#also. i will admit the guy was obnoxious and whenever he talked to me i genuinely felt nauseaous
kyonshi-8610 · 4 months
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a realization i had about a month ago
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triannel · 1 month
I just could not let the day pass by without writing something about this triangle guy. Please, do send more requests, I will greatly appreciate it.
Bill Cipher with Feelings
-Establishing a relationship with him will truly be a very difficult challenge, but once you do, he'd become quite a tsundere towards you. Just in his likeness, he will be obnoxious whenever he would feel the butterflies flying about inside of him. How dare you make him feel this way...
-He would rarely give you gifts though, but do not expect him to admit that it is one when he gives you something. There will always be a justification as to why he gives you such things, so much so that it sometimes feel like all he's fooling, is just himself.
-Although that is the case sometimes, other times he would drop off very arbitrary and strange gifts to you...in the dreamscape, be it a very disturbing painting, a necklace stringed eye, a song or even very rarely, a favor.
-Of course he is still a toxic character though, so you must have enough patience and kindness but also bravery and determination to be with this maniacal triangle. He'll test your patience, ruin your sleep schedule, make you distraught, make mistakes, make you upset, and perhaps even make you want to run away or try to manipulate you to stay.
-His emotions can go from 0 to 100, he just can't decide what to do with you. On the first hand he could have you as a true companion, a lover, a comforter, a puppet, ...perhaps even a toy... But on the other hand, you could just trick him, be the reason for his downfall, be his weakness and make him actually change.
-He is constantly going to a yo-yo state of mind at times, one time he'd become manipulative, then he'd threaten to kill you, but then he'd just act like nothing ever happened the next meeting. His indiciciveness will become one of the bundle of problems you'd need to deal with when you're trying to build a good connection with him.
-So good luck and bless your soul if you do stay....perhaps talking with a certain amphibian might help.
-But through it all, after the fight, the sadness, the arguments, the disagreements, if you do still find yourself coming back to him despite it all, to go to him not because he manipulated you to do so, but because you truly do love him enough to go through such trivial and difficult hardships, then he'll end up breaking right in front of you.
-He doesn't understand. He can't understand. Why are you being so kind to him? He just can't understand. (Flowey ref?)
-Why are you still here? Can't you see he's the worst person you'll ever be with? He's the worst person you'll ever be friends with.
-But Bill would still be in absolute ecstacy to know that you'll choose him no matter what. It feeds his ego. It makes him feel superior, and more possessive though.
-But still, deep inside he just doesn't feel worthy. Why, why would you choose him? It would rattle his brain to no end. For an all knowing being he just can't get his mind wrapped around it to be honest. Your kindness and all for what?
"Do you really expect me to change?" Bill spoke to a picture of you.
"I'LL NEVER CHANGE. DO YOU THINK I CAN'T SEE THROUGH YOU?" he spoke, shaking the picture.
"WHAT..?" Bill started to speak in a sarcastic manner. "WILL THE...POWER OF 'FRIENDSHIP' HELP YOU, YOU REALLY THINK YOUR STUPID DETERMINATION FILLED HEART CAN CHANGE ME?" Shaking, he gripped the picture of you.
"YOU...you idiot." Floating lower to the ground, he loosens his grip on the picture.
-Perhaps though, he'd change, very slowly but surely, you'll help him without noticing. With your kind gestures and bottomless love for him, he'll eventually come around.
-Through the trials and tribulations, he'll slowly learn to like you, to grow fond of you, to finally love you. His ego will be hard to battle but it will be worth it in the end.
-Perhaps...one day, on a nice dreamy day, you'll find yourself holding his hand. Your fingers intertwined with each others as the sun shades the scene with a beautiful cozy colour of orange.
Please, if you'd like to read more, then send an ask/request. I would honestly be very grateful if you do so.
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 month
✨️ L Lawliet w/ a Shy & Insecure Reader Headcanons ✨️
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Notes: I got real specific here. I need some validation haha. I swear if L ever complimented me I'd implode and then explode like I've done many times in the DS game (don't make fun of me >:<)
I'm adding pink text and sparkles to the title. Cope with it DN twt
Warnings: 18+!!! There is some sexy content, no gendered terms or pronouns. I tried being inclusive with the sexy stuff. Talks about poor self-esteem and insecurities. L being his rude ass self at one point. Reader described as quiet. I did indeed write L as a sweetheart, and I don't regret it one bit! :D. Not proofread
For starters, shy isn't a problem for L. He appreciates that you're quiet and relatively polite. It makes it easier for him to get away with dating you because he knows you're not going to be obnoxious around headquarters, and there's a good chance you'll never even mention that you're his partner
He finds it vry cute. Especially when you stumble over your words when he flirts with you. His pride is very comfy with you.
You are a perfect parallel play lover!!! He's grateful that you don't pester him when he's busy, but he doesn't mind you being around him. You can draw, do homework, write, play video games, anything. He just appreciates your company. He's also 100% paying attention out of his peripheral vision.
But because you're quiet, sometimes you don't share all of your thoughts with him and it can make for a satisfying relationship. L sure as shit isn't disclosing a lot of stuff, so he sees it as even
A lot of your secrets are insecurities, though. You worry a lot about your competency as a romantic partner. Whether it's your intelligence, physical beauty, personality, interests, anything really. You're always anxious that you're not enough, and not enough for him.
L knows well that you lack confidence. He's torn, actually, because he wants to see you become more sure of yourself and he'll try to help. He teaches you skills when he has time and makes sure to compliment you when you do something good. Sometimes he stretches the truth in his praises just to make you feel better. He knows you value his opinion a lot.
However, your insecure nature is an easy opening for him to get away with a lot. Nothing that serious, but secret tests are a given with L, and he does like to test if you'll push through him not given you the validation he knows you want. It actually does make him feel like 10% bad, though, and he'll make up for it.
He understands why you're insecure, but at the same time, he thinks it's silly. Especially when you admit to him that you're worried about your physical appearance or sexual abilities. It's in those moments he just wants to tell you to stop because "have you seen me, y/n?"
But yes please flatter his ego
When you started sleeping together it actually was pretty smooth and natural
I truly believe L was a virgin until you, so he probably wasn't much more confident than you
The doom of adult virginity/inexperience is that everyone expects you to be pornographic by now, and for an insecure person that can be very demanding
L doesn't expect that and won't be disappointed by something slow and "vanilla." He likes that, honestly. But of course, if/whenever you're ready for something more spicy, he's very open to communicating about it
This guy is just happy to touch you, period
If you fumble because you're nervous, he's not upset, but he'll redirect you with affirming words
He does admittedly get irritated by consistent nagging and the self-deprecating comments you make. It annoys him after a bit. He'll likely disengage to avoid hurting your feelings, but if you're persistent, he'll give it to you straight.
"The only thing you should be insecure about is that you're a broken record."
Fight the tears
It actually does make him upset when you doubt him and his love for you. It makes him feel like you don't trust him. L is aware that he's deceptive by nature, but he wants you to trust that he values you. He certainly wouldn't be in a committed relationship with you if his feelings weren't genuine
So he reminds you. Again. And again. That he wants you in his life and treasures you
You're lucky that he loves you so much
Sometimes, you'll go through periods of isolating from him because you're afraid of bothering him. Trust me. He's glad to have time to work, but he does pick up on your distance quick
You're so afraid of asking him for attention
or even just a bite of his cake. He always offers, tho.
But yea. L is a busy guy and comfortable in seclusion, so he isn't that clingy. He can go a long time without checking in on you, which doesn't help the paranoia
When he decides to take a break for once, usually his first instinct is to either 1. Get coffee or a treat, or 2. Make a bee line to see you!!
Know that he loves you much more than most things. You are his priority, even if his work takes precedence at times.
He'll attempt to build your trust over time because he understands how hard it is to believe in someone's honesty. It'll get better, and you'll likely start to feel more self-assured with him. L talks a lot, but he believes actions speak louder than words, so he'll show you how much he loves you through the little things because you light up his world after an exhausting day full of murder and nonstop thinking. You're home to him and he wants you to feel the same way about him.
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backwardsbread · 6 months
Your “Hazbin Hotel Characters Forgetting an Anniversary” has become a comfort post of mine. You did such a good job with it and did amazing in capturing their personalities as well!
I was wondering if I could request an Adam fic? Like one where he realizes that he actually cares about reader, but he goes about showing that in the strangest ways? He may be a massive obnoxious jerk in the show, but he somehow made his way to being a favorite of mine in the show.
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My heart- opening my inbox and seeing this made my day-
I’ve also been obsessing over Adam fics lately so seeing something with Adam get requested made me SO happy! I am happy to oblige~!
Adam x Gn!Angel!Reader
~Feelings are Fucked~
Warnings‼️: Adam being Adam, mutual pining, swearing, maybe OOC?
~Not proofread~
Listen. I don’t gotta tell you that Adam is always up his own ass.
Dude is OBSESSED with himself.
He would be the type of guy to be like;
“Oh yeah, have you heard of the BIBLE?? I’m kinda in it, no big deal.”
He’s on his own mind 99.9% of the time. His needs, wants, desires.
He’s so Self centered it’s not even funny-
So IMAGINE how he feels when you start to pick your way into his thoughts. And he has no idea why.
(Obviously Adam was the superior being, why should you have all people be on his mind??)
It’s easy for him to brush away these random thoughts of you. He could easily distract himself with material things to get his mind off the topic.
Eventually when distractions stop working, he feels like he’s going crazy.
He’s got a lot of things to do in Heaven, yet you feel like the most important ones to him.
I can see Adam being a huge flirt in the beginning. If he can get you to fall for him as hard as he has for you, he’ll consider it a win.
But he doesn’t really realize how much of a dick he comes off as. He absolutely makes a fool of himself majority of the time.
Gives the vibe of him saying something lowkey offensive while laughing and you just staring at him blankly and asked ‘What’s so funny?’
It’s frustrating for him how he can’t seem to get to you.
He doesn’t ask for advice from anybody, but I can definitely see Lute giving her 2 cents while Adam is ranting about how ‘annoying’ you are.
Her biggest piece of advice being for him to just stfu sometimes and actually listen to you.
Adam will never admit how much that actually helped him, it seemed like such a simple solution that he just hadn’t been doing.
So instead of being this overbearing flirt, he’ll just listen to you talk, occasionally chiming in with his own banter. Through this he learns a lot more about you.
And he makes an effort to show you he’s been listening.
You mention your favorite candy? He grabs some for you whenever he’s out getting snacks.
You mention a favorite scent of yours? Suddenly his whole house smells like it whenever you come over.
Got a favorite flower? He just so happened to see some at the garden and brings you one.
Of course he makes sure to follow up his kind gestures with a flirty or snarky remark. Trying to be this big tough guy despite how sweet he’s being to you.
He doesn’t realize how much of a total sap he’s being and how obvious his feelings are for you.
I can totally see Adam’s love language being gift giving and physical touch.
He’s not good with words. Never has been, never will be.
So he often shows his care for you by poking your side or cheek, resting his head or chin on your shoulder, ruffling your hair, or keeping one of his wings behind your back to make sure your close to him.
Adam was walking along the streets of heaven with you, ranting about how his superior Sera, was supposedly being a Karen.
In his words she ‘wouldn’t get off his dick’ about his behavior and language. You listened to Adam’s ranting, letting him express his frustrations despite how petty the situation might’ve been. You occasionally let out hums of acknowledgment and nod towards him to show you were listening.
While you’re paying attention to him, a few angels who seemed to be in a rush, nearly bump into you from behind. Adam catches a glimpse of the angels coming your guys’ way, and extends his wing out to shield you from the other angels.
