#and I heard it was like the original Harvest Moons.
topazshadowwolf · 8 months
ok we know Nightmare plays Animal Crossing but what would his opinion on Stardew Valley be?
I think his opinion would be “meh.” It is cute and there is some collecting involved but it’s all pixels, farms aren’t interesting to him, and the dating aspect Killer explained made him roll his eyelight. He doesn’t need or want a virtual spouse.
#i looooved Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo.#I played it so much#I read about it in a Nintendo power magazine and was all set on buying it#but they stores near me never got it on the release day.#found my copy in a game stop on a trip to my grandma’s house#she didn’t have a Super Nintendo and her TV was old… so I had to wait to play it a week before we went home.#I read the instruction manual cover to cover every day in anticipation#I knew how to play that game like I had been playing it all my life when I turned it on#played it the very next day after we got home#I was never an early riser but I got up that day before everyone else and played all day…#then I got my mom into it X3#basically#I think I’d like Stardew Valley if I ever get around to playing it#since I loved Harvest Moon so much#and I heard it was like the original Harvest Moons.#the first few when the focus was your farm and life#what Nightmare likes most about Animal Crossing is the collection aspect of it.#you collect for the museum fossils n bugs n fishe#you collect furniture n floors n wall styles#heck#you even collect clothing and pictures of residents when they move#that is what he enjoys#collecting#flowers#forgot that you collect those#and yes#he will make sure to hire Dust to go through and water the flowers for him to make sure he has at least one of each color.#but he is a busy skeleton and forgets at times#he does need someone to either remind him to water the flowers or do it for him#and he trusts Dust to not accidentally run through his roses.
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crystalofmoon19 · 7 months
Striker x Mexican (Latina) Reader - Headcannons
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● You certainly caught his interest when he noticed that you had Hispanic roots, he had already met some people of your same origins in Wrath, a clear example of that was the mariachis that always sang songs about him. Even though he was sick of them, seeing that in you was endearing.
● He already knew some words in Spanish, but when he heard you speak them he already had his eyes on you, you had a rather distinctive accent that he couldn't miss.
● One day he decided to speak in Spanish with you and that had produced interesting results, as you found yourself constantly correcting him on his sentences.
● It was a low blow to his big ego and you couldn't have more fun with this.
"So, what does "vil víbora'" mean?"
"Oh, that means vile viper in spanish."
"Wait! You were calling me like that this whole time?"
"Of course I did, what did you expect?"
"I thought you were flirting with me!"
● He definitely had to learn a lot of Spanish and you also had no problems teaching him your native language.
● You stood out from many other girls he had known because of how brave you were, you exuded great energy wherever you went, you even dared to play the pain games at the harvest moon festival and you had to fight him. Even though you lost to him, you never gave up and continued giving everything until your body could no longer resist, with that you earned Striker's respect, very few could do what you did.
● You had a melodious voice that you used to sing some songs in Spanish and every time Striker heard them he couldn't help but feel enthralled by them. It's as if you were a kind of siren attracting him with your song.
● You were easy to get angry and overflowed with a lot of emotions, Striker liked that, but above all things he saw that you had a big heart. You loved your family and your friends, and you did everything in your power to help them, you even helped him as much as you could and Striker was captivated by that.
● He made a great effort to go out with you, since apparently you were very resistant to his charms and you are ultimately the girl who had the hardest time conquering of all of them, he even had to ask the mariachis for help one day to give him options to conquer you
● Striker had to serenade you with the help of his mariachis along with a romantic dinner for you to even accept him on the first date.
● However, when you formalized their relationship, all the time invested was worth it.
● You were extremely affectionate with him, you hugged him and kissed him whenever you could, you called him "mi amor" (my love), "mi vida" (my life), "mi güero" (my blondie) and "papi" (daddy). When you explained to him the meaning of all those words, he puffed out his chest with pride.
● He for his part called you "darlin'", "sugarcube", "sunshine", "sugah'" and sometimes "hun" and you were happy with this.
● But just as you could be affectionate you could also get angry with him, when you found out that Striker had done something bad, you were the first to point it out to him and you would slap him or pull his ear. And as a last punishment you sent him to sleep on the couch for a week or more; Striker quickly learned to be obedient to you after that.
● You also had your arguments, after all you both had a phlegmatic nature, his pride and your passion could clash many times, but despite everything yo two resolved your differences to correct your mistakes and work as a team.
● When you introduced Striker to your family, it was the first time in a long time that he felt nervous, he didn't want to make the best impression but he also didn't want to be on bad terms with your parents.
● Fortunately your mother accepted Striker without much problem and your father, although it took him longer to accept him, he ended up doing so when he saw that you two loved each other.
● You and Striker have taken care of your little siblings hundreds of times, Striker didn't like taking care of children, but when he saw you were so motherly with your little siblings. He thought that you could be the ideal mother of his children and from then on he thought about always being by your side.
● Oh yes, you two also watch Hell-a-Novela together on TV, it's your favorite show and Striker knows it. That's why whenever he sees it with you, he says that you're the Gabriella to his Alejandro, to which you just laugh and agree saying the same thing.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
This whole swearing debacle reminds me of how WAAAY back when the Harvest Moon Festival was released, I was put off by Blitzo’s “I heard it’s full of inbreds” line turning into “I heard it’s full of inbred chucklefucks.” The original line was good and funny, why add the swear? What did that add to the joke? Turns out it’s just Viv being unable to hold herself back, lol.
No lie, that was one of my early rose-tinted glass cracks, along with Stolas in the animatic speaking to Blitzo like an actual person and only being a little bit demeaning.
"It seems like a place of inbreds" is pure Brandon Rogers. "I heard it's full of inbred chuckle-fucks" smacks of Vivzie.
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summer-in-florence · 9 months
Laurent's Relationship with Akielos
by Summer in Florence
Originally a threadfic on twitter! Pair: Lamen / Laurent x Damen Tags: AU where Auguste lives and Laurent is just one happy prince consort of King Damianos
Laurent is never one without a running mind. He thinks like he's marathoning the globe—nonstop, neverending. His defining nature, of sorts, perhaps even force of habit. A schemer by word of mouth, scatterbrained by truth.
Akielos learns to understand that that is why their Exalted's dearest consort is in said particular shape. Many moons after his arrival on a ship, guarded by King Auguste's men, and received personally by Damianos, everyone gains a new perspective of Laurent.
That he was once just a 'pompous lover that doesn't deserve our Exalted', but after so long watching Laurent's movements, thoughts, conversations with their King, speeches and behaviours, the Akielons came to know intimately that he's merely someone rich in the mind.
Damianos is another kind, one that becomes prideful if his points are proven to be correct. He loathed the way early gossips talked about Laurent behind his back, spouting lies about how their betrothal were only political, and that Laurent seduced him for power.
For years he wanted to show people, his people, of the wonders that is his consort. Several balls, banquets, festivities—Damen allowed Laurent to be first in charge of it all, making a subtle, public statement of 'my lover is not as you think'. And nobles, they were easy to win. Citizens and those outside the palace walls are less so. 'Aristocracy tell-tales' they deemed it, worse, 'political sham'. Damen tries again for the Harvest festival this solstice; Laurent manages every detail of it all. And yet, he can't help but to be stressed about his lover.
"You're as tense as a stick in deep mud," Laurent says. The festival is right in motion, just at the peak of it all. They are watching from a platform, watching the evening light in festive joy. Damen purses his lips.
"Do they not want to acknowledge your hard work?"
"I did work hard for this." The Veretian admires his results; hundreds, even thousands of Akielons flooding the streets, chanting gratefulness of the crops they have planted and reaped for the season.
"Yes. And I have yet to hear a single person say your name."
Laurent laughs, openly and heartily. If it were any other day, Damen surely would have been too occupied listening to the sound of his consort's joyful self than wallow like this. He only spares Laurent a concerned glance, slouching so much that his cape makes a show of weighing the large man down.
Through his glee, Laurent snorts. "Oh, Damianos, lover," he cackles, "your desire to be right is overwhelming you!"
And maybe it is the positioning, maybe it's because they linger upon the raised floors where the dais were placed, because several of the onlookers sitting on the cavea begins to turn their heads around, wanting to know the insolence that has insulted their King on his merry way.
"Laurent, I spent years trying to change their mind about you. Yet I still can't squash the rumours that you are only here for my power, that you do not have value in my court more than a... a glorified pet!" Damen bursts, uncaring of the ogling men below them. Let winds blast his voice all over the country, he won't care. "Are you not bothered, Laurent? Do you not care about me?"
Fragipani and incense-smoke blow against their sandals. Laurent's chiton flowy as the breeze find the fold of his hemline. For a moment, even if the music soars from beneath them, they are quiet.
Laurent captures Damen's hands. "I am more bothered by your fear of free-thinking, because genuinely, as your lover of your estate, you have been listening to too much scullions gossip as they dilly-dally in the utilities," Laurent scoffs. "I have heard worse things, Damianos. Your people just know me from my façade, as everyone does."
Damen nearly stumbles when Laurent digs his hands around his wrists, pulling the brute to a little dance that resembles the Veretian kind; the one Laurent knows all his life.
He glows incandescently, a fresh expression unknown outside chamber doors. Laurent laughs like a youth, truly one of his age, being so young married off to a gentle, foreign King.
Damen begins to follow along. "Laurent!" He shouts, a smile blossoming in his cheeks.
"My façade, Damen! You're stressing over a façade!" He squeals when Damen spins him around, nimble to the tune.
It's silly. It is. Bringing their honest selves into view, fished out by Damen's curious frustration for the span of two years. It's unbecoming for Kings to let his inhibitions down, freely dancing with a consort during an event where he's supposed to observe, but Laurent's whirlwind seems to evaporate his stresses down—and if anything, just goes to show the grandeur of Laurent's managerial skills. It's not easy to make up space for them to wind down on an event this large.
Until, the crowd of Akielons below them, sing Laurent's name.
"Laurent, Laurent, Laurent!" They praise. Voices soar to the dais, stopping two men amidst their jolly dance together. Damen nudges his lover.
