#and after that i told him hes like the nicest of the ppl i got to know at the finnjamboree
submariini · 11 months
Thee Antwerp Gig Overview (by #5)
me and @jeevm arrived around 7:50am at the gig, numbers 4 and 5 bc belgians simply are not a queuing people. not much happened beside chaotic uno and trix doing a short interview with us seven? i think at that point i forget
the bus arrived a little before ten am, and we were allowed to sit inside at that point so we just all went outside again and just stood there for a whole ass three hours being clowns.
jaakko, jukka and jesse walked by a few times entirely undisturbed bc belgians also do not talk ever. (and dutch ppl ig). respectful times.
eventually, at around one, Häärijä got off the bus (mostly as a distraction for K going the other way). This man came by like proper we thought he was gonna just walk by, but he waved and then decided to ignore everyone and beeline straight into my direction for a hug? hello? unsure how he still knows what i look like (was not in the yellow tshirt yet bc cold and he hasnt seen me since simerock).
K and Jesse came by as well -- please note at this point there were like goddamn 40 people there. Nothing like the Munich papal visit scenes at any point.
K just the nicest. Didn't remember me from simerock (fair, it was a factory of photographs) and was like wtf rollo (as per ushe), complimented my boots bc he likes them (they are r+ but usually kids sizes) and i got to be "mean" abt the r+ ticket sale and the bus making it stressful. When he asked it I wanted him to sign anything, I didn't have anything and he just offered to sign my boots? Man did not expect the clown to clown communication that was happening bc he seemed very oh god for real when I agreed.
Someone gave him a necklace and instantly wanted to put it on. The person who gave it couldn't fasten it bc nails/shaking hands so I offered to try and then idk how it got fastened bc christ I shook as well. Not helpful: Mikke both filming that and the boot signing up close 😭
Told Jesse he told me at simerock that I should just join the tour bus and he went "yeah that sounds like something I would say." then scolded me for not having been in Berlin for that 😭
H wandered back and forth a bit, had another weird football chat (rip hazards career) where I was sitting on a little wall, back to the bus still at that point, and he just leaned into me turning around and just held my shoulders the entire time? When I got sweaty and took my hoodie off later he also suddenly grabbed my tshirt when it was riding up I am Feeling Fine.
Was wearing the yellow tshirt w the cross stitch and he made me turn to show Jesse??? And Jesse did the nicest "wait can I touch this?" bc I guess he thought it would be fragile???
People formed a nice selfie line and K just said he's santa claus 🎅
H vanished, then came back out of the bus, and we had a weird mime moment bc I wasnt sure if he was motioning at me to get to him away from the rest. He was and I got fucking free merch??? Like free, not yet available merch. Genuinely what the FUCK. Im making an extra post abt this most likely bc I cannot explain what the hell happened in that moment and the things around it.
When Mikke did the interview w the first queuer, H just stood behind the glass door into the venue and started miming at us. Like not even properly in character? Help.
Jesus Belgian audiences proving once again we just Are like that. Refusing to goddamn shut up. Every time. Man disallowed to banter by loud belgian screaming. He seemed so touched though jesus christ time to cry
Got roasted for basically slut dropping and shooting my Häärijä sign up in the air before Mic Mac. "yes that mean fucking häärijä" local man fed up w my antics.
Got roasted AGAIN straight after Mic Mac because I was the person he pointed at during the "this is your home now" bit. (promptly decided diving behind the barrier and Face In Hands was the best reply)
Mild bit before the 2nd Cha Cha Cha as I was the front row person he called out for not sitting down. Just yelled that I got bad knees and I'm not sure anyone caught his reply properly 😂
Overall 10/10 excellent gig what the HELL. The belly flop on the balloon, the whole banter before paidaton bc so much of the queue ppl I was with took their shirt off, the way we refused to kept chanting, him trying to eat the bubbles, him talking about Hs dick and the whole balls convo??
Post Gig
Had to pick up merch for a few people, so went with the hope of a third Häärijä hug. He eventually got a bit held up outside of merch by people (lit at the door into the merch room) and I got to just "Sorry it's me again" but he just instantly hug. We talked a little about the gig (did I like it, how I was doing) and like K feeling much better/doing better ft. some dumb crap.
Merch was in fact gotten after I just LOST my friends bc of H.
CANNOT wait for London. and Glasgow but thats with normal people. Like met so many fun people in the queue who are going to be at London jesus christ. Party time.
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sadiecoocoo · 9 months
Sooo I’ve heard some ppl say that fear no mort is gonna be abt them facing their greatest fears or something, and I’ve seen some ppl theorize on what said fears will be. And id like to give my two cents on the matter :)
Rick’s fears
I think that Rick would honestly be terrified of seeing Diane or prime again. Like imagine if Diane’s ghost just showed up and was rlly nice to him and jsut not like herself at all (cuz we know her personality is the same as the ship and garage AI, so she isn’t the nicest person in the world, which like slay). I think her just being nice to Rick and saying how it wasn’t his fault would freak him tf out, cuz let’s remember that he made a ghost AI of her that was programmed to berate him and be mean to him, so he didn’t want comfort or to be told that it wasn’t his fault.
Now, if Rick saw Prime again, one of two things would happen; he would either break down fully, or just be rlly fucking mad and try to kill prime again (personally this is what I want to see the most, but I’ll explain that in a bit)
Another fear could be that the rest of the family (mainly Morty) dies or is fatally injured to the point of no return. Because we’ve seen Rick bring Morty bad from fatal injuries, and death from the last episode multiple times, but how would Rick react if he couldn’t do anything?
Another fear for Rick (this guy is gonna be going thru it) would be that he sees more of prime in Morty. I’ve read multiple fics where Rick is scared of Morty turning out like prime, so what would happen to Rick if that rlly started happening?
Now, another fear, this one I think would be the most intense for Rick, would be pirates. No more to add to that, we all know why :)
Morty’s fears
I think Morty would have more basic fears, things more that a teenager would be afraid of (along with all the other crazy shit that Rick has exposed him to). For starters, he may just be terrified of rejection, which would be an interesting thing to see. Like imagine if Rick was having a full on break down, and then Morty’s just dealing with minor stuff like being told no in a mean way.
A more in depth fear could be abandonment issues. He was definitely rlly upset with the two crows, and very worried abt the Jerrick stuff. Imagine Morty’s stuck in a dark room, completely alone, and then when he does see “Rick” again, he’s just being rude to Morty and telling him how worthless he is (but in a harsher way than he used to, in a way that makes it seem serious). What if Morty got a vision of Rick replacing him with another Morty, like holy shit that would mentally scar him so badly! Or what if a fake Rick started taunting Morty with the free Morty coupon?
I also think that Morty has a buried fear of ending up like prime. Like he’s already sort of on his way to becoming like any Rick, what with him being desensitized to violence and being seen as a national threat. I think that both him and Rick would be absolutely terrified if that happening to Morty, if he someday snaps and Rick can’t do anything abt it.
Edit: just thought abt this but, uh- king jellybean… not much needs to be said for that one…
In conclusion,
I’m seriously excited abt the next episode, I wanna see what theories (from anybody) were correct and I wanna see if the finale is gonna be as mentally scarring as the others have been!
Back to what I said abt Rick seeing prime, you all know abt the theory of prime downloading a bit of himself into Rick’s head right? What if Rick sees Prime’s “ghost” in whatever haunted house they go to, and he fully thinks that it’s just fake and stuff after the initial shock. But when they get back home, what if Rick sees prime again? What if he continues to see prime on a daily basis? What if that escalates to prime always being there, always tormenting him, always telling him how worthless he is, until Rick can’t take it anymore?
Ig all I have left to say abt all this is, what if?
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bcolfanfic · 5 months
oh i have too much personal lore lmfao my friend told me once "mollie every time you open your mouth i have no idea what's coming next". hmmm. i think ive already talked about meeting jon stewart when he was doing his vets lobbying stuff in dc on here, but there's that. and like 20 minutes before that i met bernie sanders lol, busy day!
should we just make this politicians mollie has interacted with. i met kamala harris in 2018 and i know ppl have (mostly correct) opinions about her being too moderate, but she was very genuinely kind. my friends and i showed up to her office like on the verge of passing out from heat exhaustion after a protest and she was 20 minutes late to another meeting to get us all shuffled in/send her aides around to feed us/get us gatorade and talk to us.
chris murphy is nice but i got a bad taste in my mouth from how good-press focused his team was. they told journalists we were coming w/o really giving us a heads up and we literally had to like, run away after to avoid them bc it wasn't planned press that we could prepare for. (this was like 2 weeks after the uvalde shooting and i was with a school shooting survivors and allies lobbying group)
didn't personally meet mitch mconnell but his staffers are assholes and ive been yelled at by them. by contrast ted cruz's staffers were the nicest republican staffers i ever interacted with. we were doing a sit in his office (this was 2018) and the capitol police were like- trying to bait his staffers into having us arrested. to which his staffers said (in more professional terms) bug off they're literally just sitting on the floor its fine.
i know the gen z congressman from florida bc he's an alum of a non profit i've done a lot of activism work with and i can't speak highly enough of him. i heard him speak for the first time in someone's living room in early 2020 before a quite risky protest action we were both a part of and vividly remember thinking "this kid is going to be president someday". i stand by it 1000%. he's a good kid and very smart.
bernie is super nice and has a good sense of humor. marco rubio cancelled a meeting with a group i was with once bc he was concerned that a certain school shooting survivor activist that was going to be there would "traumatize him" LMFAO.
everytown as a larger org sucks pls don't donate to them for the ending gun violence cause. shannon watts is an asshole and had me blocked for a long while, only to unblock me when i was part of something (the thing with max mentioned above) that made national news and she unblocked me to interact with viral tweets i was in. i recommend ppl donate to change the ref instead. i know the parkland parents that founded it and consider them saints amongst mere mortals.
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strawberryspeachy · 10 months
I was scrolling through my pictures and found a guide for things to study to prepare one of my students for moving to america
Its pretty detailed and makes me wonder if im getting stupider as time goes on because i forgot about several things that i came up with without even researching 2 years ago
While looking at it i remembered
The boy asked me actually. He asked me about school in the states and he was worried about some of the classes. I tried to put his mind at ease for the transition and assure him that he’ll have help for most things.
He was half white and his dad was american. His dad was a writer actually and he told me about his books during a speaking test. So he spoke english fluently. Actually that was something he was worried about. He said his dad told him he has an accent - he really didnt.
But on that I started to ask him about things we do in English class back home. He had no idea about even the basics. Not surprising. They dont do things that involve critical thought in japanese schools.
I started briefly explaining some things to him and told him id make him a guide
Then. We were cut off
The teacher came and told me he needed to go eat lunch.
Later she came and apologized to me because he told her that he asked me for advise and that he was nervous realizing that he wasnt prepared for American English classes.
She thought i just went to talk to a kid. Stopped him from going to lunch. And was stressing him out.
Not because i do that but because thats how japanese teachers see foreigners here. Being weird idiots that bother ppl
And the thing is id forgotten about that till just now.
I HATED that feeling as an ALT. Im s weird person - but not a fucking weirdo who harasses children to talk me. I hated when the teachers tried to make me do that. And i hated when they assumed thats what happened whenever a student came to talk to me.
Theyd always look worried and annoyed when students were talking to me and theyd shoo them away. And i couldnt say its ok or anything. I couldnt say or do anything. Just smile and encourage the kid that the jaapnese teacher had a good reason for telling them to not talk to me
The thing is. I liked the teacher i just mentioned. She was one of the nicest ones i worked with as an ALT. I forgot about all the shitty times with her. She got nicer to me after my mom died. All the teachers did. I noticed and i know. But somewhat also forget.
