#also this time my birthday cake was so delicious like i actually like that hehe
fairydrowning · 1 year
"Some days in late August at home are like this, the air thin and eager like this, with something in it sad and nostalgic and familiar..."
– William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Present from Sakamaki [PART 2]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ...
( Things finally calmed down, but now it feels too quiet, I’m only growing more worried... )
( I was told not to leave my room but... )
( Just a few minutes won’t hurt, right...? )
ー Yui leaves her room and steps out into the hallway
Laito: Ayato-kuun~ Hold up~
Ayato: You wish!
Yui: ( Oh...? Seems like they’re still up to something? )
Kanato: You’re a mess, Subaru. It’s hurting my eyes so could you get out of my sight?
Reiji: He really does. We can handle the rest by ourselves, so go take a shower.
Subaru: Che, don’t order me ‘round! I was gonna do that anyway!
Shuu: ...Guess I’ll come with you then...I’m sure it’ll be quieter there than if I were to stay here.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun and Laito-kun’s voices were coming from the very back of the right hallway... )
( I can hear the others from the left side... )
( I’m worried about all of them, but I’m especially curious about... )
→ The right (Ayato, Laito)
Yui: ( I’ll try going right. )
ー Yui turns right
Ayato: What the fuck, Reiji!? Makin’ us do this annoyin’ shit.
Laito: Ah-aah, today was supposed to be fun, but because of you, we have to drag around all this stuff.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Laito: I’m not wrong, am I? We were chased out of the kitchen because you kept on making things explode.
Ayato: B-Blame the food for havin’ the nerve to explode on me!
Laito: Your excuses make no sense...
ー Yui approaches them
Yui: Ah, Ayato-kun! Laito-kun!
Ayato: The fuck’s your problem!?
Yui: ...!!
Laito: ...Wait, Bitch-chan!?
Wait, Ayato-kun, quiet!
Ayato: ...Che...
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan? Didn’t Reiji tell you to stay in your room?
Yui: Yeah, he did but, well, I was worried so...
You know...About the explosions and such...
Ayato: Uu...
Yui: Or the sound of stuff falling down...
Laito: Ahahaha...
Yui: And you guys’ screams as well...
Ayato: ...So, you came to check what’s causin’ all of that?
Yui: That too...However, I was more worried that one of you might have gotten hurt.
Laito: Nfu~ Sounds like you. However, as you can see, we’re all doing just fine.
Yui: ( ...They don’t seem to be hurt at first glance at least. )
Laito: Well then, Bitch-chan. Make sure to return to your room, okay?
Yui: ...B-But...
Tell me if there’s anything I can help with, okay?
Ayato: You’d be of no help, honestly.
Yui: ...I-I see...
Laito: Nfu~ You can just take it easy in your room and not worry about a thing, okay?
Yui: ...Okay...
( There’s nothing for me to do... )
( I’m worried about everyone, but it can’t be helped, right? I’ll go back to my room... )
Ayato: Ah...Right, Chichinashi. You can have this. Here.
Yui: ...?
( A beautifully wrapped box...? )
Ayato: Reiji told me to give this to you.
Yui: I-I see...
( From Reiji-san...? )
Ayato: Ahー He also said you should open it once you’re back in your room.
Yui: ( Once I’m back in my room...? )
( I was told to go to my room earlier as well, and now again? I wonder what’s going on...? )
Ayato: Anyway, we’re busy, so you should hurry back to your room and open up that box.
Yui: ...Yeah, gotcha. Thank you, Ayato-kun.
( Hm...I’m curious...I guess I’ll return to my room for now and take a peek inside. )
→ The left (Shuu, Reiji, Kanato, Subaru)
Yui: ( I’ll try going left. )
ー Yui turns left
Yui: ( Is nobody here...? )
Subaru: ...Che, I’m covered in this crap from head to toe ‘cause of those bastards...
Yui: ( Ah, Subaru-kun! He doesn’t seem hurt in any way... )
Subaru: One day they’re catching these fists. I’m punchin’ them for sure, no matter what.
Yui: ( He doesn’t look wounded, but he’s muttering some really dangerous words... )
( I wonder what happened...? )
Um, Subaru-kun...?
Subaru: ...Ah? Oh, it’s you.
Yui: ...! W-What happened to you!?
( His clothes are really dirty... )
Subaru: Fuck off, not another word ‘bout that. Anyway, why are you here?
Yui: I was wondering if you were all doing okay...There seemed to be quite the ruckus going on, so I thought it’d be bad if somebody got injured.
Subaru: Injured? As if that’d happen.
Yui: ( Thank god...However, I wonder how he ended up this worn-out? )
Subaru: Oi! Quit the starin’!
Yui: S-Sorry...But...What happened, honestly?
Subaru: This is the aftermath of takoyaki explodin’ all over the place.
Yui: T-Takoyaki? You were all making takoyaki together?
( I’m shocked about that as well, but takoyaki can explode...?? )
Subaru: Oi...Don’t suddenly go quiet. Don’t put too much thought into it.
Yui: S-Sorry. Gotcha. I’ll try not to think about it.
Reiji: Hold it, Shuu!
ー Shuu steps out into the hallway
Shuu: ...Haah.
Yui: ...Shuu-san?
Shuu: Oh, it’s you? ...Also, Subaru...?
Those stains...You really do look like a mess.
Subaru: Aah!? I didn’t ask for this either!!
Shuu: ...Don’t shout, it rings in my ears. You’re actually dirty...So you can’t complain to me for pointing it out.
Subaru: Shut the fuck up!
Yui: ( Aah...He punched the wall. )
Shuu: ...So, what brings you here?
Yui: I got worried about you guys.
Shuu: Hm...However, don’t you think you should probably hurry back to your room?
Yui: Eh...?
ー Reiji shows up
Reiji: Subaru! Do not increase my workload beyond this point!
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Reiji: Go and wash off those stains at once!
Subaru: ...Hmph!
Reiji: Good grief...My suffering never ends with these troublesome buffoons.
So, Shuu, what are you doing here?
Shuu: Haah, what a pain...
Reiji: How about you show some intention of helping out as well?
ー Kanato enters the hallway
Kanato: Reiji, we have finished all preparations.
Reiji: Understood. I will be there shortly so please wait for a few minutes.
Shuu, you should return with Kanato as well.
Shuu: ...Haah...
Yui: ( I wonder what exactly they’re finished with...? )
Reiji: Well then, putting that aside...
I wonder why you are here? I made it very clear you should stay in your room...
Yui: ...I’m sorry for leaving without permission. However, I couldn’t help but worry about you all...
Reiji: ...Haah...It does not matter. Either way, return to your room and take this with you.
Yui: ( A beautifully wrapped box... )
Um, what is this exactly?
Reiji: Accept it without questions.
...Listen very well. Once you return to your room, carefully open this box.
Yui: ...
Reiji: Your response?
Yui: Y-Yes...
ー The scene shifts back to Yui’s room
Yui: ( Hm...I wonder what’s inside this box? )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: This is...?
A message card and a party hat...?
( Let’s see...’Please put on the hat and come to the living room’? )
( I have no idea what’s going on, but I guess I’ll go look for now? First I have to put on this hat... )
...All set. Time to head to the living room...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: H-Huh? It’s pitch black in here...Where is everyone?
( What’s this smell? Something sweet and...is this the scent of sauce (1)? )
*Pang pang pang*
Yui: ...Kyaaaah!!!
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Yui: ...Y-You guys...!? Why are you all dressed like that...?
( Also...There’s a strawberry cake. And over there, a large amount of takoyaki stacked on top of each other like a pyramid...? )
( There’s a bunch of other stuff as well...! )
Laito: Bitch-chan, it’s your birthday, right? We prepared all of this to surprise you!
Yui: Eh? ...Ah!
( That explains everything! )
Ayato: ‘Kay! The star of the party is here, so we can dig into this takoyaki now, right?
Kanato: I am sick of waiting. Hey, Teddy, let’s enjoy this cake together, okay?
Shuu: Pwaah...I’m even more exhausted than usual today. Sleepy.
Reiji: Well then, please take a seat.
Subaru: Che, what a drag...
Yui: ...
( To think I’d get to celebrate like this. I was convinced I’d spend my birthday alone this year... )
( Those explosions were the result of them trying to work together and make something for me... )
Ayato: Hm? Oi, Chichinashi? Whatcha spacin’ out for?
Laito: Huh? She stopped moving. Ooi~ Bitch-chan?
Kanato: I wonder what’s wrong? You better take a seat soon, or there will be no food left for you.
Subaru: O-Oi, are you cryin’...?
Yui: ...Uu...I mean, I’m just so happy...
Shuu: ...Why don’t you sit down first? If not, we can never get this party started.
Yui: Yes...
Reiji: Good grief. Use this handkerchief.
Yui: Ah...Thank you very much.
( I don’t want to annoy them but...I’m just so happy...I can’t stop these tears... )
Ayato: Come on, Chichinashi! Take a look at this big candle! I picked it out for you!
Laito: ...Eh? You’re only holding that one candle, but you didn’t buy just that, right?
Ayato: Ah? What are you sayin’? I like the number 1 so I only got this one! ...Hehe, pretty cool, right?
Reiji: I am fairly sure those big candles are only used up until the age of ten?
Ayato: ...Ah? Which means...
Subaru: Heh, you really are cringe-worthy...
Ayato: Aah!? Subaru, dare say that one more time.
Shuu: Shut up. Who cares about some stupid candle?
Kanato: Exactly. They’re only there to blow out after all.
Yui: Fufu, I’m fine with this. Thank you, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: See! Listen to Chichinashi! I really am the very best!
Kanato: Fufu, the cake looks delicious. I can have a taste now, right?
Reiji: Not yet, Kanato. Have some patience...
We did all of this, so we need to light the candle and properly celebrate her birthday, no?
Yui: Waah...! Thank you so much for today, guys!
Reiji: Happy birthday. Continue to grow into a fine lady.
Ayato: Come on, Chichinashi! Try some of this takoyaki! I made them especially for you!
Kanato: Happy birthday. Fufu, Teddy says congratulations as well.
Laito: Happy birthday, Bitch-chan~ You’re one step closer to adulthood, huh?
Subaru: ...Well, you know. I’m willin’ to celebrate your birthday. I don’t need to say anythin’ else, right?
Shuu: Oh well, I suppose you should celebrate it as you wish. ...Just keep it quiet.
Yui: ( You guys... )
Thank you so much...!
Ayato: Whatever, just try my takoyaki already!
Laito: Ahaha, most of the ones you made exploded so the few survivors must be very precious to you, huh?
Ayato: Shut up! Who cares ‘bout the details?
Yui: Yeah, thank you! I’ll give them a try.
Laito: ...Nfu~ Come on, you guys should have some of the food as well.
Subaru: I’m fuckin’ starvin’ after losin’ my temper a million times earlier. Load up my plate.
Laito: Roger~! Nfu~ Everything turned out great, so eat to your heart’s content~
Yui: ( Laito-kun really seems to be enjoying this. I wonder why...? )
Subaru: Ahー ...This takoyaki made me go through hell and back after all. I’m gonna chew it apart now.
Yui: S-Subaru-kun...I don’t think the food is at fault here.
Subaru: Hmph! ...Wait, the fuck!? W...Water...I need water!!
Yui: W-What’s wrong...!?
Anyway, here! A glass of water, Subaru-kun!
Yui: ( He’s gulping it down, I wonder what’s wrong...? )
Subaru: Nguh...Haah...Oi, Laito! The fuck did you put into that takoyaki, bastard!?
Laito: Eeh~? Why are you accusing me? I made them together with Ayato-kun, remember?
Subaru: You’re the only one who is cunnin’ enough to pull such a sly prank!
Laito: Nfu~ Caught red-handed~ I just thought that putting a little surprise inside would help fire up this party.
Yui: L-Laito-kun...Is there something weird inside this takoyaki?
Laito: Inside some of them. In other words, it’s like playing Russian roulette~
Yui: Russian roulette...
Laito: Exactly! It’s fun to make things more thrilling like this, don’t you think? With a little help of some wasabi and habanero peppers~ 
Ayato: This shit’s hella spicy!!!! Water! Gimme water!!!!
Reiji: Haah...I cannot deal with this. Just leave the takoyaki be.
Yui: B-But...Will it be okay?
Kanato: It’s fine. Why don’t you try the cake instead?
Yui: I’ll cut everyone a piece then.
Shuu: Why would you do that? You’re the star of the party, aren’t you? Just let Reiji do the work.
Reiji: I wonder why I have to take orders from you?
Shuu: ...So you’re going to let her do it instead?
Reiji: Wellーー
Kanato: Why....?
Why won’t you hurry up and cut the cake!? Whatever, I will do it! Reiji, hand me that knife!!
Reiji: ...I suppose I have no other choice...Kanato, it is dangerous so please don’t knock on the table. I will cut the cake at once.
Reiji: Please hand me a plate.
Yui: Ah, sure!
Kanato: This is the strawberry cake I put my heart and soul into! It looks delicious, don’t you think?
Yui: Yeah! It looks very cute too, and incredibly delicious!
Kanato: Fufu, of course. Right, Teddy?
Yui: ( I’m happy with this kind of birthday too... )
( I never fathomed they would all celebrate my birthday today like this... )
Laito: Nfu~ By the way, Bitch-chan?
Yui: Yes, Laito-kun?
Laito: As a way to congratulate you for your birthday...Who do you want to suck your blood?
Yui: Eh...!?
Laito: I mean~ Today’s a special day which only happens once a year, right? So to someone who just loves having her blood sucked like yourself...
I figured it would only seem fit to let you choose whose fangs you want for once.
Besides...We kind of want a little reward as well.
Nfu~ Personally~ ...I’d wrap a ribbon around your body and suck you in the most romantic way imaginable~
Yui: U-Um...
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Don’t just ramble on by yourself!
If that’s the case, choose me, ‘kay? Chichinashi.
I’ll give you the most surprising blood-sucking of a lifetime, it’ll leave you stunned!
Yui: Most surprising blood-sucking of a lifetime...?
Ayato: Hehe, you enjoyed today’s party, right?
In that case, I’ll give you a ‘surprise’ sucking as well. The details...I have yet to decide on.
Yui: ( W-What to do...? )
Reiji: Good grief, I wonder why they are all such a vulgar bunch?
Personally, I would dress you up in a way fit for a refined young lady before sucking your blood.
After finishing the look with a pearl necklace, I will sink my fangs right into that nape.
Yui: ( E-Even Reiji-san’s on board... )
Kanato: In that case, I’ll sink my fangs inside and suck your blood as if I’m indulging in a sweet strawberry. Biting the same spot over and over...Fufu.
Yui: ( Basically I can’t avoid having my blood sucked? )
Subaru: Have you all lost your minds!?
Yui: ( Subaru-kun...! )
Subaru: Why do you need a specific technique to suck blood? Just gulp that stuff down!
Yui: ( ...Seems like it’s set I’ll have my blood sucked one way or another... )
Shuu: Haah, what a drag...
Tell me where you want my fangs. Today, I’ll bite you wherever you want, as many times as you wish.
Yui: That’s...
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Make up your mind already! I’m not the most patient guy ‘round!
Shuu: Hurry up and choose...
Yui: E-Easy for you to say...
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan~? You want to get wrapped up in ribbons, no~?
Ayato: You like surprises, don’t you?
Kanato: You fancy strawberries, right?
Reiji: What are you all saying? She obviously wants to become a fine lady.
Subaru: Ridiculous...
Shuu: I’m tired but...I’ll stay awake until I’ve heard your answer.
Yui: ( What should I do...? I’m kind of overwhelmed by all of them. )
Sorry! I can’t pick who I would rather get bitten by!
ー Yui flees
Ayato: Ah, oi, wait! Chichinashi!
Laito: Hold it, Bitch-chan~!
Kanato: ...!! Why do you run away!?
Subaru: Wha...!?
Reiji: You...!
Shuu: Pwaah...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ( They all went out of their way to throw me a surprise party, yet I ran away... )
( While I feel kind of bad, I had no other option with all of them closing in on me like that... )
Yui: ...!?
Ayato: Hehe, gotcha? Chichinashi.
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...!?
( The others as well... )
Kanato: Say, why won’t you choose me when I tried so hard to come up with a tempting offer...?
Yui: Even if you say that...
Ayato: Hehe, you would never choose anyone but me, would you?
I mean, your special blood exists only to quench my thirst...Right?
Yui: W-Wait.
Shuu: Haah...What a drag. If you can’t make up your mind, you should just pick me.
Laito: Nfu~ And why exactly should she do that? You just love appearing out of nowhere and dropping the bomb, don’t you?
Reiji: That being said, we were able to trap her against the wall.
Yui: U-Um...
( Oh no...I have nowhere to run... )
Subaru: Say...Oi, was it really our goal to drive her in a corner like this today?
Laito: Ah, right! We wanted to celebrate her birthday, didn’t we?
Hm~ I guess it can’t be helped then.
You can just wrap yourself up as a present for my birthday instead, okay?
Yui: ( I can’t do that! )
Subaru: Geez, it turned out like this ‘cause you just couldn’t make up your damn mind.
Yui: ( I-Is this my fault? )
Subaru: What?
Yui: S-Sorry...!
( I instinctively apologized, but he helped me out, right? )
Laito: Well then, to get back on the right track, here’s my birthday present to you.
Yui: ...Eh?
Laito: A birthday kiss...on your cheek...Nn.
Ayato: Ahー! The fuck you doin’, Laito!?
Laito: What do you mean~? A birthday kiss! Oh come on, I can do this much, right?
Kanato: Hmph...In that case, from me as well...
Yui: Eh? K-Kanato-kun?
Kanato: Can you show me your hand already? Honestly, you’re so tactless...Nn.
Yui: Why...!?
Kanato: Do I need to give you my reasoning?
Ayato: Why do I have to give Chichinashi a reward?
Well, I’m sure you’re dyin’ to get a present from Yours Truly, so it can’t be helped. I’ll be so generous to give you one as well! ...Nn.
Yui: W-Wait, Ayato-kun...!
( He kissed me on the opposite cheek...!? )
Reiji: Fufu, in that case, I shall give you a present as well. Nn...You better remember it. That this was a gift from me.
Yui: ( ...!? )
( On my other hand...! )
Subaru: ...Che. Why are you all kissin’ the same chick!? I’m not takin’ part in this.
Yui: U-Um...Subaru-kuーー
Subaru: But, I guess I have no choice...So I’ll give you one as well. ...Nn.
Yui: ( Subaru-kun went for my forehead...For some reason, my whole body is burning with embarrassment! )
Shuu: Haah...It’s a chore but...To make sure you don’t forget mine...Nn.
Yui: ( A kiss on the top of my head from Shuu... )
( Those kisses just now were embarrassing and surprised me a lot but... )
( I suppose this is their way of congratulating me, huh...? )
Truly, thank you so much, you guys!
