#and I'm literally shoveling them into my mouth by the handful
Berries are the best frickin thing in the world man
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thebearer · 1 year
had this thought of being in your first trimester while pregnant with teddy, and you’re so sick you can barely hold down saltine cracker. and one day at family he’s trying to get you to eat and you’re like “no i literally can’t” and he snaps at you in front of everyone
"C'mon, just try a little bite." Carmen coaxes, what was supposed to be a soothing tone was falling short, that snip in his tone was fueled with irritation.
"Carmen," You moaned lightly, your stomach lurching at the thought.
The smell of the kitchen was enough to make you nauseous, walking through only for a moment before you felt ill. Normally, your mouth salivated at the smells, tummy rumbling at the promise of the family meal.
That changed quickly after you found out you were pregnant. Only a few weeks, but your symptoms were coming in stronger each day. Hormonal acne that was angry and hurt to the touch decorating your jaw and chin, fatigue that washed over you in waves so strong it left your head spinning, and morning sickness. Well, morning was generous seeing as it followed you throughout the day. Your sense of smell was more sensitive, as was your stomach, and that combo was far from ideal. You'd smelled cilantro when you walked in and had to run to the bathroom.
Carmen understood, he did, but your recent hunger strike of sorts because of your stomach was making him beyond nervous. He'd looked up all the important, nutrient rich foods for you, insistent that you eat them.
And you would, if you could. If it didn't come shooting back up twenty minutes later.
"You gotta eat." Carmen frowned at you. "You can't starve yourself. Starve the baby."
"Carm, I'm not starving myself or the baby." You snapped, low and under your breath. "I'm gonna throw up if I eat it, ok? My stomach is fucked."
"Probably because you haven't eaten anything." Carmen glared at you, nodding towards the loaded bagel sandwich in front of you. "C'mon."
"Carmen, the thought of eating that right now is making me already gag." You muttered, holding a hand to your mouth, trying to swallow the spit already pooling in. "I'm not eating that."
"Baby, you have to-"
"-Carm, I will later, but I can't right now. I just threw up." You whined. There came the surge of emotions, raging and wild, the annoyance masked with frustration and tears.
"Eat. I'm not playin' with you anymore." Carmen's tone was harsh, cutting and firm, loud enough to bring the attention of the table towards the two of you.
Your lip wobbled, stomach twisting now with the humiliation of tears as well. You shoved your seat out, stomping towards the bathroom with burning tears. The table was silent, looking at Carmen.
Tina glared at him. "The fuck's the matter with you, Jeff?" She huffed, already standing to check on you.
"I-I'm just... She's not eating. And-And it's bad for the baby-"
"Carmen, really?" Sugar huffed, rolling her eyes. "You're so stupid."
"I gotta agree with Sug on this one." Richie quipped, nodding before shoveling the pasta in his mouth. "You are a fuckin' moron."
"Fuck off, alright? I'm a moron because I don't want my baby to starve?" Carmen huffed. The table erupted in comments, mostly derogatory towards Carmen's last comment and in defense of you.
"She's not starving your baby, you idiot." Sugar huffed. "She's sick. Ok? That is a different kind of sickness. One you will never understand." Sugar sneered. "And right now, there's probably only one craving that the baby won't reject, so maybe instead of being a dumbass-"
"-total jagoff-"
"-complete asshole-"
"-Go check on her." Sugar placed her hands on her hips, the sisterly glare that only an older sister could possess.
Carmen hated that she was right, hated that they all were. But he hated that you were upset and in the bathroom more.
"Can I come in?" Carmen knocked lightly, hearing Tina's soothing voice over your retching and sniffles. His heart plummeted.
Tina opened the door with a glare, one that had Carmen stepping back. "You not gonna come in here and make Mama more upset, you got me, Jeff?" Tina sneered, a painted brow raised menacingly at him.
Carmen just nodded dumbly. "You better get in there and make it right, you hear me?" Tina pushed past him.
You were sitting on the tile, one hand wiping your tear stained face, the other cleaning your mouth with a piece of toilet paper. You glared at Carmen through tear stained eyes, sniffling softly, making his heart crack.
"Baby," Carmen knelt down, a hand running over your hair soothingly. "I'm sorry, alright? I-I didn't mean to yell like that."
You just glared at him, wiping under your eyes. "I just... I don't know, I'm scared. I'm scared that something will happen to the baby, and-and it will be my fault."
"How would it be your fault?" You mumbled through a pout. "It's my body."
"Yeah, but, I-I don't know. Like if I miss a step or don't do everything right it will... It'll be bad and it's gonna be my fault." Carmen muttered, looking down at the tile.
"That's not how it's gonna be, Carm." You sigh, your heart melting at his admission. You knew he was scared, you were too. Just trying to figure it out together. "You can't plan everything and expect it to go like that. Not with a baby."
"I know." Carmen ran a hand down his face, looking back at you sweetly. "I'm just... I-I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to pressure you like that and be an asshole... or a jagoff... or a dumbass..."
You giggled lightly, lips curling. "You're not a dumbass all the time." You said playfully. "I promise, I will eat, Carm. I just can't do the vegetables and cheese today." You said, gagging lightly at the thought.
"Yeah? That's alright. What can you do, hm? What're you in the mood for?" Carmen hummed, running a hand down your hair.
You thought for a moment, hand running over your tummy lightly. You'd barely started to show, looking like bloat, but it drove Carmen wild regardless.
"Remember that hot dog we had after our first karaoke date?" You muttered dreamily, leaning your head to the side.
It felt like a lifetime ago. You and Carmen had just gotten 'serious'. Everything was exciting and new, and you'd taken him to a karaoke bar, serenading him a little tipsy and giggly. You'd been starving on your walk home. Carmen stopped and got you a one am hot dog at a questionable stand, but you'd loved it, sharing it with him, buried into his side while the two of you walked home. It was a shitty hotdog, but Carmen would've ate a million that night to keep you happy like that.
"Yeah?" Carmen tried not to grimace, nose scrunching lightly enough to have you laughing, his shoulders relaxing at the sound.
"I just want a shitty hotdog. Nothing gourmet. Just with some mustard. That's all I've been craving." You muttered.
"Alright. That's what baby wants?" Carmen asked, helping you off the floor sweetly, grabbing your bag for your mouth wash.
You nodded, gargling with it, Carmen holding your hair back while you spit in the sink. "I'll get it for you, ok? I think there's one down the block-"
"-I'll come with you." You added, glaring at him lightly, so he wouldn't protest. "I just need to be outside. Maybe settle my stomach."
"Alright." Carmen nodded, a hand running down your hip. "You got a coat?" You nodded, leaning into his side, walking back to the office with him.
Carmen walked you down to the stand, "overpriced and a tourist trap" he'd grumble, but bought you two hot dogs- just in case. In case you wanted more later. You'd managed to keep it down, sitting with him on the steps of The Bear, pressed into his side, giggly and sharing kisses in between bites.
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letorip · 2 months
Can you do headcanons about meeting/first date with Jenna’s characters?
meetings & first dates
very funny to think about, i really did have quite good fun writing this one. thank you as always to the anon who requested, i was happy to oblige. also this isn’t what i originally planned to put out but casual [iii] should be out soon so maybe this’ll fill the void. i'm also on holiday at the moment, so that's why i'm posting at a weird hour (5 am) my ass had a plane to catch
i think i cooked on the lorraine one, would y'all want that one too
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wednesday addams
you meet her in jericho, working behind the counter of the hardware store your parents own, when she stomps inside in her rain soaked boots and down a random aisle without a word at you
when she comes back with a shovel, some duct tape, a taser, and some rope, you have to awkwardly joke that it looks like she's trying to kill something
she doesn't laugh at your joke, instead staring right back at you, and you feel yourself gulp
that's your first interaction, and you don't see her again for a few days, until she comes back to buy a box of nails, and then a week later, a bucket, and a few days after that, a plunger
you won't know it until later, but she didn't actually need the nails or the bucket, she just needed an excuse to go back to the hardware store and buy some stuff so she could get up close to you
after four or five trips of her buying the most odd, random shit, she works up the courage to actually start talking to you a bit more. after a few more trips after that, you ask her what the stuff is all for, and she lets you in on the creature in the woods killing the locals, and that she claims to have seen it
for what it's worth, you believe her immediately, about rowan and the hyde and crackstone, and you listen to her theorise, leaning on the counter until someone else comes in and asks you where the plywood is, and you have to actually go do your job. wednesday stares down the intruder, trying to smite them with her eyes, but you always give her an apologetic smile before you leave
she tells you later when you're better friends and she's confessing, but she thinks of you as an odd comfort and home that she never realised she desired, and being in the hardware store and having you smile at her gave her a single fluttering of that warmth
eventually she brings you on her investigations and her cold, dead heart is running a million miles an hour the entire time, but you have to hide how close you are to wednesday from your father, because of his passionate dislike of outcasts
wednesday comes to your back window and chucks rocks at the glass to get your attention, romeo and juliet style, so that you can sneak out
when you actually ask her out, it's before you've even kissed, and wednesday wordlessly nods yes with her mouth hanging open, before she grabs the collar of your jacket and messily kisses you for the first time
your first date is to a movie, and to a horror movie, to be more specific. you take her to get food at a local diner that's open 24 hours, super late at night, and though she makes a remark about how these restaurants were unhealthy and an indicator of what's wrong with america, she thoroughly enjoys her waffle and you even manage to get her to wear one of those silly diner hates for a moment. she doesn't admit it, but she likes making you laugh
the movie is an incredibly rough experience. you despise horror movies, but wednesday is left smiling at the screen as a man is ripped to shreds in front of your eyes
that is until she realises your discomfort, and she realises you only did this because you knew she would like it. the realisation literally blows her mind, and she watches your face contort in disgust and fear, before gently reaching over and hastily grabbing your hand
she doesn't say another word, struggling to process the new emotions until you're both done with the movie and walking home. you're ranting about how gross it was and how you would be having nightmares for weeks because of it, and then she reaches up to the back of your neck and pulls you down into another fiery kiss, right as it starts to rain
tara carpenter
you've known tara for years, since you're also from woodsboro. you went to the same elementary school and she’s known of you for a long, long time since you chased her around the playground with a lizard in your hands
tara's always liked you, and you've both always had some attraction to each other and magical chemistry, but there's always been something to keep you apart
tara's involvement with amber and then chad, and then your own girlfriends, it was never the right time for you both to explore whatever electricity you could feel between you, so you didn't until you were both well into your year at blackmore
you only really get close until you take the same film class as tara. tara takes it because she's a film major and you take it because you need the credit and it's the only option of a class that takes place after 8 in the morning
you sit right next to each other and for the whole semester, you two slowly grow closer and closer, poking each other and whispering stuff while the professor prattles on
she's the de facto film buff of the group, only rivalled by mindy, and so you go to her whenever you're working on a project, because you're definitely the type to watch stupid shit, and not the high-brow film stuff the class requires
it means you end up hanging out a lot, at the library, at the coffee shop, on the couch of her apartment. you both set up the '1 for 1' rule, in which she gets to show you a movie for ever movie you get to show her
and she shows you really annoyingly good stuff, while you make her watch utter garbage. neither of you admit it, but you end up liking some of the high-brow art she pushes and she ends up having fun with the stupid movies you show her
when she makes you watch the babadook, you make her watch hot tub time machine, when she makes you watch citizen kane, you make her watch bridesmaids, and when she makes you watch la la land, you make her watch zoolander. it's a mutual exchange of interests, and you both lean against each other when you watch them on the couch or on her bed
paddington absolutely makes tara carpenter cry, there, i said it, and you show it to her and hug her when she does
things are genuinely just so easy and perfect with you, and it's so natural in a way that is unnatural for tara, but in a good way. you're unlike anyone she's ever been with, and it's refreshing and new in a way that's so exciting when you both kiss during the movie before sunrise
that's why it's so funny when your first date goes absolutely awfully
it rains on you, while you both walk to the restaurant and neither of you brought an umbrella because it wasn't projected to rain. then the sushi place you're bringing her to completely forgets your reservation and you're both waiting 30 minutes to get a table, and to top matters off, you end up being allergic to a fish you try for the first time, and need to get taken in hospital
you're not even choking really, just broken out into hives and feeling lightheaded, and tara's in the ambulance with you on the way there, and you're both talking casually, like "how was your day?"
