#and a whole bunch of sensory shit
wikipediafag · 2 years
NBC Hannibal and *the Will Graham situation*
@two-captains im just gonna link your post here for future reference lol it was just wayy too long w both our shit so (HERE) thankss <33
We have basically the same character conclusion abt Will Graham so let's start there. Yeah, WG seems like he's autistic with frequent hyper/hypoempathy flip-flopping. It makes him capable of good projection (which the show heightens to Magical Abilities, to steal ur words lol) as well as prone to "turning off" his empathy when distressed. FOR HANNIBAL this is honestly not too hard for me to believe. Like they've asked us to roll with weirder. I'm autistic and a lot of my friends are, many of us have a similar but less drastic empathy problems/abilities coupled with projection skills. Unironically, Will Graham has the sad emo version of Abed Nadir's Dreamatorium HAHA
Side note: Unpopular opinion perhaps but I really like the way they visualize how Will runs through a crime scene in his mind, pulling the details away and then adding them back in order. Idk! I think it's a good idea to ground the nonsense in Something thats easier for the understand compared to Hannibal Lecter Literal Supervillian. And it's a great way to visually represent bottom-up thinking. It gets off-course as the show goes on, but that pilot intro???? At very least I'm so glad it wasn't Sherlock style LMFAO
They definitely go too far implying from the JUMP that Will is ~off~ hes soooo Spooooky like. Hello. That man is shitting bricks in every scene. They rlly just... started saying that and prayed we wouldn't argue. It's definitely weird, they almost always go wrong when they rely on tell-not-show and everything they showed us was Will being abused so..... very much not him being evil lol.
But, like you said, the part that REALLY rubs me wrong is the fact that we're just supposed to be okay with how much blame he's taking for insane amounts of coercion. I have no idea how we were supposed to believe that any of that was malice from him. AT VERY MOSTi would call some events, like the initial Garrett Jacob Hobbs overkill, negligence or reckless endangerment. Like, it's fucked up, but so much more of it is the fault of everyone else who put him in those situations knowing from day 1 that he wasn't mentally stable enough to be FBI. If it's negligence, it's on the part of Jack and whoever else signed off on him being in the field knowing he is not stable!!!
Every character uses it against him. Jack's abuse of it is probably the most egregious, second only to the guy who literally tried to saw into his skull so. Yeah. I really love the character tho. Lawrence Fishburn totally sold it imo. I think Jack's character doesn't get enough praise because.. well hes a shitty guy lol. Great character tho. Jack really does tie a lot of the emotional parts of the show together in a way that is FAR more believable. His dismissal is realistically selfish and he's very obviously in over his head. The C-plot with his wife was really interesting and emotional! Jack's treatment of Will is more condemned by the show I would say, with Alana pushing against him from a compassionate perspective. And there's what bothers me. Alana Fucking Bloom. oh my god. (sorry this is long lol)
Alana Bloom is a good character. I like her. Let's establish that, but I think the show regularly mishandles or misrepresents her characterization.
I'm of the opinion that Alana being with Margot Verger is weird and uncharacteristic bc she literally spent two seasons scared of Will like wtf. YOU CAN TRUST HER AND NOT HIM???? I think it's very weird they try to play it like she's an angel-turned-girlboss when her ACTUAL character as presented is incredibly interesting without all of the random details added later! See: "professional curiosity". It feels like they we're trying to "prove" she'd changed since S1.
There's a lot that could've been done with her gray morality that gets tossed just as quick as it's mentioned, leaving all of her main plot moments feeling.... off. I feel like they wanted her distrust of WG to make us legitimize the claim that he's Evil or whatever, but it really misses the mark, at least for me. She's kind and caring, but often picks professionalism above both. Her character was a debate on judgement and boundaries, if you're justified to be prejudiced if you're compassionate and/or correct. She just seems selfish with an extreme embarrassment about it. Then her character arc FULLY derails and she randomly stops being ashamed and Boom. Verger Baby. wtf. The Alana we see is far more like Dr. Chilton than the writers seem to think. At least when it comes to prejudgement in a psychiatric, moral, or social context.
I feel like you summed it up best w/ "It's like the show wrote two characters, will Graham in the dialogue of how everyone including himself sees him which is how we seem to be supposed to see him". It reminds me of the Midsommar arguments everyone was having back when it first came out, about weather or not it had a happy ending. I have the same opinion i do about Hannigram and Midsommar, that its awfully reductive to equate a character being pleased or satisfied or happy or whatever with a net-positive "good ending". I'd say Will is happy in his last scene, but he's certainly not sane or healthy. If you score based on protag's mood in their final scene, both Midsommar and Hannibal end on "positive" notes, but I don't think I have to explain why that's sort of irrelevant if you look at their plots for a second lol. It can be moving and passionate and your protag can be happy, but if there's serial murder and double suicide idk what to tell you kekw. Probably not The Good Ending, just a satisfying one.
I'd say Hannigram, as a whole, is a thematic departure. In my opinion, they never link it back around to fit in with the whole "psychological diagnosis is not an exact science" thing that Hannibal Lecter media tends to play into. just because Hannibal The Character believes that. It's here nor there imo, but it does feel like two concepts with similar enough emotions and aesthetics mushed together rather than weaving them together neatly. There is the Real Adult Life mental illness and trauma plotlines and... the Hannigram ones. idk. Both are interesting shows to watch! I'm a horror nerd lol I fucking love the romantic insanity shit, but together i think it loses whatever message they were trying to carry over from the Hannibal books.
Like listen. If you wanted it to be Super Fucked Up Murder Husband Show then why do they make it seem like Will actually harbors deep unresolved hatred for Hannibal until the end of S3??? like, he should. that's the sane thing to do. But if you don't want sane Will, then you have to commit to that and make that mf evil!!! They have thee most random catharsis moments, if you look at it based on characterization and plot. I think it's super easy to ignore if you're watching because the emotional beats land pretty often because. well. These actors are amazing. There's not much else to say. Its brilliant because of the cinematogrophy, og concept, and acting. Unpopular opinion perhaps but the dialogue is high-level mid, B+. It's only brilliant because we're used to TV being atrocious with dialogue.
#like it sucks in the way that. the way Hannibal is always superior always getting out of stuff is such bad main character syndrome
and ^ honestly i have this complaint of every single Hannibal Lecter media. they literally gave this dude superpowers lol wtf do you MEAN you can name the smell of Clarice's perfume from YESTERDAY through a WALL??????
