#and THEN the schoolyear is finally over
likegoldintheair · 1 month
my unproductive ass managed to get eight different assignments done in less than a week i am invincible
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scrambled-eggsed · 2 years
How Stede Bonnet reminds me of Don Quixote
Disclaimers: I read two (2) chapters out of Don Quixote in my high-school literature class, and the only stuff i know about the story is pretty much from there (first and eighth chapters, if any of y'all are interested). Also this is 100% about Stede Bonnet the character and the way he is written in the show, and not in any way about the historical man. SO!
There are a few elements to this - the obvious similarities between Stede and Don Quixote as people, including their backgrounds, approaches to the lives they chose, and the obvious incompatibilities between them and the dangers of being pirates/knights; the similarities in how the narrative itself mocks both of them, whether its the general framing of scenes or the actual narrator; and also how in Stede's case, the narrative takes a turn and pulls him away from being a Don Quixote, especially when in relation to Ed.
So about the first thing! It really is the most obvious part of this comparison - generally, they are both from wealthy backgrounds (wealthy-ish in the case of Don Quixote, I think, but the point stands), and abandoned their comfortable lives in exchange for lives of danger and adventures. It will be expanded on later but I should also point out here that there are a few differences between them in this sense - namely the reason behind Don Quixote's decisions being Comical Insanity, while Stede was always out of place in his life since childhood, whether due to full-on homosexuality or his general "softness" in relation to The Standard. Slightly more about that later! But anyway, they are also extremely not suited for the lifestyles they chose, and interestingly, once again in different ways - Don Quixote is trying to make his fantasies a reality, in a time period which is [decades? a century?] after the time when it had a chance of being relevant. He also bases those fantasies on cheap novels and clichés - which is to say, even if he WAS in the right time period, he would still be seen as a lunatic. That bit is similar to Stede's case, except that Stede IS in the right time period - the Golden Age of piracy, I'm pretty sure? He wants to join a lifestyle which does exist in his time, but what makes him similar to Don Quixote is how, like him, he has no clue how it works - he acts out the fluffed-up tropes he knows from stories, with ZERO awareness to how dirty and gruesome it gets. That's a big part of the comedy in both stories - just like how Don Quixote had a stupid, kinda dangerous duel with that Basque guy, Stede stabs a man through the HEAD and it's still ridiculous. The tone of the story ties into how much they both absolutely do not fit the lives they've chosen.
Now that brings me to my second point - the tone of the two stories is pretty similar in how it treats Stede and Don Quixote's misconceptions of reality (here I should point out that in OFMD, the tone does change throughout the show. A while ago I read a post that explained the changes in the tone as the show progressed, and I can't find it now, but the point is that right now I'm referring to the early episodes of the show - generally until Stede gets stabbed, which, I'm pretty sure, is where the aforementioned post noted the first drastic change in the tone of the show). It's easier to explain Don Quixote's example - the narrator straight-up says he is insane, and while the other consistent point of view in the story, Sancho Panza (who, as far as I understand, is basically There for most of the story?) tries to gently convince Don Quixote he's wrong with his conception of reality, or sometimes speaks in his metaphors in order to get through to him, the narrator just mocks him every time. With no ambiguity, the narrator gives the distinct, clear descriptions of the actual reality, beyond Don Quixote's fantasies. Generally, Don Quixote is described as pitifully and amusingly delusional - while it makes him into a somewhat endearing character, he is always painted by the narrative to be, pretty much, a crazy idiot.
With Stede it's a bit different, for a couple of reasons - firstly, there is no narrating voice in the show like there is in Don Quixote, and secondly, with the shifts in the tone of the story, this image of him is not as consistent as it is with Don Quixote. All in all, it lets his character be less of a caricature and more of a relatable Human Person - the narrative never paints him as outright, unmistakably crazy, and doesn't build his character in such a way so that he is purely A Landowner Driven To Madness By His False Conception Of A Life Of Adventure. Instead, the narrative lets him actually explore the way he fits into a life of piracy, in an almost sensible way - the persona of The Gentleman Pirate is absolutely ridiculous and still doesn't remotely fit the concept of the life he's chosen, and the way he tried to actualize that persona just put him and his crew in danger, BUT the narrative still shows it in a way that makes it seem original, unique and fascinating, even if it's still out of touch with reality. And THAT'S where we get to Ed!
Ed is a really interesting way to break the Don Quixote trope for Stede, and essentially shift the whole story into a different genre - now, instead of it being purely about Stede trying to understand piracy through his twisted conception of reality, it adds the Entire Other Element of Ed's story, and his involvement with Stede. Ed doesn't fit into any side-character trope in the general template of Don Quixote, and so he basically breaks Stede out of the story he was in. There's a whole other essay to be written about the parallels between Ed and Stede and the way they inverted those parallels as they went along, but the point is - the focus shifts to those parallels in a way that takes the focus off of Stede's Don Quixoteness and his lack of touch with reality. If we take as an example the way Stede didn't know how to live as a pirate, Ed literally shows him! Not to mention how Ed brings in a whole new way of being a pirate, with an undertone of insanity and an emphasis on the desire for the fun and adventures of the lifestyle, which ties into how he sees all of Stede's weird approach to piracy as fascinating and original. Don Quixote had to recognize his aspirations of being a knight to be delusions, but through Ed, Stede gets to continue his story as a story about him actually adapting to the life of a pirate, rather than turning back. That's exactly what we saw in that shot in the final episode of the season, with Stede sailing away - his attempt to come back to his home was WRONG, and he instead needed to continue his life at sea, as a changed man. Unlike Don Quixote, who's ideas about knighthood made him ill and eventually killed him (if I remember correctly? Basically the lack of sleep, lack of food, his attempts to live up to the clichés of being a knight), and on his deathbed realized that his conception of reality was wrong, Stede instead realized that the life he made for himself, despite the unusual way he has to live it, is in fact the right path for him.
Aside from the actual way Ed taught Stede to be a pirate, their love story plays such a big part in this as it is - unlike Don Quixote, who's love was also a part of the knight act, and at the end didn't actually get romantically involved with her (I think???????), Stede's love to Ed is a big part of the driving force behind his eventual decision to return to the sea. And even beyond the layers of him being a closeted gay man in the 18th century, and how it paints in a different light his disconnection to his family and the rest of his normal life, it is also the biggest inversion to his story as a Don Quixote. It's a genuine and heartfelt storyline, without the usual parodic tone of the show, and in that way it's the final breaking point of the ridiculousness of Stede's approach to life at sea - the gradual, building romantic tension hints at the way the story will eventually accept Stede's strangeness as a good part of his character, rather than the dangerous, laughable and pitiful force that drove the story until that point; after that, the absolute acceptance of the love story as a love story by the narrative was what allowed Stede to finally escape the image of a delusional Don Quixote, and instead fully be a character who's quirks are just part of the many layers and traits he has - it's the finishing part of the transition from the caricaturistic image of Stede that was established during the early episodes, into a complex, layered character. OKAY I REALLY NEEDED TO GET ALL THAT OUT, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
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wyrmalien · 1 year
end of schoolyear blues and greens
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Just Like Dad (3 of 4)
Content & Warnings: referenced military career, domestic fluff
Word Count: 804
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
Soap stumbles through an explanation when faced with a barrage of questions.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // just like dad masterlist
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Johnny is a firecracker. The spark from struck flint.
He dives in headfirst, charges forward, his actions led by his head and his heart. Johnny might be high-strung at times. Rambunctious and eager. Sometimes he’s stubborn when it comes to people and things he cares about.
All of that is true. And all of it is also reflected in his six-year-old daughter.
The two of them stand in the middle of the kitchen. Johnny has his hands on his hips. His daughter mimics his movements, forcing all her attitude into it, even adding a single arched eyebrow. Johnny would laugh but he’s trying to be serious.
She looks so much like her mother it’s startling.
He’s trying to keep his demeanor calm under the barrage of questions about his job. His daughter is a curious creature. She wants to know everything, oftentimes asking so many questions at once they start to run together.
Usually, Johnny is indulgent. He loves nourishing that curiosity. But right now, that curiosity is treading on dangerous territory. Of everything Johnny is protective of, it’s his daughter. But more than that, it’s to protect her from the realities of his career.
It isn’t pretty. It isn’t clean.
And she’s asking endless questions. So many that they’re melting together, pushing him toward every bad mission and terrible death.
“That’s not one of the questions,” he replies cooly, nodding toward the piece of paper resting on the kitchen table.
It’s a questionnaire. One the school sends that has her basic interests along with information about family. She’ll use it for projects and to make connections with classmates. It’s a standard thing, something sent out early in the schoolyear as a form of introduction.
His daughter stands mute. Unmoving. She’s trying to be tough, and while it makes his heart warm with pride, it’s also incredibly frustrating.
“I’ll answer the questions on your paper. Nothing more.” Johnny is setting a boundary because it’s all he can do. He won’t lie to her, but he’s not going to swim through rough waters.
Her bottom lip pops out in a pout and Johnny sighs, crossing his arms. “Why do you want to know so bad?”
She takes a deep breath, shoulders softening. “Because I want to be like you when I grow up.”
Because I want to be like you when I grow up.
The automatic response is “no.” That isn’t what she wants or will ever want. All she knows are the friendly faces, of how Simon’s mask is way too big for her head, or Price’s hugs which she loves more than anything.
Those are not the realities. Those are soft things. Pieces that keep her satiated.
“Why do you want to be like me?” he asks slowly, chest slightly tight with dread.
“Why not?” she shrugs, as if that is a perfectly logical stance.
Where is his wife when he needs you? You would help. You would distract and move her on to something else so that Johnny doesn’t have to flounder under all these questions. She came like a fury of rapidly popping fireworks, peppering him until she finally ended her chatter with wide eyes and heaving chest.
Why not?
Because there are dark tendrils that cling to him that won’t let go. She doesn’t need those. She shouldn’t have to carry those burdens with her everywhere.
There is no reason to crush her dreams. There is no reason to smack this idealism down. Not yet. When she’s older, Johnny can be clearer, he can be more upfront about the toll this line of work has taken on him.
Sighing, he walks up to the kitchen table, picking up her sparkly purple pencil. It is rough against his fingertips as he bends at the waist to peer at the questionnaire. She stands next to him, watching intently, leaning on an elbow, peering over his arm as he starts to fill out information on the page.
Johnny takes his time. He is truthful in his answers. He is part of The Special Air Service. He runs covert missions. He vaguely lists out what a day might look like for him when he’s not deployed. His daughter watches on, saying nothing.
 But there is no snarky comment or attitude that he usually expects from her.
“Thank you, Daddy,” is all she says, neatly folding the paper in half to stuff into her schoolbag. Johnny offers her the glittery purple pencil and she takes that too.
He bends at the knees, getting on her level. “Want to help me start dinner?”
“Yes!” she beams.
“Grab a chair,” he says, nodding toward the dining table.
She drags it across the floor, pushing it up against the bottom cabinets. She turns, smile wide, hands clasped eagerly in front of her.
This is the distraction he needs.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @pertinentpostmortem @enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @jade1605 @contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair
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notsunnyowo · 5 months
Prom Dress
Gojo Satoru graduation party headcanon :>
Content: Just pure tooth-rotting fluff, Female Reader (AFAB)
Word Count: 606
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"Satoru!! We're going to be late!" You called out to your date.
"Just give me five more minutes to finish up and I'll be right down!" You heard Gojo's voice coming from his dorm room.
"You said that fifteen minutes ago man!" You reprimanded. "My feet are killing me!"
The schoolyear had finally ended and you were over the moon with excitement. You had finally graduated from Jujutsu High and were now a full-fledged Jujutsu Sorcerer!
As the last day you'd be spending in the school, all your classmates, correction, every student currently attending the school had gotten together to organize a graduation party for your class.
You could hear the upbeat music coming from outside. I bet everyone's having a blast out there.. You thought. You, too were supposed to be out there, having the time of your life with all your friends, but instead you were stuck waiting for your best friend and current date - Gojo Satoru.
"That's it- If you don't come out this instant I'm going without you Satoru!"
No response.
"Alright then, I warned you." You said, turning around and taking a step forward, only to be stopped by the unmistakable sound of Gojo's room door opening.
"About time! If you'd made me wait even one more second I would've-" You paused, jaw almost dropping at the sight before you.
Is that..? N-No way.. It can't possibly be-
Standing right there in front of you was your best friend, yet you couldn't seem to believe it.
Since when did Satoru become this hot?!
"Y-You uh.. Look good. I mean- The suit looks good! On you, that is!. What is going on with me today..?!" Letting out an awkward laugh you clear your throat before suggesting. "Shall we go now? I'm sure the others are waiting for us."
"Yeah." Satoru gave you a soft smile, making your poor heart almost leap out of your chest. "Let's go."
He took his arm out, gesturing for you to take it, and once you did, the two of you began walking down the hall in silence. You didn't dare to say a word, especially not after what just happened a few minutes ago.
What had even gotten into you back there? Why did you begin stuttering like a nervous wreck in front of Satoru? It wasn't like you to get nervous like that, especially not when it came to Gojo, your best friend of nearly four years!
You glanced at him, heart skipping a beat while doing so.
I always knew he had a good looking face.. But I never realized how handsome he actually was..
It didn't take long for Satoru to take notice of your staring and look back at you. His crystal-blue eyes locked with your own. Looking into them felt like gazing deep into a vast ocean.
His previously soft smile quickly morphed into his signature shit-eating grin as he then stated. "(Name), you're staring."
Feeling the heat rushing to your checks, you immediately looked away, hastily uttering out an apology to the boy.
"Sorry about that.."
"S'fine." Satoru replied. "If I were you I'd also get lost looking into my eyes. Since they are breathtaking."
His comment made you chuckle, instantly lightening the mood.
"Yeah, they really are beautiful."
This time, it was Satoru who went quiet and you instantly looked at him, afraid to have done something wrong, only to be met with Gojo's flushed checks.
Were you seeing things or was the Gojo Satoru blushing right now? It sure was!
It took the boy a moment to compose himself before turning to you and saying.
"You look beautiful tonight."
A/N: I was scrolling trough Tumblr when I saw these pictures of Gojo and knew I had to write something about them. And so- Here we are :'D
Hope you all enjoyed reading! <3
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Give You Blue
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Chapter 1: How It Ends
Pairing: Eren x f!reader, Reiner x f!reader (past relationship)
cw: explicit sexual content/smut (brief flashback), language, angst, a breakup
Word Count: ~3.2k
Next Chapter
Give You Blue Masterlist | ao3 | Give You Blue Taglist
Summary: Reiner, your best friend since childhood and your high school sweetheart, breaks up with you the night before the new semester begins. With his car packed with both your belongings, the hour long drive back to campus the next day offers some clarity. Author's Notes: Excited to be writing a new series! I hope you all enjoy it. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciate. Thank you so much!
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“I think we should break-up.”
It’s the last day of summer vacation, the night before you and Reiner head back to Stohess University for the start of a new schoolyear. You’ve been at his place all day, helping him pack his car, which is already halfway full of your own belongings. With the door to his bedroom wide open, you can hear his mom humming a familiar tune downstairs as she puts away the leftovers from tonight’s dinner. Her signature meatloaf and mashed potatoes, a favorite of yours and Reiner’s. It’s been this way since you were ten years old, when the two of you finally started eating real food instead of only candy, pizza rolls, and chicken nuggets. 
The words come out of his mouth low and monotone, an automated machine void of any emotions. That’s why you’re convinced it’s in your imagination, until he speaks again. “Coco, did you hear me?”
Coco. It’s the silly nickname he’s had for you since you were five, the first time you ever met on the school playground. You were in the same kindergarten class, but Reiner could not, for the life of him, remember your name for two whole weeks. What he does remember is you eating a homemade coconut macaroon every first recess of the day. And like a typically five-year-old boy, he picked on you for it, calling you Coconut even after he learned your name. Even after you became the best of friends. Eventually, it became Coco for short, and from there, it just stuck. You’re not sure if you ever liked it; maybe you only did because it was him calling you that. One of the many special secrets shared between you two throughout the years.
You turn towards him, a pair of his socks in hand, ready to roll and toss into his half empty luggage, unfazed. “Huh?” You’re prepared to hear him say something else, anything else.
He swallows hard, a serious expression on his face, glancing at his feet. “I think we should break-up.”
It takes you a good minute to process it. Three minutes, if you’re being completely honest. And he doesn’t rush you this time for a response, seeing you stare back at him, a deer in headlights, seconds before getting hit and crushed under the weight of a semi-truck. Because that’s how it feels when your boyfriend of four years and your best friend of even longer tells you that he thinks the two of you should break-up. 
You’re surprised at how long it takes for the tears to stream down your face. Everyone knows, Reiner included, how much of a sap you are. You cry easily over the most insignificant things – a car commercial, people playing with puppies, a sad scene in a movie. But this – this absolutely warrants all the tears you’ve cried over stupid shit like that. 
Reiner quickly closes the door and wraps his arms around you, lips pressed to your forehead. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” His facial hair brushes against you, a sensation you’ve always found comforting. He was a late-bloomer, incapable of growing that rugged look all throughout high school. It was really only last year when he needed to pay more attention to it; grooming became part of his regular routine. Now, it’s harsh and coarse against smooth skin, an itch you want to scratch but can’t. Somehow, you keep your volume to a minimum, aware that Mrs. Braun is downstairs, blissfully ignorant to what’s happening above her. Through quiet, choked sobs, you ask, “Why?”
He sighs, a pained expression on his face now; he’s always hated seeing you cry. How much worse does he feel knowing he’s the cause of it? Leading you to the edge of the bed, he sits, and you follow. With your hand in his, he starts explaining himself. “We’ve been inseparable for so long; I just think we need to take some time to figure ourselves out. As individuals.” He’s practiced this before, you can tell. He usually sputters when he’s put on the spot. Not this time. He’s been thinking about this for a while, you realize, and it breaks your heart more. 
It’s hard for you to look at him as he speaks, so you stare at his lap, his hands holding yours delicately. When you don’t respond, he continues. “We’ve been friends forever, and I don’t want to lose that. I don’t. I just need to explore my horizons.”
In your mind, you replace the word horizons with options. He joined a frat last semester, which you can admit, worried you at first. He assured you nothing about him would change, and you believed him. Before your logic can stop you, you spit out, “So you’re trying to fuck some sorority girls, is that it?”
He clicks his tongue at you, disappointed. You’re better than this, you know this, and he does too. “C’mon. It’s not like that.” 
“Then what? Don’t bullshit me, Reiner. If you’re going to break-up with me, I deserve to know the truth.” It’s fighting words. You can’t help it when you’re defenseless like this. 
He hesitates before confessing, “I’m not in love with you anymore.”
It fucking hurts to hear. The one person you were so sure would never harm you, stabbing you in every vital point of your body. It’s betrayal, disappointment, and heartache all at once, and you’d give anything to turn back the clock and go back to even a few minutes ago, when you were happily folding his laundry. You’re speechless, a jumble of thoughts stuck in your throat, gagging you until it’s too hard to breathe and you’re gasping for air. There’s static noise surrounding your ear drums, and Reiner’s voice is so muffled that you can barely understand him. You reach around him for a pillow, burying your face in it to hide your cries. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” Baby. He still calls you that through a breakup. You’re his baby that he’s not in love with you anymore. It’s all so fucked up. Between anguished sobs, you ask, “What did I do wrong?”
He rambles on and on about how it’s not you it’s me. It was nothing you did, except in the back of your mind, you keep thinking why wasn’t I good enough? He strokes the back of your hand with his palm, his skin cracked and calloused from rock-climbing, one of his new favorite hobbies. You’ve been nagging him about using that special cream you bought for him, the one that’s supposed to help soothe skin with a tiny dollop. Did that annoy him? Is that the feather that tipped the scale? You can’t help but replay every single fucking thing you’ve ever said to him, every single thing you’ve ever done for him, trying to discern when and where it went downhill. 
You’ve always been best friends first, lovers second. You thought it was special this way, that it means something more. Now, as you sit at the edge of the bed with him, listening to him talk in circles about how this isn’t your fault, you realize that maybe that’s what led to this. Better off as friends, nothing more. You were both sixteen when you decided to cross the line. At the time, it felt right. Looking back, maybe it was just convenient. Were the two of you doomed from that day on? 
“I’ll always love you, Coco.” He repeats it, hoping it’ll make you feel better. You hold your tongue, tempted to reply then why are you doing this? It’s a slap in the face when he says it. A consolation prize reminding you that you lost. 
At the end of the day, you can’t hate him. There’s too much history there. You’ve been through too much together, seen each other at your lowest points, held each other up at the highest. That kind of relationship is rare, a treasure too precious to throw away. But damn, you want to bury it in the darkest depths of the ocean right now. Hell, you want to sink down with it.  