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) The term ソース or ‘sōsu’ in Japanese is used specifically to refer to the thick, kind of sticky brown sauce which you will see put on some types of street foods, such as takoyaki.
← [ Part 1 ]
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ganadalamabasa · 3 years
Birthday Cake.
( Random Low Quality Chosendark Fanfic cause I am Korean and I'm not good at Eng. XD sorry. )
It is quiet, calm afternoon. Chosen went out for a while so Dark is alone in his house. And, he is bored to death.
Damn, when will he come? I have to stay all by myself for soㅡ long! Uhh... I should've followed him. All I can do here is to laying down, doing nothing! Ugh!
He started to kick the wall aggressively while he was laying on his bed. Suddenly, a small, square Callender hung on the wall fell down directly to Dark's face.
Ow! F- huh?
Before his bad word, he saw today's date was circled with red pen. It was TCO's birthday.
' Oh, so today is his birthday, huh? And I am doing nothing for him... Hmm... '
Dark started to think about what can he do to celebrate Chosen's birthday.
' A-ha! cake! I can bake a cake for him, since I am good at cooking! Haha! '
' But then wait, Can I bake it before he comes back? Uhh... how long it's been since he went out? ... Maybe 10 minutes ago? And he usually walk for a hour and half, so... I got enough time! Let's get started then! '
Dark first grabs all ingredients that he needs. Milk, flour, egg, and etc. And he faces a difficulty.
' Uh... I got Chocolate, Strawberry, and Banana for the flavor. But I got no idea which is his favorite! God, here comes the problem. I can't ask him because I want it to be surprise, so I definetely cannot ask him. '
' Hmm... I don't think he would like banana cake, since I haven't seen him choosing it whenever we go to buy some fruits. Then I got 2 options left... '
Since he cannot ask Chosen, he has to think it out by himself. Or maybe he should simply do a lucky guess.
' Uh, got no choice but to do some gambling. I can't waste more time! Hope he would like chocolate... '
And, he chose the chocolate flavor. And he finally started baking. Mixing, baking, and decorating. Now, the cake is ready.
' Hmm, still something is missing. Maybe I can add some birthday candles to it? Let's hurry and buy it! Maybe I can decorate the house too If I have enough time. '
And he ran out of the house and headed to the store. Luckily, it was close to their house, so he could save his time. He bought Candles, and some decorations such as balloons to decorate the house. He also bought some party gear like small birthday fireworks. That way, he can surprise Chosen.
Alright! All is prepared! Let's see... what time is it- Oh god!
But the time is limited. It's about time that Chosen must be heading the home, and Dark needs to hurry.
' Oh- okay, Dark. Don't panic. The cake and decorations are ready, and all I have to do is to decorate cake with candles and prepare for a surprise party. And I can do that before Chose comes. '
* Deep breath * Let's hurry!
After some minutes later.
Whew! All is done! Everything is ready! Now, all I have to do is wait for today's main character to come! Hehe, can't wait to see his reaction~ Let's see... when will he come?
Chosen was close to the house, and Dark saw it through the window.
There he comes!
The door slowly opens, and Chosen came in.
Hey Dark, I'm home-
Happy Birthday, Chosen! Yay, the surprise party is successful!
Wow, you did all this by yourself?
Of course! I even baked a cake for you! Wanna have a taste?
Dark brought chocolate cake and a knife. Then, he slices a piece of cake and gives it to Chosen.
... Wow, it's so delicious. And, how did you know that I like chocolate cake?
Oh- so my lucky guess got a right answer, huh? Haha!
Lucky guess?
Well, I got no idea what flavor you'd like on cake, so...
You just guessed it, huh? Welp, congrats! You got the right answer!
Hehehe- Wohoo~
Anyways, thank you so much for this surprise party, dark.
Chosen gently kissed Dark's forehead.
Hehe, No problem!
I love you, Dark.
Love you too~
Actually, I wanted to post it at Chosen's birthday ( The day when chosen first appeared. ) but IDK when is his birthday XD also, I wanted to see peoples reactions of my uhhhhh bad writing so i just post it now XDDD Welp goodbye o.<
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feytouched · 3 years
okay i was feeling v bad yesterday but i ended up having a beautiful birthday! a gratitude list of things that made me happy:
breakfast with everyone (croissants!)
bf took the day off work to spend time w/ me, got up early as i did and helped me prepare cupcakes for my coworkers
stopped by the lab & everyone there who's known me since i was a kid (& new friends too) were very affectionate and liked the cupcakes
the cream cheese icing recipe i followed was bomb tbh
my outfit was cute hehe i saved it to wear it for the first time today
i made carbonara for lunch and it came out perfect
bf purchased a cute game (potion craft) which we played together for a while and it was loads of fun
one of my good friends called me and we chatted for the first time in a while, another dropped by to give me a gift and a beautiful flower
two other dear friends mailed me gifts: a sketchbook and a beautiful cloth-bound journal
me and my bf went for a little walk before picking up sushi for dinner
i saw my grandma briefly on the way back (had to keep it short & distant bc covid but! i'm glad i did)
speaking of sushi!! it was absolutely delicious & we also had a toast w/champagne out of my new-to-me vintage glasses
the cake i made yesterday fell apart when taking out of the pan, which i was v sad about, but while we were on the walk my dad glued it back together with leftover cream cheese frosting. it looked beautiful and it tasted so good!
after dinner we watched howl's moving castle, it was my dad's first time seeing it from start to end and he was really into it!
i thought no one sent happy birthday wishes through facebook any more, but it's just my notif settings that are weird and actually a lot of people wrote to send in their love. it was nice reading through their messages at the end of the day!
and of course, all of you who sent me well-wishes on here really brightened my day a lot <333
i got to spend it at home, with everyone i love, safe and healthy against all odds. i'm really feeling so lucky!
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murusagi · 3 years
[Ambush Meal] A Collaboration with Lord Toma!? Love and Madness of Delicious Meal Ft. Cage Translation
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This is a part of Otomate’s April Fool’s Special Event in which the cast of several of the company’s franchises turn into social media personalities.
Orlok: ...Bonjourno. [Pio House] Episode 1926. Today, we're going to film your favorite series, "Oruru's Ambush☆Delicious Meal Next Door".
In this series, I'm going to make a surprise visit to someone's home and enjoy a meal there.
Nicola: Orlok, can you hear me?
Orlok: Yes. The earphones are working perfectly.
Nicola: Great. I also can see you clearly through this camera.
Gilbert: We better explain the rules to the viewers.
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[Rule No. 1: Oruru must obey any instructions given to him through the earphones.]
[Rule No. 2: Oruru must eat the given food without being picky.]
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[The ones giving instructions in this episode.]
Orlok: I'll do my best.
Direttore: Nice answer. Now then, without further ado, let us ambush our target this time around! Please press the interphone in front of you.
Orlok: ...Clicks.
Ding Dong
Toma: Who is it--oh, if it isn't Orlok from [Pio House]! Did you come here by yourself? What a good boy.
Orlok: Y-Yes…
Dante: ...He's stroking his head.
Nicola: That's Orlok for you. He's quick at gaining someone's favor.
Orlok: Umm… I'm happy to be able to meet Toma from "Love and Madness of Animal Channel".
Toma: Me too. So, what brings you here? Do you want to hang out with me or what?
Orlok: No. Actually…
Toma: I see, so you want to have dinner here. Hmmm… let's see.
Orlok: Huh… A-Am I not allowed to?
Direttore: ...We already made an appointment, right?
Gilbert: Yeah, we should have made it…
Toma: You kind of remind me of Shin, Orlok.
Orlok: R-Really…?
Toma: Yeah. He's like a lil brother to me. ...Right. Can you try me calling me Onii-chan?
Orlok: What?
Toma: I'll let you in if you do. How?
Direttore: That's quite the painful request from someone whom you just met.
Nicola: I understand his feelings, though. "Onii-chan"... It has a nice ring to it.
Dante: I'll give it some thoughts if you want to be called that…?
Nicola: I don't know how to feel if you call me Onii-chan at this age… You think so, right, Direttore?
Direttore: Fufu… I will hate it, for sure. Well, I don't have little brothers? No need to worry about that?
Orlok: U-Umm, so what should I do?
Gilbert: Oops. M'bad. We stopped giving you instructions. ...Do as he said. We can't go on with the filming if he doesn't let us in.
Orlok: Okay.
...To-Toma Onii-chan.
Toma: Hm? Sorry, your voice is so small I couldn't hear it. Can you say it again?
Dante: He definitely heard it!
Nicola: Orlok, one more time!
Orlok: Toma Onii-chan…!
Toma: ...Nice. This feels satisfying for some reason. That guy will never call me that, after all. Alright, come in.
Orlok: I… I feel like I lost something important… In any case, I'm coming in.
Toma: I'm making dinner right now. Wait a bit, 'kay?
Orlok: Y-Yes.
Nicola: Orlok, how's the target doing?
Orlok: U-Uhh…
Toma: Bolognese with lots of minced meat~I feel like an Italian already~♪
Orlok: He's humming… some spells, I think? He's frying something while doing that… Looks very focused.
Dante: I see. It's time for our usual "House Tour" then.
Yang: Go to his closet.
Orlok: ...What!?
Nicola: Hm? You're up, Yang? Too bad. I wish you wouldn't wake up for eternity.
Yang: You sure are messing around with me, filming while I was sleeping. 5 billion women are crying right now.
Dante: 5 billion…!?
Yang: In any case, off you go to the closet, Orlok. Let's uncover the true nature of our targ--What are you all…?
Orlok: H-Huh? I can't hear you guys all of sudden...
Gilbert: ...Orlok, can you hear us?
Nicola: Don't mind us and just go on, Orlok. Yang is currently reflecting.
Orlok: O… Okay. So, I don't need to go to the closet?
Dante: Unfortunately, you must obey any instructions that have already been given to you. Let's head there while Toma is cooking.
Orlok: A-Alright.
Orlok: ...I found the closet.
Gilbert: Looks normal to me.
Nicola: Hey, Direttore? You've been quiet for a while. Come on, say something interesting.
Direttore: ...Ridiculous.
Dante: Where did all his tension from before go!?
Gilbert: H-Hey, you okay? Is your stomach hurt or something?
Direttore: ...I'm not interested in peeking into someone else's room.
Nicola: Hey, your real self is starting to show, you know? Be careful.
Direttore: ...Oops. I sincerely apologize for the mistake, letting out my honest opinions like that.
Orlok: ...I found the closet. It doesn't look suspicious.
Nicola: Where should we go next? He lives in a one-room apartment so there's nothing to look at.
Orlok: The balcony, maybe?
Gilbert: Nice idea. Let's take a look. Maybe he has a kitchen garden or something.
Orlok: Then, I'll open the curtain…
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Orlok: ...This is…
Dante: ...A cage.
Nicola: A cage.
Direttore: That's undoubtedly a cage.
Dante: This must be… the cage he uses for "Love and Madness of Animal Channel", right?
Orlok: To observe the animals…?
Gilbert: Y-Yea. Let's just think it that way.
Nicola: But any animals who could go into this cage… For example…
Direttore: Human beings.
All: …….
Nicola: ...Let's just pretend we do not see it.
Dante: I-I agree. My capo's intuition tells me this isn't something you can touch carelessly.
Orlok: Y-Yes. I'll close the curtain.
Toma: …..
Orlok: !!?
Toma: ...Did you see?
Orlok: I-I didn't…
Toma: Really?
Orlok: (gulps)
Toma: Fine. Follow me, I just finished cooking.
Orlok: O-Okay.
Toma: I could only make this much.
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Orlok: Whoa… Amazing.
Gilbert: How could he make this many in such a short amount of time!?
Dante: Now that I look at it again, what are those strange ingredients!?
Toma: You're in your growth period, right, Orlok? Eat a lot.
Orlok: Tha-Thank you. But is it really okay for me to eat this much…?
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Toma: This is Latium's famous Volcano Bocca, a soup containing shrimps, shellfish and vegetables. You can warm up your body with this.
Direttore: Latium… I feel like I heard about it somewhere.
Orlok: I'm digging in...ugh!
Dante: A-Are you okay!? Did he put in poison or--!?
Orlok: S-Spicy… But it has such deep flavors…
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Toma: These are steamed crab dumplings, dobin-mushi, and fried sesames. I used the vegetables from Kaga, queen crabs and barracuda stocks.
Orlok: T-These are great too! It tastes like something a pro chef makes.
Nicola: I get him. They look like the high-quality food you receive at the inns around Kanazawa.
Gilbert: That's an awfully detailed comment you have there.
Dante: Where is Kanazawa, anyway…?
Nicola: A place with the best onsen around.
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Toma: I also have a cake. I heard your birthday is on April 23? Mine is on April 12. Since our birthdays fall on the same month, I made it for celebration.
Orlok: T-Thank you… Hehe… I'm happy…
Dante: …
Direttore: What is wrong, signore? Are you jealous he got sweets?
Dante: W-Why would I…!? I-I-I just think the appearance gets my taste buds tingling…!
Nicola: Endure it for a while. I'll buy you gelato after this.
Gilbert: Anyway, how come Toma knows Orlok's birthday?
Nicola: ...Now that you mention it…
Dante: …
Direttore: Let's put that aside. It's better to keep that a secret.
Orlok: (munch munch)
Toma: How? Is it tasty?
Orlok: Yeah. ...It makes me happy.
Dante: I don't know how to explain it but seeing Orlok eat makes me feel peaceful…
Nicola: I get you. Seeing Gilbert and Yang eat doesn't make me this happy. It's not heart-warming at all.
Gilbert: Yang aside, why do you have to connect it to me?
Yang: For crying out loud, don't put me and Redford on the same shoes.
Nicola: ...Oh? I'm sure I already locked you up. You broke out already?
Yang: Of course. After receiving such a warm welcome, I should give my thanks…
Gilbert: S-Stop it, Yang! Don't pull out your blade!
Dante: You too, Nicola! Put your gun away! We're still filming!
Direttore: Oh… What a scandalous dispute. It pains my heart.
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[We are experiencing poor reception issues. Please enjoy this beautiful view of Sakura.]
Orlok: Thanks for the food.
Direttore: What a good boy. He ate them all without leaving anything.
Toma: Amazing, you ate them all by yourself. I was planning to put the leftovers into a container so you can share it with the others.
Gilbert: I wanted to try some after seeing so many interesting foods like those.
Orlok: So-Sorry. All of them were delicious so I just…
Dante: It's all right. Finishing them off is part of the rules so you didn't do anything wrong.
Nicola: Great job, Orlok. We have enough footage with this.
Orlok: Thanks for today, Toma. I'll be going now.
Toma: Ah, wait a minute. I actually have a request for you.
Orlok: ?
Toma: I still need more footage for my channel, can you help me with that?
Gilbert: Well, why not? He helped us wrap up the filming without any troubles.
Dante: We should return the favor.
Orlok: Okay. I'd like to help if there's anything I can do.
Toma: Great to hear that. Now--.
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Can you get into the cage?
Orlok: ….Huh? ...What?
Toma: I've been keeping my eyes on you. Since you look like a small animal, it’s just perfect.
Gilbert: I see, so it's come to this…
Toma: I figured you'll be lonely so I put some plushies inside.
Orlok: T-That's not the problem here…
Toma: Now, now. You can't tell unless you try. Get in there.
Orlok: I don't want to--.
Toma: Only you can do this, Orlok. Please.
Orlok: ….
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Toma: Can you look here? ...Yes, nice. It'll gain more viewers, I'm sure.
Orlok: Can I… get out of here already?
Toma: No, you just got in here. Oh, right. I have some chains. Can you put them on?
Dante: Even chains… This is abnormal…
Orlok: U-Uuuhhh… Guys, what should I do…?
Nicola: You'll be fine, Orlok. It surprisingly suits you.
Direttore: I agree. I'm sure there are people who are into this kind of thing.
Orlok: ...I'm not fine at all…
Toma: It's not as cute as hamster, but there's a huge demand for something like this. Do you mind if I turn it into a series if it gets good feedback?
Orlok: !!?
Toma: I think we were meant to meet. Shin would scold me again if he were here, though.
Orlok: I want to go home…
Toma: Hm? You want to meet him? He's off for another recording right now, so he probably won't return for a while.
Orlok: ….
...I realized something. I shouldn't trust others. The only one I could rely on is myself…
Toma: Haha. That's a nice expression you have there. With that said, it all depends on you guys whether I should make this a series or not. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
T/L Notes:  Dobin-mushi: Food steam-boiled in an earthenware teapot
87 notes · View notes
twstarchives · 4 years
Ace Trappola・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Dress-Up Groom Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Don’t drag in any kind of trouble again, alright? ‘Cause I’m not helping you out this time!”
Groovy “It’d get exhausting always being so serious about everything, wouldn’t it? You just gotta be efficient about things ♪”
Home Setting “Let’s take it nice and slow today!”
Home Transitions “Something’s always going on whenever I’m with you. Seriously, it doesn’t ever get boring.”
“Hm? I don’t really hate school. It’s not like I need it, though. Haha! If I didn’t go, I’d just have nothing to do.”
“Professor Crewel called me over when I ditched class duty today... He gets so intense when he’s scolding his students!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you’re finally here. So what’re you doing right now? C’mon, pick something~”
Home Taps “It’s kinda nice that our outfits are already picked out for us everyday. If we got to wear casual clothes, we’d have to spend some time trying to put together an outfit.”
“My dreams for the future? Nope, don’t got any! Striving hard to achieve your dreams is so... bleurgh, I can’t do it. It’s just not my thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, what do you want with me this time? You’ve got some serious dedication to this whole prefect thing.”
“I’m glad our dorm color is red. I like red. It stands out, it’s stylish, and it fits me nicely, doesn’t it?”
“Alright, alright, stop pulling so hard; I can hear you just fine! ...So? What is it?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m pretty confident about my reflexes. Wanna take a look at my magift skills?”
Groovy “You can tell just by looking at me that I’m the type who hates losing. Come do some intensive training with me!”
Home Setting “It’s not good for you to just be standing still like that!”
Home Transitions “I seriously can’t handle Coach Vargas. He’s so intense and conceited... It’s tiring just being around him.”
“I have a lot of fun in the basketball club. I get along well with upperclassmen from the other dorms too.”
“I think sports and magic are kinda similar. I mean, you’ve gotta put all your effort into both of them everyday.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “PE class is about to start soon. You’ll get left behind if you keep moving so slow~”
Home Taps “Did you already eat yet? If not, let’s go pick up something from the store. It’s boring being cooped up inside all the time.”
“No way. I don’t even have to ask; I can tell just by that face that whatever you have to say is something real troublesome. Don’t tell me.”
“I don’t wanna turn into some macho guy who’s totally ripped, so I can take it easy with my training.”
“Cater actually has pretty good reflexes. I should ask him for some Flying tips later.”
“Ahaha!! What do you want~? You keep poking me in the side over and over again!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Working together’s really important. ...So anyway, let’s do our best on this assignment!”
Groovy “It’s fine to slack off just a little. Just do your best not to get caught.”
