#also the tumblr live tag is hilarious right now
gillianthecat · 6 months
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Bloodlust 🔞 1
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In which Jungkook's poor choice in women gives him a big fat serving of reality- and leads him to you at the same time.
Tags/Warnings: Vampire!Jungkook, human!Reader, strangers/Enemies to lovers, jk kind of a dick at first sorry, sexual tension, corruption kink, size & strength kink, blood drinking, biting, more TBA in future chapters
Additional Chapter Warnings: JK is kind of a royal ass, he a hoe, but he's also kind of hot pls send help
A/N: attempt 987 of trying to get this out. Tumblr, your mobile editor is ass. Shorter chapters because anything over 1~2k crashes the app for me.
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You're kind of pretty like this, even when stained in blood. It's hilarious how he has to focus on the way your collarbone looks, delicate necklace swinging from your neck while you push down on his shoulder. You're talking. He can't hear.
How did he get here?
Well, poor choice in women, first and foremost. It's no secret that he's a lover with a body count guessed like lottery numbers by everyone who knows him even just a little. He's blunt. He swears a lot, and he's covered in piercings and ink. He plays his video games and music too loud, the only interaction you yourself really know being your weekly requests for him to turn it down, which is always responded by a smirk and a 'what you wanna do about it, princess?'.
He's even opened the door shirtless before, boner still clearly visible when you'd disturbed his private time.
He thinks you're a walking joke, a punchline waiting to happen, and you're aware of this. He never takes you seriously, in no way, shape, or form. But you also can't just let him die on the ground like this, not when it's technically not even his fault.
Wait, how did we end up here?
Oh right, sex with a whore.
Now, Jungkook fucks around. He doesn't make a secret of it, not by a long shot, but there's still rather traditional values he still holds highly- one of them being faithfulness. Never even once had the girl even mentioned a potential partner, let alone a fiance who ended up finding her with Jungkook's cock down her throat in the bedroom. He scoffs to himself. The blowjob wasn't even worth the rabid attacks that followed.
He'd met her online- on a dating app he has to basically hook up whenever he's up for it, and when she told him she lived in the same apartment building, he'd agreed to meet up. Who could've thought that she was cheating on her soon to be husband with him? Or, at the very least, who could've thought she'd be so fucking stupid in hiding it, not even remembering when the guy would come home from work?
Vampires are violent creatures.
He knows it first hand from himself how easy they're riled up. Aggression is a key part of every vampire's character- a curse, so to say, making them too dangerous to ever really fit in. It's why apartment complexes like these have been funded by the government; places for them to live amongst one another, to keep the rest of humanity safe.
Which makes it even more ridiculous that you're helping him right now.
You're painfully human, hands so warm they feel almost hot, no red found in your eyes. You look like a rabbit, waiting to become the wolf's next meal.
And you basically chose to live in a whole zoo full of starving beasts, ready to snatch a taste.
He can't deny the appeal you have. He usually doesn't go for something like you- typically chooses older girls, dominant one's or those who seem like they wanna prove something. They do all the work, while he can just enjoy the show. It's easy, simple, and a quick and comfortable way to quench his thirst. Though vampire blood tastes rather stale, he takes it without complaint.
Human blood is taboo, after all, if it's not from a blood bank.
"Over here!" You call out, and he can barely really hear it, sense of hearing dulled out to the max almost. You explain something to the paramedics who instantly work on him, and he finally let's himself slip into unconsciousness at that, now that he's in professional hands.
And he swears, he's gonna quit that online dating shit for a while after this.
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moodymisty · 28 days
Sorry for this 5am longpost. I just got jolted awake by a really intense nightmare and while waiting for my heartrate to chill, I had a daydream vaguely based on your tag about Sanguinius being down bad for Horus lover. I hope this doesn't get cut off by tumblr due to length.
Mortarion is my favorite right now, and of course the fungus took over. I am a sucker for a cynical bastard falling for someone who secretly has a heart of gold despite appearances.
I was thinking of Horus' lover being a princess for her foreign planet, but she's unknowingly a low level psyker or something. Somehow, someway, she can always without fail tell when a person lies. This sort of thing plagues her life terribly, everyone from the lowest servant to the most noble lord constantly lying straight to her face and she has to try and not show that she knows.
Horus is the one to conquer her planet, and a situation like Fulgrim and his wives happens where she is offered to him for marriage, as is typical on her world. She is silently a bit miserable, she is now a prop to a man's ambition(as having a wife would probably make Horus seem more human, more relatable, making him less 'other' to baseline humans and he would be very aware of that) and watching him lie to so many people's faces at big events, or even political talks, is just soul-crushing to her.
At some big Terran event different primarchs are taking turns meeting Horus' new wife, and telling plenty of fibs about how excited they are to meet her, how lovely she looks, so on. And then she meets Mortarion.
I am new to the books so far, but Mortarion seems so blunt. Like he doesn't waste the effort to lie. And I feel like that may be one of the (many) things that made him difficult to get along with, even for his brothers.
I am autistic, not entirely high functioning, and lying is difficult to me. I can't do it well at all. So I don't bother. And boy do I know that people hate when you're truthful with them. So maybe I am projecting onto him lol.
So Mortarion bluntly says some rude but truthful comment to her, like "This is a waste of time." the room gets quiet, and instead of being angry she SMILES. She thinks it is genuinely impressive he just said exactly what was on his mind despite the expectations placed on him. And in front of such a crowd, too.
At some point, a serving person does an oopsie and drops a drink, some of it getting on her, and Mortarion is just stanking it up in the corner waiting to see her berate the poor soul. Typical entitled nobility.
But she gently reassures them, and even goes so far as to help them wipe up the little mess. He's surprised, but his cynical side wins out and he just files it away as her pretending to be kind.
In the future, at another event she is sitting alone and brooding in the gardens a bit tipsy from wine. Morty has the same idea to escape the banquet and notices her. They have a heart-to-heart about how fake their lives feel, having to put on little shows and shows of force for social gatherings and parades. How the upper classes are all snakes lying to each other, and ruining the lives of regular people in their little games.
