#american zionists
feckcops · 7 months
A communique on sabotaging Zionist infrastructure: shutting down Friends of the IDF
“On November 5th, the Zionist fascist scum, ‘Friends of the IDF’ who represent the interests of wealthy American capitalists in their direct support of the settler colonial state of Israel and its continued campaign of genocide and apartheid against the Palestinian people, attempted to hold a fundraiser gala ...
“You cannot do damage to the Zionist project by merely engaging with its facade; you must strike at its soulless heart. You must strike at its veins (supply chains, logistics, cash flows, infrastructure). 
“While the liberals were congratulating themselves for having their nonthreatening photo op parade out in front of the gala, our people were out of sight at work on the veins of the building. Palestinians have suffered decades of Israeli soldiers and settlers restricting and destroying their access to water, often bricking up or concreting any water source not directly under strict control of the occupation forces, cutting off Palestinian access to the Jordan River while draining it to near extinction for settlement mono-crop agriculture, shooting holes in Palestinian water towers, bombing Gazan water treatment facilities, poisoning Palestinian springs and enforcing water apartheid in order to exert total control over Palestinian life. We decided to give these Zionist bootlickers a taste of their own medicine.
“We cracked open the water main for the building housing the gala, switched it off, and filled the box with fresh concrete. This form of sabotage is quick and incredibly easy to replicate, and the tools are quite cheap. It also renders the building in question completely uninhabitable and unusable. We had a good laugh imagining these fascist motherfuckers driven out of the gala by the stench of overflowing toilets, unable to raise any more money for genocide. As we did we were reminded of how Israeli settlers flood Palestinian olive groves with sewage, poisoning food sources, destroying livelihoods.”
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rjalker · 7 months
anyfucking way turn your volume down first because I'm shouting.
It's also on Youtube. And iNaturalist.
[Video description: A white hand holds out a wallet with a photo of a plant on it in front of a white wall, and says: "You can look at my wallet for a visual," it then lowers the wallet again, and continues angrily, "But I'm posting this because just now live on Al Jazeera English, Richard Goodstein, a 'democratic political consultant' or something like that, in Washington DC, just said live on fucking television that Palestinian civilians are, and I quote, “choosing to live in harm’s way”, so that means that when the Israeli government murders them, it's their own fault, because they are “choosing to live in harm's way” despite the fact that Israel controls all-- everyone who goes in or leaves Palestine, meaning they literally cannot fucking leave! They literally are not allowed to leave by the exact same fucking fascist government that is murdering them! These are civilians! This is men, women, and children who have done nothing! They are fucking innocent civilians, and people in Washington fucking DC our supposedly democratic Washington fucking DC, are saying that Palestinian fucking civilians are “Choosing to Live In Harm's Way” so therefore, they're not really civilians, they're not really innocent people, they're not really victims, and it's their own fault for, um, let me check my fucking notes here: being murdered! If you fucking support Israel and you support this blatant fucking genocide I hope you-- I hope you have a horrible rest of your fucking life and you live in shame and disgrace for the entire rest of your fucking life. And don't any of you fucking people dare ever claim, ten, twenty, fifty fucking years from now, that nobody knew; “we didn't know what was going on” I-- if you fucking say this fucking, if I'm dead I will come back to fucking haunt you, and if I'm still alive I will fucking kill you. You people are not allowed to pretend that you have no idea what's going on when this fucking is being broadcast live on fucking television. People in Washington fucking DC of our “democratic” fucking government are saying that Palestinian civilians aren't really civilians and it's their own fucking fault for being murdered by the fucking occupying force that has been terrorizing them for fucking decades. Free fucking Palestine. And if you fucking support this genocide, if you support this occupation, you are a horrible fucking person and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself. And if you're like “well no they attacked first blah blah blah” you have no idea what the fucking you're talking about. History did not start on October 7th twenty-twenty fucking three. If you had never even heard of the name Palestine before October 7th 2023 go fucking find some gods damned free fucking documentaries, they are everywhere they are literally fucking free. Go look at the actual fucking history. If you are still fucking defending this fucking and if you are defending Genocide fucking Joe Biden who is literally continuing to fund and support this fucking genocide, fuck you. I hope you have a terrible fucking day. And if you're going to post some cowardly fucking fucking comments on this video I will fucking block and report you. Genocide is fucking always wrong. Yes, even when it is happening to Arab people, even when it's happening to Muslims, even when it's happening to people you don't fucking know personally. “Never again” means now. You do not get to pretend this is not happening because you don't fucking care because they're not white. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. And everyone who pretends this fucking isn't happening, history will never fucking forgive you." End ID.]
