#also there was no cannibalism which was disappointing
me: honestly, I thought The Menu did a little too much Telling and not enough Showing
me, seconds later: wait, was that the point
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mad-voidling · 4 months
🤝 People Eater as a Mr Eaten song
Vigorously nodding and shaking your hand you get it you get it
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butchvamp · 2 years
sigh. alright
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lxkeee · 3 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Alastor's Mom! Angel! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Romance, love at first sight.
Warnings: none.
Notes: this one is comparably shorter than chapter one.
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Lucifer was absolutely baffled, so many things happened in one day. First, a very gorgeous and tall seraphim angel decided to come and stay at the hotel to oversee its progress and on top of all that, the said angel is that damn radio demon's mother.
Lucifer watches as the angel, who he learned that goes by the name [y/n] is still currently scolding her son. Him, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Husk are at the bar area just watching it unfold.
Alastor sitting on the couch, head hung low in shame but there's still a smile on his face.
“So... You killed your father and many more? And also ate them....?” [y/n] asked, disappointed in her voice. Alastor's deer ears lay flat as he remained seated as he listened to his mother.
“Oh god, my son is a cannibal!” [y/n] cries, Niffty wiping away her tears as [y/n] carried the smaller girl in her arms—how did it happen? She just somehow was raising her arms for uppies while the taller woman was scolding her boss and the older woman just did so without thinking and carried her and then resumed to scolding Alastor.
“But they deserved it, mother! He deserved it for—” Alastor tried to defend himself, his smile strained.
[Y/n]'s own smile widened, eye twitching, “Who said you could speak? My own son is talking back to me!” she cries, smiling through the tears, her wings puffed up in anger and Alastor shuts up his mouth immediately.
“Where did I go wrong in raising you? I didn't raise you like this.” [y/n] sobs, Niffty handing her a handkerchief where the taller woman accepted and used it to blow her nose.
“Yikes.” Lucifer muttered in amusement as he sipped his dry martini while watching the angelic woman continuing to scold Alastor. Now that's my kind of woman. He thought before almost choking his drink. Hold up. What is wrong with him today? He barely knew the woman and he is already thinking like this.
“You okay there pal? I'm pretty sure you almost choked on your drink.” Angel Dust laughs and Lucifer just glares at him.
Charlie giggles beside him excitedly, “Isn't it amazing? Alastor reunited with his mom! And heaven finally decided to help us!” Charlie squeals and Vaggie hums in agreement.
“Well... It surely isn't a happy one as smile's is getting scolded even more.” Angel Dusts laughs and Husk chuckles behind the counter.
Back to the mother and son, Alastor is finally done with seeing his mother cry. He hugged her in which the older woman was weakly hitting his chest while she sniffled. Niffty being pressed in-between the two. She's just glad to be there.
“I am sorry, mother. I'm still your son.“ Alastor says softly and [y/n] sniffled against her son's embrace.
“I'm still mad at you.” she says, and Alastor's smile widens every slightly, “I know.” he says with a grin before getting his forehead flicked once more by his mother, making him winced in pain. [Y/n] gently lowering Niffty down to the floor. Lucifer and Husk snickering at the bar area.
[Y/n] pouted as she finally left her son's embrace, “And here I was waiting in heaven for so long wondering what's taking you so long and only for you to be here in hell? My goodness...” [y/n] sighs, pinching her own nose, her other hand on her hip.
“My bad.” Alastor says with a grin and [y/n] sighs, wiping the tears away from her eyes then clapping her hands together and a smile is back on her face as she turns around to look at the other hotel crew.
“Well, I suppose that is over. I am sorry for the scene I've caused, this young man right here is to blame.” [y/n] deadpans, pointing her arms towards Alastor who was lounging on the couch, he just gave a thumbs up.
[Y/n] sighs, shaking her head. “Back to business, I myself am not really sure why Sera decided to change her mind but she's my boss so... I don't really have a choice.” [y/n] says with a shrug, smoothly lying to them and the others just look at her with a slight deadpanned expression.
“I will be staying here for the time being, Sera didn't exactly say for how long...” She says before her eyes widened, Sera really didn't tell her how long she'll be here.
“I am starting to wonder if I accidentally got myself kicked out of heaven.” She muttered and Lucifer snickered slightly, looking at her with an amused smile on his face.
“Well if that's the case, there's a space made just for you in hell.” Lucifer says smoothly and [y/n] smirked, “My... Special treatment for lil' ol' me by the king of hell himself? It would be an honor.” she says with a small smirk, approaching the bar area and standing in front of the sitting man, looking down on him.
“I feel like they're each other's types.” Angel Dust whispers to Vaggie in which he gets elbowed to the side by the fallen exorcist.
Alastor's eye twitched in annoyance as he watched the scene unfold, not my mother. Speed walking to the two, Alastor held his mother's shoulders protectively and slid her away from the king of hell.
“Alastor, dear... I can handle myself.” [y/n] chuckles and Alastor just smiled, though his smile strained a little bit. Clearly annoyed how the king of hell is getting smooth with his mother.
“I'll be showing my mother around and show her to her room. Please excuse us.” Alastor says as he gently drags [y/n] with him upstairs with Niffty following the two.
The others just watched in amusement, still hearing the two's slowly muffling voices as they left the room.
“Mama please, he's the king of hell. Why are you already getting so chummy with him?” Alastor's muffled voice can be heard as they walk away.
“Have you seen him, Alastor? Heaven's scrolls didn't do him any justice, he's gorgeous!” [y/n] says with a laugh and a followed groan from Alastor. Their voices can no longer be heard as they were getting farther and farther away.
Angel Dust nudges Lucifer and wiggles his eyebrows at the short king, the arachnid teasing the man as he can really see Lucifer's flustered cheeks.
“You two looked nice together, you better shoot your shot.” Angel Dust says with a smirk which prompted Lucifer to stammer.
“Huh? What? I just met her for God's sake!” Lucifer says, pulling his collar away from his throat as he awkwardly chuckles.
“Please... Everyone can see you were eyeing her like a piece of candy.” Husk says gruffly behind the counter, scoffing.
Lucifer blushed, nervous that he wasn't slicked at all.
“Can't blame him to be honest.” Charlie says with a chuckle as she sipped her wine. Vaggie just rolls her eyes playfully, “Still, she's suspicious.” she says and Angel Dust scoffs, “Please, when are you not? Besides, if you ever end up right, I'm sure short king over here can handle her.” He says with a shrug before smirking at Lucifer, “Just admit you were admiring the sexy angel lady, couldn't blame ya toots!” he giggles.
“I wasn't... You guys are just seeing things.” he deadpans, his ears tinted pink. His daughter, Maggie, Angel Dust, and Husk just gave him a raised eyebrow. Clearly not believing him in the slightest.