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anyway ya those r some thoughts and uhhhh Beverly stan club
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pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
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sick of this "autistics are the only people who contributed to human evolution" bullshit do yall not realize that you're literally saying the exact same shit about non-autistics as neurotypicals say about ND's?? other disabilites exist. contributing to society isnt what makes a person matter. you should know this. stop acting like disabilities are superpowers challenge (impossible)
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
man i don't even wanna get into it that much but i gotta say this week has been TOO MUCH. AGH. but we're cool(er) now it's just been Non Stop Choice Making And Task Doing
#like ive been coping well all things considered#nothing bad just a FUCKING LOT. yknow#first week of classes + not living on campus + not able to drive -> figuring out bus routes + campus#at the same time#then a couple days in they take me off the dorm waitlist and i now have like 2 days to buy and move ALL my dorm shit#yesterday i left a bunch of essential shit in the dorm bc i thought i'd be coming back that night#and i have so much homework somehow#plus we've been having foster-turtle related issues#and i got broken up with but that was actually pretty good tbh needed to happen was very mutual etc#i wasnt able to work on hw bc my laptop died and the charger was at the dorm... and my contacts... and my phone charger... etc#and my guitar but thats more an emotional/stim thing. i missed her :(#whartever. i am unpacked and chilling by myself in my room#kinda nervous to meet my roommate. i wasnt yesterday when i thought i was gonna but now um. i am#it's probably fine it's just new#plus i didnt wanna roommate bc i need a sensory deprivation chamber and all but whatevs. i think I'll be okay? yeah 👍#and there was a thing inthe middle of the week where one of my classes was empty when i got there???#i had to go on a wild goose chase to get there at all but thats a whole other story#and and and and and. just a lotta stuff all the time yknow#but i am here. hooray#and my classes and professors have all been good so far!! im participating a lot more than i did in high school#like. a LOT. like the most in every class im in#which is crazy bc im shyyyy nooooo im so shyyyyy stoppppp etc#but like. i have Thoughts and Relevant Knowledge#and all of them have been easy to pay attention to/understand except my old lady lit teacher#but shes cool and also that class didnt go as planned anyway + i was BEAT so it might not be her fault#we'll see ig#nervous about my online bio + lab classes though. scaryyyy wahhhhh#also i had to figure out payments for a whole bunch a shit. and textbook weirdness. and parking permits. and and and#WHAT. EVER. we're fine it's ok#i can lie down now and just. be
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costumesexpalined · 6 months
First things first, basic materials for basically any cosplay.
No need for sewing machines or even embroidery hoops, they’re pretty new in the grand scheme of things and people made insane stuff without them for millenia after all.
(I actually recommend learning hand sewing FIRST, it lets you learn how to fix your stuff in a pinch and is way easier to get into. It’s slower, sure, but it also lets you make finer, more consistent seams and if you have sensory issues tied to sound it’s FAR less likely to set you off. Plus, it’s calming and frankly impresses the hell out of people at competitions and the like and some groups (like re-enactments) do not count machine made things at all in their competitions and standards.)
All you need to sew clothing is a needle, thread, scissors, a measuring tape, a pencil and sharpener or chalk to mark things in a washable way, fabric and time.
If you aren’t totally confident in being able to track seams or keep them even, straight pins or clips helps hold stuff together. You also want these if you don’t want to transfer a pattern from paper to the fabric with drawn lines, but that’s also not exactly needed since I go off the base shapes and measurements. If you aren’t confident with holding material extremely taught while you work on embroidery or bead work and the like, a good embroidery hoop can be found second hand for pretty cheap and you can usually find a really good one for under $10 usd at a craft store with an embroidery section (with $10 being a MASSIVE one, I recommend getting a 6 inch or less unless your doing something at a standing one, which is overkill most of the time).
I’ll explain how to use the materials later, but everyone has trouble with fabric and I’ve had people balk at the cost before, so here’s where to start (or if your on a tight budget)
- broadcloth: cheap cotton, comes in a whole array of solid colors and a staple of cosplay. Be sure to make certain you don’t make something too tight with this, it isn’t the best at holding up to extreme strain. Typically about $5 usd a yard… full price.
- quilting cotton: slightly more enxpensive and usually patterned in some way broadcloth. If you go to a fabric store they will have TONS of this. Averages about $6-8 usd a yard full price, depending on the brand and store.
- old linens: a cosplay classic. Go to goodwill or Facebook marketplace or a garage sale or something and buy up a bunch of old bed sheets and stuff or some curtains and be ready to get dirty with dye, bleach, and a lot of prayers. Best to aim for solid white, makes it easier, unless you want that specific color/pattern. Upside is that these make bigger pieces easier to make. Think cloaks, super big skirts, “Aladdin” pants, things that have a high depth AND width to the piece you need. Lowers the seam count, at least.
- Muslin: I will have an unhinged rant about historical vs modern muslin later on, but this is a fabric you can get for as little as ¢50 a yard in some cases used for a pattern making method called “draping” that will also be explained at a later date. It’s thick, completely undyed/unbleached, and sturdy enough to take some abuse and doesn’t gray too bad. It’s shit compared to historical muslin, but it does its job as a cheap canvas in a pinch. Be warned: these come on VERY short bolts and often aren’t “double wide” like other fabrics, which can be an issue and lead to TONS of seams.
Again, muslin is used to make patterns usually. Will explain “draping” later but it’s pretty self explanatory based on the name.
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moonshinemusings · 1 year
General John "Soap" MacTavish headcanons (Pt.1)
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Warnings: slight mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of PTSD, anxiety and sensory issues
A/N: My head is full with so many dumb ideas but I kept it mostly serious here lol
• He flirts with everyone when he's drunk, and yes, that includes his teammates (once Price wanted to count how many times he hit on Ghost during the night, but eventually gave up)
• His favorite color is green
• Would totally own a motorcycle that he takes good care of. He has a knack for mechanical stuff and often repairs vehicles they use on missions
• Has a sweet tooth and others often tease him about it. If they let him, he could probably eat a whole cake by himself (and whine how bad his stomach hurts afterwards)
• Most of the time he's dealing well and he keeps himself together, but sometimes his emotions break through the surface. He rarely cries, but when a wave of PTSD or lethargy hits him, the tears flow without resistance. He powers through his emotions though, and he knows his teammates are always there to support him if he needs them
• His anxiety isn't as bad as some others, but from time to time he struggles with staying calm and rational. These incidents usually happen when he overthinks missions or panics when someone gets injured, but someone is always there to help him calm down
• Most likely he has some sensory issues too, but only with very specific things that he fortunately doesn't often counter every day
• Often takes pictures while working out. Mirror selfies are his go-to, but videos of him doing push ups or lifting weights is also in order
• He was never that good at school, that's partly why he chose to serve in the military
• His music taste is really inconsistent. He listens to rock most of the time, but then he suddenly switches to pop songs and country out of nowhere. The worst part? He knows a bunch of country songs and will sing along loudly. Ghost thinks it's atrocious, especially with his accent
• Hug lover, an enthusiast if you will. He's a touchy-feely guy to begin with, but he loves hugs more than any other kind of touching (bet he has the warmest and most comfy ones)
• He's afraid of spiders. He likes to say he's not afraid of mundane things like animals, but spiders send shivers down his spine (once Price had to take one out from his bag because he was too afraid to touch it. No, they don't talk about it.)
