#am I making wet blanket noises again if so I am sorry
redmeet · 2 years
I don't know if you've seen the article about nepo babies but I like to imagine Bradley doesn't think he's a nepo baby because you know goose d worded but jake is like no baby you're the biggest nepo baby in the navy and Bradley spends the day asking everyone if they think he's a nepo baby and they all say yes and name a different person but the funny thing is none of them name you know goose or mav
I've seen the photo used for the nepo baby article, yes! I'd argue Bradley isn't a nepo baby. hear me out: in order to be a nepo baby, a parent has to help you get from point a to point b... which Goose certainly wasn't in a position to do, due to his. Condition. We can't even call Bradley a nepo baby because of Mav because Mav was like oh HELL no! Get out of the navy! Get out!!!
If we're going the IceMav route, Bradley could maybe claim Ice. but still, I'd hesitate to call him a nepo baby.
Bull, for example? That motherfucker is the biggest nepo baby in the Navy and he wears that shit with pride.
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guiltyasdave · 3 months
hold on to this lullaby
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chapter 4 • series masterlist
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: An injured Joel and Ellie stumble into your home in the middle of the night. Against your better judgement, you decide to help them.
word count: ~2k
tags/warnings: post outbreak, slow burn, found family, age gap (sorry not sorry), able-bodied reader, angst, reader has a sad sad backstory and ptsd, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, nightmares, implied death of a character, the angst is once again angsting, reader's thoughts have suicidal undertones sometimes
a/n: girlie is once again going through it. i know that we're moving at a very slow pace but the chemistry is growing, slowly but steadily :)
shoutout to @toomanytookas who left the most thoughtful analysis on the last chapter, and noticed how the doors being open or closed works as a metaphor for the state of their relationship. looking back, that is very true, but truth be told, it wasn't a conscious writing choice on my part lol. i love it so much though and am now using it very purposefully, so thank you for bringing that to my attention and just for being so incredibly kind <3
follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates and find my full masterlist here :)
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 🤍
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You’re running through the woods, running, running. Searching for something, someone, that you know you won’t find. 
Keep them safe. Promise me. We’ll be there soon. 
No one’s safe. No one’s coming. No one’s there. Your hands are wet, dripping with red, leaving a trail behind you. You trip, falling down to your knees, hands sinking into the earth. There’s nowhere to go, nothing to find. 
Still, you have to keep running. Running running running, searching searching searching. Keep them safe. Promise me. 
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You’re used to it. 
Eyes flying open to suffocating, disorienting darkness, gasping for breath in the stale air of your room, the blanket much too heavy on your body. The images that your subconscious conjured up, still playing behind your eyelids. Your heart racing, your mind struggling to find its way back to reality. Lying alone in the darkness, only gradually able to discern your dream from your real life, the horrors blending into one another too intricately, too smilar to be separated. 
You’re still gasping, tears burning hot in your eyes and leaving wet tracks on your face. But it’s not dark, this time. And you’re not alone. The blurry shape of Joel slowly comes into focus, illuminated by the soft glow from the lamp on your nightstand. The weight of his hand is still resting on your shoulder, anchoring you to the present, and you realize that he must have shaken you awake. That you must have been loud.
You’ve wondered before, if you’re making noises, if the sobs that wrack through your body in your dreams follow you into reality. There’s never been a way to find out, before, but now it seems like they do, loud enough to travel through the closed door and wake Joel up. 
Heat blooms on your face, fueled by shame and guilt, both for disturbing his sleep and for your behavior earlier.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, your voice stumbling over the words, thick with sleep and more tears. 
“Hey, no,” he replies softly, soothingly, his voice a deep rumble, his touch still firm on your shoulder. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
You shrug, too exhausted to argue. His other arm twitches at his side, reaching towards you before he stops himself, sitting back on his haunches, groaning quietly at the movement. 
“You wanna–” he clears his throat, shifting slightly, “you wanna talk about it? Or is there anything else I can do?” 
You quickly shake your head, eyes trained on your hands that are clasped in your lap. He waits for another beat, before he hums, his knees creaking as he stands back up. 
You miss the feeling of his hand on you as soon as it disappears, but you can’t possibly bring yourself to ask for that, so you swallow against the lump in your throat, watching his retreating silhouette in your doorway.
“Joel?” Your hushed voice travels through the dimly lit room. He halts at once, turning back around to face you, the lines on his face somehow softer than you know them. “Could you— keep the door open? Just a little?” 
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You’re awake for a long time after he leaves, at first listening to the fall of his quiet footsteps retreating to the other room, the faint rustle of his sheets as he gets back into bed, Ellie’s hushed voice and his responding grumble, but you can’t make out the words. When it’s quiet again, you retreat into the swirling mess inside your head. Unable to turn the light off, unable to close your eyes, terrified of the darkness and the images it might bring back.
You’ve tried not to think about it too hard, afraid of jinxing yourself, but you’ve noticed that you’ve slept better since Ellie and Joel have arrived. It’s like their presence, the change they’ve brought to your life, is enough to keep your mind occupied, like a safety blanket has been draped over you, keeping the worst of it away from you. But yesterday’s events must have ripped holes into it, must have brought the past and its pain to the forefront again. 
You drift back off eventually, nothingness engulfing your tired mind and pulling you into a dreamless sleep that you’re thankful for. 
You’re roused by the sounds from outside the door, the movements of someone being up filtering through the gap that Joel left open last night. It takes a while until you get your bearings, until the memories all come back to you. The familiar fear, the panic. The unfamiliar presence of someone beside you, of a touch on your shoulder.
Following the sounds, you find Joel in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, something that you usually do. You watch him for a second, taking in his messy morning hair, the specks of gray, the furrow of concentration in his brow as he’s stirring oatmeal. The steaming cup in his other hand, almost dwarfed by his large fingers, that you know must contain coffee. 
His eyes widen for a second when he notices you leaning against the doorframe, scrutinizing your face, gauging the state you’re in. You try a tentative smile, taking a step towards him, nodding towards the pot on the stove. 
“Thought breakfast was my job.” You’re pleased with how normal your voice sounds, nothing like the mess from last night. 
Joel shrugs, the expression on his face just a smidge too innocent, too casual. 
“You’re doing more than enough for us. Thought I’d let you sleep in.” 
You don’t have it in you to start a discussion about it, and you wouldn’t know how to explain this to him anyway. How you don’t want him to do things for you, don’t want to know what it’s like to have someone else care for you. Don’t want to feel how nice it is, even in such small doses. How you’re overly conscious of the fact that it will get taken away again before you know it, that you’d do well not to get used to it. How you’re not sure if you’ll be able to survive having something nice ripped away from you yet again. 
So you smile, mutter a thank you, Joel, and when he suggests that you take a shower, that he’ll be finished by the time you’re ready, you agree. Suddenly, you’re aware of the night’s sweat that has dried on your skin, clinging to you and making you feel sticky. Suddenly, you’re desperate to wash it off your skin, to leave the last night behind you and not look back.
With the stream of warm water raining down on you, the stiffness in your neck eases a bit and your breath’s coming more freely again, pieces of the tension that’s been coursing through you since last night slowly melting away. Still, you keep shivering, no matter how much you’re trying to open your body up to the warmth surrounding you, to let it drive out the coldness that’s emanating from your chest. 
Move on, your own voice echoes in your head. Keep living. The promise you’ve made to yourself, that you’re trying to keep, even though some days, you’re not sure why. 
Your arms are wrapped tightly around yourself when you enter the living area again. You’ve pulled on one of your warmest sweaters, one that you’ve knitted yourself, over the course of several long, lonely days, with nothing else to keep your hands and mind occupied. Still, you feel cold. 
Ellie is up now, sitting on the couch, a bowl of oatmeal all but forgotten in her lap and her nose buried in one of the comics you gave her, the artwork on the cover all too familiar to you. She jumps when she sees you, hastily stuffing the book in between her thigh and the cushion beside her, a guilty expression in her eyes as she looks at you. 
“Sorry,” she mumbles before you can say anything, her hands clasped in her lap. It breaks your heart to see her like this, to know that she heard you last night too. How much your behavior must have scared her. That she probably feels responsible, even though your mind was already in a bad state long before you’ve even met her. 
It does hurt, seeing those drawings of galactic adventures that you’ve seen a million times before, with another pair of eyes glued to the pages. Another child excitedly recounting the stories to you over and over, until you basically knew them by heart and listened to them time and time again anyway, because his happiness made you happy. 
The pain of it weighs heavy on you, but not as heavy as the urge to protect her from being hurt, to wipe that guilt off her face. 
“The pages are gonna crumple like that,” you say, softly, hoping to convey with your eyes what you don’t have the words for. 
She slowly pulls it back out, shooting you careful glances. “Are you sure?” She sounds so young right now, so unsure of herself, and yet she’s trying to look out for you, trying not to hurt you, when she really shouldn’t have to. 
You’re nodding, convincing the both of you, that it’s fine, that you’re fine. 
“Yeah,” you smile. “That one’s good, enjoy it.”
You duck into the kitchen, mumbling about urgently needing a cup of coffee. You’re certain that Joel has heard your conversation, and that he sees how glassy your eyes are, but he doesn’t comment on it, just quietly hands you a cup, his fingertips faintly grazing yours.
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It’s a subdued kind of day. Both Ellie and Joel are trying hard to act casual around you, but you feel the lingering glances, notice the looks exchanged behind your back, the cloud of worry that’s surrounding both of them. It makes you nervous, weirdly conscious of your every movement. And you’re still cold.
You end up watching another cheap action movie that evening, Ellie curled up on the armchair while you and Joel are occupying the couch. Your chin is resting on your knees, arms wrapped around your legs, eyes fixed on the small TV. But your mind is wandering, barely taking in the scenes playing out on the screen.
Your thoughts keep going back to how Joel touched you last night, how his hand had rested on your shoulder. How good it had felt, how you have the inexplicable need to feel it happening again. How warm his hand had been. You wonder if his touch might be able to finally stop you from feeling like you’re slowly freezing from the inside.
Another involuntary shiver runs through you. Joel’s gaze slides from the screen to you beside him. He doesn’t ask if you’re cold, being familiar enough with you by now to know that you’d deny it. Even as another wave of coldness passes through you, causing your shoulders to tremble slightly.
His brow is creased with worry as he wordlessly leans over to you, spreading the blanket that had been folded over the armrest that he’s leaning against over your shoulders. Your lips tip up in a grateful smile, the long lost feeling of someone caring for you engulfing you in more warmth than the blanket could ever provide. You allow yourself to get lost in it, just for a little while. 
The blanket faintly smells like him, you realize as you pull it tighter around yourself and up to your chin, inhaling deeply. A different kind of warmth is creeping up your cheeks and you turn your face towards the TV once more, oblivious to the way Joel keeps watching you from the corner of his eye. 
When you go to bed later that evening, you leave your bedroom door ajar once again.
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thank you for reading <3 comments, reblogs and asks are love and make my day every single time!
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beachbabe000 · 2 months
Scary Movies // Matt Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt comes over unannounced as you're watching a scary movie.
Content Warning: Masturbation, language, Penetration, matt x reader
I pulled the blanket up higher on my body, the tv casting the only light in the room. I decided to take a night to myself away from work, friends etc. I decided on laying in bed pretty much all day reading and watching tv, a good time of resting.
By this point it was around 9 am and I was finally getting bored. I had a thought out of nowhere. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten off and I could feel the frustration building over that amount of time.
I reached over and opened my nightstand drawer, pulling out my favorite purple vibrator. I threw my blanket off and pulled my shorts down. Lightly grazing my fingertips down my stomach, I reached my clit. I started rubbing small gentle circles at first. Once I felt myself getting wet, I turned on my vibrator and placed it over my clit.
I started to feel tension build in my abdomen. The tv still on in the background making noise that I couldn’t even make out anymore. The room started to go black as my release was coming over me.
“Oh shit.” I heard a whisper causing me to stop in a sudden motion. I’m surprised I heard even that with the state I was in. I’m lightheaded and still processing what just happened. Looking over into the doorway of my bedroom I see Matt standing there.
Me and Matt are good friends. Have been for about a year. It got to the point I even gave him a key to my house. But he’s never come over unannounced before until now. Perfect timing for that.
“Matt. What are you doing? Why didn’t you call?” He just looked at me in a daze. His eyes hooded and his lips parted. He licked his lips to wet them after his breath had dried them out when he realized I was talking to him. How long had he been standing there? “I did.” he said barely above a whisper. “You didn’t answer. Now I see why.” He looked from my face to my bare body and back to my face again. I then remembered I was naked. In front of Matt.
I pulled the blanket over me in haste. “Let’s just not talk about this, okay? Pretend it didn’t happen?”
The blanket now covering my body allowed him to give me his full attention. He shook his head and rubbed his forehead, his eyes closed. “Yeah, sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to intrude. Um, yeah let’s just do that. So, what are we watching?” He drops his bag on the floor that had been sloppily hanging from his shoulder the entire time. Looks like he was planning to stay the night, which isn’t unusual. We’ve had many sleepovers before.
He plopped himself down on my bed on the side I don’t usually sleep on. “Uh, um, it’s a horror movie.” I sunk down back into the bed trying to get comfortable, but it just wasn’t happening.
“I like horror movies.” He also looked uncomfortable. Though the attempt to relax was there for him as well.
We were a bit through the movie before we both started to finally relax. His arm naturally found its way slung over the back of the pillows and I was cuddled on my side towards him. My head facing the tv. We normally have never had a problem touching. Me laying my head on his arm or something small like that.
There was one part of the movie that made me jump practically out of my skin, pulling a laugh from Matt. This also caused me to laugh. It was probably the most comfortable we’ve been with each other all night.
He looked down at me. “You scared?” He was smiling in a teasing way. “No! I never get scared.” I huffed looking to and away from him. He chuckled, “Yeah. Okay.”
His hand found its way from the back of the pillows to my shoulder, trailing his fingers up and down. It was extremely comforting and something he normally does. He knows I like physical touch and it was his attempt to calm me down from fearing the movie.
My body naturally moved towards his and I laid my head on his chest. He responded by wrapping his arm around me. We were almost to the end of the movie when there was another jump scare that got me again. He laughed. “Wimp.” I hit his chest. “Shut up.”
He looked down at me and rubbed circles on my shoulder. “You know, those sounds you were making when I got here were pretty cute.” My body froze. I didn’t expect him to say anything like that. Or even acknowledge the incident anymore. I looked up at him with a face of shock.
