#and at some point i figured i should just get over myself and post it already
hecatesbroom · 5 months
After a lot of rewriting, and breaking my own heart doing some research, here it finally is: a second part to the finish line, except this time it's Blanche who can't sleep. (Yup, more post-finale angst. You're very welcome)
Blanche lies awake at night, thinking. Wondering where she went wrong — wondering if maybe, it's her fault that Dorothy left them. (An additional scene from Blanche's pov for the finish line, but can be read as a standalone)
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juni-ravenhall · 26 days
i realised now that something i thought might be sociopathy was actually just dissociation. bc the ppl who did this in my life were not consistently unempathetic and uncaring towards others, it seemed to come and go, even if at times theyve been unempathetic and uncaring for months without a moment of caring, its that whole dissociative state thing. they do have the ability to care and feel deeply and be empathetic, in their true self, but they clock out and stop feeling and dissociate, bc theyre too scared or too overwhelmed and stressed out to handle bad feelings in a healthy way (and havent learnt coping methods to work on that). so they start acting what i felt was sociopathic with no empathy and care, due to the longterm dissociative state that is a reaction to avoiding handling bad feelings.
these specific ppl in my irl also tried to manipulate and twist situations and words to protect themselves, to paint other ppl as the bad guy even when things were 100% their own fault, just to avoid facing the feeling of having done something wrong or having held a wrong opinion, or facing guilt or shame or empathy ("i hurt someone, so now they feel hurt, and i dont want to empathise with that because it would be painful")
but they werent always like that. they are only like that when they are in a bad place aka when they are running away from reality and dissociating. when they reject facing bad feelings and thinking of others and empathy and consequences. when theyre grounded, not dissociated, theyre actually sweet and caring. so i think its rly not about the lack of empathy and consequence-thinking but the main issue just being the dissociation (and adhd fixations which also become a form of dissociation from reality - unable to think clearly or see the bigger picture, including other ppls feelings, when fixated on something and unable to snap out of it - tho this too has coping methods to learn to be able to handle it better, just like other dissociation does).
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gb-patch · 1 month
GB Patch Games: Response About Sensitivity Reader
[Some of you might not have heard of this happening, but I wanted to address it across the board]
Hey everyone,
I want to make a post about the screenshots of comments from one of our sensitivity readers. The situation is that neither me or Rose want people to feel uncomfortable with Our Life: Now & Forever, but Rose hasn’t done anything terribly wrong and isn’t going to be punished.
The comment about OL MCs wasn’t meant to be genuine hatred towards all male players/MCs of OL. Rose wrote a reply about it-
"Hi everyone! This is Rose, I want to address the male MC comment since it was taken wildly out of context and without the lengthy discussion that was after it. I don't hate male MCs, in fact far from it, male MCs are integral to the story in OL:NF as female and trans MCs are. I think the relationship they could potentially have with Qiu could be a great asset in my opinion as they figure out their gender alongside the MC. The discussion itself was about how I noticed players were sticking to heteronormative norms by shipping Tamarack with a man purely out of societal norms than it was genuine thought into the characters and how I personally wished there was more sapphic relationships with Tamarack or just Tamarack with trans characters as a sapphic trans person myself. I didn't mean to offend anyone by it as no one but my friends who understood what I legitimately meant behind my message and it definitely wasn't meant to be seen seriously. I am sorry regardless to anyone I have offended and I love your male MCs regardless."
And most of the comments were about me. I’ve seen screenshots of the full conversations and they’re not as harsh as the cropped snippets made them out to be. It was longer discussions about not including Derek in any base game Moments for no good reason and not having any plus-sized love interests in OL1 because I was afraid players wouldn’t accept it. That’s not a lie, it’s what I decided for the game I created, and it is ridiculous of me. I’m the one who should be feeling embarrassed over how OL1 will forever be that way, not the people who remember that I did that. I’m not perfect and Rose actually cares more about the players than making me feel like I am flawless.
I also don’t want to tone police an employee venting about their boss in private, on their own time. Both the OL games deal with personal, important topics. This is sensitive work, and it can bring up frustrations. Sometimes people do use harsh words among friends, but they wouldn’t ever say it to a person seriously and directly.
I understand if you wouldn’t want to see anyone speak badly of a dev you like, but I promise it’s not a point of contention between me and Rose. I don’t feel mistreated in anyway. Rose genuinely cares about the Our Life series, and that’s why they get fed up with me over certain parts of the game.
Rose has never been unkind or unreasonable to me when working on the project, and their advice is detailed and well-explained. They do care about the game and want it to avoid having content that upsets people because of my own ignorance/shortcomings.
This being shared publicly from a private server is targeting Rose and seems to be a continuation of things that have happened before this. I don’t want this to continue happening. If you do still have concerns over the one comment about the community, you can let me know. But again, I don’t want people being mistrustful of Rose on my behalf for comments about me in conversations with missing context.
Do not send angry messages to Rose about any of this. We’ll do our best so that OL2 will be better than I was before. Thank you to everyone who reads this and participates in the community!
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tarotphlow · 3 months
Astro Observations 9
A return to normalcy
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🎒Planets in the 7H can indicate the kind of partner you may have, example, having Mercury in the 7H may mean you have a witty partner!
🎒I’ve noticed that when there’s mercury 8H synastry with someone, it’s hard for to be open, it almost feels like something is keeping you quiet
🎒having your south node conjunct your ascendant can indicate having a hawt body🥵, I think this is because south node is a body without a head so there’s emphasis on physicality to a native that has this specific configuration
🎒that being said if you have the south node conjunction ascendant you could be a little clueless in life, you’d do well to get a therapist or a support system of some kind!
🎒if you have Saturn in the 6H you could have fears of picking up new habits and or hobbies, allow yourself to have fun with whatever you do, don’t be too hard on yourself and make baby steps in getting over your fears!
🎒 Did you know boredom is related to the 2H? Spend some time analyzing your 2H to see how to alleviate some of your boringgg boreeddddnesss
🎒you should be careful if your Martian dominant, I’ve noticed that people around you will likely try and control you or use you in some way shape or form, I’m not too keen on why this is cause Mars the planet is literally like dominant, but I feel it’s because of all of the raw power these natives have rocking in their system that people would want to use them for their own personal gain
🎒study your Mercury placement more if you want to understand how your charisma works, Mercury is related to things like conversation and communication skills, this is imperative to know when you want to impress!
🎒as someone who has experienced 12H synastry I want you to know that this is incredibly intense and mature energy to work with, one of the ways that a connection can fall apart is by doing nothing. If you do not make the effort to communicate intentions or talk about your feelings it’s a sure fire way to fall into a fog of confusion or uncertainty.
🎒8H synastry is also very mature and heavy energy, I’d say when you’re in a relationship like this be deliberate with your actions and make a point to explain yourself, 8H deals with mystery and vulnerability, relationships with this will do well by just explaining themselves not in a nagging way but rather in a caring way.
🎒while on relationships I just want to say I love earth venus placements for being so touchy and sweet, it kinda makes sense that one of these natives’ love language is physical touch but I just wanted to say that !
End of observations! It’s been a longgggg while since last I’ve made a post like this, I’ve been busy with life and trying to figure out things for myself, still haven’t found the answers I’m looking for but at least I’m getting closer to the answer I want yk?
Likes and reposts are appreciated 🩵
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
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hey mr gaiman. i saw that this post got revisited and wanted to address it.
i submitted this ask over a year ago on my old account and it was one of the stupidest things i ever did. it was my first tumblr account. id only been really online for a few weeks. i was 13. i was just coming back to school after a global pandemic.
ive been a fan of good omens for years and a fan of yours for longer. i was brought up reading odd and the frost giants and fortunately the milk, and as i got older i fell in love with your norse mythology book, good omens, snow glass apples, the sleeper and the spindle, and more.
i was excited to see one of my favorite authors on tumblr and tried to come up with the most bold and interesting ask i could think of.
i was rude and misinformed and it was a stupid choice of me to send it in with no thought.
but i got feedback. some in the form of kind suggestions. quite a few in the form of death threats and people telling me to kill myself.
while those specific messages were rude and hateful, the point got across. i educated myself to the best of my abilities, and eventually came back online.
not only did i misuse the term queerbaiting but i also implied that you were not an amazing supporter of the queer community. that’s absolutely incorrect. you’ve done so much for us with activism, representation, and overall kindness.
i wanted to address this ask that got so much attention because despite moving accounts i still feel guilt and shame every time i see it, or even when i interact with any of your posts at all. i need to actually address it.
also, i wanted a proper apology to be made. by no means am i now a saint. but im trying to be more thoughtful about thinking before i speak.
whether or not you decide to make a public response to this, i think ill find some peace knowing you’ve received this. ive needed closure on this for a long time.
im overjoyed and thrilled that season two is so close. thank you for tolerating the dumb questions of pretentious kids and thank you for helping to create a world where we can grow to be better than we were.
First of all, and most importantly, I'm really sorry that people were mean to you. That's awful. And nobody should ever have to deal with death threats or online threats and attacks, let alone a thirteen year old.
And secondly, you do not owe me an apology. I figure I have a Tumblr account, people ask things. Mostly they'll get nice replies, occasionally (normally when I'm being asked the same thing over and over) the replies will be terser. There has to be a certain amount of rough and tumble though, and occasionally I'll grab an ask that represents all of the asks I've had on that subject, and try and reply to all of them. That's what happened to you. I was getting tired of being accused of Queerbaiting for the occasional answer about a Season that was not yet released and about which nobody knew anything. And I needed to tell everyone who was doing this that they had to stop now. You had the misfortune to be the representative of all of the other people.
If you are not making mistakes you are not human and you are not learning anything.
(I wish there was tone of voice on the internet.)
And I think you are growing and learning and will make a fantastic adult.
I really hope you enjoy Season 2 when it drops.
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peterman-spideyparker · 5 months
Stolen Glances (College!Matt Murdock x College!Fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I've been on a writing hiatus after feeling uninspired after a long while, and I think it's kind of helped reset my creative juices. I'm entering my busy season at work, so I don't know how much time I'll have for writing in the future, but I'm back to feeling more like myself. I figured one of the best ways to return to writing was with some College Matt! Enjoy! :)
Summary: Your best friend convinces you to go out with her to a bar to celebrate the start of spring break, and to your surprise, the night takes an unexpected turn for the better when your friend calls over two people she knows from her law classes—one of whom you just so happen to have a huge crush on.
Warnings: Flirting, swearing, reader nickname (not-name specific) drinking, kissing, getting caught in the rain, smut (oral-f!receiving, Matt's mouth being a menace, praise kink, Matt being a lil' tiny touch possessive, Matt lightly biting at Reader's shoulder, p in v protected sex, aftercare)
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, OFCs
Word Count: 6,084
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“Stop staring,” Amy says as she sips her drink. 
“I’m not,” you murmur as you roll your beer bottle absentmindedly on the sticky bar counter of Josie’s. How Amy even got you out tonight is beyond you. You don’t go to bars. You’re not even a big fan of going out in general. But tonight, you caved, and followed her in the rain to a dive bar in Hell’s Kitchen for cheep beer, gossip, and people watching. And it’s people watching that lead your eyes to land on one of the prettiest men you’ve ever seen. Matt Murdock—enter frantically smitten swoon here. He’s a law student with a voice like honey, a smile that could light up a room, and the best ass in the entire world.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you had to stumble into the one that he was in.
“You are,” Amy counters. 
“Fine,” you sigh. “Glancing. Let me have this.”
“He’s single, you know. Broke up with the girl he was dating all last year.”
“Which means he’s not looking for anyone.”
“Or he rebounds fast and wants to get under someone. Er, have someone get under him. Hell, I don’t know what he’s in to.”
“What? I’m just speculating. Just like you are ogling him.”
“Again, not ogling. Glancing. Besides, he’s way out of my league. And you know what? This, right here, is a perfect situation for me—it’s a crowded bar, he’s blind, no one here knows me or cares about me and won’t think twice of me looking in that direction. This is the only time I can pine after someone and not get flustered and weird if he looks in my direction or watch Cindy from my Brontë’s class try to show off her cleavage to get his attention. And she totally would, event to the one guy that literally can’t see it. Which brings me back exactly to my point—he can’t see us here or the undoubtedly big heart shapes my eyes are in.”
“What if his friend does?”
“He has his back to us, he won’t—.”
“You are a major asshole, you know that?” you hiss as you whip your head around to scowl at her.
“Well, now, you can glance up close, see the finer details. Maybe accidentally touch his big arms?” she says with an innocent smile and delightfully raised eyebrows. “Or something else big.”
“Be nice.”
“I’m always nice. Besides, they’re my friends. You survive Professor Murphy’s class together, you’re blood brothers for life—Hey, Fog! Murdock!”
“I didn’t know you guys came to Josie’s,” Foggy smiles as they get close enough to where the two of you sit. “If I had, I would’ve invited you to some of our post-test outings.”
“Well, Kitty here is a lightweight, so it’s not often I get to bring her to bars. I think I finally convinced her because it’s the Friday before spring break and she doesn’t have to do homework right this moment,” Amy hums. She so knows what she is doing, and you don’t know if you should kick her in the shins or be eternally grateful for how Matt turns his head to you next. 
“Kitty?” Matt smiles, and it makes your cheeks burn. He wets his lips lightly as he turns his body toward you, and you can’t help but duck your gaze and shrink in on yourself a bit. 
“An unfortunate nickname that has followed me since I was four and can’t seem to shake,” you explain. “Now that I’m not four, (Y/N) just fine.”
“It’s cute, though. Maybe you’ll tell me the story.”
Fuck, why’d he have to say it like that? You’d tell him absolutely anything he’d want if he spoke to you like that again.
“Maybe,” you breathe. “Maybe not.”
The smile he flashes you is soft, dreamy, and alluring. “Someday it is, then.”
“Why don’t you two take a seat with us?” Amy asks as she swallows the last of her drink. “Have a few rounds with us. I mean, you guys know me, but let’s include (Y/N) into the fold. Probably good that you two legal goobers befriend an English major. Help you guys avoid being duped in a contract or something because of semantics or syntax or something.”
“Offense,” Foggy scoffs.
“(Y/N)’s worst is still better than your best, and you know it.”
“Down, Ames,” you chuckle, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Remember what I said about being nice?”
“Amy? Nice?” Matt smirks. “I’m afraid we haven’t earned that privilege.”
“So, how long have you known Amy?” Foggy asks as he waves Josie over for another round. 
“Too long,” you chuckle, earning you a playful kick under the bar.
“Harsh,” Matt hums.
“For someone who’s basically my sister? Nah. We’ve been friends since we could toddle around,” Amy shrugs. “You two should understand that one—I mean, roommates for two years and essentially an identical course load? You’re as good as brothers.”
“Very true,” Foggy smiles as he opens his next beer. “I mean, sure, Matt got all the good looks, but I have the boyish wit and knack for sarcastic comments.”
“Seems like a pretty perfect pairing to me,” you add. 
Foggy claps Matt’s back with a big smile. “See that, pal? Even the people that just meet us can see we’re a perfect match! Murdock and Nelson, taking New York City law by storm! Rolling in the money, the biggest of the bigs wanting us on retainer!”
“A real life Harvey Spector and Mike Ross,” Amy says with a playful roll of her eyes.
“Take it from a blind man, Nelson and Murdock has a better ring to it,” Matt hums as he sips his beer. “And while money is nice, there’s still something really nice about saving the world.“
“Matty the Martyr,” he sighs. “You know, (Y/N), my parents wanted me to be a butcher.”
“Fog, please, not the butcher story!” Matt begs. 
“Yeah, please,” Amy seconds. “(Y/N) doesn’t need to hear it.”
“Ugh, tough crowd tonight,” he sighs. “You’ll hear about it, (Y/N) . . . someday.”
“Mildly ominous. Definitely non-threatening,” you grin before everyone starts to laugh. “So, what brings you guys out? Is this a post-test outing?”
“Nah, just a Friday night,” Matt smiles. 
“Well,” Amy says, holding up her new drink. “To just a Friday night.”
You all clink the necks of the bottles together before you drink, chatting briefly before Amy playfully insults Foggy’s pool playing skills. The two of them down their drinks before they make their way to the pool table to prove one another wrong.
“I don’t know how those two are friends, sometimes,” Matt chuckles. 
“Well, Amy has three brothers,” you hum. “She loves pushing people’s buttons like that.”
“And Foggy doesn’t back down from challenges like that. Although, I agree that Amy could wipe the floor with Fog at pool.”
You laugh, biting your lip from laughing too loud in the bar. “I won’t tell him you said that.”
“Eh,” he squeaks. “I think he knows where I stand on his pool skills. I mean, a blind guy can beat him.”
You feel your face grow hot with the attention he’s giving you, but it’s all very welcome as you both begin to chat about whatever comes to your minds. For how pretty he is and how flustered you get talking into to people you find attractive, conversation comes so easily with Matt. You feel like you could tell him anything. But that’s the dangerous thing—there’s no way this could work, as a friend or for whatever your brain could dream up. He’s too . . . magnetic. You’d misread something, and in the end, you’d be the one getting hurt. Besides, if you’ve learned anything from Amy, part of being an attorney is learning how to charm the pants off of whomever you’re talking to. And unfortunately for you, you’re just the girl at the bar he’s trying to schmooze only to never see again.
“(Y/N)?” he asks, trying to catch your attention.
“Hm?” you hum, snapping out of it. 
His face is soft, but definitely concerned. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” you stutter. “I was just thinking of something.” 
He raises his eyebrows, silently asking if you want to talk about it, but a small pang in your chest makes you want to run away and hide in a corner. 
“I don’t think pool is supposed to take that long,” you say, changing the subject and craning your neck around the bar to try and spot your friends. “I have absolutely no idea where Amy went. It looks like Foggy’s gone, too.”
Matt lets out a small, breathy laugh with a knowing grin.
“Do you want to share the joke with the class?”
“Fog’s been on my case lately about meeting new people. I wouldn’t be surprised if he conspired with Amy.”
“You know, I’d say that’s impossible, but Amy is always trying to set me up and calling me Hermit Homebody.”
“Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like 'Kitty'.”
“It’s more alliterative, though.”
“So,” he hums, turning his body toward yours. “What’s the story behind Kitty?”
“You’re gonna judge.”
He holds out his pinky to you. “No judgement. Promise.”
You lick your lips before you move your hand to lock your pinky with his. 
“I really loved Hello Kitty when I was little. I basically wanted to be Hello Kitty. Like, absolutely obsessed—alarm clock, bedsheets, plushies, the whole shebang. I even dressed like Hello Kitty. Yellow shirt, blue overalls or an overall dress, and a red bow in my hair, and I had Hello Kitty socks to wear with my sneakers or little Mary Jane’s. It made getting dressed easy, but it definitely annoyed my mom after a bit.”
“That’s really cute.”
“It’s really not,” you chuckle.
“It is, trust me. And, if it makes you feel any better, a lot of free public domain braille texts were legal documents; after the accident that blinded me, that’s all my dad could really get me between hospital bills, trauma therapy and recovery, and our regular bills. I read a lot of Frederick Douglas while he did boxing practice. Between reading those and my dad’s hope for me to get a good job and use my brain instead of my fists, that’s what drove me to be a lawyer. I’m not sure I would have applied to law school if not for that.”
“Wow. That’s . . . amazing. Honestly.”
His brows furrow slightly as he tilts his head down slightly. “I like to think that I’m making him proud. But I’m afraid that I’ll end up letting him down eventually. He . . . He gave me so much, he gave up so much. For me.”
You place your hand on his that’s resting atop of the bar, giving it a squeeze. “The fact that you know the extent of your dad’s sacrifices and you’re worried about letting him down means that you couldn’t possibly disappoint him.”
Matt nods and you see his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallows hard. You could swear that you see a tear roll down his cheek, but you’re distracted when he turns his hand over to hold onto yours better, lacing his fingers in yours. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly, taking a deep breath. “Hearing that . . . it means a lot.”
“It’s just the truth as I see it.”
“Do you want to get out of here?” Matt hums as he turns his head toward you. “We could grab a bite, just walk around.”
“No ulterior motives?”
“Not unless you want me to have ulterior motives.”
You look at him, your heart beating so loudly in your chest, you wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it. “I’m not that kind of girl.”
“Okay,” he breathes. “Then no ulterior motives.”
“I’m not opposed to stopping at the soft pretzel cart that’s a few blocks over, though.”
He gives you a small smile.
“Something funny?”
“Beer and pretzels,” he hums. 
“Har har.”
“C’mon,” he says with a little jerk of his head. “Lead the way.”
Putting some money on the counter to cover your drinks, you slide off of the barstool, your hand still in Matt’s as he mimics your movement before unfurling his cane. You both walk in comfortable silence, recalling little anecdotes from your childhoods as you stroll along the route. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you laugh.
“I’m not,” he says with a big smile. “I got so much hell from the nuns for it. Father Lantom put on a little show and was a little mad about it, yeah, but the ‘talking to’ that he gave me was about the Yankees game. In fairness, I honestly did worse when I was younger—probably took years off of all of their lives. Probably still do, when they think too hard about it.”
“Gosh,” you say with another laugh. “You’re such a daredevil.”
“Hey, I’ve turned out just fine. For the most part.” 
“Yeah, you’ve got a point. You seem pretty alright.”
“Pretty alright?” he croons. “I’ll take it. Any pointers for how I can increase my ranking, though?”
“Well, if I told you, it’d be too easy,” you smirk as you approach your destination. “Heya, Boyd.”
“Kitty!” he beams. “Long time no see! You’re usual?”
“That’d be great. School’s been busy.”
“You know she’s in Columbia?” he starts to tell Matt. “Smartest girl I know.”
“She is amazing,” Matt says, and you feel your cheeks burn hot.
“Matt’s one of my classmates,” you explain. 
“Ah, so you’re a smart one, too. Kitty here is one of a kind—don’t do anything stupid to loose this one.”
“I’ll do my best not to,” he smiles.
“D’you want anything with yours?”
“Mustard, please.”
Boyd hands Matt his pretzel, but puts his hand up when you try to pay. 
“Not tonight, Kitty,” he says. “My treat.”
“Don’t be silly, Boyd,” you counter. “You know our rule, only on birthdays.”
“Yeah, but you included me on your date. I feel real special. All warm and fuzzy like.”
Your cheeks burn even hotter when he says “date”— you appreciate that Boyd thinks you’re in the same league. 
“Please?” you try.
“Alright. But you’re getting your change back. This one, she always tries to scurry away before I can give her her change back!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t escape,” Matt chuckles, his hand resting on your waist, the gentle touch sending goosebumps up your spine.
“Atta boy. You know, I like this one. He ain’t that bad. Here, Kitty. Have a nice night, you two!”
“Night, Boyd!” you smile. 
“Nice to meet you,” Matt adds. Once you’re out of earshot, he asks, “How come he can call you Kitty?”
“Because Boyd has known me since I was six,” I chuckle before I take another bite of my pretzel. “You’ve gotta earn it.”
“Oh, so now you’ll let me earn the chance to call you Kitty?”
“If you play your cards right.”
“Sounds like a challenge.”
“You seem like the kind of guy that likes challenges.”
He grins and raises his eyebrows as if conceding to your point before taking a bite of is pretzel, licking up the mustard at the corner of his mouth. The absolutely obscene thoughts that cross your mind when he does that would even make a sinner in church blush—but also appreciate the sentiment. You finish your pretzels quickly, continue to walk aimlessly around and talk about whatever comes to your mind.
“Wow,” you hum as you look at a clock on the other side of the park we’re walking through.
“What?” he hums. 
“It’s almost three.”
“Seriously? No.” You feel Matt’s arms shift, and you watch his fingers slide over the face of his watch. “Shit. It’s almost three. I didn’t think we were talking for that long.”
“Me either. Not that I’m complaining about it.”
“Neither am I.”
“Maybe we’re just really slow walkers?”
Matt laughs. “It is a really nice night.”
