#and I like...kept waiting for the chapter to cut off before it went anywhere
nyssasorbit · 2 years
Okay but I actually loved this chapter? The inclusion of dinosaurs seems absurd, but tbh, it makes perfect sense to me?? If we're going to reference biblical Christian stuff, then why not include something about dinos in there? On top of that, we get to see a cool angel city? Kagami also wasted far less time on the dinosaurs than I would have expected, which is nice.
Now I'm wondering, since Rigr is going into the First's memory, will something weird happen to where they converge with Yuu and Mika, and he runs into them there?
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Ch 10
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I don’t know if I’ll have time to post tomorrow so I’m posting an extra chapter tonight. Sorry in advance for this one…
Content Warnings - Death, violence, mayhem, people get captured
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After you calmed down, Finnick carried you down to the beach to spend the afternoon with the rest of the group. They all kept their distance but you were too exhausted to try anything. You ended up sleeping for the first real time in the arena.
You were asleep for so long, you woke up to find a fresh bandage on your arm and some bread from District 3 being split amongst the group. Finnick brought you some bread and water as he sat down to watch the sunset with you.
You can’t talk anymore, not even to him. It’s like your voice has run dry and nothing will come out. You don’t even know what you would say though. He seems content enough to just sit in silence with you.
Nighttime falls and the group makes the trip up to the tree again. Finnick lets you walk in front of him but he has to help you at some of the steep parts. You fight the urge to claw at him every time he touches you, despite the fact you are telling yourself that he is safe. He wouldn’t hurt you.
At the tree, Finnick helps Beetee with the wire. You sit down close by, waiting for something bad to happen. The game makers haven’t had a death in awhile.
You emerge from your thoughts as Beetee hands the spool of wire to Katniss and Johanna, instructing them to take it down to the water.
“I’m going to go with them as guard,” Peeta states.
“No,” Beetee states. “You’re too slow.”
They continue to argue a bit before Peeta relents and let’s Katniss go with Johanna. Splitting them up must be part of the plan.
They don’t question why Beetee doesn’t split you up from Finnick. He’s the only one who can control you. None of them want to go anywhere with you if he isn’t tagging along.
Finnick and Beetee are whispering to each other, putting you and Peeta on edge. What are they planning? They seem to come to a consensus when the wire goes slack. Someone must have cut it.
“Stay with her,” Finnick tells Peeta. “I’ll go find them.”
Peeta goes to protest but Finnick has already bolted off into the jungle.
“Do you think they’re ok?” he asks you.
You shake your head no.
Moments later you hear a zap and see Beetee sprawled out in the grass. He must have made contact with the force field. There’s a cut on his arm that you didn’t notice before. When did that happen?
Seeing Beetee, Peeta quickly takes off towards where the girls went, scared that you’ll be set off at any moment. A cannon goes off and all you can hope is that it wasn’t Finnick.
You can hear people yelling and screaming. People must be fighting. You’re too exposed here.
You make your decision, you have to hide before you go rogue. Bolting into the trees, you look for one that would be easy to climb. You find one a few minutes later but quickly realize that you can’t climb it with one arm. Instead, you huddle down at the base of it, hoping people will go towards the fighting and not you.
It’s minutes later when you hear the loudest boom you think you’ve ever heard in your life. Finnick is screaming for you but it must be a trap. Why would he want you to go close to the explosion?
Pieces of the arena fall from the sky and you realize this must be the plan Finnick was talking about. He must be calling you to the pickup point.
At this revelation, you start running towards him, colliding with someone in the process.
“Where’s Katniss?” an out of breath Peeta asks you. You point towards the explosion, guessing that’s where she is headed.
Peeta makes it two yards before a dart flies into his neck and sends him to the ground. You want to scream but are cut off by a sharp pain in your neck, followed by darkness.
You wake up to a white room, the cuffs digging into the bandaged cut on your wrist. The smell of this place is recognizable. You must be in a capital hospital.
The door to your room clicks open and Snow approaches with his guards.
“Miss Y/L/N,” he states. “I’m disappointed to see that not much has changed since the last time I saw you.”
You glare at him, which only makes him smile.
“Tell me what you know about the plan,” he commands. You shake your head. You really don’t know much.
Snow furrows his brows and a sudden pain flashes through you.
“Miss Y/L/N,” he states. “You know how much I value honestly. Tell me what you know about the plan.” You shake your head again and feel another pulse of pain, darkness creeping in at the corners of your vision.
“I see you’ve decided to be difficult again,” Snow chuckles. “Very well. Plan B it is.”
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Say Yes To Me (chapter 5)
WARNINGS: angst, kidnapping, breastfeeding
WORDS: 1,279
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
A/N: may or may not write chapter 1 of Darkest Nights after this <3
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Days went by, and there was no sign of him. You both missed him dearly, your poor child. Natasha tried almost everything she could. She couldn't contact Yelena, who knows where she might be. Without Yelena, she couldn't find him. Tony and the others were no help either. The sky was gloomy, cloudy, and dark. It was going to rain soon. For the second time in your life, you felt like giving up. The first was Natasha, the day she almost died while on a mission. Ever since she promised, she'd stop going on dangerous missions, for your sake and the kids. But this time it was different. You knew where your wife was, and you knew how to reach her. But Alex was nowhere to be found, and — honestly, the worst thoughts slipped into your mind. Was he okay? You were sure he wasn't. It's the Red Room for God's sake. But was he alive, that's the question that you kept asking yourself.
“Y/N calm down. Please, I don't wanna see you crying.” she wrapped her arms around you. You couldn't stop. Your body was trembling, and your hands were shaking. Tears kept falling from your eyes. “Natasha.. he's not home. My baby's gone Nat–” a choked sob escaped the woman's mouth. “We'll find him okay? Detka, I'll find him. I miss him too. I miss him so much.” you clutched at her shoulders, “ple- please, Tasha. Why him? Why do they want Alex? What if he's–” Natasha knew what you were going to say. She didn't know if she'd be able to take it. “Don't say that. He's strong, I know he is. He's our son, after all.” she broke the embrace and flicked away a stray tear from your cheek with the pad of her thumb. “But–” she squeezed your arm, “but nothing. He'll be okay.” I hope. She left that part out. She didn't want you to worry more than you already were. She knows what the Red Room does, but you don't. You were unknown to the bad that the Red Room does. Just the stories Natasha told you and the attack was nothing. Nothing compared to what they do.
What the Red Room did to you was just a little piece of what they're capable of doing. They could do so much more harm. That man could've killed you that day. But he didn't. There was a reason they kept you alive and neither of you knew. “I miss him Natty..” you mumble against her shoulder. “I know.. I know. I do too.” she slightly smiled at you to ease your worries. “Nat stop. Please, don't try and make me feel better. Just tell me that we're gonna find him soon. Okay?” her smile faltered and you noticed her eyes watering up a bit. “We– we're gonna find him soon.” she slid her hand down to yours, interlocking both of your hands together.
“A-Aliana's okay, right?” you asked her. “She's asleep, baby. She's okay.” you could hear the pain in her voice. She wanted to seem fine in your presence. You wanted her to show her true feelings. Hiding her feelings isn't always the best thing. Especially not now. “Natasha, I want you to trust me.. we've been married for over 3 years, Nat. Don't hide your emotions. Please.” she took a deep breath before she shook her head. “I'm fine. Don't worry about me.” there she was again. Caging up her feelings. She was too stubborn to listen to you.
“I'm gonna go see if Aliana needs to be fed.” you pull your hand away from hers and get up from the bed. “Wait babe– don't go by yourself. I-I'll go with you detka.” you were long gone into the baby's room by then. She didn't want to admit it, but Natasha felt as if it was all her fault. The Red Room wanted to ruin her life, so they came after you and Alex. She was terrified. Terrified that if you went anywhere alone that they'd get you. The Red Room would get you. Again. So she followed you into the kids' room. “Darling? What are you doing here yo—” you get cut off by a pair of strong arms around you. “Don't go. Please, I can't lose you too, moya lyubov.” a slight smile appears on your face, “you won't lose me.. okay? I promise Tasha.” you turned to look at her and placed your hand on the side of her cheek. “I'm right here.” you wiped off a teardrop from her face and met her eyes. “I'm not going anywhere. We just– need to find him, hm?” she brought her hand to your hand that rested on her face and placed her hand over yours, “We're going to find him and bring him home. If anything happens to him detka I– I wouldn't know what I'd do.”
The cries of a baby pull you away from Natasha, “oh, Aliana, shhh.. stop crying, sweetie.” you sniffle as you take the infant in your arms and begin to rock her. “Is she hungry?” you nodded, “yeah, it's late enough. She hasn't been fed since the morning.” Natasha hums in response and brings her hand up to your blouse to help you unbutton it. “Thanks, darling.” she unhooked your bra and slid it off your chest. “Did you manage to get a hold of Yelena? Or Melina and Alexei?” you ask as you breastfed Aliana. “Yelena called me last night. She didn't have any updates, but she said Melina could try to find out about the Red Room's whereabouts.” your lips slightly move into a smile. There was hope. Hope that you can find him. Hopefully, the Red Room didn't do anything to him. You couldn't do anything about that. “It's just– why.. why do they want Alex? If they wanted you, they could've taken you that day.” she sighed as she shook her head, “I don't know krasivaya, I don't know. God— I wish I knew.” she whispered into the room.
“What if it isn't the Red Room this time? What if Hydra's behind this and— it would be so much worse, Tash. The Red Room wouldn't want anything to do with little boys. You said it yourself.” she clenched her jaw, “you're right. But how did they know my real name?” you turn your attention to the cooing baby. “You don't think Hydra and the Red Room are working together, do you?” you ask, your gaze fixated on the baby as she suckled. “— I might just be overthinking it, Nat.” the redhead leaned her body against yours, her arms looped around your waist and her chin resting on the top of your head. “What if you're right?” you sucked in a sharp breath as she sent a squeeze to your hip. “I could be wrong, Natty.” your eyes darted to the window as lightning struck outside. “I don't want to take any chances.” she said as thunder loudly rumbled, shaking the ground.
Pitter pattering noises. Rain droplets could be heard against the windows and roof. “oh.. it's raining.” you exhale shakily as you gazed outside, water streaming down the glass windows, tears streaming down soft skin. “We're gonna find him soon, baby. No matter what it takes..” she pressed her lips to the side of your head and wrapped her arms tightly around both you and the baby in your hold. “I want him home, Tasha..” you mumble as you blink away your tears.
No matter what it took. You wouldn't hesitate to give the world up for him. You were going to find him. You had to.
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nethhiri · 3 months
Marooned: Chapter 49
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Violence, murder, kidnapping, imprisonment, rape, mentions of forced pregnancy
Could Be Worse
Killer got concerned when neither you nor Kid had come back. He ordered the Victoria to leave. He would call them when it was safe to return. Killer grabbed Mini, sure she would get him to where you were the fastest, and with luck, probably where Kid was, too. Killer hopped on her back and prayed to whatever god would listen, that nothing bad had befallen either of you. Any hope of this was shattered as he approached. One ship was already halfway out to sea, and he saw the unmistakable shape of Kid being taken to another. Killer was in action within seconds, nearly cutting the other ship in half with Scyther Sonic. Then he did cut all the marines in half, rushing to Kid's side before the last one dropped to the ground. He took Kid by the shoulders and shook him, yelling his name. Then he saw the red dripping from his head and nearly broke down, thinking he was fatally wounded. The sob caught in his throat as Kid groaned. Killer put his hand into Kid's hair and felt a long groove where a bullet skimmed his skull. It had to have been seastone or Kid would have reflected it. The force of the impact itself had knocked Kid out. 
"KID! Wake up!" Killer saw a flash of brown as Mini ran over to the ground some distance away and sniffed. "Where is Y/N?!"
Kid felt like his eyeballs were rolling around in his head and his skull was split open. Why was Killer fucking yelling so early in the morning? Couldn't he tell Kid needed his beauty rest? Kid heard your name and his eyes shot open, remembering what had happened. "FUCK!" Kid looked around getting his bearings and saw the lights of several marine ships in the distance. "FUCK!" He grabbed his throbbing head. "She's- He got her." He kept shaking his head. Maybe it was a dream.
Killer wasn't sure he was hearing correctly. "Kid... tell me that's not true." The way Kid looked at him reminded him of the way 13-year-old Kid looked at him when Victoria died. "Tell me it's not true!" He grabbed Kid's shoulders. "What happened?!"  
"I had her in my arms, Kil. I had her. They drugged her or something because she couldn't move. I thought- I thought she was dead at first. But I had her and I was about get her out of there and- everything went white." Kid was suddenly panicking. "We have to get back to the ship! We have to follow them! She's in one of those." He pointed to the ships at sea. 
"I sent the crew off. If they stayed any longer, we were all going to be captured. I told them I would call when it was safe." 
"WHAT! Killer, we can't wait that long!" Kid thought about some of the scars you had and the fear he saw in your face as you recalled details in your memory of what had happened previously. "What if-" Kid put his fist into the dirt.
"I know, Kid. I know." Killer had been thinking about it, too. "We need the crew safe first or we won't be getting anywhere." Killer got up and went to where Mini was. "Now, tell me was she hurt?" Killer squatted to inspect the blood-soaked ground.
"Nah. The guy, his hand was bleedin." Kid curled his lip, "And I put a spear through him. But I missed his heart." Kid pushed himself up after his head had stopped swimming. He picked up your weapons and your jacket, which was shredded.
"Good." Killer scooped up the blood soaked dirt and tore a piece from the fabric at his waist, wrapping the dirt inside to carry it. "We can use this to track them." He looked at the boar. 
Kid held the material of your jacket balled in his fist. "Killer. Wherever they took her. I WANT IT ERASED FROM THE FACE OF THE PLANET!" Kid's eyes were watery. "I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO BE ABLE TO PIECE TOGETHER THEIR BODIES. And if they hurt her.... THE DEVIL HIMSELF WON'T BE ABLE TO PRY THEIR SOULS FROM MY FUCKING HANDS!" Kid screamed until his voice cracked.
Your limbs felt like lead. That was your first thought waking up. The second was that your mouth felt like sandpaper it was so dry. You moved slightly and heard the unequivocal clink of chains. It was all coming back to you. Your eyes flew open and panic set in. How were you going to escape? They had been successful, as you predicted they would be. Though, you were bewildered at the lack of pain you were in. You weren't even in a cell or on a concrete floor. You thought for sure you would have been abused in some way already. You were actually comfortable, in spite of the circumstances. You were in a medium sized room. The light from the porthole didn't do much to illuminate the surroundings. You were in a bed and there was a door. That was the extent that you could observe. 
A draft tickled your bare legs. You were in a pink, silk nightie, and not much else, something you would never wear of your own accord. Nothing that was about to happen would be of your own accord. Your hands were above you, bound in seastone cuffs. Your legs were shackled as well, with chain enough to walk. Neither end was attached to anything, however. You could move around. You could run. It couldn't be this easy. How would you get the chains off? Where would you go? Where were you in the first place? If you could kill every man on what you presumed to be a ship, with your hands bound, even you would be impressed. There was no way. Besides, Warthin liked to play games like this. He was probably right outside the door. The second you tried to leave he would do something to punish you. 
Actually, fuck it. Bad things were going to happen to you if you stayed or if you tried to run. They would definitely be worse if you ran. They would get worse regardless. You had to try now while your adrenaline was elevated. As soon as it faded, the seastone would drain you. You slid to the edge of the bed, careful not to rattle your chains. You peered out the porthole, seeing nothing but ocean. If you could free yourself, you could use your devil fruit to get away in a rowboat. Fuck, maybe you should crawl out the porthole and get to a rowboat. You might be able to avoid detection. Then, either the Kid Pirates would find you, or you would die. It was more or less the same options here. 
You pressed your ear against the door. There was no one in the hallway. You were familiar with the layout of marine ships. Where would the key be? Either Warthin had it on his person, it was in his office, or it was in the brig with the rest of the keys. The safest option to try now was Warthin's office. You didn't make a sound as you moved into the hallway. You picked up the slack of the chains so they wouldn't clink together or drag across the floor. You rounded a corner. Only two more turns to get there. You pressed your back against the wall when you heard talking. It was two people. You let go of the chains and lifted your arms over your head. As soon as they came into view you smashed the seastone into his skull, took a step, and swung upwards in the same manner, cracking the jaw of the other one. They both fell with an unceremonious thump. Now you had to hurry. You picked up the chains and ran to the office doors. If he was in there, you would be fucked. 
As quietly as you could, you peeked in, then slid the rest of the way in when you saw he wasn't there. You tried not to get your hopes up. There was a large desk that you went straight to, throwing open every drawer, feeling for secret compartments as best you could with clunky cuffs on your hands. You paused at a heavy thunk when you shut one of the drawers. You reopened it to find a gun. No way. And it was loaded. This was your lucky day. This was too good to be true. He was definitely fucking with you. You just had to beat him at his own game. 
You heard voices in the hallway and the rattle of the doorknob. Quickly, you sat on his desk facing the door and hid the gun between your crossed thighs. You took a breath, willing yourself to appear calm. Warthin walked in, smile brightening when he saw you. 
"You're awake! Finally!" He opened his arms like he was going to hug you, coming closer. 
Not yet. He came closer. Not yet. He was almost touching you. You shifted so it seemed like you were leaning in, uncrossing your legs and grabbing the gun from where it was hidden. Your finger squeezed the trigger, but his hand had moved yours enough to redirect the bullet away from him, snatching the gun out of your hands. 
"Tsk. And I thought we were going to get along this time." He put the gun in his waistband and held your hands in one of his so you didn't try anything else. "You tensed right before you shot, and you let the hate flood your features. You gave yourself away, my darling." 
"Don't call me that," you growled. 
He fiddled with the tag on your collar. "What's this? Do you prefer Rotten?"
"Keep that name out of your mouth!" You punctuated your sentiment kicking him where you saw Kid put the spear, knocking him backwards and almost causing you to fall on the floor. 
He grabbed his chest and wheezed in pain. "I tried to play nice with you. Remember that."
You spat on him. "You were never going to be nice for long."
He laughed. "You're right. I wasn't." He grabbed a fistful of your hair. "You know me so well." He pulled you off the desk, taking you back to the room you woke up in. He dragged you over the bodies of the two men you knocked out, not even looking at them. 
You were thrown on the bed. This time he made sure you couldn't get up, attaching the chains to hooks built in. 
"Well. I was waiting for some tests to come back but there's no harm in starting early."
You didn't have any clue as to what he was talking about. 
"So the Kid Pirates huh? How'd you make that deal?" He stood over you, lackadaisically taking his uniform off. "You fuck the captain? I bet you did, you traitorous whore. Is that where you've been hiding all this time?"  
The reference to Kid brought worry to the forefront of your mind. You can been so focused on escaping and survival that you had blocked what happened to him out of your mind temporarily. Was he still alive? You should be worrying for yourself in this moment, but your heart twisted at the thought. All you could think about was seeing him get shot in the head. Over and over again.
"Is that it? Did they rescue you from the ocean in exchange for you to be their whore?" He grabbed your chin. "Or did they take you for themselves and I rescued you from them?" He was down to his underwear. There was a bandage around his chest, wet with fresh blood. The wound reopened from your kick. "Shame I couldn't get my hands on the captain. I wanted to collect a bounty."
"Mine isn't enough?"
The grin on his face was sick. "Oh. I'm not turning you in. Not quite yet. Maybe not at all. You're mine." He got on top of you. "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe."  
You spilled silent tears while Warthin had his way with you. They weren't for yourself, though he thought they were. At least it made him get off faster. You dissociated and thought about Kid. If he was dead, would they come for you? Killer felt strongly about you. You knew he did.  But he was also the most pragmatic and less likely to put the entire crew at risk for one person. If Kid was alive, they would definitely come for you, right? You had to hope, as foreign as it was for you to rely on someone other than yourself, you had to hope they were coming. It was the one thing that was going to get you through this. 
Warthin rolled off you, sighing. He put his hand over one of yours, just holding it.
That was really weird. He was acting as if you were lovers or something. It wasn't violent at all. It was rape with the intent of sex, not the intent to control. This almost made you sicker than what he normally did. What was his game this time? Psychological? 
"Wouldn't that be great? If it happened the first time? And maybe I could even have it cut out early. Ten months is a long time to wait."
"What are you talking about?" You said quietly, afraid of the answer. 
He splayed his hand out on your stomach. "You're going to have my child." 
You knew that wasn't possible. But how long would it take for him to find out? And what would he do when he did?
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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everlastingdreams · 9 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 20
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: Sweet As Honey
Notes: /
Warnings: Grief. Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +190K
Chapter:  20/ It’s a secret.
In the morning you awoke well-rested, it had been a long time since you had last felt so at ease. Your former enemy was still asleep, as was the young Fey knight beside you.
At least the boy had moved his arm from your leg, and was now sleeping in such an odd position that you wondered how on earth he could be comfortable that way, but this was Squirrel and everything was possible with him.
While being careful not to wake them, you folded up your sheets and quietly walked over to the horses to put them away in the sack again. Then you collected three potatoes from the satchel and two large carrots. It would be nice to have something for breakfast by the time they awoke.
Carefully you had went and plucked Squirrel’s knife from his cloak’s straps and used it to cut the vegetables. Some melted cheese would fit along with it well. You quietly returned the knife to the boy.
The flint and steel to make a fire was in Goliath’s saddlebag, thankfully.
Now the bowl that Squirrel had taken in the inn came in handy.
You covered the potatoes with the carrots and put cheese on top of it, all that was left to do was make a small fire to prepare it with.
Each time the flint struck the steel, you looked over to see if it had not woken them.
With stones and branches you built a support to place the bowl on top off it, after that it was only a matter of waiting until the meal had baked enough to eat.
Lancelot awoke at the first sign of the aroma hitting the air.
You saw him approach as you sat by the fire in the early dawn and he knelt down beside you.
He dared to jest about it, “I see you are able to make a fire after all.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Don’t make me want to set your cloak on fire and prove it to you once and for all, Ash Man.”
His glance moved to your face, something told you that your threats had the opposite effect on him.
What you had not noticed was how a flame had gotten past a rock and licked one of the branches the bowl was sitting on. The bowl slipped from it when the wood burned to a crisp and fell into the fire. From fear to let this meal go to waste you nearly reached into the flames to retrieve the bowl before it would all be burned.
The Ash Man saw it happen and stopped your hand from going anywhere near the flames, and without thinking of the consequences, he reached into the flames himself and retrieved the bowl. His Ash Folk markings glowed a fiery red at the contact, the Hidden’s whispers made their presence known.
That red fire-like glow distracted you for a blink, then reality kicked in again.
“No!” You were on your knees instantly and pulled at his lower arm to get his hand out off the fire, dreading the damage it had done to his skin.
He put the bowl down, feeling it’s heat still against his skin but the feeling was easy to forget when he saw the concern in your eyes.
You moved his hand closer to you to inspect it, holding it with both hands like it could fall apart at any moment “By the gods, your hand!”
His thoughts were slowed for a moment.
No one had ever shown him this sort of concern. Only Percival. He did not expect it off you.
The sight of seeing you so distressed over his health made him want to comfort you. “I am alright. It’s alright.”
You thought you had gone mad, there was not an inch of burned skin on his hand to be seen. “I saw… but you…”
His voice was as gentle as it could, “I am Ash Folk. Fire cannot burn what is already ash.”
The sudden urge to stick a finger in the fire to see if it was real passed your mind and you fought that out off your head.
His hand was warm, not a mark of the flames was left on it, and that red glow beneath his eyes was gone.
Lancelot’s head tilted a little, like he wished to read your mind.
It was because you were still holding on to his unharmed hand and looking at it like an infant who did not understand the purpose of a rock.
It lasted until he brought his other hand around yours.
Seeing it happen had rattled you, “Fire can’t hurt the Ash Folk?”
He offered the only knowledge he had on it. “I cannot speak for others, only for myself. And I cannot burn.”
Your eyes lifted to his. “I didn’t know that…”
“Burning my cloak will not harm me either.” He smirked.
You pulled your hands free. “A sword still can.”
Leaving him to simmer on that, you looked at the bowl with the meal you had been trying to prepare.
He saw you look a bit doubtful at the bowl. “It’s not burned. I would smell it.”
You felt the bowl and when it didn’t feel too hot to touch you held it up. “Here. Taste it. I’ll wake Squirrel up.”
It was by accident that his fingers grazed over yours as he took the bowl, that is what you told yourself at least.
The boy was reluctant to wake up, until Lancelot walked over and let the scent of the meal go right up Squirrel’s nose, that surely helped.
It wasn’t the greatest meal, but it was a good breakfast. Afterwards, you packed everything up into the sacks again and continued the journey through the forest.
Considering that the three of you had been riding on horseback for days now, it was a nice change to walk through the forest for a while just leading the horses along.
Squirrel took the opportunity to dart around and get rid off some of the build up energy inside of him.
Lancelot walked beside you with Goliath and often had to hold the reins a little firmer when the horse kept trying to walk closer to you.
The loyal creature had not forgotten the attention he had been given by you.
“Can I hold the reins?” Squirrel asked you all of a sudden.
You trusted him enough to hand them to him. “Yes.”
The boy was content to be the one leading the horse for once and you were happy to be able to stroll around freely for a while too.
Fall had begun and leaves were beginning to pile up on the ground, you kicked them around a little.
The encounter with the white stag was still on your mind, and the encounter with the Ash Man afterwards too. You looked at him over your shoulder and saw him turn his head the other direction, you did the same.
The sound of galloping horses disrupted the peaceful forest.
A group in a forest close to Uther’s castle? This was undoubtedly some of his soldiers patrolling.
Lancelot sprung into action and took the reins from Squirrel’s hand to tie them to Goliath’s, he send the horses away before they could be detected.
You ran to Squirrel and grabbed his hand.
The Ash Man took hold of your upper arm and led you to the largest tree in sight.
The tree was so large that you could hide between it’s roots which were half-raised above the soil as they had grown over rocks.
The open space under the tree wasn’t big, but the shadows were dark enough to hide the three of you.
You held Squirrel close against you, keeping his feet from sticking out too far from under the tree.
Lancelot did not react on having you lean into his chest somewhat with your back.
The horses stopped nearby, and you could hear the men talk about the bonfire that had been extinguished not long ago.
Then there was laughter, they didn’t care much.
One was heard excusing himself to the others, who he referred to as ‘soldiers’, to go and relieve himself against a tree.
A quiet hissing reached your ears and when you looked down you saw an adder close to Squirrel’s feet. The boy had noticed it too and was frozen in fear.
You couldn’t grab your sword, Squirrel was half-laying on it and moving him could tempt the snake to bite.
When looking at Lancelot to see if he had noticed, you also noticed how close your face was to his now.
His eyes were fixed on the snake while whispering to the both of you, “Don’t move.”
Easy for him to say, the snake wasn’t getting closer to his legs.
Squirrel squeezed his eyes firmly shut.
The voices of the old gods found their way to where you were hiding. It wasn’t your silent prayers they were responding to, you could feel it.