“Whatever you say, short king.” Angel Dust says in amusement.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @yukichan67 @apple-pop @akiralovespenguins @storydays @kaurochika @amphiroxx @lil-writer-523 @punching-pentagrams @moonlovers34 @h3110kitty0 @bethleeham @hcneyiced @ashleygryffindor @ghostdoodlen @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @cupidsgift @shilladodo
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normansnt · 4 months
The real him
(Alastor x male overlord!reader)
No warnings my loves
Perhaps some grammatical errors🥹
Alastor was walking down the street to attend the overlords meeting that was taking place today. He has been absent for quite some time so he has not been to one in a while, and honestly he was kind of excited to go again. Not because he cared so much about what they had to say oh no, of course it was useful information for his plan but the one true reason he went was not something, it was someone.
The overlord of music. Since he was the radio demon and you were the music demon you naturally had something to do with each other. Not to mention it just so happened that you both liked jazz that was a first bonding point.
The moment you became an overlord and turned up on one of the meetings Alastor was delighted by you. You were younger than most of them around the age of the Vees however you are very respectful towards the elder overlords. And even though you were one of the strongest ones you were not egoistic at all. If anything Alastor would call you quite humble. You had a happy air around you similar to Charlie, but he could see the smartness and cunningness underneath. For anyone else you just seemed like any happy go lucky idiot in hell but Alastor knew better. He knew that you could not have become an overlord without brains, all though the Vees achieved it. It only took him one conversation with you to know that sly brain of yours which was probably one of the smartest in the room, despite your young age.
Before he left hell it has become a habit that you two sat down for a coffee after meetings and you could talk for hours, one of your favorite activities was playing chess together.
To put it short. Alastor absolutely adored you, and loved spending time with you. The only thing that made him feel even a little bit sad when he left was the thought of not seeing you for a long time.
"Alastor, how fare thee, this way"
Alastor was too caught up in his daydreams about you to notice the tall figure appearing before him.
"Greetings, Zestial" he looked at the overlord while they made their way to the meeting.
"Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day."
"Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!"
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou?It has been an age since thou hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...holy arms."
"Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes!" Laughed Alastor
"Quite intriguing, Some of us did miss thee more than others" smiled Zestial mysteriously.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Asked back Alastor his smile never wavering.
"Thee knoweth what I mean a certain youngster did miss thy presence gravely"
To this Alastor's smile lessened just the littlest bit, barely seeable to naked eye truly. He was not pleased that he caused you sadness. All though deep down in his cold dead heart a spark of warmth emerged to the thought that you missed him.
"Well than shall we proceed" said Zestial at last.
When Alastor and Zestial arrived at the meeting he was disappointed to notice that you were no where to be seen. Nonetheless he took his seat, hoping that you will turn up since you do have a habit of losing track of time.
So the meeting began, Alastor sat next to Rosie a charming Women overlord of the cannibal town also a good friend of yours and Alastor.
"Ahhh Alastor such a pleasure to see you again, someone has become quite broody without you here." The powerful women finished her sentence with a cheeky grin.
"Yes it has been brought to my attention as well however I do not see the culprit here anywhere."
"Ohh you know the clumsy, he is always late."
About 10 minutes after the meeting began Velvette bursted through the door throwing the head of an exorcist of the table, and you walked in calmly behind her.
"Must you make such an entrance, and oh look at that now you got blood all over the table you could do it less flashy you know" you said looking at the media demon.
"I'm sorry for being late Velvette here was holding me up" you said rolling your eyes while she stuck her middle finger in your face.
"Anyways what are we-" you stopped talking when you saw Alastor. Your face broke out in a grin which you quickly tried to cover up with a cough and took your place besides Rosie.
"It's quite all right (Y/N) we know how...annoying the Vees can be" said Carmilla smiling at you slightly. You had a friendly relationship with most every overlord, even the Vees all though that was more professional.
After that you had trouble focusing, all you could think about was what you would say to Alastor after the meeting.
When Velvette jumped unto the table and started very disrespectfully yelling at Zestial and Carmilla you wanted to step in but Rosie put her hand on yours shaking her head slightly.
Alastor chuckled, a real hearty quet chuckle not a mocking one. He has always adored the way you like to stand up for people. He often wondered how you ended up in hell. Now he knows of course, your coffee 'dates' have turned quite deep sometimes, thus you are pretty much the only person who knows him. Not his grin he always wears, not his charmingly sick personality, him.
After the rather quick meeting you waited for Alastor outside of the meeting room. You were quite nervous you have not seen him in 7 years.
When Alastor saw you waiting outside he walked over. You waited till the other overlords have left the scene and the moment you could not see any of them anymore you jumped into Alastors arms.
Now, Alastor did not like physical touch. But this was already a routine for you too. Since you are a very touchy person and he does not like it at all you started off slow. Putting your hand on his shoulder as greeting and goodbye. Than patting his back and this way you guys slowly went up to a point where he was comfortable with hugging you. And now he loves it. But only if its you.
"(Y/N)...I've heard you missed me."he stated while smiling, not grinning, smiling at you.
"Weelll, I mean its no secret that you are my favorite there" you smiled shyly
"Only there?" He asked smiling egoistically exactly knowing your answer.
"All right, all right mr.bigshot however that doesn't explain why you were gone for 7 years without telling me where you were?"
You might be happy to see him now but that doesn't change the fact that he hurt you when he left without telling you.
His smile faltered a bit
He took your hand and next thing you know is you guys ended up in his room in the Hazbin Hotel.
Now he could let the smile go. All though a soft one remained on his lips.
"Everything in its time my dear"
Ok I'll stop
I already have at least 5 more fics in my notes just waiting to be published but I might wait with those cuz I really have to proof read them cuz when I type fast (like when I have too many ideas in my head cuz I have a new hyperfixation) I make the stupidest ass mistakes😭
Thank you so much for reading ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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birdscribblepad · 3 months
Baked Goods
Alastor x Baker reader (slow burn romance)
Plot: During the 7 years, Alastor was missing the reader and Rosie became friends. Now that Alastor is back, Rosie is dying to introduce you. She just knows you'll get along amazingly, after all, she's a great matchmaker.
Warnings: suggested cannibalism, swearing
(Note: reader is a poisonous frog demon) Next
“Alastor!” Rosie was waving her hand in the air to get her friend's attention as she approached him. Her other hand was pulling someone behind her.
Alastor smiled at his friend before noticing the demon his friend was dragging behind her. Alastor was filled with curiosity and excitement.
“Rosie!” Alastor greeted, letting the woman hug him before turning his attention to her guest.
“I have someone I want you to meet” She smiles wide, pushing you in front of Alastor. You smile up at him, offering your hand, “Nice to meet you. I'm y/n.” You were beyond nervous.
You've been in hell for a while. You knew about Alastor and had even heard his broadcasts. You were a huge fan. You were also hugely disappointed when Alastor disappeared, but you kept his radio on display in your shop. In hopes, he would one day return.
Shortly after he left, you met Rosie. You were hoping to branch out and expand, and the cannibals were one of the few markets left. You had approached her about doing business, and the two of you quickly became friends.
Alastor shook your hand. “A pleasure,” his signature smile seemed genuine. Rosie quickly excused herself, leaving the two of you alone. Alastor looked you over a bit, amused, “So tell me about yourself.” Alastor led you over to a bench so you could sit and chat. After all, Rosie had made the effort to introduce you, which piqued Alastor's curiosity.
