#and as i already said this isnt even getting into the impact of being made to kill as a child!!!
thekidthesuperkid · 5 months
Actually I'm not done talking about the Damian grew up in a cult thing. You see, the thing you might not get if you're relying on a pop-culture understanding of cults, is that they are very very good at brainwashing people and they dont let you know theyre doing it. It is their entire purpose in fact. Their entire purpose is to strip you of every bit of personality and individuality you have, take away your will to object, take away your ability to think and reason critically about what they're telling you, and then selectively feed you only what they want you to believe, and all of it without you even noticing its happening, like boiling a crab. They are very good at isolating you so you have nobody to snap you out of it. They are very good at making you distrusting and even afraid of the outside world so that you never willingly leave. They are very good at stripping away your self esteem and your confidence and your ability to trust yourself and your decisions so that you never make decisions contrary to their goals.
Let me make this clear: cults do not let you think. Cults do not let you use your own moral compass. Cults do not let you be opposed to anything they do.
Now imagine someone didn't just end up in a cult later in life, imagine they weren't trusting of the wrong person and that led to their being stuck in a cult, imagine instead that they were born in it. Imagine they didn't just have their personhood and individuality stripped away, imagine they were never allowed to develop it in the first place. Imagine they have never in their lives experienced a world outside that group, they can't even picture what it would be like. Imagine they never learned critical thinking skills, imagine they don't know how to just THINK about what they believe beyond what's been fed to them.
Imagine you are that person and you've just been forced to leave your entire world. Everything you believe is no longer true and you cant tell what IS true. Now that you're forced outside the cult, you're now in a situation you've been conditioned to be more afraid of than any other situation, even death. Now imagine yourself at ten years old and think of the scariest thing you experienced at that age and how lost and confused you felt and how little context and coping skills you had, and then think of the difference between how well you would be able to handle that same thing now versus when you were ten. And then take that difference and apply it to how you imagined it might feel like leaving a cult for you now at your current age.
Do you get it? Do you understand why Damian would've at first fallen back on familiar patterns of behaviour instead of immediately and perfectly molding to his new environment? Do you see why Damian needed a bit of time to adapt, let alone start forming a better moral compass?
Grown adults have fallen into much worse behaviors after leaving even milder cults than Damian did. Grown adults have come out the other side of cults that look like nothing in comparison to the League of Assassins, and never had the strength of will to grow or learn or improve. And Damian was a kid, even more vulnerable and impressionable and with even less maturity and mental and emotional strength. And he's LEARNING. He's growing and changing and improving and becoming a better person and developing his own ideals and standing by them. He's only four years out from leaving the League and he's already done so much. Some people leave cults much tamer than that and take their entire lives to make the progress he did. He's doing fucking incredible. And that's not even getting into the whole "being forced to kill as a child" thing.
Also here's some reading you can do on the mental effects of cults on children whove grown up in them:
EDIT: adding a basic model for understanding how cults function:
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nhularin · 10 months
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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goszixx · 8 months
Owe me
Notes: sooo I might not have edited this the best… whoops. Also sorry for the lack of posts I’m so busy :(
Warning: threesome, impact play kinda, teasing, no protection, thigh job, overstimulation.
What a mistake, though it wasn’t your fault. You were sober now, but drunk you always made bets you couldn’t keep. Gojo giggled to himself, his head falling on your shoulder while Geto stared at you blankly. Both their cheeks were flushed with intoxication, which meant taking them to the hotel was going to be a pain. “You gotta do one thing we want~” Gojo purred as his eyes started to close as the weight of his head hit you.
The shift of your body broke Geto from his trance. He looked over, watching as Gojo nuzzled into your side and practically purred into your neck. What a pain. His fingers teased the edge of your shirt as you whined about how hot his body was. It basically scortched you, contrasting with the cold winter air. Pushing up, you were able to get Gojo in your arms standing. He slumped over your body, his eyes trailing around the red booth the three of you were sitting in. Large hands grabbed the white haired man’s shoulders, causing his head to bob a bit.
His eyes fixated on you when lifted off, his back crashing against what seemed to be Geto’s firm chest. “We both won remember? Also I think it’s time to go back to the hotel, don’t you think y/n?”
Your head nodded immediately before you began to dig in your wallet for a tip to leave. Gojo slurred some words under his breath before Geto began his carry of a lifetime. “Y/n…” Gojo whispered once you guys stood at the front of the most expensive hotel in the city. Needless to say, Gojo went all out for this business trip since it was with his best friend and.. well you didn’t know what you were. His favorite co-worker?
Pretty. You thought when you saw the tall desk lady. She gave you a sweet smile, “Out late tonight?” This was your third day at the hotel yet you still can’t get over the way she looks at you. So flattering. Atleast that’s what you thought of her. Geto and Gojo stood quiet as you told the lady about what you did. She gave a quick wave bye after the small talk. Unnecessary small talk in Geto and Gojo’s eyes.
A permanent pout laid on Gojo’s lips, even after you laid sprawled out on your bed. “Jeez it’s freezing.” You yawned before curling into a ball. A large shirt and small shorts covered your body, as well as a pound of blankets.
“Well the heat isnt working. It’s so much colder in our room.” Geto uttered as he entered. The hotel room was split into three areas, two being bedrooms while the other was a living room. The raven’s hair was wet after his shower, the locks sprawled out since he didn’t feel the need to put it up.
Gojo sat on the edge of your bed with shorts and along sleeve shirt. His pout disappeared for a second when an idea popped in his mind. “Let’s share this bed. Enough body heat and we will stay warm.” You poked your head out of your covers to quickly shut down the idea, but the strong puppy eyes Gojo displayed were blinding. You turned your head away, “Fine.”
You didn’t even say the full word before Gojo climbed into your bed with a relaxed sigh. He tucked his entire body under your covers, shifting around to get himself comfortable.
You immediately wanted to take it back after seeing the cheeky smile on his face. His hands were clasped together with his head laying on top. Crystal eyes beamed at you triumphantly while Geto only stared. “Are you certain y/n? You know you could always say no.” He reassured, however what’s done is done. You knew for a fact Gojo wasn’t going to leave now that you’ve already said yes.
Giving a fake eye roll, you smiled, “It’s no problem .”
It was a problem, a very sticky one at that. Nightfall ran around and the heat between you and the two men didn’t seem to let up. From behind, you could feel Gojo’s puffy snores on the back of your head. He breathed into your hair, his hands poking at your back. You were in a permanent curve, causing your boobs to press against Geto’s back. You were certain he was asleep, but the discomfort was very apparent. The raven’s legs curved into your’s, making his legs tangled in.
So hot. It felt like you were in a sauna. Being trapped between two large sources of heat did not go how you expected. What made it worse was Gojo’s constant groaning. When drinking previously, the white haired man had a tendency to get verbal even in slumber. His voice hitches once and a while before softly escaping his lips.
For years you wondered what he could possibly be dreaming about but your starting to figure it out. A whine escaped his lips, hands pressing further in your back to poke you. Your chest pushed more into Geto’s back, this time feeling the raven grunt. It’s getting worse and you needed to put an end to it. Fearing your body would start to resemble the letter S soon, you pushed back against Gojo. His face pressed in your hair as your back began to straighten.
