#also them looking towards each other with the whole feelings of affectionate and love
gxtzeizm · 9 months
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Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell for Quadrant Originals behind the scenes [x]
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girlokwhatever · 14 days
gf golden retriever!paige with blackcat!reader 🥺🥺
i love this cause we all know it’s true!!
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golden retriever!paige bueckers x blackcat!gf hcs
🦮₊˚ෆ✰- ,,-‘๑’-🐈‍⬛ golden retriever paige with a black cat gf,,
— she’s attached to your hip AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE
— she’s very very affectionate verbally and physically
- you accept it with love and appreciation
— she’s always hyper and you have to be the one to tell her to chill a bit
— will do absolutely anything for you
— you are very protective LOL
- “i don’t like the way she’s looking at you babe.”
— you’re also constantly side-eyeing people and it’s not even a joke atp
— she thinks you’re SO SEXXYYY LIKKEE
- you just have that demeanor about you
— she’s lowkey intimidated by you a little
- she knows not to make you mad
— she’ll take you shopping, buy you everything you want, AND carry all your bags
— you’ll be getting dressed up for the club; hair done, nails done, makeup done, outfit sexy and perfect
- she gawks over you the whole time
— she’s a big fan of holding your hand in public
— she also lowkey loves to be little spoon so that she can feel you holding her
— when you argue she gets really worked up and you’re always so calm about it but defo have a dismissive attitude
- you apologize later 🤗
— you highly value alone time or just silence every now and then
- paige is so respectful of your wishes cause she loves you so much so sometimes you two will just read forever and not say anything
— paige buys you guys matching clothes
- expect compliments every few minutes (every few seconds tbh)
— somehow she always ends up wearing lighter-colored clothes and you’re wearing something dark
— she’s also really attentive towards you
— paige really admires how well you can keep composure in literally any situation
— you’re definitely more introverted, not super talkative with ppl you don’t know
- paige is literally the exact opposite and tries to help bring you out of your shell
— she’s always saying how “mysterious” you are
— she can talk for hours and you’ll just listen
- that dynamic works really well for you two though, neither of you ever complain
— you both feel like you complete each other
- like she’s your other half and you’re hers
— you love giving her hickeys and she loves getting them
— at first it was kind of a struggle just because your personalities are so different
- but you both realized you brought the best out of each other and just need to communicate boundaries and wants
— she wouldn’t trade you for literally anything
— you’re sassy AF
— you actually lost her in the grocery store once cause she wouldn’t leave the tru fru aisle….
— “you look so edible right now i swear. please let me take a picture.”
- “edible paige, really?”
🦮₊˚ෆ✰- ,,-‘๑’-🐈‍⬛
this is a cute trope!!
hope i did it justice 😜🩷😒🩷🩷
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ginevrapng · 9 months
character guide
reoccurring characters i frequently write about or plan to
(i love getting requests and asks about these characters!)
— best friend!james
"can he really stay in denial and pretend he's not in love with you if lily knows, what if she's told the others. what if she's told you?" best friend james is kind of toxic. he's jealous and possessive. he tried to ignore his feelings and instead focused it all on lily evans, who they later dated and broke up with. you and james have been best friends for years, you've known each other since first year. you call him 'jamie' and no one else does. you have a playful relationship, it's also affectionate with hugging and physical contact in general. you get cold a lot and end up stealing his blankets and covers from his bed, james has no complaints because when he eventually gets them back they smell like you. you have no idea of james' feelings towards you. you fancied james at one point before deeming that you had no chance with him and you couldn't ruin your friendship you had together.
— bestfriends!dads marauders / bfd!marauders
"you're not dating my harry are you sweetheart?" "what! of course i'm not! we're just friends." you say probably louder than you should, wanting to defend yourself. your best friend is harry potter and the marauders have taken an interest in you. they've noticed your lingering looks and they're waiting on making a move. you spend a lot of time around harry, so you also spend a lot of time around them, every time they want to make you theirs more but they're being patient. they've fooled around together in the past, remus and sirius more often than the others. they'd have one night stands with random girls together. they don't want to treat you as a one night stand. harry and you are in your early 20s, the marauders being around 43. magic is never mentioned.
— boyfriend!neville
neville places a delicate kiss on your temple and speaks lowly into your ear, "love you flower." you two have been in a relationship for quite some time now. he tells you he loves you and you tell him you love him too. you're an intimate couple, always seen holding hands and cuddling. in private you are the same, you find it hard to keep your hands of each other, and mainly it's you that would be described as a more needy person, always wanting to kiss him and fuck him while neville tries his best to put his foot down, you're rather persistent though. boyfriend!neville is a soft dom and worships the ground you walk on. he has a slight geordie accent and loves pet names, calling you 'flower' and 'petal' a lot.
— friends with benefits james / fwb!james
he has to tell you. he has to tell you. i love you. i love you. i love you. your relationship is that you have no relationship. you're not really friends but make out all the time. you've never spoke to each other about what you are or your feelings but overtime you've both fallen in love with each other but the other one doesn't know, and the whole school doesn't even know that you know each other. if james mentioned your name to his friends he'd get confused looks and they wouldn't even know who you are. you're not a gryffindor and you're very different to james, quiet and well behaved. you don't stand out from the crowd and you don't wish to, you don't have many friends either, preferring spending time alone. james goes out of his way to learn your time table so he knows where you'll be and when, wanting to know when he can steal you away from your next class so he can see you. you both wish you could spend more time together but never mention it to each other. james calls you 'love' but you're oblivious to how genuine it is and how he never calls anyone else it.
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racinggirl · 4 months
first of all, congrats on graduating!! i was thinking about a childhood best friends to lovers charles x reader blurb where they both (finally) find out they have a crush on each other …
y/n likes charles, it’s obvious to everyone on the grid except him. he likes her too (but y/n’s oblivious as well), and he always fights for her attention (though he doesn’t need to, it’s always on him anyway). the timing’s just unfortunate, every time charles looks at her it seems like she’s laughing and smiling and generally being affectionate with someone that isn’t him!! what he doesn’t know is that a majority of the time she’s being teased for her crush and laughing bashfully while telling the other driver to stop - “he’s right over there! he could hear you!” - but he’s never close enough to hear :( it all comes to a peak when he finally does hear them!! “so, when will you tell him that you’ve been in love for years and years and-?” daniel says, obviously being dramatic, but charles hears and masks his broken heart with curiosity. “oh? y/n has a crush?” he questions, y/n denies it (absolutely mortified that he overheard), and daniel finallly screws them both over: “you both like each other! y/n likes you, and charles likes you!” he points to each of them, walking away once he’s done, leaving a blushing charles and a blushing y/n <3 you can decide who confesses first!!
this was a whole bunch of word vomit and turned out way longer than expected, feel no pressure to get it out quickly if you decide to pick it up!! have a good day or night <3
❤️ If only they knew...
Having a crush on someone close to you is often a challenge, especially when you do not want them to find out before knowing if the feelings were mutual. Having a crush on your best friend is even worse because there’s a lot at stake.
Monaco, the place to be for both you and Charles. However, this time it was the place to be for a lot more people than just the two of you. It was race week here in this beautiful country, meaning that the usual 40 thousand people that were present here had now drastically increased just for the weekend. Just to see them race.
Them, and him. Charles Leclerc. He had been your friend for as long as you could remember. People would often assume you and him were a couple, referring to you as a WAG. You weren’t, though, even when you wished you were.
‘’Y/N!’’ You heard Lando’s voice in your right ear. Ever since he moved to Monaco a few years ago, you and he became good friends as well. Aside from spending time together, you knew he would be able to keep a secret you couldn’t hold to yourself anymore.
You glanced over at the Brit dressed in his papaya team polo and shot him a smile. ‘’Norris.’’ You felt his arm wrapping around your shoulder as the two of you made your way towards the exit of the paddock.
Another good thing about Monaco is the fact that you’ll be able to sleep at home instead of a hotel, just like many other drivers. ‘’Charles was looking at you earlier today.’’ He smirked, slowly removing his hand from your shoulder and he shoved it in the pocket of his jeans. ‘’He’s always looking at you, you know.’’ He teased and you felt your cheeks becoming nearly as red as the new SF-24.
‘’Stop it! He’s right over there! He could hear you, idiot!’’ You murmured, your hand on his chest to give him a gentle push.
Charles was standing a few meters away from where you were. He was waiting near his car, knowing he’d take you back to your place as you also arrived with him here this morning. He saw your interactions with the McLaren driver, and he could immediately feel this burning sensation in his stomach. Most call it jealousy.
Lando looked over at the Ferrari driver and raised his hand, giving him a friendly wave before he patted your back slightly. ‘’See you tomorrow, Y/N.’’ He smirked before walking off to his scooter.
‘’Hey.’’ Charles smiled at you, opening the door for you so you could easily enter his Ferrari. ‘’Thank you.’’ You blushed, taking a seat once he let you. He always did these small things, being the gentleman he is. Opening doors for you, ordering food whenever you were too busy with school, delivering flowers for your birthday, asking you about your schoolwork, even walking with you to get groceries since he knew you hated going on your own. He was perfect in every way possible, if only you could see he was trying to be perfect for you.
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‘’So, when will you tell him that you have a crush on him?’’ Daniel had been teasing you about your crush on Charles. Lando never told him, at least that’s what he swore.
Earlier that day
‘’I didn’t tell him!’’ Lando exclaimed, his hands defensively up in the air as he looked at you. ‘’I know you wanted to keep it a secret, I’m not one to break that promise.’’ He explained.
Daniel was looking at your interactions with a smile on his face. He asked you how Charles and you were doing, commenting on the fact you were wearing matching shoes – the ones Charles got you for your birthday – and asking you when your first date would be.
