#alt title: X fucks around and finds out
whatthefishh · 2 years
Hunger of the Pine
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Marc Spector x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, swearing, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, idk what else to even say this is my first fic and first time writing smut please don’t read if you don’t like it? But also please read it and enjoy?
Word count: 5k
Summary: basically you fall in love with Marc while casually sleeping together because duh. How could you not. I based the story off this Alt-J song because I absolutely love them, hence the title. Ok thanks byeeee
Sleeplessly embracing
Butterflies and needles
Line my seamed-up join
Encased in case I need it
In my stomach, for my heart
Chain mail
Hunger of the Pine
Sleeplessly embracing (you)
Yawn yearns into me
Plenty more tears in the sea
He left again. Marc left you yesterday after a particularly intense session and it left both your heart and nether regions aching. His chest to your back, cock hitting something brutal inside you, and one hand wrapped around your torso to reach your neck. He kept whispering filthy words into your ear, knowing what would get you closer to finishing. “Let them hear you, let everyone hear what a good girl you are for me. You’re taking me so well, baby.” You shudder and come back to the present. You don’t know where he goes when he disappears on you, sometimes it’s for a couple weeks at a time, but he always messages you when he’s ready for some company. You try not to let it bother you that he refuses to give you any more of himself. You find yourself reaching across the bed anyway, touching the cold pillow as if he left a trace. It aches- but you shove it down and convince yourself you don’t feel it. You can’t. You shouldn’t. 
There’s plenty of potential suitors who would give you every part of themselves, offering you a real relationship. Then WHY are you stuck thinking of Marc? The butterflies you get when you have flashbacks of his hands grazing your thigh the first night you met border on anxiety-inducing somersaults in your gut. How easily he’d won you over then; how naive you were thinking it would be a fun one-off with the too-handsome-to-be-true guy giving you the eyes across the room.
Sighing, you turn on your other side to try and get comfortable, reminding yourself if he doesn’t care to tell you his whereabouts that you shouldn’t care where he bothers to go. Go back to building the walls up around your heart, before Marc Spector wormed his way in with heated glances and calloused hands. God, you’re pining. 
And so you finally use it
Bedding with me you see at night
Your heart wears knight armour 
Hunger of the pine
Sleeplessly, Embracing, You
Closing your eyes, you imagine the few times he has stayed; held you close to him in the afterglow, satisfied humming, arm wrapped around your middle, kissed the skin beneath your ear almost affectionately. You can almost feel it, him sleepily embracing you. Pretend you feel the warmth of his body. You’re pining again. 
Realization grew on me
As quickly as it takes your hand
To warm the cold side of the pillow
I'm there for you, be there for me
I’ll hum the song the soldiers sing
Does he see the sad, pathetic look in your eyes while you watch him get dressed? You think he does, and is just doing you a kindness by not mentioning it. Sometimes you swear it seems like he doesn’t even want to leave the comfort of your arms but he sighs dejectedly and does so anyway. 
You’re lying about being comfortable with your arrangement. Why was it that you were so compatible with the one guy who’s emotionally unavailable? Typical of you. The second time you two fucked in the bathroom of the bar went out together he told you, rather harshly, that he didn’t want a relationship, that he was damaged from his last one, and that he’s sorry. He looked it, too. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on your part. Regardless, when Marc gave you the option of staying casual with him, you said yes- somewhat eagerly, in retrospect. Although your heart dropped at his admission, you wanted to keep any sort of connection to him. The physical chemistry was dizzying and addictive since that first night. 
Fast forward to yesterday, he mumbled something about having a train to catch in the morning, leaving you in bed, trying to imagine the body heat he left behind to catch some semblance of rest before the start of your week. You don’t know how long you’ve been tossing and turning. Time gets weird when you let yourself overthink like this. You think you’re going to have to say something the next time you see him. You can’t look at his pretty face, strong jaw and swollen lips, deep brown eyes staring down at you while he thrusts- 
You’re getting off track.  No, you're definitely going to have to say something. You can’t stay quiet next time. You’re just going to come out and say it, say that the arrangement isn’t working for you, that you want more or it has to end. Your sister keeps trying to set you up with her husband’s friends and you can’t keep blowing her off for… whatever this is. Maybe you’ll actually go on a date. Maybe it’ll go well. Maybe you’ll even go back to his place, where he probably won’t know your body the way Marc does, but maybe it’ll be okay. Maybe-
A knock sounds at the door. Who could possibly be at your door at this hour? Your heart rate jumps at the thought of someone breaking in, overpowering you in your barely there pajamas. As you quickly look around for some sort of makeshift weapon to fight the intruder off with, a second knock follows, this time more urgently. Throwing off your covers, you quickly reach for your umbrella and quietly peer into the peephole to see if you can make out who’s at the door.
Your breathing quickens and heart rate jumps at the sight of Marc on the other side of your door, running his hand through his unruly curls. 
You wrench the door open before he knocks for a third time and wakes up your neighbours and you catch him with his fist midair before he drops it. You stare at each other, waiting for the other to speak first. What the fuck is he doing here, at this time, without texting you first? 
Giving Marc a quick scan and then checking the hallway in case anyone woke up from your unexpected guest, you swiftly pull him inside your apartment and shut the door. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask with more acid in your tone than you probably meant to show. 
“Hello to you, too, sweetheart… Why are you holding an umbrella?” He shoots right back. 
Looking down you realize you’re still holding on to the umbrella like a baseball bat, ready to attack your midnight guest. You quickly put it back behind the door, not missing the way Marc was trying to hold back his snickers. 
“You didn’t answer my question, Marc. What do you want?” His eyebrows shoot up at your tone. You realize you’re being rude but you’re tired and he is entirely too comfortable dropping by your place really late with no heads up. 
“What’s with the attitude?” He spits back at you. “Have I done something? I was in the area and thinking of you so I thought I’d come see you.” Even though you knew that he wasn’t going to be the one to move this situationship to the next level, a small part of you was holding out hope for him to say literally anything that would let you believe that. 
The air grew tense, an uncomfortable feeling settling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of ruining whatever you had going with him. Get your shit together, you said you’d say something the next time you saw him. Well? Now or never!
“That's kind of the problem, Marc.” You sigh exasperatedly, forcing the words to come out. “You haven’t really done anything.” He looks just as annoyed and confused as before you spoke, brows furrowing as he focuses on your words. Evidently not being able to catch on, he motions with his hand for you to elaborate, to which you sigh even heavier. Maybe if you don’t look directly at him it’ll be easier so instead you focus on his socks. 
Socks? This fucker took his shoes off already, ready to stay? 
Squaring your shoulders and looking him in the eye, you muster up your frustrations with this man to finally voice them. Deep breath. You got this, you tell yourself. “I… I know I said I was okay with what we have, I know you told me from the start how it had to be but I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I’ve been trying to ignore it and I can’t keep going on like this. I want more, Marc. Fuck, I-I don’t know anything about your life, I’ve never even been to your apartment, you never tell me where you go, and I want you to want to tell me. I want you to want more with me, too. Don’t pretend you couldn’t tell, and don’t look at me like that!” You were progressively getting louder through your little outburst and by the end you needed to take in a deep breath at the effort it took from you. 
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, just breathing through his nose heavily. His eyes bounced back and forth between your face, your legs, and the mirror hung on the wall behind you. You start getting irritated by his lack of response and huff impatiently. 
“Please just go, Marc, you don’t have to say anything.” With your head down, you attempt to walk by him back to your bedroom but he grabs your arm before you get past him and pulls you to face him. 
Une immense espérance a traversé la terre
Une immense espérance a traversé ma peur
(An immense hope has crossed over the earth
An immense hope has crossed over my fear)
“I’m not…good. At any of this.” he grits out with his hand still wrapped around your forearm. “I told you that at the beginning of this because I’m not good for you, I’m no good at relationships. They never fuckin’ work because I am just not…good enough. I’ll only end up making you unhappy.” Marc has never been this vulnerable in front of you before and by the tension in his jaw and shoulders, and sweaty grip on your arm, you know it wasn’t easy. Your heart breaks a little at his confession, hope still fighting its way up your chest into your throat and before you even realize it, you’re holding his face in your hands, his own landing on your waist. 
“Marc you absolute shit head.” You huff out with a small smile on your lips. His eyes shift to the mirror behind you again before quickly shifting back to you. Does he know he's pouting? “Why on earth would you think you’re not good? I’d like to make that judgment for myself, thanks.” You try to laugh lightly to ease his tension.
“What if it’s terrible? What if I hurt you, what if we fight all the time, what if- listen I can’t have you hating me.” He rushes it all out, concern etching his features, clearly having thought about it before.
“What if it’s good? What if it’s so good, Marc, what if you’re not as terrible as you think?” you throw back at him, challenging his insecurities. The hope that was itching in your throat is out there now, enveloping you both in its clutches like a warm embrace. “Besides, even if we do fight, at least we know the make up sex will be good.” With that being said, his gaze darkens and the heat from his hands on your waist burns through your clothes, fingers squeezing you in their path to your hips. 
“Oh, will it now? You’re sure of it?” He jumps at the opportunity to tease you, and before you have a chance to retort, backs you into the wall behind you to capture your lips in a searing kiss, tongues fighting for dominance. The kiss steals your breath, and maybe you’re imagining it, but you feel reassured by it, like he’s admitting what he can’t say out loud through his tongue. When you pull away breathlessly, you’re both sporting goofy smiles, your foreheads touching; a core memory forming. 
Dragging your hands down to intertwine with his, you slowly walk him backwards to your bedroom. This air feels different, heavy, almost cottony as the both of you stay quiet, for fear of breaking the spell. Never have you both been so emotionally honest with each other and so gentle, it renders you shy. 
Foreheads still near, eyelids sitting heavy, he guides you to sit on the edge of the bed while he stands, looking down at you. You think you know what he wants, he usually wants your mouth on him to start, says you look the prettiest with your lips wrapped around his cock. But no… he drops to his knees for you, hands caging you in on the bed. So things might be going a little differently but you roll with it. 
Taking the sight of him in, he looks entirely too good for such a late hour, skin flawless, a barely there scruff coming in, a couple of stray curls coming down on his forehead and those deep eyes staring at you through his lashes with the bottom whites of his eyes showing.
You look so pretty kneeling for me. 
He sniffs out a laugh and you realize belatedly that you said that last bit out loud, heat rising to your face. 
You lean forward to kiss him again, this time slower, his lips moving expertly on yours. He deepens it, asking permission with his hot tongue to explore your mouth, eliciting a high pitched whimper from you. At the sound you make, Marc pulls back and smirks at you, then moves his mouth to your jaw and continues kissing his way down your neck, biting softly at your collarbone. Your chest is heaving already. The air was already stifling and now? Now you’re burning up from the inside. 
“Why is this still on?” he asks, tugging upwards on your sleeping top to remove it. It gets tossed into the darkness of your bedroom. You shiver at the slight chill in the apartment, and he watches in fascination as your nipples harden right at his eye level. Looking up into your eyes he moves forward, capturing one of the hardened peaks in his warm mouth, groaning with his mouth full as he palmed the other one. 
As much as you wanted to maintain eye contact you couldn’t help but toss your head back at the feeling. He quickly moved on to the other breast and bit down on it to get you to look at him again, pulling a soft moan from you. Looking back down at him, he released you and moved his hands to your hips, fingering the elastic of your underwear, silently asking for permission with his eyes to remove them. This was a completely new side to him, since you only ever knew the Marc who took what he wanted from you and made you beg for it at the same time. 
Pulling your bottoms off of your legs, you sat there completely bare in front of him, both physically and emotionally for the first time. Marc started to kiss up your legs, starting from the crease in your knees moving towards your apex. He shouldered his way in between your knees so that you couldn’t shut them once he was settled in and held you in place with one hand on your hip. You were still a little sore from your activities yesterday, and trembling slightly at his almost reverent touches. 
“You’re shaking, baby. Is this okay?” He squeezes your hip reassuringly. Afraid to open your mouth at the risk of nothing coherent coming out, you just nod your head dumbly with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. “You can tell me when you want me to stop or if it gets too much.” 
Again you’re shocked at the affection in his eyes and touch, but it’s by no means hesitant. Like looking at him through a different filter, with the same burning intensity. Your eyes shut as he lowers his head to your sternum and kisses down the middle of your torso, until he reaches your core, but surprises you by completely bypassing it and moving on to the tops of your thighs. His teasing nature has clearly returned, wanting to push you to beg for him. 
“Marc…” you sigh breathlessly. He looks up at you with a small smirk on his lips. “Please, Marc.” You say again, in the hopes that it’s enough. You don’t even know if you can get the words out, he’s barely touched you and you’re both breathing heavily. There’s a white noise in the back of your mind as your focus pinpoints on both of your sounds. 
While maintaining eye contact, he drags his mouth along your inner thigh until he’s breathing on your slick folds and finally, finally, licks a long stripe up. His hand is still gripping your hip tightly, holding you in place and you’re glad he is because you feel boneless, like you could slip right through his fingers to join him on the floor. 
“Fuck,” you whimper as he licks another stripe into you, slowing to catch your clit between his lips to suck on. You flop onto your back right when Marc brings his other hand to insert two fingers into your entrance, curling them upwards to hit that patch of nerves. Back arching, you grab on to his hair to anchor yourself with one hand and the other bunches the bed sheets by your side. 
He’s too good at this for your sanity. The hand not occupied with his hair slaps over your mouth to try and hide how far gone you already are for him. It won’t take you long it seems, you just need a little more. 
“P-please don’t stop pleasedontstopplease-“ you say, muffled from between your fingers. He continues to lap at your clit while leisurely fingering you and curling his fingers up. 
“Let me hear you then, or I will,” he taunts you, then goes back to flicking his tongue even faster on your clit. Moving your hand off your face, your whines are now loud enough for him to hum into your mound happily. 
“Ohhhh fffuckk, Marc!” Your sounds keep rising in volume as he finally picks up the pace of his fingers and before either of you are ready for it, you’re coming all over his fingers and tongue. Back arched, hand still in his hair, you’re dissolving into the mattress with a broken cry. You can hear his fingers squelching into you as he continues to pleasure you through your release and your hands come up to cover your face as your lungs try to catch up. 
Peeking through your hands you watch as he finally pulls his fingers out and unceremoniously sticks them in his mouth, humming when he tastes you. While you’re still trying to gather your senses, Marc stands up smugly and starts undressing. You take that as your cue to sit up and unbuckle his pants so you can return the favour but his hands catch yours after removing his sweater.
“No, pretty girl, not tonight.” His hand cups your jaw so you’re looking up to him, your hands resting on his hips. “Tonight is about you.” Your heart flutters at his words and you know it’s written all over your face. Keeping your eyes trained on his, you pull his pants off him but he pays it no mind, just pulls on your bottom lip with his thumb and then smiles to himself. 
He leans down to crawl over you and you go with him, both of you shuffling up the bed to get situated in the middle, faces inches apart. Marc kisses you again and you taste yourself on him. He continues kissing his way down your neck, biting and sucking on the tendons flexing there. He lifts his head when you make a sound in the back of your throat and then he’s staring at you expectantly, so you try to slowly turn to your usual position, shifting to your hands and knees but again he stops you, and pulls you back before you move. 
You feel like you’re out of your depth, here with him, the scenario playing out very differently than what you thought. You’ve always had a very expressive face so you know he sees your confusion and kisses you hotly while pushing down on your sternum signaling for you to lay back.
“Tonight I want to look at you, if that’s okay?” He says quietly but still very much in control. You nod with your noses rubbing, never having experienced this type of intimacy before. Marc may not be the most vocal man when it comes to being vulnerable about his feelings but it’s showing through his subtle words and warming your heart. 
His hands come to either side of your head, caging you in and he reaches forward to capture your lips in another deep, toe curling kiss. Your hands are exploring his shoulders, neck and chest freely, caresses full of love this time and not just lust. His smell and weight overwhelm you in the best way possible. All your senses are just picking up Marc, Marc, Marc. Your hand comes to rest on his face, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb as you part for air, and your legs fall open on either side of his hips. 
Gripping his cock in one hand, he rubs the tip through your heat, moving smoothly through your soaked folds to spread your arousal all over. Moaning his name, you press your face into his bicep and tug on the hair at the nape of his neck. He wordlessly positions himself at your entrance but waits there with the tip lodged right where you need him. 
“I know, baby, I know. I want to hear you say it though, can you ask me nicely?” He purred, nudging your face with his prominent nose. 
“Please, I need you. Please!” You manage to spit out, canting your hips up so as to tempt him to just take you. The feeling of him barely starting to push in was driving you insane with arousal, you felt as though you were dripping on to the sheets. 
“Please what, baby? What do you need?” How he has self restraint right now you don’t know, but you try to appease him anyway even with your brain short circuiting. 
“I need you inside me, I want to feel all of you!”
Finally, Marc pushes in the rest of the way but takes his time with it, making sure to watch your face crumple around a high pitched keen as he does so. 
“That’s my fu-fucking good girl, look at that. Does that feel better?” He asks before dragging himself out to the tip, and on his hard thrust back in, decides to mock you further, “How about now? Better, baby?” 
Marc begins with a slow pace, making sure to pull out slowly only to thrust back in hard and deep, breathing hard against the shell of your ear. You can’t answer him but your noises are involuntary, more pronounced when he grinds into you. He pushes his face into your neck and keeps the mind numbing pace, occasionally whispering sweet but filthy things to you. 
“Pretty baby, letting me take her apart, m-my baby, so wet for me, so good to me.” Your chorus of whimpers kept growing, until he kissed you so tenderly while grabbing your hands from where they were purchased around his back to intertwine them by your head, caging you in. He kept pushing, going impossibly deeper, and the air shifted, became suffocating in the best way possible, oxygen scarce as his eyes locked on yours. 
Something in you snaps, and your back bows into his chest. Marc continues to fuck you through the spasms as you fall off the edge he’s been pushing you towards, crying out with his name on your tongue. 
There’s a flood between your legs, you know it because you can hear it and he’s sliding in your oversensitive pussy so easily now. 
“You look so good coming for me, I wanna watch it again. Please?” He licks from your throat to your ear to sweeten the request, shifts your legs over his forearms planted next to your waist now so you’re fully spread out for him to see. “Can you give me one more? I think you can, you’re so good for me.” 
You don’t even get a chance to come down and he’s building you back up again. His words aren’t helping but he doesn’t seem like he’s in control of them either at this point. Looking down you can see where he’s spearing into you, going faster now but just as deep as before and the sight makes you whine in the back of your throat. 
He groans as he looks at where you’re joined, a pained noise that makes him drive harder into you. You struggle to anchor yourself so you settle for his arms and dig your nails in, too far gone to care if you draw blood. 
“I c-can’t, Marc” you’re stuttering with the words, “it’s too much, I can’t” is all you can manage. He’s eyes become softer while he shakes his head at you. 
“You can take it, take it for me, yes you can, pretty girl” he pleads, eyes imploring. “My girl, right? You’re mine?” He’s asking you for affirmation and you know it’s about more than just this moment. So you nod. Cockdumb or not you’re nodding in agreement so he knows you’re in this with him, trusting him to take care of you in more ways than one. He knows how, he’ll take you there, and he kisses you like a vow.
You’re on fire, veins ignited and something devastating is building inside you again. The concept of time is escaping you. His lips are smoldering against yours, and he swallows your moans while delving his tongue into your mouth. You feel like he’s slowly peeling you apart and piecing you back together at the same time; like the glue he’s using is actually made of lighter fuel and he’s just fueling the fire lit deep within you. You break apart gasping for air as his cock punches mercilessly into your core, hitting the area that makes your vision spotty.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, moaning uncontrollably and Marc knows you’re close. He lifts your leg to wrap around his hip and settles his hand on your lower stomach and presses, thumb reaching for your clit to pluck at it with no hesitation. 
This is it, you think. This is how you’re gonna go out, screaming around Marc’s cock because he fucked you too hard into your mattress. Your vision whites out, blood rushing past your ears deafening you, and your muscles tense up as you come harder than before. 
You’re clenching too hard around Marc for him to move for a few seconds so he sits there letting you milk him, arousal rushing out of you like a downpour. “God, you’re perfect, such a good girl coming for me so hard, that’s right,” as he brushes your hair out of your face. You’ve stopped convulsing enough for him to start up again, but your whimpers from him thrusting into your overstimulated pussy have him speaking again. “I know, I know, almost there, please baby.”
His pace becomes irregular, sinking deep inside you as you drag your fingernails down his back, tears leaking out of your eyes. How is your orgasm dragging out this long? 