"Go, let them see you," he says, trying to hold himself from the pride that swells in his chest.
When Laurent kneels over the edge, waving a shy hello for Damen's people, the whole country cheers. Their shouts akin to a lion's roar, clapping and singing. Flowers are thrown, bouquets passed between people in the cavea for Laurent to hold. Damen achieves his job well-done.
Akielons knew Laurent then as just a cunning schemer, disbelieving of Damen's intentions to choose him as consort as they thought he had seduced the Exalted for power. That Laurent is null in real value, that his talents were a sham.
And today, they know Laurent as something else entirely. One with a mind so brilliant, it is mind-boggling to imagine him managing to pulling all the strings—even if such is the reality. One that puts up faces of professionalism, only to falter in the arms of Damen, his lover.
Turns out, it wasn't difficult to change a nation's mind. All Damen needed was Laurent's smile, and the sincerities that bubble in between them.
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the evilest instagram/tiktok/whatever trend is the 'behind every girl with great music taste is a dad who would ask "who sings this?" whenever a song played in the radio' one because my father did the SAME THING to me & its so fucking. painful i dont know!!! im just sitting here like. i used drive with my father listening to harvest moon by neil young because that was one of his favorite albums i love simple minds & duran duran & the clash cause hed play them i cant listen to les miserables original broadway cast recording without thinking about the motel we stayed in on a roadtrip where he downloaded it the first version of atlantic city i heard was the one by the band because that was one of his favorite bands. hell world!!!
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maverick-werewolf · 7 months
Folklore Fact - Hjúki and Bil / The Man in the Moon / the Bilwis / Jack and Jill
Something different this month - a general folklore fact, rather than a werewolf or vampire fact! It's been a while since I did one of these, so I figured it's high time I toss another one out there.
Ever heard of the Man in the Moon? Of course you have. But have you ever heard of a "bilwis?" What about "Hjúki and Bil?" How about Jack and Jill? And how are all these things actually connected?
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Once upon a time, I was playing a video game called Titan Quest with my brother. We ran into a strange creature labeled a Demon that was called a "bilwis." Since the game is based heavily in real-world myth, I decided to look it up. It wouldn't be the first time I encountered an obscure piece of mythology from a video game, that's for sure (the game Age of Mythology helped me get into researching mythology at all, as a child; it's still one of my favorite games).
So first, I looked up a bilwis. A bilwis can be demonic or human and is associated with corn, which would align with what I found in the game, too. They are said to have "flying" hair, are sometimes wrapped in linen, and wear triangular hats. They often appear as whirlwinds to steal grain during harvests. Then I went, wait a minute... that sounds just like Blowhard in the game Spyro the Dragon (also one of my favorite games)!
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Blowhard is a bilwis! This is OG Blowhard, by the way, not from the remasters. But you should play Spyro sometime. Fantastic games. The remasters are good, too.
Anyway, that fascinated me, because I love learning things like that. But I also found something else... I found a legend called Hjúki and Bil, which was quite the rabbit-hole. Some sources claim the bilwis is related to Bil, which is how I was led here. The bilwis is sometimes said to be a female entity (but it can also be male) and was, at one time, associated with witches - and Bil is interpreted variably to be a kenning for woman, as well as a witch. The connection between Bil and the bilwis only happened in much later time periods, however - so let's go back to the original story of Hjúki and Bil.
The tale of Hjúki and Bil comes from Norse mythology. Their names are said to mean "the one returning to health" and "instant," respectively, though scholars apparently can't entirely confirm that first one. They are brother and sister, a pair of children who follow the moon across the heavens. We know about them because of - you guessed it - Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda. There are a lot of theories around these two, but they were said to have been a pair of children, both carrying a pole on their shoulders (the pole was called Simul) and held a pail called Sæg between them. But the children were taken by Mani (the moon) from the earth, to follow the moon forever in the heavens, and "can be seen from the earth."
It is possible that Hjúki and Bil represented the waning and waxing of the moon - or they may have even represented the craters on the moon. Scholars argue about it a lot, but many of them present compelling arguments that Hjúki and Bil were the craters, which were interpreted as children with a water pail between them on a stick.
Similar modern folklore from the same regions sees the Man in the Moon as a man with a pole, often carrying wood (or else stealing it and stuck in the moon as punishment), and sometimes with a woman with a bushel. This lends more credence to the idea of Hjúki and Bil being connected to the moon - and people in the moon.
There is another connection - one with Jack and Jill, the famous nursery rhyme...
You may have already noticed some similarities to the story of Hjúki and Bil and Jack and Jill - even their names sound similar! Both stories are about two children, one boy and one girl, who fetch a pail of water.
For those of you who need refreshing on the rhyme...
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper. He went to bed to mind his head with vinegar and brown paper.
The origins of many elements of folklore, mythology, nursery rhymes, fairytales, and all their kind are always mysterious and fascinating. It's entirely possible that Hjúki and Bil are directly related to Jack and Jill, and that the latter is a retelling of the original Norse tale - and that the story of Jack and Jill fetching the pail represents the waning and waxing of the moon or the craters on the moon that we can see easily from Earth.
That covers a decent overview! There is of course a lot to all these things, as you might imagine, but I chose this time to focus on informing you about the existence of Hjúki and Bil and the bilwis at all, rather than getting deep into the debate and "conversation" around all these matters.
Until next time, and have a wonderful November (and happy Thanksgiving)!
( If you like my blog, be sure to follow me here and elsewhere for more folklore and fiction, including books, especially on werewolves! You can also sign up for my free newsletter for monthly werewolf/vampire/folklore facts, as well as free fiction and nonfiction book previews.
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aashiyancha · 1 year
I love the twin's room, but How or where did Ares and Alice got a TV? 😮
I heard that the original harvest moon games were originally made as the creator's nostalgia for his rural childhood life and the rf games are the fantasy extension of that so I'm tryna go for 90-00's nostalgia in this rf game cuz that's kinda where the nostalgia would be for me.
Didn't have too much rural exp myself but in the brief time that I did I saw that there was always 1 or 2 of these uncles that just had connections that could get u stuff like radios, rotary phones, box TVs etc
In Rigbarth those uncles would prob be Terry and Heinz. Heinz def has a tv of his own to watch soap operas in the evening since he lives alone (though in my au I'm thinking rather than living alone Lucas lives on Heinz' attic floor similar to how Fuuka lives in the restaurant basement. It would give the 2 of them both more human connection plus Lucas watching soap operas and furiously taking notes on the bizarre social situations in them would be so funny. Heinz would make every misconception Lucas has even worse XD)
So I guess that answers the where part of that question no now onto how Terry and Heinz are getting this stuff into Rigbarth:
Terry has his detective agency. He also has connections that help him with under the table cases he gets from SEED. Along with his intel connections he likely also has connections that can help him get ahold of stuff. That's how he got the fax machine and phone in his office (u can see them in some of my earlier Terry time skits) Ares does a lot more jobs through Terry than he does through SEED so he's privy to the Terry network and cashes in on its benefits every now and then. The TV was a present for Alice's birthday. She also likes to watch the soap operas and does so while knitting etc
Well this was another question answered mainly in words but let's top this ask off with a doodle anyways!
Thank you for the ask and enjoy this lil pic of Heinz and Lucas watching soap operas together!
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moonyimagine · 2 years
Hello!! I’m so glad there’s finally an imagined blog for Harvest Moon and I’m excited to see what you write! To honor the remake, may I request AWL/AnWL bachelors (and maybe bachelorettes if you feel like it) and when they first fell for their s/o?
Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy your journey with this blog!! ~ ⭐️ (I’ll mark my asks woth Star Anon =])
*Omg I am glad you asked! I will do my best and thank you I decided I could do the the bachelors for the game considering in the originals you could only marry the opposite gender (AWL the girls and ANWL the guys) But I heard the remake game will allow same gender marriages so woo! Okay enough talking I hope you like these :) I hope I can make the Bachelorettes in another post 
I am also so so sorry it took me so long :(*
Marlin, at first, wasn't too sure about them when they first showed up at Forget-Me-Not Valley. He had the impression that they were like Muffy because they moved from the city to take care of the farm. Founding it admirable that they would come to Vesta farm to buy all kinds of seeds, always being sure to talk to all of them, even himself. Considering Marlin was never really the talkative type, he couldn't quite get why they would since he did not find anything about himself interesting. He didn't know when the slight crush formed on them, though it scared him way more than he thought it would; his illness was one situation; his long time of being in love with Celia was another. However, the slightest crush soon formed into more the day they delivered his first gift; with their perfect smile and beaming eyes, Marlin found himself just staring at them, holding the gift. The farmer was surprised and worried, asking him if he was alright; only being able to nod, he managed a small smile and a thank you after he had processed it all.
Gustafa had first seen the farmer while he was outside his home by the tree playing his guitar; they had been running around the swamp. Happy seeing a new face, he waved them over, wishing to get to know them. However, he became surprised the more they talked, the more glad he was to have them around. Finding ways to speak with them, even having them visit his hut, the day Gustafa realized he liked the farmer was when they talked passionately about caring for their crops and animals. He always dreamed of writing a song for someone special one day and couldn't help but feel such a connection with the farmer. Also, he started to act shyer around them, doing his best to keep from showing much, but they soon figured something was up. He finally got up enough courage to ask them if they'd like to hear a song he had been writing. It was sweet and sounded beautiful; he waited til the end to tell them that the song he wrote was for them with a silly smile and light blush.
Rock would be the type to fall in love at first sight but wouldn't admit it until later that he did. He met the farmer on an evening trip to the river with the sun hitting them next to the water, making them almost seem like angels. The usually carefree Rock felt himself panic a little, then he found himself smiling big someone new meant something new and exciting could be happening in Forget-Me-Not valley. He was making excuses to come to the farm or hang out when they were out and about. One day he visits for dinner and is so impressed with how the cooking is and that the farmer produced and cooked it all themselves that he feels his heart skip a beat. Feeling nervous, Rock knew that if he didn't do something quick to show his feelings, he'd miss his chance entirely. Without much thought, he blurted out, "You are amazing, and I like you!". It wasn't the way they both had imagined it'd go, but the farmer smiled and confessed the same. With a proud look, Rock leaned in to give the farmer a small kiss on the cheek and held their hand while enjoying the rest of the night together!