He was smiling down at me, “I’d really like to hear them again.” His smirk made me melt; his words made me shiver. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing was coming out. He took this opportunity to lean down and capture my open mouth in his, sliding his tongue in before I could lock my lips fully onto his. A moan from the surprise escaped my lips. I could feel the spot between my legs start to pulsate as it grew wet.
His hand tightened on my shoulder as the other one found my hip and turned me towards him. We shared many heated kisses before my arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him on top of me. His legs tangled in mine as his hands pulled my hips up into his. He grinded into me causing me to make a small whimper. He broke the kiss to look at me, “You okay to go further?” All I could do in my starstruck state was nod.
He reached for the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head, discarding it to the floor. “God you’re beautiful.” He took in the sight of my naked torso before connecting his lips with mine again. His hand snaked its way up to my breast giving it a gentle squeeze. I bucked my hips into his. He groaned into my mouth and gripped my breast harder.
He reached down and unbuttoned my pants, starting to pull them down and over my feet. Discarding his own shirt and pants afterwards. He kissed me again and rubbed his hand down my stomach to my now soaked pussy. “Fuck. You’re so wet.” He looked down at his hand while sticking a finger inside of me. I moaned moving my hands to his shoulders. He looked back up at me. “This feel good?” He breathed, his nose grazing mine.
I nodded in response, unable to form words anymore. He added another finger looking for my reactions. One of my hands found the sheet by my body and gripped it in my fingers. My eyes squeezed shut as I leaned my head back into the pillow with a low moan. He swooped down and started leaving sloppy wet kisses on my neck.
He took his fingers out of me and moved his hand to his member, stroking it with my juices. He moaned, throwing his head back. “I’m gunna fuck you so hard. Those noises you were making are nothing compared to the ones I’m going to bring out of you.”
With that statement he then rubbed his tip against my wet folds, and before I knew it, he was inside me. He thrusted himself into me so roughly my entire body moved. “Oh my god!” A loud moan came out of me as my hands threw up to grab his shoulders, keeping myself in place.
He started pumping in and out of me, not even taking time to let me get used to him. The sudden constant contact brought loud moans and whimpers from my throat. Leaning down to nip my neck, he was definitely leaving marks.
Then somehow, he thrusted even harder and faster. I was basically screaming at this point. His name coming out of my mouth as if it were my last words I’d ever speak. He was groaning and moaning so loud, and looked down at me to make eye contact when he could. His eyes were full of lust and adoration of the effect he was having on me.
“Fuck Matt I’m going to come. Please don’t stop!” He grabbed my hips tighter and moved them with his own, gaining deeper access. This caused my orgasm to come faster than I thought it would. I clenched around his dick, and he could feel my release coat him. “That’s right baby, come all over me. Fuck!” His last groan came with his own release. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. His grip on me so tight that I’d have bruises in the morning.
I could feel him pulse inside of me before pulling out. His hands moved from my hips to the sides of my head as he fell over me. We tried to catch our breaths while still feeling the effects of our high. Once we recovered, he got up to grab something to clean me and himself up, then landed back on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, creating a new warmth between us. “Told you I’d make those sounds louder.” He breathed in my ear, still a little out of breath. He kissed my cheek, and I looked back at him. “Wanna watch another scary movie?” He chuckled, “Only if you jump in my arms again. Maybe we can go for round two and this time you could jump onto something else.” He smirked down at me wiggling his eyebrows. I just chuckled slapping his arm and grabbed the remote.
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justporo · 1 year
An Assortment of Strays
I believe I still owe you guys a drabble about how Astarion adopts a stray kitten. So here you go. @mushy6902 this one's on you again! (Also I only googled what you could give a kitten for improvisation, don't take that as advice!)
Artwork by the wonderful @britonell ❤️
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Pairing: Astarion/Gn!Tav
Wordcount: 2,2k
After an autumn storm Astarion comes home completely drenched, under his doublet jacket he has a small kitten that's desperately trying to cling to the vampire's chest.
Astarion had gone out to run some errands - probably mostly threads for his embroidery projects and some new tomes he could brood over.
He‘d asked you if you would care to join but you had taken a look outside your tall living room window, seen the autumn storm brewing outside, making itself known with stormy winds and clouds passing over the moon and told him “thank you, but no thank you”.
He couldn‘t catch a cold - you could, and weren‘t very keen on it.
Then you had cozied up in front of the lit fireplace with a goblet of wine - you had adopted Astarion‘s inclination to it in no time - and a book. Surely, it had started to rain cats and dogs soon after. And because you were such a nice and thoughtful person you had already collected some towels for the vampire when he would return and curse the weather, looking like a wet puppy, his white curls all but flattened by the rain and drooping adorably around his pointy ears.
He took much longer than expected though but you weren‘t worried - he was a free man now after all and could do whatever he pleased.
So, you sat and read - Scratch had come over too when the storm had really started going. After your party had split after everything was said and done, you‘d insisted on keeping the stray. So now he lived with Astarion and you in your little townhouse and very much enjoyed being spoiled by you.
Astarion didn‘t bond with the dog awfully much - „rather a cat person, my love, sorry“ - but he still sometimes could be found sitting in the window alcove reading with the dog in his lap, who received some head scratches.
Scratch had almost buried himself under the blanket you had spread over your legs now, when the first lightning strikes had turned into roaring thunder. You were gently patting his head and ears to soothe him while holding your book with your other hand. Focused completely on your reading you only looked up when you heard noises - and cursing - in the hallway.
You put your reading down and softly lifted the dog‘s head from your lap to get up. As you walked in the hallway you saw the expected scene: Astarion completely drenched, hair dripping and cursing like a sailor.
„Gods, I should have listened to you concerning the weather - you were right“, Astarion spat and made and disgusted face. „I‘d say I am right more times than you would like to admit, my love“, you answered with a chuckle and grabbed the towels you had prepared but were startled when you realised there was something more.
The vampire seemed to have something inside his doublet jacket he had obviously tried to keep dry.
„What is it you have there, Astarion?“, you asked curiously and drew your brows together - somehow you were sure that it wasn‘t just books or a precious bottle of „a fullbodied red“ that he was carrying.
The vampire ignored your question. His face lit up when he saw that you were holding some towels: „Oh, good thinking, my sweet, we could really use something to soak up all the godsdamned rain.“ „We?“, you replied confusedly and helplessly held up the towels.
Astarion carefully opened up his doublet and revealed a small furry creature. A small white kitten that was just as drenched as Astarion and desperately tried to cling to the vampire‘s chest: small, scared, miserably shaking and meowing.
„Oh no, who‘s this poor little thing?“, you cooed immediately and opened up your arms with one of the towels opened up so you might wrap the small kitten in it.
„Really? That‘s how you treat a cat you‘ve just met when I am here - your cherished soulmate - just as wet and miserable?“, Astarion complained. „For being so miserable you have an awful lot of breath to waste, my friend.“ Astarion huffed in protest. „Also you are not probably only a few weeks old and loudly meowing for help“, you continued and carefully took the kitten from Astarion who just as carefully handed the tiny little thing to you.
„Oh, I could meow if that‘s what would help further my case with you“, Astarion pouted while you cautiously dried off the kitten.
When the vampire just stood in front of you and said nothing while still dripping all over your hardwood floors you looked back up. „Oh uh, there‘s another towel back there, my love, if you want to dry yourself“, you said and then went back to cradling your small new friend.
Astarion sighed dramatically and walked past you to grab the promised towel. „I already get the feeling, this was a mistake. Your heart so eagerly conquered by a cute little stray you just took in“, he proclaimed theatrically, the back of one of his hands placed on his forehead.
„Hmm, says the cute little stray that I took in and that conquered my heart“, you replied matter-of-fact, not taking your eyes of the small animal and started to walk towards the living room and the burning fire there in the fireplace.
As you passed Astarion who was still trying to get his hair dry you threw your vampire a sideglance though; just to make sure he‘d caught that. And, oh, he had. He smirked and winked at you, having heard exactly what he wanted from you.
You sat down in front of the fireplace. Scratch was immediately up and wagging his tail, smelling the newcomer. “You be nice and keep your distance, Scratch”, you warned the dog. “I guess our new friend is already scared out of their mind!” And so the stray layed down again, his head on the ground between his paws, looking up at you with puppy eyes. His tail was still lazily wagging in excitement.
The kitten was slowly stopping shuddering with the warmth of the fire starting to dry her fur, but she wouldn’t stop meowing. Astarion came over to you after some time after he had put on some dry clothes. “I guess she doesn’t want to be held by me. Will you hold her? I’m going to look for something we can feed her in the kitchen”, you explained immediately after the vampire had sat down on his knees in front of you. You cautiously handed over the towel with the kitten to the stunned elf who started to huff in protest: “No, Tav, please you are the one good with animals…” “You brought the small cat here…” “Yes, but only because-“ You were already out the door and halfway to the kitchen. You searched your brain for what you knew about what you could feed a cat that was still so small. Tomorrow you would have to go out and find proper nutrition for the poor small thing.
You rummaged through your cabinets and finally mixed together some milk, water, yogurt and eggs – at least for tonight that would hopefully suffice. In one bowl you had your improvised kitten food and in another you filled some water. Then you went back to the living room. Astarion had donned the towel and was holding the kitten against his chest where it had calmed down. But she still had her claws borrowed in Astarion’s doublet and apparently they went right through the cloth judging by the vampire’s grimace.
“Watch out, she got you, tiger”, you joked as you kneeled down in front of him with the two bowls in hand. Scratch was up again too and sniffed curiously at the mixture for the kitten. But it was seemingly not much to his liking as he laid down again quickly.
“Should I set her down so she can feed and drink?”, Astarion asked you. He really seemed a bit overwhelmed with trying to care for the small furry thing. As she clawed at him again a soft “oww” left his lips. “We can at least try but we should pay attention Scratch doesn’t get too close. He would probably be a bit much for our newcomer”, you said and looked at the dog tentatively. But Scratch seemed to have taken the hint and had laid down a bit further and had just started to snooze peacefully.
Astarion slowly and carefully lifted the kitten from his chest, having to remove a claw or two with his fingers. He sighed as he looked down and saw some loosened threads in the embroidery: “I’m going to have to patch that up later.” Then he sat the small one down in front of the bowls. But the vampire did not let go f the small animal before he let one finger caressingly run over the creature’s head and down it’s back. He almost seemed scared that it would run off. But the kitten did not. If anything, she seemed to even enjoy the vampire’s pets.
“She’s so weird. Animals usually don’t feel very comfortable around me – you know, the whole vampirism thing… They feel it”, Astarion said absent-mindedly while he watched the cat slowly check out the two bowls. His red eyes were still observing her, a small warm smile was playing on his lips. Your own heart swelled with affection seeing how much he cared for this small being.
“Where did you find her?”, you asked. The vampire reached out to the kitten again, softly stroking her why she drank a little water. The small blue eyes were wandering around the surroundings – cautiously. But she still moved up her head to get more of the vampire’s pets. “I guess she likes you”, you said with a smile and kept your eyes on her before the Astarion could answer your previous question. “Trust me to get someone to purr”, he smirked. “Eww Astarion, not the time”, you moaned. You only received a chuckle and a smirk in response.
“I heard some meowing while everyone was scurrying from the rain in a small alley. I thought I was imagining it at first but there she was, a small little kitten, sitting alone in a small basket. It was completely drenched and it didn’t look like its mother was still around. Maybe she was the runt of the litter. I… just couldn't leave her there, all alone and cold, in the dark”, Astarion explained, his eyes miles away as he remembered the situation. But you could quickly see that that wasn’t the only thing. It was apparent why he felt for the lost little creature.
“You have a big heart, Astarion”, you told him sincerely which made his gaze flick to yours. But his eyes immediately left yours again. He surely didn’t believe what you said himself. At least not yet. That was okay though, you would tell him again and again until he didn’t doubt himself anymore.
The kitten meanwhile was trying to feed from the mixture you had concocted but it seemed she was only really getting the stuff on her adorable little face.
Astarion kept observing her a little bit more, cocking his head. Then he shook his head and softly grabbed the small creature again. “It’s not going to work like this, little one, if you only keep rubbing your face in your food”, he said affectionately as he made to hold her with one hand. With the other he took some of the mixture with one of his fingers and then held it to the kitten’s snout.
And surely, after a few seconds she licked it off the vampire’s fingers. A big smile crept onto your face and your heart grew in size while you watched the scene. Scratch also had slowly come back and was pushing his nose under your arm so you would let him rest his head on your lap again. You allowed it and kept watching how Astarion slowly fed the kitten. She’d quickly grown more eagerly and had started using her teeth too.
“Oww, will you stop biting me, you mean little thing”, Astarion exclaimed and shook his hand. “Serves you right, now you know how it feels”, you immediately threw in. The pale elf threw you a glance, saying “are you even serious”, but he kept allowing the cat to feed of his fingers until she seemed sated and her eyes grew heavy.
The vampire grabbed the towel that still laid next to him and lightly rubbed the mess of the kitten’s face. You offered Astarion the blanket from before to make an improvised bed for the small one on which he placed the cat carefully so she could get some rest.
“She’ll need a name if we’re going to keep her”, you said as you both watched the fur ball breathe softly. “Well, we already have a dog called Scratch, maybe we can call her Bite”, Astarion replied with a grin. You made a face at him and left the topic for the time being.
“What a fine assortment of strays we are, don’t you think, my love?”, Astarion asked then and looked at you with warmth in his eyes. You leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Fine, yes”, you answered as you made to lay down and put your head into Astarion’s lap. “But we’re not strays anymore, we’re home now”, you said with a smile and looked up at your soulmate. The vampire let his hands cup your cheeks and ran his thumbs over them lovingly: “And how sweet it is being home with you, my heart.”
Bonus: Enjoy this sweet little creature stare directly into your soul!
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mrsbarnesblog · 11 months
masterlist ko-fi ao3
CEO! Husband! Bucky Barnes x Wife! Reader
Summary: Bucky is always working overtime, but when his best girls really need him, he leaves everything behind just to make you happy.
Words count: 1.6k
Warnings: modern setting, CEO Bucky, they have a daughter, fluff, real love
Author’s note: this one was inspired by Sebastian’s appearance in Paris. he really gave me a heart attack with that look❤️‍🔥
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Bucky Barnes was a busy man. Running a multi-million-dollar company wasn’t the easiest thing, but something that he cared more about than this job was his family. His beautiful wife and daughter.