A sense of comfort began to gain back into your body until hard hands pulled at your hips. You jumped a bit out of fear, a small squeak leaving your lips as Gojo nuzzled his head into your hair. “Princess, please slow down. I’m sensitive enough all ready.”
The name had you flushed along with his words they rolled off his tongue in a purring manor, his drunk breath hovering over your neck now. His chest pressed on your back, his hands leaving to grab your hips. One hand strayed from your waist to curve under you, laying flat on your abdomen. “I’m sorry Gojo-“
“You should be.” Gojo cut off as he pushed you further into Suguru. You had to admit, the close proximity was arousing to say the least. Fingers played with the baggy material of your shirt. The other hand rubbed up and down your waist, teasing you by slightly pulling the helm of your shorts up and down. “You know what happens when I’m drunk princess…” The hands on you pulled your lower half closer, grinding the curve of your ass on his hard on. The bulge slid down the curve of your ass, causing Gojo to grunt in your ear. “Look what you did. Naughty princess.” Your coworker babbled as he moved his erection again.
Trapping your whine between your lips, you pulled your hands to your mouth. Whatever happens next, you had to make sure Suguru did not wake up. You got lucky today with Geto only being tipsy. Something of the sort has happened before, you dealing with both the men drunk. It ended with Geto fingering you under the table as Gojo moaned sweet nothings into your ear. When the raven gets horny, there’s nothing you can do to manage. “I’m sorry Gojo… but please keep it down.”
A small string of quiet floated in the room before Gojo shifted again. A hand left you as Gojo worked on removing his pants. He made quick work with his underwear as well before moving to do the same with you. “G-Gojo we can’t.” You whispered. The coworker stopped for a moment. One of his hands was still pressed on your stomach while the other was rubbing your thigh. The fingers ran up and down, each time slipping closer to your cunt. When a finger tip swiped over your clit, you buckled into his erection. “If you want me to stop, I can. But you already seem so ready for me.” He sighed into your neck.
The fingers moved again, this time passed the clit, they rubbed across your folds. Slithering back and forth until the wetness started to pool at his fingers. “Fuck… let me put it in.” He groaned, forehead pushing harder on your shoulder.
“N-No. Look we need to be quiet-“
“If I do it quietly… can we? Please princess.” The white haired man asked in between the kisses he laid on your shoulder. Fingers continued sliding against your folds, your inner thighs sticky with your sweat and arousal. You could say no, Gojo may beg and plead constantly but he doesn’t take offense when you shut him down. In this situation he’d probably pout for a minute and pass out.
“What if I just put it between your thighs? You do owe me one princess… from that bet.” He started as one of his hands trapped itself between your legs. He pried them open slightly before sliding his dick in slowly. The sweat on his forehead dripped down your neck, a curse whisping from his lips.
Your hands still were clasped around your mouth, eyes squeezed shut from the pleasure. His tip bumped against your clit sloppily, a pool of precum gathering between your folds. He held onto your hips and pulled you back to give you some movement. “Does t-this work for you princess?”
After moaning those words, Gojo’s head felt like it was spinning. Dizziness clouded his mind as his tongue found your neck. He sucked on the skin lewdly before biting down. You twitched under him from the slight sting but melted when he started laying small kisses against the mark.
Again his hips snapped against yours, creating wet noises to echo around. You were scared Geto was going to wake up, but how could you focus on that when Gojo’s erection moved between your lower lips so well. He was going to leave your thighs messy. “You make me feel so good…” He cried, his eyes squeezed shut.
His voice grew with every thrust of his hips. “Pl-aying with you like this- ha-s-s me-“ He cut himself off with a sharp thrust of his hips, his tip hitting your clit. A smirk grew across his face from the moan you let out. “It has us all hot and bothered.”
You didn’t register Gojo’s words until it was too late. Geto’s body shifted, he turned to face you, looking at the scene before him. Drool streamed down your fucked out expression, your panties dangling by your ankles while Gojo’s dick fitted between your plush thighs. The white-haired man’s hands gripped your hips, his mouth attached to your neck to send your shocked body at ease. “Did you want to leave me out, y/n?”
“Ge-to I-“ You couldn’t help the whimper that came out from you. Geto waited for your response, watching the pinkish tip hit your stimulated clit over and over again. Words couldn’t come out of you faster, you wish they could, begged for them too.
Precum leaked from Gojo’s cock, his mind in a state of euphoria. Blush cluttered his cheeks from the naughty position, a sense of taboo washing over his body. One of his hands traced down to tease your clit, making your ass push back into him. Your eyes were clouded, tongue lolling out.
Panting, you spoke, “Pl-ease Geto. Touch me.”
The raven raised a brow, “Is that what you want, princess?”
“Yes.” You uttered without hesitation.
Your hips buckled back against Gojo when you felt his tip tease your hole. “Then can I put it in now.” He asked with a drunken stare. He licked his lips at the thought, his hands twitching on your body. “Yes. Pl-ease Gojo.”
His tip buried inside you while his eyes squeezed shut. He did it slowly to feel the way your sticky walls swallowed him whole. How they yearned and begged to be filled by him. “Ngh~ shi-t.” Gojo pushed out.
Dazed, your stare focused on Geto and how one of his fingers traveled to your tits. The nail scratched around the nipple before warm skin pulled at the bud. A moan broke through you when he repeated the action again. Twisting and pinching your sensitive breasts while Gojo plunged inside of you. Red and irritated, your flesh burned for his touch every second he’d leave it. He’d wait five seconds each time before pulling again, watching them bounce in front of his face.
What made you go crazy was when he slapped your clit, making a shiver run through your entire body. “Can you take it, princess? I know you can, after all you did make a bet.” A tear ran down your face from the pleasure, your mouth struggling to form a word much less a sentence.
Another slap, “I asked a question my love.” Geto mumbled, his eyes softening on your fucked out face
“Ye-s!” You pushed out. Feeling Gojo’s rhythm pick up. Another pull to your nipples, this time even harder. Geto watched in delight at your pretty mounds.
A pale hand came up from behind you to hold onto one of your breast, the squeeze had you light headed. “I’m going to cum inside of you princess. I-I can’t take it anymore ngh~”
Geto laid another slap on your clit. “Are you ready to cum for me? For u-s princess?” Gojo withers as his speed increased, his cock bumping into your sweet spot.
Your orgasm had you screaming, another tear running down your face from the two slaps Geto gave your clit in between. You pushed back against Gojo, helping you both ride out your orgasm. Panting, both of you slumped onto each other as cum leaked down your tangled legs.
A wicked smile coated Geto’s lips, “ready to please me now? Princess.”
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sageistri · 15 days
How many people outside of the kpop sphere can tell you how seven sounds? Before i joined stan twitter I used to hear bts songs like dynamite, butter, and my universe playing without knowing those songs belonged to bts. jungkook isnt being played anywhere. These spotify streams have your minds so warped up without even realizing what they even did to pull those numbers.
