#also why make the red prince a romance option if he's not even going to have a proper route???? i have so many more thoughts on this but
oceanatydes · 5 months
i just finished dos2 and it was such an excellent game but what the hell was the red prince's epilogue scene??
he had so much character growth at the end, going so far as to give up what arguably was his birthright to be a god amongst men (aka lizards) and ruling to mc and trusting them as the new divine
then he turns around and says lol be my slave like what the hell?? where was the character progression?? the romantic acknowledgement that he literally tells mc he loves them?? what was that??
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propheticclown · 25 days
Kurloz Makara and Meulin Leijon: Till Double Death Do Us Part
Hello! Today I wanted to make a little (long) essay of The Prince of Rage: Kurloz Makara and The Mage of Heart: Meulin Leijon. I feel that these are two characters who the Homestuck community has greatly mischaracterized and as such, I wish to rectify any false claims made against these two characters, as well as give my own personal interpretation of them, as well as their relationship. Let's begin with my utterly favorite of all the dancestors, Meulin. Meulin as a character seems very surface-level to the average reader. She's loud, excitable, and obsessed with romance. However, if you dive deeper into Aranea's expositions, Horuss' moraillegiance, and even her conversations with Meenah and Kurloz, you can see that she harbors a lot of feelings of regret, shame, and self-doubt. Meulin is a character who is VERY interested in romance and craves being in one. However, according to Aranea;
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Meulin isn't very lucky when it comes to romance, not just with Kurloz, but with other characters too (Ex. Her moraillegiance with Horuss). This fits her as a Mage, since Mages are known to not fully have their aspect, or rely on others to feel their aspect (Like how Sollux, as a Mage of Doom, repeatedly "half-dies" throughout the series, never FULLY meeting his doom). This clearly causes her lots of shame, as the whole reason she became moirails with Horuss was to mimic the relationship between Nepeta and Equius. She copes with these negative feelings through repression, even telling Horuss to repress his feelings too. The main reason why she does this is to portray an image of sorts. An image that she's fun and lovable and always happy. She wants to portray an image of the perfect, lovable girl because she craves a romantic relationship. She wants to be loved. That is Meulin's main character motivation. To be loved and be deemed attractive by someone (In Naranjo's terms, she's a massive Sx3). She's also known to ship her friends together, like Nepeta, however unlike Nepeta, Meulin does it so she can feel some semblance of warmth and love, "THE F33LS!!!" as she calls them. This is even shown, as she prefers making red ships over black ones.
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So how does Kurloz tie into this? Well, it's because her and Kurloz's matespritship was perfect in her eyes, and even considered perfect by the other Dancestors.
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But of course, it all got ruined. One day, as they slept, Kurloz had a horrific nightmare. A nightmare, so utterly terrifying and monstrous that when he awoke he screamed. He screamed so loud that his poor, loving matesprit was permanently deafened, and out of shame and guilt, Kurloz sews his mouth shut and chews his own tongue off, and they slowly drifted apart. That should be the end of the story, right? Wrong. Because I think that, as much as Meulin attempts to deny it, they both still feel red for one another.
In her conversation with Meenah, they both talk about Kurloz, with Meulin poking fun at his silly little rambles about his religion and angels of double death. However, it's when Meenah pushes a bit further about making fun of Kurloz when THIS happens.
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Meulin immediately becomes dismissive of Meenah, repressing her emotions so much that all she can offer is a blank expression and a dismissive, passive sentence. Not even giving any it any tags as she does for every other sentence. It should be noted that this is the ONLY time where Meulin's "happy-go-lucky" facade cracks. It's clear that she harbors an intense amount of guilt from Kurloz's self-mutilation, most likely believing it to be indirectly her fault. This single sentence of completely optional dialogue is probably where we get the most understanding of her as a character. She's ashamed of herself, repressing her true emotions and shipping her friends just to possibly get back any semblance of those beautiful red feelings she lost. She doesn't care that she's deaf, she doesn't care when she's insulted, she doesn't care if the relationship she has with Horuss is unhealthy, as long as she's loved she's fine. But the second someone insults her Prince, insults his self-inflicted disability, she immediately retreats, disengages, and stops the facade, not only does the image break but the mage breaks alongside it, until the conversation finally changes subjects.
Even with Kurloz, she portrays repressed red feelings in their mimes, starting with the first mime.
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A Tododile with heart eyes, while this is most likely just a reach from my end, I do think it could possibly be interpreted that Meulin still has an unconscious desire to be "hearts" with Kurloz. A desire to rekindle what was once lost and it's not just on her end either, Kurloz clearly feels the same way too. How do we know this? Well by taking this CANON Purpleblood description and applying it to Kurloz. "In love, they tend to be strictly monogamous and fiercely devoted, ready to pledge themselves to a person the same way they do their goals-utterly, and without reservation." Purplebloods are incredibly devoted to their romantic partners, this can even be seen with Gamzee, who only held flushed feelings for one person throughout all of Homestuck. Needless to say, like their religion, Purplebloods take romance VERY seriously, they love once and never again, committed to their partner even after death. They don't just fall OUT of love. It's even implied that Kurloz is one of the few characters who hasn't had flushed feelings for Rufioh. His sights are set on Meulin, and Meulin only. While we're on the topic of The Prince of Rage, let's talk about HIS life now. Kurloz, unlike Meulin, seems to be unanimously disliked throughout his group. At the BARE minimum, it's shown that Meenah, Cronus, and Aranea dislike him. He is constantly insulted and belittled by the others, whether it be his religion, the way he expresses himself, or even just his hair. Heck, even Gamzee dislikes him. It's also implied through the 2014 Homestuck calendar (not even joking) that Kurloz was the last person to enter the medium since no one actually wanted to be his server player. On top of this, in Openbound, every character is seen near their lusus, or at the very least, their lusus is in the same area as them. However, Kurloz's lusus is nowhere to be found, implying that either his lusus is like Gamzee's and abandoned him for long portions of time, or that he never had a lusus to begin with. From the constant belittling from his friends, his lack of love from anyone around him, and the fact that he's incredible at blackrom pairings, it can be implied that Kurloz is a character who is very familiar with hate, frustration, and of course some good ol' unbearable shame. Kurloz as a character is described as secretive, mysterious, and preachy. He's also shown to be incredibly inquisitive and curious, only stopping his insatiable curiosity when he realizes that it's teetering into religious blasphemy.
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Kurloz is also incredibly devout to his religion, going so far as to want his friends to experience double death because of it, mocking Meenah for her heretical words and behaviors, saying that she will be "DOUBLE SLAIN BY OUR LORD LIKE ALL THE OTHER MIRTHLESS HERETICS"
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Considering this, and him flipping Meenah off, we know that at the very least, he dislikes Meenah. His only other known feelings towards the others are his "friendship" (absolutely repressed red feelings) with Meulin, his moirallegience with Mituna, and his admiration for Gamzee. It should also be noted that I don't personally think his relationship with Mituna is toxic or abusive. I do legitimately think that Kurloz is interested in Mituna's condition, and since the "incident" they both saw most likely had something to do with Lord English, he is probably enthralled by the chance to learn more about his Lord. Also, considering that he's a Prince of Rage, he'd actually be a pretty good moirail to have. But back to his relationship with Meulin. If you clicked on this post, you're probably curious about how I view Kurloz using his chucklevoodoos on Meulin, so let me first explain some of Kurloz's religion. Kurloz believes that once Lord English destroys the world, his spirit will ascend to The Dark Carnival, which is essentially clown heaven, but there's a problem with this. Only those who believe in The Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs pass into The Dark Carnival. Meulin is not actually a follower of the Mirthful Messiahs, and as such, will get destroyed along with everyone else. This is where the internal conflict with Kurloz happens. Since Purplebloods are extremely devout to both their beliefs and their love, Kurloz is faced with a horrifying decision. Does he choose his religion, assisting with Lord English's plans and ascending to The Dark Carnival alone or does he choose the love of his life, the love he so painfully deafened and hurt, and get destroyed alongside her? This is also what I think the nightmare he had was about, he had to choose between two things he loved, and because of that, was so distraught that he screamed himself awake. And this is also when he begins planning. You see, as previously discussed, Kurloz is a Prince of Rage, and as such, destroys doubt and negative emotions, he will never be dissuaded from his beliefs. He's also highly inquisitive, no doubt pouring himself into his religious scripture, looking for some way to save his beloved Meulin, his sweet mage, his darling matesprit. That's when he comes up with an idea. If he manipulates Meulin, if he uses his chucklevoodoos on her to do Lord English's bidding, makes her preach his teachings, then surely that will count, right? Surely the Prince could save his Mage. So that's what he does. I believe that Kurloz's use of chucklevoodoos on Meulin is an attempt to appease Lord English and get his beloved into The Dark Carnival. Kurloz found a way to both save his darling and still stay faithful to his religion. And luckily for The Prince and The Mage, their double death didn't happen, and they never had to part, as shown when Kurloz and Meulin are telepathically communicating as Gamzee complains about Vriska during the retconned timeline.
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Thank you for reading this. Meulin and Kurloz are my favorite Homestuck characters and I adore their dynamic. Let me know if you'd like this kind of analysis with any other characters, and let me know if you have any types of criticisms to give! Once again, thank you for reading this and I hope you have a lovely day! €o: <3 :33
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
Royalty Stony AUs
A King for Christmas by iam93percentstardust
Summary: In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan.
Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children.
Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
A Higher Form of War by sabremc
Summary: Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
Basically one of those bodice-ripping romance novels I don't read (ahem) but with far more gay.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile) by starklystar
Summary: "You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
Fealty by  Lasenby_Heathcote and Robin_tCJ
Summary: Steve Rogers is Lord of America, and was gifted his corner of the kingdom of Starkland after amazing acts of heroism in the war against Hydra. A long, brutal winter forces Steve to go to King Howard for aid, and Howard agrees – under the condition that Steve bond with his Omega son, Tony. Steve agrees, of course, for the good of his people. Prince Tony is a trained Omega Consort – an Omega of status sent to a prestigious academy to become the perfect Consort Mate to high-status Alphas throughout the kingdom. At this academy they learn diplomacy, negotiation, proper manners, and, of course, the various ways to pleasure their Alphas.
I will wait by Shellhead616
Summary: Prince Stark was to marry a Prince he never met, for money he never wanted, to reign over a realm his father didn’t care for. But the Prince did care for his people. So he ran away, accidentally joined a group of misfits calling themselves the “Avengers”, with their fierce leader “The Captain". Although, when he discovers the secret the Captain has been keeping, everything changes.
one day by mvrcredi
Summary: One day.
One day Prince Steven would be king. One day he would have all the qualities to be an even better king than his father.
And maybe, one day, Tony would be his husband.
(But maybe, before that one day, Steven should reveal his secret to the man.)
My Loyalty to You by Hazein, Shi_Toyu
Summary: The Israelite nation has gone to war, Howard is acting erratic, and it’s everything Tony can do to argue with the war council to find the most advantageous strategies for their men. Then Thanos strides out of the enemy ranks and issues a challenge unlike any Tony has ever heard. If an Israelite can defeat him in one-on-one combat, their entire army will surrender. Too bad Thanos is twice the size of any man they have. Enter Steve Rogers, local sheppard and the king’s newest harp player, who claims he can fell this giant with nothing but a sling and a stone.
Whether he can manage it or not, Tony is just trying to figure out how you get to looking like that by tending sheep...
Arranged by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Summary: Royalty AU-- Howard arranges a match between Tony and Steve, but when Tony tries to run away with Tiberius instead, Steve goes after his betrothed and brings him home. Things are difficult between the couple at first, but an impulsive kiss leads to softer moments, and finally the arranged pair find happiness together.
Knight of Wands by  Sineala
Summary: Steve has reigned as king for ten years, and in a few days peace will finally come to his kingdom. Representatives of the Kree Empire are soon to arrive for the negotiations that will end the war between them once and for all. Steve is looking forward to settling down, with his hand-picked Avengers at his side -- led, of course, by the masked knight Iron Man -- and also his trusted advisors, the most beloved of whom is Tony, his court magician, the most powerful mage in all the land.
But when Steve's life is endangered, Tony makes the greatest sacrifice of all to protect his king, a sacrifice far greater than his life. And when Tony disappears under mysterious circumstances, Steve learns that even his closest friends keep secrets that he could never have suspected.
Chasing Daydreams by comecatchmeifyoucan
Summary: “Promise you’ll be there?” He mumbled into Steve’s chest.
“Of course.”
“Good.” Tony separated from Steve but his hand was still gently gripping the blond’s wrist. “Because the party only starts when I arrive, and I’m obviously not going if you won’t be there.”
Steve felt the brunet’s hand slip down to graze his, and he let it linger there for a second before it was suddenly pulled away from him. He could only hope that he had hidden his disappointment well.
Fortunately, Tony didn’t seem to notice Steve’s abrupt drop in mood.
✧ ─────── ♡ ─────── ✧
After years of pining for the brunet, Steve was finally going to get his chance to confess his feelings for Tony. If only he could find him in the crowd of masked-people first...
Luckily, when his hopeless crush is nowhere to be found, Steve meets a beautiful stranger to keep him company throughout the night.
heavy is the crown by theappleppielifestyle
Summary: “Why did you pick me? As a match. Howard forced you to marry, but you had - there were other options. Many of them.”
“Maybe I wanted to help you,” Tony says. “To help - anyone, for once. Your people needed it.”
Oh, Steve thinks dully. So it wasn’t about him at all. It’s - a comfort, in some ways. In others, it’s… less so.
“And-” Tony hesitates. "Everyone said you were kind. I thought… if I had to marry, I’d prefer to marry someone kind.”
(Or, Arranged Marriage AU.)
The Crown- the stony au nobody asked for by Jo_StClaire
Summary: Tony is the sole Omega prince of Angsold, who falls in love with the Alpha Army Captain of a neighboring nation. When his father, King Howard, suddenly falls ill and passes, Tony's life is thrown out of wack when he becomes a reigning monarch at 25. Follow Tony through the struggles of being a newly-wedded Omega as well as a leader of a nation. He must learn to balance his love for his people with his love for his husband Steve. (Loosely Based off of the Netflix series The Crown)
No More, No Less by ABrighterDarkness
Summary: His father had been discussing it again, amongst his advisers. He was barely eighteen , what did he need of a wife at eighteen? Frankly, he was already tired of hearing about it. Tired of meeting the daughters of the various men that were deemed important enough. None of them had caught his attention in the least and he suspected that they never would. Not when his daydreams already consisted of intelligent brown eyes, rich brown curls and a wickedly charming grin.
Protea by Anonymous
Summary: After witnessing the injustice done onto his parents, Steve Rogers sneaks into the Ferrite Royal Palace to try and find answers. Fate decides to saddle him with solving shady scandals while unknowingly becoming involved with the nation’s omegan king, Anthony.
And deal with all the baggage and drama that comes along with it.
A Concubine!Steve AU
they're both princes in this one by vapaad
Summary: Steve Rogers is the first son of the United States The entire nation sees him as America’s golden boy. Handsome, smart, charming, and overall perfection– Steve is an icon to the youths of America. But Steve, well he has one little issue. He thinks Prince Anthony, yes the british prince, is a big jerk. Arrogant and an overall asshole.
So when an encounter between the two results in chaos, Steve and Anthony “call me Tony” are thrusted into a PR stint of being best friends. But soon enough, they both come to the realization that they want more, and there, bloomed a secret relationship between the first son of the united states, and the prince of England.
tell me i'm your national anthem by oopshidaisy for chasingconstellations
Summary: Red, White & Royal Blue AU. Tony Stark is the unwilling First Son of the United States, whose rivalry with beloved Prince Steve threatens UK/US relations. After an international incident involving a wedding cake, Steve and Tony are forced to fake a friendship for the public eye - a fake friendship that evolves into something real, and dangerous.
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
Chapter 5: To A Land Of Our Imagination
Read on AO3 
Chapter 1
Word count: 3471
Tw: Wounds, food, swearing
Logan planned the second date two days after the first. A picnic in the imagination, that Roman insisted on helping out with.
It took them quite a while to prepare everything. A red gingham print blanket in a field of many flowers on a hill, the sight of a rather giant disney-inspired castle in the far distance, mountains enveloping the horizons; very picturesque, certainly. He even offered to set up an orchestra off the side for them, but Logan declined. Logan was worried that they would get sunburnt due to the realistic touch that he brings, but Roman insisted that wouldn’t happen. And then Logan insisted that he didn’t know that it wouldn’t.
The banter was probably what took the longest time. It started with the back and forth about the likelihood of a sunburn, and then whether Thomas would typically tan or burn, and then it spiralled into nothingness. Obviously Roman made zero sense, but Logan was still determined to prove his point.
“No, Thomas should not get a surgical beauty mark. It’s pointless and expensive when you could have the same results with the smallest amounts of makeup.”
“But it adds character! All of the glamor girls have beauty marks! And besides, why put in the effort of putting on the beauty mark every day when you can just wake up that way?” Roman rebuttals, and Logan cannot begin to express just how stupid that argument is.
“A few seconds of a makeup pencil and maybe some powder isn’t that much effort. What would be an effort is spending a ridiculous sum of money on something he might regret and want gone. It would be a waste of resources for something thought of on a whim. That money would also go into the beauty industry, the industry that profits off of one’s self-hatred.” He argues, because yes, in a world where hating oneself is so common and so profitable, the most rebellious thing one can do is to learn to love themself.
“Makeup is also a part of the beauty industry.”
“It’s nowhere near as harmful and expensive though. It’s not just about insecurities, but also accentuating features that you enjoy in yourself. It also happens to be an art form, so I’m surprised that you’d even try that useless fact.”
Roman huffs. He’s probably not that interested in the beauty mark, but sometimes impulse can make you do stupid things. He does however look upset, and Logan hesitates.
“You know what you can do with makeup?” Logan asks, and they look at each other.
“What?” He asks, still pouting.
“Make many beauty marks. And change their locations when you feel like it.” He offers, and Roman lights up like that very dangerous chemical reaction Remus and himself attempted on bonding day.
“By the fourth musketeer, you’re right!” Roman touches his own face, lost in thought. “You could switch it up daily!”
It took a while longer for him to acknowledge what they were supposed to be doing, and then they were touching up the flowers (which is when Logan notices Bells of Ireland, sticking out amongst the other flowers, and assisting in integrating them into the green fields, like the flowers just popped up amongst nature. He believes Roman had summoned them around for him, and he can’t help but smile.) and then heading to the exit so Logan could get the ‘object of his affections’.
“Are you going to be in the imagination?” Logan asks him.
“Well, duh. I’ll obviously be out of earshot, but duty calls, and I have quests to attend to! Can’t have a realm without it’s heroes, right?”
“I guess not.” Logan nods. Roman’s going to play immersive make-belief then. Very well. That does usually help with Thomas’s motivation. Logan thinks of asking to join him sometime, and then decides that would most likely end horribly. Maybe Dungeons & Dragons would be a better solution.
He leaves Roman at the doorway, going to retrieve Patton. It isn’t very hard; he finds him in the living room holding a picnic basket and smiling brightly.
“That really, isn’t necessary.” He points to the basket. “We have food at the location.”
“What’s a little more? Besides, I have a little surprise to help with the planning.” He leans in and fake whispers.
Logan blinks. “A planner?”
“No, even better. But don’t guess. You know your old Patton-ership Person can’t keep a secret for very long.”
Logan groans at the pun, and they head back through Roman’s door to the imagination. It isn’t long before they reach the flowery hills (Logan wanted it to be accessible, to avoid an awkwardly long walk), and he sits down on the large blanket. Patton coos at the view, and the enchanting flower fields.
“Is Roman here?” He asks, looking around. He sets the basket down.
“He said he wouldn’t be nearby, and I trust his word, but he is in the imagination.”
Patton lets out a sigh in relief and sits down. “Okay. I just know he’d be mad if he found out, buuut…” He opens the petite basket’s lid, and like the objects from Mary Poppins bag sprouts Janus, arms held out dramatically.
“What is up losers? I’m here to foil all of your plans.” He lightly steps out of the basket, and plops down so they’re all facing each other in a triangle. “By making them better. You’ll thank me later.”
Although Logan is surprised, he isn’t really bothered. He’s quite similar to Roman in the theatrics, so perhaps he’ll prove to add ideas that would give life and a charming flair to his own.
“Very well.” Logan pulls out a notepad from god-knows-where. “Welcome to the ‘date’.” He does quotation marks with his fingers, and Patton leans excitedly to Janus.
“I think that’s what we’re calling it now. ‘Date’, but you have to do the thing with your fingers.” He does the finger quotations.
“What a lame concept. I love it.” Janus smiles. “I’m absolutely dreading spectating this ‘date’.” He does the finger quotations, and adds a little more emphasis on the word. At least he seems to be having fun.
“So. First step: The goal.”
“Find out if Roman really does have legs.” Janus answers at the same time Patton exclaims “Marry a pretty prince!”
“That was not supposed to be a guessable statement. And both of you are wrong. Patton, we do not have legal documents and cannot legally marry. The goal is to ‘woo’ Roman.”
“There may be or may not be a very easy solution for this.” Janus suggests, lounging back and checking his nails despite his gloves.
“What would be that solution?” Logan narrows his eyes at him.
“Oh I don’t know… Tell him how you feel.” He looks at him face-on, dead-serious.
“But… He most likely does not feel the same way. Besides, he wouldn’t like something so… Insignificant. He’s embodied himself after a prince, for Newton’s sake.” Logan argues, heart clutching painfully (metaphorically, obviously. If someone’s heart clutches painfully in real life, he recommends they go to a doctor and get it checked), and looking off into the distance, calculating the odds of rejection. He so far has not detected any signs or repercussions in the romance, and with Roman’s celebrity crushes being people like Adam Driver and Orville Peck, how is he supposed to compare? He can make a schedule planner less important than a social engagement.
“Oh come on, cheer up champ! I’m sure he’ll love it no matter what you do!” Patton encourages, giving him thumbs up. Logan looks at him, unimpressed.
“But will he really? These… Unnecessary feelings have rendered me even less functioning around him, so psychologically speaking, I’ve been even less perfect around him. He lives off the idea of a perfect, film-like life. Disney prince… Disney Relationship, Disney prince partner. Why would he like me? I look like a teacher.” As Logan continues his rant, now up and pacing, Janus shoots Patton a knowing look, and Patton eventually looks at him with an unknowing look.
“What?” Patton asks quietly, as Logan rambles.
“You don’t know?” Janus looks surprised.
“Know what?”
“Roman hasn’t told you about… You know…”
Patton looks at him, attempting to decipher what he means. Eventually, he quizzically does a limp wrist.
“No!” Janus whisper-shouts, exasperated. “Of course he’s gay. I’m talking about something else.”
“I’m lost.” He admits.
Janus leans in and whispers into his ear.
“Oh yeah! He has.” Patton gives him a thumbs up.
“I need a new style!” Logan turns and points at them, and they both display their shock easily.
“Dear god no. You’d look more out of place than Remus during the cosplay phase.” Janus jerks back, appalled. (Besting Remus in being out of place while he was in Thomas’s cosplay phase is nothing to roll your eyes at. Stripper Kermit is only one of many horrendous ideas that Janus has had the pleasure of being scarred by.)
“But think about it. You often see someone in a new light when they go through a big style change, whether they’ve changed as a person or not. When we altered our outfits for the first time, it was like a fresh new start. We were new, and more impressive models of our past selves of just three seconds before.”
“I see your point kiddo, but that just isn’t you! It’ll work against you in the long run if you try to be someone that you’re not.”
“Agreed. Seriously. Not to mention you’d be boring no matter what you wear; might as well be more comfortable doing it.”
Logan considers it. He nods, and sits down. “Alright. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m still not going to tell him outright.”
Patton raises his hand. “I have an idea.”
“Alright, hit us.” Janus looks at him.
“If you are to hit us, do it gently please. And preferably on the arm. I quite like these glasses.” Logan nods, accepting his fate.
“It’s an expression.” Janus side-eyes him, and gestures for Patton to start.
“How about… We leave the idea of telling him directly as an option, but also make a plan? That way, you have many options to pick from!” He encourages, looking like a parent bargaining with their toddler.
“That wouldn't be unreasonable.” Logan takes out a pen, and clicks it on. “Now, why don’t we start?”
By the time they leave the imagination, Logan has notes full of ideas. It’s a little bit difficult to have the best brainstorms without a literal embodiment of creativity, but both of them are bad ideas to invite for different reasons, and not being in charge of creativity doesn’t stop the rest of them from coming up with creative thoughts. (If that were the case, the same concept could be applied to himself, and it would have probably killed him by now if he were the only one with an ounce of logic.)
He steps into Roman’s room. Nice as always, if not looking slightly blank. Maybe he’s just used to the disorder now.
He rips out a separate paper, and leaves it on Roman’s cluttered desk, to notify him in the future that he is no longer in his realm. He catches a glimpse of other papers on his desk, and is that-
“Poetry?” Obviously, Logan does not want to disrespect his privacy, but he does read the line he has seen. It was quite good. It seemed to be about jealousy, but he’s not the best at deciphering emotions, so he isn’t completely sure. He also catches a few typos.
He stands straight again, paces a little bit and just as he's about to sink out, he hears the imagination door open.
Roman stumbles in, heaving and drenched in sweat. He looks dull and lifeless, until he looks at Logan. It’s like a switch goes off, and he looks like his usual self again.
“Heading out?”
“That’s right. The date just ended.”
“That’s wonderful! How did it go?” He asks, strutting over, trying hard but failing to hide a limp.
“Are you alright?” Logan looks at him, and the standard first aid courses that Thomas has taken in his lifetime start kicking in.
"I'm-" And a poorly concealed wince. "Okay. Just a scrape from the dragon witch. Nothing a happy pappy prince can't handle."
"That's not something you usually say." Logan squints at him, taking a step closer. "Did you hit your head? You're starting to sound like Patton. I'm not leaving here until you let me help you."
"Ugh, fine." He flails out his arms, and then jerks them back in pain. "But seriously, how did it go?"
"It went well. Thank you for the Irish bells. We discussed things that one would do in a romantic setting, and then we dispersed. There will be another date fairly soon. I just stayed to drop off a note on your desk to inform you of our departure."
His eyes go wide. "My desk? Did you read any of my writing?" He asks, sounding panicked, with a hint of defensive nature.
"I did, actually. Not on purpose, I'm sorry. It was a poem that I believe is about jealousy. I read the third paragraph. It was quite well done." Logan bashfully admits.
"Oh. Thank you." He offers a small smile.
Logan suddenly remembers the wounds. "Now. Let's get to fixing you up. Do you have any cuts? Scrapes? Open wounds?" As he sits Roman down and checks over his injuries, he can't help but hurt a little bit on the inside. Roman's self preservation seems to have left him a long time ago, and he always gets reckless. He can't seem to let anyone see his weakness, and that's perhaps what he and Logan have most in common; although, Logan hasn't been injured physically in quite a while.
He finds a first aid kit (in Roman's nightstand. How concerning.) and helps patch up his wounds. Thankfully, Roman wasn't fully lying, as his injuries mainly consisted of bruises and mild cuts, but Logan made sure to take care of them all the same.
"I just realized." Roman whispers, eyes closed as Logan puts a band-aid on his arm.
"That's a new concept."
Roman ignores that. "You've done so much for me over the last while. To be fair, you always do things for me, but this week... Teaching me how to bake, leaving out cookies for me, which were heavenly by the way, thank you, helping with nail polish even though it was on your bed, this... It's quite a lot. I feel like I haven't done enough for you."
"Oh come on, don't metaphorically sell yourself short. This whole time, you've helped me set up my dates with Patton. Many of them, in fact. I had been nervous to tell him, and you helped me the whole way along. I am quite grateful for your contributions, Roman." Logan chuckles a little bit, because although expressing your gratitude for something that you don't care about may seem pointless, Roman still put in all of the effort. He did the planning, the setup and design, and wherever he was needed, he'd be. Logan had heard that he even managed to convince Remus to keep the funky business away from the 'dates'. That's quite a lot of work, and Logan appreciates every second of it.
"Nooo but that isn't enough! I want to take you somewhere special to thank you."
"Really Roman, that isn't necessary-"
"Thomas!" Roman screams into his ceiling. "You know how you're free in three weekends!? Yeah, well you're going to a planetarium now! Bring friends so you don't look like a loser." And sure enough, he can feel that Thomas has got the idea.
Logan's heart metaphorically explodes out of his chest with how strong it's beating. Thomas hasn't been to a planetarium in ages. It isn't really Logan's role to suggest activities on the fun side, so he's kept to himself, silently hoping for another side to bring it up. They have spare money for it. And here it is. In three weeks from now.
"That's... I don't know what to say. Thank you." He clutches the first aid kit to his chest.
"Well duh thank me, but it's okay. It's payback." Roman gives him two band-aid speckled thumbs up. "Consider it a date."
Hm. Well, there goes Logan. On the floor. Dead.
"More sophisticated and logical word for fuck."
Logan slams open Virgil's door, just as he's putting the last details on his embroidered spider web jacket.
"Dude, what?" Vrigil turns to him, only to see Logan laying on the floor, malfunctioning.
He goes over to the lifeless form. “Logan… You, like, never come to me with your emotional problems. I can’t help people. Do you want me to tease you? Because I can totally tease you.” He pokes him, and Logan rolls over to face the ceiling.
