#and I have a nice collection of different perfume oils and stuff
loveforskekgra · 1 year
I really wish I was one of those people who knew how to make like perfume oils and stuff because I spend a lot of time thinking about what a collection of perfumes themed after each Skeksis and Urru would smell like
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millenniumfae · 3 years
Video Game Cooking: Nectar (Hades 2018)
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Nectar is one of the in-game items Zagreus can collect. By gifting these bottles of golden liquid to other characters, he raises his affinity with them, which in turn gives him powerup items and advances character questlines. 
Hades (2018) is a retelling/adaptation of the classical Persephone and Hades mythos. All items, settings, and characters are from classic Greek mythology; Zagreus’ foster mother is the primordial goddess of night. Achilles’ personal questline is about reuniting him with his lover Patrocles. Zagreus has spent his entire life sheltered underground in Tartarus, so he doesn’t know what birds are, or what winter is. 
In turn, ‘nectar’ exists in Greek mythology. It’s sometimes interchangeable with ambrosia; both are the legendary foods/drinks of the gods, said to grant immortality to anyone who consumes them, amongst other positive effects. In-game, nectar is the more commonplace counterpart to ambrosia; Zagreus finds nectar as a dungeon drop. But he needs to defeat the champion of Elysium boss to gain a single bottle of ambrosia.
Today, we’re gonna re-create the nectar of Hades (2018) for ourselves! It may be contraband in Hades’ domain, but it’s not like anyone pays attention to that rule, anyways.
Why are we recreating nectar, and not ambrosia? Because there already exists tons of ‘ambrosia’ drink recipes. Maybe not based off of the Hades (2018) version, but there’s nothing new or exciting in making yet another ambrosia drink. Nectar, on the other hand, gives us more room for invention.
Hades (2018) Nectar Recipe  (Makes One Serving)
1 1/3 cups Martinelli's sparkling cider
2 tablespoons orange flower water
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon edible gold shimmer powder (make sure it lists all ingredients, and is certified food safe)
A pinch of coarse sea salt
A pinch of lemon zest
A drop of mint extract
The first times Zagreus gifts nectar to npcs, they describe honoring some sort of godhood custom and exchange with him with a ‘keepsake’ - an in-game powerup he can wear. Unlike with gifting ambrosia, their eyes don’t pop out with shock at receiving such a luxurious gift, it’s instead just something nice, even if relatively commonplace. But nectar is still prestigious enough that gifting the actual Olympic gods nectar goes over well.
If ambrosia is the equivalent of Zagreus gifting $30,000,000 Breguet watches to his friends and family, then nectar is the gourmet-wrapped basket of cheese and crackers you see in the ‘gift’ section of the grocery store. Something you spot while on errands, and impulsively buy so you have a hostess gift the next time someone invites you over. It’s a gift borne of societal custom, and implores the giftee to give you something in return, eventually. Everyone from your multimillionaire uncle Poseidon to your humble jailbird neighbor Sisyphus are pleased to receive such a gift, even if they might value its contents differently.
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(In the early-access versions of the game, nectar was ambrosia. The final release wrote ambrosia as the coveted, rare prize you earn after defeating the champions of Elysium. True enough, Zagreus can only find ambrosia after defeating the Elysium boss.)
In original Greek mythology, ‘nectar’ and ‘ambrosia’ aren’t two distinct things. Homer describes nectar as the god’s drink, and ambrosia is the food. But in Sappho’s and Anaxandrides’s poems, it’s the opposite. There’s more recorded mentions of ‘ambrosia’, rather than nectar. Some take this to mean that both nectar and ambrosia can be seen as something both food and drink, like honey.
Both share canonical similarities. Ambrosia and nectar are fragrant foods/drinks, sometimes used as literal perfume by the gods. Makes sense that nectar smells good, if in the AD period we’ve taken the word to mean the sweet stuff within flowers.
Other than its smell, we’ve no canonical information about nectar (other than in the Odyssey, nectar is described as either ‘rose-red’ in color, or in scent). Hades (2018) rendered nectar’s appearance as an opaque, warm gold liquid in a cute little round bottle, wrapped with a ribbon to benefit its ‘gift merchandise’ reputation.        
Nobody in Hades (2018) describes the taste/smell of nectar. Ambrosia, on the other hand, is said to be rare ‘vintages’ that you’re guaranteed to like. Sometimes, gifting either results in a cutscene where Zagreus and co. hang out at the lounge, complete with a sound clip of uncorking a bottle and pouring it into a tall glass. You can also see characters drink nectar amongst each other, savoring both the occasion and the taste. Eurydice also offers a ‘Refreshing Nectar’ power up item, which just kinda looks like normal nectar but in a tall glass. 
There’s a clear alcohol equivalence. But nobody references drunkeness in-game. Even original classical Greek culture didn’t have a drunk culture like we do; wine was revered, but it was mixed with water to be savored, not to intoxicate oneself. Maybe nobody in-game can get drunk in the first place; everyone’s either an immortal, or a ghost.
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(In my opinion, it’s always a bit weird when videogame characters can nurture deep, trusting relationships purely built upon a system of gifting items. But Hades (2018) does make it clear that Zagreus already has established relationships with most of the cast.)
Ambrosia’s a rare vintage. So what does that make nectar? We need to make something sweet, pleasant, attractive-looking, and also tangibly related to its rarer sibling. So we’re using another liquid that’s distilled and sometimes fermented; apple cider. 
A bit of this decision comes from the soundbite of opening up a nectar in the lounge; it’s a thin viscosity with a slight hint of foam, almost sounding like beer. And the color matters too, since different distillations of apple cider can result in different colors, ranging from dark brown to a light, bright gold.
Apple juice, when fermented, can have alcohol contents going from light apple wine, to brandies that have 10-25% alcohol. As a culinary ingredient, its modest fructose content means a higher temperature tolerance, and its citric acid can be used as a brine. It’s a popular ‘new world’ ingredient in cooking and baking. 
It’s also an ‘old world’ food. Hades (2018) doesn’t take itself super seriously, with its foil-wrapped gyros and french fries as in-game healing items. But any character/worldbuilding they do have, they keep it consistent. 
Zagreus says that Hermes’ symbol “almost looks like a bat wing”, when it’s very clearly a bird wing. Because he’s lived underground his whole life, he doesn’t know what a bird is. Weapons upgraded with the aspect of people like Guan Yu, or King Arthur, are time-bending powers that no one has ever heard of, with hints that these mysterious people live in places with their own gods/mythology. Zagreus catches a trout/bass/sturgeon fish for the first time, and it’s completely foreign to him, but Achilles fondly recalls these Greece-native fish fitting of his Nereid heritage. Characters have discussions about how mortals fear death, despite Thanatos being a gentle god represented by butterflies. There’s no sun, therefore no time, in the underworld. Hades is the god of minerals as well as the underworld, hence gems and diamonds being an in-game loot.��
Apples originated in Central Asia. During the Classical Greek era, they would have resembled what we call crabapples; small, hard, sour, cherry-sized. “At the Sammardenchia-Cueis site near Udine in Northeastern Italy, seeds from some form of apples have been found in material carbon dated to around 4000 BCE.”
It implores me to find ingredients that fit the setting, as with my other Video Game Cooking recipes. No pumpkins, no corn, potatoes, chocolate, tomatoes, vanilla. Instead, we have things like almonds, lentils, oranges, honey, garlic, onions (haha, suck it Achilles)
To reflect nectar’s ‘sweet smelling’ trait, we’re using an ingredient common in Persian cooking - and later the French royal court of King Louis; orange flower water. I found mine in my local Asian grocery. It’s a byproduct of making essential oil, and it’s colorless/flavorless, but with a strong aromatic smell that affects any food you mix it with. It’s also a known ingredient in modern day Greece, called anthonero (ανθόνερο). 
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(Eeurydice is confirmed to use both nectar and ambrosia as a cooking ingredient, and her food is apparently amazing. Maybe one day, I’ll make another Video Game Cooking recipe based off of her Pom Porridge, or Ambrosia Delights.) 
And to really make it look like the food of the gods, we’re adding an ingredient found more and more in swanky bars worldwide; edible glitter powder. Originally, people only used this to decorate baked goods and candies, but come Instagram, people are making these really picturesque cocktails that shimmer rainbow. You gotta be careful when buying these for yourself, though; the tiny tins of decorative edible shimmer power you find at Michaels may not actually be as edible as they claim. I found Bakell-brand Luster Dust at a bake-supply shop. If it doesn’t list its ingredients, or certify itself as FDA-approved, then don’t use it for food.
And since it’s called ‘nectar’, we’re also adding honey. Which has long history of its divine status as a holy food. To take down the intense sweetness a bit, the tinest pinch of sea salt - another holy, pure substance. And to really bring out the brightness of the apples, we’re adding a sprinkle of lemon zest. A tiny drop of mint extract brings a complex depth to the orange flower smell.
To make a glass of nectar; cover the bottom of the glass with mint, lemon, sea salt, honey, and orange flower water. Then, pour the apple cider with the gold shimmer dust together, so that the two mix together a bit, to avoid clumping of the powder. Then you mix the drink a bit, so that the honey, zest, and salt aren’t sitting at the bottom.
It only now occurs to me that this recipe might actually be a rendition of Eurydice’s Refreshing Nectar item, rather than pure nectar itself. But just take my word for it; when you open up a bottle of nectar, you get that whiff of blossoms with the slight coldness of mint, and the sea salt/honey taste goes really well with the apple juice. I imagine that Eurydice’s somehow making a further delicious drink by adding a splash of Bailoni and ice. 
Enjoy! Just imagine that you’re hanging out with Zagreus and his three partners, cracking a cold one open over stories about how crazy the surface world is. Did you know that we have machines called computers that instantly relay information all over the world??
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nabesthetics · 3 years
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OHOHOHO YEAH I WAS HOPING FOR THOSE, you’re a person of culture too, I see
Lucio/Alastor, Marty/Julian, and ✨Sexy Magic✨
14) Magic or no magic? To what extent and in what way?
15) Special spells or enchantments?
Yes magic. I’ll combine the questions because they’re pretty connected anyway.
For Alastor temperature play is an easy one, with elemental magic being his “thing”, though he does need to be careful with heat, since his own perception of it is different from a human’s. It’s also one of the spells Al tries teaching Lucio first, though it takes a while for him to be able to cast anything easily enough.
Well, you can probably count Alastor’s transformation ability, it sure spices things up, and yes he does sometimes shift in the middle of a fucking session (Lucio might straight up beg for it while bottoming)
The magical bond between these two doesn’t fade - on the contrary, they become more in-tune with it over time, which gives room for some very intimate magic. Connection of physical feelings is an intense one since it’s pretty much a constant positive feedback loop, most often quickly culminating in the mutual doubled orgasm, leaving them shaking for a bit. Sharing emotions and/or even literal thoughts is a different kind of “intense”, and if it made Lucio cry on a few occasions, eh, nobody will know :)
Body swap magic accident? Body swap magic accident. I think it’s very safe to say that Lucio is very down to literally fuck himself once he’s over the “WHAT THE FUCK, YOU LIVE LIKE THIS???” first impression of being in Alastor’s weird-ass body.
Aaaaand then there are the Realms, which push the limits of what magic can do, especially when Alastor discovers his own Gate and learns to manipulate it somewhat. The easiest example would be creating a Lucio’s double (less murderous than the one in that chasm), I think I’ll let your imagination work with that.
Alastor hasn’t studied enchantments a lot, and his mind just doesn’t naturally go to those applications but, ah, Lucio can assist with that. And there are definitely some magical adult shops in the Arcana setting, I’m just saying. So yes, they do have some enchanted toys – hurrah to obligatory magic vibrators.
Magical aphrodisiacs.
Marty is a practical guy with many kinks and good imagination. Temperature play is canonical for MC and Julian. Marty adds some mild electricity into the mix and doesn’t shy away from putting those same spells not only on his hands, but also other parts of his body.
Use the force! Ropes have their aesthetic but are so bothersome sometimes, it’s easier to restrain Julian with magic when he just can’t seem to stay in place. Besides, the version of the spell that stops him from moving at all has its own kinky feeling to it. Kinda like those vacuum beds but with even more effective restraint, full access to touch, and no asphyxia risks.
Various spells to use in sensory deprivation and sensitivity play. That’s where enchantments and alchemy shine the most: potions, perfumes, creams, incenses, enchanted toys, etc., there are many options. 
Speaking of which… Magic lube and massage oils. Marty has a nice collection of “recipes” he found or developed himself. 
Magical aphrodisiacs as well tbh.
Sharing of emotions or physical feelings is more complex for them, and for a while it’s one-sided for Marty, but he eventually learns how to affect Julian with these spells as well. and then they both break down crying
Marty’s knack for illusions and conjuration results in things like this:
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- as well as some advanced roleplay.
Enchantments are absolutely on the table, some Marty does himself, some are commissioned from his good contacts. Orgasm control, vibrations, remotely controlled toys, all the good stuff. Not all of them are obvious, too, e.g. there’s a pair of very innocent-looking pendants, one of which causes the wearer feel as if they’re being touched by the person who wears the other one, as long as the latter person focuses on it.
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taylorinthetardis · 4 years
Wallflowers - A Henry Cavill x Reader fic
So I did a thing! Rather than continue to work on my larger, more complicated Pride and Prejudice fic, I decided to make a fanfic out of the fantasy I had at work the other day!
There will most likely be a part two to this, I just thought I was at a good stopping point and wanted to see what you guys thought about it.
Full disclosure: I didn’t mean for this to whole ass turn into a Bath and Body Works ad, but it kinda did. For those of you reading in countries that do not have Bath and Body Works, its basically just a body and home care store. In the US their scents are legendary. Pretty much every young girl went through a BBW phase where that was all they used for soap and perfume. That all being said, in the interest of further disclosure and covering my ass, I own neither Bath and Body Works nor any of the trademarks on the scents listed herein. I also do not own Henry Cavill because owning human beings is a crime.
This is my first Henry fic so be gentle with me! It’s a bit longer than I had anticipated and un-beta’d.
Warnings: just a lot of fluff. some self-deprecation. loads of swearing. don’t know if I should warn for slight bashing of the religious but I will anyway so no one gets mad at me.
It was shaping up to be another boring ass day at Bath and Body Works. I had started working here during the Pandemic after I was laid off from my job at the movie theatre. I had planned on it only being temporary, but even after things got better and I got my theatre job back, I decided to stick around. What can I say; a bitch is broke. Nothing wrong with double-dipping.
There was something about Sunday mornings in the mall. Probably because people around here still went to church in the mornings. Like it matters. Sunday mornings are always so slow, here and at the theatre, but the day always picks up after 1, when morning church services finish. It was me and Samantha up in the front room this morning, working out the leftover boxes from yesterday’s shipment. She was one of the first people I really bonded with here, both of us being super into both Marvel and DC, specifically Sebastian Stan and Henry Cavill. They had just started filming the next Superman movie and they were going to be shooting scenes up in Michigan again, like they had for Dawn of Justice.
