#and at worst you actively don’t give a shit/want to hurt people
fishyartist · 2 years
Oh ew an artist I followed was posting shit about how we need to be accommodating of sexualizing incest+children because “it’s fiction” bullshit get lost ☠️
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chaoticjjcakes · 2 months
Ok, so I’m gonna go on a little rant on here.
I’m a marvel comics fan, my favorite comics were the young avengers comics and absolutely loved the dynamics between the characters. I particularly loved Tommy Shepherd, also known as Speed. Out of the entire lineup of Young Avengers, I somehow saw a piece of myself within his character. But his treatment in Marvel Comics definitely leaves something to be desired. Especially with the whole thinkfast breakup which is is my last straw.
First of all, the writers reasoning for breaking breaking Tommy and David up is ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT! Tommy has no connections to the x-men, no connections to Krakoa, ITS NOT EVEN CONFIRMED IF HE AND BILLY ARE MUTANTS OR NOT! (Which is a whole other ballgame I don’t wanna get into) Their reasoning is flimsy at best and bullshit at worst because of this, and it gets even worse when you introduce a new love interest so soon after they break up OFF PANEL with a seemingly insulting dig at Tommy within the comic.
Second of all, I’m worried how this will affect Tommy’s appearances in comics. The last time we saw him was the scarlet witch and quicksilver miniseries. He barely, if ever gets any appearances anymore and the ones he does show up in, he was with David (Which is probably why the writer thought Tommy was an X-men connection). Tommy is frequently left out of major story arcs and team-ups, leading to me feeling that he is somehow forgotten by the writers and creators at Marvel. While Tommy has been a part of the Young Avengers, he is often overshadowed by other more prominent characters like Kate Bishop, America Chavez, Cassie Lang who’s with Antman, Noh-Varr whos with the guardians of the galaxy, his mother, his uncle, even his own twin brother! He’s often underutilized as well and when he is there, he’s just the goofier version of quicksilver.
Third, we barely get any sense of actual character from him and in moments we do it’s just immediately dropped. First example: scarlet witch and quicksilver #3, where he actively mentioned Davids supposed death (cuz he definitely didn’t know that David was actually alive? I’m kinda confused about this?) and he seemed to be kinda disassociated from with stating he wasn’t there until Pietro snapped him out of it. This isn’t the first time someone has died and Tommy wasn’t there. He finds his mom’s dead body before Trial of Magneto and later in issue 1, seems disassociated when talking with Kevin. In the infinity comics, he states that people always forget about him. I see that he probably often finds himself overlooked and underutilized within the vast universe of superheroes.
Just to headcanon with fact: It’s somewhat implied he may have been neglected. I mean we barely know anything about his life before except that his parents were divorced and he was in and out of juvie until he was a teenager. Considering that they didn’t give a shit about him, leaving their child alone to the court system, and then not contacting him. (Though I doubt he would want that.) He so desperately wants a family, and he sees that in the young avengers, in the magnet family (even if they’re a little fucked up, they’re infinitely better). The team breaks him out, and a kid who looks exactly like him says they’re brothers and this powerful witch is their mother. He doesn’t want to believe it. He can’t believe it because that means he has another family that actually cares about him. Then they find out about everything Wanda went through and he takes in the connection even further. The team goes on a few missions and find out they could save his mom, and then they go through trauma via teammates dying and and the avengers/x-men fighting over his spirit mom. The team decides to breakup, he doesn’t want this to happen, the only thing he has being taken from him, he doesn’t want this to end. But it does, and it hurts, especially because his brother is willing to let go of it so easily. And it’s even harder because he’s living with him, his boyfriend, and other family who’s too nice and so he leaves and no one apparently cares. He goes on with heroics alone, working jobs, meets David and recruits him for a stakeout, then gets kidnapped by an entity. He then comes back almost a year later and has to take it in stride. He goes through so much traumatic and sad shit and either no one cares or they’re too busy. He doesn’t have much support. David seemed to be the only support he had and they’re broken up now. Wanda has her own shit, Pietro has his own shit, Billy has his own shit. HIS OTHER TEAMMATES HAVE THEIR OWN SHIT!
I’d imagine he’d have some type of resentment towards everyone, especially Billy. He has the perfect husband, perfect family, has a great relationship with their spiritual mother, and has unimaginable power. In the infinity comics master pandemonium seemingly implied Tommy has some kind of powerful potential, but we haven’t seen that yet. They haven’t even made any foreshadowing towards that. But I’d imagine after the whole break up with David, he’d have a mental breakdown from all the shit he went through. His boyfriend dying twice while he wasn’t there, after the second time David breaks up with him then gets a new boyfriend almost immediately (I don’t know the timeframe, I’m sorry), I’d crack too.
Considering all of this I introduce the following options:
1.) Put him in a new team. Have him be apart of a new team of youngish heroes, or better yet make him a mentor. He’s great with kids. I can’t think of any actual teams he could be on, but just let him be a part of a team. Please?!
2.) Have him interact with more characters. Have him interact with his family more. Wanda, Pietro, Lorna, Billy, fucking Magneto and Luna, give him more interactions with them. Have him mention talking to Kate Bishop. OR ELI BRADLEY ANOTHER CHARCTER YOU’VE SEEMINGLY FORGOT MARVEL!
3.) Give him his own miniseries. Or a fucking arc. I wanna see my baby do something cool, not play second fiddle to Billy for once. Billy gets several different comics to appear in and has so much power. Give Tommy a power upgrade like in the fanfics. Develop his powers more, like those headcanons where he could manipulate time and space. If the writers on ao3 can do that, you can do it too. Or better yet, have him be an antihero, that would absolutely fit him better. Didn’t he literally kill people when he first appeared? Have him be a bit more violent when dealing with bad guys. Not completely sociopathic, just a bit chaotic.
Anyway, please stop sleeping on Tommy Shepherd Marvel, he has so much more potential, you don’t even know.
Thank you for listening to my Ted-Talk!
Edit: Another thing I’d like to add to this is the fact that in other universes, Tommy is the magic twin…
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Or Billy and him have unimaginable power…
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So I know that Marvel can explore this. No excuse to just throw Tommy to the wayside like this while Billy gets all the glory.
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
Hi @the-jello-bowl 👋,
There could be something to be said here about how the editors may have had a hand in Hori not exploring all the characters he may have wanted to.
But, even if that is the case, not all of the blame would rest on them.
Hori clearly did not plan ahead for a lot of MHA. He is very good at coming up with good character designs and concepts as well as bringing life to them but seems to be at a loss after that is done. The cast bloating is key evidence of this.
It is sad to see all these interesting characters be swept to the wayside in favour of Bakugou, who by contrast brings nothing of interest to the table.
Bakugou is a narcissistic abuser in my opinion. He uses cruel nicknames, not as lighthearted jibes, but to bring others down - especially his friends.
Other than the instances you mentioned, I want to bring attention to one that belongs to Bakugou's supposed best friend, Kirishima, who he calls only "shitty hair." We learn in his backstory that Kirishima changed his hair to be like his idols as a symbol of his growth prior to U.A. Therefore, being continually called "shitty hair" would hurt Kirishima deeply. He also tells Bakugou to stop, and yet Bakugou does not care.
The time I can think of when Bakugou called someone their actual name is that time he used "Izuku" instead of the usual "Deku" slur. And even that is bad because instead of asking for the right to call Izuku by his first name, usually reserved for close family, Bakugou just does it.
Typical narcissistic, entitled and stagnant Bakugou. We hate to see it.
I wish Hori didn't waste so many manga panels on this idiot.
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Read your villain thing, just to be clear, do you think redemption means a character had to be punished? Because you talked a lot about punishment and I think you mean that if a character isn't punished as equally as they harmed, it's not a redemption. Which I guess is a view you can take, but it's not mine at all
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A punishment is literally anything that counts as a “consequence for being an evil person who hurts others for fun/power”.
The only qualification I have is that they have to happen outside of being immediate self-defense. Losing a fight doesn’t count.
They don’t have to be equal- but having characters face something as simple as generic consequences for their actions helps polish a redemption arc and make it seem more authentic- the world feels more alive and real when characters are allowed to have negative responses to those that have hurt them.
Here’s a few “punishments/consequences” Red Son faces for all the shit he’s pulled:
(And thinking on it now, I might move Red Son into my “actually redeemed list” if I ever remake it. He goes through quite a bit of development- I might be being way too harsh on him. Then, he’s still totally unrepentant for hurting innocent people and trying to take over the world… hmm.)
(Footage gathered for Red Son)
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Vocal and vitriolic distrust from at least two people who have every reason to distrust him. These people dislike the idea of working with someone who has openly and happy hurt them.
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MK at least questioning working with him- he vouches for Red Son anyways, but it’s clear that he has at least some doubts, too.
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Clear and open distrust from someone he was constantly hurting/trying to hurt/actively working to subjugate to his family’s whims by attempting to take over the world. Mei performs a “team-up” because the world is in danger, but still actively dislikes him.
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Physical assault (played for comedy).
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Teasing and mockery (played for laughs).
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The butt of more disrespect- the characters have no reason to trust or respect this guy, and it’s portrayed very clearly that they don’t.
It takes an entire training arc that leaves Red Son sincerely opening himself up for this to changed- Red Son has to actively work to help Mei before she’s willing to cozy up to him.
