#americas stonehenge
culz-paranormal · 2 years
Another recent interview we did was with Dennis Stone. Dennis owns what is called "American Stonehenge" in New Hampshire. This was a pretty fascinating episode!
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daughter-s-of-cain · 3 months
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starlonga · 4 months
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dangerkeith3000x · 1 year
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the ancient creators of Carhenge still remain a mystery lost to time itself…
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leviathangourmet · 2 months
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bostonfly · 9 months
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"America's Stonehenge" in New Hampshire
This looks like a scam, but I'll drive there eventually...
Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places, at over 4,000 years old America's Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
The Georgia Guidestones Conspiracy
Sometime around 4:00AM on July 6, 2022, a mysterious monument known as both “America’s Stonehenge” and “The Ten Commandments of Satan” had been partially bombed by a domestic terrorist; However, before sunset that evening, the remaining structure and it's mysterious message was razed to the ground by authorities. Join Nat as she “translates” the tale behind the Georgia Guidestones to Aly! What were The Georgia Guidestones and what purpose did the monument serve? Who created the stones and who sought to benefit most from their destruction? Wtf was in the time capsule?? Some questions only lead to more questions... but some of those questions can be easily answered by Aly.
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monmorgandy · 2 years
Kentucky Stonehenge [Explored]
Kentucky Stonehenge [Explored] by Derek Bruff Via Flickr: Not entirely accurate to the original, but still impressive. Especially for some guy's backyard.
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found--family · 1 year
i dont want to hear any complaints about a shortage of content bc of the strikes when theres 15 seasons of Supernatural to consume thats 327 episodes at 45minutes each of Dean Jackles Winchester and 12 seasons of Gayngel Castiel in the longest running tv fantasy series and one of the most meta-rich shows ever created from 2005 to 2020 the likes of which we will never see again with Destiel awarded best onscreen chemistry before it was canon and most popular ship on ao3 with over 100k fics plus a prequel series and hopes for a reboot and while we're talking you can also check out their other recent projects including award-winning Roadfood and The Boys and Big Sky and Gotham Knights and you might even enjoy over 400 vintage episodes of young jackles on Days Of Our Lives circa 1997 to 2000 and various other guest and spot and main appearances for Jensen and Misha on shows like Dark Angel and Dawson's Creek and Smallville and NCIS and 24 and Charmed and ER and Monk and Timeless and the masterpieces that are TSA America and The Plight of Clownana and movies like My Bloody Valentine and Devour and Ten Inch Hero and Stonehenge Apocalypse and Finding Home and Moving Alan and of course voicework of animated Batman and podcast Bridgewater and if thats still not enough you have 17 years (and counting) of convention footage and countless other projects the rest of the spn cast have appeared in so dont worry there is no shortage of content
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thepagansun · 2 days
Respect Neo-Pagans and Our Gods!
Although they probably will never see it (or care), this post is meant for Hollywood, Netflix, Marvel and all other industries and streaming platforms that are hosting shows based on but twisting pagan or polytheist "mythology" or ancient religions such as Gods of Egypt, Immortals, Clash of the Titans, Thor: Love and Thunder, DT17, Supernatural, Kaos, Twilight of the Gods, Blood of Zeus, Percy Jackson, Xena: Warrior Princess, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Record of Ragnarok, American Gods, The Ritual, The Wicker Man, Lore Olympus, etc.
The trend of creating content that demonizes, humiliates, or insults our Gods is upsetting and unfair. Creative and artistic license is one thing, but it's a double-standard for content about the monotheistic god or religions to be treated with respect even when under academic criticism while are ours are depicted as one-dimensional, villainized and humiliated. We are asking for that same respect.
Yes, content about any kind of "mythology" is fun, but the modern world needs to please remember that these were and still are RELIGIONS to many people around the world, myself included.
People worshipped these Gods, listened to their stories around the fire, married under their vows, raised their children, went to war, and but also built magnificent structures, wrote literature, prayed in their temples, and many more!