“I’m just saying, we should really consider asking for a few days off and just going up there and scoping it out. I mean, it’s Henry fucking Cavill. He’s less than an hour away from us. Right now. Less than an hour. When is that ever gonna happen again? I can use some of my vacation time at the theatre, so at least I’m not missing out on money from them. It’ll be a blast. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? We don’t see him? I mean at least we’d have tried. I’d rather try than stay down in stupid Ohio with the knowledge that he’s that close.”
“Do you really think Ann’s going to give us time off to stalk Superman?”
“We ain’t gonna tell her what it’s for! Just lie, c’mon now.” I laughed. I dropped a box of Gingham body cream into the understock drawer and broke the box down. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement, oh goodie, a customer. Samantha was quicker to greet them.
“Welcome to Bath and Body… OH MY GOD!” I turned around and was met with the sight of none other than Henry fucking Cavill, sheepishly running his hand through his now jet-black curls, obviously embarrassed at having been recognized. Damn, am I glad I put make-up on this morning. Alright Y/N, this is your fucking chance. For once in your damn life, be fucking cool. You can do this. You look good, you smell like Champagne Toast, you’ve got this. I pulled my hair down from its messy bun and shook it out a bit before walking over to where Samantha was still trying to collect herself. The store radio started playing Halsey’s Bad at Love and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing at the absurdity of the situation we were now in. Not five minutes ago we were talking about seeking him out and now here he was in all his brick-shithouse-ness. I looped my arm through Samantha’s in a show of support.
“What a wonderful coincidence! We were just talking about you and now here you are! It’s crazy how the universe works, isn’t it? I’m Y/N, this is Samantha; what can we help you with today, Henry?” I smiled my most adorable smile at him, the one that makes my little cheek dimple pop out, and, honestly, they both looked shocked. Samantha was clearly surprised that I was more capable of speech than she was, and to be honest so was I, and Henry seemed shocked that I would openly admit that we had been talking about him before he got there, which probably wasn’t a great thing to say, but I panicked.  
“Well, I was told this was the best place to go for candles and air freshener-y type things. The house I’m renting just has this odd odour that I can’t get rid of. I’ve been airing it out during the day, all the windows open, and I come home and it still smells funky. I know I could just find a different place, but it’s close to a park and that’s been nice for Kal and I don’t want to make a fuss, so…” Henry sort of shrugged, the buttons on his plaid shirt straining with the movement of his broad shoulders, and gestured around the store as if to say “that’s why I’m here”.
“Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place. All of our home care is in the second room, grab a basket, I’m sure we can find you some scents you’ll like.” He walked over to the basket tower to grab one as a couple more customers walked in. Samantha nudged me towards the second room; I was going to have to handle Henry alone for now, it seemed. He followed me over to the Wallflower wall. “So, these are our Wallflowers. They’re sort of like the Glade Plug-ins, I don’t know if you’ve seen those, you plug this diffuser into any power outlet and screw the fragrance bulb in and it diffuses the scented oil into the room. They last for about a month or so. These’ll probably be the best option for you, well these and maybe a room spray or two to start with. The candles are good, but obviously the scent is gonna be strongest when they’re burning and it’s probably not a great idea to light a bunch of candles and then leave for the whole day.”
He chuckled. “No, I’d say you’re right about that. I definitely don’t want to burn the place to the ground. Are there any scents that you’d recommend?”
“Well, I mean, it obviously all depends on your personal preferences. I like sweet scents. I like my space to be smelling like a bakery or a candy shop at all times, so I tend to go for anything like that. We actually still have some of our holiday scents that we’re trying to get rid of and there’s this really great one in that line called Spiced Apple Toddy. It smells like apple pie. I love it. It’s only out during fall and winter so I stocked up. I need it all year long, honestly. I still have so many other scents at home, but like I’m probably never gonna get sick of it, for real, it smells so good. Or I might go every other month swapping between that and Black Cherry Merlot because that’s awesome too. And then there’s Champagne Toast, I mean, that one might be a bit too feminine for you, but I love it. It’s sweet and just a tiny bit citrusy. I can’t do any of the floral or like, outdoorsy scents, they set my allergies off. And honestly there’s some of these that I smell them and I’m like, who is putting this in their house? Like, what nutjob thinks this scent is good? How many people have senses of smell that are this screwed up?” At this point I was rambling, talking excitedly and with my hands, handing him testers to smell and trying to gauge his reactions to know what to hand him next. He didn’t have any bad reactions to anything I gave him until I handed him the tester for Fresh Balsam. His nose scrunched up in the most adorable way and he very carefully set the tester down on the counter as far from him as he could manage. He handled my word-vomit good-naturedly, with a small smile on his face, nodding and chuckling when he thought something I had said was funny. Our fingers brushed a few times as I handed him the testers and after the third time, I began to feel like it was deliberate on his part, but it couldn’t have been, could it? He couldn’t really be interested in me. He’s Henry Cavill. I’m just, well, I’m just me.
Me, with my two minimum wage jobs, still living with my parents, inching ever closer to 30 years old. Why would he want any of that? Why would he be interested in me physically either? I mean, he’s literally flawless and I’m short, overweight, I eat like shit, I don’t exercise, hell, I barely know how to put on make-up correctly. Yeah, I look good today, but that’s not par-for-the-course.    
He put a few each of Cinnamon & Clove Buds, Black Cherry Merlot, Limoncello (for the bathrooms, he said), and Laundry Day (for the laundry room, obviously) in his basket along with enough of the plugs so he’d have one in each room. He also grabbed a Black Cherry Merlot and a Limoncello room spray off the shelf next to the Wallflower display before turning back to me. “So then, where do you keep this Spiced Apple Toddy that you like so much, or did you hide them so you could have them all to yourself?”
I chuckled nervously and ran my hand through my hair, sort of disbelieving that he was actually paying attention to what I had said. Boys never listen to me when I talk, I always have to repeat myself, but I guess that’s because I usually end up talking to the dumb ones. Henry’s not dumb. He really is just fucking perfect, isn’t he? Pretty and he listens? That shouldn’t be such a difficult combination to find, but for me it had been. “They’re on the table over here with the rest of our leftover Christmas stuff. Hopefully the tester is still there somewhere.” I put my hands in my apron pockets and I could feel the jolt of confidence I had had just minutes before leaving my body. His charm had worn me down, bringing me back to my normal, anxiety-ridden self. I caught the toe of my boot on the corner of one of the other tables as we walked towards the center of the room. I stumbled, but before I could fall his arm was already out to steady me, wrapping around my waist to keep me upright.
“Are you alright Y/N?” A look of genuine concern was on his face and I swear to God I swooned. Like, fuck, I just stubbed my stupid toe, it’s not that serious. I mean yeah, I stubbed my toe and then almost fell into a table covered with candles in glass holders, but like, I didn’t fall, you caught me, please stop looking at me like you care. You can’t give me that much hope. It isn’t fair. And goddamnit I love the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth. Like, fuck it’s never sounded so good. This isn’t fair, why is this happening?
“Yeah, Henry I’m fine, just a stubbed toe. Thank you for…you know.” I gestured down to his arm, which was still around my waist. The sound of me bumping into the table drew the attention of the rest of my co-workers, however, who were now coming out of their various positions to see what was going on and to make sure no one had broken anything. Samantha popped her head in from the front room and Kelynn and Mira came out from the cashwrap with Pilar and walked to the edge of the third room to peek in. All they saw was me, blushing profusely, with Henry Cavill’s beefy-ass arm still wrapped around my fucking waist. “Everything’s fine guys. I promise.”
“Holy shit, is that…”
“But Kelynn that’s fucking Superman!”
“You can’t cuss in front of him Mira, he’s a customer!”
“Will you guys cut it out? You’re embarrassing us in front of the hunky British dude!”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about we all pretend like this isn’t happening right now? Pilar can go back to the cashwrap, you two can go back to whatever it was you were doing, and I’ll go back to what I was doing, namely making a damn sale!” I extricated myself from Henry’s grasp so I could shoo them back towards the cashwrap. They turned and walked away, bewildered looks on their faces. I turned back to Henry who was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his curls, leaving them messier than they were before. An errant one fell over his forehead and I wanted to brush it out of the way, but he just left it.
I walked over to the table that I was originally heading for and found the Spiced Apple Toddy Wallflowers. There wasn’t that many left, but there was still a tester. I grabbed it and spun around to bring it to him, assuming he hadn’t followed me, but as I turned, I found myself going face first into his massive chest. I put my unoccupied hand up to steady myself and pushed on his chest to force him back. He was just too close. Why was he so close? He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. “Here. This is what I have in my bedroom right now, this is Spiced Apple Toddy.” Oh god, why did I say it like that? The one I have in my bedroom. Jesus Christ. He quirked his eyebrow at me and cocked his head to the side, smirking a little. Instead of taking the tester from me, he took my much smaller hand in his, guiding it up towards his face so the tester was close to his nose. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. A serene smile spread across his face and I felt my face get hotter. He opened his eyes, looking down into mine. Fuck I could drown in those ocean eyes.
“Oh, I like that very much. You were right. I think that one’s my favourite.”
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Be Careful For This Makeup Remover Cleansing Balm
After this step, use your common cleanser to rinse skin free of makeup and excess oil, leaving behind clean and hydrated skin. When buying an oil, make certain to search for ones that are cold-pressed and natural. Sometimes the most effective makeup remover comes in the form of a cloth. Several readers love the Danielle Erase Your Face cloth, which removes all kinds of make-up, including waterproof mascara, with out the utilization of harmful chemical substances or artificial makeup removers. With simply warm water, each material will remove the hardest make-up and will remember to offer you a contemporary clear feeling https://www.retrouve.com/product/luminous-cleansing-elixir/. When choosing the proper makeup remover for you, it is important to consider your pores and skin sort and how it reacts to ingredients.
This Klorane waterproof eye makeup remover cleansing balm will get the job accomplished. It's made with natural cornflower, which is light and leaves the attention space feeling cleansed and refreshed. Whether you have obtained dry skin, oily skin, or fall someplace in between, you probably can def depend on this makeup remover.
In this article, we’ll discover 6 DIY makeup remover recipes that use solely natural elements proven to be mild in your pores and skin. An oil-to-milk cleanser, Kiehl's Cleansing Oil is specially formulated to depart skin balanced after use. It's also scented with lavender, so you may be relaxed and prepared for mattress as soon as your skincare routine is finished.
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Are You Positive You Wish To Cease Purchasing This Fundraiser?
If you have sensitive pores and skin, you might wish to opt for an oil-based perfume. Combine the brown sugar, coconut oil, and essential oils in a jar using a spoon or stir stick. Apply to the skin in circular motions using your arms, exfoliating gloves, brush, or sponge. Shake properly and dip a cotton ball, cotton pad, or a cotton swap inside. You can use a clean, dry material to softly take away any make-up that’s left behind. Mix the two elements collectively in a jar or bottle.
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When a chance encounter with brilliant make-up artist Yuseong leads to her participating in a televised makeup competitors, Yeseul begins to query the function that make-up and look play in society. Choose your free present Customized Anti-Aging Routines Make probably the most of your skin with a custom fit, 5-piece skincare package. Naturally highly effective performance for a visible eye raise in record time. Remove mascara with mild actions from the bottom of the eyelashes to the tip. Our educated consultants are here to advise you on that perfect product. Formulations and ingredients may be occasionally modified.
If you strive plain water, it in all probability wouldn't make removal any better. However, if you use a makeup remover cleansing balm capable of dissolving the foundation film, eradicating can be very easy. There just isn't one magic ingredient in all of this — it really depends on the makeup formula composition and the remover composition. A key chemistry expression to bear in mind is “like dissolves like”. A water-based remover will work to remove water-based makeup, same applies for oil-based.
Made without any parabens, phthalates, or petrolatum, they swiftly take away makeup without the unhealthy stuff. Read on for our picks of one of the best makeup removers for delicate pores and skin. "Clear skin starts with a good cleanser," she stated. "I would splurge on this as a result of this would be your first step in your skin care routine and I simply feel such as you really shouldn’t cut the corners in relation to your cleanser." Another must-have for Allure editors, Then I Met You's Living Cleansing Balm would not just remove makeup. This golden-colored cream melts right into a rich, foamy lather that sloughs off makeup, all the whereas repairing and nourishing skin with vitamin E and olive oil.
Pure Oils As Make-up Remover
Use Dissolving Spray solely on specific areas for a quick change of your complexion or eye makeup. I never sit up for taking off my makeup at evening. It's not that I'm too drained to wash my face, but eradicating each single bit takes a lot of effort, and quite frankly, simply hurts. More usually than not, fully eradicating my eyeliner and mascara takes 10 thousand years and a ton of rubbing. My eyes are red, watery, and I still get up with black residue underneath my eyes in the morning.
The hydrating humectants on this make-up removerhelp hold your pores and skin's moisture barrier sturdy rather than stripping away your natural oils. It also does not depart behind a greasy movie, so acne-prone skin is totally protected. From mascara smears to uneven liner, this mini pen helps right any makeup snafus without affecting the rest of your face. Ingredients likevitamin E, cucumber, and chamomile relax any irritation while removing traces of make-up around your eyelids and beneath eyes. This affordableGH Seal holderliquid effectively andeasily dissolves even waterproof makeupwithout tugging, drying or irritating pores and skin. With over 1,one hundred critiques on Amazon, reviewers swear, "the primary swipe took 90% of the extremely thick mascara & eyeliner off, along withallof my eye shadow."
Ingredients like oils and glycerin work to softly dissolve your make-up. To use make-up remover, merely saturate a cotton pad with the liquid and press it to your face. Using gentle motions, wipe the product off of your face.
But it's probably an important step in your day by day skincare routine, both for the sake of the fragile skin around your eyes and the longevity of your pillowcases. Warm a small quantity within the palm of hands, and apply on to dry skin. Use fingertips to massage over dry skin till complete transformation of the balm into oil.
Is There A Best Time Of Day To Take Cbd? Consultants Debate
It's made of soothing components like aloe and cucumber extract, so your pores and skin will really feel refreshed. And because it is oil-free, you received't be left with the feeling that one thing's lingering on your pores and skin after you utilize it. “I love this as a end result of I think it removes the makeup really nicely, particularly if you’re wearing waterproof mascara," she said. "I additionally discovered that that is the least aggressive in your eyes.
I'm positive you've heard the word about the harsh chemical substances found in plenty of makeup wipes. It's imperative that you follow up with a nourishing cleanser after using make-up wipes. These pure towelettes are an excellent alternative.
Makeup will get removed with minimal rubbing; add some water to give your face a pleasant milky cleanse that doesn’t depart your pores and skin feeling too oily, or too stripped. The lighter consistency of this method makes it an excellent introductory cleansing balm for anybody seeking to lastly dip their toes in. "For my sufferers with sensitive eyes, I recommend in search of an eye fixed makeup remover formulated for delicate eyes that removes make-up with out rubbing or irritating eyes." With a high quality makeup remover, however, it does not should be that way. And belief us, there are a lot of great makeup removers on the market, regardless of whether or not you favor a balm, oil, wipe, or micellar water.
Japanese formulation includes coconut oil to moisturize, cork tree extract to calm and vitamin E to struggle free radical damage. It’s onerous to seek out anybody who doesn’t critically rave about Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water. “I use them to give my clients’ pores and skin a quick cleanse before basis. Next, find out which different merchandise with a cult following are totally price it and which make-up sale to check out.