you both get there and realise tara forgot her phone at the restaurant, and whereas anyone else would be pissed and call it a terrible date and give up, you both are fucking laughing your heads off at how cartoonishly awful the date went, even though it's a hospital, and that probably isn't the right place to be laughing in
when you're released super late that night, you both end up just wandering around new york until the late hours of the morning, just talking and occasionally holding hands. tara mentions that it reminds her of la la land, and you kiss, and what would've been a deal-breaking, awful date for anyone else just becomes something you shared with each other, and brings you even more in love
reminds me of the song ant pile by dominic fike
lorraine day
you meet lorraine as the kid of the new corn farmer in town, after your grandfather gets too old to be able to maintain his land by himself. your father has to come back and take over, due to his declining health, and you first see each other when lorraine and her daddy come to say hello and talk business for cow feed
she spots you in the back, leaning on the fence next to the field with your arms crossed and your hat pulled low, and you're just watching her and her dad talking to yours with a frown
she's set on edge by your presence, even though you're not really part of the conversation. she has to stop herself when she realises she keeps looking over at you every couple seconds, and you're still just staring at her and her father in a way that isn't exactly friendly
your dad is a generally nice guy, and he gives her your name in a passing mention and graciously accepts the pie lorraine's momma made to bring to the new partners, but it overall isn't a great first impression, and she decides right there in her daddy's truck on the ride home that she doesn't like you very much
when you're brought up again, it's by her father a week or so later. he's mentioning how helpful you are around your grandfather's farm over dinner, saying how your grandfather is blessed to have someone so good-hearted, and lorraine can’t help but remember the look of you glowering against the fence at them and doubt how true that is
she still doesn't like you, when you actually talk for the first time. RJ is bringing her home after an incredibly awkward date and gets a flat, and just as it starts to rain, guess who spots her and decides to pull over in their rusty ass pickup truck with a weird look on your face that lorraine can't help but assume is smugness
your truck bed is full of tools and supplies for your grandfather's farm and you haven't got a spare on you, but you know there's one in the shed on your farm. there's only one seat open in your truck, and even though lorraine heavily hints to RJ that she doesn't want to go, she's volunteered, as RJ doesn't want to leave his van on the side of the road, even though there's not many people who would touch the piece of junk
you snort when he insinuates that lorraine wouldn't be strong enough to fend off anyone who would take the van, and even though she's equally as miffed by RJ's assumption she's a bit annoyed by you defending her
the ride home is incredibly tense and neither of you say much until you're pulling into your yard and you say, "for the record, i highly doubt he'll be fending anyone off either." it's funny and it almost makes her laugh until she remembers she decided she didn't like you and she has to get serious again, and tells you not to talk about her boyfriend that way, and you don't say anything for the rest of the time you're helping her
she sits in the truck watching you from the wing mirror as you roll the spare out from your shed and then hoist it into the truck bed, looking sweaty and muscles tensing with effort. even though you're kind of annoying, you're tanned and you're fit, and it's something she can't help but notice whenever she goes to your farm in search of her father, who sometimes comes over to buy corn for his cattle
you both naturally start to grow into something resembling a friendship. you'll shoot the shit when you're not working, leaning on the handle of a shovel half in the ground, and lorraine will walk over and just kind of talk to you for a while. she doesn't even really realise the annoyance has melted away until it smacks her in the face that she was really wrong about you
your first date isn't actually a date until it's over. lorraine is at a lake day with her friends when one shows up with you in tow. she didn't even realise you had friends, but you're there with them and you look damn good in your swim suit, and you actually start talking a little bit about leaving the big city for your grandfather
you're all having fun, swimming around and talking, and she sees you're pretty funny when you want to be. it's kind of jarring to see just how wrong she was about you, and you both end up dancing around to your friend playing guitar and singing along
you end up being her ride home, and though there's still an underlying tension in the air, this time your truck is full of laughter and you're both actually talking. about halfway through, you accidentally let it slip that you asked your friend if lorraine was going to be there, and though the tips of your ears are red and you're apologising, lorraine can't help but reach right over and kiss you, and suddenly everything feels right in the world
cairo sweet
you meet her on the first day of creative writing, as the new student at your school, and mr. miller's seating chart places you directly next to her. she stares at you a bit, as if unimpressed by your existence, and you stare right back at her, equally as unimpressed
though you're new, you quickly skyrocket to incredible academic success, and cairo is enraged to find that with the transfer of credits, you're now really the valedictorian, sweeping it from underneath her feet at the very end of her senior year
with that, she absolutely despises you and everything you stand for
you have to trade papers for peer grading and while you calmly grade it at first, when you see that yours is covered in marks and cairo is being absolutely brutal beyond belief, nitpicking every little punctuation mark and symbol she can, you get a bit annoyed and start doing the exact same thing to her
it's a giant game of one-upping the other, and you guys repeatedly mess with each other like a chess match of fucking each other over. neither of you will admit you find the other annoyingly magnetic and captivating, you instead resort to messing with each other's standings
you both are duking it out over each little test grade, as cairo desperately tries to regain her spot at number one and you attempt to fend her off and keep your place. she'll brag about her perfect score on the calculus exam, and then you'll clap back with your extra credit. you absolutely dominate her in maths and sciences but she has you beat in creative writing and histories
winnie is greatly amused by the whole ordeal, and keeps insisting to cairo that you both should get it over with and fuck already but she scoffs and claims to resent the implication. doesn't mean she hasn't thought about it, though
her involvement with mr. miller is something she's only doing to maintain her spot as mr. miller's favourite student. cairo has the writing skill to back it up and is incredibly gifted with the pen, but you ooze a certain charisma that makes the teachers around you all giant fans, and she would be lying if she didn't say she was worried you would pull mr. miller's recommendation letter with it, and steal it right out from under her. it's entirely possible for a teacher to write more than one recommendation letter, she just wants the satisfaction of being the first one to get it
when you're partnered up on a group writing project that needs to be done in pairs, cairo sees it as the perfect opportunity to gather intel on you. another thing she hates is how mysterious you are, and how not many people actually know that much about you, other than how pleasant you are
she insists it has to happen at your house, and though you try to argue, she insists it has to be the case. it surprises her, when she puts your address into her phone and she sees it's a small one bedroom apartment in a bad part of town, without air conditioning and with terrible plumbing, and that your father works three jobs to support you
she doesn't know what she expected, but that's definitely not it, with your ability to dress and intelligence. suddenly her arch nemesis gains a third dimension, and she understands just how hard you work
though you're guarded at first, you both actually slowly discover that you don't exactly mind the other that much. you still want to keep your spot and she desperately wants it for her own, but you say something silly and it makes her laugh- really laugh- for what feels like the first time in a long time
you work together on the project more and more, and suddenly she's enjoying your company and wanting you around. she's definitely a little bit disgusted by that at first, but it's something she can't deny
she asks you on your first date to a poetry reading on a saturday, and you're a bit confused since the group project is already over, but you decide to go anyways and you have a great time. you say something profound after one of the poems, and cairo's eyes just drop to your lips in a weird amazement
she's dragging you to the bathroom immediately before the next poem can even start, and i don't think i have to say what happens next, but it's messy and there's lipstick everywhere
your father snorts when you get home that night, and there's dark red lipstick smudged all over your lips and a bit down your neck, and you roll your eyes at him with a smile
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
A shopping afternoon with him ft. michael kaiser
He absolutely spoils you rotten when it comes to shopping trips. Michael is a flexer through and through - not in an obnoxious way, but he definitely loves flaunting his wealth and status.
As soon as you enter a high-end boutique or department store, he makes a beeline for the personal shopper or sales associate to get their full doting attention.
You can barely get more than two steps inside before Michael is already pulling designer pieces off the racks and draping them across his forearm to have you try on.
He has an eagle-eye for quality fabrics, unique designs, and pieces that would look stunning accentuating your figure's best assets. Half the fun is getting to watch his eyes light up picturing you in each ensemble.
At first you may have felt shy or embarrassed about him lavishing you with such luxurious gifts. But Michael absolutely insists on spoiling his girl - treating you like the whole world's most priceless diamond.
He brushes off any stammered protests with that knee-weakening grin of his. "What's the point of stacking up all these wins if I can't splurge on my number one supporter every now and then, hm?"
Though he projects ultra-confident energy when picking out clothes for you to model, Michael is actually an adorably attentive boyfriend behind those fitting room curtains.
He hangs on your every word for opinions, continually asks if you're comfortable in each outfit, and showers you with ridiculously over-the-top compliments no matter what you try on.
"Gorgeous...breathtaking...an actual angel fallen straight from the heavens onto my unworthy eyes..."
And if you feel self-conscious or down on yourself in any outfit? Be prepared for an onslaught of effusive praise and reassurance from your number one hypeman.
He's not afraid to get on one knee and lavish worshipful kisses all over whatever body part you're feeling insecure about until you're flushed and giggly.
Once the dressing room marathon finally winds down, Michael insists on carrying every single shopping bag himself.
No matter how many boutiques you hit or how laden down with purchases you both become. He'll flex those toned striker arms hoisting it all with a wink, smug grin permanently etched across those handsome features.
The only thing that can bait him away mid-shopping binge? Possibly catching sight of some delicious-looking street food cart out of the corner of his eye.
He may pause to eye you imploringly - raking a hand through those immaculate sandy blond locks you love burying your fingers in.
"Snack break? My treat, of course. Can't have you running on empty while I'm dragging you all over downtown, liebe."
Michael will quite literally shovel food into your mouth if you let him, completely disregarding any and all table manners.
At the end of your marathon shopping expedition, you're both utterly exhausted - feet aching from storming every high-end boutique in sight.
But Michael makes sure you travel home in maximum comfort sprawled across the plush leather backseat of his chauffeured town car with his hand on your thigh.
He continually caress your skin with those skilled, calloused fingers while dropping the occasional featherlight kiss to your knuckles as the city skyline streams past outside the tinted windows.
"How's my princess feeling after painting the town red today? Did you have fun getting treated like royalty for once?"
That lazy, self-satisfied grin spreads across his mouth as you blink those heavy lids open to offer a sleepy but undeniably smitten smile in return.
"I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world, baby."
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francixoxoxo · 1 month
𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
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Cooking was a lovely kind of art.
You created, to let others consume. Your creation directly filled the bellies and hearts of the people you cared for, the love sprinkled in the form of salt or sugar into the food is always evident.
Knives were no stranger. They were double-edged, not literally but in a sense; They were a tool, a clean-cut and a bit of a chef's best friend. Now, though, you'd hardly call your newly-whetted knife a friend.
Billy heard your screaming for him through the open window above the sink, Chantilly curtains blowing in the wind and framing your horrified expression as you looked down to where he could not see. He was in the yard, getting your little garden prepared for the spring so that you could skip the dirty work and go straight into planting your vegetables.
But that heartbreaking sound coming from your parted lips had him throwing the shovel onto the dirt, wiping the sweat from his brow and running inside. "What happened, what's wrong?" His voice was dripping with anxiety as his boots thumped against the hardwood. His shirt was long-discarded, the New Mexican sun too oppressive for unnecessary fabrics, his suspenders hanging around his thighs. The buckles of them clinked against the tile as he knelt next to where you sat, back against the cabinet.
A deep cut through your wrist dripped blood onto your house dress and the floor. Tears had only just begun to fill your eyes, the surprise putting them off until now. "My hand slipped, I-- I was cuttin' the eggplant, n' I just-"
"Okay, okay, yer fine. S'all fine, baby, just--" Billy cuts you off firmly, not without a poorly concealed fear behind his voice. His azure eyes are wide and buggy with a wild thing, the nerves that your pain always seem to induce in him. He snatches the dishtowel off the countertop, pressing it to your wrist where you'd sliced the skin. The side of your wrist was bleeding through the daisy yellow dish towel until the cheery color was vermillion.
It hurt terribly as he put pressure on the cut, you whined in pain. "That hurts, you're hurting me!" He winces, a deep grimace creasing his features.
"I know, I know, but you gotta put pressure," Billy cooes, one hand clutching the opposite side of your wrist to hold it still and his other holding the towel to the wound. If he wasn't already sweating outside, this whole ordeal would make him break a sweat.
Your mouth opened and closed wordlessly from the searing pain, Billy murmuring sweet words to you as the bleeding staunched enough for him to peel the towel away a bit. His free hand is both bloody and sweaty but it comes to hold the side of your hair regardless, he pulls you in for a lingering kiss to your crown. "Yer doin' so great, baby." Billy peers with drawn brows at the cut, making sure the towel is positioned so you can't see the damage. He shakes his head. "S' not that bad."
"Swear?" You sniffle, looking up at him and meeting his azure eyes. The soft smile that crosses his features soothes the nerves spiking like needles all over.
"Swear." Billy promises. "Don't even need stitches." He tells you to hold the towel down again as he stands, rummaging through the medicine cabinet for bandages and a little bottle of carbolic acid. He remembers insisting it was unnecessary, that alcohol does the trick, but you fought him down. As always, you ended up being right.
Billy isn't no medic, but he's pretty satisfied with how he wraps you up. "I ain't gonna let my woman go 'round without some good care." He'd insisted, his seriousness making a laugh bubble from your lips. A peck to your lips couldn't shut you up, but Billy didn't mind if it was at his expense; as long as he gets to hear that beautiful sound.
"I'm sorry, this is so stupid." You huff, closing your eyes as Billy cuts the end of the bandages with his teeth. He snorts, shaking his head at you and pressing a careful kiss to the material above the cut. It's a weird kind of tickle, one that wouldn't feel pleasant if your heart wasn't tricked into fluttering by the handsome man in front of you.
"Aint ever stupid when it comes t'you."
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Love it, Love you (Caitlin Foord x Reader)
A/n requested
Summary: You and Caitlin are filming for the disney matildas series.
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Slow motion scene of Caitlin bounding over to you on the sideline, hands grabbing your face, pressing your lips together after scoring against Spain. There's a soft flow of piano music over the top.
"Ya know, I don't think we ever really explained that one to the girl's either."
Caitlin chuckles softly and shakes her head in agreeing negativity. Both of you are sitting on the white couch in your house in London. You're tucked under her arm.
"Yeah, no, I don't think we'd told them at that point. So I think they kind of freaked out on us after the game."
You lean off the couch with a soft laugh, head in your hands, ruffling your hair slightly.
Caitlin shakes her head with a sigh.
"That's an understatement. Poor Steph, girl was getting bombarded as well. Not that she knew either. Cait and I were just sitting there while they all kind of just lost their minds. Steph looked utterly disappointed that we hadn't told her sooner."
"Your sister.. well."
You give Caitlin a look.
"My sister looked ready to deck you. Macca looked like she would probably have to hold her back and Sam just facepalmed and told the girls to cool it so we could actually answer. Tony didn't even bother sticking around for the whole debacle."
"Yeah, that was a tough one. I don't think Lans has been able to trust me properly since. I love the girl, but man does she hold a grudge."
You slap her on the shoulder with an eye roll.
"Excuse me, you forget you're engaged to her sister here. I imagine any protective older sister would be peaved about one of their best mates suddenly sidling up with their sibling. Also I'd like to point out you could very well still call that woman to help you bury a dead body and she would do so no questions asked. So I'd like to think she still trusts you very much thanks."
Cut to a video of Caitlin celebrating with Alanna after a brilliant header from the defender against Jamaica.
"Don't know if that makes it better, honestly. I'm afraid she'll stick me in my sleep one day."
Cut back to the couch, You give her a playful glare.
"Just because you copped the shovel talk from one of the tallest girls on the team, does not mean she'd actually murder you. At least not without prompting. I can't imagine she would kill you without you doing something first."
Caitlin just turns her head back to the camera with an incredulous look.
"Anyway, that was four days before our third anniversary. Literally two days before I proposed. I think Alanna might have been too late to stop it or you know, try to break us up. Ya know?"
You fake a cough into your balled hand, turning away slightly.
"What? Did she actually try? Oh my god, I swear I will kick her butt if she actually tried."
You whip your head around at her, a disbelieving laugh leaving your lips.
"Oh you'll kick her but will you? What happened to being terrified of her?"
Caitlin keeps her mouth shut and you tut softly, hand resting on her knee.
"That's what I thought. Yes she did try to forbid me from dating you, cinderella style and all. But after some convincing, she switched it up to reminding me that I could still dump you if I changed my mind and she wouldn't totally gut you afterwards."
Caitlin looks dead on into the lense, an unimpressed look of told-you-so playing on her expression. You burst out laughing at that.