You always loved and appreciated the attention, support, and endless love that your husband gave, even when you just started dating eight years ago. As soon as you met, it took some time for both of you to finally admit your feelings, but when you got together, it was perfect. You’ve never felt that way in your life before. When you were younger, everyone told you that you wouldn’t be able to find a person because of your high standards, but when you started dating James Buchanan Barnes, you knew that it was forever.
A beautiful, respectful, and caring man who would do anything for you.
For the past two months, he has been more distant. His company was getting bigger; he had too many meetings, and too many new things required his whole attention. You understood it; of course you did. But you would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss him. Your daughter felt it too. She was totally daddy’s girl, so being away from him for too long upset her, even though she was trying to be tough and careless, just like her dad when he was working.
You talked to her about her dad’s work, and she was a smart girl for a 3-year-old. She understood that he has a lot to do right now and that he still loves her more than anything in this world.
Today he returned home only after 2 am., you heard that he went to take a shower in a different room, probably not to wake you up. But you were too eager to spend as much time with him as possible, even if it was when he was falling asleep.
Bucky came into the room quietly. As soon as he got under the blanket, his warm and strong arms wrapped around you. He pulled you closer to him, burying his nose into your neck.
"I’m sorry, doll. Again." He took a deep breath, enjoying your scent, which he missed so much. "I love you."
"That’s okay, baby." You moved even closer to him, burying your fingers into his wet hair, and left a kiss on his temple. "I love you too. Now take some rest."
You hadn't even started to fall asleep when you heard a weird noise outside your bedroom, and then the door slightly opened.
"Daddy? Mommy?" A little voice came through the silence of the room. "Are you asleep?" Your daughter suddenly sobbed, and you and Bucky immediately sat on the bed, reaching for the nightstand lamps.
"Hey, angel, what happened? Come here." Bucky’s voice was very soft and gentle, as always when he talked to your daughter. She came closer to the bed, and Bucky picked her up, putting her on his lap. She was tightly holding her favorite white wolf, which you gifted Bucky as a joke because of his nickname at work. Your daughter's eyes were a little bit red, her hair messy, and her cheeks wet with tears. You moved closer to them, gently rubbing her face.
"What’s going on? You saw a bad dream?" You quietly asked, but she just shook her head.
"I— I—" She was obviously too upset to put her words together, so Bucky started to rub her back, whispering a quiet "sh-h".
"I— miss you, daddy." As soon as these words left her mouth, you and Bucky froze, and she started crying even harder. "I don’t s-see you, and me and mom—mommy are always alone."
Bucky looked you in the eyes, and you saw that his own were full of tears. The last thing he wanted to do was upset either of you. He felt that his heart was ripping apart. You made your daughter cry, you idiot. Your wife deserves better.
You just put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, already knowing where his mind went. He always wanted to give his family everything, and the fact that he put work above his two favorite people in the world made him sick.
"Angel, hey, baby, look at me." Bucky turned back to your daughter, grabbing her little face with his hands and gently wiping away her tears. "I promise that the day after tomorrow we will go somewhere. Only mommy, you, and me, okay?"
"But—but you’re working."
"I know, angel. But I didn't want to make you feel lonely or to stay away for too long from your mom." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth to leave a kiss. "We will go wherever you want to. Maybe stay there for the week. You would like that?" He smiled at your daughter, and she happily giggled, wrapping herself around Bucky’s neck. "I love you. Both of you. You two are my whole life, and I'll do anything to make you happy."
You softly smiled at him, leaning in to leave a quick kiss on his lips.
Your daughter put away her white wolf and opened her other arm, wanting you to join her and Bucky in a hug.
That night she stayed in your bed because she almost passed out in Bucky’s arms but still held onto you both too tightly. The three of you happily curled under the blanket, with your daughter in between. Bucky knew that it was time for him to finally make the right decision. To choose his family.
As Bucky promised, one day later your little family was on a vacation where no one could disturb you. He left Steve, Sam, and Natasha, his closest and oldest friends, in charge of everything, canceled all the meetings, and took you and your daughter on the private jet that brought you here. One of the most beautiful places you’ve ever been.
It was quiet. No strangers, no annoying noise, no worries. Just the three of you on the beach with a perfect little house and warm, crystal-clear water.
You were wearing a light flowy dress, and Bucky, finally free from those annoying suits, chose trousers with a white tank top and shirt on top of it.
You two were sitting under the sunset on a blanket with food and a bottle of wine, while your daughter was playing near the water with sand. It was such an amazing evening; just everything was perfect, and as you were watching your smiling husband, you felt that you had fallen in love once again.
"You keep staring at me, doll, You ‘kay?" He finally turned his face to you, and you couldn't hold your wide smile, which he immediately returned.
"I’m okay. It’s just… everything is perfect here—the beach, the house, you two here." You covered your eyes with your hand because of the setting sun. "You know, you’ve been here for a couple of hours, but you look much better. Your skin is glowing, you’re happy, and, god, that hair bun looks really hot." Bucky’s smile grew wilder because of your words.
He grabbed you in bridal style and set you across his lap, wrapping his hands around your waist. You slightly screamed, not being ready for such movements, but then happily melted into your husband's touch.
"So you think that I look hot?" A cheesy grin crossed his face, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Do you think I would’ve married you if I thought otherwise, James?" You arched an eyebrow at him. Your hands found the perfect place under Bucky’s blue shirt by themselves. God, it's been too long since you spent good time together alone.
"What do you think about the idea that when we get home, we send our daughter to visit her amazing grandparents, so we could be completely alone for a couple of days?" He said it as if he was reading your mind, so you just silently nodded. "Doll, you’re too beautiful for this damn world; I can’t even understand how I was able to be far away from you for that long. I missed you so much, baby." Bucky’s hands slipped lower on your hips, while his lips were leaving sweet kisses on the side of your neck.
"Not here, Buck; we’re not alone, remember?" You nodded back at your daughter, who was honestly more interested in building sandcastles.
"Of course. Just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for my absence. I got so involved in work that I didn’t even notice that you too were hurt. I’ve never wanted to do that. I’m sorry. And I love you. So fucking much." Bucky connected your foreheads and put his right hand on your cheek.
"Don’t be sorry. I know that you want better for us and that you want to do everything right. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. You know, you are such a great dad because your daughter’s tears made you leave everything and spend time with us. And I’m forever thankful for this." You smiled, holding his stubbled face in your hands. "I love you, James."
You two connected with a kiss. It wasn’t too rough or desperate. It was just pure love and adoration for one another. Bucky was slowly moving his lips, feeling the need for your taste, your smell, and your touch. Your little bubble didn’t last too long, though, not after your daughter finally wanted your attention.
"Mommy! Daddy!" You pulled away from the kiss, looking back at your daughter, who was now all in the sand. "Do you want to help me build a castle?"
You looked at Bucky, who had the same smile on his face.
"Of course, angel. What do you need from us?"
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aris-ink · 2 years
sub yn dry humps her step daddy joon while watching a movie trying to keep quiet
I have nothing to say except once again: I am sorry lmao
pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: forbidden romance, step!father au
warnings: cheating, manipulation, pseudo incest, corruption kink, dry humping, slight age gap, daddy kink, dirty talk
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He always said angels like you didn't belong in heaven; they belonged in daddy's lap. His wedding ring was nothing but proof of his conquest, the sacrifices he had to make in order to get to you. It took more patience than he thought he was capable of devoting to a cause, but every single second was worth seeing you fall - straight into his open arms.
"Quiet, baby," he whispered, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. "You don't want your mother to wake up, do you?"
He could feel you quiver against him at the question, shame making your breath hitch. And yet there was not enough of it to stop the grinding of your hips, and Namjoon didn't think he's ever been harder. So many nights he dreamed of having you just like this, bouncing you up and down in his lap and making you call him daddy.
It turned out he didn't have to make you do anything.
"Yeah," he groaned quietly. "Just like that."
You rubbed up against his cock like a good girl, your cunt so deliciously wet his trousers were stained.
"Keep going for daddy."
You tightened your arms around his neck, moaning into his ear. The sound shot straight to his dick, precum already leaking from the swollen tip. He wanted nothing more than to put it inside you and fuck you stupid, destroying the rest of your inhibitions and halo in the process.
Angels like you didn't need halos; they needed fetters. And like any good man, Namjoon had his rosary blessed before luring you in and making it into a leash for you. He knew exactly what to do and what to say to tear down your morals. He had years of experience ahead of you, and he didnt care about the consequences as long as you kept rubbing up against his cock like that.
The movie you've been watching became nothing more than background noise, assissting you in hiding some of the depravity that was going on under the blanket. His wife was all the way upstairs, blissfully unaware of it all. Still, better safe than sorry; he had yet to feel all of you. He had yet to bury himself inside you. And this game could last so much longer with no interruptions in the way. He didn't think he could be responsible for his actions if you got caught and tried to cut him out of your life because of some semblance of guilt stirring in your soul.
Namjoon knew better than to celebrate catching an angel before clipping their wings. You still needed a little time.
He groaned into your neck, his hand gripping and kneading the soft flesh of your ass. It was not enough to feel like you this. All the fabric in the way was robbing him off too many sensations he craved, and he craved endlessly when it came to you.
He lifted his head and searched your eyes, placing both of his hands on your hips, calculating his next move.
His tongue parted your lips before he could really decide, his kiss deep and slow and nasty. These were the kind of kisses that daddy only saved for you, he said, for his good girl whom he loved with every inch of his being.
And every inch of his being throbbed with lust as you kissed him back.
He pulled away to peek in between your bodies, then back into your eyes again, shining and so beautifully hazy with the need that reflected his. If eyes were the windows to the soul, his image was forever imprinted on yours.
"Baby," he breathed quietly, his fingers already working on unzipping his pants. "Let me feel you."
Your thighs clenched around him, but your head snapped up to the dark corridor on the side in alarm.
"But what if-"
He pulled your head down to his and kissed you again, not interested in hearing the rest of the sentence. If anything, he was quite offended you could still think straight, but Namjoon was a lenient father, and a forgiving one at that.
With one hand he reached inside his briefs and took his cock out, aching and stiff all for you. A sigh fled his lips, relief mingling with greed.
"Up, baby," he mumbled. "Come on. Up."
With a little hesitation, you lifted your hips, your grip on his shoulders hard. His fingers reached for your panties, his cock twitching when he felt the soaked cotton. He carefully pulled them aside, resisting the urge to touch you, his stomach twisted too tightly to handle any teasing.
"Now be a good girl and take a seat, baby."
He held his cock down for you, hypnotized by the way you began to lower yourself onto it, every second stretching into eternity. His back arched when he felt the heat of your cunt finally slide along its length, coating it with your wetness.
That was all it took to get you back into your rhythm, grinding back and forth against him and moaning into his ear. It felt too good; you felt too good to be true.
"Mm, shit, isn't this much- ah- much fucking better, angel?"
You whined in response, and his eyes almost rolled back, the heat tingling on his skin becoming too much. He wanted to rip that damn blanket off you and throw it to the ground, watch your pussy grind against his dick and come. But if it gave you a sense of security and pushed you to hump him faster, who was he to take that away?
"F-fuck, you're dripping all over me," he groaned. His hand found its way to your chest, thumb rubbing your nipple through your shirt. "Who made you this wet, huh?"
You knew better than not to answer him by now, though your reply still came out in an adorable stutter.
"Y-you, d-daddy, oh-"
Namjoon groaned again, low and guttural. He was so close. The thought of his cum making your little cunt even messier and wetter than it already was made his jaw and his balls clench.
"That's right, angel," he nodded, getting more desperate, reaching to squeeze and touch whatever parts of you he could access. "So be a good girl and come all over daddy's cock, yeah?"
He pushed your ass into his lap harder, your moans growing too loud in the stillness of the house.
"Quiet, be fucking quiet," he gritted. "Oh, fuck-"
Instinctively, his hand shot up to your mouth, two fingers forcing their way inside. You accepted them eagerly, without much thought, sucking and twirling your tongue. It was enough to muffle the sound of you moaning; but the feeling of that tight, wet heat, and the sight of your pretty lips stuffed full had him coming on the spot. His cock twitched under your cunt, releasing hot ropes of cum, his back arching against the couch. He could feel a gush of your own release flood him as you whimpered, digging your nails into his shoulders.
"Oh fuck," he cursed, voice breathy and strained. "Yeaaah. Fuck."
He didn't realize his eyes fell shut until he opened them, greeted by a sight that made his stomach jump. You looked so pretty and fucked out, drool leaking from your still stuffed mouth.
Gently, Namjoon slipped his fingers out of it, allowing you to collapse into his embrace. He wrapped an arm around you, his eyes stuck on the spit shining on his digits, sticking to his wedding ring.
You were fucking perfect. So worth this ridiculous show he had to put on every day of his life.
Although he would be lying if he said that he wasn't beginning to fucking resent having to go back to your mother's bed at the end of every goddamn day.
"Gimmie a goodnight kiss," he murmured.
He would have liked to reward you for what has undeniably been the best orgasm of his life, but he was so tired; and there was still so much time to try new things tomorrow. The very thought made his cock stir.
It looked like you were exhausted as well, barely lifting your head to give him a small peck on the cheek.
Namjoon chuckled.
You were fucking perfect. Just a little longer and he could spoil you with love and gifts and all the attention that he had to offer.
Until then, his wedding ring stayed on.
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bellysoupset · 5 months
Part 2 of Leo's birthday - Jonah's turn.
This was a request from🧋anon!
Leo was cute when he slept and Jonah was sure this was an objective opinion and not just because he was head over heels in love with the guy. 
He was sprawled on the bed, occupying most of it and snoring softly, shirtless and having already kicked away most of the blankets. Despite the terrible ending of their night, Jon was still counting that as a good birthday. Sure, Leo had puked on Wendy’s shoes and then again on the kitchen sink as soon as they got home, but afterwards he had climbed into bed with Jonah, complaining about a bellyache, and had melted like a golden retriever pup on his lap, dozing off within minutes of getting the belly rub.
That should still count as a good birthday, right?
“Baby,” Jonah crawled on the bed, freshly showered and ready to head in for work, “Leo. Wake up, you’re going to be late for work,” he shook his fiance’s shoulder, “Leo.”
He’d probably end up being late himself at this rate. Leo groaned and swatted his hand away, making Jonah scoff.
“I’m heading to work,” he whispered, brushing Leo’s hair away from his face, “and I’m gonna set your phone’s alarm. Thirty more minutes, then you have to get up.”