We firmly believe that beauty merchandise, each skincare and makeup, ought to be of the highest high quality while sustaining worth and affordability. Bring residence an aloe plant, and you may have a hydrating face masks, a moisturizer, a scalp treatment for irritated follicles, even a primer before making use of basis. And, yes, it actually works simply as nicely to scrub off mentioned foundation when the day is finished. Of course, that does not mean you must ditch the make-up remover altogether.
Key elements include amino acid-rich soy protein which helps preserve pores and skin's elasticity and suppleness, in addition to rosewater which is notable for its calming and balancing properties. “Similarly to the Klorane remover, this product has ingredients in it that assist strengthen your lashes too, which is nice," she famous. Washing your face is probably one of the final things you really feel like doing at the finish of an extended day, but you actually should. Sleeping with makeup on cannot only result in clogged pores and breakouts, but in addition end in premature aging. Our editors independently selected these things as a outcome of we think you'll get pleasure from them and would possibly like them at these prices.
Not so with this organic, uncooked, unrefined oil that retains the entire coconut goodness intact and also looks ultra stylish on your self-importance. I would examine it to eye makeup removers that cost twice as much. If you need the first step of your nighttime routine to be on the identical luxurious degree as the rest of your treasured skin-care routine, contemplate investing on this stuff. Though it’s simply as liquid-y and French-sounding as the aforementioned cleansing waters, this is a cleaning lotion. Once you sweep it throughout your face, you’ll get it — it leaves your skin feeling full, such as you cleansed, toned and did an entire serum situation.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Full refund inside 30-days-return. Apply with our luxurious Cotton and comply with with your favourite Clé de Peau Beauté cleaning foam for optimum outcomes. Eye & Lip Makeup Remover leverages Skin Intelligence to help your skin’s most ability to restore and shield itself.
Skincare By Category
The result's radiant, clean, healthy-looking skin. This product is mild sufficient to use each day. For greatest results use at the side of our Walnut Hill Face Serum.
As health and wellness bloggers, our readers usually ask us if we cleanse and in that case, how we do it.
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Other kinds of cleanses contain colonic cleanses utilizing enemas, laxatives, or colon hydrotherapy .
First, decide a reasonable timeframe for your cleanse — not more than three days.
It has a high content of linoeleic acid, vitamin E and phenolic compounds, and an anti-inflammatory impact.
If you prefer to double cleanse, we advocate starting with the Cleansing Oil and following with the Cream Cleanser. Some juices are produced from meals which may be excessive in oxalate, a naturally occurring substance. Two examples of high-oxalate meals are spinach and beets. Drinking large quantities of high-oxalate juice can enhance the chance for kidney problems. Grape Seed Oil - an ingredient that accommodates polyphenols as properly as the essential fatty acid linoleic acid for lightweight hydration. Gently dissolve make-up, oil, and different impurities with this lightweight pre-cleansing oil.
"The truth is that eliminating Trump is the easy half. Cleansing the motion he instructions, or eliminating what he represents to so many Americans, is going to be one thing else." An ABC News article calling for the "cleansing" of the motion of President Trump's supporters was stealth-edited after critics questioned the charged word. Onion and garlic are both members of the allium household of greens, which provide pungent flavors to foods. These vegetation comprise flavonoids that stimulate the manufacturing of glutathione, one of the liver's strongest antioxidants. As a result, onion and garlic have highly effective anti-bacterial and immune-boosting properties. Dill is rich in nutritional vitamins and anti inflammatory chemicals.
By coming into my cell number and clicking “Submit”, I agree to obtain recurring promoting text messages from Clinique. I understand these textual content messages may be despatched via an autodialer, that consent just isn't required to buy goods from Clinique, and that I can opt-out any time by replying STOP to the textual content message I obtain from Clinique. If I am a California resident, I comply with the Notice of Financial Incentive. Massage onto pores and skin with fingertips until makeup is dissolved. A longer cleanse or Panchakarma is totally individualized and the entire protocol is designed based on the Rogi or client’s current disorders and the standing of their bodily, physiological, psychological and genetic health history.
Also, deprivation and suffering isn't the point! If you need a cup of black espresso because you need it or adore it, then have it. If you are nonetheless hungry, have something but make it clean and nutrient dense .
Challenge yourself to cut again on added sugar from sweetened yogurts, cereals and granola bars, in addition to the usual suspects . You’ll respect the pure sweetness of fruit a lot more when you cut unnecessary added sweeteners out of your food regimen. From hydrating face masks to the best way to use hydrating face cream, learn the way to hydrate skin with the following tips. "I chose these foods as a result of as a bunch they provide wholesome fats, protein, fiber, and water volume. Plus they're loaded with antioxidants," she says.
Each cleansing balm features completely different key components to focus on skin issues, corresponding to natural acerola cherry in Very Cherry Clean that provides antioxidant-rich vitamin C to assist brighten, firm, and hydrate the skin. As most of our pure face cleansers do, you'll find that when you have rinsed the cleanser off, it leaves you with an ultra-moisturized canvas that is ready for any clean skincare product that follows. Soap-free, foaming gel cleanses all skin circumstances.
Colon cleaning is normally used as preparation for medical procedures similar to a colonoscopy. However, some different medicine practitioners provide colon cleaning for different purposes, such as detoxing. Committing to a cleanse can feel like an enormous deal.
The Master Cleanse claims an individual can reside off of nothing however six to 12 glasses of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water over the course of 10 days—and drop 20 pounds the process. One of the worst selections I ever made was to strive a 5-day juice cleanse my senior yr of college. Maybe it’s a type of belongings you simply have to do once to know it’s a horrible concept. Take a take a look at a few stories from the 1000's of individuals whose well being and wealth improved from our pure, premium and non-GMO superfood merchandise.
Soothing Cleansing Oil
Our livers are particularly designed to take away bodily waste and our kidneys filter blood as well. The course of requires zero strict diets, cleanses, detoxes, or hunger. Apply to dry face with fingertips and gently massage.
Clean is extra frequent than cleanse and its use is much less particular. Over the past few years, the meaning of “detox” has shifted from a protocol meant to rid you of poisons to, usually, just a diet meant as a temporary reset. It either promises quick weight reduction, or goals to get you into the habit of wholesome eating, with residual effects that will last all 12 months lengthy. A lemon detox food regimen is usually cited as proof supporting detox diets to enhance well being.
Fill her with vinegar and water and pop her in the microwave for 5 to seven minutes, watch as cleansing steam shoots out of her ears, and revel in a squeaky clean equipment. Both clean and cleanse imply to make one thing free from dirt or impurities. But whereas clean can be present in a spread of common contexts, cleanse usually will get utilized in additional particular situations.
Drink one green juice per day to hydrates, alkalize, and add raw, living vitamins into your system. Formulated with hempseed oil, bioflavonoids and pure essential plant oils, high® delivers the high-powered benefits of hemp, to protect with potent antioxidants, balance with adaptogens, calm, hydrate and replenish. Cut down on sugar and salt, get loads of protein/fiber/fat and exercise 3+ days a week . And if you find yourself backsliding, forgive your self and begin over.
Health & Food Plan Guide
In reality, espresso enemas generally utilized in colon cleansing have been linked to a number of deaths. Colon cleansing also can cause much less critical side effects, corresponding to cramping, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. During a colon cleanse, massive amounts of water — generally as much as 16 gallons — and presumably other substances, corresponding to herbs or espresso, are flushed via the colon. This is done utilizing a tube that's inserted into the rectum. In some cases, smaller quantities of water are used and are left to take a seat in the colon for a quick while earlier than being removed.
Cleaning And Glow
For instance, Shays says she'll never double-cleanse if she's suffering from a rosacea outbreak—instead, she'll opt for only an oil cleanser or gentle cleaning milk. If she's treating a client with cystic pimples, she'll stick to 1 cleanse, as double cleaning can over-stimulate the pores and skin and aggravate it further. If you have dry pores and skin, Chiu says you could find that your pores and skin is best off with a double cleaning routine. "You'll discover that two mild steps work better than one strong method to fight sensitivity or overdrying," she says.
Due to its natural nature, our propanediol just isn't solely a compatible moisturiser, but in addition ensures that we are able to do with out harmful preservatives. "This product may be very gentle and fits my sensitive skin completely." Our clients requested a cleanser that made mild work of heavy obligation make-up. Gentle on skin with out compromising on efficacy, no rubbing, no eye-stinging, oh and no palm oil please.
After cleaning, shortly comply with with a facial moisturizer while skin is still damp to attract water into the pores and skin and lock it in for long lasting hydration. During the day, it's also recommended to use a facial SPF moisturizer with sun safety. Daily Facial Moisturizer with Broad Spectrum SPF 15 delivers nourishing hydration that locks in important moisture and protects your pores and skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. The extra gently you reintroduce foods into your food plan, the smoother the transition shall be.
"Anybody can benefit from a cleaning. The physique is coming out of what might be known as hibernation. It's a method you'll find a way to jump-start your physique for a extra energetic life, a more healthy life." These diets are low in calories, which will go away you with little vitality to exercise and will disrupt your metabolic price and blood glucose levels. They take satisfaction of their hair, and are particularly cautious about it, washing and cleansing it virtually daily. It was time for the cleaning a part of the ceremony and Victoria and I, together with half of the gang, lined up on facing benches. Ghusul is a ritual cleaning from head to toe, on this occasion performed with all of the solemnity of a visit to a water park. You can use clear to imply simply “to make neat” or “to remove a stain or mess” .
This rosehip powered oil glides over pores and skin lifting away each kind of impurity. Even cussed waterproof mascara is politely sent packing. We want to share natural food, juice, and love with you.
In a gentle round movement, apply to face and neck morning and evening, eradicating with a heat moist fabric. Repeat if eradicating make-up, and comply with with the Tammy Fender tonic or floral water finest suited to your pores and skin. Especially formulated for dry or sensitive pores and skin, and helpful for all pores and skin types, it blends soothing Lavender with purifying Fo-Ti. Lightly creamy, this light, pure facial cleanser whisks away impurities, leaving the complexion delicate and radiant. Be the first to study new arrivals, exclusive provides, limited edition products, and sweetness tips and tutorials.
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eremiss · 4 years
9: Lush
Set a few days after Clamor
It feels like it’s been ages since Gwen last had the opportunity to simply sit and soak in a bath, and longer still since she’d actually taken advantage of it. Yet recovering from the Steps of Faith, with orders to take it easy and her arm bound in a fresh cast, Gwen decides now is the perfect time to do just that. 
She draws a hot bath and takes the time to straighten up the clutter on her bathroom counter. When the tub is almost full she adds fragrant oils, soaking salts and bubbling powder, deciding to make the most of the opportunity. The surface quickly vanishes beneath a layer of light foam and bubbles, steam the scent of lush flowers and sweet fruits quickly filling the whole bathroom. She’s sure she’ll be smelling hints of it in her bedroom for days to come and smiles to herself at the pleasing prospect, in her opinion.
The water is just cool enough not to sting as she settles in the tub. She carefully arranges a hand towel on the rim that she can rest her broken arm on to keep it clear of the water.
She leans against the edge of the tub and frowns mildly at her cast. Having a broken arm is proving more annoying than she anticipated. For one thing, bathing is something of a chore when she can’t use one arm and has to keep that arm from getting wet. She can’t use her right hand to write, either, and her attempts with her left have produced less than stellar results. If there’s a way to braid one-handed, she hasn’t figured it out yet--though, in all honesty, it has been a nice change of pace to leave her hair down all the time… even though that tends to lead to more tangles and knots than she’s accustomed to. Clothes with sleeves are a hassle, too, and ones that are at all fitted currently refuse to cooperate.
Tataru had said the hunters would be bringing Duskfeather’s antelopes within a few days, and Gwen isn’t sure what she’s going to do about that, either. With two arms she wouldn’t have any difficulty hauling around the creatures. But with only one? She wonders if Yda or either of the Boulder brothers might be willing to do the heavy lifting for her.
Gwen heaves a pleasantly perfumed sigh and sinks back against the edge of the bathtub. Now is supposed to be for relaxing, not pouting about her broken arm. She pushes those thoughts away and instead focuses on luxuriating in the bath, soaking up the soothing heat and pleasant fragrance, reminding herself she’s supposed to be taking this time to relax and unwind.
She sinks down a little lower, hot water lapping at her collarbone, and focuses on the subtle sensation of tight muscles loosening and stiffness melting away. She listens to the myriad pops and cracks as she points and flexes her feet, rolls her shoulders, stretches her neck, and savors the bursts of relief that accompanies each little sound. All of the small aches and pains that have been pinching and pulling at her back and shoulders gradually soften and fade as the heat soaks into her bones, soothing enough that it starts to lull her into a doze.
Water tickling her chin stirs her from her half-nap. She hums and stretches out as long as the confines of the tub will allow, reaching arms over her head pressing her toes against the far side. The last bits of tension squeeze out of her muscles, her back and shoulders making a few deep cracks that inspire a mildly obscene sound of satisfaction.
She slumps back down into the water and, as an afterthought, readjusts the hand towel and resettles her broken arm. 
After a few minutes of languid contentment she turns to survey her collection of soaps and lathers. She has the time to give her hair a bit of extra care, and after the Coerthan air and the way the ice and wind tore at it during her fall, it could certainly use it. Seeing how she’s already decided to make her bath something of a luxurious experience anyway, she may as well go all out.
Although… Hm. Washing her hair might prove a bit difficult.
When the bathwater is nearly cold Gwen finally climbs out of the tub. As she’d predicted, washing her hair had been a bit tedious, but not so much so as to spoil her pleasant, languid mood. 
She towels dry and rummages through the collection of jars and vials on her sink, idly noting the room smells most strongly of honeysuckle, jasmine and pears. She likely does, too. She makes a mental note to buy more of those particular soaps and oils when she gets the chance, as she’s only grown more fond of the scents every time she’s used them.  
Working nourishing creams into her hair and combing it out is a bit of a challenge, as is drying it, but not so much as washing had been. Lotion for her skin is less of a hassle, though her right arm has to go without thanks to the cast, with the exception of her fingers.
After tugging on loose, comfortable pants, a snug, sleeveless top and an oversized sweater with sleeves wide enough to negotiate her cast through, she steps out of the bathroom, fully refreshed and relaxed. Glancing at the chronometer, she finds she had spent well over a bell luxuriating. Despite having next to nothing to do but take time for herself, the realization still inspires a little twinge of guilt.
There are flowers on her desk, she finally notices. A handful of purple and white blooms with sprays of lush greenery in between, all neatly arranged in one of her vases.
Gwen tilts her head curiously, tugging at her sleeves as she wanders over to it.
Hyacinths and dahlias. Some of her favorites. She smiles to herself and leans in to smell them, delight tickling in her chest. 
She glances around and finds no one waiting to surprise her or take credit. Her door is locked… or, well, she’s fairly certain it is, but perhaps she’d forgotten after breakfast. 
One of the purple dahlias is bent at an awkward angle, and a bit of shifting around reveals the culprit to be a nick in the stem.