There’s no yelling; you don’t have it in your heart to scream at him with his mother in the house with you. He probably planned it like this; he knows you too well. You don’t like making a scene, especially in front of Mrs. Braun, who’s basically another mother to you. 
You think back on the other night, in this very bedroom. His mom went out to dinner with some friends, leaving you two alone. Of course, you took the opportunity to fuck each other silly. He ate you out sloppily at the edge of the bed, kneeling before you on the carpet with your legs spread wide. Was he already considering the break-up in this moment? He must have. This kind of decision doesn’t just happen. As he bounced you on his cock, his usual tired eyes peering up at you with a small grin on his face, he said, “God, you’re perfect.” And when you came with his thumb on your clit, cock still buried deep in your pussy, he whispered, “I love you,” before he released inside you. He repeated it when you relaxed against his chest, bodies spent, chanting it while he caressed your back. I love you, I love you, I love you.
You sleep in his bed tonight. Instead of being cuddled in the middle, you roll the farthest you can, turning your back to face away from him. He does the same.
“Are you still awake?” he whispers, barely audible. You don’t respond. 
You hear him exhale. “I’m sorry.”
Several minutes later, he stops stirring and his soft snores fill the quiet. Eventually, you fall asleep too, wiping your tears on the pillowcase.  
The next morning, you pretend that everything is normal at breakfast. Mrs. Braun prepares a feast, as usual, before you make the journey back to school. She remains ignorant to the fact that you and Reiner are no longer a couple. He mentioned it last night, how he doesn’t want his mom to worry, that it’s not the right time to break the news to her. Honestly, he’s too scared to confront it, knowing for a fact how big of a deal this will be to his family. You two are practically married in their eyes. Well, were.
You do your best to act like your cheery self, despite being close to dead inside. Reiner gives you nervous glances here and there, afraid you’ll explode any second. You keep your cool, though, making conversation with Mrs. Braun, feigning excitement for the upcoming semester. Laughing along to jokes about how Reiner should be more focused on his studies and less on the frat parties. Ha ha ha.
Around noon, with the car fully packed with yours and Reiner’s possessions, you bid farewell to his mom. She gives you a warm embrace, squeezing you extra hard. “Take care of yourself, dear. And take care of Reiner too. Love you.” It takes all the strength you have left in your feeble body to not sob on the spot, so you quickly return the sentiment and walk to the passenger side, closing the door shut, burying your face in your palms. A few moments later, Reiner joins you in the driver’s seat, one more wave to his mother before starting the car and driving away. 
It's silent for the first five minutes, you wiping your tears with your sleeves, him changing the song every three seconds on his playlist to preoccupy himself. He finally picks a song, a familiar one that you know all too well. It brings back memories of the summer right after you graduated high school. The melody synonymous with weekly road trips to the beach or warm nights staying in, watching a movie marathon in bed. A bowl of popcorn on your lap, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. His face nuzzling your ear, lips nipping at your lobe. Soft touches leading to rough sex, with your mouth biting the pillow to muffle your moans as he pumps his cock into you. The cuddling afterwards, him whispering that he loves you, and that he’s so happy that you’re both going to the same college. Because he wants nothing more than to stay with you, to be with you, for the rest of your lives. 
You can’t take it anymore. Before you realize, you reach over to shut off the radio, the silence louder than the music that was playing. He glances at you, mouth agape like he wants to yell, but he doesn’t. He focuses his attention on the road again, taking a deep breath before saying, “You could have asked me to change the song.”
You cross your arms over your chest, leaning your head against the window, watching the blur of buildings pass as you approach the freeway. “Every song on this playlist reminds me of you. Of us.”
He pauses, unsure how to respond. “I’m sorry.”
You’re sick of hearing it, but you don’t tell him that. Instead, you ask, “When did you know?”
“Know what?”
“That you wanted to break up.” After having a night to let it sink it, you’re ready to talk about it. At least, you think you are. 
He thinks carefully, knuckles tight on the wheel, brow knit. You wait patiently for his answer, growing more afraid of whatever harsh truth he’s about to drop on you. “It’s been on my mind all summer, if I’m being completely honest.” 
Never mind; maybe you’re not ready for this. Still, you let curiosity get the best of you. You swallow back the quiver in your throat, tears welling in your eyes again. “Why did you start thinking about it?”
He sighs, clearly uncomfortable. “Are you sure you want to hear this? I thought I already told you yesterday. It’s not you, it’s me.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the cliché. “I’d rather hear the truth than hear that bullshit again.”
He bites his lower lip, inhaling deeply through his nose. “I guess I started to think about how you and I have been together forever. Basically our whole lives. We don’t really know what’s it like to not be with each other.” 
“And that’s bad?”
He shakes his head. “It’s not bad. It’s just…college is supposed to be about experiencing new things, right? Stepping outside our comfort zone. I don’t know if we can do that if we’re together. We rely on each other so much; we’ll never be able to explore the real world.”
You continue to stare out the window, watching as you zoom past the other cars on the street. Reiner has always been a fast driver, foot heavy on the gas pedal, raring to go past the speed limit for that tiny rush of adrenaline. You, on the other hand, are safe, never willing to push the boundaries, even for a fleeting moment. Maybe this type of mentality goes beyond the steering wheel. 
After a moment, he asks, “Haven’t you ever been curious?”
“Of what?”
“What it would be like to date other people?”
It’s your turn to bite your lip, contemplating the question. In all honestly, you’ve never pictured yourself with anyone else besides Reiner. He wasn’t perfect by any means, and neither were you. But when you pour your heart and soul into one person for years, it’s difficult to imagine repeating that process with someone else. 
You choose your words carefully. “I never thought about it, no. But I…I guess I can see where you’re coming from.” 
He doesn’t respond to that. You can’t tell from his expression if he’s relieved or concerned. Minutes pass before he speaks again. 
“You’re still my best friend, Coco. I hope you know that.”
You bite down on your lip harder, hoping the subtle pain distracts you from the influx of tears gathering in your eyes. Throat dense, tongue heavy, holding your breath because if you don’t, it’ll all come to a crumble. Before you lose it, you tap on the dial of the radio, turning it to increase the volume, not caring what song is playing anymore. Anything to get rid of the strained silence at the end of those words. For some reason, it hurts more than what he said last night. 
He doesn’t continue and neither do you, him studying the road, you gazing at the evanescent glimmer of the ocean as you cross the bridge. Officially leaving Marley and entering Paradis, halfway to Stohess University. It was your top choice when you first started applying for college, and it became Reiner’s, too. And when you both received your acceptance letters, you were thrilled, and so was he. So much so that he ordered matching sweatshirts from the online store, ecstatic to let all his friends and family know that the two of you were going to Stohess, together. That part of your life, although not that long ago, seems like a dream. You’re wide awake now and the gut-wrenching reality of it all is settling in. 
Finally on campus, you point him in the right direction towards your new dorm. He finds parking right in the front, reversing the car and backing into the spot. Turning off the ignition, he remains still, waiting for you. Without facing him, you announce, “I’m going to check in.”
He nods, looking down at his lap. “Okay. I’ll unload the car.”
After you check-in and receive your key, you make your way back to the Reiner, who’s already taken out most of your belongings from the trunk. 
“I’m on the first floor, so I can take it from here,” you tell him, grabbing one of your suitcases. 
“I’ll help you. It won’t take long.”
You don’t argue, swinging another bag over your shoulder and leading him to Room 104. You unlock the door, relieved that it’s still empty. Not ready to face Annie, your roommate, just yet. Reiner helps move your heaviest items, the mini fridge and a box of clothes and shoes. When everything has been pushed into the room, you both stand around, hands on your hips, waiting for the other to speak first. 
“Thanks for your help,” you start. “I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’ll help you with your stuff now,” you offer, grabbing your keys from the desk.
“No, it’s okay. I’m sure there will be some brothers there to help me.” He’s moving into the frat house on Greek Row, a few minutes’ walk from the sophomore’s dorms. Last year, the two of you lived in the same building, one floor apart from each other. It seems symbolic the way you’re separated this year.
“Anyways, I should get going,” he says, running his fingers through his hair. 
“Sure.” You consider stalling by asking him to help you unpack, but you decide not to. 
He looks at you, sadness in his eyes. For the first time all day, you finally meet his gaze, the lump in your throat returning. Stepping towards you, arms out, he embraces you, wrapping you snug in one of his signature bear hugs. “I love you, Coco. I really do. This is just something I have to do.”
You keep your arms to your side, nestling your face into his chest, memorizing the familiar scent of his t-shirt, tears soaking through the fabric. If you return his embrace, you’re certain you won’t want to let him go.
He kisses you on top of the head, giving you one last squeeze. Then, without another word, he walks out of your room, leaving you alone. 
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Taglist: @batafuraikisu @bloompompom @monirei @filunara @katestrophes @ichinosejager13 @hoperenae @zellskz @e-ayyy @liliorsstuff-blog
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blanketorghost · 1 year
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Hehehe I've been thinking about this lil bastard for a while :^)
I wanted to toy with the idea of an AU in which Yuu was born in Twisted Wonderland and how he would affect the story if he was part of the main cast, so I came up with this fella. Rn the 4th long hair option is winning in the poll so I chose it for this design, but it'll change accordingly depending on which option wins. Not much from his appearance changes aside from giving him pinker eyes!
Student Info:
Grade/Class: Junior/Class E (No. 7)
Age: 18
Height: 179 cm (6 cm taller than his human counterpart)
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: Akabayashi village (赤林)
Club: Pop Music Club
Best Subject: Astrology
Hobbies: Poetry, Horror Stories
Pet Peeves: Responsibility
Favorite Food: All seafood
Least Favorite Food: Nattō
Talent: Strategy
Unique Magic: Liar's Dance
ライアースダンス (本音の仮面)- (True Intention's Mask)
Yuu can transform into a person of choice at the cost of an accelerated blot production. So far he's able to maintain a stable transformation for about 72 minutes.
His transformations are almost perfect, but he still cannot fully mimic people's eyes. Azul so far is the only one that can see through Yuu's UM.
Crowley never actually visited MC in Ramshackle for Ch3— it was Yuu using his unique magic.
Yuu has to syphon some of his magic towards the glamour charms, but he can change the strength of the glamour spells if he needs to use more magic. He numbers each level as a dance.
1st Dance: Ears + 1 Tail are revealed - all subsequent dances add a tail. The 7th and final dance adds markings to his skin resembling kumadori makeup.
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Kitsune Lore:
Yuu is still the heir of his family, but backstories have been changed slightly and now he's much more willing on his role.
Floyd calls him "cuttlefishie" (イカちゃん/ika-chan) due to his many tails and his preference for seafood.
Kitsune only gain longevity after they gain their 9th tail. Before that, they age like a regular human.
Kitsune have 2 forms they can freely change into; their beastman and animal form. Culturally, kitsune are very overzealous about showing their natural ears and tails to other people in their beastman forms, so they use charms to maintain a glamour spell to make them look more human. Seeing a kitsune without glamours is only reserved to family, close friends or lovers.
A kitsune's animal form is like a 'hybernation' form for kitsune. They use this form to recharge after excerting a lot of their magic.
Kitsune used to be considered monsters until about half a millenia ago, so Yuu is extremely happy Grim got into NRC. He mistakenly thinks Grim is just a very very young Nekomata that has no control over his transformations yet.
Changes to Book 3-Onwards:
Yuu is Octavinelle's housewarden and is one of the very few students to have never entered a contract with Azul.
Azul challenged Yuu during the second half of his freshman year and lost. Yuu, though, saw his potential and appointed him vice-housewarden.
Has had a crush on Azul since the start of this schoolyear. Unlike Human! Yuu, he actually tries flirting from time to time. But due to Azul's low self-esteem, he thinks Yuu is actually making fun of him. Floyd and Jade are very aware of Yuu's crush, though.
As seen above, Yuu is actually the one who asks MC for help freeing the Anemones. Crowley is probably pro Azul since his deals actually increase the school's GPA let's be real.
Yuu helps the MC by using his UM to sneak into Atlantica's museum while the others distract the guards + tweels.
In a last ditch effort to appease Azul after Leona destroys the contracts, Yuu strikes a deal in which he gives his position as housewarden and UM. It all falls apart when the tweels eventually betray Azul and he overblots.
Confesses during the overblot battle like an idiot. Azul again thinks he's making fun of him (rip).
Yuu helps out in Book 4 by transforming into Kalim to figure out Jamil's plan.
Him and Azul officially start dating somewhere around ch 5.
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tea-plantz · 11 months
Hello Could i request some Yandere Marcy headcanons? Maybe add a head canon where the reader escapes her?
Yess my first Marcy request! And better yet, a yandere one! Thank you so much for sending in a request, love<3
She/them for Marcy
They/them for the reader
!Tw! spoilers, dark themes
~Yandere!Marcy Wu x reader hcs~
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Everything started when Marcy first met you at Saint James middle school. You were the new exchange student that had recently started in the middle of the schoolyear, and was placed in Marcy’s class. Moreover, you miraculously ended up being placed right next to her, giving the black haired girl a chance to look at you up close.
Wow, you were absolutely gorgeous! The teen could quickly feel a wave of nervousness washing over her, as you turned to the girl with a smile.
Marcy ended up being the first friend you made at your new school, after she invited you to eat with her and her friends, while looking a bit flustered.
When you said “yes” to her little proposal, she was so happy! A new friend! Or at least so she thought…
In the beginning, Marcy noticed that she would sense a slight feeling of butterflies in her stomach, when you smiled at her, but even though she may be the smartest kid in her class, the brown eyed girl could not wrap her head around just what she was feeling.
She would constantly talk to Anne and Sasha about you, invite you to all of their hangouts, and nervously look away whenever you made eye contact.
Over time, their silly little crush started to grow. You were just so nice to them, sweet, pretty/handsome, and you even talked with them about their interests! Poor Marcy Wu was completely in awe just by your very presence alone, and couldn’t stop herself from falling for you. Hard.
Some nights, she would stay up, either texting with you, drawing/writing about you in her journal, or simply lay awake thinking about you. This of course, making them extremely sleep deprived in the morning.
This might only seem like a sweet, childish little crush, but believe me, it was far from it.
Marcy’s behavior quickly became more… obsessive towards you. She would constantly crave to be by your side, and she could always be seen staring at you. All with a red blush painted onto their features as they fiddled with the hem of their clothing.
The noirette often found her thoughts drifting over to you whenever she were in class, having a conversation, or those times she couldn’t sleep at night.
Marcy herself, despite being a genius, isn’t really realizing that what she has towards you, is an issue at all (She’s really oblivious). She truly believes that what you guys have is pure, innocent, love.
For the most part, the brown eyed girl was mostly observing you. Following you around, writing down small details about you. Watching you interact with others or simply just enjoying some alone time. Sometimes she observed you while hanging out with you herself, other times more… discreet. She was quietly following your every move, stalking, learning…. Now, most would assume that Marcy would be terrible at the whole “stalker” thing, considering her clumsiness, however that’s where your wrong. When this girl is in her zone, her concentration level is at max (y’know like in the 1st temple, or when she’s playing her video games). All her senses and focus would be on you and you alone, as if you where one of her hyper-fictions, making her incredibly aware of every little detail.
After simply observing from the sideline for a long, long time, Marcy would finally build up the courage to ask you out, all while internally panicking. She finally decided that she had to ask you to be hers in fear of losing you to another, since you guys were simply meant to be.
She didn’t really think she was worthy of having you honestly, but she couldn’t hold back. She needed you. Craved you. You made her feel accepted. You showed her affection. You made her feel loved.
Now onto the hcs! (Considering you said “yes” of course, since well… your reading this? If not, think of it as kidnapping:D)
I feel like Marcy is the type to be like “insecure jealous”. Let me explain: when Marcy gets jealous because somebody’s getting too close to you, your smiling an awful lot at another person, or someone else is for example flirting with you, Marcy gets extremely insecure. She feels like she isn’t good enough for you, and starts to question herself a lot. However, since her obsession with you and her unhealthy mindset has gotten to grow so much, she would probably push those thoughts away, telling herself delusional lies. Either that, or she would become completely obsessed with trying to get you to like her more, making irrational decisions to gain your approval and attention. Remember when she tried to get all of Wartwood to like her? Yeah, it’s something along the lines of that.
Marcy is also incredibly smart and observant. Therefore she would probably know everything about you, maybe even stuff you didn’t even know yourself! She probably has a ton of pages about you in her journal-
In this brown eyed girls case, I think a delusional yandere is the most likely outcome. Marcy can get so caught up in her own little world and fantasies, that she sometimes creates her own truth in her head. For example, she would probably convince herself that the way she was acting and feeling towards you is completely normal, that she only does what she has to do, that you absolutely feel the same way about her (even if you really doesn’t) and so on.
I also imagine Marcy as the worshipping type. She just absolutely adore you and everything you do. She looks up to you so much and admire everything about you!
Even though this black haired girl obviously has some issues, she’s still sweet little Mar-mar! Honestly, despite her obsessiveness and her creepy tendencies, she’s still extremely sweet and caring. Marcy knows it’s wrong (even though she’s delulu), but she feels like she has to go to these extreme measures to keep you with her and make sure that you stay with her, only her.
I know punishments and all are a popular trait when it comes to yanderes, but I personally don’t think Marcy would really “punish” you. She would be far to soft for that. She would most likely try to manipulate you instead.
Gaslighting would probably be what you would experience the most with Marcy when it comes to toxic behavior. This girl can be extremely good at subtle manipulation and making you feel bad or sorry for her. Sometimes, she even does it by accident.
Even though this is yandere Marcy (which acts kinda different from regular Marcy), I still think she would be just as shy in social situations, especially with you. If you show her even the tiniest bit of affection, she goes completely red and starts shaking in your touch from nerves and excitement.
I personally think that Marcy would be extremely affectionate! She’s probably touch starved as well Girl will probably have an arm wrapped around you at all time, holding your hand, or simply starring at you (she just admires you so much!…. Also, she’s kinda the type to stare at you while you sleep-). Cuddles are also a huge yes for her, it’s a great way to feel love and connection!
This noirette is also clingy as hell! And not just with physical affection, no, she probably always forces herself onto you. For example, if your reading a book, she would ask you a ton of questions about it, then recommend some of her own favorite books. Same goes for stuff like music, games, movies, ect. Marcy would probably always try to stay close to you as well in every thinkable scenario. Especially in situations where she feels left out and forgotten, being overly affectionate and clingy. And with yandere Marcy, it’s even more intense-
The main reason for Marcy to be a yandere in the first place would most likely be trauma. This poor thing has been through a lot and it’s clear to see that she’s dealing with some type of abandonment issues. In addition, even though Marcy takes great pride in the fact that she’s a nerd an all, I feel like she probably has really low self esteem as well, causing her to be more sensitive and extreme at times.
Since I was asked about it, I’m also going to add in some hcs about escaping Marcy (Ik kidnapping and all is a bit unrealistic, but these are yandere hcs so yeah)
To escape from Marcy would honestly be extremely hard. This is due to the fact that she is terribly smart and knows an awful lot about you. Like I mentioned, she knows everything about you, and has thought of everything single possible scenario of you escaping. Plus, like mentioned, Marcy’s also super clingy, and is probably attached to your hip at all times, giving you very little time to yourself.
One thing you could do though would be to play on her emotions. Marcy is quite sensitive and emotional, plus she cares so much about you! If you know how to play your cards right, you could just might manage to work your way around her emotionally, but be aware, because she’s still incredibly smart and could possibly detect if something fishy was up.
Also, I’m not really sure about Marcy’s physical strength, (like in the show, she’s able to fight monsters and such, but she mentioned that she wasn’t very good in gym and all. Plus if you look at her build and how she acted in the 3rd temple, I would say that she’s not that athletic) but you might be able to sneak attack her and overpower her, but I feel like she would have a backup plan for that.
If you did manage to escape though, Marcy would be absolutely devastated. A lot of her trauma would return and it would probably be the last thing to completely push her of the deep end.
Homegirl would definitely go insane and just totally lose it. Crying while laughing and all.
Marcy would never stop searching for you though, and she would put all her strength into trying to find you. As an attempt to comfort and distract herself from the pain, she probably thought of it as one of those adventure games that she adore so much (like Zelda), where the main goal is to find and rescue you. Marcy is also an extremely passionate person, so if she has set her goal (aka to find you and love you forever), she’s definitely gonna follow through.
In conclusion, I think that Marcy would be one of the worst and best yanderes to have at the same time. All Marcy wants is just for you to love her, show her that you care and stay with her, but trust me when I say that if this clingy Taiwanese girl is set on keeping you, your going to be with her forever… I mean, we saw what lengths she was willing to go just to avoid moving away from her besties, but it’s all with good intentions, right…?