“Oh, um, I'm a baker.” You take your seat on the bench. “I've recently started working with Rosie to include meat in my menu.” You emphasized the word. A bit obvious, but that was the point. Alastor's eyes light up. That was interesting. “Oh? You must let me try one sometime”.
The two of you talked for hours about everything from recipes to music. It was getting late, Alastor stood up and adjusted his outfit “it's getting late, allow me to escort you home” You nodded jumping to your feet this earned a chuckle from Alastor. You'd never dream Alastor would be walking you home. You chatted more about meaningless things. All too soon, arriving at your home. Alastor gives you a bow, “goodnight, I do hope we meet again soon.”
“Holy shit!” You were pacing around your living room. Alastor, the Aalstor, the Radio demon himself, just walked you home. You couldn't sleep that night.
You contemplated closing the bakery today but decided against it. You had a feeling Alastor might stop by. You quickly eat and dress before heading to the bakery.
It was currently 9 am and business was slowing down. The morning rush was finally over. You were sitting at a table taking a much-needed break when 'ding' a customer. You sigh before getting up and turning to see Alastor.
“Hello dear” his smile widened at you. “I was hoping to try your meat dish”, Alastor emphasized the word the same way you had the day before.
“Of course!” You smiled and disappeared for a moment before returning with a plain white to-go box. Handing him the box.
Alastor accepts, “may I?” He gestures to the box. You nod, holding your breath as he opens it. In the box is a medium-sized pie. Enough for about 4 people. Alastor pokes a hole into the pie with one of his long fingers and samples the pies insides. His eyes light up. “That is fantastic!” His voice crackled with excitement. You can't help but blush. “I will have to return,” he smiles, turning and leaving. Stopping at the door, he snaps his fingers, the radio you had on display switches on, and music begins to play. “Such a lovely radio should be enjoyed, don't you think?” With that, he walked out the door.
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cypherthesuccubus · 1 month
Rekindle Our Spark~
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Alastor x reader -Part 2- (NSFW) (MDNI)!!!!!
Warnings: smut, 18+, predator/prey, murder, S&M, bondage, knife play, blood kink, marking, cock worship, pussy worship, body worship, dom/sub, breath play, she/her pronouns, vaginal sex, breeding, creampie, rutting
Other tags: Fluff and Angst
Aftercare always!!!~✨
Part 2 is here, my darlings~ Let’s see what entertainment is in store for you~ 😈✨(Sorry for the slow updates. Mom life has me busy lol 😂)
(Alastor’s P.O.V)
Humming a tune, I make my way down the streets of Cannibal Town; occasionally being greeted by the friendly folks that reside there. Quite a lovely place. I find myself visiting here quite often than most. Most of my errands I run take place here, since it’s literally not far from the hotel. I soon arrive at Roise’s estate, which has a severely long line out her door everytime I pay her a visit. She really has done a number here; keeping every cannibal citizen in line. One must admire her stunning work she has put into this town. Without it, well…..let’s just say there will be more than angels to worry about. I make my way through the doors; maneuvering through the crowd as I make my way towards to the front of the line. Rosie was chatting up to….ugh……Susan. As a gentleman, it’s difficult to keep one self restrained when having a conversation with that woman. It’s almost as if her mission is to make your life more of a living hell than it already is. Other than Lucifer, she’s the second person I can’t stand to be in the same room with. Finally that wretched woman left; right before giving me a glare as she passes me. Someone should really put her in a box and throw her down the fucking river. (lol sorry I couldn’t resist putting a reference 😂)
“Good morning Miss Rosie! How are we doing on this lovely hellish day?” I gesture a slight bow as she makes her way to me; pulling me in for a tight hug. “Oh it’s going wonderfully! It’s been a minute since you swung by to visit me, since extermination day.” She looks at me disappointed as I straighten my bow tie “Yes, I do apologize for not gracing my presence, since then. But, I have a good reason as to why and is also the reason I’m here now.” She smiles as she gestures me to sit down in one of her velvet chairs that’s paired with a darling little cafe table. “Please! Do tell what has brought you by this time Alastor.” She takes her seat across from me as she snaps her fingers; signaling one of her servants to hurry over with some tea and snacks. “Well, my dear, I have been…finding some trouble to have a full nights rest due to some….pesky flashbacks that seem to be on repeat every night I try to sleep.” She nods “So is this like nightmares or reliving terrible memories?” She looks towards her servant bringing the tray; decorated with a beautiful Victorian tea set with a small frilly box of pinky fingers. The servant gently places the tray onto the table; taking a step back “Thank you dearie! You may go now.” The servant bows “Thank you ma’am.” My ears instantly perk up. That voice…..sounded familiar.
I turn to face the servant as they got up mid bow. My eyes widened when the servants face was in full view. Despite the demon form, I instantly knew who was standing in front of me. The one who has been haunting me…..(Y/N). She takes her leave from the table; returning to the chaos of the room to serve any other guests she needed to. “Alastor?…your spacing out there.” Rosie breaks me from my thoughts as I try to compose myself “Oh it’s nothing to worry about, my dear. But yes; these dreams are definitely memories that I keep reliving every night.” She hums; placing her finger against her chin to think of my predicament. “And you can’t think of any reason why this has been happening?” I shake my head “Not a clue! But I feel like a good herbal tea might smooth things down enough for me to sleep properly.” She looks at me with confusion “I do have some special herbs to help with sleep….but you sure you want to suppress this rather than to figure it out naturally?” I chuckle at her undermining me “Of course, my dear! I know how to handle things on my end perfectly fine naturally! I just need a little sleep aid is all.” She hums; snapping her fingers again signaling (Y/N) over once again. She brings a small intricate box; handing it to Rosie “Sleep aid herbs for you, Miss Rosie.” She bows one more time as Rosie takes the box from her hands “Thank you again, dearie! You can go back to your daily chores for the day.”
I watch as (Y/N) walks back to the crowd. It’s definitely her judging by the look of her face; especially the sound of her voice. I wonder how long she’s been in hell for. How did she get to be an assistant to Rosie? So many questions that need to be answered. “Alastor, dear? You’ve been staring at my assistant a lot. Are you sure you’re doing alright?” I shake my thoughts once again; turning to Rosie with wide smile “Oh never better, my dear! Thank you for the herbs! I will definitely put it to good use.” She stares at me curiously; slowly sliding the box into my hand “Ok then….just know if you need to talk about anything. My door is always open.” I stand up from my chair; dusting my coat as I give a slight bow to her “I appreciate it, my dear! It was lovely chatting with you. Please do have a pleasant rest of your day.” She smiles as she waves goodbye; turning on my heels as I make my way through the crowd once again. In the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of (Y/N) again. She was in the supply closet; looking through the variant cleaning supplies with a frustrated look on her face. It looks as if she needs help in which I grin wildly as an idea pops into my head. She didn’t seem to recognize me over at the table. Maybe if I…..jog her memory a bit….she might remember who I am~
(Y/N’s P.O.V)
Come on!! Where is that damn duster?!?! I’ve looked high and low in this closet and I can’t find it anywhere!! Maybe it’s in a different closet? It couldn’t have gotten that far. I feel a sudden chill up my spine; feeling as if someone was watching me, which oddly felt familiar. I slowly turn around to see if anyone was looking into the closet, but everyone was minding their own business. I start to panic a little when that chill grew more intense as if whatever was staring at me has gotten even closer……a lot more closer. As I was about to step out the closet, the door quickly shuts in front of my face; causing me to yelp as I step back into something warm.