Gwen hums to herself and frees the wounded flower, laying it gently aside. Then she fixes the arrangement to fill in the gap left behind, nudging the blooms and shifting the leaves. The minor blemish does nothing to dampen the thoughtful gesture, or the pleasant warmth that’s mingling with all that satisfied, easy contentment from her long bath.
She uses her nails to clip the stem at its weak spot and tucks the flower behind her ear, taking a moment at the mirror to make sure it’s sitting nicely.
On a whim, she glances around the desk in search of… something. A note, maybe. Some clue as to who had left the flowers, though she has a good idea who is responsible. She finds nothing but her strewn papers, an alchemy tome, a few leve reports that need finishing, and the mysterious bouquet.
She ponders the flowers and her own fond feelings about them as she heads out to check on Duskfeather.
Duskfeather’s stall is clean. Spotless, even.
Gwen stands at the door, blinking dumbly at the sight. It’s plain enough everything has been cleaned and refreshed, but sheer surprise makes  processing the sight take several moments longer than it should.
It’s above and beyond standard upkeep and maintenance, too. The stall is spotless. There’s hardly a stray feather or bit of down to be found. The floor is coated in a new, thick layer of bedding and woodchips that’s been carefully raked flat. Duskfeather has already taken the liberty of arranging the fresh nesting material into a comfy bed and is lounging contentedly. Even the water trough has been scrubbed clean and refilled.
Well. This… certainly saves her the trouble of having to do it one-handed?
Seeing her dumbfounded look, one of the stablehands volunteers, “Fellow did a pretty good job, didn’t he? Took him a while.”
‘Fellow?’ Gwen tilts her head curiously, giving the man an inquiring look.
“One of the other Scions, uh… Blast, what’s his name?” He waves a hand towards the Rising Stones, “The white-haired fellow, the one who’s so good with the ladies.”
She blinks. “Oh?”
He’d… cleaned Duskfeather’s stall? Why?
The stablehand pauses, studying her expression. He suddenly begins to look unsure, “He seemed to know what he was doing, even lured your bird out into the paddock with some mutton like he’d done it a million times, so we just sort of,” he gestures vaguely, “left him to it. I mean, he’s one of the senior Scions and all, so we... assumed that was alright.”
Gwen offers a slight smile and a reassuring nod while she processes that, twirling her hair around her fingers. “It is, it is. He just, ah... didn’t tell me what he was up to, is all.”
He grins somewhat awkwardly, visibly relieved.
She leans forward on her toes, then back on her heels. “So he… did all this himself?”
“He did. I offered to give him a hand and he turned me down. I tried to tell him he didn’t need to worry about the bedding; we put fresh stuff in before you got back a few days ago.” The stablehand shrugs, bemused, “But he insisted.”
Gwen hums thoughtfully, a perplexing blend of lingering shock, appreciation, and satisfaction that’s partially petty and partially not swirling around in her head. It doesn’t quite blend together right, all slightly off-key from one another and tugging her mind in different directions all at once. 
Duskfeather, at least, seems perfectly happy with the development. He’s lying in his freshly made nest and lazing around as if he’d never been disturbed at all. Thankfully his wounds don’t seem to be troubling him, nor does it look like they interfered with him making his nest.
“Did he change Feather’s bandages?” Gwen asks.
The stablehand laughs, “Said he’d leave that to you, as he enjoys having hands.”
Right. She’ll handle that, then. Seeing how Duskfeather is in such a good mood, he likely won’t make too much fuss about it. 
Gwen carefully cracks a door open, finding the room beyond empty. Water is running in the attached bathroom, and she hears the sounds of faint muttering and furious scrubbing.
It’s impressive how much the smell of old feathers and bedding --both new and old-- can cling to someone while they’re cleaning out a stall. Gwen has firsthand experience with that.
There are some remedies for it, just as there are for the smell of chocobo musk. There are even some that don’t leave the user smelling overly much like tomatoes or some other potent herbaceous blend that, really, isn’t all that much better than the smell they’re trying to get rid of.
She eases inside just enough to reach out and place a little vial of oil on the dresser, then makes a hasty exit.
Lush -- adjective (of vegetation) growing luxuriantly. very rich and providing great sensory pleasure.
Methinks someone is trying make amends and get out of the doghouse lol 
This was fun to write :D I originally wanted to do a followup to Sway but it just wasn’t happening @_@ I’m really happy with this, though :D Gwen getting some me time and getting to treat herself!
Tyty @rhymingteelookatme for giving it a read and making some corrections!! :D you’re the best!!
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Living a day like Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
God (SWT) likes the joking of spouses and for this He gives reward to both and proliferates their sustenance from Halal ways. (Ramuz-al-Ahadith)
None of you should take his brother’s stuff either with jokingly or seriously. Whoever takes his brother’s stuff should give it back immediately. (Abu Dawud)
Ibn Abi Layla (RA) narrates: “The apostle of God (PBUH) was on an expedition with his Companions. While one of them was sleeping during the stopover, his friend got his rope. The owner of the rope woke up and felt scared that he had lost it. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was informed about the situation and said: “It is not Halal of a Muslim to scare another Muslim!”(Abu Dawud)
One should move away from the place when the shade goes away over him and one half of him is left under the shadow and the other half is left under the sun. (Abu Dawud)
Burayda Ibnu’l Husayb (RA) narrates: “The apostle of God (PBUH) forbad sitting between the shadow and the sun.” (Ibn Maja)
It is stated in this hadith the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned people against leaving one side of their body under the shadow and the other side under the sun because this causes the human body to be affected by two opposite effective forces. When the body is left under two opposite effects, it becomes unbalanced. For this reason, one may lose his/her health.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates: “It is sunnah of a person to take off his shoes and put aside while sitting.” (Bukhari, Adab-ul Mufrad)
It is not Halal for a person to sit between two persons without getting permission. (Abu Dawud) It is an exception when permission is given. (Bukhari, Adab-ul Mufrad)
None of you should make someone stand up and sit in his place. However, you can enlarge the sitting circle and make room. May GOD give you vastness. (Bukhari)
If someone arrives at a council and a place is given to him, he should sit there; if not, he should look for and sit in a wider place. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
When a person leaves his seat for a need and returns, he will have more right than anyone else to sit in his previous seat. (Tirmidhi)
Abu’d Darda (RA) narrates: “When the apostle of God (PBUH) used to sit somewhere, we sat near him. And when he decided to leave his seat and wished to return, he used to take off his sweater or turban and put it where he sat. So, his companions knew that he would return and they continued sitting in their places.” (Abu Dawud)
The widest seating is the most auspicious one. (Bukhari, Adab-ul Murfad)
The best sitting place is the one which is towards the Qiblah. (Tabarani)
Everything has a form which is the best and optimum. The best sitting places are the ones that are towards the Qiblah. (Tabarani)
When you sit in front of a scholar or are present in an enlightenment assembly, draw close to them and sit collectively; do not sit disorderly like the people of ignorance. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
While sitting, the apostle of God (PBUH) didn’t use to extend his blessed feet in order not to cause his companions to squeeze. (Daraqutni)
Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrates: “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited sitting in streets; so, his companions said to him: “O apostle of God (PBUH)! It is hard for us to sit in our homes.” The prophet answered: “If you sit, make the best of sitting places.” Then, his companions asked him: O apostle of God! What does making the best of sitting places mean? The apostle of God answered: “It means showing the way who is asking the address, responding greetings, ordering the good and forbidding evil” (Bukhari, Adab-ul Mufrad)
When one of you is given a present, the people around him have a share from it. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
Three things should not be rejected: Mattress, oil, and perfume. (Tirmidhi)
If someone talks and the others do not stop talking during a gathering, GOD takes the blessing away from that place. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
Talking about the following three issues in an assembly is a grave sin: 1. Planning to shed blood 2. Talking about sexual intercourse profanely and lustfully. 3. Planning to disseize someone’s property.
When you come across with the backbiting of someone else in a gathering, defend the person who is backbitten. And try to prevent that community from that behavior or leave that place. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
Satan disturbs a lonely person or when there are two people. If there are three, it cannot give disturbance to them. (Muwatta)
Fear from God. If you hear good things when you are about to leave a gathering, go there again. But if you hear things that are not pleasant, never go there again. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
When the prominent figure of a community comes, respect him. Serve him. (Ibn Maja)
Abu Umama (RA) narrates: “One day the apostle of God came to near us; he had a staff in his hand. We stood up. He said, “Do not stand up like foreign people do in order to glorify one another.” (Abu Dawud)
The person who serves a drink to a community drinks it in the end. (Abu Dawud)
Zubayr Ibn Awwam (ra) narrates: I said, “O Messenger of God! After we leave your assembly, we get involved with the words that belong to the Era of Jahiliyya.” The Messenger of God (pbuh) said,” When you are in a place where you fear that you will commit sins, say the following prayer when you leave so that it will be atonement for the sins that you receive in that place: “O God! You are free of incomplete attributes and things that are not worthy of you. We ask for forgiveness from you. We repent to you.” (Tabarani)
Hz. Aisha (ra) narrates: “When the Messenger of God sat at an assembly, recited the Quran and performed a prayer, he always ended his words with certain words. I said, “You always end your deeds with certain words when you sit somewhere, recite the Quran and perform a prayer. Why?” He said,” A person who has uttered good words will end his deed in a nice way with this prayer. If he has uttered bad words, this prayer will be atonement for them. (Then, he recited the prayer mentioned above.) (Nasai)
Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) narrates: “The Messenger of God said the following prayer when he stood up from a place where he was sitting with believers:  “O God! Allocate us some share of your awe that will prevent us from rebelling against you, your prayer that will lead us to Paradise and your belief that will make the misfortunes of the word harmless for us. Make us benefit from our ears, eyes, and strength as long as we live and make those bounties permanent for us. Make our revenge effective only against those who oppress us. Make us victorious against those who are enemies of us. Do not send us misfortunes from our religion. Do not make the world our greatest worry and the last degree that our knowledge can attain. Do not send those who do not show mercy on us against us. (Nasai)
When the Messenger of God wanted to leave an assembly, he would utter “astaghfirullah” ten or fifteen times. (Ramuz al-Ahadith)
“He treated many things to those who visited him. He sometimes gave the mattress he was sitting on to his visitors and asked him to sit on it. He gave different nicknames to his friends (like Abu Turab, Abu Hurayra, etc).  He called them with the names that they liked best in order to honor them. He never interrupted anyone. He continued the conversation until the person he was talking to stopped or stood up in order to leave. When someone came and sat next to him while he was praying, he would end his prayer quickly and ask him what he wanted. After meeting his need, he would continue praying. (Qadi Iyad)
Anas Ibn Malik (ra) narrates: “The Messenger of God (pbuh) was given a glass of milk. He drank some of it. Hazrat Abu Bakr was on his left and a Bedouin was on his right side. He gave the remaining milk to the Bedouin and said, “The priority belongs to the one on the right. Pass the milk to the right side after that.  (Bukhari)
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elluendifad · 5 years
30 Witchy Journal Entries
Day Three: What are five things you have in your room that you can use in a spell or ritual? What could you use them for? I am very happily an adult who considers the whole house their ‘room,’ but in the bedroom alone I have a selection of crystals (rose quartz, lepidolite, hematite, labradorite, moonstone, quartz, etc), feathers (local, mostly turkeys who live near my home, some geese, etc), iron rail spikes from near home that are used to represent my partner and I, essential oils (frankincense and lavender go into my bed when I make it so it will smell nice when I get in), curls of bark for petition writing, and a handful of little tea light and tall pillar candles. The rest of my house is also full of magic stuff.
 An easy example is cleansing the bed of energy! I used to do this pretty regularly when I was depressed: 1. Collect incense or essential oil, minimum one feather, candles optional for mood lighting or setting sacred space. 2. Strip bed of all old sheets. Place a new, fresh-washed and line-dried fitted sheet on mattress. Hold other sheets aside. 3. Light optional candles, perform any circle/sacred space/invocation you like to make this space a ritual space. I personally don’t because my home is always sacred space. 4. Light incense or flick essential oil drops onto the fitted sheet. Waft the incense or scent of the eo using the feather. 5. Visualize the energy and scent of the incense/eo being wafted all over and throughout the material bedding, all over and throughout the space your body will occupy, all over and throughout the energetic space of your bed and bedroom. It may help to visualize a specific color, like grey smoke, for “funky energy” you want to get rid of, and purple or green for “cleansing energy” from the incense or eo. As you waft the cleansing energy into the space, visualize it taking over and replacing/removing the funky energy. 6. When you feel satisfied that the funky energy has been replaced by cleansing energy, and that the whole of the bedding and bedroom space is treated by this energy of your choosing, stop wafting. Say a small thank you to the tools, or a prayer, or even a simple “Ah, that’s nicer!” 7. Follow fire safety procedures—do something with your incense or candles if you had them. Return tools to their holy places. Perform a closing of circle or sacred space if you feel it is necessary. Ground yourself if necessary by eating a snack and having some water. 8. Finish making your awesome-smelling bed with the fresh sheets. Notes: This can be altered to suit the moon phase. When the moon is waxing (growing full), emphasize visualization of the power of the cleansing energy. Your bedding becomes full of this energy. 
When the moon is waning (becoming dark) emphasize visualization of the removal of funky energy. Your bedding has this funky energy completely removed and banished.
I also find that scents last longest if flicked or dabbed onto the mattress, then the fitted sheet is put quickly over it to trap it in. As the bed is made, the scent seeps upward into the other sheets. 
You can also put scent inside your pillow case, but you must do a dab test on the inside of your arm to make sure it won’t cause a reaction on the delicate skin of your face. I will only use topical-use carbon-distilled frankincense and myrrh inside my pillowcase. Don’t use known irritants like mints or lavender near your face.
You never need more than like, two drops of essential oil. You can get more mileage from your oils for this kind of use by filling a spray bottle with water, adding some regular table salt, and up to five drops of eo. Shake well before using.
Don’t do this on the bedding of children or animals. Popular essential oil scents are often toxic to cats and dogs, and can cause respiratory distress in children even in very small amounts. I urge you to be very cautious any time you do this on bedding which is not solely used by yourself. Do your best not to endanger others. You can also skip the eo route by deconcocting a perfumed tea by boiling your favored herbs in a pan until the water is pungent and colored. Strain out the herbs, add some salt to the spray bottle, pour it in and enjoy!