After seeing she isn't just a spoiled little girl with her head in the clouds putting on airs, that she laments the suffering of the "lower" classes, maybe he starts catching feelings.
This is as far as I got lol. My brain skipped ahead to Mortarion being uncharacteristically deferential with her at some other big gathering, like getting down on one knee to gently take her hand and greet her and his brothers all being flabbergasted. The drama would be hilarious. It'd be like an extra middle finger to Horus especially. Fulgrim would have a field day.
The extra angst of Morty finding out she is a low level psyker would also be interesting! He'd be struggling to reconcile the monstrous image he has of psykers with the gentle nature of his lover.
ANYWAY I got strangely inspired!! I've never written anything just for fun before, so I know I wouldn't be good at it, but maybe I'll try? It's like I've got this thing in my brain screeching at me to at least attempt it lol.
(By the way, I hope the crazy weather yesterday missed you! That shit was scary.)
This is fantastic, I fucking love this. I've been wanting to write more for Mortarion but I struggle to find a good idea sometimes, this is really really good. I also think that Morty wouldn't have the energy or care to lie, and that seeing someone who doesn't flaunt their stature, and even treats him kindly would make him catch feelings.
I've already gone so off the rails doing random writings that I held myself back from doing this one, but once i get a few more requests done I hope you don't mind if I come back and write this. Unless you wish to keep it only to yourself ;3
the worst of the weather missed me, but it was still pretty intense, the wind was like 60mph. i hope you were safe as well!
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🧡🐰💙Bunny Fics💙🐰🧡
Hey y'all! I'm still alive and I'm still writing, but I wanted to share some bunny fics I've been enjoying! Please go show them some love and I hope one of them fills all your Bunny needs ❣
I Can't Believe It's Not Butters! - LozisLaw (Because of course Lozzie is going to create a fantastic Marjie fic. This fic is one of the inspirations that made me what to write my fic. It takes you right into Butters' psyche as he figures out who Marjie is to him and of course there is tons of angst between Kenny and Marjie. What's a Marjie fic if there is no angst? Please go read!)
don't know where i'm going (i promise it won't be boring) - Aquaphobe (I love the plot and the concept! I'm assuming it's a bittersweet ending since it takes place three days before the world ends, but it's a slow burn and a hurt/comfort with Kenny and Butters at the forefront)
you’re just seventeen and all you wanna do is disappear - deakcore (I don't like chat fics, but this one is an exception XD It mainly focuses on style, but I love how everyone vibes in this one. Just friends being friends XD)
Bad Times at the La Casa Bonita - Icandigelvis (The first chapter out of the second is up, and although no bunny has happened, I'm honestly invested because of the plot. It's based on "Bad Times at the El Royale", so if you've seen that, you'll know what might happen. I have not and I'm on the edge of my seat XD)
Take Us Alive - nekodairy (The fic is based on "It" and I really like how the author adapted it to fit the South Park atmosphere. I love the interaction between the characters and I also love how they take the concept of "It" and made it their own story.)
Bite Me - AHeckenGoodDeviant (Again, fantastic concept, and I love the depth and story behind each character. I'm highly invested in the plot and our bunny boys are met with immense hurt (idk if there is comfort) but there is a hell of a lot of angst. Takes place during a zombie apocalypse and the creativity with how the characters interact with their environment really helps paint a great picture of what conditions people live in now)
(NFSW) Saturday Waffles - LozisLaw (Another LozisLaw recommendation? Color everyone surprised XD She wrote this as a gift for me and it's beautiful. Angst, tension, fluff, hope, the whole nine yards. This one gets pretty dirty so...😏)
May Nothing But Happiness Come Through Your Door - boy-thighs (sop) (This is the epitome of Bunny comfort fics. It's written so well that I honestly think this could be its own canon episode in the SP universe. Kenny tries to make amends with Butters for ruining his birthday and shenanigans ensue from there. Beautiful and absolutely hilarious story!)
(NFSW) Barbie - skr3ex (Butters goes to a male strip club and ends up getting more than he bargained for. It's filthy and smutty so if you need something steamy, here it is. Oh, and bonus: There is some plot to it and that's always a plus in my book XD)
(NFSW) Posessive, Passive & Pensive. - fanbandoms (Again, it's smutty, smutty, smutty, but the plot and the character interactions are really something to read. This is a porn with plot, with emphasis on the first P, and the drama that happens, especially in the first chapter was *chef's kiss*. I hope this one gets finished soon!)
Very Good Bad Thing - UniqueMemoria (A classic mysy/chaos fic and just makes me smile and feel good when I read it. The plot is quite intriguing and I love the addition of the OC the author adds! The author also draws super cute and amazing art so please check them out on insta and tumblr <3)
(NFSW) Twenty Dollars and a Stain on the Couch - Cheylouwho, valzilla (Before diving into this one, please read the tags and archive warnings as this does delve into sensitive topics. That said, I'm in love with this one and jump out of my seat when I see it updated. Every pairing and character has a plot of its own and is connected in an intricate web of crime drama that I look forward to when the characters' storylines intersect with one another. This fills my Law and Order heart with the plot of this fic and god damn do I freaking love all the drama that happens in it! Highly recommend this one!)
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rumbleonthemill · 9 months
I'm so fucking disappointed in parts of the HN community, it is just hilarious at this point. I never judged anyone, if you guys want to do stuff, ship, create stories, stick to canon, okay, go ahead. I'm not the one, who should judge anything. if I dislike something, I'll mute the tag, or block the person.
the newest, unnecessary fight I had with someone, who I thought was a friend (after all, we were talking for 3 years at least) had cringe ass accusations featured, such as: p_do (ah, the usual. no, I still don't really draw kids, you can keep your kid characters, I don't give a shit), incest shipper (because they keep thinking I ship two related people...the beta 3 storyline wasn't important for anyone, and now it suddenly is? fuck you, honestly. in addition, the story behind the crack ship I do ship is something different, but you're fucking lazy to pay attention)
I don't know how else to state, other than writing in my posts and tags, that I create my own stories. I create AU's and I draw crack ships. and those have little to NOTHING to do with the canon.
but they fail to understand that. they fail to understand that not only THOUSANDS, but millions of people do the same, because they are in FANDOMS. people are accusing me, because "many people said this rumor so it must be true, despite there is zero evidence, but hey, they said it" bitch, that's how rumors and gossips work. and you're a mob, because you fall for shit that a lot of people spread. bruh.
