#and also giving it to Milo <3
altruistic-meme · 11 months
3000+ words ;;;;; ~2000 of which were written tonight. but i'm done with the bonus little story oh my fuck.
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nevaroonie · 1 month
I'll Regret It Tomorrow
TW - Very DETAILED make-out session, CHEATING, Suggestive remember how my page is 17+ AN - Soo... WC - 1120 Part 1
The tension could be cut with a knife.
 Milo’s mate dropped him off a couple of hours ago. They wanted him to hang out with Ash. Milo was against the idea but they were persistent. He didn’t know why; that was a lie.. He knew why. They saw the way they looked at each other at that party. Maybe this was them giving up. 
Telling him to be with the one he truly loved. To be with the one who had his heart. While they only held a faction. He didn’t know what hurt more. The fact that they were right in that assumption. Or the fact they’ve given up. Was he really using them as a placeholder? A temporary fix?
Now he sat here on the couch. One that belongs to the man who had and still has his heart. The same man who awkwardly let him inside. Who agreed to let him stay.` Who looked like he had his heart crushed. And yet he still stepped away to make snacks, while setting up a movie night for the both of them. 
This wasn’t fair, not fair to any of the parties involved. 
Milos's thoughts were interrupted by Asher walking back into the living room. 
‘’ sorry.. I didn’t have much on stand-by.. ‘’  it was true. Asher wasn’t expecting any guests and he’d eaten most of his snacks the night of the house party. 
‘’ you’re fine.. ‘’  
‘’ so.. Did.. you have a movie in mind? ‘’ Asher wanted to cut the tension. But it’s hard to cut year-old tension. 
‘’n...no.. not really.. ‘’  and Milo wanted to be anywhere but here. He can’t do this. 
‘’ I heard.. Brokeback Mountain is good.. ‘’ 
‘’ lets.. Go with that.. ‘’ Milo just wanted this conversation to be over. 
Asher walked over to turn on the Xbox and went to join Milo on the couch. It was going to be a long night. And he knew that.. As the Xbox powered on. He couldn’t help but glance at Milo. His soulmate sitting this close to him. Was the idea of being alone with him that enjoyable? 
They hadn’t been this close since.. That night. He didn’t want to think about that. Not tonight. This could finally be his chance to.. Make things right. To apologize.. When the green screen went black.. And eventually to the profile segment. 
Milo was flashed with his Xbox account. He remembered making it when Ash first got it. He’d thought he would have gotten rid of it. This made him wonder if he deleted his switch account off his switch. If the Xbox account was still here probably not. 
Asher logged in, going to the video section. And finding Netflix, hoping Milo would fall asleep during the movie. So he could just go hide in his room for the rest of the night. But he knew Milo and that wasn’t going to happen easily. But he could only hope. 
‘’ so.. ‘’ Milo attempted a conversation. Though he wouldn’t know what to do with a response. 
Ash didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. He just pretended not to hear him.. Maybe if he just focused on finding this movie he’d be fine. 
Milo took that as a sign to shut up. I mean he technically did show up on his doorstep. Without warning.. Adding on the fact they haven’t had a proper conversation in years. They hadn’t been this close in months. Even at pack meetings, Asher kept his distance. 
Milo couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t ignore the burning in his chest. He couldn’t push those feelings down.. He couldn’t do it. Not while he was sitting next to him. Movie be damned. He wanted him.. No he needed him. The marking on his chest only proved the universe wanted them together too. 
‘’ Ash.. ‘’ Milo palmed the controller out of his hands. 
‘’ what.. Milo .. ‘’ the sudden contact caused him to freeze. The marking that littered his shoulder started to burn. He couldn’t do this.. 
‘’  t…thats my name.. ‘’ 
‘’  I.. need you to be honest with me.. ‘’ Milo was laying all his cards on the table. If he was going to risk this.. It wasn’t going to be for nothing.     
‘’ honest about what.. ‘’ 
‘’ Me. ‘’ 
Asher looked at his friend. What did he mean be honest? 
‘’ Tell.. me what… you wanted to say all those years ago..’’ Milo held his hands in his ‘’ tell me.. What.. you failed to tell me then.. ‘’ his eye watered as he remembered that day. He needed to hear Ash say he loved him. He loved his partner but Asher would always have his heart. 
Fuck. It. 
‘’ Milo.. I want to be your everything.. I want to be the person you wake up too. I need to be the person you hold when you’re down. I need that.. But i need that with you.. You Milo Greer. ‘’ 
Asher couldn’t believe the words that left his mouth. And he couldn’t believe Milo either.. He had a partner. Someone who loved him.. Someone he fell for. And yet here he sat. in front of him. Begging to hear some words that never left his mouth. Words he promised would never leave his mouth. 
And maybe in a moment of passion and desperation. Milo kissed him. And he kissed him back. Pulling him onto his lap; were they really about to do this? 
For once in his life Asher stopped thinking and let his body take control. And god did it feel good. Milo's warm body against his, lips intertwined. God he didn’t want this to end. He didn’t know when he’d feel this warmth again. 
And he wasn’t going to waste it. Not again. Not ever.. 
Asher pulled away, causing Milo to open his eyes. He was confused.. 
‘’ I need you to tell me this..is what you want..I Need you to tell me.. You won’t regret this. ‘’ 
Asher was getting desperate. He needed him.. But he needed to know for sure. This is what he wanted too. 
‘’ I won’t.. Whatever happens after.. I’ll deal with it. Just, please.. ‘’ 
Once again lips met skin.. And god the noises that escaped his mouth were just as good as he imagined. He bet his partner couldn’t make him feel like this. Asher made his way down Milo’s neck while he made music under him. 
He needed more. 
‘’ clothes.. I.. need to feel.. More.. ‘’ Asher whined in his ear. And Milo gladly offered a solution. 
