#and YOU that would smack my hands when I’d pick at my nails and tell me it’s a disgusting hav
doctorweebmd · 4 months
someone pointed out something I did the other day that I didn’t really notice I do and then I was like….. yeah why do I do that and turns out it’s stimming. And apparently I do it. A lot.
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#discovering behaviors that you’ve been doing your whole life that people found weird and annoying is stimming is fun!#… haha. ha.#person at work last night: is your shoulder feeling ok? I saw you kind of holding it#me who is constantly putting my left hand on my right shoulder: uhhhhhh…. no. I don’t know why I do that#me googling it about 30 mins laters: 🧍‍♀️#I mean on the one hand it’s nice that they’re adhd behaviors rather than like…. moral deficiencies I guess#but now I can’t unsee it#it’s an innocuous behavior that is going to make me super self conscious now#I’ve seen… very few (I can think of 2 on the top of my head) docs that I know or work with#that I’ve seen do stuff like this. but they’re both men and they’re both clearly hyperactive adhd#maybe other people are medicated or just better at masking#it’s nice to have a nice to a lot of the struggles of my entire life honestly#but it’s not like it makes it not a struggle or makes people mroe sympathetic#like my husband has the classic hyperactive adhd#and my forgetfulness and messiness drives him absolutely crazy#but his hyperactivity and emotional volatility drives ME crazy#and telling my mother about the diagnosis and what it means and she’s like#’oh I totally have that too!’ yeah maybe you do#but see it was YOU that told me I was a bad person for forgetting things#and YOU that said I was lazy and a slob for having difficulty keeping things organized#and YOU that would smack my hands when I’d pick at my nails and tell me it’s a disgusting hav#and YOU that STILL tells people that your physician daughter ‘gives up on everything!’#…….. do I have some bitterness to work out maybe#🤔#what was this about?#oh yeah anyway. I hope people don’t notice I do this shit#and if they do they don’t know what it means#….uh.#personal?
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
She brushes another kiss to his hidden face and settles against the car door, holding him. She thinks for a moment and decides on something old, a tune she heard on the radio once upon a time and never heard again; she’s warped it, now, no doubt about it, humming it from memory so long it’s changed to whatever she has made it. But Will recognises it from years of lullabies, picking up on the swooping baritones and mumbling the words into her shoulder.
“You know, that Han Solo shrine up in your room makes a lot more sense, now that I think about it.”
The melody dies in his throat.
“I’m just saying.” She bites back a smirk, swatting away his smacking hands. “There was a point in time I thought it was admiration, you know, but you have a lot of posters of that open vest —”
She acquiesces, this time, never having seen his poor face so scarlet, trying and failing to keep her laughter to herself. The tear tracks have long since dried and his breathing is steady, now, gangly limbs tucked into her ribs and hanging off the bend of her thigh. Flopped all over her like he used to to when he was young and she was still touring, when the world was too loud and too bright and too mean and she hid him from the sun. Her hands in his hair are to touch instead of soothe.
“Who’s the boy?”
“C’mon, babydoll.” She pokes at his ribs, grinning widely when he rolls his eyes to hide his smile. “Tell me.”
“It’s nobody, Ma, gods.”
“Yeah, right. Not like you were comparing having a crush to killing someone in cold blood twenty minutes ago. Clearly it’s somebody.”
He, very pointedly, doesn’t answer.
Unfortunately, he forgets that he gets his stubborn from her.
“Hm. Can’t be anyone I haven’t heard of in a few weeks, or else it wouldn’t be bothering you. What names have you mentioned?”
He looks at her in horror. “You wouldn’t.”
Absolutely, she would. Her smile widens.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess it ain’t Chiron, ‘cause then I’d have questions —”
“Oh my gods! Stop!”
“— an’ I doubt it’s that security fellow, with the eyes, although if it is no judgement —”
“I’m throwing myself out of this car! Right now! I’m gonna lay on the road ‘til someone hits me!”
“— Lord, you don’t mention many names. You’re a recluse, baby. You gotta make more than two friends.”
She stills. Will, perhaps guessing where she is going, makes a noise of deep, personal agony.
“Oh my stars, is it Cecil?”
“Ew, Ma!”
He strains against her hold but she tightens, hooking her elbow around his shoulders and flexing her other hand, pretending to examine her nails.
“It is, isn’t it? I mean, he is a very handsome young man. And he has a good heart, too, despite the — how to put it — distaste for the law —”
“I just threw up in my mouth! Right now! Stop it!”
“I should probably stop letting him stay in your room when he stays over, huh, that one’s on me —”
He wrenches himself away from her, finally, clambering over the seats and gagging like the mere idea makes him nauseous.
“Ew! Ew! I do not have a thing for Cecil, oh my gods, I might as well marry my cousin! Augh! I’m gonna throw up for real! Why would you even say that, oh my —”
“Alright, alright!” she laughs, kicking his rapidly repeating shoulder. “Holy Jesus, you are dramatic. I should call up camp and tell him you’re out here retchin’ at the mere thought.”
“Good,” Will says darkly, voice muffled from how deeply his head is buried in his hands, “make sure to also tell him he is a weasel.”
“And that I am going to deface his vintage Hot Wheels collection.”
“Y’all have a strange friendship.”
“He’s not my friend, I am stuck with him via circumstance and because he refuses to leave me alone.”
She holds up her hands in surrender, refraining from pointing out the friendship bracelet he is currently wearing with a CM on it and that has not left his wrist in four years.
“Alright, alright. Not Cecil.”
He scoffs in agreement, ignoring her rolled eyes.
She wracks her brain for other boys he’s brought up in their phone calls, aside from people in passing. Mostly he mentions patients, really, answering her endless inquiries — it will never stop astounding her that he baby can practically sew heads back on bodies; she tells people he’s in med school and preens at their wide, impressed eyes — but there are other people he mentions, in between that and the pranks he’s frequently pulling with his friends.
“There was that boy you were so excited to keep around. Nick?”
“His name is Nico,” he corrects, and then immediately goes scarlet. “I — I mean, I have a friend, named Nico, not that —”
Her grin gets sharp as nails.
“He is — unwell! He’s travelled a lot, he needs monitoring so I am — monitoring him, you know, out of concern for his safety —”
“Nico and Wi-ill, sitting in a tree —”
“Oh my gods are you five —”
“You are steaming! I can actually feel the heat pouring off of you right now! You love him, you want to kiss him, you —”
“I am never telling you anything again in my entire life!” he hollers. “Never! Next time I think I should tell you something I’m just gonna — swallow glass!”
She snickers. “Drama queen.”
He sticks out his tongue as she situates herself back in her own seat, turning the keys in the engine. His puts his dirty converse on the dash despite her grouching, reaching over to fight her for control of the radio, flapping his hand excitedly when she lets him win and something bright and overdone starts playing. His bandage stays where it is, tied loosely around his wrist.
“I’m glad you told me, you know.”
He smiles, small and genuine, leaning into the palm she cups around his cheek. The dimple in the centre of his right cheek is back, the scrunch of his freckled nose. She presses a lingering kiss smack dab in the centre of his forehead and he leans into it, trusting.
“I know.”
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just-horrible-things · 2 months
'Verse: Resistance AU: Chewtoy Timeline: Ari in captivity
When Riven claps Ari on the back, his hand comes away wet with fresh blood. “What's this?” he says, eyeing the red smear with distaste. “Blood.” “No shit. Who else is cutting you up?” “No one.” Irritation colours Ari’s tone. “I just reopened something. It's nothing.” “Show me.”
The instruction is only for show. He doesn't give her a chance to refuse or comply, he just yanks the back of her top free of her waistband and lifts it to expose her back. Ari bears it in sullen silence as his fingers prod and pry at the tender edges of the wounds. 
“You've been picking at this.” “I have not.” “Liar.” He swipes at the back of her head lazily enough that she ducks under it. “I have not,” she insists, “it's the middle of my back and I can barely fucking reach it, how would I be picking at it?”
He folds more of her shirt into his hand to better hold her still, and uses it to jerk her back into position for him to pry at her stripes. He presses down over the bleeding one briefly, as if to halt the steady seep of blood, only to immediately pry it open again with his nails. Ari hisses, and squirms perfunctorily.
“What is it? You finding lint in there or something?” Riven just hums, and clicks his tongue. “Is it infected? What are you looking at?” In spite of the pain she twists to try and look over her own shoulder.
“What’s wrong with you?” Riven demands. “What’s wrong with me.” Exhaustion saps the force from her incredulity. “What do you mean what’s wrong with me, that’s what I just–” “I mean, are you sick or something?” He runs his palm down her spine and she tries to step forwards again to get away from it. “You tell me,” she snaps. “What’s wrong with my back?”
She touches the stripes herself – not the one just beneath her shoulderblades that’s bleeding, but her lower back where she can reach. Her fingertips find the same scabs as usual, the same warm, tender skin between the cuts, no more swollen or painful than she expects.
She checks every day for infection. She takes antibiotics.
“If you didn’t want them to pull open you could give me less heavy lifting.” He tries to smack her again, catching just the very top of her head as she ducks it down. There’s not a lot of force in it. “I’m just saying. Sir.”
“These are a week old,” he says, finally releasing his grip on Ari’s shirt. “They shouldn’t still be bleeding.” Ari steps away from him promptly, tugging her shirt back down firmly to her hips. She doesn’t bother tucking it back in yet. He might not be done.
She can’t muster the defiance to glare at him, or the humility to plead with her eyes. She just looks at him, and he holds eye contact, clicking his tongue.
“You’re sick or something,” he decides. “Do you feel sick?” “Dunno, sir. I guess a bit.” She always feels like shit. She didn’t think she was sick though. She seems to get every cough and sniffle the prisoners bring in from the streets, but she doesn’t have a cold now. “Guess I’d better go easy on you for a bit, huh?” Ari drops her gaze. Does he want her to beg for it? Is it worth it? “Thanks, sir,” she mumbles reluctantly.
He checks her back every day for the next week. Trying to decide, no doubt, when she’s good for another beating. He doesn’t make her move any prisoners, or use the whip, but the daily examinations make her skin crawl. She’d almost rather have the extra pain than his hands all over her. 
But she minds her manners. She knows she needs the reprieve. If she doesn’t get some breaks sometimes, she’ll fall apart.
“Something’s wrong with you,” he keeps saying. Ari doesn’t feel like anything’s changed. Riven is what’s wrong with her. Is she supposed to be thriving under the abuse? “Are you sick?” “Are you eating right?” “You’re picking at it, aren’t you.” “If I find out you’re faking for attention…” “How the hell would I be faking?! I don’t even see what you’re looking at. I’m not the one saying I’m sick!” He slaps her, and she’s too slow to stop it turning her head and making her ears ring. “Sorry, sir,” she mumbles sullenly.
“You’re not healing. You’re not sick enough to not be healing.” She is healing. She checks her back every day. Especially with worrying about what sickness or infection Riven might be seeing in the cuts. It’s definitely healing.
If it’s slower than it should be, she can’t bring herself to care. What difference does it make?
After that he insists on putting ointment on her back, and bandages. They get soaked through when she showers, which means she’s uncomfortably damp overnight, but she doesn’t dare tamper with Riven’s work or he’ll accuse her of messing up her own wounds.
He gives her pills to take, too. A different antibiotic, which she accepts with indifference, and handfuls of multivitamins, which she complains about just for the sake of complaining.
The extra attention lasts about another week, plus a few intermittent check-ups after that as his interest wanes. Ari never figures out if she thinks he’s right about her healing too slowly or if he’s just being weird, or messing with her. It doesn’t seem important enough to dwell on.
Because her back does heal, slowly, and more’s the pity. She’s tempted to pick at it after all, as the cuts close and turn from red to pink. Riven just wants his canvas back.
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
Unnatural Combinations
I think most people are surprised when they learn one of my hobbies is taxidermy.
I know what you probably expect when you hear that- some shady looking Ed Gein kinda guy. I’m gonna clear this up off the bat. Not everyone that practices taxidermy looks like a serial killer, all empty eyes and unsettling grins. I’d like to say I’m pretty normal, as far as your average human being goes. I’m close to my parents, I have a good job, I even have a dog named Hamlet. But I also really do enjoy taxidermy.
I picked up the hobby almost… god, has to be like ten to twelve years now. At the time, I thought the same as probably most of you, that taxidermy was for people like Norman Bates or Leatherface. That changed during a highschool project where I had to shadow someone at their workplace. Since I was sick the day all the popular choices were taken, I got stuck working at McConnell Taxidermy with the stern looking Walter McConnell. Although I originally expected to be either bored or grossed out, it was actually a lot of fun. For the most part Walter and I just kicked back and watched TV and enjoyed his husband Bernard’s home cooking.
For the actual taxidermy though, I actually found it fascinating. It’s not all blood and guts, some of it is real artistry. I had a lot of fun learning about it, seeing what incredible focus Walter had while sewing together a squirrel, and I was surprised to learn which of the fish on the wall were real and which were incredibly accurate recreations. Walter loved animals, he had at least three rescued dogs and I lost count of the amount of cats that weaved between my ankles as we drunk root beers and sat on his front porch.
Anyway, after that week shadowing him, I ended up going back again and again. I admitted I didn’t really have the patience for hunting, which is where most of Walter’s business comes from, but he let me know that if I found a mostly whole, fresh piece of roadkill, he could see what we could do. After a month of searching, I came across a raccoon that was just what Walter said would work. With him teaching me, I mounted my first animal. I still have it, even though I can point out like a half a dozen flaws.
All I’m trying to say it that no, I’m not the next freak that’ll make headlines for skinning the neighbor’s cat… and the neighbor with it. I can, however, say that some of those said freaks do have that wrong idea about us. And one of them was Clarence Warner.
I first met Clarence when he quite literally ran into me I’d gotten some new taxidermy books and I planned on kicking back at the shop while I read them. I was reaching for the door when it suddenly burst open, smacking the books out of my hand and sending them crashing to the ground.
“Oh! Oh, oh no, I’m s-so sorry!”
The man hurriedly exiting the shop was a scrawny looking fellow, below average in height with extra large glasses that magnified his watery eyes with the bags underneath so dark it looked like he hadn’t slept in a month. The rumpled state of his sweater and slacks didn’t help the impression.
Before I could even tell him it was fine the man was on the ground, carefully smoothing the cover of each of my books, even the hardcover ones. “N-none look to be damaged!” With a nervous smile, like he expected me to suddenly clock him in the face, he carefully handed the books back to me. “I’m so s-sorry, do they look okay? Nothing r-ripped or damaged, I hope?”
I gave the books a once over. “You’re fine, they can take a fall. You in a hurry?”
“Yeah, uh, yup,” The man nervously bobbed his head up and down, “The shop owner, he uh…” he chuckled nervously, “he’s a bit frightening. I decided to m-make myself scarce. I’m Clarence. Clarence Warner.” He stuck out a hand that had nails bitten down so far his fingertips were all red and sore. I sort of just looked at my books before Clarence slowly lowered his hand, his ears turning pink along with his cheeks. “Right. It’s a b-bit hard to shake hands when they’re full.”
“Yeah…” I glanced in the shop, “Everything’s cool man, have a good day.” I side stepped around the clearly socially awkward Clarence and managed to get the door open with my foot, eager to end this bizarre confrontation.
Clarence’s piercing yelp nearly caused me to drop my books again. I turned my head back around and Clarence looked rightfully embarrassed.
“What’s your name?” He asked while staring at his feet, sounding like more like a shy first grader than a grown man.
“… Everyone calls me Bobby,” I bowed my head, “Have a good day, man.”
“Good day for you too!”
Clarence skittered off down the street, beelining for the nearest bus stop. I just shook my head, got the door the rest of the way open, and made my way into the shop. The classic rock station was playing, the room smelled of sandalwood incense thanks to Bernard, and other than me and Walter the place was empty. It seemed normal, but Walter’s usually unbothered, apathetic expression was replaced with an unnatural hostility that I’d rarely seen from him before.
“You okay, Walter?” I asked, setting my books on the counter before taking a seat on the bench.
Walter was quiet for a moment, watching the door like a hawk. “You spoke with the man leaving the shop?” He asked, his gruff voice quieter than usual.
“Just for a second, he accidentally knocked the books out of my hands,” I nodded to them, “Seemed a bit weird but that was it. What did he do?”
Walter’s mouth pressed into a firm line as he glowered in the direction Clarence had walked off in. “Asked questions I don’t like answering. Keep your distance. Want tea or beer?” Before I responded the man had ambled off to the back, coming back with two beers and setting one in front of me. I accepted, because I’m not the kind of person to turn down free beer, and I didn’t press the matter further. I figured I wouldn’t see Clarence any time soon anyway.
I actually ran into him again that night, while Hamlet and I were on a run. We were on the loop back home when I heard someone shouting my name. I skidded to a stop and pulled one of my headphones out, craning my neck around and seeing a shorter guy dashing on up to me.
When he was close enough, I finally realized that this was Clarence, and he was not looking so good. When he skidded to a stop his knees buckled, the poor guy nearly falling to the ground as he gasped for air. Not exactly a man in the best of shape.
I waited until he’d started to catch his breath before speaking. “Yeah? You want something?”
Clarence swallowed and stood back up straight, wiping the sweat off his pallid forehead. “So so sorry… to b-bother you,” he wheezed and for a second I thought he might pass out, “But you live around here too?”
At first I was tempted not to give him any information about where I lived. I mean, he weirded out Walter, and it’s hard getting under that guy’s skin. But I lowered my guard as I saw him struggling to get his breathing under control. “On this street, yeah. You going to be okay?”
Clarence bobbed his head up and down. “I have… Mild asthma. You’re… really fast,” He swallowed again and finally seemed to get his breathing under control. “I was just thinking about this being a s-strange coincidence, but we’re actually neighbors!” He pointed to the house on the corner. I did remember that the for sale sign had vanished, but I figured whoever bought it was going to plow it over, that place was not in the greatest of shape. “I was sitting on my front porch and saw you run by, I had to be s-sure it was you, Bobby.”
“Yeah,” I tightened my grip on Hamlet’s leash. I did not want my German mix accidentally knocking him over. “Why though?”
Clarence smiled. “Well, you were very nice to me today! I figured you’d be a good person to get to know if you lived around here.”
“What’d you say to Walter earlier?” I asked. “He seemed pretty upset when I entered the shop.”
“Walter- oh! The scary, elderly gentleman that runs the taxidermy place, right,” Clarence looked a bit sheepish, “I’m afraid I’m a bit poor at phrasing my questions. All I wanted to know was more of the process of taxidermy. It’s a s-science I’d like to know more about. That’s all.”
That actually relieved me. I’d been afraid that Walter was on the receiving end of some homophobic bullshit, but that didn’t seem to be the case. I lowered my guard and stopped gripping the leash so tight. “Yeah, no offense, you don’t seem to be the most… eloquent,” I said, deciding that maybe being subtle with this guy wasn’t going to work.
Thankfully Clarence didn’t take offense. “Everyone says that, I’m not really good with people,” He chuckled, jamming his hands into his pockets, “But I hope I can get along well enough in this place. Is everyone nice around here?”
We chatted for a few minutes. I learned he’d been recently divorced from his wife and lost his job, so this was going to be a fresh start. Any of my earlier apprehension quickly dissolved, this was just a lonely guy who just wanted to make a friend. Hamlet didn’t seem to mind him either, although he strangely enough didn’t jump up and try to lick his face- Hamlet thinks face kisses are the best to give to strangers.
When we parted, Clarence looked to be on cloud nine. “Thank you for n-not being upset with me,” He bowed his head in my direction, “I hope we see each other again soon!” With that, my bizarre new neighbor trotted down the street.
I glanced down at Hamlet. “Guess we should be nice to him,” I decided, giving my dog a pat on the head. Hamlet wuffed quietly before he started pulling on his leash to head back to the house. I didn’t double check to see if Clarence saw me head into my home, but I guess he had to have- the next morning there was a package of home made cookies on my doorstep, along with a note with yet another apology about the books.
Damn good cookies, even if they were oatmeal raisin.
Hindsight being 20/20, I really did drop my guard around Clarence too quickly. But it was hard to be freaked out by a guy who got winded running half a block and apologized for breathing the same air as you. I dunno, I just didn’t think he was very threatening. Even when things started to get strange. And by strange, I mean actually fucking horrifying.
We have a lot of pets in our neighborhood, and warning, this is gonna get gruesome, so turn away if you’re sensitive to this kind of thing. It was a week to the day that I first met Clarence that the eldest Waid boy, Brian, came to my front door.
I opened up to see the twelve year old staring at his untied shoes, nervously chewing on his thumbnail. When he first spoke it was so quiet I had to ask him to repeat himself.
“… Have you seen Cooper?”
Cooper was the Waid’s obese chocolate Labrador retriever. Good dog though, even if he was always begging at the summer barbecues and drooling like a monster. I shook my head, not even recalling the last time I saw the dog. “What’s up buddy, is he missing?” I asked.
Brian nodded, chomping down on another finger nail.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t seen Cooper. Tell you what, I’m about to take Hamlet for a run. I’ll keep an eye open for Cooper while I’m out, okay?”
That seemed to relieve the kid at least, I got a half smile out of him before he bolted from my porch and headed to the next house. I felt for the kid, I wasn’t particularly closed to the Waids but I knew Brian had some social issues. It had to be hard for him to go door to door like that. I went looking for Hamlet’s leash, figuring there was no way Cooper could get far. I’d seen him dozing on his owner’s front lawn without any supervision nearly every warm day in the summer. It would’ve taken a lot to get him to leave his comfort spot.
I figured it would be easy anyway, if the dog had just wandered off. But I combed through the neighborhood, even bringing Hamlet’s gourmet treat bag to try and lure out the greedy pup. I headed out again at lunchtime, and I even told Walter not to expect me at the shop that afternoon because I was looking for a lost dog.
It didn’t cross my mind until it was dark out that perhaps Cooper had not just ‘wandered off’. I mean, he was a good dog. I checked in with the Waids at dinner, all of the poor kids a wreck and the parents having not a clue where Cooper could’ve gone off to.
“After all, we just let him out a few minutes before we looked out the window and saw he was gone. I don’t understand how he could’ve gotten out of the yard and out of sight so fast,” Mrs. Waid said, although the way she fidgeted clued me in that she didn’t believe Cooper ran away. Of course she couldn’t say that around the forlorn Brian, telling the boy someone stole his dog would’ve probably broken him, but I could read between the lines. And it was the only possible scenario that made sense, although why someone would steal Cooper was beyond me.
The next morning when I was going to take Hamlet for his morning walk, I saw the Romero kids stuffing my mailbox with something. At first I was worried it was one of their pranks, but I opened up the mailbox to see a flier.
It wasn’t just Cooper that had gone missing the day before. Rocky, the Romero’s rottweiler, had also went missing around the same time.
Two dogs, one day. It was too spine chilling to be a simple coincidence.
I mean, the cops didn’t take it seriously. Two dogs missing but no one seen ushering either away or lurking around the properties, so clearly both just ran away. Just bad timing. Yeah right. No one in the neighborhood bought that, and by that night everyone was keeping a tight grip on their pet’s leashes.
That grip grew even tighter when their bodies turned up.
I just left the house with Hamlet for his morning walk when my dog suddenly barked and pulled his leash free from my hand, dashing down the street. He bolted right towards a dark shape next to the Waid’s dumpsters that I initially thought was a trash bag. It wasn’t until I got closer that I saw the pool of stagnant blood and realized the ‘trash bag’ was the lower half of a brown dog’s body. Someone had cut it in half, right about where the ribs ended.
I skidded to a stop. I stared for an agonizing amount of time, watching Hamlet growl while buzzing flies crawled between the viscera spilling out of the mutilated corpse.
Then I ran for the Waid’s front door and pounded on it. It was only about six AM, but no way… no way I was going to let Brian leave the house and see that.