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And even after all this?
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He isn’t given an immediate and universal pass that makes every character magically okay/friends with him.
THIS is what “punishment” is to me.
I don’t want these characters to break and bleed and die. I don’t want them getting dragged to the underworld while screaming in terror. I don’t want them on the ground with their teeth broken and their pride destroyed.
Consequences don’t have to be violent. They don’t have to be vengeful. They can be, but I don’t need them to be.
So what do I want?
I just want; in-universe, for people to care enough about how they and their loved ones have been hurt to have negative reactions to the pain and suffering they were caused.
And Red Son is actually a pretty good example of that, as it turns out.
As opposed to Macaque, who actively has potential consequences REMOVED-
Tang telling Wukong to not attack him after Macaque forces Tang to complete the Samadhi Fire ritual under the threat of ending Mei’s life.
Why? Why does Tang blame himself for something he was forced to do to prevent a dear friend from being murdered in cold blood?
Tying him up was good- especially with how MK snapped at him to be quiet and how Sandy flipped him around- they dislike him for his crimes, so treat him as a pest- that’s nice!
And then one of the worst moments in the series occurs-
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MK giving him an awful “you aren’t a bad guy” speech before Macaque has done a single kind thing for anyone.
Macaque is not “playing” at being a bad guy. He IS a bad guy.
Up to about 27:49, Macaque spends nearly every last moment he gets being an unrepentant and murderous individual who takes open joy in hurting others. It’s not like he’s trying to spare unrelated individuals or going out of his way to avoid hurting people- he openly revels in attacking Ao Guang, assaults Tang, etc.
“Not meaning it” or whatever is not an excuse for doing evil things!
Like, the most “kind” thing he’s done by now is drag an extremely exhausted and injured Mayor to the team- with no effort or work put in on his part. It’s not like he was out fighting the guy.
It’s the equivalent of your cat dragging in a dead bird and pretending they caught it themself.
Like, oh, “he doesn’t get a bowl of noodles” from MK or whatever, but it’s pretty clear MK was saving those for himself- and Wukong steals them to be petty.
And then comments on the caliber of Wukong’s character in Season Four like Macaque has any right to say anything about anyone- especially the people he’s openly tried to murder and in general be unpleasant towards.
“Wukong was power-hungry,” whines to MK the simian who was so power-hungry that he spent days/weeks manipulating MK to steal his powers.
How does MK respond to this?
Oh, he doesn’t. Because if you’re Macaque, the writers… I don’t know, actually.
Why wouldn’t they have MK defend his mentor, or call out the blatant hypocrisy that he was a victim of?
Seriously, what the hell?
How does Mei respond to a team-up with the guy who violently attacked her uncle and held her life hostage, leading to a chain of events that very well could have killed her?
She doesn’t! Because if you’re Macaque, the writers will write out character traits like “fiery and prone to losing her temper” or “loves her friends and family” to justify her not having a negative response to him doing genuinely awful things so they can have a team-up.
Like, revisit pictures one, three, and four.
Mei is not a gold-hearted sweetie who “simply can’t bear to hold a grudge”! or anything. She should absolutely have a comment here. She should be distrustful. She should be at least cautious.
But she’s not, despite Season Four working to exemplify her negative traits like being trigger-temper and impatient.
Because she’d be going against Macaque-
And the writers will do anything with him BUT acknowledge his crimes or genuinely having intriguing or complex moments between him and his victims.
There’s one last comment I’ve got to respond to, and then I think I’m done with the “redemption talk” stuff. ​
I’ve pretty much spilled out all my feelings on Macaque’s arc by now- there’s nothing left I can say.
But I’ve enjoyed talking on it, and I’ve enjoyed seeing the counterarguments! It’s been nice to see why people like his redemption arc, even though my own personal feelings on it are unchanged.
One person pointed out that Pigsy does at least have a moment of apprehension about trusting Macaque, which I hadn’t remembered, and I’m glad they brought to my attention! (This only makes the writing worse. Pigsy cares more about a secret being kept by Wukong than someone trying to murder him and his son in cold blood, because… because.)
I also noticed that I got something else wrong- Macaque wasn’t yet infected with the Lady Bone Demon’s power when he sieged Ao Guang’s palace- which actually makes it harder to justify, because we can’t even say that he was “rushing to save himself from an internal and imminent threat. He was just being a monster.
Also I’m pretty sure people are getting sick of seeing it, haha.
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faetthorn · 10 days
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Probably my only contribution to the Pathologic fandom
Some important words below, if you're a patho fan take the time to read them
TW: pedophilia, SA, grooming, racism, colonialism
So I got into pathologic in july and almost instantly got hit with a post about the allegations from back in 2021 against Nikolay Dybowski, game creator and founder of Ice Pick Lodge. He’s groomed several girls ages 15-18 and inclusively has used his position as a member of HSE University in Moscow to do so. 3 years on and people have all forgotten this and are happily cheering for the bachelor route like nothing ever happened 
Yes I know you all wanna forget abt the uncomfortable situations, after all "what can we do" right? I wish I could just pull a switch in my brain and forget too, but I'm a victim of SA and child grooming, and I can't play this game without remembering what its creator did. The worst part is that the characters mean a lot to me. I got into pathologic while suffering from ptsd related nightmares and Daniil, Artemy and Clara brought me a lot of joy and comfort. Even now they and some elements of patho’s story mean the world to me. It hurts to be constantly reminded that everyone is against you, no matter how much you appreciate their work, no matter how much time and money you put into doing it.
I'd properly join the fandom and start calling for a boycott and for these allegations to be discussed and reminded of again but I just know it'll never happen. I'd be ignored or get a thousand replies "oh but the employees, they have nothing to do with it!!" "it's just a game!" "it'll get you nowhere!" “age of consent is x y or z in this country!” "stop being a vindictive little bitch!" "*insert rape threat here*" I expect to receive 0 support on this post and I'll block anyone I need to. Just wanted to let this out of my chest even if nothing will change: Petitions don't work, they never did and they never will. Passivity and politeness never got ME shit, at least.
DOXA, the rus student newspaper investigating these allegations was raided by police (1, 2) and recently considered an undesirable organization by the government. The courts and police would never do anything about this and they’re clearly more invested in persecuting student groups that have even the most basic feminist goals. HSE University didn’t get involved in any libel suits so as far as we know Dybowski wasn’t even fired. Not only is he the creator and chief writer of the games but he's also the head of the studio. Spreading awareness and boycotting is the only way justice can be made (at least in a way non-russians can participate). If you’re considering playing pathologic i cannot recommend it and i don’t want to be the reason someone gives more money to Dybowski. You don’t need more harmful shit when you have 2 games, a dlc and wonderful fandom content the game would never make canon. Hell, PIRATE all the games if you really need to. When the bachelor route comes out the IPL employees will have already been paid for it. Also, let’s not forget that WE DON’T KNOW where the profits we give will go. They might go to CP, they might go to the rus army attacking Ukraine and occupying former USSR territory and Syria.  
I wonder why it's so easy for you all to rightfully call to boycott anything related to zionism without making excuses but then when it's a pedophile with countless cases of grooming and very probably rape you all stay quiet and do nothing just because it's your precious little interests. It's almost like it's all performative
In the same vein, there needs to be a discussion about how violently racist this game is because this art came from anger and sadness. I’m not indigenous but i’ve followed native activism for years and i wouldn’t have the beliefs i have today without the opinions of indigenous people. I know feeling betrayed by the art you use to cope with how horrible reality is is tough. Not only does this game have extremely racist stereotypes and portrays natives as a monolith, but it’s also unsurprisingly misogynistic in an extremely colonial way (need i remind you of Willow, the way the herb brides are dressed or the fixation with portraying steppe people as woman-sacrificing brutes). Not to mention the extreme cruelty of patho 2’s endings. Which is way more insulting when it’s directly tied via the in-game use of Buryat language and inspirations to the native peoples of Siberia who Russia colonized and whose culture is still actively repressed, at a time when the weight of colonization (environmental catastrophe, poverty, sexual violence and more) makes indigenous people commit suicide at a way higher rate than any other ethnicity in many countries, and this includes the native people of Siberia who this game “pays homage” to (1). This fandom in general needs to start being way more critical and checking their own racism too. And to any native patho fans i’m obviously not here to tell you how to feel abt patho’s racism
Well, there it is. I have no hope left to ask anyone to boycott the bachelor route or the other projects Dybowski's created but if this makes you think about the things you throw money at it’ll be something
Edit: I apparently need to clarify something since certain people have been pestering me about it. I'll keep standing behind the part where I say the profits (not the money used to pay the employees, the PROFITS) might go to CP and the rus army and I'll expand on why. The CP part is more than obvious, after all we're talking about a guy who has been sexually abusing underage girls since allegedly at least 2012 with full impunity. The army part might seem like a stretch but if it does to you there's things you need to understand. It should already be common knowledge that misogyny and sexual violence play a HUGE part in colonialism and in russian colonialism it's no different. Dybowski is a misogynistic, violent abuser (because YES csa is violence, always), with racist, pro-colonial views as seen in pathologic. It's a REAL RISK. No pro-Palestine person would ever buy something from an israeli with Dybowski's track record who has given absolutely no statements on the invasion on Palestine while said invasion is ongoing, so the same should apply to Russia. And let me repeat once again: we are not responsible for the IPL employees' well-being and payment. Dybowski is.