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I'm at the point that I don't care. my days are numbered, my $uicide note is written. I don't have fucking time to explain people what I already explained, they're just lazy shits to read ONE post, and understand, how the old community, which I was the part of, worked. the good old community, which was more accepting and open, and nicer.
what is this new community hm? people are whining about floating bushes and nothing is good for them. they want to FORCE others to do the same as them, and kill creativity. and if you're different, then you can die.
I don't give a shit about canon, if I do, I make stories about older storylines, but not just about those. nobody can forbid me or anyone else, to make a story about beta 3, then another about something completely non-canon. I'm a creative person, who creates new things. this is how people back then worked in old fandoms. if ANYONE cannot process this statement, then I recommend them to leave me alone.
and also yes, I have a patreon. I didn't really advertise it, since tumblr banned adultcontent (except from lives as I see...and prnbots can still exist, I guess....) and because of stalkers, but they stalk me anyway, because they have no fucking life. I'm trying to make at least a little money, because I cannot find a job in this hellhole country. easier said than done; I want ANY of my criticizing people to come here and find a job! this is fucking eastern Europe, not the west. the stuff I put on my patreon is adult-content, because at age 29, I feel like I'm totally allowed to draw adult men, making love. it's mostly anatomy practices and my ships. in my own au's/stories.
I find it extremely childish, to get harassment because of that. no fucking one has the right to judge me, I'll let all of you know it.
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madhattersez · 1 year
Model Kit Build: "Gundam The End" by Bandai
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Hooooo boy, this one was super-weird. In the best way. I LOVE this crazy-ass design. Every time you build a gimmick for this, there's always a crazier one coming up in just a few more steps.
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First things first, I have to mention that this is a pretty rare kit, but I only paid $6 for it! I saw it in a Japanese auction and it showed the above parts being already put together or loose - the seller couldn't guarantee that all the parts were included.
Thankfully, all of them were indeed there, so I really got a steal on this one!
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Let's just talk about the visuals of this model first. While it's a majority black and gray unit, it has so many splashes of bright colors, too. Just look at this sticker sheet!
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And here's the main unit, all done. What a radical weirdo! Aside from the unique design (including double horned boots, pyramid-shaped helmet, psychedelic shoulder eyes, and chest that opens up like a fang-filled mouth), he's also packing two Dirty Harry-style revolvers.
How can it get any more interesting?
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Well, this is some of his shielding, which looks like a giant, silly choir robe. They convert to bat-style wings, too. Because, of course they do.
"But, wait," you might say, "What about those big yellow hands? What's up with those? Can you, like, make them flip someone off or something?"
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Lawl, yup.
And I had considered keeping the middle finger pose on them both for display thinking that would be hilarious, but this guy's hands have additional Gundam heads inside the palms... which can open up and shoot lasers.
Sorry, "fuck you" fingers, but that's way cooler.
What the hell else can we add now? Well, how about a fetus?
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So, yeah, this Gundam has another little Gundam living inside of it, connected by an umbilical-looking cord. Sure, that's totally normal. Oh, his name is "Narwhal," by the way.
Even though having him pop out of the chest covers up the top of the main unit, I just had to pull out every single gimmick for the final pose... Behold:
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Holy shiiiiiiit, right? This dude fuckin' rules.
This Gundam looks more like a Darkstalkers character than a giant robot.
And that's sweet. Definitely one of my top three favorites now.
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For more of my model kit builds on Tumblr, click here:
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mblematic · 1 year
ten books to know me
the way @broomsticks tagged me and I immediately threw myself into bed to answer this!!! books define me for better or *cough* extremely worse. okay here we gooooo these are a mix of older and recent-ish to avoid my usual Top 10
Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff — had to start with an all time fave, a book that pretty much defines what I'm looking for every time I pick up something to read. Characters you get mad at and root for anyway. A love story that's truly a love story, but much more than it appears. The writing!! The writing!!!!
On Beauty by Zadie Smith — This was the book that turned me into a contemporary literary fiction nut I think? Before I read it I was mostly reading fantasy.
The Magicians by Lev Grossman — speak of the devil!!! The Magicians, for me, defined that awkward phase where you grow out of Harry Potter but like. not really?? in retrospect I should have known I was going to be writing HP fanfic when this series became my whole goddamn personality. (Discord is my Free Trader Beowolf btw. Friends in my phone hehe)
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir — this series (The Locked Tomb) defines my life RIGHT NOW. Discovering TLT was like scraping back a layer of my calcified cynical adult self and discovering the child that still lives in my innermost easily-delighted soul. It took me two tries to read GTN and reading it the second time was truly revelatory in a way that I haven't experienced in years ........... cannot explain but I cried several times reading Harrow the Ninth and sometimes I get weird and shivery about how fucking good and special and unique this series is.
Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason — I just loved this and it ALSO made me cry.
Beowolf: A New Translation by Maria Dhavana Headley — I really like Beowolf, I think it's so bizarre and funny, and this translation is hilarious and so special.
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Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan — I love books set in New York City (SORRY) and Jennifer Egan is wonderful, and this book especially is like. so sexy and good
The Raven Cycle (but specifically The Dream Thieves) by Maggie Stiefvater — haha. Yeah. Well, u kno
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie — just love it!! a love story!!
Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides, translated by Anne Carson — hard to pick an Anne Carson so I went with the Tumblr fave lmao. Give Anne Carson The Nobel Prize In Literature 2023
ANYWAY this was fun I could go on but I'll stop. Tagging some bookish pals: @femme--de--lettres @billsfangearring @tahtahfornow @pancakehouse @maybebabyplease heheeeeeee can't wait to read all ur lists
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asmolvaporeon · 4 months
The future is uncertain and I am afraid.
Am I overreacting and dramatic? Most likely, but I’d rather say my goodbyes five years too early than a day too late.
Thank you, all my mutuals and people coming back from time to time. 
Especially @threefeline and @aethersea. I’m not the most interactive person, so my presence may not have had much of an impact on your lives but you certainly did on mine, or at least my experience on this site; you make it more than just a website in my eyes. 
Aethersea, your tag “We are the sand we are the ages” seems suddenly very fitting. I wonder what will be left of Tumblr in, let us say, 10 years and I’m reminded of Ozymandias. Had I not studied anything nature related, I would have probably been working in some kind of archive now, because it seems to me like my second favorite thing. Currently I feel like I’m hysterically scrabbling together everything I cherish from this site like an unfortunate passenger on a sinking ship. Frankly, I've been at it for over half a year now, but that was because I had so many tabs open on my laptop that the poor thing overheated immediately after being turned on. And later because of the skeleton crew thing in November (it feels like an eternity away now). But now the stakes might be higher. Now there’s an unclear potential deadline so the tempo will most likely be upped again. 
I’m definitely rambling by now. I just don’t want to leave anything unsaid. 
This is my first “social media” website. I never got twitter, or insta, or snap or anything else of that sort. This is the first place where I could reach out to people with the same interests and different time zones. Frankly I don’t know of any other place like this so we’ll see where I’ll go. Maybe Pillowfort. 
Oh this is sounding very gloom-and-doom-y now! I just wanted to say thank you to everybody now in case of any nasty surprises in the future! Like, in case it’s less of a sinking ship and more a rock falling through the ice. 
Okay, time to change the topic to something happier! I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful to a fault that things will fall into place and that we will improvise, adapt, overcome, just like every previous site shake-up. And if it came to the worst, then I have at least lots of memories from this site (and a permanently changed sense of humor and vocabulary thanks to you all!). Also, wouldn’t it be hilarious if all of this blew over next week and I spent the time writing this for nothing? Just a moment of “hey remember that one time that you wrote that long ass post acting like it was the end of the world?”. 
…Everything will be alright, one way or the other.
Okay, I’ll end this message with two songs that I listened to today that felt fitting to share. They just got the right vibes and I just really like them. I hope you’ll like them too!
Vashti Bunyan - Across The Water 
Orbital - Halcyon And On And On
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rheallsim · 1 year
Sims Tag Game
Tagged by: No one, but I saw it going around and wanted to fill it out anyway. ;)
What’s your favourite sims death? I think it would have to be Cardiac Explosion. I just find the idea of a sim getting so mad that their heart explodes hilarious, I don't know why! ^^
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I've always been pretty Maxis Match. If I were to go Alpha I'd have to change *everything* in the game to match otherwise it would bug the crap outtah me, and gosh, that would be WAY too much work. x___x I also just love the cartoony aesthetic a heck of a lot more.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No, not usually. Only if the weight gain/loss was completely unrealistic to what I'd expect because the game's systems don't work the way I'd like. Sometimes I become attached to the idea of a sim being a certain way, but I usually let their natural metabolism win out in the game. I love me some soft, chubby sims! :)
Do you use move objects? Yes!
Favorite mod? Ooof, this is hard… I've become very fond of most of Lumpinou's mods. MissyHissy has a lot of great mods that flesh out the gameplay in a maxis-match way, too! Though I probably get the most use out of Wonderful Whims and Meaningful Stories; the game just doesn't feel right without them!
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Gosh, this was so long ago I can barely remember… it was probably Get Together or City Living.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE Mode, like "we're going LIVE to Bella Goth in Willow Creek!"
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? This is a hard one, because I love them all so much! 🥹 Philomena Velasquez will always hold a special place in my heart as my first Sims 4 legacy founder who was super fun to play (even though I didn't have a simblr blog at the time so none of it is documented anywhere). But I also have a major soft spot for Gabriel McKinley. She has the best resting bitch face. :D
Have you made a simself? Yup, I may be a little too obsessed with them, hahaha
What sim traits do you give yourself? Usually: Geek, unflirty, and either creative/maker. Since we can have more than that now, I might also add dog lover, loyal, and lazy (because it matches my ME/CFS symptoms closest).
Which is your favorite EA hair color? The second brown swatch, the new one with the nice warm highlights. :D Swatch #4. 👍
Favorite EA hair? I love the base game half-tied back tight curly hair, the one that was added in a free patch not too long ago. ^^ (SDX015CoilyTwistback)
Favorite life stage? I have a soft spot for all of them for different reasons, but I do really love it when my sims reach Elderhood and develop wrinkles and grey hair and start to slow down. :) Feels like a reward after a long, hard life! I love giving my elders a few more days using MCCC so they can enjoy being grandparents. ^^
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 99% gameplay! I will occasionally build if the madness strikes me, but I usually rely on builds shared by others here on Tumblr or on the gallery. I'm not very good at designing actual buildings, and I get so caught up in decorating sometimes that it takes HOURS. x___X
Are you a CC creator? I am! I haven't yet broken into anything that requires Blender, but if it's a simple 2D .png texture edit I'm all over it. :D
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope! It's just me, which is absolutely fine! I have friends elsewhere. I just really don't get on with Discord, and that seems to be where most simblr folks hang out in groups.