Another example is one I do fairly regularly. I have a small wooden plate on my bedside table that holds most of the crystals and the petition slips. When I’m not doing a specific petition, I put my favorite fortune cookie papers where the petition would go. I remove them before doing a specific petition ritual. 1. Set aside a small space and the following tools: A tray, bowl, plate, or cloth. Crystals or stones of your choosing, preferably at least one with a flat-ish bottom so it can be stacked on top of other things. Essential oil, incense, or perfumed water. Seasonal dried herbs of your choice, like lavender or sweet grass or cedar or pine. An intention you wish to petition for, a slip of bark or paper(non glossy) to write it on, a marker or bit of charcoal to write with. 2. Lay out the tray/bowl/plate/cloth. Mine is a wooden plate. This spot should be where it will “live” while it does this work for you. It’s okay for it to be on a shared table top, like with a lamp or your bedtime stuff on it, but it should be positioned so that it doesn’t have to compete for space. This should be a safe spot where you won’t accidentally knock it over. 3. Do whatever you need to do to put your brain in ritual mode and enter sacred space. Cast a circle, say a prayer or invocation, light mood candles, whatever. 4. Begin laying stones and crystals in a pleasing way on the tray/bowl/plate/cloth.This doesn’t have to be a fancy/perfect grid. I will select a stone to hold my petition, and the other stones flank and surround this petition stone. Talk to them while you select and move them around—tell them you need their help and guidance to reach a goal. Ask them to intuitively show you how they can help you best. Some of them may “feel right” in certain arrangements, while some may opt-out of the work because it doesn’t suit them and no spot on the tray seems to work for them. 5. Begin laying dried herbs on the tray/bowl/plate/cloth in a pleasing way. Nestle them between, under, or over the different stones. Talk to the herbs as you did the stones, ask for their help and guidance to reach a goal. Ask them to show you how they can help you best. You may have as few as one sprig of rosemary, one dried rose, etc or so much that your plate can’t be seen under their leaves! Follow your intuition. 6. Dab a drop of the essential oil/perfume on the herbs, or light the incense nearby. Tell them that this is a gift to them for their help in this. Set the intention for this dab of perfume/eo or bit of incense to strengthen the entire spell and its individual components. Set the intention for it to also strengthen you, that you will ask for an intention you really mean, that it will go your way because of your certitude. 7. Grab your slip of bark or paper and writing tool. Write a single word, a statement, doodle a sigil or drawing or other symbol that represents this thing to you. You can write on it front and back, but if it is charcoal don’t let it touch any of your crystals because it may be hard to clean off later. Tuck this slip under your chosen Petition-holding-rock. I like to lay it on top of my flat lepidolite, then put a moonstone on top of the slip to keep it pinned there. 8. Say a prayer, thank you, or reinforcement of what your petition is. Say it to the arranged tools, say it to yourself, say it to your higher power, etc. State clearly that by your powers combined, this petition will be manifested in the time you have this plate arranged. Set an end date, like by this time next moon cycle, or by the solstice… or by whenever you hope to have this fulfilled. You can do some visualization exercises in this space regarding specific steps that must occur to fulfill this petition. Visualize yourself with the end goal met. Visualize energy from the arranged crystals and herbs seeping into the petition slip and making it glow. 9. When you feel satisfied that you and your “team” are on the same page and have a fulfillable goal, say thank you, or a prayer, or even an “ah, that’s nice!” 10. Follow any necessary safety procedures if you lit fires, then close your circle, do a devocation of sacred space and higher powers, or whatever is necessary for you to leave that sacred ritual space. Ground yourself if necessary with a bit to eat and something to drink. 11. Go about your day and take some practical steps to make your petition a reality!
Notes: This can easily be altered to suit certain moon or solar phases. For waning moon, seek to banish or reduce something that gets in your way. For waxing moon, seek to increase or introduce something to your benefit. If you will have your petition slip out for a whole lunar cycle (full-new-full, new-full-new) or longer, perhaps consider one statement of each type and intend for the corresponding moon to power it (ie, one clause “I am free of self-derision” is keyed to the waning moon because the waning moon will banish the self derision. The other clause “ I am filled with confidence!” is keyed to the waxing moon because the waxing moon will increase the confidence.) This can be deepened or powered by a daily practice of repeating the petition verbally while looking fondly, confidently, and proudly at your set up. When you are done, burn bury or compost your petition slip. If the herbs are still good, use them to cook while thanking them, or burn them as loose incense, or bury or compost them. If they are moldy at all (as happens in humid houses) just go ahead and compost them while expressing gratitude. Gently wipe down your stones with a dry cloth and thank them, then return them to their home. Do the same for the tray and any other “permanent” (ie non compostable) objects you used.
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Lots of writing! | Writing Update #1
Hey People of Earth!
I have many a things to update. mwahaha
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The first of which is this bad boy!
FISHBOWL was a one shot-ish thing I worked on in mid August because I didn't want to write the scene I had to write, but also didn't want to write outside of my universe. Soooo, of *course* your girl wrote herself some more fanfiction because? I mean? Why not!
It’s not unheard of on this blog that I ship (and then, subsequently cannoned) my boyz Lonan and Harrison. I’d written the first chunk of this story on mobile, just in a note, because I’d gotten an idea for some dialogue. (I had the whole story written besides the beginning and end.) The struggle was figuring out how to start the story. I toyed with a couple ideas, writing a million different first sentences. Frustrated that I wasn’t feeling any of ‘em, I shelved the project for the night and went to bed.
The next day, I came back to FISHBOWL, and I looked over the random first sentences I’d jotted down. One caught my eye, and so aha, I found my sentence. (I struggle with writing openings, so once the first sentence is nailed down, I usually am able to get a good flow rather quickly). I wrote the entire thing in one sitting, and while it’s disjointed and weird, I had a lot of fun.
The story itself is basically plot-less since it was only meant to entertain myself, but I think I wrote some cool stuff, and explored a setting (Lonan’s room) with a lot more diligence than I have before.
This excerpt’s first line inspired me to write the rest of this story (lol my only motivation). It’s not even a favourite line, it just helped me wrap my head around the language a bit/gave me the idea to have a fishbowl-lens look on the story. 
The bottle is crystal edged. Half drained. A kaleidoscope through his eye.
He passes it over with ease. Harrison can’t tell if he’s done it because he’s drunk, or because he doesn’t want questions. 
“My mom likes this shit,” Harrison says, fingering the bottle, like he’s holding a memory and not jade-tinted glass. Careful, so he won’t shatter it. It’s almost like he’s a child again.
I also lluuuurve this next paragraph, just because loppy IS SUCH A NICE WORD. loppyloppyloppy. I just like the personality of the objects in Lonan’s bedroom (because he’s got none). Like his poor depressed lonely fishbowl, poor slothy aloe, poor upset betta.
Harrison watches the fishbowl on the nightstand. He should change the water. It’s aglae’d and forgotten, almost, like the loppy potted aloe on his desk. The blue betta hardly slashes through the water. Ris reaches over and unscrews the pot of pet store bloodworms, sprinkles in a pinch of the pellets. The fish cuts around its browning bamboo stake, and vacuums two into its mouth. Its fins wiggle like ink drops.
This is the last paragraph of FISHBOWL, and I mean, I like her tho?
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The betta fish glugs through the water in a flowery whoosh. Bottom feeds the last of the bloodworms. The takeout containers are empty, and rolled onto their backs. Stained rusted orange with dried chili. The aloe plant is still curved instead of straight. Harrison makes a note to water it in the morning. The digital clock bleeds 6:22 in neon cherry light. When it bounces off Lonan’s eyes, they look purple. 
So that’s it for FISHBOWL! I had a lot of fun writing this lol. Maybe too much. I must be stopped.
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CHICKEN NOODLE is chapter 14 of REWIRED, and to be frank, it was a bit of a pain to write. I’d churned it out after writing a really intense scene previously, and couldn’t really feel into the flow of the words as easily as I’d done before. The first scene took a chunk of time to write, because I wasn’t sure where I was taking it. After finally nailing a concept, I did complete it, and I’m rather happy with how that section of the chapter turned out. 
However, lol, scene two is a mess?? In my opinion at least, I did read this chapter to @sarahkelsiwrites​ last night, and she rather enjoyed it! Because it was SUCHHH a mess, and I had no motivation to write it, I, toward the beginning of the month, adapted the scene to screen. 
Stripping back the scene really allowed me to figure out how I wanted it to end (which was exciting!). Obviously, it isn’t a very good screenplay, but it was exciting to have a different take on the scene/focus on a new form to learn instead of self deprecating!
The following excerpt is from the beginning-ish of the chapter and sets up the concept:
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Maybe this is how it feels. To be a child, or a fetus, or a cell, or a human, stuck in the womb of a mother. Sloshing in amniotic fluid. Doing little fetal summer saults. Eating what she eats. Drinking what she drinks. That last serving of apple crumble. The remnant touches of cognac stuck to her lips. A dog and a bone, a human and its lung, a plant and its gardener, a mother and her child. Can’t live without her, even when you want to. Bitter dependency. 
my favourite parts of this are ‘fetal summersaults’ and ‘human and its lung’ like ooooh. I’m like not 100 on it but I don’t mind it!
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PEACH is chapter 15 of REWIRED, and oh boy is she a CHAPTER. I drafted this one as well as 16 over three days (they’re both super short), and I’m shook??
Chapter 14 ends with Reeve saying some *very* horrible things about another character (Emily), and her relationship with our boy Harrison. Because of this, she’s finally decided to check out Emily for herself, and see if she’s really as horrible as Reeve (who’s assumed her to be a Lolita figure), has anticipated. 
Here’s an excerpt:
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Emily and I sit on her pull out. My mother would haphazardly call it tacky—blue gingham, red quilt—but I almost like it. With its coffee stains, and holes that vomit polyester. Second-hand charm. Maybe Harrison toted it off some suburb’s curb for her.
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So this is the final chapter I’ll be updating you guys on (because it’s the most recent one that I’ve written lol). 
LOLITA, LOLITA, takes place in short succession after PEACH, and deals with a familiar theme--romanticizing/glorifying a female figure (sorta similarly to Lolita, which contributed to--of course--the title). This chapter is sort of the tail end of the ‘whimsical’ adventure Reeve has had entering Emily’s world, and has a lotttt of French inspiration.
Emily, as a character, does study the French language/culture a bit, and Reeve really clings to this particular detail. I think in a lot of ways, she does this because this is a detail she previously ridiculed (in the line: The kind of girl who learns French in her spare time and smokes essential oils, from chapter 10). 
Here’s the first one (I think it’s kind of clunky honestly but I like the idea so when I revisit, hopefully with some editing I can clean it up):
We split a brownie over a glass of Pinot Noir. She says it’s a French thing, and I imagine the bottle emptying on the veranda of a politician’s off coast villa. My lipstick stains the rim of the glass in a ruby porthole. It tastes like fruity hand sanitizer to me.
I also really like the next one, particularly the end. Like with before, I think it’s kinda clunky but I ain’t all that mad:
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She’s pulled her hair into a bun. The gold ridge of a bobby pin peaks out from behind a twist. Hiding between the white of her scalp. My nails have dried, now, and she’s gifted me her peach lip gloss, which I wear gracefully on my lips like it isn’t second-hand, but a lavish salve made in Europe. Tested on the eyelids of a fetid rabbit. Warm and licked at on the mouth of a rich young woman. An off brand perfume clings to her throat. The plastic breath of amber and ylang-ylang. I’ve tried to mimic her up-do, but my hair falls, even when I pump it with hairspray. Je suis amoureuse. I should tell her. I am in love.
^^ the perfume in question in my head is like a bootleg version of Chanel No. 5, hence some of the perfume’s classic notes!
The second half of this update deals with Reeve *attempting* to talk to her brother (@Lonan @Lonan). They’ve now migrated to his room, which she notes, is vastly different to Emily’s.
The first excerpt is a line I find kind of funny because a) food b) relatable c) lol Lonan’s ideas for gifts tho d) SAME e) grapefruits ?? f) it’s kind of adorable
He’s brought me half a grapefruit and a spoon. A surrender, or a lost attempt at a gift. The flesh wet, and pink.
like tbhhh grapefruits as presents sounds litttt
The next is actually sort of stolen from FISHBOWL, ha. FISHBOWL takes place in Lonan’s room, so I *very much* stole all the description from there and shoved it into this chapter. oops lol.
His room feels smaller, somehow. I think he’s moved the bed. Or it might be the new coat of paint. The addition of small things, like houseplants, candles, miniature replicas of American landmarks. A wilted aloe plant. A fish bowl. The blue betta inking the water in bored compliance. I think to ask him if he’s made the space more claustrophobic on purpose, but don’t at the last second. Lonan’s never been one to collect clutter. 
And lastly! Not my favourite but eh:
I say, “I like what you’ve done with the place,” even though I don’t. “What kind of plant is that? This one?” I get up from my spot on the floor next to him. Touch at the pot next to the watering can. Finger the waxy leaves. Anthurium, peace lily, ficus? Probably a ficus. “I think Mom would like these. You should take a picture to show her later.”
I like the tone of this scene a lot because it’s so dissociative. Almost underwater. It’s kind of a very thin version of my usual style, but I think it works for what I was going for for sure (I hope lol). 
So that’s about it for this update! I know it was a lil different, but I hope you guys enjoyed regardless! As always, thanks for reading! :)
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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A Month of Nocturne Alchemy Samples: Week Three
Originally published 4/3/2019
Welcome to week three of my month of samples! I'm actually really late, I had most of this written up, but I didn't get back to it until today. So sorry! Let's hop right to it, shall we?
Cherries in the Snow: Fragrant Snow Raspberry, Snow Cherry Pure, Ancient Limestone, Green Amber, Dirt Musk. This is from the VApothecary section in the Permanent Catalogue (PC). I absolutely love the way they do fruit blends, and this is no exception. The cherry and raspberry are bright, accented by the amber, and the musk is softer, and a little sweet. The limestone grounds everything. It's not firmly in the foodie category for me, and that really works.
OM NA: Eternity: This perfume is built from many layers of beautiful imported Desert Sage, Softened resin of Vetiver, the Scent of Temple grass, Black Coconut milk and husk, Dragon's Breath Incense and White Benzoin Liquid Resin of the Netherworld. *This OM NA will become thicker, richer and more beautiful with age. Another PC scent, this one comes from the OM NA section. I want to get a big bottle of this, as well. This is really smooth, I love the sage and grass. It's rich, but cool somehow. It's got a little bit of a summer-y vibe, with the coconut note, always a favorite of mine. Really a wonderful blend.
Upside Down Tarrie Cat: Vanilla, Kobalt Vanilla Orchid, Cream Soda accord, Black Tea, Bergamot, Vetiver-Amber. This is another gem from the original Clive Barker collaboration. This is another stellar tea from NA, a nice creamy one and the black tea note is so perfect. It lasted a good six hours, too!
Eternal Luxor: NA Amber, Golden Egyptian Fig, Creamy Coconut Milk and Toasted Coconut Oil. This is from one of my favorite PC sections, the Eternals. Okay, in theory this should work on me. I absolutely love their fig, coconut, and amber. There's only one other coconut I've tried that didn't work for me, and that was Coconut Moonstone. This is going to the exact same place, and I am so sad about that. It's almost plasticky. *shakes fist* Curse you, skin chemistry. Off you go to the rehoming pile. Someone else is going to adore this! It's really serene and tropical in the vial. Beachy, summery. I crave those scents here in Florida, where it's warm most of the year. So if you like that, you might try this out. There are very few scents I can't wear by NA, and I know luckily I usually can wear their coconuts and figs, so although I'm disappointed, I have a lot of others to love.
