#and also the biggest thanks to Foo!!!
keeksandgigz · 9 months
thinking of eddie helping you braid your hair when you’re getting ready to spend the night
made this about eddie and witchy because i cannot stop thinking about them- this is also for the anon who said they can't stop reading it (thank u hehehe)
fluffy fluff below the cut, witchy being jealous and thinking of hexing his exes <3
He had to drag you into his apartment.
In a hilarious turn of events, due to some kind of San Francisco strike, all metro routes were suspended and there was no way you were going to walk in heeled boots all the way to Twin Peaks.
"Why call an Uber, baby? You can literally come upstairs at mine" Eddie says, watching you huff as you read over the e-mail about the strike.
"No Eddie you don't understand. I need to be home. I have a whole ritual! And silk pillowcases! Why can't you just drive me?" you whine, hoping he'll fold to your requests like he always does.
He grabs you by the shoulders, giving you a tender look.
"Because, my lovely witchy, metro routes being down means there will be absolute pandemonium in the streets. And I'm not trying to stay fifteen minutes stuck in downhill traffic" he laughs as you follow him around the store.
He's still working, you got off an hour before and after walking around the vintage stores for an hour there wasn't much else to do. It's just him in the record shop, working the closing shift. You follow him around trying to convince him to drive you back as he puts back the vinyls in the milk crates, folds band t- shirts, and rearranges patches in the display case.
"C'mon, witchy, just go up. I have Chinese takeout from last night or spaghetti if you wanna cook, I'll stop by the hair place across the block to get you a silk pillowcase. Promise" he says, leaning over the counter to kiss your forehead he opens up the cash till.
"But Ed-" you whine, you've never slept outside of your apartment before.
"No buts, I'm sorry witchy. Now get your cute butt out of here, I've got money out" he says, puckering his lips, ready for a kiss.
You lean over the counter and give him a quick kiss before he hands you the keys to his apartment.
"Don't forget to call Lorraine to get her to feed Circe!" he exclaims before you're out the door. You roll your eyes, of course you'll call Lorraine, your neighbor, if Lorraine existed.
But he doesn't have to know you can feed Circe with a snap of your finger whenever you forget to leave food out in the morning.
So you groan and you go through the backdoor of the store to reach the small, dingy courtyard of his apartment. Second floor, apartment 5C.
This building is so old it doesn't even have an elevator. You reach the door and open it, the rattle of keys falling over the counter is the only sound that can be heard, along with the clack of the short heels of your boots.
You take your shoes off and go through his fridge. Day- old Chinese takeout, a carton of eggs and milk. Three cans of Sierra Nevada, a half- drunk bottle of Coke Zero. You open his freezer.
Honey walnut shrimp and fried rice from Trader Joe's, a bottle of vodka, and a tub of ice cream from the last time you were craving it.
You roll your eyes and pick up the phone.
"Hey Ed, you have jack shit in your fridge. Can you stop by the Greek place down the block? I’ll have a gyro with chicken and falafel on the side” you request, hearing his groan at another chore he has to do post closing.
“Baby the Chinese food in the fridge is pretty good, it’s from the place we always go to” he’s not very convincing, but he’s tired and now lost count of the cash he was counting.
“‘kay i’ll put an online order for it so you just have to go pick it up, sound good?” you ignore him.
“Ugh fine but I better get, like, the biggest kiss in return.“ he groans, but it’s true. He is a weak, weak man when it comes to you. “Get me the pita wrap with lamb and fries, and lemme also get seasoned fries on the side. Thank you witchy, love you gotta go” he says, hanging up the phone.
So you order the food and then sneak in Eddie's bedroom to change into something comfortable. Getting rid of that fine line when clothes felt too much like clothes, the stitching pressing into your skin, the cuffs of your sweater feeling a bit too tight against your wrists, your jeans too tight on your legs.
So you venture in his closet and steal a pair of sweats and a ratty black t- shirt. One of his many. You go to the bathroom and notice there's no mirror. This dude.
So you tie your hair away from your face and use the nice face wash you got him- which you're sure he rarely uses- and wipe the makeup off your face. You go look for a clean towel, 'cause God knows you will not be wiping your face with the hand towel sitting on the rod on the wall.
After your face is clean you plop yourself on the couch and watch TV to pass the time.
Thirty- odd minutes later a rattling of keys startles you. Eddie walks through the door with his arms full of plastic bags. He places them on the counter.
"Hey witchy, I see you've made yourself at home?" he says, as you walk towards him and bury yourself in his arms. At least he smelled nice.
"Hmmm missed you, Ed" you mutter against the fabric of his t- shirt.
"You missed me?" you give a little nod, followed by a hum. His heart beats a bit faster, it's nice knowing you think of him when he's away.
"Aw, witchy. I missed you too, are you hungry?" he says, giving you a sweet kiss on the head as he detaches from your grip and reaches for the bag with the food, taking out the boxes.
"Also stopped by the hair place, got you that silk pillowcase and some shampoo and conditioner to keep here. Doubt you'll wanna use my three in one shit" he snickers, and you blush timidly. He's not sweet in the way that he'll kiss you in the middle of the street, but he is for sure sweet in the way he thinks about you an embarrassing amount of times a day.
"Thanks Ed, you didn't have to do that" you say, and he blushes, the boy tinges himself pink because you appreciate him.
"Y'know, anything for you" he says, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he brings the takeout boxes to the coffee table.
You follow him and plop down on the couch "I was watching 'Sex and the City' while you were gone" you explain, biting into your gyro.
"Was Samantha being her usual crazy self?" he doesn't even know who Samantha is, but he thinks it's funny to ask you every time. You giggle as he puts on a random show for you to watch.
After an episode Eddie stands up and stretches.
"I'm beat, I think it's time for bed" he says "c'mon, witchy"
You rise from the couch and follow him into the master bathroom.
“I have a toothbrush here for you, I kinda uh-“ from his tone you can tell he’s embarrassed “I got one for here the first time you came over, in case you ever, y’know, wanted to sleep over” he says sheepishly, while you wrap your arms around him.
He offers it to you, it’s pink. Your favorite color.
“Aw, Ed. You’re so sweet, thank you” you say and you swear you can see him blush as you place a delicate kiss on his warming cheek.
This slice of domesticity taken away from the mystic vibe of your apartment really makes you wonder. It makes you think about a normal life, with him.
The way he washes his face like a madman (without face wash), letting the water wet his bangs instead of pulling his hair back, the way he ties his hair up before brushing his teeth.
You take the toothbrush out of your mouth "Ah shtill don' undestand why you don' have a mirrah" you sputter, mouth full as you spit the toothpaste in the sink.
"Why I don't have a mirror? Previous tenant broke it and my asshole landlord still won't fix it" he says, taking off his shirt. Your eyes linger on the lines of his back a little too long, bordering the line between looking and staring.
So you turn around and you try to braid your hair without a mirror, but to no avail, every strand seems to be three different sizes.
You groan in frustration as Eddie approaches you.
"Lemme help, witchy" he says, standing behind you and tending an arm out for a hair tie.
He divides the hair into three strands. Your hair is so soft between his fingers.
He wishes he could stall so that he could caress it for longer, but an impatient yawn escapes your mouth as his hands deftly get to work. Over, under, over, under-
"Where did you learn to braid hair?" you ask, feeling the way he softly holds each strand, making sure he's not pulling at your scalp. You don't see him, but a smile forms around his tongue, peeking out of his lips in concentration. Over, under.
"I had girlfriends before you, witchy. They taught me to braid my own hair" he chuckles, as you try to tune out the word girlfriends. Under, over, under.
He can see a pout form on your lips, he smiles.
"Why'd you need to braid your hair?" you huff, thinking of going on a spiraling rampage and hexing every one of his exes. Over.
"Well" he begins "one time, an ex braided my hair and it came out super curly, so I wanted to try it myself. Turns out it needs to stay in the braid for a while for that to happen" he shrugs.
Under, over, tie.
"All done," he announces, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
"Thanks, Ed" you examine the braid, flinging it over your shoulder "looks really nice" you say, and give him a small kiss at the corner of his mouth.
He gets himself into bed. His bed is oddly comfortable and his sheets smell of laundry detergent.
"I might have been washing my sheets every other day in case you wanted to sleep over" he confesses, blushing, as he lifts his arm, opening the warmth of his chest to you.
"You" you give him a kiss "are literally" another kiss "the sweetest guy" another kiss "in the history of always" last kiss.
He gets flustered when you call him sweet, because under the hardening exterior of black chains and shirts with exploding heads and hooded skeletal figures, there's just a sweet guy who loves you and wants you to like him for being himself.
"Just want you to, you know, have a good experience with me" he says, caressing your head.
"You get an 11/10 Yelp rating, can't recommend to anyone, though. You seem to be preoccupied with a really cool girl, and it seems it's going to go on forever" you giggle, as he smiles and gives you a kiss.
"Go to sleep, cool girl. Goodnight, love you" he says, before turning off his lights.
"Goodnight, Ed" you say, turning over so he can spoon you.
"You have to say it back" he whispers in the quiet of the dark room.
"Right, sorry. I love you too, Ed" you correct yourself and close your eyes, falling into one of the best sleeps you've ever had in your life.
The morning after, Eddie wakes up to his landlord bringing in a new mirror, his hair extra curled and all his exes blocked on his social media. But he doesn't have to know about that last one.
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rhaegang · 3 months
Felix pining over masc Ollie. And then Ollie takes him into a pub bathroom and tells him he knows he wants him. Puts a hand on his shoulder and brings him to his knees. And then pulls out his cock.
Is this anything?
Suck It And See - first edition
So, Felix wasn’t sheltered. Venetia had loved To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar when they were kids. And he’d always known Farleigh had a little fruit flavor about him, so he wasn’t surprised, once puberty struck, to find his cousin fooling around with this, that, and the other.
That was fine by him, no judgement. It just wasn’t for Felix. The gay clubs they’d sneaked into with their immaculate fake IDs had solidified it for him early. The drag queens and the hot pants and the voguing and the disco diva worship—Felix just wasn’t into that stuff.
And girls? Girls always came easy. They had certain expectations of him, given his family and his face, and he didn’t mind playing into that for an hour or two at a time when he needed to do it. So, that was easy, and Felix liked easy.
On the other hand, Oliver had never had it easy, not in any sense. He’d been born up north in a large working class family, but his dad had passed when he was just small. His mum had done her level best to raise four kids with his pension and the insurance money, but Oliver had been the man of the house, so he’d started work while he was still a student. Then, he’d split his time between studies, work, and trade school.
Felix had no idea how someone could juggle all that and still find time to take care of himself, but Oliver obviously had done so. He was built like a boxer, lean but dense, and he had a few scars here and there that Felix had been dying to ask about for weeks—but he held off. It would be rude to pry, after all. Just, it was clear to Felix that Oliver could handle himself in a rough situation, and there was something about that he could not stop rolling around in his thoughts like a coin through his fingers.
And Oliver had such a strange calm about him, like nothing anyone said could shake him. Whether or not that was really true, Felix had no idea, but the projection of confidence alone was enough. He found himself admiring Oliver more and more when he shrugged off the shitty comments about his…non traditional path to scholarly life.
Yes, Oliver was a few years older than other first year students at Oxford, but that was because he’d needed to spend some time out in the real fucking world, earning every opportunity he had. None of Felix’s cohort could say the same (and if pressed, would say they didn’t find it impressive, but Felix thought they had to be lying).
The fact that Oliver never seemed interested in going along to the pub also didn’t help him to build social capital with his classmates. And that was something that Felix felt was his duty to correct. If everyone else could just get to know Oliver as he had—after a chance rescue where Oliver had given Felix a lift to his tutorial on the back of his motorbike—they were sure to be as taken with him as Felix was.
He cajoled and insisted and finally pleaded for an entire week before Oliver dropped the biggest shock possible: he did not care to come out to the pub with everyone because he had another place he liked to go, one that was better suited to him, given it was a gay bar.
There’s no way, Felix had thought. Oliver was such a…a man, in a way Felix had difficulty expressing. It was simpler to articulate what he meant by pointing to examples, classic and iconic bastions of masculinity in film and history. They were taciturn, yet able to feel deeply. They were protective, and they were providers. They were logical and patient and fair, morally upstanding. They were cowboys and kings—they came, they saw, they conquered. They were real men, as was Oliver.
There was nothing about Oliver that was fruity. Not his voice nor his walk; not the way he dressed nor the way he cut his hair. It was true he wasn’t especially tall, barely standing higher to Felix’s chest than a girl would. And it was true his boyish cheeks couldn’t grow a proper beard despite him being nearly twenty-five, and his huge blue eyes featured thick fans of dark lashes, but those were all physical traits out of his control. Not evidence of any inclinations whatsoever.
The fact that he had been admitted to Webbe on scholarship because he had earned a regional award for a small collection of his poetry also did not make him gay, despite what Jake had snickered into his lager one time. Many great poets through history had been, sure, but more had not. And Oliver wasn’t only a poet. He was a tradesman with rough broad hands he used to work, not hand over Daddy’s credit card while sitting on his arse like fucking Jake.
“Are you having a laugh with me, Ollie?” Felix had asked, too stunned to temper his shock with a grin and a wink like he might have if Oliver had said anything less unthinkable.
“D’you find something I said funny?” Oliver had asked in return, his lilting voice calm as ever, though Felix thought there was a hint of a challenge to it.
“Wh-no, no of course not, mate, Christ no, I’m not like. A homophobe or anything—”
“Don’t mistake me, Felix. I go there because I prefer to be around other men. I prefer men, but I’m not homosexual.”
“…wait. Tell me, how does that work?”
Oliver had sort of blown Felix’s mind that afternoon, to be honest. He’d had no idea there were men like Oliver, men who preferred other men, but who weren’t like, queer. Felix had been so sure, after seeing the rainbows and the glitter and the fishnet shirts, that he wasn’t queer either, so the thoughts he sometimes had about other men had to be inconsequential, idle musings of a sort every bloke had.
But if he had known it was possible to be ‘not gay’ and yet have an interest in other men—and that was the key element wasn’t it, Felix was interested in men, like Oliver—
The next several weeks were an especially difficult time in Felix’s life.
Once the pieces had come together for him, it became impossible not to look at Oliver and imagine. Wonder. Want. Felix found himself daydreaming about it, even though he had no idea at all about how being with another man would work, if he like, considered it in theory.
Would they use their hands? That didn’t seem too gay. Plenty of boys exchanged a little touch and tug at school, after all. Felix personally had never, not even with his best mate Eddie, but mainly because he hadn’t wanted things to get awkward after.
If not hands, surely not anything like, in the back alley. There was no way that wasn’t gay. Felix had tried to picture Oliver bent over, another man’s cock pushing into him. Taking him. He couldn’t. He couldn’t imagine a man like Oliver like that. And in the reverse, any attempt to imagine Oliver bending another man over, opening him up, giving him the ride of his fucking life—
Too far. Too much.
Which just left mouths.
Which, in turn, left Felix obsessing and staring at Oliver’s mouth in a way he desperately hoped went unnoticed. It was a bit soft for a man, he supposed. Soft and full, and a lovely cupid’s bow of a top lip. Much more agreeable to imagine Oliver’s mouth on his dick than Oliver’s cock inside him. Not that Felix had been the other man in any of those scenarios. But, if he had to imagine it.
“You and your little dinner club going to the pub later?”
Felix dropped his pencil from his mouth where he’d been alternately chewing the eraser and rubbing it over his bottom lip.
“I asked if you and your posh schoolmates are planning to go to the pub tonight.” Oliver was so gracious about repeating himself. He didn’t even give Felix any shit for being out of it.
“Probably. I mean, we go most every night, so I imagine that’s ‘the plan’, yeah.” Felix glanced down at his notes. He’d barely annotated anything in the text. He couldn’t actually recall if he’d read any of it. It seemed barely familiar.
“Think they’ll mind if I join?”
“Seriously, Ollie? You’ll come out with us?” Felix was instantly present and engaged in the conversation. He couldn’t wait to have a drink with Oliver, to see what he was like after a little social lubrication. He was keen to find out if drunk Ollie might be a bit touchy-feely, like Felix himself was.
“It’s been how many months now we’ve known each other?” Oliver asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. “You’ve kept me company in the library plenty of nights, haven’t you? Been like my own shadow, lately.” It was quick, a flick of his eyes down and then up. Felix didn’t think anything of it.
“About time I meet you where you’re at, I think.”
“Brilliant!” And Felix couldn’t stop himself from leaning over, leaning into Oliver’s space and the sphere of the scent of his TOBS shaving soap. It was the middle of the afternoon, so Felix had not been drinking, which meant drunken touchy-feeliness was not an excuse he could use to explain why he smacked a playful kiss to Oliver’s cheek.
His only excuse was that he would have done it with any of his mates at any time, no big deal, but that he did not because they were too insecure in their masculinity to allow it. Oliver had nothing to be insecure about, and so did allow it.
“We’re usually there by nine o’clock,” he said as Oliver stood to pack up his things. “I’ll see you then?”
“You’ll see me then.”
By eleven, Felix became aware of something he had not factored into his daydreaming. Despite his smaller size, Oliver could handle his drink remarkably well. When it was, in fact, remarked upon, he deflected with some dark joke about alcoholism rates Up North, which had gotten a shitty laugh out of Jake and Farleigh but mostly nervous ones from everyone else.
Felix was no slouch, either, and he had a lot more body to metabolize the alcohol with, but keeping up with Oliver had him teetering on the edge between pleasantly drunk and outright smashed.
At least, Oliver was proving to be an affectionate drunk as Felix had hoped. He only realized after a hand kept settling on his knee and a fond smile was thrown at him that Oliver could have been a belligerent drunk. He could’ve been the sort of drunk who liked to get into a scrap and cause trouble, which Felix wouldn’t have been prepared to handle. But no. That was childish bullshit behavior, and Oliver was a grown man.
Grown enough to know when to slow down, too. He returned to the booth with water, pouring a cup for Felix first.
“Best flush the engine before you go throwing more jet fuel in it, mate,” Oliver said, then poured water for himself as well. He tapped his cup to Felix’s. “If you wanna remember tonight, anyway. And I’m guessing you might.”
Weird thing to say about a random Thursday, thought Felix.
He then completely forgot Oliver’s comment about remembering until about twenty minutes later, when he was unlocking the door of the toilet after an especially satisfying piss. The moment Felix slipped the bolt out of its catch, before he could take hold of the doorknob to open it, it was opening from the other side.
“Back up,” Oliver told him. He then pressed into the small bathroom around the half-open door, immediately slid the bolt back into its catch, then turned. He put his palm flat in the center of Felix’s chest and pushed.
Felix’s elbow smacked the side of the sink basin and his shoulders hit the wall. It was a single occupancy bathroom, just the sink and mirror and wastebin and toilet, with a dry mop and mop bucket shoved into a corner. In those limited confines, Oliver seemed much bigger all of a sudden.
“You’ve been acting off lately, Felix.”
