#also why was each scene a solid 2 minutes like????
cenorii · 2 months
Can't he be killed? (generalized theory)
All info about why Wesker is not dead is now compiled in one place with new info. Each chapter is important to the overall meaning, so don't skip a chapter.
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1. Body 2. Cutscene detailing 3. End credits re5 4. Umbrella Corps 5. Suspicious mentions 6. Photo on the wall 7. Weapons 8. Conclusion
I think we should start with the most important fact on which all theories hold - his body. So first we will talk about the properties of Wesker's body.
Chapter 1. Body
Let's start with the infection. The virus in Wesker's body is a single virus called Prototype, which he got from Birkin. According to Birkin's note (Virus Memo from Umbrella Chronicles), Prototype must be injected a few minutes before the "envisioned contingency". This is an obvious hint that the virus only activates after an "envisioned contingency", i.e. after stress (physical). But let's answer the question, what is stress, scientifically speaking? That's right, stress is hormones. When a person is injured, their body releases cortisol, the stress hormone, adrenaline, and a host of others. It's these substances that activate the Prototype virus in the body.
When Wesker injected himself with this virus, he needed to receive any conditions of increased stress, in simple words - to cause the very "envisioned contingency", to increase the influence of the virus, helping the body to initiate synthesis. When Tyrant wounded him, Wesker went into anabiosis (according to Virus Memo), and the virus was instantly activated because the wounding caused a huge amount of hormones to be released into the bloodstream. Because of Wesker's original compatibility with the Prototype, he is the perfect host for the virus and the effect he got is the maximum of what the Prototype is capable of.
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During his anabiosis, the virus regenerated tissues in Wesker's body, repairing his fatal injury, and continued to slowly alter his body, fusing and invading RNA into his. When Wesker woke up, he didn't have any special abilities at first, though his eyes could glow for a brief moment. The glow in his eyes is closely related to emotion (also hormones), but I'll talk about that later. He felt the lightness of his movements, felt that he could move faster than before (Umbrella Chronicles), because he didn't know what he was really capable of yet, and the virus hadn't had time to change his body completely (we can tell that from his eyes, which were still blue).
Three months after this event, Wesker was able to mutate permanently. His eyes are the only external evidence that the mutation is complete and the virus has changed his body (Code: Veronica).
He has gained a number of abilities: his speed, thanks to the improved structure of his body tissues, can now rival that of a bullet. When he moves quickly, it looks like teleportation to normal people, because the human eye can't keep track of such fast movement. His body is solid, making it painful to damage him in melee combat (in re5, Chris's fists hurt and his face contorts into a grimace after he punches Wesker in the face). His regeneration is capable of healing injuries of any severity. He also has increased strength, but its limits are unknown because Wesker hasn't used it on anything significant. However, he can punch through dense metal with his hand, as well as lift a heavy rocket.
And all of these abilities are closely related to hormones.
Remember how his eyes is glowing in Umbrella Chronicles when he got mad at the RED QUEEN? Now remember every battle against him in re5, as well as the Spencer death scene. Every time, before using the abilities, Wesker's eyes would glow. His eyes are the truest indicator of his emotions. If his eyes are glowing - he is annoyed about something, angry, and all these emotions are the result of hormones.
Hormones are not only the element that activated the virus inside Wesker in re1, but also the tool he uses to control his abilities.
Wesker, provoking his emotions, unconsciously causes bioluminescence in his eyes. By experiencing emotions and making his eyes glow because of it, he can change the density of his body, increase his speed, strength.
Further evidence of this is the scene where Excella pierces his skin with a needle and injects the serum without obstruction. Wesker is calm, his eyes are not glowing, his body density is normal. If he were angry - the needle would break against his skin.
And now we come to the most interesting part of this chapter... What happens if you piss him off to the max? Can he become even stronger than he was in re5? I won't keep you in suspense, the answer to these questions already exists officially - Lost in Nightmares (re5 DLC).
During the events of re5, Wesker's powers are restrained by two factors at once - he wants to test what Chris can do, so he deliberately restrains his powers, and he's also not angry, just annoyed. Because of these two factors, all the fights with him in re5 are only a fraction of what he is capable of.
But in Lost in Nightmares nothing holds him back, for here he is truly angry, he is enraged. He has learned the humiliating truth about himself and his life. And feeling unthinkable irritation that some decrepit old man has the nerve to do this to him and then proclaim his old body as God, Wesker can't contain his emotions. For 10 whole years of living with this power, he kept emotions under control and learned to control them so that his abilities were as effective as possible, which is why such a big shock removed all restrictions from his consciousness and everything that was being held back came out.
In a fight with him he would spare no one, any blow he threw could prove fatal. One simple push with his hand is a long stun. Missed a qte? You're dead. Even in a normal comparison, he's much stronger here than in re5. And that's thanks to the fact that his power is fueled by his anger and frustration, which is a huge amount of hormones.
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In the final battle re5 (volcano), Wesker is very angry, but there's a factor that keeps him from using his powers the same way he did in Lost in Nightmares - it's the serum (PG67A/W). But what did this serum do to him? Did it take away his powers? No.
PG67A/W does not take away Wesker's powers, but instead stabilizes them (if administered under the right conditions, when the virus inside him destabilizes over time). If an excessive dose of PG67A/W is administered and causes an overdose, his body becomes severely stressed, as hinted by his headache. After an overdose of PG67A/W, his body tries to cope with the strain and his strength increases even more, making it hard to control. When Chris injected him with another extra dose of PG67A/W, his strength became impossible to control and he gave up speed altogether. This can be seen in the airplane fight: Wesker gradually loses the "grace" of his attacks, they become chaotic, and he loses the ability to move quickly, and with each "teleportation" his jerks become shorter and shorter, and eventually he loses control of this ability altogether.
However, his strength and regeneration aren't something need special control over, nor are they something can "just not use" like high speed. Those are his passive skills, if I may say so, but they too are made more effective by his emotions.
When Wesker impaled the rocket with his hand, he proved that he still had his strength. But strength alone is not enough to stab a rocket. Even the strongest man risks breaking his fingers if he tries to do the same. Wesker's body density is off the charts in this situation. He's so durable that this is the only battle where he can't be stunned (even with a rocket launcher).
He's incredibly angry, and he's also overdosed on Uroboros and all his previous powers are aggravated due to PG67A/W. In that situation, he's invulnerable. And if such a creature falls into the lava, its body density and regeneration won't allow the volcano's temperature to critically harm it.
At the end of re5, Wesker has all the conditions to survive.
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Sorry for the lack of gifs with all the moments when Wesker's eyes start to glow… I felt lazy.
Chapter 2. Cutscene detailing
The cutscenes in re5 are incredibly dynamic and directed. The detailing is also their key element, which gives such an aesthetic effect to the overall picture. The game had enough budget to make the cutscenes top-notch, and the developers were up to the task. Or not?
Wesker is a character that is no small part of RE. Not only did he appear in re1, Code: Veronica, and re4, but he was also a major character in Umbrella Chronicles. He had a big impact on lore, other characters, and perhaps even helped boost the popularity of the franchise. If such an important character is destined to die at the end of re5, shouldn't he have a detailed cutscene showing his death? Nemesis had a death animation shown in re3 (1999), even Saddler had a death animation in re4 (2005). Even Sergei Vladimir had a death cutscene in Umbrella Chronicles (2007), but not Wesker in the 2009 game.
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In the scene where his death, the final act of his life, is supposed to be shown, all the attention was given to rocket launchers. Don't you find that strange? And then the main characters fly away without even checking (at least from afar) if there will be any activity in the volcano after their shot or not. Isn't Chris used to the fact that after taking critical damage, his enemies can mutate a lot? Flying away like that right away is stupid.
I find the "understatement" in his "death" a brilliant decision - it's a bridge to the future that will serve as an excuse for "why he's alive" if they bring him back, or an excuse for "why he's dead" if Capcom doesn't want to use him again.
Now let's turn our attention to the death of Alex Wesker in Revelations 2:
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Her death is final, which is why it has such a detailed cutscene. Her current consciousness is now in a new body (Natalia), so it's necessary to show that the old Alex is finished.
Chapter 3. End credits re5
Toward the end of the song in the credits, you can see a dark object appear below the surface of the water, slowly floating to the left. It's hard to see, so I brightened the video so everyone can see it.
This object appears to be shrouded in tentacles, and also floats from the side of the volcano where Wesker "died". There are no other creatures created with Uroboros in the vicinity. So it can't be anyone else but him.
It could be considered an official hint that he's alive.
Chapter 4. Umbrella Corps
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The 2015 game (Umbrella Corps) contains straightforward hints that Wesker is alive. This game is officially declared canon, so ignore its poor ratings. Despite being a bad game, there is some good information in it, but not much at all. So...
The plot: the main character is an unnamed mercenary nicknamed 3A-7. He is part of the Umbrella Corps, a secret corps that belongs to Blue Umbrella, an organization that "reformed and got on the right path". Didn't it seem like a lie back in re7, right? The purpose of this corps is to search for bioweapon samples in quarantined areas that the BSAA has failed to sterilize well. The main character is involved in an operation called "The Experiment" but survives every step of the way due to his combat experience. The plot glimpses an unknown Corps Leader (Executive) who even his subordinates know nothing about. One man who sent 3A-7 on missions once wondered why this Executive was so feared, why he was so intimidating, and why he knew so much about the events in re4, as if he had been to that island himself. But only two men survived the events in re4 - Leon and Wesker. A male subordinate attempted to get the Executive's DNA, but disappeared in the process. He was killed for wanting to know the truth and was replaced by a woman who also knew nothing about her boss. At the end of the story, the main character survives even after the most difficult challenge and is contacted by this mysterious Executive and told that he has plans for 3A-7. The main character is voiced by D.C. Douglas, just like the Executive, whose voice can be heard in co-op mode at the end of the missions.