Home Setting “What, you’ve got a question? Alright, you owe me one.”
Home Transitions “I saw Deuce in the library looking really serious about something. I guess he’s studying for our next test.”
“Hey, did you finish the homework? Let’s do it together if you haven’t yet. That way we can split the work and get it done faster.”
“Sometimes there are potions with effects that make you think ‘What would you even make that for?’ I’d never wanna drink one, though.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “They don’t call Night Raven a prestigious academy for nothing. I gotta study sometimes too or I’ll get behind.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Why do you have so much motivation for your classes? Don’t tell me you’re actually planning on making Grim a great mage, or something?”
Home Taps “The Headmaster really shows up and vanishes at the most unexpected times. Yesterday it almost gave me a heart attack when I noticed he was sitting behind me.”
“Be careful if you come across any talking flowers in the Botanical Garden. People say they’re really mean.”
“Potions are so nasty. And yet in the Queen of Hearts’ country, they were supposed to have tasted like things like pies and juice...”
“What do they even do at the science club? Trey invited me to stop by earlier but it seemed boring so I said no.”
“Ah, I seriously can’t deal with intense people. Go do that kinda stuff with Deuce, not me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you gotten everything ready for our next experiment? I’m kinda worried about how slow you are.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Wearing these feels kinda... ah, don’t laugh at me! You’re not one to talk either!!”
Groovy “Hehe! I give off that prestigious Night Raven College! vibe, don’t I?”
Home Setting “Don’t cause any trouble today!”
Home Transitions “Hah... Why do the teachers have to talk for so long? It’s so boring. I wish they’d  wrap it up in three minutes flat.”
“What kinds of things do you guys have celebrations for where you come from? Do you celebrate Unbirthdays?”
“Before enrolling here, I thought these clothes looked so old-fashioned, but now I think they’re very fitting for a mage. Heheh.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oi, Prefect. Grim starts causing all the mischief he wants whenever you’re not here!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Tada! I pulled a hedgehog out of my hood...! Wait, I messed it up. Magic tricks using living creatures are really hard.”
Home Taps “If you’re free, how about we go to the lounge? Well, the only thing I usually do there is play cards though.”
“Doesn’t this school have a serious lacking of entertainment?! There’s absolutely nowhere to have fun! What about a café? Or some live shows?!”
“My shoulders feel kinda stiff... I’m really not good at formal things.”
“I think my brother was even happier than my parents when they found out I was accepted here. He’s an alumni from the same dorm as me.”
“No, you can’t sleep right now! You were dozing off in class the other day and even I could tell from sitting behind you!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh, perfect timing. Could we have a card game tournament at Ramshackle tonight? ...It’s fine, no one’ll find out!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “My winning trump card is the Ace of Hearts!”
“I’d rather not get all heated and serious about things. ...Hey, are you even listening?!”
Groovy “You want to come to Heartslabyul? Haha, we’ll always welcome you!”
Home Setting “Let’s hurry and get this done!”
Home Transitions “Wanna go to the Unbirthday Party together? I promise there’ll be a delicious tart. ...I can’t promise the Dorm Leader will be in a good mood, though.”
“I know a magic trick that can make multiple cards appear from just one. Wanna see?”
“Euegh... I ate too much pie and now I’m so full... Trey’s sweets are just so good; I couldn’t stop eating.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Prefect-! Come help me take care of the hedgehogs we use for croquet!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “So? How do I look in my dorm uniform? Handsome? ...Er, complimenting me that much would just sound like a lie.”
Home Taps “I showed the Dorm Leader a card trick and it actually surprised him. That felt nice ♪”
“If I was put in a different dorm... mm, I can’t even picture it. I guess Heartslabyul just fits me the best.”
“The freshmen have four people per room. It’s crowded, but it’s always full of energy so it’s a lot of fun. You should come hang out sometime.”
“Red vests are part of both our school and dorm uniforms, but the ones we wear with our dorm uniforms also have a traditional pattern associated with the Queen of Hearts on them.”
“Hey, now even you are acting just like Grim does; stop it! This keeps getting more and more out of hand.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I wish you were part of Heartslabyul too. You don’t get the thrill of wondering when your head’ll get chopped off anywhere else.”
Duo Magic Ace: “Oi, Deuce! You better not just drag me down!” Deuce: “You’re so full of yourself! Who do you think you’re talking to, Ace?!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ace’s birthday event (Sept 18 - Sept 25, 2020).
Login on Birthday “Hey Prefect, do you know what day it is today? It’s not an Unbirthday... It’s Ace’s birthday! Which means I’m the star of today. What should I do for it~?”
Unlock Card “Today I can have the first slice of cake without worrying about losing my head, right?”
“Hey, what’re you gonna get me for my birthday? Oh, if you’ve got no idea, a cherry pie would be nice~”
Groovy “Having a giant party isn’t as bad as I thought. Thanks for coming to celebrate too!”
Home Setting “This get-up’s so embarrassing! It’s screaming ‘Look at me!’ way too much.”
Home Transitions “This heart-shaped pin is reaaally sparkly. It’s kinda intense with how special! it looks.”
“When I was at my club earlier, the soles of my basketball shoes fell apart. Floyd has a good sense of style; maybe he’ll give some to me as a gift~”
“I don’t mind Cater posting pictures of me on Magicam... but I don’t know how to feel about him tagging it as ‘Acey’s Growth Record.’”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Sorry, but we can’t have an Unbirthday Party today. ‘Cause today’s my actual birthday!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “After the party, can I come over to Ramshackle? Let’s invite Jack and the others and play cards till it’s morning.”
Home Taps “When I was little, my older brother one time blew out the candles on my birthday cake. We got into huge fight after.”
“I’m only one year older now, but everyone’s making a huge celebration out of it... I’m not saying I hate it, though~”
“Deuce said he’d treat me to whatever pastry I want at the school store! Hahaha, let’s ask him for the most expensive one. You in?”
“My brother’s not the only one good at magic tricks in my family; my dad’s really good at them too. On our birthdays, he used to show us tricks using gift boxes.”
“Aghgh, I get it! We’re done saying ‘Yes, Happy Birthday!’ ...It’s kind of really embarrassing...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I can ask you favors since it’s my special day today, can’t I? When you finish that assignment, come join the party!”
Duo Magic Ace: Ortho, wish me a big happy birthday! Ortho: Happy birthday, Ace Trappola!
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Lv Up “Oh, this feels kinda nice!”
“Yay! Level up!”
“I gotta get even further ahead of everyone else.”
Max Lv Up “This feels incredible. Now that I’ve got this, it’ll probably be a lot easier for me to back up a certain someone who can’t use magic.”
Episode Lv Up “Ahaha! So these kinds of things can happen too. I always thought people like you would be the ones I’d get along the worst with, but I guess not! ...Just messing with you.”
Magic Lv Up “I could win against the Dorm Leader now that I’ve got this power, right? ...Oh, what I said just now is a secret, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “Whaaat? Aren’t you expecting too much from me? Well, alright. Guess I just should just work a little harder!”
Groovy “I’ll keep showing you more and more of my cool side, so look forward to that!”
Lesson Select “What class are you doing? Hurry up and pick. I’ll be sleeping straight through any one you pick anyway.”
“You’re so enthusiastic about this... Okay, okay! Stop pulling on me so hard!”
“Make sure to keep a close eye on Grim during class, alright, Prefect? He tried ditching earlier and the teacher got mad at him.”
Lesson Start “Let’s get this over with!”
Lesson End “It’s done~! Ahh, I’m tired.”
Battle Start “Okay~ I’ll make you all hit rock bottom!”
Battle End “Nothing to say about it. I won!”
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Profile Quote “Man, the Queen of Hearts is so cool! Nobody would obey a queen who’s just kind all the time, right?”
January 2020 Trailer “Ya better not be late! Or the scaaary queen will chop off your head!”
Countdown Poster “Stop daydreaming. Don’t you know you can get lost in the rose maze?”
Take His Hand “Let's head on over there!”
Player Birthday Wish “Eh? Was there something going on today? ...I’m just messing with you! It’s your birthday, right? Of course I remembered. Happy birthday, Prefect.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Hey you, Thanks for the present. But what’s up with the sudden gesture? Are you trying to apologize for something here? …JUST KIDDING! I actually need to talk to you about something, too. See you in class later!
252 notes · View notes
twistedtranslations · 4 years
Trey Clover - Just a “normal” guy
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You can unlock this story by getting Trey’s SR Lab coat
Translation under the cut
Rook: The science club. We do everything from cultivating plants, to chemistry experiments to cooking… There are plenty of clubs that do activities besides sports. Because of our wide range of activities, we are also called the "Whatever club", as there are many human oddballs affiliated with us. And here it is, today's activity of the science club…
Trey: Rook, it's nice that you come earlier than anyone else to the botanical garden to participate passionately, but… Can you please stop talking while you're watering the plants.
Rook: But Trey. Don't you think they want to know more about their caretakers?
Trey: Haha… You’re an oddball as usual.
Trey: Okay, I should take care of my potted plants as well. How are the strawberries doing that I'm cultivating…? Oh, they seem to have gotten redder than yesterday. It should be fine to harvest them now. Hm… They smell nice, and their shine is the optimal right now. It was worth it to spare no effort in cultivating them.
Rook: Hey, Trey. There's something that’s been on my mind for a while, can you hear me out?
Trey: I don't really mind… Is it that serious?
Rook: They often say that the science club is full of oddballs, but in contrast, you are a normal person. I want to expose that mystery.
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Trey: Then I'll have to disappoint you. Process of elimination is the reason I entered the club. I would enter the home economics club or the cooking club if those existed, but they didn't.
Rook: Yes, you love making sweets. So, how do you feel, having chosen this club?
Trey: I'm having fun. I'm not only cooking but also cultivating the fruits to put on my cakes… I tried it and surprisingly got into it.
Rook: I see, so you're the kind of guy who gets obsessed with one thing.
Trey: For example, there are many varieties of strawberries. They can range from having a sweet to a sour taste. The kind I'm cultivating now is very sour, so I think it would taste nice in a tart. Our dorm leader is extremely fond of strawberry tarts. He'll be glad if we have some for the next tea party.
Rook: Hehe… I think you are plenty passionate about researching strawberries. Roi des Roses… so Riddle was your motivation. Having such a deep loyalty is très bien! As expected of the Chevalier, Trey!
Trey: Deep loyalty… Don't exaggerate. Riddle is my childhood friend, so I just know what he likes. That's all. 
Rook: Is that so? My eyes reflect a much deeper bond between you two! But yes… a flower will wither if you give it too much water. It's fine to hold back so you won't break his heart.
Jade: Trey!
Trey: Hm? You are Jade from Octavinelle… Is there something?
Jade:… Actually, something awfully troubling has happened. Won't you lend me your power? Floyd has embezzled all the fruits that were supposed to be served at Mostro Lounge.
Rook: Oh my, Floyd is such a mischievous child as usual.
Jade: It fills me with great embarrassment. To request something of you is awfully painful, but… won't you hand over the strawberries you grew?
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Trey: No, I'm sorry, but I was planning on using these strawberries for the tarts for the next tea party…
Jade: I know it is an impudent request but… I must request it nonetheless. An important customer has reserved us today for a birthday party. Unfortunately, the school store has also run out of fruits. I don't have time to go shopping off campus.
Rook: Les Miserables! If you cannot have a cake for a birthday party…
Trey: It would be sad to present a birthday cake with only the base and cream. … I understand. I shall give these strawberries to you.
Jade: Really? Ah, I'm relieved. Thank you very much!
Trey: However, I have one condition.
Jade: Of course, I'm grateful. Please ask me anything.
Trey: I'm relieved to hear that. In exchange for the strawberries, I’d like…
Chapter 2
Trey: And now we remove the axillary buds of the roots… Okay, this way they won't take nutrition from the sprout. Please grow up to be sweet and tasty. 
Rook: Bonjour, Trey! Once again, are you seriously participating in today's club activities! This is the first time I've seen that planter, is it a newbie?
Trey: Yes. I'm planting new strawberry seedlings.
Rook: Ah, you did give the strawberries you've raised until now away to Jade. Oh, I know something! Let me give the newbie a name.
Trey: No, it's fine, you really don't have to give the strawberry a name.
Rook: You don't need to hold back… If you do change your mind please tell me though! Your modesty. And your kindness of yesterday. You are such a virtuous person! To think you'd give away the strawberries you put your soul into for a complete stranger's birthday cake.
Trey: I can just grow more strawberries. Besides, it's not like I gave them away to Jade for free.
Jade: Trey, I have brought the goods you requested.
Trey: Oh, now that we speak of the devil. I've been waiting, Jade.
Jade: Thank you very much for rescuing Mostro Lounge from yesterday's crisis. Here are your desired items, in exchange for the strawberries… A strawberry tart from the famous patissier from the town at the foot of the hill.
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Rook: How beautiful…! The strawberries are vibrantly shining and look like polished rubies!
Trey: As expected of you, Jade. There was a rumor going around that you have to line up in the early morning to buy it, but you managed to.
Jade: As a punishment for the embezzlement, I had Floyd line up in the morning.
Trey: Huh. I didn't expect "that" Floyd to line up obediently like that.
Jade: Even if we're brothers, I was sure to make him repay his settlement for the embezzlement.
Rook: Oh my. The relationship between those is complicated and interesting.
Trey: In any case, thank you for the strawberry tart. I'm sure Riddle will be overjoyed.
Rook: Hey, Trey. While the tart that Jade bought seems extremely delicious, are you satisfied with that?
Trey: In what way?
Rook: I thought Riddle would be more pleased with handmade tarts and the strawberries you put so much love into raising.
Trey: Haha, no way.
Rook-Jade: Huh?
Trey: What's with you two. It's not like I said anything weird.
Rook: But you started cultivating strawberries because Riddle loves strawberry tarts, didn't you?
Trey: I guess so. While Riddle tends to fuss about the taste, his tastebuds are actually not that refined. If he knows it's from a famous store, he'll be happy. And I won't have to make it by hand. 
Rook: I say… This is quite surprising, Jade.
Jade: Indeed. I was sure Trey was the type that wanted to make Riddle eat homemade food with plenty of love.
Trey: What kind of type is that? Well, it's true that I love cooking so I get why you’d misunderstand...
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Trey: Frankly, I don't care about how it's made or if there's love in it. The priority is making sure that our dorm leader doesn't get his tyrannical mode switched on. Anything in the world but that, you know.
Rook: Dear me, And I thought you were Riddle's faithful knight… what a little misunderstanding. Trey. You are kind of shrewd.
Trey: I'm nothing like that. I'm like you said, just a "normal" guy.
Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden
Cater: Aaaah!
Trey: ! Why did you suddenly yell out like that, Cater?
Cater: Isn't today's tea party cake the strawberry tart from that famous shop in the town at the foot of the hill where you have to line up from morning!
Riddle: Hmpf… is it that rare?
Deuce: Yes, I even saw it on the TV.
Cater: If I upload this to Magicam it will go viral! Let me take a pic before we eat it~
Ace: Trey, how did you get such an outrageously popular tart?
Trey: It certainly took some time and effort. However, I did all of it for the dorm leader's tea party. Going this far is no problem. I don't know whether this will satisfy your palate though, Riddle.
Riddle: W-Well, I have gotten used to eating strawberry tarts. Since Trey went through the trouble of getting it, I shall carefully savor it.
Trey: That's an honor. Let's serve the first piece. Here, dorm leader. Bon appétit!
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my favourite choreo is also fallin flower! i swear everything about that song is perfect. the melody, the mv, the choreo and the lyrics <3 svt rly knows what they're doing. i cant tell you how many times ive rewatched their tma performance. but i also love my my and beautiful's choreo! i honestly didn't know beautiful had a choreo until recently but its so cute T-T i love it sm
i dont have any money to spend so i only have like printed out polaroids rather than official photocards. i do have the nct lightstick but thats it skjdksjsj do you have anything? if you do and if you're comfortable would you mind showing it?
also, im gonna start binging your works 👀 but im scared if i interact you'll guess who i am and its a bit too early for that skjdjsjs i'll send my thoughts through here and i promise i'll rblg everything after though :D <3
i rly wanna send chan and soobin pics but i cant do that with anon on 😔
its currently like 1230 am and i cant rly think straight so some fun facts about you or anything else 🤲 um also, pretty random but favourite aesthetic and favourite cake?
- 💎
HMM YOU MADE A MISTAKE??? i didn't see a previous ask or were you talking about your other one? fallin flower is just gorgeous i agree with every word on that 🥺 WAH i also didn't know beautiful had choreo??? i need to watch that ASAP and omg i forgot to mention my my because the part where they're like imitating a boat? they're so talented for that aaa
printed out polaroids are so cute!!! when we're able to go off anon you gotta show me if you're okie with that 😊 and you have an nct lightstick!!! theirs is like bright green i believe? my friend and i were planning in splitting shipping for the carat bong sometime in august 😎 ill make a separate post after this to show you some recent svt loot hehe 😌
omg thank you!!! yeah maybe don't interact just yet just to be safe for now but i hope you enjoy 🥺 are you a writer by any chance?
hmm random facts! 😎 i got back into ff writing after being really hooked on haikyuu!! shows that i enjoy that are not kdramas and anime are how i met your mother and high school musical the musical the series!! big hero 6 is also my favourite movie in general :)
i like soft girl aesthetics!! if that's what you mean by aesthetics LOL chunky cardigans and printed fuzzy socks are my anthem. i'm not so much of a cake person to be honest D: did i talk about bingsu in my last answer? because i order that stuff for my birthday instead of actual cakes :O mango is DELICIOUS
since you cannot send pics yet, i will give you these (also bc i love them too) it will be 4 am by the time i post this reply :( sorry for the late answer anon!! i just prefer to answer longer asks on my computer that's why i was active on tumblr during the time i received your ask, i hope you sleep well!!
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
Cheers, darling | th x fem!reader
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@follow-tom-holland-is-spiderman asked: DAMN IT I JUST REMEMBERED. May I please request a tom x reader blurb where TOM BRINGS CHAMPAGNE AND THEY CELEBRATE SOMETHING TOGETHER *cough* sound familiar?! *cough* I love you my pêche so feel free to turn it into what ever you want 🍑 💕
Warnings: lots of fluff and cute gestures, SMUT including unprotected sex (wrap it up kids, even on pill), drinking (drunk sex maybe?? not that much), swearing, teasing, dirty talk an oral (f and m receiving). 
Word Count: around 5.1k (christ)
A/N: ooooh my lovely cheeky little shy 😏✨ trust me, I did NOT forget about that request of yours but like... idk it was still in my drafts for some reason? oops I guess 😂 oh! and I decided to make it a oneshot hehe 🙊 did I get carried away? oh 1000% yes. but do I regret it? ... NOT AT AAAAAALL 🙈 anyway enjoy this one and stay safe, sweetheart 💖
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event  
masterlist | tag list
You yawn. 