The green leaf like markings were crawling up his arm as he invited the gods he was taught to forsake. He could feel their presence on his skin ,and the snake suddenly recoiled as if it had been attacked by the wind, it quickly slithered away.
You let out a breath from relief, as did the boy.
The footsteps of the soldiers grew closer and Lancelot kept his hand on the pommel of his longsword.
Should he handle the threat or wait it out?
It would be near impossible to escape or fight if they found him hiding.
You felt Lancelot try to move and get up from under there. You considered it a terrible idea and leaned into him so much that he’d have to push you off of him if he wanted to leave.
“They’ll find us!” He hissed into your ear.
“Stay where you are.” You hissed back.
And so the three of you were stuck there, in that narrow space with limbs starting to cramp up, because after an hour these soldiers still had not left.
Needless to say, that all three of you were bored.
It wasn’t easy to keep Squirrel awake, his snoring would have surely alerted the soldiers to your presence.
The soldiers’ conversation turned to the events they had experienced the night before at the inn where you had rented the basement for the night.
Your hands were covering Squirrel’s ears when you heard it.
Thankfully you weren’t subjected to the revealing discussion for long and you soon heard them depart.
Your leg had fallen asleep and the boy was the first to crawl out from under the tree. You were next and all but dragged your leg behind you.
The Ash Man seemed glad to finally be free of the tree and rubbed at his sore neck. Once it was certain that the soldiers were gone, he whistled for Goliath, who came at his call and brought your horse along.
You untied your horse’s reins from Goliath’s.
“We should go before they think of coming back.” You told Lancelot.
He agreed on that, not willing to be stuck hiding for another hour, so he helped Squirrel get up on Goliath’s saddle.
You rode away from the place, hoping to not encounter soldiers again.
It took some hours to reach the end of the forest, and by midday you were riding in an open field.
A barn you recognized was seen in the distance, home was not far off anymore…
“Squirrel?” You rode closer to them and saw the boy turn his head. “I want you to know that we’re not traveling to a friend. I lied about that because I wasn’t sure if I could trust Lancelot yet.”
The Ash Man was glad that you were honest enough to say it aloud.
“But… where are we going then?” Squirrel was confused.
Lancelot answered it for you, “To her family.”
Not an answer the boy had expected. “To Dawn Folk?”
You were honest and forward about it “Yes. There’s my father and mother. My cousin is a bit younger than you. You’ll be meeting them.”
Squirrel knew it was a delicate question to ask, curiosity won over fear, “Didn’t you say that you couldn’t go home anymore?”
A small sigh slipped out of you. “Well… they won’t be very excited to see me. But it’s the best chance we’ve got.”
And you wouldn’t be staying long enough to anger them further…
The boy had more questions, “Can they heal others too?”
You nodded. “My cousin will still be learning to do so. My parents can’t do it as well as they once used to.”
Squirrel frowned at that, “How come?”
The story of your parents meeting was not a common one. “The Dawn Folk has been hunted and enslaved for a long time now. The Brotherhood once captured my parents when they were young, that is how they met. They were able to escape but their magic had been drained from them so much that it never fully returned.”
It worried the boy to hear how using magic came at a cost, “Can it kill you?”
You admitted it. “It can. It has killed most of the Dawn Folk.”
The crack in Squirrel’s voice twisted your stomach. “I don’t want you to die.”
Lancelot reassured the boy before you could do so. “It will not happen.”
You did not expect him to sound so firm on the matter, and didn’t know how to interpret it. It was like he considered it a personal task to prevent it.
A little stunned, you offered some comfort to those worries Squirrel had. “Not for many years I hope. But remember what the Hidden wants us to know, death is not the end, and I would find you in any life I am given.”
Lancelot saw the boy smile at you in adoration.
He did not know if he should still pray for a life after this one, but he had an idea to what or who it should include to make him want it.
The boy was content with the promise of the Hidden to look after the Fey even in death.
And you prayed they would allow you to live a long life first.
You had past the barn a while ago and now you could blindly find your way home, it was something the Ash Man could tell, the map was no longer necessary.
The closer you got to home, the more nervous you felt. It would be a lie to say that you didn’t want to turn the other direction a couple of times.
“Nervous?” Lancelot suddenly asked.
You hoped he could relate, “Imagine you had to go back to the Church, how would you feel?”
He answered lightheartedly. “I do not think your parents will wish to see you burn.”
“Don’t give them ideas…” You mumbled under your breath.
The cheeky twit decided to get on your nerves, “Look at it from the bright side. Will you not be seeing Matthew again?”
Your head snapped around and you saw both of them grin. “Ugh. I never should have told the two of you about him.”
Squirrel thought you needed some help with it, “I could tell him that you like him, if you’re too scared to do so?”
You couldn’t even think of how embarrassing it would be to get rejected a second time. “Squirrel, no! Absolutely not!”
The Ash Man could not hold his laugh and turned his head away.
That rotten…
It wasn’t in your nature to just let it go. “This is your fault! Why did you have to-…ugh!”
You steered your horse to ride a little further away from them and heard Lancelot chuckle along with Squirrel.
It wasn’t long before you came along the creek you had often played at as a child, it was shallow enough for the horses to just walk through.
“We’re close.” You informed and hated how your voice shook.
This time Lancelot was more compassionate upon hearing it. “It will all be well, y/n. I believe I will offer enough distraction to spare you from the worst of it.”
Well, you didn’t want him to be on the receiving end of the possible outrage. “It doesn’t make me feel better to think that you might be riding into danger. There will be other Feys there, Lancelot.”
He was quiet for a moment, as if he needed to process the fact that you were worried for his safety.
“We’ll tell them he’s one of us.” Squirrel chimed in.
You looked at Squirrel. “We’ll have to.” Then send a sympathetic look at Lancelot. “Hide your face in that hood until we are with my parents, Ash Man. Do not take risks. Please?”
You hated to ask this of him, but the markings beneath his eyes would reveal his past to the Fey.
He was not insulted by the request. “Fear not. I will do as you ask.”
It was a relief to hear. “Thank you. And I am sorry, I wish you did not have to.”
He shook his head slightly. “No one to blame but myself for this.”
You still could not hide that you felt bad over it, he was trying and here you were reminding him of the fact that the Fey will not be welcoming to him.
The silence that had fallen between you was palpable and lasted until your home came into sight past the trees up on the hill.
You pointed in it’s direction. “That’s where we are heading. Up on that hill.”
Lancelot looked where you were pointing at, “Behind the fort?”
“No. We are heading to the fort.” You said.
The Ash Man and the boy looked at you dumbfounded.
This was not something you had mentioned…
“You lived in a castle?!?” Squirrel was flabbergasted.
To you it was just home, a big home that was true, but it was not something you flaunted with. “It was the court of the Dawn Folk, it was passed down to my family after the last king died. My father was once a knight of the Fey.”
The boy asked, “Why is he no longer a knight?”
You got a bit quiet. “He abandoned the title after the Dawn King was murdered by the former leader of the Brotherhood in battle years ago. My father tried to save the king but could not, so he returned the fort alone and without his title.”
Lancelot questioned why the fort was left unclaimed by the Church until it dawned on him. “We were never given orders to come here…”
The Church would never have been given the authority for it, the Holy Father would not risk crossing two kings so gravely.
You explained the reason for it. “Because this is not part of Uther’s kingdom, it is King Cenred’s. Uther is not foolish enough to try and take the land of another king, especially not Cenred’s, they are at a peace treaty with each other but the tension remains. If the Church attacks the fort or it’s people, Cenred will send his army to answer for it. This is not about the Fey, this is about power and land to him. Not even Uther’s soldiers are permitted to enter the forest ahead.”
Ah, yes. It was well known that King Cenred did not care what the Fey or druids did in his kingdom as long as it did not cause him any problems. Therefore it was also considered a dangerous land because of rogue druids, uncontrolled magic and dangerous woods.
It was almost amusing to him how a building could lead to war and he pointed it out, “That fort is on the border of causing war between two kings.”
You hummed with a smile. “The Dawn King loved the idea of tormenting the Church. So close, yet still untouchable.”
Lancelot hoped there would be no more surprises, “Is there anything else we should know before we go further?”
There was…
This was the part that worried you the most considering you were traveling with the former Weeping Monk.
You looked at him with compassion. “It’s not just my family who lives up there, all Fey are welcome. But my father is the one who is in control of the castle and the rules to live there. To get to the fort, we will have to go through a small Fey village too.”
He sighed and got off of his horse. “I should not travel further like this.”
It confused you greatly, he had been so insistent to meet your parents before…
“What do you mean?” You asked while Squirrel looked as confused as you were.
Lancelot took a linen sheet out of the sack and tore a long piece from it, he proceeded to bind it around half of his face like a veil.
This make-shift veil hid all from sight except his eyes, and even they were hard to see now between the shadows of his hood and the veil.
He mounted Goliath again and ignored the quirk in Squirrel’s brow that was aimed at him. “This will offer some anonymity.”
You weren’t smiling like the boy was. “I’m sorry you have to do this, Lancelot.”
He shook his head slightly. “What matters now is that we get there safely. I will do what is necessary to ensure it.”
You only felt a little better when his eyes found yours and he gave a slow nod. “If it is alright with you, I will lead the way from here. I know where the village starts and we should not be riding into it without announcing we are Fey to the ones keeping watch on the place.”
He agreed to it. “Very well. I do hope you have told me all there is to know, it would be unfortunate to learn we have been traveling with a Fey princess beyond our knowledge.”
You began to ride again and resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. “I’m not a princess, Ash Man.”
He actually dared to say it. “As I thought.”
Even Squirrel could tell that the tall oaf was saying it just to rile you up, and he turned his head to face him as if it were to scold.
Since when did he find such joy in getting you angry?!?
You weren’t going to ignore the comment, “What’s that supposed to mean? You think I can’t be a princess?!”
It was Squirrel who gave the unexpected lovely answer. “You look like one.”
“I-” Your anger was gone in a flash.
Even Lancelot looked stunned by the boy’s compliment.
You almost believed your ears were playing games, “I… look… like one?”
Squirrel nodded as if there was no doubt in his mind, then he turned his head again to look the tall oaf right in the eye, “She does, doesn’t she?”
Expecting another foolish answer from the Ash Man, you turned your eyes away from them.
The boy gave his stubborn friend a nudge in the side with his elbow and whispered, “Tell her!”
Would it not cross a line to speak of his opinion on your appearance?
He felt his past prevent him from doing so.
Squirrel was disappointed at the persistent silence coming from him.
You ignored it, the Ash Man was not the sort of person to put attention on a woman’s appearance, he had been a monk most of his life so it came as no surprise.
But you did appreciate the sweet compliment you had received. “Thank you, Squirrel. It’s sweet that you think so.”
You rode closer and brushed your index finger to his cheek, seeing it turn red a bit in return.
“Y/n.” Lancelot pulled your attention and pointed at a tree.
A Fey sign was hidden between the branches of a tree, it was meant to give directions to Fey who did not know the way.
You saw it too. “We’re getting close. Ride slow and follow me.”
The deeper you went into the forest to reach the hill, the more Fey signs you encountered. They were made of branches and rope, using everything nature had to offer to create the signs.
The scent of Fey grew stronger and stronger.
By now he could find them blindly if he wished to.
After minutes of riding, you slowed down and told them it was better to dismount before going further.
You made sure to walk close to Lancelot, Squirrel would be safe here but if they realized who else had come along…
Faun archers were in their wooden build hideout in the trees. Only those of the village knew of their presence and their task to guard the village from outsiders.
This was how it had always been in the old villages before they were burned out off existence.
You stopped before getting too close to the trees they were in and shouted, “Born in the dawn!”
With bows in hand, they came out of hiding and looked down at where you were.
Some of them recognized you right away and you could hear them say ‘Dawn Folk’.
One of them gestured for you to get closer.
“And who is with you?” A Faun woman called out.
You just said, “Feys.”
A Faun man said to her, “That’s definitely her.”
She seemed to agree on that. “You know the way, Dawn Woman.”
That you did…
They let the three of you continue on your path without a problem.
The familiar place was in sight now and you grew more nervous by the second.
This Fey village was modest, but well build into the forest compared to the many other Fey camps. It was spared from the Church’s brutality on the Fey.
There were houses build of stone and wood, in all kinds of shapes. Some had their homes in the caves and tents scattered around the forest.
It wasn’t much but it was cozy, it was home.
From what he could see, this community was closely tied together. And the presence of strangers was instantly noticed upon arrival.
Youwere greeted by people who recognized you, and acknowledged it without getting close to them and leaving the Ash Man’s side.
Did you think he would not notice how close you walked now? If they recognized him, you were the only thing standing between him and an angry mob. It was a thought he did not like in the slightest.
“It’s the summoner!” People said among each other.
Even without having accepted he Hidden’s offer, the title was still bestowed on you.
Whenever someone got close, you took a step in front of Squirrel and Lancelot to shield them from curious eyes.
You walked a little faster through the village, then your feet froze on the spot at the sight of him.
Matthew was speaking to a merchant and turned his head when hearing those around him speaking off the summoner all of a sudden.
Those honey colored eyes were on you right away and you didn’t know where to look.
You cursed under your breath and Lancelot was the only one to hear.
“What’s wrong?” He feared someone had recognized him.
Nerves crashed into you. “Matthew is walking over to us.”
The concern in the Ash Man’s eyes changed into something else, he scanned his surroundings to spot the man approaching you.
“Let me do the talking.” You told both Squirrel and him.
Squirrel was quite curious to see what the fuss about this Matthew was about.
He could already smell that the man was Sky Folk.
Matthew stopped a few paces in front of you, eyes drifting over you until they landed on your face. “Well, well, if it isn’t our summoner. Welcome back, y/n.”
You were tongue tied for a second but managed to find your voice to greet him. “Matthew. It’s been a while.”
“Far too long.” He said. “You brought… friends?”
Matthew looked past you to Squirrel and Lancelot.
It was the first time you had referred to them as such. “Uhm… yes.”
Matthew looked at Lancelot a moment longer before fixing his eyes on you again, “I’m guessing you are here to see your parents?”
Your voice grew small. “I am.”
He send you a compassionate look, as if he knew that you were walking towards the lion’s den. “I am sure your mother and cousin will be as glad to see you as I am.”
But your father was another thing…
“Let’s hope so.” You gave a small smile.
Matthew stepped closer and, for the first time since you had known him, embraced you.
You didn’t know how to respond and kept your arms at your sides until your mind caught up with what was happening, only then did you shyly put a hand on his shoulder.
Something made him release you quite quickly.
“Where are my manners…” Matthew reached a hand out to Squirrel. “I am Matthew, what’s your name?”
Squirrel arched a brow, weary of strangers. “Squirrel.”
The way the boy arched his brow was familiar to you, he was picking up habits that the Ash Man had.
When Squirrel showed no intention to shake his hand, Matthew offered it to Lancelot next.
“And you are?” He asked.
Lancelot’s reaction was far more expressive as he declined to shake hands as well.
It was no surprise that he refused to do so, he was not the hand-shaking kind, not to strangers at least.
Matthew withdrew his hand and looked to you for an answer.
“This is Lancelot.” You gestured to the stubborn Ash Man.
“Good to meet you.” Matthew said to the both of them, then turned to you. “Mind if I walk you home then, like I sometimes did?”
You ignored the side-eye from Lancelot and accepted the offer. “That would be lovely.”
Lancelot’s eyes snapped to the side, like he resisted the urge to roll them.
And so began the walk to and up the hill that led you home.
“Where did your friend find his sword?” Matthew asked at the start of the hill.
He did not ask Lancelot directly, considering not a word came from him.
Had you heard the change in the man’s tone as well?
By reflex you looked at the sword in question, the one that still bore the cross…
The sword stood out far more than the one you had.
Lancelot answered, sounding quite annoyed that he was not asked directly. “In the hands of a dead man.”
Whether Matthew believed it or not, he cared little.
Matthew seemed glad that Lancelot had finally spoken, “Oh. May I ask why you hide your face?”
All these questions…
You worried that Matthew suspected something. “He has a very sensitive nose. Some smells make him nauseous. How has my family been?”
Well, it wasn’t a complete lie and you hoped speaking of your family would distract him off it.
Matthew could probably tell that you wanted to divert the conversation away from Lancelot. “Your cousin behaved quite rude right after you left. I think he was angry at your father. But he became better, and grew quite a bit. I believe he’s almost as tall as young Squirrel with you.”
You barely dared to ask, “And my mother?”
He struggled to say it. “Mirena… she uhm… it broke her heart.”
Hearing it broke your own and made you fell silent.
Matthew noticed. “She is a strong woman and always believed you’d come back one day. I think she understood why you left.”
Lancelot walked only a few steps behind you with Squirrel and could hear all.
He could see how much it took from you to not show the heartbreak you felt upon hearing the news of your mother’s reaction to your departure.
The Ash Man caught up with you and touched the back of your arm lightly to get your attention. “If you do not want to go through with this, we will turn back.”
After coming all this way he would just turn back if that was what you wanted?
Your eyes found his. “I owe it to my mother and cousin.”
And to Squirrel… especially to him.
It felt so hard to believe Lancelot would not be disappointed in you, “You wouldn’t be angry for making you come all this way and then having to just turn back?”
He did not look away from you. “I would not.”
It was baffling to hear.
“Thank you.” You quietly said. “I will continue, but it is nice to know that you are at my side regardless.”
With a slight tilt of his head, he acknowledged your choice to continue.
Matthew gestured to resume the walk up the hill. “Don’t be nervous. I’m sure your father will be glad to see you as well.”
You highly doubted that. “It’s alright. You don’t have to lie.”
He seemed almost relieved. “Thank the gods.”
You did smile at his reaction, but it was clear that he was trying to make you feel better instead of telling you the truth and you didn’t know whether you liked it or not.
It was nice of him, but… you’d appreciate it more to go on ahead with knowledge of the true situation up in the fort.
But Matthew was sparing you, and heavens only knew how your father would truly react once you got there.
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partystoragechest · 6 months
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A story of romance, drama, and politics which neither Trevelyan nor Cullen wish to be in.
Canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting invites four noblewomen to compete for Cullen's affections. In this chapter, time winds back to explore Trevelyan's trip to the Dales.
(Masterpost. Beginning. Previous entry. Next entry. Words: 3,173. Rating: all audiences.)
Chapter 37: Red Lyrium
Only by seeing red lyrium could one truly comprehend its evil. Only by feeling it.
It had been all well and good, playing in a workshop with a tiny sample—but what stood before Trevelyan in the Dales was no tiny sample. A malignant claw of crystallised depravity rose out of the ground, thrumming with a sickening energy.
Many more surrounded it.
The beautiful, mossy landscape of this forest had been warped by their wicked influence. The ancient cliffside they’d broken through had been torn asunder. Gaping red wounds splintered through its facade; a death by a thousand cuts.
No birds sang in the nearby trees; wind rushed through canopy leaves unaccompanied. Even the animals knew.
It almost made Trevelyan sick to her stomach, the mere sight of it. Perhaps it was the crawling feeling, that it sent skittering across her skin. Regardless, she kept her strength, and kept her eyes upon it.
“It’s almost like it’s infected,” she muttered to Dagna, who prepared their device. “All red and angry, like an inflammation.”
“Huh.” Dagna rose up, and stared at it herself. “I kind of think it looks like my dad.”
“Your dad?”
“Yep! That’s the colour his face went when I told him I wanted to go to the surface and study magic.”
Trevelyan managed a smile, but her attention remained upon the crimson mass before her. A halo of lightheadedness crept around the fringes of her mind. They were stood further from it they had ever been the Inquisition’s sample—and yet, it still had effect.
“Are you nearly ready?” asked one of their guard, approaching.
Dagna took one final check of the device, and nodded. “I’ll load it onto the cart.”
Not the cart they had travelled in—a smaller version, just about big enough to carry the device. Of course, they could not haul it anywhere close to the red lyrium themselves: should it work as intended, the carrier would be sacrificed with it.
But Trevelyan had rather insisted against Dagna’s strategy of throwing it, this time. Instead, a rope was attached to the little cart, and the device secured inside.
“Prepare the barrier,” she told Trevelyan, whose responsibility now came into play.
Again, Trevelyan had insisted: she would not, this time, be taken off-guard by an explosion. Dagna was to wait until a barrier was conjured around the red lyrium, and made stable.
“Do you need me to fetch your staff?” asked the guard.
Trevelyan shook her head. “I don’t have one.”
“D’you need one?”
“I’ll be all right. It’s… a simple enough spell.”
“Very well.” The guard crossed an arm over his chest. “We’ll see to it that the perimeter is secure.”
He marched off to where the other guards waited, well clear of the red lyrium. They formed a sort of semi-circle around the area, surveying the woodland for movement; for disturbance. Nothing stirred.
All was in place. Trevelyan reached for the Fade—yet, strangely, it was not far. Its energy rushed up to greet her, and suffused her with its might. Plenty and enough. ‘A simple spell’, she’d called it—words she would soon regret.
No staff nor focus was already a disadvantage; but as she tried to alter the world around this burning crystal, form the Fade into an impermeable barrier—the world refused. Someone, something, pushed back.
Trevelyan tensed her body, eyes narrowing upon the red lyrium. It was like trying to lift a boulder; trying to topple a solid brick wall. The harder she tried, the greater the resistance.
A drum, distant and echoing, entered her mind. It was the dull, rhythmic sound of a mother’s heartbeat, heard from within her womb. Red. Crimson red.
Trevelyan released, breathing heavy.
“Are you okay?” asked Dagna.
Trevelyan wiped the sweat that had accumulated on her brow. “It doesn’t like it,” was all she could say.
“I have more length on the rope—let’s take a step back,” Dagna suggested.
Trevelyan agreed. They gave it a few more feet, and gave the signal to their guard.
“The cleansing rune isn’t helping?” Dagna asked as she prepared, referring to the one she’d ensured that they carry. Just in case.
Trevelyan shook her head. Apparently not. It mattered little.
Time to try again.
She summoned her strength, and in turn, the strength of the Fade. As she bade it form up, form it did. Crackling, struggling—but forming. Green forcefields rose to imprison the lyrium node—yet strained, under the same weight Trevelyan faced.
It had taken a little longer, this time, for the pressure to sink down upon her skull. But as she grew her barrier skyward, that opposing force threatened to pull it back down.
A distant hum droned somewhere in the back of her mind.
“Go,” she told Dagna, everything she had being driven into maintaining that field. The hum continued.
Dagna did not hesitate—she launched the cart away from them, its wheels screaming towards the red lyrium vein. “Firing!” she yelled.
Trevelyan held fast, braced for what was to come—
A second passed. It didn’t come. The hum got louder.
That second turned to seconds, to more, and more, and more. They stared at that little cart, sat idly where it had stopped, right by the red lyrium vein. Guards glanced back, to see why it was so silent.
Through all of her strain, Trevelyan had no answer. Be quiet.
“Good thing we attached that rope!” Dagna joked, quickly reeling the cart back in.
It trundled hurriedly towards them, skipping and bumping over every mound of moss or shard of rock, wheels whistling cheerily as they turned.
The moment it was through Trevelyan’s barrier, she dropped it. Air returned to her lungs as if she’d not breathed. Sweating, shaking. Hunger, ravenous hunger.
It quickly subsided, thank the Maker. Dagna placed a hand upon her arm.
“You okay?”
“I didn’t expect it to be this strong,” muttered Trevelyan.
Dagna nodded. “I didn’t either—but I did prepare, just in case. I think the anti-magic that’s affecting you is affecting the enchantment. We can try the other devices; see if their increased amplification works.”
The words washed over Trevelyan. “It’s so strange—the Veil feels thinner, but the magic is harder.”
Dagna shrugged. “Everything about this is strange. But we’re doing our best!”
The secondary device was brought, and exchanged for the first. Dagna loaded the cart once more, prepared its cargo, took hold of the rope. Trevelyan’s turn.
One might have thought—perhaps even hoped—that the barrier was easier to conjure the second time. That with practice, it would become as simple as any other barrier.
But as Trevelyan began to cast once more, that hope was quickly dashed. The whispers, the humming, the weight, and the heat—they all found her again. Slowly, trickling, one by one. The resistance was the the same, the effort just as agonising.
Yet, the barrier formed.
Deja vu, as Dagna sent the cart hurtling forward. It skittered over the ground, shot through the barrier—and came to rest at the foot of the node.
The cart was retrieved, the barrier dropped. A rest, taken gladly, as the third and final device was brought.
“This is the strongest we’ve got,” said Dagna. Trevelyan already knew that; but the statement was said as almost an affirmation. This one, this time.
Trevelyan dropped her barrier without even waiting for the device to be retrieved. Dagna, panicked, rushed to pull it back in. But Trevelyan, breathing heavy, told her:
“It doesn’t matter. It’s not going to explode.”
Dagna thought for a moment, staring at their creation, the useless thing it was. “Maybe if we try a smaller node?” she suggested. “You take a rest. I’ll find a different one.”
Trevelyan sank to the ground, and watched Dagna walk away. Her eyes cast back to the red lyrium vein. She already knew how this was going to end.
Unaccompanied trees remained unaccompanied. Rustling, no birdsong. Rustling, no explosions.
Night had fallen; they’d returned to camp. Tents, stood far from the veins, sat within a clearing, encircling a bonfire that was currently being lit. Bedtime soon; travel back at dawn—they hadn’t the approval to extend their journey.
Not that it would’ve helped. Amplification hadn’t worked. Smaller nodes hadn’t worked. It had to be something wrong with the enchantment itself.
It had to be her own fault.
Trevelyan sat at the edge of camp, staring off into the darkened brush, listening to the trickling of a nearby river. If she closed her eyes, all she could see was runes. Endless runes. Which had been wrong? What had she missed?
“Your Ladyship?” came a call.
She turned, to see their guards all huddled around the bonfire, one ineffectively striking a flint, another looking to her.
“Could you set a fire for us?” asked the woman. “Westie’s no use!”
“It’s wet!” the other guard, ‘Westie’, complained. “I didn’t bloody get it wet, did I?”
If only to cease the bickering, Trevelyan rose. She trudged towards the fire, and waved a hand in its general direction. A fire lit immediately, warm enough for the whole camp, and smokeless for the secrecy.
The guards thanked her, though one more begrudgingly than the others. Trevelyan barely paid attention. Her usefulness exhausted, she sighed, and stepped away.
“At least that worked,” she muttered under her breath, turning back to find her solitary spot.
But when she looked, she found it occupied. Dagna stood in her path.
She raised a lantern—enchanted, to glow—and tipped her head towards the woodland. “I was gonna collect some water. Want to come?”
Trevelyan nodded; there was little to argue.
They ambled off together into the pitch-black, leaving a guard alerted to where they were headed. Their only light was that of Dagna’s lantern—it shone well enough, and Trevelyan hadn’t the motivation to conjure some flame of her own.
The river was best located by sound, anyway, and it was not far. Less than a minute of walking, and they were at its bank.
The light of the lantern sparkled across its surface; it was no more than a small stream—to the calves at its deepest—but it tumbled down from on high, through a delicate little waterfall in which the glow reflected.