“Ahhh, f-fuck, you’re so- fuuuuuck I’m gonna come, I-” He groans out into your neck, hips smacking loudly against yours and with a final thrust finishes, painting your insides with his release. 
He flops down with his face still buried in your neck, and spent cock still inside you. Both of you are still breathing heavily and your brain feels like it needs a minute to restart, but it does supply you with the motivation to run your hands through his hair and down his back soothingly. You don’t know how long you two stay like that but he eventually starts lazily kissing your neck until he finds himself looking at you from above, and you share small, shy smiles, faces beaming. It feels like the sun has settled in your chest with how giddy you feel and Marc? Marc’s face reflects yours, that same happiness you never thought you’d be the cause of, his eyes cataloging the details of your face to memory. 
You’re sickening, you think. This is the sappiest you’ve ever felt about someone and you don’t know how to act, especially as the last hour catches up to you. After a few more short but sweet kisses, he’s pulling out of you with a hiss and looking at the mess he made of you. You feel both of your spend leak out of you, feeling sweaty and achy all over. Before you can even say anything though, he’s pushing it back in with two fingers and roguishly asking you to keep it in for him. You nod blankly, as if you could deny him anything right now. 
Marc settles in next to you on the bed and you turn to face each other, faces inches apart and limbs tangled together. You’re both sporting the same, goofy, shy smiles and settling in to sleep. 
“Will you stay with me?” You softly ask, still hesitant to ask. 
“‘Course… but I-“ he starts and stops again, and you try hard not to jump to conclusions of him finding an excuse to reject you. 
He looks like he wants to continue, with his brow furrowed and eyes focused on your chin, mouth still open poised to speak. As your hand reaches up to smooth out his forehead, his eyes look back to yours, making him quickly spit out “Ihavesomethingtotellyou”.
“Anything. You can tell me anything, Marc” you reassure him, a tone of worry lacing your voice. His eyes look panicked for a second before rolling back into his head. 
“It’s not his fault, love, he just likes you too much!” He said, a bit too loud for how close you two were, making you jump back a bit out of shock. 
See, the voice came from Marc but it didn’t sound like him at all, with an unusual British accent and higher pitch than his regular voice. 
“Oh s-sorry, love, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Steven.” 
Was this all some fucked up dream you were having? 
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diodellet · 2 years
quickie (asmodeus x g/n reader)
alt title: two (2) times you and asmo have a quickie and the one (1) time you take it slow yay i'm finally... Finally... blessing my blog with........... Asmo?!?!!?!? content warnings: quickies, semi-public sex, lots of loving but not much ✨✨doing, reader is gender-neutral but they're the bottom word count: 1.4k words minors do not interact
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He could have been quick and discreet...
...dragging you into an empty classroom or miraculously finding an unlocked supply closet.
Perhaps, he would have found a secluded hallway, tucked away from most of the foot traffic at least. If you wanted instant gratification, he knew how to do so. He's found himself in plenty of situations requiring a deft hand and wrist (not including the ones he willingly walked himself into).
You had your moments. When you'd press yourself against his side, wrap an arm around his waist, enclosing all five fingers around his wrist, as if for unspoken added emphasis to whoever he was conversing with. You, subdued and withdrawn, wordlessly begging for some reciprocation of touch.
He'd relent, all too eager to indulge you. A library study date turning into quick stress relief. With his hand clumsily unbuttoning your pants and reaching into your underwear, quickly feeling you rut against his palm. Every clench and shake of your thighs, the growing arousal between your legs would only spur him on more. Never mind that it would tease moans and gasps from your throat, you were quick to bite down on those noises to keep the both of you from being caught.
(You'd return the favor in an empty bathroom stall, dropping to your knees and taking him in your mouth.
"A-ah...not so fast, darling—" His hand rests itself atop your head.
Your gaze flicks up to meet his, a questioning hum leaving your throat. And god, the vibrations traveling up his cock elicits another groan from him.
It wasn't like there was anyone else in the restroom. The only sounds were coming from your ministrations and his reactions. Almost echoing against the tiles.
His fingers tightened their hold, tangling themselves in your hair. "Hah...wait, let me use your throat, darling."
You slowed, keeping your mouth open and letting your saliva pool down your chin. You gave him an expectant look, as if to say, 'Well? Go on.')
And it wasn't like you were the shameful type either. Once, in an empty classroom, long after classes had ended for the day, you took a phone call when he was sitting in between your legs, right after sucking a hickey into your collarbone. You had given him an apologetic (read: not really) look and gently pushed his head down to the junction of your thighs. Either to put as much distance between him and the phone's speaker, or because you craved his tongue. You silently mouthed the word, 'please,' letting your palm caress the side of his face.
He met your gaze before pulling your shorts down to wring out two orgasms from you.
(You panted, slowly coming down from your high. "Fuck... I think they heard that."
Asmodeus only laughed in response, leaning against your inner thigh. "Well, whose fault was that, hm?" He glanced up at you from underneath his lashes, feeling his lips curl into a grin.
You set your phone down with a clatter, your grip still weak. "The person who made me cum twice in a row, obviously."
This time the both of you laugh, before lapsing into comfortable silence. He likes how cool your skin feels against his cheek, and he closes his eyes at the sensation.
"Hey, Asmo?" A note of suggestiveness creeps into your otherwise innocent words.
He could sense your desire slowly building up, he played along. "Yes, darling?"
"Would you lie down?" At those words, your hand already pushed at his shoulder and he scooted back to let you slide out of your seat. He opened his eyes. Now you were both on the floor, with you sitting atop him.
His hands slide against your thighs, reaching higher to rest atop your waist. "Are you looking to come a third time? You're insatiable." His words have no bite, and it seems you know this.
"Yeah. Like you're one to talk." You replied without hesitation, undoing the slipknot tie of his uniform's sash and unbuckling his belt. "Let me suck you off too?" you asked.
Being the one receiving, being the one giving, pleasuring others except himself, and so on, he was used to fixed roles like that. But when things were like this—amorphous, shapeless, nameless—
Biting back a shiver at how his name sounded, he brought himself out of his thoughts. "Don't wait for me to beg, darling. Unless..." he feigned a gasp, "do you want the entire school to hear us?"
Yeah right, like he was going to let the both of you get caught like this.)
There was something special though, when you were like this...
...boldly stepping into his space, backing him against the wall of the empty hallway, yet at the same time barely able to bring yourself to meet his eyes. He found himself captivated, his title as the Avatar of Lust ripped away from him. The way to the courtyard was just outside and he could hear other students milling about, but whatever idle conversation they were having grew unintelligible, drowned out by the thump of his growing heartbeat.
There's something on the tip of your tongue, something you want to say, but you kept your lips stubbornly clamped shut. No, he would have been lying if he said that your expression was unreadable—there was something deeper, something soft and fond, cradling him in your hold, making him forget that the two of you were at RAD, making him forget that he was one of the seven most powerful demons of the Devildom, making Asmodeus forget himself.
Your hand cupped the back of his neck, bringing him close to you. And he obliged, closing his eyes and gently pressing his lips to yours.
He could feel his nape growing warm. Asmodeus wouldn't call this feeling weakness. Not embarrassment either. If he weren't as comfortable in his own skin, maybe he might've. But, again, he wasn't. Nothing about him was weak. Lust, beauty, grace and poise, those were things he reigned over.
Yet in a heartbeat, if you asked him to, he would relinquish these to you.
"You're quite the gluttonous human, aren't you?" he teased as you unbuttoned his top, baring his chest. You thumbed at his nipples, feeling them harden under your touch. He would like to have your mouth on them, but for now, he wanted to hear your voice. Anything to keep you from hearing his heart knock itself against his ribcage.
"Shut up..." You rolled your eyes, but as much as you tried not to, your lips curved into a smile as he undid your uniform. He was always careful not to tear any seams, not to pop off any buttons. Careful to only let his bitemarks and bruises peek from over your shirt's collar. A wink of red and purple to whoever glanced closely.
He hooked a finger against your waistband, sliding your pants and underwear down to your knees. "There isn't anyone around, so we can—mh, take our time..." You clamped your mouth shut as he slid a finger into your hole, teasing and coaxing you open. Stifling another moan, you pressed your forehead against his sternum. Your breathing grew ragged, warm puffs of your breath hitting his chest.
A part of him felt like he was also burning up from the inside.
Adding another finger, Asmodeus hummed, unable to keep the smile out of his voice. "If you say so~" He could feel your knees buckling at the mounting pleasure, he wrapped a hand around your waist to support your weight.
One of your hands trails down his body, the pads of your fingers smeared the precum gathered at the tip of his cock before slowly stroking his shaft.
Even when you were being pleasured, a part of yourself was still intent on reciprocating, no matter how debauched or incoherent you became.
No, he couldn't continue like this. Pulling you flush against him, he lifted you and reversed your positions, pressing your back against the wall. Your thighs came up to press against his sides, eager, waiting to see what he would do next. His fingers slid out to be replaced with his cock, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Almost feverish, you pulled him into another kiss, opening your mouth, shamelessly letting him swallow your sounds.
Love and lust were separate feelings. Most humans tended to conflate the two as the same, but Asmodeus didn't bother himself with distinguishing between the two each time he fucked someone. If he could sense the latter and if he bore the title as the Avatar of Lust, then he didn't need to get into the mess of untangling love and all its abstractions. And yet...
Pulling away, he called your name. "Is this too slow, darling?" And yet still, it nagged at him, to put a name to this feeling that came from you.
You shook your head. "No, not at all, it's perfect...ngh...I love it, please don't stop—"
Love, huh? Maybe that was one word to describe it. Whatever this was.
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A/N: so i'd like to give a quick thanks to @jessamine-rose for beta'ing this self-indulgent piece (check out all of her writings she recently posted some really nice yandere fatui fanfics if that's up your alley!) hahaha this isn't really my first time writing smut but i've been really busy lately so i needed a quick (ha geddit?) blurb to get back into the swing of things. i hope you liked reading this!! 🥰🥰 dont be afraid to reblog and yell in the tags or to yell abt my writing in my askbox i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing it 🥰🥰
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
Its Gays on A Boat! (working title)
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There's a multiversal threat, and theres only one group of idiots that can stop it! Its taking out the S1 Mianite world and its comin for the rest of the universes in the vast SMP Multiverse o nooo
Mianite spin off pitch; Post DSMP; canon divergent. uhh fills in what Sonja was up to during Isles and after the fact. mostly just random ideas i had i cant write prose for shit
A few years after S2 Sonja and Wag get kinda left behind. Tom returns to Astrakheins with Alice to find himself, Jordan depressedly goes off to become a pirate, Tucker leaves the universe to pursue other things
The two of them end up gettin into more powerful magics outta boredom (which Martha doesnt really like all that much) and in her explorations, Sonja stumbles upon the idea of necromancy. i dont have it fleshed out but. she talks to Philza (whos in the S1 world with Techno, pre-SMP Earth) who introduces her to Kristen. exploration of Capsizes limbo and basically she brings back Capsize
Canonically SMPEarth takes place right before Isles. and uhh While Jordan and Tom have reunited when Martha and Alice send the two back in time to investigate x thing idk i didnt finish the series yet (Mianitian Isles) Sonja is kinda just tryna help Capsize find herself again bc she didnt come back right (big ol memory issues). Post Isles Tom ends up on their boat with no idea where Jordan went (spoiler: bro ended up in the End of the DSMP, pulled there by XD) Jordan gets involved with the DSMP Syndicate bc of Phil and Techno
((theres a gap in story here but tldr; before the nuclear bomb that resets the server goes off, the trio find Jordan and take him and Tubbo- maybe also Ranboo and Michael- onto the boat and they fuck off to.... somewhere. Phil and Techno have their own way out i personally like the Syndicate ending Phil wrote i dont wanna mess with it))
A lot of it kinda focuses on the four reconnecting and repairing their faults of the past and a continuation of this multiversal threat that Jordan was investigating on the DSMP which i cant really explain yet. basically think world historian but a lot worse with quintessence stuff
like Jordan trying to make it up to a Capsize for how he treated her, but who doesn't remember him that well, Jordan reconnecting with his son that he basically had to abandon when the Realm of Mianite was falling apart, the tension between Sonja and Tom, where Sonja has kinda been Capsize's friend all this time while he was gone and regretting not being around, Tom helping Capsize through this revival state relating his own experience where he cant remember the ghosts of his past life all that well- and more!
also shenanigans. tons of mianite-style silly shenanigans cause we love some absolute 180 contrast in these damn things
other maybe plot points
Furia. yea theyre back
redbeard coping with the fact his sister is back. havent decided how much she remembers of him for angst reasons >:]
if i stick to ranboos canon ending for their character, them finding ranboo in the nether at some point
tom really leaning into the godhood of bein mecha dianite
meeting their origins alts from starborne kingdom of dianite when the timelines start to get fucky and blended together
motanite returns, and most of the Ruxomar Alts (including Spark whos been in the vast expanse with S2Ianite and comes back to roast Jordan)
Waglington. just waglington.
ok thats it for now. ill take questions i guess i know its very disorganized bc im still writing OSMP stuff and im tryna to not do two at once
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sorcererrezan · 3 years
congratulations on outdoing yourself yet AGAIN with chapter 7 @ataleofcrowns 💛 you are truly on another level queen 😌✨
prompt: “Then tell me, how can I convince you?” (list here) pairing: X/crown rating: spicy T 😏 word count: 1,929 summary: ‘It would be so easy to make him kneel for you, the way he clearly wants to—’ 
Crown Navid shows Xelef that two can play his game.
It’s what the earth spirits had said, but now, ensconced in his palace, where he has invited in those who are merely curious about him at best and possibly strategizing his murder at worst, Navid hears it in his own voice.
The control he has maintained since Ishrah and Siham opened his doors this morning squeezes around his chest. It pinches and he can feel his heart bursting out of the gaps of its hold, turning into spikes.
Navid’s eyes thin into slits of piercing gold. His tone, now devoid of its casual charm, is flat. Unamused. “I’m not convinced.”
Xelef, just as persistent, gauges him. Navid can pinpoint the exact moment the sellsword decides on his next tactic, green eyes shifting hues like a turning emerald.
“Then tell me, how can I convince you?” 
Just as much as Xelef is surely leaning on his sensory abilities, Navid’s awareness of the situation rises. Above his disrespected aggravation and Xelef’s agile contortions he can see the conflict between his own present and Xelef’s past. In the back of his mind he notes a sense of affronted duplicity—isn’t this the same man that warned him against self-destructive paralysis, the one that saw through his worries leading up to today and offered reassuring distraction?
Why can’t Xelef use that insight to understand the position he’s put a newly coronated Crown in, instead of to devise an escape from the consequences of his impulses?
Xelef steps close, as skilled at wielding a weapon as he is his own body. Navid’s thick brows furrow at himself, at the way his reaction betrays him, heart rabbiting in response to the enticingly deep fragrance clouding the mercenary, the ridges and valleys of his form set in such a tantalizing display. Navid can feel the heat from Xelef’s bare chest even through the rich fabric of his ceremonial robes and the magic imbued in them. Xelef’s hand on his shoulder is a reminder of his size and strength, of his willful potential to overpower.  
“Shall I beg you again, on my knees this time?” 
Every single thing about him is a distraction.
If Xelef wanted to keep up their easy flirtation from this morning, he shouldn’t have soured it by testing the limits of Navid’s control. But now that he has…
An open palm finds the heated skin of Xelef’s abdomen, gliding across hard muscles; callouses catching on the random, puckered skin of his scars. Navid can hear Xelef’s rushed inhale before it turns into a low chuckle. He lets his lips brush against the goosebumps on Xelef’s neck before he murmurs, breath hot on his ear, “Kneel, mercenary.”
The last word is a sharp hiss, accompanied by the bite of his blunt nails on Xelef’s bare skin. The muscles underneath his touch jump as Navid pulls him down, fingertips gliding up his torso along the way. Xelef would look almost reverent, on his knees before him like this, if it weren’t for the devious gleam of getting what he wanted in his eyes.
Navid’s lips twist into something wicked.
“Beg for my forgiveness,” he repeats, voice husky, one hand cradling Xelef’s jaw in a commanding grip. Navid feels powerful. Different from the ways before when he has bent Xelef to his will because this time, there’s no perceptive audience. 
Distraction or not, this is all for him.
Xelef bites his bottom lip and Navid eyes the plumpness of it, gaze sharpening in vindication as the man in front of him lets out a shaky, almost whining, exhale. 
“Please forgive me, Navid,” dark eyelashes flutter in a practiced way that Navid is nonetheless susceptible to. The use of his given name throws him off guard, widening his stare. Another distraction, or an attempt at sincerity? Only the Void knows for sure.
Navid nods, letting some of his cool charm return in an inviting smile. The hand on Xelef’s jaw slides to cradle the back of his head, fingers threading through the smooth locks of his hair. “You look good like this, Xelef.”
“So do you,” he eyes Navid hungrily, not even hiding the lascivious way his stare roves from right below his waistline, up the slim taper of his waist, the flare of his shoulders, then lingers on his lips before making eye contact and meeting fire with fire. 
Navid’s smile shifts into a smirk and he tightens his hand into a domineering fist, pulling Xelef’s hair, holding him in precarious place as he leans over him. He makes a show of sliding his eyes from Xelef’s to his mouth as he bends closer then closer still, until the mercenary’s long lashes flutter closed in anticipation.
Their lips are separated only by their breath when Navid tugs—not gently—and Xelef lets out a choked half of a groan.
“Don’t ever deign to undermine me like that again. Especially not amongst these vultures,” Navid spits the last word out, voice testy and dangerous in a way Xelef has never heard before. He conceals his unspoken ‘I need you on my side.’ in another jarring pull of his hair, forcing Xelef to bare his throat to him. “Do you understand, Pale Sword?”
From his vantage point he can see Xelef’s desperate swallow, can hear the submission in his shaky exhale of a response. “Yes… my Crown.”
Navid breaks away like a glacier’s cliff dropping into the sea. For half a second Xelef crumples, not expecting the loss of support so immediately, before his muscles clench and he regains his balance. Spirits help him, but he is not immune to the way Xelef’s abdominals, framed by the rich textures of his formalwear, dance under his tanned, hairy skin.
Navid keeps a calculated, cunning look on his face as Xelef rises on his own, eyeing him in equal parts defeated respect and surprised annoyance. 
“I suppose I deserved that,” comes the begrudging admission. Finally, Xelef’s sincerity outweighs Navid’s doubts.
“Don’t mistake my reciprocation of your attention for naïveté,” Navid pins him with a knowing stare, a reminder that as much as Xelef can see through him, he can see the same. And to let him know that, even still, he wants to continue cultivating this “whatever you want it to be” that’s growing between them. Navid doesn’t know what Xelef’s romantic past looks like—and doesn’t much care—but if Xelef wants to keep courting his favor, he needs to know that there are harsh lines that Navid will not allow him to cross. 
“I’m sick of people hiding things I should know from me.”
The last part comes out more resentful than Navid intends, tinged with his turbulent reflections about his parents’ debilitating omissions and how exhausting it is to think of learning to divine the nobility’s nebulous motives and intentions.  
“You’ve known me for mere days, and you expect me to bare all my secrets to you because I helped you once?” Xelef snaps back, patience run ragged after Navid turned the tables on him. It stings. The fatigue of the day’s emotions slams into Navid all at once, his hurt the delayed catalyst. 
He takes a deep breath, recentering himself. Is his pride worth it? They’ve both made their point. And he doesn’t quite yet know where the line for Xelef is, when taking advantage of their attraction to each other morphs into something destructive. 
He sighs. So many calculations today, mind overstuffed by the endless observations he’s made to try to perceive everyone around him. “Okay.”
Navid shrugs, closing himself off from the weight of it all. He never asked for any of this responsibility, still doesn’t understand why the spirits chose him. Did they do it with the person he could’ve been before he spent a decade on the run in mind? Or with the decorated shell of a man he is now, desperately trying to fill his insides after those he trusted to protect and guide him failed? Maybe he really is naive, for dreaming that his problems could be solved simply by finding his sorcerer and finally becoming the Crown.
“You’re right, after all. We’ve only known each other a short time, and we’re not friends. I’m only your employer, right?” If Xelef wants to shield himself with that context, so be it. Navid is just as good at hiding.
“Navid…” Regret paints Xelef’s face an unfamiliar expression. 
“It is what it is. You have your secrets. I have mine.” 