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Omgomgomg I’m so sorry for taking an ETERNITY with this one!! I’ve just been such a perfectionist about these hcs since I love Marcy so much! Plus, my family’s visiting Australia so it has been kinda busy. Thank you for being so patient, though! I really appreciate it!<3
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myers-meadow · 11 months
Severus Snape and his assistant: More than the sum of ingredients (ch. 1)
Title: More than the sum of ingredients
Chapter title: Introduction
Pairing: Severus Snape x his assistant, my female OC.
Summary: The start of a new year: fresh and bright! And this year, students are allowed to practice potions in the classrooms after hours - to great joy of many studious witches and wizards. To help Snape cope with the added workload, Dumbledore hires an assistant for him. Soon there will be more brewing than just potions.
Wordcount: 1341
Warnings: nothing for this chapter. This story will have it all: angst, fluff, and especially smut ^^. There will be warnings for future chapters, of course. This is probably not canon timeline wise.
Divider by delishlydelightfuldividers
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For Hermoine, the new schoolyear started off ripe with promise. She was determined to excel once again, and with a new, hopefully better, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor – things were looking up. And as a cherry on top, during the first Potions class, professor Snape announced that he now had an assistant.
“Professor Dumbledore and I have come to an agreement,” he said it like it disgusted him, “to allow students to use this classroom outside of classes, to practice potions for the final exam. To make this go smoothly, I have appointed an assistant.”
Murmurs started in the back of the class. He swiftly ended those with a sharp stare.
“Groups of maximum four students can schedule a timeslot with her. Use of ingredients also goes through her. I strongly urge you to make use of this opportunity, since some of you seem to forget you need an Outstanding in this class to succeed in your O.W.L.s. Only the best can take Advanced Potions classes next year. Class dismissed.”
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The word spread fast. Hermoine wasn’t the only hopeful student wanting to make use of this new opportunity and the timeslots filled up fast in the first week (as long as it didn’t clash with quidditch practice). What spread even faster, was that the new assistant was a cold-hearted and impatient young woman, named miss Medea Pimpelmees, and was almost as bad as Snape. The buzzing enthusiasm to improve Potion grades faded quick.
For Snape, it was easy to refer to her, so he didn’t have to deal with students himself, but for the students it was a puzzle. She was never at the place they expected her to be, so finding her was the first obstacle. Then there was hoping she was in a good enough mood to let them write their name on the sheet – at times it laid prominently on the desk while she simply said she didn’t have the parchment with her and they’d better come back another time.
After that step was completed, and it was time for brewing, she guarded the ingredients closely. When you needed something from the stores, there was a chance she’d give you something else, purely to mess with you. “Should’ve paid more attention and you’d know what horklump juice looks like,” was all she’d say, barely hiding the meanness on her face.
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“Miss Pimpelmees, it says here we need wormwood, but there’s not any left,” said Neville, steeling himself, looking down at his feet in front of the desk where the new assistant sat.
She glanced up at him, “Wormwood? I could’ve sworn I refilled the vials yesterday.”
Standing up, she pulled Neville’s hand towards her, almost yanking the poor boy over her desk, to examine the empty vial, then went to the shelf to look for the rest of the supply.
“There really is none,” she muttered. “I’ll have to bring this up with Professor Snape. Thank you Neville. If it isn’t too late for your schedule, you may practice another potion. Amortentia doesn’t have wormwood as one of its ingredients.”
“But miss, what about the group after ours?” asked Neville.
She waved him off. “They’ll just have to wait. And I will have to search for the wormwood thief.” The venom in her voice returned at the mention of the thief.
Once back at his table, Neville barely sat down before Harry and Ron leaned towards him.
“What’s gotten into her? She hates us.”
“Do you think it’s some sort of trick? That she’s secretly telling Snape?” said Ron.
“I think she likes Neville,” Hermoine said, already cleaning up the remains of their failed wormwood-less potion.
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And so it became that when a group had to put their name down on the list, or had to ask for specific ingredients, they sent Neville.
“Please, just this once?” begged a fifth year Hufflepuff. “I’ll do your Charms homework for the rest of the week!”
“You said that last time,” said Neville, begrudgingly. It did sound lovely to be able to go to Hogsmeade during the weekend with less homework to be done. “I can’t promise anything.”
“Thank you so much, Neville!” and they ran off with a bright smile.
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“Why won’t you let us make Amortentia?” asked Draco, during one of the sessions he booked with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. The golden trio and Neville sat at the other end of the classroom. The way Draco seized up the new assistant, it was clear he looked to play a prank, ready to push and prod until getting a reaction. 
Not looking up from her book, she said: “I hardly think a guy like you should need it, do you?”
Satisfied with the answer, Draco looked at the other table, wearing a triumphant smile.
“A Wit-Sharpening Potion might prove useful instead,” she said, which wiped the smirk off his face. The snickers at the Gryffindor table were silenced similarly quickly by a sharp glare. The mess they left for her to clean up, however, had her cursing them out at the end of the lesson.
“Neville,” she called out, before anyone had a chance to leave the room. Of course they expected him to have to stay behind to clean it, even though Draco caused the mess. The group was used to such favouritism from the Potion's professor, so it wasn't at all surprising. He was met with grins from the Slytherins, and pitied looks from his friends, but he obediently trudged over to her desk.
“Yes?” he gulped, focussing on anything but the frown on her face.
“You need to negotiate with your peers. When they’re trying to get you to do something, you should say; ‘you do both Charms homework and History of Magic, then we have a deal’. Understood?”
Surprised, the boy nodded.
“Good. Leave.”
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That night, professor Snape sat at his desk, grading essays, as his assistant, Medea, noted down which supplies needed restocking.
His low voice shook her from her thoughts. “I’ve received some complaints today.”
She just hummed, leaning the ledger against the shelf to make a note to order more wormwood.
“It was Draco. He said you insulted his intelligence.”
“And complimented his romantic prowess.”
Unbothered by the interruption, Snape continued: “By suggesting which potions he would or wouldn’t do well to brew.”
“I suppose so, yes,” was all she said, finally putting the paper down and walking to his desk. “If you want me to go easier on your Slytherins, I’ll keep it in mind, although I prefer to treat them like everybody else.”
Snape stared up at her for a moment. It all seemed too easy: she was quick to yield to him, despite that spark in her eyes. There was no ‘Malfoy deserved it’, nothing of the sort. No apologies either. He knew she was still testing him, seeing how far she could go before pissing him off. His demeaner invited that challenge. She wanted to see what made him angry, what he cared about, what he would do if she crossed a line.
“That won’t be necessary,” he said, eventually.
“Thank you, sir,” she said, looking him over once again, and walked to his side of the desk, until she was right next to him. With a rough movement, she opened the top drawer – it was often stuck – and got out a few sheets of parchment to write the orders on, to send them in the morning.
This close, Snape caught her scent. The potions of the day had clung to her, hiding her natural smell. A woman… She smelled like woman, like metal, something heady, and an amber and honey perfume. He hated her. He hated Dumbledore for assigning him an assistant.
Sometimes at the end of his classes, before she’d come to clean, he mixed up items in his storeroom on purpose. Her frustration at the mess outweighed his annoyance that it kept her around him longer in the evening – and he’d tell himself that as he fell asleep with images of her before his eyes.
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flamingo-writes · 2 years
Caught Fire – e.m.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is going to be a long list so brace yourselves! Or just skip to the fic fhnsdk
So, I started writing this on Sunday and it's Friday now. And kid you not, all of my free time from work I spent it here, planning, writing and editing this...I really poured a lot of effort here, so I hope you all like it.
Don't let the length of this fanfic intimidate you, I promise it's worth it. 15.6K words with a lot of story and emotions.
This fanfic is actually very personal to me, several of the things in this fanfic are based of memories from my high school with a few of my crushes dnhckjs
The title is based of How Can I resist by Heart. And I know, I have another fanfic based of this same song, but c'mon it's one f my all time favorite songs and I love the lyrics and I can see Eddie vibing to this song
Also, I want to give my lovely friend @storiesthatneedtobewritten bcs Em, you're awesome, and we've been fangirling about Eddie nonstop for the last few days. Em is also working on a Eddie fanfic! So keep an eye out for it!!
Summary: After a very interesting detention, Eddie can't help but think of his bad luck of having met you with the end of the schoolyear around the corner. Specially after your plans for college are so far away from Hawkins. The instant friendship soon had him smitten, and before he realized it, he was in love with you. With graduation closer and closer, things seem to simultaneously get perfect between the both of you, but also messy. The both of you screw up, and hurt each other in the process. And there's a decision Eddie has to make.
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of drug consumption, Eddie and the reader being idiots, angst, smut.
Genre: strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, angst, hurt-comfort, smut.
Word Count: 15.6K words
Taglist: @nightless @emotionaldreamer @totallynotkaibiased @kibumslatina @lonely-kermit @angelzone @random-fandom-900 @joukiworld @slightlyvicked
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The detention room was always so…strangely, peacefully quiet. Sure, every time he was there after class, he felt the need to poke out his own eyes out of boredom, but this was perhaps the most at peace he found himself when he was at school. When it wasn’t D&D night, of course.
The usual handful of people were there. Mark, a guy who fell asleep in perhaps too many classes. Jessica who snapped back at a teacher or two. Some kid who’s name Eddie always forgot, caught copying the homework or perhaps a test. And the latest addition to the group, a freshman who had been caught more than once writing down stuff in the bathroom stalls and smoked inside the classroom. 
The bunch of misfits. An odd little family Eddie had grown to appreciate over the course of detention hours. 
Eddie completely ignored the sound of the door opening and closing as he had his arms crossed over the desk and his face buried in it. Caught in a slumbered state, not entirely asleep yet, he still heard light footsteps, deciding they were not worth his attention. Not yet, at least.
"Welcome. Sit down. Think about what you did, write an essay about it, and you better not write down that you’d do it again…" Ms. Phelps said.
Eddie, far past the point of caring and half awake state, knew it was someone who wasn’t usually in detention. And hearing Ms Phelps’s instructions, he noticed how for the last few years, barely anything had changed. Same speech, same instructions, and the same lack of interest for reading said essays. Same essays Eddie stopped writing a long time ago, since they didn’t matter. The time the clock struck 5 o’clock, they were off the hook.
He heard a groan, a sigh and finally a loud thud on the desk next to his. And finally, deciding it was worth to look up and see who it was, Eddie saw you. Your forehead was pressed against the table, as you frowned frustrated and resigned, your leg anxiously bouncing; and you seemed to be mumbling to yourself. He smirked amused. 
“Now, that’s a surprise…” He whispered, catching your attention as you opened your eyes and looked at him with panic devouring your eyes. “Welcome to the misfits” He said in a low deep voice, trying to get any form of reaction from you.
‘What a surprise,’ he thought. You, out of all people. He scanned you up and down, the look of a scared animal caught wandering where it shouldn’t was splattered all over your face. Your camera resting on the desk and the strap was wrapped around your hand, an outfit he thought was cute in philosophy class earlier that day, and the sweet smell of your perfume —a smell he always associated with vanilla cookies— reached his nostrils. 
The interest he already had on you seemed to spark. He always found you cute and thought your antiques were adorable. Far too quiet, far too polite, and definitely far too nice to frequent the social circles you did. However, it was part of who you were. And you were the school photographer, a member of the school newspaper. Meaning you were often around the socialite groups, the various sports teams, the cheerleaders, the popular kids…Which was why Eddie never really felt the need to approach you and talk to you. You belonged in another social group, despite your entire personality not exactly matching with the people you frequented. 
You didn’t exactly belong. And more than once Eddie thought those people kept you around mostly out of convenience. The better they get along with the school photographer, the more and better pictures of them make it to the paper. Symbiosis, if you will. You take the good pictures, they maintain your popularity.
“Thanks,” You replied awkwardly.
"Silence!” The teacher snapped, and you flinched. 
Eddie smirked amused, thinking you looked cute. Well…cuter when you flinched. He looked over at Ms Phelps as she soon got distracted in her magazine once more. Biting the tip of his tongue, he grabbed his backpack and pulled out a notebook and opened it in the first blank page he found and took out a pen. 
As you continued to shake your leg anxiously, your eyes were glued to the clock on top of the blackboard. It was barely 3 pm, and the football game would start in half an hour. Nancy Wheeler was going to murder you for getting your ass in trouble and missing the big final, and not getting any pictures. You needed to get out of there, but Ms. Phelps had a reputation of being insufferable, and making an agreement was not an option. Even trying to picture the possible conversation with her, you were sure you’d end up crying out of the utter panic and Ms Phelps raising her voice at you. And the last thing you wanted was for everyone there to see you cry and beg.
You flinched again, as you caught Eddie sliding a folded piece of paper over your desk. He met your stare and gave you a cheeky wink as you grabbed the piece of paper and unfolded the whole page.
‘Fancy seeing you here,’ was written with messy yet nice looking handwriting. 
You sighed and looked at him. Something in his cheeky grin softened into a more genuine smile, as you actually felt some sort of odd comfort radiating from his dark eyes. Eddie with whom you’d perhaps exchanged a total of 7 phrases during the school year and lent him your notes one time he skipped class to go to a concert. You always admired his complete lack of fucks to give. And even found his laidback and usually chill attitude —mixed with his rockstar appearance— attractive. But you were slightly intimidated by him. 
You grabbed a pen from your backpack and wrote down your reply hoping he’d catch on your sarcasm.
‘You know, I’ve always had a fascination for rebellious acts against the system’
You folded the paper and handed it back to him. He picked it and read it, his smile spreading wider across his face as he appreciated your handwriting, far prettier and nicer to stare at than whatever his messy doctor handwriting was.
You watched him glance at you and then started writing. He passed you the note.
‘Ah, non conforming, I see…Good. I like you better now. Excuse my intrusive nose, but I can’t help but wonder why Hawkins High Photographer is stuck in the detention room, looking like you’ve seen a ghost. Did your journalist nature get you in trouble?’
Eddie noticed the way you smiled softly. Amused by his peculiar writing, you looked up again at him. He was glad that he had managed to make the terrified look in your eyes change. You looked back down and moved your pen at once.
‘Well, for starters, Nancy will be mad at me for not getting pics of the game that’s happening right now…And also, I punched Jason Carver in the jaw’ 
You handed him back the note as he looked at it. As his eyes went over your reply and he let a loud laugh escape his throat as he clapped his hands.
“Ah, marvellous!” He sang.
“Munson!” Ms. Phelps barked.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry…” He sighed, raising his hands as he looked at the teacher and then leaned over his elbows over the desk, waiting for her to look back at her magazine before he started writing down his next reply.
‘You’ll have to tell me more about punching Jason…Do you wanna go to the game?’ Somehow, his voice was in your head as you read.
‘Well it’s not a matter whether I want to or not. I have to…But I can’t just leave here’ You replied.
‘I’ll cover you,’
After reading his reply, you looked over at him, slightly confused as he stretched his hand over to your desk and snatched the piece of paper back, wrinkling in his palm as he winked at you and stood up from his desk rather loudly. 
“What in God’s name do you think you’re doing, Munson?” The teacher asked, he shrugged in a silent reply.
“I didn’t like the way my regretful speech was turning, that’s all…” He said as he stood by the teacher's desk and tossed the paper on the bin. “What?” 
“Were you really writing the essay?” Ms Phelps raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“If you don’t believe me, read it” He said confidently, making your heart race as you could see the horror unfold before your eyes as you wondered if Ms Phelps would actually grab the piece of paper and read it. 
But she didn’t. She limited herself to stare at Eddie, her small eyes squinting, almost disappearing from her face. 
“You’re up to something…” She said, making Eddie chuckle. 
“Must I always have a master plan behind everything I do? Am I not just free to do things for the sake of it?” He asked with his sarcastic smirk on his face.
“You speak far too eloquently for someone who keeps repeating senior year…”
“I’m going to pretend like that wasn’t an insult in disguise and instead take it as a compliment because you called me eloquent. I spend a lot of time reading. Besides, it’s but a single class the one I’m struggling with, the rest I know the lectures almost by heart now…” His smile grew into a toothy proud smirk. 
Eddie avoided looking up at you to draw any suspicion. And as the teacher continued to bicker with him, you very silently grabbed your backpack and walked towards the door, slowly pushing it open and closing it very slowly.
Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t spend the rest of his afternoon thinking of you. Not in a dreamy kid with a crush kind of way. He thought about you in general. And how despite most of the people in the school paper being for the most part tacky and conceited, you remained very humble. 
The next day, very much to his displeasure, you two didn’t share any classes that day. He would’ve liked to see you and talk to you, but looking around school or keeping his eyes wide open while walking down the halls was too much effort.
“Hey, Ed. Hawkins High journalist 6 o’clock…” Dustin whispered upon noticing you awkwardly approaching their table.
You had your binder pressed against your chest as you shyly walked closer to them, camera hanging from your shoulder and your backpack from the other one.
Eddie sat up straight and turned around. His gaze turned into a confident smile. Your entire look was adorable, he had to admit. He stood up and gently bowed, offering you the seat next to him.
“Oh, well, well, well…The rebellious princess is blessing us with her presence…” He said as you smiled shyly and sat between him and Dustin.
“What a weird way to say hello” You giggled putting your binder and camera over the table.
“I’m not the school freak for nothing, babe” He smirked. “What do we owe the pleasure?”
“I wanted to thank you for helping me out yesterday,” You said looking at him with a genuine smile and sparkly eyes. “I managed to get to the game on time, took a few pics, didn’t get murdered by Nancy…And all thanks to you…” You said as the rest of the Hellfire Club exchanged stares, slightly confused. "I am indebted to you, and I’ll gladly buy you lunch someday, or a drink or whatever…”
“I’m glad I could help…” He smirked. “I’ll take your word on lunch someday, sweetheart”
 It seemed like since that day, Eddie and you became friends. And over the course of the week you went from waving and smiling at each other when you walked across each other in the halls, to stopping at the sight of the other to exchange a few words or questions “What class you’ve got next?” “Hey, can I borrow your calculator?” “Mr Owens is in a mood today, make sure to not say anything stupid nor too sarcastic”. People started giving you weird looks when they noticed you and Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson started interacting more and more. Especially when you went from knowing the other exists to actually talking outside the school, in the parking lot, by your locker. And all over the course of a week and a half. 
Two weeks after your detention incident, you finally took Eddie out for lunch to thank him for what he did. You two went to a Chinese restaurant  by the mall one Thursday afternoon after school, you would’ve gone on a Friday, but Eddie had told you Fridays were Hellfire days. And not wanting to disrespect your newfound golden friendship, you decided to go on Thursday instead. 
“I hate this,” You giggled as you kept trying to hold some of your rice with your chopsticks and it kept falling and falling. 
“This was your idea, baby” He giggled as he  effortlessly grabbed some rice from your bowl and pulled his chopsticks up to your mouth. 
“You’re so good at this, it’s unfair” You giggled as you took the bite he offered you and blushed at the realisation that he had fed you. “How do you do it?” You murmured with your cheeks stuffed with rice.
“I’ve got a few hidden talents. Between playing guitar and painting miniatures, you learn how to carefully handle things…” He said as he then grabbed a piece of chicken and ate it. 
“You’re so incredibly artistic, Ed…Have you noticed that?” You sighed.
“I mean, I do want to become a musician…”
“No, not just that…” You said. “You paint your miniatures, and actually do a very good job at it, you play the guitar, you’ve said you write lyrics too, right? And you  not only design maps but plan these adventures for Hellfire. You’re insanely creative, Eddie!” You gasped.
The enthusiasm in your voice made his cheeks heat up and his heart skip a beat. Not really used to being flattered like that. Or in any way that wasn’t playing his guitar or while playing his role as Dungeon Master. And here you were recalling all the things he took for granted and as a part of his daily routine and made him realise how indeed, all those things required more creativity and talent than the average person had. 
“So me being a nerd is artistic?” He chuckled.
“Not all nerds are. But the very specific kind of nerd you are, yeah…” 
“Thanks, I guess…” He smiled, feeling the heat clinging to his cheeks. 
“I mean it. All these little things you do, they’re amazing, I swear. Too bad not everyone gets to realise this…” You sighed, “Artists are always under appreciated”
Eddie looked at you with a new found intrigue. His heart suddenly beating loudly in his chest as your big wide eyes met his and you smiled. He felt his heart being pierced with an arrow. The kind looks you gave him, your gentle and overall soft demeanour, and your clear appreciation of who he was…Rarely people gave him a chance, and those who did were soon surprised with how Eddie wasn’t the mean and scary person everyone took him for. But there was something different about the way you treated him, like you’d never really cared about the things people had to say about him, like he wasn’t a freak, like you were genuinely curious of who he was as a person and you weren’t enduring an interaction with him like it happened when someone bought drugs off of him. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon together just talking and getting to know each other better. At least until 9 o’clock when he drove you home. A little bit too early for his taste, but you had insisted.
“My dad and his stupid 9 pm curfew, I’m sorry…” You sighed. 