This time when the police were called, it was taken far more seriously. It’s one thing to have a missing dog. It’s another thing entirely for the missing dog’s corpse, or well, half the dog’s corpse to be dumped practically on the doorstep. And although the perpetrator may have wanted it to seem like it was a hit and run, there was just no sign of the dog’s other half. Even if by some weird circumstance Cooper was torn in half after being hit by oncoming traffic, which is highly unlikely, we’d have to find some sign of the head and shoulders.
Brian was understandably a wreck, but his mom pulled me aside to thank me. It had been Brian’s morning to take in the garbage. If he’d seen that… god, I don’t even want to think about it. They didn’t give him all the details, but when the remains of Rocky were found later that day, dumped in a similar manner, I imagine he did get an inkling about the condition of his beloved family pet.
I knew one of the cops personally, he’s another of my neighbors, Tim Grove. We met when he moved here a few years back with his heavily pregnant wife Florence. She couldn’t really help with furniture, so I tagged in. Although my first impression of Tim was to be a bit intimidated by the big guy, we’ve ended up becoming pretty good friends. I’m actually go to babysitter for their son Harry. That night after the initial panic had died down, Tim came over to chill at my front porch.
“You know what dead animals mean?” Tim asked me as we watched the sun set in this previously simple neighborhood.
I just raised an eyebrow and waited for Tim to remember my hobby. “Not like what you do,” He rolled his eyes and punched me in the shoulder. “Like what happened today.”
I unfortunately had to nod. “Fucked up person. Really fucked up person,” I said.
Tim nodded, dragging his hands down his face. “Damn it. I don’t ever want to see another dead dog in my entire life,” He groaned.
I got the man a beer, not at all envious of the task that was in front of him. By the time I returned, I internally groaned when I saw Clarence with yet another gift for me, a wrapped up fruitcake. He looked about ready to wet his pants at the sight of Tim.
Clarence sighed with relief when he saw me. “I just came by with this!” He handed me his newest baked offering. “Um, I’m s-sorry, I didn’t know you had someone over already, I didn’t want to be a hassle, I just made too much m-m-mixture and-”
“Clarence, you’re fine,” I interrupted. “This is Tim, he’s my neighbor to the right. His bark is worse than his bite.”
Tim quietly laughed. “Hope you end up liking it around here, Clarence. Moved here little over three years ago myself, and well, other than what happened today, it’s usually pretty quiet.”
Clarence cocked his head to the side. “What happened today?” he asked. Tim grimaced and looked to me to handle this.
“Someone killed a dog. Two dogs, actually. Pretty messed up,” I said.
Clarence looked sympathetic. “Which families? Would they appreciate some baked goods?” He asked.
“Maybe give them a few days. But that’s a nice thought,” I said.
Clarence nodded and nudged his glasses up with a finger. “Goodbye then, I’ll speak with you tomorrow if we run into each other!” With that, he skittered off back to his house on the corner.
Tim waited until he was out of earshot before he turned to me. “That’s the guy that just moved in?” He asked, sounding carefully nonchalant.
“Yeah. He’s all right.” I unwrapped the fruit cake and sat down. “Bit bad at making friends, but he’s all right.”
Tim didn’t say anything, only twisting his mouth before eyeing that cake. “Sooo, is he a good baker?” He asked.
“He’s good at baking cookies at least. I’ll cut us some slices and you’ll find out if he’s good at cake too.”
Answer: yes, he was good at cake too. We quickly changed the subject away from Clarence, really we stopped talking about the events of the day entirely, we needed to decompress.
I imagine some of you are wondering why Clarence wasn’t top of the suspect list, since the mangled dogs showed up right after he arrived in town. And I think it’s because not many people even realized Clarence was there. He was just that invisible of a person. Hell, I wouldn’t have noticed if Clarence hadn’t made it a point to keep showing the fuck up wherever I was. Even then, I didn’t chalk that up to stalking or anything creepy. That’s how nonthreatening he came off as, even if he was bizarre.
Some people are just good at that I guess.
People of course took precautions. Never leave your dog alone in the yard, don’t let them out late, just keep an eye out for anyone who looked off.
It didn’t stop though. That’s the whole chilling part about it, the fact the pet killer saw people had their guards up and it didn’t stop him. More pets vanished, both cats and dogs of all breeds and sizes. In and out the thief would slip into yards, take their beloved pets, and within the week their butchered remains would show up near their home. Only parts and never the whole. I never let Hamlet off his leash when we were outside, which made him miserable, but the very idea of losing my best four legged friend was enough to break me. I’m sure any and all pet owners can empathize with that.
I never considered Clarence a danger until an afternoon I was watching Harry for Tim, a ‘work emergency’ that he didn’t want to go into too much detail about but odds are was another dead pet. That day I’d taken Harry to the park because he ‘wants swings time!’ I couldn’t say no to that lil face, it’s too cute. Besides, I’m not his dad. I don’t have to say no.
Harry was begging me to swing him higher when I heard someone softly clear their throat behind me. I turned my head around and saw a surprised looking Clarence.
“I d-didn’t know you had a son,” Clarence said, nudging his glasses up as he stared at Harry.
“He’s not mine, he’s the Grove’s,” I scooped Harry off the swing, the kid squealing as I set him on the ground, “This is Harry. I’m just watching him for now.”
Harry grinned and did that cheeky wave of his that made him seem shy, but it was all an act. Kid can and would make friends with anyone that gave him even a little attention.
I didn’t expect Clarence’s response, which was to immediately turn his head away and shudder. It was such a visceral reaction that I was, for the first time, truly put off from Clarence.
“Are you okay?” I asked, picking Harry up and letting him cling to my side like a little monkey.
Clarence kept facing away, but I saw his face going red and his eyes looking a bit wet. “It’s nothing,” He squeaked out, his voice barely above a whisper. He finally turned to face me, plucking his glasses off to clean them on his shirt and smiling at the little guy. “H-Hello, Harry. You remind me of my Trudy, you know?”
Harry beamed and waved again. “Hello! Hello!” He chanted, reaching to try and take Clarence’s glasses. Clarence chuckled and mock put the glasses on his face, but he couldn’t hide the genuine pain on his face when he took them back.
“Hello, and… a-another time, then,” With that, Clarence sped out of the park, not even stopping to give a more official goodbye. Harry didn’t pick up on anything being strange, but toddlers usually don’t pick up on social strangeness, he just wanted more time on the swings.
I did though. And I brought it up that night when I was chilling with Tim, both of us cracking open a few beers.
Tim was clearly exhausted, the last few weeks of animal thefts and deaths were wearing him down. He needed the guy’s time on the porch. It was after Harry was put down for sleep when I brought up Clarence’s bizarre behavior at the park.
“Why was he even there?” was Tim’s first question.
“Guy sticks to me like a burr to a sock,” I responded, throwing my emptied beer can into the trash, “I think he’s just… clingy. You know anything about him?”
Tim shrugged. “I ran a background check on him after he gave us fruitcake. Just to see if anything popped up, relax. Guy doesn’t even have a parking ticket, he’s clean as they come.”
“What about Trudy? Did he have a child?”
Tim sighed and reached for another beer. “Did. He did have a child,” He said. “That’s the one thing that really popped out at me, I kinda feel bad for the guy.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“She died. About a year ago.” Tim shook his head. “Clarence was driving home from work, got t-boned in the center of the intersection. He lost his left leg from the knee down and his daughter Gertrude didn’t make it. She was four. Life seemed to just fall apart for him after that. Divorced his wife right after he got out of the hospital, lost his job shortly after that. I didn’t want to give him a hard time, so I left him alone after I ran the check. Just had to make sure he wasn’t some kind of wanted serial killer. They tend to do that, you know- start with animals, work their way up to more… human prey.”
I sat there, completely stunned. No wonder he’d reacted like that around Harry, if he was still grieving the loss of his own kid that was around that age. As I headed back home, I resolved to try to reach out to Clarence more often, starting the next day.
I never did. That night me and the rest of the neighbors woke up to Florence’s bloodcurdling screams.
I ran over without even putting my shoes on. I didn’t even try to make sure Hamlet stayed indoors, so he ended up running outside with me. I just about ran into their door when Tim whipped it open, his face white as a sheet.
He only got out the word ‘Harry’ before he collapsed in my arms, nearly sending us both toppling over- Tim’s a big fucking dude. I helped him to the bench in the front porch before I burst into the house, unsure of what I would find.
I found Florence, still screaming in her child’s bedroom. The window was open, letting in a cool breeze, and Harry’s bed was empty.
I couldn’t get a lick of sense out of the hysterical Florence, so I stumbled back out to Tim, who was still white and was now trembling. I quietly sat down next to him and asked, “What happened?”
“… We put him down around seven. Florence only wanted to take a quick look at him when she was up and he was… gone. He’s not in the house. Where’s my boy?”
I didn’t even consciously think about it. I just remembered Clarence’s face in the park earlier that day, the look of tragic loss, and how it was now plastered across the face of my friend.
I still didn’t stop to get my shoes on. I bolted across lawns and down the street, Hamlet galloping after me as I ran to that quiet house on the corner. Clarence’s house. It looked somehow even more uninhabited than ever, the lights all dark and the lawn unkempt. Sometime since he’d arrived the front window had been broken and all he’d done was tape some cardboard over it.
Tragedy can make a man do some really messed up things, and I found that out the moment I entered the house.
Hamlet started snarling the moment I forced open the door. Hamlet rarely growls, he’s a pretty laid back dog. But he could pick up the wrong before I did. I heard the jangling of a dog’s tags down the hall and I turned on my phone’s light as I stepped further into the house. The place was still filled with unpacked boxes, nothing in any sort of order.
I almost reached the kitchen when out poked the head of a chocolate lab. A chocolate lab I only knew too well.
I froze. Cooper stopped only for a second, his head lolling to one side before he looked up at me. I panned my light over the rest of him, my hands shaking as I saw he was cleanly split down the middle, the back end of him taller than his front end and with short black fur contrasting with Cooper’s soft brown coat.
I dropped my phone, I heard the screen smash on the way down but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Hamlet barked, the hair on the back of his neck standing straight as his hackles raised. Cooper didn’t really respond, just meandered his way back into the kitchen and plopping down by the sink, next to a cat… a Frankenstein’s monster of a cat. I picked up my phone and panned the light over to see there was no less than four different cats sewn together to be one single feline, its glazed blue eye looking at me while its just as milky amber twin was permanently tilted towards the ceiling. Cooper, well, half Cooper and half Rocky just huffed while the Frankenstein’s cat groomed his ears.
I was shaking so bad as I made my way back to the living room. I collapsed on the couch, Hamlet whining and pressing his nose into my hand as I continued to tremble. It looked so wrong in a way I can’t even put my finger on, but I guess the closest feeling would be to compare it to uncanny valley- it was still a cat and still a dog, but at the same time it wasn’t.
Another cold nose, this one dry, rubbed against my ankle and I hauled my foot up to see another cat… well, half a cat.
I didn’t know whether to laugh hysterically or scream and cry at the sight of the two headed animal at my feet. One head was of an orange tabby with ripped up ears and the other head was a bichon frise that I recognized from a missing poster that was plastered on the corkboard at the grocery across town. The heads and shoulders were sewn together clumsily to the body of another animal that wasn’t dog or cat- the best I could guess from the bushy orange tail it was a fox.
That disturbing chimera stared at me with all four eyes before he clumsily clambered back into an empty box.
I forced myself to get up, fearing even more for Harry. I was leaving the living room with full intent to go get Tim and the rest of the goddamn police force… but that’s when I quite literally bumped into Clarence leaving his basement.
I just froze, staring back at the nonplussed Clarence. My new neighbor eyed the growling Hamlet, then looked back at me. Nudging up his glasses, he smiled. “I didn’t know you wanted to come over, Bobby. But I thought I heard you up here. Are you here for Harry?” He asked.
I nodded.
“Come, follow me. He’s downstairs.”
I don’t know why I followed Clarence when I should’ve bashed his head in against the wall and made a run for it, but I did. I told Hamlet to sit and stay, and for once the dog listened to me as I followed Clarence into the basement. The basement reeked, smelling so metallic I could almost taste it, and Clarence turned on the light to a horror show.
Blood and gore caked the area around a worktable in the center of the room, bloody needles and thread stacked up next to it along with a bin full of innards and bits of hide. Beside it, the front half of a raccoon attached to the back end of a dachshund was leisurely chewing on a piece of intestine. A murky tank of water was up against the far wall, its surface occasionally disturbed by whatever was inside. I nearly collapsed with relief when I saw Harry, unharmed, sitting on a couch and clutching a stuffed rabbit I knew wasn’t his.
“Rogue taxidermy. Have you heard of it?”
I nodded while Clarence took a seat next to Harry, patting the boy’s hair while Harry’s bottom lip quivered. “Like jackalopes. Not really my thing. Clarence, why is Harry here?”
“First things first.” Clarence nodded to the murky tank. “Take a look at my newest creation. Not every one worked out, but I feel this one looks the best.”
Deciding that just going along with what the potentially crazy and murderous guy wanted was the best course of action, I headed over to the tank. I nearly set my fingers on the side when Clarence cleared his throat. “Uh, maybe don’t… do that. Just wait a moment.”
So I did. In a moment, the water stirred and out popped the head of a goat. I jumped backwards with probably quite the yell, much to Clarence’s amusement as I heard him quietly chuckle.
The goat glowered at me before it flicked its tail above the water… its fish tail. As it swum circles around the tank, its lips twitched to show its flat molars had been replaced with what I could only assume were the teeth of various dogs, all janky and twisted.
“I spent a long time getting all the fish I needed for its tail. I needed them fresh, you see, so I couldn’t just go to any fish market and expect the freshness required.”
I turned back around, hiding my shaking hands behind my back. “What the actual fuck, Clarence?” I said, my jaw clenched so tight it was borderline painful.
Clarence tutted his tongue and covered Harry’s ears. “Small ears listen, Bobby,” He gently scolded.
“Not apologizing. What is that?!” I asked, gesturing to the goat monstrosity swimming in its tank. “What is… what is all of this?!”
Clarence got to his feet, putting himself between me and Harry, who was still cuddling the rabbit and clearly struggling not to cry. “You get a lot from a family, you know. Inherit so many things.” In this basement that stunk of death, Clarence had gone from the shaky nerdy fellow to a man confident and dare I say it, proud of his work. “I’ve inherited my talents, and of course the instructions, to fake life.” He nodded towards the dog-raccoon combo. “It’s not really alive, or it doesn’t have its soul from before. It’s running off muscle memory, which probably is why that goat is so poorly behaved.”
Before I could get it out, Clarence answered it for me. “And as for why, well, my ancestors have been playing with the dead for almost seven generations.” He nodded towards the work bench. “Go on, take a look.”
It took me a second to realize he was gesturing to a book, thicker than most dictionaries and bound with old, cracked leather. Still trying to keep Clarence at the corner of my vision, I picked up the book and flipped it open. The writing near the beginning was faded and written in such old English I could barely understand it, but as I flipped through the pages the words became darker and the language began to modernize. At the end of each section was a signature.
“My mother was the most recent author. I was her only child. Luckily for me, I lived long enough to inherit the book.” Clarence’s jaw clenched so tight it looked painful. “But I’ve not been so lucky.
“Trudy?” I asked.
Clarence took a deep shuddering breath before he nodded. “It was all my fault, you know,” A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye, “I’d been working far too hard. My wife, bless her, told me I needed to take it easy, but I wanted to- I guess I just wanted to make a mark somewhere other than the book, which would only be seen by family. I fell asleep at the wheel of my car when Tr… Trudy was sleeping in the backseat. We were heading home from a father daughter date, because I f-finally promised to take the time to spend time with her. I thought I’d have a hundred more nights like that, never even thought for a moment how it’d be the final time.”
He looked at Harry, eyes filled with grief. “No, he doesn’t look like Trudy. Not a bit. Trudy… my Trudy looked like her mother. Ginger hair and hazel eyes, had a beautiful smile. But this boy, it’s his soul that reminds me of Trudy. Good. Just… just so good. I promise, no animal in here suffered. I managed to procure some pentobarbital to help them go easy and quietly. Except for the goat, unfortunately that one had to be fought with a bit more. Quite an ornery creature, but I wanted to see if I could pull off making a seagoat. And I did, didn’t I? No one else in that book has succeeded in making separate parts work as a whole. It’s been tried of course, Mary Shelley was quite an inspiring woman, but I was the one to figure it out. I have to pass it on to someone, don’t I?”
The conviction he spoke with during his speech, I almost understood him. Almost.
I set the book back down and carefully approached Clarence. “But you can’t pass it onto Harry. You know he’s not your son. We can make this better, Clarence. You don’t want to hurt Harry, right?” I said, trying to speak in a calm voice and not with the fury I felt for the sake of this little guy.
Clarence’s face contorted in horror. “Of course I wouldn’t!” He said.
“Can’t you see how scared he is then?” I gestured to the little boy. “Was that Trudy’s bunny? He seems to like it.”
Clarence swallowed audibly. “She named it Rosie,” He said.
“You don’t want to hurt Harry, but his dad? He’s in agony right now. Just like you were when you lost Trudy.” I took another careful step towards Harry, trying to gesture for the little boy to come to me but he seemed about glued to his seat. “You don’t want to hurt someone like you were hurt. You didn’t even want to hurt these animals, you just wanted to create something new, and you did. It’s… it’s beautiful, Clarence. You’ve really done something incredible.” My stomach turned at the lie, but I was just trying to calm this guy down as I inched closer to Harry. “Let’s go to Tim and return Harry. We can get you some help. I’ll be with you every step of the way. It’s not too late to make things right.” I was now right up next to Clarence, who was staring at his hands. “We can make this right?” I asked. He didn’t respond, just staying still. I took that as a sign of acceptance, so I reached for Harry.
My first mistake was assuming Clarence’s stillness was a sign of surrender. My second mistake was assuming that Clarence wasn’t as wimpy as he looked.
He moved like lightning, one second I was reaching for Harry and the next I was flat on my ass with stars exploding in front of my eyes and my head screaming in pain.
Clarence stood, his face a careful mask as he patted Harry’s head. “I’m sorry, Bobby. But I know there’s no returning from what I’ve done.” He leaned down to look at me, smiling that friendly smile that now made my skin crawl. “I won’t kill you. You can tell Tim and Florence I’ll take great care of Harry. He won’t even miss them, with all the things he’ll be able to learn from me.”
With not many options, I did probably one of the lowest things I could’ve done.
I smacked Clarence’s left leg out from under him. It hurt like hell to whack his prosthetic, but it had the desired effect. Clarence immediately lost his balance and he tumbled to the ground. My head still swimming with pain, I scrambled to get up and scooped Harry up, who finally began to wail as I held him in my arms. I tried to head for the stairs, but by then Clarence had gotten back up and limped his way in front of me, cutting off my mistake. He was still so calm, not at all mad about my retaliatory attack.
“You’re not leaving with Harry,” Clarence said. “I won’t kill you, I promised and I don’t break promises, but I will hurt you if it means I’ll have him.”
I backed away, now not at all sure of what Clarence was capable of now. Sure, he said he wouldn’t kill me, but would him killing me count if he could just bring me back right after?
I kept stepping backwards until I nearly bumped into the tank. I heard the gnashing of the seagoat’s teeth behind me and it occurred to me that not all of Clarence’s creations were happy to just chill and eat their own guts.
I bolted behind the tank and with one strong kick, I knocked that tank over.
The tank’s water spilled across the floor and the seagoat flopped about, trying to find balance with only two legs and a fish tail. Its strange yellow eyes rolled back towards me for a second and I briefly panicked, thinking it might be come for me, but it thankfully its murderous gaze focused back on Clarence.
With a watery bleat, the seagoat lunged at Clarence, who screamed as he was tackled to the floor. While Clarence tried to hold that thing back and prevent it from biting his nose off, I bolted for those stairs.
Hamlet was still waiting upstairs, thank god, and we ran out of that house while Harry bawled and held onto my neck so tightly I couldn’t breathe. I ran back down the street where the cop cars had now surrounded Tim’s place.
Even if my head was absolutely killing me and the horrors of that house were still making my stomach churn, it was all worth it when I burst into the house with Harry in my arms and seeing both Tim and Florence’s expressions of despair turn to pure joy.
People are still calling me a hero, which I will admit feels pretty nice. Walter says I get free use of his taxidermy space for the rest of his life, which would sound pretty neat but he never charged me before, so it’s mostly a joke. I don’t think Tim has let a day go by without thanking me, and Harry is still my little buddy. He’s bounced back pretty well, a doctor’s visit confirmed he was perfectly unharmed and he was always a pretty happy go lucky tyke.
Of course, people called for Clarence to be drawn and quartered, but the bastard got the last laugh. It wasn’t even an hour until the cops were breaking down his door, and although they did find a few sewn together animal corpses, Clarence was nowhere to be found… and neither was his book or the damn seagoat.
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tteokbokkei · 3 years
𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺
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pairings - akaashi, iwaizumi x gn!reader
warnings - swearing, reader gets called clingy, small amounts of arguing, hurt comfort ofc
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Chances are he got to engrossed in work because it’s not like akaashi to forget something like this
Really, he remembers almost everything when it comes to you so when you were still sat alone at 10pm on your birthday, you began to worry something had happened to him
There was no dinner ready and you hadn’t dressed up yet, thinking Keiji would come home and tell you what you were doing
Yet you found yourself ringing his phone for the 5th time that night, this time he answered
“What y/n I’m really busy?” His tone led you to believe he wasn’t in the best mood
You asked him when he would be home and that seemed to set him off
“I told you i had to do things today okay, I won’t be home until later I don’t get why you have to know what I’m doing all the time. Think about me for once”
And with that you hung up, it was obvious what had happened.
Keiji felt guilty yeah, but he did need to work and he knew that he could just apologise when he got home. Sure, it wasn’t like you to just hang up but he figured you were also tired from the long week and left it at that. It wasn’t until he opened his messages he felt his blood freeze.
There, screaming at him from the screen of his phone, was a text from bokuto that read ‘hey, y/n isn’t picking up could you say happy birthday for me man?’
He had to get home.
By the time the black haired man had arrived back home, he was soaked from the rain and biting at his nails nervously. The lights in the house were all off and he just hoped to god that you were still inside the house. Even though it would be perfectly within your right to not be.
The living room held a silence that he had never quite hated as much as he did now. The pile of openers cards from your friends seemed to taunt him from the coffee table. How had even atsumu remembered and he hadn’t? He was your boyfriend. He hoped he would still be when he finally found you. You were curled up on your side in your bedroom. Obviously not asleep but not showing any signs of acknowledgment either. Guilt tugged at his stomach.
“Y/n” he started, trailing off
What was he supposed to say to you? ‘Hey sorry I forgot your birthday and called you selfish’. Yeah, great going Keiji.
“Y/n I’m really sorry and I know that probably won’t make it better and I can’t take back what I said to you.” He drew in a shaky breath, “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to forget about you I’ve just been working so hard and-“
A sob cut him off. His soft hand on your shoulder broke your resolve and you allowed him to turn you around.
“Just,” you sobbed, “please don’t do it again Keiji, all I do is think about you”
He wrapped his arms around your shaking form, pulling you into his embrace.
“I know, I should’ve been thinking more about you. I’m so sorry sweetheart, I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow”
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Hajime had always been a pretty busy person, this was evident ever since you started dating
Now it was his final year though, you had never seen him more stressed
So, you decided to show up to one of his practices on your birthday, for the past 2 years he had always left early or at least with you when it was a special date
And it was your birthday but that didn’t mean you couldn’t treat him too and you know how hard he had been working, so you made a bento
The moment you walked in to the gym it was like everyone but him lit up, the third years came over to say hi and even Kyoutani sent you a quick nod
You tapped your boyfriend on the shoulder and when he didn’t reply you went for a hug, only for him to move at the last minute
“Why are you here y/n?” He asked coldly
You explained to him that you wanted to come see him like always, not mentioning your birthday in case it was a joke, he wasn’t laughing
“A little clingy don’t you think? You text me all day and now you come and interrupt practice? Why are you so needy today damn?”
