#ancestral spirits
voicesfromthelight · 2 years
A Spirit Visited Me This Morning
A little note for the day: This morning, as I was waking up, a spirit visited me. I find that the hypnopompic state - that is, the one in which you are about to awaken from sleep - is the state in which I am most receptive to receiving clairvoyant visitations. It happens even more often than in the hypnagogic state, which is the state you are in when you are about to fall asleep. But there’s something about those in-between states of consciousness (including lucid dreaming), in which alertness and relaxation are in just the right proportion to each other to make us more receptive to spirit communication. (There must be a neurological explanation for it!)
It was a very pleasant experience. The woman appeared to me smiling and waving warmly, in a sunny garden setting, as if “flagging me down” into her native environment, and introducing herself. I had no idea who she was. She was a big, “earthy” woman, with very short hair, and seemed to be of mixed Latina heritage. I sensed that her name was Rosie or Rosa. She showed me that she had loved to eat, and the implication was that diabetes had contributed to her passing. 
Because I had no idea who she was, I asked whom she was here for. I sensed that it was someone I was connected to in some way, but I didn’t know who or how. She gave me the first name of someone with whom I had interacted only marginally, a couple of times, through a Facebook group for spiritual advisors. I knew of no one else by that name. 
I’m usually very much against psychics and mediums springing information on unsuspecting targets. It always smacks to me of ego-tripping, and points to poor boundaries. However, I knew that if I didn’t check with the person the spirit had named whether the information matched up, I wouldn’t know whether to trust my intuition and spirit communications of this nature in the future. So, I asked the person for permission to message them directly, and gave them all the information I had. It turned out that Rosa was their great-grandmother! I got the sense that she wanted to make sure that this person was taking good care of their physical health, so as to avoid the same problems that she herself had had in life.
I’m so glad that I took the risk and did what I needed to do to pass on the message. I’ve had one or two experiences like this before, in which I didn’t do so, and they still haunt me to this day, no pun intended! Sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith. (This is also the second time this has happened in connection with this Facebook group!)
A day in the life of an ever-developing medium. This experience made me happy, and renewed my self-confidence.
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shamanflavio · 4 months
Shamanism: A Journey Through the Mind, Body, and Spirit Connection
Shamanism, a spiritual practice that spans across various cultures and epochs, serves as a profound testament to the universality of human psychobiological experiences. Through the lens of Winkelman’s (2002) research, we can understand shamanism not merely as a cultural artifact but as a manifestation of innate brain processes, representational systems, and psychophysiological dynamics inherent…
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alexsvmner · 2 years
White People Do Have Ancestors!
... and what's more: the concept of "Ancestral Worship" amongst White People was alive and well as recently as the late twentieth century!
In response to a recent controversy on Twitter: White people do have “Ancestors,” and what’s more: the concept of “Ancestral Worship” amongst White People was alive and well as recently as the late twentieth century! If you analyse “Ancestor Worship” as the practice of petitioning one’s ancestral spirits for a boon, guidance, protection, comfort, etc, then it can be seen in the funerary rites of…
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cursecuelebre · 2 months
Coins are Essential to Hellenic Worship and Witchcraft
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In Ancient Greece Drachmae (the coins/currency of the time) were used not just in everyday life but honoring the dead. It was believe that coins were offered to the deceased right before they were buried. The coins were given to grant the spirits passage to the underworld by paying Charon who will ride across Acheron, a river in the underworld to the afterlife, fearing they will get stuck on the shores if they don’t have the payment to cross. Though it is a very old superstition it is still very important to offer such a gift to the spirits that crossed over, though whether you don’t believe such a belief or do about paying the ferryman the act of the gesture is a sign of great respect and admiration for the departed. Collect your spare change and don’t be afraid to use them for various reasons:
- Offer them to your ancestors.
- Place a coin on gravestones when you visit a cemetery.
- Offer coins to your deities as money being one of the great sacrifices to give to them even if it’s just a penny.
You can also do spell work with coins as charms, divination (flipping heads or tails), talismans, focal point of power, etc.