The living room is plunged into darkness, the only ounce of light coming from the tv screen. Today at work completely tired you out as your lunch break only lasted ten minutes. Just thinking about it gives you a headache. But stopping by the Thai restaurant on your way home to get some takeouts was the brightest idea of the day. And now your belly was full and pleased, in comfy pyjamas and messy bun.
Later, a knock on the front door draws your attention away from the cheesy slasher your were currently watching all evening. Intrigued, you slide off the couch and makes your way over to the door with a frown, wondering who could this be so late at night. Turning the knob and sliding open the door, you are actually mildly startled to see Tom, your boyfriend, with his signature smile and both his hands occupied on her doorstep. 
"Hey, darling! Surprised you, huh?" Tom chuckles, sliding past you as you give him both a tired and confused look but don’t bother to say anything yet.
You were not supposed to see each other until tomorrow for lunch, as the boy had a few meetings all day today but also the next day in the morning.
"I sent you a couple of texts but didn’t get any answer” begins Tom while walking through the dark living room, switching the lights on as he keeps walking. 
“I thought you might be asleep already, but now I'm really glad you're awake" Tom hums as he heads to the kitchen to put on the counter what he brought, you soon following behind him. “We can celebrate together, it's almost midnight!"
"Uhm- celebrate what, Tom?"
"Your birthday of course, silly!" he stares at you wide eyed. "Even if we planned to celebrate it tomorrow as it’s your day off, I wanted to make something a bit more original and do it a first time as midnight passes. So I manage to make all my meetings today and have all tomorrow free to be with you." 
Tom starts emptying the bags to reveal some fancy delicacies. Now standing close to him, your eyes follow whatever he takes out and displays on the counter, beginning with a small pastel cardboard box, a pink and black bag with the familiar letters “V” and “S” on it and two bottles of champagne. Dom Pérignon’s bottles. As he brings the box closer, Tom delicately slides it open just enough for you to catch sight of the cake he knows you like so much.
"W-Wow, I wasn’t expecting this at all..." you almost whisper, still surprised by all this.
Turning to face him, your cheeks warm at the actual closeness, one of his arms sliding around your shoulders, his free hand resting on the counter as Tom leaves a kiss on your forehead.
"This is only a nice sneak peek of tomorrow, baby."
The arm around you slides around your hips, pulling you forward as you rest the flat of your palms on his torso with fluttering eyes. When you glance up to his face, his expression looks completely intense and even a bit flustered himself, before Tom picks you up and slides you onto the counter next to the cake box. Both of his hands ease apart your knees and he places himself in between, capturing your lips before you can even speak one word.
"My soon-to-be Birthday Girl."
You can’t help but laugh, even if it is drowned by his warm lips. You cup his face in your hands, keeping him in place while he switches from simple pecks to cheeky nibbles and smooth long kisses. Such a straightforward yet endearing attention fed by the need to make you feel like a total queen. His queen. 
"If you keep going, we might miss midnight, Tommy" you mumble detaching from his hungry lips that instantly found their way to the side of your neck, with growls. 
You couldn't deny that neck kisses are one of your greatest weaknesses.
“Dammit, I almost forgot...” Tom groans into your neck, pecking it a last time before he reluctantly parts from you. “Alright, take this and go try it on while I get everything ready over there. But be quick!”
As Tom kisses your nose, he places in your hands the pink and black bag he brought and soon leaves the space between your legs, making you come down the counter. He almost pushes you out of the kitchen to frantically open all your cupboards to find what he needs.
Without waisting more time, you bring the gift bag with you back to your bedroom. Once there you sit on your bed and carefully open it, untying the beautiful silk knot to then put it next to you on the mattress. Bitting your bottom lip, your hand finally plunges into the bag, now excited to see what your boyfriend bought that he quickly wants to see you wearing it, so you take everything out. 
Disposing the now empty bag onto the bed, you neatly unfold all the pink papers on your knees to now discover a beautiful set of lingerie. The fabric almost slips under your touch, the lace feeling delicate and sophisticated like you could never imagine. Even the colour looks so much more appealing on it, the gorgeous navy blue reminding you of the bikini you wore during your last vacation together in Positano, Italy. Apparently, Tom seems to like you wearing this particular colour...
As you manage to not get lost in your memories from that delightful holiday, you stand and slip out of your pyjamas and underwear to quickly put the new one on. And damn, it does put you to your best advantage: from the beautifully detailed bralette, that still accentuate your breast to its best, to the sexy indent panties that just leave nothing to the imagination, all of it almost see-through. You cheeks redden at all the inappropriate thoughts you can’t stop, thinking about what’s to come making things even worse.
Suddenly you remember Tom saying to be quick, so you check on your alarm clock to see it is now 11:51pm. Oof, just in time! You rapidly put your pyjama backon, taking an extra minute to rearrange your hair into something more decent. Then you exist your room and scamper back in the kitchen, but to see no one there.
“In the living room, darling!” Tom calls you in the other room, so you quickly join him there.
When you pass the doorframe, you suddenly stop on your tracks at the unexpected scenery before your eyes. The living room lights has been subdued to create a cosy ambience, a few candles lit and meticulously arranged in the room and Tom, being a natural hottie without even trying, sits on the couch with everything he brought placed on the coffee table. This simple gesture makes your heart beats like crazy, you almost being on the verge of crying because you never received this much affection by anyone before.
Tom wakes you from your thoughts as he is now standing, his hand extended to you for you to take it. So you take his offered hand, delicately squeezing it, while he walks you both to the couch to sit.
“Tom, this is-”
Your words are cut off by Tom’s index finger pressing slightly onto your full lips.
“After, princess” he almost whispers with a wink, “For now, let’s celebrate.”
True to his words, Tom detaches from you to check his phone. As he notices there is only one minute left before midnight, he takes a lighter he found in your kitchen and lights the adorable candle on the cake. The nice writing “Happy Birthday (Y/N)” on it fills your belly with tones of butterflies, the bright smile now on your face slightly hurting your cheeks.
As midnight finally comes, Tom brings the lighten birthday cake to you. The burning candle reflects in his warm coffee eyes, emphasising his facial features you love so much.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
After smiling at each other, your eyes locked for at least five good seconds, you approach your face towards the candle and slowly blow it as you make a silent wish. Once done, you gently cup Tom’s face in your hand to bring it close to yours and share a long passionate kiss.
“Thank you, Tom. So much” you mumble against his lips, the smile never leaving both your face.
“Anything for you, gorgeous” Tom says while slightly bumping your nose with his, making you giggle.
Once you pull away from each other Tom carefully cuts two generous slices of cake, giving you yours first and then serving himself. You can’t wait but take a mouthful of the delicious dessert, exhaling loudly at the savoury fruity flavour you always love. 
You soon notice Tom standing again while taking one of the fresh bottles of champagne in his hands, starting to open it.
“Please, don’t hurt yourself... or me” you comment, half joking but also quite unsure.
“I’m a pro at it, darling, don’t worry!”
And he actually is. The sudden “pop” of the cork resonates in your apartment as Tom clumsily makes it in time to fill the two flute glasses before any champagne goes onto your carpet. Putting the bottle back in the ice bucket, Tom gives you your glass and sits again with his next to you. You can already the delicate smell of the fancy bubbly liquid filling your nostrils. 
“Cheers, darling” Tom hums as he presents his flute glass to yours, once again locking eyes with you.
“Cheers, baby. And thank you so much again” you state, smiling, while clicking both glasses together.
After eating half of the cake and drinking one bottle of the bubbly wine - the second one already open, you and Tom are now a bit drunk, laughing for nothing and more touchy. You are actually hugging him, both legs resting over his thighs as you share another stupid story at work in between giggles. Tom lovingly listens to you (you’re not sure if he really does), his cheeks now pink from all the champagne as one arm surrounds your shoulders, his hand caressing along it.
Then a sneaky peck here quickly turns into languid and sloppy kisses there, including nibbling and grabbing at each other. In the end, you find yourself straddling Tom’s hips as both your lips seems stick to the other.
"Let me see my gift on you, darling. I waited way enough" Tom rasps, licking the flat of his tongue along the edge of your neck and up to the shell of your ear, where he paces his lips around it and sucks for a few seconds.
He smirks at the way both of your hands slide over his shoulders wanting to hold onto him. Tom then pulls back to show you his confident and smug expression that has you pursing your lips together. Damn him for being cute and hot at the same time... but why would you refuse this pleasant offer to him? Anyway, your mind is mostly filled with bubbles to make you think properly by now. And in a way too frisky mood.
So you part a little from your boyfriend, whose hands keep their grips onto your bottom. As you stare at him with blurry eyes, you then start fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt to tease Tom. At some point, when feeling him wriggle under you, the friction slowly killing him, you remove the shirt in one motion and throw it somewhere behind the couch and you can’t miss the almost animalistic growl leaving Tom’s mouth. Quickly proceeding with the little show, you then try to stand while putting your hands on his thighs for support and still between his legs, you get rid off your pyjama pants, now on total display for your boyfriend’s eyes only.
“Holy fuck-” Tom breaths out, licking his lips as he contemplates you up and down. “I’ve got fucking great tastes, you look damn ravishing darling” he then smirks as he lets you sit on him again, lifting your hands to caress his cheeks.
His expression softens a bit before meeting you in the middle for several kisses, his hands finally in contact with more skin. You barely manage to give him a sassy remark before Tom just rolls you both over, laying you down onto the couch before climbing on top of you. After pushing at your knees, he feels along all of your womanly curves making you feel warm and delightfully tingly.
“It’s not even my birthday but fuck does it feel like it” Tom groans over your frame, his eyes appreciating every inch of your exposed skin.
Giggling softly at him with red cheeks, you caress one of your hands down his still clothed chest and the other along his astute cheek bones, before encouraging him to come closer. When his muscular neck is in range, you lift up and kiss him all over, feeling empowered from the way he growls your name like he really enjoys the texture of your pink appendages.
"Ah- Tommy..." you moan softly right next to his ear when he tiptoes his fingers up your inner thigh to tease a few of his digits up and down against your lace panties. 
Tom smirks at the way your body arched backwards and both of your hands cling to him, while he rasps seductively about the fact that he can feel you getting wet already. You pout at him while tugging at his shirt, which Tom gladly lets you pull off and toss to the floor. 
“So... got another gift for me, baby?”
Giggling at your own question, you admire his muscular physique by outlining your finger tips along his hunky six pack. His skin looks a little pink and flustered because of all the champagne consumed maybe, but Tom quickly recovers by cupping your chin and pulling you to meet his lips for several warm and passionate kisses. The press of his tongue catches you off guard so much that you become dizzy with the hungry lap of his muscle all over your mouth, noting every slick surface you have to offer.
Unable to breath, you whimper into his mouth and he finally parts with an erotic sheen of lewd saliva connecting your tongues together. With desire and lust forming in his beautiful brown eyes, he leans down towards your chest and starts hastily to press his lips right between your breasts, each kiss more enticing and hungry as he keeps going. 
Both of his hands caress over your stomach and hips, before toying with the edge of your panties. Getting now more aroused, you slowly ease your legs up and spread them apart, giving him an enticing view of the trail to your clothed core. You seductively whimper again, staring right at Tom as you trail your hands over your breasts and down between your legs.
“For fuck sake (Y/N)-”
His fine lips go back to kissing your knees, inner thighs and even against the soft silky material of your panties. However, even as you moan from the sensual sway of pleasure, Tom doesn't stop here and continues to edge his way up your stomach, enjoying the way you jitter as he licks your belly button and slides up between your breasts until he is sucking at a soft patch of your neck.
"Mhm, baby..." you practically purr to him, leaning your head back to allow the boy to have all the skin he wants. 
Tom smirks against your soft flesh, subtly liking the sway of your hands that gently pet through his hair and down his smooth back muscles. He then sneaks his hands under your back to undo your bra, even though he clearly appreciates how more gorgeous you look wearing his new gift.
After leaving you at least two or three pulsating and vibrant love bites, Tom makes you softly gasp in surprise at the way he yanks your bra along your arms and immediately starts sucking on the closest nip. The hungry sway of his tongue has you moaning and leaning your head back to close your eyes, losing yourself to his enticing warm rhythm.
His other hand wrapped around the other breast squeezing, squishing and even rolling the perky little nub between his thumb and index finger, till he finally decides to move his lips over the other and shows it some love as well.
Tom admires how glossy and wet your tip appears, while rasping that every single part of your body belongs to him. Which he demonstrates by biting close to your nipple almost hard enough to leave light impressions of his teeth. A sharp gasp of his name escapes your lips the moment you feel the pleasurable type of pain his possessive desires want to give you. Once Tom is done nipping all over your breasts, he grins at the way you are panting and looking rather vulnerable beneath him.
"Mhm, I have an idea" Tom murmurs, freeing you from your bra completely before grabbing your hips and rolling with you. As you find yourself on top of your boyfriend again, the boy then encourages you to turn around until your knees are on either side of his head, his dark hungry eyes staring up at the damp circle that outlines your intimate lower lips. 
Extending his tongue, Tom leans up and laps down the middle of your clothed slit.
"F-fuck, Tommy..." you pant, staring down at the very clear aroused outline of his hard cock, still covered with his jeans. Lifting one hand, you feel along his shape, biting your lip feeling just how much his girth wants to be set free.
While continuing to lick against your panties, Tom shamelessly grabs your ass, pulling down until your are basically sitting on his face. However, he seems to thoroughly enjoy this as he makes out passionately with your lips to soak your lingerie with his saliva and your combined arousal.
"You've made your panties so wet, baby... ‘must really feel turned on, uh?" he teases, making you squeak and jitter as he takes an intimate whiff against your clothed sex making it difficult for you to focus on unzipping his pants like you want to.
"Let’s take these off so I can really please my Birthday Girl..." 
With warm cheeks you clumsily lift yourself up, making it easier for him to tug at your lace panties and toss them on the floor behind him. Just the heat from his eyes observing what makes you a woman is enough to have you tingling all over your body.
You murmur something incomprehensible, feeling absolutely sensational as he goes back to make out passionately with your lower lips and even presses his tongue into your folds.
Finding your own desire to make Tom feel good, you finally work his pants and boxers down enough to free his stout cock and immediately start licking him up and down while curling your fingers around the base. The rhythm your hand starts working on must feel amazing to him, because Tom pauses to groan in such a way that you feel the heat of his breath against your clit.
Adding your other hand, you pump his length from both sides while parting and wetting your lips with your tongue, before wrapping around the tip and bobbing back and forth. You feel his hips want more as they press up, wanting to feel more of your throat, such a motion making you feel powerful as you are now in control and clearly giving him a type of pleasure he enjoys a lot.
"Shit- you know I fucking like it when ya use your tongue like that, doll..." Tom grunts, getting off on the feeling of your muscle running along his girth you work more and more into your mouth.
But at some point you have to move both of your hands and just use them for stability, as you press against his thighs and try to give him a fast and deep pace.
Tom seems to all but forgets he is the one supposed to give you pleasure as well, but honestly you don’t mind as you can almost picture his flushed and trying not to groan facial features. His girth is completely enveloped by your luscious lips and nearly poking the back of your throat, which has you salivating heavily.
When you pull away with the slickest of sensations dripping from you chin, Tom nearly hisses as if he is in pain, but you quickly start pumping him with your hand. You then place your lips back against his tip, working this rhythm and unable to say out loud that you want to taste him. Still, you make sure he can feel your lips as you keep bobbing until Tom groans your name, pressing his hips up as he fills your throat with his bitter liquid.
Sliding off his member, your lips feel tingly and numb while you swallow his hot juices and wipe any excess from your chin. 
"Damn Tom, y-you almost killed me there..." you pant to him, laying your head down against his knee as you complain about how he thrusted his hips at the last second and nearly had you gagging.
"I blame you for having such an irresistible mouth..." Tom snickers which makes your cheeks warm despite the small tired smile on your lips. 
Turning his head, he now starts sucking at your inner thigh until a hickey is forming, as he promised to make you feel just as good as he did or even better.
You purr and close your eyes as Tom sensual licks a circle around your slit, enjoying the flavour of your womanhood that has your core glistening. As soon as he presses deep into your folds with the enamoring girth of his tongue, you moan loudly and squeeze your hands against his legs. It nearly feels like, if you ever let go of him, you would simply float away from how delightful the pleasure he is giving you feel.
"Oh... Tom... A-aah... I-I feel so lightheaded..."
Tom seems to like how desperate you sound as he firmly grabs your bottom again, pushing your core down onto his tongue as deeply as he can, and thrusting his thick muscle back and forth. Your mewls of pleasure feed his desire as he feels your body writhing and your hands gripping tightly at his strong thighs until your walls clench and soak his lips.
Sliding his hands to your hips, Tom pushes you to lay at his side - making sure you securely sit between the back of the couch and his body - while he licks at his lips. He then can’t help but chuckle at the hazy and dark blush that swarms your cheeks, still panting from your orgasm.
The boy proudly smirks, pushing fully at his pants and boxers to slide the rest of the way off his legs and crumple to the floor, leaving him just as naked as you are. 
You can’t help but bite your bottom lip at his handsome and muscular body, before Tom eases back and curled his index finger at you. As if under a spell, you raise yourself and turn back around facing him before straddling his hips once again.
"So you want me to ride you, baby? Mhm, I like being on top" you smugly smile down to him with a small giggle, as you caress both hands up and down his chest while you edge down to meet his lips.
"Gotta admit this view isn't bad at all..." Tom chuckles as he drags his eyes up and down your womanly curves.
He can see absolutely everything you have to offer and he loves it so much. Then Tom’s hands caress your stomach, going up until he is fondling your breasts.
"Mmh, my turn, Tommy. Let me fully enjoy my gift..."
Pushing at his hands, you lean down and admire his pretty eyes before kissing his check tenderly and sliding down to his neck. Tom seems to enjoy the soft pecks you give his skin and encourages you to leave him a few hickeys.
After suckling a few patches of his delicious and smooth skin, you edge down his chest until you can tease his six pack with some tickling licks that may have him wiggling beneath you, indicating a slight ticklish aspect about him.
"(Y/N), you’re such a fucking tease... I'm about to just shove you down onto my co-"
"Shush, Tom" you laugh while kissing his stomach, cutting him off. "I’m the Birthday Girl today, so l can do whatever I want to you."
Lifting your hips, you make sure your core is right over his cock as you stroke him, but there is really no need because he is already hard again.
"Appreciate me another time, now I want to fuck you so bad."
You can’t help but snort, biting your lip as Tom pets your thighs. Giving into what your impatient boyfriend wants, you ease your wet lips down onto the tip of his cock, before pressing yourself all the way and leaning your head back to moan in delight from feeling so full.
"Ngh... Oh, Tom..." you praise, leaning forward to caress his chest while you let yourself get used to his girth.
After leaning over to give him a couple of kisses, while caressing his cheeks and up through his hair, you lift your hips and press yourself back down. You soon develop a nice and pleasurable rhythm for both of you, that instantly make you both moan while feeling his girth rub along your warm walls in accurate intimate details.
