#and a follower of quackity since 2020
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*staring closely at ‘prosperity’* …this feels like the start of a movie I’ve seen before /ref
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gwostiigyaru · 7 months
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So it has been recently confirmed that the abuser of Minecraft YouTuber shubble is Wilbur soot!
Wilbur is a Minecraft YouTuber that was very popular in 2020 playing a role in the now completed DSMP lore/streams and now recently qsmp. Shubble has came out and talked about her abuse with a former ex. And about how he bite her until it hurt and left bruises. And many more. Such as ignoring safe words. Up until now the identity of said ex was unnamed which left many fans speculating who the ex was.
Some folks on TikTok put some pieces together and accused Wilbur of being said abuser. But since it wasn’t many. Many of Wilbur’s fans of came to his defense BUT as if today 5 hours (in my time) ago Wilbur posted an apology to his Twitter explaining his side of the story. And basically admitting to his actions
Which I will show here.
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After this apology it confirmed Wilbur to be the abuser. And with the following YouTubers such as tubbo and Aimsey have stated that they both stand with shubble.
And how is shubble doing in all of this? Well form her words she said that she is “suing a person that person is most likely Wilbur soot.
(I send all my love to shubble and any victim of domestic violence. And if this shows us anything, it’s that abusers come in all shapes and sizes, anyone is capable of being an abuser even if they don’t look harmless. So if you are a victim don’t be afraid. And most importantly love your fucking selfs and stay safe)
-with some stuff still coming out I will be updating this post as much as can
So with the following of Wilbur’s…not so great some might even say BAD(I’m some) apology many of YouTubers as well as well as Wilbur’s friends or shitting on him even billzo who was been gone from the internet for a while. So yeah it’s that bad…
But YouTubers such as Quackity and tommyinit has not made their statements on the matter
(But as a person I feel really fucking bad for Tommy, considering that was his best friend. So it might take some time)
ANYWAYS, Shelby (shubble) has stated that his apology is NOT ACCEPTED!
some former fans of Wilbur’s band “love joy” has a one burning question.
“Does this mean I can’t listen to it?”
In my personal opinion. Get better music taste BUT HEY who Am I to judge 🤷
BUT if we’re disregarding my opinion . I’d have to say listen to it in a way love joy (specifically Wilbur) cannot profit from it.
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hiveswap · 2 years
How do you get into mcyt?? I’ve tried a couple times and I can’t really figure out where everyone’s finding lore? Any tips?
Oh hi. i dont even know where to begin, i've been really out of the loop. But i have recommendations. This is going to be long
Well, the dsmp has gone to shit for many reasons.
But if you do get into dsmp, blueberrytv on youtube is your best friend, they cut streams down to more digestible episodes so you can follow the story along. Yes it's long. Dear god it's long. Also @relaxxattack has a carrd that updated until fairly recently, i also recommended it many times.
The story was (i never thought i'd have to speak in past tense about it, the fucker seemed to drag through for decades in just 2 years) told through livestreams, quite a few of are lost forever because twitch deletes vods after 2 weeks and no one bothered to back them up. Also ignore everything after the disc war finale except quackity (and tales of the smp)
You can test the waters by watching Wilbur's L'manburg war video to see if you like the vibes. I usually recommend this, though it's not the earliest point in the story. (that would be tommy's disc war, which is also VERY important, but people tend to find him annoying at first, esp. 2020 tommy like jesus christ he was a different beast. Definietly watch it after the L'manburg independence, things will click.)
Sad-ist's animatics are classics that helped shape the story as it was being written. Watch them as you progress through.
Hermitcraft + Adjacent*
*as far as fandom/content creator overlap goes
1. Hermitcraft is more gameplay heavy. If you don't enjoy minecraft you're not gonna like it, but it's pretty straight forward. You find a youtuber and follow their series on youtube. People usually recommend Grian, GoodTimesWithScar, and Mumbo for beginners, (they are the most popular ones) and then you can branch out from there. Hermitcraft recap is a godsent if you want to know what's going on everywhere.
I personally loved season 8, it's also the shortest and the most lore-heavy. Really gives you a taste of what the series is like at its best.
2. The life series! (Third life, Last Life, Double life, Limited Life) again, find any participant want, then branch out if you want to. Lore is easy to find here, people were under pressure to make up stuff quickly because the series is short, and the result is funny, creative, and so so tragic.
3. People watch EvoSMP for grian, pearl and martyn lore but it really doesn't matter to anything that's going on right now. It's a good series, but Watcher (basically evil angel Grian) headcanons are far detached from it nowdays despite originating from it.
4. Yandere highschool! Do not watch Yandere highschool. No detail is worth it. Use adblock if you force yourself through it, no money for the creator he's an asshat and the other members apparently no longer talk to him.
Since the last post, Quackity started the QSMP, in which spanish and english speaking youtubers play on the same server. It has roleplay but it's looser and less grimdark than the dsmp thankfully. They are on an island and they adopted little eggs that walk around and act all cute. It's streamed on twitch. Pick a person and look up their vods, if you're interested. Slimecicle is recommended to start with, and some spanish creators use english subtitles/translation mods. There aren't comprehensive sources to find every vod/video yet, since the server isn't that old.
Start from participants' youtube channels, can't tall you more. I never got into it, not my thing. However, a lot of people left guides in the notes!
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cdroloisms · 1 year
Hi ! I'd like to know too for the ask game : 6, 13 and 26 ?
6. Is there a c!Dream scene/moment/action you would change?
Hmmmm I can't think of any, no. Mostly I think I would like some more in terms of follow-through w/ certain scenes, such as c!Endersmile the whole agreement with c!Dream + c!Foolish, the whole Aimsey debacle, stuff with c!Sapnap, but a lot of that was kinda beyond cc control. In terms of the stuff that seemed to be building somewhere that we didn't get I'd say what I miss the most is probably c!Wilbur getting involved w/ the prison arc, because damn it seemed like everyone involved wanted that badly but it just never worked out scheduling wise. Also, scrapped lore, but scrapped lore Is Canon. To Me.
In terms of actual scenes I would change...idk, LN5 c!Quackity and c!Dream showdown comes to mind? But that wasn't like bad, it was just because of internet issues there was a lot less of it than I would've liked. I wanted to see more c!Dream in the c!Dream vs c!Quackity showdown (tm), but as it is c!Dream blowing up a shit ton of slime and having a panic attack works perfectly well for me (it honestly hurt c!Q more than c!Dream, considering their stories, but again sometimes technical issues can't be helped.)
13. Since we rarely saw c!Dream's own POV, who was your main pov character/s?
Wherever c!Dream Was (tm).
For a more serious answer, especially in the early days I watched a lot of Tubbo. Fundy too, funnily enough? Wilbur as well, Tommy POV was probably what I watched the least at that point (unless Dream was online lmao). Lots of Punz watching too tbh when he was active on DSMP (and now, I've been watching Punz for a long time). Later on, still lots of Tubbo, more Tommy, I just kinda hopped onto whoever's stream at the time errrr I will not lie i was kinda a no life DSMP watcher for like all of 2020. Later on I watched a lot of Sam, Foolish, and Bad when they were the main three logging on. But yeah, basically whoever I could lmao
26. If c!Dream had to spend the rest of his life around only one other DSMP character, which one would you choose for him?
I mean I do have an AU that's literally this exact concept what do u expect from me who am I if not giving c!Sam eeeeeeverything he could ever want (tm)
If I'm not literally torturing c!Dream, probably c!Techno XD
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Ako je možné, že aj po všetkom tom scrollovaní tvojho blogu stále nachádzam nové veci? Je chyba vo mne?
So, I just discovered (or re-discovered? I could swear I saw that art before) the holy grail au and I'm starving for more content. Is there anything you could spare me? 🥺
pravdepodobne je to len v tom obrovskom objeme vecí čo som za tie roky postla, tento blog mám od zimy 2020/2021 aj keď som ho poriadne začala používať len pred asi rokom
! english starts here ! warnings for: violence, abuse, torture and all the stuff related to prison arc and its aftereffects, nonconsensual drug use, overall fuckedupness
as of Holy Grail AU, I don't really know how much there is to share save for what has been already said. Aeri is no longer active in the fandom but at some point she mentioned to me privately that she would like to use some of the ideas from the AU in an original story (can't blame her, I do that a lot myself)
I went thru the tag and noticed that we only ever really talked about the first arc of the AU - it was going to be three arcs in total, with the first arc (Cotard's Solution) being centered around the happenings after Dream became Sam's puppet, combining multiple POVs to address what was happening on the SMP and Dream's day-to-day existence. tensions are rising all over and Sam greatly benefits from the death and destruction it brings with the Revive Book coming in handy to keep everyone wrapped around his finger, while Bad slowly grows more and more uneasy with how things are, only sticking around to make sure Dream is safe, or as close to it as he can get. Ant has little care or say in what happens, simply following orders in hopes of one day being on Sam's (or Dream's) good side so he can ask them to revive Red for him. the Syndicate catches wind of Sam's nefarious activities and his growing power, goes investigate and run into Bad who immediately seizes the opportunity and helps them get Dream out of the fortress, which Techno is more than happy to do.