He grabs your hand, bringing you closer to him while his wing wraps around your torso. He waits for the angels to pass by, giving them an extremely fake smile as they flew by. Once they were out of sight, Adam’s smile falls and he grumbles to himself, pulling his wing back to his side.
“Stupid, fucking… can’t watch where they’re going?”
He keeps your hand in his own, continuing to grumble how some angels needed to mind their business and watch where they were going. The two of you continue to walk, but Adam’s voice seems to drown out, and you can only really focus on your hand in his own.
Sure Adam had been affectionate to you many times, but never in public. It wasn’t something that bothered you either. You just felt anxious butterflies fly around your stomach, a sense of pride welling up in your chest that Adam was holding your hand. As the two of you are about to reach your destination, you finally speak up to Adam before you would have to depart from him.
“Hey, are you.. doing anything.. tomorrow evening?”
You ask, scratching the back of your neck a bit with your free hand. Warmth spreads across your face as Adam just kind of stares at you for a moment, pondering.
“Uhh, got a few boring ass meetings after noon, but otherwise, I’m chilling for the rest of the night.”
“Would you.. want to go out to dinner tomorrow? If you’re up for it.”
Your question seemed to go over Adam’s head of what your intentions were. Free food was free food, (and time spent with you was a plus)
He lets his ego take over for a bit, putting a proud hand over his chest. His grin shines across his mask, spreading from ear to ear.
“I suppose I can make some time for you. As long as I get to pick the place.”
You can’t help but chuckle, face flushing hues of pink when Adam agreed. You smile brightly, finally letting go of Adam’s hand.
“Sounds good! Let’s say around 5 or 6?”
“Don’t rush me babes, I’ll text ya when I’m headed over.”
Adam says nonchalantly, crossing his arms. Despite his attitude, you watch his eyes shift away from you, avoiding your gaze. He’s embarrassed and you can tell by how his guard started to come back up. You had learned these little telltale signs Adam had. You chuckle, simply waving to Adam, wishing him good luck on his meeting and telling him you’ll see him tomorrow.
Adam smiles genuinely, giving a small wave back, before turning towards the large angelic building to head inside. Lute was waiting by the door for him and she just so happened to hear your guys’ little exchange. Adam’s whistling to himself, his heart beating fast in his chest but he can’t put his finger on the exact reason as to why.
Lute looks towards him, raising a suspicious brow. She sighs seeing how Adam was oblivious to what he had just agreed to. While holding the door open for Adam to enter the building, she speaks.
“You know they just asked you on a date, right?”
Adam’s whistling comes to a complete stop, his body freezing where he stood. Lute glances up at him, pressing her lips together so she doesn’t laugh at Adam’s look of shock.
“They fuckin’ what??”
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subtlelovers · 3 months
Suguru Geto headcanons
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Creator: Yall reblogs, likes, comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!!!! I never knoow who to write these about so I just chose Geto, the nsfw is marked in red mdni
He LOVES when you brush his hair and do it for him.
Geto is the typa guy to always be hot. As in he would heat you up with cuddles yet still manage to be cold somehow.
Definetely does skincare, face masks, scrubs and stuff like that with you.
He would not hesitate to literally kill anyone who hurts or tries to hurt you.
He loves cooking food. Wether that is waking you up with breakfast or cooking dinner. He won't complain if you ask for a 5 course meal.
He would use your clothes to his advantage. Using your belt to pull you closer, putting his hands in your pant pockets. If you have a purse you bet he will put his stuff in it.
Geto is definetely a blanket hogger. He will steal the blanket cause he is "Cold" And when you complain he uses it as an excuse to cuddle.
If he gets jealous and stuff, which he usually isn't he will casually put his hand on your thigh or have you sit on his lap to make sure everyone knows you're his.
He would always peek at your phone whenever you're focused on it. If he sees you watching something interesting on tiktok he will refresh your fyp mid video.
If you end the day with an argument, he will need goodnight hugs and kisses and an "I love you" No matter what or how you protest.
If you watch a sad movie and you start crying he will laugh at you BUT he will also cuddle you so your back is against his chest and hug you.
Though if you get scared at a horror movie, trust me he will just let you be scared while he mocks you. "It's not even scary" "Scared, hm?"
He is very good at remembering to shave his face, it's always clean.
Geto definetely snores. Not that loud obnoxious snore, just a subtle one, enough to keep you up.
Geto is and EATER. And if you try to close your legs you can bet he's forcing them back open.
He loves praising you, but also receiving praise. Man wants to know when he's appreciated.
Doesn't neseccarily do a lot of foreplay but if he wants you to really feel it he will make you grind on his leg/thigh. if that's something you're comfortable with
He is very dominant, definetely top though he is way more on the soft dom side, he still needs to feel like he respects you. While still being in charge.
This guy has the fucking face card. If he want's it he gives you that look, that facial expression. (I put the one i'm talking about at the bottom of the post)
I imagine if he's horny he would either do what I mentioned above, or he will literally strip in front of you. Either keeping or taking off his boxers. He then flexes his muscles, considering it the hugest ego boost if you compliment his appearance.
He always makes sure you are comfortable before he tried something new with you. And is always excited whenever you ask him for something, he would do ANYTHING. Your wish is his command.
I imagine Geto enjoys period sex. To be honest I feel like this man would even eat you out on your period, using anything like placing his shirt or a blanket under your hips as a towel while saying "A soldier isn't scared to get blood on his sword"
This guy would go FERAL if you just as much as traced your fingertips along his v line.
He has long fingers. Let's admit it, he loves fingering you as much as you love him doing it, he reaches places you didn't know existed.
Geto would definetely be a groaner. Deep (sometimes raspy) groans and moans, but you would hear his voice get whiny and shaky whenever he cums.
Kind of related to the one above. Geto would for exampple if you two were at a store I feel like he would pretend to whisper something to you but instead moan next to your ear and give your neck kisses. He loved your priceless reactions and the way you would scold him for doing that in public.
Fucking face card 🡳
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OKAY if yall have suggestions to who i should do next or just anything you want me to write PLEASE LMKK im all outta ideas🥲
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
Three words: yandere Luis Sera.
tw :: re4 spoilers, yandere!luis, obsessive!luis, kidnapping, guns, drugging, noncon touching, blood, wounds, parasites, insinuations of sex, being physically restrained.
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⸺ yall. this man. >>>>>>>> zoo wee mama !!! this dude literally has me full-on giggling and kicking my feet while i write about him in my diary. and his voice and dialogue !!!! can't get enough of him i stg- but let me chill out cuz i could literally talk about luis for hours. with that out of the way, i must address the elephant in the room. he survives here. period. (i'm still salty about this count your fucking days capcom).
you and luis had met while he was still working for los iluminados. his task was simple: lure victims into his laboratory what the sultry attitude of his, infect them with las plagas, and give them away to the saddler. and you were just like any other victim, lost and confused over what the fuck you had gotten yourself into. but for whatever reason, you didn't seem afraid at all. you were annoyed at the inconvenience more than anything.
he meets you at the church, where you had attempted to find help in the middle of your crisis. and he'd be a liar if he said you weren't much prettier than all his other victims. the way you look at him with that harsh gaze pulls on his heartstrings like a puppeteer. your furrowed brows and that adorable pout — oh, how badly he wishes to kiss it all away. but, he has been assigned a task. and as much as he wants to abandon it right then and there for you, he must persevere.
you point your gun in his direction. "forgive my manners. my name is luis sera, encantado." luis puts his hands in the air and surrenders with that all-too irritating look on his face.
he then puts on his best facade of the unfortunate traveler who got caught up in this mess. and you don't believe him for a second. you ignore his insinuations of you teaming up, as well as his obnoxious attempts at flirting and go your own way. correction, you try and go your own way. you now just have this yapping puppy dog at your side. and god, does it piss you off how flirtatious he attempts to be during such a time like this. holding open doors for you despite there being every kind of abomination on his tail; a shitty remark like "after you, i insist" with a smirk and a wink. your sneer afterwards drives him nuts.
for the first time in the entirety of this heartthrob's life, luis is chasing after someone. the pursued is now pursuing and it is slowly but surely driving him fucking insane. your resistance to his affections isn't the only thing that allures him to you, however. it's your ambition, your drive, your depth that truly thrusts him into the deep end. admitting he is deeply in love is nothing but a pipe dream, as he knows your inevitable rejection will shatter him, but he will show this love through flirtatious, albeit desperate, acts of affection. eyes softening whenever you're in his train of vision, the ardent kiss on your hand when you help him up from a ledge, doing the whole "hey, is this guy bothering you?" when there is a literal demon chasing you. (he is also 10000% a "where my hug at?" kind of guy. i am so sorry.)
by the time you two make it to his laboratory, luis knows in his heart there is no way he can hide it now. he is hopelessly and irrevocably devoted to you. so, he meticulously has you read through his notes regarding the amber. while you are occupied, luis approaches you from behind, locks you tight in his arms and shoves a syringe into your neck. you feel him press kisses to your temple as you struggle in his embrace; incoherent words of affection reverberating in your ears. soon, everything goes quiet and finally, you can rest.
a blinding light welcomes you once you wake. in an attempt to scrutinize your surroundings, you realize you are restrained to an examination table. ragged belts loop around your legs, your arm, your waist, god, even your neck. you can't move a single muscle, despite your efforts to do such. the squeaking of a stool's wheels sliding across the ground steals your attention. luis sera now sits beside you in all his glory, taking a puff from a cigarette while his other hand grasps hold of yours. you want so badly to slap it away from you, maybe sock him square in the face while you're at it, but you're paralyzed from head-to-toe and completely inexorable to his touch.
"i love you like this." his voice has that same sultry tone you're used to, but there is something sickeningly sweet that hangs off of his every word. “i'm certainly the luckiest bastard in the world to have you beneath me.”
you don't respond, only staring at him in sheer horror while he begins to caress the top of your head. and just when you think this nightmare couldn't get any worse, luis leans down and brings you into a fervent kiss. you can almost hear how his heart pounds like a drum in his chest, as it always does when you’re around. after your attempts at thrashing against him, you use all force within you to bite down on his lip as a last resort. he endures, this is worth any and all pain, before he finally pulls away from you. “mierda!” he exclaims. your mouth tastes of copper and smoke; your teeth are now painted red.
"okay, we'll skip the foreplay." he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, that smug grin returning to his lips. "come on. where's the love, baby?"
luis runs his tongue across the scar you left with your teeth and a shiver runs down his spine. your mark on him, it makes him dizzy with euphoria. and he knows how terrified you must be, considering your current circumstances and of what he is known to be capable of. but, maybe this can be a new chapter for him — for the both of you. you can continue being your most amazing self, all with him at your side. and he'll pursue a tender heart and romancing the love of his life, a major contrast to the all-too lonely, bloodied footprints in his path.
besides, people can change. right, y/n?
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disclaimer :: reader is not infected lol.