*I hope this was okay!*
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starres-stuff · 8 months
FFXIV Writes 2023 | Day 28 | Blunt
Dimitri touches the magic that had been lost to him for so long and creates his gift for Laurent.
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“Are you there now?”
The voice poured through the linkpearl that Dimitri wore, giving him a bit of a shiver as it often did when he heard sounds through it. This time it was Vi on the other end.
“Yes, I am to the place that I wanted to go.” He replied as he settled down on the rock and looked out over the crystal-clean water that pooled at the bottom of the small waterfall. Everything else around him was either rock or tree. It was the perfect spot.
“Good now take the item or items you chose from the bag and put them in your dominant hand. Get a feel for the object or objects that you hold. Let me know when you can feel them.”
From his pocket, the Sharlayan brought forth the small bag that he had put the items in. First was a Triskele that had been carved into a small river rock then a black wax had been used to fill the outline of the carving. It was a symbol familiar to him, one that he wondered if it had its origins in Old Sharlayan back before it became such a built-up city. The symbol as he had seen it in the archives meant motion, progress, and energy, things that were very important to the Sharlayan way of life.
Then there was a piece of cedar wood cut from a fallen branch in the shroud and shaped into a small disc. How it got separated from the other discs left Dimitri curious as there was normally a set of twenty-four. It was so perfectly shaped and so beautifully detailed that it was hard to believe one could just go missing. It was said in the old days of Dalmasca there were those there who could use the symbol to create all sorts of things. Rune Knights, he had heard them called Mystic Knights. There was also talk among the Gleaners of Skatay Ridge, the Veena that had come to work for the Sharlayans over the years that there were tribal elders who knew the magic of the Runes. The Rune that Dimitri had chosen was called Algiz by the Veena. It was said to be the symbol of divine blessing, the splayed hand. From this blessing protection and defense were drawn.
The final piece resting in his hand was a garnet heart. It was such a beautiful shade of red that it looked to be alive and pulsing. The jeweler who had once made it had tumbled it to the point that one could see themselves in the glittering surface and the heart shape seemed to be natural. The Shroud Witches believed that garnet was an item of protection, abundance, grounding, and manifestation. He had first seen the stone on his Sister, in a brooch that she often wore when she traveled and he had done his research on it.
“I have them, Vi. They feel like tiny spirits in the palm of my hands.” Up his eyes looked then to the Moon, it was just a few days from the Harvest Moon and he could feel the seasons beginning to change around him. It was such a clear night that he could feel many things, even those that lurked in the wood and watched him now seemed to show themselves to some heightened sense that had emerged from within him.
“Good now, I want you to close your eyes, and hold them in the palm of both hands together. I want you to see the hands like a bowl that is receiving Aether.”
Her voice was so soothing, at first he had been nervous about her working remotely with him but she felt that it was best for she was just a distraction and she did not wish to muddle her own Aether with his while he attempted to create the charm. Oddly enough just listening to her speak, the accent she carried was a perfect blend of Shroud Speech and Formal Ishgardian tongue, he felt more sure of himself than he should have about this sort of thing.
Following her instructions he brought up his other hand and placed it against his first letting the objects roll into the very center and stay there bathing in the moonlight that poured from above his head, the silvery glow seeming to change the landscape around him to the point that it all looked ethereal to him now. He was actually concerned that he would get swept away if he was not careful. “I-I see something, the Shroud is glowing? There is energy everywhere all around me. I used to see this when I would paint, when I was younger before I was told it was wrong.”
“Yes, good. I want you to focus on that. Imagine the heavens above you, the light streaming down to touch the very top of your head, feel it touch you, and as you open to it think of Laurent. I mean really think of him Dimitri of all the things he is to you. Get a clear image of him in your mind.”
It was such a strange thing, the feeling of touching magic. He had such brief memories of it from when he was younger before it was tucked away into a part of his mind that was closed off to the rest of him. Everything seemed so much grayer after that like the Star had just lost its sparkle and further away it got from him as the cycles progressed on. The first time he had felt it again was standing in a storm on the beach in Limsa with Laurent. They had gotten into an argument that night, over an event in Laurent’s past. An event that involved Viviane and Dimitri felt like giving up. Laurent had led him away from the water as the lightning began to fall around them. He could feel the lightning as if he had summoned it himself, the very core of his being hummed with it and he found himself wishing them safe from the storm. In his mind, a dome rested over them. They made it out of that storm safely and still together. That was the night he knew he was in love.
This wasn’t what he loved most about his Partner, however, no what he loved was the bluntness the Wailer used in living his life. He was often a man of few words, yet you could see his greater passions by just watching him as he worked. There was such care in all he did, especially as he traversed the Shroud. In many ways, Dimitri saw Laurent as being married to the woods for there was no greater love that the man held in his heart of hearts and Dimitri was comfortable with being second to that love. He called the night they met on the road. He had been wandering aimlessly when the Wailer found him, on the edge of delirious from lack of food, water, and sleep. They could barely tolerate each other at first, Laurent’s mannerisms and rough words had caused Dimitri to bristle. When the ordeal was over, however, he found admiration for the man for every word he had spoken from the moment they met was true, harsh or not.
Through him the Aether began to course, it felt like water rushing into a vessel, filling it slowly but fully until it would eventually reach the top. The more he thought of Laurent the easier it became to let the energy in, that admiration growing into inspiration as the minutes passed. That inspiration was to be bold, be blunt. Not let others talk over him or tell him how to live his life. Through his time with the Wailer, he had begun to learn what it meant to be an individual and not part of the collective of minds.
“I can see him, Vi, in my mind. All the things we have done so far, and the things I have learned from him. I can see his strengths, and his weaknesses but most of all I can see how uncompromisingly forthright he is in the way he lives his life. I can see how it inspires me to do the same. To fit no one's mold, to use my tongue as it was intended and not soften its blows to make anyone happy.” There was such excitement in his voice as he spoke, his entire body hummed with the aether that flooded him. He felt dizzy and giddy at the same time like he could float into the air and hover there looking down on the Star below, There was the sensation of the animals of the woods lending their hearts to him, the branches holding him in their limbs and the ground supporting his weight so he did not fall.
“Good, now I want you to focus on the items you hold. Put your feelings there, your beliefs, even your admiration. Lay down your blessing, ask the Twelve to protect him in his journeys whatever you feel in your heart needs to be done. Magic is different for each of us Dimitri, you must find your own way to yours.”
This time when there was silence, there was the faint click of the pearl turning off. At first, he started to panic. She left him like this, left him to fend for himself he didn’t know what he was doing! Then he remembered Laurent, remembered that blunt tongue. That passion that fueled the Wailer, the way he seized the day no matter what that day was made of and the fear began to fall away.
“Nophica protect your child.” He found himself saying in a demanding tone. “He serves you diligently and without fail. He protects your woods and your people. You must do the same in return.” At first, he thought he heard the crack of lightning above his head, but there was no light nor rain, just still darkness enveloped by a canopy of Stars. The same Stars Laurent looked up at tonight. “He has given his life to you! Give your blessing in return.” The crack came again along with the splintering of wood. The light that had washed over him and emboldened him to face his fears suddenly dispersed leaving him to think that he had failed, that was until he gained his senses again and gazed into his palm where his offers had sat. What was once three had become one and that one had taken on the spring leaf symbol often seen around Gridania.
“Vi it worked,” he whispered into his linkpearl forgetting she was gone, his eyes were wide and his breath shallow. Had he truly summoned the Goddess to him? Or was this some illusion caused by the Jienuex magic? He almost didn’t know what to believe but there was the proof right in his hand. A smooth garnet rune with Nophica's symbol on it and in that moment he did not care what anyone thought. It was what he believed it was. To him, it was the charm that would protect his Laurent from harm the rest of the Star could fuck off this night.
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pawsnread · 2 years
The Lotus and His Daoist
Auspicious Moonlight Summary: It started as a simple night stroll, but Dong Fang Yue Chu did not expect his quiet evening to be interrupted by the arrival of a new fairy spirit.
This is a JunZhe verse crossover story between Dong Fang Yue Chu (Gong Jun) and Qing Lian (Zhang Zhehan). Everything is pretty much a figment of my imagination as I know nothing about each individual character or their original story canons. Don’t take anything seriously. 😅
“Such a beautiful, peaceful night.”
A slow, wistful smile crossed Dong Fang Yue Chu’s handsome face as he slowly strolled through the summer night. It was quiet all around, only the sound of cicada song and the occasional rustle of a night creature could be heard. The Daoist had only encountered one other soul on the road, a farmer carrying the first of his modest harvest home, pausing only long enough to give Yue Chu a deep, respectful bow before silently continuing on his way.
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Yue Chu had arrived at the bustling town earlier that evening, travel weary and in need of rest. But as night approached, he had found himself unable to sleep and had instead gone for a night stroll in search of the lake the local townspeople had spoken of so highly earlier that day. The night was pitch dark but the full moon shone brightly in a sky studded with stars. Having left most of his belongings back at the inn, Yue Chu wore only simple robes of white and jade green against the summer heat. As he walked, long, dark wisps of hair stirred about his face with every flick of his wrist and wave of the white fan he held. The road he walked was simple and narrow but well worn by countless feet. He seemed in no hurry, his steps slow and steady.
The wistful smile on his face slowly faded as Yue Chu made his way around a bend and began to approach the often spoken of lake just as thick clouds dimmed the moonlight and deepened the darkness. His footsteps faltered as he clicked his tongue in disappointment, the white fan in his hand stilling.
“Well, it is certainly as vast as they claim,” Yue Chu remarked quietly. “But perhaps a bit underwhelming.”