“I didn’t mean—”
“Xelef,” he interrupts tiredly with an open palm. “It’s alright. I understand. Just don’t get me killed.”
Navid forces a smile to soften the jibe, retreating back into performance. Xelef opens his mouth as if to say something, brow bunched as he seems to sway between decisions.
“I’ll just see you—”
“The Mîrs of Rojan and I have a long, bloody history together. I don’t want to speak of Behram, but…” 
Xelef holds Navid’s gaze, still wavering for a beat before choosing his path. Something parts behind his eyes, something that allows both of them to see. How alike they are. How tired. How terrified and cautiously hopeful.
Xelef tells his story about Behram’s predecessor. Navid listens raptly, fully aware that this vulnerability could be fleeting, and hangs onto it. The part of him that doesn’t ache for Xelef as he unravels the tragedy of his childhood is grateful for the distraction from his own maelstrom of trauma and emotions.
“Then why did you help me?” Navid asks, feeling the gulf of his status between him and Xelef more distinctly than ever.
“I… had my own reasons,” he doesn’t meet Navid’s eyes when he answers. Though it’s not the reassurance that he wanted to hear—that he did it for more than just the potential of gold or vengeance—at least it’s the truth.
“In any case, does this sate your curiosity a little bit?” 
Navid recognizes the attempt at lightheartedness as a tool, though just like with his own attempt earlier, it’s outweighed by the ghosts that linger around them both. 
“Is this usually how you leave people sated after kneeling for them?” It’s not quite the same playfulness that’s usually between the two of them, not after what they’ve found out about each other today, but it proves that they can bounce back. Move forward, together.
“No, but today was a special occasion,” Xelef smiles, though it looks dim on his face. It flickers away, making room for the solemnity in his voice. “You should know—I told you that because I wanted to.”
“I do know.”
Navid reaches for Xelef, this time with no ulterior motive, but someone clears their throat before they touch. 
“Yes?” Navid tries not to let exasperation color his tone—the guards don’t deserve his ire. Still, he can’t help but be disappointed at the interruption, especially since this feels like some sort of breakthrough between him and Xelef.
“Forgive the intrusion, Your Imperial Majesty.”
Ah, right. The banquet and its accompanying expectations. Navid sighs, imagining the steam rising from the bath he plans on sinking into after all this. Alone.
“You go on ahead,” Xelef concedes. “I think I need some time to myself.”
“Will I see you later?”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” relief flushes out Navid’s discordant emotions, and he holds on to the smile that Xelef sends his way to bolster him for the rest of the night. “You haven’t paid me yet, after all.”
“I’m good for it,” Navid hopes his returning smile, laden with the complications of things said and unsaid but sanguine nonetheless, does the same for Xelef. 
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Karl fics master post
Karl fics i have in the works. ill post links here and individually as i finish them . here is my ao3 account you can also find my searching for Ship-vigilante or RJShepherd
It's a long post and scrolling is annoying so Im putting stuff under a readmore for now
Au fics
Main au-
spencer swap- a continuation of my spencer swap au with one of my ocs, Shepherd. I jump around a lot and have fics set in every game from re1 to re8 on the go as wips. Don't hold your breath for this one but you can read the first few chapters here.
Some sort of shitpost fic-
my friends and i have been making hella jokes about the lords. Idk if i'll post this one but it's still in my wips bin.
Chrysalis- inspired by my crystal post
This is just me bringing karl and the other lords back. Pure self serving indulgence right here and i'm not even REMOTELY sorry. Will probably feature shepherd at some point because I like to live vicariously through her. tw possible character death
Alcina sfw/nsfw alphabet/ daniel fabron sfw/nsfw alphabet
self explanatory, character stuff set in my au with alcina and daniel, similar to the karl one.
Karl specific fics- sfw
Titles are placeholders for now, might change when I post them.
Rescue- inspired by this ask
Reader is wandering around the village , lost, hungry, scared and alone. Karl finds them and fluffy softness ensues.
Rain- inspired by this ask
Hurt / comfort . The reader wakes up one day during a terrible storm in the village to find Karl missing. They venture out to find him.
Somewhat like rain but with more blood and gore. Karl is hurt protecting the reader from miranda.
Fluff. It's cold as balls outside and Karl doesn't want the reader to go.
Red riding hood
Reverse scenario of feral. Reader is injured protecting Karl from either the bsaa, ethan or the lycans. Karl spends most of the time beating himself up over it, panicking because he doesn't know shit about first aid. I want some soft karl in my life.
Collared- verging on nsfw but no sexual content. inspired by this ask
Reader gives karl his first collar. He’s not quite sure how to react.
Long night- inspired by these asks 1 2
Karl has been angrier than usual. He’s having a hard time coping since leaving the village. All the medicine and mold treatments have him stressed and he’s taking it out on the reader. Sickfic, tw for mentions of trauma
Karl specific fics- nsfw
Unless otherwise stated i'll do an afab and amab version of the reader. I can also do alt versions/ change pronouns/ readers genitals etc upon request.
Scars- inspired by this ask
tw for gore, self harm, injury. solo karl. Karl survives having his throat slit by alcina, self pitying and dark thoughts abound.
Mating season
Karl x lycans. If yall have read licker bait, lycanthrope or my kinktober fic collection then you know what you're in for. Monster fucking, breeding kink and whatever else i feel like throwing in there.
Punishment - tw noncon
Miranda finds out about karls plans. She comes up with a creative punishment involving the cadou. Breeding kink and teratophilia.
Good boy
Nsfw version or continuation of Collared. I just wanna write about some reader doing pet play with karl.
Scent- inspired by part 1 of this ask ftm reader/pegging
Karl keeps his heats a secret , tries his best to use the lycans to deal with it. One day, things get out of hand. The reader will have to show him how to look after himself .
Tension- inspired by part 2 of this ask ftm reader/pegging
Karl is being a grumpy shit during his heat. Reader has had enough and decides to put him in his place hint: it's under them.
Alpha- inspired by part 3 of this ask FTM reader/pegging
Karl wakes up in the worst heat of his life. He can't do anything but cry out for you, his alpha, to sort him out.
Rut- inspired by this ask
Karl goes into a rare rut. Reader isn't willing to give in to his demands so easily.
i think thats everything im working on or planning for the future. if you want to know more about anything feel free to send me an ask
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ahtsumu · 4 years
目送 ; oikawa tooru
「alt. title: five times oikawa didn’t look back and the one time he did」
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↳ pairing: oikawa tooru x f!reader
↳ synopsis: you spend a lifetime watching him go, sometimes with your stomach tied in knots, sometimes with tears in your eyes, but always with love.
↳ genre(s): angst, fluff, basically an emotional rollercoaster, non-linear storyline
↳ warning(s): profanity, depiction of a panic attack, suggestive themes
↳ length: 5.4k words
↳ a/n: hq fam how we doing after 402 ?? LOL anyway this is my birthday gift to oikawa tooru: my sun, moon, and stars, second to none, yadda yadda. the title is taken from a book with the same name, in case you were wondering. please pay attention to the roman numerals ahead of each section!! enjoy!
“This is the last call for Japan Airlines flight 717 to Buenos Aires, now boarding at gate number twelve. This is the last call…”
Goodbyes are hard when you know they’re forever. Or at least a while.
The clamour of Haneda airport dims to a faint buzz as the two of you continue standing with touching shoulders–– facing the jetliner instead of each other–– in futile hopes of delaying the inevitable.
Oikawa knows that you’re holding in your tears by the light tremors running through your body. Permitting himself to steal a look at your side profile, he notices the familiar tensing of your jaw and hard-set look in your red-rimmed eyes.
Tch. You said you wouldn’t cry.
Impulsively, he unzips his backpack and pulls out a familiar turquoise banner. It feels like just yesterday the team handed him the silk fabric with everyone’s farewell gifts wrapped inside.
Out-of-sequence memories of the Spring High qualifiers flash through your mind. The orange-haired Karasuno player’s spike ricochets off Oikawa’s forearms. The numbers on both sides of the scoreboard slowly inch up like they’re taking turns. Oikawa’s white knuckles against the metal basin. Red eyes. Heaving chest. Something soft against your skin. Rule the Court.
And just like the last time, he gently drapes it over your shoulders, brushing his fingers against your neck as he does so. God, how he wants to kiss you.
“But it’s yours,” you protest weakly, making no move to give it back.
“It won’t be for a while.” His voice cracks when he speaks. But it will be mine again when I come back for it.
He wants to kiss you. One last time.
He wants your mouth against his like absolution to a sinner because he knows that what he’s done to you, what he’s doing to you right now, is comparable to desecration. But he remembers the look on your face that night he broke the news to you. How your megawatt grin caved into a wince when the length of his contract with Club Athletico San Juan finally registered in your mind.
You swallow your feelings of betrayal. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Five years is an awfully long time to be apart,” you say after a while.
Oikawa bites his lip. He doesn’t have the heart to say that five was just the starting number. If he does well there, he’ll probably stay longer. He’ll probably do well there. “You don’t have to wait for me.”
Seconds drag into minutes. The cavity in his stomach festers as he waits for your response, but he has a feeling that he already knows your answer.
So instead, all he can do when your floodgates finally burst open is cup your face in his calloused palms and wipe away some of your tears before offering you his own watery smile.
Through your blurred vision, you watch as the boy in front of you steels his resolve and disappears from your life through the jet bridge, ignoring his heart as it begs for one last look over his shoulder.
Oikawa nods numbly when the old man sitting beside him asks if he’s leaving home for the first time. Home, he realises, isn’t anywhere with walls, isn’t an address, isn’t even a person. When someone says they want to go home, it’s not a space that they yearn for, but rather, a time.
He watches Japan grow smaller through the window and feels himself yearn for the time he still had your heart in his hands. It felt like he was holding the sun.
You wouldn’t consider July 21st to be a special day. Nothing special happened earlier that morning when you woke up without your usual alarm. Nothing special happened when your friends texted you four simple words–– come to Azukihana beach!–– during breakfast. But (and this will come to you much, much later) something special happened when said friends left you to guard their things as they dashed to the supermarket for more snacks.
For now, it’s just July 21st, and you’re lying with your back against a towel on the first day of summer break, soaking in the sun, peacefully flipping through a book.
“DON’T FUCKING DO IT, YOU COLOSSAL PIECE OF SHIT!” The familiar voice tears through the beach. Was that Iwaizumi? You set the book down and sit up to check.
And suddenly, the yellow and blue volleyball that had been leisurely rolling your way halts perfectly before your toes. Behind it jogs a shirtless brunet you’ve definitely seen around school.
Oikawa Tooru stops right behind the runaway volleyball and peers at you through half-lidded eyes. “Sorry about that,” he says, flashing you a charming smile.
After casually picking up the ball with one hand, he flexes his abdominal muscles as he straightens back up. Chestnut irises attempt to discreetly sweep over your features but you catch his gaze in the act, quirking an unamused brow. You also catch the intrigued twitch of his lips that follow.
You’re not stupid. Despite having never met him, you know a lot about the Grand King (as many call him). He’s the constant subject of Iwaizumi’s ire and you’ve heard a lifetime’s complaints about him at joint-family luncheons.
But here’s what’s important: you know that he tears himself apart to be the player his team needs him to be, that he sometimes makes Iwaizumi wish he’d passed the Shiratorizawa entrance exam, and that he fiddles with hearts like origami and sets fire to those beautiful fragile trinkets right after.
And in the interest of self-defence (but against what the devil on your shoulder begs), you choose to not place your most prized possession on the table.
A simple “no worries” passes through your lips. You return to your book. A page turns.
Oikawa Tooru is dismissed.
Though your gaze is trained on the page, you can feel his presence at your feet for a few seconds longer. You wonder what his next move is. Much to your surprise, instead of trying to strike up another conversation, he simply lets out an airy hum and strolls back to the sand court where he came from without a second glance.
Iwaizumi wonders why Oikawa is smiling so victoriously after watching the whole ordeal, but your tan family friend has, unlike the calculating Grand King, failed to notice one important detail:
your book is upside down.
And, as if in a trance, your eyes have followed Oikawa all the way back to his sandy kingdom.
Once the sun has set, Iwaizumi checks his phone and notices a text he’d missed in the afternoon. It’s from Y/N. Unease digs itself in his chest when he realises it can’t possibly be for anything except…
hey what was that about?
This can’t be good. Thumbs rapidly typing a response, he races to quash any interest you may have budding in Oikawa. You… you’re good. Nice. Smart enough for UTokyo. A bit naive, but he’s been around your overbearing parents long enough to see it’s not entirely your fault. And even though you run in different circles at school, he feels obligated to protect you from monsters that hide beneath pretty surfaces. He’s known you since the two of you were in diapers.
just trash being what it is
Iwaizumi watches the three grey dots on your side appear, disappear, reappear, and disappear again. And that’s when he realises that he cannot help you. The villain in this arc of your story has already sunken his teeth in your tender, unsullied flesh.
He sighs.
It isn’t a surprise to Iwaizumi when summer break ends and Oikawa’s chestnut eyes start hunting for someone in the cafeteria during lunch. He doesn’t raise a brow when he hears that the second-year captain has been sneaking into Class 7, sometimes with flowers in his hands, and strolling out with a dazed look on his face. He slaps his teammates out of shock when Oikawa mentions his troubles with pursuing some girl–– but not before slapping himself first. Because the Oikawa he knows is not a chaser.
“Her name’s Y/N,” the brunet says, suddenly realising that he has never introduced any of his temporary interests to the team. But it’s been well over two months and he’s starting to think he’s been friend-zoned. Or worse. “I think she hates me.” He laughs melodically, then cocks his head in contemplation. “Is it weird that I kinda like that?”
Iwaizumi hides a satisfied smile behind a sip of water. Oikawa’s revelation has cleared the unease your name brought to his chest. Just a little. Perhaps he’d misread you. You have a bite of your own.
It’s routine for Oikawa to slink into Class 7 with a dazzling grin during morning break, but he’ll sometimes show up with flowers instead just to remind you that his affections, along with his modus operandi–– haven’t changed since he first started visiting you in September.
The girls in your homeroom have grown used to seeing the six-foot-tall volleyball captain hovering around your desk like a butterfly. Most treat him as part of the scenery nowadays. To them, Oikawa Tooru is no longer the mysterious, out-of-reach deity the rest of the school still paints him to be.
So when he strolls into class on a chilly January afternoon with your name a tune on his lips, they leave him be. Recently, the ladies of Seijoh have focused their attentions on some fellow on the swim team, anyway. Oikawa doesn’t feel as upset as he thinks he should about his shrinking fan club, but when his gaze finds yours already steady, expectant, utterly adoring on him, he understands why.
“For the lady,” he says like he does every time. A cluster of yellow flowers wrapped in brown kraft paper plop onto your desk. He pulls a chair up to your side, purposely ignoring, again, how two certain grooves in the wooden floor keep growing deeper with his visits.
You remember the first time he started bringing you flowers.
A posy of pink flowers sits awkwardly on your desk, untouched.
“I tell you I’d rather take your serve to my face than attend the bunkasai with you and your response is to give me weeds?” you reply with your chin in the palm of your hands, amusement blossoming over your features.
“Stop being a tease, Y/N-chan, they’re flowers,” he huffs, crossing his arms on your desk. “And I know you want to take them. The florist even said I have immaculate taste.”
“Really? Then what do these mean?”
Oikawa falters.
“Pink camellias,” he finally says, carefully enunciating the flower's name, “means that you’re a fucking tease. And that you should come to the bunkasai with me.” You snort and tell him to quit volleyball and join comedy club, feeling a strange warmth in your chest when he laughs.
The two of you fall into the same rhythm as always, talking a little bit about this and that, throwing in witty remarks where they belong, never passing up the chance to make fun of each other’s little idiosyncrasies. He’s enraptured by the way you string words together to describe the story behind your class’s bunkasai performance and all the gears in your brain whirr when he explains the strategy he’s using against the team Seijoh’s playing later that day.
When the bell rings, he reluctantly drags his chair back to the desk he stole it from. Just before he slinks back out the door, though, you tell him with a stern gaze that the Ushiwaka from Shiratorizawa he just spent the break shit-talking doesn’t hold a candle to Seijoh’s Grand King.
It’s like you had just stepped under a new light. Oikawa pauses in front of the doorway, trying to decipher what it is that’s different about you. And suddenly, the roses in his cheeks are in full bloom. Delighted and puzzled at his own realisation, he turns around without a second glance your way and strides back to Class 5. Oh, man, he muses as he passes through the emptying corridor. Oh, man. Iwa-chan is going to love this.
Your phone buzzes later that evening.
seijoh v. shiratorizawa 1-2, the text reads, quickly followed by, GAH.
Your lips twitch, though it doesn’t reach your eyes. Tapping your fingers against your phone screen for a response that’ll cheer him up, you suddenly remember a phrase Oikawa said earlier that day. It drew a laugh from you when it came out his contorted face.  He was obviously still hung up over with the words of the opposing team’s ace. Hopefully, it makes him feel something else coming from you.
you should’ve come to shiratorizawa, you send, grinning.
His response is immediate.
l m f A O
what flowers would you like at your funeral?
And then you’re reminded of his petalled gift on your desk, now comfortably sitting in a glass vase at your bedside. Pink camellias, he said? Curious, you open your laptop and type in the name for its meaning.
Longing, you remember, watching your boyfriend chatter about something–– probably aliens–– animatedly. The yellow flowers on your desk, you realise, are ones you’ve never seen before.
“Oikawa, what’s the name of these?” you suddenly ask. He stops in the middle of his sentence (he was definitely talking about aliens, by the way), and grins smugly.
“Jonquils,” he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “spelt J-O-N-Q-U-I-L-S, means that your boyfriend’s going to colonise Mars one day. And if you’re lucky, you can be the first queen of Mars. How ‘bout that?”
It doesn’t mean what he says it does, by the way.
Splashes of pink and orange have already settled into the blue sky above when you step onto the rooftop of Seijoh’s humanities building. Despite the breeze that has swept through the air, the flame of curiosity in your stomach burns just enough for you to turn a cheek to the cold.
Come to the rooftop at 6 PM.
It’s 5:59. Impatient, you study the note in your hand again. Maybe you’ll be able to glean something from the laconic letter this time.
Much to your irritation, no one had seen the author of this note. They had expertly placed the unsigned card on your desk with a single rose and Hershey’s chocolate kiss on top during lunch. Elegantly scrawled, their seven words have had your brain running circles all day around their identity. Could it be…? No–– he seemed completely normal earlier today. Still, you can’t shake your suspicions. They borderline hope.
Who else…
You inhale the cool air deeply and lean back against the rooftop railing, eyes burning a hole into the metal entrance. The door swings open with a high-pitched groan. Your breath catches in your throat.
… if not him?
Time briefly stops when Oikawa Tooru steps through the entrance, still in his volleyball uniform, sweaty from practice, cheeks the same colour as the setting sun. There’s an unusually tentative look on his face, though it’s immediately wiped off and replaced with the realisation that this is real when he sees you slightly slack-jawed, blinking once, twice, three times before letting out a breath.
“You look surprised. Expecting someone else to confess today?” he asks, crossing his arms in front of his uniformed chest. Despite how his features are contorted by his poorly hidden jealousy, you can’t help but feel a flood of blood rush through your veins, lighting every inch of your skin on fire.
Because whether he knows it or not, Oikawa, the Grand King of the Court, prettiest boy in all of Miyagi, has skipped the table and placed his heart straight into your hands.
“Of course not,” you retort. “I just didn’t think you’d… well, do something like this.” And I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Iwaizumi’s words still find their way into your mind sometimes. I didn’t want origami made from my heartstrings.
Oikawa’s demeanour changes and his eyes dart away from your face. Shoving his hands into his windbreaker’s pockets, he admits, “I’ve honestly never done something like this before.” A faint blush spreads across his cheeks.
“Really? You’ve never stepped foot in the fourteenth shrine of Sendai?” you tease, referring to how Seijoh students have claimed this very rooftop as one of the God of Love’s many temples. You both know he holds the school record for the number of visits to this rooftop. At this rate, he could be one of its caretakers.
“That’s not what I meant,” he replies with a scowl, though the awkward tension between you two dissipates. And it feels like the two of you are back at your desk in Class 7, snickering uncontrollably while throwing playful jabs at each other. Sensing the change in atmosphere, Oikawa finally steps forward to join you by the railing.
Humming softly, he rests his elbows on the metal bar, props his head up with his hands, and sets his gaze on the lowering sun.
