#am i joking? mostly but i still think someone should write it.
nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
gotta admit i'm a little disappointed to discover there's no richard iii/reader porn on ao3.
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rosesnbooks · 2 months
Astrology observations #5🖤
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🌜I wrote these for fun, based on how i see these placements. i'm not a professional! hope you enjoy these🌛
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⭐cancer placements allow themselves to feel their emotions. they may get annoyed by the intensity or the amount of them, but they process them fully, and this makes it easier for them to move on. random thought but writing letters to people they like may be something they do or did as kids haha. they're very romantic
⭐some aries venuses have obsessive tendencies when they have a crush, and they get frustrated a lot if they think they can't/shouldn't pursue them. they enjoy the tension, but they don't want it to last too long because they dislike not being in control, and having feelings for someone leaves them feeling too vulnerable. that's why they try to move on if they can, but it takes work. when they do find someone, they become really clingy but they still need freedom when it suits them
⭐mars in libra avoid conflicts and try to be reasonable about everything, but if they think you crossed a line, you'll see why aries is their sister sign pretty soon. once they tell you off, you'll never see them the same way, so underrestimate them at your cost
⭐having stelliums can be interesting. it for sure puts a lot of emphasis on the influence of that house on your life, and i found that it can be both positive and negative since they face lots of challenges related to their house but also many blessings. those who have stelliums kind of embody multiple characteristics simultaneously
⭐sun in the 11th people glow when they are with their closest friends. they also tend to dream big and care a lot about the world. their friends usually help them in their future goals. they feel a bit different than people in their hometown/country, mostly because they cannot be tied down to a single culture because they enjoy different things, which usually makes them quite open-minded and tolerant. they can be picky about the people they let in super close though
⭐mars in the 6th can procrastinate a lot actually, but they get things done. may get sudden waves of high energy and get things done rapidly and extensively. they expect a lot from themselves regarding their ambitions and aspirations. they try to improve themselves in any way most of the time, but they should also accept their current state if they want to evolve and love themselves. they need to watch out for their moral perfectionism too. it's okay to make mistakes as long as you apologise and strive to change for the better
⭐i've found that virgo mercuries can be really direct, even if they are shy or don't talk much around strangers or acquaintances, they have their moments. super funny too
⭐north node in cancer struggle with accepting their vulnerable side. they hate feeling like things and people can evoke strong emotions in them. they want to be more detached, but those that work on themselves find it very rewarding once they embrace their strong emotions. they can also be really reliable, practical, and thoughtful
⭐fire+water combinations in birth charts-i am sending you a hug. i know exactly how difficult it is to keep all those emotions under check, and that you need a lot of understanding and rest to function. use those emotions and passions well hun, you are strong and capable. you have a lot of empathy and wonder inside of you
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⭐capricorn sun/mercury have a dry way of texting. their humor is difficult to read via text and they simply are not fans of texting, and it shows lol
⭐aries mercuries are not always available online and they may come and go when they're online, but they'll answer all of your messages one by one with lots of enthusiasm. they also like to send memes and joke around a lot
⭐virgo mercuries are not fans of texting and they can answer you after a couple of days or so even if they really like you. similarly to aries, they'll make sure they answer everything and they also pay attention to every detail you mention. very sweet really. their humor shines brighter in person
⭐taurus moon are very capable. they may prefer rest over anything else, but their patience and dedication to the things they need to do is really cool. they are calm most of the time so it's nice to be around them, just don't disrespect them and everyone will thrive
⭐taurus venus men can be really possessive. even if you like such behavior, some can go to extremes and try to control how you feel, think, and behave. they have a specific image of an ideal partner and they want you to fulfill it
⭐libra venus tend to care about how they look and present themselves so they put lots of effort into that. they also have standards when it comes to beauty and some expect others to dress and look well, whether they know them or not
⭐women with venus in aquarius-you may be attracted to men who are mysterious and act like they're special. just be careful because there are so many toxic ones out there who want a relationship but not truly, because they don't want to dedicate themselves to you and maybe plan on using you
⭐pisces moon can feel like they're drowning in their own emotions sometimes because they cannot control them easily and they tend to give in. if they like to portray themselves as a martyr these emotions can get out of hand because they let those emotions lead them which influences their mental health and relationships. those who are developed process these emotions and try to figure them out and let them pass. they can learn a lot about themselves and others this way. creative outlets can be of help to process this
⭐leo moon need to watch out for hurting people when their ego is hurt because they can lash out and make lots of damage. take a second to think whether it's worth it or not, since there is no point in trying to "win" in a fight with someone you love
⭐pisces mars can be too forgiving, especially to those they care about. don't let people walk over you dear, no matter who they are. nobody deserves that kind of treatment
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thank you for reading!🤍i also offer paid astrology readings, so check out my blog for more info
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feyburner · 4 months
This is part of a longer thing I may post on ao3 at some point but here’s some silly little Jaytim texting AU. I use this format as a writing warmup.
EDIT: This has been posted on AO3.
[Unknown] »
Hey. This is Jason. 
I have a favor to ask. You can say no.
« tim
1. i’m aware of how favors work  
2. what is it?
« tim
« tim
hey are you like. good
J »
Yeah fine 
Sry. Rethinking this maybe
« tim
what, do you need a kidney or something?
i can’t give you a kidney.
i don’t have any organs to spare.
J »
What ? 
« tim
what’s the favor?
J »
I wouldn’t ask if it wasnt important
I’d ask Roy but hes in star city 
or Kori but shes off world
I tried dickhead but hes in haven. Cant get away tonight
« tim
yeah jason i get it lol
J »
So Im currently in the cargo hold of a private yacht
« tim
what >?
J »
We’re caught in the storm thats hitting the city its a whole thing. 
« tim
are you in the cargo hold of your own volition or did someone put you there
J »
So I dont think I can get back t
No its on purpose
« tim
hang on. you’re in gotham bay right now? in a boat?  
jason this storm is really bad.
it’s already sunk a houseboat and a fishing boat at the marina
J »
I dont think I can get back totown toni
Christ you type fast 
Shut up for a sec. Clam down
*Calm fuck me
Thought I was gnna be back tonight but bc of storm its not looking great.
Can you feed my sourdough starter 
« tim
J »
4511 overhill apt 6D 
Key under the neighbors mat. 6H
« tim
hey to clarify. “its not looking great” ← what does that mean
J »
Starter is on counter. in glass jar 
Should just need one feeindg. Maybe 2. depending 
« tim
J »
On wwhen I get back?
« tim
so you do plan on coming back
J »
Yeah timothy I’m in a boat not the heart of Mount Doom
« tim
yeah? vaders not there? so that means everything’s fine? 
J »
Did you
jst say Vader
As in Darth
« tim
J »
Oh my god
« tim
jason are you in peril or what.
J »
No im not in “peril” lol.
Did you see the thing I said about my sourddough starter
It needs to be fed
« tim
wtf is a sourdough starter
nvm i googled it
J »
Its a live bacteria colony you use to m 
Oh ok
Yeah so it just needs 50g lukewarm water + 50g flour
Theres a scale next to the jar
Stir until it looks like hummus
Put lid back on
The end
« tim
the internet says if you put it in the fridge it doesn’t need daily feedings
J »
Sure. But that would mess up my bread schedule
« tim
your bread schedule 
J »
Man are gyou gonna fuckin feed Breadie Mercury or should I find someone else
« tim
im already en route. 
J »
Thank you.
Wtf dont text and motorbike  
« tim
how about you dont text and Sinking Boat
J »
Hey its not like I’m gonna cause a boat crash
« tim
i was stopped at a red light 😐
anwyay i’m at your place.
1. why do you not have a security system. when you said key under the neighbor’s mat i thought you were joking. 
2. how warm is lukewarm
J »
1. I’m the security system
« tim
just rolled my eyes so hard it actually physically hurt
J »
God youre annoying
2. ? Its lukewarm
« tim
ohhhhh thanks! that’s so helpful :) here i am trying not to murder your incredibly important bacteria colony that i just drove across town for but no thats great jason very descriptive thanks :) 
J »
Like warm but not too wram, nothing you’d want to take a bath in
Can you fucking
« tim
[Image Attached]
he is fed
J »
Thanks man.
« tim
so hows the cargo hold going
still intact i assume? 
J »
Mostly ya
« tim
J »
Slight leakage. Nothing major
« tim
oh? are you a boatologist now? 
i dont think you’re qualified to judge that?
J »
Moving right past “boatologist” out of the goodness of my heart.
Chill lol. If it was rly bad thered probably be some sort of alar
« tim
did an alarm just start going off
J »
Dont worry about it
« tim
im not. 
did it though
also which yacht? im in the marinas scheduling dtabase
blue miracle, serendipity, carp-e diem? which one
« tim
« tim
if this is a joke it’s not funny
oh cool you’re not on comms either. great.
hey if youre dead again and i just fed your stupid starter for nothing im gonna be soooo mad just fyi
« tim
J »
Thanks again for the
I’m not gonna say “save” bc I was doinf just fine on my own.
But thanks for the backup.
Lmk when youre home
Nope sorry lol you dont have to do that.
« tim
J »
Also I just saw your messaages from
Ah. 👍
From earlier. 
« tim
you mean from when you said “huh, this boat seems to be filling with water” and then disappeared? those messages? 
J »
Those were not my exact words.
« tim
right. your exact words contained somehow even less information 
J »
Shut up
I just wanted to 
You know. Youre the only one who jokes about it
The only one in the family I mean
your family, I mean
The bats.
« tim
the only one who jokes about what
J »
Me being dead
« tim
ok. well
its not like. actually funny to me. i was just annoyed. sorry i guess
J »
No thats not 
Tim. Shut up.
I dont mind. I like that one of you does. 
Its better than people talking around it. Like its this big shameful thing I did.
One of many
If I mention it in front of dickhead he does the face
the :~{ face
« tim
wow its uncanny
uh. for the record. 
i don’t think that’s the reason people talk around it
if im correct in thinking that by “people” you mean “one specific person whose name rhymes with Rat Can” 
J »
Yeah well
I just
Christ never mind. Im sorry. You are not the person to be sayign this to.
Im gonna shut the fuck up I think. 
« tim
oh what, you can’t talk to me about being dead bc of that one time you tried to kill me? 
and failed btw :/ 
J »
Not to be so unchill
But you know how me being dead isnt actaully funny to you
« tim
…got it. sorry
J »
No. don’t apologize to me
I’m serious 
« tim
like for anything? 
what if i killed breadie mercury 
J »
You didnt. He is thriving
« tim
he is?
wait. really?
you can tell?
J »
[Image Attached]
Hes doubled in size since you fed him.
« tim
J »
Yup. Thanks again for thattoo.
*that too
Its stupid but hes kinda my son.
« tim
wouldn’t he technically be like, 10 billion sons
J »
He is my 10 billion sons.
« tim
wow. why am i so pleased hes thriving lol 
J »
« tim
i was so worried about the water temp
google said lukewarm is 98-105 so i did 98 to be safe
J »
You used a thermometer? 
« tim
your instructions were vague!
i didnt want to kill your bacteria colony!
J »
Thanks Tim.