“I mean, we can at least still talk and hang out, right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, of course…Let me just go inside and tell my parents I’m back and that we’re going to be out here…” You said as you hopped down his van. 
He watched you leave as he got down himself and grabbed a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag. His thoughts circled around everything that had happened. Especially the way you smiled at him and told him you thought he was incredibly artistic. Even the memory tickled his belly and made his heart squeeze as he thought he was done for. He watched you go out and walk to the edge of the sidewalk and sit down, patting the free space next to you, inviting him to sit with you. He chuckled and walked towards you, noticing the curtains from the large window next to the door move and someone peeking out. Eddie instinctively waved, and whoever it was waved back, as you turned around to see. 
“Oh, that’s my dad…” You replied and looked back at Eddie. 
And just like that, the curtains fell once more behind the glass. 
From then on, the friendship bloomed. Eddie was not only easy to talk to, but something about his unhinged and spontaneous personality drew you in like a moth to light. Once Eddie managed to get over your shy facade, he was pleased to learn that your hidden playfulness matched his perfectly. Only perpetuating the feelings Eddie was growing over you. 
Even, in an attempt to spend more and more time with you, he agreed to study with you and even hang out in the afternoons and do homework together, helping each other out if needed. This was such a new thing for Eddie, he even found himself enjoying these little study dates. Sure, he still disliked sitting down and studying, but your company sure made it bearable. That and the focused look in your eyes when you concentrated, or how passionate you got when you were explaining something to him took his breath away. 
As the finals were drawing closer and closer you spent more and more time together, studying and catching up on homework. And one particular day, you were in his trailer, specifically in the living room sitting on the floor with your books and notes lying all around as you were explaining something to him about biology. Eddie entranced with your voice and hands moving around, he even had a small smile on his face. 
The door swung open slowly as Eddie’s uncle walked inside and found the both of you there. The scene was instantly surprising as it was clear that you two were studying. Eddie was studying. 
“Oh, you’re early…” Eddie sighed as he looked at his uncle and stood up, stretching lightly before offering you a hand and helping you up. “Hun, this is my uncle, the one and only Wayne Munson” He said and then turned at Wayne and called your name no loud and clear. “My dearest friend, companion I’d say partner in crime, but she’s too sweet for that…” 
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Munson…” You said gazing at him.
“Oh dear, drop the formality. You can call me Wayne, it’s alright” He chuckled awkwardly. “You’re studying, now that’s new…” Wayne joked. 
“Oh yeah, she’s Ms Good Influence in my life now…She convinced me to study…” Eddie teased as you giggled and watched him attentively. 
Something in Eddie’s demeanour changed when Wayne arrived. Not new walls building, but quite the opposite. Not like you, you would’ve gotten slightly tense if your mother had arrived home to find the both of you studying. Eddie bickered with his uncle back and forth for a while, teasing and joking between them as you noticed a look in his dark eyes. Eddie’s dark eyes sparkling with something too beautiful and too peaceful. You wondered how close those two were. Sure, Eddie rarely talked about his parents, talked a few things about his uncle, and something you knew to be true was that the old man worked for most of the day, and every so often he had night shifts. But from the way Eddie was looking at him, you could tell Eddie appreciated him far more than he concealed with words.  Your heart melted and wished someone looked at you the way he looked at his uncle, with so much unconditional love. You even wished Eddie looked at you that same way.
“We bought pizza for lunch earlier. There’s still some left in the fridge if you want…” Eddie said as he returned to the living room where you were, looking at him with melting eyes. “What?”
“Nothing,” You purred.
The sweet tone of your voice and the cute smile you gave him made his heart skip a beat and wonder what did he do to get such a reaction from you? He’d do it again.
“Thanks, kiddo” Wayne said opening the fridge. 
“Sure, no problem,” Eddie replied looking back at Wayne as he sat next to you on the couch. 
“Wanna take a break from studying?” You yawned. 
“Oh finally! Yes!” Eddie giggled as you felt his smile warming up your cheeks. 
With every passing day. The friendship seemed to grow stronger and stronger. The two of you becoming two peas of a pod, getting used to each other’s antiques, likes and dislikes. Adapting into a comfortable routine where you spent a considerable amount of time outside of school together. Eventually, you got over your slight fear of rejection, and asked him if you could take pictures of him. His flamboyant and dramatic demeanour allowed you to take great pictures of him.
And since, Eddie became your favourite subject to follow around and photograph. You had gathered a small collection of pictures that looked staged, but in reality, those were Eddie being Eddie. You got a chance to take a picture of Eddie walking over one of the cafeteria tables, staring at everyone from above, like a cat gazing over what was his territory. Eddie playing his guitar at the back of his van with a joint between his lips, Eddie dramatically sitting on the armrest of his famous throne in the classroom they used for Hellfire campaigns, even his DM screen and set up looked fascinating in their own way. 
But your favourite picture was one in which he was doing nothing but relaxing on one of the stone benches outside the school. The both of you were skipping your 7th period of the day on a Friday that was far too close to the summer and graduation. It was hard to concentrate in class by this point, even the teachers were starting to savour the end of the school year. So, skipping a class or two wouldn’t hurt anyone, nor the teachers would care. He was lying on the stone bench. The tree above you keeping the both of you fresh, despite the unbearable heat. His chest rising and falling slowly as you sometimes thought he had fallen asleep, at least until you noticed his foot moving to the rhythm of whatever he was listening to on his Walkman with the headphones on his head. His messy hair spread and falling down the stone bench. His black Dio shirt matching the slightly faded ink in his sun kissed skin. 
You saw the entire scene and quickly pulled your camera, taking a picture. And it wasn’t until you heard the click of your camera that the penny dropped. The sudden rush in your heartbeat when you saw Eddie so relaxed on that bench wasn’t just because you had found a beautiful scene to capture in your camera. You found him beautiful and attractive on his own. But you realised how your crush  on him wasn’t just a crush. A blush spread through your cheeks as you looked up from your camera and stared at Eddie once more, taking in the little details in his face, his neck, his chest, his hands gently resting over his stomach. 
"You good?” His sleepy voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“Ah ye-yeah…” You stuttered as you met his eyes briefly and looked away feeling all too flustered. “I took a picture, that’s all…”
“You looked too relaxed…And not threatening nor intimidating at all” you joked as you gazed back at him and watched him crack a smile. 
“Oh no,” He joked. “You better keep that to yourself, people can’t be seeing me being vulnerable” He smirked.
You stared at him with a gentle smile spreading on your face, looking at him with a new found adoration. Something about his comment made your chest warm up. Perhaps that he trusted you enough to admit that he had let his guard down with you around. Or that you kept the picture… most of the pictures you took of him, you’d let him keep them. Just kept a few for your own portfolio for college. 
“Eddie…” You whispered as he looked at you and took off his headphones. 
“Tell me, sweetheart”
“What are you doing after graduation?” You murmured, already knowing he wanted to do something with his music, but never really went into an actual explanation of whatever he planned. If he even was in the first place.
“Finally someone has faith in me!” He said dramatically, referring to his slim chances of passing Ms. O’Donnell’s final. “I don’t know, sweetheart. Perhaps play my guitar somewhere…why?” 
You felt a rather painful squeeze in your chest as you didn’t know how to break the news to him.
“I…got the acceptance letter back from the college…in Indianapolis…” You said without saying anything else, letting him fill in the blanks. 
His eyes widened in surprise as he sat up and fell to the grass in front of you. 
“Oh hey, that’s great, darling!” He said excitedly as he cupped your face in his hands and brought you closer, hugging you. “I told you your little nerdy brain could get anywhere you wanted!” 
“Yeah…Thing is…I,” You stuttered breaking the hug “Well, I also got another one back…From a college I applied to in New York…” 
His smile faded slightly, as he looked at you. Puzzled at first, not believing for a second what he had heard as he thought of the chances of you leaving Indiana to go to a place like New York. Far away from Hawkins. Far away from him.
“New York? That’s far away!” He chuckled awkwardly.
“It is! But my brother is currently there, in law school…So, I told him if I could move in with him in his apartment and he said yes…” You explained, not sure exactly what you were trying to accomplish.
“That is amazing, love…” He whispered looking at you tenderly “I mean, it’s a bit sad that you’re going to leave me but, I’m proud of you, babe…" He said smiling at you, although he felt a sting in his chest. "Come visit from time to time…I’m sure going to miss you as hell…" His voice faded.
You stared into his eyes and smiled. Such a beautiful smile, Eddie thought. A smile he wanted to forever carve in his memory. Against his conscious mind, his arm reached out for you again and brought you close for another hug as you wrapped your arms around him at once and melted against his embrace, taking in the familiar smell of Eddie’s cologne and cigarette smoke.
As the summer drew closer, you spent more and more time together. Studying for finals and especially helping Eddie with the classes he struggled with the most. Sometimes at his place. Sometimes at yours. Sometimes it was the school library. And even the back of his van. This was when people started talking the most about the odd closeness the two of you shared. 
Being in the school paper meant you were in a lot of social events, interacted with a lot of people, and being the photographer, people had to be nice to you. You held so much power without realising it, since you could decide which photos to use, and how many times were you willing to take people’s pictures. So everyone in school, if they wanted to look good in the paper, they had to kiss your ass. However, the genuine desire to be nice to you or to ask you to sit with the popular groups wasn’t exactly there. You knew this, but didn’t really give a shit. 
And now the photographer was hanging out with the freak. Not only hanging out. Rumours spread like wildfire after one time someone saw you two at the back of his van, the van parked on a popular viewpoint where normally couples went. However, the both of you were mostly studying with the door wide open. Eddie needed to constantly change locations or else he’d grow bored and restless and studying became impossible. And this viewpoint was your latest idea as you studied. 
But people didn’t know that. 
People simply saw you at the famous viewpoint. The two of you spent several hours there doing god knows what. And the next thing everyone knows is, you’re hugging Eddie, in the middle of the hall as he is spinning on his toes. A truly adorable scene…if it wasn’t the freaks. Or at least many people thought. 
But you didn’t care. You were more focused on celebrating Eddie’s B+ in Mrs. O’Donell’s final. The one class Eddie needed  to pass. And the exam you studied for the most, even to the point of Eddie begging you to study something else. But all the studying had gotten Eddie far more than the D he needed. He had gotten a B+ and he was as ecstatic as you were. Thanking you over and over as he hugged you, spinning on his toes as you clung to him celebrating as well. 
“Eddie! Oh my god! That’s insane! I’m so proud of you!” You giggled as you buried your face in his neck as he spun you around celebrating. 
As he set you down and broke the hug, he dramatically bowed to you. 
“I will forever be in your debt, oh your glorious highnesses” He said, making you giggle. 
“Just buy me lunch sometime and we’ll be even” You giggled.
That night, as he drove you back home at the usual ridiculously early curfew your father set, he parked in front of your house. You’d gone to the arcade and spent the afternoon trying to beat as many high scores as possible, competing between the both of you. And on the ride back home, you found one of the many D20 bouncing around in the cup holder of his van, and grabbed it and played with it in your palm for the entirety of the ride. As you say your goodbyes and as you were about to go inside your house, you stopped on your tracks and hopped back to his van. 
“What’s up?” He asked once you opened the door and you returned the D20 to the cup holder. 
“I was about to kidnap this little guy” You said, making Eddie chuckle as he grabbed it and handed it back to you. 
“No, keep it” He said, smiling softly at you. “Think of this as a piece of me…” 
“This used to be any other D20, like the other eight I have lying around somewhere in this same van…” He chuckled. “Now it’s yours. Keep it safe for me, yeah?” The smile he gave you was to die for as you rolled your eyes playfully. 
“So dramatic…” You chuckled, as he smirked. 
“A token of my trust, my gratitude, even a piece of my heart of you will,” He joked, playing along and moving his hands in a dramatic gesture. 
“Alright then, Eddie The Freak Munson…” You chuckled. “Good night,” You purred as you leaned forward and kissed his cheek before sprinting out of his van and running towards your house. 
If you had stayed for two more seconds, Eddie would’ve seized his chance and would’ve kissed you right there and then. Although the flip his heart made and excitement rushed through his body, soon he felt the gloom washing over him, reminding him that you had your days in Hawkins jumbered. And with every passing day, you were closer and closer to leaving to New York, making him feel slightly bitter, and even sorry that he didn’t get to meet you before. You had spent almost four years there, and him six, and he had to meet you after you returned from Spring Break. 
Just like every end of term, there was a party where pretty much everyone was invited and everyone attended. Even him, although he went more as a business trip, selling joints and weed to people at the party, and also because you’d told him you were going to be there. However, you were nowhere to be seen yet, and he came across Chrissy Cunningham. The sweet little cheerleader he had the pleasure of making a drug deal shortly before Spring Break. And most likely, the girl to steal his heart if you hadn’t come around exactly two weeks after his drug deal with Chrissy. He had felt that romantic curiosity and attraction towards her when they first talked in the woods, but that was before you came along. However, some sort of residual feelings were still there. 
After you returned from taking a couple of photos of the basketball team, you returned inside the house. Hearing from the team they were trying to cheer Jason up, you wondered what had happened, but not enough to ask. Truth was, you didn’t really care about what  happened with Jason. Since that time he tried to get his way with you and you punched him in the face—which got you into the detention in which you properly met Eddie—, and you thought perhaps Chrissy had opened up her eyes and realised Jason wasn’t the best guy for her. 
But boy, you weren’t actually expecting Chrissy to realise not just that, but seeing her talking to Eddie made something in your heart twist and turn painfully, And the worst part it wasn’t that you were the only one seeing it. People were also talking about how close Eddie was talking to Chrissy. His silhouette towering right next to her, leaning closer to her, talking into her ear. People around you were saying how Chrissy only needed a few hours to get over her breakup with Jason to move on to none other than Eddie, The Freak. Her wide eyes looking at him curiously, as Eddie’s charming smile shone down on her. 
You felt dizzy. You felt nauseous. If it wasn’t for the fact that you hadn’t had a single drop of alcohol yet, you’d perhaps believe you were drunk. Light headed, and suddenly the earth spinning faster than ever, you would’ve believed you were drunk. You hung your camera around your neck and spun on your toes and went to the kitchen to get a drink. 
“So much for a piece of your heart…” You whispered bitterly, as you felt the weight of the D20 in your pocket suddenly weighing fifty times more than it should. 
As you grabbed a can of beer and opened it, you wasted no time and drank half of it in one go, hoping that the bitter and gross taste of beer washed away the bad taste seeing Eddie flirting with Chrissy left in your mouth. 
“Whoa, someone’s here to get wasted!” You recognized Bradley’s voice as you put down the can. 
You stared at him and waved hello. Tall, tanned, charming smile and cheeky eyes looked down at you as you wondered how much could a person change with just an outfit. 
“You look so different without your football uniform…” You said, smiling at him. 
“I look good, though, right?” He smirked as you rolled your eyes sarcastically. 
“You always look good, Brad. Or so all the girls at school say…” You replied, not really meaning anything of what you had said. Sure, Bradley was attractive, but he wasn’t your type by any means.
The rest of your beer soon disappeared. And so did the next two, three cans of beer. And the night became blurry with colours that looked all too saturated. Music seemed to barely last, as you weren’t sure anymore of what was happening. All you knew was that you were trying to forget about the image of Chrissy and Eddie, which was going great at first. Until you caught a glimpse of them making out by a corner of the house. The nausea clung to your throat and your eyes blurred with tears as another two cans of beer made it past your lips as if they were water. As you were actually growing fond of the taste of it, your head didn’t. You danced, you blended in with the popular crowd for the first time in all of your high school years, you swore you kissed lips that tasted like cigarettes and weed, and in a poor taste joke, your mind envisioned Eddie, but only made the ache in your heart worse as you pulled away, only to find Brad holding you by the waist. 
You had gotten drunk before, a few times, but never like this. God, your parents were going to kill you. You were lost. Drowned in alcohol, and yet, the fear of your consequences sobered you enough to make you leave the dance floor and Bradley, telling him you needed some fresh air. Walking out of the house, you dragged your feet, fighting to keep your balance until you made it to the small park across the street and grabbed one of the swing seats and sat down, looking at the ground, feeling your stomach threatening you to barf all the excess beer filling your empty stomach. 
“Shit…” You groaned, as you closed your eyes, resigned that sooner or later it was going to happen. 
As Eddie walked out of the house with a victorious smile and a giggly Chrissy with her arm around his waist and his around her shoulders, they headed to his van. Slightly disappointed that he never got to see you, but at the same time grateful. Things with Chrissy wouldn’t have happened the way they did if you were there. If you’d been there, his attention would’ve been solely on you. 
However, his euphoric little state didn’t last long as he recognized you at the distance, when he opened the copilot seat for Chrissy to get inside. His stomach turned stone cold.
“Shit,” He purred. 
“What’s wrong?” Chrissy asked curiously as she followed his eyes across the street and looked at the park. 
“Give me a minute. Stay in the car, I’ll be back in a bit, yeah?” He purred softly, as he thought about kissing her forehead, but he didn’t. 
He didn’t and he knew why. Eddie watched Chrissy get in the van and he closed the door before jogging across the street and into the park as he walked up to you, calling your name as you flinched and looked up. 
“Oh, shit. Hi…“ You groaned and looked back down. “Hello…”
“You came…” Eddie said confused.
“Yeah. I told you I would…” You sighed as he sat on the swing seat next to yours and rubbed your back. “Ed, I’m so drunk, this is ridiculous…”
“Yeah, I was going to say you stink like the guys who usually watch us play on Tuesdays…” Eddie purred. 
“Ha! That’s a good one…” You purred.
“What happened?” He asked.
“I’m stupid, that’s what happened…” Eddie frowned at the way your voice bitterly spat your reply. 
“Hey, come on, don’t talk like that…” He whispered. “Let’s take you home,”
“N-no…I ca-can’t get home like this…Eddie, please…”
“What do you suggest I do?”
“Oh god, I don’t know…” You sighed deeply. You slid off the swing seat and fell to the grass. “How much of a bad idea is it to stay here?”
“Awful. C’mon…” Eddie said standing up and offering you a helping hand as he took a deep breath. 
“Where are we going?” You muttered as you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up and you clung to him, feeling like the earth was spinning a thousand miles a second. “Oh god…” You muttered. “Sorry…” 
“No, it’s okay…” He whispered. “I’m taking you to my place…” 
Eddie’s plans of taking Chrissy to his place changed as soon as he saw you completely wasted, saying you couldn’t go back home. And he didn’t even feel conflicted about making such a decision. Seeing you like that made his heart break as he knew something had happened for you to end up like that. And in a heartbeat, he made the decision to watch over you rather than getting lucky with Chrissy. As he guided you to his van, he slid open the backseat’s door and guided you inside. 
“Dude, the back seat…?” You asked confused as you looked over and saw Chrissy on the co pilot's seat as she waved shyly at you. “Oh, hi, Chrissy..,” You hiccuped. “What a-are…Oh–, shit, I’m sorry…” you mumbled as your drunken brain managed to put two and two together. “Ah fuck, I’m so sorry. You look very pretty though…Hi Chrissy…” 
As Eddie slid into the driver’s seat, he felt his chest tight at the way you dragged your tongue with every word. Reminding him of how he was making out with another girl who wasn’t the girl he so desperately wanted to kiss. And having both of them there made him tense. 
“I’m so sorry. I couldn’t leave her there…” Eddie muttered slightly embarrassed. “Mind if I drive you home? I need to sober her up before dropping her home…” Eddie lied.
“Oh, don’t worry..,you two are best friends, right?” Chrissy asked.
“God, the best! Eddie is…” you sighed as you lied down. “The absolute best guy you can find…”
Your words only made Eddie’s chest tighter and tighter. Chrissy giggled. 
“Oh really!” You said sitting up and leaning closer to the front seats. “He’s so fun and chill to hang around…Hella smart even though he says he isn’t…”
“Jesus, you sure are drunk…” Eddie chuckled uncomfortably. 
“No, no…I mean, yeah, I’m drunk. But I mean those things! I mean, I’m drunk, I can’t lie if you ask me anything right now…”
“Honey, you are such a terrible liar, even when sober” Eddie said as you chuckled. 
“Hmm, that’s true…” You whispered and laid back down. “I’m sorry for ruining your night guys…” You whispered, your cheerful voice soon dissipating and lowering. 
“Don’t worry, I actually think it’s very nice that you’re going to watch over her…” Chrissy said. 
“I tell you! Eddie has a heart of gold…” You sighed. 
Eddie looked over at the mirror, looking at you on the passenger's seat. He also felt Chrissy’s sweet stare on him as he felt ashamed to look over at her. 
"I love you, Eds,” You yawned, stretching your hand towards him and gently patted his head, as Chrissy giggled at the cute gesture. Eddie’s throat closed as he clenched his jaw. 