It’d be unfair to say that you didn’t at least try to enjoy the moment of peace with the boy beside you. But there’s a burning question on your mind that you can’t put off asking any longer.
“Why me?” you finally blurt out. “You could have any girl in this school. What made you choose me?”
The brunet whips his head around, disbelief written all over his face. “You think I chose to chase after the most annoying girl in all of Miyagi?” He laughs. “Ridiculous. I’d never willingly put myself through that unnecessary angst.”
You scoff and cross your arms.
“I think that when you like someone, it’s harder to explain why,” he quickly adds. “‘Cause it’s not supposed to make sense. I bet that the inability to explain your feelings is a prerequisite for true feelings, actually. It’s logical to say that you’d date Person A because they’re smart, or Person B because they’re hot, or Person C because they’re rich. But I’m pretty sure that that’s not… that’s not falling for someone. When you fall for someone… you just do. No logic required. You weren’t an option I ultimately settled on, Y/N. One day I just woke up and thought, if not you, then no one else.”
A beat passes. A flurry of words floods through your brain, only to evaporate when the devil on your shoulder decides that words aren’t quite adequate for what you want Oikawa to hear.
So instead, your feet take you one step closer into his space. Impulsively, your fingers find their way to his nape and your eyes flutter shut and suddenly–– suddenly, your parted lips brush against Oikawa’s. Instantly, he deepens the kiss, soft lips surging against yours like a pulse under pressure. You barely register his arms snaking around your waist, tighter and tighter until the space between your bodies is completely closed off.
Breathless, you finally detach your lips from his. Oikawa, who still has you encircled in his arms, pouts at the loss of contact, though he sulky façade only lasts a second before it gives way to a grin that stretches from ear to ear. He looks magnificent. Cheeks red, lips flushed, chest heaving, eyes wide with excitement. You want to kiss him again.
“One more.” It’s as if he read your mind. “To celebrate that last one.”
When Oikawa finally detaches himself from your lips, it’s to respond to the buzzing in his pocket. Noticing your raised brows, he explains that it’s an alarm for practice. The Spring High Prelims are just around the corner and he doesn’t plan on graduating without never having taken his team to Nationals.
“That’s my cue,” he states with a warm–– read: not apologetic–– smile. He doesn’t grab your hand or look imploringly into your eyes in hopes that you understand, never mind that you just shared your first kiss, never mind that you just became his girlfriend.
If Oikawa’s looking for any sign of your objection, he won’t find any. Instead, you step out of his space with an acquiescent nod. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Play well,” you say softly.
But before he heads for the creaky rooftop door, he presses one last kiss to your lips. And then he turns around, whistling as he goes, leaving you beaming behind his back with the light of a thousand suns.
When Matsukawa hands you the turquoise “Rule the Court” banner after the team lunch with a shit-eating grin on his face, the only resistance you offer is a resigned sigh.
“I’ve been dating Oikawa since we were second years,” you say flatly.
“Sorry, Y/N-san, but it’s the team’s hazing ritual,” he replies, not appearing sorry at all. “And you’re the only one who hasn’t done it.” He jerks his head at the blonde girl standing a little farther from the group with Hanamaki. “Emiko-san did it at the last game.”
“Plus, it’s the Spring High qualifier semifinals!” Kindaichi adds. “It’s an even bigger deal for you to do it now, especially since you had to miss our games on the first two days for school.” The team murmurs in agreement.
You shudder at the thought of your impending distress. Sit in the front row of the cheer squad and raise the banner with a scream every time your boyfriend serves? Fleeing from the Sendai City Gymnasium back home in an expensive taxi suddenly becomes very appealing.
Seeing the expectant and hopeful looks on the rest of the team’s faces, however, you begrudgingly place the banner in your backpack, signalling your acceptance of the horrible, cringe-worthy tradition.
“Where is Oikawa-san?” Kindaichi asks, rotating his turnip-shaped head around rapidly. “He was just at the team lunch. Iwaizumi-san’s missing too…”
Kunimi shrugs, pulling out his copy of the team schedule. He starts herding the team towards one of the courts. “Our game against Karasuno starts about an hour, so we should start warm-ups in around fifteen minutes.”
Worry creeps up your spine. For the past few days, all Oikawa has talked about is this match against his bratty kouhai’s team. And in the past two weeks leading up to today, you haven’t been able to even catch a glimpse of his face outside of break or lunch. To suddenly go missing before warm-ups doesn’t seem like Oikawa. You’re about to ask the team if he’s ever done this before, but your phone starts ringing a familiar tune and the question is set aside.
“Third-floor bathroom by the orange pillar. Come alone. Don’t tell anyone. Emergency.” Through his harsh and abrupt tone, you pick up traces of fear.
“It’s Oikawa.” The call is cut before you can ask any more questions. Heart suddenly racing, you tell the team that your mother just called with questions about your new smart blender and excuse yourself to “explain what the manufacturers mean by salsify”. No one sees you bolt towards the nearest set of staircases with Oikawa the only thought on your mind.
There are very few things in this world that scare you. Stray hairs in the bathroom, the dark, essays longer than three pages… but the terror that short-circuits your brain when you find your boyfriend in the bathroom–– knuckles white around the sink, chest heaving violently, frenzied pupils surrounded by broken blood vessels–– trumps any fear you’ve faced before.
Iwaizumi stands helplessly beside him.
“Is he having a panic attack?” you question, still unable to move your feet. You’ve never seen Oikawa like this before. He’s the Grand King who hums while he walks, who spams your phone’s camera roll with peace-signs and funny faces, who winks and flirts and teases without regard. But watching the long-deified setter crumble like a measly human before you, you realise that Oikawa is also the guy who tore his meniscus from overexertion, who trades sleep to study his opponents play, who works his body to the bone just to stay a hairline above a certain Karasuno setter.
“A scout for the Schweiden Adlers said that Kageyama will soon surpass Oikawa in skill.” Iwaizumi explains how they had overheard the conversation lowly in your ear. “I got us into this bathroom just before he completely lost it. 5-4-3-2-1 isn’t working. And he won’t listen to a word I say.” What’s 5-4-3-2-1? Well, if it isn’t working then don’t focus on that right now.
Your eyes dart to Oikawa’s quivering body again. “I don’t know how to pull someone out of a panic attack.”
“The goal is to ground him. So use physical touch, make him feel something with texture, and get him to talk,” he responds instantly. Mechanically. Like he’s all-too-familiar with this set of instructions. A heaviness grows in the pit of your stomach when you realise what that means for Oikawa. And yet, from that very dread sprouts strength.
Slowly, you tread over to Oikawa and place a hand on his arm. His muscles tense under your touch but when you murmur over and over that it’s “Y/N, your girlfriend, the most annoying girl in Miyagi”, his fingers loosen ever-so-slightly from the metal basin. He lets you lead him to the bench by the door. He lets you drape the Seijoh banner over his shoulders like it’s armour and wrap your arms around his waist. He lets you press your cheek to his sweat-drenched back.
Get him to talk.
“Remember that quote you showed me from that interview of yours? What was it again?” you question softly.
No response.
“If you’re going to hit it, hit it until it breaks,” you say into his ear.
Through the mirror, you see his eyes widen with recognition. In the brief moment of lucidity that washes over Oikawa’s glistening face, you repeat the original question again, followed by his own quote.
Again and again.
And Oikawa finally says back.
“If you’re going to hit it, hit it until it breaks.” Focus re-enters his gaze. He blinks as if just waking from a spell.
“That’s right,” you say as firmly as possible. “So don’t you dare break first, Tooru.”
An unreadable blend of emotions scrawls itself over his features. While Oikawa washes his face with cold water, you remember rumination and resolve but can’t decipher the rest, giving up anyway when Iwaizumi pushes open the bathroom door. When the light washes over Oikawa, his face shows no signs of the episode he just had. It’s just like how the sky moves on after a storm, how the sun beams to say, “I’m here now. The rain has gone.”
But sometimes it still rains in spite of the sun.
A sunshower. It sounds so beautiful. But it’s wonderfully sad.
The three of you wordlessly make your way to the court where the rest of Seijoh is likely getting ready to warm up. What are you supposed to say after that? What can you say?
Once the smell of air salonpas and sweat finally greets your nose, Oikawa slips the Seijoh banner off his back and hands it over to you. Guessing that’s your cue to leave, you tell him to play well like you always do before starting to head for the upper deck. Softly, Oikawa asks you to wait.
“Stay for warm-ups,” he adds. “Please.”
From your spot behind the Seijoh divider, you carefully watch for any signs of another breakdown. To your relief, he goes the entire half-hour without a single crack in his disposition, exchanging laidback grins with the team, bantering with Iwaizumi. At one point he even has the audacity to taunt the Karasuno setter Tobio-chan, as Oikawa often says with a sneer.
Sunshowers, Y/N. Sunshowers.
Just before the referees call for the teams to line up at their ends of the court, Oikawa jogs over to you, eyes folding into thin crescents when he smiles.
He pulls the Seijoh banner out from your hands and gingerly cloaks it around your shoulders. Oikawa presses a quick kiss to your lips and murmurs, “Thank you.” Something in face tells you that it’s supposed to mean more than gratitude. Before you can read more into it, he turns back around and jogs to the line where his team awaits. Oikawa grins ferally.
Knowing that your luminous eyes are fixed to his back like his own set of wings, the monster crows on the other side suddenly look more like humans.
Oikawa isn’t surprised that his text is still unopened. At twenty-seven years old, he’s had his fair share of dead-ends when it comes to love. But he hadn’t expected radio silence from you of all people.
After closing all the tabs of Team Japan’s latest matches, he powers off his laptop and checks his phone again to reread what he wrote to your old number one last time. Still nothing. It’s highly probable you’ve changed phone numbers at least once in the last nine years, but the disappointment’s still there after he powers his phone off for the night. Tomorrow’s a big day and he’s not the same victim of self-destruction he had been in high school.
Or so he thinks, realising that texting the last person he loved the night before the 2021 Olympics volleyball finals might have been slightly irresponsible on his part. A thought arises in his head, though he quickly quashes it. Asking Iwaizumi to pass the message along would be a little overboard, wouldn’t it? Oikawa chuckles, imagining he response he’d get from his best friend (and Team Japan’s team trainer, that traitor).
“Go the fuck to sleep or I’ll put you to sleep, you dumbass simp,” he hears in Iwaizumi’s gruff voice.
He convinces himself that you’ll be there like you’ve always been. After all, he’s spent a lifetime with your pair of watchful eyes on his back. Satisfied, he drifts into a dreamless sleep.
The volume in the Ariake Arena is astronomical. Blood pounds against his ears as he sets the ball in the air, a monstrous grin carving into his face when his teammate José spikes the set straight down the net, drawing a wave of oohs and aahs from spectators on both sides.
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes at the flashy Team Argentina setter and finishes taping up Ushijima’s arm.
Oikawa turns haughtily towards the opposite team, gaze zeroing in on Team Japan’s raven-haired setter and the shrimpy ginger beside him. It’s been a while since he last saw them this close in person–– the chance encounter with Hinata in Brazil happened well over three years ago and he hadn’t had the time earlier in the tournament to say hello. Of course they’re the final boss in this arc, he muses, though the thought is void of vexation. Instead, begrudging pride blossoms in his chest. Truthfully, he had expected nothing less from his kouhai.
And he expects nothing less than finally tasting the ambrosia of victory against that monster–– no, an entire generation of monsters–– today. Monsters who happen to be the kids he grew up beside.
He wonders what you’d say at the sight of Japan’s greatest players all gathered on one court. On instinct, his eyes dive into the bleachers, searching for your face. Knowing he’s not likely to find you like this, he tsks, deciding to look for Iwaizumi instead. Maybe he knows where you are.
The referees signal for both teams to line up at their ends of the court. As he steps onto the white boundary line, he notices Iwaizumi’s gaze transfixed on someone in the upper deck on Team Argentina’s side. The neutral expression on his face morphs into shock, then recognition. And then he glances at Oikawa.
The latter’s brows furrow before everything clicks in place.
Who else…
All your memories together hit him at full force–– your face shimmering with tears in front of gate twelve in Haneda Airport, the feeling of your shallow breaths against his neck, the savvy lilt to your voice as you speak.
… if not her?
For the first time in his life, Oikawa Tooru looks behind his shoulder.
And there you are, leaning against the railing with the old Seijoh flag draped over your shoulders, a tender, splendid smile on your lips.
“Play well,” you mouth.
And Oikawa feels the sun rise back into his hands.
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princesskiii · 3 years
Locked out
I’m terrible at titles
The six x reader tag is dry y'all wtf
Warning(s) : Cathy says a few ✨nsfw✨ things, heavily implied fem!reader but they/them pronouns is used, cursing
Summary : Cathy gets locked out of the house and asks to stay the night with you. And at the end of the night you find yourself in bed with a former monarch
Cathy turned around at the slight bang, to reveal what she already expected : The front door closed due to the wind.
“Keys, Cathy keys-" Cathy desperately went through their pockets. "Come on Parr you're supposed to be the smart one-!" They searched for a few minutes. Though all in vain as they groaned and slid to the floor.
They reached for their phone, and whether it was pure luck or fate, they did atleast bring that with them.
They thought about texting Catherine for a moment— But decided against it, 'it's the middle of the show— She won't even have her phone.'
Cathy scrolled through their contacts, trying to figure out anyone they could ask for help.
Their eyes landed quickly, the alternate that had a day off— Rightfully so, Being a super swing they do a lot of covers.
They contemplated their options before opening it, realizing they really didn't have any other options.
Cathy Parr : Heyyyy- could i ask for a favor
{Y/N} : Course- what do you need?
Cathy Parr : could you come pick me up i locked myself out of the house :))). And could i stay with you for the night- maybe- please-
{Y/N} : You what-
Cathy Parr : Pls pls pls, I'll ask Catherine if she can give you a few more days off pls.
{Y/N} : Okay okay, i'm coming- this better be a one time thing
Cathy Parr : ofc no worries
Cathy cheered— Thanking the gods they asked for all the alts their numbers.
It was originally for calling in sick, till it became making a group chat of the entire cast and talking a lot more outside of the show
Soon enough a car pulled up, Thank god they all knew eachother's adresses in case of emergency.
"Alright, Get in before i change my mind." You lowered the Car's window to speak to Cathy— Who looked almost in awe at seeing you in completely casual attire.
"Right." They snapped out of their trance and got up from the side walk, taking the passengers seat, sending a smile your way.
As the car started up, you decided to make conversation, it would make an awkward night if you didn't talk to the survivor at all.
"How did you end up like this?"
Cathy stared at you before giggling, "i was throwing away leftovers from takeout— No one besides me would want it anyway. I forgot my keys and the door shut because of the wind." You raised a brow before responding.
"Makes sense, i suppose."
The rest of the ride was spent with small talk, You were having small talk— with a former queen. If you'd told anyone about this you doubt they'd believe you.
Soon enough you'd arrived at your home, Cathy staring in awe, despite knowing where you live and being able to come over any time, they never actually did, assuming you'd be uncomfortable with them just showing up.
You chuckled lightly at the wonder in Cathy's eyes as you opened the car door, the noise basically smacking them out of their thoughts and quickly following you out of the car and into your house.
Inside, Cathy looked around. It wasn't much— but it was still pretty.
"You wait here, i'll see if the geust bedroom is available." Cathy raised a brow, did you already have someone over?
You laughed at them, "It's just because it's normally a huge mess, no one ever comes over to spend a night it's basically a storage room with a bed in the middle." Cathy let out a noise of understanding.
“Make yourself feel at home! Or— Whatever they always say.” Cathy chuckled, barely audible to you as you walked away to the geust room. 
After a few minutes you returned, Startling Cathy when you started talking. “It is absolutely not, It’s a mess. Unless you like sleeping in between dirt bags, which in that case go ahead.” Cathy snickered, shaking their head. “Rather not. I imagine it’s rather uncomfortable.” 
You smiled. “If you want you can sleep on my bed, i’m fine sleeping on the couch.” 
“Because it seems rather rude to have the geust sleep on the couch.”
“We could sleep togheter.” 
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.
“I don’t want you to sleep on the couch either- It’s your house after all. And i wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed.” Cathy’s face slowly became a dark shade of red, only now realizing what they really said.
“But i don’t know- You don’t have to-” 
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
Cathy stared into space for a minute, processing your answer. “Do you have any sleeping clothes with you by some kind of miracle?” You asked, way to casually for the flustered queen to understand. Cathy smiled sheepishly, their face becoming even more red. “I have a bra on?” You grimaced. “Who in their right mind sleeps while wearing a bra.” 
Cathy grinned, seeing an oppurtunity. “Want me to sleep naked then?” 
This time your face went red. “I’ll see if i have anything else for you.” You walked off again, leaving the queen to process everything that just happened. “Oh sweet lord.” Cathy whispered to themself. They put their face in their hands, blushing heavily. 
You returned in only a matter of seconds. Cathy had already calmed down in the short time, but your face was still burning red, Causing a light chuckle from Cathy.
“What’s your size?” 
“I... honestly don’t know.” Cathy said, causing you to throw your head back with a groan. “That means you’re gonna have to see if it fits— And i don’t know if you have the energy to go through my entire closet.”
“I’ll really have to sleep in my bra then.” Cathy joked, Though not really knowing if it was fully a joke. “How the hell do you do that?” You asked. “It’s comfortable?” Cathy shrugged, smiling. You looked at her with confusion for a few more seconds before continuing. 
“I mean if you’re okay, and comfortable, with that.” Cathy nodded. “It’s not like we’ve never seen eachother like that before.”
Cathy had almost said it in something others would consider a romantic way. It was almost like they were suggesting something different— Of course you knew that wasn’t it. But you still blushed at the thought.
Cathy laughed as she saw your blush grow. “Don’t worry! I’m  not suggesting anything!”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding
“Unless you want me to—”
You slapped your hand over your mouth, blushing furiously. Cathy laughed harder. “I’m kidding, i’m kidding!” They threw their hands up in defence. “I’m only teasing you. Promise.” Cathy grinned. 
“Right—, Yeah let’s just go to sleep now.” You walked off to your bedroom, leaving Cathy to undress. 
The moment you sat down you slammed your head down on your pillow. Processing the entire situation. You quickly went to your closet to change yourself. 
A few minutes after you were done Cathy walked into the room. 
Cathy smiled sheepishly. “Well time to sleep then?”
You raised your brow. “Shouldn’t you message the others about where you are?” You asked, Cathy chuckling in response. “I’m an adult.” 
“Doesn’t always seem like it.”
You laughed as Cathy crossed their arms in mock anger. “I’m 21 thank you.” 
“21 going on 5 then.” You chuckled as Cathy gasped. “Let’s just get to bed!” Cathy walked over to the bed, ushering you over to the other side. You quickly thanked the gods you decided to get a double bed as Cathy pulled you down.
“Lay down you maniac!”  Cathy grinned playfully holding you down to the matress. “For the first time in my life i want to sleep, which means you have to as well.” They looked up at you for a reaction, grinning more when you rolled your eyes but obeyed. 
“Like i said 21 going on 5.” You smiled as Cathy turned the remaining bed side lamp off. 
“Fuck off.” 
“Can’t exactly do that now can i-” 
“Shut up! Go to sleep.” 
And as you both layed down and finally went to sleep, you realized you'd have some feelings to work out.
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magentapint · 3 years
crenny brainrot
idk i normally dont post my thoughts here on tumblr but since im becoming active again i want to ramble on about my favorite crenny headcanons.
mostly because i have the agenda of embedding it to the crenny nation collective consciousness. i am a woman in a mission.
Disclaimer: these are literally headcanons with either 0 or the bare minimum canonical basis. its all for good fun pls don’t attack me for rambling about south park characters on main.
1. Kenny is an English gay, Craig is a Science gay || alt title: my craig is bad at english agenda.
I don’t need to explain myself but I’m GOING to explain myself. In the series Kenny is normally the point person whenever the boys don’t know the meaning of a certain term. That’s on rich vocabulary baybee! Ok but ALSO Kenny’s is legit good at English (e.g. When he wrote the boys a letter from Hawaii, His entire Princess Kenny cold open, his Mysterion dialogues)
And now Craig, sweet precious illiterate Craig. 
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need i say more? 
Craig as a science gay just makes a lot of sense to me, bc duh...space...and stuff. Leave it to Craig to calculate the rate of xyz when abc, but if you ask him to write 1 (one) single essay he will slap you. 
I love contrasting my Crenny bc that’s their primary appeal for me! I’m on that stem student x liberal arts student agenda.