« tim
? you already said that lol
i gotta pass out btw
glad you didnt die: the sequel in a yacht
that would have been so cringe
night jason
J »
J »
You up?
« tim
J »
Could use your eyes on something.
[Image Attached]
« tim
morse code but the dots and dashes are reversed and its spelling backwards in russian, ASTITP AYALEB AVD RTSIRP → PRISTR DVA BELAYA PTITSA → PIER TWO WHITE BIRD
J »
Bc it looks like morse but its not, its kind of scrambl 
Ok jesus christ . 
30 seconds? Seriously? Fuck me
Can I hire you? Jesus lol
« tim
that depends. do you pay more than batman?
J »
The fuck? Does he pay you guys now?
« tim
J »
Then yes. I do pay more than batman.
« tim
how much more
J »
One coffee per codebreak? 
« tim
J »
Two coffees per codebreak
Two and a loaf of sourdough
« tim
sourdough from breadie mercury?
J »
« tim
J »
Damn. I feel like you should have higher standards
« tim
i mean i was already gonna do it for free
now i have successfully negotiated coffee & sustenance 
im on a roll. nothing but Ws 
J »
« tim
its young people slang you wouldn’t get it ❤️
J »
I am barely 3 years older htan you.
It could be argued, considering certain events, that we’re basically the same age.
« tim
and yet you text like an old, old man
J »
I do not
Would you rather I texted like “idk brb lmao roflcopter”
« tim
oh my god. ohhhhhh jason. oh my god
that is absolutely not what the kids are saying these days. oh my god
J »
Ok you know what. At least I know Mount Doom isnt a Star Wars thing
« tim
oh, is it star trek? 
J »
I’m 99% sure youre antagonizing me on purpose
But have you seriously not read or watched Lord of the Rings
« tim
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no i have not.
J »
« tim
J »
« tim
« tim
did you NARC on me
about LORD OF THE RINGS?????
J »
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
« tim
J »
I can’t pretend to know what goes on in B’s mind.
That said, I have reason to believe he and Alfred take lotr pretty seriously.
« tim
J »
I’m not gonna respond to that bc I know youre just lashing out.
« tim
if youve sentenced me to 12 hours of a movie i hate i’m gonna hack everything you own. 
im gonna mass text the entire cape wearers community the footage of that time condiment king kicked your ass so bad he felt guilty and offered to personally help you out of the mustard pool 
J »
What the fuck
How do you fuckig know about ?????? that???????? 
Not that ithahpened 
What hefuckk ??
« tim
ooooooooo you better hope i love these goblins!
J »
Why are you?? evil??
« tim
you should have killed me when you had the chance!!
J »
Its ok. That one was pretty funny tbh.
Oh hm shouldnt have laughed just then. Bad timing on my part
« tim
« tim
ok…….. getting reports of a “disturbance” at pier two…….. 
« tim
sorry were you texting me *mid-standoff* with the russian mafia
« tim
« tim
you know tracking your location would be so much easier if i didn’t have to hack into your comm sys every time
luckily your encryption is garbage but still. its 2 minutes of my life i wont get back.
J »
Not sure I recall giving you permission to track my location?
« tim
oh i’m sorry. next time i will simply leave you to go down with a texas oil magnate’s incredibly tacky yacht, or get swiss cheesified by mobsters 
J »
Hey I wrapped up the russians myself 
« tim
J »
« tim
so you thought the 12-minute universal signal jam was the act of a benevolent god? 
J »
« tim
im just saying it would be significantly more efficient if you agreed to a tracker
just one little tracker. you wouldn’t even notice it’s there.
think of all the time and energy you’d save me
J »
I feel the need to point out that you don’t have to repeatedly hack my comms system.
« tim
i mean it’s that or monitor sightings on the gocitizen app
i have an algo that texts relevant pings to me, which is super helpful for when i want an inbox full of random people talking about how hot you are. less helpful for literally every other circumstance 
J »
« tim
how hot *red hood is. to clarify
in their opinion
the people’s opinion
J »
« tim
the people of gotham city
J »
The people of Gotham city do not think Red Hood is hot lol
« tim
i cant tell if you’re being serious
J »
Uh? Yeah Im being serious? Lol tf
Why would they think hes hot 
They dont think Batman is hot 
« tim
how to… hmm
J »
Like nightwing sure
And the girls. Bc of objectification of women
« tim
oh wow
J »
Red Robin. If i had to guess
But when people see Hood its definitely not… that kind of response lol
« tim
what kind of response, exactly
J »
You know like saying “Hey Hood youre hot” 
« tim
oh, wow. 
okay. ummm
hmm. one sec.
J »
« tim
check your email 
J »
J »
Oh my fucking god.
« tim
J »
Oh my god?
« tim
J »
This document is fucking 45 pages long?
« tim
its everything from the past 30 days yeah
J »
The past
Whaht the fuck
Ok some of these people definitely got hit by Poison Ivy.
This is . Tim wtf. I havent even heard of some of this stuff. 
« tim
oof are you on page 14
J »
Im on page 3???
« tim
oh my god
J »
What the fuck
Please please tell me its not like this for Batman too
« tim
its not like this for batman :)
J »
Ok. Jesus. I would genuinely have to move cities.
« tim
its worse :)
J »
Oh what the fuck
Oh my fucking god page 14.
You get this shit TEXTED to you?????
Ohm ygod. You read this?????
« tim
i mean
i glance at it
for security purposes.
i dont like, read it read it
anyway did you seriously not know? haha
J »
No??? Again its not like people tell me
« tim
yeah but
theres a certain level of objectivity involved, here
sorry im trying to find a non awkward way to be like “have you looked in a mirror lately” 
« tim
that was in fact awkward!
just let me know if you’d be ok with the tracker. its fine if not
i was mostly joking about the hacking
J (From Work) »
No you weren’t.
« tim
no i wasnt
i dont mind though. its like a brain teaser
anyway im going dark for patrol, later
J (From Work) »
[Screenshot Attached]
[Screenshot Attached]
[Screenshot Attached]
[Screenshot Attached]
[Screenshot Attached]
Question. why is the average Gotham citizen a raging horndog 
« tim
oh my god
you know i can tell you searched “red robin hot” right
J (From Work) »
Figured it was only fair
[Screenshot Attached]
This persons got some mad zoom lens skills
I’d think it was you, if it wasnt, yknow, you
« tim
wow. that is certainly a photo of my ass
…a stellar photo of my ass. wow. 
do you have a direct link? i gotta send this to steph
J (From Work) »
I kinda thought you and blondie broke up
back on again?
« tim
no lol we are very much just friends
she has a thing going with someone who shall remain nameless but suffice to say it’s Going
anyway we just send each other gocitizen vigilante ass shots 
its a whole genre
they’re like trading cards
J (From Work) »
Guess everyone’s got a hobby?
« tim
the only rule is no nightwing
J (From Work) »
Do I want to know why
« tim
he accounts for a frankly overwhelming percentage of vigilante ass shots
so its too easy
you’d THINK we’d have a no-batman rule, because ew, but due to the cape and his sixth sense for cameras pointed at him, a qualifying shot is actually extremely rare. 
← only guy who ever managed to take quality photos of batman 
anyway, we put it to a vote. i lost.
J (From Work) »
A vote between you and Steph? 
You lost a 50/50 vote?
« tim
i dont wanna talk about it.
J (From Work) »
So what I’m getting from this is you have Red Hood ass shots in your phone.
« tim
J (From Work) »
« tim
J (From Work) »
« tim
we don’t like, save them
that would be weird
we just notify each other. professionally, as colleagues 
and keep an ongoing points tally
thats all
so i do not currently have photos of your ass in my phone. thank you
J (From Work) »
How many points is my ass worth
« tim
i hate everything about this conversation
J (From Work) »
Its 100% your own fault, answer the question
« tim
if you must know. 
points are awarded based on a series of objective scoring criteria.
J (From Work) »
Uh huh. Like what
« tim
technical excellence
composition. lighting and color balance. 
J (From Work) »
« tim
emotional impact
subject matter
J (From Work) »
I see.
« tim
ok i know it sounds bad
J (From Work) »
It sounds fucking hysterical Im near tears 
« tim
but if you think abou
okay, well, great
J (From Work) »
I’ll let you know if I stumble on any more. 
Or is that cheating
« tim
its totally cheating
please do
J (From Work) »
You got it red. 👍
« tim
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months
Why I Dislike PbtA Games, and How Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Their Opposite
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It is no secret that I hate PbtA games.
Though due to a recent misunderstanding regarding another post, I’m going to preface this post by saying that this is going to be a very opinionated post and
I do not seriously think that PbtA games are inherently bad, though I may sometimes joke about this.
While I do often question the taste of people who make and play PbtA hacks, I do not think poorly of their moral character.
While I am going to call for PbtA to be used less as a base for games in the future, I’m not saying that the whole system and all games based on it should be destructified. It’s good for what it’s good for, but unless you’re doing that, I really think you should use something else.
Now that that is out of the way, here’s what I have to say about it.
My first experiences with PbtA games were pretty rough. Monster of the Week was not the first, but it was one of the first ‘indie’ TTRPGs I played after having previously played mostly only D&D3.5e and 5e. I really appreciated that the use of 2D6 over a D20 meant that the dice results would be more predictable, and I really liked the various “classes” I was seeing. (At this time, I didn’t really understand that they weren’t really “classes” at all, though I think I can be forgiven for this because many people, even people who like PbtA games, still talk like “classes” and “playbooks” are interchangeable.)
I was very enthusiastic to play, until it came time to start actually “making” a character, and found that I couldn’t “make” a character. I wanted to make a nuanced, three-dimensional PC who was simultaneously stereotype-affirming and stereotype-defying, with a unique backstory and dynamic with the other characters—but when I went to actually fill out the character sheet for basically any “class”, I found that most of the backstory and most of the personality for my character was being set for me by the playbook. It felt like the only thing about the character I really had a say in was their name, and that two PCs of the same playbook would actually turn out to be almost identical characters. At the time, I thought this was very restrictive and very bad design.
Later, now that I understand the design intent behind it, I still think of it as very restrictive, but I think of it as very bad design for me, not inherently bad.
When I play a TTRPG, I want more freedom in who my PC is. That doesn’t mean I want less rules, in fact having more rules can often increase freedom, but that’s a different post. I want to create original, unique characters, that I won’t see anywhere else. If it’s a class-based system, I want that class to barely touch the details of my character’s backstory or personality, so that I can come up with something original and engaging for why and how this “Fighter” fights. This means that two level-1 Fighters, despite having almost the same mechanical abilities, will potentially be very different people.
PbtA games don’t let you do that. In a lot of PbtA games, you’re not playing your own original character, you’re playing someone else’s character, that every other player that has picked up the same playbook before you has played. It’s more like “character select” than “character creation.” I think I could liken it to playing Mass Effect or The Witcher. Every player may pick a few different dialogue choices in those games that change the story, but we’re still all playing Shepherd or Geralt. No one is going to experience a new never-before-seen story in Mass Effect or The Witcher, which is very much a factor of them being video games and not TTRPGs, and therefore limited to the amount of code, writing, and voice-acting that can go into them.
This anonymous asker who sent a message to @thydungeongal seems to feel pretty similarly to me about PbtA games, and @thydungeongal's response is a very good response about how people find this appealing.
