#alucard headcannon
Hey Trevor got any funny stories about Alucard that you could share?
"Have I told you about Squiggles the Bat? I am sure Alucard would love for the world to know about his pet bat alter ego. Everyone knows he can be a bat, but the fact that he lived as my pet for nearly a week? He was in fruit heaven."
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i gotta keep it horny fam, have you got any spicy headcanons for Alucard that you feel might be uncommon when discussing about him?
This is a very wonderful request
For one, I feel that he makes a point to experience every sensation to the fullest and he wants his lover to experience it all to the same extent as well
He's very sensually motivated which means he'll take his time getting very familiar with every part of you
Whether that be exploring you with his hands or his mouth
I personally think he has a fascination with having you in a place of helplessness
I know y'all are probably tired of me saying this shit but vampires are predators and that aspect is so much fun to discuss with sexual themes. Sooooo, I know in my SOUL that this man likes to pin you down.
Double points if it's unexpected and you have a moment of real fear/shock that he can smell. That would make him go feral
ALSO we been knew he was a biter but we never talk about his favorite places to bite and I am a 100% believer that the titty is his number one I SAID WHAT I SAID (and that’s regardless of gender)
But also thighs, shoulders, and over the rib cage (because the marks are just so pretty)
Speaking of marks, he would certainly have a fascination with leaving them all over your body even more so if you bruise easily
And to hit on the helplessness topic again, I feel that he would enjoy bondage with him being the one to tie the knots. The power rush of having you at his mercy in whatever position he chooses would be his drug of choice hands down. I was literally sweating writing this out lol
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friedchickenlover01 · 2 years
SFW: Yandere Alucard Hellsing x Tomie Reader
Warnings - Yandere themes, tomie, murder, harm, swearing, locking reader up, mention of hooking up and basically one night stand.
Authors note - I wrote this on the opinion that Tomie’s beauty only affects men as that’s how it is portrayed and shown on Junji Ito’s books, gn reader.
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- He has been watching you for so long, and yet you still surprise him!
- Alucard stalks his darling and with his power to quickly move through the shadows and along with the ability to change into whatever shape he desires, its as easy as a slice of cake for him. It would be rare for you to realise he’s watching you even if you are not human. So he could easily find out everything about you.
- Honestly, for a sec, before he knew your powers, he would just see you as a really physically attractive person. He would find it something strange about you that he just can’t put his finger on, but other then that, if you were a person who were just walking past him, he wouldn���t care about you that much. He might find your egotistical personality intriguing but thats it.
- Anyways, for him to realise your power, theres three ways for it to happen:
- First is that you straight up told him your powers. Now i imagine that Alucard will be confused and not believe you, he would honestly brush it off. This path needs to happen in his early obsession stages where his love is somewhat normal, when he would allow you to walk around the Hellsing mansion as well as outside at nighttime with him, keeping an eye on you at all times. It could happen where a stranger or a soldier passing by became obsessed and harmed you by whether just cutting you up or shooting you. Now Alucard has extraordinary senses, he can easily hear your heart beat with keeping track of your every breath, the moment you get attacked, he’s right there, cradling you in his arms, the attacker already being filled with bullets in their body. He would be rushing to the nearest hospital, yelling at the doctors to save you, and he’s taken by surprise when you suddenly regenerate, however, not only that, you continue to regenerate into seperate multiple copies of you.
- The second one is that he attacked you himself, this way of happening is really rare as i imagine someone like Tomie will not associate with his profession nor go to the places he goes for his mission. Nevertheless, due to this hc, we will go with the path that he attacked you accidentally. Now what situation and relationship you have that moment is important along with the severity of the injuries. Because if you two were in a relationship or he was already a yandere, Alucard’s reaction in the first choice at the end when you got attacked will be the same. And depending how serious the injuries are, if you “died” from the injuries ( aka your heart basically stopped ) he would either mourn your death and try to make you into a vampire or if you were just a person Alucard killed at a mission, he would literally say “ what a shame, they looked hot as fuck “. Even so, both end with him being surprised and intrigued at your powers.