As he slid his shirt over his head. And Asher eyed his tattoo. The one they shared. The one that let him know. Milo Greer was his. And smiled. 
Though Milo lied. 
He’d Regret It Tomorrow. 
He knows he will. But god did it feel good. 
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unitt-10 · 1 year
I except an apology from everyone who thought that Milo would be horrified at what Scott’s become because clearly that man loves Scott more than anything and I’m not okay—
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vinyls-and-valentines · 4 months
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[ID in alt]
Feeling very normal about things this week, so I decided to make a silly little drawing expressing just how normal I am about things.
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jaredpadonlyyyy · 26 days
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• 𝟭𝟴+ 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔𝙔𝙔
• 🖤 • • 🩶 • • 🩶 • • 🩶 • • 🩶 • • 🩶 • • 🖤 •
It had been a year since Dean had disappeared along with the angel Castiel. It’s also been a year since they all lost Bobby singer as well. But it’s been 6 months since she decided it was time to move on from looking for him. All she did was find dead end after dead end. Sam, he hadn’t looked for his brother, but he found happiness in a woman named Amelia. He was happy and that’s all that mattered. It’s also been 3 months since she had Dean’s baby. She didn’t know she was pregnant until weeks later. So, she spent 9 months pregnant stressing about looking for the love of her life and the father of her baby. But it was dead end after dead end. So she had to put that aside and take care of herself and try to move on.
Sam and his new girl were there most of the time. They lived in the same town as her. He visited her at times to help with her son Milo, so she can work and feed herself and her son. There were times when she would get into a depressive state and wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. So, Sam and Amelia would help her out until she would start to feel a little better.
Today was Milo’s first birthday and she had made a party to celebrate it. She had invited her co-workers with kids. She had also invited Sam, but he hasn’t made it to the party yet. The party finished and he never made an appearance. “So, is there anyway I can offer you a drink?” Henry caught her attention. She looked over at him and she smiled at him. “I need to clean all of this up.” She told him as he nods his head. “Looks like you need the drink.” He told her.
“Honestly I do need that drink.” She said as he smiled at her. They walked over to the kitchen and she takes out two glasses and the whiskey she had. She looked over at the backyard and saw one of her good friends playing with her one year old. She pours the whiskey into the glasses and hands one to Henry.
“So, what are you doing this Friday night?” He asked her as she took a drink from her glass. “Well, nothing really. It’s my day off.” She said as he nods his head at her. “So, can I take you out this Friday night?” He asked. She looked over at him. She when she opens her mouth. The doorbell rings. “One second, please”
She walked over to the door and opened it seeing it was none other than Sam. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been—.” Her words fell short as she made eye contact with those beautiful mossy green eyes. “Oh my god.” She said as she covered her mouth with her hands. “Hey, baby.” He said as a tear falls from her eye. “I-is it really you?” She asked him as he softly smiled at her. She ran into his waiting arms as he hugged her tightly, his eyes closed as he wanted to feel her embrace since the moment he made it out of purgatory. “I missed you so much.” He whispered.
“Uh, hi.” Henry broke their hug apart. Dean looked over at him frowning. “Who’s this?” He asked as she looked over at Dean. “Uh, can you give us a second?” She asked the brothers. They both nodded as they walked into the home. “Um, im sorry. Uh, I don’t think I can go on that date.” She told him as she could see the heartbreak in his blue eyes as he slowly nods. “You’re with Sam, aren’t you?” He asked her as she laughed. “Sam? No, Dean, yes.” She told him. He looked at her weird. “He’s the father of my son.” She said. “Fine, whatever.” He said as he started to walk away. “Henry! Henry!” She called out but he just kept on walking and ignored her call out of his name.
She sighs and walked into the home and she saw Sam and Dean in the kitchen. Dean heard footsteps coming his way and made eye contact with her and he softly smiled. “Sorry about that.” She said as Sam just shakes his head. “I get it.” He told her just as her friend Melina comes inside the house with Milo in her arms. “Mama.” A little voice said as she gave her to her. “Mama?” Dean said as he looked at the little boy.
He walked towards her as she picked him up in her arms. “Dean, this is Milo.” She told him as he looked at the one year old. “Dada?” The baby said as he looked at Dean. “He is your son.” She told him as he looked at her. She could see the shock written all over his face. “He’s mine?” Dean asked her as she smiled. She nodded her head. “I haven’t been with anyone else, Dean.” She told him as he takes in a deep breath. “Wow, uh.” He cleared his throat at the news. “Can I, uh, carry him?” Dean asked her as she nods her head. He reached for Milo, and the little boy didn’t have a problem going with the Winchester man. “Dada?” Milo said looking into his dad’s eyes.
“I’ve showed him pictures.” She told him as he looks at her with teary eyes.
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Dean told her that he was going to put Milo to bed. And he went to go do that. She knew Dean, was always good with kids. They always loved him when they met him. Sam and Y/N were waiting for Dean to get back to the kitchen as they both drank from their drinks she poured into 3 glasses. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t come.” Sam told her as she shakes her head. “Oh no, it’s fine.” She told him. “You were with your brother.” She said just as Dean came back up with a smile on his face. Sam finished his drink and looked at them. “All right, well, I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Sam said as he walked out of the kitchen leaving the two hunters alone. “Goodnight, Sammy.” Y/N said.
After Dean walked him out and locked the door he walked back into the kitchen. “So, when did you find out?” Was the first thing he asked her as he walked into the kitchen. “A month after you were gone.” She said to the man as he nods his head. “Where were you?” She asked him as he walked closer to her. “I was in purgatory.” He told her making her eyes widen “of course.” She whispered to herself. “Why didn’t I think of that.” She looked up at the Winchester man.