‘’He didn’t tell me, Y/N.’’ He chuckled. ‘’It’s obvious, the way you look at him, the way you laugh at his jokes, when most of the time they aren’t even that funny. Come on, everybody can see!’’ He laughs, watching your cheeks turn to a bright shade of red. ‘’Even just talking about him turns you into a tomato.’’ He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. You had always been good friends with most of the grid, especially since you lived in Monaco, and most of Charles’ co-workers moved here as well.
‘’So, when will you tell him that you’ve been in love for years and years and-?’’
‘’Oh? Y/N has a crush?’’
He had been watching you for a few seconds, mostly the seconds that Daniel wrapped his arm around you, the same way Lando did yesterday. He just wanted to be that person to you, he wanted to be the guy that made you smile the way his friends did to you, or make you giggle. If only he knew…
‘’No, I don’t.’’ You quickly exclaimed, nudging Daniel’s side which caused him to let go of you. ‘’I don’t have a crush. They are just trolling.’’ You smiled, trying your hardest to hide the blush on your cheeks when you saw Charles looking directly into your eyes.
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Monza, the crowd was filled with Tifosi, the sky was red because of all the flares people light up, especially after Charles crossed the finish line first. He won, he won in Monza, and the people were going crazy.
‘’You won!’’ You laughed; your arms wrapped around his neck as you gave him the biggest hug possible. ‘’You’re incredible!’’ You smiled, kissing his cheek which gave the both of you intense butterflies, but neither of you were aware. You both thought you were the only one feeling that way.
‘’Great race, mate!’’ Daniel patted Charles’ back after he watched the two of you talk for a while. ‘’Thanks, you weren’t bad yourself.’’ Your best friend replied, receiving a chuckle from the Australian driver.
‘’Why don’t you two just kiss?’’ He then bluntly spoke, causing your eyes to widen, your cheeks to burn extremely hot, Charles to be confused and his eyes following Daniel’s who had been looking at you with a smirk.
‘’Come on guys, you’re not telling me you aren’t aware of the fact you’re both madly in love with each other. Charles, you like Y/N, Y/N, you like Charles, seal the deal and kiss already!’’ He laughed and with that he walked away, leaving the two of you stunned at what just happened.
‘’I…’’ ‘’Ehm…’’ The both of you tried to say something that would make sense, but with your cheeks as red as the sky, and your lips glued together, you were unable to.
His PR manager soon stepped in, watching his phone before looking at the driver. ‘’Charles, interviews, come on, let’s go.’’
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‘’You like me?’’ You carefully asked the moment you were seated in his car. The interviews had finished, as well as the post-race press conference. You had decided to wait for him even though the two of you decided you’d go to the hotel with his team as the interviews would take a long time here in Monza.
He chuckled, grabbing the steering wheel and rubbing his thumbs on the leather of it. ‘’I thought it was obvious.’’ He smiled softly, picking on some threads of the wheel.
‘’I mean, I guess it was, but not to me.’’ You replied, not keeping your eyes away from him. You were still in the parking lot of the hotel. Neither of you spoke on your way back to the hotel. He didn’t even question why you waited for him instead of going back with his team.
‘’Who knew?’’ He asked. ‘’Who knew you had feelings for, me.’’ He whispered the last word almost inaudible, probably because it felt weird to him that he could finally say it out aloud. ‘’Almost everyone, I guess.’’ You blushed, playing with the fabric of your shirt.
‘’Everyone but me.’’ He smiled, now turning to face you. His hand gently moved to take a hold of yours, and this time it felt different. It was even worse than it used to be. Your heart was beating out of your chest because you knew the truth now. You knew the two of you had feelings for one another, and when two people like each other, it won’t take long before the next step would have been made.
You closed your eyes when you felt his breath on your lips, his warm, minty breath tickled your lips gently. ‘’May I?’’ He whispered, his left hand leaning up to cup your cheek. You didn’t nod but replied by pressing your lips on his.
Fireworks exploded in your stomach, and for the first time, you knew the same happened to him. Because he kissed you back, somehow you could feel all those years of unspoken feelings into this one single kiss. It was magical, your stomach couldn’t stop with creating more and more butterflies, and you never wanted this to end.
‘’You have no idea how long I’ve waited to be able to do that.’’ He whispers against your lips, causing the corners of your mouth to point upwards into a smile.
‘’My god… if only we knew.’’
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a/n: thank you soooo much for this request! I've suddenly had some inspiration and went straight to writing it. I believe I've written it down in less than an hour ^^ Anyways, I hope you like it, I've tried to incorporate most of the things you requested, however I slightly changed the ending a little to make it more spicy. Don't forget to keep sending in requests for my graduation reqs! You were the only request that came through, so I'll probably keep this going for let's say a week or so. I'll close the reqs for this somewhere next week. So if you have some ideas and want me to write them this week, send them in :)
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creedslove · 2 months
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Dave York x f!reader
A/N: hi besties! I'm glad to see you all coming down to ask box to talk about Dave because honestly, I think the world needs to recognize more of murder daddy and our Dave York apologists™ community needs to grow! Also, I sort of kept this headcanon here in my mind and I've also had a bug craving of female rivalry with our favorite person to hate: Carol, hehehe enjoy 😉
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• it's not a secret to anyone the whole reason why Dave married Carol was because she got pregnant in the first place; they didn't love each other that much, but their relationship wasn't all bad, so when she showed up knocked up it was only the logical step to jump into marriage
• and it was already in the early stages of the pregnancy, Dave noticed the task wasn't going to be as easy as he thought it would, or more like it, it would be as easy to be around Carol as he thought it would. Quite the opposite, she managed to show her true colors as soon as it finally sank in she was indeed pregnant
• their relationship wasn't the best thing that'd ever happened to either of them, but at least they had an active social life, had a decent sexual life and other stuff going on, things weren't always miserable, but whatever kind of bond that could exist between them was suddenly gone, as she did everything in her power to keep Dave away from her
• first of all, all she would complain was about being nauseous, which is common for pregnant women Dave knew, he wasn't a man cave after all, although it started to annoy the hell outta him the fact she claimed to feel sick at the smell of his perfume, his aftershave, his shampoo, his clothes and eventually himself
• and then, it started with the fact that whenever he put his hands on her, she couldn't even hide his grossed out she was; she simply didn't want to feel him, she didn't want him cooking her food and whenever she had an outburst for gaining weight or looking bigger, she would cry, scream, accuse and pick fights blaming it on him for making her body
• and as the pregnancy progressed, so did this situation, it was so stressful and annoying, the way she would just waste money on things, complaining about cute, heartfelt presents she got because she said her baby didn't need anything given to them, she also complained about whatever Dave bought, it was never correct: it was either too pink or not pink enough and so on
• by the time their daughter was born, Dave was already exhausted, and even if he loved her with all his heart, it wasn't what he expected from fatherhood, deep down he feared she would be just like her mom one day - sad news, she turned out exactly like Carol
• and Dave carried on his marriage without the same flame, he was disappointed in the person he married, and when his second girl came along, the experience wasn't any better, but there wasn't anything he couldn't do about it
• so when Dave got divorced and married you, things were so different, he enjoyed how light and gentle your marriage truly was; he loved the good dynamics you both had; how caring and affectionate you were towards each other, how fun days were without a heavy routine, just doing as you pleased and spending time with each other
• things were so good between the two of you, and as Dave finally learned how to sort of balance the distance from his daughters - you still found him in his office staring at pictures of them as toddlers during special holidays at the same time he sighed whenever he tried calling or texting them and was completely ignored it just replied with dry, annoyed texts, was when you found out you were pregnant
• Dave was a mix of feelings, he knew it was a possibility, after all you two weren't so careful with preventing it, but he couldn't help feeling his heart drop, just to imagine he would lose that close side of your relationship because of his experiences as a father and he was so scared about resenting his baby over it, as much as he tried reminding himself he wasn't like his mother at all
• so when you came to him and told about your suspicions, he was supportive, but you could tell he was holding himself back, and knowing about his marriage background and the real drama he often went on with Molly and Alice, you could have a good picture of how complicated things were
• so he drove you to the drugstore, he bought tests next to you and he waited by your side until you got the results - positive, of course - the next day, he drove you to the clinic and waited as you went through every single exam that could attest if you were indeed expecting
• and as much as he held you, kissed you and showed happiness, you still saw something was off, deep in down, Dave's biggest fear was that he was going to lose you to the baby, because Carol wasn't a great partner but whatever he had with her, was gone, and he couldn't face the same happening between the two of you
• you then, gave him some time and space, knowing he had a mission coming in the next few days, you really thought of asking him not to go, but you knew you couldn't actually do it, so you just wished him a nice and safe trip and reminded him how much you loved him
• and once Dave came back was when he realized that perhaps things weren't going to be lost between the two of you, because yeah, he called every single day to check up on you and the baby, and he knew you'd started your nausea/hunger/sleepy phase so he figured once he got home, you would star drifting apart from him
• but much to his surprise, you didn't, quite the opposite: you practically jumped on him, because you wanted to hug and hold Dave in your arms, you wanted to feel his warmth and weight, and god, his scent simply drove you insane with desire and satisfaction
• you complimented his cologne, his shampoo, the scent of his clothes, soap, you name it... you just loved everything and you loved burying your face into his neck and sniffing him
• his pancakes were also to die for: it didn't matter if he made them sweet or tried different salty recipes, if it was breakfast or just breakfast for dinner, you loved spending time with him and appreciating his food, and you also thanked him for adding fruits and many other healthy things into your diet
• your sex life also improved, with differences of course, mostly, Dave wouldn't be so rough, he was more romantic and soft towards you and there was no stress: you wanted him as much as he wanted you, the hormones, the passion, the romance was all in synch and even if you eventually got a little insecure about your body changes, there weren't cries, arguments, all it took the two of you was just some reassurance from Dave's side, the way he would sometimes hold you in front of a mirror and grab your lotion and spread all over your skin, or how he would nuzzled your neck and whisper into your ear how sexy you were becoming or even when he would bury himself between your thighs until you couldn't handle it anymore, was enough to settle things
• over the course of your pregnancy, Dave realized your bond was stronger than never, because you two were very much in love, you were expecting a child Dave already loved so much without the fear of this baby growing into an obnoxious child like it happened before
• the fact he was going to have a little boy after two girls was also pretty exciting for him, as he figured it would be somehow easier and he kind of had hopes to fix his own traumas by being a kind father to a boy, knowing what a boy needed as growing up
• he loved how happy and careful you were with everything you got as a gift for the baby: baby shoes, clothes, onesies, you were so thankful for people's kindness to gift your baby, never trash-talking anything you got and also thanking Dave for the gifts
• he realized you were both more united, not working against each other with a baby in the middle, but instead, working together in order to raise that precious little thing you two loved so much and it showed him a real meaning of family to him
• you two were meant to be, your baby was loved by the two of you with all your hearts and you couldn't want another life, things were good and the Yorks were finally happy the way they deserved to be ❤️
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luvvannie · 5 months
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>> husband!fyodor x fem!reader (one use of 'princess,' and 'milaya,' but other than that, pretty gn!)
