#and a freaking shark and hawk
indimlights · 2 years
You're telling me one of my study partners decides to sing the exact song that makes me start thinking about him??? Out of the blue??? Universe???? Hello?????
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demon64 · 11 months
Decided to put a small portion of what I got done of that One Piece fic I mentioned in an earlier post. I'm mostly doing the fic for the fun of writing.
The Seraphim. Cyborgs made from the blood of the Shichibukai and the Last Lunarian. Intended as living weapons utterly loyal to the World Government. They are programmed with knowledge of their Warlord source and that source’s powers and abilities. Programming is a complex thing though, adding in how the living form likes to throw a wrench in the plans of many, and now the Seraphim have slowly gained their own sense of self. 
S-Crocodile knows that compared to the other Seraphim she stood out. They all stood out in their own ways. S-Bat stood out due to his odd form. S-Shark is part Fishman. S-Bear is large yet very docile. S-Flamingo’s bombasticness, to put it one way. S-Hawk will freak out if you even just touch his sword. And don’t get her started on S-Snake, the only other female of their little group of Seraphim. Yet she feels like an odd one out.
The Warlord she is modeled after, Sir Crocodile, is a Logia user. Sadly, Logia’s aren’t a fruit that Doctor Vegapunk has figured out how to replicate. And more importantly to some, Crocodile is a man. How is she who she is? The other Seraphim matched their Warlord source, the main differences coming from their Lunarian side. So why is she different? Did Vegapunk make a mistake? Or is this intentional on the Doctor’s part?
She did not know for certain, none of the other Seraphim do, and asking the doctor or his assistants is tough, they are either distracted or change the topic. None of those that they have met from beyond Egghead can answer, for they are not privy to that information themselves. Snapping S-Crocodile from her thoughts, a voice sounded over the speaker system.
“All Seraphim report to the assembly area! Repeat! All Seraphim report to the assembly area!” 
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
im so sorry but i have to ask are Rill and Thresher supposed to make me think season 0 kaiba and yugi I think it's the green hair that does it
the primary inspiration for Rill is absolutely S0 Kaiba and I'm not exactly being subtle about it! However, Thresher is not Yugi in any way whatsoever.
Thresher is based on a character concept I wanted to follow through on since 2019 before I ever watched Yugioh and doesn't really have an existing character in other media I can really point to as a comparison point or specific point of inspiration. I actually almost scrapped their concept entirely because when Splat 3 came by and had Shiver be a shark themed Octoling I was like FUCK they got to it first!!! People are gonna think I'm immediately ripping off a canon character!! But I got over it because who gives a shit, I was here first, and it's not actually very similar to what I was wanting to do anyways
Then about a year after I actually made Thresher into a proper character I caved to my dark desires of "I want to play with that cabbage freak in this other setting and see what he mutates into" and the only character I had lying around to throw him at happened to be Thresher.
The biggest inspiration for how Thresher deals with Rill has been a hawk I saw once sitting on a house roof ignoring a tiny ass songbird that was repeatedly dive-bombing it and bouncing off of it without doing any visible damage. I'm being completely serious this was the funniest thing I've ever seen
Anyways point is I think the biggest trap people fall into with these 2 is that they see a Kaiba and assume that there's going to be a Yugi somewhere to match when in reality I made these two completely independently of each other whoops
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dangermousie · 1 year
Lost You Forever ep 37
There are a lot of things going on in this ep but one of them is XY finding it a lot harder to let go than she thought it would be. Her immediate reaction to Jing's family mess was to cut him off and it was pure self-preservation on her part - I mean, she didn't even think to let Jing know his supposedly demure fiancee was an assassin for hire by fifth and seventh kings, which was not only a safety issue but something that may have helped him to break off the engagement before the pregnancy and maybe even after, because she really did not want to fight for him. And it was because she wants to protect her heart at all costs. But I think she is learning that being passive and waiting to be pursued and detaching when there is trouble didn't actually result in self-preservation. She is still hurt and she still hasn't gotten over him (so perhaps fighting would have been worth it, because not fighting led not to indifference but to pain.) And Jing really does look like a ghost and then he sees her and he's in pain if at least marginally more alive but he's just so beaten down.
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One thing hasn't changed - he still is on it like a hawk at the first sign of her in trouble.
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I do love how often he's depicted as a supplicant - on his knees in front of her.
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When she comes to and withdraws her hand and you can see him trying his damnedest not to cling and failing...
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If you want to switch up the flavors of misery have CX, and my heart breaks for him here utterly, as he's marrying a woman he does not love or even know, to solidify his position and to protect XY. It is not any different than when he was pretending to be a playboy chasing those random women and hating it so much - I remember his telling XY he hated their smell and here he is, with another woman and this time forever.
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His face in that last cap- I just want to cry. Did I mention that CX is my favorite male character now? He is digging his own grave as determinedly and as knowingly as XL and ouch ouch ouch ouch. By following her insane "romantic love above all" credo, his mother (who literally committed suicide to be with her dead husband instead of raising her freaking small child who was surrounded by sharks!) made sure her son will never even have a chance at love.
The bit with Jing watching XY with XL and this time all he can do is watch in silent despair because he has no right? Ouch ouch ouch.
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When he walks into the feast room, he really looks like he can barely lift his feet and it's a miracle he does not trip over the threshold and collapse.
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(Oh, the bitter irony since this is applicable to both CX and Jing.)
The chemistry between them is insane and I was rooting for them to kiss (sorry Jing, I still root for you!) but of course he won't let it. XL is determined to march on to his death for his cause and is shutting down any hope/part of him that wants to instead seek love and the future - by lashing out or avoidance or just shutting things down. It's pretty horrifying tbh. They are all so traumatized.