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Drabble-A-Thon Prompt #10
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Mature
Prompt: Tomura being so utterly in love with Dabi and Dabi struggling with why because Tomura is the first person who's really loved him.
Contents: Mentioned BDSM dynamic and sexual content, canon-typical suicidal idolization. 
Dabi lets Tomura hold him after they’ve fucked. He doesn’t normally spend the night with the people he sleeps with, but he doesn’t normally ‘play’ the way that Duster wants to. He’s never been in a ‘dynamic’ before. Never had someone who insisted on ‘aftercare’ that consisted of holding him close, hands stroking over his skin, and soft kisses pressed against his hair and wherever else he can reach. It feels good, especially if his pride or flesh is hurting from their rougher play. But this has been going on for two months now, and Dabi doesn’t think that Shigaraki still just considers this a hookup. 
No. He’s pretty sure that Duster thinks they’re dating. He’s never dated anyone either. Why would he have? He knows that he’s not long for this world in the first place. Knows that he’s barely worth looking at. Knows that no one should give him the time of day if he’s not actively making whoever he’s with feel good. But Tomura wants to be around him whenever he can be. He wraps his arms around him, cuddles in close, he catches him between meetings to give him soft kisses, he pulls him into his side when they’re watching movies with the others. But the worst of it, the thing that is making Dabi feel like he needs to abandon every useful thing he’s found with the League, is the fact that Shigaraki has gotten into the horrible habit of pressing his lips to his temple in an achingly gentle kiss and then murmuring, 
“I love you,” against his skin. And every time he does it, Dabi can’t help tensing against him. When it happens tonight though, it’s the last straw. Dabi scoffs and he pushes against his chest. Tomura hesitates for a second, but then lets go. Dabi sits up, reaching for some tissues, and wipes away the mess of their fluids clinging to his skin as best as he can before he shifts to the edge of the bed, reaching for his boxer briefs that ended up at the foot. 
“I’m done with this.” There’s an achingly long pause as he stands, starting to dress. 
“I’m done with this. Your dick is good, but I don’t need you deluding yourself into thinking you’re in love with me.” 
“‘Deluding’? Dabi, I’m not delusional.” Duster throws the covers back and gets up too, mindless of his nudity, and Dabi really is going to miss how good it feels to be fucked by him. “I love you– if three months of dating was still too soon to tell you, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to lie about my feelings for you.” 
“See this is exactly the kind of shit I’m talking about,” he’s almost glad that Duster worded it like that, because it means that he gets to be angry instead of despondent. “We aren’t dating. We were fucking, you got too attached, and now we’re not going to be fucking any more.” 
Shigaraki stares at him. He doesn’t know if he’s ever left the other man speechless before. Dabi pulls on his pants and shoves his feet into his boots, snatching up his coat and shirt from the floor. It’s just lucky that he manages to make a swift exit after that, luckier still that Shigaraki doesn’t come after him to try and convince him otherwise. He still doesn’t want to take too many chances. He goes down to the gym to shower instead of back to his bedroom, and then heads out. He has to meet with a spy soon anyway, and the longer he’s out of base, the longer this will have to blow over. 
He manages to stay away from the PLF for two weeks, and when he comes back, he goes straight to his room. He showers, has food sent up, and types up an entire report of everything he discussed with Hawks, all of the other information gathering he got up to, and even an expense report for the number pushers in their finance department. That is all of his actual responsibilities that he needs to get done, finished. Technically, Shigaraki shouldn’t have any reason to come see him. Dabi doesn’t want him to come see him. 
But he leaves his door unlocked anyway. 
When he goes back to meetings on Monday, Shigaraki doesn’t say anything about his absence or about their… break-up or whatever if he’s been thinking that they were dating. He’s tersely professional with him just like he was when they first started working together. Fine. Good. That’s what he wanted anyway. 
But he feels himself getting more and more snippy. Feels his temperature creeping higher and his aggravation getting to a boiling point. He’s pretty damn sure that he’s going to light Duster on fire, and he can’t pin down why. He’s been pretty insufferable for this entire meeting, and he knows it because Twice has actually been smoking while they’ve been talking and Toga is the first one out of her chair to leave when they’re done. 
“Dabi, stay.” Shigaraki snaps at him, and the rest of the lieutenants all but sprint for the door as he stands and turns to Duster to growl, 
“I’m not a fucking dog, you piece of shit!” 
“No you’re not, because a dog can be better trained than you!” Shigaraki is on his feet too, and Dabi flinches involuntarily. Duster never yells at any of them. Even when they first met and tried to kill each other, he hadn’t really raised his voice like that. The last of the lieutenants gets out from the room, and the door shuts with a loud, final thud, leaving them in a deafening silence. It takes a long time before Shig takes a slow breath and manages to speak again, his voice still clipped with his frustration, but not raised anymore. “If you don’t feel the same way, then that’s fine, Dabi. But I expect you to be able to be mature about this as we work together from here on out.” 
“You don’t feel anything about me. You’re not in love with me.” 
“You’re a pain in my ass, but why do you keep assuming that you know my feelings better than I do?” 
“Because no one can love me!” Dabi snaps. The words come out, but he’s not sure he meant for them too. He’s sure he didn’t expect for them to get met with a horrible stretch of silence and the dim realization that there is an aching pressure that’s building up behind his seams that tells him he’s way, way too close to tears. Tomura moves around the edge of the table slowly, getting into Dabi’s space, and he really should go right now. He needs to get out of here. He can’t have this, he can’t even stand to have someone pretending that he can. 
But Shig gets his hands against one of his cheeks and the side of his neck and he makes Dabi meet his eyes. He hopes that the fact he’s not seeing any blood clouding his vision means that he doesn’t look like he’s about to burst into tears. “Firefly,” 
He tries to pull away, “Let go–” 
“No.” Tomura pulls him closer, resting their foreheads together. “Dabi, I don’t know who you were before you found me,” He hasn’t asked since that first night either. Dabi has always been grateful about that. He doesn’t want to tell him. Doesn’t want him to look at him differently. “But if I find out who made you think that no one could fall in love with you, I’m going to kill them. Precious,” Dabi’s insides feel like they’re going to tighten to the point of bursting. “I love you. You’re clever, hard-working, determined, resourceful, gorgeous, and vicious. I love spending time with you. I love that you let me take control and know that I’m not going to hurt you when I have it. If you don’t feel the same way now, or ever, then that’s alright. I just want you to know how I feel, even if we don’t go back to what we were doing before. Are you sure that you want to stop that?” 
Dabi can’t trust his voice. His throat is too tight, his eyes are aching so badly that he’s sure that he’ll have bruises under the scars from trying to hold back the bloody tears. But he manages to shake his head weakly, not able to meet Shigaraki’s eyes. 
Tomura sighs softly, and presses a kiss to his forehead before he pulls him close, letting Dabi hide his face against his shoulder as a hand shifts to stroke through his hair. “Okay, firefly. We can figure this out. I’m going to be right here until you believe me.” 
Dabi doesn’t know if he’ll live long enough for Tomura to keep his promise, but he does know that he’s never let anyone else in the world hold him like this. He knows that he likes it. 
Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to participate, consider checking out my Ko-fi here!
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hareofhrair · 5 months
However important you think Biden winning the election is, you must surely realise that jerking off into a sock might just do more to make that happen than being annoying about it on tumblr.
Thanks for having the integrity to send this off anon, man. And I more or less agree frankly. My original post was primarily venting and mostly just intended for the people in my immediate circle as, at most, an explanation for why I was unfollowing them and breaking mutuals. I didn’t even tag it as anything but “us politics” for people who don’t want to see that shit. It wouldn’t have gone much further than that, but a sci fi author I follow and respect deeply reblogged it, and they’re pretty popular so here we are. The shit i have got in my inbox the last week you would not believe, dude.
The thing is being annoying about voting for Biden on tumblr is pretty damn ineffective for sure. Unfortunately, doomposting about how he’s no better than trump and it doesn’t make a difference who wins so we should all just give up- does work. Reblogging a million posts about how Biden is a genocidal monster and voting for him means you’re a murderous racist (and exactly zero posts about Trump’s political plans or anything hopeful or which recommends actual action beyond just *not voting*) is incredibly effective at suppressing votes here. The tumblr community is very susceptible to apathy, because we’re all depressed and broke and miserable.
Russia literally used that to their advantage in 2016- this is established, proven fact- in order to get Trump elected the first time by convincing leftist youth that the democratic candidates were just as bad so there was no point in voting (and in fact voting makes you a bad person because you’re endorsing those monsters!) So I’d prefer if people around me did not uncritically reblog that shit. It pisses me off to see it and it does no one any good.
Biden is dogshit man, I know. I’m not a democrat, I just vote that way because, generally speaking, they are the only available candidates who don’t want to make my life actively worse. That doesn’t mean I like it.
But as far as I can tell, the revolution isn’t happening any time soon. I’m doing as much as I can where I am, but generally speaking the American people are uniquely complacent and apathetic and systematically depowered. Most of us are fighting just to stay housed and fed and don’t have the energy to also throw ourselves on the gears of capitalism. Those of us that do have the capacity face the incredible impersonal violence of the police state and a justice system with both political and financial incentive to strip their personhood and sell them into forced labor. Either things have to get a *lot* worse to convince people they have nothing to lose (which as someone else pointed out is a risky gamble that doesn’t always work and results in a lot of suffering regardless) or things need to get *marginally* better, enough that the people who already want change have the stability and resources to fight for it. And when you want incredibly, frustratingly marginal improvements, look no further than the democratic party!