• In his younger years he experimented with different hairstyles and colors. For a while he rocked a mullet, then came the idea of the mohawk that stayed ever since. He's had green, red and blue hair once, but never kept them longer than a few weeks
• As much as he acts like it annoys him, he likes dad jokes and those really bad ones Ghost usually comes up with
• No musical talent whatsoever, but that won't stop him from singing when he's drunk or when his favourite songs come up
• Has thought about getting more tattoos, but couldn't decide what to ask for so he never got them
• His favourite meal of the day is breakfast. Don't know why, don't ask, I just feel like he would be a breakfast "I stuff my face with calories in the morning" type of guy
• A morning bird, which used to annoy the shit out of Ghost because he was too cheery for someone who was awake at like 5 AM
• He's a deep sleeper, once he's safe and asleep even a bomb won't wake him up. He can fall asleep anywhere too. Once he conked out on the plane on the way to a checkpoint and Ghost has never let him live it down ever since
• We know that he used to play football, but he was also good at every other sport (except maybe gymnastics). He loved basketball, but he was always teased about being too short to reach the nets. That didn't stop him from scoring though
• He used to go to a lot of concerts with his friends. He's totally the type of guy to have a girl on his shoulders so she can see better
• He's not a womanizer by any means; he's only ever had one serious relationship and that didn't last too long either. He had a few one night stands, but he doesn't really seek any relations outside of his work related ones
• As a kid he used to have those sticky glow in the dark stars on his ceiling/wall
• He can't keep plants alive for the life of him
• His favourite season is spring because he's not too cold but not too hot either. The weather is perfect for his morning jogs
• He might seem egotistical sometimes, but in reality he just loves basking in the attention he gets. And he knows he looks good, so why wouldn't he talk about it
• It's not easy to rile him up and he's good at keeping his cool, but when he's frustrated or downright angry you better hope he doesn't attempt to fix the situation with fists instead of words
• Others might tease him for being stupid sometimes, but he's actually smart. Not academically smart, but street-smart if you know what I'm talking about
• In the future, he wants to have children of his own. In the present he focuses on his job and takes it very seriously, since it's the most important in his life next to his family. But he doesn't shy away from the thoughts of retiring and settling down with his children and a wife
• He enjoys cartoons in some situations. He knows they are dumb and not even funny, but after difficult missions he likes to have them as a background noise or something that can take his mind off the things that happened
• He has two older sisters, so has a lot of experience living with women. Once they waxed his arms as a joke, but he kind of liked it. They settled on an agreement after that: whenever they were all home and had the time, they would do it for him again if he wanted
• Also, because of that his room is also one of the cleanest out of everyone. He keeps everything organized and tidy, and doesn't like when his stuff is out of order
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socdarlings · 10 months
how do u think the members of the gang would feel about/react to fireworks?? love ur page btw!!!
hi i’m aware this is like 18 days late sorry anon
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How the gang would react to fireworks:
wouldn’t really care tbh. he doesn’t enjoy the sound but he likes watching it explode
tries to take a pic of it and ends up crying cuz it looks like shit (never take pictures of fireworks. it never looks good)
ends up attempting to draw some from memory. he’s not great at painting but he actually, surprisingly, manages to get a good firework painting going
overall he likes them. wishes he could capture them though. 8/10
this poor boy. doesn’t like fireworks at all
he likes watching them from far, far away but going near one while it sets off? he’d rather die
also don’t bring him to where a bunch of fireworks are going off while it’s crowded. sensory issues to the max
i just know the gang’s gonna get their own firecrackers and light some off in the street. johnny is NOT getting involved. he stays in the house while it goes off and tries to listen to music or smth to distract himself. the loud noises scare him
3/10. doesn’t like em
this dude loooooves anything that explodes. too much of a wimp to set it off himself though but he loves being there for it
he likes them going off, loves the colorful explosion it gives, loves the popping sound some of them do too. he’s not an artist by any means so he’ll ask pony to draw some. cue him failing
will go with steve to light them up after work. they’ll try and find a place and when they do, he’ll be giggling uncontrollably like a little kid
10/10. he’ll have a blast (had to do it)
like soda, he loves these things. he’s more interested in setting up the fireworks than seeing them though.
he’ll try and make it from scratch too. also will try to get a car engine so he could make a “MasterBlaster5000”
does not fucking work. he does rig something so they set off all at once though. (he was planning on making a firework bomb)
steve reminds me of those guys on Minecraft that sets up elaborate redstone systems. would not be surprised if he got gunpowder so it could, in his words, “make more booms”.
also 11/10. too excited. have the fire department on standby.
Oh he hates these things. absolutely fucking hates them.
doesn’t like seeing them, hates hearing them, and will go somewhere else if somebody’s lighting them up. he goes to buck’s when they do, because the bar music is loud enough to block it out. or to the shepard’s house because it’s far away
he knows the difference between fireworks and gunshots, but being around them is a whole different story. any type of explosion reminds him of New York, and he tries to forget anything about that place
even if the gang or the shepards try to invite him over with beer, he refuses. prefers to sit at home and get drunk by himself
him and johnny bond over their dislike of fireworks, even if he knows johnny likes seeing the patterns
-11/10. fuck the 4th
his favorite activity is sitting by and watching them explode while wasted. will be that drunk uncle that brings two 12 packs and a lawn chair
will set them off with steve as well. even though he’s not really into the process, he likes watching steve build stuff
will also be that annoying uncle that hollers and claps. if he knew how to grill, he’ll bring a Foreman too
one time him, steve, and soda (dally did NOT wanna come along) set off a bunch of fireworks in the street even though darry told em not too. cut to the neighbors calling the cops and they all took off running. two-bit was unlucky enough to get caught and spent his july 4th locked up
10/10. thank you uncle Keith for bringing the beers
lord help this man
despite half the gang begging him to come, he only does because he wants to grill. and bring little sandwiches
and he does admire them, somewhat. again, he’s mostly there for the food
if the shepards come, tim’s by his side. somehow both him and two-bit managed to persuade him to drink, and he only got down one. someone needs to bring back the gang after all
if the gang sets off firecrackers in the streets he’ll be. livid is one word. he’ll pick up anyone that gets arrested for setting them off *cough* cough* twobit *cough* but now he has to talk to the cops. will be furious if he finds out either pony or soda was there
5/10. meh
Like Darry, he’s mostly there to watch his siblings. when he does get him to drink, it’s the first time he starts genuinely laughing in a while
he does not care. he’s there for the drinks.
lets dally stay at his place if they’re setting them off. his house is the farthest from everyone, and away from the explosions
if the gang sets them off and curly’s there, he’ll egg him on. but if it gets too bad, he’ll pick up curly and haul ass outta there
2/10. bring on the beers
don’t get me wrong. this kid loves fireworks. he’s just particular on who he spends it with
he hates the noisy people who yell and scream when it goes off, but he does like seeing the explosion. or the person that tries to take a picture of it with flash when they’re all crowded together. feels really angry abt it for some reason
if he does wanna look at it, or if he’s even in the mood to do so, he’ll bring along somebody quiet. to him, fireworks are supposed to be observed
eventually it does get boring to him and he wants to go home.
4/10. this could’ve been a video.
I’m stuck on if she likes seeing them or not
like curly, i feel like she has to get in the mood. otherwise it’s just boring to her.
if somebody brought weed, she’ll smoke it and watch. if somebody brings booze, she’ll drink and watch but eventually she’ll just fall asleep.
she feels like fireworks is something to watch when you’re not sober
would she go by herself to watch? no. would she go with others? absolutely.