the second arc (Kintsukuroi) then focused on Dream's recovery in the Arctic while the server slowly falls apart, as the Revive Book has gone missing and Sam's grip on power begins to slip. Dream has to slowly regain himself after spending months upon months drugged out of his mind, has to deal with the initial withdrawals and the constant anxiety and panic that all the time in inprisonment has brought him. Bad serves as Techno's informant on what is happening with Sam and Ant joins him soon enough, still hoping to benefit from the help. at some point, Kinoko residents catch wind of things happening in the Arctic and George and Sapnap find Dream hiding in there. both of them have since changed their attitude towards Dream, especially after Sam declared him dead months and months ago, so despite the lingering anger all they feel is relief at him being at least alive. Dream's mostly non-verbal and very cautious of everything and everyone around him. as time goes by and he's in a good enough shape to move around and be his own person, though more docile and way more weak than he used to be, everyone agrees on Dream moving to Kinoko to be with Sapnap and George where he spends his time tending to Karl's library. I don't remember as much of the political machinations that were running parallel to the recovery. some time after Dream's relocation, Quackity comes to Kinoko to speak to his fiancés and instead of finding Karl he runs into Dream. he recognises him almost immediately and draws a weapon and Dream bolts for the exit. a short scuffle follows but Dream manages to get away, making his way towards the dojo where he knows Sapnap is so he can get his help. when Sapnap comes out, Quackity demands Sapnap hands Dream over but Sapnap stands in Quackity's way. Quackity declares it a betrayal on both him and the whole SMP and says that if Sapnap won't cooperate he will have to take the revive book by force, thus starting the last arc of the story.
the third arc (Epitaph) then follows the ensuing conflict between Las Nevadas and Kinoko, which with the tensions across the entire server turns into a much bigger conflict than it initially seemed to be, everyone desperate for the revive book or disgusted by the truth of what happened to Dream behind closed doors and trying to help him get away from the abuse. George, Bad and the Syndicate immediately make plans to get Dream far away from the mainlands to avoid the conflict. Sam, upon learning part of the truth of what happened to his holy grail, drunk on power and paranoid out of his mind takes his anger out on Antfrost whom he discovered to have been involved with the "conspiracy" that took Dream away from him, locking him away in the fortress where he kept Dream earlier. a war breaks out, people die. this arc is the least fleshed out since it's the last part of the story that never was. a few of the key elements of the arc involved Bad freeing Ant and then burning down Sam's seat of power and Ant eventually getting his wish of reuniting with Red. during the conflict, Quackity ends up taking Sapnap's final life but is unable to cope with the guilt. Karl is the one to find Sapnap's body and he drags it thousands of blocks across the server to where Dream and George are hiding. Dream doesn't even have to be asked twice to revive his friend.
I don't remember what the ending was, or if we agreed on a definitive one at all. the story, despite being about the revive book, had Dream be mostly idle through its course and instead focused on the lengths people would go for the power of the book and the eventual destruction the thirst for power would cause.
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slimeylee · 2 years
happy new years!!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2022. it had its ups and downs, but in my personal opinion it was not that great. we have lost so many legends this year, as well as ive experienced some personal loss myself there's been, much backlash and negativity on the dream smp (specifically-- dream...) i truly hope that 2023 will be better! preferably, a video from technoblade on april first stating his magical come back xD
i think the happiest ive been for a year to finally be over with was 2020, but i think 2022 ties up pretty well with that
despite 2022's downfalls, i have made so many amazing friends and met so many awesome people here, and im glad to call the people listed my mutuals <3 not in any specific order, lets be real they're all the best :]
@ransstrangeblog @mushiewrites @fluffallamaful @an-inkling-of @covenofwives @colourfulbreach @emmadoodlewrites @twordish-ler @kasey-writes-stuff @tickleblogger @the-new-ginger-switch @wilbyscoot @totallynotbat @themidnightfox @dallyhall @alexartist89 @someone1348 @ghoult1ckles @theybaltsxi @enderlees @coolbananas143 @amitlee @tickly-floof @sparkylee1 @skullerboo
if i missed any, i will probably edit this!
im so glad that i hopped on here and was able to make a great amount of mutuals :D lets go 2023 🎆
my favourite fic ive made this year;;
hard to choose a favourite but i like this one a lOT lee!wilbursoot, ler!tommyinnit
my favourite drawing ive made this year;;
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quackity my beloved <3
closest friend ive made this year (tumblr, specifically);;
@ransstrangeblog if you've never read my introduction page, fizz (or ran as most people know him) and me have interacted on here practically since my account was created i stole the idea of making this fanfic from star anddd i'd say thats basically how we became mutuals xD i've known xem longer than anyone on this app and im so grateful to call zim my friend <3 i love u ran if ur reading this lol/p
my most viewed post this year
this one. you dont know how many notifications i get saying stuff like-- "candy44694 and 11 others liked your post" "HAHAHA ok but come on THATS pretty accurate -slime" pls 💀
follower count -- i ended the year off with 160 followers! im so grateful for those who have supported me n my stuff!!!
cheers to 2023!!! mwa mwa mwa <3/p
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
Not gonna lie-
I’ve heard of Quackity before, used to watch the raid videos he did made me laugh-
I had no clue he was getting a law degree and that he was on the Dsmp until mid 2020 during one of Tommyinits mod videos.
I was like: Wait, is that Quackity? *Goes to google, sees he’s on the Dream SMP* Since when did he have Twitch?
I think he’s generally the reason I joined the fandom- Followed by Philza and Techno-
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dream-critical · 2 years
I was wondering what your opinion or full on analysis is about Sapnap and Quackity? also who are the banter guests with allegations? I've only ever seen the Antarctica one and one with Quackity.
Ok so this is gonna be kinda long so sorry for that anon.
I'm gonna be honest, I watched quackity before his dsmp era bc i watched the circle of Reddit react YouTubers he was friends with. But during the whole dsmp stuff I've only watched a couple of his streams and there aren't a lot of thoughts. I do think it's annoying how he still associates with the dreamteam though. He's a really smart and logical person, so he either genuinely does not believe the allegations, doesn't care, or has refused to get involved to the point where he doesn't know much about it. Idk which one it is. But all options are questionable.
If you have any opinions about him you're always welcome to send an ask though!
Sapnap though. Hoooo boy. I was a sapnap Stan before all this anon. I was hyperfixed. I would watch every single YouTube video I'd watch all streams. I'd watch compilations. I followed him and all his alts on Twitter. I even watched the Valorant streams even though I think Valorant is one of the most boring things to watch ever.
I'm gonna be honest I disliked dream already. I knew about the republican Reddit account. I knew about the whole supporting trump until mid 2020 thing. I disliked him but had to put up with him for the sake of my streamer ig.
Then the manatreed stuff happened. The KKK edit came to light etc and I completely dropped all of them entirely bc the whole thing made me feel sick.
As for an analysis of his personality. Fair warning, I haven't watched any sapnap content since the manatreed situation happened.
But I'd say he has the potential to be decent, good. He has shown to be a ride or die friend, very caring. But he also is very ignorant and uncaring on a lot of topics. He is harsher towards women. The insults he uses when angry can be homophobic sometimes, aka the use of "cocksucker" or the time he called MCC "aids". It's probably from being a gamer since idk when. The online gaming community is very bigoted as we all know, and it's probably from how he was raised as well? Idk.
But like he's an adult now. His community contains a lot of teenagers who aren't cishet white boys who like saying homophobic jokes and giggle about it. He's had the time to adapt or even notice the things he says or does are wrong. He can and should educate himself and the gamer thing is not an excuse.
It's obvious he's insecure about shit a lot. And being a streamer doesn't help with that, but he overcompensates by being loud and trying to be extra manly ig. At least that's how I read his behaviour. Of course this isn't 100% right I can't read his mind. But like. Yeah.
The ride or die friend thing also kinda doomed him in this situation bc like. Idk. I think if you think rationally about everything that has happened. Would you really stick with a person like dream. Idk. Leaving behind friends is hard, especially since they've been friends for over a decade iirc but it doesn't make me feel any sympathy for him, bc the shit his friend has done is not some mild stuff either.
In general uh his actions are ignorant and harmful, he knowingly ignores everything and backs dream up at all times.
If he drops the Dt and gets some better friends. And also educates himself. He might become better. But like. Yeah that's not happening lmao.
The banter guests,
First one is Lee Jung Jae. He's one of the squid game actors I'm sure you've seen him before. He has been arrested for assaulting people before, including a 22 year old woman. It was pretty long ago but still really weird they got him on as this stuff all resurfaced before the banter episode iirc
And Neil Degrasse Tyson, with the SA allegations as well.
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screwave · 2 years
Hello! Genuine question (don’t feel obligated to answer), is there any possibility you’ll ever draw Quackity again?
hey! i know around last year i used to draw alex a lot and was known for making art of him but in the end, i can say i wont be drawing him again.