There’s a comfortable silence before you speak next. “I don’t do this, normally. Go out—go out to a bar, no less—walk with guys aimlessly around the city.”
“Tell people the story of your nickname? Or bring them to meet your pretzel godfather?” he teases gently, and you chuckle softly and nod. 
“Definitely not either of those.” You take in a deep breath before you continue. “Something feels different tonight, though, and I like it. And I only started liking it when you and Foggy joined us at our table.”
“Yeah?” he says so softly you almost don’t hear it.
“Yeah,” you confirm. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I like it, too.”
Your gaits slow before Matt turns into you, a relaxed, dreamy look on his face. It’s not a face you’ve seen him flash the girls on campus—the cocky, over-confident swagger that’s usually there replaced with something almost dreamy and entirely genuine. Your heart starts to race as he leans in, but you both freeze in place when the sky opens up and you get caught in a sudden downpour. You squeak and he lets out a soft grunt before Matt hand grabs yours, and you rush toward the sidewalk. You raise your hand to wave down an oncoming taxi, and as you both slide in, Matt gives his address to the cabbie. 
The ride is short, but it’s definitely better than making the trip in the pouring rain. When the cabbie pulls to the curb, Matt hands him the fare and the tip, opening the door and sliding out first, waiting for you to follow. He uses his large frame to try and shield you from the rain as you run into the lobby of his dorm, tracking in puddles into the elevator. 
“Would Foggy mind if I crash here for the night? I mean, what’s left of it,” you ask, your arms hugging yourself as you shiver in front of his door. 
“You don’t need to worry about him. He’s staying with his family for the first half of break,” Matt says as he slides the key into the lock, leading you into the very nice dorm apartment. “It’s just us here.”
“Ah,” you hum softly, looking around the space. “I wish my dorm looked like this. I think I chose the wrong major.”
Matt chuckles softly as he moves about the space. “Well, each year we get better housing choices, and the ADA complaint dorms were updated a few years ago. Foggy just reaps the rewards of being my friend.”
“Well, it is very nice. Definitely decorated by boys, though.”
Matt chuckles softly, walking into what you assume is his room before coming back out in pajamas, a folded set of clothes in his extended hand. 
“Thanks,” you smile as you take the sweatshirt and sweatpants out of his hands.
“Can’t have you be chilly,” he hums. “Let’s face it—Amy would kill me if I let you catch a cold.”
“You, Foggy, and then me. In that order,” you laugh. “You know, I honestly thought it was done raining for the night.”
“I’m just glad we caught a cab. And that you let me pay.”
“Well, you gave them the address to your dorm. Seemed right that you foot the bill.”
Matt chuckles as you turn to side off your wet clothes and put on his fluffy sweater and sweats. Yes, it feels a little odd to change in front of him, but it’s not like he can see you in your underwear, and you need to get these wet clothes off. And if tonight has taught you anything, Matt is someone you feel comfortable and safe around.
“Let’s hope these dry by the morning,” you say, folding your soaked clothes and putting them over the stool in the kitchen area. 
“You can keep them as long as you need. Something tells me I’ll get them back eventually.”
You blush deeply. “In a timely manner. Promise.”
“I’m not gonna force you out when the sun comes up, you know,” Matt continues. “We can go down and throw your clothes into the dryer in the morning. Maybe go grab breakfast after they’re out.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Want to go to the living room?”
“No ulterior motives?” you smirk. 
He laughs, and you swear you just made him to blush. “No. Not unless you want there to be,” he responds. 
“I don’t think I’d be opposed to some.”
Matt slides off his glasses, placing them on the kitchen table. His eyes sparkle in the moonlight coming through the window, taking a half step forward and placing his hands on your waist. You lean in to help close the space between your bodies, and when his lips finally meet yours, you feel your heart skip a beat as electricity shoots through your veins. You slide your hands up his body to cradle is face as he pulls you in even closer. The kiss is passionate, tender, and everything that a kiss should be. When he pulls back, you’re breathless and dizzy in all the best ways. His forehead rests on yours, and you desperately wish he’d lean in for another kiss. 
“Are those acceptable motives?” he whispers, nudging his nose against yours.
“Mm,” you hum. “Very.”
He smiles, leaning in for another kiss, the force of the embrace knocking the back of your legs against the sofa. You pull him into you, knocking the pair of you down on the couch, his body crushing yours in the most glorious of ways for a moment until he can position himself better on the furniture. His hands have a firm grip on your body, sending wave after wave of chills up your spine as you chase his lips for more kisses. One of his large hands cradles the back of your head, holding you closer so he can gain better access to the kiss, and you realize his glasses aren’t perched on his face anymore. You don’t even know when he would’ve have a chance to take them off. But do you really care? 
No. No you don’t.
As you make out, Matt slides you onto his lap, giving you a bit more leverage as you embrace. You lips mirror one another’s, curving up into smiles. You take in a sharp breath as you feel his hands slide under the sweater and up your back, the simple action sending goosebumps up your spine. You moan into the embrace and lean forward to deepen it, accidentally nipping his lower lip between yours. It elicits a strong response from Matt, his fingers digging into your skin, sure to leave little bruises as souvenirs before moving up to tug at the hair at the nape of your neck. His fingers should have their own insurance policy, because wherever they trace on your body feels like a million dollars—the warmth, the strength, the grip—goes straight to the apex of your thighs. Firm, relaxing, and downright sinful.
You pull back from the kiss, Matt’s swollen lips chasing yours as you lean away, turning your head to yawn. 
“Am I putting you to sleep, sweetheart?” he smirks, softly kissing your neck before moving so his face points toward yours. 
“You’re definitely relaxing me, that’s for sure,” you tell him as you look back at his face. “It’s just been a really long week.”
“We can stop if you want.”
“You stop, and I’m telling Amy and Foggy.”
“Oh, well, we can’t have that.”
“No, we can’t.”
With more smiles, you lean back into the kiss. Matt’s grip is firm on your waist before sliding his hands down and over the globes of your ass, moving to your upper thighs before lifting you up. You’re too focused on his lips to try and watch where he’s taking you, even though you have a good idea. You moan into his mouth as you feel Matt lay you down on his mattress.
“At least if you get a little too tired to keep going, you can fall asleep in a bed,” he whispers before he starts to kiss your neck.
“So kind of you.”
“I try.” He presses a soft kiss to your lips. “Can I keep going?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
Matt flashes you a devilish grin before leaning back in, his hands sliding up under the borrowed sweatshirt tracing the curves of your body.
“You can take it off, you know,” you murmur against his lips. “It’s your shirt, after all.”
He hums in delight, doing as you ask and ridding the fabric from your body and pushing it to the side. “You’re chilly now,” he hums kissing all over the exposed skin, pulling soft moans from your throat. 
It’s your turn to slither your hands up against his rock-hard body under his clothes, lightly raking your fingernails along his skin. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
“I have a few ideas.”
“Then show me.”
Matt’s lips slot back over yours, tasting every ounce of your mouth that he can. He pulls back, whipping his shirt off. You’re unable to prevent your jaw from dropping when you see his exposed chest, a little wooden cross hanging from a cord around his neck a strong contrast from his fair skin and rippling muscles. It doesn’t hang too long, the space between the two of you closed just as swiftly as it was created before his hands deftly undoes your bra. Matt’s hands slide the straps down your arms, tossing it to the side before his large hands palm at the fleshy mounds, his hips inadvertently beginning to roll against your legs. 
“Mm,” you hum as you start to mark his neck. “I’d say we’re moving fast, but, I like where we’re moving. Seems like you do, too.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Let me lay you down and make you feel good, angel.”
“Mm, ‘angel’,” you smirk as you pull him on top of you. “Sounds better than ‘Kitty’. Better not be calling any other girls that.”
“It’ll be just for you. Swear.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m gonna try and stop earning the right to call you Kitty, though.”
“Consider it earned. Can even call me Kitten. Now, please tell me you have some condoms here.”
“Mm, I do. But, the thing is, that pretzel left me hungry, angel. I need to eat a little more.”
Your brows furrow before Matt holds your face in his hands, kissing you deeply. He trails his kisses down the column of your neck, moving lower with each embrace, down your chest and torso until his lips reach where your skin and his sweatpants meet. 
“Is it okay if I pull these down, sweetheart?” he asks, pressing feather-soft kisses on your stomach. “Can I kiss you there? Can I taste you, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you breathe a little too quickly, moving your fingers into his soft hair. “Please.”
He smiles, kissing your belly button before curling his fingers round the waistband of the sweats and underwear and sliding them down your legs. His strong hands gently part your legs, exposing yourself to him, his soft, pouty lips kissing back and forth along your inner thighs until his nose brushes the slick folds. A soft moan escapes your throat, so quiet that you almost don’t hear it. As soon as it leaves your lips, you swear you hear Matt growl a little before diving in between your legs. This time, you moan louder, your back arching off of the bed and your fingers clutching the sheets. 
“Matt!” you squeak. His hands are firm on your hips, keeping his face buried in your core, tasting and savoring you like you’re the sweetest of desserts. Your chest heaves as you squirm against him, but each movement of your body only spurs him on to hold you tighter. He hums into your pussy, the vibrations working all the way up your body. 
“M-Matt,” you stutter, feeling yourself get wound tightly as he works diligently between your legs. “Matt, I—oh, fuck!”
Matt just hums, keeping pace and enjoying the taste of you on his tongue. You continue to whimper, whine, and squirm, biting your lip harder as you get closer to your release. You suck in a sharp breath when you feel Matt pull away from you, his face in your direction, his mouth and chin shiny with your slick.
“Don’t hold back, angel. I’ve got you,” he pants. “Make those pretty noises for me. It’s just you and me, okay? Don’t worry about if anyone else can hear. It’s just you and me.”
“Okay,” you say breathily with a frantic nod. “Okay.”
“Good girl.”
You could cum with those two words, and the quick twitch at the corner of his mouth tells me that he knows it, too. With a lick of his lips, he dives back down without missing a beat, sliding two thick fingers into you, gently pumping them and curling his fingers to squish against the perfect spot that makes your vision go spotty. You let out your loudest cry of the night, the sheer volume hurting your throat a little. It elicits a deep growl from Matt, and with one more lick, you’re quaking and unraveling on his face. Little tremors continue to jolt through your body as Matt works to lick up every last drop of you before pressing a soft kiss on your swollen nub and kissing his way back up your body. 
You lean up and crash your lips into his, desperate for him. Matt eagerly kisses you back, letting you taste yourself, exploring how you mix with him. 
“Are you up for more?” he pants as he pulls back, trying to smooth down your tousled hair. 
“Please,” you say, the faintest hint of a whine in your voice. “I’m ready.”
Matt smiles, pecking your lips quickly before leaning back and taking his sweats off. Your eyes involuntarily widen when you see just how big he is. If tonight with Matt hasn’t ruined other men for you yet, the feeling of him inside you and how it will undoubtedly linger for days will.
“You okay?” he pants as he works to slide on the condom.
“I’m doing great,” you swallow, trying to remain coherent through the bliss. 
His laugh is like warm tea with honey.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
With the condom firmly on, he leans forward to kiss you slowly. “Ready?”
Matt kisses you again, adjusting the pillows behind you as he lines himself up with your entrance. He places his hands on you gently, forehead resting on yours, before carefully starting to slide in. You bite your lip as your eyes flutter shut, your head suddenly becoming too heavy as you let it roll to the side and rest against his neck. 
“Matt,” you breathe.
“Prefect,” he pants as he slowly pushes forward. “Perfect.”
“M-Matt,” you whimper as you stretch around him. “Big.”
“Do you need me to stop?” he whispers. “Does it hurt?”
“N-No. ’s great. So great.”
“Say the word if you need me to stop, okay? If it’s too much?”
Your faces turn toward one another, and for the briefest of moments, Matt’s eyes lock onto yours. You feel your heart skip a beat and jump up right into your throat. This is ridiculous—tonight is the first time you’ve actually met him rather than stare at him and wish from a distance, and it’s like your entire universe is on its head. Matt tenderly leans forward, his lips on yours, fueled with a softer passion than what has dictated your embraces for the night. The roll of his hips is slow, and you feel everything ten times over. You hold onto Matt as if your life depends on it, and you let him work as he marks up your neck and shoulder with little bites. 
“Don’t stop,” you plea. “Don’t stop. Matt, please don’t stop!”
Your pleas and whimpers spur Matt to pick up his pace. As he does so, his own soft moans grow louder in your ear, and it drives you wild. The springs of the mattress move from a quiet creak to an all consuming squeak, perfectly punctuated by the headboard hitting the wall.
“Matt!” you cry out, pulling probably harder than you should at his hair. 
“Such a good pussy,” he grunts. “All for me. You’re so good for me, angel. Feel so perfect.”
“Fuck, Matt! You’re—oooohhhh!”
“Perfect f’me, angel. Such a good girl. My good girl.”
The sound of your slapping skin adds to the erotic symphony in the room, sweat quickly lining your bodies. You whimper as you nuzzle into him, muttering incoherent sentences as his pelvis rubs against your sensitive core, building you up to knock you over with intense pleasure. Your fingernails dig into his shoulders and pull a deep growl from the back of his throat. He nips at the sensitive skin behind your ear before slotting his lips over yours.
“Matt,” you whimper, really drawing out the vowel in his name. “Matt, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Let it out,” he encourages. “Cum for me. Let me feel that pussy squeeze my cock, sweetheart. Let me make you feel good. Let me hear you, angel.”
Matt kisses the sweet spot on your neck and pulls a needy whine from you. A stuttered whine pulls from your lips as your eyes pinch shut and you claw your fingers into Matt’s back. You cry out at the top of your lungs as a second wave of pleasure washes over you. With Matt in you, dragging against every right spot, it feels so much better than with his mouth. He sinks his teeth into your shoulder, and you cry out in pleasure even louder. The pace of Matt’s hips move even faster, albeit at a more unsteady rhythm with an increased sense of urgency as he tries to soothe the sting of his teeth. His moans turn into grunts, a delight to your ears. 
“Harder,” you beg. “Harder, Matt.”
You feel Matt nod his head against yours, doing as you ask, his lips brushing faint kisses against your cheek. You cry out once more, Matt’s hips pulling one more orgasm from you as he hits his high, spilling into his condom with punctuated thrusts.
Your breathing is heavy as your bodies still, sweat clinging to your skin and soaking the sheets. You chuckle softly as Matt places gentle kisses along your neck, his nose tickling you just so before pulling himself off of you and sliding out. He does it slowly, and you moan softly from the sensitivity and the loss of him. He ties off the condom, shuffling out of bed to throw it away. Matt briefly rounds the corner, coming back with a towel in hand. Without a single word, he carefully spreads your legs, gently cleaning the mess between your thighs. His lips softly kiss your knees and thighs has he works, and you can’t help but smile. He tosses the cloth to the side, it landing perfectly on the edge of his hamper. Matt slides back into bed, wrapping his arms around you and letting you adjust in his hold, kissing your forehead.
“What?” he whispers so softly you want to melt.
“You have freckles,” you whisper back just as quietly as you look up at him. “They’re a little hard to see, but they’re there.”
“Yeah?” he says with a tender smile.
“Mm.” Carefully, you move your fingers against the skin on his cheek, tracing over the faint constellation on his fair skin. 
“What?” he whispers again with a little smirk. 
“How do you know I’m thinking?”
“Call it a hunch.”
You smile softly. “It’s just . . . I wasn’t planning on coming out tonight. I don’t go out. I don’t go to bars. I don’t do this. Any of this.”
“I think you mentioned that earlier,” he hums with a cheeky smile. God, his voice is like a warm blanket that you just want to snuggle up in. 
“It just felt right, with you. I’m really glad I came out tonight.”
“Can I let you in on a secret?” You give him a hum in response. He pulls you closer and presses a long, slow kiss to your lips. “I’m really, really glad you came out, too.”
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Matt Murdock Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters @loves0phelia
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bedazzlecunt · 6 months
i get sooo many asks and DMs asking for tips on how to get better at edging so i wanted to make an actual post about how i turned myself into a total edgeslut — and how you can, too! there's really only one main 'rule' to follow while you're learning how to edge, so i promise you can do it! this info should still be applicable regardless of your particular genitalia, but i mostly reference cunts because that's what i've got.
the one rule!
my ultimate suggestion for people who are new to edging and finding it almost impossible is to STOP TRYING TO EDGE. some of you are going like that's crazy edging is all i want to do! but listen to me. listen to me. we are going to get you there.
if horniness is a scale of one to ten, with one being 'not horny at all' and ten being 'orgasming' the ideal edging situation is that you get to a nine and then stop. that's really hard to do, though! but you could probably get to a four and stop, right? pretty easily, even.
that's what you want to do. figure out that highest number on that scale you can go and still stop, and go to that number. do this a lot. i love, love, LOVE touching like this, even now that i am a pro at edging, because there's zero risk of going over and it's still a great tool to keep you horny / submissive / feeling hot as hell / whatever it is you want to get out of edging.
start at bringing yourself to a four and then stop. once you've mastered that, once that feels almost too easy, move up to a five. then a six. seven. i encourage you not to cum at all while you're doing this, but also, i'm not your dom! do what you want! the point is you're touching-without-cumming a lot (which is great practice all on it's own) and you're acclimating your body to getting horny, sometimes even REALLY horny, without actually cumming every time it happens.
doing this regularly also has the pleasant side-effect keeping you aroused more often than not. if you're constantly bringing yourself to level seven horniness and then stopping, you are almost never going to drop below level three. you are going to be turned on a LOT, which feels sooooo good. which leads to...
getting addicted*!
the thing about being always horny, about touching yourself all the time, about never cumming, is that it feels really, really good. people wouldn't do denial if it didn't! and once you've had a month or so of touching-but-not-edging and your body's adjusted to the sense of being constantly turned on and how good it feels, it gets to a point where cumming is a lot less appealing. you know it's going to take away the good, horny, happy feeling that you're getting addicted to! once you've come to really, really enjoy being constantly horny, and come to associate the idea of cumming with losing that good feeling, that makes it a lot easier to keep from going over as you creep up to higher levels like eight and nine. and even when you do go over, the fact that you'll lose the sensation that you've come to enjoy so much will just reinforce for you that it's better not to cum!
*i'm using addicted as a fun little hyperbole word here, but i do want to add the disclaimer that if your edging / horniness / etc. starts to interfere with your life like a real addiction then you gotta stop that before you hurt yourself. do not actually jeopardize your job/relationships/etc. for kink.
by this point, you'll have lots of practice at masturbating without going over and you'll be addicted to the feeling of being constantly turned on — and you'll dread the thought of losing that feeling. those things combined are the peak edging scenario. this is the point when you can start trying to edge seriously; bringing yourself to a nine on our horny scale and stopping.
you will probably still go over occasionally as you figure out your actual limits — don't be angry at yourself for this, but do refrain from trying to edge again on days you go over. the last thing you want is to reacclimate your body to coming regularly. if you try to edge in the morning but go over by mistake, just bring yourself to a level eight for the rest of the times you masturbate and try again tomorrow. eventually, you'll know your limits, be addicted to the feeling of being edged, and be really practiced at doing it!
if you're still having trouble or just want to play in new ways, then find out what turns you on but you can't orgasm from. your nipples are sensitive enough to break your brain but you can't orgasm just from that? well then get to playing with them, dummy! love penetration but can't come from it without clit stimulation? tape off your clit and get fucking! i can never cum just from humping a pillow or grinding on something, so grinding is a great way for me to edge! try to find stuff that makes you really, really horny but that you can't orgasm from and really lean into those things!
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doctorbeth · 1 year
Sailor the Teddy Bear
Sailor the teddy bear's person wrote a month or so ago. Sailor himself was in pretty good shape, except for some small eye issues, but his clothes had worn to the point that she wanted them replaced, and she figured he should enjoy a spa while he was in California as well.
Here isSailor's diagnosis photo:
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Now the eye issue which isn't quite clear, is his eyes were a bit off kilter. When he came to the hospital and was getting prepped for his spa, I found the reason -- the post of his right eye (left in the photo) was broken off inside and his eye had been glued into place. Fortunately, as you'll see, we were able to restore his vision to 20/20.
Also, in addition to a new outfit for Sailor, his person was hoping for one of those sailor cape/collars to go over his shoulders, matching the color of his pants and hat. He was to keep his original hat, but the trim at the back needed a bit of repair.
Here's Sailor in his bubble bath:
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And here's his heart being made and installed with a bit of his original stuffing:
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And finally, here's Sailor all better and ready to fly home! A few things to note about his new clothes --- the shirt and pants are one piece, just like the original. They close with a snap at the top, but have a decorative button where the snap is, that matches the small striped area on the front of his shirt. His new collar/cape is removable as well. You can also see the chubbiness testing photo, where I'm poking his belly (I don't show this usually). This is where his person had the chance to add feedback to adjust his stuffing if needed.
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Sailor's person approved and he flew home to Michigan. BTW, he flew both ways with an airtag in his box, so his person knew exactly where he was at all times. The funniest thing with airtag patients is the air tag makes a jingly sound when it moves, so every time I move an air tag patient's bed, I have to remind myself that they don't have internal bells, that's their tracker. :-)
Anyway, Sailor made it home safe and sound and his person wrote:
"He's perfect omg ; ; I can't thank you enough"
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project-sonadow · 9 months
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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steviewashere · 1 month
I'd Like For You and I To Go Romancing
Rating: Teen and Up CW: None apply Tags: Post-Canon, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst With a Happy Ending, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Implied/Referenced Sex, Self-Sacrificing Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Love Confessions, Lover Boy Steve Harrington, Sad Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart For @steddieangstyaugust Day 21 Prompt: "Please." Title taken from "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen.
💕——————💕 “Please.”
It’s said to him so quietly, Eddie almost doesn’t hear it. The same way he can’t really see, can’t make out the shapes in the room despite the one light through the window. Maybe it’s the panic in him, while he’s trying to fight his way through tears as he pulls his clothes back on. But the word whispered at his back makes him take pause.
A desperate little word. He wants it to mean something.
Eddie swallows. Quickly, he goes back to shimmying his jeans back on. Hits his rings on the belt buckle currently hanging loose from the loops of his pants. 
It’s not that he wants to go, but it’s that he should. He’ll give some lame excuse later. Something about Wayne needing him back home—despite it being late at night, despite the fact that everybody knows Wayne works the nightshifts. He’ll say it’s because he gets anxious sleeping in other people’s beds. That he even wets the bed sometimes, even if he stopped doing that more than a decade ago. Gets nightmares so violent and lurching, he’s afraid he’ll hurt somebody. He could say that he actually hates sleeping with another person in his bed.
Despite everything in him screaming that he needs it. Because he’s a lonely, lonely person. And always wanted somebody there, needed them so close they could almost climb inside his ribs.
But he fastens the buckle of his belt and continues on with finding his t-shirt.
“Please,” whispered again, so singular, yet so drawn out, and so heartbreaking. The word pierces through Eddie’s back, kills his heart on impact, and exits his chest in one clean pass. It makes him stop searching again. “Don’t go. You don’t have to go.”
Oh, but I do, Eddie thinks, because if I let this go on any longer than it already has, I’ll have to admit how much I love you. And if I admit it and you say nothing in response, I’ll implode right on the spot. I’m saving myself. I’m saving you.
He sniffs. Grabs a random t-shirt from the bedroom floor and begins to pull it over his heavy head of curls. It’s not his shirt, he comes to find, but isn’t surprised. It’s loose on his chest, but tight on his biceps. The shirt is lightly worn. Smells like amber, like cinnamon and vanilla. Not his cologne. Not like cigarettes or marijuana or citrus-bergamot from his Irish Spring. Eddie plucks at the fabric, pulls it farther away from the skin of his chest, where his heart—resuscitated—tries to kiss the shirt with every beat.
If he doesn’t get out of here, he’ll do something stupid like break down into tears. If he doesn’t get out of here, he won’t save face. And if he doesn’t get out of here, he can’t move on.