In fact, we still have vestiges of their worship! The names of the months and days of the week in the Western world come from Roman or Norse/Germanic Gods, the Olympic Games were originally dedicated to Zeus, the Hippocratic Oath was originally a prayer offered to Apollo, people from all over the ancient world visited the shrine and oracle at Apollo's Delphi, and many more examples.
And while yes, sometimes people were sacrificed to some pagan Gods (not so much the Greeks or Romans), but are we really going to pretend that many more people haven't died in the name of Christianity or Islam??
Lord Zeus wasn't just some womanizer, he was also King of the Gods, Father of Gods and Humans, the God of Hospitality, Oaths, Lightning, Law, Order, Authority, Monarchy, etc.
This was also Lord Zeus of the ancient Greeks:
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This was also Lord Odin of the ancient Norse:
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This was also Lady Hera of the ancient Greeks:
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This was also Lord Ra of the ancient Egyptians:
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This was also Lord Huracan of the ancient Maya:
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Even if you personally don't worship these Gods, at least respect the fact that your ancestors did. Imagine if 100-200 years from now your descendants start making movies and shows that demonize or humiliate Yahweh, Jesus, Allah and Mohammed, etc.!
In fact, neo-paganism is the fastest growing religion in the United States: https://commonwealthpolicycenter.org/paganism-is-americas-fastest-growing-religion/#:~:text=Paganism%20is%20one%20of%20the,a%20broader%20form%20of%20paganism.
Members of Ásatrù, heathen religion of Iceland, honoring the Norse Gods:
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Members of Hellenism, honoring the ancient Greek Gods:
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Members of my religion, Nova Roma, honoring the ancient Roman Gods:
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Traditional African religion:
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Traditional Maya religion:
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Members of Wicca at Stonehenge, the biggest Neo-Pagan religion in the world with 3-5 million practioners worldwide!
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Our Gods are our RELIGION, not just your "mythology!" And both They and we, their followers, deserve the same respect you expect for your religions.
And they at least would never condemn you to an eternal fiery pit simply for not believing in them, unlike some other god I could mention.
They are here. We are here. They exist. We exist. And we are not going anywhere.
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themculibrary · 19 days
Bucky/Clint Road Trip Fics Masterlist
Americana is for Lovers (ao3) - ccbytheseashore M, 8k
Summary: Please tell me you are still alive, read Steve's text.
In Virginia, Bucky replied.
The hell are you doing in Virginia?
Would you believe me if I said trying to find a foam sculpture of Stonehenge?
Tony said to make sure his car comes back in once piece. Please don't shoot each other.
Clint and Bucky set off on an adventure to find an infamous work of Americana history, but find literally everything else (including love) instead.
Aw, Blood, No (ao3) - Reremouse (TheBelfry) M, 19k
Summary: Being turned into a vampire was never part of Clint “Mr. Actual Ray of Human Sunshine (sometimes)” Barton’s life plan. But they say life is what happens while you’re making other plans, and when an Avengers mission to take out a Hydra base goes disastrously wrong, Clint comes out of the fray undead.
Unfortunately for Clint, SHIELD has guidelines to deal with agents who have been turned into vampires: bring them in, or take them out. Fortunately, Bucky is both well-versed in vampires (Hydra—what are you going to do?) and evading SHIELD. Fortunately, Bucky is both well-versed in vampires (Hydra—what are you going to do?) and evading SHIELD.
And sometimes “I’m your hostage. Get moving,” is the way Bucky says “I love you.”
blank passivity (i'm hiding my shit-eating grin) (ao3) - WHYISEVERYNAMETAKEN T, 21k
Summary: Upon being handed a mission that includes a tiny car, a cross-country roadtrip, and also, oh yeah, the Winter Soldier, Clint can honestly say that he's not having a great time. Adding in the fact that Barnes doesn't even want to talk to him has Clint preparing himself for the longest drive of his life.
