#and James and Sirius T-T
agent-tempest · 10 months
I don't know why but I thought it will be kinda funny moment when in 'Best Friend's brother' they realise it all. I was expecting a, 'Let's meet eachothers boyfriends' and boom 'Sirius?!' 'Reggie!?'. I was totally not ready for whatever the fuck happens when the black brothers find it out
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cvntkisser · 1 month
Every time i see someone say the marauders weren't bullies and their relationship with snape was a rivalry i remind myself that a rivalry is when two groups/people are against each other and have similar or equal power/abilities, and therefore a marauders stan is saying that it took four popular wizards (two of which were rich aristocratic purebloods) put together to be strong enough to rival teenage severus snape.
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moonchildreg · 1 year
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Remus Lupin circa 1976
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elilelibeli · 30 days
Marauders & co as unhinged t shirts
James F. Potter:
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Lily J. Evans:
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Mary McDonald:
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Marlene McKinnon:
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Peter Pettigrew:
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Sirius O. Black:
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Regulus A. Black:
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Remus J. Lupin:
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remusoldsuitcase · 5 months
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check out my playlist featuring a gryffindor party, marauders edition!!
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sophsicle · 1 year
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Once upon a time there was a pirate, who fell in love with a king
chapter 1
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prizzzyyy · 3 months
I'd like to believe that Mary didn't know Harry survived. (she would have fucking turned dumbledore's world upside down world to take harry's custody like wdym she'd give up on harry?, james and lily's harry?, their harry?, harry for whom she buy-ed all those muggle kids clothes and toys?, the harry to whom she was like a godmother? - more or less i envision her being the same as sirius in regard to harry.)
All she heard was the 'Potters' died (and assumed it meant harry too), were killed by Voldemort. Sirius betrayed them, he killed the Potters, he killed Peter. What more was left for her to listen?. What left of her world was destroyed. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.
And yet ignorant, that Harry lived, she oblivated herself.
Years later, in London:
Once she turned the corner, she ran into someone, and instinctively yelped as she lost her balance. But a firm pair of handed held her.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry, i was in hurry and-" They started.
"It's alright, it's alright, I didn't see where I was going either." She said, politely cutting them off.
Steadying herself, see looked up at the person and took in a shaky breath.
It was a man, he apologetically smiled down at her. She didn't know him. But something within her stirred.
Those green eyes. Those messy black hair. Those glasses. That face. That smile.
The man's expressions changed as he frowned, a bit of panic in his eyes as his eyes widened despite of themselves, confused.
Instinctively, Mary touched her cheek.
Tears?. Why?.
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pxrty-crxsher · 13 days
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delulu4marauders · 7 months
run james !!
Remus: I don't think Sirius is happy that you're dating his brother..
James: What makes you say that?
Remus, reading a letter: Dear Prongs, I hope this letter finds you before I do.
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prostoshtyka · 1 year
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cvntkisser · 1 month
okay so the marauders targeted snape because he was "up to his eyeballs in the dark arts", despite the fact that the person who said that (sirius black) canonically used an illegal hex (apparently illegal malicious magic is something totally different from the dark arts) with james potter on a random girl at school at least once, and not because snape was the a conventionally unattractive, poor and unpopular slytherin halfblood(aka an easy target) for them to pick on and a way for them to get their hatred of slytherin and death eaters out without getting in trouble.
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jfleamont · 2 years
The Marauders as Malcolm T. Liepke paintings:
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Sirius and Remus
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James and Lily
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impishtubist · 11 months
So I am learning a lot from the responses to @soloorganaas ‘s Wolfstar poll, and I’m sure they will make a post when it’s over that is more articulate and comprehensive than mine, but the one thing I am seeing over and over that makes me want to scream and that I need to address:
“there’s no point in reading the source material because MWPP are barely there anyway”
BABES I AM BEGGING YOU, IF YOU’RE WRITING SOMETHING WITH THE MWPP CREW IN IT, READ. THE. BOOKS. I’m not saying give the author your money, pirate that shit. But oh my god, the prevalence of the lie that MWPP are basically blank slates for you to write about because they’re barely in canon....NO. This is wrong. Book 3 is literally named after one of them. We get so much backstory and so much characterization for Sirius and Remus, and we see a good deal of them and James in flashbacks. From POA to DH, we learn so much about them in every book. 
Kill the idea that MWPP are blank slates you can do whatever you want with. Kill it with fire.
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lulublack90 · 1 hour
Prompt 14 - Wilted
@wolfstarmicrofic June 14, word count 889
Previous part First part
By the time they’d all gotten showered and dressed, they were running late for dinner. Remus looked in disgust, as the only vegetables left were wilted spinach, which he hated, and steamed beetroot, which he hated even more. Reluctantly, he scooped some of the spinach onto his plate. 