ITS NOT BC I HATE HIM or dislike him or anything! i just fell out of liking dsmp and youtubers :p i get really caught up in something for a few years/months and then i eventually drop it and move on, its jsut how my brain works for some reason LMFAO
i made some of my best art drawing him and i still follow him on twitter and stuff, i just am not interested in dream smp at all anymore i also am like. recovering from burnout because i produced so much art from 2020-2021 and i find it hard to draw full pieces of art now :p
TLDR; i dont draw quackity anymore and its not because i hate him, i just go through phases of liking stuff and my dsmp phase is up. i am also recovering from a year of art burnout since i drew so much during my dream smp phase
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suenitos · 1 year
its rlly interesting hearing everyones canon events for what got them here the diversity in peoples reactions to dream or dnf or dteam and parasocialism etc is actually breathtaking. anyway here's mine (with most of the journey as a bonus) that no one asked for. WARNING IT'S LONG:
i was more of a slow burn in that i first became aware of who the hell dream (i think george too?) was during summer 2020 when the maia thing was happening (i think it was trending or something and EVERYONE knew her from prom dress so i was like hey i know her!), though i dont remember all of the details i just remember thinking "ok!" then closing the twitter app. didn't pay it any mind.
later i started to get dteam content on my tiktok fyp from compilations and thought why the hell not and started to watch them on youtube. i found the mc tag video and was HOOKED with the solo dnf challenge videos. fell out of it for a while because online school then came back officially on november 16 when unus annus ended and lmanberg exploded and i needed something else to obsess over to cope with isolation. i dont quite remember when quackity came into the equation but he was THE reason i got into cdnf (and lore too i guess) because he gave us the only pov of the dethronement and that was the first lore stream i watched live. i remember recognizing him from the raids and discords got talent videos and got more into him and dteam at the same time especially as 5/5 became a thing (so you can see why i was hurt really bad when april happened lol)
another part of it was heat waves.. i was pretty opposed to it at first because after dan howell's coming out i thought rpf was inherently invasive to content creators. and to be fair there was a lot of freaknasty shit written about phan that made them uncomfortable! but since i have no morals i caved and read it anyway under the justification that everyone kept saying this is really good characterization and writing so why not! (up until chapter 3 was released at this time) i finally decided to register for an ao3 account along with thousands of other people (before the waiting list got really long lol) and read it and well. here we are
the parasocial drontroversy was happening around this time too and i sort of talked about it but that indirectly caused me to lurk for the entirety of 2021 mostly on tiktok and twitter and twitch (i knowwww. it was pretty bad). part of that too was because of the drontoversies so i avoided engaging directly until i knew for sure that dream wasn't the evilest man ever. i was really cautious about him because i had this assumption of his character (white cis het (lol) man raised republican) but after seeing his growth and learning a bit about him i grew out of my initial timidity and embraced the stan label (in secret). i was also a big youtube viewer too i loved the animations people made and still do! a xanyleaves manhunt animation also convinced me to watch manhunt and dteam (any object show fans here lol?) i got sick of doing that and not dumping everything in my brain somewhere my irls wouldn't see so i lurked here for a while and officially joined in january 2022. it was pretty fun! but then after a while you could tell the wheels were falling off the wagon!
i left for probably a month following the drituation drop (still lurking for updates etc) but then decided to come back with a different account because 1. i decided for myself that it was ultimately a nothing burger after seeking out evidence when i was ready 2. i was sick of using that blog as a sideblog and this is all i blog about anyway 3. i was lonely :( i missed the few mutuals i had and seeing life on the dash. i also just wanted to help build something healthier from before. i think the christmas streams were the first time i felt READY and sure to actively come back and my time here here has been really wonderful for the most part. this is MY toxic radioactive echo chamber dumpster and i love being a bacteria living in it.
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ziggystarvibez · 2 years
Hello! I am Ziggy! I am very new to Tumblr (and neruodivergent) so please forgive me if I make some mistakes or come off as rude is some ways!
Quick disclaimer! This is a safe space for any/and all people form any fandoms (including mcyt!) And all queer people! Please try not to be negative towards me!
And i know i said this is a safe space but if you're a fan of the dream team or anybody that is close friends with them block me, that pathetic green loser is a horrible person and so are his friends. I don't want to be surrounded by anyone in that fandom!! (Any other dsmp creators are fine tho!!!)
I am an afab Non-Binary person and I prefer masculine & or gender neutral descriptive terms over feminine ones but I really don't mind! My mostly preferred pronouns are she/he/they! As they are the easiest ones for most people to use! My preferred neopronouns are it/xem/moss/void/star/moon/rain but I also am okay with any neopronouns! I am okay with any pronouns!
I am a lesbian (trauma lol) I like girls!
I am also on the AroAce spectrum! Some of my feelings may fit in the "cupioromantic" (I hope I spelled that right) label and some may fit in the demi-sexual label but I do not feel comfortable using those labels as they just don't seem to fit me so please do not try and assign a label onto me! I am on the Aroace spectrum and nothing you say is going to change that!
I am also currently a minor so please if you know of any troll accounts or p3do accounts on here that I can block please tell me! As I am a minor internet safety is very important so please do not try and ask me for things like my age, my town/city name, my full real name, or my deadname or any of my family's names! if not knowing my age makes you uncomfortable just don't interact with me! But I do promise you I am not stupid and I won't make inappropriate jokes!
I am in many fandoms! Here is a list of them! (Also I promise you I am not toxic, I try and be as respectful as I can while in the internet!)
1. RanbooLive (since 2020) | 2. Stranger Things | 3. Harry Potter | 4. IT (2017) | 5. Enola Holmes | 6. Young Royals | 7. Heartstopper | 8. FNAF | 9. Hamilton | 10. Newsies | 11. Ride The Cyclone | 12. Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit |
I also am a swiftie! I love Taylor swift like genuinely so much!
I also loveeee the band Lovejoy and have been following the lead singer since before the band was formed! I literally watched the band be built from the ground up!! the lead singer is wilbur soot btw
speaking of wilbur, i have been watching him since 2019 (i think, i wtahced the ylyl vids) I also watch Sneegsnag, Charlie Slimecicle, Niki Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Philza, Quackity and a lot more!!
Some of my hobbies are making Kandi bracelets and little randoms things! I am a Kandi kid! I crochet, I sew, I draw and paint, I build TONS of Legos, and I love playing video games!
I am also a reality shifter! I make google slides script templates! I will post the links to those soon!
If you are a anti of any of the fandoms I am in please do not interact with me because I will just block you and move on! There is no need to bring negativity to a safe space!
This was my introduction and I hope you all have a great day/night wherever you are!
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So, it’s been one year since the first recap! 
A full year of keeping track of the events and goings on of the server, ever since a week or so after the end of Season One. 
This post will be a recap of every day from that year. It’s a long post, so only open it if you’re ready to read for a while. 
Welcome...to the Dream SMP Year Recap.
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November 23rd 2020 - November 23rd 2021
The days began with November 23rd 2020, the day that Vikkstar and Lazarbeam joined the server:
Nov 23: Vikkstar and Lazarbeam join the SMP, Eret offers to adopt Fundy
Nov 24: Tubbo’s decree, Ghostbur gets jealous about the adoption
Nov 25: Callahan steals all the bitches, Karl starts building Party Park
Nov 26: Karl teaches Ponk and George about Thanksgiving, Lani’s visit featuring Mexican Dream
Eret’s adoption offer was a short-lived arc that ended sadly, but that same day, Ranboo would be added to the server, kicking off a long chain of events:
Nov 27: Fundy gets into an argument with Ghostbur after Eret doesn’t show up to adopt him, Ranboo joins the server
Nov 28: Tommy and Ranboo grief George’s house, Niki and Puffy go on a date, Ranboo and Fundy build an ice cream shop, Dream builds a wall
Nov 29: Tommy’s trial, Tubbo speaks with Dream, Dream follows Puffy around like a duckling, Dream gets Denny’s therapy with Quackity
11/30: Fundy bonds with Ghostbur, Cursed Lore Day (Samsung Fridge)
On December 1st, a new country would be founded only to revolt after five days:
12/01: Mexican L’manburg is created, Girl Dream visits
12/02: Meeting with Dream about the exile, Tommy and Ranboo speak, Tubbo, Fundy and Quackity speak
12/03: Tommy/Ghostbur and Techno/Phil go their separate ways, George is dethroned
December 4th: The beginning of the Exile Arc:
12/04: Day of the Exile, the Badlands have a disagreement
12/05: Prison is commissioned, Tommy’s first full day in Logsted, Sean’s visit
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On December 6th, Mexican L’manburg fell, and Bad found a new oddity growing in his statue room...