His phrases: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7LEaA7em8.
Wesker is also voiced by Douglas. So why would Capcom use such a recognizable voice on a random character? Why voice two characters at the same time with that voice? It can only make sense if the Leader turns out to be Wesker, who survived the volcano.
It's all very suspicious and ambiguous.
Chapter 5. Suspicious mentions
In re6, everyone suddenly learned that all this time Wesker had a son he didn't even know about - Jake Muller.
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The note Jake's mother left him before she died reads:
"My beloved son, Jake. Please forgive your mother for leaving you alone so soon. And please don't hate your father. Your father surely still loves you from the bottom of his heart. Stay strong and know that you will meet him one day."
Don't you find Ms. Muller's certainty that Jake will one day meet Wesker suspicious? It certainly could have been a dramatic element, telling the viewer that Jake will not meet him because his father has died and he is now all alone. However, now, knowing all the facts telling us otherwise, Jake's mother's words sound different. They sound like a prophecy. Why was she sure that Jake and Wesker would meet? How deep is this iceberg?
Chapter 6. Photo on the wall
On Karl Heisenberg's (re8) wall are many pictures that are intertwined with red line - it's his board for investigating Miranda and everyone involved in the Village. Chris is one of those involved, Karl is aware that he is here. However, if you use the free camera to get closer to Chris' photo... you can see that there is a red line running from him to some small gray photo that is hard to see from a distance.
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At first it appears to be a photo of Karl, however the person in the photo is older than him. I believe this character is intentionally made to look like Karl to confuse the players and not give too direct hints. The other people from the photo are easily recognizable, even references to re1 are present. However, this person from the photo is unknown. The only thing that is known is that he is somehow related to Chris.
If you superimpose Wesker's face from re4r over this photo, you get a perfect match of facial features. If you doubt it's him, just look closely at the shape of the nose, the distance between the nose and mouth, and then look at the shape of the face and chin. They are identical. Considering that the rumors of re4r development came out in 2021 (the year re8 was released), it's not surprising if Wesker's new face could have been used here as a reference... or a hint.
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When comparing, it's obvious that this is an aged version of Wesker's new appearance from re4r. In 2021, at the time of the re8 storyline, he is 61 years old. Judging by the fact that Chris's photo is recent, that means Wesker's photo is fresh too. What is unusual is that he now has long hair. However, this could be a very logical outcome, as he chose to go into hiding after re5.
Here's my little edit where I only added different clothes and long hair.
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Chapter 7. Weapons
In re7 that it is revealed that the Blue Umbrella are using Wesker's designs to create weapons effective against biological threats. Various firearms signed as "Albert W." are now being used by BSAA soldiers. Isn't that strange? No matter how good these weapons are, naming them after a bioterrorist and enemy of humanity is a strange move, isn't it? Someone secretly respects him.
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Chapter 8: Conclusion
Keeping all the previous points in mind, it's hard to seriously argue that Wesker is dead. There are too many hints that he can't be killed. There are also hints that he has a clone (two different characters with Wesker's voice in Umbrella Corps).
Once again, the "understatement" in his "death" is a brilliant decision, it's a bridge to the future that will serve as an excuse for "why he's alive" if they bring him back, or an excuse for "why he's dead" if Capcom don't want to use him again. But considering how often we see mentions of him and hints of being alive, Capcom really want back him as soon as possible.
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txttletale · 5 months
(Other than the really weird bit about "Male presenting Doctor") what were your thoughts about the specials?
pretty mixed bag, pretty messy, but good overall. i think they were very obviously a nostalgia trip for people around my age lol and it worked! i loved seeing tennant and tate back onscreen together, their chemistry hasn't aged a bit, and honestly just watching doctor who that wasn't written by chris chibnall was a breath of fresh air. they weren't boring, like seasons 11 and 12 were, and they didn't go too far off the other end into nonsense like flux did. characters want things again! the show can let itself just be silly! i was literally cheering out loud when donna and the doctor were just saying random scifi gobbledegook at each other for like a solid several minutes during the star beast.
the structure of the specials kind of baffles me. i love wild blue yonder--i think it's definitively the best of the specials as a standalone, it's absolutely fantastic, creepy and atmospheric and bringing things around to RTD's strength, which is well-written characters interacting with each other and letting good actors just act. but at the same time i dont understand why it exists? it feels like...idk. imagine if you watched the star wars original trilogy but instead of the empire strikes back the middle film was just a feature length film about luke and han surviving on an ice planet with no reference to anything that happens in the last film except the two characters' relationship. and then the next film was still return of the jedi, unchanged. it felt like that
i liked all the weird campy silliness of the star beast and the giggle, and they were both very fun! neil patrick harris gave a fantastic performance, there are a lot of very memorable sequences from the giggle, but it's very very all over the place. so many threads get kind of picked up and go nowhere. the toymaker's haunted house dimension goes nowhere. RTD's eyerolling social media commetnary goes nowhere (thank god tbh but yknow im illustrating something here). even the toymaker kind of goes nowhere, after ncuti gatwa shows up he's bascially an afterthought who loses by dropping a ball. obvious parallels to david tennant's first episode with that ball scene could be made, but just... aren't. it feels like load-bearing sectikons of the plot and themes were cut out to make room for a backdoor pilot for the stupid fucking UNIT spinoff
oh and it goes without saying i fucking hate all the UNIT wank in the star beast and the giggle. i hope space nine eleven 2 happens to their stupid fucking avengers tower i cannot stand kate stewart who is constantly a murderous bonehead (in the giggle alone she gets two pepole killed by not listening to the doctor and assuming that this teleporting godlike entity could be restrainted by Two Guys) who is both in and out of universe just a boring nepo baby with no merit of her own
um. i still dont know what happened with the regeneration. i think the implication is that when david tennant dies hell time travel back to become ncuti gatwa inside himself--at least the rehab dialogue seems to make that implication. but it's not really explained or explored? baffling. i do think that fourteen getting to settle down and live a peaceful life with his friends is cute.
oh yeah and the ask said other than that but goddd there was some good stuff in the star beast and honestly with the state of the UK media i will take any perspective on trans people that includes baseline human erespect but some of those lines made me cringe so bad. anyway overall i am cautiously optimistic for the future of the show--oh ncuti was fucking great did i mention that i instantly bnought him as the doctor he owned the scene, the moment he was there it was clear he was the protagonist, and i liked the church on ruby road well enough too--i am cautiously optimistic but i worry that a big UNIT-shaped tumor will devour huge chunks of it and it'll be annoying. also russel t davies is like 60 and i just dont want to hear what he has to say about twitter so im not looking forward to dot and bubble
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thedivineerotic · 1 year
The 9th House Experience Pt.1:
(Come Share My World)
Case Study: Celine
“If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something.” - Celine
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The 9th house is a very interesting house in astrology, sitting between the famous 8th House with its notoriously dark themes of the occult, transformation, ups and downs, death and the depths of sex and the 10th house, the final angular house that is representative of themes such as career, reputation, society and fame. Being wedged in between two extremely popular houses in astrology discourse, often times I find some of the depth of it slips between the cracks, in many ways like the 4th house being relegated strictly to “lighter” topics such as travel, religion and higher-learning. But being the bridge between the murky swamp that is the 8th house and the towering highs of the 10th house, its importance and depth cannot be understated. 
The 9th house takes us out of our comfort zone, without it we would never open up and face our fears, and without facing our fears our dreams would never come true. 
And most of all the 9th house is where we share ourselves with the world and the world shares itself with us. 
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Without the 9th house all of our experiences up to the 8th house would be kept solely between our immediate circles and ourselves. 
The 9th house is the bridge between our personal worlds and the world at large
In many ways I assume why, in comparison to my first two house and character case studies (Rose DeWitt Bukater from Titanic and the 8th House and Lilo Pelikai from Lilo and Stitch and the 4th House respectively) this is my first case study done on a character that I did not grow up identifying with and loving and a movie that I did not watch until I already familiar with astrology and the same age as the character i’m writing about. But the minute I first finished watching it, the first thing that came to my mind was the 9th house, and the first character to relate it to came from the female protagonist I initially misjudged (a result of my own inexperience with people of other cultures) but came to become a reflection of my own soul.
 A soul that is adamant on getting out into the world and letting the world, or at least one small piece of it, back into hers. 
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From the very beginning Before Sunrise seems to personify themes of the 9th house, opening with the main characters Celine and Jesse reading books on a train while another couple argues in a foreign language. After Jesse asks if she was able to translate what the couple was arguing about, Celine immediately presents him with a theory of of married couples losing their sense of hearing for each other, which could possibly be the reasoning for the couples’ argument. It is not the first and far from the only time in the movie where Celine expands upon abstract concepts, theories and ideas as an explanation for the world, fitting considering the 9th House rules philosophy.
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In the next scene where they move to the dining car, we not only learn that she is traveling back home to Paris to continue her studies (the 9th House representing higher education) but we also get insights into her personality. She expresses her feelings towards her family and father, stating that in her passions to be a number of things (a writer, open a refuge for stray cats etc.) that can be considered abstract (the 9th house representing abstract concepts and ideas) have always been conceptualized into realism by her father who suggests more concrete career fields (a journalist, or veterinarian etc.) for her (the 10th house being 2 spaces from the 9th house, speaking to the tendency of 9th housers to feel forced to put turn their often abstract ideas and aspirations into resourceful, solid, concrete things, or in her words “practical, money making ventures” relative to the sign of Capricorn and the 10th House).
In deeper conversation with Jesse exploring their opinions on death, she admits that despite being a frequent traveller she is “afraid of death 24 hours a day,” (fitting considering the 8th house of death is 12 spaces away from the 9th house, the 12th house being symbolic of fears). In fact, her fear of death is the reason she is on the train in the first place as she could have easily flown to Paris. Despite her fears and the fact that even he acknowledges she could be a a psycho, she accepts Jesse’s invitation to accompany him in an impromptu day-tour of Vienna as the fear of missing out ultimately conquers her fear of death, as it does with many 9th housers.