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If even Rich Jesus is rolling his eyes at you, you know you fucked up. (I am so sad she didn't live to see the fallout!)
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I "love" granny being sooo excited to see the spawn of satan, completely not caring that her supposed beloved grandson (who she drugged into this!) looks like the walking dead.
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The fact that he still mourns for the old monster when she keels over - I could never but then this is the gentleness that XY fell for and that had the patience to woo her. Everything has plusses and minuses.
PS I loved this bit so much. She can't let go, can she? The empress of denial and moving on is incapable. How can anyone argue after stuff like this that she doesn't love him?
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eviexwatson · 4 months
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( MAYA HAWKE .  CIS-WOMAN .  SHE/HER)  - the  chicago  resident , (  EVELYN “EVIE” WATSON ) ,  was  heard  blaring  (  POISON / ALICE COOPER  )  this  morning  .  the  ( TWENTY-SIX )  year  old  is  a  (  WAITRESS  )  in  the  city  &  has  lived  the ( WEST ) tower  for  (  SIX YEARS  ) .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  ( SELF-DESTRUCTIVE )  ,  but  also  ( EASY-GOING ) ,  i  guess  we'll  find  out  soon  !
𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌁𐌀𐌔𐌉𐌂𐌔
Name: Evelyn Renae Watson Nickname: Evie Birthday: August 5th Zodiac: Leo Age: 26 Face Claim: Maya Hawke Occupation: Waitress Gender: Cis-Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexual Orientation: Bisexual  Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
𐌃𐌄𐌄𐌐𐌄𐌓 𐌃𐌉ᕓ𐌄
Myers-Briggs: ISTP-T Positive Traits: Adaptable, Alert, Creative, Easy-Going, Independant, Uninhibited, Private, Observant, Witty  Negative Traits: Abrasive, Addictive, Insecure, Rebellious, Hot-Headed, Self-Destructive, Temperamental, Withdrawn Hobbies: Graffiti art, Smoking, Poetry, Make-up, Nail art, Skateboarding, Rock Collecting, Thrifting
𐌉𐌌𐌐Ꝋ𐌓𐌕𐌀𐌍𐌕 𐌔𐌕𐌵𐌅𐌅
TW: Parental death, car accident, mention of abuse, drug/substance abuse
There are a great many things that Evie would much rather do than discuss her childhood or her parents. Like walking over heated, rusted nails, swimming in shark-infested waters with a heavily bleeding wound, or touching the hot eye of a stove without submerging her hand in water beforehand. All of these would be considerably less painful than drudging through old memories she tries her best to repress to this day.
Where do I even begin? I suppose the beginning would be best. Evelyn Renae Watson was born in mid-July, her parents were Everett and Mary-Ann Watson. Her mother was a waitress at a local diner. Her father was a well-respected officer of the CPD, who performed his duties well and was known to be a stickler to the rules. And for the most part, when at home, he was decent enough. Sure, there may have been times when he got a little loud and would yell, especially if he had been drinking.
It wasn’t until Evie was around the age of six did it change. Her and her mother had gone to visit some relatives, and Evie ended up chasing after a ball on of her cousins threw at her, running out into the road, right in the way of a speeding truck, the driver neither slowing down nor paying attention. Mary-Ann rushed out to push Evie out of the way. And while Evie made it out mostly unscathed, save for a few scrapes from being shoved onto the concrete, her mother was fatally wounded. It was quite the story for a few weeks. A mother giving her life to save her child in a heroic display. Most of the family and family friends knew it was just a freak accident and never once blamed Evie for it. One person did: her father, vehemently so.
His drinking had become more frequent, and when he drank, he liked to remind her that if it weren’t for her, her mother would still be there, how it should have been her instead and many other horrible things that should have never been said to a child or to another person. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay verbal for long… As you could imagine, this had quite a negative effect on Evie. In her self-esteem as she got older. In her ability to make genuine connections with her peers. Even her grades began to suffer once she realized that doing well in school wasn’t going to help.
At some point, though she doesn’t exactly remember specifically when, as her childhood is just a blur at this point, she found an old luggage case full of old stuff tucked away in the attic. She was bored, her father wasn’t home, and TV wasn’t allowed in the house. Inside the case, she found a bunch of… Mostly stupid stuff. A bunch of old band tees with the pictures faded or crackled. What stood out the most to her was a Walkman, as well as a couple of mix tapes filled with her favorite classical rock songs, the words ‘Mary’s tunes’ and ‘Mary’s tunes #2’ written in faded ink. These were her mother’s. It still worked after putting in some batteries she found, and she never parted with it since.
While it was difficult for her to make friends and get close to people, it wasn’t impossible. She had a few shallow friendships, and only a few she would consider close friends. It was safe to say that a few of her friends' parents didn’t approve of her. She was, after all, the angry, troubled child who never applied herself (unless it was something that she found to be interesting), got in trouble smoking cigarettes in the girls’ bathroom, skipped class, and occasionally got into fights.
Despite this, Evie found her people. Together, the group got into all sorts of mischief. Sneaking out, drinking, smoking. 
However, that wasn’t enough to help her cope with the pain of her trauma. So, the first time she was offered weed, she took it and never looked back. It helped tremendously, until eventually, it didn’t as well.
Evie slowly began to dabble into harder drugs. Up until she was eighteen, that was her norm. Carefully navigating her father’s temper, and sneaking out to hang out with her friends, Evie secretly got a job so that she could move out as soon as possible. After graduation, and once she was eighteen, she worked up the nerve to finally move out. She just.. Kinda left one day when he was at work.
After that, things seemed to get better, though there were several times when she spiraled. Evie got into trouble with the law often, either late at night when she would get caught tagging a place and would lose all of her spray paint, or whenever she’d be caught with drug paraphernalia.