“You looked for me?” Dean asked her thinking that she didn’t. “Yeah, I did. For months I looked for you.” She said to him. “But I started showing, and my pregnancy became a high risk.” She told him as he nods his head. “I had to calm down or I could’ve lost Milo.” She said. “I understand.” He told her as he puts his hand on her cheek. She leaned onto his touch and she sighs. “I missed you so much.” She whispered to him. “You’re the only thing that kept me going in purgatory, getting back to you, was my only fucking motivation.” Dean told her as she smiled up at him.
“So, are you going to kiss me. Or do I have to ask for it?” She asked him as she looked up at him. Dean then smirked down at her. He leaned down and he placed his lips gently on hers. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her towards his chest as he made the kiss deeper. Y/N moaned into the kiss as he then picked her up and sat her on the counter, his hands giving her thighs a gentle squeeze going up her dress Y/N pulled away for a breath making her gasp as he kissed down her neck to her chest as he pulled down the strap of her dress. “Fuck, Dean.” She said as she runs her hands through his short locks as he pulled down her dress making her chest pop out from her dress. Dean latched on to her nipple biting it as she moaned. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
Y/N gets off the counter letting the dress fall from her body and he looked at her. “Mmm. I seen you kept yourself busy.” He said as he looked at her very fit body. “Well, I had to lose the baby fat.” She told him as he shook his head. “I wouldn’t mind some baby fat.” He told her making her chuckled as she reached for him belt buckle taking it off along with his jeans and his boxers hitting the ground as his dick sprits up. Y/N grabbed onto it spreading his pre cum around his tip as she pumps it making him breath heavy as he hasn’t been touched in nearly over a year
Dean moaned his eyes closed as she slowly pumped her hand up and down his hard dick. Dean opens his eyes and takes off his jacket letting it fall to the floor as well as his shirts. He picks her up as she laughed. He asked her where her bedroom was and she lead the way. He opened the door going inside with her.
He tossed her on the bed making her bounce a few times as he closed the door behind him. Y/N opens her legs so he could get a good view of her pretty pink glistening pussy. He watched as she puts a finger into her mouth wetting it, as she looked at his mossy green eyes. She takes it out her mouth with a popping sound making him groan as he dick jumped as he got excited. She slides it down to her clit and she rubs it slowly making her let out a moan as she hasn’t felt any kind of pleasure since the last time she was with him. “Dean, fuck.” She moaned softly.
Dean growled as he rushed over making her giggle. He got on top of her as he roughly placed his lips on hers grinding his dick on her folds making her gasp into the kiss. Dean pulled away from the kiss and kisses down her chest, her stomach, the top of her pussy. His fingers spreading her lips open as he looks at her aching pussy. “So, wet for me.” He said as he looked up at her. He leaned down and sucked on her clit making her let out a loud moan. “Ah!” She moans
Dean flicks his tongue on her bundle of nerves as his ring finger and his middle finger go to her entrance. He slides them into her slowly making her arch her back off the bed as her leg shakes a little bit. “Oh my fuck!” She gasped as the tip of his fingers touched her G-Spot. Making her legs shake as she encased him between her thighs. “Cum for me, cum for me baby.” Dean told her as he relentlessly started to pick up his pace with his fingers inside of her making her into a moaning mess. “Mmmpm.” She moaned and she groaned as she clenched on his fingers, his tongue flickering her clit making her a shaking mess.
“Don’t stop, oh god!!” She squealed as the coil in her stomach exploded making her see stars, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as her walls flutter around his fingers, her juices spilling into his mouth. Twitching she slumped into the mattress breathing hard as he slowed down talking out his long fingers out of her sensitive pussy making her gasp at that.
Dean stood back up and leaned down to kiss her. She moaned as she tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her. “Please, Dean I need you.” She whispered to him. “Tell me how much.” He asked her, his voice deep and husky. “So, so, much.” She told him as he lines himself at her entrance. He immediately slides inside of her making her gasp loudly as he thrusted inside of her. Dean groaned as he felt her around him. “Fuck, baby so tight.” He grunted as he slowly starts to move his hips. “Fuck.” She lets out a loud moan and a gasp as he started to pick up his speed at a good pace. She hugged Deans shoulders making him put his head onto the crook of her neck, his breath fanning on her neck. Her grunted as he kept his steady pace. “Fuck, yes! You f-feel so good!” She said
Dean pulled almost all the way out and thrusted back inside hard. “Aaah!!” She moaned and gasped at the same time as he did it a few times. The tip of his dick hitting her sweet spot over and over, bringing her closer to the edge to her second orgasm of the night. “Faster please.” She said as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels dig into his ass making him so go deeper into her. “Ooh! Dean!” Her mouth drops open as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
“Cum for me baby, let it go.” Dean whispered against her neck. “Aaah!” Her back arched as she digs her nails against his shoulders as he slams into her hard. “Keep going, keep going, keep goooing! Aah!” She saw stars as she exploded. Her walls fluttering on his dick. Dean sat up on his heels and hugged her legs looking at her face as she shook uncontrollably as he fucked her so hard. He lets go of her legs putting his hands on her hips buckling them into the air grinding them on his dick as he grunted. Dean started breathing heavy as he felt his dick start to twitch.
“I’m cumming, god. Aargh!!” Dean threw his head back as he kept on grinding her hips as he coats her walls with his seed. Shot after shot as he moaned so loudly. “Fuuuck.” He groaned letting her hips go as he falls on top of her his hot breath hitting her neck. Both still felt a few twitches from his dick as he just stays still. They both do. Satisfied smiles on their faces. Dean started to pull out. “Ah.” She moaned softly as he rolled to the side his dick softens up.
Their hearts calming down from the rush they just felt. Their bodies calming down from that high.
“Whew.” Dean said as they both chuckled. Y/N went into his waiting arms with a smile on her face. She was about to say something when Milo started to cry. “Oop, fun over.” She said making the hunter laugh. Y/N got up as she stumbled a little making the Winchester man laugh. “What? It’s been a whole year of no orgasms.” She told him as she holds herself up.