Look, when it comes down to it, you don’t need to agree with me. But at least admit that even if it makes no difference at all, voting doesn’t hurt anything. It’s free, it takes very little effort, and it maybe gives us a slightly better chance of avoiding our country becoming a christofacist dictatorship.
If voting, at worst, makes no difference why not do it?
If voting, at worst, does nothing- why are so many people so invested in convincing you that you shouldn’t do it?
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astroyongie · 1 year
Some Tea 😵‍💫
Note: Please don’t ask names ! and just enjoy ! 
This idol substance consumption is getting worst by time 
You aren’t ready for the amount of creativity for the solo of this idol 
This idol is getting tired, and tired by the day to the point where you can see it through the performances 
This idol is coming fast with some great news he wants to share with his fans 
The amount of resilience This idol has, nothing can break him through 
This idol is going through a very hard, harsh period of his life. he needs support emotionally 
This idol wants a solo, and he shall have it with all his work 
This idol is genuinely a child inside, he just is unable to take things seriously and he just want to live a good life away from responsibility 
This idol is dating his twin flame 
This idol will take a time out from the public eye and the media in general 
This idol is healing 
This idol is extremely protected by his company that covers everything he does that could be potencial scandals 
This idol regrets the bad deed he has done to some of his coworkers 
This idol cheated on his partner 
This idol suffers a lot from loneliness 
This idol probably had like a hidden family life in a way 
This idol has some issues with their internal voice that can say very mean things 
This idol is letting go of everything that has hurt him in the past and he is trying to become a better person
This idol doesn’t listen to people, either it’s his managers, the company, his teammates or even the fans. he just doesn't care
This idol is a candy, he is just jovial and he loves life and he wants everyone to be happy 
This idol has become a little bit too obsessed with his religion 
you have no idea how much courage This idol has to pull through all the shit he went through 
He is just so faithful when it comes to the group and his feelings. he is genuine with his fans 
This idol is going on a little trip 
This idol is amazing, she is soft and kindhearted and people should be happy to have her In their life
This idol is a lot more smart than she lets out, because the company likes when she plays dumb 
it smells.. like baby... or solo ? surprise surprise 
This idol is so smart and you aren’t ready with what they are preparing this time 
This idol is full of self confidence mostly due to their higher intuition 
This idol helps her community so much when it comes to giving financial support. she is an angel 
This idol needs to be more humble because what she does shouldn’t be something she is proud of 
This idol is going through a full change (physically)
This idol is extremely lucky at the moment and you can notice it because they are bright and full of life. business going well 
This idol is just too blessed when it comes to money and to solo activities and she will keep having solo works by herself out of the group 
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maegalkarven · 11 months
I understand what you’re saying about the Chosen of the dead 3, but I think Orin and Gortash are in the same boat. She wasn’t part of the plan at all, she killed or tried to kill her sibling to actively be part of the plan. She wasn’t even Bhaal’s chosen, she forced into that position herself. And if her abuse is grounds for understanding, then I’d say Gortash’s abuse is too. Sold to a devil as a child and tortured for years until he escapes and he grasps at anything to be in control so no one can control / hurt him again. I think he’s a shit person that did shit things, but I do like the character. And I don’t think Orin’s abuse outweighs that of Gortash. Someone/something messed them both up really bad. Bhaal uses Orin’s bloodlust and trauma to get her to do what he wants, Bane uses Gortash’s fear and need for control to get him to do what he wants. Gortash isn’t more/less redeemable because he’s the smart one that put the plan together. Also being Bane’s chosen means if he fails, he’s tortured for eternity. After being tortured for years, I’d imagine he’d do quite literally anything to not end up there again. Either they’re both redeemable or they’re both not in my eyes at least. Ketheric is the most redeemable for sure, he started out with a decent reason at least.
Gortash is my absolute fav actually because of all the layers. He's a fucking onion.
"Trapped in narrative- escaping the narrative"wise Gortash is the only one who actively walks into His.
He could do anything he wanted after escaping Hells. He wasn't exactly chained up or forced to climb the ladder to world domination.
Back then he still had a choice, even if his mind, twisted and turned by being Raphael's captive, didn't want that choice. Because fear is a strong thing, fear can control person in the worst possible ways. I believe Gortash chose "be the worst ever so no one can hurt him again" road and narrative himself.
But he CHOSE it. (The same way, some might argue, Ketheric chose not letting Isobel go, but I think Ketheric simply wasn't able to let her go)
Orin is different because she didn't exactly force herself into the narrative; she had always been in the narrative. She was born into the narrative.
No Bhaalspawn is ever free and no Bhaalspawn is ever not Bhaal's tool. She would inevitably be put on Durge's path because Bhaal loves putting his children against each other and because only One Bhaalspawn can remain. She even tried to play by the rules and challenged Durge, who didn't take her seriously and refused.
Both Orin and Gortash are more tragic than Ketheric because they're broken children who can never let it go.
Gortash is willingly not letting it go while Orin is literally trapped in it (her family, her cult, Father Bhaal in her head).
Ketheric is someone who, if convinced he can actually redeem himself (and if Isobel is alive), would try it.
Orin can only be redeemed if you forcibly take her out of her cult and cut off Bhaal's influence getting DIRECTLY INTO HER MIND. (Bhaal doesn't really have children, only victims)
Orin could easily be on Durge's place, tadpoled and amnesiac. Tbh I feel like her losing memory is the only way she could ever break free because for her where was nothing but Cult and Bhaal. She wasn't allowed anything else. Confronted with the truth about her upbringing, she's horrified; she also had been punished by Bhaal before for disobedience, Bhaal commands her what to do and Bhaal literally strips her of her own will and body because this is what Bhaal does. But if we can claw her out of it, knock her memories away and cut Bhaal off? Then she has a chance.
That's pretty much the only way she can have it (there's a reason Jaheira calls her lost soul).
But Gortash would not want redemption because he was not forced into the path of tyranny. He chose it. He quite likes it up on the top. He's comfortable over there being the worst and selling people and giving explosives to children. The only thing better would be if he had someone to share his kingdom with, someone who gets his genius.
If put on the ground, he will try to climb right back again. He doesn't care about freeing himself because in his mind only on the very top is where he is free. This narrative not his cage, it's his castle, he build it and he's not giving it up.
That's why any attempt to actually "redeem" him would fail because he is Not Interested in That. He is interested in Power and Being the Biggest and Strongest. Also so ppl would love him, idk how he plans to balance it out with his tyranny, but he pretty much requires the gaping audience. Admire him, everyone.
I have several plots of dragging him off his high horse bc the other alternative is his death, but all these plots require things to be the way where he's actively stripped of power in some way or another bc only his own survival will make him somewhat cooperate on an equal level (one particular ally, durge or tav, but more often durge aside). He is not a team player. He pretends he is.
There are, sure, some AU salvations for him, but no redemption because He Genuinely Does Not Regret a Thing, nor will he.
Neither is Orin, but Orin is a broken doll with a god of murder in her head. She lost herself so long time ago no one even recalls it.
Gortash has himself because no one ever had him. He will do anything for his survival and this is why he does not want or require redeeming. Not dying from Netherbrain, that's another story. But he inevitably always serves his own interests first.
Orin fights for the awful love and approval of a cruel god, Ketheric's love for his daughter transcends her death.
Orin and Ketheric's narratives are two sides of the same coin.
"A child craving affection of a cruel parent" VS "parent doing unimaginable horrors bc of the love for their child."
Gortash is out of that particular narrative, his narrative is "There's No One But Me. Only I Matter. No one loved me so I will love me in excess. No one loved me so no one deserves my love".
It is an echo and awful influence of his tragic past, but it's something he actively chooses. He loves that narrative of his, even if it doesn't exactly fulfill him 100% (because it's lonely on the top. Because somewhere deep inside Enver Flymm still lives. Because he can't let Enver Flymm go no matter now pathetic that past self of his is).
His tragedy is of being lonely af and not admitting it/not having anyone to match him in his genius, but not his Tyrant Path. This one he chose for himself.
The thing is, of course gods use their Chosen ones. I think Gortash knows that, and I think he also actively uses Bane. He wears the coat protecting him from the fear and is a chosen of a Dread Lord. That's telling. He doesn't actually serve Bane, he serves himself and aligns himself with Bane for as long as it works for him.
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kirbyprompts · 2 years
from critical role's the mighty nein episodes 34-71. feel free to change prompts as you see fit!