A pleading, “Eds, please,” hits him. “Please don’t go. Don’t do this to me, too. Please, baby, come on.” Then, the bed behind him shifts. And there’s warmth on his back. A gentle brush of lips to his neck.
Steve wasn’t as sleepy as Eddie thought. Go figure.
“I…I gotta go, Steve,” Eddie states quietly, “I checked my watch. Gotta be home for Wayne, y’know?” He remains as still as he possibly can. Because Steve can read him, he’s come to find. He’ll know that Eddie’s lying if he shifts from foot-to-foot even an inch.
“He’s not home right now,” Steve immediately points out, “it’s dark out. And it’s a weekday, he’s working.”
Eddie swallows again. “I just have to go, Steve.” He doesn’t face him, doesn’t think he could. Doesn’t move, also doesn’t think he could. Just hopes, beyond all else, that Steve will just accept that and go back to bed and forget this night ever happened. That he ever touched Eddie that way. That he ever let himself get involved with a person like Eddie—not because he’s a freak and not because he’s in a different tax bracket, not that he’s above Steve, not that he’s below Steve…because he’s just him.
He hears Steve heave a deep breath.
Then, soft and tiny, “I was going to make you breakfast,” Steve says, “but this doesn’t have to…we can forget this happened if that’s what you want to do.”
“It’ll be hard for me to let go, but I can try.” That makes Eddie turn to Steve. To see him. His limp, sweaty hair and the fact he’s only wearing boxers. The downcast eyes and twisting, nervous hands in front of him. “You’re not the first, so I’ll be fine.”
Eddie’s stomach churns and his palms sweat and he swears that his heart is the loudest thing in this room—screeching and beating and crashing straight out of him. But he brings himself to meet Steve’s volume, to ask, “What do you want, Steve?”
“I want you to stay,” Steve immediately responds, “I want you to stay in bed with me. And…and I’ll wake up first and maybe I’ll find out that you drool in your sleep and then I’ll brush back a stray strand of your hair and I want to get up and make you breakfast and then you’ll be over the moon when I hand you a cup of coffee and it’s made the exact way you love it and then we can…we can…you can…”
He blinks. Blinks again. Harder the third time. “You can…?” Eddie prompts.
“You can find somebody worth loving out of me,” Steve timidly answers, “because I already love you.”
Unable to hold himself back anymore, he takes the few steps forward to put him face to face with Steve. And, in a moment of bravery, holds Steve’s head between his hands and kisses him. Soft and exploratory. Then, passionate and disbelieving. And another, for good measure, that’s in the shape of all the words he wants to say.
“You want that with me,” Eddie states, though it sounds more like a question. Steve nods anyway. “With me. Wow. I…I wish I was better at this part, at saying the good shit. But I do love you, Steve. I’ve been in love with you since we started this whole thing between us but I…I’ve never had something like this and it terrifies me the way you’ve nestled your way into my brain.” He runs his thumbs under Steve’s eyes, catching tears he won’t acknowledge, because he’s sure he’d start crying, too.
“Do you still have to go?” Steve asks quietly, small in a way that’s unlike him. “I don’t want to keep you here if you don’t want to be”—
“I’ll stay, Steve. I’m sorry that I…I’ll stay, I promise. Let me just—let me get dressed down again and I’ll make all this up to you, swear it.” He’s jittering out of his skin; he wants to run laps through the whole house, wants to climb the walls, scream if he has to. But, in a way that’s unlike him, he continues to cradle Steve’s face in his palms and with languid, thoughtful movements, he kisses Steve between his eyebrows, under his eyes, the tip of his nose, and again on his mouth. “I’ll stay as long as you want me,” Eddie promises, “you won’t have to worry about somebody leaving ever again.”
Steve smiles sticky sweet and soft like a stack of pancakes. “Good,” he whispers, “because I never want to let you go.”
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drdemonprince · 23 days
At one point he was down in between my legs, fingering me, and he made a throwaway comment about probably being Autistic. 
I leaned back, trying to relish what pleasure I was getting. “Well, we can talk about that subject, if you like,” I said vaguely, not really wanting to bring my professional life into things. 
He kept working away at my body, kissing between my lips and thighs. “Oh I know who you are,” he said suddenly. “Your book changed my life. In a way, I guess this is me thanking you.” 
I made him exit my body and we went to the kitchen to hash it out. It turned out he was a big fan of many things I’d written. 
“I’ve seen you around the neighborhood many times,” he confessed. “But you posted online that you don’t like when people come up to you, and so I always decided to leave you alone.” 
He said, “Your book is the reason I got divorced, actually. My ex-husband was a therapist, and when I showed him your book and said I thought I might be Autistic, he didn’t believe me. We have been separated for a year.” 
He asked, “Did I just make this weird, telling you when I did that I was a fan?” I told him that if he’d said it sooner, I would have never fucked him at all. 
People never realize that when they approach me, what they are doing is dragging me into work. It doesn’t matter whether I was at breakfast, or an orgy. I was just some guy standing there, enjoying his beer, but now they have made me the known scholar and author. And sure, my job might be meaningful, but that doesn’t mean I like to work. 
I tell my friend that I no longer want to be a public figure, and that I am planning how to make it all end. She tells me, “You’ve got to do what is the best for you, even if it’s something that the rest of us wants and can’t imagine giving up.” 
I ask myself, did I want this? It would be more flattering to say I didn’t, and play the role of the hermetic author whose work developed its own life purely because it was so good. But that isn’t true. 
From the moment I got a Myspace account in high school, I was publishing essays about my political views. I serialized multiple novels on Tumblr, guerilla marketing them with giveaways and custom-made images until they hit the Kindle sales charts. I have made memes, tried starting viral trends, coined phrases, and given hundreds of hours’ worth of media interviews. I write prescriptive nonfiction, for Christ’s sake. Of course people seek guidance from me. I offer it up! 
I have been strategic about how I dress, and my video backdrops, and retaken clips of myself speaking over and over again until they sounded right. I’ve hosted debates with my most vicious critics while I’m in the shower, started public beef with creators who had larger accounts than I did, and rushed to my keyboard when upsetting news broke, because I alone was possessed of the most correct take on it.
I wanted this. I didn’t know what this was, this internet fame I was chasing, but I did all I could to make it mine. I thought that by writing so much, I would one day be able to escape myself, maybe really feel connected to other people. Instead it has meant never being able to stop thinking about myself: how I am seen, what I am working on, how it all fits together, what comes next. It has also meant being spoken about, theorized about, and criticized, and developing a firm exoskeleton of disdain between myself and the world. 
I believe now that that it is immoral for any person to be listened to by ninety thousand other people. Holding authority and status like that runs counter to my anarchic ideals. I am not more important or correct than anyone. I should not be trusted to tell people which commodities to buy, which companies not to support, what to read, what to think, what words to use, or how to conduct their lives. 
All the other animals know there is no one way that a creature “should” live. There is only the way that it does. The world has no consciousness, no beliefs. It cannot pass judgment. We only feel so watched and evaluated because we have covered the planet with so many millions of our eyes. But we can stop performing dignified human goodness at any moment. 
I think that celebrity is an evil, corrupting force that pits the human instinct for bonding against itself. Instead of appreciating the singing of our friends around the fire, we stream Chappell Roan until stalkers break into her house. Rather than playing card games together, we stan Twitch streamers, filling up their chats with highlighted messages until they acknowledge us. We long to be famous novelists because then we would have the social permission to write, and we don’t have the money or time to enjoy the activity on its own. 
I wrote about Chappell Roan, stalker stans, and how turning art into content creation ruins the work, and the creator's life. It's free to read in full (or have narrated to you by the app!) on Substack.
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𝒫𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓁 𝒫ℯ𝓇𝒸ℯ𝓅𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃𝓈
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Here we finally have my janny x reader request that has morphed into this massive… thing (and yes I did not have a name for it until yesterday 😅). I tried to make Jake as subby as possible but he ended up just turning out to be a sweet little bean. Sorry if the ending seems rushed, I was kicking myself to wrap this up so I can post and you know I’m bad at endings. Please read all the warnings because there’s a lot going on here…
Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Danny Wagner X plus size fem!reader *includes slash
Warnings: 18+ only! Not for the faint of heart! Lots of adult content including: some angst, some jealousy, drinking and smoking, body insecurity, lots and lots of smut including: oral m&f receiving, fingering m&f receiving, squirting, some protected and unprotected sex, anal rimming, cum swapping, double penetration, threesome, college AU
Word count: 12k!
“So, what are you going to do?” You asked as you laid on your back sideways on top of the neatly made bed with your long hair hanging over the edge of the tiny mattress. You’d never met a boy who liked to make their bed, especially not a college boy, but Jake had always been the meticulous type. Even his textbooks were in a tidy row across the desk he sat at now as he tried to focus on his homework and talk to you at the same time.
“I don’t know, we can always just go together. Everyone already thinks we’re dating anyways” he replied without looking up from his page, like he hadn’t given it enough thought to be concerned at all.
“Maybe that’s why you can’t get a date,” you offered with a click of your tongue. “Am I cock blocking you Jakey?”
“I assure you, that you are not” he finally let his eyes flicker over to you, giving you a pointed look that you knew after all the years being best friends meant please change the subject.
You ignored him, as did a best friend, and continued on as you stared up at his ceiling. “I don’t know why you want to go to this stupid frat party anyways, you hate jocks”.
“I don’t want to go to this party” he corrected you after scribbling something into his notebook. “Josh wants me to. And besides they’re not all jocks, some of them are pretty cool guys”.
“Right…” you trailed off for a bit. Of course it was Josh’s doing to have Jake at this party, it was his own fraternity anyways.
“That’s why you should come too. Maybe you will meet someone there” he offered.
“Meet someone?” You scorned the idea. “At a couples party at a fraternity? What’s the deal with that anyways?”
“I don’t know, it is kind of weird” he shrugged, “I already told Josh I’m not finding a date so if he wants me to come then he can figure it out”.
“I think you should try to find someone. I haven’t seen you date anyone since Meghan broke up with you last fall semester. But to be honest that’s what you get for dating a girl named Meghan”.
Jake sighed, admitting defeat and putting his pencil down so he could turn in his chair and face you. “I’m not looking for a date”.
You quirked a brow at him, seeing him upside down from where you laid. “Why are you so against it? There’s really no one you’re interested in?”
Even from this angle, you could read Jake’s face easy as he read those complicated biology textbooks. “Wait! You are interested in someone aren’t you!”
“Will you leave it alone already?” He groaned, “and get your feet off of my wall, you’re going to leave dirty foot marks all over it”.
You grabbed one of your legs that had been propped up against the Sheetrock and looked at the sole of your foot. “They’re not dirty. Come have a look and tell me who it is you’re crushing after. I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me”.
Jake did join you on the bed, but only so he could wrestle your legs down which ultimately ended up in you with your head facing the end of the bed now and Jake on top ticking you into submission. You used to hate being tickled, didn’t like the feeling of others touching you around your midsection like that, but after so many years of being close with Jake it didn’t bother you to be a little more physically intimate with him.
That's why you’d ultimately asked him to be your first. It was the summer before you both joined college, neither of you had been with anyone before and it felt like the time was right to make that step with someone you trusted. Jake had always been there for you, and you him, and losing your virginity together had meant the world to you even though you both agreed to just stay friends.
Since then you’d slept together once more, at the first college party you went to, both getting drunk off your asses and falling into bed together in a fit of giggles. There wasn’t anyone you trusted more than Jake, and you hoped he felt the same way about you, which is why you wanted to know his secret.
“Are you going to tell me who it is or not?” You pushed at his shoulders, though not very hard because you actually didn’t really mind him being close. “Why can’t you just invite them to the party?”
“Because they’re already going to be there” Jake let slip, though he quickly tried to cover it up by tickling you again.
Just when you were sure you were about to knee him in the side if he didn’t stop, a quick light knock came at his bedroom door followed by the sound of it opening.
“Hey Jake-” Danny was abruptly cut off as he accidentally walked in on Jake scrambling to get off of you, both of you looking disheveled even though you were completely innocent.
You quickly pulled your shirt down from where it had risen up as Jake’s fingers poked and teased, hiding your stomach before Danny could get a look.
“Sorry” Danny quickly tried to turn around and leave but Jake jumped from the bed and grabbed his arm.
“No no it’s alright” Danny turned back around and you sat up as you watched Jake fix his hair back into place. “What’s up?”
“I was just going to ask if you could give me a ride to the party tomorrow night. I’ve got a study group in the afternoon and Josh will already be at the house setting up”.
“Yeah, of course” Jake easily agreed without a second’s hesitation.
You looked up at the two of them, debating on whether you should stay out of it, but ultimately decided being mean today was more fun. “You know, Jake hasn’t even gotten a date for that party yet”.
“Shut up! Yes I have!” He lied as he glanced over his shoulder at you, his face turning beat red.
“Oh, don’t worry about it” Danny replied, “I’m just taking a girl from my study group. She’s gonna meet me there. A lot of the guys are just bringing random girls as dates anyways”.
“Hmm, why make it a couples party at all then?” You questioned. Since Danny was in the fraternity too, you figured he would have more of an idea, but he just shrugged.
“Don’t know, I just show up when and where I’m supposed to be at this point”.
“So, meet here at 8 then?” Jake butt back in, not trying to hurry Danny out of his room, but also not wanting you to spill any more of his information.
“Sounds great” Danny nodded and when he left the room Jake exhaled slowly. When he shut the door again you could see the light blush that filled his cheeks, and he fidgeted with his hands as he paced across his room in a way you’d only seen him do a few times before, when he was really nervous.
You looked back at the closed door, then back at the state of your friend, and started to put two and two together. “Oh my god” you muttered, breaking him from his trance as his eyes flicked over to you. “It’s Danny isn’t it? You like Danny?”
“Shush!” He ran back over to the bed, worried that if the man in question was still in the hallway he’d hear you.
“Why didn’t you tell me!” You whispered harshly, grabbing his hands and pulling him back into the bed next to you.
“It just happened” he tried to explain, but you knew better. Jake didn’t get this way about someone overnight. “I mean I’ve always liked him obviously, but before he was just my kid brother’s friend, but here recently I don’t know…”
He trailed off, like he didn’t know how to explain the feelings that had been mixing together in his mind. “I get it” you spoke for him, “Danny’s hot. He’s always been a nice guy, and a great friend to Sam, but we’ve grown up now and he has too”.
He agreed it made sense. You had all found yourselves in college, Jake had discovered his love for marine biology and was studying to get into a program for next summer. Josh, well Josh had always been a theater kid, but in high school it was more of a clique, in college he could take it seriously.
You had bloomed in your years here, coming out of your shell as the quirky shy girl that hung around boys because you didn’t feel like you fit in with the teenage girls who cared more about hair and nails than the books or other ‘nerdy’ things you found interesting.
It wasn’t like you didn’t crave that sisterhood the girls in your year had. You liked makeup and dressing up, but even then looking at the other girl’s, thinner, with smoother hair and more expensive clothes, you never felt their equal. Being around society’s definition of pretty had made you doubt your own beauty, but having moved away from your small hometown and met so many more people, expanded your horizons a little, you were able to take a step back and realize that you were your own definition of pretty and that was truly all that mattered.
“Well,” you pulled his hand into your lap, giving it a light squeeze, “what can I do to help?”
One thing you didn’t tell Jake was that you too had a bit of a crush on Danny. You understood what Jake meant by always liking him. Since you grew up being best friends with Jake, and Danny grew up being best friends with his brother, your paths were always crossing.
From a young age you felt butterflies in your stomach when he was in the same room, lost your words when he’d talk one on one with you, even daydreamed a time or two about what it would be like to confess your feelings, but you were sure he didn’t like you that way. You had never bothered Jake with telling him about your crush either, because you felt like it would never happen. Especially now, Danny seemed out of your league. So you pushed your own heart aside for Jake, and hatched a plan to bring the two of them together.
“Hey! You’re coming too?” Danny asked when the three of you all prepared to load up into Jake’s car with the extra keg Josh had text him last minute to bring.
“Yeah, I’m his date” you made air quotation marks with your hands making Jake roll his eyes as he tried and failed to load the keg into the trunk.
“Let me help you with that” Danny came behind Jake, placing one of his hands on top of Jake’s and the other a little spaced apart so they could lift it up.
“Great team work guys!” You called from behind, giving two thumbs up and an awkward smile. Your hands fell back to your sides when they both stared blankly at you, your palms clapping against the tight black jeans covering your thighs. “Right, well I’ll take the backseat, Danny you got shotgun”.
“Oh no that’s alright! You sit up front with Jake” Danny tried to argue, but you were already popping open the door and climbing inside.
Sliding into the middle seat, you leaned over the center console. “Your hair has gotten long Danny”.
“You think?” He chuckled as you played with a ringlet that sat at shoulder length.
“Yeah, Jake was just telling me that he really likes the way you’re doing it now. That must be a tedious routine”.
Danny glanced over at Jake, who kept his eyes trained on the road for more than one reason. “I can umm, give you some pointers if you want?”
Jake’s shoulders dropped and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. Of course Danny didn’t mean to insinuate that Jake needed some pointers. He just wanted to be nice and he had learned a thing or two about hair care.
“Is Sam coming to this party?” You questioned next, trying to keep the short drive over to campus filled with conversation.
“No, he’s got a shift he couldn’t get out of. Plus he didn’t really want to come anyways”. Danny answered.
That’s good, you thought to yourself. So you wouldn’t have to deal with trying to steal Danny away from Sam, just whoever this girl he had invited as his date. Shouldn’t be too hard.
When you arrived Jake and Danny carried the keg inside. You were a little late since Danny’s study session had gone longer than he expected, but neither you or Jake minded since most of the party was already a few drinks in and having a good time. Which meant less awkward social interactions if everyone was already a little tipsy.
“M’lady” Danny offered you the first plastic cup that was filled with beer once the keg had been successfully tapped, something you were surprised you enjoyed watching since Danny was actually really good at it.
Sometimes you forgot Danny was in the same fraternity as Josh was, just because he seemed a little more down to earth and easygoing than what you pictured a frat guy being, but seeing him like this, bag pulled backwards over his dark curls and making himself right at home, was really putting it into perspective for you.
Danny started to pour another drink for Jake next, but you quickly snatched that cup from his hands too. “Nope, I’m driving back so these are my only drinks, but I see shots over there for you two”.
Danny followed your line of sight through the kitchen to the opening for the dining room where a rowdy bunch were lining up little clear plastic shot glasses and pouring them full with a variety of bottles scattered all over the table.
Once the group had taken their shots, they cleared the room and you stepped up next, placing your beers onto the table to free your hands. “Alright, pick your poison!”
You shuffled around the bottles, the light plinking sound of glass filling the room as you tried to remember any of the fancy shots you’d learned to make the summer you turned twenty-one, bar-backing at a restaurant with a few of the girls you’d met at the university. “Unless you’d rather have what Jake’s having?”
“Oh? You know what Jake likes?” Danny moved aside and let you continue your search just as your eye caught the perfect bottle.
The man in question was waiting against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and an amused smirk on his face. Despite the small hick up in the car he was enjoying watching you attempt to get Danny worked up- and if he had already had something to drink then maybe he wouldn’t feel so guilty about staring at your ass as you leaned over the edge of the table to reach the large skinny bottle all the way in the back.
“Yep, Jake likes it tall,” you lined up two of the little plastic glasses right next to each other and started to pour the clear liquid in both, all the way to the very top as you continued to speak, “smooth”, you only spilled the tiniest amount when switching over to the next one, “and sexy”.
Danny raised a brow as he took his shot from the table, careful not to make a mess though it was nearly impossible with how close to the lip the fill was. Jake pushed off the wall and moved between you and Danny, taking his own.
“Cheers” you retrieved one of your cups and held it up. The two boys mirrored your movement then both turned to each other as they knocked the alcohol back. You tilted your cup to your lips too, chugging the rest of the beer down in one go.
“Tequila?” Danny pointed to the bottle you had poured from, still tasting the burn on his tongue. “I thought you liked bourbon?”
“Don’t tell me she knows me better than you do” Jake taunted. He picked up the tequila and filled both of their glasses up again, not quite to the top this time. “Bourbon is for when you’re being a gentleman. Tequila is for when you’re up to no good”.
Danny took his second shot and wiped his mouth dry with the back of his hand. He didn’t often take two shots back to back, but it was a party and he was with friends, so he figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra this time.
“Come on” you playfully grabbed Danny’s hand and started to pull him towards the sound of the rest of the party. “Let’s see how long we can keep you from your date”.
A good half an hour passed and you were nearly done with your last cup of beer before the three of you were ever interrupted. Josh stole Jake away first, and then Danny’s date finally seemed to care that he was here now that it was just the two of you standing around and chatting.
He had pointed her out nearly as soon as you arrived. She was a gorgeous girl with fair skin, dark auburn hair pulled into a tidy high ponytail, and she was wearing a tight dress that showed off her slender frame. Up until now she had been socializing with a group of guys from the fraternity, no doubt thriving on all the attention they gave her, but currently she was approaching Danny with a deceitful smile like she hadn’t just been ignoring him.
“Hey, glad you could make it” he greeted her as well as introducing you as one of his close friends.
“Nice to meet you” she turned her smile to you and you nod your head slightly with a strained “yeah, you too”.
You weren’t trying to be bitchy to her, but it was hard to not lose a little self confidence when standing next to someone who seemed so perfect in comparison, and that it pissed you off. Danny mentioned that she looked good and she played it off with a giggle, agreeing that he usually only saw her in sweats at study group, not dressed up like this. They looked like they would make a good couple, and it worried you that maybe Danny’s attention might’ve been caught elsewhere before you could help Jake make his move.
“So who was that guy standing with you earlier?” She asked Danny. So she had noticed them earlier.
“Jake?” Danny replied in question, unless she was talking about Josh for the brief moment he was there Jake had to be the one she was referring to.
“Is he part of the fraternity?” She glanced around the room, searching through the faces of party goers but coming up empty.
“No, his brother Josh is though. They’re around here somewhere”.
“Do you think you could introduce me? He’s really cute”.
Now you had every right to be possessive over Jake, even if you weren’t dating, and your anger flared up at her bold request. She was supposed to be Danny’s date and here she was asking him to introduce her to another guy?
Before you could open your mouth to say something to her that you would probably regret, Danny calmly and politely declined with a curt “he’s not available”.
It was curious to you that he’d chosen that excuse. Danny was close to Jake, he knew Jake was single, but it sounded like he didn’t want her making a move on him just as much as you didn’t.
“Oh” she sounded a little taken back by his short answer, like maybe she wasn’t accustomed to being rejected, but quickly pulled her smile back on and continued talking with Danny like it hadn’t even happened.
With your beer now gone and your nerves already shot, you leaned over to Danny. “I’m going to go find a bathroom, do you know where I can find one more private?”
“Yeah, just around the corner there” he nodded towards the opposite end of the packed living room, “take the stairs, if anyone tries to stop you just say I sent you up”.
“Thanks”. You slipped away, checking to make sure Danny was still talking to his date and not watching you make a wrong turn to go and find Jake.
When you found Jake you quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his chatty other half. Though he was glad you’d come to save him, he warily asked where you were going as he followed you up the stairs. You got some funny looks from the few who did see the two of you sneaking off, but thankfully no one tried to stop you.
“I’m going to talk to Danny. Get a feel of the situation” you explained as you found an empty room you could set them up in. “Give me like fifteen minutes then head back up here, okay?”
“I don’t know…” he began, looking around the random room. It was just an additional sitting area, smaller than the living room downstairs, with a few lounge chairs and a collection of gaming consoles hooked up to the obnoxiously large flatscreen. Exactly what you’d expect in a house where a bunch of college guys lived.
“Trust me?” You asked.
Jake faced you again, and nodded his head. “Yeah, I trust you”.