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https-milo · 1 month
Instagram posts w/ comments while dating Shota Aizawa!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
main m. list / instagram m. list
sleepy.y/n · 15w
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liked by r.ratedMidnight, presentmicrophone, eraserhead
sleepy.y/n GUESS WHOS BACKKKKKKK!! who missed me! :P Also!! To my fans! I am not quitting being a hero, I'm just... moving my skills elsewhere so to speak ;)
presentmicrophone WHERE ARE YOU??? WHY WASN'T I TOLD?? I'VE MISSED YOU! sleepy.y/n presentmicrophone I'VE MISSED YOU TOO!! I HAVE A SURPRISEEEEE
eraserhead go back. sleepy.y/n eraserhead awww i've missed you too <333
random.no1 cant believe the sleeper hero is back! This is so exciting! sleepy.y/n random.no1 im excited to be back!!
sleepy.y/n · 14w
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liked by r.ratedMidnight, presentmicrophone, eraserhead, izuku.mido
sleepy.y/n rate the fit for my first day of school!
eraserhead you're 30, you don't go to school. sleepy.y/n eraserhead :) eraserhead sleepy.y/n no. you're joking. sleepy.y/n eraserhead introducinggggg class 1-A's assistant teacher :D
eraserhead · 10w
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liked by izuku.mido, sleepy.y/n, ochaaaa, k.bakugo
eraserhead everyone got 100%? who's been giving out answer keys.
izuku.mido i don't think any of us would have the need to cheat 😅 Y/n-sensei has been giving us study guides and extra help when we need it!
sleepy.y/n don't worry, shota!! None of our students are cheating B) I've been helping them study and giving them extra assignments while you're sleeping! (Don't worry, I grade those myself) eraserhead sleepy.y/n k.
iida.tenya I will admit, tests and quizzes have been a lot easier now that L/N-Sensei is around. Still, I'm shocked we all got 100%.
ochaaaa am i insane or do Aizawa-sensei and Y/N-sensei have some... chemistry izuku.mido ochaaaa if the chemistry is bickering constantly then sure invisi.girl izuku.mido No but you can totally tell they don't mean it!! I ship it!!
sleepy.y/n · 8w
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17.8k likes liked by eraserhead, r.ratedMidnight, presentmicrophone, izuku.mido, invisi.girl
sleepy.y/n even late at night, im only one call away <3
r.ratedMidnight OOOOO i know who that isssss!!
presentmicrophone ;) invisi.girl presentmicrophone OK THESE TWO WERE NOT ON MY BINGO CARD. PRESENT MIC AND Y/N-SENSEI??? presentmicrophone invisi.girl NO IN THE SENSE OF I KNOW WHO THAT IS. 📣THAT IS NOT ME📣
eraserhead what fool would call you? sleepy.y/n eraserhead a fool who needs me to put him to sleep ^^
eraserhead · 2w
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1,201 likes liked by sleepy.y/n, izuku.mido, k.bakugo, invisi.girl, ochaaaa
eraserhead I fall asleep in her arms and wonder if it's just because of her quirk or not
tagged: sleepy.y/n
sleepy.y/n AWWW i love you so much Sho <3 eraserhead sleepy.y/n I love you too, idiot
invisi.girl YESSSS I CALLED IT
pinka.mina dare i say it.... cellophane pinka.mina ill say it for you: mama y papa
ochaaaa awwww you two are so cute! saw it from the start
presentmicrophone not even shockedddd you were obsessed with her in school ;) r.ratedMidnight presentmicrophone ikr! "Where's Y/n?" "Is Y/n gonna be there?"
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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sereh624 · 1 month
in honor of me having laryngitis (im not gonna shut up about it ill lick your mouth and you can feel how i feel)
sick redactedboys headcanons :3
david who gets surprised with canned microwaved soup when he has to stay home due to the flu. while he hates anything from a can or heated in the microwave, he also hates waste, so he shuts up and drinks the shitty chicken noodle soup with a frown.
asher who also, like me, loses his voice. it's already raspy but when he gets a cold, his vocal chords get super inflamed and it's like he can barely talk at all. after the first couple of times, baabe and ash come up with their own weird but cute little sign language to communicate with eachother for when he does inevitably lose his voice again.
milo who has a dad sneeze. "ah-ah-ah-ACHOO!" in all it's comical glory. whenever sweetheart spooks him while he's sick it triggers an almighty sneeze, which leads to him muttering curses and walking over to the tissue box.
angel who drinks an ungodly amount of tea while they're sick. a good chunk of their texts with david during the times they have the flu is them requesting tea from him.
"tea plz 😇🥺🥺"
"so u hate me and u want me dead ok"
darlin who ignores the fact they're sick until they physically can't get out of bed anymore. they're too badass for some little cold. they however, are not too badass for a severe infection and are forced to stay in bed for the next week.
damien who, similar to darlin', doesn't quite ignore his symptoms but still tries to do things anyway. sneaking on his computer to work on assignments, trying to get some practice in before a practical exam, fighting admin on something petty, literally anything to make himself feel like he's not wasting time at home.
freelancer who gets super fatigued when they're sick. they sleep pretty much all hours of the day, and the few moments they're awake are like five minute intervals between the hours of 10pm-7am. they use this time to mend their body's over exertion, and it .. sort of works.
lasko who secretly likes to be babied when he's sick. he likes the fussing, the worried "are you okay?"'s, the little gestures of concern (being brought tea, giving blankets, etc), everything. he'd never dare admit it, but dear figured it out pretty early on into their relationship.