“No, I haven’t.” Excellent defense.
“Yes. You have.” Oliver’s corduroy chore coat must have been too warm without the chill of any windows or drafts. He shrugged it off and hung it on the pole of the mop. “But it’s all right. I know why.”
“I’m…not saying that I have, because I haven’t, but you do?”
Oliver put his hand back on Felix’s chest. Then he slid it up, his calluses catching on the soft merino of Felix’s jumper. He let it settle on Felix’s shoulder, his thumb tapping against Felix’s pulse while Oliver seemed to consider his words.
“You want to fuck.”
“D-doesn’t everyone? Like, at uni, generally?”
Oliver’s wide eyes narrowed up at him.
“Us. You want us to fuck.”
Felix felt his heart slap down inside his shoe, then ricochet up into his throat.
Busted, he thought, and it was almost giddy. Because of the drinks.
“I’m not really sure why I’m entertainin the idea, myself,” Oliver continued, his flushed face looking quite serious and pensive. Sort of silver screen drama a la The Wild One. It was a very sexy sort of look on him. “You’re really not at all my usual type.”
“What? That’s bollocks, Ollie, you can’t mean that.”
“I can’t? Why’s that?”
“Ah. Because you’re everyone’s type, is that it, Felix?”
“It sounds so narcissistic when you say it like that,” Felix said, his lower lip poking forward. “But yeah.”
“Give me your hand.”
Felix was doing as he’d been told before Oliver even finished speaking. Oliver took Felix’s hand in one of his much smaller ones. He turned it over and dragged one fingertip along the middle of his palm.
“Soft hands. Long hair. Your little bracelets and earrings and all that. More femme than I like. In most cases.”
“Wait. Wait, what, femme? Me?”
“No? You saying you’re not a soft boy, Felix?”
“Fuck you, mate, I’m a grown man, not a boy—”
“So you can take it like a man, is what I’m hearin.”
The hand on Felix’s shoulder pressed down then, at the same time that Oliver twisted Felix’s wrist in some way that made him gasp in pain. Maybe it was shock more than pain but pain was part of it, part of why Felix folded to his knees in front of Oliver, his back to the wall, Oliver’s body between him and the only door.
There was a pause. A void where all the air seemed to leave the room.
“You’ve never done this before. Am I right?”
Felix couldn’t breathe, but he could nod.
“You want me to go easy on you?”
He could shake his head.
“Mh. You gonna show me what kind of man you are, then?”
“W…what if it turns out I am…soft?” Felix whispered, his lungs burning.
“…I like havin fine things, from time to time. I know how to handle them careful, like.”
That was terrifyingly reassuring to hear. Felix closed his eyes and sucked in a breath.
“Please,” he said. “Before I lose my nerve.”
He heard Oliver’s zipper opening.
“I don’t think you will. I think you’re gonna be tough for me. I think you’re gonna take it so good…won’t even cry.”
Cry? Is that…why would I— Felix’s eyes popped open.
“Holy fucking hell, Ollie.” He heard Oliver laugh above him. “No. No, not funny. You’ve got a medieval siege weapon in your tatty old boxers, it’s no laughing fucking matter from where I’m standing—”
“From where I’m kneeling, you prick.” Felix had nearly just choked to death on his own saliva, and Oliver wanted to argue semantics. “What am I meant to do with all this? What do those…other men do with this?”
“You’ll just have to suck it and see.”
And then Oliver’s hand was in his hair, gripping hard, pulling, burying Felix’s face in his groin. Dark, wild curls that smelled like sweat, a bit like warm fur, which god, they sort of were, and Felix didn’t realize he was panting like a dog until he had that thought. He just couldn’t get enough oxygen to his brain. That had to be why it had gone all white and gauzy and quiet in his head.
His nose was in another man’s pubes. There was another man’s cock literally fucking twitching against his cheek. If he stuck out his tongue, it would stroke against another man’s balls. So he did, and it did, and what he tasted was the pure, concentrated, flavor of a man, of Oliver.
Felix moaned.
“Come on, Felix. Sooner you get me off, sooner we can go back to mine and get you proper fucked.”
Too far. Too much.
“God, yes.”
Or not.
(to be continued????????????????)
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
REQUESTTTT The reader is a new teacher at UA and tries getting on all the teachers good side but aizawa is so good at keeping his emotions hidden she doesn’t know if he likes her. After the training camp incident they move into dorms and she lives with aizawa but they have seperate rooms to sleep in but everything else is shared. And during this time Aizawa “hating” her more as he always lectures her and gets mad at her so she’s convinced he practically hates her. She ends up hating him too cause he starts making her do more work. He ends up training her and she hates him even more since he wasn’t going easy and just gave her bruises or something. Then one day she was in the lounge room for their shared dorm area and she was doing something and aizawa helps her do it and BAM. she develops a crush and…. (Add ur own ending and twists because I know I’ll love it 💕💗) (also sorry this is long)
omg this seems so cute in a like, angry old man way if that makes sense LMAO, I hope you don't mind that I gave reader a quirk,,,,I felt it wouldn't make sense if she didn't
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Hating You As Well
PT1(right here ^*^), PT2, PT3
You were honestly just trying to make some friends at work, but this one guy is just soo RRRR, how are you supposed to deal with that?
(i didn't want to make him too mean, but I didn't want to make him nice, obviously, so instead he's socially awkward and stand-offish and dumb, I hope that's not too far off from what you wanted ^-^)
Fem!Reader, She/Her pronouns
TW: slight, very slight angst i guess, arguing, semi depictions of violence and gore, stupid aizawa
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It was the top hero school in all of Japan, and thanks to people like All Might, known in high regard nationally.
So, when you got your call back that you got accepted as the history teacher, you actually screamed. Literally jumping up and down, screaming and crying in pure, unfiltered happiness that you got the job. Of course, you opened your phone to tell someone, anyone, that you got your literal dream job, but you stopped. It's not that you didn't have anyone to tell, it's just that you didn't have anyone who wasn't your family to tell. For a second, it saddened you, but you didn't wallow in your sadness, no! Right then and there, you promised yourself that you'd befriend everyone you could at UA, even the terrifying principle.
So that's how you got here, holding the biggest plate filled with snacks from peanuts to cake while nervously walking into the conference room.
Principal Nedzu had given you a personal tour of the school after he called you, but you had personally never met the other staff members. You can't help but think your principal did that on purpose. After wandering for a short moment, you were still new so you deserved some slack, you found your destination. But something held you back, standing awkwardly in front of the door. You could hear the muffled voices and music coming from the room, its friendly aura spilling out from the hallway.
You were only a little nervous, years of being a high-ranking pro instilled a natural confidence in you, but the small thought of not making any friends slightly unnerved you. Well, better get on with it. You took a deep breath and opened the door, and while the music didn't stop, you felt like it did.
All eyes were on you in an instant, the chatter ceased and everyone turned to look at you.
After a pregnant pause, you spoke up first. "This...is the staff party, right?" Your voice came out squeaker than you wanted to, and the answer to your question seemed rather obvious.
"Yeah it is! You must be the newbie, right?" Present Mic was the first to speak up, his smile wide and infectious. Others giggled around them, all the attention on you was less negative and more positive, a newfound excitement in the air.
"Yes, I'm unfortunately the newbie. Can I set this down anywhere?" You lifted up your large platter of food, and the loud blonde practically drooled.
"I'll take that from you." He swiftly took the food out of your hands and started digging in while trying to find a place to set it down.
Midnight strolled up to you, a small smile on her face. "I'm Nemuri Kayama. Don't worry, you're not the only new staff member this year. Not only do we have All Might, but we have Toshinori Yagi too. Yagis kinda shy, he's just been kinda hanging out in the back." Kayama nodded her head to the far right corner, where the aforementioned man was just...standing alone, almost literally in the corner.
"Oh, well, that makes me feel a little better." You hid your guilty smile with your hands, not only were you glad that you weren't the only new staff member, but that you weren't the most awkward one in the room.
"Plus, it's great to have another girl on the team, it's a real sausage fest in here." She groaned, dramatically holding her head in her hand. Looking around, you realized she was right. There was a 1:9 female-to-male ratio. The male staff members greatly outnumbered the female to an embarrassing degree, but it made sense. Males unfairly dominated the hero field, and even if there was a strong female pro hero, more often than not, she was either treated as a joke or made to be crazy masculine. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but more often than not, it's not by choice, since to be taken seriously, they have to act meaner and tougher than originally wanted.
"I see what you mean, Jesus." There was a playful tone in your voice, showing no real contempt or malice.
"I'm the modern art history teacher, by the way, in case you didn't know." Kayama fully introduced herself, holding out her hand for you to shake. You gratefully took it, marveling at just how soft her hand was.
"Oh! I'll be the new history teacher, guess we're kind of twins. And I'm sorry to fangirl, but I really appreciate all your work." You gushed unashamed.
"Oh I don't mind, I also really appreciate your work! Your quirk is rather interesting, and the way you handle yourself out there is nothing to scoff at." Kayama smiled, giving you the same energy as you put out.
You blushed, compliments like that were not unusual but from one of your idols, no less? It was like a dream come true.
"Thank you, it just comes naturally, you know?" You tried to wave her off, basically saying it's nothing compared to you.
Your quirk was rather unconventional in what it was. You could manipulate the light around you, bending and manipulating the light waves and atoms. You could literally touch rays of light and bend it like a straw, plus you could take it away and 'store it' in your body. It was funny when you took too much because you became a living nightlight. Though to do it, you needed to be physically touching the rays, so you wore a rather lightweight suit with no gloves and no shoes. Hey, who needs to walk on water when you could walk on light?
Your suit was rather skimpy, maybe a reason that both you and Kayama attracted each other. You basically wore a swimsuit, with a crop top shirt that stopped at your shoulders, and basically boy short underwear for a bottom. However, you could barely see your 'pants' because of the pockets that lined the entire thing. Another cool thing you could do with your quirk is you could store the light in physical pockets that you had.
"Well, I'd only assume. I'm glad that someone like you is on the team, and I'm sure I'm not the only one." Kayama looked over your shoulder, and just as you were about to turn to where she was looking, strong arms almost tipped you over.
"Heya newbie!" A light and bubbly voice yelled in your ear, you could only wonder who it was. Peeking over, Present Mic was smiling in your face, spikey hair and sunglasses almost directly in your face. "I'm Hizashi Yamada, and I don't really care for formalities, so you can just call me Hizashi!" He pushed himself off of you and was pumping up his arms in the air. Hizashi still had some crumbs on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh at his outlandish introduction.
Soon after him, one by one each staff member introduced themselves formally, telling you their real names and what they teach. In turn, you gushed and fawned over each one, calm but bright energy attracting everyone to you. Like moths to a light. Heh, get it?
Still, it was great. Even the shy Yagi comes up to you to politely introduce himself, an unspoken bond formed because it was both your first year teaching.
All but one.
A grumpy sleeping bag resting below an open window pointedly ignored all the noise and commotion going on. Determined, you walked over and leaned over the yellow lump to see if a person was even in there.
"Yes?" A dark voice drawled, and in an anti-climatic movement, the sleeping back slowly turned over. You were greeted with the image of a man in his late 20s or early 30s, with dark wild hair and a patchy 5 o'clock shadow. You nearly jumped back, but you kept your composure. You leaned over with your hands on your hips, your stomach pudging at the position.
"I was just checking if you were a person." A heavy cough behind you made you flinch, "If you were a living creature." You could hear a small 'better!' from somewhere in the background. You could swear there was a flash of a smirk on the mysterious man's face. But just as soon as it was there, it was gone in an instant.
"Well, I'm alive if that's what you're wondering." He quickly turned over, but you didn't move away. In fact, you stayed in the same exact position. "What?" His muffled voice made you giggle, and you stood up to stretch your back.
"I don't know your name. I can introduce myself first if you want?" You offered, trying not to seem as stand-offish as he was.
"I'm Ereaserhead. A homeroom teacher." That was all he offered of himself.
Hizashi popped up from behind you, pulling you away from the grump. "That's Shouta Aizawa, don't mind him, he's always this cranky."
You smiled and shook your head, "I don't mind, he seems interesting." Shrugging your shoulders as you walked away, you missed the rustling of his sleeping bag as he turned to watch you walk away.
Turns out, Shouta Aizawa was interesting. Also, a major asshole, give or take.
All the teachers were stationed to watch different cameras for the entrance exam. Of course, there were hundreds of other workers with designated cameras and areas, the teachers were mostly there to get an overview and get a general of the upcoming class of students. You and Hizashi happily discussed what students you both wanted, Aizawa was muttering on how reckless and idiotic they all were.
"Hey c'mon dude, give them a break! Most of them don't even know what they're doing." You tried, leaning back in your rolly chair to take a peek at him. Aizawa barely spared you a glance, angrily sipping at his coffee.
"That's the problem, they're clueless and delusional. Especially that one, he's an idiot for going after the zero-point robot, and it's the only robot he's gone after." He pointed to a glowing student flying up in the air, the boy reeled his arm back to deliver a K.O punch to the thing.
"Hey, but he'll get points for saving a young girl." Hizashi butted in, normally spiked hair down and flowing all over the place.
"Really?" You turned back to the screen to watch a young girl get up to try and thank him, but he was out cold. "Well, even if he is a little clueless, he showed great effort and quick thinking to save a girl." You shrugged, looking back at Aizawa.
He scoffed and turned back to flickering through the cameras, taking notes along the way.
You made a face behind the underground heroes' back, before going back to take your own notes.
Later, Aizawa would review the footage of that mysterious green-haired boy to watch just how 'heroic' he was.
Not soon enough, classes started. You met lots of odd and interesting students, their quirks just as amazing as the next. Each of them was either fascinated or bored with your existence, gushing about the former 30th hero. Teachers and underground heroes were placed on a different scale than billboard heroes since there wouldn't be a fair grading process. Not only did they gush about you, but they also talked about with great vigor their other classes and teachers.
This meant you quickly made aware of how Aizawa decided to conduct his first day as a teacher. Now, you knew Aizawa had been a teacher longer than you, and UA was very free with how a teacher conducted their class, but you were shocked he threatened to expel an entire class of students. His own for god sake!
(Un)Fortunately, both you and Aizawa had a free period at the same time, and you tried to take advantage of this fact.
"Sooo, some of our students talked about their first day." You started awkwardly, fiddling with your papers.
Aizawa looked over at you through a jelly packet and papers, nearly quirking an eyebrow in response.
"Did you really threaten to expel them?" You asked, a little taken aback at the mere mention of it.
"Yes, not only did I see how they performed under duress, but I saw what giving their all looks like." The whole time he spoke he was entirely focused on the papers in front of him, trying to grade the papers he already handed out the first week of school.
"Oh! That's smart, not only can you weed out all the lackluster students, you'll be able to tell when they're slacking." You snapped your fingers in recognition, proud of yourself for figuring out his odd teaching methods.
Aizawa merely grunted in response, ending the conversation with an odd air. You tapped your knees while trying to find another conversation opener.
"Hey, you know, Kayama invited us all for drinks on Friday. Celebrate the new school year, are you coming?" Truly, you did wonder if the mysterious man would go. The R-rated hero made a group chat and already asked everyone. Aizawa had just never responded, and you kinda had a feeling what his answer would be.
"I have better things to do." He grumbled, and he stood up, gathered all his papers, and just left.
"What the hell?"
Turns out, no he didn't.
You had turned up fashionably late, and almost all of the staff were already there when you arrived. Shouta showed up disastrously late, stumbling in sometime after you. He slid into the booth across from you, flagging down a waiter for just a boring beer.
"I thought you had better things to do?" You questioned Aizawa, sipping at whatever fruity drink Hizashi made you try.
"I did, but those two wouldn't stop pestering me." Aizawa nodded to Kayama and Hizashi next to you, who were already buzzed and very happy.
Even at the mere mention of him, Hizashi perked up and grinned mischievously at Aizawa.
"That's not true! You just wanted to find an excuse to hang out with the new teacher!" Hizashi teased, eyebrows wiggling up and down.
Aizawa scoffed, "
"I don’t need to kiss ass with my coworkers. I’m only here to be kept in the loop of the going on here.” He muttered into his cup, face hidden by the large utensil.
Okay, wow, rude much? You rolled your eyes, “You don’t need to be an ass.” You muttered under your breath, more to yourself than anything. 
“No, but I do need to be professional.” Aizawa shot back, face now in full view. He had his hair up, fringe not held down by his messy bun. 
Your shoulders slouched while you gave him a ‘dude what?” look. “I've been nothing but cordial to you and others.” 
“Your carefree attitude is nothing other than annoying.” Aizawa had his arms crossed now, leaning back in the booth. Everyone else was either pointedly ignoring you or just too wrapped up in their conversations to notice or care about you two.
“I've been in the top fifty before I became a teacher, I’ve seen my fair share of blood and glory. I’m sorry I’m not a robot when it comes to my students.” Scoffing, you rolled your eyes and downed the rest of your drink, its sweet flavor dampening your bad mood.
“I’m a realist, bite me.”
“You’re a pessimist, there is a difference.” 
There was a heavy silence after that, Aizawa staring you down while you glared back. Neither of you broke eye contact, even when Hizashi made you get up to use the restroom, you still didn’t quit the staredown.
Fed up with the growing anger in your chest, and feeling the light around you start to bend around you, you slammed down what you owed and left.
You heard a drunk chasting voice as you left, but the steam pouring out of your ears prevented you from hearing it clearly.
The last time you two talked was just as short and snappy as the last time, except now he was definitely on his high horse. He criticized your teaching methods, which pissed you off to no end because it was fucking Shouta Aizawa we were talking about, criticized how you acted, hell, he even criticized how you dressed.
You had been minding your business, making a new pot of coffee to keep you awake during the day. Footsteps behind you caught your attention, but you ignored them because you knew who it was and would rather die than deal with him right now.
“I still don’t understand how they let you walk around like that.”
Okay, ignoring over.
You turned to give him a nasty look. “Like what?”
“With barely any clothes on. What you’re wearing could be considered underwear, not a hero suit. There's no coverage.” Even though he was critiquing what you were wearing, he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he was digging in the cabinets for a cup.
“And? This is what works best for my quirk, plus,” you laughed, but there was no real humor in it, “I’ve seen worse.”
“I have no idea how you’ve made it this far with such little clothing.” Aizawa shook his head like he was disappointed in you for your clothes. 
“Because clothes don’t matter, it’s who's wearing them that does.” You growled, angrily pouring your cup before stomping out of the room.
That was the last conversation you had before he went off to the USJ trip. Like always it was short and angry, a routine you’d unwillingly created. Truly, Aizawa was the only teacher you didn’t get along with, all the others from Hizashi to even Lunch Rush you had become friends with. Still, now you felt guilty about it. You had arrived late in regards to everyone else, blinding and emancipating a fair amount of stranglers but otherwise caught off guard by the situation. Thankfully, students were mostly unharmed, but the two teachers who had been there had been gravely injured. You only saw a glimpse of Aizawa's injuries, but your mind jumped to conclusions when you saw Kurose’s.