"Fuck- watching ya ride me is such a turn on, gorgeous..." Tom hazes, making you gasp and mewl his name as he cups his hands around your breast. He squeezes then rolls them with his entire palm, helping them jiggle even more than they already where which has you completely arching your back.
You keep whimpering as the boy completely devours you with the eyes. Once again with the idea of pleasuring you first, he yanks your body forward enough to claim one of your nips and sucks on your flesh roughly.
"O-oh, t-that feels so good... Oh Tommy, you're so deep inside me..." you purr into his ear, squeezing his shoulders to help yourself and stay balanced. But your legs start to tremble and the pace you are working at is dying down little by little from fatigue.
"Give me your fine ass, baby and lean into me" Tom husks as he reaches behind your back, sliding down your soft skin until his strong hands grope over your bottom, giving it a tight grip as you let out a squeal at the feeling. 
You smile gratefully, wrapping your arms around his neck to then give him a long and warm smooch before Tom just starts slamming into your body as fast as he can.
"A-ah! Tommy! Oh, f-faster baby!" you praise him with countless moans, leaning your head over his shoulder to hold him tightly. 
The feeling of your breasts rubbing up against his toned muscular one feels so utterly thrilling. Riding him so deeply and this erotically makes you feel like his perfect puzzle piece.
"S-shit, (Y/N)- I-I'm about to-"
"Y-you can... i-inside is safe, I’m on pill now" you assure him shakily, as you caress his cheek letting him know you have such an innate desire for him to just fill you to the brim.
Tom doesn’t have to be told twice as he roughly claims your lips and shoves his tongue down your throat, while slamming your ass down against his hips. Maybe your inner thighs would be a little red later from his desire filled friction, but you would get over it pretty quickly when this wild boy here would be the one to want to cuddle naked later.
Your head is spinning with the wild build of pleasure, your folds just throbbing in desperation as Tom pounds into your body over and over again, until you both manage to achieve a blissful release within seconds of each other. Your warm arousal drips down his cock, while his hot juices nicely coats your warm walls.
Within seconds of your orgasm you just collapse down against his sweaty body, laying your cheek against his chest as you keep panting like you have been deprived of air for several hours. The boy under you laughs at how exhausted you are, lifting you slowly from his member but without saying what he is really thinking about - which is how much he likes the feeling of you laying on top of him.
His hands wrap around your back and just relax there, leaning his head back against the couch, sighing in a content way. The sound of his heartbeat thumping brings a warm smile to your face as you raise yourself just enough to nuzzle against his neck. 
Then you remember something, so you sit more properly on top of him and lightly leans over the coffee table. Intrigued, Tom just stares at you to then smiles as he sees you bring both your flute glasses closer, and after the bottle of champagne. You slowly fill the glasses, focus on what you are doing. 
"Needed a drink?" he cheekily asks as sitting up himself, both his arms maintaining him in this position. 
"I can’t refuse some fancy champagne, even less after sex" you giggle, sharing a kiss while you give him his glass. 
You then take yours and Tom once again clinks your filled glasses together.
"Happy birthday, my beautiful (Y/N). I love you so much." 
As you glance at him, you almost feel mesmerised by his actual look: eyes still glittering after your previous activity, hair going wildly in every direction, pink cheeks, a bit sweaty and naked. A sigh you would never get tired off. Smiling, you kiss him once again before taking a sip of the still cold bubbly beverage.
“So... keeping this new little tradition for every birthday?” you whisper behind your glass, sending your boyfriend a teasing grin.
“I mean, I can’t definitely say no to that...”
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
I really appreciate your writing and you’ve quickly become one of my favourite tumblr pages (seriously)🧡 This feels like such a self projecting request but could I request headcannons or imagines (whichever’s works best for you) of how the lads would celebrate the reader’s birthday (it’s my birthday in a few days hehe)
*gasp* oh my gosh, thank you! And happy birthday dear, I'm so glad you're here! 🥳🥳 Since it's coming up I'm going to do this one now, I'm sure everyone waiting for requests will understand! (Thanks peeps ❤️) I hope you get this before you're birthday's passed dkdksksk but enjoy your special day!!
And now, let the festivities with the boys begin!!
Ok so we all know George is like a low key kinda guy right?
But also, really personal and sentimental!!!
So I could tooootally see him throwing you a surprise party!
It's been a long, tough day at work and you're feeling absolutely drained
One of your work friends remembered your special day today, but so far that's been the only highlight
At least you get to spend the evening with your Georgie
You unlock the front door and walk in to find the flat surprisingly dark
Strange, you thought he'd be home by now?
You sigh dejectedly
Can today get any worse?
You flip the lights on, put down your things, and kick off your shoes
Maybe what you really need is a good drink
The thought doesn't do much to lift your spirits, but you figure you'll forget about that soon enough
You round the corner to the kitchen and turn that light on as well
And as you do...
All you can see is bright colors
The walls are absolutely covered in streamers and balloons, surrounding a haphazardly hung Happy Birthday sign
A few brightly wrapped packages are sitting on the table a little bit aways from a brightly frosted cake
It looks a little worse for wear, but charming none the less
And then, as though you could possibly forget, George has popped up from behind the table
He's wearing a striped party hat and a colorful tie as he gestures to his handy work
"Happy birthday love! You didn't think I forgot did you?"
You can barely speak, you're so, well, surprised!
So you forget the words. Instead you rush over to George and nearly tackle him with a hug
"Oof! Haha, so you like it then?"
You're bouncing on the balls of your feet by now as tears of happiness prick your eyes
"Oh George, I love it! Did you do all this?"
He beams proudly, "Yep! Sorry, but I lied this morning. I didn't go to the studio today, instead I was decorating and baking"
George gestures to the cake
Now that you're on the other side of it, you notice the back is missing some frosting
Before you can even ask, George scratches his scalp sheepishly, "Sorry, I got hungry... It smells pretty good at least! Good sign I'd say"
You laugh, and kiss his cheek in thanks, your awful work day long forgotten
George gives you one more big squeeze and kisses you back
"Happy Birthday love..."
He lets you go and pulls out a chair for you to sit
"Now, let's see about this cake, eh?"
You laugh again and wipe away some happy tears as George lights your candles
Honestly, I can't decide if John would want to do something cute and low key for you like George, or if he'd want to take you out and totally have a ball!
So on that note... Why not both?!?
I feel like John is extra enough to do something like that lmao
You wake up on the day day of your birthday in the way you least expected
Is something... Burning?
You jump out of bed and rush towards the smell. You don't even notice that John isn't in bed with you
As you hastily approach, you find that somewhere in there, something actually smells quite good...
It would seem your nose has led you to the kitchen, where the sounds of gentle sizzling and John swearing awaits you
John yelps, having burned his finger on the pan, and he sucks it, growling in frustration
"... John? What's all this?", You ask groggily
The man in question whips around, looking surprised that you're awake, as though his work in the kitchen wasn't loud as bombs
"Uh... Happy Birthday! I thought I'd make you breakfast in bed", he turns his attention to the pan and flips it's contents aggressively, "Or, try to, that is"
You smile, just glad that the house hasn't burned down (yet)
With a quiet yawn you walk up behind him and lean on his back, holding him for a hug
"I can help you know..."
"On your birthday? Absolutely not. Besides I'm nearly done"
You rub your eyes and release him
John directs you to the table to sit before he fetches two plates
When he returns, he's set out a full english in front of you. It's only a little burnt
He goes off once more to bring back the kettle and all the fixings for tea before pouring two cups
At last, he gives you a kiss and sits to eat with you
He asks how you slept and how you feel, all the niceties to help you wake up
Once you've finished your small talk session, he takes hold of the conversation for a moment
"Well, when you're done here, make sure to go get all done up and ready, I've got a whole day planned for you! First, I thought we'd go to that big mall you like and you can have whatever you want and this time I promise not to rush you. Then, I've booked a place we can go dancing and then have an early dinner. And then...!"
John jabbers on in his excitement, and you let him go, growing excited yourself
Besides, it's not everyday he's in a mood like this!
Once you've finished eating, you promise John that it was delicious, and no, it wasn't too burnt
He cleans up for you while you go off to freshen up for the day and eventually, John does the same
"Alright, ready!"
You descend the staircase while John watches, his mouth hanging agape
You're like an absolute angel, and John wonders how a guy like him got so damn lucky
John takes you into his arms and you give him a kiss
"Everything alright?"
He swallows and manages a smile
"Fine! Just fine..."
You smile knowingly and allow John to lead you out to the car
He opens your door and then takes you on your little adventure
Astonishingly, John keeps his word, and is on best behavior while you enjoy your time in and out of your favorite stores
He even carries your bags for you
When you get to the dancing next, it's absolutely magical
The ballroom is beautiful and you feel like royalty as John spins you around and around, waltzing through the evening
And finally, the long awaited dinner is excellent
Nearly as good as the special birthday dessert John gets for you both to share
Now I know here on this blog we've had some discussion on Paul's love language
And I think we've settled on some mix of gift giving and words of affirmation
So he'd DEFINITELY have to incorporate that in his celebration of your birthday!
And what better way to express that then with music!!!
It seems for months at least Paul has been absolutely consumed with work
Whenever you see him, he's pening sheet music or writing lyric ideas in his notebook
You figure he's working hard on an upcoming album, so you think nothing of it, only reminding him to rest now and again
But... As the day of your birthday comes closer, you're feeling a bit worried
Of course, you don't want to pull him away from his work, especially if it's so urgent it's got him this busy!
And yet, this is a rather special day and you'd hate to spend it without your beloved boyfriend
He hasn't had much time for you lately, after all...
However, you say nothing on the matter, not wanting to make him feel pressured either way
And when the moment of truth comes, Paul comes through!
You wake up to kisses and a simple but tasty breakfast
Paul seems as though he can hardly sit still while you enjoy your food
"Are you alright?", you suppress a laugh
"Me? Fine! I just, I have something for you when you're done there... It's downstairs!"
"Oh?", you laugh and finish up quickly, curious to find your surprise
When you're all done, Paul takes your hand and leads you after him down and around to living room
He takes you up to the record player and hands you a small, wrapped square
"Go on!"
You unwrap it carefully
Our falls a little birthday love note written in Paul's writing and a 45 record
The note explains that this is a special song his written just for you, and only you
This 45 was pressed just for you, he even had it colored your favorite color, rather then the standard plain old black
You turn to him with a tear in your eye after reading the touching note
"Is this what you've been working on all this time?"
Paul laughs and holds you close
"It is! I wanted to make sure it was my finest work for you! Just in time too, you've no idea how sick and tired the lads are of me asking for their feedback"
He laughs again, then gives you a kiss
"Well go on then, put it on!"
You do, and he's absolutely right
This is his finest work
Better then please, please me
Better then a hard days night
Even better then she loves you
The song is longer then your average little Beatles' song. It has all of Paul's romantic, boyish charm to it, sharpened and honed by the feedback and refinements of all the other three
It's sweet and slow and sentimental and it has no right being as wonderfully amazing as it is
Paul rushes off to bring you some tissues, as tears trickle down your cheeks
He dries them for you and consoles you with that old charming smile while the song comes to a close
"Now hold on, there's something on the back!"
Paul flips the record over and some birthday wishes from all four of them play before a silly rendition of happy birthday closes the b side out
You're absolutely speechless and Paul is so happy just to know that you love it
He takes you out for dinner that night and when you're done, you come back home for cake and champagne
And after that is all said and done, Paul puts on your record and the two of you slow dance the night away
Honestly, Ringo's birthday plans were the first to come to mind, they're that strong lol
He'd want you to have as much fun as possible!!
Of course sweet stuff like dinner and dancing and all that is nice, but...
Well, Ringo thinks your birthday should be a celebration of living and having lived, and what better way to do that then some good old fun!
He is the king of light hearted and high energy after all lol
On the morning of your birthday, Ringo is excited practically from the second his eyelids open
You weren't expecting to be awoken to the sound of your boyfriend chanting your name as he jumps on you to get you up, but here you are
"Wake up, wake up! Happy Birthday!"
He flops down to give you a kiss and hug
Although you're quite groggy, you can't find it in yourself to be mad
You chuckle and wrap your arms around him, "Good morning, Ritchie"
"Oh, uh that too"
He kisses you again, and cuddles with you until you're properly awake
Once you're ready to get up, the two of you journey to the kitchen and make breakfast together
You make pancakes, and it's a wonder there's enough left for cooking and consuming, considering how much batter you wasted tasting it and smearing it on each other
Honestly, you don't even want to get started on the flower absolutely coating your PJs, hair, and the floor
Even as you sit to eat, Ringo's mop top is dusted white and stuck with small clumps of batter
You don't mean to, but you can't help but burst into laughter at the sight of him
Ringo tosses some blueberries at you with a sour look, and you return fire with a dash of whipped cream on his nose
At that, he joins you, adding his deep, goofy laughter in contrast to your soft voice
At last you manage to eat in peace and when you're both satisfied, you decide to leave the dishes and the mess for another time
For now, you have a birthday to celebrate!
You both shower and change into some casual attire
Ringo sprints outside with you in tow
He takes you to the bus stop explaining his plans for the day
And that would be... Whatever you want!
You ride into town and look high and low through the little shops for some excitement
Nothing too interesting catches your eye, and so you head over to the park instead
It's a beautiful day out, and Ringo holds your hand while you walk the trail
But suddenly, he stops and turns to you
"You're it!", he taps your shoulder and tears off before you can react
"Oh no you don't!"
You follow right on his heels though the lush grass, the sun warm on your hair shoulders
At last, you make one more lunge to grab him and end up tackling him in the process
With a shriek of surprise, you fall to the ground with him, rolling through the fragrant grass
You roll your last and find yourself splayed out on his chest
For a moment, you're worried he's hurt, but Ringo bursts into a fit of laughter beneath you
"Ya got me!"
He pulls you closer and you rest in the patch of sunlight together, breathless from the chase
Once you've caught your breath, you both return to town
Ringo has a bit more fun in mind before the day's over however
He takes you to the roller rink, and despite his lack of cordination, you both have a blast
Afterwards, he takes you to an ice cream parlor and you both get floats and a sundae to share
He takes you out to dinner after a bit more walking and when you return home he sings you happy birthday and you have some cake too
You cap off the night with an absolute sugar rush and dance the night away to all kinds of swing records and jazz music
When you've finally exhausted yourselves, you pass out on the couch and cuddle each other to sleep
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girl-in-the-tower · 4 years
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Special corner on NRC’s grounds: An interview with the birthday girl ~Kore~
Ramshackle Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Chapter I
Interviewer: Happy Birthday!
Kore: Ah! Thank you so much! And thanks for making time to visit me!
Interviewer: I heard that Ramshackle is holding a party today. Is that true?
Kore: Yeah! Grim said that any birthday needs to have a party as well! Though I think he just said that so I’ll prepare some tasty food for him today.
Interviewer: So did you make all the preparations for the event?
Kore: Hm, not really. A lot of people turned up to help, even though I didn’t ask them to.
Clover-senpai and Ruggie-senpai helped out with the cooking so I didn’t have too much on my plate when it came to catering. They’re really good chefs so all the food ended up being delicious! Even Epel made some nice apple carvings. Ah, though we made quite a lot so Ruggie-senpai ended up taking the leftovers with him.
Kalim-senpai was really excited about the whole idea. He wanted to organize a parade and a big banquet! There were supposed to be elephants and monkeys and pheasants and I think a tiger, but Viper-senpai talked him out of it. He still ended up in charge of the decorations though.
Deuce, Jack and Epel helped with the seating plan and with carrying the tables. Epel was told by his senpais to sit this one out, but he insisted on doing it. I think his training’s really starting to pay off! Though in the end it was still mostly Deuce and Jack doing the heavy lifting... 
Ace and Cay-senpai picked the music. Apparently, it’s supposed to be really trendy right now, but... ah...
Interviewer: Do you dislike it?
Kore: Ah, dislike is a strong word. I think it just doesn’t speak to my generation... hehe...
But stil! We had a lot of fun dancing together. Even Viper-senpai joined in. Haha, I got really ditzy when he spun me around like that. 
I wanted to ask Leona-senpai for a dance too, since he seemed on the verge of falling asleep, but Ace jumped in before I had a chance. He really wanted to show off his dance skills since he asked me a bunch of times. I guess he was really proud of that.
Interviewer: You seem to have enjoyed yourself.
Kore: Mm! To be honest, this was the first big celebration I ever had so I was really excited about it. Up until now it’s only been me and Theo on my birthday each year. We used to make a big bowl of rice pudding and stick a candle in it and call it a cake. So having a real one is a bit odd for me...
But I’m really grateful to have spent this day with all my friends! To think that I’d be able to experience such happiness... Ah, sorry, I’m getting a bit teary-eyed for some reason. 
Chapter II
Interviewer: How about the presents this year?
Kore: I got a ton! Everybody was so kind and thoughtful! Here, look!
Interviewer: Is that...?
Kore: Haha, yes! It’s a can of tuna! Grim said that since we’ve friends he’d allow me to have one as a present for my birthday. Though he was really reluctant to give it up...
This bouquet of snowdrops is from the Octavinelle dorm. See? This card is in Jade-senpai’s writing. Ashengrotto-senpai also said that for my birthday he’s ensure that Floyd won’t pick on me as a special favour. He said he doesn’t want anything in return, but I wonder...
The box over there is from Rosehearts-senpai, Clover-senpai and Cay-senpai. They pitched in for some high quality gardening tools! Clover-senpai noticed that my old ones were kind of falling apart so he thought I could do with some new ones. Ah, I kind of shudder to think how much they could have cost... Though Clover-senpai insisted it wasn’t that much...
Ah, Ace and Deuce also pitched in for a present. Ta-da!
Interviewer: A boar plushie?
Kore: Yeah! Ace said it reminded them of me, which kind of annoyed me at first, but... Look into those cute button eyes! Isn’t this just adorable? So I decided to forgive them. Hehe, it’s hard to get angry at such a cute face.
Hm? What else? Ah! According to Jack, Leona-senpai ordered me a Magift team jacket on behalf of Savanaclaw. I’m still not allowed on the field when they play, but he said this week he’ll make an exception and let me join practice a couple of times. I’m so excited! Leona-senpai is a really good player so watching him in action is always exhilarating! 
Even Shroud-senpai sent me a gift. Ortho came to drop it off since Shroud-senpai was too shy to attend a party with such a big number of people. It was kind of disappointing... But ah! Look! He got me a limited edition BC! SSR card! I heard they didn’t print this anymore, so getting a hold of it must have been tough. I’ll have to properly thank him when we see each other again.
Chapter III
Interviewer: I was rather surprised to see that they would have a “Birthday Girl” sash prepared for this occasion.
Kore: Ah, they didn’t. This was actually a present from Rook-senpai and Epel! Hehe, Rook-senpai said it wouldn’t do to have a birthday without a birthday sash so he kindly made one for me! On top of that, he and Schoenheit-senpai did my make-up and hair for today too! Schoenheit-senpai said this was “a once-in-a-lifetime occasion” so I was really grateful to him!     