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metamelonisle · 2 years
i had a dream related to one piece where s-snake got lost on the train station in my town and everyone was freaking out because no one knows what the seraphim do when no one's around to command them (for some reason i had the authority chip but since she was long gone i didn't know what exactly i was supposed to do). i did get to meet s-hawk, s-shark, and vegapunk york, but none of them were able to help me bc they were busy with something else and since york was there i couldn't just pull them from their work since she outranked me
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ao3feed-izch · 10 months
Class 1-a gc with some people
by Little_Birdie_Love
HIII so here are the names
Emo bird- tokoyami mom- yaomomo kermit rip off- tsu kirby- ururaka I HATE ALL OF YOU- bakogou Emo slay depressed queen- todoroki class president- iida spider man- sero I TWINKLE- aoyama shark- kirishima pikachu- kaminari animals- koda octopus- shoji ROCKSTAR- jirou THE BEST DANCER- mina im married with the hospital bed- midoriya tail man- ojiro invisible girl- hagakure mind control freak- shinsou imaginie- camie Dadzawa- aizawa KFC- hawks I SING- mic L.O.L- mrs joke
Ships: Todomomo( todoroki x momo) izuocha( izuku x ochako) tokotsu( tokoyami x tsu) Kirimina( kirishima x mina) Some dabihawks( dabi x hawks) eraserjoke ( eraserhead x mrs.joke)
Words: 116, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tokoyami Fumikage, Asui Tsuyu, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Utsushimi Camie, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Satou Rikidou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie, Asui Tsuyu/Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51626821
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1073 - Initial Thoughts
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Another week and another twist came for One Piece last chapter
But now we have to deal with the fallout Theories are already swirling at a whirlpool speed As well as see what will counteract this allegiance shift
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Man Vegapunk really is blissfully unaware that his MADS coworkers aren't working towards world peace
Still, flowers that grow from gunpowder is quite impressive
Also I wonder if Ibell will be someone we meet in the story, I know it's a nod to Nobel but Alfred Nobel himself was an interesting guy, especially revolving around the impetus of creating the Nobel prize
It is tasty though to see Lucci get a taste of his own medicine
Stussy avoids Lucci's attack with a variant of Kami-e, it's like a mirage tempo or an afterimage
Knowing she can't fight him head-on, Stussy reveals Sea Prism in her lipstick, and then chomps down on Lucci
Brook and Zoro of course remain confused, but it does turn out that Stussy was who Vegapunk called
Shame, I was still hoping we'd see Smoker, and Tashigi
Man 20 years undercover, that's quite some time, but it seems like her being in CP0 was more happenstance than intent
However, the Seraphim can't be stopped by Stussy, which is weird because she does have the same authority hierarchy so why doesn't it respond to her orders when Lucci and Kaku are unconscious like they did with Sentomaru?
Lilith finally gets outside to do some fighting, but finds herself directly in the corsairs of S-Hawk
Fortunately Zoro shows up to square off with S-Hawk, recognizing some elements of his master/rival
Edison tries next to give an order, but is attacked by S-Shark during it
Sanji this time makes the save, much to Lilith's relief, she does have a soft spot after all
Sanji and Zoro's 'hm?' interaction is on brand too
Edison's order did also make it through, so the Seraphim are tamed for now
The Punks tell Stussy she will need to leave the island too, at this rate it'll be way too crowded on the Sunny, if only CP0's ships weren't destroyed
While Luffy and Chopper search for Vegapunk and Bonney though, the ominous narrator states that Vegapunk is set to 'disappear'
We ain't getting them on this ship at all are we?
Away from Egghead we return to Sphinx island where Marco has returned from his Wano adventures
Typical, the moment he left Marines came attacking, also looking for Whitebeard's 'treasure'
Thought this guy was Nezumi from Arlong Park but it seems he has a different name, Latelle, what are the odds that the Navy has two soldiers who look like rats?
Classy, threatening to shoot children or the elderly
Weevil showing some Whitebeard solidarity in protecting his 'father's hometown
The Marines quickly were sent packing, which Buckin arrives to elaborate on
Oh...Kizaru didn't come alone, he brought a freaking Gorosei with him!
Jaygarcia Saturn, they discuss Vegapunk with Saturn only meeting him once, but if he's coming knowing Luffy's there this may be the next level of threat
Also reminder that the Gorosei outrank Vegapunk on the Seraphim authority
Also, it turns out Ryokugyu showed up to Sphinx and captured Weevil
As expected, Buckin is the original Miss Buckingham Stussy, ex-Rocks and 'self-proclaimed Scientist'
Woman you're in no position to demand Whitebeard's inheritance even if he had any, you also can't ask the guy you're threatening to help you at the same time
But more clone hints with Weevil too since Buckin implores that Vegapunk can prove that Weevil is related to Whitebeard (doesn't mean he's related to Buckin though)
Ooof a break? We only came back from one last week Oda!
So this felt more like a setup chapter than a whirlwind one
With Stussy making the numbers lopsided again we were in need of a big gun and Saturn is a good shout. Being the Gorosei implies he could be above Admiral level and then you have Kizaru, Lucci and Kaku back in the fight to back them up, plus the four Seraphim makes eight. It's still a matter of the Punks but given the reaction of Lilith and Edison they are nowhere close to being combat ready against them, which means that the lopside is more 10 Straw Hats plus Stussy and maybe Bonney vs Saturn, Kizaru, Lucci, Kaku, 4 Seraphim and potentially some more vice admirals (at this point I need a prayer circle for Smoker and Tashigi though).
There's still the matter of Caribou too, I haven't forgotten about him, he's bound to do something when we least expect it. I've sadly had to concede about Carrot but it still annoys me (on the year of the rabbit too Oda, it was perfectly laid out for you!), but still Caribou is just sitting on the knowledge of 2 ancient weapons, that can't be left hanging forever.