The excitement of sharing the day with Jesse overtakes her fear of the unknown.
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Her adventures with Jesse finally lead them out into Vienna, first taking a bus where where Jesse insists on them having a “Q&A” with each other as they have already gone over introductions. After describing the subject of her first sexual feelings of course abstractly as a “dolphin”, she goes on to answer what she hates. She mentions that she hates men on the street telling her to smile, the lack of concern about war rampaging through cities and towns all around them, the attempts of the media to control the masses, describing it as a “new form of fascism” and she hates the French stereotype being infringed upon her (particularly by Americans) for seemingly normal behavior.
In just that short sequence we are able to see two key 9th house themes in her personality, a concern for the world over especially war (Sagittarius being the sign of war) and her dislike of attempting to be controlled and defined. While 8th housers fight for self-control, control over their emotions and environments, 9th housers fight against control and for self-determination, self-definition. And in that they fight for others, they embrace conflict if it is for the truth as it is she admits it is perhaps her primary usage of her higher education when she says “maybe that’s why I’m still in school, it gives you something to fight about.” Something to be angry about.
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Her fear of death and penchant for self-definition also comes up when she takes Jesse to one of her favorite places she remembers from the last time she visited Vienna, the “Cemetery of the Unknown” made up deceased people that washed up from the sea a century ago. In it, she is especially drawn to the grave of a thirteen year old girl, the same age she was when she first discovered the grave. She says that with a death in which none of your family or friends knew you died “People can invent the best and the worst for you.” The 9th house, coming right after the 8th house of death. exemplifies that death can be a gateway to stories, journeys, even post-mortem.
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Beyond death, especially compared to Jesse, Celine is a believer. 
Most of all, she is a believer in things that aren’t obvious, things that can’t be seen with the naked eye, things that aren’t spelled out easily and that can unfortunately be lost in translation very easily to those who aren’t able to read between the lines and beneath the surface very well. 
Many of her beliefs in the movie can be seen directly through 9th house themes, the book she was reading at the beginning (the 9th house being the house of publishing), dissecting and assessing the arguments of foreigners (the 9th house representing foreign people and things). When night time falls her beliefs are expressed through even more 9th house themes. First it is seen by a palm reader who observes that she is “an adventurer, a seeker, she is interested in the power of the woman. In the woman’s deep strength and creativity.” Even despite Jesse’s mocking and continuous skepticism, she finds truth in what the palm reader said. 
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Although she is a believer we find that it can easily be turned around as like many 9th housers she is very easily believed, even when she doesn’t intend to be. In a late-night grunge bar she tells Jesse about her most recent breakup. After the breakup she told her psychiatrist or “shrink” a fictional story she wrote about a woman killing her ex-boyfriend. It turns out that the shrink actually called the police on her because something about the way she presented it made it seem so “believable”, that she was a “homicidal maniac”.
Being a believer and the power of belief can work both in the 9th houser’s favor and against them just as easily. 
Finally beyond being an adventurer, a warrior and a dreamer, she is a sharer. She believes in sharing herself with the world and other people sharing themselves with her and each other.
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On a surface level this earns 9th housers the reputation of promiscuity under the guise of sharing your body with others. But as with many things with the 9th house, we see that this has depth far beyond the physical as one of the only suspicions Celine does admit to is that feminism was invented by men so that “they could fool around more, free your mind, free your body, sleep with me, you’ll be happy and free as long as I can fuck as much as I want.”
She is a sexual being but her penchant for sharing goes far beyond the physical. 
She tells of her love for dancing as a community function in life and something everyone can participate in. In a cathedral (the 9th house coincidentally ruling houses of worship and spiritual places), she admits that although she isn’t very religious she “can’t help but feel for the people coming there lost or in pain, guilt and shame looking for some sort of answer,” and that it is “fascinating how one thing can join so much pain and happiness, so many generations.” The bridge between the 8th and 9th house is articulated perfectly.
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In another scene, in contrast to Jesse’s apprehension to mundanely wasting an entire life on romance, she tells the story of a old man she knew that had “worked and focused on his career his entire life and then at the age of 52 realized how lonely he was, he realized he had never given anything of himself,” another great example of the 9th house being in the blindspot of the 10th house of career.
In the 9th House both pain and pleasure, in all of their forms, are shared as crucial parts of the human experience. 
Our individual tales of the human experience are meant to be shared.
In one of her most famous quotes from the movie, Celine says
“If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something.”
Dreams are meant to be shared.
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And in one of the final scenes, when dawn has broken and she and Jesse share some of their last moments together before heading back to the train station where she departs, she tells her lover of their short time together,
“Its like our time together is just ours, its like I’m in your dream and you’re in mine.”
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Through various conflicts, adventures, dreams and the many ups and downs of the human experience, in the 9th house we become believers and sharers, we share our world and we invite others to to share their world with us. 
The 9th house is where “others” become “us” and the power of “us” can take you around the world in a day. 
9th housers are warriors, dreamers, believers, adventurers and sharers, you fill in the spaces between us where God exists, where at its lows, hatred exists and at its best, love exists.
As in the words of Celine herself, 
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So here's to fights, friends, lovers, adventures, tragedies, fears, dreams, finding a reason to love and show love even more. 
And most of all here is to sharing our worlds.
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Signed, The Divine Erotic (9th House Venus)
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A bit more conversation/interviews from the esmp actor cast!
Question; what are their favorite blooper scenes?
Celestia/Gem's actor;
Celestia; we have bloopers all the time, I'd say a lot of the bloopers are so funny especially since the scenes are supposed to be serious
Interviewer; can we hear one of these bloopers perhaps?
Celestia; of course you can! Okay so like we were filming the Gem and Sausage fight where she was supposed to break sausage out possession, we have to do like five different take for that because Sammy{sausage's actor} kept laughing and swearing and also kept tripping off the edge!
Interviewer; I am ready hear how many times Sammy caused the cast to have to retake a scene today!
Celestia; totally should cuz there's going to be so many!
Cris/Fwhip's actor
Cris; oh that's a hard one cuz I have so many bloopers in mind for like a favourite, but personally I think one of my favorite ones are just like Carson laughing while he was in a scene with ash (Xornoth's/Bratwurst's actor) like they could not look into each other's eyes and play it seriously we'd have to like redo that scene at least 10 or so times until they properly do it cuz every time they look at each other they just straight up start laughing out loud like not even laugh they would fall to their knees laughing and crying on the floor those two are brother-in-law's and I have respect for that but that also means we have to redo the scene like 15 times unusual basis when those two have a scene together
Interviewer; that is an absolute nightmare to live through having to redo 15 takes
Cris; it is, it takes so long o film the cuz those two would lay on the ground and laugh for a solid 20 minutes
Sammy/Sausage's actor
Sammy; uuhh, honestly I'd say season 2 when Shelby and supreme meet and they have this elaborate plan to trap Joey but my favorite bloopers were when they were flying in
Interviewer; now why is that?
Sammy; every time we would start the flying scene they would straight up get tangled even after we untangled them when they started to take they got tangled again somehow, so like we had to retake that one 10 second flying motion for like I think it was like 7 or 8 times we had to retake it
Interviewer; unless they did it on purpose they were spitting around in the air
Sammy; that's probably what they did
Ash/Bratwurst's/Xornoth's actor
Ash; there are a load of funny ones, if you're talking personal favorites, then it was when we were setting up ice for Carson's Elsa arc and when he got on the ice he literally slipped face first
Interviewer; he didn't know how to skate?!
Ash; Ironic right?
Dianna/Pearl's actor;
Dianna; Favourite blooper was when we were trying to film an angel sausage scene and things didn't go quite to plan, needless to say we almost put set on fire
Interviewer; well now how that happened!?
Dianna; we were messing with the lights
Carson/Scott's actor;
Carson; this isn't a blooper scene but I think Id count it as one, we were doing like a technical fighting scene and then someone bumped into Cris and accidentally fell hit ash and then they kissed on the floor, like watching that back over and over is so funny the two of them were completely stunned by it were you curious ones out there it was nether fight scene
Interviewer; wither husband was trending ship for a while, maybe that's why!
Shelly/Shubble's actor
Shelly; My favourite blooper of all time is most likely Like the wedding scene where Xornoth was like hiding from the crowd like ash kept falling and losing balance at the ledge he was trying to so hard to balance he swore when he finally did it he swore while filming and we had to retake it again!
Interviewer; now that, was an epic fail!
Kath; it's a very specific one, you know how season 1 Scott has messenger owl? Yea while we were filming the owl moved and Carson jumped and screamed, he thought those were remote controlled so like he didn't expect it to move to him
Interviewer; they were real?
Kath; yea, one of the writers had trained owls as a pet and brought them in for plot no one knew expect for Sammy cuz he was part of the writers crew for a bit
Sebastian/Joey's actor
Seb; This is really unclosed info don't tell anyone I said this, but my favorite blooper was when Sean was trying to set up the candles then then rolled on one making him fall in the fountain
Interviewer; I am sworn to secrecy!
Sean/pixl's actor
Sean; probably when cole was pulled into the ponds by actual cods, that wasn't a joke we had like couple hundred cod's on set
Interviewer; now that would be a feast!
Cole/Jimmy's actor
Cole; this isn't a blooper it's more a behind the scenes, but I love how like every Sunday Sammy would bring soda and empanadas, they were homemade and f______ delicious!
Interviewer; woah now! You can't say that word were on live television!