"See what I have to deal with? Why did I agree to marry you again?"
You smack her on the chest, backhanded.
"You're the one that proposed doofus."
She just grins cheekily.
"Oh yeah, I did too. is it too late for a refund?"
You roll your eyes, and scoff.
"Give you 'refund'."
She rubs your shoulder, pecking you on the cheek.
"You love me."
You receive puppy dog eyes in return and poke her nose, a resounding groan as you push her slightly, turning back to the camera again.
The video fades to black and shifts to a new scene between you.
You're standing in your backyard watching Caitlin run around and play tug of war with Peach.
"I'm so proud of her, everything she does is just phenominal and I'm glad I got to be part of her journey. The moment I got the call from her saying she'd been considered for an Arsenal transfer, it was then I knew I would follow her anywhere."
Cut to footage of Caitlin scoring against Aston Villa.
Cut back to you looking at the brunette, with major heart eyes.
"We were only together for about a few weeks at that point, but having been close friends before then made it feel like longer. She wasn't one hundred percent in it, especially since she thought she'd be leaving me in Australia on my own since Alanna was about to transfer to tottenham too."
Footage switches to Alanna, in a Manchester City hoodie, sitting in her own living room.
"I felt weird, leaving my sister, we'd always been one for one, and this was the first time we'd properly been separated by ocean. She came with me to Orlando and before that, had stayed with our parents. We both got contracted for Sydney and just hadn't really separated after that. Though I was pretty chuffed to find out she was moving closer again, with my best friend at that."
Back to you in the backyard, Caitlin now sat beside you on an outdoor recliner.
"Surprised the hell out of me, getting that call from my manager, he was like, Y/n, I've got big news, Arsenal want you. I think I was so shocked I just laughed. I thought he was one crazy a****** for joking about that. What are the chances I get contracted by the exact same club as her within just weeks of each other. Surprised her too."
Caitlin puffs out a laugh.
"You didn't mention why though. Surprised because I just mopily walk into training, thinking about how to deal with the distance anxiety and just, in you walk, day thirteen of me being in London. 'Hey, sweetheart, how's your day been? Oh yeah by the way, I'm playing here now'."
"To be fair, It was meant to be a surprisez considering I basically had to schedule everything perfectly. Without Steph's help, because ya know, that would've been suspicious."
You lean your head on her shoulder, her hsnd comes up to run through your hair.
"Stephs face was pretty funny though, what are the chances three Aussies all get contracted within just weeks of each other. The older girls were all like 'what is jonas thinking?'. It's definitely been remarkable though, both of them are phenominal and they deserve every bit of everything we achieve with the gunners."
She looks down at you with a loving smile and you grin widely back up at her.
Footage of Steph and Caitlin's starting for Arsenal, standing in the lineup, your face new amongst the starters further down the line, right beside Leah Williamson.
"It was certainly something else. Being able to play with such big names at the time. Kim Little was one in particular that I'd been terrified of in that moment. How many times I'd seen Caitlin go head to head with her. Now I know her better though, she's just a big softy and she's got a soft spot for me, too."
Caitlin shakes her head.
"I think she means spoilt, this one can do no harm in the captains eyes. The baby of the team she likes to claim. Even though she's only like two years younger than me."
You protest.
"Twenty-three was pretty young, obviously not the youngest on the team, but it's not like I was pushing thirty already, jesus."
Caitlin gets an offended look on her face.
"Excuse you, thirty is not even that old. 'Pushing thirty already' you're twenty-six, thats not far from thirty thank you, also don't let Kimmy hear you say that."
You chuckle.
"Eh, she loves me. But you're closer to thirty than me so."
And you poke out your tongue at her. Your girlfriend just looks at the camera again.
"Bloody childish, what do I tell ya?"
You kiss her cheek, a small smirk on your lips.
"You love me."
Video footage of the two of you making a huge passing play up the left side of the field, playing against England. The ball gets switched in a fast tikki taka motion as you both move up the line. You make a run for the box and it's like Caitlin doesn't even have to look for you as she sends the ball right to your head for you to sneak past Earps, who despite her best efforts, can't make contact with the ball.
Cut to you both walking through a forested walkway outside of the city. A long shot from the back, and then flicks to a full shot at the front as you both slowly walk down the concrete pathway.
"When she received her first call up to the team, she called me frantically, practically balling her eyes out."
"Balling my eyes out, I could hardly talk into the phone to get it out. Coach had called me when I was at home on my own, and Caitlin was in at the office."
"I stand by this, but you'd actually called me at the worst time too. I was sitting beside my coworkers on a mini break, one of them is a physio on the Arsenal team as well as one for where I work. All they hear coming from my phone is just incoherent blubbering, followed by "Babe! I GOT IN!" Of course, I wasn't following exactly what she meant and my dumb brain just went, in like, the ice bath?"
Your laughter rings out at that.
"That's what you thought I meant?"
Caitlin nods slowly, a small blush developing on her cheeks.
"That's just what we'd been talking about at the time, including how you in particular refused to touch the ice baths for the first six months, someone basically had to carry you in with them. So like, I was excited for you to finally have gotten over that fear on your own."
You push her slightly, a loving smile making it's way onto your lips.
"That's really sweet, but no I did that three months after that, when I finally decided to stop being a wuss, now that I was actually playing in the big big big league, I had to. But that's beside the point."
"Uhuh, sure sweets, anyway, when she finally started going into the phone call itself, it did finally click in my head because I never actually explicitly mentioned the ice bath either so we were both still pretty excited, but for different reasons."
"Yeah, I did not like her initial reaction at the time."
"I was still super confused why you were like full sobbing about it though. I was like 'okay, congrats baby, you did it, no big deal'. I think she was ready to hit me after that one."
"Mild understatement."
Caitlin chuckles, bringing your knuckles up to her lips.
"so when she brought up how amazing it felt to finally break onto the national team, I just was like 'Ohhhhh... oh.... OH, Congrats baby!'."
The footage cuts to your hands linked in the between you, her thumb gently caressing the skin there before cutting back to a mid shot of you both from the front as you giggle softly.
"I just kept thinking, what did she think I meant, what does she mean no big deal. Cocky woman. To think I wanted to marry her too. She did get super excited for me, though, after that. She's a little slow, but I love her."
You give her a shit eating grin as she glares at you.
"She's honestly such a little brat sometimes, can you believe this?"
You giggle softly, bumping hips with her.
"You love it."
Footage of some of the afterparty in the locker room plays, Caitlin clearly in view sculling champagne out of the trophy.
"Back at the Cup of Nations. We were out celebrating in a VIP bar, and they'd given us free entry, the whole team, I mean. There were drinks being passed around every two minutes. I think we were just so ridiculously drunk after that. Steph was the only one not really drunk. "
"Well yeah, to be fair she was kind of... well."
You roll your eyes at the striker.
"She was injured, so she had to kind of not drink. Caitlin, the dumby, dropped her kitbag in the doorway, so when we drunkenly stumbled in, we kicked it out of the way. Out popped the engagement ring. Luckily, I didn't notice. But neither did Caitlin. Steph did though, pretty sure it was the first thing to catch her eye as she dropped us both off in the hotel room. She just picked it up, threw it back in the bag, and when we were both on the beds."
"Somewhat. She took a photo of us, sent it to Caitlin, and said, "Congrats, don't let Lans see you propose." Not the message I was expecting to see that morning. I'd accidentally picked her phone up.-"
Cut to you sitting at the kitchen island in your house, Caitlin standing at the stove.
"You claim it was accidental, but we both know the truth, babe."
"It was! You left your phone right next to where I charge mine instead of on your own bloody bed side. Anyway! That was how I found out she wanted to propose. Because my lovely fiancee here couldn't put her stuff away. As always."
You give her a mildly playful, unimpressed look.
"Pfft, that was all drunk caitlin, I don't associate with that chick. She's an idiot."
You purse your lips.
Caitlin stays stirring the pan for a second before turning around suddenly to your suppressed laughter.
You let it out at that point, shoulders wracked with laughter, head on the bench. When you finally catch your breath, you look at her again, but she's turned back to the stove. What you can't see is the small smile on her lips, which the camera does.
"Love you."
She turns her head slightly to say something back.
"You better. Ya dork."
It's your turn to pout again.
You gesture to your girlfriend in front of you, eyes in contact with the camera.
"See what I have to deal with? Won't even say it back, so mean."
She turns back to you with a small wink, smirk playing at her mouth.
"You love it."
The image switches to you both sitting laying back on a lounge chair set up outside the back door, watching the summer sun go down in London.
"I'm so grateful we get to be together throughout this whole experience. She's the love of my life and she's an amazing football player too."
You smile up at her from your place leant against her chest. The camera pans around as you both share a quick kiss.
"I don't know, feels like you've got me beat. I feel like I don't tell you I love you enough."
Caitlin gives a quick glance to the camera lens.
"She does it every two hours and still says that."
You pout up at her. She pinches your cheek softly, kissing you on the forehead.
"You're lucky I love you."
Caitlin looks fully up at the camera this time.
"Oh my god. Hush up"
"You love it."
"I love you."
She chuckles and you just shake your head and bring her in for a full kiss. Fade to black.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hi! Love the writing. Could I please request Joel with teenage twins. I just think him being caught in the middle of two teenagers fighting about who stole who’s shirt and being scared for his life is hilarious and kind of sweet.
Holy shit i love this
Salad Days
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author's note: you know that video of Dave Grohl where he's talking about being a dad and the best part and he goes, "Having children that don't fucking care that you're a rockstar. My kids don't give a shit if I'm in the Foo Fighters. They're like 'Daddy, I need a smoothie 🙄 NOW." That's what this gives.
Summary: The T-Shirt Coup [1.2k]
Warnings: the girls are sixteen in this, that's literally it
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"Sophia Parker and Violet Isabelle Miller! If you're not down here in five minutes, I'm leavin' without you!" You yell up the stairs. Joel chuckles from his place at the kitchen counter, shoveling cereal into his mouth like it's his last meal, and you give him a look. "What?"
"You had an accent when you yelled at them." He says. You scoff and walk over to him, stealing a sip of coffee from his mug. 
"I did not."
"You totally did."
"Even if I did, which I didn't, you should take it as a compliment." You say, busying yourself with some mail left on the counter. You feel him raise his eyebrows before you see it, and he puts down his bowl to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into his chest until your shoulder presses into his sternum. You ignore him and his stupid Laker's shirt he knows you love and read the same letter from the girls' school over and over again.
"Yeah? Why's that?" 
"I've been married to you for twenty-two years, and you're just now finally rubbing off on me. It's something to celebrate, really." You snark, and he laughs. It's one of his big, full laughs that makes him throw his head back. The sight makes your heart shine.
"You're an asshole." He says lovingly, taking the mail he knows you don't care about out of your hand and turning you so he can have your full attention.
"Yeah, yeah," you laugh as you lock your arms around his shoulders. "What do you have planned for today, Mr. Miller?" You ask, and he sighs.
"I gotta go into the studio. We just signed a new band, and we're havin' a meeting to talk about the next album," he says. Despite the annoyed tone he's adopted, you can see how excited he is about this new venture. He loves allowing new, young bands to make something fresh. He says it keeps him young. You know it's what he was meant to do all along. "What bout you? What're you doin' today, Mrs. Miller?"
"One of my old students has a project they want to pitch for me to produce. She's brilliant and an amazing writer, so I'm sure I'll say yes and shell out all our money."
"For the children," he says dramatically, and you laugh. "She's lucky to have you in her corner. I'm sure it'll be great." His words hit right where they need to, and you press yourself closer to him.
"You're a sap." Your words ghost over his lips, and his hand slides into your back pocket like always.
"Yeah, yeah." He breathes. You're less than an inch apart, and it wouldn't take much movement to actually kiss him, but you like being this close to him. You like counting all his freckles and watching him try to decide who will be the first to break. His lips barely graze yours when suddenly stomping feet and a loud argument make their way down the stairs and into the kitchen. You take a deep breath as you and Joel turn to look at the girls, who barely acknowledge how you're wrapped up in each other because they always see you being affectionate with each other. Joel Miller has not gotten more subtle about his PDA in his old age.
"Mom, please tell Violet this is my shirt!" Sophia demands, tugging on the fabric of a worn UT shirt. 
"I literally wore it last week! You commented on it and everything!" Violet looks to you. "Do you remember, Mom? I was wearing it when we went to Trader Joe's on Thursday."
"That's true. You were," you say, making Sophia's jaw drop. Of the two, Sophia has always had a little more flair for the dramatics, something she definitely gets from you. On more than one occasion, Sophia has done or said something ridiculous, and Joel bursts out laughing because he thinks it's something you would do or say. "But Vi, I told you last week that you stole my shirt from my closet, and I wanted it back. I thought you were gonna, at least, wash it first."
"Ew! You didn't wash it?!" Sophia screeches.
"Of course, I did, dipshit! I just... forgot Mom wanted it back." 
"Wait a second," Joel says, finally catching up with the argument. He looks between the shirt and the three of you before tilting his head to give you an are-you-fucking-serious-right-now look. "I've been lookin' for that for weeks! That's my shirt." He says. Suddenly, it all connects. You stole it from Joel. Violet stole it from you. Sophia stole it from Violet. As the realization settles over the room, Sophia walks over to Joel, puts her hand on his shoulder, and squeezes like a disappointed teacher.
"Our shirt." 
"Communism shirt!" Violet yells, making you laugh so hard that you stumble against Joel.
"You can't just yell 'communism shirt' and expect me to not want my shirt back." He tries to argue.
"Dad! You're not listening. It's a community shirt. Get with the times, old man." 
"Old man?!" 
"Hey, I happen to think he's a very hot and sexy old man." You jump in, and the girls groan.
"Thank you, baby," Joel says as he kisses you firmly. The girls boo and pretend to cover their eyes in disgust, making you all laugh. You pull away from Joel, but he chases your lips for a few quick kisses until he finally lets you go.
"We're gonna be late if we keep talking about the communism shirt. Girls get in the car, please," you say, stealing one more sip of coffee from Joel's cup, and the girls groan in protest as they slip on their backpacks and walk to the front door. You smile as you look at Joel, alone again for just a second. "You gotta start hiding your shirts better otherwise, they're all gonna become Marxist property." 
"This is somethin' they should really put in the parenting books," he says, and you laugh. He grabs your purse from the kitchen table for you and kisses you again as he slides it up your arm. "Love you."