It took a horrible thing for them to see me as a human. And to just look at what i do as another person and not a strange alien they must protect the children from.
I came to japan for a paid vacation. I wanted to explore and enjoy traveling going to concerts meeting ppl and just having a good time.
Id planned to go home and take care of my mom. I thought i could write stories while i was here and look for a job back home.
Then corona hit and ruined everything. I never even got to see my mom again
Never got to feel stability
Now the money ive saved up is worth half the value back home
I have nothing to fucking show for my time here
I cant afford to go back to america
My moms not there
I dont even have a house to return to
Im so much worse off now than when i left if i go back
But i also cant deal with that degrading treatment again. Even as a legit teacher in a school working through a company middleman im treated as less than.
As an ALT i was treated like a fucking idiot mascot play toy. Like equipment. Not a person.
And as a native teacher - last year - god do you know how fucking annoying it is to have ppl who can’t speak your native language tell you whats correct?!? To be told to keep students in line, motivate them, teach them, and entertain them all while having someone undermine you at every turn. Them complain the students dont respect you. I mean that was only with 5 kids in 432 students. And thats the other fucking problem. Last year my schools students were wonderful. They were friendly smart motived and kind. Except 2 bitchy girls and one boy - the girls turned like 3 more kids in their class against me. But the rest of my students liked me. And because the PE turned English teacher didnt like english he bitched about me and used those few kids against me. I have more than 420 actively improving their assignments and having full english conversations with me. I have the two loud classes all the teachers hate because they refuse to do their work - coming to me and asking if they did my assignments correctly and asking when they need help - but because a handful of kids dont like me - that teacher turns me into a bad guy and gets me the boot.
And thats the shit to expect with even the better job i have.
The school im not rn has a native teacher who uses his charisma to make life better for the native teachers at the school. This is the best im gonna get
I cant find another job. Im trying but too many ppl want to come to japan rn
I really cant afford to go back home
And im entirely out of the patience to be treated like a fucking slave. Literally at this point. Between the shit wages that keep going down and high costs. I cant afford the shit job that wants me to act like the japanese assholes dog. Treating me however they want and i have to just smile back
I want my mom. I want to go back to when i had my pets and my house and lived near my friends.
I keep saying it but its true. Im living the future that i used to have in my nightmares and wake up screaming from. I want to wake up again back before 2011
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ilottcallum · 2 years
me and my crush using the <3 heart when we are having a late night convo? more likely than u think
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starsofmilos · 2 years
I felt the same (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: ok i know you did a similar theme with the amnesia fic and stuff but im such a sucker for the trope of someone being taken and the person they love trying to get them back, i was wondering if you could something where the reader is taken by ppl who want info on task force x or vigilante or something and they would never ever give up vigilante or their friends but they're really scared and close to giving up because they dont think anyone cares about them and doesnt think anyone is gonna come for them (meanwhile adrian is like losing his mind looking for them, but they didnt know he felt the same way)
Okie! I gotcha.
Warnings: angst, torture, violence, kidnapping, cursing, (READ WITH CAUTION), 
Adrian felt sick. He didn’t know why he felt sick. He just knew he did. Something was wrong and he was wracking his brain all day struggling to find the answer. Maybe he was coming down with a small bug. That’s at least what he tried to convince himself as he sat at the office with all of you trying to concentrate on the details for the next mission. 
You kept glancing at him concerned seeing him look so distant. It wasn’t usually like him. Adrian knew you kept glancing at him, but he just couldn’t bring himself to look back. Something was wrong. It felt like his chest was about to burst. It felt tight and he felt weak. 
Right after Emilia finished the debriefing. You went to him wanting to check on him. “Hey Adrian. You okay?” He tried to shoot a smile to you not wanting to make you worry over him. You were someone he held close. 
You both grew close when he joined the task force. It wasn’t hard for Adrian to fall for you. You were this kind, gentle nurse and IT tech. You didn’t treat him like he was dumb and genuinely respected his opinions. 
“Yeah I’m okay cookie.” His nickname for you was cookie. You had a habit of stress baking and there was an entire week of you bringing him nonstop cookies wanting to get rid of them. 
He loved it. You practically spoiled him. Anytime he was hurt, you fussed the most and would lecture him on being more careful. You didn’t care how he was Vigilante and even offered to be his personal nurse. Adrian realized he gained feelings for you the night he was shot. You sat everyday in the hospital waiting for him. Nursing him back to health when he got home. 
You also had it bad for Adrian. It was hard not to fall for the guy. Did he have a dark side? Yeah, but besides that he was the nicest and sweetest person you had ever met. He was a dork and genuinely made you laugh. You liked him, but terrified of losing one of the best friends you’ve ever had, you never told him.
“You sure dude?” He nodded as you sat next to him pressing your palm to his forehead. “You don’t have a fever.” You sighed a bit worried. Adrian shook his head. “You don’t fuss over me. I’ll be good dude.” Adrian moved your hand off of him smiling at you.
You nodded before standing up. “Well I gotta go pick up lunch you wanna come with me?” You asked him hoping he’d agree. Usually some time out with you seemed to cheer him up. 
“No I’m okay cookie. You go ahead.” You nodded. Adrian would regret not going with you. You grabbed your keys walking out with a small smile. “Alright I’ll be back soon.” You walked out driving to the pizza place everyone, but you seemed to like. It was alright though, your favorite deli was down the street from it. 
You got the pizza setting it in your car right as you went to get in your seat. A cry called out to you. It was a young woman. “Please help!” You closed your door raising your hand approaching her. “Miss are you okay?!” “Oh thank god!! Please call 911!! My husband he passed out!” You looked to where she was pointing seeing a man on the floor. 
“I’m a doctor! Let me look over him.” You ran to him pulling your phone out calling 911. Sighing in relief checking his pulse, you turned to his wife who stood behind you, “Does he have any preexisting medical condition-” You stopped seeing her smile before screaming feeling the man push a rag against your mouth.
‘Don’t breathe. Don’t breathe.’ You struggled trying to fight it off, but the need for air became too much. The woman smirked as your eyes drifted close. “We got her quickly throw her in the van.” The man nodded helping her moving to drive as she sat in the back tying you up. “We’ll finally get the info we want. Boss will be happy.” She cheered as you laid unconscious in the back.
It was two hours later than the time you said you’d be back. Adrian grew anxious waiting for your arrival. “Dude has anyone got in contact with Y/N?” John asked. Everyone was growing hungry. “I’ll call her.” Emilia sighed. She looked down in surprise when you didn’t answer. You always answer you phone. “Adrian can you try calling her?” He nodded feeling nauseated when it went straight to voicemail.
“John can you track her phone?” He nodded as Adrian kept calling you waiting for you to answer. “It says she still in front of the pizza place?” “Adrian-” Emilia was gonna ask him to go check on you. 
“I’m on it.” He ran out with Chris behind him. They both got there immediately looking around for you. “Fuck where is she!?” “Vig her car!” Chris pointed at it. Adrian ran to it. Sure enough there sat the pizza but no sign of you. They both went silent seeing something shine in the distance. 
“I’m calling Harcourt.” Chris told him as Adrian stared in shock at your bracelet that laid on the floor not to far from your car. You never took it off. It was a gift from Adrian. He saw it and thought of you so he bought it. It was only five dollars and mostly string, but you never took it off.
“Fuck!” Adrian kicked a nearby rock as the realization that something had happened to you settled in. 
You gasped awake tied to a chair feeling groggy. “Fuck me...” You groaned out looking around. It was a dark room only one light shined in it and it was directly on you. “Shit.” You murmured struggling in your ties. Grunting as you tried to loosen the ties, you jumped hearing the door open. 
“Hello.” A man walked in wearing a smirk. “You work with the task force correct?” You tried not to show your fear. “That depends who’s asking?” He smiled. “Ah a fighter I see.” You glared at him as he sat in front of you rolling his sleeves. “Listen I have some beef to deal with all of you.” You shook a bit as he pulled out a small pocket knife. “You guys destroyed my factory.” 
The last mission you all had to break into a factory to get rid some butterflies working in there. Adrian had accidentally set the place on fire. You guys didn’t care enough to be angry the factory needed to be shut down anyways.”Okay and? Maybe you shouldn’t have been doing illegal shit.” 
He laughed loudly as you pulled at your restraints. “You have no room to talk back. I’ve been scouting your team for a while now and came to the realization. You all need to pay. Because of you. I lost my fucking business. I’m still making money. Don’t get me wrong, but that was one my biggest sources of income-” “Oh boohoo. The villain lost their money. Fuck you.” He slapped you. 
“Don’t fucking interrupt me bitch.” You spit on him as he smiled. “See I knew it was a good idea to grab you.” You tried to pull away as he grabbed your chin squeezing. “I’ve been watching your team. Trying to figure out who was the best to take. I thought about the one with the dye beard, but he would crack easily. I wanna break someone.” You struggled against his hold as he trailed his knife down your arm. 
“I knew Waller’s daughter wouldn’t be fun. They’d get involved and she’d probably spend everything to find her. I didn’t want that trouble. The blonde one would’ve held out way longer than I would want her too. Even I know I can’t over power Peacemaker or Vigilante, but then I realized something...You.” 
You cursed as he cut your forearm. “I saw you. The way they interact with you. You are the doctor for them. You cure them and care for them, but they don’t seem to care for you like you do them. So I wanted to take the one that would be easiest to break and you were perfect. You are gonna be so fucking fun to tear down. I give you three days before you give up all your friends that includes Vigilante’s identity.” You cried out as he dug his knife into your shoulder. 
“FUCK YOU!” You struggled against your chains crying out as he cut your thigh. You screamed as he began slashing you. “This is gonna be fun Doc!” You glared at him as he laughed.
Adrian had been pacing the room. Why didn’t he go with you? Why did they take you? He grit his teeth kicking a nearby chair. “Dude calm down. I’m already looking for nearby footage.” John called out to him as Emilia sat there angrily. Who the fuck thought it was smart to take you of all people?
“Hurry the fuck up!” Adrian yelled at him sitting down. “We need to find her!!” Adrian had been playing every possible scenario in his head. What if they were hurting you? Or worse killed you?
“Okay I got it.” They all ran surrounding John. “Look there’s a woman approaching her.” Adebayo called out pointing at you. “Why did Y/N follow her?” Emilia asked before seeing you bend down behind a car. They moved to the camera showing a man had been laying unconscious on the floor.
“She was helping them,” Adrian spoke out before cursing as he saw the man sit up pressing a rag against your mouth. “Motherfucker!” Adrian yelled out angrily. You had asked him to go with you. He should’ve gone with you.
“Adrian calm down we’re gonna find her.” “They fucking played her. They had to have been watching her to know she would’ve helped them. She’s a doctor!” He sat down gripping his hair. Everyone else went silent. They couldn’t lose you, Adrian couldn’t lose you.
“Okay..” Emilia spoke up. “John start tracking her phone. Adebayo I need you to go to the store and ask the shop owners questions. Chris and me are gonna go over all of our old missions to see who could’ve targeted us-” “I got facial recognition on the guy!” John cut her off printing it. “Adrian and me can go interrogate him,” Adrian stood up grabbing his mask and guns walking out. 
“Let’s fucking go,” Emilia nodded. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Chris called out to her. “Yeah. Adrian will get them to talk.” 
You gasped for air as your head popped up after being dunked in water. You coughed as the man let your hair go letting you fall back into your side. “Still don’t wanna talk? What’s Vigilante’s name?” You shook your head. “Your mom-” Your head was dunked again and held under for a good five seconds. He only pulled you up when you began to not struggle anymore. 
