#and also shows times are changing in favour of mental health
soryualeksi · 1 year
Talk of child death cw.
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creatingnikki · 9 months
another year is ending and I want you to know that it is okay if you:
have not healed from the things that happened/did not happen from six months ago. just because the year is ending it does not mean your grief is too.
don't have any "fun" NYE plans to ring in the new year. this life is yours to live across days and months and years, and you can celebrate days other than the ones heavily marketed and shoved down your throat to shroud you in severe FOMO.
have no resolutions or goals for 2024 laid out in elaborate lists or shared on social media or with your friends. you are braving through this life trying to do your best every day and hold the fort and so of course you know, deep down you know what is needed from you for you going forward and of course you are going to work in that direction. good luck love.
have not become a "better" version of yourself by any of the tangible or conventional measures. that kind of bettering is mostly to serve others, not yourself.
are not happy with yourself/your life as it is now. you're a work-in-progress, remember? and if you're progressing in a direction you do not like, then it's time to change the blueprints and the strategy.
take time off social media around this time to protect your mental health and whatever little joy you have managed to keep.
don't want to spend too much time reflecting on how this past year went and doing various forms of 2023-wrapped. again, it's your life. you can also revisit this year in memories and pictures and feelings whenever you'd like. it's not like you don't still visit 2012, 2017, and 2022, right?
feel disconnected from your friends, family, lover. I know this is "ideally" a time to be celebrated with your loved ones. but life is not ideal, is it? it's just life. and if right now you are not feeling the love, the joy, or just don't have the headspace or social energy to engage , that's alright.
are finding comfort in simpler things like a TV show from the 90s or that book you first read at sixteen or that slice of strawberry cake or a random post like this you come across.
don't feel hopeful, encouraged, or excited for 2024. given everything that's happened in the last couple of years, on the macro and micro level, it's only natural for you to feel weary as well as wary. when the good things happen, when the healing happens, when things begin working in your favour over time, you will automatically feel all those things. it's okay if until then you choose to be neutral.
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esperata · 15 days
Recommended reads
There's a lot of different Batman media and I've written versions of riddlebird for many of them. I've selected one of my stories from each fandom to hopefully give people a taste of the variety. Expect more to be added as I write for new shows or old ones I haven't got to yet.
Batman (1966) Sixties - G - Words: 4,385 As the years go on the invites turn from weddings to baby showers to funerals. In their line of work though, Penguin and Riddler consider themselves lucky to have made it thus far together. (Old Married Couple) (Wakes & Funerals)
Batman - All Media Types Minesweeper - G - Words: 269 Batman had finally navigated the typical Riddler labyrinth but what he finds isn't exactly what he expects. (Gamer Ed) (Sleepy Penguin) (Fluff)
Batman: Arkham (Video Games) Arkham Games - E - Words: 19,477 Factions are at play backing Penguin into a corner. And if that wasn't enough to be dealing with, he also has to fathom whatever is going on between him and Riddler. (Canon-Typical Violence) (Homophobic Language) (Sexual Tension) (Friends With Benefits) (except not really friends) (Stubborn Denial) (Hand Jobs) (Blow Jobs) (Frottage) (Semi-Public Sex) (Masturbation) (Rough Sex) (Anal Sex)
Batman: Caped Crusader Homme d'affaires - T - Words: 5,697 Edward Nashton just needs to land a big sale. What he finds is a whole other world of possibility. (salesman) (Implied/Referenced Torture) (Choking)
Batman (Comics) The Mind Is A Fragile Thing - G - Words: 2,454 Riddler is undergoing treatment in Arkham and Penguin is not happy about it. (Bruce Wayne) (Arkham Asylum) (Mental Health Issues)
Batman (Movies 1989-1997) Anything Yours Can Do - T - Words: 1,954 Helping Batman out was supposed to be a bit of fun. So how did she end up arguing with Riddler over who had the best lover? (Arguing) (Bragging) (Relationship Comparisons) (BatCat) (Guess which wins)
Batman Ninja (2018) Ridorā Kitsune - G - Words: 2,830 When Penguin is brought with several others to ancient Japan by an experiment gone wrong, he has a wealth of things to concern him. Not least of which is what precisely might have happened to Riddler. (Japan) (Canon time travel) (Friendly Kidnapping)
Batman: The Animated Series Do You Mind? - T - Words: 36,330 The tale of how Penguin and Riddler met, became friends, and then something more. "Words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find." (Canon Compliant) (Arkham Asylum) (The Iceberg Lounge) (First Meetings) (Friends to Lovers) (Ed Is Oblivious)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold The Brave And The Bold - G - Words: 2,088 Fortune favours the brave, they say, but Riddler is stacking the odds in his favour as he approaches Penguin for a date. (Courtship) (Crimes & Criminals)
Batman: The Telltale Series (Video Games) Bedye Art - G - Words: 1,550 The failure of Penguin's plans had merely been a stumbling block. Now, however, he had a far more pressing concern. (Blackgate Penitentiary) (Canonical Character Death)
Batwheels (Cartoon) In The Air Tonight - T - Words: 2,150 After a heist gone wrong, Penguin and Riddler find themselves trapped with very little to distract them but each other. (Ferris Wheels) (First Kiss)
Batwoman (TV 2019) Little Bird - T - Words: 4,017 Alice has left the city to undergo rehabilatitation in a private establishment run by someone very familiar with the trials faced by those seeking help in Gotham. (long separation) (Presumed Dead)
Gotham (TV) Everything Old Is New Again - G - Words: 9,722 If you had the power to go back in time, what would you hope to change? And would you do it? Those are the questions Edward is facing now he and Oswald are free for the first time in ten years. (Time Travel) (Post-Season/Series 05 Finale) (Sharing a Bed) (Jealous Edward Nygma) (Love Confessions)
Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019) Groping For Trout In A Peculiar River - T - Words: 2,350 Riddler's attempted seduction of Penguin is curtailed but things aren't quite what they appear. (Misunderstandings) (Flirting) (Awkwardness)
Teen Titans Go! Easy Escape - T - Words: 4,835 Edward is taking Oswald out on a proper date today, whether Arkham likes it or not. (First Dates) (Museums) (Aquariums) (Theatre) (toy shop) (Pier) (Innuendo)
The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Take These Broken Wings - T - Words: 13,508 Riddler has barely escaped the Batman but his trouble might not be over as he runs into another criminal acquaintance. Its a good thing he doesn't have a crush on him or anything otherwise things might get awkward. (Injury) (Hurt/Comfort) (Developing Relationship) (Bathing/Washing) (Gay Oswald Cobblepot) (Bisexual Edward Nygma)
The Batman (Movie 2022) Boss - E - Words: 5,555 In the wake of Gotham's flooding, Ed once again turns up at the Iceberg Lounge. (Anal Sex) (Riding) (Communication)
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)/LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (2013) Private Island - T - Words: 8,282 Penguin has got himself a luxury island and his fellow rogues have been invited for a visit. One in particular has an ulterior motive for going though. (Bad Flirting) (Attempted Seduction) (Riddler has a crush) (Jealousy)
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writingaboutdreams · 2 years
His Gift Part 5
A/N = So people seem to favour longer chapter so that’ll be the format moving forward. Just expect some longer times between updates going forth. I am a full time Uni student and i work part time so please be patient.
Warnings = 18+ minors do not interact, description of panic attacks, discussion of mental health, dark Morpheus.
Y/n explores the room after Morpheus leaves. Having not had much of a chance to do so in her dreams. She comes across a beautiful dark brown wooden wardrobe. Opening it she sees it's filled with dresses. All different lengths, styles and colours. Each one seems so extravagant. Y/n pulls a deep blue, what could be described as a simple dress compared to the others. She checks the tag seeing it’s her perfect size. Not wanting to dwell on how Morpheus got that information she puts it back.
Wandering over to the dresser she continues her search. Trying to find some simple t-shirts and jeans. Opening the first drawer she scoffs. It’s an underwear drawer, just not the kind she would wear usually. Full of sets made of delicate silk and lace, many of which seem impractical for everyday use. She grabs the simplest pair she can and looks through the next drawers.