(Clint is also pretty sure that Captain America hates him, but that's neither here nor there.)
If I had a nickel for every time [Bucky took a picture with a beaver], I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice -Dr. Doofenshmirtz
crying wolf out to the moon (ao3) - shatteredhourglass T, 3k
Summary: Clint decides it's a good idea to drag Bucky on a road trip on the day of the full moon. Bucky's too weak for Clint to deny him anything, even if it is in fact, a goddamn terrible idea.
drive ‘n whine (ao3) - hawksonfire G, 1k
Summary: Bucky’s been stuck in the Tower for too long, so Clint does something about it.
Liminal Spaces (ao3) - thepartyresponsible M, 20k
Summary: “Clint,” Steve says, and it’s that same no-bullshit, do-or-die, I really, really mean it voice he used to trot out in the last few innings of close games in high school. “Bucky’s not gonna fly. He’s not going to drive himself. He can’t— I need you to drive him here.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Clint says, and hangs up.
Runaways (ao3) - madetobeworthy G, 1k
Summary: Sometimes Bucky needs to be gone, and sometimes Clint goes with him. They don't need to speak, just listen to the radio as the car devours the miles ahead of them.
see the stars come out of the sky (ao3) - veryrach M, 11k
Summary: “Arrested, yeah, I remember. How the hell do you have ten grand in cash - no, you know what, don’t tell me, forget I asked,” Clint says resignedly. “So let me get this straight. You want me to drive all the way out to Niagara Falls, pick up what I’m sure is a totally legit random bag of cash from somewhere, use it to bail you out, and drive all the way back.”
In which Bucky helps Clint help Barney. There’s a road trip, slightly inept fumbling of the emotional and physical varieties, and a bit with a dog.
the search for clint (ao3) - pherryt G, 2k
Summary: It’s a long road Bucky’s on, and he can only hope Clint is at the end of it.
The Start of Something (ao3) - kookykoi T, 1k
Summary: Bucky had the bright idea of going on a road trip. Clint had the brighter idea of going with him.
worse than a motel 6 (ao3) - spiralsystem T, 7k
Summary: Nat and Clint are assigned to take down the remaining Hydra bases on the outskirts of civilization, the ones that the others clearly don’t have time for. Oh well, road trip for Clint! Until Nat, Clint, and the one person Clint Really wanted to avoid, run into each other at the shadiest motel Clint has ever seen.
you’re my best friend (ao3) - pherryt G, 9k
Summary: Clint and Bucky need to go on a road trip to get to their next mission which Clint figures is the best way to get to know Bucky even better. It goes better than planned!
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wht-am-i-doin · 5 months
Driver's Ranked by Year
Ok, this is going to be a long one because I don't want to spam, so everybody buckle up
Disclaimer: This is not my personal ranking of the ships, this is purely based on how I view the historical event that takes place in the year that the numbers make up. I will happily further explain any of the events, my analysis of the events with the ship, and why I ranked them that way if anybody is interested. I tried to get a variety, but I am better with western history so there is more of skew towards western history. I have used both CE and BCE years to create more variety. As with everything with RPF, I do not believe any of these drivers are together and this is all in good fun, if you don't want to view it as ships view them as teammates! All images are pulled from google.
okie dokie here we go, Hope you enjoy!!