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oflgtfol · 8 days
hope you had an awesome time at the show! I’ve pissed off everyone who knows me irl bc I won’t shut up about it lmao but if you want to talk about it 👀 also congrats on escaping michael!
thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to scream into my pillow about this
IT WAS SO FUCKING AMAZINGGGGGG i'm so in awe. SO in awe i'm kinda upset i haven't seen them live before. towards the end dustin did the whole 'raise your hand if this is your first demonstration or if you've seen us before' thing, and straight up 60% of the audience were part of the latter group, and then also 'raise your hand if you've been with us since transmissions' and it was so painful to say i've been here since transmissions but this is my first demonstration AGH. TEN years!!! but in my defense i was a kid for most of those ten years and then covid happened so like. here i am finally. definitely planning on seeing them again whenever they next visit long island
literally my neck hurts so much today i was headbanging so hard i pulled muscles in my NECK over it and there was a mosh pit that lasted for the entire show even for the slower songs. it was lowkey fucking hilarious seeing the moshers go crazy over echo when the lyrics to echo are so flowery and the set visuals were focusing on the little guy from the music video
the music was so loud i could feel the vibrations not only in my own body but also in the clothes around my skin, i ltierally could not hear my own voice as i sang along (which is insane because my only two other concerts i've been to as an independent adult were twrp, and both times we were standing in the first/second rows and yet i still felt so obnoxiously loud when singing along because i'm all that you can hear in any videos. meanwhile even in my videos of starset, even with me recording right next to my face, you still can't hear my voice)
i will admit toksik was kinda meh to me when it first released, like it was a good meh but not in the "holy fuck im gonna listen to this on repeat" kind of song yknow. but then they played it as an encore at the show and they had GAS MASKS ON and i went to the concert with my boyfriend who only barely knows starset (and mostly as preparation because i was bringing him to this concert with me) but he loves toksik so he was having a fucking blast with that song unlike the others that i could tell he wasnt as familiar with and so it just really heightened the experience to hear him singing along with it and he was dancing with me and the music was even more of a banger live than the studio version so just AHHHH i love toksik now so much
AND THE LAST SONG BEFORE THE ENCORE WAS MY DEMONS and i swear yknow as much as we all joke around about my demons being the stereotypical edgy song etc it was a BANGERRRRRRRRR live and the way the entire audience went fucking NUTS (MYSELF INCLUDED!!!) was such a high
only thing i have to say is that i do wish they played more horizons songs, off the top of my head i think they only played devolution (FUCKING BANGER LIVE) and infected? so sad i love horizons so much. they seemed to focus mostly on vessels and divisions. and the way that they said this tour is wrapping up this arc of the storyline that has spanned across two albums - presumably divisions and horizons?? - it feels kinda weird that there was barely any horizons features if that's the case. anyway. i'm not upset about it because of course every single song was a banger just wah they have too large a discography now to have every single song play. too much of a good thing....
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heyy could i have an outsiders ship???!!?
i'm like 5'3 i think. my hairs curly and blonde (bottle blonde 😞😞) and being honest i cant rven tell what color my eyes are but in bright lights they look blue so theyre dark blue i guess. my style changes like every week so i cant accurately say what it is. if i had to pick itd be whatever you call like 80s typa stuff. im kinda quiet around other people but my friends are making me actually like talk more around people. when im with my friends i talk their asses off all the time. in terms of interests and stuff, j love reading (especially horror), insects, rock music, and like hanging out with my friends. my favorite books are the stand, it, phantom of the opera, dracula, the outsiders (nooo shittt 😱😱😱), and uh the shining i guess. im super smart (so sorry if that sounds like im bragging 🙏🙏🙏 ) and im always working my ass off to get stuff done. uh i play drums and do theater too. thanks for the yap session and for the ship!!!!
There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you’re intelligent by the way!! Just to let you know for future reference that should never come off as narcissistic to someone unless you believe you’re intelligent and no one else is as intelligent as you. Like it only crosses the point of bragging whenever you think that can be intelligent at any given moment. By the way, that’s not a rant that’s really directed at you. I’m just saying this in general I hope you find it helpful!
Your Outsiders Ship: Steve Randle
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Explanation: starting off the physical description I think that he would love how you look from being way shorter than him and easily you know tease ball and he would just love picking you up and spinning you around just to mess with you or if you’re into that cause it’s romantic I think it’s a win-win I think he would find dark blue eyes gorgeous, and he would love staring into them and I personally think that is the kind of guy that little things that no one else notices about you like how your eyes glint to be a lighter shade of blue in the sunlight or your favorite color. I think he loves your fashion and while he doesn’t always get reading, I think it would mean the world to him if you read him a book while he was working on cars or something. He would come to all your band practices and performances and cheer you on very obnoxiously and maybe even get kicked out of the theater. He doesn’t care that much about school and I think he’s a little slow so I think you being intelligent would help him greatly because I mean you’re basically his tutor let’s be so for real… I also think that he loves rock music so I could see you guys easily like jamming out and I think that would be such a cute day. Idea is just hanging out talking listening to rock music maybe eating some takeout I don’t know I could see that being a solid idea for you too. I think your personalities also would go very well with each other. He’s a bit more closed off whenever you first meet him but then when you get to know him, he’s a lot more friendly and sometimes he has a hard time showing that he cares when he really does. Also, I think that he loves you change your style quite frequently because he can always have something to bet on with soda like oh what’s she gonna come in wearing today dude?! 💚💚
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sstvar · 2 years
Hey could you please tell me more about your Bendy because to be honest I’m OBSESSED he’s such a neat guy! I mean like personality traits, maybe little fun facts..ALSO DOES HE GET WITH ANYBODY IN YOUR AU.
heyyyy SO GLAD U LIKE MY SILLY LITTLE GUY and i am so glad you asked this because i’ve been looking for an opportunity to flesh out my characters more :) hmmm ok so i’ll go about this as him both in and out of business matters:
In the eye of the public he’s this eccentric contractor, and honestly he kind of plays into this himself for the fun of it, but that’s not necessarily his deal
He can be quite the recluse outside of business hours; he prefers to spend free time either completely alone or with 1 or 2 close friends
The days can be long and filled to the brim with anxious clients and trivial jobs, sooner or later the constant hustle catches up to him
Just letting his mind drift away with the radio on in the background is how he tends to unwind
On occasion he’ll go hear some music performed live by Alice and Calliope at the Trinity, but that’s often reserved only for when he’s realllllyyyy up tight
Honestly mans needs a break and someone to talk to
Would never admit to this but he is pretty lonely; business partners don’t necessarily constitute friends
He has a good handful of them that he adores but they get busy pretty often, so it’s not necessarily a looming feeling, just pangs that come up often
Generally he’s a lot more easy-going and relaxed outside of his office
Warmer towards people too (he is already anyways but yeah)
He lives in the hotel attached to the Bottle Eater and he actually likes to pay neighbours visits now and again
More than once this has turned into a game of ding dong ditch
Can literally be the goofiest dork around the right people and in the right mood
VERY selective about who he acts like this around
now when he’s IN business….
Exudes confidence, and it’s pretty genuine, which makes him THAT much more intimidating
He knows what he’s doing, and he’s not gonna act like he doesn’t
VERY professional, unless he’s lounging around the bar, then he’s slightly more approachable
Turns the charm up to 100 around clients and pedestrians just visiting the bar
”heyyyy” (manipulatively)
Not really a player per se
He figures “if it’s not gonna go anywhere, why bother?” (not in a suggestive way-)
Still, eats up compliments like there’s no tomorrow and dishes them out whenever he can
Now, he’s a little socialite out in the open, but when his office door closes………
It’s like a switch is flipped
Suddenly the reason why he earned himself the title of “The Boogeyman” becomes very clear
He’s all business, very blunt, direct and assertive
Some would say almost cold at times
This is the state where he gets irritated the easiest
If a client gets particularly pushy or obnoxious, they get one good warning before they’re dragged out of his office by the scruff of the neck
He really tries to make a point of being clear and concise with the whole process of contract making and his terms
Which is why it’s so irritating to him when his clientele don’t listen
Otherwise, he makes contract-making quite easy; another reason as to why he’s so popular
ok that’s all i can think of right now! now for your last question
you’ll see :)
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marley-manson · 1 year
Im realizing i didnt do this ask game properly at all???? I barely mentioned if i agree or disagree you just have to glean it from my answers... ANYWAY
☕️ potter is the fucking worst
☕️ hawkeye is pretty well-adjusted and doesn't lack confidence
☕️ GFA highlights the negatives of the Hawkeye-BJ relationship rather than the positives
lol fwiw I feel like it was mostly pretty clear whether you agreed or disagreed. Ty! lmao I'm sure you know my answer for all of these, but it's always fun to get an excuse to go on about them!
☕️ potter is the fucking worst
Agree, of course. He's the worst in that his addition to the show killed one of the things I enjoyed most about it, he's the worst in that his character is often extremely obnoxious, and he's the worst in that the show could've gone in such an interesting direction with him and it just decided to make him a nice grandpa army man instead 😔 The way the show ignores his flaws or treats them as cute quirks (army man mainly but also throwing around his authority in petty ways, lashing out when he's in a bad mood, etc) rather than interrogating them is such a tragic missed opportunity and really makes me hate him when otherwise I might be indifferent. It always annoys me so much more when the narrative is presenting a character in a way I don't agree with.
☕️ hawkeye is pretty well-adjusted and doesn't lack confidence
Absofuckinglutely. A major point of the show as far as I'm concerned, at least through the thematically on point first half, is that the war hits the most emotionally healthy people hardest. The reason Hawkeye is the most affected is because he's the most "sane," a la Hawk's Nightmare. It's one of the fundamental basics of the satire. The only sane reaction to being thrown into a warzone is to go insane. If you want to be there, that's what makes you crazy. Klinger's section 8 attempts only prove he's sane. etc etc. that catch 22 shit.
And of course from a strict character perspective rather than thematically, he's just... a fun, confident guy who has his shit together. It's hard to argue this case because it seems self-evident to me lol. He achieved his difficult life goal of becoming a surgeon, he's flirty and sexually experienced and despite some negative relationship experience isn't jaded and is still looking for love (though not so much in a warzone), he's optimistic, he acts on his principles heedless of corrupt authority and regardless of whether the odds are in his favour, he goes through life with a sense of humour but doesn't use it as a shield, he's very emotionally open and encourages everyone around him to be - and he listens and supports them when they are, he knows who he is and won't change to please anyone, but he will change his mind and work to do better if someone makes a good point about how he's wrong, he assumes a leadership role whenever he knows what to do and someone needs to do it but he's also happy to defer leadership to others more qualified, he's politically aware, he actively seeks out banned media, and just generally thinks for himself, he's willing to learn from people with more experience than him, he's happy to pass credit along to others, he's empathetic, he's willing to cry and admit to being afraid and talk publically about his mental health and discuss his nightmares with people and just generally doesn't bottle anything up... yk etc etc etc lol.
He has plenty of flaws, but they're not insecurity or reticence or feeling like he isn't good enough.
☕️ GFA highlights the negatives of the Hawkeye-BJ relationship rather than the positives
GFA is like the Hawk/BJ issues highlight reel and I love that lol. From BJ being the first one to toss the phone away to triggering Hawkeye when he should know better to not only not saying goodbye or having any alternative prepared but wanting Hawkeye to do the heartfelt goodbye for him despite Hawkeye not knowing he's leaving, to Hawkeye begging him for a goodbye when they get a redo and BJ refusing, to Hawkeye doing the heartfelt goodbye for him himself finally and extremely graciously considering how much BJ has jerked him around... I don't think the grand gesture "note" was a negative but I do personally see that as another incompatibility between them to add to the list lol.
send me controversial or unpopular opinions and I’ll tell you if I agree or disagree 🐸 ☕️
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apollogie · 2 years
“All I wanna do is write ‘n write. But I’ll prob’ly end up in COLLEGE. Ugh.”
We Both Laughed in Pleasure, Lou Sullivan
I’ve recently come to realize that a large part of me exists only in the public eye. It’s hard to understand what exactly I mean by this—I’ve thought for much of my life that there is a barrier that separates who I am from the outside world, but this new discovery runs deeper than that. Everything I do, I do with the expectation of judgement. Critique. The gazes of others to be fixed onto me and scrutinizing every word. I cannot help but to do this whenever my thoughts are made manifest. Even this is written with the expectation that it will one day be read.
And, if it is read, then I must perform for you.