After searching the entire dresser she still can’t find any jeans. The tops she did manage to find are similar to the dresses. Much too lavish and delicate looking. Moving back to the wardrobe she shuffles through the hangers. Pulling out a plain black just above knee length dress. Seeing it as her best option Y/n gets changed quickly. Once the dress is on she realises it scoops at the back but she can’t be bothered to change. Rummaging through the shoes she thankfully finds a simple pair of black flats and slips them on.
She takes the time to look over the bookshelf, filled to the brim with all her favourites and those she had never found time to get to. The bathroom is similar, filled with her favourites along with what looks like some very expensive alternatives. So not only has she been taken by some sort of immortal all powerful God, he’s been fucking stalking her. Despite the revelation she can’t help but feel a little calm. At least this means she wasn’t being paranoid.
Her internal monologue is broken by the sounds of a bird. She turns to see a raven on the balcony edge. Similar to the bird she saw outside the bookshop, but then all ravens look the same to her. She walks out onto the balcony.
“Hello there friend, don’t tell me you’ve been kidnapped too?”
“No actually-” the bird starts to talk and she yells. Stumbling backwards and nearly falling.
“Talking birds, okay this feels like a mental break,” she mutters to herself.
“No sorry,” the bird caws, readjusting, “Should have warned you, I'm Matthew. I help  Morpheus, Lord Morpheus I mean.”
“Matthew…” she thinks back to what Morpheus said, “You’re my guide?”
“Guide, chaperone, babysitter. Whatever you prefer.”
“Okay this is just getting fucking weirder by the minute.”
“”Why don’t I show you around the dreaming? I can show you the throne room, the library, the kitchens…”
Matthew keeps talking but Y/n realises something. Fuck her medication. Walking back into the room she heads for the bathroom. If Morpheus has been going through her stuff maybe he brought it here.
“Y/n! Y/n! Hey, I'm talking here.” Matthew caws, flying in the room. Perching on an armchair as she walks past him quickly.
Once in the bathroom she does a search through all the cabinets. Becoming more and more frantic as she comes to the realisation it’s nowhere to be found. She stumbles back in the bedroom, dropping onto the bed. Thinking back to her last dose she wonders how long it’ll be before she starts to go through withdrawal. It’s not like she can just pop out to her doctor's office while she is stuck here. She also doesn’t want to have to ask Morpheus for anything.
"Is everything alright, you kinda spaced out on me there?"
For a minute Y/n thinks about telling Matthew. But there's too big a chance he'll tell Morpheus or maybe Morpheus can read his mind. She doesn't even know if she can trust him yet. Swallowing down her panic she tries to make her voice as even as possible.
"Just realised I never checked to see if my medications were here. You know, iron supplement."
"Oh phew, well I can tell Morpheus and he can get them for you."
"Really it's no big deal. Cmon show me around dreaming."
Y/n hates to admit it but the dreaming is beautiful. Countless rooms, each more wonderful than the last. Matthew tells her more about Morpheus, his duties and powers as dream of the endless. As they walk through the various parts of the palace they pass many different beings. All seem to avoid her eyes and many even bow their heads.
“Why are they doing that?” she asks as they pace yet another person moving out of their way and bowing.
“Well you’re Lord Morpheus’s soulmate and he’s their king. So I guess that makes you a queen?”
“I’m not Morpheus anything and I'm certainly not a queen,” she snaps and Matthew is quick to redirect them.
After touring the grounds they end up at the library and Y/n can't hold back her gasp of wonder.
"Yeah he thought you'd love it here." Y/n ignores him in favour of examining the shelves.
"Oh my queen, I never realised you were here," Lucienne gives a pointed look to Matthew who shuffles awkwardly.
"We just kinda ended up here."
"I had started a collection of books you might enjoy your majesty, i could show-"
"Please don't call me that." Lucienne looks surprised, "My queen or your majesty. I'm not, I’m just Y/n."
"You are Lord Morpheus' soulmate which makes you a queen of the dreaming and of the nightmare realm. It would be improper to refer to you as anything else."
"Not even if I ask you," Y/n looks down, disappointed and Lucienne relents.
"If you wish, Miss Y/n." Y/n beams at that and Lucienne shows her the collection of books before moving away to tend to the library.
Y/n flips through the various books. Finding each one something she would love to read. Picking one at random she settles in an armchair and starts to read.
Time passes strangely in the dreaming and Y/n is unsure how long it is before she looks up from the book. Matthew moves unsettled and she goes to speak before...
There’s the sound of thunder outside, so loud it seems to shake the whole palace. The books start to fall off the shelves and the furniture is shaken about. In fact the whole library seems to shake. The ground beneath her cracks slightly and Y/n jumps up.
"Matthew what’s-" before she can finish her sentence she finds herself no longer in the library. She's back in the room she woke up in. Running to the door she tries to open it but it won't budge. She finds the doors to the balcony the same.
Sitting on the bed her chest feels like someone has just dropped a bag of weights on her. Her breathing comes out shaky and uneven. Her leg shakes and her hand trembles. “No no please not again.” She reaches a hand out to grasp onto the bed sheets, needing to hold something.
"Fuck shit, okay you can do this. Breath in for four, hold for seven, breath out for eight," her voice is wobbly as she forces herself to repeat the steps. Ignoring the panic threatening overwhelming her.
"My name is Y/n L/n, I am in the dreaming, I am safe," she repeats the mantra but it’s not working. The room shakes again and she lies down on the bed. Eyes clenched shut.
Dealing with John Dee was more difficult than expected. Morpheus did not foresee the damage he would do to the dreaming. The only thing he was glad of was that he managed to keep Y/n safe throughout the encounter. Unsure of what might have happened to her, how John Dee might have used her against him.
He takes a deep breath in, using his now restored powers to fix the dreaming. He checks in on Lucienne taking her assessment of damage. It could have been a lot worse, he is thankful he was able to deal with it as quickly as he did.
He sees Matthew perched at the table in the library. "How is my love? She was not hurt was she?" the panic leaks into his voice.
"Well she was freaked out but she disappeared in her room pretty quickly."
"Good. And you…are unharmed?"
"I'm fine, bossman."
Morpheus gives a small smile before he moves off to continue his duties. As much as he wanted to rush straight to his queen it takes several hours before he is able to break away. Not wanting to leave his realm in disarray again. Once everything is accounted for and fixed he makes his way to Y/n's room.
He had wanted to put her in his rooms originally but after listening to Matthew realised it might be too fast. He half expects Y/n to come rushing up to him as soon as he opens the door. Eyes blazing, yelling at him for something or another. He did not know how refreshing he would find it to have someone feel able to speak freely with him. Though his temper was something he needed to control, he did not want his love to be afraid of him.
Waving a hand the door opens easily and he walks in. The room is eerily quiet and it puts Morpheus on edge. He looks around not seeing Y/n anywhere, “ My love? Where are you?” he tries to keep his voice steady. There’s the sound of a choked sob across the room, he marches over to see Y/n huddled in a corner of the room. He bends down in front of her, keeping his voice low and gentle. “ My heart, are you injured? Are you hurt? Tell me what’s wrong? ”
Y/n is shaking, her head covered by her arms. She slowly lowers them, giving Morpheus a view of her tear stricken face. She scrambles forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Please don’t leave me alone again.”
Morpheus feels frozen. His arms stay limp by his side as Y/n burrows into him, pressing her damp face to his neck. He has been so eager for her touch, for her to choose to come to him, to express affection openly. But now he has it he doesn’t know how to react. He doesn’t want her to snap back to reality or to be scared off. It’s only when she lets out another sob that Morpheus finally reacts. He wraps his arms around her, standing up and keeping her in his arms. He feels overcome when she presses her face harder into his neck.
He moves them into his room with a swirl of sand. Placing her down on his bed he keeps as much contact as possible as he lies down next to her. With her bundled to his chest. He keeps one arm holding her close while the other pets her head. “ Shhh, my love, everything is okay. I am here, I won’t leave you. ” He presses a kiss to her forehead, savouring the feeling of having her so close.