"Love you, too. Let me know how the album meeting goes."
"Let me know how the pitch goes." He echoes. This is how much of your life has been together: letting each other go and make creative decisions while supporting them no matter how they play out. Many Hollywood couples get divorced because they can't learn how to give their partner the support and patience they need to create art. You and Joel have always been good about making sure the other feels supported and heard but not weighed down by differing artistic opinions or thoughts. He has his work, and you have yours, and you make it work. It's one of the reasons you love him so much. That and the fact that he still walks you to your car and opens the door for you after more than twenty years together. Granted, he smacks your ass in front of your daughters while you're climbing into the car, but that's par for the course. 
He blows kisses to his teenage daughters in the backseat and waves as you roll down the driveway, standing there until you disappear around the corner. His cologne is imprinted on your shirt collar, and you can still feel his lips on yours when Sophia sits up in her seat.
"I can't believe Dad didn't know about communism shirt."
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𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌𝐞𝐧
↳ summary: sand, concussions, and a shitty challenge. what more is there to say?
↳ of monsters & men fic masterlist: link
↳ of monsters & men playlist: link
↳ previous part | next part!
Of course Chris wouldn't give you shovels. Why would he? That would just make things too easy.
You watched as the host tossed the digging tools to the other team opposite the beach from you, landing right in their arms. They all cheered and high-fived each other, doing nothing to lift the seemingly permanent frown on your lips.
The sun beat down on your head with the same persistence as yesterday. The bright yellow color of the platform you and your teammates were standing on did nothing to ward the rays away, only attracting more heat.
It wasn't enough that you had been woken up at the asscrack of dawn by the flash of Sierra's phone camera—you had yet to find out why exactly she had been taking pictures of you—but now you had to deal with the consequences of losing yesterdays challenge too. Today it was a treasure hunt, apparently. Something you weren't overly excited about.
Looking over to the rest of your team, you made the mistake of catching Mike's eye. You were quick to look anywhere else.
Mike watched as you did your best to avoid his gaze, his cheeks a bit hotter than usual.
It shows the Italian Canadian burying his head in his hands with a red face, back hunched over.
"I made the mistake of running into them when I went to take a shower this morning." He sputtered, already looking embarrassed to be reliving the event. "I had my shirt off and Vito came out. I'm pretty sure you can figure out what happened next."
Groaning, Mike hit his head on the nearby wall, muttering at himself under his breath.
"He wouldn't leave until I forced him out. Stupid personalities."
"Alright, I met Vito. So what?" You crossed your arms defiantly, refusing to let Chris or anyone else see more from you. "It's not like he's that bad. Er, beyond the uh, incessant flirting." A pause as you uncrossed your arms and looked to the side. "It was kind of cute though."
A slight smile threatened to cross your face for just one moment until you remembered just exactly where you were.
"Oh don't look at me like that." You snapped at the camera with a scowl.
Sadleing up next to Zoey on the platform, you did your best to pay attention as Chris rambled along, demonstrating the various booby traps hidden around the beach as Sam triggered one.
Hah. Booby.
"That's great and all, but what are we supposed to dig with?" Courtney snapped nearby. You nodded, agreeing with her for once. Chris just smiled down at you all and waggled his fingers.
“Sorry!” He said, not sounding sorry at all. “Shovels are for winners only! Guess you have to use your hands.” He sang the last part. It was times like these that you were glad you didn't mind getting your hands dirty.
You didn't get much time to retaliate against his little punishment. With a quick blow of his trusty airhorn, the challenge began. The vultures took to immediately jumping off onto the beach, while the rest of you huddled up shoulder to shoulder. Fun. Well, at least it would have been if Zoey's flower hadn't been poking you in the eye.
“We should divide our area into sections and each dig in one!” Mentioned red head quipped, presenting her game plan to you all. Courtney grunted and glared.
“No! Let's separate the beach into quadrants and each pick a quadrant!"
"That is literally the exact same thing she just said." You pointed a finger at her, pulling it back when she flicked it harshly.
"Fine! We'll use the plan that me and Zoey came up with."
"It's Zoey and I, actually." Cameron piped in, eaning in a mixed gaze of pity and annoyance from you.
"Cameron, no offense but shut up."
He smiled sheepishly, mining a zipper over his mouth. You snorted at his actions, going to hop off the platform while taking special care to avoid Chris's crab trap.
Sand began flying in each which way, hands digging for purchase in the ground like the beach had swallowed hidden gold. You yourself were so immersed in the task at hand that you didn't even see Mike slot himself next to you roughly. Well, that's a lie. You were hyper aware of his presence next to you for some reason. The notion made your insides squirm.
"Uhm, hey." He tittered nervously, doing his best to gather a little attention from you. He was greeted with a silent nod hello from you, gulping as he went to continue.
"I'm really sorry about this morning. Like, really sorry. Vito's not the best around other people." Mike scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, he seemed to like you, but that doesn't excuse his behavior."
"Oh he liked me alright." You humored, remembering the way the alter had wrapped an arm around your shoulders and attempted to woo you with a few horrible pick up lines. "But it's fine. No harm done, dude. I thought you had that personality thing under control after you and Zoey started dating, though. What happened to that?"
MIke turned beet red at your words, hands momentarily popping out of the sand to make a rushed gesture of denial.
"Zoey? And me? We're not a couple! Nope, never have been! Thought it was going to work out but it didn't!! I can promise you." Mike was practically gasping for air in between words. He acted as if you were interrogating him, and it made you cock an eyebrow upwards.
"Alright then." You shrugged, dropping it to go back to digging.
"And uh, my personalities don't work like that. Being controlled I mean." Mike cleared his throat, now full on taking his place next to you.
"Enlighten me." You challenged suddenly, turning to look at him. He blinked, clearly not expecting a response like that.
"Why not?" You pondered with a shrug. It wasn't as if you were doing anything else anyways.
He considered it for a moment, looking at the grains dotting his hands before speaking.
"Well, uh, they're not any less people than you and I are just because they live in my head." Mike began cautiously; expecting you to laugh at his explanation any minute. But you just gave him your full attention—even making sure to stay quiet so he could talk over the noise of everyone else.
"Instead of acting like a dictatorship, we need to all work together to balance everything. It's not like any one person can just control all that. Much less me!" He giggled. "I mean, I can barely get the top off a pickle jar sometimes." That seemed to send him into a little giggle fit, a laugh or two slipping out of your mouth alongside him.
"That's cool Mike." You admitted. He practically beamed at your praise, puffing his chest out with a goofy grin.
"So when do I get to meet the rest of them?"
"The rest of them." You echoed. "I mean, they're a part of you, right? That's what you said. And you're my friend, I hope. I'd like to get to know the rest of you, Mike. If all of them are as sweet as you, I shouldn't have a problem with it."
Ignoring the way his stomach fell at the word friend, Mike couldn't help but grab your shoulders to bring you in for a hug. Not expecting it, you tensed up a little at the sudden intrusion before relaxing into it slightly. Hugs had never been your thing, but this was nice.
"That might be the nicest way anyone has ever responded to my condition," Mike muttered. In the headspace, everyone was overjoyed—just as happy as Mike at your acceptance of them.
"Sure thing bud." Pulling away from him with a toothy grin, you clapped his back. "Now let's get back to digging before Chris complains we're tanking his views."
It didn't take long after that for the bubble of peace that had fallen over you two to be popped. Namely by the shrill yelps of Cameron as he was tossed through the air with a bundle of nasty-smelling clothes.
"Ooh!" Chris commented from somewhere above you all, holding his nose. "Chef's dirty laundry! Pretty stinky."
"You okay little man?" You called after Cameron, who was trudging towards you and Mike with his glasses askew.
"I will be once we win this challenge." He groaned, looking like he wanted to collapse to his knees. "Ow."
"Hey guys!" Mike interrupted the both of you. Picking up something from the ground, he presented it to you all with a triumphant smile. It was a Steve Irwing type hat. And by the looks of it, the thing had come from that laundry bomb that Cameron had just been rocked with.
"We could use some of Manitoba Smith's treasure hunting skills right now!" Cameron gasped happily. "Way to go Mike!"
"Looks like you'll be meeting some of them sooner than expected." Mike turned to you, scrunching his eyes up with a smile. From next to you Cameron furrowed his brows, opening his mouth to probably ask what he was talking about. You just elbowed him in the side, whispering that you'd tell him later.
A large gasp left Mike as soon as he placed the hat atop his head. In moments, his features had gone from nervous and excited to a smug grin that showed off his gap tooth.
Shielding the sun from his eyes with a tilt of his hat, Manitoba Smith wasted no time winding up his arms in a propeller like motion. A deep hole was quickly made in the beach as he dived down, coming back up seconds later with a large marble fragment in his hands.
"G'day beauty!" He smirked proudly, tossing the piece up and onto the team's platform with a thud. You were impressed such a scrawny frame as his could support all that weight. Looks like they were full of surprises.
"And you must be the fella that Mike and Vito can't stop gabbing about." The adventurer wasted no time walking up to you, leaning down onto your level with a playful smile—momentarily reminding you of how tall Mike really was.
"Names Manitoba, love, but you can call me whatever you like." His accent poured from him like honey while his eyes twinkled with an emotion you couldn't place your finger on.
"Hey there." You completely ignored Manitoba's flirty comment in favor of sticking your hand out for him to take, shaking it firmly. "Nice to meet you. I've heard good things."
Manitoba laughed, shaking your hand back with twice as much vigor as you had.
"I can see why they won't shut up about ya! Mike sure knows how to pick em." By now Cameron had slipped away to continue rustling through the beach, leaving just the two of you to become acquainted.
"I don't care what they say as long as we win this challenge. Plan on helping us?" You allowed a smile to slip loose as you let go of his calloused hand—your own feeling strangely empty afterwards.
"For you sheila? Anything. Wink wink."
You paused.
"Did you just audibly say 'wink wink'?"
Manitoba smiled even wider at you. If that was possible.
The sound of an impatient groan cut through the beach's atmosphere like nails on a chalkboard. You cringed, face contorting with anger as sweat dripped down your neck. It was only fitting that the sound had come from everyone's favorite sadistic host. Because of course it had.
"What is taking so long!" Chris complained, fanning himself with his hand. It had been about an hour since Manitoba had shown up, and so far nothing more had happened. No pieces were found, traps set off, or contestants seriously harmed. All things you were sure Chris didn't appreciate.
Various people answered him angrily, the responses ranging from it's hot, to screw you old man. You may have organized that last one.
"Blah blah, whine whine! Hurry up! I have dinner plans."
Just as you were about to respond with a fuck you and your dinner plans, you felt your hands strike something cold and solid with a thud. You were quick to look over at Manitoba with excitement. He hadn't strayed very far from you since the challenge had started, so he wasted no time in bounding over to help you dig the newfound piece out.
"Now that's more like it!" Manitoba laughed with glee, hauling yet another marble chunk up to the platform. "Just a few more to g—"
He suddenly stopped, lips twisting into a frown as he stared at seemingly nothing. You waited while he sniffed the air, too confused to question what was going on.
"Something's off." Was all he said before heading past you. The Australian was now making a beeline straight for where the divider on the beach was, a certain ginger standing just opposite it with a sly grin.
You, being you, found your way over to them—interested to see where this was going.
"What are you up to, kookaburra?" Manitoba said, squinting at Scott. You looked at the former bizarrely for his choice of words before looking back to catch the tail end of Scott shrugging.
"Whatever do you mean?" He smirked, sounding very much like he knew exactly what he meant.
Both of you watched as the dark haired teenager scowled. A quick lick was made to his finger before he stick it in the ground, fishing around as if expecting to find something that way.
"Hah! Nice try you wiley dingo."
With a hearty grunt, you watched as Manitoba hauled a sparkling white puzzle piece from underneath Scott.
Oh that bastard has stolen it!
An actually pretty clever move to come from Scott if you were being honest.
"Way to go Manitoba!" You lightly punched him on the arm while ignoring the way Scott glared at the both of you. "How in the hell did you know he'd done it?"
"Aw it was nothin. Maybe I could teach you sometime, sweetheart." Manitoba smirked proudly. His chest was puffed out in pride, feeling quite smug under your praise.
Just as you were about to comment on the nickname—probably with a well timed quip—Scott screamed from behind you.
"Bees! Bees!!"
The next thing you knew, you were face planting on the hot sand with Manatoba, your head throbbing like it had been run over by a full fledged greyhound.
[Meanwhile, in Mike's head]
“Go with the fishing!” A peppy Svetlana cheered standing up. She was immediately booed back down, her companions not as excited as her to be losing.
“Aye yo, it's go fish! Not, go with the fishing.” Veto said from next to the gymnast with air quotes, mouth pulled into a sort of pout/scowl. She just stuck her tongue out at him.
The three other personalities were seated at a table with cards, surrounded by what looked like walls made from brains. All was quiet, just the sound of their bickering filling the weirdly bare walls.
It was then that Manitoba dropped from the sky, landing on the ground with an oomph.
“Oh that can't be good.” Chester said in a warbly voice.
“Hey, do you feel that?” Manitoba said, standing up and brushing himself off. He looked shaken. Like a meteorologist that had just spotted a tsunami on the horizon.
“The malevolent one. He’s coming!” He finished with a worried expression. Svetlana let out an ear piercing scream at that declaration.
The table then began to shake. Then the walls shook, the people shook, until finally the whole room was moving as if caught in an earthquake. During all of this, the personalities could barely make out the designated portrait of Mike burning up before them, only to be replaced with a shadowy figure with an evil smile.
All of them froze with fear, not even noticing the faint yelling in the background.
"Manitoba? Manitoba! Hey, wake up!"
Mike woke with a gasp, sitting up so quickly he bonked an equally rattled you in the forehead.
"Ow! Jesus christ man, that hurt!" You stepped backward, rubbing your already bruised head as if it would make the ache go away.
"I'm sorry." Mike groaned in response, unable to say much of anything else.
His heart was beating fast. Too fast for him to comprehend. He felt horrible, like his body knew something was wrong and was just waiting for his brain to catch up.
"Hey. Mike." You snapped in front of his face, becoming a bit worried when he didn't immediately snap out of it. "It is Mike, right?"
That got him to zone back in. He shook his head harshly, and for a moment you wondered if he was trying to get sand out of his ears. Not a bad idea considering you had also landed face first in it.
