette before heading over to the bar.
“What’s eating at you aye? You may not think I can tell that you’ve been off but I can. You know Polly sent me here for you...” He said, pouring her a glass of water and drenching a cloth in alcohol.
He handed the cloth to her and got to work on the other one as she wiped off the blood on her chest, looking at the tear in her dress and pulling her coat tightly to her as she tried to cover the large rip.
“Polly will kill me herself if she sees the dress is torn. Fucking bastard.” She said taking a sip of water.
Tommy sat near her and dabbed the cloth on her face and inspected the cut on her lip, causing her to wince as he cleaned it.
“I’m not talking about the dress Evelyn, that can be fixed. What’s going on up here?” He asked, pointing to his head.
“Everything and...nothing...” She said, looking down at her hands that were clenched together in her lap.
“I guess it’s in our blood because I like this business...getting rid of bad men that keep fucking us over, but...killing them takes a toll. I see their faces when I try to sleep some nights, and other nights I sleep as if nothing happened...” She said as Tommy sat back in his chair, he nodded for her to continue.
“I just get so scared that one day I’m going to lay with a man and not come back, some of them are vile people.” She said, wincing at the memory of a past painful business deal.
“If I put you on regular business in the shops, would that help you?” He asked.
Evelyn scoffed at his offer.
“You know me Tommy, I have to keep moving. I have to do something more than sitting at a desk crunching numbers. I’m too wild for that.” She said smirking, her features resembling her aunt Polly at times.
Tommy smiled at the memory of her chasing rats with Ada, shooting at them with a revolver as they played in the streets near their house.
“I know. That’s why I’m planning on changing your job.” He said giving her his signature smile. Not many people saw it after the war, but when she’d returned from London when the boys had gotten back from France, it was the one thing he reserved for her, the one thing that made her realize she didn’t completely lose her brother.
“What are you planning? I can practically see your brain flipping over in that ugly head of yours.” She joked, lightly punching his arm.
“I’m wanting to hire some lighter muscle. Someone who can get info on the inside but still be able to hold their own. Ada’s been working on getting some inside information about her contacts she had with Freddie, and I think you could help me when we go on more blinder business.” He said.
“Do I look like I could hold my fucking own? Are you mad?” She asked.
“I’ve seen you shoot my enemies plenty of times, and you wrestled Arthur and I to the ground years ago. I’d hate to see what you could do now.” He said smirking.
“I’m sure with enough training I could still take you down.” She said looking up at her brother. His eyes tired and wrinkling at the edges.
“I wouldn’t doubt it. You’ve never liked being in one place and never liked people picking on us. If anything you’re the only one of us whose really held on to our gypsy roots aye?” He said, adjusting his coat as he stood up.
“You have a point.” She said, smirking as she got up as well.
“Are you drowning now?” He asked quietly, his eyes scanning hers.
She sighed and looked down, trying to think about all that’s upset her over the years since she’s been home.
“Not anymore.” She said, giving her brother a hug, taking him off guard at the sudden contact.
He gently placed his hands around her in a warm embrace as she kept herself there, not remembering when the last time was that she’d given one of her siblings a hug.
“Tell Polly thank you. And I guess since I still love you guys, thank you for checking in too. I accept the offer as well by the way.” She said releasing herself from him.
“Isn’t that what big brothers are for?” He asked as she walked towards the door.
“I guess.” She said chuckling as they both walked out of the Garrison.
“Aren’t you going to take care of the bastard upstairs?” She asked.
“I will once I take you back home. He’ll be gone before the morning.” He said, lighting a cigarette and driving off towards her apartment.
“I’m counting on that. Can’t have the coppers after me.” She said, looking back behind her as the Garrison shrunk in the distance.
“I’ve told you this before, you don’t have to worry about the cops. They’ll leave ya alone if they want to keep their eyes.” He said, driving as the sun set around them, the plans for the future of his business rolling around in his head the whole way there.