She is mumbling something into his neck but he can’t decipher it. He twines their legs together, almost every inch of them touching. He makes his jacket disappear and covers them with the blanket. “My queen let me take care of you.” Slowly she starts to relax. He watches as she falls asleep, keeping hold of her even then. Not wanting to waste a single second of this.
Waking up Y/n feels well rested for the first time in years. She hums contentedly, taking a deep breath in. Smiling at the deep woody smell. It's then that she realises she’s not alone. Registering the strong arm wrapped around her middle. Holding her against the mystery person's chest. She turns to look over her shoulder seeing those stormy blue eyes gazing at her with far too much adoration.
She yanks herself free of his grip and stumbles out of the bed. Falling out of the covers onto the plush rug. Morpheus sits up, covers pooling around his lap. He looks striking against the dark blue bed sheets. It’s the first time she’s seen him without his coat but he still carries that air of command. His hair is more messed up than usual but of course he looks gorgeous. As if he was carved from marble.
He gracefully climbs out of the bed standing in front of her, holding out a hand “ Need some help my heart. ” she scoffs. Getting up without his help, she readjusts the dress she’s wearing. It wasn’t exactly designed for sleeping so it had rolled up throughout her sleep. She straightens up and sees Morpheus staring at her.
“How is it that even just awake you are the most stunning being i have ever seen in my life ,” He speaks so casually and she feels herself becoming flustered under his gaze. “If there was ever doubt of a benevolent creator, you would dispel all doubts. For only a truly benevolent creator would grace humanity with a living masterpiece.”
Dumbstruck by his words she feels desperate to change the conversation. Deciding to take the offensive, “Where am I?” she demands to know.
“In my bedroom my heart.”
“Kidnapping me from my world wasn’t enough, now you’re taking me from the room I have here,” she is careful not to call it her room.
“You were very upset last night, I thought it would be best to keep us together. You certainly wanted that. ” his words are a pointed reminder of last night causing her hackles to rise.
“Well locking someone in a room with no warning and no way out is a sure fire way to upset someone.”
“I apologise, there was an intruder in the realm. I thought only of your safety. ”
“An intruder, who?”
He steps closer, brushing a hand underneath her chin. His thumb brushing gently along her bottom lip. “It is nothing for you to worry about, I have dealt with them my love."
“Stop fucking touching me,” she jerks her head away, walking towards the door.
“You are quite fickle aren’t you?”
“Last night was an anomaly. Trust me it wasn’t that I wanted your comfort. I only needed your weird hypnotising trick you do. Nothing else.”
“Hypnotising?” He looks genuinely confused.
“The thing you do you know, when you touch me. To make me feel calm and floaty.”
Morpheus takes a minute to process this information before his eyes light up. A smug smile settled on his face. “I assure you that there is no “hypnotising trick” as you call it. It is our bond. It’s only natural for my touch, as your soulmate, to comfort you.”
“More with this soulmate bullshit,” she scoffs, “Why should i trust anything you say anyway?”
“You may not trust me but you will not disrespect our bond my heart,” His tone takes on a threatening edge and she feels a tinge of fear.
But she stays where she is staring him down, “Fuck. You.” In the blink of an eye she feels the hard wall against her back. Morpheus crowds up against her, pinning both her wrists in one hand above her head. “You seem unable to decide between fearing me and provoking me.”
She knows she should stop but she can’t. “You seem unable to decide between saying you’ll do anything for me and pushing me up against walls,” she snarks back. Part of her feels embarrassed, for Morpheus to see her when she was vulnerable. For her to beg for his comfort. The man who kidnapped her. The other part of her just feels fucking pissed off. “So if you could make up your mind. I'm getting sick of guessing if you’re trying to court me or threaten me.”
He leans in close, and Y/n begins to regret her words before he backs off altogether. Storming away before disappearing in a cloud of sand. Y/n slides down the wall. The adrenaline that was fuelling her anger disappeared as quickly as Morpheus did. What the fuck has she done now.
Taglist = @musemaniac42 @secretdreamlandmentality @supermegapauselouca @ultimatreality @one-loud-mind
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raayllum · 4 months
too many bangers to just do one little blurb, so here's a few of my favorite excerpts from the chapter that absolutely destroyed me
"...the dam bursting of every time she’d been frightened or hungry by herself, every time she’d wondered if she’d ever make it back to Katolis or see anyone she loved again, and the persistent pulsing push in her mind, constantly telling her that she didn’t deserve to." 
"'You are not a burden,” he continued. 'And even if you are, I want to carry you. You don’t have to be good enough, Rayla. There is no invisible standard you have to meet. You don’t have to be perfect to be perfect. You are not responsible for other people’s choices, and you don’t have to pay the prices for their mistakes. You don’t have to pay the price for your choices and mistakes.'"
"'You are a person and you deserve to be here without having to constantly be hurting yourself to earn it. You don't have to justify your existence by punishing yourself for it. You deserve to just be. To live and exist and be loved. Unconditionally.'"
chapter 7 man.... lives were changed. as someone who has the absolutely hardest time describing feelings--especially something as complex and messy as depression and suicidal thoughts feel--you just absolutely blew me away. and THEN to just put therapists across the globe to shame with the literal most perfect affirmations of all time? when i said this chapter destroyed me i forgot to mention that it also healed me. this is classic literature. this fic should be required reading in schools. shakespeare and my therapist are rolling in their respective graves
I have a lot of Rayla feelings in Ch7: at the end of the tunnel in particular tbh so I'll break them down here in regards to what went into the passages above.
To begin with, I'm so glad this part of the fic resonated with you. This isn't the last time we'll be addressing Rayla's mental health but it is one of the more prominent, as idk how anyone can watch s1-s4 + TTM and not take away that... she's not Doing Well, to say the least. I was definitely thinking about quotes from the show's writers with "Rayla can sometimes default to 'hurting myself is clearly a good, because I'm taking it away from someone else'" to heart.
I've written this discussion and affirmation scene in other fics, and explored Rayla's mental health before (probably most notably "say the winds won't change on us," "i care if i am guilty," and "i hope you die (i hope we both die)") but given that fanon s6 is such a big ambitious project I wanted to make sure I was getting it right in particular, here. While I've never experienced Rayla's forms of self loathing myself / to the same severity, I have quite a few people in my life that I deeply cherish who have, or in ongoing struggles with it, and I've been Callum here more than a few times.
I think a lot about how Rayla rarely allows to let two things matter if one of those things is herself ("Don't worry about my hand now; the egg is all that matters") when the boys are perfectly capable at holding space for multiple concerns, including themselves, in most instances. Rayla leaving in TTM is just the most extreme version of that, and I think the way Rayla will exceptionalize herself in a negative way—everyone else deserves good nice things / second chances / happiness except her, for Some Reason ("Your plan was fine! [...] You should cut yourself a break. Everyone messes up sometimes, or in my case, all the times [...] That shouldn't have mattered; I had a job to do")—is like... relatable for a Lot of people even when they don't also have symptoms of PTSD/depression/passive suicidal ideation.
Like Rayla was not safe or happy when she was away, and it would not surprise me at all if, while I don't think canon will necessarily touch on any of this as intensely as I have, I do think we'll get something of her having a hard time of her talking about how she suffered in favour of wanting to talk about how she made Callum suffer, for obvious reasons. Which is exactly why she left in the first place (s4 my beloved)
With all that out of the way I wanted to set up her breakdown accordingly:
You have the chapter title which is a reference to the literal tunnel they exit, and an Orpheus and Eurydice reference, while also very much being about Rayla finding the light at the end of her tunnel regarding her mental health
"I was a coward. I was weak." ("My parents aren't really dead, but I wish they were! They're cowards" / "It was the same problem every time. Hesitation, sympathy, distraction… all just weakness in a different mask.")
And then we see Callum shift to the heart of it, which is that her letter and mission was basically suicide and she knew it, and still won't really acknowledge it out loud or why it was Okay for her to do that but not for Callum to come with her, because she feels Inherently Unworthy and that there's something fundamentally broken with her, which has been pretty clear in canon for a while tbh.