ALOT I mean it really was everywhere 😭 When you have groups performing your songs in award shows- that's impact. Artists covering your music in shows that's supposed to be about showing vocal talent- that's impact. Your songs being used in survival shows- that's impact. Top names in the industry name dropping and saying your music is their current favorite- that's impact. This is what I mean when I say people underestimate his solo debut. And like I said no one outside of akgaes cares how those numbers are achieved even akgaes themselves don't care to an extent because they use it against eachother or to drag BTS as a group. And sure BP stans were not the best example but there are multis who stan other groups who were in agreement. A good amount of Ariana Grande stans also like him as well as Justin Bieber stans- jungkook has pull. And on top of that he has majority of the biggest fandom in the world on his side. He has the best chart stability and longevity, he still has multiple songs charting on global and that's not just armys work if we compare him to other members.
And Sage I really hope he won't be the one to breakout completely from BTS but to be the biggest there has to be a level of selfishness involved and I don't know if Jimin has that in him.
Just as I assumed, a jikooker. Y'all are the ones always lurking in pjm spaces.
Also I've gotten this exact ask before, someone claiming he got idols singing his songs. I would like to know the top names in the industry first of all, unless you're talking about The kpop industry because I've already talked about this.
Y'all think these people don't listen to other BTS members' solo songs or jk's songs were so good that they couldn't help mentioning them? All these things you named happened for the same reason kpop artist name drop every trendy TikTok song or join a TikTok challenge. And everything you just named is still within the kpop bubble, the k industry. You're deluding yourself if you believe jk has broken beyond that just because western Stan accounts who most likely also listen to kpop talk about him. Also let's not pretend like jk hasn't tailored his entire self around justin and everyone including Justin's stans know that, he also made Ariana his personality at one point and has a picture with her, some other BTS member could also decide to do all that too and Justin and ariana stans would like them too.
Some random person who doesn't Care about kpop at all could listen to a jk song because they came across it on one of the gazillion ppl playlist they're on, doesn't mean they care about him or his album. I assure you that these idols who name-dropped jk or performed his songs could drop their Spotify wrapped and you would not see any sign of jk, but instead other artists that they never talked about on social media.
Impact is different from some people talking about you or covering your songs because it s trendy to at that point in time. Impact is people covering and talking about those songs years later because the choreography and song is considered peak art not just because it would get you attention on social media that day or because the song is at the top of Spotify global.
Yes Jungkook had a lot of people talking about him no one's disputing that, but when Spotify wrapped dropped Jimin came up on a lot of random people's wrapped despite him not making as much noise as jk as y'all claim, because of course he wouldn't after his debut was stifled and cut short. Jk had to release 3 western collaborations, months of promotion and positive media and headlines being pushed by hybe so of course people were talking about him.
No one cares about how these numbers were achieved, maybe the k industry don't and all they see is headlines and they are floored, but the western industry knows and that's why no one took it seriously and most of his streams still came from armys in Asia Running x160 playlists and that is why we say there was no impact. It didn't break through into the market it was geared towards and was still reliant on weekly remixes to stay stable.
Yeah, golden was big in the kpop space but you're not going to convince me it did much outside of that. Just like every other BTS member, his success is still reliant on armys and is confined to people who listen to kpop.
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444rockstargf · 10 months
if ur requests r still open and u rnt overwhelmed AND if youre okay with what im abt to request...
heres a thought. euronymous and like opposite style innocent reader (mb i love dark guys and innocent bimbo-y girlfriends)
so theyve had sex before obvi. and typically she just lays there and is disinterested because frankly.... he has a little fear of breaking her and shes like "this isnt enough for me :((" so one day she just looks up at euro like "smack me." and it shocks him ! and when he does it opens a door for both of them. they like impact play 🤷‍♀️ and sprinkle a little bit of euro breeding kink but not rly breeding just more like "im cumming in u coz ur mine and i want everyone to know it when your bellys full and round" not rly like "i want u to have my babies" coz i think he wouldnt like babies.
mb that was a bit tm ranting woopsies
i love opposites attract type of stuff, im obsessed!!
"he dyes his hair black, i dye mine platinum blonde" | euronymous
me & my boyfriend. - lana del rey
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p.s. this story has nothing to do with oystein aarseth. this is rory's portrayal of the character.
bimbo!female!reader x euronymous
contents: spanking, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie
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you two were as different as could be. you were like day and night. he went around trying to instill fear into the souls of all who made the mistake of looking in his direction. and you always looked like a child's doll, the way you were always dolled up making you extremely pleasing to the eye.
you never showed any interest in the dark and evil stuff that euronymous invested all his time into. you revolved your life around looking good and geting everything you wanted, giving the impression that you were soft and fragile.
that's why euronymous always tried to be as gentle with you as possible when it came to sex. he would go painfully slowly, always asking if he should stop. you had always appreciated him being so kind to you, but you couldnt help but yearn for something more than all that.
so the night you asked him to completely have his way with you, he was completely taken by surprised. "a-are you sure? i wouldnt wanna hurt you or anything, y'know." you continued to insist, but he kept on resisting. this went on for a while before you snapped and decided to take matters into your own hands.
without any further communication, you took off your miniskirt and tight shirt, throwing them to the side. you sat on the bed, only in your hot pink thong and matching bra. he attempted to speak, but his words got caught in his throat as his eyes wandered down your beautiful body. no matter how many times he saw you like this, his reaction would never change.
you turned around and stuck your head into a pillow, putting your ass in the air. "spank me." your voice was slightly muffled, but he heard you loud and clear. he hesitated, but seeing that you were actually serious made him want it almost as badly as you did.
you got behind you, his hands on your hips, gently rubbing your soft skin before he raised his hand and laid the first slap. you winced in pain, but you kept yourself together. you heard euronymous chuckle, and you knew that it was about to get a lot worse. finally, your fantasies were being fulfilled.
he lands another hard slap on your ass, this on stinging even more, making you whimper enough for him to hear. it sounded like music to his ears. he continued to spank you, each slap getting more and more painful. you could tell that he was enjoying this. this was something that he'd been dreaming of for a long time.
your hips got a little sore from keeping them up for so long, so you lowered them a little. euronymous started to unbuckle his belt, throwing it to the side. he slapped your ass once more. "ass up, whore." he said, his voice lower than usual.
you whined as you stuck your hips back into the air. euronymous undid his pants and pulled out his already hard cock out. he ripped your thong off of you, your little pussy aching to be fucked. he smiled at the sight, thinking of all the things that he was going to do to you.
he rubbed your slit gently with his thumb before stuffing you with his cock. you let out a loud, slutty moan. euronymous had never heard anything like it before considering how gentle he always was with you.
he wasted no time quickly thrusting into you, his hips coming into contact with yours making a loud slapping sound each time. you started falling apart instantly. you had never felt this way before. he was being so rough and wreckless with you, but you loved it.
your moans got louder and louder, along with the sounds of euronymous slapping your ass. he fucked you at an inhumanly fast pace, finally letting out all these years of sexual tension. he had always fantasized about being able to destroy your insides and make you go completely dumb on his cock.