“Uhhrgh,” was Leo’s response and Jonah rolled his eyes, doing as he had promised and leaving the bedroom. He had spent too much time in the shower and there wouldn’t be any time to make himself food, but the cupcakes Leo had brought over from work were still in the fridge.
Figuring his boyfriend certainly wouldn’t want them after puking due to too much food last night, Jonah quickly polished off the two cupcakes on his way down to the garage.
As his day progressed, Jonah’s good humor started to tank. Everything felt like too much, his clothes clinging to him, the hospital noise that normally he could drown out without thinking, sounding much louder than usual. 
Around 10 AM, he got a kid wailing down the ER and a distraught mom absolutely chewing the hell out of the paramedic who had just brought him in. Jonah cringed as he realized he’d have to be the one handling this. There were many reasons why he wanted to be a surgeon and one of them was no angry moms hovering about while he tried to do his job. 
He’d take a heart attack any day over a broken leg. 
Mom’s name was Louise and she was not impressed by Jonah’s bedside manner. Her son was named Charlie and he was struggling to keep up, the poor kid’s chin wobbling as he tried valiantly not to cry. 
“Charlie, we’re going to-”
The dam broke and more tears came up. Jonah sighed, resisting the urge to fan himself. It was so warm. He planted a sympathetic hand on the kid’s shoulder, wiping away the tears. It was painful to watch, knowing the boy was only hurting himself more by sobbing like that. 
“You’re okay,” Jonah cooed softly, as the nurse started up an IV, communicating silently with him. There was no way they could wait for oral painkillers to take effect before wheeling the kid to x-ray and that was considering he didn’t make himself sick with all the crying, “it’s just a little poke.”
“Hu-hurttssss,” the little boy continued to cry and Jonah rubbed his back, checking his watch. Five minutes for the morphine to kick in. Louise was patting her foot nervously on the ground, whole body shaking with anxiety. 
“Ma’am, he’s in good hands,” Jonah explained, just to say something. His stomach was starting to slosh uncomfortably, “we’re waiting for the painkillers to kick in and then we’ll go to x-ray, you’re welcome to accompany-”
“Of course I’m going with him, are you crazy?” She scoffed at him, stepping closer and cooing over her son. Jonah resisted the urge to move away, as the kid wiped at his nose grossly on the back of his sleeve and slightly cuddled up to his side. He was getting heavy. 
“There we go,” Jon lowered him against the pillow, “hurting less?”
The boy nodded, his face still all pink and wet with tears, “still hurts.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” he grimaced, signing the kid’s record and jolting down his next instructions, “we can’t give you too much medicine, in case we need to do another procedure. As soon as the X-rays are done we’ll give you better meds,” Jonah smoothed the boy’s hair back gently, “we’re going to move your bed now, okay Charlie? Are you feeling alright?”
The kid sucked in a sob, but nodded and Jonah smiled at him, “nurse Marjorie is going to stay with you the whole time,” he gestured to the much older nurse, who was one of his favorite people in the hospital. She had more than 30 years of experience, was trained for surgeries and tough as nails. “Then as soon as you’re released from X-Ray I’m going to see you again, okay?”
“O-Okay…” The kid’s voice broke and Jonah squeezed his hand in a sympathetic manner, before allowing the technicians to wheel him away, his mother not sparing the doctor a second glance. 
As soon as they were out of sight, Jonah allowed his smile to fade. 
While the interaction had been brief — and Louise hadn’t actually shaped up to be a momzilla, just a regular worried mother — it had been long enough for his stomach to go from “a little off” to “full blown nausea”. 
He felt a weird pressure travel up and Jonah quickly excused himself, power walking to the bathrooms, stripping his white coat as he rushed there so he wouldn’t be so recognizable as a doctor. 
The bathroom, given it was near the ER, wasn’t empty. There were five stalls on each side, the middle of the room had a large slab of stone with a mirror and five sinks on each side of the mirror. No urinals, for which Jonah was very glad.
He rushed inside of a stall and brought his coat to his mouth, muffling a loud, thick burp. Even with the fabric in the way, it was still pretty loud and he was sure others had heard it. Whatever, this was a hospital, he tried to reassure himself, as yet another sickening burp rolled up.
Jonah let out a little moan and lowered the coat, head hanging in shame and nausea. He folded the coat over one arm, slightly palming his stomach under his button up shirt. It was warm to the touch and bloated and the small pressure of his hand on it caused another belch to rush up, this one too expected for him to muffle it. 
It hurt his throat, the acidic sludge of his tummy rushing up with the burp, but he swallowed it down last second. Jonah pressed his forehead to the hard white plastic of the stall’s wall and breathed out slowly, he had to get his body in check. At least finish his ER hours. 
Defeated and knowing he wouldn’t puke right at this moment, Jonah walked out of the stall to wash his face.
The next two hours went like a blur. He tried his best to focus on his patients, but was forcefully reminded by his stomach that it was still very upset every other minute. He had grabbed a plastic cup of water and was sipping on it in between patients, pushing down the thick sweet saliva that kept flooding his mouth. 
Finally Claire came to relieve him, so he could go for lunch, and Jonah could’ve cried. Instead of heading down to the cafeteria or to the many restaurants that were around the hospital’s complex, he went to the doctor’s staff to lie down.
There was coming and going in the place, it was a change of shifts after all, and Jonah reached for his phone inside his locker. He grabbed it, then went to the back room where there were two bunker beds in case they needed to sleep.
One of the top ones was already occupied and Jonah put his phone on silent mode, then crawled on a bottom bed, curling up on his side and muffling another sick burp against the thin pillow. 
He wrapped an arm around his stomach, bringing up his knees and squeezing his eyes as the pressure made his belly feel like it was full with boiling liquid. 
There were texts from Leo and Jonah squinted at the screen, lowering the brightness and struggling to understand what his boyfriend was saying. 
Leo: Gonna call in sick at work, still feeling pretty shitty. Don’t think I overdid it yesterday, just ate something off. 
Leo: Good news! You’ll be happy to know the restaurant we went to didn't make me sick. I got food poisoning at the office :) When I get my hands on Sandy she’s done for.
Leo: Apparently they canceled everyone’s schedule, because everyone called in sick. Isn't that lovely? You bet your ass we’re gonna have a lecture on food handling and what not, can’t wait.
Leo: When are you coming home, my tummy hurts and I want cuddles 🥺🥺 JD is sick of me 
Leo: Jon, did you eat the cupcakes in the fridge? Baby, pls text me back.
The string of texts started at 8 AM and ended just around 10 AM, with one missed call accompanying it. Jonah gagged as he realized he had eaten the poisoned stuff as well and he dropped his phone on the mattress, half sitting up on the bed and trying to figure if he was about to spew or not.
He was sweating. Jon undid his tie and opened the top buttons of his shirt, sitting fully up and cradling his stomach. The whole organ was snarling like crazy and he gulped down when the flipping of its contents made him gag, almost bringing up liquid. 
“Fuck,” Jonah whispered, grabbing his phone, coat and tie and slipping out of the bedroom. He needed a bathroom, not a bedroom- His intestines cramped and Jon froze, shuddering at the sensation. He really needed a bathroom.
At least the doctor’s one was much more private. It still had stalls, but only two and the place was empty. Jonah dropped all his items to the ground, suddenly too restless and panicked to mind how gross that was. He wasn’t sure if he was going to shit his pants or puke. 
His stomach let out an upset whine and then a rush of bubbles went south, making up his mind for him. His hands were shaking as they fumbled with his belt and fly and he could feel his tummy rumbling ominously against his touch. 
He sat on the toilet, then wrapped his arms around his middle, gulping down nervously. The lights over his head felt like too much and he was sweating like hell. 
The runs left him so dizzy he was forced to plant a hand on the stall’s wall in order not to fall off the toilet. Jonah didn’t even bother muffling the sick burping fit that followed, his head swimming. 
Once he finally managed to get out of the bathroom, Jonah stared at his reflection angrily. He looked like hell. Sweat had glued down his tight curls to his temples and was beading over his forehead and mustache area, he looked gray, his lips pale… 
He washed his face and hands vigorously, then took a gulp of tap water and breathed through the sensation of it settling in his stomach like a brick. Jonah checked his watch, then groaned out loud, there was no way he’d be able to last the remaining five hours he still had to go. 
Wendy picked up on the third ring, sounding sleepy. She had the night shift today and Jonah felt bad about waking her up, but not so bad he considered not calling. He wanted to go home, his whole body was shaking. 
“Yeah?” she yawned, “Jon?”
“Dee, can you cover for me? I don’t feel well,” he said, straight to the point. Another yawn. 
“Please tell me Leo didn’t have a stomach bug. I can't get the flu again, I’m gonna cry,” Wendy groaned and he heard her moving around.
“No, food poisoning and I-” he turned his head, muffling a sick burp and gagging over the sink when it brought up some thick, extra sweet spit. Jonah took a steady breath, “I think I got it as well.”
“Fantastic,” Wendy deadpanned, “I can go in one hour, can you handle that long?”
He knew she only lived 10 minutes away from the hospital and that the 50 other minutes were probably to tell Vince goodbye, since he’d be driving back to Doverport. Jonah felt mildly annoyed at the fact she’d be making out with her boyfriend while he was dying, but he also knew she was already doing a gigantic favor by coming in five hours before she needed to. 
“Yeah, I can handle one hour,” he sighed, clutching his stomach. 
“Alright, I’ll be there,” she hung up without further ado and Jonah let out a sigh.
The thing was, he could clock out and then stay in the bathroom until Wendy arrived, but then it would mean his chart would show he had left five hours earlier and Jonah needed all the hours he could get. Whenever Wendy covered for him or he covered for her, they never clocked out. 
So instead of being smart and staying in the bathroom, he forced himself to go sit in his office. 
Normally he liked clinic office hours, but not today. Today he didn’t like anything. 
Jonah was sitting there, with his head in his hands and considering the stupidity of his actions given how badly his stomach was churning and how he kept burping — thank god his door was shut —, when there was a knock.
He glanced at his watch. 30 more minutes, couldn’t be Wendy. 
“Come-” just speaking increased his nausea tenfold and Jonah interrupted himself as he gagged, sliding the trashcan that was under his desk closer and–
The door opened, the person on the other side clearly not realizing he hadn’t finished his words. The little boy from before, now in crutches and with his leg on a cast, still looking like he was in pain and ready to cry, his mother right behind him…
“Fuck,” Jonah groaned, when his stomach gave up on him and he had no choice but to dive for the trashcan as a thick wave of vomit came up. He brought it up to his mouth, to shield his face from view, but still he heard over the rushing in his ears as the woman let out a shriek.
Humiliation only heightened his stomach ache and he coughed, bringing up another wave of overly sweet vomit. It tasted just like the chocolate cupcakes, except rotten. Jonah burped mid retch, feeling more than a little woozy and he fell from his chair, grabbing on the desk to keep from going down entirely.
A lot more noise now and then a hand was in the middle of his back, a female voice ushering his distraught patients out. He prayed the next wave of puke would drown him.
No such luck, his tummy squeezed again and Jonah let out a whimper as he was forced to burp and it brought up some more chunks of his poisoned breakfast. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime but was probably just a couple minutes, he stopped feeling like he was about to hurl and was left panting over the trashcan. 
He was shaking like hell and his stomach was cramping, intestines as well. Everything felt sort of fuzzy around the edges.
“Jon?” Wendy’s voice was like a balm to his nerves and he nearly cried. Instead he let out a groan and pulled back from the trashcan, falling vaguely against her. He heard her let out a little huff as he weight rested on her, but her hand was cold and gentle as it came to cup his forehead.
“Killme, Wen,” he groaned, his words sticking together and she let out a sigh, rubbing his arm.
“Are you done?”
“For now,” Jonah nodded. He knew he was far from done, not only because of the food, but because he felt a new type of nausea mix into his belly. Anxiety, panic, “my patients-”
“It’s okay,” Wendy squeezed his arm, “don’t think about that. Claire took them out.”
“Fuck,” he turned his head and blinked, finally getting a hold of his bearings. They were sitting on the ground, practically under his desk. Wendy had her white coat on and she looked incredibly concerned, “you’re not gonna call me an idiot for not sitting in the doctor’s lounge until you arrived?”
Wendy shook her head, “you’re feeling too bad for me to tease you,” she stroked his cheek lightly and Jonah felt a knot in his throat. He nodded in agreement and leaned forward, planting his forehead to her shoulder, a weird position given Wendy was much shorter than he was.
“I wanna die,” he groaned and she rubbed his back.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” she ushered him up, “I’ll get their details and you can send the mom an apology card and some fancy wine. It’s not the end of the world, I promise you.”
“Stewarts-” Jonah started to say, meaning his supervisor, who’d absolutely chew him out for this and Wendy glared at him, pushing him along the hallway.
“You couldn’t have known, it came out of nowhere,” she lied through her teeth, “right? You were feeling fine before.”
Jonah cringed, but nodded, buying in the lie, “yeah, I certainly didn’t feel gross for hours beforehand.”
“Exactly,” Wendy pushed him down the hallway, “I’m gonna drive you home, okay? And you’re gonna be a decent patient and drink loads of water and get your boy to do the same, because I don’t want to see any of you in my hospital later.”“Don’t call Leo my boy, that’s weird,” Jonah groaned, but he was feeling overwhelmingly fond of his best friend. He loved this woman so much.
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
Genshin spoilers under the cut, for 4.0 Fontaine Archon quests.
Containes unexpected kissing and the barest slightest tiniest slight yandere Lyney, might not be canon compliant bc I got stuck halfway through trying to do quest stuff and came to write this instead.
I thought I was in a bit of a dry spell but it turns out I just needed some catboy coded manipulation to get back in the swing of things. I think all three of them would be subtly manipulative like this and I love it. Hopefully I can write more of them soon :D
This came out a lot cuter than I pictured. I don't really think Lyney would be an overtly violent or threatening lover.
The first time Lyney kisses you is right after Crowell dies. Your eyes widen, still focused on Lynette's, while her brother presses his mouth against yours in a kiss decidedly not appropriate for someone the prime suspect in a murder trial. The basket of food you brough knocks awkwardly against your knees, tilting you forward at an uncomfortable angle.
The supervising garde coughs. Lyney releases you. You steady yourself against him.
"I brought you food. Freminet was worried you would get hungry," you say, uncovering the dishes. Lyney's little brother had practically thrown bowls at you while you struggled to fasten your cloak. "Some might be a little wet. It's pouring out there."
"Thank you," Lynette says, taking the basket. "I'm going to the dressing rooma to share."