Interviewer: I see. Was the dress a present from them as well?
Kore: Eh? No, no, it was-!!
Interviewer: Are you alright? You suddenly turned red...
Kore: N-No! I mean, it’s nothing... Um, the dress is actually a present from K-Kalim-senpai and Viper-senpai...
I saw it in a magazine a few months ago and mentioned to Viper-senpai that it’s a shame this sort of dress is so expensive since I don’t have the budget for it... He said Kalim-senpai was actually looking to buy something more extravagant so hearing me express a wish for something simpler saved him a lot of grief too...
And... And Kalim-senpai said I looked... really pretty in it too...
Interviewer: Um...
Kore: A-Ah! Di-Did you know the fabric for this dress is only made in the Valley of Throns? Vanrouge-senpai told me that! He said the books he and the rest of the Diasomnia dorm gifted me had more information on it! I-I can go look for it! Yeah!
Interviewer: That won’t be necessary. But it seems you’ve had quite an eventful day. 
Kore: Yeah... It was a lot of fun, because everyone was here with me. 
Hm? Ah, my cellphone is ringing! It’s Theo calling me to wish me Happy Birthday. Um, I’ll have to go now, so...
Interviewer: No problem. Thank you for this conversation! And once again Happy Birthday!
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imjeralee · 4 years
REQUEST: Birthday - Raihan x Reader One-shot
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Pairing: Raihan x Reader 
[One shot - more like a Drabble tbh]
Sorry it’s so short. This was harder than I realised O_O I hope you like it tho
Fluff, SFW
Title: Birthday
It’s your birthday in a few weeks and you noticed Raihan had been acting weird.
Firstly, he started coming home late.
Like really late.
Secondly, he wouldn’t tell you where he went, just that he had ‘something to sort out’.
Third, he began smelling...strange.
Not so much like aromatic perfume, but more of a musky, earth smell.
When you google up the signs, they all seem to point that your boyfriend of several years could be cheating on you. 
Raihan would never cheat on me, you find yourself thinking to yourself. He just won’t.
But what was really going on was that Raihan was planning a birthday surprise for you and had spent a long time with the presentation and preparation.
You’d been together for a few years now and every year, he’d gotten you something different.
For the first year, he surprised you with a designer handbag and a luxury weekend getaway but he soon learned that you’re not too intrigued or crazed about labels or enchanting locations but all in all, it was a lovely birthday treat and there were several good memories from that.
For your birthday the next year, he got you a baby Pokemon and whisked you off to Alola for a daring skydiving session over Akala Island. 
And the year after that, there was no more beating around the bush and he straight up asked you what wanted and you said you weren’t too fussed because you don’t need Raihan to go all out or take you to such expensive places.
It could be also to do with getting old and being around him for so long that you didn’t have much to look forward to nor did you want anything in particular, you did tell him that you would rather just spend a nice evening with him and have a delicious home cooked, candlelit meal.
However, Raihan’s still determined to treat you so this year too, so he asked the gym leaders what would be a good birthday present for his lover and received mixed results:
Opal told him he should try baking a cake. 
Milo told him a Wooloo is the key to a woman’s heart, but you already have one.
Nessa thought a meal at The Captain’s Table would do the trick.
Kabu said a trip to Hoenn would possibly suffice.
Piers also gave him tickets to his concert.
Raihan rubbed his chin, wondering if it was possible to combine all those ideas but then realised it’s better to come up with something far more original and something that would resonate more with you.
Therefore, he found himself sitting down on the grassy pitch of Hammerlocke stadium one day, writing ideas down. He eventually compiled a list and went through it many times, ticking several ideas off. He even resorted to online videos for inspiration.
In the end, he remembered how much you love Goomy and an idea formed in his mind.
Keeping it as a surprise was harder than preparing the actual surprise.
And the more he came home late and the more he gave you excuses as to why he was being so darned secretive, the more he saw your face falling when he would refuse to disclose where he was going, the more it pained him inside.
Finally, on the day of your birthday, you’re first to wake up and although you try to wake him up too, he’s exhausted because he came home so late last night so all you can do is get ready for work, wriggling free from his grip and slipping off the bed. 
You silently get dressed albeit watching him worriedly before you head downstairs to make breakfast and as you munch on your cereal, reading this morning’s news on your phone, you hear the steps creaking one by one and soon Raihan appears in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Hey babe,” he greets you wearily, shoving his feet into his flip-flops and making his way to the sink where he fixes himself a glass of water.
“Hi babe,” you reply, watching him down the drink before he lowers his hand, wiping his mouth.
You both regard each other for a few moments before you clear your throat. 
He looks at you expectantly. “What’s wrong?”
You’re grinning, nudging your head to the calendar. 
Raihan watches you silently, taking another sip.
“...Aren’t you forgetting something?” you say, your grin widening.
He takes another sip.
You end up huffing, crossing your arms. “Rai. Today is-”
“Ah, that’s right,” Raihan says, before he smirks at you. You nod, sitting up properly in your seat. “How could I forget?”
“Yes yes?”
“It’s your-”
“It’s your b-”
You’re leaning further in your seat expectantly. “Yes?”
“Brother’s seminar today, isn’t it? He’s hosting a special training event at Hammerlocke University.”
There is a brief silence following his reply.
“Oh....” you mumble out; you’re visibly deflating, slumping in your seat and throwing your saddened gaze to the floor, “....Yeah, it is. Funny you remembered that and not...well, you know.”
But he’s looking at the clock, “Shouldn’t you be heading for work now?” he adds, “You’re gonna be late.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you finish the rest of your cereal as quickly as you can and slide off your seat, grabbing your bag, donning your coat and slinging it over your shoulder. “I’ll be back at six.”
“Okay, see ya. Have fun at work.” Raihan says, and he pulls you in for a quick kiss before pinching you briefly on the ass, and you leave the house.
Once the door closes, Raihan rubs the back of his neck awkwardly when he recalls how disappointed you look, “....I’m really pushing it, aren’t I?” he utters to himself. 
Raihan couldn’t have forgotten the date of your birthday, could he?
You’ve been together for years now.
At work, your coworkers surprise you with a birthday card and a box of chocolates which you are grateful for. You will be going out for drinks with them another day.
They ask you what Raihan got you for your birthday and if he surprised you with anything this morning but you tell them he didn’t mention anything but he remembered your brother’s seminar, not your birthday.
They’re stunned by the revelation and you think, hell I should’ve kept my trap shut because it sounds embarrassing but they tell you maybe he has a surprise waiting for you at home.
You inwardly hope that’s the case.
Work is over in a pinch and you begin to finish up for the day, leaving the office.
You always treat yourself to something nice on your birthday but today you will just pop into the grocery store and buy one of your favourite snacks. 
Once you’ve grabbed a few packets and paid for them, you head home with your goodies and check your phone. You haven’t received any messages from Raihan all day; he’s been awfully silent since and you can’t help but feel extremely disappointed but also, this is rather uncharacteristic of him. 
However, when you open the front door and step inside, you realise the entire hallway has been outlined with little chubby candles.
Your jaw drops open in shock.
“What the...”
And you hastily put down the bag of groceries on the cupboard and kick off your shoes, glancing around.
It’s a pleasant surprise so you step further down the dimly lit hallway, smiling to yourself as you marvel the beautiful display. 
You follow the candles all the way towards your shared bedroom and you open the door only to bring your hands to your mouth to cover your gasp.
Raihan sits on the bed facing you, which is decorated entirely with rose petals and in front of him on the floor are a number of Goomy arranged to form a heart. They all look up at you, blinking their little beady eyes upon your arrival.
“Oh my god!” You exclaim before Raihan grins widely; he’s holding a little silver harmonica in hand.
“Hey baby girl,” he replies, as you gape at the group of Goomy who gurgle happily at you, before you avert your gaze to the gym leader.
“What is this????”
“Your birthday present,” Raihan’s grin broadens. “Watch.”
He lifts the harmonica to his lips and blow a single note which rings lightly in the air, and suddenly the Goomy begin to sing in harmony to the tune of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.
You smack a hand over your mouth with delight and shock as they warble. 
The Goomy seem to know when to take turns and harmonise in a series of watery gurgles and loud chirping and begin waving to and fro in a mesmerising pattern, their round and squishy bodies bobbing up and down in tune to the song whilst their little horns wiggle in the air. 
The song is almost finished and a particularly chubby Goomy opens its mouth wide and emits a low bass tone to finish the song which makes you giggle.
You squat in front of the group once the song is over and the Goomy cheerfully gather around you as you hold your arms out.
“That was amazing!!!” you gush, patting each and every one of them on their heads and stroking their horns. They line up single file and you giggle and proceed to lift each and every Goomy off the floor and into your arms, hugging them tightly, and pecking them on the top of their heads one by one. “You guys were awesome!”
Once you’re finished, the Goomy jump up and down on their spots happily and you move to stand; Raihan beckons you closer to him and you eagerly step over towards him and he pulls you into his arms and settles you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I thought you forgot...” you say with a pout, fiddling with the white little straps of his hoodie.
“I’d never forget your birthday,” he murmurs, reaching forwards to press a sweet kiss on your lips. 
“Is this the reason why you were always coming home so late? You were teaching them to sing for me...”
“And that smell!” you exclaim.
Raihan blinks blankly at you. “What smell?”
“It’s Goomy,” you chuckle and slink your arms around his neck, kissing him tentatively in response. “I should’ve known.”
“Hehe, but you didn't. Did you like it?” he asks, before he leans forwards and presses his lips deeply against the curve of your cheek, letting go to briefly nuzzle you at the same time, making you squirm and giggle in his grip.
“Yes!” you exclaim, before you throw your arms around him tightly. “Thank you so much, I love it!”
“Anything for you, baby girl,” he replies with a grin, and you smile as he encircles his arms around you, bringing you into a deep, passionate kiss.
Raihan’s gotten you more gifts of course. He spoils you rotten.
Also, no Goomy’s were harmed in this production.
I even made a meme for this:
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muwi-translates · 4 years
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Collar x Malice予約特典ドラマCD「HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR……」
Collar x Malice Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR...
Word count of 4712, approximately 35 minute long track. Spoiler free. Just a note that I used a Chinese translation as my main source, and did some light cross-referencing from the original audio. I guarantee there will be some inaccuracies.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Shiraishi: This is Yanagi Detective Agency. 
From cat hunting to investigating extramarital affairs, all kinds of complicated cases aren’t refused. This is an agency where detectives specialising in different fields live together. 
Eh? Shinjuku quarantine? Nonsense, nothing that shocking has happened here. That must have happened in another world’s Shinjuku. 
In short, the members of the Yanagi Detective Agency are Aiji Yanagi, the director, and the investigators; Mineo Enomoto, Takeru Sasazuka, Kageyuki Shiraishi, and… 
[Knock knock]
Okazaki: Good morning, detectives of Yanagi Detective Agency, here’s today’s request~! 
Enomoto: You again, Okazaki?
Okazaki: Yup, me again. I’ve already become a regular here. I’m coming in~
Enomoto: But we just finished your request not that long ago.
Okazaki: And thanks for always helping.
Enomoto: You probably don’t even need detectives for your request. It’s always something that you can do yourself.
Enomoto: You even asked Yanagi-senpai to make you food a while ago.
Okazaki: It’s because I’m disastrous with housework. Plus, Yanagi-san’s homemade food is so delicious~ 
Shiraishi: It’s because Yanagi-kun is particular about the details.
Sasazuka: That said, Yanagi-san, even though that guy said it was because he made a request, don’t you think he comes in and out of here too often? 
Yanagi: Ah, it’s because he pays generously. Maybe he’s scam-- no, he’s definitely a regular customer. 
Sasazuka: Maybe he’s planning something? It wouldn’t end up being something like “he’s actually from the police force” right?
Yanagi: Enomoto and I can’t do anything, if you and Shiraishi just look into him then we’ll be able to see his true colors. 
Sasazuka: Don’t act like it’s none of your business, aren’t you the director? This should be a joint responsibility. 
Enomoto: Well? What’s it going to be today? Cleaning your house? Repair the roof? Walking the dog? 
Okazaki: All of those are attractive, but it isn’t about me today. Actually, I wanted you guys to help plan Ichika Hoshino’s birthday party!
Everyone: Hah?!
Okazaki: Eh? Why’s everyone so surprised?
Yanagi: Let me just confirm first… Hoshino is a member of our agency, you do know that… right? 
Okazaki: Mhm, of course I know. You’ve been looking after me the whole year, after all.
Yanagi: So why exactly are you asking us to help you plan her birthday party?
Okazaki: Eh? Isn’t it obvious? I want to get along with her more.
Enomoto: Hey, you dumb gourd. Don’t tell me the reason why you keep coming up with requests-- was ‘cus of her?! 
Okazaki: …Of course not~ ⭐
Sasazuka: What’s with that unnatural reply?
Shiraishi: I see, I suppose ‘a moving effort’ is a nice way to put it. 
Enomoto: No matter how you look at it he’s one step away from being a stalker. 
Yanagi: Okazaki, if you’re going to do this to our staff--
Okazaki: Ah, if it’s about the payment, I already prepared it.
Yanagi: …!
Okazaki: I’ll pay for the full cost of the birthday party. I think… this should be enough? 
Yanagi: W-With this amount, this month’s rent…
Enomoto: W-Wait, Yanagi-senpai! I can see dollar signs in your eyes! 
Yanagi: Food expenses have gone up recently too...
Enomoto: Nonono, you can’t sell your conscience like this! If we don’t have enough money, you can just borrow some from Takeru!
Sasazuka: Don’t joke around, you won’t get even a cent from me.
Enomoto: HEY! You’re the one who’s upping our food expenses!
Sasazuka: I’ll only pay for my portion. 
Shiraishi: Now, now, it’s not a difficult request, let’s just accept it. It’s just her birthday party, nothing bad.
Yanagi: But…!
Shiraishi: As long as we keep watch, even if Okazaki plans to do something weird, we can stop him before that happens. 
Okazaki: So mean, I already said I won’t do anything weird. I’m not Shiraishi-san.
Shiraishi: Ahaha, I hope that you’ll acknowledge that everyone thinks you’re more dangerous than me, hm?
Yanagi: Well, fine. We’l...l accept your request. 
Okazaki: Really? You’re a great help~ I already promised Ichika-chan that I’d throw her a birthday party.
Enomoto: Hah?!
Sasazuka: Oi, when the hell did you-- 
Okzaki: It’s a birthday party, right? If you don’t tell her about it and she doesn’t come then there would be no meaning, right? You should schedule these things ahead of time! 
Shiraishi: As expected of Okazaki, you move quickly.
Okazaki: Hehe, compared to Shiraishi-san I’m still a long way off.
Sasazuka: You two, you’re making it feel colder here with those smiles. 
Yanagi: As long as we’re able to keep Okazaki and Hoshino from being alone together we can avoid any issues. 
Enomoto: That’s true… as long as we can protect her from Okazaki’s claws then--
Okazaki: It feels like you guys have some sort of misunderstanding about me? I’ve been officially introduced as a pure-hearted airheaded man who’s completely harmless, you know.
Sasazuka: You’re just saying that yourself.
Enomoto: A guy who pretends to be an airhead is the most dangerous of ‘em all!
Okazaki: So mean… well, fine. Then, let me explain my request again from the top.
Okazaki: I want you guys to investigate to see what will make Ichika-chan happy, and help throw a wonderful birthday party~ 
Okazaki: After all, her birthday is only 5 days away. 
Yanagi: I got it. It’ll be faster if we split the responsibilities. We need someone for the gift, the food, and the cake, and… let me think, if we’re going to have a surprise party, we need someone to be in charge of that too. Since it’s a surprise party, we should also take into account how to make Hoshino happy.
Sasazuka: I’ll take the cake. 
Enomoto: You’re deciding yourself?! 
Sasazuka: Because I’m not going to eat a cake that tastes bad.
Enomoto: So you just care about eating it yourself…
Yanagi: If Sasazuka chose it himself then there probably won’t be any problems. Next, the cooking--... I guess it’s me. 
Okazaki: Yanagi-san makes the best food, after all! I’m looking forward to it! 
Enomoto: Okayokayokay! Me! I’ll do the presents! 
Sasazuka: Hah? You?
Enomoto: That’s right, I’ll use my high aesthetic sense to make her happy! 
Shiraishi: Haha, indeed, Enomoto-kun does have “good” sense in a way. But if you’re going to go while wearing those clothes, then I don’t think you have the right aesthetic sense that will please girls. 
Enomoto: Heh, Shiraishi-san. I don’t want to hear that from a guy who’s almost thirty years old who wears cat ears. 
Okazaki: Hehe, that’s true. 
Shiraishi: Hm…? Enomoto-kun, you see, I don’t often get angry, but just then, I felt just a little mad. 
Enomoto: Guh…! I-I didn’t say anything wrong, I-I’m not scared of you! 
Sasazuka: You’re shaking though, and your voice is getting smaller.
Okazaki: Hey, hey, should I be in charge of the present too? I want to give her some sleeping goods, so my gift to her will be the gift of the most comfortable sleep! What do you think? 
Enomoto: Aren’t you the client? Why are you taking part?
Yanagi: A present, huh… well, at Hoshino’s age, wouldn’t accessories be more appropriate? When it comes to women, they’d be happy to receive those. 
Okazaki: Accessories? I’ve already decided to give those to her when the opportunity is right. 
Enomoto: When the opportunity is right? 
Okazaki: It’s customary to give an engagement ring when you propose, right? Ah… a birthday proposal doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 
Enomoto: E-E-E-E-Engagement?! A birthday perpozal?!!?!
Shiraishi: Enomoto-kun, Enomoto-kun? You’ve gone from disbelief into speech impediment territory.
Enomoto: Shiraishi-sanwhatareyousayingIdon’tunderstand!!
Shiraishi: I meant you were saying words that sounded right but also mangled almost beyond recognition.
Enomoto: Oh, yeah, right!
Sasazuka: Hey, Okazaki, what you just said… are you being serious? 
Okazaki: Eh? Why wouldn’t I be? I wouldn’t joke about these things. 
Sasazuka: Hm...
Enomoto: Yanagi-senpai, is this okay? Our own staff member is gonna get taken by this guy--
Yanagi: [Sigh] ...Calm down. Okazaki just said he’d do that when given the opportunity. And he never said he was talking about Hoshino. 
Enomoto: Oh… I see… Yup! That’s true! I was overthinking too much! Ah, got all surprised for nothing.
Shiraishi: Well, I just think he wasn’t saying it clear enough. 
Okazaki: Haha, that’s true.
Enomoto: W-Wait, what’s with that secretive dark smile?! Don’t tell me this guy… is planning to do something!!? 
Okazaki: Hm? That’s why I said I wanted to give her a birthday present, it’s why I came to make my request today. 