The reveal that this'll lead to Vegapunk's disappearance doesn't bode well for all the punks, but it is curious what Luffy will find when he encounters Bonney and Vegapunk after the whole stuff with last chapter. Curious where Franky is too, he left with Sanji to back up the Punks.
The side stuff with Marco and Weevil is strangely positioned, I guess if we do reveal that Weevil is a WB clone it makes sense, though I do worry about Marco now, if he's being dragged out to fight an admiral just to save a guy who has been taking down his former crewmates, how is Stussy gonna react when there's no 'inheritance'? I think Weevil would be fine with just the land because he's simple but not Buckin, there's danger in that.
The week break is gonna sting a lot especially with how close it is to the last one, but we shall endure and see how more things develop.
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misasimagines · 2 years
going to the beach with the genshin boys! pt 2
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included characters: Heizou, Itto, Ayato, Albedo rating: sfw warnings: alcohol mention in Ayato’s, gn reader
okay let’s be real, he’s the metal detector at the beach kind of guy. He collects a bag full of little rings, bracelets, charms, etc and he’s, of course, looking for something specific. He may be here to solve a decades old murder/disappearance on the beach and he’s convinced he’s going to do it with a metal detector.
Maybe you think he’s crazy! and then he digs up an old bullet casing and he’s like, well, well, well. The pieces are all falling together.
He might not put it all together at the beach, but he got what he’s here for, and now- there’s a bunch of greasy, horrible for your arteries fried food just a short walk away and he’s starving.
He likes to people watch while you guys eat at the boardwalk. He has a lot of observations he can make about the various characters you see. Someone is obviously cheating, there’s a tan line on his finger but no ring. Someone else is about to propose, she keeps patting her pocket and glancing back at the disguised best friend photographer. He catches a bunch of small details you wouldn’t even think to look for.
You guys run into a small time magician on the pier who tries some silly, not very inventive tricks on you to get you to buy his handbook on sleight of hand. Heizou ends up unraveling his tricks and revealing to the crowd how exactly they all work.
He would have let the guy go if he wasn’t also picking pockets with each sales pitch. Heizou, of course, reveals his crimes and the crowd goes from awestruck to pissed. You guys hang around long enough to confirm justice has been served, and then its on to a shady character messing the ferris wheel...
It might not be the beach day you envisioned, but it’s par the course with him. At least you get a bunch of random jewelry to play with at the end of day (if he’s not deadset on hunting down the owners and returning them.... expect that to be your next date).
bury him up to his waist in sand and give him a fake mermaid tail or something. That’s what he’s here for. If Childe was the dig a big hole in the sand guy, Itto is the dig a BIGGER hole in the sand guy but then also nearly get buried by it. He’ll be coughing up sand and salt water for a bit.
He see’s some kid with a faux hawk swimming and he’s like THERE’S A SHARK IN THE WATER! and freaks everyone out including the shark kid. He tries to convince you it was a funny prank and that his frantic fleeing and tripping over sand to get away from the shark was part of it. Of course he didn’t ACTUALLY think that kid in floaties was a shark, haha...
You play with one of those big inflatable beach balls until he tries to headbutt it, pops it with his horns, and then he’s standing there with the beach ball deflating over his face.
Challenges anyone he can to a popsicle eating competition, loser has to pay for all the popsicles. He wins the first time, then loses the next and is like woah woah woah, I ate double the popsicles you ate, they definitely carry over from the last match- oh? they don’t? Hey, babe, do you have like, uh, $30 bucks? (He promises he’ll win next time)
Voted most likely to get stung by a jellyfish and believe the myth that you have to pee on it to heal it. Please tell him that’s not the truth and you’ll just take him to urgent care or something so he stops panicking about the venom eventually paralyzing him.
Is a total baby about the jellyfish sting and the sunburn he has because “REAL men don’t need sunscreen, I’ll just reflect the sun rays with my pecs” (enjoy putting aloe vera on a huge himbo who whines every time you have to touch him because it huuuuurts)
He’s really REALLY not a public beach guy. He’ll take you to a private beach or a resort/beach house with an infinity pool just for the two of you.
Lounge poolside/beach side with a fancy cocktail that has a little umbrella in it. He might offer to make you a drink, and then stare at you very expectantly when you taste it. He’s done something weird to the drink, not like unhealthy/drugged weird, but maybe it’s 90% lemon juice or he put an olive into your pina colada. The game here is that you know it’s going to be gross, but you have to control your reaction and take a little sip of it and be like “wow, great job, dear <3 you should really try it :) you did such a good job!”
He will have to taste test it because he’s well mannered, and you did insist, and now he has to pretend it doesn’t taste like pure citric acid melting his tongue. He pretends it’s drinkable, then laments how he didn’t write down the recipe so you’ll never be able to taste it again.
“Then we shouldn’t get so attached to it. You should throw it away before we grow to love it too much!” and he does! and you’ve won this round. Next time, it’ll be a glass full of vodka with a salted rim. You won’t win that one.
You guys can go swimming, hang out on fancy inflatable floats, etc. You can challenge him to do an underwater handstand, which he finds endearing that you’d want to do that, and he definitely can. He lets his hair down, so to speak, and does some more of the silly stuff with you. Like he WILL play mermaids if you ask politely, and he will jump off the diving board with you and try to do poses for pictures. He will deny it if you mention in a professional setting, but Ayaka and Thoma will know and they’ll thank you for getting him to unwind.