I do not want to. I want to allow my stream of thoughts to flow naturally onto the page, from their emergence in my mind to the canvas they find permanency within. Yet there is something blocking me, something preventing me. I do not know what it is. It cannot be called a repelling force, nor is it a veil, for it does not appear to me that anything is hiding. No, it is not empty space that has usurped some otherwise buried treasure in my mind, but an abyss, a void, a nothingness proper.
I have spent so much of my life existing only so others can serve as the barometer for my dignity. I never felt like I could allow myself to be exposed or known, and the unfortunate result of this was my seeing my identity solely through the gaze of others. The good student. The bright student. The funny kid. The weird kid. The tomboy. The pushover. The disobedient daughter. The prodigal daughter. The wordsmith. The daydreamer. The overly sensitive. The not-sensitive-enough. The ugly girl. The obnoxious girl. The whore. The “she’s not like the other girls”. The “she’s really not like the other girls”. The She. They. He. It? I certainly felt like an ‘it’ for a while. The charming guy. The academic guy. The dark and brooding guy. The stuck-too-far-up-his-own-ass guy? The not-guy-enough guy. The fag. The freak. The foolish son. The lazy son. The prodigal son.
But when the curtains close, all that remains is a sciolist with strewn and tattered clothes. I don’t want to be found naked. This metaphor isn’t intended to highlight the existence of a naked self who animates each costume, but the humiliation I suffer in my exposure and unsightliness. The shame of being indecent. Infantile. Incompetent. Indolent.
It troubles me that scraps remain even as I parade about this theatre for seemingly none but myself. I set my gaze upon an invisible audience and believe it is they who have set themselves upon me. I torture myself with the knowledge that my confessional also doubles as my stage. I enjoy it. I hate it. I hate that I enjoy it. I enjoy it because I hate it. But this stage, this confessional—whatever it may be—requires the abolition of shame. No, more than that, it requires a pride in shame. Whatever is inside of me or not inside me, even if I cannot yet fully shape it to my command nor discover it, furnish it, and love it—I will give it space. This I can do.
More tangibly, then, I want to talk about something I have hidden for far too long. It is embarrassing to admit—humiliating, even—but I must be unashamed to myself if I am ever to be unashamed before others. The reason my sexual desires seem, to the layman, so abhorrent and licentious is because becoming what I loathe means there is no longer anything left to hide. There is no longer anything to cover or obscure or remain ashamed of. It is a total and complete surrender of the identity I have constructed in favour of the depravity I’ve spent my life boarding up. This surrender not only undoes who I am, who I have tried so hard to become, but also the mooring posts I have fettered myself to. In these brief moments of ecstasy, I am free.
I cannot yet put it to words, but there is a complete abandonment to pleasure that broaches no disgust or hatred, and is authentic in its transient pleasure. I cannot lie to myself when my body recoils in bliss even if I cannot identify the truth it is attempting to signal me towards.
As cringe, comedic, and as woefully gen-Z as it sounds, I think my nothing fills up to the brim when I orgasm—and, if I strain hard enough, I find that a little part of me continues to live in the overflow.
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kurokoros · 2 years
Hi again! Thank you for your detailed answer, I always enjoy reading your stranger things posts bc I think you really hit the nail on the head whenever you give your opinion about the show! Also yesss to what you wrote about Nancy, I really didn’t ever really vibe with her, but in S4 I think she was often unnecessarily rude & like you don’t need to be mean in order to be a a ‘tough’ character. Oh & yeah they really just focused on Dustin being sassy but idk it often felt just condescending. ‘Murray is there & I don’t care’ -> I felt that on a deeper level for sure
Oh & I’m glad you’re doing well!! & I hope you’re well have a good start to your week tomorrow ☺️
Aww, thank you <3 I've very passionate about ST, so I'm always here to answer questions about my opinions on the show lmao
Yeah, Nancy is just a frustrating character to me, and there are completely valid critiques about how she's written but if you bring them up people get really defensive about it. like guys she's basically a corporate plant "strong female character" who's only strong because she's cold, shuns traditionally feminine things, and has a gun (even thought the guns on this show continue to be fucking useless, which makes her surface-level badass-ness even more transparent).
I really didn't like Dustin in S4. Especially the way he talked to Steve. A lot of their conversations just felt meanspirited and I hate the way the last two seasons have included Dustin telling Steve that he's into Robin/Nancy. That's a big problem with the shows writing in general though. I just found it particularly obnoxious in S4 because S2 ended st.ancy in the cleanest way possible with Steve saying "it's okay", and then had him admit he wasn't in love with her anymore under the lingering effects of sci-fi truth serum. Duffers you already took st.ancy out back and shot it, why are you trying to drag it back into the house??? Stop massacring my boy. Leave him alone.
Murray eats up time and adds nothing to the story, but the actor seems like a good guy and the line "cut the bullshit and share the damn bed" is so fantastic that I'll give Murray a single right to exist, as a treat.
And I really hope this week isn't total garbage. My last three have just been the worst and I really just want to write some fics and vibe in spooky season without potentially being scratched and bit at work by the one aggressive speced kid I help with, or having to deal with a sudden erection from one of the autistic boys who doesn't have a concept of puberty. I don't get paid enough for this.
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kirascottage · 3 years
dating jj maybank
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jj maybank x gender neutral. reader
word count: 1.8k
cw: headcanons, overall domestic fluff, angst if you squint till ur visions blurry, mentions of poor emotional expression, mentions of sex / sexual innuendos, mentions of fighting / injury, strong pda, kissing, consensual groping, swearing, soft!jj
okay so this is the first time i’ve ever written dating headcanons so i’m gonna try my best
• jj and expressing emotions are a very complicated duo and almost everyone knows it, including you. he knows how he feels for you, and feels it strongly, but the way it comes out of his mouth is like gibberish and completely not understandable. 
“so you know — like — i don’t know, man. i feel heavy for you, like do you feel heavy for me, too?”
“jj, i don’t even know what heavy means in this context and what you’re referring to.”
• but he comes from a good place, and you come to know, learn and love that, because well he loves you, and with jj you just have to infer by his mess of words.
• this boy tries to be as romantic as possible but he’s literally never had a s/o before. the only thing he knows are one nighters so there is a lot that pope and john b advise him on because miscommunication is quite literally the worst. (stated by john b himself)
• for this instance and the sake of the headcanons: you are a member of the pogues, through and through.
• so most of the time you’re together, the pogues are there too. even dates. they love to occupy and jj could shout at the top of his lungs how they are the biggest cock-blockers to ever exist and they would not care. 
• so at that point he doesn’t even try to keep his hands to himself, he will touch you or quite literally make out with you in front of anyone and everyone he can.
• i mean he can get a little protective. (also considering he would never let you around his dad because he wants to protect you and would never let you near anyone that could hurt you) 
• i mean this guy would fight for you till the very end; punches thrown countless of times and harsh words absolutely shouted more times than you could count on your fingers, but no matter how many times you chastise jj, he would never stop to defend your honour because at the end of the night you’re the one playing with his hair and kissing his cuts and bruises.
• especially after everything as well with rafe, topper and the kooks he just wants everyone (including the tourons you see once a millennium) to know that you and him are romantically involved and you are very much taken.
• he even lets the most irrelevant people know the both of you are dating because he loves you that much:
“okay, babe, here me out—”
“jj a whole group of kids just asked me about our relationship! i love you, but the whole population does not need to know that we’re together.”
“obviously we can't tell the whole population! or I would, duh.”
•  even though he could blabber on about everything about you, including what shampoo you use and which perfume of yours is his favourite, affection is more his style: 
• this includes walking around with his hand in your back pocket because wearing anything but jean shorts is really not an option in that heat, (and this does include ass grabbing at every opportunity he can)—
• — his hand gently placed on your thigh while driving / while he’s next to you, interlocking pinkies 98% of the time as you walk together —
• — and peppering kisses is always happening. whether they’re ticking at your checks, suffocating your neck or affectionately placed on your forehead he’s always kissing you.
• other key, and essential, things that come to mind are that his arm is always around you; after everything that’s happened to him he just needs to physically know you’re there and that’s enough to subdue him.
• it’s almost routine for him arm to go around your waist or your shoulder, whether you’re tall or short, tbh he doesn’t really care, his arms and lips are always on you.
• dating jj is dating a teenage boy with absolutely no impulse control and zero control over what he says—
“I mean, dude, if you think about it, why isn’t a banana called a yellow if an orange is called an orange? and why are phones called ‘telephones’ like who the fuck came up with that crap?”
“i mean, hey, we could bang out here and it’s not like anyone would know. like jb could be out in the living room and be like clueless.”
“jj, there’s two windows pointing directly at us. i think he would know.”
• —if you don’t understand then he definitely does not either.
• you also flip each other off a lot and people are like ??? but you both are like — fuck you —(affectionate & full of love with my middle fingers)
• one thing he does know is how to flatter you, whether he’s obnoxiously winking at you or bringing you flowers with his tips from work, or he picked them himself, it’s all in the effort.
• any effort from you is like kids getting their favourite toy they’ve been wanting on christmas, for instance: anytime you bring him food, or offer to stay with him at john b’s is like swelling up his heart to the maximum.
• so when he’s not with you, or the pogues, which is rare he is outside. and jj is like diego the explorer he always finds little places just for himself, or for this instance with you.
• so a lot of dates include going to these secluded spots: sometimes it’s a picnic, or a walk, and stargazing is his absolute favourite as he listens to you drone on about the constellations and even just watching the sky with your presence next to him is so comforting and makes him feel safe. 
• of course when the pogues find out they’re brutal with their teasing.
“awww, look at the cute and happy couple!”
“my wittle babies, growing up so fast.”
“god, kie, you make it sound like we’re five?!”
• speaking of alone time, jj loves to cuddle when you guys are alone and that’s one thing he’s not fond of being teased about.
• his head is firm on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist and his leg flung over your hips. to him it’s just a perfect way to start and end the day.
• he also loves to watch movies while cuddling and he has a set of movies and their genres completely memorized for the occasion.
• he has such a good memory to the weirdest things. like he can state in the exact order your makeup routine, or talk about all the caves and sinkholes in yukatan but ask him how many states there are in america and he’s completely bummed.
• back to what i was saying, cuddling and movie times together.
• he’s the little spoon i will not argue with anyone about this, especially if something happened that day.
• like if rafe pissed him off, some kooks stepped on his toes, his dad had been particularly agitated that day or he was just frustrated. your embrace is what keeps his together. he just loves the feeling of your arms around him, essentially protecting him.
• and the pogues always get a kick out of it when they see you too snuggled in the morning. they even take pictures, a lot of pictures of everything and anything they can. 
• their fav times to take pictures is when you both are off guard: like when he’s putting his hat on you, he’s sharing his juul with you, you guys are laying together on the boat or maybe your surfing together in the water.
• he’s surprisingly intimate about everything even though they’re such mundane things for him.
• he expresses his love for you by actions rather than words. for example, he has a guitar (an absolutely beat up one with missing strings and chipped wood, but he says it has more character that way as well as your signature on the back of it)—
• —and just strums it for you absolutely whenever and however your mood is because no matter what its always calming. sometimes he even hums a little tune or starts singing a bit.  
• another few ways he depicts his love for you is by shoving his baseball hat on your head (the one that absolutely nobody is allowed to wear) because he doesn’t want you frying in the sun or dying of heatstroke.
• a lot of his tank tops are now yours because they’re so comfortable and you can wear them literally anywhere.
• he shares, only with you but, he shares. his rings are on your fingers, his bandana is around your neck, his boxers are your sleep shorts, and he absolutely eats that shit up.