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
giving their s/o volleyball lessons [hcs] (req)
🌻 anon: Hi hi! Tis I 🌻 anon back again!!! I'm so happy requests are open ( ꈍᴗꈍ) can I get a scenerio or headcanons with Akaashi, Oikawa, and Atsumu teaching their s/o who sucks at sports to play volleyball? Like no matter what they do the ball somehow finds a way to smack them in the face lololol and if possible gender neutral... 👉👈 Please and thank chu kith kith
fran: glad to see you again 🌻 anon :) of course you can have some cute lil headcanons about our hq guys tryna teach you some volleyball! thanks for stopping by 💓 hope you enjoy!
pairings: akaashi keiji; oikawa tooru; miya atsumu x gender neutral (gn) reader
genre: fluff n humor
warning(s): like one swear word
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probs the best person to have coach you bc he’s very patient and attentive
also makes sure you’re wearing kneepads bc he doesn't want you to be ✨safe✨
gives you lil compliments whenever you improve, but also offers constructive criticism
however, he’s used to fast-paced drills and games, so you literally have to tell him to slow down or else you’ll pass out lmao
and he will! he doesn’t wanna overwork you since it’s not good for your body
everything’s going all good and well until you get confident and ask him to serve to you so you can try to pass it
he’s hesitant at first but decides to let you try anyway
though he doesn’t serve hard, he has a nasty floater that moves too fast for you to track
so, you end up getting smacked right in the face
in an instant, he’s at your side, apologizing
mama mode is on! he’s asking you if you’re okay and checking you for any signs of injury/concussion
you tell him you’re fine but you accept the kisses he plants on your cheek and lips anyway
refuses to serve to you again. poor guy is traumatized lol
will massage your aching muscles when you get home
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wants to teach you so that he’s responsible for any success that might arise if you choose to pursue volleyball in the future LMAO
is patient to an extent but he’ll get bored from time to time and leave you to practice passing/setting to yourself for a bit
this man is expecting you to go pro in one day so he's not holding back. he’s sure you’ve got a volleyball prodigy living within you
you might regret your decision lol
your arms will for sure be sore the next day since he’s not afraid of putting some heat on the spikes he’s sending your way
and that’s how you end up hitting yourself in the face
when he hits another ball at you, it bounces off your arms and smacks you square in the face
demon coach mode is overridden by concerned boyfriend mode
his worried, brown eyes are scanning your face before he's pulling you into a hug and apologizing for going too hard on you
your face is stinging and tears are in your eyes solely from where the ball ended up hitting you, but you reassure him that you’re okay
unfortunately, makki, iwaizumi, and mattsun arrive for the lil game that oikawa had scheduled... just in time to see the tears in your eyes
they roast him mercilessly, which kinda makes up for the whole thing in your opinion
during the game, they sent easy shots your way so you can play but whale on oikawa the whole time lmao poor guy can’t catch a break
they love that mf but they’re on team f/n for the day
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is super excited to teach you bc he loves you and volleyball!
however, he’s not the best coach since he forgets to explain things completely through until you mess up and he realizes he forgot a step
you probs get annoyed with him bc he’s really not good at explaining things
“y’know... ya just put yer hands up over yer forehead like this ‘nd just push it out with a strength that... feels right.”
like you just started how are you supposed to know what feels right??
he's all over the place with his lessons too, since he gets bored staying focused on one thing for too long
one second you'll be passing, another he’ll be wanting to see if you can do anything that resembles a jump topspin serve just for shits and giggles
however, getting hit in the face at some point is inevitable when learning a new sport
it happens when he’s having you practice diving (on the first day?? really tsumu?? wild!!)