With that in mind, I wanted to take Callum's viewpoint and affirmation a step further. I always say that the first step in therapy is learning to assume that no one is mad or annoyed with you at all times. The second step is learning that it's Okay even if someone is mad or upset with you. I think Rayla fears being a burden or more trouble than she's worth so much, and I think Callum at this point (in fic / canon, 5x01 you beautiful episode) has progressed to the point of like...
Rayla's not going to believe that she's not a burden, and sometimes people are burdens, shit happens, life is hard. What's most affirming for her to hear is that he wants her and loves her even if/when she IS a burden. It cuts right through all the bullshit and fear to the "you think you're terrible and awful and unworthy" and go "so what if you are? I still want you" and there's just not a lot of places for self loathing to go after that point. Like it's still there, but it can't grow to be as intensive, I find.
It's also written in mind from Callum's perspective because I've said this before, but Rayla is not an Easy person to love. Like feeling love for her is easy — she's warm and funny and kind — but she's not easy to love in terms of getting her to accept and rely on love. She's incredibly secretive and has a lot of hyper-independence as a result of her trauma and survivor's guilt, and Callum — especially post-s4 / 4x09 — has fully accepted all of this. Even if Rayla doesn't change, he's there. He knows this is not going to be an easy climb for either of them, but it's worth it to him, because it's her.
At the same time, Callum in canon has always been good at not making Rayla dependent on him ("You're too good to feel this bad about yourself. I know that, and you should know that" / "But it's your choice. No one else's" / "No, I meant what I said. You don't have to justify or explain anything to me") and emphasizing that she can and should want to get better and treat herself better for herself. So I really wanted to capture that vibe here. Rayla feels unworthy of his love, to an extent, yes, but it's also far more about her life and how routinely she puts what she wants on the back-burner... like, Rayla is a character who's always gone looking for redemption, and often times rightfully so! But I am very excited for her to realize there's nothing she has to Redeem herself for, there's nothing she has to earn or pay a price or suffer for in order to get to be Happy on the other end or put herself first for once. She deserves to just get to exist and live and be happy about that, y'know?
And I think Rayla also fundamentally wants those things, as she states at the beginning of the chapter, “I want to see the sun again first" before she'll let Callum heal her. Because you can only save someone who wants to be saved, and you can only save them so far if they want to save themselves, too, and that starts with you, that you have to want it. You have to want to live and love yourself.
Cause everyone deserves to. They really, really do.
And I just have a lot of feelings about fics / things / anything where Rayla goes "I don't want to be broken. Maybe I never was. And I want to live" because like. Yeah
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wordsbyhisheart · 4 months
I hope you have the biggest smile on your face this morning, I wanted to ask for a small favour - in tahajjud or whenever you pray to remember me, I was in talks of getting married to someone I really love, his family got involved and so did my parents suddenly overnight after I told few people finally life changed and my parents woke up saying they want me to finish my degree (I’m 26 doing med) and don’t finish till I’m 30, I don’t want to be speaking to him till I’m 30, I want to make this halal. and ky parents were like that’s our decision and it really is hurting me since life changed overnight for no reason and they’ve only met him couple of times none of the times to speak about how he feels about me but more to do with how he is as a person, if they knew how much he loved me they would give me away in a. Second as he is genuinely the best man alhumdulillah , I would be so grateful since me and him are both really going through it to remember us, who knows who our lord will listen to💓
First of all , I think it’s absolutely fantastic that you are pursuing medicine! May Allah ﷻ grant you barakah and blessings in your studies and practice. May you find success in both this world and the hereafter! أمين يا رب العلمين
Secondly, it’s a tough situation that you’re in, I would assume it’s because you told those around you hence you got Nazr from it but it’s always important to focus on the positives!
And yes I did wake up with a smile thank youu :)
Here is some sincere advice to consider:
1) Communicate with Your Parents down with your parents and express your feelings openly and respectfully. Explain how much this person means to you and how you believe he is the right partner for you. Emphasise your intention to make the relationship halal and your willingness to balance your studies and marriage. If direct communication with your parents is difficult, consider involving a trusted family member, community leader, religious advisor who can mediate and help convey your perspective to your parents.
2) Compromise, Look for a middle ground. Perhaps propose a timeline that allows you to get engaged now and married after a certain period, balancing your academic commitments with your personal life. This might show your parents that you are taking their concerns seriously while also honoring your commitment to your parents.
3) Pray and Have Patience: Continue to seek guidance and strength through prayer (Tahajjud and other prayers). Patience is crucial during this time, as changes in such significant family decisions can take time.
4) Focus on Your Well-being:Ensure that you take care of your emotional and mental health. Talk to friends or a counselor to manage the stress and emotions you're experiencing.
5) Involve the person you want to marry, Keep him informed about your discussions and plans. Make sure you both are on the same page and support each other through this period.
6) Trust in the Process: Sometimes, things may not go as planned, but trust that with sincere efforts, prayer, and patience, the right path will become clear.
Finally, you must keep praying and praying. And you must keep close with your parents & loved ones.
Respecting their decision doesn’t mean that you throw away what you want but but it also doesn’t mean that you have to argue for what you want.
Sometimes there’s things they see that we don’t, it’s important to get the full details on why they oppose your decisions rather than to accept what you want.
Making it halal is by far the most important thing you can do! A halal relationship will increase your barakah and blessings in your family and household and it will also aid you in any situation you come across.
I hope this advice helps you navigate this difficult situation. My DMs are open if you need any help at all!
May Allah ﷻ unite you both in the most beautiful way, May you be granted goodness and blessings in all decisions you make. May you find peace and resolution soon أمين يا رب العلمين
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pi-ying-xi · 4 months
The Hope (2023) with Zhang Ruoyun has been consistently good for the ten episodes that I've watched, but ep 10 is on another level.
Five kids, beaten down by life and their particular circumstances are selected - or have selected themselves - to be a part of Class 11, with Zhang Ruoyun's Lei Ming, when their schools are merged at the beginning of an academic year.
The kids are in their last year of high school and the gaokao is looming ahead. These particular kids are there for reasons of their own,, and not because Lei Ming has promised the school to take these struggling children and get them into Qingbei (Tsinghua, and BeidaBeida respectively; the top of the top and extremely difficult to get into).
In episode 10, these five return home after a ten day camp where they stayed in school and gradually moved from being indifferent to their success or failure but marking time, to being disappointed in themselves after their first test and determined to do better because they know they can.
So far so chicken soup, right?
Wrong! Because none of the circumstances that beat them down in the first place have changed: each kid goes back to homes where they have to help run a business; worry about money as well as negotiate the awkwardness of being the domestic help in the house of a school mate; be very careful around relatives who makes it clear they're doing you a favour by housing and feeding you; watching your divorced, or might-as-well-be-divorced parents squabble.
You'd think Lei Ming - so confident, persuasive but also tough at school - would have it easier. But his dad, who has Alzheimer's, has locked himself into his bathroom in the care facility where Lei Ming has put him and when he breaks in, finds he's soiled himself.
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I won't describe what happens next, or what's happening here, but it's enough to know that every person in class 11 (except perhaps the psychologist assistant teacher, Sang Xia) is dealing with incredible stress and violence of one kind or another.
When they head back for their three day break, the kids keep in touch, checking in and reporting on their studies etc. On the first day, with chirpy enthusiasm, but on the last day with exhaustion and all the spark gone.
I really like this drama so much for how it doesn't shy away from showing how circumstances, money or it's lack, social class and privilege all act in different ways upon children. When you add gender or mental health to the mix, there's a lot these kids are dealing with, and the only difference between them and the adults, sometimes, is how long they've been at it.
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avikats66 · 2 years
Komahinamiki Headcanons: Post Game/DR3
Mikan ends up nursing Nagito often due to his incredibly unusual illness(es) which worsen then miraculously clear up in an almost entirely unpredictable and ever-changing cycle whilst defying the majority of medical understanding. She and Hajime (due to his capabilities/talents as Izuru) look into and experiment with a variety of different treatments for Nagito over the course of the years, which expands into looking into different types of treatments and therapy techniques to help soothe some of the varying issues (physical, emotional, and mental) plaguing their classmates as well as the group as a whole.