“Great!” You leaned over and placed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Hopefully the next time we’re in here someone will be getting kissed on the lips”.
Jake smiled and shook his head before going off to find somewhere to entertain himself during the wait.
“Danny, can I talk to you for a sec?” you leaned against the bannister of the staircase as he walked by, two drinks in hand. One for himself, and the other you assumed was for his date.
“Sure” he easily agreed, and handed one of the drinks off to a random stranger before following you back up the stairs.
You hoped this would be the last time you’d have to climb these damn stairs as you led him to the room you’d decided on earlier. “I wanted to ask you something”. Though you were unfamiliar with the house, only having just found this room earlier, Danny was well accustomed to roaming around here and knew exactly where you were heading.
“I wanted to ask you something too” he revealed, moving to set his drink down on the ledge of a fireplace inside.
“Oh,” you stood your ground as he approached you, and for some reason your heart started to beat wildly in your chest. It was dark in the room, neither having bothered to find a light switch, but the large open windows let enough moonlight in that he was completely visible. He was cast in an ethereal blue glow just like how you’d imagined him sometimes in your daydreams. “You go first”. You pushed, trying to sort out your thoughts and focus on why you were here in the first place, for Jake.
“I’ve been picking up some… signals tonight, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just reading into things”.
So your plan had been working, you let a smile slip. “No, no, you’re right we have been trying to get your attention”.
“If it’s my attention you want, you have it” he continued, coming to stand right in front of you.
“Well,” you nibbled on your lip, somehow nervous when before you’d been nothing but confident. “Someone likes you, and I wanted to see how you felt about it first”.
“Someone likes me?” He raised his brows with a light taunting chuckle, “and who would that be?”
Before you could answer him, clarify that it was Jake that you had brought him here for, Danny bridged the gap between you, letting one hand rest on your hip and the other cupping your face as he pulled you into a kiss.
You didn’t let your eyes close, and though every fiber in your body screamed at you to kiss him back, you were still as a statue. Danny pulled away and searched your expression for an answer to your hesitancy, and behind him you saw something that made your heart drop into your stomach. Jake had come just like you’d asked, and he’d seen Danny kiss you.
When Jake saw that you had noticed him, he quickly turned and fled, falling back into the dark before you had the chance to say something other than “Jake!”
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, concerned that the bewildered look on your face was his fault for moving too quickly.
“I’m sorry,” you instantly apologized, though you really hadn’t done anything wrong on purpose, a reflex that still clung to you after years of feeling insignificant. “This is wrong Danny, I can’t”.
You tried to escape, run after Jake and plead for him to forgive you, but Danny caught your arm. “Wait! I don’t understand. I thought you said you liked me?” He was more confused than ever, not having seen Jake, though by your call of his name he gathered he had something to do with it. “Are you and Jake together?”
Your brows furrowed in frustration. You didn’t want to lie to Danny, but you didn’t want to betray your best friend's trust, and the truth seemed more complicated now than it ever had been before. “No, we’re not together. Not right now at least. It’s just Jake, he’s the one that likes you. I brought you up here to meet him”.
“Oh…” Danny’s hand that lingered on your arm dropped to his side as he tried to process the information you’d given him. One question still remained at the front of his mind though. “So you don’t like me then?”
“I-” your throat clenched before you could form the words you knew you needed to say. You needed to tell him no, you didn’t like him for the sake of your friendship, but instead what came out was. “I do, Danny”.
“I can’t though,” you quickly continued, trying to make up for confessing with rationalization. “Jake means the world to me, I could never do anything to hurt him. So I need to find him, please, I need to tell him this was all just some huge misunderstanding”.
“I don’t want it to be a misunderstanding though” Danny pleaded. “I like Jake” he wasn’t afraid to tell you that, and honestly if Jake had still been here right now he’d tell him too. “But I like you too. I just never said anything because I thought you were with him. I mean even if you guys say you’re not together, everyone can see the chemistry there”.
“What are you saying Danny?”
“I’m saying I like both of you” he couldn’t help the anxious huff and smile as he admit what he’d held a secret for so long. “I’ve thought about being with both of you before, I just didn’t know either of you were into me like that”.
“With both of us?” Your voice came out in a doubtful tone, though the idea was already causing butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
“Is that okay? To like both of you?” He sounded apprehensive of himself now, his shoulders slumping like he was shrinking in on himself.
“I-” you stumbled over your words again, feeling your face flush when you really allowed yourself to think about it. “Yes, that’s okay with me, but Jake…” you were afraid to agree to it now. Though you claimed to know Jake better than anyone else, except maybe his own twin, you didn’t want to speak for him on this matter. Especially not after you’d just seemingly broken his trust.
“I know” Danny wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into a tight, all encompassing hug. “Let’s go find him and clear this up”.
The two of you found Jake outside, sitting on a bench with Josh who was the only one to regard your presence when you joined them on the patio. Jake had a joint perched between his fingers, the cherry lighting up as he took a drag and exhaled slowly.
“I’m going to go back inside, it’s a little chilly out here” Josh mentioned as he stood and nodded in your direction before turning back to his brother. “If you need anything just let me know okay?”
Jake was silent, taking another inhale then letting his hand settle against the armrest so the ashes would fall to the ground instead of in his lap.
“What did he tell you?” You whispered as Josh passed by.
“Nothing. He just pulled me out here and demanded I light one up for him. He’s lucky I was saving that one for after the party”.
“He’s going to be alright” Danny assured him, and Josh left you to work it out amongst yourselves.
Danny moved to take Josh’s place next to Jake on the bench, but between the two of them there wasn’t much room left to sit. You stayed off to the side, mostly keeping your distance in case Jake really was as upset with you as you knew you deserved to be.
“Hey there Jake” Danny began softly, trying to win him over with honey before jumping into the explanation for what he’d seen upstairs. “Can we talk?”
“Bout what?” Jake nearly croaked out, his voice half shot from the smoke, but you could tell it was also because he was holding back his emotions.
Your eyes prickled for him, but you dried them quickly with your hand. He hadn’t yelled at you yet, cursed the both of you and ran you off the patio, so there was hope yet he’d hear you out. No doubt the accompaniment of the weed was helping keep him calm.
Danny took his hat off and placed it on his knee, running his fingers through the tangles at the crown of his head a few times before leaning back on the bench. “Remember that summer when we all went to the beach? We rented this huge house with like six rooms. Sam brought this girl he’d only been seeing for like two weeks and it pissed everyone off because it was just supposed to be a family trip”.
Your heart went sore as you easily remembered the trip Danny was referring to, having been so excited to be invited and considered a part of the family just like Danny was. It was a short vacation over the Labor Day weekend which meant the beach was so busy, but that didn’t stop you from having the best time of your life.
“She ended up being a really nice girl” Jake mentioned, “Sam’s an idiot for letting that one go”.
“I agree with you there” Danny chuckled, not in too much of a hurry to get to the point of bringing up this story. “You two were inseparable that weekend” he glanced over at you, trying to encourage you to come closer. You did, inching forwards until Jake’s eyes flickered over and you halted like a deer ready to run from a sniper in the woods and his piercing gaze.
It felt like so long ago, even though in the grand scheme of your relationship over the years not much time had really passed between then and now. You weren’t sure how much everyone knew about you and Jake around that time, didn’t really care about what details he did or didn’t get into with his brothers, but the night before leaving was the party you had both gotten really drunk at and slept together for the second and last time. In the morning you were so terrified Jake would put some distance between you, even debated not taking the trip with them all together so he wouldn’t have to feel awkward about what had happened, but Jake clung to you the entire time.
That weekend was probably the closest you and Jake had ever come to being a legitimate couple. Every chance you got he was at your side, holding your hand, even giving you good night kisses. And yet when you got back home, back to school and work and reality, things just went back to normal.
“I remember one night, after spending all day at the beach Sam and Josh went to bed early but we stayed up to watch a movie together. You fell asleep first and I tried to get her to bed, but she wouldn’t leave you alone. So I got your blanket from your bed and she cuddled up next to you on the couch”.
Though Jake wasn’t speaking much, his face showed that he remembered the night. He remembered waking up early in the morning with you underneath his arm on the couch, not knowing how either of you had ended up that way and with a blanket too. Now he knew he had Danny to thank for that.
“I went to bed so envious that night. I mean I have Sam, and I’ve dated my fair share, but I don’t think I’ve ever come close to having what you two have”.
Jake let his eyes finally meet yours now, and he could tell you were still on the brink of tears. His brows furrowed, he didn’t want to see you upset but he was still a little hurt, and waiting for Danny to get to the part where he would be telling him he wanted you for himself. That’s what made this so difficult, because not only was his crush being taken away but he felt like he was going to lose you too.
“So tonight,” Danny continued and Jake took one last hit off his joint in preparation, “I know there might’ve been some misunderstandings, and I just want to clear the air. I don’t know what I can offer that you don’t already have, but I’d very much like to, if there’s room for me, stay with both of you”.
“With her?” Jake asked, trying to clarify what he thought Danny meant.
“With her,” Danny repeated, but took Jake’s free hand in his own, “and you”.
Danny didn’t want to make it sound like the two of you had decided this without him, you both wanted Jake to come to a conclusion on his own, hoping on bated breath that he would agree as well.
He thought about it for a moment, honestly not having even considered this was an option when he’d seen the kiss upstairs. He automatically assumed Danny wasn’t into him that way, and there was still a part of him that doubted whether Danny was doing this truly to be with him too or if it was just a ploy to get to you. Danny had never been the deceitful type though, so he chose to believe he really did want this, and Jake wanted it too.
Even though it had been so long since there had been sexual intimacy between you two, Jake never stopped wanting you. It was hard sometimes when you came over and laid on his bed like it was your own, let your guard down and made yourself comfortable and easy for the taking. All he’d have to do would be to crawl into bed with you and he knew things would easily progress from there, but you had never expressed any real desire to be anything more than friends. So held himself back, looked for reprieve in others like Meghan, but no one ever compared. Until the crush on Danny developed.
“I think…” he trailed off for a moment as he turned his hand over in Danny’s and laced their fingers together. “I’d like that too”.
Danny let out a relieved laugh, so glad his little story time actually worked because he’d had no back up plan other than to both beg him for forgiveness. “Thank fucking god. Can I kiss you too then?” He thought it would be a good thing to ask this time, just so he didn’t put anyone in a bad spot again.
Jake glanced back over at you, and you couldn’t contain the smile that came when you nodded your head. He turned back around and Danny was already pressing their lips together. At first you felt out of place watching them share this intimate moment, their first kiss, but soon Danny was breaking away and asking you to come closer again.
Jake stood first, taking your hands and leading them to wrap your arms around his neck. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
You answered him with your own kiss, tasting the remnants of weed on his mouth and feeling your head spin like he was your high. Danny waited patiently for Jake to finish kissing you back before he joined from behind him.
With his added height, he was able to lean over Jake’s shoulder and reach your lips with his own, then after a few moments he used his finger underneath his chin to bring Jake’s face back and they connected again right in front of you.
Things were heating up quickly and you could feel the ache between your legs start to set in. “Boys, do we umm, want to take this party somewhere else?”
Danny, having been momentarily lost in kissing Jake, looked at you with glossed over eyes before quickly agreeing.
“I think we should find Josh and tell him we’re leaving first, so he knows we’re alright” Jake added.
“Right, I don’t need him interrupting later to check in on you” Danny brushed Jake’s hair over to the side and places a kiss on your hands before pulling away. “Not that you’ll be available to answer any phone calls”.
“Is that right?” Jake cocked an eyebrow, his hands still gripping into your hips like he never wanted to let go again.
Now that everyone was back on the same page again, your flirtatious side was coming out again so you joined in on the banter. “What do you have in store for us Danny?”
“Why don’t we hurry up and you can both find out for yourselves?”
The three of you found Josh in the dining room with a group that was lining up their next round of shots. He looked like he was still in full swing at the party, and standing right next to him was none other than Danny’s date.
“Josh, we’re leaving” Jake quickly announced to his brother, more than ready to get heading home.
“Wait! Already?” Josh complained, shot in hand and a pout on his face. He studied all of your faces, trying to determine without asking if whatever was wrong earlier had been resolved, but then he clocked Jake’s hand around your own. “Well, be safe getting home. Don’t wait up for me”.
“Wasn’t planning on it” Jake replied with a smirk and between him and Josh they both knew what that meant.
You started to follow him out the way you had come in earlier, from the back door in the kitchen, but you slowed Jake down when you noticed Danny was lingering behind.
“Will you be alright to get home?” He asked his date who looked like she had probably had one too many drinks since you left her downstairs.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure she’s safe” Josh put Danny to ease, just like Danny had for him outside.
“You’re leaving with her?” She asked Danny as she poured another shot straight into her plastic cup. “Why don’t you stay with me?”
“I’m leaving with both of them” Danny corrected, taking the cup to knock back the contents for her before tossing it into the trash can. “See you around sometime”.
He left her with the same shocked expression on her face as he had given her earlier when saying Jake was unavailable. It made sense now why he had shot her down so quickly, because Danny was willing to share you with him but no one else.
Even if you had two beers at the party, everything that had happened had sobered you up enough to drive back to the rental Jake and his brothers shared. The ride was quick, but the tension that built in the air between the three of you grew exponentially the closer you got to the destination. By the time the car was parked back in the driveway Jake was busting out of the back seat and hurrying over to the door to unlock it with his set of keys.
“You think Sam will be home soon?” You questioned when you and Danny joined him.
“If he is, then he will be in for a treat” Danny chuckled as he wrapped his hands around your waist and pressed your back to his front. With just the pair of tight jeans between the two of you, his excitement was already evident by the way his half erection pressed into your ass.
Jake got the door open and before you knew it he was pulling you from Danny’s hold and relieving you of your shirt as his lips crashed back into yours. Danny made sure the door was shut and locked back up before returning behind you and placing kisses all over your bare shoulders. His fingers found the clasp of your bra, then they pulled at your straps until the piece was slipping from your chest and joining your shirt on the floor.
Pressed between the two of them you felt your knees start to shake from arousal. You could feel both of them growing harder and you gained Jake’s attention by reaching down to cup him over his pants.
He moaned against your mouth and Danny hummed against your neck in approval. “You want to make Jake feel good first? I think we owe him that after earlier”.
You bit your lip as you started to unbutton Jake’s pants next, smiling at the way his face flushed when you started to pull them down past the swell of his ass. “Take these off Jakey” you requested and he obediently helped pull his legs free as you lowered yourself in front of him.
Jake was standing face to face with Danny now that you were on your knees between them, his blush only growing brighter as Danny removed his hat again and pulled his shirt off as well. His focus was quickly taken away though when you pulled the waistband of his boxers down and took him out with your hand.
“You want her mouth?” Danny asked as he watched you stroke him slowly from base to tip. Jake nodded his head, afraid to open his mouth and hear whatever lewd moans that would no doubt come spilling out.
“Tell her” Danny instructed, as he reached forward and grabbed Jake’s hand. He retrieved the black elastic Jake wore around his finger, usually for his own long strands when they became unruly enough to warrant being pulled into a bun, but Danny used it to gather your hair up from your face and tie it back in a low ponytail. “She’s waiting”.
“Fuck,” Jake panted, already growing frenzied from just Danny standing there watching you jerk him off. “I want your mouth” he admit, looking down right in time to see you smiling and giving him a kiss on the underside of his over sensitive head. He was unable to fight back the whine that did surface when you licked him next, all the way from his balls and up his shaft until you were wrapping your lips all the way around him.
Though this was the first time you had given Jake head, it wasn’t by any means your first rodeo, so you wasted no time pulling out all the stops trying to get a rise out of Jake as much as you were putting on a show for Danny.
“Damn, I didn’t know she was so good at that” Danny commented, his own hand palming himself through his jeans for a bit of relief.
“Me neither” Jake replied, his voice getting caught at the top of his throat when you took him all the way down yours and held him there.
Unable to stand by and watch any longer, Danny dropped down to his knees next to you and pulled on your pony tail until you were popping off Jake with tears starting to well in your eyes. Even with saliva still smeared across your face, Danny hungrily attacked your lips with his own, making sure Jake could see the way he tugged at your ponytail again to tilt your head back and slip his tongue inside.
Jake, though he admired the way you both kissed so passionately, interrupted by taking a hold of Danny by his chin and turning him towards his still wet cock. Danny opened his mouth without even the slightest hesitation and took Jake in, his eyes fluttering closed as he hollowed out his checks and sucked hard enough that Jake was tossing his head back and crying out.
You whimpered at the sight, feeling the way your panties soaked through and you squeezed your thighs together. Somehow Jake managed to register your tiny sounds, and he decided it was time to move to the bedroom before he got too lost in what was happening and you guys really did put on a show for Sam when he returned. So he tapped Danny’s shoulder and leaned down to help pick you up off the floor.
“How exactly are we going to do this?” You questioned with a giggle as the three of you stood each of you half dressed in front of Jake’s tiny bed.
“We’ll make it work” Danny answered and started to unbuckle his belt so he could rid himself of his own jeans. Jake followed suit by finally taking his shirt off, the both of them throwing their clothes somewhere in the corner of the room.
You had seen both of them shirtless plenty of times but it never ceased to amaze you how beautiful they both were, especially now as Danny ran his hand across Jake’s chest and they kissed again. Unfortunately it reminded you of your own toplessness, and you suddenly grew hyper aware of your body as you wrapped your arms around your chest.
“What’s the matter?” Danny asked, stepping away from Jake for a moment to come to your side.
“Nothing,” you shrugged your shoulders, but your hands gripped tightly into your upper arms, feeling the way they were squishy compared to his nicely toned upper body.
Jake instantly knew what you were thinking, he knew the way you struggled with body image issues in high school, and even still now though you had really grown out of it and learned to love the shape of your body no matter what anyone else said about it. “You’re so beautiful” he offered, hoping his reassurance would put your mind at ease.
“I know” you replied, giving him a soft smile in return. He had been so patient and endearing with you during your first time. When you were so scared to let him see you like this. It was definitely part of the reason your confidence blossomed into what it was today.
Danny had never seen you before though, and those old nerves were starting to resurface again. “I never knew you liked me like this” you said, looking up at Danny. “Never thought you found me attractive”.
Danny’s brows furrowed like he was offended you ever had that notion in the first place. “I have always thought you were attractive. You are a beautiful person on the inside and the outside”. He placed his hands on your shoulders, gently until he knew you were accepting of his touch and then he started to rub up and down your arms.
“Now,” his voice turned soft once more when you loosened your grip and let your arms fall to your sides again, “do you want to lay down on the bed so we can both prove to you just how sexy we think you are?”
You climbed onto the bed and sat in the middle, waiting for one or both of them to join you, but Danny already had something in mind. He walked back over to Jake, moving past him to pull the chair out from his desk and position it facing the bed. “Your turn to watch”.
With Jake sitting, Danny returned to you, easing you down onto your back as he hovered above you. “I’ve been thinking about this for so long, now that it’s actually happening I almost can’t believe it’s real”.
“I’ve thought about it too Danny” you reached around his shoulders, tangling your fingers in the thickness of his hair at the base of his neck.
“Tell me, what have you thought about?”
“About you touching me” you murmured, a sort of quiet calm falling over the room as you and Danny shared your moment.
He let his hands smooth up your thighs, giving them a squeeze and you a smirk “like this?”
“No, somewhere else”. Next he traveled up your hips, and you fought the flinch and recoil that came to you when his hands found their way across your stomach.
“Relax sweetheart” he cooed, making sure he was looking you in the eyes for any indication you truly wanted him to stop. “It’s just skin, soft and beautiful”.
You took his hands in yours and guided them further upwards until he was grabbing at your breasts. “Here” you breathed out, “touch me here”.
Having your chest fondled wasn’t usually on the top of your list of my favorite acts in the bedroom, but when Danny pinched your nipples between his fingers you let out a moan and arched your back. “Can I suck on them?” He asked, and you eagerly nodded. It was a combination of cold and warm, first the coolness of his wet tongue against the air as he licked over the hardened buds. Then warm when he pulled them into his mouth.
You moaned again, but the whimper you heard didn’t come from you. Looking to the side you saw Jake, still sitting patiently in his chair and stroking himself softly.
“Mmhmm, look over here” Danny popped off your breast to call your attention back. “It’s just me and you right now”.
You sighed contently as he went back to sucking on the other side, both of your nipples lathered up in spit and slightly aching from how hard they were.
Danny sat back up, his fingers playing with the button on your jeans. “Let’s take these off now”. You helped by lifting your hips, and he easily pulled them down your legs and off your body despite how hard they’d been to squeeze into before the party.
He leaned down again and placed a kiss on your lower tummy, then your hip. You could feel how wet you were already, and there was no way with his face so close to your center he couldn’t tell as well. “These too?” He framed his request into a question this time, his teeth nipping and pulling at the waistband of the thong you’d chosen to wear tonight. For the sake of no panty lines of course, not because you ever expected tonight would end with Danny using his teeth to peel them down.
You hooked your thumbs into the straps and quickly pulled them all the way down, Danny having to pull away again so you could get your legs free, then you were finally spread completely bare before him.
Danny settled between your thighs, urging you to bring your legs up and spread them wider so he could get a better look. “Fuck Jake, she’s perfect everywhere isn’t she?”
“I know” Jake answered, almost smugly as he’d had the pleasure of being in Danny’s exact position once before.
“So you two have had some fun already then?” Danny shook his head in faux disbelief, resolving himself that he wasn’t going to waste his chance to outdo the other man. So he dove in, his tongue finding every sensitive place you had to offer him and lapping at your juices until you were a shaking moaning mess. His tongue settled on your clit, slowing down a little to not overstimulate you so quickly as he positioned two fingers at your entrance.
“Danny, please” you bucked your hips into his face, searching for more.
Without having to ask again, Danny plunged his fingers deep inside you, increasing the pressure with his tongue in the same step, and within minutes you were spiraling towards your peak. Danny gripped your thigh with his free hand, and continued to pump his fingers in and out of you until your orgasm came washing over your entire body and you were drenching his mouth in your release. He re-emerged from between your legs with an amused smile, wiping his face clean with the back of his clean hand. “Have you ever squirt before?”
“No?” You giggled nervously, thinking maybe he was joking because of how aroused you were, but he was entirely serious. “I don’t know if I can”.
“Do you want to try?”
You sheepishly agreed, not knowing how this was going to go, but willing to try because you trusted him. Both of them.
“Jake, come over here” Danny stood from the bed and called him over. Jake jumped at the chance to get to him again, connection their lips again and tasting you on Danny. “Go, hold her, make her feel comfortable”.
Jake joined you on the bed, crawling around until he was behind you. Danny grabbed your hips and pulled you down until your ass was nearly hanging off the edge of the mattress and Jake let you use his legs as a pillow.
“You mind if we make a little mess?” Danny grinned as he got back between your legs from the floor, confident as ever he was going to absolutely rock your world.
“Fuck no” Jake answered him. “You ready sweetheart?” He had tucked himself back into his boxers, but you could still see the tent in the fabric when you turned to nuzzle your nose into the fold where his thigh met his hips. You tried to nip and mouth at his erection, but he placed a hand on your cheek. “Not yet, Danny’s gonna make you cum first then we can get back to that”.
“Relax for me” Danny, slid his fingers in again, and from this angle he was able to reach deep inside to the point you were arching your back again and reaching up to find somewhere on Jake to grip tightly. He held one hand, and the other grabbed a fist full of the back of his boxers.
Still recovering from your first high, it didn’t take Danny long to get you back to the edge with his mouth, but once you started to feel that tightening in your stomach, he pulled his mouth away and pressed down on your lower tummy as his fingers started to curl inside you.
“Oh my god!” You cried out, tightening your grips on Jake to the point you might’ve been hurting him, but your mind was too far gone to care.
“Right there beautiful, that’s it” Danny coaxed you closer to climax again. “Does it feel good?”
You were squirming, unable to control the way your body shook. “I feel too good” you whimpered, afraid you were reaching overstimulation now.