syn. a compilation of husband fyo headcannons :)
gen. fluffier than his hat
i see a lot of people making him out to be so confident and MPH and although i am not here to undermine that thought (bc i am also horrendously in love w/ that possibility), i simply bring to the table SHY FYO !!!
like like like :(((((( him expressing his care for in like the most subtle ways,, like memorising your nap schedule and working around it for dates and outings AAAHH
and then ud be like 'but fyo isn't that time difficult for u??' and he'd respond 'but thats an hour after the time u wake up from ur nap in the evening so ull have enough time to get ready and pick ur outfit and do ur hair and ur makeup' AND THEN ULL BE LIKE 'AWWW FYOOOOO' and then he'll be so confused bc to him it's like how was that cute i was just being practical 🧍‍♂️
going off of the whole memorising things about you... i feel like he would just have your orders for whatever place written off on a little sticky note in the back of his mind... like he NAILS ur order without so much as a confirmation from you... it's like watching a well-oiled machine run tbh, 'one ___ but without the ___ and extra ___ and also a ___ in a meal with a ___. thank you." LIKE WOW!!! THATS UR MAN!!!
physical affection.
i think it definitely wldve taken a while for him to adjust tho. just imagining him at the very start of ur relationship when u both were just silly little college students and you would put your arms around him for a hug and he would just STIFFEN COMPLETELY and not know how to respond... BUT HE GOT THERE IN THE END OKAY!!
i think i may go as far as to argue that he will be the one initiating most of it now... although that's not to say you don't do any of it, because you most definitely do.
i think his favourite is your hugs :(( although i don't think he would ever say that outloud..
he doesn't like it when you do chores. like he REALLY REALLY doesn't like it...
when you first started living together (before marriage), and he would find you washing dishes, he would just silently come beside you and bump you out of the way and take over without a word LMAOOO
he has gotten more used to it however,, considering the fact that he, unfortunately for him, cannot princess you for every waking hour... he still doesn't love it though. he would much rather you sit there and look pretty and not raise a fingertip.
cooking is an exception though, because he likes doing it with you :((
you get to do the fun stuff though, like measuring the ingredients and mixing them all together. i really don't think he's that vocal though, he'll just kinda do him part and then nudge the bowl towards you silently like 'its ur turn do ur thing'
he loves that you're talking your ass of the entire time, something about it feels so endearing to him... the whole time he'll just be giving you small, half-sentences like...
'that's why i tried to roll up your sleeves earlier, darling...'
'ITS GOING TO STAIN!!!!!!!!!!'
'just... we can just wash it off...'
'uhm... you have something on the-'
'i told you to wear an apron...'
when you're sick, he's gone complete caretaker mode... he will NOT allow you to get up from your resting space (whether it be the bed, or the sofa), NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
he'll cook you very good meals!! making sure they're healthy for you and also extremely tasty so that he can try to coax you back into your appetite and get you the nutrients you need to get better :(( carries you your meals on a little lap desk, and will spoon-feed you each bite until you've had enough, AND ONLY UNTIL YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH!
he's just overall very gentle with you :((
you've lost your appetite and can't have anymore than half of the portion he cooked for you?? 'it's alright love, i'll save it for later.'
your blocked nose is keeping you up and you haven't been able to sleep the entire night because of it?? 'oh, milaya, why didn't you tell me sooner?' before he gets you some nose drops and then rocks you to sleep in his arms.
you're sad because you can't go out for date night like the two of you planned for anymore?? THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T HAVE A GOOD NIGHT IN EACH OTHER'S COMPANY!! ITS GO FISH TIME!!!! (yes he will use his expensive playing cards to play go fish with you just to make you feel better he's THAT devoted)
those nights when you're both stressed and tired and overstimulated out of your minds are strangely enough, your favourite nights, because you know that you'll be able to come home to your loving husband and disappear into his warmth...
you get home a little earlier than he does, so you take the opportunity to warm the bed, as you wait for him to arrive with your mandatory de-stress-cuddles, and before you know it, you're drifting off...
until you're awoken again by the feel of the warm covers gliding against your skin, and the mattress shifting slightly beneath you, opening your eyes to see ITS YOUR PACKAGE!!! ITS HERE!!!!!
you both don't waste any time and practically envelope each other with warmth take a few moments to situate yourselves, mumbling a few croaky 'i love you's before completely falling asleep.
you'll pay for sleeping in your uncomfortable work clothes when the two of you wake up again around three in the morning and decide to FINALLY shower... and then go back to bed.
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a/n. hehe first post on this acc yayayay!! hope these were good :)) i'm so inlove with him oh my lord... N E WAYS REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED !!!
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osakiharu · 2 years
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part one | part two | part three
content : gender neutral reader, fluff, baji is alive and well 🫶, me having shin brainrot and lowkey writing a strangers to lovers story…
characters : draken, chifuyu, kazutora, shinichiro, hina
notes : kazutora killed some random irrelevant person okay. baji is literally living his life at the pet shop as we speak. but thankyou for all the love on part one MWAH
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- pretty damn good at hiding it 
- it takes everyone ages to catch on if he never tells anyone, even people like mitsuya and mikey
- sometimes when you’re together mikey and mitsuya look at each other like “are you seeing this shit? 😟” “i got two eyes, don’t i? 😐” but then after they’re like eh, whatever, he’s just being nice... maybe...
- he never really tries to hint at his feelings or be straight forward with you, but if you really look into his actions it’s more obvious than you think <3
- he’s not the best at being affectionate and expressing his feelings towards you, so a lot of the things he does are more subconscious compared to others
- he cares for you. so much. - despite being a giant, and a strong one at that, he’s extremely gentle with you. he’s a caring person anyway but with you it’s different 
- of course he does the usual thing like making sure you’re safe at night, staying away from dangerous people, not going to the bathroom alone at parties blah blah blah - he also makes sure that you’re always well and healthy and that you’re looking after yourself <3
- if you’re sick he’ll come and look after you 🥰 if course when his friends are sick he checks up on them but he doesn’t exactly play doctor for them. with you he checks on you all the time, and he brings you snacks, and he’ll stay with you while you nap <3
- “told you to not go out in the rain without a jacket, didn’t i? you never listen to me- don’t call me mom, i’m just looking after you!”
- he almost treats you like mikey without realising - he worries about you all the time, and will go to great lengths to look after you and keep you safe
- he takes your for rides on his bike a lot but he has you sit in front of him, he doesn’t want you to fall off the back but also he can put his hands on top of yours when you hold onto the handle bars - in his head they’re like little dates so he always takes you to places with pretty views, away from all the tall buildings
- it makes him so happy to do things like this with you because it allows him to escape all the stress he faces in every other part of his life <3 sometimes he wishes he was able to kiss you and hold you whenever you stop the bike to admire the view but he’s just as happy without that <3
- gets excited at the smallest things <3
- he won’t show it but when you hug him before saying goodbye he just stands there like “shit, shit, shit, they’re hugging me :0″ even though you’ve done it a million times before <3
- if you hold his hand or his arm he just has a little smile on his face the whole time and when you let go he has to stop himself from going like >:(
- he 100% wants you to be friends with all his friends. especially the toman founders and takemichi if you aren’t already
- mikey and mitsuya look at each other like “nahh, i knew he liked them! 😼” “bro, i’ve been saying this for ages! 🙄”
- but they all love you. like so much <3
- draken likes you let you borrow his jackets and sweaters too :0
- he loves seeing you in his clothes - it makes him feel so much closer to you, knowing he’s not about to be the one to initiate hugs and stuff that often so having you wear one of his jackets makes him look at you with heart eyes <3
- but also he likes how your perfume gets on it so when he puts it on after you give it back it smells like you 
- he is very much a gentleman towards you, too - he’ll carry heavy things for you, help you get on bike, hold doors open for you, pick things up if you drop them, just little things like that <3
- he never really tells you about it tbh :( eventually he tells one of his friends and they have to put their entire ass into making a plan for him to tell you about it and he’s just there like ...
- it’s mostly mikey and baji working together to be like “so how is he gonna tell them without actually telling them??”
