#analog memo
youngestsibling · 10 months
A B12 vitamin a day keeps the brain fog away!
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katierosefun · 2 years
on another note, the music in tales of the jedi . . . chef’s kiss
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girlbosstom · 2 years
I really hate that one of the main running inside jokes on succ tumblr squicks me out as much as it does I come on here during a break I see a few fire memes then get deeply unsettled and log out
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matan4il · 2 months
Memo to the 'Experts': Stop Comparing Israel's War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent | by John Spencer
Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza has inevitably drawn comparisons to other battles or wars, both modern and from the past. These comparisons are mostly used to make the case that Israel's operations in Gaza are the most destructive in history, or the deadliest in history.
Yet while the use of historical analogy may be tempting for armchair pundits, in the case of Israel's current war, the comparisons are often poorly cited, the data used inaccurate, and crucial context left out. Given the scale and context of an enemy purposely entrenched in densely populated urban areas, as well as the presence of tunnels, hostages, rockets, attackers that follow the laws of war while defenders purposely do not, and proximity between the frontlines and the home front, there is basically no historical comparison for this war.
Let's start with the context: After Hamas crossed into Israel on Oct. 7, murdering over 1,200 Israelis in brutal ways that included mutilation and sexual assaults as well as taking over 200 hostages back into Gaza, Israel formally declared a defensive war against Hamas in Gaza in accordance with international law and the United Nations charter. Since, the IDF estimates it has killed 10,000 Hamas operatives, while Hamas claims that the total number of casualties is 24,000 (Hamas does not distinguish civilian deaths from militant deaths).
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Hamas' strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, because their goal is not to defeat Israel's military or to hold terrain; it is far more sinister and medieval—to use the death and suffering of Palestinian civilians to rally international support to their cause and demand that Israel halt their war.
Meanwhile, Israel's war aims were more traditional: returning Israeli hostages, dismantling Hamas military capability, and securing their border to prevent another October 7 attack.
These goals required not one major urban battle but multiple. While Gaza is not the densest populated urban region on earth as many claim, it features over 20 densely-populated cities. And while the Israeli Defense Forces are engaged in fighting, Hamas has continued to launch over 12,000 rockets on nearly every day of the war from the combat area toward civilian-populated areas in Israel, literally over the heads of the attacking IDF, who it bears mentioning are fighting just a few miles from their homeland and the homes of their soldiers.
Put all of this together, this war is simply without precedent. Certainly, it cannot be compared to the host of other wars that have been used for comparison sake to paint Israel in an unflattering light.
Some have compared Israel to Russia, yet there is simply no comparison. In the 2022 Battle of Mariupol, estimates of the number of civilians killed range up to 25,000, including 600 civilians killed in a single bombing of a theater with the word "children" written in giant letters around it. This is the same Russia that killed over 50,000 civilians (5 percent) of a 1.1 million pre-war population of Chechnya in 20 months of combat in the late 1990s in multiple major urban battles such as Grozny.
Or take Syria. Over 300,00 civilians have been killed in the Syrian war; an average of 84 civilians were killed every day from 2013 to 2023.
Others have compared the battles in Gaza to World War II air campaigns like the UK bombing of the German city of Dresden in 1945 that killed an estimated 25,000 civilians. But here, too, memory is selective: These same people discount air campaign cases such as the U.S. firebombing of Tokyo the same year that killed over 300,000 civilians, to include 80,000 to 100,000 civilians in a single night, causing more death and destruction than Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagaski.
A battle that does bear a resemblance to Israel's war against Hamas is the 1945 Battle of Manila—the largest urban struggle of World War II, with more civilian casualties incurred than even the Battle of Stalingrad. The city had a population of 1.1 million residents as well as over 1,000 American prisoners of war being held in the city. It took the U.S. military 35,000 forces and a whole month to defeat 17,000 Japanese Navy defenders in and around the city.