He likes to take a sunset stroll down the beach and thanks you for giving him such a relaxing day. Tomorrow, he’ll have to go back to all work all day Ayato, but he’ll remember today as an escape from his busy life.
yes, he IS a painting the sunset type of guy. He’ll bring sketch or paint supplies, find a place to set up, and will Art his Little Heart Out. He likes to sketch you, especially if you’re doing something you think is mundane. Something like making a little sandcastle, rolling a crab onto it’s front so it can get away, showing him a pretty seashell, etc. He thinks the normal, unassuming moments are when he loves you most. He wants to remember them forever.
He has a lot to say about the makeup of the beach and it’s inhabitants. He’s wistful about the lives of the shells you find, how old they are, how far they travelled to end up here, etc. He’s interested in the marine life in the area, and if you’re on a beach that has like any signs that tell you about the ecosystem, he IS sitting there and reading the entire thing.
He ends up having to draw some portraits for kids who see him painting and start being super excited about getting their own picture down. Normally, he’d say no, but they’re so young and polite he can’t help himself.
He’s also interested in using natural ingredients to make paint, so you guys can collect some of the various materials and plants you can find and he’ll try to make paint out of it! So what if the finished landscape smells like seaweed?
He likes making sandcastles with you, so you might end up having a little sandcastle city. When the tide comes in and starts washing it away and you’re a little sad about it, he just comments that everything decays eventually. At least it existed as long as it did and will be mourned by the two of you.
Not a very exciting or energetic day, but he’s very willing to return. As long as next time you grab something to eat a little sooner than you did because he nearly passes out on the way home. He got too into all of the activities, he forgot to eat and the harsh sun certainly didn’t help. He needs a day to recover.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
which of the boys enjoy going to the beach? Admin isn’t allowed out as far as I can tell but humor me for a minute ok this has been on my mind for a while and I need your input
Morell would probably only go so he can scoop up crabs and sea snails for his recipes ;-; Ain’t nothing better than ingredients right from the source!
Santi would make lewd comments the entire time. I think he’d be a showoff at like everything but he’d be especially good at volleyball
Patches would probably be scared of the water (can water put his flames out??). He saw one (1) shark movie and he hasn’t gotten over it. I feel like the others would team up just to throw him in
I can’t think of much for Nebul. He either wouldn’t go or would watch you like a hawk to make sure you don’t die out there
I can’t see Gallon wanting to go, I feel like it’d take a lot of effort not to suck up every grain of sand he steps on but if he did I think he’d make a mean sandcastle. Also he’d pack snacks :)
Vinnel would fucking hate it there is no way you could get them to go
Grimbly would complain the whole time I think just for your attention. It’s dangerous for him to go out during the day anyway so expect to be sort of his personal assistant the whole day. It’s too hot! The sun hurts! He needs a bigger umbrella so he won’t burn! Can you put sunscreen on him just in case? Now let him put some on you!
You’d bury Fank-e in the sand and then forget about him until he’s screaming as the tide comes up
Ludwig brought water guns. Team up with him! Don’t be fooled, he’s deliberately aiming for the others’ eyes
Krulu wouldn’t go. He trusts the others to protect you and I don’t think he’d see a point in going (there are so many beaches in the world! you want to get all sandy and clog your nose with salt water?)
Breg needs to be watched like a hawk, there’s so much here to distract him and pretty much anything gets him horny
Fasma would play lifeguard the whole time for you and Breg. He won’t be liable for a client’s death! Hey, hey, no splashin’! Fer fuck’s sake, Breg, don’t hold ‘em under the water that long!
Anyway I feel like half of them would only agree so they can see you in a swimsuit
You absolutely can drag Krulu out, as long as The Clergy is secured. If all the other staff members go, then he clearly has to accompany his professional clowns as well. Sure, he's grumbling the entire time and artificially creating shade for himself, but he's there alright.
Grimbly is extremely careful about the sunlight, he carries a huge gothic umbrella with him, has extra thick sunglasses and demands someone attend him whenever he gets thirsty/hungry. Probably hangs closer to Krulu because of the shade, both of them groan about the sun.
Morell gets a lot of unwanted attention because he's a large sweaty monster man and people are thirsty. Someone pulls his shorts down while he's in the water collecting crabs and such, he has to stay under the waterline until his coverings are given back. Please keep him occupied, his urge to snatch humans is howling at him, he's licking his teeth at most humans he sees (which makes him look like a pervert, when really, he's just hungry).
Listen, Santi's going out there with a mankini and you know it. This is the opportune time for him to show off and eat like a king. Dude asks about 50 people to apply sunscreen on him and gets slapped a couple of times. He comes back to the group slippery like butter. He's also fellating popsicles every ten minutes. Stop this man.
Gallon wants off the sand immediately, picking the grains out of him will be a pain later. The water is fine, even if it tastes really salty, he can mix with it for a bit and probably freak some poor people out who think he's like... Dying. If there's a bar nearby, said bartender has been yeeted into the sea so he can make drinks for everyone instead.
Nebul also prefers shade, but he's surprisingly okay with going to the beach, I think he would rather sit back with Gallon and Grimbly but he'd definitely sit by the chore for a small while, probably with his hood on so as to not burn his head mist too much. He would like to experience surfing at some point but no one takes him seriously. Purpur is there to steal ice cream.
Fank-e is building absolutely gigantic sand castles and no one can stop him. Look look, he's the king of the sea- At least until the shore destroys them all and he's left there sulking forever. Anyone who touches his metal frame gets burned immediately.
Contrary to what you said, I think Vinnel would enjoy himself out there a lot. His suit protects him from a lot of outside harm, including a good amount of heat, so he's ballin' really. He fucks around with everyone and anyone. In fact, he's definitely stealing Patches' head repeatedly to toss it into the waves and give him panic attacks. He might start games with strangers, be it volleyball or water gun tournaments- His showmanship takes over.