- he loves his idiot friends but he just deals with it himself and somehow just manages to spit it out one day <3
- bro thinks he’s in a romance manga and you can’t convince me otherwise
- like anything that happens between you two, he thinks he’s finally living out his romance manga main character fantasy <3
- he definitely teases you or makes fun of you (light heartedly of course) to get your attention - when you’re hanging out together he’ll say stuff like “you’re so annoying, i don’t even know why i hang out with you.” and when you’ve had enough of him bullying you he’s all like “i was joking, sweetheart! c’mere, i’ll kiss it better, yeah?”
- he’s never too mean though - he refuses to shove you or do anything at all that could hurt you, he doesn’t want to piss you off or scare you off too much 
- the teasing never stops though he can’t help it, he just loves whatever reaction you give him
- he’s confident and straight forward ! he’s pretty chill when he asks you on dates although sometimes kazutora and baji have to hype him up first 💀
- “dude, they’ll say yes, just don’t say stupid shit!” “yeah, like the time you asked that girl if she wanted to kiss in the rain or something, who the fuck does that?” “baji, i never did that… and lots of people do it, it’s romantic!” 
- and his dates are always so cute :(( he loves taking you to places where they sell mangas so that you can tell him about all the things you like and he can recommend things to you <3 - he takes notes about your favourites and buys them for you as gifts if you don’t already have them 
- he also likes to take you to cafes to eat cake or something sweet <3 he always manages to find these really cute little cafes that literally no one has heard of before so it’s always a surprise as to where he takes you !
- also invites you to his house to read mangas and watch movies and its so cute and relaxing <3
- but there’s always a little something doesn’t plan out right. without fail. and as soon as you leave he punches himself in the face for it (it’s not as bad as he makes it out to be but he always wishes the ground would just swallow him whole)
- manga shopping? cool until he loses his train ticket and his card keeps declining when he tries to buy another so you have to walk home in the rain
- cafe date? also cool until he forgets his wallet and has to run to his house to get it, only to feel sick for the rest of the day because he didn’t let his cake go down properly and you have to give him water and shit 💀
- movie night? cute until you go to sit on his bed and he’s got a manga open with the corner of the page folded on a very suggestive drawing and you start giggling - plus he forgot to tidy his room. 
- he never heard the end of the last one from his friends 😭
- pretty touchy ! of course he won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable, and he does the usual like hugs and an arm around your shoulder <3
- but he just can’t keep his hands off you and sometimes he gets worried you’re gonna think he’s a perv or something 💀 when you’re in a crowded place, he always has a hand on the small of your back or the base of your neck so he doesn’t lose you, he strokes your cheek and twirls your hair around his finger, little things like that <3
- see he loves to act all cool and flirty around you but as soon as you leave he’s sat on his bed talking to peke j about you and calling his friends so he can tell them every. single. detail. of what happened
- he does that like… main character sliding down the door thing when they’re relieved about something after you walk out his house 😭 like he just exhales and looks at peke j like “they like be back, for sure 😮‍💨😼”
- if you lie down on his bed with him and the smell of your perfume gets on his bed sheets, that boy sleeps like a baby. like when it wears off he genuinely gets upset about it because he can’t pretend that you’re next to him.
- ooo he gets jealous :0 he’ll probably ask you a shit ton of questions about that person and then lowkey go and interrogate them but he won’t go and butt in like 🤨
- he keeps an eye on that person for ages though. and tells his friends to look out for them…
- king confesses to you by accident. wether it’s in the rain on the way home, or out of jealousy, there’s no way this boy isn’t confessing to you in some sort of main character-like way 😭
- you’re like the hot, scary person that comes into the pet shop every once in a while that he’s practically head over heels for and he hardly knows you
- he likes to think that he’d be able to go up to you and flirt with you and win your heart within .5 seconds like other guys seem to be able to but as soon as you give him a bright smile when you pay for your things he almost forgets how to speak
- it takes him a while to ask you for you number but when he gets it he has to go and do star jumps in the break room because he thinks he’s gonna explode 
- he has no clue how to start conversations with you at first and it takes him a little while to get out of the routine of asking the same small talk questions or letting you lead the conversation
- so he starts sending you pictures of all the pets :(( especially the kittens and he always gets you to choose which one he should take out it’s cage so it can come and sit with him on the counter while he does boring work <3
- “look! he started chewing my pen again!”
- he ends up naming your favourite one after you :(
- the first few times you meet up he’s stumbling over his words and he’s constantly red in the face <3
- he’s still quite shy around you, even after you’ve gotten to know each other pretty well and you meet up regularly - it’s more because he’s insecure and he’s worried that when you find out he went to prison you’ll be put off and stop talking to him
- especially because of what he did :0
- he makes sure none of his friends tell you about it - they wouldn’t anyways but he wants to be the one to tell you, not anyone else
- he’s also pretty reluctant to tell you about his gang experiences, the most you’ll get out of him is that he was just in one or two and that’s it - mostly just because he doesn’t like to talk about it and stuff, it was quite traumatic for him but also it’s hard to tell you about it without telling you the whole story
- and he really doesn’t want to lie to you :/
- he kinda has a staring problem 🧍‍♀️ he just thinks you literally look like an angel and you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen in his life and <3 he just wants to admire you :(
- he’s very helpful, too - he wants you to feel like you can rely on him and trust him so he goes out of his way to do little favours for you here and there, even if you don’t ask him to <3
- “gimme your bag, i’ll carry it, sweetheart.” 
- he’s very gentle with you <3 he reaches to grab your hand slowly as if not to scare you, and when he does hold it it’s very light. he always hugs you with one arm at first to make sure you’re comfortable, and then joins the other one a few seconds after
- sometimes when he’s feeling extra bold he kisses your hairline <3 after he goes red like a strawberry
- hehe kazutora likes to hold your hand <3 
- sometimes he goes to chifuyu and baji for advice but they’re no help. chifuyu pulls ideas out of his romance mangas and baji says the most out of pocket shit to mess around with him - “throw a car at ‘em and see if they still like you!”
- he becomes very possessive and protective of you - not in an overbearing and scary way, but you’re one of the only people he has besides his very close friends after coming out of prison and it’s been hard for him to adjust to everything so he can’t let anything happen to you
- he won’t let you go out at night alone. he just won’t. if he really can’t come out and walk with you, he gets you to call him until you’re at home - it really is just to ensure that you’re safe and away from dangerous people, especially gangs 
- but he also gets possessive when he sees other guys talking to you (more in an anxious way rather than a jealous way, he’s worried that you’ll like them more than him) - he doesn’t really do anything he’s just like “who’s that 🙂” and kinda just asks questions until he can be sure you’re not gonna leave him for them 
- he takes his time with you and takes a while to confess how he feels but obviously you don’t reject him because kazutora >>>
 - at first he didn’t know who you were, but he always saw you walking past the bike shop at the same times almost everyday and he was like huh?? - he was super eager to get to know you, he thought you were one of, if not, the most beautiful person he’s ever seen <3
- then he found out you worked in the convenience store next door to his bike shop <3
- he comes in to talk to you all the time after he finds out - at first it was him buying packs of cigarettes and lunch everyday just as an excuse to come and see you 
- he would try so hard to start conversations with you when he went to pay for his stuff - he tried anything from the weather, to how his shop almost got robbed by his little brother’s friends, to dropping the name ‘black dragons’, but you just didn’t seem to care :(( 
- until one day he came in at night and realised it was because he always came at lunch time. and he held up the line behind him and you were trying to move him along 💀 - once he started actually being able to talk to you properly he became very straight forward. not in a weird, pushy way it was just very obvious that he liked you :0
- like you could tell from the second he walked into your shop for the first time he had a thing for you
- he comes in and sits on the counter and just talks your ear off. he beams when you remember previous stories he was trying to tell you and ask him to repeat them :(
- “oh my god! i never told you about this time when my friend dropped a weight on his foot at my friend’s gym- you know my friend owns a gym, yeah?” you do. 
- it’s routine for you to close the store a little early now and just sit and laugh until you cry with shin - he’s there every night that you work without fail. even if he didn’t even come to work he’ll still show up with the same “hey, pretty, how was today?”
- he offers to walk you home every night. mainly because he gets to spend more time with you but also because he wants to keep you safe - he may not be the best fighter in the world but he’s still good <3
- he grabs your hand when you cross the road - it’s unintentional because he does that with his siblings but if you don’t take your hand away he just happily holds it, smiling like a fool 
- “don’t want you to get lost in the dark, do i?” you just roll your eyes at him and smile
- he likes having an arm around your shoulder so he can pull you closer to him and have you right by his side <3
- if you smoke he shares his cigs with you <3 usually he gives you your own one but sometimes he gives you his. - and then he gets all giddy and excited when he realises that you’re indirectly kissing.
- like if you give it back to him he’s thinking “no way i’m literally kissing them, fuck, fuck.”
- he always keeps extra cigs with him for you <3
- when he gets your number its a whole other story this man will not leave you alone. he loves calling you. - he understands if you can’t talk but that doesn’t stop him from still messaging you random stuff 😭
- he likes calling you and lying on his bed and just listening to your voice - he lowkey pretends that you’re lying next to him, especially when he calls you in the evening on a day that he hasn’t seen you and you’re telling him about your day
- sometimes emma and mikey take his phone when he’s not looking and message you 🧍‍♀️
- “don’t date my brother he’s smelly and you’ll get germs when you kiss him! you should date me instead i’m the better brother 😎” mikey is a menace.