You had visited Kurose earlier, giving her flowers, candy, and books to read while she recovered. For Aizawa, you managed to find out he liked black licorice, so you brought a large bag along with yellow roses. Friendship.
You arrived at his room and stood there for a moment. There was silence on the other end, save for the small and quiet beep beep beep of his heart monitor. So he lives. 
You raised a hand and knocked.
“No more visitors.” He sighed from the other end, already annoyed.
You debated on just leaving, but for some reason, you opened the door and peeked in. 
“It’s just me.” Your voice was small, and your eyes quickly assessed the state your asshole coworker was in. 
“I said no visitors.” Aizawa's voice was just as deadpanned, and even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he was scowling under all those bandages. His arms were cast, almost like prison cuffs rather than healing objects. Nearly his whole body was covered in white, almost blinding you.
“Well, I’m not a visitor, I’m a coworker.” You set down the flowers and candy at the table next to him and sat down in the chair across from him. Disgustingly, there was still warmth in it, and looking over to the second chair you could see the wrinkles in the seat.
“You’re an annoyance.” His bitterness came naturally, you realized now, that even when he was gravely hurt, he still managed to get under your skin.
"Is it so annoying that I wanted to see if my coworker was alive?" You asked, already pissed off.
"Well, I am, so you can leave." Aizawa tried to sit up fully, but he struggled to do so.
It was too awkward to just watch him struggle so pitifully, a man you've come to know with high pride and honor squirming around. So you got up and pressed a gentle hand on his back to guide him up, neither of you said anything while he adjusted. When Aizawa got comfortably situated, there was an awkward silence.
"How…how long are you gonna be bed-bound?" 
Aizawa didn't reply right away, leaving the question to awkwardly hang in the air.
"Doctor says it typically takes twelve weeks for an arm to heal, but they can cut that time in half." His gruff voice was soft, and it was the most open thing he's said about himself since you've known him.
"I hope it doesn't take that long! I have to give up my lunch to watch your class." You tried to jest, obviously attempting to lighten the mood.
"It won't, wouldn't want you to overload your work schedule." Aizawa's deep voice was back, just as guarded as usual.
That was the breaking point, and before you said something cruel to the injured man you simply got up and headed to the door. "Just get well man." And with that, you left.
"Damn it."
He came back the next day.
"What the hell man?!" You barged into Aizawa's room angrily, greeted by the sight of Hizashi force-feeding him some sort of hearty meal.
Aizawa turned to look at you, eyes visible through the bandages.
"You're back? You said that the doctors said-"
"It would take him a minimum of six weeks to heal! We know!" Hizashi scolded, tense and angry.
"But no one can stop Aizawa, we just have to make him relax." Kayama scolded, going through his class papers. "I'll grade your quizzes, Hizashi can grade your tests and you can grade his assignments, can't you?" The dominatrix was looking at you now, holding stacks of papers that Aizawa had yet to catch up on, now made impossible with his injuries.
"How does a single man have so much work?" You set the tea you had been saving for the aforementioned man. You had barely made it this morning, something healthy to sip on while he healed. Quickly walking over you leafed through all the miscellaneous assignments both he and All Might had assigned. “I can do all of these no sweat.” You shrugged, taking them all under your arm.
“I’m fine. You’re all overreacting-”
“Don’t even say you’re fine! You just got out of the hospital!” All three of you yelled at him in disbelief. The sliding doors slid open once more, and Recoverys girl's small form waddled through, looking just angry and as disappointing as you all felt. 
Wanting to get a jumpstart on grading papers, since you already had your won to grade, you walked out of the room in silence, not wanting to intrude on this unfamiliar song and dance.
The next two weeks the students were buzzing with excitement, and you saw even less of Aizawa. Always just holed up in his room. 
For some reason, you always left him a pot of coffee for him to drink on his desk. He never questioned it or brought it up. You never said anything either.
When Aizawa fully recovered, he immediately took back all his work. He stopped by your classroom during both of your lunches. 
You hadn’t even noticed him walking in, too busy with eating and marking papers with a glitter purple pen, leaving critiques, praises, hearts, and X’s
“You can stop ruining my papers with that horrible pen.” You jumped, almost falling back in your seat at the unexpected sound of Aizawa’s voice.
“Ruining? I’m decorating. I’m sorry you take even grading so seriously.” You shrugged, putting the finishing touches on Shouto Todoroki’s paper. Ending it with a ‘Good job! :D’ 
“It’s a distraction, you could use the effort you put in desecrating these papers into your job.” He took the paper up from your desk, skimming it before he looked at you again and sighed. “Where are the leftovers.” 
“The ones you didn’t finish, the leftovers.” He pressed like you were stupid.
You leaned back, a sense of pride and smugness filling you. “Check the date.” You smirked, eyes sharp and dangerous. 
Aizawa stared at you with an unreadable expression, but you saw his eyebrows furrow just a little. He took a glance down and his eyes widened in surprise.
“Well, then you better catch up on your own work. It’s foolish that you-” 
You cut him off by showing your turn-in/graded basket, the graded side completely full.
“Try again.” Your smirk widened, hands raising in a flourish while you leaned back again.
He said nothing while his eyes flickered between all the papers in front of him, and he lifted his head again. “Then you’re probably behind on reports, those are important-”
You cut him off again, turning your computer towards him so he could see not only your completed progress reports but his as well. 
“Boom bitch.” For once, you had the upper hand, getting to gloat in his face while he had nothing to say back.
“You shouldn’t use such foul language in the workplace.” Was all he could say while he gathered his papers. On his way out you called out to no one in particular.
“You’re welcome! Ah, whatever.”
You stretched your aching hands, and drank your third energy drink for the day, stomach protesting from so much caffeine on an empty stomach. You dreaded your hero shift later.
There was an impromptu meeting, and at first, you were confused about what it was about, but you knew whatever it was, it was serious.
Everyone's somber faces made you nervous, and you leaned over to Hizashi and whispered in his ear. “What happened?”
“Apparently, something happened during the students' work studies, but no one can figure out what happened.” He shrugged, just as lost and unnerved you.
Aizawa stood up from the U-shaped table, going to stand in the middle while he looked off angry at nothing. “There was an incident during our first-year students' work studies. Three studies were put in harms way, coming face to face with the hero killer: Stain.” 
People started to murmur, but Principal Nedzu popped up from the depths of the erasing hero's scarf. 
“Now we understand your concern, as you know the situation has been dealt with. We’ve been asked by the HPSC to keep quiet and have no comment. The affected students will remain anonymous, so even if you do figure out what happened, you are required to keep quiet. You are all dismissed.” The hyperintelligent mouse hopped down and sauntered out of the room. Many staff members followed, murmuring in small groups. You, Kayama, Kurose, Hizashi, and Snipe formed your own group, staying behind to talk within yourselves.
“I knew it was a bad idea for the students to be sent off, I argued with the idea before, and now I see I should’ve fought harder.” Snipe shook his head in both frustration and disappointment.
“Well, what happened was unfortunate, but it gave other students a light into real hero work. Hard times come with drastic measures.” Kayama rebutted, though one could tell to some degree she agreed with the gun hero.
“But they’re so young, such traumatizing events should be saved for their later years.” Yamda’s voice was laced with an old sadness, and Kayama’s face fell crestfallen.
“I agree, I hope those students are well now.” You began, but the conversation was cut short by the sound of everyone's next period beginning. You waved your little group goodbye, turning around to pick up your bag and papers.
“Gossiping is unbecoming.” 
You shook your head, annoyance once again festering at you. It seemed like even when you heard his voice at this point, anger consumed you. “So is lying.” 
“Who lied?” Aizawa’s voice was full of disbelief, taken aback.
“The HPSC. We’re supposed to be quiet that three of our students were put in danger.” You turned around once all your papers were gathered, and you stared the man down.
“That’s not lying, we are merely setting measures to make sure the situation doesn’t get out of hand.” He shook his head like the answer was simple.
“Omitting information is lying under the law, do their parents know?” 
“The affected students' parents were made aware, yes.” His monotone voice was really starting to piss you off.
“So none of the other parents know? And to what degree do they know?” For some reason you dragged out this conversation, it didn’t really matter how long this conversation went on anyway, thanks to the free period.
“That’s not your place to know.” He made no move to leave.
“It is, they’re my students too.” Taking a step forward, encroaching into his personal space, you puffed up your chest. Challenging him.
“You’re an elective teacher, they’re my students, under my care.” Aizawa didn’t back down.
“So then why did it even happen in the first place? Why send out fifteen-year-olds with a murderer on the loose?” You argued back.
“Because I didn’t know. I would’ve never let them out if I had known. Your foolishness will be the death of not only you but the students here as well.” He snapped back, violently grabbing his coffee cup, and stormed out.
His words rang over and over in your ears, and for some reason shame and anger mixed in your stomach, twisting at your insides. Stomping out of the room when you snapped out of your trance, you realized guilt also twisted up inside you.
Last minute, you were invited to the training camp. At first, you were going to refuse, spend your summer break dealing with the chaotic kids that were class 1-A and 1-B? Yeah, hell no. But the promise of a pay raise eventually won you over, even if you deny this. Plus, recently you have been..lacking in your skills. So busy with being a teacher your fighting skills had diminished, and it wasn’t as if you were now suddenly helpless. You just weren’t at your peak anymore, and all you needed was that extra exercise to put that pep back in your step. So thats how you found yourself packing in the early hours of the morning to pack for the four-week-long trip. 
Later in the morning, you found out who you’d be busing with. Class 1-A, or, more specifically, Shouta Aizawa. You immediately turned around at the school gates, but the sounds of students jeering at you stopped you. 
“Where are you going teach?” Kaminari called after you, and Iida chastised him for the informal name. 
“It’s alright Iida, I don't mind.” You placated the blue-haired boy and turned your attention back to the electric student. “Nowhere, I got roped along to the trip.” You sighed bowing your head in defeat. 
“Don’t act that way, we were promised extra pay and you were the first to respond.” Aizawa chastised you, coming up from behind you all, carrying a heavy duffle bag. Even his choice of luggage was bare bones!
Kaminari gasped in hurt, holding a hand over his heart.
“No need to call me out in front of the students!” You growled, shooing him away.
It took nearly an hour to corral all the students on the bus, and you and Aizawa settled at the front of the bus, both in opposite seats. You waited for the bus to get on the road, and for the students to be too distracted to notice the conversation between you and your unspoken hater to bring up a thought that started to nag you.
“Aizawa.” You were facing him, and the dark-haired man simply side-eyed you instead of acknowledging you. You ignored that. “Why am I the only elective teacher here, wouldn’t it make more sense to bring someone like Hizashi or Anan’s or even Ryo? They’re all much better equipped to be here than me.” Genuinely, this had confused you. No diss to Hound Dog, or Ryo as you’d grown to know him the past couple of months, the stress on his name was that he’d be the absolute best option here. Out in an open area where a multitude of students could get lost? Why not bring the literal hound dog? 
“You’ve gotten pretty friendly with the staff.” That was his response, a non-answer, and a deflection. 
“Dude, seriously? That’s what you’re hung up about? Yes, I see and communicate with them every day, and we all go out for drinks once every week. I’m pretty sure all the teachers are on a first-name basis personally except for you.” Shooting back, your hands now rested on your knees, hunched over in a defensive position.
“It’s unprofessional. Teachers shouldn’t know each other on such a personal basis.” Aizawa closed his eyes again, trying to nap his way out of the conversation.
You flung your hands up, “You’re right, god forbid I have friends.” Unwillingly, your voice got tight with emotion. 
Aizawa opened his eyes fully, and faced you fully, also registering the vulnerability that was presenting in your voice and demeanor. 
Even though it’s only been four months, you have grown close with your UA allies. Not only that, but they all welcomed you with open arms and held you in the same regard as you did them. You had especially grown close with Snipe, even if he didn’t tell you his name (or anyone for that matter, you tried looking it up and found articles of his secrecy, mans loves his privacy), along with Anan after USJ, and naturally gravitated towards Hizashi and other elective teachers. The reason you felt so offended by his words, why you got so close with your fellow staff was because you didn’t have other friends. You barely had a family, it was just your dad and estranged siblings, who either didn’t speak to you or didn’t really care for you.
“I just meant you shouldn’t rely so heavily on others, they won’t always be there to save you.” That was reaching, even for Aizawa. 
“I don’t, and I know they won’t. You’ve made that so clear.” You swallowed thickly, a burning feeling crawling up your throat signaled you needed to shut up now or else they would be waterworks. And that would be embarrassing for everyone. Sometimes it kept you up at night that Aizawa was the only teacher you didn’t get along with. The others reassured you that he was aloof with everyone, Hizashi and Kayama just saying he was a big hardass with a big heart. But you just didn’t see it, it seemed like he was just mean to you. With people like Ryo and Anan, he was just quiet and cutthroat, but you? Just straight-up mean, brushing you off, undermining you, constantly nagging and criticizing you for everything that you did. It was annoying and frustrating since you had been nothing but nice. You genuinely wanted to be his friend, his mysterious nature and gruff attitude was cool, badass even. Plus, you couldn’t deny he wasn’t unattractive, stubble and dark hair was just so handsome. But his behavior was not. Still, you couldn’t help but seek out ways to try and get on his good side, making coffee, leaving snacks you’d found out he liked out, and taking his side whenever you could in meetings.
You didn’t bring it up again, spending the rest of the ride blinking back angry tears, or maybe it was the disappointment that he didn’t reassure you. Either way, he didn’t say anything either.
Well fuck. Now you were mad at the school for trying to make the students grow up so fast, figuring out the training camp was usually only for second years due to the rigorous nature, soured your mood further. Not only that, you worried about all the children alone in the woods.
“They’ll be fine.” Aizawa placed a strong hand on your shoulder, and while it made your heart jump, it also pissed you off more. 
“It’s a pretty big fuckin forest, what if they get lost or something not part of the exercise attacks them?” You stepped forward, trying to peek at the mess below you.
“They’ll be fine, they can handle themselves. I have no doubt.” You should trust him, Aizawa was their homeroom teacher and no doubt has seen what they can do, but it still unnerved you that these young kids were just out alone. 
“I’ll just watch over them then.” You crouched on top of the messed-up fence and jumped. 
You heard Mandaly shout in pure fear behind you, but her voice died as you seemingly climbed and crawled through thin air. 
High above you watched their movement, keeping track of every rustle and shout. Lazily swimming in the light, arms, and legs pumping while you focused on slipping through the waves of the light. Your skin softly glowing and your body becoming lighter than air.
Somewhere far away, a dark-haired man realized the reason for such a vulnerable suit was to give you full access to your quirk. Still, you had no protection against sharp talons and dangerous attacks. Maybe, there was a better way?
You didn’t arrive until late, and you were exhausted and hungry. You had almost fallen out of the air multiple times, your body ached and burned, already feeling the sunburn growing on your fingers and knees, places you used your quirk the most.
You were in the private kitchen, searching for something to eat when Mandalay handed you a plate of food.
“You look beat!” 
“I feel like someone dragged me through the mud on a hot summer day.” You sighed, gratefully accepting her food, and flopped down on the plush couches.
“I can imagine. I didn’t know what your quirk was, so you scared me when you just jumped. Thankfully Eraserhead explained it to me.” She sighed, shaking her short brown hair.
That made you perk up, “He did?” 
“Yeah! He seemed to know a lot about it! You must be very close. Oh, the teacher's dorms are just down the hall, we have our own spring and private bathrooms.” She dug into her food and scrolled through her phone.
You were so glad you weren’t a student anymore. 
They were really putting students through the wringer, making them get up early and push themselves to their absolute limits. You and Aizawa stood side by side while you watched over the students, you took notes and he watched dutifully. Your fingers and knees were stinging like a bitch now, skin peeling off quickly, leaving your skin raw and sensitive.
“Looks like you could use endurance training as well.” Here we go.
“Ha ha.” You rolled your eyes. “They’re only like this because towards the end I had to really look for light, it got dark fast and I had been using my quirk nonstop for eight hours. Let me see you do that.” You didn’t see Aizawa's shocked face, and you had stunned him into silence.
“I couldn’t.” 
You looked up, and stared at him in confusion. “Couldn’t what?”
“Use my quirk for that long. I can only use it for thirty minutes to an hour now, even if I strain.” Aizawa shrugged as if that wasn’t absolutely horrifying news. 
“Since when?” You abandoned your notes now, giving Aizawa all of your attention.
“After USJ. Doctor said the more I strain, the worse it gets. Plus, my eyes are dryer than before, so it makes it harder to keep them open for so long.” Aizawa wasn’t looking at you, instead opting to stare ahead, facial expression carefully neutral.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Your voice was quiet, and his adams apple bobbed. 
“There was no reason to cause unnecessary worry.” 
“Still that’s…really fucking shitty. I’m sorry dude.” 
Aizawa regretted telling you, not being able to stand that sad, kicked puppy look. Hated the reason being him.
“There’s no reason to cause a fuss, such things happen all the time. You should get used to it.” 
“Never mind.” You rolled your eyes, but there was no real bite in your tone. He finally looked at you when you said that, your empathy replaced with slight annoyance. 
The next day was much of the same, with both homeroom teachers pushing and critiquing their classes to do and be better. Aizawa’s speech about being better had warmed your heart, and for the first time since you’d known the closed-off man you saw just how much he cared for his students. All he wanted from them was to grow and be better, he was strict out of love and care. It was beautiful in a weird way, but your moment was broken when Midoriya questioned why they were the only teachers there. When he walked away from the inspired green-haired boy, you stopped him in his tracks.
“Hold on.” You skipped in front of the dark teacher, standing your ground. “If All Might isn’t here to not draw attention, and other staff weren’t invited so as to not leak the location of the new grounds, why am I here?” You questioned, encroaching on his personal space to get him to finally answer you.
“It was thought you’d be a good choice to watch over the students.” Again, deflective and a not good answer. He started to walk away, but you followed closely by his side.
“Okay sure, we’ll go with that. But why me? Again, what about Ryo? Or Ectoplasm? They’re much better for wide search and rescue than I am.” You argued.
“You are also independently efficient, not needing the incentive to work hard. Plus, your relationship with the students is..friendly. You work well with the Pussy Cats with your open nature.” Again, he was pointedly not looking at you.
“It sounds like you asked me to be here.” You started to tease, a sense of pride at the indirect/direct praise.
“You were paid to be here, now are you going to waste my time with pointless questions or are you going to do your job.” Aizawa snapped, and that quickly dampened your mood. Note to self, don't tease Aizawa.
Pixie Bob announced that there would be a test of courage later. You were so-so to the idea, knowing you were probably just going to be hanging out in the hot springs anyway, the dark not really being your strong suit.
It smelt like shit. 