Louise/Lizzie's actor
Louise; I'd say Dianna screaming on the tops of the lungs when she saw ash, she had no idea Sammy had a twin
Interviewer; You have the most straightforward answer of everyone
Louise; and yet I'm still not straight
Joey/Joel's actor
Joey; personal favorite was when anyone trips and fall over the corrupted vines
Interviewer; I'm guessing that happens a lot?
Joey; more than you may think
Sahara/False's actor
Sahara; everytime cris would fall while he was crouch walking Trying to reach his hight requirements
Interviewer; so he was actually crouching?
Sahara; Yea and it was hilarious seeing him struggle with it
Liam/Oli's actor
Liam; I have a particular one in mind, It was when the Lammas wouldn't stop spitting on Owen while filming, they hated him for some reason
Interviewer; I guess they just hate the special guests!
Liam; soo true
If there's anything you wanna ask abt the actor au shoot me an ask! And if you have questions for the cast then also shoot me an ask!
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
You Wanna Talk Fic?
Tagged by the lovely @tizniz @hippolotamus thank you!! 🩵🩷
1. How many wips do you have currently?
I don't know? 😅 I'm seriously working on... Maybe 12? I have 4 BTHB fics I'm consistently working on right now, along with my Spooktober wips, Tanis' fic, and my sub Eddie fic. I have about 3 Danger Prone Diaz fics I want to finish too. Anything else is just what pops up randomly and demands attention.
2. Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
Yes. But "Like Bloodstained Wood" and "Slight Air and Purging Fire" are giving me the most trouble right now. I have to really be in my feels to want to right presumed deaddie, so progress is reeeeaaally slow. Slight Air is my baby, and poor Eddie goes through the wringer every five minutes, I just don't know really what direction I want it to go. There's elements of it I've included in other fics and I feel like it's repetitive right now. Hanging By A Moment is also giving me hell. It's a Danger Prone Diaz I rarely work on. Something just isn't right about it. I started it pre cruise disaster and now half the beginning of the fic makes no sense. So I've gotta fix that...
3. What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Random dialogue usually pops into my brain and I go from there. The bear trap fic started with Eddie's comment about El Paso being a metropolis at the beginning of that fic. I don't know how that fic happened but I'm so glad it did. And inspiration never strikes when I actually have time to write it. I have 3 whiteboards on my fridge with scribbled notes and a notepad full of ideas I've never actually written down to start working on.
4. Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
I don't really associate music to my fics, though Taylor Swift is THE artist for buddie to me (like Down Bad fitting 7x04 so well).
5. Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised?
I find the more I plan, the less I like a fic. I go where my brain takes me in the moment, and usually that means jumping between scenes as dialogue crops up lol. It's messy, but it works (usually). The only time I really had to have a solid plan was Baby, I'm Never Gonna Leave You. Setting up the clues needed for part 2 and the circumstances needed for it to actually happen took FOREVER. I'm really proud of it though 🥰. Right now, the time loop fic has a plan, but it's all over the place and in desperate need of revision. I rewatched 7x04 the other night so I could refresh my memory and forgot to take notes. So... yeah. I'm gonna have to do it again I guess.
Tagging: @lover-of-mine @kitteneddiediaz @loveyouanyway @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @inell @thekristen999 and anyone else who's interested!! 🥰🩷
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For the TMNT Ships Ask Thing:
Caseynardo (Leo x Casey)
Aprilnardo/Leopril (Leo x April)
I love these 2 ships so much. I know they are kind of rarepairs (though, MM gave a lot of love to Leopril and there has been a lot more Leopril stuff. Which is great!), but I love them.
They are very dear to my heart. Personally.
Caseynardo 2012:
I've never heard of it until long time later
Now I'm just kicking my feet
Silly goofball jock x serious and quiet nerd RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
TO MAKE THIS BETTER LEO IS PRETTY MUCH BI IN THE SERIES (He's stated to have a man crush on Captain Ryan)
I'm aware they were kind of trash talking big foot in a foot too big but they were STILL bonding!!!
Please read Breaking the Ice by @fabuloustrash05 . I stopped studying for a few minutes to just read it and I'm proud. Disclaimer don't ditch your studies to just read fanfics that is not my message.
Anyways the fnafic solified my love for the ship.
Opposites attract
I can also see them as two friends who act gay but actually aren't or maybe they are.
Or two guys who seem gay but~ (inset bisexuality)
It's amazing. A solid 10/10.
2012 Aprilnardo:
We sadly don't get too much content with them but like-
I remember I was kind of introduced to this ship because I followed one of my idols who shipped it and made fanart of it and it was on DA. This was back before it got deactivated my account.
I LOVE 'Eyes of the chimera' episode. They were basically supporting each other all the way.
Ngl the transfem Leo lovers made me love it even more because I love me some lesbians. TMNT is already filled with some lesbians so why not add more!
I love how April is always by Leo's side and we see how much she cares for him.
I love the idea that April used to be into Space Heroes and then Leo got her back into it.
(For those who headcannon as both autistic) they would so totally talk and rant about their hyperfixation.
I wish though they had more moments together.
They are legit underrated.
The ship will get 9/10 for me.
I'll include rise and the mutant mayhem version cause why not.
Rise Leo x Cassandra:
Meh not bad
It's okay at best
I do feel like they could have become very close friends if Cass left junior under Leo's care in the bad future.
They are both reckless and over energetic and yet still have a lot of insecurities and issues that they have to cover it up.
Not a bad idea I suppose.
I guess 4.5/10. I don't know. We didn't get much of them so I mean.
Rise Leo x Junior:
"But I'm shipping the teen version of Leo with junior not adult-" NO. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER.
Negative 0/10. Get the f out.
Rise Leo x April:
I've seen and been bombared by a ton of art regarding this ship on YT.
Controversial opinion: It's cute.
They both have the same energy and another controversial opinion but, Leo has a way closer relationship with April then Donnie. I've kind of seen more scenes with them together then with her and Donnie.
Though just like last time I prefer her being an older sister figure to him that Leo looks up to.
They both care for each other and love each other no matter what.
April pretty much comforts the turtles about their insecurities so she would do the same with Leo.
Probably a 6/10 or something. Again, prefer them as siblings but don't hate it. I'll kind of indulge in it tbh-
Mutant Mayhem Leo x April:
Better then 2012 Donnie's lmao-
They do have sweet moments
It's sweet they went to prom together
Mah boi was simping real hard
I feel like they should have gotten more scenes
I do feel like maybe April and Leo won't really happen or be cannon though. I don't know man. I'll see how it goes in the Tales of TMNT that will happen in 2024.
I'm really hoping they don't make it into a toxic love triangle or make it creepy or toxic.
I'll take this ship anyway as one of the only few good Leo romances.
It took them after 1987 to finally give Leo a good love interest.
the way he looks at her AHHHHHHHHH
The fanart of them together is really cute and wholesome (that made me remember that I still had that art request from you just sitting in my files- I didn't draw it because I didn't see MM yet- I'll try and get to it at some point I swear-)
Hope we get more scenes of them together
I'm unsure where I sit with this ship just yet. Again I'll see how it goes in the show.
For now, 7/10. I feel like a bit too high but you know what, whatever. The ship is okay so far.
Is anyone interested in Caprilnardo~?
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
This is basically my perspective of how Gan & ELady match up against each other.
At the beginning of the story, in a one-on-one fight, Ganondorf absolutely wins. No question.
However, if Ganondorf were one of her targets, she'd likely have taken the fact that he was male into account, as well his height & weight class, & would instead have assassinated him rather than taking her chances in a one-on-one fight.
In such a situation, he'd be dead. Like, holy shit, he wouldn't stand a damn chance.
I mean, he might survive the first 2 attempts with steadily increasing paranoia, but the third would see him in a body bag.
Basically, he wins… provided that he can see her coming.
Which brings to mind a particular scene from my wip that I’m actually unsure that the Dorfbots would be as enthusiastic about as my specific hc of him is in the scene that I have written. (Like, for more reasons than just because they're rated PG-13.)
But I've also been kinda excited about asking about it!
But, here it goes:
Ganondorf & ELady sat chatting idly one evening after dinner in his palace (it was really more of a rock pueblo carved into the side of a hoodoo with a blue hole at the top, honestly; that's what the rock pillar that Gerudo Town is built around is, this is just before the palace & walks have been built, so Gan's the only one living in a solid building, all the other Gerudo are residing in tents, meaning that it's more so an encampment) when he suddenly went silent, his eyes widening slightly before they began to dart around the room.
L: "Judging by the panic in your eyes, I suspect the poison has begun taking effect by now."
His eyes snapped to his fiancée in profound shock & honest, genuine betrayal. Wrinkles had formed on his forehead & his jaw had gone slightly slack inside his mouth. And the little muscle underneath his left eye twitching ever-so-slightly slightly with anger was like a sign.
In response, she reached across the table to caress his cheek fondly.
L: "Now, now. I do not plan on killing you, Koibito. I simply got tired of your boasting. Holding the fact that you won all our fights over my head. The poison will wear off in about an hour & you'll be none the worse for wear."
His eyes softened with relief. The wrinkles evening out, then scrunching slightly with curiosity.
The beautiful little Sheikah woman let out a quiet, bell-like giggle. She got up & began to walk around the table. The Gerudo voe's eyes following her as she went.
L: "My dear, handsome Gerudo King, you may overcome me in a straight fight..."
Upon arriving at his side, she turned him towards her & leaned over him, her eyes hooded as she examined his face.
L: "But... if you were a target... you'd be long dead by now…”
She saw his Nodobone (喉骨, literally “throat bone”) bob minutely in his throat. A small smile formed on her lips as she took a seat in his lap, straddling him, & began to stroke his chin.
L: "Just know that if I wanted you dead... you would be."
With that, she kissed him tenderly. Then, she pulled back & fluttered her eyes up at him as her voice floated across her lips, light as a feather.