- when you come over emma and mikey always want to talk to you and it makes shin super happy to see you all getting along (but then thinking “see this is what it would be like if we were dating hehe 🥰”) - he gets mikey and emma to tell him about things you like so he can buy you your favourite snacks or watch your favourite movies <3
- he asks you on dates literally every other day. they’re never anything too special or extravagant, usually a trip to the cinema or a walk in the part at sunset but they’re cute and you can tell he’s trying :((
- when you tell him you can’t meet with him for one of his many dates he goes like “oh, okay, that’s fine!… how about tomorrow 😁” poor boy is in love with you </3
- meeting his friends is an experience. benkei is just happy to meet you and he’s so nice and then wakasa and takeomi have to force down a joke or two about shin being rejected 😭
- “so… you like shin, yeah? d’you think you’ll reject him? break his poor little heart like everyone else?” although it’s completely a joke on wakasa’s part and he never means any of it, sometimes shin thinks he and mikey are working together to sabotage him 
- it really doesn’t take him that long to confess, as if you didn’t already know anyways <3 he just says it out of the blue and whatever you respond with is cool, he’s prepared for the rejection if you give him one anyways
˗ˏˋ HINA
- literally just thinking about you makes her giddy and nervous but she doesn’t want you to know that <3
- she wants to present herself as confident around you (she does anyways) but you kinda make it hard for her to keep it up
- hina is pretty good at clearly expressing how she feels so with her it’s really a mix of everything !
- she’s always complimenting you <3 she can’t really help herself, they just come out - she thinks you’re literally the most wonderful person ever and she wants to make sure you know that :(
- you get the usual outfit compliments and such, but she also compliments you on other little things - she tells you how strong you are, how clever you are, how talented you are, and once she starts she can’t stop herself
- it’s never overboard and all at once, it’s just a very regular thing for her to tell you things like that 
- she likes to touch you too ! (nothing you’re uncomfortable with of course, she’s very careful to make sure you feel safe with her)
- she knows you’re not dating so it’s not like she can go up to you and kiss you all over your face but she wishes she could :( - she literally goes to emma and rants about how she wants to kiss n cuddle you and buy you cute matching necklaces and cheesy things like that
- she touches your hands a lot !! if you say you’re cold she grabs your hands and holds them in hers and just looks at you like “hehe 🥰”
- sometimes she just holds your hand, too - if she gets excited about showing you something she’ll take your hand and guide you along with her and then won’t let go - she also holds your hands to comfort you if you’re upset 
- when she sees an opportunity she takes it 
- she likes to run up and give you hugs from behind <3
- hina considers every meet up you have as a date. it could be as simple as a walk in the park or a whole day you’ve planned out, it doesn’t matter what, she just always wants it to be special <3
- when she hears there’s a firework display on you have no choice but to follow her to whatever little “secret spot that has the best view ever” and watch the entire display <3 
- “look, y/n! that one’s your favourite colour!” she’s so cute :(
- she takes you stargazing, too - once she kissed you on the cheek before she went into her house and started jumping up and down in her room 
- she’s always making sure you’re safe, too
- it’s only little things like her reminding you to text her when you get home if you’re out late or telling you to wear lots of layers when it’s cold so you don’t get ill but it’s cute :(
- she’s always thinking of you which results in little gifts here and there - she loves it when it’s close to valentines day (she likes valentines day a lot as well) because everything has little hearts on it so she can buy you something cute and be like “it made me think of you <3″
- you got the idea when she gave you a little pink teddy bear holding a heart on valentines day - she tried to be like “friends can celebrate valentines day, too!!” and play it off as her just being nice but it didn’t work 
- you took that as an unintentional confession from her <3 
- if you reject her you’re literally insane so in conclusion it was a very successful valentines day for hina <3 !!
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reblogs appreciated <3
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f10werfae · 1 year
Clingy Kisses
Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Short!Shy!Wife!Reader
summary: little bun is really clingy to henry and she can't seem to let go for more than a few minutes, and it may involve a two person hoodie (soft!teasing!henry) (overall fluffy overload) (req by @angelamck ) (short story)
Lumberjack Henry Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“Now what are you up to little bun?” Henry cocked a brow seeing his precious wife crawl up his body, plopping herself right on top of him, her hands cupping his face gently. “Jus wanna f-feel you” She whispered tracing her finger over his lips, giggling when he bit it jokingly, her lips coming closer to peck his affectionately. Small squeals leaving her lips each time she kissed his lips and he would kids back, his hands massaging her rear.
“Right if you behave for at least 20 minutes and let me finish the game, we can mess about for a while okay” He cooed kissing her nose and lips one last time, her face falling into a scowl and pout, her head laying itself on his chest; her eyes also watching his boring ass football game. How could her man find this more interesting than her right now? Smiling to herself she reaching up and turned his head towards hers and before he could even say anything, she had pushed her tongue through his lips; both of them now in a wet tongue filled kiss.
“Bab- baby, didn’t I tell you to wait? That desperate are ya?” Henry teased, his brows raised as he have her a warning look, letting her know he wasn’t in the mood to play about tonight; after-all his favourite teams were going against each other tonight. “Y-you said I was allowed anything I wanted c-cus it’s my birthday week” Furrowing and frowning she sat up on his lap, her new Cherry Hoodie blanketing her smaller frame, her hands splayed out on each of his pecs.
“Hm I guess I did didn’t I” Henry said copying her pout mockingly, his head nodding along with hers watching as she crossed her arms clearly pretending to be angry at her husband. Which was practically impossible, except for that one time he threw her old stuffy from when she was a baby, into the washing machine. I mean the thing was practically falling apart, but it was so precious to her and for some reason the fact it was so manky added to its appeal. Henry didn’t think so.
Sighing Henry opened his arms motioning for her to come on him, her body wiggling in excitement as she flopped herself back on top of him, her hands squeezing themselves around his torso; his heartbeat hammering right against her hear soothingly. “W-why’s it s-so fast?” She asked patting his chest, almost as if she was asking the damn thing to slow down, scared it would send her husband into a heart attack just because of how fast it was.
“Cause I love my sugar bun s’much my heart wants to keep beatin’ for ya” He whispered kissing the too of her head, one of his hands lazily rubbing up and down her back; the other giving her soft comforting head scratches. “W-well thank you, b-but isn’t it t-too fast?” She asked cutely tilting her head to the side, Henry’s heart if anything only increasing in speed. “Not fast enough if anything” He grumbled just pushing her head back onto his chest, not wanting to explain how if he could, he would practically give her his heart; that’s how much he feels for her.
“W-wait up the l-left a little please” she said shifting her body so his hand would move, causing Henry to scoff so his hands would scratch the right place on her back, he really had spoiled his wife a bit much; he couldn’t help it she had the purest heart of gold, all she wanted was his love and attention, and who was he not to give it to her.
“This okay bun?” “Mhm right there, t-that’s the spot” She sighed in relief, her head just laying against his shoulder sleepily, before her whole being froze.
“H-hen, you’re not in my hoodie, you gotta be in my hoodie” She whispered cupping his face, her nose nudging his playfully as she held up the empty side of her two person hoodie, the other hood and sleeve also imprinted with cherries. Earlier on during the way Y/n had seen the new two person hoodies in the market, and of course she had to buy one for her and her hubby… She may have also bought a mini version for Marly, who was already wearing hers happily.
“Sugar pie, let’s not go there” Henry scowled seeing the bright printed soft fabric being shoved in his face, feeling his wife’s hands already clawing at him to take off his white vest top. “B-but hubs, y-you said i-it’s my birthday week” She whispered pouting, her eyes already wetting with tears, over the past few weeks she mad mastered the puppy look even more; it was practically irresistible to her grumpy lumberjack husband.
“I- Uh- Fucks sake, fine, put it on me”
“N-no it’s fine, you don’t havta if you don’t wanna” She whispered quietly looking down ‘dejectedly’, her lips biting back a smile as she heard Henry’s breaths start to deepen, he was giving in..
“No baby, I wanna, now put it on your man” He grumbled with a tight lipped smile, his vest already being thrown to the side, his wife scrambling to shove the loose and plushy fabric over his body, with it even looking big on Henry; now imagine how it looked on little Y/n.
“See! Look we’re matching, a-and we’re in the same hoodie, w-we can feel” She giggled excitedly pulling the hood up over his frumpy face, pulling her arms in from her sleeves and instead wrapping them around his bare torso. Both of them enveloped in this cocoon of warmth and fluff. Leaning back down against the couch, automatically her body was flush against his, her head hidden inside the hoodie as she slowly dozed off.
After about 10 minutes Henry had realised he hadn’t received another kiss on his chest, in fact she hadn’t really said anything at all. Slowly peeking in under her hood, he saw her softly snoring away on his chest, hidden away from the harsh world; safely sleeping against her protector, her husband. Henry would be a liar if he said he didn’t like this new hoodie, in fact he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t buy more of them after this.
PSA: This was way better planned in my head so kinda disappointed, BUT on a lighter note, one more Lumberjack!Fic and I will be starting the pregnancy 🤰 trope
Library blog @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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Hope you all have a lovely weekend
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smolchildlevy · 2 years
Hello, its me again, I have a Idea for a request! Basically a Haganezuka story or headcanons with a wife who is like Koyuki(Akaza's wife), I mean basically she is a pretty weak person physically and tends to get sick relatively easily, besides being extremely kind and elegant looking, I also imagine the reader meeting the kamaboko squad and tanjiro and zenitsu incredulous that this precious being of light so kind and affectionate is the wife of the blacksmith who tried to kill tanjiro more than once, I hope it's not a bother and have a good day
You’re a genius I stg, it’s nice to see you again! :)
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Haganezuka’s Wife <3
Warnings: fluff, mentions of illness, soft Haganezuka, manga spoiler? idk
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-Haganezuka never thought he would fall for anyone tbh
-Boy was he wrong 🧍
-He was enamored by you since the day you two met and the rest is history
-He is very attentive when your feeling ill and will always take care of you (v similar to Akaza)
-He’s always putting a cold rag on your head, and giving you medicine on your bad days
-You never need to do anything when he’s there, he will even leave his work space to stay by your side.