he kept a firm grip on your hips as he pounded into your sore little pussy, whispering things that couldnt be heard underneath the sound of your moans and whimpers. you felt you pussy tightening around his cock, signalling your orgasm coming.
his groans became more audible as he felt you getting tigther around him. he wanted to make you cum harder than you ever have before. he reached a hand forward and started rubbing fast circles on your throbbing clit, sending you over the edge.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came all over his cock, which was still pounding into you at lightning speed. you felt your vision going blurry as he started to overstimulate you. you sobbed as you started cumming even harder, making his cock throb inside of you.
he started speaking to you in between strained groans. "a-ah... gonna fuck my cum into you... gonna fill you up real good..." you felt your body completely surrendering to him as you felt a second orgasm about to him.
with the feeling of your pussy squeezing him, he started releasing his hot cum into you, making you feel so warm and full. his nails dug into your skin as he reached hit orgasm, throwing his head back as he continued to fuck you. he kept going until you were leaking his and your cum.
he finally pulled out of your sore little cunt, flipping you over so he could see you. your mascara was completely ruined, your lipgloss was smudged, and your cheeks were flushed, making you look like a total mess.
euronymous grinned before giving you a kiss on the forehead. "such a pretty girl... i think i like your makeup better this way." you rolled your eyes. euronymous spread you legs and sat himself right infront of your pussy.
he used his fingers to spread your lips so he could watch all the cum drip out of you. needless to say, sex got a lot more entertaining from then on.
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author's note: so sorry this took a while to come out, i can procrastinate for the olympic i swear. im working on another request rn dont worry yall :))
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nattaphum · 1 year
The Hidden Character PressCon
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The reason why Mile was chosen as the MC for the show is because Pond already knew that he would’ve been good at it because Mile used to be a DJ when he was young but also because he has the “big brother” aura. In fact he showed his good and bad sides to all the young boys. Even at BOC he always gives advices to the others so Pond thought his personality fitted very well for the role.
Mile himself said his role is not just that of a reality show MC but also of a big brother who helps bringing out the charm of all the boys and crack any problem within them to bring out the best version of themselves. He said the reality show is natural and real and most importantly is made to make the viewers happy.
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Pond said the thc’s filming happened in between of Man Suang’s filming and it took more than 10 hours to film but Mile stayed throughout the filming and never complained once. He was concerned about the thc filming for several days and when he had to be at Man Suang’s filming he was like “i miss the boys, will they be okay? how are they doing?”. This is a side of Mile that Pond has rarely seen in other people.
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(photo of Mile smiling in Apo’s direction❤️)
Question for Mile: what do you think about being an MC considering that you’re an actor from a series while this is a reality show with a new format, it’s an unscripted show. What do you feel about this new format?
Mile: i feel excited because having this kind of format gives the viewers an option to be happy with what they're watching because when we were kids,we used to watch reality shows with another pattern and to see this kind of pattern,well it's a good choice. All the experiences that these boys went through made me think like " hey! if i were in their shoes, would i do 1,2,3 of (what he did) or not?" therefore the audiences can probably relate to that and it can induce some general thinking about that, which i think it's a piece of happiness as well.
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Apo’s speech : I was once stuck with the concept of "leading actor" and "masculine." As a leading actor, I didn’t have the courage to act freely. I was afraid to be wrong, as the concept of a leading actor shouldn’t be. Now I have learned to accept myself as I am and become a better version of myself every day. Someone once said to me that if they talk to you and tell you what you did wrong, it means they still love and care about you. When they don’t love you, people just leave and don’t bother to tell you things.
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Mile: i think every judgement from anyone, whatever that person is, it’s okay on the outside, it's something that we should hear… but we shouldn’t let those words get into us. Moreover, if you’re someone that likes to judge (negatively),dont forget that you're giving a bad impact on another person. Let me give an example, let's say we ask someone “Are you a man or not?” I take these as questions that are not suitable to be asked because when you ask questions you dont have to forget that whatever we are, the only thing that matters is that we’re all just human. The thing you should focus isnt only about "what do you like or not" but it's more about "what you do and what yoy dont do" and send out the result to others.
Pond: we went abroad and thought that they wouldn’t ask this kind of questions, that only thai people ask this kind of things “You’re acting in a Y Series, how intense is your character? or your love scene? Are you gay? are you a real man?” these kind of questions are asked often. Lately it happened to apo and mile and every time it happens i tell them that this question shouldnt be asked .What is the meaning of “real guy”? It’s the word “gentleman” that only matters
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All translations by strawberrymilk
Apo’s speech translation by mileapostand
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stellarmooni · 10 months
Giratina Core Volo Au
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This is an old au i made last year but never really released it anywhere other than telling a few people but that's it lol so I decided to publish it! I was pretty proud of these sketches and said "You know what? I should share this with the world!" And so that's what I'm doing now!
(P.s, This isnt a complete au and I'm not an expert when it comes to writing so please bare with me lol)
This Au starts right after Volo has been defeated by Akari. Volo, has already left and started to have deranged thoughts after being crushed by Akari's team. After feeling so hopeless, Volo decides to take the matter onto his own hands. He thought that if Arceus won't come after all he did, he's gonna find Arceus, even if it meant by force. He plans to use Giratina's power to get to Arceus but Giratina wasn't exactly willing to lend him their power after the battle against Akari. Volo manages to find a way to use Giratina's power to open gateways to other worlds, thinking that it'll lead them into Arceus' domain.
Meanwhile, Akari manages to find all pokemon and encounter Arceus. She finally manages to catch it and return to Jubilife Village. She and Ingo has caught up onto their adventures and started to figure out ways to go back to their own world.
I didn't think much into this but basically, they team up together to find different methods to get to their own world. Their methods clashed with Volo's and ended up being a huge catastrophe. Volo used whatever he could to strengthen up Giratina so Giratina's portals are a lot stronger than usual. Akari tells Arceus to open a portal back to their world. The strange hisuian portals and the amplified portals giratina made ended up clashing with each other, which ended up affecting Akari, Ingo, Volo, Arceus and Giratina.
Volo ended up in Unova in the present time. Giratina was nowhere to be found. The impact of the portals affected Volo and ended up losing some of his memories. He doesn't remember what he was plotting, why he was there, how he got there, but he does remember his name, small pieces of where he used to live and that he was looking for something in particular. He was lost in an unfamiliar world with nowhere to go and without his memories. He notices a sign that says "Welcome to Nimbasa City". He doesn't recognize the place at all so he decides to look around. Volo looked at the water near the area and notices his reflection. He lifted up his hair out of his eye and notices his right eye has turned black with some strange black lines coming out of it. He slowly covers it again, feeling so surprised and confused. Later on, a familiar subway boss finds him and offers to help him out.