“Me too, dude” He said, biting the tip of his tongue as he didn’t know why he dropped that pet name out of all the things he used to call you. 
Was it because Chrissy was there? He didn’t want to blow off his narrowing chances with Chrissy. And at the same time, he felt like an asshole for doing that to you. Especially in such a vulnerable state, after you just said nice things about him. 
As Chrissy guided him to her place, he parked outside her house and rushed out of the van to open her door for her and walked her to the door. Chrissy stopped and pulled her keys out before swinging on her toes and looked at Eddie with a smile as she stood on her top toes and pecked him. 
“I know this didn’t end like you wanted, but I think it’s very sweet that you take care of her…As you should…” She gave him such a genuine and radiant smile it made Eddie feel guilty. “Someone else would’ve let their friend there if they were on their way to take someone else to their place…” She said, making it clear that she knew where Eddie was going to take her and why. 
“Yeah, well…she’s important to me…” Eddie sighed, his own oversimplification of your friendship hurting him. 
“I can tell. I’m even slightly jealous…I wish I had someone who looked out for me the way you do with her…” Chrissy said, only adding to the piling guilt in his gut. “Anyways, see you on Monday?” 
“Yeah…” He purred. 
“Goodnight, Eddie…” She purred as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought him close to her for a slow kiss. 
He groaned softly in surprise as he kissed her back. Her lips suddenly tasted bitter as he placed his hands in her waist. A part of his brain too painfully aware that you were passed out in his van, and another part of his brain imagining he was kissing you instead. 
“Goodnight…” He purred softly as he broke the kiss, his heart beating in his throat making him nauseous.
If you were being honest, the last memory you had from that night was when you first sat down in that swing seat. Everything else that happened afterwards was one big black out. You remembered everything before that point. 
And you spent the entirety of the Sunday in Eddie’s trailer. He watched over you, helped you with your hangover and told you a little bit of what happened after he found you in the swing seat. You called your parents and told them you crashed over at a friends place because your friend was the one passed out drunk and you were going to take care of them. That was Eddie’s idea to keep you off trouble. 
That was such a weird day. 
You told him you saw him and Chrissy kissing. He said he was originally selling her a few joints and one thing left to the other. You didn’t tell him why you had gotten so drunk, you simply said you had hardly eaten that day and that was it. You told him you made out with someone but couldn’t remember who was it, Eddie told you it had been Bradley Walsh. And other than that, you didn’t talk much. 
After a very needed shower, you spent the rest of the day in his bed. The both of you cuddled, napping, your legs tangled or your hands entwined the entire time. The both of you felt oddly hurting, and staying cuddled next to each other was both comforting and torturous. 
Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about how he kissed Chrissy in an attempt to use her as a rebound. He felt grossed out by himself. Only to realize that when put together, he’d choose you a million times. You in the other hand felt insanely guilty. You had made out with Brad because you were being petty and couldn’t stand the sight of Chrissy and Eddie kissing. 
The desire to hold on to each other and kiss each other was growing as the afternoon progressed, making the tension between you two more and more uncomfortable. But neither of you knew, or at least refused to believe, that your feelings for each other weren’t as one sided as you both believed them to be. And at the same time, the fear of actually losing the wonderful friendship you’d found a few months ago would go to waste with a single kiss. And if it didn’t, your departure to New York would definitely break both of your hearts. Either way, not addressing the situation seemed like a far better idea at the moment.
After he drove you home, you only felt your heart breaking further and further. The comfort of being in Eddie’s bed, between his arms, his slow breathing next to yours and his chest next to yours was drifting away with every mile you drove further from the trailer park. And when he walked you to the door, he kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight, love” He purred before he walked back to his van. 
Despite your Sunday with Eddie, you still felt uncomfortable every time you saw Chrissy. Specially when she looked at you, waved, asked how you were doing and if you’d seen Eddie. The fact that she was looking for Eddie made your stomach twist and your appetite got lost completely. 
“He’s perhaps at the usual table of the Hellfire Club?” You wondered. 
And with that, she was gone. You went in about your day and spent some time in the newspaper classroom printing your last photos to get them ready for the last issue of the school year. A few pictures of Eddie were there, only making the uncomfortable hole in your chest ache more. Once you were done, you went to the cafeteria and walked towards your friends in Hellfire, noticing Eddie wasn’t there. 
“Where’s Ed?” You asked in a soft whisper, not sure you wanted to hear the answer. 
"I saw him walking to his usual dealing spot with Cunningham…” Garett said. 
You clenched your jaw and nodded. 
“I see. Well, thanks guys, see you around..,” You sighed and walked away.
Dustin and Mike exchanged concerned stares. Noticing the way your slouched shoulders hid your head. The distant stare, and over all cold behaviour. You were normally so laid back and talkative. This time you simply made a question and with that you were gone. Along with the rumours, everyone was exchanging in the halls about what had happened in Aaron’s party. 
Thinking you and Eddie were more than meant to be, Dustin and Mike did feel worried regarding those rumours. You two were always together, we’re constantly flirty with each other, and suddenly, he was making out with Chrissy and seeing leaving the party with her. And you were seen making out with Brad. What exactly had happened in that party, they didn't know. Eddie too was acting odd that day. Quieter than usual, and he was seen quite a lot with Chrissy. 
After having finished their lunch, they decided to explore the school grounds searching for you. And when they finally did, you were sitting underneath a tree, resting against it, with your eyes closed and a very tired look on your face.
“Excited that you’re finally graduating this Friday?” Dustin asked with a feigned chuckle as you opened your eyes and looked at him. 
“Yeah, I guess…” You muttered smiling at them. 
“I thought you’d be looking a bit happier…” Dustin added. 
“Mind if we sit with you for a bit?” Mike asked, you shrugged and patted the grass next to you. 
“Be my guest, guys…My grass is your grass…” You said with a smile, not reaching your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Mike asked sitting next to you, bumping his boney shoulder next to yours, you sighed and rested your head against it, closing your eyes, fighting the urge to cry. 
“Life’s scary, Mike…” You sighed. “College is scary, adult life is scary too…” Your voice died out. 
“Are you seriously okay?” Dustin asked sitting in front of you. 
You chuckled bitterly and opened your eyes, revealing your tearful stare to him. 
“No, not really…” 
“What’s the matter?” Dustin asked. 
“You know you can trust us, right? I mean, we’re not the closest of friends but…We do consider you our friend. Everyone at Hellfire…” Mike said looking at you as you lifted your head from his shoulder and cleaned the tears slipping down your face. 
“Thank you. Mike…” You whispered. 
“Did you and Eddie have a fight or something?” Dustin inquired. 
“Why would you assume this has anything to do with Eddie?” You said With a bitter chuckle as your eyes continued to tear up exposing the truth of Dustin’s assumptions.
“You…like him…don’t you?” Dustin guessed.
“What?” You barked.
 “Ah I-I mean…sometimes we had the impression that you…liked him? You know? But I–we know you two are best friends…” Mike quickly intervened. 
Sighing deeply, you let your head fall back against the tree. Your eyes shut closed, as you felt them get even more tearful and several tears even fell down your closed eyes. Mike and Dustin exchanged worried stares, not sure how to help or what to say even. 
“So is it that obvious?” You purred.
“So you…really like him? Like…like him?” Mike asked. 
“Yes, Mike. I like him. A fucking lot, actually…” You hissed, refusing to open your eyes. 
“So…I guess you heard…” Dustin muttered. 
“What exactly?” You whispered, swallowing the knot in your throat. 
“I-I…I bet it’s just some stupid rumor…” Dustin stuttered. “I-I bet it’s…not even real…”
“Cut the chase, Dust…Please”
“Eddie and Chrissy kissed…But…Eddie told us she was trying to get her mind off Jason…they broke up earlier that day…And he said he had seen you with Bradley and…”
“Dustin, if Eddie told you himself then it’s not a rumour…” You snapped, finally opening your eyes and meeting his worried stare. “He kissed Chrissy, big deal. I kissed Brad…We’re both mature enough to deal with it, Dust…”
“Well…it doesn’t seem like it…” He whispered.
“Look, we’re worried because both Eddie and you have been acting weird the entire day. And not just that…When Eddie told us about Brad, he seemed pretty pissed about Brad kissing you…” Mike called your name. “You do realise that Eddie has feelings for you too, right? Of course he’s going to be pi—“
“What did you say?” You cut him off.
“That Eddie has feelings for you?”
“Oh my god, the both of you really are very blind or incredibly stupid,” You frowned at Dustin’s remark. “Eddie has feelings for you. He got mad at Brad for kissing you. It made him jealous which was why he kissed Chrissy!” 
“Did he tell you that?” You asked.
“No, but it’s not hard to deduce, Jesus. Seeing the both of you pinning for each other is actually very painful…” Dustin scoffed. 
The rest of your day at school, Dustin’s words kept circling your mind, dragging you deeper and deeper into the same thought spiral. Although there was something that didn’t add up. You had seen Eddie and Chrissy making out before you even kissed Brad. However, if what Dustin had said was true, then the day you spent hangover at Eddie’s place was nothing but bittersweet torture not only for you but for him too. Thinking you could’ve finally confessed your feelings for him and perhaps make things better. Perhaps, if that had happened, you’d be with him instead of Chrissy. 
An arm around your shoulders snapped you out of your thoughts abruptly as you flinched and looked over your shoulder to find Bradly next to you. 
“Got any plans for today?” Brad asked cheerfully as you glanced over at him “I’ve got to admit, I didn’t expect the little photographer to be such a good kisser…” He purred leaning closer to you.
“Jesus, Brad. Get away from me…I was drunk, I thought you knew how this worked. You make out with someone at a party, you move on” You said gently pushing him away from you.
 “Not every day I get hard from just a kiss” He purred against your ear, making you shiver and glared at him. 
“Gross dude…” You groaned and pushed him away from you once again “Not interested…Sorry”
“Oh seriously, are you still head over heels for that freak! Even after what he did?” He snapped as you stopped dead on your tracks. 
Turning around you glared at him. Not sure as to what he meant exactly.
“He left the party with Chrissy, people saw them making out, and then, they were leaving. Together,” 
You knew Eddie had dropped Chrissy at her place, because you were with them. You had woken up in Eddie’s bedroom, and Eddie had slept in the living room. Sure, Eddie and Chrissy kissed, but nothing else happened between them. At least not that night.
“Fuck off, Brad” You hissed not really caring what he had to say or thing about it as you were ready to leave when he dared to talk again.
 “Seriously, what’s with that guy? Why is suddenly everyone interested in him? He’s poor and a stupid freak who holds satanic cults and thinks he’s better than everyone else—“
“You just resent him because the girl who gave you a boner actually wants him. And apparently now Chrissy Cunningham’s after him too!” You snapped interrupting him as you spun on your toes once more and gave him a cold stare “You’re pathetic, Brad…Like talking shit about my best friend is going to make me suddenly want to sleep with you…Fuck off–“ Brad took two long steps and gripped you by the shoulders, slamming you to the closest lockers as you whined loudly. 
People starting to gather closer as they’d heard the arguing and the yelling, and suddenly the sound of something hitting the lockers caught everyone’s attention even further.
“Listen here you little bitch,” Brad growled, “You’re just as much as a piece of shit as that motherfu–" 
Before you could even register what had happened, Brad fell to the ground. And you understood that the quick flash of silver you’d seen was Eddie’s fist flying towards Brad’s jaw. His left hand, the one covered with the most and biggest rings. Despite Eddie being right handed, of course he was going to throw a punch with his left hand.
“Do not touch her” Eddie threatening with a grim stare, his black eyes looking deadly.
 “Oh, came back to claim what’s yours?” Brad laughed, as Eddie’s eyes darkened and a rather creepy smile spread across his cheeks.
“Fuck off dude. Her not wanting to fuck you it’s not her problem. Most women in this school don’t either” He replied calmly, seeing the way Brad’s smile dissipated. 
“You’re a real piece of shit, you know that?” Brad barked.
“Yeah?” Eddie asked raising an eyebrow, barely caring what Brad had to say about him.
“Kissing another girl when your allegedly best friend is head over heels for you. Enduring that must be painful, doesn’t it?” The jock said, his gaze moving to meet yours.
“Brad, stop” You said in a low voice.
“And not just that," Brad looked back at Eddie “you decided to go after the big fish and kissed none other than Chrissy Fucking Cunningham…Imagine having to compete with someone with her calibre…” Brad said turning to you “that’s rough competition…” 
“I’m sick and tired of your bullshit, Brad.” You snapped, feeling your eyes get teary, as his words had pierced exactly through your insecurities “You’re graduating this week, stop flicking acting like a middle school boy, grow up” You spat sourly and walked out of the circle. 
“I’m not done with you, you little bitch!” Eddie ignored Brad as he followed you, noticing the way you had clenched your jaw and looked down before walking away. “Oh, you are running away too? Fucking cowards, you deserve each other!” Bradley shouted as the two of you walked along the hall with long quick steps.
An uncomfortable buzz in your ears as you bit your lower lip, and took big breaths to keep the tears from spilling. A lump on your throat as you kept circling around what Brad had said, and how true you believed his words to be. Chrissy was perfect. She was cute, nice, laid back, petite, pretty, confident…Many things you could only aspire to be. And considering how high you thought of Eddie, she seemed a lot more deserving of him than you did. And that thought alone crushed your soul.
“Hey, are you alright?” Eddie said managing to get a hold of your arm, as you stopped abruptly and turned around. 
“No, Eddie, I am most definitely not okay” You barked.
“Hey, talk to me–“ 
“Sure, that’s a great idea!” You interrupted him sarcastically, “Okay so, where do I start? I am so deeply in love with my best friend and it’s cliche and stupid. We went to a party, I saw him talk to the most popular and pretty girl in school, but they appeared to be flirting with each other, so I got mad and drunk and made out with the biggest asshole I could find at the party. I did it out of pettiness, but jokes on me because I just embarrassed myself out there because of my funny little revenge…”
Eddie’s eyebrows lifted in concern as his eyes suddenly changed and now looked concerned and confused. 
“People are saying you and Chrissy left together and everyone is assuming the two of you slept together, which I know to be a lie because I was there, I spent the night over at your place and stayed the entire next day getting over my hangover, you watching over me. And correct me if I’m wrong, but we spent the entirety of the afternoon cuddling and holding hands, and I thought perhaps we were going to pretend like the party didn’t happen in the first place! But I get here and everyone is talking about it, Chrissy is looking for you, and people tell me you’re hanging out with her and I can’t help but get jealous, Edward!” 
Now Eddie had an uncomfortable buzz in his ears, and his heart felt heavier. 
“And now Brad is bitter because I don’t want to sleep with him and apparently you’re now popular because Chrissy is interested in you…And I can’t even be mad at you because seriously, Chrissy is such a catch. I’m happy for you…Seriously. You two actually look cute together”
The whole time you’re talking, Eddie could feel his own heart sinking and dropping all the way to the floor. Silent tears escaping your eyes only making him feel guilty. You sounded mad, but he can tell from the look in your eyes you actually felt sad, broken even. And the only one he could point fingers at is at himself. He did this to you. The girl he had been so in love with, not only happened to correspond to his feelings. But he had to find out in the worst way possible. And it was too late to fix it without hurting anyone else in the process. 
And when he watched you turn around and resume your walking, his own heart began to break. 
 “Wait— Sweetheart—“ He began.
“Eddie, stop!” You snapped looking at him. “Leave me alone for a while, okay? I need to think, besides, I have a job interview and I don’t want to show up with my eyes all red and puffy” You said and turned back around, leaving through the door. 
Right, Eddie remembered. You had told him you’d managed to schedule an interview with the photographer at the Hawkins Post and you were going to try and get a job there over the summer to save some money for New York and gather some experience to write down in your curriculum. He had forgotten the interview was today. In a couple of hours specifically. His throat closed even tighter, making it harder for him to breathe. He had told you he was going to take you there himself. Now he guessed he wouldn’t.
As he turned around after you disappeared behind the main door, he found Chrissy. Her big wide eyes looking concerned and worried. 
“I am so, so sorry…” He whispered.
You skipped the last period and left school one hour earlier to be able to cry peacefully on your way back home and get a shower before the interview. Eddie, however, stayed. After the last bell of the day rang, and people were soon escaping the building like it was on fire. Eddie dragged his feet to the Hellfire Club classroom to get some of his things he had there. Being the last week of school, he needed to take everything he wanted to take with him, or else leave it there for the future generations. And he wasn’t sure why he’d gone there in the first place. The things he wanted to keep were usually in his backpack or his van. 
Perhaps he was dreading the walk to his van. He’d normally meet up with you outside his van, and you’d go to grab lunch or something before heading back to his place to waste the afternoon away. But he knew you weren’t going to be there. And suddenly, driving on his own seemed like the last thing he wanted. Sitting in silence with his thoughts…Just no. And even risking seeing Chrissy in the halls. She’d seen everything that happened with Brad. And she was chasing after the both of you when you snapped at Eddie before leaving. He hadn’t talked to Chrissy about it, he simply apologized and left; and even though he knew he needed to, he didn’t feel like doing so right now. His mind was still all over the place.
He kept thinking of Chrissy and you. Sure, before spring break he felt that funny feeling in his gut after he made his drug deal with Chrissy. And he knew she felt it too. What he didn’t expect was meeting you in detention right after the break was over. The same funny feeling in his gut, but this was was different. It was warmer. The instant attraction and chemistry felt like a riptide. He simply met you, and from then on, he was met by some sort of gravitational force pulling him towards you. Becoming close friends in the span of a weeks was something that had never happened to him before. And he doubted it was going to happen to him again.
“Eddie?” Dustin’s voice echoed followed by the creek of the door opening. 
“Henderson, fancy seeing you here, you little dwarf” Eddie said looking at him with a hollow smile.
“How are you?” 
“Nostalgic, really. I’m going to miss Hellfire…” Eddie replied, knowing what Dustin meant but completely avoiding it.
“I mean…I heard what happened…” Dustin muttered as he walked inside the classroom.
“God, people really like to talk about other people’s lives. How boring must their own lives be?” Eddie replied, avoiding the topic. Again.
“I’m sorry for what happened…” Dustin whispered your name, making Eddie’s heart skip a painful beat. “She…I know she means a lot to you…” 
“Dustin, have I not made it clear that I do not wish to talk about this?” He said gently interrupting him as his smile faded and met Dustin’s honey eyes. 
 “Maybe you should, you know? But talk to her...tell her everything, I know you like her as much as she likes you…" Eddie rolled his eyes at Dustin. “And, well, you know her…she’s not exactly the most confident nor popular girl, think how she must feel about this…” Eddie’s heart shrunk 
“So I’m the bad guy now?” Eddie barked defensively.
“What? No! Not at all! This is just a communication problem…you two are best friends, you’ll be able to figure something out…” Dustin quickly added.
“Yeah, well…she’s moving to New York in two months…there’s nothing much I can do…” Eddie scoffed. “We can talk and cry about it, go back to being friends, sure, but then what Henderson? We confess our love for each other and decide to walk into the sunset holding hands and kiss under the moonlight, then what? She moves away and I stay here? You have a girlfriend, Henderson. You know how long distance relationships are hard. And now add that she’s going to go there for college…College and High School are not the same, man” Eddie spat, the tension building in his chest feeling slightly relieved, despite the fact that his eyes were getting tearful. “And I don’t know about you, but I’m someone who needs to be able to hold his girlfriend and kiss her and show her around like a badge of honor—” 
“Then go with her to New York” Dustin interrupted, as Eddie stopped right away and stared at him.
“You heard me” 
“I can’t just pack up and go to New York…” Eddie chuckled bitterly.
“Why not? You want to make a living out of playing your guitar, don’t you? Don’t you think achieving that in New York might be actually easier than staying in Hawkins?”
Eddie’s mind became blank.
That evening, he climbed the tree next to your house up to your window as he peeked inside and found you sitting in your bed with a bunch of photos spread on your bed. It would’ve been a very cute scene if he hadn’t made you cry earlier and he still felt guilty about it. He tapped gently on the glass breaking you away from your trance as you got out of your bed and went to your window sliding it open.
“What the hell are you doing? You know you can use my door right? My parents love you” You explained.
Eddie’s smile soon dropped into a puzzled face as his eyebrows raised and eyes widened in confusion.
“Wait, really?” 
“Yeah…my dad knows his 9pm curfew is ridiculous, but he actually likes that you respect it and drive me home by 9, even when we stay on the sidewalk hanging out afterwards, even if we stay out there until very late… He appreciates that you do get me home by 9 always…” You chuckled softly as you moved away and let him in.
“Well in that case, next time I decide to visit late at night I will use the door…” He said with a cheeky smile and looked around your room, noticing the little details everywhere, thinking how much your room felt yours.
“Why are you here, Ed?” You whispered awkwardly as Eddie looked at you with tender eyes and a soft smile.