You just turned and walked out, hoping nobody had heard your conversation
“Hey Iwa aren’t you gonna leave early?” Matsukawa asked him at the end of practice.
“No, why?” He had calmed down significantly now and had forgotten what he said to you
“Uh… cause it’s y/n’s birthday?” Makki called from behind the net, “you do it every year, right?”
Iwa dragged his hands down his face. He had been too stressed to even remember what day it was let alone your birthday. And now he had forgotten you completely after making those comments.
“Why would they want to?” Kyoutani growled up from his sweeping, “after what you said to them”
A dozen pairs of eyes seemed to bore into his soul. Guilt had stolen his breath and his head was spinning but he knew he had to go and fix this before it was too late.
You were sat on the cold step of your house, sobbing into the sleeves of one of your boyfriends jumpers. You should probably give that back. If your conversation earlier was anything to go by then he wouldn’t be keeping you around much longer. Staring at the fabric, now stained with your tears, you thought about what he said. Maybe you were clingy.
You looked up to see a very out of breath Iwaizumi runnning towards you, face flushed
Looking down, you grumbled a quick ‘what?’. You were hurt and the balloons attached to your bag were smacking against the side of your house as if taunting you.
“You know Iwaizumi” he flinched at the use of his last name, “if you wanted to break up, you could at least have the decency not to do it on my birthday”
“No y/n, I would never- I don’t want to break up” he cried, words were failing but he carried on, “I’ve been so stressed looking after the team and Oikawa with his knee I just forgot”
When your eyes met it felt like his heart had broken in two. Your eyes were glistening with unshed tears and you had obvious tear tracks down your face. A nod let him know it was okay to carry on.
“Please, I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to forget, can we try again tomorrow? I’d never hurt you on purpose”
Tears began running down your cheeks again.
You nodded and the man pulled you in for a kiss, not caring about the taste of your salty tears. Murmuring ‘I love you’ against your lips, he pulled you in as close as he could to you. Like he would never let you go.
It might not have been the best birthday but you were content knowing he would always try his best to make up for the things he does.
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reblogs are appreciated! and i'm a new blog so any asks and follows are extra cool!!!
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mxpseudonym · 3 years
Not Good Enough
Pairing: Luca Changretta x OC (or she/her pronouns reader)
Summary: Luca decides it's time to call it quits before anything dangerous happens. Of course, he hasn't quite thought through how this would go.
Length: 993
Warnings: None
A/N: I love that these are getting longer and longer 😂. This is the same OC from Get a Real Hobby and I Don't Like You, I Just Want You Here Forever.
(By the way, I didn't realize the major plot hole of where exactly does OC live? I don't know how to fix it other than just saying she lives in her own secure luxury apartment that Luca pays for and basically lives in as well cause he's always there. She'll eventually live with Luca.)
She knew when he called her by her first name that something was wrong. It had been ages since Luca had called her anything but Blossom. She almost thought he'd forgotten her name altogether.
"What? What is it?"
She walked slowly from her place at the living room entry to where he sat on her couch, elbows on his knees and hands clasped in prayer. Her heart was thumping loudly, preparing for anything.
"Maybe, maybe we shouldn't get married," Luca said.
She sighed and dropped the bags she held before sitting next to him and placing a hand on her chest.
"Jesus Christ, Luca, you can't scare me like that. And what the fuck are you talking about? Of course, we're getting married," she scoffed, smacking his arm. Under any other circumstance, he'd laugh and tease her for declaring it so clearly and proudly before him. But today was different.
"Listen. My family, we've got trouble, alright? My brothers have made a mess of things overseas. Worse than my mess with the robbery before I got here. I told you about that, didn't I?" He asked.
"Uh-huh," she nodded. Luca told her everything. She gave him a look that told him to get to the point.
"My cousins are stirring things up with the local gangs. I heard some of these kids don't care about honor. They'll take down whoever. I'm not letting that happen to you, alright? You can keep the apartment, and I'll take care of you. You don't have to worry about anything."
Luca included the promise while keeping his eyes on the leather shoes she'd helped him pick out that morning. There was a pause before she huffed, shaking her head.
"That's not good enough," she said quietly.
"That," she stopped him, loud and firm now as she stood. "That is not good enough. It wouldn't be good enough on an average day, but it's definitely not good enough today when I just spent hours with your mother, promising her I'll be a good wife to her son and proving that I can cook. By the way, I almost divulged a secret family recipe for you, okay? Come spring, you're meeting me at St. Bernadette's, and we're getting married in that church."
Luca looked at her in some surprise. They always kidded, and he, for the most part, knew she loved him. But a tiny part of him that could be real loud sometimes, thought she'd jump at the chance not to marry him. At the very least, he thought she'd be okay postponing it. But spending the day with his mother on her own accord? Exchanging recipes? What was this side of her?
"Are you hearing me?" He asked anyway.
"Unfortunately so. I've been sitting here hearing you give up. I'm hearing you be a coward. You are a lot of things, Changretta, but chicken? That's new," she tsked, turning away from him.
She faced the other side of the room and placed a hand over her chest as discreetly as she could. She'd likely never admit it, but the pang she felt in her chest at the idea of walking out for the apartment without Luca was unbearable. How dare he make her love him and then do something like this? She heard him moving until he placed his warm hands on her shoulders.
"You are most important to me."
"And do you protect things you'll cherish from a distance?"
"If you were hurt,"
"Like now?"
There was silence until he let out a sigh. She could feel him trembling with aggravation and turned to reason with him only to find him laughing to himself.
"Why are you laughing, you sick monster?" She grimaced and moved away from Luca in case he was losing his mind before her very eyes. His husky laugh, the one she loved and reminded her of home, eased her while he rubbed his temples.
"I cannot believe I've found a woman who is so stubborn she won't let me leave her. As if it was your idea to get married in the first place."
"For fuck's sake." She rolled her eyes and moved to walk past him, only for Luca to sweep her into his arms.
"You're smart, huh?" He asked. She nodded immediately.
"I'd say so."
"Then I'm trusting you're thinking this through. I told you the problem, and you'd rather be with me instead of safe somewhere." He reminded her of what she was giving up. And still, she nodded without hesitation.
"If safe means all your hard work in getting me to stay with you goes out the window, and I lose something important to me, then I don't want it."
"Alright," Luca agreed. All he needed was her to say it.
Luca leaned down and pulled her into a kiss. He'd never stop worrying. But something told him that any person willing to go after the love of his life would have hell to pay. She was no docile thing, which was only proven when she moved away from him all too soon.
"And never say that to me again. You come home, and you tell me that you had a bad day, and we talk about it. Don't go deciding shit like that on your own," she scolded him, pressing her manicured nail into his chest. Luca grabbed her hand, pulling her into his chest with a chuckle.
"Yes, ma'am," he murmured against her cheek between kisses. He could feel her face warm from his caresses even as she told him he was too silly. She mumbled into his shirt, and he leaned back. "What was that?"
"That's not my name," she said with furrowed brows and a slight pout. He had to bite down on his knuckle not to laugh out loud. When she was this adorable, it went straight to his heart.
"You're a fucking riot, Blossom."
"Yeah, I am. And you're gonna be Mr. Blossom whether you like it or not."
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
Mx Any Taglist: @cactisjuice
If you're a follower and would like to be on a taglist, please message me via dms or asks. You can be on a list for a specific character, for smut, or for any time I post.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Ssssooooo I'm gonna keep the "only one bed" trope train and ask for it with maybe Heisenberg? I know you're obsessed with him dont even deny it uwu
*vibrates excitedly* oh BOY!!!!! Thank you Dia, you always gimme the prompts my little heart wants. Shout out to @akumaalert I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to include Karl’s powers being on the fritz due to, sensations, and that wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for your brilliance!
I’m going off the friggin rails here so,
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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There was a voice in the back of your head that sounded too much like your mother.
It kept yelling at you that this was unsavory, that this wasn’t modest of you and your teachings. Who were you to lie with a man? A man you weren’t bound to, a Lord on top of it. All those sinful talks in the big black book circled your mind like vultures.
But he had offered, no?
It was pouring out after all, a big bad storm complete with thunder and gusts of wind that would’ve blown you away probably.
The nature of this friendship? Complicated, very very complicated. You had racked your brain over it as you had buttoned up one of his shirts and climbed into his bed just as another clap of thunder sounded. It made you scurry, somewhat not as elegantly as you may have liked but nevertheless it didn’t stop him from laughing at you.
For such a large factory it only housed one bedroom which just so happened to be his own. He had every intention of sleeping somewhere else, some way, but you had insisted that it wasn’t fair. The storm wasn’t his fault or your own, the living accommodations weren’t either.
So here you were.
In bed with Karl Heisenberg.
Falling a sleep had proven quite difficult, the insistent slide of pencil on paper, the storm and its monstrous sounds. There was a distant revving of something you couldn’t quite name.
You turned to face Heisenberg with every intention of passing the time.
Or at least to help yourself to ogling him.
Your mother voice rang again.
Unsavory, so unsavory.
But he was there, shirtless, sturdy, muscle in his arms and missing those damned shades for once. Whatever he was scribbling had his undivided attention, as you snuck a glance you saw drawings instead of words.
He could draw?
Rather good too.
“What is that?” You tried to lift your gaze but a large hand fell on the page to obscure your snooping. “Nothing, just ideas” He flipped the page, the white of it begging for ink.
“My apologies… I didn’t know you could draw though” He could still see curiosity adorned in your gaze, a noticeable silence falling as your stared up at him. You wanted something, that’s all he could tell.
“…What do you want me to draw?” He huffed out, even if you excitedly sat up in bed and rested against the headboard with a big smile. “Hmm, surprise me or maybe draw me?” You chuckled but went quiet when you watched him scoot down to the end of the bed onto his side. He flipped open the note book again and squinted at you.
“How opposed are you to taking your clothes off?” He smirked and in turn you rolled your eyes.
“Depends, let’s see how well you draw me first” You shot back with every intent of dishing out what he was. Heisenberg chuckled before picking up the pen to start on the newest blank page. “You better keep your mouth shut about this, don’t want villagers lining up to get my works of art” His movements seemed almost mechanical, eyes occasionally lifting to meet you as he did. “There’s enough pictures of your mother in everyone’s homes, hm?” You watched his eyes roll again but he remained silent, he stole another glance at you, eyes roaming your chest now.
Something about that made your skin warm, a nice blush found itself onto your cheeks.
“You draw everyone woman you get into bed?” You asked rather quietly, the small pin prick of jealousy manifesting in your fingertips.
“No, much to your surprise I don’t have all the women of this village in here for sleepovers” His gaze fell to your now exposed legs and the urge to cover them increased but he was quick to tap the end of his pen on your approaching hands. “Stop moving,” He returned to the notebook with a concentrated chew on the inside of his cheeks. The strands of silvery hair fell in front of his eyes and you wished that maybe you too possessed the ability to draw and capture him.
He was handsome.
Those pesky sinful thoughts found you again and with that came the urge to do something about it.
“You better fucking like it, this is reserved for projects after all” He let the pen rest on the bed and flipped the note book towards you.
Your eyes went wide.
It was a sketch, not polished but there in the scribbly lines of black was your face and your body. The messy details perfectly representing you. Your drawn eyes stood out to you, the slight fall of his shirt on your shoulder stood out to you, the way he took more time to detail your legs stood out to you.
“Is that stunned silence? It’s shit isn’t it?” He glared at the page, eyeing up all its faults but you were quick to move and shake your head. “It’s not shit! I’m just- Karl this is beautiful, you’re talented” You observed the image again, a small crinkle at the corners of your mouth.
“I’d ask to keep it but-“ He took the notebook back, not relenting even as you pouted. “Nope, I like this, all I usually have on here is ugly inventions” And corpses, he obviously left that out. He continued to admire the drawing before he grinned, letting hazel eyes fall on you from above the notebook. “Well?” He simply asked and you knew.
“Might come back here for the nude study if you’re going to make me look this nice” You shamelessly flirted back. Heisenberg laughed, a true sound with not ill intentions. “Well I’m sure arrangements can be made” He closed the note book but his eyes soon found your own, close enough that he could smell the oils that had touched your skin this evening. With a bite to your lower lip and a steadying beat of your heart you leaned in close to him. Heisenberg’s lips pursed momentarily, the anticipation of your lips coming down on his own making something electric pulse inside of him.
But you stopped, an inch away from his lips.
His brows furrowed at being denied and that fact that you found that so endearing made you muffle a laugh between your tight lip smile.
Of course, he had to make you shudder, rub his knuckles across your cheek and dig his fingers into he back of your head. “What, pup?” His voice was barely a whisper, the sounds vibrating against your bottom lip and chin. The gentle nudge to close the distance left you breathless.
His lips were surprisingly soft, the scar noticeable against your lips but the bumpy tissue only served to make you melt against him. It was short, several gentle touches that made you shiver as you felt his nails scratch into your scalp.
Pressing your forehead to his own you sighed, want was there and he could feel it, taste it against your lips, feel it in the shiver on your flesh. A small zap hit your skin and the small yelp that escaped you only served to make him chuckle. “Did you just- was that electricity?” Your skin felt prickly suddenly, he only grinned more like a mad dog. Heisenberg wrapped an arm around your waist and yanked you beneath him, the series of shrieks you let out only making him laugh more. “You can be such a beast” They way your hands landed on his bare chest to smack him was short lived.
Some retaliation was to be had. So you scratched your nails down his body before landing on his waist. The tremble of his arms as he held himself above you made you smile. With a gentle nudge of your knee you trapped him in between your legs, pulling him down onto you by his waist. He huffed, hair falling and obscuring his heated gaze. It was instinct, to wrap your arms around him and feel his so warm and soft and strong against you. The scratchiness of his beard was felt at your neck, along with that his teeth meeting warm skin.
He sucked a bruise onto your neck with a roll of his hips.
“Do you want me?” He grumbled against your pulse, tongue soothing the bruise.
You nodded, digging your nails into his waist before dragging them up his back.
“No, no, pup” He nosed your ear, teeth finding your lobe with a gentle tug. “I need to hear it, use your words” It was almost a purr, enough to goosebump your skin and lift your hips.
“Want you, want you so much, please…” You exposed your neck more for him, felt his lips find your throat. “Good pup” His hands found the neck of the shirt and with one fluid motion you heard and felt all the buttons pop off. He pulled it apart to reveal your chest, he hummed at the sight before him. “Now I should draw this some day” His grin made your cheeks flush again, even more so when he pressed his face against your chest, a rub of his cheek scratching your soft skin.
Lips pressed, tongue drawing patterns as you muffled a whine and grabbed his hair and gave it a gentle tug. “Ka-oh god!” A particular hard bite at your ribs made you grip silver locks with more intention. He groaned at the rough handling of his hair, the strain on his neck as you tugged hard enough that he could see your pupils blown wide for him.
When Heisenberg leaned back, allowed space between both your heated skins, you ached.
Visibly ached.
You followed those talented scarred hands to the front of his trousers, watched as he unbuttoned them slowly. But you couldn’t stay away too long, fingers itched to feel him, to touch every part of him and find out what made him tick. You unrolled what was left of your his shirt and tossed it somewhere off the bed. When he saw your hands go between your legs he palmed himself at the sight of it.
“You want your hand, mhm? Or would you much rather prefer my cock?” He emphasized with a tight squeeze of his hardened length and wordless you replied by removing your hand and reaching for him once more. Ever the asshole, he gripped your hand away and raised his brows, he wanted those verbal answers.
“Your cock, please” Intertwining your fingers with his own you gently brought him back down to you for a long and sensual kiss. Against those lips you whispered, “Inside, want you inside now” just as another clap of thunder hit.
There were more clothes gone, scattered across the room unwanted and unneeded. Heisenberg had every intention of feeling you come apart around him when he entered you slowly. Each hiccuped whine shooting your arms more tightly around him, pressing him down closer to you. The heat he was already exuding was making you break out in a sweat, you felt his hands slide beneath you with a groan the further his slid into you.
He was buried to the hilt, tight heat so perfect he growl against the bruised flesh of your neck. “Fucking good little pup, taking me so good” His filthy words fell against your ear, short but pronounced thrusts making you dig your nails onto his back. “Yesss, don’t be afraid, don’t break so easily baby” Heisenberg leaned his head as far as he could to catch your gaze in all its lust blown glory. He kissed you again, more ferocity, more purpose, all tongues and teeth and demanding bites. The heels of your feet rested at his back side encouraging him deep into you with every thrust he delivered.
Being at the end of the bed doing this felt weirdly interesting, each thrust he gave you made the bed creak, lean away from the wall just a bit, it’s increasing squeak joining the chorus of the storm.
When you dragged your nails down his back, right towards his rear and gripped and moaned loud enough to have him shake, you saw something lift from the corner of your eye. You eyes squinted at the spoon suddenly mid air, you weren’t unaware of his gifts but why was he-
You train of thought was lost to you when he angled his thrusts just the right way to hit your sweetest of spots, every possible question was being tried and language had fallen at the bottom of your list of abilities. You arched into him, neck on display for his teeth to once again find, that tight hold on his rear remained and he seemed to really enjoy it by the sounds and sensations of his heated grunts. “Puppyyy, such a good pup, could stay buried in this hole all week” Oh you would let him, you wanted him in fact, why go back to the village, you’d rather put your days on this bed.
No matter how many dangerous items kept floating about, no matter how his skin felt almost electric as he thrusted into you more feverishly, this is what you wanted.
You wanted him.
“Then do it, oh god just do it please!” He hooked his arms beneath your knees and locked you beneath him either every intention of making your moans louder than the rain. Heisenberg unceremoniously pounded you, every hit making your toes curl and your voice choke up. “Gonna fuck a mess into you, you want it? Mhm?” Dangerous dangerous dangerous!
But you did.
Whimpered a series of broken yes yes yes, at his ear. The bruising hold proved necessarily, you felt your legs shake and stiffen all at once, heard several things sort of just go pop! It dawned on you that it had been the lights but that couldn’t have been the storm-
Your orgasm snuck up on you, quite literally hit you smack in the gut with Heisenberg at his tail end as well, it must’ve been seconds apart from one another. He moaned right against your ear, hips drilling into you with every intention of making you lose your god damn mind. Several objects clattered around you, startling you and in the process making you hold onto him.
His amused chuckle came out in breathless pants, the now darkened room only having a lone candle as the source of light. He gave your hip a gentle tap, “It’s okay, just shit that happens” He sounded somewhat sheepish as you both still panted. You reached up and cupped his sweaty cheek, fingers mapping a crias crossed scar. Here in the dimly lit room he still managed to be the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.
You wanted him again.
Wanted all the madness that came with him.
You pulled him down again to show him just that as you kissed him.
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slytherinwh0re · 4 years
Silent treatment
Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Warnings: SMUT (this is filthy lol), swearing, a lil fluff at the end (18+ minors dni)
Summary: Where you’re angry with Draco so you give him the silent treatment. 
A/N: thank you so much for 500 followers
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You’re bored, the most bored you’d ever been perhaps. You’ve been sitting in the library with Draco for hours, waiting for him to finish up his essay. Finally you got so bored you started mindlessly chatting with him even though he’d barely respond.
“So what color do you think I should get?” You ask your boyfriend while picking at your chipped nail polish.
“I think that if you’d just shut up I’d already be done with this potions essay.”
Ouch. He didn’t even look up from the parchment paper.
“Sorry for inconveniencing with you with my presence, I won’t be bothering you anymore.” You say as you gather your stuff and storm out the library, your feelings hurt. How dare he speak to you like that.
Most the time he’s a sweetheart with you but he is Draco Malfoy and he can still be a downright asshole. So if he wants you to shut up, that’s exactly what he’ll get. You know that giving him the silent treatment is a bit childish but you really are hurt by his mean words, a little revenge will surely make you feel better.
The next morning when you walk into the great hall for breakfast Draco’s already waiting for you at the entrance. He smiles at you, waiting for his kiss but you just look at him and walk right past, not saying a word. You find a seat by Pansy and Blaise, Draco having followed you takes the seat next to yours.
“Is everything alright darling?” He whispers in your ear. You act as if you hadn’t heard a thing, continuing the conversation with your two friends. The rest of breakfast was spent the same way, you blatantly ignoring him as he tried to get your attention.
You didn’t even glance at him before grabbing your bag and heading to your first lesson. The fact that he doesn’t know why you’re upset makes you even angrier. You had almost every class with Draco but were determined to keep your silence.
Easier said than done. The boy is infuriatingly persistent. The first half of the day he spent following you around begging you to tell him why you wouldn’t speak to him, even apologizing for the unknown reason of your silence. Once he realized you weren’t going to tell him he switched tactics, deciding that the best way to get you to talk to him was by annoying the living shit out of you. It almost worked. He kept tugging on your hair or pinching your side, trying his hardest to get any kind of sound out of you. He even tried taking your books from you but he gave them back as quickly as he took them once you kicked him in the shin.
“Come on (y/n), I’d rather you scream at me, this is bloody ridiculous.” You’re boyfriend was beyond frustrated at this point, you made it through all your classes without uttering a single word to him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss joking around with him but you’d be damned if you let him get away with speaking to you the way he had. So you just continue to stare at him with a tiny smirk on your face, loving the way Draco was turning red with anger. He’s sexy when he’s angry.
The boy wasn’t used to being ignored and he sure as hell did not like it. The frustration from the lack of attention clear on his face. You knew you were being a bit dramatic for dragging it out this long but you are dating Draco, the king of being over dramatic, you had to get on his level for it to really get under his skin.
Next thing you know he’s carrying you over his shoulder straight to his room, his hand resting on your ass. Once inside he had you pressed on the door with his face an inch away from yours, his arms on either side of your head had you trapped. You hadn’t been this close to him all day, you could smell the familiar aroma of his cologne and mint toothpaste.
“If you aren’t going to speak on your own terms I’m just gonna have to make you my darling.” One of his hands grabbed the end of your hair, yanking your head back, giving himself full access to your neck. His lips feel like velvet on your skin, you have to bite your lip to keep any noises from slipping out.
Draco continues the assault on your neck, the hand he had in your hair makes it’s way under the sweater you’re wearing, long pale fingers tracing the smooth skin of your stomach. Everywhere he touches he leaves a trail of goosebumps. His fingers find their way under your thin bralette, thumb brushing against each nipple for only a second before he’s removing his hand. Your will to stay quite disappearing more and more by the second.
He pulls away from your neck, resting his forehead against yours, pulling your body flush against his so your back is no longer on the door. His grey eyes burn into you and without warning his hand smacks your ass, hard. Draco lifts the skirt and starts massaging your supple skin, you move your head so it rests in the crook of his neck, the moans threaten to escape your lips but you grasp onto every fiber of self control you have.
“You held on longer than I though you would (y/n),” He lips are right by your ear “but your body will always betray you my darling, you can’t deny me.” Hes right and you know it.
“I’ve barley even touched you and you’re already soaking straight trough your panties.” You can feel the smirk on his face, his fingers running over your clothed pussy. You bring your hands up to his shoulders so you can steady yourself as he moves your underwear to the side, his long finger stroking your slick folds.
“Draco!” It comes out a little raspy from the lack of using your voice but you just can’t hold it in anymore, the boy is driving you crazy. As soon as his name leaves your mouth he has his other hand around your throat, pushing your head against the door.
“There’s that pretty voice I’ve been wanting to hear all day.” His fingers that were now slick with arousal push into you and your eyes screw shut out of pleasure. The moans that leave your mouth couldn’t be stopped.