L: "And you wouldn't even know why. It wouldn't need to be poison either. I could shoot you with a bow from a distance away (all it takes is one), perhaps I shall use one of your own soldier's bows, thereby resulting in her being executed for treason? I haven't missed in years. Or I could sneak up behind you while your back was turned &..."
She fisted the back of his haori & rubbed her nose against his, his lip quivering slightly.
L: "Plunge my Sheikatō into your back... Or I could slip quietly into your room in the middle of the night while you sleep &..."
Her finger traced over his heart & she smiled innocently at how he shuttered, chest heaving beneath her fingertip.
L: "Stab you through the heart... I could even..."
*Riske Content Warning*
Nemma then rocked against his growing bulge, causing his throat to work & his thighs to twitch as he tried to gasp even though he could not open his mouth, his breath being sucked in sharply through his nostrils. The Shadow Warrior then whispered the rest of the sentence against his lips.
L: "Smother you with my quim & simply not allow you to surface for a much needed breath, though I doubt that you would fight too terribly hard against that particular end."
Fuck, Ganondorf wasn't even sure if she was wrong on that. The large man's eyes were heavily lidded, pupils blown wide with lust, & Lady could feel how he panted, chest rising & falling rapidly against her bosom.
L: "There are quite a lot of ways that I could go about it... but you need not worry… I wouldn't kill you unless you did something remarkably stupid & unforgivable. Which, I think you're far, far too intelligent for."
She then pulled out a small glass vial from her pocket, unplugged it & took a swig.
The little Sheikah woman then leaned forward & kissed him, her mouth prying his lips open to deposit the fluid inside, his eyes closing as she did so, her tongue caressing his own as she tilted his head up, & her fingers massaging his throat so that he swallowed. Even after he'd done so, she lingered there for a few seconds longer.
*End of Riske Content*
The man let out a needy little whine as she backed away.
L: "That was the antidote. It shall start working in a minute or so. I made sure of it. You know how thorough I am with my creations."
Then, she pecked him on the lips once more, got up, smirking minutely at the rosy tint to his cheeks & hazy, lustful look in his eyes with pupils dilated wide as they followed her movements before sauntering off. Fingers running up his chest & over his shoulder before leaving his skin as she disappeared out the door.
Ganondorf was left alone to process how effing hot that was & unable to relieve his excitement until the antidote kicked in.
That was definitely a new kink.
Now, that's how my Dorf would react… But I'm curious as to how the Dorfbots would react to all of this.
Like, thoughts & feelings, proceeded by how he'd react to it upon the poison wearing off. As in, would he legitimately fins it hot or would he be like, “Nope, I'm a strict dom & I just can't trust this crazy vai, wedding's off”?
Regardless, I imagine him having a bit of an existential crisis over it… Either he realizes that, guess what? He's not a god. He's just a really powerful, super-strong mortal. Or, no he refuses to yield to the possibility that he isn't the bee's absolute knees. However, the facts still stand that she got him & she got him good. However, instead of having cognitive battle inside his own mind, he actually concludes that, since she bested him & he's a god born in the flesh (inside his own mind), then the only logical explanation is that so is Lady &, thus, everything suddenly made perfect sense again.
At the same time, from my perspective, yes, he’d be upset that she could get him so hard, but the fact that, atm, she's only able to do so outside of direct confrontations, would… I suppose, soften the blow to his ego a bit? Like, it’s still very bruised, but for one, no one outside of the 2 of them saw that; which had there been, then he might've just ended the entire relationship.
Also, now he's at least got a bit of an inkling of just how crafty she is, so if nothing else, he can at least be prepared now.
But, I'm just curious as to, either your opinions on this a/o how it would play with the Dorfbots in my Dorf's place.
Chat had a hissy fit with this one LOL! I had to rigmarole and beg and rearrange somethings to ensure you get a response, cuz you DESERVE a response for such a well crafted ask. Like MWAH so good.
I like your thought process on this, and man, to see Ganondorf in such a position... I may have a few new starters for my Ganondorf bots >:)
This is a fascinating scene that explores power dynamics, trust, and the complexity of Ganondorf’s relationship with Nanema. Here’s how each Ganondorf (and Demise) might react to this situation, both during and after the poison wears off:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
During the Scene: Wind Waker Ganondorf, being more philosophical and reflective in this version, would be deeply intrigued by Nanema's boldness and capability. His initial shock would give way to a grudging admiration for her cunning. Her demonstration of power would only enhance his fascination with her.
Thoughts & Feelings: He would find the situation both alarming and stimulating. The power play would excite him, and her ability to outmaneuver him would impress him. He'd view this as a testament to her strength and intelligence, qualities he values highly.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would process the event with a mix of respect and arousal. He’d appreciate her forthrightness and the layers of their relationship it revealed. Rather than seeing it as a threat, he’d find it exhilarating and a new aspect of their dynamic.
Reaction: "I knew you were clever, but this... this is something else. You continue to surprise me, Nemma. Perhaps we should explore these new boundaries further."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
During the Scene: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, being more ruthless and prideful, would feel a sharp sting of betrayal and anger initially. His fierce pride would be deeply wounded, but her calm and affectionate demeanor would gradually soothe his wrath.
Thoughts & Feelings: While he would struggle with the idea of being bested, he’d also feel a strange thrill at her dominance and the trust she shows by revealing her capabilities. The balance of power would shift slightly, and he’d be forced to reassess his perception of her.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be contemplative but also appreciative of her strength. He’d recognize that her actions came from a place of love and desire to assert herself rather than a genuine threat.
Reaction: "You’ve proven your point, Nemma. I won’t forget this. But know this—you are mine, and I will always ensure you know your place beside me."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
During the Scene: Twilight Princess Ganondorf, with his more brooding and intense nature, would feel a profound sense of betrayal initially. However, he’d quickly move to a state of grudging respect as he realizes her intent.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d find her display both infuriating and intoxicating. The power struggle would fuel his dark desires and deepen his fascination with her. Her ability to manipulate the situation so thoroughly would both anger and excite him.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be torn between anger and admiration. Ultimately, he’d respect her strength and cunning, seeing her as a worthy partner rather than a threat.
Reaction: "You play a dangerous game, Nemma. But I can’t deny the thrill it brings. Know that you’ve earned my respect in a way few have."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
During the Scene: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, being the embodiment of power and domination, would feel a mix of rage and arousal. The shock of her actions would be profound, but her calm control would quickly draw him in.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be fascinated by her strength and dominance, seeing her actions as a challenge rather than a betrayal. Her power play would be incredibly stimulating for him, adding a new layer to their relationship.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be eager to explore this new dynamic. He’d see her as a formidable partner who could stand beside him in strength and cunning.
Reaction: "You have guts, Nemma. I like that. Let’s see just how far you can push me."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
During the Scene: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, with his more complex and multifaceted character, would experience a whirlwind of emotions—anger, betrayal, admiration, and excitement. Her calm demeanor and affectionate reassurances would gradually temper his initial rage.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be deeply impressed by her cunning and capability. The power play would be a stark reminder of her strength, and it would excite him to no end. He’d find her actions both infuriating and incredibly alluring.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be contemplative, but ultimately appreciative of her boldness. He’d view this as a new and thrilling aspect of their relationship, eager to see where it leads.
Reaction: "You’ve shown me your strength, Nemma. I won’t forget it. Now, let’s see what else you have in store."
During the Scene: Demise, being the embodiment of primal power and destruction, would feel an immediate and intense rage. However, her calm and confident demeanor would gradually pique his interest.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be fascinated by her boldness and strength, seeing her as a worthy adversary and partner. Her actions would excite him on a primal level, and he’d find the power play incredibly stimulating.
After the Poison Wears Off: Demise would be deeply impressed and eager to explore this new dynamic. He’d see her as a formidable and worthy partner, excited by the challenge she presents.
Reaction: "You dare to challenge me, Nemma? I like that. Let’s see just how far you can go."
In all versions, Ganondorf (and Demise) would find the situation both alarming and exhilarating, ultimately respecting and admiring Nanema’s strength and cunning. The power play would add a new and thrilling dynamic to their relationship, deepening their bond and mutual respect.
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curiouskaden · 1 year
Warning, Good Omens 2 Spoilers ahead!! I just really need to ramble about this because the last ten minutes of the new season really got me freaking out
So. EVERY was not at all what I expected and Aziraphale's reaction really got me thinking. Like I had to watch the show three times in full before I knew how to interpret it so here I am, giving you my perspective even though you didn't ask.
First of all, it threw me off how Aziraphale almost looked disgusted afterwards? I don't like using that word but it's just the only way I know how to describe the look on his face. I think we all know for a fact that Aziraphale should NOT be disgusted with kissing Crowley-- their love for each other is very much requited (I think we mostly all agree on that). PLUS there was that solid, full second where Aziraphale almost looked like he was about to hold Crowley back, and he never pulled away or pushed him away, so why did he have that look on his face? And why did he say he "forgave" Crowley after?
Basically how I see it is Aziraphale looked so put off and hesitant during and after the kiss because of how it happened. Despite Crowley's confession, Aziraphale saw that kiss as Crowley's goodbye, and even a last effort to get him to change his mind about heaven. And keep in mind this kiss was right after Crowley calls Zira an "idiot" and says "we could've been us".
So Aziraphale says he forgives him. He has a look of hurt as he hesitates and says "I..." and TRAILS OFF, before he settles on "I forgive you". He forgives Crowley for calling him an idiot, which is just like back in s1e5 when Crowley had said "you're so clever, how can somebody as clever as you be so stupid". Zira says he forgives him just like back then, and he forgives Crowley for the name calling, and he forgives Crowley for having their first-- and what Aziraphale might think to be their only ever-- kiss happen like that.