“It’s because I never have emotional problems, Virgil. I believe in you to keep a secret however.”
“Is this about the planetarium Thomas just planned? Because I can totally see why he shouldn’t go, with all those people around, judging his every step, and the chance of being separated from his friends, or seeing someone familiar and it’s just awkward..”
“No, I agreed to the idea. I had wanted to go for quite a while.”
“Does it… Have to do with Roman?”
“Of course it has to do with Roman. Even now, he is still the largest thorn in my side.”
“Apparently you’re a masochist then. So, what’s up with him and the planetarium?” Virgil circles him, seeming bored but willing to hear the story.
“He was the one who suggested it. In fact he said to  ‘a date’.”
“Ahh. So you are here for emotional issues.”
“It’s not an emotional issue. I simply wanted to tell you that I think it is an optimal time to tell Roman about my newfound fondness for him.” He sits up, and Virgil gives him a hand to stand.
Virgil chuckles. “It’s not bad to ask for help, Logan. But that does sound like a good idea, or whatever.”
“Of course it’s a good idea.” Logan says, hand bouncing up and down at a rapid pace. He looks like he’s sweating. Virgil squints.
“But you’re nervous.” He observes. “And you want to talk about it with someone.” He holds up a hand before Logan can protest. “Ah-ah. Don’t lie to me on this one. Sit down.” He takes out a chair, and then looks at Logan. “You know what, maybe not in my room.”
So they go to Logan’s room, and he explains his plans, and some worries, and Virgil nods along and agrees.
“By the way, have you been seeing the way Roman’s been acting lately?” After Logan seems to have finished with ideas, and they were just sitting together, Virgil speaks up.
“No? Perhaps. He did want to make cookies, which is odd for him, and he called me kiddo, if I remember correctly.” Logan recounts the last few days. He’s not completely sure. Roman has always been a slight enigma to him.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. A few days ago, he came into the living room, and he was wearing a polo! If it weren’t for the colors, I would’ve thought he was Patton. And then.” Virgil stares at Logan, who looks impassively back at him. “Just yesterday, Remus told me that he dumped some of his posters into the trash.”
“Ah, perhaps he’s finally taking advantage of his wall space.” Logan says quite proudly, in a room where there are many cork boards on every left-over piece of wall he has open.
“No, you don’t get it. When’s the last time you’ve seen his room without posters?”
“To be honest, I don’t remember.” Logan admits. Virgil nods along, his eyes staring at him intensely. “Because I barely ever go into his room.” Virgil slumps. “Listen, Virgil, the concern is appreciated, and I support you continuing to collect evidence on this matter, however, it sounds like he’s trying something new out. I have no reason yet to be concerned.”
“Okay, whatever.” He gets up from his chair. “I hope you feel better, nerd. Catch you later.” He salutes, and just sinks out.
Logan continues to stare at where Virgil once was, thoughts jittering. Is Roman really acting that strange? He almost sounds like he’s trying to become Patton. Maybe he’s looking to renew his look for Thomas? He had been rather heart-broken when he misinterpreted Thomas calling him his hero. He also likes costume changes. Maybe he’s preparing something.
Logan hopes that Roman will be alright in the end. And that he himself will be as well. He takes a deep breath. He can do this.
Taglist: @crossiantgay 
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jonsa prompt: adventures in dorne ☀️
hi anon! Thanks for the prompt! ❤️❤️
(once again this turned out longer than the ‘drabble’ it’s supposed to be but oh well)
Dorne is not going to plan.
Sure, they'd spent weeks and weeks talking excitedly about it, their post-grad trip to the southern coast: the sun, the sand, the ocean. It had all sounded delightful to her Northern ears.
But the reality is that she's spent nearly every moment on the beach under an umbrella, having learned a painful lesson in just the first few hours that her complexion was not meant to handle this much sun. How she had managed to burn in the time it took for them to unload their bags from the rental car into the rental house, she has no idea - it had to have been fifteen minutes, tops, and yet there she was with reddened cheeks, nose, and shoulders. In her audacity, she had slapped some sunscreen on and they'd gone to the beach and she'd learned the hard way that you need to reapply sunscreen, especially after going into the water.
So now her nose is peeling and every bit of exposed skin is tender and red and she's miserable under this umbrella. Next to her, Jeyne is so hungover she can barely move, and Beth managed to twist her ankle on the way back from the bar last night. They're a sad bunch.
All in all, Dorne is not turning out the way she wanted it to.
“I need a drink,” she tells Jeyne, who groans in response and turns over onto her stomach. Out near the ocean, Beth is limping around on her bad ankle, but at least it looks like she's flirting with some cute Dornish boy.
Good, maybe one of us will have some fun on this trip, Sansa thinks bitterly. Back in Winterfell, they'd giggled over finding some cute Dornish boys to show them around the town. It had been a lovely, stupid dream.
She heads up towards the line of bars at the edge of the beach, giant hat on her head to provide at least a little shelter (she had just reapplied her sunscreen, but she's not taking any chances. She'd spent all night researching sun poisoning and she is not going to risk it).
On her way, she eyes up the resort down the beach. She and Jeyne and Beth had decided to go as cheap as they could – the plane tickets were crazy expensive this time of year and the tiny little rental house they'd managed to snag was criminally overpriced. But she knew staying at The Black Dragon would have been much more expensive (she had researched it, though, sighing wistfully at the state of the art spa and the luxurious suites. The Targaryens ran the finest hotels, though she'd only ever been in one once, with Joffrey last year. The hotel had been wonderful, Joffrey not so much).
Instead of going to a beautiful beachside resort bar with free drinks included in some package, she instead heads to a much less fancy one open to the public.
The bar is crowded with people just like her – the recently graduated, ready to celebrate their last bits of freedom before succumbing to finding a job and becoming an Adult. She has to push her way through the throng of people, wincing as her burnt arms and shoulders scrape against bodies. The air is thick and hot under the canopy, despite the open sides. When she manages to push her way to the front, she can see three bartenders all busy but she can't manage to get close enough to flag one down.
Some girl pushes forward and knocks Sansa back and she hisses in pain as her burned shoulder strikes a solid mass behind her.
“Whoa,” a voice says and hands come up to brace her arms as she regains her balance – a kind gesture, but one that is causing her even more pain and she pulls away from the grip with a grimace. “Sorry,” the voice says and when she turns, she finds some guy standing and staring at her shoulder. When she looks down, she can see the white imprints of his hands slowly fading back to red. “Looks painful,” he nods at her arm and she rolls her eyes at how obvious that is.
“Turns out, I'm not exactly made for the sun,” she says and he lets out a small laugh and that's when she really gets a good look at him.
Well, she thinks, perhaps this trip wasn't going to be a total loss.
“Need a drink?” he asks and nods at the bar. In their short time talking, she has somehow managed to get pushed even further away from the bar and she nods. “What do you want?”
“Honestly? Just water,” she decides. She had been coming for a real drink, but now that she's in this mass of bodies, all she can think is how dehydrated she must be. “I was also gonna get one for my friend.”
He nods and then moves and she watches in confusion as he slides behind the bar and leans down and grabs two water bottles from out of nowhere. She opens her mouth to protest – sure the lines are long but stealing isn't the option – when she sees one of the bartenders give him a nod and her savior nods back before coming back over to her.
“Impressive,” she says over the din of the crowd and if she leans a little closer than necessary for him to hear, well, he doesn't seem to mind.
“I know the owner,” he shrugs but she thinks he looks proud of himself. “Wanna get out of here?”
She can't decide if this is a cheesy pickup line or not but she doesn't really care because she does want to get out of here. She follows him out and back onto the beach.
“Jon,” he holds out his hand and she maneuvers the water bottle she's holding into the crook of her arm, wipes the condensation off her hand onto her wrap, and takes his hand.
Gods, what did all those romance stories she used to read talk about? Sparks flying at the first touch? An immediate connection? Nonsense, she would have told anyone just thirty seconds prior.
“You're far from home,” he says and now that they're out of the crowd, she can hear the slight Northern accent in his own voice, though it's much less pronounced than her own.
“Winterfell,” she explains and he nods. “You?”
“I used to live in White Harbor with my mom when I was a kid,” he explains. “Moved around a lot after that.”
“And now you live here?”
He shrugs noncommittally. “Mostly just working here for the summer,” he says, but doesn't elaborate.
“And when it's not the summer?”
She's not sure why she's prying. It's rude and she and Jeyne and Beth had been talking about finding summer flings. Flings do not need a background. In fact, she's pretty sure the whole point of a fling is to not know that much about the other person, to not get involved.
“Move around a lot,” he says again. “For work.”
“You're a spy,” she jokes and that makes him break out into a smile and oh, he looks very nice when he smiles.
“You caught me,” he laughs.
“Not a very good one if I was able to figure it out.”
She expects him to make some sort of joke about killing her now that she knows his secret, but just as he's opening his mouth to say something, a boy with nearly white blonde hair sidles up next to Jon and, without acknowledging Jon's presence, gives her a once over.
“Well hello,” he drawls with a blinding smile that might have been charming if it weren't for the fact that she was clearly talking to Jon. “Who might you be?”
“None of your business,” she snaps (her mother would probably be appalled at her manners but really, how rude is it to interrupt a conversation to hit on her?)
The blonde doesn't seem shaken at all, he just grins.
“I'm Aegon,” he extends a hand that she does not take. His clothes are expensive and well tailored and she wants to cry at the fact that he's in those shoes in the sand. They'll be ruined forever and he doesn't seem to care. He's clearly some rich asshole from the resort.
“I'm not interested.”
Instead of being put off, he laughs and then turns to look at Jon with a raised eyebrow.
“But you're interested in this guy?” he points at Jon with a shit eating grin as Jon glares back. “I didn't mention my last name, it's Aegon Targaryen.”
Honestly, if it hadn't been for Joffrey, if she was still the girl she was in high school, she might have swooned at that. Might have thought he was some prince just because he had money and a name. As it is, she's had just about enough of lazy, arrogant heirs.
Instead of responding to him, she turns back to Jon and says “sorry, people with money seem to think they can get away with anything. You were about to say something?”
If Aegon Targaryen is insulted that she's ignoring him, he doesn't show it. In fact, he looks downright gleeful, which is actually more worrying.
“Fine,” Aegon interrupts again, sighing wistfully, like his fun is ruined. “I'll go. But before I do-” he turns to Jon and claps him on the shoulder, “dad's looking for you.”
For a moment she is frozen to the spot as Jon groans.
They are not brothers, she thinks, looking between them for any resemblance – Aegon is all pale hair and pale skin and pale eyes and expensive clothing and Jon is dark hair and tanned skin and jeans and a t-shirt.
When Jon doesn't argue, she realizes it must be true and when she looks a bit harder, she thinks maybe the nose is the same, but that's all she can really see.
“Sorry to interrupt your flirting,” Aegon grins, “but there's some issue and dad wants you to sort it out.”
“You sure he asked for me and you're not just trying to get out of doing it yourself?”
Sansa has known these men for all of five minutes but she can already sense this is a common argument from the easy smile on Aegon's face and the exhausted tone of Jon's voice.
“East wing,” the blonde says, giving Jon, then her, one last smile before he walks off.
“Sorry,” Jon mutters and throws a look over his shoulder, down the beach, and when she follows his gaze, she finds herself looking straight at The Black Dragon.
“It's ok,” she tries not to let her disappointment (and, honestly, surprised confusion) show in her voice. “I should get this to my friend and make sure she's still alive,” she indicates the water bottles in her hand and when she looks out onto the beach, she can see Beth is back at their blanket and chatting to a Jeyne who has her head buried in her arms.
“Maybe I could see you later?” The words rush out of him and she thinks he wasn't really planning to say them and her heart gives a wild leap in her chest.
Her mind is screaming at her to stay away if he's a Targaryen. Look how terrible Joffrey had been; the Targaryens are an even older name, even wealthier. Old, old money.
“Even though I insulted your brother?” she manages to get out.
“Half brother,” he shrugs. “Plus, he deserves it.” She can't think of a single thing to say and she watches him shove his hands into his pockets and she realizes she never answered his question.
“If you want,” he's quick to add, like he can tell his half brother has thrown her for a loop. “I could take you to dinner? Somewhere maybe that isn't...” he gestures back towards the resort. “Unless that's where you want to go?”
“No, somewhere else is fine,” she finds herself agreeing without really realizing the words are coming out of her. And then suddenly she's handing over her phone and he's giving her his and she's putting her number into it and she tries to calm her racing heart.
He hands her back her phone with a smile that isn't nearly as smooth and charming as Aegon's had been, but is somehow much more endearing.
“I'll call you,” he promises before taking off in the direction of The Black Dragon.
A fling, that's all this needs to be. If he's anything like Joffrey, she can be rid of him easily, no harm, no foul. And even if he's not a monster like Joffrey but was still an entitled rich kid, that doesn't mean she can't have some fun with him. Just a nice, casual, summer fling.
As he's walking away, he turns to look back over his shoulder and he gives her another smile that crinkles up the corners of his eyes and she takes a deep breath to calm herself.
Just a summer fling, she tells herself. Definitely just a summer fling.
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crossiantgay · 4 years
Stronger Than (These Emotions)
Based on the post by @roman-exe about logan romancing roman :)
@tired-logan-kinnie here ya go :D
Most recently, Logan had come across an epiphany. He found himself in a predicament, unlike one he was accustomed to solving. Bluntly, he had fallen in love. And he had fallen hard. He was in a unique circumstance; the person he would have asked for help with all of this, was exactly who he needed help with. He was in love with the epitome of romance. 
Now, to get the obvious out of the way, the best though most risky decision would be to confess his feelings. He could, of course, not speak of his feelings but he knew he could only suppress them for so long and they would come upfront eventually. And he’d rather confess them on his own accord rather than be embarrassed on a slip of the tongue. So, the only option was to confess his feelings. Alright. Now, begged the question of how. He could come right out and say it, and that would be fine. But just fine. It made sense to increase his chances of success, to confess in a way the prince would adore. Roman always talked about those grand acts of love, a prince sweeping a princess off her feet, the stories that Disney and fairy tales produced. Well, there was no way he could make a fairy tale of his own without use of the imagination, but Roman seldom let anyone in there besides Remus so that was unlikely. Still, he could try to win him over. He gnawed on his bottom lip. He was trying to woo the prince of romance. It would be difficult, true but then again Logan liked a challenge. 
    Upon reflection, his feelings originated in one brainstorming session. It was late at night and they had gotten way off track. Roman was rambling about something, editing a paper with a large red crayon and his eyes seemed to sparkle as he talked. His hair was mussed and dark circles were forming under his eyes, but he was just as animated as ever. He was waving his hand about eccentrically as he spoke, making edits with his other hand. Even this late at night, Roman still had the vigor he held early that day. Roman had a passion that none of the others seemed to possess. A deep drive, a fire to always push himself further and Logan admired that. 
    Then there was the incident on a summer’s day. Logan only remembered that because Roman had the blinds drawn wide open, letting the sun illuminate the room. Because of the summer heat, Roman had a fan haphazardly stuck out the window, only the screen holding it from falling (Logan thought it was a bad idea but Roman assured him it would be fine). Logan walked in to tell him something, only to find Roman working at an easel, smeared with paint and downing a loose white shirt that was also coated in paint. There were flecks of it in his hair, making that stick out at imperfect angles. Possibly the most astounding part was what Roman was working on. Before Roman was a vase of flowers set on a couple cardboard boxes and Roman had almost copied it to a tea, of course swapping out the amazon boxes for a white platform. To say it was stunning was an understatement. Logan was snapped out of his thoughts when Roman turned around and unconsciously ran a hand through his hair and grimaced as paint dribbled through his caramel locks, sticking it together in bright green and pink clumps. 
“Nice to see you here, Specs,” Roman said as he wiped his hands off on his shirt.
“Your painting looks phenomenal” Logan said breathlessly, ignoring the question. Even though Roman was extremely talented, he always fumbled at compliments. His cheeks tinted a rosy pink. 
“Th-thanks” He stuttered out and Logan smiled a bit.
“Of course” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around the room. They slipped into a conversation, though Logan was only half-invested, letting his mind wander. Roman was so talented, Logan was always stunned when he saw his latest creation. Though he also embodied creativity, he was always impressed when he saw what roman could make. Watching Roman measure out the dimensions for sketches, and combine what was such a natural and impulsive art form with rules and steps, was astounding. Roman was so spontaneous and less rigid than he was, but also followed rules and instructions like he did. Logan began to understand how creativity was intelligence being fun. 
    The next moment that came to mind was far more recently. Logan was sitting on Roman’s bed helping him clean out his closet. Logan was growing a bit bored watching Roman try on shirt after shirt. Logan was studying the bedsheets when roman came out in yet another outfit. 
“Well? What do you think?” Logan’s head snapped up and he had a snarky remark on the tip of his tongue when his breath caught in his throat and he felt his face heat up. Roman was in a red evening dress, which was very curve-hugging. Curves that Roman had. There was a slit cut down one side of the dress, what he believed was a ¾ cut; and it almost seemed to shimmer in the light. It was the perfect mix of elegant and sensual, and it sent a shiver down Logan’s spine. 
“Well-I-uh-” He sputtered as Roman grinned and spun around. Logan buried his head in his hands, pushing his glasses to rest in his hair. 
“I’ll take that as a good sign,” Roman grinned and ran into the bathroom to change. “This one’s definitely a keeper” 
It was about a half an hour past the incident, which he bet Roman would have called a broke gay moment they were almost done with going through his closet. Roman pulled out a hoodie from the back of the closet and looked at it suspiciously. He slipped off his shirt, not even caring about Logan's presence and slid on the hoodie. Logan recognised it immediately. 
“Why do you have my hoodie?” Logan asked, quirking an eyebrow. Roman flapped his arms in the oversized hoodie and Logan ran his eyes down Roman’s outfit. The hoodie fell a few inches above his knees and hung off one shoulder. Roman flipped up the hood and seemed to melt into the warmth. 
“It still smells like you..” He mumbled as his eyes slipped shut. “Like mint and dark chocolate” Logan saw Roman’s knees buckle dangerously and he bolted up, catching Roman and picking him up bridal style as Roman yawned. 
“Maybe we should stop for a bit?” Logan asked, the shock of the surprise not leaving his voice as Roman barely nodded. 
“Just for-” he yawned again “a short nap” Logan nodded a bit and sighed, setting him up on the bed and wrapping him in a blanket. 
“Will you help me finish when I wake up?” Roman cracked an eye open as he turned on his side, looking like a human caterpillar in the blanket. Logan nodded as he smoothed out Roman’s hair. 
“Of course” Roman smiled faintly. 
“Thanks hon-” He yawned again and fell asleep. That was the moment Logan should’ve known he loved Roman. How that pet name made him feel like he was on fire, how much he wanted to cradle Roman to sleep, were indicative signs of a crush Logan dismissed at the time for just being ‘a caring friend’. He could only hope that the others hadn’t discovered his apparent infatuation. If they had, well then he wouldn’t hear the end of it. At the end of the day, he was figuratively head over heels for Roman. He was so deeply in love with every part of him. His passion, his creativity, and he felt shallow for saying this, but Roman was objectively attractive. He didn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t express these feelings sooner or later. 
    The next morning he set his plan into action. He’d do just a few flirty lines and touches, just to figuratively test the water. Roman was stirring his coffee near the coffee maker and Logan walked by to get his mug, brushing hands with him. Roman looked up at him quizzically but Logan ignored him, pretending if nothing had happened. Logan finished making his coffee and went to walk away. As he did, he looked the princely side up and down which brought a pinkish tint to Roman’s cheeks. 
“You look cute today” He smirked and took a sip of his coffee, leaving roman baffled and blushing. He waited a bit before he made his next move, which was at movie night that night. Everyone was crammed on the couch, Virgil retreating to the corner with Janus and Remus on the edge and Patton on the floor because they ran out of space. They were all wearing their respective onesies and the horn of Roman’s beast onesie was poking into Logan’s shoulder. 
At some point into the movie, Roman shivered and Logan noticed, eyes flicking to him. Logan wrapped an arm around him, pulling Roman closer. Roman instinctively cuddled into his side before he realized what he was doing and locked eyes with Logan, blushing noticeably. 
“What? You looked cold” Logan whispered and Roman looked away, snuggling closer to him. 
    The credits were just starting to roll as Logan felt something tickle his jaw. Sure enough, a very sleepy Roman was cuddling him, caramel locks brushing against Logan’s chin and one arm wrapped around him, head nuzzled into his chest. Logan’s heart hammered in his chest at the sight and he blushed a dark crimson. Patton grinned and gave him a thumbs up as Janus started to bring Remus to bed. Virgil sat up and yawned. “You gonna stay down here, Lo?” 
Logan nodded and sighed. “I don’t think I have much of a choice” Patton nodded. 
“You two have fun!” 
“But not too much fun” Janus said instinctively and yawned. Logan nodded and put his glasses on the counter, trying to get into a comfortable position. He held roman loosely and his eyes slipped shut. 
    He woke up early the next morning, by the look of the clock around 4 or so though it was hard to be certain without his glasses. Thankfully, Roman was still asleep. He smiled a bit and played with Roman hair, pulling a blanket over them. Roman yawned and stirred, making Logan instantly curse himself. 
“Shh, shh, stay asleep-” Logan hushed him quickly, to no avail. 
“What? Why’d I-” Roman tried to sit up but Logan continued to hold him. 
“Just go back to sleep, hun. It’s too early I’m sorry I woke you up” Logan blurted out. 
“What’s-” Roman was slurring his words. “What’s goin’ on..?” He sat up and rubbed his eyes 
“I woke you up, I’m sorry it’s like 4 in the morning please go back to sleep” He said hastily and Roman sighed. 
“Tell me-” he yawned “in the morning” There was the warmth pressing against him again as Roman buried his head in the crook of Logan’s neck. 
Logan ran his fingers through Roman’s hair--how is his hair that soft?-- and smiled down at the boy in his arms. He would confess in the morning, right after Roman woke up he would tell him and get everything sorted out. 
But even Logic should be accustomed to the fact that not everything goes to plan. 
    Roman woke up at about 7 that morning, just as the kitchen was filling with people. He stretched, only to lock eyes with a very asleep Logan. He jumped as Logan’s eyes cracked open and he yawned. The memories of last night hit him like a brick wall and he felt his face heat up as he realised he had been cuddling with Logan all night. Logan’s shoulders relaxed and he smiled warmly at Roman, still laced with sleep. 
“Morning,Roro” He adjusted his glasses and ran a hand through Roman’s hair, somewhat fixing his bedhead (Which Logan would never say he thought was adorable). Roman was now a dark crimson, envying the color of his sash. It brought Logan a great deal of pride when he saw how flustered Roman was. 
“Is something wrong, my rose?” Logan asked gently. Roman shook his head and stood up, stuttering out an apology or two as he scrambled off to his room. Logan sighed, sitting up and started getting ready for the day. 
    Logan got to his desk and saw a note written in black ink. It read “meet me in the storage room, 8 tonight”. The note was written today and the writing was barely legible, looking like someone wrote it with their non-dominant hand. That, along with the fact the note was colorless, made it near impossible to tell who sent it. Logan made a reminder for himself at 7:55, this was far too intriguing to let go. 
    The work day seemed to pass by all too slowly, each minute dragging on for a few seconds longer, and all he could think about was who sent the note. By the end of the day, Logan was quite on-edge, being startled by even the drop of a pen. Finally, he heard the quiet beep of his computer, alerting him that the time of apprehension has rolled around. Not that he hadn’t been staring at the clock for several minutes now, anyway. He straightened himself out and made his way to the storage room. He fiddled with the doorknob for a few seconds, just now realizing how sweaty his hands were. He wiped his hands down on his jeans before jiggling the doorknob again, and the door swung open. 
    Roman was standing in the room, arms crossed over his chest and an unamused expression on his face. Logan felt his heart beat quicker and he put on the least-caring expression he could think of. 
“Greetings, Roman. I assume you’re the one that left the cryptic note on my desk?” Roman rolled his eyes before looking at the ground and shoving one hand into his pocket. 
“What is with you, Logan? One second you’re giving me all the pet names like ‘my rose’ and ‘Roro’ and the next you’re acting like we’ve never met!” Oh. so that is what this is about. “Just tell me what’s going on so I can try to help, but I’m sick of this game of two-face!” Logan crossed his arms over his chest and stayed silent. “Because I don’t know if you love me or hate me, and every time I think I’ve done something wrong!” 
“You want answers?” Logan asked, monotone and Roman nodded. 
“Please, Logan! Just tell me what’s-” Logan cupped Roman’s face with both hands and kissed him. So this is what it was like to hold the whole world in your hands. They stayed like that for a few moments before Logan stumbled back as Roman pushed him away. Roman’s chest was heaving and a dark blush was spotting his cheeks. Despite all of this, he looked upset. Had Logan done something wrong?-
“Answers. Now.” Roman crossed his arms over his chest again. Logan scrambled to try and correct his thoughts. Now was the moment of truth, he needed something perfect to say or-or- 
“Logan, focus” Roman’s hands were on his forearms as he looked at Logan with soft eyes, very different from the wild and scared look in his, matching a spooked horse. If Roman truly loved him back, then he wouldn’t need some elegant speech to win him over. Just say what he thought.
“I-I don’t know the right way to say this, and I don’t think I ever will.” He looked down and wrung his hands, on-edge. Roman nodded slowly, his shoulders relaxing. “I love you, Roman. And I have for a while now” Roman’s eyes widened but Logan continued. “I love every part of you. Your passion, your creativity,” Logan laughed a bit “even your bedhead.” Roman looked away, the blush more prominent on his face. “All this time, I was trying to come out with some grand gesture to confess my love for you, something equal to the fairy-tale rescues you are always admiring” Roman went to step towards him, and Logan flinched involuntarily, incredibly alert and vulnerable now. A lot more than he was used to being. “And I’m saying you have to feel the same way, I just wanted to tell you how I feel. In no way am I expecting you to have the same-” Roman’s lips met his again. This one was soft and gentle, like the steady crashing of waves. Logan thought he might just melt into a pulled of stunned bliss as his hands slowly found their way to wrap around Roman’s waist. Eventually, Roman pulled away, a wide grin on his face, probably matching Logan’s own. 
“Hypocrite,” he muttered, a smile ever-present on his face and Roman giggled. Logan thought he was having a heart attack and had slipped into a coma. That was the only explanation, this was too perfect and sweet and somehow everything he ever wanted. He’d have to have one more kiss to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. And maybe another one after that. 
    Later that night as he was sitting on the couch with his now-boyfriend fast asleep and tucked into his side, he had finally found the state of Schrodinger's cat, had seen the dark side of the moon, and had found his whole world. And it could be summarized into one word. One glorious, extravagant word that represented someone who always made things more complicated than they needed to be, who wasn’t afraid to belt out musical ballads at ungodly hours of the night, and to him was the ying to his yang. To him, someone who was perfectly imperfect and someone he was certain he wanted to be with his whole life. And that person’s name was Roman. 
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Fic Rec Post
Hey everybody! One of my secret santas asked me what my favorite fics are so I decided to make a full blown rec post just for them. These are a little all over the place so I hope you can find something that you enjoy here! ☁️✨ 
Please make sure to read all tags and warnings before reading a fic. And don’t forget to kudos/comment!
🌙 The Finish Line (Is A Good Place For Us To Start) by LoadedGunn 122k
Louis Tomlinson, one-time Formula 1 World Champion, is looking forward to the 2013 season. He’s got Zayn in his garage and Liam in his ear, he’s got Cowell Racing backing him despite former indiscretions, he’s got experience and the best race car out there. Not to mention he’s the only racer they have, after Oliver dropped out late last year.
It hasn’t occurred to him that Oliver would have to be replaced by February. That is, until he finds himself at a party celebrating Harry Styles leaving Ferrari for Cowell. Harry hotshot Styles, who broke a record last year and is probably looking to make a big splash. Harry Styles, who is talented and somewhat intimidating. Harry Styles, who left Ferrari for reasons unknown and seems kind of lonely and harmless in person. Lonely, harmless, hot as fuck. Whatever.
The first thing Louis does is take him under his wing. From there it’s nine months of slow-burning romance, the past catching up to them, turning into the human puppy pile that is OT5 and a lot of feelings until, of course, reaching the finish line.
🌙 a promise lives within you now by sarcasticfluentry 46k
A Lord of the Rings-inspired Middle Earth AU. Louis is an Elven prince, next in line to become King of Mirkwood, and Harry is the orphaned Human boy who grows up alongside him. They fall in love, but Louis’s obligations to the throne, Harry’s mortality, and impending war threaten to tear them apart.
🌙 if you're for real and not pretend by brownheadedstranger 21k
In which Harry works in a bakery and Louis can't seem to find what he's looking for.
🌙 Into The Blue by zarah5 117k (story is locked, ao3 account required to read)
AU. In which Louis is Harry's scuba instructor and quite happy to provide the requested special treatment, pun fully intended. It can't be all that difficult to convince Harry that they're on the same page, right? Also, Niall and Liam may or may not be dating, and Zayn is surrounded by emotionally stunted idiots. He bears it with dignity.
🌙 Don't Unplug Me Or Shut Me Down by slashter 7k
Louis scowls. "He's a photography student. He works with gorgeous models and probably breaks hearts with his smile. I'm a nerd. I earn my money fixing broken crap, and for some stupid reason, I like it. He wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, he's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, et cetera, et cetera." Louis sighs. "I swear, the coolest thing I've ever done is wear contacts."