The beginning of the Egg Arc:
12/06: The Mexican L’manburg Revolution, start of El Rapids, Pandora’s Vault is named, discovery of the Blood Vines
12/7: Dream and Tubbo play chess, Blood Vines grow more
12/8: Tommy sees Tubbo at Logsted, they plan the Beach Party
12/9: The Beach Party, Sapnap angers the Crimson
12/10: Jack visits Tommy and dies, Skeppy gets trapped in the Crimson
12/11: Tubbo gets Squeeks, Fundy and Niki leave for Dry Waters, Red Skeppy emerges
12/12: MCC, no updates
12/13: The return of Mexican Dream and Girl Dream, Fundy’s tricks, Pokimane’s visit
12/14: Drista’s visit, Quackity says goodbye, Dream checks the Prison
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With New L’manburg’s rage still brewing against Technoblade, the Butcher Army attempts to go after him while Tommy escapes from Exile:
12/15: Dream gives Techno a quest, Tommy escapes to Technoblade’s house, Purpled and Ponk vs. Jack and Antfrost Battle at the Thiccatron, Corpse’s visit
12/16: The Butcher Army executes Technoblade
12/17: Techno and Tommy sneak through L’manburg, Dream speaks with Punz
12/18: Technoblade hides Tommy during Dream’s visit, Ranboo dies by a llama, Disc-ount Disc War
12/19: Ghostbur hides Tommy during Dream’s visit, Fundy scams Antfrost and Punz
12/20: Holy Land fight, Jack-Ponk-Ant Conflict, Homeless Dream Arc, KSI’s Deadly Classroom
12/21: Ponk builds a bee, Ant and Bad perform experiments on the Crimson
12/22: Tubbo gives Phil an ankle monitor, attack mob forms, Jack-Ponk war continues, Phil escapes New L’manburg to live with Techno
12/23: Tommy builds a path, Bad, Punz and Ant continue experiments on the Crimson
12/23: Tubbo’s birthday, Tommy makes a path, experiments on the Crimson continue
12/24: Wilbur’s Christmas karaoke
12/25: Tommy and Tubbo chill non-canon stream
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Karl gathers his friends to build a country in an hour, kicking off a brand new series:
12/26: Lani’s visit, Tales From the SMP Pilot: “The Town That Never Was”
12/27: Connor’s kidnapping, Tommy and Dream’s confrontation, HBomb becomes Fundy’s cat maid again
12/28: The Mr. Beast Challenge
12/29: Ranboo decorates for the Festival, Dream SMP Build-Off
12/30: Fundy builds a mob farm, experiments on the Crimson continue
12/31: Nothing much happens
1/1: HBomb’s Social Experiment
1/2: Tales From the SMP: “The Village That Went Mad”
1/3: Nothing much happens
1/4: Fundy’s Interrogation
L’manburg holds a Festival to try and kill Dream, only for their country to fall to destruction the day after:
1/5: The New L’manburg Festival 
1/6: Doomsday
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In the wake of tragedy, Tubbo leaves to the barren snow to find a new home:
1/7: Tubbo creates Snowchester
1/8: Squeeks’ Death and Funeral
1/9: The Ranboo Experiment, Tales From the SMP: “The Beach Episode!”
1/10: Resurrection Attempt
1/11 - Nothing much happens
1/12 - The bathwater mishap
1/13 - Ponk and Sam help Tommy prepare
With L’manburg gone, the Crimson takes its next step forward with an empire. Meanwhile, Ranboo has been wrestling with a strange voice, a new arrival appears, and Tubbo hatches a plan to go nuclear:
1/14 - Puffy’s Hero Arc, Dawn of the Eggpire
1/15 - Ranboo’s confrontation
1/16 - Foolish arrives
1/17 - Ant plants the seeds, Project Dream Catcher begins, Karaoke Night!
Another new member joins, and Techno and Phil make plans for a new group of anarchists:
1/18 - HannahxxRose arrives, Founding of the Syndicate
1/19 - Tommy’s final night, HBomb leaves, Niki and Techno meet, Ranboo and Tubbo meet, Punz’s discovery
It’s time for Tommy and Tubbo to finally face Dream and end the Disc War once and for all. With their victory, Dream is hauled off to his own prison with possession of the revival book:
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Tommy starts building a hotel, Quackity and Sam hatch plans of their own as the Eggpire makes bold moves, and Jack and Niki get their chance to kill Tommy with the nuclear launch test:
1/21 - Tommy’s visit to Dream
1/22 - Slimecicle joins the server
1/23: Connor and Schlatt’s party, Quackity and Sam plan Las Nevadas
1/24: The Eggpire attacks, Tales From the SMP: “The Lost City of Mizu”
1/25 - Puffy rescues Sam from the Egg, Bad traps Ponk with the Egg
1/26 - Nuclear Launch Test, the Crimson speaks
1/27 - Fundy, Phil and Ranboo explode the Vines, Fundy is almost captured
1/28 - Tommy and Jack destroy the remnants of Ponk’s Lemon Tree
1/29 - Ponk captures Fran as revenge
1/30 - Bad’s visit with Dream, Ranboo’s confrontation
1/31 - The Eggpire hires Purpled
2/1 - Ponk’s dream, Ranboo speaks with Awesam
2/2 - Ponk reads Jack’s Journal, Tommy takes a piece of the Crimson, Awesam and Fran bond
2/3 - Puffy attempts to destroy the Crimson, Tales From the SMP: “The Masquerade”
2/4 - Nothing much happens
2/5 - Jack Manifold becomes the main character
2/6 - Puffy searches for parrots
2/7 - The 5-Hour Tom Gravy Stream
2/8 - Puffy leaves a note for Techno, Puffy commits arson against Ponk
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Karl decides it’s time to move away from the main area and build a new library for his books elsewhere:
2/9 - Ponk destroys Puffy’s house, Karl moves the library with George and Sapnap, Sapnap visits the prison
2/10 - Nothing much happens.
2/11 - Quackity’s couples therapy
2/12 - Ponk continues work on the Woo Station, Fundy builds a gameshow, Puffy rebuilds her house
2/13 - Bad and Puffy speak with Techno, Ranboo speaks with the Crimson
2/14 - Sam sees the Woo Station, Foolish stares at a wall for 10 hours, Tales From the SMP: “The Wild West”
2/15 - Ranboo finds his wall signs changed
2/16 - Tommy’s hotel opening, Karl and Sapnap name Kinoko Kingdom
2/17 - Foolish, Ponk and HBomb’s lore, Bad confronts Puffy about the propaganda
2/18 - Bad and Antfrost confront Puffy about the propaganda
2/19 - George vandalizes the prison, Captain Puffy’s Prank Wars
2/20 - Nothing much happens.
Having successfully opened the Big Innit Hotel, Tommy decides to visit Dream again...only for it to end in disaster:
2/21 - Tommy gets trapped in prison, Jack and Quackity speak, guard training day, Eret returns
2/22 - Phil’s home renovations
While Tommy is stuck in the prison, Tubbo and Ranboo get married and start an inn together:
2/23 - Tubbo builds a sandstone penis on the prison, Sam kidnaps Michael, Tubbo and Ranboo get married
2/24 - Ponk and Sam’s date, Phil bargains with Sam, Ranboo and Tubbo start Bee ‘n’ Boo
2/25 - Tubbo, Ranboo and Jack quarrel about their hotels
2/26 - DreamXD helps George build McDonald’s, Jack’s date with Andrea
2/27 - Nothing much happens
2/28 - Hannah’s birthday stream, Sapnap’s birthday party
After remaining trapped for days, Dream kills Tommy in the prison, sending the server into mourning and the Eggpire into their final plans:
3/1 - Foolish and Jack Manifold’s L’Cast, Dream kills Tommy, Jack spreads the news, the Eggpire enters the Final Stage
3/2 - The server mourns Tommy, Ranboo confronts Sam
3/3 - Tubbo’s detective work
3/4 - Foolish confronts the Crimson, Dream revives Tommy, Tales From the SMP: “The Haunted Mansion”
3/5 - Ponk warns Foolish about an Eggpire attack, Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy and Phil see Michael
3/6 - The Syndicate meets, Antfrost prepares for the Red Banquet
3/7 - Tubbo and Ranboo commission a mansion, Captain Puffy’s origin story
3/8 - Ponk’s preparations, Michelle is brought to Snowchester
3/9 - Ponk’s last warning to Foolish, Hannah gets trapped with the Egg
3/10 - The Eggpire’s attack on the Temple, Sam rescues Hannah
3/11 - Nothing much happens
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Days after Dream revives Tommy in the prison, Tommy is finally let out of the Vault with new plans to kill Dream for good, while Quackity has his own ideas:
3/12 - Tommy exits Pandora’s Vault
3/13 - Nothing much happens
3/14 - Tommy plans to kill Dream, Ghostbur returns
3/15 - Nothing much happens.
3/16 - “Worst Day:” Quackity starts visiting Dream in prison
3/17 - Ranboo’s lore recap
3/18 -  Fundy’s Social Experiment (Community House explodes)
3/19 - Nothing much happens.
3/20 - Tales From the SMP: “The Pit”
3/21 - Jack’s new plan
3/22 - KSI’s mysterious visit
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Ponk and Sam’s relationship takes a dark turn as Ponk steals defunct prison keycards, causing Sam to retaliate with brutal force:
3/23 - Ponk takes the Warden Keycards and Sam kills him
3/24 - Sam cuts off Ponk’s arm for the keycards
3/25 - Jack speaks with Sam about becoming a guard and takes on the case to find the cameras
3/26 - Tubbo recommissions Project Dream Catcher, the nuke goes missing
3/27 - Tommy works on the tower, Lil Nas X visits, Eret and Foolish clear the Blood Vines
3/28 - Tommy works on the tower, Niki works on her city, Sapnap plays on Karl’s account
3/29 - Drista and the shulker box deal, Hannah and Sam threaten the Cat Cafe
Fundy and George experience some strange dreams, while Tubbo has his own mystery text telling him to “wake up”:
3/30 - Fundy’s Mind
3/31 - George Lore’s George lore, George’s deal with DreamXD
4/1 - Strange words start appearing on Tubbo’s screen, Henry dies again, April Fool’s pranks
4/2 - Sam’s character QnA, Drista visits for a recording
4/3 - Nothing much happens.