❝do they know you?❞
❝do they check weapons at the door, or anything like that?❞
❝i want to see how strong you’ve gotten.❞
❝well, how do i look?❞
❝i like myself just the way i am.❞
❝call this your home so long as you’d like to stay.❞
❝do you still love them?❞
❝love is a funny thing.❞
❝can you recommend any bookstores here?❞
❝hey, crime boss, are you my dad?❞
❝i don’t want people to know i’m still alive.❞
❝you’re asking a lot of questions for a person i just met.❞
❝i think you could snap me like a twig.❞
❝i think, perhaps, it’s destiny. do you believe in destiny?❞
❝i don’t have any dreams at night. is that worrisome?❞
❝it is funny how you keep showing up like a bad penny.❞
❝please don’t kill me.❞
❝i didn’t expect you to come in here and slaughter my contacts.❞
❝who were you supposed to deliver this to?❞
❝you’re not afraid of dying, are you?❞
❝is life always this directionless?❞
❝sometimes the things that are the most beautiful are the things that can hurt you the worst.❞
❝out of idle curiosity why have you been trying to butter me up?❞
❝i thought i had you figured out.❞
❝we’re about to be boarded by fucking pirates.❞
❝i am trying to process this as quickly as i can.❞
❝is there food in this bitch?❞
❝do you want to control the sea?❞
❝how many dudes you think you killed?❞
❝how many fingers am i holding up?❞
❝get out of there!❞
❝these days i’ve spent with you are the most exciting of my entire life.❞
❝this was the worst day of my life.❞
❝i’m getting used to the idea that this wouldn’t be a test if it was easy.❞
❝i think the world is shaping you into something important and i want to make sure that you get to wherever you need to be.❞
❝okay, i feel like shit, so i’m going to bed.❞
❝what was your first kiss like?❞
❝don’t fire on them unless they fire on us, you understand?❞
❝sometimes you can be nice to people too.❞
❝you better be sure this is something you want to die for.❞
❝if you’re lying to me, i’ll slit your throat.❞
❝pleasure to meet you. i have the feeling you’re having a really bad day.❞
❝just keep your mouth shut for like 30 damn seconds.❞
❝this is very dangerous to give to you, but you’re the perfect person to have it.❞
❝i was born to be a cannoneer.❞
❝have you ever sacrificed anything in order to achieve a greater goal?❞
❝i was alone for a long time and ran from everything.❞
❝i feel like a fool much of the time.❞
❝i could fill a book with what i don’t know.❞
❝what if we can never go home?❞
❝this is the best plan we’ve ever had!❞
❝i’m going to summon a demon.❞
❝no, really! she was a really bad person before we killed her and everyone on the boat!❞
❝i’m not an asshole. i’m asshole adjacent.❞
❝of course it’s minimalizing. have you met me? everything i do is minimizing.❞
❝do you ever feel like your relationship with your cat is hindering building stronger relationships with human people?❞
❝i understand when i’m being condescended to! even when i’m drunk!❞
❝hey. sorry for being a dick. bye.❞
❝i go where the wind goes.❞
❝yeah, i’m not a happy guy.❞
❝that’s what we do, we seek out active doom.❞
❝to be perfectly honest, yes, there were quite a few people chasing me.❞
❝best not to call attention.❞
❝i will so gladly introduce you to my cat because i’m very fond of him and love for people to meet him.❞
❝we’re running! it’s bad!❞
❝it was nice to meet you and nearly die next to you.❞
❝i’ve always heard that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but i feel pretty fucking weak right now.❞
❝i think i oddly feel the most comfortable when things are a fraction away from going terribly wrong.❞
❝my mother was a big believer in the buddy system.❞
❝got to be careful with what risks you take, but without risks, you’re never going to get what you want.❞
❝in my loneliness i just turned to anger.❞
❝sometimes you’re running towards something so fast that you can’t remember why you’re running in the first place.❞
❝i get nervous to get close to people because i feel like i lose them.❞
❝i’m either very unlucky or cursed, and i don’t believe in luck.❞
❝don’t forget me. i won’t forget you.❞
❝if you hear the signal, run. you remember the signal? it’s ‘AHHHHHHH'❞
❝don’t turn evil, okay? but if you do, i’ll still be your friend. i mean, it’s okay. you know, some people are evil. it’s okay. just don’t turn evil to me.❞
❝sometimes it sounds like you don’t have much love for home.❞
❝we need to know the ones we love.❞
❝i guess it’s easier to pretend like you don’t care.❞
❝you would do anything for love.❞
❝i would protect you.❞
❝do we look like tourists?❞
❝that could have gone much worse.❞
❝why does it feel like everyone here is hitting on me, but also insulting me at the same time?❞
❝what? why are you looking at me like that?❞
❝i operate alone. that’s how i survived this long.❞
❝i’m a danger to you by proximity, as much as you are a danger to me.❞
❝how was i supposed to get better? you fucking left!❞
❝now, i see great possibility in you. you have potential. but you need to listen to me and think before you act.❞
❝your rash, intense behavior will be your downfall.❞
❝no one has to see what you’re doing is good, as long as it is good.❞
❝i do not do this for accolades. i do this because i serve the purpose to provide a better world for those who. cannot defend themselves.❞
❝i can’t tell your morning voice apart from your just-almost-died voice.❞
❝if you ask, the worst they can do is say no, and throw you in prison, and you’ll never see your family again.❞
❝we are exiles in every sense of the word.❞
❝you made the right call. i’m very proud of you.❞
❝what would you have done differently?❞
❝for the first time in a really long time, i feel hopeful.❞
❝now that i’m with you, i don’t know how i could be apart from you.❞
❝oh boy, i don’t understand anything that’s going on.❞
❝i trust your heart. it’s in a good place.❞
❝i think you might be wrong. i can’t say it with 100% certainty, but you might be.❞
❝i had a very bad dream.❞
❝i think i’ve done something very bad and i don’t remember.❞
❝have i done something terrible?❞
❝i am talking to you as one accomplished liar to another.❞
❝this is our family now and we are looking out for eachother.❞
❝we can remake ourselves into something better.❞
❝those things were fucking scary as fuck!❞
❝it’s a tomb with an exit. that’s the worst kind.❞
❝maybe we shouldn’t go in. let’s just go back.❞
❝i know you lost your family. we can be your new one.❞
❝i’m just doing my best.❞
❝i’ve never seen you get scared.❞
❝are you feeling scared? you should. this is terrifying.❞
❝try what you want. you won’t break me.❞
❝your life hangs by a thread. what have you to lose?❞
❝some of us get tired of macabre fairytales. so you enjoy your mouthful of lies when they choke it out of you.❞
❝we’re being sneaky! stop talking so loud!❞
❝i’m confused. do you want me to stay or not?❞
❝is this conversation appropriate to have in a hot tub?❞
❝it’s been really hard trying to figure out who’s just a traitor and who’s an actual demon.❞
❝all i can give you is my loyalty.❞
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princessinyellow · 2 years
I feel like the people who get mad about everyone in HNK getting turned into Lunarians or whatever, is missing the metatextual point of the story. The question is not “why did they have to become Lunarians?” it’s “if thousands of immortal people with an idyllic society want to die, is it worth it for one man to subtly manipulate (but not push, coerce, or force) one child into unimaginable suffering?” It’s the classic trolley problem!... KIND of...
One of the first dilemmas which caught my eye was with Padparadscha. If someone is receiving help they do not want, is it okay for them to turn down the help, knowing that this will lead to many of their peers being hurt? Padparadscha decides no, and can’t even consider the alternative. Telling Rutile to abandon them is unthinkable, because it would then almost certainly cause Rutile to abandon all doctoring duties. The gems would be pretty screwed while a new gem gradually learns doctoring from the ground up.
Later Phos makes the opposite decision for them, stealing Pads from Rutile and taking them to the moon. With the added wrinkle that Phos knows they have more advanced technology there which would almost certainly provide an actual cure. Which is does indeed! Twice!! There’s so many layers!!!
And of course this is about Cairngorm cause everything in my life is about Cairngorm now!!! Is it better to force someone into altruism, or give them the freedom to be selfish? Most of you fuckers are like NO YOU FORCE THEM, IF THEY EVER GET HAPPINESS THEY’RE THE WORST!!!
And the idea that Cairngorm’s ENTIRE personality on the moon is 100% pure grooming is absolute cope. Aechmea makes such a point of encouraging her to make her own choices, and treating her well, and she’s ACTUALLY HAPPY as a girl!!! And she shows literally no hesitation or fear in talking shit. She’s always telling him how creepy he is and how bad he is at gifts and stuff. But she also actively chooses to show him affection.
She obviously doesn’t trust him but she obviously CHOOSES to love him anyways. Basically the same as with the earth gems and Kongo! Except when Aechmea yells at her (one time and only ever once), he doesn’t shatter her body into a million pieces. Aechmea is objectively better to be emotionally close to than Kongo.
As someone who sees the stiff anger in Cairngorm’s body on earth, the uncertain frustration etched into her face until she meets Aechmea, and then the bright bubbly joy she expresses most of the time then on... I know how that journey feels. I’ve felt it. And let me tell you; it’s no coincidence that “no they’re not really a woman! They’ve just been groomed into acting like it, in ways that are entirely speculative and not even slightly evident,” sounds pretty horrifically familiar these days. (It’s the same conspiratorial thinking, applied on the same topic)
It honestly seems like most of the hostility Cairngorm and Cairnmea gets is because self-absorbed fans think the main character is the center of all morality. But for me, someone to whom Cairngorm’s emotional journey is delightfully familiar. To whom her success is absolutely dreamlike in its beauty. I just don’t see these invisible shadows of abuse. The real, perceptible abuse Cairngorm suffered from was all from Ghost and Phos.
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stewpid-soup · 7 months
anyone else find it exhausting to just enjoy things?