Basically, Louis is a self-proclaimed nerd who fixes things and Harry seems too perfect to keep breaking as many things as he does.
🌙 You Are The Blood by sarcasticfluentry 175k
A seventh-year Hogwarts AU in which Niall gets all the girls, Liam goes on a journey of self-discovery, Zayn falls in love, Harry wants something more, and Louis tries to figure out once and for all why he, a Muggleborn, was sorted into Slytherin.
🌙 this must be what all the fuss is about by youcomecrash 3k
"You're sweaty," he mumbles matter-of-factly. Louis opens his eyes and raises his head from between his arms. Harry's just staring up at him with a lazy expression and Louis kind of wants to kiss him to sleep. "That's because it's a hundred degrees in here, babe."
🌙 I Fell From the Sky For You (Like a Shooting Star) [by louserz] by waddupjordan (orphan_account) 8k (This was originally posted on tumblr by @louserz and this person had permission to post it on ao3 for the author. if the original author sees this and wants me to take this off of my rec post please DM me and I will. This fic displays elements of depression and homelessness although it is not tagged that way so please take caution in reading this. I don’t want to accidentally trigger anybody.<3)
Harry owns a bookstore, Louis is homeless, and apparently even shooting stars fall in love.
🌙 Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou 21k
Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures. Especially when they're as pretty as this one.
🌙 but maybe im just in love when you wake me up by theonewiththelarrystories 6k
lazy morning sex, prompted by Asher: "like a whole sleepy sunday morning vibe of waking up together and then louis pulling a sleepy harry into a warm bath and louis washing harry all over. a bit of body!worship, louis gently working conditioner into harrys curls and him practically purring. Then louis taking it slow with kisses on harrys neck and gentle touches and then fingering harry until hes whining with his head thrown back against louis’ shoulder little needy noises coming from his perfect fucking lips. and then harrys boneless and content while louis leads him back to their bed and spreads him out face down and rims the fuck out of him until hes screaming and then he fucks him gently and then they cuddle on the couch and harry wears louis’ white sweater and louis calls him ‘sweetheart.’"
🌙 strawberry milk fic by Wankerville 158k (3 parts)
This is a 3 part story. The 1st part was originally written alone and then the author added the rest. You can just read the 1st part (19k), and you’ll still be satisfied without feeling added pressured to read the whole thing. Please read all the tags and warnings for each fic beforehand!
🌙 and we live like legends now by soleilouis 16k girl!direction 
harry works at a juice bar, and louis is the cute girl that skates at the park right next door.
🌙 Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore 102k (story is locked, ao3 account required to read) @mediawhorefics​
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
🌙 jump in the deep end by istajmaal 5k 
Louis’s stomach lurches as he closes the last bit of distance, Harry’s nose settling between his arse cheeks and pushing them apart. Harry’s lips brush against the puckered skin around Louis’s hole in a kiss and Louis lets out a whine so high-pitched he barely recognizes it as coming from himself—what if I'm not clean enough, what if Harry hates it, what if Harry pushes me away—but then Harry’s long, wet tongue swoops in a circle around Louis’s rim and Louis feels like all the breath is knocked out of him. He grabs for Harry’s hand, still digging into his thigh, and squeezes over it, until Harry releases his vice grip on Louis’s thigh and laces his fingers through Louis’s.
or, Louis's arse is a sensitive subject, so Harry approaches it gently. With his tongue.
🌙 the wheel breaks the butterfly by embodied 4k girl!direction @aliensingucci​
“Out with it, Styles,” Louis groans. Harry’s suddenly regretting this whole thing, and she’s sure she’s beet red now, so she just blurts it out so fast she’s not sure if Louis even understands her right away.
“I’ve never gotten head before.”
AU. harry and louis are roommates. girls' night ends a little differently than usual.
🌙 you flower, you feast by stylinsoncity 18k
He's King of the Underworld, but don't assume Louis has it all. He could stand for some excitement in his monotonous, eternal life and maybe, even.....a soulmate.
(Despite not having a soul.)
And along came "Harry".
🌙 you change, water sea by got2ghost 4k girl!direction (ziam with side larry)
“Zayn wants me to teach her how to make a girl squirt,” Louis says, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. Liam chokes on the water she’d been swigging from her thermos, which makes Louis throw her head back and laugh. Zayn’s brows pinch together and she pats Liam gently on the shoulder, muttering, ‘you okay babes?’
🌙 The Case Of The (Definitely Not Haunted) Styles Mansion by BriaMaria 40k
“So there’s a sense of humor buried beneath all that condescension, huh?” Louis said when he’d stopped laughing.
“It’s not condescension, it’s intelligence. I understand you might not be able to recognize it yourself,” Marcel said, then slapped a hand over his mouth. “Oh god, I’m sorry.”
Louis stepped closer, his eyes on Marcel’s face. “For being an asshat?”
“For being rude,” Marcel said, from beneath his palm.
Louis shifted a half-step closer until he was at the very edge of Marcel’s personal space. It felt like he was nudging at it, asking to be let in. Marcel flushed hot for no reason.
“Lucky for you it takes quite a lot to actually insult me,” Louis said taking one step closer. Too close. Too close.
Marcel met Louis’ eyes. Those blue eyes that reminded Marcel of poetry instead of science, lyrics instead of formulas. They were so pretty he wanted to drown in them.
Or the Nancy Drew AU where Marcel is a man of logic, Louis is a private detective who believes in ghosts, and the Styles Mansion is definitely, absolutely, positively *not* haunted.
🌙 You are the Lyrics by TheIfInLife 4k @larryficwriter​
or, Harry wears lingerie for the first time and Louis definitely approves.
🌙 Wild at Heart Ain't Hard to Find by QuickedWeen 11k girl!direction @becomeawendybird
Louis and her best friends Niall and Liam always take an annual vacation together. This year Niall has picked Redwater Canyon, a small tourist town where everyone lives like it's the Old West. There are saloons, stagecoaches, and limited access to WiFi.
The town boasts tours, excursions, activities, and the hottest woman Louis has ever seen in the form of the local blacksmith.
🌙 Withdrawal Was the Weeping by QuickedWeen 11k girl!direction
Confined by life and society, Harry spends her Sunday afternoons walking aimlessly about the countryside as it's her only source of freedom. One Sunday she is aided by the most beautiful woman she has ever met, but not everything is as it seems. Was it a trick of the light? Was it Harry's own active imagination? There is nothing to do but try to find her again.
🌙 i must admit i thought i'd like to make you mine by disgruntledkittenface 50k @disgruntledkittenface​
Louis fell apart when her ex broke up with her and moved across the country. Just as she’s starting to move on, Zayn comes back to town for their mutual friends’ wedding – with a new girlfriend as her plus one.
Blindsided and scrambling to save face, Louis lets herself get talked into a fake relationship with her new friend Harry. Their arrangement makes Louis feel pathetic and embarrassed, but it’s only going to last a few weeks. She just has to get through the wedding – what could happen?
🌙 tempted by the fruit of another by disgruntledkittenface 3k (zayn/louis/harry)
Zayn didn’t mean to look. And she certainly didn’t mean to watch.
It’s just that Louis and Harry are the worst hosts in the world; they’re in their bedroom, clearly fucking (again), and so loud that Zayn can’t concentrate on her game of Among Us in the living room. Liam has killed her twice. Liam. So she just went down the hallway to make sure their bedroom door was at least closed.
It wasn’t.
Zayn stumbles into a world of possibility when she stays with Harry and Louis for a few weeks.
🌙 I have more favorite fics but they are not included here due to them being deleted from ao3. They’re saved in PDF form both on my laptop and my phone (I go back and read them all the time) so if you’re interested in those you’re welcome to reach out to me and ask privately and I’ll share what I can.
This turned out a lot longer than I had expected. If you read through the whole thing thank you! ✨
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Summary: Virgil wants to ask Roman to the prom. And sometimes things don’t quite go according to plan. HumanAU. Hurt/comfort. So much fluff with a dash of angst
Warnings: prom, anxiety, outting, homophobia, manipulation, self doubt, Janus as a villain, fighting, self deprecation
Word Count: 8k
AN: Oh my god. I love this story more than you can imagine. But it's also my longest one chapter thing ever . To help make it a little more digestible, it's broken into 3 parts. And you can read it along with the others in this… I guess AU or alone. Here is the link to the first in that sequence.
Before you ask, yes JD is Janus. To be fair, I started this before the last video came out. That being said, I will spoil it and let you know that Janus/JD is the bad guy in this. And I stand by that. I don’t think he always is (read my story Ally if you need an example where I don’t make him the bad guy). But he is here, so please just be mindful of that. 
Shout Out to @today-only-happens-once for all of her help with this fic. Also to @meowthefluffy and the one anon for their help with some prom culture questions I had! 
-1 month away-
“Patton, step to the left…. No, your other left,” Logan calls from the lighting platform to Patton who is standing on stage.
Virgil sits  on the lighting platform, in the back of the high school theater next to Logan. He sits on his leg while holding his other knee, biting at a hangnail as he watches a few lights change colors corresponding to the commands Logan is typing. The backdrop, once white, is now a wash of deep purple, accented by the heavy red lights hitting further up on the stage. He analyzes it silently as he tilts his head to the side. The way the lights are hitting Patton looks a bit better now that the purple downstage has been lifted and the red isn’t quite as intense. The stage now looks dramatic, yet keeps the softness Virgil is looking for.
“There. Is that better?” Logan asks. 
No, it looks dumb, thinks Virgil. I’ll look dumb. This whole thing is dumb!
Virgil leans back in his chair, nodding. “It’ll work.”
“Thank you, Patton,” calls Logan. “You can get down now.”
“Okay,” Patton says as he gives a little salute before walking to the stairs leading down from the stage. 
Virgil runs his hands over his pants, trying to dry them off. This is such a dumb idea. Why would Roman ever want to go to prom with an anxious mess?
“Relax,” suggests Logan. “He’s going to love it.”
Virgil rolls his eyes. “What do you mean? I am relaxed.”
“Virgil,” Patton says in a warning voice as he climbs the ladder, peering up on the lighting platform. 
“I know, I know,” Virgil allows as he makes an effort to uncurl himself a bit from his chair, running a hand through his purple bangs. “It's just… what if I mess this up?”
Logan types a few more commands into the ancient computer before sliding his chair back a little from the desk. “You won’t.”
“But this is Roman we’re talking about,” Virgil argues, noticing how dry his mouth feels. “Roman Prince. You know he’s been dreaming about a ‘promposal’ since he could practically walk!”
“That’s a gross exaggeration. They didn’t really get popular until…”
“What if it's not what he wants?” Virgil asks, flipping his hood up and stuffing his hands in his hoodie’s pocket.  “What if I say the wrong thing? This moment matters to him, ya know? He wants an over the top, profession of love shouted from rooftops.”
Logan sighs. “He wants you, Virgil.”
Is that what Roman wants? He would be happier with someone that was more comfortable with open flirting and expressions of romance. Why does he put up with me?
“Well… he deserves more than me,” Virgil mutters to himself as he stands, pushing in his chair. 
Patton interrupts sternly, “Now, none of that. You two are great together. Just, breathe. Trust yourself. He’s going to love it.”
“You sure?” Virgil asks, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. He walks over to Patton, who moves over, and climbs down the ladder and onto the floor. 
“Completely,” Logan confirms as he climbs down too. “Would it help if we run through your checklist one more time?”
Virgil nods, not trusting his voice. Patton comes next to him, taking his hand and looking at him with big eyes full of hope and encouragement. 
“Okay, Ms. Martin is here to supervise?” Logan asks, pulling out his phone and the checklist he had made with Virgil when they were planning this. 
What if she thinks this is a dumb idea? Is she listening to us? What if I say something horrible? Will she laugh at me?
“Yeah,” Virgil mutters, shuffling his feet, “In the soundbooth.”
“Good,” nods Logan as he checks it off. “Are the lights set the way you want them?”
Oh god what if Roman thought the lights were dumb? Who decides to go for dramatic AND soft? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
“Great. Notecards?”
What kind of dork needs notecards to ask their boyfriend to prom? Like, what a special kind of stupid, right?
Virgil reaches into his pocket and pulls out the five notecards he made earlier with Patton, and pulls them out. “Check.” 
“Calculator that Roman conveniently left behind that I am texting him to return?”
“Uh…” Virgil stutters. He doesn’t have the calculator. Roman’s parents will murder him if he looses it again. It costs over a hundred dollars and he had lost three already this year. What if they ground him?
“Oh, I have that!” Patton jumps as he reaches into his backpack, pulling out the bright pink calculator and handing it to Virgil. “We got your back, Virgil.”
“All that’s left is for us to send the text,” Logan smiles as he slides his phone into his pocket. “Are you ready?”
Virgil swallows the lump in his throat. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Good, because I already sent it,” Logan answers. “We’ll get out of your hair.”
“We’re rooting for you.” Patton smiles as he takes Logan’s hand.
Virgil can practically feel his heart in his throat as he watches Patton leading them out. “Thanks, guys.”
Logan looks back for just a second and Virgil gives what he hopes is a small smile of reassurance. Logan nods in acknowledgement before allowing Patton to pull him down the hall. 
Virgil slings the backpack into a seat and goes to sit on the edge of the stage to wait for Roman. He could do this. It was just Roman, right?
He leans back, laying down on the stage spread eagle, looking up at the lights above. He feels  like invisible strings are wrapped around him in a vice grip. Virgil takes three deep breaths, focusing from his stomach like the school counselor had taught him. He was going to ask Roman Prince out to their senior prom and it would all be okay. He would go through the little speech he had outlined with Logan’s help. Worst case, Roman would turn him down and he wouldn’t have to go to a dance he didn’t especially care about anyway. Best case, he would pull off a miracle and sweep Roman off of his feet. Either would be okay. Roman would be happy either going to prom with him, or he would go with someone else and have an even better time, right?
Virgil closes his eyes at the ache in his chest that thought causes, moving one hand over the pain. Of course he wants to be the one to take Roman. Of course the only acceptable option is success. He had observed Roman for so long, resigning himself to watching his Prince thrive in the spotlight while he waited in the wings. There was no way Virgil could stand someone else taking his place. This was a dumb idea. 
He pulls out the notecards from his pocket and flips through them, reading them through for about the thousandth time that day. Logan had insisted that notecards would help alleviate the stress of remembering what to say. Patton had then added his own touches with stickers and doodles along the edges to get Virgil to relax. Neither the notecards nor the pictures were being very helpful at the moment, Virgil notes as he realizes his hands are shaking holding them. 
The door to the theater opens, causing Vigril to jump up, the note cards falling as he sits upright. He blinks into the darkness of the theater and feels his breath catch as his eyes find Roman coming up the aisle, out of breath.
“Hey, Virge! Have you seen Logan? He sent me a text that he had the calculator I left in math. If I come home without it again my sister is going to gay-up murder me.”
Virgil reaches into his pocket and slides the calculator towards the edge of the stage where Roman now stands. “Yeah, here.”
“Awesome, thanks,” smiles Roman. He looks around the stage. “What were you guys setting lights for? Looks amazing.”
“Think so?” Virgil asks, suddenly very aware of how sweaty his hands are. He pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them, discreetly trying to dry them on his black denim pants. 
“Uh, yeah,” Roman answers, flashing Virgil a smile that could light up the whole stage itself. “There’s a duality that exists in it I can really get behind.”
Virgil feels ones of the invisible strings around him loosen, relaxing that Roman likes the lighting. Now for the hard part: words. 
Virgil swallows a couple of times, his tongue feeling thick. This was not a time to stop knowing how to speak. A new panic started to fill Virgil: what if I physically can’t do this?
“Hey,” Roman asks gently, “You okay?”
Virgil looks around himself and sees the cards scattered on the floor. He gets on his hands and knees, trying to scoop them up with his shaking hands, but they’re all out of order and sticking to the floor. 
This is not how this was supposed to go. I have totally messed this all up. Roman will never forgive me for not doing this right. 
Before he knows it Roman is kneeling on the stage next to him.  “Whoah, hey,” he softly calls, slowly placing a hand on Virgil’s. “I’m here. What do you need?”
Great, now I’ve upset him.
“I’m sorry,” Virgil gets out, his voice tight as he keeps his eyes trained  on the ground in front of him. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Roman states calmly. “What do you need?”
To not be wasting your time in a relationship. To be so heavily sedated that I forget this is happening. To not be such a wimp when it comes to asking you on a date. 
“I need to do this.”
“Do what?”
“This,” Virgil answers as he gestures to the cards on the floor, still not looking at Roman. 
“Oh, okay?” Roman hesitantly replies. “You’re being kind of vague.”
“Sorry,” Virgil sighs, hanging his head, trying to loosen the panic. “I’ve totally messed this up.”
There's a beat of silence before Roman picks up the nearest notecard, causing Virgil’s eyes to snap to him. He reaches for it, but Roman turns just slightly out of reach. He looks it over and reads it aloud, “I promise that I will always be there for you, never hurt you, and will defend your honor.”
Virgil freezes as he watches Roman’s reaction. There’s a moment of puzzlement behind his eyes as he mouths out the wording again before they seem to spark with realization. “I believe that is a pledge of fealty, my Dark and Stormy Knight.”
Virgil sits back at the positive response and recognition, his chest loosening at the positive reaction. “Seemed fitting for a Prince.”
“What are you trying to do, Virgil?”
“A-ask you to prom?” Virgil answers, looking away from Roman. “But it’s, it’s not going so well. I really messed up.”
“Oh Virgil.” Roman scoots closer and places a hand on Virgil’s. “Darling, you could never mess that up.”
“But you need a big promposal,” Virgil sighs. “And I can’t…”
“I don’t care about a big promposal,” Roman interrupts, gently placing his forehead against Virgil’s. 
“I… I mean, they’re very nice. But I don’t want a big moment if it means nothing. There’s something romantic in a certain level of intimacy, right?” asks Roman. 
Virgil laughs a little in relief. “Just when I start to think I have you figured out, you do something completely unexpected.” 
Roman tilts his head just enough to kiss Virgil, soft and gentle. Virgil feels his whole body relax at the moment, silencing the repeating worry that he was used to. Before he knows it, he grabs Roman’s shirt, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss. There’s a cough from the sound booth, causing the two to pull away just a little. 
“Sorry Ms. Martin,” Virgil calls with a laugh as Roman turns and waves at their chaperone. 
Roman stands up and offers Virgil a hand, pulling him upright. “I would love to go to prom with you, Virgil,” Roman says, pushing Virgil’s bangs out of his eyes. “No big scary shows of adoration required.”
Virgil smiles as the relief settles and he looks at Roman. “Cool.”
“Come on.” Roman takes Virgil’s hand. “A little bird told me that Patton was going to ask Logan to prom today and I’m dying to know how it went. It's about time they acknowledge their mutual pining.”
“Okay,” agrees Virgil, allowing himself to be led down the stairs to the theater.
Less than 1 week-
It's the week of prom. Senior prom season always caused a little bit of an undercurrent of excitement that permeated the atmosphere. Virgil sits in his study hall, hood flipped up trying to focus on completing a study guide for economics. However, all of the students in the room are buzzing around, whispering to one another and on their phones, showing one another everything from prom dresses to campaigns for prom court. Virgil rolls his eyes again as another girl asks their friend “why isn’t Roman running?” 
Roman had decided that he didn’t want to run for court. His grades weren’t great right now and he had many college music and theater auditions happening at the moment. The group of friends had debated the idea into the ground, ultimately with Roman agreeing that his priorities right now were not prom focused. Virgil, of course, had agreed to support Roman in whatever manner was necessary. But still, the student body was shocked. 
“Did you hear what happened at the bell with Prince?” another girl asks. Virgil stops writing, suddenly interested in the conversation. Without moving his head, Virgil looks up in the direction of the girls who had pulled their desks into a circle. 
“No, what happened?”
“Check Claire’s Snapstory,” the first girl says. “She got some of it on camera before a teacher got in her way.”
Virgil pauses for a moment before he feels his phone vibrate in his hoodie pocket. He pulls it out and sees the banner “Text: Patton” he opens it up and reads the text.
“Something happened with Logan, Roman, and JD. Don’t know what, they sent me out of the office, but security was with them.”
Virgil feels his stomach drop. JD, Virgil’s cousin, never meant anything good. And security only meant trouble. 
He wasn’t aware of when he stood up, but he finds himself walking towards the sign out sheet, stuffing his belongings in his backpack. As a senior, he could technically go home now if he wanted to, so he marks the signout sheet as such. 
Virgil walks deliberately as his brain swims at the information provided. There was a video, two friends, one enemy (if Virgil had one of those), and security. He needs answers. He needs to know that his friends are okay. And even if he were to text them, he wouldn’t believe it until he saw them with his own two eyes. 
He turns the corner towards the office when he stops suddenly. He pulls back instinctively as his eyes follow JD and his aunt, JD’s mother. JD has his head down, holding his wrist with the opposite hand. His mother walks in front, her designer bag over her arm as she types a text on her phone, her heels clicking with each step. “Come along, Janus, darling. We have to go to the store to replace that phone before it hits rush hour.”
JD looks up, sweeping the area around him. His eyes land on Virgil, causing something to spark behind them that Virgil can’t place. The emo holds his gaze, refusing to back down and show unease at his cousin. He takes a step forward and JD speeds up, walking next to his mother now. Virgil inwardly takes pride in the reaction. JD wasn’t afraid of much, so he’ll take the victory where he can. 
As soon as his aunt and cousin are out of the main door, Logan emerges from the office. Virgil runs over to him, noticing the glasses missing from Logan’s face. 
“Hey,” Virgil greets as his eyes scan his friend over. Logan looks tired, his hair more tousled than usual. His shirt hangs partially untucked and his tie was just hanging loosely around his neck. Virgil can clearly see the dark circles from working overtime getting ready for exams that usually are hidden by his glasses. 
“Hello, Virgil,” Logan says flatly, looking at his hand that was holding his clearly broken glasses. 
“What happened?”
There’s a sigh before Logan responds, “Don’t worry about it.”
Virgil shakes his head. “You know I can’t.” 
There’s another pause before Logan says quietly, “It's not my place, Virgil.”
Virgil doesn’t miss the pauses in Logan’s responses. He’s being overly cautious, the emo notices. “Are you okay, at least?” Virgil asks, matching Logan’s tone. 
“I’m fine,” Logan says, his eyes still focused on the crushed glasses in his hand. “I cannot say the same for these, however. I’m sorry, Virgil, but I have to get going. My sister was just called from class to take me to get them repaired.”
“Yeah, totally.” Virgil nods. 
The door to the office swings open again. Logan’s hand grabs Virgil’s shoulder and pulls him against the wall, out of the walkway. A husband and wife walk through the door, and Virgil’s stomach drops: it’s Roman’s parents. His mom’s lips are pressed firmly together, her eyes trained in front of her. While she was always a beautiful woman, there’s an almost fire behind her eyes that scream to watch out. Roman could get the same look when his friends were threatened. His father, a burly man, walks next to her, shaking his head with a defeated look etched in his features. 
A security officer, Officer Ward, comes out and Virgil recognizes him from when the man helped with a couple of set builds for the theater. Virgil’s chest tightens as he sees Roman next to the man, looking small against the large frame of his father and even larger one of Officer Ward. 
Roman is staring at the floor while he walks, not blinking. Virgil can see the start of a bruise on Roman’s jaw and his heart breaks. Roman doesn’t look up or even seem to realize two of his best friends are standing right next to him. Virgil starts to reach, but Logan digs his fingers into Virge’s shoulder while shaking his head ever so slightly. He drops his hand and watches as the officer leads them outside of the main glass doors. He says something to Roman, who nods, before shaking hands with Mr. and Mrs. Prince and heading down the sidewalk, probably to do a last check of the premises before the day is officially over. 
Virgil moves Logan’s hand off of his shoulder and walks towards the door after it closes, separating them from the Prince family. Virgil can’t help but ask again, “What happened?”
Logan joins him, watching as Roman’s parents say something to their son, who seems to deflate even more. He takes Virgil’s hand and gives a gentle squeeze as a familiar car pulls up in front of the school, Logan’s sister sitting in the driver’s seat. “I have to go. But we’ll be okay, Virge.”
“What happened?” Virgil asks another time, desperate for answers as to why his boyfriend was standing outside with his parents looking smaller than Virgil had ever known him to be. 
“He’ll tell you when he’s ready,” Logan says as he pushes open the door and starts walking towards the car. He gets to where the Prince family is standing, says something to Roman’s parents, his mom nodding and his father offering a handshake. Logan says something to Roman before getting in the car and driving off. 
Virgil stands and watches as Roman and his parents continue to talk, his mother getting more agitated as she goes back and forth with her son. After a moment, Roman’s dad puts a hand on his wife’s shoulder and starts ushering her towards the guest parking lot. Roman hangs his head before turning in the opposite direction towards the student parking. 
Virgil doesn’t remember when he started running. When he gets to the edge of the parking lot sees Roman fumbling with his keys next to his red Ford, “Roman!”
Roman stops with the keys, but doesnt turn around. “Not now, Virgil.”
“Are you okay?” Virgil asks, out of breath. “What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Roman sighs, starting to shuffle through his keys again. “None of it matters.”
“Why?” Virgil demands, clenching his fist at his side. “I don’t understand what’s going on! Logan wouldn’t tell me anything!”
Roman drops his keys on the ground as he presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, “I really messed up, Virge. I lost my cool and let him get the best of me.”
Virgil quickly bends down and picks up the keys from where they had bounced. “Who? JD? Whatever it was, I know he started it.”
“Not ac-cording to the school,” Roman says, his voice breaking. Virgil’s eyes grow at just how defeated he sounds.
“We all know how he is,” Virgil responds, shoving the keys in his pocket. “They can’t be serious.”
“It’s on camera.” Roman’s shoulders start shaking, as his voice takes on a harsher tone, tilting his head back looking towards the sky. “God, I played right into his hand.”
Virgil quickly moves himself around Roman so that he’s now facing him. “Hey, it’ll be okay, Ro.”
“I’m suspended, Virgil!” Roman shouts, finally lowering his gaze to meet Virgil’s, challenging him to argue. “Five days. And I have to replace his phone. And they took prom.”
“I can’t go to prom. Our senior prom!” he looks away again, tears falling, unable to contain themselves. “God, you must hate me. First I make you feel like you have to do some big thing just to ask me, now I can’t even go.”
Virgil’s gut twists, “Listen…”
“And Logan gets roped into the no prom group for just trying to break up the fight!” Roman sobs, sinking to his knees as he clutches his car to slow his fall. “He must be crushed. And what about Patton? You all must despise me. And rightfully so.”
“I should have just done what he wanted. What would one statement hurt? I could have avoided this whole mess. And now everyone that I care about hates me.”
“Shut up!”  Virgil shouts, anger coming back in a flash. “Just shut up, for one minute. You are not allowed to put words in my mouth, Princey. Ever.”
The sudden outburst of anger stuns Roman for a moment. Virgil immediately feels guilty for his outburst. The last thing Roman needed right now was to be yelled at from someone he should be able to open up to. Virgil takes a deep breath before sinking down to eye level with Roman, “Listen to me, I don’t care about prom. Like, at all. If you’re not going, I’m not going. It’s that easy. And while I can’t speak for Patton and Logan, I am sure that whatever they’re feeling, it isn’t hatred. Not for you. Not ever.”
Virgil offers a hand to Roman, who takes it, tears still falling. The anxious teen pulls Roman in and lets Roman collapse in his lap as he strokes his hair. Roman had done this exact thing to him so many times, Virgil was almost glad to get to return the favor for once. 
“Hey,” Virgil says softly after a moment, “I don’t know that the fight was about. At this point, it doesn’t matter. What I do know is that you, Roman Prince, are not one to fight without just cause. You are not the bad guy in this story. I won’t let you. That’s my job.”
That earns a small chuckle from Roman, calming the storm of worry inside Virgil just a little. They stay there for a minute, Virgil just holding Roman as he pulls himself together. Virgil focuses on keeping his breathing steady, smoothing circular motions on Roman’s back. He slowly stops crying, pulling himself together. 
“What are we going to do?” Roman eventually asks.
“Are you able to drive home?” Virgil asks, his brain switching into recovery protocol. His therapist had practically drilled it into him when they talked about how to handle his anxiety attacks, and they seemed to work well for all different kinds of crisis recovery. 
Roman sighs. “… I want to be.”
“But you aren’t. That’s okay. I’ll drive,” Virgil nods. “So here’s our three steps…”
Roman chuckles as he pulls away from Virgil, sitting up straight, “Are you like Picani’s star pupil or something?”
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Hush, you know you feel better knowing I’m talking to a therapist. Okay, step one is we’re going to get in the car.”
“You still have last period.”
Virgil waves his hand dismissively. “I signed myself out ages ago. If you thought I was going to sit still for a study hall when my boyfriend was in trouble, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to. I made a pledge to always be there for you and I meant it.”
“I thought it was my job to protect you,” Roman quips with a raise of an eyebrow. Virgil’s unease settles more at the jest. If Roman was poking fun in a light hearted manner, it meant he was coming around. 
“Last time I checked,” replies Virgil as he stands up and offers Roman a hand, “A knight is expected to stay by his Prince’s side. That’s part of the whole fealty thing, right? Or did I totally miss what Logan was trying to tell me?”