I have more respect for PbtA now than I did, but I still don't like it because to me it seems to play so much against what I consider to be the strengths of TTRPGs as a medium, much like how video games like The Last of Us and David Cage games play against the strengths of the medium of video games, and I will never like it. But other people clearly do, so to each their own.
Then another reason I don’t like it is because I think it’s oversaturating the TTRPG space. I’ve referred to PbtA before as “indie D&D5e”, and i do think that’s a reasonable comparison, because in much the same way that you always hear “D&D5e is a system that can do everything”, I think a lot of people seem to be under the impression that the PbtA system is a system that can do anything. It’s kinda the système du jour for indie TTRPGs right now, and many iterations of it make it clear that many designers do not consider how PbtA differs from more traditional TTRPGs, and how it is specialized for different types of TTRPG gameplay. Just like how I feel PbtA isn’t playing to certain important strengths of TTRPGs, I think that many—maybe even most—PbtA hacks don’t play to the strengths of PbtA. But this isn’t really PbtA’s fault, that comes down to any individual indie TTRPG developer on a case-by-case basis. And the cure for that is something I’m always saying: If you are going to be a writer, you have got to read lots of books. If you are going to be a director, you have got to watch lots of movies. If you are going to be a video game developer, you have got to play lots of video games. And if you are going to be a TTRPG designer, you have got to read and play lots of TTRPGs. That and you have to understand that TTRPGs are specialized. Even "agnostic" systems like PbtA are somewhat specialized, and therefore might really not be a great fit for the game you’re trying to make.
That and, to get more subjective again, there’s like an ocean of them, and I don’t even like the ones that are actually good.
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Now that I’ve talked about how I don’t like PbtA games, I’m gonna talk about a game I do like: Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. Obviously, I like it because I’m the lead writer for it, but I would also like it even if I wasn’t the lead writer for it, because it’s just my kinda game. Eureka is the opposite of a PbtA game. I wrote it to play to what I feel are the strengths of the TTRPG medium.
Eureka’s character creation uses personality traits as a mechanical element of the character, but it does so in a deliberately freeform way. You build your character’s personality out of a list of traits, so who your character is is very much linked to what your character can do, but we aren’t just handing you a pre-made character.
Eureka is designed to incentivize organic decision-making by the PCs, most often by the mechanics of the game mirroring the world they live in. Every mechanic aims to create situations wherein “what will the PC do next?” is a question whose answer can be predicted - it doesn’t need to be ordained by a playbook.
One of my favorite examples of this is, rather than a “Fear Check” forcing the PC to run away if they fail, or “Run Away from Danger” being a “Move” on their character sheet, Eureka opts for the Composure mechanic. The really short version is that one of the main things that lowers a PC’s Composure is encountering scary stuff, and the lower a PC’s Composure, the more likely they are to fail skill checks, and the more likely they are to fail skill checks, well, the less brave they and their player probably feel about them standing up to this scary monster. So if the PC has low Composure, they are more likely to choose to run away. The lower their Composure, the better idea that will seem.
This system really really shines when it comes to monster PCs in Eureka. Most monsters benefit a lot more from having high Composure, but have fewer ways to restore Composure than mundane PCs. Their main way to restore their Composure is by eating people. The rulebook never says “your monster PC has to eat people”, but more likely than not, they’re going to be organically steered towards that by the game and world itself. Sure, they could decide to be “one of the good ones”, and just never eat people, just like you reading this could decide to stop eating food. You technically could, but when your body starts to fail, how long would you? (This is a big part of the themes of Eureka and what it has to say about crime, disability, mental illness, and evil. People don’t just arbitrarily do bad things, it is often their circumstances that leads them down that path until they see little choice for themselves in that matter, and “harmful” people are still just as deserving of life as people who “aren’t harmful”, but that really deserves its own post.)
It has been said that Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually arrives at much the same end as the PbtA game Monsterhearts, and I actually don’t disagree, but it gets there from an entirely different starting point and direction. The monster PCs in Eureka are very likely to eat people and cause drama, but it won’t be because they have “Eat People and Cause Drama” as a “Move” on their character sheet.
Monsters in Eureka have a lot of abilities, which they can use to solve (and create) problems as the emergent story emerges organically.
(Oh and Eureka is about adult investigators investigating mysteries, and sometimes those investigators are monsters, not about monster kids in high school, to be clear. The same “end” that Eureka and Monsterhearts reach is that of the monsters being prone to cause problems and drama due to the fact that they are monsters, though this isn’t the sole point of Eureka, just one element of it.)
You can pick up the free shareware version of this game from the download link on our website, or the full version for $5 from our Patreon.
And don’t forget, Eureka is fundraising on Kickstarter starting on April 10th, 2024! We need your support there most of all, to make sure we hit our goals and can afford to make the best version of Eureka we can make!
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Interested in branching out but can’t get your group to play anything but D&D5e? Join us at the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club, where we nominate, vote on, and play indie TTRPGs, all organized by our team with no strict schedule requirement! Here's the invite link! See you there!
We also have merchandise.
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lovingksuki · 11 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in her hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am chocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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hyacinthdoll1315 · 1 month
3.5 Months of Moth HRT
So, um, hi again! Not much has changed since last time but well, feel like I should be updating this more. a few things have changed. My eyesight is a bit fuzzier now. not enough to need glasses at least! but stuff that's really far away has gotten more, smudged I guess?
I called the doc about it since I was worried about having another eye infection (eww) but apparently, it's not too uncommon to occur by this point, something about the eyes beginning to split? I wasn't able to pay attention to much of it (been so scatterbrained(maybe some more tea will help?) but I did some looking into insect eyes and it seems to be the case? something about less resolution.
my sense of smells really strong now, and I'm starting to find it affecting my emotions. like, you know how ants have this smell they leave when foraging? it, kind of makes me hungry now. not that I've been sticking around ants much! I'm a moth through and through thank you very much! (paperyum)
the biggest thing I think is my skin? I'm not quite sure but it kind of feels, tight? and it's been drying out easier. like, wearing a suit that's too small. not sure what that's about, but at least my setae is still growing!
Well, silver lining I guess.
look, that's, not why I decided to write this though, I just. I feel used, in a way. and I need to write it.
So, about a week ago I went to hang out with my friends again. they've been nice and as cool as always, but, I don't know, there's this kind of, disconnect? like, Only Alice (Tea friend!) has really tried to understand while the others have kind of just acted like nothing changed and teased me a bit as normal. I guess it's just ribbing, but, I don't know, I've never really agreed with it.
but uh, we went to the mall, which was kind of nice, the others wanted to watch a movie and go to the arcade, and it was kind of fun? though a little overstimulating (too loud and the movie was boring) I kept getting weird looks the whole time though, and I just. why? they kept looking at me like, I was strange, which I sort of get, but some seemed creeped out, others disgusted.
I used to be pretty oblivious (I admit, I am kind of naive) but now I just, I couldn't stop seeing it. Even when we went to get food, there was this look in people's eyes like I was, wrong. I even heard someone call me a "freak of nature", though maybe they were talking to someone else? (no, it was about me, definitely).
I tried telling the others I wanted to go somewhere else but they just kept saying it was fine and we could go do something else first. I didn't even get to go to my favorite teashop out of fear of losing the group!
Eventually, we stopped at this ramen place and I remember we were mostly joking around a bit. I was having my salad (meat tastes a bit weird now), I don't remember it all. I think someone said something and I felt hurt, said something like, "I can't help it", I think it was about having to be a vegetarian, and I remember one of my friends just, poked the top of my head and laughed at me, something like "well duh, a moth like you doesn't eat much. don't worry about it, just follow the lights." or, something like that I just.
I felt sick. I quickly got up to the bathroom and I think I heard Alice chastising them but I don't remember. I just, needed space. The whole lamp thing is so annoying! like, everyone acts like moths always move toward light when there's so much more going on there! humans may not know how it all works, but it's definitely not just what people think it is, like some infatuation with it!
After that, I just wanted out. the others acted like nothing happened, but, I don't think I can keep hanging around with them anymore. like, they're my friends, you know? they should be there to help! and they do, or at least Alice does. the others just tend to joke around and be silly.
so yeah, that's what happened. they've tried contacting me with stuff like "Hey Emily, we didn't mean anything by it" "We were just joking, Em", or just "Hey Emily, you coming for our next dnd session?" I think I'm going to stop talking to them, just reduce contact, say I'm busy with other stuff, anything to stay out of, that, again.
I haven't gone out in a bit, just been getting my groceries, got my tea, and been trying to relax. I just hope I can find people who can better understand.
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Qualifications of Critique
Fem!Reader Words: 1130
AN: This is very much a test to see if I can write him in character. Also, my first time posting a fic for HSR
Dr. Ratio flipped the page of the chemistry book he had begun to study enjoying the peace and quiet of the university library. A welcome change of pace after spending most of the day grading papers that hadn’t met his standards. There were a handful of students he had hoped to step to the plate but only a few of that group continued to show promise—a pity.
The library had been mostly quiet only gaining more silence as students left for the day. Something he would have done himself if not for the horribly late faculty meeting that had been scheduled in a few more hours.
There was the quiet tapping of heels against the carpet floor getting ever louder. It was an easy sound to ignore but should have served more as a warning with the voice that spoke from behind him. “If it isn’t the worst teacher to ever grace the cosmos.”
He closed the book, turning his head around to see one of the professors who worked there alongside him. She stood there with a bag around her shoulder and her arms crossed. “Excuse me?” He asked, already annoyed that his break had been interrupted.
“I’m being asked, actually that’s the wrong word. I’m being told to move my classroom to make room for a new study hall dedicated to trying to improve the rate of three percent of your students passing.” She complained.
”Don’t take this up with me. It’s not my fault your class was being moved.” He stood up. It would be best to go back to his office and lock the door if he wanted any ounce of peace.
”It is. This study hall wouldn’t have been created if you were better at your job.” She glared up at him, tapping her shoe attempting to calm herself down at the information she had recently been told.
”Have you considered that these students should have to work at grasping the material? It isn’t my fault that they are too foolish to understand simple concepts.” His book had been abandoned on the table.
”Of course, it’s simple to you. You already know it!” Y/N rolled her eyes at his reasoning. “How can you be so smart but still not even understand that being a good teacher means your students should be passing your class?” Any students still lingering around in the library were rushing to pack their things with hushed gossip over the argument that was unfolding.
Arguments between the two of them were slowly becoming famous across campus. Students and professors wondered when the tension between them would finally break. As entertaining as they could be to watch, no one wanted to risk being caught in the crossfire and being forced to take a side.
”I am passing those who put in the work. That’s what should be done.”
”I’m not saying to just pass everyone. Yes, pass those who put in the work. But you also should be putting the work in to make sure they have a chance at understanding the work that is being asked of them.” She explained. It wasn’t like that should be a hard thing to comprehend.
”I put the effort in.”
The bag on her shoulder fell to the floor as she uncrossed her arms. “You do not. You talk a big game of ridding the world of ignorance but can't even take the time to learn how to be a better teacher to do just that!” Her bag had been left on the floor as she took steps forward, shortening the distance between the two of them. “It's such a joke that you consider yourself so smart but are too stupid to see that.”