7/10 when drunk, 2/10 when alone
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Continuing from where we left off about Svali, the fake Illuminati defector from whom all of those claims about color/metal/gemstone programming and fictive programming originate, we now reach chapter twelve, which is basically a bunch of supposed tips to keep the cult from reaccessing the survivor.
Svali claims that cult members are given an "E.T. phone home" alter that wants to reestablish contact with the global satanic cult. Basically she's claiming that if you ever find yourself wanting to go back to an abuser, it's not because part of you is nostalgic for the times that were actually good; it's because the Illuminati put an alter in you.
What's she going to blame on an alter next? Craving popcorn? Wanting to visit the beach?
According to Svali, basically any attempt from family members to get in contact with you whatsoever contains "trigger codes." Did your mom send you a birthday card? Did it make you miss your mom? That's because it contained an Illuminati trigger code!!!
If you see someone who reminds you of a family member and you find yourself missing them? Triggered by the Illuminati!!!!!
Phone calls from family and friends? They're definitely trying to activate your "E.T. Phone Home" alter. They aren't just confused about why you've cut them off ever since you started visiting that therapist who thinks Trump is working behind the scenes to save the children from the globalists.
Family send you a birthday card? The number of petals on the flowers is a trigger code. Or the color of the flowers is.
And if you think you don't have DID? If you think you're just a regular person with a shitty family you've cut off and just miss them because, y'know, that's a normal thing? Well of course you have DID, you silly little goose! You're just an amnesiac presenting system! You just don't remember the SRA because you have screen memories!
In chapter thirteen, Svali claims that:
Survivors of Illuminati programming will always have some type of hierarchy inside. This is because the cult itself is very hierarchical, and puts this hierarchy inside the person. What better way to inspire loyalty to leadership than to put the leadership inside the person’s head? Trainers are also very hierarchy conscious themselves. They know that a system without hierarchy and head honchos inside to direct things will be a system in chaos. They will not leave the person’s system leaderless inside.
But... wait, Svali, weren't you claiming earlier that all cult members were taught that it's kill or be killed, betray or be betrayed, that authority figures cannot be trusted? Literally how does this work? How is there any sort of functional hierarchy, whether among the member ranks or within systems, if all of this betrayal shit's going on?
Later, she claims that the Illuminati was responsible for human experimentation during WWII. Now remember that Svali's into that whole 13 Satanic Bloodlines stuff, so she's also repeating the conspiracy theory that Jews were actually behind the atrocities of WWII.
She claims that Illuminati victims today are taught that they are just an experiment, which demoralizes and dehumanizes them, and all that cartoon villain shit. She claims that victims are put into VR simulators and subjected to various modes of sensory stimulation/deprivation.
After the experiment stuff, Svali starts bringing MK-Ultra into this, and claims that alters can have assassin programming. Now just for clarification, Project MK-Ultra was a real thing, and it was beyond fucked up. However, it was the work of the US government, not a global satanic conspiracy. Furthermore, they basically discovered that no, there are no magic mind control drugs. But the Christofascists, who idolize the US government and hate drugs, can't really accept either of these things.
In chapter fourteen, Svali starts talking about spiritual programming. She claims that all children go through rituals where demonic entities are invoked, and also claims:
Trainers will invoke demonic layering during programming sessions. This is done after acute trauma. The person is asked if they want more pain, and they will always say ''no''. The trainer then offers them a way out: if they will accept a ''protector'' or ''protectors'' they won’t be hurt any more. The trainers will want this, knowing that with these ''protectors’'' they can shorten the training sessions. The protectors, or guardians, will reinforce the programming internally, without outside help.
This echoes what other known fraud Lauren Stratford claimed about satanic "spirit guides" in her book, Satan's Underground, just given a psychological twist.
She claims that the Illuminati has a sacred text titled "The Book of Illumination." There is apparently a real text with this title, but it has nothing to do with the Illuminati whatsoever. She claims that the Illuminati frequently worship Moloch, Ashtaroth, Baal, and Enokkim. She claims that children will be drugged and forced to eat the raw innards of sacrificed animals, which... not only is this gross, this is definitely a major health risk.
She claims that the Illuminati practices "resuscitation rituals," in which children are drugged, shocked, or otherwise tortured to the points where their heart stops. Then they perform CPR and bring the child back, and claim a demon resurrected them. Why they'd do this when this is such a massive risk and CPR CAUSES SERIOUS INJURIES is baffling - but then again, this is Svali, Queen of Edge.
She claims that demons can perform miraculous healings, another claim that seems to have been inspired by Satan's Underground.
And then there's more edgy cartoon villainy described here that's kind of just.. generic Christofascist fearmongering about the activities of evil satanic cults and their abusive behavior so like, I'm not gonna bother. If you wanna read it you can find it yourself.
In chapter fifteen - the final chapter of the first part of this two-part series - she talks about VR programming again, where Illuminati programmers can supposedly set up any scenario they like.
Then she claims that there's "denial programming," where parents will harm a child one day and then the next pretend that nothing happened. Because apparently in Svali's world, all shitbag behavior has to be the machinations of a global satanic cult, not just people being shitbags.
She claims that denial programming also includes children being given an orange, asked what it is, and when they answer that it's an orange, be told that it's an apple and be tortured until they agree it's an apple. Like, Svali, this doesn't make an effective cultist, this just seriously messes up a person.
Svali also claims:
Alters will be created as the child grows, whose purpose is to deny the cult abuse. If any leakage or breakthrough occurs, the denial alter’s job is to create a plausible explanation: it was a nightmare, a book the person read, a movie they saw, etc. These alters will read and quote literature that refutes SRA. THESE ALTERS OFTEN BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE SAVING THE LIFE OF THE SURVIVOR. They have been told that if the survivor remembers, and believes the abuse, the survivor will be killed, or the denial alter will be severely punished or shattered for not doing their job. These parts have a vested interest in their job: they believe their very existence and they body’s survival, depend upon them.
So, if you deny being satanically abused? If you tell your therapist that you don't have DID? Why, that's just more proof that you have been satanically abused and you do have DID!!!
She claims that the Illuminati induces "core splits" by means of severe torture methods. She claims that these techniques are also dangerous because they can cause autism if they don't work right.
Yeah, you read that right.
She's blaming autism on SRA.