During periods of serious relapse when his health is very poor, Nagito often needs assistance or supervision with basic self-care (getting/eating food, walking, bathing, house-keeping), which is almost entirely taken care of by Mikan as the ultimate nurse (with Hajime and occasionally other classmates pitching in when needed or to help give Mikan a break). Nagito and Mikan first begin opening up to and bonding with one another due to the physical intimacy, dependence, and time spent together required during this type of care. After he recovers, Nagito always insists on returning the favour by offering to do or help with the same tasks Mikan performed for him - as well as anything else she might ask for.
Mikan is unused to receiving such care, and then insists upon offering the same care to Nagito again in turn even when he is not sick, and he lets her do whatever she asks after seeing how nursing/caretaking brings her happiness/security and gives her confidence in her self and her capabilities. Neither of the two put much value into their own self care, but both are highly invested when doing things for the other, and the mutual care and caregiving benefits them both physically and emotionally/mentally.
Nagito and Mikan end up standing up and looking out for each other a lot: Mikan watches over Nagito’s physical condition and ensures he doesn’t push his body more than he should, while Nagito speaks up for Mikan, backing her talent and power as an ultimate and person of value by defending/supporting her whenever the others too greatly ignore, dismiss, or ridicule her.
Hajime often takes Mikan and Nagito together or individually out on walks or picnics around the island. Nagito always makes interesting discovers and finds while beach combing or exploring, and Mikan enjoys spending time idle with company she feels completely safe and at ease with. Hajime likes seeing them both behaving more carefree and less guarded while they’re out.
The three of them are often giving each other gifts as a way to show appreciation and love, from little knickknacks found around the island to handmade items and things made with the help of their other classmates and their talents. Their gift-giving also includes acts of caretaking and putting together little surprises for each other. Examples include unique seashells found on the beach, matching handmade bracelets, favourite desserts (or approximations of due to limited resources) made with the help of Teruteru, little handwritten notes of love and encouragement, soothing candlelit massages, etc. etc…
Nagito is banned from cooking while unsupervised due to one too many disasters, but he is always willing to help out in the kitchen, and takes the lead concerning most of the house maintenance/cleaning. He’s good at it for the most part, though he always manages to mix up or temporarily loose track of clothes while doing laundry, leading to the three of them borrowing/wearing from each other’s closets often.
Though their relationship involved physical intimacy from quite early on, there is initially nothing sexual or romantic going in between Nagito and Mikan. The care Mikan first starts providing for Nagito is undertaken out of medical necessity and approached by her with a nurse’s mindset and attitude, and the reciprocal care he then offers her in return is done with him wholly concerned with him helping her and showing his appreciation. This lack of sexual/romantic tension or expectations is one of the things which helped them to become comfortable with each other and start opening up and getting to know each other.
The relationship between the three of them develops over time, as they first get to really know each other, build up an intimate emotional bond, and make progress with their own individual growth and recoveries before they begin voicing or acting upon burgeoning romantic and sexual feelings. As they communicate and establish the specifics of their relationship with each other over time, not one of them ever publicly state their relationship status to the rest of the group, but it’s not long before everyone realizes that there’s something going on between the three. Eventually, the three are in an established and committed relationship and everyone knows and references this openly despite it having never been officially announced.
Nagito and Mikan are very physically affectionate and appreciative with both each other and Hajime. In public they mostly stick to holding hands, arms around each other’s shoulders, sitting pressed up/leaning against one another, and sweet/chaste kisses on each other’s foreheads, hands, cheeks, and lips. In private they frequently snuggle, cuddle, hold, carry, groom, care for, and admire each other. When sleeping/laying down or sitting together, Hajime is typically in the middle with Mikan and Nagito on either side, and they frequently end up more on top of than beside him after a while.
Moving into NSFW/sexy times territory…
Mikan and Nagito are both extremely eager and willing to try and please Hajime sexually, and will offer to try or do anything they think he might be interested in. At the start of their relationship, Hajime has to help them establish healthy boundaries and concern for themselves and their own comfort/pleasure, a process which they also work on with separately with each other and individually by themselves. Over time, each of the three come to understand both their own and each other’s wants and sexualities to develop a healthy and fulfilling relationship/sex life.
Hajime is bi. Growing up he was unsure about being open with it, but on Jabberwock Island with only his classmates he feels close and comfortable enough with everyone for it to be out in the open. Nagito and Mikan are both a bit more complicated and less easily defined.
Nagito falls into a sort of mix of the gay, demi, and pan identities. As a teenager growing up, he never really felt much of a romantic or sexual attraction to any person in particular, but was able to recognize his orientation in general of what he found attractive to be more orientated towards men/masculinity and a gay identity while also being potentially. open to a variety of gender identities and expressions based on an individual’s specific personality and qualities: these qualities mainly being the capacity/ability to spread and foster hope (or his ideas of hope) and if they could/would genuinely get to know and care about Nagito himself. It is indeed these two qualities which Hajime and Mikan share which forms the base for Nagito’s attraction and affection towards them as they develop their relationship on Jabberwock. Before Hajime and Mikan, he never actually believed he would ever get to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with another person due to his low self-worth and avoidance of intimacy due to fear of his luck hurting those close to him, and he never allowed himself to get invested in any sexual/romantic endeavours or fantasies/indulgences.
CW for discussion of sexual abuse / Mikan had a complicated and unhealthily warped connection with romance and sex due to the severe abuse she underwent growing up. As established during DR2:GD dialogue and free time events, she will take abuse as a form of “care” over being ignored or people being upset with her (because god only knows what people might have done to her when they were in a bad mood based off of what she describes people “having fun” with her as doing), and readily offerers to perform sexual favours/activities to appease others (again I think as a coping mechanism - sexual activities were probably a way for her to please and distract her abusers from inflicting worse harm on her, and I think she likely came to convince herself that the sexual nature of the interactions must have meant that there was some sort of attraction or affection involved and it was a positive thing in at least some aspect [obviously this is not true - fuck abusers, especially those who abuse children/minors] but a young Mikan’s mind might very well come to this conclusion in attempt to cope). As her relationship with Nagito and Hajime develops, these unhealthy views and behaviours have to be hashed out and addressed over an extended period of time and it’s a long process moving past them, but eventually with support Mikan gains a healthy understanding of sex/sexuality, relationships, and her own wants/desires.
In terms of orientation Mikan rests in a sort of pan/demi category, capable of sexual feelings/desires regardless of gender but only developing emotional and romantic connections with specific individuals based on personal qualities, namely her being able to feel safe with and cared for by someone, which is the basis for her relationship with Nagito and Hajime.
Sex between the three of them usually centres on Hajime, as both Mikan and Nagito love and enjoy showing their attraction and appreciation to him and receiving his attraction and appreciation in return. Between the two of them, they usually keep his hands (and other parts) busy/full, and when he needs a break they’ll usually either both snuggle up to him or gently show and appreciate each other’s bodies for him to watch/enjoy.
They mostly just enjoy and appreciate each other’s bodies and attention/affection, but they do a bit of role playing/teasing and incorporate some different toys as well. In addition they enjoy physical intimacy and activity together in a more casual and relaxed context such as cuddling or soft make out sessions.
When without Hajime, Nagito and Mikan are less sexually driven, and a lot of their physical intimacy and affection focuses more on caretaking and comfort, such as taking baths/showers together, cuddling, giving each other massages, giving verbal and physical affection and affirmation to each other, and sometimes mutual masturbation or oral sex.
Due to the nature of their individual issues/struggles and past trauma, communication is especially important between the three of them, and they take care to verbally discuss and affirm things with each other whenever needed, whether this involves sexual activity, health concerns (physical or mental), or general relationship/interacting with points. That being said, they also learn to read and understand each other very well, and develop their own way of communicating different things to each other via physical or non-direct verbal cues.
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year
One thing I really enjoyed about Heartstopper Season 2 is it started to show the cracks in young love. That romantic love is wonderful, and supportive friendships are also wonderful. But neither of them are necessarily all-conquering.
Please note I haven’t read the books yet, so maybe this gets addressed later on.