The distance between them was almost closed as they stood near each other. She had been the only person in this university to challenge his intelligence. Other professors had been quick to praise him but she focused on pointing out his faults to say where he could improve. It was infuriating but a welcomed difference to see someone who could clearly think for themselves.
“I don't see how insulting me adds to your critique of my teaching abilities. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as a critique.”
“Have you ever done a critique yourself? It involves saying what should be improved and then offering advice to guide that person in the right direction, sometimes showing them step-by-step what to do. It makes the base for anyone even interested in teaching. I’m surprised that critique is even in your vocabulary.” 
His eyes didn’t mean to wander down at her lips. Glossed to absolute perfection as she spoke a mix of insults and advice. “Do you ever shut up?” He asked, missing the peace and quiet that the library was known for before she had stepped in.
“Occasionally when those I am conversing with have value to add. If you would take the time to reflect on what I have been saying we wouldn’t have to keep having this conversation. Do you understand how your actions have an effect on me?”
“I wasn’t aware that you would let others have any sort of effect on you.”
“It’s when I’m able to move on with my life. You just keep causing me roadblocks. First, my program loses funding that gets diverted to yours because you have a big name. Now I lose my classroom for a study hall for students struggling with your class. What are you going to change in my life next? I would at least appreciate some sort of warning.”
“If that is what you would consider life changing then I believe we are both using separate definitions.”
She rolled her eyes before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Oh won't the great Veritas Ratio enlighten me then.”
Maybe it was the way that she knew how to stand her ground against him. Or maybe it was that she saw the humanity within him to acknowledge his flaws instead of defaulting to praise like others had. Could it have been that when she came to complain about his teaching she treated the argument more like a debate something that could be seen past the insults? 
He placed his hand underneath her chin holding her gaze on him. Y/N let out a small gasp. “Veritas…” The boldness in her voice had dropped into almost a whisper. “I meant a definition, not this.”
“Everything you said has made it sound like you pride yourself on a proper example.”
“So you do know how to listen. You’re just horrible at application.” She leaned her head to the side, her boldness only dropping momentarily as it returned to her voice. “We should revisit what a life-changing moment is once your class has upped the passage rate.”
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moonstruckme · 1 year
In a Week - send a character + au and I'll write a blurb for it (like vampire!Eddie, bodyguard!Sirius, etc.)
college au tasm!peter who's a photographer for the college newspaper and reader is a writer?
Thanks for requesting gorgeous!
join the party
photographer!(tasm)Peter Parker x reporter!reader ♡ 761 words
“Peter, these are gorgeous,” you breathe, leafing through the pictures he’s brought you of the protest near campus. “I mean, it’s heartbreaking, and they show that, but they’re so…just, great job.” 
Peter grins, leaning against your desk with a smile that’s half-sheepish, but you can tell he’s proud of his work. He should be. “Thanks,” he says. “Did you already write the article? This is supposed to go out tomorrow, right?” 
You bite your lip. “I did,” you admit, “but now I’m thinking I’ve got some editing to do. There’s so much emotion in these, I feel like you’ve definitely upped the bar for my writing.” You say it as if it’s a joke, but really you mean it, and Peter frowns like he can tell. 
“Your writing’s amazing, and you always kill these kinds of community-minded, emotional stories.” He nudges your chair with his knee, reprimanding. “Don’t sell yourself short. Can I read what you have?”
You hesitate. Letting someone else read your work before it’s finished always feels weirdly vulnerable, even when you’re mostly reporting on facts. You haven’t picked the exact right words yet, phrased your ideas the way that’ll convey them to readers exactly like you want, but Peter’s eyes are soft and warm in the light from your desk lamp, and he always gets what he wants out of you in the end. 
You turn your laptop toward him, letting him scroll freely. 
Peter stoops over your desk, and he nods as he reads, eyes moving quickly over the typed lines. You’re doing your best not to look like you’re watching him, but you grow uneasy when a crease appears between his eyebrows. At first it’s shallow, then not so much. 
“Wow,” Peter breathes as he finishes, looking up at you like you’ve broken his heart. Whatever you’ve done, you’re immediately sorry for it. “That was…shit, you don’t have to worry about missing the mark on emotion. The passion in that, it was incredible, sweetheart.” 
Your heart jumps from your stomach right up to your throat. Sweetheart. 
“You really think so?” you ask, then realize it sounds like you’re fishing for compliments. “I mean, you didn’t think the ending was too abrupt?” 
Peter shakes his head as he straightens, still looking somewhat awed. “No, I don’t think you should change anything. You really made me feel it, you know? It was so powerful.” 
You hope the dim light is hiding the flush you can feel coming to your cheeks. “It’s a powerful topic,” you say, taking back your laptop and skimming over the draft. “You can feel how much the protestors care, from both the interviews and the pictures.” Your finger hesitates above the trackpad. “You don’t think it felt too long, though?” 
Peter makes a scoffing sound, and you look up to find him grinning at you incredulously. “Stop,” he says, shutting your laptop for you carefully. “You know what I think? I think it’s too late to still be here. Your draft is already perfect, you should go home.” 
You frown, glancing out the window. It had gotten dark without you even really noticing. “Yeah, I guess I will,” you concede. “You should, too.” 
“I am,” he says, but doesn’t move. Neither do you, sensing that he has something more he wants to say. Peter fiddles with his backpack strap. “Hey, have you had dinner yet?”
You shake your head. “I’ve been here since just after lunch.” 
“That’s too long,” he laughs. “Would you let me take you for something to eat?”
You all but freeze, looking up at him. He’s as lovely as he always is, hair fluffy from constantly dragging his hand through it and features softened in the lamplight. Your mouth is dry, and still you swallow. “Like…like as friends, or…?” 
Peter’s smile is actually shy. “I was thinking as a date, but only if you want it to be. I don’t want to make things weird, if—”
“No,” you say quickly. “No, a date is good. I’d…I’d like that.” 
Peter grins so hugely that even his eyes get in on the action, creasing at the corners. “Yeah? Nice.” Then you grab your laptop, and those eyes narrow suspiciously. “You’re not going to keep working on that, are you?”
“At dinner? No,” you reassure him, stuffing the computer into your bag. “But after I get home, yeah. I still have some edits I want to make.” 
He exhales, and it’s half exasperation, half amusement. “You’re relentless,” he says, opening the door for you. 
“Like I said, you set a high bar.”
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loves1ckgirl · 7 months
Denki Kaminari with an online best friend
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Denki x American! reader
Online friends + maybe romantic-ish
Note, I have no idea how to write in the grammar of someone learning English so I’m just avoiding contractions and using a bit of chat gtp to make the sentence to be a little more incorrect lol.
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He initially met you while playing a FPS at 3am
The game between you and both was mostly silent aside from some English and Japanese cursing, Denki understood some what you said
You however; did not understand him, but assumed he was expressing the same frustration and wasn’t just getting upset at you
After your first game was played, he had sent you a few emojis and a little english
The game you had been playing along side some random from Japan had gone surprisingly well. It was such a bad game for the loser you wondered if it was because they were absolute garbage or all of a sudden you became a gaming god. As you leaned back in your chair and attempted to fix the knot that formed in your back from hunching, you looked back at your computer screen. There you see a friend and message request.
“You are good at playing. Can we play more?”
As you read the message, you decide to respond and pray he wasn’t some 30 year old incel. After all, you were bored, and a bit lonely.
After that first interaction, you would go on to play with him often
However, neither of you talked very often especially after you came to the conclusion you didn’t speak the same language
In the end, there were still some short convos
Kaminari liked these, as he thought you were cool
The fact that UA English classes were more rigorous helped him in talking to you (a hero needed to communicate with a large variety of people)
A couple of months in, he was struggling with his classes exponentially, and no amount of help by his friends would help him,
He then thought it was a good idea to message you and explain that he thought it would be nice to talk and learn through a fluent speaker instead
“Can we talk a lot I am learning English I think your cool.”
“I’m down. It’s late now though. I have school is tomorrow okay? Also, the your should be you’re”
Kaminari sends a cute little heart emoji,
“Yes. Thank you.”
For awhile, you’d avoid many abbreviations and some complex Slang
Eventually Kaminari had gotten more advanced and you spoke more casually
After exchanging Instagram and other accounts, instead of mostly talking as you guys played, it started during school and random times of day
The time difference didn’t mean much since the both of you had terrible sleep schedules
(Although, he was a bit more regular due to his hero school)
As you talked to him you obviously found more of his personality and it had become more endearing tbh
He’d most definitely google English pick up lines
Eventually as his friends noticed his behavior and how if he’d planned to play with you he’d decline
Also how he’d be texting more than before (mostly on his Sundays and Monday’s as you’d be awake the longest when he was.)
Lowkey hates the time difference tbh.
Anyway, as his friends noticed him typing away on those two days in particular they’d begun to ask questions about who he was texting
“My friend.” He’d say, looking up from the phone for a second before continuing the text. Mina had begun even more curious than previously.
“Whaaa? Friend? Who?” She asks, leaning over the couch and Kaminari’s shoulder. She sees joke flirty messages that he sends and receives.
He ended up telling them about you and explains that’s why his English grade was getting better
Anywayyy he’s overall super cute with you
Basically just being himself
If you ever wanted to learn Japanese he’d 100% do his best to help you enthusiastically
He tries his best to keep you updated since it’s its hard to talk to you regularly
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laura1633 · 3 months
Laura feel like you always choose the drivers that deserve love mostly to become your favorites , I don’t understand how to explain this but you always choose drivers who suffered in the past or now or drivers that are misunderstood by people, like Oscar makes my heart break sometimes he seems cold but I feel like he’s just a baby who needs love and a deserves it , I remember Lando once said that Oscar is Soulless as a joke but I feel that’s what he seems but inside he’s sooo soft and sensitive and emotional I love him so much, and I don’t even have to explain why Max deserves a lot of love he’s the strongest since childhood till now he always endures a lot emotionally and physically and some people still boo him or misunderstand him like how can’t you see he’s literally a little babygirl with the biggest heart he’s like an omega mommy , and Charles also suffered a lot and lost people he loves and still so strong and keeps going and caring for people he loves, I just feel so happy when I see how you give them the love and affection they deserve in your fics I wish they know how strong and pretty they’re
Oh this is so interesting anon 🥰
One of the things I absolutely love is how the public opinion of Oscar seems to have changed since he first came on to the grid. I think he's getting more confident and people are starting to notice his humour and what a genuine person he is. I think he shows that you don't need to be the loudest or most outlandish to be the most interesting or fun. It's wonderful to see.
And Max, well I will always have a huge soft spot for him being treated kindly and softly and getting all the love and praise he deserves. I hate so much about the way he has been treated by so many groups of people over the years. He has not received the respect he deserves. Even now when he gets up on that podium he has to deal with people booing or chanting someone else's name. I know this type of thing sometimes comes along with winning so much but it shouldn't. He is an absolute sweetheart who deserves nothing but good things. I at least feel like over the last year or so he seems happier and settled in himself. I honestly could sing his praises for days on end. Max being described as an omega mommy makes so much sense to me, he gives the support to younger drivers that he should have received.