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elucubrare · 24 days
i guess it's technically possible for my two WIPs to be in the same world, just far away from each other!
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deroyse · 4 months
Art challenge!
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I've got a pretty weird idea today 👀
and i'm curious what will come out of it
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sarcastic--knight · 7 months
I hope Uther from the afterlife could clearly see how his son tells his servant the wizard that he doesn’t want him to change, always remained himself and thanks for everything he did for him, and Uther just bites his elbows like: “Knights-commoners and marriage to a maid were just floweries!”
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ancestorsalive · 2 years
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Magnificent Glencoe in the Autumn ...
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knightofleo · 26 days
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spookyskelekat · 1 year
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Why do so many of the boss arenas have water 😭💀 at least I’m learning to draw water then 🥴💀
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The Ancestors
I really want to tell y'all something really validating, especially as a Black witch though it's a little sad too. 
You know how we just choose our ancestors? We decide that on these people of the past, the Black people we remember and such, they're our ancestors now?
They do the same to us. 
I was 13. Walking the same footsteps that many slaves had on Washington's plantation. Seeing these little shacks that could barely hold up. Those were where our people slept, spoke of freedoms, whispered fears. That is where they stayed and we're forced to reside. I looked at the fields that our people used to be in.
Spirituals rang in my head that day, songs I've never heard before while I was lingering behind the group. Sounds of whispers and the feeling of eyes laid on me.
Eyes of wonder, amazement, curiosity. They didn't know me, I didn't know them. But in that moment, they understood we had prospered, we were thriving. In that moment, I was their child, I was beyond their wildest dreams. 
Small black girl, cuddled up in warm clothes, not confined to labor, free of chains. Staring back into how far we have come.
As far as I know, I have no connection to that plantation. I don't know where we came from, and I doubt I ever truly will. 
Understand that they had to deal with their friends and families being split apart, sold to another who would brutalize and torture our people, creating hell on earth for us. 
They know we can't find our specific ancestry! They know and just as we reach out to them without a care of how they are connected to us, whether we are truly related or not, they don't care either. They see us, and call us kin and cheer on our prosperity because we are their legacy regardless. 
 We do not claim them. They do not claim us, we just reached and grasped the other side. So if you're willing, reach.
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miralyk · 2 months
tldr for now (i'm currently too busy to draw "au explanation" art but i do want to get to that when i can!):
"ghosts in the machine" isn't really an au, they’re just goofy doodles me (viet kieu) or my friend (mainlander chinese) drew for each other of us being "haunted" by whoever's our blorbos or ""art muses"",, moreso inside joke doodles of ours we're sharing with people online, basically (i only made up the au title and tag bc people asked about these doodles more, thus it happened for organization,, but moreso bc i don’t want to be annoying and want to give people the ability to blacklist this LMAO)
sometimes we draw blorbos as supernatural angels/demons/monsters/etc! it's not really for a lore reason, since again, these aren't really "au" drawings,, it's just bc we joke that they're haunting us like hungry ghosts or clingy ancestral spirits and want to have fun drawing them in different ways.
desmond and alex are drawn a shoulder angel/devil for me bc my friend and i have joked about "guardian angel protection"-like stuff that happened to me recently like surviving a car crash unharmed, they're just the two blorbos most associated w me and the associations just felt like they fit
in lieu of the previous bullet point, the assassin brotherhood are sometimes drawn as ghosts, specifically as desmond's ancestral spirits (think like disney's adaptation of mulan); the joke is they're still acting like desperate hungry ghosts begging me to worship/venerate them like drawing fanart of them 😭
i have considered drawing the ""ancestral spirits/hungry ghosts"" assassins to have more unique mythical forms like drawing altair/ezio/connor/edward like the vietnamese four holy beasts though! again, it's not really for a "lore reason" but just rule of cool and having fun, being self-indulgent drawing asian cultural stuff, etc
all of this at the end of the day is stuff that originated from two asian artists talking and joking about our days sometimes including asian superstition, something that's just a part of our lives,, hope all this makes sense LMAO
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theserpentpharmakiea · 6 months
Every December - January the old woman of Winter is celebrated. For the past 3 years I have been teaching a class about these woman of myth and folklore. My fascination started with connecting to the ancestral spirits of my heritage La Befana and The Cailleach, and learning along the way the connection they have to the other fascinating woman of Winter and the land. I hope to see you there.