“Come on don’t die on me yet doc.” You coughed throwing up a bit as he dropped you on the floor. “I’ll come back later maybe then you’ll talk.” You laid on the floor taking the time to feel peace before he came back in here. It had been an hour or so you think. Maybe it was longer. Time kinda blurred together. “They’ll find me..” You tried to reassure yourself.
“Who the fuck hired you?!” Adrian yelled out breaking the man’s leg as he screamed out trying to crawl away. Emilia stood outside the house being the lookout for Adrian. “I don’t know!! The woman just told me to drug her!” He cried out as Adrian panted above him pulling his gun out. “NO NO! Please!!” 
“I’m gonna give you one more fucking chance. Who the fuck hired you? And why did you take her?” The man cried a bit as Adrian glared at him. “Fucking speak damn it!” He kicked the man. “You stupid motherfuckers!!” Adrian picked him up single handily slamming him against the wall. 
“Fucking speak.” “His name was Vin! That’s what she said! His name is Vin!!!” He wanted her because they noticed she was close to all of you. They said she was the easiest to break!!” He cried out as Adrian heaved turning his head. “Where is she?” “That I don’t know! I swear to you! I swear I don’t fucking know! I drove them to another car! It was red! I helped her in there and then drove off! I’m sorry!!” 
Adrian laughed a bit. “Oh you’re fucking sorry?! You weren’t fucking sorry when she struggled against you! Were you?! When you made profit off of a woman who thought you were hurt and instead of fucking driving off ran to you to fucking help!! Were you fucking sorry then?!” He threw him down stomping on his neck killing him. Adrian walked out. “Did you get that?!” Emilia nodded grabbing the mans phone. “We’ll see what John can get from this.”
You sobbed into the floor as the man, who you found out goes by the name Vin, stomped on your collarbone. A loud crack resounded through the door. “Did you know it’s been five days Y/N?” You cough trying to managed through the pain as Vin kicked you. 
“I’ll take that as you didn’t. It’s officially been five days since you’ve been taken and your friends..They have yet to find you. Maybe they don’t want to find you.” “Shut up..” You whimpered out softly. “Oh you want me to shut up? Can’t deal with the reality that no one fucking cares for you. They probably found themselves a new doctor. You were just a fucking work associate. They were never your friends-” You spat on his shoe glaring up at him.
“I’m not telling you shit. You mother fucking asshole.” He smirked. “I knew you would be fun to break.” He walked out. “I’ll come back later. Make sure to keep her alive.” He yelled out to his team as he left. “They’re gonna come for me...They will..” 
“It’s been a fucking week how the fuck have we not fucking found her!!” Adrian threw a nearby pencil holder to the wall. “We’re trying Adrian!” Adebayo yelled out wanting him to calm down. “She needs us! She is always taking care of us!! And now that she needs us she’s fucking alone!! I just fucking want her back!!” He paced the floor. “Adrian..” Emilia called out to him. 
“What?” She sighed terrified of his reaction from what she was about to say. “It’s been a week. I’m sorry to say it, but we need to start thinking that..” “What?!” He yelled out. “They might have killed her already.” “No.” “Adrian-” “No all of you shut the fuck up. She is alive. We are not giving up on her.” John sighed nodding. 
“She’s our friend..She would’ve been fighting for us. We can’t stop.”John agreed with Adrian. Emilia sighed sitting down. “I never said stop looking for her, but we need to start thinking that she’s-” “She’s not.” Adrian spoke up. Chris nodded with him. “Y/N is strong. She’s not gone.”  Adrian shook a bit deciding to take off. Some patrol would do him so good. 
He practically tore through every criminal he found that night. 
Adrian went to every lead they found killing whoever he deemed necessary to find you. It had been officially a week and a half since you went missing. Adrian was tired, but he wasn’t stopping. They finally had a break through once they found the women who attacked you that day.
You cried out as you hung from the ceiling feeling him repeatedly punch you. “Tell me what I want to fucking know!” You sobbed into your arms shaking your head. “Fuck you bitch!” He kicked you in the stomach laughing as you cried. “No one fucking cares Doc. Why do you still want to protect them? All of this can stop if you just tell me what I want to know.” 
Would it be so bad to tell him? You pondered for a bit. Did they actually care for you? Did Adrian actually care for you? He promised he would always protect you, so why isn’t he here now? Why didn’t he go with you that day? It’s not like he loved you like you loved him. He didn’t feel the same. 
“Come on doc just spit it out..” You shook looking at him. “Vigilante’s name is...” He smiled widely waiting for you to speak. You clenched your teeth as your whole body throbbed in pain. You wanted so badly to break. You did. Adrian didn’t care for you. None of them cared for you, but the idea of him finding Adrian and killing him. That would haunt you for the rest of your life.
“His name is Fuck you.” You shook a bit as he grabbed a nearby crowbar. “Tsk tsk...Could’ve ended all of this..Fine I can hurt you a bit longer.” No one would come for you. That is what you realized, but you’ll be damned if you give up the person and people you held close to you.
You looked up hearing gunshots down the room. A roar echoed down the hallway. You looked at him with a small smile. “Fuck you.” You muttered out as he grabbed his gun running out there. You relaxed knowing help was just around the corner. 
Shutting your eyes, you sobbed finally feeling the relief you’d been craving for days. “Y/N?” You opened your eyes seeing Adrian walk into the room cautiously. “Vigilante!” You yelled out crying. Tears streamed down your face as you saw him run to you. He began to cut the rope holding you catching you as you fell. You hiccuped curling into his hold as he gripped you tightly. 
“I didn’t tell them anything I swear! I’m so sorry!” “Shh shh it’s okay..I know you didn’t tell him anything-” “I was so close to breaking! I’m so sorry!! Please don’t be mad at me!!” You grew a bit hysteric crying into Adrian’s chest. “I’m sorry!! I’m so fucking sorry! Adrian please-” Adrian shook his head feeling tears brim his eyes as he shushed you softly. “I’m not mad. I promise I’m not..”
 He reached up about to pull his mask off before feeling your hands grab his. “Don’t! It’s not safe!” “It is. I promise you. You’re safe now..” You let him go letting him remove it. “See I’m here now..You’re safe..” You sobbed into his armor as he lifted you up carrying out of there. “Close your eyes.” You nodded gripping his shoulder tightly as he carried you carefully out. 
Vin had been tied down by Chris and Harcourt. They both glared at him before widening their eyes seeing your shaking weak form. “She needs a doctor.” They both nodded. “Kill this motherfucker and let’s get out of here.” Adrian wanted to be the one to kill him, but as you gripped his shoulder hiding your face in his chest. He realized there was someone more important. 
You jumped hearing a loud gunshot before being laid down gently in the van by Adrian. “Hold on. We’re gonna get you help okay?” You nodded gripping his hand. “I’m sorry...” “It’s okay. You’re okay..You did such a good job holding on for us.” John began to drive.
“Please don’t be mad at me..It hurt it was so constant..I’m so sorry I almost broke..” You cried into his legs. Adebayo wiped her face. You were hurting so bad you almost broke. John clenched the steering wheel speeding up a bit. 
Chris comfortingly rubbed your leg as Adrian stroked your hair. Emilia stood silent shaking a bit as you cried in relief. Adrian shook his head. “It’s okay..None of us are mad at you..” “Promise?” You whimpered out as Adrian stroked your hair. “I promise..” He sniffled a bit as your eyes began to droop. 
“Hey hey! Come one now. Stay awake for us yeah?” “I’m sorry..I’m just so tired.” “Stay awake Y/N..” “I got scared I’d never get to tell you..Adrian I love you..” He shook his head. “Come on stay with us! Hurry the fuck up!” John nodded practically breaking all the traffic laws. 
“I love you so much..” You whispered out grabbing his hand. “I know you probably don’t feel the same-” “No I do! I do! So please stay awake! Please! For me?” You shook your head. “I can’t..” “Yes you can Y/N.” Emilia spoke up moving near you. “You can. We know you can.” Chris nodded. “You’re the strongest one here. You can stay awake Y/N.” Adebayo nodded agreeing with Chris. “We have so much to tell you so stay awake okay?” 
“I’m sorry guys..” Your eyes shut as you drifted off. “NO! NO! Please don’t take her! Please!” Adrian broke down yelling at John to hurry. “Please. Please.” He begged. 
Once at the hospital, Adrian ran in screaming for help with his mask on. Everyone else ran in behind him yelling too. They wheeled you off as they all sat in the waiting room. Adrian tapped his foot impatiently for the time they had you. It was two hours when a doctor came out. “How is she?” Adrian was the first to ask. “She’s okay.” “She is?” “Yeah it was a very close call though. Her collarbone is broken. It seems like she was hit and mended repeatedly. There’s still stitches on cuts that don’t look old.” 
Adrian clenched his fist. They were keeping you alive just to torture you all over. “Can we see her?” Emilia asked him. He shook his head. “No not yet anyways. She’s malnourished and is very lucky to be alive. We have her in the ICU. We will call you all with any news.” 
Adrian sat at home for a bit before showering. He let himself fully break down when he looked at himself in the mirror. He let you down. You were hurt and scared. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t fucking there.
He drove back in the hospital spending three whole days there waiting for any news for you. The nurses encouraged him to go home, but he wouldn’t budge. Once you were allowed visitors, he sat in your room the whole time waiting for you to wake up. 
Your eyes felt dry as you opened them. You winced trying to sit up before hearing a toilet flush. Adrian came out gasping as he saw you awake. You immediately threw the blanket off wanting to run to him. Adrian was near within seconds though pushing you back down. “Rest.” “I kept telling them I wanted to see you-” “I know, but rest.” You nodded feeling tears threaten to spill over. “I’m-” “Don’t you dare fucking apologize again.”
“I love you.” Adrian murmured into your hairline as he kissed your face. “You have no idea how crazy I went looking for you..” You frowned seeing the dark bags under his eyes. “I almost gave you up. I thought you didn’t care for-” 
“Don’t even finish that. Y/N I literally killed so many people just to find you. I love you and care for you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you..” Adrian let himself cry into you. “I love you too..” “I swear I felt the same! I swear I did!” You nodded hugging him as best as you could with one arm. Your other being in a cast and sling.
 “I’m sorry I doubted you..” He shook his head. “No it’s okay..I’m just so fucking relieved you’re actually here. I felt the fucking same. I swear to you..” You nodded as he kissed your cheek. You grabbed his face kissing him needing to feel him close. Adrian kissed you back just as eagerly wanting you close as well. Your teeth clacked against one another as gripped the nape of his neck tightly. You wanted to stay like this longer, but you needed air. 
“I thought I wouldn’t get to tell you..” “I know. I thought the same.” Adrian sniffled as you wiped his tears away. “I love you Adrian..” “I love you Y/N..” He smiled kissing you once more. There were still things to talk about, but for now Adrian needed the reassurance that you were actually here. Hurt and scarred, but still here..