Charles too has had a lot to deal with so far in his life and I think he is a lot stronger than people sometimes give him credit for. Yes he looks like a complete babygirl but he is absolutely no victim. He is determined and smart and will stick up for himself when he needs to. I so hope that he becomes world champion one day, he deserves it.
I am so glad that you have noticed how I like to give them lots of love and softness in my fics. I know I write quite a lot of smut but I still want those boys to get all the affection they deserve.
Thank you so much for your ask anon, it was really interesting to think about <3
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lenasai · 6 months
a lil confession from a guy who used to like blaseball. going to preface with i absolutely loved it, the culture, the community, the characters and setting and all. i made art, wrote fics, bought the albums. but as someone who wasnt usamerican, who lived on the opposite side of the world in fact, i always felt a little left behind. joining late contributed to the feeling of lockout, timezone mismatch meant that i slept through events like voting, and the finale.
and… the communal character building. sometimes i felt like i had to force myself to use a usa-centric lens to see what everyone else saw. the deicide jokes were funny, but not when my actual rl faith started being teased and challenged as well.
i think i'll still always keep a shard of blaseball near and dear to my heart. the good parts of it really were amazing. but sometimes when i see people say they miss it, i think, i wish i could miss it as fiercely as you guys do too.
hey, i wanna say thank you for sharing this with me. i think it's an important perspective to put out there. i debated on whether i wanted to maintag it since i don't have a way to reach out and ask if it's okay to do so, but i really think other people should see it. (you can always send me another message if you want me to delete it and i will do so asap)
blaseball, as a game and as a community, was wonderful and overall a net positive, but it was by no means perfect. it had its flaws like any other community, in this case driven by the fact that its active fanbase was largely white and centered in the united states. there were a lot of people who felt ostracized by a community that was supposed to be welcoming to everyone - and whether it was people not knowing how to keep a bit contained to the circumstances of its universe or shutting down discussions about problems in character writing, there were people who got hurt. we cannot and should not pretend that never happened.
and of course, as you mentioned, the game was designed in a way that mostly centered the united states. i think there were attempts to fix this during coronation with planned events at different times, but we never got to see that play out. hell, you could even see it in which locations got to be represented by teams. i'm not personally sure how i feel about the fact that a lot of the teams that were represented outside of the us were prehistory teams. it feels like they took a step in trying, but those are all teams that wouldn't ever see active play, so it rang a little hollow to me.
at least from my perspective, it seemed like there were dialogues happening about this and that there was progress being made to fix those issues, but then the game ended and we didn't get to see anything come out of it. i really don't want to see that all be for nothing. i hope that everyone who learned something from this community will take those lessons and apply them to how they interact with other communities.
thank you again. i am truly sorry we didn't get to have the same experience.
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addie4ddie2005 · 1 year
I see you need some Howdy requests °^°, I am here to provide!
I think it would be cool to see Howdy grow some kind of self-awareness much like wally. Its small stuff first, seeing a small thin crease line up where the sky is and he probably thinks its just his eyes playing tricks on him. Then it would start to derail to seeing the seems of his friends, and feeling that something is isnt quite right no matter how he twists and turns, his body doesnt feel like *his* now, and we're basically here to try to do some damage control because he draws attention to himself (wally side eyeing him heavily)
:DDD here’s something like that!! Sorry if I didn’t hit everything,, when I start writing my own visions take over and I forget I’m filling out a request. Anyways,,, I think the concept of walk-around puppets in this universe is horrifying. Here’s my take.
GN! Reader / Ambiguous species
cw: horror and unreality
additional tags: hurt and comfort (you comfort Howdy!)
Also remember my guy has a Transatlantic accent,, so cool so swag. All that time watching Westerns has paid off for me.
When you step into the shop, you’re met with all kinds of pleasantries.
‘Howdy-hey! What’s the news today, sweetheart?’
‘Oh! You’re just in time! I’m having a special on jokes! This ones a kicker! Heard it from Barns himself!’
Not this.
The seven-foot-tall pillar of Home fiddling with his hands like they weren’t his own. If he weren’t your friend it would be grotesquely unprofessional.
“What’s got you down, Howdy?”
You tried to approach this like it was just another bit. Like he was going to announce that someone had picked up the wrong order and he’d send you on a quest around town to find the oblivious culprit. Hilarity ensued.
The look on his face told you otherwise.
No script this time. Just terror.
He shook his head, like some sort of thought was trying to come loose that he just couldn’t get rid of.
“Oh, ah, nothing to bother about. I just got a late shipment to fuss over… right before closing time, too! A shame. I’ll be getting home late tonight. Good thing my home is upstairs, ey? Haha!”
The change in demeanor was relieving, but you were still uncomfortable.
“Oh… I’ll give you a hand, in that case!”
Two hands found his cheeks, one flipped towards you bashfully. “That’s so sweet… you think I need six hands to get around here? By all means!”
You grinned, forgetting whatever your reason was for stopping by. You stepped behind the counter.
But then you paused. It hit you, that you had never been back here before. No one has.
Howdy looked at you happily, blankly. “Weird, huh?”
He headed towards the back. You took a second to confirm with yourself that neither of you were going to elaborate. At least not yet, you think. You followed him.
He did indeed have a shipment. All kinds of inventory. Fruit, snacks, cleaning supplies.
“Our little town sure goes through a lot.”
He was beside you with all four hands on his hips.
It was silent for a moment.
“Who brings you these?”
Howdy laughed with closed eyes. “That… I would love to know.”
The two of you worked quietly. Whether occupied with stocking, or just processing the events prior, you didn’t know. You didn’t mind the silence, but the air was heavy. Like there was something you two should have been acknowledging, but it was lost, or hiding.
You decided to stick around and help him close. Putting up food and taking apart warmers, mostly.
“I can’t believe you do all this by yourself every night.”
“All in a day’s work! ‘Sides, being busy ain’t too bad.”
“Yeah, I get that.”
“It feels good to be good for something. Even here.”
The silence was back, but now you were looking at him.
“Less time to think, right?”
Howdy’s eyes widened, like the notion had been ready to jump off his head the whole time, and he couldn’t believe you put it in the air like that. And then his eyes sank in relief, because you felt it too.
“Don’t be shy to come around when you need to quit all that thinking. There’s plenty here to keep you busy.”
“I will.”
Work resumed, putting everything in its place.
“Be careful, darlin’.” He said, uncharacteristically quiet.
“You too.”
And he laughed, and you didn’t like that.
When all was said and done the two of you looked at the pristine store with some sort of pride, muddled by grief that you weren’t even contemplating before you stepped in. Hazy orange shadows coated the walls and floor.
“How about you stay the night? Wouldn’t want you out and about in the dark.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
But this wasn’t a sleepover of games and stories and staying up past bedtimes. You just needed to be there, and be real. As real as you could get.
Howdy was gazing out the window of his bedroom.
“Funny how dark it gets out there. You would think… I’m not so sure, actually.”
You scooted over to confirm. His window might as well have been a pitch black rectangle. You could just barely make out the outline of Home and their kind eyes.
You closed the curtain.
The two of you settled down for the night. Howdy’s sleeping routine involved spreading out a blanket and rolling himself up in it like a cocoon, or a burrito, and that was kind of funny. You laid right beside him and kept your eyes glued to the ceiling. A night light glowed softly to the side, shaped like a butterfly. A gift, probably.
Howdy didn’t have many qualms sleeping. He worked too hard for his mind to stay wired through the night.
But you sure made it easier, he thought. He imagined the hours rolling by a lot differently if he was alone with his thoughts. Thoughts of scary things, like the sky. The pitch black sky. Like a sheet had been thrown over the entire expanse of home. Everyone knew what the moon was. Where was it?
You shifted beside him, and his train of thought pushed the breaks, coming to a gentle stop.
Wally approached you the next day, casually, as you were tending to some plants.
“Hi, you. What were you up to last night, neighbor?”
You gave him an odd look, but you were used to nosy neighbors at this point.
“Oh, with Howdy! I had no idea I hung out till dark, so we had a sleepover.”
Wally hummed. “That’s sweet.” And walked away. You let out a breath of air when he was out of earshot.
You’ve been paying more attention to your caterpillar friend since then.
He’s been distant. On the occasion he leaves the shop, he’s always glancing around like someone was going to leap out of the bushes and tell him he’s been duped.
He’s always been suave, persuasive. A cool cat or whatever. With so many arms and hands and fingers you can easily spot the anxiety creeping into his form. Your friends noticed, too. Wally seemed especially worried. Poor guy.
You were at the shop one day, just visiting, checking up. Howdy’s demeanor was… upsetting. He kept all his hands in a ball, fidgeting.
It was well past closing and a little yellow figure was passing by the doors. Howdy ushered you to the back. You went along, albeit slightly alarmed.
“You good?”
Howdy rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah— you bet, you bet. Just don’t want any last-minute customers. Love em’, but they’re a pain to clean up after.”
You weren’t convinced. You looked back towards the entrance, but Howdy had taken your hands.
“Just tell me something.”
Unexpected, but this is the most you’ve gotten out of him about the whole conundrum in a while. You nodded.
“Alright. Now this will sound strange, but I need you to put your hands on my hands. Just feel em’.”
His two lower arms raised towards you, and Howdy was your friend and frankly you didn’t care about how strange it sounded, so you reached out and intertwined your fingers. Gave them a squeeze. Just like everyone else, they were soft and cushiony. If you pinched hard enough you could feel your fingers on both sides, but that would hurt. You looked back up.
“Okay.” He replaced those with his upper set of arms. Not having second thoughts, you took those as well.
And paused.
Solid. Completely. You could almost say they were warm. You looked up at him in alarm, still holding his hands, squeezing them, like if you held them long enough they would go back to being normal and you two could laugh about this, but you knew that wasn’t a possibility. Your thumb was on his wrist. It was beating, flowing.
“There is something terribly wrong with me.”
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milkybonya · 2 years
8:03am _ lee know
order 059, @btsmosphere : honey milk tea with pudding and for skz Lee Know
!: y/n tells a (rude) customer to stfu, some angst/physical violence, enemies to lovers! but it's mostly Lino teasing y/n and y/n being the one who hates Lino, Lino is a snob here and y/n is kinda cold
#: rich ceo!Lino who is a regular at the café you work at, he drives you insane but ends up being the one to comfort you on a bad day
[💌: this ended up being on the longer side! i hope you enjoy it hehe i was so invested while writing this...]
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you sigh as you hear the door to your café open at exactly 8:03am. the same person was coming for the same order that they get at the same time every single day... and of course you always have to work the morning shifts.
"strawberry latte?" you ask him, not even meeting his gaze.
"i have a name, you know," he responds. you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"don't care," you say, punching in the order. you don't usually act this cold with customers, but Lino deserves it.
"someone's having a bad day. don't worry sweetie, i'll tip you extra today," he says.
you finally look up to see him with his hair parted comma style, glasses with lenses that may or may not be fake sitting on the bridge of his nose. his black suit is neat, perfectly tailored to him.
"finally looking at me after i mentioned a tip?"
he's smirking again, the jerk. you roll your eyes and tell him how much he owes before walking away to make the drink. you can hear him sighing and complaining about the workers in this place being too moody.
"who wouldn't be in a mood making drinks for a snob like you," you groan to yourself, but your coworker overhears.