• he also gets extremely comfortable with you, like even more than john b in a way. example: you could just be chilling, his arm wrapped around your neck and — boom — he’s shoving your face in his armpit and trying to tickle you.
• it gets to the point where the pogues are so used to it and sometimes even they join in because they even like being included in on your affections but would absolutely rather drown than admit it. they love watching their two best friends love grow for each other, and they're happy jj has found sanctuary to love and be with someone freely. 
• speaking of love, jj is also like a puppy: praise, reassurance and kisses are the way to his heart and staying there.
• i’m gonna say it, jj has self confidence and love issues. they are not detectable at all but with his mother gone and the way his father treated him, there’s shit buried in his heart that it takes awhile for him to open up about.
• once he does: he cries, and he cried a lot. but after that it was like never letting go again. he trusts you with his whole heart and soul and he knows you won’t take advantage of that.
• the way you both accept each other into each others lives is so important to him no matter where you live, who you are and what your family is like everything counts for him and that just makes you the person who you are. 
• dating jj can be complicated and messy and wonderful and passionate and relationships aren’t easy but he would def be worth it <3
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novaflair · 3 years
unopened letters
–an atsumu valentine drabble
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pairing: atsumu x f!reader // cw: fluff, drabble, idiotic pining, mutual pining? // wc: 922
"What are you doing?"
Atsumu hastily turns his body upon hearing a voice behind him, a hand on his chest from almost having a heart attack.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” he shouts in a whisper.
“What are you doing?” Suna asks again unbothered.
“I… I–uh…”
Atsumu is stuttering like an idiot now and his cheeks are beginning to turn red. He was hiding behind the wall adjacent to the school lockers.
Suna leans slightly to the right, intrigued by whatever is causing Atsumu to act more stupid than ever.
And he sees you there talking vibrantly to a friend. Suna’s got to admit, you were definitely a pretty one, not the obnoxious kind of in-over-her-head pretty. Not even the popular kind of pretty. Just pretty and down-to-earth. Suna nods once in understanding…
“Tsk.. Creepy…” he mutters under his breath.
Atsumu lets out an audible gasp.
“S’not creepy!”
“You’re hiding behind a wall while watching her.”
“That doesn’t make me a creep! I’m merely just observing–”
“–from afar.”
“Ah shut it!” then Atsumu proceeds to “observe” you from his place as you talk to your friend, a sweet smile on your face enough to make him go insane.
He watches you as you open your locker, and an excited spark forms in his eyes.
“Did you leave something in her locker?”
Suna is now positioned the same as Atsumu’s, more invested in the situation now than he was a few minutes ago.
Atsumu doesn’t answer because he doesn’t want to miss your reaction. He focuses on you, but once you opened your locker, he felt his shoulder slump.
Suddenly, his confession letter is mixed with a few dozen that fell on the floor. He sees your face blush as you try and pick them up, your friend just standing there giggling clearly amused as she watches you in a frenzy.
Of course, you’ll get more than just his letter. Today is Valentine’s Day. The day when most pining idiots miraculously grew some balls.
And now Atsumu mentally scolds himself for not growing his own pair much sooner.
Atsumu lets out a deep sigh, and Suna just watches his friend with a sympathetic look
They both leave their ‘observing’ post and just when they are about to turn a corner, Atsumu is suddenly face to face with you.
He freezes. Today’s clearly not his day.
His cheeks are burning and words are caught in his throat (and Suna mentally face-palms). But you save him from hurting himself by speaking first.
“This is from you right?”
“H-how did ya know?”
The letter’s not even opened yet.
“I see you doodle, uhhh– names… on your notebook sometimes..”
Uh.. fuck….
“I’m kinda familiar with the handwriting now,” you continue with a small smile, a light blush forming on your own cheeks.
Atsumu is freaking out on the inside. Familiar? Of course you are, since it’s your name that he usually (always) writes. In the very same way he wrote it on the folds of his letter. How embarrassing!
“O-oh….…” He just can’t help but feel so nervous and it actually takes a lot for him to calm his heart and breathing whenever he even just catches a glimpse of you.
It’s been a long year of idiotic pining. He doesn’t understand, for now at least, why he feels this way about you. You were just not only a different kind of pretty, you were also a different kind of special.
Atsumu guesses that’s an obvious fact, not only to him, but apparently to some other guys as well.
Inferiority suddenly envelops Atsumu. He hears the way people talk about him. And now he feels so stupid– why did he even try?
“It’s nothing special.. You should just throw it away….”
“Uhh, no, I don’t think I want to,” you say with a giggle.
“I think I’ll read it later though…. Maybe.. After you walk me home?”
He looks at you with a stunned expression, cheeks burning more than before.
Did he hear you right?
Suna interferes now, slapping the back of his head as to not leave you hanging.
“Unless you have practice of course! You could be busy, I’m—”
He slaps a hand over his mouth, he sounded too enthusiastic for his own good.
“Great! I’ll see you after school,” you say as you walk past him and give him a wide, sweet smile.
Atsumu waves at you weakly and looking a little love-struck...
—Until Suna slaps the back of his head again.
“Ow! What now?!”
“You looked weird… It’s disturbing..”
“Oh, shut up. You’re just jealous I got a date,” Atsumu says with his chin up as they start walking.
“Irrelevant. One, you’re just walking her home; two, she asked you, not you her. Wouldn’t be jealous of something you were too scared to do.”
Atsumu shoots a glare at his blunt teammate, but then he thinks, “What am I gonna tell Kita though?”
“Pretty sure he wouldn’t mind you missing one practice.”
“Ya think?”
“Yeah, yeah. He’s seen you be a dolt too many times he’s probably gonna be relieved she made a move.”
“Oh, screw you Sunarin!”
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Meanwhile, on your way to your next class, you unconsciously listen to your friend talk your ears off about your super sweet but super awkward encounter with Atsumu. You could still feel your heart beating hard and fast, and you clutch two unopened letters against your chest, in which one, was addressed to him.
You smile to yourself, and you feel a ray of positivity dwell in your heart.
You couldn't wait for Valentine's Day next year.
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a/n: I knoooow, valentine's is over.... I am literally 5 days late lmao... but I still wanted to post one for it.. I have a few more ideas for the other boys, that hopefully I can finish and post as well :) I'd also like to thank everyone who left sweet words about my past writings.. I have put an explanation on my pinned post why I don't respond, but know that I appreciate it all! <3 I didn't expect all those reactions, seeing as I'm not very active in posting, but nonetheless, I am grateful <3
I hope everyone is well and loved!
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manekicatwriter · 3 years
hellooo! i was wondering if i could make a request for an modern au sbi x gn sibling reader where they’re around 17-19, and they’ve got depression. they’ve had to go away for a few weeks after a bad episode ended in an attempt and they were hospitalized and sent somewhere for rehabilitation and now they’re coming home and they’re all anxious and quiet and stuff- so the boys do their best to like comfort them and reassure them that they’re loved and they belong there? i’m sorry if that’s an awkward request, i was just recently discharged after a similar situation and honestly the comfort would be great. it’s totally your call if you chose to write it tho, i understand that this is a difficult and triggering subject and not everyone is comfortable with writing things like it. if you aren’t comfy please feel free to just ignore my ask! <3
you’re here, and that’s what matters.
TW: mentions of attempted suicide. please proceed with caution.
hey! i just wanted to let you know that i’ve been through a similar situation and understand how you feel (though my case was not as severe). i wish you a safe road to recovery.
note, i think you asked for their characters but it leant itself towards their rl versions. i have a feeling the dsmp versions would be too chaotic for this sensitive subject.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! please do not be afraid to send in an ask. ANON IS ON!!
- phil was very scared about you being so gravely hurt, it kept him up for some nights. thankfully, you pulled through.
- he visited whenever he could. if he couldn’t, he was busy making sure coming home felt as comfortable for you as possible while also educating himself on how to take care of you.
- phil would listen to how you felt, and be understanding of your feelings.
- “You don’t have to tell me why you did it, I’m just glad you’re here,” pulling you in for a warm hug.
- when you got back home, he made sure he and the boys had prepared your favorite dinner and desserts.
It was the day you had just got home from rehabilitation, and you two were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t said much, you felt like you had nothing to say. Phil had asked for you to sit down so you two could talk, one on one.
You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m sorry,” your voice started to crack. “For making you guys worry about me.” Tears started to form from your eyes and you wept into your hands.
Phil immediately reached over to you to hug you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “We don’t blame you. We don’t blame anybody. I just want you to be here safe with us. Let it all out.” He pat and rubbed your back soothingly as you kept crying. But it was a good cry. He was just glad you came home.
- even though many see tommy as a loud and obnoxious boy with a general disregard for others, we all know deep down that’s a persona. he will go out of his way to make other comfortable in his presence if he truly cares for them. which he does, for you of course.
- he wants to make you happy! when the time is right, he’ll crack jokes and offer to play minecraft with you.
- would tone down the yelling. not because you asked, but he’s afraid of triggering you. treats you like glass. if you notice he’s being quieter than usual and you don’t care, you tell him you don’t.
- if you’re feeling it, he’ll take you out to fun places and to eat. nothing that’s too outlandish like a theme park, but just enough to have a reason to get out of bed that day instead of sleeping in.
It had been a week since you had gotten home and Phil had instructed you to maintain somewhat of a schedule to upkeep yourself. Right now was your nightly routine, washing yourself, brushing your teeth, and finally sliding under the covers. It felt nice. The blanket of sleep consumes you easily…
Until you bedroom door opens you’re being aggressively shaken awake. You groan, shying away, but they’re persistent.
“Ey, wake up, it’s morning!” Tommy shakes you again.
You realize you didn’t dream, but think nothing of it. “Tommy please, what do you want.”
Finally, Tommy pulled your warm sheets from over you, making you flinch. “I wanted to go out to the park today! Feed the ducks! Yeesss!”
You sighed. If you didn’t comply now, Tommy will refuse to stop nagging you for the rest of the day. You rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. You could very clearly hear Tommy’s cheers.
You two had gotten ready, eaten breakfast, and said goodbye to the rest of your family so you could head over to the park. It was close enough that it wasn’t unbearable to walk to. Even if you weren’t completely yourself yet, you were glad Tommy was.
After the short walk you two finally reached the park. Tommy immediately bolted toward the pond and you jogged behind. He had already started throwing the ducks some seeds, and even threw it on a duck. It didn’t seem too pleased.
You two sat at the edge of the pond as you watched the ducks eat. “Hey.” You hear Tommy call to you, and you turn your head to him.
“Can we talk about what happened? With you? Is it okay?” You could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
“Go ahead, what is it?”
“When Techno found out what happened to you, and told us the news, I was scared shitless.” He let out a sad huff. “I thought we were going to lose you.” Tommy kept his eyes fixed at the pond in front of him. “I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have brought this up. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He sighed.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Oh Tommy…” You started, “I’m sorry for making you worry. You shouldn’t have to feel like that because of my actions.”
Tommy was lost in thought for a moment, before finally speaking up, “No, please don’t apologize. It’s not anybody’s fault this happened, right?” You nodded.
Tommy stood up, dusting his pants off from the grass. “Come on now, let’s go get some ice cream!” He pulled you up from the ground.
“Last one to get to the shop has to pay!”
Immediately, Tommy bolts in the direction to the ice cream shop, and you catch up to him. No matter the circumstance is, he never seems to fail at putting a smile on your face.
- i HC wilbur being the oldest, being older than techno by 3 years and older than tommy by 8, like IRL. :]
- i think out of all of your siblings, wilbur exudes the most “protective older brother” energy, yeah?
- remember when tommy lied about his mother being in trouble and how worried and anxious wilbur got? turn that up to 11 with what happened with you.