The hand around your throat tightens and his finger move in and out of you quickly while his thumb brushes against your clit. The knot in your stomach starts to grow and you know you aren’t gonna last much longer.
“I’m gonna cum Draco!” You barely get it out before you feel his fingers curl into that spot that makes you scream.
“Look at me.” You open your eyes to look at the blonde. “When you cum I want you to scream my name.” He smirks, loving the way you’re falling apart from just his fingers.
One more swipe of his thumb on your clit and you’re doing exactly as you’re told. His name slipping from your mouth as your orgasm takes over your body.
Once you’ve calmed down you watch as he slips his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean. Draco then unbuckles his pants letting them fall to the floor along with his boxers. His hand strokes his dick while he looks at you, his eyes dark with lust.
“Take off your panties and turn around.” You don’t need to be told twice. As soon as you turn around he pushes your face against the door and flips your skirt over your ass, landing a hard smack.
“You wanna act like a fucking brat all day, you’re gonna get treated like one. Beg.” Another smack, this one makes you moan embarrassingly loud.
“Draco please! I need you!” The sting turns you on even more.
“What do you need (y/n).” His hand continuesly landing on your ass.
“I need you to fuck me, please Draco. Please fuck me baby!” You feel his tip at your entrance and then he’s slamming into you. His hands hold your hips to keep you still as he fucks you into the door.
The self control you once had is now thrown out the window as Draco’s name leaves your mouth repeatedly. He slides almost all the way out before pushing back into you.
Just as you find yourself teetering over the edge yet again he slides out of you, a whine of frustration slipping out. He turns you around and in one swift motion yanks both your sweater and bra over your head, your skirt following right behind, his shirt also discarded on the floor, leaving both of you naked in front of each other.
“Get on the bed.” The demanding tone of his voice makes you rub your thighs together before you make your way over to his bed, laying right in the center. Draco climbs on top of you, bringing both your legs to rest on his shoulders before he’s pushing himself back in, the new angle making him feel impossibly deeper than before.
He keeps a steady pace, lowering his head to kiss you for the first time today. Your lips meeting in a desperate kiss, your hands in his hair make him groan into you. You move your hands down his back, loving the way his muscles feel under your fingers. He pulls back to look at you, that smirk you love so much back on his face.
“You looks so sexy when you’re angry, I’ve wanted to fuck the words out of you all day darling.” Immediately his lips are back on yours, the anger you both felt today being poured into the heated kiss.
“Draco!” You moan as you pull away, the familiar knot in your stomach returning.
“Not yet (y/n).” His hips keep up the torturous pace and you don’t know how much longer you can hold it, you feel his him start to falter and you know he’s close as well.
“Now love. Cum for me.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, your back arches off the bed and you’re seeing stars, screaming his name yet again. You feel his dick twich as you clamp around him, his low moans make your head feel dizzy.
Once you’re both cleaned up Draco pulls you back to the bed, laying down so you’re facing each other, his hand pushing back a piece of stray hair.
“Tell me why you’re mad at me darling.” He speaks so softly you barely hear him.
“You told me to shut up yesterday in the library when I asked you what color I should paint my nails, it hurt my feelings.” A look of realization washes over Draco’s face, he brings one of your hands up to his lips leaving a kiss on the back of it while intertwining them.
“I’m sorry my love, forgive me? Today made me realize my day is terribly boring if I don’t have you to talk to.”
“It’s okay Draco, I forgive you, but don’t do it again cause now I know the silent treatment works.” You tease him, a small smile forming on his lips.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He brings your hand up again inspecting your fingers.
“Paint them green.”
“Green it is.”
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taones · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 - akaashi, iwaizumi
Pairings: Iwaizumi, Akaashi x gn!reader
Notes: this was written at like 2am and edited (half assed) when I was half asleep so I’m very sorry if there is any mistakes, love you guys
Warnings: harsh language, reader gets called clingy, minor arguing, most of this has been done before lmao, very hurt/comfort
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― Akaashi
Chances are he got to engrossed in work because it's not like akaashi to forget something like this
Really, he remembers almost everything when it comes to you so when you were still sat alone at 10pm on your birthday, you began to worry something had happened to him
There was no dinner ready and you hadn’t dressed up yet, thinking Keiji would come home and tell you what you were doing
Yet you found yourself ringing his phone for the 5th time that night, this time he answered
“What y/n I’m really busy?” His tone led you to believe he wasn’t in the best mood
You asked him when he would be home and that seemed to set him off
“I told you i had to do things today okay, I won’t be home until later I don’t get why you have to know what I’m doing all the time. Think about me for once”
And with that you hung up, it was obvious what had happened.
Keiji felt guilty yeah, but he did need to work and he knew that he could just apologise when he got home. Sure, it wasn’t like you to just hang up but he figured you were also tired from the long week and left it at that. It wasn’t until he opened his messages he felt his blood freeze.
There, screaming at him from the screen of his phone, was a text from bokuto that read ‘hey, y/n isn’t picking up could you say happy birthday for me man?’
He had to get home.
By the time the black haired man had arrived back home, he was soaked from the rain and biting at his nails nervously. The lights in the house were all off and he just hoped to god that you were still inside the house. Even though it would be perfectly within your right to not be.
The living room held a silence that he had never quite hated as much as he did now. The pile of openers cards from your friends seemed to taunt him from the coffee table. How had even atsumu remembered and he hadn’t? He was your boyfriend. He hoped he would still be when he finally found you. You were curled up on your side in your bedroom. Obviously not asleep but not showing any signs of acknowledgment either. Guilt tugged at his stomach.
“Y/n” he started, trailing off
What was he supposed to say to you? ‘Hey sorry I forgot your birthday and called you selfish’. Yeah, great going Keiji.
“Y/n I’m really sorry and I know that probably won’t make it better and I can’t take back what I said to you.” He drew in a shaky breath, “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to forget about you I’ve just been working so hard and-“
A sob cut him off. His soft hand on your shoulder broke your resolve and you allowed him to turn you around.
“Just,” you sobbed, “please don’t do it again Keiji, all I do is think about you”
He wrapped his arms around your shaking form, pulling you into his embrace.
“I know, I should’ve been thinking more about you. I’m so sorry sweetheart, I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow”
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― Iwaizumi
Hajime had always been a pretty busy person, this was evident ever since you started dating
Now it was his final year though, you had never seen him more stressed
So, you decided to show up to one of his practices on your birthday, for the past 2 years he had always left early or at least with you when it was a special date
And it was your birthday but that didn’t mean you couldn’t treat him too and you know how hard he had been working, so you made a bento
The moment you walked in to the gym it was like everyone but him lit up, the third years came over to say hi and even Kyoutani sent you a quick nod
You tapped your boyfriend on the shoulder and when he didn’t reply you went for a hug, only for him to move at the last minute
“Why are you here y/n?” He asked coldly
You explained to him that you wanted to come see him like always, not mentioning your birthday in case it was a joke, he wasn’t laughing
“A little clingy don’t you think? You text me all day and now you come and interrupt practice? Why are you so needy today damn?”
You just turned and walked out, hoping nobody had heard your conversation
“Hey Iwa aren’t you gonna leave early?” Matsukawa asked him at the end of practice.
“No, why?” He had calmed down significantly now and had forgotten what he said to you
“Uh... cause it’s y/n's birthday?” Makki called from behind the net, “you do it every year, right?”
Iwa dragged his hands down his face. He had been too stressed to even remember what day it was let alone your birthday. And now he had forgotten you completely after making those comments.
“Why would they want to?” Kyoutani growled up from his sweeping, “after what you said to them”
A dozen pairs of eyes seemed to bore into his soul. Guilt had stolen his breath and his head was spinning but he knew he had to go and fix this before it was too late.
You were sat on the cold step of your house, sobbing into the sleeves of one of your boyfriends jumpers. You should probably give that back. If your conversation earlier was anything to go by then he wouldn’t be keeping you around much longer. Staring at the fabric, now stained with your tears, you thought about what he said. Maybe you were clingy.
You looked up to see a very out of breath Iwaizumi runnning towards you, face flushed
Looking down, you grumbled a quick ‘what?’. You were hurt and the balloons attached to your bag were smacking against the side of your house as if taunting you.
“You know Iwaizumi” he flinched at the use of his last name, “if you wanted to break up, you could at least have the decency not to do it on my birthday”
“No y/n, I would never- I don’t want to break up” he cried, words were failing but he carried on, “I’ve been so stressed looking after the team and Oikawa with his knee I just forgot”
When your eyes met it felt like his heart had broken in two. Your eyes were glistening with unshed tears and you had obvious tear tracks down your face. A nod let him know it was okay to carry on.
“Please, I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to forget, can we try again tomorrow? I’d never hurt you on purpose”
Tears began running down your cheeks again.
You nodded and the man pulled you in for a kiss, not caring about the taste of your salty tears. Murmuring ‘I love you’ against your lips, he pulled you in as close as he could to you. Like he would never let you go.
It might not have been the best birthday but you were content knowing he would always try his best to make up for the things he does.
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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this it wasn’t reread or anything so there might be a lot of mistakes I’m sorry but I’m happy if you liked it mwah!
Remember that reblogging helps content creators darlings and that ily very much
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts:
6 Months Later
“Stop- Katsuki, stop it!” You huff a frustrated sigh, shooting him an unimpressed glare. “Why can’t you just sit still?”
“Because this is takin’ too goddamn long! Waste of fuckin’ minutes.”
“Well this is important to me, so you’re gonna sit back and shut up and-“ You nearly scream when he shifts again, almost dislodging the measuring tape you’d wrapped around his wrist. “Sit still! Jesus, angry man, it’ll literally take two seconds if you just stop fighting me!”
He grumbles, something low and petulant under his breath, but then falls back against the couch fully. Bakugou finally relents, hand going slack in your hold as he shuts his eyes.
You were gonna kill him, no seriously, you were gonna murder him. He was being so difficult, way more difficult than usual, and you had a sneaking suspiscion it was because he was tired- because, as you’d quickly found out, from only a few months of dating, Katsuki was an absolute toddler about sleep. You’d come to understand that him being tired led to him being cranky, and him being cranky led to him being so goddamn annoying and combative that it made you want to tear your hair out.
He was lucky you loved him so much- not that you told him that yet.
You’d known you loved him for months now, could feel it the way your body heated if you thought of him, the way your blood sang if you so much as heard his name. It was a full body sensation for you- the way you loved him. There was just no escaping it; no escaping the way he’d carved himself a spot in every single part of you. You couldn’t imagine life without him, didn’t even want to try- but you couldn’t tell him so.
Every time you’d tried you were tongue-tied and stuttering and red in the face. The words were thick in your mouth, clogging up the back of your throat. You just couldn’t figure out how to say them; no matter how many times you’d tried. 
You flip his arm over, measuring the space between his thumb and his wrist. You’re trying to be delicate and gentle, but truthfully you really just wanted to get this done quickly.
With the deadline for your last college project quickly approaching, you’d spent the last few weeks doing nothing but devoting all your time and losing sleep over it. It seemed like no matter what support item you’d devised, it didn’t seem perfect- didn’t seem inspired enough to turn in for your final grade. So you dedicated yourself to watching clips and looked at hero rankings and pretty much sacrificed your social life entirely, just to stew over it. It took watching Bakugou’s own hero highlights with him to snap you out of your funk. You wanted to smack yourself; he’d been in front of you the entire time! Of course, it had to be an item for him. So you got to building and designing with renewed spirit.
Katsuki was an amazing fighter, you knew this, and his prowess in battle and raw power alone was quite literally unmatched by almost every opponent- but, the only thing holding him back was that he didn’t do so well with civilians. Try as he might, Bakugou’s loud, flashy, quirk just didn’t paint him as particularly friendly, and his brash personality didn’t help either. And, since you’d long ago given up trying to soften his character, but maybe you could help with his quirk. You figured that was pretty much your degree right?
So, for the past month or so, you’d been secretly working on a gauntlet attachment for him. You’d designed it to quiet his explosions, similar to a silencer on a gun, in hopes that civilians would stop reporting hearing loss after being saved by your very loud boyfriend. Truthfully, you knew it wouldn’t fix all his problems, but maybe then his ratings would go up a tiny bit. And, you figured, if you then just built the prototype you designed, then it could serve as a birthday present for him too. Two birds with one stone, right?
If only it was that simple.
It wasn’t. You were a perfectionist and you’d been pouring your blood, sweat, and tears for weeks now, but it still didn’t feel like enough. It felt like you were running out of time. Even now, while actively taking measurements for said project, you felt uneasy spending time with Bakugou. 
“You done yet, woman?” He peeks an eye open.
“Almost.” You grab your phone, typing the measurements into your notes. “See how easy and quick this went when you stopped being annoying?”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have to be so fuckin’ annoying if you’d just tell me what you’re makin’ already.”
“Nope. Already talked about this, Katsu,” You let go of his hand. “It’s a surprise! You don’t wanna spoil your birthday surprise, do you?”
You’re joking, smiling widely at him and fluttering your eyelashes. He doesn’t look very amused. Katsuki just squints at you for a moment before poking your side.
“That’s fuckin’ stupid. You’re being annoying. Stop it.”
“Fine. Well I guess since you don’t want it, maybe I just won’t give it to you then.” You tease, moving to leave the couch. “Maybe I just won’t give you any of the gifts I was planning to.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes, huffs like he is very inconvienced, and grabs your wrist. He pulls until you’re falling into him, crashing into his chest and settling on his lap.
“I didn’t fuckin’ say that, idiot.” He grumbles, hands falling around your sides. “Stop putting shitty words in my mouth already.”
“I can’t. Pretty sure that’s my job actually.” You laugh, bracing your hands on his chest as you straighten. “Besides, you say like 3 words and all of them are swears, angry man. Someone’s gotta be the talker out of the two of us.”
“It shouldn’t be you. You’re better quiet.” His words were cold, but he was rubbing warm circles into your lower back. “Fuckin’ silent.”
“Wow- we sure are cranky tonight, huh, angry man? Is it bedtime for baby, already?”
“You’re not funny.”
“No, I’m pretty funny.” You laugh, brushing the the wild hair away from his forehead with a gentle hand. “But seriously though, if you’re tired, I don’t have to stay. I don’t mind, I can leave if you just want to sleep.”
He screws his face up at that, comically offended and dramatic as he drops his face into your shoulder. Katsuki’s arms wrap around your sides, pulling you close until you’re flush against his chest. He tightens his grip and doesn’t seem like he plans to let go any time soon.
“Yeah, yeah, okay, angry man, I get it. I won’t leave right now- but I can’t stay for too long.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“That project, remember? I’m nearly done.” 
He huffs again, arms curling tighter around you. You’re a little confused- truthfully, he usually is more physical than verbal, especially when he’s tired, but he’s never this physically affectionate. His voice is a near snarl when he speaks again.
“I fuckin’ hate that stupid as shit assignment.” 
 “Yeah, well, you hate pretty much everything; so I can’t say I’m exactly suprised, Katsuki.”
“No. Seriously.” He gruffs, fingers twitching at your sides. Katsuki takes a deep breath, biting out his next words quickly. “Haven’t seen you in fuckin’ days.”
“Say another goddamn word and I’ll take it back, woman. Try me.” 
“Okay. I won’t.” You giggle. “But I really am serious, I can’t stay over tonight. Got work to do still.”
“That’s stupid.” Bakugou says and then he’s squeezing you once again, keeping you trapped tight against his chest. “You’re being stupid.”
“Wow. Thanks.” You snort, looking up at him. His mouth is pressed into a tense grimace, so you try patting his cheek playfully. “You know though, one of these days you’re actually gonna have to start using your nice words- can’t just continue insulting me or I might just disappear forever.”
He doesn’t seem to like your joke. Not at all.
“I’m kidding. I’m not going anywhere.” You console. “I’m only picking on you, you know, so don’t be so sensitive, angry man. You insult me all the time.”
“When the fuck did I insult ya?”
“Katsuki-“ You utter in disbelief, your hand moving to play with the hairs on the back of his neck. “You literally just called me stupid!  And you said you liked me better silent! Like 2 minutes ago!”
He shrugs, and you can feel his face heat against your neck, but he doesn’t say anything.
“You’re awfully lucky I like you so much.” You sigh. “Because otherwise I’d have to kick your teeth in every time you opened your mouth.”
“Like you could even get that close to me, shitty woman.”
“Strong words for a man currently making a home in my collarbone, Katsuki.”
“That’s-I- You know what,” He starts, extending an arm and pushing against your shoulders to create distance. “Say shit like that again and I swear to god I’ll...”
“You’ll what?”
“I’ll- I’ll fuckin-“ He stutters, face red and fists clenched. “I’ll-“
You think he looks adorable- all huffy and red and embarrassed where he sits. Katsuki’s eyebrows are pinched together in that competitive crease you’d come to know so well, his mouth curled around a familiar snarl. You were sure it must’ve looked terrfying to anyone else- but you weren’t just anyone else. You were his soulmate and you knew exactly how to get him to calm down.
You caught his face in both of your hands, crossing the distance until your lips met his. Bakugou tried to set the pace, because he always tried at first, armed with bruising pressure and dominance and uncoordinated aggression. You weren’t new here though- you had a lot more tricks of your sleeve than he did.
You ran a hand up his spine, your nails just barely catching on to the fabric of shirt, trailing the back of his neck until they landed in his hair. He damn near melted into you at that, and he pretty much dissolved when your other hand ran under the fabric of his shirt.
“You’re gonna what now?” You asked, pulling away slowly. You’re breathless and blushing yourself but that never stopped you before. “C’mon, Katsuki, tell me. What you were gonna do?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” You giggled. Unable to help yourself, you pecked his lips again. “You seemed so determined though!”
He’s still dazed- red and embarrassed as he looks at you through half-lidded eyes. You can’t stop the victorious smirk that rolls across your face.
“You’re an evil fucking woman.” He finally says, breathless. “Shitty too.”
“Mhm, I know.”
“Shouldn’t sound so fuckin’ happy about it. ‘S not a compliment, idiot.”
“I know.” You pat his chest, pushing away from him until you’re standing on your own. “Now, c’mon, up. Sleep time, right?”
You see the look on his face, and it almost kills you to crush it.
“No, that doesn’t mean I’m staying, angry man. I’ll take a nap with you and then I’m going home.” You offer your hand out to him. “Sound good?”
"Whatever.” He doesn’t seem all that pleased and he bats your hand away lightly, standing on his own. He starts down the hallway towards his bedroom with stomping steps and you follow. “You better actually go to sleep though- ya got ugly fuckin’ bags under your eyes, woman.”
You stop in your tracks, a wheeze escaping you. It didn’t matter how many conversations you’d had with him, how many times he’d accidentally insulted you with his blunt words, it still surprised you every time. And maybe it was your tired state, all the sleep lost over the past few weeks finally piling up, but his words hurt a little this time- hit a nerve and made you angry. 
“Alright, well, on that note. Maybe I will go home!” You huff, thumping a fist against his back. “That was so mean! What the hell, angry man! I’m literally busting my ass right now and that’s what you have to say to me? That I’m ugly to you? That’s fucking rude! I didn’t- I’m leaving. I don’t even have enough time for this anyway and I-”
He spins around quickly, pressing you into the wall as he grabs your arm. You can’t hit him anymore, not with the sturdy grip he has on your wrist, but the look on Katsuki’s face really makes you want to. He looks insulted, tired, but mostly just annoyed by your reaction. You swear you could kill him that moment, but then he’s gathering you into his chest and you’re melting against him. He’s still your soulmate- no matter how angry he makes you.
“N-not like that. Idiot. Not ugly.” He mumbles against your hair, voice tight and shy. You didn’t have to see his face to know he was blushing furiously. “I meant- I- you’re not fuckin’ sleeping. I can see it. So you have to sleep.”
“I’m not fucking stupid. You’re tired- it’s obvious. Have been for weeks.”
“You noticed?”
“Course I fuckin’ did.” He shifts on feet anxiously, swaying you a bit in your arms. “See your stupid face all the time- I can tell that shit about you.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.” You pull back a bit in surprise, trying catch his eyes. He won’t let you, eyes zeroed on the wall, just behind your head. His face is a violent shade of red. You roll your eyes fondly, gently guiding him to look at you with your hands on his burning cheeks. “I shouldn’t have flipped, but that still wasn’t very nice. You really should’ve just said what you meant the first time around, but it’s fine. I understand. School’s just been tough with final assignments and stuff, you know? I’m alright though- just a little tired. Like you said.”
Katsuki doesn’t seem pleased with your answer, his eyebrows creasing as he grumbles something under his breath.
“What? Couldn’t hear you, angry man.”
“I said-” He starts strong, nearly confident until his tone quickly falls off. Then he’s mumbling again and crushing you to his chest so he doesn’t have to meet your eyes. 
“W-what are you trying to say?”
“God, you always make me say such embarrassing shit!” He growls, voice loud next to your ear. “I said- I said- you’re doing too much, idiot! You haven’t been around much and it’s fuckin’ makin’ me mad and worryin’ me and all that stupid, disgusting, annoying, shit! So just give yourself a fuckin’ break, already!” 
You’re pressed close to Katsuki, and when you press you hand flat against his chest, you can feel his heart racing wildly under your fingertips. He must’ve been upset about this for a while, you realize- to be expending this much energy, when usually he’d be dead on his feet at this time of night. You feel a little guilty for it, but more than anything you’re gooey and warm all over. 
“I-I’m sorry. For worrying you.” You soothe, pressing a chaste kiss to his chest. “And I know you tell me not to apologize to you, but I mean it this time. I didn’t mean to worry you. I’ll take better care of myself. I promise.” 
“Good. I-”
“N-nothing.” He stutters, flushing violently all of the sudden. He spins on his heels quickly, dragging you down the hallway and into his bedroom. “You have to stay now.”
“No- I can’t. I told you.”
“And I fuckin’ told you to chill the hell out and take a break.” He barks, digging through his dresser and throwing a pair of sweats at you. “Stop being fuckin’ difficult. You’re staying.” 
Truly, you want to fight him. Your brain is running wildly, a million different ideas and worries battering around inside your skull- but he’s right. You are tired. Have been tired for weeks now. If you went home now, you knew you’d just talk yourself into working some more. So maybe a tiny, tiny little break wouldn’t hurt, right? Just something small. A single night.
“Fine. But I’m leaving early tomorrow morning.”
You knew you made the right decision when he smiles at you; a small, tiny, pleased, little thing that just barely curls the edges of his mouth. It seems like it’d be hardly noticeable, but you’d been dreaming of that smile for months now. He very rarely graced you with it, very rarely shared something so delicate and uncharacteristically soft but it winded you every time. 
Katsuki fell asleep almost immediately after pulling your down into bed with him. He’d barely curled around you, hardly even let his head hit the pillow before beginning to snore. That smile stayed though. He kept it even as his breathing slowed and his grip on you loosened. 
That same overwhelming warmth you’d been feeling for weeks overtook you again- that same blistering, endless affection rendering your limbs shaky and your breaths unsteady as you stared at him. 
I love him. You realized. More than anything.
As it turns out, letting Bakugou drag you into some much needed rest is exactly what you needed. 
The next morning you’d left his place, mind refreshed and completely reinvigorated to once again start working on the gauntlet attachment. You’d love to say it was just the sleep that fixed you up- but you knew the truth. It was him- him and increasingly strange ways of showing affection.
Settling down into your desk chair, you pulled the schematics you’d drawn up once more. There wasn’t much left to build, only a few more parts you’d need to fabricate with your quirk, and then you’d be ready to put it all together.