“Don’t fight it” Danny continued working his fingers, his thumb reaching around and pressing against your clit. That was all you needed to break, your second orgasm gushing from you without warning. He pulled his fingers out quickly and circled them around your clit again until you were clamping your things shut around his hand.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, okay!”
“I think she needs a little break” Jake told Danny, watching the way your chest rose and fell as you tried to catch your breath. “Don’t want to break her so early in the night”.
“I think you might be right” Danny agreed. He found a piece of stray clothing to clean his hands off with, and your legs a little bit, then helped pull you back upright. “You alright?” He asked, smoothing the hairs that had pulled free from your now messy ponytail.
“Mind if Jake and I play a little now?”
You nodded and gave him a kiss, whispering into his ear before pulling away. “Don’t go easy on him”.
“Wasn’t planning on it” he chuckled back, chasing your lips with his until you were scooting back on the bed and finding somewhere to rest for a moment.
Danny moved to take your place, sitting on the edge of the bed before pulling Jake into his lap. “Are you having a good time?” He asked as he peppered kisses across Jake’s chest.
“Hmm, I am” Jake replied, catching your eyes from behind Danny’s shoulder and giving you a warm smile. “Are you?”
“I’m surprised I’m still holding it together right now honestly. I never thought I’d really get to hold you like this”.
Danny nearly went back on his word when Jake started to grind his hips down into Danny’s lap, giving them both a little of the friction they craved. “I want you to do a lot more than just hold me Danny”.
“Oh?” Danny took hold of Jake’s hips and started to rut upwards to meet him halfway causing Jake to whimper again and sigh. “Tell me what you want then”.
Jake closed his eyes and pursed his lips as his grinding sped up. It wasn’t enough, but it felt good enough to keep chasing the sensation. At least until Danny abruptly stopped him. “Come on Jake, you’re going to tell me what you want or I’m going to go back to that gorgeous girl over there. She was so good for me”.
Jake opened his eyes again and he searched for you, finding you propped up against his pillows and watching intently. Though neither of you were new to being with each other, having Danny here, another man was, and he worried for a moment what you might think of him if he were to be absolutely honest.
“Don’t be shy now Jakey” you called to him, knowing exactly how he was feeling in this moment. “Tell him what you want. We’re both here for you”.
“I want you to fuck me Danny” Jake finally pleaded, before hiding his face in the crook of Danny’s neck.
He felt Danny’s chest rumble when he laughed, and Danny ran his hands up Jake’s spine to sooth him. “How’s that sound beautiful girl? You want to take turns fucking him?”
That was a rhetorical question, who wouldn’t want that? You let your hand come to rest between your legs now, your fingers running through your folds and gathering up the slick from your new found arousal.
Jake stood up tentatively, then moved over to his dresser where he opened the top drawer and retrieved a bottle of lube and a couple of condoms. When he turned around Danny had already rid himself of his last shred of clothing, and the two of you were both waiting for him to return.
The next few movements were a blur of kisses and soft touches, then before you knew if Danny had Jake fully naked as well and shamefully on his hands and knees in front of you.
“Jake’s such a good boy isn’t he?” Danny teased as he grabbed his ass and gave it a squeeze before spreading him apart and spitting on his hole. “Let’s see how far we can push him”.
Jake turned his face into the sheets to hide his groaning as Danny’s fingers circled his entrance, massaging the muscle and getting him used to the touch until he started to press the first one inside.
“That’s it Jakey, his fingers feel good don’t they?” You sweet talked him through it as you rubbed his back and played with his hair. You let Danny take his time stretching him for a while before moving to his side and kissing at his shoulders.
“Can I?” You asked as Danny’s patience was cut between you reaching around to palm at his length and Jake moaning for more. He pulled his fingers free and moved aside, allowing you room to reach Jake, but instead of replacing his fingers with yours you leaned over and slipped your tongue right inside him as far as it would go.
Jake yelped and tilted his hips back, not expecting to feel your mouth, but so thankful for it as you fucked your tongue in and out. While you had Jake distracted Danny took the opportunity to roll one of the condoms on and lather himself up with lube. Though he had yet to be touched very much, just a few strokes with the lube in his hand was all he needed to know he was going to have to take this very slowly if he was going to last longer than a few minutes.
“Why don’t you go lay underneath him?” Danny asked after tapping your shoulder. You wiped your mouth and followed suit, laying back down onto the pillows and letting Jake climb on top of you and take a familiar place between your legs. Jake was still nervous, but at least this way he was able to look into your eyes and find some peace there.
“I dream about this all the time” Jake whispered as he kissed at your neck, his tip already nudging against your bundle of nerves and making you clench around nothing, waiting for him to be inside you again. “No ones ever been more perfect than you”.
“Then what are you waiting for” you asked, rocking your hips in motion with him.
Jake got into position first, slipping inside with ease and pushing all the way in before he bottomed out and pausing to wait for Danny. He wasn’t far behind, using one hand to push on Jake’s shoulders and get him to lower himself a little more while the other lined himself up.
You watched as Jake’s eyes pinched shut, brows furrowed, and his jaw went slack for a moment, his body and mind trying to wrap around all the sensations of being buried inside you and penetrated all at once. “I think he’s good now” you let Danny know he was in the clear to start moving when Jake’s expression softened and he looked at you again with all the adoration in the world. Danny took his cue, slowly building a steady pace until he was snapping his hips into Jake and the force was causing him to push further into you.
His arms were starting to shake on either side of you, strained from holding himself steady in position so that no one slipped out of place. All you wanted was for him to be comfortable, the same way he had gone above and beyond to make sure you enjoyed your first time, so you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him down into a hug letting him rest his cheek against your chest.
Danny leaned forward with him, getting an even better angle so that now he was nudging right up against that spot inside Jake that made him inhale sharply and an uncontrollable moan forced its way out his throat.
“Ahhh fuck!” He cried out, wrapping his arms underneath yours and squeezing you tight. “I can’t, I’m gonna cum”.
“Me too” you chimed, no doubt your fluttering around him part of the reason he was so close. “Danny?”
“Yeah I’m right there. Who wants it? You or Jake?” He answered, his thrusts already slowing speed and growing sloppy.
“Come here, we can share” you replied and Danny quickly pulled himself from Jake before ripping off the condom. He had enough stamina left in him to make it upright with both feet on the floor, standing beside you on the bed and pumping himself towards his finish.
Jake sat back up and started thrusting in you again, chasing his own high until he watched as you took Danny in your hand and guided him to your mouth. All at once Danny and Jake were both filling you and your orgasm came wracking through your body at the feeling of warmth washing all over.
Just as you said, when Danny stepped away first, you sat up with Jake and pushed your lips to his, swapping Danny’s load back and forth a few times until it was pretty evenly distributed and you both swallowed with a dazed smile.
“You two are the hottest couple I’ve ever fucking met” Danny gasped out, wiping the bit of sweat that had accumulated on his chest with his thumb.
“The three of us are the hottest couple” you corrected him, beckoning him over to share a few more kisses before you all managed to puzzle yourselves together on the bed and blissfully fall asleep.
You woke up to a quiet sound. It wasn’t too early, but you were still tired enough to want to fall back asleep until you figured out what exactly it was you were hearing. When you opened your eyes, your back was against the wall and you were practically laying on top of Danny who was on his back but with his head turned away. Jake was on his side, curled up to Danny as well and they were kissing deeply, their tongues fighting for dominance over the other before Jake finally gave in and melted into submission.
“Someone’s awake” Danny paused their early make out session to announce your return to consciousness.
Jake reached over Danny’s chest and grabbed your hand, pulling you toward him until you were resituated between them, you front to Danny and your back to Jake. Danny captured your lips with his, kissing you just like he had Jake only seconds ago while Jake’s hands roamed all over your body.
“How do you feel?” Danny asked, clearly trying to gauge whether or not you were up for a round two so soon like they very clearly were.
“Never been better” you smiled, your voice catching when Jake’s hand snaked between your thighs to see if you were wet. Of course you were, you’d woken up naked in bed with not one, but both of them. Last night felt like a dream, but the dull ache in your core when Jake delved his fingers in reminded you that it was very much real.
“Jake was just telling me about how good you feel” Danny smiled as he watched your face contort into that of pure pleasure when he added his fingers to the mix, circling them around your clit. “Want to feel you so bad”.
“You want me to keep going?” Jake asked as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, “or do you want Danny to fill you up?”
Your head was spinning from all the possibilities of how this could play out, but when it came down to it, only one thing truly mattered to you. “I want you both. Please”.
“That’s a good girl” Danny kissed your forehead and pulled your leg up around his hip just as Jake retreated his hand only to move around to your backside. He used your slick to press his finger inside, then another until you were moaning and clawing at Danny’s shoulders.
Danny reached between your bodies and guided himself through your folds, and then Jake was there too spitting into his palm for a little extra lubrication so he could ease himself behind. Once Jake was finally situated, Danny thrust in and you cried out from how good it felt to be so full and connected with both of them.
They both started to move and all you could do was just lay there and take it, let them both use you to reach their own finish as you were sure your climax was already budding deep in your stomach.
The room was filled with the sounds of your combined moans and thrusting until everyone came to a halt at the sound of a door slamming shut from across the hallway. Sam, or Josh if he’d somehow made it home instead of sleeping at the fraternity house.
“Please don’t start fucking again!” Sam hollered grumpily. You guessed he had gotten back sometime last night, but in the heat of everything no one had noticed.
“He will get over it” Danny shrugged and you couldn’t help but giggle at how absurd it was, but also you didn’t want to stop right now either.
As quietly as you could, the three of you finished what you were in the middle of. Well they finished with you in the middle, crashing into your orgasm with blinding force.
“I need a shower, desperately” you announced after pulling yourself free from the tangle of limbs. “And to brush my teeth”.
“Your toothbrush is still in the bathroom” Jake replied, sitting up and examining the mess that really was made between last night and this morning. “You go ahead and we will clean up a bit”.
After your shower, you left the bathroom feeling like a new woman, wearing one of Danny’s many shirts that he’d left over here and a pair of Jake’s boxers. Your mouth minty fresh with Jake’s toothpaste.
Jake and Danny still needed to shower, so you left the bedroom to find something to eat in the kitchen, but as you rounded the corner from the hallway to the living room you nearly ran into Sam.
“Oh hey Sam!” You tried to sound excited to see him, and you usually were, though you were thoroughly embarrassed it was under these circumstances. “I’m sorry about last night”.
“It’s alright” he sighed, “I’m just glad Danny will finally shut up about being obsessed with you two”.
“He told you?” You asked, but it wasn’t really that surprising considering how close they were. Then you thought for a moment, sure you were in Danny’s shirt but you were in Jake’s room. How did Sam add that up so quickly? “Wait, how did you know Danny was with us?”
Sam’s eyes shifted over to the floor of the living room where a pile of mixed clothes had been forgotten. “Those are Jake’s pants, that’s Danny’s hat and shirt, I’m assuming that’s your shirt”.
Your face lit up in even more embarrassment. So Sam had known since the second he got home what exactly was going on.
“Next time give me a warning okay? I’ll go crash with Josh or something” he pat you on the shoulder and continued back down the hallway to his own bedroom where you heard the door shut gently closed behind him this time.
You gathered up the clothes and tossed them into Jake’s room before heading back to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee while waiting for the others to finish getting cleaned up. Danny joined you first, pressing up against you from behind and stealing a bite of the toast you had just made.
“God I’m starving. Please tell me they have something other than just bread”.
“There’s some eggs in the fridge I can fry” you giggled, pushing your ass back up against him as he grinned down at you devilishly. “So Sam knows”.
“He was going to find out sooner or later, better it be now” Danny didn’t seem to care much at all as he turned to open the fridge and you bent down to shuffle through their cabinets for a pan and some cooking oil.
“You know, he mentioned something about you being obsessed with us”.
“I may or may not have drunkenly confessed to him one night about how badly I liked you guys”. Danny set the eggs down on the counter with a shrug. “Now, are you going to tell me why you and Jake insisted with everyone that you weren’t together?”
You thought about it for a moment, the simple truth being that the both of you had it in your minds you were just friends, so you stuck to it. “We were just trying to give each other some space to figure out if that was really what we wanted. Though we spend most of our time together, we were missing that extra something to spark that fire. I think you are that spark”.
“Is that eggs?” Jake finally joined the two of you in the kitchen, having taken some extra time to strip his sheets and start a load of laundry.
As soon as Jake was within snatching range Danny grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a kiss that had you smiling fondly at them when Jake relaxed into it.
“What’s that for?” Jake sheepishly asked, though he wrapped his arms around Danny too.
“Nothing, just some spark” Danny grinned back at you and you shook your head and continued getting some breakfast made for your hungry boys.
Tags: @kultavalo @sanguinebats @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @writingcold @musicislove3389 @fleetingjake @milojames16
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icaruspendragon · 7 months
i hope this isn't too personal of a question (and if it is that's totally cool, i was literally just curious as a fellow aspec person), but i was wondering what some of your thoughts were about being aspec, like it's totally cool if your thoughts were just the post you reblogged!!! that's honestly still putting into words a bit a similar way i figured out i was aspec, but i know you seem to have really interesting takes on things/conclusions you've realized about things a lot of the time and so i was just curious what thoughts were turning around your head about being aspec
I don't mind talking about it at all!
So for me sex is like this perfunctory, borderline tedious thing. I almost want to call it a chore, but that has negative connotations that don't exactly match up with how I feel about it. It's like something on a to do list, or like running an errand.
Think of it this way: For me, having sex is akin to going to the pharmacy. Actually, it's more like being asked to go for someone else. It's not on my list of things I enjoy doing and there are other things I would rather do, but I don't mind going if someone asks me to. But once in a blue moon I do actually want to go because I want candy or a Juneberry Red Bull or some shit like that and Walgreens happens to be nearby.
Media builds up sex to be this incredible and awesome and amazing thing that everyone wants to have, which is at odds with the widely held societal belief that it's uncouth to discuss sex openly with others. So if media says "yes you should want this" and society says "but you shouldn't talk about it with others because it's an incredibly private act" it makes it kinda difficult when you don't feel the way you're "supposed to." And then when you do talk about how you don't feel that way, people say there's something wrong with you or that you haven't found the right person or that maybe you need to change things up in the bedroom or that you need to go to a doctor because it's gotta be a hormonal imbalance or something. The list really does go on and on.
And so many of my expectations surrounding sex were informed by fanfic where I read, in detail, about how good it was supposed to feel. About all the different ways it could feel good.
I wanted it to be like that for me, for it to be as good as I had read and seen and heard others talk about, so I kept on trying. And sometimes I enjoyed it. Not E rated fanfic enjoyed it, but it was nice. Nice in the same way a cup of tea is nice, but nice nonetheless.
But most of the time it was like, clinical? Like I was acutely aware of what was happening, if that makes sense. I was thinking about the mechanics of it, what was going in where. I was thinking about how it was "supposed to feel" versus how it actually felt. I would wonder how much longer it would take because I was getting bored. Sometimes I would think about how rude it would be if I checked my phone. And probably the most upsetting (retrospectively) thing I would think about was if my act of enjoyment was convincing enough. And I didn't ever want to tell a partner that I wasn't enjoying it because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Because I thought it was a me problem. That there was something wrong with me. And there being something wrong with me wasn't fair to whoever I was with. I just needed to grin and bear it, so to speak.
At one point I had a bit of a gay panic where I thought wasn't bisexual and actually a lesbian. The panic was over the confusion, not over the potential lesbianism. Lesbians are awesome. But I learned that while sexual intimacy with women was a bit easier, my feelings (or lack thereof) about sex were still the same. And that meant there was something wrong with me in particular.
I know now that my perspective was warped and my thoughts about myself were both unkind and untrue, but that was a lot to try and reconcile as a 19 year old who already thought she was undesirable. Constantly being called a "late bloomer" and not having your first relationship until you're a sophomore in college sure does a number on your self esteem. Which in turn does a number on your perception of yourself.
Then as I got older, I got more queer friends. And I talked to those queer friends. And they talked about sex differently than my straight friends did. More openly and honestly. With less fanfare. And it was during those discussions that I heard about experiences similar to mine. And it helped me realize I wasn't broken. Well, that and google.
And now I stand before you today, an aspec bisexual able to joke about being horny in theory but not in application. It's nice not feeling broken anymore. But I think it's even nicer now knowing that I was never broken in the first place.
Sometimes sex is nice, but most of the time, it's just going to the pharmacy. And both of those things are okay.
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mrs-gauche · 4 months
Let's talk about the Red Lyrium Idol
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(…Because it's not like this thing has been discussed to death over the past ten years, right? 😂 *drops my two cents in the Scrooge McDuck money bin*)
Ah yes… The red lyrium idol. The one thing that's given me a headache since 2018, as I'm still trying to figure out how this damn thing could possibly fit into my bazillion tinfoil theories.
Whether it's the first official DA4 teaser in 2018, the Blue Wraith comic series or the entirety of the last chapter of Tevinter Nights, a lot of the supplementary media and promotional stuff setting up the course for DA4 seems to be centered around the idol. Quite literally, in some cases, like this mural from the first 2018 teaser:
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It certainly led us to think that the idol won't just be another McGuffin (or so I hope lol), but other than that, it's still heavely shrouded in mystery…
Which is why I will now make an attempt to unravel this and gather every single bit of information we have on it (so far) and maybe that'll get us closer to some sort of answer in the end (actually, it won't, because this got SO long that I had to split this post in two parts lol No one's going to read all of this anyway 💀)!
Look, I just needed to get this behemoth of a post out before we might get an actual substantial trailer tomorrow and none of this will probably matter anymore. 😂💀
(Note: This whole thing was initially intended to be solely for myself to keep track of any information we've gotten about the idol since DA2. But since it's gotten SO long over the years, I figured why not just rewrite it into a somewhat coherent text and post it on here? :D ......Seriously, it's really, REALLY effing long.)
The Idol's Journey so far
To me, the idol always seemed to be something like "The One Ring" in LOTR. A forged ancient artifact with creepy unknown powers that is said to feel "alive", almost as if it possesses a will of its own, seeing as it has somehow found its way from countless random people, back to (presumably) its former owner. It also appears to be somewhat cursed, given that almost everyone who held it at one point seems to have died or gone mad by now (Yeah, I'm very worried about Varric and Hawke 👀).
Let us start with a quick summary of the journey the idol has made in the span of about 12-13 years (not counting the unknown timespan in which the last chapter of Tevinter Nights takes place):
First discovered by Hawke and Varric in an ancient Thaig in the Deep Roads.
Stolen by Bartrand, who then made a quick trip to Rivain.
Sold to Meredith, who turned it into a sword.
Taken out of Meredith's petrified corpse by Carta dwarves.
Sold again to a Tevinter mage, who brought it to House Qintara in Ventus.
Handed to a secret agent of Fen'Harel named Gaius (who was impersonating Magister Qintara).
Traded away to Tractus Danarius.
Handed to Magister Nenealeus at Castellum Tenebris to be used as part of a ritual.
Picked up by Cedric Marquette after the fortress fell, while trying to escape.
Handed back to Tractus Danarius, who then probably (not confirmed) went to Nevarra to perform another blood magic ritual.
Picked up by a Mortalitasi who (maybe) took it to Tevinter.
(Supposedly!) ended up in a vault under an auction house in Llomerryn in Rivain, where it was (supposedly!) retrieved by Solas.
That's quite the journey… that you wouldn't even know half about if you didn't read the comics or Tevinter Nights. But whereas the book and comics were all published after the first teaser trailer in 2018, after which the idol became the center of the fandom's attention and speculation, it should be noted that a connection to the idol was in fact already made way back in 2014, when people noticed that the image of Solas holding Flemeth's lifeless body at the end of Inquisition was very reminiscent of something else.
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...Which brings us to the point of what the idol is even depicting to begin with.
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Before I'll start to give my own description based on the models in-game, the teaser and concept art, I'd like to quote the people who've actually seen it in person.
In the last chapter of Tevinter Nights, we are being told three tales by three different people, who all describe the same idol differently.
The Carta Assassin: "A couple hugging, too thin to be dwarves - but it's sitting there, glowing softly like a ruby lit by the grace of the Maker himself. […] It's heavier than you'd think - lyrium's heavier than you'd think, too, but this was heavy even for that. When I hefted it in my hand, it was like it wanted to keep moving, like it was liquid inside."
The Mortalitasi: "An idol crafted from red lyrium, which seemed to show two lovers, or a god mourning her sacrifice. It whispered in our minds when we saw it […]."
The Orlesian Bard/Solas: "He whispered something as he picked it up, tracing his gloved fingers gently along the crowned figure who comforted the other."
The one thing that all of these seem to have in common though is two figures who embrace each other in some way.
Which is interesting, because in all the depictions of the idol we've seen so far, it clearly shows three people instead of two. Granted, the third figure is a bit cramped up in the back of the crowned figure, but what's strange is that not even Solas himself mentions this third figure.
Most notable though is the crowned female looking figure in the center, which is holding onto the two other figures on each side of the ring shaped object (or it's the two figures holding onto the female?). The figures themselves look rather goulish, deadly or skeletal, with their bone structure clearly visible and all their expressions captured in a mix of horror or torment. The small carved-in lines coming from the middle figure's eye sockets also resemble black tears, much like we've seen on "The Mother" in Awakening.
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There's also no sign of clothing, which is all the more apparent on the concept art of the idol, in which the breast of the middle figure is.. much more prominent. lol (We don't make fun of saggy boobs in this house, it's just nature and gravity after all, but for the sake of observation, I will note that they do remind me of Broodmother boobs, too 😂), aside from a hint of what could be a veil on the middle figure's head.
At the bottom of the idol, the lower bodies of the figures seem to fully submerge within its name-giving red lyrium and this "claw" type thing, which is coming off in the shape of crystalline red lyrium spikes at the tail end, though in the concept art and the DA2 model, these spikes were clearly more like red lyrium roots. But either way, the bottom makes it kinda look like it's been broken/ripped off?
We can also see tentacle like features, that remind me of the figures we've seen in the mural in the 2020 teaser and the depiction in the 25th anniversary book that revealed to us what the Archdemons were initially supposed to look like. 👀
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I'd also like to point out that in the original concept art of the idol, the ears of the crowned figure look much more pointy to me than in later versions. 👀
There's also this "ring", that I've seen many people connect to how the Veil is often portrayed in Solas' murals.
But if this ring is supposed to depict the Veil, then what could it mean for the crowned figure reaching across to hold that ominous third figure on the "other side"?
And yes, I recognize that this ominous third figure also seems to be missing a left arm, just like another certain main character. 👀
The one thing that stands out the most though, is probably the crown itself. Most people might first associate it with Andraste, when the same shape can be traced as far back as ancient statues of Mythal.
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Yeah, there's definitely a pattern here. 😂
That being said…
Connection to Mythal & Solas
Okay, we all know about the theory that Andraste might have been Mythal's previous host, right? We all know about the parallels between Mythal's story, Andraste, Flemeth, etc. And after comparing the idol to Flemeth and Meredith in their moment of death, considering all of the above/following and how old this thing potentially is, I will now make a wild guess here and argue that the idol is in fact depicting Mythal's death.
"He whispered something as he picked it up, tracing his gloved fingers gently along the crowned figure who comforted the other. But I could not make out the words, for I fear they were elven."
Not only does Solas seem to hold sentimental value for whoever the crowned figure is supposed to be, while also talking to it in elven, but the way he describes to "caress" the idol in Tevinter Nights does also seem to mirror how Flemythal was comforting him at the end of DAI.
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However, I always thought it was a bit odd how Solas describes the idol as "a figure comforting another", when… tbh, "comforting" would probably be last thing that comes to my mind when I look at this...
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"Agony" would be more fitting here, maybe? lol Kinda begs the question of how Mythal was murdered, too, with this being her expression in her moment of death? 👀
Without getting too much into it here, if there's one thing we can take from everything we've learned so far about their past, Solas' relationship with Mythal must've been a rather complicated one, to say the least.