@definetelynuwonhere @skunkox @huxleaf
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whore-4-drewstarkey · 6 months
no because why do i come up with the saddest stories? 😭
reader is wally’s gf in high school and is pregnant with his child when he dies. but then wally gets to watch his child go through high school? idek 😭 but like IMAGINE. and then sees reader when she goes to school/sporting events. like he’s always looking over them both. after all those years. and then maddie comes along and can give a message to reader from wally?
also i didn’t forget about the milo fic. it’s under peer editing rn as i type. it should be out tomorrow! <3
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qhoaaaa · 9 months
Milo fun facts i have garnered from the audios:
He loves chocolate/candy
Doesn't like tea ("thats cool but I don't like tea")
Got his license later
Has a closet dedicated to shoes/very fashionable 🤩
Can't sing for shittttt
Knits (not sure on this one, forgot where/if Erik confirmed this one but keeping on here anyway - edit: I think he said this in a stream, not sure which one lol)
Likes The Hobbit/LOTR ("Smaug, we could watch Desolation of Smaug, thats a fun movie")
Didn't go to prom ("No I didn't go to prom, there wasn't anyone I wanted to go with")
Plays smash with Sweetheart regularly ("no im not gonna pick you, you know all my moves too well")
He also likes Metroid and Luigi's Mansion (nerd i love him, I wanna get Luigi's mansion so bad)
Likes alt music (MI Amore - FRENSHIP)
I love this man sm its a crime for him to be goofy
Where they're from (since ppl are asking):
Loves chocolate/candy - smash tournament
Doesn't like tea - gameboi audio playing Prey
Got driving license late - 3 year channelversary/birthday stream, last set of questions
Can't sing for shit - 3 year channelversary/birthday, Erik "sings" Katy Perry song in Milo's voice (😭)
Knits - in one of the streams, someone asked Erik if Milo would knit and he said something like "I feel like he would, yeah"
Hobbit/LOTR fan - playing Mortuary Assistant, Milo wants to watch Desolation of Smaug instead of playing spooky game
Didn't go to prom - March Redactness audio where he and SH won and he said he didn't go to prom
Alt music from his shower BA, he's humming the song listed (ty @/milogreer for giving me the song name!!)
Last 2 are pretty much given lol
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potatoqueenpal · 4 months
Okay okay.. I'm sorry for all the angst.
How about as an apology. I give you fluff scenarios?
Deal? Deal.
Baaabe's and Asher's 2nd date was at a roller park where Asher proudly bragged about being the skate expert (he pulled Baabe down with him 12 times. But got a kiss on the nose as a reward every time he did a trick without their help)
David make Blanket forts with Angel when their too scared too sleep after a horror movie.
Milo and Sweetheart cuddle on the couch while watching movies and gently comb through the others' hair if they fall asleep first.
Sam gets cheek kisses from Darlin almost daily and has been the victim of lipstick kiss attack 3 times.
Porter will Suprise treasure with little gestures (Making breakfast, Cleaning around the house.) And always melts when Treasure a thank you hug or kiss.
Gavin and Caelum do art and crafts for freelancer, and they have at least 3 pen holders from Caelum that are used frequently. And 1 pair of handcuffs from Gavin that are also used frequently (😏)
Damien and Huxley often challenge each other to lil games with kisses as a reward for winning. (And losing)
Dear and Lasko go on aquarium dates and Lasko will give Dear cute trivia about their favorite marine life and Dear will kiss him to remind him to breathe.
That's all for now! Love yoooou!
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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On this page my brain daydreamed that scene that never happened in the fic and also I fucked up that page with water oopsie 👇
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Now this is about a fanfic that changed me and I will never ever ever be able to be the same again
I was planning a whole comic on my little sketchbook but then I wanted to put it on digital.... And I died bahdnsnfndmndnf I tried Lineart and I died sorry will happen again.
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I exploded and fucking died (sowy Milo) ksjdjekg BUT I THINK I'll leave this be here
If someone or something or whatever gives me inhumane energy to complete all my wips then that day I'll post this as something so cool and rendered and ohhh wow omg colorrrrssss but no. I'm not completing this any time soon JDHSJFJSKGN I HAVE A JOB AGAIN AND IM IN PAIN AUGHHHH
The creator of the gorgon varian fic is the beloved Milo :3 aka @glitter-lisp
Also other stuff I did for the fic :3
This one of ulf, var and Hugo
And this one of a Hugo and varian
In case the links are upside down don't look at me
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Throughout the many iterations of TMNT the four Turtles of the Hamato Clan have always been iconic but Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey aren’t the only Turtles of the family & there have been other mutant Turtles throughout the different iterations of TMNT
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Another mutant Turtle is one that has been seen a few times in different TMNT iterations either following a ‘separated at mutation’ plot line or have the mutation happen later in the story
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One of the other mutant Turtles that is quite well known within the TMNT fandom would be Venus De Milo who was the 5th Turtle in the Next Mutation show.
Her background was that she was a 5th Turtle that was mutated with Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey but got swept away in the sewers until she ended up in China Town where she was found by a Shinobi master & taken to be raised in Shanghai, she would later make her way back to New York & join the Turtle’s team.
Venus also makes an appearance as a character in the IDW comics as a former Punk Frog who was made into a Turtle by Dr Barlow using Donnie’s old shell.
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Leo: What are you doing!? That was Venus De Magic the Queen of Quick Change!
There’s a slight possible reference to Venus in Rise with one of Leo’s favourite magicians being called Venus De Magic with Leo cradling the bust of one of his favourite magicians feeling a bit similar to Venus holding the statue head that gave her, her nickname & many people believe that there were plans to include Venus in Rise due to the plot of season 3 being the Turtles finding out they had two missing siblings but due to Rise not getting the season 3 it had expected we never got to find out if Venus really was one of the missing siblings in Rise.
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Closely related to Venus is the mutant Turtle Kirby a 5th Turtle that had been planned to be introduced in the 1990′s film series before the fourth movie was cancelled, named after the comic book artist Jack Kirby, Kirby was meant to be a Turtle from another dimension that would join the Turtles. There was talk of Kirby being the 5th Turtle in the Next Mutation but Saban Entertainment refused to do the series unless the 5th Turtle was a girl leading to Venus being created.