It was indeed a vast lake, the opposite shoreline too far for even Yue Chu’s keen eyes to see. The dark, clear waters glimmered in the night, reflecting the bright full moon and glittering stars in its mirror-like stillness. But it was, in all other respects, unremarkable, a simple but large body of water surrounded by the dark silhouette of rolling hills. 
Not one to be easily deterred, the Daoist decided to make the most of his little night jaunt. The shore was muddy but level, the ground giving way slightly beneath his feet as Yue Chu strolled along the perimeter. A warm breeze wafted, carrying the scents both familiar and foreign as fireflies blinked in the darkness.
A break in the clouds allowed the moonlight to stream through once again. His boots made a suddenly scuffing sound as Yue Chu stopped abruptly, eyes widening at the sight that appeared before him.
“I must take back my earlier assessment,” Yue Chu murmured, a note of wonder in his hushed voice. “This is certainly a sight to behold.”
What Yue Chu had mistaken for small rock formations in the lake was revealed by the moonlight to be hundreds of lotus blooms covering the surface of the lake and stretching as far as he could see were. The flowers ranged in size and color, from a bud of the brightest pink that could sit in the whole of Yue Chu’s palm to one of a pale blush smaller than his littlest finger. Many of the blooms had closed for the night, some receding into the lake waters for their rest. Those that remained above the water line glimmered in the silvery moonlight, undulating gently in the breeze.
Yue Chu walked slowly along the shore, admiring the sight before him. Every now and then, he would stop and lean in closer to inspect a lotus bloom. His eyes followed every detail of the flower as he became mesmerized by the delicate details from the veins in the petals to the deep green colors of the sepals and leaves. 
Once again, the Daoist’s footsteps faltered as he caught sight of something quite unusual.
“Oh…aren’t you a beauty. Quite different, aren’t you?”
His robes rustled as Yue Chu knelt down until he was eye level with the pure white lotus bud. The white petals seemed to glow in the darkness; Yue Chu even fancied he could detect a faint humming coming from the flower. Amongst a sea of pink, it stood out sharply atop a vibrant green stalk. It’s color wasn’t the only think unusual about the bloom. Yue Chu could feel a strong sense of power coming from that little white bud; it was sure to be something special one day.
As if in a trance, the Daoist stretched out a hand, long slim fingers reaching for the lotus. It seemed to be calling to him, inviting him. Just when Yue Chu’s fingertip was about to brush a petal, the flower bud quivered. He quickly withdrew his hand, scrambling to his feet as the flower’s glow began to intensify, pulsing gently from within the lotus.
One-by-one, the petals began to unfurl. Yue Chu watched transfixed as the lotus bloomed while being bathed in moonlight. When the petals had fully opened, where a yellow carpal should have been glimmered what looked to be an iridescent pearl. Yue Chu felt a sense of protectiveness overcome him as he gazed upon that pearl. He resisted the urge to reach forward and pluck the peearl from where it was cradled within the lotus petals. He wanted to hold it in his palm, protect it from the world and hide it from sight. Before Yue Chu had a change to act, that pearl pulsed once, twice, and began to rise into the air.
The very stars seemed to dim as the light of the pearl became blinding. The humming from earlier grew louder, vibrating in Yue Che’s ears. As he shielded his eyes against the glare, he thought he caught a glimpse of a human form within the light.
A tiny ‘pop’ was heard, and then the light exploded, casting back the shadows.
When his vision finally cleared, Yue Chu’s breath caught at the sight before him.
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White lotus petals danced in the air, twisting and twirling around a newborn fairy spirit. He was tall and lean, a gracefulness evident in even the slightest movement of his limbs. Dark hair cascaded down his back, a stark contrast to the green and white garments he wore. His face was smooth and slightly pale, with full lips and arched cheekbones. Dark lashes fluttered as he opened his eyes, the large, dark orbs containing small flecks of green in their depths.
The fairy blinked curiously as he gazed about. His eyes eventually settled upon Yue Chu, a look of awe on the Daoist’s face as he stood transfixed on the shoreline. A moment of stillness passed between them, the fairy and the Daoist gazed deep into the other’s eyes. 
Slowly, a smile curled Yue Chu’s lips.
“This is becoming quite the auspicious night,” Yue Chu half said to himself. Slowly, he raised his hand, stretching it out towards the still floating fairy. “My name is Dong Fang Yue Chu.” It was dangerous giving his name away so freely, especially to a spirit so new to the world and unaccustomed to even their own power. One miscalculation and he might have just condemned himself to eternal hell. But Yue Chu had little fear; his intuition told him this fairy spirit would not harm him.
The lotus fairy gazed at him, head tilted ever so slightly in consideration.
“Daozhang?” he asked, his voice soft and pleasant to hear.
“If you like,” Yue Chu replied. “Do you have a name?”
The fairy turned his head up towards the moon, his expression becoming intent as if he were listening carefully to something only he could hear.
“Qing Lian,” he said after a moment.
Yue Chu felt something stir in his chest at the name, at the voice, at the eyes that continued to stare so deeply into his. His smile widened as he stretched out his arm further, palm open and inviting.
“A-Lian, would you like to come with me?”
“Anywhere. Everywhere. There is so much to see. Would you like to come and see it - with me?”
He remained still, waiting on that shoreline, a smile upon his face and hand stretched out invitingly towards the fairy. Yue Chu waited and weathered the fairy’s gaze and silence.
Qing Lian’s fingers were cool as he curled his hand around Yue Chu’s. A soft smile formed on his face as he floated down and stood before the Daoist; from this vantage point, he had to raise his chin just the slightest bit to maintain eye contact with Yue Chu. A moment of silence passed between them, a feeling of completeness forming in Yue Chu’s very soul as he stood there with the newborn fairy before him.
“Yes,” was all Qing Lian said as a breeze blew, carrying the scent of lotuses in the night air.
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thewolfwarriors · 1 year
The Legend of the Wolf Warriors
Like most artsy kiddos in 2007/or 12 year olds, I too had wolf ocs. I had a tribe called the Dreadful Drones. They were a pack of wolf warriors/viking wolfs that were hiding amongst the Meathead tribe for the past decade when Book 1 took place. There was a DEADLY and MYSTERIOUS situation with their original home deep in the mainland. Ooo ssppoookky~ Well learn more about that as I post!
Anyway, the Vikings of the Barbaric Archipelago didn’t really remember their old wolf friends anymore until the Dragon Rebellion started up. That’s the way the Wolf Warriors wanted it and here's why.
The Legend of the WOLF WARRIORS
There are many renditions of this story that I’ve heard but I shall tell you one that I heard when I was a child. 
In the ancient days, as viking-kind was finding it’s footing in the Archipelago, there were many other beings that walked alongside them. There were dragons, there were possibly even ghosts, but the most mysterious of all was one that brought them so much inspiration. 
What’s so mysterious about wolves you say? These weren’t your run of the mill wolves that skulked about in the forests. These wolves were magic and in touch with the gods. 
It was said that these wolves admired the Vikings so much that they wanted to live alongside them and they were granted the power to Shift. They could live as wolves or Vikings! The Vikings were happy to have such powerful allies and they were dubbed Wolf Warriors (or simply as Viking Wolves in some places). Even as humans, they were taller, stronger, and very powerful! Strongest of all was their fierce loyalty that outweighed the Vikings combined!
As time went on, some Vikings didn’t appreciate these qualities enough and only saw the ones that they envied. Those Vikings greatly wanted the power to Shift. It was a common belief that wearing the pelt of an animal could give you it’s strength and power. So, these Vikings began to hunt the Wolf Warriors.
They discovered that the Wolf Warriors turned into humans when they died but if they were scared and shifted as a wolf, they could not shift back into humans. It was easy to scare them when they knew they were going to be harvested for fur. With this knowledge, there was a simple solution to get what they wanted. It was a grim solution that I dare not say in words. You will have to use your mind.
This spread terror across the populations of Wolf Warriors. Their numbers started to dwindle as they fled or disguised themselves as humans. Vikings would sellout Warriors in hiding and Wolf Warrior pelts were in high demand. Chiefs tried to ban the sale of these furs but Vikings would simply sell them discreetly.
Vikings who desired the ability to Shift would go someplace private and buy their Wolf Warrior pelt. However, most heard rumors that they didn’t work! Try it under a full moon, the seller would say. So they would buy the pelt and try it on under the full moon. Nothing.
The Vikings’ selfishness and cruelty became apparent to the wolves and they fled. They fled so deep into the woods and they were never seen again. That was the last anyone heard of the Wolf Warriors.
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Chapter 56 - Ominous Wake up
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: each Friday at 6:00 pm CEST dst/UTC +2:00 on (link)
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks (try to use headphones). It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting and music.
Important note for my readers: In this chapter, I have pictured a royal letter for the first time. However, this image is so small on the blog page that reading it is very difficult because of the small font. However, if you right click on it and open the image in a new tab, the original size is displayed and reading is then much more comfortable! If you started the music track at the beginning of the paragraph, you simply switch back to the previous tab at the end of the letter and can continue reading with music.
It was Friday in Arendelle, the day when the annual Harvest Festival would take place, and everyone in town was looking forward to it. There would be celebrations, feast, drinks and dancing into the weekend. Every citizen would start preparations in a few hours and decorate the streets. The fishermen would choose their best fish for the feast and the farmers would bring down the harvest to Arendelle. The most beautiful and largest pumpkins would be awarded prizes and Arendelle's flag would be raised in the presence of everyone. A day to celebrate.
It was still the middle of the night, about two hours before dawn, when the first citizens went to work, especially the bakers and the fishermen. A few citizens had already celebrated a bit in advance and were just shooed out of the tavern by the innkeeper. And it was those who first noticed that something was very wrong, that this day was not supposed to be what it usually promised to be.
It was unmistakable that high above the rock face behind Arendelle's waterfall stood a reddish flickering cloud and a moon that shone blood red above it. These citizens now happened to gather in the marketplace at the harbor and stared upward. The two bakers, Mrs. Blodget and Tilda, as well as Mrs. Olsen, the fisherwoman, were discussing what it could be, when shouts were heard and a family with two children, no doubt farmers from the farmlands above Arendelle, stumbled breathlessly into the square calling for help.