"He did not want a body, but she asked him to come. He left a scar when he burned her off his face."
Solas calls Mythal "the best of the elven gods", calling her "the mother, protective and fierce", and Solas is even described in the designer's notes as "Mythal's oldest friend" who is all about free will, yet if the spirit origin theory is true and Cole's cryptic comments in Trespasser are in fact about them, it was Mythal who gave Solas a body against his will, potentially bound/enslaved him with her vallaslin, and maybe even forced him to act against his original purpose?
"You should have seen me when I was younger. Hot-blooded and cocky, always ready to fight."
Cole: "You didn't do it to be right. You did it to save them." Inquisitor: "Solas, what is Cole talking about?" Solas: "A mistake. One of many made by a much younger elf who was certain he knew everything."
How much of what happened was Solas acting out Mythal's will, or rather, acting out of vengeance and pain in reaction to Mythal's death? How much of it was him acting downright impulsive?
Solas: “Cole is a spirit. The death of the real Cole wounded him, perverted him from his purpose. To regain that part of himself, he must forgive.” Varric: “You don’t just forgive someone killing you.” Solas: “You don’t. A spirit can.”
Or was it Mythal's death itself that "wounded him and perverted him from his purpose", just like he described what happened to Cole?
And what does that say about Mythal then, when she clearly hasn't forgiven her murderers and still strives for vengeance after all this time? What if Solas' own perception of Mythal and all the circumstances surrounding her murder is warped because he was once bound to her? 👀
Anyway. To get back to topic.
So if we assume that the idol is in fact depicting Mythal's death, then that brings us to the next question of why the idol is even made of red lyrium? Or rather, what is Mythal's connection to red lyrium?
We know that red lyrium is tainted blood of a Titan. Mythal was the first to kill a Titan and mine their blood for things we won't get into in this post. So, how did the idol end up in the Deep Roads, anyway? How long had it been there? One thing that's kinda strange to me, is how the DA wiki page about the idol says that it was forged by the dwarves, solely based on the fact that it was initially found in the Deep Roads, when we have no actual evidence for that. We've seen statues of both Mythal and the Dread Wolf in the Deep Road section in Trespasser where the mining of lyrium was undergone, but we don't know if the dwarves even had any part in building them as well.
Would the dwarves forge an idol of the elven deity who conquered them and killed their Titan, if they were somehow forced to do so? We also have to remember that dwarves were and still are the only ones able to actually mine raw lyrium safely, but even the Carta dwarves in Tevinter Nights had to take several precautions in order to recover the red lyrium idol from Meredith's corpse. And even then, many of them still fell shaking or went mad in its presence like Bartrand.
So if it only takes that little exposure to have that much of an effect on someone's sanity, how were the ancient dwarves or anyone even able to create it in the first place? What if the idol was initially made of blue lyrium but was then somehow corrupted?
And if we take one moment to really think about what an idol actually is.
"An object representing extreme devotion and religious worship to a god."
While Solas doesn't think of any of the Evanuris as actual gods, he still seems to hold Mythal at such a high regard that he wouldn't even speak of her at a sacred place like the Temple of Mythal (whether or not that was because he just wanted to withhold any secret ancient knowledge). He's able to fully recite the invocation to Mythal if you bring him with you to her altar. He also looks exactly like the sentinels in Mythal's temple.
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I could go on, but generally speaking, there are so many little hints pointing to Solas being a former slave/servant of Mythal that, again, we won't get into here, but it's important to mention when trying to figure out why the idol (presumably) even belongs to Solas.
"The idol's journey is now complete, and it has found its master."
In Tevinter Nights, the Dread Wolf claims that the red lyrium idol belongs to him. He also made sure to punish those who tried to misuse it, going so far as to march in with an entire army of spirits and snapping a guy's neck with his jaw. (Yup, you're better off not to touch the Dread Wolf's stuff for dirty blood rituals, kids.)
"You use my idol carelessly, and in doing so, you threaten all creation."
Additionally, in the last chapter of Tevinter Nights, Charter and other spies conclude that Solas must need the idol for whatever ritual he's planning, while Solas in Bard disguise claims that he's already in possession of the idol now and therefore, I quote, "cannot be stopped". (Though I personally still don't actually buy a single thing about his vivid tale at that auction house, but we'll get back to this later. lol)
And if the idol belongs to Solas, was he the one who created it, or did he order the dwarves or someone else to make it for him? But why would he intentionally make an idol out of red lyrium, anyway? He is fully aware of the dangers and corruption that comes with being exposed to red lyrium and its use. Especially considering that red lyrium is blighted and how he repeatedly expresses great concern over the Blights and gets furious over the Grey Wardens' attempts to preempt them by killing the Archdemons (because he obviously knows more than us).
So, does he know a way to use it without getting corrupted like everyone else? The Seekers of Truth are so far the only ones we've seen to be immune to red lyrium thanks to having their minds touched by a spirit of Faith during their vigil. Could Solas' connection to spirits/his hypothetical spirit origin allow him to use the idol without it effecting him?
But if any of this is true, then l'm again asking myself what even was the purpose of the idol to begin with? Why or when was it created? How does it differ from any other red lyrium, and what could Solas have used it for in the ancient past?
Powers & Effects
So, let's talk about what this thing can actually do (as far as we know).
(Btw, this is the part where I will shamelessly copy a lot straight from the DA wiki, because truth be told, I'm just a German struggling with limited vocabulary and I figured there's simply no way to summarize this any better than the wiki already has. 💀)
Just like any other red lyrium, we know that being exposed to the idol for too long will make you mad/paranoid/possessive/violent, while also grant you special powers, until overuse causes your body to be completely overtaken by red lyrium. It seems to thin the Veil wherever it is currently kept, allowing spirits or demons to interact with the physical world.
It also emanates a song that is slowly turning people who hear it insane.
The Song
"It sings… sick music." "It eats you inside until you're nothing." "It creeps into your thoughts, humming." "They hear a different song. The song behind the door old whispers want opened. They are dead and dark and done." "Songs screaming far away. It wants to wake up but can't remember how."
(- Cole's comments about red lyrium/red templars)
After Bartrand took the idol and left Varric and Hawke to die in the primeval Thaig, he started hearing voices, claiming the idol was "singing" to him. Even after selling it, Bartrand could still hear the idol and was eventually driven mad by its red lyrium.
Three years later, it is discovered that Bartrand had chipped a piece of the idol off and left it in his estate, which causes the house to behave like it was haunted and the Veil was torn.
Then during the "Haunted" quest, Varric himself remarks several times to hear music while walking through the estate, much like the Carta assassin in Tevinter Nights recalled to have heard "music in the wind, like some old song I heard as a kid but can't quite remember" when obtaining the idol from Meredith's corpse.
Important to mention here is that Varric seems to also be the only one in the party able to hear this song.
Varric: "Hey… is that music? Where is that coming from?" Hawke: "In don't hear anything." Varric: "Where is that singing coming from? You hear it, right, Hawke?" Varric: "Where is that voice coming from?" Hawke: "What voice?" Varric: "I can barely hear it… I wish I could make out the words."
Varric also told us that, after Bartrand went mad, he tortured his non-dwarven servants by cutting pieces off them to help them "hear the song".
(And remember, the idol was found in an ancient primeval Thaig in the Deep Roads, sitting on something like an altar, indicating that it was being worshiped by the ancient dwarves as well. Presumably because they too were being influenced by the idol's/red lyrium's song?)
During the "Haunted" quest, we learn that the mere presence of a shard of the idol in the estate causes:
"Voices whispering in the walls"
Random objects moving on their own
Apparitions/screaming spirits appear running across the floors
When Varric picks up the piece of the idol, he starts to exhibit the same symptoms of madness Bartrand showed, at which point Hawke can either let Varric keep the piece, or can take it from him with the intent of having Sandal destroy it.
If Hawke asks Anders to diagnose Bartrand in Act 2, he suspects a demon at work, however Bartrand is a dwarf. Instead, he determines that "his mind has been poisoned by something powerful".
In Tevinter Nights, the Carta assassin recalls that, in the attempt to retrieve the idol from Meredith's corpse, most of his colleagues fell shaking and whispering the closer they got to it.
After Bartrand sold the idol to Meredith, she reshapes it into her sword Certainty, which does eventually drive her insane as well. It also gives her unnatural powers, such as the ability to animate the statues in the Gallows, and even limited flight capabilities.
(My question is though, were the things happening in that final fight directly caused by the idol or was this just the result of the Veil being already weakened that much by the many terrible things that happened at that place/Kirkwall in general?)
Anyhow, during the final battle at the Gallows, Meredith overuses the lyrium sword, causing it to burst into dust and petrify her into a statue.
Though as we all know now, some part of Meredith seems to have survived somehow, as her… mind(?) or something was shown to now still "live" within the red lyrium somewhere in Kirkwall at the end of Absolution. She (or "it") also seems to have somewhat control over the red templars now, too.
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So, how is this possible? What exactly is she now, if it even is herself and not just a manifestation/echo of her memories or something? Could it have something to do with the idol? No one really knows (and we might never find out, if Netflix won't give us a second season, anyway lol), but I do think it's curious how the idol is likely depicting Mythal's death, who didn't actually die either and lived on through the ages as a type of lingering "wisp" clinging to various hosts. 👀
I also want to point out how Solas did suspiciously include Meredith's petrified corpse in his mural in the 2020 teaser as well, placing her right under that ominous upside down figure with the tentacles.
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Furthermore, just like Meredith, the idol also seems to be somewhat indestructable. lol After Meredith's sword burst into dust, it regrew inside her petrified corpse (which Solas was apparently also aware of). What's interesting is that it regenerated in Meredith's chest of all places. You know, like, where the heart is supposed to be? 👀
Then there's also this curious line from Anders, when talking about Varric acting strange after obtaining a shard of the idol:
"This thing's magic seems only more potent when broken."
I've mentioned it before, but with the spikes (or roots in DA2) at the bottom part of the idol making it look like it was ripped or broken off of something, you have to wonder if its current state is somewhat broken, even after regenerating.
During the Haunted quest, Fenris will remark this:
"Whatever is here is angry."
In DAI, Cole repeatedly comments on how red lyrium feels "very angry" and how it is "less angry when it's cold". We know for a fact that red lyrium emanates a noticeable heat. A corrupted Bartrand is especially weak to cold/ice magic.
While anger is generally associated with heat, I find this aspect particularly interesting, given that red lyrium is tainted blood of a Titan.
And building on that, while still searching for further connections between red lyrium, the idol and Mythal… Remember how the ancient sarcophagus in the Blue Wraith and Dark Fortress comic was used in a ritual, in which lyrium combined with fire of a Great dragon carved lyrium infused markings into Fenris' and Shirallas' skin, granting them special powers.
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Not only was this ancient sarcophagus specifically built only for elves, and its design resembling that of Mythal's statues…
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…but here we have a case in which lyrium is purposefully "set on fire" by a Great dragon to create "elven super soldiers". Mythal is always depicted as a dragon. And she mined lyrium in humongous amounts.
Again, red lyrium emanates heat. If this was common practice in ancient times, then I feel like it's not surprising that a Titan would eventually be pretty damn angry in reaction to its blood being continuously burned for centuries [insert boiling blood joke here].
So, aside from the red lyrium being blighted, could there be a connection in Mythal burning the Titans' blood? As far as we know, it did take a couple of aeons in which Mythal (presumably) continued to mine (and burn?) the Titans' blood, before the ancient elves sealed the Deep Roads for good, because they discovered something… bad. As Solas himself declares in the vision described at the mural depicting a Titan's death:
"Let this place be forgotten. Let no one wake its anger." "The vision grows dark. An aeon seems to pass. Then the runes crackle, as if filled with an angry energy. A new vision appears: elves collapsing caverns, sealing the Deep Roads with stone and magic." "Terror, heart-pounding, ice-cold, as the last of the spells is cast."
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And there it is again. That anger we're talking about. What's so interesting to me, is how this does sort of come full circle with Mythal and the idol after all, since the motivation behind Mythal's actions, even after thousands of years, remains her unwavering desire for vengeance upon the people who betrayed and murdered her, which, in a way, does mirror the same anger/heat that the Titan is emanating from its tainted blood.
And speaking of blood……
A Ritual Blade
In Tevinter Nights, we learned that the idol is able to produce a blade, which is then used as part of a blood magic ritual.
"The Tevinter mage was killing his slaves. […] He had cut the throat of one of them, and then another, catching the blood of his victims on the idol as he made his way around the circle. […] The Tevinter mage raised the idol before him, and I saw a spike of lyrium spring from the base of the idol, so that all at once, it was not merely an idol, but a ritual blade. He slashed his own hand, and a wave of power pulsed through the cavern. It was as though we were the blood, and the cavern was the body through which it flowed, and we fell, all of us, to the ground, our minds pulled into the raw chaos of the Fade by the power of his ritual."
In the end of the Dark Fortress comic, the idol produced another red lyrium sword, that could be fully detached and was then placed onto the before-mentioned sarcophagus, turning Shirallas into a raving beserker that was pretty much invincible as long as he was in possession of that same sword.
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While the blue lyrium infused sword that was used in Fenris' ritual simply dissolved in the process, the sword produced by the idol could "regenerate" and was especially resistant to Great dragon fire.
"Unlike the lyrium-infused swords of the so-called Arcane warriors, this sword should survive the ritual."
In the final fight against him, Marquette comments on how Shirallas "feeds energy to the sword from the red lyrium in his veins" and how in turn "the sword heals his wounds".
So in both the comic and Tevinter Nights, the idol/the weapon produced from the idol seems to draw power specifically from the blood of its wielder. It makes me wonder if it was initially intended to be used this way, since we have to remember that it still presumably belongs to Solas, who claims to not practice blood magic, because it seems to make it more difficult to enter the Fade.
Which is ironic, given what the mage in Tevinter Nights did to disrupt the Fade, but also how the Magisters Sidereal used a massive blood ritual to enter the Fade physically.
And oddly enough, in your first conversation with Solas about blood magic, he makes this curious analogy with daggers as an example…
Inquisitor: Every time I've seen blood magic used, it has been for some evil purpose. Solas: I once saw a woman being stabbed in the stomach with a dagger. She died slowly, in angony. It was repulsive. If the Chantry outlawed daggers, would that stop the people from using it? Of course not. […]" Inquisitor: "You don't need to sacrifice a slave's life to make a dagger." Solas: "I suppose it depends upon the dagger."
So… Could Solas be referencing Mythal's death here? Or what if the dagger here is referring to the idol in its blade form? What the heck does he mean by "I suppose it depends upon the dagger"? Was a slave's life sacrificed to create the idol maybe?
But if blood magic wasn't the sole purpose for why it was made, then what else could the idol as a ritual blade be used for?
Which brings us to…
Dalish mythology
According to Dalish legends, Fen'Harel told the Creators and the Forgotten Ones that the Avvar had forged a "terrible weapon", a blade that would end the war between both clans of gods. He told the Creators that it was forged in the heavens, while the Forgotten Ones were told that it was hidden in the Abyss. And when the gods went seeking it, Fen'Harel sealed them both in their realms forever.
Okay. So, let's just assume for a second that the blade in this legend was actually the idol in its blade form. Because hell, what are the odds of having two "super powerful ancient blades that belong to Solas"? lol
If they are in fact the same weapon and the part about Solas tricking the gods is true, why were the Evanuris and the Forgotten Ones so eager to get this thing, to the point that they would fell into a trap?
And with this, I'd also like to point out the level design in the scene in which Flemeth takes Kieran's Old God soul in the Fade. I can't help but feel like the statue of Dirthamen being stabbed in the back with a sword, crying a stream of blood, resulting in a huge pool of blood, as well as a bloody ouroboros symbol on the ground, is a very deliberate design choice. Especially considering the context of this scene with the revelation about Flemeth and Mythal, I'd argue this is all in reference to how Mythal was betrayed and murdered.
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Again, the idol could depict Mythal in her moment of death. In the final fresco in the rotunda, the one Solas never finished before leaving the Inquisition, we see a wolf looming over a dragon slain by a blade.
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In the last visual of the 2022 cinematic that, going by Varric's narration, could potentially depict the destruction of the Veil, Solas appears to hold something that resembles a blade with a very destinct handle. Additionally, we've since discovered an icon hidden on the Steam page of DA4, that shows a dagger with an identical shape and the same glowy purple as the Dreadwolf title.
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So we have the idol in its blade form, the blade Mythal was potentially slain with, the blade Solas is holding in the 2022 cinematic, Solas mentioning a dagger in relation to blood magic and Fen'Harel's blade in Dalish legends.
That's a lot of blades... and a lot of blood. lol
The Hunt of the Fell Wolf
"The Hunt of the Fell Wolf" is the title of a poem that can be found in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. It tells a story of former Inquisitor Ameridan, his friend Haron and their fight against a demon wolf.
Along with numerous odd things in this tale that could be interpreted as some kind of metaphor (or just the devs messing with us, if you want to know more, please check out this post), it also mentions an "idol of fade-touched stone" in connection to the demon wolf.
The wounded knight in darkness Found within the cavern’s gloom An idol of fade-touched stone, Which could prove the monster’s doom.
In the poem, after a grim fight, the wolf takes Ameridan's friend Haron to its lair, a "labyrinth of winding cave" (which many believe is referring to the Deep Roads, just like the ancient Thaig in DA2 where Hawke and Varric found the red lyrium idol originally) where Haron, oddly enough, also happens to find an idol. What's intruiging though, is that this idol seems to be connected to the wolf in such a way that he can only be defeated if both him and the idol are destroyed and struck down at the same time.
With burning blade, Ameridan And monster met again Whilst elsewhere did Haron valiantly With demon-wards contend.
As demon-stone was shattered, Ameridan struck true: Beast and spirit—both felled at once, Though neither hunter knew.
"Beast and spirit—both felled at once"
Two entities that are connected across two different places… as in the physical body and the spirit maybe?
As in the waking world and the Fade?
So, let's reiterate.
The red lyrium idol belongs to the Dread Wolf. Cole remarks how he can feel that Solas is "in both places". The word "Dread Wolf" itself is an anagram for "World" and "Fade". We've talked about the popular spirit origin theory before, Solas taking a physical form against his will because of Mythal. The whole matter of Solas' "true name" before he called himself Pride. Solas' entire personal quest, which may or may not mirror his own past, a spirit of Wisdom being denied its original purpose, turning into a pride demon ("He wants to give wisdom not orders"). His strange remarks at the end of Cole's personal quest ("We cannot change our nature by wishing"). The fact that Solas makes Cole forget about his true identity, just like spirit!Cole does. The visual portrayal of Solas "consuming" Flemeth's powers at the end of DAI. The way in which Solas doesn't recognize anyone in the waking world as "people", but will vehemently debate you on why spirits should be considered people.
"But the People… They need me." (- Solas to Flemeth at the end of DAI) "Never again." (- Solas after burning the mages who were responsible for Wisdom's corruption) "From this moment, should you ever bind a spirit, your life is mine." (- the Dread Wolf's final warning to the mages in Tevinter Nights)
All of this considered, what could the poem in JOH imply for the connection between Solas and the Dread Wolf/the Dread Wolf and the idol?
"They made bodies from the Earth, and the Earth was afraid. It fought back, but they made it forget."
One theory assumes that the creation of the Veil lead to the separation of the ancient elves' bodies and their souls/spirits, assuming that before the creation of the Veil, the Evanuris somehow made bodies from the Titans/lyrium for spirits to manifest and then enslaved/bound them to their will by marking those bodies with their vallaslin.
But if that's true, then what happened to Solas when he created the Veil?
"He broke the dreams to stop the old dreams from waking. The wolf chews its leg off to escape the trap."
In all the murals, tarot cards and illustrations, the Dread Wolf and Solas are always depicted separately.
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What really IS the Dread Wolf? And what is he to Solas?
"It was a beast unlike any I had ever seen. Lupine in appearance, but the size of a high dragon, with shaggy spiked hide and six burning eyes like a pride demon, and it came to us on wings of fire that resolved themselves into a horde of lesser demons."
From what little we know of the Dread Wolf himself, he only seems to exist within the Fade (that is to say, before the Veil, Solas was already depicted as a wolf, presumably even before his rebellion and before the Evanuris "bestowed" him with the title "Fen'Harel"). In the Mortalitasi's tale in Tevinter Nights, his army of spirits follows the mages back to the waking world, yet the Dread Wolf himself remains in the Fade. In one of the frescoes in the rotunda, Solas portrays the Black City surrounded by the six burning red eyes that resemble those of the Dread Wolf, almost like he's keeping watch over the eternal prison of those he banished. In the Tower tarot card, the Dread Wolf is ominously looming over Solas, almost like it's about to consume him, while in one of the Trespasser murals, it looks more like the Dread Wolf follows his lead. And then there's the DA4 2018 teaser mural, in which they're opposing each other, only seperated by the red lyrium idol in the center of the Veil.
If the red lyrium idol is connected to Solas like the idol in the poem is connected to the wolf, could this be part of the reason Solas is so desperate to find it? Does it possess some kind of spirit? Can the Dread Wolf only be defeated if the idol is destroyed at the same time, just like in the poem?
Where is it now?
So where's the damn thing now?
Well, in my opinion, there are two options.
Option 1) The bard's tale in Tevinter Nights was complete bullshit. lol
Despite Solas trying to convince us that he already obtained the idol in a vault some time ago under an auction house in Llomerryn, it's possible that, much like his whole charade in that chapter, this tale was also entirely fabricated. lol
To make it short, here is a list of arguments for why the "bard's tale" could've been a complete lie:
Solas attended this spy meeting specifically for information on the idol's whereabouts (because he doesn't actually know where it is currently?).
Everything until the last two pages was an act.
Both the Mortalitasi and the Carta Assassin point out several contradictions within his tale.
Upon hearing the other spies assuming that he needs the idol, it would just make sense that he would want them/Charter to believe that he’s now in possession of the idol and “cannot be stopped”, so that they would drop all effort to find it before him.
On the very last page of the book, there's a lists of bullet points of information when Charter is about to write down her report, and it does not explicitly say “He has the idol” but rather just what it looks like, which suggests that Charter didn’t buy his story either.
So if this was all lies, the last known location of the idol would therefore be the unknown person who took it when escaping from the Dread Wolf's spirit army in the Grand Necropolis in the tale of the Mortalitasi.
Meaning that Solas would therefore still be searching for it now. (Which would actually be kind of hilarious, considering how there's likely gonna be a ten year timeskip since DAI, so he would've been searching for the flippin thing for the better part of a decade now. 😂 We know from the end of the Blue Wraith comics that he had followed the idol's path via eluvian, but maybe he just lost track of it at some point? In fact, the last we heard from him, Solas was apparently busy pursuing some Venatori people to get another ancient artifact called the Crucious Stone in the The Missing comic, much like he prevented the Tevinter mage in Nevarra from using his idol. Solas after ten years of searching for the idol was probably like "Oh fuck it, I give up, on to McGuffin Nr 2 then". lmao)
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In an interview with the comic writers Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir, they talked about how in their initial draft of Dark Fortress, Solas actually *got* the idol(!!) from two of his agents by using the eluvian located at Nenealeus' place before BioWare stepped in and requested a change. 👀 That version would've explained how Solas was able to track the idol through the eluvian we see at the end. Their own interpretation was that Solas can only overlook a certain radius within the area of where another eluvian is located. Which would actually support the assumption that Solas might've lost track of the idol at some point after Nenealeus left the place… but that's just their interpretation and not official BioWare canon (yet), sooo…. Hm.
Option 2) Solas has the idol now.
So let's assume that the part about him obtaining the idol in Tevinter Nights was actually true and it's now in his possession.
Aside from this, the only thing that could speak for Solas already having the idol in the beginning of DA4, is once again the final visual in the 2022 cinematic.