“Perfect!” said Dagna, setting the lantern down. She filled a flask with its crystal-clear waters, and splashed a little on her face, too. “You really don’t get this sort of thing in Orzammar.”
The idea made Trevelyan a little more appreciative of it, to be sure. “Not in the Circle, either.”
Dagna rose. “Yeah.” She fell silent, for a moment, then said: “I’m sorry about yours.”
Trevelyan shook her head. “Doomed to fall, eventually.”
“Still hurts, all the same.” She took a sip of the flask, then secured the lid. “I heard from some of the big-shots that something happened, before you came to Skyhold.”
The word was getting out, then. Trevelyan knew the Grand Enchanter to be aware, now; she’d figured the mages had been told, given the looks she got from the Ostwick contingent. They were of two kinds: sympathetic, or disgusted.
Then again, perhaps she was imagining them. Perhaps she saw what she expected to see. Perhaps she saw what she thought of herself.
“Yes,” she confirmed to Dagna, at least, “something did.”
“Are you okay?”
Trevelyan smiled, albeit weakly. “I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry.”
Trevelyan bent down to the river, and dragged a finger through it, toying with the ripples. “It’s all right. It’ll pass.”
Dagna bent down with her. “Is that how you lost your staff?”
“I destroyed it myself,” Trevelyan told her, recalling in her mind a woodland much like this one. “I needed to hide the fact I was a mage. I smashed the focus, and buried the pieces. I burnt the shaft as firewood. The blade, I kept for defence.”
But even that had gone, eventually—something of what she’d sold, to earn her crossing to Ostwick.
“You must feel incomplete without it,” murmured Dagna.
The thought hadn’t occurred to Trevelyan before; but she’d not really had time to think of it. The words, newly arranged within her mind, hit as if a dagger.
A feeling, now recognised, could be described: she was a half a mage without her staff.
“I wonder if things would have been different, if I had it,” she confessed.
“What things?”
“The explosive. If I’d had it—would it not have failed?”
Dagna placed a hand on Trevelyan’s back, and gave her a sympathetic rub. “Don’t take it personally—this happens all the time with my experiments,” she reassured. “Things fail until they work.”
Trevelyan shifted, so that Dagna’s hand fell away. She pushed herself to standing. “I should’ve worked more. I shouldn’t have wasted so much time running around after my friends.”
“What?” Dagna stood herself. “How much more could you have worked?”
“There’s—there’s just no time to try again. It was this, or nothing—the only reason we cannot stay longer, the only reason we have to go back to Skyhold tomorrow—is because soon enough, I am to be returned to my parents. There’s no time.”
“And your parents don’t like magic?”
Trevelyan chuckled at the notion that they ever would.
“Yeah,” Dagna said, recognising the answer. “I know what that’s like. I mean, when I say my father didn’t want me to leave—Ancestors, he was furious! But I had to do what I wanted to do. I couldn’t live if I wasn’t doing this!” She turned to Trevelyan, urging in her eyes. “Maybe you need to do the same.”
“Do what?”
“Seek out your own path in life, like I did when I came to the surface,” Dagna explained. “Doesn’t have to be with the Inquisition—could be anything. I could even help you find something. The Circles may have fallen, but… there are people out there studying, like us.”
This idea was one that, to Trevelyan, had only ever appeared as a dream. She had always wished that there would be something, somewhere, out in the world, waiting for her. But seeking it out was a risk. A risk she could not afford to take.
“What if I fail?” she asked. “Like with this? Like with the Circle? If I forsake my parents, I will having nothing to return to should everything collapse again.”
Dagna shook her head, smiling. “I’m not sure about that! I mean, that was a pretty big farewell party that came to see you off. Biggest I’ve seen for such a short trip!”
Trevelyan recalled how they’d left Skyhold—those waving people, all lined up, just for her. The Ladies. Herzt. Varric. Dorian, if he could bother to get out of bed. Sera, somewhere. In her mind, their hands changed, from waving her away, to beckoning her back.
Dagna continued, “You know, there was a reason I was always so lax about when you showed up to work—well, two. One was that you work way too much anyway. But the other is that I knew you were making friends, making connections! And you came across to me as someone who needed that.”
Tears welled in Trevelyan’s eyes. Yet Dagna went on:
“I don’t regret how much time you didn’t spend in the Undercroft. I don’t think this would’ve worked even if you had. But if you had, you wouldn’t have those people. And for you to do the work I know you’re capable of, you need those people.”
At long last, Trevelyan smiled. “You are correct as always, Arcanist.”
Dagna giggled. She gave Trevelyan’s arm a loving bump, and told her emphatically: “Have confidence in who you are. I know how scary that is—but you need it, if you’re going to see this through. You know who you are. You know what you’re capable of. Right?”
Trevelyan nodded. She knew who she was:
“I am Trevelyan of Ostwick,” she said, “I am mage, and I am excellent at arcane study.”
“Don’t tell me”—Dagna spread her arms wide—“tell the world!”
Trevelyan turned out to the river, and the forest beyond. She called out: “I am Trevelyan of Ostwick, I am mage, and I am excellent at arcane study!”
“Let it out!”
Trevelyan sucked in a breath, and released it as a scream. The energy of the Fade warped and cracked under the weight of her emotion. Every injustice that she had endured, every barb that stuck, still bleeding, within her skin, was released.
Ice formed at her feet, spreading over the river. It continued with her scream, rapid and clawing, consuming the flowing waters and bringing them to a standstill. It climbed the waterfall with ease—scaling it, as it scaled over.
The sound of the water stopped; the sound of her scream stopped. She withdrew.
Dagna grinned. Nothing but ice before them. A gentle, frosty mist settled in the air. “Perfect.”
The ice cracked and shifted quietly, the only sound. Breath turned cloudy, in its proximity. The lantern’s glow glittered across the surface.
Peace and tranquility, something Trevelyan had longed to feel. The hope that came with a future of possibility.
But it was soon interrupted. Leaves rustled and brush moved; clanking armour came running through.
“Arcanist, your Ladyship!?” called guards, weapons drawn.
Trevelyan and Dagna turned back. Their retinue arrived, mouths falling open at the scene: a frozen river, glimmers in the air, and their two charges—completely unharmed.
“Everything’s fine, thank you!” Dagna told them.
“You sure, Arcanist?” asked a guard.
It was fortunate these guards were trained not to ask questions, for they asked none. Instead, they simply sheathed their blades and withdrew into the brush. Though chuntering to each other as they went, they left the area as they’d found it.
Trevelyan nodded gratefully to Dagna, who shrugged cheerily back. The latter bent down to the enbankment, and picked up a sizeable rock.
“We don’t want to flood the plateau,” she said, before hurling the thing at the frozen waterfall. (A trait of hers, it seemed.)
The stone smashed through the ice, cracks arcing outward; under the growing force of the water above, the waterfall burst open, and shards rained down in a shimmering hail.
As water rushed to regain lost time, Trevelyan pushed out a heavy breath. Emotions flowed through her mind, like the river retaking its course. She was exhausted.
“I think I ought to head to bed,” she murmured.
Dagna nodded, pulling a sheaf of paper from the bag at her waist. “Don’t forget to read Varric’s bedtime story,” she said, handing it to Trevelyan.
Trevelyan took it, and stared at it. Her tired mind was barely able to make out the words—and yet, a thought formed within it.
“I know we can’t delay our journey,” she said, “but may we stop by the node again tomorrow, briefly?”
“Sure,” Dagna replied, “why?”
Trevelyan flicked through the pages. “There’s something I want to test.”
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luimagines · 11 months
Team Rocket Blasts Off at the Speed of Light
Part 9!!
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter
Hyrule had a fun time just flying around in some impromptu game of high stakes tag. After he went so long flying through Hyrule, following the fairy magic to find Sky (and Twilight), he thought that he could go a long time without flying again. But that was before they stuck him in a bottle. Now it’s as if flying was the freedom he didn’t know he craved.
He knows now that this was the fairy that he sensed earlier. Her magic was too unique, too potent, but still unmistakably fairy-like. Granted, the other magic person was similar in that regard but there was something… off about them.
This fairy in particular though, was enough for him to realize that there was more than meets the eyes. And he’s not talking about her appearance in general. 
Hyrule ducked and flew around the hideout, diving in and out of rooms and flying circles around the fairy. She kept screaming profanities at him. He didn’t exactly have the cleanest mouth on the planet but this little lady took it to a whole other level. He would laugh if he didn’t think that she would only have more reason to catch him and perform violence against his character.
Eventually, she got tired of following him around. Which worked for him because he was running on pure adrenaline at that point. Hyrule stopped and waited for her to find a small place to rest on. He could hear her panting and letting out breathy curses aimed in his general direction.
He bit his lip in a vain attempt to keep a straight face. “Now that you’re less murderous-”
“I haven’t even begun to be murder-”
“What kind of fairy are you?” Hyrule landed gently next to her, making sure to not get too close. At least not within swinging range.
She glares at him, hitting her fist against the box. She snaps to him, venom on her lips and daggers in her eyes. “That is none of your concern!”
Hyrule puts his hands up in mock surrender with an easy grin on his face. “Come on. I’ve been around enough fairies to know that you’re the run of the mill kind. It’s not like there’s anyone else here that’s going to hear it.”
“Of course I’m not “run of the mill!”  She huffs and crosses her arms. “I am powerful and strong and the best of my kind-”
“You can’t even heal.” Hyrule blurts, cutting her off. “That’s why you were so adamant on keeping me, right? You… Don’t have a lot of magic in general. I understand it now.”
She makes a choked sound and turns away from him, keeping her head high. “Well… That changes nothing. I am still the greatest and there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s why I called the Lesser Fairy to help out when I noticed the rifts-”
“A Lesser Fairy?” Hyrule tilts his head. “What does that make you then?”
“Shut up!” She snaps at him again, startling the poor boy. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with that genuine question. “Yes! The Lesser Fairy. There’s only two of them. They’re nowhere near the majesty of a Great Fairy that your people have even though they’re powerful in their own right. So I had to step in because they wouldn’t be anywhere near any action if you let them be and I had to tell them-”
“You tell them what to do?” Hyrule interrupts her again.
“Yes! Pay attention!” She bounces in her spot, glaring at him. Hyrule feels like his mind is scrambling to piece the bits of information together. She’s talking too fast with too many new things for him to keep up. “I’m in charge here and there’s nothing either of the other two can do about it. They wouldn’t have ever noticed the dark changes if I didn’t step in. Even if I’m stuck in this form, there’s still a lot I can do. So don’t cross me!”
Hyrule feels like he’s reeling. “This form?... Were you once a Great Fairy?”
She stops again. Her face slowly grows more red as the seconds pass and the silence grows. Hyrule isn’t sure if she’s embarrassed or pissed but he thinks he’s about to find out in a hot second.
He tries to ask one more question. “...How did you all meet then?”
“The Lesser One was called on by me anyway.” She jumps onto the change in topic without any hesitation. “They work with portals and other rifts between realms anyway. Pinky is their friend. I don’t know how they met and I don’t care. But she’s useful and the Lesser One listens better to her anyway, so I haven’t bothered kicking her out.”
Hyrule adjusts his position and swings his legs over the side of the box. He... doesn’t know what to think of that, but somewhere in between the lines, he can see that’s an aspect of respect in her words. Perhaps she just says it differently. It appears she had a lot of power at one point. He’s met other people like her. They don’t take well to being demoted for any reason- even less so giving the credit due to others.
He hums and takes a breath. His wings flutter slowly behind him as they rest, pumping softly in time with his heartbeat. He half expected her to try and kill him now. He must have tired her out too.
He leans over and smirks. “How powerful are you again?”
She grits her teeth. “Very.”
“Are looks correlated with power?”
“What kind of stupid ques- EHH?!?” She turns to him again, stunned if only for a moment.
Hyrule takes his shot and winks. “My name’s Link. But I’ve been going by Hyrule or The Traveler. Makes it easier that way. I don’t think I ever got your name.”
“And you never will!” She stands suddenly, huffing and puffing and red in the face.
Hyrule snorts. “We’ll see.”
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hippiemisfit · 9 months
Hush (J.K.) 9
Tumblr media
Chapter Nine- Where are we?
pairing: jungkook x oc reader
word count: 1,808
warnings: lowke kidnapping, he brings her to hell, mentions of WWH, depictions of hell, jealousy
The only I could see was a bright light. I went to turn around but Hoodie grabbed me before I could. "Where are you going?" he asked.
"Where am I going?" I asked," Far far away from here. I don't know why you thought it would be a good idea to bring me to the gate of Hell but that was a very dumb decision on your part-"
He interrupted me," You and all of your insults today. Someone's feisty." I rolled my eyes and continued saying what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Now I would like to go home please, so either you take me or I find my own way back."
He laughed and pulled me closer to him,"You're not going anywhere other than with me. Now let's go." He picked me up and put me on his shoulders," Hey put me down."
"Nope," he said and walked through the gate. I closed my eyes and tried not to have a panic attack. I could feel immense heat all over me. It felt like he walked forever until he finally stopped and let me down. I stayed glued to him and kept my eyes closed. He chuckled," You can open your eyes."
I shook my head and held him tighter," Nope not going to happen, until we leave this place." He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me to his chest,"We are not leaving until you open your eyes, I have to do something and then I will take you to where I actually want to take you. This is just a little detour. Trust me nothing will happen to you." He planted a kiss on my forehead.
That's when my eyes snapped open and I pulled away from him,"Ok listen to me. I don't know what is going on between us or what you really want from me but all this kissing and touching has got to stop. What happened earl-" I was cut off when he slapped his hand over my mouth.
"I dare you to finish that sentence Mahj. I dare you," he growled out, his eyes boring into mine. He pulled away and removed his hand from my mouth. I didn't speak, too scared to.
"Let's go," he said and walked off. I looked around and was shocked at what I saw. It wasn't like anything I had pictured in my head when I thought of hell. It looked like we were just inside any ordinary office building.
There were chairs but they had nails sticking up in them, water jugs with what looked to be something that I'm sure wasn't water, and the floor felt like lava with how hot it was. The heat and the never ending line out the door made me know for sure that I was never going to sin.
How I missed the line in the first time I'll never know. Everyone was either moaning, groaning, saying they didn't belong here, or crying.
I looked forward and saw that Hoodie was far in front of me and was leaning against a front desk, waiting for me. I started to run up to him but was pulled back by someone. I struggled against them,"Hey why are you trying to cut the line, you have to stand in line like the rest of us... No it's ok she can cut in line she's pretty... I don't care I've been standing in this line forever and she thinks that she can just cut, nope not going to happen... be nice ok, it doesn't even look like she belongs here, she's an angel... psh whatever."
I was finally able to get out of his grasp when he was too distracted with talking to himself. I ran away fast and stopped in front of Hoodie. I could hear him softly chuckling in front of me and I rolled my eyes at him. He turned and started to, I think, flirt with the receptionist. Only she wasn't responding to anything he was saying.
"Um hello," I said snapping my fingers,"Are you going to show me why you brought me here or are you just going to flirt with a dead person all night."
I saw the receptionist roll her eyes and winked at him," Come and see me later." He laughed and headed to the elevator, me trailing behind him. We got inside and he hit the top floor button. I crossed my arms and looked straight ahead.
"Jealous much," I heard him mumble.
"What did you just say?" I asked.
"Nothing, nothing." He said.
The elevator finally stopped at the top floor and we got out. I looked around and saw that there was a huge glass office in front of us.There was another receptionist but when she saw Hoodie she just hurriedly looked away from him and glanced at me with concern.
I tilted my head in surprise and confusion. I was about to say something when the glass door was slammed open, surprised it didn't break, and a handsome guy walked out. He looked handsome. You could call him Worldwide Handsome almost.
He came up to Hoodie and gave him a big bear hug,"Ju-Death what a surprise," he pulled back and looked at me,"who is this?" He studied me and I could feel my ears starting to burn from his gaze. Hoodie snapped his fingers and got Worldwide Handsome's attention. "You know who she is."
"Yea I know," he said and looked back at me," Nice to meet you Mahj. I've heard much about you, particularly about that pure little soul of yours. Death here won't shut up about it since he got a taste of it the first time, but he never said how beautiful you are. You know I've never been with-," he said.
Hoodie cut him off with a cough but I knew what he was going to say anyway. "Oh ok nice," I whispered still mesmerized by his beauty.
Hoodie cleared his throat and we both looked at him," Are we going to stand all day or are we going to go and sit down." He stomped away and headed into a door that I didn't see before next to SD's.
"Jealous much," I mumbled and went inside after him. I could hear Worldwide chuckle behind me. I looked around and saw that it fit Hoodie well. It had a dark tone to the room but not too dark, pleasant even.
"I'll leave you guys alone for a while, but don't leave without saying goodbye." He closed the door behind him and I was left alone with Hoodie.
He was sitting at his desk and had a laptop open in front of him. I walked over and sat at one of the chairs. "So what are you doing?"
He mumbled something. "What," I asked.
He cleared his throat,"I'm checking into something after I'm done we can go." I nodded and started to fiddle with my fingers.
"You don't have to just sit there." I got up and walked over to the window. I looked out and saw that there was a huge riot outside. People were tearing into each other and yelling and screaming. I saw people from the line, exiting the building I was in to join the riot.
"What's going on?" I asked not looking away from the scene in front of me.
"It's hell, don't let the office fool you. It's just like it's depicted in the media, just a little worse." I nodded and walked away from his window and peeked over his shoulder at his computer. He was going through what looked to be a schedule for the week.
"Why didn't the receptionist on this floor try and talk to you?" I asked. He shrugged,"Maybe because she can't speak."
I scrunched my face in confusion,"What do you mean she can't speak?"
"Haven't you heard? They don't call me the Silent Killer for nothing."
I'm bored. This is boring and now I'm irritated because I could've been asleep right now dreaming about Jungkook's face and not doing my homework for the night.
I sighed and walked backed over to my chair. I sat down but my patience only lasted a few seconds," Can we go now," I whined.
"Yes." he closed his laptop and we walked out his office. I headed towards the elevator and pressed the button. I heard Hoodie tell Worldwide goodbye and then he came up beside me. The elevator came and we entered.
I was tapping my foot waiting to get to the first floor. "Stop," he said. I tapped my foot louder and crossed my arms. My arms were thrown down and I was shoved against the elevator wall. He was right in front of me in a second, smashing his lips onto mine.
I went to touch him but he grabbed my hands and placed them against the wall.
"No touching," he said against my lips and pulled me closer. He squeezed my ass and I gasped in response, allowing him entrance. I heard the elevator ding and he pulled away from me, exiting the elevator leaving me panting. I fixed my hair and cracked my neck. I walked out the elevator after him and went up to the receptionist, where he was. Surprise, surprise he was flirting with her again.
How he can go from mauling me in the elevator to flirting with someone else is beyond me but I don't even care. "Excuse me," I said. She glanced at me but kept silently talking to him. I cleared my throat but still got no response. I tapped his shoulder and he still ignored me.
I rolled my eyes and just walked away from them. I walked past the never-ending line and towards the gate. I tried to push it open but it wouldn't budge. Maybe it's a pull not a push. I tried to pull it, but it still didn't work. "What the hell," I said in frustration.
"Don't bother it's not going to open, tried it already," I heard someone behind me say. "Ugh," I pressed my head against the gate,"why can't my life just be normal?"
"Is there really such thing as normal?" Hoodie said coming up behind me. I turned to face him,"Well I see you're done flirting now so lets go, I do have a life and it consists mostly of me sleeping."
He reached behind me and pushed open the door. I turned and went outside and kept walking. "Where are you going?" I heard him ask from behind me. "To far far far away with Shrek, Fiona ,and Donkey so I can be far, far away from yo ass, now good night." I stuck my middle finger in the air and kept going. When I got to the point where I couldn't see him anymore, I realized my dumb mistake.
Nice going dumbass, you're in the middle of nowhere and you left the one person who can take you home.
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
"Define dangerous?" Alex tapped critically upon her chin, not noticing Nico's uneasy wince as she studied Magnus reading the new chapter title. "A swear upon the river stakes? A dare? You don't have to bathe a cat do you?"
"Her mind went from life or death, truth or dare, to cats." Percy gestured like they'd missed this. "Why are my thoughts being analyzed here?"
"If we could switch points of view we would," Thalia sighed.
"I've always been more partial to charades as far as games," Rachel grinned back.
"Oh, I own that game!" Alex beamed and was clearly only a breath away from challenging her now.
As much fun as that would be for all of them to see, Magnus reluctantly turned to the book when Jason pressed his palms together and begged him to keep reading.
Will didn't disagree, but he was getting worried about Nico again as he had his eyes trained on the ever-growing cracks on the ground. They could easily fit a shoe in one now, any larger and they were all in danger of falling into the unknown surface below anytime they got up to get a snack or use the bathroom.
If Percy lost it one more time, Nico might risk shadow traveling down one of those. This was probably the longest he'd been anywhere, since those first days at camp.
This would be the day he'd said goodbye to his sister, if he had at all.
And there was nothing in the world Will could do about it to make that better. Especially if Nico didn't want anybody to be there for him.
Blackjack gave me a ride down the beach, and I have to admit it was cool. Being on a flying horse, skimming over the waves at a hundred miles an hour with the wind in my hair and the sea spray in my face—hey, it beats waterskiing any day.
"You get to do the coolest things!" Jason was wiggling in his seat like a kid about to ride his first roller coaster. Thalia looked a little green, he looked so like that toddler... but they imagined it was because she didn't go near the ocean much, considering her dad.
"I'll be happy to race you when we get back," Percy proudly agreed, "but be warned, Blackjack's pretty unbeatable."
Jason's face lit with challenge, there was the smallest moment where the ocean breeze ruffled up his straight blonde hair that made Percy look at his own hands in confusion if he'd done that before Magnus cut in, "I call winner!" Then grandly kept reading so they didn't have to wait a whole year to get to that.
Here. Blackjack slowed and turned in a circle. Straight down.
"Thanks." I tumbled off his back and plunged into the icy sea.
I'd gotten more comfortable doing stunts like that the past couple of years. I could pretty much move however I wanted to underwater,
Percy glowered at the water surrounding him now in betrayal. Whatever Oceanus had done to take that way, he clearly took it personally.
The others sort of did too, because it would have been nice if he'd taken all, or nothing.
just by willing the ocean currents to change around me and propel me along, I could breathe underwater, no problem, and my clothes never got wet unless I wanted them to.
I shot down into the darkness.
Twenty, thirty, forty feet. The pressure wasn't uncomfortable. I'd never tried to push it—to see if there was a limit to how deep I could dive. I knew most regular humans couldn't go past two hundred feet without crumpling like an aluminum can. I should've been blind, too, this deep in the water at night, but I could see the heat from living forms, and the cold of the currents. It's hard to describe. It wasn't like regular seeing, but I could tell where everything was.
As I got closer to the bottom, I saw three hippocampi—
"Is Rainbow and the gang back?" Magnus asked brightly, looking all around the room as if still hoping one would pop up now.
"Did they bring Tyson?" Alex asked just as eagerly, though she well knew he probably wouldn't sneak out of the forges. Man she needed to meet that guy and instill a little fun in him as they swapped design techniques.
"I don't think it's the exact same ones as before, and no," Percy seemed just as disappointed as them. As miserable as he was around camp, it would have been nice to see a familiar face like his brother around if he just dipped into Long Island sound.
fish-tailed horses—swimming in a circle around an overturned boat. The hippocampi were beautiful to watch. Their fish tails shimmered in rainbow colors, glowing phosphorescent. Their manes were white, and they were galloping through the water the way nervous horses do in a thunderstorm.
Magnus's voice was pure longing as he read that. It was something that no matter how many times it was described, he knew he'd still have his breath taken away when he saw them in person.
Something was upsetting them.
I got closer and saw the problem. A dark shape—some kind of animal—was wedged halfway under the boat and tangled in a fishing net, one of those big nets they use on trawlers to catch everything at once. I hated those things. It was bad enough they drowned porpoises and dolphins, but they also occasionally caught mythological animals. When the nets got tangled, some lazy fishermen would just cut them loose and let the trapped animals die.
"Where's Artemis when you need her," Percy scowled, "I bet these fishermen wouldn't pull any more stunts like these if they were jackalopes."
"Poseidon doesn't take kindly to them either, they never give proper sacrifices before being so awful to his creatures," Thalia agreed.
Apparently this poor creature had been mucking around on the bottom of Long Island Sound and had somehow gotten itself tangled in the net of this sunken fishing boat. It had tried to get out and managed to get even more hopelessly stuck, shifting the boat in the process. Now the wreckage of the hull, which was resting against a big rock, was teetering and threatening to collapse on top of the tangled animal.
"I've never heard a better reason to get up at 5 am, not even donuts," Percy said without regret now.
"Baby animals, water skiing at sunrise, you sound like you're living a millionaires life," Will grinned.
The hippocampi were swimming around frantically, wanting to help but not sure how.
One was trying to chew the net, but hippocampi teeth just aren't meant for cutting rope.
"Is there a specific set of animal teeth for that?" Jason grinned.
"My money wouldn't be on a herbivore," Alex shrugged.
Hippocampi are really strong, but they don't have hands, and they're not (shhh) all that smart.
"We'll take your secret to the grave Percy," Rachel chuckled.
Free it, lord! A hippocampus said when it saw me. The others joined in, asking the same thing.
I swam in for a closer look at the tangled creature. At first I thought it was a young hippocampus. I'd rescued several of them before. But then I heard a strange sound, something that did not belong underwater:
"The cow?" Alex did a double take, once again leaning closer than ever over Magnus's shoulder, obscuring the book with her green hair to get a look.
"Well I didn't say mew, did I?" Magnus agreed as he spat a bit out and nudged her playfully back away. She just leaned right back in and he kept going with a smile for this strange habit of hers.
I got next to the thing and saw that it was a cow.
"Ten points, to Alex learning her animal noises," Jason agreed with the same strange look on his face.
Even those in the know Percy had just stumbled across the ophiotaurus like this were slightly taken aback at the randomness of it all and looked appropriately confused.
I mean... I'd heard of sea cows, like manatees and stuff, but this really was a cow with the back end of a serpent. The front half was a calf—a baby, with black fur and big, sad brown eyes and a white muzzle—and its back half was a black-and-brown snaky tail with fins running down the top and bottom, like an enormous eel.
"Naww," Will couldn't help but coo. So long as the snake half didn't wiggle about to much, he liked to think he'd give Bessie a little scratch on the ears.
"Was Poseidon having fun with his doodles and one came to life?" Rachel grinned at the little baby she'd never seen. It was a great description to start her own outline.
"The first cow Percy's met who hasn't tried to kill him," Alex helpfully reminded as she mentally sculpted the cutie.
"Whoa, little one," I said. "Where did you come from?"
The creature looked at me sadly. "Moooo!"
But I couldn't understand its thoughts. I only speak horse.
"I'm sure there's an app for that," Thalia chuckled, "maybe your dad can download the rest of the sea life if you ask nicely."