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notaplaceofhonour · 8 months
As a leftist Jew who believes strongly in the cause of dignity and freedom for the Palestinian people, and that Israel has abused them, I am begging fellow leftists to understand that real life is not a comic book. A government being “the bad guy” in a situation does not automatically make anyone who opposes it “the good guy”.
Hamas denies the Holocaust. Hamas disseminates the Protocols of the Elders of Zion—the conspiracy theory it paints is what they mean by “Zionist”. Hamas forbids foreign aid educators from teaching human rights to Palestinians, and claims that even teaching that the Holocaust happened is a war crime. Hamas has written the aim of annihilating Israel (the country and its people) into its charter—the mass slaughter and violent expulsion of 7 million Jews from the land is written into its laws.
There is no crime any state could ever do that would justify any of that; there is no act of state repression that could ever make it acceptable to side with the organization spreading Nazi pamphlets and Holocaust denial.
Oppose Bibi Netanyahu. Oppose Israel’s far-right, authoritarian government. Oppose Likud’s policies. Oppose its violence against Palestinian civilians. That isn’t antisemitic. But Hamas is—verifiably, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to its core—antisemitic. Its portrayal of Israeli Jews as blood-thirsty, child-killing master manipulators that control international media and finance is antisemitic. Its insistence that Palestinian freedom necessitates the death & expulsion of Jews from the land is antisemitic. Its redefinition of “Zionism” as a pejorative to mean genocidal Jewish/Israeli Supremacy is antisemitic.
Supporting the Palestinian people in their plight is a noble and loving goal; please never stop that. But do not let Hamas co-opt that into excusing or denying their rampant antisemitism and war crimes.
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fiercynn · 2 months
it's not that i'm inherently against the booping or w/e i like fun things too but. bisan called for a global strike and mass protests and the majority of people i've seen talking about it are palestinians, plus a handful of consistent allies, many of whom are disabled or unable to be out on the streets for various reasons so are trying their hardest to get others who can be out there. but my dash is only booping memes and even LESS discussion of this fucking genocide than usual, just a few days after land day and while al-shifa hospital has been decimated. why is it always fucking on palestinian folks to keep shouting into the void for their survival? like if you must boop can you not also at least also be sharing what palestinians are saying and telling us needs to be done to make sure they and their entire country and community and culture aren't fucking erased from the planet? it feels like so fucking little to ask
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boasamishipper · 7 months
‘israelis are evil rootless cosmopolitan european colonizers who drink the blood of palestinian children and secretly control the world’ cool do you have any other sayings fresh from the pages of mein kampf or the protocols of the elders of zion
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
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troythings · 4 months
hello from america
we have a literal fifth column of zionist IOF terrorists attacking college students on us soil. and we can’t do anything about it because our government literally supports the occupation
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cooki3face · 1 month
My sister said something to me earlier today that further solidified the idea that generations before mine have been constantly made to feel intimidated or afraid of this government and the horrible people who work for it and push its agendas. “They’re watching your social media if you’re not careful about what you say they won’t allow you to get a job or be successful.” Is one of the main things they’ve taught my sisters generation. I told her that you couldn’t intimidate a generation of people who’ve never had this countries protection, care, or protection. I couldn’t give a fuck less if I’m being completely honest with you right now. There’s absolutely nothing this country or the people in it could threaten me with in order to make me shut the fuck up about what they’re doing and the shitty choices they’ve made as a collective. You’ve told generations of Americans that if they don’t shut up and submit to what you’re doing and pushing that their family members would need to move into a state of fear and be afraid for them and that they should be afraid for their livelihoods, their success and their ability to create and build foundations for themselves and it’s about time people get to hear that loud and clear. The fear mongering and the oppression and the silencing of people in this world has got to stop and you only stop cycles of behavior by no longer participating them and changing the way that you behave and react.
They’re trying to make your children uneducated and ignorant by stopping the creation of educational television programs and creating shows and media meant for them that start fucking with their minds from an early age, our teachers are severely underpaid, the curriculum in schools is lacking, they pass laws to take race theory out of the curriculum and stop teaching about the history and oppression of people of color. They ban and attempt to sell apps to American companies so that they can better censor the content that over 1 billion people are consuming every single day that has allowed the truth to spread faster than lies for the first time since this country was founded.
You fucked up letting our generations students with progressive and out of the box ideas into Ivy Leagues to climb your elitist ladder and subjecting generations of individuals to generational trauma and oppression. People have been waiting over forty years for this generation to come into existence. We’re here now. It’s too late.
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btsiu · 3 months
The Brazilian media (specially the right-wing & Zionists) are slandering President Lula for speaking FACTS! They're insisting on the narrative that what Lula said is antisemitism, and want him to get impeached.
It was about damn time to someone to say something and I'm glad he did!
Now, Israel decided that President Lula is now a "persona non grata" (someone who isn't welcome in the country) until he apologizes for what he said and Lula said he won't apologize for anything.