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If this cinematic is in fact playing at the beginning of the game as a general re-introduction to the lore and the last visual is depicting Solas in the middle of destroying the Veil using the idol, then.. well yeah, there it is, in his hand…. at least, for now. Making Solas succeed in the first 10 minutes, I guess? lol
See, a few years ago, I speculated about how the idol might actually be the perfect plot device/motivation for our new protagonist to get involved in the whole Solas deal without even knowing who he is.
Let's say the last visual in the 2022 cinematic is actually showing us a hypothetical scenario, and not something that has already happened/is currently happening. Like, Varric gives this expository narration explaining who Solas is and what might happen if we don't succeed in getting the idol. (Notice how Varric says "And we're the only ones who can stop him" at the end… Like there's still a chance to stop him before this actually happens.) We know from Tevinter Nights that Charter knows that Solas needs the idol for whatever ritual he's planning. And Charter obviously informed the Inquisition/Varric about this as well. So the next logical step for the Inquisition now would be to obtain the idol (whether or not the bard's tale in TN was true) to prevent this ritual at any cost, right?
The comic The Missing re-emphasized that Varric is now in charge of getting people that Solas doesn't know. And this might be where the new protagonist gets recruited by Varric (who is still a spymaster after all) and gets assigned the alias "Rook" for a heist mission to obtain the idol. (And after a very thorough observation of the DA4 reddit leaks from 2023… it looks like Rook might've actually succeeded in this potential quest?)
While we don't know when the stuff in the leaks actually takes place within DA4's storyline, I think it's safe to say that Rook will obtain the idol at some point in the story and that it will play a pivotal role, if the blurb on the Steam page for DA4 is to be believed. lol
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As well as what could likely end up being the game's icon, found on the Steam page.
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And again, remember how in the Hunt of the Fell Wolf poem, it seemed like Ameridan struck the wolf’s body in the waking world, while his friend Haron killed the spirit (inside the idol?) in the Fade. What could this imply for DA4 then, if we are applying the role of Ameridan, Haron and the wolf in this tale to the Inquisitor, Rook and Solas?? 👀 Is this how we can stop him? The Inquisitor confronts Solas in the waking world, while Rook has to destroy the idol/fight the Dread Wolf in the Fade?
Or could it just be a metaphor for the Inquisitor in DA4 keeping Solas occupied to distract him from Rook, while they can figure out another secret way to deal with him/how to get/destroy the idol?
See, the thing is, we have to remember that this is after all, a video game. lol Meaning that, if our protagonist gets to carry around a powerful ancient artifact/weapon, I would assume that this has to be somehow implemented in the gameplay as well. What we can take from the short footage of the 2023 reddit leak, is that Rook might carry the idol (if it really IS the same thing) while still fighting with their own main weapon in combat. So, what if the idol serves as more of a special power tool outside of combat, for example, like the anchor did in DAI, where it can only be used for special occasions? Let's say, the idol in its blade form can't be used in battle but is able to "split" the Veil or reality, like the anchor was able to open and close rifts? Or, if we assume that the idol is something like an ancient phylactery (which btw is my favorite theory and I will talk about in my second post), maybe it can be used as some kind of "tracking device"? Actually, I'm super curious to learn how Rook is even able to carry it like this in the first place, since we know what kind of effect it usually has on people. lol
Anyway, I'll make a hard cut here now and save the rest of this behemoth of a post for a second separate post (because I also just realized that tumblr doesn't let me add any more images 😂💀), so if any of you actually made it this far... thank you for being just as crazy as me about this and I will post the second part shortly after. lol ❤
183 notes · View notes
luxaofhesperides · 5 months
greener on the other side.
Danny makes a habit out of hopping into portals and exploring the places he ends up. It just so happens that this time, he ends up in Gotham right as the Signal begins his patrol. Duke meets the strangest, funniest, cutest guy on the roof of the Gotham City Public Library. He knows Batman would not approve of literally anything he's doing, but sue him, he wants a meta friend and this guy seems to be up for it. -- OR: how Duke and Danny get together despite having secret identities and living in different dimensions.
chapter three: how it shines - 8.6k
read the entire fic on ao3!
the final chapter of this fic... and the end to the first fic in the series!! theres a lot i say in the end notes of ao3 so i highly recommend reading this chapter there! . . .
Signal: you ever feel like maybe the world is out to get you
Signal: [attached photo shows Signal lying in the middle of a torn up road, post-fight, his helmet lightly blackened with ash.]
Danny: buddy, the world has already taken me out
Danny: [attached photo is a selfie of Danny, frowning at the camera. Behind him, a large, flying robot is pointing a rocket launcher at him.]
Signal: okay, you win. are you alright???
Danny: lol im fine. this literally happens every week i know how to beat this guy up
Danny: tbh i think the real threat to my existence is school
Signal: so true. one day we will be free of it….
Danny: but not today
Signal: but not today
Danny: got a minute?
Signal: yeah what’s up?
Danny: u have a secret identity
Signal: …yes?
Danny: have u told other people abt ur secret identity
Signal: yes? but some of them just kinda found out on their own
Signal: why? 
Danny: how did that go. did they react well? did u have to defend urself from them?
Signal: there were some problems about me throwing myself in danger, but i was always safe with them
Danny: okay. cool. got it.
Signal: everything okay?
Danny: im thinking about telling my parents a secret about me. im kinda terrified of how they’re going to react
Signal: are you coming out to them?
Danny: in a way i guess. 
Danny: gonna recruit my sister into helping me talk to them. and also get rid of all their weapons beforehand so there’s a lower chance of them shooting me
Signal: shooting you?!?!? dude are you going to be okay??? don’t do anything that could get you hurt!!
Danny: gtg
Signal: dude??
Signal: danny?
Signal: let me know how it goes, okay? i can’t travel through dimensions like you can, but i can figure something out if you need a rescue
Signal: good luck danny!
Danny: ever get into a fist fight with a walmart knock off vampire in the parking lot of a burger joint?
Danny: [attached photo is Danny’s hand flipping off a man hovering in a parking lot. He’s wearing a cape and vampire-coded clothes.]
Signal: ever have a snack break in the middle of fighting a crocodile man?
Signal: [attached photo shows Signal holding up a half eaten taco, a giant crocodile man behind him with his own box of tacos. They’re sitting next to each other in an alley.]
Danny: point to u bc u actually got food
Signal: 😝
Signal: also, everything okay? with your parents?
Danny: let’s not talk about that.
Signal: okay. but if you do want to talk, i’ll be here for you
Danny: idk if dash is trying to annoy me into another fling or if he actually wants me to throw him across the field but if he doesn’t back off im going for violence
Signal: uh
Signal: should i be jealous that someone is hoping for another fling with you lol
Danny: it was once and will never happen again. 1) he’s not my type 2) he’s so annoying
Danny: also why would u get jealous of anyone ure literally a hero? hello?
Signal: hey man that guy is with you in your dimension and im all the way over here
Signal: totally reasonable for me to get jealous!! this is like a more extreme version of having online friends
Danny: true… hey i can swing by for the weekend if u want!! honestly the less time i spend here the better
Signal: that bad?
Danny: i’ve known everyone here for my entire life. i need OUT
Danny: gothams cool! its a big city with things to do!!! obviously im gonna like it more than Normal Town Illinois 🤮
Signal: weather is bad all week tho…. even if you come over we wouldnt be able to go out
Signal: its been a while since we had a storm so bad
Danny: man if that was happening here i would be able to punch the storm away
Signal: im taking that as a joke
Danny: no i literally punched a storm away before. he was a dick tho he deserved it
Signal: ….this is still Normal Town Illinois right?
Danny: .
Danny: ok fine maybe u have a point
Danny: anyways!!! i just wanna hang out with you dude i would be happy just playing video games or something
Signal: we can do that!! let me know when u get here 😊
Signal: and good luck dealing w this dash guy!!
Danny: ugh dont remind me
Signal: hye u know our plana to hang out tody
Signal: maybe rain chek tht im not goos company rn
Danny: u ok? i can always come by some other weekend
Signal: got hit and everythif bad
Danny: did u hit ur head?
Signal: yes
Danny: ok im going to call u so you can stop looking at ur phone screen. just in case u have a concussion
The phone rings twice before Signal picks up. He mumbles something that might be a hello, but it’s honestly hard to tell. 
“Hey, man,” Danny says, leaning back in his chair to look up at the faded glow in the dark stars he stuck up on his ceiling years ago. “Are you okay?”
Signal hums a vague response, then sighs, sending static down the line. “Just got a headache right now. Can’t even go out since it’s too bright.”
“Is it sunny in Gotham right now?”
“No, it’s super cloudy and that’s still too much. I hate concussions.” There’s a bit of a whine in his voice that reminds Danny that under the helmet, Signal is a normal guy just like anyone else. And like everyone else, powers don’t save him from the pain of brain trauma. 
Danny would know; he’s gotten pretty good at taking care of injuries and the such through his high school career of getting tossed in lockers and attacked by ghosts. He’s pretty sure parts of his brain are still rattled from the amount of times he’s been thrown into and through walls. 
“I hear you, man,” Danny commiserates, “Head injuries are the worst. But it should start feeling better in a few days, so you can just stay home and relax until the pain stops.”
“Ugh, I wish. I still have to go to school tomorrow.”
“Dude, that sucks. If you can stay home sick, then don’t force yourself to go. Concussions are no joke.”
Signal hums again, then mumbles, “I can’t think of an excuse. Cause the concussion is from being hit on patrol so like. I can’t say that! I have to figure out a reason for my civilian identity to have a concussion.”
“Can I suggest something?”
“Please, I’ll take anything at this point, man. My brain is done for.”
“Make up an embarrassing story. You have to make yourself look silly and people will believe you more and not ask follow up questions because you’re too embarrassed to say more.”
“...Keep talking. This sounds viable. The only advice I got was to basically fake my death or get into a car accident to get more injured.”
“I think you need to fight whoever said that,” Danny says, “That is horrible advice.”
“I know!” Signal laughs. “Oh I shouldn’t have laughed, my head is hurting more.”
Danny lets out a slow breath, tilting his head back to look up at the ceiling of his bedroom. If he strains his hearing, he can make out the rustle of fabric from Signal’s end of the call as well as the murmur of his parent’s voices downstairs. He closes his eyes and focuses on the call, pushing away the heavy weight of regret on his chest that hits him each time he thinks about his parents. 
Now is not the time for that. Signal needs calm and quiet, so Danny is going to give that to him and then let him go to rest.
“Are you drinking enough water? Getting some comfort food?”
“Yeah, I’m being taken care of. Don’t worry Danny, I got a whole crew of dysfunctional caretakers.”
“Good. I’ll let you get back to resting, then.”
“I’m still so sorry I had to cancel. I was looking forward to seeing you again.”
Warmth rises to his cheeks and Danny rubs a hand against them, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach that came to life at those words.  “We can always do a different day. Let me know when you feel better, okay?”
“Yeah, alright. Thanks, Danny.”
“I hope you feel better soon, Signal. I missed you too.”
There’s a pause where Danny’s heart pounds hard against his chest, as though trying to escape his ribcage. He bites his tongue, wondering it that was too much, if he made things weird, if Signal didn’t feel the same way. 
And then Signal says with a soft voice, “I can’t wait to see you again. You’re too sweet to me.”
“Okay!” Danny squeaks, cheeks aflame, “Go sleep, Signal! I’ll talk to you once you can look at a screen again.”
“Alright. Thanks, Danny.”
“Of course, dude. Bye.”
Signal makes a soft mumble that could be ‘bye’ but it’s hard to tell with Signal’s voice going all rough and low, exhausting in every sound, and then the call is ending. 
Danny drops the phone onto his desk and draws his knees up to hold them against his chest. He rests his chin on them, filled with longing for Gotham.
Not just for the Signal, though that’s a big part of it. But for the anonymity of a big city in a dimension where he doesn’t exist. A place where he can be himself, just Danny instead of being torn between his parent’s son and Phantom. Plus, Gotham has heroes! Not other ghosts, not ghost hunters, but people with superpowers who help people whenever they can. 
It would be nice to be someplace like Gotham where he wouldn’t have to carry the responsibility of protecting an entire city on his shoulders. It would be nice to have friends who understand why he can’t not give his all to protect people, regardless of how they feel for him, friends who make the same choice, friends who aren’t weighed down by guilt with their part in his death.
As much as he loves Sam and Tucker, he knows that will be something that haunts them for the rest of their lives. 
It’s better now that it had been in freshman year, but it’s still something that changed them all. He’ll always love them, and he knows they love him, but they need to spend some time apart.
In Amity Park, they’re the outsiders who are too weird for the rest of the school, outcasts who stick together, a tightly knit group full of secrets. They’ve been each others only friends for the longest time; sometimes, others come in and out of their lives, like Valerie, but the bond he has with Sam and Tucker can’t be replicated. 
They need to be with new people to grow any more. He can see how they’re holding each other back. 
They’ll always find a way to be together, but they have to be apart first.
Gotham will be good for that. 
Hell, any place in that dimension would be good!
Danny just wants to be more than he is, wants to be better and he can’t do that here or with his friends. 
And he certainly can’t do that with his parents.
After telling them about everything’s he’s done as Phantom, all the times he’s ruined their inventions or fought with the GIW or endangered people through his fights with other ghosts, his parents just stared at him. They were seated around the kitchen table, Jazz standing behind Danny with a comforting hand on his shoulder, as his parents just… stared.
There were no accusations of possession, no weapons drawn, no demands for an explanation. Just a haunted look in his parents eyes as they went silent, still, horrified. 
“Danny,” his mom had whispered, “You mean you’re—”
“I’m Phantom, yeah. The ghost menace,” he had answered.
“You’re dead,” she finished as if he hadn’t spoken. “You died and we didn’t… we never noticed. What— How—”
The thing about being Phantom is that Danny knows he died. He knows he came back changed. But he doesn’t like thinking about it, still wakes up from nightmares of electricity racing through his body, frying him from inside out as it stops and restarts his heart in an endless painful pattern. Yes he died, but he got powers out of it! He got to meet other ghosts, explore the Infinite Realms, do so many cool things no one else is able to do…
But he still died. Half of him is still dead. He’s never going to be the kid he once was.
“It was an accident,” he had whispered, “With the portal. The on button is inside it, and when I went in for some stupid picture, I tripped and hit it.”
“And we only cared about the portal working,” his dad had said, grief coloring every line in his face. “We didn’t even look at you. We just went straight for the portal. We were so happy to be right that we didn’t stop to think about what it meant, how it could have happened…”
The tears he saw well up in his parents eyes made his heart twist uncomfortably in his chest. For several long minutes, silence settled around them as his parents closed either eyes are stared down at the table, refusing to look at him. Jazz had squeezed his shoulder, then pulled him up out of his seat.
“Danny, go upstairs. Or to Tucker’s place. I need to have my own talk with them,” she had said. There was a steel in her gaze that told Danny there was no use in arguing, so he walked out the front door and transformed so he could fly out into the woods where he could be alone, watching the sky change colors as the sun set.
It’s been two weeks since then. His parents still can’t look at him for too long. They can’t look him in the eyes at all.
He wonders if he would have preferred them trying to kill him. At least then they would acknowledge that he’s still here instead of moving around him as if he’s a memory haunting the halls of their home, one they’re too guilty to face just yet. 
He misses his dad’s loud voice and enthusiasm. He misses his mom’s quick wit and quicker reflexes. He misses the chaos of each meal they would have together and how his parents would drag him and Jazz along on random, sudden trips for the sake of science. 
He misses his parents. 
Danny hates that the family he loves died with him in that portal. 
As much as he still loves them, being in the house, and in Amity Park in general, is suffocating. The farther he can get from them the better; Danny isn’t sure he’d react well if he stayed in this universe and woke up one day with his parents decided to break into his new home because they finally feel up to having a conversation with him. 
Maybe he’d talk to Signal about what living in Gotham is like. That might help him make a decision on what to do with himself once he graduates from Casper High School.
He’ll save it for the next time they meet. 
Some things are better done in person, after all. And it wouldn’t hurt for Danny to use it as an excuse to make sure he’s fine. 
But for now, he’ll wait until the days pass and keep daydreaming about better things.
Signal: hey man, u doing okay? i haven’t heard from u in a while
Danny: yeah im good! i was waiting for u to text first bc i didnt know how long you’d need to recover from a concussion
Signal: ive been good for a while, dude. dw abt waiting to text me, just send me something and i’ll reply once i can!!
Danny: i’ll keep that in mind for the next time u get injured 👍
Signal: but fr are u good? tell me to back off if u need but u seem kinda down
Danny: im fine!!! just dealing w the crushing weight of existence, that’s all 🫠
Signal: oh mood. anything i can do to make things better for u?
Danny: nah it’s fine, im just like this sometimes. i promise it’ll pass
Signal: want a distraction?
Danny: please
Signal: so i was just swinging thru the streets as i do and this group called me down while theyre having a huge argument
Signal: so i go bc i dont want things escalating yknow? 
Signal: and idk the context of this argument AT ALL but one of them turns to me
Signal: looks me dead in the eyes
Signal: and says ‘penis enhancement pills are NOT a thing, right?’
Signal: oh man. this isnt even the best part of this story
Danny: there’s MORE?????
Signal: its gotham, danny, there’s always more lmao
Signal: so anyways……..
Danny: i hope you know that story has been haunting me all week
Danny: dash was being a dick again and i was half asleep so i told him ‘maybe u’d be less of a dick if u stop taking penis enhancing pills’
Signal: my job here is done. nothing will ever top that. i’ll see myself out ✌️
Danny: he looked so shocked lmaooo
Danny: tried to say he DOESNT take any pills but it was too late
Danny: he was too flustered by it no one believed him
Danny: top 10 things to say to ur former bully
Signal: i didnt know he bullied u. good for u! get his ass!
Danny: he’s fine now lol just annoying. we all grew out of the super cliche high school phase after freshman year when we had to work together to fend off ghosts and the government
Signal: nothing like a little anarchy to bring people together
Signal: its why im still good friends w the people who were in a gang i joined when i was younger to be like. street kid vigilantes bc gotham was going bad back then
Danny: everything u say about gotham and ur life is so fascinating literally how are u real?? ure the perfect ya novel protagonist
Signal: thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me ❣️
Signal: but also lol. lmao. gotham really is just like that. no one is immune
Signal: u also sound like a ya protag jsyk. 
Danny: literally how im so boring??
Signal: danny. babe. im gonna have to bring out the capital letters for this bc i get the feeling that u really believe that
Danny: oh boy
Signal: Listen. You live in a small town that’s Haunted, fight ghosts, have powers, went from being bullied to being chill with your bully, and can travel the multiverse. You are a YA Protagonist.
Danny: damn i can’t argue with that :/
Danny: why’d i have to be the ghost hunter’s ghost son. i wanna be a side character. give me a refund on this life pls
Signal: do i dare ask clarification on the ghost thing?
Danny: uuuh no? its kinda personal and im dealing w it but its also kinda like ur civilian id?
Danny: its something i’ll share once we’re closer and i know u better and can trust u with it
Signal: totally fair. want me to pretend that part of the conversation never happened?
Danny: please
Signal: cool. watch this
Signal changed Danny’s name to YA protag (real)
YA protag (real): ooooh my god
YA protag (real): im not taking this lying down
YA protag (real) changed Signal’s name to YA menace
YA protag (real) changed their name to YA protag (retired)
YA menace: lmao
YA menace: does this mean… ure my senior…. my knowledgeable mentor… my senpai 🥺
YA protag (retired): i will throw us both into a black hole dont even try me 🔪
YA menace: LMAO
YA menace: fair. just saying that dealt me so much psychological damage
YA protag (retired): deserved
YA protag (retired): can we attempt Danny Visits Gotham: 2! Electric Boo-galoo?
YA menace: yeah!!!! im free this weekend if u wanna come by then!!
YA protag (retired): i can do this weekend!!
YA menace: i will do my very best not to get a head injury before then
YA protag (retired): can u maybe aim for no injuries?
YA menace: danny we need to be realistic here
YA menace: my goal is to have no bleeding wounds that need stitches. as long as i don’t bleed its not a problem 👍
YA protag (retired): …..
YA menace: no need for the judgment i have everything under control
YA protag (retired): …………
YA protag (retired): :/
YA menace: lmk when ure gonna be in gotham! i’ll make sure to be outside waiting for u
YA protag (retired): i’ll be another hour but i’ll send a msg before i head out!!
YA protag (retired): actually it might be a bit longer i gotta fight some people who are trying to cheer me up
YA menace: should i be concerned
YA protag (retired): nah its fine they’re just annoying
YA menace: if u need to reschedule
YA protag (retired): noooo!!!! i’ll be in gotham soon i swear!!!!
YA menace: ok!! ok!!!! i will keep waiting for you then 🫡
Duke waits for an hour and a half, swinging through streets and waving to people, before Danny texts him to let him know that he’s next to the botanical gardens. 
One moment, Duke is perched on the roof of a Mexican restaurant in the Bowery. The next, he’s halfway across Gotham, swinging recklessly from building to building.
So what if he’s excited to see Danny again! That’s normal!
Anyone would do the same in his position.
Plus, Duke still feels so bad about having to cancel last time due to his concussion. The sooner he gets to Danny, the sooner he can start making up for it. He didn’t spend the last few patrols being extra careful for nothing; he only has a few bruise and no bleeding at all! 
Danny’s star glow helps Duke find him behind the botanical gardens, hidden away from the rest of the street. 
He drops down from the roof, using the shadows to soften the impact of landing.
When he looks at Danny, leaning against the building, he’s greeted with a bright smile. 
“Signal!” he says, pushing off the wall to close the distance between them. “I hope I didn’t make you wait too long or anything.”
“Nah, you’re good. You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, of course! It was just some friendly fighting, and they wouldn’t be able to really hurt me even if they tried. I’m all good! So, what’s the plan for today?”
Duke looks him over just in case, but Danny does appear to be perfectly fine. Not a single bruise on him. Maybe it was just a few friends roughhousing with him? That might be it, since Sam and Tucker did try to take each other out last time they were in Gotham. So he’s just going to go with what Danny says! He’s fine, and they can move on!
He’s totally going to worry about it later, but right now is not the time for it when Danny’s waiting to spend the day with him.
“Well, I still have to finish patrol, but that’s just for another hour if you wanna join me,” he says. “And then we can head to the Hatch to just… hang out. Or we can find something else to do, totally up to you.”
“The Hatch?” Danny repeats, tilting his head to the side curiously. Duke has to take a moment and just appreciate how cute Danny is before he can compose himself enough to answer.
“Yeah, it’s like my… secret base? HQ? The place I go for superhero things that is for me, specifically, and that I don’t have to share with a bunch of other people.”
“You have a secret base?! That’s so awesome! I just have—” Danny falters, his excitement falling, and then he plasters on a pained, fake smile. “I’ve always wanted to see a superhero’s HQ. Are you sure it’s fine to show it to me, though?”
Part of him wants to ask about what he was going to say before switching gears, but the drawn expression on his face is more than enough to make Duke back off. “Yeah, man, don’t even worry about it. Besides, it’s not like there’s any other places we can go to without me revealing my identity, you know?”
“Fair enough,” Danny nods. “But maybe one day we can?”
“For sure,” Duke says. “Come on, up for a quick patrol around Gotham?”
“Oh, definitely.” The light returns to Danny’s eyes as he lifts off the ground, floating. The smile on his face is more sincere, and the sight of it makes the knot of worry in Duke’s heart pull loose. He pulls his grapple out and aims for the highest ledge of Poison Ivy’s greenhouse, tucked in the back of the botanical gardens, then takes off.
Danny is flying next to him immediately, a blur of invisibility, and they fall into a rhythm quickly as they head towards the Bowery. As Duke free runs and swings between buildings, Danny flies around him, the occasional laugh slipping past his lips as he circles around Duke. 