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sushiisiu · 1 year
mario movie is quirky and all but it doesn't change the fact that it's just another formulaic 70 tropes in a trenchcoat type movie with a bunch of big names attached (and also a huge franchise!) that can easily generate box office success that's just going to inspire more suits to try and replicate it with other franchises what the hell is a live action minecraft movie 2025?????? sorry mario movie is goofy and good its 48% but its not soulless even if the plot kind of is i swear to god i was counting how many generic ass shots and moments it had it really follows the hero's journey structure to a T it's SO safe and its enormous nostalgia bait it's hard to be mad at it but it just has me concerned over everything being made based on a gimmick these days like the This movie the That novel. Backrooms movie? The whole horror of it was the mystique and ambiguity of just Ohhh you can no clip out of reality into this spooky liminal office and it's utterly incomprehensible and you are just helpless to a reality that you were never meant to experience. There is no mystique if there's gotta be plot and characters about it! why would it be scary any more if its like Ooh government quantum spacetime portal experiment GONE WRONG !!!! it's like how minecraft storymode fucking sucks cus its not meant to have a story and characters and you could not pay me to give a shit because the main character is literally the setting and background itself ! i am sick and tired of stuff being made based on a gimmick it never works out well!!! it's like those tiktok novels that are based on like a fanfic tag It doesnt work without preestablished characters IDGAF !!!!!! tired of going to the cinema only to be sensory overloaded and at the same time consume a nothing burger for 1hr30mins and come out feeling hollow like That's it that was like a bunch of tropes strung together ! sorry i kinda forgot where this was going im just tired of hearing news about how THIS FAMOUS INTERNET THING NOW GETS A MOVIE! and its like did we not learn from the mistakes of our forefathers.... unless you're going in with a super inspired vision and an actual story to tell its not going to end well!!! (and it never does cus its always some bozo trying to cash in on the hype instead of someone who genuinely cares and understands the source material) Idunno it's also kind of like the marvelization of movies too where everything is super Safe and Must Have a bunch of corny jokes that makes it really hard to actually care about the stakes and characters. Marvelization and MCUifcation happening a lot lately actually the damage mcu has done to cinema oh my god. Anyways i forgot where this was going but mario movie is a 4/10 What kind of movie has I'm holding out for a hero, Take on me and Mr Blue Sky all in the same soundtrack????
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windybitzh · 8 months
TW/ bright colors
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OK in basic form, Arven is part of team star!
Starfall Street made it very obvious that many kids at Uva/Naranja (i will be saying Uva only from now on cause i have violet) were bullied, not only team star and penny. So the idea of resident sad boy Arven getting bullied wasn't too far of a reach. Many other ppl have been headcannoning this including me. (what i like projecting)
The break of the AU starts after team star is formed and Arven learns about Herba Mystica (sorta? i'll mkae my headcannoned timeline post later) Team Star has been formed and they make the run from Uva to actually set up the bases and recruit. Four to five months later once the bases are set up and there are a few recruits. Penny walks upon an Arven who just ran away from Ava for a bit, got yelled at by Miraidon, lost all his healing potions, and just having a bad day, having a breakdown.
What did they do? (leave jk)
Ask him to join Team Star!
I feel like Penny knew so many other people at Uva were being bullied or mistreated by the students and staff (the staff part might be projection but Clavel is kinda a shitty principal) but she couldn't bring everyone so they just brought five who would make a good team (she made friends!)
Arven accepts because he's curious and Penny drives a hard bargain (Cassiopiea was very convincing)
Another small team star headcannon i have is that the recruits are just randomly sent to different teams, they pick which one they go to and each team has a set of pros and cons. Like during this time Eri's team is very calm so is Atticus's while Ortega, Mela, and Giacomo's are pretty loud. And a bunch of sensory things and also personal intrests of the group in total y'know.
I think Giacomo and his whole team have gimmick of loving punk and rock music, and a headcannon of Arven liking that music as well gets him shoved in Segin Squad.
At this moment Segin Squad is classified as not safe for people with auditory sensory issues. It's very loud here.
And another projective headcannon, Arven and sensory issues, paticulary touch and sound (cause there wasn't a lout of touch or sound in his childhood) Hes also a pretty quiet and shy person to begin with, so he's kind of an odd one out. Even Giacomo at first disliked him and thought he shouldn't be in Segin Squad. (the little doodle from my last art post "he doesn't fit!")
Along with Arven there are many people in Segin that don't like how loud it is all the time. But they try not to say anything because Team Star is already doing to much and if it becomes unberable they can just switch squads.
So some of the recruits are testing out a new speaker system and Arven was helping carry them around, when they accidentally turn it on a blast the loudest fucking sound possible. Most of the people working on it just shook it off having heard long things on the regular. Some others sill reeling and taking a while to calm down. Arven was carrying one of the speakers (touch and sound wow) Which sends into a small panic attack (...don't look at me like that even small speakers at loud noises cause a lot of vibration) Once something is too loud almost everything around you is too loud which fucking sucks. Everyone is trying to calm him down and with all the commotion Giacomo comes out to try to fix the situation. Which leads to Giacomo truning everything making noise off, putting his headphones over Arvens ears, and giving him a hug. (i find touch grounding so here we go it's different for everyone so don't take my bullshit as an answer)
The headphones Arven is wearing it the art above were originally Giacomos. But they're his now.
This entire event causes Giacomo to start noticing the other people who aren't ok with the noise levels are starts to think 'oh shit we have to do something about this'
So Giacomo goes to Arven asking for any input of help with making his base a bit more sensory friendly. They work on noise regulation and try to take account of everyone who has issues with the noise and other things around the base. They're a bit uncomfortable around each other at first, not really knowing each other before all of this. But after three to four months they're increbiblly close and once the major problem is "fixed" (it still had a few small hiccups but it's mostly ok nothings perfect) they work on other projects like traning facilies and larger housing and rooms.
Team Star has monthly meetings with penny to see the progress everyone is making. One of those meetings Giacomo asks Arven to join him. Once at the meeting Giacomo gives a whole speech about how Arven is a great guy and help Segin Squad so much ending it with "I think Arven should a boss as well! He and I could run the Segin base together, like a co-boss system. It would benift the entire base!"
He continues rambling about how it would be the best thing for segin suad and it might go against Penny's plan but Arven's a great guy right. Penny stops him saying that it sounds like a great idea and that he should go for it. (maybe she was planning this all along who knows)
Arven and Giacomo have different ways of being the Segin Squad Boss. Giacomo runs the show most of the time being the one to fight trainers and do most of the inside work with penny. This doubles when Arven starts fighting the Titans with the MC. Arven is mostly behind the scenes working with penny sometimes and mostly working with the recruits. When Giacomo is the one on the stage there is always some sort of noise, weather its music or chatter. Its always noisy but in a comfortable quiet way. When Arven is up on stage it's dead silent. (Arven's team would also change to cover more dark types) There's no noise, barely anyone is our and about and it's horrifying. Arven because of this is labeled as one of the most scary Team Star bosses. He just tries to run quiet days so people can relax, he didn't know it was horrifying.
As the hopeless romantic i am i love timemix and just had to include it. It was a slow tranisiton from friends to partners for them, because they're idiots and they didn't realize they liked each other. (Giacomo whole speech was just gay rambling and everyone realized but Arven) its not really important but it makes for funny scenes.
Since most of team star knows of Arvens plans to save Mabosstiff whenever talking about him to anyone not in team star they call him pepper. So when the MC learns about the Segin Squad she learns about Giacomo and his scary boyfriend Pepper. (team star finds it funny to tell everyone including new recruits that Arven is really scary to freak them out) So the MC really doesn't want to meet him. When they realize that Arven is Pepper it's kind of like this. After the whole area zero bullshit they get out of the crater and walk for a while and are like fuck this. They can't book a taxi out to the crater so Arven calls Giacomo and is like "Hey can you pick me and a few other ppl up" "we're at the great crater of pladea" and Penny is like "I'm here too! Get snacks-" some more dialouge and then the MC asks "who's that" and which Penny and Arven reply "Giacomo" "My Boyfriend" The MC takes a bit to figure it out but to say it shocks them is an understatement.