Using past records of his costumes, and studying various clips of him in his current costume, you’d finally felt certain that you’d gotten it right. It was a pain conducting the research, especially because you’d had to contact the support companies personally, but in the end you were happy you did it. You wanted this to be a possible improvement for him, but you also wanted it to fit in with his current arsenal. It was a risk for sure, giving your prototype as a gift, and you’d be totally crushed if decided to not use it, but you’d take the chance. 
Bakugou had only mentioned the problem a single time in the past, and even then it was a passing comment, but you couldn’t seem to let it go.
I’m sick of kid’s always fuckin’ cryin’ when I save them. My explosions aren’t that fuckin’ scary, are they? 
He’d said it in the middle of a rant, his eyes pressed tightly together as he paced angrily, but something about his tone struck you. When he said it, he didn’t sound angry. Bakugou sounded upset and frustrated and almost hopeless. You knew it bothered him more than he let on, and from then you wanted to help him- but you couldn’t imagine stripping him of his quirk. 
It, his explosions, were important to him. They were his power and his pride and they helped him save people. He was so, so proud of them, and it broke your heart to think that they were the only thing left holding him back. So, you figured, what if he kept the force but lost the sound? Kid’s normally liked bright lights a lot more than loud sounds, after all.
Grunting with effort, you began fabricating gears and wires and screws between your hands. It took hours and nearly all of your energy, but you’d finally done it. You had everything you needed to finish his gift. 
The next few weeks flew by in a flurry of construction, and deadlines, and sleeplessness but by the time his birthday rolled around, you were ready. Your schematics had been turned in and approved by your professors, you’d passed your final project, and you were finally finished building the prototype. Everything was going great- but you knew why you were really happy.
The last few weeks had been packed for you, and you’d hardly had time for anybody. You felt guilty about it, of course, and you only felt worse when you only heard Bakugou’s voice over the phone each night, but there was no helping it.
Or, at least, there wasn’t- but it wasn’t crunch time anymore. You’d suddenly found yourself with an wealth of free-time, and you knew exactly who you were gonna spend it on.
Using the key he’d given you, you slipped into the apartment, closing the door quietly. It was difficult in the dark, stumbling slightly with the gifts and cake currently held in your hands, but you’d managed it. Everything had gone smoothly on the way there, you’d just put the cake safely in the fridge, and now you could wake your soulmate up to the best birthday of his life.
What shame he had to go and ruin it.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You jumped, heart seizing in your chest. 
“Jesus- fuck.” You yelled in the dark. You blindly felt your way out of the kitchen and into the living room, towards the sound of his voice. “Bakugou! What the fuck, man?”
“What the- no! Me! I should be the one fuckin’ saying that!” His voice was raised, and you couldn’t see his fists but you knew they were probably clenched tightly into fists. “Almost blew you up, idiot! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Oh my god.” You huffed, hands rubbing at your tired eyes. “I was going to wake you up! Surprise you! Because it’s your birthday and it’s- wait, what the fuck are you even doing up? It’s like 6:30 AM, on a Saturday!”  
“What the hell are you even on about? I’m always fuckin’ awake right now!”
“Yeah! On a work day! When you’re working!” You can’t help but be frustrated; you wanted to be cute and sweet and Bakugou had ruined it entirely. As he so often did. “But you’re not even working today! It’s your day off! And I know you sleep in on those, so why?”
“Couldn’t fuckin’ slee-”
“What do you mean?” You interrupt, finally flipping the light switch and flooding the room with light. “Swear to god you’re dead to the world the second you hit the pillow! Literally happens every time I stay over. You’re out by 8:30! Why is today of all days the day you choose not to sleep?”
He doesn’t say anything in response to your outburst, and that’s when you finally look at him. It had been almost 3 weeks since you’d last visited, and he didn’t look like you remembered him. It wasn’t anything super obvious at first, but upon closer inspection you could see the deep bags under his eyes, and the pale, lifelessness of his skin. He was telling the truth; apparently, he really hadn’t be able to sleep- and it didn’t start just last night either.
“Hey. Katsuki,” Your irritation from earlier faded. Suddenly filled with concern, you stepped towards him, taking his face in your hands. Bakugou tried to turn away, but you didn’t let him. “What’s up, huh? You alright?”
“No. You’re not. You look tired. Are you sick?”
“No.” He mumbled, his hands falling on your waist as you stood in front of him. “I’m fine. Workin’ a lot or whatever. I’m fuckin’ fine.”
You nod, eyebrows rising in surprise as he suddenly pulls you in. He presses his face into your stomach, arms around your sides as he shuts his eyes. There it is again- that unusual physicality. This strange behavior had stopped for a while recently, but now it seemed to be back in full-force.
“Do you wanna try sleeping again?” You ask after a beat. “I’ve got birthday stuff for you, but we can do always do it later. We’ve got the whole day, right?”
“What- you plannin’ to actually be here or some shit?” He grumbles, with a lot more intentional bite than you’re used to hearing from him. “I’m surprised. Didn’t know an idiot like you still had the fuckin’ brain cells to remember.” 
You’re shocked, rendered completely still and stiff in his hold. Was he- was he mad at you? 
“What?” You try to push away from him, to get a look at his face, but he doesn’t let you. Bakugou’s arms only tighten and you’re left even more confused. “Are you upset with me? Are you tired? What’s wrong?”
“You really fuckin’ piss me off.”
He only growls under his breath, voice raspy and deep. “Whatever. You don’t fuckin’ get it. Let’s just go to sleep.”
“No- but I-” You stutter, feeling out of place. Katsuki sounded so frustrated and angry and you couldn’t figure out what was wrong. “If you’re upset with me we need to talk about it. What happened? What’s wrong?”
He doesn’t respond to your question, only knocks your feet out from under you and stands with you in his arms. You’re dumbfounded. He has never, not ever, carried you anywhere. He’s never even made an attempted to lift you! Something was seriously off with him today- and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what it was. 
Katsuki was mad at you. You knew that, he’d said it himself. But then why was he carrying you down the hall to his bedroom? Why wasn’t he kicking you out?
He kicks open the door, pushing it shut loudly behind him. He looks pissed when you look up at him, his eyebrow’s creased together in an agitated line, but even so, Katsuki sets you down on the bed gently. You’re hardly able to catch your breath when he’s climbing in on the other side, pulling you close and lying practically on top of you.
“What? I- Katsuki?” You asked desperately, brain reeling. “What’s wrong? I don’t understand?”
“I’m fuckin’ tired, woman. Go to sleep.”
“I can’t! Not when you’re upset like this- seriously, what’s wrong?”
“You. You’re what’s fuckin’ wrong!”
“God, you’re so fucking dense!” He growls, angry voice vibrating against the skin of your neck. “Fuckin’ showin’ up in the mornin’ like nothin’s wrong? Been avoiding me for weeks now!” 
“What- no! We literally called last night! What are you talking about?”
“We called for 2 fuckin’ minutes before you fell asleep! And you-” His voice drops suddenly, and then he’s pressing even closer to you, starting up once again. “You piss me the hell off, you know! Sayin’ shit about how you’re gonna do better and then leavin’ for weeks? Not talkin’ to me? What the fuck is that? And then you sneak in here and scare the shit out of me! And you’re running your stupid fucking mouth about the whole day when you’re not even gonna be her-”
Oh. Oh.
He was mad because you’d been busy; because the last time you’d seen him, Bakugou had told he was worried about you, and you blew him off. The last time you’d seen him, you’d promised that you’d take better care of yourself and then you didn’t. All you did was continue working yourself to death, and while you didn’t regret it for even a second, you hadn’t kept him in the loop. You’d barely even managed to call him each night, and even then you’d fall asleep half-way through every conversation.
“Have you been worried this whole time?” You asked quietly.
Bakugou takes a deep, shaky breath, and you can feel his eyelashes flutter against your neck. 
“You were worried.” You whisper. “Weren’t you?”
He nods minutely.
“I-I didn’t realize. I told you- but I didn’t realize. I was so focused on school, so busy, I’m so sorry.” You press a kiss into his hair, your heart sinking when his shoulders tremble. “I missed you too.”
“I didn’t fuckin’- I didn’t-”
“I know. I said it. I’m saying it. I’m sorry, Katsu. I missed you.” You sigh, tightening your arms around him. “Is that why you’re not sleeping well?”
Bakugou is silent but he tenses, going completely rigid under your hands. Your stomach drops.
“It’s-I’m good. Really, this time. Everything’s done. I’m completely finished and everything is gonna go back to normal.” You cradle his face, making him look into your eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. We’re good.”
“Are we?”
Bakugou shakes your hold, tucking his head until you can’t see his eyes anymore. You can hardly see any of his features, but you see the wobbly line of his mouth. Can feel the shaking of his fingers. When he speaks again, it’s quiet. Barely there.
“Didn’t mean it, last time, when I said your eyebags were ugly. You’re not ugly.”
You blink, hardly able to recall the conversation. Wasn’t that the last time you had visited? Weeks ago? Why was he still thinking about it?
Bakugou huffs again, apparently frustrated by your silence.
“So I’m s-sorry. For insulting you. So now you don’t have to disappear again.” 
Your eyes widened.
“You know though, one of these days you’re actually gonna have to start using your nice words- can’t just continue insulting me or I might just disappear forever.”
You remember how upset he’d been when you’d made the joke- how his shoulder’s dropped and his eyebrows caved and his mouth smoothed out into a thin line. Was that really the last time you’d visited? Did he think you were mad at him this whole time? 
 Guilt flooded you, awful and thick and viscous as it tore through your stomach. You had to make him understand. You just had to.
“No. I- Katsuki. Look at me. Look at me.” You insist until he’s looking at you. His eyes are the dullest you’ve ever seen them- more vulnerable than ever before. “I didn’t- I was just busy, I promise! Not upset. I didn’t mean to ice you out like that. It’s fine! I know you didn’t mean it.”
Katsuki growls, grasping for your hand and hiding his face behind it. “I didn’t- I’m sick of stupid angry shit I say ruinin’ stuff for me. So don’t just fuckin’ say it’s fine if it’s not.” 
“It is. I promise. We’re good.” You soothe, caressing his burning cheeks with your knuckle. “That was a bad joke, okay- I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t have said it if I knew it was gonna make you worry so much. I promise I was just busy these last few weeks. Nothing you say is ever gonna get rid of me, alright? Not even if you tried! Because I love you and I-”
“You what?” 
You freeze, shifting uncomfortably as your cheeks heated up. This was not how you wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him like you meant it, not just tacked onto the back of a bunch of other statements. He’d heard though, and no matter what you wanted, you couldn’t run from it.
“You what?” He asks again.
“I-I love you. Katsuki, I love you.”
Bakugou jolts, nearly jumps out of his skin and then he’s digging his face into your neck. He’s hot, his skin nearly burning, and there’s a strangled, clipped noise leaving his mouth. You’re filled with so much adoration in that moment that it nearly chokes you, but it’s freeing too, because you’ve said it. Finally. After waiting your entire life for him, after knowing him for so many months, after loving him for so long, he knew.
“I love you.” You repeated again, giggling breathlessly. “I love you, you dummy.” 
He finally lifts his head, expression so full of awe and disbelief and childlike confusion. It’s just like the first time you’d really kissed him; like he couldn’t figure out why you loved him. It was like those first few days all over again and you couldn’t help it. You loved him so much.
Grabbing his chin, you pulled him in, guiding until his lips met yours. You felt him smile as you kissed him, and you realized you were wrong. That first real kiss might’ve been nice; but it wasn’t heaven- itwas only the gateway to paradise. But this? This was the real Elysium. 
His body moved against yours, so close and warm and pliant. He was letting you set the pace, without resistance or force or argument for the very first time. There had been a lot of past kisses, you had hardly been able to keep yourself off of him, but none of them had never felt like this before. He’d never trusted you like this before. You got to be the one taking and taking and taking where’d you spent so long giving. 
It was consummation. Finality. Your perfect ending. 
You pull away, panting for breath. He follows, resting on his forearms and dropping his forehead to yours. 
“I-I- I love you. Too. Idiot woman.” 
You laugh under him, cackling loudly as you turn to press a kiss into his forearms. Of course he’d said it like that. It’s tough love or not at all with Bakugou Katsuki- and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Stop laughing!” He orders, face screwed up uncomfortably. “You’re always fuckin’ laughing at me! You fuckin’ witch! Stop it! It’s- I’m not- I take it back! I don’t- stop makin’ fun of me, shitty wom-”
“Hey, Katsuki?”
“Oh my fucking god! You laugh at me and then you go thinkin’ your just gonna interrupt me while I’m yellin’ at you? No fuckin’ way! I’m not gonna allow that shit in my own fuckin’ house and I-”
“Jesus christ! What?”
“I love you.” 
He freezes entirely, collasping his entire weight directly on top of you. He’s so hot it’s like his skin is burning. You wrap your arms around him with a happy giggle, burrowing your own blushing face into his hair. 
“I love you.” You whisper, slow and earnest against the shell of his ear. “I really, really, really love you, angry man.” 
He startles again, jumps in your arms and only seems to run hotter. He groans something strangled and defeated, until he’s sinking into you again, pressing you against the mattress.
“S-s-stop fuckin’ saying it. You’re doing it on fuckin’ purpose.”
“Doing what?”
“You fuckin’ know, you witch woman.”
“No, I really, really, dont.” You say indulgently, laughing as you drop kisses into his hair. “Care to share?”
“No. Fuck no. I’m fuckin’ done sharing. Forever.” 
You rolls your eyes, once again enduring his very familiar dramatics. “I wasn’t laughing at you, Katsuki. I was just happy to hear it- that you love me too.”
“Well, remember it, because I’m never fuckin’ saying it again.”
“Not even if I say it to you?”
“Especially not fucking then.” 
“You’re so difficult sometimes, I swear. You’re really lucky I love you so much.” You say softly, before scratching idly at the back of his head. “Now, c’mon. Get off me. I didn’t forget- you need to go to sleep.” 
“I’m sleeping here.”
“No you’re not, you man-child. You’re gonna crush me.” 
“No, not good. You wanna celebrate your birthday with a murder charge?”
“Katsuki.” You laugh, pressing against his chest. “Seriously. Up. You’re supposed to use those muscles to save people not kill them.”
He just groans loudly, flopping backwards gracelessly. Katsuki is pulling the blanket up and shutting his eyes, and you think everything is finally okay. Until he clears his throat. Until keeps clearing his throat.
“Oh my god,” You huff, opening your eyes. “What’s wrong now?”
“Say it again, idiot.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid. You know what I’m asking you.”
When you look at him, he’s got his eyes screwed shut, his cheeks red. You thought he was adorable- just the cutest man in all of Japan. You knew what he was asking, of course you did, and if he hadn’t been so upset earlier you would’ve made him work a lot harder for it. As it stood now though, you just scooted closer to him; shifting until you were right next to his blushing face and sharing the same pillow.
“I love you.” You say, running a gentle thumb over his heated cheek. “Now go to sleep, okay?”
You can see the smile he’s fighting, the way his lip twitches and he raises a hand to cover it. Then he’s pulling you close and digging his head into the pillow.
All is quiet, and finally, finally, he gets some sleep.
Katsuki, on a good day, was an absolute beast to wake up- on a day off however? The man was damn near impossible to stir. 
You were squatted next to the bed, trying to pull the pillow out from under his head as he held it in his grip. It was absolutely unfair- even at his groggiest your soulmate had the strength of a one man army. It was seriously pissing you off. 
“Are you kidding me right now?” You’re grabbing at his wrist, trying to pry his fingers away from the pillow but he’s not budging. Katsuki’s got his eyes shut tight, and he’s dutifully ignoring your every word. “I’m serious! It’s noon! Get up already!”
He finally peaks one eye open, just barely enough to see your irritated expression. Katsuki huffs, rips his pillow away from you completely, and flops on his other side. His back was to you, and normally you’d be thrilled about the free chance to drool over the planes of muscle- but this wasn’t a normal occasion. It was his birthday and you’d already made him breakfast and he was refusing to get up and eat it. 
“Bakugou Katsuki, I swear to god, if you’re not up in two seconds, I’m not gonna kiss you for a fucking week!” 
This does seem to illicit a response from him, because then he’s flipping back over, mouth pulled into a snarl.
“You think I care? You starved me out for fuckin’ weeks already!”
You want to roll your eyes. You thought he was being awfully dramatic and you knew you really shouldn’t stand for it- but he wasn’t technically wrong. However inadvertently, you had been neglecting him, and maybe it was time to treat him instead. Just this once. 
“Oh my god, you silly man, come here.” You relent, climbing onto the bed and hovering over him. “If you wanted a kiss you should’ve just asked.” 
“I-didn’t! When the fuck did I say that because I-”
You pressed your lips to his, effectively shutting him up. It was a trick you’d learned early on, but damn if it wasn’t still useful. You pulled away right when he started to get handsy.
“No. Bad.” You say, batting his hands away from slipping under your shirt. “I didn’t just waste all that time trying to get you out of bed just to be pulled in. Now, c’mon, you have breakfast to eat and presents to open- it’s your big day, birthday boy.”
“Fuckin’ exactly. Let me do what I want.”
“No, because if I let you do what you wanted you’d sleep all day and only wake  to go blow something up.”
“Sounds like fucking bliss.”
“Alright, well then I guess you’re gonna have to experience nirvana all by yourself because I’m going to eat.” You pat his chest, climbing off the bed and standing straight. 
Bakugou grumbles under his breath, but then the blankets are rustling and he’s rising to follow you out the door. He tears into the breakfast you’d made him, shoveling eggs and bacon and pancakes down his throat at an almost inhuman pace. You would cringe, but you’d seen this scene already many times before. 
“You ready for presents, now?” You ask, putting the dishes in the sink.
“Sure. ‘m not a fuckin’ kid though, you didn’t have t-”
“I wanted to. Seriously. So be quiet and be a little selfish for once. Please.” 
He nods tightly, following you into the living room. He’s settling on the couch, once again rubbing at his eyes when you bring the gifts over. There’s three of them in total and he chooses to open the smallest one first.
“Fuck- this a new watch?”
“Yep.” You nod. “To replace the one you blew up last month.”
“When the- how the hell did you-”
“I have my ways. Now, seriously, promise me you’re gonna be careful with this one.”
“Katsuki, that’s not a promise.”
“I’m not gonna just fuckin-”
“Say it.”
“No! Why the hell should I have to fuckin’ say shit just because you were spyin’ on me, you freak!”
“Katsuki.” You glare him down. “Promise me.”
“Jesus fuck, woman. Fine. I promise I won’t blast this one to pieces, alright?” He rolls his eyes. “Ya all happy and cheery now?”
“Very.” You smile brightly, moving to grab the second gift and place it in his hands. “Here’s the next one, open it.”
You watched him set the watch aside carefully, before taking the second gift. He might’ve been grumbling, but he couldn’t completely hide the smile trying to stretch across his face. You were glad you made the effort- he deserved every good thing and more.
“This is a jar.” He says flatly, looking down at the unwrapped gift. “What the hell?”
“It’s a swear jar. You know, for practicing how not to offend everyone within a .2 mile radius.” You deapan, taking the excess wrapping paper from him to throw it out. “You gotta work on it, Katsu- news has to censor you so much that your public appearances sound like EDM music.” 
“I’m gonna blow this up.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am.”
“No. You’re not.” You laugh. Then you lean towards him, sidling up close and lowering your voice as you run thumb across his jaw. “And, hey, if you figure out how to make it through the week without filling it up, I’ll give you something really, really nice as a reward.”
“Reward?” He’s asks, quickly putting down the jar. You know the look in his eyes, and you’re not surprised when his hands wander to your waist. “’s empty now, right? Think I fuckin’ deserve it. Huh, sunshine?”
“Nope. Sorry, Katsu.” You smile sweetly, dodging as he leans in for a kiss. “It’s saturday- week doesn’t start until tomorrow!” 
He groans, loudly, falling boneless against the couch and tugging you with him.
“You make me want to blow my fuckin’ self up. You know that, you shitty woman?” 
“Aw, thanks. Now, cheer up- you’ve still got one left to open.” You say, patting his grimacing face.
You shake his hold, just barely avoiding when he tries to pull you back as you grab the last present. This box is a little different from the last two, you’d spent extra time trying to make sure it was wrapped nicely and you’d even tied a ribbon around it. You hoped he’d like the gauntlet attachment- you didn’t think you’d be able to hide your disappointment if he didn’t.
“Yeah, so this next one,” You start, placing the box in his hand delicately. “I made it for you myself. Designed it too.”
He pulls the ribbon on the box, tearing away the paper. It’s like time stops for a moment, rolling nerves arresting you and choking your breath. You’re nervous and you feel like shaking and you so desperately want him to like the gift. Want him understand just how much work you’d put in for him and just how easily you’d do it all over again.
“Yeah so it’s an attachment for your grenade gauntlets, right?” You start, right when he’s pulling the device from the box and holding it in his hands. “I was thinking- wouldn’t it be nice if you could quiet your explosions sometimes? You know, for when you’re saving civilians and kids and stuff so they’re not so scared. Basically it works kind of similar to a suppressor on a gun, dispersing and slowing down the blast just a little to muffle the sound, but it’s just a little more high-tech and way more powerful- to match your quirk. Obviously. And it’s adjustable so, if, for whatever reason, you needed to wear it outside of your costume, you can collapse it slip it on like a bracelet and-”
Bakugou is silent. He’s almost frozen as he stares down at the gift, only twisting the gift around in his hands to get a better look. His eyebrows crease, and your stomach drops.
“No- it’s- please don’t get mad! It’s not supposed to offend you or anything! I-I know you don’t need my help to save people, you can do it all on your own, I know that.” You rub your arm anxiously, eyes averted to the floor. “I’m just trying to help- you know, because you always talk about your ratings going up, and I’m sure you could totally do it on your own, I know you could, but I just wanted to help you cause that’s what I do, support, and I can’t help you out on the field and I-”
Pop pop pop pop pop
When you finally look up at him, you’re blinded by the smile on his face. It’s bright, and beaming, and brilliant as he fires off explosions. You can see the light dancing on his hands, the force of combustion shooting his arm back, but it’s quiet. It sounds like pop rocks and bacon grease and popcorn instead of cracking thunder and collapsing buildings and then he’s laughing- he’s laughing something full and joyful as he stands, holding his hands up right next to his ears and setting off more explosions.
“You hear this shit?” He yells, that wide smile dazzling you all over again. “Fuckin’ works!”
The nerves disappeared, the tension seeping from your body entirely as he grinned at you. It was worth it. Entirely worth it- you’d give anything, start all over and do it all again from the start just to see that smile. 
“You wanna hear?” He asks suddenly, nearing you with his hands raised. “Listen!”
“No! No- I’m- I’m good, Katsuki.” You laugh, batting his hands away from your head. “I can hear it just fine from here, no need to singe my hair.”
“I wouldn’t-”
“I know.” You smile up at him, poking his broad chest. “So you like it? Right? Because it’s just a prototype, first draft, you know, so if there’s anything you want to change about it, let me know. Or if you just don’t want it I-”
“I’m fuckin’ keepin’ it.”
“I’m keepin’ it. It’s cool as shit.” He smiles down at you, eyes crinkled at the edges. “Besides, stealth, right? Could blow a fucker up in the next room and you wouldn’t even know it!”
“But I- I made them for you to save people? Like to help them?”
“And they could be used to blow shit up more effectively too. Win fucking win.” Katsuki pulls you in suddenly, arms falling familiarly around your waist. “Good shit, sunshine. Thanks.” 
“Of course.” You sigh, looking down at your feet. “That’s what I was doing- when I was gone. Designing it for my project grade and then building it for you. Sorry I got so carried away, I didn’t realize I was gone so long, you know?” 
“You’re still stupid for it, but it’s fine. Fuckin’ get it.” He grumbles. “You’re done now or whatever, right?”
“With school? Yeah I mean, I’ve still got graduation and stuff but otherwise I’m pretty much-
“Move in with me.”