he hits -> you dive -> you miss the ball -> it bounces up and smacks you in the face
is concerned at first, but when he realizes you’re okay aside from being a bit dazed, the two of you laugh it off
he still pulls you into a tight hug and gives you some forehead kisses 🥺
will treat you to your favorite snack/food afterwards for being a trooper and sticking it out even if it wasn’t your favorite thing!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
I’m tired from halloween and I’m dying but I have class with my fav dance teacher tonight so that’s cool <3
Kenric x Sandor
Also the way I choose these is I just use a random wheel chooser thing on Google lol
Or I’m way to sleep deprived and I just think of them
Anyways ya bye
I hope your dance class went well!! Splendid Spooky Season to you!! (Happy Halloween is already alliterative but I made it more complicated as a joke and now it's not as much of a joke anymore). Also, thank you for your patience as I answered this, as it’s definitely not Halloween anymore; I saved this to my drafts and forgot about it for a few days !!
Kenric x Sandor...well I have two main directions of thought on this one: is this a pairing that came to be before Kenric died, or is Sandor in love with a ghost? 
If it was before Kenric died, I feel it’d have to be a sort of longing from a distance kind of thing because they’d almost never see each other. Sophie would have to see Kenric in order for Sandor to see him, and some of those times she did visit him, she didn’t have anyone else with her. Have Sandor and Kenric ever even met?? I feel like Kenric’s exuberant/bouncy personality would be a bit of an annoyance to Sandor, but in the endearing kind of way. Like oh my gods you have so much energy why are you always smiling but he hates to admit that it’s cute. 
I do think that one of the main hinderances to their relationship is Kenric’s collection of secrets. He doesn’t like when Sophie keeps secrets because it inhibits hit ability to protect her, and while he isn’t Kenric’s bodyguard, he’d want to protect him. And in general relationships work better when you’re open and communicate--not that you can’t have secrets and things you don’t tell each other! But communication is crucial. 
as for the other option, which is Sandor being in love with a ghost, I wonder how he met said ghost. Was Kenric haunting Sophie and Sandor happened to see him? Was it a love at first sight kind of thing? Would Kenric refuse to leave so Sandor just had to put up with him until he realized he actually liked his company? Is Kenric the same in death as he was in life? Has his personality changed? Does Sandor even know who Kenric is? 
For some reason I’m imagining Sandor at Kenric’s wanderling in the moonlight just talking to it, all alone. This is both so chaotic and so bittersweet/mournful. 
Wait can anyone else see Kenric’s ghost? Or is it just Sandor and he has to hide what he’s doing when he talks to him. So many questions and so few answers...
also that’s a nice way to create these ships! efficient yet chaotic results. In terms of the wheel at least--I do advise you to try and get some sleep! Though I have made a few chaotic posts of my own when tired or in a rush (that long alicorn post was made when I had like 30 seconds before class started). Also good-bye to you, too! Just for now though, because you’ve sent me more asks and we will interact again <33
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booasaur · 2 years
wow, after finally catching up with station 19 and new amsterdam i feel like the person who arrived at the party after a fight broke out and is watching everything burn as i read your asks rn like a newsletter lmao. id put both shows aside to catch up on school and now that im free and catching up…. YIKES. i binged s4 of NA thinking it would perk me up but jeez that was like watching a slow collision and not being able to do anything(poor leyla! poor lauren! but poor leyla esp!)and station 19, is so??? almost like a parody. also i went to look up when NA comes back only to find out it’s CANCELLED? not surprised in the least but damn. i gotta say, i think it’s kinda amazing that you managed to find some good bits to gif and kind words to share because even watching some of these last few episodes was not easy ♡
Lol, and you sent this before I started answering asks today* even!
Well, first, just to be clear, NewAm is coming back for more eps this season and then one more shortened season to wrap up. I wasn't sure from your wording if you thought it was cancelled immediately or were just shocked to find it'd been cancelled at all.
Aww, anon, you were focusing on school and then you came back to these trash fires. I admire your determination in staying unspoiled completely, I would have 100% have caved and at least looked up what was going on. And to like, put it off to reward yourself and getting NewAm s4 and S19 s5? Ai...