I froze in place; not wanting to move as I felt slow breathing on my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as I feel a sharp claw; slowly graze against my neck as it moves a strand of hair behind my shoulder. “Well well well…..it’s been a long time hasn’t it, little doe.~” That voice. I knew it sounded familiar when I first heard it. Though I can’t be sure. “Please….let me go. I’ll do anything.” The man chuckles darkly as he whispers in my ear “But you don’t have anything of value to me…unless you can convince me otherwise.~” I turn my face to the man; giving a sultry smirk as I look into his glowing red eyes. “It’s nice to see you again….Alastor~”
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circeyoru · 25 days
How would the Overlords react to the collector being stressed or sad? Have they even seen them stressed/sad?
This is for {Collection of Overlords}, check MASTERLIST for the work
Interesting questions. Simple answer. The Collector/You don't get stressed or sad.
It's not that you don't get stressed or sad; you can, but there was never a situation or circumstance in which you do feel stressed or sad. You're more of the calm and collected one, whereas Trick would be hyper and chaotic (when they were once Noir, it was the opposite, somewhat).
The most you've shown your Overlords are pride, proudness, disappointment, and anger. Maybe happiness, if you want to put it that way, but it could also be seen as amusement most of the time. You really don't tend to show much feelings and expressions to them because you see no need to, if it was something that major, they wouldn't be able to help you anyways and you'd be dealing with it alone in the end.
You need to remember that Overlords aren't the top tier in terms of power, if you needed anyone's help in something troubling, you'd call for the Sins' help. Why you have the Overlords as your personal collection is cause they have potential to grow, but even at their full potential, they are nothing to
If you do express those, it's more like a prank to get a reaction out of them, or a test even.
Zestial — He's knowledgeable enough to know you're not actually sad or stressed in any way. Rather than comfort you, he'll ask to see if there was anything you wanted from him or if you were trying to get a reaction out of him. The former is a test, and the latter is a prank. So it's either work or fun for you. That's something he can't tell since you have a tendency to be mysterious to the point there was no understanding of what you'd do next.
Carmilla — It would fly off her radar that you were playing and/or testing her. She'll immediately try to consolidate you in any way she can. It can range from her showing off her various new weapons, her upcoming projects, some business plans. Oh, too formal? Well, she can always arrange a nice gathering with her daughter together and just chat together. Surely that would take your mind off of whatever was troubling you. Know that she wouldn't ask what it is, but what she can do about it, like is there someone she needs to torture or kill.
Rosie — Similar to Camilla, but she goes straight to the chatting and gossip tea party. She'll tell you all the latest juicy subjects and cook you some lovely meat (demon of course) and tell you how much Cannibal Town and its residents missed having you around. Why not a party tonight? A feast to brighten your mood. Naturally, she and the rest of the Cannibals will fight and destroy anything that stresses you out or saddens you.
Zeezi — Doesn't have the mind to think it's a prank and takes it all too serious. But at the same time, thinks that her performance in your eyes is not enough in some way. Tries very very hard to change it. If it was a prank, you really need to tell her after you got the laugh you wanted. Or not, doesn't matter cause it turned to a motivation and reason for her to be better so... Win-win.
Alastor — A mixture of Zestial, Carmilla and Rosie. Naturally, to him the first order of business was to make sure it was serious or not, so test or prank, but there's one more. Is there an order for him to follow. If it was a prank, you got him on his best behaviour, malewife level, he'll make your favourites and is at your beak and call no matter what. Even if and when Charlie calls him to do anything, his ears don't hear it, and he's only attentive to you. If it was a test, seriously, he passed with flying colours. Now, it were some indirect way of giving him an order, he got it and will immediately act on it, no questions asked and nothing to consider.
(for the Vees, I'm writing their state as before the events of Hazbin Hotel and this series)
Vox, Valentino, and Velvette — To be fair, they wouldn't even be tested, let alone pranked by you. Because you don't see the point in visiting them when they were that lacking. When they are like that in meetings (Part 4-5), you can imagine and see how they act outside of those meetings and needless to say, you're very very disappointed to the point of not wanting to deal with them. You won't even show them real emotions because you know they don't care nor will they do anything. Compared to the rest of the Overlords, why would you go to them for business or fun?
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red-balloon12 · 4 months
I just “watched” episodes 7 and 8 of Hazbin and I have a lot of thoughts.
But let’s start off with episode 7
Rosie and Camilla were EVERYTHING this episode. I love them both and I didn’t really have much to say about avails before this episode but like…I loved them a lot. Rosie is an absolute sweet heart (despite her being a cannibal)
Vaggie has wings now….Y E S. There’s SO much visual potential for this. I can just imagine her carrying Charlie bridal style through hell and her expressing with them as. I know a lot of people were confused but I’m gonna give explanations now: Lute ripped off her wings, she didn’t cut them with an angelic weapon which means Vaggie was able to grow them back through “The Power of Love”™️ and sheer will power.
At first I was a bit disappointed that Charlie and Vaggie didn’t actually properly and I was a bit underwhelmed by Charlie’s reaction to Vaggie’s but I’ll tell why I’m not as disappointed anymore.
Alastor was behaving a little bit like Charlie’s father figure in this which is funny considering episode 5. (But I know Chalastor shippers are gonna be weird about it and use the scenes for their fuel. Smh.) Not to mention I can see Camilla becoming a mentor/motherly figure for Vaggie in the future. But oddly enough I can also se Rosie being a mother figure for Charlie too.
Camilla’s song is probably my favorite out of the song list so far and while I’m a little disappointed it wasn’t a duet between her and Vaggie like the first song kinda was, we did get a training montage out of it and the explanation about Camilla defeating an angel leading up to it was freaking cool. (I really like how Camilla’s footwear was used as instruments in the song, I love stuff like that)
And now….for episode 8
I really liked Vaggie’s war outfit, Charlie’s was okay too.
I’m not gonna lie to y’all, I lowkey was kinda rooting for Adam when he was going up against Alastor. I’m sorry but I just…do not like him…or his fans for that matter. And GOD DAMN was it refreshing when Adam broke his staff, that man needed to be humbled….I just wish it wasn’t Adam that did it…cus I don’t like Adam either. And I feel like Alastor’s fans are coping with the fact that their precious deer demon daddy lost to a damn angel. (And yes he did loose to him. Cope and seethe) My guy wasn’t gonna land a scratch on Adam without an angelic weapon, what did people think was gonna happen?? But I’ll give Alastor props for holding out as long as he did.