Carnarvon: Earl Grey Tea, Egyptian Black Tea, English Bergamot Essential Oil, Rose Hips, Dried Lily and Gingered Vanilla Crystal. This one is from the Egyptologist LC collection. I've got three of these as beloved full bottles, Carter, Petrie, and 1922. This is GORGEOUS. I hope it makes a comeback, I really love it, and I can't believe I didn't try it before. The floral is the perfect accent to the teas. It's a tiny bit tart, which I always enjoy. And bright. It would be great layered with one of the Tea Service, too, like Rice Milk.
Mummy Prince: Sweetened Labdanum E/O, Vanilla and Benzoin Tincture, White Linen wrappings, Black Myrrh and a touch of smokey resin in a haze of Mysore Sandalwood pure. This is a vault LC from 2010! The NAlloween collection that year. I've had this for a long time, and have no idea who sent it to me, but it was a decant from Laura. Oh, my goodness. This sounds like it might be heavier, but this is just a beautifully clean, bright perfume. If that's the white linen note, it has me swooning. This is a stunner. I've never seen it in the Marketplace, but now I'll be looking for it - I imagine anyone that's got this is holding onto it, though. I can't stop huffing my wrists. It's so smooth, just a little sweet.
Transylvania: Transylvanian Green Timber, Romanian Green Chypre, Honey, Incense and Romanian Black Vanilla. This is a PC scent from Cities of the Dead, originally part of the VApothecary. Oh, this is green. I love the chypre against the wood and vanilla, but it's pulling pretty masculine on me. I think this would be incredible on a guy. Wow. So it's not really for me, because I can't pull off stuff that heads into this territory on me, but it's a great scent. I'll have to add it to my list of "guy" scents.
Viktor: Blue Chypre, Exotic Ambers of Egypt and Eastern Europe, Heliotrope of a graveyard in New Orleans, Haunting Cedar, Rock Rose Resin, Sandalwood powder, Raw Indonesian White Patchouli, Cardamom, Myrrh and sacred Agarwood.Blue Chypre, Exotic Ambers of Egypt and Eastern Europe, Heliotrope of a graveyard in New Orleans, Haunting Cedar, Rock Rose Resin, Sandalwood powder, Raw Indonesian White Patchouli, Cardamom, Myrrh and sacred Agarwood. Viktor is from the Immortals section in the PC. I switched from Transylvania to this, so there's an extra sample this week! This is a gorgeous chypre that has a beautiful serenity. And yet, it's a little haunting. I really love this, it's a little different from my usual wheelhouse, but it's a chypre, and I usually like those. I don't get a lot of the cardamom, but it adds a subtle layer of warmth. I keep going back to huff my wrists. This is enchanting.
So that wraps it up for the third week. I'm well into the fourth and final week as I type this, and I hope y'all are enjoying the little snippets I've been posting!
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wraithwitch · 6 years
BPAL: a Mildly-Not-Really-True Tale.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Elektra asked amicably.
Kaya’s head snapped up and she blessed the world in general and her friend in particular with a dazzling smile. “These are from my crazy American cousin.”
“You have a Crazy American Cousin?”
“Oh yes. Sometimes she sends me things.”
“Threats of military action? Bagels? Bullets from the Alamo? Hershy’s?”
“Herpies?” Kaya murmured, aghast.
“Probably tastes better than that stuff they call chocolate...” Elektra peered at the odd collection of tiny vials scattered over Kaya’s history text books. “Specimen bottles?” she hazarded.
“Perfume oil!” Kaya corrected cheerfully.
“Tsk. Scented strumpet,” the dark-haired girl opinioned. “I’m with Shakespeare. Lower class whores wear perfume to cover the stench of the flux. 'Tis such another fitchew! marry a perfumed one.”
Kaya was unswayed. “No, but look – they all have names!” She held out a tiny, labelled vial for inspection. The label showed a stylised black phoenix and a web address along with a name – in this case, ‘BLOOD’.
Elektra was skeptical. “You have perfume that makes you smell of blood?”
“No! It smells of...” She rummaged amongst her papers to pull out her cousin’s letter. “Ah – um, dragon's blood resin, myrrh, cherry, and clove. Try some!”
Elektra did so. She sniffed at her wrists and then made a face like she’d just snorted lithium. “Roses – holy fuck I smell like roses!”
Kaya’s brow furrowed. “Roses are nice.”
“Yeah, bloody glorious, but I don’t want to smell like one!”
“Oh. I’m sorry, um... here! Come here - quickly!” her voice held a borrowed authority. Unable to think past the pungent scent of rose petals, the other girl obeyed. Kaya liberally swabbed Elektra’s wrists with a second open vial.
Dark hazel eyes widened in indignation. “What the fuck did you do that for?”
Kaya was serenely unperturbed. “To cover the smell, obviously.”
“I thought you had some way of getting the stuff off, I didn’t think you were gonna bloody dose me with another!”
She looked at the label. “It’s called ‘TOMBSTONE’.” She sniffed at it. “Smells of...”
“What are you two screeching about?” Caitlin hove into view, her appearance disheveled and her strides as long as her legs allowed, as if she had just escaped some grave misfortune. “I could hear you half way across the quad.”
“Kaya put...”
“And why the fuck-”
“...this perfume oil that...”
“-does it smell like someone’s been jumping up and down on roses and vanilla pods in hobnail boots?”
“Sorry,” Kaya offered meekly beneath Elektra’s withering glare.
“Put some on her,” Elektra demanded, one hand pointing dramatically and wafting scent tendrils of vanilla, rose and leather. She had always felt that misery one could not erase was best shared.
Kaya opened and offered up a different vial to Caitlin.
She sniffed at it cautiously and then breathed in again, a short inhalation followed by an entire lungful of the stuff. Her thin lips curved into a brief sickle-smile, her eyes rolled back and she dropped bonelessly to the floor.
“Jesus H Christ!” Elektra uttered, starting forward, the twist in her heart part panic, part exasperation. She paused as panic faded to leave only fond irritation when she noticed the perfume vial still clutched carefully in Cait’s hand, upright and un-spilled. “Hm.” She stooped forward and took the tiny bottle, re-stoppering it and squinting at the label. “LAUDANUM,” she read. “Good God she’s suggestible.”
“Well, at least she’s consistent,” Kaya commented, more interested in her samples of perfume than her friend’s collapse.
The body on the floor held an amused look about it. Elektra treated it to a critical scowl and an equally critical poke with the toe of her boot. “Did you actually brain yourself doing that?”
The stupefied corpse opened one eye and glowered.
Kaya not only had more faith, but had seen Cait practice. “Of course she didn’t.”
Understanding dawned. “You’ve been practicing, sweetness, haven’t you?” the girl inquired, amused.
“Of course she has.”
The other eye opened. “Of course I bloody have,” Cait growled in agreement, rising from her early grave and taking Elektra’s proffered hand so that she might regain her feet. “Gimmie the Laudanum back. Now.”
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stimtoybox · 7 years
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I’ve had an anon ask come in that I think is better answered with a photoset:
Any ideas for cheap or diy stuff for a subtle sensory room for an adult?
I’ll observe that I’m not the best at adult things because ... well, for an adult, I pretty much specialise in not being one by NT metric.
(I apologise for the dust in the above photos. I haven’t had the spoons for dusting in two weeks.)
1: Chenille bath mat. I found this one yesterday on discount, $10 AUD from Big W, available in several colours. The fronds are so big and it’s so soft and fuzzy. It’s so nice to stand on I don’t quite even! This can work as a floor mat in front of your bed or chair or even a foot blanket on a single bed. Also functional as a lap blanket. I’ve got mine tucked over my feet as of writing.
2: Chair or bed blanket. This one is a folded electric blanket currently on sale for $39 AUD at Aldi. (I know you’re not supposed to sit on an electric blanket, but it is honestly the only useful way I can use said blanket because I like to be able to move and don’t enjoy being wrapped up like a burrito just to keep halfway warm.) Any plush blanket will do for folks who don’t have my cold sensitivity, though - just something soft to make your chair or bed cosy. This blanket is really comfortable to sit on even when it isn’t running, and running my hands over the plush is very nice.
3: Candle oil burner. The one I’ve photographed isn’t that great - the basin is too high above the candle flame. It cost me $2.50 AUD from a dollar shop, though, and it has a deep basin, so I’ll use it until it cracks. Mine is on the window sill right beside my desk. The cost of candles does add up over time if you use the burner a lot, but you can buy those and blended essential or perfume/fragrance oils (about $2 AUD each) in dollar shops. The quality of these oils isn’t fabulous, but for not much money you get pleasant, relaxing scents while you work, read, watch, game or stim.
4: Kinetic sand in a glass jar on a shelf or dresser. Seriously, anyone who looks at this is going to think it’s just decorative. Nobody who doesn’t see you play with the sand on a tray or plate is going to even question this.
(Same applies for things like counters, dice, worry stones, glass counters, puzzle erasers. Even things like playdough and slime, as long as the neck is large enough for you to easily get a hand in and remove sand, slime or dough. Have it in a glass jar and it’s not a toy, it’s a display. I’ve got glass jars filled with water beads, puzzle erasers, bouncy balls, marbles, beads and buttons. I get nothing but compliments on these. Old pasta sauce jars work just fine, too; you don’t even have to buy these. My big ones cost $2 AUD each from K-Mart.)
5: Weighted lap pad/pillow. I’ve got a kawaii watermelon one because, like I said, I’m not terribly adult, but you can use literally any pillow case if it has a zipper or you’re willing to unpick a seam. Stuff it with a mix of something weighted - like rice, beans, decorative gravel, poly pellets - and poly/toy stuffing, because otherwise this will be too heavy for most. I also turned a duster mitt into a large weighted lap plush. My pillow cost $7 AUD from K-Mart; I only paid a few dollars for a bag of rice.
(You might also like to DIY a weighted blanket, although that isn’t like to be inexpensive, even DIY’d. Here’s a tutorial for a tie blanket, and here’s a discussion about weighted blanket fillers.)
6: Decorative or tree battery-operated LED lights. Mine are Christmas lights, but in that colour scheme they don’t look very Christmas, so I bluetacked mine to my shelves. Please note that in this, you want LED lights, not the very cheap tree lights, because the cheap old-fashioned tree lights put out a lot of heat as well as light. I got those on clearance after last Christmas for $2 AUD.
(Also, candles. Available in all the dollar shops. Relaxing and soothing, and also warm up a space a little in winter. Not as cool as colour-changing lights, but nobody’s going to think anything of them. Tip: light candles with a gas lighter, not a match. It’s so much easier.)
7: Stim toys in a fancy basket. Everything looks more adult when it’s nicely arranged in a basket. I think I paid $3 AUD for this pink plastic basket from a local dollar shop. You can also have worry stones or glass counters arranged on a plate or tray (like the oil burner photo above), too. Think things like fruit squishies arranged in a cane basket, for example - how different is that from a fake fruit or plant display?
(If you don’t want your toys to be visible at all, try putting them in a nice box - think those patterned cardboard gift boxes you get in dollar shops, as they’re only $2-$3 AUD each. The box looks pretty and everything is neatly hidden inside.)
I hope this gives you some ideas, anon. I don’t really have a lot of DIY ideas for room ideas as opposed to stim toy ideas, but you might also want to look through our tutorial collections (one and two) or our DIY tag to see if anything clicks for you! 
- Mod K.A.
Image description under read more cut:
[image description:
1 - a blue chenille frond/bobble bath mat with large, oversized bobbles sitting on the end of a single-sized bed.
2 - a grey-blue plush blanket doubled over and folded over the front size of a standard computer office chair. A white-with-pink-handled dresser holding candles, glitter jars, sand art jars, a soccer-ball stress ball and a Monster High Elissabat doll can be seen in the background.
3 - a green and brown porcelain oil burner with a green body and a deep brown basin, both dusty and streaked with dried oil. Burner sits in a light pink floral dish with river pebbles and green glass counters sitting around the burner.
4 - a tall glass mason jar with a brass screw-top lid holding green kinetic sand. A small star-shaped jar in with a silver-coloured screw-top lid holds pastel-coloured water beads and sits in front of the sand. A brightly-coloured Hoberman sphere sits beside it, mostly cropped out of the photo.
5 - a pink triangular kawaii watermelon slice pillow with round black eyes and yellow seeds, all printed onto faux canvas, sits besides a green worm-like creature made from a chenille duster mit, a red felt tongue and black button eyes. Both sit on a night-time print bedspread.
6 - Two white wall-bracket shelves holding books, trimmed with LED lights in orange, turquoise and mauve, all in the shape of doves, hearts, stars and bells. Books on the shelves are by authors Tamora Pierce, J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, Lian Hearn, N. K. Jemisin and Isobelle Carmody.
7 - A pink plastic basket with cut outs from the plastic to give a pattern of birds and leaves, like that of songbirds sitting in a hedge. Basket contains Play-Doh, a fabric stress ball, a car-shaped chewable, a red apple squishy, a coloured slinky, an orange makeup blending sponge, a wooden nut and bolt, a cork and a smaller green plastic basket. Green basket contains a silver and a red camo spinner, three Tangle Jrs, a green hedge monkey, a brown hedge monkey, a purple/blue/pink snake puzzle, a blue hedge creature and a green edmame popper. A white basket containing coloured hedge balls can be seen in the background.