A version of Kirby was designed for the IDW comics where he was meant to be shown as part of the Splinter Clan in Future Lita’s future however though a design was created for Kirby he was not included in the actual comic.
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Funnily enough Kirby the Turtle is not the only TMNT character to be named after Jack Kirby as April’s father in the 2012 series also shares the name Kirby
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Jennika is the 5th Mutant Turtle on the team in the IDW comics, she is a former Foot Clan Ninja who Splinter took under his wing & was mutated into a Turtle when Leo gave her a blood transfusion to save her life.
Before her mutation Jennika had been a friend of the Turtles & the idea of Jennika becoming a mutant Turtle had been tossed around for three years before it was finally finalised.
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Jennika’s mutant form was originally designed by Sophie Campbell & coincidentally bares some resemblance to a fan character that Sophie Campbell designed named Artemisia (most likely named after the Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi), the similarities between Jennika & Artemisia’s designs are said to be a coincidence as it was requested that Jennika’s bandana colour be yellow to match her hair from when she was human.
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Sophie Campbell actually did get to include a canon version of Artemisia in the IDW comics by giving her a cameo in Future Lita’s future as a member of the Splinter Clan in the future.
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Slash is arguably the 5th Turtle that has appeared in the most iterations of TMNT appearing in both the 1987 & 2012 series as well as appearing in both the Archie & IDW comics
In the 1987 series Slash was Bebop’s pet turtle who was mutated by Rocksteady & would later become the Turtle’s enemy, in the 2012 series Slash was Raph’s pet turtle who was mutated accidentally & would act as an enemy to the Turtles before becoming their ally & becoming the leader of the Mutanimals.
In the Archie comics Slash is an alien who was banished from his planet in the IDW comics Slash was mutated by StockGen who ended up following Hob & becoming an ally to the Turtles
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Slash has even made a cameo in Rise appearing in the episode Bad Hair Day with a character meant to look like Mona Lisa.
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Lita is a little girl who was mutated into a Turtle & taken in by Jennika & the other Turtles, she was named after Lita Ford (Jennika’s favourite singer), & she seems to view Jennika & the other Turtles as family as the Future version of Lita referred to Jennika as ‘mom’ & has called Raph, Donnie & Leo ‘Dad’.
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It’s been shown that at some point in the future Lita becomes the apprentice & assistant to a grown up version of Renet
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It appears that the future version of Lita is arguably especially close with Leo due to him being her Sensei
Uno, Yi, Moja & Odyn
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Uno, Yi, Moja & Odyn are Turtles raised by Casey Marie Jones as the second generation of Ninja Turtles in the Last Ronin universe. The Turtles each seem to take after one of the original four Turtle’s with Uno taking after Leo, Yi taking after Donnie, Moja taking after Raph & Odyn taking after Mikey.
Each of the Turtles are named after the number one in different languages.
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that-gothickitty · 4 months
Stop being a delulu bitch and accept that NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU GUYS. Honestly imagine sicking your followers on anons just because your a snowflake who can't handle a little criticism 🙄
Funny you say that cus' newsflash, idgaf 😛
Anywhoodle, this is just for you anon 💗
Also, babes, it's you're*, not your. :>
Redacted Pride Headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Shaw Pack
Asher Tabolt - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Milo Greer - Bi as fuck. Cis, He/Him.
David Shaw - Omnisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Christian - Two words, twenty dollars. Cis, He/Him.
Amanda - Heterosexual and aceflux. Demigirl, She/They.
Soliare Clan
William Soliare - Gay, homosexual gayyyyy (and demi romantic). Cis, He/Him.
Vincent Soliare - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Porter Soliare - Also bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Alexis Soliare (Getty) - Pansexual, hetro romantic. Cis, She/Her.
Samuel Collins - Unlabeled. He just knows he loves his Darlin'. Cis, He/Him.
Frederick Collins - Pansexual bi romantic. And demi romantic/sexual. Cis, He/Him.
Damn Crew
Damien - Polysexual and demisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Huxley - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Lasko - Omnisexual. Pangender, Any.
Gavin - Unlabeled, doesn't really care about labels. Genderfaun, He/They/Xey.
Unempowered boys
Ollie - Pansexual. Cis, He/Him.
Guy - Omnisexual. Nonbinary, Any.
Geordi - Panromantic and Bisexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Aaron - Bisexual and demiromantic. Cis, He/Him.
Anton - Unlabled. Cis, He/Him.
Brian - Heterosexual. Cis, He/Him.
Camelopardalis - Aroace. Genderfluid, Any.
Vega - Polysexual and Demiromantic. Let's be honest, Vega himself is a gender, he doesn't give two fucks about pronouns.
Avior - Omnisexual, Demiromantic and Demisexual. Genderqueer, He/They.
Caelum - Aroace. Nonbinary, He/They.
James - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Elliott - Bisexual, Panromantic and Asexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Blake - Pansexual. Cis, He/Him.
Hush - Doc has not explained the concept of sexuality to him yet. Agender, He/Him.
*if I forgot anyone pls scold me in the comments and I'll add em later okie thank you love ya <3
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luvolani · 11 days
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Y/N is just a kind hearted sweet young girl! She’s saving up for collage she has good grades she also just scored a job at her local bakery her routine had always gone normally and nothing particular ever happened to her.. so u can imagine how she felt when her day involved gojo satoru.
A/N-just a small little oneshot! Schools been stressing me out but luckily my new crush has been making it better <3 M+K forever 😏
Y/N's mornings were always a blend of routine and minor excitement. She woke up at 6:30 a.m., greeted by the soft rays of dawn filtering through her curtains. With practiced efficiency, she slipped out of bed, got dressed in her high school uniform—a crisp white shirt and a plaid skirt—and went to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she went downstairs, where her parents were already having breakfast.