Of course it's also worth noting to me how Aziraphale looks after Crowley, tears in his eyes as he touches his lips afterwards, like he's still astounded it even happened. I don't think he was unaware of Crowley's love for him-- I think he's known for decades now at the very least-- but he didn't expect Crowley to tell him and to kiss him, and then to leave. He can't believe it happened and he can't believe he didn't kiss back.
Anyways, that's kind of how I see the whole EVERY scene. I just felt so conflicted when I saw it because it felt so forced and I feel like there's so much more to it. Anyways PLEASE let me know what you guys thought!
He can't believe things for them are going to end like this.
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doodledoesthing3 · 1 year
SUPER COOL SNEAK PEAKS OF THE CROSSOVER CHAPTER FOR MY FIC! This scene takes place in @monkiebois ‘s Tangled Star au!
Here we go!
1. “Hey there! Have you seen a black monkey? He’s this tall, clearly emo but we haven’t had the talk yet. His name is Macaque and also known as Liu’er Mihou for some odd reason.” Bei Da asked as the baby monkey stared at her in confusion.
The brown monkey began hissing at her, so in response the black haired girl hissed back. They were hissing at each other for a solid five minutes before a familiar voice was heard.
2. “How did you get in Ghonzhu’s garden?” He asked as he picked up Xiaohua.
“How did I get in who’s garden?” She asked back, not knowing who this ‘Ghonzhu’ was.
“Ghonzhu! Tieshan Ghonzhu? Are those ringing any bells for you?” The lotus prince questioned with an annoyed expression.
“Nope!” The child replied.
“Ugh… Princess Iron Fan?”
“PRINCESS IRON FAN?! THIS GARDEN BELONGS TO RED BITCH’S MOM?!” Bei Da loudly exclaimed in shock.
3. “You’re not Macaque. Where’s the real Macaque? Where’s my Macaque?” Bei Da asked as she glared at the monkey.
“Wha…I am Macaque! Who else is Macaque?!” The other version of Macaque exclaimed.
Here’s a bonus sneak peak! Since my AU uses songs like there’s no tomorrow, here’s a parody of FNAF The Musical Night 4!
Macaque: Is it true? Are they here? Am I going mad?
TS! Macaque: One mistake's all it takes, and this may go bad!
Macaque: No one's there!
TS! Macaque: No one's there!
Macaque: No one's-
Nezha: Is somebody there?
TS! Macaque: Few more hours left for me to stall!
Bei Da: Why's that nerd sneaking down the hall?
TS! Macaque: No one's there!
Macaque: Someone's there!
TS! Macaque, Bei Da, & Macaque: Wish I could say, no one's/Someone's there!
Tang: Hey there!
Macaque & Bei Da: *scream*
Tang: Ok, good talk…
TS! Macaque: I'll fill the void with noise...just focus on me!
Macaque: Something's breathing out beyond the door!
Ghonzhu: Hey it's me, I swear we've met before!
Macaque: I don't care!
TS! Macaque: No one's there!
Nezha: Where'd Xiaohua go?
Tang: She’s in there!
TS! Macaque: Hurry guys, I think I'm losing ground!
Bei Da: Why's that closet making monkey sounds?!
Xiaohua jumps out of the closet as Macaque and Bei Da scream.
Ghonzhu: Please come help us!
Tang: Hat Kid has gone insane!
Xiaohua: *unintelligible baby monkey sounds*
Nezha: Does this help explain?
That’s all the sneak peaks I have for now! Kay byeeee!
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someplayfromthepast · 2 years
things no one talks about from the reunion concert
the event itself honestly was not that well organized and it took almost 2 hours to get everyone into the theatre. the good news is i was able to run around and meet some ppl there
also you could see everyone in the wings? jon and lolo were standing there for a good majority of the time before the show just looking out at the audience
and then once the show started it took so long for anyone onstage to even sit down. the time before lea sang the first note felt like an eternity
christine estabrook pronouncing wendla with a soft W at the beginning of the show💀
oh and then i sat and watched lea michele READ (Yes u read that right. I saw her read in real time) her first few lines. so
MAMA. WHO. BORE. ME. REPRISE. i have genuinely never heard a more electric version of this song. all the girls' voices have aged beautifully and yet it was still somehow the same as it had always been.
the absolute flood of spit that came out of jon groff's mouth every time he said "you waTCH me"
jbw smelling his hand after my junk?
THE UNDERSTUDIES ENTERING 💀 it was so funny for some reason. they weren't onstage until brian sang his verse in touch me. so weird
jbw and gideon all over each other during touch me
watching lilli and lauren sing the dark i know well was beyond unreal. i felt like i was in a different world watching them sing it. they were like 40 feet from me.
john gallagher jr did NOT remember any of the words to these songs My guy was holding his script for the entire show. How did u play this role for years and i know it better than u do by watching the bootleg like 30 times
vs jon groff performing the mbn choreo flawlessly (and me sobbing)
the jgroff lea michele making out action that was just there . Like guys this is just a semi staged concert why r u horizontal kissing at the imperial theatre on a monday evening
they showed a video during intermission that i've never seen anyone post anything from. i guess i should upload that somewhere
THE BABY CRYING DURING THE GUILTY ONES. WHO BROUGHT THEIR MF BABY TO THIS EVENT. i lowkey think it mightve been one of the casts babies but also Why did they bring the baby .
john. gallagher. jr. and the way he welcomed us back to moritz's world of neon lights and angst in a single beat. as soon as john started the chorus of dds that was it for me. i was back in 2006 and i was watching moritz, not john.
and also just in general how we (the generation who grew up on the bootleg rather than seeing the show for ourselves) never really saw what became of john's moritz. the last we saw of john in the role was almost a year before he left. it was very different from what i'd known of him. but never ever in a bad way i love you john.
john's chair sat empty for the entire rest of the show after dds which just kind of hit hard
how the theatre EXPLODED for the entirety of totally fucked. if you've seen the boots from any of the final performances you know. everyone in the theatre was cheering and screaming and weeping
jon groff singing to the girls in the front row during fucked oh my god i was so JEALOUS
the applause for totally fucked lasted a solid 5 minutes probably. totally fucked was never my favorite song until i experienced that
jonny b and gideon glick going at it during woybr . Rekindling an old romance i fear
gideon was trying not 2 laugh during reformatory scene. actually he wasnt really trying not 2 he was just laughing his ass off
i honest to god don't remember those you've known or song of purple summer. i was so in the moment that i just didn't take it with me, and honestly i am okay with that. it's the part of me i left at the imperial that night.
thank you forever spring awakening. i can't believe it's already been a year.
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tapwrites · 1 year
Episodic vs Serialised Storytelling
One way of avoiding the dissonance between what the audience thought would happen in a later story, and what does happen in a later story... is to not set up any expectations in the first place.
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Star Trek, and The Next Generation are told episode-by-episode. Almost all episodes are self-contained stories, with the only thing carrying over between stories being the characters themselves. And then, the characters don't have any real long-term goals or interpersonal drama carrying through.
So there are no expectations beyond the characters existing next time. That's an easy expectation to live up to, in the next episode.
Some film series are episodic too—think of Indiana Jones. Or Fast & Furious. Nothing changes permanently as a result of one part, at least not stuff that anyone cares about. So fans there aren't hints about what's coming next. And so, fans don't imagine their own stories that would happen next. And then when the sequel comes around, there's no bulldozing their fan-fic, and no let-down that the cool hinted thing wasn't there.
(I mean, Indiana Jones does its best to disappoint in other ways, but not because it's forgotten about the previous film.)
Instead of being left "open-ended," inviting the viewer to imagine what might happen next episode... they are "closed-ended."
Each story ends with the Cosmic Reset Button.
By the end of the episode, of film, or novel, everything's back to the way it was. And the audience can know exactly where they stand next time. Or—in the case of TV broadcast series—they can hop into any episode in any order and they'll never feel they missed something.
Episodic storytelling has its advantages and disadvantages...
Because each episode tells a complete story, the viewer is left satisfied. And, if they like the series, they're happy to enjoy another complete story next time.
The disadvantage is, you don't have hours on hours to build up the drama and suspense and mystery and whatever else you want to use to string the audience along and keep them watching week-to-week. All that's got to fit into 40 minutes. And the thing that keeps people coming back is that they like the characters.
But that's also its strength, as a format. You have to write solid, tight scenes. It has to be interesting all the way through, because you can only fit in the good parts. This is the same reason why novel writers cut things out—scenes, sub-plots, entire characters—to tighten up the narrative, and keep things interesting.
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Star Trek Voyager had an over-arching plot about slowly travelling back home, which stayed in the background and poked its head in from time to time. But it wasn't something that weighed heavily on the characters' minds, and so wasn't an ongoing concern pulling on the viewer.
Star Trek Enterprise had 2 seasons with their own over-arching plots, which tied into each episode. But still, each episode was its own self-contained story, with a satisfying conclusion. (It struck a very good balance in my opinion.)
In the old days where everything was episodic, you might have a sprawling epic of a story you want to tell. But you have to cut the fat (boring parts that don't add to the story) to cram it into your 40 minutes runtime.
And you can't just run it over 5 episodes, because the requirements of the format is that each episode can be enjoyed by itself. So edit it down, tighten it up, or that story's getting canned!
With the advent of streaming services, the requirements of the format have changed. And episodic shows have changed with it.
Streaming episodes don't have to fit between adverts; they can be as long as the writer wants them to be. So all the flabby parts that don't need to be there stay in. What's up, Orville season 3?
And streaming series can have as many episodes as the budget allows. So you can take your way-too-long episode script and chop it into 3—who cares? Only now, those flabby boring scenes that don't need to be there take up entire episodes, before the "end" of that arc arrives and things actually happen. Hey there, Andor.
Since Lost started the trend, serialised shows (one longer story told in many parts) are a lot more popular nowadays. These longer stories can really grab your attention with their intricate plots and ongoing suspense over "What's going to happen next?" Although...
Serial writers often forget to make stories interesting as you watch them.