That was the first thought in your head when you stepped outside, seeking fresh air. How weird, 1-B must really be going all out to scare 1-A. You were unfortunately still in your hero suit, only barely getting back to your room. Somewhere in the building, you knew Sekijiro and Aizawa was teaching their remedial class, and outside the Pussy Cats were watching over the courage course. So, lazily you walked to the kitchen, planning on getting a light snack before you took a dip in the hot spring, not being able to yesterday. Suddenly you jumped, a feeling of ice dumping all over you. Everyone! Mandalay’s shrill voice suddenly yelled in your head, you stopped immediately to look up. It’s possible there are more. Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage! You felt the telepath end immediately, and your feet moved faster than your mind. You could hear the echoes of your feet slapping across the tile. Legs pumping and knees screaming in protest as you raced to the entrance. 
You had no idea what was happening, but you knew the students were in danger.
The front door came into your sight, and you burst through the doors and were greeted by a horrifying sight. A half-burnt and rotten man blasted Aizawa in a white-hot flame, and on instinct, you tackled him to the ground. 
He seemed unbothered by all of this and even chuckled. “You guys really are pros.”
You looked up to where he was looking and saw Aizawa crouching in the doorway above the entrance. Momentarily distracted, you missed the villain's hands coming up. He roughly grabbed the side of your face, digging his hot staples into your hair.
“Nothing's coming out.” He pouted, like a child. Knowing you wouldn't have your quirk either, you flipped him over and grabbed the back of his head. You dug your nails as hard as you could, and reeled back. With all your might, you slammed his face into the ground, shoving it down like a dog who pissed on the carpet.
The man dug his dirty fingernails into the innermost sensitive part of your thigh and dug, his staples ripping into you while you squirmed. 
You yelled out, and he used that to his advantage to flip you over. Aizawa quickly came up behind him, swiftly kicking the back of his head to straddle the back of him. Aizawa clutched his head and arm, still using his quirk.
“Tell me your name, purpose, number, and positions.” He growled out.
“Why.” The villain deadpanned.
“Because this-” Aizawa broke his arm in one quick movement, “will happen, your rights next. Let’s do this logically.” He lifted his head up, but his grip and gaze never faltered. “If I get your legs, it’ll be a pain to transport you.”
“Are we in a rush, Eraser,” The man made eye contact when he called out your hero name, and it sent a chill down your spine. The end of his spikey hair caught alight. Aizawa pounded his head in the ground a couple of times to stop him. 
Rustling caught both yours and Aizawa's attention, and an out-of-breath Iida, Mineta, Koda, and Ojiro made you panic.
In a moment of weakness, the man lunged forward, but Aizawa quickly caught him. He strained for a moment before he whipped around to stare you both down. 
“Hey heroes,” His gaze was manic and crazed. “Are your students important?” Then he started to melt. “I hope you can protect them all till the end.” He disappeared through the ground, his body left a mush. 
The group rushed towards you, calling out for both of you.
“Get inside! I’ll be back!” Aizawa took off without you, so you quickly took the porch and hallway light and followed him.
“Wait!” You called out after him, knees still screaming in protest, your fingers now burning with the aftermath of stealing the light.
“What are you doing? You’re better off in the building!” He yelled at you.
“I was a billboard pro before this, I can handle myself!”
“Oh yeah, you really proved that back there. Truly pathetic.” He snarled back, and you ran faster.
“Fuck you! Nothing I do makes you happy!” Your fighting was cut short by Midoriya suddenly appearing, a scared Kota on his back. “Midoriya-”
The boy called out to the both of you, “It’s horrible! There’s so much I need to tell you.” He was out of breath, his arm mangled and red.
“Hey-” Aizawa started, slightly out of breath as well.
“First we need to make Mandalay make an announcement- He has a water quirk, you have to protect him!” Midoriya cut him off, words rushed and slightly panicked.
He’s pumped full of adrenaline. Midoriya needed to calm down.
He tried to run off, but Aizawa stopped him. “Stop! Your arm…you did it again, didn’t you? Did you forget what happened in Hosu?” 
Midorya was lost in thought for a moment, and you and Kota stood confused. Your thigh was starting to have its own heartbeat, and you could feel the heat of the injury. You’ve gotten hurt worse, scars on your back a testament to that, but he had gotten a sweet spot in your leg. It was shaky and losing blood at a moderate pace, still, Midoriya, a student, was in a worse state and still pressing on. You’d live through worse and been fine, this would be no different.
“No, but…” The green-haired boy trailed off.
“So tell Mandalay this, everyone in classes A and B, you are granted permission to engage in combat.” With that, all parties took off, Aizawa turning to the woods and Midoryia back to camp. You followed Aizawa dutifully, pockets full of light providing some light in the darkness.
You could tell thoughts were racing in his mind, but the older man kept his thoughts to himself.
Kota's weak voice broke the tense silence. “Mister, will he be okay? I hurt him, and he still got up hurt to rescue me...I haven't even told him sorry or thank you yet.” Tears were now spilling from his wide eyes, and his grip on Aizawa's scarf tightened as big emotions consumed his small body. Before Aizawa could respond, you replied for him, not trusting him to say something to soothe his emotions.
“Of course, Kota, Midoryia is a strong hero, after all of this is done, you can properly apologize. I’m sure he’s forgiven you already.” You gave him your big winning smile, face lighting up in reassurance.
“Still, after this, we’ll have to scold him for acting without permission, so make sure you put emphasis on your thank you.” Aizawa said, running to find a place to keep the young child safe. 
“Where are we going?” You called out to Aizawa, the chaos around you making you nervous.
“To the camp, I need to get Kota to safety.” While he was talking, you all broke out of the woods and rushed into the building. Aizawa gently set the boy down, and you both took a breather. The sounds of yelling caught both of your attention, and you groaned. “We just can’t catch a break, can we?” 
Aizawa shot you a glare and ran ahead, you still chasing after him. Rushing into the remedial class you saw that burnt man again, Aizawa jumped ahead to try and calm Sekijiro down and disarm the villain. You rushed ahead while his class cheered for him, and started to do horrid damage on the burnt man, smashing his head so hard into the ground it cracked the tile. Students yelled out horrified, but Aizawa cut them off.
“It won’t matter, it’s a fake.” They all watched in horror as the man melted beneath your fingers, but you didn’t stop punching into the ground, taking all your anger out on the slush.
“Is it a villains quirk.” Iida still hadn’t looked away, curious and slightly disgusted by the mess.
“What are you two doing here?” Sekijiro called out to both you and Aizawa, getting both of your guys attention.
“I rushed out to aid in the fight, but I ended up escorting Kota back to base. Please watch over him.” He was pointedly looking at you now, and it pissed you off. “I’m going to help on the front lines.” He tried to rush out, but Sekijiro stopped him.
“Ereaser, we don't know how many there are or how powerful they’re coming at us.” Aizawa turned around.
“You’ll be fine by yourselves, plus look, the fake was merely a diversion. They’re trying to distract us pros to make up for their meager number.” Aizawa shook his head.
“If there isn't that many of them, that’s even more of a reason for me-” Kirishma butted in, voice full of emotion.
“Yes! Nothing beats strength in numbers!” Iida interrupted, filled with the same determination. 
“No.” Aizawa's voice was firm, almost scary at how strong he spoke. “If they’re trying to keep us back, then they’re going after you.” The students deflated at his words. “Bakugo’s just one of them, but there might be others as well. We are still losing by a lot with our lack of information. For now, we’ll win by everyone being safe and sound.” He rushed back out to join the fray, with you not too far behind.
“Why are you still following me? You’re better back there.” Aizawa growled out to you, running through the dark.
“Because I’m a pro. I was accepted to teach at UA for a reason.” You were now frustrated, but now it was hard to tell whether it was because of Aizawa, or because of your fuck up at the beginning. You had been caught off guard by a simple attack, and if it weren’t for Aizawa's erasing quirk, you would have been caught on fire because you got distracted.
“Yeah, I can see that.” 
You said nothing in response, any response died on your lips when you saw the leftover disaster that was left. 
We lost.
The damage that was left behind was both humiliating and haunting. Both a student and a pro went missing, one who had left with a considerable amount of injuries. Fifteen students had poison running through their veins, or were injured and had to be taken to immediate care. You were questioned by the police for hours while they desperately tried to figure out any information they could. You were of no help, and you knew that the only information you could give was of that patchwork-face guy with a weird melting/fire quirk.
You, Sekijiro, and Aizawa sat in silence while the police officer made a phone call to god knows who. Your thigh was really starting to hurt now, but you made no move to complain knowing the students had it worse than you. 
Sekijiro called out to you, and you snapped out of your thoughts to look at him. “Your thigh, are you alright? You look like you’ve lost a lot of blood.” He pointed to your injury, and you didn’t even look down to check.
“It’s fine, just a scratch.” You shook your head, mind filling with self-deprecating thoughts. Even if you had gotten 30th on the billboards, did you deserve it? Popularity had a lot to do with the point system, and your outwardly friendly attitude along with your flashy quirk made good product revenue. Plus, even if you weren’t weak, you realized that now was the first time you faced a real threat. The symbol of peace always being there to pick up the real messes and leave heroes like you to pick up the crumbs.
“It looks infected already.” He wouldn’t drop it, and you finally gave it to look down.
“I’m fine-” You stopped, your innermost thigh caked in dried blood and dirt, and it looked like the villain really got in there.
Later in the hospital, a nurse who was stitching you up pulled out a staple that was lodged deep in your leg.
“Stop fussing, you look a mess.”
“Oh I’m sorry that I’m nervous.” 
For the past few days, all anyone could talk about was the incident at the camp. It wasn’t as if you could blame them, the most prestigious hero school in the country had landed twenty-seven students in the hospital. In response, all teachers involved along with the principal were asked to make an apology, broadcasted all across Japan. The suit you wore was lightly uncomfortable, a little too tight for your liking. Plus, you were constantly pulling down the skirt, someone had gotten you a size too small. Or maybe you were searching for an excuse to fuss and squirm. 
You and Aizawa hadn’t talked about the incident. Not that you needed to, you weren’t a couple, let alone friends, but there was an unknown tension in the air. Sekijiro had checked up on you, and had asked how your leg was.
“It’s fine, just needed stitches and a kiss from Recovery Girl, and now I’m good to go.”
Some part of you was angry that the dark-haired man didn’t reach out to you, but it was fine. It wasn’t but it was.
Aizawa shot you a look, and you quickly shut up. Sekijiro next to you just bumped your knee in reassurance. 
“We’re live.” The man in the middle of the room called out, signaling for you all to stand up and speak. 
“We deeply apologize for our shortcomings during the incident that allowed harm to twenty-seven first years in the hero course because of our shortcomings. We apologize for creating unease in our society because of our negligence in proper defense in our place of learning.” You all bent over in an apology, and you bowed the deepest. “We are truly sorry for the damage we’ve done.” You all stood back up straight, waiting for questions.
A man spoke out from within the crowd. “Since the beginning of the year, the UA students have had four encounters with villains. What specific countermeasures are you taking to ensure the safety of our students?” His voice was growing in volume the more he spoke, getting more and more passionate as he went on. 
“Our students are of top-most importance, we will work even harder as a team to make sure they are strong enough to become great heroes.” A  non-answer, Aizawa really was good at deflecting.
Another man stood up, holding a mic and paper. “During the incident, it appears you encouraged the students to fight. What was your intention behind this?”
Aizawa leaned forward to speak into the mic. 
“I concluded that because we were unable to fully grasp the situation, it had to be done to avoid the worst possible outcome.” 
“What do you mean, ‘worst possible outcome?’” Damn it, now they were gonna dig and pry and use any answer to get under your guys’ skin to try and get the upper hand. “You don’t call twenty-six victims and one abducted the worst possible outcome?” 
“My assumption was that the villains would drive out students to their absolute limit and be killed.” Aizawa replied cooly, but you saw his own hands clench tighter and tighter with every word.
Principle Nedzu spoke up, though he was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed. “The gas attack accounts for most of the injuries. We concluded it was merely a sleeping gas from one of the enemies' quirks’. Thankfully, the quick response of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsue led to no grave injuries in the attack. In addition, mental support is being given to all the students, but at the moment, we see no signs of serious psychological damage done.” His voice was light, and while it wasn’t its usual cheery tone, it was calm and soothing.
“Are you saying this was a bright spot in this tragedy?” The reporter shot back, trying to twist the words of the principal.
“We believed the worst outcome is one that would’ve infringed on the future.” 
“Can you say the same for the kidnapped Bakugo? He enrolled in UA High with excellent marks and won first place at the sports festival. In addition, during the incident with the sludge villain in middle school, he resisted the powerful villain alone. He has a history of showing how tough and heroic he is. On the other hand, the violence he showed in the finals and his attitude during the award ceremony shows that he is not always mentally stable. What if the villains kidnapped him because they had an eye on him? Kidnapping him with deceitful words and dying him with the path of evil?” The reporter's long rant was not only pissing you off but your allies as well. The more and more the reporter went on, the more serious he got like he was uncovering some big truth about a fifteen-year-old. “What evidence do you have for saying he has a future?”
Oh hell no. How dare a stranger assume the life of some kid with anger issues? You’ve spent nearly every day with the kid, even if you don’t have him all day you’ve seen a glimpse into Kastuki Bakugo's life. He was emotionally unstable, but he really did have a hero's heart, even if his asshole-ish nature offset that. Aizawa stood up, and you prayed he wouldn’t pop off and snap at the reporter.
Instead, he bowed down and apologized. “As an educator, I take full responsibility for Kastuki Bakugo's violent behavior. However, his actions at the sports festival originate in what he considers ‘ideal strength’. He is trying harder than anyone in his pursuit of becoming the ‘top hero.’” Aizawa peeked up from his bowed form, eyes hard and sharp. “If the villains thought they had an opening, then I believe they are being short-sighted.”
There was a tense silence, everyone swallowing the weight of Aizawa's words. Even you were amazed at such a declaration of truth and care.
The reporter meekly lifted up his mic once more. “That is not evidence, though. It isn't a question of how you feel-”
You wanted to throw yourself across the table and throttle him. Thankfully your principal spoke up once more before you could ruin your career. “We are not standing around idly by. We will definitely get our student back.” The interview/apology was ended after that, you and Sekijiro mostly there just because you were there. 
“Aizawa wait.” You sighed, heels quickly clicking after him. All you trying to avoid the rush of questions that flew out in response to the abrupt end. “Your speech was inspiring. I have no idea how you kept your cool while that asshole dissed your student.” 
“I had no choice, flying off the handle or having a weak moment would do no good." You couldn’t help but feel like that was a dig to you. “They were only trying to get under our skin.”
You immediately became guarded once more, and you stopped back to leave the other way. “Well, I just came by to praise you, have a good day.” You felt disappointed that all he said to you was something negative, hoping for once to have a decent conversation.
You had to move into dorms for the rest of the school year, possibly longer if Nedzu saw fit. The meeting was awfully boring, Nedzu was currently going over how the dorms will be set up and students expectations as well as teachers. “Blah blah blah dont fuck up the dorms blah blah blah set up good examples for the students blah blah blah don’t bring over random people and please don’t have loud relations with your coworkers-” Wait what-
The meeting ended, and everyone packed up their bags while having light conversations with the others. You walked over to Yamda snickering, face in disbelief.
“Hey Hizashi, what was that last part?” You asked breathlessly, a laugh on your lips.
Hizashi snickered beside you, and Nemuri smiled and shook her head. “Principal Nedzu basically asked us not to not have one-night stands and to not have loud sex with each other.”
“Oh my god.” You covered your mouth with your hand, doubling over in an effort to hide your laughter. Hizashi had no shame was laughing manically, Nemuri was just smiling and shaking her head disappointingly beside you. 
‘Roommates’ were hand-picked by the principal, based on the quiz he had created and forwarded to all the staff members. You had honestly answered all the questions, and were now riding the elevator up into your new home. Someone told you (Hizashi) that the apartments were apparently floor-through plan, a luxury floor plan really. The whole floor was dedicated to the rooming, and it was awesome. You didn’t know who your roomie was, the principal keeping that secret as a ‘Fun surprise!’ The elevator dinged, and you hurriedly pushed all your boxes out in the small hallway, pressing the ‘keep doors open’ button over and over. Luckily it was the last of the boxes, all your clothes, decorations, and miscellaneous cooking wear. Being promised that things like couches, beds/bed frames, and microwaves would be provided. You still brought over things like spoons/forks/butter knives and real knives, plus plates and cups. 
You went to open the door, panting from all the exertion but realized it was already locked. So your roomie was already here..? You fished out the key from the bags you brought and unlocked the door. Opening the door you expected your roomie to have already decorated (you kinda expected it to be Hizashi, both of you bounced off each other pretty well) but the kitchen looked untouched.
Opening the door more, you saw the dining room and living room bare, as well as the hallway. 
Maybe they hadn’t had time to decorate? 
You shrugged and started to push the boxes in, too tired to lift them up and move them again.
“You’ll scratch the floor like that.” Your whole body froze, a dark gloom falling over you. That familiar irritating voice.
You looked up slowly, face contorted in a forced smile. 
Aizawa Shouta.
“What are you doing here?” There was no way, in all of Nedzu's wisdom and knowledge that you and Aizawa were roommates. For the rest of the year. Or maybe, the rest of your career.
“Isn’t it obvious? We’re roommates.” He shrugged like an open admission wasn’t a death sentence. 
“But, how is that allowed, we’re different genders?” You literally wouldn’t have minded if your roomie was the same gender or not, but it was the fact that it was him.
“Gender doesn’t equate to things like sexuality or self-restraint. Are you saying we shouldn’t be roommates because you cannot-” How he said this with a blank face bewildered you.
“No! I’m just saying we don’t work well together, we can’t go a single conversation without going for each other's necks.” You cut him off, now becoming bewildered. 
“Well then, I guess you’ll have to show some self-restraint in other ways.” He shrugged and turned to go back into the room he already chose, which was annoying because why did he get first pick?
“Okay woah wait,” You followed him, the floor changing from kitchen tile to the carpet in the hallway. “I’m the one starting fights? Says the man who always has something negative to say, or who always just cuts me off and criticizes me.” He opened the door, and you saw a glimpse of his bare bedroom. 
“I don’t always have something negative to say, you always have something to improve.” With that, Aizawa closed the door in your face. You growled out and angrily continued unpacking. This will be fun.
Even if you were being sarcastic, living with the man was absolutely not fun. Aizawa's criticism and nagging got worse, and now he's deluded to actually fucking lecturing you like you were a kid.
You were hanging up old pictures of family members, along with scening paintings and newspapers with you in them.  Aizawa came out of his room, baggy clothes as usual and stopped you.
“Are you serious? Not only are you being extremely loud for eleven p.m., but you’re already putting holes in the new walls. You’re not even using the right nails, they’re going to snap after a few months of use.” He grabbed the hammer out of your hands, along with the nails you had in your other hand.
“I’m not even being that loud, plus who cares, I’m going to hang stuff up eventually why does it matter?” You tried to grab your supplies back, but Aizawa leaned away from you so it was out of your grasp.