"Yeah. It's me." A hand to the top of his head confirmed that the fedora was still there where Manitoba had left it. Weird. Where was he then?
"You all good bud?" You asked whilst hauling him up. A quick glance at the back of his head confirmed that he had a welt just like yours. And a nasty looking one at that.
"I'm fine. Not like that matters a lot." He saw you frown at that. "Everything good with you?"
You took a minute to consider answering with a lie to make him feel better, but ultimately gave in.
"Like shit."
That earned you a smile from Mike. It made your stomach twist with something not quite like amusement, but something else. It felt sweeter. More genuine.
"C’mon, we need to get back to digging.” He lead the way back over to your team's side, neither of you noticing the screams of Scott in the background as he was chased by a yellow swarm of angry bees. Well that was a lie. You noticed. You just didn't care. He had just hit you in the back of the head with a shovel after all.
"I regret being nice to Scott now." You scowled. "Especially after this."
You turned to show the back of your head, which was actively swelling a brilliant red color.
"I'm more worried about Mike though. And the rest of them. He got hit pretty hard. Concussions are a nasty business. I don't want them dealing with the affects. My cousin got one when he was a toddler and was in the hospital for weeks. Now he ends every sentence with the word peacock." You paused to scrunch your face up. "I really hope we don't start to do that."
You had located back to the platform after checking with one of the few medics Chris kept on set, nearly dragging Mike with you. Now the both of you were standing next to Cameron as he examined the puzzle pieces you had so far.
“We've got six out of seven!” He yelled down to the rest of the team. Zoey looked up at you all with a thumbs up, keen to stay where she was.
“You guys start putting them together, we’ll keep digging.” She yelled back up, referring to the rest of the team. You just nodded and almost went to start before noticing Sam get thrown into the water, ricocheting off a nearby boat. You made a noise of sympathy and watched as he ran out of the water in a panic, screaming something about a jellyfish sting.
"And I'm going to ignore that." You whistled, diving back into the challenge while others walked on. If you stopped to watch everyone on this show who got injured, you'd be stuck there all day.
After that, everyone hopped onto the platform to look at their gathered pieces.
“A book, a crown, what are we supposed to be building!?” Cameron asked rhetorically while scratching his head. Then he snapped his fingers, coming to a conclusion. “I've got it! It's the Statue of Liberty!”
At that, all of the Heroes—minus Sam—to assemble the statue, being extra careful to not break any pieces. You noticed the Vultures quickly catching up on the other side of the beach as well, calling out for everyone to pick up the pace. It was going to be a quick call.
“One piece to go!” Courtney cried out. “It has to be in Sam’s quadrant!”
“Sorry guys, I'm moving as fast as I can!” The limp gamer apologized as he dragged himself across the beach in a sluggish fashion. If Chris still wanted fourteen contestants by the end of this challenge, then he really needed to get Sam checked out. Something told you he wouldn't.
“All we need is the torch! Hurry!” Cameron yelled as Zoey and Mike rushed over to Sam. With much difficulty, they flipped him over to reveal a pointy piece of their puzzle. You noticed that the Vultures had their last piece in hand too. Cries from your teammates of throw it! encouraged Zoey as she skillfully tossed the arm. It landed perfectly on the statue as if it had been there the whole time, signifying the ring of bells to sound.
“Way to go!”
“Thanks Zoey!"
“Spa hotel, here we come!”
“The heroic hamsters win!” An excited Chris says from the host box, probably relieved that he can go eat dinner now. That just caused even more of a celebration. In the middle of a little victory dance, you felt the floor from beneath you disappear. Looking down, you saw Mike was the one who had picked you off the platform, pulling you into a rather strong hug as he whooped.
The thought of telling him to put you down crossed your mind before you sighed.
"Ah, what the hell."
You joined in on the celebration, flipping the switch and picking Mike up instead. You heard him yelp before accepting it with a laugh.
If every challenge was going to be like this, maybe you should try and win more
For the millionth time, you cursed Chris for being so cheap with the sitting arrangements on this show.
The peanut gallery bench felt like sitting on a combination of loose bed springs and crushed glass. But hey. At least you weren't at risk of being eliminated. Or going to Boney Island. Sam had taken the fall for you all on that one.
You had been listening to Cameron talk about the healing properties of tea for the past half hour. Coincidently, that had also been when you and Mike showed your battle scars from today's events. Something that had sent the scrawny boy - and Zoey - into a panic.
Fortunately, Cameron's textbook ramblings were cut off by Chris. The one time you'd be happy to hear his voice.
“Welcome Hamsters! Sit back and enjoy the show.” He said with glee, way happier than a normal person should be in a situation like thi. “Vultures! It's time for you to vote off your fist villain.” He said, turning to face the other team by the campfire. You shifted uncomfortably, praying to whatever that they booted someone off quickly. All you had eaten since you had gotten there was slop, and you were looking forward to a continental dinner. Dinner? Did spa hotels do a continental dinner?
It was then that you blanched, thoughts going white as a sudden pain seared through your head. It was as if someone was pounding a hot spike into your skull.
You sat rigid with pain, doing your best to figure out what the fuck was going on as everything happened around you.
Then the feeling subsided, leaving you as quick as it had come. The lingering pain stayed prominent though Like a sad punch in the face. Briefly, you remembered the shovel to the head you had taken and blamed it on that. But the conclusion left you wanting. It didn't seem right. Deep in your chest, you knew that didn't feel right. To quote Manitoba from earlier, something was off.
You shook your head - frustrated at your sudden skepticism. Since when had you been a damn psychic?
“One by one. They will all fall.”
“You say something Mike?”
Zoey's question got you to look over at him, just missing the way he gasped sharply before resuming his normal position.
"Sorry, what did you ask me?" He giggled nervously, head swimming for some reason.
"Oh, uhm, nothing. I just thought I heard something." Zoey dropped the topic, shrugging and going back to watching the elimination process. You followed her, completely oblivious to what exactly had just happened.
What a day.
You sat in your bed, a real bed with real pillows, and opened your journal silently. It was dark both inside and out, the sound of snores soft and loud filling the air. But you were wide awake, mind buzzing with thoughts.
A pen was brought out from your travel bag as you began to write under the guidance of the moonlight, ink gliding across the paper's surface harshly.
Met Manitoba and Vito today. They were something. Not a bad something, but they were definitely something.
Even in your own head you were short and to the point.
Also got hit by a shovel. Been hurting ever since. Might get that checked out. I doubt Chris has more than interns and Chef working medical though. Probably just going to risk it. Could sue if I get brain damage anyways. Not a bad deal.
Sighing, you shut the book as softly as possible and put it away. Not much more to say. It wasn't as if you were going to go into detail about Sam peeing on himself to get rid of a jellyfish sting.
Rolling over on your side was easy. Now came the hard part. Sleep. Normally you struggled with the feeling of drowsiness, but that night it came easier than most. And at that point, you were too tired to be suspicious.
You only hoped Sierra didn't find a way to take pictures of you while you were asleep this time.
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five-rivers · 2 years
Buried in the Woods
@snops Hello! I'm your Truce gifter this year! I went after your 1st and 3rd prompts. Cryptid vibes and Corpse AU. Enjoy! >:)
They’re waiting for him, this time. 
They don’t, always.  Usually, he’s faster than they are, and sometimes they can’t make it at all.  A few, very harrowing times, he couldn’t make it. 
But here, now, they’re waiting, each one leaning against a tree trunk.  The hillside below then is dotted with charred and broken tree stumps that rise straight from the ground like monuments.  The moon is high, white, and sharp, cut from the sky with a razor.  Everything is cold, still, quiet. 
Sam raises cupped hands to her mouth and blows through them, ignoring the dirt on her fingers and under her nails.  It’s not any worse than digging in her garden.  The shovels are a bit bigger, that’s all. 
Tucker has taken out his PDA again.  He shouldn’t.  Not here.  The screen is bright, and someone might see it.  But he can’t help but check the time, again, squinting through the fog of his breath to see the numbers.  It’s late.  But that’s not going to change in a hurry. 
Almost as one, they look down the hill, their attention drawn taught.  Something is moving down there. 
Surreptitiously, Sam puts a boot on the blade of her shovel, levering it up and into her hand.  Tucker reaches out for his, fingers brushing the smooth wooden handle, not yet pulling it free of the ground. 
They wait, still and cautious.  No matter how many times they do this, they’re never entirely at ease.
Then two spots of green, bright and alien, flare up at them from the dark.  If either of them had been carrying a flashlight, the green could have been mistaken for an animal’s eyeshine. 
They weren’t.  It wasn’t. 
Slowly, the thing in the dark comes up the hill.  It walks slowly, ponderously, its gait uneven.  Every once in a while, that green flashes again. 
The clear cold light of the moon provides a silhouette, eventually.  A black hole in the night.  A human-like figure, a body thrown over one of its shoulders, a shovel propped on the other.  It is stooped, slightly, under the weight, but the way it moves could tell anyone it had done this before.  Its eyes are flat, green coins. 
Sam blinks once, twice, three times.  Tucker just waits, still as stone.  Reality shifts.  No longer is the thing in front of them a shadow cut from nightmare, but their friend, Danny.  Normal, human, puny, blue-eyed Danny, who, for some reason, thinks it’s acceptable to wear a t-shirt in this weather and at this time of night.  He looks exhausted, and perhaps a little embarrassed.  Nothing frightening here.   
Other than the fact he’s carrying his own corpse over his shoulder. 
“You didn’t need to bring your own shovel, man,” says Tucker, compulsively pulling his PDA out again.  “We already got everything dug.”  He sounds worried. 
Danny cringes.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you wait that long.”  He drums his fingers on the shaft of his shovel and adjusts his grip on the body. 
“It’s fine.  Let’s just get under cover.”  Sam turns and walks back, into the less-burned part of the forest.  She can hear Tucker following her.  Danny is, as always, silent. 
“Oof,” says Danny. 
“Huh?  Something wrong?” asks Tucker. 
“Just walked over my own grave, that’s all.”  Danny offers them a smile that could have been made from the same fabric as the moon – although with a far less steady hand. 
The response is a groan, as loud as they dare. 
“We’re going to have to change locations, soon.”
And isn’t that the truth?  Accidentally digging up one grave was one grave too many, and it isn’t as if they could mark them.  What they are doing is illegal, both in the ‘this is literally against state, federal, county, and municipal law’ sense, and the more metaphorical ‘this is an affront to the laws of nature’ sense. 
They reach their handiwork of the night before much longer.  The grave isn’t nice and rectangular, but they gave up on that early on.  It’s deep, and big enough to take what Danny’s been carrying.  That’s enough. 
Danny promptly drops his corpse into the hole.  The sound of a corpse hitting the ground like that—It isn’t exactly indescribable, and it isn’t exactly unique, but…
It sure is a sound. 
They stare at it, for a long moment.  It feels, even after all this time, that they should say something, do something, to commemorate the moment, to lay the body to rest. 
But they don’t.
Danny hefts his shovel and starts the work of pushing the dirt back in.  Shovelful by shovelful, the body is hidden from view.  Covered up.  Tucked in. 
“Well,” says Danny.  “That’s that for tonight.”
 They go back, down through the trees.  Sometimes, when he steps into the shadows of the trees, Danny goes dark again, his eyes green and glowing, but those moments become fewer and further between as they leave the fresh grave behind.  As they leave Danny’s latest death behind.  As Danny becomes more alive.
“Who was it tonight?” asks Tucker.  “Or was it more of a what this time?”
“Ember,” says Danny.
“That was fast, for her.”
“She wasn’t here for a fight, this time.”  Danny shrugs.  “Convinced her to ride my death back across the line pretty easy.  It’s almost as if—”
He stops, tilts his head to one side.  Shadows strobe across him. 
“Danny?” asks Sam. 
“Something’s here,” says Danny, his voice flat and empty, and then he's gone.
If there is one thing that is impossible for Sam and Tucker to get used to, it is the sight of their friend dropping dead. 
Sam hisses through her teeth and crouches down.  “He couldn’t even tell us who it is first?”
“It can’t be anyone too strong,” says Tucker.  “He wouldn’t risk wasting a death.”  He thumbs open the timer on his PDA.  Six minutes.  On average, a human death held a viable door open for six minutes. 
Sam shoots him a skeptical look and he winces.  There is, on occasion, a wildness in Danny's eyes beyond the green. 
But it’s too late to talk about that now.  The moon-cast shadows undulate across the ground, twitching and fluttering like living things.  It's ink and blackness and the trees bending away from the sky to reveal stars that were both too close and too green. 
The dark isn’t the only thing there.  There's something artificial, a presence the forest resists.  An intruder.  An outsider.  A predator, stalking, hunting, not looking for them, but it doesn’t care about collateral damage. 
Sam curses under her breath.  “Skulker.”
The two ghosts clash and writhe, dead, unmade things in a place they should not exist.  They give the body, the corpse, a wide berth, Skulker not willing to get close enough to the body and the door for Danny to push him through, and Danny clearly not wanting Skulker to get too close to Sam and Tucker. 
The problem with Skulker is that he’s always been out for blood.  Danny is his current prey, but that isn’t a good thing to count on. 
“Do you think Vlad let him through again?” whispers Tucker, his words standing stark against the silence. 
It’s probable.  There aren’t enough human deaths in Amity Park to justify how often certain ghosts return.  Any death can make a door, even a plant’s, even an animal’s, but those doors are usually too small and too brief for ghosts like Skulker to get through, if they aren’t called to them specifically.  But someone like Vlad or Danny can die again and again, as many times as needed. 
Tucker sees Danny’s body twitch and he yelps, putting a tree between him and it.  Sam is more proactive.  She brings the flat of her shovel down on its head.  The ghosts that leak out are stripes of neon against dark grass.  The light is swallowed by the empty places between the trees. 
“How much time?” she asks Tucker breathlessly. 
“Three minutes,” he says, holding up his PDA.
“We need to get out of here.”
“What?  But—”
She grabs his wrist and hauls him into the dark.
It isn’t only black in there.  Star-flashes and moonlight twinkle and strobe as they run.  There are eyes, green and uncountable.  There is sound – gunfire swallowed by snow, the twang of bowstrings, the last gasp of prey, devoured.  The trees slide by them, studiously avoiding their path.  Soft mounds of earth flicker with gentle stars, the ground beneath them a mirror of the sky above.  It is like running between two mirrors.
This landscape, Sam realizes, a little late, does not favor Skulker very much at all.  Not here, in Danny’s own personal graveyard.