What’s your favorite game? (Sims 1, 2, 3, or 4) I've played all of them, and every time the new game was an improvement on the old, for various reasons. I played SO MUCH of the Sims 2 when I was a kid/in high school, it really stoked the flames of my life-long Sims addiction. While I've gone back and tried to play all the old games again recently, I just couldn't get back into them. The Sims 4 currently has my whole heart. I love the aesthetic, and there's so much content to it now I don't really want for anything that the older games had. (Except perhaps more chaos/whimsy/custom animations for various interactions. :) )
Do you have any sims merch? Other than the video games themselves, nope!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope! Not really a video content person. ^^
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, much; though I suppose I keep finding new skin details that I fall in love with and start using on every sim, so you can see different phases that way. I might go a little maxis mix when it comes to some skin details nowadays. ^^;
What’s your Origin ID? Rheall
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh gosh, I have so many! For hairs, Okruee, Dogsill, and Simstrouble never let me down. I also love Shysimblr's stuff, SleepingSims, and Simtric's. Saurus' hair is still such an important staple for me, too! For clothes, Joliebean, Trillyke, LadyFu's recolours, Nucrests, Simkoos, Renorasims, Sifix, Jius, Rusty, Serenity, VIIAVI… Max20 has a chokehold on me for BB stuff, as does SIXAMcc, Surely-Sims, awingedllama and Ravasheen. Sorry, I honestly can't pick just one. ;____;
How long have you had a simblr? I started this one in Oct 2020, I think. Wasn't really in the Simblr community at any other time, though I did try to create some CC back in TS2 days on ModTheSims. ^^
How do you edit your pictures? I mostly rely on my Gshade preset to do most of the colour editing/DOF stuff, then I do a teensy bit more in Photoshop and apply TopazClean. I made a post about my current process here. I also have some older examples/downloads here and here. When I first started I did all my editing in Clip Studio Paint; Photoshop isn't a requirement to get nice screenshots. :)
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? This is also a hard one! I'm really enjoying all the stuff added with Growing Together. Definitely the best expansion pack in a while. City Living, Seasons, and Cats & Dogs are also fantastic. The game packs that add new occults, Vampires and Werewolves, are also good fun! And as far as added gameplay goes, Strangerville is a really great buy.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I can't lie, I'm super excited about the idea of a horse-themed pack, but I know it won't be as good as I hope it will be. X) As far as anything else? Hmm… I'd love more career variety in terms of how it interacts with gameplay (fewer boring rabbit hole careers, for example), and more apartment lots. Another city-styled world would be amazing, as well as worlds based on different places around the globe. I love Sulani, Mt. Komorebi, Tartosa, etc., let's get more variety! 💪
Tagging: I tag everyone who stops to smell the flowers. <3
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Author Ask Tag
Ooo I haven't done this one yet 😁😁 Was tagged by @anyablackwood (here) and @gummybugg (here), thanks you guys!
I mean technically you both tagged my main but this is my author profile so there, lol
A quick light tagging of @moonluringfrost @adie-dee @astellarium @bloodlessheirbyjacques @winterandwords @afoolandathief
and on we go! Using Abracadabra for any WIP-related questions
1. What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
Be annoying a do crime? lol Ehhhh don't really have one. Though Rod (MC) does muse at the end:
My mother survives through me because I choose to remember her traditions. Whenever it is that I truly die, I will only live as long as my stories do. Beings, Terrans and otherwise, are easily forgotten. Stories and traditions are not. I guess that’s all any of us can truly strive for.
So...ig if there's a lesson of Abracadabra it's to make your story a good one? As in one that you like and are proud to have been a part of, one that those close to you will want to tell and close to them will want to tell, etc etc
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
I'd say 'not a lot' but in all honesty I took inspiration from probably a thousand different things and each bit was a thought or idea or small detail or something similar, and so I can't point to one thing and say 'yes, this inspired the world of Abracadabra'. Plus it's set on modern-day earth, so...I feel like the snippets of inspiration would be evident to those who watch/read the same things I do, lol
3. What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, and help readers grow as a person?
We both have very simple aims; to be entertained, to tell a good story, and to maybe play a trick or two.
4. How many chapters is your story going to have?
Right now it's standing at 29. I was hoping to get it up to at least 30 initially, and hopefully with the re-write I'll manage to get it up there. If for no other reason that to make it a nice round number, lol
5. Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original content. I plan to self-pub once it's done, but...I dunno, I'm entertaining other options. I mean I'm still going to self-pub once it's done, but I'm waffling between doing things like putting up done chapters on Tumblr. I also entertained the idea of using Neocities to make a blog where you can read all the stuff for free, using Substack for chapter releases before publishing, posting on Royal Road...etc.
6. When and why did you start writing?
In general? I started writing when I was 12 (I think, may have been before that) and it was legitimately reading Lloyd Alexander and thinking, "can I do this? Can I write like this?" and no one told me I couldn't, so I did. And now here we are.
For Abracadabra? I think I started writing it in 2016 as a part of a trilogy where each book followed a different MC with one large overlapping plotline so you got to see what the others were doing when they ran into a different MC. And said trilogy started because I began working with my dad (one of my biggest fantasy/storytelling influences) in my first actual collab. We were about halfway through the first book when he got diagnosed with cancer. By the time I got to the third book (now Abracadabra) I was on my own and felt I needed to finish the story. Possibly why Abracadabra has the 'lesson' about our lives being stories that live in other's hands.
7. Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers on Tumblr do you follow?
My dad had a saying. "I didn't cheat, I used all my resources to the best of my ability."
While hilarious and also said to cover up the fact that he was, in fact, cheating (and I can hear him saying that to me now, because he insisted to his dying day that it's not cheating and it's a mantra I'll adopt at opportune moments) man was also a genius, observant, and hacking computer systems in high school. In the 70s. So when we accused him of cheating on computer games, what he was saying in a hilarious and quippy way was "I figured out how to reprogram the game to bring my desires of how I want this game into the parameters of how it functions because I that is a thing I know how to do."
Point being, to other writeblrs...don't be afraid to use all your resources to the best of your ability. Cheat the hell out of the system.
Also back up all your digital shit. Save it in at least three different places, make sure one of them is in an offline format or - even better - an offline removable format (like a portable hard drive or usb, or even written down on physical paper). My first book took two years longer than it was supposed to because the laptop I was using crashed two days after I finished the first draft and three years of work went down the drain and the only thing I had left was about three pages of a cut scene I wrote in the middle of history class. I had to rebuild it from memory.