His name was Emmet
I'm gonna leave it here for now
Akari and Ingo does have more story to them but I still gotta plot on a few things but yeah
This is the part where i dont have much written down but do have some ideas in mind. If enough people are interested to hear more about this au then feel free to let me know lol
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i wanna talk about paul. i dont think i lingered too much there. bc it’s a sensitive spot i guess? it’s a sensitive thing to be openly unwell. my focus with this post if i really even have that is his relation with louis. i wanna talk about paul in relation to how louis treats him and that being a reason why i love louis so much too. i love both characters. i think paul doesnt really ever get mentioned in fandom much. which is the psychosis experience tbh. so it tracks.
it’s a public spectacle every one wants so desperately to ignore and to be over. in my personal experience (and i don’t think i’m alone in this) the person going through it wants it to be over too. wants that people don't see them that way. but paul’s whole character is generally ignored other than in conversations about whether or not lestat caused his suicide, which was a compelling conversation. whether or not he did is a incredibly prickly thing in the gut of the story. and to be followed up with Louis staying with Armand after having killed claudia who has a thread with paul too. she has a manic/psychotic moment. she’s a collector. she’s a lot of things that society doesn’t want to see exist. (nor does the fandom but i digress) and the way she lives in this undead world is as if she doesnt exist at all so manny ways (like paul in life too in ways) we’ve spoken of if you are someone who dares to acknowledge the fullness of her character. i said this was about paul but im working through a connection in real time. i think that’s why i wanna talk about paul. bc he carries so much of the story in the little time he was alive. and his death is the catalyst for louis’ initial death. not the one lestat gave him, but the one that made it possible for lestat to convince him in the first place. ( the spiritual one maybe? idk. im just thinking thoughts)
what i never question in regards to paul and louis’ relationship, is that louis loves him. that’s what actually makes that: “did lestat kill him really? and whether or not he did kill him….louis thought he did and stayed?” conversation so insane in the membrane to me. because the way he treated paul shows me he does love him so much. one: something in him died with paul. another thing is that louis genuinely wanted him around. he advocated for him to stay out of the hospital. he took him out as soon as he was given the power to as head of household when his father died. (i have so many questions about his own feelings and opinions on his father.) he openly spent time with him. paul was his favorite person. he let paul crawl into bed with him. which is kind of big deal from what i know in the openly unwell population. not a lot of people want to comfort that. and louis allowing his male brother into bed with him for that tender moment is kind of a key moment for him to me bc of how the pressures of homophobia can affect how men are made to feel they can treat their male family members too. Louis sees him and his need and is willing to give it to him. louis wants to be there for his brother. he decides he’ll be the one to take care of him. tells grace not to worry about paul. he would take care of him. he assures paul he wont see lestat anymore. louis’ love for paul was in the way of lestat’s wants and desires. maybe paul did have suicidal ideation already. maybe many things can be true.
(i meant to post this during disability month, but i went through it and so now i’ll just continue where i left off)
louis struggling with killing a man with a daughter and wanting to go home to his brother…😵‍💫. paul isnt a child, but louis was his caretaker. in paul you see louis shine in that role (barring the bit where he pulls a knife out, and threatens to gut him, bc that was a performance. it’s not great but he didn't even want to do that). louis recognizing that locking away a man for having delusions just because he has them at all made paul worse was such a powerfully impactful thing to me. i say this fully well knowing sometimes going to the hospital can be beneficial these days, but even still being locked up there?? drugged and treated horribly given he was black and in a time when mentally ill people were treated heinously? louis saying he belongs at home and seeing to it that paul gets to be home with his family. spending time with him like he’s a person beyond his disability. beyond his delusions. that shit makes me like quiver and cry tbh. that’s mostly what people going through that need most of all and don’t receive. he loved paul. and when paul dies louis dies. idc. (so if lestat’s did take paul away from louis….he killed him twice….also while i’m here i have stirring thoughts about lestat knowing he could tell paul his truthful intentions in town and that out of paul’s mouth no one would believe him. maybe that’s the whole thought. or maybe i’ll come back to it. idk)
(i think in some ways claudia was also theyre to fill the casm paul created too. sorry none of this is like linear or anything im just thinking i guess. maybe i’ll make get into how i see they’re related later.)
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enduringenthusiast · 4 months
There's a lot of this going around in NATLA but Bumi is the worst character assisnation to me (Suki and katara were also very hard to watch but at least they had some things going for them). I had to go back and watch the original episode to make sure I didn't have some wild false memory of it. I don't understand why the creators hated Bumi so much to make him this neglectful venegeful person?
Knowing it's bumi right away ruins everything. Yes, it takes away the suspense, but it makes their interactions so confusing. In the original sure bumi is doing this crazy stuff but at the end, Aang isn't even mad he's just so happy to see his friend and it makes the audience give it all a pass. Combining all the problems into omashu makes Bumi horrible, which they know and have several comments that he's not fit to lead, but also ends up addressing Bumis hate and not his role in how bad the city is. In the original omashu is... kind of the perfect city? Things are going well, people seem happy, they're taking an active effort in the war, Bumi even has a line that the people are too well fed. He's a good king, which makes the craziness fun and esoteric instead of a irredeemable danger to those around him! Even if the creators thought "what kind of friend does this, lets make him evil" another thing to pay attention to is that Aang actually isnt in very much danger, it just feels like he is. The gemstone surrounding them was candy, the beast chasing him was a pet, the man fighting him was his friend. They took all of that and said but what if he was actually bloodthirsty. In NATLA, Bumi resents aang and is doing this out of anger rather than wanting to impart wisdom in his own funny way, but that change doesn't translate to the other changes. If your gonna rewrite things you at least have to make those rewrites consistent. In the original he ran away, but bumi was just happy to see him again. In the new one, he doesn't run away... but bumi resents him for running away? Most ironic of all is that I imagine they made these changes to be more dramatic or have more narrative impact but the effect is the opposite. The og is pretty silly and could definitely be labeled more on the filler side, and yet Bumis lesson to Aang to think outside the box is relevant in the finale of the whole show - he finds his own way to handle Ozai. Here with Bumi being angry and venegeful, we get Aang learning his own lesson about... friendship? Relying on people? Feel like we learned that one already. With your very limited run time, what do we earn by having Bumi act this way, more guilt on Aang? We learned that already too. When you cut out 2/3 of the episodes and only keep the ones that fit your "tight" narrative, you sure do end up repeating the same lesson 8 times in a row. I don't hate NATLA there were parts I even liked, but everything in Omashu was so rushed and confusing and ruined that I started hoping they'd include less so they didn't mess it up rather than being excited for my favorites moments. But I will say his costume was incredible.
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OKAY PERCY JACKSON SERIES THOUGHTS REAL QUICK not in any particular order just what my brain is spewing
(spoilers obviously)
okay so like. it was so good. screaming crying throwing up like!!!!
walker leah and aryan are all excellent and i'm so excited to see them throughout the rest of the show
special shoutout to leah because in these first two eps she's had a lot less screentime than the other two and yet she has completely stolen the show for me
forgot that jason mantzoukas is in this and got jumpscared lmao
the car and then minotaur scenes would have been really good if i had been able to see them
i feel like i was expecting luke's scar to be bigger. this isn't a complaint or anything, just an observation.