I don’t want to support people or companies that are actively doing things that are bad (racism, homophobia, defending SA, etc etc). but it’s so mentally draining to look through all of this terrible shit and not be able to enjoy things bc of their creators or ppl associated with it
i mean, i don’t support dream. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. I don’t support dream or the dteam as a whole - but the dsmp was such a big comfort to me through quarantine, and even now i still love the storyline and the characters.
HP, well that’s self explanatory. JKR is just a shit person and i’m not gonna give her my money bc i enjoy the plot of HP. I just take fanon on its own for the most part. I own the books and the films already (my family loves HP and has for a long time, since before JKR was outed as a transphobe) so i don’t need to buy anything from her. HP was a huge part of my childhood and the thought of not interacting with any content related to it makes me so sad, because i still love it even now.
and as controversial as it may be, i’ve enjoyed hazbin and helluva boss for years now. it was another comfort during quarantine, and i watched it with friends and got to bond over it. i do not like vivziepop or support her, and it’s exhausting to see all this back and forth about her online bc it’s so confusing. I love these shows and it makes me so happy that I get to see hazbin come together after waiting so long, and the same goes for helluva boss. of course there can be improvements to the way vivziepop writes some characters, but i still love these shows so much. it hurts my heart to feel like i can’t enjoy the content because the creator is such a bad person.
and then the number of musicians i’ve had to stop listening to because they turned out to be shitty people. or actors i avoided watching content of because they’re bad people (especially when the list of ppl who support Israel came out- of course im not supporting anyone on there, but some of the ppl on there just rlly hurt my heart because ive enjoyed their content for so long)
i know there’s not really any way to avoid this, as people are complex and can be an asshole w/o you knowing. funding people like this isn’t something i want or care to do, so of course i actively avoid it. but I just don’t know what to do when it comes to this.
a friend told me that it’s sort’ve about picking and choosing things, because you never know what people are really like. they said that with the state of the world, it’s important to stay educated but don’t let shitty people get in the way of things you enjoy. i’m just at the point where i feel like i can’t enjoy anything because anytime i get stuck in a rabbit hole of content, i see people going back and forth about who should be cancelled and who actually isn’t a bad person. cancel culture is one of the worst things about the internet, and it just makes interacting with fandoms even more toxic than it already is.
ig this is just a rant talking about comforts i have that i feel like i can’t enjoy anymore because of cancel culture and just like..people being people? i’m just so tired of finding something i enjoy and then learning out that they are or possibly could be doing/supporting something bad and just— it makes me feel so guilty because i don’t want to indirectly/directly hurt anyone. i know what i believe in and what i do and don’t support, at least for the most part (still learning everyday atp), but it doesn’t make it any easier to part with things i hold so dearly in my heart.
does anyone else feel similarly? if so, what have you found that helps or at least is a comfortable middle ground?
idk bro, my life is so exhausting with everything i deal with in real life- so to feel like i can’t even find comfort in my silly little shows anymore is really depressing. my mental health is not doing well lmfaooo
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lovelyrose20 · 1 year
Listen I know it’s a lot is happening and normally I don’t like making posts about giant dramas of the day because I’m gonna be real here. I don’t give a damn for the little shit and sometimes it’s just tiring But I think the biggest problem when it comes to the community is the fact that people tend to try to split things between each other or try to go to two opposite extremes even if it’s something small
Like oh Quackity is a horrible asshole who didn’t respond to Dream for a few week and totally know about the harassment including the awful threats against his family
I’m not an expert but unless I missed something and the threats were actively in the top search of QSMP or Quackity tags in the Spanish side of things talking about all those horrible things involving Dream’s family. I highly doubt that Quackity would’ve read all of them, and even if he did, it will probably just be saying bad things, not straight up, threatening and making assassination attempts over a minecraft server because I doubt he would be happy at the threats even if he didn’t say it publicly. I think there’s a better way he could’ve handle it rather than just ignoring it and hoping that if he just not feed the mob, they would calm down eventually since sometimes a Twitter mob would not calm down even if you give it time. But that doesn’t mean he deserve harassment over it or being called an awful friend or people badmouthing his server and the people in it because of stupid decision on his part.
Oh Dream secretly want people to be harassed and that’s the reason why he wrote a a 10 page Twitter post.
Whatever you feel about him now and even though that, I think there’s better ways to explain the situation, and airing out friendship beef is not a good idea on principle because that would just make the situation worse, explaining that you want your friend to tell his community not to harass people and talking about how you were threatened over the similarities of a Minecraft server that we don’t even know is copying shit, with the only thing being that they are multiple languages and because he got bad timing is not him being an asshole. The worst I will say is that he was being irresponsible and emotional ass, but I don’t think he was being evil or trying to induce a riot. Especially when it’s involved his family being in danger which would pissed anyone off
Tommy shouldn’t be making a joke about the situation and he’s being a bastard or Tommy have every right to make that joke and it’s a good sign that he hated Dream or something
Buddy, don’t you consider the fact that maybe Tommy made a joke because he thought it was funny and didn’t think it through. We’re talking about the kid who wants to make sure that his closest friends approve of some of the skits that he played. Like I remember when people are concerned Tubbo is super mad during the wedding video only for Tubbo to say yeah I wasn’t upset. It wouldn’t shock me if he ask Quackity and Dream about it. Plus, even if he did step out of line and he deserve to be someone called out for it. That don’t means that it’s a not for him to be dox and his family threatened. Some people try to say that since he hate Dream so much, he should’ve deleted his videos with him. Like he made one video making a joke that probably didn’t land well. You could be uncomfortable, You can call him out, hell you could stop watching him after. But threatening his mom to hurt her to supposedly get her to talk to her son is not gonna make things faster. In fact, that would make things worse because guess what no one likes being threat over a joke. We can say that he made a bad joke, and you shouldn’t have made it because for multiple reasons, but that’s not an excuse to threaten him. And if we go by the logic that this video means that he hates him what does that mean for people like Phil who he made joke about does that mean he hates them too? Especially since some of the people we make jokes are all his friends, so should we assume that he hates them?
But no, these people is evil because they made a bad joke or because they didn’t show attention to a situation and because they look at several things that they’re totally evil and such and they never care about their friends and they’re horrible idiot who do so much wrong, and should be grounds for harassing them
Doesn’t that sound familiar?
These creators are not gods or the devil. They’re people and We can criticize them about making posts that also give away friendship drama while I do acknowledge that maybe they have a right to be upset when they were literally being tracked in their goddamn car
We can acknowledge that that joke isn’t funny because hey, I know this seems pretty ridiculous to you and you want to make a small little jab about it, but we got harassed over it without deciding to turn around and do the same goddamn thing to that person
We can criticize people without deciding to make them hear from here like we can criticize people without telling their mom that you’re going to assault her unless she tell her son to cool it, and we can criticize them without making dramatic posts about how there’s totally evil now and how because they made one bad decision in a friendship or in a relationship. Suddenly, they are pure evil and now you’re going on a giant rant they’re actually an evil bastards who don’t deserve attention.
They deserve to be criticize and told what they did wrong, and how to improve without their families getting hurt in the process.
Edited it because my grammar was somewhat shit.
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rillaofexile · 8 months
Okay I get really mean and ramble a lot under the cut sorry if it doesn’t make sense
So basically, Rilla had to give up something to escape the danger from last episode. She apperently gave up her expertise, which is basically her knowledge as a herbalist and a doctor and an inventor. So basically they haste stripped Rilla of her job and hobbies. She gave up her job and passions and hobbies. Are you kidding me are you fucking dumb that’s the worst writing I’ve ever seen. 💀💀💀
On top of that, Quanyii just takes a bunch of shit and like. Is supposed to be a likable character. Leaving a main character with extensive amounts of memory loss of her entire existence because you helped her once. Listen. I like shitty characters. But Quanyiis writing is already so flimsy cause there was never enough time to build her up as a character, who has passions and goals. We barely learned anything about her and Caroline’s life together. She’s the worst version of chaotic neutral you can make. Chaotic Neutral does not mean one can do whatever they want on any side and that means they are fun, you still have to create a character who is interesting. But Quanyiis goals are so lost in lore that doesn’t go anywhere or make any sense to be a character that’s likable. She’s just a force of nature who sucks the life out of every scene she’s in by making you feel like she’s going to take everything away that YOU the listener cared about. Not even hurting the characters, but making you feeel pain through cheap methods
Because at the end of the day Penumbra is not being written because the creators are excited to write anymore. They need an ending. And the ending seems to actively hate the audience for ever criticizing thier product because god forbid someone who wanted good queer content that was advertised on its representation get a good story that is treated with any amount of care. That these people don’t have the creators get mad about being criticized for hiring an artist who draws racist features like over musculized black women or Asian people with skinny overslanted eyes.
The ending is coming and it’s going to suck, based on its cheap cliffhangers, with a story that wasn’t written with the characters that existed in season 2 in mind. That feels like it actively shits on the fanbase for caring about queer characters. With a bunch of shitty people who just do shitty things and are in shitty relationships cause they never had any time to flesh those things out. Cause good queer rep doesn’t have to have good people!! Or a good story or characters apparently!!
Cause in the end ending the story incomplete would have left a better impression with fans than dragging its corpse through the street while spitting in the fans faces on the way out. Now you have less people who are going to pay attention to what you do next, since you botched the last job so bad.