And the shadows retreat, pulled away like ink being absorbed by a napkin. 
Sam and Tucker look back, over their shoulders.  Two green eyes stare at them from what isn’t, in retrospect, very far away at all.  Danny’s body lies on the ground below, barely visible.  The eyes do not leave them, even as the shadow they are in stoops to pluck the shovel from the limp hand of Danny’s body and start digging. 
The shadows beneath the trees don’t seem very dark anymore.  The moonlight is almost blinding. 
The timer on Tucker’s PDA goes off, loudly.  He hisses at it, annoyed that, somewhere along the way, he’d turned the volume on. 
“Heck,” says Sam. 
“Yeah,” agrees Tucker, vehemently.  “Where’d my shovel go?”
They find it before too long.  There aren’t too many places it could have gone.  They join Danny in digging.  Two graves in one night are really too much, but they’ve done more, and they’ve done worse.  They aren’t like Vlad, can’t just let them build up until it’s efficient to dispose of them, or whatever he does.  Something tells them that whatever is probably worse than they’re imagining. 
Between blinks, Danny is himself again, and the grave is finished before the moon starts to set. 
It is late.  It is early.  It is time to go home. 
The thing about three teenagers with shovels walking the city streets at night is that they’re noticed.  Amity Park isn’t New York, but any city worth its name stirs in its sleep.  Midnight flights to the airport, inadvisably long bachelor parties, late movies, insomnia, homelessness. 
Tucker’s been monitoring the ghost hunting and cryptid forums for a while, and he’s emailed Danny links to each one that mentions him.  Sam has clippings from the paper about calls to animal control about something with green eyes, about something that couldn’t possibly be human.  Then, of course, there are the calls to the police about something dragging or carrying bodies from all sorts of places. 
There had been an investigation at one point.  There had to be.  But nothing had been found.  There hadn’t been anything to find.  No missing bodies, no mysterious disappearances, no deaths.  Just a green-eyed shadow and its mysterious companions. 
Sam knows her parents, at least, think the whole thing is a prank.  Tucker’s think it is people seeing things when there was nothing there, like bigfoot.  The less said about what Danny’s parents think about it, the better. 
Sam’s house is furthest from the center of town, and they drop her off first, the shadows on the trellis giving her a boost when she climbed.  Tucker and Danny then have the typical argument about whether it’s better to bring Tucker or Danny home first.  Danny, Tucker argues, has just fought not one, but two ghosts.  Tucker, Danny argues, cannot come back from the dead.  Danny wins, as usual. 
That leaves Danny, real and not, alive and not, to wander home.  He waves cheerfully at a drunk who watches him pass with wide eyes and turns onto his street.  He breathes in, deeply, tasting the ash that still flavors the air all these months later.  He opens his eyes just in time for the winter sun to beam through the skeleton of one of the buildings that bracket the crater that was once Fentonworks. 
No one lives here anymore. 
No one is waiting for him.
Danny walks down into the darkness and disappears. 
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Hi! Do you mind doing an Obey Me request? Diavolo announcing another human transfer student, and as a surprise for Mc it's their best friend. Reader gets excited and barely leaves their best friends side for a few days to catch up. When certain brother finally seeing best friend alone, he goes in to saying that he wants 'his' Mc back. Only to be pinned to the wall getting a shovel talk from best friend before Mc shows up again. How would they react. No pressure or anything, I thought it was cute and basing it off of me and my best friend. Take care
[A/n:I love this. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:You're the new exchange student, and you happen to be mcs best friend
Type: Short Scenarios: Mammon X Gn!Reader: Leviathan X Gn!Reader: Belphegor X Gn!Reader
Version:One Master
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You pissed him off instantly and did everything to stop you form 'stealing' Mc. He'd get between you two (literally) and stand there, preventing you two from standing or sitting next to each other. So when he finally cornered you, he thought it would finally be the end of you two.
He'd yell while grabbing the collar of your shirt.
"Stop stealing Mc from me! I was their first! Not some lower human like you"
You stared at Mammon in disbelief. In a split second, you had Mammon slammed face first into the wall.
"You? That's funny. If you think you knew mc longer or dare to say you were first and separate us, I'll make sure you never talk to mc ever again. Do you hear me?"
He was stunned and quiet, but before he said anything, you pushed off of him and greeted Mc ad they turned the corner. He didn't know what else to do, so he didn't intervene anymore before you actually took Mc away from him.
He didn't originally like Mc, but now, he can't get enough of them. So when you came along, you ruined it. You were the one lying on Mc. You were the one sitting next to Mc. You took up his time with Mc. He couldn't have alone time. You're taking Mc from him. Who did you think you were? He definitely tried to stop this instantly. It took three days for him to try.
He'd grab you and pull you away from sight.
"Who do you think you are?! Taking all my alone time with Mc! How dare you...."
You yanked your arm away from him. The next second, your hand was holding his mouth shut and his head against the wall.
"Who do I think I am? I'm Mcs friend, best friend actually. I'm not gonna stop being their BEST friend because YOU want alone time, if your so pressed about it....go cry about it, or I'll make you regret it"
He pushed you off of him as Mc turned the corner. You turned and gave them a big smile and walked away. Belphegor could tell you were serious, and he hated it.
Of course, his jealousy would get the best of him. It took a day. He watched how close you got, how friendly you were, how much you took up of his and mcs time. He hated it. He hated you. All he wanted was for his mc back, but you're taking up all of their time. He cornered you when you were walking home. He grabbed you and pushed you against a wall.
You grabbed his throat and swung him around and against the wall.
"I came first, pretty boy... I knew Mc longer than you've knew them. Your the one who's been taking MY time with Mc, but do you see me pissed off about it? HUH?! DO YOU SEE ME GETTING PISSED OFF AT THE 7 OF YOU? No....so I'd suggest you watch your mouth before you regret it."
You pushed off of him and gave him a nasty look before walking away. He didn't know what to say. Or do. So he kept his mouth shut.
[A/n:I hope you enjoyed]
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Hi i'm suing your creep reader with the Sinclair boys is literally living rent free in my head.
1. Imagine.... The reader so desperate to fuck one of them Bo lets them thigh ride him nude, absolutely degrading them.
2. Now Michael Myers..... Imagine you try to stalk him to catch him in the nude. He knows you're watching. Just to fuck with you he strips down and fondles himself. But the second you try to reach in he's like "nah. Since you wanna watch so bad."
Anyways I'm going to hell, need anything?
I am guilty of charge... 😔
Also, if you go to hell, can you bring me a hell slushy, thanks.
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No because that's exactly what would happen! He wouldn't see you deserving of him touching you just yet, you've been nothing but a little freak spying on them all this time. Why should he even indulge you in anything? This is a punishment, something for his amusement alone and he wants to see how low you're willing to stoop down.
Lucky for him, you brought a shovel.
Now dear reader, I'm sorry, but in my story you have no dignity to hold onto to. So, like an obedient pet... you give him a show. Let him hear all the noises freely, and for him only. Or Vince of Les if they're romaing around the house lol
He calls you a depraved freak, a bitch in heat, willing to take anything he gives you. Do you have any shame? Willing to hump on his leg like an animal just like that, no fight whatsoever. You're so desperate it's embarrassing to watch. He just crosses his arms behind the back of his head and watches with a satisfied grin, he doesn't allow you to touch him as well or let's you finish.
Behave nicely and who knows... maybe he'll use your mouth next time.
Also a little extra because I can't help myself:
Boot-riding with Vincent, he's too busy with his art to pay you attention, you want to get off? Go on, grind on his boot and maybe he'll pet your head while you finish. He isn't as mean as Bo, you know.I have found a few bootriding fics with Vin that have been... 😔👌🏼
Dry humping with Lester, he's the one who will most probably let you have your fun, lets you sit on his lap as he stares and holds your waist in place, not letting you move an inch.
And... 👀
That's so him.
If you ever think you have power over him because you're trying to sneak up on him, you're wrong. Like you said, you can watch because he let's you watch. If you try to touch him, firm hand on your shoulder will be your only and last warning as he pushes you down on your knees for you to watch him.
Eyes on him only because you wanted to be a weirdo and stare.
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azzydoesstuff · 7 months
azzy's guide to lethal company
goober bug
friend shaped
just a lil' guy
collects shiny stuff
don't take its shit
lil' poopster
he don't bite
scary man
take a little peek but dont stare!
he has anxiety so he struggles with prolonged eye contact
if you don't watch your back he'll sneak up on ya and give you a big hug
i'm sure he's a nice guy really
oh fuck the BEES
take their hive for shits and giggles
have killed more new players than fuck-all
what the fuck is that
beat the shit out of it
jumpscare warning
get the fucking chancla
tge fucking BUPPY
no walkies
always responds to his name
or any name actually
woagh!! you didn't tell me you had a little beast in your home!
a fuckiknhg. eouppy. a ligl frsiggn BEPPY.
the ooze
made of hydrochloric acid
you can bonk him with a shovel but it won't do you any good
sand worm
ripped right outta a sci-fi movie
drop all your shit and fucking MOVE it
looks like a giant condom
baboob cocks
fucking angry pussy
literally fucking gang violence
aye tommy... gimme one-a dose uh... gold bahs, will yah?
land shark
i fucking hate you
wins every staring contest
i'm fast as fuck boi
treeple (tree fucks)
the big man on campus
chews with his mouth open (ewwww!!!!!)
run like you fucking mean it, little bitch
it's always slightly faster than you
also i fucking hate these things with a scorching passion
merry christmas!
creaky footsteps
wants to wish you a merry christmas!
walk up to him and he'll spread his jolly cheer
just like santa claus, he's always watching you
so don't be naughty and stay up walking past your bedtime, or you're getting a handful (mouthful) of coal (hot lead)!
"what is th- is that a gun!?"
wallop him in a holly jolly scuffle and be rewarded with his merry presents! (it's a gun)
normal human being
hey guys it's me your teammate
let me walk over to you i swear nothing bad will happen
guys these theater masks are the latest style you should try them on
the funny box
living pipe bomb
listen to my tune
big ass forehead
your forehead is LARGE. like, EXTREMELY massive
you could play tic-tac-toe on that shit bro
you made fun of her forehead, now she's surgically removing yours
"huh, i wonder for whom the bell tolls" FOR THEE.
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
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pairing: justin foley x gn!reader
a/n: another from my old wattpad account. this went from being just a 100 words on there... to this. also, warnings are under the cut
warnings: established relationship, use of "babe/baby", food mentions, mouldy food, justin not taking care of himself, mentions of seth + parental neglect, season 1 justin, it's maybe implied that the reader has more money than justin- but i wouldn't say rich/wealthy (not sure- you decide)
Justin unlocks his front door and holds it open to let you in ahead of him. The simple, sweet gesture has you smiling, until you quickly remember where you are and who lives here. "Uh, is Seth around today, because I don't wanna be here if—?"
"I know." He shakes his head. "We're good. He been gone a few days, probably won't be back for a while."
"Come on, sit down."
Justin gestures to the tattered, old couch. You put your bag down next to the seat, then sink down into it. Justin kicks the door closed behind him, then opens the freezer and mumbles about how hungry he his. He rummages around for a while, then holds up a box and shakes it.
"This'll do. Hey, there's two of them if you want one."
You turn to read the box he's holding. 'Ready To Eat Roast Dinner.'
"Um, no, thank you. Not hungry."
"Suit yourself." Justin replies, and then you hear him poking holes, rather too harshly, into the plastic film covering his dinner.
He quite literally throws the container into the microwave, taps a few buttons and then grabs a stool while he waits for a beep.
However, like most things in Justin's mom's house, sadly, the microwave is broken. Instead of making that tell-tale beeping sound, it just doesn't stop. It keeps cooking, and after what feels like too long, you have to remind Justin to check his food, before it burns.
"S'okay, looks fine. Thanks for reminding me, though. That thing's a piece of shit."
Justin drops into the space next to you, placing his dinner on the table and digging in. You try not to grimace at the meal he seems to be enjoying, but the smell of it makes your face scrunch, as you cover your mouth with your hand.
"Justin, what is that?"
"Beef... I think." He shrugs. "Who the fuck cares? I'm starving."
"It just... doesn't smell right."
"What d'you mean?" Justin frowns, taking another bite.
"Well, it smells... bad. Like, out of date bad." You stand up and head to the kitchen counter. "Did you check the expiration date?"
"It's fine." Justin repeats.
You glance over the box, flipping it around to find the date, and grimacing when you do. "Justin, this is almost 5 months past!"
Justin looks over at you and just shrugs again. Then he shovels another bite into his mouth, which causes a bubble of anger to rise within you.
"Babe! Stop eating!" You go back to the couch, grab Justin's fork out of his hand and push the meal away. "You can't eat that!"
With a mouth still full, he yells. "I'm fucking hungry! I don't care."
He tries to reach for his food, so you pick it up and throw it into the trash before he can eat anymore.
"What the fuck?" He throws himself against the back of the couch dramatically. "That was fucking rude."
"No. It wasn't. You can eat that mouldy, rotten crap, Justin. You'll get sick." You join him once more, sitting down close enough to him that your legs are pressed together. "Baby, I don't want you to get sick."
"Ugh!" He shakes his head, annoyed, but when he looks at you again, his eyes are soft. "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just hungry, and there's nothing else to eat."
"Nothing? At all?"
"Believe it or not... Seth's number one priority isn't feeding the dumbass kid he got stuck with after meeting my mom." Justin's eyes are sad, though his voice sounds like how he talks when he's telling a joke. "He rarely fills the fridge, unless it's with booze."
You blink rapidly, fighting off your emotions as you heart shatters. Clearing your throat, you pick up your bag and stand up, offering Justin your hand. He grabs it and you pull him up. "Well, fine then, let's go."
"Where exactly?"
"I'm gonna get us some takeout..." You open front door, throwing a look at the dirty, torn up couch. "...and then we'll eat at my place."
Justin's hand slips from yours, making you pause halfway out of the house. "Wait. Just— fuck sake!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You already bought me a new backpack... a fucking winter jacket, even my school books. Just– you can't keep, like, buying me things."
"Why can't I?"
"Because! I– we're– it's– I don't know! It's just... it makes me feel like I owe you, all the time. And I have nothing to give you."
Dropping your bag to the floor, you reach for Justin's face, hold it, and force him to look at you. "Justin... baby, I love you, okay? And that means I love taking care of you, and taking care of you is making sure you have everything you need and deserve. 'Cos you do deserve it... even the very basic things that your mom and Seth don't buy for you. Like school books, and clothes... and food that doesn't smell like crap."