"Sorry it's mostly leftovers," you say, watching her bow bob as she leaves.
Her exit leaves you and Lyney in the half-light of backstage, the spotlights casting eerie shadows on the props. The garde moves a few steps away.
Lyney seems to realize how stiffly you're holding yourself. "Sorry," he says, releasing your elbow. "Overwhelmed, I guess. Crowell..."
You knew Crowell—were the one to reccommend him for the job, in fact. You glance at the curtain covering everything.
"Freminet's worried about you. Says there's too many visitors for him to handle."
Lyney sighs. "Poor Freminet. He didn't have anything to do with this. I feel terrible about it all, I'm not there to support him..." He catches sight of you again and gasps. "Oh, archons, what am I doing? You're soaked through and through. I was so busy worrying about this I completely forgot my manners. I'll find you a change of clothes somewhere."
Someone in the dressing room offers you a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Lyney continues hovering at your side, fussing. "I don't deserve you," he says, once his troupe has largely wandered off to rest. It's closer to dawn than sunset and you've mostly dried off. He sits at the edge of the pile of cushions you're propped up on, fiddling with his shoelace.
"I haven't done anything," you mutter, eyelids itching to close.
"That's not true," he says. "You keep the house in order, take care of Freminet, patch up all our costumes, organize the troupe, bring us food..." He trails off looking at you. "The kiss."
You look away. "Overwhelmed?"
He makes a frustrated noise. "Yes, but- Ah," he sighs, collapsing backwards closer to you. "I really did mean it. I just... probably should have waited for a better time. I hoped, after today's show, that, you know..." He dissolves into groans again. "Freminet adores you and so does Lynette. After this is all over, do you think maybe we could perhaps, ah, continue that?"
You see his face pressed to the cushions, rough fabric against his smooth cheek. He looks at you softly, like a dream, poised like a cat about to pounce.
Him. Lynette. Freminet. They all want to catch you somehow.
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inmyicyworld · 1 year
CEO Husband Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is always working overtime, but when his best girls really need him, he leaves everything behind just to make you happy.
Words count: 1.6k
Warnings: fluff, dad and husband Bucky, like one curse word.
Author’s note: just a cute little drabble. obviously, Sebastian’s pictures from Paris inspired me, so enjoy <3
masterlist my ao3 ko-fi
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Bucky Barnes was a busy man. Running a multi-million-dollar company wasn’t the easiest thing, but something that he cared more about than this job was his family. His beautiful wife and daughter.
You always loved and appreciated the attention, support, and endless love that your husband gave, even when you just started dating eight years ago. As soon as you met, it took some time for both of you to finally admit your feelings, but when you got together, it was perfect. You’ve never felt that way in your life before. When you were younger, everyone told you that you wouldn’t be able to find a person because of your high standards, but when you started dating James Buchanan Barnes, you knew that it was forever.
A beautiful, respectful, and caring man who would do anything for you.
For the past two months, he has been more distant. His company was getting bigger; he had too many meetings, and too many new things required his whole attention. You understood it; of course you did. But you would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss him. Your daughter felt it too. She was totally daddy’s girl, so being away from him for too long upset her, even though she was trying to be tough and careless, just like her dad when he was working.
You talked to her about her dad’s work, and she was a smart girl for a 3-year-old. She understood that he has a lot to do right now and that he still loves her more than anything in this world.
Today he returned home only after 2 am., you heard that he went to take a shower in a different room, probably not to wake you up. But you were too eager to spend as much time with him as possible, even if it was when he was falling asleep.
Bucky came into the room quietly. As soon as he got under the blanket, his warm and strong arms wrapped around you. He pulled you closer to him, burying his nose into your neck.
"I’m sorry, doll. Again." He took a deep breath, enjoying your scent, which he missed so much. "I love you."
"That’s okay, baby." You moved even closer to him, burying your fingers into his wet hair, and left a kiss on his temple. "I love you too. Now take some rest."
You hadn't even started to fall asleep when you heard a weird noise outside your bedroom, and then the door slightly opened.
"Daddy? Mommy?" A little voice came through the silence of the room. "Are you asleep?" Your daughter suddenly sobbed, and you and Bucky immediately sat on the bed, reaching for the nightstand lamps.
"Hey, angel, what happened? Come here." Bucky’s voice was very soft and gentle, as always when he talked to your daughter. She came closer to the bed, and Bucky picked her up, putting her on his lap. She was tightly holding her favorite white wolf, which you gifted Bucky as a joke because of his nickname at work. Your daughter's eyes were a little bit red, her hair messy, and her cheeks wet with tears. You moved closer to them, gently rubbing her face.
"What’s going on? You saw a bad dream?" You quietly asked, but she just shook her head.
"I— I—" She was obviously too upset to put her words together, so Bucky started to rub her back, whispering a quiet "sh-h".
"I— miss you, daddy." As soon as these words left her mouth, you and Bucky froze, and she started crying even harder. "I don’t s-see you, and me and mom—mommy are always alone."
Bucky looked you in the eyes, and you saw that his own were full of tears. The last thing he wanted to do was upset either of you. He felt that his heart was ripping apart. You made your daughter cry, you idiot. Your wife deserves better.
You just put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, already knowing where his mind went. He always wanted to give his family everything, and the fact that he put work above his two favorite people in the world made him sick.
"Angel, hey, baby, look at me." Bucky turned back to your daughter, grabbing her little face with his hands and gently wiping away her tears. "I promise that the day after tomorrow we will go somewhere. Only mommy, you, and me, okay?"
"But—but you’re working."
"I know, angel. But I didn't want to make you feel lonely or to stay away for too long from your mom." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth to leave a kiss. "We will go wherever you want to. Maybe stay there for the week. You would like that?" He smiled at your daughter, and she happily giggled, wrapping herself around Bucky’s neck. "I love you. Both of you. You two are my whole life, and I'll do anything to make you happy."
You softly smiled at him, leaning in to leave a quick kiss on his lips.
Your daughter put away her white wolf and opened her other arm, wanting you to join her and Bucky in a hug.
That night she stayed in your bed because she almost passed out in Bucky’s arms but still held onto you both too tightly. The three of you happily curled under the blanket, with your daughter in between. Bucky knew that it was time for him to finally make the right decision. To choose his family.
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As Bucky promised, one day later your little family was on a vacation where no one could disturb you. He left Steve, Sam, and Natasha, his closest and oldest friends, in charge of everything, canceled all the meetings, and took you and your daughter on the private jet that brought you here. One of the most beautiful places you’ve ever been
It was quiet. No strangers, no annoying noise, no worries. Just the three of you on the beach with a perfect little house and warm, crystal-clear water
You were wearing a light flowy dress, and Bucky, finally free from those annoying suits, chose trousers with a white tank top and shirt on top of it. 
You two were sitting under the sunset on a blanket with food and a bottle of wine, while your daughter was playing near the water with sand. It was such an amazing evening; just everything was perfect, and as you were watching your smiling husband, you felt that you had fallen in love once again.
"You keep staring at me, doll, You ‘kay?" He finally turned his face to you, and you couldn't hold your wide smile, which he immediately returned.
"I’m okay. It’s just… everything is perfect here—the beach, the house, you two here." You covered your eyes with your hand because of the setting sun. "You know, you’ve been here for a couple of hours, but you look much better. Your skin is glowing, you’re happy, and, god, that hair bun looks really hot." Bucky’s smile grew wilder because of your words.
He grabbed you in bridal style and set you across his lap, wrapping his hands around your waist. You slightly screamed, not being ready for such movements, but then happily melted into your husband's touch.
"So you think that I look hot?" A cheesy grin crossed his face, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Do you think I would’ve married you if I thought otherwise, James?" You arched an eyebrow at him. Your hands found the perfect place under Bucky’s blue shirt by themselves. God, it's been too long since you spent good time together alone.
"What do you think about the idea that when we get home, we send our daughter to visit her amazing grandparents, so we could be completely alone for a couple of days?" He said it as if he was reading your mind, so you just silently nodded. "Doll, you’re too beautiful for this damn world; I can’t even understand how I was able to be far away from you for that long. I missed you so much, baby." Bucky’s hands slipped lower on your hips, while his lips were leaving sweet kisses on the side of your neck.
"Not here, Buck; we’re not alone, remember?" You nodded back at your daughter, who was honestly more interested in building sandcastles.
"Of course. Just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for my absence. I got so involved in work that I didn’t even notice that you too were hurt. I’ve never wanted to do that. I’m sorry. And I love you. So fucking much." Bucky connected your foreheads and put his right hand on your cheek.
"Don’t be sorry. I know that you want better for us and that you want to do everything right. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. You know, you are such a great dad because your daughter’s tears made you leave everything and spend time with us. And I’m forever thankful for this." You smiled, holding his stubbled face in your hands. "I love you, James."
You two connected with a kiss. It wasn’t too rough or desperate. It was just pure love and adoration for one another. Bucky was slowly moving his lips, feeling the need for your taste, your smell, and your touch. Your little bubble didn’t last too long, though, not after your daughter finally wanted your attention.
"Mommy! Daddy!" You pulled away from the kiss, looking back at your daughter, who was now all in the sand. "Do you want to help me build a castle?"
You looked at Bucky, who had the same smile on his face.
"Of course, angel. What do you need from us?"
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Pleaaaseseeee 19 and 20 combined with wesker PLEASSEEEEE i wanna be soft with him sosososo much!!!
Sure thing anon! I hope you'll like it!
19- Praise kink || 20- Morning sex - kinky prompts
Ko-fi || Patreon (if you want to commission me or join a membership, please consider visiting these two platforms. Thank you!)
Divider made by the lovely @alegrvs 🥰
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It was early, and the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. You couldn't fall back asleep no matter how hard you tried, not to mention that you were in the mood really bad. You turned on the other side to face Wesker, who was sleeping on his back with his head facing your way and one arm next to his body and the other over his torso. He looked so calm and peaceful that you didn’t want to wake him up. But one glance at that pretty face did not help with your urges at all.
"Albert…" you whispered. Because of his super hearing, you didn’t need to call him twice.
Yes," he murmured, his morning, deep voice making you want him more.
"Are you awake?"
"I am now," he said in a calm tone. He could hear your racing heartbeat, so he knew what was going on with you.
"I-I'm..." you said with a feeble voice.
A smirk appeared on his face.
"I know." he said.
You gently uncovered the blanket, revealing his toned body. You gently tapped your fingers along his pale skin, going from his chest and making your way down to his navel. Wesker whimpered, and his hand began to rub your back.
His soft cock was laying on his thigh, and with a gentle grip, you took it in your hand and began to stroke it.
Hmmm," he hummed as his hand began to massage the back of your neck. "Good girl…"
His sleepy voice was sooo delightful to hear, especially when you had his cock in your hand. His shaft began to harden the more you stroked it, and soon you had your lips wrapped around it.
His cock disappeared inch by inch in your mouth. Its smell and taste were intoxicating, making it impossible to think straight. You bob your head a couple of times before pulling out, so take a breath.
"Sweetheart, you are doing so well." He praised as he pulled up some of your hair. "But I want to watch you."
With a smirk, you turned your head around and made sure to put on a good show for Wesker. You moaned and closed your eyes as your tongue began to twirl around his cock. Your mouth was wide open and your tongue out, licking his cock from the tip to the base and then back up again. When you reached the top, you took him inside again, going only halfway because he was fully erect and hard to take all in. You looked at him this whole time, and the man was enjoying every second of it as his cock began to twitch. 
"Hmmm, you are so beautiful, dear…come on, take it all." He said as he firmly applied pressure over your head to encourage you to go deeper.
How could you refuse him when he makes such sweet, sinful noises that drive you crazy?
Wesker gasped, and a small moan escaped from his mouth when you took him all. You were so proud of yourself when your nose reached his trim pubes, as you managed to take him all without choking.
"My God…" he said between heavy breaths. He parted his legs further and tightened his grip on your scalp, then he urged you to move up and down.
"Fuck…" he whispered as you began to move.
You closed your eyes and felt some tears run down your cheeks. It became a little hard for your throat to take all of that girth.
Seeing you have troubles and needing to feel your tight pussy around him, he gently pulled up your head.
"Come on, my love." he whispered as he helped you position yourself above his shaft.
One hand grabbed your hip, and the other positioned his cock at your entrance. His wet tip rubbed against your lips a few times before finding your hole, and then Wesker, grabbing your hips, made one deep, hard thrust, burying himself completely.
Oh, my God." You collapsed on top of him, with your hand grabbing his shoulder for support. The thrust wasn't painful, but it took you by surprise.
Sorry, dear, I got carried away." He said with his cock still deep inside you. One of his arms was wrapped around your lower back, while the other remained on your hip. His head was glued to yours as his lips began to hiss your cheek, slowly making their way to your neck.
"Tell me when it’s ok to continue."
"It’s fine." You said, hugging him.
Wesker continued, first at a slow pace but still going inside with the full length, and increased the pace over time.
"So good…so tight…" he said between heavy breaths.
The sounds he would make had quite an effect on you. They made you weak. Hearing those sweet whimpers, hearing him call your name, and hearing him praise you for taking him so well made you so soft in his arm.
"You are so tight, my love..." he whispered as he kept thrusting inside you.
Eventually, orgasm hit you both at the same time. Your contractions made Wesker lose his control and release his load inside you. He pumped weakly inside your throbbing cunt after the first shots, then, after a deep exhale, he wrapped his arms around your back, holding you close.
You raised your head a little after catching your breath so you could see Wesker. He still looked peaceful, but this time his cheeks were red and his forehead was sweaty.
You pressed your lips over his, and he hugged you tight. His soft cock was still inside you, but you didn’t want to remove it as it gave you a pleasant sensation.
You both kept pressing your lips over each other, enjoying this simple, lazy morning kissing.
You would continue like this the whole day, but sadly, your moment was interrupted by the alarm.
"God damn it." He scoffed, looking annoyed at the alarm. Still, you didn't cease and continued to place small kisses over his cheeks.
"You have no idea how much I would want to stay in bed with you all day." he said, enjoying your small, affectionate gesture.
"I know my love... trust me, I want to keep kissing you all day, from head to toe."
Wesker chuckled.
"You are adorable..."
Unfortunately, duty called for both of you. With a deep sigh, you both got out of bed, even if it was so hard to detach from one another.
Taglist: @shadow-wolf510 @skylar-todd
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Back to regular Price content, because I just really am down bad for him... so let's continue our deranged Simping!
On today's menu? Lumberjack Price heheheh
Totally not because I am such a simp for him and him, living in the woods? Say less.