-Even with you being sickly, you’re very beautiful and kind, which never fails to make him fall deeper in love
-He acted very crude and sometimes harsh towards others but that changed when you became a part of his life
-Doesn’t mean he’s too nice to others lmao
-He’s very much a gentleman to you, unlike with Tanjiro and his friends tho 💀
-You didn’t meet them the first time they were around because you were stuck in bed sick.
-Didn’t stop Haganezuka from complaining and grumbling about them and how the “red-headed boy” broke his sword again.
-But they did come around another time, to which you were able to meet them.
-You met them alone when you were well, and had a nice conversation with each of them (and played around w Nezuko)
-Which lead to them taking a liking to you ofc
-When I tell you they were shocked to find out you were his wife
-Beyond flabbergasted
-You’re like the sun and he’s like the moon
-A completely kind soul with a hot headed person??
-But alas, Tanjiro being the kind boy he is congratulated you two and was very sweet about it
-Zenitsu could not fathom the whole situation
-Inosuke was just like 🧍 what
-And Nezuko made happy noises and hugged you before they all took their leave for their next mission
-Overall you’re like the only one he’s soft for and will calm down for
-We love Soft ‘Zuka <3
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twisted-dork · 6 months
I like your demon slayer au!!
Is it just the kamaboko squad + giyuu there? Or are the other Hashiras there, I was going to recommend Kalim as a love interest for Kanao!Yuu (Kalim being Kanao!Yuu’s Tanjiro 💀) but then thought if there was an Obanai!Yuu because then Kalim would match them
ok so the Demon Slayer Yuu’s include the Kamaboko squad+ Swap Daki, Swap Gyutaro, Senjuro (Rengoku’s little brother), Aoi, and Giyuu
I do other requests like yours I’m starting on Kalim x Kanao!Yuu right now so don’t worry 😊.
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This is in an au for Kalim x Kanao
Warning: Past abuse/slavery mention
At first he admired the person who quité literally saved his behind. When he was about to asked for their name the Headmage was escorting everyone out.
He talked Jamil ear off about them how fast they were and how they looked pretty (used as a gn term)
The next time he saw them was when they were asking about Jamil accident he finally got their name. Kanao!Yuu
After getting to know them for a while and the whole Scarabia incident he slowly slowly SLOWLY realize his feelings towards them he decided to confess to them
(Tanjiro!Yuu punched Jamil for Kalim btw)
At first when he wanted asked them out he was about to throw a party before Inosuke!Yuu stopped him.
“I know I’m not the smartest person.
“But I know that chestnut does not like parties.”
On to plan B he took them on a carpet ride where he confessed his feelings towards them.
Golden retriever x Black cat energy
Kalim is the obviously the most affectionate person in the relationship.
He will always pat Kanao!Yuu’s head (wether standing, bending down, or standing on a stool).
He will always talk to them no matter what and they will listen to him talk.
It’s canon that Kanao!Yuu likes giving small gifts to the people they care about. So I can imagine them giving Kalim a small gift (like a keychain or new drum sticks) and him putting them in the treasure vault.
Whenever someone is trying to hurt/manipulate/use Kalim they just have to glare at said person and they back off.
Whenever they cuddle either inside, outside, or on carpet they hug each other tightly (Mainly Kanao!Yuu). With Kalim being big spoon and Kanao!Yuu being the little spoon.
Whenever Kanao!Yuu has to leave Kalim will most likely follow them without realizing it himself.
Whenever Kanao!Yuu let their hair down Kalim will complement them until he realizes how flustered they are.
Whenever Kalim sees a pretty flower he will pick it and give it to them.
I headcanon that Kanao!Yuu has scars not only from their job but also from their past. I feel like Kalim would kiss their scars (with their permission) but won’t asked how they got them until their ready.
When Kanao!Yuu told him about their past he was shock
Not only did their parents basically almost killed them. But they also sold them.
He said that if he ever met them he would have punched them in their face (like what he said about Jamil)
He likes their sisters (even if he never got to meet them). Just hearing you talk about them he could tell they’re good people.
He likes hearing about their world it’s interesting.
He is their number 1 cheerleader.
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xxkazuna14 · 4 months
"Soulmate." a short V x Uzi written scenario Eat up, my dear Vuzi enthusiast followers :3
Peeping her head through the small gap between the door and the wall of purple-haired worker drone's room, a certain female disassembly drone looks up at the elevated bed which Uzi laid on, scrolling on her phone with a facial expression of boredom — not noticing V staring at her.
Normally, V wasn't one to showcase her vulnerability with anyone. She'd always just push away her feelings and be more of the type to give open arms to any other drone she cared for who showed her their own vulnerability.
You'd have to gain a whole different level of V's trust to get to see even the slightest glimpse of any fear in her eyes.
Uzi was the one able to fulfill that so far.
Even if V was also somewhat close with N, her core found itself racing for Uzi and Uzi only.
With a taut and soft tone, V spoke.
"Hey, 'Zi?"
Surely enough, the purple-haired goth girl turned her head to the source of V's voice.
She raised a digital purple 'brow', as V walked in her room dimly lit by purple LED lights.
"You busy on something?"
Tilting her head to the side a little, V awaits an answer.
"Nah. Not at all, what's up?"
"Just wondering if you'd care enough to spare a hug."
Gears turned inside of Uzi's mind, this was certainly one shocking surprise. Serial Designation V? A little sociopathic, insane, and psychotic mass murderer, going soft?
Well you can't really not expect that from your own crazy girlfriend, but V's never the type to ask for something like that. As a matter of fact; V's never asked for anything outside of requesting for basic necessities.
"Uh, sure. I mean, I don't mind giving my own literal girlfriend something that I give regularly after all."
She joked a bit, snickering slightly.
"But first of all, are you okay?"
V didn't expect Uzi to catch on so quickly. But of course, being Uzi's girlfriend meant that she'd be able to know everything about you in probably under a day.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
"You don't ask for this kind of stuff, well at least, not usually."
V glanced to her side, sighing in defeat.
"I just really need one right now."
Uzi found this as a fun opportunity to do a bit of taunting, as she smirked a little.
"Be a little more specific? What exactly do you need right now?"
"Don't make me take it back, Uzi."
The purple-headed shorty chuckled in response.
"Alright, alright."
She climbed down from her bed, leaving her phone on the desk as she approached V.
"The big murder puppy wants a hug, huh?"
Uzi — despite being one foot shorter than V — eventually wrapped her arms around the waist of her girlfriend.
V happily obliged to hug back, resting her head on Uzi's.
"Hm. Maybe."
She bluntly responded, as they remained to embrace like that for a while.
"Didn't have such a great night, did ya?"
"Ah, no wonder."
Casual talk, that was always how they conversed with each other. They didn't do pet names, and didn't act much verbally affectionate towards each other. After all, neither of them were any experts with relationships. But still, they clearly loved each other a lot — despite how strangely informal their relationship is, and how odd it was that they lacked intimate moments.
"You don't care that I'm being weak right now, do you? No judgment, or anything?"
"Not even... annoyance or irritation?"
"Nuh uh. And plus, I don't think you're being weak, V. You're just expressing your emotions, why would I ever ostracize you for that?"
V looked away, pondering as she grew lost in her thoughts.
The only other female drone who she would describe as "close" to her, was J. And J wasn't that much nice — even to her. J was also a workaholic, she didn't have time to develop close relationships with her coworkers or even bother to care about their feelings.
N was fine, he was kind, but a little too kind. He can also be annoying at some times, and can sugarcoat things way too much every now and then. He certainly cares a lot about V's feelings, but he's too nice for her.
But Uzi?
Uzi was just perfect.
They had so much similarities, both of them having trouble with what relationships are like. Uzi understood what it would be like to be in V's shoes, because like V — even if she's surrounded by the people who somewhat care for her — she's only ever felt truly lonely.
Uzi's got her father, but her father's always occupied or busying himself way too much. Thad's there too, but again, Uzi just doesn't like how Thad's personality contrasts with her own so much.
It was like Uzi was meant for her.
"Eh, I just needed to make sure you didn't criticize me for having feelings, or won't pry in so much about it."
V shrugged ever so lightly.
"V, you know I wouldn't do or say anything that I am well aware you won't exactly be fond of. Besides, if I wanted to know what you would dislike when wanting to be comforted, I would know. 'Cause we're not so different, you and I."
"Yeah, I guess."
V chuckled.
"It's like having a soulmate who'll know exactly what you won't or will dislike."
"Is that not what I'm like?"
Uzi joked, raising a 'brow'.
"Nope, you're not like that at all."
"'Cause that's exactly what you are."
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azulock · 6 months
Day ten is here and so is the one theme that got a 100 vote poll stuck at nearly 50/50. So here is Oliver's version of the theme, dinner with his folks. Love that Oli is just a bunch of nationalities stacked in an overcoat - what with his dad being Sweden and German and his mom Japanese. I very much headcanon that he can speak Swedish (and English) he just doesn't boast about it.
summary. when Oliver's parents move back to Sweden, he sees a chance to take you for a visit his birth country for the holidays. And though you feel excited to meet his family, you can't deny you feel a little anxious too. But your worries quickly melt away when you get to witness where he takes his affectionate ways from.
pairing. Oliver Aiku x Fem!Reader
wordcount. 787 words
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10. Family Christmas Dinner - Oliver Aiku
"I find it so cute that your parents moved to Europe after you came to live here," you beamed, making Oliver chuckle as he walked hand in hand with you.