Patches is relatively normal about going to the beach, in fact, he probably takes the time to get some decent rest with his hat shielding his head from the sun. The problem with this is that it leaves the dullahan vulnerable to his asshole coworkers' nefarious little tricks. They doodle on him, bury his body, try to put shells inside his head, the poor guy gets no mercy.
Ludwig and Fasma share the lifeguard role. When Lud isn't working, he's probably either floating off into the sea on his back (asleep most likely) or starting water gun fights like you said. Fasma has one of those vintage stripped swimsuits and complains that everyone else is dressed like a whore, seeing Santi gives him heart failure.
Breg, like I said in other beach asks, is also making sand castles and probably eating scallops because they're crunchy mmmm :)) . He cannot swim actually, never learned to, the only thing he can do is float very tensely. He'll only go into the water if you hold his hand through it.
At least one volleyball tournament with everyone in The Clergy is mandatory, it gets incredibly competitive and someone is guaranteed to start a fight. Krulu actually enjoys watching this a lot, he's the jury.
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What if one of the animorphs turned out to be allergic to their battle morph?
Oh no. Considering Jake, Tobias, Rachel, and Marco all get their battle morphs in the first book, that is not ideal. Cassie gets hers in #3, and Ax rarely morphs to "level up" except occasionally to hork-bajir, so we can count him as getting one in #13.
Jake: Would, like Rachel, probably try and tough it out without telling anyone. Would assume that he's just still getting a handle on this whole morphing thing and that that's why he keeps uncontrollably turning into a dog and a lizard and whatnot. Would eventually barf a tiger, which would of course end badly. By "badly," I mean that Homer would be eaten by a tiger, and then Michelle would be forced to shoot said tiger before it could eat anyone else, and everyone would be sad. The only upshot would be if the tiger also killed Tom before it could be stopped, thereby solving a lot of problems the Animorphs wouldn't even know they had.
Marco: Would tell all his friends immediately, not that they know anyone at that point in the series who could help. He would not only hole up at Tobias's house and refuse to leave (Tobias hates this, of course, but there are controllers in Jake's house and Rachel refused to let Marco stay), but he would complain loudly for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week until he finally barfed out the gorilla. A gorilla loose in a house is less of a concern than a tiger, so I imagine the boys just chasing it outside and into the woods. For years after, there are hundreds of Bigfoot sightings in southern California forests.
Tobias: Would be so freaking sad to lose that hawk morph. Tobias's "I'm fine, this is fine, everything is fine," would be a completely different flavor from Jake's — Tobias doesn't care if everyone knows he's sick, but would want to avoid deterring the others from morphing. Turning into a cat and a hawk uncontrollably isn't ideal, but Tobias is also a lot less supervised than Jake, so it wouldn't necessarily be catastrophic. Anyway, Tobias would make a whole broody ceremony out of releasing the hawk once he'd barfed it up, and within 10 minutes would be off to Cassie's barn to go get a different raptor morph.
Rachel: Like we see in canon, probably the least equipped to handle an allergy. Lots of collapsed floors when she turns into an elephant, lots of losing control of a morph she didn't mean to make. Also, Rachel being Rachel would mean that she'd make a lot of demands that the others solve the thing. Without Ax, this would mostly be Jake reading the NatGeo Kids and Zoobooks entries on elephants, Marco hysterically suggesting they just go ask Visser Three if he's ever had this problem, Cassie having the only helpful suggestion (meditation and deep breathing), and Tobias staring up at the stars wondering if the andalites have fated them and that's why they're this way. Anyway, the elephant would probably also warrant a call to Michelle once Rachel barfed it out, but would be even more confusing than the tiger because no one can explain its origins.
Cassie: Probably the best equipped to handle an allergy of anyone on the team (no matter what AniTV seems to think). She's highly self-aware and mindful of her surroundings, so she'd probably be the fastest to figure out the "emotion = uncontrolled morphing" link on her own, and the most skilled at remaining calm in spite of it all. She'd probably spend a week or two not going on missions, doing a lot of deep breathing and soothing rides with her horse and other relaxing activities, and then would also simply be able to chase the resulting wolf into the woods behind her house. Since Southern California woods had wolves re-introduced (#3), it'd probably be fine on its own.
Ax: Would be so embarrassed by the problem. He is an andalite, he is an aristh, he is supposed to be the expert on this team, he is better than this, he is... turning into a shark right now. Dammit. Would stiffly insist that this is nothing to worry about, and he has a handle on the problem which will surely resolve itself momentarily. Would greatly appreciate Tobias sticking around to comfort him while he's benched from missions, and would appreciate even more that Tobias never tells anyone just how often Ax ends up turning into a human or a snake or a seagull by accident. The extra hork-bajir is a whole other source of identity horror that I barely want to touch, but Toby's group would probably end up adopting the clone and just trying not to think about where it came from.
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knightwick · 3 years
Hi I'm Knight. This is my 33,333rd post (only took me two years and a couple revisions to notice it's rd not th). So I'm using it as an introduction or a tof post (terms of following lmao).
I'm a big queer (bear), a furry, world builder first writer/roleplayer second. My icon is my fursona Hesper, art by me.
Hotline of important points:
Absolutely no Minors following me.
If you don't like furries unfollow me, that simple. Coming up on ten/eleven years as a fur!
Block me if you don't like what I do on my blog. It's nothing personal, I don't give a shit lol. I'll do the same for you if I don't like your stuff. But if you just hate my blog but like me, dm me and just let me know. But don't be the asshole who tells someone what to do on their own blog.
Saucy tags are gonna be '#wyrmfire', '#jockstrap', '#undergear', '#woof', and some others probably added later, but I do try to keep this updated. And posts actually tagged.
Don't interact: Nazis, Terfs, Radfems, Truscm/Transmeds, Zoophiles, Pedophiles, and any other brand of freaks. I will explode you with my mind.