"hey now, Lino isn't a snob. he's just rich," he argues.
you talk to your coworker while still making the drink.
"come on, Han Jisung. rich = snob and vice versa. have you even seen the way he talks to me?" you complain.
Jisung sighs at you, calling you dramatic half jokingly before he walks to the back in search of some more medium-sized cups.
"your drink."
you slide it over to Lino who takes it, the corners of his mouth turned slightly upwards.
"thanks, angel. enjoy the tip. that one's all for you," he says before leaving, not even listening to you explaining that all tips have to be divided equally between staff.
you sigh, both frustrated with what happened and relieved that the local snob has finally left your café.
"i seriously don't understand your problem with Lino. he's total eye candy and always tips so much..." Jisung tells you while mopping the counter.
"you wouldn't know," you tell him.
Jisung wasn't working at the café when you were a newbie and Lino first started coming in. your small mistakes would always make Lino angry. he'd never yell but was always scoffing, rolling his eyes and snapping. it made you feel super crappy.
that's what you hated. people who thought they could treat customer service workers like dirt; people who thought it was your job to accept that kind of behaviour.
hell no.
even though Lino has started being weirdly flirty and jokes around with you a lot since you've gotten better at your job, you don't give him more than you have to. all you do is quietly take his order and make his drink.
you hate him. he's a rich ceo snob who thinks he can do and get everything he wants. you wish he'd just never come in anymore.
yet on this day, you're thankful to hear him walking in at 8:03am again while a customer yells at you.
"this is outrageous. what is this, a five-star restaurant? why're you walking this man's drink out to him? if you do it for him, you should be doing it for the rest of us," the customer shouts at you.
"no sir, this is a café. i am walking this man's drink to him because he respectfully asked me to do so for him," you calmly reply.
a man explained that he needed assistance bringing his drinks to his table. he was scared he would spill his hot drink on himself, so he had asked you to walk the drink to where he was sitting, instead. of course, you agreed, noticing that he was indeed having trouble with his hands full and his baby that wouldn't leave him alone.
"well, if i kindly ask, would you walk my drink over to me, too?" the customer scoffed.
"if you're just trying to abuse me and the work i do then i suggest you stop now, sir. if you genuinely needed me to walk the drink over to you, i would have done so, but clearly you're just saying this for the sake of arguing," you say before walking towards the customer who had first made this request to you.
"i'm so sorry you have to hear this," you tell him.
Lino, who had been quietly standing and assessing the situation this whole time, finally speaks up after the customer tries to harass you again.
"hey, what're you tryna say.. y/n?" the customer shoves you backwards, spitting out your name from likely reading your name tag.
"i'm abusing you? what're you gonna do, report me? i have the right to complain about this shitty café."
you sigh as he shoves you again, until Lino approaches you.
"you also have the right to leave before i fucking make you," Lino almost snarls.
you look up at him, his face seems calm but you can tell there's anger brewing deep within.
"excuse me?" the customer asks, pushing past so you he can be face to face with Lino.
"leave this store. you've made a mess so just leave before you fuck it up even more," Lino responds, gesturing to all the people in the café who wear fearful expressions.
the customer suddenly tries to punch Lino, who easily dodges and tightly holds the man's shoulders, guiding him out.
"that's enough from you," Lino says.
suddenly, two police officers storm in.
"we got a report about a violent customer," one of them says.
"i sent the report!" Jisung squeaks from behind the counter, "it's that man!"
the officers look at the man Lino is holding onto.
"what happened here?" the officer asks Lino.
"this man was harassing y/n and a customer," Lino explains.
"alright, we'll deal with it," they say.
as soon as Lino steps away from the conversation, he turns towards you.
"are you okay?" he asks.
for the first time, there's a distinct emotion on his face, and it's one of worry.
"i'm okay..." you say.
but you're shaking and your eyes are brimming with tears. that was a shocking experience and you're only processing your emotions now.
"let's go," Lino says, taking your hand and guiding you to the break room.
Jisung tells you he'll talk to the cops on your behalf.
inside the breakroom, you suddenly start to cry. Lino stays with you for a few seconds before he caves and wraps you in a hug that feels surprisingly warm, considering how cold he is.
"hey... you're okay. you're safe here, just breathe," he mumbles close to your ear.
you get goosebumps all over you but also somehow strangely relax into his arms. you can smell his perfume, feel his body shake with his every heartbeat and you can hear him taking quick breaths.
"are you okay?" you ask him, "i'm sorry the café was so unusual today.
he scoffs.
"you don't need to apologize for that, y/n, are you kidding? i'm glad i was here to step in when necessary," he says.
he pulls away, still holding your shoulders while scanning your face, trying to see how you feel. for the first time, your heart races around him as you take in his handsome features and the fact that he's holding you right now. if he wasn't, you may have passed out.
"do you think you can continue working? i'll tell Jisung to cover for you. no, he can't on his own, can he... should i just not go to work and cover you here instead? i'm a pretty good cook..." he rambles to himself, eyebrows furrowed and resembling a little bunny.
"hey, really, it's okay. i can go back to work. i've had worse than this," you reassure him.
it takes a while, but Lino is eventually convinced that he can leave you to work, but he still has you save his number to your phone in case you need help.
"oh dude, he's definitely flirting. that was all just an act so he could get your number," Jisung says once you're back to taking orders and telling him everything that happened.
"and so what if it was?" you ask.
"oh? have you finally taken a liking to Lino?"
you consider it and decide that maybe you have. the next day he comes in is when you know it for sure, though.
at 8:03am, Lino walks in again. this time, you notice the way he holds the door open for a mother and her children, even picking up a dropped toy for them. you notice the little smile on his face and how cute his teeth look. you watch him squint at the menu from afar, even though you know he'll still get a strawberry latte.
"morning, y/n. feeling better?" he asks.
when you nod and smile, he feels relieved.
"your drink's on me today," you say, stepping aside to make it for him.
"oh? what's the occasion?" he asks.
"just..." you trail off.
"they like you, you idiot," Jisung yells from where he's working on another order.
you glare at Jisung and look back at Lino, who's trying to hide his smile.
"if i like you too then do i accept the free drink?" he asks.
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cha-melodius · 1 year
Oh my goodness, I've just seen your fic festival request post and am excited to sneak in to participate before it closes. I love your writing and your stories so very much!
My prompt suggestion is... firstprince in Edinburgh, Scotland... in particular, the Edinburgh pride parade (if I may be so oddly specific). AU welcome, canon welcome, makeouts welcome, ahem.
Thank you and good luck wrangling everyone's prompts!
(Firstly, I have to say I love your url and your profile pic! Secondly, this is heavier on the Pride and lighter on the Edinburgh as far as the details go, but I hope it delights. Inspired in part by a tweet shared on tumblr; rated M for dick jokes. Happy Bisexual Awareness Week!)
Something To Be Proud Of
(firstprince, 3.3k, M; read it below or on AO3) read all the fandom fest fics
Henry stares at the carbon copy of the email in his inbox and wills time to go backwards. Just a few minutes, that’s all he needs. Enough time to go back and keep autocorrect from transforming whatever he’d typed after ‘he’ in his pronouns after his name into… that.
Thank you so much for all your help. Together we can make this a truly exceptional Edinburgh Pride. Regards, Henry Fox (he/hung Sent from Outlook for iOS.
How had he not seen it before he hit send on an email going out to every volunteer on their mailing list? How had he not noticed?
Maybe no one else would notice either. No one looks at email signatures that closely, right?
Ok, he’s not delusional enough to think that no one noticed. He had, however, naively believed that everyone would recognise it for what it was and politely ignore his gaff. He gets away scot free for a few days, and then, at the end of an email sent by a volunteer that is mostly as expected, he sees:
Best, Alex (he/him) PS: not sure I did the pronouns right. Does ‘Pride’ over here include being proud of your big dick?
It’s a damned good thing that he wasn’t taking a sip of his tea at the time, or he might be wearing it instead. Once he’s finished choking on nothing and perhaps isn’t quite the colour of a tomato (oh, who is he kidding, of course he still is), Henry professionally answers Alex’s questions about the schedule for the day of the march. He pauses before the sign off, wondering if he should acknowledge the flub or pretend it never happened. In the end, he writes:
Regards, Henry (he/him) PS: Your pronouns look correct to me, but they are, of course, your choice.
He only checks the email about ten times before he sends it. Hopefully, that should be the end of it.
It’s not.
Apparently, Alex has more questions. Apparently the law firm he works for is one of this year’s sponsors and is interested in potentially running a free legal clinic associated with the festival. A noble endeavour, which Henry is only too happy to assist with. He makes a mental note to look into logistics with Kate, the event’s chair, and continues reading. Finding out that Alex is apparently mature enough to be a lawyer lulls him into a false sense of security, though. At the tail of the email, he finds:
PS: regardless of the size of your dick, I’m impressed by the balls it takes to not acknowledge the typo. Then again, maybe it wasn’t? PPS: I’m trying out new pronouns. How do you think (daddy/sir) would go over?
Henry does spit his tea all over his phone this time.
He doesn’t email Alex back right away, but that’s because he has to wait to hear back from Kate. It has nothing to do with the fact that the prospect of dragging this interaction out longer is both horrifying and vaguely thrilling. Henry has noticed that he uses Americanised spellings in his text, which seems to fit with his general demeanour. It piques Henry’s curiosity, even though the thought of actually having to face Alex in person still makes him flush automatically. Eventually he gets an email from Kate that includes additional questions for the firm, as well as telling him that he can pass it off to someone in sponsor coordination. He is, after all, just the volunteer coordinator for the march. This need not involve him.
He still emails Alex back with the questions. And:
PS: Although I support your creativity, I am concerned those pronouns may not be appreciated in a professional setting such as, for instance, a court of law. Just a thought. However, I do suspect they might be rather popular at Pride.
They keep on exchanging emails, even though Henry should have sent Alex’s contact info to sponsor coordination ages ago, even though it becomes clear that Alex is not the one who will be ultimately responsible for the clinic either. On every one, there is a postscript in which Alex makes some kind of joke about the size of Henry’s dick.
do you have to get all your pants specially made with extra room in the crotch
do you have to check your dick as luggage when you fly
have you ever used it as a tripod
is your dick in another time zone
do you call your dick Sir Richard because it’s that prominent
In turn, Henry responds as dryly as possible, which only seems to encourage him. Oddly for someone who is volunteering at the event, Alex seems to have a lot of questions about Pride itself, as though this is the first one he’s attending on any continent. They exchange emails almost right up to the day of the march itself, but if they do taper off, Henry is too busy to notice. Coordinating volunteers for something as big as Edinburgh Pride is intense, and the days tick by before he even knows it.
He’s standing off to the side at the volunteer check-in tent on the morning of the march, going over some last minute logistics with one of his staff, when a voice carries over the hubbub, deep and rich with an out-of-place American accent.
“Sorry, but I was hoping… is Henry here?”
Henry straightens up and turns toward the voice only to find perhaps the most stunning man he’s ever seen standing at the front table. Dark, curly hair, a sharp jaw, big brown eyes with the longest eyelashes Henry has ever seen— he’s actually impossibly beautiful. Unbelievable, really. As is the fact that he’s asking for Henry.