“Because this is a shared living space, it’s rude to just hang stuff up without permission.” He set the tools on the ground, accidentally kicking over your pictures.
“Oh I’m sorry, do I need to ask you when to take a shit too?” You slightly lunged at him, puffing your chest out.
“Stop acting like a child, is it so hard to respect basic formalities?” Aizawa asked you, staring you down.
“Stop acting like a dick, is it so hard to be nice?” You threw his words back in his face, already pissed off.
“Enough, I’m tired already and you’re only putting a damper on my mood.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, turning back to his room. You found out he stole the larger room, with the walk-in closet and bathroom, leaving you with a tiny closet and no personal bathroom.
That was kinda how you two had been living for the past week, constant bickering over every single thing. Maybe he left stains on the tupperware and cups because of his horrid coffee addiction, or maybe you left your mess in the way of the living space, or maybe one of you just breathed too hard. Whatever it was, it started angry arguing with one or both of you storming out. 
Whatever, recently you started to train in one of the personal gyms at the school, taking out your anger on the environment around you instead of murdering your roommate. That was our only place of solace, being able to jump and crawl around and hone in on your close combat. To be honest, it had been lacking, and the event at the camp left you self-conscious and hesitant. Noting the lights were already on, you walked in and dropped your bag at the door, gathering some light to use as stepping stools later. Quickly swapping your sweatpants and sweater for your hero suit, you walked out of the changing room and froze when you saw a figure right beside you. 
Stepping out of the male changing room.
“Are you stalking me?” You turned to him, already angry.
“I could ask you the same thing, you seem to follow me wherever I go.” He snapped back, adjusting his capturing scarf. 
“Because you’re always there. Like, I can’t even take a piss without you popping out of the corner to tell me the amount of toilet paper I’m using is wrong.”
“That’s an inappropriate example.” He watched you storm off, going to your corner of the gym to start your practice. You quickly climbed in the air, running across the left side of the gym while doing flips and jumps. 
You could feel his cold gaze on you, analyzing your every move and jump. Self-conscious, you tripped mid-jump and panicked, years of hero instincts out the window. Your quirk deactivated, and you could feel yourself free falling through the air. You are fully prepared to hit the hard ground, tensing up your body to prepare for impact. 
Instead of hitting the hard cement, large hands wrapped around you, holding your back and stomach protectively.
“Are you not a hero? What was that?” Aizawa growled, quickly standing you up and holding your shoulders while he looked you over.
“I got nervous! I panicked!” You shocked him away, holding yourself.
“Nervous about what? You were doing fine.” 
“You! I could feel you judging me, so I just tripped and I freaked out!” Yelling at him, you missed his hand clutching over his heart.
“Freaked out? What if there was a student in danger, what if you were in danger?” His voice was getting as loud as yours was.
You clenched your fists, nails digging painfully in your palm. “Why do you care so much?”
Aizawa went silent after that, his face angry but he himself was quiet.
There was a heavy pause, he seemed to mull something over and you just sat angry at him.
“Because I will not let my staff be weak.” You looked away, already done with the conversation, done with him.
“I’m leaving, I’m done.” You tried to stroll past him, but he stuck out a hand.
“Wait.” You glared at him, and the bottom half of his face was engulfed with his scarf. “Train with me, let’s spar together.”
“Why would I ever-”
“Let me finish. It’ll allow me to train you to be better, and would let you get your frustrations out on me.”
That was..odd for Aizawa. You couldn’t deny the idea of beating Aizawa into the ground didn’t seem fun, but the idea of him being a teacher to you made you feel a type of way. You thought about it for a moment, but eventually, your anger won you over.
“Fine, but don’t blame me if you walk into your classroom limpiING-” Your sentence was cut off when Aizawa swept his feet under you, knocking you into the ground. You lay on the ground, arms flexing with the burning desire to knock his teeth out. 
“You’re on asshole.”
His strong hands clutching you, only there for seconds while he threw you to the ground, his dark eyes following your every movement, fast and calculating, the way he was so sure of his movements, fast and strong.
Those were images and thoughts that ran in your head when you stepped into the shower, hands delicate over blooming bruises and scratches. You managed to get a couple of good hits on him, your knuckles still raw when you clocked him right in the jaw and your legs slightly shaking when you pushed him off of you. Aizawa never fully gave you the chance to use your quirk, allowing you to fully focus on hand-to-hand combat, his specialty. 
“You need to work more on your confidence and ability in close combat. Tomorrow we’ll do the same thing.” His monotone voice was a little more tired than usual, and he held an ice pack to the same spot where you punched him. 
“Same time?” Your voice was just as tired, and you barely kept in a yawn. He simply nodded in response, turning in for the night.
Those interactions, those thoughts kept you up all night, wondering why thoughts of him infected your mind.
You turned over, needing sleep to make lesson plans and help with schedule planning.
At first, training with Aizawa was fine, not great, but not exactly bad. But over the recent few weeks, he seemed to get even meaner than before, if that was even possible. You learned quickly he was holding back on you, and it made your class time very awkward.
"Hey, Ms. where'd you get those bruises from?"
"Rough night?"
It was embarrassing, especially the rougher he got.
"Fuck." You coughed, a swift kick in the chest downed you, and now you leaned over on your knees panting for breath. "Jesus dude, this is just training not the real fucking thing." You looked up at him, hand cupping your injury.
"You could have easily avoided that. I overestimated your skills. Get up." He didn't even sound sorry.
"Let me catch my breath first damn." 
"No, get up. Do you think a villain will give you the same opportunity?" He taunted, hands on his hips while he looked down at you. 
"I would've blinded the villain by now, give me a break." You waved him off, and he took the opportunity to grab your hand and haul you up.
"Or they could've killed you by now. You need to be stronger. Get ready." Aizawa quickly got into stance, fists ready to punch you again.
"Aizawa. Give me five fucking minutes, that hurt like a bitch." You backed up, creating a wide berth between the two of you. 
He stood up, and because of his baggy hero suit, you couldn't see he was still flexing his muscles. 
"See, was that so hard?" You sighed, rubbing at your chest. Taking a deep breath in, you looked up and closed your eyes. You yelled out when suddenly he tackled you to the ground, flipping you over to twist your arm.
You scratched at your bandages, fucker gave you a goddamn professional indian burn. A while back some of your advanced kids took their finals, each had to write three different essays about three different historical moments in their lives, in hero history, and Japanese history. You had put off grading them until the summer break since that was what you were originally planning to do at the start of the break. It was hard to grade so many papers when your arms and hands hurt like a bitch, and it was hard to focus with an achy body that hurt all over. 
Groaning, you threw your head back and sighed, feeling a major headache growing on your head.
"What's your problem?" Aizawa's voice came from behind you, opening your eyes you saw his upside-down form sipping from a kitty cat coffee mug.
"Other than you, these goddamn papers. I put them off and now I have too much work to do." You sat back up, picking up your red glitter pen. You heard him sit beside you, the couch dipping under his weight. Aizawa picked up a random paper, skimming over it while he placed down his coffee cup.
"If you can't do it by yourself-"
"I can, thank you very much."
"-then I suppose I could help you. It doesn't seem that complicated." He shrugged, quickly putting his thick hair up in a bun. You watched his hands, and heat pooled in your cheeks at the sight. Even after all this time, you still couldn't deny the aggravating man wasn't attractive. His strong and long neck which was usually hidden was just so…hot. For lack of a better word, it made you feel like a medieval man seeing a woman's ankles for the first time.
"That's because that's one-third of the students' final, and that's the personal essay. If you want, you can do the personal ones while I do the hero and Japanese ones." You pushed the large stack of papers towards him, handing him a black glitter pen. His thick fingers slightly curled around your hand at the contact, making you swallow. 
"Seriously? Do you not have any normal pens?" He asked, deadpanned.
"Nope." You turned away quickly, drinking some water to cool your body. What was wrong with you? 
You scratched at your bandages again, wishing you could just rip them off. Suddenly, hands engulfed your forearm. 
You turned over to your injury, seeing pale olive hands adjusting your bandages. You looked up with wide eyes and watched him fix them for you. 
"Stop messing with them. You're going to agitate it more, and it will be more painful tomorrow." Aizawa's voice was firm, but his hands were so soft. So caring and gentle, fingers kindly moving them so they covered up everything. He looked up at you, awaiting whatever snappy response you had.
"You're agitating." 
And for a moment no one did anything. The only sound was the whirring of the AC and the tick tick ticking of the analog clock above the kitchen doorway.
"You're infuriating." Aizawa responded, but there was no bite in his voice. Subtlety, every so subtlety, you two inched forward. His strong hand left your forearm to your shoulder, and you dropped your pen to inch your hand to his thigh. 
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, eyes solely focused on him.
You didn't know when, or where, or even why but sometime from when you met Aizawa to now, you sought for him everywhere. Even when he pissed you off more than anyone, you still wanted him to look at you, talk to you. You were the one always inviting him for drinks and hangouts with the staff, always tagging him along when you stayed at Hizashi's house. Even if he hated it, you always sent him cat memes and tiktoks, or sent him videos about coffee or teacher hacks. And every time he would grumble or complain something about professionalism or how it was stupid of you to do so. But every time, he'd respond, every time he tagged along, and he would even send you tiktoks back, things he thought you'd like.
It had always been him. And it was always you.
You were so close, your hand on his chest, his heart was hammering, almost as fast as yours, and his hand was splayed on your back, holding you. So close.
That broke you both out of your trance, both of you pulled your hands back like they burned.
You quickly looked at the coffee table in front of you, staring down while your white knuckles your knees.
Aizawa cleared his throat but said nothing.
Hizashi's loud squealing reverberated around the home, and you laughed. Mostly out of nerves, but still laughed.
Aizawa sighed, cursing under his breath. "Fucking Hizashi and his fear of bugs." 
Wiping a tear from your eye, (from embarrassment maybe?) you turned to look at him. Aizawa was also pointedly avoiding eye contact and had already snatched up the pen and paper again.
"I remember watching the footage from your guys' finals, that shit was hilarious." You giggled, face still red. 
"Not so much when he ran to the emergency showers screaming his goddamn head off. I had to follow him to make sure he didn't blow the damn building away." With quick hands he put down his hair again, but not before you saw how red his ears had become. Not only that, but you saw him trying to hide his shaky hands.
Leaning over you also continued your work, like you were supposed to, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach and the raging blush you were sure you had. 
Later that night, laying alone in your bed you screamed into your pillow. A horrifying realization that was going to make your life so much harder.
You hated Shouta Aizawa as much as you loved him. And you were almost sure he felt the same.
HOT DAMN, OVER 11K WORDSSSSS. literally crying /j this is now my magnum opus. i hope this gets at least one like because FUCK lmao
anyways, was planning on writing an alt ending but idk, eat up bitches. reqs are still open lmao. also if yall want specific emojis for anon that's okay
edit; literally pissed, i used the wrong name for present mic, I used his last name instead of his first km, dw I fixed it so his dialogue makes more sense now
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sakuracoloring · 2 months
Cami's Commentary! #9 - Movie Rants + Jumpscare
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! Sorry for not being very active these last few days :( I'm gonna be moving and so I have to pack my bags n say goodbye to my friends, yk? So that's been taking up a lot of my time. Anyways, it's time to hear me ranting >:)
Dirty Dancing: I watched this movie yesterday and WTF????? IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! Like, it gives so much Sessão da Tarde energy and I love it sm (probably because it airs all the time on Sessão da Tarde lol)! Also, to y'all who aren't familiar with it, Sessão da Tarde (Afternoon Session) is a television program on TV Globo, probably the biggest and most popular TV network in Brazil, in which movies (mainly older movies) are shown from Monday to Friday during the afternoons :) If I had to describe it using 3 movies, I'd definitely say Dirty Dancing, Clueless AND White Chicks. (They really love White Chicks lol) That's the kind of movies they show (at least last time I checked lol)
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: After some time that my friend recommended it to me, I finally watched it and it was very fun :D I really loved the story and the characters, and honestly Noxeema was so real (though Idk if she's my favourite. Like, this is the kind of media where I really can't pick a favourite character lol) <3 If you haven't watched it yet, I definitely recommend!!
My Bodyguard: I finished watching it like an hour ago and wow! Definitely better than I expected. Also, something that I found really funny was how similar Clifford was to Luigi (from As Aventuras de Poliana, a brazilian telenovela based on the Pollyanna book series). Like, their blue eyes, the curly hair in THAT shade of brown, their overall body types as well. Even the personality lol, though Clifford was Luigi with less social anxiety. Also (unrelated to my little comparison) Matt Dillon looked so fruity in this movie, especially with that hair lol
Despicable Me 4: I watched it yesterday as a little goodbye hangout with my friends and as I expected, it's one of those movies that probably should've never happened and is just a way of milking the brand. Like, it was pure dogshit, but honestly so dogshit that it became funny at times (also did anyone else notice the BTS symbol on Poppy's phone case?). The only scene I actually liked though was the ending scene with Gru and the weird cockroach-fetish-having villain singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World (Tears for Fears) while previous villains danced along. It was very wholesome :3
Also, tell me they don't look alike:
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This is Nicolas Germano btw (brazilian singer) Every scene this cockroach fetish villain was in, my brain just went ''wtf he looks like someone'' but I just couldn't put my finger on it lol
Anyways, jumpscare time 😍😍😍😍:
So, I just opened up tumblr and the first thing that showed up to me was a post with a screenshot of an article talking about Matt Dillon apparently fucking girls in his trailer during the filming of The Outsiders n stuff, and so I went to the comments to not only find the source but to also see what other people had to say. And so I found the OP's comment talking about how they couldn't seem to get the link but they did share the website's name, and so I decided to search it up. No biggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I searched it up, but I had gotten the order of the letters wrong so a bunch of websites on pension started showing up, and that made me realise ''something's not right'' and so I searched it up again, correctly. But then it just showed me this private all-girls school in Maryland(???) and so I was like ''huh?'', which made me search up the website name + matt dillon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No biggie. But as I click on the first website that appeared, BOOM! Two porn ads. (Idk if that website focused on porn or if these just were ads) For like 5 seconds, I was in shock. ''How tf did I get here???'' is still a question I ask myself, and so I clicked off, very confused. Idk if that's the actual website OP found it on and these are just ads, but my eyes aren't very happy after this experience 😍
Thanks for your attention :3 It means a lot to me
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number 9...number 9...👁️👁️ (If u got this reference ily)
See you next time! ☆
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AND THE BEST FUCKING THING ABOUT THE AOTY NOMINEES???? NO COUNTRY ALBUMS (or Foo Fighters)!!!!! So I would assume that Taylor has a high chance to get a lot of support from the country branch of the grammy voters. She is beloved right now, so I doubt they would steer away from her, especially after she re-released Speak Now TV this year, too (and man, was it successful!!!). I would assume also that the votes from the other music genre branches might get split between the other girlies, some of which going to Taylor too, so she definitely has higher chances of winning a 4th AOTY making history (or shall I say HERSTORY) as the only person to ever win 4 AOTY grammys. She's on the biggest tour of all time, biggest album debuts of her career in the span of a year, highest grossing concert film of all time, etc, dominating the music industry all throughout the year. IT'S LITERALLY HER YEAR. Even if it's debatable that Midnights might not be her best album (and some refer to it as MID 😒), there's still a high chance she might win.
Also, Morgan Wallen getting glossed over and left with 0 grammy nominations and 0 CMA wins even though he was topping the charts will make the BBMAs look like a joke 🤡🤡🤡🤡when he'll win certain awards over Midnights cause they erased a couple of its first week sales.
Taykarma and tayvoodoo are stronger than ever, and the Universe always works in Taylor's favor, even if that might not seem to be the case sometimes on a surface level.
These are such great, interesting points Anon.
Not gonna lie: was super pleased for all the nominations for women AND no Morg*n or Jas*n Alde*n. (Would have been ok with a Foo Fighters nod, because it was so f*cking brave to have that whole, difficult album about debilitating grief. Dave is a tender-hearted guy and he lost two of his beloved people—Taylor Hawkins and his Mom—within a couple months, plus all his unexplored Kurt grief. Just gutting.)
The nomination landscape does open the door for some fun possibilities:
- in a year that is just overflowing with badass women, have Taylor make HERSTORY, especially with the potential support of her country supporters (and those in other genres), by winning AOTY 4. It doesn’t have to be her best album—I’d argue that two that routinely are called her best have already won AOTY—just the best of the year/of those nominated and it could absolutely be considered that. (Also - Justice for Midnights! It’s terrific.)
- with cross-genre support, we see her finally getting SOTY. It’ll be days before she heads off on the major overseas thrust of the tour no one will ever forget, and an amazing achievement. More HERSTORY.
I guess we will see next weekend if Blondie effectively ignores the BBMAs because of them rigging sh*t against her.
Can’t wait to watch alongside you all.
Thanks for this ask.
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okkalo · 5 months
hi!! congrats on 1k! ive been following you for a while on my main and i saw your event here on my writing acc:3 could i get a genshin matchup? heres my info!!
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basics: hi my name’s aki!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11.im also gay.  i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain.
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains. i tend to bottle up my feelings and sometimes just burst out like crazy. i used to do muay thai to help w that but my coach disappeared(literally)
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
music and interests: i listen to artists like the gazette, dir en grey, kamijo, mejibray nd more!! i also listen to bands like smashing pumpkins, le tigre, foo fighters, deftones, mcr, radiohead, alice in chains, misfits and weezer(so weezy) i had a BIG grunge phase. i love rainy sundays!! i am literally the biggest halloween fanatic ever. once me and my old lover pulled up in a matching viktor and corpse bride costume i loved it. as mentioned earlier i play basketball and crochet, i also play the guitar!
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. i wear a lot of accessories nd stuff. bat hairpins<33 
thanks!! sorry if this was a pain to read,, :<
hi aki! thanks for following me even through my hiatuses 🫶 and no worries ur matchup was fun to read!! u did have me very confused who would be a good matchup for u, however, so i hope u like who u got 🫶🫶 thank you for the request
ps. i have also been wanting more peircings on my ears (maybe a nose one too) but also haven’t gotten any so u are not alone
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : tighnari from genshin
tighnari is an overachiever just like you! though, he knows when to draw the line so that he doesn’t get too exhausted. he would definitely try to draw a line for you, as well! that, and he knows how to give praise when it’s needed! he’ll always try to make sure you know how well you’re doing while also trying to keep you safe from a burnout!
he once considered handing out your crochet keychains to fellow forest rangers. he thought it would be an additional nifty way to scout out fellow forest rangers. though, whether he went through with it all decided on how you responded!
whenever someone misidentifies you as japanese or any other race you will always see tighnari’s ears twitching from annoyance. he’ll oftentimes be able to hold himself back from correcting the person right away, though not all the time. when it comes to your style, however, he’ll always go on a tangent about how you are not goth to provide you support as well.
tighnari is also very introverted as well and lives for his alone time, which he still considers to be with you on some occasions. he’ll love to hear your guitar during these times. i also head canon that he would be so interested in learning crochet for himself as well! so, if you would, please teach him!