- Finally, the way is that you got attacked by a vampire he was supposed to kill. This is really similar to the second way of Alucard accidentally killing / harming you. Because it literally is. He would have the same reaction as to the last four lines of the above paragraph. I mean, what can you expect, this dead monster probably killed millions if not billions of people and consumes blood along with killing literally anyone as a type of hobby. One more stranger wouldn’t matter much to him.
- Nonetheless, to the relationship part!
- Since Tomie hates being photographed due to how she ends up looking like, i imagine you too. Now, even so, Alucard doesn’t bother with pictures, he just never had the reason to, also i don’t think he ends up appearing on photos anyways because of the fact he’s a vampire, ( sorry i actually don’t know ). So when he finds that you hate being in photos, he wouldn’t mind it at all, instead, he would help to get out of photographs. Even if that means shoving the camera, moving you out of the range, or covering you with his giant body or clothes.
- With the mention of your appearances, Alucard is not someone who will fall for someone for their looks, he might try to hook up with you but he won’t be a complete yandere or in love due to your appearance as he has cultivated centuries training his powers and gaining strength until he’s literally the strongest. But even though your powers may not work on him completely, it might help in developing his obsession and make it a bit more faster to develop.
- Now due to your powers and the influence of what it has to people around you, Alucard as a lover and a yandere will definitely see this as a reason to lock you up and be more overprotective. He is already possessive and overprotective by nature and being a yandere is just amplifying it more.
- He actually doesn’t have a problem as to what you do other people, heaven knows what worse things he have done in the centuries he lived. The risk of your safety is the problem for him, if you were that desperate to stay youthful, he would only allow the smallest cut on your fingers. You either have to take it or grow old.
- He will also be really curious about this power of yours, he often doesn’t get the chance to meet other supernaturals so he will ask you quite a lot of questions, ranging from who does it affect, why does it happen, etc.
- More on over, unlike a yandere Alucard with a normal darling, he will only allow Sir Integral and Seras to be with you. Along with only maids so no one is affected by your beauty. Even so, he will be strict about maids looking at you, with especially your face. Other than them, he will allow no one to be with you to even Walter is not allowed, this is because of the fact Walter is too much of an asset to be carelessly thrown away, (,although it isnt to say if it cones down to it, walter would swiftly be sent to the underworld ). So Alucard would rather be safe than sorry and not risk too much of not only your safety but Walter’s as well.
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alystownart · 8 months
Extremely Fruity Hellsing Headcannons
Integra's inner monologue switches between gay panic and embarrassment when talking with Seras.
Walter, after giving Seras *the fit*, winks at Integra and gives a *you go girl* thumbs up.
Alucard goes to see reruns of the Rocky Horror Picture Show just to laugh obnoxiously at all the death scenes. It's his favorite activity. He knows all the songs by heart, but will not sing them out of shame. (Give him a thousand years, he'll get over it)
Gender Expression Headcannons
Alucard: Genderfluid (Turns into a girl during WW2, Can change his form whenever he wants, genderfluid king)
Integra: GNC
Seras: The most cis woman you will ever meet.
Walter: Transmasc, I will not elaborate.
Sexuality Headcannons
Alucard: Pansexual, he just has that vibe.
Seras: Questioning, she has a lot going on, tbh.
Walter: Gayest man alive.
Thats all I have in me, let me know what your headcannons are!
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blaaaaa3451 · 2 months
Hi... just put requests in the comments if you want anything specific for Headcanons of different characters.
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The Inheritance Games series
My Hero Academia
Balders Gate 3
The Arcana
How to Train your Dragon
Rise of the Guardians
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Soon to be...
Possible fanfics and much more <3
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 1 year
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c-crow-chatters · 1 year
tw: mentions of death, blood, guts, vulgar language, betrayal, slight spoilers?. Pretty much everything we see on the series lol. summary: Reader is one of Dracula's most recent general, but disagrees with his methods once they find out about the massacre, so they join the main trio into their little adventure to dracula's castle. Soon enough, the little secret gets revealed so reader and Adrian start an argument after finding out.