Charlie seems to have some mental health issues which Nick’s love and support are unlikely to magically fix. Neither will the love and support of their friends group. And Darcy’s family being unsupportive is an ongoing issue that is causing her significant stress, to say the very least.
Even though Tara is a loving and supportive girlfriend, and even though their friend group band together to provide support to Darcy when her family are being difficult. Matters are exacerbated by Darcy being legally a child still. She’s basically stuck until she’s both a legal adult and has finished her secondary education.
Now, I’m not saying either Charlie or Darcy are doomed just because of shitty life circumstances. I’m quite sure that Nick the compulsive googler is worried about his boyfriend, and Nick may play a decisive role in Charlie getting psychological help. Charlie (quite rightly) trusts Nick’s good intentions. If Nick is worried about him, Charlie might be more inclined to talk honestly with a professional.
Just as Tara being Darcy’s girlfriend and offering loving support may enhance Darcy’s resilience, and help her cope better with family bullshit. Tara could also be the canary in the coal mine, if in the future things ever escalate to the point where Darcy can no longer live in her family home, for either her emotional or physical safety. Obviously this is all highly speculative.
But neither Nick and Tara’s romantic love nor a fabulous network of mutually supportive friends can FIX Charlie and Darcy’s problems. They can help, they can make a big difference, but there’s no magic wand.
Season 1 was more focused on the joy, butterflies, and heartbreak of falling in love for the first time. Also on the way friendship groups change and coalesce as life circumstances change. Ex: Charlie, Tao, and Isaac coming to terms with changes in their long-standing quartet once Elle switched to an girls school. Elle making friends with Tara and Darcy at her new school, and introducing them to her friends from Truham. And of course, Charlie trying to integrate Nick into the gang, with vigorous opposition from Tao. Not to mention the conflicts between Nick and his rugby friends as they saw Nick drifting away from them in favour of a bunch of uncool weirdos.
Season 1 was delightful, but Season 2 felt more…grown-up. It was still a blast to watch, but it felt like these young people are maturing.
Honourable mentions to the following S2 awesome bits which I didn’t mention yet:
1. Elle and Tao’s romance, Elle’s painting, and Tao’s mother’s absolute heartwarming delight that her son is now dating Elle.
2. Isaac’s romantic and sexual crisis, a journey so memorably leading him to the realization that there’s nothing wrong with him. He’s perfect and whole just as he is. He’s asexual and aromantic, and there’s a whole community of other people like him out there. There are even BOOKS about people like him.
3. Imogen breaking up so memorably with that goddamn attempted rapist Ben Hope, and getting drawn into Nick��s new friendship group as her S1 crush on Nick deepens into friendship. And maybe discovering she might be more than an ally. Very intrigued to see what, if anything, happens with Imogen and Samar in S3.
4. Nick calling out Ben with, “No, I hate you because you literally assaulted him.” I understand why the show didn’t really give a name to Charlie’s trauma at Ben’s hands in S1. They didn’t soft-pedal it emotionally, even though they never really label it as attempted rape. S1 Charlie was obviously traumatized, Nick was obviously repelled by Ben’s actions and desperately worried about Charlie. But the vocabulary wasn’t there, for whatever reason. It took until S2 for Nick to say to Ben, “you literally assaulted him,” with all the rage that reminder deserved. And I cheered!
5. My darling Mr Ajayi (my favourite S1 side character!) got a love interest in Mr Farouk. Who is such a polar opposite in personality to Mr Ajayi, but somehow, they click. And if they get married someday, they DAMN well better invite Coach Singh and her wife to the wedding. After all her yenta-ing to encourage them.
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oliver-mellors · 2 years
Well worth reading
′′Let go the people who are not prepared to love you. This is the hardest thing you will have to do in your life and it will also be the most important thing. Stop having hard conversations with people who don't want change.
Stop showing up for people who have no interest in your presence. I know your instinct is to do everything to earn the appreciation of those around you, but it's a boost that steals your time, energy, mental and physical health.
When you begin to fight for a life with joy, interest and commitment, not everyone will be ready to follow you in this place. This doesn't mean you need to change what you are, it means you should let go of the people who aren't ready to accompany you.
If you are excluded, insulted, forgotten or ignored by the people you give your time to, you don't do yourself a favor by continuing to offer your energy and your life. The truth is that you are not for everyone and not everyone is for you.
That's what makes it so special when you meet people who reciprocate love. You will know how precious you are.
The more time you spend trying to make yourself loved by someone who is unable to, the more time you waste depriving yourself of the possibility of this connection to someone else.
There are billions of people on this planet and many of them will meet with you at your level of interest and commitment.
The more you stay involved with people who use you as a pillow, a background option or a therapist for emotional healing, the longer you stay away from the community you want.
Maybe if you stop showing up, you won't be wanted. Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will end. Maybe if you stop texting your phone will stay dark for weeks. That doesn't mean you ruined the relationship, it means the only thing holding it back was the energy that only you gave to keep it. This is not love, it's attachment. It's wanting to give a chance to those who don't deserve it. You deserve so much, there are people who should not be in your life.
The most valuable thing you have in your life is your time and energy, and both are limited. When you give your time and energy, it will define your existence.
When you realize this, you begin to understand why you are so anxious when you spend time with people, in activities, places or situations that don't suit you and shouldn't be around you, your energy is stolen.
You will begin to realize that the most important thing you can do for yourself and for everyone around you is to protect your energy more fiercely than anything else. Make your life a safe haven, in which only ′′compatible′′ people are allowed.
You are not responsible for saving anyone. You are not responsible for convincing them to improve. It's not your work to exist for people and give your life to them! If you feel bad, if you feel compelled, you will be the root of all your problems, fearing that they will not return the favours you have granted. It's your only obligation to realize that you are the love of your destiny and accept the love you deserve.
Decide that you deserve true friendship, commitment, true and complete love with healthy and prosperous people. Then wait and see how much everything begins to change. Don't waste time with people who are not worth it. Change will give you the love, the esteem, happiness and the protection you deserve.
Anthony Hopkins.
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esgagile · 18 days
The Advantages of Carbon Footprint Reduction
Being a Carbon footprint consultancy in Agile Advisors, reducing carbon footprints is becoming more and more necessary as the effects of climate change become more apparent. The most evident environmental benefits of lowering one's carbon footprint are the reduced release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), are the leading causes of climate change and global warming. By lowering your emissions, you can help slow down these destructive processes, safeguard ecosystems, maintain biodiversity, and ensure that future generations inherit a healthier planet. For individuals, this can entail cutting back on driving, switching to renewable energy sources like solar power, or simply utilizing energy-efficient appliances. Additionally, companies prioritizing lowering their carbon footprint benefit from improved customer loyalty, enhanced brand reputation, and a competitive edge in the expanding market for sustainable goods and services.
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Agile Advisors provides Carbon footprint consultancy In UAE, Businesses may need to invest in green technologies, optimize their supply chains, or cut waste. Over time, these procedures may result in considerable cost savings. Reducing these emissions helps to create a healthier atmosphere and cleaner air. This can lessen the adverse effects of poor air quality on cardiovascular conditions, respiratory disorders, and other health issues. A low-carbon lifestyle can also improve mental and physical health. You are reducing your carbon footprint as a business, which benefits not just your bottom line but also your reputation. Modern consumers are more aware of the environment and favour businesses that show a dedication to sustainability. By actively lowering your carbon footprint, you can stand out from the competition, improve your company's reputation, and draw in eco-aware clients. Reductions in emissions lead to cleaner air, which improves public health by lowering the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses.
As a Carbon footprint consultancy In Dubai, reducing your carbon footprint can help ensure compliance with the increasingly stringent environmental regulations that governments around the world are enacting. By doing this, possible fines, penalties, and legal problems may be avoided. Furthermore, by taking proactive steps to reduce emissions, you can manage climate change risks like resource scarcity, supply chain disruptions, and shifting market demands. This can result in more robust sales, more devoted customers, and a more advantageous position in the market. The challenge of lowering carbon emissions sparks innovation. Companies can find new, more effective ways to operate by investing in green technologies and sustainable practices. This may result in increased output, brand-new goods and services, or even the development of entirely untapped markets. Lowering waste and energy use frequently go hand in hand with lowering your carbon footprint.