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multifandomthoughts · 2 years
Headcanons for Power, Tengen and Foo Fighters at an amusement park
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Just like at arcades, she is a beast at the games. However, she is likely to either break a game or cheat. In both circumstances she makes off with at least one prize before grabbing your hand and sprinting away.
She doesn’t see the point of rides at first, thinking that being a devil, nothing can possibly scare her. Sure the rides don’t exactly scare her, but she definitely gets a thrill, laughing all the way. She refuses to admit it, but on one of the rides she held your hand.
She also loves all the outrageous junk food and crams as much of it in her face as she can. You have to beg and plead her not to go on a ride immediately after because you know exactly what’s going to happen.
At the end of the day, surprisingly power becomes tired and naps on the way home. You’ve had such a great time with her, it figures that she would be out of energy.
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Foo Fighters
They’re quite confused about what an amusement park is, all they’ve known of their life is the prison, and conflict. So when they realize that this is a place to laugh and play and have fun, they’re over the moon.
They want to try as many of the interesting foods and drinks that they can. You get them a special sipper and they’re absolutely delighted. It’s filled with water, and shaped like something cool? Sign them up!
They also love that there are all sorts of characters to meet and take pictures with! The first character they see, they grab you by the hand and drag you over for a silly picture!
Once the day is over, they beg you to bring them back some other time, maybe with the rest of the prison gang! They’re so thankful for this trip, and want to have more experiences like this one with you.
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Tengen Uzui (I had trouble picking which demon slayer character)
Tengen at first isn’t so enthralled with the idea. He thinks that the place will be run down and that there wont be much to do. The theme park in his mind is more of a set piece for you two to spend time together.
That is, until he sees how flashy the signs are. Rides, stalls and food have these beautiful lit up signs. You know him so well, and he can’t help but look over and smile at you.
He sprints towards the ride with the brightest sign, dragging you with him. He doesn’t care about the thrill level, he just wants to be wowed. You have to encourage him to go do a different ride, as he just wants to do the same one over and over.
At the end of the day, you spend some time at the food stalls and the games. With his Hashira prowess, he ends up winning you the biggest stuffed animal he can, then eating the largest meal he can. Like power, he also falls asleep on the way home.
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6, 23, and 33 for the ask meme :)
6. Describe your dream home
Bookshelves that lead into a secret underground room. Bed that hangs/bounces for maximum stim. Trampoline or swing in the back. Tinted windows. One of those libraries with the sliding ladder. Two cats at least, dogs as aspirational. Dreaming bigger, it would need to be either self-cleaning or self-dusting, and possibly order groceries for me. Dreaming biggest, straight up holodeck/matter replicator so I can come home, crash on my snorlax stomach and order any hot meal immediately.
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
I'm gonna straight up admit it: my music taste is AMV. Right now I'm going through Blue Eye Samurai. Also To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar is free, and that's a great watch.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
Probably similar to what I wear now, although I would like more boots, belts with things hanging off them and extra pockets, and the courage to wear weirder hats. It's more about comfort than anything else and I've heard witch hats are great for keeping your head cool.
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clickvibes · 8 months
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togethergreys · 2 years
James gang funk
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Kesha performing at the Taylor Hawkins tribute concert. Kesha delivers a killer cover of T Rex’s Children of the Revolution – her polite “thank you” at the end is so at odds with the rawness of her performance that it is greeted with a ripple of laughter – and Supergrass barrels through Alright. The surviving members of Rush perform the knotty instrumental YYZ on a stage that earlier saw Nile Rodgers doing David Bowie’s Let’s Dance with Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme on vocals. Then comes a video message from Billie Eilish, followed by AC/DC’s Brian Johnson singing Back in Black and Let There Be Rock with Metallica’s Lars Ulrich on drums. Mark Ronson performs a beautifully dreamy acoustic version of Valerie with Grohl’s daughter Violet on vocals. How else to explain the bill at the first of two tribute concerts organised in the wake of his death in March? It swerves wildly, serving up mainstream pop next to tricky prog rock, metal beside Britpop. “Funk #49” is one of Joe Walsh’s most popular songs, and by the mid-’70s he admitted that he couldn’t stand playing it anymore, but did so because fans loved it.Clearly, this is an attitude that Grohl shared with the Foo Fighters’ late drummer, Taylor Hawkins. “Funk #49” became a staple of Album Oriented Rock and Classic Rock radio, but it wasn’t the biggest chart hit for the James Gang – that would be “Walk Away,” which made #51 in 1971 and was later reworked for Walsh’s 1976 solo album You Can’t Argue with a Sick Mind. There was a “Funk 50,” but not until Joe Walsh released it on his 2012 album Analog Man after being asked to rework “Funk #49” for the ESPN show Sunday NFL Countdown. The first James Gang album ( Yer’ Album, 1969) contained the track “Funk #48,” which according to producer Bill Szymczyk, got its title “out of thin air.” When they came up with what would become “Funk #49,” they were once again faced with no logical title based on the lyrics, and followed the sequence. The only thing we really added was the percussion middle part, which the three of us actually played, putting some parts on top of the drums, but that’s the three-piece James Gang, and that’s the energy and kind of the symmetry we were all about.” It was a really good example of how we put things together, bearing in mind that it was a three-piece group, and I don’t think that there was any overdubbing. He explained in the book The Guitar Greats, “I came up with the basic guitar lick, and the words never really impressed me intellectually, but they seemed to fit somehow. There isn’t much in the way of lyrics, as the song is mostly a showcase for Walsh’s guitar work. The song is about a girlfriend whose wild ways the singer just can’t tame (the female equivalent of Joe Walsh’s character in his solo hit “Life’s Been Good”). Walsh wrote this song with his bandmates, drummer Jim Fox and bass player Dale Peters. Szymczyk produced the band and began a long association with Joe Walsh, producing his solo albums and most of the Eagles output in the ’70s. It was the producer Bill Szymczyk who signed the James Gang to ABC Records after seeing them perform at a show in Ohio. It was quite a learning experience for Walsh, who left the James Gang in 1971 after recording three studio albums with the group. With just three members, it meant Walsh had to play both rhythm and lead guitar parts, and also sing (he got a lot more help when he joined the Eagles in 1975). They were a 5-piece when Walsh joined but was down to three when they released their second album James Gang Rides Again. He replaced Glenn Schwartz in the band, who Walsh considers a mentor. Walsh joined the Cleveland-based group in 1969 after making a name for himself as one of the top guitarists in Ohio. The James Gang is best known for their guitarist, Joe Walsh, whose playing on this track helped establish him as a superstar guitarist. The song peaked at #59 in the Billboard 100 in 1971. This song has been played a bunch on the radio but Joe Walsh’s intro doesn’t get old to me.
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lamerdeseslarmes · 6 years
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I cannot thank @kindafooey enough!!! This was the best birthday present ever, I’ve wanted a small Bill for so long!! And now, courtesy of my best friend, who is an absolute sweetheart, I finally have one!! Plus my very own Journal 3!! :D I’ll need to be careful though, because I think Bill will definitely try to mess with it in the near future. Keep these hands to yourself Bill, the Journal is mine!!
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studyvibes · 3 years
Another new translation of Maneskin interview
I planned on translating the interview last week, but the day I was free the whole area where I lived had an issue with the WiFi, so through out the week, when I had a bit of free time I translated the interviewer piece by piece.
The translation is of this video: https://youtu.be/4Meslb_X9Fg
I thought it was best to include the video of the interview because there are videos and images relevant to their answers.
So this interview is by the VK which is basically like Russian Facebook.
In the original video the host speaks in Russian and Maneskin reply in Italian with Russian subtitles shown.
(Text which is bold and in brackets during the translation are some notes I added, to add come context)
Interviewer: For the first time, Maneskin is visiting Moscow, who are the winners of Eurovision. And today we are welcoming them in our studio. Guys, hello. (If you translate exact its: Guys, big hello to you)
Maneskin: Thank you very much
[0:17] Interviewer: The site Kontakte is one of the biggest sites in Russia and also one of the biggest music platforms in Russia, where people listen to your music. In our top charts of most listened songs you are one of the very few international musicians/bands that are included in the chart. In general the chart includes mostly songs in Russian language, so this shows how very popular you are in our country.
Maneskin: That’s very nice!
Interviewer: Please tell me - your international success just happened in 3 months: charts in Russia, charts in Billboard, I think this is the first time ever since ABBA that a musician/band became famous even in America after Eurovision. How did your life change in this span of 3 months?
Damiano: yeah there was a big difference/change.
Damiano: We could say that it was sudden and how we saw everything explode after Eurovision, but we are very happy
Damiano: Ofcourse this means a lot of work is expected because everything that we did before for Italy, we do now around the world. But we are very happy: this what we wanted and why we worked so hard -we are very, very happy/lucky.
[1:30]Interviewer: Going back to Eurovision, I was present at backstage and at the final, sharing happiness about your winning. I’d like to ask, did you know and how did you react to the fact that all artist for the past two weeks were saying that you were the obvious winners, even though the genre of your performance is a complete contrast to most competitor’s songs. How confident were you.
Interviewer: To solidify my words (about being at Eurovision) I have a photo *shows a photo on iPad of Interviewer and Maneskin on the night they won Eurovision*
Maneskin: oh it was you!
Victoria: We weren’t exactly confident. When we went to Eurovision, we thought only about being able to carry our music to a very wide auditorium, but we didn’t expect that we would be able to win - especially with the type of genre we play and sing in Italian - it is not something that appears often in this competition
Thomas: Yeah, that’s true, it was very unexpected and even the people - in Eurovision - were saying “You will win, you will win” - of course to us it was nice, but we completely didn’t expect it. And same with what happened after.
Ethan: (he said something, but they didn’t add a translation to what he said)
[2:45] Interviewer: I’d like to say a few words about our Manizha - Russian Woman (she represented Russia in Eurovision 2021) - were you able to meet her and chat with her? And are you planning to see her in Moscow
Victoria: yes yes, she even sang an Italian song
Damiano: it was something “Ti amo, ti amo”
Thomas: No, no, no, not that one!
Damiano: “Felicità”?
Thomas: No, no. I don’t remember.
Interviewer: (I didn’t hear him but I think he agreed with Damiano)
Maneskin: “Felicità”, yes, “Felicità”!
Damiano: They even sang in multiple voices! (Manizha had back singers with her, who joined her for Eurovision)
Interviewer: So after you won Eurovision, you were congratulated by Eros Ramazzotti, Royal Blood, and Franz Ferdinand. Which congratulation towards you was unusual and unexpected? And what did it mean to you
Victoria: Probably the big groups, which we always listen to, which always inspired us. It was also really nice, already the fact, that they talk about us - it was unbelievable. And because, of course, for us it was very important, that they liked us/valued us. And what most wild/unusual out of is that we got to collaborate with Iggy Pop.
Rest of Maneskin: *agreeing with Victoria’s answer*
Victoria: He is one of our main idols, he is one of the people who created/established punk-rock.
Thomas: Yes, of course, support from big musicians, from people who we listened to from the very start - it’s really wonderful and important/valuable recognition
Interviewer: tell us about your work with Iggy Pop. How did it happen, did he contact you or you were able to reach out to him?
Victoria: We were always huge fans of him. And when everything so well, he saw who we were and what type of music we have, and we asked him, if he would’ve want to produce something together. He said, that he really likes the song “I wanna be your slave.” and wanted to make a collaboration.
Interviewer: I saw that Miley Cyrus made a repost video of where you are performing a cover of her song and said you are her friends. Is there a possible collab with Miley?
Maneskin: Anything is possible.
Damiano: (in English) Who knows
Interviewer: with who would you want to collab?
Victoria: with many, with many! Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, I don’t know.. with so many!
Interviewer: An interesting thing - the group BTS became the symbol of South Korea, making kpop genre popular. You are becoming...you became, the symbol of Italy. Do you feel any responsibility and are you planning on promoting Italian language/ making Italian language popular?
Damiano: We are thinking about making our music, and if our country will choose us to be their representatives, we would be happy. But no, we don’t feel this responsibility, we are thinking of own work/ business.
Interviewer: I can’t not ask very important question which is interesting for the fans - are you preparing an album, can you share some hints/ secrets? Because everyone is waiting for it. And the fact that in one of your songs which was released years back reached the top world wide charts, now we all can’t wait.
Victoria: Its all secret!
Damiano: We can say, that we are preparing new music - this is the secret which we can reveal.
Thomas: Yeah, and we are trying to find time, to write, to work on music. Certainly/undoubtedly, you can expect multiple surprises.
Interviewer: you are a unique group - from the point that your centre/focus is towards all of the members, which is different to other bands where bands are seen as the frontman and the rest of musicians. But each member of your group is seen a big celebrity. Did this happen accidentally or is this the concept you made, and how does your friendship help you with you work?
Damiano: We always tries to avoid the stereotypes of bands/groups, where only the vocalist is recognized/known. We always tried to push not only the group as whole, but also the 4 individuals of the group. And this is probably also happens because of our close friendship. Luckily, nobody feels like they are in the shadows pushed by others.
[7:38] Interviewer: It’s really cool that you change/ remove the stereotypes and create new trends.
Maneskin: We try, We try. We carry our little contribution.
Interviewer: Damiano, I would like to ask you personally a question - from what I am aware of, at the start, the band didn’t accept you into the band, something didn’t work out, could you please tell us in more detail?
*Maneskin laughing at Damiano*
Victoria: He became older, and his voice became magically/suddenly different!
Interviewer: what I understood was that it happened was because you originally sang more pop music, not rock with the band.
Damiano: In reality/to be honest, nothing changed, I stayed pop. Let’s say, I grew, and my voice changed, and I started to sound more earnest/persuasive.
[8:22] Interviewer: How did the band form? You first place of performance was at the street of Rome?
Maneskin: Yes, we started to play in school
Victoria: and since then everything went with the flow. We started to play on the streets, at small establishments, at school - anywhere where we could have an opportunity to perform
Interviewer: what was the hardest in those performances?
Thomas: To find a place where we can perform
Victoria: Yes, exactly, where to perform. And later, it was very small establishments and the audience at the start didn’t take us too seriously. But together as a band we supported each other - in the end, it was our dream, we even liked to perform in front of just a few people, which is why we continued.
Thomas: Exactly, yes. At the start we sometimes performed to an auditorium with a few people, but even then you had to stay convincing/conclusive. Over some period of time, in the crowd, people start to appear who valued our music, what we did. But for me, it was probably, the main challenge was to see, play, perform well and stay yourself in front of 2 or 3 people.
Ethan: Yes, there were times when we performed in front of an audience in which there were only parents. We gave out the same level and the same energy.
Interviewer: I think it is common thing to happen when a musician/ band performs at private party, where Russian musicians performed for one person in the hall.
Maneskin: oh this is something very very private
Interviewer: I think I’ll get in trouble for telling you this, but Little Big told me this story.
*Maneskin recognizing the bands name*
Maneskin: Aaa, Yes!
Interviewer: Ed Sheehan, in his time, took a challenge, he also started from street performing, to make 300 performance in a year. Are you ready to start your world tour and to perform nearly every day?
Thomas: Of course, definitely. The other way it won’t happen.
[10:25] Interviewer: I’d also like to know/ask, if you often spend your time together, as friends, if you have any common hobbies, and what do you do as a break/rest?
Victoria: We practically don’t have any life outside the frame of music, we spend all our time in work. But when we do find spare time, we just go somewhere to relax and have fun.
Interviewer: What simple tip/advise would you give to young musicians which at the moment are street performing but dream to perform in big stadiums?
Victoria: I think, you should continued with your journey and don’t change due to other people’s opinions.
Ethan: Yes, that right. Be always yourself.
Interviewer: your time of fame happened in Italy a few years ago from the show X Factor when you performed the cover from the band the Four seasons on their song “Beggin”. Did you expect that your cover would become a world hit in a few years? And a lot of people associate the song more with you (like more than the original band)
Ethan: Yeah. It’s.... weird!
[11:33] Interviewer: I’d like to show you an interesting photo. The photo illustrates when it was the last time Russia saw Italians. It’s a movie from the year 1974 which is called “the unbelievable journey of Italians in Russsia” do you see any similarity?
*at [11:48] you can see the image of four people: on the left two men happily hugging each other, in the centre a woman, and on the right a tired looking man*
Maneskin: Nooooo *laughing*
Ethan: Wow (the exact words that were written in subtitles were “Да ты что!” Which in Russian is used as an expression of surprise )
Ethan and Thomas point at which person they think they are in the left
Ethan: I am the one in the left
Interviewer: This is actually a very popular Soviet comedy and the movie is about Italians which travelled to Russia in search of treasure, which left was by one of the main character’s grandmother. I would like to know after which treasure did you go after in Russia?
Victoria: I think, our fans, possibly perform, and play in concerts. All the love and affection.
Interviewer: It would be nice if you could watch the movie, maybe during your flight, and share your opinion on social media.
Ethan: ok, will do.
Interviewer: I’d also like to show you a very popular video which was spreading in Russia. Where it was comparing your lyrics from “I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE” and lyrics from a Russian musician Alla Pugacheva. Both songs have same repeating words: “master” and “gangster”
Maneskin: (idk who said it) I saw it in Tiktok
Interviewer: just in case, I’ll show you the video
*[11:58] shows the video which interviewer talked about*
Thomas: You already saw it.
Interviewer: Your Russian fans, went further, started to look for famous Russian performers who wore similar outfits that you wear. But it turned out that all the similar outfits were worn by on person, his name is Valery Leontiev. I’d like to show you the pictures to show you just how similar his outfits are.
*[13:35] you can see the image comparisons, in the background you can hear Damiano laughing and say “no no”*
Thomas or Ethan: Unbelievable! This is crazy, this isn’t possible.
Interviewer: Yes the similarities are on point/ are exact.
Interviewer: I’d like to conclude the interviewer with genuine admiration because for the past 3 months you exploded the whole music industry, which didn’t happen for ages. And to be honest, it is true what you said about saving your authenticity and believe in yourself. We are very proud of you, Russians love Italians (ik that a lot of old Italian movies and songs are very popular in Russia). Please continue to grow and make wonderful music.
Maneskin: Thank, thank you very much.
Hopefully you enjoyed the interview and the translations made sense
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stonefreeshibari · 3 years
Jojo bizarre adventure
Thank you for sending an ask!! You’re the only person who actually interacts with me thank you so much haha. This was really hard to choose, too. I love a lot of characters from this series.
Blorbo: Jolyne... nuff said because I could talk about her forever. Also please date me.
Scrunkly: Jo2uke/Gappy. He is just... SO cute, and it's not even just because I think gap teeth are attractive. The little faces he makes, his quirky mannerisms, his dumb little sailor hat- he gives me the most classic case of cuteness aggression in that I would like to tie him to a bed and expose him to 35 sieverts of ionizing radiation. He's definitely the cutest JoJo thus far, at least manneristically speaking.