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janiedean · 3 years
Wait they fucked the SPN ending for Walker? How? And now the show is more conservative than the original, which was headlined by known conservative dumbass Chuck Norris? Ugh
tldr (I can attest in the sense that I did watch the very last episode and with everything I've seen until now...... it holds up)
basically from what it seems like they pushed so that the finale ep was sam focused so it would make ppl idk stick with jared and they didn't give dean time to shine or a basic excuse of a storyline at all before the dumbest death he could have had and jensen's obviously pissed
like... can imagine why he would be
also like nothing happened in that ep is2g I watched it live while it was happening and it was all..... filler? like I swear even the fillerest filler episode for any show I've watched had more stuff happening in it than the spn series finale which... was... bad
and like I remember walker promos airing every ten seconds when the ep was airing sssoooo
anyway apparently the cw got heavy on walker promoting and shit and got both jensen & misha shafted which like... I mean misha was def in vancouver for the finale but he wasn't in the ep and jensen spends 15 years playing dean for that?
and like now idk if the background rumors re jared not opposing any of that and basically screwing them over because it was convenient for his new show are true or not but if he is like... ofc jensen is pissed off
anyway like as stated I'm catching up on the whole thing now and with that in mind the finale looked like 'okay we wanted to do a thing but you execs told us that we couldn't and we had to do this this and that so we're going to do it in a way that sucks ass on purpose but that delivers what you wanted' even moreso than it did in the beginning like... it's not bad in the way any other bad finale I watched is bc AT LEAST SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE OTHERS LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENED IN THIS ONE I'm still trying to wrap my head around it tbh
NOW with this in mind I'mma gonna say what I told @emilysnora when the first walker casting stuff came out but basically
the remake has jared being walker blah blah and honestly I'm not even pronouncing myself on the whole 'I got the idea when reading the interview with the ICE policeman who felt conflicted abt putting kids in cages' because it's not my place to but honestly as your resident white european person it's... really... I mean the nicest I can say it's that it's a very privileged way of looking at it and he probably didn't mean it to be a racist thing buuuuuttt thaaat kind of iiiiisssss so there's that and on top of that we have that it's him plus: - hispanic partner in the force - gay brother who's like AN ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE so like... right wing gay dude? okay - his wife was dead before the entire shebang began so hello fridging before the plot even starts - I gave a quick look at the main cast and like there's one biracial dude plus lindsey morgan and they're the only two nonwhite ppl in the entire main cast (idk about the recurring but I'm talking about the MAINS) add to that the... background premise it's really not as progressive as it looks like honestly
now not to be like your resident person who's like BUT THE REP but like if y'all gonna do a show in 2021 about ppl in texas doing that job having to deal with keeping children in cages or latin american immigrants having all white ppl in the main cast except two of them is like.... kind of... not exactly what I'd do in this time and age
now with the premise that as stated I hate chuck norris's politics and I don't thing great of him as a person or anything else so like pls don't take this as chuck norris endorsement or anything
my grandfather used to be obsessed with it same as like apparently 90% of italian grandfathers bc everyone I know had at least one who loved that show so like I've seen my fair share of it back in the day and to my best recollection - basically no one was presuming it was like.... there to make a political statement it was basically chuck norris roundhouse kicking bad dudes coming from whichever background and saving the day the end but - walker himself had native american ancestry bc he was raised after his parents' death by his uncle who was played by floyd westerman who was like a prominent NA actor so like technically you had the lead who had NA ancestry himself plus there was like actual NA actors having a relevant role which like... bros not to be that asshole but last time I saw that in pseudo mainstream tv in the last ten years it was on a netflix show that lasted one season so make of that what you will, also there were at least two other NA supportive chars from the reservation they all came from like one was the sheriff and the other was a spiritual leader or smth but anyway it had three NA chars played by NA actors - walker's police partner/bff was black - he had the ongoing willtheywon'tthey romance with the district attorney or smth but she didn't get fridged actually she lasted the entire show but anyway like... there was no 'ah he had a wife who DIED BEFORE THE SHOW EVEN STARTED' plotline - in the last two seasons they had rookie rangers showing up and like I went to check on wikipedia to be sure but the girl is half filipina which again not a category that gets exactly much rep on american tv - there was a recurring dude who helped them out in cases but was from another police branch who was def latino (don't remember the background sorry but he def was) also like walker was a vietnam vet which imvho would be an improvement over 'I was undercover for eleven months and my wife died :((((' when it comes to give your main like.... a srs background but anyway the point was that new walker in between the mains has like two nonwhite ppl and if I look at the recurrings it looks like there's four ppl who are latin* but three of them are undocumented immigrants so like... bro there's some typecasting going on I see, old walker had NA/black/hispanic/filipino people in the main/supporting cast and none of them was like... typecast in the sense that they were all cops except two of the NA ones so it's not like they went out of their way to typecast and like obv og walker wasn't making the whole thing a political statement but looking at it...... it's still way more progressive than whatever the new one wants to be
yes even if chuck norris was headlining it
and I mean... again when you manage to reboot a show starring chuck norris of all ppl and you manage to make it less progressive than the og while thinking you're being progressive while rebooting it I mean as we say here ask yourself a few questions and give yourself a few answers, also like the entire point of og walker was crack where he kicks ppl and says doing drugs is bad, I honestly don't get why the fuck they had to reboot it instead of like having the guts to say we wanna do an original thing, bc like in order to say hey I wanna do a show about a conflicted cop on the texas border you really can just make it an original thing and own it not go like I'M REBOOTING WALKER TEXAS RANGER ROUNDHOUSE KICK CENTRAL EXTRAORDINAIRE but that's my two cents make of that what you will
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ghostofvixx · 4 years
So glad|KYS|
The soulmate thing doesn’t work easily, but for you it gets ten times hardes if both of you hide your birthmark.
Genre: fluff + bulleted au
words: 2.7k 
warnings: swearing the title’s supposed to be so f*cking glad but we’ll talk about it some other time, uhm trying to decide if this is cool or absolute trash, cute at a certain point
other soulmate aus: | san | YEOSANG | yunho | wooyoung | mingi | hongjoong | jongho | seongwha | (no particular order)
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Yeosang is usually a very confident person. We could say he has no complexes.
(yes, he doesn’t look like it, but he is)
Except for one: his birth mark
He just DOESN’T LIKE IT AT ALL, his friends -the ones that know about it- think it’s cute but he DOESN’T.
He has tried almost everything to remove it at this point
But nothing can remove it effectively on a daily basis
Not as effective as makeup at least.
And that’s how makeup has become indispensable for him since he was in high school: that’s how he hates his birthmark.
What he doesn’t know is that that’s the reason why he can’t find his soulmates.
he’s ready, he can feel it, he’s been ready for years now, but why the time doesn’t come?
      .:Keep reading :.
“You just have to know new people, you barely meet new friends Yeosang! Once you do it BAAAM the time will come.” Yunho tells him, overreacting as always.
Yeosang laughs, but deep inside him, he knows he’s right, just he doesn’t know how or when to know new people.
Then he began going to parties with the rest of ateez more frequently and actually getting to know ppl
ppl from other years
ppl from his uni and from other unis
but nothing happened
then he met you.
At first, it was just as usual: just some random person he had to be paired up with for a project.
Nothing new: he’s made a lot of friends like that,
but with you it was different,
he just felt SO comfortable with you.
He blamed it on your personality and your will to do the project right, and how attractive you were too
and you blamed it on the same thing
So none of you dummies realized just how comfortable and heart eyes emoji you were with each other
nor how both of your -covered- birthmarks were actually shining behind all the concealer.
Now let’s talk a bit about you.
Your birthmark is LITERALLY on your left thumb.
Why on your left thumb? Well, that will remain a mystery
Until you meet your soulmate at least
You don’t have that much of a complex but still, you don’t like it
So, knowing it’s the only thing that can tie you with your soulmate, you decided to not cover it for a while
Then you got tired of it and decided to put concealer on it.
It’s not that you wanted it, but you were lowkey mad at the world itself
because your soulmate was NOWHERE TO BE FOUND
Usually when you have a mark is because your soulmate is getting closer right? Or because you might meet them anytime SOON right?
Well not for you.
For you it was like it had to shine or something like that -words literally said by your friend, who liked all the soulmate stuff and had done researches on every type of soulmate in the world-.
So oh well here you are
you had eventually given up
maybe you’ll end up like those that won’t find their soulmates
but it was supposed to happen, right? You should have crossed paths with then at least ONCE for that to happen
But you didn’t
That’s what keeps you going, secretly you have some hope
Then you met Yeosang and you suspected
Because you had that THING like you NEEDED to boop his nose
Even if he wasn’t your soulmate you NEEDED to have something with him
Welcome to what we call: having a crush
crush culture is hard, maybe because you thought he wasn’t the one for you, after all, he isn’t your soulmate, right? AND ALSO because he was ALWAYS with his various friends
It’s like he barely had time for you
pretty understandable, taking into consideration that you guys weren’t the closest, but still he has told you so many times that you feel special
You barely see him outside class, you barely talk on the phone outside class
The only time you see him is when he’s partying with his friends,,, and you don’t want to approach him
so you go unnoticed for the night
sometimes he’s noticed, some other he hasn’t
besides, you don’t like it when you’re with him in that mood, because everything becomes awkward.
“Y/n, do you want something to drink?” He would always ask you
you say no bc c’mon there are already a LOT of drunk people around
sometimes his friends,,, which is,, awkward
because sometimes they would ship you and uh that’s a nono on the outsides but a yes yes in the inside, right?
“Are you having fun?”
“I am.”
Not a single “would you like to dance?”
nor a singing along to the song together
T H A T ‘S  I T
His friends don’t say it, but they look at both of you as if they were saying “why are y’all as awkward lol aren’t you friends?”
and that type of thought haunt you sometimes at nigh
apparently that night his group of friends got mixed with another one
and he wasn’t feeling himself
he told you that morning that today he didn’t feel like partying, he was in a bad mood
“why?” You asked.
“Just… Some random soulmate thoughts.”
Every time he talked to you about his soulmate, your heart skipped a beat
“Have you found them” you voiced your biggest fear.
“I haven’t, that’s the problem.”
He then explained to you that he couldn’t find them and that made him sad,,, especially today,,,, for no special reason
“O-kay?” You said. “Well, just try to enjoy yourself for once! You’re still young, you’ll find them soon! We’ll see each other probably, by the way.”
His heart jumped in his chest,,, how can you be,,,, as perfect for him? He just feels like it.
Like you were made for him
but then not really.
Back to the point
you were RIGHT about to approach him,,, then you saw who he was talking
that person wasn’t from his group of friends,,, nor a person you knew
and they were talking so,,, close,,, so so close
you don’t mean to do it, but you’re sure you’re pouting because you can sense some chemistry from them???
Or is it just you?
It was one-sided, but those types of things are hard to see when your crush is being flirted at.
Then some boy named San sat between them and that caught Yeosang’s attention completely
actually everyone’s attention too
even you, who barely know him, know it’s a part of the “San effect”, he’s the nicest boy ever
overall when he whispered something into Yeosang’s ear and suddenly Yeosang began to look for someone in the crowd
until his eyes met yours
and his smile lighted up
and omg he’s just so cute god pls help me
you know when he just looks so tiny when he smiles bc he’s excited abt something?
and you k n e w you had been admiring him for too long without smiling back or smth because suddenly he frowned
and then you panicked
you’re not subtle at all lmao
for some reason, you seem like an open book to him
so, after panicking, you just leaft asap
not knowing he was actually going to r u n after you 
why? He doesn’t know, he just adores you and can sense something’s wrong
so yeah he said goodbye hurriedly and ran after you and stuff and finally found you outside the house where the party was being held, walking back home.
“Are you leaving?”
you were astonished and flustered to listen to his voice
“I am.”
“Why? It’s soon, isn’t it?”
“I’m suddenly tired.” You said and turned back.
“Suddenly? I mean-”
“Yeosang, you’ve drunk, I’m sure, why don’t we talk tomorrow?” You didn’t mean to sound rude, but back then all you neededd was: a bed
to sleep!!1!111!!1!
not to cry11!!!1!1!!
“I haven’t drunk that much.” It was the truth, he’s not the best drinker, but he’s not a bad one.