They told completely excitedly what had happened to them a few hours ago, that now everything was in flames and many people had died or been kidnapped. The man breathlessly reported that the crops had been destroyed and they now had nothing except the clothes on their bodies. The children were crying and clinging to their tearful mother.
It was Baker Blodget who was the first to catch herself after the shock, put her arm around the shoulders of the farmer and spoke.
“This is terrible! Come, I'll lead you to the castle, the queen must hear about this.” They followed her with relief as she continued to speak, “Who were these attackers? Were you able to recognize anything?”
Holding his wife by the hand, the peasant sniffled, “Exactly I couldn't tell at first. I was getting my wife and children out of bed when the shouting started outside and I looked out the window to see the neighbor's barn on fire. All I could think of was getting out of here before the fire spread to our house. When I got downstairs with them and stepped out the door, I saw men with long sticks, torches and knives in their hands going after my neighbors. They just set everything on fire and beat down anyone who tried to stand in their way.”
Anger and faintness brought tears to the farmer's eyes and he began to sob. His wife continued to speak for him, “In the light of the flames, those men looked like Northuldra, they had those strange clothes and shoes on and the headgear looked like them too. We ran away as fast as we could and managed to hide behind some trees. Then when it was all over, we just took off running, wanting only one thing, to get to Arendelle.”
“What did we do to them?” sobbed the farmer, “We are just harmless peasants!”
Mrs. Blodget was speechless and could say nothing more. When they arrived at the palace’s closed gates, she hammered on the door with all her might and loudly demanded help and admission. Behind them, other citizens were already on the streets, now loudly shouting 'Fire, fire!” and they lured even more people out of their houses. The news that the farmland was on fire was now spreading like wildfire throughout the city and behind every window it was getting bright.
Finally, a gate in front of them opened a crack and one of the guards stuck his head through. “What do you want?” he asked, somewhat indignantly, but then snapped his eyes open when he saw the commotion in the city and even further when his gaze fell on the cloud and the moon above. He disappeared briefly without waiting for the answer and called for more guards behind it. Then the castle gate was fully opened and he drew in Baker Blodget and her companion apologetically and with sympathetic words, while three of his colleagues took up positions on the bridge for safety.
Captain Einar came rushing up to them and had the same story told to him again. While he then instructed some guards to lead the refugees to a shelter and take care of them, he entered the castle to wake Kai. Kai was still asleep when there was an audible knock at his door. He startled, quickly slipped into his robe and opened. Minutes later, he was wide awake and knocking on the queen's bedchamber next door.
“Kai, what's the matter? It's still the middle of the night,” Anna asked as she opened the door a crack in her night robe and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Her hair was in typical disarray and behind her Kristoff was now stirring as well, startled by the sounds.
“The town is in a frenzy, Your Majesty, and I'm really sorry to have to wake you so rudely,” Kai explained excitedly, “Apparently the whole farmland is on fire!”
“What?” exclaimed Anna loudly, her eyes widening in shock. Then she hurried past Kai to wake Elsa, not bothering to fully dress first.
Shortly after, both sisters rushed into the castle courtyard in their night attire to see for themselves.
“Anna ... look, the last sign ... the blood moon,” Elsa stammered, pointing to the sky.
Anna could say nothing, instead tears ran down her face as she saw the sight and imagined what it must look like up there in the fields right now. Both of them were paralyzed and just stood there in complete shock for the first minute. When Kristoff joined in behind them and also stared upward, his mouth remained open. But before he could say anything, Anna had caught herself a bit and was already giving orders to the captain, who stood waiting not far away from them, alternately looking back and forth between the reddish cloud and the royal sisters.
“Captain Einar, please assemble a force to ride out to the farm country and see how bad it is. Round up firefighting crews, medical personnel, and any helpers that are handy. Wake everyone up if necessary! Deploy the young recruits as guards, have them secure the town. And someone should wake up Mattias in his city apartment immediately! Now everything must happen very quickly!” Einar bowed briefly in acknowledgement and immediately began to carry out the queen's orders.
“Anna, we should dress and ride up ourselves,” Elsa suggested as she placed a hand on her sister's shoulder.
Anna nodded and they both headed back inside, where by now all the candles had been lit and the staff was wearily but frantically getting to work. Neither had noticed Kristoff behind them, who now ran with determination to the stables, woke Sven, and prepared the cart for departure. He was deeply concerned.
Within the next half hour, all the castle guards had been mobilized and were riding across the castle bridge one by one at Einar's command. All were armed because they did not know what awaited them up there. Mattias was already riding to meet them and joined the captain's side to find out the state of affairs.
When Kristoff finally drove out of the stable, Anna and Elsa were already running past him to saddle their horses. There was no time for greetings, everyone knew what to do now.
All the lanterns were now lit in town and a large crowd gathered in the marketplace. A few castle guards went from door to door to carry out Einar's orders. Half an hour later, everyone who had been called to help was on their way. Anna, Elsa and Kristoff silently followed the long procession, but their looks said more than a thousand words.
When everyone finally arrived on the countryside a little later, they were confronted with a picture of a nightmare. Houses, barns, silos and wagons were still ablaze and had been for several hours. Extinguishing the fire was out of the question, it was too late. Some dead people were lying around with pitchforks and other tools in their hands. None of the remaining farmers and their families could be seen, nor any farm animals, but one of the scouts from the castle reported to Mattias and the captain after the initial reconnaissance that many tracks led into the woods around.
Anna, Elsa and Kristoff were stunned, their faces showing tears in the firelight, and the citizens behind them who wanted to help were now also bursting into tears. No one could comprehend what had happened here.
“Men, look for survivors and lead them here. You two, find out what happened here and if there are any clear tracks leading north from the fields,” Mattias ordered. He had grim anger written all over his face and could barely contain his rage.
“I need twenty men to gather all the wagons that are still usable, from all over the farmlands. Search the area and report survivors, intact food supplies, and anything else that didn't fall victim to the flames,” Einar ordered and movement came to the troops as they spread out over the large area with torches and began the search.
Mattias and Einar, as well as another experienced man, stayed by the side of the majesties as protection, keeping watchful eyes open on all sides. Movement now also came to the ranks of the helpers who had come along, and they informed the captain and the general that they were going into the woods to search for survivors, as there was nothing else they could do at the moment. After Mattias nodded to them, they ran off and spread out.
“We know so many of the farming families up here, Elsa. I can only hope they are not among the dead,” Anna said quietly, her voice broken. “Engwald Mullener's house and wheat silo are just smoking rubble.”
“Yes, I'm afraid you're right, sis. SoYun's house back there is no longer standing either. Her cattle apparently broke through the fence in panic and ran away. But most of the families were surely able to escape into the forest in time, Anna, I firmly believe that. It just has to be that way!” Elsa grabbed Anna's hand, “I just can't believe what happened here, Anna. How can Kolgrimr do such a terrible act to innocent peasants with their wives and children. He is a cold blood murderer!” cried Elsa with increasing anger in her voice. “We will make him and his henchmen pay for this atrocity!”
“Let's ride back, Elsa, there is nothing more we can do here, but I can and must set some things in motion in the castle now to save us all from further harm,” Anna replied, squeezing her sister's hand briefly. Then she turned to Kristoff, “Are you coming, dear?”
“I've decided to wait here with Sven and hope to bring some of the refugees to Arendelle. You all ride ahead,” he replied. His face showed a deeply concerned as well as very determined expression in the glow of his lantern.
Anna rode to his side and bent down to him. Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you, you are absolutely right, and I love you for it, my hero.”
He grinned a little wryly and watched them ride back to Arendelle, accompanied by two guards, after briefly informing Mattias and Einar of their decision.
In the meantime, all the Northuldra in the castle had also awakened and asked Kai what had happened as they gradually descended into the small hall. Kai told them everything they needed to know. When he mentioned the blood moon, there was an instant silence among them.
“What's wrong with you all of a sudden?” he asked.
“It is an evil omen with us and is usually accompanied by a terrible act of blood,” Yelana clarified. “I have seen such a moon only once before and that was when a bloody fight broke out between different families of our people. It was at the time when Iduna's parents died.”
Kai nodded sadly, he was not superstitious, but he believed Yelana and slowly began to fear bad things as well. Such a big fire up there on the farmland didn't just happen by itself.
“Do you think that ...,” he left the sentence unfinished.
“That Kolgrimr is behind it? Yes, without any doubt!” replied Yelana. “The last sign of the prophecy has now shown itself, and we must expect death and great suffering.”
However, before they could delve into the subject, new noise could be heard from outside. Everyone hurried out into the castle courtyard, but most of them stopped at the entrance so as not to be exposed to the moon with its terrible light.
About twelve strangers were standing in the square, excitedly discussing what had happened to them last night and that there had been many deaths.
Kai, Yelana, Myrtha and Linnea joined them to learn more and Kai asked what was going on, but they were all held back by a few of the older guardsmen. They got the impression that this was obviously just about something that wasn't for everyone's ears.
Kai was a bit confused, so he turned to Yelana. “You are a council member now, Lady Yelana maybe they will tell you more about what happened?”
She nodded and again stepped closer to the group. “My name is Yelana, former elder and leader of the Northuldra and I was recently appointed to the Royal Council by Queen Anna herself. I have a right to know what is going on here.”
The men and guards stared at her, then one of the strangers pointed excitedly at her clothing.
“That's one of them, there is no doubt about that, her men attacked us!”
“Northuldra here in the castle? And supposedly a council member as well? Now that's an outrage!”
“Look, there are more of them standing back there! What's going on here? Surely this can only be a conspiracy! How else could men from Arendelle attack us along with the Northuldra?”
Extremely strange accusations were made here by these men and one or the other already wanted to get physical and rushed forward. But at the last moment they were held back by the castle guards before they could reach Yelana.
She backed away in fright. Myrtha and Linnea stood protectively at her side. Kai, full of courage, now also went between them and tried to calm everyone down and explain. But tempers were just too heated and the guards struggled to keep the little commotion under control.