“Just wanted to see my bestie,” He replied with a shrug, managing to make you chuckle lightly and nod.
“Well, here I am” You said walking back to your bed.
“How did the interview go?” He asked as he followed you and gazed at some of the pictures as you picked them up and set them on the side table, making space for him.
“Good, I think. I talked to the photographer and said that he was going to talk to the editor…Kept some of my photos and told me to go on a few trial days next week…” You explained.
“That’s a good sign, right?” Eddie said excitedly as you couldn’t help but smile at him despite the subtle heartache. 
 “Yeah, I think so”
“Congrats” Eddie said pulling you in a genuine and tight hug. 
Wrapping your arms around him, you buried your face in his shoulder. And after a few seconds. you noticed he didn’t back out from the hug. His arms suddenly feeling too warm and soft around you, as his smell pierced through your nose. You could feel something radiating from his body into yours, a warm and comforting sensation that soon made your eyes tearful and heart beat fast. The memories of what had happened in the last days flooded your mind and you sobbed silently, hugging him tighter. 
Eddie felt your shoulders stiffen before you clung to him and he knew immediately what was going on. He kissed your head and burying his face in your hair, taking in the sweet smell of your shampoo. 
“I’m sorry,” He purred. “About earlier…Not my best moment...or the last few days for that matter. The last thing I even wanted to do was hurt you, out of everyone at school, you…” He said breaking the hug and cupping your face in his hands as he wiped away the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. “You’re the most precious thing that school has, you know?” He whispered as you rolled your eyes playfully, and he chuckled. “I mean it! Sure, Chrissy may be the queen of Hawkins High, and Jason may be the town’s celebrity, but next to you, they seem so small…” He purred. 
“Oh please,” You said as your hands reached his wrists. 
“No, seriously, sweetheart” He whispered smiling and leaning closer to you, bumping his forehead to yours. “You’ve got a heart of gold,” He said, repeating what you had said in your drunken state, words he was positive you didn’t remember. “Until today I never saw you snap at anyone before, you’re always so kind and nice…second, you’re so smart it made me smart…” You giggled looking away as he followed you with his stare “I mean it! You’re the first person who actually succeeded at tutoring me, enough to get a much higher grade than I needed. And out of everyone from the senior year, you got the coolest college opportunity...Seriously…New York? Everyone else is either going to Indianapolis or staying here in Hawkins…You? You’re going to the Big Apple!” 
“Stop!” You giggled, getting flustered. 
“And last but not least, I take pride in being a freak, really, I do. And most of the things I do, I do them to piss people off…But never have I ever felt so contempt of who I am until I realized you genuinely enjoyed who I am…You make me want to become better…That is something completely new to me…" his voice died out calling your name. “You said earlier you were deeply in love with your best friend...Which is perfect for me because I am too, deeply in love with my best friend…So much it hurt and felt hopeless when you told me you were moving to New York, so much I tried to look for something, anything that could help me get over my feelings for you so it wouldn’t hurt as much when you left…” He said, his dark eyes glued to yours as he leaned forward again, his forehead bumping against yours and the tip of his nose brushing yours. “But I ended up hurting you…And trust me, that was the last thing I wanted to do…”
“Ed…” You whispered with your heart climbing all the way to your throat and you closed your eyes. 
Without giving it much of a thought, you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his. His breath hitched, not actually expecting you to be the one who sealed the kiss. He was still contempt and surprised. He kissed you back. His lips locking with yours in what was a shy kiss at first. Your lips infinitely sweeter and softer than Chrissy’s, perfectly molding with his as you quickly stole his breath away. 
He moaned gently against your mouth, making your heart race even further. Your hands grabbed his flannel shirt, slowly climbing up his chest until one of your hands made it to the back of his head, tangling with his messy curly hair as you pulled his closer. 
He took this as his cue to deepen the kiss, a soft groan escaping his throat. Moving closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, squeezing your chest against him. At once his arms mirrored yours and snaked around you, squeezing you against him, stealing a moan off of you into his mouth, making his blood warm up. His hands slid down your back as you broke the kiss and pulled your legs on top of the bed, breathlessly staring at Eddie. Your heart beating in your throat, as you cupped his face and brought him close for another kiss before he could even say something. 
Kissing you back, he smirked against your lips and moved closer to you. You slowly layer on the bed, pulling him on top of you. Wasting no time, he tried kicking off his boots but struggled. 
“Wait, baby…” He purred sitting on the bed and rushing to take off his boots as you chuckled and sat up, looking at him tenderly.  
After he did, he looked at you and smiled. You noticed the rosy tone in his cheeks, making your heart about to jump out of your chest. 
“Hey…” You purred softly. 
“Hey,” He giggled and climbed back on top of you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him. 
He quickly melted into the kiss, leaning down and resting some of his weight on top of you as you welcomed him and wrapped your legs around his narrow waist. Pulling him closer, you moaned shyly upon feeing his hips against yours. 
Your moan echoed in Eddie’s head as he broke the kiss and started kissing your neck. Stretching your neck to grant him better access to your skin, your breath hitched as his warm lips slid down your neck. 
His name escaped your lips, making a shiver run down his spine as he bit your shin, his teeth gently sinking on the base of your neck as another moan, slightly louder, came out of your mouth. His blood rushing everywhere in his body as he smirked. 
“You liked that, babygirl?” He purred, dragging his lips up your neck to your ear.
“Ye-yes…”. You whispered as you felt your own cheeks grow hotter and hotter. 
He bit your neck again, slightly underneath your ear, making you arch your back and grip his hair. The gentle tug made him groan softly as one of his hands slid underneath your shirt. His fingers caressed your hip, not moving much as if waiting for permission. The sweet and needy whimper that came of your mouth soon after was the answer he needed as his hand roamed your body underneath your shirt. Noticing the way your skin got covered in goosebumps and your breath deepened made his pants feel uncomfortably tighter. 
“Talk to me, Princess…” He purred seductively. “Do you like this?” You whined. 
“Ye-yes…” You whispered. “I-I do…”
Amused by your shyness, he pulled back and looked at you attentively, wanting to see the reactions he managed to pull from you. 
“Can I take this off?” He murmured, referring to your shirt.
His gentle voice caressing your ears and making your crotch ache desperately as you nodded and stuttered and affirmative. 
“Only of you take off yours too…” You said. 
“Ah, m’lady wants conditions equality, I can respect that…” He giggled mischievously as he pulled back and took off his red plaid shirt along with his Iron Maiden shirt. 
You could feel your heart beating everywhere in your body as you stared at him. Hypnotized by all of him as you wondered if this was actually happening. After throwing his shirts to your floor, he wasted no time pulling your shirt off of you as his lips quickly attached to your shoulders and chest, his hands idly playing with the straps of your bra, pulling them down your shoulders. 
“You know…Condition equality includes this as well…” He purred as his fingers gently tugged on your bra, making you shiver. 
“Smartass,” You chuckled. 
“I’m just stating the facts, love” He sand as he ran a thumb over your skin, teasing your breast as he followed the cup’s curve, dangerously close to your nipple. “But I’ll wait for Ground Control’s instructions…” He said kissing your chest right underneath your clavicle. 
“Just take the goddamn thing off…” You scoffed as Eddie’s big curious eyes looked at you with fascination. 
“Desperate, are we?” 
“Just a little…” You admitted, feeling the heat rising up as Eddie’s hands snuck behind your back to undo the clip.
“Just a little…” He repeated.
As he let your bra fall off your bed, he wasted no time kissing your skin. Every now and then teasing you with his teeth, sucking on it, making sure he left some sort of evidence of what was going to happen. Always gentle, he noticed the particular shyness with which you reacted to his ministrations. He went slow, learning how to distinguish every sound and movement you made, and trying to learn the unspoken language of your body. 
Always aware that you weren’t perhaps the most experienced in these things, he asked for your permission for everything. If it was okay to touch or kiss somewhere, if he could take your pants off. And the tender and caring manner, along with his big doe eyes, it was impossible to resist him. Your mind spiraling out of control,as you wanted nothing more that to enjoy your night with him. You wanted nothing more than to feel him all around you. 
Once the both of you were completely naked, kissing and tasting each other’s skin, mapping everything little detail in a beautiful lovely memory, and once you’d made your way underneath the covers of your bed, it all felt too intimate. Sure, you were insanely nervous for what was going to happen, but you were also excited for it. 
As Eddie nestled between your legs, his erection gently resting on your belly, throbbing with anticipation, he had you locked in an intoxicating kiss. The heat of his body radiating into yours, as your legs around him kept him close. Hanging from the very last string of his salinity, waiting for your green like to move forward.
You broke the kiss, catching your breath.
"Wa-wait, Ed…” You stuttered shyly.
“What is it, princess?” He murmured pulling back and staring at you.
“There’s something you’ve got to know first…” The words dragging out of your mouth as you felt your cheeks grow hot at the slight embarrassment, Eddie however had been slowly putting the pieces together based on your reactions.
“We don’t have to do this of you don’t want…” He purred kissing your forehead. 
“I-I know…But I do want to…with you…” His heart stopped at the sincere look in your eyes and your words getting stuck in his brain. He smirked.
“Oh baby I’m honored…” He began, his cheeky smirk spreading as his heart almost jumped out of your  “But you know if we do this, we’re gonna have to marry asap and have my kids right? I’m thinking at least four…” He teased, managing to make you giggle.
“Oh shut up, you don’t believe that bullshit…” Eddie laughed at your remark. 
“No, not at all…” He purred as he “But, if we do this…You’ll be mine, and trust me, I don’t give up easily on what’s mine…” His voice grew seductive as he leaned forward and pecked your lips.
“What does that mean?” You giggled.
“I’ll follow you till the end of the world. Or until you tell me to…” He smiled and kissed you slowly, his lips locking with yours as one of his hands slid down your body down to your hips. “If you want me to stop or go slower, just tell me…Tonight everything’s about you, baby” He whispered.
You nodded. 
His hand slid down all the way to your thigh, now going up, closer and closer to your needy hole. His finger ran up and down your wet slick, as he smirked, proud that he had you like that. 
Your breath hitched as he watched your reaction attentively. His thumb circled your clit softly, watching you shit your eyes closed and moan softly, as you pushed your head back. Fascinated, he felt his mouth grow thirsty as he continued staring at you, hypnotized by your reactions. 
“Can I?” He asked, his index finger sliding to your entrance, teasing you, as his finger continued to get more and more covered in your arousal. 
“Please,” You begged. 
His finger very slowly sank inside of you, feeling your tight walls clenching around it, as a soft whimper escaped your throat. He kissed you sweetly, silencing your cry. 
“Silence, baby…You don’t want your parents hearing and walking on us, now do you?” He muttered. 
“N-no…” You stuttered. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“It’s just…weird…” You murmured. 
“It’ll soon feel good, I promise…” He pressed his forehead to yours.
He continued fingering you. Slowly, patiently exploring your velvet walls, once again guided by your reactions as he allowed you to get used to the feeling. Quickening his pace and eventually sliding a second finger in. Your sweet quiet moans fueling him, making him desperate to claim you as his, growing addicted to the beautiful sounds you made and the way you so desperately called his name. He kept going, building up a rhythm you could easily grow used to, until he had you cumming around his fingers. Proud of the mess the made of you, his cramped fingers still buried deep inside you, he took in the gorgeous image of your body slightly shaky and covered in a thin layer of sweat. 
“Fuck, your beautiful…” He purred. 
“Kiss me, Eddie…“ You whined. “Kiss me, please” 
Obediently, he kissed you, swallowing your whines as he could taste the universe in your mouth. His heart full and body hot, he slowly pulled his fingers out, pulling a soft grunt out of you. One he gladly drank from your kiss as well. As the world came back to focus, you clung to him, being painfully away of his length still on your belly. You shivered at the thought of eventually having it inside you. 
“E-Eddie…” You whispered breathless. “I want you” You purred. 
He felt a shiver run down his spine as he smiled and looked at you, his black eyes devouring you with adoration. 
“Your wish is my command, baby…” He muttered as he wasted no time, running his wet fingers over his erection, coating his dick with your arousal and positioning himself against your entrance. 
He looked at you one last time for consent as you gave him a shy nod. And with that, he pushed inside of you. Slowly. Very slowly. A gasp caught in his throat, as your tight walls seemed to squeeze around him, gently sucking him as you covered your own mouth with one of your hands, muffling the moan fighting its way out. Feeling ecstatic, he closed his eyes, enjoying the sweet feeling of your warmth surrounding him as he bottomed out. As he went all in, he looked down, watching his pelvis connecting to yours, getting another shiver down his back. He smirked and leaned down, kissing your cheek. 
“You’re all mine now…” He whispered kissing your jaw as you arched your back, wrapping your arms around him. 
“I’m yours, Eddie…” God, your words made him light headed as he started moving in and out of you, slow at first. 
Eddie, who had a few encounters here and there wasn’t exactly crazy about sex. Sure, he had his kinks and had fun every time he had the chance to have sex, but he wasn’t someone who’s actively go around flirting with people, looking for someone to take back to his bed. But this, with you, oh, he could definitely see himself getting addicted to doing this with you. It was far more than just the sex and the adrenaline running through his veins. It was the intimacy of it. Your body so close to his, your whispers and moans cooing him, the way your touch set him on fire. Sex had never felt this good before. 
His thrusts going deeper and deeper and getting faster and faster, he still remained collected, reminding himself that this was your first time. Besides, he loved attentively watching the way you moved and reacted. The way you opened your mouth and said nonsense with every push. The way your face got all flustered every time he praised you. And god, the way you told him over and over you were his. And only his. His heart beating alongside yours as you both shared this moment, getting drunk and lost in each other, as every piece of your heart was on the table. Caught fire, and skin tingling. It was such an addictive feeling.
What were you doing to him?
Nothing in his life had ever felt so gratifying as that moment right there. And he knew he did not want to let you go. Not when you left to New York, not ever. He would definitely keep his word and follow you to the end of the world. 
Low moans and sweet nothings dissipated in the air, caught between the hungry kisses of two lovers. Their bodies melting together and the pleasure increasing with every second, thirsty for that high at the end of the road. The ecstasy of both of your orgasm condensing slowly. Eddie cumming shortly before you, but not stopping until you were pushed off the edge as well. Blissfully giving in to that relaxing burn and tingling his entire body, washing over him as your walls clenched around him, and he moaned with his face nuzzled against your neck. 
Once the both of you came off your highs, Eddie was still lying on top of you, catching his breath as his entire body melted on top of yours, relaxed, ready to fall asleep for the next several weeks. He hummed softly and kissed your chest.
You stared at Eddie with melting eyes, smiling at the sight of him leaving small pecks all over your skin.  He eventually noticed you staring at him and blushed lightly. 
"What?” He whispered. 
“You meant that?” You asked with a low purr. 
“What exactly?” He hummed slightly sleepy resting his chin over your chest, staring at you with sleepy eyes.
“That you’ll follow me till the end of the world?” He smiled and closed his eyes.
“Definitely” He purred.
“Does that include New York?”  
“Especially New York…” He replied at once.
“Is it so hard to believe?” He chuckled softly “I don’t think I ever felt like this about someone…Not to sound like a slut, but I’ve had my fair share of flash romances and one night stands, and none of them sparked in me whatever it is you did…” He said as you stared at him, and ran a finger through his hair, brushing a misplaced strand of hair off his face, “I’d never felt so scared of losing someone…I do want to be with you…whether if it’s here, or in New York…if you tell me you want to pack up and go walking to Argentina, I’ll go too…” 
You smiled, considering his words, biting your lower lip.
“That actually sounds like a good idea…” You said.
“A sabbatical year before college…Perhaps not spend the entire year but…working and saving up money for six months, and then go to Argentina…” You wondered, as Eddie’s smile spread.
“Can we take a small detour to Brazil?” You giggled at his proposal.
“We can go anywhere…” You replied, noticing the dumbfounded smile he was giving you “What?” You asked.
“I seriously am in love with you…” He sighed lifting himself up on his elbows “I know, it’s cringy, saying this right after we had sex for the first time but…” He chuckled at his own comment “I’ve had feelings for you for some time now…” 
“How long?” You murmured curiously.
“I always found you pretty, but since you were often hanging around all sorts of popular crowds, I didn’t really feel like approaching you…” He began “After we met, boy, I wish I had talked to you earlier. You’re nothing like them and you’re far cooler than anyone else in that school…I was smitten after that time we went to have Chinese? Do you remember?” 
“That was literally the week after the detention thing” 
“Exactly!” Eddie said gawking “And when you showed me your portfolio that same day with all your favorite pictures, man, I felt like I’d jumped down a cliff and fell on my face” You blushed.
“Since then?” You giggled. 
“I’m pathetic, I know…” He chuckled. 
“No, you’re not…” You kissed his cheek. “For me it was when you introduced me to your uncle…” 
“What?” You giggled at his confused reaction.
“Yeah…You know you look at him in a very particular way?” Eddie raised an eyebrow.
“Like you’re immensely grateful to him…And like you genuinely care for him, I saw that look and thought ‘Man, I wish someone ever looked at me that way…’” 
“Yeah well,” Eddie chuckled, blushing lightly “He took me in after my asshole dad ended in prison…I knew having to watch over me and practically raise me was rough for him, I was a kid but I wasn’t stupid, I saw it was hard for him in the begining, and I felt like a burden, but he never complained, though…” Eddie sighed as his eyes suddenly got lost in the distance as he recalled his childhood memories “He never got mad, he was always nice and gentle with me…” Eddie chuckled meeting your stare again “He bought me my first guitar and signed me up for classes after he once found me playing with a broom, pretending it was a guitar while I jammed to Pink Floyd…” 
“That’s cute…” You whispered smiling, feeling a gentle squeeze in your chest upon seeing that sweet spark in Eddie’s eyes. 
“I owe everything to that old man…” He sighed deeply “Specially now because, thanks to him, the girl of my dreams loves me back” He smirked.
 Giggling, you cupped his face and pulled him in for a small peck.
“Thank you for helping me sneak out of detention…” You whispered.
“You’re very welcome, love” He smirked. 
I hope you liked this one! Please make sure to leave a like, a comment or a reblog, help spread my work please! I also have a few more (considerably shorter) Eddie fics and a few fic recs in my blog if you're interested!
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lemmilemura · 4 months
Okay this isn't perfect but it's good enough for me
All kept gender-neutral
Based on the show
When a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend throws a party and invites your friend of a friend of a- ya know what, you get it, you end up being invited too. You knew absolutely nobody there, but you found that a good thing. New people to meet, no way of destroying existing friendships, the chance of finally landing a decent guy. And, very luckily, you find one fast. You find a guy kn the kitchen who looks mighty fine, and when you enter he isn't immediately trying to get you in bed. He's witty and smart, plus not bad looking. You hit it off like a bomb, and you're really glad you came to this party.
Long story short you end up going to one of the many many rooms of the house, probably Guest Bedroom Nr. 27 if you had to guess, and 'spending some quality time together' that you will definitely not soon forget. You honestly don't know how long you were in there, but it was oh so worth it. While you didn't know much about him, you knew his name was Simon and that he was amazing in bed.
You do end up exchanging numbers and social media, after all neither of you wanted this to be a one time thing, but also weren't quite exclusive yet. You keep talking for the next couple days, learning more about eachother besides just your prefrences in bed. And if you were honest, he wasn't that bad a guy, more ways than one.
Your parents randomly decide that your current school isn't good enough, too mich drama or something, so they send you to another one, closer to where you live.
So, the coming schoolyear, you go to Bayview, knowing nobody. Just like the party, it was really only good. You went your first couple hours mostly in solitude, yes you did meet a few people, but none were in more than 1 of your classes. Lunch was when it got interesting.
You sit down at an empty table with your lunch, really just looking around at the other students, seeing a shit ton that were also at the party, atleast the ones you could recognize from the shitty lighting there was. 'Dude must be popular' you think to yourself. "Excuse me, is there space for 3 more?" You hear beside you, and see a girl you don't know yet. "Sure. Be my guest" you reply. "Thanks. They're still gettikg their food. I'm Maeve by the way. Maeve Rojas" she introduces herself.
You shake her hand and say your name. Her eyes get bigger when you say it. "Wait, you're (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? Really?" She seems giddy with excitement. "Yeeeees? Why, do we know eachother?" Surely you would remember her. Maeve takes out her phone and types a message to someone, then turns to face the queue of people waiting for food.
In line, a girl takes out her phone, so you assume she's who Maeve texted. She seems to get excited too, but not quite as much as Maeve. She starts shaking a guy next to her who you can't quite see because he's facung away, then when he looks at her she points over at you.
The guy who turns around is none other than the guy you slept with like a week ago, Simon. You're both surprised, him more than you by only a little. You wave at him, and he waves back. "Sooooooo" Maeve starts, leaning her elbows on the table and getting closer. "You're new here, right?" She has a grin on her face. "I am. Moved here about a month ago." You reply. "Cooool. Do you know anyone here?" She asks.