“Well, we’ll talk when you are 100% sober, okay? Besides, you seemed pretty entertained-” You stopped all of the sudden
now he knows you’re jealous!!!!!!! ah these kids nowadays
however, you were cool bc if he remembered that the following day, you couln blame it on the alcohol
but well never mind, you just kept living in your little world
AND you had given the other dummy an idea
“But I don’t want to drink anymore~” he said in a singing voice that m e l t e d your heart. “I’m not wasted, but I know I’ve drunk and my friends seem pretty irresponsible right now.”
he just wanted to spend some time with you you know
“Oh,,,” what else can you say? Was he REALLY saying he’d rather be with you?
“Then what can I do for you?” You asked
“Let’s take a seat somewhere? Is it fine by you?”
“You’re the alcoholic one here my dude.”
“Shut up, I still can talk! You should speak to Yunho right now.”
“Not a nice influence, Yeosang.” You said jokingly. Actually, you know Yunho and he’s the nicest dude out there
another softie
but not in the same way as Yeosang.
“Still, you won’t remember tomorrow, right?” You asked him.
“I probably won’t.” He decided to play that game.
You ended up taking a seat on a bench inside a park,,, to talk about some stuff and all that
and it’s comfortable for a few seconds
until you realized the boy is literally sweating
and you probably are too bc it was so hot inside,,, and it’s not rlly cold on the outside
so you grabed some wipes from your bag
“Do you want one?” You asked the boy “They’re cold.”
“Why do you have them in your bag?”
“Oh come on, you have to be ready for parties, don’t you have them inside your bag?
“Uhm, not really,,, maybe I should.”
you felt a bit ridiculous, but then he actually takes one and smiles
“summer’s coming and this is cool, better be safe than sorry”
He always has that ability to make you feel right
“I’m actually going to remove my makeup.” He commented, laughing.
He was a bit scared, but you wouldn’t notice if he didn’t pass the wipe where his birthmark is, right? Besides, it was too dark to actually see it.
But when he’s in the process of removing it, you see that he’s not doing it right
I mean one side of his face was going to disappear if he kept rubbing while the other one remained intact
so you decided to do it yourself because WHY NOT and well
he panicked, you panicked, but continued being awkward as if nothing was wrong
THEN the time comes, he closed his eyes, focused on how intimate and nice this feels 
and you passed the wipe right next to his left eye, where his birthmark is
while you were holding the wipe with your right hand, where your birthmark is
the moment feelt like a movie
because right when you had passed the wipe, his eyes opened and he held your wrist, and you looked at him shook
and was it you or are you a bit closer than before?
but THE thing is that you could see his birthmark because it’s shining with a very subtle light
and yours was too
but you made no comment because he was only just looking into your eyes and holding your wrist,,, he hadn’t made a single comment
has he even realized?
he wouldn’t tell you
Apparently, he just didn’t care??? So you pretended you hadn’t noticed too??
and the night went on and he still maDE NO COMMENT
So ye he just accompanied you home and said goodbye with a smile
Were you the only one that has felt their heart in their throat?
Is the soulmate thingy broken for you?
There’s literally no other way to explain it
and you couldn’t sleep because all you could think about was the fact that he wuldn’t remember
he had told you
and when you see him on Monday you go ignoring him hours because hoW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO TALK TO HIM?
Are you really his soulmate?
“I remember you know?”
“Y-you do?”
“I’m sorry for reacting that way.” SO HE KNOWS? “Next time I won’t pretend I’ve drunk, I could notice you were awkward.”
nvm apparently he doesn’t
Eventually you changed your mind tho
Like homeboi be dropping hints about finding a soulmate but he yeeted your feeling through the window
That must be because he knows right?
It was starting to get you on your nerves
He would ALWAYS vent to you about finding a soulmate, about being ready, about feeling it close
He always felt like you wouldn’t want to talk about the soulmate thingy, and he wouldn’t usually talk about that subject, knowing it bothered you
He thought that it was because you were frustrated bc nobody would come through
Both of you dummies
One day it all just??? Exploded???
You had an awfully taught day at college, and when you talked to him about it you couldn’t even bring out the subject
“Sh, y/n listen, I’ve been thinking about it and I have a theory,,, do you think she’s my soulmate?” And he pointed discreetly to one girl standing on the other side of the road
“w-why would you think that?” Can you hear a crash? Yep, that was your heart.
“I don’t know, she’s with me in my math class and we get along well, I’ve known her for a few years now and-”
“Do you not like me?”
Yeosang was astonished.
What what? Why does he looks so confused?
It made you feel so angry
“Look I understand if you don’t like me as your soulmate and you only see me as a friend and all that, just don’t rub it in front of my face, I feel awful every time because I like you so much Yeosang, you don’t even know-”
“what? Soulmate? What are you talking about?”
You don’t feel like a clown, you feel like the entire circus.
“Didn’t you know??? That we’re soulmate?”
It’s always fun listening to Yeosang getting confused, annoyed, and surprised in tiny font.
Some curious people were looking at you so you decided to take a seat at a park so that you can explain the situation through.
It was just both of you, face to face, like that night.
“I discovered it the last time we went to a party, remember? We went to a park like this…”
And instead of just explaining, you repeated the action, your left thumb lightly caressed his birth mark covered with make up.
“My birth mark is how I can find my soulmate?”
“Yep.” You nodded. “Mine is too, though it is not as visible.”
“That moment was meant to happen, didn’t it?” He half-smiled so fondly you were about to faint.
“So, about liking me and stuff…”
God you were so shy
And he was too
But he moved his head forward and looked at you straight in the eyes
“ I can’t imagine anyone better for me, I’m so fucking glad it’s you.”
Butterflies? You felt and entire zoo going up and down your body when his gaze fell to your lips
“So fucking glad.” He repeated, and kept starring at you, but not moving forward.
How can he not be so AWKWARD right now??? You literally went completely RED????
But you said fuck it I’ll do it myself
And joined your lips
And finally you felt it
Yes, so fucking glad.
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deliamont · 4 years
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*waves* it is i, paige, back with another character!! sweet sweet delia, altho shes not as sweet as vic thats for SURE. anyway, here’s her info
cordelia marie montgomery is her given name, not her brith name
a baby delia was abandoned at a hospital in china the day after she was born, she they never gave her a name
she spent the first year of her life in an orphanage, when she was sent over to america to be adopted by a nice family
she was with the family for about a month, right before the adoption went through, when the parents died in a car accident 
baby delia was in the car but wasn’t hurt too badly
because the adoption didn’t work out, delia was placed in an american orphanage, and she was given the name “anne” for documents and whatnot
she spent the next few years in and out of foster homes in new york, nothing really sticking. she eventually passed the “cute” stage of childhood and was no longer seen as desirable to be adopted, so she kind of gave up home
at the age of seven, however, that all changed
alister montgomery and his wife, calliope, picked her up from school along with her social worker, and they explained that she was going to be adopted
she might’ve been 7, but she knew who the montgomery’s were, and thought this was some kind of joke
however, it wasn’t. unlike her first adoption, things were concluded swiftly, and two days later, she was officially cordelia marie montgomery
growing up in the montgomery house was... interesting. a small part of delia knew that she was a replacement for the daughter that they had lost, and she felt that way, but she honestly didn’t care to question. she went from being bumped from bad home to bad home to living in one of the nicest places in all of new york
as for her brother, fitz, their relationship is strange. they never really treated each other like siblings, but more like friends that constantly shit on each other
it’s how they show their love?? like, instead of being nice they just make jokes and throw jabs but they know what they mean uk?
not only did her family kind of make her feel like an outsider, but the people around her did. being surrounded by rich, powerful people all the time--especially when she got to high school--made it obvious that delia wasn’t from this world
she developed a very “i dont give a shit” attitude. she would throw it right back to the bitchy popular girls at her high school (very “your moms chest hair” alla janis ian) and while they never liked or accepted her, they respected her
when it came to college, delia was on the fence, but ultimately chose yates (because it was where fitz was going, but she’d never admit that)
the hastings society was the perfect fit for delia because of how smart she is. her major is english literature and she loves language, books, and just learning in general
her secret is that she took last semester off because she got pregnant, which is why she is taking summer classes
basically the idea i had was she was dating a guy starting fall semester and at some point during the semester, she got pregnant. she found out over winter break and her parents gave her a choice--abortion, or adoption
delia heavily weighed her options but decided on a private adoption
she wanted to guarantee that the baby had a good home, and didn’t want him or her to go through what she had as a kid
it was delia’s decision to take the semester off, honestly because she didn’t want anyone to know. she gave the excuse she was taking the semester off to intern back home (which she did, but from home) and in april, she gave birth to a baby boy
now, delia is back at school, living in the hastings house, and trying to make up for the lost time
if you can’t tell, she’s sort of based on jo from greys anatomy (but a bit of a happier childhood), so personality wise i see her as similar too
where vic is a bubbles, delia is a full on buttercup
she’s quite a pessimist/realist, because she doesn’t see worth in being optimistic and idealistic
she’s definitely got a heart, but its trapped in a lot of ice 
once you get to it though, you’re set for life. she’s loyal as hell
THE BOYFRIEND the one whose baby it is. he would have no idea, just that delia went home for winter break and broke up with him over text, no explanation
old and current roommates
close friends, maybe 1 that she told about thinking she was pregnant
i feel like there’s a lot of ppl delia doesnt like (cough calloway cough) so people like that
legit everything im lame
okay this feels like a shitty intro but its all i can do rn so ENJOY
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Matchup: Congratulations on reaching 800 followers bby, I was wondering if I could have a matchup too? Bnha lol I'm a minor, female PanAce and I'm small lol I'm easily excited even tho I'm emotionally mature. I don't really get angry often and I always wanna be the nicest I can be. I get overwhelmed by ppl quickly because of social anxiety and stuff and I can't really speak up for myself my hobbies are anything artsy tbh, I draw, I write and I love photography. Personally, I don't really like anger (1/2)
(2/2) because anger is really really scary (complete panic lol) I'm not super great with intimacy and all that jazz but I love cuddles. My imagination is my life plus, I really want to take singing seriously and maybe start singing as a hobby, haha. I can be childish but not when I have to be serious about things and I never ever judge anyone and I've been told I'm very very patient lol thank you so much and have a nice day sweetie and congratulations again💜💜
If you’d like to request a matchup too, please read this post first!
Thank you so much love ^^ Hope you enjoy the matchup!
Okay, as I was reading your description 1 name kept being shouted in my head:
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L i s t e n, first of all, you’re small? He secretly finds it adorable and just hjxdfkfckhb. He adores how excited you get over so many things, which he isn’t  that often. Not that he hates everything lol, he just never really noticed those things before he met you :,). And you being emotionally mature will also be something he really adores, as I can totally imagine Shoji is like that too. It will make so many things in your relationship easier tbh, and it will also be the reason that you two don’t argue a lot, barely even.
I think Shoji would be able to help with your social anxiety! He isn’t the most talkative person but he does not mind speaking up or anything like that, so if you ever feel too shy or you get really overwhelmed, he will be there for you! He will calmly tell people that you two are leaving for a bit and find a quiet place where you can gather yourself until you are ready to go back. If you just want to go that’s fine too! Prepare to be cuddled by this huge teddy bear tho :D
Your hobbies will be so interesting to him! He sees how happy they all make you and will always listen attentively whenever you talk about what you did or show some art you made/pictures you took (I’m getting soft here aHH shoji is best boy) and he will totally encourage you to sing professionally! He will fall in love with your voice and sometimes even want to hear it to calm down if he is stressed uwu.