Sasazuka: Tch, that stupid cat. Don’t just be all nice to people whenever you want, god dammit. 
Enomoto: Arghhh… alright, Okazaki! Come out! To the roof! 
Okazaki: Huh?
Enomoto: We’ll decide with a contest who will get the gift! It’s a duel! And it’ll definitely be me, the great Mineo Enomoto, who shall be victorious!! 
Yanagi: No, no, Enomoto, wait a second-- 
Enomoto: Don’t stop me, Yanagi-senpai. There are moments where a man has no choice! Yoooooooooooooooooo--!!
[Door slams]
Okazaki: ...He left...
Yanagi: Good grief, did he forget that this was Okazaki’s request? 
Shiraishi: Isn’t this a good thing? It’s all in good fun. If there wasn’t a contest, then Enomoto-kun wouldn’t have accepted it. 
Yanagi: You say it like that but...
Shiraishi: Then Okazaki-kun, Enomoto-kun, Yanagi-kun and I will be part of the contest. It looks like Sasazuka-kun doesn’t plan on doing anything else other than picking the cake, so could you be the referee? 
Sasazuka: So annoying, I want to hurry up and pick the cake. 
Okazaki: Hehe… a contest? I’m getting all excited. 
Yanagi: Huh? Me too?
Sasazuka: Let’s start, who’s going to buy the present? Fight for it. Tell me what gift you’re getting for that stupid cat. The most suitable gift for her will be in charge of the gift. That is all. Anybody going to raise any complaints? 
Enomoto: No problems here but… did we really have to take this to the roof? 
Enomoto: So cold… who was the one who wanted to do this up here? Ah. It was me. 
Yanagi: Enomoto…
Enomoto: Guh… I’m sorry...
Yanagi: You need to be more observant of things around you. 
Enomoto: I’ll keep that in mind…
Yanagi: Well, the roof isn’t bad. [Lights a cigarette] I can smoke here.
Enomoto: …! Yanagi-senpai! I’ll follow you for as long as I live!! 
Yanagi: Ugh-- don’t get so close, it’s disgusting… 
Shiraishi: You two get along so well, even though it’s a little suffocating.
Sasazuka: If I had to say, it’s a little cold. It’s not really a feast for the eyes if it’s Mineo and Yanagi-san. 
Enomoto:  Hey, don’t say stuff that people will misunderstand! In my heart, I’ve already decided on a partner--
Sasazuka: Whatever, talk about it later. Let’s hurry up and get this over and done with. 
Enomoto: Okay, okay. 
Yanagi: [Sigh]
Sasazuka: Then let’s start with Shiraishi.
Shiraishi: Can I? Let me think… I want to give her a pair of cat ears like mine. 
Okazaki: A pair like Shiraishi-san’s...
Sasazuka: …Cat ears. 
Shiraishi: Ah, hers won’t be the same as mine. I’ll make sure they’re high-tech. I want to install a security system that will protect her in any crisis. Ah, of course, I’ll manage the 24 hour surveillance, so there won’t be a problem at all.
Enomoto: What do you mean ‘no problem’?!!!!
Okazaki: It’s like putting a fawn in a lion’s cage. 
Yanagi: Shiraishi, no matter what you say you’re obviously out. 
Sasazuka: Don’t even need to think about it. Rejected. 
Shiraishi: Ehh…
Sasazuka: Isn’t that completely just restraining her? Next, Mineo. 
Enomoto: Okay, leave it to me! If it was me then I’d make her a homemade protection charm! 
Sasazuka: Next. 
Enomoto: HEY! Wasn’t that a quick rejection?! This is going to be my masterpiece so at least listen to ‘till the end! 
Shiraishi: Even if he does, it probably won’t change anything. 
Enomoto: In the protection charm, I plan to put my own original prayer for her happiness. And, I’ll pair it with a charm of my own in my own design-- 
Sasazuka: Rejected, next.
Enomoto: So tell me why?!! Give me a reason! A reason!!!
Shiraishi: That protection charm or whatever, isn’t it a bit too serious? I can already roughly imagine what you’ll write on the prayer. 
Okazaki: Ah, I know, he’ll curse her by writing “I hope Ichika-chan will fall in love with me”, right? 
Enomoto: N-N-N-NoOO!! And don’t call it a curse!
Yanagi: Calm down, Enomoto. All you’re doing is confirming their suspicion.
Enomoto: Yanagi-senpai, you can’t go talking about suspicion or whatever too! 
Sasazuka: Plus as soon as you said it was going to be a pair I’d heard enough. As long as I know that they’re a pair, I’m rejecting it.
Yanagi: Maa-- it’s best to try and avoid hiding personal feelings as much as possible. 
Sasazuka: Next, Okazaki.
Okazaki: Hm… it has to be those sleeping goods I talked about earlier. High quality sleep is good for health, right?
Yanagi: Well… that’s true.
Shiraishi: Coming from Okazaki, that’s a decent thing to say.
.Okazaki: If she uses the sleeping goods I choose, she’ll definitely be able to fall into a comfortable, deep sleep, regardless if there’s an explosion or fire, it’ll be a top quality item that you’ll be able to sleep in~ 
Enomoto: Nonono… isn’t that way too much? That’s like… coma-level sleep. 
Shiraishi: Aha, so it wasn’t decent after all.
Okazaki: Eh? Is it no good?
Yanagi: Okazaki, you know you’re supposed to be the client, right? Why are you even participating? 
Okazaki: Ahaha, that’s true. Ahaha… I got a little careless. 
Enomoto: You forgot…?
Sasazuka: Good grief, all these ideas are horrible. If you’re all going to be like this then don’t participate to begin with. You’re last, Yanagi-san.
Yanagi: Didn’t I say accessories were good before? They’re a bit too expensive to buy herself, and rings and necklaces are a bit too heavy, so I think a bracelet would be nice. 
Sasazuka: As expected of Yanagi-san, reliable as always. Let’s go with that. 
Okazaki: Wow! A decision’s been made? The title “When You Have Trouble Go Find Yanagi Aiji” wasn’t given for nothing, huh... 
Yanagi: Where did that come from? Never heard of it… 
Okazaki: It’s like saying it’s okay to rely on Yanagi-san even in the main story. They say you’re as reliable as a certain cat-shaped robot [1]. 
Yanagi: Don’t talk about the main story. And, don’t compare people to service tools. You lot are just too unorganized. 
Enomoto: Eh? Wait… if Yanagi-senpai’s handling the gift, then who’s in charge of the cooking?
Sasazuka: We can have Mineo or Shiraishi-san do it.
Enomoto: Eh….? But Yanagi-san’s full course spread… 
Shiraishi: I’ve never done anything like cooking before, I’d rather plan for the surprise. 
Yanagi: Shiraishi doing the surprise? …I’ve got a bad feeling about that… 
Sasazuka: The stupid cat might die if you screw up. 
Okazaki: It’s okay, I’ll eliminate any threats that come her way.
Shiraishi: Why don’t you guys trust me? I’ll scare her properly. 
Enomoto: That’ll be bad for her heart… I’m sure of it.
Yanagi: Shiraishi, we’re doing a normal surprise. 
Shiraishi: Okay, okay, I’ll keep that in mind. 
Sasazuka: The cooking duties will be on Mineo. 
Enomoto: Me…? Well, if it’s for her then fine… 
Yanagi: Then let’s start preparing. That’s all for today. Disperse. 
Sasazuka: Five more days until that stupid cat’s birthday.
Attendant: Welcome~ Please let me know when you’ve decided on something. 
Sasazuka: I’ll have your best looking, best tasting, if a person were to receive it they’d be the happiest ever cake. 
Attendant: E-Eh…? Um… uh, I-I’ll get a pamphlet for you… please wait a moment. 
Sasazuka: Mm. 
Sasazuka: (As always they have the good stuff, as expected, I’m not mistaken. There should be something that will satisfy me in this shop. It’s rare to be able to buy a cake with company allowance, should definitely buy one that’s good. Nothing will go wrong if I pick her cake out myself, plus it’s not bad to see that stupid cat’s happy expression.
Getting a cake that will make her happy is nothing, it’s easy. When she does her work well enough once in a while, she’ll wag her tail when I give her sweets as a reward-- is she a dog? Well, it’s not bad to see. And it’s entertaining. 
Besides, she’ll be happy then, because I gave her sweets— no, because I praised her. Even I know this much. Let’s not think about the outcome for now, even I know how hard that idiot works all the time. If I tell her “I don’t hate this idiotic side of you”, then she’ll definitely be happy. 
Heh, not bad. There’s a limit on how unlike me I can be though.)
Enomoto: Four more days until that one’s birthday. 
Hmhm, today’s special is… oh, bean sprouts are on sale. If I grab these then next month’s rent will be a little easier-- wait, no, no, no, no, how could I do something Yanagi-senpai would?! I don’t have to pay attention to what’s on sale if I’m cooking for a birthday! 
Hm… homemade… feels celebratory… is a bit luxurious… okay! Let’s go with the great Enomoto special chirashi sushi[2]! That’s that~ 
When it comes to chirashi sushi, there should be shrimp, and… I’ve read that girls like refreshing food more than greasy ones. Speaking of, does she like eel? … Grilled eel isn’t usually something she’d be able to eat, she’ll definitely be excited for that!
Dammit, if only I could ask her what she likes… 
Oh! What about cutting carrots into star shapes? Hoshino likes childish things, she should be happy with that.
Hehe, her smile’s gonna be taken by the great Enomoto! 
Hm, no, maybe heart shapes would be better.
Guh, no! It’s not like I’m showing her my feelings! I’m not planning to say something like “please accept my feelings” or anything!! 
Uh… what am I saying to myself, I should confirm the menu first. 
If the most important flavours aren’t good then there’s no point making it. I’ll definitely make her say it’s delicious!
Shiraishi: Three more days until her birthday. 
Now then, after some thinking… my head hurts. I’ve never been to a birthday party, nor have I seen one before.
[Clicking and typing]
What exactly is a birthday party?
Even though it’s work, a case that isn’t stimulating is just bothersome. 
Well, as long as I understand it well, it’ll be useful in future psychoanalysis, so I’ll deal with it. 
Hm~ I see… I mostly understand what a birthday party is, it wasn’t too far from what I expected, next is about the surprise…  [Clicking] He~eh? A classic surprise is a trap? And… putting a blackboard eraser in the crack of a door??
Heh, being able to see her surprised reaction wouldn’t be bad at all. She’s so open, seeing her expressions one by one will be amusing. Ah, but.. this is a birthday celebration so I shouldn’t... make her angry.
Even though it’ll be fun to see her angry, I’ll bear with it this time… this time I should try to make her smile?  
Hm… what can I do to make her smile? ...How strange, usually these things are easily known just by observing them, but when it comes to her, it becomes more and more difficult to find the correct answer… 
But, when I imagine how she’ll laugh… it’s nice, it’s not bad at all. 
It’ll be nice to see the real thing once in a while, the smile she always shows when she’s happy. 
Okazaki: Two more days until her birthday.
Mm! I got it, I’m glad the preparations are going along smoothly. Thank you. I’m counting on you to keep this up until the day! 
Everyone’s working so hard, it’ll definitely be a wonderful birthday party. But, I can’t just leave it to everyone else. I also have to think about what will make her happy. 
Yanagi-san was chosen to handle the gift we’re giving her… hm… if it was her, no matter what we give her, she’ll probably say that she’s happy. 
If that’s the case, I hope she can be happy from the bottom of her heart. 
When it comes to things that won’t be forgotten, memories are best. 
Ah, maybe I’ll take her out to see the wonderful night view after the birthday party. 
Hehe, a helicopter date sounds good too. 
Hu… I actually wanted just the two of us to celebrate together… I really wanted her birthday to be a special day. I think about it a lot. ...But, you told me you’d be happy to spend time with everyone… when you say it like that, you make people want to make your wish come true.
But, it’ll be a little frustrating for me to tell them that, so this will be a secret.
Next year, I want to celebrate with just the two of us. 
Yanagi: One more day left until her birthday.
How weird… how did it turn out like this? How did I end up being in charge of the present when I was obviously more suited for the food? 
Attendant: Welcome, please take your time looking.
Yanagi: It’s been years since I went into a jewelry store. No, wait, have I ever been in one? I’ve never chosen a gift for a woman before. Hm... 
Attendant: If you’re having a hard time, I can give you my recommendations. Is it a gift for your girlfriend? 
Yanagi: Ah- no- it’s for a coworker. [Small voice] A coworker, right? [Normal] A coworker… I… think. 
Attendant: In that case, how about something from this series? It’s not as bold as some of the other ones, but it has a cute design, and is popular among women. 
Yanagi: A-Ah...
Attendant: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 
Yanagi: It’s not too luxurious, but not too simple either. It’s not conspicuous but the design is quite good, it’s not bad. I feel like it’d suit her. This is already the tenth store, I should pick one out soon… if she knew I picked it out what would she think? 
“It doesn’t seem like something Yanagi-san would do”... or something like that. … Well, I’m thinking of the same thing about myself anyway.
(That one’s always doing her best. Our office is full of men, not to mention we all have unique personalities. It’s obviously difficult for her to be able to keep up with us. But she never gets discouraged and she thinks about clients more than anyone else. There’s not much I can do for her, but I want to make her happy as a woman just once…)
Attendant: [Laughs] You’ve been thinking about it for a while now, you must be giving it to someone very special. 
Yanagi: Uh… ah… yeah. 
Attendant: For you to be able to think of her that much, I feel jealous just watching. 
Yanagi: (I see… so being this hesitant means that I value her that much. Then let’s keep thinking about it until the last moment. 
In any case, I don’t want to choose carelessly.)
Enomoto: Is this enough? 
Sasazuka: It’s tilted, idiot. 
Enomoto: Seriously? Where? 
Sasazuka: Why do you have to make that much noise when you’re just putting up flowers?
Shiraishi: Mm~ it looks good.
Yanagi: Shiraishi, why have you been walking around for a while now? 
Shiraishi: I’m checking on the surprise. 
Okazaki: Are spears going to fall from the sky? Or an explosion? If the office explodes I won’t be able to protect you.
Shiraishi: So annoying, how could you think of me like that? Today’s a birthday celebration, right? A frightening surprise like that would have a negative effect on her heart. I’ve avoided those properly, okay?
Shiraishi: I safely recreated a trick, don’t worry. Hehe, when I see what kind of expression she’ll make… 
Yanagi: You? A trick?
Shiraishi: I properly researched it, read all the information, and practiced it several times. I worked so hard, I hoped you guys would praise me. 
Enomoto: Ehh, Shiraisai-san? Kinda surprising.
Sasazuka: Speaking of surprising, it’s the same for Mineo. 
Enomoto: I-I worked hard, you know! 
Sasazuka: It’s the opposite, I didn’t expect you to be able to make a decent dish. 
Enomoto: …!  Y-You praised someone? Is it going to snow today?! 
Okazaki: The chiraishi sushi is made well! The colors are beautiful, the carrots cut into stars are also really cute. I just stole a small bite earlier and it was delicious! The rice was cooked well too~
Enomoto: That’s because I practiced at home so many-- ha?! Y-You ate some?!!! 
Okazaki: Eh? Yup! A heart-shaped carrot, it was delicious!
Enomoto: HEEEEY!! That was the ONLY special carrot that I put there!! Besides, why are you eating before the birthday girl?! 
Sasazuka: Shut up, what a bunch of idiots.
Shiraishi: Haha, speaking of, as expected of Sasauka. The cake looks both high-quality and delicious. 
Sasazuka: I looked a few highly reviewed cake shop, narrowed it down to a small range and decided to eat all the candidates before I decided. It’s impossible for it to taste bad. Should also suit the stupid cat’s tastebuds. 
Enomoto: You ate them all… how many did you eat? 
Okazaki: And the present Yanagi-san chose fits her image perfectly. Hehe, I’ll be glad to make her happy.
Shiraishi: It looks like you struggled a lot too?
Yanagi: Something like that.
Okazaki: I remember you said you were hesitant about which one to buy for a really long time? I heard you went into every single jewelry shop in Shinjuku. 
Yanagi: First of all, just entering one takes a lot of effort. 
Shiraishi: No matter how you look at it, you don’t suit jewelry stores at all. It would have been amusing if I was there to see you in person.
Enomoto: Maa, it’s great we managed to finish preperations safely. The interior decoration and the dining table setting are also done. Now all we have to do is wait for today's protagonist to come! 
Yanagi: We’re finally here, fortunately nothing bad happened… 
Shiraishi: It’s because everyone was doing things their own way~ 
Enomoto: I don’t want to be told that by Shiraishi-san… 
Okazaki: Hmhm! I agree with Mineo-kun.
Shiraishi: How surprising, I care less about the atmosphere more than I do things my way. 
Yanagi: The only reason why we’re all willing to assist is because it was “for Hoshino”, huh? No wonder everyone’s been so united... 
Sasazuka: I want to hurry up and eat the cake. Is she coming or not?
Okazaki: I think she’s almost here...
Enomoto: Oh! She’s coming!
Shiraishi: Hu… then shall we start the birthday party?
Okazaki: Everyone, are your poppers ready? 
Yanagi: Yeah.
Sasazuka: We were ready ages ago, just hurry up and let her in. 
Enomoto: Then I’m gonna open the door!
Everyone: ⭐Happy birthday!⭐
Yanagi: So you’re a year older now. The age difference between us is smaller by a year for now. You’re happy? Haha, I guess I am as well. I really appreciate the day that you were born, from the bottom of my heart. 
Okazaki: I’ve always wanted to celebrate your birthday. I wanted to have you all to myself on your special day. Hehe, it feels like I’m happier about this than you, huh? Next time, can I celebrate my birthday with you? 
Enomoto: Um… you know, I thought about it a lot. About how to make you happy. This might sound stupid but-- when it comes to how I feel about celebrating your birthday, I won’t lose to anyone!
Sasazuka: Ah? You’re surprised to see me celebrate your birthday? You’re my plaything, so it’ll be weird if people other than me celebrated your birthday. Alright, don’t be so loud, let me talk. You just need to wag your tail and be happy. 
Shiraishi: I don’t really understand it but, today is a really important day for you, isn’t it? Then, that means it’s an important day for me too. Haha, yes. Because you’re special to me, in every sense of the word. If this kind of thing can make you smile that brightly, then birthdays aren’t so bad. 
--------------------------- Translator’s notes: [1] ‘certain cat-shaped robot’ - Doraemon. [2] Chiraishi sushi - Called ‘scattered sushi’ in English, think of a rice bowl but with sushi rice and sushi toppings.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Exhausting yet Fun
Request: hey it’s my birthday on the 5th and I was wondering if I could request a fic/hc about Steve? Maybe there was a surprise party that the team put together for the reader and there were games and all that. Don’t feel pressured to do this though, I completely understand. Thank you anyways! @marvelfanatic16
Hiya hon! I really wanted to write this for you, so here’s my early present to you hehe! Happy Early Birthday!!! (I would’ve queued this but why not post it now?) 