Speaking of him, the reason why I didn’t mention the deal he made with Charlie yet is because it connects with this episode. So I’m 95% certain he has a contract with Lilith and it had something to do with that stick of his. His staff was probably the source of a lot of his power and it can’t be regenerated because it was broken by Adam’s guitar/axe. That “favor” that Alastor wants from Charlie might be to have her make him a new one, a more powerful one that he could possibly…idk…kill Lucifer or Lilith with? Idk dude, the man’s be scheming. But I’m like…98% certain his gonna be the BBEG by the end of this…and if not him, than Lilith.
CHAGGIE DUET- STARMOTH DUET- I’m so ill about them. This is why I wasn’t so mad about them not talking because of THIS SCENE. At this point, I could care less if people still think they have no chemistry after this or they think they’re boring. They’re real, they’re canon and they are beautiful. COPE AND SEETHE, BITCHES! I just hope they get more original duet pieces and not reprises in S2 but the fact they used the same song from Charlie and her dad is really cute.
I liked Vaggie calling Charlie petnames during battle. Little things like that is what makes these two so nice to watch.
Vaggie Vs. Lute…dispite me hoping Vaggie would be on even footing with Lute, it wasn’t realistic, and I’m glad they kept it realistic. Vaggie was out of practice for YEARS meanwhile Lute was not only going at it after Vaggie’s falling but she was also the lieutenant. But this is where Camilla’s advice came into play. Lute fought Vaggie with vengeance in mind as well as her thinking she was indestructible. This lead to her downfall when Lute was so caught up in mocking Vaggie, she accidentally gave Vaggie time to think of a way to outsmart her. Lute fought hard but Vaggie fought smart and it paid off in the end. And we got that BADASS line from Vaggie at the end of it. I love it when my girl gets W’s.
I’m disappointed how Charlie was overpowered by Adam though. I was so ready for her to throw hands with him. But I can see why this is the case as well. Charlie never really had to go all out before in her life. So she’s kinda rusty and inexperienced compared to Adam and Lucifer. (Also rip Razzle or Dazzle. You will probably be missed) But she did get two good hits which I can appreciate and she was the first to actually do damage to Adam. Something I can also appreciate.
Speaking of which, Lucifer absolutely OWNED Adam as he should. We stan a short king who loves his daughter.
Sir Pent was absolutely ROBBED of his moment by Adam and I don’t care that they made up for it by him going to heaven (I do care but sksnjs I’m still salty) And am I the only one that like…didn’t care all that much for his crush in Cherri? Like, I do like it in theory but the pacing…OH THE PACING IS THE REAL VILLAIN OF THIS SHOW. I wish they had a little bit more build up to that kiss. But hey, at least we have confirmation that the hotel does work. Rip Sir Penny. You WILL be missed.
I don’t know how I feel about Nifty of all people being the one to end Adam. On one hand it WAS foreshadowed at the beginning but one the other hand..it felt cheap(?). Like it would have been more satisfying for say Vaggie or Charlie to land the final blow, from a narrative standpoint at least. But…it was Nifty. And uh…was I SUPPOSED to feel bad for Lute seeing Adam die? I’m sorry but they both deserve to get their wings cut off. Adam was a fun villain but I’m glad he’s dead.
Hopes/Predictions for S2
I want more Early Stage!StarMoth. One of the criticisms people have with their relationship is how little set up they have. The best way to rectify this is to show how they were when they were still crushing on each other. A good example of this is Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe. Ruby and Sapphire were already established as a couple for Y E A R S but because we got to see how they fell in love and how they worked in the early days, people got more invested in their love story. So I hope Hazbin does the same with Charlie and Vaggie.
I also want Vaggie on her own. I know this is contradictory to my first want but I’ll explain. The theory as to why Vaggie seemed a bit shallow for a lot of people in the show was because they felt like Charlie was Vaggie’s whole personality which is something that I semi do agree with. So I want Vaggie to pick up a new hobby in S2. Whether it be her doing some dancing or maybe she becomes a musician. I just want more of VAGGIE.
And speaking of…I want Camilla to become some sort of mentor for Vaggie. I mentioned it earlier but I’m gonna do it again. Lute’s gonna come back in S2 and she’s gonna want revenge on Vaggie. We’ve seen how underpowered Vaggie is compared to Lute when it came to raw skill. But Camilla knew how to fend off from the angels and Vaggie did use her advice. I think and hope that if Vaggie keeps on training under Camilla, she can definitely surpass Lute and become a better fighter from it. Hell, Camilla can even help Vaggie deal with her anger issues.
It would also be fun if Lucifer trained up Charlie to be a better fighter (or Vaggie and Charlie can train together. It would make for some good moments between them)
This is a smaller want but I want Vaggie to cut her hair…she looks so much more cooler with shorter hair. And maybe a name change??? Maybe?
I want Charlie and Alastor to fight. It’s probably gonna happen with that deal and all. Some one is gonna suffer and Charlie (after having more experience) is gonna take on Alastor and I want her to remind him why she’s the damn Princess of Hell.
I just want the cast to interact with eachother more. Don’t let it just be Charlie and Vaggie or Angel and Husk. I wanna see how Vaggie and Husk would interact. They’d seem like a pretty chill duo.
I predict Lilith is gonna be the BBEG if not Alastor. She’s either gonna have to throw down with Charlie or Lucifer. And if somehow Alastor reforms, he may throw down with her. Lilith is gonna fight SOMEONE. (And Charlie may have to do a sing-nu-jitsu on her)
I predict Angel and Husk are gonna have to face with their soul binders (Alastor and Valentino) and both of them are probably gonna be rushed.
I predict Lute and Vaggie are gonna fight again and I HOPE Vaggie is more ready for it than in the finale.
I predict either Angel or Husk is gone be next in-line to be redeemed (which means either one is gonna “die” next season)
I predict another standoff between Alastor and Vox…and this time Vox is more cocky since Alastor took a BIG hit in the finale.
I predict Emily is gonna become a sinner.
And last but not least…I predict Vaggie and Charlie are gonna have a wedding at the end of the show.
My “final” thoughts for Hazbin Hotel S1: Pacing and tone shifts were the biggest flaw for this season. Moments, relationships and topics suffered from the poor pacing and while some of the blame goes to the lack of episodes, most of it goes to the writers. I can’t tell you how many moments fell flat due to the rushed episodes. You don’t really have time to breath with this show and the moments that you do get to breath are some of the best moments of the show.
(There’s also bias issues but that’s a separate topic-)
But for what it had…it wasn’t the worst. And I’m actually kinda looking forward to season 2.
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skyeblue8 · 6 months
ᗯι𝜏ԋ Ɛʋҽɾყ Ɲҽցα𝜏ιʋҽട, ㆜ԋҽɾҽ 𝓐ɾҽ Sσ𝓶ҽ Ƥσടι𝜏ιʋҽട... ♚
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So, because I'm in a bit of a shitty mood due to a whole lot of work I have to do before my break, and I don't feel like piling onto the already large list of what's wrong with the Helluva Boss series - and also, because everyone liked the Beelzebub list, I decided to do a quick list of my top five favorite songs from Helluva Boss. Despite the questionable writing, characters, world-building, creator, etc, the songs are actually truly solid when they want to be, and for that, I'm willing to give praise.