2. Kenny loves his town! (Craig is on the Fence) 
It’s a really common crenny trope for them to hate the fuck out of South Park, which leads to countless runaway fics (which I ADORE, keep making them.) But you know when I thought about it, Kenny’s definitely the type to love South Park (and its inhabitants) from the Bottom of his heart.
Dude he literally took on the role of Mysterion to protect the town from the shadows (he’s been doing it for Months???), He sacrificed himself in the South park movie just to bring back things to normal. This man. Loves. His. town. 
I think Kenny’s the type to be all “Come with me, I’ll show you my secret spot.” Then have like 17 secret spots around the town. He definitely knows stuff like the quickest route to school or the best spot for stargazing. All that. 
Now Craig. I could see why he’d hate the town TBH. And that offers a nice counterbalance to Kenny (a comic is forming in my mind as we speak.)
I want Kenny to teach Craig how to love the town (kenny voice “you’re just not experiencing the town the right way!”) and I want Craig to call out Kenny (craig voice “maybe you’re just romanticizing the idea of the town because you’re scared of letting go of the last bits of your childhood”) AHAHAHAHA. Idk Man, it would be a nice dynamic to study.
lmao i just realized that most of my headcanons are just contrasting crenny. IDC!
3. manlet kenny and taaaaall craig
yall KNOW ive been on that short Crenny agenda since day 1!
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(behold my first rendered crenny art ever)
DAY ONE! 初日!Unang araw palang!
BUT! but! BUT! this goes deeper. because of course im going to ramble on about this. 
*clears throat*
Craig tries to occupy as little space as possible, Kenny tries to occupy the biggest space possible.
BAM! Visual and Thematic Interest! 
I can imagine it now, Craig keeping his limbs as close to himself. Kenny stretching out his arms trying to “take more sunlight and air!” 
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I like the idea of Kenny being small but no one really thinks he’s small because he carries himself like a large person. Sometimes he’d just stand up and Craig would see the top of his head and go “oh wow i forgot that you were a foot shorter than me for a split second.”
Fun stuff.
4. Mole placements because I’m a graphic design student and this is the type of shit that appeals to me.
As yall know I draw Craig with a mole under his eye and Kenny with a mole under his lip. Want to know why? Visual interest BAYBEE. Have i told you that I’m a graphic design STUDENT. 
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I like it because it leads your eyes from Craig’s face to Kenny’s face or vice versa. It adds a sense of movement to any of my crenny pieces. 
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Also I noticed how most crenny fics focus on how striking Craig’s eyes are and I think it’s just fitting to add a lil mole to accent it. 
As for kenny, I’m on that...........kenny kissable lips agenda.......I hc his mole to be less noticeable but MAN once you notice, it’s all you see. I can just imagine Craig going fucking crazy once he realize that there’s a mole under Kenny’s lips.
5. Craig and Kenny are innately perceptive || alt title: Crenny Bluetooth Couple
This is kinna one of my tenet headcanons. Like my entire crenny characterization hinges on this one headcanon. 
Okay get ready its DISSERTATION time. 
5A: The angst of it all
Craig and Kenny are both very perceptive. They notice. The different lies in the way they act on what they had notice.
Kenny’s an empath so he tries the best to subtly help the people around him when noone else can. Stan having a bad day? Kenny would stay with him. Kyle’s pissed off more than usual? Kenny would crack jokes he knows Kyle would laugh at. etc.etc.
Craig is very pragmatic. If it doesn’t affect him, he won’t bother. But with Kenny he just can’t help but be so concerned. 
He notices it when somethings off with Kenny. He’d notice when Kenny’s disoriented (after dying and not knowing how reality warped or sum). He’d notice when Kenny’s tired (after working overtime at city wok). He’d notice how Kenny would look at his friends lunches.
What pisses Craig the most is how Kenny just, smiles through it all. Craig’s so frustrated with how Kenny’s own friends are too caught up with their shit that they can’t notice telltale signs. 
And so he finds himself gravitating towards Kenny. Inviting Kenny to join his Wide-angle lens show after he got rejected for looking too poor. Offering to be his partner during school trips. 
5B: craigs cold hard exterior = kennys happy go lucky attitude
Craig and Kenny don’t express their true emotions. 
But the difference is: Craig doesn’t show his because he doesn’t feel  the need to. Kenny doesn’t show his because he has to. 
BAM! Interest!
Kenny has to be strong. To not worry his siblings or friends. So he just pushes through and hides it all with his hedonistic facade. 
Craig’s just.....idk he just doesn’t want 2 show his emotions for funsies idk what’s up with him. 
I like how on the surface they seem like polar opposites but fundamentally they are the same. (bc theyre soulmates)
5C: Reading craig
Kenny’s one of the few people who mastered the language of Craiganese. Alongside Ruby, Clyde, and Token. 
Kenny’s skill was innate tho and it pisses off Clyde so much.
Clyde learned how to read Craig after years of being his closest friend. It took a lot of trial and error, but he’s proud that he can understand Craig’s mood and all that.
But then comes Kenny who can read Craig immediately! What the heck! Unfair!
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5D: Bluetooth couple
which leads me to the point. 
It’s funny.
It’s just funny I can imagine Crenny having entire conversations just by looking at each other.
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okay thats all.
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mxpseudonym · 3 years
Just The Guy From The Club
Alt title: Peaky Blinders but you’re buzzed and making out in the bathroom of a party
Pairing: Tommy x OC (or she/her pronouns Reader)
Summary: Tommy’s supposed to be a posh, untouchable GQ cover man, and yet he’s exhibiting real slut (affectionate) behavior in the bathroom of a club with a stranger
Length: 1160 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Handjobs, Public-ish Indecency, Hook up with a stranger
A/N: Have you ever wanted to make out with Tommy Shelby in a bathroom at House of Yes? Then this is for you. 
He was there to find Arthur. He was there to pinpoint his eldest brother, who could be seen stumbling, high on whatever party drug he was hooked on, between hole in the wall clubs on Thursday nights. 
So why, how did he end up in the employees-only bathroom with this woman? 
It was sometime after she had him buy tequila shots at the bar, he knew because he could taste the salt and lime on her tongue as he pressed her against the sink. 
The air was buzzing from the brain-rattling house music thumping outside of the door. It was numbing and loud, but not enough to drown out their panting. His thumbs caressed the material of her high-waisted fishnet shorts that laid under her denim shorts. The soft pink hair was cut bluntly at her soft jawline and brushed against Tommy's own sharp cheekbones. He couldn't help but leave one hand on her waist and let the other one come up to slide into the nape of her neck. Tommy pulled back for a moment, panting and looking down at her with a look of realization, confusion, but ultimately humor. It was a wig. Obviously.
"Who are you?" Tommy asked with a huff of laughter. She looked up at him with dilated pupils and a wicked smirk. 
The black lights strained their eyes, showing off the graffiti on the wall, her glowstick jewelry, and the bold lines she'd made on her eyes with a neon eyeliner. Even with the shadows, the dim lights caught her face just enough for Tommy to read her lips, filling in the words he couldn't hear.
"Just the girl from the club."
It should have been enough to put him off like. Enough for a bachelor like him who had frequented magazine covers and had Instagram accounts dedicated to candids of him since he was notorious for turning down selfies, to come to get his wits about him. But the smokey club floor they'd met on, the loudness, the lighting, it was making him forget to put his guard up. He let her make him dizzy instead.
He picked her up by the backs of her thighs and turned them, placing her on the sink. Tommy's hands found the band of her fishnets and explored the skin of her waist.  He was getting handsy. He was getting a thrill. If Polly found out about this or his brothers, Ada even, 
Sharp teeth over his pulse point just under his ear brought him back to reality. His reaction made her laugh, and he took a moment to take in how cute her smile was when her nose wrinkled like that. But only for a moment. There was no time to think about what she might have been like outside of this. He pressed closer and cupped her face.
Their kisses were clumsy, teeth knocking into each other, not minding the casualties while their hands slid under clothes to grab sloppy handfuls of flesh. Tommy's hands cupped her through her bra. It was blue and strappy and glowed through the thin white crop top with a vintage logo he didn't know on the front. He wondered if she dressed like this all the time or if this was a special occasion. She was kissed him like she meant it- like she knew what she was doing. But there was something that still made him wonder...
It was her turn to hiss at the newfound cut on her bottom lip. Tommy leaned down and ran his tongue over the tiny bead of blood before giving a languid kiss. The taste of copper shared between evoked a moan from her. Her fingers laced into his hair, scratching his scalp lightly.
"You taste good. But you don't usually do this sort of thing," Tommy said.
She hummed against his mouth and stopped any further comments when she moved her hands from his own plain white t-shirt that she'd slid under all too easily to found him semi-hard through his dark jeans. Any upper hand he thought he’d get with his last comment was nonexistent. How she managed to find the tip of him and press the rough material against it in a way that quickly had him hardening was beyond him. His eyes closed as he panted and pushed into her hand. 
His eyes shot open, and he found her smirk once again. Anything he could say would contradict that he'd just bucked into her hand. 
She kissed him again, using the moment to unbutton his jeans and slid over his briefs. She kissed his cheek when she parted and made her way up to his jaw until her breath was hot in his ear. 
"You taste good too. Like you've never done this, but you've thought about whoring about just like this plenty of times."
Her tongue traced his ear lobe before she caught it between her teeth and made Tommy swear. He'd once had control, hadn't he? Didn't he, at some point, dominate her? No. From when she had him buy her a shot at the bar to dragging him to the second-floor staff lounge, to swirling her thumb over his very sensitive cock, she'd always been in control. 
"You're making a mess, good boy," she teased, feeling the dampness forming on the cloth. 
"You're gonna cum right here, just from this. Tsk, tsk, such a slut."
His subdued senses made her crass words echo through him and rattle him. Her legs were still around his waist, a hand was fisted in his hair, keeping his lips pressed against hers, and he felt her everywhere at once, consuming him. 
"Fuck," Tommy grunted as his hips bucked and he spilled onto her hand. Tommy leaned his forehead against her shoulder while closing his eyes to keep them from crossing.
Banging at the door kept him from gathering himself entirely. The woman slid against him when hopping from her ledge.
"Just a minute!" She yelled. She turned to him and, again, laughed at his expression. The perplexed look he had from his post-orgasm clarity. 
"I didn't, or you didn't," He stammered while fixing his jeans. Meanwhile, she was using the sink for its intended purpose, washing the evidence of him down the drain. 
Another bang on the door cut off his statement that she must have been unsatisfied and was met with an aggravated shout that they were, in fact, on their way out. The woman wiped wet hands onto her jeans then turned to him, grasping the front of his shirt and pulling him down to her level for a kiss. 
"I know I didn't. You owe me, Tommy Shelby."
She gave him a wink and unlocked the door. The heavy bass and electronic thumping flooded past the temporary barrier as Tommy watched his mystery woman pass an annoyed bouncer with ease, leaving him to solve the problem and ask himself several questions. 
Had he just...? Yes, he really had. But more importantly:
Did he know her?
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glowcrizzle · 4 years
Today is the 1 year AO3 anniversary of Slow Show by @mia-ugly. I am beyond grateful that this experience (and it is an experience) has existed in my life for a year and felt it needed commemorating. 🎂  
I’m not a creator but I made this playlist for me, so I could take the fic with me, have it with my eyes closed, while driving -- you get it. Today seems like an appropriate day to share it. 
It’s a. It’s a lot. Excessive you might even say. Tumblr will only give you the first 100 songs in this, so, Spotify will fulfill you (or overwhelm you). If you hit my username on the playlist, there are separate playlists for each chapter. 
This is also on Apple Music, if that’s your jam, just hit me up and I’ll send you the link. 
🎉 Happy Slow Show Day!! 🎉 
13 pages of track-lists and excerpts below the cut. Godspeed! 💙
Songs from Mia’s soundtrack
Songs from the Fic
Slow Show – The National 
Loverman – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 
Devils – Say Hi 
--Chapter 1--
Here I Go Again – Whitesnake 
bad guy – Billie Eilish 
-trash a set and shag your husband
Something About You (ODESZA Remix) – Hayden James 
-what it would take for Avery Fell to let his guard down
A Little Wicked – Valerie Broussard 
-The handkerchief in his hand is now stained purple
You Light Me Up In the Dark – The Hounds Below
-His hair catches the light like a halo, making him look more of an angel than ever.
Lazarus – David Bowie 
-This could be a problem
--Chapter 2--
Unsteady – X Ambassadors
-much easier than talking about the way his heartbeat is still racing
Heart of a Dog – The Kills
-Call me darling again.
The Twilight Hour - Still Corners
-Looked across the set and thought, Ah fuck me. I’m in love with him.
God’s Mistake – Tears for Fears 
-Avery: He’s closed his eyes again, mouth going flat and still.
Lounge Act – Nirvana
-Tell her all the terrible things I want to do to her husband
Transatlanticism – Death Cab for Cutie
-There’s a strange urgency tonight, though, and Crowley can guess why.
Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys
-What could it hurt?
Clueless – The Marias 
-“Better - yeah. ‘S late.”
Motel – Meg Myers
-The hotel room is another disaster
--Chapter 3--
Alone in a Room – Asking Alexandria 
-“I’m having a moment here!”
Since You’ve Been Around – Rosie Thomas 
-makes Crowley feel like he can breathe again
Home Again – The Disco Biscuits 
-It’s starting to feel like home again
Every Other Freckle – alt-J
-Perfect. Ridiculous and impossible and perfect.
Something For the Longing – The Orchids 
As Far As I Can See – Phantogram 
-it’s been a really, really long time
Sinister Kid – The Black Keys 
-“Mothering buggering shit-”
All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
-Crowley fists one of his hands against his forehead, shuts his eyes tightly.
--Chapter 4--
I Like Me Better – Lauv
-I liked the outline of your face under the stagelights
I Do This for You (ft. Marlene) – Giorgio Moroder
-“Let me see what I can do. About your precious Hamlet.”
The Longing – Imelda May 
-Avery POV: “Look at him like - like - you can’t let him see the way you look at him.”
Just a Man – Los Lobos
-Avery POV: like he’s being led into battle and not onto a set to do the job he loves
World In My Eyes – Depeche Mode 
-wants to make that bastard purr
Tired (ft. Gavin James) – Alan Walker
-Let me be a magpie for you
Blow My Mind – The Benjamin Gate 
-Avery: “I know you now.”
Breathe You in My Dreams – Trixie Whitley
-Crowley’s seen that expression on Avery’s face in his dreams
Love Me Like That (ft. Carly Rae Jepsen) – The Knocks
-What have I done to - oh. Oh. Right.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
-“Sure, angel, what- whatever.”
Clearly – Grace VanderWaal 
-Crowley waits for the rest of the night.
Gwendel – PeelsDeen 
-Az sits in the back seat, away from Crowley. Alone.
Now I’m In It – HAIM
-Avery POV: It’s a look like an open grave, a look like desire tempered with grief…
Flesh for Fantasy – Billy Idol
-Crowley isn’t lonely for the rest of the night
--Chapter 5 (Avery POV)--
Smalltown Boy – Rosborough 
-1978, Hartlepool
Bright Horses – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
-1986, Newcastle Upon Tyne
The Runner – Foals
-1991, Bristol
Shock To Your System – Tegan and Sara
-Tracy: “Why d’you let them?”
Cracking Codes – Andrew Bird
-“Forever, of course. I’ll never -”
Colour me In – Damien Rice
-Their fingers - just touch. Slightly.
I’m Not in Love – 10cc
-Less to regret by not ever speaking of it.
--Chapter 6--
Electric Current – Lower Dens 
-“I’ll let you know when you find it.”
Guess I Miss(ed) You – The Daylights
-Keep talking, keep him here a little while longer.
Reflecting Light – Sam Phillips 
-“don’t meet his eyes like that, it looks like it’s a lead-in to a kiss”
King of Pain – The Police
-a good reminder of the kind of life he’s got to live
I Wanna Get Better – The Bleachers
-and Avery’s gaze is so gentle it hurts a bit
Feather – X Ambassadors 
-Avery: “Someone has to”
Darker Side - Jonny Lang
-Avery: “Oh - good Lord.”
Firestone (Acoustic) – Conrad Sewell 
-“Will you show me?”
Velvet Gloves and Spit - Timber Timbre 
-“Anthony - ”
Wrong – Depeche Mode
-Avery: “I have to go.”
F**k it I love you – Lana Del Rey 
-“Not your fault, angel”
--Chapter 7--
Somebody to Love – Queen 
Heavenly – Cigarettes After Sex 
-“I fucking still.”
Will Do - TV on the Radio
-“You too. I’ll see you there.”
Monster – Colours
-No wonder Avery ran off like a thief after a heist
Swallow My Pride – Ramones 
-“I feel fucking ill about it.”
I Was Wrong - The Oh Hellos
-Avery: “I’m the one who has to apologize, not you.”
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret – Queens of the Stone Age
-Avery: “Please don’t tell anyone”
Wait for Me – Kings of Leon
-Avery: “Right now, I’m just - a bit in pieces.”
Don’t Stay – X Ambassadors 
-“You can - stay or leave or - whatever you like.”
The Moth - Aimee Mann
-Avery’s eyes meet his, and then it’s like a car accident
Red Door – Julien Baker 
-“I can - I can wait longer.”
Can’t Pretend - Tom Odell
-“I wasn’t apologizing for that. This morning. I won’t.”
Come Down to Me – Saving Jane
-Avery: “You were wonderful”
Secret Smile – Semisonic
-And if sometimes he catches Az watching him between takes
I Want More - KALEO
-Az laces both of their hands together, stares at them.
I’m Gonna Do My Thing – Royal Deluxe 
-“So don’t tell me what will hurt me. I know what hurts.”
--Chapter 8--
Perfect Day – Lou Reed 
Remember to Breathe – Sturgil Simpson
-“You can’t sit in the car all night you absolute nightmare”
Wild Love (Acoustic) – James Bay
-The two of them stare at each other and then both look away awkwardly.
Seasons – Future Islands
-finally, fucking finally, he’s exactly where he wants to be
Closer – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “if you like”
I Want All of You – The Verve Pipe 
-“If you think I can survive this without looking at you -”
Use Me – Miguel
-whatever he sees in Crowley’s face makes him come to some sort of decision
So Much Love – Depeche Mode
-Love, he said love
Don’t Be Scared, I Love You – Bill Ryder-Jones
-I know you, Crowley wants to say, but doesn’t.
Become My Dream – Silya & The Sailors 
-“Even if - anything, angel.”
I Belong In Your Arms – Chairlift
-For nearly two weeks it goes like this.
Faster - Matt Nathanson
-“You’re going to fucking kill me, angel -”
Come Together (feat. Sivu) – LAUREL
-In case you think they don’t wake up together
The High – Kelela
-Az has pulled a stool over to the edge of the tub
Just in Time – Valerie June
-Then Az’s hand is on his shoulder, turning him around.
I Can’t Take It – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “Don’t rush, just - like this.”
Like This – Jake Scott
-Avery murmurs and it takes Crowley back to their first kiss
Terrible Love – The National
-Flinches away from him.
Help You Out - Emarosa
-And he nods.
--Chapter 9--
I Remember You – Ramones
-The first person Crowley loved was a liar.
Brighter Skies - Race Banyon
-As if they were cut with a jigsaw, as if they were meant to fit.
Not Tonight – Tegan and Sara
-When they reach the edge of the city, his hand slides out of Crowley’s.
As Sure as I Am – Crowded House
-So Crowley kisses him.
A Promise – Miriam Makeba
-And for awhile, he believed her.
Mistaken for Strangers – The National
-They’re only two small words, but they still make Crowley’s teeth ache.
Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye – Leonard Cohen
-“Good-“ Swallow, speak, leave.
The Fear – Pulp
-Crowley should have been smarter this time. He really should have been.
Take Me – Leela James 
-“I’d like you to close your blinds.”
Whenever You Want It – Clare Maguire 
-“What do we do now?”
At My Weakest – James Arthur 
-“It will be.”
Komm zurück - Fotos
-For years and years and years, nothing did.
Come on Get Higher – Matt Nathanson
-their feet sliding in the tub
Lay Down – Sarah Proctor
-I want to wake up with you.
Sort Of - Ingrid Michaelson
-Why is my heart breaking?
Fairytale of New York – The Pogues 
-Just pump that shit straight into his veins.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? – Ella Fitzgerald
-Avery: “What do you think?”
We’re Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together – The Velvet Underground
-“You want to grab dinner somewhere?” 