“What did he mean?” asked Myrtha with a hand on Yelana's forearm as they backed slowly toward the castle entrance, “An attack by Northuldra along with men from Arendelle? On what?”
“I haven't the faintest idea,” Yelana murmured quietly with her eyebrows drawn together, not taking her eyes off those men. “At least not yet ...”
As soon as Anna and Elsa were back in the castle, there was no sign of the commotion. They both immediately sat down in the royal study, discussed all the necessary measures, and Anna began to draft a general announcement and some written directives for the following pressing steps to take. Shortly after sunrise, Anna was able to hand the bunch of paperwork to Kai for the printing at the royal printing bureau. Kai seemed a bit out of sorts today, was Anna's impression, but didn't wonder about it in the least, given all that had happened.
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Both were leaning back in their chairs, exhausted, when there was a knock. Anna and Elsa both had not had enough sleep last night, rolling their eyes in anticipation of more bad news, and indeed it was not good news that Kai, with Yelana and Myrtha in tow, reported to them just a few minutes later.
“My apologies, Your Majesty, Your Highness. There have been two incidents in your absence that I'm afraid I completely forgot to mention in the general excitement.”
The sisters looked at each other briefly. “Please come in, you three, and tell us all about it,” Anna said with a welcoming gesture, but without rising.
Over the next half hour, the sisters learned both the story of the first refugee family and the disturbing incident between Yelana, her Northuldra friends, and the men in the castle courtyard.
“What was the meaning of this, Your Majesty?” asked Yelana in conclusion. “What were these men not telling me?”
Anna and Elsa sighed almost simultaneously, both knowing of course about this secret place where these men came from.
Anna cleared her throat before beginning an explanation with a sideways glance at her sister, “Yelena, this conversation and the following information you shall learn must remain classified. Some kilometers before you reach the capital, there is a factory and warehouse for crossbows, swords, and the like. It is used for defense and to supply our soldiers and actually this place is top secret. These men must be the armorers,” Anna finally concluded, because now it made no longer sense to withhold this knowledge.
“But how could Kolgrimr know about it?” interjected Elsa before Yelana could say anything back, and got up to walk around brooding.
Anna slumped back in her chair. “I can't explain it either. Coincidence, perhaps?”
Elsa shook her head. “Not likely. This place is too remote and too well camouflaged for that. No ordinary citizen knows about it, Anna. Do we have a spy in our own ranks, perhaps? And how can it be that these survivors also mentioned people from Arendelle who were supposedly involved in Kolgrimr's attack on the factory ... and it was certainly him who planned it.”
“Who says it was people from Arendelle?” replied Anna, “That's completely impossible. Maybe it was just a ruse and they were only dressed that way?”
Elsa shook her head doubtfully. “Or maybe now there is a new ally who is supporting Kolgrimr, someone in the shadows, people who are not on the side of the royal house,” she said, and Anna's eyebrows furrowed.
“But who?” she asked. Elsa shrugged her shoulders.
“Anyway ... this accusation that the attackers were Northuldra must definitely be put to rest. Our people are peaceful folks and that now even the simple peasants of Arendelle believe such lies, this calumny can only lead to one thing ... hatred and retaliation against them!” stated Yelana angrily. “I don't want to see another war against our people. You know what that led to in the end.”
Anna nodded, “We will make sure that does not happen, Yelana. You should also make your position clear at today's emergency council meeting. I suspect their tempers may be quite heated as well and we need to remind them that we are at peace with your people,” Anna stated.
“Yelana, can you interrogate the spy in the dungeon again? Perhaps, as he hinted last time, he has changed his mind in the meantime and now trusts you and wants to tell us more about Kolgrimr's motives and intentions? Maybe it's also a good idea to take Ryder with you this time, he might be of a similar age to the spy and who knows ...,” Elsa asked, leaving the conclusion open.
Yelana looked at her and nodded after a while.
This time Wael was awakened quite early and Thord's servant also seemed to have developed a little more respect for his privacy. Wael smiled as the door closed again and he was able to wash his face and armpits unobserved and dress in peace. Then he went down the stairs to make his way to the dining room. But a call from Thord made him pause.
“Good morning, my dear Mr. Wael. Please come into the fireplace room, there is something we need to discuss.”
Wael turned aside and saw Thord sitting comfortably in the armchair with his index fingers together on his chin, facing him. On the table in front of him were sheets of parchment, ink and quill. But not on his side, but in front of the empty seat opposite, in Wael's place.
The reporter entered the room a little unsteadily, nodded to Thord and then dropped into the wide armchair. “Good morning to you, too ... Prince Thord.”
Thord grinned at him appreciatively and nodded. “We can have breakfast later, Mr. Wael, don't worry. Before that, I have a task for you as a skilled writer.”
“A task? What exactly do you want me to write, Your Highness?” he asked, playfully sliding one of the still blank pages back and forth with one finger.
“An ultimatum!”
Wael's jaw dropped in surprise, and the image of last night, when Thord and Kolgrimr were talking conspiratorially and kept looking over at him, was suddenly clear before his eyes. He snapped his mouth shut again and swallowed. What had he gotten himself into here? Wasn't it enough what he had already done so far, and now he was supposed to write an ultimatum to the royal house of Arendelle as well?
“Come, take up your quill and write what I dictate to you. You are at liberty to put everything in order later, as far as style and neatness of writing are concerned. After all, it is to be a highly official document and you can already guess who the recipient will be.”
Honeymaren woke up with the first rays of the sun tickling her nose. She yawned contentedly and stretched her limbs. Birds chirped in the nearby treetops, and a sidelong glance at the reindeer in her fenced-off area told her they were content, too.
She got up, grabbed the pot she'd found in one of the tents, and headed for the nearby creek. On this occasion, she plucked leaves here and there from certain bushes inside the pot. A little later, a small campfire was burning and she was able to prepare a real herbal tea for the first time in a long time. She skewered a piece of meat on a sharpened stick and heated it near the flames.
She smiled as she took the first bite and drank a sip of tea with it. It promised to be a glorious day. She wondered what she could possibly do today to put a spoke in Kolgrimr’s wheel when she remembered Gyda's bag. She stood up, grabbed it from the pile of things she had captured, and took a peek inside. What she then pulled out surprised her beyond measure. It was Gyda's scarf, no doubt given to her as a child by her own mother.
Honeymaren was almost speechless, but then muttered to herself, “What a valuable piece!” as she held it up and looked at it closely. It was very old, but still in good condition. However, the patterns on it were unlike anything Honeymaren had ever seen. They were not from her own people.
Honeymaren carefully folded the shawl again and stowed it in her own backpack. Then she packed and prepared everything for the relocation of the camp. She had to find another safe place for herself when Kolgrimr returned. As high up as possible.
The printing of the leaflets and the announcement was done faster than usual in this exceptional situation and after the citizens had read the notices all over the city, work was immediately started on the implementation of the orders. Messengers rode off, craftsmen and canvas makers set to work, and the first tents along the mountain road were ready by mid-morning.
But something else was stirring among the citizens of Arendelle. Uncertainty, resentment and great outrage, even against their own queen. Especially the older citizens, who still had memories of the past, expressed their misgivings, sometimes stirring up new hatred towards a people they did not believe could do anything about it.
More and more citizens formed smaller groups and had heated and loud discussions in the streets. Slowly the negative mood took hold and the armed patrols of the castle sometimes had to intervene for de-escalation. Also, the fear of not having enough food tempted many citizens to oppose the orders after all, and merchants reacted almost automatically by raising prices. Therefore it was not long before news of the current situation reached the castle.
About this time Kristoff's wagon bumped down the mountain road, followed by three others that were still in intact condition. All were full of refugees, whom the wagon drivers could now hand over to the helpers at the newly erected tents. Kristoff wanted to go to the castle first to give Sven a break, get an update on the current situation, and then go up to the farmland again. He was sure there had to be many more families hidden in the woods. But shortly afterwards, the bad mood in the town did not escape his notice either.
“Sven, come on, let's speed up a bit. There's something going on here and Anna needs me!” he called ahead and Sven trotted off snorting.
Just before the clock tower he saw a man staggering exhaustedly ahead and as he got closer he saw the torn peasant clothes and traces of blood on them. Kristoff immediately had Sven stop beside him.
“Good man, did you walk all the way here from the farmland? Are you hurt?” The man's tired look and bloody forehead as he looked up at Kristoff told him a lot, and he helped the man onto his cart without further delay to drive him straight to the castle for medical attention.
Myrtha had already been helping Dr. Magnus prepare wound ointments for hours and was able to put her knowledge as a healer to good use. What was lacking in herbs was quickly procured by servants in the city and even the castle kitchen offered a surprising number of possibilities that were still completely new to the cooking team. Myrtha wanted to help as best she could, and also with the refugees up on the hillside, but Kai stopped her before she could leave the castle.
“I'm sorry, Lady Myrtha, but I have royal orders not to allow any Northuldra into the city for security reasons. Please understand that,” he said regretfully.
After tonight's incident, she quickly realized what that meant and nodded in understanding.
“I get it, Kai, but please let me know as soon as my help is needed. I want to help.”
Yelana found Ryder in the kitchen asking for some snacks for himself and his friends who were already hungry before lunch. He held a tray in his hands and Olina put one sandwich after another on it when she was done with it.
“So there you are. I've been looking for you all over the castle, Ryder,” Yelana said with a somewhat reproving look when she saw what he was doing.
He startled a bit and almost let a sandwich slide down, but caught it in time and pushed it back.
“Um, yeah ... I'm just getting something for Joná, Ikka and my mom. We're a little hungry after the long night.”
“Let the servants bring it upstairs for you, I need you.”
“Me? For what?” he asked, completely surprised that Yelana, of all people, should need him.
“Just come with me, I'll explain on the way.”
Ryder put the tray back down and started gesturing to Olina to please take it upstairs, but she was already nodding with a grin. However, before hurrying after Yelana, he quickly turned around and grabbed one of the sandwiches for himself. He grinned and bit into it heartily.