Also all the stuff team star could try to get them together is hilarious.
About if Arven still goes to Uva it's complicated. All the team star bosses and recruits are still part of Uva, Clavell is hesitant to expel them. But none of them go to Uva so they're not really students. The MC meets Arven first at the lighthouse with Miraidon and then once again after the treasure hunt starts then he explains his plans with the titans and they help him. The MC never meets him at the academy but asumes he goes there because of the uniform.
Thats the AU it's most for the fun idea of shoving Arven into Team Star, i have a bunch of fun little comic and fic ideas for it so i'll probably do something for that.
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without shading/lighting
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explode-this · 15 days
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I’ve been arranging and rearranging the art wall behind where I sit during the day to work on stuff, and I love it so much I want to show it off. I’ve been holding on to some of this art for ages until I get frames and things, but I decided to go the blu-tack route—very carefully, of course. For matte prints I affix some tape to the back of the piece in the corners so if I have to remove the work, the blu-tack won’t take some of the paper with it. Some are hung up with bulldog clips, like when I have a whole bunch of art cards and want to swap them out periodically. It makes my calendar feel much less lonely! Other stuff includes a couple of baseball cards (the one above the calendar is Luis Robert currently of the White Sox; the one more to the right is the infamous Bill Ripken Orioles “Fuck Face” card, where the bottom of his bat handle has “fuck face” sharpied on it), some words of wisdom (like “I don’t know fuck about shit, dawg” from one of my favorite podcasters, and “fuck shame, keep writing” and “one dumb word at a time” from a dear friend), a bonus 10 of swords (from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Serle) that says “everything is fine” underneath, a little altar shelf with a praying glo-worm and some rose quartz on it, a picture of my cats from childhood caught mid-fight, a couple of birthday cards from my primary partner, a little diamond painting I did, a giant sensory popper toy (hung on the wall so I can find it when I need it, but it looks cute there), a keyring that looks like “The Woodsboro Murders” by Gale Weathers but says instead “I’ll send you a copy,” and Gene and Tina Belcher as pickles. Of course Gene is purple and fabulous.
Here are the art credits!
Outlined in pink: @sergle (took me forever to get these somewhere I can see them every day but I loooove them)
Outlined in blue: @passionpeachy (just got these prints this week! Am in love)
Outlined in green: @simkaye (I have many cards to choose from, so I might swap them out at some point)
Outlined in orange: @thelatestkate (I have a lot to choose from here as well so I hung them up with clips so I can change them out)
Outlined in yellow: @enjoy-mycake (the Fortune Queens deck I have came with three extra foil copies of certain cards and I love Katya as the Fool lmao)
Anyway, buy art from independent artists! It will make your life and living space so bright ♥️
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plvtosun · 10 months
🦋🐱🌙✏️💧 for blanquita
some of these absolutely destroyed me bc of cuteness so thank you HAHA
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
toki slipped into being more confident after like, a week. he has a girlfriend now, he gets to be mushy and affectionate all he wants! get cuddled, motherfucker! blanca was still shy and nervous about doing small things like holding hands around other people for a couple weeks, but she’s chill now. her friends totally like to point out when they see her being cutesy with him though, every once in a while, just to see her get all stutter-y. it’s pretty funny.
🐱 : Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
(thought back to that fantasy scene in fertilityklok for this one lmao) [edited 8/16/23]
“i can calls you whatever i wants!”, meaning he’s gonna call her “princess”, “baby”, “kjæreste”, “rose” (because she turns red easily and has a thorny personality at first), i mean i think we all agree he’s like, the ceo of cutesy nicknames, right? “princess” turns her into a mess the fastest so that’s his favorite by default. poor blanquita, how sad, having someone so affectionate. /s
blanca’s pet names are mainly in spanish, her favorite for toki is “conejito” (little bunny). she likes “azulin” (“blue-y”, i guess? idk how to translate it the best into english) because of his eyes, and “chulo” (cute). he loves that shit. she called him papi one time AS A JOKE because she thought it would be funny and she turned bright red when he seemed into it. whether she calls him that ever again or not is classified top secret information LOL
🌙 : Who has to force the other into having healthy sleeping habits? How well does that go for em?
if toki doesn’t drag blanca into bed while she’s staying up late working on an illustration, she won’t go to sleep on time. she tried to sneak out of bed once when she thought he was asleep, and she got as far as being able to barely pick up her drawing tablet before he stirred and pulled her back in. he keeps her in a cuddly death grip now. he’s gonna make sure she takes care of herself or so help him god.
✏️ : How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
i’d say i like to stay pretty close to canon (so far at least), except for the whole kids thing. none of my ocs want kids at all and blanca’s no exception especially as a s/i. not happening! i think it would at least make sense though canonically for him to change his mind re: kids because of sensory overload issues bc i know that’s a factor for some people not wanting kids (myself included, among a bunch of other reasons). also, i mean, when it came down to it, would he really want to share so much of blanca’s time and attention with anyone else? i don’t think so >:b (edited to add: there’s that whole part where he straight up says he hates kids because of the awards thing so like…. i don’t think it’s entirely out of the question lol)
💧 : How well do they comfort each other when they’re upset?
aw omg this is where my favorite lil headcanon comes into play! i’ll do blanca comforting toki first: limpias de huevo. especially if he’s having a lot of nightmares that particular month. she sits him down, grabs a room temperature egg, a glass of water, some candles and palo santo, and god dammit she’s gonna get rid of his susto (“scare”, loosely, resulting from traumatic events) every time it comes back. he gets pretty confused the first time and asks a bunch of questions, probably thinks it’s a little weird and spooky too, but once blanca cracks the egg in the water and he feels lighter emotionally, he gets it. that’s her main way of comforting him if things get pretty bad. in other cases, she’s stern but gentle with her comforting. not tough love necessarily, more like “hey! don’t talk about my man like that dammit!” if he’s being insecure and mean to himself, while she pulls his tall ass into a hug and rubs his back. this is when her soft side really comes out. she listens, hugs, playfully talks shit about whatever/whoever upset him, whatever he needs.
toki comforting blanca, though, it’s a little rocky at first. the first time he sees her cry it catches him off guard, worries and freaks him out a little because she’s not the outwardly sensitive type. it warms him, in a way, to be the only one that gets to see this vulnerable side of her, and it makes him feel special because he knows this means she’s comfortable enough with him to show her deeper emotions, even if they’re not pleasant. he wants to help so he just squeezes the shit out of her this first time and shushes her to try and get her to calm down. it kinda helps? she likes hugs from him. but she has to teach him when to just listen to her vent instead of immediately wanting to fix her problems or getting her a plushie or snacks. which, i mean, she appreciates, but sometimes she just needs to have a Bitch Fit. he gets the hang of it eventually and he’s always happy to give extra squeezy cuddles when she needs them.