Like in Gaza, the defenders used the city's sewer and tunnel systems for offensive and defensive purposes. And there were over 100,000 civilian deaths from the battle—one of the major factors of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which stipulated the laws of armed conflict to further protect civilians and prevent civilian deaths.
Most experts compare the Gaza war to the recent urban battles against ISIS involving United States forces, including the 2016-17 Battle of Mosul. In that battle, over 100,000 Iraqi Security Forces, backed by American advisors and U.S. and coalition air power, took nine months to clear a city of 3,000 to 5,000 lightly armed ISIS fighters. The battle resulted in over 10,000 civilian deaths, 138,000 houses destroyed or damaged and 58,000 damaged with 40,000 homes destroyed outright in just Western Mosul. Iraqi Security Forces suffered 10,000 casualties. There were very limited, shallow, house-to-house tunnels, but no tunnel networks, no hostages, no rockets.
In April of 2004, the U.S. military was directed to arrest the perpetrators of an attack that caused the death of four American civilians and deny insurgents sanctuary in the densely populated city of Fallujah, Iraq, a city of 300,000 residents. The battle that ensued was later dubbed the First Battle of Fallujah. Because of international condemnation and political instability fueled by international media over a perceived indiscriminate use of force and civilian casualties, the U.S. forces were ordered by the U.S. Central Command Commander to stop the battle six days into it.
Estimates of the total civilian deaths from the battle range from 220 to 600. Six months later, in November 2004, the U.S. military initiated the Second Battle of Fallujah. It took 13,000-15,000 U.S., UK, and Iraqi forces six weeks to clear the city of 3,000 insurgents. There were some 800 civilian deaths even though the city's residents had largely evacuated before the battle. Over sixty percent the city's buildings were damaged or destroyed. But there, too, the enemy defenders did not have access to tunnels.
Ultimately, comparisons with both past and modern cases highlight the fact that there is almost no way to defeat an entrenched enemy defender without destruction, even while implementing all feasible precautions and limits on the use of force required by the laws of war.
Let's put away our military history books. There is no comparison to what Israel has faced in Gaza—certainly none by which Israel comes out looking the worse.
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, codirector of MWI's Urban Warfare Project and host of the "Urban Warfare Project Podcast." He served for 25 years as an infantry soldier, which included two combat tours in Iraq. He is the author of the book Connected Soldiers: Life, Leadership, and Social Connection in Modern War and co-author of Understanding Urban Warfare.
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sciderman · 4 months
i feel like.. Every character in your universe, Peter, Wade, Cable, Johnny, MJ, Gwen, fuck even Harry. All of them are “Right People, Wrong Time”. No matter what everyone they meet is the right person at the right time, because all of them are evolving characters who get better and get worse. They are all the right people for their respective partner, but none of them are in the right place. They fall in love with eachother, but the person they fall in love with doesn't even know who they are. They fall for the version of someone who that person despises most about themselves. I don't know if you do it on purpose, but there's a nice analogy you portray using love and time.
oh, bless you anon. if there are two themes in ask-spiderpool, it's love and time. heck, this little number is first on the ask-spiderpool playlist.
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peter and wade are kind of always hilariously Not on the Same Page, ever, actually - when it comes to the freaky timescale of love. it's a running gag, really, that peter just has the poorest timing imaginable. he's always, always running late. always last to get the memo.
he decides it's time to fall in love with wade the precise Moment wade is making the active choice to fall OUT of love with him
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wade's mad about that
peter decides to spring all this talk of love just as wade's finally finding his own sense of self-worth without all those extra complications messing up his head and peter sticks a wrench in it
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i think all of wade and peter's relationship issues really do come down to peter having poor timing. for springing things onto wade long before or after he's ready for them. if he was earlier, it would've been less heartache. if he'd waited longer, maybe it would've been built on sturdier ground.
peter does the right thing at the wrong time. all the time. and he's trying - he's actively trying so hard right now to manage his timing. to not push wade too fast. to be patient.
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but also not be too slow.