“Elsa has suggested that you accompany me to the captured spy and that we question him again.”
Ryder nearly choked. “Me? To the spy?” he finally managed to retort.
Yelana explained her idea in a little more detail and he nodded slowly as he understood the plan behind it. “Sounds reasonable to me. The only question is whether he has changed his convictions or not.”
“We will know very soon,” she said, already beckoning Captain Einar to join her.
Sorenson lolls comfortably in the soft guest bed and squints into the sunlight streaming in through the window. In contrast to his sleeping quarters in the tower of Miner's Mountain, this was pure bliss, and he wasn't worried at all about having slept so long. Shortly after, as he slowly descended the stairs, he became annoyed with himself. It was inevitable that the scraps of words from the people he passed would form a picture of doom and gloom in his mind. He asked questions here and there, and the scientist in him was already mulling over solutions.
Actually he wanted to look for utensils for his studies in the city today, before he went home again. And actually, after deciphering the prophecy, he could not be of any more help here. But now he learned about the last sign that had appeared last night and about the brutal attack. It was a pity that all his books were not available to him here, but who knows, maybe the city library here offered a way out; he thought and made his way to Mr. Oddvar's bookstore.
In the meantime, Yelana and Ryder were escorted down to the spy's cell. This time Captain Einar was there in person, but remained unseen by the detainee at the entrance and followed the conversation from there. The spy looked up as they entered and rose. Even now he had been tied up as a precaution, so that he would not get up to any foolishness.
“I was already going to send word to a guard today to send for you, Yelana ... that was your name, wasn't it?” he asked and she confirmed. He now also noticed her young companion and nodded briefly to him.
“So you've made a decision?” she asked and he nodded slowly to her a few times, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face.
“Yes. What you told me makes sense and honestly I don't know what to say or how to apologize. I realize my mistake, please believe me. I've had a lot of time to think and in hindsight I realize I was blinded and let others carry me away.”
“I'm glad to hear that,” Yelana said with a cautious smile, “and I hope you're now ready to tell us everything you know. May I also introduce you to my young companion? You should already know his name, because he is also a Nattura. His name is Ryder.”
Ryder nodded to him briefly and both looked at each other curiously. Then the spy sat down again and Yelana signaled to the guard at the door to bring them two stools, because she suspected that this was going to be a long conversation.
Shortly after noon, Anna and Elsa went down to the guard rooms. The armorers from tonight had been temporarily housed there and the sisters wanted to ask them personally what had happened. Everyone looked up and rose from the tables to greet the majesties when they entered the large room. After they bowed, Anna made a gesture to sit back down.
“It has come to our attention that there have been accusations against our Northuldra guests and that the term conspiracy has been mentioned.” Anna stood tall with her hands clasped in front of them, looking each of the twelve directly in the face. “Where did you come up with this absurd claim? We'd like to know the exact sequence of events of the robbery, every little detail, and also the exact timing.”
The men looked at each other uncertainly and disagreed about who should start the report. In the meantime, two guardsmen arrived with chairs for the majesties so that Anna and Elsa could sit down. Both were aware that the conversation might take a little longer and thanked them for their attention.
“Well?” asked Anna impatiently.
One of the men finally started and narrated from the beginning before the doors suddenly flew open and the carnage began. It was supposed to be a cozy evening and many had already had a beer or two. Everything happened completely by surprise and very purposefully. The soldiers barely had time to draw their weapons or cock their crossbows. All but the civilian armorers died that night. Quick as a flash and without mercy.
“We were finally led out and only then did we see how many attacked us. There were at least a hundred men! Northuldra and Arendellians together.”
“Wait ... Arendellians?” - “They weren't Northuldra!” said Anna and Elsa almost simultaneously, looking at each other briefly. Anna indicated to her sister that she wanted to take this task on herself, and Elsa nodded in understanding.
“My sister is right about the Northuldra, it just seemed that way to you, and ...,” Anna began, but was rudely interrupted.
“No, certainly not, we know what the Northuldra look like,” one of the men called out in between, others murmured and nodded in response. He was about to continue speaking when Anna stood up and glared at him.
“You dare to interrupt your queen in mid-sentence?” she asked dangerously quietly.
There was an instant silence and the man from a moment ago rose with a bow. “I apologize, Your Majesty, it was not intentional, please believe me.” He stood with his head bowed, expecting a reprimand, but Anna, after a few well-considered seconds, said only that he should sit down again.
From then on, the men behaved more respectfully and not as upset as before. One by one, they told of their personal views, relaying what they had heard and what happened next. They, as survivors, were left tied up and watched as the covered wagon drove away full of their weapons. Three men in particular caught their eye and it was quickly apparent to them that they must be the leaders.
Anna and Elsa occasionally had followed up and asked questions about the attackers' pronunciation, clothing details, and weaponry. Slowly a clear picture formed in their minds and at some point Elsa whispered something into her sister's ear with her hand held out. Anna began to smile and nodded happily, “Very good idea, sis.”
“If you would all be so kind as to wait here for us for a while? We hope to prove something to you in a moment,” Anna said and stood up at the same time as Elsa. Then, whispering animatedly, they left the room.
The men looked after them in amazement and many could only shrug their shoulders in response to the astonished questions.
Honeymaren rode past Kolgrimr's tent camp with the reindeer and the luggage, looking contentedly at the two completely burned down tents she had torched the previous night. The two men she lured here had done a good job, the fire completely extinguished and stamped out, nothing smoking anymore. She looked around and considered. It was unlikely that these men would come here again anytime soon, as they were likely to still have quite a buzzing head and were probably ruminating on the night's events as well. She laughed softly at the idea, but was still very cautious as she descended and walked toward the remaining five tents.
Now in the daylight, perhaps she could find something useful in them after all. But what she then found in the smallest tent still surprised her very much. She had not immediately recognized it last night, but now it fell like scales from her eyes. In front of her, in a corner, lay Kolgrimr's reindeer antlers, worked into a fur hat. Honeymaren's grin widened as a crazy idea came to her mind.
Under constant sideways glances and frequent pauses to hear approaching footsteps on the forest floor, she set to work. Finally, after three quarters of an hour, she stood in front of the result and could hardly hold back a loud laugh. From thick branches, some rope, a bale of moss, Kolgrimr's antlers, and the dark fur she had worn the previous night, she had fashioned a life-size puppet and placed it directly in front of the tents. When Kolgrimr and his men were expected to return that evening, they would make eyes. This figure unmistakably meant himself and everyone would recognize it immediately.
But some statement was still missing. Then Honeymaren grinned as she pulled one of the captured knives from Gyda's pocket and plunged it into the doll's fur at about the heart area. If that wasn't a clear signature and warning, she didn't know what was. Honeymaren got back on her reindeer in great satisfaction and was about to ride on when she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. She wheeled around and was absolutely speechless.
In front of her, just a stone's throw away, two people were sitting on reindeer and looking at her. It was an elderly woman who alternately looked from her to the furry doll and back again. Next to her was a boy of perhaps fourteen, grinning amusedly at her. The two were able to approach her silently on the soft grassy ground and Honeymaren was startled by this. A few seconds passed before someone broke the awkward silence.
“Who are you two?” asked Honeymaren.
“My name is Alena and the boy here is my apprentice Árnason. We are from the north, have been on the road for almost two days, and are heading to the sieidi,” the old woman replied. “Why did you build a figure there and stick a knife in it?”
“Uh ... it's just to give a little warning to someone. Is something personal,” Honeymaren replied, “What did you mean by sieidi? What is that?”
“I am a noaidi and during my trance journey I saw a place with four large rock pillars that have great magic emanating from them. On them are the symbols of the elements. Do you perhaps know where this place is?”
Honeymaren was speechless for a moment. No one had ever named these monoliths and called them sieidi, whatever that word might mean.
“Yes, I know where that is and it also happens to be in my direction.” Could she trust these people; Honeymaren wondered. They certainly didn't look dangerous. “Alright, I'll lead you there,” she finally said and trotted her reindeer.
“She doesn't know what a sieidi is? Judging by her attire, she must be a Northuldra,” Árnason said quietly.
Alena nodded, “She's still quite young and maybe just doesn't know the meaning of that word. But I'm sure she must know the road to that place. Come, let's ride after her.”
“That figure she made is odd. What do you think it means, Alena?”
“The knife in it tells me that she must abysmally hate the person it refers to. The reindeer antlers on it are very unusual, though, and somehow it reminds me of something, but I can't think of what at the moment.”
“She seems to be on her way somewhere. I wonder if she'll give us a chance to get to know her better before then. She's quite pretty.”
Alena gave the boy a smirking look. He was getting to be the right age for girls; she thought. “We'll see ...”
After half an hour they rode onto a barren steppe, behind it a large expanse of water could be seen in the distance. It had to be the dark sea. And then the four high monoliths came into view, which Alena had already seen in her mind. To see them now with her own eyes took her breath away. She would never have believed that the four pillars were so tall. It was a truly unique magical place. She could almost feel it.
The young woman in front of them stopped right in front of it, dismounted and pointed up. Alena and the boy also got off their mounts when they reached her. Alena stared up in awe as she placed her hands on one of them, feeling the texture of the stone with her fingertips. She could almost feel a millennia-old power in it, very faint but clearly present. Who could have built this? This was the most powerful place the noaidi had ever been allowed to visit in her long life, and a tear rolled down her face in joy as she pressed her forehead to the cold stone.
“Yes,” she breathed, “this is the place I was looking for.”
“These are the symbols of our four nature spirits,” said Honeymaren, who was somewhat taken aback by the woman's behavior. She had never paid much attention to these stones before, they had just stood there as long as her people existed. No one knew who had erected them, but most believed it was Ahtohallan itself. “They have always helped our people, but they can also get really outraged and then they make us feel their power,” she added. “But for some time now they have disappeared and Ahtohallan is trapped under a magical mist.”
“Ahtohallan? You know this deity and the four nature spirits are living beings of flesh and blood?” asked Alena breathlessly, walking up to Honeymaren to look deeply into her eyes.