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the-type-a · 2 years
A lot of people think that Duncan would get Courtney high for the first time but personally I think it would be Bridgette 💀 ok cuz like your friend getting you high for the first time is always an experience and so funny!!
Courtney won’t be phased at first she’ll be one of those people that are like “I don’t feel anything, it’s not that bad” and then BOOM💥 the high will hit her full force and she definitely panics 💀
She has the worst munchies, she’ll just eat and eat and eat.. she gets herself sick lmao
She definitely fucks up her first hit & she almost dies hacking up a lung 🤣 red faced, teary eyes & chest heaving cough while Bridgette just cries laughing 🥲
Courtney’s the type that will just zone out, she has a bad habit of just blanking out when she’s sober and it’s way worse when she’s high lol you ever see her in the background of some shots of the show and she’s just like.. not focused? 💀 shits so funny lmao
She likes watching those sensory videos with a bunch of colors, need her to stay put? Just put one on and you’re good.
Bridgette definitely takes care of her, gives her water and calms her down when she panics.. but she always records her and laughs at her 😂
Courtney likes watching Bridgette rolls blunts so she asks her to teach her, she’s somehow better at it than Bridgette and makes them perfect lol
Courtney tells Bridgette to clean her damn bong before she even thinks of bringing it near her
Courtney doesn’t smoke but whenever she’s overworking herself, stressed or upset she’ll definitely go to Bridgette if it gets to the point where she just needs to relax lol
Bridgette talks about the different strains, ways to get high, what high is better, etc. And the whole time Courtney’s just like ‘idc just get me high’
Sorry, I was talking to my friend who’s a stoner about funny high memories lmao I personally don’t do it but I’ve indulged a few times in my life 💀
I am one of those people who think Duncan gets Courtney high for her first time. BUT you have changed my mind, and I thank you for it because THESE?!?!? YES!
As someone who has experimented with this before, I too can agree that your best friend introducing you is 100% more fun than the other. It’s like no pressure?? If that makes sense??
Anyway, I can see Courtney wanting to try and only being comfortable enough to do it around Bridgette. Maybe in her (Bridgette’s) room that way she’s in a familiar setting too. Idk
Don’t get me started on those damn bongs. I tried it once, literally almost hacked a lung up (my throat was on freaking fire omfg). NEVER AGAIN. That was the first time I ever freaked out, like bad af. I was going to get my RA and my roommate was like NO GO TO BED. Imagining our girl Courtney like that? Yeah, pretty freaking valid. Also, an edible? Good fucking night lmao 😂
She definitely zones out and YEA those TD scenes always have me cracking up 💀
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hrokkall · 2 years
Hi hello i would love to hear your hornet nest takes on P03 if you dont mind.... 👀
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Three people want to watch me get stung by wasps. Alright, sure.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know just how "unpopular" these are but I know that at least some of it isn't very common opinion.
For starters: P03 is an asshole.
Obviously, this is not an uncommon opinion in the slightest, but it does preface the rest of what I'm about to say here.
My problem doesn't come with P03 in particular. There will always be people who interpret a villain as more of an anti-hero type character and honestly? That doesn't bother me. It can give the character more nuance and also gives a bit more solid ground to some of their actions. Interpreting P03 as morally grey/an "ends justify the means" type of character doesn't bother me in the slightest; I'd actually agree with a lot of it. To me, all four scrybes are sort of a "lawful evil" type of deal (with "law" being concerned with holding themselves to a specific code and "evil" being "putting their own desires above the needs of others even when knowing doing so will cause harm"), but if someone were to interpret them as more neutral entities, that makes sense in the context of the game too, y'know?
What irks me is when people will use this to excuse/dampen P03's actions and then... not apply that to other characters in the same work.
Magnificus is an excellent case-in point here.
Obviously I'm not going to excuse his actions. He tortured a bunch of college students to turn them into playing cards. That's fucked up. Doesn't matter how cool the abilities they end up with are; the means of that do not justify the end result.
But... P03 does the same damn thing. And I mean, almost identically the same thing. During the challenger's time at the Temple of Technology in act 2, you have to kill two of his three worker bots in order to proceed, after which they're inscrybed and used in his boss fight. "But they chose to do that" it actively tells you right at the beginning that they are to throw themselves on the line if they can't amp up the upkeep which—as they're not in charge of making specific bots come off the assembly line/making up new cards entirely; only P03, as the Scrybe, can do that—is therefore a necessity.
The worker bots are unwaveringly loyal to their Scrybe, yes, but... so are the wizard pupils. And the Woodsmen. And the Ghouls. The Ghouls never had to deal with Grimora doing fucked up shit (at least, not that we know of) but the Woodsmen certainly did! The Woodcarver says it herself:
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He was controlling them, not the other way around. Not to inscrybe them, but still very much using the masks to hijack their personalities and put them in the game. But no one seems to really touch upon that.
The concept of inscryption is a whole different topic too but I'll keep it short: it's not a super black-and-white thing like how we see it (i.e. "Why the fuck would you want to be a card; that sounds miserable"). To the denizens of Inscryption, it's a pretty damn high honor to be a part of the game that governs everything around them. Even Lonely Wizard, who is the only underling to defect from their scrybe, doesn't seem to particularly mind the fact that they're inscrybed (and are willing to stay in such a state as long as they're in anyone else's deck), the part that they're (rightfully) pissed about is the fact that they went through years of sensory deprivation only to be inscrybed by someone completely different whose method was so much less painful comparatively. Full body scan with your entire body being rearranged into something inorganic has got to be painful, but not as drawn-out as being stuck in the dark for years.
The only reasons why the Scrybes are so miserable about their fates is:
They're not even in their proper bodies, they got changed into low-level beast cards.
They're used to being on the other side of the table; they're supposed to be the ones running the story and they don't like being strung along.
But I've gotten off track.
My point is, I like P03. I like people's interpretations of it as more neutral than outright evil. I'd prefer if people didn't completely ignore the shit it pulls in canon (not a big fan of some of the borderline woobification I've seen but, again, that's pretty unavoidable in fanbases and ultimately people can do whatever they want; have fun guys. Plus it tends to be pretty few and far in-between).
I like it when the Scrybes are all portrayed as straight up villains as well. Woodcarver says that too: the scrybes don't seem to care for human life as a whole (with maybe Grimora as an exception). Maybe an individual person, yes, but not the whole of it, especially if it puts their world in jeopardy. They'd all much rather prefer to keep existing for the most part and only really see Challengers as entertainment. When people lean into that, that's completely fine too!
But villainizing one villain in a group of villains disproportionately just... isn't the way to go about it. I just really don't see the point in doing that when you could just as easily have four different brands of morally-grey people that clash in a variety of different ways and that's so much more interesting to me than giving one/a couple of them the opportunity for "redemption" then just tossing the rest into the super mega hell pit for Also doing fucked up shit. I'd much rather see Four Different breeds of Mega Asshole than one who is actually secretly an angel and the rest are completely irredeemable, y'know? And maybe P03 WAS nice at one point, but given what we see in canon? Not anymore.