"I'll hold off on that until I get a sample of what dolphins are actually saying about me," Percy grinned. "My mom would kill me if I came home learning new cuss words from them, she'd take back her custody agreement."
We don't know what it is, lord, one of the hippocampi said. Many strange things are stirring.
"And this one's taking it literally," Jason agreed, imagining the muck it was swilling around in, plus stirring two different animals into one.
"Yeah," I murmured. "So I've heard."
I uncapped Riptide, and the sword grew to full length in my hands, its bronze blade gleaming in the dark.
The cow serpent freaked out and started struggling against the net, its eyes full of terror.
"Whoa!" I said. "I'm not going to hurt you! Just let me cut the net."
But the cow serpent thrashed around and got even more tangled. The boat started to tilt, stirring up the muck on the sea bottom and threatening to topple onto the cow serpent. The hippocampi whinnied in a panic and thrashed in the water, which didn't help.
"I think I'll take the free trial of that app though," Percy said uneasily as he tried to figure out how to be everywhere at once. Soothing the hippocampi, freeing the calf quickly, and stopping the boat from coming down on them. Some great hero he was, couldn't even save a baby animal from a net without making it all worse.
"Okay, okay!" I said. I put away the sword and started speaking as calmly as I could so the hippocampi and the cow serpent would stop panicking. I didn't know if it was possible to get stampeded underwater, but I didn't really want to find out. "It's cool. No sword. See? No sword. Calm thoughts. Sea grass. Mama cows. Vegetarianism."
"Where is Grover when you need him," Percy chuckled along with them, it was just too precious an image not to.
I doubted the cow serpent understood what I was saying, but it responded to the tone of my voice. The hippocampi were still skittish, but they stopped swirling around me quite so fast.
Free it, lord! they pleaded.
"Yeah," I said. "I got that part. I'm thinking."
But how could I free the cow serpent when she (I decided it was probably a "she")
Percy gave Alex a winning smile, and she graciously nodded a potentially wrong guess was far better than calling the little one an it the entire time he was rescuing her.
panicked at the sight of a blade? It was like she'd seen swords before and knew how dangerous they were.
"I'm guessing people in ancient times didn't greet her with sea grass and vegetarianism," Magnus said in sympathy.
"Why is everything either a bad omen or food back then?" Thalia pouted.
"All right," I told the hippocampi. "I need all of you to push exactly the way I tell you."
First we started with the boat. It wasn't easy, but with the strength of three horsepower, we managed to shift the wreckage so it was no longer threatening to collapse on the baby cow serpent. Then I went to work on the net, untangling it section by section, getting lead weights and fishing hooks straightened out, yanking out knots around the cow serpent's hooves. It took forever—I mean, it was worse than the time I'd had to untangle all my video game controller wires. The whole time, I kept talking to the cow fish, telling her everything was okay while she mooed and moaned.
"It's okay, Bessie," I said. Don't ask me why I started calling her that. It just seemed like a good cow name.
"Duddett, that is the most cliché cow name in existence!" Alex laughed. "Are you going to name Cerberus Max too!"
"So says Alex," Percy shot right back. "The first common, gender-neutral name that comes to mind."
"I make unoriginal look new," she swept a hand through her green hair with a very proud smirk.
"Hey, curious," Magnus said quickly before anyone could ask him to keep reading, "if your name wasn't gender neutral, would you change it every time you switched? Or, like, would you just want to be a guy called Sally?"
"It depends per person," she forcefully reminded again, before smiling at him and answering, "I would be okay with being called Sal, but I've met some who would still go by whatever name they pick no matter what gender. I've met those who identify as male go by Alice and females named Tobias, they all have stories. It, it's hard to explain in a short amount of time..." Her mind hovered over Adrian and she quickly waved for Magnus to go on now.
"Good cow. Nice cow."
Finally, the net came off and the cow serpent zipped through the water and did a happy somersault.
The hippocampi whinnied with joy. Thank you, lord!
"Moooo!"The cow serpent nuzzled me and gave me the big brown eyes.
"Round three of pretending to be vegetarian for a week?" Thalia asked mildly.
"I'll get back to you on that," Percy didn't bother to hide the sarcasm in his smile.
"Yeah," I said. "That's okay. Nice cow. Well... stay out of trouble."
Which reminded me, I'd been underwater how long? An hour, at least. I had to get back to my cabin before Argus or the harpies discovered I was breaking curfew.
I shot to the surface and broke through. Immediately, Blackjack zoomed down and let me catch hold of his neck. He lifted me into the air and took me back toward the shore.
Success, boss?
"Yeah. We rescued a baby... something or other.
"Who wants to bet Percy is not going to actually go home and look it up," Jason almost made a longing moan at the deprivation.
"Not on your coin," Magnus agreed with the same disappointed frown.
Took forever. Almost got stampeded."
Good deeds are always dangerous, boss. You saved my sorry mane, didn't you?
I couldn't help thinking about my dream, with Annabeth crumpled and lifeless in Luke's arms. Here I was rescuing baby monsters, but I couldn't save my friend.
"No good deed goes unpunished," Nico repeated grimly. Annabeth had saved Percy and Thalia's life with that stunt and suffered greatly for it. His sister had died on this quest. The domino effect of that one action had rippled all over everybody's life.
As Blackjack flew back toward my cabin, I happened to glance at the dining pavilion. I saw a figure—a boy hunkered down behind a Greek column, like he was hiding from someone.
Nico felt a rattling breath pass his lips before he could smash them back shut and lock his jaw tight. Here it comes, he knew. This conversation he'd memorized by heart without the aid of the book. 'I'm not holding a grudge Bianca, I'm trying, I promise...'
It was Nico, but it wasn't even dawn yet. Nowhere near time for breakfast. What was he doing up there?
"Studying the architecture?" Alex asked innocently.
Nico didn't react, even to the joking comment about Annabeth that made Percy wince with longing.
I hesitated. The last thing I wanted was more time for Nico to tell me about his Mythomagic game.
Even now, in the midst of his stupid, childish pedestal he'd held Percy on for so long having its greatest weakness revealed in the aftermath of knowledge in this quest, some part of Nico still felt the rejection of that. He'd never been more than a nuisance to his hero.
But something was wrong. I could tell by the way he was crouching.
"Blackjack," I said, "set me down over there, will you? Behind that column."
Percy did care though, Nico knew. It wasn't the love, admiration, and attention he wanted from Percy, but many other campers wouldn't have stopped to ask the dumb kid what he was doing. The Stoll's had only rolled over in their sleep when he left the cabin and grumbled at him not to get lost in the forest.
I almost blew it.
I was coming up the steps behind Nico. He didn't see me at all. He was behind a column, peeking around the corner, all his attention focused on the dining area. I was five feet away from him, and I was about to say What are you doing? real loud, when it occurred to me that he was pulling a Grover: he was spying on the Hunters.
"I hope Grover's not somewhere around there gawking too, or Artemis might have to start filing restraining orders," but Rachel's light quip fell on deaf ears. Nico's eyes were vacant to all around him.
There were voices—two girls talking at one of the dining tables. At this ungodly hour of the morning? Well, unless you're the goddess of dawn, I guess.
"Another reason I couldn't make it there," Alex made a face, "I will not be contracted into a morning person."
"A minor fault of the gig," Thalia grinned with an exaggerated yawn, but no levity was stopping the darkness from seeming to grow around them, like the cracks Percy had made in the ground had awakened something. They'd swear the dim light that came from nowhere was fading.
I took Annabeth's magic cap out of my pocket and put it on.
I didn't feel any different, but when I raised my arms I couldn't see them. I was invisible.
I crept up to Nico and sneaked around him. I couldn't see the girls very well in the dark, but I knew their voices: Zoe and Bianca. It sounded like they were arguing.
"It cannot be cured," Zoe was saying. "Not quickly, at any rate."
"But how did it happen?" Bianca asked.
"A foolish prank," Zoe growled. "Those Stoll boys from the Hermes cabin. Centaur blood is like acid. Everyone knows that. They sprayed the inside of that Artemis Hunting Tour T-shirt with it."
Magnus spluttered in concern and double-checked the print that looked like someone was flicking black paint on the letters, making them bolder by the word and impossible to miss. "That's terrible! They tried to kill her over a game."
"It would only maim or seriously injure," Alex batted her eyes as she said innocently.
Magnus snorted in surprise while Thalia winced and did actually answer, "err, yeah, mostly that. She wouldn't have died so long as she got treatment." Phoebe had sworn revenge on the Hermes cabin though and was no longer allowed back at camp after the last time she'd stolen all of their clothes and spread them in the forest.
"That's terrible!"
"She will live," Zoe said. "But she'll be bedridden for weeks with horrible hives. There is no way she can go. It's up to me... and thee."
"But the prophecy," Bianca said. "If Phoebe can't go, we only have four. We'll have to pick another."
Percy glowered at this disastrous group already having its first hiccup and they hadn't even left camp, but he refused to turn his scowl on Thalia again. She hadn't been part of this conversation, of course Zoe wouldn't offer a hand to him next, and he had to stop blaming Thalia. It was unfair of him to even hope now Thalia would refuse to go without him along too just to fill in numbers.
"There is no time," Zoe said. "We must leave at first light. That's immediately. Besides, the prophecy said we would lose one."
"In the land without rain," Bianca said, "but that can't be here."
Magnus was practically having to read with the book pressed against his nose now, the light in here wavering like someone was flicking with the switch. Will made a gentle, humming noise in the back of his throat as everyone glanced at Percy for being the cause, and Nico forced himself to keep breathing. It hurt, and was growing sharper like the oxygen was fighting him.
"It might be," Zoe said, though she didn't sound convinced. "The camp has magic borders. Nothing, not even weather, is allowed in without permission. It could be a land without rain."
"Bianca, hear me." Zoe's voice was strained. "I... I can't explain, but I have a sense that we should not pick someone else. It would be too dangerous. They would meet an end worse than Phoebe's. I don't want Chiron choosing a camper as our fifth companion.
And... I don't want to risk another Hunter."
Bianca was silent.
Nobody would have let him go, Nico kept reminding himself over and over. Not any of them, he was too young, a useless child back then, she didn't want him to go. He could have done nothing to change this, and it wasn't Zoe's fault, it was Bianca's choice.
No matter what he kept telling himself, the hurt she hadn't even mentioned him didn't seem to be fading very well. 'Hard to not hold a grudge when you make it so easy sis,' he pressed his lips together painfully tight to stop himself snapping.
"You should tell Thalia the rest of your dream."
"No. It would not help."
"But if your suspicions are correct, about the General—"
"I have thy word not to talk about that," Zoe said. She sounded really anguished.
Zoe was right, Thalia kept her own bitter thought to herself. It wouldn't have helped to tell her. Thalia couldn't honestly tell herself what she would have done with the knowledge. Had a moment of empathy with Zoe as her dad wasn't the best either? Kept her mouth shut and kept it all to herself as she went out to save Annabeth and leaving Zoe's fate to herself? Been even more horrible to the frost princess of a girl for possibly leading them into a trap? It was an unknowable path, and one she didn't wish to dwell on.
"We will find out soon enough. Now come. Dawn is breaking."
Nico scooted out of their way. He was faster than me.
As the girls sprinted down the steps, Zoe almost ran into me. She froze, her eyes narrowing. Her hand crept toward her bow, but then Bianca said, "The lights of the Big House are on. Hurry!"
And Zoe followed her out of the pavilion.
I could tell what Nico was thinking. He took a deep breath and was about to run after his sister when I took off the invisibility cap and said, "Wait."
Like an angel and a devil over his shoulder at once, Nico morbidly thought to himself. His knight in shining armor appearing out of the gloom, making his heart leap at the sight of him before Nico had enveloped himself in shadows to escape the sight of him.
He almost slipped on the icy steps as he spun around to find me. "Where did you come from?"
"I've been here the whole time. Invisible."
He mouthed the word invisible. "Wow. Cool."
Will tried to give him an encouraging smile and wanted to ask him anything to keep his attention right now, but Nico's dark eyes were glowing an almost concerning purple, backlit in the iris's as the shadows on the wall twisted and shaped into pavilions and tables.
All Nico could see was that cold winter morning, smell the salt and feel the warmth coming off of Percy. How was it possible he could do any wrong when he could be everywhere at once in this world?
"How did you know Zoe and your sister were here?"
He blushed. "I heard them walk by the Hermes cabin. I don't... I don't sleep too well at camp.
Will gave up trying to distract him, he had a really bad feeling where this conversation was going coupled with the chapter title, but he did file that question away for later. Was it still true? The dark bags under Nico's eyes proved it was, and yet he hadn't slept at camp in months.
The others were watching Nico with their own concern, especially Percy as he kept nervously looking from him and away like a bad tick. Nobody else ever seemed to want to, or were able to gaze at him long enough to see such things for themselves.
So I heard footsteps, and them whispering. And so I kind of followed."
"And now you're thinking about following them on the quest," I guessed.
"How did you know that?"
The first of many times Nico had thought Percy knew the answer to everything. He knew better now, that Percy was fumbling along on these adventures as much as anybody in the god's world. Still brave, still a hero, still a good person who would likely stop and ask some dumb kid what was going on, but Percy couldn't do everything.
"Because if it was my sister, I'd probably be thinking the same thing. But you can't."
He looked defiant. "Because I'm too young?"
"Because they won't let you. They'll catch you and send you back here. And... yeah, because you're too young. You remember the manticore? There will be lots more like that. More dangerous. Some of the heroes will die."
He shoulders sagged. He shifted from foot to foot. "Maybe you're right. But, but you can go for me."
"Say what?"
"As if you needed him to tell you that," Thalia muttered, half surprised Percy hadn't already packed his bag to do it himself and sneak onto the bus.
"I really was going to go see my mom first," Percy tried to say that like he meant it, but even to his own ears it felt like a lie. Once he'd heard Phoebe was out, he would have kept the impulse to follow them until they all met in that dark cavern with Annabeth and Artemis.
"You can turn invisible. You can go!"
"The Hunters don't like boys," I reminded him. "If they find out—"
"Don't let them find out. Follow them invisibly. Keep an eye on my sister! You have to. Please?"
"You're planning to go anyway, aren't you?"
I wanted to say no. But he looked me in the eyes, and I somehow couldn't lie to him.
...those sea-green eyes that had lied to him.
"That famous actor parent must be awesome," Alex muttered as she tried to grin at Nico, but it was like looking at a shape in a dark room, the kind of thing that made your heart skip a beat even as you scolded your brain it was just some clothes on a chair. He looked like he was being shrouded in darkness.
"Yeah," I said. "I have to find Annabeth. I have to help, even if they don't want me to."
"I won't tell on you," he said. "But you have to promise to keep my sister safe."
"I... that's a big thing to promise, Nico, on a trip like this. Besides, she's got Zoe, Grover, and Thalia—"
"Promise," he insisted.
"I'll do my best. I promise that."
A black energy crackled in the room that sent everyone's hair standing on end, a sizzling, dangerous power that blasted an icy chill down each of their spines, except Nico.
He didn't seem to realize anything had happened, still sitting stoically, eyes vacant and pushing so hard at nonchalance as the others shivered while blaming it on Percy's continued sense of foreboding on this quest, even himself.
The lights had gone back to their normal vision like nothing had happened. Jason swallowed uneasily as he glanced at Percy and back to the book that didn't have any new dents on it. Percy was rubbing at his temple, his eyes closed.
Will was watching Nico with sad blue eyes, as the Son of Hades stirred and looked around as if just remembering where he was.
"Get going, then!" he said. "Good luck!"
It was crazy. I wasn't packed. I had nothing but the cap and the sword and the clothes I was wearing. I was supposed to be going home to Manhattan this morning. "Tell Chiron—"
"I'll make something up." Nico smiled crookedly. "I'm good at that. Go on!"
I ran, putting on Annabeth's cap. As the sun came up, I turned invisible. I hit the top of Half-Blood Hill in time to see the camp's van disappearing down the farm road, probably Argus taking the quest group into the city. After that they would be on their own.
I felt a twinge of guilt, and stupidity, too. How was I supposed to keep up with them.
"Hijack another bus?" Jason managed an uneasy laugh, almost wishing for the nearly inky black space around them now. There was a comfort in the dark, not having to see the pain this was causing everyone. Nobody laughed to light the room a little more.
Then I heard the beating of huge wings. Blackjack landed next to me. He began casually nuzzling a few tufts of grass that stuck through the ice.
If I was guessing, boss, I'd say you need a getaway horse. You interested?
A lump of gratitude stuck in my throat, but I managed to say, "Yeah. Let's fly."
Magnus uneasily lowered the book and passed it to Alex as he looked at Percy. If messing with the lights down here was his new resolution to all of this, he couldn't complain, but the way he was studying Nico left a sense of forbidding in them all it might not be Annabeth he'd been so worried about this time. Hopefully the kid hadn't snuck out with Percy anyways and gotten hurt.
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resistantlist75 · 1 year
Hello everyone!
It's been a while but I have been working on a small project for my own case of entertainment for three years now. Otherwise known as...
T̴͕̭̫̩̪͚̂̾̒̃̈͊̆͐̕H̸̰̠̙͒́̆̒̋͜Ę̸̣̺͂͑̾̈́ͅͅ ̶̗͍̙̖̙̘̑͌̏̑̌͂̈́̋͘D̸̨̧̧̻̞͔̼̬͓͑͊̐͌́̚̚͘ͅE̶̮͘Ṽ̴̺̠̓͒́͌Ĩ̶̧͎̥͍̗̱͛̀͛͝ͅL̴͚̫̈́̏̈́̌̓ͅŞ̵̛̹̞̿̓͋̓́͝͠͝ ̵̻̺̪̲̉̈́́͛̃̃́͝C̸͍̤̰̭̺̉̿͆Ǎ̶̧̫̝̲͕͙̳̲͓̐̑͝Ŕ̸̤̘͒̽͋̚Ť̸͓͍͚͚̖̻̔Ë̶͖́̐̉͑̊̐̚̚̕Ĺ̵̮̹̳͈̪̰̯̘̟͖̈́̋̀́̋͘
D̷̬̱̭͌̌̍͝Ï̶͈̤̝̐̈́̚A̴̟͗̈́͘̕͜ͅB̸͔̟̞̗̫̫͜͠ͅL̶͖̟̗̼͙̰̒͗̽̓Ọ̷̢̨̢̭̻̺̟̱͂͗̂'̸̘̖̯̫̈̀Ş̶̹̤̮͔̺̼̥͗̂́͊̏̈́̃͋̓̕͜ ̴͕͙͕̼̂̓̽̉Ś̸̫̝͕̻͓̈Ḁ̶͓̿͌̽͊̄͒͝Ỉ̷̬̓̇̅͒̕N̷̯̬̫͖̎͝Ṭ̵̢̟͚̝͇̖͂͌͋̎̂́̅̐ ̶̢̯͇̫͙̤̳͖͕̘͐͐̇̓͝&̵̦͍̖͉̇̿̚̕͠ ̴̤̙͇̩̬͇̟̗̱̺̓̽̉̐S̸͔̥͂I̸̠̬̤̘̣̽͘͝N̵̠̜̮͈̝̫̖̖͕̟̍̅̓͘͠͝͝͝Ņ̴̡̟͔͉̭̘̫̇ͅE̸͔͙̗͛̈́͑̄̚͜Ŗ̷̡̮͓̳̰͔͗̋
It has been a true interest to see everyone else have ocs of sorts that connect to a story line of some sort of game. This book is sorta based off of Army of Two The Devils cartel. But more into the future after the aftermath of the game. And with that, I introduce Chapter one:
𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕬𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖘
The wind howling, the sound of motor engines rumbling, tires crunching against gravel and dirt, the constant chatter between men in the vehicles. Four Humvees moving through the dirt and gravel, moving into the city of Kabul. The Convoy was carrying precious cargo along with two of the greatest armored operators who were sent by Trans-World Operations. Private contractors that helped Coalition, NATO Forces. 
“You guys good?” The Marine had asked the two male Operators
“Yeah, we’re set and ready to rumble.” One of the operators said. The male who answered went by the name of Kyle Kane. Kane was a young male who had joined the Marine CORP at 17 but soon was hired by Private military contractors. In uniform standing at six foot four, Kane is seen in heavy yet lightweight gear. Kane is wearing a ballistic mask with flame designs on the sides. With the gear considerably being bulletproof and lightweight, it provided great agility and Kyle enjoyed this very much.
The other operator who kept silent is known by the name Lance, a past left unknown, so mysterious that people fear him. Lance is Kyle’s best friend, for Lance is older than Kyle and is a huge mentor to the youngster. No one really knew why Lance took on the offer. In uniform, standing at six foot six, Lance is wearing a black ballistic mask with white stripes and is seen right-handed just like Kyle. The armor that is chosen for Lance is seen differently as Kyle’s, only that he is seen with more armor pieces.
“Good, Keep an eye out. They could be anywhere.” The Marine said over comms sounding agitated, it was obvious he was spooked by the surroundings.
Kyle gave a look of annoyance. “Rog’.” He said over comms hearing the Marine’s orders. “Hell As if this day couldn’t get any worse. They wouldn’t even tell us what the hell the cargo is! That’s bullshit!” He complained and gave a huge sigh.
Nodding knowing Kyle was Annoyed, Lance was upset about it too. “Well if it’s that precious that they won’t even tell us… Then it’s gotta be something big.” Lance said not really have common sense on the idea of what Big could be.
Being irritated, Kyle used a little common sense. “Lance, if it was big we would need a truck. It ought to be something else. Wait… remember that one time we f-” he was cut off by an explosion, he saw the smoke trail of the RPG and soon saw that the Humvee that was a few feet in front of them exploded. “Shit!”
Lance immediately put their humvee in reverse but being under pressure got the best of him and he wrecked against the other vehicle. Men could be heard yelling, the sound of explosions surrounding Kyle and Lance. Before the two men could escape the vehicle, their vehicle was struck by a powerful blow, knocking both of them unconscious.
4 hours later, night had fallen. The world had fallen silent from the aftermath of the strike. The silence was soon broken by the sound of Kyle’s groan.
“Bloody hell… Lance?” Legs trembling from pain, Kyle barely had the strength to get up. He crawled to Lance and a loud slap was the next thing that was heard. “Stop slackin’. We got a job to do.”
Completely awakened and startled, Lance sat up and held the side of his face. “Do that again, and that girl you got an eye for will know that you are sleeping on the job!” Lance growled at Kyle even though knowing he was joking around. The door was jammed so he took his foot and kicked the door open. What he saw next was enough to strike fear into his ruthless soul. He crawled out of the destroyed Humvee, stood up and looked at the decapitated body of a Marine.
“Jesus christ… what the fu-” Kyle crawled out as well. The sound of the remaining fiery flame agitated him. “Whatever we had, must’ve meant a lot to the enemy.”
“So Russian forces are our enemies?” Lance had found a Russian flag patch off of one of the dead bodies. He checked his comms only to hear static which was physically impossible due to the comms being a private connection. “We need to get off the streets. You think that guy we ran into the other day is still here?”
“Yeah, but this is a foreign country and if we run into Taliban’s, mate… First off, Russian forces weren’t supposed to be involved in the-”
Lance noticed that Kyle cut off mid sentence, “You got something?” Lance asked.
“They were involved because this is Russian forces shit.” Kyle examined their surroundings. “Whatever they wanted belonged to Russia, and they think we might have stolen it…”
Curiosity built up between the two, Lance took an AK-47 off of a dead body. “So what you’re telling me is that we took precious cargo that belonged to Putin?” Lance asked as he then took some magazines off the body.
“What I'm saying is that we weren’t supposed to be involved and that our actions may have just caused a conflict between us… and Russia.” Kyle said with a bit of hesitation. He looked back into the humvee and grabbed his M4A1 rifle.
“Someone framed us… and now we’re taking on responsibility?” Lance looked at Kyle with a huge amount of concern.
“Yes, it happened to my father. And I believe we could be put up as fugitives.” Kyle said, racking his M4 chamber.
Lance took advantage of their surroundings, having put his thoughts together before speaking, “Then we better get moving. We need to blend in, I bet Police are looking to find us on this site.” He said.
“Yeah, we need to figure out what the hell is going on… and I think I can get us some help. Let’s just hope that he’ll still pick up the damn phone..."
Not my best work obviously. But there are some more details before the start of chapter One that I will release for something different based on the Characters Kyle and Lance.
Not my best work obviously. But there are some more details before the start of chapter One that I will release for something different based on the Characters Kyle and Lance.
0 notes
cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
It’s All in the Perspective
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4491
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Gun Violence, Minor Character Injury, A Peek at Angry Bucky, Explosions (if that’s a warning), Mentions of Stevie (I really miss him, guys)
A/N: So! Here it is! Part 4.3! After long hours of laboring and slaving away - kidding, kidding. I had a bit of trouble with this part, not gonna lie, because there’s a lot of feelings I wanted to try explaining. To do that, there’s a little sort of twist at the end that, once I decided to put in, made the chapter much smoother to write. I wasn’t happy with it at first, but now I’m satisfied.
There’s a lot of things happening in this one; it’s longer than I had anticipated because of the little snippet at the end I added. It’s got a few scene-for-scene things, but I kinda blew past it just to get to the characters’ emotions and stuff. Plus writing action like the shipping yard scene is hard when you’re not focusing entirely on that scene, which I wasn’t.
You’ll notice that the last little bit with Ayo (the Wakandan) isn’t in this. That’s because I couldn’t really find a way to fit it in and I’m assuming it will fit in better with next week’s episode.
Not beta’d, so please excuse any mistakes! Thank you wonderful people for reading and commenting! I enjoy hearing your opinions and what you like about the show and the series! Enjoy the final Part for Episode 3 and stay tuned for an announcement tomorrow about the One Shots I’ll be doing in relation to this series!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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You and Bucky kept sneaking glances at each other as you walked through the dock, weaving between the different colored shipping containers with Sharon leading the way. Every time you caught his eye, his ears turned red and he looked away, scanning your surroundings. Not that you were any better, immediately turning away when he turned your way.
You almost kissed him. Fuck. You couldn’t let that happen. He was your friend. Your teammate. He was the best friend to the man you fell in love with, who just so happened to be your best friend. Your best friend who left you. Your best friend who you promised you would watch out for Bucky. 
Bucky…who you also fell in love with. Whether or not it was because of Steve, the fact of the matter was: you loved him. You loved both of them. And you’d never loved anyone like that before. And one left. And the other was trying to navigate through his shitty life. And you weren’t any better. Which is why, you decided in that moment, that no matter how much you wanted to - and holy shit did you want to - you wouldn’t pursue. 
Yet. Maybe. Ugh! When did feelings become so complicated?!
When you started having them.
You silently grumbled to yourself, shaking your head clear. You had to focus and be in the moment. Now was not the time to sort out what to do about the suddenly rising emotions towards the cerulean eyed brunette currently burning with you with a gaze you refused to return.
“Alright.” Sharon stopped, making the group stop as well. “He’s in there. Container 4261. I’ll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry; we’re on borrowed time.”