"NO I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" slayed so hard like i screameddd
percy praying to his mum <3333 there's one thing percy jackson will do and that is think of his mum as a goddess
also also him telling his mum that he really feels like he's made friends when you know he's talking about luke is TRAGIC oh no the final episode is going to be sooo good and so heartbreaking. oof.
i really REALLY liked virginia kull as sally, but a lot of the dialogue in her scenes felt a bit clunky to me. idk i know they need exposition and all that, but some of it felt a bit weird. especially their conversation right before she was killed
okay i know a few people in the tag have already talked about this, but sally and gabe felt a little off to me. i know the posts i've seen have said that they downplayed how completely and utterly awful gabe is, and while i do think it was downplayed a little bit, he was still bad enough that i didn't feel like that was a major issue. the part that didn't feel quite right to me was the way sally argued back at him. i feel like what she says to him is kind of what the audience should WANT her to say (because gabe's a dick), but the point is that she doesn't say that, because sally jackson loves percy so damn much that she willingly endures that until she is able to get out of that situation. i swear i'm not going to be like "tHiS iSnT hOw iT iS iN tHe bOoK" much, because it's an adaptation and it's going to have to make some changes and that's fine! but in the book, percy states that he's "never heard her raise her voice or say an unkind word to anyone, not even me or gabe" and keeps on emphasising how she constantly withstands gabe and doesn't move against him because of her love for percy, and i just feel like that's an important aspect of her character. also i feel like sally arguing back at gabe is going to make her finally killing him less impactful. and i think it probably also plays a part in gabe's assholery being downplayed. because the argument they have there feels much more like "oh we're so dysfunctional ha ha" instead of "this is an abusive household". you know what i mean? idk i get that it was meant to be a #girlboss moment, and a part of me was like "YEAH GET HIS ASS", but i do feel like that moment didn't serve sally's character as well, changed the dynamic of sally and gabe's relationship, and negatively affected the impact the story will have when percy gives her the means to get rid of gabe and she takes it. this is a very long dot point i'm sorry.
mr d pretending to be percy's dad was SO FUNNY
clarisse is too pretty (/pos), like i was barely paying attention in her scenes because i was literally there like "women <3" thank you dior goodjohn
"you fell in love with god... like jesus?" is a top tier line
i'm so sorry but i'm a "tah-lia" pronunciation truther and it will remain this way in my head
the cut to percy flossing in the woods killed me. like straight up killed me dead.
these are all of the thoughts i have atm, and despite my more negative thoughts here, my feelings are almost completely positive (my excitement is less coherent than my criticisms, so i didn't write about them as much). i'm really excited to see the rest of the episodes!
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sunnynoki · 3 months
We don’t talk a lot - We haven’t talked in probably about a year or so now, since I left the fandom space we met in. I’ve changed usernames since then - I went by Wheat on discord. Sorry I’ve been so distant. I never knew how to talk to you since it’s been a while.
Even still, I want to tell you that you were important to me, and still are. I wish we could talk more. I want to talk about your new interests. What are you into these days? I’ve been getting into some older games these days, but I’ve been missing pokemon a bit. I want to get back into it. Do you still draw Sky? I never asked you about them with as much detail as I wanted to. I was always worried about being too intrusive, but I regret that now. Your OCs are really imaginative. I know you’re into tensura now, right? Season 3 is coming out soon. I’m excited for that.
I want to get to know you again. I don’t know what happened with whatever you left behind, and I don’t know if this is a weird message to send, but you’re important to me and I want to let you know that you are. I wouldn’t be who I am if you weren’t there in the beginning. Thank you for being you.
i dont know how to talk either. every sentence i say either feels fake or self centered, selfish. and dont worry about being distant; it happens, especially when interests change. i dont blame you.
youre important to me too. i wish we could talk more. im not into much right now. i just feel empty. i gave up su/bmas, after everything. it was too much, not knowing who i could trust not to fucking ship them, or think its ok in any circumstance. yet sometimes i still crawl back to the tag, despite blocking it a while ago. i dont touch anything though, just look. it doesnt bring me joy anymore. i think im finally letting it go. i dont know how i feel about po/kemon yet. its kinda just. there. maybe im just feeling particularly apathetic right now.
i don't really draw anything right now. i dont know if i can go back. it was my only hobby, yet my therapist said that it wasnt enough, even when i was at my lowest. well, at the time. ive set a new low score at this point. i dont want to draw. i don't know what id draw. i dont think i can. my computer is kinda a no mans land at this point. i don't really touch it anymore. im glad you liked sky though. i never understood why she garnered so much attention. i could never write a good enough character for her. she was a mary sue in that way, with no real character flaws, let alone the... everything else. either way, like i said, im glad you liked her regardless. it means a lot. the attention i got because of her made me really happy.
like i said, im not really into anything right now, but i guess tensura would be regarded as an "interest." im... looking forward to season 3. i read one of the light novels thats going to be adapted a month or two back though, so i guess its gonna be a moment before i get to "new" content.
i dont know if theres anyone to get to know anymore. i was already in a depressive episode before this disaster, now i dont know if theres any going back, if theres any way to recover. it isnt a weird message to send, and its appreciated that you care for me but. im not sure if i can trust anyone again. im not sure if i can even trust myself. even in the aftermath, the people i thought i could trust either no longer talk to me or still interact with those who hurt me. i guess its selfish to ask them to cut off those friends too. but ive always been selfish. self centered. egotistical.
regardless, im glad i had some positive impact despite my mess of a personality. thank you for your words
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eryanlainfa · 3 months
May I have ALL the details on how Aiden's magic works please please 🥺
long post ahead- I'll throw some reminders about witches and magic in Aiden's universe, talk about his family and then Aiden specifically.
Witches are basically halfbloods of both realms : the Mystic and the Matter (original I know-). Because of that they are influenced by both realms.
● Advantages they have on humans are : they can sense the flow of magic, they get some cool powers, and they can cast spells without the help of an artifact as long as they studied said spell. (And they have cool eye colors lol)
● However they are binded by some rules : they cannot break promises as they act like magical contracts, lying isnt natural to them (it's seen as taboo between witches because their words carry power, some cannot lie at all), and magic is something they need to live (like food, its energy they need to sustain. Unless their powers are binded already since it wouldn't need to be replenished anymore)
● Each bloodlines have their own specialty/power depending on who/what they descend from. And not every member has the same amount of power. (If both parents are witches, the child will inherit the magic from only one of them).
● Humans are easier targets for spells but Witches aren't immune to magic either, they can use spells on fellow witches, family members and even themselves.
● Witches can bind their powers, through various means, to live as humans if they want but it can be permanent and sometimes impact their overall health
● Witchlings are sometimes concidered more powerful because they lack self control and awareness. Magic being part of the witch themself it will react to emotions and to the person's confidence.
The Venefica family (Aiden's)
The Venefica family descends from a demon, which is a fact the family has been keeping secret since forever. Their speciality is mind magic and its mostly similar to hypnosis : you implement a suggestion into the target's mind who will think of it as their own if your spell succeed.
But. The family isn't really open about the extent of its ability. They will more often describe it as a supportive type of magic (helping people feeling better or more confident, etc)
What it can actually do :
The basis of mind magic is to make the target do what you want or to make them feel however you want them to, without the target necessarilly realising you are influencing them. It can be a one time command or be longlasting. Aside from that, it can also be used as body enhancement of sorts : by making the target forget its limit and render them unable to feel pain for exemple (in that case it is dangerous to the body and can result in long lasting damage). More difficult abilities mind magic gives are : telepathy and being able to go through and modify people's memories.