“Except for the fire spirit, probably not. The earth giants are made of rock, Gale, the wind spirit is invisible, at least as long as it doesn't move, and Nokk, the stallion is made of water.”
“There is an important reason I am here, and all of our lives may depend on it. What am I supposed to call you?”
“All right, Honeymaren. I was called here ... by Ahtohallan itself, or rather a spirit that resides there. Unfortunately, I could not sustain our conversation long enough in my deep trance, and I hope to have more success here.”
Honeymaren's jaw dropped. “You were talking to someone there? Like we're talking to each other right now? I only know one person who could do that, our fifth Spirit, a human with ice magic. She tamed our nature spirits and freed us from decades of captivity, along with her sister, the current queen of Arendelle.”
“Well, not face to face, but in clear understandable terms ... up here,” Alena said, tapping her temple. “I want to know more about what you know, Honeymaren. You've really got me curious, and this might help us all very soon!”
“Then come with me. I'm looking for a new shelter to hide in right now.”
“Why is that?”
“That, Alena, is a long story.”
Remark: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know, except you are already tagged :-)
Tagging: @karma26 @true--north @annaofthenorthernlights @the-fifth-spirit-elsa
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stray-kaz · 1 year
Stillwater : an original short horror fic
A/N: I wrote this in early 2018 on a road trip. We passed through a tiny nothing town called Stillwater and birthed a writing challenge: to write a short story based on the name of the place. Here’s mine.
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Stillness reigns every day of the year, but one. People smile, children attend school and the sun shines, every day but one. 
Every day is unexceptional, except one. On that exceptional day, the sun stays a little lower, nobody smiles and the children are kept inside by parents anxiously turning keys in locks and twitching curtains across windows. Single eyes peer through gaps, peek across empty streets.
The sun falls lower still and the sky turns the glowering steel grey of a Stillwater dusk as the Harvest moon lifts its waxy weight into the heavens and an eerie whistling floats through the settlement.
Silent children are hustled into cramped cupboards, underneath beds and into cold hidden cellars by hushing, fearful parents. They fear for they have survived here this long, but others have not been so lucky.
The eyes at windows are all focused on the streets as they await the harvesting, the plucking of one unfortunate soul. Shadows steal down the streets, black as night but for the glinting, shining things they carry.
The settlement’s collective breath is held as the whistling continues, growing louder and then dying down as the shadows paused outside of a house with a red door, the paint barely visible in the gloom.
A curtain twitched and a soft scream was heard from within the house. The shadows slipped into the house and sounds of a scuffle emanated through the open door. A thud came next and a woman’s body could be seen lying slumped on the carpet.
A struggling female child was dragged from inside a small bedroom, fists beating against the outline of the shadow that restrained her. It passed a shadowy hand over her face and she stopped resisting instantly, her eyes huge and blank. There was a flash of bright silver and a single lock of blonde hair drifted onto the floor next to the woman’s limp hand.
The shadow scooped the child into its arms and followed its companion out the front door, leaving it open. They moved back down the street and then farther still, to the settlement’s border, where earlier in the morning, the grass and the dirt beneath it had begun to tremble, tearing and breaking apart as the rumbling continued. Now, the earth had opened up to reveal long toothlike shards of bone, the outline and the depths of the hole glistening wetly. The whistling stopped suddenly, creating a blunt awareness of the darkness and the settlement’s silence.
A menacing roar rose from within the earth and the child moaned quietly in the shadow’s embrace. It turned to look at its dark fellow and then back into the hole.
“Time” they thought in unison.
In response, the hole seemed to stretch wider at the edges in anticipation. The shadow holding the child lifted her away from itself and then let go, watching with vacant eyes as the small lax body fell like a stone into the gaping red maw. The last thing to be seen was her blonde hair catching on a yellowed bone fragment before there was a great roar and the earth closed over again, soil and grass coming back together as seamlessly as if they had never been apart.
And the shadows melted back into the dark to wait.
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alma-amentet · 1 year
Unusual OC associations: Elrin Farlong (Neverwinter Nights 2).
 For a change. 
I’m eager to write more about my Tarnished Lyra, will be revisiting her later. For now let us finally remember this girl exists, too (and sorry not sorry for no TES lately) 
Tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom​ - ty for tagging me! It;’s alweays fun.
Tagging @bimbomcgee​ and @coyote-ralyn​ it you’re in a mood and haven’t done this already.
And anyone else who wants! 
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art by Linetta
Seasoning: Cinnamon.
Weather: Typical Indian summer, warm early autumn.
Colour: Dark blue
Sky: Clear and blue
Magic Power: Divine battle powers (be it damage or buffs, but damage is more fun - clerics are not necessarily healers, you know). 
House Plant: Chrysantemum. IDK why. Heard they are hard to grow and take care of at home...
Weapon: Bastard sword (obvious)
Subject: Psychology
Social Media: Blogspot or Facebook. She’d be good at writing seldom, but wholesome and interesting longreads.
Make-up product: LIpstick, a darker shade.
Ice Cube Shape: Little pumpkins! (harvest, autumn and her village origin).
Candy: Homemade hard candy of burnt sugar/honey (this reminds me of some village fest treats)
Fear: Death of her beloved and succumbing to her darker side (be it drow heritage or the spirit eater curse).
Method of Long-distance Travel: Carriage. She’s a knight, alright, but also a lady, who values comfort now that she can afford it. So riding out atop some strong and beautiful steed is more a ceremonial thing. 
Art Style: pre-raphaelites and some other Victorian art (Neeshka being orientalism - can’t unsee her as an odalisque! There’s already one silly drawing and one day I’ll make a better one)
Celestial Body: Moon, obviously (devoted Eilistraee worhipper)
Mythical Creature: Elementals and telthor spirits. Strangely their presense helped suppressing and lowering spirit-eater hunger.
(this is an in-game lifehack I always use! Get as many elementals as you can: summon one yourself (with a spell or an atrifact, there’s Orglash crystal), make Gann and Kaelyn do that, Safiya too. Also good it there are peaceful theltors around. The more spirits the better. Then rest, and the hunger won’t be growing much, it may even decrease slightly). 
Piece of Stationary: Charcoal / any other possible type of pencil (red chalk would be good for writing: durable, hard to erase and doesn’t stain hands that much, unlike charcoal) and paper. No, Elrin’s not an artist (though I believe her goddess values any forms of art, not only music, dance and swords). She just likes it simple and convenient. Also an old village habit from her magic studying days with Tarmas: good ink was not always available, sometimes they were using just what they could.
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deceptivemorals · 2 years
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send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!! || accepting
@thesnowfelled​ sent: Hybrids  (generalized, his brother and others like him).
to answer this question, it is important to understand that elijah grew up with the knowledge to abhor and fear werewolves. not because he met one when he was human but because of what mikael taught them and what he has heard and seen. beasts that slaughtered humans on fullmoons, dismembered bodies, and of course the torn and bled-out body of his youngest brother henrik. human elijah was intimidated and scared by them and took the warnings seriously (unlike klaus and henrik). i believe that whenever someone went missing, the men of his village went looking for the missing person and when he came of age, elijah was part of this group. even before the accident with henrik happened, elijah had seen what the werewolves did to people. so when it turned out that klaus was part wolf, elijah was utterly shocked. elijah had never seen someone turn or the golden eyes of a wolf. the fear of the wolves but also what it did to klaus paralyzed him, so he did what mikael told him although klaus begged him to not help him. i assume that at that moment, elijah thought he'd help klaus. he would have never done anything that would have hurt his brother but at this moment he was too overstrained, too fearful of mikael, and too scared of what was happening to klaus that he would have questioned it. something elijah absolutely and deeply regretted later on. he later understood his mistake and supported klaus in his search for breaking the curse. it was both elijah and klaus that forged and spread the legend of the sun-and-moon curse. and yes, elijah would not have helped katerina to run although he deplored having to do this to her. he would have sacrificed her in order for klaus to free his wolf side (although he would have hoped that his deal with the witches worked out and she'll wake up). when klaus finally did break the curse, elijah was utterly supportive of him and cleaned up after him (even bringing him his clothes). despite klaus' beliefs that his family sees him as an abomination, it certainly is not the fact with elijah. klaus being a hybrid doesn't change anything in elijah's eyes, although he's not pleased that klaus uses his fatal venom to punish him if he sees so fit (it happened twice in the originals - one time klaus healed him, one time he let him suffer). however, elijah is not fond of other hybrids. on the one hand, he finds them incredibly arrogant (and elijah is allergic to arrogant young vampires or hybrids). on the other hand, he feels like their existence isn't right because a) it appears that they are even more violent than young vampires, b) they are stripped of their free will by the sire bond that always naturally exists and c) because of the fact one needs to harvest doppelgänger blood. he understands why klaus wants to be surrounded by them and he understands that klaus yearns for people that are like him but in general, elijah is quite relieved that there are no hybrids anymore after klaus killed them. albeit, it should be noted that his general opinion about hybrids doesn't apply to hayley. he is thankful that becoming a hybrid had been an option for hayley.
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lastoneout · 2 years
I feel like I'm the only Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons fan who doesn't care that they redesigned the bachelors for the A Wonderful Life remake cuz ngl I played a LOT of that game(and Harvest Moon DS) and was always torn bcs I wanted to play the versions where I could be a girl BUT I hated all of the guys you could marry with a burning passion so I stuck with the originals lmao
Literally Magical Melody was the first game where I married a guy(technically) cuz I liked Jamie and when I found out you couldn't actually marry them I had to pick the man I hated the least to stick with cuz aside from Jamie I didn't like any of the guys.
I think Stardew Valley was the first farming sim I played where I actually married a guy on purpose cuz I liked them and ofc I ended up sticking with Shane. (I also married Harvey one time cuz he's cute and Penny once too but Shane...he's my beloved.)
Anyway idc about them redesigning the men I'm about to roll up to the valley and bang down Celia's door like "HI I HEARD YOU LIKE GIRLS NOW" and it's gonna be great <3
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