4/4 - Nothing much happens.
4/5 - Tubbo creates Checkmate, Tommy and Ranboo lose Friend
4/6 - Puffy helps Antfrost and Sam work through their smashing problems
4/7 - Tip Tup, the Eggpire gives out Red Banquet invitations
4/8 - Ponk moves into Niki’s city, Fundy attempts to prank Ranboo
4/9 - Tubbo creates an interrogation room
4/10 - Nothing much happens.
4/11 - Tubbo rebuilds his house with Tommy
4/12 - Quackity recounts the events leading up to his visit with Dream
4/13 - Nothing much happens.
4/14 - Foolish hires HBomb to be his maid.
4/15 - Nothing much happens.
4/16 - Nothing much happens.
4/17 - Hannah goes sleepwalking
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During the Eggpire’s preparations for the Red Banquet, Bad and Skeppy clash over the Egg:
4/18 - Bad and Skeppy fight, Bad kills Skeppy
4/19 - Nothing much happens.
4/20 - Nothing much happens.
4/21 - HBomb makes a diamond game, Jack plans to open a pub sidechain for his hotel business
4/22 - Tubbo shows Tommy how to make TNT cannons
4/23 - Puffy, Foolish, Hannah and Sam meet on Cloud Prime to discuss the Banquet, Ranboo’s Enderwalk Saga: “The Lessons”
4/24 - Dream SMP’s one-year anniversary: George has another dream about the past coming to visit, Bad hands out invitations
After so many preparations, it’s finally time for the Egg to feast:
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4/26 - Foolish speaks with the Egg, L’Sandburg is founded, Puffy grieves after the Banquet, L’Puffburg is created
4/27 - Ponk confronts Foolish at the Community House, Tommy faces his fears
4/28 - Ponk builds a shack at the summer home, Ranboo reads Enderwalk’s response in the Memory Book
Tommy’s plan to break into the prison does not go as he thought, resulting in Wilbur being brought back to life:
4/29 - Prison break, Ghostbur dies and Wilbur is revived
4/30 - Nothing much happens
5/1 - Nothing much happens
5/2 - Nothing much happens
5/3 - Phil tells Fundy that Wilbur is back
5/4 - Nothing much happens.
5/5 - Tommy tours Wilbur around the server
5/6 - Ponk pranks people with pumpkins, Tommy finds the pickle pit and speaks with Foolish
5/7 - Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo go mining in the quarry
5/8 - Nothing much happens.
5/9 - Tubbo and Ranboo hang out in the Arctic
5/10 - Jack and Tommy steal from each other while Tommy works on the mine
5/11 - Nothing much happens.
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After the Banquet, Bad founded a new country called L’Sandburg in Foolish’s summer home. A while after, Foolish decides it’s time to take action against it. A newcomer arrives:
5/12 - Foolish gives L’Sandburg an ultimatum to take down the wall
5/13 - Foolish sends out letters asking for help with L’Sandburg
5/14 - Tubbo claims L’Sandburg and gets the gift cards with Phil and Ranboo
5/15 - Foolish walls off L’Sandburg, Tommy walls off the Holy Land
5/16 - Michaelmcchill joins the SMP
5/17 - Nothing much happens.
5/18 - Foolish makes a deal with Bad to sell L’Sandburg
5/19 - Foolish hires Punz to search for the nuke, DreamXD gives out player heads, the Badlands argue about weednip while planning for war
5/20 - Nothing much happens.
5/21 - Ranboo finds another Stronghold
Quackity plans to defeat Technoblade at last by luring him to the prison and recruits some new faces for his country, Las Nevadas:
5/22 - Dream writes Technoblade a letter, Quackity tries to recruit Charlie, Fundy, Purpled and Foolish to Las Nevadas, Ranboo creates a room for his experiments at the Stronghold
5/23 - Foolish thinks about joining Las Nevadas, Bad does matchmaking for turtles
5/24 - Fundy joins Las Nevadas
5/25 - An argument about L’Sandburg’s turtles breaks out, Shelly dies and is revived
5/26 - Nothing much happens.
5/27 - Quackity gets Charlie to work for him in Las Nevadas, Connor gets into debt with Quackity, Michael attempts a prison break-in and falls in love with Dream
5/28 - Nothing much happens.
5/29 - Michael plots his prison break
5/30 - Ranboo writes a letter to Wilbur, a forest appears in the Arctic, Puffy starts building up L’Llamaburg
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Wilbur visits Las Nevadas for the first time and reunites with Quackity, sparking a new rivalry. Tubbo builds an outpost to keep an eye on the new country:
5/31 - Wilbur and Tommy visit Las Nevadas
6/1 - Ponk tears down a tower of L’Llamaburg, Tubbo builds an outpost, Techno’s birthday party, Quackity speaks with Foolish about Las Nevadas, Niki finds out about Wilbur’s revival, Bad and Puffy destroy the supreme fridge in an act of war
6/2 - Fundy speedruns self-care, Antfrost confronts Foolish, Bad and Puffy to apologize
6/3 - Nothing much happens.
6/4 - Ponk decides to sue Puffy and Bad, Pubbo
6/5 - Nothing much happens.
Quackity’s scheme succeeds, with Techno now a prisoner alongside Dream:
6/6 - Techno gets trapped in prison, Quackity tours Bad, Puffy, Skeppy and Michael around Las Nevadas
6/7 - Nothing much happens.
6/8 - Puffy writes a countersuit in the Lore Suit against Ponk
6/9 - Ponk shows Sam the valley, Fundy and Purpled officially join Las Nevadas, Ranboo receives an update from the Council
6/10 - Nothing much happens.
6/11 - Fundy and Tubbo spy on each other at the outpost
6/12 - George gets turned into a pig
6/13 - Fundy and Purpled work in Las Nevadas, Foolish bargains wall nuts with Bad
6/14 - Nothing much happens.
6/15 - Foolish builds in Las Nevadas
6/16 - Fundy and Foolish work in Las Nevadas
6/17 - Hannah rebuilds Pickle
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Tubbo’s outpost begins to raise tensions with Las Nevadas:
6/18 - Quackity confronts Tubbo about the outpost, Tommy builds a railway and kidnaps Slime, Ranboo and Slime speak, Quackity and Ranboo debate about the outpost
6/19 - Nothing much happens.
6/20 - Foolish builds in Las Nevadas
6/21 - Prison Podcast ft. Dream and Techno
6/22 - Nothing much happens.
6/23 - Ponk and Foolish become Batman and Robin
6/24 - Quackity turns into a cow, Quackity and Wilbur make a song, George and Bad spar
6/25 - Foolish, Ponk and Bad found the S.U.S. toll company
6/26 - MCC, no updates
6/27 - Nothing much happens.
6/28 - Ponk builds in the valley and makes a room of all his variations, Foolish, Fundy, Niki and HBomb do a spelling bee in Las Nevadas
6/29 - Ponk builds the new Lemon Tree and chats with Sam, then Bad, Sam and Punz hang out and drop YouTooz codes
6/30 - Ponk tells Foolish the story of George and the Lemon Tree
7/1 - Foolish and Purpled build in Las Nevadas
7/2 - Nothing much happens.
7/3 - Puffy works on the Lore Cast building
7/4 - Nothing happens.
7/5 - Nothing much happens.
Tommy does some summer cleaning only for Tubbo, Foolish and Sam to take over the Prime Path with a massive beets farm:
7/6 - Tommy and co. clear up the area by the Prime Path
7/7 - Tommy tries to move to Kinoko
7/8 - Fundy and Foolish have a custody battle, Drista makes a flying pig squad
7/9 - Ponk asks Foolish to kill Sam, “Tom Simmons” joins Dream SMP
7/10 - Tubbo, Foolish and Sam create a gigantic beets farm, Tommy stores his war items
7/11 - The beets men get revenge on Puffy, Foolish and Bad improve the beets farm
7/12 - Nothing much happens.
7/13 - Foolish builds the Lemon Tree
7/14 - Nothing much happens.
7/15 - Foolish continues work on the Lemon Tree.
7/16 - Boomer visits on Sam’s account
7/17 - George dreams of Quackity
7/18 - Tommy builds Drista’s hotel, Ranboo builds the stone sky city, Foolish destroys L’Sandburg
7/19 - Nothing much happens.
Sapnap and George get a visit from Mexican Dream, and Wilbur and Ranboo start up their own business next to Las Nevadas. Phil takes on a project to renovate the Doomsday crater:
7/20 - Sapnap and George speak with Mexican Dream
7/21 - Foolish creates Philzavilla and breaks into the prison
7/22 - Nothing much happens.