*means that it is in the area of that time period and do not have exact date or may occur over multiple years
1. Maxiel - 31 BCE
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Jesus was crucified in 31 BCE
2. Simi - 75 BCE
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Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and demanded a higher ransom in order to be saved
3. Lestappen - 1633 CE
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Galileo was convicted of Heresy for saying the earth goes around the sun
4. Brocedes - 644 CE
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Zenkoji temple is built by Empress Kogyoku
5. Zhou + Mick - *4724 BCE
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Earliest form of photo-writing in history
6. Yukierre - ~2210 BCE
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Hale Bopp comet is seen and won't be seen again until 1997 CE, about 4,000 years later
7. Landoscar - ~814 BCE
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Homer was born
8. Fernando + Esteban - 1431 CE
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Joan of Arc is burned at the stake
9. Zhou + Valtteri - ~7724 BCE
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Tollmann's hypothetical bolide which led to global cataclysm, i.e. the great flood
10. Loscar - ~812 BCE
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Olmecs began to build their pyramids, earliest pyramids from mesoamerica
11. Lewis + Charles - 1644 CE
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one of eight years to contain each roman numeral once- MDCLXIV
12. Oscar + Zhou - ~2481 BCE
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Construction of Stonehenge
13. Esteban + Pierre - ~3110 BCE
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Narmer reigns and unifies Egypt for the first time
14. Carlos + Max - 551 BCE
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Confucius was born
15. Sewis - 544 BCE
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Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, was born
16. Esteban + Lance - 1831 CE
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Victor Hugo publishes the Hunchback of Notre Dame in Paris
17. George + Lewis - ~6344 BCE
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Great Britain and Ireland separated from the main land and became Islands
18. Oscar + Max - 181 CE
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Lake Taupo Volcano erupts in New Zealand and is seen in both China and Rome
19. Max + Lewis - 441 BCE
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Sophocles writes Antigone, one of the first greek tragedies
20. Lewis + Valtteri - ~7744 BCE
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Agriculture starts to develop in the Americas
21. Fernando + Lance - 1814 CE
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The Great Stock exchange fraud is exposed in London
22. Logan + Alex - 232 BCE
Gaius Flaminius distributes land to Plebians after the Punic Wars in the North
23. Lando + Daniel - 43 CE
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Roman conquest of Britain
24. Lando + Max - 41 BCE
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Mark Antony meets Cleopatra VII
25. Charles + Pierre - 1610 CE
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Tragedy of Macbeth's first performance
26. Nico + Kevin - ~2027 BCE
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The Epic of Gilgamesh is written
27. Galex - ~2363 BCE
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Hekla 4 eruption with a VEI 5, explosive eruptions, but nobody was hurt
28. Charles + Lando - 164 BCE
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Halley's Comet makes its appearance, occurs once every 75 years
29. Checo + Max - 111 BCE
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Spartacus was born
30. George + Lando - 634 CE
The Siege of Damascus
31. Carlando - 455 CE
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King Generic sacks Rome
32. Charles + Carlos - 1655 CE
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Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered
33. Charles + Sebastian - 165 CE
Antonine plague decimated the Roman Empire and China
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billyshakesp · 27 days
Conceptualising 10,000 Years
Yes, this is another post about how the ten-thousand-year-old primordial saints of the Resurrection are, indeed, very old. But the tricky thing about human minds is that they're really bad at comprehending massive numbers. So, in this post, I hope to give you, my dear reader, an understanding of what it means to be ten thousand years old.
Let us imagine, just for a moment, that today (28 August, 2024) marks the close of the myriadic year of our Lord–that far-off King of Necromancers, that blessed Resurrector of Saints!–and the Lyctors reach ten thousand years old today. From this premise, I believe we can better grasp just how old these people are, since we can timeline their lives based on real-world events. So, without further ado...
8000 BCE - The Great Resurrection. Earth is still experiencing the last great Ice Age. Woolly mammoths are still thriving, and, according to some estimates, the last of the smilodon and American lion species still lives. HS Sapiens are still in the Stone Age. Earliest records of ovens used for pottery.
7700 BCE - Lyctors reach 300 years old. Farmers first domesticate wheat in the area now known as Mesopotamia. Humans have yet to develop advanced agricultural technology, instead relying on very primitive methods.
7000 BCE - Lyctors are now 1000 years old. Domestication of goats in Mesopotamia.
6700 BCE- Lyctors are 1300 years old. Domestication of pigs in Mesopotamia.
6200 BCE - Lyctors are 1800 years old. The Bronze Age begins! Earliest evidence of the smelting of bronze dates back to roughly 6200 BCE in Asia Minor. With the advent of bronze, humans are able to make more effective and more durable tools.