More info after the cut. Have the day you deserve :3
A couple extra things~
Genderfluid. (No they/them)
#my little post; #save; #fav; #video; #others art; #wyrm fire; #dragon; #fur; #scalie; #undergear; #jockstrap; and more are some tags I frequently post about.
~~~My Timeline~
I've been a furry for 10~ years, a dragon for five~? (at least since 2018). I've had my current sona for almost four years!
I've been on tumblr for 7~ish?? years.
I've been writing for around 6 years, and worldbuilding for 5!
~~~Quick Interests~
Minecraft; Skyrim; Warframe; Cities Skylines; Divinity 2 Original Sin: Definitive Edition, Jurassic World Evolution 1&2.
Wonder Draft & Dungeon Draft.
Joywave; IAMX; Big Data; Half Alive; ABSRDST; Mr.B; Pkch; Freddie Dredd; serpentwithfeet; The Aces; Jain; Cuco; Lemon Demon; Guilhem Desq; Tessa Violet; heklAa; Danger Incorporated; No More Kings; I Fight Dragons; Heilung.
Furries, in this order(Best to Worst): Custom Species; Synths; Sharks; Alligators; Kobolds; Dragons; Otters; Sergals; Reindeer; Badgers; Skinks/Salamanders; Cyotes/Jakals; Carn/Omnivorous Dinos; Geckos; Maned Wolves; Hyena; Foxs; Wolves; Bats; Ferrets; Robotic Animals; Deer; Boars; Dolphins; Dogs; Hawks; Cats; Protogens; Lions; Horses; Turtles; Herbivore Dinos; Jaguars; Primagens; Bears; Ducks; Kitsune; Cougars; Rabbit; Squirrels; Gorillas; Zebras; Unicorns; Fennec Foxs.
My Fursonas, all art is by me unless stated otherwise:
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Idk who made this. A friend commissioned this for me years ago. This is Wick, my first sona. A ferret. (Same pronouns as me)
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The left and middle are my fursona Viclon(They/them)! They were my first dragon sona, and honestly still are pretty cool. But I think they took on a character of their own, so I moved on. That's also them as my Minecraft skin.
The second color palette is my first non-main sona's. It was from before I drew, so that's all I have of him. His name is Xylem! (He/him)
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My current main sona! Her name is Rills! (Same pronouns). I don't have much art of him yet, or in the same color palette as I've changed it recently. But I will!
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tommyinnit-fic-recs · 3 years
hello, hope ur doing well!
i am currently trying to find straight up space chaos and i’d appreciate it if u could help me on that
thank u if u pick this ask
hallo anon!! I'm doin pretty good, and I hope u are too!! I've got a few fics for u :D
Kick Off by Badnews [Rated T, 17817 words, complete]
Tommy is fucking sick of this, he is hungry and thirsty and just got in several fistfights with the fucking wildest creatures of his imagination. Imagine those boring 'would you rather questions' except it's between a mutant hawk, a seven foot malformed pig, and a shark zombie.
And he basically lost 2 out of 3 times.
SBI is Aliens living in space and conveniently, all knowledge about humans is what they are like after they are already dead and their tissues are decomposing so... they don’t have much of an idea of what to do with an alive one.
Beyond the solar system by IIcaruss [Rated T, 2976 words, incomplete, last updated January 2022]
Space was one of the least known areas to the human species. Their solar system is 36 billion times bigger then the Earth itself, so how did Tommy end up so far away from home?
Or a SBI + Bee duo au where Tommy is a human far away from home.
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships by mmmajora [Rated T, 36405 words, complete]
The crew of the spaceship Sleepy Bois Inc. just wants to get off of the planet without any trouble. It's going fine until Wilbur finds an injured child. Now they have to deal with a 7 year old Tommy, who's literally been abducted by aliens and is rightfully freaked out. Not to mention, he's a human.
To the galaxy, humans are an incredibly dangerous species. The galactic council decreed that their planet be left alone until they naturally find their way into space. The few poachers that have been daring enough to take a human have all met gruesome fates at the hands of the humans. Even children are seen as dangerous, so SBI is a bit concerned about the new addition to their ship.
This is yet another humans are space orcs fic, featuring actual child Tommy.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Ok so sharks, water predators, swim normal. They dont have a super creepy special swimming animation. Tigers lions and bears, land predators, walk normal. Hawks and vultures circle stuff but they still fly normal like every other bird. Theyre deadly predators but they just act like normal guys. Snakes just slither but what are you gonna do. Snakes are their own category you cant really compare them since no other animal slithers.
Spiders (bug predators) literally try to freak you out. They are NOT more scared of you than you are of them who the hell even started that lie? Other bugs, as much as i HATE them, do not do that scary shit. They walk normally. Sp*ders are quite literally the antichrist. Evil evil evil. Its like if ted bundy was a creature.