7/23 - Nothing much happens.
7/24 - MCC, no updates
7/25 - Wilbur and Ranboo make a burger van
7/26 - Phil begins to clean up L’manhole
7/27 - Tubbo does a Q&A
7/28 - Bad and Fundy hang out after a gameshow
7/29 - Nothing much happens
7/30 - Phil continues cleaning up L’manhole, Ranboo builds up Wilburger Ranvan and works on the sky city, Tommy gets rid of the sky highway
7/31 - Foolish and Phil work on L’manhole
8/1 - Puffy builds a Pokemon center
8/2 - Nothing happens.
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Jack has had enough of the mainland and leaves to find a new start. Tubbo makes a deal with Quackity:
8/3 - Jack celebrates his birthday alone and decides to create New Manifoldland, Wilbur and Ranboo speak with Tubbo at L’manhole
8/4 - Ranboo and Wilbur talk with Quackity in Las Nevadas, Tubbo agrees to the outpost deal and becomes manager of Tubburger, Michael’s birthday stream
8/5 - Nothing much happens.
8/6 - Phil works on L’manhole and gets a pink sheep named Rosie, Ranboo is contained in a box, Sam gathers resources for a secret project
8/7 - Nothing happens.
8/8 - Tommy builds in the ocean, Puffy makes burgers, Foolish and Sam go on a not-a-date
8/9 - Ponk finds out about Foolish and Sam’s date and cuts ties with him
8/10 - Nothing much happens.
8/11 - Eret returns to Dream SMP!
8/12 - George talks with a Wandering Trader in Kinoko and becomes a chicken…?
8/13 - Foolish starts a new mega build, Phil finishes renovating the L’manburg ruins
8/14 - Bad tells horrifying childhood stories and makes Sesame Street songs with Puffy and Foolish
8/15 - Tommy builds a waterfall, Bad trades heads with Foolish over L’Sandburg
Having cut ties with Foolish, once again heartbroken, Ponk speaks with HBomb:
8/16 - Ponk gives HBomb a mission from his cave
8/17 - Nothing much happens.
8/18 - Bad does a late-night stream with Quackity and George
8/19 - Jack establishes New Manifoldland and the Vanifold
8/20 - Nothing much happens.
8/21 - Nothing much happens.
8/22 - Tubbo, Phil and Antfrost clear out space by L’manburg
8/23 - Tommy and Sam attempt to move the Egg and meet Ghost Mexican Dream and Jesus Wick
8/24 - Nothing much happens.
8/25 - cc!Quackity pranks the SMP with George and Bad and dies
8/26 - Nothing happens.
8/27 - Nothing much happens.
8/28 - MCC, Karl and George do lore in Kinoko
8/29 - Nothing much happens.
8/31 - Nothing happens.
9/1 - Nothing happens.
9/2 - Nothing happens.
9/3 - Puffy makes sure the SMP is still standing
9/4 - Nothing happens.
9/5 - HBomb builds a theater with Niki
9/6 - Nothing happens.
9/7 - Puffy burns the Lemon Tree and Foolish-Quackity shows up
9/8 - Ponk collects resources, Bad builds a Callahan statue with Callahan
9/9 - Nothing happens.
9/10 - Ponk goes mining
9/11 - Eret returns again
9/12 - Michaelmcchill’s September Subathon
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With Techno still missing, Phil reads the will Techno wrote for him, just in the nick of time:
9/13 - Phil opens the will
9/14 - Techno escapes Pandora’s Vault, Sam finds Dream hiding, Quackity tells Foolish that Dream has escaped prison and to prepare for an attack
9/15 - Ponk gathers resources
9/16 - Nothing happens
9/17 - Foolish builds a bunker for Las Nevadas; the catmaids interfere
9/18 - MCC, Eret hangs out on the server afterwards
9/19 - Nothing happens.
9/20 - Phil reads Techno’s Will to chat
9/21 - Bad does a late night stream with George, Quackity and Callahan
9/22 - Tom Simmons gets into conflict against Punz featuring Karl, Michael and Foolish
9/23 - Ponk goes mining
9/24 - Foolish and Karl work on building projects
9/25 -  George, Bad and Quackity have a court battle ft. Harry Potter Karl
9/26 - Foolish’s 24-hour Subathon
9/27 - Ponk and Foolish have a reunion on the bridge
9/28 - Ponk’s Subathon, Sam works on his project
9/29 - Sam does a Q&A
9/30 - Nothing happens.
10/1 - Nothing happens.
10/2 - Nothing happens.
10/3 - Nothing happens.
10/4 - Bad does a late night chill stream
10/5 - Nothing much happens.
10/6 - Nothing happens.
10/7 - Nothing happens.
10/8 - Bad does a late night chill stream
10/9 - Hannah builds on the SMP
10/10 - Nothing much happens.
10/11 - Nothing much happens.
10/12 - Puffy builds Halloween decorations
10/13 - Nothing much happens.
10/14 - Nothing happens.
10/15 - Michael gets an Alesa backpack
Michael sends out a message:
10/16 - Find Serenity radio broadcast
10/17 - Nothing happens.
10/18 - Foolish finishes the Among Us bunker, Hannah builds Among Us statues, Michael moves his things and talks to Alesa
10/19 - Nothing happens.
10/20 - Nothing happens.
A group gathers to gamble with the god of the server for special goods, with a new challenge announced. A new wave of members arrives:
10/21 - Gambling with DreamXD
10/22 - Eryn joins the server
10/23 - MCC, Tina joins the server
10/24 - Nothing much happens.
10/25 - Puffy catches up on the goings-on and Sam works on his mega base
10/26 - Nothing happens.
10/27 - Tubbo, Phil, Foolish and Sam work on various projects
10/28 - Sam works on his mega build
10/29 - Boomer joins the server
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Hannah wins the challenge, gaining an Elytra:
10/30 - Team Seas Elytra Event, Sapnap and George threaten to kill Michael
10/31 - Eryn, Tommy and Phil hang out on the server on Halloween!
11/1 - Hannah tries out her Elytra
Boomer finds himself drawn to the swamplands where he discovers Sam and his multiple bodies. Sam assigns Boomer and Hannah to the task of finishing the bank:
11/2 - Boomer finds one of Sam’s bodies in the swamp, Hannah and Boomer have their first day at the bank
11/3 - Nothing much happens.
11/4 - Nothing happens.
11/5 - Nothing happens.
11/6 - Ponk, Boomer and Michael work on builds
11/7 - Nothing much happens.
11/8 - Nothing much happens.
11/9 - Hannah, Boomer, Puffy and Bad hang out
11/10 - Nothing much happens.
11/11 - Ponk and Boomer work on builds
11/12 - Sam works on his megabase and has a brief exchange with Boomer
11/13 - MCC, Eret hangs out on the SMP afterwards
11/14 - Nothing much happens.
Eryn causes some small-scale chaos, building shrines to Dream:
11/15 - Eryn builds a base under Tommy’s house
11/16 - Eryn breaks into the prison and builds a Dream shrine, Puffy celebrates her anniversary on the SMP, Hannah and Boomer log on with intentions of finishing the bank, but instead mess around with Quackity and BadBoyHalo
11/17 - Boomer builds a bridge
11/18 - Ponk hangs out and starts building with redstone in the Nether
Still desperate to get an Elytra somehow, Foolish takes on a new building project to try and earn it from the god himself:
11/19 - Foolish begins building a giant DreamXD statue, Eryn and BadBoyHalo play Rock Paper Scissors
11/20 - Foolish works on the DreamXD statue, Karl hangs out in Kinoko and chats with Tina
11/21 - Foolish speaks with DreamXD about a godly deal and works on the statue
11/22 - Foolish continues to work on the massive statue
11/23 - Foolish recruits Tina, Corpse, HBomb and Hannah for DreamXD’s club
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We have come to the end of one eventful year...
But with Quackity’s Final Act on the horizon, who knows what to expect next...?
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Thank you.
501 notes · View notes
Techno knew about the name thing. He's known since 2020 at the latest.
(Context: Karl needed food, and Techno was previously turning around slowly to intimidate Quackity. For anyone wondering, this is the stream where Quackity talked about MC Mondays, and the one where the "Hunters and Prey" speech/scene happens.)
Q: Here. (passes Karl baked potatoes) You have to do it faster, Techno. You have to do it faster, like- like this, ready? (turns to face Techno)
T: (turns to face Quackity)
Q: Okay... okay. (takes a deep breath) Hi, Technoblade. My name is Quackity Alex- Alex Quackity, that's right. And what's your name?
T: Uh, my name is Technoblade.
Source: "Quackity Celebrates 1,000,000 Twitch Followers in Dream SMP" livestream VOD at 53:22, 8 November 2020
82 notes · View notes
kitsu-katsu · 3 years
If I see one more person say that c!Wilbur “went mad”, “threw a tantrum” or “was unfairly angry” after the election results I will snap: A look back at the L’manburg elections and the Soot-Innit exile order
Alright so, let’s go back a bit. The war for independence. Tommy loses the duel meant to grant them their freedom, and so decides to sacrifice his most precious items for this idea of a nation, this blooming project. Once granted liberty, Wilbur starts writing the Decree of Independence and declares himself president of the nation.