"Okay?" You shake his head a little. "And one day when we're older and both successful, you'll owe me back then. For now, though, being with you is enough in return."
Justin's mouth moves just barely, opening and closing as he tries to find what to say.
You know that he's never been the best at accepting help. He's never been one to ask for it either, and he definitely doesn't know how to react when you, or any of your friends tell him he's worth being cared for.
After a few moments, Justin replies with a simple, yet raw and heartfelt – judging by the raspy tone of his voice –, "Love you, too."
You peck his lips and smile. Then, you slide one of your hands up to his forehead.
"What're you doing?"
"Checking for if you feel hot. Do you? You ate quite a few bites of that crap."
Justin shakes his head. "I feel okay."
"Alright. Just tell me if you get a stomach ache or anything, 'kay?"
You take his hand, swing your bag over your shoulder, and then lead him out of the house. "So... pizza?"
"Ooh, yes." Justin grins, and you're more than delighted to see him happy once more. "I absolutely could go for pizza."
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Taglist: @mockerycrow @wqxianwriting
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fandom-junk-drawer · 9 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 9
Geralt and Jaskier very quietly rearranged the living room. It was after 10pm, Yennefer had gone to bed about an hour ago, and it was go time. It was dark outside, the living room lit only by the little bit of light from the streetlights that managed to filter through the blinds.
There was some uncoordinated manuevering, a bit of stifled grunting, a little whispered arguing, and some quiet cursing when Geralt put the couch down on Jaskier's toe.
"My toe--it's on my toe! *lowercase squealing* "Motherf**ker!"
*quiet grunt*
After a few moments of quiet cursing, Jaskier deemed his toe only mildly squished, and they continued with their task. Several moments of arguing, grunting, and swearing at each other later, and the task was complete.
A waterproof tarp was very quietly unfolded and added to the arrangement, along with a few ropes threaded through the tarp grommets to add structural support and keep the tarp in place.
Now it was ready for the complicated part. They had to move fast. This stuff needed time to sit for at least 6 hours before they could use it, so it had to be finished before Yennefer got up.
Geralt sneaked outside and ran the garden hose through the living room and into the tarp-lined space between the couches.
The water was turned on and Jaskier poured in a bucketful of some mystery substance that Geralt had only heard about yesterday. He wasn't really one for keeping up with the latest and greatest, but this had grabbed his attention.
Once they had added the correct amount of 'fun stuff' to the water, Jaskier went back to bed, and Geralt went to Yennefer's room to make sure she didn't get up and discover their handywork.
Morning, and Yennefer, found them sitting in a swimming pool made of two couches and a tarp, and filled with thousands of water beads. They were eating cereal and watching Saturday morning cartoons.
Jaskier and Geralt turned to look at her as she came to stand beside the surprisingly well-designed construction.
Yennefer heaved a mental sigh. She supposed she should be grateful they were literally just sitting quietly and not doing something really f***ing stupid, like jumping off the roof. And at least they weren't naked. She noted they were wearing swim trunks. Thank the gods for small miracles.
"It's 8am on a Saturday. It's too d*mn early for this." she said.
"It's never too early for an orbeez pool party!" Jaskier replied haughtily as he shoveled sugary cereal into his mouth.
"Ugh, can't you two w*nkers ever act like normal human beings?"
"I can't," Geralt responded, "I'm not a human, I'm a Witcher."
"So what's your excuse?" Yennefer asked, rounding on Jaskier.
"He's an idiot."
"Excuse me!"Jaskier squawked indignantly, spraying cereal over the side of the 'pool'.
"You're excused, just try to work on yourself, maybe try not being a f**kwit."
Your face is ugly!"
"Your mom's ugly!"
Yennefer took herself off to the kitchen, leaving Geralt to deal with his bard's whining.
They spent all day lounging in the water beads. The only time one of them got out was to get another plate of pizza rolls, drinks, or to use the bathroom.
A wrestling match broke out close to evening when Geralt took the last pizza roll out of Jaskier's hand.
"You unscrupulous b**tard!"
Yennefer looked out of the kitchen, where she was trying out a new soup recepie, and saw Geralt holding Jaskier at arm's length, trying to keep the bard away from the last pizza roll he was holding.
"Give it back!"
Geralt shoved Jaskier's head under the water beads and shoved the pizza roll into his mouth. Jaskier surfaced with an indignant screech. He took one look at Geralt, who was chewing like a dog worried it's owner was going to take the food out of it's mouth, and tackled him.
They both disappeared into the multicolored beads. Yennefer wandered over to watch as they stood up, continuing to grapple and shove.
She was going to tell them to stop. Eventually. For now, she was going to enjoy the show. No way she was going to pass up the opportunity to watch two wet, bare chested, hot men roll around and put their hands all over each other.
Yennefer got a very nice full frontal view of Geralt when Jaskier pulled out the Dirty Fighting playbook and yanked Geralt's swim trunks down. Geralt immediately whipped around. Jaskier, who hadn't had time to stand back up and was still at crotch level, got smacked in the face.
Yennefer ugly laughed as Jaskier sputtered in shock. The look on his face was priceless.
Jaskier.exe has stopped working
She could practically hear the old AOL dial-up sound as his brain rebooted.
Jaskier stood there, a confused look on his face, trying to work out how he felt about getting slapped in the face with a d*ck.
New Kink Unlocked...?
He didn't have enough time to really process it though, because Geralt picked him up and flipped him over his shoulder, dumping him into the water beads.
Jaskier rose in a cascade of beads, arm raised. There was a sound like a gunshot, and Geralt jumped, stiffening up with a yelp. A red welt in the shape of Jaskier's hand glowed on Geralt's right a** cheek.
Jaskier saw the look in Geralt's eyes. Oh, he was f**ked.
"Now hold on a minute!"
Geralt growled, then hissed and started towards him.
"I-I barely touched you!" Jaskier stammered and started flailing to the edge of the pool as fast as he could, Geralt slogging towards him purposfully, like and unstoppable juggernaut.
Out of desperation, Jaskier considered all his options, and went with the most reasonable, logical, least ridiculous one.
He looked at Geralt and said sternly, "SPSPSP!"
It had zero effect, aside from earning him another hiss.
Jaskier slipped and flailed, trying to shuffle to safety, a naked, angry Witcher slogging towards him. Yennefer was laughing the entire time, but then realized her mistake. She had gotten too close to the edge of the couch, and now her laughter turned into a shriek of surprise.
Jaskier made a desperate leap and grabbed at Yennefer, trying to use her to help pull himself out of the pool. Geralt pawed at Jaskier, massive hands trying to find purchase.
The witch tried to run, but it was too late. Geralt managed to get a good grip on Jaskier, grabbed him around the waist, and gave a mighty heave.
Yennefer and Jaskier both screamed as they were yanked into the pool. Geralt was knocked off balance by the extra weight hitting him, and the three of them fell into the orbeez pool.
One of the ropes holding the pool together gave up the ghost, and the pool burst. Various exclamations of surprise were made as they spilled out of the pool, and the living room was flooded with thousands of orbeez.
They laid there for a moment, collecting their wits. Geralt and Jaskier sat in the middle of the destruction, looking stunned. Jaskier looked at Geralt and had the audacity to start giggling.
"You ar**hole!" Yennefer snapped, smacking him on the head, " Don't laugh! Look at this mess!"
She rose, brushing herself off. "Clean this up, now! And Geralt, put some d*mn pants on!"
They spent the rest of their evening finding every single last orbee.
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jsprnt · 1 year
Healing Hearts PT.3 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
A/N: Hey loves! Thank you for the love. Here’s part three. Let me know if you enjoyed <3
WC: 3.608
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I shove a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in my mouth, contemplating while looking at my screen. "No, you would literally suffocate in that, especially in the club. It's like- twenty-five degrees Celsius over there?!" I exclaim, inspecting the dress, shoveling another scoop out of the tub. "It does look good on her though." Jul chimes in. "Do you have anything with an open back? What about the dress you just got?" Priya suggests. 
Monet had called all five of us for an 'emergency FaceTime', something about a cute new bartender working at the club she usually frequents. "Is the guy even cute?" Liz asks. I raise a brow, that girl had- let's say interesting taste. "He's an absolute snack. I'm telling you guys, he has the most gorgeous eyes, an he's like 190 cm tall and his tatts are so-" My thoughts wander at her descriptions of the man, that doesn't sound bad?
"y/n? Bitch, are you even listening?" I widen my eyes as I hear my name being called by Monet. "Hm what did you say?" I look back at my screen, all of the girls staring, with weird grins. "Why are you all looking at me like that. Guys? You're freaking me out." "What is our lovely y/n thinking about?~" I hear Liz say. "Nothing just occupied with work." I dismiss. "So what dress are you going to wear hm?" I decide to redirect the attention back to Monet. "Rightt~" She mumbles, before she starts rambling on about the dress again. 
We finally come to a conclusion, as we continue chatting. "So y/n any eye candy yet?" I look at Jul, her voice teasing. I stare at the screen for a moment, interrupted before I can utter a word. "Ohh someone cute must've caught her eye. Tell us, who's the babe? Another staff member? Oh my god! A player?" Liz gasps. "The wag life is screaming your name right now."
They all start talking at once. The most I can make out being 'which player?' and a way too enthusiastic 'finally!'
"Hold on, hold on- I didn't say anything yet!" I try to calm them down. "Tell us, are there cute guys?" They insist. I sigh. "Of course they're cute! There professional footballers, some of them are bound to be cute!" I blurt. I raise my hand in a stop motion before any of them can utter a single word further. "No, I can't date them thats super unprofessional. Besides, I just got out of a five year long relationship, can't a girl just be single for a while?"
They look at me for a moment, Priya breaks the silence. "You've never gotten so defensive before? There must be someone you think is cute~" I sigh, they'll never let it go, not now at least. I was the youngest of the friend group by only one year. Though, they loved teasing me like I was way younger than them. 
I open my mouth ready to protest before I'm distracted by two messages popping on my screen. I furrow my eyebrows, confused.  "What is it?" I hear Priya say. "Hold on-" I read the messages carefully. 'You've been added to a group chat named: LFC Staff'' and a 'You've been added to a group chat named: LFC'
"Oh right he told me that-" I mumble
"Who told you what?" The girls ask in unison.  I inspect the group chat members for a second, returning back to the call. My eyes wandering to the profile pictures. 
"They added me to the club group chats." I shrug.  "Really! Can you send me Trent's digits? He's cute~" I give Monet a 'what the hell are you talking about?' look. "You know I can't. Besides aren't you literally getting ready to see the bartender guy?!" I half yell, this girl was playing way too much. 
"Yeah, but I'd like to keep my options open alright?" I stare at my screen, before we all burst out in laughter. "You can't blame her." Jul chimes in. 
I yawn, checking the time '21:57' it read. We all catch up some more before we hang up. I get up to throw out the empty ice cream tub. 
My attention is directed back to the group chat. Surprisingly, most of the guys had profile pictures. I click on some of them, inspecting them a little. Coming across Virgil's. It's not a picture related to football at all, unlike the other guys. Just him sitting at a outdoor cafe with a beer. His sunglasses placed on his head. His muscular arms are visible due to the black T-shirt he was wearing, his tattoo- hold on what am I doing?
I exit the app, closing my tabs before turning my phone off. I need to stop before I start thinking crazy shit. I can't be doing that, right?
I walk into the bathroom, realizing my face looked a little flushed. I try to get myself together by doing my night skincare routine and brushing my teeth. 
I walk back into my room, setting my alarm quickly before throwing myself onto my bed. I sigh at the sensation of my soft bed. The soft covers lulling me into a slumber. 
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I double check the progress reports, making sure everything is fully up to date. So we can send them to the physios of the national teams just in time for the national break. I lean back in my office chair, looking out of the window at the training pitch for a second before focusing again. Everyone had been doing fine physically so far, no serious injuries thankfully. The occasional players walking into my office for some uncomfortable or tense feelings in their muscles. 
It had been about four days since I started, though it already felt like home. The team had been getting ready for the match against Bournemouth, every training day getting more intensive. 
I had also been introduced to another fellow physiotherapist, Dr. Davis or James as he insisted I call him. He hadn't been here my first days since he was on paternity leave as he was just blessed with a baby girl. 
I already knew of his existence. When I applied for this job the description had stated that I'd most likely have to be in de medical room during matches, due to the club already having two physios with a lot of experience on the pitch. I was fine with that, this also was the case at Barcelona. Though, it didn't take them long to realize how good I was so they would make me work on the pitch after a while. 
I save a players report, clicking onto the next one before a knock on my office door diverts my attention. "Come in!" I semi-yell, before being confronted by an anxious looking Virgil. 
I raise my eyebrows in surprise, this didn't look good. "Hey, what's wrong?" I get up approaching him at the door. 
"Hey, sorry to interrupt. We're training and my calf feels pretty tense-" I interrupt him before he starts apologizing again. "Don't apologize! it's my job, remember?" I guide him to the treatment table, he sits there, spreading out his long athletic legs in-front of him. 
I put on my gloves, grabbing some massage oil.  "Your calf you said?" I ask inspecting his leg.  "Yeah, just felt weird I'm sure it's nothing bad but I still wanted to see you. Dr. Woods has his hands full already." He says.  "Smart choice." I say, a smile on my lips.  We make eye contact for a split second. I don't know what came over me, but that made me feel.. Weird? It felt strangely- comforting? 
I mentally shake my thoughts away before I spread the oil on his calf. I massage his calf for a couple of minutes making sure to relieve the tense feeling. 
I take some tissues before wiping away the excess oil on his leg. I raise my head to look at him again. Surprisingly, I find him staring back at me already. He definitely had a staring problem. 
I clear my throat before speaking. "The tense feeling is probably gone. Let me know if you're experiencing any other pain." I smile. 
I take of my gloves discarding them as he gets off the treatment table easily. I turn back around to find his tall, muscular frame towering over me.  He gives me a smile before speaking.  "Thank you doctor, I appreciate it. See you." He says before winking and walking out of my office. I freeze as he turns around, quickly mumbling a small 'bye' as he leaves. 
Oh my god, why the hell is my heart beating so fast? I can't be doing this right now. Not this early. This is the first time I've been single since the age of twenty-one and it has me acting insane. 