Christ alive this show went down the drain
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kinfanfiction · 2 years
Charlie Eppes x Fem!Reader - Chapter 3 - Clueless
A/N: I’m too proud of this idea tbh. Maybe I should’ve waited to write this chapter and I’m jumping the gun a bit here, but I like to place an initial reason for tension so I can build on it. I will be adding in a couple of OCs but they won’t be the main focus of the plot. If, when you get to that part in this chapter you think to yourself, “Isn’t this based off that one episode?” Yes, yes it is.
Side note, the ex I’m writing for the reader is based on my ex, so I’m keeping stuff vague cause bro was demented, but if y’all wanna make up stuff about dumb shit the ex in this story we can collectively make him the worst person ever and make her experience somewhat more detailed either as subtext or to address later in the plot. (Okay maybe not the worst, but like, fairly shitty.) As for the friends, they’ll basically be your run of the mill backstabbers.
I put my whole left lung into this chapter.
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     Unbeknownst to the two of you, you and Charlie had been spotted by the cherry blossom tree by two young students, Bowie and Daisy. They each took your Creative Writing and Charlie’s Applied Mathematics class, and they agreed the two of you had chemistry. There was a whole debate on campus over it. Some argued you were just colleagues who got along well, some said you must just be really good friends, and then there were those who genuinely believed you belonged together. Of course, most people knew to stay out of their professor’s personal lives, but not Bowie. They were the experimental type. Daisy, however, always tried to be the voice of reason.
    They hid nearby and whispered to each other.
    “They talk like old friends.” Bowie observed aloud.
    “Don’t you think we should be doing something more productive with our time?”
     “This is productive!” 
     “This is interference.”
     Bowie shrugged, “We’re giving them the push they need.”
     “What if we’re wrong?” Daisy crossed her arms, feeling unsure.
     “Then our interference will ultimately mean nothing. They’ll laugh it off and move on. You don’t have to do this with me, but I’m still going to pull a Clueless on them.” 
     “Hmmm..... Well, it would be interesting to see the results of the experiment...” Daisy was leaning towards joining in on Bowie’s mischief.
     “Yeah, yeah, I know you want in.” Bowie teased.
     Early the next morning, you visited Charlie in his classroom. He had papers spread out everywhere and his blackboard was actively being covered in equations. He was listening to his music again, and was very focused. You walked up to the blackboard and inspected his writing, still it made very little sense to you. “What’s this?” You asked, and he jumped as you came into his line of sight, though he quickly regained his composure.
     “What is with you and Larry always sneaking up on me?” He shook his head and took a deep breath.
     You snickered, “You’re very easy to sneak up on.” You side-eyed him and flashed a cheeky grin. “So, what are you working on?” You questioned again, looking towards the board. 
     He looked at the board as you did, “Actually, Don has asked me to help him on a case. When I went home last night, he was there and I found a map of different crime scenes, all committed by the same person in different places around the area. I started calculating where he might strike next, and I guess Don realized I could be good help in solving this case.” 
     “Oh wow, so you’re a consultant for the FBI now?” 
     He nodded, “I am.” He spoke like he was proud, but also had something else he wanted to say but couldn’t.
     “What’s wrong?” You asked.
     He sighed, “I don’t think I can tell you, but just.. be careful, alright?” Charlie requested gently.
     “I get the feeling that whoever you’re trying to catch is a pretty frightening person..”
Charlie nodded. “I really wanna help them get this guy before he hurts anyone else.” 
     “I’m sure you will. You have a brilliant mind.”
     He gave a small smile, still unsure. “Thank you.” He thought quietly for a moment, debating on asking a question that hung in the air. “Why don't you come stay with us? Just until we catch him.. which should be soon.” He tapped his chalk on the board and examined his work. “Not that anything is incredibly likely to happen to you, but maybe just to be safe?” 
     You thought about his question. It wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to stay at the Eppes’ for a little while, you’d done it before. Besides, you lived and commuted alone, which theoretically could make you an easy target for any criminal. You looked at Charlie and nodded.
     “Okay, good..” He sounded very relieved. 
     The two of you went to breakfast and since he couldn’t talk about the case itself, he instead talked about the mathematical formulas he was using to find the guy they were looking for. You listened quietly as you ate, not having much to add yourself.
     As you walked to your classroom to prepare for class, you were met with a young student you recognized as Daisy Lewis. She took your Creative Writing course which wasn’t until later that day. “Morning Professor L/n! I was at the store recently, and I saw this perfume and it made me think of you.” She spoke as she handed you a small bottle. You were a bit taken aback by the gesture, since there seemed to be no occasion for it.
     “Oh..! Thank you! That’s very sweet of you, Daisy.” You exclaimed with a polite smile. Daisy smiled back, and then stood there like she was waiting for something, and then you realized she expected you to spray it on yourself. Your eyes widened at the realization and you quickly spritzed yourself. “It smells wonderful, really, thank you.” You smiled awkwardly. Daisy stood there, trying to think of a way to stall you further to ensure that Bowie could sneak into your class and secure any unimportant piece of paper on or in your desk to use to forge your handwriting. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to prepare for a class.” You moved past Daisy and opened the door to your room just as Bowie had barely managed to slip away.
     Bowie circled back and found their friend, and the two of them went to the library to come up with a good letter to leave for Professor Eppes to find. Once they were sure they had it, Daisy drew him out of his office to “Ask about an assignment.” While Bowie planted the note in his room, having previously sprayed the inside of the envelope with the perfume Daisy gave you.
     Bowie subtly walked past Daisy to signal that the letter had been delivered. Daisy wrapped up her conversation with Professor Eppes and split. Charlie wandered back to his classroom and spotted the note. He took it and sat down. He recognized it as being what seemed to be in your handwriting, not analyzing it enough to realize it had been forged. He covered his mouth as he read, both surprised and confused. It was strange.. it didn’t seem like you. He thought about how you’d subtly distanced yourself from him over the years, could this be why? Had you begun to see him as more than a friend, and perhaps found him more intimidating because of that? He wasn’t sure what to make of it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think about it too much because he had a case to work on. 
     When each of your classes were over, and Charlie had made some headway in helping Don with his case, you arrived at his classroom door. This time you knocked, and he had a chance to hide the letter he’d received in the top drawer of his desk. You didn’t wait for any signal to enter though, you just walked in after a couple of seconds. You didn’t want to startle him again by simply appearing. “How’s the case going?” You asked, looking at the equations written on the board. 
     He stood next to you, just about to answer when he smelled the scent of perfume. The same perfume on the letter. He looked at you and let out a small sigh. How was he supposed to approach talking about the note? You clearly weren’t going to bring it up. “It’s going good, I’m making a lot of progress. Hopefully once I give Don what I’ve got he has a better chance of finding the criminal.” His words were somewhat hopeful, but his face had ‘distracted’ written all over it. “Can I ask you a question?” You gave him a curious look and nodded silently. He looked at you with a concerned expression and took a deep breath before speaking again, “Do you feel like you can tell me anything?” 
     The words caught you by surprise, “What makes you ask that? I tell you lots of things, don’t I?” 
     He hummed, “Mmm, sometimes I feel like you hide things from me, not that you have to tell me everything, but I guess I just wanted to remind you that you can if you want to. You know, in person. I’m not that unapproachable, am I?” 
     You furrowed your eyebrows, very confused at this sudden topic of conversation. “Unapproachable? Why would I think-” You shook your head. Had he found out something you hadn’t told him about while he was away or about some dumb shit you’d done in college? If so, who told him? “Where is this coming from?” You asked. 
     “Are you pretending not to know or do you really not know?”
     “Know what?”
     He sighed again, “I got a letter this morning.”
     Your heart dropped, because apparently whatever you’d done was so bad someone had to deliver it to your best friend in writing? You’d never done anything illegal. (Okay, not anything extremely illegal). So what the hell was in that letter?
     “What letter?” You sounded a little more panicked. He felt relieved when it was obvious you really had no idea what letter he was talking about. The relief showed on his face and he couldn’t help but laugh. “I knew it didn’t sound like you.” He went to his desk and grabbed the letter, and then an actual letter you’d written him years ago that he’d kept with him. You followed and watched him, looking over his shoulder trying to read the letter. He laughed again, pointedly, as he noticed the slight differences in handwriting. “Ha!.. I’m sorry, Y/n. This is a forgery.” You grabbed the letter from him.
     “What? A forgery of my handwriting? Why? Who? What does this say?” You read it, and as you did, you noticed it smelled strongly of the perfume Daisy gave you. Then you laughed too. Not just a light laugh, you broke into uncontrollable laughter as the panic left you. “Wow, someone tried to pull a Clueless on us.” You said as your laughter finally began to fade. 
     “They did what?” 
     “Do you grade your students harshly, Charlie?” You questioned.
     “I don’t think so, I think I grade fairly. Why?”
     “We need to watch Clueless, as soon as you have the time, of course.” You insisted. “Let’s go.”
     You both picked up your things and walked to your car again. “We have to stop by my apartment so I can grab what I need for the next few days.” You explained as you got in the driver’s seat.
     “I don’t think I’ve gotten the chance to see your apartment yet.” He observed, a little excited at the idea.
     “Well, you’re welcome to visit anytime.” You offered, “But let’s see if you like it first.” You chuckled briefly and then drove out of the parking lot.