"Well, considering you're making that face and you immediately pointed me out to your friends, you know that I know Simon." You respond. The look on her face is one of 'shit I got caught'. "What do you know about me?" You ask. "Where to start... Ooh! Simon said you were probably the best se-" she gets whacked in the head by Simon, which shuts her up. "Don't you fucking dare." He threatens.
"Ow you dick!" You and the second girl laugh. She sits down next to Maeve and Simon sits next to you. "What did she tell you?" He asks, staring daggers at Maeve. "Nothing. Was just about to though, before you gave her a concussion." You joked. "He's like that. Don't mind him." The new girl says. "I'm Janae" "(Y/N), though I suspect you already know that." She just nods.
"What are you doing here?" Simon asks. "Oh I don't know, I think I'm about to explode." You say nonchalantly. "You fit right in." Janae says. "So, why Simon?" She asks. You raise a brow. "Why Simon what?" "Why'd you fuck him?" Simon, who was just taking a gulp of his drink, almost spits it back out. "Janae I swear to god." He coughs. "What? I'm genuinely curious!"
"Well for one he wasn't being a total creep or asshole, he's not stupid and also not bad on the eyes, luckily with and without clothes." You're once again very nonchalant, which is throwing Maeve and Janae off, how can you say something like that with a straught face? "Okay that's enough" Simon stands up and grabs you by the arm, pulling you up out of your seat, through the cafeteria and outside, to the back side of the building.
"They seem nice." You come to a quite forceful stop when he shoves you against the wall, hands on both sides of your head, effectively trapping you there. "You just waltz in here as if it's nothing, immediately talk to my friends and then say something like that? Just how bood are you?" He looks and sounds like he's about to break.
"Bold? You're the bold one, pulling me away like this. Just think about what they're probably imagining is happening right now." You wrap your arms around his neck fro added effect, and it works. "Just shut up." He says, then leans in and kisses you. God how you missed that. After that party there were countless nights where you longed for him, for his lips, his touch, his taste.
@eamons-redguitar @pine-ferret
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starsforlupin · 2 years
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Older Remus Lupin | Smut (sub! Remus) | One part
Words: 4.5 k 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: After a hard week of teaching at Hogwarts, Remus decides to take y/n out on a date at Hogsmeade and spend some peaceful time with her. Everything is fine until...
"You have no right to lick an ice cream like that..."
𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
Finally, it was weekend and the long-awaited date Remus had planned to take you out, had arrived. A lovely and peaceful day for the both of you at Hogsmeade, your favorite place.
Knowing the fact that it was a pretty busy schoolyear and Remus was constantly surrounded by piles of books and exams to mark , and needless to say that he had many classes to teach, you barely had any extra time to spend together these days. So today was a good chance and you didn't want to miss it one bit.
But it seemed like nothing would always go as planned.
Because the moment Remus held your hand in his and led you out of the gates of Hogwarts, a soft drizzling rain began to pour down from the cloudy sky, causing him to groan in disbelief as he caught a glimpse of it.
"No way... Of all the days we could get soaked and washed over, why today?!"
You giggled at how nervous he looked, as if it was your first date together. He was making a big deal out of the weather. Something he wouldn't usually do, because he knew very well how much you loved rainy days. And you had an idea of what caused this feeling in your man. Working non-stop for a long while and having to deal with many responsibilities, had drained him of energy. Now he wanted everything to be perfect for you, and if one part wasn't going according to his plans, he would easily get annoyed and worried.
He needed to unwind. And you surely knew how to help him with it.
"It's fine love. Nothing's gonna ruin our day."
And you really meant it. The rain actually wasn't too much to get you soaked though, just as lovely as it could be for a spring day.
You squeezed Remus's hand reassuringly and looked up at him. He was hesitant for a moment, but the genuine smile that appeared on your bright face, was enough to wipe the frown away from his brows before it could even form there.
His lips curled into a smile too. Intertwining his warm hand with yours and holding it tightly, he resumed walking down the empty road. Feeling relieved that he was finally his cheerful self again, you quickly followed suit.
For most of the road, you talked and laughed with each other. You took notice of every single detail. You watched as drops of rain painted the cobble stone with tiny dark spots. The same drops that fell all over Remus's hair and made you want to run your hand through it.
You watched as flowers at the side road waved in the soft breeze and danced freely. The same breeze found its way to your face and filled you with so much liveliness. Something you didn't know you needed. You were witnessing all of the wonders of springtime while his laugh echoed in the back of your mind. It was your most favorite sound. You took in a deep breath and the earthy and fresh scent of air engulfed you. It was mixed with his perfume, and of course there was a hint of chocolate in it too... Everything around you felt surreal and new to you.
And yet you were familiar with all of that. You had it all, close to yourself. Remus was next to you and his mere presence was enough to add up joyfulness and serenity to the atmosphere, no matter where the destination was.
Before you knew it, the long road was over and you'd arrived at Hogsmeade, which was, to your surprise, bustling with crowds. You looked around at different directions and everywhere your eyes landed, was filled with lively visitors, wizards, witches and even some students too. Some were talking with each other, and some others exiting the magical shops.
There was a distant sound of music drifting in the air and it made the whole scenery more otherworldly and welcoming to you. You giggled at your excitement, as if it was your first time visiting this village.
Hand in hand, you started your adventure from the closest shop and promised yourself to take notice of everything. From the marvelous candies in Honedukes to Zonko's joke products, everything was fine. Remus chanted about the pranks he used to plan with his friends back when he was a student, making you laugh all along.
He seemed to be in good spirits and literally nothing could stop him from talking.
Everything was fine... fine and good... until you went to a shop and came back with two ice creams. Remus slowly grew quiet. It wasn't something important, was it?
Since you were still enthralled by your surroundings, you didn't put much thought into it, but it didn't last for a minute or two. Remus was actually silent for a while. He barely spoke or even replied to your questions. Thinking that he was probably enjoying himself, you chose to not distract him.
Unbeknownst to you, you were the source of his distraction.
You didn't check the matter for the rest of the ride. That was until you stopped by a clothing store and asked his opinion about a dress. No response came from his direction. Noticing his unmoving figure through the glass, your curiosity rised and you turned around to face him.
Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you.
The ice cream he was holding, was long forgotten in his hand. As if he hadn't even tried it yet. It was slowly melting and even dribbling down on his fingers. He seemed to be pondering something in his head, and it was too distracting that it made him totally unaware of the situation.
What was wrong with him? He always liked chocolate in everything.
"Is everything alright, Remus?"
Your concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up with confusion.
"Yeah... yeah dear, why?"
His dumbfounded expression assured you that something was bugging your man. And you needed to know what. Maybe it was the weather again? Or maybe a familiar person had showed up in the village?
What if you had done something wrong? You were clueless.
Finally, you pointed at his hand and as he glanced down, his attempt to hide that surprised expression was hopeless. His mouth formed into an o.
With a nervous chuckle, he quickly strode towards the other side of the street to apparently throw the ruined ice cream away. But you got a feeling that he was trying to avoid you somehow.
You wasted no time to follow behind him. When you arrived, he was flicking his wand to wipe away the sticky stains from his hand.
"I... I thought chocolate is your favorite flavor. Was it too sweet? Maybe you're thirsty, hm?"
"Thirsty?" He paused for a moment, pulling his robes closer and trying to sound unbothered. Even as casual as possible. His gaze lingered between you and your hand. "I- No, no. Just please finish that quickly, y/n."
Well, to be more precise, between your mouth and the ice cream.
It all became apparent to you. Was he... actually jealous of an ice cream?
Apparently so. He didn't say it out loud, but there was one thought in his mind. You should be licking, sucking and moving your tongue over something else.
Suddenly a mischievous idea crossed your mind. With a sly grin spreading across your face, you began to take a few steps towards him, backing him against the nearest wall in a narrow lane.
It was away from the mass of people around you, so nothing could bother or stop you.
Making sure that his gaze was still fixed on you, you brought the ice cream to your mouth and licked it up, taking your sweet time to swirl your tounge around its top, repeating it one more time.
Like an innocent girl.
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And all while he was watching intently. He was getting riled up and you liked to see it. This was your chance to help him unwind.
"And if I don't?" You spoke up in a low voice.
He gulped, his brows furrowing. "You better do it. And... don't give me those innocent looks. I could practically devour you right here."
A warm blush crept up your cheeks at his blatant remark. It was just the beginning and yet you could tell that your body was on fire. You obviously didn't expect him to play this game, but you weren't going to turn down the challenge.
Inching closer, you closed the remaining gap between your bodies and nearly pressed yourself against him. His face was mere inches away from you as his exhales fanned over your neck, sending goosebumps down your skin.
"Why don't you do it then, Professor?"
He drew in a sharp breath at the mention of that term, already losing his patience. "Fucking hell. Don't... Try... Me."
The rise and fall of his chest was quicker than before. You could feel the impatient beating of his heart from this close. He wanted you and only a little push was enough to make it happen.
"But you know what? I'm not interested in this anymore." You pulled back for a split second to throw that ice cream in the nearest trash can, then focused your attention back on him. Your hand slowly traveled down to rest on his groin, where you know he would have a hard on. Your words had him trembling slightly. "I'd rather get on my knees and try you instead. And then-"
Before you could finish, he snatched your hand and broke the eye contact. His eyes searched around, seeming to contemplate different options. Going back to Hogwarts wasn't a good idea, because he needed you right now. So he opted for the nearest place possible.
The Three Broomsticks.
Seconds later you were passing the huge crowd of visitors that were gathered in the pub. Apparently, there was a party going on and the Weird Sisters band were booked to perform there. As soon as you entered the pub, you figured that was the source of music you'd heard earlier.
But none of that mattered now as Remus held your wrist tightly and rushed up the central stairs, all while muttering curses and ruffling his hair. (A sign of him being on edge.) And it was all because of you. You were getting far too excited and aroused for your own good. Hopefully everyone at the place was occupied enough to not recognize you either, or else they'd question your sanity.
After reaching the upstairs, he went for the nearest room and to your luck, it was empty.
As soon as the door was slammed shut and locked, his lips were on yours in a passionate kiss, the sudden force pushing you against the wall. You wrapped one hand around his neck to pull him even closer while your other hand roamed all over his chest, trying desperately to get rid of all those unnecessary clothes, so you could feel him up more properly. You felt dizzy and light-headed over the heat that was already radiating off him.
Remus cupped your cheeks to deepen the kiss. The kiss wasn't anything soft and tender, instead it was rough and needy. Your teeth grazed over his bottom lip, eliciting a delicious moan from the man. Your tongues collided with each other in a warm battle and unlike usual, he didn't fight to prove his dominance over you.
That had you stunned for a moment.
When you eventually had to pull back for air, you caught a glimpse of his lust-filled eyes. Then a thought crossed your mind.
And so, it wouldn't take much for him to let you take the lead. You bit your lip at the prospect of that happening.
"You have no right to lick an ice cream like that..." He sighed into your mouth and your heart skipped a beat. His raspy voice, his disheveled hair and rapid breathing, even the chocolatey scent of his perfume which was mixed with the smell of sex and it all had you trembling with need.
A newfound source of passion surged through you. Smacking your lips to his in another make out session, you wasted no time in taking off his robes along with his brownish coat and cardigan. He effortlessly pushed up your blouse and pulled it off in a swift motion as you navigated your way across the small room and led him towards the bed.
You nearly tripped and stumbled along the way, but soon you arrived and he fell backwards onto the bed.
Seconds later you were on your knees in front of him, working your way up his legs to unbuckle his belt. Though you felt a little cold with the rush of air on your skin since you were covered with nearly nothing, it soon was replaced with a blazing desire as you were reminded of your determination to make him feel good.
"Let me make it up to you then, daddy." You mumbled in a low tone, causing him to shiver.
At last, you pulled down his pants and confines, finally reaching for his hard erection. He wordlessly watched as you wrapped your delicate hand around it and stroked him a few times. You swiped your thumb over his tip to spread the precum and then leaned down to place a soft kiss on it before swirling your tongue around his shaft in slow motions. Just like how you'd teased him with the ice cream.
This earned a groan of pleasure from Remus and his breathing quickened, a bunch of barely audible curses and praises leaving his mouth. He was getting more needy by each passing second.
Unfortunately for him, your plan was to tease him much more.
He lazily licked his lips and watched as you stuck your tongue out and traced the underside of his cock, not stopping for a bit as your suckled your way up to the tip and wrapped your mouth around him to repeat the licking and twirling again. Then you lowered your head and sucked him halfway in, stroking the rest that fit perfectly in your hand. You moaned around his length as another delicious sound escaped his throat.
"Such a... good... girl... taking me... so well, ah-"
You maintained the eye contact and began to bob your head up and down in a devilishly slow pace, interrupting his praises.
His gaze instantly turned darker and more intense. He was trying so hard to keep his composure and not buck his hips up or pull at your hair to take him deeper in your mouth. He liked how you teased him.
And you knew if you kept the pace properly, he'd lose his mind. He was already gritting his teeth to avoid that from happening so soon.
Remus was too stunned and worked up to say anything else. All he could do was to lean back and let you take the lead, as you knew he would. The room was filled with the delicious sounds he was making and it turned you on even more.
Your mouth was so warm, so wet, so eager..
Much to his dismay, you stopped and pulled your head up for a moment to gain your breath, still gripping him in your hand. He looked flustered and even a bit disappointed when the sweet stimulation was gone.
But he knew better than to complain.
"You like it when I suck you like this, hm?" You asked, a faint smirk flickering at the corner of your mouth.
"Ye- yes baby, so good."
He nodded hastily, head thrown back as he panted. You hummed in agreement and resumed the languid strokes over his cock.
"FUCK!" He swore loudly and his head snapped up as you suddenly took him in all the way and your nose nearly came in touch with his pubic hair. Your fingers began to touch and stroke his balls in a gentle motion and he saw stars behind his blurry vision. His entire shaft and tip vibrated in your mouth.
And between all of that, you felt more arousal pooling between your legs. You bucked your hips involuntarily in the air, desperate for some friction. Your free hand flew down to rub at your heat and provide some relief for you.
But Remus noticed that.
"No, don't do that... baby. Let me make you feel good. That's... mine... to touch-" He managed to utter the words breathlessly and it caught your attention.
"Oh?" You pulled back this time and got up from your knees. Your lips were darker and swolen.
He nodded quickly, his lustful gaze following your every movement as you took your time to pull at your panties and slide them down your legs, tossing the soaked material somewhere behind you. Then you climbed over the bed and rested a hand on his chest, pushing him down to lay on the soft mattress as you straddled his lap.
"But I don't think you're allowed to touch anything, Professor."
He raised a brow, confused at what you just said. You leaned down and captured his lips in a tender kiss before gripping his wrists and pinning his hands over his head.
To his surprise, a silk tie appeared out of nowhere, wrapping itself around his wrists and tying them to the headboard.
You secretly thanked your ability at using wandless magic. The tie wasn't too tight though, and he was strong enough to easily get rid of it.
But anyways, he definitely didn't expect that.
"You're such a fucking tease..." He grumbled, earning a develish chuckle from you.
"I know. And you like it."
With a wink, you began to slowly grind down on him, spreading your wetness all over his erection. It was literally a torture for him and by his expression you could tell that he wanted to fuck your brains out. You were giving him a taste of his own teasing and it felt.. naughty and satisfying.
Usually, he would be the one in charge. Remus was far too dominant for his own good. So this side of him was enticing and new to you. This was your turn and your chance to help him forget about the exhausting events of the week.
He didn't seem to mind it at all. On the contrary, he quite liked it when you controlled everything now and then.
And seeing him like this under you, never ceased to make you shiver and stir something deep inside you.
"y/n, let me fucking touch you, you witch."
His impatient comment interrupted your thoughts.
You stopped momentarily and leaned back, looking all too smug. "I can stop if you want."
"Fuck, no. Don't stop, please... please..." He quickly objected in a pleading tone.
"So tell me what do you want to do with me, Remus?"
You continued the grinding and bent down to place open-mouthed kisses all over his chest, nipping at some of his old scars.
"Baby, uh- I wish my hands were through your hair, pulling at it and making groan with pleasure as I touch you. I want my face between those pretty legs of yours as I eat you out and make you scream until you forget your name, begging to feel my mouth over your your sweet pussy again and again."
He revealed his fantasies so blatantly and you moaned at his sexy, deep voice.
Your hand went down between your legs to gather some of your wetness. You then brought it up to his mouth, and he began to delicately lick your fingers while staring directly into your eyes. You were melting and he wasn't helping your sanity at all. Next words came out more shaky than you actually intended.
"Wanna taste it more?"
The man nodded vigorously, his eyes droopy with need. You knew as a werewolf, he always craved your scent and taste.
"Yes darling. Come here and ride my face like a good girl. Let me have a taste.."
With trembling knees, you pulled yourself up and climbed over to place your legs on either side of his head. His warm breath was already fanning over your heat and by the greedy look on his face, you knew it wouldn't take long for you to come undone.
You slowly lowered yourself onto his mouth and your breathing hitched when he wasted no time in burying his tongue between your folds, licking and lapping like a starved man. A cry of pleasure escaped you as he sucked at the sensitive bud of your clit and hummed at the delicious sounds you were making, sending a shiver down your spine.
He swirled and twirled his tongue again and again, the wet sounds of his mouth driving you crazy. Your heart was racing madly in your chest.
"Hmm, fuck... you're doing so good..." You uttered out and tangled your hand in his hair (which was slightly damp from the earlier rain), the sensation quickly taking over your whole being.
Your legs began to shake, signaling that you were close. He stopped abruptly, sticking his tongue out for you to ride his face however you wanted. You briefly glanced down at him and then braced your palms on his chest, rocking your hips back and forth over the warmth of his tongue. The coil in your belly began to tighten, waves of electricity erupting in you.
"Oh fuck, I... I-"
Your legs shook violently and squeezed at his head as you finally reached your high and came all over his face. A feeling of euphoria engulfed you as you threw your head back and gasped out in pleasure. It was otherworldly.
He hungrily lapped at your juices and gave your swollen clit some kitten licks as you rode out your rather intense orgasm and caught your breath.
"Such a sweet girl, cumming all over my face."
Remus ran his tongue round his lips and chanted in a triumphant voice as you shifted to your previous position to straddle his lap, legs still weak and wobbly.
Your head was empty. No words could form a coherent sentence for you. When you looked down, his mouth was glistening with your arousal. Blood rushed to your cheeks at that seductive sight. You couldn't wait any longer.
And you didn't want him to wait either.
So without a word, you bent over and your mouth collided with his, kissing him deeply and tasting yourself at the same time. You ever-so-slowly guided his waiting erection to your entrance and sank down until he was buried deep inside you, both of you yelping and moaning at the same time.
You offered Remus a soft smile, maintain the eye contact as you got used to the stretching and began to move slowly. You drew yourself almost all the way out before sinking in again.
"Fuck yes baby... always so tight for me. I like it."
His intense gaze fell to where your bodies collided together. The way his length was appearing and disappearing in you, had him astonished and out of breath again. You were so ravishing.
Though you were still amazed at how obedient he was at not ripping off the restraints from his wrists, you decided to reward him by picking up the pace. So you rested your palms on his chest and kept on rotating and rocking your hips up and down, lewd and needy moans blessing both your ears all while.
"You're... so... big." You sobbed out and he was quick to respond.
"Yeah? Then use me and ride me however you want, baby."
He was in awe of your beauty. You were flustered, panting and so unbelievably hot as he watched. You were in control of everythingand it had him feeling dizzy and drunk. He needed to touch you and he could easily tear off that stupid tie, but he wanted you to allow him.
It was a torture having you all breathtaking and stunning close to him and not being able to give you the extra pleasure as you deserved, even though he knew how much you liked his hands.
Your worked on taking off your bra and your tits bounced with each thrust. You squeezed them with your delicate hand and that was his undoing. The man couldn't take it any longer.
"y/n, untie me please. Let me touch you." Remus begged in a gentle whisper, melting your heart.
You lazily bent over and released the tie from around his wrists. He instantly sat upright with you still straddling his lap. The new position pushed him even deeper inside you and it was insanely mouthwatering.
He felt so good.
His hands roamed all over your curves and cupped your breasts in his large hands, as if he hadn't touched you for years. You gasped ou and a new wave of electricity rushed through you.
Your mouth fell open, you were close to another high and it was more intense than before. One of his hands held your waist tightly to help you keep your balance, and he trailed his lips down the sensitive spots on your neck. Going down until he captured a hardened nipple between his lips.
You arched your back and felt the twitching of his length in you. Your walls clenched around him and he groaned, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm not gonna last much longer, baby.."
"Yes, yes... cum for me daddy."