- with wilbur being the oldest, he of course had the responsibility of taking care of everyone. but somehow you and him didn’t spend as much 1 on 1 time as much as wilbur did with his other siblings
- wilbur definitely was going to change that, realizing that and not wanting to make that mistake again.
- he decided that finding a new hobby with you wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
You were sitting at the dinner table, being the last one there. You were poking at your food for the most part, and Wilbur got home late from… whatever Wilbur thing he was doing. Phil cooked pasta for dinner tonight. Wilbur put down his bags at the door connected to the garage. “I’m home! What’s for dinner?”
“Mmm, I love some good ol’ pasta.” He said, already taking a plate out to serve himself. “Also, hey, I bought something I wanted to build with you. Do you mind?”
You finally looked up from your very interesting pasta. “Build..?” You had no idea where this was going.
Wilbur placed his plate on the table and approached the bags of groceries, going through them to find the bag he was looking for. He pulled out a LEGO set. More specifically, a LEGO City set from the looks of the box? “Wilbur, how much was that?”
He blinked at you innocently. “It was only, like, £25. And look! It’s got a little submarine we can make with a rock and ugly sea monster—“
“But why?”
“Why not? It wouldn’t hurt for you to do something new, yeah?” He smiled at you, shaking the LEGO box in front of him to show it off. You sighed, but smiled. “Alright. But maybe you and I should eat this pasta first before we start building.” Wilbur nodded.
“Speaking of water, don’t you think I could teach you how to swim or something?”
“Oh, fuck off with that!”
- i think out of everyone in the family, he understands you the most in terms of how you feel.
- not suicidal, but just generally having depressive episodes due to his ADHD.
- techno’s generally closed off, but started to really open up to you because he wanted to show he cares, even if it meant going out of his comfort zone.
- techno suggested journaling. once a day or once per week, it didn’t really matter. just as long as you could write down your feelings somewhere.
- he didn’t explicitly say it, but he also bought a book for himself so he could do it along with you. although, he more often than not just forgets to write in it until you mention your own journal.
- if you want to be sad and quiet, you can be sad and quiet with him. his room is a safe space for you if you ever need it and you’re always welcome to come in, just as long as you knock first.
With one hand on your mouse scrolling through the internet, and another resting your head on it, you were safe to admit you were utterly and completely bored. Honestly, you thought about taking another nap after your last one, but a knock on your door stopped you right before you pulled the covers over yourself. “Can I come in?”
You rose from your bed. “Come in. Oh hey Techno.”
He gave a simple wave and his signature “Halloo.” He walked right over to you and handed a journal and a ballpoint pen. “I got this. For you.” His stare was sharp but you could sort of tell he was nervous.
“What for?”
“I dunno. Writin’ your feelings down or drawin’ or somethin’. Whatever helps you vent.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh Techno, thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” You gave a slight smile, but saw that he still had another journal in his hand. “You have two journals?”
Techno raised his eyebrow in confusion before looking down at his hand. “Oh this? It’s for me. So we could do it together, I guess.”
You let out a happy hum. “That’s nice. Say, why don’t we go to your room? I want to see your new lava lamp and stuff.”
Techno shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got more stationary too if you want.” He waved his hand before letting himself out the door, with you following not far behind.
hi hope u enjoyed reading as much as i did writing it. this format was new for me but very fun!
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kurosukii · 4 years
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pairing: oikawa tooru x f!reader
summary: there’s no one you hate more on this earth than your school’s cocky volleyball captain, and being paired with him for a class project just honestly takes the cake. 
genre: college au, enemies to enemies fucking au.
warnings: 18+. hate sex (oiks is a meanie here but so are you, kinda), slight size kink, against the wall sex, facetiming (noncon to dubcon), exhibitionism (noncon to dubcon), voyeurism (noncon to dubcon), dacryphilia, ass play, multiple orgasms (oiks has mad stamina), degradation, slight praise, face-fucking, oral (m receiving), tit-fucking, unprotected sex, overstimulation, squirting, spanking, dirty talk, humiliation, dumbification, spitting, cumplay, creampie, hair pulling, pet names (bunny), implied seijoh four x reader
word count: 6.9k
author’s note: not much to say about this other than i’m a SEIJOH FOUR WHORE!!!! (let me know if i missed any warnings) (MINORS DNI)
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[2:11 PM]
you honestly think the world hates you.
you tried your hardest to stifle your groan and not slam your head on the desk when the professor called out your name with your self-proclaimed “enemy”, oikawa tooru, for the project that was worth forty percent of your grade this semester.
when class ended, you marched ‘respectfully’ to your professor to negotiate if you can work on this project alone, but even before a word even slipped out of your mouth, your professor raised their eyebrow at you, sensing what you were going to say and just said “just deal with it” and “stop acting like a high school student”.
well, that was an ice cold bucket of reality that was just poured on you.
you were definitely acting like a high school student, and the cause of your behavior was none other than one of your school’s most obnoxious athletes, oikawa tooru.
seriously, there was just something about him that irked you so much. maybe it’s an accumulation of all his actions, his smugness, and the way he turns his nose on everyone, but all the girls and guys seemed to keep running back to him. everyone saw him as the ‘perfect king’, but you knew better. at least, you seemed to think so.
sometimes, you’d feel embarrassed at the way you were feeling and acting. you were raised to be a respectful person with good manners and conduct, so every time you get the pep talk from the imaginary angel on your shoulder, you’d try your best to be amicable with oikawa for every interaction since you shared multiple classes with him. but every time you did so, oikawa would end up doing something that broke your resolve and you were back to square one again. it seemed like the guy got off to annoying the shit out of you and making your day terrible.
with the professor long gone from the lecture room, you were left alone with your thoughts, up until you heard someone click their tongue. you shook your head as you turned to the source of the sound.
“aw, do you not want to be paired with me that badly? i’m not that bad! i’m going to help you do the work if that’s what you’re so worried about, sweetheart,” oikawa taunted in that lilting voice of his, with brown eyes glinting in mischief as he tossed his hair back.
“fuck off, tooru. just don’t slack off on this project or i’ll kick your ass,” you threatened him, anger slowly rising. he laughed at you, mirth making his eyes disappear. your lips thinned to a line as your anger increased.
you called him by his first name, not bothering with the respect (if he even deserved that) that came with addressing someone with their family name since you ‘hated’ his guts anyway, but somewhere deep down, you called him tooru because you like the way it sounded.
you liked the way it fell from your lips with a sigh whenever you touched yourself in the privacy of your room. the post nut clarity always hits you hard after orgasming with his face in your mind. maybe that’s why you pretended to hate him so much, because you were really just like the other girls. you were just as enamored by him as the other fangirls were, only they embraced it while you still denied it. nevertheless, the hornier you felt for him, the easier it was to channel that into anger and exasperation against him.
meanwhile, you didn’t notice it, as you were too busy in your own bubble, but his eyes darkened when he heard his given name slip from your lips. he’s more accepting of his desire for you, fucking his fist nearly every night with the thought of you underneath him, begging him to fuck that naughty pussy of yours to oblivion.
oh he knew that you were just putting up a front, and he let you. he knew it in the way your stares would linger and change into something deeper—more carnal. you thought he wouldn’t notice.
but he did.
he notices everything about you just like how he notices every play on the court. he relishes in it, practically keeping a tally in his head, so when he finally gets to pound your cunt, he’d confront you about it, and there’s nothing you can do about but accept his cock and his words.
he shook his head from his dark, carnal thoughts and slowly walked towards you, shoulders tightening as he fought the urge to slam you down on the table and fuck your cunt and make you scream so loud that people will come running.
you stood your ground as you looked up at him, which is a feat because you were damn near shaking and the tightening coil in your lower stomach was not helping either.
damn you oikawa tooru, you growled in your head.
he leaned down towards you until your noses were almost touching, with his bubblegum breath fanning your face and chocolate eyes boring into your own. “don’t worry sweetheart, i’m not going to let you do this on your own. what kind of guy would i be if i let you slave over this without my help? tsk, that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me, now would it?” he says as he straightened his body, with attitude and face going back to his usual demeanor, different from the one before.
you sucked in a breath as he pulled away and he smirked at you. “see you later at 7pm, sweetheart. you know where my place is, don’t you?” he asked you absentmindedly, making your blood boil at the audacity of him expecting you knew where he lived, and you did, but that’s besides the point. he was just so fucking obnoxious.
you scoffed an affirmative at him which made his smirk grow wider. “count the hours until you get to see me again, darling. i know i will,” he winked salaciously as he turned his back on you, wiggling his fingers as a sign of goodbye. you didn’t bother to grace him with a respectful farewell. instead, you raised your middle finger at him that was accompanied by a glare.
he just laughed at you, “always so mad at me, sweetheart. maybe you need to remove some of that tension,” his gaze smoldered, eyes turning into molten brown.
you involuntarily gulped as he slowly looked you up and down. he made eye contact with you, eyes still dark, as he licked his lips. he looked like he was about to pounce on you and devour you. It took him every ounce of his focus and self-control before his lips curved into his i’m so perfect and you’re not smile and blew you a kiss as he finally walked off to his next class.
you bit your tongue to prevent yourself from screaming as you cursed oikawa in your head to hell and back. the nerve of this dickhead, you thought to yourself. you grumbled more to yourself as you hiked your bag over your shoulder and walked out of the lecture room. you were done for the day and despite what oikawa thinks, you weren’t going to count the hours until you get to be in his apartment with him. alone.
but then again, all you did was lie to yourself wherever he was concerned, because you definitely didn’t twiddle your thumbs for five hours, took a shower and shaved, basically pampered yourself to look good and decent for him. no, you definitely didn’t do any of that for him.
if you were paired with another person, you would have definitely arrived ten minutes before the set time, but because it was oikawa, you took your sweet time going to his apartment, annoyance brewing. what was so wrong with living on campus? you asked yourself along the way, which made you even more annoyed because he didn’t even offer to pick you up at the train station. not that he needed to, but the courtesy would’ve been nice and it would’ve made you see him differently, but he didn’t do any of that so you’re stuck stomping your way to his apartment building.
“are you sure about this, oikawa? makki and i don’t mind having front row seats to this shit,” mattsun smirked, arms resting on the back of the couch in the spacious apartment. oikawa invited them to hang out after practice because he said he had a “surprise” for them.
“don’t know about the other one there, though,” mattsun nodded to iwaizumi who was brooding by the floor to ceiling window, arms crossed as he raised his eyebrow at mattsun. “maybe he wants in on it,” makki piped which made all three of them laugh at iwaizumi while he just told all of them to fuck off. he didn’t want to admit it, but he wanted to see you put in your place as well.
he wouldn’t have given a fuck about your petty and sexual tension-filled issues with his captain, but you also gave him grief whenever he was with oikawa and what better way than to witness, and probably have a hand in, seeing you begging and whining for your cunt to be filled with cum?  
“don’t worry guys, you’ll definitely have your turns,” oikawa’s eyes glinted as he smirked at his friends. “looks like little bunny is running late,” he checked his wall clock and tutted to himself.
sheesh, guess the king really does live lavishly, you grumbled to yourself as you stared at the intimidating complex. most college students are broke, live in school sponsored dormitories, and survive on store bought ramen, but oikawa obviously isn’t like most college students. you shook your head at the clear social divide and pushed through the spinning doors, the cool air of the lobby blowing into your face as you shivered from the temperature.
you walked up to the receptionist’s desk–of course there’s a receptionist–and you asked her what floor and room number oikawa’s apartment was. you just about thanked her when your phone pinged so you took it out and checked the message.