So sorry if this is bad and/or not what you wanted. I’m preparing for school soon and my brain is already in shambles. I just really wanted to give you this!
The title tho..
“Babe, wake up.” Steve gently shook your shoulder, whispering in an attempt to wake you up. 
This morning you and Sam went for a run after you lost a bet the other day. 
“So if the team likes my mac n cheese better, you and I are gonna go running.” 
“Keep dreaming, Sammy.” You patted Sam’s shoulder, confidently walking away with a hot pot of mac n cheese, your grandmother’s recipe. There was absolutely no way you would lose. 
“Sam, is that bacon!” - Bucky
“Oh my god, this tastes like liquid gold with pieces of heavenly bacon.” - Tony
“Don’t break up with me darling, but the bacon is killerrrr.” - Steve
Famous last words- “There was absolutely no way you would lose.” 
Needless to say, you and Sam had shaken on that deal, there was no turning back. 
So this morning from 3am to 6am Sam had you running, jogging, sprinting. Whatever you’d like to call it, bottom line, it was painful. 
To make matters worse it was your birthday and no one had said a single word yet. 
It’s not like you were trying to be vain or anything, but one day out of the year, it’s nice to feel loved!
As soon as torture time was over, you hopped in a car and headed back to the compound. 
Maybe it should’ve been an ambulance
Sam dropped you off at the front before driving off once again. Where was he going at 6:30 in the morning?
You had no clue and if you weren’t exhausted you would’ve bugged him about it.
Moopping to the bathroom, you started a hot shower, grabbing epsom salt for your jelly-like legs. 
It’s not that you were physically inactive, no, it was the fact that Sam has suddenly started to run faster, almost catching up to Steve and Bucky’s speed. Come to find out they’ve been training him.   
At 7:45 am, now clean and fresh, yet still tired, you crawled back into bed. Steve’s light snores signaling he was still out like a log. Or so you thought.
Turning on your side, your back to Steve, you shut your eyes, until you felt warm hands on your shoulder.
Just as you were about to turn, Steve shushed you. 
“Shhh, just go to sleep, doll.” 
His sleepy morning voice was groggy but adorable. You could tell he was just as sleepy yet he still continued to lightly massage your shoulders, sending you to sleep. 
Now, it was 1 pm and Steve was trying to wake you.
It was a plan.
Last night, the mac n cheese.
Everyone had come together to conspire a plan for your birthday. They all knew you were never one to back down from a challenge. So when opportunity presented itself, they gladly took it.
In reality, your mac n cheese would’ve won had not everyone decided to let Sam win, now enabling them to have time to plan for your surprise party. 
While Sam took you on the longest route in hopes of tiring you out, the team rested, knowing very well you’d sleep for hours into the afternoon.
When Sam had dropped you off, little did you know that he was going to get your party decorations and cake.
Andddd while you were sleeping, Steve and the rest of the team decorated the compound. 
Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you turned on your back to see a showered and dressed Steve sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Can I help you, sir?” 
Steve chuckled and then grabbed your hands, tenderly helping you out of the bed, holding you upright as you were still trying to wake up. 
Reaching behind you, he grabbed a fresh cup of coffee, which you happily took, the warmth of the steam hitting your face, a bliss feeling. 
“To answer your question, when you're ready, get dressed and meet me in my office.”
A kiss on your cheek and he was gone, and out the door.
Slightly confused, you finished your coffee and left to go get ready. 
At 1:43 pm exactly, you walked out of the bedroom and towards the elevator, taking the route to Steve’s office which was two floors above you. 
Once again, little did you know, Steve really just wanted you to deliberately miss the kitchen and common room, where the rest of the team resided with all the decorations and games. 
It was an annual thing with the team to have a game nice once or twice every month. You all played games from Uno, Battleship, Apples to Apples. 
You name it, you played it.
Well, an all time favorite was monopoly, where you all would get on teams and see who’d have the most property and money at the end. A game Tony was terrible at playing. 
Soooo they had it for your birthday! 
Board games with the team were absolutely hilarious. 
You’d all play mario kart but last time that happened, this got a little out of hand, literally. *ahem Natasha* 
She may or may not have tried to rip off Bucky's metal arm…
You opened the door to Steve’s office and he immediately jumped up from his desk, totally not fiddling with something in his hand. 
He shoved the thing in his pocket and nervously chuckled walking up to you. 
“You look gorgeous as always.” He held out his arm and you looped yours within, curious as to why you were leaving the office when you had just shown up.
In the elevator, you could tell Steve was nervous, his foot slightly tapping.
“Are you okay, Grant?” 
Grant- a term of endearment you’d always use for Steve. 
Unlocking his eyes from the floor, he looked at you and smiled, like he was relieved. 
“Definitely.” Steve pecked your lips and escorted you out of the elevator as the door opened up.
Upon entering, you rounded the corner and to the common room, in which the lights were off. 
You almost went to turn on the lights when they shot on and the team popped up from their hiding places. 
Startled, you jumped onto Steve as he and the team laughed, you joining in on the laughter. 
“Happy Birthday, (y/n)!!!!” 
You walked forward and smiled gleefully, your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much but it was impossible not to. 
“Guys-you didn’t have to do all this for me.” Your hand covered your mouth as you took in all of their lovely work. Wanda came up and hugged you, the other team members coming up to do the same.
“Of course we did! We love you, (y/n).” 
At Wanda’s statement you just hugged her tightly and let out happy tears.
This team- well your family! They have shown you so much love, how could you not cry? It was a nice feeling to feel loved and appreciated. 
Soon after all the salutations, Steve put his hand on the small of your back leading you to the kitchen, where the lights were also off. 
The team followed suit, Tony telling F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn on the lights. 
The relaxing ambiance of yellow lights, shown on a beautiful birthday cake. 
One Sam had gone to pick up from your favorite bakery, which when you later found out and hugged him to death. 
Too caught up in the cake you hadn’t even noticed Steve until he spoke up, the team all standing around with their phones, you looked at them and then down at your boyfriend, on his knee. 
Steve’s hand was shaking as he held out a box, and you just wanted to soothe his nerves. 
He was so adorable you just smiled sweetly at him as if telling him to proceed. 
“Doll, (y/n), I love you so much, you’ve been here for me, you are loyal, loving, and funny. My best friend, and I don’t know what I’d ever do without you. Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive by marrying me?” 
His little speech was just the cutest and you vigorously shook your head. The ring slipped perfectly on your finger.
Steve stood up and you flung your arms around his neck as he swung you in a circle.
Setting you down, Steve then leaned in for a kiss, the team cheering you on.
The excitement of the proposal was the main topic over the delicious cake, the team already preparing for your wedding.
After cake, Tony giddily whipped out Monopoly, already predicting his win, the total opposite of what actually happened. 
Let’s just say that Tony can never. ever. be the banker again. 
To end your lovely birthday, you and the team sat around on the couch, watching a comedy Bucky had found. 
Joyful laughter filled the room as you looked down at your ring, smiling. Sighing blissfully then leaning into Steve’s arm. 
This indeed had been the best birthday, the team succeeding in their mission. 
These people were definitely your family and this man beside you, your husband to-be. 
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hi friend
i guess it’s me doing the ignoring this time. i apologize friend i’ve had a shitload of homework this week and i also had to make an ✨elaborate✨ birthday card for my friend yesterday so i’ve had like no time to breathe
bread is like humanity’s greatest achievement.
that and cake. cake good. cake very good
muffins too
okay i could do this all day i’m gonna stop now
hmmm. interesting. acting causes weird dreams. didn’t know that but now i’m educated yay
your boyfriend lives in france? bro that’s really cool.
america is indeed a struggle. it’s fun to read about on the news bc it’s the one part of reality that isn’t completely boring.
tumblr is a fun place. idk if the person that invented it intended it to be a hell site for gays and fandoms, so they are either super proud or super embarrassed
hopefully a combination of both
indeed. people can be interesting sometimes
ooooh i like ur style friend. part of me wishes we were the same height so i could raid ur clothes bc they are all so prettyyy (from the descriptions u give me) but odds are i am a lot shorter than u sooo.
yes u embrace ur inner jupiter north and go for it
haha u should wear a cloak just to see the reactions
yeah cloaks in the summer are never really a good idea. but cloaks in the winter? as u know it gets fucking freezing in canada so cloaks in the winter are not a bad idea
omg did you actually? okay that’s it ur my new idol i love it that’s brilliant. lmao “react in character” good advice director good advice. definitely a popcorn worthy moment
oh the best food ever? hmm i love popcorn with every cell of my being. idk why i just love it.
ikr i should learn violin. unfortunately that takes motivation which is something i do not have
omg i haven’t had hot chocolate in like six months. i usually get it from tim hortons (which they don’t have in the u s which sucks bc their doughnuts are like the greatest things ever) so idk what they put in their but it tastes good so it’s fine
hm interesting. welp that would have been good to know before i was baking and thought “well it smells good so let’s see how it tastes”. spoiler alert: it smells way better than it tastes
omg yes i want to adopt a dragon we should raise it together and then fly off on the back of the dragon into the sunset and then we can take turns taking dramatic pictures of each other
omg i need to watch those movies
hm i have a question: have u been in any other plays besides the current tempest one? who did you play and which character has been ur favourite to act out? i realize that is more than one question. o well
ugh i should do my homework rn
welp adios amigo until next time
oh right and it’s clyde i forgot to say that hehe :)
Hihi!! It’s ok, we’re both doing our own thing! You’re still mega cool!
Usual Sunday depression but we’re Pushing Through It.
I mean acting doesn’t cause weird dreams in everyone lol but it certainly does for me. I’m just a little crazy tho so like. Yeah lolol. Anyways it’s interesting.
My boyfriend does live in France. Ve’s extremely adorable and I love vem sm. Ve’s @/keefeinnit on tumblr 😍 I’m such a simp. Anyhow.
Hmm I’m not that tall I’m just average height. I only wear blue lol I need to branch out and wear other colors. I think my three colors will be dark blue, like. Raspberry pink and army green. That would all look sexy with both my normal hair and red hair so. My hair is actually already kinda coppery but not enough to make the color actually look more than brown.
Cloaks are very cozy. Especially like. Down lined ones they’re very flowy and very fuzzy. Also like. Long jackets of leather go brrrrrrrrrr
Awwwwwww that’s extremely sweet of you to hear, especially considering that I’ve had a Rough day. Filming is intensely hard and I’m tired so hearing u say that I’m ur idol is helpful. Anyways, you’re right it was very iconic of me. (I started this Sunday but it’s Monday now)
Popcorn is delicious, I had caramel popcorn at a birthday this weekend it was spectacular.
That’s relatable. I, also, have no motivation to do things.
Tim Hortons is on my Canada list it’s one of the first places I’ll go when I go there and I’ll make sure to get hot chocolate and donuts :)
I have also tasted vanilla lol. It isn’t great. The fermented vodka is a good part of why.
We should adopt a dragon, yeah!! What’s your favorite type of dragon? Like your favorite story. Also your picture plan is an extremely good idea, especially since dragons are extremely photogenic and we are both very attractive people.
I did a lot of acting in grade school, in the required school plays. I was the one that cared the most. A lot of them make me dysphoric to think about but some of them were fun. I was a nightmare in sixth grade, and St George in seventh. That was nice. Caliban is my favorite so far, and it’s more of a real acting job than the others.
Until next time, friend!!
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currywaifu · 4 years
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← want something else? “hello again, my lovely regular! thank you for your continuous support!” ╰──➢ my anonnie family. i love all of you very much!!! 
╰──➢ links don’t work on mobile, but can be viewed thru the tags~ 
╰──➢ sorted by first to most recent! last update: august 07, 2020
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꒰꒰ 🍀 clover ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:06 am, may 14, 2020 ⤷ note: i remember tearing up over the fact that i got my first emoji anonnie! i keep the four leaf clovers you gave me close to my heart. clover, you’re easily one of the kindest and most supportive anonnies~ thank you for supporting me and the A3! content creator community
꒰꒰ ⭐ star ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 08:35 pm, may 22, 2020 ⤷ note: i’m not sure at what point i became your mom, but you’re my child now and i love you a lot! seeing you pop in my asks always makes me smile- you seem so pure and adorable!!! makes sense, since you share a birthday with sakuya! also, a barbie stan therefore i stan star too!
꒰꒰ 🌸 sakuranon ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:15 am, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: the cheerleader aunt of our family! another very pure and sweet anonnie~ i was really touched to learn i was the first person you sent an ask to :’< i’m so proud you were able to muster up the courage to do that!
꒰꒰ 🍯 honey ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 02:18 am, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: someone i ended up choosing an emoji for! it was an unexpected but fun request! as the emoji implies, an incredibly sweet anonnie! the youngest sibling everyone dotes on in our family~ oikawa simp, very valid!
꒰꒰ 🌙 moonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 11:59 am, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: moon “i came from rou” anonnie~ our vodka aunt who’s a bit of a chaotic mess, but we love them anyway~~ a fellow sweet tooth AND barbie movie stan- absolutely iconic.
꒰꒰ ☁️ cloud-chan ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 05:00 pm, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: a hisoka stan~ thus, a cloud emoji was bestowed unto them because it’s the closest thing we have to a marshmallow~ our social media addicted sister who gives good advice! barbie, monster/ever after high, and theatre stan? actually a legend??? i love you???
꒰꒰ 🍍 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 10:11 pm, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: our troublemaker sister! honest? the fact that you like the bratz movies gives me the impression that you’re a baddie and i stan you now
꒰꒰ 🍒 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 10:16 pm, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: our playful older sister who likes to tease everyone and make lame puns! has never seen a barbie movie, but honestly still valid~ especially because they’re a fruit emoji and i love fruits~
꒰꒰ 💛 sunny anonnie ˊˎ  ⤷ first visit: 10:25 pm, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: hypothesis: a cute and pure anonnie. proof: used to dance to 12 dancing princesses. very sweet, you make the darker days a lot sunnier! 
꒰꒰ 🐣 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 11:54 pm, may 29, 2020 ⤷ note: whenever you call me “friend” i get very uwu soft TT when you said you got interested in editing bc of me i got even more uwu for you. i love you a lot!
꒰꒰ 🍡 dangonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 03:53 pm, may 30, 2020 ⤷ note: our so, so, so adorable and excitable middle child! the cookies you gave me and the rest of the family was absolutely delicious! thank you for always making sure every new anonnie got one!!! 
꒰꒰ 🔺 sankakunnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:15 am, may 31, 2020 ⤷ note: apparently i follow them? uwu may or may not know who they are but i think they’re a funny anonnie! kins misumi and a sakyo simp? so valid omg. we platonically love each other~ also, gave everyone milk! calcium is important!!!!
꒰꒰ 🌷 tullie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 06:46 pm, june 01, 2020 ⤷ note: the one who helped me start a whole ask saga about barbie movies hehe~ also a musical stan? and a design student? i may not know a lot about their OC, but she’s a ballerina who did a Swan Lake play and I super stan that.
꒰꒰ 🐧 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 11:54 pm, june 02, 2020 ⤷ note: cute!!! uses really cute kaomojis~ don’t worry about not visiting often, you’ll always be welcome any time!
꒰꒰ 🐝 bee, bb, beeb, bbee, beebee, ... ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 11:54 pm, june 02, 2020 ⤷ note: the anonnie with a multitude of bee nicknames~ very sweet and cute, remember to not stress yourself out! take a deep breath and take care of yourself, okay?
꒰꒰ 💌💐 mizunonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 02:42 pm, june 05, 2020 ⤷ note: apparently i’m the tsuzuru to your mizuno? fufufu~ another one who’s a barbie + theatre stan!!! i always enjoy seeing you~ the combi of emojis in my asks? cute~ TT i adored talking about theatre with you!!
꒰꒰ 🦊 kitsunnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:05 pm, june 07, 2020 ⤷ note: hi i have a platonic crush on you too~ i really like foxes, too! 
꒰꒰ 🍞 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 01:41 pm, june 08, 2020 ⤷ note: you’re very sweet~ even if you’re not active on my blog, i look forward to when i see you next!
꒰꒰ uwu annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:00 am, june 11, 2020 ⤷ note: my first non emoji anonnie! immediately cute because of the name alone! super memorable bc of that triangle pick up line, pffft~
꒰꒰ ❄️ annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 08:31 pm, june 11, 2020 ⤷ note: gave me ice cream & chocolate, therefore i love them! very sweet, with good taste in music (looking at you, the contract)... has a dozen nicknames, and more to come. so far my personal favorites are elsa and yule log cake
꒰꒰ 🥬 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 02:35 am, june 14, 2020 ⤷ note: fufu i know who you are~ and i love and support you a lot! thank you for being there for me since almost the beginning! and thank you for lending me your braincell ehehe~
꒰꒰ 🍄 mushroomie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 09:07 pm, june 13, 2020 ⤷ note: i remember crying about your first emoji ask eye TT i just want to let you know that you brighten up my day too!
꒰꒰ 🌻 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 01:39 amm, june 14, 2020 ⤷ note: thank you for the sunflowers! i have 3 from you rn! they remind me of the sunflowers outside my high school~ sunflowers always make me happy!
꒰꒰ 🐠 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 01:12 pm, june 14, 2020 ⤷ note: we haven’t interacted much, but i hope you’re enjoying A3! so far!
꒰꒰ 🧀 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 02:34 am, june 25, 2020 ⤷ note: a quiet sleepy bb like hisoka~ i like cheese, therefore i like cheese anonnie a lot too!
꒰꒰ 🧸 teddy ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 05:17 pm, june 25, 2020 ⤷ note: i don’t know much about you yet, but you’re a fwuffy person!
꒰꒰ 🎈 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 12:52 am, july 29, 2020 ⤷ note: i think i know who you are, aND I WANT YOU TO KNOW I GOT REALLY SENTI AND UWU CRYING OVER YOU
꒰꒰ 🥭 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 10:40 pm, july 31, 2020 ⤷ note: fewwo fiwipino! (nagcrave ako ng mangga dahil sayo) ur so sweet, ur first message had me uwu-ing~!
꒰꒰ 🏐 annonie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 11:02 pm, july 31, 2020 ⤷ note: haikyuu stan! gr8 taste!!! i mean, best boyos are noya, yaku, suga, kenma, and akaashi? *chef’s kiss* we can cry about haikyuu together!
꒰꒰ OwO-chan~ ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 04:03 pm, august 03, 2020 ⤷ note: ICONIC taste like barbie? danganronpa? this is true duality and i stan so hard
꒰꒰ 🐁 anonnie ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 05:01 pm, august 04, 2020 ⤷ note: obey me writer! is slowly but surely building up intimacy points w/ me... what is mouse-chan planning to do with them, tho :O
꒰꒰ 🐏 ram-chan ˊˎ - ⤷ first visit: 05:17 pm, august 04, 2020 ⤷ note: ENABLED MY EVER AFTER HIGH SELF AND I AM SCREAMING- briar beauty stans solidarity- briar beauty sUPREMACY
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