Scrimblo Bimblo: Foo Fighters! It's probably telling that I relate more to a literal colony of plankton than to anyone else in this show, but! Foo Fighters could literally do anything and I'd be clapping and cheering. They fill me with such love, joy and happiness. :,^)
Glup Shitto: Magenta Magenta, probably. Thinking about how much this man doesn't bathe has probably rotted my brain cells, but even I am not immune to how funny he is.
Poor Little Meow Meow: Jotaro. It's probably obvious by now, but I am the biggest Jotaro apologist on the planet. I could talk about this character for hours because I just... I think about him a lot. idk lol
Horse Plinko: I think... Diego Brando. He's just such a pompous little prick. Also, he's British.
Eeby Deeby: Pucci. His sins are eternal and he needs to go to horny jail. I'll never forgive him for the entirety of Stone Ocean.
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whoiwanttoday · 3 years
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Guys, I am going to take the time out today to make an @pigeonfoo appreciation post because she deserves it but also because I am annoyed by a thing I woke up to. I don't know what happened but she felt the need to remind people that she is a person. Now, to me, this is strikingly obvious but I am smarter than most people so I guess it escaped some people's notice? Jokes aside, I know that people say shitty things to and about sex workers constantly. People love to look down on others to feel better about themselves, people love to look down on women, people love to look down on women who are sexual, and people really, really love to make sure sex workers know their place. I know this and I am not a sex worker. I am not someone even close to that world and I am aware and see it so I can only imagine the constant storm of shit that comes at you if you are actually a sex worker. It must be horrendous. So I don't know what happened but I am in the camp that it is uncool and I am in this camp because Pigeon Foo is actually amazing. Not only is she a person she is a fantastic person and I will say this as someone who has been interacting with her on the internet for almost a decade now. She was one of my first followers so I have had many dealing with her and here are a few stories that spring to mind about her that I feel like I should share. The second time I ever posted her I got messages from two different models on tumblr talking about her. They just told me that they loved the post because they had somehow interacted with Foo in their professional career and that she is the best. I wish I could remember the words but it's been more than 9 years probably so I can't. It was just that she was kind and sweet and working with her was a joy. This might seem like a minor thing but I can tell you, not only is not everyone that way, a lot of job satisfaction is based around those around you and how they act. But again, more importantly, this is just her being her, which is apparently great. The second thing that popped into my head is I had a crisis of conscience once and went to Foo. This was because Foo is the only person I have posted who I also talked to sometimes and I wanted her opinion. I wanted to post a YouTuber but was worried they were not famous enough to post and it might be wrong and well... she just was a friend and told me that it was fine. It was someone putting themselves in the public sphere and well, now 8 years later it's laughable to think YouTubers aren't famous enough when more people know their names than a lot of the actresses I post. Anyway, you don't have to agree with her about if I am a creep or not, the part that is crucial here is what she did was an act of kindness to make me feel better. You know, a human thing. And thirdly I think to last summer when the first protests after George Floyd started and she was doing what she could to just ampliphy voices. She may not have the biggest platform but it's bigger than others and it was going to cost her money because no doubt as whatever happened yesterday showed, there are lots of dudes who will be very angry that she has opinions and thoughts and not just tits. But she did it and I reached out to say thanks and we talked a lot about it. We talked about it as white people who were very upset by the situation, by the reaction of other white people towards Black Lives Matter, and who didn't want to dump on our friends of color with, "Boy, I think racism is bad and it's bothering me". It was nice to have someone to do that with and again, this is a person with a good heart and a good mind. I have talked to her about horror movies and about comic books and about video games over the years. I can't tell you which ones. Not because it's a secret, I mean it is, I'll never tell, but also because again it's been years and I can't remember more than she wanted to sleep with the lady with the horns in Dragon Age Inquesition. I think. Maybe it was the guy with the horns? I'm getting off track. Anyway, enjoy these pictures of her. You should enjoy her beauty. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is if you think that your opinion on it matters at all and what is wrong is if you think that's all she is. Again, I don't know what went down but it made me mad to think of the shit that a deeply decent human being is getting and that some of that is because men are so shitty that they would rather her not be a human being. It's gross and it's wrong and you are all losers who are completely missing out on the full package of a pretty cool person. Today I want to fuck Pigeon Foo.
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mk-wizard · 4 years
Graham Burns: Analysis of the Nerd of Action
Hello, friends. Today’s character analysis is at the request of a dear reader @petrichornial​ who wanted an analysis of Graham Burns who is the genius of the Burns rescue operative family from Rescue Bots as well as Boulder’s partner and good friend.
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As far as character biography goes, it is pretty simple. Graham Burns is one of the Burns kids and is younger than Kade and older than Cody, but it is never confirmed if he is older or younger than Dani though is is very likely that he is older than her because he is a university graduate though it could be that he skipped some grades from being an exceptional genius. When he was Cody’s age, he was also a Lad Pioneer and was good at it, but after getting lost in the woods one time, he left out of embarrassment. While he is a licensed and expert engineer, it is clear that he is still studying either for a Masters degree or even possibly a doctorate.  When he is first introduced to Boulder, it is under the impression that he is just a machine though after learning that he was a person, he still had some trouble respecting him as such. Graham was initially more concerned with analyzing and learning about how Boulder worked as an alien life form which made the bot very uncomfortable if not insulted. Graham quickly realized that this was not right and respected Boulder as a person for the rest of the series. They even become best friends. Amy would later develop a crush on a newcomer and fellow loveable nerd Amy though he had trouble talking to her and even made several goofs along the way before finding the confidence to just say hello to her. It isn’t known how much their relationship progressed though or if anything did become of their mutual attraction since their first meetup. At the end of the Rescue Bots series, the rescue team was separated though Graham and Boulder remained partners as they were assigned to the west coast. While Graham never made an appearance on Rescue Bots Academy, it can be concluded that he is still fulfilling that duty alongside Boulder when the bot isn’t teaching new recruits and like Cody Burns, he remains in touch with the rest of the gang.
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As a character especially of his type, I have to admit that Graham really got underrated as he breaks several molds for it. Most obviously, he may be the brains, but is not without enough brawn to hold out on his own. In both the action figure line and the cartoon, Graham has work boots, a construction helmet and for the toy only, a vest. We even see that Graham does get his hands dirty, is in shape, likes to camp and he even plays sports meaning that unlike most geek characters, Graham is not physically the weakest of the team. He also doesn’t have any of those stereotypical setbacks like a plethora of dietary limits, allergies to everything (just cats) and he isn’t asthmatic. Moreover, while he does struggle with his communication skills and talking to girls, he is not so socially inept that he is consistently insensitive or says inappropriate things that make people feel uncomfortable. Graham is a gentleman, he has enough sense to think before he talks, he is not oblivious to feelings and he does like people. Yes, he’s an introvert, but he is willing to open up when the chance presents itself.
Another thing about him that is noteworthy is that his genius never becomes a drag or the only reason for his character. His knowledge of things doesn’t go beyond his industry and he never pretends to know more than he does. And there have been times where Graham had to ask for help. Back in the day, geek characters were always expected to know everything and solve problems by reading a book then becoming experts overnight. In Rescue Bots, Graham shows us that even geniuses have limits and need time to get the hang of skills that are new to them. Furthermore, Graham doesn’t have the annoying speech stereotype of talking with the tone of a book or in this snobbish way. He talks and walks like a regular person. Most notably, Graham is not even the biggest genius in Griffin Rock. That title is reserved for the scientists who reside there or have made contact with it. Nor does he ever get competitive with them or jealous of their knowledge.
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The most important aspect of Graham is that he acts his age and human. Even with all his genius, Graham has the same interests as most people his age and does the things we expect him to do when in certain situations. Like eating at his desk while doing homework and he enjoys things like pizza. He is also not above making bad decisions like eating the Magic Meat/Fo-Foo just because it was there even though it smelled awful and seemed off. Or going to Kade for advice on how to approach a girl or coming up with a cologne to solve his problems with his confidence. The most notable bad decision he made though was years ago when he left the Lad Pioneers before being given his last badge out of shame after getting lost in the woods. He is a good balance of capable, but human which is good.
In short, Graham is definitely a sign of the times in how the media does still follow tropes, but now, it does so respectfully and it no longer stereotypes its characters. Graham is Graham first and a geek second. And being the geek doesn’t make him weak and he shouldn’t be if he does rescue missions.
So what do you all think of Graham Burns? Anything you want to add to this analysis?
If you have a Transformers theory or character analysis you want explored, please let me know in my ask box. And please, support me through Patreon or Ko-fi if you want me to make Transformers merch and videos. Or if you want a commission of your favourite bot, let me know in my shop. All links are on my profile page.
Thanks for reading and please, stay safe.
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anntoldst0ries · 4 years
Christmas (Baby please come home) - part II
Pairing: Dr Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr Vicky Valentine)
Word Count: 6k+ 
Rating: R
Summary: Ethan & Vicky’s first Christmas together… will everything go as planned?
Category: Mini series, completed. Part I can be found here.
Warnings: A tiny bit of explicit language, mild sexual content. Other than this - I declare fluff, fluff and nothing but the fluff! :D  
Author’s note: Part II is here and it’s long - sorry not sorry :D I put a lot of effort into this story and I hope you’re gonna like it :) I’d like to thank A. from the bottom of my heart, not only has she proofread it and corrected my mistakes, but also gave me the most amazing feedback. Jenner’s response is also hers, but she thoughtfully let me use it :) This is for you my dear <3
Written for CFWC Winter season, using prompt 10. 
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Christmas Eve
And then it was just them. 
In the car.
“For someone who has just said more words in 5 minutes than he does for a whole week, you’re surprisingly quiet, Dr Ramsey.’’
“Excellent observation, Dr Valentine. This is exactly the type of insight that earned you a spot on the Diagnostics Team.” Ethan threw her a tiny smile. “But it’s not surprising. It’s called getting things back on an even keel.”
She didn’t say anything, just gently moved her gaze outside the window, where the wintery Boston landscape unfolded right in front of them. In the background, Frank Sinatra’s velvety voice tucked her like a blanket and she couldn’t help but think he’d love White Christmas in the state of Massachusetts.
It wasn’t until then that she actually realised the Christmas song was playing in Ethan's car and not from the radio. This healthy compromise (Sinatra for him, Christmas song for her) made her smile, as she knew how much of an effort listening to Christmas tunes was for the man sitting on her left. His ears must have been bleeding heavily. She made sure of it, playing the jingles at full blast every evening, scarring him for life. 
“Did you call your family to let them know you’re not coming?” Ethan’s deep baritone roused Vicky from the sea of thoughts she was immersed in. 
“Nope, for two reasons: a - they didn’t know I was coming in the first place and b - I am still undecided.” 
Vicky noticed the muscles on his face twitch in an instant.  
“What can I do to help you make your mind up?” Ethan gently took her tiny hand in his and caressed the inside with his thumb. Then, he took it to his mouth and placed a kiss with great reverence, as if he was a religious fanatic and she was an object of religious cult. 
This took her by surprise. She was expecting a snotty remark, a raise of an eyebrow or dead silence. Instead, the question hit her with a load of affection so genuine that warmth instantly spread in her chest.
She knew exactly what it was that she needed.
He knew exactly what she was going to ask for.
“Ethan, I… listen, you and I both know there is something more to your reaction. What I said in your office, it was just a trigger. I don’t know what it is and frankly I thought about never mentioning it again. But we both know that the next time this happens, you will cut me off again. I am not going to force you to do something you don’t want to. I just can’t keep going through the same cycles and… and—“
He put his palm on hers and took a deep breath. 
“Are you hungry? Tired?” The older doctor asked with concern.
What the hell? Oh, I see what you’re doing Ramsey. Change of subject. Fine. I said what I wanted to say. The ball’s in your court now, doc.
“No to both.” She said as neutrally as possible, trying her best not to show him that the sudden change of subject upset her.
“Good. Before we go home, there is a place I need to stop by, is that ok?” The question sounded shyly, it wasn’t a tone she’d ever associate with him.
“I’ve never heard of a murderer who asked his victim if it’s ok to stop by the crime scene.”
“Trust me, if I were to murder you, you wouldn’t know.”
“Hmm, I’d like to think I know you well enough I would at least suspect.”
“I’d like to think you know me well enough to also know that I’d rather give you one of Dr Ramsey’s signature tirades. They are worse than murder.”
“No arguments here. So, will you tell me where we are going?”
“You’ll see.”
Soon, Ethan parked the car. He unbuckled the seat belt, opened the door and rushed to the other side, to open hers. He reached out for her hand with a faint smile and she blushed at the gentlemanly gesture. 
Having intertwined their fingers, Ethan led her along a high brick wall until a gate materialised in front of them. He gently pushed the gate and let her through. Only then did she realise where they actually were.
“Commonwealth Avenue Mall? What are we doing here?”
“If you ask me, it’s one of the most picturesque pathways I’ve ever seen and not only during winter. I like to come here for my runs and to… contemplate. Walk with me?” He asked, but it wasn’t really a question. Hand in hand, they walked down the alley. Fresh snow scrunched underfoot and the strings of lights danced to the melody of delicate wind. If this wasn’t a fairytale setting, she didn’t know what could be.
Vicky studied Ethan’s features carefully. Although he was still a closed book sometimes, she’s gotten quite good at reading him over the months. After Edenbrook, Ethan Ramsey was the second biggest field where her sharp diagnostic skills were heavily utilised. Maybe that’s what she should focus on once she starts her PhD? “The curious case of Ethan Jonah Ramsey.”
That’s how she noticed that something was clearly eating Ethan from the inside. If her calculations were correct, there was approximately 1/1000 chance of him making a decision to speak, so she decided to throw him a lifebelt. 
“Ethan, I can see that you want to say something, but it feels like you’re hesitating. Please don’t feel obliged to talk, I want you to do it on your own terms. As long as I know you want to talk to me eventually, I’m fine.”
“If I don’t speak now, I’m afraid I might never summon the courage.” Ethan tried to make it sound like a joke, but she knew how serious he was right now. She knew how much it had to cost him. Suddenly, she stopped and put her hands around his neck, then pressed her forehead to his.
“Don’t do this because of me.”
“Because of you? I’m not doing this because of you. I’m doing it for you. For us. What I’m about to say is painful, Vicky, but it’s nowhere near as painful as the thought of losing you. I’ve already told you how much time we lost because of my stubbornness. When… when you and Raf were locked in the hospital room…when I thought you were slipping from my grasp…” He had to stop to clear his throat and take a deep breath, clearly struggling to talk. “I promised myself that if life gives me a second chance, I will not waste it. I will work on this, on us, harder than I’ve worked during my 10 years at Edenbrook combined. I’d climb every damn mountain and swim every ocean if that’s what it takes to have you in my life.” 
She wanted to cry. It took every ounce of her strength not to. Ethan wasn’t a blabbermouth, but when he spoke - man, he knew how to choose his words wisely.
“Ethan, whatever it is… we will get through it. Together. You are not alone, darling.”
Ethan felt tears prickling from underneath his closed lids. Not only because of what she said, but also because of what she didn’t say. He saw the impact of his words in her eyes, yet she didn’t want to make this about her, but him. Her selflessness was one of the things he loved and admired most about her.  The older doctor never let himself be so vulnerable with any other person and as hard as it was for him, it also felt strangely right. As if all the pieces of this crazy puzzle called life finally came together. 
Feeling as ready as he’d ever be, he took a deep breath and said: “Let me take you on a trip down memory lane…”
25 years earlier
Ethan is 11 and he’s sitting alone in his room. The window in the 4 walls of his world overlooks the street and it's his only connection to the outside world. The window sill underneath is wide enough to sit on it, but not very comfortable for a long time. 
He doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting there, unmoving. It may have been hours, it may have been days. Time lost its sense.
He’s already past the point of pain caused by the unnatural position, his body has entered the numb phase, and he doesn’t feel anything anymore. He wishes his mind could join his body in the bliss of being rid of feelings.
It is only thanks to the carollers wandering on the streets that he’s convinced it must be Christmas Eve. And how he also knows it’s been 27 days since his mother walked out on him. Anger mixes with despair, yet he’s unable to stop waiting for her, stop jumping involuntarily at any movement in close proximity of his home. There is still hope.
Unbeknownst to him, Alan stands on the other side of the door trying to make the hardest decision today: to save his son or to be there for his son. Alan is a painful reminder of the life they once had, a bridge to the reality that tumbled down. He slowly retreats from the door, unsure if he’s doing the right or the bad thing. How are you supposed to know? Life does not exactly prepare you for moments like this.
Everyone asks him how Ethan is. No wonder, he is just a child whose mother disappeared into thin air. But do they not realise he suffers too? He loved, loves this woman more than life itself.
Alan was furious at Louise. But was he surprised? Not entirely. Deep down, he always knew that she was a restless soul. She always gave him hints - a subtle comment here and there, some words said during one of their fights. But he was blindly in love, so whenever she gave him reasons to think they shouldn’t be together, he ignored it. And when she did something that surprised him, she won him over and he lost the argument with himself.
What worried Alan was that Ethan started showing Louise’s personality traits. And as much as she fooled him, he didn’t want his only child to end up broken and hurt. If he could, he’d do anything to protect him. But even as a father he was unable to shield his child from the damage of being abandoned by his mother, the only person that should forever shower him with unconditional love. How does one ever recover from such trauma?
Ethan knew. Although his dad tiptoed around him, he felt it. He knew exactly that he was fighting internal battles. He knew that his father suffered. 
There wasn’t anything that he wanted more than for his dad to come and hug him and tell him everything’s gonna be alright.
Or for his mum to come back home and explain the unexplainable. 
But somehow he knew this wasn’t going to happen and he was tired of waiting for a miracle.
And on this Christmas Eve he made a decision: he will never let anyone fool him with a promise of unconditional love ever again.
He will separate himself from the rest of the world, build a wall so high no one will ever be able to jump over it. 
No one will hurt him again, because you can’t hurt the rational mind, you can only hurt an emotional heart.
“I haven’t cried since.” Ethan was now full on sobbing. “Until I met you, that is.” 
She pulled him as close as humanly possible and enveloped him in a tight hug, with his head resting upon the crook of her neck. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks abundantly.
The older doctor was afraid that once he’d start, he’d never stop crying. All his shattered dreams, his sleepless nights, silent prayers, fake smiles, they all joined forces and attacked him with all their might. Had it not been for her hard grip, he might’ve fallen on his knees. How this petite girl found so much strength was a mystery to him, but he’d never been more grateful. 
She kept rubbing soothing circles on his back and neck. It made her feel so unspeakably sad that the man she loved had to carry this unimaginable burden throughout his whole life. And as much as it sucked, she was happy that from now on, they could carry this burden together. Although he didn’t say anything, Ethan must have agreed, as she felt the tension slowly leaving his shoulders. They stood there in the freezing cold for what felt like forever. But neither of them seemed to mind, because they were in their tiny little bubble, impenetrable, where no one could hurt them.
Finally, the older doctor broke the silence.