You each grabbed one of the earpieces she held in her palm, slipping it comfortably in your ear. “I’ll stay back with you.” Sharon went to talk, but you cut her off. “I’d feel better knowing it’s not just you out here.”
She pursed her lips, before nodding. “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
“I’ll be fine, Buck.” You insisted, checking your gun to make sure it was loaded. Bucky stayed quiet, nodding in begrudging acceptance.
You and Sharon headed off as the boys went towards the storage unit. “Just like old times, huh?” Sharon raised an eyebrow at you.
You grinned, shoving your gun in the thigh holster she let you borrow. “Let the good times roll, babe.”
“Absolutely.” Sharon winked, before you two split up to cover more ground. It wasn’t long before Sharon announced company and you took off sprinting in her direction.
You got to her just as more thugs approached her from behind, immediately lunging into action.
“Hey, so, we never finished that conversation!”
You grunted as you roundhouse kicked a guy, hooking your knee over his shoulder and pulling him to the ground by the neck “Really?! You wanna do that now?!”
“Sure! I’m not too busy!”
You rolled your eyes at her reply, seeing her knock a guy unconscious before she turned around to knee another one in the face. “What were we talking about?”
“Why’re you holding back?”
“It’s complicated!” You elbowed a guy in the ribs, flipping him over your shoulder and twisting his arm till a sickening crack sounded.
“Because of Steve?!”
“Yes - no! Kind of!” 
Sharon was on the floor choking a guy out as you slammed a guy’s head into a shipping container, pushing him at another guy. “You loved him didn’t you?! And I mean, like in love with him!”
“Who?!” You laced your fingers around the back of his head and brought his face down onto his knee.
“Director Fury!” You gave her a look which she snorted at. “Steve, you dumbass! Who else?!”
“Yeah! No shit I was in love with him!” You ran up the side of a storage unit to do a backflip and land on some guy’s shoulders, choking him out. Before he fell, you rolled off, tripping a guy in the process and elbowing his throat.
“Well at least you’re admitting it now!”
You were hit in the back of the head, thrown into a wrestle with another guy on the ground. You bit his hand, making him cry out, before you headbutted him. 
“You couldn’t even hear his name without having to remind people you were ‘just friends’!”
“We were just friends, Share! You know that!”
You heard her shoot of a gun a few times as you smacked someone in the back of the head with the butt of your gun, trying to save ammo. “You really never did anything about it?!”
She glanced at you incredulously from across the way, bodies now littering the ground. “And you don’t regret that?”
“No.” You sighed at her look, relenting. “Yes. Kind of. I dunno. I mean…he’s happy with his decision, and for me that’s enough.”
“But doesn’t it hurt?”
“Of course it hurts. It hurts like hell. But-”
“But you still have him so it’s all good.”
You bit your lip, shrugging. “Something like that.”
Sharon tilted her head, confused. “So why don’t you tell him?”
“I dunno. I don’t think either of us is ready.”
“C’mon. I saw you two earlier. You should’ve just kissed him.”
Rolling your eyes, you frowned when you noticed something missing. “Ah shit. My ear piece. It must’ve fallen out earlier.” You looked around, but Sharon stopped you, nodding her head between a couple shipping containers. 
“Don’t worry about it. Mine broke a little while ago, too. Let’s go get the guys. Tell them we need to leave.”
You nodded and started running with her to the unit Nagel’s lab was in. You followed her around the corner, only to widen your eyes and shove her out of the way. Two gunshots rang out, Sharon catching the guy right between the eyes, while the man’s bullet grazed your shoulder.
“Ow, fuck.” You hissed, hand immediately going up to clamp your wound.
“Dammit! You shouldn’t have done that, you idiot!”
You gave her a look. “You’re welcome.”
Rolling her eyes, she quickly tore off part of your shirt. “Hey!”
“First off, this is my shirt. Second, I’m just making it more of a crop top. Third, it’s your own fault, so quit your whining.”
“Touchy touchy.” You grumbled, wincing when she tied it around your arm.
“Just come on. And hey,” she turned to you as she sprinted with your wrist in her hold. “My advice? Don’t wait. Seriously. I know it must be weird, the whole he’s his best friend, he was your best friend, now he’s your best friend, thing you’ve got going on, but there’s nothing else stopping you. Steve made his choice. And he’d be fine with whatever you choose as long as you’re happy.”
You shook your head. “But Bucky’s still healing-”
“So? He’s already been on dates. I think you’re just using that as an excuse to protect your heart from hurting again. Trust me; Barnes isn’t going anywhere.”
Not able to respond since you were making your way to the guys in Nagel’s lab, you bit your lip, hating that she got the last say in the conversation. She definitely planned it so she would. “We’re outta time, fellas.”
As if things couldn’t get worse Zemo - that fucking snake, you knew he was gonna do something stupid - took out a gun he got from who knows where. You sure as hell didn’t let him have a gun. Before you could stop him, he shot Nagel, your best, your only, lead.
“Goddammit!” You growled as Sam and Sharon restrained him. “You fucking-”
The explosion came next, again happening faster than you could react. Bucky grabbed you and pulled you underneath him, covering you with his body as glass and metal flew around you. With ringing ears, you groaned, squinting your eyes open.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You were vaguely aware of the alarms going off, a red light blinking behind Bucky’s head. You nodded, his worried eyes softening just slightly at your response. “We gotta get out-”
“I know, I know. C’mon.” He helped you up, eyes catching sight of the makeshift bandage on your arm. “Dammit, what did you do?”
“I’m fine.” You pushed his hands off. “Go help Sharon. We’ve gotta move. Now.” He huffed, but nodded and moved over to get Sharon. You tried to see where Zemo went through the smoke, but he was already gone.
You four made it just before the whole thing combusted due to the chemicals in the lab. So much for any evidence or leads.
The moment you got out, you were thrust into a gunfight, rolling your eyes as Bucky and Sam, once again, did their own thing.
“Are they always like this?”
“Usually it’s worse. Wait until they start arguing about who was right.” Sharon gave you an unamused look to which you nodded at, ducking when a bullet whizzed by you. “I know. It’s so annoying.”
Sure enough, when Bucky ran out of bullets, the bickering commenced, making you huff and Sharon shout at them. “Are they serious?”
You shot a few more bullets before your gun started clicking. “Dammit. Unfortunately.”
“I’m out!”
“Me too!”
Another explosion and a person you couldn’t see clearly through the haze caused a distraction for you guys to get away, Sam practically shoving you and Sharon into an open shipping container as Bucky took care of a couple more bounty hunters.
“What happened? Both of your comms went out.” Bucky growled once he came in behind you, grabbing your forearm to study your wound.
“It’s just a graze. Chill your ass down. I lost my earpiece and Sharon’s broke.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, his voice low with warning. “What. Happened.”
“We rounded a corner, the guy was there. I shoved Sharon, he shot, she shot, I got hit, he’s now dead. Happy?”
“You promised.” He snapped, finger tightening on your arm. “You said you’d save yourself first.”
“Buck, let go.” Grabbing his wrist, you tugged a bit, wincing slightly. “Seriously. Stop. That hurts.”
He blinked, his features slacking and his fingers immediately dropping your arm. “Doll, I-I…fuck.” He turned to go punch through the back wall to get out of the unit you were in.
Before you could respond and tell him it was fine, the Baron himself drove up in a slick blue convertible. You groaned at Bucky’s response to Zemo. “We need him.” God, you were getting tired of hearing that.
“You’re lucky I don’t bash your head in.” You growled at him. 
“If you try that shit again-”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Sam raised an eyebrow when Bucky got into the passenger’s seat with no hesitation, looking at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but you shrugged and slipped into the back with Sam. Bucky and you always took the back seat. You had ever since the dumb little blue car Steve got.
You hugged Sharon in parting, knowing she couldn’t come with. “Hey.” She looked at you sternly. “Take a leap.”
“We’ll see.” You told her, sitting down and buckling.
“Do better than that, Y/L/N. And get me that pardon you promised me.�� She told Sam, pointing at him..
“Thanks for everything.” She nodded, before jogging off in the opposite direction you’d be heading. Sam turned back to the front, an annoyed expression crossing his face. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
You snickered as Sam shot you a glare, Zemo starting to drive the car out of the shipping yard, away from the chaos.
You collapsed onto the seat in front of Bucky, leaning onto the knee he had propped up against the back. He glanced up at you, face blank, before looking back down at his metal hand he was cleaning.
“Here. Let me see-”
“I got it.” He grumbled, shifting away from where your hands reached for his.
Your eyes widened, stunned at his reaction. “Bucky, just let me-”
“I said no, Y/N.” Your name. Again. You can’t remember him calling you ‘doll’ since before the shipping yard explosion.
“Are you okay?” He merely grunted. You straightened off his leg, swatting his knees with the back of your hand. “Hey.”
He shifted again, planting his feet on the floor. “Stop.”
He shot you a warning glare. “Y/N-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“It’s your name, isn’t it?”
“What is wrong with you?” You scrunched up your features in confusion and concern. “Is this about my arm? I told you it’s fine.” You got no response except his eye flickering to your now properly bandaged shoulder. “Why are you acting so weird?”
He shrugged. “I’m not.”
You scoffed in disbelief, jaw dropping. “You’re not.”
“Fine.” You stood up, brushing your legs off, the bare skin having splotches and smears of dirt and dust. “If you wanna be like that, go ahead. Brood. Be a child. When you’re ready to talk to me about whatever the hell is bothering you, like an adult, I’ll be in the back room.”
You only took two steps before he called out for you. “Doll.” You turned around, an expectant look on your features as you crossed your arms, shifting your weight to one foot. He looked up at you nervously, before looking down and picking at the metal plates of his hand. “I got scared.”
Your features softened, your head tilting gently. “Scared?”
“When you stopped talking. You and Sharon…you were talking. But both of your comms went down around the same time and I…it scared me. I-I don’t get scared anymore. Not the way I did when your voice stopped. I didn’t mean to hurt you…” His voice got quieter at the last sentence, his eyes looking to the purple handprint on your forearm.
“It was an accident, Buck.” You reassured him, settling back down in front of him. “It’s fine. You were still reeling it in from the bar. I know it’s hard for you to judge your strength like that. Steve had problems like that too.” You looked down at the rag he was holding, putting your hand out.
He licked his lips, before handing you the rag. You got off the couch to shift so you were sitting between his legs, his chest to your back. Holding his metallic hand between both of yours, you set to work, gingerly wiping away the grime, picking at the filth that wedged itself between the plates.
“He,” you chuckled, shaking your head at the moment you were remembering. “He accidentally gave me a concussion once when we were sparring. At first it was awesome; he got me my favorite take out and took me to the movies and all that. But then he just started getting annoying. Wouldn’t even let me reach for the TV remote on the coffee table a yard away.”
“Can I ask you something?” You hummed, tilting your head slightly when you felt his chin hooking on your shoulder, giving him more room. “How long did you love him?”
Freezing, you raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. “What?”
“You and Sharon. When you were talking…your comms were on.”
“How-” You swallowed thickly, a lump suddenly forming in the back of your throat. “How much did you hear?”
“Yours went out right after you admitted you were in love with him. Hers went out after you said you were just friends.”
Holding in a sigh of relief, you went back to cleaning his hand. “I don’t really know exactly when it happened. After the Battle of New York, maybe. So 2012, I guess? I dunno. I was getting up from falling for him, though. A few years later.”
“I - yeah. I kind of…fell again.”
He hummed, leaning back, taking his chin off your shoulder and unwinding his arm from your waist. “He’s an easy person to fall for. Hell, I’m pretty sure I had a crush on him once upon a time.”
You chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow over your shoulder at him. “I never said I fell for him again. But, yeah. You’re right.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “You like someone else?”
“Oh…” He cleared his throat as you went back to his hand. “Uh…so you don’t still love him? Steve, I mean?”
“He was the first person I really loved, Bucky. A part of me will always love him.”
Bucky fingers twitched in your hold, the fingers on his other hand tapping against his thigh. “You know…he loved you too.”
You sighed, closing your eyes. “Don’t do that.”
“It’s true-”
“He left, James. If he loved me, why would he leave?”
You could feel his hesitation as his next words left his lips. “I-I dunno.” That was a lie. You could hear it in his voice. If there was one person Steve trusted more than you, it was Bucky. Of course he knew.
“Listen, I really don’t want to talk about this-”
“It’s in the notebook.” You bit your lip as Bucky shifted, pulling out the little notebook from his pocket. “He made lists - he liked lists. He made lists of things you said that made him laugh. Songs that reminded him of you. Little quirks you do that he noticed over the years. He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
“James, please-”
“He didn’t want me to let you know. But I had to tell you. You have to know. He loved you.”
You let out a shaky breath as he placed the book on your thigh. You stared at it for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it in his left hand, closing his fingers around it and standing up. “I think…I’m gonna go rest for a bit in the back room. Holler if you need me.”
You didn’t wait for a response, moving quickly to the small back room of the plane which you got dressed in only a couple days ago. It only had one arm chair and instead of a door there was a curtain, but you were fine with that, plopping down in the chair and reclining.
Why? Why would he bring that up? Did he hear more than he said? Was he trying to let you down easy before you could even tell him how you felt? Did he get spooked after dancing? After the almost-kiss?
You never thought of Steve in the wrong. After all he’d done for the world in his life, he deserved to be selfish - to be happy. And Peggy gave him that. But why? Why would he leave if he loved you so dearly? If he really did what Bucky said? He wouldn’t. He’s not cruel. He wouldn’t up and leave, without even saying goodbye, knowing how deeply you loved him and feeling the same about you. This was Steven Grant Rogers for crying out loud! He wouldn’t…right?
But Bucky…he wouldn’t lie to you. He wouldn’t tell you that, especially knowing how much you missed the lovable blonde. And you knew his words held at least some truth. Actions spoke louder than words, and as something Bucky said repeated itself in your mind, you started slipping into a memory, your eyes shutting and your breaths evening out.
“He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
The incessant knocking made you groan, shouting that you were coming and mumbling curses. You barely threw open the door before his worried voice hit your ears. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”
“Stevie.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes and looking over at the clock on the wall. “Bubs…it’s two in the morning. I just got back, like, an hour ago.”
He shuffled, pink lips in a pout, eyes round and distressed. “I know, honey. I know. I’m sorry. But I heard you got hurt-”
You shook your head, a small giggle of amusement leaving your lips and you lifted your right hand, letting him see the black split holding your ring and pinky fingers. “I jammed my fingers in a door. The doc said I’ll be fully healed in a month at most.”
His eyes darted across your face and down your body, scanning for any more injuries. After glancing at your hands again, they finally landed on your eyes once more. Next thing you knew, you were being held against his chest, his face in the crook of your neck. You hummed softly, running your fingers down his spine, moving the two of you deeper into your apartment so you could shut the door.
“Don’t ever do that again. I gotta have faith in something and if you come home hurt, it’ll be crushed.”
Your eyebrows knit together. At his strange wording. “What’s that mean?”
“It means you have to promise me you’ll stay safe, honey.” He pulled back and held your face between his hands. “Please.”
“I can promise I’ll try my best.” You teased lightly, smiling at him and booping his nose, making him grin, although it was strained. “Why don’t you stay here tonight? We’ll turn on some TV in my room and you can keep me safe while I get much needed sleep.”
That made his grin relax into a real one, his head nodding in agreement. “Sounds perfect.”
“C’mon, bubs.” You took his hand, leading him to your room. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and you’ll catch some zzzz’s too.”
“What the hell was that?”
Bucky turned to Sam, who was gaping at him in utter disbelief, looking from the assassin to the doorway Y/N just walked through. “She needed to know.”
“Buck, she’s been dealing with some shit. And we both know something’s going on that she isn’t telling us. Her “zoning out” isn’t just zoning out, and we know that. She doesn’t need you confusing her even more.”
“Confusing her?”
Sam blinked, his troubled expression falling into a deadpan. “Are you fucking with me? No. There’s no way you’re that naive. Seriously?! Man, c’mon!”
Bucky scrunched up his face. “What?”
“She likes you, man! Everyone knows it!”
The brunette shook his head, forehead creased. “No. No, you heard her, Sam. She’s in love with Steve.”
“Was in love. As in past tense.”
“But-but she said- she likes someone else-”
“Barnes!” Sam threw his hands up, exasperated. “You are someone else!”
“I thought you two were already-”
Bucky pointed warningly at Zemo. “Watch it. Wait, wait-” He turned back to Sam. “But I heard her-”
“Bucky…man…” Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Listen, I can’t tell you everything. I’m not about to break my girl’s trust like that. But you gotta hear me when I tell you she likes you. What do you think almost happened at the party?”
“She - I - it was…an accident?”
Sam spluttered, eyes wide. “An accident? You two grinding and nearly making out was an accident?!”
“Woah! We were not…grinding-”
Zemo hummed. “Hmm…you kind of were.”
Bucky glared at him. “Thin. Fucking. Ice.” He whipped back to Sam. “I just remind her of him.”
“What?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! You remind her of Steve? Yes, granted your both dumbasses, but she knows both of you enough to know there’s quite a few big differences.”
Sam held up his hand, shutting Bucky up. “You like her. Yes or no.”
Bucky huffed, looking down at the hand she was holding only minutes ago. “Yes.” He finally relented. “Since the first couple months in Wakanda.”
“Steve liked her. Yes or no.”
He ran a hand through his hair, nodding his head. “Yes. Yes he liked her. I wasn’t lying about that.”
“So explain something to me.” Sam crossed his arms. “Why is it that Steve isn’t here, and you are?”
Bucky crossed his arms, brooding - although he’d never admit it - while staring out the window. “Steve…knew. I liked her. And, yes, he loved her, but he also loved Peggy. So he…”
“He told you to take your chance with Y/N, and he went back to be with his first love.”
HYDRA’s former fist nodded with a sigh. “Something like that.”
“You need to tell her.”
“I can’t.”
Sam groaned. “Why not?!”
“Because!” Bucky took a breath, trying not to shout and alert the sleeping girl in the room over, his ears tuning into her slowed heartbeat to make sure she was okay. “Because Steve has her heart, Sam. The whole thing just…I’m jealous of him. Because he got her first. And then I get mad because he didn’t do shit about it. And then I feel guilty because all the shit he put up with for me and here I am complaining…and then I just get…depressed because he’s not here. I used to be the one who fixed his problems. But after I got out…he’s been the one fixing mine. And I just…I don’t know what to do.”
Sam shook his head, rolling his eyes. “I get it. That’s valid. But stop whining and moping around about it. It happened. And you need to get your shit together. If not for your sake, for hers. Because she lost him too. And she’s probably feeling those exact same feelings.”
“But…she’s his girl-”
“No. She’s not. He made his choice.” Sam nodded towards Bucky. “Now you gotta make yours,  Buckaroo.”
He shot him a glare. “You can’t call me that.”
“Why not? Y/N calls you that.”
“Y/N has a plan.”
“We both know that’s not true, Buckaroo. Hey! That one rhymed!”
Bucky shook his head with a scowl. “I will beat your ass, Wilson.”
Sam scoffed, shoving Bucky’s head playfully. “Stop being a dumbass and tell her. Buckaroo.”
“That’s it!”
Bucky tackled Sam to the ground, Zemo giving them an amused expression before leaving to talk to Oeznik. They were so wrapped up in their wrestling session, they didn’t notice the woman leaning against the wall, tired eyes barely opened as her eyebrows raised, unimpressed.
“Are you fellas done?’
They both stopped, shooting up when they noticed her. “Doll, I-”
She shook her head. “Don’t, Buck. Not right now. I’m just really tired.”
“Did we wake you?” Sam winced.
She shook her head again, yawning. “No. I just needed to use the restroom.”
Bucky couldn’t help the small smile as she rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms overhead, making that ripped crop top ride higher up. She was too cute. And she didn’t even realize it.
“Sleep well, doll. We’ll try to keep it down.”
She nodded, turning and waving over her shoulder. “You two try getting sleep, too, alright? Goodnight, Sammy.”
“Night, cher.”
“Sweetheart?” She peeked through the curtain, tilting her head slightly. “You know I love you, right?”
A small smile quirked up her lips, but it was sadder than the ones his question usually elicited. “As long as you know I love you.”
He nodded, returning the half-smile. “G’night, doll.”
“Goodnight, Buckaroo.”
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Oneshot summary; Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes returns from his deployment in Europe and waiting for him are you. What you get to know while waiting for him on the dock, however, is that he never missed a beat telling everyone about you.
Pairing: 40s!Bucky x reader
Rating: Mature
Word; 2.7k
Warnings; nothing but pure and sickly sweet fluff
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
"You cannot be serious!" You gasped, earning a few glances from the ladies and gents around you, much too similar waiting for their respective soldier to find them.
"No, I am perfectly serious", she contains her giggles as you feel heat flush your face. "If I only had those letters with me to show you". You were incredibly relieved that was not the case. Thus, if you would have read what dear Nancy's sergeant had written to her about what your very won said about to the chaps in camp, you would no be able to look any of them in the eye. As if not simply hearing about it was enough.
"Heavens forbid I ever see them", this time, it was not you who pulled the attentions from those around you by laughter awfully boisterous in a crowd like this.
"Why be so bashful about your cookie grandstanding you in front of his men?"
"I find the explanation quite clearly in the question itself", you rebutted, eyes averting from looking at your dear friend to sweep over the crowd. Yet, so far, you could not see the face you had waited for during months.
"Well, I do have to say you struck lucky with a dreamboat like the Barnes boy is, so you will just need to suffer his unbelievable torture", the blonde put the back of her hand against her forehead in a dramatic pose.
"Oh, hush with you, you menace", you could not but shake your head as she let her hand fall with a giggle.
"Please, do let me hear what I have missed". You believe you whipped around faster than Nancy's eyes could flicker to watch the person behind you. Though, you found it near impossible from how swiftly you whipped around.
You knew that voice anywhere. That smooth, dallying voice that cut through the crowds combined sounds of squeals and sighs of relief upon seeing their soldier return.
"James!" The smile already pinning your lips did not have time to reach your eyes before you shot forwards. Instinctually, he let go of the bag he had carried and opened his arms. His handsome smile flashed in the corner of your eye when you, for the first time in months, could wrap your arms around his neck.
Your soldier picked you up, spinning you around, so the skirt of your dress fluttered in the breeze created. A giggle slipped past your lips, humoured by his antics always being the same when you met him at the dock.
Although, when he set you down, the usual peck to the nose or lips was not what met you. Bucky kept his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest, lips slotting against yours.
It was far from the passionate kisses you had shared in the dark. Nevertheless, being in a crowd like this and initiating something even remotely close to the smooch the brunette was, made your body burn. Neither did it get any better when you heard the whistles and cheers from the chaps in his division. And though James did, his lips did not break from yours in more than an amused grin.
However, noticing you were in full swing of turning into someone on the jazz floor to not be in the centre of attention, one of his arms left from around you to pluck the cap off his head. Lowering it in such a manner that your face was hidden behind it.
Now, shielded from at least one view by his soldier hat, the hurrahs from his lads ceased into chuckles as they went off to find their dearest ones. Thus, stopping your squirming and simply relishing the kiss that turned less passionate and into a mere brush of your lips.
"Hi there, baby-doll", he whispered, making all those butterflies in your stomach erupt at once. The heat that earlier had spread throughout your body when not only Nancy told you Bucky had flaunted you like his most precious darling to his men, but their reactions endorsing that as well turned into a giddy sensation.
"Hello, Sergeant", you pecked his lips before leaning away, staring into those blues that currently was partly shielded by the strands of his hair that had fallen down upon haphazardly taking off his hat. "Glad to have you back".
"And I am happy to be back and meet my peach", the sides of his lips remained tugged upwards as he placed his cap on your head. It slipped down slightly, but he nudged it upwards with his fingers, revealing the cocky tilt of his head as he stared down at you.
"I just may go under from the two of you", it was Nancy's words that finally broke you out from your spell, causing not only you to turn around and face her but Bucky to look from you to the blonde.
She was standing there with a big grin, red lips nearly stretching over her entire lower face.
Always the gentleman, James greeted your friend with a tip of his head. "Hey, Nance". The nickname he had come to use for her made the blonde shake her head.
"Hi to you too, Bucky".
"Are you still waiting for the Williams boy?" She could not help but roll eyes at his teasing tone. Neither could you, in fact.
Nancy and her sweetheart had quite the history. Your friend had always been stuck on Conny Williams. Although the feelings had been requited, her father had condemned her for preferring a man with a boys mind. Not until the war came around the corner and he did not hesitate to enlist -proving himself as good of a soldier as Bucky and becoming sergeant- her father was persuaded.
"Yes, I am still waiting for Conny", she replied, eyes sweeping over the gathering momentarily. Similarly to what you had done earlier when you tried to spot either of your beaus.
"He will take some time, got held back by the Colonel". Upon hearing what Bucky said, her eyes instantly snapped to watch the brunette.
"What did he do now then?"
"Nothing, in fact, he wanted to praise the Seargents for a good deed done in this trip". Now it was your turn to react to his words.
"And why are you here and not there then?" You looked up at him, brows pinched.
"Because I could not contain myself to wait any longer to meet you", he grinned, though your eyes simply widened.
"James! You can not simply take such decisions!"
"Ease up", he chuckled, seeing how worked up you got from his carefree way. "They went by divisions, so I was first to get the praise and then go".
"Do not joke with me like that", you sighed, knowing very well he was a Seargent and may have influence, but not so much he could slip away from the order of his superiors.
"Am I to presume you have not missed me enough to be happy I would have done that for you?"
"Absolutely not", you replied, gripping the hat resting on top of your head. With your free hand, you pushed the strands falling into his view backwards before placing the cap on its rightful owner once more. "But no matter how much I miss you, I do not want you to misbehave before your superiors have excused you".
A glint entered his eyes. "So, you want me to misbehave now?"
"I think you already have", you thought back on his kiss, nearly feeling the heat enter your face once more. Although Bucky, able to be as big of a menace as Nancy, did it even worse when he leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"But you know I can do it even more", you do not even know what the noise you let out was meant to be, but it was something between a chirp, squeal and giggle.
"You are a pain in the neck, Barnes", you tried concealing the flush travelling through your entire body by lowering your face and shaking your head. Although the soldier simply chuckled, hooking his finger beneath your chin.
"You love it".
"I do", you sighed, thankful he came back in one piece.
"Good, otherwise I do not know how I would have handled going back to our place", Bucky released you, bending down to hoist the sack that had been forgotten until now over his shoulder. Although you were bursting to simply go home with him, you turned to Nancy. You had said you would wait for your boys together, thinking they would get released simultaneously. It would be unfair to leave her after saying that, but as if she could read your mind, she held up a hand.
"No, do not even ask the question", she cut you off even before you voiced if you should stay with her. "You two go".
"But-". The blonde made a dismissing sound, silencing you.
"You heard the orders, doll". Bucky stepped up beside you, circling your waist.
"I swear, you to love working against me sometimes", the two of them shared a look, both returning to look at you with equally as big smiles.
"Indeed", Nancy said. And with that, you were pulled away with Bucky.