With that, he bucked his hips up one last time and you both came undone at the same time, warm spurts of cum shot inside you and your whole body shook as Remus tightened his arms around you. He was panting breathlessly and his heartbeat was rapid and racing.
All because of you.
Minutes passed and you stayed in that position, coming down from your highs. You wrapped your arms around him and held onto him. He left gentle kisses on your skin and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Hopefully the music that came from downstairs was still loud enough to conceal all the sinful sounds you've been making until now.
"You did so good for me, you know darling? I simply love it when you're in control."
He praised and stroked your hair. You chuckled at how it all had started.
"Who knew a simple ice cream could lead to this?"
"That was actually... freaking hot. Now you realize that you're always welcome to have a seat on my face." You blushed at his words. Suddenly there was a knocking on the window and you turned to see what it was. Remus continued with a knowing smile. "But... you know what?"
He flicked his fingers and the window opened. You figured it was another ice cream as it flew and landed on his hand.
Chocolate ice cream.
But how?
You gave him a questioning and puzzled look. He only smirked devilishly and pushed you down on the mattress.
"I'm not done with you yet."
𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Sirius and Amortentia
Summary: Sirius and you have been secretly together and decide to announce it in potion class.
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Hogwarts was a bit of a chaotic school on itself but when you include the marauders it becomes even more messy. Just last week the Slytherin dorms were flooded with water, and they had made sure that their quidditch uniforms were red and gold for when they had to play against Ravenclaw. You never really had an issue with them but sometimes they could be a lot particularly when James Potter was declaring his love for Lily Evans for the third time this week – it was only Tuesday – in the middle of breakfast.
“My dear, lovely, Lily flower will you agree to go on a date with me?”, you had to give it to him, the guy was perseverant. Plus, he always seemed to think that Lily would finally say yes after three years of asking her out and getting rejected. As the red-haired girl throws her orange juice in James’s face, the rest of the students go back to their breakfast; just a normal morning at Hogwarts.
The bell rings and everyone starts to pack their bags to go to class, my friend Emily starts to complain about the two hours of potion class that are about to start. 
“I just don’t understand it! One wrong thing and everything goes to flame, and it always seems to be me cauldron!”, I rubbed her back to try and lift her mood up but the sight of the Gryffindor’s with who we share the class seems to bring her even more down.
“Plus, we have literally the smartest witch in our class, Evans. I mean how am I supposed to fail and learn when Slughorn is just constantly praising her!”, she let out a sigh and as we got closer to the potion’s door, I could feel her tense up.
“Listen you are maybe not a pro in potions”, Emily huffs at that and starts to pout. “But you are amazing at quidditch and transfiguration when it’s one of the most complicate subjects! And do not compare yourself to Evans, you are an amazing person on your own!”, she gives me a small smile and gets ready to enter the class.
“Alright everyone before you all sit down, I will assign you places.”, a collective groan rang trough the class.
I hear Emily starting to mumble something under her breath about how unhappy she is with the decision, but I don’t listen verry much as I catch Sirius’s gaze who gives me a coy smile. I feel my cheeks heat up but smile back at him which seems to make him happy.
Slughorn starts to go over the names and Emily groans silently when she hears she must sit next to Peter Pettigrew. 
“And lastly Black and Y/L/N”, I looked up at that and saw Sirius already going to our desk for the next semester. 
As I sit down next to him Sirius puts an arm around the back of my seat and smiles softly at me.
“Well, well, look at that beautiful we are next to each other for the rest of the schoolyear”
That boy always seemed to find a way to make me blush and once again a large blush was forming on my cheeks.
“Like you don’t see me enough already handsome.”, Sirius started to blush a bit at the nickname but then started to play with my hair.
“Mmmh well meeting in secret is not really enough.”, he was humming a tune at that and was looking at me with his big grey eyes.
“That is true, I miss you when you I can’t see you.”, the smile that Sirius gave me at that moment could probably relive Merlin. That boy was dangerously handsome.
“Well, we could always tell our friends… I mean the boys have been bugging me about why I always have a dumb smile on my face and a dreamy look.”, I could tell he was sincere with the way he was nervously playing with my fingers and trying to avoid my gaze as if he was scared that I was going to say no.
We had been together for two months and at our first date we agreed to first keep it between us to be sure of the relationship. It was my first relationship and Sirius had never really had a real relationship. You could tell it was getting hard for him to hide it from the rest of his friends.
“That is a good idea.”, Sirius head went so quickly upwards that he cracked his neck a bit. 
I started giggling at his face which was a mix of pain but a lot of mischief.
“Thank god because as much as I enjoy our secret make out sessions I really want to be able to kiss you and touch you all the time!”, the blush started to form again on my cheeks as he sends me a wink.
“How do you want to say it to them? I’m sure you want to do it in a mischievous way.”, judging by Sirius’s blinding smile I was right.
“You know me too well love!”, I giggled at the kiss he dropped on my cheek.
Slughorn raised his voice to calm the class and to start his lesson. 
“Today we are going to be doing the Amortenia potion, can anyone tell me what that is?”
A lot of people raised their hands and Emily seemed excited to answer that question.
“Miss Evans why don’t you tell us?”, I caught Emily’s eye roll at that and sent her a sympathetic smile.
“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.”, Lily finished her explanation and I felt Sirius move at that.
“I found our plan!”, he whispered at me.
“We make that potion, obviously it’s going to smell like the other and Slughorn will ask for volunteers to say what it smells like, and we say it then!”, I looked at Sirius in a bit of shock while he looked at me like he was Merlin himself.
“I guess it could work!”
“My plans always work!”, I laughed at that because that wasn’t true.
While Sirius acted offended the professor had tasked us with starting to make the potion.
After about one hour and a half of making the potion, everyone was finally finished and Slughorn was trying to contain everyone’s excitement.
“Before you all go and smell the potion, I want to ask some of you to describe what you smell in the potion.”
After the professor said that two hands raised up, Sirius and of course James. Slughorn seemed surprised but let James go first.
“I smell fresh grass, my mother’s homemade pie and a perfume.”, the boy seemed to blush at that last smell.
“Do you recognize the perfume?”, everyone was suddenly verry interested at the question.
“Yes… it’s Lily’s perfume.”, the class went into a complete silence at that, and everyone started looking at Lily who looked gob smacked.
“Well at least you know who it is my boy!”, Slughorn clapped excitedly into his hands to get everyone’s attention while James’s cheeks went as red as his uniform.
“Mister Black you wanted to have a go at it?”, Sirius nodded and smelled the potion.
“It smells like a wet dog, Misses Potter homemade pie and Y/N”, if everyone wasn’t already in shock after James they certainly were now.
“How do you know it smells like her?”, the professor seemed hesitant to ask and Sirius just started beaming with pride.
“Well, I would know how my girlfriend smells like!”, it was silent for a beat before the whole class erupted in chatter. But one voice went above all of them.
“That is why you looked like a lovesick goblin all the time!”, James was out of his chair and pointing an accusing finger at Sirius.
“Excuse you I do not look like a goblin, right love?”, Sirius looked at me waiting for an affirmation and while I nodded and started laughing at the two idiots.
“Yes, you do! And you can’t ask your girlfriend she is bias. Why didn’t you tell me you were together?”, at these last words James seemed a bit hurt, and I felt bad.
“Professor could James and the rest of the marauders be excused while we talk this out?”, Slughorn seemed defeated but let the four boys go out knowing that otherwise it would be worse.
Sneakily Emily went into the seat next to me and looked at me like a disappointed mother would look at her child.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”, I let out a sigh at that.
“It’s pretty recent and I wanted to be sure that it was a serious relationship before telling you.”, she nodded her head at that and gave me a small smile.
“I am happy for you but be careful. If he breaks your heart, I will kill him!”, I laughed a bit at that and hugged her side seeing as we were still in class and that Slughorn was trying to have everyone calm down.
The four boys came in when Slughorn said to go out early because he knew no one would be able to concentrate. Emily was busy asking me the details when they got closer to us.
“Sirius explained everything, and I want to officially welcome you to the marauder’s girlfriend club!”, Sirius slapped James head at that, and the other boy groaned in pain while Remus looked done with the situation.
“What James is trying to say, and failing”, James scoffed at Remus’s words. “Is that we are happy you make Sirius happy, and you are welcome to join us on our ‘adventures’.”, Remus gives me a kind smile and I felt myself relax. 
“Thank you that is verry kind, and I am sorry that Sirius kept it from you guys I wanted to make sure it was…”, before I could say anything Sirius chimed in
“Sirius?”, everyone groaned at that while he started laughing.
“Like Remus said you are welcome to join us on our pranks and our fun but if you hurt Sirius, you will have the marauders against you!”, Sirius started protesting at James’s words, but I could tell that it touched him, James really cared about him.
“Don’t worry it’s the last thing that I want to do!”, James nodded at that and gave me a big smile while taking Sirius between his arm and messing up his hair.
The two boys started play fighting while Remus, Peter, Emily, and I started talking and laughing at the two best friends/brothers. 
Sirius manages to get away from James for a second and takes the chance to send me a big grin before James starts to tickle him.
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marisolmedina · 20 days
🎨𝕊𝕠𝕝 𝕄𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕒 & 𝔸𝕝𝕝 (𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 @ 𝟘/𝟜)
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Perhaps it was just them, but the final two months of the schoolyear seemed to have disappeared within a blink of an eye. Sol truly thought (or maybe hoped) that there were two or three months left. That there was still awhile before summer would be here, before they would have the entire summer to work at the restaurant instead of taking refuge at the school before having to work their server shift. Of course, they knew that they signed up for this after moving back to Blue Harbor last summer. Yet... Being there was hard. They keep expecting to hear Arturo's laugh or see him mingle with guests; Always able to charm them and up their experience to overwhelming statuses. But he was gone. And he wouldn't be coming back. Sighing softly to themself, believing that the last customer had already head out, Sol headed over to the bar and began working on making themself a mojito. Humming and dancing slightly to the music playing over the speakers, one hand holding their drink and the other a damp, sanitized rag to go over any dirty table, they slowly roamed around the room to check what needed to be cleaned. However, the artist soon spit out their drink after realizing that they weren't exactly alone. "Hijo de puta!" Wiping their mouth with the back of their hand with the rag and trying to discretely hide their drink behind their back, Sol could only hope that the other couldn't hear how quickly their heart was beating in their chest. "Lo siento! I didn't realize anyone else was here—I was working on closing."
🎨𝕨𝕙𝕠: 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖!
🎨𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖: 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕠𝕤 ; 𝕕𝕖𝕖𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜
🎨𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟: 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟙𝕤𝕥, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜
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Hey my man, how are you doing?
Oh, sorry - I forgot to reply to the previous one, assuming you're the same anon. I'm doing neat, although school has been overwhelming me to no end with the amount of work that is expected of me. I have this one teacher, let's call him Robert. Robert is a weird guy - the type of teacher to crack a lot of jokes and do nonsense almost every time he gives a lecture. He likely has ADHD - his mood varies greatly from tired and withdrawn to bursting with energy. He can hardly stick to one topic and starts many things at once, usually finishing just a tenth of what he started. Although he can be funny, he is extremely exhausting. His schedules are messy and he tends to do very weird things, like grading tests at 23:44 the same day - either that or waiting a whole of two weeks to finally get to it. He is hard to comunicate with and plan anything as he is quite the messy person. But that's not the worst - worst is that he is overtly confident in himself, or has a large deficit of self-reflection. Maybe both. He teaches two subjects - history and social studies. He is clearly passionate, but his personality and lack of any deeper knowledge about the subjects (he's the jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type of guy) make it almost useless. He decided to give us a "thorough preparation" by... Now hear me out. Every week, he tells me (and the people that also take advanced classes) to:
-Take a test from the current topics - Take a revision test - Write an essay - Fill in a 12 page comprehensive worksheet - Attend his activities, during which we analyze a different set of worksheets - Be ready for unannounced oral exams (also comprehensive) Times two, as I have the awful, bad luck of liking the subjects he's teaching. I could say many things here, but I have thought, said, whispered or growled every curse word imaginable (and in Polish that is quite an impressive list!), five times over already. I'll just let you guys draw your own conclusions about if this workload is reasonable. Do also keep in mind that there are four other subjects I need to study at the same time. And somewhere in there I'm supposed to find time to actually take care of myself? And the energy to write? This. This is exactly the reason I decayed so much since the schoolyear began. This is why I sleep less than six hours a day. This is why I'm taking meds. As if I would have the energy to actually give my all with each of these in the first place. This is also the reason why my writing pace slowed down so much, but I still try to find time for it each day. These past few days I have been working on Dark Days for Miko as well as a Necro AU world history timeline and a story quest concept for one of the characters. Anyway, thanks for asking! *To ease your potential doubts - no, I'm not a minor. For obvious reasons you guys have to take my word for it.
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reading update !
friends. lovers. clowns. I'm going to be real with you: I am going the fuck through it. the schoolyear has started at the shit tier midwestern university that I call home, and that means I am once again up to my eyes in students having problems. this is the best job I've ever had and I think it's going to kill me.
none of that is your problem, of course, but it does feel like a necessary preface to explain why the list is a little on the short side this month and also why it's just. really all over the place.
what have I been reading?
Thirsty Sword Lesbians (April Kit Walsh, 2021) - I swear to god and jesus it's a ttrpg guide and not Locked Tomb erotica. I was gifted this for my birthday by my boss and his spouse (mostly the spouse, who spotted this at a farmers market in Kansas City and thought of me, bless her), and I'm really looking forward to getting to run some sessions! Walsh has put together a fun-loving, emotion-heavy system that's RIPE for creating dyke drama in every imaginable genre. the playbooks manage to cover a lot of archetypes - the Spooky Witch is a standout for me, I'd love to play one! - while leaving lots of room for customization and making the characters your own, and I like the way the mechanics prioritize the characters' feelings and arcs while also leaving options to be more action-based. the book can get a little precious about The Magical Power of Love Against the Evil Forces Capitalism and Oppression, but it's a sweet system that's obviously been with a lot of love, and the art if absolutely killer. I can't wait to report back on my adventures with my own band of thirsty sword lesbians.
Paper Girls Vol. 5-6 (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2019) - that's right, I finally finished it! and when I got to the end of the last volume I had to sit there very quietly staring at the wall and say "oh" to myself. I was delighted when all the twisty time travel bullshit was finally explained and the story still managed to feel very personal and intimate to the twelve year old girls at the story's heart - at the end of the day, this is a story about four friends doing their best to get home against all odds. I really appreciated that Vaughan could make the question of "will we still be friends?" feel so urgent when the question of apocalypse hangs so heavy in the series, and the ending was a bittersweet question mark on that front. it felt right - Paper Girls was never the kind of series that could be wrapped up too neatly. you should go read it yourself - and, I cannot emphasize enough, I do mean read it, not watch the amazon series.
Nona the Ninth (Tamysn Muir, 2022) - Nona the Ninth is a wildly jarring change of pace for the series that is, I think, wholly and hugely necessary to stop and provide better perspective on the world. I frequently see people commenting that previous protagonists Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus don't really "feel" like teenagers, and that there's no good reason they shouldn't be aged up except that Muir is trying to appeal to a YA audience. with all due respect, these people are very bad at reading comprehension and quite possibly piss on the poor. the personal tragedies of the Locked Tomb's characters are numerous, but one of the greatest injustices of the series takes place almost in the background, so deeply woven into the culture of the Houses that the characters hardly think to comment on it: the way the Empire feasts upon its youth, grinding them up in positions of leadership or shipping them off to the front lines when they're children and teens. and you see that so sharply in Nona! I'm not going to say anything spoilery but GOD, getting to see a main character who's just... a kid? just a really sweet kid with an extremely limited perspective who loves her family and kids from school and dogs and the beach and has no idea how truly, hideously awful the world around her is? it was so STRANGE to see a teenager being young and largely untroubled in this world, especially next to younger kids who are already concerned with selling drugs and killing necromancers. and that's so goddamn sad, and this whole world is a tragedy, and I love so much that some of the characters in this series are still trying to find ways to care for one another. I hope at least some of them manage to survive Alecto.
Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution [Revised Edition] (Susan Stryker, 2008) - a short and sweet read, and one that I like a lot for its ability to talk about the history of trans and gender-nonconformity without getting too hung up on, for lack of a better term, black and whiting. I understand the urge to project very contemporary ideas of gender and sexuality backwards to find commonality with the past, but it's so crucial to be able to understand how much ideas of gender and sexuality can change over very little time - even the relatively short span between Stonewall and now! Stryker, herself a trans woman, does a remarkably respectful job honoring the work of past pioneers for the trans community without attempting to tidy up or sanitize any individuals to make them more palatable for 21st century readers. a quick and informative read, with a solid place in my growing personal library of queer history.
How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America [Revised Edition] (Kiese Laymon, 2020) - it's fitting that Laymon is perhaps best known for his acclaimed memoir Heavy, because everything this man writes is heavy as hell in the most gripping way. I'd say Laymon passes being a challenging writer to be an outright confrontational one, by which I don't intend to perpetuate stereotypes about the "angry Black man" so much as applaud the way Laymon takes the reader firmly by the shoulder, sits them down, and says the quiet part out loud. Laymon is deeply interested in the uncomfortable truths that America runs on, and he demands that we all join in his examination. he's a relentlessly thorough thinker and writer, turning his gaze on a broad variety of topics: the disproportionate focus placed on "fixing" Black boys to make them more respectable, the way Black girls are seldom institutionally addressed at all, what it means for Black student athletes to labor for universities that still proudly sport imagery of the Confederacy, the overlooking of Black Southerners as a potential source of art and brilliance, the expectations placed on Black writers to pander to white audiences' limited ideas of Blackness. Kiese Laymon's nonfiction writing really is like nobody else's, tonally; he's so stubborn and ruminative and I love the way he talks about masculinity and love. there's a chapter that consists of five letters, written between Laymon and four other Black men, reflecting on all manner of things - Blackness, masculinity, queerness, incarceration, and more than anything else, the way Black men love each other. it's really something special.
Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service (Tajja Isen, 2022) - one early review that I saw of this book is that it's too topical for its own good, and that surely within a year everyone will have forgotten what Isen is even referencing in her essays. with all due respect this is absolutely bullshit and implies that the reviewer possibly only skimmed the book, or perhaps read a blurb and decided that Isen has only bothered collecting essays dissecting various flash in the pan subjects of Twitter discourse. in fact, what Isen as done is written brilliantly about various areas she knows well - voice acting and animation, university admissions and law school, personal essays and the publishing industry, the entirety of Canada - and neatly examines the ways in which those institutions overwhelmingly fail to engage in any meaningful way with the notion of racial equity, while putting on a show - the titular "lip service" - to give the illusion of doing otherwise. she's an excellent writer, and I particularly love the way she writes about literature. I'd strongly recommend this excerpt from a chapter on the publishing industry's new trend towards publishing stories that decry the stiflingly white nature of major publishers while doing absolutely not a damn thing to actually change their whiteness.
Run, Riddler, Run (Gerard Jones and Mark Badger, 1992) - before anyone feels the need to inform me of this, yes: I am aware that in 2018 Jones was convicted of possession of sexually explicit images of children and sentenced to six years in prison. I found out immediately after finishing this zany little comic, at which point I did an innocent little google search to see what the guys who made it have been up to in the 30 years since publication. turns out nothing good, in Gerard Jones' case. and I have no idea what to do with that information; it doesn't really change my opinion on this story but it does cast sort of a yucky shadow over what's otherwise a pretty alright story.
our boy Brucie learns that gentrification is pretty bad, actually, and that poor people have feelings that should be listened to rather than just bulldozing all their yucky old neighborhoods because you think you know what's best for them. like many of the best Batman comics, Bruce's isn't the most interesting part by a longshot; the real star here is Roberta "Bob" Cifuentes, a queer grassroots organizer who scares the everloving shit out of Gotham's wealthy with her militant efforts to save her neighborhood. comic books being comic books, things naturally get pretty zany - there's a team of robocops led by a guy still mad that the Berlin Wall came down who frame Batman for murder after he starts siding with the poors and that's like, probably because writer and noted sex criminal Jones didn't want to commit to just making straight up regular cops an unambiguous tool of oppression that Batman has to fight, which is some weenie-ass bullshit, but DC still probably couldn't publish this story today without getting screamed at for being pro-antifa. I'd say it's a solidly b-tier Very Special Episode if not for the almost entirely arbitrary inclusion of the Riddler, whose presence could be totally excised from the story really easily but also makes the story INFINITELY more fun. according to various DC sources that I won't be bothering to fact check this is the first miniseries to prominently feature the Riddler, which makes this a great idea from a truly reprehensible human being. he's in peak Riddler form - pissing off Batman, his boss, his own parole officer, and the Joker by being just absolutely fucking insufferable and frequently incomprehensible, contributing very little to the overall story, and visibly having a blast doing it. love that for him.
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