I wish his boldness to inspire other countries leaders to do the same, and to USA to stop financing this genocide asap.
Links to help Palestine!!!
Educational Thread
Daily click
Care for Gaza
Menstrual hygiene funds
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
Please tell me you watched this 💀 The Freudian slip of the century
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I was going to post about this today, so thank you for sending this my way!! I also double-checked to see if this wasn't satire/meant to be commentary on what is really happening in Gaza, but OP said it was at the "tail end of a pro-Israel debate," so yes, this was a 'slip' for sure.
Someone also screenshot her reaction:
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They ALL know. Even if it's deeply embedded in those indoctrinated minds.
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Why do you think there's such a large amount of Swifties that are also zionist?
not a trend I've encountered, personally, so I can't really speak to it. I've mostly noticed heaps of casual antisemitism among the fandom and gaylors in particular.
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socialistexan · 6 months
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If leftists and anti-imperialists inside Israel were so nonexistent (or just small and insignificant) like some of y'all on this website like to pretend they are, then why does the Israeli government and its officials work so hard to counteract them and act like they can singlehandedly bring down the entire government.
Sometimes you have allies on the inside, we have to learn how to have solidarity and not act like every single person in the illegitimate state of Israel is a Likudist ethnonationalist.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 4 months
I just want to say I find it kind of icky that people are centring Americaness when talking about Palestine.
I get what people are saying with the Super Bowl distracting the American public from what’s happening, but that should be its own post you know?
It just annoys me to see a post describing the horrors now happening Rafah including an American football game. It’s fine to say in its own post “Hey don’t let this take your focus away”. But for almost every post I see to say “blah blah Super Bowl… anyways children dying!”. Like???
Also, an obvious thing, but not everyone on here is American or has ever watched/ wanted to watch it. I want to reblog posts with info about Palestine but it includes all this irrelevant info about America/ American politics.
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determinate-negation · 4 months
i think it's actually really cool that you're studying german and jewish history in that context. idk. i've been thinking about this a little in relation to my own background, and watching my country of birth speedrun into fascism. i think it's really important to remember the ideals that people had in the past, even if those ideals didn't succeed in their lifetimes, or collapsed immediately afterwards, and try to remember them and pass them forward to someone else. i hope that makes sense?
it makes sense. central european history from the last half of the 19th century up through the interwar period is just really interesting to me, and jewish culture during this time particularly had a golden age really, its a very rich history i think should be studied, its more that when i get job in my field ill need to interact with different institutions pertaining to these topics i feel like im going into a hostile environment with a lot of morally bankrupt people, with the amount of academic censorship and everything going on. but whatever ig
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magnetostits · 4 months
you know you’ve done something right when you receive a personalized email from your senator telling you to shut up about palestine and stop protesting bc you’re making him look bad
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softdedue · 7 months
Honestly as a Jewish person I understand that it’s easy for a lot of Jewish people to feel defensive right now—we have been raised to feel persecuted at every turn, after all, and why should this situation be any different—but it is so important to step back and take stock of the actual events that are occurring.
The actions of Israel are not justified. The creation of Israel was never justified. Any Jewish person who disagrees with either of those statements on any level, any Jewish person who still believes that the situation with Israel is in any way “complicated” with regard to morality, is complicit in this genocide and deserves to face the consequences of that. Jewish people who support genocide do not deserve to have their hands held any more than any other person who supports genocide. Having suffered through a genocide as a people ourselves should only make us more horrified by what these monsters are claiming to do in our people’s name.
I saw a post yesterday that said global antisemitism made the actions of Israel “understandable”. How could we expect Jewish Israelis to feel safe anywhere other than their own country if the rest of the world hates them? Well, I challenge you this: how could you live with yourself if you felt pride for a country that could do such things?
I am an American. I am hated by many people for being an American. I think those people are entirely justified in hating me for being an American, and I agree with their criticisms of my country, because I know my country fucking sucks. Any Israeli who doesn’t feel critical of their country deserves my hatred. That’s kind of the point.
Obviously we need to talk about the spread of antisemitism in response to this horrific tragedy. We should not hate Israelis for being Jewish, and we should not hate average Jewish people around the world for being Jewish. But we also need to acknowledge the Jewish role in this tragedy as well, and to keep the true victims—the people of Gaza—at the forefront of our minds. It is understandable that there would be antisemitic backlash at this time. We must have grace with a world who is reeling in the horror of us—yes, us—slaughtering their children by the thousands.
This is not our moment to speak out about injustices done against our people. This is our moment to apologize, and to distance ourselves from the monsters who have condoned this, and to speak out in support for our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are facing adversity that makes the acts currently being committed against us look like nothing.
Free palestine
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