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peter just - can't find the middle ground. and it's driving him crazy. he knows he needs the time to be right. but he doesn't know when the time will be right. the time is never right.
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it's kind of the joke now, that peter and wade are kind of bouncing back and forth in time because neither of them are ready. they will be, eventually.
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but for now...
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it's true - kind of all of their relationships are victim to this - it's funny, i think i've been victim to it a bunch of times in my life, too. where a person might've been the one - might've been everything, but you... you just didn't act in time. you didn't recognise it at the time. things just... didn't work out. schedules didn't align. one small little misstep in the universe. i always wonder about what kind of people could've become important in my life, if i'd done a few things differently. if i'd said the right thing, at the right time.
ultimately, i think everything happens for a reason. and when something's the right time, it is the right time. there's no hypothetical "right time" that you missed the alarm for. if it were the right time, it would've happened. but life's a game about trying your darndest to know when to act, and when to hang-fire. and, well - what happens happens. you win, you lose. but whatever's meant to happen - well, it'll happen.
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Evan Urquhart at Assigned Media:
A shakeup at two major news outlets in the US would bodes poorly for Americans interested in factual, responsible coverage of issues relating to the trans community in the mainstream press. Two British men associated with anti-trans culture war publications will take top jobs in US media, according to news reports. In a hurried announcement memo that went out to Washington Post staff on June 2, publisher William Lewis announced that Robert Winnett of the conservative Daily Telegraph/Sunday Telegraph newspaper would take over leadership of the Washington Post’s core newsroom after the election, following the abrupt resignation of Suzy Buzbee, the previous editor-in-chief. Then, on June 4, Daily Beast CEO Ben Sherwood announced the replacement of editor-in-chief Tracy Connor with Hugh Dougherty, formerly of the New York Post.
Anti-trans bias is ubiquitous throughout print journalism in the UK, so the installation of two British editors would be of note regardless of which publications they’d previously helmed. However, in a news environment flooded with false, malicious, and misleading stories demonizing transgender people in the UK, the Telegraph may be second only to the Daily Mail in its obsessive focus on pushing an anti-trans culture war. Already, on Wednesday morning, the Telegraph has published 10 articles and opinion columns, all negative, relating to the trans community this week.
The New York Post, a right-leaning tabloid, is little better, though its obsession with trans issues has cooled somewhat from a peak last year). [...] These sorts of extremely misleading stories have largely been confined to the right-wing press in the United States, except in the case of the New York Times, the one mainstream US newspaper that has repeatedly found creative ways to distort news stories and mislead readers in news reporting relating to gender-affirming care. However, with the installation of Winnett and Dougherty, two outlets whose reporting has remained consistent and objective (though not universally friendly) on trans issues are being helmed by editors connected to two of the worst purveyors of transphobic moral panic in the UK and the US. There’s no sugarcoating it, this does not look good for trans people, or for anyone who believes that journalism should first and foremost be about informing the audience and presenting the truth.
Analogizing to the situation at the New York Times, it has long been surmised that the anti-trans bent the paper took starting roughly in 2022 has been driven by the desire of publisher A. G. Sulzberger, who pressed the NYT to court more readers with right-wing views.
Having right-wing editors-in-chief take charge of the Washington Post and The Daily Beast is a bad omen for trans rights coverage, as both those outlets tend to mostly cover the issue in a respectful way.
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howlingday · 1 year
Not Everyone Got The Memo
Ruby: Oh! I get it! The right analog stick acts like my camera and shows me where I'm looking, right?
Yang: Yup! That's right!
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cowboylikedean · 8 months
Haylor makes me so sad because she wrecked him… but she did so because he never realize she was actually as in if not more in love as he was. He couldn’t see a reality where he had her heart… he idolized her, true, but he probs also still was grasping with his own fame, and his own value as a person. In what universe would someone like her, older, wiser, and so pretty and famous would be so in love with him.
Their timing was the worst.