Shoji is a calm guy who almost never gets angry probably?? And as soon as he finds out that you hate it too he will be even more careful. If you happen to be near Bakugou who starts yelling after someone pisses him off he will pull you closer to him and hold your hand. ++ he adores your kindness so much. I don’t think Shoji would ever really get jealous over it or anything, he actually loves seeing you be so nice to everyone, it makes him happy to see and he admires it too, since people often perceive Shoji as a bit intimidating or scary.
As for the intimacy part, that is totally fine!! Shoji knows there are so many ways to show that you love your partner, and he won’t mind a thing as long as it makes you happy. Be prepared for amazing cuddles, come on have we seen him???? Those arms?? Since you’re small he can hold you so nicely and it’ll be so comfy omfg and his chest will be so nice to rest your head on! During cuddle sessions he won’t say much as Shoji isn’t really a man of words, but his actions really show the love he feels for you.
Your patience is yet another thing he adores about you. I see Shoji as a patient person too, and the fact that his partner is the same way probably is really nice for him.
Also loves it how you can be childish at times! It might even be contagious to him :P, and with all of the stuff he deals with being a UA student, it’s nice to relax once in a while and just let loose.
So yeah, you and Shoji would be such a sweet and adorable couple together!! I’m sorry if this was a mess, I got really excited after like two paragraphs and might’ve gotten a bit carried away heh,,, but I still hope you enjoyed it!!
xxx Rainbow
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Ranma 2/4
Part  Two: Chapter 13 - 25
Unless someone comes up with a better name I’m sticking with this one
HOW tf is the principal crazier than before?!
Yup, spreading out the Kuno-Principal thing
Is Sasuke seriously an anime-only?!?
Like I said Ryoga needs to chill a little first
Main reason I don’t like Ukyo That scene where she blatantly states she’s fine with turning Ranma into something he’s not rather than helping him
(Ignoring the near constant amount of undermining his abilities)
“I’m gonna cheer him up” as she holds a sword! Why?!
 Ranma you dummy, hug Akane!
I hate this demon/ghost cat
Shampoo, you manipulative bitch
Akane learns to swim like a normal person
The lifeguard in me can’t do it
 The principal is background shenanigans
Totally forgot about the kid who wants to play video games and is “weak” bc of it
Definitely need to find a different reason tho
 Lazy little shits are a pain
Also his mom is crap
 Akane… why you be dumb?
 Weird Happosai is Santa plot…
What is with the Excalibur meets lucky 1000 meets fairy godmother?
Good news is, with what I’ve done to Kuno’s understanding of Ranma’s curse Ranma knows Kuno wouldn’t give him that wish and calls it quits sooner
Someone just needs to explain Ranma’s really confusing sense of morality to me
 Cuz it’s either on 110% or it’s nonexistent, now normally nonexistent is for Kuno but still
 Look Ranma’s got ego problems but he ain’t stupid
No betting the Tendo Dojo at five!
 On what planet is that a legal document?!?
Some1 tell me why Shampoo using Ranma as a stop ramp bugs me so bad
That mo when you can’t remember if the Hot Spring Challenge is when Ukyo met Shampoo in the anime…
I don’t think so…
Akane you made me need to google a word
That like never happens Ranma you idiot
So close but so far
So much more logic, thanks
I mean more insanity, but it explains why Ranma swapped clothes
Finally! Ranma apologizes
Jesus Christ someone would think I won the goddamn lotto with how loud I cheered when this happened
600% approve of this over what happened in the anime
Oof poor Ranma
Hahahaha in your face Shampoo, but I also think I know why Ranma chose it
Poor Ryoga
I KNEW this guy was coming I still hate it
YEET you can’t PAY ME to  do this arc
Look, is it the fact that I had etiquette and dance classes as a child and everyone assumed this is what it was like? Probably.
It wasn’t so I won’t.
Any1 else notice how Nabiki is one of the few ppl that uses she/her when Ranma is in his cursed form no matter what?
Why does this bug me?
Akane, stop beating Ranma up, honestly
This is closer to abuse rather than teasing
 Gotta work that out of the narrative, intentional or not
Every1 sayin she’s violent isn’t helping
Like I said really fucking morally GREY Nabiki
How grey can you go before you get black? 
 Let’s find out together
Can everyone PLEASE stop treating Ranma like an object?!
 I literally can’t tell if Nabiki is fucking Aro or not…
Why is this so hard?!
I hate seeing Akane cry
I know she’s playing Ranma like a kazoo, but the point still stands
Nope, nevermind it’s just Ranma that’s a fuckin idiot I blame Genma
No, I’m not kidding
*sighs* I don’t condone Nabiki doing this in any way just for the record THAT’S not an apology Ranma!
This mess is totally your fault Nabiki
am I intentionally pointing out where this work of fiction is stressing me out since I’m now online schooling and suffering for it? Yes, fuck off.
 Actually, don’t.
But Fuck Covid19
Aww his hat’s back!
Why do I love his hat so much?
No, seriously Akane’s so cute!
Oooww tree
y’know the sec she realized what Ranma was doing Nabiki should’ve TOLD him!
Congrats Ranma ya got the wrong sis- I mean the right- but wrong- dammit y’know what I mean
Some1 give me a logical explanation for why Ranma goes on a date with a panda doodle, PLEASE
I do appreciate the epic battle background fight for the anime
Further proof that Happosai sucks
Manga name’s somehow less believable I think it’s the use of “snowman” rather than “yeti”
Did Soun just find out that Pchan is Ryoga, and say nothing?
Ooo, Imma commit arson
Remember when I said obey Physics and Medical, I meant it
Arson is wrong and I know this but “transgender bitch” crosses the line
I will do it
Shampoo is a fucking yandere psycho
Just sayin “we’ll see who can get him first” 
honestly, any other group and I’d be annoyed, but these four can’t work together for shit I
’m still pissed at Taro, but he can kill Happosai, please
I can’t tell if Shampoo, Mousse and Ryoga are being purposefully obtuse or not
I just reread their names I know the answer to at least two of them
Idk how I feel about Kuno-amnesia we’ll see
yep, Kuno gives me the creeps w or w/out his memories
kinda wish this was anime
jesus christ, poor Ranma
press f to pay respects for Ranma’s stomach
 Also Ukyo’s assumption that some1 can make Ranma doing anythin he doesn’t want to is crap
Like HELLO! Wake up moron!
Nabiki, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up
You’re making it worse
Also TALK to each other you ding dongs!
OH RIGHT! I almost forgot about the biggest fucking insult that Ukyo said of her own freewill!
It also proves that she doesn’t know Ranma as a person AT ALL!
It’s not a pick one or the other kind of thing
The fact that she thinks Ranma would accept that is insulting
The fact that she thinks that is insulting and makes me hate the patriarchy
Again, treating him like a prize than a person
*tries not scream, sighs*
Nabiki, you’re the cause of at least 30% of the stress I get from this
You having feelings ain’t the fucking problem here Ukyo, you not acknowledging Ranma’s is
 I hate fake criers, anyone who does this I hate you
Always let others in on your plans, kids
When’s every1 gonna realize Ranma’s “wishy-washy” cuz no one’s ever committed to HIM before?
This episode confused me, I’m prepared to be MORE confused
Less confused, I’m surprised
 Gonsunkugi, you creep
There is SO much wrong with this
Y’know I didn’t think Gosunkugi could surprise me, I was wrong
Happosai still sucks unfortunately for all of us he’s now weird on top of it
I love how much Ranma needs to be kicked in the teeth to get any character development out of him
Ryoga is my #1 choice for it, always
Ranma… why are you like this?
Genma, emotional range of a goddamn wall
I am jealous of Ranma’s brain
I could be SO mean with the Shishihokodan
Also, are they implying that Ryoga has depression?
Gimme Ranma’s brain
I won’t ask for his confidence cuz that’s impossible but I want his brain
In Akane’s defense, given what she knows she couldn’t’ve known how badly that would affect Ryoga
 I ain’t gonna say “leave Shampoo” cuz that’s cruel
I like the “turn into a Cat” rather than the “Can’t Cross” & the use of New Year’s rather than random but this still brings around the fact that she doesn’t LISTEN to him
Mousse you’re NOT helping in fact you’re actively making it worse did you miss when he said blatantly “I don’t wanna”
oh, sure, NOW you’re ok with it
ugh Mousse, you have a brain, I’ve SEEN you use it. Do so now.
This entire episode weirded me out
IDK if it’s the age-dff or the fact that he was makin it up and somehow everyone thought this was okay … 
I won’t YEET it but MASSIVELY change
Light bulb
NOPE I’m keeping this surprise to myself
it was a rather sweet end tho
Oh, this episode is a mess and a half, honestly
Also Nabiki, congrats you’ve literally enabled a stalker S
o many laws are broken here
okay, so Kodachi not being in on Ranma’s secret after so long makes sense purely because she doesn’t go to their school
however, with what i’ve done to make Kuno marginally less dumb it makes a little bit less sense…
I literally hate Kuno with what I’ve done to his logic of Ranma’s transformation, but that’s the point Kodachi… how do I handle you… oh, duh!
Ok, so Kodachi is now also terrible
 I’m trying to figure out where this is in the plot since there is ZERO
Ok, there’s a LINE, Nabiki
This one would be touching, if it didn’t end the way it does
TALK gentlemen! 
It won’t kill you
Fuck a parent that says they’re not your parent for no reason, EVER
I am going to make this hurt
 Also gonna take out Genma’s fail at stealth
 Remember I said Akane’s going to learn to cook
sorry, I just love this idea
Oh this is SO against the rules it’s not even funny
 tiny adjustment so they actually have quasi-competent referees
Crazy wants crazy?I won’t stop ‘em
I reiterate: CHEATING!
I am aware that the “ending” apparently sets them back to the start in terms of their relationship but I swear to God if they pretend shit like this didn’t happen I will scream
 Someone ships something other than Akane x Ranma PLEASE explain why/how
don’t ship bash but I would insight when you explain 
please trust me, I’m a multi/poly/crack shipper
(for frame of reference to a bnha I ship DabiHawks)
I understand the appeal of Fanon
however, I would like to stick to Canon here
so no Fanon
Canon Only
Fully love that high kick
Genma shows Ranma’s secret here, but they already know… so… I shall find out
Ooo, you’re not getting out of this Ranma
Do you know how tempting it is for Akane to at least tell Ranma she’s a girl- oh wait gendered sports… right…
if you didn’t realize it was Akane when she hit you for calling her klutzy I can’t help you
I want to commit arson at some of the comments…
but can confirm that these are HS boys
 Doesn’t mean I gotta like it
I was wondering how long I was going to have to wait before tearing into Nodoka
Took me WAY too long to remember that Nodoka calling Ranko tomboyish is due to how he speaks in Japanese
I’ll need to figure that out since… English
Can I explode on Genma’s choice to take Ranma at TWO?!
Can I further explode on both of them for making a TWO YEAR OLD “sign” a Seppuku Pledge?!
I hate both of them, honest
ALSO communication! 
Genma! Just fucking TELL HIM!
Making her transphobic is SO tempting
I don’t mean in a “i hate you” way I mean in a “I sheltered my whole life” way
 It’s still bad, and painful, but she can easily learn from that
Or be worse, this could go 2 ways
I feel so bad for Akane for this entire conversation
Also poor Ranma like ouch… 
I’m going to make this hurt something fierce
Slight change since I’m hoping Ranma isn’t as “peak fight or flight” by this point
Genma don’t be an asshole for FIVE MINUTES
Please, that’s all I want
If she doesn’t learn the truth before the end I will make a bad decision
Really, I will
Don’t kill Genma, you can’t
 Akane, don’t say like you wouldn’t… honestly
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, honestly, just look the other way Ranma
See, this kind of crap here is why I really don’t like Cologne
any other day Akane’d be right
oof, that means he self aware that girls flock to him
I’m quite frustrated by that if I’m honest
Ranma is clueless about all the wrong things
I love him but God I wanna punch him sometimes
Why is there a swing from the ceiling?!