After months of listening to the record player on your own, not being able to hear the reminders of the war each and every day on the radio, therefore it reminded you of your soldier risking his life for not only his, but other countries safety. It almost felt bizarre to have the very man you had tried to not think and worry about every single second walk around the space.
It was not the first time it happened. Bucky had been away on two rounds during your time together. Still, when he returned, you could not help to look at him each time he passed by you in the cramped home you had the honour of calling yours. Months may feel long in ordinary cases, but it felt like they spanned for even longer when your soldier was away. Consequently, making it feel like your life changed entirely in that time, so much you almost needed to get used to not being alone anymore.
But now he was back. Bucky was back with you. A sight you never grew tired of.
"If you let the necklace hang any longer in the air, a magpie will come and grab it", your eyes flickered to watch Bucky where he stood in the doorway from your bedroom. His cotton shirt had only been stuffed into his pants while the leather suspenders sat in their place. However, he had yet to bottom it up.
"James, your mind is still in Europe. We do not have any magpies in Brooklyn". It did not seem he caught his own mistake, not until you pointed it out.
"Crows then, even nastier creatures", he shrugged. "They seem to be as hard-boiled wherever you are". You knew where the distaste of the black birds came from. It was not an everyday occurrence. But a few times, Bucky had told you of what he had seen on the other continent. He left out the worst of things, those not even he was able to think about, yet he had told you of the crows so seemingly unbothered by the atrocity lining the wake of war.
"Do the lady need help?" You snapped out of your thought, blinking a few times to regain attention to the man who had left his place by the door and come to stand behind you. He was holding his hands up, waiting to overtake the ends of the chain he had gifted you before he left.
"If the gentlemen offer", you smiled and let him overtake the silver chain. You and Bucky have decided to go and dance, hence the dressing up of the both of you. Afterwards, you would meet up with Steve, seeing how it was equally as long ago as the two best friends had seen each other.
When you felt the pendant fall against your skin, you could not help but raise your hands instantly, fingers playing with the lithe heart weighing the chain down. Neither did it seem Bucky could step out of the movement to simply linger in the presence of you, seeing how he came to rest his chin on your shoulder, arms wrapping around your mid-drift.
He swayed side to side, gently causing your body to do the same to the jazz music. Yes, it did indeed feel good to have him back.
Sinking further into his body, you let go of the pendant, hand coming to rest on his arms.
You smiled upon seeing his eyes had closed in the mirror. He looked serene like this. None of those groves that had matured his face while fighting in the war present. But, as if he had felt your gaze set upon him, his eyelids fluttered open.
Those stormy blues with specks of turquoise in them locked with yours. Although they did not stay separated by a reflective surface for long, regarding how Bucky turned you in his arms.
"Never do I think I have seen you spiff yourself up like this". Your soldier looked at your hair pinned into a semi-updo resilient enough to withstand even the most vigorous of swing dancing, face painted and powdered -finished off with red coloured lips- and a flared dress in a pretty cream colour covering your body. Still, his eyes lingered the most on the pendant resting in the hollow of your throat before meeting your eyes again was.
"I have someone's return to celebrate, so why not?" He started to sway again with enough velocity your dress waved back and forth. Even so, you were still standing in one place in the parlour instead of the amount f moving around you soon would do.
"Not one single man will have their eyes to themselves", he hummed.
"Good that I only have eyes for my man then". A genuine smile quirked his lips before he leaned down and pecked your lips multiple times until you could not help but lean away with a giggle so at least some of your lipstick would remain throughout the night.
"I come to remember you and Nancy were laughing like that when I interrupted you earlier. Care to tell your man of what you were gossiping about?"
"No", you replied, but with a few digs and wriggles of his fingers against your ribcage, he managed to make you laugh and cease. "Fine, fine".
"So?" His habit of wanting to know what you and your friends gossiped about deriving from growing up in a family mainly consisting of women. And he could not hide his curiosity. You saw it plainly in those blues of his.
"She just happened to tell how Conny mentioned you in his letters to her". He cocked a brow. Disabling you from holding back a snicker of laughter.
"Of what I may wonder?"
"That you could not stop running that pretty kisser of your about me in camp". Instantly, both his brows shot up as his smile widened and he stepped around, so you needed to follow him into a slow spin, not until going back to just swaying back and forth did he decide to speak.
"Can you fault me for it when I have a dame so far out of my league?"
"Some would say it is the other way around, Mr Dreamboat".
"Dreamboat?" Bucky cocked his head, smile turning into a toothy grin gleaming down at you.
"Nancy used it and it fits you", you shrugged.
"I knew she liked me beneath that ritzy persona".
"Hey, you knew I do not like that word", you chastised him with a firm press of your fingers against his side.
"Because that is the word which makes me wonder why you chose a delinquent like me over all the fine gentry?"
"A ladies man like you, you mean", instead of answering and continuing your bickering, Bucky chuckled, leaving a kiss on your forehead before stepping away.
"I should gather my last things so we can be on our way".
"Do so. I would hate for Steve to wat for us as we come running from our dancing simply because you took too long", he sent you a quirked brow as he began to return to your shared bedroom.
"You have spent too much time with him that you are starting to get his antics".
"Have not... jerk", you teased him by using his closest pal's nickname, one he barked with laughter at when it came from you.
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ink-on-the-brink · 2 years
Yandere Engie x Reader ~ Dark Nights Come With A Cost [PT 8]
Tw: Minimal Blood
Chapter Selection
"Go ahead and sit in the kitchen. I'll get whatever medical stuff I can find."
"Ya really don't have ta do that-"
"You just got the shit beaten out of you because of me, I'm fixing it" you spoke with a sharper tone, your eyes not daring to turn to him as you made your way further into the apartment. Having been given no time to talk back he decided it was best to simply do as asked until you were back. He took a seat on a chair in the kitchen as the adrenaline of the moment started to slowly fade away and the pain of his wounds started to surge through his body. A headache started to beat against his skull, the blood still trickling from his cuts annoying him almost to the point of agitation.
"Damn asshole knew how ta hit" he spoke to himself, soon realizing he'd need to use his shirt to stop the blood from trickling anywhere. He took a few deep breaths, calming his tense body as he waited.
You didn't leave him waiting too long considering you kept all of your medical supplies in the same place. Silence remained as you walked into the kitchen, both you and him averting your eyes from each other as you pulled up a chair and laid out the materials. He was going to protest again, to repeat that you really shouldn't, to say that this was maybe all a bit too much for him...
But when his eyes finally met the grim look on your face, he almost couldn't speak.
"I don't have any sort of anesthetic, so this is going to sting a little" you warned as you finally let your eyes wander towards his. A second of silence lasted before Dell quickly pulled himself out of his own head long enough to respond.
"That's fahne...Nothin Ah can't handle" he replied and, with a nod, you went to clean the blood off his cuts.
A tense air fell on the room, the many questions left to simply dance around in silence as you helped him with his cuts.
He watched your hands rather intently; a bit of anxiety bubbling at having someone other than family tend to his wounds. It was strange, and most certainly not something many in the family would look well upon.
I mean, he's only known you for a few months! And to not only get in a fight for you, but let you fix him up after? That felt like a lot of trust to him. A lot of trust that he surprised himself with his willingness to give.
Still, his eyes watched your hands to make sure you didn't make any mistakes or do something to hurt him on purpose. He was surprised, however, that you seemed proficient in what you were doing, at least more so than he was. Though you did cringe now and again, showing dislike for the goriness of the cuts. He took this newly learned fact as a possible way to break the silence that plagued the room.
"Ya seem real good at fixin up wounds..." He spoke in a quiet voice, though he was sure even a whisper would have seemed too loud in the silence. You paused what you were doing for a moment and glanced at his eyes, hesitating on a response before continuing with what you were doing as you found the words to speak.
"Yeah, well I'd hope I was...I was practically raised on medical books" you answered, your voice holding a calm yet strained sound to it. As if at any moment you'd say whatever words hung heavily on your tongue.
"Family'a doctors huh?" He asked, hoping to keep the conversation going so as to distract himself from the pain and get rid of the gnawing silence.
"Everyone on my mom's side. Didn't help that my dad's side was full of police and military either" you answered almost absentmindedly as you seemed too busy with your own thoughts and your current task to think before you spoke.
"Ah got a lot'a military in mah family too-" he winced just as he finished the sentence after having distracted himself from your hands long enough for him to not notice you had moved to clean the wounds instead of just trying to stop the blood. His sound of pain caused you to immediately pull away, more so out of instinct than any type of rational thought.
"Sorry" you spoke quickly and, if even just for a split second, he could have sworn there was a hint of fear in your eyes. Though it quickly dissipated, leaving him to wonder if he'd even seen it in the first place.
"S'alright" he spoke, the sudden searing pain leaving just as quickly as it came. After you were sure that he was okay you slowly went back to what you were doing with even more gentle of a touch than you had before. The sheer gentleness of your hands made his body feel so suddenly heavy, his eyes turning away as he was sure his face burned red. He felt almost jittery at the touch of your hands yet he forced himself still, as if so much as moving would break the careful touch, one he'd never really known in a family like his. Luckily, with the circumstances of the situation, you weren't likely to notice his sudden swirl of anxiety.
Another bout of silence came, something that left Dell antsy and concerned as he pushed away thoughts of his own emotions and tried to focus on yours. When his eyes managed to glance at your face despite his sudden unwillingness to look at you, he caught the storm behind your eyes. As if swept into a hurricane he felt at a loss of what to do or say. The words held behind your hesitance were an infinite number of possibilities that he couldn't begin to guess and work around. And the silence they brought; dear god the silence! He could hardly stand his lack of control, his inability to help! He was stuck in a perpetual cycle of 'what can I do?' That all ended with the word 'nothing'. It left him even more anxious than before as he waited for you to say something, anything-!
"I uh- I'm sorry that I dragged you into my problems I...I shouldn't have-...I should have handled that on my own..." You finally spoke, your words destroying the tense silence with stinging words. Words that sent a shock of confusion through Dell.
How...How could you believe this was your fault?
The man was trying to get you alone! He showed up at your apartment with no warning! He didn't listen to you! He didn't respect your ability to say no! He- He- He would have hurt you!
"Ain't none'a this your fault..." Dell quickly countered, your eyes once again locking with his as he did so. You felt your throat tighten at his words, talking seeming even harder than it already was.
"B-But it is! I should have just talked to him! If I would have just-...you got thrown down a flight of stairs and hurt because I couldn't just deal with my own fucking problems-" you felt the sudden weight of Dell's hands on your shoulders, your eyes not tear from his. His face twisted into deep concern, his eyes holding more care on you than you've seen in years.
"He ran at ya. He was warned twice ta just walk away and he ran at ya. He was trahin ta hurt ya. There ain't a single way in which any'a that could have been your fault and there ain't no way that man was lookin ta solve that peacefully..." He spoke with as genuine of a tone as he could, his words reaching your ears in an almost surreal way. As you stared at him, the shock of his genuine care hitting you, your eyes began to well with tears. The beginnings of sobs started to escape your throat as your hands grew shakey and you breaths shallow. At the oncoming breakdown Dell saw falling over your face, his expression grew to devastation. With almost no hesitation, he pulled you in for a hug. Immediately after he did so you wrapped your arms around him just as full sobs began to rack through your system. At the sound of your sobs he held you a little tighter as he now understood why the words had weighed so heavy in your throat along with why you didn't speak for so long.
You were hurt. Hurt in a place he didn't recognize at first and in a way he didn't see often. You felt responsible for the worlds other's laid on your shoulders, for the consequences of other peoples actions. And as he held you tighter he felt that weight. That quiet pain hidden behind skittish eyes.
He had never met someone so worried for others that they forgot about themself.
"H-He's never done that before a-a-and I don't e-even know what I did! I j-just- I- I don't know wh-what to do anymore! They w-won't stop...they won't stop" You stammered words out through sobs, the pain of months of silence spilling out as you became unable to pretend like nothing was happening anymore. He listened, the many small things he's seen beginning to come together as a horrible picture soon came to mind. He felt rage bloom in his chest.
How dare these people do this to you. It infuriated him to know they had been getting away with this. That they had whittled you down day after day, stealing away the joy that allowed those rare smiles. The ones that had always sent a shock through his skin. How could they do that? How could someone look at you and decide to ever lay a hand of harm on you?
What could you have done to deserve any of this?
"S'alright...s'alright..." He comforted, continuing to hold you close as you cried. You both remained this way for a while as you tried and failed multiple times to gain your composure. He noticed each failed attempt; each weak try to pull back the thin strings that held you together. He didn't rush you, in fact he felt his stomach twist every time you tried to force your tears down. As if you felt rushed to hide your pain once again, to plaster shut the holes that had formed in your cracked façade of fine.
Finally you managed to, and once you did you slowly pulled away, your face completely tearstained and your eyes bloodshot. You turned your face away from him, embarrassment creeping through you as you realized you had just sobbed into the arms of someone who only recently had become your friend.
How pathetic. You couldn't even keep your shit together long enough for him to leave. What a mess you've made. Your first friend in a long while and what do you do? Get him into a fight and then sob in his arms like some kind of child, that's what you do. Gee Y/n, that's a great way to keep him around.
Who are you kidding, this was bound to happen. It had only ever been a matter of time before you went and fucked up another one of the only good things you had going for you. Mandy was right...
You really do ruin everything.
"I-I...I'm sorry I-...that was uncalled for, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"
"Y/n" he spoke up, his hands moving to gain a grip on your upper arms. He remained silent until your eyes turned back to look at him
"It's alright..." He spoke slowly, purposefully, and with intent to show the seriousness in those words. You tried to keep eye contact but it didn't last long, the learned shamed of your tears not something easily pushed away with only a few words. Dell gave you a few seconds, allowing you to breathe and gain back most of your composure before he spoke again.
"Ah uh...Ah understand if ya don't wanna talk about it...but if ya feel comfortable Ah wouldn't mind hearin about it" he spoke softly now, as if a harsh voice would break the fragile state you were in which, to be fair, was true.
You hesitated for a moment, the idea running through your brain.
He...He still wanted to talk to you? After that? You would have guessed that he wanted to leave, but to not only want to stay but to hear more? To lend an ear willing to listen to you? To care at all? It stunned you.
Yes...yes you wanted to talk- no, no you wanted to scream. You wanted to scream until you fainted, until you couldn't breathe. You wanted to grab him, to tell him every bad thing you were forced to hide. To howl every indignity and pointless suffering you had to face. You had waited your whole life for that listening ear, the one who'd sit and let you talk without judgement. The one who'd listen, just listen. All you had ever wanted was for someone to listen.
You nodded, a stifled sob leaving you as you tried to calm yourself away from another breakdown.
"Do ya want a cup'a water first?" He asked, knowing that your throat must be sore from the sobbing and if not that then your face must at least be heated up. You nodded once again and without hesitation he stood and found a cup before filling it with the coldest water he could get before returning to you.
He handed you the cup before taking a seat again, a small thanks escaping your lips. He stared at you a moment, his eyes glancing over each small movement as he waited for you to start. Recognizing the cue you took a sip from your drink before starting.
"I don't even really know where to start, uh...I met Mandy- you- you don't know who I'm talking about- u-um..." Nervousness rang clearly through your voice, your face now refusing to look in his direction, instead staring intently at the cup in your now unsteady hands.
"S'alright, take your tahme..." Dell encouraged you, his patience in situations like this almost baffling to you. You took another deep breath and let it shakily escape your lungs before continuing.
"I met a girl named Mandy when I was around thirteen. She was the girl that wouldn't leave me alone at the library. We were best friends, met each other at school. Inseparable. A few years later we met Damien. I think he was around eighteen while me and Mandy were sixteen. We all got along well together. Mandy was always around when you needed her and Damien was-...well the guy everyone either wanted to be or wanted to be with. Rich, attractive, charismatic. The works. We talked for years about how we were going to move out, the three of us. Then..." You hesitated to continue, your next words seeming a bit harder to say. Dell didn't push, instead remaining patient as he waited for you to go on.
"...My parents kicked me out when I was 19. My mom wanted me to be a doctor, my dad wanted me to join the military or at least the police force. They would have paid for the education and everything. But me in my ultimate teenage wisdom rejected the offer. I couldn't handle the blood, the violence of it all. Ever since I was a kid they said that I would be one of the greats. That I would 'uphold and outdo the L/n legacy'...such horse shit" You showed signs of anger- no, no it wasn't that. It was some deep part of loathing, a wound left unchecked and unmanaged. Ignored only to become noticeable when it most impaired you. It only took a few seconds for that supposed anger to melt into remorse, the ache of it all almost choking you. But you pushed on anyway, determined to finally talk to someone, to break your years of unending silence.
"I...I never really wanted a career to be my sole purpose in life you know? I wanted to go to work for the money and come home and just be allowed to do whatever I want. To just create and dream and all that cheesy shit. Something simple where you clock in, clock out, then go home, like the numbers person behind a business or something...When my dad kicked me out he told me not to come back until I 'got my head out of my ass and joined the real world'" you paused again, taking a sip of your drink as you fully lost yourself to the memories.
"But I didn't care. Damien's parents were loaded, we could have gone anywhere we wanted, all expenses paid. Spoiled asshole convinced me it was a good thing. So we moved here. His parents paid my full tuition so I could get a good job that didn't drain my whole life and we rented out this apartment so the three of us had our own little place..." You reminisced, the memories before everything revealed itself to you bringing with it a melancholy joy. You continued.
"But Mandy was never really satisfied with just me. She made friends quick, she knew her way into anyone's good side. So she was out with other people most days and when she wasn't out drunk somewhere she was hanging out with Damien. Those two were always closer than they were with me. It was so stupid now that I look back on it. Those two were clearly made for each other...but Damien chose to date me instead..." A hint of a glare rose in your eyes with the rumblings of the part you knew came next and the memories that didn't fall back in waves so much as they constantly lingered in a constant high-tide that you drowned in.
"I didn't take it seriously at first. Hell, he could have had nearly any person he wanted, why would he have settled for me? He didn't make it any type of secret that he could do better than me either but I just...I just wanted so- so badly to believe that he wanted me. That there was someone, someone that didn't just like me on their terms. That even if he was an ass, and even if he knew he could do better than me, that he wanted me. That there was something that kept him around besides the fact that I was just easy for him...I just-...I wanted a miracle I guess..." Your face darkened as you delved deeper into the vivid echo of your past, the stinging wound of him never having been allowed to heal, leaving it to feel as fresh as if it had happened only days ago.
"I walked in on him and Mandy doing each other...my only friend and my boyfriend fucking on the goddamn couch like they wanted me to walk in on them. I...I just got so mad a-a-and I..." You paused, holding back the tears that threatened to leave. Once you felt you were composed enough you continued.
"And I told them that I'd ruin them. That I'd tell Damien's parents about what a dick he is and expose Mandy to all of her friends, that they wouldn't get away with it! I-...I didn't...I didn't know what I was messing with, if I'd have known I-...I would have kept my mouth shut" You spoke in almost desperation, the remembrance of the ongoing deterioration of every ambition you had falling apart in front of you.
"Mandy's friends were more loyal than I thought and Damien's parents didn't take me seriously. I don't know what they told everyone but I get constant texts about how horrible of a human being I am and Damien only seems more agitated every time I see him. I even had people banging at my door trying to get in saying that I was a psycho and that I was trying to kill Mandy and Damien! It doesn't matter what I do. I've changed my number to stop the texts but it always gets back out, I've called the police but they just tell me they'll look into it but they never do. I can't go anywhere without being glared at or feeling like someone's just waiting for me to screw up! A-And after my lease is up I won't have anywhere to go which means I'll probably lose my job a-a-and I-I..." You stopped, tears beginning to fall down your face again, the weight of your situation almost suffocating you with each word you spoke of your disaster of a situation. You still didn't dare turn to Dell, afraid that you might find a pity-filled stare or possibly even indifference. That he might have just realized who you were and that your words would lead him to never speaking to you after this.
Dell was almost relieved you weren't looking at him considering he was only barely hanging onto his sense of calm, your explained situation having him mentally tearing apart the people involved. And with those thoughts came utter confusion, his calmness once so easily obtained now leaving him, his only feeling now being an uncommon rage, one he hadn't felt in his lifetime, at least not to the extent that he almost couldn't hide it.
Now, however, was no time to get carried away with the growing thought. So he forced himself away from your spoken words and only then did he truly see the state you were in while telling him your situation, which quickly melted anger into devastation. As it did a sickeningly horrible feeling seeped into his skin like acid, burning through every one of his most important facilities and straight to his chest. The searing amount of discomfort was almost unbearable. The confusion of it all and his want to reject the strength of such emotions for a stranger only seemed to make it worse, especially as he noticed your head hung in shame.
As if you held any blame for what was happening to you! As if you believe you deserved any of this!
Finally, he moved. His hand hovered over your shoulder a minute, thoughts of holding your face in said hand flashing by before he once again grabbed your shoulder, hoping to ground you if only a little bit.
"That...That don't sound lahke no easy situation," He started, the sound of his voice running through your head. The calm and cautious tone shocked your nerves into a sudden still that allowed you to breathe and step away from your swirling emotions.
"And Ah can't say Ahm gonna make everythin better," he continued his other hand taking a place on your other shoulder, earning enough of your attention for you to finally look up at him. His face was a mixture of emotions you couldn't even begin to comprehend, especially as he was reluctant to acknowledge them himself.
"But Ah'm here...And Ah know we don't know each other too well, but you ain't alone. If ya need a place ta stay, or some extra cash or hell, even just a person ta talk ta, Ah'm here. We're gonna figure this mess out tagether." He spoke in all seriousness, his eyes not straying from yours even for a moment. You stared back, trying to find some sort of lie or gotcha. For a moment you believed that maybe this was all an elaborate prank, some sick joke to ruin you once and for all. But when he didn't divert his eyes or crack even just a small opening of a façade, you felt a warm feeling consume you.
The light pressure of his hands felt safe, the slight rise and fall of his chest brought a rhythmic comfort. It felt as if he alone could keep you hidden away from the cruelty of a world that at every turn betrayed you.
"...why?" You whispered, the word almost barely able to fall from your lips as you found your body lulled by the pull of his comforting presence.
He took a moment to respond, his eyes searching yours as if to find some sort of answer in them. He imagined that if he could maybe just see something vile, something unforgivable in those pleading eyes, that he would lose this suffocating feeling, that his strange and unexplainable fixation with some part of you would disappear and he could go back to living a life absent of anyone that could trigger such overwhelming emotions. But what he saw only seemed to worsen his strange and illogical care, because he noticed such unfathomable want in those eyes. Pleading, begging for this to be real. But along with that he saw confusion, a mind not able to understand such care from someone practically unknown when those you were closest to would give you little more than a passing insult.
And that question.
That simple word could boggle even the most intelligent minds. There was a rabbit hole of unsolved mysteries behind that one simple word. And as of now, it was Dell's worst enemy. The unknown that lay in the utterance of such a seemingly uncomplicated question confused Dell to the point of utter perplexity, a state he rarely found himself in with nearly everything he naturally succeeded with in life.
"Ah..." He started, his eyes still searching yours for the impossible answer. Yet it would take more than that to find a solution to the unexplainable.
"No one should have ta live Lahke this...least'a all someone who don't deserve it" He answered, though it didn't even begin to explain what was really going on in his head.
You two stayed like that for a moment more, as if you would find some hidden meaning in the eyes of the other. But this only lasted a few more seconds before you finally looked away again, your breathing now calm, the tear stains and bloodshot eyes being the only remnants of your upset state
"Thanks...I...I'm sorry- I didn't mean to have a breakdown-"
"S'alright, no need ta go apologizin anymore. Hell, with what you're going through Ah'm surprised it didn't happen sooner" he commented, his hands finally pulling away, though they seemed to linger for just a moment more than he'd meant to.
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Kill the Lights
Previous chapter: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/648130867354632192/kill-the-lights
Warnings: spice. Oh gods, the spice. 18+ only, minors dni. Smut, consensual, public sex, foreplay, sub/dom, light bondage, threesome or poly, cum play, unprotected sex (irl wrap it before you tap it please people be safe), breeding kink
4: Kitchen Kiss
“Hey Rose, there’s someone asking for you at the front, says he knows you.” Jay’s head poked around the corner of a spice rack.
I looked up with a blink. “Did he give a name?”
“Uh... something like that one reporter’s name. Brock?” He squinted.
“Oh, Eddie!” I dried off my hands. “Becca, could you take over for me for a minute? My boyfriend is out front.”
Becca raised an eyebrow. “Sure, but you’re telling me why you haven’t told me about having a boyfriend when you get back.”
I gave her a sheepish smile. “Ok ok, be back.” I kept my apron on and went out to see Eddie standing by the kitchen doors dressed in a pair of slacks and a button-down.
“Hey Rosy.” He smiled lopsidedly, his eyes a little tired.
I reached up to give him a hug. “Are you ok? You look tired.”
He hugged me back. “Yeah, I just got done with an interview. I have to go back home and work on typing it up.”
I pursed my lips. “I think there’s a bit of leftover pie in the fridge if you need a pick me up.” He’d moved in with me from his run-down apartment a week ago, and the arrangement worked out well for both of us. Anne and Dan had even helped Eddie move in, Anne ecstatic that we’d gotten together.
He sighed. “You’re incredible.” He gave me a quick kiss.
I patted his chest. “You’ve never visited me at work though, is there something else going on?”
He glanced over my shoulder. “Do you mind if we... step away?”
I blinked, then realized. “Oh! Right, here.” I led him over to the small locker room I had as head chef, closing the door. “Private locker room, perks of being head chef,” I explained. “What’s up?”
Eddie grimaced, then reached out for me. “He’s been-“
As soon as his hand touched me, I realized that it was Venom.
“He’s insisting he wants to be with you for the rest of the day.” Eddie pulled me closer.
“Well, that’s fine with me,” I said, a little confused. I’d bonded with Venom twice before, mostly just for the comfort of it, besides the one time we’d been... in bed.
“I told him you had work,” Eddie tried to apologize.
“It’s ok, really. As long as he stays out of sight I’ll be fine- well, to be honest most of my coworkers know I’m a Mutant anyway so if a slip up happens I suppose it won’t be the end of the world.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “It’s about to be dinner rush hour, and I have two hours left in my shift.”
He nodded. “If you’re sure.”
I smiled. “Why would I not be okay with it?” I laughed. “It’s my boyfriend.”
He chuckled slightly. “I’ll leave you to it, I’m planning to get at least half the report written up before dinner.”
“Sure, do you mind if I bring dinner from here tonight?”
“Nope.” He bent, pressing his mouth to mine.
I clung to his shoulders, feeling Venom start to creep down my neck and face, down my shoulders, worming into my shirt and down my torso. When Eddie let go, I gasped a little.
“You okay?” he murmured.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I breathed. Accustoming myself to the sensation of Venom wrapping himself around my hips, I gave him a distracted smile. I gasped and slapped my side as I felt tendrils slip under my bra. “Ven, I’m at work, stop it,” I hissed.