6000 BCE - Lyctors are 2000 years old. First settlements along the Nile River
5500 BCE - Lyctors are 2500 years old. Earliest evidence of Ancient Sumer.
5000 BCE - Lyctors are 3000 years old. Major agricultural developments occurred around this time, including the first evidence for the usage of irrigation.
4000 BCE -Lyctors are 4000 years old. Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth. Humans develop the first cities around this time, and wool is first used as in textiles.
3100 BCE - Lyctors are 4900 years old. Construction on Stonehenge begins. Recorded history emerges around this time. The rise of Ancient Egypt begins. Earliest cuneiform texts date back to this time.
2334 BCE - Lyctors are 5666 years old. Sargon of Akkad is King of the Akkadian Empire.
2154 BCE - Lyctors are 5846 years old. Akkadian empire dissolves after less than 200 years wow!
2000 BCE - Lyctors are 6000 years old. Ancient Minoan civilization begins.
1341 BCE - Lyctors are 6659 years old. Birth of King Tut.
1250 BCE - Lycors are 6750 years old. Ancient Chinese and Ancient Olmec civilization begins.
800 BCE - Lyctors are 7200 years old. Start of the Classical Period.
500 CE - Lyctors are 8500 years old. End of the Classical Period. Sorry, too lazy to write all of it out. Plus, there's a billion resources on it.
900 CE - Lyctors are 8900 years old. Start of the Dark Ages.
1492 CE - Lyctors are 9492 years old. Planning of Dios Apate Major begins around here in the Locked Tomb timeline. Columbus "discovers" the Americas (and proceeds to slaughter indigenous peoples)
2000 - The myriadic year of our lord.
I hope you understand how old these people are. DISCLAIMER: Not a historian. Do not claim to be. These dates are from cursory research and could be inaccurate. Furthermore, this is nowhere near a complete account of human history, especially towards the end, when I got really bored.
Ty <3
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mysteriesoftheunknown · 9 months
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Sightings – S2E03 – Marfa Lights – September 25th, 1992
“What are these bizarre glowing balls of light? Some say natural phenomenon, some say alien spacecraft. We investigate the mystery of the Marfa lights”.
“They go up in the sky. When they’re up there, they just...have a big party up there.”
“I don’t know what they are, I don’t plan to know, I’m not sure I even want to know. But I know they do exist.”
“In America, there are at least 100 zones haunted by these mysterious light phenomenon.”
“We cannot say there’s no manifestation of the Devil, or flying saucers, or Indian ghosts. But there are no facts to represent that.”
“It’s just there, and it’s been there all the many years, and all these people trying to find what it is, I don’t think they will and I hope they don’t. It would be nice just to remain the Marfa mystery lights.”
Fun little segment about mysterious lights seen over Marfa, Texas; theorized by locals to be aliens, "ghost lights", or the Devil, and theorized by science to be car headlights...but that can't be the entire explanation, because reports of the lights date back to 1883, and it's rejected by believers due to the rhythmic motion of the lights. So the current "scientific" explanation is a combination of car headlights, campfires, and atmospheric phenomenon.
It's also an oddly international segment, with a cutaway to a "Earth Sciences" researcher at Stonehenge, and a Japanese team investigating the lights (and having the site blessed by a Buddhist priest)
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spngirlpolls · 1 year
listen i’m not an expert on misha’s filmography so idk how prevalent of a role he has in all of these projects, his imdb is very long and confusing. a few people were looking for stonehenge apocalypse on the other poll so i was sure to include it here. couldn’t fit everything but lmk if you have another favorite!
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dykeofmisfortune · 7 months
i love it when earthbound series just straight up drops the pretense of fictionalization. like yeah jersey shore and ohio are canon. yes that is straight up stonehenge. and mother 1/earthbound beginnings does just take place in America no metaphor just straight up America. the beatles are canon.
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