𝟏.❞𝕂𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 & 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦
❥ Putting aside my general love for these girls, however brief their appearances were in the episode, this song was just incredible to me! The dancing was smooth, the beat was heavily reminiscent to Kpop, which I just love anyway, the visuals were stunning, in addition to their overall designs, and I'm honestly just sucker for fish-based characters since they have a whole siren aesthetic going on. Speaking of, many people find these twins to be reminiscent to The Dazzlings, from EQ Girls, and that's just the cherry on top for me! The full version truly makes this even better and, overall, I think the song was brilliant in establishing the whole rebranding of Mammon and how these two pose great threats to Fizz, much like those badass singer villains in Saturday morning shows. You know, the one's everyone ends up simping for at some point in their childhood. Anyway, because of the new episode, this song managed to shoot its way to the top of my faves, knocking down my original fave in the process!
𝟐. ❞𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣❜𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕝❞𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐛
❥ This song walked, so "Cotton Candy" could trip and fall on the scalding hot pavement. Apologies if I sound dramatic, and you happen to like Cotton Candy, but the amount of disappointment I feel towards the fact that we didn't get this song is indescribable. Now of course, I understand WHY we couldn't (again, waste of time when someone could've just gotten Rochelle in the first place 😑) but I digress. Aside from the fact that a specific line in the song gives clear clarification of who the hell the flying fox is, it feels like the cool, degenerative (said affectionately) party girl song that I would've actually liked to hear.
❥ To me, it's reminiscent of "Cannibal" and "Die Young", and I feel like both themes generally tie into what we think of a Modern Beelzebub to be like. The beat, the shift in pace of the lyrics that brings out the fast party vibe, the fact that it felt like a real pop song that didn't take fifteen minutes to get through just to see the rest of the episode – all these are what made this song my former #1 favorite, now my #2. And the "non-binary specimen" line was a cool, quick inclusion to me.
𝟑. ❞𝕁𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕫 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕝❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧
❥ I know this is technically too small to be an actual full song, but I still loved it regardless. It was really cool in its short runtime for the following reasons: the Tom Hardy's vocals (idk what it is, but something about Australian accents that just sounds satisfying, especially when singing), the praising of the Twins, and the satisfaction of seeing Fizz squirm a bit. Apologies to any of you who like Fizz. I don't hate him per se, but rather, I'm just bitter that we're loosing out on other character development because of him and Ozzy. And, I prefered Robo Fizz who was an unrelenting asshole and not another UWU boy that, imo, there are one too many of in Hell.
❥ Anyway, it was cool seeing more visuals of the Greed Ring stage. And seeing the spider visuals that are associated with Mammon. I understand if some people thought it was kinda tacky, but I personally think it could work if assessed the right way. (Hint: I'll be explaining more about this in later Greed Ring Headcanons and/or Mammon Headcanons.)
𝟒. ❞𝕍𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲
❥ Admittedly, I was a bit iffy on whether or not I should include this considering my feelings on Verosika. I don't hate her by any means considering, you know, it's Blitzø, but she has nothing going on for her and her one note personality just feels unfair to her considering what she had to deal with. That being said, I realized that I'm judging based on musical appeal and not entirely on character, so I said "fuck it" and put this as #4.
❥ While notably slower and softer than the other songs, I enjoyed it after revisiting it. The pink aesthetic and visuals were just gorgeous to me.
❥ It's slow, playful, and it reminds me a lot of Doja Cat and her songs, and I really loved that. Above all else, it was soothing and nice, and I feel like it was wasted on the Spring Break episode though as, while the episode introduced it a bit more worldbuilding, it felt like a whole load of nothing considering it all happened in one place and that same worldbuilding went out the window almost immediately. Still love the song though. Honestly, if there was a musical battle between Verosika and the Twins, I'd struggle to pick a winner.
𝟓. ❞ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕦𝕤❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐀𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 & 𝐅𝐢𝐳𝐳
❥ While my opinion of Asmodeus has wavered lately, his debut song was incredible! I loved the deep vocals and jazzy tunes used in the song, and I didn't completely mind the bits with Fizz in it given all that's happened. Above all else, I adored how they called out Stolas publically in the episode. Shame it couldn't stay that way. Seriously though, as sexy as the man's voice is his design just doesn't fit that. But, yeah, that's my opinion.
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Anyway, yeah, that was my list. Let me know what y'all think and whether or not you agree with my choices. If any, do you have a favorite song in Helluva Boss? Or a least favorite? Let me know. ✌🏾
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deer-carcasses · 3 months
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
a deeper look into Alastor's solo part of the final song
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The entire soundtrack has been stuck in my head since the show ended, but Alastor's part of the final specifically has been playing on a loop in my brain since I first heard it.
The slow downward pan from the Vee's feeling like they are now finally able to take over the city to the upward pan with Alasto's song starting was a fantastic choice, the contrast in their emotions, in the music, and still it all fit perfectly together.
"This place reeks of death," is such an underrated opening for this song in my eyes. We know Alastor is a cannibal, we've seen him eat a dead deer before, [^1] which would point toward him not having a problem with the smell of death and decay, but he goes out of his way to mention it smells of death. I don't think he truly meant the smell of death in this scene though. He might be talking about the death of his career if he had gotten killed in his fight with Adam. The line "Great Alastor, Altruist, died for his friends" is not him referring to himself as an altruist, it is the headlines he already sees if he truly would have died, seemingly for his friends, for the hotel. The way he follows it up with "Sorry to disappoint, this is not where it ends" shows this. It's him stating how absurd it is, but that this would be the story everyone would be thinking should it have happened. But I also feel like he says it because he knows there's the tiniest of truths behind it. Why did he fight Adam alone? Why did he fight in the first place? For the hotel, for his friends. As much as Alastor hates to admit it, he has gotten closer to the people in the hotel for sure, especially when we look at how he interacts with them all. He seems friendlier, even if it's just for show and to keep up his facade, but he truly does act like he at least cares a little but about them. The look he has while even saying it speaks volumes, he looks truly terrified of the implication that hell could see him as an altruist in this fight.
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At first, his smile was an angry snarl, aggression about being humiliated by losing this fight clearly written all over his smile. But then it turns genuinely afraid like he fears the mere concept of being seen as a decent person, not even a good person, just decent enough to fight for the people in the hotel.
He digs his nails into his scalp, dragging his hands down the side of his face, but not at the prospect of dying, but at the idea of what would've come after he had died. [^2] At the idea that all of hell would know he not only died but died for someone else. Before this thought of what other people in hell would think of him, he looked more angry, enraged that Adam even dared be an opponent that Alastor had to run from in order to get out of there alive. His reaction is surprisingly human considering how Alastor normally holds himself. Sure he was alone ignoring the eyes following him around his destroyed radio tower, [^3] There's no one here that he would have to lie to, but he knows better than anyone that you're never truly alone in hell, so it still surprised me how honest he was with the viewers in this moment. It's the most we see of him that doesn't seem to be a character, a facade.