A/N: based off the amount of audios from Dangerously Yours and this song. There's a small chance I turn it into a short series :). Apologies if anyone already did this lol, it's been a while since I stepped into tumblr and also sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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— Are you trying to tell me that someone who's name we both know sent you, yn? His eyes seemed cautious now. Both narrowed at the person in front of him, slowly getting up from crouching in the ground to look into some creature's paw prints. Golden strand of hair falling into his shoulders, and his eyebrows slowly shifted expressions- from puzzled to concerned. The stains of blood and organs spilled all over the dirt and snow; the fight from before left a messy scenario. — That is right, young master. The words on both turned bitter. As if he expected you to say it was some kind of joke, but instead the truth hit him like a stake. He felt a mix of emotions twirl and twitch inside his living heart. —You should have told told me before. Not now that we are closer to his end. Stern eyes locked with theirs in a quick movement. He have thought to himself that he had found someone to trust dearly in these days with the Belmont, Sypha and now them. He awaited patiently to their counterpart to show any signs of doubts, but he only saw you there, standing stiff, eyes looking back at him, and hands hidden behind your back nervously. —I didn't thought it was important... — You didn't thought, yn? Well then, tell me, what am I supposed to do now? How can I trust you knowing you were one of the generals? You sigh. This situation wouldn't have happened if you were a little more careful with your tongue. Certainly, back then you had the duty to watch over the catacombs, as well as manage the night creatures and vampires that were arriving. Not much, if not by the fact that you were also an incredibly talented necromancer, not a Forgemaster like Isaac and Hector, but you could easily control death. Whether it's a rotting corpses or skeletons, bring back a soul for a limited time to healing deep wounds. And a lot more. —You said it. I was. And I don't intend on coming back after what is happening to every town out of his tantrum. I can't make you trust me after you know that. But it is a vow on my name that I will... I will help you defeat him. — You said it. I don't know if I can trust you from this day on; but fair enough, prove me I should trust you. Destroy Dracula and finish this madness. — D-destroy him...? All right. Just so this curse can lifted... For a better purpose. Deep down, you felt that ache, that it wasn't right to do so. Alucard could notice that hint of doubtfulness, but he remained silent; for him whatever you had to say now was meaningless. The conversation was over. You stood there, looking into the woods, an unsettling need to throw back- the hedor of the rotting corpses and your mind going a mile a second. What should come first? Your sense of duty over the thousands of people who died at his anger? or the old trust and sense of belonging that Vlad once gave you?.
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skeras skrunklycard ft. skrunktegra
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zdux · 1 year
Heyyy i just recently read your poly!trepacard thing! I was wondering if i could get a little part 2? Just more headcanons about like who likes to kiss who where and what the reader does that they each like and OH! How does the sleeping go? Who’s big spoon? Who hogs blankets? Who wakes up first? You know? Totally cool if not! Love u ♥️
Yes absolutely! Sorry it took me a while to get to this, I'm slowly trying to post more writing again, college really does ya in lol. But anyway!
Polyamorous Reader X Alucard | Sypha | Trevor
Note: Doing this like the last one where all 4 are dating each other, and I'm gonna do my best to answer the questions mentioned above ^^
Alucard really likes kissing a few spots; your wrist, your neck, your lips, etc. The others tend to tease him a bit for liking the "classic vampire spots" but he just waves them off or kisses them to shut them up
Sypha has a lot more tender and sweet kisses, usually aiming for your hand, your temple, your forehead, and of your lips.
Trevor is a classic, mainly aiming right for the lips and usually only there, however if yall are being a bit more,,, "private" ;) he actually really likes kissing your collarbone and stomach. (What can I say he's a whore.)
Alucard sleeping is usually quite cute, often making little whimpers and sounds while he dreams, but he has nightmares sometimes and can wake up in a cold sweat and screaming. He feels bad when he wakes everyone with this, but a group hug and peppering him with kisses usually does the trick.
Sypha often stays up later than she should, reading, looking at the stars, toying with her magic, but she can't fall asleep first. She's used to her family, and she was never the first one asleep there. Often you find your head in her lap before falling asleep, and if its not yours, one of the other two. She enjoys it, playing with your hair and humming while you fall asleep before she joins you.
Trevor snore lightly, and as much as he won't admit it, loves being in the center. He acts all tough, like he always wants to be the big spoon, but there's nothing he loves more than being in the center of a cuddle pile.