“God, you always make me fuckin’ say it again!” He flusters, voice loud and raspy. “I said- move in! Here! You’re fuckin’ disappearin’ all the goddamn time to wherever the fuck and I’m sick of it!”
“Y-you want me to move in? 
“That’s what I just fuckin’ said! Idiot!” He thunders, face a violent red when you look up at him. “And I’m not gonna fuckin’ say it again so you either have to say yes or no because I-”
“Yes. Obviously. Of course I’ll move in!” You say, warmth filling your chest as you throw your arms around his neck. “I love you, of course I will!” 
You see the smile he can’t contain- one so dazzling and arresting, as he looks at you. One exactly similar to the brilliant one from earlier. You couldn’t believe that sentiment made you emotional- the thought that you made him just as happy as explosions did, of all things. But it did make you emotional. It really, really, did.
“What’re you- stop cryin’.” He says suddenly, calloused fingers catching your tears. “Why’re you cryin’? I didn’t even say anythin’ rude this time!” 
“No, it’s not that.” You sniffle, grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles. “I’m just happy. Really, really happy. I love you, you angry fucking man.”
Katsuki leans in for another kiss, and you don’t dodge it this time. You meet him in the middle and melt into him just as much as he melts into you. You can feel his hand under your chin, the other on your back, and you don’t think you’ve ever been warmer than in that moment.
You’d been waiting your entire life for him. For all of this. You were warm and loved and so very, very happy that it nearly knocked you off your feet. 
Or it would’ve- but when your knees weakened he just held you closer, righting you without missing a beat. You suddenly loved him for that, and for everything else too. You loved him for all that he was and his angry words and his subtle gestures. He was sizzling gunpowder and sharp steel and seared ashes, but he was the softest landing you’d ever known too. There was no hitting the ground with him, and he’d never let you fall alone. 
You’d know Katsuki was forever since the day your tattoo appeared, but it didn’t truly sink in until you’d learned to love him. Until you’d known him. Now you knew him like the back of your hand; you saw his face behind your eyelids, heard his voice in your dreams, and thought about his touch every waking moment. He was your other-half, as scary and loud and intense as he was, and you wouldn’t change a single thing about him.
He pulls away suddenly, and when you glance up at him he’s staring right at you. 
“I love you.”
Your breath catches. You thought you were thrilled to hear the words last night- but it was nothing in comparison to now. Bakugou was finally looking at you, catching your gaze and holding eye-contact and his voice was soft like you’d never heard it before. His tone was bare, no anger or attitude or bite- just him and three little words that took your breath away.
In that moment, Katsuki is the only person in the entire world. There was no one else and no other conclusion, and of course you ended up here. He was the only ending you’d ever surrender to. The only finality that could ever possibly taste so sweet. 
And suddenly, all at once, you loved him all over again. 
i- sob. plS this was so much fun to write and im gonna miss it sm !! 
once again, thank u to everyone who liked and commented and reblogged any part of this! this is the first ever multi-chapter fanfic i’ve ever written , and i really really was nervous about my characterization and writing and stuff, but you all made me feel so welcome here.  i appreciate it sm. way more than any of you know.
anyways, thank u once again for reading lovelies and i hope u all stay safe. i love y’all. <333
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symwinter · 3 years
HBIC Marinette – Chapter Two
Taglist: @ladybug-182 | @our-preciousss | @woe-is-me0 | @vroomtaka | @lady-bee-fechin | @ramos123 | @itsmeevie01 | @chaoticstarworld | @vixen-uchiha | @seraphichana | @pleaseignorejustheretoread | @basenikon | @bread-loving-mess | @walkingthroughonautopilot |
Sorry it took so long for the next chapter. If I stop writing I have to go back and read what was there and it just reads so badly to me so I have to start over. To make up for it, I tried to make this chapter extra long, but I don’t know if it came across that way.
First - Last - Next
Hell hath no fury like Marinette scorned. On the outside she appeared calm, almost peaceful, but on the inside she was plotting. She doubted the class would take the fallout quietly so she needed to be prepared. The bell on the door jingled as she stepped inside. Her maman perked up hearing the bell. “Marinette! How was school today?” “Eventful,” she replied, “can I talk to you and papa about something? It’s important.” “Of course,” Sabine replied, “please flip the sigh to closed will you?” Marinette nodded and flipped the sign, locking the door for good measure. From there she was ushered upstairs.
“So what do you need to talk to us about? Did you find your sketchbook?” Sabine inquired, her hands folded gently on her lap. “You remember Lila right? The girl who falsified my expulsion?” “She’s the one with the lying disease right?” Tom replied. Marinette forced herself to not roll her eyes. Lila literally said she had a lying disease and was still believed. “Yes and yes. Lila was the one who took it and tore it apart,” Marinette pulled the broken sketchbook from her backpack. Sabine gasped. Tom rubbed her shoulder. “Most of my class did as well. Except for Adrien, Chloé, Sabrina, and Nathanael.” Sabine frowned. “Was it your commission book?” “No, thankfully. That one’s still here. This one was just doodles.” Marinette put the sketchbook down on the table. “But I refuse to leave this unpunished. I just thought I’d let you know.” Tom grimaced but object. “Normally I would be against this,” Tom said, “but if you think it’s necessary then you have my support.” Sabine nodded in agreement. “Is there anything we can do to help?” “Outside of Chloé, Adrien, Sabrina, and Nathanael I don’t know who helped tear it apart and who tried to take it away so it wouldn’t get damaged,” Marinette began, “so until then could you refuse to serve anyone from my class that isn’t those three? Or at least not give them a discount? Or let them see me?” Not that anyone but Nathanael would visit from that small group. “Of course Marinette,” Sabine said, “we’re your parents. It’s our job to be there for you.” Marinette didn’t comment about how they believed Lila when she was expelled and instead shot herself into her parents arms, pulling them into a hug. “I’m going to go salvage what I can from this.” She said, picking up the sketchbook. “Let me know if anyone stops by.”
It took longer than Adrien would like to admit to pick out which sketchbook to buy for Marinette. This was the third shop he went to. “Oh for the love of god Adrikins will you just pick a sketchbook already?” Chloé snapped from beside him. Adrien staggered slightly before looking at her. “It’s not just a replacement but an apology.” He replied. “It needs to be perfect.” “There’s only so long before you father comes a calling and then you can’t give her the sketchbook at all.” She retorted, crossing her arms. Sabrina appeared next to the two blondes holding a 12 by 9 inch sketchbook. Adrien took it from her hands and inspected it. The cover was rather bland, only being a dull dark brown, but the quality of the paper was rather nice. It looked like something his father would use. He didn’t know Sabrina as well as he did Chloé but she clearly had an eye for these things. He supposed being friends with Chloé helped in that regard. “I also considered the idea of getting flowers for Marinette,” Sabrina added, “maybe they’ll act as a nice icebreaker before giving her the sketchbook.” “Sabrina, when you get married I will happily pay for the wedding.” Adrien said. Sabrina smiled. “I’ll hold it to you.” “Great we have a sketchbook can we go already?” Chloé hissed, clearly annoyed. “Yes Chlo, we can go pay and head out.” Adrien paid for the expensive sketchbook before hopping into a flower shop nearby, much to the chagrin of Chloé. One bouquet later and they was off to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
“Welcome! How can I-” Sabine paused looking at the odd trio in front of her. Adrien, Chloé, and Sabrina, only two of which had ever been over. “We’re here to see Marinette.” Adrien replied, giving an awkward smile. If Sabine did know about the sketchbook, it’s possible she wouldn’t let them visit. Chloé and Sabrina’s less than perfect history with Marinette certainly wouldn’t help. “Of course, you remember how to get inside don’t you Adrien?” He nodded and slipped past the confused Sabine. Tom was equally as confused. “You’re here to see Marinette?” “Yep.” Adrien replied, popping the ‘p.’ “Feel free to grab something then, you’re practically skin and bones.” “Model diet,” Chloé retorted, as Adrien slipped the sketchbook under his arm. Marinette’s parents made the best baked goods. The trio moved efficiently through the house before sending Sabrina to knock on the trap door. A simple ‘who is it?’ rang from above. Sabrina pushed the trap door open. “Adrien and Chloé are also here.” Marinette ushered the three up. Adrien practically shoved the flowers in front of her. “Are these-” Marinette began. “Flowers? Yeah. Sabrina suggest I get some along with this,” he held the sketchbook out. Marinette placed the bouquet on her desk before delicately taking the sketchbook from him. She inspected it but found no price tag. “I heard the class damaged your sketchbook so I found it right to get you a new one.” “I can’t this accept, ugh I mean, I can’t accept this.” “Yes you can. You deserve nice things Marinette.” “Adrikins practically dragged me around Paris to find you that sketchbook. Take it.” Chloé said, inspecting her nails. “Ignore her,” Adrien replied, “it was my fault that you’re sketchbook got torn in the first place. I didn’t know how awful Lila could be.” “But you didn’t. I didn’t tell you that she threatened me-” Adrien, Sabrina, and Chloé’s heads whipped to look at her. “She threatened you?” Adrien’s voice was cold. It almost reminded her of M. Agreste’s during the brief time he heard it. “When exactly did she threaten you?” “When she first got back. In the bathroom. And she kind of did when I got briefly expelled.” “Well then it was definitely the wrong advice. I thought she was just lying for attention, not threatening you. That’s serious. I would’ve never made that deal if I knew how awful she was. I could’ve, I should’ve-” “Wait deal?” This time Sabrina spoke up. “The reason Lila works for Gabriel is because I made a deal to get her to lie Marinette back into class. I swore I told her to leave you alone to. It’s all my fau—why are you crying??!!”
And lo and behold, large tears dripped down Marinette’s cheeks, which she wiped away. “You did that for me?” “Of course, you’re my friend.” Adrien replied, pulling her into a hug. “And that’s what friend do right?” “Okay great, dirty laundry has been aired or whatever but can we get to the point people?” Chloé sniped. “What’s the point?” Marinette asked, stepping out of the hug, albeit reluctantly. “When you go maul the class to death, leave Sabrina, Adrikins, and I out of it. We’re not friends, but even I know not to ruin your stuff.” Marinette put the sketchbook down. “I will but I get to slap you with no consequences.” “You’ve got to be joking.” “You made my life hell and that’s getting off easy for the amount of crap you put me though.” “How about instead, I cover whatever expensive fancy fabrics you can’t buy for the next two months. I’d have to explain the smack to daddy after all” “Hm, make it four months.” Marinette replied. “Three.” “Deal.” Chloé turned on her heel. “Sabrina, let’s go.” The redhead followed but paused to wave goodbye. “I guess that’s my cue to leave as well.” Adrien replied. “And again, I’m sorry I didn’t help you sooner.” “You didn’t know. But you’ll stand up for me now right? When Lila opens her mouth to spew more lies?” “Of course Mari. I’ll be your alibi until the foreseeable future.” He pulled Marinette into a hug again, and impulsively kissed her cheek before leaving the building. It wasn’t until he was standing on the street, phone in hand to call the Gorilla did he realize what he had done.
“Oh god.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Dear wendy, im sorry for being a whore but 👁👄👁 … I kinda want a smut where reader is a milf a mom of geto’s friend… a lot sexual tension would be great 😳
YES AND — my mind instantly said “hey this is how that will play out” and LOW KEY I’ve been waiting for this moment because I, too, am I whore.
Tumblr media
Milk and Cookies: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
WC: 1.9k
Tw: NSFW (Lactation kink, unprotected sex)
The chimes and tinkles of the doorbell make you look up from the dirty dishes in the sink, and you pad over to the wooden door, peeking through the peephole.
Your son's friend, Geto Suguru, stands in the entryway, holding a bag as he pushes his hair back over his shoulder, and you instantly open the door for him. God, if he was as old as you, you'd have him snatched up and pinned to a bed. "Hello, Suguru! Just so you know, Kai won't be back for another hour or so. He and his grandfather were caught in traffic on the way back from fishing," you tell the man, and he smiles at you brightly. Your legs want to go weak, but you keep your composure and smile back at the twenty-two-year-old.
"No worries, Mrs. L/n. I'll just wait here until they get back. Do you mind?"
"Not at all," you reassure him and walk past the door to let him in. "The baby is with his grandma, so make yourself comfortable in the living room. Let me know if you want anything to eat." Geto nods at you, then opens the bag he brought.
"I brought some cookies that my mother made for you. She said after having a baby, these really help with your... uh... hormones, I think." You examine the offering when he passes it to you, and take one out of the little box. The oats and dark chocolate pieces melt in your mouth, and you hum in delight.
"These are delicious, Suguru. Tell your mother I said thank you. Did you help her make these?" The grown man shuffles about for a second, then admits his involvement. "You're incredibly sweet," you mention, and a blush creeps up his neck. "You both did a very good job." He looks up at you, dumbfounded, then smirks.
"Wasn't too hard to follow directions. Plus, I love baking. Would love to help you bake sometimes if you'll let me."
"Just let me know when and what you want to bake," you reassure him and he nods, taking a seat on the couch.
When you finish the cookie, you turn back to the dishes and begin to wash them as the TV flicks on in the living room. You're lost in thought about the kindness of Suguru and his mother when you feel the sharp stabbing sensation of a knife poke you in your hand.
"Ah!" When you bring your hand out of the water, you see that the knife sliced the palm of your hand a little, red blood forming along the cut.
"Mrs. L/n, I'll help." Suguru appears out of nowhere and reaches above the microwave to grab the first aid kit from a cabinet. While he does that, you run the palm under water, hissing as it stings but then drying it on a paper towel. Suguru takes a bandaid and places it over your cut hand, then wraps gauze over it. "You should be more careful," he chastises, and you hum in response. "Would hate to see a pretty hand like yours get infected. I'll finish the dishes for you; just sit on the couch and relax." You begin to protest, but Suguru silences you with a five to your lips, pulls you toward the living room, and sits you on a recliner before he leaves to go finish the dishes.
The TV is tuned to HGTV, and you watch Chip and Joanna renovate homes while the man finishes, glancing over at him every so often to see if he's having any trouble. But he looks as studious as ever, hair dangling over his shoulder as he finishes his task. Well, your task, actually.
When Suguru's done, he joins you in the living room, sitting in the closest seat to your recliner. "Tell me about your weekend," he begins, his black eyes staring at your face. You eye your velour tracksuit with disdain, noting that you hadn't even had a chance to get out since the baby was born a month ago and the father had been absent for much longer than that.
"Oh, just cleaning and making the house neat. You?"
"That's all you've done? What about getting a babysitter to watch Kaneda while you go out and have some fun?"
"Um..." How could you explain to the man that you don't have any friends to go out with? "Well, that would be nice."
"I'll ask my friend Shoko if she'll come by. She loves kids." He pulls out his phone and begins to type out a message, then focuses back on you when he's done. "Any news from Mr. L/n?"
"No," you answer quickly. "He's sent his monthly allowance for me and Kai, but that's it."
"Has he seen Kaneda at all?"
"No." Geto lapses into silence, eyes looking down at the carpet.
"I normally don't speak on matters that don't concern me, but fuck him," he mutters, and you look up in shock. "If I had a wife like you, I'd take you out, show you off, make you happy, and keep you satisfied. I'd never--" Suguru clenches his jaw when you touch his hand, a small smile on your face.
"You're too kind. Things between Mr. L/n and I have been rough, but I'm sure he'll come around soon."
Suguru shakes his head, then shifts out of your grip. "I would treat you better," he murmurs, then looks over at you. You swear the flutter in your chest isn't from any feelings and just because of his pity. But when he gets up and cradles your face like a lover would, you break. Tears fall from your eyes rapidly, and he brushes them away with the pads of his thumbs, cooing at you like you're a child.
"You deserve better. Say it."
"I..." But do you? You heard rumors about Kai's mom and how she was abandoned in the same way. Was this your fate, too?
"Say it. Maybe then you'll believe it."
"I deserve... better."
"Good girl." The fluttering feeling returns and your lips part as you inhale sharply. "Now, will you let me give you something better?" You nod immediately, feeling something pool between your legs. When you realize it's heat, you're shocked, but Suguru leans in to kiss you, smoothing the shock away.
"Suguru," you murmur. "We shouldn't--"
"How long has it been since your husband touched you?" You fumble for the time, knowing it hadn't been for over eight months.
"Um... that's--"
"A long time, hmm?" Suguru's eyes roam over your figure. "Then let me satisfy you, just once. If you don't like it, we can stop and I'll never touch you again, I promise."
"Suguru, I--"
"What harm will it do? If you like it, I'll make sure I come by often enough to have you seeing stars once a week. We'll never speak of it again if you don't want to do it anymore."
The deal is a good one, you think. "Well, maybe just this once."
"That's all I need." He unzips your jacket and frees your swollen breasts, rubbing them tenderly and kissing each one with a peck. "First things first, you need some relief from all of this build-up." When he latches his mouth onto your right nipple, you moan loud enough to overshadow the sound of the TV, and you feel milk flowing from your breasts rapidly. Suguru hums, drinking from you greedily, a small river of milk flowing from the corner of his mouth. You feel a tingling sensation, then exhale deeply, closing your eyes as he massages the other breast slowly.
"Oh, that feels good," you whisper and he unlatches from your right breast to your left one, fitting himself onto the nipple perfectly. You hiss in pain for a few seconds until his tongue swirls over the nipple easily. A sudden realization that this is wrong washes over you, but Suguru is tightly latched onto the bud, suckling eagerly. "Suguru..." you whisper, and he opens his eyes, but doesn't stop. "Suguru, this is wrong. You're my stepson's best friend and I--"
"This isn't about him. This is about you," he mutters, swallowing the last bit of milk before he removes his shirt. "Besides, you taste so delicious. I'm sure the rest of you tastes even better." As he removes your track pants, you bite your lip, wanting this so desperately. He spreads your legs and dips a finger into you, stroking your insides gently. "Oh, you're ready."
"Please fuck me," you whisper. "Just do it." Suguru removes his pants and palms himself, his cock rock-hard and standing at attention. The red tip is already dripping with pre-cum, ready for you to take in. He pants a little, lifting you off the recliner and moving you to the couch, where he lays you on the comfortable fabric before parting your legs again.
He runs the tip up and down your slit before sliding into you, his tip caressing long-neglected parts of you. "Su," you whine, and he kisses your cheek.
"Tell me if it hurts, baby." You clutch onto him as he pushes into you again, digging your nails into his back and moaning. "You're so damn tight."
"Feels so good..." You feel the sensation of being stretched to the brim, and wonder where in the hell Sugurus been all of your life. When he picks up his speed, he clutches onto your asscheeks and shifts you up so your knees are touching your chest. As he holds them against your breasts, they begin to leak and stain the fabric beneath them. You gasp and pant wantonly, hoping the sounds out spur him to go faster, go deeper; maybe if you allowed him to--
"Turn over for me." You obey, and he slides two fingers between your pussy lips, bending down to whisper in your ear. "Gonna make you cum in a minute. God, I've waited for this pussy for so long," he moans. "Such a good girl; waiting for months to get fucked. So patient." You whimper, and he removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock head. He slides into you again, and you exclaim, bucking your hips up to meet his. "Such a beautiful pussy, too," he grunts, smacking your ass with a heavy hand.
Then Suguru begins pounding into you wildly, rocking you back and forth on the couch without restraint. You hiss before you feel the familiar build-up of an orgasm, and call Geto's name out before you begin to shake, losing all sense of time and place.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me," Suguru breathes. "You're doing amazing."
"Oh my god," you gasp, cunt clenching around his dick. "I can't--" Another orgasm builds on top of the one you already experienced, and you grip onto the fabric tightly, shaking as you cum again. "S-Suguru, I--"
"Fuck," he whispers in your ear. "Gonna cum too. Where do you want it?"
"Wherever," you pant, and he instantly lets himself go inside of you, groaning loudly.
"God, Mrs. L/n, that was amazing," he whispers, chest heaving up and down. "What'd you think?" When he realizes that he has to remove your hands from the fabric, he chuckles. "You liked it." You nod, feeling his cum leaking out of you. "Let me clean you up, sweetheart." You expect him to go to the bathroom and search for a washcloth, but he pulls your hips up and back, so your knees are on the carpet.
It's only then that he begins to lick you clean, slurping up his cum and your juices. When he's done licking you clean, he pats your ass and you turn over, eyeing the man cautiously.
"I'll come over next week if you want me to. I'll make sure you're satisfied for the rest of your life."
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raindownforme · 3 years
Theater Kid
Ted Nivison x reader [she/her used]
It wasn’t odd for me to be left alone in the big open space. Most nights I was there into the late hours when my teachers were too tired to remember I was there. But tonight they’d actually forgotten, so I busied myself by sweeping the giant black stage. The push broom had been left near the side lighting panel, so I chose a few flood lights to turn on to better see the flooring. The lightbulbs hummed to life above me and I went back to take center stage as a starting point. I turned to look towards the house but, as I stared out into the seats, I saw someone standing who hadn’t been there before.
“You turned the fucking floods on.” His voice echoed across the near empty space and I shushed him as quickly as possible. Fucking actors always having to be the loudest.
“Jesus Christ Theodore shut up. Haven’t you ever done this before?”
“No. I don’t stay after school cleaning like a weirdo.”
“Well you’re here. And I’m not a weirdo! It’s a shared space. If anything you should appreciate me.”
I watched as he awkwardly picked up his backpack and walked down the aisles towards me. He stood at the foot of the stage, staring up at me, which wasn’t that much of an angle for him. He was an abnormally tall person, especially for a highschool student. Of course it only added to the strange charismatic spell he held over almost everyone else in our shared department, and I hated it. I hated the way he never talked to me but talked to everyone else. I hated the way he would sit on the desks and the tables in the classroom and the makeup room and on the edge of the stage and when he caught me looking he would give me this wide, crooked smile. I hated how loud his stupid improv club was that he got to lead was because he was the only student good at it. I hated how I spent every day inside the workshop and the prop hallway and the sound booth and the set alley and the lighting booth and he never payed a bit of attention to it. It was everyone else but me. And even knowing how close I’d gotten to being the stage manager, I knew I’d always be one peg under him.
“Did you hear me?”
I blinked myself out of my angry thoughts, trying to catch up with the real world. “I’m sorry?”
“I said you don’t have to call me Theodore. Ted is fine.”
“Oh.” I rolled my shoulders back unsure of what was the appropriate next step. “Well my name is-“
“y/n I know.” He cut me off. I stared at him in confusion, simply having assumed he didn’t know who I was. “We have like five classes together. We’ve done every production together since freshman year. You’re the one in charge when I come to set days. I sit across from you in the makeup room during lunch. And I know you do all your homework at the director’s desk.”
I stared at my feet as I felt my face flush. It felt like I couldn’t make words. It didn’t make sense that this guy I thought was a prick for the last three years knew me? But I knew that I liked him knowing me. And that was the worst part; I’d been fine with thinking he didn’t know me and didn’t want to because it gave me a name to whatever this feeling was. And now I don’t know. I looked back towards him, trying to think of anything to say. “You don’t care about tech.”
“I- what?” I couldn’t tell if he was angry or confused, and I wasn’t sure which was worse. Staring at him again I noticed the strange tint to his face, which seemed to be turning pinker by the second. I could see my reflection in his glasses and I realized how awkward of an angle we were at.
I bent down on my knees to meet his eye level. “You don’t care about tech. You’re the guy who’s a lead character and comes to rehearsal just to fuck around when you’re not needed act all high and mighty when really you never do anything.”
He narrowed his eyes, as if thinking, and then slapped his bag down on the stage near my feet. “Give me a fucking broom.”
We spent the next while peacefully sweeping up the stage. At some point I switched to the nail detector (which was really a long stick with a magnet on the end) and began going around the edges and crevices to try and find anything. We crossed paths a couple times, shoulders brushing together or brooms clinking.