I mean, it turned out better I think, because I had at least three years of writing experience to build off of at that point and that's also likely why it went faster, but I also had a panic attack when it happened and that wasn't fun.
Also the writeblrs I follow tend to be a) ones that followed me first and b) ones that I looked at and went 'oh yes, I can be friends with this person' (usually because I have begun reblogging a bunch of stuff because it made me laugh or think or nod along or I agree with it or thought it was interesting or). Not always in that order, tho lol more of a social follower ig.
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shatar-aethelwynn · 9 months
To what "one-sided feud existing only in his mind", to what "hilarious anger", and to what "vitriol-spitting" are you referring, my dear? In our last interaction I was very polite and I tried earnestly (although in vain) to have a serious dialogue with you. But you have not appreciated my efforts for a dialogue in good faith and you attack me now with ridiculous claims. You also misrepresent grossly in your last posts my positions on a certain topic, in a way which is not particularly honest intellectually. I wonder why you act like this. Do you really need so desperately some attention and patting on your head from your friends, the great tumblr scholars? Moreover, permit me to say, my dear, that you are not in position to lecture me about proper critical use of sources and historical methodology. I say this because not only you made almost... 200 posts to defend against an obscure Arab nationalist author the historicity of the Biblical Exodus, but also because you tried to promote some months ago on this site as serious scientific paper a piece of creationist pseudoscience, which claimed that a "cosmic airburst" would have destroyed ancient "Sodom"! If I remember well, the backlash to this move of yours was so strong that even your eminent friends, who had tried to present you as authority in Biblical history, saw you eventually as liability and distanced themselves from you, despite the fact that their scholarly standards are not exactly the highest. Lol.
Reading comprehension really isn't you're strong suite is it my dear. Thank you for confirming you're stalking my blog and hate-reading though! I've also been polite, if amused, but your tone has been increasingly condescending. Expected I suppose if you are our old friend (3! years! this is so stupid!).
Let's see - 200 posts to defend against an author - hun, I was having fun with a book I came across that was still getting positive reviews that year. I didn't even finish because I got bored with how repeptitive it was. You of all people should understand the concept of hate reading. You do it so well. (Incidentally, you may want to take a break and come back in a few months, because your repetativeness is also starting to become boring. A break would solve that.)
As for Sodom, it was a legitimate question that I answered based on the information I had at the time I was tagged. After which someone (was that you too) said I was wrong and gave a source for a contradictory view, that can basically be summarized as "these people are wrong solely because they believe something in the Bible might have been true". And guess what, that was fine. Because, again, I understand the concept of nuance, and I don't claim to agree with the archeologists in question on their personal beliefs. The question was whether Sodom happened. I gave the two sites currently claimed for it. And I agreed that science could potentially prove both wrong in the future. That's how science and archaeology work. And I really don't understand why you would think my friends were distancing themselves from me on it. It was a short topic, not inside their fields, and they have lives outside this site that take their attention. Do you?
This behavior, by the way, is probably why anon asked if there was a feud. Text may be the worst format for conveying intention and tone but anyone can clearly read the condescension in yours.
You know what I find most amusing about this? Of the entire group of friends I'm actually the one most likely to need to reference Herodotus as a source ocassionally. But because I say he's not always right you assume I don't know how to use him, or that I'm not aware that Herodotean scholarship is a whole thing.
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starsaroundmyscars · 2 years
okay for this holiday season why not gather every mutual and letting them know about their aloof friend am i right?!? here i go
also, i'm mixing two tag games.
some of them are repeating but who cares?
(lol it rhymed)
tagged by @starswerealigned, thank you so much! ♡
first, 15 questions to 15 people!
1. nickname: honestly I don’t really have one
2. zodiac: aquarius babyyyy
3. height: 5 feet even
4. last thing i googled: “Tumblr live” hahahaha 
5. song stuck in my head: told you so by Paramore
6. number of blogs i follow: 2441
7. amount of sleep i get: during the week usually around 7, on the weekends usually around 9/10
8. lucky numbers: 23!
9. dream job: musician I guess, but work sucks regardless lmao
10. currently wearing: omg chaotic but a dunder mifflin shirt and llama pj pants
11. movies/books that summarize me: The Rural Diaries by Hilarie Burton Morgan is my dream life lol, idk about movies tbh
12. favourite instrument: guitar duh
13. favourite song right now: the news by Paramore I need the album NOW
14. describe my aesthetic: wildflowers, vinyl records, fuzzy blankets, pink
15. favourite author: this is so hard bc I don’t really read multiple works by the same author but I have read a lot of Liane Moriarty and Colleen Hoover lol
16. favourite animal noise: hahaha maybe frogs?
17. random fact about myself: this one is funny - I recreated the Should've Said No 2009 ACM performance for my 5th grade talent show
and now, the one tagged by @starswerealigned. thank you! :)
1 question, 1 person & reveal your watch and rewatch list
# of followers: 19,324
watching: love island lmaoooo
rewatching: nothing at the moment but probs Dawson’s Creek soon
plan to watch: The Bachelor in January!
tagging for either/both, if you want to:
@likediamondsinthesky-13 @evermoremidnights @wewontbesleeping @calmfolklore @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes @cardsharksplayingames @cherryslips @besavedbytheperfectkiss @tisfearless @sadgirlautumn @whyshedisappeared @classicalswift @withothergirlsinlove @nowimhaunted @curlyhairedintrovertsworld
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Tagged by: @kuhcra 🙌❤️
Sign: I'm an aquarius, i never really get these things, come on astrology mutuals tell me smth about myselffff, am i gonna die and become a cat? Am i destined to save the world from a catastrophic alien invasion?
Height: I'm 172cm ish!