This is the first move that people point to when describing Wilbur as tyrannical to his core, but the move isn’t one of a tyrant dictator, really. The nation was newly formed, it was Wilbur’s idea from the beginning, and he was the lead general in the war for independence, thus, it only makes sense that he’d be the leader, especially when the newly formed nation wasn’t even ready to hold proper democratic elections. If you have a nation just coming out of war and which citizens have little organization, you wouldn’t go calling for elections anyway. Furthermore, Wilbur said “I’m the president” and wrote it, but it might as well have been almost democratic if nobody expressed opposition. This would be a very different story if somebody had said “No! I don’t want this! This other person should be president!”, but nobody did, they all agreed with the idea and then followed Wilbur out of their own volition. I remind you that anybody would be free to go out of L’manburg if they so desired, or challenged Wilbur, whose greatest power is really just his prose and eloquence, but they didn’t.
So: Wilbur’s the president. He’s distant, he’s depressed, he cries into his pillow at night, his self-worth issues start to blossom as he further ties himself and his value as a human being to what he can provide for his people and how safe he can keep them, not thinking of himself as doing a particularly good job.
“I mean, look, Tubbo, I’ll be the first one to say I didn’t always treat you the best on L’Manberg. And I know I didn’t! I was somewhat of a distant ruler, I pretty much only really- … Look, I wasn’t the best ruler, I know I wasn’t. I think I was a good ruler, but I-” - (Wilbur’s techno and wilbur make cave better: 1:21:50, 23rd Sep)
“I just- I- I just remember I was in power, and I would- when I wasn’t on a stage I would cry a lot, and- and scream into my pillow until I felt better. That’s what I- but I don’t remember why I would do that” - (Tubbo’s THE GREAT REBUILDING: 2:14:18, 17th Nov)
At this point, L’manburg starts having some inner conflict, some civil wars, and Wilbur perceives that he basically holds no power over the people, because they can just ignore what he says and keep on the chaos. Thus, he gets the idea that for his power to be legitimate and for his people to respect it and listen to what he has to say, he should hold an election, with the catch of it being a show election since POG 2020 would’ve been the only available party.
Now, Quackity arrives, the beans are spilled, and now he wants to participate with his own party in the L’manburg elections. Now, as a leader of the nation which was quite vulnerable to attacks from outsiders, Wilbur could’ve just prohibited Quackity from participating at all, which would be a more damning move to the fandom, but also a pretty logistically sound move, only letting insider parties run would’ve made sense, but in the end, Quackity asked and so was allowed to participate, even as he showed a fundamental misunderstanding of the nation and what it went through at the hands of Dream and company and as Wilbur stated that he would make the nation unsafe with his ideals. (I could go into further analysis of the Wilbur-Quackity conversation from the stream “Killing my enemies”, but I’ll probably just address it in further detail in a separate post where I’m more focused on their characters, in the meantime, I got a bit into part of it as well as how Wilbur sees the possession of power and the concept of honour in this post).
“What has made you do everything you’ve done up to this point?” (Quackity)
“That’s a- That’s a big question. Um. I guess it’s just protection for my people. I mean, I- I- I just want to see them thrive, and I want to see them safe.” (Alivebur)
- (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:03:02, 12th Apr)
“Your aspirations of optimism are not going to be subject to my nation’s security I’m afraid. I- I completely disagree with everything you’ve said.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:18, 12th Apr)
“They’re gonna tear down the walls… … Tommy. They say they’re gonna tear down the walls. They’re gonna open it up to Americans. Our safe space! Our safe space. Remember, remember when we made the park? That was fun. Remember the Camarvan? Remember all the history we’ve had here? They’re gonna tear it down.” - (Wilbur’s Election Night: 1:18:17, 20th Sep)
“Our safe space. Our safe space.” - (Wilbur’s Election Night: 1:18:27, 20th Sep)
The days pass, Coconut 2020 forms, which is an insider group, and is freely let to participate as well as SWAG 2020. Eventually, Schlatt arrives as an endorsement for POG 2020, where, having the ballots already closed, he reveals he wants to participate as well with his own party extremely last minute. Now, not only would an actual tyrant not let any of this happen, but any kind of leader of a nation would be in their complete right to refuse, as it’s an outsider, the debating period has come and gone, and the ballots have closed. They would have ample ground to stand on to refuse Schlatt participating at all, but Wilbur still allows it. At this point, pointing at how Wilbur originally planned to stage a show election with one party to claim that he’s “evil” and “power hungry” is not only incorrect, but also completely irrelevant, as we’ve gone so further from that original idea that he’s letting his sponsor guy participate even with the ballots long closed and the elections having practically already started (again, they were literally showing their endorsements. Come on).
The elections come and go. Coconut 2020 attempts voter fraud and doesn’t get anywhere (note how the one who’s always called “undemocratic” is Wilbur, when other characters are completely willing to do stuff like this while he allows endorsement man to enter the pool of possibilities even if extremeley late to the whole thing). Wilbur attempted a coalition deal with Quackity to have a greater chance against Schlatt in which he’d probably win himself, so Quackity backs down, but thus leaves the precedent of coalitions being legal in L’manburg elections. Quackity forms a coalition with Schlatt of which the voters don’t find out until after voting.
The votes say that POG 2020 wins by majority, but pulling the coalition's votes together, Schlatt-SWAG win by only 1%. Now, before moving forward, I want you to realize how insane that is. The single party of POG 2020 had such a large magnitude of votes that the pulling of votes from two separate parties only overtook them by a mere 1%. If Wilbur called for a second election period in which the voters would pick between POG 2020 and the Schlatt-SWAG coalition, it would only make sense, seeing as the coalitions wasn’t something everyone knew about and they only managed a 1% difference, a way too small one. In any case, Wilbur accepts his loss and gives the country to the coalition, which establishes Schlatt as the new president (A further thing to be called undemocratic, as of the two pooling parties, SWAG 2020 got the most votes, meaning that they only won to POG 2020 by 1%, and most of their overall percentage voted for president Quackity).
I want you to see Wilbur’s actual quote immediately before and after saying he’s lost, because people plainly don’t watch this arc and then say that he was undemocratic and didn’t want to give up the presidency unless forced to, which is quite plainly a lie and makes even less sense paired up with the context of how permissive he was beforehand:
“What happens if we lose the nation, Wilbur?” (Tommy)
“Well, then whoever wins takes over, w- what do you mean?” (Alivebur)
- (Tommy’s vod jschlatt gets unbanned from the Dream SMP: 1:45:50, 20th Sep)
“Tommy, we’re citizens tonight. Just listen to Schlatt.” (Wilbur’s vid How Schlatt stole the Election of the Dream SMP: 7:58)
He directly declares that they are citizens now, and thus should listen to the new president, who then proceeds to immediately declare the founders of the goddamn nation, the ex-leaders of it, the ones who gave away their power peacefully even when they could’ve reasonably raised concerns about so many things wrong with Schlatt getting to this point, as exiled. Not only that, but he immediately chases them out by demanding people shoot them, which actually makes Wilbur lose a canon life. I cannot explain to you how absurd it is to be mad at the guy who was so permissive and who gave up his power peacefully and always took on what he himself made legal and call him “undemocratic”, when you have Schlatt, who got into the elections way too late anyway, won via a coalition that at least most voters wouldn’t be aware of, became president by taking advantage of the votes for a different party to rule and then his first move in power is to exile and assassinate his political rivals. I cannot fathom the amount of mental gymnastics you’d have to do, really.