His whole persona is this blatant mask he wears constantly, obvious to everyone who knows him. He even admitted to Charlie that his smile is not real in the slightest. But it works. Every scene where Alastor was talking before his Breakdown Ballad in the finale, I second-guessed every single word that left his mouth. Wondering if it all is a performance. I see a lot of people online with the same thought, looking at everything he says twice, trying to see any hidden meaning, any clue as to what he truly wants to say behind words that, if said by any other character, would've been the least interesting thing ever. And even then, his fake smile keeps in place, even if the actual emotions behind it are clear as day, while alone in his destroyed tower. It might be to fool himself like he fools others, but I think his smile is not able to be dropped, let it be part of his deal or part of his punishment, Alastor will never be seen without his smile. [^4]
Overall i feel like Alastor does care about the Hotel staff and guests to a certain extent. I can't fully trust it, and I'd be less than surprised if I were to be wrong, but there are scenes where he seems too much like he cares.
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Moving along on the song, the next lyrics are rather straightforward forward "I'm hungry for freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor" circling back to what I mentioned above. His current goal is to escape this deal that is constricting his powers, powers that would most likely have saved him from the injury he sustained. The next and final lines"Once I figure out how to unclip my wings. Guess who will be pulling all the strings?" strongly point towards how he is unable to use his full strength, that his full potential can't be reached while he is still under this deal he made. The thought of Alastor not being at his full potential in his fight with Adam is on some level truly terrifying, a Sinner can reach these kinds of powers in hell that he is able to fight someone like Adam, the first man, someone with approximately the same amount of power Lilith must have? I've just today talked to a friend of one about it. Yes, Alastor lost the fight, but he held up quite well and was a worthy opponent to the point that Adam had to seriously take a second, stop joking around, and concentrate on the fight to get a single hit on Alastor. All of this while Alastor also got a few hits in, not as strong as the ones he had to endure later on, but still. They were hits.
Regardless, in the end, Alastor came very close to dying, and that was for a cause that wasn't just for himself. Seeing what Adam did to the Hotel (or Sir Pentious while we're at it), Alastor has to honestly be glad he even survived that blow directly to his chest. There surely was some plot armor behind this decision, but it's still believable when we trust the theory that Alastor made a deal with someone far more powerful than anyone expects.
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This show, and Alastor specifically, has taken over my thoughts completely.
[^1]: in my eyes his being a cannibal points to how he has a need for superiority. To always prove his worth. In his days alive he was a serial killer, a hunter, and now in hell, he has aspects of a deer, a prey animal. The cannibalism is purely to show that he is still on top, that he is superior even to those similar to him, to those that are the same as him. He might have characteristics of a prey animal, but he stays the hunter.
[^2]: this strengthens my theory that Alastor is also afraid of dying whiteout escaping the deal he is currently still bound to. I touch on it in this post a bit more clearly, it's almost at the end of the post.
[^3]: I'd like to link everyone to this post for some thoughts on the eyes in this scene. It's incredibly well written and I couldn't have phrased it better.
[^4]: the closest we ever get to not seeing him, or more part of him, not smiling is shortly before he vanishes from the fight with Adam. His shadow can be seen frowning in the background before quickly correcting itself. It's a blink-and-you-miss-it kind of situation.
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astupidweeb69 · 6 months
Came here from ao3 and I really love your characterization of toby! Do you mind just sharing any hc of him?
I just realized this has been sitting in my inbox for who knows long. But yeah I can give a couple of my HCs of him.
Toby is probably the most unstable proxy Slenderman has, and the others don't really like him very much. The exception being Kate who Toby happens to have a soft spot for (older sister vibes I guess)
He has Borderline Personality Disorder. Since he doesn't get any treatment for it, and he's often isolated, he has really no ways to deal with his symptoms. He's self-destructive, impulsive, and while he's normally kind of.... dead inside and depressed, when he does feel emotions he feels them INTENSELY. This also kind of falls into why I think he acts the way he does towards the Reader in Unrequited. For him, he goes through phases of idealization and devaluation of the people he likes. He can quickly shift from great admiration for a person, thinking they can do no wrong, to sudden intense anger or dislike for them when they disappoint him.
I also headcannon him to have manic/schizophrenic episodes where he's not really in touch with reality. I think part of this has to do with Slenderman's influence on him. This is when he tends to hurt and torture people the most..... and he's probably engaged in some cannibalism too.
Toby remembers the most from his past compared to Tim or Brian, which isn't saying much? Just flashbacks every once in a while. He knows he hated his Dad, and killed him. Remembers he loved his mom and sister. But that's about it. He does try to remember things by writing in a journal, but his thoughts always come out jumbled and scattered.
Anyway that's just a few of my thoughts. Just wrote this on a whim so I hope it's enough lol
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ladystoneboobs · 1 year
yeah, yeah, all the main yjs have dead (or comatose wife and hs girlfriend continually rejected by death in taissa's case) girlfriends but the only one actually equal to jackie as virgin laura palmer is the other dead main character.
mirror, mirror + apparition haunting surviving partner when they enter the lost one's bedroom
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romantic slo-mo head turn toward the camera/yellowjacket who loves them most
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partners find their corpses with a friend trying to tear them away/comfort them
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both deaths had elements of suicide as travis was trying to get close to death (and was def courting death if he was willing to do it without someone else to press the button) and jackie could have gone back inside at any time. yes, she wanted to live if shauna would just love her again, but she could not survive if shauna and the rest of the team had all rejected her. also lottie and laura lee were involved in both deaths, though in very different roles.
surviving partners grieve at reunion looking at pictures of lost love while someone else really into the partner looks on beside them (jeff's not in the shot but we all know he's right beside shauna)
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and can't ignore the natalie connection which brought them together to lose their virginity. both disapproved of bobby farley, though travis had a more personal interest. both were generally uncomfortable with nat's sexual experience due to their own sexual insecurities. this led to jackie unknowingly breaking them up (she could not have foreseen travis's reaction without knowing his history of bullying by bobby) and then taking advantage of their split to have sex before she died. she wasn't really acting out of desire or any attraction to travis so much as a misguided and futile desire to get even with shauna, who had pulled ahead of her in the sexual experience race in the worst way. travis did not really want to be with her either but likely gave in because some part of her bitter speech touched his own feelings about never having sex while the person he loved already had.
and then what happened after the disappointing doomcoming sex that they probably both regretted? both were promptly punished for it, travis especially for having had sex with jackie but not being equally available to the rest of the yellowjackets. when he tried to escape their drugged-up attempted gangbang he instantly turned from sex object to prey. to meat. let us never forget who the intended first sacrifice was.