Last thing I googled:
Believe it or not, the Reading fest ticket, I'm contemplating whether 100 quid is worth it to get smashed to a pumpkin amidst crowds of thousands to watch the Killers play
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Number of followers: hmm i dunno around 400ish? Doesn't matter tho, I love. Every. Single. One. Of. My. Mutuals. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i also love that all of you come from different fandoms and come here to be chaotic with me or be introduced to some completely random ships lol. My page is a fandom networking platform n i won't have it any other way!
Amount of sleep: oof I'm an old man. I need my 8 hours beauty sleep. Sometimes 9 hours on weekends lol
Lucky #: I've absolutely no idea what this means, tumblr lingo expert help?
Wearing: A knitted sweater, cozy pajama pants and CHRISTMAS SOCKS! I luv my festive socks 🧦🧦🧦
Dream job: Oooohhhhh this is so difficult. Ok there are 2 things to this (leave it to me to overcomplicate stuffs lol)
Within the unachievable realm I've always wanted to be a musician (Hency my profile background!). I kinda almost did, I taught piano for quite some time, and was in a band for a long time. Hey you never know, might get called to headline glastonbury anytime, hang out with Alex Turner backstage and never have to work a day in my life anymore 😉
Frankly I just dream of playing a rock concert with my band at the royal albert hall and crowdsurfing the dead-est, posh-est crowd ever just cause i thought it'd be hilarious to see their faces 🥲 lol
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In the slightly more achievable realm within my field right now, my dream job is to work in the UN peacekeeping or other international conflict orgs to help broker peace deals and help resolve some of the conflict stalemates around the world. I've worked with humanitarian charities before but I get really frustrated seeing so many efforts gone to waste cause the bureaucrats on top just couldn't be bothered to sacrifice their political interests for longlasting peacekeeping efforts. Sorry this is such a geeky answer! It's just that I've seen so many unnecessary sufferings and I just really really want to be in a position where I can at least make my mark to do smth good to change the world for better before I die!
Movies/books that summarise me: prob Orwell's 1984 lol, i'll leave it to you to interpret why
Favourite song: Oh this is so difficult! My current fav is by the Belgian artist Stromae, the one he made as a tribute to Cesária Évora, one of the greatest living singers of all time!
My current fav album and something that you DEF DEF DEF should listen to is the new album by the Canadian indie band Peach Pit called From 2 to 3. It has that old school road trip feel good vibes with your friends during a cross-country, it calms the soul and soothes the mind just uuggghh absolute masterpiece! (My fav track is give up baby go!)
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Fav instrument: My bass! Especially my fender jazzmaster bass Rory ❤️ it's been my date for 23 years
Aesthetic: Have you seen the riverside of Thames in autumn?
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Fav author: I don't read a lot of non-fictions anymore sadly, but I love poetries and literature. Jeanette Winterson is one of the only I feel that can really capture the essence of our souls and unearth emotions as raw as our hearts. Here's her masterpiece from Lighthousekeeping:
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Fav animal noise: 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬
Random: my dear mutuals, I am working on 2 deadass long angsty carraville and fedal fics that might never get finished but I'm committed to see them to the end even if it takes years!
On another note, if somehow our interests overlap again, the last fic I did was on pepmou. It's so sappy, I don't even know how I got through it! But if you're feeling a bit in need of enemies to lovers... ⬇️⬇️
Enjoy the tag my lovelies: @surreality51 @aramblingjay @tam-is-blogging @aliceinqueensland
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chaoxfix · 2 years
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I posted 3,591 times in 2022
That's 3,591 more posts than 2021!
1,017 posts created (28%)
2,574 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,872 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#sonic frontiers spoilers - 52 posts
#ml spoilers - 31 posts
#chaoxfix - 31 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 19 posts
#selfref - 15 posts
#tails the fox - 13 posts
#&lt;3 - 12 posts
#miles tails prower - 12 posts
#self rec - 11 posts
#so cute - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
had a dream that if enough day/night cycles have passed, hermit koco won’t let you power up again until you take a nap, because “all the speed and rings in the world won’t help if you’re too exhausted to use them”
then he watched over sonic as he slept through the night, chatting with any digitized friend who stopped by
…a guy could write a fic about that, you know.
262 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
can’t believe it’s canon that the games are just based off of the characters ‘real life’ adventures
guys this legit explains weird narrative discrepancies in each game, where different POVs don’t line up. they just interviewed different characters who told biased perspectives of events.
386 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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i’m allergic to digital art (or rather my tablet is allergic to me) but i hope u like it! @tsaikonautz same drawing different style challenge
391 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
i now have a hc that sonic does have an apartment in station square but he basically never sleeps there, maybe once a month
he instead uses it as a storage shed for all of the merch people make of him
bc whats he gonna do, turn down a really cool mural the city made in his honor? no. hes gonna put that shit up in his living room. his friends call him egotistical but jokes on them, he looks cool as hell.
he also has
a freezer full of sonic popsicles. the fucked up ones. u know. (ty @sketchjii for reminding me these exist)
a fridge full of sports drinks with his face on the label. some officially sponsored, some knockoffs with 'socin the hengehog', who is a slightly lighter blue hedgehog. he thinks its hilarious
boxes upon boxes of frozen chili dogs, from every brand deal he's ever done who promised him a lifetime supply and are starting to sweat from making good on it
hoodies for humans that imitate his look (he loves the ones with fake ears and fake gloves. they look fucking hilarious on top of his own ears and gloves)
every variation of sonic plushie ever made. especially the deformed looking ones. the ugly ones are usually from knuckles. ("got you this. its like looking in a mirror right?" "hilarious.")
plushies of all his friends
a super sonic shower curtain from a then-6 year old tails to 'make him feel brave while taking a bath! :D'
giant fuzzy slippers that are meant to look like his shoes
his fridge door has drawings from charmy, cream, and some from tails when he was little(r)
hes got a bookcase with a bunch of books. some haunted. some not. a few scrapbooks mixed in, old textbooks tails read when he was a kid and was gonna toss out but has a lot of funny notes in the margins
he also has a trophy case to hold his many sonic & mario olympic games trophies
last i'll mention is he's even got a little eggman matryoshka doll that sits on his fridge. he just thinks its funny
if he ever dies young itll be a really fun museum exhibit. he gives one (1) apartment tour to some photographer who's way out of his depth but it's honestly kinda funny how nonchalant sonic is about all the merch of himself he collects
428 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“love is stored in the child i adopted while i was also a child”
441 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
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I posted 668 times in 2022
That's 668 more posts than 2021!