"Morning, Mom, Dad," Y/N said, grabbing a quick slice of toast.
"Morning, honey. Have a good day at school," her mom replied, giving her a warm hug.
"Don't forget to feed Milo!" her dad reminded her, as he sipped his coffee.
Y/N nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. After finishing her breakfast, she walked to the bakery where she worked part-time. The bakery was cozy, and Milo, the bakery cat, was always waiting by the door.
"Hey, Milo," Y/N said softly, as she poured some cat food into his bowl. Milo meowed appreciatively and rubbed against her legs.
With a final pat to Milo, Y/N headed to school, her heart light as she looked forward to the day. As usual, her first period was Mrs. Anderson's history class. She took her usual seat behind Satoru Gojo, the most popular boy in school. He was known for his charm and enigmatic presence, but Y/N had always kept her distance, observing him from afar.
The class went as it always did, with Mrs. Anderson droning on about historical events and Gojo casually listening, his dark sunglasses concealing his eyes. Y/N tried to focus on her notes, but found her gaze occasionally drifting towards Gojo's relaxed posture.
As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, Y/N glanced up and made brief eye contact with Gojo. Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately ducked her head down, cheeks flushing bright red. She heard Gojo chuckle softly behind her, and her embarrassment only grew.
Waiting a few minutes, she dared to look up again, only to see Gojo walking out of the classroom with his friends, Shoko and Suguru. Gojo was the last to leave, and as he reached the door, he turned to look back at Y/N. A smirk appeared on his face, and he shook his head slightly before walking out with his friends.
Y/N sat there, stunned and blushing furiously. The moment seemed to replay in her mind as she gathered her things and left the classroom as she rushed home. She realized, in her daze, that she had completely forgotten to feed Milo and didn’t even say hello to her parents.
Instead, she , bolted to her room, and threw herself onto her bed. With a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration, she screamed into her pillow, the sound muffled but her emotions clear. After a few moments, she lay there with a dreamy smile, replaying the encounter in her mind.
Y/N knew that today was a day she would never forget, a simple but unforgettable moment of connection with someone she never thought she’d get to share a glance with.
Part 2!
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(I miss my boy <3)
Milo NSFW headcannons
I feel like Milo is very giving in bed. He's always wanting Sweetheart to have the pleasure they need, which in return, gives him pleasure.
He's also a tease.
He'll give Sweetheart whatever they want, all they have to do is ask. Use their words. Simple. :)
When he's on top, hovering over his mate, his hands are either at the side(s) of or on their head, hand on the headboard or wall, or pinning sweetheart's hips down as he's rocking his hips back and forth.
Before the solstice vacations and shit, Sweetheart was not into the whole,, hotel sex thing. Then one night after a few drinks for Milo and too many drinks for Sweetheart, they decided they can't keep their hands off each other.
Sweetheart definitely cried after their first time. Before Milo, they never felt that good from anyone.
Has definitely told Sweetheart "You can take it, Baby"
Does the chin lift to them also when they're looking down. He's so gentle when he wants to be💕
He doesn't leave hickeys, he leaves bite and hand marks.
He is so encouraging. So much praise. So many gentle touches AND CAN FIGHT ME ON THAT! Listen to that one part in his 2nd BA where he's like "You're too fucking cute~". You can't tell me he isn't holding their face somehow.
He's the king of comfort after sex. He's getting out their favorite body butter, candles, and comfy clothes
And Aggro cuddles
He talks softly as he's rubbing their back
He helps clean up. If he cleans sweetheart up and they're still sensitive, he makes sure to be extra gentle with them
Says sweet nothings in their ear as they slooooowly drift off to sleep
Morning after,, he's cooking. And Sweetheart is staying in bed. Doesn't matter if they have to work soon.
This man can cook. Let him cook.
Always checking in to see what Sweetheart did and didn't like
Forehead kisses💕💕
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lefetellc · 5 months
Eerie Dating other Eris-Sonas :3
Okay so after the first round of dating, I think it's time we get some sonas who get a glimpse of a submissive-like Eerie (for varying reasons) Also, there isn't much art here; I did plan to draw them with Eerie, but I lost energy from so much Eerie lol
With the intro over, let the Eris games... begin!
First is Lee by @0x0y0z0
Instead of highschool, Eerie meets Lee at the start of college
I imagine that instead of Eerie approaching first, it would be Lee
Lee is either extremely forward or always beating around the bush because of his excessive awkwardness
Now, the reason Lee would confess to Eerie could be for differing reasons
One could be that Lee wanted to enjoy a more extroverted-life and get over his extreme awkwardness
Another could be that Lee is interested in Eerie's... eerie behavior. Eerie is always walking around college with a thick backpack and a constant aroma of gunpowder from him. For those reasons, Lee concluded that Eerie was secretly carrying guns around school
Either way, Eerie would welcome Lee with open arms and a cheery :3 smile
To Eerie, Lee was a loner with a dark aesthetic. And if you know anything about Eerie, you'd know he loves that dark theme
Eerie would talk to Lee about joining his friend group after they talk a bit more, probably in passing through classes
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When Lee reluctantly agrees, Eerie excitedly bring him to meet Villa, Desmond, and Seph
Judging from everyone's attitude, everyone would accept Lee into the friend group
Villa and Desmond will have their suspicions
Eerie has brought certain... people to school. And they'd all leave with that familiar toxic, smoke-like scent Eerie carried.