HOW it works :
It depends on the Witch using said power, the command AND the target. Witches who are less powerful will have more difficulties and limits. Target wise, strong willed people are harder to influence. And of course the more out of character a command is, the more magic you need to convince the target to do it.
Overall, the more contact with the target, the better it works.
For exemple : less powerful members of the family could need physical contact, eye contact AND to tell their command out loud to the target. Meanwhile more powerful Veneficas could use their powers with a simple whisper to the target.
Plus, if you want the command to work long term you might need repetitive contact with the target to make sure your magic still influencing them. Though it is possible to keep it from a distance by using artefacts or other tricks (a burning candle's fume or a beverage made to fuel the spell for exemple)
Lastly if the target already trusts you or if you know them well enough it will be easier to influence their mind. (Straight up gaslighting people does help- so knowing how your target usually thinks makes it easier)
Now to delve more about Aiden!
● I'll be honest she's a bit overpowered, which is a whole problem for a while because she never got to learn how to use her powers correctly until the journey through the 7 kingdoms.
It used to get him into trouble when he was a kid (because he didnt understand what was going on yet so it put himself and others in danger). But he does think it helped him making friends easily throughout his life (without his knowing at the time).
● As of now they mostly uses their power to appease people or as some sort of painkiller. Pretty useful for a physician surrounded by idiots getting hurt 24/7. And now (post 7k) they are powerful enough to not need physical contact most of the time.
● She does use it on herself.
● Eventually (few years after 7k) Aiden gets to be able to go through other people's memories but if its without the other's consent they will need physical contact to do so.
● So far, telepathy and memory reading only works well with Varian and Hugo (and pets to some degree), because they give Aiden their permission whenever and they are the ones he gets to practice on the most. But he does need eye contact and to concentrate for it to work. It's even more effective when it is calm around them.
For the pets, because they can't talk, telepathy with them is closer to sharing feelings and concepts rather than articulated thoughts.
Random facts :
● Artefacts to enhance a witch's power exist
● A witch's eye color depends on their mystical ancestor and the amount of power the witch possesses. (Veneficas are associated with purple and their eyes go from indigo to a pinkish purple, indigo usually being the weakest)
● When a witch uses magic their eyes will glimmer more or less slightly. The bigger the spell the more visible it should be.
● When a witch dies, their spells dissipates unless it is carried by an artefact.
That's about it!
● Same for promises. If someone involved in one dies, the contract becomes null.
● I am still debating about it but I think it could be neat if witches got physical traits from their magical ancestor whenever they get into the Mystic Realm-
I think I've told everything I could think of- if you do have more specific questions or questions about other topics don't hesitate to ask! :3
And thank you so much for showing interest in my OC!!!!💕
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opal-owl-flight · 1 year
alright i know it a bit off topic to what you are doing right now. but is angst really necessary for a character. all it does it make me feel so horrible for them. just saying
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This is tumblr, the rule for this is to block me/the angst arc tags and move on. If you are who I think you are, Im going to take the step myself for both our sakes.
This is my story. Youre not obligated to read it, youre not obligated to keep up. If the content upsets you, you dont force the writer to change the story they want to write. You leave for the sake of your emotional state. I wont take offense to that as we all have our tolerance for upsetting topics/stories. (God knows I have my own.)
As for angst being necessary?
Have you seen the shit these characters go through in canon?
You can make the argument for everything being cartoon violence but DO REMEMBER that Hal Labs themself has made final bosses scream in pain while youre in the process of giving them a soul-smashing beatdown. And in the case of True Arena for Mags -- you can hear him begging for help in the bg as you fight. (Epilogue also has a lot of angst. Fucks sake one of Mags' "taunt" animations has him crying.)
Im not exactly adding angst where there isnt. It is simply an extension of canon.
Or do you speak of my more painful arcs, like False Paradise or Back to Zero?
Again, they are simply extensions (in my interp) of whats given in canon. I take the canon stuff seriously in my writing, thats just how I do. Those events have lasting effects on the characters. You cant say someone gets possessed and theyre all hunky dory the next time you see em. Wasnt Dedede implied -- no. Straight up SAID by Hal --- to have had trauma from Fecto Forgo? So for my way of writing things, Whos to say the others didnt as well?
In terms of the relationships for those two arcs. (+Nova Incident too what the hell.) Magolor wasnt the best person. He still isnt, sometimes. Healing from what hes done while he was lashing out, for all parties involved, is not going to be smooth sailing. Sometimes things start to look up but and then go nasty in the middle. Thats just the way things are.
BtZ's basis is touching on how puppy love/crushes tend to die the longer you know a person. You find things you dont like about the fellow you admired. And that breaks them apart. Its very fortunate in rhe end of this arc though that both parties see their mistakes/flaws and learn to accept and grow with them, and thats why they got back together.
Angst makes good payoff.
And about excessive angst? Thats subjective. And I always resolve them in the end. (Hell, even Legacy has a good ending now...mostly bc I nuked it after the rewrites). Im not really good with ending things badly, so my stuff always wraps up on a happy note. (I should probably post more of the fluff stuff tbh, but its impact is heavily reduced without the angstier context.)
Tldr, in my interp/writing style, angst is indeed necessary for the character. One, a lot of it is already canon anyway. Two, this is my way of exploring/extending the character and their themes (Mags leans heavy on trust and forgiveness). Three, all of this makes for more satisfying closure/payoff.
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jihyocentric · 2 years
hi hi hi lumi im here!! i saw the last answer u did for my last ask and ive been meaning to respond but i've just had no time and been a bit stressed so it took me a bit, and im sorry abt that, but im here now!!
nahyo really is just a couple of possessive codependent losers and yknow what i think they're perfect like that. and so does jeongyeon apparently lksjfklsd
no but i can totally see jeongyeon loving what nahyo have but also being nervous to intrude, especially with how her and jihyo started off on the wrong foot but watching nayeon give jihyo her little lesson abt jealousy definitely helps improve it
awwww for nayeon it goes: bff jeongyeon to roommate/crush of my dog jeongyeon to girlfriend #2 jeongyeon that's actually adorable
all the jealousy is def gonna lead to some MAD sexual tension on all sides i think that's perfect
and there we have it that's 3mix yall!!