In our opinion as Carbon footprint consultancy, the drive for sustainability can spur innovation and lead to ideas that improve the bottom line and the environment. Lowering your carbon footprint can aid in the worldwide effort to fight climate change. Each person and company that lowers its carbon footprint contributes to the accomplishment of these objectives. Collective action is essential to having a significant global impact. Lastly, lowering your carbon footprint can make you feel good about yourself. It can be immensely satisfying to know that you are contributing to the betterment of the environment and future generations. It also fits in with the increasing sense of social responsibility that many people and companies have today. Furthermore, individuals and businesses can save money by implementing energy-efficient practices and cutting waste.
We as a Carbon footprint consultancy In UAE, you help the greater good and encourage others to follow suit by reducing your carbon emissions. Lowering your carbon footprint is more than just cutting costs and following rules. It's an essential step toward promoting innovation, preserving the environment, enhancing health, and building a more sustainable future. Reduce your carbon footprint for undeniable benefits, whether you're an individual looking to make small changes in your daily life or a business aiming for large-scale sustainability initiatives. We can make the world greener and more sustainable if we all put in the same effort. There are many advantages to lowering your carbon footprint, such as better health, financial savings, and environmental preservation. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions contributes to the fight against climate change and protecting natural ecosystems.
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inkintheinternet · 3 months
A Lecture
Arjuwan Lakkdawala
Ink in the Internet
As a scientific researcher and a hypothetical time traveller, I write about our changing times - scientifically and socially. The world is changing faster than most of us can keep up. And therein is the problem. The information in this new era could be accumulating so exponentially, that it is becoming greater than the average mind can perceive.
If we want to live blindfolded in a bubble that won't be a problem, but should our bubble burst and we are forced to navigate this new world, our dwarfed intellect in the face of a supercharged, artificial intelligence, and robotics powered, rapidly changing civilization could leave us lost and confused, and mentally unequipped to deal with obstacles, or know the proper choices.
Therefore it is crucial for our long term survival to have the foundation stones of this new world set in our minds as it takes its full form.
Context and focus is everything. That is we must read the right news - the most important, accurate, and vital news. If we read news that is sensationalised but has no real significance we will be misguided into putting the wrong stones in our minds, and then find that reality is very different than what we imagined. At a time of fierce intellectual competition, and tricky choices, such a mistake could be catastrophic for any individual or even a whole country.
So what is actually happening in the world at this time.
The first thing to understand is that earlier scribes recorded history with quills and ink on rolls of parchment, then after the industrial revolution, the printing press recorded history in books, magazines, and newspapers. While this by itself may seem like a great deal of information already. It was not anywhere close to what we have today, now we have gigabytes and petabytes, and an ever growing reservoir of electronic information.
This is both good and not good. Earlier there was parameters to who got published, there were standards to literature, verification of information, ethics, now on the internet these specifications to adding information to the history of the world no longer exist.
We do have some publications online and offline that still have these standards, but it's very tough to sort them from the heaps of information available to us. It's like a needle in a haystack.
I record in this journal that we are not only in a rapidly changing world, but these are very tumultuous times. Social media like a magical crystal ball is showing us far off distant places and people, it has also opened up a window of opportunity for anyone who wants exposure to the world. This window that unfortunately whenever I peer through in this era I see complete insanity and chaos. There is a serious decline in intelligence, I have noted this in previous entries in my journal. There is a continuous uptick in this world-wide calamity in human mental health.
I fear for the future of civilizations. What kind of a world will the children of today grow up in. Or what will the elderly find in the impending future. Will it be like the animal kingdom - survival of the fittest. Unbelievably so many countries have legalised euthanasia for humans! As I said there is an alarming decline in human intelligence, and somehow human beings have been left out of the current giant leaps in technology. We have the antibiotic crisis. The World Health Organisation stated that we are in the "post antibiotic era."
It appears the present technology has a bias and is tilted in favour of artificial intelligence and robotics, what can be worse for humanity than an insanity crisis, antibiotic crisis, legal euthanasia. While robots on the other hand are being manufactured to replace humans in the physical labor market, artificial intelligence is now flying planes and driving cars.
All this is overwhelming change for an average mind. Therefore we have to become visionary scientific thinkers, and hold on to our humanity. In my science journal Ink in the Internet, I try to give my readers a sharp edge in their thinking, I hope to even empower the intelligence of my readers that we can surpass artificial intelligence and prove mankind will always be the master of machine. I do this by writing about the most visionary and innovative science, and explaining the most important aspects of our evolving civilization. On Ink I never write irrelevant news.
Copyright ©️ 2024 Arjuwan Lakkdawala
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sojourneronearth · 8 months
I wanted to be in control of people’s growth &salvation. I had plans of going about it, things I could do, anything I could do to help. But when burnout&depression hit, I realised I wasn’t in control or able to do anything. I needed to drop all the things I deemed so important& ‘God’s work’. I felt so powerless, incapable, inept, invaluable, worthless, to do anything which was godly&beneficial.
I grew up a perfectionist. Always strived to be goody two shoes, the teacher’s pet. I wanted to always self improve&discipline myself to be the person I want to be. At highschool when people were being teenagers&trying out different things - I was listening to motivational speakers about making the self better&inspiring goal setting. I love to work toward personal goals&oserve the growth.
When I started reading the bible more as a teenager I applied this same idea to living for God. I did all I could in trying to live as perfectly for Him to please him as possible. It was so tiring. I felt it was never enough.
It was only until a friend at university showed me what it really meant to be Christian that I felt relieved of the burden. I’m already right & perfect before Him, he loved be at my worst, he loves me as I am. I am free now to live for HIm. Not to earn His favour, but out of gratefulness. It’s like a child who’s told, parents love you as you are. Nothing you do or don’t do will change their love for you. I love you because I love you because I love you.
Burnout&depression were great gifts to show me I can do nothing on my own
God is in control. He is looking after everyone. He will keep people’s souls safe. He is the Saviour. Not only of others. But also myself. He is able to handle my anger, my doubts, my sorrows. He is good among the bad things in life&the world. He is enough, I didn’t have to do another bible study with anyone to prove my worth. He loved me for me, in Christ. He persevered in holding onto my soul. He was patient with my anger.
Nowadays perhaps my perfectionism is held in my planning&managing my energy levels&health. Now that I know how much it affects my emotional&mental health, I guard it&consider it so much. But it is competing for time with my desire to spend time with people.
Downsides of perfectionism:
- spending too much time on one thing to perfect it
- I tend to impose my standards on others/my desire for being 100% affects others around me negatively
- I judge other’s motivations based on what they do or don’t do according to my own standards
- I think I can achieve things on my own strength&try very hard, without God
- love the joy of being carefree&easy going
- I think I can control things, plans, people’s lives
?What can I focus on to change?
- strive to be perfect&holy as God is holy. Seek to be perfect not just for yourself, or for others, but for God. Care about what HE thinks
- knowing that all is done by the Spirit APTAT
- be ok with “second best”, accepting subpar. Sometimes sub par si what you need to learn to embrace and be ok with. Because in Christ your worth is Already 100%
My perfectionism comes into play when I’m doing things for people I care about. I want to give them the best.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
Impact Of Recession Of The Economy On Mental Health
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During present times, we have seen that recession across the world have been affecting society in many ways and not just economically. The economy’s current state plays a huge role in the livelihood of people which in turn impacts their mental health. Financial crises have a major impact on people’s health and happiness, which is especially true for vulnerable groups of individuals. Living and working circumstances have significantly deteriorated in nations that were severely hit by the recent recession.
It is important to look at a human being as a whole and not just as parts. One of the reasons this is important is because it allows everyone to understand that many factors can influence and impact the individual. The increasing socioeconomic risk factors associated with the current crisis, such as unemployment, financial stress, debts, and employment-related issues, are likely to aggravate and worsen mental health issues. People going through this significant life turmoil are more vulnerable to mental illness. The family is the most important environment for children’s healthy development, hence economic strain and unemployment have a terrible effect on families, especially children.