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Welp I'll start off my lack of posting ANY OF MY HAULS with this beaut from the other day. Šèphörà 🌸 - Clinique pep start eye cream: $26.50 - itcosmetics bye bye under eye concealer: $24 - itcosmetics superhero mascara: $24 - tarte rainforest of the sea color splash lippie (2): $42 - urban decay vice lipstick (2): $34 - fresh sugar lip treatment (3): $72 - drunk elephant lippe: $22 - Sephora collection lip balm (2): $12 - Sephora collection pop up balm things (2): $12 - bare minerals gen nude radiant lippie (2): $40 - tom ford moisturecore lip color (2): $110!!!! -ABH Lolita liquid lippie: $20 - Marc Jacobs Hi-shine lip lacquer (2): $56 - too faced sweet peach lip gloss (2): $38 - too faced sweethearts perfect flush blush: $30 - too faced pink leopard: $30 - milk makeup hydrating oil: $24 - beauty blender (2): $56 - tartelette tease: $30 - tartiest pro to go: $30 - smashbox photo matte eyes travel palette: $28 🌸Total: $760.50 !!!!!!! Wàłgrèèñś 🌸 - L'Oréal magic skin beautifier bb cream (3): $24 - maybelline super stay 14hr lipstick (3): $21 - baby lips color balm crayon (2): $11 - L'Oréal finishing spray: $14 - revlon tweezers: $6 - revlon love collection tweezers: $7 - covergirl ready set gorgeous foundation (2): $14 - covergirl trublend face primer: $10 - sally Hansen complete salon manicure: $6 - Essie nail polish (9): $72 - Vaseline pink bubbly lip therapy: $5 🌸Total: $190 Ūrbàñ Ôûtfîttèrś 🌸 - Mario Badescu drying lotion: $17 - UO EDP fragrance (2): $36 - UO Blossom perfume oil: $12 - UO petal perfume oil (2): $36 - it's skin cookie hand cream (2): $20 - Dr. PawPaw tinted peach pink balm: $10 - milk makeup cooling water: $24 - milk makeup liquid strobe (2): $48 - milk makeup blush oil (2): $52 - milk makeup oil lip stain: $18 - milk makeup ubame mascara: $24 - milk makeup lip color: $22 - milk makeup lip balm tint: $18 🌸Total: $337 Mûjî 🌸 Assorted pens (28): About $100 🌸G R A N D T O T A L🌸 $1387.50 !!!!!!! Yo I knew it was gonna be a lot but my MIND IS BLOWN!!! So here's the scoop (it's gonna be lengthy bc I'm me duh): I went to Sephora to go to a beauty thing (which I had to sign up with my name and phone number) but I had frequented that location A TON and even though I didn't buy stuff with every visit I'm pretty well known to not be a shoplifter just an enthusiast. I was also there because I had recently shoplifted a palette from another Sephora location but the formula is super soft so one of the shades had an indent and got powder shit all over the palette so I wanted a different one. I couldn't just return it so the plan was purchase one at this location and throw off suspicion that I'd been browsing for like a long ass time and not purchase anything, but then return it later and receive store credit to buy something I couldn't otherwise lift (fragrance or a cool set or something). I asked a lot of questions and was super friendly with the SAs and asked for a sample and I was holding a piece of paper that I got and basically used it to hide my purse stuffing/sleeving/pocketing from cameras or other people. And it worked!! I was feeling super confident and my bag still had room so I hit up a nice drug store that's kinda closeby on my ride home. I was just mostly sleeving or hiding stuff behind my phone and sticking it in my purse to grab something else. I might have been sussed but I'm really good at the slight of hand and I'm pretty confident so it didn't throw me off but it made me more conscious. There was an employee just looking at the merchandise in the cosmetics aisle and I asked her a question about a product and she didn't seem to know about it (bc it was a drugstore not a makeup store) and eventually she ended up helping out another customer. There's a possibility I wasn't sussed it was just her being cautious about a teen girl in the makeup aisle and she was bored or something but idk it's still fkn easy. I ended up buying a lemonade and then going back to the makeup asked and pretending I was just deciding whether or not I wanted to buy a bottle of nail polish and ultimately decided no then left flawlessly. I travelled a bit to get to UO bc I know they have an awesome display of milk makeup and I wanted to get my sticky fingers all over that ish. Awesome fragrances too!! Like basics. I also kinda wanted to browse the clothes for a second. They have these black circle tags? Does anyone know how to remove these? I wanna start lifting clothes I'm in desperate need of a new wardrobe. For some reason I got paranoid and nabbed 2 pieces of clothing and pretended to try them on whole tearing off some of the sticker tags just in case. Then left. One of the perfume oils was actually a tester so I tossed it bc I smelled a little sour. And finally the last store I was just curious and wanted to browse and it was really cute and I wanna lift from there in the future. I only nabbed some pens this time because they were SO CUTE and for some reason I have a sweet spot for stationary (which you'll soon figure out when I post my other hauls). Pens are just easy to sleeve. Couldn't help myself I think I'm addicted. I hope ur looking forward to reading about my criminal adventures in the future. I think my hauls are aesthetic even tho the quality is shit. But I still consider myself a newbie. I want CLOTHES now though.
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Peach & Lily Collection: Real Stories, From you
It’s been a little more than half-a-year since we launched our namesake Peach & Lily Collection, and it has been so incredibly exciting to see and hear all your stories about how our products have transformed your skin.
As you may know, we spent years iterating thousands of formulas and obsessing over every single final ingredient, determined to create the perfect formulas with one of the best labs in the world. We were shaking with nervousness, excitement, anticipation, and pride on launch day. You were finally going to meet our creations, and you were finally going to be able to take our carefully-perfected formulas (made with zero compromises) into your homes to care for your skin. That is a privilege that we will never take for granted.
It’s now been a little over half-a-year since our launch, and, since day one, we’ve been reading all the stories you’ve been sharing. It’s been a thrill to see so many of you describing your skin with words like "glass skin,” "luminous," "super healthy," "acne-free,” and "firm and line-free.”
Whenever a review comes in over Instagram, our website, blog, Facebook, email, we promise we see every single one. We take your comments very seriously, and it's fuel that keeps us passionate about meeting all your skincare needs.
Here are some of our favorite reviews from Instagram — thank you all for the love and for sharing your skincare journeys with us!
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There hasn't been a single product I've tried from the @peachandlily skincare line that I didn't absolutely love, and their newest addition is no exception. This is the new Power Calm Hydrating Gel Cleanser, the first cleansing product introduced to the line. This cleanser claims to deeply cleanse without stripping the skin, leaving it properly clean and hydrated. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much as most cleansers tend to function the same, but upon application I immediately noticed a difference with this one. The texture of this is so silky and smooth, it lathers easily and rinses off with no fuss - plus it doesn't burn my eyes. What I feel makes it stand out the most however, is that post-wash it leaves my skin feeling so soft and not dehydrated whatsoever even though it's a cleanser. On top of all that, the ingredients list is fantastic and the packaging is aesthetically pleasing. This cleanser is such a gem, @peachandlily really knocked it out with this one.
A post shared by Saucy (@saucy.bread) on Mar 1, 2019 at 12:25pm PST
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Gotta give a shoutout to the @peachandlily Glass Skin Refining Serum ✨ // I’ve been using it for about two months now, and I can definitely see a difference in the overall quality of my skin. It’s a clear serum that’s watery, but still viscous enough that it won’t run down your hand the moment you pump it out. —— Please note that although it promises to brighten, this is not a targeted treatment that will lighten acne scars or hyperpigmentation — rather, my skin as a whole looks more luminous and translucent. The concept of glass skin always felt a little too gimmicky and aspirational to me, but with this serum, I can see how glass skin can be something achievable for everyone, flaws and all.
A post shared by Tori | 민선 (@toriminmakeup) on Nov 23, 2018 at 12:11pm PST
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Honestly friggin obsessed with this stuff!! I usually avoid any lotions or creams and only stick to serums and oils. This has changed my routine completely. It’s so smooth, softening, and hydrating, and feels and smells amazing. The fragrance is only the *tiniest* amount of essential oil (literally like .05% concentration or something) so you can hardly notice it. I keep mine in the fridge for extra happiness when I apply, and I’ll definitely be repurchasing. Obsessed with the entire @peachandlily line, truly. *gifted . . . . #abskincare #abskincarecommunity #skincare #skincarecommunity #beautybloggernyc #naturalskincareproducts
A post shared by Lily Chapin (@theblushedlily) on Sep 6, 2018 at 10:15am PDT
Here are a few of the reviews you’ve shared with us on our site!
Power Calm Hydrating Gel Cleanser
My new HG cleanser. I have never been one to spend a ton of money on a cleanser. That said, I have rosacea and acne-prone skin so I figured I would give this a try. It is actually the most gentle and calming cleanser I have ever used. Brings down my redness and is super gentle. LOVE! —Wynter D., Verified Buyer
I suffer from hormonal acne and this cleanser calms by bumps and reduces the redness associated with it. I also love the fact it does not have a strong scent, very subtle. —Christine, Verified Buyer
I really like this cleanser. It’s really gentle but cleans my skin without stripping it. My two teenagers also like using this product. A big plus is that it does not smelly overly perfume like. My son appreciates that . Another plus is the packaging. Since it’s a tube we can get every last drop of product out. We will be purchasing in the future. —Brein G., Verified Buyer
Good Acids Pore Toner
I really love this toner. I wasn't sure if it was going to be harsh or drying because of the acids but it totally isn't! It has really helped to keep my skin balanced and clear even during hormonal times of the month. Such a great toner for everyday use — day and night. —Jean K., Verified Buyer
After a few weeks of using this, my skin is noticeably clearer and pores are smaller. I have combination skin that tends to dry out in many places while also having blackheads and whiteheads in others. I use this toner once every day or two days, depending on how my skin feels. Paired with the glass skin serum, it has really made a difference. —Kristiene G., Verified Buyer
I love this product! I am currently using a retinoid so this is a really great way to incorporate an AHA in my routine. It's super gentle and really just gives you very mellow exfoliation. I just put it straight on my face — no cottons required! —Kate L., Verified Buyer
Wild Dew Treatment Essence
It’s hard to fight skepticism when we hear lots of promises about yet another product on a market. And yet we try... And I’m glad I did. This product did not disappoint and became a new addition to my skin routine. The skin does feel and look fresh and moist all day long either in conditioned indoors or during adventures outdoors. Highly recommend to all who would like to add a little boost to their appearance. —Ellada Z, Verified Buyer
I got a sample of the Wild Dew Treatment Essence. Since I got so much in that small sample and I didn’t want to waste it, I decided to just layer it on my skin. Wow!! It is sooo dewy!! It’s lightweight, NOT sticky, and very hydrating. I woke up the next morning and my face has a nice glow. I decided to purchase the bottle. I honestly love this product! I first I thought it was very pricey, but now that I’ve been using it, I honestly believe it’s worth every penny. —Peta, Verified Reviewer 
The texture is really like the perfect consistency and it soaks into the skin really well, immediate hydration for sure. It leaves a slight tacky feel but you do know that it’s all the good stuff you are getting and none of those silicone and alcohol infused serums that make your skin smooth like silk, temporary. I have dehydrated, sensitive skin and this one works for me very well. —Lim C., Verified Buyer
Super Reboot Resurfacing Mask
My skin is very sensitive and acne prone and this mask is perfect! My face got brighter and smoother. My skin tone is becoming more even and my existing acne is fading away. I use it every 3 days. Usually exfoliation causes more irritation and breakouts for me, but not with this mask. I may have had a few tiny pimples after my first use but then everything calmed down before the second use. I love this product! Will definitely continue to purchase. —Suzanne E., Verified Buyer
Ever since using this mask 2x a week my skin has become noticeably more clear and refreshed. I moved to a humid climate roughly six months ago and have been struggling (to say the least) to rid myself of regular breakouts. This mask has helped do the trick. Yes, yes, yes. —Christine D., Verified Buyer
Originally tried this as part of a test group and loved my sample so much that I bought the full size. I love Korean beauty products and the resurfacing mask is no exception. It makes my skin feel smoother and tighter after every use. It tingles slightly and i don’t love the smell but the results are well worth it. —Jill D., Verified Buyer
Glass Skin Refining Serum
I have been using this serum for about 3 months and my skin has never looked better! For me, it's done a fantastic job of balancing my combination skin and keeping me hydrated. My skin looks bright and my complexion is clear – and it quickly healed breakouts from another product I had been using. I have very sensitive skin and this serum has worked wonders for me! —Maria V., Verified Buyer
I tried not to get my hopes up too high but there was so much buzz about this product. I naturally have good skin with occasional breakouts, but this product (along with the matcha moisturizer) has really taken my skin next level--nearly glass skin status in just a couple of weeks. Skin tone is very even (which I have struggled with my entire life) and texture has smoothed out as well, and that's not something I knew I struggled with. But the serum has added natural radiance and a "thickness" to my skin--like how little kids have that bounce and collagen heavy look. Being closer to 40 than my 30s now, I'll take it! —Roe M., Verified Buyer
I'm from Korea and have stuck to using K-beauty regimen my whole life. Up until high school, my skin was super clear. When I came to America for college, my skin went through a complete breakout and has been very slow to recover. I wanted my "glass skin" back and wanted to try this serum because the name stuck. I am always skeptical of how much a serum can impact a skin. In the end, it just feels like an additional product to help moisturize the skin. However, this serum was different. First of all, it's perfect for the summer because it is so lightweight and gets applied to the skin giving a supple hydration without leaving a heavy residue. I also love the very subtle scent because I hate it when a product feels too heavily scented (doesn't feel natural for me). The liquidy texture feels like the perfect touch before adding a moisturizer or a cream to finalize my skin regimen. Also, I have very sensitive, combination skin that is prone to acne with synthetic or chemical ingredients. This product did not break me out AT ALL and has been a wonderful aid to my slow recovery process. I would recommend the glass serum to someone who wants something to help balance out the moisture in their skin (a.k.a people with combination skin like me!). —Yeni C. Verified Buyer
Pure Beam Luxe Oil
Being combination skin I didn't think I'd like this oil and would only use it around my eyes and neckline as I'm also in my 60's. Wrong, I mix it into my moisturizer as well as directly on my eyes and neck. It isn't oily at all, just leaves my skin soft, glowing and feeling great with no oily shine at all. Love it. —Carol L., Verified Buyer
I've been using this oil day and night and I usually only use oils at night because they tend to be heavy for me, especially since I have oily skin in the summer. However, this oil is so light weight and absorbs quickly and I haven't had any breakouts from it. My skin is glowing and I've noticed my skin tone has started to even out and my hyper-pigmentation is slowly fading. I definitely would recommend this oil to anyone who may be afraid to add oil to their routine, especially those with oily skin. —Philicia, Verified Reviewer
This oil is the best oil I've used. It is lightweight and yet concentrated enough to soothe and hydrate my skin. I have oily skin but the oil does not add more oiliness onto it. The is the best oil I've purchased and will continue to use it in combination with the glass skin refining serum. —Christine H., Verified Buyer
Matcha Pudding Antioxidant Cream
No inflammation, perfect hydration, a little goes a long way! This is my new go-to. —Lauren B., Verified Buyer
I have a mild rosacea issue, so I’m always looking for products that won’t make the redness situation worse. To complicate things, I dislike the feeling of thick, heavy creams, which are probably the best texture for my aging skin. Matcha Pudding seems like it would fall into the thick and heavy camp, but it is deceiving. It goes on the skin like a silky dream and is quickly absorbed. Yet my skin feels plumped and hydrated all night (and day) long. Will remain faithful to this one! —Brian F., Verified Buyer
So far, I love this face cream! I have combination skin, where I have very dry spots and very oily spots (usually on my t zone) this cream is perfect for that, because it moisturizes my dry areas and doesn't over moisturize my oily areas. Its light, yet not too light that it's not moisturizing enough. It also makes my skin feel super soft and dewy. I highly recommend!! —Sarah G., Verified Buyer
Lazy Day All-in-One Moisture Pads
Sometimes I just don't want to do my whole routine. These pads cut out quite a bit of my nightly multi-step routine (which I'll still do 3-4 days of the week) and are great to use post-workout. They're an absolute must-have for me when I travel because I don't want to spend a lot of time on my normal routine, let alone have to deal with checking a bag for my other products. —Rachel C., Verified Buyer
This product is amazing. I have sensitive skin that is blemish prone and large pores. I have had no problems with this product causing breakouts. My skin looks so much better being hydrated. And it's great when your running late in the mornings. —Stacey T., Verified Buyer
True to its word! This product is great for my lazy days , but also really great for days when I'm breaking out a bit and my skin feels out of whack . When I don't want to overpower my skin with too many products, I think this really helps to re-balance my overall tone and texture. I will definitely put this in my holy grail, top 5, must have in my skincare arsenal.  —Sara Y., Verified Reviewer
K-Beauty Rescue Balm
I love using this to treat my dry spots - from cuticles to my hairline, they need extra attention this time of year, either from the weather or the heater indoors. It absorbs quickly and easily and doesn't leave a gross, sticky residue you find with other moisturizers. Smell is fine. Be sure to squeeze the package to mix it up - it's pretty oily, so it can separate.  —Cat D., Verified Buyer
This rescue balm is amazing. I have very sensitive skin and most lotions will make my eczema break out all along my hands; this product healed my hands. When I received this product my knuckles were dry and cracking, and from trying different lotions to help heal my hands, I had an eczema breakout. After only 1 day of use, my knuckles were almost healed and my eczema was starting to calm down. I keep this in my purse for emergencies, because this needs to be with me at all times. Specifics about the balm: it is thick and then melts into you skin. It doesn't leave your skin feeling oily all day. It does not have a strong scent. A little goes a long way. —Jenny, Verified Reviewer 
I love this balm. I use it around my chin area, on my hands and arms when im feeling especially dry and rough. It is very heavy, almost a vaseline like texture, but so incredibly breathable- which was shocking to me! I have no concerns whatsoever about breaking out when i load it on! My favorite is to put a few layers and allow it to soak in overnight :)  —Josephine, Verified Reviewer
Thank you for your beautiful photos and thoughtful reviews; we love seeing them all so much. Please keep sharing them! Share photos of yourself with our products or of your shelfies with the tag #PeachAndMe, and we’ll find you on Instagram and connect with you there!