Hiding – IAN SWEET
-Crowley stops walking. Looks at Az in the darkness.
Romance Dawn – Radkey
-A slice of light cuts through the darkness.
Crown of Love – Arcade Fire
-Crowley feels like the world has never been darker, and his heart will never stop beating
Devil’s Backbone – The Civil Wars
-He thought he was ready for this conversation, but at the sight of Az’s face, his throat has gotten too tight to speak.
Sinners – Lauren Aquilina 
-“If this all goes down in flames, if it all falls apart - we can go off together.”
Please Forgive Me (Song of the Crow) – William Fitzsimmons 
-Avery: “It’s over. I’m - I’m so sorry.”
Start a War – The National
-He twitches and trips and yet somehow manages to walk away without falling over.
Broken – Daley
-And this soft heartache was somehow the sharpest of them all.
--Chapter 10 (Avery POV)--
Daily Battles - Thom Yorke & Flea
-He tries to remember these things - but the background is still a chorus of beeping machines. There’s nowhere he can be but here. 
Everybody Wants You - Red Hearse
-Go out and surround himself with people much more interesting and available than Avery. Better people, certainly.
A Thin Line – Blackchords
-But still - roads not taken, and other fun middle-aged spirals.
My Own Soul’s Warning - The Killers
-When was the last time someone asked Avery that? When was the last time he asked himself?
-I miss you.  There. It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. 
Wait for Me - Jack Curley 
-What he wants to say is ‘don’t find someone else. Not yet. You and your black leather and your cut-glass profile: you’re gorgeous and God knows other people want you.’ 
Coming & Going – Amaal 
-“Two ships passing in the night,” he says quietly.  Then he takes a swallow of wine, lets it roll down his throat. “If you were here -” 
Iron - Woodkid
-Crowley leaves him there, pressed against the wet brick wall.  Crowley leaves him there.  Crowley steps between Avery and a camera, and then leaves him.
The Greatest Bastard - Damien Rice
-He can’t be the person that kicks Crowley into the ashes again. He can’t hurt him like this, and Avery’s going to hurt him - he already has. 
No Right to Love You – Rhys Lewis
-He deserves someone like - like Daniel. Deserves to be loved in the daylight.
If It’s Hurting You - Robbie Williams
-Time is a tricky business when you’re dying slowly; it skips like a flat stone on a quiet lake.
Happy For You – Gayle 
-But surely - surely he’s allowed just this much. Just one message, just so Crowley knows that - that he’s happy for him. That Avery is so happy.
I See You (ICU) - Phoebe Bridgers
-When Avery sees Crowley on the red carpet, it feels like the sudden remembrance of a lovely dream.
Once In My Life - The Decemberists
-Crowley: “I know there’ve been some - hard times. That’s - that is what it is. But for me - it’s been a privilege. A dream. So.” He nods and nods and nods again. “Thank you.”
Coming Down - Dum Dum Girls
-Tracy: “But I wasn’t. I was hurting you. This whole time, Az.”  She shakes her head, wiping frantically at tears that won’t stop falling. “He loves you.”
I Don’t Know Anything – Little Voice Cast
-He’s afraid of finding out that all this time - he was doing the wrong thing anyway. He’s afraid that Anthony Crowley will never talk to him again.
Sweet Sour - Band of Skulls
-"And you're fired"
Heart Attack - Devarrow
-The sun is still rising when Avery gets out of the car, closes the door behind him. Though some of the roads have changed, his feet still know the way down to the docks of his youth. He was never a sailor, but the shoreline is familiar as a childhood sweetheart, as a long lost love. 
Landslide - Robyn Sherwell
-He’s alone, and he’s nearly fifty years old. He could get on a ship, he could throw himself into the sea. There’s no one holding him back anymore. 
All I Can - Sharon van Etten
-And he knows. He knows.
--Chapter 11-- 
Salvation - The Strumbellas
- there’s a moment where he swears he sees a young idiot in black standing in the crowd. Red hair gelled up into spikes, black t-shirt full of holes and safety pins. A young man who has no idea how much he’s about to lose.
Soldier - Fleurie
-And he’s still fucking here.
Easier – Mansionair
-Then he gets the fuck above ground and he calls Beez (oh great, they’re his emotional-support-asshole now. That’s healthy).
Deep End – Holly Humberstone  
-“I brought you cheese,” Beez says, and Crowley starts crying.
Falling Short – Lapsley
-For the next few days, he lets his stupid body do what it needs to do to keep himself upright.
Chariot (Stripped Version) - Gavin DeGraw
-Shit, this was a bad bad idea. 
Quiet Light - The National
-There’s a text from Az later that night, and his name on Crowley’s phone makes him feel like jumping off a cliff.
All That We Had is Lost - Postiljonen
-He’s not allowed to be in love with that man anymore. Wasn’t ever, really.
Heal - Tom Odell
-It makes a rather hysterical laugh well out of his throat. Anthony fucking Crowley. You are still alive. 
Let Me Go - HAIM 
-Crowley tries to ignore the soft, injured expression on the other man’s face as he turns away.
A Beginning Song - The Decemberists
-“What’s more frightening than having a choice?”
The Spark - William Prince
-And he likes to think he would have just burned the world to ashes with the power of his love, would have said fuck everyone, I choose you – but who knows. 
Sharp Scratch - The Slow Show
-So stupid, I know, and I’m - sorry, I still love you and I’m tryin’ to stop and I will I just - needed to tell you that. I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Just miss you.
Beautiful & Brutal – Plested
-Crowley moves without thinking. Falls like a stagelight, glass everywhere. He walks forward and is kissing Az before the door has even been pulled shut.
Bad Chemistry - Fake Shark
-“I’ve been - thinking about this -” Az says between darts of his tongue against Crowley’s overheated skin.
All We Do – Oh Wonder
-“But I - I love you. And I can’t -  hide. It hurts too much.”
Broken Strings - James Morrison (ft Nelly Furtado)
-“I wouldn’t survive it. That way it was. I wouldn’t.”
Stole the Show – Parson James
-But even on their distant shores, Crowley and Az don’t stop looking at each other. It feels like an ending. Maybe it is one. Not a happy ending, but not a bad one either.
Level Up - Vienna Teng
-excerpt from Anthony Crowley: Out of the shadows, under the spotlight
The Wire (Alternate Version) – Patrick Droney 
-Avery: “I’m rather in - in love with you.”
Sweet Thing - Van Morrison
-“You can stay at my place. If you like.”
Falling in Love - Cigarettes After Sex
-“I love you. I’ve missed you, and I love you, and I want you -”
Stay - Cat Power
-He watches the slow flicker of awareness in Avery’s blue eyes. The curve of his mouth into a shade of smile that Crowley’s never seen before.
Freedom - George Michael
-“To the world.”
--Chapter 12--
-What he wasn’t used to was bringing someone else down with him, and jail would be a bloody blessing compared to seeing Az grey-faced and staring out windows, or that one time Crowley’s pretty sure the man was crying in the bathroom, trying to swallow down the sound so that Crowley didn’t notice (he clenches his hands into fists just thinking about it).
Black Mambo - Glass Animals
-“It’ll have to be.” Crowley drops to his knees. “There’s a lot of ground to cover.” 
Florets - Grace VanderWaal
-Crowley can let his fingers curl against Az’s palm, can watch him open as a flame, not caring who notices.
Sight of the Sun - fun.
-That this longing won’t destroy him, and won’t destroy Az either. It’s not a shovel for burying Crowley alive - it’s a spade for planting things.
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
-Az drops his hand onto Crowley’s knee (“What is this song? I rather like it.”).
Only Everything (Acoustic) – Quinn Lewis
-“It’s nice to have someone make it for you, right? Sometimes,” Crowley says softly, too much love in his throat and in his hands. It’s hard to breathe around it, especially when Avery is looking at him.
The Book of Love - The Magnetic Fields
-“You bought a cottage for us.” Crowley is an animal being taught to speak through scraps of meat and electric shocks. “This cottage.”
Say You’ll Be Mine – Christopher Cross
-Avery: “But if you wanted -” Fuck, there are tears in Avery’s eyes. “If you want. I’d like to call you my husband. I’d like to say ‘let me ask my husband,’ or ‘I brought my husband with me’ or ‘my husband won a BAFTA’.”
Anthem - Leonard Cohen
-Their broken edges match. And somehow, the light still shines through.
Precious Love – James Morrison
-When the light catches them both, they shine. And so do you. So do we.
Good Man (acoustic) - Josh Ritter
If you made it this far...wow, hi hello. So, this is ours and my musical exposure is limited, if you’ve got a better song for an excerpt, feel free to shoot it over, more than happy for this to be a living changeable thing. 🤡 
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save your love (and take mine from me)
Title from Susie Save Your Love by Allie X
The windshield wipers cut through the silence as he drives. Only a few stragglers pass him by, headlights blinding in the night, his sleepy eyes unaccustomed to the brightness. The road is slick, rain coming down in fat drops. 
Geralt grips the steering wheel and sighs. He thought Jaskier was done with this, but apparently not. He called Geralt at one AM, asking for a ride home. His best friend was hard to understand at first, being drunk and in tears, but Geralt has become well versed in Jaskier over the years to make out "Valdo", "two-timing asshole" and "too drunk", though it was difficult to determine to street Jaskier kept trying to give him. 
It's hard to admit, but Geralt almost hung up the phone. He thought maybe, just maybe, if he left Jaskier stranded he would learn his lesson. Valdo is harmless in the physical sense, so if he stayed there he would be safe. But Jaskier rarely did the sensible thing sober. Let alone drunk. Drunk Jaskier would sleep out in the rain and find a way to drown, if Geralt let him. 
And if he thinks about it, the picture of Jaskier heartbroken and lonely in the rain tugs at his stone heart. And deep down, he knows he would have never been able to do it, not when Jaskier is concerned. Never Jaskier. 
He pulls up to the curb, and his heart sinks when he sees Jaskier bent down on his knees, head on his knees, soaking wet. The streetlight he's under reflects on his tear streaked cheeks, or maybe that's just the rain. 
The steering wheel creaks under Geralt's fists. 
Jaskier takes a long time to notice Geralt's car idling, and Geralt lets him make his own realization. A startled Drunk Jaskier is not a good thing, and he doesn't want to distress his friend more than he has too. 
After a concerning amount of time, Jaskier notices him and manages a watery smile. He tries to stand and almost falls, making a stumbled recovery. Geralt is out of his car immediately, going to Jaskier's side. Jaskier goes to hug Geralt and trips on his own feet, head going straight to Geralt's chest. 
Jaskier reaches up to grope him, his sniffles turning to giggles. "Dan Gerald -- Ger-alt...your...bobbies..," he cackles. 
Sighing, Geralt bundles Jaskier up in his arms and leads him to the passenger side door. He opens it and slides Jaskier in. Jaskier is still giggling, bordering on maniacally, and Geralt just reaches down and buckles him in. 
Jaskier only goes silent when Geralt gets in, starting the car. He drives in silence for a minute or two, increasing the speed of the windshield wipers, the sound of the squeaking filling the silence. 
"Ger, can I ashk you a question?" 
"I think you would even if I said no." 
"Har. Har." 
Surprisingly, Jaskier doesn't ask the question. Geralt waits, and waits a few more moments, before saying, "Go ahead. I was just joking. Of course you can ask me." 
Out of the corner of his eye, Geralt can see Jaskier fiddle with his fingers. "Am I...am I a bother?"
Geralt flinches. Like a shot, his heart aches. His mind goes a mile a minute, attempting to parse through his memory to see where Jaskier would get that from. Yeah, Geralt likes to joke around with Jaskier, pretend not to like having him around just to egg him on, because he loves when Jaskier goes on rants. He loves--
"No, of course not. I- I'm sorry if I ever, er, if I made you think that--"
Sounding more sober, Jaskier says, "I know you don't. I meant…"
Geralt inhales deeply, making himself stay calm. "If that bastard Valdo said anything like that, he can stick his guitar up his ass. He'd sound better, that’s for damn sure." 
The red of the stop light glints off Jaskier's face as he gives Geralt a small smile, eyes still a little glazed. "He...he's still seeing Priscilla. Behind both our backs. I'm...I'm afraid I lost my boyfriend and my friend." 
"Hmm...I'm sure Priscilla will understand." 
"I hope."
They drive in silence until they pull into Geralt's driveway. Neither of them make to get out. They just sit there, the rain a soothing ambiance. 
"You deserve better." 
Jaskier hums. "I'm not sure about that." His eyes water. He'd always been a weepy drunk, but the sadness in his eyes startles Geralt. "I don't even deserve you."
"Fuck that," Geralt says, a little too strongly from the way Jaskier jumps. "Maybe it's not about deserving, anyway. I want you in my life, so you're in my life." 
Jaskier grins. "Look at you, mish- mister phil-o-soph...sop-hical. Who woulda thunk."
"All I know is that Valdo doesn't deserve you. Why you'd date him is beyond me."
Jaskier looks at Geralt intensely. "Guess I really might not deserve him, if he's just a substitute. And a poor one at that." 
Geralt swallows down his desire to ask who, but he knows that Jaskier is drunk and sad and hurt so it would be unkind to try to get answers from him. And he needs to sleep on his hope, so it can die a gentle death in his sleep; he's tired enough to think perhaps...maybe Jaskier is…? No. 
When Geralt doesn't answer, the smile slides off Jaskier's face. He's starting to look a little green, actually. 
"Jaskier, are you-"
Jaskier turns and pukes on Geralt's lap. 
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murposifly-dump · 3 years
ranking tubbolive streams
by someone who has watched probably an unhealthy amount of streams
if you’ve never watched a tubbolive stream before, take my word that they are some of the best twitch streams. it is usually chill and laidback, the chat is great especially if you like bttv, and streamer music taste is actually good (though that does mean most vods are muted in portions) which means you can put it in the background easily. you can join at anytime, for any amount of time, and have a good time
#3 75 || just chatting, spore, valorant, dream smp, watch parties
while making this list, i realized that i'm just a sucker for long streams. this one was 12 hours long, though that is not uncommon on tubbolive. i remember i went to sleep to this stream and woke up to the stream still going. this stream was just so chill. tubbo has successfully converted me from someone who doesn't care for fps games to actually genuinely enjoying watching them. he also watched basically the entire season of tom clancy's jack ryan, which you can't see in the vod. but i'll be honest, the main reason i put this here is because he played build me up buttercup at the beginning and end of the stream and that has stuck with me even a month after this stream
#2 M || just chatting, valorant, origin smp, music
remember those posts that were like tubbo is always live? this is why. this one is about 11 hours, it starts with number jacks, goes to valorant, has some origin smp (o7) and ends with tubbo playing the piano. the vod for this one is also down, which is a shame, but if you find it on archive.org, it was a blast. the music part is probably one of my favorite sections that has ever come out of any tubbolive stream
HONORABLE MENTIONS (in no particular order)
UNCANNON ALT STREAM for like an hour @ 2 am lol (June 3, 2021) - *narrator voice* it was not one hour, in fact it was three. but this entire stream was just chatting and if you want a chill stream where tubbo just talks with chat, this one is the one
375 (May 30, 2021) - just chatting then raft with sneegsnag, we love lobster the gay shark and fish the pansexual seagull. this stream just has good vibes all around and really funny
TWITCH WON'T LET ME SPAM X's IN THE TITLE SO I AM TYPING INSTED (May 3, 2021) - modded minecraft isn't always my thing but oh my fucking god, this stream left me lightheaded because of how funny tubbo is with sneegsnag and boomerna
50 (May 7, 2021) - this is a beeduo stream, which describes everything you really need to know about it. they play scary game, planetary annihilation, valorant, and watch good omens
B (March 22, 2021) - bunkbedcast? bunkbedcast! tubbo, ranboo, and crumb play video games and talk together, and it's a ton of fun
250 (May 21, 2021) - there's a bit of everything here - some just chatting, some geoguessr, some townscaper where wilbur and tubbo make the funniest roleplay over tubbo's townscaper world, and some vault hunters. in general, all vault hunter streams are highly recommended
and finally for number one,
#1 P/Q/R || all of the detroit become human streams
for those who are not aware, for the first 26 streams, tubbo named each stream a letter of the alphabet. so maybe the streams for dbh were a bit scuffed because the game kept crashing, but the actual game and tubbo's commentary and choices were both incredibly entertaining. he actually got the best ending possible for all three storylines as well! i honestly am so glad that this was my first experience with the game because it was such an amazing play through. and as a cherry on top, all of these streams were also long origin smp streams and the building of the beeduo underground house. unfortunately none of these streams are available anymore but they are usually uploaded to archive.org
and that's the list! go watch some tubbolive streams, i promise you they are worth it
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pokemagines · 4 years
mr. steal yo girl (hop x reader x leon?)
elinor-cross-productions asked: So I was thinking of an idea that is kinda sad but... Hop and the MC have clearly been friends for a few years and Hop secretly crushing on the MC, wanting to confess and deciding he'd confess after he beat the league and became champion. Then he introduces the MC to his brother Leon and has his heart shatter when he realizes the MC develops an immediate crush on his older brother (getting worse if he overhears the MC confess to Leon)
a/n: BRUHHHHHHH hop getting absolutely CUCKED by his brother made me go ape shit so here u go, here it is, the mastapees,, alt title: hop gets cucked. signed, mod elesa.
Hop likes you.
There’s no doubt about it.
You spend so much time together outside of classes that your schoolmates already think you’re dating. You brush them off every time with a nervous, “No way! Hop is my best friend!”
Even Hop’s trusty Wooloo ships the two of you together, the sheep constantly nudging you two together. You don’t mind it -- in fact, you find it cute. 
Hop is a constant in your life; his cheeky banter, playful teasing and constant support have gotten you through so many parts of your life.
When he approaches you to go on your “ultimate Pokemon adventure”, of course you agree! He’s your best friend, you’ll do anything with him.
“We can go on this adventure, and you can meet my brother, and it’ll be SO cool, Y/N! You just wait!” He smiles as he leads you down the path to his place.
You’re so caught up in Hop’s antics that you don’t see him until the last second -- you make contact with a firm wall, startling yourself and the person -- wait, person? -- you bumped into.
“C’mon, Y/N, watch where you’re going! You just bumped into my brother, you know!”
Hop’s brother turns around and as you look up, the pieces all seem to fall into place. 
He’s gorgeous.
A mane of purple hair, strong jawline, and a killer smile -- even in that silly cape he still looks like the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. You’re practically smitten, cheeks flaring red as you struggle to find words.
“Hey, Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you from Hop,” he smiles even wider and you swear you’re going to pass out. “He always brags about how cute you are, but I didn’t think he was telling the truth!”
“Lee, what the hell!” Hop whines, pushing himself in between the two of you.
Your blush deepens as you turn away, hoping your hair hides your flustered face. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say to your lap, but Leon hears it nonetheless over Hop’s protests.
“It’s a pleasure,” he takes your hand in his and places the sweetest of kisses on the back of it. Hop immediately bursts into cries of “why are you hitting on her” “Lee, what the fuck” “I TOLD YOU HOW I FEEL” but you’re too busy giving heart eyes at Leon to notice.
Who knew Hop’s brother would be the one thing that tore you and Hop apart?
The entire time you and Hop are traveling together, he tries to make himself sound cooler than Leon, even though you both know Leon’s pretty fucking exemplary. You entertain his ego anyways, because you don’t want Hop to feel bad.
Whenever Hop loses to you in battle, somehow, Leon is always there to congratulate you afterwards (he says he’s just in town on business, but it’s happened almost too frequently that you’re starting to not believe it). 
You’ve started chatting so often after battles that when asking for his contact info, you shove your Rotophone keypad in his face with red cheeks and a hurried wheeze of, “CanIhaveyournumberpleasethanks?”
He gives you his number with that signature smile of his as well as one of his League cards.
“To remember me by, although I’m sure you won’t forget me!” He winks and you nearly combust on the spot.
Before challenging Kabu, you’re chilling in the wild area near Motostoke when Leon flies by with his Charizard... and of course, he joins you at your camp. You were just taking a quick break to let your Pokemon play around before challenging the gym, but you and Leon get to chatting and you end up making curry together.
Even when he’s eating, he shines brighter than any star in the sky. He compliments your curry skills and you, blushing, remind him that it was a “joint effort between the both of us”. He brushes you off, instead choosing to butter you up.
You’ve been sitting by the campfire for so long you don’t even realize it’s the evening. You were supposed to challenge Kabu hours ago, but you got so lost in conversation with Leon that you forgot.