And yet also… is that a surprise. That he didn’t got the memo? Seeing all the reactions even from some haylors after hearing the vault songs were like wow, guess she really did love him…. For years there was an agreement of how much of an impact she had on him, but not as much of the impact he had on her… and it just breaks my heart when I think about it
i know. i knew that it meant something to her, and i said that for years. but i did always think that this hit him harder because it was his first love. but the truth is it fucking smashed and destroyed her, she was fucking broken. if you hold onto someone for years, and the hope that they'll get their shit together and love you the way you need, when they don't, it's going to crush you.
and yeah, it makes sense but that doesn't make it hurt less. and it wasn't all him and his not knowing how to deal with his fame, again, she was not a strong communicator either. so they both just couldn't deal right. and it ended up hurting them both so hard and bad and fucked them up for years.
i kinda think there's something to be said there that sums up to "ouch."
this story is tragic and beautiful and sad, and also gives you whiplash and spins you around confused about where you are and what just happened. her analogy to wonderland is perfect, I think.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 435 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Not much happened here, so Imma keep this short and simple.
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Nah mf, you lied.
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Ohhhh shit, the return of Zack 2.5!!! 😳 (2.5 because Zack got a glow-up and got stronger. So that’s his 2.0. Plus, Kwak Jihan is like, HALF of Zack here. 2nd half is Gun.) The “Kya~” 💀 AND OFC DANIEL WOULD PULL IT OFF. HE ISN’T ONE OF YOUR SIDE-CHICK LACKIES BRO. 😭
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Um… because he can? Why? Is Jinyoung your side hoe? Like… why are you all over his di-
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Goddamn, that bite mark tho and those scars on his chest. Can I just…
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“Lord” ? Oh “Lord”, I knew he had some type of praising kink- 💀💀💀💀
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You already know that guys who drink makgeolli like this are actual freaks. Like… it’s obvious. 💀 Bruh I really wanna try makgeolli. I wonder if it tastes sweeter than straight soju or something…
Also, same pot? 👀
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Bro... what the fu... When did this arc turn into a whole horror movie? 😭😭😭
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PTJ really giving us these angles man, sheesh... Man's wearing BAPE TOO? Bape underwear bruv. I can't- 💀 These mf's flexing on us, even with expensive underwear on. I'm dying in the inside.
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Bitch you thought. (Also, he's giving me Gun vibes here. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit... Calm down, my feral ass, it's NOT HIM...)
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AWWWW NOT THE DOGS GIVING HIM THE SCARED SIDE-EYES. 😭😭😭 (But nah, they really were all talk, barking and shiii. ALL BARK, BUT NO BITE. SMH 😤)
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Yeah, you're all going to get GOT. Say your prayers now. 🙏🏽
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OK, THAT'S YOUR FAULT FOR UNDERESTIMATING HIM THO. LIKE SORRY BABE, YOU DIDN'T GET THE MEMO??? 🙄 (Also, damn. If you were planning to break your phone in the first place, you should've just given it to me. I really needed a new one... 👁👄👁)
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A KING FOR NONVIOLENCE, LET'S GOOOOOO!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 (I loved how he just shows up without having to beat up anybody. Instead, he drives his motorcycle and scares people off of cliffs. God bless his pure heart.) 💀
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AAAAAAAAAALRIGHTYYYYYY, SO THIS CONCLUDES CH. 435. Holy crap, I haven't finished a review THIS early in a while. BUT ANYWAYS, I really want to know why they're getting in Daniel's way of learning more about Jinyoung Park. Like, who are they? Jinyoung's bodyguards or something? 😅 They most likely might have beef with Jinyoung, but they've been hella pressed ever since Danny boy arrived. He's just trying to find this man, just leave him alone!! 😩 But what if they joined forces in trying to find Jinyoung...? Idk, just a little afterthought in the back of my mind. They might have some sort of compromise or something. Eugene style...? 😂✨ Anything is possible at this point
Also, "short and simple" my ass. I just realized that I went overboard AGAIN.