“Hello,” Henry says as he walks over to the front. “How can I help you?”
The man’s eyes snap over to him, and he very clearly looks Henry up and down and swears, “Jesus fuck,” under his breath. Then his eyes come back up to Henry’s face, and he swallows. “You’re not Scottish.”
Henry cocks an eyebrow at him. “Neither are you.”
“Yeah, sorry. I just— need to adjust what you sound like in my head,” he says nonsensically. “I’m Alex?”
Oh, Christ.
Henry should have known, because how many other Americans could there be volunteering at Edinburgh Pride? That reality does nothing to help him cope with the situation presented before him, though, in which this is the man who’s been teasing him about the size of his dick for the last month.
“I, uh,” he says eloquently as he tries to pull himself together. There are far too many people standing around watching this exchange. “Hello. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Did your firm get everything sorted with the clinic?”
“Oh,” Alex says, blinking. “Yeah, thanks. Look, I’m sure you’re busy, but I have something for you?”
It kind of comes out as a question, and he’s scratching the back of his head uncertainly, so even though Henry has no idea what’s coming, he nods. Then Alex reaches into his pocket, fishes out something small and round, and places it on the table between them.
It’s a button. A pronoun button, not unlike the one Henry’s already wearing, but instead it reads: he/hung.
Henry’s eyes snap up to find Alex grinning at him with the kind of mischief that Henry honestly should have expected from him sparkling in his eye. “Wanted to make sure you were prepared,” he says with a little one-shouldered shrug. “I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Then he takes his volunteer t-shirt and saunters off—and Christ those jeans are ridiculously tight and doing everything for his arse—leaving Henry gawping after him. A moment later, one of his regular volunteers, Robin, bustles by, catches sight of the button, and lets out a sound that can only be described as a cackle.
“My god, it’s perfect,” they say. “Did he really make this for you?”
Henry can only sigh, dragging a hand over his face. “It appears so. Robin, can you do me a favour?”
“Make sure you’re working the same stations all day?” they surmise. Henry doesn’t need to look to imagine the knowing grin on their face.
Henry wants to say no. Just because Henry’s already managed to combine the affection engendered by their previous email conversations with Alex’s stunning good looks into a powerfully intoxicating cocktail of a crush—well, that’s on Henry and his poor decision-making.
Instead, he says: “Yes, exactly that.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~
Alex had only signed up to volunteer at Pride on a whim. He’s always complaining that he doesn’t know anyone in Edinburgh outside of his coworkers, and one such coworker—someone that he could safely call a friend—suggested that getting involved in the festival would be a good way to meet people. Alex had tried to explain that he wasn’t actually queer, but she’d just given him an odd look and told him that allies were welcome at Pride too. It had felt a little weird signing up despite her assurances, but also kind of good. He was finally going get out there and have a life beyond his job.
He certainly hadn’t expected to strike up a prolonged email exchange with the volunteer coordinator, Henry. He also doesn’t really know why he kept finding excuses to send him new messages, except for Henry’s responses to Alex’s stupid jokes made Alex imagine him rolling his eyes and trying not to laugh, which only egged Alex on further. It was fun. That’s all.
Nothing about any of this made him prepared to show up to the volunteer check-in tent  today and be plunged directly into a sexuality crisis. But that seems to be exactly what’s currently happening now that he’s been confronted by quite possibly the hottest man he’s ever seen. Alex doesn’t even get it because it’s not like he hasn’t been able to objectively appreciate attractive men before, and blond hair and blue eyes have historically never really done it for him. Even if they are combined with swooping cheekbones, and broad shoulders, and obscenely full, pink lips.
All he knows is that as much as this doesn’t make sense, it also suddenly does. Why he’d felt drawn to sign up in the first place. Why he spent the last month reading about the history of Pride in Edinburgh and around the world. Why he’d gone on a deep dive doing research about different sexualities, brushing it off as wanting to be informed before meeting new people.
Why he was so obsessed with Henry’s dick.
Jesus fuck.
He thinks he manages to hold a short conversation. Somehow he even gives Henry the custom button he brought as a joke, smiling the whole time like he’s not moment’s away from dropping to his knees. He flees the table safe in the knowledge that Henry will likely be too busy coordinating stuff all day and Alex probably won’t see him again. That confidence is shattered when, not even an hour later, Henry shows up at the station Alex is supposed to be working. He’s even wearing the joke button, under his regular pronoun button and next to a little rainbow flag pin. Alex is going to die.
“Oh hey,” Alex says in a reasonable facsimile of nonchalance. “Did you need me for something?”
“Not exactly,” Henry replies. “I’ll be working this station too.”
Yeah, Alex is definitely not going to make it through the day.
It actually turns out to be not as bad as he feared, despite how Henry’s volunteer t-shirt is probably a size too small (never mind that in the context of everyone else at Pride he looks downright conservative) and Alex keeps getting caught staring at his shoulders or his back or his waist. Henry keeps on giving him weird looks at the beginning, probably because he’s expecting Alex to be cracking crude jokes. Too bad Alex is way too wound up in his own head to think of anything at all.
They’re pretty busy all day, but they do get a chance to chat occasionally, mostly small talk stuff about jobs and how they both ended up in Edinburgh. Henry is there for grad school, apparently, and has been volunteering for Pride since he moved out from under his grandmother’s restrictive shadow. In turn, Alex tells him about applying for the law job on a whim, desperate to set himself apart from his parents, and how much he likes Edinburgh (despite the weather). As the day stretches on and the streets fill up, Alex feels himself relaxing into his skin again, undeniably enjoying the festivities as well as Henry’s company.
See, the other thing he never, ever expected is how good it feels to be here. All the people around him loudly comfortable in themselves, and the color and glitter and celebration— it’s amazing, but it’s not just that he’s watching other people be happy. There’s a kind of ecstatic joy that bubbles up inside him at the fact that he’s part of it, one that he feels down to his bones. A sense of belonging that he’s never really experienced before, and that, more than anything else, makes him more certain of his newfound revelation.
Straight people probably don’t feel like this at Pride.
At the end of the day, he’s helping pack up the main volunteer tent when he comes across a table full of pins depicting different pride flags. He dimly remembers seeing them when he’d checked in and thinking that none of them applied to him. Now, he stares down at them and bites his lower lip uncertainly.
“There’s a box for those under the table,” Henry tells him from across the tent, misinterpreting his hesitation.
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” Alex says, and Henry’s already turning back to whatever he’s doing when he manages to continue, “Hey, can I— um, can I take one of these?”
Henry stops, his brow creasing as he tips his head slightly. “Of course. That’s what they’re there for.”
“Right, thanks,” Alex says with a tight smile.
He puts his hand out, hesitates, then picks up one with pink, purple, and blue stripes. Stares down at it for another moment before he realizes he’s probably being weird and he’s pretty sure Henry is still watching him. He swallows hard, then pins it to his shirt next to his pronoun button.
No one jumps out to call him out for being an impostor. Henry offers him a careful smile, then turns back to his work like he knows Alex needs a moment to himself. He lets his fingers rub over the surface of the pin, feeling the little enamel ridges, and something settles under his skin, like an itch he hadn’t even been aware of until it was gone.
He feels almost normal by the time Henry walks up to him once they’re finished and everything is packed away in someone’s car.
“Thanks so much for your help today,” Henry says. 
“It was my pleasure,” Alex replies, and means it more than he can say. “I’m really glad I decided to sign up.”
“I realize you may very well be tired of my face at this point, but if you don’t already have plans, I was wondering if you’d like to go get a drink?”
Alex would like to make a joke about how it might be literally impossible to get tired of Henry’s face, but at this point he’d probably fuck up and confess his undying love for a guy he just met. “Sounds great,” he says instead, looking around at where a few of the other volunteers are lingering nearby. “Do y’all usually all go out together afterward?”
Henry coughs slightly and glances down at the ground for a few seconds as his cheeks turn faintly pink. “Well yes, a group of them usually do. But I was actually asking if you wanted to go out with me,” he says. “Just the two of us.”
“Oh,” Alex breathes as his stomach decides to do a backflip. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Spending all day volunteering with Henry was fun. Going on a date with Henry, being the sole focus of his attention, is intoxicating. Alex feels like he could sit here all night listening to Henry talk about his research on queer history, although that’s far from the only thing they talk about. As the night wears on and the pub slowly empties, Alex is buzzing with a few drinks and the euphoria of really clicking with someone, already wondering when would be too soon to ask Henry out again.
Henry shifts slightly so his legs press against Alex’s where they’re tangled together under the table—have been for several hours, actually. He’s playing with the stirrer in his empty glass, and a little teasing smirk sneaks onto his lips as he looks up at Alex.
“So you made me a custom pronoun button but forgot your own?”
“Ah, you know,” Alex replies with a shit-eating grin and a one-shouldered shrug, “thought it would be too distracting, what with how everyone would be hitting on me all day.”
Henry hums thoughtfully, biting back a wider smile. “If you wanted to avoid that, you probably should have chosen some looser trousers.”
“That’s fair. I suppose you had to go for the room in yours.” Alex pauses a beat. “You know, on account of the size of your dick.”
That makes Henry actually laugh and shake his head fondly. “I was waiting all day for that.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” Alex says, chuckling along with him. It does feel like he owes Henry something of an explanation of why he was so weird all day. He looks down and licks his lips. “Can I confess something?”
“Of course,” Henry answers with a small, encouraging smile.
“A friend of mine suggested I volunteer for this because I wanted to meet people. Make new friends. But until today I actually thought I was… mostly straight?” Alex admits, trying not to wince as he stares fixedly into his empty glass. “Being part of this made me realize why I always felt a little like I wasn’t my whole self. So I was… kind of going through it a bit today.” He pauses, then adds, “Also you’re so ridiculously fucking hot that you kind of melted my brain.”
Henry laughs again, but it’s softer this time. Gentle. Alex kind of wants to sink into the sound. Henry’s cheeks are slightly pink as he extends a hand across the table, and Alex doesn’t hesitate before he slides his hand into Henry’s and links their fingers together.
“I’m glad to hear that, Alex,” Henry says. “I mean, the feeling like your whole self part. Not the brain melting part,” he adds, and Alex can’t help but laugh with him.
Henry doesn’t let go of his hand as they walk outside, and once they’re alone on the sidewalk he uses it to pull Alex close. He puts a hand on Alex’s hip and Alex has to tip his head up to look at him, and it’s a lot but he’s also pretty sure he’s never wanted anything more than to feel Henry’s lips pressed against his.
“I have a confession too,” Henry murmurs as he stares down into Alex’s eyes.
“I’ve been dreaming of kissing you since the very first moment I saw you.”
Alex lets one corner of his mouth tug upwards. “What’s stopping you, baby?”
“Christ, Alex,” Henry breathes, looking momentarily overwhelmed, but then he’s pressing his lips to Alex’s, and Alex feels his blood sing. It’s brief and chaste and leaves him aching for more, but then Henry looks down at him with heavy lidded eyes and asks, “Given your recent personal revelations, would it be terribly forward of me to ask you back to my place?”
“Ask away, sweetheart,” Alex replies, then he reaches up to touch the side of the ridiculous he/hung button that Henry is still wearing for some reason. “I wanna find out how accurate this button is.”