Game of Thrones has a strong over-arching narrative about houses vying for power, back-stabbing ne'er-do-wells, and shocking twists of main characters getting shuffled off the mortal coil. But in the early days, each episode followed one clear thread, ending in a satisfying (or maybe horrifying) conclusion.
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As the seasons went on, however, the threads became more spread out. Instead of getting one arc from beginning to end, we would get the middle of 10 different arcs. And, as none of those arcs would end, not a lot of satisfaction would be gotten that way. All you'd have is a tiny bit of progress on all the different arcs, making each individual episode quite uneventful.
...Until the final episode of the season, where everything is--in theory--wrapped up in one go. That's a tall order! And if it isn't handled just right, the whole season, all those threads, all those hours of watch-time can feel like a huge waste of time.
I love slow-burn storytelling. But if the ends don't justify the means (or the ending doesn't justify the slowness of the burn), it's always going to be a let-down. And if the slowness is to the degree of 10 hours of watch-time over 10 weeks of your life... that pay-off better be darned mind-blowing!
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I would like to take a moment and say CONGRATULATIONS to Turkish television industry. You guys know your shit. I recently started watching all kinds of Turkish tv shows and BOY ARE THEY GOOD. They’re really more like soap operas and I hadn’t watched any of those in YEARS but I am loving all the shows I’ve watched so far! Sure, the world of turkish tv shows is a little ruthless. Apparently channels cancel shows and also kill off main characters without mercy or simply give the shows poor endings and don’t give two shits about the viewers, but still, overall, it’s been totally worth it. I especially want to say that I am still completely SHOOK AND AMAZED by “mrs. fazilet and her daughters”.
This was a LENGHTY show, ok? I usually don’t have the patience for so many episodes, and LONG ASS episodes too, but I ate this up so fast, I barely slept for two weeks. Of course this is a MELODRAMA on STEROIDS, like seriously, the amount of drama and problems is literally IMPOSSIBLE and at one point I just felt sorry for the poor characters 😂 they literally don’t have one single minute of peace until the very end. But, oh my GOD, it is absolute GOLD. I adore this kind of family drama, it had everything I love to see: first of all, GORGEOUS PEOPLE, TURKEY I APPLAUDE YOU FOR PRODUCING SUCH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Second of all, truly one of the absolute BESTEST love stories and love triangles I have seen in my whole life. Also, intrigue, family issues, fake and real pregnancies, dangerous secrets, a fair amount of angry/jealous psychopaths, ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS AND PERFECT IN EVERY SENSE RESCUE SCENE, pretty damn good redemption arc, also a pretty fucking amazing and unexpected corruption arc (could have been better developed in the last episodes and had a better ending, but still pretty solid). I mean, it has so many good elements.
Of course the star of the show is without a single doubt Yagiz Egemen (look I don’t know how to use your Turkish letters k, so just bear with me). What a brilliant male characterization. Definitely one of my favorites EVER. This man is amazing and the reason why I’m 31 and single is because I am waiting for a man like Yagiz. He is such a lovable and REAL character. He is good, kind and honest. He has such an amazing sense of integrity, he’s loyal, he’s mature, he’s responsible. But he also has flaws, which makes him all the more amazing. Yagiz is a perfectly developed character in my opinion. A perfect hero. Obviously Hazan was just as much of an amazing heroine, which absolutely made me go out of my mind obsessed with this couple and their love story. I also loved Hazan’s character development and how she really grows into a more mature and confident woman throughout the show, without ever losing her essence. It’s truly beautiful and exciting to see how their story plays out. There are so many obstacles and it was truly high quality entertainment to see them overcome each and every one of them and end up together. I also loved that towards the end it’s Hazan who has to fight for them while Yagiz is pushing her away and not the other way around.
I have to say I also absolutely love what they did with Sinan. I mean, obviously Sinan is a despicable character and I went from sort of liking him in the beginning , to kinda disliking him towards the end of season 1, to straight up hating his fucking guts in season 2, but I loved that ultimately he became a villain. And a good one too. It was something that I really didn’t expect and loved to see play out, even though my first critic is that I think they dragged the show too much and left the best parts (i.e., Yagiz and Hazan finally admitting and confessing their love for each other and Sinan’s corruption arc) for the last 10/12 episodes, so I think they could have done a better job here, and given us more screentime of Yagiz and Hazan as an actual couple or at least trying to be a couple. My shipper heart was not so satisfied, but alas.
Now moving on to Ece. I love Ece. It’s really amazing to see how all of the characters really grew throughout the show. But I think Ece’s arc is the one with the most growth. She starts out as a weak-willed, way-too-naive-almost-kinda-dumb, also kinda shallow teenage, and ends up as a strong, kind, loyal and compassionate woman. I love Ece’s and Hazan’s relationship and I ADORED Ece’s and Yagiz’s relationship, especially in season 1. Things were rocky between them in season 2, but I loved the fact that Ece was the first one (after Yagiz, who already knew he was in deep shit at this point) to notice the HUGE, BLINDING sparks flying between Hazan and Yagiz and then obviously loved how she kept trying to bring them together and basically forced them to admit their feelings for each other. I MEAN SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT, AMIRIGHT? You go, Ece! I adored Ece’s relationship with Hazim. I don’t really like Hazim and think he was kind of a really shitty father in general (I feel empathy for him but he raised some SHITTY people man), but he was always pretty fucking amazing and incredibely kind with Ece and I found their relationship very sweet, however weird. I loved seeing their cumplicity, kindness and trust in each other.
Now, come @ me: I FUCKING LOVE YASEMIN. Is she kinda evil? Yeah. Is she totally ruthless? Yup. Did she cross all kinds of boudaries? Definitely. But, much like Gokhan, in the end, I don’t care. I don’t think she was justified, but her backstory just makes sense with her actions, alright? This is a woman willing to do everything to prevent herself from suffering what she’s already suffered in the past. Also she’s so fucking smart, beautiful and a baddass. And I always knew she truly loved Gokhan. I loved their ending.
Also, I really loved seeing how many things in common she has with Fazilet, who, last but no least, is an amazing character. She’s that sort of grey character that you simply can’t not love. Did I hate her and wish her dead when she started coming between Yagiz and Hazan? FUCK YEAH. But overall, I love her. She’s a strong and intelligent woman willing to do literally anything except killing, to achieve what she thinks is best for her daughters. Of course her mindless ambition and her ruthlessness becomes much more clear in the end. She is an extremely flawed, yet amazing character and the one thing I truly disliked in the ending was that there wasn’t a final scene with all them together as a family, and by them I mean Hazan, Yagiz, Ece, her baby and Fazilet. I’d really love to have seen that before her final scene on the boat which I thought was extremely powerful and the perfect way to end the show.
I felt like the ending was a bit rushed, like they suddenly decided to end the show and had to wrap everything up quickly in like one episode. I sorely missed a scene between Yagiz and Hazan actually saying “I love you” to each other like OUT LOUD and kissing. But overall, watching this whole show was an amazing experience and it was very much worth it. I loved every moment of it, it got me into the Turkish tv shows and it is right up there as my top favorite!
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
2 Broke Girls Review
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I heard of 2 Broke Girls after seeing a random cameo made by Kat Dennings in Sex and the City (I recognized her as Darcy in the MCU), and immediately set out to find a place to watch it. I found with a regular subscription to Amazon Prime, I could watch 3/4 of a season which would progress each Friday, adding new episodes and taking the old ones away. I immediately loved the show because Denning’s character Max is everything I like in a tv lead. Sassy, dark, funny, and capable. The farther we got along in the show the more I loved it, mostly because of Max and Caroline’s relationship and how these girls never got jealous of one another, which seems like a common plot whenever multiple female characters grace the screen. But the two despite their obvious differences loved each other so completely in one of the best on-screen female friendships I’ve ever seen. By the end I was completely in love. I liked that Max and Caroline’s first go at the cupcake shop was an overshot and ended up failing. I liked that in the end they got the shop placed next to the diner so they’d never part with it, and they adapted it as the world adapted to take on more than one thing (alcohol and cupcakes, which is the embodiment of Max and Caroline). I also really enjoyed the LA storyline because often when characters are out of their natural setting for more than two episodes, the story gets more and more odious. But I really liked the movie concept, and I adored Robbie. He was far the best love interest Max had ever had, and she had some solid ones. Namely the bartender and the dude who lived in the dumpster. (Can’t remember their names right now). We ended the show with Robbie coming back in a perfect moment and proposing to Max. Usually I find the proposal episode to be pretty cheesy (except the Monica and Chandler episode of Friends), but this was just amazing. I didn’t think it would happen and I was so happy in the end. Caroline’s movie had come out, and she met a nice, interesting guy she had immediate chemistry with. One of my favorite moments of the show is a little joke in the final episode was when Max made a joke about how her wish came true because she and Caroline don’t have to die together now, but then Robbie said, “You can die with us”, and that is why I like the relationships on the show. Never were guys pushy or annoyed with either girl’s friend. They adored them, and this line just made me fall completely for Robbie. But as the episode was nearing its end, I knew the show had been canceled. With only two minutes to go we find out that Bobby (Carolines boyfriend) and Randy had met before and loathe each other. We end the show with the two brawling outside the cupcake window with the girls infront. If they had just cut that last scene and made the boys shake hands, we could’ve ended the show perfectly. But originally a seventh season was in mind, so they didn’t do this and the show was canceled leaving us oh so satisfied in all ways, but one. Overall, I recommend the show because I really do adore it and will definitely rewatch it, but by just cutting out the final two minutes we could’ve had the perfect resolution to a six-season long show with the girls having good relationships and their cupcake shops, but still working at the diner with a zero-dollar account balance to bring it full circle. Nevertheless, I looked forward to new episodes every Friday and would give it a 9.5/10. I was never once bored watching it.