The first time you two would meet would be because you got lost in the woods and saw his house. You ha djust wanted to go for a nice stroll, but in the woods your phone didn't work, it had no connection to anything you could have used to come home, you couldn't call anyone and the trees paired with the grey clouds and noises and the booming thunder just irritated you too much :(
Then, like a glimmer of hope, you saw his house! A faint light glowing through the trees and the darkness, it had started to rain so you were just thankful to find something. Rushing through the trees, and tripping once or twice over the undergrowth, catching yourself everytime, you reached his door. It was a house reminiscent of a farm, it just looked scaled down a whole lot, like a huge farm with cows had been shrunk to only harbor chickens. You debated if this was wise. Someone out here would probably want his peace, picking this place out on purpose. You were nervous and pressed the doorbell, the shrill and loud noise ringing out to you even through the closed windows.
The first thing you heard was a few locks unlocking on the other side of the door. Before it opened, a man standing in front of you, while with a little chub still muscular and toned well, hair growing on his chest and trailing all the way down, disappearing into his jeans. His hair was wet and there was a towel on the dresser behind him. "Hello?" His voice sounded, much more gentle than one would anticipate despite the way it rumbled. "I'm sorry, I got lost and because of the storm I can't reach anyone. I am deeply sorry for disturbing you, sir, but I wanted to ask if you would provide me shelter until I can find my way home again?" He eyed you for a second, rolling the idea around in his head, not even really debating it. He was a kind man, after all.
He smiled, his cheeks squishing up and your heart seemed to flutter a bit. How cute, you thought. He stepped aside. "Of course, miss. Come on in." He shit the door behind you, locking some of the locks but not all. Maybe to give you some sense of comfort, as to not give you the feeling of being trapped. He told you to wait a second and grabbed a new towel from one of the closets, handing it to you so you could have some warmth and something to dry yourself with. It wasn't much, but it was something. "I don't mind you staying here, you are probably really cold, so you are free to use my shower if you like. I can give you some clothes for the night since the storm won't stop until tomorrow morning. I'll make the couch ready for you." You really were surprised by how nice he was, how welcoming. But you didn't ask, accepting his offers graciously.
He showed you the shower, where you could dry your clothes, gave you old ones of his - way too large on your body but yet comfortable - and showed you everything you needed in case you had to get up at night. He was very nice, knew what you needed without you even uttering a word. The couch was soft and sat in, indents on the old cushions, smelling like the smoke of a bonfire, the woodsy scent of the forest, a faint buzz of cigar smoke on it as well, mixed with something else you couldn't quite place. The pillow he provided you with felt like a cloud, the blankets that had looked scratchy and poorly made were the most heavenly thing you had ever the pleasure of sleeping in. It was surprising really. But you drifted fast to sleep, adrenaline now worn off and tiring your body.
When you awoke the room was lit in a soft golden glow, it was early in the morning, way earlier than you expected to wake up, but you felt refreshed and as if you had never needed more sleep in your life. You could hear a dog barking loudly, chicken chirping. And other birds singing. It was like the storm never happened. You cuddled deeper into the cushions however, not wanting to get up just yet. And that was when the door to the house opened and the drenched man that lived here entered again. His button up shirt was soaked, the dark hairs on his chest visible through the fabric now. It clung to him for dear life, nearly drenching the big bundle he carried in his arms. Shortly following after, right at his heel was a dog, tall and wet as well, it's fur speckled with dirt, and yet it never seemed happier. He took the bundle to the fireplace, unpacking the wooden slabs from the cloth and threw them in the coals and ashes from the last fire, before he grabbed himself one of the statues standing on it, popping the head of and revealing the contraption within. Pressing a button, a pretty big flame spit out of the contraption and lit the first slab on fire, the others following shortly after.
He took his shirt off, laying it out in front of the fire, before sitting down and staring into it, while the dog instead waddled over to you, your pets earning a small, happy bark and a tail wag, before it sauntered back over to the man and floppe ddown next to him. "That's a nice dog." You commented, and surprised he turned around. He seemed puzzled for a second, probably haven forgotten about you altogether. "Her name's Riley. Good Dog. From one of my old friends." His voice was gruff and coarse. "And what's your name?" He seemed to think for a second. "John." You introduced yourself back to him. "I know I came to you in the middle of a storm yesterday, I truly am thankful for your kindness. However, I really need to go back and I don't want to overstay my welcome." He cut you off before you finished "It's alright, lass. Go and get your things, they're dried by now."
After getting dressed in your own clothes again, you collected your bag and soon stood in front of his door, him on the other side as you scrambled for words. "I really don't want to seem rude. Is there anything I can give you as a thank you?" He shook his head. "No need to, I have everything I need here." "But there must be something, I can't just stay in your house, use electricity, water and space and expect you to cover it all." "It's fine, really. I just did what any respectable man would, don't worry about it."
He told you how to find him however, considering his hut was deep in the woods and you had stumbled on it in the middle of a storm, your insistence on getting him something in return too much for him to turn down, even if you both were stubborn. He and Riley decided to help you out of the woods however - mainly Riley, considering she wouldn't stop following you and barking at John until he begrudgingly came with. As a final goodbye he tipped his hat, the edge of the woods visible. Riley earned a few scratches from you as you thanked the two again and left. But not for long, you would see them again very soon
Sorry btw that this isn't so long and took such a long time, I just had a hot ton to do at home, work, school... then I lost motivation and oh well.
Maybe a second part incoming? Idk tbh
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ioannemos · 1 year
Those who know what it’s like in the dark will do anything to stay in the light. Victoria Aveyard
day three: it's all in your head / fear | self-doubt | guilt
rating: pg-13 for swearing
words: 900
The fog weighs on him heavily, trying to press him down to the ground. Every step takes enormous effort. His breathing echoes and reechoes down the empty streets. The ghost lights buzz loudly and flicker, making his heart jump in his chest as he checks in all directions for visitors. His rapier trembles.
“George?” Where have they gone? “Lucy?” Where could they be? They were right here, right behind him, and then without a sound they vanished.
He turns a corner and is suddenly home. The lights are all on and the front door is cracked open, spilling gold down the steps. He hurries inside, feet still weighted and heart still pounding but hope bubbling up.
The hope cracks like an eggshell once he steps inside. What he thought were bright house lights are fading work lights draped with cobwebs. “No, no…” There’s dust an inch deep on every flat surface.
In the kitchen, chaos. A fight, perhaps, the table and chairs thrown about, broken dishes, the fridge door half-open and mummified food just barely visible inside. Rapier slashes in the ceiling, cracked plaster, cracked tiles, an iron chain snaking through the wreckage.
He runs to George’s room, rapier almost dragging. It’s gutted, soulless, bare walls and empty shelves and a stripped bed.
He drops his rapier on the next landing as he drags himself to the attic. It, too, has been stripped. No photos around the mirror, only his reflection staring back at him.
As he crashes back downstairs with panic crawling up his spine, the work lights fail with an audible clunk. Darkness drops like a curtain except for one (sickening, familiar) light still on in the kitchen. He nearly throws himself through the doorway.
Two death glows curl on the floor toward each other like closed parentheses.
“Wake up, you git!” It seems counter-intuitive to shake someone who’s already thrashing, but it’s hard for George to think while Lockwood is making that noise. “Come on!” He tries a slap which makes the awful cries cut off into gulping sobs and the flailing arms slow, then stop. One hand reaches up to his slapped cheek and then the eyes crack open. “That’s right,” George says, sinking onto the edge of the bed. “And I’ll do it again.”
“George?” Lockwood croaks. He grabs a handful of George’s sweater. “Y’all right?”
“Am I all right?” He stops himself from being sarcastic because Lockwood’s still shaking and not just from coughing. “Yeah, I’m fine. You’ve just got a fever.”
Lockwood’s eyes wander the room. “Where’s Luce?”
“She’s just gone down the shops. She’ll be back soon.” Lockwood tries to push the blanket off his legs but it’s too tangled. His pajama top is soaked with sweat and George awkwardly touches the back of his hand to the flushed forehead. “Oh shit.”
“Y’were dead,” Lockwood says, words coming out slurred. “Death glows’n the kitchen.” He shudders and sobs, curling up and tightening his grip on George’s sleeve.
George wishes he’d gone to pick up groceries. He wants to hide away in his room until Lockwood’s better and hates himself for it. Caring for the sick isn’t one of his talents. Yesterday Lockwood’s temperature was low enough that he’d taken it himself, this morning he was more out of it, and now? “I’m going to get a wet towel or… something, I guess?” Lockwood sniffles without responding. “Mate, let go.”
He coughs wetly. “I d’want you t’be dead.”
George’s throat feels tight. “I don’t want you to be dead either, idiot, so let go so I can get something to cool you off.”
Lucy sticks her head through the door anxiously and whispers, “Lockwood?” The lump in the bed shifts and coughs. She winces and comes inside with the tray. “Sorry, I fell asleep in the library-” Lockwood waves away her explanation weakly with a mumble. She sets down the tray. “Tea, soup, paracetamol-” He starts to say something more and it dissolves into a horrible coughing jag. He raises himself onto his elbows and then rolls on his side with his back to her. “Thanks,” she says awkwardly when he’s finally catching his breath, “but I think we’re all going to get it. George was sniffly this morning.”
Lockwood closes his eyes and flops backwards onto his pillows again. “Shit,” he rasps.
“Yeah. Soup or tea first?”
He swallows with a grimace. “Tea.” He struggles to sit up. His pajamas are stiff with dried sweat and his hair straggles over his flushed face. When she hands over the mug, he takes it in both hands and she still worries that he’ll spill it. “Thanks.”
She bites her lip. “I’m sorry, Lockwood.”
He looks at her in confusion, dark eyes somewhat glazed. “Huh?”
“It was my idea to try again at the Henson’s in the daytime and it meant we spent all that time in the rain. You were already getting sick-”
His brows knit. “Was I?”
“Well, you were coughing.”
“Oh.” He coughs. “I forgive you.”
She laughs nervously, the sound trailing off when he looks confused again. He had sounded so serious she thought he was joking. “You’ve been sick for a week!”
He waves that away too, as though running through boxes of tissues and feverish nightmares every night isn’t a big deal. “It happens, Luce. We’ll sort it.”
Her heart clenches at the confidence and lack of blame. “Okay.”
yes, it's sickfic, my weakness 🤒 love to torment my blorbos with lowered defenses of more than one kind...
there are britishisms in here that i used with reckless hope. for instance, it's acetaminophen over here in the states, tho most people just call it tylenol. do they call it tylenol in britain? idk! anyway all three of them got one of the prompts and three hundred words and i think they shared very well
i picture this period of time having the kind of veeery carefully balanced system of who takes care of who and when and how that resembles garbage tetris in a college dorm kitchen and with roughly the same results: if they make it through without catastrophic failure it's by the skin of their teeth due to a combination of luck and skill, and ultimately kind of stupid - call for reinforcements, you dummies. flo could at least get the groceries
skull boasts about being immune to physical ailments exactly once. lucy (headachy and trying to make toast for three without sneezing on it) slams the glass shut and throws a tea towel over him and doesn't speak to him for a week
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year
We resched the end of my queued fills alshfhshd
Sicktember 2023 Day 19
Prompt: Curled Up with a Pet
Fandom: Ac.e Att.orney
Characters: Kl.avier, A.pollo
Notes: pasting on mobile always removes my formatting and I don't have time to fix it rn so I'm kindly asking you to mentally insert italics where they seem appropriate
Klavier's phone buzzed.
He blinked blearily, breaking eye contact with the living room wall. Absently, he patted the pile of blankets surrounding him on his sleek leather couch and came up empty-handed.
Annoyed by his fidgeting, Vongole huffed and gave him a reproachful look.
Klavier sniffled, though all it really did was shift the thick congestion sitting in his sinuses. "Sorry, girl."
She crawled a few inches up the couch, black nails digging into his legs through the blankets. Sighing, she dropped her head on his hip and settled in again.
"Ah-ah-ah," Klavier reproached, and drew a hand down his face. His throat stung from two full days of breathing through his mouth and every thick swallow made his ears crackle. "I need to find my phone, darling." He wiggled. Vongole slapped a paw on his leg as though to pin him down. "You're too clever, you know that?"
A few explosive sneezes accomplished what Klavier's weak will could not, and Vongole trotted off to go sleep in her bed. Klavier sat up and snatched a few tissues off the box on the coffee table and blew his nose. What a miserable existence this was. A miserable, boyfriendless existence. He'd had to call out of work (or risk the humiliation of being sent home) and cancel his reservation at Pound & Pitchfork after sitting on the waitlist for a month (it seemed losing one's band had its drawbacks). On top of all that, it had been a week since he had seen Apollo. Their only contact had been through texts, as Klavier had felt too disgusting for video chats.
Oh, right. His phone.
He found it, warm, in a pile of golden dog hair.
Apollo: I picked up some soup ingredients from the grocery store just now. why don't I come over and cook for you?
Klavier: you don't have to 😭 
Apollo: How about this: unless you explicitly tell me not to, I am coming over to cook for you
Klavier: 🥺🥺🥺
Apollo: see you in 45
Klavier sneezed and dropped his phone on his chest. When he finished blowing his nose again, he looked around at the expanse of his apartment. Vongole's toys lay scattered across the floor, a few crumpled blankets drawing lines between them like constellations. Klavier hadn't brushed his hair or his teeth that day, nor had he changed out of his pajamas. Medicine and tissues lay scattered across his coffee table and beside him, a trash can overflowed with crumpled-up tissues.
He was in no shape to entertain. He should do something about it. After all, he'd been able to dredge up the energy to feed Vongole and take her out. It shouldn't be too hard to… to…
Klavier's eyes slipped shut.
"Babe?" Someone shook Klavier's shoulder, disturbing a warm weight on his stomach.
"Ungh…" Klavier pressed the heel of his palm to his nose, pressing down on the bridge in hopes of relieving some congestion.
"Do you wanna eat something?"
Klavier blinked slowly. Vongole came into focus first, her head on his chest. Then… it must have been Apollo who had woken him. God, he felt disgusting and probably looked worse.
If he did, Apollo's face betrayed none of it. He wore an expression of mild concern that melted into a hesitant smile when he noticed Klavier looking at him. 
"Huh?" Klavier said elegantly, reaching out for the tissue box.
"Food," Apollo said, slowly, but not quietly (never quietly). "Do you want some?"