“you’re running late, little bunny. might have to punish you for this.”
your legs squirmed as you felt your panties dampen at oikawa’s text. your clothes seemed hotter now and you pulled at your collar. you cleared your throat and nodded to the receptionist as you walked to the elevator.
before you knew it, you found yourself before oikawa’s door. you were about to knock but it opened, revealing his shirtless form. you gulped and couldn’t help but stare at his lithe body, with droplets of water slowly trickling down his abdomen and disappearing through the waistband of his sweatpants. you raised your eyes to meet his. he was smirking at you, his smug face satisfied with your perusal of him. he was drying his damp hair with a towel, and it made his biceps ripple. why does he have to be so goddamn obnoxious and hot.
“are you done staring at me bunny? as much as i love your gaze on my body, that’s not what you’re here for, unless…?” he taunted you, his body lazily leaning against the doorframe as his tongue slowly licked the bottom of his lip as he stared at you this time. you scoffed at him, and didn’t bother to wait for his invitation inside his apartment.
you lightly shoved him, careful not to make most of your skin touch, which was a feat since he was naked from the waist up. “you wish, tooru. stop being stupid and let’s get this done and over with,” you muttered in annoyance, standing in the middle of his living room with your arms crossed and quietly observing your surroundings. “and don’t call me bunny!” you snarled at him, eyes meeting his glowing brown ones.
“i’ll call you anything i want to, bunny, and seeing that you’re in my home, you don’t get to have the privilege to order me around here, understand?” he warned you, voice lowering by a few octaves. if you had a tail, it would’ve been tucked between your legs by now. you bit your tongue and nodded at him with your eyes lowered. he smiled devilishly at you and turned his still shirtless body in the direction of what you presumed to be his room.
“let’s do this in my room, bunny. i have everything we need there,” you followed him without a word, realising that you were indeed powerless here. you didn’t notice the smug smile he was sporting, however, because his muscular back was turned to you. each step to his bedroom was a step closer to what he and by extension, his friends, had in store for you.
you entered his room and you marveled at his king size bed that was covered in navy blue sheets. there was a tall shelf against the off white walls that was filled with a few alien and ufo figurines, trophies, and framed pictures of him and his team.
you turned to him to ask about what he wanted to do until you felt him loom over you. he looked at you like you were his prey and he was the predator, which was not a far cry because you really did feel like a bunny and he was the big bad wolf. his dark eyes seared into your body as you felt your heartbeat quicken.
in one blink, he had you on your back on the soft bed with your wrists pinned together with one big hand as he nuzzled his nose on your neck and inhaled. “you smell so good, bunny. did you clean yourself up for me?” he hummed and shamelessly snaked out his tongue to lick a stripe on your neck which made you squeal at the hot and wet muscle against your skin. “taste good too,” he chuckled, the vibrations and heat of his breath making your spine tingle and arousal grow.
his timing was impeccable, he pinned you down before you even had the chance to notice the phone propped on the table beside his bed, with a fancy desktop where a few books laid askew, and his friends staring intently from the small screen. mattsun opened his mouth and before he could break the tension, makki slapped his hand over it and quietly shushed him. iwaizumi was too transfixed at the situation before him to reprimand mattsun for almost interrupting.
“t-tooru! get off—” you weren’t able to finish your sentence before oikawa bit the skin of your neck to quiet you down. “you should be honest with yourself, you know? i know how you look at me,” he teased you, slowly kissing down your body through your shirt. 
“not so feisty now, hm? you’re so putty in my hands,” he rose to his knees on the bed and let go of your wrists. you raised your arm to slap him on the face but he caught it, he also grabbed your other arm and slightly squeezed them as a sign of warning. “there she is, my feisty little girl,” he smirked down at you. his brown hair glistening in the low light of his bedroom as his dark eyes glinted at you.
he transferred your other wrist to his one hand as he slowly untied the strings on his sweatpants. you didn’t miss the growing bulge in pants, cock hardening at what was about to happen. you swallowed the lump in your throat because after so many nights of fantasizing and imagining, you’re going to finally see what he would look like under all those clothes.
“you want my cock? of course you do, your eyes are practically dripping with greed,” he mocked you, his hand slowly lowering his pants until his naked cock sprang free and bounced on his abdomen. fuck, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. your pussy gushed at the thought of him lounging around his apartment with only a thin fabric separating his cock from exposure.
“got nothing to say, hm? i was hoping you’d run your mouth just so i could have the excuse of shutting you up with my cock,” he taunted, eyes studying your face as a smirk stretched his lips. “did seeing my cock shut you up? i do have a pretty cock, don’t i?” he questioned you rhetorically.
you hated it because he was right. his cock was as pretty as him and it was enough to swallow on the words rising from your throat. it wasn’t overly girthy but you knew that it would still cause damage just by watching it pulse and throb, with pre-cum leaking from its tip.
“i’m going to let go of your hands now, slutty bunny, and you’re going to suck my cock until i fill your throat and mouth with my hot cum,” he told you in a matter of fact tone, and you really wished your weak self would protest and shove him away and bolt from his apartment to disappear from the face of the earth, but you couldn’t deny this opportunity, couldn’t deny yourself anymore, and oikawa knew that. he’s playing you like a fiddle and you’re absolutely falling for it.
he let go of your hands and you immediately gripped his cock, the other one holding on to his muscled thigh for balance. you licked one long line on the underside of his shaft before going back to suck the pre-cum on his tip. he tightly closed his eyes as he groaned, putting one hand on the back of your head and felt his thigh tense at the stimulation brought by your tongue.
your lips curled into a smug smile at oikawa’s reaction. he noticed it and glared down at you, he was about to say something before you widened your mouth to fit his entire cock in one go. you slightly gagged when he hit the back of your throat. oikawa threw his head back as he let out a long and loud moan, cock twitching in the heat and wetness of your mouth.
determined to make oikawa lose his shit, you started bobbing your head as you licked and sucked on his throbbing cock, maintaining eye contact with him. his lips were parted as he stared down at your moving head, eyes smoldering and grip tightening. you watched as his chest heaved up and down, his breathing becoming heavier.
oikawa lightly shook his head to get rid of the haze your mouth put him in and squeezed the roots of your hair. you moaned in pain while you narrowed your eyes at him. just when you were about to give him a lashing, he cut you off.
“my cock may be in your mouth but this is not your time to shine, bunny. you do have a good mouth on you, but i’m here to fuck that mouth until you learn your place,” he growled at you, the vein in his temple pulsing as he tried to regain control.
you didn’t even have time to think before he pulled out and slammed his cock back inside your mouth, balls hitting your chin. you cried around his cock as your eyes immediately watered at the sudden force of his thrust. you squeezed his thighs as a sign for him to settle before he fucked your mouth like a fleshlight.
unfortunately, he only gave you a few moments to get used to his size before his hands bundled your hair into a makeshift ponytail and used them as leverage to fuck his cock in and out of your mouth. he groaned as he watched the tears from your eyes fall around your full cheeks as you moaned like a whore with his cock in your mouth.
“i bet you touch yourself to the thought of me, huh?” he taunted you, not stopping from his thrusts. you whined pathetically and felt slick from your cunt wet your panties. “fuck, you do. just how much of a slutty hypocrite are you? all you do is lie to yourself-shit, that’s good–and pretend to hate me when you’re just like everyone else,” he growled, thrusting deep until he hit the back of your throat, clearly frustrated with your actions. you were slobbering all over his cock, saliva and pre-cum staining your face with how fast he was thrusting, while it dripped on the sheets below you.
his groans grew louder and his thrusts became sloppier as he neared his orgasm. you so badly wanted to touch yourself but with the way you were positioned, you’d end up choking on oikawa’s cock if you removed your hands from his thighs. instead, you tried your best to ignore the growing ache in your pussy.
“swallow all my cum, you slutty whore,” he ordered you, voice straining as he delivered one final thrust inside of your mouth before you felt the warm spurts of his cum paint the insides of your mouth and throat. you moaned at the heat, your mouth so full of his cock and cum that you tapped his thigh to give you room to breathe. thankfully, he pulled out his cock with a pop as you inhaled loudly, throat raw from the fucking it experienced.
even if he didn’t tell you, you would’ve swallowed his cum to try and make a statement. he gripped your chin as he inspected your mouth, eyes flashing in satisfaction when he saw your mouth empty. “that’s a good fucking girl,” he said, thumb going inside of your mouth as he pushed on your tongue. you closed your eyes as you breathed heavily, hands hanging limply on your thighs.
oikawa seized the opportunity to swiftly look at his phone, smirking at his friends when he noticed them shifting uncomfortably. iwaizumi flipped him off and oikawa just winked at him.
he turned back to you with your eyes still closed, stealthily blocking your view of his phone as he pulled his thumb from your mouth and licked it. his cock was still hard, owing to the pent-up tension that you have been giving him ever since day one.
he shoved you so your back landed on the bed as he straddled your waist, kicking off the rest of his sweatpants and chucking them to the floor. you opened your eyes as you yelped at the sudden movement, wondering what the fuck he was going to do now.
“what are you do–” you questioned him, but before you could finish, he ripped your shirt into two pieces. your eyes widened in protest as your sports bra-clad chest was exposed to him. “i’m going to fuck these pretty tits, whore,” he said as he squeezed your breasts together and groped them, making your nipples harden into peaks.
you moaned at his touch, finally feeling some stimulation on your body after aching for so long. he lowered his head down to your chest and started sucking on your nipple through the fabric. you threw your head back on his pillow and whined, his hard cock grinding on your thigh at the sounds you were making. he sucked and licked until your back arched to him, silently begging for more.
he raised his head from your chest which made you whimper at the loss of warmth. he looked wild, like he was a man on a mission.
his large hands reached for your bra and stretched the fabric until your tits were exposed to the cool air of his room. you moaned at the feeling of being exposed to oikawa, he stared at your hardened nipples, watching as his cock twitched against his abdomen. you watched his adam’s apple bob until you saw his mouth open. he spit on the valley between your breasts, string connecting from his lips. you moaned at the obscenity of his actions, spit feeling cold and thick as it ran down your chest.
he groaned at the sight, one hand guiding his cock under your bra and inserting himself between your tits. once he settled in between them, he squeezed them together to create that tightness. it wasn’t enough but he’s been wanting to fuck your tits, and it’s finally happening now. he thrusted and groaned at the softness of your breasts squeezing his cock.
his cockhead hit your chin, making it wet with your saliva mixed with his cum. your body rocked along with his thrusts, hearing him grunt and moan as he squeezed and fucked your tits. you wanted to touch yourself, but he was holding you down so you couldn’t reach your pussy. his thrusts became faster and your breasts became wetter as he neared his second orgasm of the night.
you watched him and you became even more annoyed because even in the throes of passion, he was still so pretty. pink lips parted as he breathed loudly, brown eyes darkening the more he looked at you, and that drop of sweat from his neck going down his defined chest.
“g-gonna cum bunny, fuck,” he grunted loudly, head thrown back as his cock spilled his cum and landed on your chin, neck, and chest. he stopped moving and stared at his work in amazement. you glared at him, because although he looked divine when he came, you still hadn’t experienced any type of relief for the night.
“tooru, i’m starting to think you can’t make a girl cum,” you raised your eyebrow in defiance, looking at him boredly, arms supporting you as you lifted your body in a sitting position. “all you did was pleasure yourself. do you even know how to pleasure a girl?” you taunted him, displeasure clearly written over your face. he watched your expression and smirked to himself.
the nerve of this guy.
“oh bunny, i can definitely pleasure you and make you cum. several times, in fact,” he said, eyes tracing his finger as he spread his cum all over your chest. “i just had the foresight to let myself cum twice because if i went straight to fucking you, you’d pass out before i even got my fill of you,” he purred, cock twitching again.