To check out my upcoming class and my other on demand and upcoming classes, go to Zinzeudo University at zinzeudo.com
The holiday season is a time for many things, family, food, and magic. The time between early
December until Mid January is full of spirit activity and stories of Witches, Ghosts, Goblins, and
Elves, some of these stories are terrifying in there own way and some are heartfelt and warm.
Most of these stories and traditions came from pagan beginnings, the legend of La Befana is no
different. The traditions of The Christmas Witch in Italy are old, full of pagan symbolism, and
goddess worship. Looking deep in these legends we open up a different side to the old woman
of Winter and relation to the Old Hag from many cultures. We will touch on the similarities La
Befana has with other Crone and Hag Goddesses as The Cailleach, Baba Yaga, Berchta, Hulda,
and Ragana. As well as similarities to Abundance Goddesses like Strenia, Abundia, and Feronia.
Join me as we travel with La Befana The Christmas Witch.
In this class we will learn
- Lore
- How to build a relationship
- Creating a shrine
- Offerings
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gr0wlbeast · 2 years
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Ancestral Spirit -- Spooky art, a month late! Truthfully, I wasn't sure what to do with this one til today.. This pic was a ton of fun and a lot of experimentation! I used procreate, aseprite and clip studio paint for this! It started as just black and white, just working with negative space and texture. I then put it in aseprite for the dithered gradient to give it some depth. I then went into CSP and added shading and highlights with halftone brushes. It reminds some of my friends of the Ancestral Spirit from Elden Ring, and I suppose it could just be that! -- Procreate/Ipad//CSP/Aseprite -- Do not use my artwork for AI training. Thank you in advance for respecting my wishes as an artist!
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gilly-tamar-w1tch · 8 months
The “Hooded ones” have been seen in various places by many people for centuries. They are a little bit different from shadow people in that they are wearing a trenchcoat or trilby hat. With Samhain (Halloween) coming up I thought I would share this. These “Hooded Ones” don’t have any gender or appear to have any gender and often seen as described in a hooded cloak, somewhat like a monk. What are these entities are they spirits of monks? Pagan deities? Are they elementals or perhaps something supernatural? Perhaps they are even a land wight or spirit. the hooded cloak is known as a “Cucullus” and due to this are known as “Genius Cucullus”. Numerous stone and clay statues and stone carvings of these have been found in both continental Europe and Britain. The length of a hooded cloak can vary, more often than not. It tends to be covering the whole body. In folklore they would tend to appear either singular or in a number of three. It is thought, but if they appear as three, it may be a link to the mother goddess and a Celtic Link as well due to the triple aspect. Some of these have been found in the north near Hadrian’s wall and in the south near Gloucestershire are those found in Europe tend to be singular figures. The mystery of the “Hooded Ones” Remains unexplained, and these unusual cloak in individual simply refuse to give up their ancient secrets. No one can tell what these perplexing beings were, but if they actually existed. I have had experiences in seeing these “Hooded Ones” but only as a single one and not coming as three. on one occasion when I saw one a week later, an elderly client are used to look after passed away. So they may be something to do with this, kind of like a spirit warning of a loved one passing, or someone you have a relationship with and got to know quite well passing.
Whatever they are they are a fascinating and folkloric cultural legacy. These hooded ones seemed to have left an impression in the British and European countryside. Back in the early nineties, a family were driving along a road in Worcestershire, England. As they drove through a dark tunnel of ancient trees, they saw something strange ahead of them. A few feet off the ground were three hooded figures and as who moss they were seen; they vanished into thin air. The experience was reported to a local paranormal group.
Are we dealing with spirits here? A folk memory perhaps or land spirits? Whatever they are they are a mystery and likely something very ancient
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hollow-knight-fights · 6 months
Hollow Knight Everything Else Fight: Round 1
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