As I was saying in the previous ask, it's really about getting what you can as you watch, so it’s a lot tougher to come back later and binge and consume the bad parts at the same time as the good. Hopefully there are still some better parts to come for both?
*yesterday at this point (I forgot to post after typing this up)
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lowkeyorloki · 3 years
BC ANON BECAUSE OH OKAY IM SPRINTING TO THE BOARD RN TO UPDATE MY THEORIES IM GETTING OUT THE RED STRING BC I THINK IVE FOUND A CONNECTION Okay listen listen listen if one of my theories was correct I’m gonna guess the correct one was the one about Loki being a father BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE Loki was caught off guard by something thor said but thor is clearly happy about it and the snippet before that was about Loki wanting kids w y/n. fatherhood comes up a lot in this chapter I think and also in asis in general SO ANYWAY I THINK JANES PREGNANT AND THOR TOLD LOKI THAT that’s why they were talking about Loki being a good father and also that’s why Loki has been thinking even more about how he wanted kids with y/n and agonizing over the fact that she doesn’t want them with him. Anyway who sent in the ask about Jane possibly being pregnant when we were still debating y/n being pregnant was it cass??? I think it was cass but I could be wrong so wherever the person that sent in that ask is YEAH YOU WERE RIGHT JANE IS PREGNANT 12/10 THEORY anyway yeah I’m not getting any work done today it’s all asis in my head there’s no space for anything else. Anyway these theories better be correct bc otherwise im gonna look insane (I already look insane but it’ll be worse if I was just speculating wildly and was way off)
Okay so first I have to point out that the two excerpts I posted in Cass' asks aren't actually close at all - the one about y/n being pregnant is towards the beginning of the chapter and the part about Thor is near the end. BUT no worries because I don't think it impacts your theories at the end of the day so all is good!!
You're 100% right that fatherhood is one of the main focuses of the Loki chapter. As for who sent in the first ask abt Jane being pregnant I can't remember who that was either - but a lot of people on ao3 think Jane is because she turned down a glass of wine a couple chapters back (and by a couple I mean around ten lol). She said she wasn't feeling well and on top of that, the road to Loki's is established to be twisty and turny because he lives deep in the woods. However I think people quickly forgot about the 'Jane is pregnant' theory because soon after that the story started ramping up with y/n having to go get Narvi. Then people started theorizing about WandaNat and THEN people started to try to figure out what happened with Loki and Clint and so poor Jane and any thoughts + guesses + attention for her kinda got buried.
Jane actually plays a massive role in the Loki chapter. The word count is around 6.5k and she takes up at least 2k (if not 3k) of those words. I'm not sure how that contributes to your theory, but... yeah! There's a lil tidbit for the board hehehe.
I have to say I think the question of if Jane is pregnant or not is a lot more exciting than if y/n was! This is just a fun theory. It's a big deal if it turns out to be true but it isn't... intense in the way all the other guesses/theories about asis have been so far (like, it's cool if Jane is pregnant and it's cool if she turned down the wine because she really did just feel sick that night. It doesn't dramatically change the story and neither outcome is negative in the slightest).
Ofc I have to pick ur brain BC anon... how do you think it would make Loki feel to see someone he's close to be pregnant so soon after the whole y/n debacle?
Finally I feel like (and maybe this is me being self centered?) there are a few ~author~ things to consider: First, would I put ANOTHER pregnancy fakeout in asis? Secondly, would I make Jane pregnant right after y/n's scare? Or did I just make Jane refuse wine to call more attention to y/n forcing herself to drink that same wine so she could feel like she fit in with the ~real adults~ (for the comedic effect ofc) (that I bet nobody thought was funny) (but also it was to emphasize y/n's youth around Thor/Loki/Jane) and didn't realize it made Jane seem like she could be pregnant?
Much to consider 🤔
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