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, shoulda warned you, he’s pretty... horny.”
I shook my head. “I’ll deal with it I guess.” I gave him another kiss. “Alright, I’m on the clock. See you tonight.”
He waved goodbye as I led him to the door, and I turned back to the kitchen.
Hello, Rose.
I closed my eyes briefly at the sound of his deep husk caressing my name. “Hi, love,” I murmured. “Missed you.”
Becca grabbed me. “Wait, whoa, that’s the Edward Brock, or I’m blind. He’s your boyfriend? How?” she demanded.
I smiled nervously. “Um, mutual friends... and he may or may not have saved me from being jumped in an alleyway-“
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She shook my shoulders. “What? Spill the tea, right now.”
I talked while we worked, shaking my head at her love of gossip. Still, I knew she’d keep the information private. Becca may love the tea, but she only ever kept it in the cup.
But even as we moved on to focusing on the customers pouring in, I kept getting distracted. Venom kept being active, taking advantage of my loose clothing and apron to hide how he kept wrapping around my hips. He crawled up my sides, sliding under my bra. His tendrils tightened a little around my breasts, and I had to pause and take a breath.
“Ven,” I hissed under the noise of a popping frying pan.
Been missing you all day, Rose.
I bit my tongue and tried to discreetly lean my elbows against the counter to hold myself up. Venom teased my thighs, barely pushing at my underwear. I’d already learned that needy Venom was... needy. Not that I exactly would complain, but still... I was at work.
Will be good. Just an hour and a half.
I almost snorted, glancing behind me. “We both know you’re not patient, love.”
Are you?
Well frick. An hour and a half of Venom being distracting? Anywhere but work and I would’ve been fine, but it was much harder to explain why I was flushed and weak-kneed to my coworkers. Still... I could try. Even if it would be a bit futile. But what else could I do?
I took a deep breath and walked over to check the desserts. Glancing at the clock, I wondered how slow it would creep tonight. Normally it seemed to go by too fast. Tonight, I wasn’t too sure.
“Rose, this icing isn’t setting right,” one of my pastry chefs groaned.
I poked at the bag. “Ratios all good?”
“Yep, I double checked.”
I sighed. “Try making a new batch? Maybe something in it isn’t good. Might as well be safe.”
She nodded and scrapped it, starting over.
I hurried over to another station as Becca waved me over. Fixing the issue, I’d just turned to tell Becca something when I choked. Venom slipped under my underwear, inching closer to my core.
“You okay, Rose?”
I nodded, covering my mouth. “Sorry,” I coughed, “something in the air I think.”
She handed me water, and I took a hasty sip. “Thanks.”
“Alright, first order’s out,” she said grimly. “We’re on schedule, thankfully.”
“I’d like to be ahead if possible,” I said ruefully. “But we’ll do the best we can.”
You’re wet.
I grabbed onto Jay’s arm as my knees went weak. Venom slipped a single tendril into me, teasingly sliding in and out. My entire body felt hypersensitive, Venom’s fingers teasing my nipples not helping in the least.
“Whoa, Rose, you good?” Jay grabbed me.
I winced. “Sorry, Jay. My knee is...”
“Hey, we’re doing just fine here. Do you need to go sit down for a minute? I know you get stressed sometimes,” he said, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
I nodded. “I’ll be back.”
“Take your time.”
I managed to make it back to my room and lock the door just as my knees buckled. Hand pressed against the floor, I moaned. He’d slid further into me, hands forming around my hips.
Is thirty minutes a record? Venom gloated.
“I’m at work,” I complained, trembling. Everything felt so sensitive. “Did something happen today?”
Venom growled, and he abruptly pushed into me. I gasped, jerking, as he completely filled me in a way that made my stomach swell. His matter inside me felt so different from anything else, so satisfyingly full.
“Yes,” I whimpered. “You know I am. But what-“ His thrust, decisive and possessive, cut me off.
Stupid guy saying you only want Eddie for money.
I staggered up and collapsed against my closet, trying to get my apron off. I knew I wasn’t finishing my last hour. Not after what he’d said.
“Ven, we both know I’m the one with money right now-“ My apron fluttered off into the hamper as my fingers clenched in my shirt. I barely managed to get it off, fingers trembling. “And other people are dumb. What- happened?” I managed, pitching against the wall as Venom thrust.
I gasped as he formed in front of me, tongue hanging as he drooled heavily. His hands appeared around my hips, tendrils peeling my pants off for me. His hips bucked against me, and his hands brought me down on him in a way that made my eyes roll up.
Doesn’t matter. Rose is ours. No one can else can do this to you.
I had to privately agree. Not without getting kicked, anyway. I’d probably get the full story out of Eddie. But for the moment, I could only focus on Venom’s thumb sliding down to press on my clit.
I tried to muffle my moan, pleasure sparking through me almost unbearably. Venom knew my body too well. Though he and Eddie felt equally good in different ways, something about Venom always reduced me to putty in his giant hands. As a switch, it was unbelievably satisfying to have Eddie flip my dom side and Venom control my sub self.
At this point Venom had to hold me up completely, pushing into me, pulsing and twisting. His mouth slid across my cheek, my jaw, down to my throat. Everything fuzzed, until all I knew was that he was hissing my name, muttering into my skin, talons wrapped around my hips with a gentle sort of decisiveness that made me completely melt. I gave in so readily under his touch, his claws raking softly across my skin to barely leave a mark.
I let out a shuddering moan, his name spilling from my lips. “Venom- oh, Ven.”
Rose is mine. Love my Rose. He purred.
My body kept teetering closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure steady and somehow increasing. I could barely think, barely do anything but say his name, over and over, beg for him. My fingers scrabbled at his chest, slipping against his matter, sinking into it.
His tongue lolled, drooling sloppily onto my chest and arms until it slid down my stomach only for him to lick it off. The moment his talon scraped across my clit again, I arched.
Venom snarled, low and deep in a way that rattled deep into me. He bucked one more time, and I could feel the familiar heat gush into me. He ground against me a few more times, prolonging my pleasure as I whimpered and fell against his chest.
Eventually he sank back into my skin, leaving me slumped against the wall, panting. I gasped for breath, my body still trembling with aftershocks. Venom, as always, had plugged me, keeping everything inside me. For once I was more grateful than usual, knowing that the mess would be difficult to clean up at work. Not to mention, I’d rather not walk around leaking everywhere.
I finally dragged myself up. I had to go home. Fumbling for my phone, I sent a text to Becca telling her that I had to leave because I wasn’t feeling up to snuff. Once I managed to gather myself enough, I pulled on my clothes and threw on my jacket. Grabbing my stuff, I quietly left the restaurant through the service doors and made my way to my car.
I slumped into the seat, unzipping my coat briefly. My entire body felt so hot, and I bit my lip as I felt Venom sliding around my waist again.
Going home to Eddie?
“You win, Ven,” I half-laughed, starting the car. “You got me.”
Eddie wants kids.
I swallowed. “What do you think of that, Ven?” I asked, driving home. My knuckles whitened around the wheel as I tried to keep my hands from trembling. My entire body still felt hypersensitive, and it wasn’t helping that Venom kept occasionally teasing my clit, edging me further.
The idea of children didn’t exactly scare me. I’d wanted kids of my own, but never thought I’d find the guy to settle down with. Though it broke my heart to think of Eddie or Venom leaving me, the idea of having a little one with both of them to cherish and raise was something I would jump at. Though, I hoped that neither of them would leave either.
Would never leave you, Rose. Venom sounded offended. We love you.
I took in a breath. “I know, Ven. It’s just... I can’t help it. It’s a fear.”
We want a kid with Rose. My kind reproduces asexually, but still need a good parent. Raise kids properly.
I pulled into the parking garage and parked, then pulled out the keys and leaned back, hand on the door. “We should talk to Eddie about it first, though, don’t you think?”
Eddie is afraid you’ll leave. Scared of having kids. Scared he will be a bad parent.
I smiled faintly. “Do you think we could change that?”
I think we can. A hint of lust laced his tone, and I swung out of the car.
“So, we agree on a game plan?” I began to walk toward the elevator, stripping out of my shirt and pants and zipping up my coat to hide my underwear.
He just answered with a chuckle, and I smirked. My switch flipped, and I licked my lips as I exited the elevator. For a brief moment, I was glad I’d decided to wear a pair of matching and relatively lacy underwear. I opened the door and let my clothes and bag slide to the floor.
Venom untied my hair, and I ruffled it with a murmured thanks. Kicking off my shoes, I reached up to untie my scarf as I walked into the office.
Eddie turned, looking surprised to see me. “Rose? I thought you still had a while to-“ His mouth dropped as the coat slid off my shoulders to pool on the floor.
I pulled the scarf off, then walked up to him in the chair. Using the scarf, I wrapped it around his shoulders and sat myself in his lap. Pulling him closer, I pressed a kiss to his neck as he grabbed my waist.
“I think Ven might have been too strong of a corruption for me, Eddie,” I murmured, sliding my arms around his shoulders. I pulled back to give him a pout, burying my fingers into his hair.
He sucked in a breath. “I- uh- I sorta thought he might calm down just being near you... guess I was wrong-?” he chuckled nervously. “Um- Rose, are you- mm.”
I cut him off with a kiss, my hand sliding down to his. “Eddie,” I murmured against his mouth, pulling his hand to my underwear. “I think your girlfriend isn’t quite full enough,” I suggested, making him sink his fingers into me.
He sucked in a sharp breath as Venom’s matter started to spill out of me around his fingers, puddling in his lap. He grunted, and I could feel his pants strain against me.
“Do you mind if I need a little attention?” I breathed, biting my lip as I sat up.
He licked his lips. “I... I do have work...” but it was weak.
I bent to kiss his ear. “But I really, really want you under me,” I whimpered. “Venom and I want to have your hands around my hips, buried inside of me.”
His breath stuttered. “You know I’m yours, Rose,” he said weakly, his voice turning into the submissive whimper I loved so much.
Venom took over me briefly, taking us to the bedroom. He got rid of Eddie’s pants and shirt, then melted up my arms as he settled me over Eddie’s hips. Venom left me to sink into Eddie, wrenching his arms up to latch onto the headboard, securing him to the bed.
I peeled my underwear off, ignoring how they were soaked through with black. It leaked down me, onto Eddie’s straining member as he bucked and grunted.
“Please- Ven- I want to touch her,” Eddie groaned, his eyes fixed on me.
I bent to kiss him, sliding my hands up his chest. “If you be a good boy for Rose and Venom tonight, Eddie, I think you’ll like what we’ve agreed on,” I teased, smiling playfully as I rocked my hips up.
He hissed, then panted. “I’ll be good.” He gulped as I brushed my fingers over his nipples. “I promise, Rose. Please, he’s been in my head all day and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Hmm, I don’t know...” I pursed my lips thoughtfully. “You did dump him on me at work.” I gave him a pout. “Don’t you know what Ven did? How he teased me at work for an hour before making me go to the locker room? How he pushed me against the wall and took care of me, reminding me that you were here at home?”
His hips strained against Venom futilely. “Please, Rose,” he whined. “I need it, please, I need you. We need you.” His dark eyes all but begged for me. “I’m so close already, please.”
I tilted my head and reached down, dragging my fingers across his length. It twitched as he hissed, and I pulled it up to tease it against my entrance. I smiled. “Oh? Do you want Venom to just slide it into me, so slowly? Hmm?”
He groaned. “Yes, please.”
Venom formed his body under Eddie, trapping him between me and himself. He still held Eddie captive, but reached his own hands up to start teasing my breasts. Eddie groaned, tortured at the sight.
“This isn’t fair,” Eddie groaned.
Venom chuckled. I had her at work today, Eddie. She was hot and wet and soft, and perfect. She kept saying my name, wanting me. His tongue flickered.
I squirmed for effect under his hands. “Hn- not my nipples, Ven- you’ve been teasing me this whole time,” I whined. “It’s my turn to play with Eddie. I want him.” I pouted.
His hands slid down to my hips and pulled me down into a kiss. I melted into Eddie’s body, moaning into Venom’s mouth. Eddie whimpered between us, squirming, trying to search for friction, for some sort of satisfaction.
Isn’t our Rose beautiful, Eddie? Venom growled, his tendrils sliding between us to wrap around Eddie’s length. His hands lifted my hips, clearly teasing my lips against Eddie’s throbbing, leaking length. His thumbs parted my lips, and thick, black tendrils crawled down to start teasing my clit.
I moaned, leaning back so Venom could control my hips. “Oh- yes, Ven.” I bit my lip. “Tease me with Eddie, please.”
Eddie moaned. “Ven, Rose, please. I can’t take much more.”
He can’t hold on much longer, Rose. Venom grinned, tongue wrapping around Eddie’s throat.
“But I love it when he begs, Ven. He’s so cute. Please tease a little more?” I fluttered my eyelashes at him.
His tendrils squeezed Eddie’s tip, then slowly rubbed the head against me. Make him cum inside you?
“Yes!” I reached down to lace my fingers in Venom’s, still wrapped around my hips. “Please, make him cum inside me. Like you did.”
Eddie gasped sharply. “W-wait- but I- I don’t have a condom on-“
And she’s not on the pill. Venom agreed, dipping Eddie’s tip into me.
Eddie’s wide eyes met mine. “Wait, if you put me in I- I’ll cum.”
And if Rose is okay with that? Venom asked, his fingers lacing in mine as his hands supported me.
Eddie stared at me.
I supported myself against Venom’s hands, teasing myself against Eddie’s tip as Venom’s tendrils held it up against me. “I want you to cum in me, Eddie.”
We talked, Eddie.
“What?” He sucked in a sharp breath as I slid his tip into me, feeling the stretch. “You-?”
She wants it, Eddie. Wants us.
“You want- you want it, Rose? I mean... you’re okay with-?”
I nodded, biting my lip and whimpering as Venom twitched against my clit. “Yes. I want you and Venom, Eddie. I want to try to have kids with both of you. I love both of you so much. I’ve always wanted a baby.”
Venom let me sink another inch onto Eddie, his fingers tightening around mine as I moaned. Eddie’s breaths were coming short and fast, his eyes rolling. I slid down onto Eddie all the way, until Venom’s tendrils on my clit were resting against Eddie’s pelvis. Eddie let out a broken moan, jerking as he moaned my name, over and over. Venom growled, and I bit my lips in satisfaction as I felt Eddie spill into me.
It wasn’t enough. Venom let me bend down to kiss Eddie, soft and deep. His hands held my hips tightly against him and Eddie, his tendrils wrapping around Eddie’s length still buried inside me.
“Oh- Venom- Rose- wait, it’s too- it’s too sensitive,” he cried, jerking. “No, stop, I can’t-“
I thrust a little, grinding my hips against him. Venom continued to tease Eddie’s tip, over stimulating him as he twisted and moaned. “Wait- please- I’ll come again-“
“It’s okay, Eddie,” I murmured, kissing him gently. “Cum inside me. Let me and Ven feel you cum in me. I want it. I want you.”
He let out a cry, his eyes welling as he bucked and jerked. He spilled into me again, sobbing out our names. Venom finally let him go, though I kept him buried deep inside me.
“Please don’t let it out of me, Ven,” I pleaded softly.
Will take care of you, Rose. Venom reassured, his thumbs rubbing my waist. He continued to tease my clit, keeping me sensitive and relaxed.
Eddie gasped, slowly recovering. “Rose-“
I kissed him. “I love you, Eddie. So much,” I murmured.
Venom let his hands go, and he immediately grabbed onto me. “Marry me,” Eddie blurted, kissing me fiercely. “Marry us, Rose.”
I gaped at him. “Wh-what?”
“Marry us. We want to have kids with you, want to stay with you forever. I love you, so much.” He searched my eyes.
I smiled brightly. “Yes! Yes, I will. I love you so much, Eddie.” I kissed him, then smiled at Venom. “And I love you so much, Venom.”
Venom kissed me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Then he twitched my hips over Eddie. My turn?
Eddie nodded. Venom built on top of Eddie’s length inside me, making me moan as I stretched even further. All the semen inside me seemed to swirl, making me sigh in satisfaction. Something about Venom’s pure size, how much bigger he was than me, always made me feel so safe and satisfied.
“Are you okay, Rose?” Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, and he cradled my waist in his hands.
I smiled. “Yes, I’m fine. Ven- Ah!- feels so good.” I bit my lip.
Eddie, want to see Rose cum? See her filled with us? Get her... pregnant?
Eddie’s breath hissed between his teeth. His hands gently slid up, then cupped my breasts. His fingers nudged my nipples a little, his hands calloused but gentle.
“Yes,” he rasped.
I let Venom completely manhandle me, grinding my hips against Eddie’s as he twitched inside me. I whimpered. Eddie gently kissed me, his lips sliding against mine with a tenderness that didn’t match the way Venom rutted their hips into me. Each thrust kept making more semen trickle out of me, yet pushing it further into my womb.
I felt so full and satisfied, heat lighting all of my nerves. I half-sobbed, feeling myself creep closer to the edge again. “Venom, Eddie,” I cried, beginning to tremble.
Love our Rose. Venom purred, his tongue beginning to curl around my shoulder.
“We love you, Rose,” Eddie murmured, kissing my neck.
I felt everything inside of me clench as I came, gasping for breath. But Venom kept thrusting up into me, kept bringing my hips down to meet him. I sobbed around the pleasure, whining Venom’s name as I came. He growled and spilled into me one last time, making everything overflow in a messy puddle.
I sank against Eddie’s chest, feeling Venom retract to leave Eddie inside me. I tried to just breathe, coming down from my high. Eddie pressed kisses down my neck, holding me to him gently. Venom purred lowly, switching so he wrapped around both of us.
I leaned up and kissed Eddie softly, feeling his thumbs rub circles into my waist. Venom cuddled us both, bubbling contentedly over our skin. I giggled slightly as he traced patterns over my stomach.
Rose going to have a little one?
“I hope so, Ven,” I answered softly, running my hand down his matter.
Eddie turned us over onto our sides, curling around me. His hand splayed over my stomach, still buried inside me. “I can’t believe you... you want this,” he said wonderingly.
I smiled, cupping his cheek. “I’ve always wanted kids, I just didn’t know if I’d ever find the right person,” I confessed. “But you and Ven...”
He kissed me gently. “Thank you, Rose. I promise we’ll protect you, take care of you.”
I nuzzled into his neck. “I’m so happy I’ll get to be Rosemary Brock,” I said shyly.
“Sorry, Rose. I didn’t really mean to propose like this. I have a ring and everything, I just...”
I shook my head. “It’s okay, Eddie.” I smiled. “I’m so happy that I’ll get to marry you and Ven. I was a little scared,” I said, looking down at his chest. “I mean, I know that you care for me, but I... I didn’t want to lose either of you.”
“Never,” Eddie promised. “I love you with everything I have. I know I’m not the best man out there, Rose, and you’re... you’re too good for me. But I want to take care of you and have kids with you and Ven.”
“That’s all I want,” I whispered.
Venom nuzzled my shoulder. Ours, Rose. Always together.
“Always, Ven,” I promised back. “I love you. I’m yours, Venom.”
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Duff (11)
im jaebum au series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, mature, smut  plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception, but as time goes on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: it’s been a while, my bad. but the next chapter is going to spicyyyyyyyy. not edited, hope yall enjoy it <3 stay safe out there <3
Your jaw dropped as the driver drove through the gates and up the long driveway to Park Jinyoung’s mansion. You knew he was rich, but you didn’t know he was this rich. But even more than the vast wealth the Parks had, you were more taken by the decorations that started from the gate all the way up to the main entrance. 
You turned towards Jaebum who was watching you already. You felt the golden glow of the lights outside flow into the unlit car, and somehow you could see something glint in his dark eyes. 
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it Mr Kim?” you looked out the window again, to see the sparkling lights making a rendition of Van Gough’s starry night. You smiled to yourself a bit, “It might be a bit cliche and basic, but starry night is my favourite piece of artwork.” 
The driver hummed in reply, saying something about taking a picture for his daughter.
Jaebum didn’t reply, and you didn’t mind. Him and you weren’t exactly on friendly speaking terms, well at least not in your books. 
Since that day in the office, Jaebum had tried to talk to you numerous of times, but you avoided him. You didn’t want to hear his empty apologies or empty excuses or empty flirty, or whatever meaningless, empty words he wanted to say to you because he was feeling bored. 
You didn’t even think he would pick you up today, but when you called up your driver, Jaebum had pulled up in his sleek black car. It was a moment that you seen in movies, where the male lead sees the female lead with her makeover for the first time, and he’s blown away. 
But Im Jaebum wasn’t blown away. He wasn’t even fazed, if anything he found you so unappealing that he couldn’t bear to look at you for more than two seconds without looking away in pain. 
Was he always such an asshole?
He probably was, but back then he was trying to charm you with his sweet words. Maybe, he was a sicko who liked girls who weren’t into him, and as soon as you showed him any interest he vanished into the night. 
The car stopped at the red carpet laid out at the entrance, and you began to check your outfit and lipstick for the last time before reaching for the door. Your hand was reaching for the handle when the door swung open, and a hand reached in for you. 
You placed your hand in theirs, and carefully got out of the car. 
You stepped out to find yourself chest to chest with Jaebum. His fingers gripping onto your fingers as you stared up at him. 
You cleared your throat and began taking a step away from him, when he reached out and pulled your body against his by your waist. Your hands laid flat against his chest, the black material feeling rich on your skin. HIs dark eyes drifted to your lips, before they looked away purposefully. 
You turned around to find the car driving off behind you that you were about to bump into. You looked up at Jaebum, your cheeks tainting pink, “Thanks.” 
“Watch where you’re going,” was all he replied, as he let you go. 
Your heart once again sank at the lack of endearment, but you ignored it and adjusted the dress before you began following Jaebum into the mansion. 
Jaebum was instantly surrounded by people. People lining up around him, trying to play it off as they waited for their turns for introductions. You were right next to Jaebum, introducing him to everyone. 
The first hour was spent just like that, making introductions and standing next to Jaebum and pretending like you were invisible. The other important people only gave you a passing glance before looking away, no one stared for too long. You weren’t worth their time. 
You didn’t mind though. 
You enjoyed the architecture of the building and the artworks hanging around the hall. This must have really been a castle at some point you concluded after an hour of staring at the walls. You wondered which kind of ruler lived here before, but you knew for certain whoever it was wasn’t a good person; no in power ever is. 
Jaebum and you had drifted away about fifteen minutes ago, but you kept an eye out for him. He was currently taking to Paul from work, so you thought he was in safe hands. You took another mini-sausage roll before washing it down with another glass of expensive champagne. 
You didn’t like that taste even though it was exquisite. All it did was remind you of the night Jinyoung engaged to that woman in front of you, after telling you he loved you a few hours ago. 
“I finally found you,” a deep voice spoke behind you. His voice fell over you like velvet, and you struggled to breath. 
You turned around, already annoyed, “What are you doing here, Jinyoung?”
“You’re casual and feisty today,” he chucked, moving to stand next to you. He picked up a mini-sausage and popped it into his mouth, before waving a hand around, “This is my party, incase you’ve forgotten, y/n.” 
You snorted, “How can I forget with this champagne? Tell me, was this your favourite before you chose her or did it happen after?” 
“Woah,” Jinyoung tried to take the glass from you, but you moved it out of his reach, “How many of those have you had?”
“None of your business,” you gave him a straight smile. “None of these people are drinking anything anyway. And I needed a drink, it’s just been so hard lately.” 
You leaned your head on his shoulder, but straightened your spine right away, “I’m not drunk, Jinyoung. I just don’t have the energy to fight or pretend, at least not with you, not tonight.” 
“I don’t know if that is a compliment or not,” Jinyoung clicked his tongue, playfully. “I kind of like it when you fight with me.” 
“God, you’re such a perv, Jinyoung,” you groaned, and he laughed. 
“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand and gesturing to the dance floor. “Dance with me?” 
“No, thanks.”
“Why not?” 
“Are you sure you want to dance with me?” You asked him, with a knowing look. “I know this is a party, but I am still just an assistant here. Are you sure your reputation won’t hurt from dancing with someone like me? I’m not made of money like you, Jinyoung.” 
“Beauty and wealth are both welcomed here, y/n,” Jinyoung took your hand in his, “And you have a wealth of beauty, my dear.” 
He brought your hand to his face, his lips brushing over your knuckles. 
“Oh, right,” you chuckled, your heart sinking slightly. “You think I am pretty.”
Your gaze went to Im Jaebum who didn’t spare you a single glance. Your eyes fell on the girl he was talking to, and you couldn’t help but notice how different she was to you. You couldn’t but notice how different Jaebum looked talking to her; kind and well-mannered. 
“I’ve always found you beautiful, y/n,” Jinyoung said, drawing your attention back to him. “That’s why I was drawn to you in the beginning, and when I got to know you... well, I guess that was the end of me.” 
You laughed lightly as you placed your hand on his shoulder, and the other in his hand. His hands rested on the curve of your clothed hip. 
“But today,” he smiled at you, “You looked absolutely gorgeous.”
“Don’t exaggerate, Jinyoung. If you were so taken by me,” you laughed, teasingly, giving him a look. You continued your words turning sour, “You would’ve chosen me.” 
“You know how things were back then, y/n,” Jinyoung sighed, he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. He opened them to stare into yours with so much emotion, you couldn’t breathe. 
“I looked for you, you know,” he spoke over the music. You couldn’t blink or breath as you stared at Jinyoung. His brows creased as if he was rethinking a painful event. “After I decided to end the engagement... after I broke it off, I looked for you. I searched for you, but I couldn’t find you anywhere.” 
“I- I went back home,” you whispered. You saw yourself laying in a pool of your vomit and urine, and your mother and father crying around your limp body. “I couldn’t stay here. Everyone was talking about you... it was too much.” 
“Y/n,” Jinyoung said, softly. You looked up to meet his gaze. “It’s nice to have you back. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
“May I cut in?” 
“Always interrupting us, isn’t he, y/n?” 
You turned to find Jaebum glaring holes into Jinyoung’s head. 
“What if I say no?” Jinyoung pouted, teasingly. Jaebum sighed, his patience running thin. You looked around to see people already turning this way. 
“Stop it,” you gritted through your teeth at the both of the them, your lips holding a smile. “People are starting to look.” 
“I’ll dance with him for a bit,” you smiled at Jinyoung, “Thank you Jinyoung.” 
Jinyoung smiled back at you before giving you a cheeky wink. You chuckled watching him walk away. 
“You both seem closer than last time,” Jaebum said from behind you. You shrugged stepping closer to him placing a hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. You were holding Jinyoung the same way a few moments ago, but somehow this felt different. 
The soft velvet of his jacket, the heat of his skin, the short hair tickling your fingertips at the nape of his neck. It was all somehow more intense, more intimate. 
Jaebum’s warm hands wrapped around yours as he took another step closer towards you. HIs other hand rested on your waist, pulling you in closer as it rested on the small of your back. His thumb caressed the exposed skin from your dress and you drew in a sharp breath. 