I had a jolt from the way they set that panel up, thanks
Are you trying to kill me?!
Thank you Cologne, now fuck off
Oh thank God, at least he learned
This is nonanime stuff so I have no clue what’s happening but anything to make Happosai miserable
I’m enjoying this immensely
 ugh, “think of it as a compliment” ghost
Eat me
 okay, yeah, as much as I want him dead, that’s worse
I’m glad he’s not a one-and-done character
I will forever ONLY call him Taro when it is NonDialogue
Wait Saffron as in big-bad Saffron?
I literally only know pieces of the end so I’m just pulling from what I know
Lol, wait… was that soldier Anime only too?
I almost liked you there for a sec Taro
Now I’m pissed again
… if Ranma falls into the Spring of Drowned Twins would he split?
 I’m not going to DO IT, obviously!
I’m just curious okay… 
that answers that… and kills anyone other than Ranma’s plan to turn back to normal I hope everyone is aware of that
Since when is there a castle on an island in Japan
tis just a scratch, I’ll admit that was funny
Ranma… your stomach gets you in so many problems
ok, that was wholesome
I approve
Okay, so my understanding is that Mrs. Tendo got sick, so I can understand the reactions to Kasumi
BUT I still find it odd because… well… anyone in my house gets sick and you mostly can’t even tell I mean, minus a worse attitude and a mask, other than that though, nope we keep ‘er movin’
 I’m moving this section sooner EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!
I like her mom’s cookbook tho
I could make a Ranma x Ryoga joke here, but I won’t
I also won’t make a Ranma x Ryoga joke chapter cuz I’m nice like that
Actually I might have no choice
I’m FINE just dying
my multishipper heart is dying here
 I love this
InstaRegret for THREE people
If nothing else, I’m impressed
(well three once Ranma’s back to normal)
I need help
Fangirling/Fanboying/Fanpeopling is dangerous folks, remember that
Poor Ryoga
Though I too feel that right now like where do I look because everything coming in at mach 6
I’m changing that one scene tho cuz I can’t justify the aftermath without it
This… is… weird to say the least
I feel like I should just expect anything with Gosunkugi remotely involved to be weird at this point
okay, not as weird as I expected
glad it was short tho
I think I am officially out of anime terf
YAY, new content!
This is why I ask about any ship that isn’t Ranma x Akane
Also, names?
That- that- that can’t... 
also, biology, that’s not how that works!!
You two ARE idiots
Ryoga you die I’ll kill you
Well… that hurt to see so quick…
Ranma, get up!
I officially hate this Herb guy
ok, so if you put HOT water in the ladle do you stay that way forever?
Alright! Way to go Ryoga!
I need to stop shipping Rivals it’s bad for my health
fucking eat it you dick!
 Poor Akane
nevermind, Ranma you idiot
ok, so that whole no more Anime-content… I was wrong, and I admit that, but still
I’m just thinking of my bff when they realize she’s an adult cuz, yeah, she’s like that too
 except like physically an adult unlike tiny-Hinako
 oh MY GOD Ukyo you’re driving me up the goddamn wall I swear!
 “You’re all Ranma’s fiancées” when only one of them actually is 
Ranma, learn to communicate, PLEASE!
Okay… so is this where they figured it out or are some ppl still in the dark?
Honestly, mood Ranma, mood
This entire plot line confuses me if I’m being totally honest
I mean I live for the Akane focus, but there are so many better ways to do this
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illlogicals · 4 years
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☆゚*・゚WOAH is that DENINA SLOAN ? i’ve heard they’re a CAMBION working here as a COMBAT 101 PROFESSOR. they came here because THEY HEARD A POSITION OPENED UP and they’ve been working here for 0 years. as a  265 / 34 year-old, i’m sure they’re skilled. someone told me they’re FICKLE & STOIC but i think they’re PRAGMATIC & CLEVER. i can’t help but think of AGED WINE, KNIVES IN A SATIN GARTER-BAND, A CRACK IN THE MARBLE when i look at them. ( olivia munn, cis-female, she/her )
alert the media. I have another trash intro posted. / PINTEREST 
+; there’s a small TLDR at the bottom bc I’m really just pulling this shit together out of thin air as we go. we love improvisation. and I know the intro isn’t too long I’m just lazy so I know ppl are too. 
                                            - also a general tw for death mentions -
*throw confetti* ok u may proceed. 
denina ( or dina, if you prefer ) is your sweet kiddo’s newest n’ nicest combat 101 professor. she snagged the job shortly after alexis left the game and she’s very impressed with herself about it since this is pretty much her retirement plan from her real job. 
you see, denina worked as something similar to a cross-roads demon cambion for yearssss for a very, very old vampire who notoriously went around naming himself as The Butcher. he was her boss and the way his business worked was that people, desperate ones both supernatural and mortal alike, would seek out deals to better their lives. to give them their desires whatever they may be. he’d review the offer and send one of his little henchmen out to go work the details with a contract of sorts. something to show that this was their deal and to seal with a debt that could be owed at any moment.  and while denina is obviously in no real position to send anyone to dark fiery places or collect their souls or whatever the hell it is they do in show supernatural bc this isn’t the lore we’re doing, there’s other ways her little work team handles these business transitions. denina made the deals her boss approved, denina went to go collect. and if they didn’t comply ... then let’s just say denina didn’t get the position of combat 101 just because she’s pretty and can wield a weapon better than G.I. Jane.
so she’s a murderer. a contract killer. big deal. you try coming into the paths of a psychotic vampire who’s very adamant in his business of considering him a king among humans and you try telling him you’d rather light yourself with hot ass hell-fire than work for him. see how far that gets ya.
okay so yeah, denina worked for The Butcher for years. years !! she’s very used to the business and while she’s not happy about it, the job did give her a lot of ... hands on experience. it also showed her that people were stupid no what generation shes in and they’d always do anything to gain wealth or find romance or be famous ( the 1940s/50s was a mess.. everyone wanted to make it to hollywood and no one ever wanted to pay up in the end. tragic how quickly budding celebrities just drop dead right before their big break ). she once had to, you know, kill a  guy because he wanted to own more land to impress a wealthier woman in his town and then when denina came to collect ( it was a simple request of someone else in the neighboring town who wanted to make a deal. they wanted to become mayor and there’s was voting. all denina needed was for the guy she was collecting a debt from now to go there and rig the whole thing so they could win. simple. ) the man refused !! rude !! told her that he had already got what he wanted and that if she wanted to fulfill the other’s deal that she should just do it herself. suddenly those became his famous last words. *finger guns* pow pow. did I mention she has very little patience for people ? they’re like so stupid.
ANYWAYS. she was doing this for a couple of years ( roughly over two-hundred. she’s v seasoned ). but now she’s here teaching combat to students who, from what she can tell, aren’t prepared for anything. “ no wonder so many people die here. ” - denina sloan 
TLDR ; denina used to work for a vampire who would give out promises of fulfilling desires to humans / other supernatural people in exchange for them owing him a debt somewhere down the line of their ( potentially short ) life. a very lucrative business. her boss would send her and other people who worked for him out to help finalize / fulfill these desires and then have collect when needed. if the person who signed the contact didn’t do what was being asked of them in the end then denina would kill them or bring them back to the base of whatever city they were in depending on how large of a debt the person owed ( the bigger the deal the tighter the contract ). but she’s fresh out the game to come and teach here. and by fresh out the game, I mean she dipped through the night once she found out that her boss and his band of burly bodyguards were brutally murdered. lit on fire and found with their body dismembered across the flat of a presidential suite in las vegas during this years mardi gras. she didn’t know what the hell was happening and she wasn’t complaining. she grabbed money that was in the safe her boss had hidden in the room, the keys to his bmw, and the gold pinky ring he wore ( along with several things off his guards ) and just left. now she’s in new york with the intentions of living the rest of days out as a normal cambion who got so fed up with her regular life she decided to become a teacher. 
PLOTS ( uh sort of ) 
so since denina’s old boss was in the business of giving out favors, I would love for denina to run into someone she used to have to come around like an annoying little fly so she could collect a debt from them. I’m just spit-balling ideas but I’m gunna say that her boss before he kicked the bucket used make deals with supernaturals to further his business. he probably used witches to cast spells for him, shifters to get information from faes, and vampires to get into his other dirty work business of processing his own brand of blood-bags. sooo if you’re interested in your character possible have been cornered by denina at some point in their life, hit me up on discord. I’ve got tons of ideas ranging from minor if you want things to taste vanilla to extreme if you want that real seasoned kick of adobo spice. 
she’ll need co-worker connections obvi. and while I’m down for platonic friendship plots, I’m also really interested in someone kind of giving her shit for being here? maybe someone who knows her and doesn’t really want her here. basically an enemies plot. give vic what she wants 2020
ok yeah that’s all I have for the moment bye
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harryshmjr · 5 years
PLEASE tell us EVERYTHING about meeting Harry and don’t spare a single detail!
oh wow what can i say about meeting the love of my life
ppl say to never meet your idols bc it’s disappointing. i just love him even more. he’s the most incredible person. the nicest guy who always makes sure everyone around him is okay. he’s so incredibly smart, and has so much admiration for his co-stars, especially for isaiah (the way he talked about him during their m&g, i melted). he has so much love and respect for malec. like, he and matt really just understand them so well (their only flaw is that they’re both mortal malec stans but we’re gonna ignore it haha)
in brussels i had a chance to tell harry how much he and magnus mean to me. how important magnus is to me, not only because of being the best bi rep i could ever hope for, but also bc of his struggles with mental health. i got to tell him how much i love him. and the way harry thanks you for sharing your story? the most incredible moment. whenever i had a chance to be in his presence even for a second, i was shaking afterwards, tears in my eyes. bc it was really happening.breakfast with him and jade was one of the best moments in brussels. the moment harry realised that our group was friends with each other (we had a group chat ever since we bought our tickets), you could see him visibly relax. and it wasn’t a q&a (not that there’s anything wrong with that! i love a good q&a with the cast), we had a chill conversations when he and jade tried to get to know us, what we think of the show, how we met and so so many more things. and bc i’m a disaster imma also add that the moment harry walked through the door during opening ceremony, i just teared up and the girl next to me was like “do you want a tissue” asdfghjklparis was incredible too, even if harry was there only for one day. it was the same emotions all over, my love for him growing bigger and bigger. when i came up to him to get my photos he basically did this semi hug thing before i even had a chance to talk about my pose and i was dying (harry wasn’t very comfortable with hugs which we totally respected so that moment was incredibly special to me)paris was chaotic tho especially autograph sessions which resulted in me basically missing his auto. but one of the staff members just ran to deal with it and harry literally walked out of the room where the cast was chilling just to give me his autograph. and i apologised like 500 times for making him go out to me bc i wouldn’t want to bother him but he just laughed and said it was okay, and even joked where i was and i told him i was right there but nobody said anything about him leaving and yeah more apologising happened and again he told me that it was absolutely okay and he made sure to spell my name right (bc normally you always have your name written on a little piece of paper so the actors don’t make mistakes) 
and yeah, i guess that’s the short version of it? harry was really fighting his anxiety to give us the time of our lives and i have so much admiration and love for him. i love the whole cast, i truly do. but harry? meeting him? after 3 years of hoping for it but never actually believing it would become reality? i’m tearing up while typing this reply, really
i can’t believe i’ll get to meet him again in milan wow
i promise to post all my photos with the cast soon, especially the ones with harry!