Alucard often ends up the big spoon when Trevor gives in and lets himself be vunerable, but the four of you rotate. Alucard prefers big spoon most of the time, due to his height. Sypha likes it as well, but knows she will end up staying up too late if she isn't at least one person in. Trevor will take the other side and let you be in the middle but he will never complain if he is on the inside with you.
Surprisingly, its Alucard whos the blanket hog. He grew up with a lovely bedroom of his own, and an only child, so he was never short on blankets, and if he needed more they were simply a "Father!" shout away. He does try not to, but there's been so many times where someone has to wake up him to release his iron grip off the comforters.
Trevor usually wakes up first, as he's used to traveling at the crack of dawn. If not him, then Sypha, and Alucard wakes up last. Sypha is used to waking up early to help travel with her family, and Alucard got to sleep in during his youth.
I hope you like it! It's been a while since I've done anything related to castlevania, but I hope to keep doing them as I'm planning on rewatching the show with my partner soon ^^
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Hey, I have questions...
Since the whole Dracula hunting squad has a thing where they know shorthand with the Harkers starting first (cause I think they learned that the Count Dracula can't read shorthand), do you think that later on Alucard, who is Count Dracula, would learn shorthand?
Also do you think young Quincey Harker also was taught how to make shorthand? To continue the tradition...
There also is the fact I was wondering if Alucard would go back and read all the journals that the group made? To learn about the viewpoint of the other people and learn from his mistakes. Or maybe he does not....not wanting to relive everything that happened. But there is also would he have the opportunity to read the journals or one of the Hellsing group (like Abraham, Arthur or Integra) would try to stop him?
There also the question of if the group was okay with the fact that Abraham van Hellsing brought Count Dracula to England? Like maybe he could try and escape from the prison.
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Spill it! Five things you hate about Alucard
"Oh goodness. It should be easy, but my friend. He is my best friend. Forgive me in advance @askadrianalucardtepes
He acts like he's better than me. He is not.
He's one to call me a smelly alcoholic. Look in the mirror, brother.
He lauds the fact that he can read and I cannot over my head.
An absolute neat freak. One things out of place and he's lecturing me. For what reason?"
He acts like he's had the hardest life when he came from a loving family and everything was more fine and normal than mine and Sypha's. And yet we're the ones supporting him.
Is that too harsh?"
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thewriterwhowritesnot · 10 months
Alucard Music Headcannons - Mitski
A/N: Trying to get back into my being in love with Alucard Groove, folks. Don't mind me ;).
I am a firm believer that Alucard would be a slut for Mitski's music. Here's a list of songs I feel he'd love and why:
Francis Forever - I feel like this song would speak to him in so many different ways. It reminds him of how young he feels in life and love no matter how old he gets. His feelings of loneliness and isolation from the living and the dead.
Crack Baby - It's the slow progression of the song. To him, it feels like descending into the thoughts he often does his best to ignore in his daily life. The thoughts of how unfulfilled he feels sometimes. The constant longing for more, for something that he can't always possess. He often doesn't know what he wants but he knows that he had it once and he knows that he wants it back.
I Bet On Losing Dogs - This song reminds him of how he feels as if he's in a hopeless cycle of giving his energy to things that will inevitably fall apart by his hand or the hands of another. He's tired and exhausted with pain, being wrong, and being let down but, he can never get himself to stop trying or to stop seeking. It's bittersweet but he keeps drinking from the cup because, without his humanity and his desire for love, he'll have no reason to continue on.
Once More To See You - This song reminds him of where he's been and who he's known and who he's loved. The secrecy of new love and the sweetness of intimacy. It reminds him of innocence in love and the desire for closeness.
Your Best American Girl - It's the REGRET, my dudes. The suffocating feeling of knowing there are so many ways he feels robbed by life and by the greed and pride of others and the mistakes he's made. This song encapsulates his feelings of wishing things were different and how maybe in love he wishes he could come with less baggage.
Pink In The Night - Let's be real...Alucard is a very intense man and when he falls for someone he falls HARD. So hard that they infiltrate all parts of his mind. This song expresses the feelings he gets when he loves someone and how it resonates in his bones. Overcome with emotion and the drug of love.