It’s hard not to have his attention stolen by Danny, but Duke is here to protect the people of Gotham, so he focuses 90% of his attention to the streets, keeping an eye and ear out for any trouble. 
There’s not much happening today, thankfully. He’s only had to stop a few burglaries, a bank robbery, and chase off a stalker before Danny arrived. Truthfully, the peace is making him nervous; there hasn’t been a big attack to the city in a while, with no word on the movement of rogues and nothing big brewing among the gangs and mobs. Peace rarely lasts so long in Gotham, and Duke is genuinely worried the next thing will be some continent destroying, apocalypse bringing disaster. 
In the last hour of his patrol, he only has to stop a purse-snatcher and help someone move their broken down car off the street and into a parking lot. Danny stays in the air for both, invisible to everyone but him, and the blur of his aura floats around the areas Duke stops at curiously. 
They hit up touristy places last time he was in Gotham, and food trucks before that. Maybe next time Duke can get takeout from a nice restaurant and they can have a rooftop picnic. 
Not quite a date, not yet at least, but something close to it. A testing of the waters. An unspoken promise for something more.
With the hour ends, Duke comes to stop on the roof of a tattoo parlor and gestures for Danny to join him. 
The blur of invisibility fades away and Danny’s features come back into focus as he lowers himself down to the roof. 
“What’s up?” Danny asks, glancing around them curiously.
“It’s about time for patrol to end, so we can head to the Hatch now. But I do need to blindfold you so you don’t see where the Hatch is located.”
“Oh! Yeah, that’s fine. Will I just have to hold onto you or something? Since I won’t be able to see where we’re going.”
“I was thinking I’d just carry you. It’s easier that way.”
“Sure, that works!” Danny closes his eyes, cheeks already darkening with a blush. “I’ll just… let you blindfold me now?”
Duke desperately wants to smoosh Danny’s cheeks together in his hands, but valiantly resists the urge. He’s on a mission! To hang out with Danny! He can cry about how cute Danny is later!
He walks up to Danny on silent feet, circling around him. Then he lifts his hands, picturing the light solidifying in his palms, turning to fabric that darkens and obscures, bending the light to be darker and darker until it’s nearly black. He gently pulls it across Danny’s eyes, leaning in closer to him to make sure he’s not putting it on too tightly.
Danny gasps slightly when his back bumps into Duke’s chest, and Duke can’t help the way his eyes dart down to Danny’s mouth, his red cheeks, the long line of his neck. 
Focus, he tells himself sternly, and draws the ends of his makeshift blindfold back to tie the ends together behind Danny��s head. 
“There,” he says in a low voice. “All done.”
Danny doesn’t answer. He just leans back against Duke, pressing them together slightly, and Duke brings his hands down to Danny’s hips to hold his steady.
“Ready to go?”
“Ready,” Danny answers in a faint voice. “How do you want me?”
Now that’s a dangerous question to ask right then and there. Duke bites back a number of flirtatious, suggestive answers, and makes himself actually think about the best way he can carry Danny while grappling to the Hatch. He’ll need one hand free to grapple, but also needs to keep a secure grip on Danny…
He steps to the side and guides one of Danny’s arms up to wrap around his shoulders. Then he picks Danny up, leaving him to wrap his legs around his waist as he walks over to the edge of the roof and looks towards the area in Gotham where the Hatch is hidden. Duke takes a moment to adjust his arm to keep Danny secure against his chest, then takes hold of his grapple with his free hand.
“Ready?” he checks, tightening his hold on Danny’s waist.
Danny nods against his neck, tucking his face in the crook of Duke’s shoulder. “Ready!”
Duke grins and jumps off the building, shooting out his grapple as they begin to fall. Danny yelps lightly, then clings to Duke even harder, his blindfold still secure around his head. It’s become a bit fainter as Duke’s attention slipped off of it, but he focuses on it again to darken it and keep Danny from seeing where they’re going.
It occurs to him halfway to the Hatch how much trust Danny is putting in him. To put a blindfold on him. To lead him to a place he’s never been to before. To let Duke swing him across the streets of Gotham without using his own ability to fly. 
Oracle’s apprehension about Danny (and his friends) is a heavy weight on his mind, but he can’t help but think it’s unnecessary. She’d understand if she ever met Danny in person. He wears his heart on his sleeve and offers it so freely; how could Duke not trust him? 
The weeks they’ve been texting each other only make him sure that Danny’s a good person, someone he wants in his life for as long as he can stay, someone he wants to be honest with. They just click, somehow, like they’re each holding a puzzle piece that’s been missing in each other’s lives. 
I think I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet you, he wants to say. But the street entrance to the Hatch is just a block away and Danny still doesn’t know his name, so Duke bites his tongue and forces all those feelings back into more platonic territory. 
Just as the reach the building with the hidden panel to allow him entrance to the Hatch, Duke pulls at the light around them to hide them from sight as they drop down from the sky. 
“Almost in,” he says, holding Danny up with one arm as he tucks his grapple away and push the fake brick cover out of the way to punch in his twelve digit access code. 
A hidden door in the wall of the building, the back bricked off from the operating portion courtesy of Wayne Industries funding the restoration project for this area of the city after a major alien attack, opens up smoothly and without a sound. The ground slopes downward at a steep angle; he uses this door for when he’s riding his motorcycle out of the cave networks underneath the city that keep the Hatch connected to the Batcave, but it’s not too far from where the Hatch itself is. 
He carries Danny in, then makes sure the door closes completely behind him before setting Danny down on his feet. “We’ve still got a bit of a walk to the Hatch, but you can take your blindfold off now.”
“I’ll wait until we get there,” Danny says. “I’m going to use this as an excuse to cling to you for as long as I can.”
“Fair enough!” Duke laughs, “Cling away, I’ll make sure you don’t trip.”
And cling away Danny does, wrapping his arms around Duke’s left arm, holding onto it as they make their way down the tunnel. Duke keeps an eye out for anything that might trip him and carefully steers him past them. 
“Are we underground?”
“Yeah, there’s this huge cave system under the city that we use to get around,” Duke answers. “Though we’ve paved in small roads and made stable tunnels to go through, so it’s all safe.”
“Huh, that’s cool. It would be nice if I had a way to get around Amity like this.”
“Danny, you can fly.”
“That’s not relevant!”
“How is it not relevant?” Duke laughs incredulously, jostling Danny slightly. Danny turns towards him and they trip over each other slightly, clutching to each other to keep their balance.
“It just isn’t!”
They bicker lightheartedly down the tunnel until it opens up into the garage of the Hatch. Duke helps Danny up the stairs to the main area, where he keeps his suit, weapons, and the large computer Bruce installed when the Hatch was first made. Once he’s sure Danny’s comfortable, he leaves to change into his civilian clothes with only a domino mask slapped over his eyes to protect his identity.
And if Duke takes an extra minute to fix up his hair, the long locs in a disarray from being tied back and stuffed into his helmet, then that’s no one’s business but his own. 
Maybe he does need to get a hair cut. He’s starting to get why Steph wants to shave her head and rock a pixie cut like Selena. But, on the other hand, he does like how he looks with longer hair, especially when it’s tied up…
Long hair for now. It makes him look good and he’s here to impress Danny. 
When he heads back to where Danny is, he sees Danny sitting down patiently, his blindfold still on, though it’s become much more transparent than it was before. He can see how Danny’s eyes are closed beneath it, waiting for Duke to return, tapping out a slow rhythm on his knee with his fingers. 
“You can take that off now,” he says as he walks up to Danny. 
“You sure?”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have brought you in here.”
Danny reaches up and gently pulls the blindfold off, slowly blinking his eyes open. He watches as the blindfold dissolves in his hand, becoming light again, then shyly turns to look at Duke. 
“Oh,” he says softly, taking in Duke, who tries very hard not to fidget and reveal just how nervous he is to be out of his Signal armor before Danny. “You are so unfair?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You can’t be kind, a superhero, and attractive! Tell me something you’re bad at so I know you have some flaws.”
Duke grins, flattered. “You think I’m attractive?”
“Stop fishing for compliments!” Danny pushes him lightly, barely enough force to make him tilt to the side. “Give me something you’re bad at, come on.”
“Well, if you really need to know…” Duke takes a moment to think of something that won’t completely embarrass him. “I’m terrible at learning other languages. Vocab doesn’t stick in my head, grammar rules mean nothing to me, and my accent is atrocious.”
“That doesn’t count, that’s normal,” Danny argues.
“It the only thing I can think of right now! I’m just really bad at non-English languages!”
Danny rolls his eyes, shaking his head fondly. “I can’t believe you. You have powers, you’re cute, and you’re good at flirting. Stop winning at life so much, the rest of us stand no chance against you.”
“I promise I’m a disaster when I’m not trying to impress people.”
“Lies. You’re being perfect right now and there’s no one to impress.”
“I’m trying to impress you.”
Danny blinks. “Oh.” He bites his lip in an attempt to force down a smile. “Shut up. I don’t count. You don’t need to try to impress me, you’ve already done that.”
“Yeah? Well, maybe I’ll try to be more of a mess around you from now on.”
“Please do, I can’t be the only one making a fool of myself. Where’s the friendship? The solidarity? Suffer with me!”
Duke shoves him back playfully, and just like that, they fall back into a rhythm of easy conversation and light touches, skirting the lines of friendly with something more. Time slips away from him and Duke spends every second with Danny wishing he could have this always, that they didn’t have a time limit over their heads, that the universe itself wasn’t keeping them apart. He shows off the Hatch and some Bat gadgets, which Danny finds fascinating, then they spend an hour comparing their most commonly used powers. 
Danny has to leave all too soon, opening up a small portal of swirling green with the help of a small pocketwatch-like device, and Duke can only hope that they can do this again soon, but without the domino on his face.
One day, he swears. One day they’ll have that.
YA menace: hey quickly rate this guys fit
YA menace: [attached photo is a goon with a black and white striped shirt with a purple question mark safety pinned onto it. They’re also wearing neon purple sweatpants and are glaring at the camera.]
YA protag (retired): ngl thats not the worst ive seen. 6/10
YA menace: 6???
YA menace: 6?????????????
YA menace: danny i say this with all the love in my heart, go get ur eyes checked
YA protag (retired): before u say anything else. look at what i regularly have to deal with
YA protag (retired): [attached photo is a floating man with blue-ish skin an d a very dramatic hairstyle. He’s wearing a long black cloak, a white suit, and a Green Bay Packer’s football jersey on top of all that.]
YA menace: damn. no wonder ur judgement of bad fits is Like That. this guys to blame
YA protag (retired): wanna know the worst part?
YA menace: this can get worse??
YA protag (retired): thats my godfather. 
YA protag (retired): this is a man my parents thought were fit to be responsible for me and my sister if anything happens to us
YA protag (retired): THIS GUY
YA menace: u have my sincerest condolences
YA menace: oh shit more riddler guys are here i gtg they got guns
YA protag (retired): be safe!! please dont get shot!!!!
YA menace: i’ll do my best 🫡
YA protag (retired): came home today and all the weapons that were attached to my house disappeared
YA protag (retired): i feel like im in the twilight zone
YA protag (retired): if i start talking backwards or acting like a robot pls know it is not me but something wearing my face
YA menace: the weapons attached to ur house???? 
YA menace: im starting there but i want u to know that everything u said was concerning
YA protag (retired): have i not mentioned it before? my parents are kinda mad scientists and make a lot of weird but working things. mostly weapons to fight ghosts.
YA menace: cant believe ure only just dropping lore abt urself when we’ve been talking for so long
YA protag (retired): in my defense!!!! everyone here knows abt them so im used to not having to say anything!!!
YA protag (retired): people usually just Get It!!!
YA menace: moving on to my second point: having the weapons removed from ur house is whats concerning??? not the weapons being attached to ur house???
YA protag (retired): listen. i have spent p much my entire life with a house that doubles as an armed fortress. when i was a kid i was convinced it would come to life and protect me from monsters. this was also during my urban legends monster phrase and i scared myself reading abt them and needed the comfort
YA protag (retired): my POINT is that its normal for my house to have weapons. so seeing them gone is worrying!!!!!
YA menace: .
YA menace: ok fair enough.  last point: is being replaced by a robot version of urself a concern in ur universe? bc it is here
YA protag (retired): no its not a legit concern here
YA protag (retired): probably. dont quote me on that. i had a cloning situation a few years ago
YA menace: a hwat
YA protag (retired): dont worry about it!!!
YA protag (retired): oh my parents are home. i need to talk to them. Bye!!
YA menace: gl!! let me know if u need rescuing from evil clone robots
RED: before I say anything else, Signal this is the price u pay for not letting me play with interdimensional tech after you let O have a turn at it.
YA protag (retired): um.
YA protag (retired): wrong chat???
RED: no this is the right chat. Hi Danny :) 
YA protag (retired): hi???? who are u????
YA menace: oh my god
YA menace: this is NOT NECESSARY RED
RED: as I said. U did this to urself.
YA menace: 🙄🙄🙄
YA protag (retired): wait. did u… hack into this chat?? did u hack the phone????
RED: yeah lol.
RED: was a bit of a challenge but it was fun
RED: had to pull out the spare alien tech to make something that would connect
YA protag (retired): ok 1. tucker will want to marry u for ur brain
YA protag (retired): 2. ALIEN TECH?????
YA menace: i feel like we already talked abt aliens being real in my dimension
YA protag (retired): hey red what do u accept as bribes
YA menace: u ask him while im right here????
YA protag (retired): u dont have the alien tech. red does. case closed.
RED: oh wow. Signal….. Wow.
YA menace: what? shut up. cant leave any of yall unsupervised i swear
RED: also, Danny I accept tech from different dimensions and also fun tasting sodas and energy drinks
YA protag (retired): done. i will have the goods ready next time i go to gotham, pls hook me up w alien teach
RED: do u just like new tech?
YA menace: hes a space nerd so he loves aliens
RED: do u just wanna meet an alien then?
YA protag (retired): CAN I??!!
RED: yeah I can pull something together for u
YA menace: omfg. Red can u go stop stealing danny from me
RED: up ur game Signal. We’re ALL going to try to steal Danny away
YA menace: how tf do i kick u out of the chat
RED: u cant 😇 im too good to be kicked
YA menace: put that halo away we all know what u really are
YA menace: 🤡
YA protag (retired): omg….. rip red ur cool reputation will be missed
RED: hey now. What happened to the bribes :( 
YA protag (retired): ur still gonna get them but i am playing favorites
YA protag (retired): and signal is obviously my fave
YA menace: knew i could count on u to have my back danny 💛
YA menace: drop ur location red i just wanna talk
RED: lol no
RED: good luck catching me :) 
YA menace: coward!!!!
YA protag (retired): there he goes…..
YA protag (retired): hey u know what i just realized?
YA menace: what?
YA protag (real) changed YA menace’s name to Light
YA protag (real) changed their name to Night
Night: rhyming buddies 😄
Light: i get the light bc of my powers but wheres the night coming from?
Night: bc i love space! the night sky!!
Light: ok thats pretty cute ngl
Light: give me some warning bc u do stuff like that its bad for my heart
Night: stop sweet talking me im busy feeling clever
Light: lmaooooo
Light: fair enough i’ll get back to it in 3-5 business days
Night: good 👍
Night: also is now a good time to ask abt red…. who was that….
Light: that was a nerd. dont worry abt him ok im cooler
Light: serious answer: hes red robin and hes another vigilante in gotham. we’re chill
Night: did u find his location for a throw down tho
Light: i can do u one better: i know where he lives
Night: oh???
Light: yeah his dad is my mentor of sorts so its not THAT impressive that i know
Light: i did steal all his zesti tho lol
Night: not sure what that is but im proud of u
Light: its just a drink that hes obsessed w. i love being a minor annoyance 😇
Night: shaking ur hand. its really the best thing to be
Light: hell yeah!!!
Light: hey got a kinda serious question for u
Night: whats up?
Light: have u thought abt ur future?
Light: like what u want to do in college, where u want to go after high school, what career u want
Night: i mean. some. 
Night: not as much as my parents want me to. 
Night: my sister goes to harvard and is super smart. im not that impressive so i keep disappointing them
Night: and with things recently… idk its hard. it kinda feels like they dont believe i have a future.
Night: not that they really see me in the present anyways
Night: sorry that was heavy. short answer is no! not really!
Light: that sounds rough. wanna talk abt it?
Night: not really but not talking hasnt done me much good
Night: my sister would want me to talk anyways. to someone trustworthy at least
Night: so if u dont mind listening…
Light: go for it!! im here for u danny
Light: emotionally at least. not physically but thats not by choice
Night: it can wait tho honestly. whyd u ask abt the future? something on ur mind?
Light: just feeling really lost rn is all.
Light: its like everyone around me has an idea of what to do with their lives while im still surprised that i made it as far as i have
Light: this is really the first time ive seriously thought abt my future and i have no idea what to do
Light: so i wanted to talk to u bc u help make things feel less terrifying
Night: signal…. ur going to make me cry
Night: u make me feel brave too
Night: ♥️
Night: i get what u mean 100% btw. u go so long sure that u dont have a future that u dont know what to do now that its here
Light: exactly.
Light: what am i supposed to do with my life? i dont want to be a hero full time, ive seen how that breaks people
Night: do u want to go to college? or do u just feel like u have to bc everyone else is?
Light: i do want to. 
Light: my parents both went and theyve always wanted me to get a degree and be successful
Light: they may not be around anymore, not really, but i do still want to make them proud
Light: they cant see me graduate, but maybe when i tell them the next time i visit, itll reach the part of them thats still alive in their minds
Light: what about u? do u want to go to college?
Night: yeah. it was always my dream to become an astronaut. work at nasa and everything
Night: no chance its ever gonna happen now tho lol
Night: dying and the health problems that comes w that will do that to ya ✌️
Light: oh man that sucks
Night: yeah
Night: i might still study aerospace engineering tho. even if i cant be an astronaut, maybe i can help others get there
Light: thats a good alternative!! im glad u still have some idea of what u can do that can help u work at nasa and achieve part of ur dream
Night: we’ll see tho
Night: im not really feeling college atm. or life in general
Night: idk i feel…. stuck. like nothing will change even if i get out of illinois. it’ll just be the same stuff at a different place
Night: and i know itll take one visit from my parents to start ruining things for me
Night: i just… dont really wanna deal w that. ive kinda given up on life tbh i might as well just focus on the ghostly side of things. stay in the ghost zone more permanently
Light: i dont wanna judge or anything but that doesnt sound healthy?? 
Light: pls dont disappear into the ghost zone. i’d miss u.
Night: sweet talker
Night: i wont. dont worry. its just a feeling i get sometimes, that it’d be better if i wasnt in this world. if i could just go somewhere else
Light: hey. what if
Light: sorry if this idea is stupid or something
Light: but what if u lived here? in my dimension? u could establish a life and go to college here. 
Light: a total fresh start
Night: thats. not a bad idea actually
Night: i would love that. wouldn’t it be hard to do tho? i dont exist there.
Light: we can make it work. its not like us gotham vigilantes are new to creating new identities/lives out of nothing
Light: i could ask for a few favors, do a few dubiously legal things. you could live here
Night: im planning to take a gap year to figure out if i wanna stay in the human world at all. i could spend that year in gotham before making my choice
Night: if u dont mind me asking this huge favor of u
Light: i dont mind at all!!
Light: danny i would love for u to be here are u kidding me. i’d do anything so we could be closer together
Night: thanks signal ♥️
Night: i made this all abt me im so sorry
Night: wanna talk more abt how ur feeling or ur plans for the future?
Light: maybe some other time. i wanna get to work on making sure u can live here for the year (and more! hopefully!)
Light: tell u what. 
Light: we can talk more abt this the next time we see each other in person ok?
Night: deal
Night: im really glad i met u
Light: me too
Light: im here for u for as long as u want me around, honey
Light: u dont need to worry about a thing with me
Night: ure too sweet.
Night: im going to go now before u make me melt into a puddle of feelings
Night: ♥️
Light: ♥️
“Hey Babs, I have a favor to ask…”
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3liza · 7 months
saw someone talking about "scary dog privilege" on here today and cant find the post again but i guess it refers to when women are bothered less in public when accompanied by a large dog, and bypassing the quibble i have with calling that a privilege, i can absolutely 100% confirm it is true.
i was approached by a 30s-40s single white man wearing the Dipshit Uniform (guy in a baseball cap who looks like he drives an f-150 and has voting opinions i would not agree with) on the street the other day and all he had to talk about was Churchgrim. that he was VERY large, looked like a good boy, obedient, what breed is he, etc. this is the only interaction i get from men in public anymore unless i do not have the dog with me, at which point it goes back to the usual bullshit. however it has to be an actual scary-looking dog and you have to visibly have control of it. this is not why i got a large dog, it's just a side benefit. it probably has a lot to do with the masculine cultural coding of any large dog breed that isnt a poodle or a sight hound more than it does the actual violence potential of the dog, but those two things are related. notably, not a SINGLE man has tried to mansplain dog care or handling to me for five years. not one. i cant explain this because its not like being visible capable at a task or skill will stop them in any other circumstance, including when you are holding a literal firearm.
i remember reading some stupid op-ed from some idiot woman who got a dog "for protection" on her jogs and was baffled when men were not intimidated by her golden fucking retriever (although they should have been; goldens bite a lot, statistically, probably explicitly because people do not take them seriously)
the fact that men's body language and tone of voice has changed so drastically from before when i had a 90lbs black shepherd mix standing next to me is pretty damning tbh. all people both intentionally and unintentionally modulate their communication styles around that type of dog to display respect, interest, or fear, experienced dog people can be identified instantly by their comfort and confidence with the dog, and people with dog phobia are the opposite. the dog instinctively puts himself between me and approaching strangers, probably not out of a defensive instinct in grim's case but because strangers are interesting and he wants to be closer to the object of interest, but the physical barrier this creates is a great benefit to me.
specifically, men talk to me much much much more like they are speaking to another man when the dog is there. part of that is men are often genuinely interested in knowing information about a large dog of grim's type and are not using the dog as an excuse to flirt with or harass me. grim has a phenotype that is familiar to certain experiences within the united states as a "porch dog" or "yard dog" or "farm dog" that everyone who has lived in rural areas has usually known or owned a few notable examples of, and thats a general class of dog that tends to be good at listening and responding to humans and has a lot of opportunities to display intelligence or good judgment, so people with rural experience tend to associate him with good memories. he's also "handsome" in the dog sense because he got to keep his balls until he was 3, on the advice of his vet, and as a result he developed nice-looking musculature and a big thick neck which you dont get on city dogs much. he gets a lot of positive attention from older ladies as well, who you'd think would be afraid of being knocked over, but who are always just besotted with him for reasons i havent quite figured out yet. maybe they like seeing a youngish woman with a dog like this, i know that i feel good and happy when i see younger women and girls in situations where they seem safe or protected to me. i think to myself, "i don't have to worry about her" and i feel relief. observing young women and girls often triggers anxiety for women who are even just a few years older than they are, out of pure empathy. its one reason it's so important to be kind to younger people than you are.
anyway it's damning to the men because of course men don't think rationally that the dog would understand and be offended or angry if they sexually harassed or disrespected me. but they are still on their best behavior because the dog is an implicit threat that i can defend myself. and perhaps not only did they have nothing real to discuss with me before now because they assumed we had nothing in common and that i was an idiot or not human, but they are watching themselves carefully to only express normal human civility. i dont get that from random men without the dog. mostly (not entirely but mostly) i get either casual disrespect/disregard, or outright sexual harassment. when i was younger and less experienced with men and had fewer cycles of these interactions, i was completely unaware of how disrespectful these approaches or comments were, which is the interpretation i can see less-experienced women making now, even if they're my age. and when i was 20, my 30 year old friends seemed pathologically misandrist and defensive to me. it was purely the difference in our actual mileage. that sucks man. wish we could just be normal around people and not have to expect the worst constantly.
anyway, good dog
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