Even Hop has started to question where you are. Immediately after he beat Kabu, he left the gym expecting to see you like always -- but you weren’t there. He hung out in the battle cafe for a few hours, thinking you’d show up there. And now, he’s so downtrodden about your disappearance he decides to take a stroll in the wild area to get his mind off of you.
Imagine his shock when he sees you and his brother (of all the people, it had to be Leon) huddling together by the campfire. His perma-smile immediately drops. Oh. Oh. On God? This is what I come out here to? Ok.
He storms up to your campfire and you and Leon notice him before he says anything. “Hop, how was the gym fight?” 
Hop doesn’t reply, clenching his fists and keeping his gaze trained on the ground until he finally directs his icy glare at his brother. “I can’t believe you, Lee, of all people...”
You can barely hear him and Leon places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, eyes saying ‘I’ll handle this’ as he approaches his younger brother.
Their bickering starts off quiet and grows in volume, but Leon quiets him just enough so that you can’t make out everything.
“...bollocks, Lee, and you know it! You can’t just...”  “Hop, we weren’t...”  “You knew I liked her and now you’ve screwed the pooch, mate!”  “She doesn’t even like me!”  “Have you seen the way she looks at you, Lee? It’s how I’ve always wanted her to look at me!” 
Leon directs a worried glance back at your tense form and it strikes him that... well, you heard everything. And you know what’s going on. 
The second you make eye contact, you stand up, hurriedly beginning to pack up your campsite to avoid dealing with the situation because holy shit, this is the worst night of your life and I cannot be here to witness this.
You ignore Leon and Hop’s calls to you as you’re packing up and as you’re clambering to pick up your pots and pans, Leon’s hand gently grabs your wrist.
“Y/N, listen, I know what you heard sounds bad, but please let me explain--!” You don’t let him finish, cutting him off with a trembling voice, “It seems all I’ve done is cause problems, so I’d rather just leave you two be...” Leon looks crestfallen, but he knows it’d be better to let you go.
One last look behind you at Leon and Hop has you running up the stairs to Motostoke, burying your face in your pillow the second you get to your room at the Budew Drop Inn.
Nothing could make this situation any worse... right?
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Royalties Soundtrack Listening Event | Darren Criss Chat (July 7th, 2020)
Darren Criss 18:02:04
wait ha
Darren Criss 18:02:08
sorry yall
Darren Criss 18:02:12
this is confusing me of course
Darren Criss 18:02:29
this is new for me too friends
Darren Criss 18:02:45
well i'm here but I can't hear shit so gimme a sec
Darren Criss 18:04:00
well I'll just keep typing here guys
Darren Criss 18:04:04
Darren Criss 18:04:07
Darren Criss 18:04:15
i'm tryin
Darren Criss 18:04:57
What was your favorite song to write for the show?
They each were really fun so that's hard to say but Hate That I Need You surprised the hell outta me
Darren Criss 18:05:30
darren non capisco un cazzo
anchio pero sti cazzi siamo qui
Darren Criss 18:05:49
point and laugh at darren
yes let's laugh at him
Darren Criss 18:06:18
You inspired me to write my own songs 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
thanks for writing the first positive thing I've seen on this. That's wonderful! I hope to hear them!
Darren Criss 18:06:43
clo :)
i love that we are all grandparents when it comes to this
thank you for using the appropriate WE pronouns ha yeah this shit is confusing
Darren Criss 18:08:44
Darren how do you deal with stage fright .... i’ve been preforming in front of people for a while and i i still get scared . Does it ever go away ?
i guess it depends on how big the crowd is. everybody's different but I will say any kind of fright means you care, which is a good thing! Also the thing people forget about performing, for the most part, is you can't SEE the audience, most of the time they're in the dark. That's why performing for friends or in a small space where you can see everyone is much more nerve-racking
Darren Criss 18:08:57
Darren can we have a royalties tour once rona is over???
wouldn't that be fun!
Darren Criss 18:09:15
darren can you start streaming on twitch please haha i love you
ha can't compete with King Urie man
Darren Criss 18:10:06
Darren, I know it’s all weird right now, but do you have any idea when we might see Nerdy Prudes Must Die?
what a good question. I have no idea but I've been wanting to see that show for almost as long as I've wanted to make Royalties. The boys have been talking about that one for a while now.
Darren Criss 18:10:16
Can you like respond .
like yeah
Darren Criss 18:10:27
has Darren even said anything on this?
nope nothing
Darren Criss 18:12:39
Did you write each of the songs with the performers in mind or did you cast them afterwards?
great question. Except for "Also You," which was written with Jackie Tohn for Jackie Tohn, we had no idea who would sing each song. I did the demos for almost all of them and then we had to pitch actors/artists to see if they'd be interested... which wasn't as hard (luckily) as seeing if they were AVAILABLE... which many weren't given the short time we had to make the show. Hopefully we can get some of those folks on for the next season IF THEY'LL LET US HAVE ONE!
Darren Criss 18:13:52
darren royalties is so good i'm fucking proud of you
thanks for watching it, truly. I know the Quibi thing is strange for people so I appreciate you giving it all a chance : )
Darren Criss 18:14:04
Caitlyn A :)
if you see this kick your shoes off
I would but no shoes
Darren Criss 18:14:27
come to the uk challenge
god i wish.
Darren Criss 18:15:39
damn someone said "travel to UK challenge" and I meant to respond "find a vaccine challenge"
Darren Criss 18:17:08
i can't hear any of these songs but I"m just gonna start saying random shit about them
Darren Criss 18:17:16
first off, i really wanted a theme song
Darren Criss 18:17:23
that was a whole thing
Darren Criss 18:19:18
Had to cut through a lot of red tape to make sure we had that silly song in there. We were already in the middle of post production when I finally got it approved, but it had to be under 15 seconds. I wrote 3 diff versions. So glad it ended up working. Theme songs accomplish so much in such a short period of time. Establishes tone. Gives the audience an almost Pavlovian response to the familiarity of the characters... I'm happy with it
Darren Criss 18:20:12
also the "doo doo doo" lyrics are meant to sound like "scratch vocals" when songwriters record vocals with temporary gibberish lyrics with the intent of filling them in with real ones later
Darren Criss 18:22:29
Just That Good was a concept that started the entire 1st season, and it was one of those instant-songs where Nick and Matt told me the title and I immediately had the hook just from those words. That only happens every once in a while and I was so happy it did for that song. The tricky part was writing the rest of it, but the back half of the song with the chorus repeating that one refrain over and over- that was the melody from the get go
Darren Criss 18:23:08
I'll get back to Break it In, kick your shoes/let your hair, and kong later... i'll just go off on this one
Darren Criss 18:23:48
so I wanted to nod to the grandeur of everyone's favorite vampire elf, Jared Leto
Darren Criss 18:24:05
not HIM specifically, but 30 seconds to mars' very BIG music videos
Darren Criss 18:24:29
i dont jared is a buncha self centered nutcases like our guys in SWITCHBACK JACKET
Darren Criss 18:24:37
* i don't think Jared... 
Darren Criss 18:25:38
anyway yeah "so much better..." comes from a lot of the 90s alt rock that I grew up on, and the mix of that sound with a bit of electronic production was an effort to contemportize it as much as possible
Darren Criss 18:26:26
but the rhythm guitar, lots of power chords and high octaves were all harkening to my fave bands like Lit and Eve 6... but put through a strange bizzaro nickleback/creed performance filter
Darren Criss 18:26:55
"make you come true" is obviously a very salacious play on words
Darren Criss 18:28:27
so the only way to make it feel earnest is if we made the track itself sexy as possible. A lot of the songs, even without being written, leant themselves to a certain genre just by the title, and this one was kind of a no-brainer. Sexy mid tempo r&b. And I didn't even know we'd get Jordan Fisher to do it- who SMASHED the vocal.
Darren Criss 18:29:42
it's different every time but for this show specifically it's always title/idea first, and then the song comes from there. But that's because we're writing a show, so we have the luxury of getting to write from a specific place. It's much harder to do that in your own life when you just want to pull a title/idea from your own experience of life. I commend people that do that all the time.
Darren Criss 18:30:06
what's NUTS about prizefighter is...
Darren Criss 18:30:24
it was originally a song called LONG RANGER that BONNIE MCKEE sang, who I wrote the song with
Darren Criss 18:30:38
and in the video we had CHRISSY TIEGEN lipsynching
Darren Criss 18:30:44
it was bananas
Darren Criss 18:31:26
we ultimately couldn't use the song because of some complicated writers shit- not too dissimilar from the things we explore in our own show, which is just totally ironic.
Darren Criss 18:32:56
we were so bummed that we couldn't use the song but I'm actually really really happy with PRIZEFIGHTER. I love the song, and I love how it turned out production wise. I love how much of a massive influence latin x rhythms have had across the entire spectrum of mainstream music, so I wanted try my own hand at nodding to it!
Darren Criss 18:33:08
Lara :)!
Ahhhhh so was that the pilot song you were talking about last week?
that's the one
Darren Criss 18:33:45
You have inspired me to learn piano I already know how to play teanage dream now
you can thank Bonnie Mckee aka Kimmy Kelly for writing that song!
Darren Criss 18:34:01
ok then there's the k pop song
Darren Criss 18:34:08
honestly i had no idea where I was gonna start on this one
Darren Criss 18:34:22
full props to the brilliant CJ Baran who I wrote this song with
Darren Criss 18:34:39
we were just toying around with very industrial-sounding samples
Darren Criss 18:35:21
and I started singing Edvard Grieg's "in the hall of the mountain king"
Darren Criss 18:35:33
and he was the guy that was like YEAH JUST PUT IT IN THERE
Darren Criss 18:35:46
and i realized, oh yeah, that song is public domain
Darren Criss 18:35:59
and kinda ties perfectly to the nature of Elia Peck and his songwriting... huh.
Darren Criss 18:36:05
So we went for it from there.
Darren Criss 18:36:17
based the lyrics off of what the Neals say in the room.
Darren Criss 18:36:34
and then just wrote a bunch of ALMOST nonense lyrics about things that you could HATE that you NEED
Darren Criss 18:36:40
things like available wifi...
Darren Criss 18:37:01
artistinal mai-tais.... yeah I guess if you really really liked those you could HATE that you NEED them...
Darren Criss 18:37:04
etc etc
Darren Criss18:38:16
but the idea was to have Mariam Hale's character hardly do ANYTHING on the track, since she, as the audience sees, doesn't really have much to offer... so we just built it around this huge track with crazy lyrics that just tees up a tag for her to say without even having to sing: I HATE THAT I NEED YOU
Darren Criss18:38:43
I have classes in 10 minutes, and I'm not leaving until you dedicate a Royalties song to me.
looks like you're gonna miss calss
Darren Criss 18:39:09
"calss" ha. which is like "class" but like... different.
Darren Criss 18:39:32
Darren Criss 18:39:38
i really love this song as well
Darren Criss 18:40:02
the reveal of this song is that they keep talking about this "perfect song" they've written
Darren Criss 18:40:26
in other words we're teeing up a pretty big expectation of what a perfect song could possibly sound like
Darren Criss 18:40:36
the reveal of course is that the song itself is in fact just called "perfect song"
Darren Criss 18:40:43
which is ABOUT a perfect song
Darren Criss 18:41:07
and about TRYING TO WRITE a perfect song, and how that's not necessary when you have someone that IS the perfect song
Darren Criss 18:41:20
when we wrapped our heads around that idea, I really loved it 
Darren Criss 18:42:10
you'll notice we reference a lot of incredible songs, almost citing them as perfect songs themselves
Darren Criss 18:42:14
ain't no mountain high enough
Darren Criss 18:42:55
of course leonard cohen's seminal Hallelujah
Darren Criss 18:44:05
and of course Britney's Oops I Did It Again ha ;)
Darren Criss 18:45:00
the Oops being a layered joke of being annoyed with oneself that they AGAIN unwittingly wrote a lyric for already massive song, but in doing so citing yet ANOTHER already massive song... if that makes any sense
Darren Criss 18:45:27
sorry for the typos yall i'm moving fast, i'd never let this shit slide if it wasn't a casual chatroom vibe
Darren Criss 18:46:37
Did you know you wanted there to be a romantic thing between pierce and Sara?? :))))
yes that was actually our original "pilot presentation" episode. the one with the song LONE RANGER and Chrissy Tiegen. It was a longer version of what would become episode 7. We THINK it's a romantic thing but you realize that Sara is just playing Pierce to get the song she needs. That was always the premise yes.
Darren Criss 18:46:51
if you reply with a single dot I'd probably die
then I better steer clear of any dots
Darren Criss 18:47:04
ALSO YOU was an amazing lightning in a bottle moment
Darren Criss 18:47:09
Darren Criss 18:47:22
i always enjoy giving credit where credit is due
Darren Criss 18:48:24
and I came in pretty hot for most of the songs- concepts, chords, style... but this one literally was a simple as Jackie Sitting down and just playing "It's you I love but also you and also you and also you."
Darren Criss 18:48:37
we all just looked at each other going, welp, yup, that's it, jackie you fuckin rule
Darren Criss 18:49:28
the song would have ended up very differently if she hadn't brought that to the table. the original episode and song was "one true loves" which isn't nearly as good of a gag/title as "also you"
Darren Criss 18:49:50
i ended up squeezing "one true loves" into the bridge, but of course, kept ALSO YOU as the main event
Darren Criss 18:50:02
i will say I was also trying to spoof my brother's old band, FREELANCE WHALES a little bit
Darren Criss 18:50:26
if you guys know the song "generator first floor" where they sing ay ay ay ay ay a lot...
Darren Criss 18:50:35
... as a lot of bands and songs had featured at the time...
Darren Criss 18:51:00
i wanted to put them all in one joke. where a band sang not only hey hey hey but ay and EE and AYE and OH and basically all the vowels
Darren Criss 18:51:10
which was where the joke of,
Darren Criss 18:51:20
a, e, i, o, and also u
Darren Criss 18:51:21
came from
Darren Criss 18:51:32
which i'm particularly proud of
Darren Criss 18:51:56
ok let's talk about BREAK IT IN
Darren Criss 18:54:16
I’m a musician myself (not that great lol) what was it like coming up with the melodic side did you play any instruments for the songs?
i played instruments on all the songs except Break It In and I Hate That I Need You, since those were all electronic. That's not to say i played EVERY instrument but I definitely played AN instrument of some kind for the others.
Darren Criss 18:55:34
as for break it in... anyway... yeah that was a blast. Nick Lang and I collaborated with my buddy Kendo who goes by the artist name KingJet.
Darren Criss 18:56:54
Kendo has worked on a lot of legit songs in the hip hop space. For each song I wanted to make sure there was a level of authenticity to what we were doing. I didn't wanna SPOOF the songs. I wanted the songs to sound rock solid and that it would be the LYRICAL CONCEPTS that would be the source of satire. So Kendo was a great guiding light to keep the track as authentic as possible.
Darren Criss 18:59:47
We explained to Kendo the whole joke concept of the song, which is basically just turning the idea of toxic masculinity on its head, and he was on top of it immediately- when we told him that there's this guy that's really concerned that people think he "fucks too soft" he immediately started spitting out lyrics like the hilariously defiant "I'm the KING OF THE HARD FUCK"
Darren Criss 19:00:35
which just killed me and Nick. It was just so juvenile that it was adorable to me
Darren Criss 19:00:57
Darren you’ve been here for an hour? That’s the length of royalties man xxx
yeah aint it great
Darren Criss 19:02:21
sophie :)
i personally think you should try your hand at writing a drill song, a british genre of rap that centres around rapping unrelated lyrics in front of chicken shops, personally think it has the right tone for the show for a season two
drill would be siq. I mean, opening the incredible pandora's box of UK based hip hop in general is its own magical wormhole of nuance and history and regional culture. it's amazing. i'd really have to do some homework if I wanted to pull that off!
Darren Criss 19:02:49
he’s talking again guys be worried he might write another essay
ok sorry i'll stop
Darren Criss 19:02:51
Darren Criss 19:03:03
he’s talking again guys be worried he might write another essay
Darren Criss 19:03:39
when darren actually cares about us 🥺
awww i always do! I just wasn't built for internet stuff.
Darren Criss 19:04:20
speaking of nick how was it to work with nick??
the best. Nick is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
Darren Criss 19:04:51
chloe :)!
what would be ur karaoke song choice from the show?
mighty as kong
Darren Criss 19:07:32
How much music theory goes into your songwriting? And did you learn all of it from playing the violin? In what way does it go into your songs?
all GREAT questions. I mean, music theory isn't something you CONSCIOUSLY employ when writing something, it's just that it really helps to know the rules or music when shaping it and trying to maximize its production. And as a matter of fact, yeah, I DID learn most of it playing violin. But when I was playing violin I was ingesting music from the perspective of a student ingesting information, not as a proactive creator putting anything of my own out into the world.
Darren Criss 19:08:07
Honestly I really didn't start UNDERSTANDING music theory until I started writing music for other people, and noticing certain things and chords and shapes had names and that they could be manipulated to accomplish certain things
Darren Criss 19:08:35
so most of my academic musical knowledge came in my 20s when I tried to start doing it professionally
Darren Criss 19:08:52
first instrument you ever learnt?
Darren Criss 19:09:07
I'm castin' my love net wide And fillin' every hole in my schedule
ha love that line
Darren Criss 19:09:29
Darren are you a big queen fan ( the band lol ) 😂
is the pope catholic
Darren Criss 19:12:00
Now its available, would you change anything?
jesus so much. but such is the nature of creating stuff. there's a great Hayao Miyazaki quote about always having to make new stuff to escape the woe of all the mistakes you made in your last thing... I mean, that's a bit extreme, I feel like we did the best we could given the circumstance but I totally get where Miyazaki is coming from. And in many ways that's everything we do in life. Do your best, know what you coulda done better and carry on
Darren Criss 19:12:36
who or what was your biggest inspiration growing up
the beatles. the uk. the 60s.
Darren Criss 19:13:02
Your first original song was "Not Alone". I'm right?
no it was actually a song i wrote in the third grade when I got a guitar for Christmas called "Save The Whales"
Darren Criss 19:14:29
Darren I need an answer it’s been annoying me for days. So was everyone fucking everyone in Pierces old band or was she just fucking everyone seperately??
ha that's a really great question. I figured she was just fucking everyone individually, which is why the band was so contentious but then again I'd rather let your imagination run wild...
Darren Criss 19:15:29
Darren, I love your taste in music. You should share your personal playlists ... bc everybody needs to know phantom planet 😉
if i actually shared my tastes in music, or actually shared the amount of stuff in my brain at the rate that I want to share, I would never work on or create anything because i would constantly be on the internet and you'd all be over me if you weren't already
Darren Criss 19:16:01
But yes, thank you for saying that, I love me my phantom planet oh so very much :)
Darren Criss 19:16:18
could you please answer me I don't speak English and I'm putting ALL my effort into asking you questions I'm going to cry
wow your english is actually pretty great
Darren Criss 19:17:08
I'd like to write a song with Howard Ashman
Darren Criss 19:17:23
Was kick your shoes off inspired by your Hedwig shoes?
nah cuz that shit was actually comfy
Darren Criss 19:17:55
i skipped my clarinet class because of you for the third time :) what can i say to my teacher?
that Darren says you should have gone to clarinet class!!!
Darren Criss 19:18:34
Could you please answer me. We’ve supported you for years from the uk and we’re staying up for this but it’s totally worth it because you’re amazing!! Molly x
I wish so bad I could go to the UK!
Darren Criss 19:20:01
FUCK someone asked about Sam Farrar and I wanted to answer it but it disappeared... Sam is a homie. one of my very first songwriting sessions was with him and a very famous member of the pop universe... who if I get a season two, I'm putting in the show.
Darren Criss 19:22:00
what other instruments would you like to learn in the future?
i just need to spend time trying to get better at the ones I've plateaued with. I feel like I got as good as I'd ever get on the guitar when i was like 19. So I've been trying to get better during the Quarantine. Picked up my violin and dusted off that Vivaldi, started doing drum rudiments on my drum pad, and started learning new licks and scales for guitar. Stuff I never got round to doing.
Darren Criss 19:22:27
mr. criss sir, what is your top quarantine activity?
playing music
Darren Criss 19:23:26
actually lies. top quarantine activity is learning Japanese. 30 minutes a day. And it's been several months. Almost got Hiragana down, still got a few characters I'm questionable with but with any luck I'll start up on Katakana in the next few weeks.