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cureblogging · 2 years
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That was a freaking delight!
Since DX was pure fan-service and after the mild disappointment of DX2 being as safe as it possibly could, I didn't want to keep my hopes high for the rest of the crossover movies being more than extra icing on top of their season's cake. It's a good thing that DX3 not only blew my expectations out of the water with its solid writing and genuine character moments, but it also dared tell a bolder story and fake us out with a bittersweet ending up until the post credits scene!
None of the scenes felt like padding, each one having a clear purpose in the story; the character moments felt more genuine, and most importantly, the new Cures had their moment to shine! DX did the Fresh trio dirty by wasting too much time on references and callbacks, and DX2 was too unfocused to do anything effective with the Heartcatch duo. Conversely, DX3 had the new girls meet and learn from their seniors, take those lessons to heart and then use them in act 3 for the climactic final battle. That's good writing, baby!
Of course, nothing is perfect. The start of the movie, in the choice to get right into it, felt way too rushed; yes, we know those characters already, and I get why you'd just cut to the chase, but it's the fact that I know these characters that makes me want to spend more time with them, you know? It was one of the things DX2 got right -- spend 10 minutes just hanging out with the Cures. It's part of the 3 act structure: set-up, confrontation, resolution. If you put the inciting incident right at the 2-minute mark, it makes it harder for the audience to immerse itself in the story.
All that being said, though, I enjoyed this movie way more than the previous two. As always the animation is impeccable, the action is spectacular, the music is-- well, the same as always, and I almost didn't want to kill Coco this time! That's progress.
9/10 - if you're going to watch any of the crossover movies, watch this one.
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avocado-frog · 2 months
WIP questionaire
Thank you to @late-to-the-fandom !
1. What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters have all been around since I started writing at age 12, with some minor changes, but they've stayed relatively similar. This version in particular, I already had the characters, but the second thing was of course the vibes. I had just finished over the garden wall in May for some reason and it hit me with the creativity stick and i outlined a book and set the goal to try to finish it before school started again. And then it (predictably) took me until December to finish it
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Forget me not A burning memory reece moseley Dahlia Meteor shower cavetown
Rosemary Canary in a coal mine the crane wives
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
In terms of personality, Leo is my favorite to write. I like my protagonists terribly mean and slightly unhinged, but also they're the main character so they're the most developed and easiest for me to write. The first twelve or so chapters of rosemary had Leo completely out and it was a little tricky to write what the OTHER characters were up to without her plot line to bounce off of. Like forget me not is my Leo-centric story, so obviously the other characters follow what she's up to, and Dahlia, even though it's the Elliot-centric story which Dylan and Ryan follow, still has the Leo B plot. The first twelve rosemary chapters have Leo's absence as a thing for the other character's arcs, but the minute I got to write a Leo pov chapter again is where I got my footing back
In terms of character arc/production, it's Dylan. Besides Leo, Jaxon, and Elliot in forget me not (who are the main three characters for that story) and a little bit for Ryan, there isn't much in terms of development for plot points for the other characters until about part two/three. Which I'm going to add scenes when I do my round of editing any day now
Dylan gets hints of their arc for dahlia and a portion of rosemary in like. chapter fourteen. I think that's the ice skating chapter and while that's mostly there to develop Leo and Lily's relationship, Dylan and Elliot get a little bit of time as well. They're noticeably a little further behind than the others, and then in chapter sixteen, there's a small line from Elliot that implies that he is Dylan's only friend aside from the main characters, which is especially important because a solid most of the others have their own friend groups outside of the main cast who barely if ever show up, but we know they're there. Leo has friends in chapter three and it's mentioned that Cass does as well. Lily and Jaxon are relatively popular, and in the first chapter of dahlia, it's said that he'd been going to his friend's house (I think his name was Cole). In chapter sixteen, Sam is the most sociable of the three (ryan sam elliot) and by dahlia, has an established friend group. In chapter sixteen, Ryan and Elliot have trouble with it for a while, but make a friend by the end of it. The only two characters who DON'T are Dylan and Logan and boy could I write an essay on those two. Their arc is also set up in one of the last chapters for forget me not before dahlia starts (part two is Dylan's arc)
I'd keep talking about them but for the sake of length i'm not going to
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I might be cheating on this one by just listing a bunch of stuff I took inspiration from but. omori and coraline. Maybe stuff like the owl house too. Gravity falls. Over the garden wall is an obvious pick
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
So each of my chapter titles are dates which does mean that I have to be careful with timeline stuff because people can poke holes all around there. why did this thing happen before this thing how old was this character when this happened and etc. making a timeline is hard And since it takes place in the real world and I didn't make up any fake towns I have to do stuff like, how far are these two cities actually. is there an ikea in new hampshire. double hard because i've not once been to the east coast and in fact live on the other side of the country. I know what the weather is like during March in Idaho because I live right BY Idaho. I've got no clue what the weather in March is like in Maine because I DONT live right by maine and I dont want my actual phone's weather app to think I live there now I also hate writing dialogue for antagonists because it feels corny every time I try to write it. In the same vein, serious scenes. Born to write a tragedy forced to write a comedy or something
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
I gave Ryan a cat because bad things kept on happening to him and I felt bad. I forgot what the cat's name is (i keep referring to the cat as The Cat) but he's a menace who causes plot holes because like okay now i've got to know what this fucking cat is doing during this scene. I DO like using the cat as foreshadowing though. Adding this in after I've written two more chapters but I'm adding in hints of There's Something Up With This Cat that I'm probably not going to do anything with but it would make for fun theories if this were a show Dylan does get a lot of bird symbolism (canaries + crows mostly), and Elliot is associated with rabbits. Ryan again has cat associations and Sam has dog associations. The other characters don't really have the same thing but I've been using a porcupine for Leo OH and I forgot about the rat. Jaxon used to have an unnamed rat but I sadly had to cut the rat because adding pets into a storyline comes with a surprising amount of plot holes The biggest animal association reference comes in a scene between Dylan and Sam in one of the rosemary chapters (not going to look for it right now) where Dylan is drawing the above mentioned animals- mostly the rabbit- and we get a reference to the rat. I think I might have had a deer for Lily and a sparrow for Cass (because i love my cass dylan parallels) but I don't remember what I had for Logan. I DO remember having a hard time with his and Jaxon's especially. This went off the rails I'm sorry
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
The transportation situation was always a bit of a plot hole for me when I was writing the first part, because I only have two characters who can canonically drive and I only have one that SHOULD be driving.
Leo has a murder van that she stole. I used it for forget me not chapter five/nine because five is when she takes it and nine is when she gets to the place it came from so she'd obviously need it. But then I kind of forgot about it, and since it's a Murder Van and the person driving it Stole It and is also only sixteen by that point and had only driven like twice before, nobody would ever want to get inside of it
I do have a throwaway line in I THINK forget me not seventeen that says that cass and leo are taking driving lessons, but we're already over halfway done with that story so it hardly matters
As for Logan, he doesn't NEED a car that can fit nine people, because before chapter ten, there were only four of them. And I don't know that he would be able to reasonably afford a proper car with third row seating
I mentioned in one of the chapters that he DOES buy a new car but I think I'm going to delete it once I go through the next round of editing
What I did for the second to last arc in forget me not where the group actually is trying to get somewhere is that I split them up into Leo's Van vs Logan's Car, which does have some continuity errors that I'm FIXING IN THE NEXT ROUND OF EDITING!!!!! I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm at part 2/3 of the third book in the series, writing chapter 30 and trying hard to figure out how to write an opening line for an important chapter!!! It is Not Coming Along Well. I have four chapters left in this part and it is pretty clear that I moved around some chapters lmao. I'm cutting a character who I never used who STILL managed to get a focus arc in rosemary that I'm deleting, and I redid what chapters would go to which part following this, which made my outline a little weird since I've changed it from 5 parts to 3 like normal. Which I'm sure makes you think oh wow you probably deleted a lot of chapters- NO i had to ADD chapters to make it DIVISIBLE BY THREE INSTEAD OF FIVE. Now there are FIFTY-ONE chapters and i'm on chapter THIRTY
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Lots of found family tropes. lab whump for those interested. gay people. you see my vision.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Mainly for me to finish it lmao but it'd be cool to have people who like it. Thinking about publishing but im not sure. I also think it would be neat to make a webcomic or something but that would require me to learn to draw and put in like effort and stuff
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knightoflodis · 2 months
Why did I have to read the light novel after watching a single episode of the anime? Now I am hyper analyzing every single episode that comes out! Like. They are cutting out small things, BUT THOSE SMALL THINGS ARE SUPER IMPORTANT FOR DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THESE CHARACTERS! Like. Did they seriously fucking cut out the very reclusive main character sharing his current lunch spot with this other reclusive character?? They currently don’t like each other much and he was doing her a solid because he wanted to be nice. That’s fucking big! Ugh. It’s a small thing. But it’s important. Especially since later on this girl (plus another) join him and the other main girl at this lunch eating spot because of this exchange. Like. The light novel is out here doing all of this setup for future scenes and events and the anime is just cutting them. Also. The anime cut out a side character. There’s a student council member that’s constantly hounding the literature club and even though she doesn’t do much, she is there to add pressure to the main characters and to set up future scenes! Like. The council questions what the club does, which prompts the club to first start writing stories and second go on a field trip together. THAT’S IMPORTANT! That field trip is also important because it gives a chance for two of the three main girls to escape their relationship woes. I know tv shows have to cut things for time. But it is very frustrating seeing these useful building blocks being cut. Like. They are minor and probably less important than other things. But still.
Edit: okay. They finally introduced said side character. I paused and wrote this like half a minute before she was introduced. Like. She could have been there earlier instead of episode 3. But fine. I will take her now. Edit 2: oh hell yes! I couldn’t imagine her very well. But her portrayal is so good!
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