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name: mb or midnight (or duchess)
pronouns: she/her
kotlc (active)
pjo (semi-active)
grishaverse (not active)
miraculous ladybug (semi-active)
legend of zelda/linked universe (active)
mha (semi-active)
genshin impact (active)
rottmnt (semi-active)
about me: if you can’t already tell from literally everything: i love bunnies. this isn’t relevant to anything but i feel like that’s important to know, as i do not know what to put here. (just- just send me some asks if you want to know something. i’ll get around to answering them)
mb’s two am rambling - original post tag (not posts made at two am, that used to just be the only time i made original posts)
mb’s writing - my writing tag
mb’s memes - making memes for my fics is going to become a thing real soon
mb and [name] scream about hats - ask tag
mb plays a game - you have the misfortune to hear me talk about how bad i am at playing genshin impact or loz when this wild tag appears
start from scratch (again and again):
It’ll be a good idea, he said. It’ll be fun, he said. IT’S NOT. IT IS NOT FUN (mha, class 1a is in a time loop (unfortunately for aizawa’s sanity), ignore the long title)
and we cry into the night “what did we do to deserve this?” (time loop but sad and possibly the most serious thing i’ll write for this series)
i hope that you burrrrrrrrrrrn (shouto no) (direct sequel to It’ll be a good idea)
hawks's and dabi's guide to freaking out (direct sequel to i hope that you burrrrrrrrrrrn, wip)
Wars, Wind, and Time shenanigans:
wartime stories (lu, a collection of snippets about warriors, wind, and time/mask)
War of Eras? War of pranks (warriors and wind pick their prank war back up, unaware that mask is traveling with them)
time (does not) heal all wounds (time has a nightmare, and the chain finds out how he lost his eye) 
(no) wind in the sails (wind doesn't have the hero's spirit, but angst)
what’s in a name? (wind doesnt have the hero’s spirit, but funny this time)
half assed? he doesn't even have a whole one (wind and mask mock warriors's flat ass)
pajama-napped (wind joins the chain while in his pajamas)
Legends Are Told (pjo, songfic about how no one remembers them)
Girl on Fire (kotlc, read at your own risk, its terrible. if you read it do not tell me i will die of embarrassment-)
Whisper in the dark (of names once known) (pjo, percy keeps getting reincarnated with his memories)
Twists (kotlc, also terrible because i wrote it in twenty minutes. i will most likely just suffer a crippling wound from embarrassment instead of dying)
is it really a crime if you don't exist? (pjo, an older percy time travels to the past and decides to cause some chaos)
we will (never) break the chain:
(unrelated loz/lu fics)
how many heroes does it take to get a cat from a tree? (the chain reminisce on some of the weirder parts of their adventures while trying to rescue a cat)
shark to the system (the colors debate how smooth sharks are)
Plink Lonk, totally not the hero (prequel/sequel to what's in a name, what Legend’s legal name is)
first of the sword (sky sees the spirits of the people of the surface)
wings of shadow, let twilight fall ((based partially on the tp manga) after losing his arm and dying, link wakes up in the spring with a pair of wings)
incorrect lu, part two, part three, part four
other miscellaneous items:
36 easy shrines to get the master sword as quick as possible (under the assumption you have the lake tower and lake hylia shrine)
recently, i was known as duchessmb (far before that, midnightbunnyy. dark times), but now, i have evolved into @/three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat 
some of my very best friends are @/sameboats @/steppingonshatteredglass @/alienlamp @/jolieharkness @/if-only-wishes-were-answered @/when-wax-wings-melt @/aroace-dadwinstan @/stardustanddaffodils @/bllaaaaarrgh @/whatcouldpossiblyg0wr0ng @/howl-at--the-sun (if you’re a mutual know that i’m probably just too much of a coward to add you to the list)
if you send me a prompt i’ll eventually get around to writing it (sorry, beau)
piece together the timeline of my lu fics and you'll get a prize (there isnt one but if you can present a convincing argument i'll accept that)
i wrote a thing about the butterfly effect and i feel like it should be acknowledged
someone called me the official record keeper once and i find that funny 
my discord (for my writing)
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Metalocalypse #7: “Dethfam” | September 10, 2006 – 11:45PM | S01E06
We met Tom Peters’ father a few nights ago, and now we meet all of Dethklok’s families, well-well-well! This one starts with a Larry King stand-in interviewing Dethklok. He alludes to the fact that the band is notoriously close-lipped when it comes to their personal lives and backgrounds and whatnot. That’s when they get ambushed with A HUGE SURPRISE: their families! The show has tracked down all of the band’s parents and siblings and brought them on to make them shiver. This host winds up dead because lots of scenes on this show end with gory spectacle; a piece of equipment falls on him and he gets electrocuted in his own blood, inspiring the Dethklok song “Bloodrocuted”, eventually spawning an out-of-universe Dethklok music video that I will probably forget about for EPHEMERA CORNER.
Dethklok have an awkward time hanging out with their family, and they are just trying to get them out of their hair. It’s extremely relatable to those of us who have strained relationships with our own families. It’s basically “I guess we’ll go out to eat. Maybe we can see a movie. Uh, what else can we do?” They also go minigolfing, I think.
The end of this one is we find out the family is planning to make an album, cashing in on their newly found place in the spotlight. The final scene ends very memorably with the families ranting at their children about the brutality of raising children, and the episode ends with them all doing grotesque heavy metal screams. Thunderbolt, Murderface’s decrepit grandfather requests he be euthanized repeatedly using his new Stephen-Hawking-style wheelchair. 
Anyway, I found this episode to be very memorable, but I don’t think I laughed out loud at it. I do like this one, though. A long time ago, I told Chip Pope that my favorite episode of Austin Stories, a show that I love that nobody has seen so it’s useless as a show to use as a frame of reference for anything but I’m doing it anyway, was the one where we meet his mother and her obnoxious dickhead boyfriend whom Chip clashes with. He thanked me but told me he always thought that episode was a bit shark-jumpy. Episodes where we meet a main-characters parent can feel stunty, I guess. As I mentioned before, we met Tom Peters’ father a few nights ago, and I don’t think either of these episodes are particularity guilty of jumping any sharks. By the way can you imagine anyone jumping sharks in this show? They’d probably get freaking TORN APART by the shark and be all bloody and DISGUSTING. It would be nasty
Ok thanks for the answers. One more question, what did you think of garry's final posthumous appearance in Bug Wars: Battle Evolution. I know that role meant a lot to him and i'm glad the world will finally get to hear it.
Who on earth would look at bugs on the big screen? BLECH!
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