Darren Criss 19:23:40
What about working with Mark hamill ? Insane right
you said it
Darren Criss 19:23:54
Any updates on American Buffalo? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
it's opening next year!
Darren Criss 19:24:09
for the record this is really fun I'm enjoying this guys
Darren Criss 19:26:26
How different is it doing a show like Royalties where you're heavily involved in the creative process compared to other projects you've done in the past?
i'd say night and day but that's an understatement. When I did Glee all I had to do was act in scenes, record songs, and go to dance rehearsal. With Royalties, it's that AND casting, doing pre production, post production, notes, meetings, notes, writing and producing songs, location scouting, blah blah blah lots of the stuff that you don't have to worry about if you're not a creator. But make no mistake I absolutely love it.
Darren Criss 19:27:41
learn spanish
I'll get there. I already speak a bit of Italian so I wanted the challenge of learning something that didn't use a writing system I already understood.
Darren Criss 19:28:23
I take Music Technology as a subject at school and we have to make a whole song with the sole sample of glass breaking...
sounds fun. loads of things you can do with that.
Darren Criss 19:28:48
What are your goals for once quarantine is lifted?
hopefully to feel like I used this very strange time well.
Darren Criss 19:29:14
Ok I should probabl get outta here right?
Darren Criss 19:29:41
I've talked a lot about mighty as kong in other places
Darren Criss 19:30:00
so I'll just leave you with a story about "Let Your Hair Down"
Darren Criss 19:30:14
which was the very FIRST song we wrote for the show
Darren Criss 19:30:37
I had a meeting with an artist at a dive bar in the middle of the afternoon
Darren Criss 19:31:10
let's just say I showed up to that very first writer's session very late
Darren Criss 19:31:17
and sober ENOUGH
Darren Criss 19:31:41
darren did you watch hamilton??????
duh last night. so fun.
Darren Criss 19:32:17
anyway I was so relieved that we left with that song at the end of the day. The intent was always to write two songs with the exact same concepts just with different titles
Darren Criss 19:32:50
the chords are the same, just slightly different voicings played on slightly different instruments
Darren Criss 19:33:29
and the idea was that whichever song was funnier, or at least whichever song would be more fun to see in a music video... would be the one that Pierce & Sara write
Darren Criss 19:34:08
"Kick Your Shoes Off" ended up feeling more like a full music video than "Let Your Hair Down" but I LOVE that first song, and hopefully people get to hear the whole thing on Spotify since you don't get to hear the whole song in the episode
Darren Criss 19:34:51
with lines I love like "see my cheekbones, show off my clavicle, I bet you've never seen a ponytail to magical..."
Darren Criss 19:35:39
i love that u spelled it sara not sarah
thank you. if you don't already know it, check out Ben Folds' "Zak and Sara"
Darren Criss 19:36:01
OK i gotta get going
Darren Criss 19:36:12
but thanks to everyone from all over the world for joining
Darren Criss 19:36:17
i see you and i say hi to you!
Darren Criss 19:36:23
happy birthday to all the bday kids!
Darren Criss 19:36:33
thank you for spending a little bit of your bday with me
Darren Criss 19:36:39
thanks for checking out Royalties
Darren Criss 19:36:46
hope you enjoy the music
Darren Criss 19:36:53
and hope there gets to be a season 2!!!
Darren Criss 19:37:08
xo to all of you. stay safe, stay inspired. - Darren
79 notes · View notes
acciostorian · 4 years
mae reads the kane chronicles: the serpent’s shadow the red pyramid
(aka we see mae go through many emotions in the space of 2-3 days)
holy fuck ive only got to the contents and the chapters have those classic pjo click bait titles i’m so happy rn
WAIT IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT- the serpent’s shadow is the THIRD BOOK. uh-oh i almost fucked this whole series over lemme change the book real quick....
i’m literally on the first page and i’ve already been sent on a mission, so the kanes are THOSE bitches
SADIE AND KANE ARE BRITISH???? omg yes please
never fucking mind they’re from LA
oh wait sadie was raised as a british kid. that’s very sexy of her.
carter be like, “you wouldn’t be interested in my dad’s lectures.” SHUT UP CARTER I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT EGYPTIAN PUNISHMENT
so sadie was raised in east london???? THATS SO SEXC BECAUSE ME TOO BOO
sadie has a british accent. a b r i t i s h a c c e n t.
“six years in london and she thinks she’s james bond” LMAO
sadie’s so emo/alt i love it. does rick always write his characters like this??
sadie pronounces it “mum” and carter says “mom”
it’s so refreshing to read mum ngl
sadie said bloke omg
i’m feeling carter’s pain. little sisters are shits and honestly sadie has the same vibes as my little sister and me and carter are quite similar. i hate this.
oh wow they really said sadie was too white for their family...
sadie did not HESITATE to be like, “yeah dad we’ll lock that guy in his office. mint.”
sadie telling the story is an experience
sadie said “maths” and “mates” in the same sentence. this is some refreshing shit.
sadie’s friends saying carter is hot is fucking hilarious. like it’s a classic piss-off to thirst over your mate’s sibling
LMAO AMOS WAS LIKE, “yeah we don’t talk about manhattan. they’ve got their own problems. *cough percy jackson cough*”
i read thoth the god of knowledge as thot the god of knowledge
carter is right, amos has undeniable swag
philip of macedonia. the crocodile. cool.
i love how the greeks and romans be like “if we don’t honour the gods we’ll get SLAUGHTERED” and the egyptians are like “you know what? fuck the gods me and my homies hate the gods”
sadie kane would stab you in a back alley and dance to mcr as you bled to death and carter kane would take you to a museum, tell you everything about everything and then commit a terrorist attack
amos really went “don’t touch anything, the cats in charge and peace out bitches” and then fucking jumped off the balcony of his five storey mansion
sadie made that door go BANG
that fucking clay statue came to life and not one of them screamed. I WOULD SHIT MYSELF.
i’m giggling, all the greek/roman gods have really long/scary/cool sounding names like tartarus and chaos and nyx but the evilest guy in egyptian myth is called set. S E T.
please make muffin some crazy badass animal like crookshanks or swiftwind.
i love carter sm, even tho he’s scared as fuck he still picked up that ancient sword and was like “ig i’ll bash some heads in whilst sadie holds the cat”
every cat in new york is helping them
bast jacked that car like it was nobody’s business
i used to think the greek gods were stupid for having so many things to control but honestly the egyptians are taking the piss, do you really need a whole scorpion goddess?
the kane siblings are written so well. like i actually BELIEVE they’re siblings
i think carters gonna become a comfort character now... like i relate on another level. little siblings always take the spot light and you have to act level headed and calm because the younger ones start shit and you’re like “i gotta be the good one because my family would fall to shit if i didn’t behave.” so big kudos to carter, i love you
zia was like “king tut?? ugh he was such a boy, there were waaaaay cooler tombs out there x x”
i read “nectanebo II” as “nintendo II” and i was like ??? when was that a thing
i drinking camomile tea whilst reading this and i feel so peaceful uwu
sadie really can do magic like THAT like bitch be like “i just copied what zia did and yeah it worked lol”
okay so i’m sorta feeling bad about sadies life rn but i’m still very pro carter
set’s laugh makes me uncomfortable. because when most villains laugh it’s usually described like “their laugh was like a knife, cold and sharp. i hates it.” but when sadie discribed set’s laugh she was like “it was warm and friendly. beautiful.” LIKE AAAA THATS A RED LIGHT
set: the god of theatre because gods dam is he a good actor
sadie saw some hot emo guy and was like “omg marry me”
iskandar be like “lmao imma speak in alexandria greek all the time but this girl bouta die? i switch to perfect english for dramatic effect”
woooOooaaaah SLOW DOWN THERE BUDDY, tongue tattoos???
zia: you guys will probably suck at this at first but oh well we all can’t be great
sadie: *makes fire first time* wooosh
sadie and kane: *doing cool shit* me and my tea: sluuuurrrp
bast is so sassy i love it
me when it’s a sadie chapter: okay ig :/
me when it’s a carter chapter: HOLY SHIT CARTER HEY OMG YOURE DOING CRAZY STUFF???? COOL. i love you.
bast: so yeah, you’d be stupid to teleport to paris, this is desjardin’s home territory
sadie and kane, lying in the streets of paris: oh cool cool
sadie: like i might die rn but i don’t care, as long as it doesn’t get filmed and put in youtube, that would be embarrassing
like ???? sis get your priorities together smh
sadie: *sees hot emo guy again in her spirit adventure, he hints that’s he’s dead or something*
also sadie: so will i see you again?
“no, an egyptian drink. you’ve heard of hot chocolate? this is rather like hot vanilla.” dam now i want some.
carter is an amazing older brother. he’s written perfectly and he’s a great character to relate to for me. even though sadie can make his blood boil, he dropped everything to calm her down when she was panicking about not being able to change back from a bird. i too have to do that for my little sister - sadie and ava are ironically the same age - so i find that very comforting that there is someone like me to relate to!
‘a businessman with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. his eyes widened when he saw me. i must’ve looked pretty strange — a tall black kid in dirty, ragged egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other.
‘“how’s it going?” i said. “i’ll take the stairs.” he hurried off.’ LMAO THIS IS WHY CARTER BABY I LOVE YOU
highkey pissed that carters like “i’m always edgy around the police. once i turned eleven they started giving me the Look. when it doesn’t happen it’s always a pleasant surprise.” LIKE FUCK NO HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WALK AROUND UNHASSLED WHATS WRONG WITH HIM
lmao bast be like “imma jump off this national monument. see ya at the airport in my finest clothes and jewellery x”
FOOD UPDATE: i’m eating a chocolate covered waffles and having some tea and i feel so happy rn sorry i know you don’t care but like aaaaaaa
bast called carter her little tomcat and my heart exploded
bast really likes convertibles huh
thoth: i hate rereading my old writing, my present self would never write like this now!! SOMEONE GET ME A RED PEN
are they... are they going to dig up elvis presley?
might put some elvis in for this part, y’know, to set the mood?
i cant stop reading ‘thoth’ as thot even though i know how to pronounce it
the captain with a axe for a head: my name is bloodstained battle axe 😸
yuh bast did some shit ...
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franeridart · 6 years
Your colors lately are even more beautiful!!! Your art is amazing!
AHHHH thank you!!! so much!!!!!! I have, admittedly, finally been putting more effort into them haha it’s good to know it’s noticeable! ;;
Anon said:My dude, I want to own Bakugou's shirt in that Kamino squad drawing
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy you liked it!!!!! :D
Anon said:What do you think of Kaminari x Ibara or Toga x Twice?
I don’t really have strong feelings about either, honestly :O but the only person I really ship Ibara with is Tetsu, and I can’t say I’m much into villain-shipping in general
Anon said:Have you read Sweater Weather by crispykrimi?
Nope, I don’t really read tddk fics, sorry ^^’’
Anon said:Do you think kirishima goes to izuku and they talk about their relationships?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm honestly, while I realize that Kiri and Deku are on friendly terms, given canon I’d say if Kirishima needs to talk to anyone about stuff he’s gonna go to either Baku, Kami, Sero, Tokoyami or Mina, since those are the people we’ve seen him open up to, in canon! Same goes for Deku, if he gotta open up to someone it’s gonna be Iida, Todoroki or Uraraka :0 well, it’s not like it’s impossible for them to talk about it, but I can see it happen more in a possible future where they’ve grown closer than they are atm in canon! At least imho haha
Anon said:I just wanna say that I’ve been following you for a pretty long time (since the tattoo au was just starting I think) and you’re art just continues to improve and look amazing as time goes on. I’ve always loved it but these past couple days I saw some of ur recent stuff and was just blown away bc it looks so good. Thanks for drawing and sharing ur art w us, I love seeing it!! I hope u have a good day!!!
THAT SURE IS A LONG TIME!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around that long aaahhhhhh ;; and thank you so so so much for the compliment, oh my god!!
Anon said:have you ever considered kiribaku getting hit by someone w/ a body-swapping quirk?
I have! It’s a trope I find real funny - but I’ve also seen a whole lot of art/fics for that topic already, would people even seriously be interested in seeing more? It looks like the type of thing that’s gonna come out more or less always the same, which is why I never really bothered to draw out my ideas haha
Anon said:Your kids!au makes me wanna write so bad.
THAT’S GOOD!!! Inspiring people is the best thing I could ever ask for!!!! (...remember to credit back to the post if you use any of my ideas tho ;; pls)
Anon said:Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! I love love love looovee the kiribaku kids!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
THANK YOU!!!! I’m super happy you like themmm!!!!!
Anon said:Hey:) just wanted to leave you a note to let you know how much i adore the way you draw Tamaki. Of course I love your kiribakus and bnha art in general, like your comics, but not a lot of people draw Tamaki and I really love yours:)
Holy smokes thank you!!!! Jiki is actually incredibly comfortable to draw, I’m glad you like my take on him! I’ve got so many unfinished sketches of him.... I should really try to finish those...................
Anon said:so this ask is like,, basically a huge appreciation ask for your comics bc they're cute and funny and they always light up my day!! on a side note: are you franeridan on ao3 bc if so I'm dying thank you for bookmarking my fics
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I am!!!! whatever fics they were if I bookmarked them they were for sure incredibly amazing and made my day better so thank you so much for using your time to write them!!!!!
Anon said:may i ask the heights of teenage mako and tai!!
Mako is just a little bit under 2m and Tai’s ~170cm! As things are then, Mako’s a lil bit taller than both Baku and Kiri while Tai is obviously shorter!
Anon said:i used your art for reference. is it ok if i post it crediting you and saying you drew the picture that i took reference from?
Sure, if it’s just for reference and credited I don’t mind! (but if you were using my stuff for pose references may I suggest you avoid doing that in the future cause my anatomy is absolutely terrible you’re just gonna end up making my same mistakes aaahhhhhhhhhhh ;; there’s lotsa more accurate refs around, believe me)
Anon said:please draw more shinsou he looks amazing in your style!!
Thank you! And sure, in the future why not!!
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know that I was scrolling through your bokuroo tag and 1) Aaaah I'm still so in love with how you draw kuroo and 2) I love how I can see the way your art style has improved over time and it's just so nice to see?? Bless your art so much and you're such a great person too I'm cry
SOB thank you so much oh my god, this really means the world to me???? ;; so many compliments holy smokes bless you
Anon said:Hi! I'm the anon that sent you the message about the A Day to Remember song for KiriBaku, and found another awesome song for them - Let Me Be by Escape the Fate. It's super cute and sappy for an alt/hardcore band and it fits Kiri more than Baku, imo, but could honestly come from either of their perspectives. ~SongAnon :)
AH GODS that’s sweet ;O; how come hardcore bands always go so soft on their ballads I cry - I feel it works perfectly from Baku’s pov too, tho!! Let him be Kiriiiiiii ;;; sweet
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your art and style as a whole, but I really really appreciate the way you draw Kirishimas eyebrows... like they look so simple but,,, they truly make my day 💕
Kirishima’s tiny eyebrows!!!! I’m glad you like them, they’re weirdly expressive and easy to draw honestly hahaha
Anon said:your art is shit //no no no nonno oo fdjsakfl;d I MEANT THE SHIT your art is the shit fjkdsa i'm so sorry i love you and your art this is why i can never compliment anyone ahhhhhhh //i'm crying omg i saw someone else send a separate ask to someone elase that was like your art is shit but it is the shit and i was like whoaaa how cool but noooooo jfsdakldsfa kms i'm sorry
This was a bit of a trainwreck ngl haha but it’s okay anon!!! It was an honest mistake, don’t worry too much about it!!! Thank you so so so much for liking my stuff
Anon said:Hi erm I believe that YouTuber "AnimeUproar" used your kinoko komori fanart without crediting you and I'm not sure whether you gave him permission. The title of the video is "EVERY QUIRK EXPLAINED! | Class 1-B (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia All Quirks)" // Same anon as before and he also used your Setsuna art in the same video. The kinoko art had your watermark cut off while the other one didn't but they still have no credit anywhere and I'm not sure whether you have permission. Sorry if you did and I'm just being stupid lmao but it's the same YouTuber and the same video in case you want to message him
If it’s not credited you can be sure I didn’t give them the green light to use it, honestly - but, you know. Whatever. I’m tired. Let them use it. It’s a video so it’s not even like people can save it and reupload it anywhere else. sigh
Anon said:I am like 2000 years late but,, your bakubaby sketches saved my life wow they’re so cute
*cries forever* thank you !!!!!!!!!!!! ;;O;;
Anon said:All of ur art especially recently is just??? Blowing me away?? Oh my god?? I just your coloring and then that fantasy one holy fuck the DETAILS I feel like I can touch it it's so good I can tell you put a lot of time into it it shows it shows so much god it's so high quality I'M STILL !?!?! your art seems to get better all the time thank youuuuuu for blessing us w it it's so incredibly lovely ahhhhhhhhh
I’M SO HECKING HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE cause it really took forever honestly - it was fun from start to end so it’s fine, but, you know, it’s cool to see it was worth it haha thank you so so much for the complimentsss!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much :') it makes me so happy whenever I get a notification from your blog
I still can’t believe people really have notifs on for this blog oh my g o d ;u; thank you
Anon said:I just wanted the share, that I came across your art in a trash, and scrolled down your blog looking for more, and I liked it so much that I decided to follow you... Only to find past self already did whoops haha. So I liked you enough to follow you twice!
THAT’S SO COOL!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! °O°
Anon said:I just went thru your whole art tag chronologically and omg you've come so far! Every time your art crosses my dash I smile and I'm happy every time I see it!
Have I? I have!! Sometimes I look at my really old art and I hate it and want to delete it but then I’m like, comparing it to the new stuff makes me feel good about it so it’s still there - that does mean sometimes people are gonna see the old stuff too, tho #rip I’m sorry you had to see that stuff, but thank you a lot for thinking I got better!!!!
Anon said:I love how Jirou's eyes look in your style. (How everything about her looks, too.) Damn, she's a stunner, isn't she?
*whispers* she is oh my g o d !!! I love Jirou. She’s just. So goodlooking. Gods. I’m glad you think she looks good in my style!!!
Anon said:ur momo and jirou are so beautiful!!! 💙 if i wasnt already as gay as it gets id have a major enlightenment rn ahhh
GOSH!!!! thank you so much!!!! :D
Anon said:have you considered... minamomo and/or kyooru
Never before Jirou and Tooru, actually, but I have thought about Mina and Momo and I’m still unsure about where that ship even came from. Like, not in the sense that I think it’s a bad ship, but in the sense that I really don’t understand it :0 why do you like Mina and Momo, anon? There’s so many people shipping it, I’m curious about where it came from! But every time I asked I got no answer #rip I wanna be interested in it, help me understand why it should be interesting!
Anon said:Have you ever considered Aoyama x Sero?? 10/10 recommend.
I haven’t! Mostly cause I generally hc Aoyama as ace, really - but that’s an interesting ship I might think about more :O
Anon said:I finally started reading BNHA again after dropping it in May and HOLY SHIT DID I MISS A LOT!! JUST THAT ARC WAS INSANE??
I know right??? I KNOW RIGHT????? I loved that arc from start to end, no lies anywhere, such a genuinely good arc!!! 
Anon said:Hey fran, I just wanted to say that I like your art very much and that I love to see how much you are improving as time goes on. You are doing great. ♥
So many people telling me that I’m improving oh my g o d it makes me so happy ;u; thank you so so much
Anon said:ahhhh i loved your aokaga drawings, they're the cutest and I hope you make more of them being cute together!!!!
Eek, sorry anon but I’m really not into making content for that ship anymore ;^; I’m glad you still like the old things, tho!!
Anon said:I really wanted to tell you that I love your art so much I can't even explain. It cures my anxiety and I'm not kidding. When I feel down and shitty, I just go through your blog and your fanarts make my day (my favorite ever is your bokuro). The way you put the emotions into characters gives me life, honestly. Thank you for your art
THIS MEANS!!! THE WORLD!!!! TO ME!!!!! Knowing that I can help you like that is such a good feeling anon, holy heck!! Thank you so much for liking my things and sending this ask!!!
Anon said:heyo tell us abt some kami angst hcs :)))) tenk youu
Anon............. love............... whatever in this blog made you think I might have angst headcanon about anything..................... I’m the most fluff person around............
Anon said:That idea you had about making hagakure's costume out of her hair or something like mirio's!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA IVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE!! You're so smart! I LOVE IT
THANK YOU BUT IT WASN’T JUST MY IDEA!!! After Mirio explained his costume the idea was floating around on my dash a lot, it just made sense to a bunch of us!!
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