"Eh, I mean, I think dad probably missed Sweden too, so I guess I was just an excuse," he shrugged, pulling you through the snowy streets as you walked towards his parents' home.
"Come on, it's still adorable that you all are in such good terms," you chirped, before a moment of hesitation took over you. "I hope they like me."
"Pffft, they are pretty easy to get along with, so it's nothing special," Oliver said, stopping to give a short kiss on your lips before climbing the steps to the front door. "And I know they are gonna like you, don't worry. Oh, yeah, if it looks like my dad is angry, just disregard it, that's his neutral expression, it's just the German in him."
He kissed your lips again before you could voice any other protest, finger pressing the doorbell before your faces parted. The silence of the small street made the low chime sound loud in your ears, only heightening your anticipation. In a few seconds, you heard the door unlocking, your hand gripping Oliver's tight as it swung open.
You had already seen the couple before you in pictures and videos, but it was never the same as seeing someone in person. They welcomed you both at the door with the brightest smiles, quickly ushering you in and away from the cold. When the door locked behind you, Oliver let go of your hand and embraced his father, exchanging greetings in Swedish - a language you rarely got to hear him speak.
It was sweet, to see how clearly they loved each other, but you weren't given much time to think about it, as his mother quickly pulled you into a hug, greeting you in an excited tone, and chastising her son for not introducing you properly. Quickly, though, your positions switched - Oliver's mother raising on the tip of her toes to wrap her arms around her son as his father brought you into a hug. They were both as warm as the inside of their home, and you could clearly see where Oliver's penchant for physical affection came from.
Matter of fact, looking at it now, you could see a lot of him on them. Oliver towered over his mother, and was also taller than his father, whose face he'd clearly inherited, though he had his mother's beautiful hair. Still, the most endearing thing was how he had the eyes from both - a gift given to him by the rare luck of being born with heterochromia.
Oliver pulled the gifts you'd both bought from the bag, which his parents quickly placed at the foot of the sparsely decorated tree - a Swedish thing, he'd explained to you, they were pretty minimalist about holiday decorations. They waved off opening the neatly wrapped boxes to another time, ushering you towards the dining room, Oliver's mom pulling you by the hand with the familiarity of someone who'd known you your whole life.
You sat at the table, ate, and chatted, and it warmed your heart to see how much they loved their son, and how they welcomed you in as if you were their own. Oliver's mother showed interest in your work and hobbies, while his father commented on your planned visit to see the Gävle Goat and bonded with you over pestering his son by calling him Tsubasa - to which Oliver protested, claiming you were both ganging up on him. It was easy and nice, and by the end of dinner, you were doing the dishes together, while his parents waited in the living room.
"See, I told you they'd love you," Oliver hummed, dual colored eyes turning towards you.
"Yeah, yeah," you laughed, nudging him with your shoulder. "Tho, knowing you, I bet they've never even seen you bring any other woman."
"Meh, better like that" he shrugged, bringing his face close to yours and brushing his nose affectionately against your own. "They don't need to know all the frogs I kissed before one of them turned out to be a princess."
"Hey, you called me a frog," you yelped, splashing water from the faucet onto his face, making him drop the cutlery he was holding and flinch away.
"I just called you a princess," he laughed, pulling your face closer to his with a wet hand, making you whine in protest, a sound he quickly silenced with a kiss. God, even when he was being romantic he was still damn annoying - though, that much you could still forgive.
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shout out to: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @fivenightsatwhoreville @minarinnn @loser-vxbez @pinksodacan
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omg yay!! okay so after reading that the reader in your lovely pyramid head fanfic befriended most of the killers (it was so cute😿) and comforting them, encouraging them, etc. i got an idea for a request with jiwoon!!
so, he develops a kind of weird friendship with a survivor, whos willing to listen to his music and his story in general and thay obviously boost his already gigantic ego but also it makes him completly enamored with the reader!!
and i imagine him to be really clingy and all, so he probably just suprises her by hugging her while shes repairing a gen or scrolling through the entity's realm and he gets so overprotective sometimes, he wont let anyone come near them when theyre together and keeps calling her affectionate names and other stuff bc hes in love!! why wouldnt he do that . but the surv is literally so obvious and dense she thinks those are just friendly gestures.
so um, this got really out of hand and is probably chaotic af, but based on that, could i request something about him acting like that? or just soft in general fic/drabble with jiwoon?? depends on what you feel like writing🥰
First of all, I’m so happy that you liked my work! Secondly, I hope you’ll like this too! <3
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Though he was the newest killer brought by the Entity, for the longest time, he never got to have his go at a trial, so he got incredibly frustrated and bored, took his bat and went into the woods by himself to hit trees and bushes by himself.
At first, he was excited to be taken in a place where he could kill at his leisure without any consequence, but what CAN he kill if he can’t go array outside of the trials, and he’s not being taken to one already?
After he’s channeled most of his frustrations on whatever vegetation he found, he started singing some of his songs and practicing his choreography out there where nobody could bother him.
Or so he thought.
He wasn’t the only one with the brilliant idea of taking a walk - You, also, took frequent walks away from the Survivor’s Camp because they were never that nice with you, hence why you got along much better with the Killers.
So when you heard some acapella singing, you got really excited and went ahead to look who’s the artist - But you were also pretty shy, so as soon as you picked up a human silhouette, you hid behind a tree and peeked at the eccentric looking man.
He was singing in Korean, and from his looks, outfit and dancing skills, he looked like a k-pop idol. 
He was so talented though, you were absolutely mesmerised!
As soon as he made his final move and stopped singing, as if basking in the silent applause that he would get, should he have been at a real show... He actually DID hear clapping.
Turning around, he noticed your timid form from behind the tree, cheering on him, wearing a bashful smile on your face.
“That was really beautiful! Congratulation for you show!” he was mesmerised beyond belief --
Someone in this shithole was actually appreciating his art! He was in love! Oh, he was sooo~ in love!
He will walk all cocky towards you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pull you flushed to his chest, calling you ‘Jagi’ before he pulled out his phone to show you his full discography and pointing out at which time there were the screams of his victims synthetized, and he started explaining how he mixed them into the music, how he found out the way to manipulate the screams and grunt of pain, where to hit the person to create each sound and what not.
You didn’t care much about how macabre it sounded - You had already got used to all this chaotic mess - So you were really captivated by the whole process of creating peak art.
From then on, Jiwoon would come to the Survivor’s Camp ALL the time just to grab you by the wrist and pull you to his camp or into the forest - He’ll have you dance with him while he sang or hummed, or will have to be the spectator to his shows while he performed for you.
Sometimes you think that he has no idea what your name is, because he only calls you pet names like ‘Jagi’, ‘Jagiya’, ‘Yeobo’ or ‘Nae sarang’ and many more.
Whenever the two of you are together, he’ll keep an arm around you, sometimes his hands even wandering here and there, and would kiss your cheeks, neck or jaw, just to show off how you are his and nobody can even look at you.
His favourite time is when the two of you are in a trial and he gets to surprise you by jump-hugging you when you least expect it.
Jiwoon would drag you around the whole place just so he could show off the sounds he gets out of the victims while he mori’s them - Oh, he gets so cocky, especially when you point out which song and what part of it can fit with the same kind of scream the dead survivor made - You were really paying attention to him!
He would dip you back and pull you into a deep kiss - You really managed to stroke and inflate his ego to the maximum.
He doesn’t have much influence when in comes to keeping other killers at bay during their trial with you, but at least when you’re with him, you know you’re having fun and will always escape without a single scratch or bruise.
After all, The Trickster only loves your sweet sounds and sighs, that make for a completely different and out of bounds melody that only he gets to listen to.
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brujitaadinbo · 4 months
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They say that mothers have a highly developed sixth sense for everything and let me tell you that I fervently believe it. I just checked this after watching Ahsoka with my mom, she has no experience in SW, she never watched Rebels and it was her first time watching the series, just like when she watched The Mandalorian, she deduced a lot of things just by watching.
I can only tell you that I always base myself on the facts and what has been seen on TV.
Sabine definitely feels something more for Ezra and it is not simply a "sisterhood" I love that both here and in The Mandalorian they show you the characters in their worst moments, in depression, in their duels and in some way they also show you that sometimes what they want or need the least is what actually helps them, or it's what they want or need.
Bo Katan did not want to see Din again and technically managed to save his life, give him back his planet, build a beautiful relationship (because it is, canon or not, they combine very well and hate will not change my mind) And above all, return some glory to the Mandalorian people.
Sabine lost her family and doesn't want to know anything, she lives her grief and a very particular one, she distances herself from everyone and takes refuge in Ezra's home, she takes care of his things and unites hers in that hiding place. Grief can be experienced in many ways but let's be honest, when you lose a family member, especially a brother, it is hard and very difficult but unfortunately life has to go on, it is very different from when a mother loses her child or when someone you lose your loved one.
Sabine shows it in every moment, it hurts her not to know what happened to Ezra, she is immobile, the pain does not allow her to move forward. My mom, seeing this, asked me, who is Ezra? Why she miss him so much? I replied, you have to keep watching, I won't tell you anything. But in particular we both agreed that when Ahsoka showed hope to see him again, with the map, Sabine came back to life. He regained the shine on his face.
We also agreed and you can see that Ahsoka had that feeling all the time, that knowing, that Sabine had an irrational need to see Ezra again. That's why he says it more than three times. Until the moment he says, Can I count on you? Somehow he doubts and senses that Sabine did not destroy that map.