Klavier blew his nose, painfully aware of the wet, unpleasant noise he made. Apollo didn't seem to mind, showing his fingers to a snarling Vongole. "How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to make soup," Apollo said with a fond smile. Distracting Vongole with one hand, he used the other to smooth Klavier's hair out of his face. He was practically begging to get nipped, as Vongole was fiercely protective over her things (Klavier included), but Apollo didn't seem to mind.
Klavier's thoughts moved infuriatingly slowly inside the congested cavities of his skull. He must have been out, really out, if he didn't notice Apollo coming in. Or cooking. Or the inevitable confrontation with Vongole once she'd noticed his presence.
"Babe?" Apollo waved his hand in front of Klavier's face. "Do you have a fever?"
"No." Klavier shook himself. "Sorry, no, I'm fine." He sniffled and beamed at Apollo. "Soup would be lovely."
In a fit of possessiveness, Vongole crawled all the way up Klavier's body and rested her chin on his collarbone, the rest of her body smothering his.
Apollo laughed when he got back from the kitchen, kneeling so Vongole could sniff his free hand. "Somebody knows you're not feeling well, huh?"
"Nurse Vongole is on the job," Klavier agreed, though her body heat through layers of blankets was starting to stifle. He tried to sit up a little and Vongole pawed at him, her wagging tail thumping against the back of the couch. "Do you think you could get her off me?"
Before Apollo could respond, Klavier sneezed and did the job himself; Vongole jumped off the couch and walked away to occupy herself with one of the many stuffed toys littering the floor.
"Ugh." Klavier sniffled and sat up with an effort, shoving blankets onto the floor to clear a space for Apollo. "Get over here, quick."
Apollo handed Klavier the bowl he'd been cradling and sat down next to him, cuddling up despite the possibility of contagion. "Aw, is she smothering you?"
"Literally, sometimes," Klavier said. Settling the bowl in the crook between his stomach and bent legs, he rested his head on Apollo's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here, Apollo."
Apollo ruffled his hair. "What, to save you from being murdered by your own dog?"
"Yes, only that." Despite himself, Klavier let his eyes slip shut, relaxing against Apollo's shoulder.
"Hey." Apollo jostled him. "You gotta eat first. Just a little, okay?"
"Mm…" For a moment,, Klavier considered ignoring him. Or sitting back and whining until Apollo agreed to feed him. 
Although, that sounded messy and inefficient, and altogether not as romantic as it seemed on the surface.
Groaning, he forced himself upright and picked up the spoon. 
"Any good?" Apollo asked, a little too casually.
Klavier fixed him with the most dazzling smile he could manage given the circumstances. "I'm afraid I can't really taste it right now."
"Oh, right."
"But I know it's perfect."
"Oh, yeah?" Apollo's brow furrowed. "And how's that?"
"Because you made it, my dear."
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In the middle of Valancy Stirling's fourteenth year, a great excitement came to Deerwood. Valancy heard the news from Cousin Olive, who had heard from her parents. Olive pulled Valancy aside after school one day and told her with great importance, "Have you heard? A Princess is coming to live here!" Sara Crewe meets Valancy Stirling.
Chapter 3: Valancy and Sara meet at last and Olive makes an unfortunate discovery.
Please excuse the lack of formatting on AO3. There was a glitch in posting that ate all my italics, and fixing italics on my phone is a nightmare. I will edit it tonight when i'm at my computer again. The formatting has been fixed! Italics and proper paragraph spacing are restored.
Click the AO3 link for the whole fic this far, or read just chapter 3 below.
"Oh I am so sorry!" exclaimed Sara. Valancy saw that she held in her hand a pen whose cap now sat on her desk. It had been this noise, of Sara dropping the cap as she opened it, that had startled Valancy. "You looked so peaceful, and I was so trying to stay quiet and not disturb you. I was only about to write to my friend Ermengarde."
Valancy flushed red. The very idea that someone like Sara would make an effort not to disturb her! "It's all right," she said. Then, because Sara still looked distressed, she groped for something else to add. She could think of nothing except, "Is it time for school to start again?"
The moment the question left her lips she berated herself for it. Of course it was not time yet. The rest of the class had yet to start coming inside, and the clock on the wall above Miss Bryant's desk showed plainly that there were still ten minutes left until the bell. She braced herself for condescension.
But Sara only shook her head. "No. I wanted to come in from the cold. It is still such a luxury to me, to come in from the weather when I want to."
Valancy dearly wanted to ask what Sara meant by this. Surely someone like her could do whatever she pleased. Certainly Olive never had to go out into the cold unless she wanted to -- on especially cold days Uncle Wellington would wrap her in blankets and drive her the few blocks to school in his buggy, so that she did not have to risk catching cold on the walk to school. Sara, who was even richer than Olive, must have had the same luxuries. But Sara looked sad, her large eyes downcast and her pale hands clasped together tightly, and so Valancy once again tried to change the subject. "Is it very cold in India?" she asked.
"No, never," Sara said. She laughed a little. "The first time I ever saw snow I was seven years old."
This seemed nearly unbelievable to Valancy, who had grown up with yearly blizzards that coated the world in glittering ice. Sara seemed to read this on her face, because she laughed again. It was a kind laugh, one that made Valancy feel as though she were being invited to share a joke, not made into one. "When I was a little girl, my papa would tell me stories about London. The place, I called it. He was preparing me to go to school, and didn't want me to be afraid. He told me about winter, but I didn't understand what it was to be cold. I fancied it would be enchanting, to dance in the snow in bare feet, like I did in the rain during the wet months."
"Did you try it?" Valancy wanted to know. She tried to picture seven-year-old Sara dancing in the snow. An image came into her mind, but it looked rather more like Port Lawrence than London had any right to.
"No." Sara shook her head. "We arrived at about this time of year, and I was so shocked by the temperature that I vowed never to set foot outside again."
This did nothing to clarify her earlier comment about coming in from the weather when she wanted to, but Sara had finally stopped looking so melancholy, and Valancy did not want to cause her further pain. Instead, she said, "Did it rain a great deal in India?"
Sara's eyes lit up. "During the wet months, yes," she said. "We would have monsoons for weeks. Great storms, with wind and rain so strong you couldn't see more than two paces in front of you sometimes. I used to sit with my papa in our parlor and watch the storms through the big windows. The wind would be so strong that some of the trees would bend over sideways. I used to pretend that there were fairies who played in the wind, and that they must have their time to play outside just as I did when it was dry." Her eyes had gone soft and distant, as though she were looking at something that no one else could see. Although Valancy did not know it, it was the look she herself wore when she retreated to her Blue Castle, and it was this look that Sara had recognized on her face.
"I remember one time," Sara said. "I was very small still, perhaps four or five. I had been playing outside with my ayah when a storm came in. She scooped me up and brought me in just as the biggest wind gust swept through the courtyard. She said it was lucky she had me in her arms, for otherwise I'd surely have been carried off like a seed pod in the wind. I told her I thought being swept up by the wind would be a grand adventure, although I was sorry she and my papa were too big to come along." She laughed, and this time Valancy joined in. She imagined tiny four-year-old Sara, with her black hair and her wide eyes, flying through the air like an oversize elm seed.
Suddenly Sara's eyes widened. "Oh I do beg your pardon," she exclaimed. "I have just been horribly rude. I haven't introduced myself!"
"I know who you are," Valancy assured her.
"But that's not the same thing at all," Sara said firmly. "My name is Sara Crewe."
"I'm Valancy Stirling," Valancy said, a little bewildered.
Sara smiled brightly. "I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Valancy," she said.
For the first time in her life, Valancy felt grateful that her relatives had spent so many hours drilling her on good manners. "I am very pleased to meet you," popped entirely unbidden out of her mouth.
"There," Sara said. "We are properly acquainted. Now we can be friends."
Valancy's mouth dropped open into a most unladylike expression, one that would have made Cousin Stickles remind her sharply that it was unseemly to have feelings had she not been safe at home. "You want to be friends with me?" Valancy burst out, too stunned to watch her words.
"If you'll have me for a friend," said Sara, unaware of how ludicrous a response this was.
"Why me?" Valancy insisted.
"Because you didn't fall over yourself to impress me," Sara said simply. "I want friends who like me, not just my or Uncle Tom's money. After all," and here her voice took on a distant, pensive tone, "you never know when everything could change."
This made even less sense. Before Valancy could even begin to formulate a reply, Miss Bryant entered the schoolroom to collect the bell. Sara smiled brightly at Valancy, who did not manage to smile back, and took her seat at the front of the room.
By the time she went to bed that night, Valancy had convinced herself that the whole thing had been a mistake on Sara's part. What must have happened, she decided, was that Sara did not realize who she was. Olive would, of course, have only referred to her as Doss when talking about her, and Sara was new enough in town that she must not have realized that there was only one Stirling family.
For a moment, Valancy considered not telling her of her error. In those brief minutes of conversation she had gotten a glimpse of what it must be like to be Sara's friend, and she could not deny to herself how badly she wanted it. Sara was kind and clever and never once made Valancy feel unwanted. But then she shook her head. No. She would not lie to Sara, not even by omission. Besides, if she didn't tell Sara the truth, one of the other girls undoubtedly would, and that would be far worse. Valancy imagined Olive's look of sly triumph as she told Sara that Valancy and poor Cousin Doss were one and the same. The other girls would laugh, and Jane Bryant would give Valancy a look of pity that she ever thought she could have been liked, and Valancy would have to slip away, humiliated and alone. No. Far better to tell Sara herself, where at least there would be no one around to witness it.
So resolved, Valancy lay down in bed. She entered the Blue Castle the moment her eyes closed, of course, but found that it had begun to storm, forcing the duel to be pushed to a different day. Instead, Valancy took to her correspondence. She looked at her writing desk for a moment then, with a confidence she never felt in her daily life, sat down and pulled out a fresh sheet of paper.
Dear Princess Sara, she wrote. It would be my greatest honor to host you for a time here at the Blue Castle.
In all her life, Olive Stirling had never had a day like that Wednesday. It started perfectly normally, with nothing to hint at the upheaval to come. She rose at her usual time and carefully did her curls. Sara Crewe had set a new fashion at school and, although Olive was not fully convinced that the style suited her face, she was determined to experiment until she found a version of Sara's curled and pinned hairdo that flattered her. The effect she achieved that morning was very nearly satisfactory, and she spent so long tweaking her pins trying to get it perfect that she almost missed breakfast. Her mother had to call her three times before Olive reluctantly abandoned her glass.
The temperature had continued to drop overnight, and Olive walked to school amid a crisp morning frost. But her boots were warm and she had a new wool coat with fur on the inside and around her neck. She wore extra petticoats under her good school dress, which made the skirt puff out almost as though she had the shape of a woman. The only disappointment was in her gloves. Olive wore thick mittens knitted for her by Aunt Alberta. They were fine mittens, and a week ago she had been perfectly contented with them, but now they looked old and drab to her eyes. She resolved to speak with her parents that very afternoon about procuring a muff like Sara had. One that matched her coat, she thought. After all, Olive too deserved nice things sometimes.
She arrived at school a little later than usual, and found her friends already waiting. Jane Bryant, who was a year older than Olive but deferred to her at every turn. Blonde Alice Patterson, who liked to stand next to Olive for the pretty picture that their contrasting hair colors made and her sister Amy. Augusta Green, Olive's particular friend, who always had the best gossip to share. And, of course, the newest addition to Olive's gang, Sara Crewe herself. Sarah stood in her thick fur coat and matching muff, her dark blue velvet skirts barely brushing the icy pavement. The cold had put a flush into her pale cheeks, and her grey-green eyes seemed to sparkle against them. She wore her hood up over her head, protecting her ears from the weather. Olive made a note to look at Sara's hair once they entered the schoolroom, to see how she did her pins.
The girls welcomed Olive eagerly into their knot. Amy had been telling the group about her father's latest catastrophe -- Mr. Patterson fancied himself something of an inventor, and he was forever getting into scrapes as his latest contraption fell apart in his face. Olive's mother had strictly forbidden her from going over to the Patterson's house, after she had returned from tea one day with ink all over her skirt and a story about Mr. Patterson's newest attempt at perfecting the self-inking pen.
The invention this week was no less dramatic. Mr. Patterson had tired of how long it took to get his toast to its proper state, and had determined to invent a way to make the process faster. From Amy's account, it was going poorly, and Mr. Patterson had gone to his business in Port Lawrence that morning with only the charred remains of a heel of bread for sustenance. Amy was a good story teller, and she had the whole group in laughter when the bell rang, although Sara was looking contemplative, as though she felt sorry for Mr. Patterson. Olive did not. Her parents had long said that he deserved every misfortune that came his way as a result of his tomfooleries. Inventors, Wellington Stirling had proclaimed once, were one of society's necessary evils. You couldn't have progress without them, but you certainly didn't want them to settle too close. The Pattersons lived three streets down from Olive and her parents, and that was more than close enough.
The bell rang just as Amy was finishing the story, and she rather spoiled the conclusion in her rush to get it all out. It was then that Olive got her first inkling of how the day would go. Doss and her mother had arrived a few minutes earlier, as usual, and Doss had slipped into the schoolroom straight away, as she always did. So she was already seated when the rest of the girls made their way to their desks. Sara paused on her way to her desk to greet Doss. This in and of itself would have been cause for comment. But what rattled Olive deeply was that Doss not only greeted her back but, with a glance back at Olive, said, "I need to talk to you later."
There was not time to speak further. Already, Miss Bryant was looking at the pupils still standing with a stern gaze. Olive hurried to her desk, although she could not help one final backwards glance at Doss. Her cousin sat hunched in on herself, her thin little shoulders standing out sharply under her ugly brown wool dress. She looked the same as she always did, and Olive could not think of even one thing that Doss would want to say to Sara.
Olive found it impossible to concentrate on her lessons that morning. How could she possibly be expected to learn about Julius Caesar when Doss, of all people, had presented her with a mystery? Miss Bryant was obliged to repeat her question about Caesar's legions three times before Olive heard it well enough to answer.
At long last the bell rang for the end of morning lessons. Olive made a show of having lost something in her desk, so that Augusta and the Patterson girls would go out ahead of her. Soon enough, only she, Doss, and Sara remained in the schoolroom. Olive, head still bent over her desk as she searched for her entirely fictious handkerchief, held her breath.
"You made a mistake yesterday," Doss said, and Olive frowned. What possibly right did Doss think she had, to say something like that to Sara? "You said you wanted to be friends, but you don't know who I really am."