After hanging out more; weekdays, weekends, and pretty much any free hour, Eerie would buddy up with Lee
Eerie loved hanging out with such a quiet loner. In comparison to Milo (who isn't in this story) Milo is also a loser like Lee in terms of awkwardness, but what Lee has over Milo is style
It's one of the only reasons Eerie keeps Lee around
Eerie enjoys touching and messing with Lee's hair and clothes. Pocketing buttons and photos taken to laugh at later with his other 'friends'
When Eerie got too close and intimate with Lee, Lee would shoot him a deathly gaze and force Eerie off
The sudden change would excite Eerie, prompting him to hit and whisper in Lee's ear
Similar to other sonas, Eerie wanted to incite something in Lee so he'd do something drastic and eye-catching
After probing and picking at Lee's skin for a whole year, he'd crack and finally pin Eerie down.
Eerie gulps, feeling his heart race at the shorter boy on top of him
The cold tiles beneath his back didn't ease his heart, and oh god, he loved it
He loved every second of having that excitement when Lee finally cracked and bared his teeth
This is how their relationship goes. Eerie would constantly step on Lee's coattails to get him to dominate Eerie again-- get his heart pumping more and more
Once Lee gets used to the typical tricks and plays, Eerie steps up his teasing to abusive levels
Their toxic relationship probably 'ends' with Lee dramatically hurting Eerie so the tall man would be sent to the hospital
But even then, Eerie would only run back again only this time with actual guns and a hot fighting spirit to go again. Eerie wants to prolong that adrenaline rush as long as possible.
Eerie sees Lee as a game to give him more excitement, similar to those life-or-death horror movies where the stakes are high.
He won't be letting Lee go anytime soon, as much as he punches or hurts Eerie back
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Next is Portia by @emipotato :3
Similar to Eerie, Portia would be holed up inside her house all day and night.
Eerie found that interesting: so other parents rob kids of their childhood, huh?
He'd feel a small level of connection with Portia, but he'd never outwardly approach her because she wasn't interesting *enough*
It was in middle school that Eerie caught Portia stalking him; he felt grossed out but mildly intrigued. What made her do such a thing?
That was all he felt in middle school; he never let Portia know he was keeping tabs on her
In High school is when Eerie finally let himself be free. He'd bring guns to school and vibrate with excitement every time people curiously stepped closer to his bag.
Nobody knew he had such things inside his bag; his mom and dad didn't know either, even though they were the ones who bought the equipment
On an especially cold day, Eerie left his p.e clothes in his bookbag and opted to stay in his regular outfit
When the period finally ended, he returned to his bag and found the entire thing a mess. The magazine which was already full of bullets was missing one. He knew; he counted each of them every night with joy
His clothes were messed with aswell; there were muddy marks and ruffles in his original perfectly folded unfirom.
He eyed the students around; who could've touched it? Various kids played on the field and got themselves dirty from the mud
After all, it had rained yesterday
He scowled and furiously demanded the person who did it to stand up; he didn't talk about his gun, but people were still firghtened
He noted how nobody stand up
The following night, he made sure every student was innocent by telling his 'friends' to keep a watchful eye on them. If they complied properly, he'd let them shoot a few shots at his shooting range at his house
And complied they did; he got reports from each guy telling him how their target's bags were empty of the bullet. None of them had dirty hands either.
He was even more infuriated - so much that he was tempted to shoot one of his friends right then and there- but he held back and gave them his catty smile.
"I want you to fucking think; use that dumbass brain of yours for once and understand what I'm saying. Find the stupid asshole who stole my bullet and bring them to me or else I'll have your head on the news tomorrow."
His friends nodded weakly, going their separate ways. Originally, they planned to coordinate a random student to put the blame on; that was until a mysterious girl stepped up from the shadows
She confessed: "I did it"
They looked dumbfounded. It was really that easy?
They looked at her skeptically. One of the boys recognized her as that sickly kid who always arrived late from school with a dcotor's note. Not to mention the terrible earthy smell coming from her.
Nevertheless, they brought her back to Eerie.
Eerie raised a brow, interested in why an ugly girl like her would do such a thing.
However, it was when it clicked; the earthy smell coming from her came from the rain that came down yesterday. That meant she was outside; for what reason? Only Eerie could answer
Outside his window the previous night, he saw her standing in the rain outside his window.
He couldn't deny that her desperation was amusing. Not exciting, but amusing. Like a joke you'd have when you're breaking up the silence
Eerie decided that he'd let her hang around. Their relationship would be very ambiguous, since Eerie never told anyone about them officially dating. In fact, you could say it was a one-sided relationship
Eerie didn't bother texting Portia back; he didn't gift her anything nor did he comfort her when she got sick from waiting in the rain weather
Eerie made her wait; waiting and waiting until college when he finally told her to fuck off.
Eerie thought she was amusing, but now she was just a clown wearing a tatterd old uniform. The joke wasn't funny anymore and Eerie was finally letting his emotions out.
His memory is very blurry after that.
Eerie couldn't recall much other than Portia saying how he needed to get his mind straight
After that, Eerie found himself being isolated in a basement (Typical Yandere behavior perhaps?)
Eerie would remain in that basement for a year, being restless and whining about 'entertainment' and how 'disgusting and boring' everything was.
Portia would have him inside her basement for however long she wanted; the darkness would corrode at Eerie's will at some point, hopefully
Over that timespan, Portia would dote on Eerie and give him love and affection so she'd be seen as more of a romantic partner for him rather than a clown
This may be ooc for Portia, but for her this was her breaking point. She'd been ignored for so long, and after getting a small glimpse of a romantic life with Eerie, she couldn't let go of it
That's where their relationship ends or rather begins, in Portia's eyes
Eerie is locked up and bound inside her basement, surrendered to her continuous methods of swaying him
It's unknown if he actually ever submits, but he's very close to. The unbearing loneliness makes him crave something, anything exciting
Portia was his only entertainment in that isolation
In the end, Eerie forever sees Portia as entertainment or some gag to laugh at. I doubt Portia will ever pursue a real relationship with Eerie.
This marks the end of Eerie dating pt2!
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Hopefully I can get through some more Eris-sonas, but who knows *shrug*
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