That's why Baylan convinces her to go together to Peridia, for his "lost friend" despite all odds. That's why Thrawn also tells him so. "that foolishness of finding your lost friend" and she answers "you would never understand" because Sabine has always been defensive about the feelings she unconsciously shows towards Ezra and does not recognize them even when she is exposed. That's why she hide them and I'm sorry, but I do have a brotherhood with someone, very close, I don't care what they think, I show my affection because we are brothers. I explain?
It doesn't make sense unless they're setting up something big later.
The best thing is the moment of Sabine and Ezra's reunion, the hug that "according to them" doesn't prove anything, but the sighs I could hear, well, why hide what you feel? My mother told me "They hug each other very affectionately, it doesn't seem like their friend, it seems like it's the boy they like"
Also when Ahsoka already finding these two, she tells Sabine "Looks like your bet paid off" In the end Sabine feels good because she found Ezra in some way or another, that irrational foolishness calms down and even her use of force is shown magically… coincidence???
I don't believe it. and to conclude...
Sabine prefers that Ezra go home, the whole situation becomes complicated and at least she knows that he is alive and well, her heart is calm. Now he knows that he should be with Ahsoka, she is his teacher in a way, she gave him back the hope of finding Ezra, of seeing him again. He has to be with Ahoska because thanks to her she was able to see him again.
To affirm that Ezra and Sabine only see each other as brothers is to deny the facts and deny what was experienced in Rebels, the development of the relationship of these characters and above all to deny that Sabine prefers Ezra to the galaxy.
I'm sorry but I will also send this ship and not abandon the DinBo, only time will tell us who was right or at least what will happen to all of them.
this is the way....
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earthtoharlow · 2 months
Omg Layla pulling my mom's a teacher st every or any inconvenience at school and Jack is 🤨 but Ariel is 🥺
series masterlist
Jack sat outside the classroom, waiting to get called in by Jayla’s third grade teacher, Ms. Walker. Tonight was parent teacher conferences for the whole school. Of course, Ariel couldn’t join him as she was doing her own conferences down the hall. Jayla was a great student, so Jack wasn’t worried at all.
When he was finally called on by Ms. Walker, he listened intently as she shared how much of a joy Jayla was to have in her class and how she’s reading way above her grade level.
Ms. Walker's tone shifted slightly, and she delicately broached a topic that caught Jack’s attention.
“I’ve noticed that sometimes, when your daughter finds herself in a bit of trouble, she tends to mention her stepmom, who is also a teacher here, Mrs. Love,” she said, her expression gentle yet concerned.
Jack felt a mixture of emotions—surprise, understanding, and a tinge of amusement. “Ah, I see,” he replied, nodding thoughtfully.
The teacher continued, “I just wanted to bring it to your attention. It’s not a major concern, but I thought it might be helpful for you to know.”
Jack nodded and thanked the teacher for letting him know, and assured her that he would talk with Jayla at home.
When Ariel got in the car after the conferences, he made sure to tell her about Ms. Walker's observation about their daughter mentioning her in moments of trouble, Ariel couldn’t help but smile at the sweetness of it all.
A soft smile playing on her lips. “That’s my girl,” she said affectionately. “She’s always been resourceful.”
Jack nodded but knew they needed to fix that behavior. “We have to talk to her about this.”
Ariel sighed knowing he was right, “Fine. But I still think it’s adorable and sweet!”
Jack nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of warmth at her being understanding. “It’s pretty adorable, isn’t it?” he remarked.
She couldn’t resist a playful tease as she leaned in towards Jack, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Looks like I’m the favorite, huh?”
Jack chuckled, reaching over to grab her hand. “Oh, I knew that the moment you walked into our lives. She adores you.”
The next morning, Jack and Ariel sat Jayla down after breakfast to talk with her.
“Sweetheart, I know how much you love your mom, and it’s wonderful that she’s a teacher at your school. But remember, whether your mom is a teacher or not, it’s important to always do the right thing and take responsibility for your actions.”
Jayla gave them both her award winning puppy dog eyes. “But Daddy, Mom always knows how to handle things at school. She’s so smart!”
Hearing Jayla speak so highly of Ariel made her want to tear up.
Ariel tenderly reached out to her stepdaughter, her eyes soft with affection. “Sweetheart, I just want you to know how much it means to me that you think of me when things get tough. You’re such a caring and thoughtful person.”
Jayla beamed at Ariel’s words. “I just want to make you proud!” Ariel pulled her into a gentle embrace, her heart swelling with love. “Oh, you already do, every single day.”
Jack had to stop himself from getting emotional so he tried to mask it with a joke. “You know, Jayla, why not tell them your father is a Grammy nominated rapper? That’ll really scare them off!”
Jayla and Ariel looked at each other before bursting into giggles. “You’re so funny, daddy!”
“But I’m being serious!”
The girls burst into laughter once more, while Jack sat there with a playful pout.
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wovenstarlight · 4 months
How would you define how Yoohyun feels about Yerim? Since obviously his opinion of her has improved since they first met, but I don't know if he actually likes her
HMMM i don't know that Yoohyun is actually like physically capable of liking anyone besides Yoojin! i'm kidding but also only slightly. like if you remember what Irin says in chapter 287, it goes "AN INSANE PROPORTION OF YOOHYUN'S THOUGHTS ARE ABOUT YOU [YOOJIN] COMPARED TO THOUGHTS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE I PROMISE", so if you're including his feelings towards Yoojin as a comparison point, it's going to skew the chart to unreasonable levels, and it'd look like the answer is No, Yoohyun doesn't care about Yerim at all
HOWEVER. if you EXCLUDE Yoojin from the chart then Yerim actually ends up being one of the two people Yoohyun likes most! with the other being Peace. from 287, in Irin's words, 80% of Yoohyun's thoughts that aren't about Yoojin are instead about Yerim and Peace. of course, that's exclusively based on the fact that Yerim and Peace both also like Yoojin the most. Yoohyun cares about other people in proportion to how much they care about his hyung, single-minded little idiot that he is /affectionate.
BUT THAT ASIDE! i think he does care about Yerim in a couple different respects. one is that he trusts her in a way that's different from people like Seok Simyeong or Kim Sunghan—you'll notice that in chapter 239, he explicitly designates her (and Peace) as the first two people he actually recognizes as part of "his world", which is a position not even his closest guild members have enjoyed, despite him clearly trusting them to do their jobs well and look after Yoohyun himself to some degree. he trusts her to look after Yoojin, which is probably the deepest level of belief he can hold in someone other than his hyung. and for the same reason—that she cares above all for Yoojin and his happiness and his safety, and can back up that care with the ability to protect him—i do think he likes her!
Yoohyun also cares about Yerim's wellbeing (again, in relation to Yoojin! in that he knows Yoojin will be sad if Yerim isn't okay. this is something a lot of people who care about Yoojin are aware of and account for: that they can take care of him indirectly by looking after the other people he loves. you see it with Sung Hyunjae lending Yerim his flame-resistant coat in chapter 126, and Yoo Myeongwoo making sure Yoohyun has the best equipment in chapter 240, both for Yoojin's sake). she's not only important to Yoojin himself, from which Yoohyun derives some level of actual care, but also one of Yoohyun's guild members and technically part of his family, which adds a sense of duty and responsibility for her into the mix. remember when he blew Gakuto through a pillar because he called Yerim a bitch in chapter 215 with the whole That's My Guild Member You Motherfucker attitude... i thought that was pretty funny of him. and like. when Yoojin was straight up dead for a while there in 240, the only thing stopping Yoohyun from following him into death on the spot was the thought that he had to make sure Yerim (and Peace and the others) knew. so that they could actually grieve him instead of just never knowing what had happened to him. he cares about them!!! he does!!! it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack compared to his love for Yoojin but he does!!!!!
of course i do also think that Yoohyun finds her incredibly annoying. they're constantly squabbling, this isn't a far-fetched guess, they fight to the point that chopsticks somehow end up embedded in the dining room wall and yoojin has to scold them to quit it in chapter 171. yerim's constantly on the verge of calling him ugly. that one time early on in chapter 48 when she was like WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME and he trotted out a whole bullet point numbered list without missing a beat. i bet he still has a list now, just with different reasons on it. but like. that's just normal siblings innit. you care about each other a whole fucking lot but you would also sell them to satan for one corn chip or however that goes.
TL;DR: yoohyun likes her but he'd probably die before he said that in as many words. not out of unwillingness or anything, just because it wouldn't occur to him to. yerim knows without him needing to say it, after all.
(where's my evidence for that, you ask. well! spoiler excerpt from chapter 331 from Yerim's POV about how Yoohyun has acknowledged and accepted her below the cut)
However, she couldn’t help the presence of anxiety in her relationship with Han Yoojin. It was love that all but dropped out of the sky one day. The claim that it was because she was an S-rank Awakened person wasn’t enough. What was more, Han Yoojin was crowded with exceptional people at his side. Han Yoojin clearly cared for Bak Yerim, but it was difficult for Bak Yerim to think she was special to him. Couldn’t it be that what she’d suddenly gained might suddenly disappear? The one who quelled that anxiety she tried to ignore was none other than Han Yoohyun. Han Yoohyun had hated Bak Yerim. Because his hyung liked her. Han Yoohyun had accepted Bak Yerim. Because she liked his hyung. Han Yoohyun had acknowledged Bak Yerim. Because she had the ability to protect his hyung. It was a relationship entirely based on Han Yoojin, but if anything, Bak Yerim was relieved and happy because of that. This was Han Yoohyun, who Han Yoojin was everything to, who was beyond difficult when it came to things relating to him. That harsh guy had accepted Bak Yerim standing by his hyung’s side.
points at them. Yerim feels accepted and cared for by Yoohyun
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