Eventually I had passed him just enough that he stopped me in my tracks. He grasped my forearm gently, but I stared at his hand. I didn’t seem to want him to let go. “Here.” He took an AirPod out of his ear and handed it to me.
“Ooooh fancy actor boy has AirPods.”
“Literally shut up and appreciate me.” I smiled as I walked towards the trash can. I didn’t know what was playing, but it seemed like some indie bullshit I probably would have admitted to liking if it wasn’t coming from Th- Ted.
I sighed as I leaned the broom against the wall. “I think we’re done here. I can put away the broom in the morning if you don’t know where it goes.”
“I got it.” I watched as he took the trash can under one arm and the broom to the designated little outcropping in the workshop.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you in here.”
“Eh.” He shrugged and stood up straight to look down at me better. “Freshman year someone smacked me straight across the face with a roller. Worst acne I’ve ever had.”
“Oh. Ouch. Still on the handle?”
“Wet or dry?”
“Wet. With paint. Fresh paint.”
“Ooh. What color?”
“Forest green.”
“Euch. Nasty.” I chuckled as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. It wasn’t uncommon for this part of the school to be the coldest, especially surrounded by walls of exclusively concrete and a single garage door, and the seasons still changing as we neared the end of winter. I felt a shiver run through my spine, and Ted looked at me funny.
“Is it cold in here?”
“For some of us.”
“Here.” Ted shrugged off the heavy bomber jacket he had been wearing and draped it over my shoulders. It was warm on the inside, much warmer than I’d been expecting. It almost fit, but I guess his torso and arms were just slightly larger than mine. I looked back to him to say thank you but instead he was staring at me with this dumb look. He was smiling and his head was tilted slightly, and his face was pink again, but darker this time. I felt my face heat up as we stared at each other.
“We should leave.”
He seemed to snap back to reality. “Right. Yeah no right god it’s- what time?” He flicked his wrist out to move his sleeve in order to see his watch. Of course the pretentious bitch wore a stupid watch. “It’s like 6. I guess it’s eating time.”
I nodded and walked back out towards stage left, Turing off all the lights except for our single ghost light that had to sit center stage. It cast a hazy shadow over everything. I watched Ted walk towards center where the lightbulb stood. He started to reach for his bag but I heard the song change in the AirPod. He made eye contact with me as a slow waltzy song moved through my ear. He extended a hand to me and I tentatively reached for it. His hands felt good in mine. They were soft but worn, I and I could clearly feel the lines that ran through his palms and his fingers.
He took one of my hands in his and his other hand placed itself gently on my waist. “Have you ever waltzed before?” His voice was low and raspy, trying to be as quiet as possible.
I whispered back, “no.” He began to shuffle us around, pulling me left and right and pushing away and pulling me. I felt surrounded by the way he smelled and the way he held me gingerly, like a glass figurine. I stared down at my feet as to not step on him, but he took the hand that was holding mine to gently lift my chin up.
“It’ll be easier if you look up at me. I know you can hear the rhythm.” He began to hum the song as we continued to move. The song began a flourish ending as he threw me out in a twirl, then pulling me back in to his arms. I felt him dip me to the ground as the ending came. I let my self dangle, my head up side down, staring at the ground, then gently lifted my face back upwards. Ted was mere centimeters away from me. I could feel his breathing on my neck.
“Ted. I should-“
“Yeah. No no I know. Yeah.” He lifted me up slowly until I was sure I was flat on the floor. I grabbed my backpack, holding the straps.
“Do you want your jacket-?”
“Keep it. I can get it back tomorrow.”
“Today’s Friday.”
“Right. Monday then.”
I nodded and walked towards the door. I could hear his heavier footsteps behind me, gaining quick due to his longer legs. The door clicked shut behind us, and the cool February air rushed through my skin and hair. I watched Ted take a keychain out from the pocket of his back pack. He looked at me and frowned.
“Did you drive or do you have a ride?”
“Oh yeah. No they’ll uh. They’ll be here in a bit.” I dropped my bag and sat on the curb with it on my lap to try and stay warm. Ted’s jacket was lovely but not lovely enough.
I heard Ted drop his bag and watched as he took a seat next to me. He looked over at me. “What? I’m not gonna leave a pretty girl out alone at 7 at night in the winter. Besides my parents probably think I’m at the game anyways.”
Now that he mentioned it, I could hear the sound of cheering and drum line off in the distance.
Did he call me pretty?
We both waited on the curb for probably another 10 minutes before he started talking again. “There’s no one coming is there?”
“I never see you leave because you always leave last. After anyone who could possible give you a ride has left. You’re one of those kids.”
“I’m sorry one of those kids?”
“No I didn’t-“ he exhaled and closed his eyes. “You don’t have anyone waiting for you. So you just walk.” We were both quiet for a moment, taking in the cold as it burned your skin. Ted stood up and extended a hand to me. “Get in the car.”
“Im sorry what?”
“Get in my fucking car. I’m not going to leave you to get kidnapped on the way home so you’re coming with me to get food.”
“See now this feels like kidnapping.”
“Oh my GOD get in the car.”
I reluctantly climbed into the passenger seat of his car, looking at the very minimal personalization that had been done: a couple stickers on the back window and a glasses case in the center cup holder. I watched as he reversed out of the parking spot, extending his arm against my seat to better turn around. I did my best not to stare, but I wasn’t sure what else to look at. He stopped before going into drive, asking if I didn’t mind McDonald’s even if there was a long line.
“Sure. It’s not like there’s someone waiting on me.”
He frowned at my response, but nonetheless kept on driving. “Well, there’s also a Dairy Queen, Sherri’s, maybe a Taco Bell-“
He glanced over at me with a confused look. “Really??”
“Come on, you know sitting in a dirty trashy restaurant at night is the total teenage coming of age moment.”
“Yeah but a Sherri’s? The food isn’t even good enough to justify.”
“You only say that because you haven’t tried those loaded hash browns.” I jokingly placed a hand on his shoulder, but I felt him tense at the contact. I retracted my hand and he sighed, moving to turn on his right blinker.
Ted swiveled his head to check for passing cars, but he grinned at me as we made less than a second of eye contact. I turned my head away towards the window next to me, trying to swallow whatever heat was rising towards my cheeks. I watched us pass cars and headlights as we approached the poorly lit parking lot. I jolted as ted’s plastic bumper lightly scraped the ground. He mumbled something under his breath as he pulled into a spot.
“I hate this stupid lot. Always scratch something coming in.” He unbuckled his seat belt and got out quicker than I expected. I went to unbuckle and get out but as I reached for the door handle, Ted opened it for me from the outside.
“Oh.” I stared at him for a second and he grinned at me.
“I know. Such a gentleman. Now get out of the car before I break your heart.” He winked at me, obviously joking, but I still felt my heart drop out of my chest.
“HA.” I pushed him away from me gently, but my fingers burnt at the touch.
I heard Ted shut the door behind me as I walked into the restaurant. There was really no one inside other than a group of kids tucked away in a booth in a far corner. I watched as the hostess approached me, saying I could sit in any table I wanted. I heard Ted walk in behind me and I turned to look at him, but he was staring at the group of kids in the corner.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “Oh shit-“
“HEY. TED!” One of the kids started yelling at him from the booth. The other boys laughed at him as the maybe two or three other girls giggled. I looked between Ted and the boy, who seemed incredibly belligerent or under some sort of influence. He waved his arms in a wide span over his head, as if telling Ted where he was. “NIVISON! COME SIT OVER HERE! COME ON FUCK THE LOSER! GET OVER HERE.”
Ted looked at me, making a prolonged eye contact, then back to the kid. “No thanks! I’ll see you later.”
He linked arms with me and rushed over to the other side of the restaurant, tucking us into a small booth by the window. He said almost nothing, staring just out at the bushes. A waiter came by, dropping off two thick plastic menus.
“Anything to drink?”
Ted mumbled, but I was sure the waiter wasn’t able to hear. “Water for him please. And how much is a vanilla milkshake?”
“$2.50 for a small.”
“A small vanilla milkshake then. Please.” I smiled gently at him, and the waiter seemed to straighten himself a bit, more self assured than he had been two minutes ago.
“Of course. Right away.”
The waiter walked away and Ted stayed quiet. I slid my hand across the table towards him. “Theodore-“
“I’m not friends with Jake. I mean I was when we were younger.” He was looking me now. Well not exactly me, but my extended hand at least. “He joined the football team and some other sorts and we just stopped hanging out because of time. And he does still wear the lettermen’s jacket but....” he dropped his voice and leaned in, I copied and leaned closer to him. “He got cut from the team because he would show up drunk so now he goes to games just to drink under the bleachers and pick up cheerleaders from the other schools. He tells anyone who asks that he got a brain injury and can’t legally practice but still goes for support.”
“Oh my god.” I blinked, my voice still at a whisper. “That’s terrible.”
Ted nodded eyes wide. He looked over my shoulder, tapped my hand, and then sat up. I sat up too, assuming it was the waiter, but stared at how close his hand was to mine.
“Okayyyyy one ice water and one vanilla milkshake.” I moved my line of vision towards the drink set in front of me. It had the standard glass cup and whipped cream topping, but on top were red and pink heart-shaped sprinkles. I stared at it, and Ted must of noticed it as he took my hand firmly in his, lacing our fingers together on top of the table. The waiter stared at it.
“Hey I think we’re ready to order if you don’t mind.” Ted’s voice was louder than I expected as it took command of our whole corner of the restaurant.
“Uh yeah. What can I get you two?”
“You said you wanted the loaded hash browns, right babe?” He turned to me smiling, but I had no idea what he was thinking.
“Y-Yeah. Those are the ones.”
He gave me a giant goofy smile, and turned back to the waiter. “We’ll have two orders of that please. And an extra straw for this milkshake if you don’t mind?”
“Uh yeah. Coming right up.”
The waiter walked away and Ted sighed, relaxing his grip on my hand but not quite releasing it. “Fucking creep.”
He looked back at me, confused. “You didn’t notice he was flirting with you? He put heart shaped sprinkles on your milkshakes.”
“I guess he’s not that good at it then.”
We sat in silence as I drank the thick vanilla shake. Ted cleared his throat and looked towards me. Our hands were still together.
“Well what can we talk about together?”
“I don’t know, theater kid shit?”
“Alright.” He though for a second. “Fine. Movie musicals.”
“Oh. Oh my god I hate the greatest showman.”
“No you don’t!”
“Yes I do! PT Barnum had no excuse to be an asshole and the whole thing is just him being an asshole to his family who somehow accepts him again.”
“I think if you have a shitty life you could have the right to be an asshole, and he wasn’t that bad! He loved his wife, and the music is good!”
“Okay some, some of the songs are good, and the whole kiss with the red head was totally not his fault. But just cause you have a shit home life doesn’t mean you can be an ass. I would think it would make you want to be nicer so other people don’t experience the same treatment, you know?”
Ted pauses, seeming to consider, then nods and moves to take a drink from his water.
We spent the next while talking about random topics: stories, tv shows, movies, books, anything. At some point the waiter came back and set the food down without a word. Ted released his hand from mine to grab his fork, and I stared at the place his fingers had been. My hand felt cold and unfamiliar as I set it closer to my plate. I ate slowly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, but Ted ate quicker than I thought he could.
“You were right these are delicious.”
“I told you, only good thing they have.”
I was probably close to finishing when the waiter came and slapped the receipt on the table. “We close in ten.”
As he walked away Ted chuckled. “It’s Sherri’s. They’re open 24 hours?”
I shook my head, smiling, as I dug around for some cash. I grimaced at the amount I had, realizing I would have barely two dollars left. I looked up, prepared to go broke, but Ted had already gotten up with cash in hand.
I reached out and grabbed on to his t-shirt as he walked towards the register. “Theodore, wait-“
“If I get to be your fake boyfriend I can pay for our fake date.” He smiled and continued walking. I rustled through all the small bills and coins I had. I was still holding them in my hands when he came back and sat down across from me.
“Y/N, i told you-“
“But, tip-“
“I got it. Finish your food.”
We sat in silence for a little longer, and as soon as I was done he stood up, shouldering the backpack I’d brought in with me. He stood next to me, holding out his arm towards me. I giggled as we linked arms and walked to the door. I made eye contact with the creepy waiter and watched as Ted flipped the guy off.
The air was cold as we exited the building. I probably would have shivered again if not for Ted’s jacket still around me. I used my free hand to pull it closed in front of me. We were silent getting into his car, but as he turned his key over to start the engine he looked to me and smiled.
“Thank you for an amazing fake first date.”
I laughed and felt a small heat rise to my cheeks. “You make an excellent fake boyfriend.”
He turned up the music as we pulled out of the parking lot. I could hear him scrape his bumper again, but he didn’t say anything about it this time. “So, how do I take you home?”
“Oh. You don’t have to! I can just take the bus-“
“y/n. It’s late and it’s dark and it’s cold. Please let me take you home.” We were stopped at a red light, and we paused, staring just at each other. Ted’s face was bright red, and I’m sure mine was too. But even when the light turned green, his face was still red, and I’m sure mine still was.
A car behind us held a sustained honk, and Ted jolted out of his stupor and peeled out across the intersection. Of course Ted wasn’t a bad driver. He was a highschool driver, so he drove to look cool half the time. Meaning right now he was driving with one hand at the top of the wheel and the other arm rested against on top of the center console. I made the judgement call to reach over and take his free hand in mine. I did so loosely, allowing him to let go if he wanted to, but if anything he laced his fingers with mine tighter. I looked down at our hands, smiling, then back towards Ted’s face. He was smiling widely, but when he saw me looking he made a stupid attempt of trying to play it off and act like he wasn’t smiling, but I started laughing so he eventually fell into laughter with me. We didn’t talk much on the way to my house other than me giving directions every now and then. He didn’t let go of my hand the whole time, except when he had to put the car in park.
I stared out his window towards the front of my dark building. I knew no one was home, and it was probably pretty cold inside since I usually forget to turn on the heater before leaving for school.
“I guess this is me.” He watched me throw my bag over my shoulder as I stepped out of the car. “Thank you Theodore. For everything.”
“You can call me Ted.”
I smiled at him. “Right. Thank you. Ted.”
I shut his car door and walked up my sidewalk, but I turned when I heard another car door shutting behind me.
“y/n, wait.” Ted was walking towards me, hands shoved in his pockets as the giant man toward over me. “I, uh, I really enjoyed being your fake boyfriend tonight.”
“I enjoyed it too-“
“And I enjoyed sweeping the stage with you. And holding your hand. And dancing with you. And driving you home. And arguing over food. And laughing. And sharing music. And pretty much everything. And I don’t want it to be because I’m your fake boyfriend you happened to be on a fake date with because we happened to be in the same place at the same time.” He sucked in a breath as he took my hand gently. He stared at our fingers and palms pressed together. “I want to do all that stuff because I’m your real boyfriend. I want to dance with you and take you on dates to shitty diners and act all jealous because it’s real.”
I could feel my face burning. “You were jealous?”
He laughed a little bit. “Oh my God, yes, I was jealous, he was flirting!!” I laughed, gripping his hand a little harder, then pulling it downwards. “Ouch! What the-“
I placed a kiss on his cheek, and I watched him short circuit as his whole face turned red. “Theodore, I would like to let you know, I am free tomorrow night for a date if that’s what your asking.”
“OH. Okay! Yeah is 7 okay?”
“7 is perfect.”
“Yes! Yes yes!” He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. “Oh my god! Okay. Tomorrow, 7!”
I laughed, still trapped in his arms. “I expect dancing.”
“Oh absolutely.” He pushed me back a bit, smiling as he stared at me. “I have to go home. I have to get ready!”
“For a date in 24 hours?”
“Yes! I have plans to make!” He kissed me on the forehead again and ran back to the car. Hand on the handle, he looked back at me, smiling. “I can’t wait.”
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Daddy’s Sex tape
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I feel like part four of this series is a good time to remind that I do not in fact, want to fuck endevour
Sugar Daddy! Endeavor x Reader
part three part two part one
warnings: smut, rough sex, recorded sex/ sex tape, cam girls, sex work, so on and so on
word count: 2,000 (about)
Summary: Endevour wants a sex tape, and who are you to question him?
“Are you sure about this?” you asked biting your lower lip as you fidgeted with the camera. 
“why? do you want me to refund? I thought this was supposed to be a special reward for being your biggest fan for so long,” Enji snapped. 
“Fine, fine,” you said flipping the camera on, and filling the screen with your bubbly face. 
“hey everyone,” you said happily, your voice pitching up into a fake overly sweet tone. 
“No live event this week- or last week I guess, but I hope you all can forgive me,” you said rubbing your thighs together and biting your lower lip. 
“buuut, this time I have to give all of my attention to one lucky viewer, that's right one of my dearest subscribers is getting some personal attention and you all get to watch! So enjoy the show,” you said turning your back to the camera and facing Enji. 
“okay baby,” you said to him, your voice relaxing once the facade dropped a little. Enji was excited to show off for all those sick men who jerked themselves off to you, to show them all how good he could make you feel. but he couldn’t ignore the risk, if he was caught, it would ruin him. Hence why this wasn’t a live show, this way you could edit out and blur his face, so hopefully no one would recognize him. 
“what do you want me to do?” you asked almost sounding nervous, you really were so cute for him. 
“take off your robe,” he whispered. the robe in question was sheer pink chiffon with a satin hem and tie. you faced him as you undid the knot at your hip and shrugged the soft fabric off your shoulders letting it fall into a puddle at your feet. 
“good girl, Now show the camera,” he said drawing a small circle in the air with his finger. 
“how generous,” you teased turning to face the camera, showing the audience your body, running your hands over your curves, touching your tits and spreading your thighs provoctivly. Enji reached out and smacked your ass making you yelp. 
“Hey!” you pouted “that really hurt,”
“you can take more than that,” he scoffed, reaching out and grabbing hold of your hips and tugging you close. 
“Maybe but it still caught me by surprise.” you complained He tugged you forward forcing you onto his lap. 
“You don’t expect an apology do you?” he asked condescendingly  
“no,” you pouted. good. he wasn’t planning on giving you one. He shifted angling both of your bodies to face the camera sideways and he slowly started dragging your hips back and forth on his thigh grinding you clit against his naked thigh. 
you moaned fakely for the camera and Enji caught your jaw forcing you to look at him. “Don’t fake it, when you scream I want it to be for real,” he growled 
“understand me?” he asked
“y-yes daddy,” you whispered as he kept moving your hips for you. Enji leaned in and kissed you, pushing his tongue into your mouth his hand falling to your neck squeezing down. 
“forget the camera, just pay attention to me,” he murrmered as you got wetter, clicking his thigh with your own arousal.
“it doesn’t matter that hundreds of people are watching just keep humping my thigh like the little slut you are,” he hissed. Kissing your neck and biting your pulse point causing you to moan, your head falling back.
“D-Daddy can I please touch you?” you pleaded Enji grunted and pushed your hand to his crotch. you took his big cock in your hand stroking his length trying your best to wrap just one hand around him. 
His cock throbbed in your hand with each pump you made. you swipped your thumb across the head of his red cock making him hiss.
“Good girl, you like playing with daddy’s cock don’t you?” he teased, instantly you nodded and agreed breathally. you were such a mess whenever touched you it was almost embarrassing. 
“you want to put daddy’s cock in your mouth and suck on it a little bit?” he asked moving you off of his thigh to between his legs, not even waiting to hear your anser. Not that he needed to hear it, Enji knew how much you loved sucking his cock.
You ran your hands over his thighs, raking your nails causing goose bumps to rise before lowering your head wrapping your lips around the head of his cock sucking lightly and flicking your tongue across the slit licking up the salty precum Enji carded his fingers through your hair pushing your head forward slowly you opened your mouth and pushed more of his cock into your mouth. your throat spasming around him. 
Your jaw still ached when you took Endevour in your mouth but you were getting better about it.
“such a good girl, what a perfect cock sleeve you are,” he said bobbing your head up and down for you. you could feel him flinch every time you sucked, feeling his cock twitch in your mouth.
“oh fuck baby your mouth feels so good,” he groaned, you could feel your cunt clench at the sound of his gravelly voice. you reached between your legs and started stroking your clit, supprised at how wet you were. 
“Is my naughty girl playing with herself? well go a head baby spread open your cunt for me so I can sink my fat fucking cock into that little pussy,” he growled and obediently you did as he asked sinking your fingers inside of yourself and probed your gummy walls, although it didn’t feel as good as it would feel if he was doing it himself. 
“I’m going to cum,” Endevour warned his hips buck forward. you braced yourself as he continued to fuck your throat until a wave of semen over took you. You did your best to swallow, but there was just too much and his cum ended up spilling out over your lips and dribbled down your chin. 
He groaned loudly and continued to fuck your throat even as his cock went soft in your mouth. Tears started slipping down your cheeks adding to the mess on your face as your jaw really began to ache.
“normally I’d let you clean up but I think I want to fuck you with my cum still in your mouth,” he growed. Enji knotted his fingers in your hair again and pulled you off of his hard cock a thick strand of slaiva still connecting your mouth to the red and angry tip. 
He turned your head to the camera showing off the mess of fluids and you could feel your cheeks flush with embaresment. 
“Don’t get shy on me now baby you look gorgeous like this, and I’m sure all those pathetic losers at home think so too. I bet they’re just jealous that it’s my cum in your pretty mouth, not theirs,” he said condescendingly. 
Endeavor lifted you up, spreading your pussy lips with two of his thick fingers and pushing his cock into you with one swift stroke taking your breath away. Enji shoved your head down back into view of the camera and caught both of your wrists in one of his hands behind your back. 
He bucked sending you jolting forward, you might have flown off his lap if he hadn’t been holding on to you. Each flex of his hips was brutal and drove his cock straight into your cervix and pulling another broken moan from your bruised throat. 
“you like that Baby girl?” he asked through a moan of his own, 
“y-yes,” you squeeked, as his thrusts became more brutal. you could feel his big cock streaching your pulpy walls and ramming your g-spot over and over again. 
“are you going to cum princess? going to cream all over Daddy’s big cock?” he demaned
“yes!” you shouted your eyes rolling back in your head. 
“well don’t forget to show your audience,” he chided moving your body to better face the lifeless camera, you could see your self in the viewfinder, a mess of smeared makeup, cum and  drool on your face, dribbling down your throat and tits, your tight slick with an equally mixed slime. you watched mesmerized as his cock worked in and out of you, you were still surprised you could fit something that big inside of you.  
Enji’s hand reached around your body and started stroking your sensitive clit making you jump again. It was all too much and you could feel the ball of tight pleasure that had been building in your core snap in a rush of warmth. 
Endeavor seemed almost not to notice your orgasum as he kept ravaging your body, forcing you up and down until your thighs were shaking from overstimulation. You were about to start crying again when he finally let up, cumming again, this time filling your used cunt instead of your mouth. 
you felt against his chest panting and twitching. Endeavor pushed your hair to the side and sunk his teeth into your neck causing you to shriek. 
“Don’t think I’m done with you yet baby, after all we want to put on a good show don’t we?”
You couldn’t walk straight the next day, a fact you oh so wonderful boss couldn’t help but notice.
“Rough night? Man I didn’t think the old guy had it in him but I guess I shouldn’t be underestmating the number one hero,” Hawks laughed snarkily as the two of yo walked into the office. well he walked you more stumbled. 
“My personal life is none of your business,” you snapped. there was no point denying your affair with Endeavor anymore, at least not to him although you still weren’t sure how he had worked it out. 