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applejamzscribblez · 5 months
tagged by @theaistired to shuffle my music and post the 10 first songs!! :o
1: sedona - sir chloe (love this song!!! sir chloe needs way more listeners i stg)
2: crazy chicks - ken ashcorp (a recent find, i <3 electronic music so much)
3: it's just a phase - jules bonnot (THE CHORUS OF THIS SONG <3333)
4: musique non stop - kraftwerk (i do this thing where i record music i hear out in public and then just forget abt it, so i found it again when looking thru my voice memos lol)
5: anathema - sweet spine (no words. incredible song.)
6: wet mulch - equipment (mid western emo be like)
7: digital silence - peter mcpoland (i have been. influenced.)
8: analog fight - m4x (<33)
9: killbot! - chloe moriondo (CHLOEEEEEE!!)
10: gorilla - little simz (little simz is everything to me fr)
tagging @poetunias and literally anyone who sees this!!! <33
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neobit · 5 months
albums i enjoy in no particular order except for slightly alphabetical
radiohead - ok computer radiohead - the bends radiohead - a moon shaped pool radiohead - in rainbows childish gambino - because the internet quadeca - voice memos quadeca - from me to you quadeca - i didnt mean to haunt you netbooks.wrld - endless staircase extensions for chrome - please reconnect ace of hearts - frozen in time bo en - pale machine car seat headrest - twin fantasy (specifically just famous prophets) danny brown - xxx danny brown - atrocity exhibition danny brown - uknowhatimsayin¿ danny brown - quaranta jakey - romcom JPEGMAFIA STUFF - dreamcast summer songs - generation y - the rockwood escape plan - geny5 - the ghostpop tape - joechillworld - black ben carson - veteran - all my heroes are cornballs - lp - scaring the hoes kanye west - college dropout kanye west - late registration kanye west - graduation kanye west - mbdtf kelvinklub - privmix (analog version only) kendrick lamar - gkmc microphones - it was hot we stayed in the water microphones - the glow pt 2 microphones - microphones in 2020 mild sorrow integrated - arbol on4word - in rainbow roads on4word - ok computer 64 panzah zandahz - me & this army shawn lee - bully (original sound version specifically) tyler the creator - wolf tyler the creator - cherry bomb tyler the creator - flower boy tyler the creator - igor tyler the creator - call me if you get lost weatherday - come in weezer - the blue album weezer - pinkerton weezer - green album weezer - maladroit weezer - ewbaite weezer - white album weezer - ok human women - public strain yumi - lost 椎名林檎 - 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花
thats all
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Fate..... I- I- I um I wanna h- hug you.....
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FATE: Do I look like some kind of therapy animal to you? Does cuddling me magically solve your depression? No? Then I'm off-limits. You either impress me well enough to deserve a hug or get in line with the rest of them.
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ENZO: yeah havent you grasped the memo with your greedy lil fingers hugs are a bestie only thing hes gotta break you in and meet the family before you get the privilege
ENZO: its a long arduous process to get everyone to like you but i wish you luck soldier its so worth it trust me just watch
ENZO: cmere
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ENZO: see? easy
ENZO: wow dude you are fucking light i need to carry you more its so hilariously tempting its like dealing with a bag of feathers or some other unspecified light object that would work well for this analogy
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FATE: ,,,,,,,,
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foundationhq · 4 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 Matias “Loch” Rojas 𝐀𝐠𝐞 47 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 cis man, he/him 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 Pedro Pascal 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 closed
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The lively and gregarious [𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸] is a grassroot talent poached from the Dark Web after their electronic footprint was detected by our Foundation AIC personnel in the Infotech Department. The motives behind their cybercrimes to this day are unclear. They were purported to be a “microinfluencer” among cryptid conspiracy theorists online, though the account in question has never been confirmed. What started as a small investigation evolved into a game of cat-and-mouse trying to outplay [𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸], who at the height of their digital heist attempted to create an unauthorized backup of all SCP files on SCiPnet and replace them with various AI-generated images of “Mothman and Dracula at Prom.” However, [𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸]’s grand scheme came to an end, largely in part of our AIC personnel’s efforts. When detained and faced with punishment, they surprised the Foundation by begging to join the ranks. Due to their undeniable talent in breaching Foundation security, officials overseeing their case accepted. Now a reformed hacker on the side of good, we believe their first Foundation appointment to the… analog environment of Site-φ can keep them on the right side of the Veil. A note will be made to the MTF Commander to mind [𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸]’s chatty personality, however. Any leak of MTF Chi-00 can be fatal. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
FREELANCER;   an   independent   hacker involved with the  Serpent’s   Hand. Caught by the Foundation following a cybercrime spree of unknown motivations; previously taught an online computer science course called ‘Unlocking with Loch.’