(It doesn’t take long for him to find out that the answer is: extremely.)
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rainbow-nerdss · 7 months
Hi! If you still take soft prompts, I want to suggest 24 and/or 29 (I can't choose hahaha) ❤️❤️
AHH thank you so much! Definitely still taking the prompts, I am ALWAYS down to write some softness (though this one did grow a little angst, oops?)
I fit both prompts in here, so enjoy!
"I just really need a hug" and "pet names"
Eddie was worried—worried about Buck.
Where he’d usually joke around at the end of shift, try to make plans with Eddie—or someone else, if Eddie was busy—he’d been quiet. Withdrawn. Eddie had even reached out, asked if he wanted to come over, but Buck had simply shook his head and walked out alone.
He hadn’t even replied to Eddie’s text asking if he was okay.
Even Chris noticed. He asked Eddie if he’d had a bad day at work, clearly seeing something in his expression.
“It was a hard day. Harder for Buck, I think.”
“How come?”
Eddie hesitated, but Chris was old enough, had been to enough therapy that Eddie was sure he’d be okay to hear an overview. “We had a call at the beach, a kid tangled under a pier. He almost drowned.”
Chris’ expression tightened in understanding. “Do you think I should call him?”
Eddie smiled at his kid’s generosity. He knew Chris had some sort of video call scheduled with some friends, to play a video game tonight. “I think that’s a great idea, bud.”
Eddie was relieved to hear the muffled voices of Chris and Buck through the walls later in the evening, glad to know that while Buck wasn’t talking to him, he had at least answered Chris’s call.
Chris knocked on Eddie’s door a minute or two after the call went silent.
“Come in!”
Chris came in, holding a rock he usually kept on his desk. He sat on Eddie’s bed, passing the rock from one hand to the other. “I just talked to Buck. He said it reminded him of the tsunami.”
“I thought so,” Eddie agreed. “Did you guys talk about it?”
“A little. I think he just wanted to hear my voice, though. We talked about video games, mostly. And rocks? He read an article.”
Eddie snorted. “Yeah, sounds like Buck. You’re a good kid, you know that?”
Chris scoffed, setting the rock down on Eddie’s nightstand. “Sure, dad. Goodnight.”
“‘Night, bud.”
Eddie lay awake for a long time, thinking about it. They’d saved the kid, and he was doing fine by the time they got him to the hospital, but it was dicey for a minute there, with the tide coming in and the water level rising.
The look on Buck’s face had brought Eddie right back to that day, seeing him in the field hospital with Chris’s glasses around his neck.
When he finally fell asleep, it was fitful, restless. He wasn’t sure how long he managed to sleep before he was being awoken by a sound from somewhere in the house.
Was that Chris, getting out of bed? Eddie blinked in the darkness, listening out. He heard footsteps—not Chris’s usual gait, heavier, more even. Eddie sat up in bed, now on alert through the sleepy fog in his brain.
He reached for something he can use as a weapon, hand landing on Chris’s rock. It would have to do.
He felt his way out of his room, down the hall to the front door, where a dark shadow loomed. Eddie reached for the lightswitch, bracing the rock. He flipped the switch, and started to swing, only to find himself face to face with… Buck?
It was Buck, with red-rimmed eyes, who turned around abruptly just in time for Eddie to connect the rock with his shoulder.
Buck recoiled, yelling, and Eddie was suddenly very glad for his tired body and its inability to put much power into the swing. As it was, the hit didn’t land with too much force.
He dropped the rock.
“Shit, Buck, what—are you okay?”
Buck shook his head, and Eddie was suddenly wide awake, ushering him into the living room, sitting him down to look at his shoulder and make sure he wasn't actually hurt.
“Talk to me, Buck. You came here, in the middle of the night. Why?”
Buck was pliant, moving without resistance where Eddie led him. He took a shaky breath before answering, in broken sentences that Eddie had to piece together.
“I was… I couldn’t sleep. Kept thinking—and I remembered what Dr. Copeland was saying in my last session. About—about asking. Asking for things I—I want, things I need. And—and then next thing I knew I was in an uber, and then I was here, and you were throwing a rock at me.”
Eddie, finally assured that Buck was—at least physically—fine, paused in his movements. “You came here to ask for something?”
Buck nodded.
“What is it?”
Buck sniffed, eyes welling with tears Eddie was sure weren’t falling for the first time that night. He shook his head. “I–Eddie, I don’t—”
“Anything, Buck,” Eddie gripped Buck's shoulder. “Anything.” It was honest, maybe too honest for this hour of night, when Buck was in this condition, but Eddie couldn’t help it.
“I just… I just really needed a—a hug.”
Eddie’s heart broke at how Buck was hunched in on himself, as though he thought this might be too much to ask. That he had come here to ask for something so simple, that Eddie had, however accidentally, responded with violence… He couldn’t stand it. He practically fell into Buck, wrapping him in a tight embrace.
“Oh, Buck. Baby, come here.”
Buck melted into the hug, his arms coming up to rest around Eddie’s middle, his face burying in Eddie’s chest.
Eddie held him, feeling his sobs shaking through his body,a wet patch growing on his sleep shirt from Buck's tears. This was more than just a bad shift, more than just a reminder of the tsunami, of that Eddie was sure.
“God, Buck,” he whispered into the top of Buck's head. “Sweetheart, how long has this been building up?”
Finally, Buck's sobs subsided. He tried to sit up, to gather himself together, but Eddie didn't let go. He used his own shirt to wipe Buck's eyes, keeping his other arm around him.
“It's been… a while, I think. We haven't… I don't remember the last time we hugged. I—I didn't realise how much I missed it until… until recently.”
Eddie did remember the last time they hugged. He remembered, because as Buck bounded away, full of joy and life, Eddie had felt his chest swell, realisation washing over him, and he'd shied away from hugs ever since.
He hadn't realised it had been affecting Buck this much.
“I'm so sorry, Buck.”
Buck shrugged, glancing away. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then shook his head minutely.
“Talk to me, Buck. What is it?”
“It's silly. I was just… I wanted…”
“It's not silly. Anything you want, remember?”
“Can you… can you call me… those things again?”
If Buck's face wasn't still red from crying, Eddie thought he might have been blushing. “What things?” Eddie asked.
“When I was… you, uh… you called me…”
“Baby,” Eddie whispered, remembering what slipped out in the heat of the moment. and Buck nodded. Eddie felt the way his body trembled at the word. “Buck, sweetheart, I—”
Buck hugged him again, this time pulling him closer than before, practically squeezing him.
“Your turn,” Buck said, voice muffled by Eddie's shoulder.
“My turn? Buck?”
Buck made a sound, and Eddie corrected himself. “Baby, what do you mean?”
“It’s your turn… to ask for what you want.”
Eddie took a shuddering breath, inhaling the lingering smell of the ocean from Buck's hair, only partially masked by the shampoo he kept at the station, the one Eddie always stole when he could get away with it.
“I just want this, baby. I just want you.”
“Really?” Buck relaxed the hug just enough to look Eddie in the eye. Buck's eyes were bright, glistening with fresh tears. The expression wasn't sad and broken, anymore, though—he looked…hopeful?
“Yeah,” Eddie breathed the word, tracing a finger across Buck's cheek, up to his birthmark. “It's okay, if you don't—”
But whatever he'd been about to say, however he was about to let himself down easy was lost, because Buck cut him off with a kiss.
“Eddie, you've got me.”
Eddie reeled Buck back in, kissing him again the way he's wanted to for so long, since the hug that started all of this.
“You said I should ask for what I want too, right?"
"Yeah," Buck reiterated, punctuating with another press of his lips against Eddie's.
"Then come to bed? You sort of woke me up just now."
Send me soft prompts 💙
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
We must be psychically linked for real cause I was just thinking of the dark au and you start working on it again LMAO. Me personally I think reader should have some kinda mutation that allows them to copy other mutations or a time/dimension jump one so it could be revealed that oops! reader accidentally sent all of them away! And cause some big feelings in the yans, like they want to blame reader for what happened but they still love them so dearly and it wouldn’t be fair to reader who is still learning and growing their powers to be solely blamed, or it’s a wrong place wrong time type thing where reader and one of the teens powers interact in such a way that they get sent to where ever they are/stuck in the time stream a la batman the return of Bruce Wayne
That is a good idea, Spino Anon! It's really creative! I don't know if that's how I will write the au, but you have given me a thought or two on how to explain the four teens ending up in the dark future/au. I hope you are doing alright! I think as a treat, I can do a few headcanons I have for the Dark AU.... Let's do it:
• I headcanon that for the Dark AU, it's set in a reboot-esque au of X-Men Evolution, so things are mostly the same, but a little different. Such as more found family dynamics and less trying to toss children and rivals off of cliffs ( it's a reboot/retelling/reimagining due to platonic yandere stuff/adding Reader/adding more adventures/wanting to rewrite certain scenes/wanting to add further to it/etc.)
• Reader is a friend to both groups of teens, and likely joined one, if not both, at some point
• Reader took care of the others a lot. Reminding them to eat (mostly the adults for that, plus a handful of the teens, Reader would also make dinner/breakfast/snacks/treats for the platonic yans, maybe teaching a teen or two how to cook)... making art and craft projects for them (such as handmade scarves or stuffed animals, friendship bracelets and best friend necklaces, even full canvas paintings and notebooks full of sketches and drawings)... having small (platonic) dates where Reader does something they (the teen/s or adult/s) want to do, but can't do with the others or that doesn't interest the others... Reader was the sort to toss a blanket around someone if they fell asleep on the couch, made coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings/nights when it was cold, just trying to keep their friends family happy and cared for
• Reader was friends and still is in this au with the other teens who had the bad thing happen to them (being Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro). Probably was the one who played it straight between the four, still a bit more light-hearted and joking, but more toned down. I am undecided if Reader is the same age, older, or younger than them
• When the bad thing happens, let's just say the remaining X-Men and Brotherhood kinda... lost it. I mentioned before a person or multiple persons was behind what happened, but I never went into full detail on what it might have been. Whatever it was (no spoilers yet!) led the platonic yans to believe that they were dead, and that it wasn't quick or painless. They know it wasn't an accident. So they go mad with grief, in a way. They take vengeance on those who caused it, more-or-less send a message out warning what happens if anyone targets their loved ones, and (maybe?) take control over the world... Or at least parts of New York and Canada...
• The platonic yans become more... dark. If they were holding their punches before... they aren't now. They become ruthless when dealing with enemies, they learn new skills and tricks and tactics, they aren't going to let the same thing that happened in the past happen now
• I imagine that it's somewhere between three to five years before Reader and the others end up in the future/au, and they are still wounded from what happened. The worst of their wounds healed up enough, but not everything else, so they aren't as quick or as fast as they want to be when moving through the changed world around them
• When they are found to be alive and are confirmed to be the Dark AU platonic yans kids/friends/siblings, the platonic yans are hunting them down as fast as they can. They don't want them to disappear, they don't want them to die, and they aren't about to have them ripped away from them again. Even if it means they have to keep them under house arrest or sedated or otherwise...
(And this is what I can say without revealing any spoilers! Enjoy😊💛🧡🍯🐝)
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