78 posts created (12%)
590 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 652 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#sherlock holmes - 493 posts
#john watson - 327 posts
#sherlock bbc - 299 posts
#fanart - 185 posts
#queue the very best of times - 137 posts
#acd canon - 127 posts
#bbc sherlock - 85 posts
#johnlock - 60 posts
#granada holmes - 57 posts
#221b baker street - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#at least thats my impression but i havent studied history and maybe thats why i feel a bit helpless attempting to approach it theoretically
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think it's absolutely hilarious that ACD canon Dr. Watson makes a list of Sherlock Holmes' skills and weaknesses during their first week of living together. It's right after finding out that Holmes knows nothing about the solar system, and Watson is compiling the list to figure out what exactly is his flatmate's profession (but he fails and throws the list "into the fire in despair") - and, if you ask me, also because he's just so intrigued. (I mean, what kind of person makes a list about their flatmate's skill set? I lived with a lot of people at university, but I never made such a list. Don't tell me I'm the weird one here!)
So, the first hilarious thing is that Watson captions the list
✨️Sherlock Holmes - his limits✨️
He doesn't write "Sherlock Holmes - his skills" or something similar, because Holmes has doubtlessly already displayed such a weird and astonishing variety of knowledge (and bragged about it) that it feels much more satisfying to Watson to write about his limits. Watson even confesses: "I couldn't help smiling at the document when I had completed it." Just saying.
Also notice how he starts the list with the things Holmes knows nothing about.
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See the full post
282 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Okay, so, let’s pretend for a second the creators of the show are right and neither John nor Sherlock have any romantic feelings for each other. What do you make out of this, then?
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See the full post
322 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
First five episodes of Sherlock: Look at me, I'm a witty show about a detective solving cases together with his best friend (???), full of funny little moments and a great aesthetic
Everything after that: Haha gotcha, no, I meant it when I said it, I will burn the heart out of you, oh, and also break every bone in your body while naming it, and I hope you drown slowly because CONGRATULATIONS, everything that will happen from now on will fill you with an aching sadness
363 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
I just realised that when Mycroft kidnapped John and offered him money to spy on Sherlock, he probably didn't actually want him to say yes. It was a test. He wanted to see if John was trustworthy or if his loyalty could be bought (this might also be the reason why he introduced himself as "an enemy" of Sherlock!) and would therefore pose a threat to his brother. Probably if John had said yes, Mycroft had taken all the necessary steps to prevent him from getting too close to Sherlock. (Maybe he has even done something similar before???)
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425 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sherlock searching the whole flat for cigarettes like a madman is so funny because he could easily leave the flat and buy new ones, but no, he wants John to witness just how extra Sherlock is and how desperate he is and oh oh! oh! jail for John! jail for John for One Thousand Years!!!!
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601 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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noirandchocolate · 2 years
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I posted 3,176 times in 2022
271 posts created (9%)
2,905 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,923 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#terry pratchett - 317 posts
#discworld - 294 posts
#stardew valley - 181 posts
#gnu terry pratchett - 157 posts
#kidk says stuff - 123 posts
#dracula daily - 118 posts
#dracula - 116 posts
#homestuck - 105 posts
#hollow knight - 98 posts
#undertale - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#yeah i’d been seeing this and thinking ‘but wolves have been in yellowstone for quite a while now…’ and ‘aren’t coyotes native to there?’
My Top Posts in 2022:
We all joke about how silly Terry Pratchett’s character names can be, particularly as regards a certain golden conman, but everyone MUST agree that he was EXTREMELY good at naming witches:
Esmerelda Weatherwax Gytha Ogg Magrat Garlick Perspicacia Tick ”Black” Aliss Demurrage Erzulie Gogol Hilta Goatfounder Desiderata Hollow Gwinifer Blackcap Beryl Dismass Ammeline Hamstring
and the undisputed victor in the Best Name Ever Finals,
Eumenides Treason
1,044 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Twitter Refugees, these words are for you alone.
Beyond this point you enter the land of Reblogs and Old Memes.
Step across this threshold and obey our laws.
Bear witness to the last and only chronological content feed, the eternal Dashboard.
1,304 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
I just think it’s fun that the Librarian is one of the longest-running characters in the Discworld series, right alongside Rincewind.  He was in The Colour of Magic!  He appears in so many books, too, in a few of the different book-arcs and even the standalones!
But at the same time, I also think it’s hilarious that the Librarian was turned into an orangutan within the timespan the series covers.  It happened during The Light Fantastic.  And yet by the time of Sourcery and Guards! Guards!, just a few books later, people are just like ‘oh that’s the Librarian.’  It’s not just wizards who accept this as mundane reality, even!  The Librarian goes out on the town regularly enough that many regular Ankh-Morpork citizens have already learned the golden rule which is Don’t Call the Librarian a Monkey, not too long after his transformation!
This is so realistic to human nature tbh, and yet still wild to think about.
1,488 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away—until the clock he wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence.
--“Reaper Man”
‘Haven’t you ever heard the saying “Man’s not dead while his name is still spoken”?’
--”Going Postal”
People will always remember the songs he never had the chance to sing.   And they will be the greatest songs of all. Live your life in a moment. And then live forever.  Don’t fade away.
--“Soul Music”
Terry Pratchett 4/28/48-3/12/15-GNU
3,664 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me Directing My Extremely Well-Bred Little Cocker Spaniel to Eat a Fly That’s Been Buzzing Around My Office Annoying Me: Right there! Get it!
My Ancient Ancestors Who Domesticated Wolves: *ghostly cheers*
4,108 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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