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𝐷𝑌𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷. You hate military, but there’s something about this teammate that has piqued your interest. Maybe it’s all the crazy rumors — they’re practically a cryptid in your head. Is it true they once ripped a dude’s head off?! But you’re pretty sure they won’t take the question all too well. Doesn’t matter! You’ll probably figure it out one way or another. Those types are so bad with tech security...
𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐹𝐸𝐶𝑇 𝑆𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅. They’re just so adorable — like a lost kitten mewing on the side of the road. They definitely don’t fully understand just how over their head they are. But, hey, all good! You have a wealth of information to share, obviously, and you’re giddy to give them the rundown on everything, as long as they give you the 411 on the things they’ve seen and heard, as well.
52 𝑃𝐼𝐶𝐾𝑈𝑃. You can’t tell what's triggering your spidey-sense, but this teammate is definitely shady. You’re sure that sniffing around too closely won’t end well for you. Still… if they are hiding something, who else would be able to dig it up but you? Everyone loves a good exposé. You know what they say: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
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zydeco-xylophone · 1 year
various color gang hcs while waiting for flight rising to rollover
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between xem and yellow they got the whole mad scientist/wizard drip covered. her less esoteric creations include (but arent limited to) various coffees, teas and bartending creations. sometimes makes horrible concoctions for the hell of it. speaking of hell, hes got a lot of golden bling from piglin trading for netherwort. the piglins also helped make faes leg braces after that dip into lava, also got a less blinged out wheelchair for bad pain days. injuries stay no matter what shapeshifting potion ze makes.
green: shes discovered soundcloud and bandcamp and hasnt looked back since. has a bit of a hipster complex about obscure music. good at impressions, practically a walking soundboard and occasionally uses it for evil. possibly photosynthesizes after the witch debacle but hasnt let anybody run tests. gymnast build - long and lean. perhaps has a heart too big for her chest.
yellow: extra fuzzy from the alpaca transformation despite blues best efforts, but they also got to keep those gnarly llama fighting tusks so it all evens out. limbs and face stained orange from redstone exposure before they figured out the proper ppe. has a white patch on the head from the lucky block, covers it with whatever accessory of the day is - gasmask, bandana, goggles, the latest silly hat somebody impulse bought. linux stan
orange: either up for 3 days straight or sleeping for another 3, it has no control of it either. holds title for fourth darkest circles out of the whole cast, theyre apart of its face now. always in pjs or the comfiest clothes it can squeak past social expectations in. still growing into its limbs gangly, eats a lot more than youd expect. the glow in the dark lichtenberg scars from its powers awakening add to the growing pains. has a repetitive strain injury on right hand, wears a brace+tablet glove.
red: hey so it turns out that possession is bad for ya, as in physically harmful. a nervous system/whatever a stick has analogous to that REALLY doesnt appreciate have two operatives at once! thanks for the brain damage, herobrine. good news is that its minor, the bad news is that its brain damage. wears knee+elbow pads because sometimes his limbs Do Not get the memo and in the process of learning sign for the nonverbal episodes. working on retuning the fine motor control for vulture culture and practices speech, sign and verbal, with the animals. built like a badger and easily cuddles pandas. want to give him a learning disability too but gotta do more research on the subject first
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sahonithereadwolf · 2 years
Osiyo folks
New social media site, new start, and I thought it might be nice to just introduce myself! My name is Gar Atkins but most folk know me as Sahoni. I'm a queer, Indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ), and disabled writer, game designer, and radio personality.