“Okay, okay,” Roman allows with a soft smile. “Step one, car. Step two?”
“Step two, I’ll drive you home.”
“Are you sure-”
“Yes. I got it. Step three-”
“I get to kiss you,” Roman says as he grabs Virgil’s hoodie and pulls him close, kissing him softly, gently, as if trying to say something Virgil can’t quite place. When they pull apart, Virgil can’t help but smile. 
“I mean, sure,” Virgil laughs. “But you’re doing it out of order.”
“Let’s get out of here. I technically can’t be on property anyway.”
Virgil nods, “Okay,” and unlocks the car. As Roman walks to the other side of the vehicle, Virgil’s brain is already starting to figure out a way to make Roman feel better when it comes time for prom. 
-1 hour-
Virgil stands holding the bottom of the ladder while Patton reaches to get the string of Christmas lights through the last hook to attach them to the house. Patton’s parents had graciously allowed the boys to use their backyard for their master plan to make Logan and Roman feel better about the loss of their prom. 
When Virgil had gotten home after driving Roman home, he immediately called Patton and started planning this alternative prom. Patton was all over the idea before Virgil had even finished explaining his ideas. And over the past few hours, all of their hard work had finally come together. 
“There, how does that look?” Patton asks, backing down the ladder. 
Virgil looks around the brick patio in the dying light and squints, “Kind of hard to tell without the lights plugged in.”
“Right,” Patton smiles, walking over to the light switch by the door and flipping it. The whole yard is then awash in a warm glow. Lights outline the house features, windows and doors. They stretch across the ground along the flowerbeds under the windows to the fence, where they twist through the whole perimeter of the backyard. Twinkling lights are woven through the pergola, softly adding a shimmering effect to the whole yard. 
“Whoah,” Virgil whispers as he takes it all in. The patio furniture sits in the yard, clearing the patio except for the large speakers synced up to Patton’s phone. The long picnic table sits off to the side of the yard with punch and snacks all spread out. “It looks great, Patton.”
“Are you sure it looks bright enough?“ asks Patton. “I could go get another strand.”
“What? No. Why do your Dads have so many Christmas lights in the first place?” 
“You mean you don’t?”
Virgil shrugs.  “We just don’t. Bought the house spotlights in green and red, calling that a day.”
“Oh those are cute,” Patton muses, walking over to the speakers. “Should we start these up?”
“Good idea,” Virgil agrees. “That playlist is like 10 hours long anyway.”
Patton presses a couple of things on his phone before soft music starts playing. It takes a moment before Virigl can place it: Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors. Virgil smiles softly at the memories from that show come to him. It was the musical his and Roman’s freshman year. Patton and Virgil had spent hours both of them pulling music to put on their own personalized prom playlist: pop songs that drove them crazy from over use, songs from shows they had been in, songs they loved to sing in their cars, songs that just reminded them of Roman and Logan. 
“And we are in business,” Patton puts the phone in his pocket, having set the volume loud enough to be heard, but soft enough that they could easily talk over top of it. 
“Sweet,” Virgil comments, checking his watch. Any minute now. 
Patton walks over to Virgil and smiles, “Can I fuss?”
Virgil rolls his eyes, “Okay, dad.”
Patton reaches up and starts straightening Virgil’s purple skinny tie. It matches his favorite purple Converse which he had insisting on wearing. Patton flattens it and tucks it into the black vest, adjusting the collar of the white button down to let it cooperate. “There. Much better. Where’s your jacket?” 
Virgil pushes the cuffs up his arm to his elbow, having rolled them up while setting up, nodding to the black jacket that matches his pants on the chair just inside the door, “Inside. It's too hot out here for it.”
“Fair enough,” Patton nods. He’s wearing a light blue suit that really makes his eyes pop. Virgil can’t help but smile and return the favor of fixing his tie, a darker almost navy blue. Not many people could pull off the light blue, but it just makes sense for Patton, Virgil thinks.
“Hello?” Logan’s voice comes accompanied by the click of the gate opening. Logan and Roman walk into the yard, their eyes large as they take in the scene. Virigl’s breath catches as he takes Roman in. Roman has a dark maroon suit on with a white button up and a gold tie. It was the perfect outfit for Roman, demanding attention but for all of the right reasons. Virgil can’t help but notice that while Roman seemed put together, he was lacking in usual spark. Something wasn’t quite right about him, something in his eyes. Roman’s eyes find Virgil’s, and Virgil is suddenly very aware of his ears burning. 
He breaks Roman’s gaze and looks over at Logan, and a smirk forms. Of course he and Patton would end up in complementary looks. Where Patton was in a lighter blue suit with a dark blue tie, Logan was in the opposite with a dark suit and lighter tie. 
“Oh, you’re here!” squeals Patton as he runs over to greet them, Virgil following behind him. 
“What is all of this?” asks Roman, his eyes sparkling. “Mom wouldn’t tell me anything, just pushed me into this and then into the car to pick up Logan.”
“It was all Virgil’s idea.” Patton beams as he takes Logan and Roman by the hand, pulling them further in so they can see the whole space. “If you can’t go to prom, we would bring prom to you. Or, as much as we can, anyway.”
Virgil looks at his shoes, feeling his face turn warm. “Patton came up with most of the plan, really. I just had a few suggestions.”
“You two--” Roman swings an arm around Virgil and the other around Patton, wrapping them in a hug-- “are the absolute sweetest. You didn’t have to do all of this.”
Patton returns the hug. “Of course we did. You two deserve this.”
Logan joins the group, taking Patton’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “It is very thoughtful of you. Both of you,” he adds, catching Virgil’s eye with a smile. 
The song changes to Footloose, making Roman jump in recognition. “Oh my gosh I loved this show!”
Virgil smirks at the memories behind the spotlight for tech crew. It was their sophomore year, over the summer. “I made sure it got on the playlist.”
Roman starts pulling away from the group, keeping Patton’s hand. “Come on, Pat. You have to remember this dance!”
“Of course I do,” Patton giggles as he and Roman break into the show’s choreography.
Virgil smiles, watching them dance. He feels his chest settle a little at the light in Roman sparking. Virgil had been worried this week, noticing the dark circles under Roman’s eyes increasing with each night. He hadn’t been himself. Something was eating away at his Prince, but Roman kept pushing him away, denying the issue. 
“Logan?” Virgil finally asks. 
“Can… can you tell me what happened.. Yet?” He hates asking again. But the worry is always present. 
Logan sighs, turning his attention from Patton and Roman, making eye contact with Virgil. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“I… I just want to know how to help,” holding the contact. 
Logan looks back at the two dancing. “He was just trying to protect you, Virgil.”
“Protect me?” Virgil asks, almost offended. “From what?”
“Your cousin, JD.”
“I can handle JD,” insists Virgil. “Why would Roman get involved?”
“He wanted Roman to help Remus’ campaign for prom court.”
Virgil’s eyes widen at the absurdity of the idea. Remus Duke was a fellow senior classmate who was chaotic and dangerous. The guy has tried to set fire to theater sets when he wasn’t cast in shows, harrasses students, and has caused chaos at numerous football games. 
Logan adjusts his glasses. “I don’t have to tell you how popular Prince is with his classmates. His decision to not run, while I fully support it, meant that students were lost with where to go. Roman throwing support may turn the tide, much like when presidential nominees may be supported by their enemies after they drop out.”
“Right.” Virgil’s brow furrows as he tries to think through his cousin’s actions, “So JD asked for support, Roman said no, probably because Remus is a hazard to society.”
Logan rolls his eyes. “Yes.”
“So where does the fight come in?”
“JD made a threat to try and force Roman’s hand,” Logan slowly explains, fidgeting with his tie. Virgil knows Logan well enough to pick up on the nervous habit. “JD took it two steps too far and Roman went after him.”
“What threat?” Virgil demands, clenching a fist at his side. How dare his cousin threaten Roman. 
There’s a heavy, weighted pause, before Logan answers softly, “He threatened to out you, Virgil.” 
Everything stops for Virgil. It isn’t like he had never thought about coming out fully. At school he is kind of out. It isn’t like he hid his relationship with Roman to the theater kids. Most other kids pay no attention to him anyway and couldn’t believe the Roman Prince would be with someone so opposite of himself. 
But at home? At home he wasn’t out. He couldn’t be. Not without significant risk of repercussion. He always thought he and JD understood one another though. They were never friends, Virgil would say. But JD seemed to not mind giving Virgil his space at school. Virgil had never thought about JD being a risk for Virgil, especially in such an underhanded way. Would JD manipulate Virgil if it meant getting what he wanted, yes. But this? Threatening to out him? JD couldn’t be that underhanded, could he? It must have been a bluff.
“Obviously Roman wouldn’t let your safety be at risk,” Logan continued, pulling Virgil back to Earth. “So when JD pulled out his phone, Roman went after it.”
“If JD pulled out the phone…” Virgil’s certainty of the bluff crashes to zero. He feels his temper rising. “Shit. Why?”
“I assure you, I don’t know,” Logan admits. “It seems oddly ‘Aaron Burr’ for your cousin.”
Virgil’s mind spins with anger. “Why didn’t he just tell someone? If he was bated into it, wouldn’t the school go easier on Roman?”
Logan shakes his head. “Roman’s only goal through this has been to protect you. He wouldn’t tell them what JD did, because to do so would out you anyway, allowing JD to win to an extent.”
Virgil swallows, his eyes stinging a little in frustration. He takes a few deep breaths, calming himself a little. This is why Roman wouldn’t tell him what happened: he was worried Virgil would get upset. Virgil could handle this. 
Logan places a hand gently, reassuringly on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil looks at him. Logan smiles a little. “It's okay, Virgil. What's done is done.”
Virgil nods, feeling a little better with the reassurance from Logan. Logan was one of Virgil’s favorite people. He could count on Logan to be there to tell him the truth when he needed it, but he also didn’t sugar coat it. Logan was a good friend to have by your side in a hard time. Virgil smiles a little as he finally realizes, “You tried to pull Roman off of him, didn’t you?”
“After Roman got in a few good punches, yes.” Logan smirks, something flashing in his eyes too fast for Virgil to identify. “I had to try to stop Roman or he might have seriously injured your cousin. But the school has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to fights.”
“I’m sorry you got roped into it.”
“I’m not.”
The song ends, leading to Patton and Roman collapsing in giggles on the dance floor. Virgil takes a deep breath, noticing the tension releasing with the knowledge of what happened. Of knowing that Roman would be ok. 
“Thank you, Logan. For telling me. And for having his back.”
“Any time,” nods Logan. “Come on, let’s get our stage kids off the floor before they ruin their outfits.” 
“Hello!” a familiar voice shouts, causing the four boys to turn towards the gate.
“Leo! Terrance! You guys made it!” Patton squeals in excitement at the sight of their friends. He helps Roman to his feet before running to greet the newcomers. Behind them, Virgil can see lots of other theater kids walking up the path all dressed for prom, although slightly disheveled. 
“Where are they?” Adri calls. “Ah, our favorite delinquents!” 
“Logan and Roman! Long time no see!” Camden says, making a show of looking around. 
“What’s going on?” asks Roman, his face lighting up as he sees his friends pouring in. 
“We told you,” Virgil says, walking up next to him. “Since you guys couldn’t go to prom, we brought prom to you.”
Roman looks at Virgil, opening and closing his mouth with nothing coming out. Virgil smirks at that and continues, “Obviously we didn’t want to ask them to skip prom entirely. We’re hosting the after party.”
“And we left as soon as we could,” Valerie says, walking past them. “Wouldn’t be prom without you, Prince.”
“You guys,” Roman squeals in excitement. Virgil can’t help but feel the excitement too. Roman finally looks like himself again: the familiar glow, the magnetic force, the dazzling smile. He stands tall again, looking perfect in his suit. 
Virgil nudges Roman with his shoulder. “Go socialize. You haven’t seen these guys all week.”
“But I haven’t spent any time with you,” Roman says softly. 
Virgil laughs. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Roman!” Kenny shouts, waving him over. “Get over here, I want a pic.”
Roman looks once again at Virgil, who smiles in reassurance, before running to the group. Virgil stays towards the gate, watching as the yard becomes more and more populated. He laughs a little when he notices a couple of freshmen from the theater in the mix. Seems as if everyone wanted to be a part of the celebration. 
Virgil watches as Roman walks around, taking time to greet every person. Politicians wish they could be as popular as Roman, Virgil thinks. Always with the best intentions, making everyone feel special in their own way. It was no wonder Remus wanted Roman on his side for the election.
Virgil fidgets at the thought of the cause of the fight. He didn’t need Roman to protect him. He had dealt with his cousin long before Roman was a part of his life. JD wasn’t a bad guy, he just determined. He even had probably been calling Roman’s bluff with the phone… probably. When JD was determined there was nothing he wouldn’t do to get his way. Virgil solved this generally by staying out of the way. JD only became an issue if you were in the way. And apparently Roman had opted to get in the way, drawing a target on his head.
“Is this thing on?” Patton asks, tapping a mic that he had hooked into the speakers. “Oh great. Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”
All of the teens settled down, pooling on the dance floor. Virgil is amazed to see how many people were there, at least two hundred. Theater kids, band kids, choir kids and a few other students all mixed together. It shouldn’t have surprised him. Virgil knew there was lots of overlap in these musically inclined groups. But to see them all in one place with their dates is impressive. 
“Okay, great,” Patton chirps. “I just wanted to take a moment, on the behalf of myself and Virgil, to thank you all for coming to this little get together to celebrate Logan and Roman.”
There’s a cheer from the crowd which causes Virgil’s heart to swell. It is nice to see the group support their boys. 
Patton passes the mic to Joan. They wave at the crowd to try and hush the sound that grew when they took the stage, “Alright, alright. You gotta let me tell them.”
After a moment the crowd quiets, although there is an almost electric current running under the surface, much like the one before a curtain is pulled for opening night. “Thank you,” Joan nods as they turn towards Roman and Logan, who have been pushed to the front of the crowd. “Logan and Roman, we the students would like to thank you for your service as part of our community this past year. Logan, for your awesome tech skills as well as study help. Roman, for always being a source of entertainment for us.”
Cheers erupt again. Thomas walks up and mutters something to Joan, who laughs, before taking the mic. 
There are a few whoops before Thomas dramatically starts, “Story Time! The Prince decides not to run for King. The people are disappointed. They start talking. Then the Prince is removed from the kingdom, with his faithful Paladin, causing anger in the land.” Virgil snickers at the reference of Logan being a Paladin. The group had played a round of Dungeons and Dragons once that was centered around Roman’s last name. Clearly Thomas was borrowing the concept yet again. 
“But the people are smart,” Thomas continues. “They hatch a plan, unknown to the Prince’s healer and knight, to get the Prince his throne.”
Now this was news to Virgil. He took a few steps towards the group, now curious where this was all headed. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, as most of you are aware, tonight we crowned a Prom King. We all agreed to vote for our candidate that would pass the crown on to the rightful ruler,” Thomas explains as someone in the crowd hands him a golden crown. “It is my pleasure to pass the title on to its rightful holder. Prince, I believe this is yours.”
Virgil fills with a mixture of shock, pride, and relief as he watches the crowd explode into cheers. While he stood by Roman’s choice not to run, he is so relieved to see Roman graciously accept the role from his friends. It just made sense. 
Patton appears out of nowhere and takes Virgil’s hand, leading him through the crowd that seems to part for them. Virgil doesn’t even have time to process what is happening before he realizes his hand is now held by Roman, the golden crown on his head. 
“May I have this dance,” Roman asks, bowing deeply, a twinkle in his eye that catches Virgil’s attention. Virgil nods and allows Roman to pull him in as a soft song starts playing. Oh right, Prom King normally dances with his date for a song, don’t they?
Roman smiles at him as they start swaying together. “There’s my Knight. Finally a moment together.”
Virgil can’t help but notice the people around them, the space they are occupying, the eyes following them. “How do you do this on a stage?” Virgil asks quietly. “Dance with everyone watching?”
“Oh easy,” Roman answers, flawlessly twisting the two of them around the floor. “You forget they exist. Merely part of the background. In my world, it's just us. I can’t even see Logan wrapping his arm around Patton’s waist right now, what are you talking about?”
Virgil chuckles as Roman expertly maneuvers Virgil so he can see what Roman is talking about. Sure enough, Logan is standing behind Patton, his arms wrapped around Patton’s waist as they watch, swaying slightly in place while Patton closes his eyes. It was a sweet moment between the two. If only it could have happened at the actual prom.
“Roman?” Virgil asks after a moment. 
“Yes?” he answers, pulling away just far enough to see Virgil’s face. 
Virgil meets his gaze. “You know you don’t have to protect me, right?”
Roman’s eyes give him away. “What are you talking about?”
“Logan told me what happened,” Virgil admits softly. 
Roman pulls him closer so that Virgil can’t see his face, spinning slowly. 
“I can handle myself, is all I’m saying,” Virgil tries again after a moment. 
“Of course,” Roman nods before pulling back again, his brow pulled together. “I know that. I never meant to insinuate that you couldn’t. I just… hang on.”
The song ends as the crowd applauds before the next song kicks on. Its something upbeat, but Virgil isn’t paying attention. He’s too busy trying to read Roman’s expression as the Prom King pulls him from the middle of the crowd to a darker corner of the yard. Roman doesn’t drop his hand or his gaze, as if trying to hold the moment while getting out of a public setting. Once out of the way, Roman looks at their hands still together. 
“Virgil, you know when you asked me to prom you had that whole pledge of fealty as part of it?”
“Right,” Virgil nods. 
“Well,” Roman explains, his brow pulled together in thought. “It’s part of feudalism from the middle ages, right? I remember you said Logan helped you with it. He must’ve explained it. Anyway, a person swore to a lord that they would do them no harm, that they would be honorable and keep them safe and everything you wrote for me back then.”
“I remember.” Virgil smiles softly. “I still stand by that.”
“I know.” Roman returns the smile. “But there’s part of it that people seem to forget. The people would do this for their lord, but it wasn’t a one way street. The lord was bound by the same principles in return.”
“Okay,” responds Virgil slowly. 
“All I did was uphold my end of the promise. And I would do it again,” says Roman, pushing Virgil’s bangs out of his eyes. 
Virgil leans into the touch, “I… I just don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
“I think you’ll find I can handle myself too,” Roman smiles. 
Virgil rolls his eyes and reaches up to straighten Roman’s crown, “Okay. Fair enough.”
Virgil isn’t sure which of them pulls the other, but he finds himself kissing his Prince. Softly, melting into one another. Roman wraps an arm around Virgil and pulls him gently into it, deepening the moment just a little. Virgil embraces it for a moment before he pulls back, smiling. 
“Come on,” Virgil whispers, breathless for a moment, pressing his forehead against Roman’s. “As much as I want to keep you to myself, you do have an adoring public that is waiting for you to lead them in some kind of line dance, I am sure.”
“Only if you come with me,” Roman answers, his smile radiating its normal light once again.
“Uh, I don’t dance,” Virgil scoffs. 
“Just one, please? It's our senior prom,” Roman pleads, making puppy dog eyes. “What about the Cha-cha slide?”
“Only if you can convince Logan to do it too,” Virgil answers. 
“Challenge accepted. He’ll hear his King out, I am sure,” Roman agrees, taking Virgil’s hand. “Are you coming with me?”
207 notes · View notes
mrsmarymorstan · 4 years
Now Furuba S2 is over, what now?
I’m already seeing a lot of people asking for recommendations now the S2 Sub is over; so this is a list of series that I think you’ll enjoy if you like Furuba! 
All platforms listed are true for the UK, but might not be for other residences. More viewing options may be available in other territories. 
Unless specified, All Manga/Comic recs are available from regular bookstores and EBook Stores. If you’re in the UK I’ll suggest checking out Hive, which is an online store where a potion of each sale goes towards a Local Independent Bookstroe of your choice! They also have flat-rate free shipping! 
Okay, so the actual recs! (I got lazy in some places and used the official synopisis) 
Convenience Store Boyfriends Funimation (Dub) Crunchyroll (Sub) 12 Eps Total 
“Six high school boys hang out at a local convenience store where they talk about their daily lives. Haruki Mishima and Towa Honda are first year students looking forward to the high school experience. Alongside them, there’s Nasa Sanagi, the only member of the cooking research club. Natsu Asumi is a loner but has third year students, Mikado Nakajima and Masamune Sakurakoji, looking out for him.“
Kaguya-sama: Love is War S1 - Crunchyroll, Funimation (Sub) S2 Funimation (Sub/Dub) 24 eps - Ongoing Manga: 18/20 volumes available in English 
“Known for being both brilliant and powerful, Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya lead the illustrious Shuchiin Academy as near equals. And everyone thinks they’d make a great couple. Pride and arrogance are in ample supply, so the only logical move is to trick the other into instigating a date! Who will come out on top in this psychological war where the first move is the only one that matters?”
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun Netflix (Dub/Sub), Crunchyroll (Sub) 12 Eps Total Manga: 12/12 volumes available in English 
“High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetarou Nozaki. When she confesses her love to him, he mistakes her for a fan and gives her an autograph. When she says she wants to be with him, he invites her to his house and has her help on some drawings. Sakura discovers that Nozaki is actually a renowned shōjo manga artist working under the pen name Sakiko Yumeno. She agrees to be his assistant in order to get closer to him. As they work on his manga Let's Fall in Love they encounter other schoolmates, who assist them and serve as inspirations for the story.”
Snow White With the Red Hair Funimation (Dub/Sub) 24 Eps Total Manga: 9/22+ volumes available in English. Anime ends Vol. 8 
“In the kingdom of Tanbarun lives an independent young pharmacist named Shirayuki. Shirayuki is a plain girl, save for her shock of beautiful apple-red hair. Her stunning mane gets her noticed by the prince, but instead of romancing her, he demands she be his concubine. Shirayuki chops off her lovely locks, and runs away to the neighboring kingdom where she befriends a handsome stranger.”
Tsuruedure Children Funimation (Dub), Crunchyroll (Sub) 12 Eps Total Manga (Ebook only) 12/12 Volumes available in English
“Short and charming comedic vignettes offer a quick glimpse into the unique and funny situations, misunderstandings, and all around confusion that can happen in a high school romance. For starters, there’s a story about a delinquent girl and the student council president, and one about a stoic boy confused about an emotional girl. Relive the charm of high school romance!”
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Amazon Prime (Sub) 11 Eps Total Manga: 4/9 volumes available in english 
Looking for a slice of life romance but you’re an actual adult now and don’t want to read about teenagers? Try Wotakoi! It combines office romance with childhood friends-to-lovers. Narumi is a Fujoshi who doesn’t want anyone to find out the truth of her ways, Hirotaka is a Game Otaku who doesn’t care what anyone says about it, together they go about the ins-and-outs of dating as an adult. 
Coming of Age
BOFURI: I don’t want to get hurt, so I’ll max out my defence Funimation (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Ongoing 
“She may be new to gaming, but Maple has found the secret to invincibility! Just put all your skill points into defense until you can't even move. That works, right? She doesn't want to experience any pain in the VRMMO game she started playing, and somehow it works better than anyone expected. Now she's got followers??”
Brand New Animal Netflix (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Total 
“Set in a world where humanoid animals (known as beastmen) inhabit Earth, the series centers on Michiru Kagemori, a young teenage girl who one day suddenly starts turning into a tanuki beastman. Running away, she seeks refuge in Anima City, a city built for beastmen to be able to live peacefully as themselves, and ends up meeting a wolf beastman named Shirou Ogami. Together, they investigate how and why Michiru became a beastman, becoming mixed up in even stranger events in the process.”
Hyouka Funimation (Dub/Sub) 23 Eps Total 
“A worthy addition to any animation fan's collection, Hyouka is a stunning masterwork that spins a charming tale of high school romance and mystery. After disenchanted student Hotaro Oreki joins his school’s Classic Lit Club, he meets Eru Chitanda, a kindhearted and inquisitive girl with boundless curiosity and a knack for getting him caught up in all sorts of trouble.”
Koto Oto Tomara! Sounds of Life Funimation (Dub/Sub) 24 Eps Total 
“Down to its last member, the koto club will accept anyone who is interested in the traditional Japanese instrument. But when a delinquent and a prodigy player sign up, finding harmony isn’t going to be easy—especially not with ensemble competitions looming around the corner. With enough time and some incredible skill at the strings, perhaps this motley crew can strike a chord with the judges.“
O Maidens in your Savage Season HIDIVE (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Total Manga: 7/8 volumes available in English (8th available for pre-order) 
The series follows a High School Literature club as they make their nervous first foray into the nature of sexuality. What is the difference between sexual attraction and romantic attraction? Does watching porn mean wanting to have sex? What are these strange feelings I am having down below? Why are boys so gross and girls so pretty? Each girl undergoes their own journey and finds their own destination, a brutally honest yet heart warming look at teenage female sexuality. 
CW: Sexual Assault, pedophilia (both portrayed as BAD AND TERRIBLE things) 
Our Dreams at Dusk Manga: 4/4 volumes available in English 
After his classmates discover some gay pornography on his phone, Tasuku Kaname contemplates committing suicide. Just as he’s about to jump, he spots a mysterious figure parkouring down a mountain. Shocked out of his moment, he decides to go and investigate what’s happening and finds an LGBT+ Drop In Centre. The series follows the lives of the people in the drop in centre, from Haruko who wishes to marry her closeted girlfriend, to Misora who is still trying to figure out what their gender is but has the threat of puberty hovering of their shoulder. 
It’s very clear that Kamatani-sensei has written this story FOR the Queer Community. It’s a truly beautiful story. Please give it your money if you can, so that Kamatani-sensei can actually earn some money, and so that Seven Seas know that there is a viable audience for these stories! So that we may get more content!
Reverse Harem 
Fruits Basket is NOT a reverse Harem, but i figure there’ll be some fan crossover. 
Kiss Him, Not Me Cruncyroll (sub) Funimation Dub available on DVD etc. 12 Eps Total Manga 14/14 volumes available in English
“Kae Serinuma believes one thing—princes belong together! As an avid boy’s love fan, she loves nothing more than fantasizing about faux relationships between the boys at her school. But when she loses weight due to the stress of her favorite anime character dying suddenly the boys want…her?! From pretty average to prettiest girl, Kae just wants these boys to date each other, not her!”
Sub uses an irritating “Silly Fat Person” voice that the Dub doesn’t. CW for Sexual Assult, though it is depicted as a BAD thing and used for Kae to question why she is so into it when reading BL, when IRL it is terrifying? 
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom Crunchyroll (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Total 
A TRULY Bisexual harem! After bumping her head, young Katarina Claes awakens with all the memories of her past life... and promptly realises she’s been re-incarnated as the antagonist of her favourite Otome Game! Determined this time to live past the age of 17, Katarina starts to make plans to turn all her enemies into allies through the power of kindness and understanding! Throughout the series, she tries harder and harder to avoid her doom flags... without realising that she’s turned those doom flags into romance flags! 
Katarina lives out the fantasy of going to magic school and eating cake as all the pretty people fall head over heels for her. A pity she’s too dim to notice.
Ouran High School Host Club Funimation (Dub/Sub) 24 eps total Manga: 18/18 volumes available in english 
Set in the high class elite private school of Ouran High, the Host Club exist to provide entertainment for the ladies of the school. Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi Fujioka, stumbles across the Host Club and in their haste to leave they knock over an ¥8,000,000 vase. Now she must earn that money back by working for the Host Club, all the while disguising the fact that she’s a girl. Not that she ever felt much like a girl before hand anyway. Along the way, she gets to know better the Cool Kyoya, the flamboyant Tamaki, the Mischievous Hikaru & Kaoru, the Strong and Silent Mori-senpai and the adorable Honey-senpai. Comedic Hijinks ensue! 
Slice of Life
The Emperor and I Manga: 4/4 volumes available in English on Shonen Jump App 
One day Kaho returns home from school to find an Emperor Penguin in her fridge. He quickly becomes a beloved part of the family, but a secret to the rest of the world who would want to take him away from them. Hijinks ensue. 
Kakushigoto Funimation (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Total 
Doting single father, Kakushi Goto, is determined to hide the fact that he writes echhi humour manga for a living. He couldn’t bare it if his daughter were to ever find out the truth, the shame of his profession only alienating her. A laugh out loud series that will suddenly cut you deep as it explores the nature of grief and familial love. 
My Brother’s Husband Manga: 2/2 volumes available in English 
“Yaichi, a stay-at-home single father, lives with his daughter Kana in suburban Tokyo. They are visited by Mike Flanagan, the widower of Yaichi's estranged twin brother Ryōji, who has traveled from his native Canada for three weeks to learn about Ryōji's past. Kana is fascinated by Mike and is immediately accepting of him, though Yaichi is hesitant to accept Mike as family.
While Yaichi is not overtly homophobic, Mike suggests that his tacit discomfort over his brother's sexuality drove a wedge between them that led to their estrangement. Mike's interactions with the family and neighborhood over the subsequent three weeks prompt Yaichi to confront his own prejudices around sex and sexuality, as his growing tolerance and eventual acceptance of Mike parallel his overcoming of his own homophobia.”
Whilst the trope of “the gay brother dies and the heterosexual brother learns not to be homophobic” might be over done in western media, the same is not true for Japan. It’s a heartfelt and honest look at grief and acceptance, as well as how the nature of family is changing all around the world... but attitudes are maybe conservative attitudes aren’t as quick to catch up. 