He was exhausted from the long day of painting. He needed to ask Sirius for the cream he’d promised for his sunburn, but he’d wait until they were back in the cabin. 
His rough t-shirt was rubbing something awful on the inflamed skin. He kept rearranging it and twitching at the abrasion. 
“What’s up?” Sirius grunted when Remus accidentally knocked his arm after tugging his t-shirt away from his skin for the umpteenth time. 
“It’s scratching,” he whimpered quietly as he shuffled his shoulders again. Sirius reached out and touched the material. 
“Of course, it’s itching. Remus, what’s this made of? It feels like potato sacking.” He dropped it and rubbed his fingers together to get rid of the feeling of the t-shirt. Remus flushed with embarrassment. It was the best his parents could afford. Sirius seemed to realise he’d said the wrong thing. “Sorry, didn’t mean it like that. Come on, eat up. I’ll get that cream for you, it’ll help.” Remus sighed with relief and finished up his meal. 
Sirius took his hand when they got outside and walked him back to their cabin. “Do you have anything softer than that?” Sirius asked hesitantly, gesturing at Remus’s t-shirt. Remus shook his head, not looking at him.
Sirius headed straight for his drawers when they got back to the cabin. He pulled countless items of clothing out of the drawers until he found what he wanted. “Here, he said, throwing a plain black t-shirt at him. Remus caught it. It was the softest cotton he’d ever felt. “Put it on,” Sirius said as he darted into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of aftersun. 
“Sirius, I can’t, it’s yours.” He couldn’t wear Sirius’s clothes, surely he needed them. Sirius, guessing the problem straight away, tutted at him. 
“Remus, have you seen how many clothes I brought with me? One t-shirt’s hardly going to leave me without anything to wear. In fact,” He said as he dug through his clothes again and tossed a few more t-shirts onto Remus’s bed. “Here, for the rest of the week,” He folded his arms and Remus realised he wouldn't win this one. He stepped into the bathroom, not ready to strip half-naked in front of anyone, especially Sirius. 
The t-shirt was even softer than he’d thought it was. It didn’t upset his sunburn at all. He sighed happily and went back out into the main cabin. 
“Thank you,” He said a bit dreamily. Sirius grinned at him. 
“Get on the bed,” He ordered, pointing at it, “Lie on your front.” Remus couldn’t find the energy to complain, so he did as he was told and sunk into his soft pillow. He could have fallen asleep right then if Sirius hadn't hopped up and straddled him.
He tensed at the unfamiliar feeling of having someone sitting on him. 
“Sirius, what are you doing?” He stuttered nervously. 
“Don’t worry, nothing bad. I want to rub this into your sunburn. Can I push your t-shirt up?” No! Remus thought. The worst scars were on his stomach, but his back still had plenty for Sirius to see. But Sirius had shown him his scars. Sirius hadn’t cared that Remus had scars or was scared to show them to anyone. He swallowed loudly and tried to be brave. 
“Okay,” He whispered into his pillow. He gritted his teeth as Sirius gently pushed the t-shirt up until he could see Remus’s whole back. He let out a low whistle, making Remus want to cry. He was hideous and Sirius would never want anything more to do with him.
“Damn, Remus, your sunburn’s so much worse than I thought it was.” That wasn’t what Remus had been expecting. He didn’t have time to think about it before the cooling liquid was drizzled over his back and Sirius’s slender fingers began to delicately work it into his skin. 
He didn’t stop at the sunburn either. Sirius worked the liquid all over Remus’s back. Pressing his fingers into Remus’s sore muscles, making him moan into his pillow. It felt so good. He could feel his eyes drooping as Sirius continued to massage his back. 
The door banged open as James and Peter came back from dinner. 
“Oi, oi, what’s goin’ on here then?” James trilled at them. Remus froze, but Sirius acted quickly, and before the other two could get any closer, he’d pulled Remus’s t-shirt back into place, hiding his scared back. 
Remus tried to lift his head, but it was so heavy and he was so tired. He let Sirius explain, hearing him blow kissy noises at James while teasing him about rubbing lotion into his sore parts for him if he was that bothered. Sleep overcame him before he could hear what James’s reply was. 
That night he was stirred from sleep by Sirius, sneaking into his bed. Sirius wrapped an arm around him carefully and Remus snuggled closer. He’d never shared a bed with anyone before, and especially not someone he had feelings for. It was wonderful. 
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esoteric-choleric · 1 month
Never seen a fictional enneagram 7 who didn't strike me as bisexual immedietly
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fangirl-docintraining · 9 months
No because hear me out: Jily AU but Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce… with background Wolfstar as well like just picture it with me real quick
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