“Let’s go. You must be freezing.” 
“I’m about 5 minutes from hypothermia but I should be fine. I know a great doctor.” 
“Well, one of the most important principles of modern medicine is ‘prevent, not cure.’ Plus, I think someone has really missed you.”
“OMG Jenner st—“
Before she was ready to finish the sentence, she was already on the floor, laughing like a maniac. 
“You will be the death of me, Jenner.”
I’ll treat that as a compliment, Vic. But Christmas treats first, chatting later, lady!  
That’s how she thought the conversation went in the dog's head. Ethan helped her get up and took her coat. 
“I hope you are still not sleepy.”
“Not really, why?”
“Because I need a companion.”
“Always & with pleasure, but I assume you mean something else right now?”
“You minx. I want you to sit down comfortably, I’ll pour you a glass of wine. You can watch one of your favourite Christmas movies or play Christmas songs - whatever your heart desires.”
“Who are you and have you eaten my own Mr Grinch, Christmas-friendly creature?”
“I just need you to sit here whilst I’ll be working. Now go and get changed.” 
She obeyed quickly, which she always did when he used his commanding doctor voice on her. Whilst changing into leggings and a hoodie, some weird noises reached her ears, clearly coming from the living room. When Vicky came back, a glass of white wine sat on the coffee table. But that’s not what surprised her.
The 37-year old diagnostician was tangled in Christmas lights and so was Jenner, who thought his master was playing some sort of game with him and kept jumping around Ethan.
“What are you doing?”
“Well…since, because of me, you had to call off Christmas, I’m reinstating it. I will take all the decorations out while you’ll be sitting here doing nothing, maybe apart from instructing me on how to do it right. Does this sound like a fair punishment?”
“Only if you let me record this and post it on Pictagram.”
“Don’t cross the line, Valentine.”
“Ethan Ramsey, king of rhymes! Fine, I suppose I can still die happy knowing I’ve instilled the Christmas spirit into you.”
“Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to actually dump you in the forest…”
“Talk to the hand, Gramps!”
Christmas Day
Christmas mornings were always rushed and crazy at the Valentine household. Although Vicky loved Christmas in her family home, she didn’t know how much she actually enjoyed the lazy, easy Christmas mornings until she was able to experience it. And she couldn’t be more content that it was with Ethan.
Mercifully, he let her sleep until 9am (obviously, he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t mumble something about her sleeping too long and how she was able to function like this, but she completely ignored the remarks) and then brought her breakfast to bed, which she consumed in its entirety, with a little help from Jenner. The most important meal of the day had been delivered with a complimentary kiss, which was her favourite part.
“Ethan!” She shouted from the bedroom, not quite ready to leave the comfort of his bed. The older doctor left her with the food and went to prepare them both a cup of coffee.
“Jesus Christ woman, you’re so loud I’m starting to consider getting rid of my stereo.”
“Oh, it didn’t seem to bother you last night.” She winked at him and he grinned involuntarily. How was it possible that she was in possession of his facial expressions too?
“Anyway, can you please remind me what time we have to be there tonight?”
“Be where tonight?”
“Naveen’s Christmas Party.”
“We’re not going.”
“Yes, we are.”
“No, we are not.” 
“Ok, let me rephrase this: me and my unearthly seductive dress are definitely in attendance. If you and Your Royal Grumpiness wish to stay home, be my guests.”
“You don’t play fair.”
“All’s fair in love and war.”
“You know how much I hate rubbing shoulders with idiots in bowties.”
“I do, but let me offer some consolation. This time, you don’t have to do this, because we are not raising any donations. Also, we can laugh at those idiots together and if either of us is stuck in a pointless conversation, the other can always rescue them.”
He couldn’t argue with her logic, instead pulling her close against his chest and kissing the top of her head.
Later this evening 
“V, how much longer until you are ready?” Ethan was growing impatient. He hated waiting and just couldn’t understand what took her so long. He was convinced that even wearing a garbage bag, she’d be the most stunning woman in the room.
“Ethan, nothing has changed since you’ve asked me 5 minutes ago.”
“Fine, but don’t be surprised if I leave without you.” 
“No you won’t. But for someone who didn’t want to go at all not longer than 8 hours ago you are quite eager now. Call me an influencer.”
“I’ll call you whatever you want if this means we can leave soon. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come back.”
“Whatever I want? Bad move Ramsey, bad move.” 
“I’ll sho—“
He turned around and the words got stuck in his throat at the sight unveiling in front of him. She looked like a freaking goddess, who decided to descend from Mount Olympus and grace the mortals with her presence.
“You were saying?”
“I..I… you..well..” For a man so educated he now sounded less articulate than a toddler. To make things worse, a certain body part painfully reminded him that behind the facade of accomplishments, he was still a primate. 
“Ethan, could you stop talking so much? I can’t hear my own thoughts.” She laughed and it was so infectious that he couldn’t help but smile. 
She decided to wear a long, black gown, with a thigh high split showing her slim, tanned legs that he was a total sucker for. The ensemble was complimented by crystal embellished sandals and glamorous drop earrings. 
“I’ve never seen anyone whose insides matched their outsides so accurately. To me, you are perfect.”
Her heart stopped and she felt butterflies waltzing through her stomach. No matter how many times Ethan complimented her, she always felt like Cupid punched her right in the face. And she hoped the feeling would never fade or disappear.
“So you watched Love Actually with me yesterday.”
“Watched is an overstatement. I might have peeked a few times.” Ethan cleared his throat. “Can we go now?”
“Absolutely not. Did the Edenbrook gala not teach you that if you need to attend an event you are not particularly excited about, you shouldn’t go sober?”
“I suppose you have a point here. One drink.”
“Deal! Pleasure doing business with you, Dr Ramsey.” 
Ethan poured them both a glass of his best scotch. Before she was able to take a sip, he stopped her with his hand. “I’d like to propose a toast.”
“Fire away.”
“To curing the incurable. In medicine and in life.” He sent her a sweet, genuine smile that made her heart beat ten times faster.
Then, they made some bets about what’s going to happen during this year’s party, who’s going to get so wasted that they will be forced to perform a walk of shame for months to come. For the whole time, the younger doctor couldn’t shake the feeling that he is studying her.
“What is it? And don’t tell me it’s nothing, I’ve spent too much time with you for my observation skills not to improve insanely. Like it or not, you created a monster.”
“I like to think of it as making the world a better place… nevertheless, I’m impressed, Dr Valentine. For a 3rd year resident your skills are exquisite.” 
She put her hand on her heart and smiled. All the compliments she’s ever received in her life faded in comparison to one from Ethan Ramsey. Her high school hero, her inspiration and she still couldn’t quite believe it, the man she was now sharing her life with. 
“Now, if you’ll allow me, I must order a cab now, otherwise I may lose a battle soon.”
“What battle?”
Ethan looked at her, lust flooding from his eyes. He quickly stepped behind her and gripped her waist, then leaned into her ear, catching it ever so gently with his lips. This alone was enough for her knees to give out and she was never more grateful for the kitchen island and the fact she was holding onto it for dear life. But he didn’t stop there. He whispered into her ear and no other sounds in the world could compare to the symphony of his voice, dripping with desire.
“The one in my mind, between my rational mind and my primal desire, urging me to rip off this dress and devour you right now.”
Goosebumps spread across her body, a painful reminder of the fact that maybe her mind and mouth could lie to Ethan, but her body couldn’t. Damn it.
She knew it was a matter of milliseconds before she’d be unable to make a rational decision, so she quickly slipped from Ethan’s grip and whispered: “You should order it now then.” Then, she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Oh, you’re gonna make me work for it, aren’t you?”
“Well, that’s only part of the reason. The other, bigger part is that I just really, really want to show up at this party with my insanely hot boyfriend by my side, without finally having to hide and pretend. Unless…he’s ashamed of me.” 
“Vic, there are a lot of things in my life that have ‘shame’ and ‘you’ in one sentence. I’m ashamed of running away from you to Amazon. I’m ashamed of denying my feelings for so long. I’m ashamed of hurting you, more than once. But to have you by my side, to finally call you mine? That’s my greatest pride. Now, shall we?” He offered her a wide smile and his arm.
“You asshole. First, you try to seduce me and then you make me cry. Let’s go then, Naveen is going to kill us. I promised we’re only gonna be fashionably late.”
The party was already bustling when they arrived, the room filled with chatter of many guests in attendance. The event was Naveen’s pride and a tribute to his many years as one of the most important figures in today’s medicine. It was almost like Elton John’s Oscars after party - everyone wanted to be there. Being there made Vicky feel special, but more than that, uneasy - she was still just a resident and somehow felt like she didn’t belong there. At least, not yet.
In the background, the string quartet played classical versions of popular songs and carols. The venue was impressive, located within one of Boston’s most prestigious hotels, whose owner was Naveen’s - obviously - long time friend. 
The second Dr Banerji spotted them, he practically ran in their direction, almost bumping into one of the guests.
“Well well, if this isn’t my favourite pair of doctors. Dr Valentine, you look like you walked out of one of Botticelli’s paintings.”
“Enough with the formalities. I’m so happy to see you, Naveen! Merry Christmas.” She hugged the old doctor tightly and although initially surprised by this display of affection, he instantly relaxed and returned the hug.
“Merry Christmas, my dear.” 
“It’s quite something, this party of yours Naveen. You’ve outdone yourself.”
“Why, thank you. You know what my favourite part is?” He locked arms with the younger doctor and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “This party satiates my hunger for gossip for months to come. And I’m pretty sure this evening will be, for many reasons, unforgettable. Enjoy your evening, my friends, I shall see you around.” 
Naveen winked at Vicky and Ethan felt like there was some sort of unspoken agreement between them, one that he wasn’t a part of.
“What was that about?”
“What was what about?”
“I know you and I know Naveen. Something is off here.” 
“Ethan Ramsey, are you jealous? FYI, I don’t fancy older men. Oh no, wait. I totally do.” She was trying really hard to stay serious, but failed miserably.
“Very funny, Valentine.”
“Sorry Gramps. This one you were totally asking for.”
“I’m gonna go get us some real drinks, I need to hydrate myself heavily if I’m to survive the evening.”
“Don’t cloud your judgement too much, Ethan. You may need it.” 
Maybe he was imagining the whole exchanging looks thing between Vicky and Naveen. But now he was certain she’s hiding something. And he intended to find out what it is or he was not Dr Ethan Ramsey. 
After he fetched them the drinks, they found their seats and soon Naveen made his annual speech, summarising the whole year and thanking tons of people. Vicky loved experiencing Naveen as a speaker, he didn’t have Ethan’s commanding presence, but his years of experience and sincerity in his voice made everyone listen with absolute silence.
He then joined them at the table. Of course he sat us with him, Ethan thought.
“Naveen, if you think I’m going to be your source of hospital gossip, think again.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We don’t spend as much time in the hospital together and I miss my dear friends.”
Before he was able to respond, Vicky pinched his thigh under the table and sent him a murderous look. 
“We miss you too, Naveen. Now, why don’t you two catch up properly, whilst I’m gonna go and do my round of talks, there are a couple of people I wanted to chat with.”
“Sure, feed me to the lions, Vic.”
“When have you become such a drama queen, Ethan? If I wanted to feed you to the lions, you’d be standing over there.” She pointed her finger to the corner of the room, where some big pharma executives were enjoying themselves. She waved friendly in their direction, and they responded in kind.
“Alright gentlemen, I need to run before they catch me.”  
Before she turned around, her and Naveen shared meaningful looks, but before Ethan had a chance to ask, she was already gone. Plus, Naveen changed the subject and the two immersed themselves in a very interesting conversation, which reminded Ethan how much he liked his mentor, not as a doctor, but genuinely as a human being. This made him one of a few people Ethan truly liked.
Dr Ramsey was one of those people who, when they were focused - whether on the case, on the conversation or on watching an opera - dedicated their attention entirely to said activity. Which was probably the reason why the sounds coming from the stage took him by surprise. He didn’t realise that the string quartet had been replaced by a group of young people, who started playing more lively. 
No longer than 30 seconds later, someone started singing, but the voice was not coming from the stage. It was coming from behind. Suddenly, all the guests turned their heads around as one. 
The snow's coming down
I'm watching it fall
Lots of people around
Baby please come home
The angelic voice belonged to a beautiful girl in a black gown. She sat on a bar stool, side-facing everyone. Suddenly, she jumped from the seat and started walking towards the stage, each step sensual.
The church bells in town
All ringing in song
Full of happy sounds
Baby please come home
Ethan must have looked like an absolute idiot, because he sat there gaping like a fish.
They're singing "Deck The Halls"
But it's not like Christmas at all
'Cause I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year
Once on the stage, she owned both the stage and the crowd. Some people started dancing, others clapped to the rhythm and sang with her. When she finished and took a bow, the audience applauded her generously. 
“Good evening everyone. I’m Vicky and I’m a doctor at Edenbrook Hospital. Thank you for organising this amazing event, Naveen, and thanks for having me. And now, please meet these amazing musicians, whom I have the honour of calling my friends. Back in high school we formed a band, which we called Valentine’s Day… that was a very accurate name on many levels.” She chuckled and the crowd followed. 
“You are looking at people who never gave up on their dreams and now play in some amazing venues. I couldn’t be more proud of them. It would have been the same for me, most likely, if it wasn’t for a book, which I’m sure a lot of you ladies and gentlemen are familiar with. It’s called Diagnostics Principles. After I read it, nothing was the same. And here I am, all these years later, getting covered in blood and sweat almost every day. But today, I can at least bask in the glory of the amazing people standing here with me.”  
“I’d like to dedicate this next song to the author of the above mentioned book. He changed my life in more ways than he can realise. And although I promised him we will not exchange any Christmas presents, I haven’t spent any money on this one, so technically it doesn’t count, right?” She earned another amused reaction from the crowd.
“It’s my favourite Christmas song and I’m so honoured to be able to sing it for you.”
The subtle sounds of a piano reverberated in the room and she started singing, her voice pure and powerful.
O Holy night
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Ethan couldn’t move or breathe. He just stared, completely transfixed. 
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
'Til He appears and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
To hear her singing was one thing. To feel all the things the act was doing to him, was completely different. With every sound produced by her vocal cords, a new, overwhelming sensation was born inside of him.
Fall on your knees
O hear the Angel voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine
O night
Oh night divine
Their eyes locked and she sent him a look so full of affection that he felt a warm tear flowing down his cheek. 
For him, it was anything but watching a performance. It was a spiritual experience. Towards the end of the song, she hit the notes so high, that he couldn’t help but look around the room. Everyone was in awe of her. And he was never prouder to call her “his”.
After the last bits of instruments resonated, the guests gave her a standing ovation. Ethan clapped his hands so hard that they hurt. He even whistled on his fingers which he hasn’t done since high school. To hell with it, he thought. 
And then he ran, knowing that in a second he will not be able to squeeze through the crowd of admirers. He scooped her in his arms and kissed her with so much passion that she felt dizzy.
“Wow, that was different.”
“What do you mean?”
“The kiss, it felt different.”
“There are so many things I want to say right now, but I can’t do it here. How much longer do we have to stay?”
“I promised the guys I will sing a couple more songs with them and then I wanted to introduce you and have a drink together. After that, we’re free to go.”
“My feet are killing me. I don’t know how I survived in those heels, but I’m walking barefoot for the next 2 days.” 
“How fitting since I’m not going to let you out of this apartment until we have to go back to work.”
“I’m gonna go get changed in my PJ’s”
“Ah, not that soon.” Ethan said with a devilish smile and then approached her, reaching for her hand. “May I have this dance?”
“Although I’m tempted to say no to Dr Ramsey just to prove a point, I could never say no to Ethan.” She took a bow and gave him her hand.
“Lucky me. I just wanted to dance with you away from the prying eyes. For the whole evening everyone stared at you. I’m a selfish man and I was counting the minutes until I have the view all to myself.”
The sounds of Something by The Beatles started seeping from a glamorous gramophone.
“The Beatles? I didn’t take you for the type who’d listen to them.”
“Frank Sinatra christened this song the ‘greatest love song ever written.’ And who am I to argue with him?”
For a moment they swayed in silence, cheek to cheek. Then, the older doctor leaned back and looked her straight in the eye.
“So, you are not great at keeping promises, are you?” He mumbled playfully. 
“You mean the “let’s not exchange gifts” thing? I stand by what I said earlier, I haven’t spent a dime on it, so it doesn’t count.”
“It’s funny that you don’t even begin to realise how wrong you are.” He was very serious but there was a rare gentleness in his voice. “First of all, you mentioned you had a band in high school and that you sang but you never told me that you practically traded being a music star for being a doctor.” She blushed shyly at the compliment.
“Secondly, when you sang, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard and I consider myself an audiophile.”
“Coming from you, this is officially the biggest praise ever. I will have this printed and framed. You may even get an autograph if you play your cards right.”
“Shut up, I haven’t finished. You can ruin the moment later.” Ethan playfully swatted her arm. 
“With you, I am discovering parts of myself I never knew existed. And I’m strangely content with this. So, to sum up, all of the above makes me feel very guilty that I didn’t get you anything.”
“Ethan, you don’t have to give me anything. But it’s funny you said that, because you don’t even begin to realise how wrong you are.” She was proud of herself for being able to use his own words as a counterargument. 
“Actually, you gave me the biggest gift yesterday: a real part of you. I’m guessing, actually it’s more than a guess, that this is not something you shared with many people.”
“I haven’t shared this with anyone.”
“And that’s the biggest gift I could ever ask for. I want to be the person who helps you carry the cross, no matter how heavy it is.”
He pressed her even tighter against his chest and rested his chin on her head. But he felt the need to express all the other things his words couldn’t, so he gently lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted and smelled divine. On a very basic level, she smelled like coconut and mango. 
To him, she smelled like spring, summer, autumn and winter. Like a promise of sun after the storm. Like home. Ethan finally found his home, his safe haven.
The kiss made her feel dizzy again and then she remembered.
“So, the kiss. It feels different. Why?” She looked at him so innocently it almost made him sweat. Ethan cupped her cheek as if he was holding the most precious thing in his palm… and for him, he was.
 “When you were singing for me, I made a promise. From now on, whenever I kiss you, I want to make it feel like it’s the last time, but also a promise of the million more kisses we will share. Merry Christmas, Vicky.”
“Merry Christmas, Ethan.”
If you made it this far, from the bottom of my heart - thank you & you are awesome! I wish you all the best in 2021, let’s hope it’s a better year for us all :)
Tag list: @genevievemd | @terrm9 | @starrystarrytrouble | @danijimenezv | @mercury84choices | @maurine07 | @gryffindordaughterofathena | @jamespotterthefirst | @justanotherrookie | @alwaysmychoices | @takeharryandgo | @beckaroo | @lucy-268 | @aarisa-frost | @openheartfanfics | @caseyvalentineramsey | @brooks-eden | @heauxplesslydevoted | @iemcpbchoices | @lovingramsey​ 
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