Nichijou: My Ordinary Life Funimation (Dub/Sub) 
So apparently everyone went “this show is undubbable! It relies too much on puns and untranslatable humour!” and then Howard Wang said “hold my beer” and did it. A bizarre comedy series set in a high school. It’s probably best known for the ongoing fight between the deer and the principal.  
Way of the Househusband Manga: 4/5+ (ongoing) volumes available in English  
After he meets and marries the career driven Miku, Tatsu AKA The Immortal Dragon decides to give up his life of crime to commit to being the worlds’ best husband. You’d be surprised at the transferable skills between a Yakuza enforcer and a house husband. From knowing how to efficiently cut up a slice of meat, to how to perfectly clean a bathroom of all evidence. Hilarious and heartwarming, Taki and Kyoko would be best bros. 
Slice of Life + Supernatural 
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K S1 Funimation (Dub/Sub) 24 episodes Netflix S1 (Dub/Sub) S2 & 3 (Sub) 50 episodes total 
“Saiki Kusuo is a typical 16-year-old high school student… except he has psychic powers. He can use them to get whatever he wants, but he also knows everything that people are thinking. Everything. No surprises, no secrets, no normal human experiences. He’s kept his powers in check since childhood, but with the temptations of high school now on his mind, he’s bending the rules—and spoons.“
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (2019)
Writer Kelly Thompson wears her magical girl influences on her sleeve in this new take on the Archie Classic. Sabrina is your regular teenager, except she is also a witch and so are her aunts. Hijinks (and Card Captor Sakura References) ensue. 
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun Funimation (Dub/Sub) 12 eps total Manga 13/13 Volumes available in English 
“Kamome Academy is rumored to have many mysteries, the strangest of which involves the mischievous ghost of Hanako-kun. When occult-loving high schooler Nene Yashiro accidentally becomes bonded to him, she uncovers a hidden world of supernatural beings. Now the two of them are conspiring to keep the peace between student and supernatural—that is, if they can only stay out of trouble themselves.“
Jughead (2015) 4 Volumes total
Bought to you in various parts by the creators of Squirrel Girl, Jughead combines slice of life with spy thriller, time travel and the joy of a good burger. Hilarious and heart warming, this run holds a special place in my heart as the one where Jughead was confirmed as canonically asexual and continues to express various aro/ace moods throughout the series. There’s a REASON my friends say I’m a Real Life Jughead.... 
Weathering With You - available digitally/physically 28th Sep. 2019
In June 2021, first year high schooler Hodaka Morishima leaves Kōzu-shima in order to get to Tokyo. When his ferry to the city is hit by a rainstorm, he is saved by Keisuke Suga, who runs a small occult magazine that’s looking for an assistant. As Hodaka becomes broke and struggles to find work, he meets Hina Amano, an employee of a McDonald’s restaurant. She takes pity on him and gives him food. After agreeing to work with Suga, Hodaka learns about the legend of the “sunshine girl” who can control the weather! It turns out that the newly unemployed Hina is a sunshine girl! And with her little brother, they start up their own business to bring sunshine to the never-ending rain of Tokyo. 
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Crunchyroll (Dub/Sub) 12 Episodes Total Manga: 22/28 volumes available in English 
After tripping on the stairs, School Bad Boy Ryu Yamada and Top Student Urara Shiraishi discover they can swap bodies with a kiss! They then learn that they’re not the only ones with magic powers in the school, and with the help of the Supernatural Studies Club they begin to track down the identities of the 7 witches of Suzaku High. 
This series really stretches my limits on fan service, but at least it does proceed to get a little even in terms of gender. It’s still a really rather sweet and romantic series, once you get past the boobs and panties. 
Your Name Netflix (Dub/Sub) Spin Off Manga “Your Name: Another Side: Earthbound” - 2/2 volumes available in English 
A modern take on the Red Sting of Fate mythos, Mitsuha and Taki are two teenagers tied together. Three times a week, Mitsuha will wake up in Taki’s body and live the life of a Tokyo School boy. In turn, Taki will wake up in Mitsuha’s body and learn what it is to be a Rural Shrine Maiden. A look at the bonds that tie us, and how fate won’t let two young people fall apart before they can meet. 
Also the animation is BEAUTIFUL and it made me cry. Like a lot. There’s a spin off manga called “Your Name: Another Side” that follows the same story but from the POV of Mitsuha’s friends and family. It really brings new light to the events and made me very emotional.
Mental Health 
Green Lanterns: Rebirth (2018)
Jessica Cruz suffers from PTSD and severer anxiety, seeing her utalising her will power to overcome those problems and harness that energy to help save the universe is so incredibly powerful and moving. 
Hawkeye (2012-2015) 4 Volumes 
The Fraction/Aja/Wu/Hollingworth Hawkeye run is widely considered one of the best superhero runs of all time. Fraction and Aja perfectly capture “functional depression” at its finest, and we watch as Clint Barton slowly burns all his bridges before being forced by his friends to sort his shit out and put them back together again. There’s also a whole issue that’s primarily written in sign language too. 
My Roomate is a Cat Funimation (Dub) Crunchyroll (Sub) 12 eps total 
“Mystery author Mikazuki would rather live in total isolation than deal with others. Getting a roommate is the last thing he’d ever do, until a stray cat sparks an idea for his next novel. After plucking the little killer off the streets, this four-legged muse inspires Mikazuki in ways he would have never expected. And for the street-wise cat, this human just opened the door to a whole new world.”
A Silent Voice (Manga/Movie) Movie: Netflix (Dub/Sub) 
“A former class bully reaches out to the deaf girl he’d tormented in grade school. He feels unworthy of redemption but tries to make things right.”
CW Attempted Suicide, bullying
Please watch the dub. Lexi Marman Cowden, who voices Shoko, is an ACTUAL hard-of-hearing actress. It makes for a more real and vulnerable performance that avoids the mild ableism of the Sub hiring a Hearing Actress and robot-ising her voice. 
Yuri!!! On ICE Crunchyroll (Sub) Funimation (Dub) 12 eps total 
“Yuri Katsuki makes his way to the Grand Prix ice skating competition as Japan’s top representative with his eyes on the prize. However, instead of celebrating, Yuri walks away defeated and ready to retire for good. But a run-in with champion Viktor Nikiforov and rising star Yuri Plisetsky ignites a new fire within him. With the two of them close by his side, Yuri will take to the ice once more.”
Yuri’s defeat sends him into a very relatable spiral of lack of self belief that he slowly starts to regain thanks to the help of Viktor. Part sports anime, part love story, all full of feels. 
The Dub is considered hit or miss depending on whether you like accents or not, but honestly it’s worth it for Sabat’s Christophe giacometti. Ayame walked, so Christophe could strut. 
I’m gonna start by recommending the Shonen Jump App, it’s £1.99/month and gives you access to all their recent publications as well as their back catalogue in English! So you can read all of Boys Over Flowers, Nisekoi, Naruto, One Piece, Haikyuu, Assassination Classroom, My Hero Academia etc. for a fraction of the cost of buying the physicals! SO much manga at your finger tips! No, they don’t sponsor me but i wish they would. 
Astra Lost in Space Funimation (Dub/Sub) 12 Eps Total Manga: 5/5 volumes available in english, available on the Shonen Jump App
A group of teenagers on a school trip become Lost In Space and quickly discover a conspiracy is a foot. Part thriller, part comedy, saying anything more about this series would count as a spoiler given the number of plot twists throughout. 
Radiant Funimation (Dub) Crunchyroll (Sub) 42 eps total Manga: 13/13+ volumes available in english (ongoing series)
A french manga turned into a Japanese Anime.
“Seth, a sorcerer destined to find Radiant, sets his sights on Caislean Merlin for answers. He’s desperate to find out what the Knight Sorcerers know, but can he trust them? In the wake of all that is unknown, he digs deep within himself for the wisdom and confidence to control his powers. And as the world around him continues to grow with more magic and power, he gains strong new allies.”
The series has BIG Saturday Morning cartoon vibes. My 12 year-old self would have been ALL OVER this.
Batman Ninja (Netflix)  
What if a Japanese animation studio asked DC if they could make a batman movie? And then just threw a Japanese history book at it? What if there was time travel? What if the main batman villains were all feudal lords in Japan? What if everyone were Samari? What if Damian had a small animal companion he could communicate with using a flue? What if Jason’s hood was made out of wicker? What if Penguin had a penguin shaped mecha? 
A wild ride from start to finish that makes no sense but really, do you care? 
58 notes · View notes
Map of the Soul, Drabble #2
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Drabble #2 - A Prom Dress Fit for a Princess
Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 7K+
Warnings: NSFW 18+ cursing, sexual tension, groping, oral sex (m/f receiving), fingering, suggestive language, protected consensual sex, 
“Why can’t we just have a normal theme for Prom?” you scoffed while looking at the garish poster in the hallway. “This theme is totally isolating people who are planning on going to Prom without dates.”
“Costumes aren’t just for couples, sweetheart,” a warm voice mutters behind you. “Must you make everything into an argument?”
You grinned at the playful tone in his voice, but you couldn’t shake the need to validate your argument. You refused to turn around because you knew that the moment you saw that heart-shaped smile, you’d lose any and all conviction in furthering your point.
“I’m just saying that not everyone is going to fit into this theme,” you continued. “What if someone wanted to go alone or in a group? What do those people do for costumes? The only depictions on this poster are couples. That’s very discouraging.”
“What is so discouraging about Romeo & Juliet?” the voice countered. “That’s classic literature and totally your thing.”
“A poor example, at best,” you snorted. “Unless you’re trying to go for a lame teenage romance gone completely wrong. They would not be my first choice in literary couples.”
“Oh yeah?” the voice challenged. “Name one better than Romeo & Juliet. I dare you.”
“The Little Prince and his Rose,” you argued. “Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy! Shrek and Fiona!”
Suddenly, you were whirled around and into the arms of a very handsome and very annoyed boy who was clearly not happy with your examples.
“There is no way I’m painting myself green,” the handsome boy growled. “There are limits to my love, sweetheart.”
“What are you talking about?” you snickered at him. “You were going to be Fiona. I was going to be Shrek. Haven’t you heard of genderbent costumes, Hobi?”
Jung Hoseok rolled his eyes at you as you burst into a fit of giggles imagining him in a green ensemble complete with red wig and golden tiara. Your giggles ceased abruptly as he tugged you into a nook in the hallway and pressed his lips onto yours. It was a simple kiss, but it was enough to shut you up. Before either of you got any ideas about flaunting your PDA in the middle of the high school, Hoseok pulled away and shook his head in mock exasperation.  You’d been dating for nearly a year and you still knew exactly what to do and say to get him riled up and pouting.  
“You’re always teasing me, sweetheart,” Hoseok whined cutely. “One of these days, I’m going to have to punish you for being so mean to me.”
“I’m sorry, Hobi,” you cooed. “It’s just so much fun to see your feathers all ruffled.”
“No feathers and no sequins,” Hoseok commanded. “Like I said before, I have limits.”
“Fine, then we won’t be Shrek and Fiona,” you relented. “I’m sure we can figure out an amazing costume for Prom. But seriously, honey, the Prom committee should try to make some posters that are more inclusive. Maybe like group or solo costumes?”
“Ok, ok,” Hoseok exclaimed. “I will talk to our marketing person and see if they can make some extra posters. I can’t have the Prom Committee Chair’s girlfriend starting a ruckus over inclusivity.”
“Thank you, my love,” you replied while planting a kiss on his flushed cheek. “Now, let’s get to class. We’re starting a new project in Theatre today.”
Hand in hand, the two of you rushed off to your next class with thoughts of Prom floating around your head. -------------------------------
“This is going to be an amazing project, baby!” Hoseok cheered. “Aren’t you excited?”
“Well, yeah,” you sighed. “But there are just so many options, it’s difficult to choose just one.” 
Your Theatre teacher’s words echoed in your mind and you scrolled through the search results on your phone.
Your next project is to create a Fairy Tale Performance. Choose a fairytale, create your own costumes, props, and design a set. You will be performing for the elementary students in about three weeks and you will be graded on your theatrical choices and how the audience reacts to your performance.
“What about Hansel and Gretel?” you suggested. “I think you’d look cute in lederhosen and I can totally pull off wooden clogs and braids.”
“Ewww, pass,” Hoseok winced. “That would require a lot of set design and we’d have to find a witch. I want something that is just for the two of us.”
“Ok, then what about Rapunzel?” you offered. “It might be fun to make a massive braided wig and drape it all over the stage.”
“What is it with you and braids?” Hoseok chuckled. “No, I think we can do better.”
“Well, then you pick something, Hobi,” you huffed. “I’ve already suggested over a dozen different fairy tales. What exactly are you looking for?”
“Something unique,” he smiled. “Something just for us.”
Hand in hand, you were both deep in thought as you arrived at the community theatre to visit Hoseok’s mother. She was the head seamstress in the costume department, and Hoseok started interning as her assistant the summer before his senior year. Throughout his tenure at the theatre, Hoseok gained invaluable knowledge and skills about sewing, costuming, and all things theatre.
“Hello, Mama,” Hoseok chirped as he popped his head into the costume shop. “What are you working on today?”
Hoseok’s mother smiled softly while running layers of fabric through her sewing machine. Yards and yards of colorful silks and satin were draped across her mannequins and you marveled at the scene before you.
“Hello, my son,” Mrs. Jung replied after lifting her needle and cutting away the excess from the garment she was working on. “I’m prepping costumes for the next musical production that is set to start in about a month. It’s going to be a large cast, so I need to have some starter costumes ready for fittings. What about you two? To what do I owe this honor?
“We have a project for our Theatre class,” Hoseok explained. “I was hoping I could convince my wonderful mother to help me make some costumes.”
Mrs. Jung chuckled slightly and walked over to an empty mannequin to drape the newly sewn garment. She began pinning more pieces to the costume and she motioned in your direction to get more pins, which you quickly brought to her.
“Thank you, dear,” she said while pinching your cheek playfully. “It’s so lovely having someone around who helps me instead of demanding more work in my already busy schedule.”
“Mama,” Hoseok whined cutely. “You know I would do this on my own if I could-”
“Well, that’s wonderful,” Mrs. Jung cheered. “I’m so glad that you’ve finally realized your potential, son. Use whatever you need in the shop, but please try to stay out of my way. Mama has a big production coming up and these costumes are excessively complicated to create. I’m so proud of you, Hoseokie.”
With a pat on his chin, Mrs. Jung was able to help Hoseok close his dropped jaw and she tossed a wink your way as she walked into her supply closet. Hoseok dropped his head in defeat and pouted as he walked toward you.
“I guess we’re on our own, baby,” Hoseok grumbled. “I thought for sure she’d help me out with some ideas.”
“Hobi, didn’t you hear her?” you admonished softly. “She knows you can do this on your own, and besides, she’s hella busy right now. I think we can do this, yeah?”
Hoseok sighed and sank into a seat at the spare drafting table in the costume shop. All throughout the summer, this station was his little creative corner. The two of you had even written your names on the wall by his station, complete with hearts and flowers. You glanced at the empty table and decided to help your grumpy honey along with his creative process. 
You grabbed a sketch pad and several pencils from a nearby shelf and placed them on the table in front of him. When he refused to budge, you took up a pencil and started sketching out stick figures with your amateur drawing skills. Under each figure, you wrote the words “Prince” and “Princess” and looked up at him with your imploring eyes.
“Ok, Hobi, here’s the deal,” you began. “I will be your assistant seamstress if you can design us some costumes fit for royalty. If we’re going to put so much effort into this project, we might as well get more use out of these costumes. Let’s make them so nice that we can wear them to Prom. This will be our couple’s costume!”
“I thought you were against the couple's costumes,” Hoseok challenged. “Weren’t you just giving me grief about this at school, my love?”
“I was challenging the committee’s lack of inclusion, not the couple’s costumes,” you corrected. “Besides, we’re a couple. We should go as a matching pair. Just us.”
Hoseok sighed and pulled you into his arms with a whiny groan. You could actually feel him smiling into the crook of your neck, so you allowed him a little time to get all the exaggerated dismay out of his system. After planting a kiss on your forehead, Hoseok finally relented and grabbed the pencil out of your hand.
“Ok, fine,” he grumbled playfully. “I’ll design us some fairytale/Prom outfits, but I need something to go off of. Break out those books you got from the library and let’s pick our royal pair.”
Mrs. Jung wandered out as you were perusing the books next to the workstation and when she looked over Hoseok’s shoulder to see him sketching out foundational design concepts, she hummed thoughtfully.
Hoseok stopped drawing and tapped his pencil on the table, signaling his slight annoyance at his mother’s hovering.
“Yes, Mama?” Hoseok asked sweetly. “Did you want to say something?”
“Oh, no, sweetheart,” Mrs. Jung assured him. “I was just looking at your sketches. What is your project exactly?”
“We have to perform a fairytale for the elementary students,” you explained. “But we also want to use the costumes for Prom, so I’m trying to find a prince and princess pair for us in one of these books.”
“I see,” Mrs. Jung responded. “Did you find a Korean fairytale then?”
“Not yet,” you replied. “I’m still looking.”
“Really?” Mrs. Jung replied with a tilt of her head. “Then why is Hoseokie drawing a hanbok?”
You stepped over to look at Hoseok’s drawing, and sure enough, there was a figure wearing a stylish hanbok on the page. Hoseok tilted his head in confusion at his drawing and shrugged with a giggle.
“Just drawing what I know, I guess,” Hoseok grinned. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Hobi,” you smiled. “That actually looks beautiful. Do you want me to find a Korean fairytale then?”
“Oh, you won’t find many Korean fairytales about princes or princesses, my dear,” Mrs. Jung explained. “Our culture doesn’t have a Cinderella or a Snow White. It’s a shame, really. You would look radiant in a hwarot, sweetheart, and my Hoseokie would look so dashing in a classic hanbok.”
“Well, maybe they don’t have to be a part of the story,” you suggested. “Maybe Hoseok and I can just dress up as Korean royalty and recite a Korean fairytale like that?”
“Hey, that’s a great idea,” Hoseok beamed. “I could make our costumes look amazing and we can just act like royal storytellers.”
“And then we can wear the costumes to Prom!” you gushed. “Oh, Hobi, it’s perfect.”
“Thank you, Mama,” Hoseok called out as Mrs. Jung made her way back to the sewing machine.
“For what?” Mrs. Jung smirked. “I didn’t do anything.” ------------------
After a few days of sketching, Hoseok finally had two amazing designs prepared for your costumes. His traditional hanbok had a few modern embellishments and he was planning all sorts of accessories to accent the outfit completely. Additionally, Hoseok scoured Korean history books for images and designs for a proper hwarot that only a Korean princess could wear. Side by side, the outfits were going to look phenomenal, and you were so excited to start making them.
Hoseok already had his own measurements, and you were eager for him to take your measurements so he could start pulling fabric for your gown. Mrs. Jung set aside several bolts of colorful fabric that Hoseok noticed were reflecting the colors of the Korean flag. Bold royal blue silk and vibrant red brocade joined piles of black satin, gold ribbons, and delicate strands of beads surrounding Hoseok’s workstation.
You arrived at the theatre after your marching band rehearsal, and you hoped that Hoseok didn’t mind that you were dressed in shorts and a baggy T-shirt. Once you entered the costume shop, your worries were allayed when Hoseok handed you a simple muslin tunic to put on.
“You’re going to have to wear this under the hwarot,” Hoseok explained. “I’ll be able to get better measurements this way. Don’t worry if it’s loose. The other garments will layer over it.”
You slipped away to the dressing room to change and when you returned, Hoseok was nowhere to be found. You wandered around backstage and eventually came across the empty stage with the ghost light shining brightly across the theatre. Light classical music could be heard from the backstage area, and you couldn’t help swaying and spinning in time with the music.
As you made your way across the stage, you imagined you were performing for a packed audience and your movements increased dramatically. You fictionalized a ballet where you were seeking out your lost love, and you focused on the ghost light stand as your absent prince. You ended your impromptu performance by embracing the ghost light and were startled by sudden applause emanating from the wings.
“Bravo, princess,” Hoseok called out. “Magnificent!”
You swiped at your burning cheeks and pranced into the wings to bury your face into his shoulder. As embarrassed as you were, Hoseok knew better than to tease you for too long. You pulled back and pouted at his brilliant smile, which prompted him to assault your face with a dozen kisses. You giggled at first, but the lighthearted feeling in your chest shifted into something steamier as Hoseok nipped at the sensitive spot on your neck. You pulled him back behind the curtain and proceeded to devour his lips hungrily.
You half expected Hoseok to put a stop to your lustful advances, but there was something different about Hoseok now. His hands were not resting tentatively on your hips, but were grasping at your skin and sliding back against your ass. His hips refused to keep their distance, instead choosing to grind against your stomach, revealing a hearty erection. His voice lacked any of the whiny nature you usually heard, but instead housed a deep growl which sent shivers down your spine.
“Hobi,” you whispered. “What’s gotten into you?”
“It’s this slip you have on, princess,” Hoseok explained while nibbling on your ear. “It’s practically sheer under those lights. You have no idea how incredible you looked dancing around like that.”
“Oh yeah?” you gasped as he reached up to fondle your breast. “Did you like what you saw?”
“You have no idea,” Hoseok groaned. “It was so hot. I just want to keep touching you. Maybe unwrap you like a birthday present?”
You moaned lightly at his suggestion and reached between you to grip the stiffness pressing against your stomach. Hoseok’s hips shot forward and he stilled completely in your arms.
Before he could refuse, you reached in and took a hold of his hardened length and began stroking it slowly. Hoseok braced his arms against the wall and huffed out a groan at your ministrations. Sensing that this needed to be something quick, you dropped to your knees and wrapped your lips around the strained head of his penis. Hoseok’s moan was muffled as he buried his face into arm, and he restrained his hips from thrusting forward as you brought him to his climax effortlessly.
Hoseok still marveled at your insistence of swallowing while going down on him, but he respected your decision. Who was he to argue if your main concern was cleaning up an unnecessary mess? Hoseok helped you back to your feet and sought out your lips, not even caring that he could taste his own cum in your mouth. As hot and heavy as things were getting, one of you needed to get a grip on the situation before you got busted.
“Shit,” Hoseok breathed out while leaning his forehead against your own. “We can’t do this, princess.”
“I know, Hobi,” you sighed out airily. “You’re right. We shouldn’t be fooling around in the theatre. Your mom would kill us.”
“I mean, yeah, you’re right, she would,” Hoseok chuckled. “But I meant that I’m still not ready to go any further.”
“Hobi,” you replied with worry. “I wasn’t trying to pressure you into anything, my love. I told you I would wait and I meant it.”
“I know,” Hoseok grumbled. “But a few more minutes of this and I won’t be able to control myself, so we need to stop.”
"Oh, yeah?" you smirked. "What happened to all that self control of yours? Did you lose it somewhere?"
"Yeah," Hoseok sighed while gripping your hips. "It went out the window when I saw you in this slip, princess."
You pressed one last kiss to Hoseok’s lips and you straightened out your clothing before heading back to the costume shop. You both stopped at the bathroom to freshen up and then strolled back to the costume shop hand in hand.
The rest of the afternoon was ripe with sexual tension, and every time Hoseok’s fingers danced across your skin as he took your measurements, you fought the urge to shiver or whine or make any kind of sound that would sound sensual in any way. Hoseok was also struggling while on his knees in front you, inhaling the faint smell of your arousal through the thin muslin.
After that sexually charged work session, you and Hoseok agreed to go out for dinner, but first, you both ended up in the backseat of your car with your legs over his shoulders and his tongue buried in your dripping cunt. Several orgasms later, you were both satiated and decided to end the night with a quick bite to eat at your favorite drive-in restaurant. While you were stealing some of his curly fries, you noticed a pensive look on Hoseok’s face.
“What’s the matter, Hobi?” you asked. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah,” Hoseok stated unconvincingly. “It’s fine.”
“Hobi,” you sighed. “What is it? You can tell me.”
Hoseok's shoulders sagged as he put his half-eaten burger on the dashboard and turned toward you in his seat. You followed his lead and did the same, apprehension clouding your mind as you took in the furrowed brows on your boyfriend’s face.
“Are you happy with me, princess?” Hoseok murmured quietly. “Are you sure that I’m enough for you?”
“What are you talking about, Hobi?” you blurted out. “Of course, I’m happy with you! I love you so much, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“I know you love me,” Hoseok pouted. “And I love you too, but sometimes, I feel like maybe you wish I could give you more. I know we’ve already talked about this a lot, but it still bothers me when I pull away from you like I did earlier.”
“Baby,” you cooed. “Have I ever given you any indication that I’m not totally satisfied in our relationship?”
“No,” Hoseok admitted. “But I know you’re used to more than what I’m giving you. I know you and Taehyung were very active, and I feel like I could never measure up to him. I mean, you guys call each other soulmates. How am I not supposed to wonder whether he could give you more than I can?”
You leaned forward and cupped Hoseok’s face with your hands. The distress on his face was unbearable and you resisted the urge to plant a million kisses on his face so that you could assuage his grief.
“Soulmate or not, Taehyung is not you,” you reminded him. “I love you, Jung Hoseok, and it doesn’t matter that you’re a virgin and I’m not. You are all I need, and you have nothing to prove to me or anyone else. Just be you, Hobi. That is more than enough for me.”
Hoseok took a deep breath and nodded as best he could with his face squished between your palms. You smiled at the glimmer of hope in his eyes and you prayed that he believed the truth of your words. You leaned in to press a kiss onto his lips and when you pulled away, his face broke into a vibrant smile. The glassy look in his eyes confirmed that he was on the verge of tears and you hated that he was torturing himself unnecessarily. You grabbed a napkin and tried to dab at the corners of his eyes, but he wrapped his slender fingers around your wrist
“I’m ok, princess,” Hoseok assured you. “I’m just so happy that you feel that way. I know I get a little insecure about our physical relationship, but you never fail to make me feel so loved and wanted. Thank you for that.”
With a kiss to your wrist, Hoseok released the tension he’d been holding in his shoulders in a long exhale. He took the napkin from your hand and dabbed at his misty eyes comically to drain his lashes of the tears he’d been holding back. You couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt at comedy in the midst of your serious discussion, but that was your Hoseok.
Such an amazing person. How did I get so lucky? ------------------
“Can you hand me that black ribbon, princess?” Hoseok called out from behind the mannequin. “The velvet one, not the satin one.”
You grabbed the three black ribbons that looked like velvet and offered them to Hoseok, who was kneeling and pinning ribbons to the back of his hanbok. He looked up at you and grinned at the options you displayed in your hands. After grabbing one of the spools, he shook his head and started pinning more ribbon to the flowing fabric.
“Do we need to review fabrics again, princess?” Hoseok joked. “Didn’t we cover this over the summer?”
“Hobi,” you groaned. “A lot of these ribbons look the same. How am I supposed to keep them all straight? That’s your job.”
He simply chuckled and snipped the ribbon on the spool before pinning the last bit of ribbon on the edge of the hanbok’s hem. As he stood, he examined the other bits of fabric and ribbon pinned to his creation and hummed in satisfaction. He emerged from behind the mannequin and set down his sewing supplies on the workstation. After pulling you into a back hug, he leaned his head on your shoulder and sighed happily.
“So, what do you think, princess?” he questioned playfully. “Do you like it? Is this what you imagined your prince wearing?”
You dragged your gaze across the bold colors, the clever embellishments, and the hint of modern flair that Hoseok managed to imbue into his creation and you were astonished. You knew he was skilled, but this latest creation was beyond anything you’d expected. His hanbok was worthy of being displayed in a museum; such intricacy, such craftsmanship, such finery.
“It’s perfect, Hobi,” you exhaled. “You truly are a master at this.”
“I’d say so,” piped up a voice from the corner of the room.
You and Hoseok turned to look over at Mrs. Jung who was hanging up another one of her prepped costumes on a hanger. It was magnificent and you were dazzled by the brilliant green and yellow accents she’d applied to the blue skirting. She brushed away a few wrinkles and stepped forward to look at her son’s garment.
“The line work is very good, Hoseokie,” she complimented. “I like how you took the original design and made it your own. A lot of heart went into this, I can tell. Well done, my son.”
“Thank you,” Hoseok beamed. “I can’t take all the credit though. I had an amazing teacher.”
Mother and son smiled brilliantly at each other before stepping forward for a tight hug. Mrs. Jung pulled a handkerchief from her apron and gently dabbed at her eyes. Hoseok cleared his throat awkwardly and sniffled slightly before lifting his mother’s free hand into his own. Their eyes met and glowed with affection and unbridled respect.
“Eomma,” Hoseok addressed his mother kindly. “Thank you for teaching me everything. I only hope that I can reproduce a fraction of your passion and talent. You inspire me to do great things, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all of the time we spend in this shop together.”
“Jung Hoseok,” his mother smiled. “It is not your talent which brings me pride. It is the dedication to your work which makes me happy. You’re an artist, son. I only sought to nurture the skills you already possessed naturally.”
Hoseok kissed her hand and she ruffled his hair before going back across the room and into the storage closet. You grabbed another tissue and dabbed at the tears which manifested while watching the tender moment between mother and son. Hoseok smiled softly at your emotional reaction and pulled you into his arms to soothe your tears.