I shake my head as if to get rid of my racing thoughts. Sitting back on my chair, trying to finish checking the remaining progress reports. 
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I walk out of my office, deciding to walk out to the training pitches. I greet the staff as I walk past them in the hallways. Finally, stepping foot outside and greeting both Dr. Woods and Dr. Davis as the players are training next to them. 
The three of us are engrossed in a conversation, talking about the progress reports and any issues with the players conditions. 
We're speaking for a while, it's like our surroundings were blurred for a minute. 
But, before I could even register anything, a painful feeling washes over my face. My nose stinging with a seething pain, and before I'm even aware of it, blood starts pouring out of it. Staining my scrubs. 
My hands fly up to my nose, my eyes widening in surprise along with my eyebrows furrowing. I gasp, being totally in shock. Both of the physios staring at me appalled for a moment then back at the direction the ball came from. A very shocked and guilty looking Virgil staring back at us, along with other players he was training a 11 v 11 with. 
Dr. Woods moves quickly, immediately grabbing some gauze and handing it to me. My gazes averts to his hand, grabbing the gauze and holding it up to my nose. Pinching my nose bridge tightly. 
The man guilty of it all runs up to me, apologizing profusely. I look at him, he actually looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head soon. If I wasn't bleeding out I would've laughed at his expression. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I repeat, as Dr. Woods suggests I wash my face with some cold water. Virgil nods immediately. "I'll take you." 
He pries my hands away from the gauze holding it up himself as he leads me back into the building, practically dragging me by my arm. I sigh, this really had to happen to me. This felt like high school PE again, well- apart from the perpetrator not being a stinky popular teenage boy. 
He walks me into the med room, turning on the sink. My hands fly up as I lean forward to wash my nose and the blood off of my face. But, I'm stopped by a determined sounding voice and a hand holding my jaw as the other on holds the gauze up to my impacted nose. "I'll do it, I'm sorry." He says, slowly letting go of the gauze and setting it aside. Grabbing a handful of water and bringing it up to my upper lips and forehead, repeating this until the blood flow had stopped fully. The sensation of his fingers hovering above my lip sending shivers down my spine.
I stand up straight again, as he hands me some tissues to dry my face. Thankfully, I had only worn sunscreen today, due to waking up later than planned. I glance at him, he still looked insanely guilty.
"y/n I'm so sorry- I was way to invested in training and the ball just-" I interrupt before he can say anything else. 
"It's fine I promise, I should've payed more attention to my surroundings. Bedside you'll pay for my nose job, right? I loved my nose." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. 
A small smile creeps onto his lips, his eyes lighting up slightly. "Sure, I'd do anything." I inspect my nose in the mirror, nothing seems to look off. "You're safe, it doesn't look bad. Promise you'll work on your aim?"
We chuckle, before walking back to the pitch. I'm still holding some tissue up to my nose, just in case. Some players look at us, before they start teasing him. 
"Look at our captain, hurting our precious physio! You're so cruel." We hear Robbo shout. As Joel playfully slaps Virgil's back. 
"It's fine!" I shout, a little nasally due to the tissues I'm holding, blocking my nose bridge.   "He said he'd pay for my nose job so we're in the clear." I laugh, glancing at him. 
I see Dr. Woods walk up to me, as he tells me to let go of the tissue to inspect my nose. I do as he tells me, he sighs relieved before telling me my nose is fine. I glimpse at Virgil again, finding him already staring at my face. A unknown look in his eyes. My trance is interrupted by a concerned looking Klopp. 
"Does it look bad?" He asks Dr. Woods, before he gets reassured. Klopp turns towards Virgil, a semi-scolding look on his face. "Pay attention next time yeah?" He doesn't seem to be angry as he smiles at him, patting his shoulder. "I will big boss." He smiles back, the mood being way lighter than before. 
I'm told by both Dr. Woods and Dr. Davis it's best to go back to my office. The sun wouldn't be doing good for my sensitive nose. I walk back to my office, sitting onto my chair again. I shouldn't have never gone out to the pitch, I huff. 
I look outside of my office again, the pitch being on clear display as I can see the guys train.  I can't help but let my thoughts wander again, the feeling of his fingers on my lips and face, washing a strange feeling over me. Making my heart beat a little faster...
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I walk out of my office as training ends and the players don't need any help. I make my way into the changing room, putting my clothes on again as I discard my bloody scrubs. 
Todays outfit was a midi-skirt and a cropped top, to accommodate the sunny weather. I grab my bag, leaving the changing room and walking up to Clara at the reception to chat a little bit. We had grown closer since I started working here. I had also found out we were similar in age. 
"Heard you got hurt?" She says, a slightly concerned look on her face. "How did you know? I did, but I'm fine really." I reassure her.  "Well I heard it from other staff. Something about Virgil taking care of you?" My face flushes slightly at her choice of words. "Yeah, he made my nose bleed so he helped. That's all." I say. 
We're interrupted by the loud chatter of the players walking out of their locker room. We turn our heads seeing Trent, Darwin, Robbo and Dominik speaking to each other. They walk up to the reception, asking me if I'm really fine. I reassure them again, telling them I'm fine. 
"Let the Captain make it up to you." Trent says, a smile on his lips. "Huh? what do you mean?" My question is answered by Dominik. "He feels bad since he hurt you." I open my mouth to respond before being greeted by the sight of Virgil. He walks up to us, greeting Clara and me. The guys walk out soon after bidding us goodbye and I'm left alone with Clara and Virgil.
I check my watch, before telling them I'll have to go. I didn't have any place to be as I just wanted to be home. "Oh yeah me too, I'll walk out with you." He suggests. I give Clara a hug before I turn around, not missing the wink she gives me. What did she mean with that? 
We both walk out into the parking lot, as we both walk up to our cars. "Your nose is fine right?" He says. "Yeah completely fine. You don't have to worry anymore." I say. 
"Let me make it up to you. Let's have dinner sometime, my treat." He suggest. I raise my eyebrows. That doesn't sound too bad, besides who would deny a free dinner (with a cute guy)? 
"Sure. Text me when?" I say, he already had my number since we both were in the group chat. "I will, see you tomorrow doctor." My heart leaps at the thought of having dinner with him. Would that be a date?
We both step into our cars as we leave to go back home. I'm driving back home as my phone starts rigging. Cutting off the loud music coming from the speakers. I keep my eyes on the road before glancing at the number. It wasn't one I saved. Though, I did recognize. It's was him. I hesitate, my brain having an internal argument, my finger hovering over the accept button. No, I can't just accept his call. I can't forgive him. I should just forget him, and he should forget me. I click the decline button. Sighing in relief. This is going to be difficult. 
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I'm sitting in the canteen, munching on my food as I'm scrolling through Instagram. Catching up with what my friends and people I knew posted. I like Priyas new post, commenting on it about five times, practically screaming at her about how good she looked. I sigh, maybe I should've just went back home after Barcelona. I missed my girls. 
"What's wrong doctor?" I recognize the voice, it's Mo. I look up, seeing the guys place their trays on my table. Some players in their own world as I can see them tease and banter with each other. Me and Mo hadn't had many conversations yet, though from the few we did have I already knew that he was super kind. 
"Nothing, just missing home and my friends." I say, picking at my leftover vegetables. "Oh- I get that, I also miss my home all the time." He says, relating to me."Well at least I'm not only one I guess." I say before I'm interrupted by Darwin. "We all miss home even though we live here." he tries to reassure me in Spanish, giving me a kind smile. I give him a smile back, man these guys were nice. 
The topic of conversation gets totally changed as hear the other guys talk about the national matches coming up. I look down at my food again, picking at my potatoes before eating them. 
"y/n you won't be off then, right?" I glance at Joe, shallowing my food down. I shake my head. "No, I'll stay here. I was told players here mights still need me, so I decided to not take time off then." He hums in acknowledgment. 
"You'll support us though right?" I hear Cody say, his Dutch accent making me remember home. I place my hand on my chest in a flattered motion. "Of course, I loved watching the Dutch games in the stadium. Watching it from here will be fun as well."
"You've gone to our national matches?" Virgil asks. "Yeah, Frenkie and Memphis always invited me to go and watch them. Since I got super close with them. I just went with my friends." I shrug, referring to the players back in Spain. 
The table erupts with small 'ohh's. I take another bite of my food. The table continues chatting about different topics, but I can't help but feel someone staring at me across the table. I glance back, my eyes meeting with Virgil's brown ones. 
They were insanely beautiful. I find myself struggling with looking away from them as they practicality make me want to melt at the sight. I clear my throat quietly before looking away. 
I walk back to my office after lunch. Making sure I finish my paperwork in time to greet our new transfer: Wataru Endo. 
I walk down into the medical assessment room and knock on the door as I hear a 'come in'. I'm greeted by the new transfer and Dr. Davis.  
"Hi, I'm y/n. One of the physiotherapists. Welcome to our club." I give him a kind smile as we shake hands and he greets me back. I discuss some things with Dr. Davis as we continue Wataru's assessment. Though, we're interrupted by a exited Mo, who walks in to greet the new transfer. He greets us as well, before telling Wataru he is in good hands. We all chuckle, finishing up the assessment an hour later. 
I get home tired. Sighing as I finally can take off my shoes and wash off my make up.
I jump into my bed, checking my phone for any messages I had missed. I read the messages the girls had sent in our group chat, responding to them. Scrolling back down to check my earliest notifications. I furrow my eyebrow as I see four missed calls. Obviously it's him again. I click on the number to block him, hoping he'll just stop bothering me...
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HII! How are ya? I’m the person who request the Lucifen d'Autriche Fic you’ve made and I’m not sure if I told you this but you did an excellent job on it—! I wanted to request again if that’s okay… so
May I request Homicidal Liu, Jeff The Killer, Brain/Hoodie and Jane The Killer with a Male! or GN! S/O who has a Banica Conchita Personality from The Evillious Chronicles Series? The personality and story is all linked in banicas name but here’s this song that explains the dark parts about her, and to name some crimes she committed were Cannibalism, Abuse and Possession and she’s the type of villain who’s a corrupt extravagant.
I hope this is uhh err… alright with you😭 thank you sm! have a good day!
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Aaaa! Thank you so much! I was kind of scared on whether or not I was writing it well, as i had never heard of these characters. I will say that this character in particular intrigues me a lot and I'm super excited to write for them!
Tw: mentions of gluttonous behavior such as over eating, cannibalism, and just possibly triggering mentions of food in general
Thank you so much for requesting!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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𝕵𝖊𝖋𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗
You terrify him
In a good way, of course
It's so refreshing to have someone who can match his energy
The first time he learned about your gluttonous urges, he was kind of weirded out
Like damn shawty what are you doing with all that food.....?
Not even food, some of the stuff you were shoveling into your mouth were things like bugs, plants and small pieces of cloth
But then there was that hashtag rocker dude old man part of him that was like "hell yeah"
"Thats so metal 😍😍"
He loves how you aren't afraid to just put it all away with no shame
Just shoveling it all into your mouth, not even glancing at other people
He also really likes your fashion sense
Steals your clothes
"Jeff is that my fitted vest"
You are definetly the dominant one in the relationship
Which he wholeheartedly denies, of course
It's hard to deny it though when you're cuddled up in your partners arms, falling asleep as they stroke your hair
He is so protective of you, even though he knows you can take care of yourself
9 times out of 10, you are the one having to protect him though <333
𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖉𝖆𝖑 𝕷𝖎𝖚
Your habits kind of worry him
He loves you so much and he doesn't want you eating yourself to death
He tries to be supportive, but also expect him to constantly be monitoring you
Sometimes he'll offer to make your meals
He makes sure they're as healthy as possible, full of plenty of nutrients and vitamins, with minimal fats
Though, he can't fully stop you from eating whatever you want. He's not your dad, you know
He absolutely refuses to let you eat anything that isn't considered food by normal standards
He's 50/50 on cannibalism
On one hand, he's undead anyways so what does he care, and there's also a lot of other cannibals in the mansion
But on the other hand, it just makes him nauseous
Don't expect him to hang around when you're indulging in humans
Like Jeff, he is the baby in the realationship
He loves it when you come up behind him and rub his shoulders, nibbling on his ear affectionately
It both confuses him and flusters him
This man will literally go feral
Feeling your hands rub his skin so softly
It gets him feeling some type of way
In the end, he both loves you and worries for you
Don't let him worry too hard though. Smack some sense into him for Christ's sake
Personally, he's neutral on your eating habits
If you wanna eat all of the food in the house and then go eat the twigs outside, who is he to stop you?
Not his circus not his monkeys
He's the best boyfriend when it comes to food and getting your cravings
If you tell him that you want spaghettio's with pickles in it, slathered in horseradish and using doritos to dip into it, guess what he's gonna do?
His ass is gonna go and get you some damn spaghettio/pickle/horseradish/dorito soup
He bought you one of those comically big bowls as a joke once, but it's suprisingly come in handy
He's definetly the one to chant "Chug, chug, chug!" As you drink the left over broth from your soups
How it annoys you <333
Relationship wise, it's 50/50 for dominance
There are days where you push him up against a wall
And there are days where he gives you love marks just to annoy you
(And to show off the fact that you're his)
He has a weird obsession with just kind of....observing you
You're sitting here unhinging your jaw like a snake and eating all this shit like it's nothing
He's definetly jealous impressed
Given your schedule and lifestyle, you do tend to get an achey back quite often
Well guess what?
He's your guy
His fingers work magic on those tense muscles, that's for sure
𝕵𝖆𝖓𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖐𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗
Good god prepare for some lecturing
This woman will go on and on about how there are others in the mansion too and how you can't just sit around and eat all the food
You roll your eyes
"Technically I can, I just shouldn't"
She scowls at you for that
And you grin happily
She's not totally against your diet, as you are a fully grown adult and can do whatever you want
She just wishes that maybe your lifestyle didn't affect her as much
Seeing as she just loves you oh so much, you get into her stash of snacks wuite a lot
And she can never stay mad at you for too long
Very motherly
Sometimes you will let out a loud belch, only to earn a kick from under the table
BEN and Jeff think it's hillarious though
Fucking 12 year olds
In the relationship, she's the dominant one
She refuses to call it that, though
"I simply wear the pants, that's all"
Her favorite pass time is teasing you
Flicking your nose, licking your cheek, playfully punching your shoulder, the list goes on
All around just a loving girlfriend, willing to do anything for you <333
Except letting you eat bugs
Fuck that noise
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