-🐶 (im really tired rn so sorry if this isnt as extensive as some of my other asks but i promise im seeing them and appreciating them!! <33)
oh things will get steamy between jeonghyo for sure! but right now all i can think about is fluff... and about being busy it's just like i've said before, don't worry about it, take your time and take care of yourself anonie!!
took a bit longer to answer this bc now that i'm free from college i've been resting (and by resting i mean playing too much genshin impact)... yes i am ashamed.
but here's a little jeonghyo thingy in puppy!hyo au 🤍 late thanksgiving hc i guess!
jihyo has been trying hard to like jeongyeon.
jeongyeon's loud laugh still scares her, but she was sure she'd get used to it just like she did with nayeon's. jihyo's ears are sensitive, but she still finds it the cutest thing when nayeon laughs loudly, and punches her shoulder, so maybe jihyo could accept jeongyeon being loud that as well. after promising to nayeon, jihyo really started to try and accept jeongyeon as a whole.
the thing is that nayeon was never a nuisance, and jihyo never had to learn how to like her. even when she was still getting used to living with nayeon, jihyo has never felt bothered by nayeon's unique personality, always head over heels for her. sana and momo, nayeon's friends, never scared her either, so jihyo didn't know why jeongyeon triggered her that much. apart from her being jealous of jeongyeon with her owner, that is.
after weeks trying to accept jeongyeon's presence, jihyo would still go after nayeon when her owner had to answer the door. jihyo could sense jeongyeon's presence from afar, and she had to check her scent each time, so that she knew there was no threat and jeongyeon could go inside their home with her approval.
"are you going to do this every time?" jeongyeon asks jokingly, not moving an inch while jihyo reached closer, sniffing her clothes.
jihyo moves away, happy with her little research. jeongyeon still smelled like jeongyeon. nothing different, which meant there were no threats that jihyo could sense or other people's scents in her. jeongyeon's scent was strong and present, one of the best jihyo had ever found in a human. nayeon's was still better, sweet and acidic just the right amount. too bad that jihyo and mina were the only ones with a sense of smell sharp enough to notice those things.
"she likes it." nayeon comments, pointing at jihyo's wagging tail. jihyo quickly tries to prevent her own body from exposing her feelings, but the attempt is useless. "what did you bring for us?"
"pumpkin pie for your sweet puppy," jeongyeon says, charming. jihyo looks at nayeon and pouts. jeongyeon was cheesy and only nayeon could call her puppy. maybe sana too, but it always made jihyo flustered and nayeon didn't like it one bit.
"don't say that. 'puppy'. that's for me only." nayeon pats jeongyeon's shoulder. "let's get inside, sana and momo are here already."
jeongyeon frowns but accepts nayeon's request. jihyo moves to sit on sana's lap, a bit bored after playing with mina and momo the entire evening and not being able to put together the lego figure that was supposed to be formed once all of the pieces were in place.
"hey there, cutie," sana coos at jihyo, allowing the puppy to rest on her lap. jihyo could be clingy, and that's when she was the most adorable. at least that's what sana always thought. unlike mina, who could be very picky at times, jihyo was always up for a good cuddle.
nayeon was setting the dining table by the time jeongyeon came from the kitchen. for jeongyeon's luck, sana gets called by mina to help her and momo with the legos, and jihyo no longer has her warm lap to sit on. instead of waiting for nayeon, jihyo looks at the only lap available, and it happens to be jeongyeon's.
"'m going to sit here." jihyo states rather than asking. jeongyeon is taken aback, but she certainly doesn't refuse jihyo's approach, letting nayeon's puppy sit on her lap. "you're warmer than sana," jihyo mutters, her head falling back against jeongyeon's shoulder, body relaxing.
it is certainly a surprise for nayeon when she goes into the living room and finds jihyo sleeping on her best friend's lap, ears twitching and tail swishing softly, as if she's dreaming. she looks at them fondly for minutes and almost forgets to call them for dinner.
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umm0lly · 1 year
my personal opinion on the nico vs zuko blorbo poll
i can understand if nico loses. he just probably isnt as nostalgic to a lot of people. but you need to understand. for queer kids who grew up reading those books like me?
reading HoO with nico already being my favorite character and then seeing that "oh. a boy can like a boy? that happens?" SAVED me. reading ToA with nico openly dating a boy and everyone being accepting of it? that shit was INSANE to me. little queer girl who didn't know what queer was but my first ever interaction was telling me that it was okay. and this isn't the case for just me.
nico already being my favorite character, now the only queer character, exposing me to solangelo and fandom and even tumblr. i wouldn't be here if not for that kid. i wouldn't even fucking know i was queer if not for that kid. do you realize this? i probably would've still liked harry fucking potter if not for that kid because i didn't know what 'transgender' was before nico.
that little shit who literally owns my soul made me be okay with queerness and be okay with myself being queer. i never hated myself for the sole reason i liked girls BECAUSE OF NICO. DO YOU REALIZE THIS. HOW MANY KIDS NICO SAVED.
nico can lose. but this is the queer website and if he's gonna lose, it better be by fucking 1% because no way is this icon getting beaten THAT badly.
just. i need you to understand what nico did. and understand what nico is GOING to do for SO MANY OTHER QUEER KIDS. his book comes out in less than 3 months. he's going to be in a disney show in a few years. as pjo becomes more mainstream than it already is, nico will save more and more queer kids who will accept themselves because, hey, my favorite character likes boys! why can't i?
you cannot fathom how insane it was to see queer people be so normalized when i first read the books. how insane it was to me that it was possible and okay and normal. it was normal. that was the big one. it wasn't just okay, it was normal. normal for me to like girls. that's why i accepted it so quick. so early. where so many people don't get that chance to accept it when they're still young and a teen, i got that chance because of this little gay son of hades.
i found real friends because of nico. found myself because of nico. found my mutuals and fandom and my identity because of this kid.
this may discount all that i just said but idek who zuko is. i've heard the name through friends but. never saw atla. never cared. guess it did some queer stuff towards the end? idk.
all i'm saying is that nico saved me, saved other queer kids, will continue to do so, and has had such a profound impact on my life personally that if he loses it better be so fucking close that one vote would tie it.
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faeriecap · 2 years
i am once again thinking about how team iron man wasn’t even mostly made up of enhanced individuals… like tony stark would not have been subjected to the extremely invasive tracking and cataloguing because he doesn’t have powers. vision isn’t technically a person so i don’t think they would plus tony basically did that already on his own scale since he was his creation and seemed content to be confined to the tower?? rhodey likely wouldnt get off as easy as tony bc r*cism but he was still a respected and decorated war hero without powers. peter would be required to but tony conveniently doesnt press him to reveal his secret identity despite that literally being part of the accords law he agreed to… also i don’t think they ever make any mention of parker signing the accords at all. and even nat isnt enhanced in that sense, so she’d escape a LOT of the horrific intrusions that someone like steve and bucky, wanda, and even in some way i guess like. t’challa? would have been subjected to. not to mention she already dumped her entire file online in catws and has no secrets anymore. and even though they’re not enhanced in the mcu, falcon and ant man could arguably be viewed as vigilantes in way a shield agent like nat or the others beyond peter wouldnt be which. tbh is probably why tony wants to induct him into the avengers asap?? he was already prepared for that issue for conveniently only his pet project n no one else. i’ve said it before but like in the face of all this:
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of COURSE tony, the non powered, former military golden boy whose best friend is still actively involved in the us government, with inherited billions to his name that could not be lost in the same way someones regular job could be, who openly goes out as iron man and himself wouldn’t be concerned seeing all these things they were expected to trade off on to continue being heroes or agents or avengers whatever because they do not impact him at all. you think they could hold TONY STARK “indefinitely without trial?!” NO. fucking ridiculous.
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