“There, there, princess,” he said sweetly. “You don’t have to cry on my account.”
“I’m not,” you pouted. “That was just incredibly moving. You and your mom are #LifeGoals. I don’t have that kind of relationship with my mom.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok agreed. “But you do get all mushy and sweet with your dad. I’ve seen it firsthand.”
“I guess you’re right,” you relented. “I don’t know how you’re going to be able to finish my outfit. This one took you quite some time to complete and it isn’t even sewn together yet. Are you sure we didn’t take on too much, Hobi?”
“Not to worry, princess,” Hobi grinned. “Your hwarot was done yesterday.”
Hoseok stepped around you and pulled a sheet off of the mannequin behind you. You gasped at the glory he revealed and reached out a trembling hand to run your fingers across the royal blue satin of the bodice.
“Oh, Hobi,” you whispered. “It’s breathtaking.”
You explored the various folds of blue fabric, the silver brocade accents, the black ribbons sewn into the bodice creating a fitted curvature that stepped away from traditional and spoke of a modern interpretation of the original design. The hwarot he’d sketched originally was an exact replica of the designs in the history books, but this new iteration was unique and fresh while still maintaining the original structure of the gown.
“How did you come up with this design, Hobi?” you cooed. “It’s amazing.”
“Well, I started out with the original design,” Hoseok explained. “But honestly, I just kept thinking about you in that slip dancing around the stage. I couldn’t get your curves out of my head, so I decided to highlight them a little with those lines on the bodice. You were my inspiration, princess.”
You blushed under his praise and stepped behind the hwarot to look at the intricate lacing on the back of the bodice. The collar of the hwarot remained intact, but there was a large section under the collar that was left open. The bodice started lacing just above where your bra line started and continued down to the hip line before billowing out thanks to the petticoat underneath.
“This is the most incredible costume I’ve ever seen, Hobi,” you gushed. “I can’t get over how gorgeous it is.”
Hoseok reached over and took your hands into his own before kissing the tops of both. You smiled as brought you closer to him, pulling your hands to his chest.
“A gorgeous gown for my gorgeous princess,” Hoseok grinned. “The only thing more beautiful than this gown is you, my love. I can’t wait to see you in it.”
With a final kiss to your forehead, Hoseok stepped back to his hanbok and began pulling it off the mannequin so he could start sewing everything together. You changed into your muslin slip and Mrs. Jung took a few moments to help you into the completed hwarot, much to Hoseok’s pleasure. The compliments and praise showered upon you and Hoseok brought unimaginable joy to Mrs. Jung and she quickly excused herself once again to dab away the tears from her face.
After both outfits were sewn together and a final fitting took place, you and Hoseok gathered your things and gave Mrs. Jung a heartfelt goodbye. Your presentation was less than a week away and Prom was happening immediately after that. It was time to get ready to premiere Hoseok’s greatest creation. --------------------
“You guys were amazing today,” Hyejin gushed. “The kids loved your presentation. My little brother was talking to all of his friends about it.”
“Thanks,” you cheered while carefully arranging your hwarot into its garment bag. “It was so much fun. Hobi is such a ham. He was a hit as the goofy prince.”
“And you were the envy of every girl in our class,” Hyejin sighed. “That dress is absolutely gorgeous. I still can’t believe that he sewed your outfits himself. The man is crazy talented.”
“Tell me about it,” you giggled. “It’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?” came a voice from the hallway. “Are you talking about me, princess?”
Hoseok appeared with his garment bag and another tote full of accessories. As you finished packing up your gown, he collected the various props you’d placed on the desk.
“I was talking about you, my prince,” you cooed. “You were incredible today.”
“Thank you, thank you,” he beamed while bowing with a red plush dragon in his hand. “If I was incredible, then you were superb, princess. The kids loved you and I can confidently say that we aced that presentation.”
“Well, I’ve gotta head to practice,” Hyejin announced while gathering her things. “I’ll see you guys at Prom tomorrow.”
You both said your goodbyes to Hyejin as she skipped out the door and you zipped up your garment bag after folding the last yard of fabric inside and securing the hanger. Hoseok placed the last bauble into his tote and zipped it up as well. He looked over at you and opened his arms comically.
“Come here, princess,” he demanded. “Give your prince a hug.”
You leaned into his embrace and the two of you just held each other for a few moments, allowing the excitement of the afternoon to dwindle into a pleasant buzz. You leaned your head back to look into Hoseok’s face and the two of you smiled as your eyes met.
“I’m so proud of you, Hobi,” you said. “You never cease to amaze me. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
“I’m the lucky one, princess,” Hoseok corrected while tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. “I get to have this incredible, beautiful, sexy girl in my life. You make me feel so loved. I just wish you could understand how much you mean to me.”
You shook your head at his sentiment and kissed his lips. As you pulled away, he continued to look at you like the answers to the universe were in your eyes.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze, you giggled and booped him on the nose before turning to gather your things. You turned to see Hoseok staring at you fondly with hooded lids and a devious smirk.
"What, Hobi?" you pried. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"No reason," Hoseok shrugged. "Just thinking about how beautiful my princess looked in that gown. I can't wait to see you in it tomorrow at Prom."
"Well," you teased while pinching his cheek playfully. "I will make sure that I am very careful when I get dressed tomorrow. I want to look extra special for my prince."
Hoseok waited until you were almost to the door before he reached over to grab his bags.
"You be careful putting it on," he murmured quietly, just out of earshot. "I'll be careful taking it off."
You missed the mischievous smirk on Hoseok's face because as soon as you turned around, it was replaced by a glowing smile.
"Let's go, princess," Hoseok chirped. "I have a lot to do before tomorrow and so do you."
Hoseok placed another lingering kiss on your lips and headed down the hallway next to you.
It's time. ------------------
The lights were flashing and the music was pulsating throughout the ballroom. After posing for your Prom portraits and making the rounds to all your friends, you and Hoseok were seated with a random assortment of refreshments.
"Isn't it wonderful, Hobi?" you gushed. "You and the committee did an amazing job. Everyone looks so good in their outfits!"
"Not as good as you look, princess," Hoseok commented. "Not one person holds a candle to you tonight."
'It's all because of you Hobi," you exclaimed. "You created a masterpiece when you made these outfits."
"Only because you were my Muse," Hoseok purred. "Care to dance, princess? Let's show off my inspiration to everyone."
You nodded enthusiastically and took his hand as he escorted you to the dance floor. The music transitioned into a thumping R&B tune and Hoseok pulled your arms around his neck as he swiveled and gyrated his hips to the sultry beat. You hummed with satisfaction as his thigh pressed in between your legs, mere inches from your center.
You were both sweaty with exertion and when the R&B groove gave way to a slow melodic love song, you both breathed a sigh of relief.
"Whew," you breathed out. “That was fun, but I need a minute to catch my breath.”
“Already, princess?” Hoseok teased. “I thought you’d have more stamina than that.”
You pouted and smacked his arm playfully and his giggles filled your ears deliciously. With the multicolored lights bouncing across the dance floor and the light dusting of imitation fog, you twirled around the dance floor with your handsome prince. He spun you around once again and you couldn’t keep yourself from smiling at his sparkling eyes and buoyant smile. When the song switched to another slow song, you sighed happily and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Once more around the ballroom, princess?” Hoseok asked sweetly. “Or are you done making everyone else jealous with your unparalleled beauty?”
You nodded against his shoulder and he waltzed the two of you into a shadowy corner of the dance floor. You were in the midst of soaking up this romantic moment when Hoseok’s hands began to wander into the silken folds of your gown and your breath hitched when his fingers found your center.
“Hobi,” you squeaked. “What are you doing?”
“You look incredible in that gown, princess,” he breathed out huskily. “I can only imagine how you’d look without it on.”
Your eyes widened significantly and you pulled back to look at Hoseok’s face. Full blown lust was darkening his gaze and the dimples around his lips deepened as he grinned. You’d seen your boyfriend aroused before, but this was something else entirely.
“Hobi,” you exhaled shakily. “What’s gotten into you?”
His smile softened and he leaned in to kiss your lips gently, raising a hand behind your neck to hold you in place as you shared the sweetest collection of kisses he had to offer.
“Princess,” he murmured against your lips. “This past year with you has been one of the happiest of my life. I can’t even remember what my life was like before you were in it.”
“Oh, Hobi,” you shivered. “You make me happy too. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too” Hoseok whispered into your ear. “In fact, I love you so much that I might have built up this impossible image in my mind that you are untouchable and precious. So precious that you will break if I push you too hard.”
“I’m not a delicate little flower, Hobi,” you grumbled. “And you haven’t been pushing me at all. If anything, I feel like I’m the one pushing you sometimes.”
“Absolutely not,” Hoseok snapped. “You’ve been nothing but patient and understanding, and I am so grateful that you allowed me to come to terms with my virginity on my own.”
“Hobi,” you whined. “I don’t care if you’re a virgin. I already told you that. We don’t have to do anything just because I have before. I just want to be with you. That’s all I need.”
“I know,” Hoseok sighed. “And it only makes me love you more.”
Hoseok punctuated his statement with another kiss to your lips, lingering on your bottom lip and nibbling on it hungrily. You were thankful for the lack of lighting in this corner and the excess fog collected around you. You didn’t want to get kicked out of Prom for making out with your boyfriend on the dance floor.
“I know this is going to sound totally cliché,” Hoseok murmured against your lips. “But I really want to make this prom night memorable. I think I’m ready to make love to you, princess. Will you let me show you just how much I love you?”
You shivered with excitement and took a moment to fully appreciate the look on his face, your thighs clenching at the unbidden desire pulsing in his dilated pupils, and you bit your lip with anticipation.
“Yes, Hobi,” you smiled demurely. “I’m ready.”
Before the music could stop playing, you wandered back to your table to gather your things. After a quick stop at the bathroom, you walked back into the parking lot toward Hoseok’s vehicle. Your options were limited since you were both still high school students living at home, so Hoseok made a split second decision and drove toward the coast. --------------------------
“Hand me that other blanket, princess,” Hoseok instructed. “Go ahead and take off your shoes. You can leave them in the front seat.”
As Hoseok laid yet another blanket in the back, you thanked the gods for his SUV and the seats that folded down to a nice level plane. After layering a few fluffy blankets from your last camping trip, there was a nice layer of comfort for you both to lay on. Once you discarded your shoes and accessories, Hoseok was careful to undress and hang his outer layers across the back windows. He helped you do the same and stretched your gown across the front seats so that you were tented in with the vibrant colors of the Korean flag.
Hoseok’s undershirt and boxers were clinging to his body with perspiration, and he couldn’t keep his eyes from roving across your own body covered with that simple muslin slip. With practiced precision, he reached down and ran his fingers from your exposed ankle all the way up to the slit across your thigh.
“I’ve been waiting to touch you in this slip since that day I caught you dancing in the theatre,” Hoseok admitted. “You were so intoxicating in that spotlight, your curves clearly visible under this thin material for my eyes only. I think I fell for you all over again that day.”
You shuffled closer and placed your hand on his cheek, shivering when his palm slid further up your thigh to your hip.
“I fall for you every day, Hobi,” you replied. “I feel so precious and desirable when I’m with you.”
“You should always feel like that,” Hoseok insisted. “Because that’s what you are, princess. Precious and the only thing that I truly desire.”
As soon as those words left Hoseok’s lips, he pulled you closer so he could devour your lips, his hand tangling into your hair while the other pushed your slip up further. In between heated kisses, you both began discarding your remaining articles of clothing until you were both left completely bare, grinding against each other in search of friction.
“Wait, princess,” Hoseok gasped as your hand wrapped around his stiff length. “Let me get the condoms.”
Hoseok reached between the seats and pulled out a 12-pack of condoms from his tote. Your eyes widened at the extra large pack, and you gawked at the open box that was clearly only half full.
“Umm, Hobi,” you queried. “What happened to all the other condoms in that box?”
“Oh,” Hoseok grumbled. “I wanted to get some practice putting one on and it took a few tries to get it right.”
You giggled at his embarrassment and kissed his flushed cheeks. Once the passion reignited, you were both fumbling with the foil square, trying to get it open and onto his swollen dick.
“Hold on, princess,” Hoseok groaned. “I want to make sure you’re ready for me.”
Hoseok shifted further down and latched onto your hardened nipple while dipping his slender fingers into your flooded depths. After stroking your clit and inserting not one, not two, but three fingers into you, Hoseok shuffled his body in between your legs and then paused. His heavy breathing was either a product of his passion or his lingering anxiety. You were about to reassure him that there was no need to rush, but he started rubbing the tip of his penis along your folds and you lost all sense of reason.
“Fuck, Hobi,” you moaned. “That feels so good. Don’t stop.”
“I have no intention of stopping,” Hoseok groaned. “In fact, I think I want more, princess.”
Hoseok shifted his hips forward and slipped into your hot center, earning him an even louder moan from you. You arched your back and encouraged him to thrust even deeper into you, which proved to be his breaking point.
“Shit,” Hoseok growled. “This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. How the fuck did I go so long without doing this with you, princess?”
He pulled back and slammed forward with more force and the high pitched “Hobi” you released made him grin.
“That’s right, princess,” Hoseok encouraged. “Let it all out. Tell the world who’s making you feel this good. Tell them who you belong to.”
Once the initial shock wore off, Hoseok found that his body and yours were a perfect fit. The more he gave, the more you took, the two of you fitting together like puzzle pieces, his hips continuously snapping into you, his hands gripping your ass and shoulder for leverage, your nails digging into his back with delicious licks of pain, your legs wrapped around his waist, your voice begging for more.
He was so enthralled with you, and he completely ignored any indicators that his body was heading toward any type of climax. Usually, he’d blow his load after you’d blown him for a few minutes or after you’d given him a short hand job. But now, he unearthed a mountain of stamina and only your cries of pleasure captured his attention. There was no way you were ending this night until he’d given you several orgasms. His own pleasure was shelved to serve you and nothing else mattered.
Once you were both sated, you cuddled against his sweaty chest trying to catch your breath after so much exertion. Hoseok trailed his fingers up and down your back and continued to kiss every inch he could reach. You never felt so revered or loved before.
“This really was the perfect evening,” you commented. “I wish it could last forever.”
“Forever?” Hoseok inquired. “Is that what my princess wants? Then that’s what I’ll give her.”
You hummed your assent and lifted your head to kiss him again. The hazy look in his eyes was a testament to his love and you thanked the gods for blessing you with such an amazing man in your life. The night was indeed memorable and you were somewhat disappointed when you had to put your clothes back on so he could take you home.
“Come on, princess,” Hoseok coaxed. “Our parents will kill us if we stay out all night. We’re already going to be late as it is.”
“I know,” you grumbled while pulling on your underwear. “I just feel like I won’t get many more of these nights with you. You’re graduating in a few months and then you’re leaving me to go to college.”
“Don’t say it like that, princess.” Hoseok admonished. “You only have one more year left and then you’ll be doing the same. There is a lot of time between now and when I have to leave. We’ll figure something out.”
“You promise?” you pouted.
“I promise,” Hoseok chuckled as he kissed your pouty lips. “Now, let’s get you home.”
You drove off away from the coast with the windows down, trying to air out the smell of sweat and sex from his vehicle. Once you pulled back into town, you raised the windows so you could fix your hair. If anyone saw you walking in with “sex hair,” you’d never hear the end of it. You took another glance at Hoseok, eyeing the flush of color dusting across his face after your sexual escapade, and you smiled.
Such a handsome prince. I hope nothing ever pulls us apart. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle that.
You pulled his hand into your own and looked out at the flashing landscape. Prom night may have been cliché, but no one could convince you that it hadn’t been perfect.
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Author’s Note: Just a little drabble for the biggest ball of sunshine in the world! Thank you to my lovely soulmate @xxxille-girlxxx for helping me beta read this. Enjoy a little slice of hope with me ^-^
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma‘s MASTERLIST
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theatresweetheart · 4 years
Of Stars and Royal Gardens
Summary: When the king of the Eastern Kingdom falls ill suddenly, the wedding that was supposed to unite the Eastern and Northern Kingdoms via the princes suddenly gets moved immediately. 
Warnings: Talk of sickness, arranged marriages, anxious thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, mentioned death due to childbirth. 
Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety, Familial Analogical, Platonic Logince.
Characters: Roman, Virgil, Logan, Emile, Remy, Deceit (not mentioned by name), Patton (mentioned in passing/flashback.)
Word Count: 6647 words.
A/n: I absolutely love writing fantasy and royalty. (Not to mention how putting the two together makes me swoon.) I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile and I wanted to flesh it out as best as I could, and I’m actually pretty happy with the outcome! I’ve been trying not to rush through scenes and actually write them and feel them out. Enjoy! I have moved the taglist to the bottom of the fic, this is how it will be from here on.
One could only handle travelling in a carriage for so long before they started to go mad.
Emerald green hills outside the window rose and fell like unceasing waves. The sky was once again fading into a dark red. Purple, dark blue and black began smearing the edges of the world and doused it in a warm pinkish hue. The skyline was breathtakingly stunning, he would admit that but he was more than ready to get out of this carriage and stretch his legs again.
The prince let his head rest against the cool glass, a gentle sigh escaping him as his eyes lazily traced the ups and downs of the landscape outside.
When rolling hills slowly turned into flatter farmlands, Virgil’s dwindling hope of never getting out of this carriage faded. It changed to something more tentative.
The Kingdom they were visiting was closer now, even as darkness fell over the lands and gave the waking world a clear view of the stars shining brightly above them. Looking like crushed diamonds smattered against a black canvas sky, twinkling without a care in the world and unknowingly giving the prince something far more relaxing to look at.
There were small cottages that dotted the farmland, their lanterns like fireflies. Some people were still out in their rows upon rows of crops, their lantern bobbing and swaying to their gait.
Seemed like being escorted to your future spouse had a few pros. The night sky and stunning scenery was it so far.
It was also a rather large relief when he realized that this tantalizing journey would be over soon. Travelling for three days in a confined space with his father could be painful. However, the idea that they were almost there also brought the fact that his wedding was just a day away now.
It set an uneasy feeling in his chest and his breath came a little more laboured. Not enough to be noticed by an outsider, but just enough to be uncomfortable for the prince himself.
“How are you faring?”‌ His father’s voice cut into his thoughts and Virgil turned to see sharp blue eyes meeting his own.
Virgil had a few options; he could lie and say that he was perfectly fine. Of course, that would not be taken at face value in the least. He had already told his father just how unhappy he was about this marriage, not to mention how unready he felt about the whole ordeal. Nor the fact that he didn’t even know the man he was being wedded to.
He knew his betrothed’s name.
That was literally it.
“It might be love at first sight, Your Highness,” a friend of his had said, the tailor stitching up the last seam on the prince’s outfit, pulling it taut enough that it showed his assets modestly. “And besides, he might not be as awful as you think he is. I’ve heard only good things about the prince of the Eastern Kingdom.”
Virgil had shaken his head, a fond look on his face. “Patton, please, enough with the formalities, we’re alone. You don’t have to call me “You’re Highness” or “My Prince” or whatever, it’s kinda weird. Besides, we’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“That was before I‌ was the royal tailor,” Patton had said, grabbing a pair of scissors to his left before snipping the dark purple thread. Pointedly ignoring Virgil’s unimpressed looks. “But my point still stands. You never know what could come of this. You two could end up happy in your marriage! A happily ever after and all that.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
Virgil didn’t have much hope that he would end up falling for his soon-to-be-husband. He was going to be a king and that was shaking him to the core.
It was odd, being betrothed to a man he had never met. Nor did he know what he looked like. What if he wasn’t even all that attractive? Virgil didn’t like basing his interest on another’s looks, but it was hard not to.
Could he truly live the rest of his life content if he was married to a man he wasn’t physically attracted to?
Patton had always told him that finding someone handsome was part of the attraction. It was one of those whispered talks they had at night, after sneaking out of the castle and going to their secret spot up by the waterfall near the edge of the kingdom. They would sit there under the stars together, talking about their future.
Patton had always dreamed of a fairy tale ending. Meeting a handsome stranger and being swept off of his feet. The cliche of the white knight swooping in on a horse.
Virgil had been the opposite, not caring much for the romance of life. Much more content to live his life on his own, reading or painting. As the crowned prince however, he didn’t have much time for his own little personal activities and was more often than not found in self defense classes, or reading something necessary to understand how to take over and run the kingdom after his father passed the crown on.
Virgil’s father had never been too thrilled with the idea of him sneaking out at night once he figured it out, but the king had also never forbade it nor stopped him when he had been caught one night. Logan had always told him to be safe and to be back before morning.
It wasn’t that Virgil didn’t respect this father, he did! But this was a decision that he wished hadn’t been set in stone. A decision that could have been swayed for at least a few years further into the future.
Though, when the Eastern Kingdom’s king fell ill, there was a messenger sent to their kingdom.
A letter had been delivered that spoke to joining forces by having their sons marry and conjoin the kingdom. Giving his son, Prince Roman, someone to rule beside and keep in check. Pleading with them to rearrange the timing of the marriage and to come to the Eastern Kingdom as soon as humanly possible.
And Virgil, being Logan’s only heir, had had no choice in the matter. He still remembered the chat as though it was yesterday, and he could still the same emotions twitching under his fingertips. Itching at his throat.
“You must understand that uniting the kingdoms was always the plan, Virgil. Though, the marriage was not supposed to happen until you and his son were older.”
“I get that, but this isn’t fair. That I‌ get no choice in what happens to my life!”
“I will not tolerate this childish behaviour, this is for the better of your kingdom and your people.”
“I just want to make my own choices, is that a sin?”
“You will be able to make your own choices after you’re joined in marriage.”
Logan had told him from a very young age that he had been betrothed to the crowned prince of the Eastern Kingdom, but as a child Virgil hadn’t understood the weight of those words.
Now that it was happening, it was the only thing he could focus on.
The horses continued their trot along the stone path, unknowingly carrying the prince to what was soon to be his demise. Ruling a kingdom with a man he didn’t know was stressful enough in theory, but to actually have to put that into action? He was surely going to either lose his mind or his dignity. If he was lucky, perhaps both.
Virgil mumbled something incoherent. It made him feel just the slightest bit better to know that his father hadn’t caught what he’d said. “I could be better,” he said louder, turning his attention to stare achingly out the window again.
Logan let out a terse sigh. “I‌ understand that you are upset with this,” he said after a moment, and Virgil turned his head just enough to show that he was, indeed, actively listening. “But this is for the better of our people. The wedding was not supposed to be this soon, and I apologize that it came so suddenly.”
Virgil shrugged his shoulders. “It is what is is.”
There was a tense silence between the two royals and Logan soon realized he wouldn’t be getting anywhere with Virgil. So, he instead settled on a different topic of importance.
“I did meet Prince Roman once,” he said while rummaging through the bag to his side, before pulling out his book and flipping it open. If he said it nonchalantly, Virgil would be more intent to listen. It was a quirk of his son’s that Logan had picked up on very quickly. He fingered through the pages idly. “He was only seven, merely a child, mind you, but he was kind and respectful. A bit exuberant, but well meaning.”
Virgil snorted. “Why are you telling me this now?‌ I’m about to meet the guy.”
“True,” Logan replied, pushing his glasses up so they sat further up on the bridge of his nose. “Though, there is no harm in knowing. It will be easier to prepare yourself if you’re armed with knowledge.”
“Yeah, yeah, knowledge is power and all that.”
“You mock now, Virgil, but in time you will understand that yes, knowledge truly is power,” the king looked up briefly, meeting the prince’s eyes for half a second before Virgil quickly glanced away again. “Ruling a kingdom is not something you just do. It’s something that will take years of learning. And you will make mistakes, as all kings do. Especially young ones.”
Virgil scrunched his nose, pushing off of the window and crossing his arms. Staring pointedly down at the floor of the carriage. “If you’re trying to be reassuring, it’s not working.”
“I’m not trying to be reassuring,” Logan said, turning his attention back down to the book in his lap, “I’m trying to tell you that things will go wrong in your reign and you mustn’t panic. If you do, do not let your people see it. They will see it as a sign of weakness.”
Virgil’s nails tightened in his sleeves, and he worried his lower lip.
“Though, have peace. You will not be doing this alone.”
“Yeah, because ruling a kingdom that is not mine with a total stranger is better.”
“It is very possible that you two will get along.”
Logan did understand the frustration of being married to someone he didn’t know. That’s how he, himself, had been wedded to Virgil’s late mother, Evangeline, and how they had given Logan an heir.
Virgil’s mother had unfortunately died in childbirth.
The queen had been beloved, but both her and Logan had shared something that the rest of the kingdom needn’t know. They had both been attracted to men and women respectfully. They had done what was necessary, but neither had truly felt attracted to one another.
Evangeline and himself had been close friends, but never anything more.
Virgil rolled his eyes and sunk further down into the leather seats, when he suddenly felt the change between gravel roads to paved stone.
His eyes were drawn outside instantly. His heart both fluttered and sunk. He was granted with the view of huge stone walls rising high above the carriage, guarded with knights and archers. Torches lit up the wooden gate as it was lifted. The carriage rode through it with hardly a qualm, the crest on the side of it recognized. Not to mention the thing had golden crested accents and looked as if it would carry important people.
The city streets were lined with people, all standing in large chattering groups. Pointing, smiling, cheering. It made Virgil pull slightly away from the window. The shops were all still open and lights glittered and shone. Lanterns, lamps, torches.
Virgil nearly jumped when he felt a hand on his knee and he turned his attention back to his father, who was looking at him with a soft gaze. “You will be alright,” he told him, an affirming tone behind his voice, “you are more than capable of doing this.”
That set something in Virgil’s chest. Hard, immovable and a lump formed in his throat. He tried to swallow it down, but it stayed stuck where it was.
Oh god, I‌ hope you’re right.
They didn’t say anything to each other for the rest of the trip up to the castle gates. Which were coated in gold and silver. Two armed knights stood outside the gates, their swords by their sides. There was some muffled talking between the coachman and the guard on the other side of the carriage. Then there was a shouted command and the huge gate doors began to open.
Peering out the window only gave him so much of a glance at the glory that awaited inside. The courtyard was filled with life. Trees and plants and flowerbeds, lanterns hung and lights from inside the castle glittered like starlight. There were ponds filled with crystal clear water and the carriage circled around a stunning white marble fountain.
Virgil was positive that the moment he found out where the royal garden was, that was where he was going to spend a bit of his night. He needed to unwind and spend some time with just himself and the night sky and the stars hanging so far above them.
The carriage finally stopped moving after what had seemed like ages and the coachman was hopping down from his perch. Before anything happened, Logan picked up his crown and settled it comfortably once more, checking himself once, making sure his appearance was more than presentable. He sent a pointed glance toward the prince.
Virgil sighed, but knowing that it was better to make a good first impression, he reached into his crown box and pulled his own out. His thumb ran over the ruby that sat in the stock middle before turning it around in his hands and putting it on.
Logan had stood up, hearing the coachman preparing to open the door and he quickly bent down to fix Virgil’s crown so it sat straight on his brow, before adjusting the clasps that connected his cape to his jacket. It seemed he was satisfied with that and just in time. The coachman opened the door and Logan led out, Virgil was quick to follow, making sure not to step on his father’s cape.
It was a brief thought and he had to bite his lip to keep the smirk from spreading.
“Your majesties,” a man dressed in a crisp suit came down the large flight of perfect stairs, his arms open and a smile on his features. “The Eastern Kingdom greets you with the humblest of welcomes.”
“It’s our pleasure,”‌ his father said to the side of him and Virgil straightened his shoulders, matching Logan’s perfect posture.
It was all for the public eye.
Such was the life of royalty.
Always watched by their people, almost as if they were waiting for their leaders to mess up and find a reason to revolt against them. Though, Virgil knew his father was well liked by much of the kingdom, there was always the worry of something happening, no matter how wonderful the ruler.
“Prince Virgil, your betrothed eagerly awaits you,” the man said, turning to Virgil with that same bright charismatic grin. It almost set something uneasier in his chest, though he let it pass for the moment. “Come, follow me.”
Virgil clenched his hands, attempting to still the nervous shaking and letting his father lead once more. He was quick to keep pace though. Up the marble stairs and leading through the winding hallways. He would have to memorize this new layout as it was almost completely different from their own castle. There were red tapestries on the walls, decorated with gold and silver, shining in the lamp light and the moonlight seeping in through the large windows.
They dipped around a few corners before the two large mahogany doors were being swung open and a brightly lit ballroom was revealed. There were tables, chairs and benches set up to the side. The room was staggeringly big. A huge glittering crystal chandelier hung above their heads and he was admittedly taken by it. Everything about this kingdom just seemed to be breathtakingly gorgeous.
His attention shifted as soon as he heard the same man’s voice from before beginning to introduce his father and himself.
“Your Majesty, Your Highness, I introduce to you King Logan and Prince Virgil of the Northern Kingdom.”
Virgil’s attention shifted toward the head of the room, seeing two thrones sitting dauntingly large compared to their occupants. In the middle throne, he saw a sickly looking man. Pale skin, dulling brown eyes behind glasses sitting perched on his thin nose, but his shoulders back and his head up as far as it could go. The king, Virgil had no doubt about that. He knew he had fallen ill, but to see the king in this state yet trying to hold his head high?‌ Well, he gave the man even more respect.
Then, sitting to the king’s right was the crowned prince. His husband-to-be.