Olive let out her breath. That explained things. She had thought it queer, when Sara excused herself from the group yesterday noon, but Sara was always doing or saying queer things. Good old Doss, she thought with a sudden and uncharacteristic rush of fondness for her cousin. Of course she wouldn’t let Sara humiliate herself by being seen in public with Doss in her old brown dress and silly, old fashioned cap. Really, Olive felt almost grateful to her for stepping in quickly, and she thought perhaps she would allow Doss to walk with them that Saturday, if she wasn't home with cold again.
But Sara said only, "You're Olive's cousin, aren't you?"
"So you know then," Doss said. "Of course, Olive must have told you after school. I'm sorry to have bothered you."
"I'm afraid I don't understand," Sara said. "What does that have to do with anything at all?"
"No one is friends with me," Doss said bluntly. "Everyone wants to be friends with you. I thought you must not have known who I was, to talk to me instead of anyone else here."
Sara laughed that low, queer laugh of hers. "I told you yesterday," she said. "I want a friend who isn't trying to impress me just because I have money."
Olive's breath caught, and her face flushed as though she had been insulted. She felt as though both girls were staring directly at her, and she redoubled her efforts to pretend to look for that pen she knew she had dropped somewhere. By the time she found a stray hairpin on the ground and, tired of theatre, snatched it up as precisely the thing she'd been searching for this whole time, Sara had Doss by the hand and was telling her something or other. Olive did not care to stay and listen. She marched out of the schoolroom, head high and eyes bright with anger.
"Where's Sara?" Alice Patterson asked. "She's not ill, is she?" Alice was a worrying sort, always concerned that tragedy was just around the corner. Living with a man like her father, it was a reasonable attitude to take. But Olive had no patience to indulge Alice's worries today.
"I'm sure I have no idea," she said tightly.
"What on earth has happened to you?" Alice wanted to know. "Surely your button couldn't have been that important?"
"Nothing has happened," Olive said. "I just don't care to spend my every waking moment pandering to someone who doesn't want my company."
The other girls looked at each other. All of them knew with certainty something momentous had occurred inside the schoolroom, but it was just as clear that Olive was in no mood to discuss it. After a moment, Augusta brought out the catalog her mother had just received and engaged the others in a discussion of the latest fashions from Montreal. Olive, though she remained furious, eventually consented to be coaxed back into conversation, although the other girls took great care to avoid even thinking about the missing Sara Crewe.
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yourimagines · 11 months
Gym friends p.7
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: fluff
Last part, shorter than the rest
I woke up by some weird noises. I carefully opened my eyes and saw that Nick was still sleeping. I looked around the room and saw Nate walking into the kitchen. “Nick..” I whispered at me, trying to wake him up. He scrunched his nose and opened one eye. “Hey baby.” He said with a hot morning voice. “Nate is here.” I whispered back. “What? Where?” “The kitchen.” He threw the blanket off him and jumped up. “Nate?” Nick threw the blanket over me and walked into the kitchen were Nate was. I heard time quietly talking to each other. “Well because you like it here so much, you can make us breakfast.” Nick walked back into the living room. “Eggs with bread good enough for ya!” Nick looked at me as I nodded. “Yes it’s good enough.” Nick replied back at his younger brother. Nick took place next to me and snuggles back under the covers. “I’m sorry about him, he’s an idiot.” I giggled and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thats okay, I can handle you guys.” He slightly pushed me. “I’m not an idiot.” “No your right your more like a…..” he raised his eyebrows. “Tell me what am I.” “A crazy idiot.” I said really fast. He launches forward and starts to tickle me. “Tell me you’re lying.” I shook my head as I burst out laughing. “Tell me I’m not an idiot.” He didn’t stop and I started to kick a bit with my legs. “Okay okay, you’re not a crazy idiot, just an idiot.” “That’s mean of you.” So he didn’t stop. I was already crying from laughing so hard. “What’s going on in here.” Nick stopped and we both looked up. Nate stood there with two plates. “Nothing, mind your own business.” Nick turned around and started to tickle me again. “Nate please help!” I laughed out. “Hey stop” I heard Nate placing the plate down and he jumps at Nicks back. He pulls Nick back and they both fall of the sofa. Both rolling around the floor. “Stop tickling my sister in law!” “She called me an crazy idiot.” “You are.” Nick moved around and held Nate in a choke hold. “I’m not an idiot.” “But your crazy as hell.” Nick laughs at his brother remark and stands up. He brushes his joggers of and grabs the two plates. “Thank you.” He handed one to me. “Why are you guys sleeping downstairs?” Nate said while sitting in nicks lounge chair. “Movie night.” I said while Nick looked at me with a smirk. “Iew I don’t wanna know.” I started to blush as Nick chuckles at his brother grossed out face.
Nick was out the house for a morning run while Nate was hanging around the house. “Are you comfortable living here now with Nick?” Nate asked me. “Yes, Nick and I are together for almost two months now, it’s of course a bit fast but he makes sure I’m comfortable here.” He nods and fiddles with his hands. “Nick has some troubles with expressing himself, but he’s a good guy.” I smiled at Nate. “I know, you both look intimidating but are actually friendly.” He smiled down at his hands. “Thanks I guess..” “No problem.”
“I’m back!” The door closed and Nick walked in all sweaty. “Don’t!” Nate yelled as Nick threw his wet shirt at him. Nate dodged it and made a puking face. “Disgusting ..” Nate threw back the shirt. Nick laughs and kisses my cheek. “I’m going to take a shower real quick.” I nodded as he disappeared to the bathroom. “I’m going to get some food, you also want some?” Nate stood up and grabbed his jacket. “Yeah sure.” “Alright I’ll be right back then.” “Okay.. see ya.” Nate left the place as I walked to Nicks room. I heard Nick showering as I entered his room. I sat down on the edge of his bed. I picked up my phone and scrolled through instagram. “Is he gone?” Nick walked in with a towel wrapped around his hips. “Yeah but he will be back.” He nods and walked to his closet, grabbing some clothes. I was looking at his muscular body. My eyes traveled to his shoulders where I saw the scratches that I made last night. I stood up and walked over to him. I slowly placed my hands on his back, tracing some old scars on his back. “I’m sorry about those scratches on your shoulders.” I carefully traced them. “It’s fine.” He turns around with a small smile on his face. “Why are you so fascinated by my scars?” I traced softly his chest. “I don’t know.” I stood very close to him, he had one hand resting on my hip, the other one was holding his clothes. “Maybe because I find you handsome..” he smiles and squeezed my hip. “I don’t agree with that…” I kissed his collarbone. “I know…” he moves his hand further down to my ass, gently squeezing it. “Let me show you how beautiful you are..” he whispered against my head. I looked up at him while biting my lip. “Okay..show me.”
——— 1 year later———
Nick bought us a new house, a bit bigger and with the two wishes I had for a new house, big kitchen and a big garden. “Nick.. can you help me with these.” I tried to carry the heavy boxes to upstairs but I couldn’t do it. Nick walked over and grabbed them and carried it to the room upstairs. “You need to be careful.” “I know I’m sorry.” He kissed my cheek. “Don’t apologise.” I smiled and he walked back downstairs. I started to unpack the boxes they were filled with his training equipment.
I walked downstairs as I saw Nick standing with Nate in the garden, Moving some furniture. “Left..stop…okay.” I walked over to the window and softly knocked. They both looked over and I gave them a thumbs up. Nate walks over. “Good?” “Yes.” “Are we allowed to have a break now?” I nodded and opened the glass door. “I’m hungry.” Nate said while walking over to the kitchen. Nick slowly walked over to me. “Happy?” I threw my arms around him. “More than happy.” He softly kissed me. “Good, let’s eat.” We both walked to the kitchen as Nate gave us sandwiches. “Thank you Nate.” He smiles and takes a bite of his sandwich.
Everything was done and we where waiting for our food. “So next step is marriage? Kids?” Nate asked. “I think so..” Nick didn’t say anything, just looking at his brother. “When are you moving to the next step?” Nate laughs. “We are already trying to get kids so…” I smiled at them. Nick threw him a finger. Nate threw one back. “You wanna fight.” They both stand up and starting to play around. “Don’t forget I’m the big brother.” Nick said while Nate laughs. “I’m smarter.” They rolled around the living room, talking back and forth. “Hey! watch out for the balls.” Nick yelled as Nate moved away from him, running to me. “He’s crazy.” I laughed and shook my head. Nick stands up and points at his brother. “Don’t you dare to use her against me.” Nate laughs and sits down in the lounge chair. “I wouldn’t dare to do that..” Nick nods and sits down next to me. “You guys are both crazy.” I said with a giggle. Nick smiles and pulls me closer to him. “Can’t wait to have our mini versions running around.” Nate said to his brother, Nick smiled and nodded. “Yeah mini Nick’s and mini Nate’s, pray for Misty and I.” Nate laughs. “We are not that bad… right?” “We are bad Nate, it’s going to be an hell of a job to raise them.” “Nahh if they are mini versions of you guys then it would be easy for you…” Nate nods. “Yeah a mini me, I’ll train with them and stuff.” I looked at Nick he was quiet. “But who knows maybe we get a mini Misty.” Nate lay a bit back and picked his phone up. “Are you okay?” I whispered at Nick. “Yeah, I’m fine just thinking.” I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. “Do you want that? Kids and stuff” I nodded at him. “Yes….you?” “Only with you.” I smiled at him. “Cheeky but I love it.” I placed a small kiss on his cheek. “But let us first settle here and then we’ll see.” “Good plan.” I gently squeezed in his hand as Nate jumped up to get our food. “Finally, I’m starving.” He said while walking to our front door. “Drama queen.” Nick whispered as I giggled at his reaction. ‘I’m so happy I met them that day in the gym.’
The end.
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wouldyoustayvn · 1 year
Hahahaha! >:3 I have returned! The anon with the angsty snippets! Here ya go again!
TW: mentions of depression, anxiety
Virgil opened his eyes. He could tell without even touching his cheeks that tears were still filling his eyes and falling down his face, making his pillow wet.
But how could he not cry? After what he had gone through...what he had witnessed.
"Galaxy....my starlight..." He whispered, whimpering a bit as he clutched his pillow and buried his face into it. How long had it been since he had last heard their voice? Seen their face?
The image of their scared and heartbroken face dissolving into an emotionless husk flashed through Virgil's mind, making him clutch the pillow tighter.
He just didn't want to be alone....Why couldn't they see that? Why were they so opposed to being with him? What had he done so wrong that they left the first time? That they couldn't see past their situation and just listen to him?
Though...he supposed he had hurt them. He really did take everything from them, of course, they would hate him. Why did he ever think it would be different-
His whole body freezes, his previously shaking body stilling completely. He was so still, that even his breathing ceased.
Something was hugging him.
A very sleepy voice comes from behind him, snapping him out of his thoughts before he could even question it.
"Virgil?" That voice....They sounded barely awake. "You're shaking...did I take the blanket again on accident? I'm sorry."
Something snuggled into Virgil's back, arms wrapped around his waist as someone else's feet bumped into his own, but didn't retreat. Warmth spread around him as the person behind him sighed in content.
"Cuddles will warm you up again, right? Sleep more, it's too early to wake up. I know I promised a surprise but I meant after a reasonable hour."
Virgil was scared to move. Scared to even breathe in case doing so would make the situation around him shatter and fade as if it didn't exist.
He was shaking again, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't remember what was real. Which one was this? Is this the real world, and the other a dream? What was-
The arms around him began to loosen and retreat, and at that instant something in him snapped him out of his trance and panic overtook him.
The next moment was a blur. One moment he had been too scared to move, and the next he was towering over the figure, pinning them to the bed where they stared back up at him in shock that quickly morphed into concern.
"Starlight, you're crying...." He knew that voice. That face. Those beautiful eyes.
It was them. It was really them. His beloved Galaxy. Still here, and healthy. Instead of the pasty and bony face that haunted his mind, the Galaxy in front of him was perfectly healthy with so much emotion on their face. His starlight....his....
He hadn't realized he had clenched his eyes shut until he felt two hands touch each side of his face, gently holding it. Slowly he cracked his eyes back open, just to make sure it was real.
"Am I dreaming?" He whimpered, his own handing raising to hold his beloved's face yet only hovering over them instead. He couldn't even bring himself to touch them lest this moment truly be a dream, and touching them would shatter it.
The hands on his face began to rub soothing circles on his cheeks with their thumbs, concern laced in their expression and their voice.
"Virgil, did you have a bad dream?...." His Galaxy looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling gently, though the concern remained. "Ok...I suppose I'll have to chase it away huh? Come here."
He didn't even have time to resist before the hands on his face suddenly moved to his neck and pulled him closer, making him yelp in surprise.
Galaxy made gentle shushing noises as they gently moved his head towards their shoulder, once again in a cuddling position.
"I'm not going anywhere my precious elf." They whispered softly, one hand petting his hair and the other one gently rubbing his back, tracing stars into his shoulder and upper back. "Whatever dream you just had, it's not real. I'm still here. I chose to be here remember?"
How could they know exactly what he needed to hear? Tears came to Virgil's eyes as the arms that dared not touch his Galaxy even in his dreams circled around them and clutched their back, squeezing them closer to him.
Sobs began to wrack his body. He never wanted his starlight to see him like this but...he could have this right? It had just been a bad dream right? And this was the real world? If it was the other way around...then please, just let him enjoy this dream instead. Where his starlight was safe and healthy.
While he cried, Galaxy hummed a lullaby that they knew, never once stopping in rubbing comforting motions on his back and head to assure him that they were still there.
"Go back to sleep silly elf." They whispered, rubbing their cheek into the top of his head. "If you start having a bad dream again, I'll be right here to chase it away. I'm not going anywhere."
Even with that lingering fear and pain remaining with him, Virgil could feel an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. Yes, his Galaxy was here with him. They were there, and they loved him. Just as much as he loved them. The feeling continued to well up inside of him as he held on to them even tighter.
"I love you." He softly said into their shoulder, making them hum in satisfaction.
"I love you too my starry elf. More than there are stars in the universe."
For the rest of the night, no more nightmares plagued the elf's mind as he lay sleeping peacefully in his beloved's arms.
You have been fooled :3
....Sooooo I wrote something fluffy instead of angsty this time (same anon who wrote those two angsty snippets). Not that....I'm feeling bad for making Virgil suffer or anything. Why would you think that? I'm not....nope! This was just a trick! I tricked you with angst then ambushed you with fluff! Behold my evil plot! *scuttles away* Sooooo....Part 3? AU style? (I mean i was gonna write a bad end but I decided to be nice)
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