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johndykeon · 5 years
Assdffghhjkklfds GOSH you've got me thinking A LOT about this mob!au too your ideas of Bri being their sugar baby that they absolutely dote on is 👍👍👍👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥YASSSS god I have a mighty need to read this right now 😂😂😂 Hmmm what do you picture his old boss broke the news to him? And how was he send over? How did the three react initially?👀🌹
oh my god yes i just love the idea of the other three just absolutely doting on bri like giving him the nicest things and taking him to such nice places and just being so lovely all the time and bri is just always so blushy and shy when they give him things and compliment him god he’s so baby!! 😩😩😩 i'm so glar there are other ppl who are into this idea bc tbh im kinda living for it so get ready heres what im thinkin:
obviously brian’s life with the rival mob isn’t exactly great– they don’t treat him well and he’s pretty much just around to look pretty and clean up after them and bring them their drinks and do the errands and stuff that nobody wants to do, and aside from when they’re giving him orders or when they’re getting ~other~ things from him nobody really talks to him, so i feel like his boss wouldn’t really break the news to him at all? i think he’d just tell brian to pack his things and to get in the car and brian wouldn’t really have any idea what was going on at all? like he’s in this fancy black car that belongs to his boss with his tiny little duffel bag full of his belongings which is essentially just some clothes and a couple of books and photographs he managed to keep hidden from them and he has absolutely no idea where he’s being driven to but he knows better than to ask so he just keeps his mouth shut looking out the car window anxiously until the car finally pulls up outside this huge mansion that he doesn’t recognize
and poor bri is just told to get out of the car and he’s just so terrified the entire time as he’s being walked inside by his boss and two of his boss’ henchmen, and when they get inside somebody else leads them to a room where they wait until finally roger, john, and freddie all walk in and brian is a little shocked because he recognizes the three of them from that negotiation meeting where he brought them all drinks and he remembers the way they’d been looking at him and he’s kind of scared shitless because then his boss tells him that these three are going to be his new bosses and brian has only ever known life with this other mob and he doesn’t have any reason to expect this mob to be any better so and also he doesn’t really have any clue what’s going on because he isn’t exactly privy to those conversations so honestly just trying to keep it together and not look too terrified. so like his old boss is talking to the other three for a while but brian isn’t really listening, he’s just looking down at the floor until suddenly he realizes his old boss is gone and he’s alone with roger john and freddie who just tell him to come on and they’ll show him to his room!!!!
in terms of how the other three react initially, i think when they first hear the rival mob boss’ offer brian as their prize they’re all outraged and disgusted at the idea of getting a human being as a prize, even though none of them have been able to stop thinking about brian after they saw him in that meeting, and at first they reject the offer outright but the boss tells them to take a few days to think it over which the three of them think is ridiculous, but then they do think about it and they realize that brian’s life right now is clearly the shits, it’s a terrible situation and that boss is so fucking awful and listen they might be mob bosses but they’re also Baby okay so they care and they decide that they have to get brian out of there, so they contact the rival boss again to tell him that they accept his offer. and on the day that they actually bring brian to them, roger john and freddie make sure to act all tough in front of the other boss but then they’re so nice to brian and they bring him to his room and show him around and tell him what time dinner is and that he’s welcome to come down and join them because they don’t want him to feel like he’s being made to do anything. and of course brian is super distrusting at the beginning because what reason does he have to believe that any of this is genuine? he’d never been welcome at dinner before so he’s sure the invitation is some kind of sick joke or a ruse so he doesn’t go or anything but it just makes the other three promise to themselves and each other that they’re gonna try as hard as they can to get brian to trust them.
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dreameskye · 5 years
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❀ *゚ kim taehyung. demiboy. he/they. ⇝ hey, isn’t that junsu “skyler” seo ? i think that the twenty-three year old from seoul, south korea works as a host boyfriend, but outside of that they spend a lot of time at caesar’s palace. i hear they are combative + melancholy, but they are also known to be dedicated + empathic. consider giving them a visit at their home in el patio inn and get to know why they’re called the barbie doll. ( gi, 21, she/her, est + 01/14/1996 )
heyo, i’m gi, this is my bby junsu/skye, and clearly i watch a little bit too much of 90 day fiance. this is a lot to read i am so sorry
• junsu came to america from south korea when he was twenty years old. he’d met somebody rich and well off just like him through a dating app and together he knew they’d be the unstoppable power couple
 • for a while everything was like one big fairy-tale. junsu was hopelessly in love with his fiancé, their families had already met and planned to become business partners once they tied the knot, one of the most expensive chapels in la was booked for their wedding. everything was going to be perfect, obviously.
 • except junsu was so caught up in his fantasy for a while that he missed several red flags. his english was not the greatest when he’d first arrived in the states and his fiancé took advantage of it.
• first, it was the prenups, which were poorly explained and he was told to sign it as it was just “part of the wedding process.” then it was the various calls and texts from men and women all day long that his fiancé dismissed as “coworkers or business partners or distant family”
 • at first, junsu was too in love with his perfect fantasy to admit to himself that his fiancé was cheating on him and playing him for a fool.
 • he kept quiet for a long time, constantly changing things about himself, about his looks, anything so he could try to be what his fiancé desired.
• the serious trouble didn’t come until after junsu turned 21. his k-1 visa did not allow him to work and the walls of their luxurious home began to feel more like a prison, so he turned to alcohol for comfort.
• with liquid courage, he was able to voice how unhappy he was and how he deserved more respect from his fiancé. however, things only got worse from there though and that’s when the physical abuse started.
• this was the lowest point of his life, and he had nobody to talk to about it. his family was much too ecstatic about the upcoming wedding and it was too exhausting to try and cover up all the bruises or to even fake happiness for a ten minute phone call.
• the final straw came when junsu, having waaaay too many drinks beforehand, got so upset after his fiancé had laid a hand on him once again that he took off in one of their most expensive cars and totaled it.
• needless to say, the engagement was called off after that night. however, things only seemed to get worse for him.
• while he was in the hospital recovering, his ex had told his parents a big fabricated story about junsu being a raging alcoholic, that that was the cause of all their fights, and the reason their relationship had fallen apart.
• his parents, angry with his behavior and that they’d lost their business venture with his ex decided to cut him off completely. 
 • to make matters worse, he was forced to pay for all the damages caused in the car accident, his hospital bills, and anything else his ex had decided was an inconvenience.
•  junsu was in serious debt by the time he arrived in las vegas. he was so desperate to get away from his old life that he took whatever under the table jobs he could find, sometimes even resorting to prostitution. still, there were several nights he was stuck sleeping out on the streets or in abandoned motels.
• through doing several illegal jobs and a couple lucky rounds of blackjack, junsu was able to scrounge up enough cash to afford a room at el patio inn.
• currently, he’s working as a host boyfriend or basically a boyfriend for hire. he dresses nice, goes on “dates” with his customers, tells them exactly what they want to hear, or sometimes just keeps people company or gets them out of sticky situations. basically like a lower budget escort. it’s fucked up but it’s also a bit of a coping mechanism for him, and it’s a business that he’s trying to get to take off in vegas.
 • while living here he’s also started to go by the name skyler, out of fear of his ex finding him and to give him and his clients a bit of a fantasy and detachment from his real self. only those closest to him would know that his name is junsu, most know him by skye.
 • junsu is often miserable that this is the way his life turned out. but in true capricorn fashion, he keeps it all bottled up inside.
 • instead, he focuses all his attention on his outwards appearance, to make it seem like he has it all together while on the inside he’s screaming.
• always one of the best dressed. this is why he’s known as the barbie doll. also king of buying expensive things that he can’t afford and returning them two days later. 
 • his past experiences have made him believe that everyone and everything is out to get him. he’s very paranoid, and will fight you if you look at him the wrong way. how do i say, he is terrified of people yet surrounds himself with them because he is also terrified of being alone at the same time. he’s very complex. 
 • has a soft spot for people he can tell have been done wrong or are victims of domestic violence, though. yes, he will comfort the person left crying after a nasty fight and even offer to let them stay at his place if it’s that bad.
• doesn’t really drink or party much despite living here. he either ends up crying for three hours straight or gets absolutely crazy when he’s drunk there’s no in between. (what a mood) usually, he ends up being the mom friend to total strangers who are so drunk they’re a danger to themselves.
• he’s got a very hardened exterior, but deep down he is actually afraid of everything. doesn’t always come off as the nicest person, but he’s working on it. honestly is a whole ass trainwreck but his bag is fendi so who cares? 
spare plots? 🥺👐
• distant relatives/cousins
• someone who knew him or his ex before he came here, just knows how much of a trashbag his ex is and what he went through
• neighbors (will fight you if you tell ppl that’s where he lives though)
• clients (for his bf for hire business lmao)
 • ex-clients (ppl he slept with when he was prostituting, ugh give me all the awkward scenarios!)
• the tea (somebody who knows his secret, could just know it or could be blackmailing him, etc.) 
• mom friend (either acquaintances or just complete strangers he’s helped take care of when they were completely shit faced)
 • someone who keeps stealing  or has stolen his clothes and other fancy things from him before lmao
• beef ( maybe someone whose ass he kicked during a game of poker or smth. round 2?) 
• friends. he has none. he needs these. desperately.
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edo-vivendum · 6 years
So guys, something really cool just happened.
I was chillin with my friend R after class, and her friend from class also came over. We were all chilling, half studying, me eating my lunch, for a bit (excuse my grammatical structure please). And after a bit, there was something about him that just seemed familiar, and I got that feeling like I knew him. He had mentioned some mutual friends from the high school R and I went to, so I thought for a bit he was probably a grade above or below me. Then it hit me, so I asked his name, and sure enough, my guess was right—he went to my middle school. He wasn't exactly the nicest kid to me in sixth grade, but he was far from the worst.
Once we realized the connection, he was like, "is your name Molly?"
And he said "people were pretty mean to you then" and I was like, "yea", and he's like "was I ever?" and I was like "idk, tbh probably" (he was tbh, but he'd been nice through this whole conversation and so I was just trying to be honest but not rude about it). and then he says, "if I ever was, I'm sorry" and that was pretty cool that he just like, acknowledged it and apologized like that. I thanked him and told him it was okay, that he was just a kid and I'd forgiven the kids but was mostly just mad at the administration who just let it happen. He nodded in understanding and said something about how he had a similar experience at a different school (takes a bully to make a bully). Anyways... The whole situation was really powerful to me.
I texted my friend R afterwards to say, "It honestly meant alot to me that he acknowledged people were mean to me and apologized for any involvement he had with that. I struggle alot with telling myself it wasn't that bad, and I was just dramatic and overly sensitive, so to hear someone else acknowledge that ppl were mean to me was incredibly validating and I rlly appreciated him saying that."
I just.... I feel really emotional right now, but not in a bad way. I'm really grateful that he acknowledged it. I've run into people who've bullied me before, and he, by far, handled it the best. Granted, he was really more of a kid on the side who just sort of cheered on the bullies, but still... It's all about the same if we're being real.
(the other two incidents were 1-the kid saying hey and acting like we were friends which is awkward af but I did pretend like we were friends in 4th/5th grade after i finally stood up to him, and 2-the kid just being like "haha u used to be so annoying it's cool that ur not anymore" which is... Not nice.)
Anyways, I respect that he apologized for and acknowledged the pain I endured. It was extremely validating. Like, powerfully so. I spend alot of time doubting myself and my story tbh, and this feels like strong evidence that it was real.
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