Virgil’s heart jumped right into his throat, upon seeing chocolate brown eyes meeting his own. They were soft, full of warmth. He felt short of breath, watching as the candlelight glinted off the crown perched delicately upon styled brown hair, tucked behind his ears. All worries about being attracted to his betrothed immediately disappeared.
Prince Roman Amir was certainly something to look at. And he made Virgil’s poor heart flutter.
However, he retained a neutral stance as Roman was granted permission from his father to step forward. Virgil heard Logan clear his throat quietly, a pointed nudge without truly touching the prince.
Taking the hint, he stepped forward, heart hammering in his chest with every step he took closer to his betrothed. The closer they got, the more details he could see on him, not to mention just how much taller Roman was than himself. He carried himself with true pride and confidence and Virgil was just faking it.
The two met in the middle of the ballroom, meeting each other’s eyes for the first time up close and Virgil found himself watching Roman’s eyes. The gentle hazels seeming to flicker over his person. A part of him felt self conscious, but the other part of him just was so mesmerized by the golden brown swirls in the prince’s eyes.
Roman dipped into a respectful bow, dropping his gaze. “Prince Roman, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Virgil quickly mimicked the same action, knowing it was required of him. “Prince Virgil, the pleasure’s mine.”
Standing straight up, Virgil tucked his hands behind his back and he felt Logan come up behind him, laying a reassuring hand on his lower back before continuing his way past the two princes. The king on the throne rose to his feet, struggling slightly as he reached for his cane and hefted himself up.
Roman turned on his heel, after sending Virgil a gentle look before returning to his father’s side. “Father,” he chided, hooking a hand under the king’s arm and helping him stand further. “You know what the healer said, stay seated unless absolutely necessary.”
“Yes, yes, I‌ know,” the king smiled, patting Roman’s hand to show that he appreciated the sentiment. His smile grew wider upon seeing Logan closer to him, greeting him with a look that almost said it all. “Logan Sanders.”
“Emile Amir,” Logan greeted back, a smile that one could only spot if they knew what they were looking for appeared. “It has been a long time, my friend.”
“I‌ do believe the last time you were here, Roman couldn’t have been older than seven,” King Emile reached out a hand and Logan took it, the both sharing a grasp that said they were old friends. “How have these years been treating you?”
Logan chuckled. His laugh was rumbling, like a comforting thunderstorm. Virgil could remember falling asleep to that sound, or finding comfort in it when he would get spooked as a child and run to his father for protection. “As they say, it could be going worse.”
Emile laughed at that, though it quickly turned into a round of coughs. Roman’s features dropped slightly, though it was gone within a flash and was replaced with a look that was more concerned than sad.
Virgil stepped closer to the throne and Emile turned to face him, that soft smile returning after recovering from his fit. “And, if my eyes don’t deceive me. Virgil, the last time I‌ saw you, you were just a babe. Now look at you, a dashing young man.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he dipped his head into a respectful nod. He could feel Roman’s eyes on him, but he didn’t acknowledge it. Or, tried not to.
“Now,”‌ Emile said, his smile dropped slightly, turning into something a bit more serious as he eased himself back down into his throne. “I‌ know this situation is not exactly ideal.”‌ The king did not hide his glances toward his son and Virgil in turn, obviously talking about the wedding being moved so much sooner than originally planned. “But I appreciate your cooperation and valiance more than anything, Virgil. It is truly remarkable.”
Virgil offered a tight smile, though it was not unkind.
“We have done everything in our power to make sure that this transition is comfortable and painless,” the king continued. “As you know, tomorrow is the wedding and the coronation to follow the day after. I‌ will do everything to make sure that both days go flawlessly to ease the stress of the both of you.”
“Father, you mustn’t worry yourself so much,” Roman told him, taking Emile’s hand and holding it tightly. “I’m sure Prince Virgil and I‌ will be alright. And so what if some hiccups occur? No matter what, it will be fine. We will be fine.”
Emile smiled at his son, patting his hand in turn. “You will be a good king, Roman. Now, enough of such dreary talk. Come, you two must be exhausted. I‌ will have Remy show you both to your quarters.”
Seemingly at the mention of his name, a man with slick black hair appeared in the grand doorway, dressed in a sleek black jacket and dress pants, hands tucked behind his back.
“Ah, what impeccable timing. Remy, please escort our guests to their quarters.”
“Actually, Emile, if you wouldn’t mind,” Logan stepped in, “I‌ would like to spend a little while catching up with you before I turn in for the night.”
“Oh.” Emile’s entire demeanor seemed to change at that. It brightened somehow, more than before. “Why of course I‌ wouldn’t mind. Let us talk in the library. I‌ know how much you loved it when we were younger.”
“I‌ can assure you that that aspect of me has not changed.” Logan stepped forward, offering his arm as Emile reached for his cane.
Emile accepted Logan’s offered assistance and lifted himself up, leaning most of his weight on his cane. “Roman, you are released for the night. Get some rest, the both of you.” It was obvious Emile was talking to both Roman and Virgil. “It is a big day for you and you will want to be well rested.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Of course, father.”
Logan shared a look with Virgil, both saying something entirely silently but communicating it perfectly. His father wished him the best, since they might not see each other until just before the ceremony.
Virgil excused himself and turned to follow Remy out of the ballroom, the taller man taking swift steps. They walked in silence for a couple minutes, but he could tell Remy was glancing at him from time to time. Virgil instead let his attention linger on the walls and the stained glass windows high above them, trying to memorize the path as best as possible. The sooner he knew these halls, the better. That way he wouldn’t have to rely on someone else for assistance in his own castle.
However, he supposed soon enough that the bedchamber he was in now would no longer be his own. As a married pair, the princes—or perhaps kings would be the proper term? No, until after the coronation, don’t get ahead of yourself—would be sharing a bed.
The thought was staggering and he took in a shaky breath.
Virgil had never had to share a bed with anyone before. At least, no one that was supposed to be his romantic interest. He had shared a bed with his father when he was a child, after having a particularly bad dream maybe. But nothing of this magnitude.
“So,” Remy finally said, turning another corner and leading Virgil down yet another well lit hallway that looked exactly like the others, save this carpet had turned from a royal crimson to a darker red. “You’re the bride-to-be.”
Virgil laughed unexpectedly. He couldn’t help it. Of the first words he had thought Remy would say to him, that was very much not it. “I‌’m sorry, that was unprofessional.”
Remy had a smirk on his face, knowing he had gotten the nervous royal to crack that anxious facade to reveal something more childish and human-like. He was pleased with himself, that much Virgil could tell. “No reason to be apologetic babes, getting a laugh like that makes you seem more human.”
Virgil snorted, bringing his arms up to wrap around himself instead of staying tucked behind his back, it was a more natural position for him and he felt more comfortable this way. At least he felt more protected.
They stopped walking after they reached a large set of dark oak doors. “This here is your bedchamber for the night,” the adviser said, pushing the door open.
Virgil was welcomed with the sight of a lavish four poster bed. The room was decorated, but dimly lit. It was comfortable and felt rather homey. It was something that he had seen in his own castle, yet it felt so different. Virgil felt somewhat homesick looking at it. The tapestries on the walls depicting waterfalls and battlefields, flowerbeds on some and a mix of a crown and a sword.
Remy turned to leave once Virgil stepped inside, but the prince was quick to stop him. “Is it possible to know where the royal garden is, and how to actually get there?”
Remy turned on his heel, looking the prince up and down before tucking his hands into the front pockets of his black jacket. “Head a little further down this hallway and take the first door on your right. It’ll lead you to the outside balcony with a set of stairs that leads into the garden,” he then swiveled back around and moved to leave before pausing again, “but, gurl, you didn’t hear that from me.”
The adviser left with a wink and shut the doors. Virgil let out a half laugh, almost unbelieving of what had happened.
He then turned to face the rest of the room, noticing a large window and a comfortable seat just underneath it. To the other side of the bed, there was a large bookshelf with countless books of all colours.
Virgil un-clipped the cape from his shoulders before folding it and placing it on the chest just in front of the bed. He removed the jacket and vest underneath as well, setting those away in a neat pile and leaving him in just his white button up shirt. He rolled the sleeves up and let out a breath.
Passing the mirror on the boudoir he realized his crown was still there. He’d been wearing it so long he had forgotten it was even there.
Virgil reached up and lifted it off, taking a single glance at it before setting it down onto the dresser. He didn’t need to be so formal if his only company for the rest of the night was himself.
Glancing through the books on the shelf, Virgil came across one about myths and mythical creatures. As a child, his father would read him books like this. However, that shifted soon enough and Logan began to read him non-fiction books, scrolls about how to rule a kingdom, how to be a proper prince. It was a leisure to read something that didn’t focus too much in the real world.
Taking the book off the shelf, he fingered through a few of the opening pages before deeming it worthy enough of a late night read.‌ At least to hold his attention until everyone went to bed so he could take his time to wander through the royal garden without the fear of being caught or seen. Or interrupted.
He grabbed the candle sitting on the dresser before bringing it over to the window seat and settling it down on the ledge. He propped the window open just enough to taste the fresh night air outside, but not enough to let it snuff the candle. He pulled his legs up onto the cushion and leaned his back against the wall, propping the book up on his knees.
Out of this entire situation, this had to be the most peaceful and relaxed he had felt after this whole endeavor had begun.
Even with the wedding looming over his shoulder, Virgil could take these last few chances to be by himself.
A few hours had passed by the time he had nearly finished the book and he heard servants outside his door beginning to snuff out most of the lights, save for leaving one or two. It was a routine he was used to back home, and would normally wait until everyone else retired for the night before sneaking out and grabbing Patton, before they ran off to the waterfall in the dead of the evening.
After waiting an extra ten or so minutes, Virgil closed the book and placed it back onto the shelf where it belonged.
He opened one of the doors and peered out into the hallway. Just as he had suspected, most of the lights had been snuffed and only a few remained flickering. Most of the hallway was illuminated with a warm moonlit glow.
Slipping out into the hallway, he shut the door as silently as he possibly could before making his way down the hallway. The same way Remy had told him earlier that evening.
First door on your right.
When he turned to the right a little ways down, there was another corridor, but at the very end of it were two more large mahogany doors with inscriptions and pictures engraved into it. Virgil made sure to walk on the carpet and not the stone, not wanting his shoes to make any noise against the polished flooring.
His hands roved over the inscriptions, his fingertips finding the small detailed divots. He tugged on the metal handle before the door opened. He slid through the opening he had created and shut it silently behind him.
When Virgil turned, he was welcomed with the sight of a garden beyond compare. He was currently standing on a balcony made of polished white marble, but when he leaned over the railing, he could see emerald green that went on for what seemed like ages. Stone walls with flowering vines crawling up the sides, matching ponds on both sides of the stairs that descended. Statues that spouted water into the fountains surrounded by flowerbeds and bushes with roses. Trees, arches, a gazebo in the centre of the magnificence.
The stars glittering so high above brought it altogether. If this was how dazzling it looked at night, then the daylight it must be even more breathtaking. Or, hell, during twilight.
Virgil was so taken by the view in front of him, he had failed to hear the sounds of the door opening behind him before it was too late.
“You sneak out into the garden at night too?”
The sudden voice from behind the prince made him jolt, snapped out of his trance and flinching away to turn and see Roman standing almost directly to the side of him. He was missing practically everything Virgil was. The crown, the cape, the over decorated jacket.
He looked just like an average boy.
“Uh, yeah,” he admitted after a moment, turning back to lean against the railing after calming his poor heart from the scare, “couldn’t resist really. I‌ needed some fresh air to clear my head about everything.”
Roman chuckled. The sound was warm and comforting and it made Virgil’s heart skip a beat, as cheese-y and sappy as that was. The other prince came to stand beside him, their shoulders nearly touching as they both watched the peaceful garden in its most natural form. The soft rush of water, the chirping of crickets, the gentle sound of the pond water lapping from the gentle breeze overhead.
“I‌ don’t blame you,” Roman told him in a soft voice, side glancing Virgil from his leaned position. “I’ve found a safe place in the garden. The sounds, the sights. Night is when everything is at its most peaceful.”
It had an air of absolute serenity.
Hearing that his fiance felt the same way about such a place was almost like a weight off of his chest. One that he didn’t even know had been there in the first place. Virgil let the ghost of a smile appear on his lips, feeling content in this moment. Even with the chaos that was about to ensue tomorrow, he felt at ease with his partner.
Though, when Roman’s words registered, Virgil realized he had said his safe place, so did that mean he was encroaching on something that almost felt sacred?
“I‌ don’t want to intrude if you want to be alone–”‌ Virgil said, moving to push away from the banister when his hand was grabbed, stopping him immediately in his tracks. Brown eyes flickering up to meet Roman’s.
“Please don’t go.” It was a soft plead and Virgil let out a breath, seeing the vulnerability behind that gaze. Roman was completely genuine in not wanting him to leave. “I really would like your company. Besides, you were here before me. Truly, it is I that is intruding on you.”
Virgil broke out of his thoughts again, his face flushing when he realized Roman hadn’t let go his hand. It was so soft, and warm to the touch. He really didn’t want Roman to let his hand go. But right at this moment, Virgil didn’t have the confidence to interlace their fingers either, so he just stood there.
He smiled a little more sincerely, relaxing the slightest bit. “Nonsense,”‌ he said after another moment of collecting his scattered thoughts, “it’s your garden after all.”
The two stood there for another moment more, just drinking the other in. Memorizing what they could of each other in the moonlight. Virgil could see the way the moonlight shone off Roman’s eyes, making them glitter in the most cliche way. But it was something so…so real.
Maybe Patton was right, maybe there really was such a thing as true love.
“Come on,” Roman broke the silence, “I want to show you something.”
With a gentle tug on his hand, Virgil was following Roman down the marble stairs and onto the stone path of the garden.‌‌
And they hadn’t let each other go.
“You’re not leading me all the way out here to kill me, just so you can get out of the marriage are you?” Virgil teased.
This time Roman’s laugh was louder, more boisterous, more unabashed and unashamed. That beaming smile was turned back on Virgil and he swore his heart nearly stopped. It filled him with warmth and butterflies and everything that Patton had always told him love would make him feel. It was cliche and sappy and disgusting.
And he liked it.
“No, no,” Roman’s laugh tapered off, showing something still amused but serious. “I swear to you it’s nothing like that.”
Roman led him through a few arches covered in vines and greenery and the sweet fragrance of flowers surrounded the both of them.‌ Soon enough, though, Virgil could hear the rushing of water and before he knew it, Roman was pushing some dangling vines and long grass out of the way and they were ducking down into a cavern.
The cave itself was short, Virgil could see a faint light over Roman’s shoulder and the rushing water got louder. They were pressed rather close together as there wasn’t enough space for the both of them to be side by side.
After another minute, Virgil was able to stand up straight and he saw a waterfall, stretching high above them. When he looked all the way up, the moon hung just over the top of it, giving it an angelic glow and he stepped forward on instinct, mouth agape.
“This technically isn’t apart of the royal garden,”‌ Roman told him quietly off to the side, not wanting to ruin the moment, “but I‌ found it when I‌ was a teenager. It’s one of my favourite spots in the entire kingdom, really.”
“I‌ can see why.” Virgil’s hand unconsciously tightened on Roman’s, just wanting to drink in the moment. He could feel emotions budding in the back of his throat. “I‌ have a waterfall like this back home, but it’s nothing compared to this.” 
As much as Virgil loved his and Patton’s secret spot back home, it paled in comparison to what he was looking at now.
Roman finally intertwined their fingers and Virgil looked up to him. “You’re the first person I’ve ever showed this place,” he told him, moving to stand directly in front of him, reaching down and taking Virgil’s other hand in his own.
That information shocked him. He was the first person this wonderland had been shown to? Ever?‌ Virgil was at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say?‌ He was honoured?‌ Touched? “I– I‌ don’t know what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything,” Roman’s voice had dropped significantly and Virgil’s face went scarlet. He could feel the tips of his ears getting warmer and heat creeping up the back of his neck. He could only thank the lord is was too dark for Roman to see just how flustered he was making him.
(However, it was such a cliche line that if Virgil had heard it out of context, he would have laughed and moved on.)
“I‌ know this whole situation is really strange for the both of us, Virgil,” Roman continued, softer. “And I‌ completely understand that. But I honestly think we can do this.”
Virgil’s mouth went dry and he licked his lips to try and went them again. He had just an urge to just surge up and press his mouth against Roman’s. It would be wildly inappropriate (ignoring the fact that they were going to literally be married tomorrow) and Virgil was pretty sure he would combust if he actually did it.
His eyes dropped from Roman’s, and glanced down to their interlaced hands. It was such an intimate moment and they had barely known each other three hours. Had barely interacted more than twice.‌
And yet, it felt real.
He knew what he was about to say was something he truly felt. It was weird and strange and the last thing he had expected, nevertheless speak such a cliche and romantic sentence without cringing.
Virgil looked back up, meeting his betrothed’s once again. Roman looked so hopeful, a delicate light flashing behind those breathtakingly brown eyes. He smiled and squeezed Roman’s hands. “I think so too.”
Maybe there truly was a silly thing known as love at first sight.
Taglist: @isle-of-gold 
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
June 2021 Roundup
It's been a month of highs and lows. Every year my city holds a cabaret festival, and I've seen some truly amazing acts over the years - including Lea Salonga, Kristin Chenoweth, and Indina Menzel. This year's Artistic Director was the great Alan Cumming, and although due to covid he didn't quite get to curate the program he wanted to, the opening night Gala was still a highlight, as was Alan's DJ set at the pop-up Club Cumming afterwards, where there was much singing at the top of my lungs and dancing to pop anthems and theatre tunes. At one point Alan, dressed in a onesie and perched on the shoulders of a man wearing only sparkly short shorts, was carried around the dance floor while Circle of Life blared. Reader, I was delighted.
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I was also able to see his solo show Alan Cumming Is Not Acting His Age, which was hilarious and damn, he can sing!
As for the low, I was meant to fly to Sydney for the weekend to see Hamilton, a trip I have been looking forward to for almost a year, but had to be cancelled because of a covid outbreak and border closures. The tickets have been rescheduled, but I'm still kind of bummed about it (while completely appreciating the need for covid safety, especially when our vaccine rollout has been completely botched by our incompetent, corrupt federal government)
The Hundred and One Dalmations (Dodie Smith) - With all the bewilderment over Disney's Cruella, I decided to revisit the original novel which I first read as a kid. It's funny, I had very vivid memories of this book, or rather thought I did, particularly the scene where Roger and Anita have dinner at Cruella's house that fixed in my young mind as utterly disturbing with all this devil imagery and the implication Cruella was literally some kind of demon, which must have been either a) my overactive imagination or b) an illustration, because it's not as clear as I thought it was. The strangeness is there (food with too much pepper, Cruella's inability to keep warm, the walls painted blood red) but not the explicit demon imagery I had remembered. There is a part later in the book recounting the history of Hell Hall and the rumors of Cruella's ancestor streaking out of the place conjuring blue lightening, but clearly child me was reading far more into the book than was on the page.
But I still wish they'd gone with this version of Cruella's backstory, because to me an aristocratic, ink-drinking, heat-obsessed, possibly-demon spawn, high camp villain is more interesting and rings far more true than plucky punk against the establishment.
Smith clearly had Facts About Dalmations to share, and she does really craft a wonderful animal-based story that the Disney animated film is largely faithful to. Key differences include: Roger's occupation (he doesn't have to pay tax because he wiped out government debt somehow?!?), Pongo's mate and the puppy's mother is called Missis, Perdita is another dalmation who acts as a kind of doggie wet nurse, Roger and Anita both have Nannies who come to live with them (Nanny Butler and Nanny Cook), Cruella is married to a furrier (who changed his last name to de Vil). Also odd, on her first description Cruella is described as having "dark skin" but later in the novel her "white face" is mentioned, so I'm chalking it up to 50's descriptors not having the same meanings they do today.
The Duke and I (Julia Quinn) - After being just whelmed by the tv series, I wasn't really planning on reading the books, but I saw this on the top picks shelf at the library and damn, the top picks shelf is irresistible. This is very much Daphne's book (and I had known each in the series dealt with the different sibling) so many of the characters and much of the plot of the show is absent, as are some of the more baffling elements of the show like the Diamond of the First Water nonsense, which I always thought was a strange character choice in that it stacks the deck for Daphne when her character arc is better served as somewhat of an underdog (in her third season, the kind of girl who is liked but not adored), and the Prince subplot which was always far too OTT even for soapy regency romance.
It's a breezy, fun read (that scene excepted), even if the misunderstandings are contrived and I'm never going to take "I'll never have kids because I hate my dad" as a credible romantic obstacle deserving of so much angst.
Faeries (Brian Froud and Alan Lee) - A lovingly detailed and illustrated compendium of Faerie and its inhabitants, drawing from a range of European (but primarily Celtic) folklore and mythology. Froud was a conceptual designer on The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, and the link is clear in the art as well as the focus on faeries as mysterious but oftimes sinister beings, where human encounters with them rarely end well. Lee has illustrated several publications of Tolkien's novels, and was a lead concept artists for Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, and there is a touch of Middle Earth here as well, or rather the common inspiration of the old world. A useful resource for my novel!
The Handmaid's Tale (season 4, episodes 4-8) SPOILERS - So when I last wrote about this show in the Roundup, I was complaining it wasn't going anywhere. Well, I'm happy to be wrong because they finally changed things up with June finally escaping to Canada. That part of the plot following the survivors and their trauma has always been far more compelling than Gilead, and so it was a welcome development even if I side-eye some of the choices (none of these characters is seeing an actual licensed therapist why?).
This show has always been difficult to watch given the subject matter, and that has not changed after the shift in power dynamics. I will give the show credit for showing a broad range of trauma responses, from Moira wanting to move on and not let it consume her, to June, a ball of rage and revenge on a downward spiral, to Emily, trying to follow Moira's path but being drawn to June's, to Luke, trying his best but utterly unequipped to deal with what is happening.
But it is very hard to watch June go down this path - raping her husband (I concede the show perhaps didn't intend for it to be rape, but that's what is on screen and framing it as just "taking away Luke's agency" doesn't change that), wishing death on Serena's unborn child, and orchestrating Fred's brutal murder by particulation, then holding her own daughter still covered in his blood and it getting smeared on Nicole's face (an unsubtle metaphor in a series full of unsubtle metaphors).
There are interesting questions being asked of the viewer, and the show (perhaps rightly) not giving any answers. I can certainly appreciate the catharsis of Fred getting what he deserves even if I personally find the manner of it horrifying, but where is the line between justice and revenge, is revenge the only option when justice is denied, when does a trauma release become cyclical violence/abuse - the show is, for now, letting the viewer decide.
Soul (dir. Pete Docter and Kemp Powers) - In a world full of remakes/reboots/sequels, Pixar is perhaps the lone segment under the Disney umbrella committed to original content. However, there does seem to be a Pixar formula at work directed to precision tugging the heart strings, and some of the film feels like well-trod ground. On the other hand, it's hard to criticise the risk of centering a kids film around the existential crisis of a middle aged man, even with the requisite cutesy elements (and of course, the uncomfortable pattern of yet another film where the black lead character spends a great deal of the runtime in non-human form - herein, an amorphous blob or a cat). But the animation is stunning, it successfully did tug my heart strings, and the design of the Great Before and the Jerrys is original and fun.
RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under - Drag Race is somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me, since I generally don't watch reality shows, and this is something I really enjoy even if I'm not invested in the fandom (which like many fandoms can be very yikes). This year it was time for the Australian/New Zealand (Aotearoa) queens to show their stuff, although it's been met with mixed reactions. Covid restrictions didn't allow for guest judges, relegating them to mere cameos via video calls, and its clear that Ru and Michelle really don't quite get all the cultural nuances - Aussie judge Rhys Nicholson was however always delightful. But it wouldn't be Australia without a racism scandal, with the great disappointment of the two queens of colour eliminated first, and one queen having done blackface in the recent past yet making it all the way to the top four.
In the end, the only viable and deserving winner was last Kiwi standing Kita Mean, and it was pure joy to see her get crowned. I do hope they fix the bugs and indeed do another season to better showcase AU/NZ talent.
A far more productive month - to try and get out of my writing funk I had a goal to try and write every day, even if it was only 100 words. While I didn't quite achieve a consecutive month, I did get a pretty good average, at least got something posted and two others nearly there.
The Lady of the Lake - 2441 words, Chapter 4 posted.
Against the Dying of the Light - 2745 words
Turn Your Face to the Sun - 1752 words.
Here I Go Again - 1144 words
Total words this month: 8082
Total words this year: 35,551
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Rating the Mystic Messenger Christmas Events
So I recently fell back into mystic messenger and I’m finishing up the last of the Christmas routes today, and I wanted to share my feelings on each of them. Keep in mind this is biased because I do have preferences for certain characters (Jumin) over others :)
Seven: 9/10
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I really like Seven’s route in the Christmas event because even though it’s not the full eleven days of the main story, we still clearly see that Seven’s joking personality is mainly a facade for his depressive side. In the end, he opens up his heart and his feelings to MC, and even if he doesn’t tell her his life story right then and there, the understanding and trust they share is very clear. MC trusts Seven enough to blindfold her and lead her somewhere she doesn’t know. They spend a lovely night together watching the fireworks and he pours out his gratitude for MC. The reason why it doesn’t get full points is because MC doesn’t get to see any other characters or even go to the main event, which saddens me a little. But still, very touching and sweet ending!
Yoosung: 8/10
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Yoosung’s ending was really nice because we got to spend double the time together with him that with the other characters (minus Jaehee)! It’s also very cute to see how shy and flustered he gets when around MC. We get to see this very cute hug, in which Yoosung tells MC to not look back as he’s so embarrassed. He then tells the MC that he wants to be the perfect man for her, and hopes that he’s her type (you are I promise). What makes me sad about this ending is that he tells MC to wait a bit for him, as he wants to make himself perfect for her, which is sweet, but it’s too bad that there’s no romance following immediately after this happens. Nonetheless, very cute and fun!
Zen: 9/10
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Zen’s ending was very romantic! We see Zen get his prince moment as he runs across the red carpet to MC. He then whisks her away to somewhere private where he uses all the effort that he can to control the beast. He talks about how his dream of spending Christmas with someone he cares about is finally coming true. He admits that he’s been asked out on Christmas before, but the only one he has truly had feelings for is MC! MC then tells him that he’ll let him do what he truly wants, which is to kiss her. They share a lovely kiss which doesn’t happen in any of the other endings! They then go to a practice room together and read Zen’s script together! Gave us a lot of romance and a very obvious notion that the two immediately got together!
Jaehee: 7/10
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Jaehee’s ending was very sweet and cute, but it didn’t give us the satisfying romance that the other endings did. In the other endings it is clearly established that both MC and the other character are in love with each other and want to get together wether immediately or in the future, but with Jaehee’s we only see that on one side, MCs. While there are many cute scenes with Jaehee and MC working together on the event, only MC explicitly shows romantic feelings: she has the option to say “I’ll tell you how I feel someday” but we don’t get to see how Jaehee feels. Overall, very sweet but still leaves me wanting more!
Jumin: 9/10
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Jumin’s ending has the same amount of romance as Zen’s ending, in my opinion, which is very much! He shows up by donating a lot of money just to impress MC and holds her hand as they walk across the stage. Jumin talks to the MC about finally feeling warmth with her both literally (hug :) ) and figuratively (love :) ). Jumin also opens up about his feelings regarding what happened with V and how he’s struggling with the change, but MC helped him through it. He also explicitly tells MC that he wants to be in a relationship with her!!! At the end, MC ends up staying the night with him and Jumin goes into the messenger referring to himself and MC as “we”, much to Zen’s displeasure. Amazing romance and very heartwarming!
Unknown: 10/10
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!! I just got this ending Mc and whew!! It was magical! It successfully accomplishes what the other routes could not which was all the members of the RFA where at the event in some way! All showed up physically, minus Seven, who made a fireworks display on the giant screen. MC got to meet all the characters and have fun at the event. Saeran was waiting for her at the apartment and says stuff like “admit it, you like me” and “bad kids like us” which are all super shady but also ;) ya know? He then takes her away to Mint Eye, and tells everyone in the Messenger that he has “the princess” and that they are going to live in “eternal Christmas” which implies elixir and salvation which is scary but it also implies romance so I’m down! Very spooky and very fun! Loved every second of it!
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tenglows · 5 years
Hiii! Could I get crown prince!Yangyang with 29&36? Royalty AU and it's between him and his new maid but she is actually a little bit older than him and has worked in different parts of the palace (kitchen, horse stables, decoration, library...) and in different positions so when she gets assigned to him she knows how to run the place and she starts teaching him life skills for when he claims the throne. He admires her and falls in love, but she's reasonable until she can't resist him anymore...
[ 29: you know i can’t be found with you ] + [ 36: it's just a kiss ] i am completely in love with this, thank you so much for requesting such an incredible and detailed scenario!!! i was also waiting for someone to use prompt 29, so this was just perfect. i hope you love it as much as i did!!! i also made an aesthetic because i felt like it
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the prompts
yangyang sighed as the tailor left in search for more pins. there were still some months until the coronation, but all the preparations had the castle working like a factory.
he stared at himself in the mirror. that mantle made him look like his father, and that scared him. he didn't think he was ready to be king, but there was no turning back now. it never was in the first place.