     The two of you quietly listened to music as Charlie thought about the case he was working on, and you thought about how he’d said it felt like you hid things from him. You knew from the way he worded it that he wasn’t just talking about the forged letter. You had been hiding things from him, of course, but you thought he was oblivious to that. Of course he also added the consolation that you didn’t have to tell him everything, but you thought perhaps it would be better if you did.
     You arrived at your apartment and took the elevator. Charlie held his hands behind his back and looked up at the numbers changing as you went through each floor. Soon, you arrived at your level and you walked to your front door. You walked in and grabbed a back to fill with clothes, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and all the things you needed for work for the next few days that you kept with you at home.
     Charlie insisted he carry the bag for you after feeling how heavy it was, even if you said it was alright and that you could carry it.
     “Let me do something nice for you.” Was his final argument, and you knew you’d do something nice later in return.
     He put your bag in the back seat, and then the two of you drove to the Eppes’ home. “Evening, Alan.” You said as you walked in.
     “Good evening Y/n. You staying with us for a few days?”
     “That’s the plan.” You smiled.
     Charlie dropped your bag off in the guest room. “I have to continue working on this case, but I’ll see you at dinner. You do whatever you need to do in the meantime, alright?” 
      You nodded and smiled, and then Charlie left. You got out your work and some headphones, and you listened to some Fiona Apple as you graded your student’s work. As you quietly graded, you thought about the day. You continued to contemplate on opening up to Charlie about what you’d experienced in high school, mainly because he seemed to blame himself for your emotional and physical distance from him. You knew that at the very least you would assure him that those behaviors had nothing to do with him.
     A few hours later, Charlie knocked on the door. You didn’t hear him at first because of the loud music playing in your headphones, so he knocked again. After knocking twice and hearing no response, he slowly opened the door. Still, you didn’t notice. He could faintly hear the music blaring in your ears and he couldn't help but chuckle. He gently took the headphones off, which startled you. “Ah! Oh- Jesus you scared me.” You exclaimed, putting a hand to your chest and catching your breath. 
     He grinned knowing he’d gotten you back for all the times you’d startled him in a very similar way. “You’re gonna go deaf by fifty listening to music that loud.” 
     “What did you say?” You yelled. 
     He shook his head, “Very funny.” He rolled his eyes, and you grinned.
     “I think headphones wouldn’t have the option to turn them up so loud if you weren’t supposed to.” You determined with a shrug.
     “I don’t think that’s a very safe assumption.”
     “Maybe not, but if I’m already gearing towards going deaf early on I might as well continue to blast my music anyway.”
     “Sounds like flawed logic but hey, they're your ears. I guess it’s time for me to start learning sign language.”
     “I’m surprised you don’t already know it, since you already know just about everything.” 
     “That’s not even close to true, I just know most things when it comes to math. I don’t know english as well as you, and I’m not good at reading people, or understanding why they do things, I just focus on calculations.” 
     “I’d say your calculations help you read people and understand why they do things quite well.” You argued. 
     His expression changed to one similar to how he’d looked after he read your forged love letter. “I don’t know... they haven’t been helping me understand you more. I’ve noticed how distant you've been with me ever since I came back from Princeton. I just can’t figure out why. Maybe it’s just because we’d grown up. I guess that’s what typically happens to friends as they get older, they drift apart. I just hate that it happened to us.”
     Your expression softened, and your eyes filled with remorse. “I mean, I never intended for that to happen. Yes, there were years we had to spend apart, but I tried to help make up for that. We never stopped being friends, so we can’t have drifted that much.” 
     He clicked his tongue and looked down at the ground for a moment, “Sure, we never stopped being friends, but you changed, which is of course normal when you get older, but you seemed noticeably less comfortable around me. I don’t know why that always bothered me so much, I guess I’ve just always wondered if I did or said something to make you feel more guarded around me that maybe I wasn’t aware of?” He looked up and made eye contact with you, having finally asked the question that he hadn’t been able to ask until that moment.
     You sat quietly for a moment, trying to accept the approaching conversation. You opened your mouth to speak, closed it, and then got up from your chair. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close for the first time in a year. He froze for a second, and then tenderly wrapped his arms around you in return. “Charlie, no. I promise you did nothing wrong.” You assured him softly. Tears welled in your eyes as you thought of the real reasons you’d become a more guarded person. You let go of him and sat on the guest bed and pat the spot beside you. He sat down and waited silently for you to speak. “I know I probably shouldn’t let these experiences stick with me for as long as it has, since I was only, what, like fourteen, fifteen?” You laughed, feeling a little pathetic. 
     “But after you left, I did my best to make friends. There was one guy that seemed really interested in everything I had to say. He was really kind at first and found ways to earn my trust quickly. I was young, and naïve, so I didn’t question his attention. I liked having him as a friend, and then.. he wanted to be more than friends. I’d never had anyone like me as more than a friend before, and figured that a first relationship might be fun. At first, it seemed like we were having a good time. He got me gifts, always complimented me, showed me affection, and ultimately made me feel special. A tactic of his that I didn’t notice until later, was that he was rushing to learn everything about me. I mean everything. He got me to be vulnerable with him, and then used details about my personal life against me. He’d poke at my insecurities, when I’d tell him my fears he’d use that to scare me, and overall he was just a terrible person who enjoyed making me feel horrible. So, finally, I left him. Then I was alone again.
     “I tried making friends again, and I got in with this group of girls. I thought I found a good group, but I was wrong. They only wanted me to be their friend so they could do better in english. When I wasn’t around, they made fun of me just for having interests that didn’t align with their’s. They humiliated me, time and again. They’d waste my time on purpose by doing things like inviting me out somewhere, only to never show up. So, essentially, all that taught me was to be more guarded with people in general. I shouldn’t have let that apply to our friendship, but I guess when you came back I had a fear that maybe time had changed you and that you might hurt me. Hell, I don’t know why I thought that, you gave me no reason to. It was just my own fears.” You stopped talking and looked at him. His eyes were wide, like he was taking it all in. “I’m so sorry, that was a lot. I shouldn’t have said so much, I-” Then before you knew it, he was hugging you tightly again.
     “Thank you for telling me.” He whispered. Then after a moment, he pulled away. “I just want you to know, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. If I do something that hurts you and I don’t realize it, please tell me and I’ll do everything to make it right. But I would never, ever, go out of my way to do something to harm you. You have been my best friend for the majority of my life. I’d have to be absolutely insane to ever do anything to jeopardize that.” 
     Then you smiled, and your whole body relaxed after feeling so tense while you told him everything. You sighed in relief, “Okay, enough with the heavy shit. Let’s watch Clueless.”
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piraytoro · 1 year
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Where was your outrage when Sam had his righteous anger stolen from him, over and over, and every time this was framed as a good thing? The black man cannot be angry the way Roy and Jamie and even Ted can be. His righteous anger would not be seen as righteous, and so it must be handled by others, he must be talked or maneuvered out of it. He would not be having a perfectly natural and reasonable human reaction; he would be seen as violent, uncivilized, uppity. This would not be an issue if this was framed by the show as a problem. If the show allowed his father to admit that his anger, while justified, is directly compromising his safety. That it’s not about him and it never was; it is and always has been about the systems of oppression and racist hatred both baked into the system and being actively perpetrated by those in power. But no: he should forgive people for things they haven’t even tried to stop doing. You know, for himself. The system must be opposed only using the tools of the system itself.
Where was your outrage when Edwin Akufo and Shandy were reduced to racist caricatures, leaving in fits of rage and losing their composure entirely—their true, savage natures coming out to belie their attempts at the trappings of civilization. They don’t know how to compromise, they don’t know how to accept the decisions of others with grace, they refuse to change their behavior and only think about what they want. They’re power-hungry, but don’t know how to wield that power responsibly or justly. Both of their endings involve literally shit, a defiling of these majority-white spaces, whether pantomimed or actually physically present, while their white foils in Keeley and Rebecca are allowed to conduct themselves with grace and poise, as presented in direct contrast to them. Where was your outrage when Akufo was brought back only to be denied the very same chance to redeem himself that this show so loves to give its white characters? In the end, even fucking RUPERT is unwilling to stoop so low as he.
Where was your outrage when Dani Rojas was reduced to a caricature of machismo as soon as he was removed from a majority-white space and reunited with other Mexican players? Where was it when we had to wait the better part of two episodes before being reassured that Isaac wasn’t a fucking homophobe? Speaking of, where was it when the show completely failed to address the racist fan hate that players in this sport just like Isaac struggle with every time their team is doing poorly (and often when they’re not!) during its emotional reckoning with an equally ubiquitous homophobic slur? Where was your outrage when a giant chunk of the fandom on this very website was spewing the most reprehensible shit at Nate for doing the exact same things that at least three white men had already been forgiven for within the first few episodes of the damn show?
In fact, where is your outrage about Nate presumably STILL being the ASSISTANT KIT MAN while Roy gets promoted to head coach despite having admitted that Nate is good at all the things he struggles with. “Nate has to work his way up” why? Jamie didn’t get punished for his years of tormenting Nate. He never even apologized, he became a better person and all of a sudden people started pretending none of that ever happened. But Nate, he has to apologize individually to everyone he hurt and then he still has to “earn his spot back,” and yet no one seems to see a problem with this.
And these are just the most egregious examples. But yeah, the worst thing this show ever did was fail to unite your two or three white faves.
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