You didn’t say anything as you looked up at him. His dark eyes bore into yours, his lips drawn and tight. His jaw clenched and sharp, his black eyelashes gently fluttering across his cheekbones. 
He was beautiful. 
He was a sin in this all black suit made to precision for him. His hair was styled in-between completely swept back and lazy natural. His lips were rosy pink, and even without his lip-ring you wanted to taste them between your lips. 
You leaned closer to him. HIs thumb gently caressing your back, electricity dancing up your spine making your head spin. You welcomed his minty breath falling over your lips, as your eyes fell to his lips. And to his neck, watching as he swallowed nervously. Your gaze fluttered up to meet his eyes fixed on your face. 
You looked away from him feeling your cheeks flush, “Are you having a good time tonight, sir?” 
Jaebum only hummed in reply, his dark eyes still trained on you. 
Your eyes met his intense gaze for a moment before looking away instantly, “It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it?” 
“Yes, it is,” Jaebum said. You didn’t say anything more and bit your lip wondering if you should continue to dance with him or excuse yourself. 
You looked up at Jaebum, your hands letting go off him. 
Jaebum’s hand held yours tighter as he pulled you in closer by your waist. Your front was completely pressed against him now, and your body shivered as he leaned his lips close to your ear. 
You felt his warm breath caress the slope of your neck, and you closed your eyes letting the feeling sink deep within your bones. 
Jaebum drew his lips higher, his softness brushing against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “Thank you for everything, y/n.” 
You remained like that for a moment. Soaking in his presence, his heat, his touch, his breath, him somewhere deep inside your heart, and then you leaned back. 
“Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr Im,” you smiled up at him. 
Jaebum stared at you with an unreadable expression as his lips parted. 
“You must be glad you’ll be getting a proper secretary now,” you laughed, but there was no humour between you two. 
“I might not stay.”
“I know,” you nodded, “But if you do, I think it’ll be the biggest win for the company.”
Jaebum might be an asshole, a player; a complete fuckboy. But he was also hardworking, intelligent and gave his all into his work and accomplished a lot within the last three months you were working with him. 
“Loosing you is probably the biggest loss,” he said, pausing for a moment. “For me.” 
“I’m sure there are more qualified then me for this job.” 
“But I only want you, y/n.” 
You breath got caught at his words. Your wide eyes met his that stared at you as if you were the stars and the moon. As if once again you were presented to him as impossible puzzle, and he wanted to get lost in trying to solve you. 
He moved in closer, and lowered your gaze to avoid his heated ones. 
Jaebum lifted his hand from your waist. His fingertips brushed your cheeks with the slightest touch as he whispered, “You look beautiful, y/n.”
“Jaebum, stop it.” You began moving out of his arms, but he pulled you back in. His fingers digging into your waist as he held you steady in front of him. 
“Why?” His fevered breath fell over your face as you looked up at him. His eyes were wild with darkness, but it didn’t scare you. It only made you mad, so terribly horribly mad. 
“Why?” You spat, quietly. Your chest was heaving as you tried to control the anger that had been swelling inside you over the past month. 
“Don’t you think we’re past these little games of yours?” You sneered up at him. Your hand on his shoulder tightened as you tried to control yourself. “We already know I fell for it. Do you wanna see if I’ll fall for it again after being rejected once?” 
Jaebum didn’t say anything so you snorted. The sneer on your dark lips growing as you looked down your nose at him, “I won’t let you lead me on again, only to make a fool of me like that. I’m not going to play this sick game of yours.” 
Jaebum’s fingers bit harder into your waist making you gasp as he pulled you flush against him. HIs nose almost brushed against yours, as he breathed harshly, “A game? You think all of this was a game for me?” 
“What else could it be?” You snickered at him, both your hands flattening on his shoulder, trying to push him away with attracting any attention. But he wouldn’t budge a centimetre. You gritted through your teeth as you glared up at him, “Why else would you pretend to be into me? Play with me like that?”
Play with my feelings like that?
Jaebum’s hands rested on your exposed back as he held you steady against him. His jaw clenched, his eyes furious as he tried to control his breathing. 
“It wasn’t a game for me.” 
You ignored his words. 
“Then what was it?” You bit back. “You made it seem like you felt the same way only to reject me when I-”
“I didn’t reject you,” Jaebum cut you off. 
You began laughing mockingly, and Jaebum shook you slightly to make you look at him.  
You didn’t say anything and looked up at him, your lips parted in surprise. 
“Do you,” Jaebum whispered, leaning in closer to you as he leaned his forehead against yours. His eyes stirring golden as they stared into yours, his fingertips softly dancing on your back, causing fire to dance through your vines. “have any idea how crazy you make me, y/n?” 
Suddenly it was all too much. His touch, the way he was looking at you, the things he was saying. The lights shining down upon you two, the chattering of people around you. It all became to loud too much. Your heart beat loudly in your ear as you took a step away from him. 
Jaebum looked at you, expectantly. You stared him, unable to hear a single bought. The only thing you could hear was your heart beating thumping loudly in your ear. 
Your lips parted, you were going to say something. You weren’t sure what. Jaebum’s gaze fell to your lips, waiting for you to the say the words. You took another step back, not saying a single word. 
The smile on Jaebum’s lips dropped as your brows creased as a sudden panic before settling in your chest. You needed to get away.
“I-” you began. 
“Y/n!” You turned to saw a fury of red first, and then her smiling face as she jumped in front of you. “I didn’t know you were coming here.” 
Heather turned to Jaebum, placing a kiss on his cheek. His eyes remained on you, his face void of any emotions. 
Heather smiled at you, “Go away, JB. I won't let you steal my best friend.” 
You were next to Heather the rest of the night, but your eyes still followed the man in the black suit. His sharp eyes met yours throughout the night, but every time you looked away. 
You were looking at him once again. There was something pleasant about his lips when he talked, and the way those whiskers appeared on his cheeks when he would smile or laugh brightly. You couldn’t look away from him no matter how hard you tried. 
You watched him talk to Park Jinyoung with a frown on his face, that deepened when Jinyoung looked your way and winked. His hard glaze travelled to you, as his lips drew into a straight line. 
You looked away once again, your cheeks on fire. 
“Are you okay?” Heather asked. You looked towards her to find her following your gaze to the pair of males. 
“Mhmm,” you nodded, taking a sip of the champagne.
You watched Heather take a sip too, but you noticed that knowing smile on her lips. 
This was all too dangerous.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Thirteen
A/N : And this is it the last and final chapter. Kinda sad but mostly happy to finally finish this series. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : mature content, kidnapping, blood, violence, murder, death, language
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“What? How?” you looked at him with a worrisome face.
“We don’t know yet but we are gonna catch him don’t worry” his hands come up to your shoulders in assurance.
“Then we must go now he might be planning something dangerous to take revenge on us” saying so you were about to rush back to your room to get dressed but Tom caught hold of your hand.
“Y/N stop, you can’t go” 
“Why? You only said we need to catch him” you look at him questioningly.
“By we I meant me and the boys. You are not going anywhere, not in this condition” he speaks softly placing a hand gently over your stomach “you remember what Dr. Martin said, right? No stress and as much rest as possible”
“But-but you don’t understand Tom I can help and I was pregnant the last time we caught him” you argue as Tom reaches his hand out to cup your face with an understanding smile.
“I know love but we weren’t aware of it at that time and I'm thankful that he didn’t do anything bad but not anymore" he caressed your cheek with his thumb "I’m not letting either of you come in harm's way” you were about to say something but he cut you off “please Y/N for this time just let me handle this. I know you’re strong and the most fearless woman I have ever met in my life but for this time for their sake at least stay back” 
You finally gave up hanging your head low with a sigh. He was right with your current situation; it wasn't a wise idea. The risk would be too much and you can’t afford it, not when it’s about the safety of the little ones growing inside you.
“Okay but promise me you’ll be careful and in no circumstance you will risk your life” you place your hand over his on your stomach “we will be waiting for you”
“I promise I’ll be safe” he presses a soft kiss on your forehead “you just take care of yourself. I have told the guards everything and Leslie will also be there” he gives a one last peck on your lips before parting “I’ll be back in no time I promise” he reassures smiling as you nod mirroring his smile.
Tom along with with his brothers and Harrison were at their office in Westminster discussing their next move to get hold of Ethan before he makes a move against them.
“Any news?” Tom asks Harrison. 
“Nothing,” he answers with disappointment.
“We searched downtown but found no trace of him,” Harry informs, exchanging glances with Sam.
“How is this even possible? A man escaped but is nowhere to be found?!” Tom groans in  frustration when they are interrupted by William whom Vanessa brought along with her in case he might be able to help track down Ethan with his years of experience with your father's mob.
“Only if the man has never left the place” he elucidates.
“What?” Tom’s brows knit in a frown.
“Has anyone seen him getting out of the house?” William throws the question to his men as they stood there silently with their gazes lowered down at the floor. 
“Answer the question you morons!” Tom barks at them.
“No sir” one of them squeaks out in response as the frown on Tom’s face grows deeper.
“Well then you have your answer Ethan is still in your house hiding maybe seeking for the right opportunity” William remarks.
“Right opportunity for what?” Vanessa questions.
“Y/N..” Tom’s voice comes out shaky as panic washes over his face at the realization “Y/N is all alone in the house. We need to go now!” 
You were in your room trying to keep yourself occupied by reading some books on parenting and childbirth to calm your nerves which honestly wasn’t helping much cause you knew how dangerous it is with Ethan escaping and the vipers seeking revenge. Since no one would be informing you about anything you thought it’s best, you take a nap as stressing about it will be useless and in turn be bad for the two little beans inside you. 
You were about to lie down when you heard shuffling noises outside of your room. Your hand instantly reached out to your bedside table, opening the drawer you took out your gun and got off the bed. You carefully tip-toed out of your room, eyes scanning the corridors when you felt someone’s presence behind you. You cocked your gun ready to turn and shoot. 
“I wouldn’t dare to do that” you heard, feeling the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of your head. 
“Ethan?” you frowned deeply.
“Miss me baby?” his voice dark and full of malice. You went to shove him in the stomach with your elbow but he was quick to catch hold of your hand and twist it back as the gun fell from your grasp on the floor.
“You’re getting clumsy sweetheart” he chuckles tauntingly.
“What do you want?!” you hissed struggling to set free.
“You’ll get to know soon but for now start walking”
“What makes you think I’ll listen to whatever you say?” you grit under your teeth. 
“Well honey news is in the air that you're pretty knocked up right now" he snickers and your throat went dry, he knows "so if you don't do what I say I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to pull the trigger” 
Usually you were tough and it takes a lot to shake you but now it is different. You couldn’t think of fighting back as fear grasped on to your mind and body. You weren’t alone, you had two lives growing inside you and in no way you were going to put their lives in danger so you remained quiet and decided to do exactly what you were told. You slowly walked down the stairs with Ethan behind you holding you by your arm with one hand the other had his gun pointed at the back of your head when Leslie walked out of the kitchen.
“Ma’am!” she gasped in horror and immediately pressed the alarm on the nearby wall to alert the guards outside as she rushed towards you in an attempt to save you.
“Get back or she dies” Ethan threatens, pressing the gun further to your head.
“It’s ok Les just stay where you are” you say calmly. Two of Tom’s men posted at the gate barged in pointing their guns.
“Put down your gun now or you’ll regret it” they threaten, cocking their guns which made Ethan chuckle darkly.
“You really thought I would be so stupid to do this all alone” he snickers when three men dressed in all black rounded them from behind. They pulled out their guns and within seconds several gunshots were fired piercing through their bodies as both of the guards dropped dead.
“Leslie run!” you shout at her. 
“But…” she hesitates.
“Just go or they will kill you!” you tell her as she unwillingly ran to the back of the mansion to get out of the place.
“Yes, run to your boss and tell him that I got his most prized possession and soon I’ll have this whole city within my palms too” he grins wickedly. He then drags you out of the front door to the driveway where two SUV’s were parked.
“C'mon get inside the car” he nudged you as you reluctantly got in the passenger seat while he sat on the driver's seat and starts the car.
“Ethan you don’t wanna do this” you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Oh hell I wanna do it. Today I take back what is rightfully mine. Now shut the fuck up!” he yelled at you while driving and you flinched feeling utterly helpless.
“Tom is on his way he is gonna kill you and if my dad comes to know” you glared at him.
“I don’t care what that bastard wants, he has been using me to take hold of the drug cartel but I was the one who was using him to set up my own gang to take my sweet revenge. Your daddy thinks he owns the vipers, no honey, it's me who gives them the orders” he laughs when his eyes go to the phone in your hands “give me your phone” he orders.
“Why?” you tried to hide it away from him
“Just give it to me dammit!” he snatched it out of your hand and threw it out of the window on the side of the road “now no one will know where you are” he chuckles darkly speeding away through the traffic.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom stormed inside the house to be met with the two dead bodies of his men in a pool of blood.
“Oh God!” V gasped in horror and the boys were left dumbfounded at the scene in front of them..
“Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom called out again desperately.
“Sir!” a very terrified Leslie came running from the back of the house.
“Leslie, where is Y/N? Answer me!” he demanded.
“They took her sir” she broke down into tears as Tom felt the ground slipping from under his feet. 
“Uggh this is all my fault!” he knocks off the glass sculpture kept on the nearby table out of rage.
“Tom, calm down, get yourself together!” Harrison stops him from breaking any other things further.
“How can I stay calm Harrison?! That bastard took her and I wasn’t even there to save her. Now I don’t know where she is or even if she is alive or not” he laments.
“You need to think clearly, Tom. He won’t do anything to her I’m sure not until he gets what he wants” William remarks and just then Tom’s phone rang with an unknown caller id
“Take it I’m sure it’s him” William advised he pressed the call button as Ethan’s face became visible on the scream. 
“Hey Tom, what’s up man?” he says with a smug grin.
“You scum, where is Y/N?! If you lay a finger on her you’re gonna die a very brutal death!” Tom barked.
“Oh don’t worry, she's alright. For now. Say hi to your husband honey” he mocks flipping the camera towards you. Tom’s heart clenched seeing you tied up to a chair. You looked completely exhausted as you somehow lifted your face up to face the camera.
“Y/N…” he croaks a lump growing inside his throat as he fights back his tears after seeing you being treated like this when you should in the comfort of your home. 
“Tom-Tom, don’t agree to what he says it’s a tra-” you tried to warn him but were quickly cut off.
“Okay that’s enough sweetheart”
“Give me my Y/N back!” Tom growled in rage.
“Woah not so fast not until you give me what I want” he remarks with a smug grin.
“What the hell do you want?!”
“Nothing much, just hand over your mob and accept my allegiance only then you'll get your wife back. I’m giving you 12 hours to think Tom after that I’ll empty this gun into her head” he threatens and the call disconnects.
“Hey wait!” Tom yells at the dark screen.
“Let’s go! We don’t have much time” Tom was about to rush out when Harry stopped him
“Wait Tom, are you seriously going to hand over everything?”
“I'm ready to give up everything for Y/N. I don't give a fuck about the mob because that’s the reason behind Y/N, my wife, the mother of children is being held captive in the first place!” he snaps.
“Don’t do anything in a rush you don’t want to strengthen your enemy’s power do you?” William remarks..
“Yes Tom, I agree with William too. You do remember what the Coopers did back then before your dad had to kill them himself?” Harrison reminded him.
“Yes I do but what option do we have?” Tom sighed unable to find a way out
“You have an option” V speaks up
“Ask papa for help” she suggests
“Are you out of your mind?! You’re telling me to ask another enemy of ours for help for whom Y/N was almost going to die!” Tom says disapproving her idea.
“Just listen to me for once all this rivalry between you and our dad is just because of the business. If he comes to know that Y/N is in danger he would certainly help cause he loves his family more than anything” she explains.
“Vanessa is right Tom only Victor can help you. The vipers were his gang after all he will know everything and you also need more men to overpower Ethan” William agrees.
“What do you guys say?” Tom looks at his brothers and Harrison.
“You should call him” they all suggest unanimously. After a little pondering Tom took a deep breath and dialed his number.
“You really have the balls to call us after what you did Holland” Julian quipped.
“Julian you gotta listen to me mate this is important. Ethan escaped” 
“Well it's not our problem that he escaped”
“He has your sister Julian” Tom informs.
“And why would I help you to save her who is the reason we are about to lose the whole drug cartel”
“It wasn’t your sister Julian it was Ethan all along he had been double crossing you and using the vipers to grab hold of the drug cartel behind you back”
“So what? We just don’t care now end the call”
“Jules, wait your sister is pregnant” Tom reveals as Julian perks up at the news.
“What? What the hell are you talking about?” Julian asks with concern in his voice.
“She is expecting. I know you have had issues but I also know you care for her and so does Mr. Martinez. I know he is listening to this too. It's your daughter sir and if you really want her to stop hating you then help us take down Ethan” Tom’s voice breaks as he pleads with them.
“Dad?” Julian turned to Victor. 
“I'm gonna kill that bastard myself!” Victor mutters standing up from his chair enraged “everyone to get ready and tell them to meet at the Docklands”
After searching for almost three hours your father was able to locate you. You were being held in an old factory near Kennington. They drove to that place as fast as they could and stopped a mile ahead to not alert his goons. Carefully they walked over to the place and took down the guards posted outside surrounding the place. Tom along with Harrison and your father and brother entered the building killing anyone who came in their way. The deserted factory echoed with the loud noise of gunshots and you knew that Tom was here to rescue you.
“You hear that? Tom is here, you’re going to die Ethan” you quipped a knowing smile etched on your face.
“Not so easily” he goes to untie the ropes and pulls you up on your feet pressing his gun against the side of your head.
“Y/N!” Tom barged in.
“Come closer and she dies,” Ethan threatens.
“You might want to reconsider mate” Tom says with a sly smirk
“Why is that?”
“Your sister Meredith, is her name right? And she lives in an apartment near Brixton” he muses “guess what? my brothers happen to be there too” fear washed over Ethan’s face as he realized how the tables have turned and all thanks to your father who knew about his sister and told Tom about her.
“No, keep my sister out of this” he says weakly.
“You left me no choice mate” Tom tsks “it’s over Ethan so let Y/N go and no one gets hurt” he warns him as Ethan removes the gun from your head and lets go of you. You take one quick glance at him and then look at Tom standing in front of you. You immediately strided your way towards him with tears in your eyes but Ethan had something else in his mind. He lifted his gun again and pulled the trigger aiming at your back.
“Y/N!!” Tom shrieked but before the bullet could hit you Victor was on time to pull you in his tight embrace guarding you as the bullet hit him on his right  shoulder. He flinched in pain as you grasped on to his shirt trembling.
“Daddy?” you said weakly glancing up to him with tear filled eyes. 
“It’s ok mija I’m here now. Don’t worry everything is going to be alright” he caresses the back of your head gently as you feel your head spin. The stress was too much for you to handle and you fainted in his arms.
“Go get that motherfucker!” Tom shouted seeing Ethan trying to flee. His men were quick to grab him as Harrison snatched the gun out of his hand and punched him right at his face.
“Jules, take her to the hospital now!” your father instructed. Jules took you from his arms and carried you to the car and immediately left for the hospital.
Tom stalked his way towards Ethan as if he was a prey. He cocked his gun, his gaze stone cold eyes burning with rage. He kicks Ethan on his legs as his knees buckled and he kneeled down on the floor in front of him.
“Tom please let me go I swear I’ll go as far away as possible and never return back” Ethan begs for his mercy.
“You should have thought about it before you decided to shoot Y/N” Tom growled, pressing the gun in between his eyes. But for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It didn’t feel right to him.
“Tom, what are you waiting for?” Harrison nudged him.
“I-I can’t, Y/N wouldn’t want this” Tom looked at him unsure of what to do “it’s better we hand him over to the police” he suggests.
“If you can’t I will” Victor interrupts and aggressively points his gun at Ethan.
“No Victor, wait!” Tom tried to stop him but it was too late he had already pulled the trigger and Ethan’s lifeless body collapsed on the ground.
“It’s ok Tom nobody gets away after messing with my family” he shrugs when the blaring of the sirens could be heard from a distance.
“Get out of here right now!” Victor says to Tom.
“But..” Tom hesitates.
“Leave or you’ll get caught too” he insists.
“What about you?”
“I think it’s time for me to pay for my crimes” he sighs looking at the gun in his hand with a contemplating smile etched on his face. The screeching of car tires could be heard as the bellowing of the sirens grew louder which was soon followed by the clamoring footsteps of people in tactical boots. 
“Now go to my daughter she needs you” Victor rushes him “and remember to keep her happy and safe or else I’ll hunt you down too” he warns him.
“Will keep that in mind” Tom smirks and walks out of the place.
“Raise your hands where I can see them!” Grace orders and without a single Victor raises his hands in surrender.
“Victor Martinez you are under arrest for embezzlement and several other crimes including hoarding and smuggling of illegal drugs and murders” Grace states pointing her gun at him along with a team of officers behind her. A male officer was quick to handcuff him. Tom watched it whole from a distance as he was led inside the police van before leaving for the hospital.
You woke up to the rhythmic beeping of the EKG. Your eyes slowly adjust to the lighting of the hospital room.
“Tom..Tom” you mumbled half awake.
“Hey, hey I’m right here” Tom quickly gets up from the couch and holds your hands as you sit up.
“Tom what happened?” you ask warily.
“You fainted honey, your blood pressure went low due to all the stress” he informs.
“What about our babies?” your hand goes to your stomach as you look at him with panic stricken eyes “are they ok? Tom, are they safe?” you rambled out of fear.
“Yes darling, they are safe and healthy the doctor’s confirmed” he assures you gently brushing your hair with his hands.
“Oh thank god” you heaved a sigh of relief.
“I think we should thank your dad too cause if he wasn’t there in time you would have got shot” he remarks.
“I know,” you say, staring at your lap.
“Y/N the interpol and police took your father”
“Well that was going to happen some or the other day anyways” you half shrugged.
“But he saved you, saved us”
“I know and that’s the irony for the first time my dad genuinely showed that cared about me and now I will never see him again” you say with regret in your voice.
4 months later….
You were seated in the huge courtroom of the New York State Supreme Court with Tom, Vanessa and your mother by your side as you awaited the jury’s verdict on the charges you, your father and brother have been indicted with. After your father’s arrest the underworld imploded and most of the leaders went into hiding to save their businesses and escape the law. It was a huge issue in the international media too, the trial went on for three months. You had to travel back and forth to appear before the court for the murders you were charged with. 
Though they could never find any proof against you, your dad and your husband made sure of that. Tom had told you that he had requested the families not to testify against you and they had agreed. But you know his way of requesting people very well : it's pointing a gun at their head. If they don’t agree then they are permanently relieved of their life. 
When you said that to him he laughed it off by saying “that’s preposterous! I would never do that” and you gave him ‘not buying it’ look “okay the old me would but I’m a changed man now and as I promised no violence” he clarified. But you knew better and you didn’t mind this time really cause you didn’t want to abandon this beautiful life you finally got and go to jail. 
Moreover in less than two months there will be two new additions to your little family and you don’t want to miss any of it. You knew that you could never get rid of the blood in your hands and so did Tom but this time you are gonna start afresh for those pure little souls that are coming to light up your entire world and remove the darkness that had been clouding your lives.
“The jury have reached a verdict” the judge’s voice echoed through the silent courtroom and Tom places his hand over yours comfortingly giving you a reassuring smile telling you that everything will be ok “and they unanimously find Victor Martinez guilty of the following charges related to extortion, money laundering, murders and illegal smuggling of drugs. He is being sentenced to lifetime imprisonment” the judge declared.
“Also due to lack of evidence the jury declares Julian Martinez and Y/N Holland innocent and free of all charges” he adds and Tom squeezes your hand gently with a soft smile and a relief in his eyes as you look at him mirroring his smile. 
“The court is adjourned for the day” the judge announced and everybody stood up from their seats to walk out of the room one by one. You watched your dad getting handcuffed and being taken away by the officials as your brother followed them to finish the rest of the formalities that needed to be done before they took your father to the prison. For once you wanted to hug him tight and let him know that you loved him even after whatever went down between you. You wanted to let him know that you have forgiven him, you felt bad for your mother too after all he is her husband.
“Don’t worry honey I’ll be fine” she touches your shoulder breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“I’m really sorry mom you don’t deserve this” you sniffled
“It’s ok, Y/N I knew this day was coming soon and how much ever you feel bad a crime is a crime”
“Mom, you can come live with us. I can talk to Tom, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” you offered.
“No sweetie that’s not happening I’m better off here and Jules will be there I will be perfectly ok. You just take care of yourselves”  
“Hello Mrs Martinez” Tom interrupts.
“Hello Tom”
“Honey it’s quite some time you ate anything let’s get you something shall we?” he suggested to you.
“Yeah I’m feeling a little hungry to be honest” you  remarked.
“I know love, let’s go then there’s a nice café right around the corner of the street” he says as Julian joins you three too.
“All formalities are complete, it’s time for us to leave as well” he informs as you walk to him and held his hands.
“Jules please take care of my mother” you ask him with hopeful eyes.
“I will don’t worry” he pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead “you guys take care too, alright” you nod and go to hug your mom before leaving the place with Tom.
Tom and you slowly walked out of the court and made your way to the café. Upon entering the shop you saw Vanessa already waiting for you as you went and sat down at the table while Tom went to give your orders. You were a little bit out of breath cause being seven months pregnant with twins is no big joke. You get easily tired now. Your stomach has grown round and big in the past few months which makes it difficult for you to bend down. But Tom was always there for you patiently helping you out. He even signed up for birthing and parenting classes so that you are ready for everything.
“Well finally it’s over isn’t it? You got what you wanted” V chimes.
“Yeah kind of” you sigh “is it wrong though that I feel bad for him?”
“Not at all after all he is our father we have the right to feel bad but past is past we gotta move on” you remarks “so how are the little munchkins?”
“Oh they are doing quite well and also not letting their mother sleep with their constant kicking seems like they can’t wait to come out already and so do I. I really want my precious sleep back” you joked.
“Oh sissy for the next two years forget about sleep cause you will be getting none” V snickers.
“Can’t complain though I voluntarily signed up for it” you shake your head smiling as you pull out a file from inside your bag “here” you say handing over the file to her.
“What is this?” V looks at you cluelessly.
“A deal is a deal, open it” you tell her as she opens the file and goes through the papers. Her eyes widened with shock as she finished reading the last page.
“What?! Are you serious?” 
“I told you I’ll give your rightful share in the family so this is it” you stated.
“But you are giving me the rum and diamond business. That’s yours” she emphasized.
“I know but I don’t have the time or interest to run it and I can’t handle the business in New York while staying in London. Moreover, Tom has decided to start a chain of luxury resorts and since I have a management degree I’ll be helping him to expand it” you explain “so I’m entrusting you with our family businesses. Welcome to the family V” you look at her with a proud smile.
“I’ll not disappoint you” she promises.
“I know you won’t”
If you want to send blurb requests based on the series I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. Also suggest me some cute baby names both girl and boy. I was thinking of going with Beatrice or April and Cole or Ben but would like to hear your opinions as well ❤️
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