“Still! you’re my personal assistant aren’t I supposed to be the one running you ragged? tell sugar daddy to go easy on you next time,” he teased again, this time going as far to pick ar the collar of your shirt. you smacked his hand away
“Don’t make me call HR on you Hawks you know I will, then I won’t even cover up the scandel when it gets leaked,” you threatened 
“yeah yeah, I can’t even fire you can I? you’ll just go work for Pops-”
“shut up or I’ll pluck you like a chicken-”
Endeavor really wasn’t expecting you to send over the edited copy of the tape so soon, but what else could he expect from you. You were nothing if not, diligent. It seemed like you had done an excellent job too, blurring out his face when it showed up, altering his voice and zooming in on your self. He was sure no one would recognize him. 
He quickly emailed you back giving you the all clear to post before watching the video again, this time for his own enjoyment rather than to analyse anything. Even though he had you at his beck and call and he knew what it felt like to dig his fingers into your plush skin there was still something so mesmerizing about seeing you on screen. 
Then suddenly he was jealous, not of the other men who saw you on screen but of the other men that touched you in real life. A silly thing to worry about he was sure but the idea was caught picking at the back of his mind, it was like a sore tooth and he couldn’t help but poke at it. He wondered, not for the first time if Hawks really meant it when he said he watched your live streams. 
With a few short key strokes. Enji sent your sex tape off to hawks and honestly, he couldn’t wait to hear back. 
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Tied With a Bow
A Holiday Drabble! I wrote this on my break so hope y’all enjoy it (please let me know what you think!)
Warnings: nonconsent/rape, kidnapping, mentions of stalking.
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You open your eyes but the world remains black. You smell a fire and hear the crackle; the warmth waver against your bare legs. Your jeans are gone, the rest of your clothes too. All that hides your body is an unseen bra that tickles the front of your breasts and a thin, barely discernable thong.
You shiver. Your blindfold is thin and cool. A thick length of ribbon knotted at the back of your head. 
You remember slivers of what came before. Christmas Eve. You just finished up with your mother for the night. Your parents left the next morning for a Caribbean getaway and you were content at a quiet day to yourself. 
You never made it home. You recall that much. The footsteps just behind you and a glimpse back revealing nothing more than the snowy yard and your parents' glowing decorations.
It happened in the car. The engine rumbled and you drove off without haste. You remember a rustle behind you and suddenly a hand around your mouth. You lost control and it all went black.
Then you were here. You sit there for what feels like forever in the din of the fireplace flickering on the other side of your blindfold. You smelled pine and felt the nip of snow as it rattled the windows. 
Then voices. Deep, unfamiliar. You hold your breath and wriggle in the chair. Your hands are bound behind you and your ankles to the wide legs, you can do nothing but listen as the strangers come nearer.
"If you weren't do damn late," the words grow clearer and your veins sear with adrenaline, 
"Your present's just in there."
You're frantic as footsteps sound on the floor.
"Oh? You actually got me something this year?" A sardonic chuckle dies halfway as the steps stop. "Buck?" His tone turns to surprise.
"All yours," the other man responds, "a few scratches but she's in good shape."
"How--" he clears his throat, "wait..." suddenly the footsteps are marching towards you. You panic and struggle to free yourself. The chair rocks and is caught before it can fall over. A hand grabs your chin and stills you. "It's...her? You know?"
"All those solo missions. Always distracted. You usually catch on when I tail you but," the clap makes you flinch, "Surprising but I suppose you need something."
The hand falls away and you feel the stranger move past you. "And?"
"And what?"
"You don't think I'm crazy?"
"She's cute. Sweet. Hell, if I'd seen her first, I might have been the same way." A sniff between words. "How did you find her anyway?"
"Just... chance. I..." the man is hesitant. You're petrified. He's been watching you but you don't know who he is. "She has a family. They'll look for her."
"Let me worry about that," a snicker.
"I..." he's breathless as your heart is pounding. 
"Hear that," the other taunts, "go on and introduce yourself. Maybe she won't be so nervous."
There's a silence and you sense more movement. He's in front of you, you know it even though you can't see him. He says your name and you scrunch your nose to keep from crying. 
"Get away from me," you utter, "go!"
"Sweetie," he touches your knee and you try to shake him off. His hand grips you tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you." He sighs. "What did you do to her? You have to tie her up like this?"
"Got in a bit of a bender but she's fine," the other assures, "you can untie her but she's your problem then."
The man lets go of your knee and reaches around your head to untie the ribbon. He kneels before you as he looks you over, rubbing the ribbon between his fingers. You know him. You've seen him before, but never in person.
Steve Rogers is even bigger in real life. He smiles. Those blue eyes that always seem warm in pictures are startling.
"Please, let me go," you whine.
His brow twitches and he tilts his head; confused, pleading, you cannot tell. But you know from that look he won't oblige.
"You're scared?" He leans back on his heels. "You know who I am?" He watches you and all you can do is gape back at him. He holds out his hand. "I'm Steve."
He realises his mistake as you only blink at him and he drops his hand. He rubs his palms together and hesitates before he stands.
"I'm sorry about my friend," he looks to the doorway, "Buck, can you get her a blanket?"
The other man huffs but you hear him go. Steve turns to the fire and stoops to move a log from the metal basket onto the dwindling embers. He turns back and shifts his weight on his feet.
"I... I want to untie you but you can't run." He says carefully.
"If you think I'm going to run, why would you want me to stay?" You hiss.
"You can," the other man speaks as he enters. "One of us will catch you."
You glance over your shoulder as he nears and hands Steve the blanket. He watches and lets out a breath.
"I dress her up all nice for you and you’re coverin' her up?" he tuts.
You recognise him too. Captain America's ever loyal sidekick, Bucky Barnes. He grins as he meets your gaze and winks.
"Isn't she cute? Maybe I should have put her in white." Bucky sneers and smacks Steve's shoulder.
"You're scaring her," Steve smacks him with his knuckles, “sweetie," he turns back to you, "will you be good if I untie you?"
You look between him and Bucky. You squirm and blink away another wave of terror.
"Please," you whisper at first then repeat yourself louder.
Steve nods and rounds you. You feel him picking at your binds as Bucky rolls his eyes.
"Don't say I didn't try to help," Bucky grumbles and goes to the fireplace. "Any plans for her? I'm sure you've been thinking about it for a while."
"Enough, Buck," your hands fall loose and Steve comes back around to free your ankles. He looks up at you. "Please, don't listen to him."
You don't say anything. The whole situation is too confusing. Surreal. Your ankles come away from the chair legs and you slide forward. Steve stands and catches you by your shoulders before you can stand.
"You okay?" He plays with the fringe at the edge if the blanket as it rests over your shoulder. 
You sit back and shrug away his touch.
"I don't understand," you say, "I really don't."
"I didn't think it would be like this--" Steve is interrupted by a scoff and sends Bucky a sharp look. The latter raises his brows and strolls from the room with a sarcastic salute. 
Steve backs away and you watch as he passes the chair you sit in to sit on the long sofa. He pats the spot beside him.
"Can we talk?" He asks as if you could day no.
You rise and sweep the blanket around you before it can fall. You near him and sit as far from him as you can.
"I didn't think he would... it's my fault. I just could never build up the to-- to--" he looks down bashfully and drags his nail along the faded denim along his thigh. "To say hello."
"How do you... know me?" You ask.
"MrsRogersTeddy?" He smiles as his eyes flick up. The username, almost forgotten,  has you pressing yourself against the arm. You shake your head at him in disbelief.
"I haven't posted in years," you murmur, "how..."
"Well, that's why I went looking. The blog was inactive but I love your stories. They're so good."
"They're trash. Sometimes you just get so bored that living in dumb fantasies is better than anything in the real world. They were just stupid fics. They didn't..." his face falls and you speak slower, realising you've said you much, "mean anything."
He frowns and sits back, deflated. His fingers tap on his jeans. “They mean something to me.” He says deliberately. Slowly, he turns. “Don’t I mean anything to you?”
“I don’t know you,” you regret your words the moment they hang in the air before you.
“Then why would you write about me? Why?” The vein in his forehead sticks out and his jaw squares. “I don’t get it.” He grabs you before you can react and pulls you to him. The blanket slips between your bodies. “You wrote about us!”
“No, no, they were all made up. It wasn’t about--”
“Shhhh,” he hushes you as his hand stretches across your throat. He flexes his fingers as he pushes you onto your back and lowers himself with you. He crushes you beneath him as he frames your faces with his hand. “You love me.”
“No,” you murmur, “Steve…”
“Don’t.” His voice is harsh as you stare up into his eyes. His pupils dilate and he smashes his lips into yours.
You push against his chest, the blanket twists at your waist. The bra, a dark blue with white fur trim, threatens to reveal all. His hand brushes down your neck and arm as he traces the length of your body to your hips. He pulls your leg around him as he moves between your thighs.
A rush of panic rises within and you whimper into his mouth. Your head is spinning and you can’t breath. You can barely think. You’re trapped with a stranger. Smothered by THE Captain America. And for days, weeks, months, who knows, he’s been stalking you. You never knew. How could you? It was unthinkable.
He draws away and gazes down at you. “Say you want me,” he purrs.
Your lips part but you can’t speak. He doesn’t wait anyway as he kisses you again. He’s tugging at the thin string of the thong, exploring your body with his hands. He shoves his thumb beneath the cup of the bra and teases your nipple. He grinds against you like a puritan.
You gasp as you turn your head away. You gulp for breath as his lips continue to your throat. He’s ravenous, unstoppable. He’s kissing, nipping, and sucking your flesh. You grasp at his thick bicep and claw at his firm chest. He is immovable but you are not.
His hand slides along your pelvis. The thong is scrunched from the friction of your bodies. He hums as he grazes your cunt with his fingertips. He nuzzles your neck and fumbles with his fly.
“No,” you beg, “Steve, please…” you’re desperate. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I’m not,” he groans as he wriggles and pushes down the top of his jeans and rolls down the elastic of his briefs. He struggles for a moment and you refuse to look anywhere but the ceiling. “I’m not, I’m not…” he recites more to himself than you.
You kick your heels into his legs but he doesn’t even flinch. His hand is still moving between you. You feel him prod along your soft thigh. You writhe, you need him off of you. You’re sweating, stolid. You’ve never been so afraid. He drags his cock against your folds.
He claps his hand over your mouth and enters you in a single thrust. You exclaim into his palm as he shakes and holds himself deep in you. His head hangs beside yours and his fingers curl as he muffles your distress.
He rocks his hips carefully. You squeeze him between your thighs unable to do much else. It hurts how full you are. Each time he tilts, he’s deeper inside you. Your walls cling to him and you close your eyes to the world. You want to forget where you are but you can’t as he brings you back each time he moves.
His tempo builds steadily. You ache; for him, because of him. Your body rebels as your mind shouts for rescue. There is no escape. You are caught in his embrace; in his scent.
He lifts himself and his hand falls away from your mouth. You bare your teeth as he pins your shoulders and holds himself over you. He slams his hips down and you yelp. Your lashes flutter open and you see a beast atop you. He is not the saviour painted across glossy magazines and inky newspapers. He is a man, base and bestial.
His flesh slaps loudly against yours. You peek down at the joining of your bodies, his shirt rides up on his firm stomach as the thong digs into your skin. Your tits are out as the bra slides further down your arms and torso. 
He growls and your eyes meet. He hums but not for long, instead grunting with each thrust. He licks his lips as his gaze ventures down. He sits back and holds your hips. You cover your face with your arm. You’re cumming. You don’t want to but you can’t stop the tide that swirls around you. You’re drowning. You’re lost. You cannot find your way back in the storm.
His voice is louder. His groans carnal. He raises your left leg to rest against his chest. He hugs it as your muscles strain. You’re quaking, the entire couch is trembling. He bites his knuckles to stifle a cry. He bucks wildly as he spills into you.
When he is still, you feel as if you are still moving. Your thighs tingle and your vision clouds. He drops your leg and bends over you as he catches his breath. He blindly cradles your face as his breath washes over your chest.
“Merry Christmas, Steve,” a shadow appears behind him. You see Bucky watching you with a grin. “So… where’s my present?”
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I finally finished it!! It only took a million years but it is done so pls enjoy it cause I worked really hard on it :,)
⚠️Warnings⚠️: sub!myungjun, gn!dom!reader, anal (could be pegging but it's gender neutral so it can be whatever you want), degradation, choking (it only happens once for a split second), spanking, dacryphilia, blindfold, bondage, edging, bulging, master kink, use of a vibrator
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Looks Are Deceiving
You truly did love your boyfriend with all your heart, and on any other day you would say he was a sweet angel that could do no wrong. Today, however, was not one of those days. You thought it would be fun to take Myungjun with you to a nice restaurant that had recently opened a little ways away but when he started to give you those eyes from across the table, you knew this night would go a little differently than planned.
     "But master~ You look so good tonight, how am I supposed to not think of you like that?" Your boyfriend said with a pout. He even tried to change your mind with a flash of his infamous puppy dog eyes you could never seem to say no to. While you wanted nothing more than to jump on him and give him everything he wanted, you also didn't want to be banned from the fancy restaurant you were currently sitting in. You let out a small sigh of irritation after swallowing the fork full of food you had shoved into your mouth.
     "Baby, I would love to take care of you right now but it isn't the right setting! So finish up eating and we'll get home, but if I hear you ask for it or complain one more time I won't touch you at all." Time seemed to freeze for Myungjun as soon as the words had left your mouth. He couldn't stop his jaw from dropping open slightly as he stared at you. Not touch him? Not touch him at all? You had to be joking. But as he kept watching you peacefully eat your meal he realized you were being dead serious. Your boyfriend let out an agitated huff as he picked at his food, only eating it with a roll of his eyes when you would send a glare his way.
     To be honest you had never really realized how often you would give into Myungjun until now. You hadn't really ever had a reason to tell him no, and how could you when he would ask with those big puppy dog eyes staring up at you? How could you have possibly known that would make him such a spoiled little brat? Never in a million years would you have thought that you would need to punish him for something since he had never seemed to break any of the rules you had set. Once you got in the car to drive home, however, you realized that he was a lot brattier than you had ever known.
     Almost as soon as you had gotten in the car he was begging for your touch again, reaching for your hand to play with your fingers as he told you all the things he wanted you to do to him. After he still wasn't able to get a reaction out of you, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Literally.
     "Fine then! If you're not gonna touch me I'll just do it myself!" You weren't able to fully comprehend his words before hearing the zipper of his pants as he whipped his pretty little dick out, giving an over dramatic moan as the cold air hit his heated skin. As fate would have it the light ahead of you was red, giving you the opportunity to turn to your boyfriend and rip his hand away from himself. Before another complaint could leave his mouth you gripped his chin with your other hand, digging your nails in his cheeks and forcing him to look you in the eyes.
     "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He gulped at the anger in your eyes. "You think just because you're cute I'll give you whatever you want? Huh? You think that this-" you growled while shaking his hand that had previously been on his cock, "is the proper way to get my attention?!" 
     "I- I'm sorry mas-"
     "No! You wanted my attention, didn't you? Well now, you're gonna get it! But trust me sweetheart, this is not going to go how you think it will. Now fix yourself, I don't wanna see that thing until we get home, got it?" 
     "Y-yes master." He stuttered, squeezing his thighs together in the hopes you wouldn't notice how his dick twitched when you raised your voice.
     Myungjun's breath hitched in his throat when he heard the front door slam closed as you entered the house. He had been eagerly awaiting this moment, his mind creating many fantasies for him to feed into his desire the rest of the car ride home. You had given him the simple command of "Bedroom, now." and he did not need to be told twice. He was obediently sitting on the mattress once you got there, fully nude with white knuckles from how hard he was gripping his thighs. 
     "Alright sweetheart," you said, calmly walking over to sit on the edge of the bed, "we're gonna start off a little easy for you." He tilted his head as you pat your thighs, looking over at him expectantly. It finally clicked and he let out an over dramatic whine.
     "But master-" The harsh glare you sent his way was enough to shut him up, making him gulp before slowly draping himself over your thighs. You gave a small smile at the action, though it didn't reach your eyes.
     "Good boy! Now I want you to count loud and clear for every spank, alright?" He hastily nodded his head, his fingers digging into the fabric of the rug beneath him and bracing for impact. You tutted at him with disappointment, making him quickly mutter a quiet 'Yes master' to give you verbal confirmation that he understood. 
     The few quiet seconds that passed after that were almost unbearable. All Myungjun's senses were on edge, waiting for the moment he would feel the pleasant burn on his skin from where you'd hit him. When you finally landed the first blow of many, your boyfriend's jaw dropped open with a small gasp. It took him a few seconds but he finally stuttered out "O-one!" You made sure the second blow was even harder than the first, making his body lurch forward from the impact. "Two!"
     It continued like this for the next 12 spanks. You alternated between cheeks, sometimes even giving a harsh slap right where his thighs met his ass. He was panting and shaking on your legs and you were sure if you had looked there would be unshed tears glistening in his eyes. A part of you was worried you were being a little too rough with him but after landing the final hit you could feel a small spurt of pre-cum staining the dress pants you had worn. 
     "F-fifteen!" The number sounded pitiful as it fell from his lips, high-pitched and breathy as he started squirming around to subtly grind his cock into the side of your thigh. That dream was short lived, however, as you grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him up to sit next to you on the mattress. Your glare had him shivering as he struggled to keep eye contact with you. If you had noticed his pathetic attempt to get off, you didn't say anything. You simply pushed him back a little bit by his hair as you stood from the bed.
     "Back against the headboard." Myungjun didn't dare question your authority, immediately pushing back on his feet until he could feel the cool surface of the headboard against his back. While he was doing that, you walked over to the closet, digging around for a little bit before returning with your box of toys. You let him watch you with curious eyes as you pulled out a pair of handcuffs and a black, satin ribbon. Pushing him slightly down by his shoulders so his back was somewhat rested against the pillows, you clicked the cuffs in place around his wrist and secured them to the headboard. He tugged at them for a bit to test the sturdiness before you grabbed his jaw and made him face you so you could tie the ribbon carefully around his eyes. He whined at that one, pouting his lips as his vision went black.
     "Noooo! Master please, I wanna see your beautiful body as you destroy me!" He gasped as you harshly smacked his thigh.
     "You can do that after you've learned how to be a good boy. Only good boys get rewarded baby, you know this." His pout only deepened as he muttered about how unfair all this was. At the sound of you rustling through what he assumed to your toys his mouth snapped shut. There were a few moments of silence until he suddenly felt a cool object being tied against the head of his red and leaking cock. Once you seemed you had it secure, you grabbed the remote and twirled it between your fingers before letting the toy buzz to life. 
     Your boyfriend's body jolted as he felt the vibrator against the sensitive head of his dick, a waterfall of whimpers falling from his lips as he struggled to get used to the sudden pleasure. After a few minutes of you toying with the settings, his hips jutted up off the bed as he moaned helplessly. Sensing that he was close to his release, you suddenly turned off the toy. Myungjun whined in confusion as he thrusted his hips off the bed in search of friction.
     "No! Wha- master! I was so close!" He cried. You rolled your eyes as a sadistic smirk made its way to your lips.
     "Awwww, you didn't really think I'd let you cum so soon, did you? I told you baby," you said as you strutted to his side, letting your hands trace patterns around his chest before lightly resting around his throat, "only good boys get rewards." You gave a light squeeze as you finished your sentence, making him gasp and his head spin. He kept whining out complaints until you had decided he had waited long enough and started up the vibrator again. A disappointed whine left him again minutes later when you did the same exact thing again. You did it a couple more times until you could see the tears slipping past the blindfold as he begged for permission to cum.
     "Hmmmm, I don't know baby. Have you learned your lesson yet?" You hummed while teasingly running your nails up and down his chest.
     "Oh please master! I-I've been such a good- A-AH- good b-boy for you!  Please master, h-have mercy!" He whined, sobs tearing from his throat as his hips continuously bounced off the bed, desperate for a friction it wasn't going to get. You hummed, pretending to think about it before shutting off the toy again. He sobbed loudly, words indecipherable as he tried to beg for his release. You quickly untied the vibrator from his tip making him practically sob under your gaze. His cries catch in his throat as he feels the familiar head of your cock rub against his hole.
     "Now baby," you growled in his ear as you felt his hot breath coming out in short pants against your neck, "do you think you deserve to be stretched out before I fuck you open?" His lips trembled as you dug your nose into his skin, letting your lips softly follow it's trail.
     "N-no master…"
     "And why is that, huh?" He shivered as you grinded against him, letting him feel the lube you had coated it in while he was distracted by the vibrator.
     "B-because- because I decided t-to be an impatient l-little bitch and touch myself after you told me to wait until we got h-home." He whined, though you noticed how his dick twitched when he called himself a little bitch. 
     "Good boy! For giving your master such a good answer I'll take this off for you since I know you're just dying to watch me fuck you open, aren't you?" He vigorously nodded his head as he felt your tug lightly at the blindfold around his head.
     "Yes yes yes! W-wanna watch you destroy me, w-watch you punish me for being such a bad boy master!" You bit your lip with a growl, wasting no more time before ripping off the black satin cloth and thrusting the entirety of your length into him.
     Myungjun's back arched as his head snapped back into the pillows he was laying on. No noise escaped him as his jaw fell open, but after a few seconds a high pitched moan broke through the silence. His nails were digging into his palms as you started to move your hips, quickly picking up speed as the sound of slapping skin filled the room. Tears and drool were dripping down his face while his toes curled at the pleasure ripping through his body. He was trying his best to look up at you but every hit to his prostate (which you managed to find rather quickly) left his eyes rolling back in his skull so he could only watch the ceiling moving back and forth above him as every rough thrust made his body move with the impact. His task only proved harder after you lifted one of his legs over your shoulder, making you hit even deeper inside of him. 
     Finally, he managed to force his eyes to look at you. The sight of your gaze on him was enough to make him come undone, but he knew better than to do so without your permission. Your eyes were almost black with lust, a sadistic glint in them only proved to make the smirk you sported that much more intimidating. Your cheeks were slightly flushed from the energy you were exerting to make sure he would get to cum as soon as possible while a few loose hairs clung to your forehead from sweat. A shiver shot down his spine when he noticed your smirk growing wider as your gaze traveled lower, stopping at his lower stomach. The knot in his stomach felt like it was one second away from snapping as he looked down to notice the bulge of your cock against his lower stomach. All he could do was moan and cry as he blabbered about wanting to cum.
     "Oh master! P-ple- AH- please! Please please please please please! C-cum- I-I- oh god yes- wanna- I- oh please!!" You smirked down at his fucked out form, his eyes returning to rolling back in his head as his thighs shook around you. You hummed with a small smile while kissing up his thigh that was right by your head.
     "Go ahead baby, show your master how good they make you feel." The soft and caring tone of your voice strongly contrasted the filthy things you were doing to his body but it only proved to make him hornier as his entire body shuddered and he finally came. White ropes of his release covered his stomach, a little bit even ending up on his neck as you slowed the pace of your hips to ride him through it. You honestly considered making him go again but decided against it as you saw the tired expression that covered his face. 
     Slowly and carefully you set his leg down on the bed and pulled out of him, watching as he bit his lip with one last whimper. Releasing his wrists from the handcuffs you had put him in, you rubbed a cream over the red marks he had created from tugging at the material so they wouldn't bee too sore in the morning, making sure to rub it over his red bottom as well. You peppered kisses all over his face before muttering that you'd be right back and hurrying to the bathroom and grabbing a warm, wet washcloth to clean him up with. Once you had also gotten him a small snack and some water from your mini fridge you cleaned him off and laid down next to him, holding him close to your body and leaving light kisses over his skin.
     "How're you feeling baby? I know I went a little rougher than you're used to from me." You said with a chuckle, brushing some of his hair out of his face. A lazy smile lit up his face as he snuggled closer to you.
     "Good. Sooo good." He mumbled against your neck, making you giggle and press a kiss to the top of his head. You felt his breathing start to level out against your neck as he began to drift to sleep. Staring at him like a lovesick fool, you kissed him one last time before following him to dreamland.
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