Outside of the aforementioned writing, (mostly analog) game design, and radio; I collect folklore and ways from around the world. I enjoy cooking, general outdoorsy stuff, horror, storytelling as an artform, and pop culture ephemera so expect to see a little bit of all of those. Also trying to get back into biology.
If you might have seen me before; it's probably from one of these things;
I've been in and around furry since about 2006. My fursona is a red wolf librarian of sorts and anything more than that requires me to give to a long and detailed lecture on Tsalagi cosmology. Maybe later. I have a secret second fursona that requires me to infodump about game design and abstraction, so I'll keep that one to myself too.
Indigenous Activism
In furry and sometimes beyond, I've been one of the louder and more visible voices about indigenous rights and representation. Though I've spent the last couple years being more quiet. Being one of the popular punching bags when pushing back against racial caricature and violence really wore me down in a major way. I dealt with a lot of frankly horrible stuff I usually kept to myself, but I never stopped caring. Politics are gonna do you where you do them or not and indigenous genocide is ongoing.
I just chose my battles with greater care and am not the only one out there doing the work anymore. I can't tell you how nice that actually feels. Even if they don't recognize it.
I've been a member of Barking Points memo for a couple years at this point and it's offered me a great platform to inform, educate, and even organize and call to action. I'm so thankful for that opportunity and always try my best to pay it forward. Most folks who know me are likely to have heard me on that show, or as a guest on an AP, or being interviewed about my games.
Game Design
I also do work as a game designer! I've done a bunch of work as a games critic, narrative designer, writer, and cultural consultant, but I also run and operate Bramble Wolf Games! At Bramble Wolf I've worn just about every hat in the box but I'm really proud at my growth as both an artist and producer.
At Bramblewolf Games I look to make stories with impact and systems to support them. You can find my shop below: https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io/
My first game, Exceptionals, is inspired by x-men and about the communities and spaces marginalized folks make for ourselves, as well as the different lenses through witch we view the mutant metaphor. It sold well, reviewed even better, was viewed by X-men Writers and Harvard English professors, has an official reading list I'll need to link later, but the things I'm most proud of is that it's allowed me to raise money for trans rights, reproductive justice, and even dig a well. Oh and that it's currently being used as therapy and outreach in a community facing gender health center.
I worked very hard on it and am very proud. I can't wait to make and show off more.
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yourplasticpal · 1 year
If Stranger Things leans too hard into psychic powers as an analogy for queerness, I'm afraid I'm going to struggle with it the same way I did with True Blood back in the day. I'm too literal for my own good sometimes. But actual monsters (as opposed to perceived ones) just aren't a great choice imo.
Like, I see where you're going with this but, the thing is, homophobic people have no legitimate reason to be afraid of or hateful toward queer folk simply because of their queerness. It is PERFECTLY legitimate to be afraid of vampires as portrayed on TB. They WILL kill you and/or infect you with what they are, and have to actively fight their own natures to not do monstrous things. Just ... ew. You know?
More ST specific, if queerness can be used to crumple up people or bend them to your will, I did not get that memo. The analogy is less clear cut (so far) with ST because, obviously, none of the other kids with powers are presented as monstrous in the same way. Arguably one of the worst things El does (hitting her bully in the face with a skate) doesn't spring from being queer or different, it springs from piled up trauma and being tormented beyond her limits, because of how others perceive/exploit her difference. Hm. Maybe I'm overthinking this.
For the record, I'm all aboard for Henry trying to exploit Will's queerness as a connection and a weakness, but Will's love for Mike (and Mike's love for him, and all his family and friends' love and acceptance) proving to be his greatest strength instead.
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