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if the cannibalism of jackie's corpse was a natural extension of girls' bodies never fully belonging to them and being consumed by others, as i have seen posited, then travis had a place at the feast just like all the yellowjackets. he may not have their years of experience being objectified but he did have that night where almost all the girls felt entitled to his body in every way, to have sex with, to slaughter, and presumably, to eat. one could say he was one of the girlies from that night on. problem is, though natalie helped save him from being a ritual sacrifice that night, he could not truly escape for good. like in a final destination movie Death and darkness could only be delayed, continuing to hunt him into adulthood until he was finally claimed. thus his girlification became complete, finalized, and irreversible when he entered dead gf/wife mode in natalie's sl, complete with the standard dead wife pose shown above, which appeared twice in nat's memory. more than laura lee and certainly more than kristin/crystal, travis is the fridged girl haunting the narrative, existing only to die and thereby drive the plot forward for his more important love interest.
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amongusmaker · 5 months
Voodoo is barely even a part of Alastor’s character and this element didn’t need to be a part of his design at all
Alastor is one of the many characters in Hazbin/Helluva that has too many details crammed into his characterization all at once. He is a serial killer/radiohost/warlord/cannibal who has ulterior motives, hates technology, and also apparently practices voodoo.
Another bad example of this is Angel dust, who is a stripper/porn star/drug addict/mafia member/prostitute/abuse survivor all at once. All of these different professions and backstory for these characters conflict with each other and seem to compete for the writers’ attention.
Will Alastor’s asexuality ever be explored at all? I don’t know, we might just end up with characters making advances towards him and getting rejected for comedy like in the pilot. Will Alastor having a radio show affect anything in the story or will he just have a static effect on his voice sometimes? Probably the latter. Will voodoo ever actually affect how Alastor uses his powers or something? Will they even mention loas or anything? Probably not. It’s probably just for the aesthetic. Is the cannibalism or the murder going to impact anything at all other than just explaining why this guy went to hell? Well, there might be a joke or two about it.
This issue is the most prominent in Helluva Boss, which has already come out. On top of already having a bloated cast, almost no plot point or character trait except Stolitz gets the screen time or development it could have gotten because some new tertiary idea is seemingly stapled to one of the characters at random.
Moxxie suddenly also being in a mafia family in season two (despite Angel dust already doing that), Blitzo’s relationships with Fizzerolli, Verosika, and his sister. Blitzo stalking Milly and Moxxie sometimes for some reason. Chaz. Stolas literally getting shot and that being forgotten in the next episode. I could go on and on because there are just that many.
There are so many ideas in these shows that should have probably been cut. They could have explored just a few of these plot lines such as Loona’s backstory, Blitzo and Fizzerolli, Stolas and his family, etc for several episodes and told different stories with these elements. That probably would have been more interesting and Fizzerolli forgiving Blitzo would have been less rushed.
Alastor practicing voodoo could have easily just been removed and it would have changed absolutely nothing at all. It really doesn’t seem like it’s even going to go anywhere. The sheer amount of good ideas going to waste and the unnecessary details that end up sticking around is one of the most disappointing parts of this show.
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bignosebaby · 7 months
The Fall of the House of Usher: How about that chimp attack?
WARNING for discussion and explicit description of fatal chimp mauling, and pictures of fake gore.
Out of all of the unique and gruesome deaths that occur in Mike Flanagan's Netflix miniseries, I of course took particular notice of the mauling in episode 3; "Murder in the Rue Morgue".
In this episode, Camille L'Espanaye investigates her sister's laboratory where chimpanzees are being used as test subjects for an experimental medical implant. While taking pictures of the lab Camille comes face to face with one of the chimps, who attacks and mauls her to death. So how accurate is this?
While the chimpanzees in this scene are computer generated animation (which is the popular and ethical way to have primates in film), the depiction is largely accurate. It is not at all unlikely that a chimpanzee would maul a person in this setting and circumstance, or indeed in general.
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Any setting with captive chimpanzees is attuned to how dangerous they can be even when treated ethically. Chimpanzees are several times stronger than humans and aggression and fighting are natural parts of their lives. As such, chimpanzees are separated from humans by metal mesh to ensure interactions are safe. Here's an example from Chimp Sanctuary Northwest, a very high quality sanctuary:
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The chimpanzees are separated from humans by metal mesh barriers with gaps large enough to fit fingers through, but small enough that they couldn't reach through and grab a person, object, or clothing. This way the human caretakers can still interact with the chimps, but the danger is greatly reduced. Wearing scrubs, gloves, a mask, and keeping hair and loose items secured also reduces the risk of danger and are commonplace in primate caretaking. For contrast, this is the lab Camille enters:
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These bars are not only spaced so that a chimp could easily reach through and grab a person, but the narrow shape of this room is such that there would actually be very few spots a person could walk or stand where a chimp couldn't grab them. This is definitely not regulation and extremely dangerous, and even if the chimpanzee that mauled Camille didn't make it outside the enclosure it still could have plausibly killed her. Narratively speaking the Usher family is established to violate rules and regulations, including vital health and safety protocols, so it isn't a reach to assume that this lab would not adhere to safety standards.
It is correctly pointed out in this episode that using chimpanzees as test subjects in biomedical research ended in 2015, but it is explained that the Usher family was able to get exemption for the research undertaken at this lab. As such, up to this point I found the episode to be satisfactory in its accuracy.
There is however, one big inaccuracy I couldn't ignore.
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Chimpanzee maulings are notoriously brutal. Both chimp-on-chimp incidents and chimpanzee attacks on humans are extremely disturbing. When chimps attack to maim and kill they target the hands, genitals, and faces of their opponents, and cannibalism is common both during and after fatal attacks. Combinations of beating, tearing, and biting both in the initial attack and to the body afterwards mean that many chimp attack victims are rendered all but unrecognizable. While the chimp mauling in The Fall of the House of Usher happens off screen, the audience is shown the aftermath (above) and Camille's body, which is almost entirely obscured by the blood. Later, Camille's body haunts her father which allows us to get a clear look:
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As strange as it sounds to say, I was disappointed! After being mauled to death late at night, Camille's body stayed in the lab for several hours until the scene was discovered the next morning. In the initial attack and the hours to follow, it would be very unlikely that her corpse would have even a partially intact face or hands. I will not be including photographs or links to actual chimp mauling victims, but Charla Nash who famously survived a chimp mauling was left with only a few fingers and required a face transplant as her eyes, nose, and jaw were destroyed. After several hours I would expect that Camille's body would have no face or hands, and severely torn clothing.
The chimpanzee attack, like many of the events in this show, have supernatural elements. Obviously not everything has to be perfectly accurate, but I think it would have been an asset not only in building the horror, but from a literary analysis perspective. Kate Siegel (the actress who plays Camille) said in an interview "I would say in the moment my face is removed, that would be the pinnacle of my character", and I have to agree. As the public relations coordinator for the Usher family, Camille controls the metaphorical face of the family, and her hands are the ones that pull the figurative strings. Making it obvious that not only did she meet her end as a result of trying to pull strings and manipulate the family image by digging into the lab, but that the result was the mutilation and loss of her own face and hands could have been not only horrific but a terrific literary device.
Accuracy rating: 8/10
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