  Cheers to radiance!
Peach & Lily
Peach & Lily Collection: Real Stories, From you published first on https://www.peachandlily.com/blogs/news/peach-lily-collection-real-stories-from-you
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anneedmonds · 6 years
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Her
Here we go then, bang on time with my Christmas Gift Guides (I get lots of complaints when I leave them any later): we’ll start with presents for the ladies in your life. Mums, sisters, friends and daughters or, alternatively, yourself.  There’s no shame in forwarding this page to whoever might be buying you a present. Just an idea.
I’ve mixed the luxury with the budget, the classic with the novelty, the useful with the stuff that’s completely useless but nice to look at. A big old mix and match. I you’ve found any great buys yourself then do feel free to link to them in the comments below – I know many of you are ridiculously organised and have already done your Christmas shopping.
Personally, I don’t think that Christmas would be Christmas without a panicked, sweat-inducing race around the supermarket on December 24th, trying to find serviceable presents that don’t look like they’ve been bought from the twenty-four hour petrol station. To that end, I’ll be putting up a last-minute gift guide closer to the big day – things that look thoughtful and well-prepared but that can be picked up on the ready-made-cranberry-sauce-and-emergency-loo-roll dash.
For now; beautiful stuff that we’d all be pleased to find in our stockings.
Let’s start off posh. The classic Mulberry Lily handbag in suit-all beige; £795 at John Lewis*. Then some gorgeous lingerie from Dita von Teese at Figleaves – it’s so unusual, so special. The balconette bra is £60 here*. Cashmere socks from Boden* – a classic Christmas present that never fails to please. And then a smart 2019 diary from Liberty in an on-trend neutral, £50 here*.
Aurelia’s Body Oil is one of the best-smelling oils you can buy; it’s £48 at Space NK here*. And I have a thing for Alex Monroe’s floral alphabet pendants – just a little bit different and a really special, thoughtful gift. £135 at Liberty*. Then the ultimate stocking filler, my Colab no-white-residue dry shampoo. Smells amazing, lifts lank roots and is a steal at £3.49. Find it at Feelunique* where it’s currently 3-for-2! (I am a founder of the brand.)
The brilliant pencil pot above really tickled my fancy. It’s actually the “chewing gum” room scent diffuser from Anya Hindmarch. The pencils are the sticks and the perfume oil is alcohol-free and long-lasting. Find it at Liberty* – it’s £99. I’ll balance that quirky find with a very useful one – the blanket scarf from Accessorize, which comes in loads of designs and is huge enough to use as a makeshift wedding marquee. It’s £20 – find it here*.
Moving on. Pink Cloud face cream, my current crush – £42 at Space NK here*; Sali Hughes’ amazing beauty book Pretty Iconic, £10.81 here*. A strangely gorgeous incense holder from l’Objet, £70 at Liberty* and the best cook book of the year, Gizzi Erskine’s Slow, £12.99 here*.
Heres an eclectic little collection; the Lavinia apron from Anthropologie* (Anthropologie is great for gifts of every kind), a tiny soap tin from delectable brand MOR, £5.99 here*, the brilliant “Hop to it” Bottle Opener, £14 here* and a luxurious silk sleep mask from Slip, £50 here*.
Now taking it dark and sexy with a selection of after hours treats: I want this Gucci cat card wallet a little too much, it’s £330 here*. You can’t go far wrong with Charbonnel & Walker truffles (or, as I call them, “gone in sixty seconds”); a ready-made, good-looking present at a reasonable price point, it’s a little box of luxury. £14 at Amazon here*.
You might have been wondering when bees were going to make an appearance and here they are; this time on a set of gorgeous pyjamas from Figleaves*. At £40, they look a lot more pricey than they actually are. Conversely, you’d think that this little bottle of sparking wine would be cheaper than it is, considering you only get a measly 125ml medicinal dosage. Good job it looks the part – very Alice in Wonderland and a witty little stocking filler. It’s £12.99 at Selfridges here*.
Some gifts that make a statement; the new red version of Chanel’s No5 is limited edition and definitely one for the collectors. It’s £130 for 100ml here*. The Lulu Guinness lips portable charger is as useful as it is witty and it’s easy to find at the bottom of your bag – £35 here*.
Compagnie de Provence’s Black Tea Soap is as smart as they come and is £19 here* and Aquanova’s textured bathmats are so utterly beautiful that I’ve now bought two. I don’t let anyone actually stand on them but there we go. Find the range at Amara here*.
  Some excellent, not-too-expensive ideas to suit all tastes: Kate Spade thermal mug, £16 here*, and the Snow Doll Christmas candle, £16 here*. I’m tempted to buy the candle myself because I’m intrigued to know what happens to the face when the wax melts, but there’s possibly something dark and disturbing about that so we’ll hurry on…
Lanolips Coconutter Hand Cream, £8.99 here*, large ceramic tiger vase £51 here* and the Newgate Alarm Clock £25 here*.
More animal kingdom action with the Anthropologie jewelled bee headband, £32 here* and the brilliant monkey light from Seletti which is £156 here*.
The candle with bunny ears and beast feet needs a little explaining; it’s from amazing candle brand No22 and is actually wearing a sort of Candle Accessory Wardrobe. The ears are on a clever candle lid and the beast feed form a candle stand – such a brilliant and wonderful idea! You can find No22 at Liberty here* and on the No22 website here.
The elephant cup and saucer is ever so pretty and costs £20 from Amara*.
And finally (this post has taken me about eight years to write, so far – I’ve grown a beard) an assortment of useful and interesting bits. The makeup mirror from Simple Human emits a simulation of natural sunlight and has two magnification levels so that you can see your whole face or zoom in for more detailed work. It’s £220 from Selfridge’s here*.
You already know my love for the Elizabeth Scarlett bee bags (bees again) – they’re £25 at Amara here* and the little manicure kit is excellent, all the tools you need in a miniature case, £12 here.
I’m pleased to end on a Rory Dobner note; I have the cushion with this cat design on and it’s a constant source of delight to me. The giant tray is £73.60 and you can find it online here*.
I must go and remind my family that I still exist but I’ll be back with the men’s gift guide and – hopefully – one for the kids. Remember to add your own ideas in the comments if you’ve had any genius brainwaves for unique, thoughtful things!
The post Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Her appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Her was first posted on November 22, 2018 at 2:21 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Her published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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boxession · 6 years
I’d like to say a big thank you to Hind for sending me this amazing box to review. Meet Arabia is a bimonthly subscription box that includes a curated selection of products, items and experiences shipped all the way from the Middle East, Bahrain to be precise, delivered right to your door! I’ve been waiting so patiently for this box to arrive and now that it’s here I am so excited to find out what wondrous products await me!!
If you missed my live unboxing you can re-watch here:
Choose your subscription:
Every box will have a different theme introducing new features of the diverse Arab culture. Each box will include between 6-8 exciting products.
2 months $80 prepaid (approx. £57)
4 months $158.00 prepaid (approx. £113)
6 months $236.00 prepaid (approx. £169)
Shipping: Free* – Worldwide via UPS
*VAT charges may apply
Theme of the box
So, this month’s theme is ‘Marhaba’ which is the Arabic word for ‘Welcome’- a very clever play on words for their introductory box! This box includes the main things you will see and/or experience when visiting someone in Arabia. Usually this box would contain 6-8 items, but this month they have included 11 items – this is because Arabs are known for their generosity and for giving gifts to their guests and visitors.
The box itself is a large beautiful orange box adorned with middle eastern patterns running along the side. The products come covered in orange crepe paper and sealed with a sticker with the box logo on. Marhaba is inscribed inside the opening of the box in both English and Arabic and their social media details. As well as a contents card and a welcome card every item is delicately bubble wrapped to prevent breakage. On the contents card the Arabic translation for each item is also provided which is such a lovely touch and gives you a real feel for this box. The Arabic translations have been included below.
What’s in the box?
Dates or ‘Tamer’
Dates, as well as being tasty are said to have many health benefits. They are also rich in several vitamins, minerals and fibre. There are so many different ways to enjoy dates, I’ve used them to make chutneys in the past although on this occasion I wanted to enjoy them as they were. These dates sourced from Saudi Arabia are plump and moist and they taste deliciously sticky and sweet. Although not in their original form but compressed to form a bar I still appreciated that as they can be quite messy and sticky to handle.
Background info: Dates are always offered with coffee and tea as a healthy sugar replacement.
Arabic coffee or ‘Gahwa’
As you all know I am not a fan of coffee however luckily for me my partner loves the stuff! He said this coffee was different to anything he has ever tasted, spicy and fragrant yet still delicious with strong notes of cardamom and cloves.
Background info: Arabic coffee or Gahwa is a drink served when welcoming guests in Saudi Arabia and in the Arabian Peninsula. Commonly called the “welcome drink“Gahwa has been a symbol of generosity and hospitality to the Arabs and almost every Arab family has Arabic coffee in their homes.
Coffee cups or ‘Fanajeel’
These cups are extremely cute! So small, dainty and eye catching with their colourful yet stylish design. Perfect for serving gawah!
Background info: Traditionally, the small cups are filled no more than halfway. While Arabic coffee is traditionally made without sugar, it is served with something sweet, like dates. Milk is not added to Arabic coffee, if you prefer adding milk to yours, keep in mind that light roasts in particular are best without milk. Use your right hand to pour, receive and drink the coffee. In Arab culture it is considered rude to drink with your left hand. A guest should always accept at least one cup, and it is customary to drink at least three over the course of a visit. Swirl your cup to indicate that you’ve finished, this lets the host know you’re ready for more or alternatively shake your cup from side to side when done drinking otherwise the host will keep serving!
Coasters x 2
This is probably one of my favourite items in the box. Decorated with two different camel depictions, this pair of stunningly designed coasters is sure to brighten up any home! Good solid quality too.
Saffron tea or ‘Chai zaffaran’
I have tried many different types of teas in my time but I must admit I’ve never had saffron tea. It is very uplifting and soothing with a mild taste. I really liked it!
Background info: Tea is an important drink in the Arab world and is usually served with breakfast, after lunch, and with dinner. For Arabs, tea denotes hospitality and is typically served to guests. It is also common for Arabs to drink tea with dates, which acts as a sweetener. It owes its popularity to its social nature; tea is one of the most important aspects of hospitality and business etiquette in Arab culture.
Incense or ‘Bukhoor’
On opening this box, a strong exotic aroma wafted out and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the bukhoor was the culprit. On burning, the smell intensifies. It is absolutely amazing and is very long-lasting scent. This made my home smell like a Sultan’s palace!
Background info: Bukhoor is the Arabic name given to scented bricks or a blend of natural traditional ingredients; mainly woodchips soaked in fragrant oils and mixed with other natural ingredients. These scented chips/bricks are burned in charcoal or incense burners to perfume the house and clothing with the fragrance rich thick smoke. It is customary in many Arab countries to pass bukhoor amongst the guests; this is done as a gesture of hospitality.
Incense Burner or ‘Migbas’
Decorated with pretty jewels around the outside, this is such an eye-catching middle eastern style incense burner, not like any I have seen here. A really good size, not too big or bulky and perfect to keep on a shelf, out of the way to prevent being knocked over.
Background info: Arabs use Bukhoor to make the rooms smell nice before visitors arrive. They also pass the migbas around to guests before they leave.
Tongs or ‘Migash’
Used to handle the incense when alight
Rose water sprinkler or ‘Marash’
An interesting device, not like anything I am familiar with but a good excuse to look up and research! Lightweight and easily to take apart and put away. Rose water is first poured into the bottom compartment with the narrower part then screwed now. Shake to sprinkle rose water – easy! Like a watering can but for hands.
Background info: Arabs are well known for their traditional hospitality and will go out of their way to treat you like royalty when you visit their home. One of the most charming customs involves using rose water.  When a guest enters an Arab house, the first thing the host does is sprinkle rose water into their palms as a way of saying ‘welcome’. They do this with an elaborately carved rose water sprinkler. Rose water is again sprinkled onto the hands after food to remove any lingering smell of food.
Persian rug mouse pad
Very bright and colourful and feels as soft as silk. As well as a mouse pad this makes for a nice decorative piece.
Background info: A Persian carpet or rug is a heavy textile, made for a wide variety of utilitarian and symbolic purpose, produced in Iran (historically known as Persia), for home use, local sale, and export. Carpet weaving is an essential part of Persian culture and Iranian art. You will find these rugs in every Arab home.
Evil eye beads
These are so beautiful and delicate, and one of my other favourite item in the box. Being Asian I am all too familiar with the evil eye and warding off what we call ‘nazaar’ or ill intent. When I go on holiday I do buy jewellery depicting the evil eye so this will fit in nicely with my collection.
Background info: The evil eye is said to be a gaze or stare superstitiously believed to cause harm. The belief in the evil eye dates back almost 3000 years to ancient Greece and Rome. The symbol and superstition of the evil eye is one of the strongest symbolic images in the world. Yet, despite the differences in the cultures which hold the evil eye myth, it retains largely the same meaning no matter where the story is told. The evil eye is thought of as a look given to inflict harm, suffering, or some form of bad luck on those that it is cast upon. It is a look which clearly states that one intends for something bad to happen to the object of one’s focus, either out of jealousy or pure malice.
This box is so unique and so different to anything I’ve ever seen on the market. Such a wonderful concept to bring a little piece of the middle east into western society. There are so many good things about this box, like the Arabic translations and how all the pieces in the box go so well together. It is really well thought out. You can see the attention and care put into this box coming from Bahrain not a single item was broken or damaged because of how well they had packaged and wrapped all the products. It was also educational as it gave me incentive to look into the background of some of them items the main thing I learnt – Arabs are all about hospitality! The products come from all over the middle east for example the tea is a product of Iran and the coffee a product of Kuwait. This box is an exciting way to bring some diversity and culture into your life.
If you’d like to know more about Meet Arabia you can visit their website or social media:
Website  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram
Thank you for reading…
Nazia x
Meet Arabia Review by Nazia – April 2018 I’d like to say a big thank you to Hind for sending me this amazing box to review.
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