Washing Machine Heart - Reminds him of how often he's felt like the odd one out and how in his experience it was rare that he felt chosen in love. Meaning, he's so multifaceted and in relationships, there have been imbalances that have led him to feel unwanted or simply misunderstood and rejected in that. He's a soft-hearted strong individual and this affects him deeply
Two Slow Dancers - This definitely speaks to him in regard to his feelings about time and how it passes. He's immortal and the knowledge of that weighs on him in happy times (and sad ones) because of the knowing that there are many he will have to say goodbye to as he goes on. Many memories will remain longer than the people who were a part of them. This song represents his grief, his love, and his hatred of time and memory.
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antaripirate · 1 year
for some reason my spidey senses are telling me we might get some Threads news within the next week???
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Could we get some cute family head canons of Adrian, Quincy and there daughter? Maybe also some of Shinryu and Kuya and their twins?
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((So something for these guys? I can think of some for you anon. <3))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
~~Cute family time headcannons with Adrian, quincy and their baby bat Lisa/ Shinryu and Kuya with their twin kits Artemis and Apollo~~
~~First family: Quincy and Adrian with their baby bat Lisa~~
*Adrian and Quincy has spoiled their little baby bat Lisa so much from the day she was born to now. Her room is covered with all her favorite plushies even three main ones her papas got her. They were the first ones they bought for little Lisa.
*She's always spends time with her papas from taking little naps with Quincy while he held her in his arms watching his little forest flower sleep. He's even made her a cute little flower bracelet while she was always blushing.
*While for Adrian, he's always reading her stories and spending time with her. Always brushing her hair while leaving a blood ruby hair pin for her with the cute red bows. He loves showing how adorable she is.
*At the young age, the family loves taking group naps together but makes sure Topper is always included since he tends to sleep with Lisa and protect her just as much.
*Theirs been times her magic is shown and well as her essence but the two have always been there to help her deal with first signs. So far, she's doing very well in it.
~~Second family: Kuya and Shinryu with their twins Artemis and Apollo~~
*Shinryu always spends time with his twin babies while happily loving them. He tends to see the two just spending time with either parent. Even with Kuya showing the twins a lot of being a Yokai. Same with their sembalance and toxic flames.
*He tends to always spoil his babies no matter what but he always enjoys loving them. However, he's super protective of the kids. If one was rude, insulting them, or tries to hurt/kill them Shinryu makes sure their taken care of but the kids don't see what he does.
*Kuya and Shinryu tends to spoil their little princess Artemis and prince Apollo who seems to really enjoy hearing stories from the parents. The twins always gets cuddles while sleeping with their papa who uses his tail to hold them. Theirs been times Shinryu sees the two hugging his long black soft wolf tail and falls to sleep. It's that soft just like with Kuya's own.
*Kuya would see Shinryu knitting many things for the twins even their own blankets to take naps or have. They love them very much and has taken care of them since. He's even made one for him and Kuya to cuddle/snuggle with. Their tails wrapped around each other like holding hands.
*The twins are always together and nothing will separate them. Shinryu always would hold the two in his arms while they are happily smiling and look out. They have days just sitting with their papas thinking of a great future for them later down the road.
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autumnaaltonen · 9 months
Could you write some general Alucard x fem reader nsfw headcanons?
Sure <3
General Alucard x Fem S/O NSFW Headcannons (Those Nights)
A gentleman, but also a shit. No in between.
Sex for you and Alucard can be as intense and passionate as the last remaining light of a sunset over a star lit lake, hot, mesmerizing, and utterly feverish.
It's those nights of him pinning you under his weight, rutting into you steadily and without falter as he whispers dirty promises and sweet nothing into your ear, in any language you desire.
It's rendezvous right after missions, when Alucard is still covered in blood and gore, forcing you against the nearest wall and stripping your panties off to have his way with you, while the adrenaline is still spiking through his veins.
And it's slow and tender love-making in your bed during evenings when the nightmares seem too real, thinking he's back in that coffin, buried six feet under with a stake in his heart. Those moments are when Alucard holds you particularly tenderly, too soft to be the touch of a monster, too careful for a creature without a heart.