“I called for this democratic process, and now he’s ousted me from my government. This- I’m fucking speechless, I’m speechless.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 26:12, 22nd Sep)
“We gave up literally everything for L’Manberg. We gave up friendships, we gave up alliances with some of the most powerful people on this server. And now we’ve just- And everything we earnt in that sacrifice has been lost in one moment. Everything we earnt has been lost.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 31:33, 22nd Sep)
Then, Schlatt gets people to burn the flag and tear down the walls (The walls which directly correlate to and represent Wilbur’s ultimate goal of keeping his people safe)
“What has made you do everything you’ve done up to this point?” (Quackity)
“That’s a- That’s a big question. Um. I guess it’s just protection for my people. I mean, I- I- I just want to see them thrive, and I want to see them safe.” (Alivebur)
- (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:03:02, 12th Apr)
“This isn’t- This isn’t- I’m not gonna be able to do anything to stop them tearing down the walls. I just need to have one- I’m doing this for principle, I’m doing this for tradition. I need to just have one last look, TommyInnit. I need to look at it one more time before it’s gone.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 38:18, 22nd Sep)
“No, I need to- I need to watch this, I need to- This was- This is a huge part of my- I need to, I need to- It would be- It’s like not turning up to a funeral.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 39:21, 22nd Sep)
“My son… My son is tearing down the walls, in front of me! My son is tearing down the walls in front of me! The walls I built to keep him safe! I promised him this world, Tommy, I promised him this world.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 39:41 22nd Sep)
“L'Manberg, my unfinished symphony! My great unfinished symphony… is being torn down in front of my eyes.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 40:04, 22nd Sep)
And Wilbur, as he grows understandably bitter at the fact that his country, which he tied so tightly to himself and through which he expressed his ideals and desire for safety got taken over and twisted, the walls taken down, the expansion of territory which he knew would likely result in further wars with the greater Dream SMP, which would in turn only harm the people further, his own family and friends actively going against his every wish only to survive under Schlatt (which he understands, but also starts to distrust further down the line, becoming more convinced that the people will simply just follow the one with most power, and with him being powerless and unable to provide anything of value, he’s virtually worthless, as he sees that people seem happy under Schlatt’s rule for a while) and he himself and his right hand man being exiled, chased out, and in his case killed, starts questioning whether wanting to overthrow Schlatt is a morally damning thing, whether they’re the bad guys for wanting L’manburg back at all instead of letting the “democratic” (which it wasn’t really for all the reasons listed above) process be. He starts tearing himself up not because he “lost his mind” as the fandom so awfully likes to put it, but because he’s unsure he has any moral ground to stand on as well being influenced further by his old war trauma, his self-worth issues which have been present for a while at this point, and his eventual paranoia caused by perceiving life under Schlatt to be pretty good actually, while he further sees himself as worthless and his goals as inherently immoral and unjustified, even if that isn’t logically the case:
“Tommy, I’ve got a question for you, right. Because this festival, this is a good idea, this doesn’t seem like a bad like, this doesn’t seem evil. You know? This seems like a nice friendly thing Schlatt’s doing. Tommy, are we the bad guys?” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:08:14, 8th Oct)
“‘Cause, I mean, we were the, we just kinda made ourselves the leaders, and then, and now we had a vote, and he won, in a coalition government, which was completely legal, and now we’re trying to overthrow him. It feels like we’re the bad guys, Tommy. This doesn’t feel correct.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:08:34, 8th Oct)
“Look, do you know how long and how much blood was shed to get L’Manberg to the point it was at? You know what would happen if we manage to get L’Manberg back again? More blood would be shed, and we would be the illegitimate rulers of a nation.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:52)
“Tommy, am I, am I a bad, am I a villain of this story. Am I the villain in your history?” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:08:59, 8th Oct)
“Tommy, we allowed the coalition. On the day, they said they were gonna make a coalition, and our cockiness, our arrogance got in ahead of us, and we allowed it. We said ‘yes coalition governments are allowed’.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:09:35, 8th Oct)
TLDR: When I say that Wilbur cares a LOT, just in general, I mean it, because he cares about his people first and foremost, then his ideals which tie in with his nation, and that involves caring about the democratic process being carried out right and following through with the consequences of his actions (mainly here, him recognizing that they lost because he himself made coalitions legal in the hopes of getting an advantage). He’s not “undemocratic”, he’s more than justified to have felt a lot angrier than he did and to have put more barriers in the entry of the electoral process, and he certainly didn’t “lose his mind”, “become insane”, whatever else of the sort you’d like to say, nor “threw a tantrum”, nor even became immediately outraged at the fact that he was chased out and killed while running away from the country that he himself created by a leader that the people didn’t even really vote for.
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
the lore and smp is at a point where it absolutely needs new + more people, esp with how many are currently not as involved (techno, punz, sapnap, karl, niki... just to name a few) and i think adding like 6-10 people in the new month or two could give it a major boost (similar to the boost it was given in july of 2020, when tons of people were added like tommy, tubbo, fundy, eret, purpled, punz, skeppy, wilbur... then followed by august with jack, niki, quackity, karl... you get the point). before the dream smp could've suffered from that rate of adding people, since "adding a bunch of people at a sudden/steady rate" is like. a guaranteed fuck-up for an smp in a lot of cases, but i think it would benefit greatly now. also i want to see people's reactions on-stream to learning the lore if they didn't know as much (like michael) it'd be funny as all fuck. also it could encourage older members to be more active!
I agree and disagree. I agree that the smp would benefit from doing a cluster of new people rather than one at a time, because adding one person at a time allows them to kind of get lost? like- adding smplive members one at a time tends to have them peter off and not really join too much, or really any new members to be honest, because it's overwhelming to be on such a prestigious server. they would benefit from other newbies with them to make content with, unless they're someone like foolish who really just persistently jumped straight into content with a niche. adding vikkstar and lazarbeam as a pair, for example, is a good way to do it.
but I think what's more important are the people who are being added, above the amount that are.
people like sophietexas would be perfect, people who are passionate about the story aspect and have mutual friends already on the smp would mesh perfectly imo. as much as I love smplive members, most of the time they don't consistently stream minecraft, especially not really minecraft 'players.' ranboo was a good example of a really smart addition.
however- what the smp would benefit from, in my opinion, are more leaders. people like tommy, wilbur, dream, karl, quackity, and even foolish, who are looking for a new niche in the content, willing to stream frequently, and confident to organize events and start conversations. right now, with quackity engrossed in lore, wilbur busy with music, and dream and tommy off doing who knows what, there's no person driving streams or conversations most times. the smp needs new creatives who are willing to step up and get people involved, but that's really hard to find while also fitting prior criteria. just adding more people isn't going to do much unless there's a firecracker in them who's going to start bits, games, and plotlines- without it, you're just going to get an increasingly crowded server.
basically: yes more people, but you need a leader or for someone else to come back in full force, otherwise they're just gonna be floating, y'know?
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gogtopia · 3 years
here’s the essay that i wrote about the c!dream team on 12/13/2020 (during exile, after main el rapids arc) that i never posted but thought might be worth sharing
at the core of it, it's always been the three of them. sure, their other friends were with them from the beginning but george and sapnap always stood with dream when the cause was serious. the core group, the dream team, sworn together forever. they bind together to fight l'manburg.
maybe the election caused a bit of tension with the group but it never seemed like anything serious and when it came down to it, when manburg fought pogtopia, sapnap and george were at dream's back once more. they were together yet again and dream placed the crown upon george's head. but since the war everything has gotten a bit fucked, hasn't it?
let's start with sapnap, forever dream's soldier, loyal through and through and ready to fight for him whenever. he has to be, right? i honestly don't think sapnap sees himself as smart enough to do anything but follow, which is a damn shame. he fought dream's battles, all because he was one of his best friends and then what does dream do? he says, loud enough for anyone to here, that he doesn't care about anything except the disks, anything except the power that he holds over tommy and the server at large. sapnap, for the first time, begins to doubt this loyalty. sure, at this point him and george have been working with quackity quite a bit but the truth of it was that he was always in his corner. dream sees that too, as he tells tubbo and tommy that he has sapnap and punz at his back as loyal soldiers. (sidenote this showcases dream's pride making him see loyalty when it isn't there because punz has been pretty upfront about picking the side that he thinks will win or pay him more every time). sapnap grows even closer to quackity, throws himself into mexican l'manburg and then does the same to el rapids after they remake their country. like literally all quackity, karl, and george ever do is fuck around but sapnap is ALWAYS working his ass off. he's a follower, after all. he followed dream and now he'll follow quackity. still, here in el rapids he can start to carve out a place of his own. at least these people don't treat him like a weapon.
and then there's george oh boy. george has never cared about anything but he cares about dream. he ran as vp of l'manburg because he thought it was funny and was happy to take over as king because it was just another cool thing he could take. he slept through the election and built a house during the second war because it didn't matter to him (and he had to stay neutral in the 2nd war, after all dream did say so).  he always follows quackity because things are a little more interesting with him. but he follows dream because he cares about him. and then his house gets griefed and dream sticks up for him which is great and all. and then he takes away his crown because he's a target. dream takes away george's crown and gives it back to eret NOT because he did anything but because someone did something to him. and i understand there was out-of-game reasons but george knows the character he's playing. he was devastated because i think this is the moment that it really dawns on him: being king was never a gift to a friend, it was the movement of a pawn and he was the one who was getting shoved around the chess board. george was king because it further established dream's dominance over the server, not because he cared about george. so all he has now is el rapids because those people actually care about him, unlike dream. sure, sapnap/karl/quackity are engaged and he's not a part of that but he's never left out. they always want him to be there and to be a part of things. quackity gives him shit about sleeping through the election all the time and some of it is annoyance but, more than anything, i think he wants his friend to be a part of things.
but here's the kicker: dream does care about george.
he can say that he only cared about the discs and the power that comes with them but, in the end, he has a soft spot for his friends. i don't think dream fully realized that sapnap isn't at his back so it hasn't been shown as much for him but for george oh man. from dream's point of view, part of the reason that he drove tommy out was because he hurt his friend. i mean, you can say it's only about power but they had struck a deal before tommy tried to pull the spirit move. this was about protecting george, protecting his family. and he dethroned him for the same reason. dream cares about his friends, through and through, but he doesn't understand them. he doesn't understand that sapnap isn't at his beck and call. he doesn't understand that george has a mind of his own and can fight his own battles. he acts out of love but none of his actions ever manifest that love in a healthy way.
i think what hurts the most is that, at some point, there's going to be a time where dream has the chance to choose between his friends and power, and i think, at some point, he's going to stop choosing them. after all, as we watch tommy deteriorate, dream is deteriorating too in a very different way.
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