TL;DR I don't like it when people excuse the actions of one scrybe then piss on the others when they've done similarly bad shit. P03 is just my example here because I've seen quite a bit of content where people depict it as secretly nice/G0lly-like whereas the others have no redeeming qualities.
Also unrelated to the rest of this ramble but while I'm already getting stung by hornets I may as well add that I don't really like the Uberbots. A lot of people make full-blown AUs where they're all separate entities and vasty different personalities and all and—as fun as that is (genuinely I love reading other people's stuff about them)—it's just really not my thing. They are just P03's cringe ass ocs to me; with maybe the exception being G0lly. Though seeing her as an old self-insert is equally funny.
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cosmictapestry · 1 year
five things you’ll find in my fics
i twas tagged by @mari-wrongway to attempt self-reflection and possibly die in the process
mental illness, specifically mental illness Associated With Trauma, specifically trauma Associated With Superpowers. i love this i think it is fascinating it is Fun for me and also it makes me very sad. i think the horror and the love and the compassion and the terror should all coalesce to make you go Ouch. i think the thing that makes you different/important/Special is more often than not a curse and that it’s fun to explore that. can i please get some cheers from the Insane girlies
kind of sharp, snappy language? i don’t like to slow down the narrative too much even with more verbose characters like lucienne. i get antsy about this actually if i’m reading through and Individual Words are fucking with the pace y’know. for erotica i try to let the prose get really disjointed like, it’s just base sensory input, the heat of the moment stealing all the finesse from the narration. i also use some pretty blunt, perhaps uncharacteristic language, but that’s because it’s what’s Sexy, okay.
i focus a lot on body language, especially stuff with hands and facial expressions and posture. when i write i’m, like, watching the scene in my head? and i guess that’s what i pay most attention to in conversations. if you notice me using the same fucking adjectives every two seconds no you don’t. i can get away with that in porn though there’s only so many sexy words. also i’m just…… not good at writing Things Happening and i don’t especially care to write Things Happening because Things Happen plenty in the source material i just want everybody to sit down and Talk about the Things That Have Happened. now that i say this though a whole bunch of shit happened in “i want to be well” huh? i am an unreliable narrator
dialogue is The Most Important Part to me. i THINK but i’m not CERTAIN that i have a bad habit of making characters talk like me? sometimes? in cadence and in word choice and in humor. i think. but also i’m just simply trying to make characters talk and act Like Real People and i am ostensibly a real person so. matthew’s dialogue in particular is so easy for me to write because i just decided to let him sound like me irl. based of me if i do say so myself. also i KNOW people get on me about making dream too open/nice/agreeable but i stand by literally everything i’ve ever had him say.
relationships that are very old and very deep and that are fundamental aspects of characters’ identities. i really don’t like... care, especially, about meet-cutes or whatever. i care about when two people are so Part Of Each Other that severing them is severing a major artery like <3 lol <3 and obviously this goes for familial relationships romantic relationships fraternal relationships i really don’t care as long as it’s Interesting. this is what was SO fucking funny to me about “i want to be well” because i do not care about klave. so it’s listed as a klave fic with like the least klave focus imaginable. anyway. i love love i love empathy i love Understanding and Accepting and i love when it can lead to healing and i also love when it can’t :)
@aboxthecolourofheartache @the-everqueen @pratchettfan87 @ anyone else i interact with who i can’t remember if you write or not i’m so sorry,,, you guys want to do this sooooooo bad
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broken-clover · 2 years
please share all of your Delilah headcanons please i need to not be alone in Not Being Normal about her
It's weird to look back on all my old theories and headcanons about her since we finally have actual canon stuff. I mean I genuinely thought she was going to be blonde. In hindsight it feels a bit silly. Though I did guess accurately that she and Happy wouldn't be working together and instead act as concurrent threats, I was technically right about that! And that one felt more far-fetched
Anyway, fresh headcanons!
-I'm not even going to say autism is a headcanon. They are both canon. Bedtism real
-I'm also absolutely going with your idea that Delilah collects a whole bunch of weird junk to stim with, and Baiken contributes
-The reason she's considered more powerful is because she's younger. Since the Backyard partly functions based on human thoughts and imagination, she's still young enough to believe she's capable of doing anything, and her magical abilities reflect that
-In contrast to her brother, she absolutely cannot stand being barefoot. Ultimate bad sensory. When she was younger she absolutely tried showering with socks on, but wet socks are almost just as bad
-Biiiig fan of floppy sleeves. Someday hopes to get a jacket like Baiken because those big sleeves look like what heaven is in her eyes
-I'm still going with the headcanon that she needs glasses and just hasn't realized it
-Refers to basically everyone close to her as 'sis'/'brother' even if she views them more as a parental figure (such as Baiken and Nago). The only exception is Anji, who she'll refer to as 'pops'/'old man'/any kind of age-related nickname because she knows it annoys him. It's mostly for Baiken's sake, because of course Baiken has told her how much of a nosy prick he can be. If she and Anji are getting along more Delilah will ease up somewhat
-Due to her rather neutral tone, it can be difficult to tell if she really doesn't understand something or if she's just messing with someone because it's funny. Somehow, though, Baiken is always able to tell which is which.
-Commonly disappears/reappears without a trace while following people, similarly to how she did for Baiken in Another Story, nobody is quite sure if it's some kind of teleportation or if she just has very quiet footsteps. Delilah refuses to explain it. It has resulted in many incidents where she's scared the shit out of people when she suddenly appears
-Wants to use chopsticks like her big sis but for the life of her cannot figure out how to hold them (the lack of glasses partly contributes to that)
-Even if she's moved on from her vengeance, she still misses her brother a lot and sometimes doesn't know how to express her grief. Chipp is actually a lot of help at times like that, either trying to talk her through it or just giving her a quiet place to cry so she doesn't feel like she's being stared at.
-(Because I refuse to have Happy be the scapegoat for everyone, even characters I like) As far as she is aware Ariels/Happy was fully responsible for killing her brother, and if she found about how Robo-Ky and Venom were involved, she'd have another crisis and lapse back into some old behavior before Baiken talked her down again/Venom explained things more
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castielsbloodynose · 11 months
So I dress pretty alternative, fishnets, ripped tights, it's just what I like. I also wear my tights under my shorts for sensory reasons (I'm autistic and I really don't like how my legs feel when they're bare, and it's too hot for pants, so I've found that tights and fishnes help) and because it's my style. So I went out with my boyfriend today and his mom and mine hung out cuz they're friends. So everything goes good but he texted me after a whole bunch of shit she was saying about the way I was dressed. Like a whole paragraph about how she's so glad her daughter can't dress like that and overall just questioning why I dress like that, and now I'm literally sobbing because wtf lady. I genuinely rarely care about people's comments on my outfits cuz who tf would, but she just went into me and it hurt like crazy. Cuz it's not just some random bitch it's my boyfriends mom. Like GODDAMN she's got me questioning my entire style (part of which has to do with my autism), so yeah idk I just needed to get this out there
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