In a study (Frasquilho et al., 2015 ) it was seen that an increasing body of credible evidence suggests that economic downturns may be linked to poor population mental health outcomes. There appear to be psychological health issues, common mental disorders, substance problems, and suicidal behaviours as a result of the recession. The unemployed, those who are in debt or are having financial troubles, those who already have mental health issues, and families with children are some of the demographics that may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of recessions. It is well-known that serious public health issues such as mental illness and drug abuse contribute significantly to the global burden of disease in high-income nations. It is a collective responsibility to act and minimize these intolerable expenses because economic downturns may worsen risk factors for mental illness and suicide.
One can also see that in another study done by Kristan & David (2012), the economic crisis was predicted to have a negative impact on mental health, possibly leading to an increase in the number of suicides and alcohol-related deaths in affected nations. The negative effects of the global financial crisis on health may be less severe in countries with stronger social safety nets. According to this research, a number of policy changes can lessen the economic crisis’s negative effects on mental health. It shows that the health sector cannot attain good mental health on its own.
When one thinks about what intervention can be done to improve the overall health and well-being of the collective. The economic crisis offers a chance to improve policies that would not only lessen the effect of the recession on suicide-related deaths and injuries as well as the economic and health costs associated with alcohol use disorders and impaired mental health throughout all economic sessions. It is crucial to keep in mind that investing in mental health assistance will pay off both in prosperous and difficult economic times.
The financial crisis only strengthens the compelling public health and economic arguments in favour of comprehensive coverage of community mental health care, adequate social protection systems, active labour market programs, family and parenting support, debt relief, and effective alcohol control policy. Budgeting for measures that keep people employed, assist those who lose their jobs and their families with the negative effects of unemployment, as well as making it possible for the unemployed to rapidly find new work are all options that governments should take into consideration in order to protect populations both now and in the future.
The study (Kristan & David, 2012) continues to suggest that it should be stressed that a recession may also lead to healthy lifestyle adjustments, without drawing attention away from the hazards the current global economic recession poses to mental health. If one works fewer hours, people might have more free time to spend with their kids, family, and friends. A slower pace of life may result from less economic activity, which also strengthens social capital by increasing opportunities for civic engagement and networking.
A more rapid economic recovery is expected to be supported by options that improve the population’s mental health. Policy actions can either harm or strengthen population health. Mental capital, or population well-being, is an essential requirement for a thriving economy with high productivity. The pillars of population well-being that support mental health are the key to unlocking the economic crisis. Healthy families, compassion for individuals affected by the crisis, and equitable and accessible community mental health care are significant pillars. To rebuild a healthy economy, solid mental health foundations must be created and firmly anchored.
– Urveez Kakalia and Krupa Abraham.
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ceekbee · 2 years
ANTHONY HOPKINS - Powerful words. 💖🙌🏼💖
′′Let go the people who are not prepared to love you. This is the hardest thing you will have to do in your life and it will also be the most important thing. Stop having hard conversations with people who don't want change.
Stop showing up for people who have no interest in your presence. I know your instinct is to do everything to earn the appreciation of those around you, but it's a boost that steals your time, energy, mental and physical health.
When you begin to fight for a life with joy, interest and commitment, not everyone will be ready to follow you in this place. This doesn't mean you need to change what you are, it means you should let go of the people who aren't ready to accompany you.
If you are excluded, insulted, forgotten or ignored by the people you give your time to, you don't do yourself a favor by continuing to offer your energy and your life. The truth is that you are not for everyone and not everyone is for you.
That's what makes it so special when you meet people who reciprocate love. You will know how precious you are.
The more time you spend trying to make yourself loved by someone who is unable to, the more time you waste depriving yourself of the possibility of this connection to someone else.
There are billions of people on this planet and many of them will meet with you at your level of interest and commitment.
The more you stay involved with people who use you as a pillow, a background option or a therapist for emotional healing, the longer you stay away from the community you want.
Maybe if you stop showing up, you won't be wanted. Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will end. Maybe if you stop texting your phone will stay dark for weeks. That doesn't mean you ruined the relationship, it means the only thing holding it back was the energy that only you gave to keep it. This is not love, it's attachment. It's wanting to give a chance to those who don't deserve it. You deserve so much, there are people who should not be in your life.
The most valuable thing you have in your life is your time and energy, and both are limited. When you give your time and energy, it will define your existence.
When you realize this, you begin to understand why you are so anxious when you spend time with people, in activities, places or situations that don't suit you and shouldn't be around you, your energy is stolen.
You will begin to realize that the most important thing you can do for yourself and for everyone around you is to protect your energy more fiercely than anything else. Make your life a safe haven, in which only ′′compatible′′ people are allowed.
You are not responsible for saving anyone. You are not responsible for convincing them to improve. It's not your work to exist for people and give your life to them! If you feel bad, if you feel compelled, you will be the root of all your problems, fearing that they will not return the favours you have granted. It's your only obligation to realize that you are the love of your destiny and accept the love you deserve.
Decide that you deserve true friendship, commitment, true and complete love with healthy and prosperous people. Then wait and see how much everything begins to change. Don't waste time with people who are not worth it. Change will give you the love, the esteem, happiness and the protection you deserve."
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Anthony Hopkins #AnthonyHopkins
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blinknidhi · 2 years
Bold hues and patterns are an ongoing fashion trend.
One of the most dramatic and bold fashion trends that has had a big influence on the fashion industry is the use of bold colours and designs. This trend has been adopted by designers, celebrities, and fashion enthusiasts alike and features bold graphic designs and brilliant colours. Since the 1960s, it has been a foundation of fashion, and its recognition has only increased over time. We'll look more closely at the vivid colours and patterns trend in this piece and how it's changed through time. Bold Colors and Prints in Fashion: An Evolution
The 1960s and the pop art movement are when the desire for vibrant colours and prints first emerged. Fashion designers began to emulate the brilliant colours and striking designs that painters of the time were experimenting with. A generation of fashion enthusiasts were inspired by this time by designers like Mary Quant and André Courrèges, who became well-known for their vivid and daring creations.
The strong colour and pattern trend persisted throughout the 1970s, and fashion designers started experimenting with new processes like screen printing and tie-dye. Bold graphic prints, which drew inspiration from the music and art sectors of this decade, also became quite popular.
As designers started incorporating aspects from other cultural and creative traditions in the 1980s, the vivid colours and patterns trend started to take on a more diverse and broad aesthetic. Designers like Jean Paul Gaultier and Thierry Mugler rose to fame during this decade for their daring, extravagant creations that included both conventional and contemporary elements.
Bold colours and designs have gotten more refined in recent years as the trend has developed. Bold designs are increasingly being incorporated by designers into more understated apparel like jackets, skirts, and dresses in order to create a statement without overpowering the wearer. In addition, individuals are now more eager to experiment with vivid hues, which has made the trend more accessible to a larger audience.
The Advantages of Wearing Bold Prints and Colors
Wearing vibrant hues and patterns gives you the opportunity to show your individuality and make a statement, which is one of their key advantages. This style enables you to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your uniqueness, whether you're carrying a dress with a graphical design or a pair of vibrantly coloured shoes.
Wearing vibrant hues and patterns can also assist to improve your mood and give you a stronger sense of yourself. Wearing vibrant colours can assist to improve our mood and confidence because they are proven to have a favourable impact on our mental health.
Finally, wearing vibrant colours and designs may also help you keep current with fashion trends. You can always find something fresh and fascinating to wear because this style is continuously changing and growing.
How to Dress in Vibrant Prints and Colors
It might be difficult to know where to begin if you are new to the trend of vibrant colours and designs. To help you incorporate this style into your wardrobe, consider the following advice:
Start small: It may be wise to start small if you are not accustomed to wearing vivid colours and designs. You may start by adding subtle hints of this style to your clothes, such a scarf with a striking design or a purse with a vivid colour.
Try out several prints: There are many different kinds of prints, including floral and animal designs as well as graphic prints. Try out various prints to see which ones suit you the best.
Combine strong designs with simple hues
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