“prince” a voice distracted him from his thoughts and he turned back to see you, bowing.
since you had been working in the palace for quite some time and knew your way around it, the queen didn't trust anyone more than you, and assigned you to be her son's advisor and maid. you were only two years older than him, so she figured you would be the best option for him to feel comfortable and accompanied.
“tailor shawn excelled himself with this one, hasn't him?”
the long fabric accentuated yangyang’s shoulders, but it was sort of loose. that's why it needed fitting.
“it's good shawn is working hard on perfecting the robe” you spoke, sensing how tired the boy was of being upright on that stand. “shall the clothes be to big on the prince, he's thought not to be qualified for the throne”
“that's stupid” he joked, as he usually did, but you sensed something different. he was playing with his hands and didn't lift his gaze from the floor.
“you're nervous” you stated and he looked at you just for a second, the tailor coming in again. “we'll talk about it later” you saluted him and the man and walked out of the dressing room.
night fell and yangyang had just gotten to his bed chamber. he was exhausted. the fitting process took some more hours and it still wasn't fully finished. then, he had to join his father on some of his tasks. so he could pick up some of his skills and knowledge.
there was a tap on his door, and he yelled an approval for them to come in with the minimum of voice he had left.
“not a good time?”
he didn't answer, but the way he gestured you to close the door told you he didn't want to be alone.
“do you want to talk about today?”
he laid back on the silk sheets and took a deep breath.
“it's too much work”
he didn't say more, but he didn't need to. you imagined what was going through his mind. he was too young to be responsible for all of this. on top of that, he didn't really like to talk about his feelings, so he also dealt with every burden on his own.
“you are going to be an admirable king, yangyang. the town already thinks highly of you”
“what if i let them down?” he looked at you with scared eyes. you sat next to him and in that damp night and big walls, you believed it was the first time yangyang had shared his torments out loud.
“you have your entire lifetime to slip up and learn” he stayed silent, staring up at the ceiling. “and” he looked back at you. “a prince, soon-to-be-king, can also open up about his feelings. goodnight, yangyang”
with that, you closed the door behind you, leaving yangyang in the lonesomeness of his big room.
as he struggled to fall asleep, he thought back to your words. you were right about the part of expressing his emotions. he had no reason to shut down. the thing was, he had never had someone to let loose with before. he would hang out with some of the maid's children when he was a kid, but apart from that, he didn't have any friends. being educated to be king was always what directed his life. and everytime he would get too overwhelmed and ask their parents for help they would brush it off, or tell him they didn't have time right now. or, at any time for that matter. nonetheless, he was raised by one of the best kings the country had ever had. he would come up with something about his fear of his newly obligations.
but after more tossing and turning in bed, he realized you had raised him more than his family ever did. sure, his father was good at teaching him fencing, but you were good at teaching him more human skills. you would explain how to approach people from different status, but never failing to be polite. you told him how to dress appropriately, and what colors were the best combinations. you taught him to make himself some easy dishes if ever needed.
for some reason, the thought of you accelerated the thumping of his heart. the image of your face rested above his eyelids. he pictured the eyes he had grown accustomed to. as his body was getting heavier, he thought of kissing you, a shiver running through his half asleep back as he did. he had never thought of you that way.
the next morning, yangyang’s body froze when he encountered you at the kitchen.
“good morning, did you rest well?” you asked, the same sweet smile as always. you had absolutely no idea about what was going through the boy’s mind: him finding it amusing, how he had lost so many sleep hours wondering off about you and your world just, continued. without a single clue.
“good” he sat on the chair as you placed an abundant plate in front of him.
“i’m glad. here, eat up that i believe you have quite the schedule today”
you have always prepared him breakfast, why did it feel different now? why was his heart excited? was it always like that and he had only recently noticed it?
you turned around to arrange some other things in the kitchen, and yangyang cleared his throat.
“erm, y/n? would you like to sit and have breakfast with me?”
“okay” you smiled and placed the dishcloth on the dishwasher, taking the seat facing his.
“how did you sleep?” you arched an eyebrow at his distinctive behaviour, his face tinting red. he had never shown such clear interest in you.
“i stayed up late catching up on my reading”
yangyang knew how much you liked to read, and how you always seemed to appear with a new book in the span of short days.
“what is this one about?”
“oh it’s romance, obviously” you rolled your eyes and laughed shyly. “you know i’ve always been kind of a romantic”
as he ate, you told him more about the story. he watched in delight how you got so excited explaining the relationship between the characters. you talked some more, until you looked at the time and sent him off to his daily duties.
“hey, do you know how to ride a horse?”
“no, why?”
“i think it’s time that i teach you something”
after a while, you both came back from the shelter bursting out laughing.
“that was fun” you commented, leaving your jacket on the chair.
“i know, the horses loved you”
“i do feed them”
your chuckles died down as you contemplated each other’s eyes. he hadn’t noticed how close you were standing, and suddenly, the thoughts from the previous night came rushing back. the idea of kissing you seemed stronger now, nearer. he leaned in for the sake of it, but was interrupted by his mom’s voice.
“son, y/n” your breath caught in your throat as you immediately bowed down. “you were supposed to find your father by the garden half an hour ago”
“my apologies, mother. y/n was lending me a hand with the horses and i lost track of time”
“well, that’s her job, isn’t it?” the words were harsh but the tone wasn’t. the queen was always respectful and generous to everyone, especially you, but you still caught the idea that she was subtly scolding you.
you nodded and took another bow, the woman leaving and yangyang shooting a quick glance at you before following her.
when yangyang was finally dismissed, he didn’t waste any second before darting towards your bedroom. behind the door, he took a deep breath and knocked.
you were already on your nightwear when he set foot in your room. he had never been there before, taking a moment to inspect the place. it was undoubtedly much smaller than his, a single bed instead of a king sized one, but he still liked it. and it was, without a doubt, yours. with full bookshelves.
“i’m sorry about my mom” you shook your head.
“i had a great time with you today”
he didn’t know where this courage was coming from, but he guessed becoming a king was making him braver in more ways than one. he took a step forward and placed a hand on your cheek, asking for permission. when you let out a breath and leaned into his palm, he allowed himself to stroke your other cheek too.
“i did too. maybe i can be like prince charming from your book” he leaned in again. your noses were almost brushing, when you stood up straight again and kept your composure.
“yangyang, you know nothing can happen between us” you spoke softly, but the tenderness didn’t stop the words from hurting any less.
“a kiss won’t harm anyone. didn’t the main character kiss his forbidden love?”
“but that’s fiction, this is real life”
“and it’s just a kiss” he whispered over your mouth, your eyes looking down to his lips. both of your hearts were beating so loudly it resembled the tone of a thunderstom.
your breaths had blended in a way you didn’t know which one was yours anymore. and he was so close, so close to everything changing that you had to pull away.
“you should leave. good night, yangyang” you practically shoved him out of the door.
you didn’t make him breakfast the next day. or the one after that. another maid did, and yangyang felt his world crumbling. he didn’t even get to see you lately, and he didn’t know how much he relied on your daily smiles until he didn’t have them anymore.
it was at the gatehouse where he found you one thursday. you were cleaning a carriage, and you clearly hadn’t seen him, you would have ran away if you did. he approached you cautiously, and just as he suspected, when you did see him you dropped everything and stood on your feet.
“y/n, stop avoiding me” he yelled, making you stop. he ran to you and struggled to find your gaze. you refused to look at him. “it’s driving me crazy”
“your parents would kill me. you know i can’t be found with you”
“you won’t” he assured, pressing your foreheads together and cupping your face in his hands. he felt as if he had gone back to that night in your bedroom, and he was getting a second chance. “just please, stop running from me” he begged in a barely audible voice.
and in that moment, you decided to do as the protagonist in your book always did. you decided to let go. and with his lips on top of yours, it felt like flying. your feet rejected touching the ground, and you were lucky enough that yangyang didn’t want to come back to earth yet either.
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Rayla doesn’t do slow burn.
Random thoughts on Rayllum, heavy with TDP Season 3 spoilers, following.
Rayllum has been the most likely endgame ship among the main characters for a while, which is ironic considering that it wasn’t even planned from the start of the series.  The writers just realized midway through Season 2 that the chemistry between the two of them worked out really well.  For me, it clicked when Callum was reading the letter from his father, who advised Callum to seek a narrative of love instead of power.  It’s not clear if this line was written before or after the writers decided that Rayllum would be a thing, but it does fit perfectly with the love of a human prince and an elven assassin/Dragonguard helping bring peace to the two sides.
However, while I was expecting them to get together, I was expecting it to happen a lot more slowly than it did.  Usually in these kinds of shows, they’ll string along the will-they-or-won’t-they dance for as long as possible to build tension, and only resolve it in a season or series finale.  We were all expecting a slow burn situation.  But in a brilliant bit of character-driven storytelling, just as the existence of the relationship was driven by the chemistry between them, the pace of the relationship was also decided by the characters.
Because Rayla is just not a slow-burn kind of person.
Callum could do a slow burn, easily.  At the start of the show, it’s implied that he’s been pining over Claudia for some time.  Years, maybe.  He just doesn’t have the confidence or any idea on how to progress that relationship.  In an alternate universe where the Moonshadow elves never attack, he and Claudia could spend years dancing around each other before finally ending up together.  He’d probably also end up apprenticing to Viren to become a dark mage in that alternate universe, so it’s just as well that didn’t happen.
But Rayla isn’t the kind of person to do a slow burn relationship.  Rayla makes sudden, life-changing, emotionally driven decisions.  Deciding to not kill Marcus after he discovered the assassin team, or deciding to take the Egg to Xadia along with the human princes, or to go and save the downed red dragon from Soren and Claudia.  And when she makes these decisions, she acts on them, immediately and decisively.  So once she realized that she’s in love with Callum, she’s not going to sit around pining for him or wondering if he feels the same.  She’s going to immediately start courting him, Moonshadow elf style.
Admittedly, we have no idea what Moonshadow elf courtship looks like.  But we do know that they keep their feelings secret, they’re not supposed to admit to fear or apparently anything else openly.  So Rayla’s not going to be ready to openly declare her love just yet.  But a lot of her behavior in the first few episodes of Season 3 makes more sense when interpreted as attempted courtship.
Episode 1:  Sol Regem.  When all else fails, Rayla makes a heartfelt speech praising Callum’s virtues to try and convince Sol Regem to let hum accompany her and Zym into Xadia.  It’s totally wasted on Sol Regem, but really we know this speech was meant for Callum.  It’s Rayla’s way of letting Callum know how much she likes him, without actually admitting anything.  
I suspect that praising someone you like to a third party, where they can overhear, is a common courtship method among Moonshadow elves, as it lets them know you like them without you having to admit any feelings of your own.  “I don’t admit to personally having feelings for them, I’m just stating how amazing they are as a fact” is a distinctly Moonshadow-ish behavior, and something that both Rayla and Callum have done for each other.
Also, she keeps his scarf, although unfortunately not past the end of the episode.  This comes after they’ve established how strongly it smells of him, because apparently Rayla likes the way he smells.
Episode 2: The Crown.  Moonshadow elves are all about concealment and secrecy, so showing somebody a secret place where you played alone as a child is an incredibly intimate and personal step.  Rayla might as well have stripped naked in front of him for all that she’s laying her life bare.  Fortunately, Callum has responded positively to her courtship so far, although at this point he doesn’t realize that this is what she’s doing.  As incredibly empathic and perceptive as Callum is, he’s fairly clueless at figuring out matters of romance, and has no idea that Rayla likes him that way yet.
Episode 3: Ghost.  Courtship is going well, so Rayla takes the next step of introducing Callum to her one remaining parental figure and showing him where she grew up.  Unfortunately, things don’t go well, as she’s been magically banished and is reminded of how she’s disappointed everyone and was more or less responsible for all of the other members of the team being killed or sealed in coins.  Callum tries to comfort her, and we might even have proceeded to the scene we do eventually get in the next episode, but Ethari interrupts them and gives them the means to start seriously traveling onwards again.
Episode 4: The Midnight Desert.  Enter Nyx.  Nyx is a conman (Con-woman?  Con-elf?) who is skilled at reading people.  She figures out pretty quickly what’s going on with these two, which is why she makes that teasing comment about whether they need one blanked or two.  She’s also smart enough to realize that Callum and Rayla will, given the chance, provide enough distraction to each other for her to slip away with Zym.
It’s in this episode that we get the continuation of the emotional moment interrupted by Ethari.  Rayla is wallowing in self-loathing, but Callum comes along and starts praising her virtues.  At last, Rayla thinks, the big dumb human has caught on and is reciprocating my courtship.  So she kisses him. 
Unfortunately, Callum wasn’t actually trying to court her, at least not consciously, so things get all awkward and stuff.  Poor Rayla is very confused, as what seemed to be fairly clear signals weren’t what she thought they were.  It turns out that Callum does actually like her like that, he just didn’t even realize that it was an option so far, and they probably would have resolved things with a little more talking, but Zym’s been abducted and they have to put the courtship on hold to deal with that.
Ironically, if Callum hadn’t backed down and had been kissing her back right away, Nyx would probably have gotten away freely.  Emotional awkwardness saves the day.
Episode 5: Heroes and Masterminds.  Zym has been rescued, Nyx has been defeated and then also rescued, and Callum get the opportunity to praise Rayla to someone else in front of here.  You can see the surprise and hope on her face as she’s trying to figure out the meaning of this gesture, not wanting to mis-interpret his intentions again.  You can also see that Nyx figures out pretty quickly that this speech isn’t for her benefit, as she turns and walks away halfway through it.  Rayla still isn’t sure what Callum’s intentions are, but he makes them more clear when he kisses her.
He then gets flustered and tries to back down again, but Rayla knows what the deal is.  If she wants the relationship to proceed, she has to take the initiative.  Fortunately, she’s more than capable of doing so, and Callum is willing to let her.
So where do things go now?  At the moment, we don’t know if there even will be a Season 4.  Netflix likes to cancel shows after 2 or 3 seasons, and the internal drama among the creative team at Wonderstorm still might tear the company apart.  Personally, I’d be satisfied with the story as it is if it ended here, since the third season wrapped up the initial plot very nicely, but I’ll also happily watch season 4 and any more that they make.
It’s rumored that there will be a timeskip before the next season, and if so then presumably the relationship between Rayla and Callum will only develop further during that time.  Although she won’t be able to actually show him around the Silvergrove until the banishment is lifted, and it will probably be a while before they can free her parents from the coins they’re probably trapped within.  I think that I speak for many in the fandom in hoping that the writers don’t split Callum and Rayla up for cheap drama, since they’ve been pretty good about not doing that kind of thing so far, and since Rayllum wasn’t even planned for part of the story initially it’s probably not going to be a major driver of the plot.  Which is actually kind of a relief, if they can just be a stable couple together while the rest of the plot is going on around them.  There’s enough drama happening in the world of TDP as a whole, they can just be the rock that keep each other stable and safe.
It’s also been really amusing seeing the fanfiction sites react to season 3.  So many slow burn stories that are now just completely AU compared to how quickly things went in the canon story.
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naussensei · 4 years
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King of Conquerors: The Rise of a King
Summary:  Join Waver in his journey to Alexanders’s past before becoming Alexander the Great, meeting the Ionian Hetairoi, facing wars for power and a new enemy that will lead us closer to the Root. 
Note that his is an interactive fic; you choose the ending. Choices start in Chapter 19.
Tags: Time travel, Ancient Greece AU, Historical Fantasy, Adventure Romance, Politics and War, Ionioi Hetairoi, Childhood Friends, Slow burn, Bromance, Bromance to Romance, Some references to ancient gods and lore.
Fandoms: Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night, Fate/Grand Order, Lord El-Melloi Case Files. (Although can be read without much previous knowledge of fate universes)
Characters: Waver Velvet/Lord El-Melloi II, Alexander/Iskander, Hephaestion (OC), Hephaestion (faker), Merlin. Other original characters based on historical characters.
Words: 63.535
Schedule: Weekly update
Link to entire work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17737967?view_full_work=true
Keep reading for chapter update below
Chapter 19 : In the Front Line 
There are two routes from here, each one with also different endings to choose from. This is the first choice you can make. Please comment with your preferred option. The option with more votes will be posted first, however, both will be posted.
The desert was calm and silent under the light of the stars. A warm wind blowing against the endless dunes; the sand burying the remains of the corpses left by the crows.
But the heat of the desert did not reach the comfort of Waver’s tent, where he rested after a long battle. He was lying on the carpet that served as his bed. After a long yawn and a stretch, he sat on the carpet, his eyes catching his own reflection on a silver tray by his bed. He barely recognized the man in front of him. He had gotten so used to having his hair tied, he had not noticed it had grown past his shoulders. His skin had also gotten some color under the sun.
He smiled, briefly, pleased by the image in front of him, then skillfully dressed himself in his favorite robe to join his friends outside.
“There he is!” Said Alexander, rising a cup when he saw Waver coming out of his tent. “Come join us!”
Macedonian soldiers chanted and laughed, drank and cheered. Waver walked among them, finding a place on the ground between Alexander and Hephaestion. Ptolemy joined them, handing Waver a golden cup full of wine.
“You did well today!” Alexander praised his soldiers, energetically. “Another great victory for the Macedonian army!”
The men cheered and clapped.
“Especially Waver!” Added Ptolemy. “I was surprised. You have become a fine soldier”
“I barely managed to raise a barrier to protect us”. Waver denied. He stared at his wine, hesitant.
“Drink!” Alexander ordered, wrapping an arm around Waver’s neck with clumsiness.
“You are drunk.” Noticed Waver, a strong scent of alcohol on Alexander’s mouth.
“Nonsense!” He said with a smile, bringing his cup to Waver’s lips.
“I’m not a baby! I can drink by myself!” He yelled, slightly annoyed. He took the cup away from him and had a sip of wine.
“Baby Waver.” Alexander chuckled, delighted, pinching one of Waver’s cheeks.
“Stop it”. Waver grabbed his hands. Alexander lost his balance and fell forward. The wine spilled all over them.
Ptolemy grabbed Alexander by his clothes and lifted him in the air, barely able to stand straight himself.
“Look what you have done,” He said, “Now he needs another one”.
“You are both drunk…” Waver sighed. “Hephaestion, say something…”
But Hephaestion was already passed out on the ground.
“How the hell did you all get so drunk while I was away?!” He yelled in frustration. “How long did I sleep?!”
“Come on, Waver”, Ptolemy, ignored him, pouring more wine into Waver’s cup. “We’ve been in this Zeus-forsaken desert for months now. We have finally taken the advantage and made the Persians fall back! It is time to celebrate!”
“The Persians!” Suddenly yelled Hephaestion as he heard that word.
“No, you dumb drunk,” Alexander smacked him softly on the head, “They are already gone”.
“Who are you calling dumb, you idiot?”
Hephaestion pushed him. Alexander hit his back against Ptolemy, whose cup slipped his hands, spilling the wine again.
“Alright that’s it…” Ptolemy turned to hit Alexander but got Hephaestion instead.
Waver took a deep breath, ready to witness another pointless fight between the three of them.
“Here we go…” He said, rolling his eyes. This time he poured himself some wine.
“Alexandros,” Parmenion interrupted them. “A letter from your mother”
The three of them instantly stopped and turn to Parmenion. Alexander sobered up a little to read the letter.
Waver and the rest studied the prince’s face, slowly brightening as he read it.
“And?” Asked Waver, impatient.
“She is doing well in Epirus,” he said as he rolled back the paper. “Her brother’s troops are taking over in the northern front. It seems like they have stopped the Persians over there as well.”
Alexander paused to pour himself more wine.
“The good news is that my mother said we will meet in Pella very soon”.
“That’s great news!” Observed Waver.
“Finally!” Hephaestion said, lying down on the ground, “I miss my bed”.
“I’m sure Cleo will be the happiest to see us, right Ptolemy?” Alexander’s eyebrows raised and fell several times watching Ptolemy’s joy on his face.
“R-right”. He said, suddenly serious. “She will be happy to see us. All of us”.
Alexander and Hephaestion exchanged looks and smirked at Ptolemy in a suggestive way.
“What are you looking at?!” He asked, aggressively.
Waver giggled, and so did they.
Alexander now got on his feet. He stood tall, cup in hand, turning to his soldiers.
“The war has finally come to an end!” He announced. Everyone turned to him.
“You have fought bravely! And those who have perished, may their souls watch over us from the stars, among Orion and the heroes, and grant us a safe journey home!”
The men clamored with enthusiasm, chanting Alexander’s name.
“But this victory we owe to every single one of you!” He continued.
“To Ptolemy, the wise and cautious, we owe our impeccable defense!”
He paused to appreciate the round of applause. Ptolemy scratched his head nervously, slightly blushing, then smirked.
“Hephaestion’s bravery for bringing us our greatest offense!” He grabbed Hephaestion’s wrist and lifted his hand. Hephaestion smiled humbly.
“And Parmenion’s experience, guiding us with the right strategy”. He raised his cup towards the man, who answered with a nod of acknowledgement.
“And last but not least…”
Alexander lowered his voice, slowly turning to Waver.
“Waver’s kindness and perseverance, whose compassion for the needed will always be remembered”.
Waver’s heart suddenly stopped, feeling all the eyes on him at once. Alexander gave him a warm smile.
Waver looked around him. Dozens of gentle faces of gratitude moved him to tears.
“Cheers!” They all said in unison, clashing their cups, splashing wine everywhere. Everyone drank, except Waver, who subtly put his cup down. He smiled and wiped his tears of joy.
But the smile quickly faded. Something begun to bother him.
“I think I’m a little drunk,” He excused himself, getting up. “I’ll call it a night”.
“Huh?” Alexander turned to him, disappointed. “So early?” He grabbed his hand with clumsiness.
Waver smiled at him.
“Thank you”. He said, gently letting go of his hand. Then slowly headed back to his tent.
With his head against the pillow, Alexander’s words kept echoing in Waver’s mind.
“…Waver’s kindness and perseverance, whose compassion for the needed will always be remembered”.
He wondered how many people would actually remember him years from now.
He turned to his side, giving it some more thought.
He thought of how many people had helped him in the past, and how he remembered every single one of them. He thought of the old couple in Japan, waiting for him to write them a letter. Mister… what was his name?
He closed his eyes, thinking so hard had made him suddenly tired.
Someone called. The voice of a man, soft yet playful. Like a childish melody. A sudden scent of flowers in his nose.
You need to go back…
“Back where?”  Waver wondered.
The memory of the Clock Tower appeared in his mind.
“I NEED TO GO BACK!” He suddenly jumped from the carpet; eyes opened wide.
The past few months he had been so focused on surviving the war against the Persians that he had completely forgotten about finding a way to return to the present. He had gotten used to his new life in ancient Greece, nearly forgetting about the comfort of the modern days.
He panicked for a moment.
He was never supposed to help in this war that much. Even if he had not been using his magic against the Persian soldiers. He was never meant to be remembered by these people. He was probably not even supposed to stay in a different time for that long. He recalled his deceased professor Lord El-Melloi’s words in his first lessons.
“…Not only will you affect the past with your interactions, but also your entire being. If you alter something from the past, even your existence may never occur in the future…”
A cold sweat ran down his face.
He tried to remember his life in London. He pictured his apartment, the classroom, the Clock Tower. Everything still fresh in his mind after thinking hard. But… what had he been doing before that?
His thoughts were all jumbled. He shook his head a couple of times. What was he doing in Japan back then? Why couldn’t he remember that old couple’s names?
The image of a grail and the clash of swords flashed through his memories.
Then, a horse. A chariot. A red cape. And golden chains.
“Rider”. He whispered. The blurry image of a man haunted his memories. His face remained in the shadows.
“This is bad…” He told himself. “I need to get out of here, soon.”
He took a moment to gather his thoughts. But something else was disturbing him now.
He heard people screaming outside.
“Somebody! Help!”
Indistinct cries in the distance.
Little by little, soft lights appeared from different directions around the tent. Waver felt suddenly hot.
“A fire?” He thought, wiping the sweat from his forehead. His eyes caught on his wrist, where his bracelet glowed bright blue.
“I need to find Alexander!”
He rushed out of the tent. A strong smell of smoke and gunpowder. Fire arrows falling from the sky, like shooting stars. The Macedonians ran around the burning tents in circles, food and war loot already reduced to ashes.
“Alexander!” Waver looked for him, but the smoke made it hard for him to see.
He rushed to the place they were gathering a moment ago, but there was nobody there.
“Alexander!” He called again, sore throat, eyes itchy. “Hephaestion! Ptolemy! Parmenion! Where are you?!”
He looked around but could only see Macedonians wandering erratically. A few horses ran loose in different direction. He hid under a broken chariot, fearing for the Persians to find him.
“Wait a moment”, he realized. “I don’t see any Persians”.
He looked again. He could only see men in Macedonian armors. He glanced down at his bracelet; the blue gleam was still there.
“This can’t be anything good”, he feared.
Another blueish gleam caught his eye from the other side of the camp.
He could distinguish the prince’s silhouette behind the screen of smoke. He rushed towards him.
A second shape appeared as the wind blew away the smoke. A Macedonian soldier held a spear through Alexander’s leg.
The prince fell, blood pouring onto the ground.
Waver ran even faster.
He watched the soldier lift his spear one more time.
Waver searched for Alexander’s dagger on the ground beside him. Without thinking, his body moved, picking up the sword to slam it with all his strength against the spear. His arms were shaking; he could feel the vibration of the clashing metals down to his elbows.
The soldier stepped back. Eyes golden and gray staring at him with an empty expression.
The soldier pointed the spear at him; Waver charged again. This time the soldier blocked Waver’s blow in a single movement, sending him several meters away.
“Waver…” Alexander called, helpless, half conscious from the ground.
But the soldier was fast.
Before he could even see anything, Waver felt a sharp blade in the middle of his chest.
“Waver!” Cried Alexander, watching him bleed with a dagger in his chest. He tried to get up, but the soldier now ran to Alexander, holding him against the ground.
Waver remained still, like frozen in time. A magical pentagram appeared underneath Waver’s feet, and a hand materialized around the dagger.
Alexander could not see well with the soldier holding his head against the ground, but he glanced at the shadow that now held Waver in its arms.
“It’s the creature…” He feared the worst. “It’s Zurvan…”
Tears of rage clouded his eyes.
“Why?!” The prince yelled, struggling in vain. “A Macedonian…. How could you do this to your own people?!”
“My own people?” A female voice reached his ear. He saw the soldier remove her helmet, letting her purple locks fall to her shoulder.
“My own people tried to kill me”, she whispered to his hear, still holding him against the ground. “They thought I was a monster, cursed by the gods. Your people”.
“Who are you?”              
“Anonumos”. She used the Greek word for “nameless”.
“I was never given a name” She continued. “Raised to become a shadow, with no will of my own.”
“What do you want? Revenge?”
What did she want indeed? The girl had no answer.
To her surprise, Alexander grabbed her hand.
“Let me help you…” He said, panting, “I am sorry for what you have suffered- But, please, do not let my friends suffer”.
“Help?” She wondered. What did he mean by that? The touch of his hand had a certain warmth she had never felt before. She reached for his hand, hesitant.
Her thoughts were disrupted by an arrow piercing her shoulder.
“Get away from him!”
Hephaestion’s voice gave Alexander hope.
“Waver…”, Hephaestion turned to him, gasping with horror at the image of Waver being consumed by a shadow. He shot an arrow at it, and the creature vanished before it could materialize completely.
Waver fell on the ground, unconscious, the magical circle still active underneath him.
“No…” Anonumos let go of Alexander for a moment, turning to Hephaestion.
He recognized the slave girl’s distinctive eyes, even in the Macedonian uniform she was wearing.
“You?” He said, pointing an arrow at her.
The girl heard Alexander move behind her. Without turning, she threw her spear at Alexander’s other leg to pin him to the ground. Alexander cried in pain, nearly fainting. His head became lighter as he felt the blood leaving his body.
“Hephaestion”. The girl whispered. Her words traveled to Hephaestion’s brain, as fast and stinging as poison.
An intense headache forced Hephaestion to drop his bow.
His knees week, his blood boiling. He was losing control of his own body. A loud beeping in his ears was driving him insane.
“What are you doing to me?!” He twitched in the ground, covering his ears. A burning fever taking over him.
“Do it”.
“Get out of my head!”
He looked up; eyes as black as the night. A deep groan escaped his throat, like a wild beast.
“You and I are the same, Hephaestion”. The girl whispered, walking closer to him. “Is this what you really want?”
Hephaestion got on his feet. His body shivered, yet he managed to pick up his bow. He struggled to tense the string to point an arrow at her.
She stared at him. A hypnotizing glare. Hephaestion’s body did not respond to him anymore.
I’ve looked deep into your heart. This is what you truly want. We are the same; I am your blood. Whatever you want, I want it too.
He heard her speak these words in his head.
He opened his mouth but only a loud growl came out.
The beeping in his ears became louder, now unable to hear anything else. His sight faded to black.
Anonumos’ glare slowly shifted towards Waver.
Hephaestion’s eyes followed hers, his hands shaking as they slowly moved to point at Waver.
Hephaestion: A. Breaks free from Anonumos’ control B. Loses control and is consumed by darkness
Notes 2:  I would like to thank all the readers and supporters that have followed this story, and especially thank the people who have commented and expressed their preferences and/or possible endings. Thank you for your patience, now the time has come!
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