But there are also moments where he can't help but have fun with you. It's shit-eating grins, and diabolical laughter, using you like a toy and fucking you until you're begging for mercy. That Alucard is one you can see coming from a thousand miles away, just based off of the strut in his walk, and the swagger in his drawl.
You've devised a ritual for mentally preparing yourself for those nights, involving caffeinated tea, skin moisturizer, YouTube yoga, and a couple over-the-counter painkillers.
Integra got suspicious after the second time your bed frame was broken, and if it were not for Alucard's insistence on hearing it bang against the wall while he fucks you, you'd be sleeping in just a mattress on the floor by now.
It's those nights where he cracks morbid jokes while pounding you to oblivion, bending you in half and making you cry from the overstimulation, while he just smirks down at you in satisfaction.
It's long days when you are thoroughly reminded that you are only human, and he is a creature of lust and passion with a stamina that could rival a champion greyhound, and a cock that would make Asmodeous blush.
And it's broken promises that he will give you a break, only to pull you back onto his lap, forcing you to ride him until your legs feel like jelly, or taking you from behind until that damn bed frame breaks a fifth time.
Some days you wish you could just have a week off to heal your poor body, but all it takes is one smile from the handsome bastard, and your panties drop to the ground in an instant. Damn him to hell.
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aroseinasnowstorm · 9 months
Could you possibly make headcannons for Alucard being affectioned and tender to his human female S/O?
And here I thought and feared I already make the vampire kind too somft! But no! You guys want more smoochie and cuddles?! YOU SHALL HAVE IT!
(Psst, always gender neutral reader unless we have something specifically related to sex and gender like a reader being pregnant, being trans, etc, just so everyone can always feel included, love ya guys)
Alucard Being Affectionate
He´s a killing machine who has been experimented on for many, many years. My man has gone through horrors and so much pain but with you? He can allow himself to be vulnerable. Soft. Gentle.
He can nuzzle into you, he can just take in your scent and allow himself to enjoy your warmth. Alucard is touch starved beyond reason at this point. You cup his cheeks? He sighs happily. You kiss him? Oh boy is over the moon!
At the beginning he was almost a bit shy touching you back. He was afraid of harming you. Of being too rough. But with some reassurance and some time passing by he would not want to depart from you EVER.
You have to work? Tough luck, you won´t be going anywhere. I hope you can do home office because you ain´t leaving his lap.
He´s eager to kiss and hold you, always. If you enjoy it when he´s vocally praising you or telling you how much he loves you he will just do that.
Alucard loves being wrapped around you, just nuzzling into you and sighing dreamily as if this is heaven because to him? It is. He adores you so much. You give him the feeling of peace.
He is all over you, whenever he can. Soft kisses, lingering touches. He is so soft with you that it might confuse everyone else.
The vampire purrs. No I take no criticism on that. As mentioned in previous posts he purrs when he´s content.
So just imagine the confusion when someone like Integra or Walter hear that man PURRING out of his basement. A happy little smile on his face while he´s holding you so tightly against his chest that it might hurt just a little.
Just tell him to ease his grip and he´ll do it but he prefers to hold you as close as possible. It makes him feel better about all this.
He loves to just stare into your eyes while telling you all the little details he loves about you. And if you don´t mind additional hands, he will totally wrap you in a cocoon of seemingly endless hands.
You can lay on his chest, listen to his purring while the space around you darkens with his shadows and he engulfs you in comfortable darkness. Little forehead kisses and soft giggles are going to fill up your space as Alucard for once feels... alive.
You need something to drink? Hungry? You want a blanket? He can BE the blanket but yes, fine, you may get your stuff. As long as Integra does not need him he would be willing to lay there for hours.
No matter if you want to sleep, just cuddle, or watch a movie, whatever you wish shall be yours little lamb.
He feels not like a predator in that moment but more like a guardian and he absolutely loves the trust you give him.
He´s going to tell you that you take such good care of him, that he´s proud of you and thankful for your presence. You´ve never seen the vampire so peaceful than when he cuddled you and displays his affection for you.
Check out my blog for more Hellsing headcanons! I even have a masterlist, fancy, I know Like, Reblog, Comment- honestly do whatever you want, I just hope ya enjoyed this!
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