“and i want you to be aware of everything i’m going to do to your body,” he ended his statement with a pinch to your nipple. you yelped at the sting and swatted his hand away. he let out a low laugh before he grabbed your hips and abruptly flipped you over to your stomach.
“let’s remove these pesky shorts, shall we?” he said as he slapped your ass hard. you squealed at the pain, almost forgetting that he’s a volleyball captain and you’ve seen how lethal his serves can be. but you know that he’s not putting all of his strength in that slap. he laughed at your reaction and slapped the other cheek of your ass before pulling your shorts down and throwing it to the floor, eyes subtly flicking to the table.
“pretty ass wearing pretty panties,” he whispered, his index finger tracing the white lace of your panties. your face flushed in embarrassment because you know he’s thinking that you wore those for him. you did, but you’re never going to admit that.
never in a million years.
“your reaction tells me all i need to know, bunny. you definitely wore these for me,” he growled, his large hand coming down to your ass again as you cried at the pain. he watched the plumpness of your ass jiggle before he landed a few more consecutive slaps on the skin.
satisfied with the redness of your ass and the whimpering that came out of your mouth, he tore your panties into two flimsy pieces. he slowly removed them from your pussy, your wetness clinging on to them and forming a string. “can’t wait to fuck this dirty pussy, bunny,” he groaned as he watched it, cock pulsing at the tip.
he didn’t even bother removing your cum stained bra before he pulled your hips up until you were on your knees. he pushed his hand on your lower back, forming a deep arch until you bared your wet pussy to him. leaving one hand on your hip, he guided his throbbing cock to your clenching pussy and ran his tip along your folds. both of you moaned at the stimulation, sensitivity running down your bodies. you gulped at how he was going to make himself fit.
he stopped at your clenching hole before he pushed the tip in, squeezing your hip as he groaned, feeling the tightness around his head. you were about to thrust yourself on his cock because he was taking his sweet time before he shoved himself, making the both of you cry out as he bottomed out in your pussy. he gave an experimental roll of his hips which made your pussy flutter around his cock. he moaned at the sensation, bracing both of his hands on your hips.
he pulled back out and thrusted harder this time, drawing out a moan from you at the force and fisted the sheets in your hands. he began snapping his hips against your ass as you moaned louder.
“look at how my cock’s splitting you,” he grunted, eyes trained at how his cock was disappearing in your cunt. “swallowing my cock like it’s nobody’s business. your fingers aren’t enough. no, you need my cock,” he hissed as he punctuated each word with a hard thrust. he slapped your ass every time he thrusted back in, the double stimulation making you moan like a whore.
his obsession with your ass didn’t stop there. he stopped spanking your ass and centered on the puckered ring that was slightly clenching. he tilted his head to the side and stared at it in wonder. he gathered the saliva in his mouth as he spat on it. you squealed at the new sensation, body rubbing against the bed as he brought his thumb to play with the tight ring, an area you never dared to touch.
“t-tooru, that’s dirty!” you cried out in indignation, trying to squirm away from his finger, but you couldn’t because his cock was drilling your pussy to the bed.
“so? it’s perfect for a fucking dirty girl like you,” he growled, thinking twice if he should insert his thumb in your asshole, but he decided not to. he figured you weren’t ready for that, yet.
he removed his finger from your asshole as he gripped your hips to fuck you even harder, clearly frustrated that he wasn’t able to plunge his thumb in your ass. you moaned at the harshness of his thrusts as he pushed on the back of your neck to the bed. you whined at the pressure, switching your head to the side as you focused on oikawa’s brutal thrusts. that was when you noticed a phone on the table, seeing three red faces peering at you.
“oh my god, are they watching us?!” your eyes widened as you cried out. oikawa looked to the side and chuckled. “took you long enough. they were starting to feel lonely because you weren’t noticing them–fuck, that’s a good pussy,” he hissed as he felt your cunt tighten around his cock.
“why don’t you scream for them as well, hm?” he said as he delivered a particularly hard thrust that made you moan loudly while looking at his friends. iwa, makki, and mattsun groaned at your reaction, shifting their pants as they stayed in their respective places in the next room.
“t-tooru, please turn off your phone!” you cried, tears streaming down your face as you felt shame, embarrassment, and surprisingly, arousal creeping up your sweaty body. were you getting turned on by his friends watching your pussy get fucked?
“fuck, you’re so pretty when you cry,” he groaned as he spanked your ass once more, thrusting harder as he felt your cunt squeeze the shit out of his cock, clearly enjoying the fact that you were getting excited about being watched.
“and besides, i don’t think you really want me to. i think you like getting fucked stupid for my friends to see,” oikawa taunted you, his hands squeezing the fat of your hips. he moved your bodies so you were facing his phone head on, your fucked out face clear for them to watch. you lowered your head to save some of your dignity but he pulled your hair, neck straining as he showed your face to show them.
“tsk, don’t hide your face from them, bunny, let them see how good i’m fucking you,” he said as he looked at his phone, smirking at his friends who glared at him, clearly wanting to leave and bust the door down just to prove him wrong.
“after all, you are an attention whore. i’m just giving you what you want,” he whispered as he leaned down to bite the lobe of your ear. you whined at his strong thrusts, slick from your pussy sliding down your thighs.
“maybe you want them to come in here after i’m done with you and use you as a cum dumpster, do you want that?” he asks, hips thrusting hard as his balls hit your sopping cunt. you whined at his statement, hands gripping the sheets as your vision blurred from the pleasure.
“y-yes i want that! shit, t-tooru, feels so fucking good,” you whined, brain turning into mush as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. your legs were starting to tremble as your orgasm was fast approaching. oikawa knew you were going to cum so he pulled your hair harder and leaned down to whisper in your ear, his sweaty torso covering the expanse of your back.
“it’s okay, you can say it, tell me you love the way i’m fucking this filthy pussy. you’re the only one who doesn’t want to admit it,” he growled in your ear as he furiously played with your clit, making the knot in your stomach threaten to burst from his ministrations.
“i l-love the way you’re f-fucking me tooru! so fucking good, yes—!” you screamed as you came all around his cock, body shaking from the intense orgasm. oikawa groaned loudly as he filled you up with his cum, yours mixing with his. you moaned at the warmth in your pussy, breathing heavily as you tried to regain your senses. he came so much that it was sliding down your legs and staining his sheets.
you looked up at his phone and saw his friends staring at you with their jaws dropped. you would laugh at how comical they looked if you hadn’t just experienced the best fucking of your life, though you’ll never say that to oikawa. ever. you sighed instead, feeling icky with all the cum on and in your body.
you were about to lay on your back until oikawa carried you off the bed and slammed you against the wall, his hand cushioning your head from the hard cement. you yelped as your head spinned from the sudden movement.
“oh? you thought we were done? i promised to make you cum several times, didn’t i?” he smirked at you. you were amazed at his strength, his biceps flexing as he wrapped your still shaking legs around his waist. he didn’t even give you time to breathe before he plunged his hard cock inside your leaking pussy. fuck, this man’s stamina is endless.
you moaned wantonly as he pistoned his hips in and out of your cunt, hands squeezing the back of your thighs. your sweaty back was sliding against the wall as your body moved up and down, hands holding his shoulders for support. you noticed that you were still wearing your bra and it made you uncomfortable at the restriction it was causing to your tits.  
“we want to see her tits, oikawa!” mattsun exclaimed. he was practically bouncing in his seat in excitement. iwaizumi didn’t stop him because he wanted to see your breasts too.
oikawa  smirked, “you heard what he said, wanna show these tits to them?” you nodded frantically, embarrassment nowhere to be found as you removed your hands from his shoulders, finally removing the stained fabric from your chest. oikawa squeezed them with one big hand as soon as they were exposed causing all of them to collectively groan at the sight while oikawa continued fucking you.
“you walk around hating me only for you to end up getting fucked by my cock?” he growled at you as he ended his sentence with a hard thrust. “how pathetic and cock-hungry you must be. such a fucking whore.” you whined at his words, not being able to say anything because it was true. you were a cock-hungry whore for him, and you loved how he was fucking you with pent-up anger and frustration.
he squeezed your hips tighter, all the accumulated fluids in between you making lewd squelching sounds as you neared your orgasm once again. “to–tooru, fuck!” you screamed, cunt clenching as his cock hit your sweet and sensitive spot, walls fluttering around him.
“cum for me, whore,” he growled as he lowered his head to bite your neck. you came with a scream as you left red lines on his shoulders. his thrusts slowed down as he set your shaking legs down to the floor. he was still inside of you as he leaned his forehead down to yours, eyes closed as a drop of sweat fell from his hairline. his defined chest heaved as he fought to catch his breaths.
he carried you back to the bed with his cock still inside you. you thought he was going to pull out until he grabbed your limp legs and put them on his shoulders. you moaned at the new position, weakly trying to push him away because you were so tired. “n-no more tooru, t-too sensitive!” you weakly protested, hands trying to push yourself away from him.
“i think your dirty cunt can give me one more orgasm, hm? can you be a good whore and do that for me?” he cooed at you, thumbs slightly rubbing your ankles. you softly nodded at him, enamored by his sparkling brown eyes, or were you just drunk on his cum and musky scent? either way, his cock was too good to deny, even if your pussy was already close to being numb.
he smiled devilishly at you, he hugged your legs closer to his body as he started thrusting once more. you were practically incoherent, mouth sputtering unintelligible words and high pitched whines as oikawa rode your pussy. he let one leg fall off his shoulder as he gripped the headboard, mattress squeaking from his deep thrusts.
you watched as a drop of sweat fell from his neck and travelled down his chest and abdomen to mix with your joined bodies. you were so wet and slick down there that every thrust oikawa made only served to make your pussy throb and pulse around him more. you were moaning with reckless abandon, uncaring of the people that were watching your bruised cunt getting relentlessly fucked, only caring to climax one final time just so tooru would let you go and pass out on his bed.
oikawa was thrusting so hard and fast that the headboard was banging against the wall, with your breasts bouncing up and down along with it. you could tell that he too was at his limit, judging by how his thrusts became sloppier and erratic and his moans increasing in volume and pitch.
“t-tooru, g-gonna cum, please,” you said, he groaned as he brought down his arm from the headboard and played with your clit, pinching it with his fingers, making you scream and arch your back as you squirted all around him. he came with a loud moan as he saw the clear liquid shoot out from your pussy, drenching his abdomen. “fuck, did you just squirt?” he breathed in amazement, eyes widened and mouth dropped.
he set your leg down and pulled out as he watched your mixed fluids trickle out of your cunt. you were too fucked out to care as he played with your pussy, your mouth open and eyes drooping as you breathed loudly and heavily. he was pushing the mixed cum back inside your filthy cunt when you heard the door swing open to reveal your three voyeurs, all with tented cocks stretching the front of their pants.
“shit, oikawa. you actually fucked her dumb,” mattsun said in fascination, watching your chest heave up and down. makki hummed in agreement while iwaizumi just stared at your dripping cunt, watching your cum and tooru’s trickling out of your pussy and sliding down your ass, staining the sheets. you shivered at their stares and brought your hand to spread your folds, making them see your filthy pussy better. you smirked lazily as you heard the men in the room groan in unison while you swirled your finger, playing with the cum in your cunt.
“you got room for three more cocks, baby?” mattsun taunted you, three of them entering the room and standing at the foot of the bed. your smirk dropped as you watched iwaizumi take his shirt off, leaning your head back on the pillow as you moaned tiredly, your battered pussy quivering at the thought of more cocks making a mess of your cunt.
needless to say, you and oikawa didn’t get any work done on the project that night.
[9:21 PM]
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